An Analysis of Used Lubricant Recycling, Energy Utilization and Its Environmental Benefit in Taiwan PDF

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Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339

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An analysis of used lubricant recycling, energy utilization and its environmental

benefit in Taiwan
Wen-Tien Tsai*
Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, No.1, Shuehfu Rd., Neipu, Pingtung 912, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Utilizing used lubricants as energy sources has been currently demonstrated to be one of the best
Received 5 January 2011 available waste management methods. In this regard, used lubricants for use as energy sources in Taiwan
Received in revised form thus became popular in recent years. The objective of this study was to present a comprehensive analysis
4 April 2011
of used lubricant-to-energy in Taiwan, which includes status of lubricant consumption, and used
Accepted 5 April 2011
lubricant generation and its recycling (i.e., collection & treatment) management system. It was found that
Available online 6 May 2011
a major market for utilizing used lubricants in Taiwan (over 90%) was reused as fuel oils or auxiliary fuels
in the cogeneration system. Under the regulatory authorization of the Waste Management Act and the
Used lubricant
Petroleum Administration Act, the central competent authorities encouraged the energy-intensive
Energy utilization industries in the waste-to-energy through the excess electricity purchase and subsidiary incentives.
Promotion measure Based on the certified volume of collected used lubricant and its energy use proportion in 2009, the total
Energy policy energy potential and the environmental benefit of mitigating CO2 emissions in place of fuel oils were
Benefit analysis preliminarily calculated to be around 9.4  102 TJ and 7.3  107 kg, respectively.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction promoting energy utilization and waste-to-energy have actively

provided some environmental, energy, and economic incentives to
Taiwan is an island region with high industrialization, dense pursue the environmental sustainability. Currently, a total installed
population and limited natural resources. The domestic energy capacity of about 800 MW for power generation has been achieved
consumption reached a total of 113.1 million KLOE (kiloliters of oil through waste-to-energy, which is mainly based on the CHP
equivalent) in 2009, in contrast to 51.0 and 91.7 million KLOE in 1990 (combined heat & power) with feeding MSW (municipal solid
and 2000, respectively [1]. On average, the growth rate of energy waste) and industrial/agricultural wastes as energy sources [2].
consumption is about 4.4% per year. During the period, Taiwan’s It is well known that the most important function of a lubricant
dependence on imported energy increased from 96.0% in 1990 to (sometimes referred to as lubricating oil) is the reduction of friction
99.3% in 2009. On the other hand, the environmental issues such as and wear in the machine. Thus, there are important applications in
waste management, global warming and sustainable development the cases of two bearing and moving surfaces, including internal
are consecutively arousing the concerns of the public in recent combustion engines, vehicle and gearboxes, compressors, turbines
years. With respect to the GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions, the or hydraulic systems. This tribological system has the significant
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per capita were directly propor- benefits of saving energy consumption, improving operation effi-
tional to the energy consumption from 5.5 metric tons in 1990 to ciency and thus reducing noise & vibration. Concerning the
over 12.0 metric tons in 2009. After considering international chemical compositions of lubricating oils, they typically consist of
requirements and domestic economic & social conditions, Taiwan’s about 90% base oils (petroleum fraction) and less than 10% chemical
energy policies now focused on increasing energy efficiency, facili- additives and other components. Due to the exhaustion of chemical
tating industry competitiveness, protecting environmental quality, additives and the contamination from metallic materials, particu-
and enhancing energy security under the core principles of “high late dirt and grits, and other asphaltic substances, the lubricant
efficiency”, “high value-added”, “low emission”, and “low depen- degradation and its deterioration will come out after a service
dence. As a consequence, the energy strategies and regulations for time [3]. In this meantime, it becomes physically and chemi-
cally unsuitable for further service use and must be replaced.
These used lubricants often constitute serious pollution problems
* Tel.: þ886 8 7703202; fax: þ886 8 7740134. since the illegal dumping or improper disposal may contaminate
E-mail address: groundwater, surface water and soils. If they are directly combusted

