Criminal Law 2 Cases Title One

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'rules of international law of our times'; (II Oppenheim,

[ G.R. No. 409, January 30, 1947 ] 6th Lauterpacht ed., 1944, p. 482), recognized, by
necessary implication, in articles 23, 44, 45, and 52 of
ANASTACIO LAUREL, PETITIONER, VS. Hague Regulation; and that, as a corollary of the
ERIBERTO MISA, RESPONDENT. conclusion that the sovereignty itself is not suspended
and subsists during the enemy occupation, the allegiance
of the inhabitants to their legitimate government or
RESOLUTION sovereign subsists, and therefore there is no such thing as
suspended allegiance, the basic theory on which the
"In G. R. No. L-409, Anastacio Laurel vs. Eriberto Misa, whole fabric of the petitioner's contention rests;
etc., the Court, acting on the petition for habeas
corpus filed by Anastacio Laurel and based on the theory "Considering that the conclusion that the sovereignty of
that a Filipino citizen who adhered to the enemy giving
the United States was suspended in Castine, set forth in
the latter aid and comfort during the Japanese occupation the decision in the case of United States vs. Rice, 4
cannot be prosecuted for the crime of treason defined Wheaton, 246, 253, decided in 1819, and quoted in our
and penalized by article 114 of the Revised Penal Code, decision in the cases of Co Kim Cham vs. Valdez Tan Keh
for the reason (1) that the sovereignty of the legitimate
and Dizon and Peralta vs. Director of Prisons, supra, in
government in the Philippines and, consequently, the connection with the question, not of sovereignty, but of
correlative allegiance of Filipino citizens thereto was then
the existence of a government de facto therein and its
suspended; and (2) that there was a change of power to promulgate rules and laws in the occupied
sovereignty over these Islands upon the proclamation of territory, must have been based, either on the theory
the Philippine Republic: adopted subsequently in the Hague Convention of 1907,
that the military occupation of an enemy territory does
"(1) Considering that a citizen or subject owes, not a not transfer the sovereignty, or on the old theory that
qualified and temporary, but an absolute and permanent such occupation transfers the sovereignty to the
allegiance, which consists in the obligation of fidelity and occupant; that, in the first case, the word 'sovereignty'
obedience to his government or sovereign; and that this used therein should be construed to mean the exercise of
absolute and permanent allegiance should not be the rights of sovereignty, because as this remains vested
confused with the qualified and temporary allegiance in the legitimate government and is not transferred to the
which a foreigner owes to the government or sovereign occupier, it cannot be suspended without putting it out of
of the territory wherein he resides, so long as he remains existence or divesting said government thereof; and that
there, in return for the protection he receives, and which in the second case, that is, if the said conclusion or
consists in the obedience to the laws of the government doctrine, refers to the suspension of the sovereignty
or sovereign. (Carlisle vs. United States, 21 Law. ed., 429; itself, it has become obsolete after the adoption of the
Secretary of State Webster Report to the President of the Hague Regulations in 1907, and therefore it can not be
United States in the case of Thraser, 6 Web. Works, 526); applied to the present case;

"Considering that the absolute and permanent allegiance "Considering that even adopting the words 'temporary
of the inhabitants of a territory occupied by the enemy to allegiance,' repudiated by Oppenheim and other
their legitimate government or sovereign is not abrogated publicists, as descriptive of the relations borne by the
or severed by the enemy occupation, because the inhabitants of the territory occupied by the enemy
sovereignty of the government or sovereign de jure is not toward the military government established over them,
transferred thereby to the occupier, as we have held in such allegiance may, at most, be considered similar to the
the cases of Co Kim Cham vs. Valdez Tan Keh and Dizon temporary allegiance which a foreigner owes to the
(75 Phil., 113) and of Peralta vs. Director of Prisons government or sovereign of the territory wherein he
(75 Phil., 285), and if it is not transferred to the occupant resides in return for the protection he receives as above
it must necessarily remain vested in the legitimate described, and does not do away with the absolute and
government; that the sovereignty vested in the titular permanent allegiance which the citizen residing in a
government (which is the supreme power which governs foreign country owes to his own government or
a body politic or society which constitute the state) must sovereign; that just as a citizen or subject of a government
be distinguished from the exercise of the rights inherent or sovereign may be prosecuted for and convicted of
thereto, and may be destroyed, or severed and treason committed in a foreign country, in the same way
transferred to another, but it cannot be suspended an inhabitant of a territory occupied by the military forces
because the existence of sovereignty cannot be of the enemy may commit treason against his own
suspended without putting it out of existence or divesting legitimate government or sovereign if he adheres to the
the possessor thereof at least during the so-called period enemies of the latter by giving them aid and comfort; and
of suspension; that what may be suspended is the that if the allegiance of a citizen or subject to his
exercise of the rights of sovereignty with the control and government or sovereign is nothing more than obedience
government of the territory occupied by the enemy to its laws in return for the protection he receives, it
passes temporarily to the occupant; that the subsistence would necessarily follow that a citizen who resides in a
of the sovereignty of the legitimate government in a foreign country or state would, on one hand, ipso
territory occupied by the military forces of the enemy facto acquire the citizenship thereof since he has to obey,
during the war, 'although the former is in fact prevented with certain exceptions, the laws of that country which
from exercising the supremacy over them' is one of the enforce public order and regulate the social and
commercial life, in return for the protection he receives, continued in force, are in conflict with such laws and
and would, on the other hand, lose his original citizenship, orders of the occupier, shall be considered as suspended
because he would not be bound to obey most of the laws or not in force and binding upon said inhabitants;
of his own government or sovereign, and would not
receive, while in a foreign country, the protection he is "Considering that, since the preservation of the allegiance
entitled to in his own; or the obligation of fidelity and obedience of a citizen or
subject to his government or sovereign does not demand
"Considering that, as a corollary of the suspension of the from him a positive action, but only passive attitude or
exercise of the rights of sovereignty by the legitimate forbearance from adhering to the enemy by giving the
government in the territory occupied by the enemy latter aid and comfort, the occupant has no power, as a
military forces, because the authority of the legitimate corollary of the preceding consideration, to repeal or
power to govern has passed into the hands of the suspend the operation of the law of treason, essential for
occupant (Article 43, Hague Regulations), the political the preservation of the allegiance owed by the
laws which prescribe the reciprocal rights, duties and inhabitants to their legitimate government, or compel
obligation of government and citizens, are suspended or them to adhere and give aid and comfort to him; because
in abeyance during military occupation (Co Kim Cham vs. it is evident that such action is not demanded by the
Valdez Tan Keh and Dizon, supra), for the only reason that exigencies of the military service or not necessary for the
as they exclusively bear relation to the ousted legitimate control of the inhabitants and the safety and protection
government, they are inoperative or not applicable to the of his army, and because it is tantamount to practically
government established by the occupant; that the crimes transfer temporarily to the occupant their allegiance to
against national security, such as treason and espionage, the titular government or sovereign; and that, therefore,
inciting to war, correspondence with hostile country, if an inhabitant of the occupied territory were compelled
flight to enemy's country, as well as those against public illegally by the military occupant, through force, threat or
order, such as rebellion, sedition, and disloyalty, illegal intimidation, to give him aid and comfort, the former may
possession of firearms, which are of political complexion lawfully resist and die if necessary as a hero, or submit
because they bear relation to, and are penalized by our thereto without becoming a traitor;
Revised Penal Code as crimes against the legitimate
government, are also suspended or become inapplicable "Considering that adoption of the petitioner's theory of
as against the occupant, because they can not be suspended allegiance would lead to disastrous
committed against the latter (Peralta vs. Director of consequences for small and weak nations or states, and
Prisons, supra); and that, while the offenses against would be repugnant to the laws of humanity and
public order to be preserved by the legitimate requirements of public conscience, for it would allow
government were inapplicable as offenses against the invaders to legally recruit or enlist the Quisling inhabitants
invader for the reason above stated, unless adopted by of the occupied territory to fight against their own
him, were also inoperative as against the ousted government without the latter incurring the risk of being
government for the latter was not responsible for the prosecuted for treason, and even compel those who are
preservation of the public order in the occupied territory, not to aid them in their military operation against the
yet article 114 of the said Revised Penal Code, was resisting enemy forces in order to completely subdue and
applicable to treason committed against the national conquer the whole nation, and thus deprive them all of
security of the legitimate government, because the their own independence or sovereignty—such theory
inhabitants of the occupied territory were still bound by would sanction the action of invaders in forcing the
their allegiance to the latter during" the enemy people of a free and sovereign country to be a party in the
occupation; nefarious task of depriving themselves of their own
freedom and independence and repressing the exercise
"Considering that, although the military occupant is by them of their own sovereignty; in other words, to
enjoined to respect or continue in force, unless absolutely commit a political suicide;
prevented by the circumstances, those laws that enforce
public order and regulate the social and commercial life "(2) Considering that the crime of treason against the
of the country, he has, nevertheless, all the powers of a de government of the Philippines defined and penalized in
facto government and may, at his pleasure, either change article 114 of the Penal Code, though originally intended
the existing laws or make new ones when the exigencies to be a crime against said government as then organized
of the military service demand such action, that is, when by authority of the sovereign people of the United States,
it is necessary for the occupier to do so for the control of exercised through their authorized representative, the
the country and the protection of his army, subject to the Congress and the President of the United States, was
restrictions or limitations imposed by the Hague made, upon the establishment of the Commonwealth
Regulations, the usages established by civilized nations, Government in 1935, a crime against the Government of
the laws of humanity and the requirements of public the Philippines established by authority of the people of
conscience (Peralta vs. Director of Prisons, supra; 1940 the Philippines, in whom the sovereignty resides
United States Rules of Land Warfare 76, 77); and that, according to section 1, Article II, of the Constitution of the
consequently, all acts of the military occupant dictated Philippines, by virtue of the provision of section 2, Article
within these limitations are obligatory upon the XVI thereof, which provides that 'All laws of the Philippine
inhabitants of the territory, who are bound to obey them, Islands * * * shall remain operative, unless inconsistent
and the laws of the legitimate government which have with this Constitution * * * and all references in such laws
not been adopted, as well and those which, though to the Government or officials of the Philippine Islands,
shall be construed, in so far as applicable, to refer to the for others to be stated in the said opinion, without
Government and corresponding officials under this prejudice to concurring opinion therein, if any. Messrs.
Constitution;' Justices Paras and Hontiveros dissent in a separate
opinion. Mr. Justice Perfecto concurs in a separate
"Considering that the Commonwealth of the Philippines opinion."
was a sovereign government, though not absolute but
subject to certain limitations imposed in the
Independence Act and incorporated as Ordinance
appended to our Constitution, was recognized not only by
the Legislative Department or Congress of the United
States in approving the Independence Law above quoted
and the Constitution of the Philippines, which contains
the declaration that 'Sovereignty resides in the people
and all government authority emanates from them'
(section 1, Article II), but also by the Executive
Department of the United States; that the late President
Roosevelt in one of his messages to Congress said, among
others, 'As I stated on August 12, 1943, the United States
in practice regards the Philippines as having now the
status as a government of other independent nations—in
fact all the attributes of complete and respected
nationhood' (Congressional Record, Vol. 29, part 6, page
8173); and that it is a principle upheld by the Supreme
Court of the United States in many cases, among them in
the case of Jones vs. United States (137 U. S., 202; 34 Law.
ed., 691, 696) that the question of sovereignty is 'a purely
political question, the determination of which by the
legislative and executive departments of any government
conclusively binds the judges, as well as all ofher officers,
citizens and subjects of the country.'

