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DSV (drive stakeholder value)

1. Introduction
(a) Importance of engagement
Customer journey in 7 steps
i. Explore
ii. Engage
iii. Offer
iv. Agree
v. Onboard
vi. Co-create
vii. Realize
(b) Key Principles
1. Stakeholders
i. Stakeholder map – interest/influence grid
2. Service consumers
i. User, sponsor, customer
(c) Service Relationships
Basic, Cooperative, Partnership
(d) Customer journeys
3 aspects of cust/user exp: brand touchpoints, service env, cust/user journey
(e) Visibilty
Band of visibility
(f) Value
3 aspects of value: risk, cost, outcome
(g) Products and services
Service, service interactions, service offering, products, resources - all related

2. Customer journey
a. Stakeholder aspirations
i. Disney institute compass model
Needs, wants, stereotypes, emotions
b. Touchpoints and service interactions
c. Mapping customer journey
Customer journey maps
Johari window
d. Designing the customer journey
i. Design thinking – mark stickdorn’s 5 principles – user centered, co- create, sequence,
evidencing, hoslitic
Hasso Plattner institute of design at Stanford – empthaize,define,ideate,prototype,test
ii. Leverage behavioral psychology -cognitive bias (peak end, availability, loss aversion)
iii. Design for different cultures
1. Eight dimensions – comm,evaluate,persuade,lead,decide,trust,disagree,sched
e. Measuring and improving customer journey.

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