0360-5442/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4334 W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339

as low-grade fuels without pretreatment (i.e., settling and filtra- past two decades (1990e2009).Table 1 listed the consumption
tion) for removing contaminants, the harmful metals and other amounts of total domestic energy, petroleum products, fuel oil and
toxic pollutants may be released into the atmosphere. However, lubricant in Taiwan [1]. Of that in 2009, about 97% of domestic
a proper collection system and treatment process for utilizing the energy consumption for energy use, and the remainder were
used oils would be helpful for reducing its environmental impacts consumed for non-energy use. When classified by energy form in
and further preserving valuable resources. 2009, electricity, petroleum products, coal & coal products, natural
Obviously, used lubricant has been considered as a valuable gas, and thermal & heat constituted 49.3, 41.3, 6.8, 2.2, and 0.4%,
resource and simultaneously represents a problem for the envi- respectively. Regarding the domestic consumption of petroleum
ronment. Depending on the original source of the used lubricant, the products, it grew from 29.0 million KLOE in 1990 to 49.7 million
level of contamination, the sophistication and cost of the recycling KLOE in 2009, indicating an average annual growth rate at about
technology, and the end uses for the resulting products, many 2.3%. In 2009, 87.3% of petroleum products were used as a great
available methods for recycling used lubricant have been performed diversity of products, including fuel oil and lubricant.
to reprocess, re-refine or reclaim it in the commercial market [4]. Basically, lubricants are classified into two major groups: vehicle
Although the re-refining of used lubricants to lube-based oils is (including automobile and motorcycle) lubricants and industrial
environmentally preferred to the reprocessing for waste-to-energy lubricants. From the data in Table 1, it can be seen that lubricating
application, the former technology was often found to be not oil sales in Taiwan during the period of 1990e2009 have remained
acceptable in most cases mainly due to high process costs. On the relatively steady at about 3.0  105 KLOE per year (based on
other hand, it should be minded that the direct combustion of used 9600 kcal/L for lubricant as compared to 9000 kcal/L for crude oil),
lubricants without any pretreatment is subject to environmental which was equivalent to about 2.8  105 m3 per year. Obviously, the
restrictions because these waste oils may contain toxic and lubricant market in Taiwan may be considered mature with a flat to
hazardous residues, including metal and metalloid particles, chlori- declining overall volumes. Of these volumes, vehicle lubricants
nated compounds (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated account for about 60%, and industrial lubricants take up the
dibenzodioxins, and chlorinated solvents), PAHs (polycyclic aromatic reminder [9]. These industrial lubricants include the following
hydrocarbons) and other residues [5]. This means that the incinera- types: hydraulic, quenching, cutting, metalworking, electrical, and
tion destruction of used lubricants will be accordance with the process oils [4]. The declining demand for these lubricants was
environmental regulations on emission limits of effluent gas. By mainly due to the economic growth decline, the extended life
contrast, used lubricant can be viewed as an excellent fuel after lubricants, the market expansion of biodegradable lubricant (typi-
removing water and impurities because the liquid fuel has the cally derived from vegetable oil), and the ever-increasing cost of
following advantages compared to the No. 6 fuel oil [6]: sufficient waste management. In considering the conservation for extending
fluidity (low viscosity), relatively low sulfur content (less than 1 wt%), the lubricant life cycle, synthetic lubricants are clearly effective
and high heating value (the order of 40 MJ/kg). In this regard, the because they have greater oxidation stability than mineral-based
waste-to energy has been the most important method for utilizing lubricants [11].
the used lubricants in the developed countries in comparison with As described above, the performance properties of lubricating
material recycling applications such as chemical feedstocks and other oils are gradually altered or changed after a service time in vehicles
petroleum products [4,6e8]. In Taiwan, this situation was very and machines. In such cases, the lubricant must be replaced
significant because over 90% of used lubricants were reused as fuel because of the degradation of the fresh lubricant components and
oils in the cement kilns and industrial boilers [9]. a diversity of contaminants incorporated into the working fluid.
From the viewpoints of resource recycling and energy conserva- According to the survey formulated by the EPA (Environmental
tion, the waste-to-energy is considered as one of the best available Protection Administration) in Taiwan [9], it was found that the
waste management methods for utilizing used lubricants [8,10]. As generation rates of used lubricants in vehicles and process
demonstrated by Kanokkantapong et al. [7], the waste-to-energy in
the cement kilns will create the lowest impacts in terms of GHG and
Table 1
heavy metals emissions due to the high-temperature process for Consumption amounts of total domestic energy, petroleum products, fuel oil and
allowing the complete combustion of organic components in the lubricant in Taiwana.
used lubricants. In this study, the open-access documents officially b
Year Total domestic energy Petroleum products Fuel oil Lubricant
published by the Taiwan central government were used to provide
1990 50,986.7 29,006.5 11,443.5 368.5
a systemic and analytical description about the energy utilization of 1991 54,554.7 30,444.6 12,050.1 355.5
used lubricants in recent years. The main subjects of this paper thus 1992 57,952.6 31,004.6 11,463.1 275.1
covered the following key elements: 1993 60,745.1 33,337.7 12,270.5 295.0
1994 65,021.4 35,344.0 12,301.8 344.2
1995 68,475.5 38,326.7 13,778.8 349.3
$ Analysis of lubricant consumption and used lubricant
1996 71,754.8 38,431.7 13,111.9 405.0
generation. 1997 75,357.3 38,973.2 13,879.2 425.7
$ Current status of collection and treatment systems for recy- 1998 80,291.0 40,313.4 13,816.8 365.5
cling used lubricants. 1999 84,645.1 42,819.3 14,913.9 373.1
$ Governmental regulations and policies for utilizing used 2000 91,736.5 44,088.8 14,938.0 340.7
2001 97,055.2 46,885.7 13,269.9 261.4
lubricants as fuels. 2002 100,495.0 46,847.2 12,155.5 279.2
$ Analysis of environmental benefits from the utilization of used 2003 104,371.5 48,459.2 11,497.5 235.9
lubricants as fuels. 2004 108,766.3 50,130.3 10,904.3 276.0
2005 111,143.5 50,079.2 10,503.9 308.0
2006 113,738.6 50,628.8 10,973.0 379.2
2007 119,175.8 53,084.2 10,006.6 329.6
2. Analysis of lubricant consumption and used lubricant 2008 115,701.2 50,113.0 8631.2 267.0
generation 2009 113,085.2 49,658.4 7078.2 201.9
Source [1]; Unit: 103 KLOE (kiloliters of oil equivalent).
With the increase in the economic development and living level, b
Including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), naphtha, motor gasoline, aviation
the energy consumption in Taiwan has grown significantly over the gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, lubricants and others.
W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339 4335