"Considering that section I (1) of the Ordinance appended

to the Constitution which provides that pending the final
and complete withdrawal of the sovereignty of the United
States 'All citizens of the Philippines shall owe allegiance
to the United States', was one of the few limitations of the
sovereignty of the Filipino people retained by the United
States, but these limitations do not do away or are not
inconsistent with said sovereignty, in the same way that
the people of each State of the Union preserves its own
sovereignty although limited by that of the United States
conferred upon the latter by the States; that just as to
reason may be committed against the Federal as well as
against the State Government, in the same way treason
may have been committed during the Japanese
occupation against the sovereignty of the United States
as well as against the sovereignty of the Philippine
Commonwealth; and that the change of our form of
government from Commonwealth to Republic does not
affect the prosecution of those charged with the crime of
treason committed during the Commonwealth, because
it is an offense against the same government and the
same sovereign people, for Article XVIII of our
Constitution provides that 'The government established
by this Constitution shall be known as the Commonwealth
of the Philippines. Upon the final and complete
withdrawal of the sovereignty of the United States and
the proclamation of Philippine independence, the
Commonwealth of the Philippines shall thenceforth be
known as the Republic of the Philippines';

"This Court resolves, without prejudice to write later on a

more extended opinion, to deny the petitioner's petition,
as it is hereby denied, for the reasons above set forth and
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
[ G.R. No. 1582, March 28, 1904 ] of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
That if any person or persons, owing allegiance to the
THE UNITED STATES, COMPLAINANT AND United States of America, shall levy war against them, or
APPELLEE, VS. DALMACIO LAGNASON, shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and
DEFENDANT AND APPELLANT. comfort within the United States or elsewhere, and shall
be thereof convicted, on confession in open court, or on
the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of
DECISION the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such
person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason
against the United States, and shall suffer death."
The statute law of the United States stood in that form,
The defendant was charged under section 1 of Act No. so far as we are informed, until the act of July 17, 1862
292 with the crime of treason, was convicted and (12 Stat. L., 589), was passed. The first and second
sentenced to death. The following facts appeared from sections of that act were as follows:
the evidence. From the time of the occupation of the
Province of Occidental Negros by the American troops, "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
there had existed therein a band of men in arms against of the United States of America in Congress
the Government of the United States, which band was led assembled, That every person who shall hereafter
by the defendant and which in October was campaigning commit the crime of treason against the United States,
through the northern part of the province. In the and shall be adjudged guilty thereof, shall suffer death,
southern part was another similar band led by Dionisio and all his slaves, if any, shall be declared and made free;
Papa. These two parties, though in communication with or, at the discretion of the court, he shall be imprisoned
each other, had formerly operated independently, but in for not less than five years and fined not less than ten
the month of September, 1902, the defendant had placed thousand dollars, and all his slaves, if any, shall be
himself and his forces under the orders of said Dionisio declared and made free; said fine shall be levied and
Papa. His band was constantly armed and kept together, collected on any or all of the property, real and personal,
and its object was to establish an independent excluding slaves, of which the said person so convicted
government. was the owner at the time of committing the said crime,
any sale or conveyance to the contrary notwithstanding.
On October 29,1902, the defendant with this band made
an attack upon the pueblo of Murcia in said province, but "Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall
was driven off by the force of Constabulary there hereafter incite, set on foot, assist, or engage in any
stationed. During that night two inspectors of the rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the
Constabulary arrived with additional fortes and early in United States, or the laws thereof, or shall give aid or
the morning they left the pueblo in search of the comfort thereto, or shall engage in, or give aid and
defendant. He was encountered with his party about comfort to, any such existing rebellion or insurrection,
three kilometers from the pueblo and was attacked by the and be convicted thereof, such person shall be punished
Constabulary. The fight lasted an hour and a half. The by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, or
defendant was captured in the battle and about twenty by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, and by the
of his men were killed. On the side of the Constabulary liberation of all his slaves, if any he have; or by both of
were killed two policemen of the vicinity who were acting said punishments, at the discretion of the court."
as guides. The defendant's band consisted of between
seventy and eighty men. They had for arms five or ten In the Revised Statutes of the United States these
rifles, bolos, daggers, and one small cannon. The provisions appear in sections 5331, 5332, and 5334,
defendant when captured was armed with a rifle, a which are as follows:
revolver, and a bolo. Most of his men wore black shirts,
white pantaloons, and black caps. They "Sec. 5331. Every person owing allegiance to the United
carried no banners, but did carry two large wooden States, who levies war against them, or adheres to their
crosses which were captured, together with the cannon. enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United
States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.
Article 3, section 3, of the Constitution of the United
States provides as follows : "Sec. 5332. Every person guilty of treason shall suffer
death; or, at the discretion of the court, shall be
"Treason against the United States shall consist only in imprisoned at hard labor for not less than five years and
levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, fined not less than ten thousand dollars, to be levied on
giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be and collected out of any or all of his property, real and
convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two personal, of which he was the owner at the time of
witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open committing such treason, any sale or conveyance to the
court." contrary notwithstanding; and every person so convicted
of treason shall, moreover, be incapable of holding any
The act of Congress of April 30, 1790 (1 Stat L., 112), office under the United States.
contained the following provision:
"Sec. 5334. Every person who incites, sets on foot, assists, war against the United States," and was therefore
or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the treason, whether it was done by ten men or ten thousand.
authority of the United States, or the laws thereof, or (See United States vs. Hanway, 2 Wall., jr., 139; 26 Fed.
gives aid or comfort thereto, shall, be punished by Cases, 105.)
imprisonment for not more than ten years, or by a fine of
not more than ten thousand dollars, or by both of such No distinction was anywhere made between a foreign
punishments; and shall, moreover, be incapable of enemy and a rebel or insurgent so far as the act of
holding any office under the United States." "levying war" is concerned. All of the cases tried before
the United States courts have grown out of insurrection.
Sections 1 and 3 of Act No. 292 of the Philippine The case of Mitchell grew out of the "whisky rebellion" in
Commission are as follows : western Pennsylvania; the case of Fries, out of the North-
ampton Rebellion; the case of Bollman out of Burr's
"Section 1. Every person, resident in. the Philippine attempts; the case of Hanway out of resistance to the
Islands, owing allegiance to the United States, or the fugitive slave law; and the case of Greathouse out of the
Government of the Philippine Islands, who levies war civil war. Such a distinction has, however, been made
against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid under the second clause of the Constitutional provision,
and comfort within the Philippine Islands or elsewhere, is namely, giving aid or comfort to an enemy. It has been
guilty of treason, and, upon conviction, shall suffer death said that the word "enemy" means there a foreign enemy
or, at the discretion of the court, shall be imprisoned at and does not include a rebel.
hard labor for not less than five years and fined not less
than ten thousand dollars." If it were not for the provisions of the second section of
the act of July 17, 1862, now section 5334 of the Revised
"Sec. 3. Every person who incites, sets on foot, assists, or Statutes, and section 3 of Act No. 292 of the Commission,
engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the the case at bar would present no difficulty. The defendant
authority of the United States, or of the Government of would be clearly guilty of treason and punishable under
the Philippine Islands, or the laws thereof, or who gives the first section of Act No. 292. He was engaged in an
aid or comfort to anyone so engaging in such rebellion or attempt to overthrow the Government and was captured
insurrection, shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned for not after an armed contest. It matters not how vain and futile
more than ten years and be fined not more than ten his attempt was and how impossible of accomplishment.
thousand dollars." The acts performed by him constituted a levying of war.

