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Udayana Department Orthopedic History

In leadership from Prof.Dr. Ketut Budha, Sp.BKBD as head

of surgery division in UNUD Medical Faculty / Sanglah Central
Hospital, Orthopedic develop by Dr. Ketut Nukarna, SpB, Sp.OT
(K) who forming Orthopedic division in 1979 after completing his
orthopedic specialist study in UI.

In three years his strive, Prof. Nukarna passed away and

orthopedic consultants from Surabaya alternately gave
orthopedic attendance and guidance at Sanglah Central Hospital.
They are Prof.Dr. IP Sukarna, SpB, SpOT; Prof Dr.dr Djoko
Roeshadi, SpB, SpOT; Dr. Ichwan P. Radjamin, SpB, SpOT; Dr.
Satrio, SpB, SpOT; Dr. A. sjarwani, SpB, SpOT; Prof. Dr. Bambang
P, SpB, SpOT.

In 1986, Orthopedic division rearranged by Prof. Dr. Ketut

Siki Kawiyana, SpB, SpOt (K-Ped) completed his orthopedic
specialist study in UI and Prof. Dr. Putu Astawa SpOT (K-Onk)
complete his orthoedic specialist study in UNAIR on 1967 in order to
implement the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi in scope of Study, service
or research, and Society serving.

Ten years after, in 1996, Dr. K. G Mulyadi Ridia, SpOT (K-spine)

and in 1997, Dr. Wayan Suryanto Dusak SpOT(K-HIP and Knee) from
UNAIR alumna. With 4 staffs orthopedic service going fluently. In
consecutively, in 2002, Dr. I Ketut Suyasa SpB, SpOT (2005)(K-
spine); Dr. IGN Wien Aryana SpOT; Dr. Made Bramantya Karna,
SpOT (K-hand) (2006 UNAIR) (2012 Macquarie-Australia); Dr. IGL
Artha Wiguna SpOT (K-spine).

In 2006 March 25, SK Direktur Utama RSUP Sanglah as

regrads to forming SMF Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi which
promoted by Prof. Dr. Ketut Siki Kawiyana, SpB, SpOT (K); Prof.
Dr. Putu Astawa, SpOT (K), Mkes; Dr. K.G. Mulyadi Ridia, SpOT
(K); Dr. Wayan Suryanto Dusak, SpOT(K); Dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB,
SpOT (K). They being the founder father of SMF Orthopedic and
Traumatology in RSUP Sanglah Denpasar.

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