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Name: ______________________________________________________________Score:________/30__

Year &Section: ___________________________________________________Date:_________________

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y S H E E T 4th Quarter No. 4
ACTIVITY TITLE : Review of Simple Past Tense
LEARNING TARGETS : Retell the story “The Fall” using the verbs and the rules in simple past tense
TYPES OF ACTIVITY : Grammar/Drills
REFERENCES : English in Perspective Afro-Asian Literature 8 pages 543-547
Simple Past Tense ______________________________________________________________
a. Completed action in the past
Example: ________________________________________________________________

b. Series of completed action

Example: ________________________________________________________________

c. Duration in the past

Example: Shen played the guitar in a band for three years.
Maria took the exam for twenty minutes.

TASK 1: Read the short selection. Box the Simple Past Tense.(12pts)
Home…Away From Home
Luchi hugged the worn-out teddy bear tightly. It was one of the last things left with her
when her family migrated to Canada. The once shiny fur of the toy has grown dull and soft with
age. She stared at the bear longingly, unable to throw it away despite its shabby appearance.
She laid down the bear on her bed and reached down for the old shoebox under her study table.
Slowly, Luchi opened the box revealing old pictures, broken toys, and letters on now yellowish
stationery. The pungent smell of old things made her travel back in time.
Luchi was again a ten-year-old child, chasing her playmates, hoping to tag someone to
be the next “it”. The smoldering heat of the sun brought sweat to her now dirty face but Luchi
seemed not to mind it. She was laughing while chasing her best friends, Marie. Playing
“Taguan Pung” with her friends always amused Luchi.

TASK 2: Write thirteen (13) related sentences about the picture. Use the simple past tense of
the verb and its time expressions. USE THE BACK PAGE OF THE LAS. (13pts)

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