The Spanish Penal Code defines and punishes the crimes Revised Statutes, section 5332, declares that treason shall
of treason, rebellion, and sedition. Article 236 of that be punished by death, or imprisonment for not less than
code, relating to sedition, appears as section 5 of Act No. five years. Section 5334 declares that one engaging in a
292, but that act, as to treason and rebellion, is practically rebellion or insurrection against the United States shall be
a reproduction of the sections quoted from the Revised punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years.
Statutes. As the act of engaging in a rebellion is levying war, and
therefore treason, the same act seems to be punished by
Prior to the act of July 17, 1862, and in the early history of both sections and in different ways.
the country, the question as to what constituted a
"levying of war" within the constitutional definition of This apparent inconsistency was pointed out in the case
treason had been before the Federal courts on several of United States vs. Greathouse (4 Sawy., 457 S. C; 26 Fed.
different occasions. Cases, 18) by Mr. Justice Field while sitting in the circuit
court The defendants in that case were indicted under the
In ex parte Bollman (4 Cranch., 75) the Supreme Court of second section of the act of July 17, 1862 (now Revised
the United States quoted the definitions of the phrase Statutes, sec. 5334 and Act No. 292, sec. 3), for fitting out
"levying war" which had been given by different judges of in the harbor of San Francisco a privateer to aid the then
the United States, and declared through the Chief Justice existing rebellion. Justice Field there said, in charging the
what the latter afterwards said in Burr's case (25 Fed. jury:
Cases, 13), to wit:
"But we are unable to conceive of any act designated in
"That part of his deposition which bears upon this charge the second section which would not constitute treason,
is the plan disclosed by the prisoner for seizing upon New except perhaps as suggested by my associate, that of
Orleans and revolutionizing the Western States. That this inciting to a rebellion. If we lay aside the discussion in the
plan if consummated by overt acts would amount to Senate, and read the several sections of the act together,
treason no man will controvert." the apparent inconsistency disappears. Looking at the act
alone, we conclude that Congress intended (1) to
Whatever differences there may have been among the preserve the act of 1790, which prescribes the penalty of
early judges as to whether an armed resistance to the death, in force for the prosecution and punishment of
enforcement of a public law (see Act No. 292, sec. 5,1) offenses committed previous to July 17,1862, unless the
constituted a levying of war or not, and was or was not parties accused are convicted under the act of the latter
treason, yet they were all unanimous in holding that acts date for subsequent offenses; (2) to punish treason
of violence committed by an armed body of men with the thereafter committed with death, or fine "and
purpose of overthrowing the Government was "levying imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, unless the
treason consist in engaging in or assisting a rebellion or That the Commission when it used the phrase " levies
insurrection against the authority of the United States, or war," in the first section of Act No. 292, intended to give
the laws thereof, in which event the death penalty is to to it the meaning which it then had in the United States,
be abandoned and a less penalty inflicted. By this can not be doubted.
construction the apparent inconsistency in the provisions
of the different sections is avoided and-effect given to In Burr's case, Chief Justice Marshall used the following
each clause of the act. The defendants are, therefore, in language in speaking of the phrase " levying war:".
fact, on trial for treason, and they have had all the
protection and privileges allowed to parties accused of "But the term is not for the first time applied to treason
treason, without being liable, in case of conviction, to the by the Constitution of the United States. It is a technical
penalty which all other civilized nations have awarded to term. It is used in a very old statute of that country whose
this, the highest of crimes known to the law." language is our language, and whose laws form the
substratum of our laws. It is scarcely conceivable that the
Judge Hoffman, who sat with Justice Field, also said: term was not employed by the framers of our
Constitution in the sense which had been affixed to it by
"If, then, every species of aid and comfort given to the those from whom we borrowed it."
present rebellion constitutes a levying of war, it follows
that in the two sections of the act referred to, Congress In United States vs. Greathouse, Justice Field, speaking of
has denounced the same crime; and that a party the same phrase, said:
amenable to the second section for having 'engaged in
the rebellion and given it aid and comfort,' must also be "At the time the Constitution was framed, the language
guilty of treason by levying war against the United States. incorporated into it from the English statute had received
judicial construction and acquired a definite meaning, and
"As, then, the offenses described are substantially the that meaning has been generally adopted by the courts of
same, though a different penalty is attached to their the United States."
commission by the sections referred to, it was held by the
court, under the first indictment, which was in terms for No one can believe that the Commission intended to
treason, that the smaller penalty could alone be inflicted, abandon the well-recognized meaning which the phrase
that the prisoners could not be capitally punished, and then had and give to it a meaning entirely different. If that
could therefore be admitted to bail. On the same grounds had been their intension they would certainly have used
it was considered that under the present indictment, other language, so that their intent not to adopt the
which pursues the language of the second section, the recognized meaning would have been manifest.
offense charged was treason; that both the offense as
described and the overt acts charged amounted to that That the acts committed by the defendant constituted a
crime, and that the accused were entitled to all the "levying of war" as that phrase was understood at the
privileges secured by the Constitution or allowed by law time the act of the Commission was passed, can not be
to parties on trial for treason; and, this notwithstanding, doubted. Neither can it be doubted that these same acts
that in consequence of the legislation referred to, the constituted a "rebellion or insurrection'y within the
penalty for treason could not be inflicted. In determining, meaning of the third section of Act No. 292. The two
therefore, whether the defendants can be convicted sections can only be reconciled in the manner employed
under this indictment, it will be proper to consider in the case against Greathouse, and that decision should
whether their acts constitute in law 'a levying of war,' for be followed.
'an engaging in a rebellion and giving it aid and comfort'
amounts to a levying of war; while at the same time we However, in respect to the penalty, it
may also inquire whether their acts are such as would, if makes no difference whether the offense called rebellion
done with regard to a public enemy, constitute an in section 3 of Act No. 292 is considered an offense
adherence to him, ' giving him aid and comfort.' " different from that of treason denned in section 1, or
whether the decision in the case of Greathouse be
As said by Justice Grier, in Hanway's case, " treason followed and the acts punished by section 3 considered
against the United States is defined by the Constitution as of the same character as those punished by section 1.
itself. Congress has no power to enlarge, restrain, In either case the punishment cannot exceed ten years'
construe, or define the offense. Its construction is imprisonment and a fine.
entrusted to the court alone."
There would be a difference in respect to evidence to
Notwithstanding the fact that Congress does have the prove the two crimes. If rebellion and insurrection are
power to fix the penalty for this crime and the treason, a defendant can not be convicted under section
construction placed upon the act of July 17, 1862, in the 3 except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same
case of Greathouse was that under both sections the overt act or by confession in open court. (Act of Congress,
offense was treason, but when the treason consisted of March 8, 1902, sec. 9.) If they are not treason he could be
engaging in an insurrection or rebellion, it could be convicted upon the testimony required in ordinary case's.
punished only by imprisonment for not more than ten In United States vs. Greathouse the court held that the
years, in other cases it could be punished under section 1 constitutional provision as to two witnesses applied to
by death, or imprisonment for not less than five years. prosecutions under the second section of the act of 1862
(our sec. 3). It is not necessary, however, to decide that
question in this case, as the overt act of the defendant
was proved by two witnesses; neither is it necessary to
decide whether the omission in section 3 of the phrase "
owing allegiance to the United States," which is found in
section 1 taken in connection with section 17 of the act,
makes a difference between the two sections in respect
to the persons who may be covered by them. In the case
at bar the defendant was a native of Cebu and is therefore
covered both by section 1 and section 3.

This court has decided two cases in which treason was

charged. In the case of United States vs. Antonio de los
Reyes, February 23, 1904,[1] the defendant was acquitted
because no overt act of treason was proved. In the case
of United States vs. Magtibay (1 Off. Gaz., 932[1]) the
defendant was acquitted because there were not two
witnesses to the same overt act.

