Volcano Lesson Plan

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Date: November 4, 2019

Time: 9:30-10:30


The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

volcanoes found in the Philippines


The learners should be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen
effects of climate change.


The learners:

1.describe the different types of volcanoes.

2. explain what is volcano
B. Science Learner’s Module 9
C. Materials
1. Book
2. Chalk
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review

Pre-assessment (Diagnostic test)

Direction: Chose the letter of the correct answer.9

1. What is a volcano?
a. A large storm with very high speed winds
b. A violent shaking of the Earth that occurs when two tectonic plates bump
into each other
c. An opening in the Earth's crust where magma erupts to the surface
d. A large cloud that generates rain, hail, and lightning
2. What do we call molten hot liquid rock while it is still below the Earth's surface?
a. Magma b. Igneous
c. Cinder d. Lava
3. What do we call molten hot liquid rock once it erupts to the Earth's surface?
a. Magma b. Igneous
c. Cinder d. Lava
4. Which of the following descriptions describes a dormant volcano?
a. A volcano that is currently erupting

b. A volcano that has erupted in recent history
c. A volcano that scientists believe will never erupt again
d. A volcano that has not erupted in a long time, but may erupt again
5. This are built from ejected lava fragments.
a. Cinder cones b. Composite volcanoes
c. Shield volcanoes d. Lava domes

Group the students into three (3) and let them solve the puzzle through an
Audio-visual presentation.
Indicators 8 & 4

(Collaborative strategy) Indicator 3

F. Analysis

1. Based on the puzzle, what do you think is our topic?

2. What is Volcano?

3. Why Philippines is called as a home of many volcanoes?

G. Abstraction
Deepening of the Lesson:

A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s crust that allows molten rock, gases, and debris to
escape to the surface.
The Philippine is located along the Ring of Fire. As a result it is a home of many
Volcanoes. The most famous among our volcanoes is the Mayon Volcano that has erupted last
May 7, 2013, while some of the hikers exploring its beauty.
Volcanoes erupt when molten rock called magma rises to the surface. Magma is formed when the
earth's mantle melts. ... If magma is thick, gas bubbles cannot easily escape and pressure builds
up as the magma rises. When the pressure is too much an explosive eruption can happen, which
can be dangerous and destructive.
Just like chemistry, when you mixed vinegar and baking soda carbon dioxide gas is produced,
pressure builds up inside the plastic bottle, until the gas bubbles
Indicator 1

There are three main types of volcano

Shield Volcano.- Are formed by the accumulation of lava that oozes out from the volcano.
Since non-viscous lava can flow freely, a broad, slightly domed structure that resembles a
warrior shield.
Cinder Cones – Are built from ejected lava fragments. They have a steep slope, wide crater and
are most abundant of the three major types of volcanoes.
Composite - nearly perfectly sloped structure formed from alternate solidification of both lava
and pyroclastic deposit
Indicator 6 & 2
H. Application
Let the students write the description of volcanoes based on the picture provided.
Let them write their answer in a Venn Diagram.

Using the printed material

beside, let the learners
describe the volcano using
the circles.


Direction: Chose the letter 9 correct answer.
of the
1. What is a volcano?
a. A large storm with very high speed winds
b. A violent shaking of the Earth that occurs when two tectonic plates bump
into each other
c. An opening in the Earth's crust where magma erupts to the surface
d. A large cloud that generates rain, hail, and lightning
2. What do we call molten hot liquid rock while it is still below the Earth's surface?
a. Magma b. Igneous
c. Cinder d. Lava
3. What do we call molten hot liquid rock once it erupts to the Earth's surface?
a. Magma b. Igneous
c. Cinder d. Lava
4. Which of the following descriptions describes a dormant volcano?
a. A volcano that is currently erupting
b. A volcano that has erupted in recent history
c. A volcano that scientists believe will never erupt again
d. A volcano that has not erupted in a long time, but may erupt again
5. This are built from ejected lava fragments.
a. Cinder cones b. Composite volcanoes
Using the printed material beside, let
the learners answer the cause and
effect reading log. Let them
understand how cause and effect
relates each other.
c. Shield volcanoes d. Lava domes


V. Agreement

1. What are types of eruption?

VI. Exit Card

1. What have you learned?

2. In what part of discussion you have difficulties?

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Approved by:
Head Teacher II

Using the printed material beside, let

the learners answer the cause and
effect reading log. Let them
understand how cause and effect
relates each other.

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