machines were approximately 90% and 55%, respectively. Thus, the Management Fund”, which is originally from the pay by the
annual generation of used lubricants in Taiwan will be obtained responsible enterprises according to the manufacturing volume/
below: importing volume and the recycling fee rates. The factors of fee rate
auditing, which are determined by the Recycling Fee Rate Review
2:8  105 m3  ½60%  90% þ 40%  55% ¼ 2:1  105 m3 Committee established by the central competent authority, include
material, volume, weight, impact on the environment, reuse value,
However, it should be noted that about 70% and 50% of the used
cost of recycling (i.e., collection & treatment), ratio of recycling, cost
lubricants are recoverable in Western Europe and the United States,
of auditing/certification, financial status of the Fund, monetary
respectively [4,12]. These figures are indicative of illustrating the
amounts of recycling incentives, and other relevant factors. In the
significant pollution potential.
past, the fee rate of used lubricants for the responsible enterprises
was not applied because the recycling rate of used lubricants was
3. Current status of collection and treatment systems for very small, ranging from 5 to 10%.
recycling used lubricants With respect to the recycling of used lubricants from commer-
cial and industrial sectors in Taiwan, the basic law governing and
In Taiwan, all of the regulations relating to waste collection, promoting the waste recycling is also the Waste Management Act.
storage, clearness and treatment or recycling are currently based on Therefore, the collection (including clearance) and treatment
the enactment of the Waste Management Act (traditionally called enterprises for the recycling, storage clearance, and treatment of
the Waste Disposal Act). It should be noted that resource recycling the responsible recyclable resource shall be in compliance with the
was listed as one of the waste management options in the Act until criteria governing treatment methods and facilities stipulated by
1988 because of the shortage of sanitary landfill sites and inciner- the central competent authority. Under the authorization of the
ation facilities during the period of 1980s. Since then, the Act, Taiwan’s EPA promulgated the related regulation (i.e.,
commodity or article after consumption or use could be listed as “Methods and Facilities Standards for the Recycling, Storage and
one of responsible recyclable resources by the central competent Clearance of Used Lubricants”) since 2002. Consequently, these
authority because it could cause the concern of serious pollution to enterprises shall apply to be certified and officially approved in
the environment, and also possess one or more of the following accordance with the above Standards prior to receiving
characteristics. the subsidies from the Fund. In order to manage effectively the
responsible enterprises, recycling enterprises, subsidies from the
$ Difficult to clear or disposal of. Fund, and procedures of auditing and certification, the central
$ Contain a component that does not readily decompose over competent authority also promulgated some corresponding regu-
a long period. lations during the period. To explain the function and operation of
$ Contain a component that is a hazardous substance. the Recycling Management Fund [12], a schematic flowchart pre-
$ Is valuable for recycling and/or reuse. sented in Fig. 1 illustrated the structure of the used lubricants
management system in Taiwan, including the lines of cash flow,
Based on the spirit of the Act significantly revised in 1997, the material flow and supervision. Fig. 2 further showed the generation
manufacturers and importers (herein referred to as the responsible sources of used lubricants and their recycling technologies for
enterprises) shall be responsible for its recycling, clearness, treat- producing the valuable end products, including fuel oils and
ment and disposal by the official establishment of the “Recycling petroleum products. Table 2 listed the current subsidy rates of used