The judgment is affirmed with a change of the penalty,

however, from death to ten years and a fine of $10,000,
money of the United States, with the costs of this instance
against the defendant.
Nueva Ecija;" "that upon the liberation of Gapan, Nueva
[ G.R. No. L-477, June 30, 1947 ] Ecija, by the American forces, the accused and other
Makapilis retreated to the mountains with the enemy;"
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF and that "the accused, rifle in hand, later surrendered to
Even the findings of the court recited above in quotations
are not borne out by the proof of two witnesses. No two
DECISION of the prosecution witnesses testified to a single one of
the various acts of treason imputed by them to the
appellant. Those who gave evidence that the accused
TUASON, J.: took part in raids and seizure of personal property, and
performed sentry duties and military drills, referred to
This is an appeal from a judgment of conviction for acts allegedly committed on different dates without any
treason by the People's Court sentencing the accused to two witnesses coinciding in any one specific deed. There
life imprisonment, P10,000 fine, and the costs. is only one item on which the witnesses agree: it is that
the defendant was a Makapili and was seen by them in
The information charged: Makapili uniform carrying arms. Yet, again, on this point
it cannot be said that one witness is corroborated by
"That between January and April, 1945 or thereabout, another if corroboration means that two witnesses have
during the occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese seen the accused doing at least one particular thing, be it
Imperial Forces, in the Province of Nueva Ecija and in the a routine military chore, or just walking or eating.
mountains in the Island of Luzon, Philippines, and within
the jurisdiction of this Court, the above-named accused, We take it that the mere fact of having joined a Makapili
Apolinar Adriano, who is not a foreigner, but a Filipino organization is evidence of both adherence to the enemy
citizen owing allegiance to the United States and the and giving him aid and comfort. Unless forced upon one
Commonwealth of the Philippines, in violation of said against his will, membership in the Makapili organization
allegiance, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, imports treasonable intent, considering the purposes for
criminally and treasonably adhere to the Military Forces which the organization was created, which, according to
of Japan in the Philippines, against which the Philippines the evidence, were "to accomplish the fulfillment of the
and the United States were then at war, giving the said obligations assumed by the Philippines, in the Pact of
enemy aid and comfort in the manner as follows: Alliance with the Empire of Japan;" "to shed blood and
sacrifice the lives of our people in order to eradicate
"That as a member of the Makapili, a military organization Anglo-Saxon influence in East Asia;" "to collaborate
established and designed to assist and aid militarily the unreservedly and unstintedly with the Imperial Japanese
Japanese Imperial Forces in the Philippines in the said Army and Navy in the Philippines;" and "to fight the
enemy's war efforts and operations against the United common enemies." Adherence, unlike overt acts, need
States and the Philippines, the herein accused bore arm not be proved by the oaths of two witnesses. Criminal
and joined and assisted the Japanese Military Forces and intent and knowledge may be gathered from the
the Makapili Army in armed conflicts and engagements testimony of one witness, or from the nature of the act
against the United States armed forces and the Guerrillas itself, or from the circumstances surrounding the act.
of the Philippine Commonwealth in the Municipalities of (Cramer vs. U. S., 65 Sup. Ct., 918.)
San Leonardo and Gapan, Province of Nueva Ecija, and in
the mountains of Luzon, Philippines, sometime between At the same time, being a Makapili is in itself constitutive
January and April, 1945. Contrary to Law." of an overt act. It is not necessary, except for the purpose
of increasing the punishment, that the defendant actually
The prosecution did not introduce any evidence to went to battle or committed nefarious acts against his
substantiate any of the facts alleged except that of country or countrymen. The crime of treason was
defendant's having joined the Makapili organization. committed if he placed himself at the enemy's call to fight
What the People's Court found is that the accused side by side with him when the opportune time came
participated with Japanese soldiers in certain raids and in even though an opportunity never presented itself. Such
confiscation of personal property. The court below, membership by its very nature gave the enemy aid and
however, said these acts had not been established by the comfort. The enemy derived psychological comfort in the
testimony of two witnesses, and so regarded them merely knowledge that he had on his side nationals of the
as evidence of adherence to the enemy. But the court did country with which his was at war. It furnished the enemy
find established under the two-witness rule, so we infer, aid in that his cause was advanced, his forces augmented,
"that the accused and other Makapilis had their and his courage was enhanced by the knowledge that he
headquarters in the enemy garrison at Gapan, Nueva could count on men such as the accused and his kind who
Ecija; that the accused was in Makapili military uniform; were ready to strike at their own people. The practical
that he was armed with rifle; and that he drilled with effect of it was no different from that of enlisting in the
other Makapilis under a Japanese instructor; * * * that invader's army.
during the same period, the accused in Makapili military
uniform and with a rifle, performed duties as sentry at the But membership as a Makapili, as an overt act, must be
Japanese garrison and Makapili headquarters in Gapan, established by the deposition of two witnesses. Does the
evidence in the present ease meet this statutory test? Is our treason law is a copy purposely made conviction for
the two-witness requirement fulfilled by the testimony of treason difficult, the rule "severely restrictive." This
one witness who saw the appellant in Makapili uniform provision is so exacting and so uncompromising in regard
bearing a gun one day, another witness another day, and to the amount of evidence that where two or more
so forth? witnesses give oaths to an overt act and only one of them
is believed by the court or jury, the defendant, it has been
The Philippine law on treason is of Anglo-American origin said and held, is entitled to discharge, regardless of any
and so we have to look for guidance from American moral conviction of the culprit's guilt as gauged and
sources on its meaning and scope. Judicial interpretation tested by the ordinary and natural methods, with which
has been placed on the two-witness principle by we are familiar, of finding the truth. Natural inferences,
American courts, and authoritative text writers have however strong or conclusive, flowing from the testimony
commented on it. We cull from American materials the of a most trustworthy witness or from other sources are
following excerpts which appear to carry the stamp of unavailing as a substitute for the needed corroboration in
authority. the form of direct testimony of another eye-witness to
the same overt act.
Wharton's Criminal Evidence, Vol. 3, section 1396, p.
2282, says: The United States Supreme Court saw the obstacles
placed in the path of the prosecution by a literal
"In England the original Statute of Edward, although interpretation of the rule of two witnesses but said that
requiring both witnesses to be to the same overt act, was the founders of the American government fully realized
held to mean that there might be one witness to an overt the difficulties and went ahead not merely in spite but
act and another witness to another overt act of the same because of the objections. (Cramer vs. United
species of treason; and, in one case it has been intimated States, ante.) More, the rule, it is said, attracted the
that the same construction might apply in this country. members of the Constitutional Convention "as one of the
But, as Mr. Wigmore so succinctly observes: 'The few doctrines of Evidence entitled to be guaranteed
opportunity of detecting the falsity of the testimony, by against legislative change." (Wigmore on Evidence, ante,
sequestering the two witnesses and exposing their section 2039, p. 272, citing Madison's Journal of the
variance in details, is wholly destroyed by permitting Federal Convention, Scott's ed., II, 564, 566.) Mr. Justice
them to speak to different acts.' The rule as adopted in Jackson, who delivered the majority opinion in the
this country by all the constitutional provisions, both state celebrated Cramer case, said: "It is not difficult to find
and Federal, properly requires that two witnesses shall grounds upon which to quarrel with this Constitutional
testify to the same overt act. This also is now the rule in provision. Perhaps the framers placed rather more
England." reliance on direct testimony than modern researchers in
psychology warrant. Or it may be considered that such a
More to the point is this statement from VII Wigmore on quantitative measure of proof, such a mechanical
Evidence, 3d ed., section 2038, p. 271: calibration of evidence is a crude device at best or that its
protection of innocence is too fortuitous to warrant so
"Each of the witnesses must testify to the whole of the unselective an obstacle to conviction. Certainly the
overt act; or, if it is separable, there must be two treason rule, whether wisely or not, is severely
witnesses to each part of the overt act." restrictive." It must be remembered, however, that the
Constitutional Convention was warned by James Wilson
Learned Hand, J., in United States vs. Robinson (D. C. S. D., that " 'Treason may sometimes be practiced in such a
N. Y., 259 Fed., 685), expressed the same idea: "It is manner, as to render proof extremely difficult—as in a
necessary to produce two direct witnesses to traitorous correspondence with an enemy.' The provision
the whole overt act. It may be possible to piece bits was adopted not merely in spite of the difficulties it put in
together of the overt act; but, if so, each bit must have the way of prosecution but because of them. And it was
the support of two oaths; * * *." (Copied as footnote in not by whim or by accident, but because one of the most
Wigmore on Evidence, ante.) And in the recent case of venerated of that venerated group considered that
Cramer vs. United States (65 Sup. Ct., 918), decided 'prosecutions for treason were generally virulent.' "
during the recent World War, the Federal Supreme Court
lays down this doctrine: "The very minimum function that Such is the clear meaning of the two-witness provision of
an overt act must perform in a treason prosecution is that the American Constitution. By extension, the law-makers
it show sufficient action by the accused, in its setting, to who introduced that provision into the Philippine statute
sustain a finding that the accused actually gave aid and books must be understood to have intended that the law
comfort to the enemy. Every act, movement, should operate with the same inflexibility and rigidity as
deed, and word of the defendant charged to constitute the American forefathers meant.
treason must be supported by the testimony of two
witnesses." The judgment is reversed and the appellant acquitted
with costs charged de oficio.
In the light of these decisions and opinions we have to set
aside the judgment of the trial court. To the possible Moran, C.J., Feria, Pablo, Perfecto, Bengzon, Briones,
objection that the reasoning by which we have reached Hontiveros, and Padilla, JJ., concur. Paras, J., concurs in
this conclusion savors of sophism, we have only to say the result.
that the authors of the constitutional provision of which
[ G.R. No. L-778, October 10, 1947 ] times, but I often saw him;" the witness was arrested on
March 25, 1945, by Japanese soldiers and Makapilis, with
whom the accused was; "the next morning we, the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF thirteen prisoners, were brought to the place where we
AND APPELLEE, VS. NEMESIO L. AGPANGAN, were to be executed; but luckily while we were on our
DEFENDANT AND APPELLANT. way to the barrio, the American planes came roaring, so
the guards took cover;" "they were pulling the rope that
tied us, and luckily I was able to slip away because I was
DECISION the second to the last man in the line, and the rope was
cut;" "I could not run fast because I was lame;" the rest
were executed, naming the following: "Alejandro Serrano,
PERFECTO, J.: Custodio Adaro, Emilio Javier, Peter Sardal, Elias Rodolfo,
Ignacio Cavano, Beato Optis, Napoleon
Appellant stands accused of treason, committed between Pagtakhan, Bienvenido Agapangan, and myself;" Miguel
December, 1944, and January, 1945, in the Province of Palma "was in my back to the last, so we two remained,
Laguna, on only one count alleged in the information as and Pacifico (Adopina) remained untied" because he was
follows: carrying food, and when the Japanese ran, "he escaped."
Asked to explain how he knew about the lot of those who
"That on or about December 20, 1944, the accused, a were executed, the witness said that he went home when
member of the Ganap, a subversive pro-Japanese the town was liberated, and he visited the place "because
organization, joined the Pampars, a military organization I know the place," and when he reached the spot "I
supporting the Imperial Japanese Army and designed to smelled very bad odor, and I recognized the soil which
bear arms against the army of the United States and the swelled, so I said to myself that this is the place where our
Commonwealth of the Philippines and the guerrillas in the son was buried;" "I went home and told the other parents
Philippines; that he was equipped with a 1903 Springfield of the victims" about the spot; "the next month, about
rifle, caliber 30, and was made to undergo 10 days thirty days," the witness and the other parents requested
training, consisting of military drill, manual of arms, and the municipal authorities to be allowed to exhume the
target practice; and that from or about January 12, 1945 bodies; when his son was being taken to the place of
to March 15, 1945, the said accused was assigned to execution. "I had not seen him that time;" the witness
guard duty once a week; that he was armed with a rifle based his knowledge as to appellant's being a Makapili on
with orders to shoot any of the Filipino prisoners whom Exhibit A and he saw him armed, guarding the Japanese
he was guarding who might attempt to escape and also garrison, confiscating foodstuffs for the Japanese, and
any guerrilla or American soldier who might approach the arresting guerrilla suspects in the town; Bienvenido
Japanese garrison." Agapangan, one of those who were executed by the
Japanese, "was the son" of appellant; "I cannot tell you
The lower court found him guilty and sentenced him whether he (appellant) was reporting to his officers any
to reclusion perpetua, with the accessory penalties guerrilla;" Angel Javier and Custodio Adaro were arrested
provided by law, and to pay a fine of P10,000 and the by a party of which the accused was a member, and "I
costs. know because he was with them when they were
arrested;" the witness does not know whether the
Three witnesses testified for the prosecution. accused was present during the execution "because there
was nobody present; only God had witnessed the killing
Tomas C. Serrano, 46, farmer, resident of Siniloan, Second of those persons."
Lieutenant in the Marking's guerrilla organization,
testified that in December, 1944, he saw the accused in Mauricio Adaro, 47, farmer, resident of Siniloan, testified
the Japanese garrison in Siniloan, "he was a member of that in December, 1944, he saw the accused in the
the Makapili organization;" "he was doing guard duty, Japanese garrison in Siniloan; "he was mounting guard;"
with a rifle, with a bayonet at his side;" "he was at the asked from what date to what date he saw him in the
entrance of the garrison and he made all civilians passing garrison, the witness answered that "I cannot remember
through the entrance bow to him." If they did not bow, the month in 1944 because we used to go out of Siniloan
"he dragged them by the arms and brought them to the every time;" appellant "was getting food supplies from
captain of the garrison;" he served as guard "since the civilians and giving them to the Japanese;" "the
November, 1944, when the Japanese garrison was accused and the Japanese companions of his arrested my
established in Siniloan, up to the time I was arrested on son (Custodio) in our house;" the witness was not
March 25, 1945;" he saw the accused on guard duty in the arrested, "because I was able to hide;" he saw defendant
garrison "many times;" "I often saw him confiscating mounting guard in the Japanese garrison "many times;"
foodstuffs such as rice, fruits, calabasa, and other "more than ten times;" the garrison was located "in the
vegetables, for the support of the Japanese soldiers;" " he school building."
was with arms accompanied by Japanese soldiers and
other members of the Makapili;" "I often saw him Delfin Redor, 55, mayor of Siniloan, since 1937, testified
accompanied by Japanese soldiers and that appellant "has been my barrio lieutenant;" he
other Makapili members, arresting suspected guerrillas belongs to Pampar Makapili and Pampar and Makapili, "I
and sometimes they were patrolling or camping in the believe are the same;" from December, 1944, to March,
hideouts of the guerrilla forces, I cannot tell how many 1945, the witness saw the accused "in
the Makapili garrison, in the Siniloan plaza;" "I believe approach the Japanese garrison." In connection with
that he was a member of the Makapili;" "Sometimes he these two allegation, the only thing that the prosecution
was detailed as guard in front of the garrison with arms attempted to prove is that appellant did guard duty and
and ammunitions—bayonet;" he saw him as such "many was armed with a rifle. But the attempt does not meet the
times;" the witness was not a mayor during the Japanese test under the two-witness rule.
occupation because "in 1944, March, I escaped because,
you know, I was wanted by the Japanese because I was The first two witnesses for the prosecution testified that
also a guerrilla; before that, "I was a mayor of the town;" they had seen the accused doing guard duty in the
"during December, 1944, up to March, because, you Japanese garrison in Siniloan "many times," more than
know, I left the office, I was still in the town of Siniloan "ten times," but neither of them has mentioned any
collecting some supplies for the guerrillas;" after specific time, day and hour. They were able to mention
abandoning the office of mayor, the witness "remained only years and months. There is no way of concluding that
living in the poblacion of Siniloan;" he "never stopped the two witnesses testified about the same overt act. The
living in the poblacion;" "I had three times seen the "many times" or more than "ten times" mentioned by
accused accompanied by the Japanese in raiding outside them may refer either to two different sets of moments,
the poblacion;" the accused commandeered foodstuffs not one instant of one set coinciding with any one of the
"and took them to the garrison for food;" "the Japanese other, or to only one and identical set of instances or,
garrison was in the Intermediate Building and although referring to two sets, some of the instances are
the Makapili garrison is in Baybay Academy, about one the same in both. As there is no basis on record upon
kilometer distant;" the witness saw the accused "in which we may determine which, among the two
Makapili garrison;" the witness was a captain of the alternatives, is the correct one, the doubt must be
guerrillas and was arrested by the Japanese four times, decided by taking the first alternative, the one compatible
and in those occasions he did not see the accused in the with the presumption of innocence stated in the
garrison; the witness does not know of anybody who had fundamental law. The case for the prosecution is further
been pointed out by the accused to the Japanese and was weakened by the fact that its first two witnesses are
arrested by the same. contradicted by the third, who testified that appellant did
guard duty "many times," more than "ten times," in
The Constitution provides that "in all criminal the Makapili garrison, located in the Baybay Academy,
prosecutions the accused shall be presumed to be one kilometer from the Intermediate School building,
innocent until the contrary is proved." (Article II, section where the Japanese garrison was located.
1 [17].) To overcome this constitutional presumption, the
guilt of the accused must be proved beyond all To meet the test under the two-witness rule, it is
reasonable doubt. The evidence presented by the necessary that, at least, two witnesses should testify as to
prosecution in this case does not offer that degree of the perpetration of the same treasonous overt act, and
proof. None of the several overt acts alleged in the the sameness must include not only identity of kind and
information has been proved in accordance with the two- nature of the act, but as to the precise one which has
witness rule provided in article 114 of the Revised Penal actually been perpetrated. The treasonous overt act of
Code. doing guard duty in the Japanese garrison on one specific
date cannot be identified with the doing of guard duty in
It is imputed to appellant, in the first place, that he is a the same garrison in a different date. Both overt acts,
member of the Ganap, "a subversive pro-Japanese although of the same nature and character, are two
organization," and "joined the Pampar, a military distinct and inconfusable acts, independent of each
organization supporting the Imperial Japanese Army and other, and either one, to serve as a ground for conviction
designed to bear arms against the Army of the United of an accused for treason, must be proved by two
States and the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the witnesses. That one witness should testify as to one, and
guerrillas in the Philippines." No witness has testified that another as to the other, is not enough. Any number of
appellant is a member of the Ganap. Only one witness, witnesses may testify against an accused for treason as to
Redor, testified that appellant belonged to Pampar, but a long line of successive treasonous overt acts; but
he did not testify as to its nature. notwithstanding the seriousness of the acts nor their
number, not until two witnesses, at least, shall have
The next allegation of the information is that appellant testified as to the perpetration of a single but the same
"was equipped with a 1903 Springfield rifle, caliber 30, and precise overt act, can conviction be entertained.
and was made to undergo ten days training, consisting of
military drill, manual of arms, and target In justice to appellant, we feel it necessary to state that
practice." No evidence has been presented in support of our decision to acquit him is not only based on the
this allegation. reasonable doubt we entertain as to his guilt, because the
prosecution has not satisfied the requirements of the
The third allegation against appellant is that "from or two-witness rule, but because we are rather inclined to
about January 12, 1945, to March 15, 1945, the said believe his testimony to the effect that a guerrilla
accused was assigned to guard duty once a week." The member, Vicente Auxilio, was caught by the Japanese in
fourth and the last allegation is that "he was armed with appellant's house, tortured and, finally, killed. For said
a rifle with orders to shoot any of the Filipino prisoners reason, appellant was called by the Japanese,
whom he was guarding who might attempt to escape and investigated, and then told to do some work in the
also any guerrilla or American soldier who might garrison, otherwise he would have the same fate that
befell Vicente Auxilio. "To save my life, I accepted the
order and worked there," he testified, adding: "The
Japanese, not being contented with my work, they got my
carabao and on March, 1945, they got my son, who was
tortured and killed."

