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1) Sometimes the wounds are too deeply embedded in the flesh, to

ever heal. There is no chance of the medicine ever seeping that far
down to do any healing and these persistent and gangrenous
wounds resurface time and again to haunt you on those long days
and even longer nights.

2) I still wish upon fallen eyelashes and afterwards furiously blow on

that tiny piece of my being, to which I have tethered my hope and
my existence as if the ferocity of that action will ensure God's
graces to befall upon me.

3) Such beautiful words, words that have ensnared me by their

vivacity but they are vicious too, mind you for no matter how
beautiful the cage, the entrapment is always cruel.

4) It is true that I have never loved, but I know what the process

5) "Who are you?"

"Great question! I'll let you know when I find the answer."

6) Let us not make half-hearted attempts to salvage something that

is beyond saving. It will only lead to a cul-de-sac and then I in my
most charming way, will not be able to say "Let us part now, while
we are still friends.” because from there, there will be nowhere else
to go.

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