Recycling fee
Recycling & Importers
Management Fund

Third party Trust fund

certification Subsidies Generation sources

recycling enterprisea Contract/ Used lubricants

Cash flow
Recycling Material flow
Including collection, clearance and treatment enterprises

Fig. 1. Schematic function and operation of the Recycling Management Fund for used lubricants recycling in Taiwan.
4336 W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339

Generation sources

Automobile/motorcycle Gas station/

Manufacturing industry
Retailer/repair workshop Consumer

Pretreatment a

Collection enterprise On-site recycling

(Auxiliary fuel)

Reprocessing enterprise Re-refining enterprise

Fuel oils De-mould agent Crude lubricants Petroleum products b

Decanting/sedimentation and filtration.
Secondary oils, or fuel oils.

Fig. 2. Schematic flowchart of used lubricants recycling (collection & treatment) in Taiwan.

lubricants in Taiwan for their collection and treatment. It can be a negotiable price as illustrated in Fig. 1. On the other hand, an
seen that the collection subsidy rates are based on the contents of authorized audit organization (as a third party) was commissioned
water and impurities in the collected used lubricants. to verify all the amounts of collected used lubricants treated in the
According to the statistical data surveyed by central competent recycling enterprise. According to the audited quantities on
authority (i.e., EPA) [13], the certified volume of used lubricants in a weight basis, the Recycling Management Fund Board will deter-
Taiwan in recent years was shown in Fig. 3, indicating that the mine the eligibility for subsidies to the collection and recycling
collected volumes and the resulting collection rates were on the enterprises. Currently, there are 16 used lubricants treatment
increasing trend. The collection rate in 2009 was only about 10%, enterprises in Taiwan. Fig. 5 illustrated a simplified case of local re-
which was significantly less than those (at least 30% actually refining enterprise for the used lubricants. Although material
collected each year) in most developed countries [4,14]. Fig. 4 recycling for mineral-based oils has the obvious high-value benefits
showed the disposition of used lubricant recycling in Taiwan [9], based on both the economic and environmental considerations,
including secondary fuels, fuel oils, auxiliary fuels, mould release a major recycling for used lubricants in Taiwan was still for use as
agent, and other management methods (e.g., flux oils for bitu- fuel oils or auxiliary fuels because it can supplement or replace
mens). To perform the used lubricants recycling effectively, each a fraction of increasing-price fuel oils. Practically, most of used
collection enterprise has to sign a contract with the recycling lubricants for use as fuel in Taiwan were performed in the energy-
enterprise for selling the collected used lubricants under intensive industries such as cement, steel, and paper & pulp.