This son is the same Bienvenido Agpangan who, according

to the first witness for the prosecution, was executed by
the Japanese with several other victims. We do not
believe that appellant could have adhered to the
Japanese, the same who tortured and killed his own son.
We do not believe that, in the absence of proof, he can
be such a monster.

The decision of the People's Court is reversed and

appellant is acquitted. He shall be released from the
custody of the agents of the law upon the promulgation
of this decision.

Moran, C.J., Pablo, Hilado, Bengzon, Briones,

Padilla, and Tuason, JJ., concur.
The court found "no concrete evidence as to defendant's
[ G.R. No. L-1006, June 28, 1949 ] membership in the U.N. or Makapili organization nor on
what the patrols he accompanied actually did once they
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF were out of town", and so was "constrained to rule that
AND APPELLEE, VS. FILEMON ESCLETO, the evidence of the prosecution fails to establish, in
DEFENDANT AND APPELLANT. connection with counts 1 and 2, any true overt act of
treason." We may add that no two witnesses eoinfefcded
in any specific acts of the defendant. The People's Court
DECISION believed, however, "that the same evidence is sufficient
to prove beyond question defendant's adherence to the
As to the 3rd count, the opinion of the People's Court was
The appellant, Filemon Escleto, was charged in the former that it had been fully substantiated.
People's Court with treason on three counts, namely:
The record shows that on or about March 11, 1944,
"1. That during the period of Japanese military occupation Japanese patrol composed of seventeen men and one
of the Philippines, in the municipality of Lopez, Province officer was ambushed and totally liquidated by guerrillas
of Tayabas, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this in barrio Bibito, Lopez, province of Tayabas, now Quezon.
Honorable Court, the above named accused, Filemon As a result, some of the inhabitants of Bibito and
Escleto, with intent to give aid or comfort to the Imperial neighboring barrios, numbering several hundred, were
Japanese Forces in the Philippines, then enemies of the arrested and others were ordered to report at
United States and of the Commonwealth of the the poblacion. Among the latter were Antonio Conducto,
Philippines, did wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and a guerrilla and former USAFFE, Conducto's wife, parents
treasonably collaborate, associate and fraternize with the and other relatives.
said Imperial Japanese Forces, going out with them in
patrols in search of guerrillas and guerrilla hideouts, and Sinforosa Mortero, 40 years old, testified that on March
of persons aiding or in sympathy with the resistance 18, 1944, at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in
movement in the Philippines; bearing arms against the obedience to the Japanese order, she and the rest of her
American and guerrilla forces in the furtherance of the family went to the town from barrio Danlagan. Still in
war efforts of the Imperial Japanese Forces against the Danlagan, in fromt of Filemon Escleto's house, Escleto
United States and the Commonwealth of the Philippines, told them to stop and took down their names. With her
and mounting guard and performing guard duty for the were her daughter-in-law, Patricia Araya, her son Antonio
Imperial Japanese Forces in their garrison in the Conducto, and three grandchildren. After writing their
municipality of Lopez, Province of Tayabas, Philippines. names, Escleto conducted them to the PC garrison in
the poblacion where they were questioned by someone
"2. That during the period of Japanese military occupation whose name she did not know. This man asked her if she
of the Philippines, in the municipality of Lopez, Province heard gunshots and she said yes but did not know where
of Tayabas, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this it was. The next day they were allowed to go along with
Honorable Court, the above named accused, Filemon many others, but Antonio Conducto was not released.
Escleto, with intent to give aid or comfort to the Imperial Since then she had not seen her son. On cross-
Japanese Forces in the Philippines, then enemies of the examination she said that when Escleto took down their
United States and of the Commonwealth of the names Antonio Conducto asked the accused if anything
Philippines, did wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and would happen to him and his family, and Escleto
treasonably accompany, join, and go out on patrols with answered, "Nothing will happen to you because I am
Japanese soldiers in and aro und the municipality of going to accompany you in going to town."
Lopez, Province of Tayabas, in search of guerrillas and
guerrilla hideouts, and of persons aiding or in sympathy Patricia Araya declared that before reaching the town,
with the resistance movement in the Philippines. Filemon Escleto stopped her, her mother-in-law, her
husband, her three children, her brother-in-law and the
"3. That on or about the 18th day of March, 1944, in the latter's wife and took down their names; that after taking
municipality of Lopez, Province of Tayabas, Philippines, down their names Escleto and a Philippine Constabulary
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the soldier took them to the PC garrison; that her husband
above-named accused, Filemon Escleto, with intent to asked Escleto what would happen to him and his family,
give aid or comfort to the Imperial Japanese Forces in the and Escleto said "nothing" and assured Conducto that he
Philippines, then enemies of the United States and of the and his family would soon be allowed to go home; that
Commonwealth of the Philippines, did wilfully, unlawfully, Escleto presented them to a PC and she heard him tell the
feloniously and treasonably arrest and/or cause to be latter, "This is Antonio Conducto who has firearm;" that
arrested one Antonio Conducto as a guerrilla and did turn afterward they were sent upstairs and she did not know
him over and deliver to the Japanese military authorities what happened to her husband.
in their garrison, since which time, that is, since the said
18th day of March, 1944, nothing has been heard from The foregoing evidence fails to support the lower court's
the said Antonio Conducto and is considered by his family findings. It will readily be seen from a cursory examination
to have been killed by the Japanese military authorities." thereof that the only point on which the two witnesses,
Patricia Araya and Sinforosa Mortero, agree is that the "Each of the witnesses must testify to the whole overt act;
accused took down the names of Conducto and of the or if it is separable, there must be two witnesses to each
witnesses, among others, and came along with them to part of the overt act." (VII Wigmore on Evidence, 3rd ed.,
the town. Granting the veracity of this statement, it does Sec. 2038, p. 271.)
not warrant the inference that the defendant betrayed
Conducto or had the intention of doing so. What he "It is necessary to produce two direct witnesses to
allegedly did was compatible with the hypothesis that, the whole, overt act. It may be passible to piece bits
being lieutenant of his barrio, he thought it convenient as together of the same overt act; but, if so, each bit must
part of his duty to make a list of the people under his have the support of two oaths; * * *." (Opinion of Judge
jurisdiction who heeded the Japanese order. Learned Hand quoted as footnote in Wigmore on
Evidence, ante.)
It was not necessary for the defendant to write
Conducto's name in order to report on him. The two men "The very minimum function that an overt act must
appeared to be from the same barrio, Escleto knew perform in a treason prosecution is that it show sufficient
Conducto intimately, and the latter was on his way to action by the accused, in its setting, to sustain a finding
town to present himself. If the accused had a treasonable that the accused actually gave aid and comfort to the
intent against Conducto, he could have furnished his enemy. Every action, movement, deed, and word of the
name and identity to the enemy by word of mouth. This defendant charged to constitute treason must be
step would have the added advantage of concealing the supported by the testimony of two witnesses." (Cramer
defendant's traitorous action from his townmates and of vs. U. S. of A., 65 S. Ct. 918; 89 Law. ed., 1441.)
not appraising Conducto of what was in store for him,
knowledge of which might impel Conducto to escape. "It is not difficult to find grounds upon which to quarrel
with this Constitutional provision. Perhaps the framers
That the list was not used for the purpose assumed by the placed rather more reliance on direct testimony
prosecution is best demonstrated by the fact that it than:modern researches in psychology warrant. Or it may
included, according to witnesses, Conducto's wife and be, considered that such a quantitative measure of proof,
parerits and many others who were discharged the next such a mechanical calibration of evidence is a crude
day. The fact that, according to the evidence for the device at best that its protection of innocence is too
prosecution, spies wearing masks were utilized in the fortuitous to warrant so unselective an obstacle to
screening of guerrillas adds to the doubt that the conviction. Certainly, the treason rule, whether wisely or
defendant had a hand in Conducto's misfortune. not, is severely restrictive. It must be remembered,
however, that the Constitutional Convention was warned
In short, Escleto's making note of persons who went to by James Wilson that Treason may sometimes be
the poblacion as evidence of overt act is weak, vague and practiced in such a manner, as to render proof extremely
uncertain. difficult—as in a traitorous correspondence with an
Enemy. 'The provision was adopted not merely in spite of
The only evidence against the appellant that might be the difficulties it put in the way of prosecution but
considered direct and damaging is Patricia Araya's because of them. And it was not by whim or by accident,
testimony that Escleto told a Philippine Constabulary but because one of the most venerated of that venerated
soldier, "This is Antonio Conducto who has firearm." But group considered that 'prosecutions for treason were
the prosecution did not elaborate on this testimony, nor generally virulent.' "(Cramer vs. U. S. of A., supra.)
was any other witness made to corroborate it although
Patricia Araya was with her husband, parents and The decision of the People's Court will be and the same is
relatives who would have heard the statement if the reversed with costs de oficio.
defendant had uttered it.
Moran, C. J., Ozaeta, Paras, Feria, Bengzon,
Leaving aside the question of Patricia's veracity, the Montemayor, and Reyes, JJ., concur.
failure to corroborate her testimony just mentioned
makes it ineffective and unavailing as proof of an overt act MORAN, C. J.:
of treason. In a juridical sense, this testimony is
inoperative as a corroboration of the defendant's taking Mr. Justice Pablo voted to reverse.
down of the name of Conducto and others, or vice-versa.
It has been seen that the testimony was not shown to
have been made for a treasonable purpose nor did it
necessarily have that implication. This process of
evaluating evidence might sound like a play of words but,
as we have said in People vs. Adriano, (44 Off. Gaz.,
4300[1]) the authors of the two-witness provision in the
American Constitution, from which the Philippine treason
law was taken, purposely made it "severely restrictive"
and conviction for treason difficult. In that case we
adverted to the following authorities, among others:
organized in honor of Colonel Mini by the Puppet
[ G.R. No. L-856, April 18, 1949 ] Governor, Agapito Hontañosas in order that said
Japanese Colonel might select those girls who would
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF latter be taken to satisfy his carnal appetite and that by
AND APPELLEE, VS. SUSANO PEREZ (ALIAS KID means of threat, force and intimidation, the above
PEREZ), DEFENDANT AND APPELLANT. mentioned two sisters were brought to the headquarters
of the Japanese Commander at the Mission Hospital in
Tagbilaran where Eriberta Ramo was forced to live a life
DECISION of shame. All these facts alleged in count No. 2 were
testified to by said witnesses Eriberta Ramo and her
mother Mercedes de Ramo. It is not necessary here to
TUASON, J.: recite once more their testimony in support of the
allegations in count No. 2; this Court is fully convinced
Susano Perez alias Kid Perez was convicted of treason by that the allegations in said count No. 2 were fully
the 5th Division of the People's Court sitting in Cebu City substantiated by the evidence adduced.
and sentenced, to death by electrocution.
"As regards count No. 4—
Seven counts were alleged in the information but the
prosecution offered evidence only on counts 1, 2, 4, 5 and "Count No. 4 substantially alleges that on July 16, 1942,
6, all of which, according to the court, were substantiated. the two girls named Eduarda S. Daohog and Eutiquia
In a unanimous decision, the trial court found as follows: Lamay, were taken from their homes in Corella, Bohol, by
the accused and his companion named Vicente Bullecer,
"As regards count No. 1— and delivered to the Japanese Officer, Dr. Takibayas to
satisfy his carnal appetite, but these two, the accused
"Count No. 1 alleges that the accused, together with the Susano Perez and his companion Vicente Bullecer, before
other filipinos, recruited, apprehended and delivering them to said Japanese Officer, satisfied first
commandeered numerous girls and women against their their lust; the accused Susano Perez raping Eduardo S.
will for the purpose of using them, as in fact they were Daohog, and his companion, Vicente Bullecer, the other
used, to satisfy the immoral purpose and sexual desire of girl Eutiquia Lamay. Eduarda S. Daohog, testifying, said:
Colonel Mini, and among such unfortunate victims, were that while on the way to Tagbilaran, the accused through
Felina Laput, Eriberta Ramo alias Miami Ramo, Eduarda force and intimidation, raped her in an uninhabited
Daohog, Eutiquia Lamay, Feliciana Bonalos and Flaviana house; that she resisted with all her force against the
Bonalos. desire of the accused, but of no avail; that upon arriving
in Tagbilaran, she was delivered to the Japanese Officer
"It would be unnecessary to recite here the testimonies named Takibayas who also raped her. Eutiquia Lamay
of all the victims of the accused; it is sufficient to testified that on July 16, 1942, the accused and his
reproduce here succinctly the testimony of Eriberta companion, Bullecer, went to her house! to take her and
Ramo. She testified that on June 15, 1942, the accused her sister; that her sister was then out of the house; that
came to her house to get her and told her that she was the accused threatened her with a revolver if she refuses
