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Objectives and Techniques HVIT

Valuable investments

1. Prioritization techniques
i. Cost of Delay
ii. Buy/Hold/Sell
2. Minimum Viable products and services
3. Product or service ownership
4. A/B testing

Fast development

1) Infrastructure as code
2) Loosely coupled information system architecture
3) Reviews
4) Continual Business Analysis
5) Continuous Integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD)
6) Continuous testing
7) Kanban

Resilient operations

1. Technical debt
2. Chaos Engineering
3. Definition of Done
4. Version Control
5. AIOps
6. ChatOps
7. Site Reliability engineering

Co-created value

1) Service Experience

Assured conformance

1. Devops Audit Defense Toolkit

2. DevSecOps
3. Peer review

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