Table 2
4. Governmental regulations and policies for utilizing used
Current subsidy rates of used lubricants in Taiwan.
lubricants as fuels
Subsidy item Subsidy rateb

General area Remote/off-shore area 4.1. Waste Management Act

X  5% 2.200 2.640 As mentioned above, all of the regulations relating to waste
5% < X  10% 1.963 2.355 collection, storage, clearness, treatment or recycling in Taiwan are
10% < X  15% 1.764 2.117
in accordance with the Waste Management Act. According to the
15% < X  20% 1.547 1.856
20% < X  25% 1.351 1.621 newly revised Methods and Facilities Standards, important features
25% < X  30% 1.150 1.380 concerning the aspects of utilizing used lubricants as energy
30% < X  35% 0.975 1.169 sources were briefly described as follows:
35% < X  40% 0.812 0.975
40% < X  45% 0.672 0.807
45% < X  50% 0.553 0.663
1. During the non-treatment processes (i.e., collection, storage
50% < X 0 0 and clearance), used lubricants shall not blend with hazardous
Treatmentc 0.214 substances (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls), heavy metals,
Collection subsidy rate relies on the content (X) of water and impurities in the solvents and other non-lubricant oil products.
used lubricants. 2. With respect to the treatment methods, used lubricants shall
The unit of subsidy rate: NT$/liter (Note: 1 NT$ ¼ 0.033 US$). be re-refined to produce oil products, or utilized as energy use.
Generally, the treatment enterprises must receive the used lubricants from the 3. Regarding the use of re-refined oils from used lubricants, the
collection enterprises and further treat it without any selection. However, the
treatment enterprises shall refuse the collected used lubricant for treatment
treatment enterprises shall be compliance with the Petroleum
because it could contain over 50% of water and impurities, or spent solvents, heavy Administration Act (described thereafter) because they are
metals, hazardous substances and other non-lubricant oil products. assigned to a category of petroleum refineries.
W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339 4337

30,000 Used lubricants

Certified volume (metric ton)

Atmospheric distillation Water, light oils

Vacuum distillation Oil gas

Thin-film evaporation Residues
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Year H2 Hydrotreating
Fig. 3. Certified volume of collected used lubricants in Taiwan during the years of
2002e2009 [13].

Fractionation Fuel oil, naphtha

4. If the re-refined oils from used lubricants are used as lubricant-
based products, the quality and composition of lubricant
products produced from responsible recycling enterprises must Re-refined oils
comply with the national standards prior to the marketing.
Fig. 5. Simplified case of re-refining process applied to the used lubricants in Taiwan.
5. For the responsible recycling enterprises subsidized by the
Recycling Management Fund, the maximum contents of water
and impurities in the collected used lubricants shall comply 4.3. Petroleum Administration Act
with the standards set by the Fund.
The PAA (Petroleum Administration Act), which was initially
passed in Oct. 2001 and recently amended in Jan. 2009, are set to
4.2. Air Pollution Control Act promote the sound development of the oil industry, and to safe-
guard the production and sales of oil in the commercial market.
The APCA (Air Pollution Control Act), which was initially passed in According to the provision in the Article 38 of the Act, an enterprise
May 1975, recently amended in May 2006. Under the authorization of engaging in the production of oil from recycled waste must apply
the APCA, there are three important standards concerning emissions for prior approval by the central competent authority (i.e., the
from stationary sources for used lubricants or their reprocessed oils Ministry of Economic Affairs) for setting up the enterprise.
with reusing directly as fuel, or mixing them with MSW (municipal Under the authorization of the Act, the regenerated (or re-
solid waste) or petroleum-based oils in the MSW incinerator and refined) oils, directly used or mixed with industrial oils as fuels,
industrial utilities (i.e., boiler and kilns). According to the regulations, are defined to refer to petroleum-based oils recycled from the
the exhaust vent gas from the used lubricant-to-energy system shall processing treatment of domestic waste or other recyclable
comply with particulate pollutant, SOx (sulfur oxides), NOx (nitrogen resources according to the environmental protection regulations. It
oxides), dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs), heavy metals, and other hazardous should be noted that an establishment permit, which is applied by
air pollutants. Table 3 listed the emission standards of gaseous air the regenerated oil enterprise, must be obtained from the central
pollutants concerning used lubricants for use as fuels. In view of the competent authority. On the other hand, the quality and compo-
standards in Table 3, the emission standards of PCDD/Fs in the waste sition of the waste-to-oil products produced from the permitted
incinerators has been set at 0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 in comparison with enterprise must comply with the national standards prior to the
0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 in the industrial stationary sources. marketing.