wanted in the house of her aunt, but instead, she was to go; that she was placed in a car where Eduarda Daohog
brought to the house of the Puppet Governor Agapito was; that while they were in the car, the accused carried
Hontañosas; that she escaped and returned to Baclayon Eduarda out of the car, and their companion Bullecer took
her hometown; that the accused came again and told her the other witness (Eutiquia Lamay); that when the
that Colonel Mini wanted her to be his Information Clerk; accused and Eduarda returned to the car, the latter,
that she did not accept the job; that a week later, the Eduarda, covered her face, crying; that later, she and
accused came to Baclayon to get her, and succeeded in Eduarda were taken to the Governor's house; that on
taking some other girls to Puppet Governor Agapito arriving and in the presence of the Puppet Governor
Hontañosas; that Governor Hontañosas told her that Hontañosas, the Governor exclaimed: "I did not call for
Colonel Mini wanted her to be his wife; that when she was these girls"; but the accused replied sayings "These girls
brought to Colonel Mini the flatter had nothing on but a talked bad against the Japs, and that is why we arrested,
"G" string; that he, Colonel Mini threatened her with a them"; that the said Governor Hontañosas then, saids
sword, tied her to a bed and with force succeeded in "Take them to the Japs"; that the accused and Bullecer
having carnal knowledge with her; that on the following brought the two girls to the Japanese headquarters; that
night, again she was brought to Colonel Mini and again Eduarda Was taken to one room by the Japanese Captain
she was raped; that finally she was able to escape and called Dr. Takibayas, and she (Eutiquia Lamay) was taken
stayed in hiding for three weeks and only came out from to another room by another Japanese, living in that
the hiding when Colonel Mini left Tagbilaran. house; that she was raped by that Jap while in the room;
that she resisted all she could, but of no avail.
"As regards count No. 2—
"In the light of the testimonies of these two witnesses,
"Count No. 2 of the information substantially alleges: That Eduarda S. Daohog and Eutiquia Lamay, all the allegations
the accused in company with some Japs and Filipinos took in Count No. 4 were fully proven beyond reasonable
Eriberta Ramo and her sister Cleopatra Ramo from their doubt.
home in Baclayon to attend a banquet and a dance
"As regards count No. 5— "The information given by Feliciana to her mother is
admitted in evidence as a part of the res
"Count No. 5 alleges: That on or about June 4, 1942, the gestae regardless of the time that had elapsed between
said adcused commandeered Feliciana Bonalos and her the occurrence and the time of the information. In the
sister Flaviana Bonalos on the pretext that they were to manner these two witnesses testified in Court, there
be taken as witnesses before a Japanese Colonel in the could be no doubt that they were telling the absolute
investigation of a case against a certain Chinese (Insik truth. It is hard to conceive that these girls would assume
Eping), and upon arriving at Tagbilaran, Bohol, the and admit the ignominy they have gone through if they
accused brought the aforesaid two girls to the residence we're not true. The Court is fully convinced that all the
of Colonel Mini, Commander of the Japanese Armed allegations contained in Count No. 5 have been iproven
Forces in Bohol and by means of violences threat and by the testimonies of these two witnesses beyond
intimidation, said Japanese Colonel abused and had reasonable doubt.
sexual intercourse with Flaviana "Bonalos; that the
accused subsequently brought Flaviana Bonalos to a small "As regards count No. 6—
house near the headquarters of Colonel Mini and through
violence, threat and intimidation, succeeded in having "Count No. 6, alleges: That the accused, together with his
carnal knowledge with her against her will; that about two Filipino companions, apprehended Natividad Barcinas,
days, later, upon the pretext of conducting the Nicanora Ralameda and Teotima Barcinas, nurses of the
unfortunate girls to their horns, the said accused brought Provincial Hospital, for not having attended a dance and
the other girl Feliciana Bonalos to a secluded place in reception organized by the Puppet Governor in honor of
Tagbilaran, Bohol, and in the darkness, by means of threat Colonel Mini and other Japs High ranking officers, which
and violence had carnal knowledge with her against her was held in Tagbilaran market on June 25, 1942; that
will. upon being brought before the Puppet Governor, they
were severely reprimanded by the latter; that on July 8,
"Feliciana Bonalos testifying in this count, declared that 1942, again said nurses were forced to attend another
the accused came to get her on the pretext that she was banquet and dance in order that the Jap officers Mini and
to be used as witness in a case affecting certain Chinaman Takibayas might make a selection which girl would suit
before Colonel Mini; that she and her younger sister best their fancy; that the real purpose behind those
Flaviana were brought in a car driven by the accused; that forcible invitations was to lure them to the residence of
they were brought to the house of Colonel Mini; that her said Japanese Officer Mini for immoral purposes.
sister Flaviana was conducted into a room and after
remaining in the same for about an hour, she came out "Natividad Barcinas, a Lieutenant of the P. A., testified at
with her hair and her dress in disorder; that Flaviana told length. She declared: That on June 29, 1942, she and
her immediately that she was raped against her will by companion nurses, saw the accused coming to the
Colonel Mini; that she (Feliciana), after leaving the hospital with a revolver and took them on a car to the
residence of said Japs officer, was taken by Perez to an Office of the Puppet Governor where they were severely
uninhabited house and there by threat and intimidation reprimanded by the latter for not attending the dance
the accused succeeded in raping her; that when she held on June 25, 1942; that the real purpose in compelling
returned to her (the witness), Flaviana was crying; that them to attend said dances and receptions was to select
the following day while conducting the two girls back to from among them the best girl that would suit the fancy
their hometown, she (Feliciana) was also raped by the of Colonel Mini for immoral purposes; that she and her
accused in an uninhabited house, against her will. companions were always afraid of the accused Perez
whenever he came to said Hospital; that on one occasion,
"Victoriana Arayan (mother of Feliciana and Flaviana one of the nurses on perceiving the approach of the
Bonalos) testified as follows: That on June 15, 1942, the accused, ran up into her room, laid down on her bed and
accused came and told her that the Japs needed her simulated to be sick; that said accused not satisfied, went
daughters to be witnesses; that accordingly, her up into the room of that particular nurse and pulled out
daughters, under that understanding, started for the blanket which covered her and telling her that it was
Tagbilaran; that later, she went to Tagbilaran to look for only her pretext that she was sick.
her daughters and she found them in the office of the
Puppet Governor; that on seeing her, both daughters "The testimony of Lt. Natividad Barcinas is fully
wept and told her that they were turned, over to the Japs corroborated by that of Nicanora Ralameda. Said
and raped them; that her daughter Flaviana told her (the testimony need not be reproduced here."
witness) that after the Japs had raped her the accused
also raped her (Flaviana) in an uninhabited house; that In a carefully written brief for the appellant, these findings
the accused did not permit her two daughters to return are not questioned, but it is contended that the deeds
home on the pretext that the Puppet Governor was then committed by the accused do not constitute treason. The
absent and in the mean while they stayed in the house of Solicitor General submits the opposite view, and argues
the accused Perez; that when her daughters returned to that "to maintain and preserve the morale of the soldiers
her house ultimately, they related to her (mother) what has always been, and will always be, a fundamental
happened; that both daughters told her they would have concern of army authorities, for the efficiency of an army
referred death rather than to have gone to Tagbilaran; rests not only on its physical attributes but also, mainly,
that Feliciana told her (the mother) that the accused had on the morale of its soldiers" (citing the annual report of
raped her.
the Chief of Staff, United States Army, for the fiscal year But the accused may be punished for the rape of Eriberta
ending June 30, 1933). Ramo, Eduarda Daohog, Eutiquia Lamay and Flaviana
Bonalos as principal by direct participation. Without his
If furnishing women for immoral purposes to the enemies cooperation in the manner above stated, these rapes
was treason because women's company kept up their could not have been committed.
morale, so fraternizing with them, entertaining them at
parties, selling them food and drinks, and kindred acts, Conviction of the accused of rapes instead of treason
would be treason. For any act of hospitality without doubt finds express sanction in section 2 of Commonwealth
produces the same general result. Yet by common Act No. 682, which says:
agreement those and similar manifestations of sympathy
and attachment are not the kind of disloyalty that are "Provided further, That where, in its opinion, the evidence
punished as treason. is not sufficient to support the offense (treason) charged,
the People's Court, may, nevertheless, convict and
In a broad sense, the law of treason, does not proscribe sentence the accused for any crime includes in the acts
all kinds of social, business and political intercourse alleged in the information and established by the
between the belligerent occupants of the invaded evidence."
country and its inhabitants. In the nature of things, the
occupation of a country by the enemy is bound to create All the above mentioned rapes are alleged in the
relations of all sorts between the invaders and the information and substantiated by the evidence.
natives. What aid and comfort constitute treason must
depend upon their nature; degree and purpose. To draw Counsel assails the constitutionality of this provision as
a line between treasonable and unreasonable assistance violative of section 1, Paragraph 17, Article III of the
is not always easy. The scope of adherence to the enemy Constitution, which guarantees to an accused the right
is comprehensive, its requirement indeterminate, as was "to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation
said in Cramer vs. U. S., 89 Law. ed., 1441. against him." The contention is not well taken. The
provision in question requires that the private crimes of
As a general rule, to be treasonous the extent of the aid which an accused of treason may be convicted must be
and comfort given to the enemies must be to render averred in the information and sustained by evidence. In
assistance to them as enemies and not merely as the light of this enactment, the defendant was warned of
individuals, and, in addition, be directly in furtherance of the hazard that he might be found guilty of rapes if he was
the enemies' hostile designs. To make a simple innocent of treason and thus afforded an opportunity to
distinction: To lend or give money to an enemy as a friend prepare and meet them. There is no element of surprise
or out of charity to the beneficiary so that he may buy or anomaly involved. In fact, under the general law of
personal necessities is to assist him as an individual and is criminal procedure, conviction for a crime different from
not technically traitorious. On the other hand, to lend or that designated in the complaint or information is allowed
give him money to enable him to buy arms or ammunition and practised, provided only that such crime "is included
to use in waging war against the giver's country enhances or described in the body of the information, and is
his strength and by the same count injures the interest of afterwards justified by the proof presented during the
the government of the giver. That is treason. (See U. S. vs. trial." (People vs. Perez, 45 Phil., 599.)
Fricke, 259 F., 673; 63 C. J., 816, 817.)
The defendant personally assaulted and abused two of
Applying these principles to the case at bar, appellant's the offended girls but these assaults are not charged
first assignment of error is correct. His "commandeering" against him and should be ruled, out. The crime of
of women to satisfy the lust of Japanese officers or men coercion alleged and found on count No. 6 need not be
or to enliven the entertainments held in their honor was noticed in view of the severity of the penalty for the other
not treason even though the women and the crimes which he must suffer.
entertainments helped to make life more pleasant for the
enemies and boost their spirit; he was not guilty any more We find the defendant guilty of four separate crimes of
than the women themselves would have been if they rape and sentence him for each of them to an
voluntarily and willingly had surrendered their bodies or indeterminate penalty of from 10 years of prision
organised the entertainments. Sexual and social relations mayor to 17 years and 4 months of reclusion temporal,
with the Japanese did not directly and materially tend to with the accessories of law, to indemnify each of the
improve their war efforts or to weaken the power of the offended women in the sum of P3,000, and to pay the
United States. The acts herein charged were not, by fair costs; it being understood that the total duration of these
implication, calculated to strenghten the Japanese penalties shall not exceed forty years.
Empire or its army or to cripple the defense and
resistance of the other side. Whatever favorable effect Moran, C. J., Feria, Perfecto, Bengzon, Briones, and Reyes,
the defendant's collaboration with the Japanese might JJ., concur.
have in their prosecution of the war was trivial,
imperceptible, and unintentional. Intent of disloyalty is a
vital ingredient in the crime of treason, which, in the
absence of admission, may be gathered from the nature
and circumstances of each particular case.
Appellant would also have killed the small children
[ G.R. No. L-322, July 28, 1947 ] including Clarita Perez and Maria Paulino if he had been
allowed to have his way. For when all but the small ones
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF had been butchered, he proposed to kill them too, but the
AND APPELLEE, VS. PEDRO MANAYAO ET AL., Japanese soldiers interceded, saying that the children
DEFENDANTS. PEDRO MANAYAO, APPELLANT. knew nothing of the matter (pp. 15, 49, 51, 66, 67, t. s.
n.). Appellant insisted in his proposal, arguing that the
children would be wives of guerrillas later when they grew
DECISION up, but the Japanese decided to spare them (p. 22, t. s.

