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Ad Hominem

 "You don't even belong to a church. How can you claim to be a Christian?"
 "Well, it's not like you graduated from a good school, so I can see why you
wouldn't know how to properly grade a writing assignment."
Ad Misericordiam
 Members of Congress can surely see in their hearts that they need to
vote in favor of passage of the Gun Bill allowing concealed weapons
because their constituents who lobby for liberalizing firearms will be
greatly saddened if they do not do so.
 Georgia Banker Bert Lance should be excused from conflict of interest
divestiture problems, former President Jimmy Carter asserted, because
Lance's promise to sell his stock so that he can serve his government has
depressed its market value.
 Katie likes to read and would rather do that than play sports. Her friends
make fun of her and tell her that reading is for nerds. Katie stops reading
so much and starts to play sports more.
 Cathy is opposed to social media because she would rather have a face-
to-face conversation. However, more and more of Cathy's friends have
joined social media sites, so Cathy feels like she needs to create an
account as well.
Begging the Question
 Destiny is real. Everything that happens to us has already been
preordained, written in the stars. It explains the "chance" encounter that
led to me meeting and marrying my future husband all those years ago.
 Avatar is the greatest movie ever made because it is the number one
top grossing movie of all time.
False Dilemma
 Drink water every day and be healthy, or continue to drink sodas and be
 You either support Hillary Clinton for President or you don't believe in
women's rights.
Non Sequitur
 I read about a pitbull attack. Our neighbor owns a pitbull. My life is in
 He went to the same college as Bill Gates. Bill Gates is rich and
famous. He should be rich and famous, too.
Post Hoc
 I sneezed at the same time the power went off. My sneeze did
something to make the power go off.
 Kevin's dog scratched his leg, and that night he had a fever. Kevin
concluded that his dog must have infected him with something.
Red Herring
 The mother of a young child tells him to go to bed, and he begins to ask
questions, say that he is hungry, or say that he needs to go to the
bathroom-all to avoid bed and distract mom.
 When your mom gets your phone bill and you have gone over the limit,
you begin talking to her about how hard your math class is and how well
you did on a test today.
Slippery Slope
 If you break your diet and have one cookie tonight, you will just want to
eat 10 cookies tomorrow, and before you know it, you will have gained
back the 15 pounds you lost.
 If we let this child bring the permission slip late, there is no reason to
ever set a deadline for anything again!
Straw Man
 Student tells his professor that he thinks some of Hillary Clinton's
positions have merit. Professor says he can't believe that the student
supports giving access to classified documents to foreign countries.
 Pamela is the class secretary. She says that she thinks that the class
should do more service projects. Mark says he can't believe that
Pamela doesn't support the annual school dance.

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