5. Analysis of environmental benefits from the utilization of

used lubricants as fuels

The environmental damage caused by the mineral oil-based

lubricants is largely due to the improper disposal of used lubri-
cants. Every year, about 80e90% of the approximately 250,000
tones of used lubricants in Taiwan may be released to the atmo-
sphere, sewer system and landfill, resulting in the considerable
contamination in the receiving water bodies, ambient air, and soils
because they may be toxic, insoluble and not easy to degradation in
the ecosystems. However, this figures included uncollectable loss
while using, like spillages, leaks, drips, accident losses, and all
manner of evaporation and emission losses. Thus, the energy
utilization from collectable used lubricants has been demonstrated
as a successful process [7]. The waste-to-energy not only diversifies
Fig. 4. Disposition of used lubricants recycling in Taiwan [9]. fuel supply but also mitigates the environmental pollution and
4338 W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339

Table 3
Stationary emission standards of gaseous air pollutants from industrial cogeneration utilities pertaining to waste lubricants for use as auxiliary fuel in Taiwan.

Air pollutant Regulated stationary sources Emission standards Comments

PCDDs/PCDFsa Waste incineratorb 0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 Design capacity: >4 ton/hr
0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 Design capacity: <4 ton/hr
Electric arc furnace (steel) 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3
Sintering plant (steel) 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 2004.6.16 (New facility)
1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 Existing facility
Fly ash smelting facility (steel) 0.4 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 2005.10.12 (New facility)
1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 Existing facility
Other sourcesc 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 2006.1.2 (New facility)
1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 Existing facility
Lead and its compounds Waste incinerator 0.2 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: >4 ton/hr
0.5 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: <4 ton/hr
Other sources 10 mg/Nm3
Cadmium and its compounds Waste incinerator 0.02 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: >4 ton/hr
0.04 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: <4 ton/hr
Other sources 1 mg/Nm3
Mercury and its compounds Waste incinerator 0.05 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: >4 ton/hr
0.1 mg/Nm3 Design capacity: <4 ton/hr
SOx Waste incinerator 80 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr;
2007.1.1 (New facility)
150 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr
220 ppm Design capacity: 2e10 ton/hr
300 ppm Design capacity: <2 ton/hr
Power utilities 300 ppm (liquid fuel)
200 ppm (solid fuel)
Sintering plant (steel) 250 ppm
Lead secondary smelting 500 ppm
Other sources 300 ppm (liquid fuel)
300 ppm (solid fuel)
NOx Waste incinerator 180 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr;
2007.1.1 (New facility)
220 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr
220 ppm Design capacity: 2e10 ton/hr
250 ppm Design capacity: <2 ton/hr
Power utilities 180 ppm (liquid fuels)
250 ppm (solid fuels)
Grass manufacturing 360e800 ppm Depending on process sources
Cement manufacturing 350 ppm/450ppm Borderline: 1996.1.24
Sintering plant (steel) 170 ppm
Lead secondary smelting 250 ppm
Other sources 250 ppm (liquid fuels)
350 ppm (solid fuels)
Hydrogen chloride Waste incinerator 40 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr;
2007.1.1 (New facility)
60 ppm
Other sources 80 ppm, or 1.8 kg/h
Carbon monoxide Waste incinerator 120 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr;
2007.1.1 (New facility)
150 ppm Design capacity: >10 ton/hr
350 ppm Design capacity: <10 ton/hr
Other sources 2000 ppm
Fluorides Stationary sources 10 mg/Nm3
Chlorine Stationary sources 30 ppm
Vinyl chloride Stationary sources 10 ppm
The standards of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDD/Fs) in flue gases are presented as I-TEQ (International-Toxicity
Equivalency Quantity).
Including waste-to-energy facilities with feeding municipal solid waste (MSW) and general industrial waste with high combustible portion.
Including waste-cofired CHP (combined heat and power) plants with utilizing agricultural residues such as woods, black liquor, bagasse and rice straw.