HILADO, J.: The foregoing facts have been clearly established by the
testimony of eye-witnesses—Clarita Paulino, Maria Perez,
Appellant Pedro Manayao and Filomeno Flores and and Policarpio Tigas—to the ruthless massacre of
Raymundo Flores were charged with the high crime of Banaban. There is a complete absence of evidence
treason with multiple murder in the People's Court. The tending to show motive on the part of these witnesses for
Floreses not having been apprehended, only Manayao falsely testifying against appellant—such a motive is not
was tried. Convicted of the offense charged against him even insinuated by the defendant. Indeed, appellant's
with the aggravating circumstances of (1) the aid of counsel frankly states (p. 3, brief) that he "does not
armed men and (2) the employment or presence of a dispute the findings of fact of the People's Court."
band in the commission of the crime, he was sentenced Speaking of the testimony of Clarita and Maria, both aged
to death, to pay a fine of P20,000, an indemnity of P2,000 ten years, the People's Court, who heard, observed and
to the heirs of each of the persons named in the third saw them testify, had the following to say:
paragraph of the decision, and the costs. He has appealed
from that decision to this Court. "The testimony of the last two in particular is entitled to
very great weight. They are simple barrio girls, only ten
On or about the 27th of January, 1945, the guerrillas years old, whose minds have not yet been tainted by
raided the Japanese in sitio Pulong Tindahan, municipality feelings of hatred or revenge or by any desire to be
of Angat, Province of Bulacan. In reprisal, Japanese spectacular or to exaggerate. They were straight-forward
soldiers and a number of Filipinos affiliated with and frank in their testimony and did not show any
the Makapili, among them the instant appellant, intention to appeal to the sentiments of the court. They
conceived the diabolical idea of killing the residents of could nut have been mistaken as to the presence and
barrio Banaban of the same municipality (Exhibits A, C, identity of the accused for they know him so well that
and C-1). Pursuant to this plan, said Japanese soldiers and they referred to him by his pet name of 'Indong Pintor' or
their Filipino companions, armed with rifles and bayonets, Pedro, the painter. They could not have erred in the
gathered the residents of Banaban behind the barrio narration of the salient phases of the tragic events of
chapel on January 29, 1945. Numbering about sixty or January 29, 1945, in Banaban, for they were forced eye-
seventy, the residents thus assembled included men, witnesses to and were involved in the whole tragedy, the
women and children—mostly women (Exhibits A, C, and burning of the houses and the massacre committed by
C-1; pp. 3-16, 29, 30, 65, 102, t. s. n.). the accused and his Japanese masters took place in broad
daylight and were not consummated in a fleeting moment
The children were placed in a separate group from the but during a time sufficient for even girls of tender age to
men and women—the prosecution star witnesses, Maria retain a trustworthy mental picture of the unusual event
Paulino and Clarita Perez, were among the children (pp. they could not help but witness."
3, 40, t. s. n.). Presently, the Japanese and their Filipino
comrades set the surrounding houses on fire (pp. 14, 48, Not only this, but the testimony of Clarita Perez and Maria
70, 71, 103, t. s. n.), and proceeded to butcher all the Paulino is so clear, positive and convincing that it would
persons assembled, excepting the small children, thus be sufficient for conviction without any further
killing, among others, those known by the following corroboration. Yet, there is ample corroborative proof.
names: Patricia, Dodi, Banda, Tana, Uyang, Mina, Marta, Thus, Tomas M. Pablo declared that he had seen the
Sana, Eufemia, Doroteo, Andres, Perly, Tisiang, Urado, corpses of the massacred residents of Banaban shortly
Pisan, Dorang, Felisa, and Eulalia (pp. 8, 10, 13, 14, 31, 32, after the happening of the heinous crime (p. 136, t. s. n.).
47, 48, 61, 62, 63, t. s. n.). And appellant himself admitted his participation in the
massacre in two sworn statements—one made on August
Appellant alone killed about six women, two of whom 28, 1945, before Lt. Jesus Cacahit, Detachment
were Patricia and Dodi whom he bayoneted to death in Commander of the Angat 23d MP Command (Exhibit A;
the presence of their daughters, Maria Paulino and Clarita pp. 75-77, t. s. n.) and another made on September 5,
Perez, respectively (pp. 8, 10, 13, 31, 32, 35, 47, 48, t. s. 1945 before Feliciano F. Torres, Assistant Provincial Fiscal
n.). Patricia and Dodi pleaded with appellant for mercy, of Bulacan (Exhibits C, C-1; pp. 150-159, t. s. n.).
he being their relative, but he gave the callous answer
that no mercy would be given them because they were In No. 1 of his assignment of errors, appellant's counsel
wives of guerrillas (pp. 10, 42, 43, 49, t. s. n.). contends that appellant was a member of the Armed
Forces of Japan, was subject to military law, and not
subject to the jurisdiction of the People's Court; and
in No. 2 he advances the theory that appellant had lost his Navy or Air Corps—nor even that he was a member of
Philippine citizenship and was therefore not amenable to said Army, Navy, or Air Corps.
the Philippine law of treason. We cannot uphold either
contention. We are of the considered opinion that Further, appellant's contention is repugnant to the most
the Makapili, although organized to render military aid to fundamental and elementary principles governing the
the Japanese Army in the Philippines during the late war, duties of a citizen toward his country under our
was not a part of said army. It was an organization of Constitution. Article II, section 2, of said Constitution
Filipino traitors, pure and simple. As to loss of Philippine ordains:
citizenship by appellant, counsel's theory is absolutely
untenable. He invokes in its support paragraphs 3, 4, and "SEC. 2. The defense of the State is a prime duty of
6 of section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 63, providing: government, and in the fulfillment of this duty all citizens
may be required by law to render personal, military or
"* * * A Filipino citizen may lose his citizenship in any of civil service." (Italics supplied.)
the following ways and/or events:
This constitutional provision covers both time of peace
* * * * * * * and time of war, but it is brought more immediately and
peremptorily into play when the country is involved in
"(3) By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the war. During such a period of stress, under a constitution
constituton or laws of a foreign country upon attaining enshrining such tenets, the citizen cannot be considered
twenty-one years of age or more; free to cast off his loyalty and obligations toward the
Fatherland. And it cannot be supposed, without reflecting
"(4) By accepting commission in the military, naval or air on the patriotism and intelligence of the Legislature, that
service of a foreign country; in promulgating Commonwealth Act No. 63, under the
aegis of our Constitution, it intended (but did not declare)
* * * * * * * that the duties of the citizen solemnly proclaimed in the
above-quoted constitutional precept could be effectively
"(6) By having been declared, by competent authority, a cast off by him even when his country is at war, by the
deserter of the Philippine Army, Navy, or Air Corps in time simple expedient of subscribing to an oath of allegiance
of war, unless subsequently a plenary pardon or amnesty to support the constitution or laws of a foreign country,
has been granted." and an enemy country at that, or by accepting a
commission in the military, naval or air service of such
There is no evidence that appellant has subscribed to an country, or by deserting from the Philippine Army, Navy,
oath of allegiance to support the constitution or laws of or Air Corps.
Japan. His counsel cites (Brief, 4) the fact that in Exhibit A
"he subscribed an oath before he was admitted into the It would shock the conscience of any enlightened citizenry
Makapili association, 'the aim of which was to help Japan to say that this appellant, by the very fact of committing
in its fight against the Americans and her allies.'" And the treasonous acts charged against him, the doing of
counsel contends from this that the oath was in fact one which under the circumstances of record he does not
of allegiance to support the constitution and Jaws of deny, divested himself of his Philippine citizenship and
Japan. We cannot uphold such a far-fetched deduction. thereby placed himself beyond the arm of our treason
The members of the Makapili could have sworn to help law. For if this were so, his very crime would be the shield
Japan in the war without necessarily swearing to support that would protect him from punishment.
her constitution and laws. The famed "Flying Tiger" who
so bravely and resolutely aided China in her war with "But the laws do not admit that the bare commission of a
Japan certainly did not need to swear to support the crime amounts of itself to a divestment of the character
Chinese constitution and laws, even if they had to of citizen, and withdraws the criminal from their coercion.
subscribe to an oath, upon entering the organization, to They would never prescribe an illegal act among the legal
help China fight Japan. During the first World War the modes by which a citizen might disfranchise himself; nor
"National Volunteers" were organized in the Philippines, render treason, for instance, innocent, by giving it the
pledged to go to Europe and fight on the side of the Allies, force of a dissolution of the obligation of the criminal to
particularly of the United States. In order to carry out that hia country." (Moore, International Law Digest, Vol. III, p.
mission—although the war ended before this could be 731.)
done—they surely did not have to take an oath to support
the constitution or laws of the United States or any of its "696. No person, even when he has renounced or
allies. We do not multiply these examples, for they incurred the loss of his nationality, shall take up arms
illustrate a proposition which seems self-evident. against his native country; he shall be held guilty of a
felony and treason, if he does not strictly observe this
Neither is there any showing of the acceptance by duty." (Fiore's International Law Codified, translation
appellant of a commission "in the military, naval, or air from Fifth Italian Edition by Borchard.)
service" of Japan.
As to the third asignment of error, the Solicitor General
Much less is there a scintilla of evidence that appellant agrees with counsel that it is improper to separately take
had ever been declared a deserter in the Philippine Army, into account against appellant the aggravating
circumstances of (1) the aid of armed men and (2) the
employment of a band in appraising the gravity of the punishment to be inflicted, and sentence defendant and
crime. We likewise are of the same opinion, considering appellant Pedro Manayao to the penalty of reclusion
that under paragraph 6 of article 14 of the Revised Penal perpetua, with the accessories of article 41 of the Revised
Code providing that "whenever more than three armed Penal Code, to pay a fine of P20,000, an indemnity of
malefactors shall have acted together in the commission P2,000 to the heirs of each of the victims named in the
of an offense it shall be deemed to have been committed third paragraph of the lower court's decision, and the
by a band," the employment of more than three armed costs. So ordered.
men is an essential element of and inherent in a band. So
that in appreciating the existence of a band the Moran, C.J., Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, Briones, Hontiveros,
employment of more than three armed men is Padilla, and Tuason, JJ., concur.
automatically included, there being only the aggravating
circumstance of band to be considered.