global warming because of their high contents of petroleum-based fuel oils when burned in the industrial processes for energy use.
hydrocarbons, which are valuable energy sources. The energy Further, a simple method (Tier 1 method) adopted by the IPCC
generation using used lubricants as supplemental fuels to fuel oils (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was used in the
is of particular interest and being practiced throughout the world. present work to estimate equivalent CO2 emissions mitigation from
Thus, the CHP systems which were applied to the power generation the utilization of used lubricants as energy sources [15]. According
by co-combustion of these combustible resources have been per- to the IPCC methodology, this method is based on the consumed
formed in the industrial boilers and rotary kilns. Even though it can quantities of lubricant-based fuel and average DEF (default emis-
significantly reduce the environmental burden, this energy utili- sion factor). Therefore, the anthropogenic CO2 emissions from the
zation could meet with opposition because of fears of dioxins and combustion activity of used lubricants for energy use were calcu-
emissions of toxic heavy metals from the combustion of used lated by multiplying levels of activity (calorific basis in TJ) with
lubricants. default emission factor (DEF in kg CO2/TJ). The default value for
Concerning the benefits of mitigating CO2 emissions to the residual fuel oil has been estimated to be 77,400 kg CO2/TJ by the
environment, it was assumed that used lubricants substitute for IPCC. Using the following data [6],
W.-T. Tsai / Energy 36 (2011) 4333e4339 4339

- Certified volume of collected used lubricants in 2009 (seen in potentially suitable for their original uses. As a consequence, the
Fig. 3): 29,000 metric ton. recycling rate of used lubricants will be increased from around 10%
- Percentage of hydrocarbon components in used lubricants: in the current year to 30% in the next decade under the policy
90 wt%. encouragement and financial subsidies by the Waste Management
- Percentage of used lubricants for use as fuel oils (seen in Fig. 4): Act and the Petroleum Administration Act. Furthermore, the
90%. Renewable Energy Development Act promulgated on 8 July 2009
- Heating value of used lubricants regenerated or refined: 40 MJ/ will further promote the utilization of renewable energy sources,
kg. including waste-to-electricity and waste-to-fuel.
To greatly promote the resource recycling of used lubricants in
Therefore, the equivalent mitigation of CO2 (in kg) derived from the near future, the following aspects are recommended:
the energy utilization of used lubricants was thus estimated in
2009 as follows: $ Put high priority in technological assistances to the certified
recycling enterprises for enhancing reprocessing efficiency of
Equivalent mitigation of CO2 ðkgÞ ¼ Certified volume ðtonÞ the used lubricants prior to the energy utilization by the
103 ðkg=tonÞ0:90:9 industrial utilities in the energy-intensive industries.
$ Encourage the utilization of used lubricants in multiple options
40 MJ=kg106 ðTJ=MJÞ (e.g., being reused as a material resource in a variety of carbon
products such as carbon black.) to upgrade its resource benefits.
DEFfuel oil ðkgCO2 =TJÞ
$ Assist the certified recycling enterprises in acquiring the key
¼ 9:4102 TJ77;400 kg CO2 =TJ technologies and the certification of ISO-1400 series and
¼ 7:3107 kg OHSAS-18000 under the supports of non-profit government-
committed organizations.

6. Conclusions and prospects

With the increase in the fossil fuel costs and the concern about [1] Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 2009. Energy statistics handbook- 2009.
the disposal problems (including soil and groundwater pollution) Taipei, Taiwan: MOEA; 2010.
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