As to appellant's fourth assignment of error, the

contention is clearly unacceptable that appellant acted in
obedience to an order issued by a superior and is
therefore exempt from criminal liability, because he
allegedly acted in the fulfillment of a duty incidental to his
service for Japan as a member of the Makapili. It is
obvious that paragraphs 5 and 6 of article 11 of our
Revised Penal Code cannot be construed as sanctioning
as legal acts done in compliance with duties to or orders
from a foreign sovereign, any more than obedience to an
illegal order. The construction contended for by appellant
could entail in its potentialities even the destruction of
this Republic.

The contention that as a member of

the Makapili appellant had to obey his Japanese masters
under pain of severe penalty, and that therefore his acts
should be considered. as committed under the impulse of
an irresistible force or uncontrollable fear of an equal or
greater injury, is no less repulsive.

Appellant voluntarily joined the Makapili with full

knowledge of its avowed purpose of rendering military aid
to Japan. He knew the consequences to be expected—if
the alleged irresistible force or uncontrollable fear
subsequently arose, he brought them about himself
freely and voluntarily. But this is not all; the truth of the
matter is, as the Solicitor General well remarks, that "the
appellant actually acted with gusto during the butchery of
Banaban." He was on that occasion even bent on more
cruelty than the very ruthless Japanese themselves as
regards the little children. And his Japanese masters—so
fate willed it—were the very ones who saved the little
girls, Clarita Perez and Maria Paulino, who were destined
to become the star witnesses against him on the day of

Conformably to the recommendation of the Solicitor

General, we find appellant guilty of the crime of treason
with multiple murder committed with the attendance of
one aggravating circumstance, that of "armed band," thus
discarding the first aggravating circumstance considered
by the trial court. A majority of the Court voted to affirm
the judgment appealed from, imposing the death penalty,
convicting defendant and appellant to pay a fine of
P20,000, an indemnity of P2,000 to the heirs of each of
the victims named in the third paragraph of the lower
court's decision, and the costs. But due to the dissent of
Mr. Justice Perfecto from the imposition of the death
penalty, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions
we modify the judgment appealed from as regards the
[ G.R. No. L-399, January 29, 1948 ] Counts 1, 2, 3 and 7 are as follows:

"1. On or about October 15, 1944, in the Municipality of

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF Mandaue, Province of Cebu, Philippines, said accused
AND APPELLEE, VS. EDUARDO PRIETO (ALIAS being a member of the Japanese Military Police and acting
EDDIE VALENCIA), DEFENDANT AND as undercover man for the Japanese forces with the
APPELLANT. purpose of giving and with the intent to give aid and
comfort to the enemy did, then and there wilfully,
unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably lead, guide and
DECISION accompany a patrol of Japanese soldiers and Filipino
undercovers to the barrio of Poknaon, for the purpose of
apprehending guerrillas and locating their hideouts; that
TUASON, J.: said accused and his companions did apprehend Abraham
Puno, tie his hands behind him and give him fist blows;
The appellant was prosecuted in the People's Court for thereafter said Abraham Puno was taken by the accused
treason on 7 counts. After pleading not guilty he entered and his Japanese companions to Yati, Liloan, Cebu, where
a plea of guilty to counts 1, 2, 3 and 7, and maintained the he was severely tortured by placing red hot iron on his
original plea as to counts 4, 5 and 6. The special shoulders, legs and back and from there he was sent back
prosecutor introduced evidence only on count 4, stating to the Japanese detention camp in Mandaue and
with reference to counts 5 and 6 that he did not have detained for 7 days;
sufficient evidence to sustain them. The defendant was
found guilty of count 4 as well as counts 1, 2, 3 and 7 and "2. On or about October 28, 1944, in the Municipality of
was sentenced to death and to pay a fine of P20,000. Mandaue, Province of Cebu, Philippines, said accused
acting as an informer and agent for the Japanese Military
Two witnesses gave evidence on count 4 but their Police, with the purpose of giving and with the intent to
statements do not coincide on any single detail. Juanito give aid and comfort to the enemy, did, then and there
Albaño, the first witness, testified that in March, 1945, the wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably, lead,
accused with other Filipino undercovers and Japanese guide and accompany a group of Filipino undercovers for
soldiers caught an American aviator and had the witness the purpose of apprehending guerrillas and guerrilla
carry the American to town on a sled pulled by a carabao; suspects; that the herein accused and his companions did
that on the way, the accused walked behind the sled and in fact apprehend Guillermo Ponce and Macario Ponce
asked the prisoner if the sled was faster than the airplane; from their house; that said accused and his companions
that the American was taken to the Kempetai head did tie the hands of said Guillermo Ponce and Macario
quarters, after which he did not know what happened to Ponce behind their backs, giving them fist blows on the
the flier. Valentin Cuison, the next witness, testified that face and in other parts of the body and thereafter
one day in March, 1945, he saw the accused following an detained them at the Kempei Tai Headquarters; that
American whose hands were tied; that the accused struck Guillermo Ponce was released the following day while his
the flier with a piece of rope; that with the American and brother Macario Ponce was detained and thereafter
the accused were Japanese and other Filipinos. nothing more was heard of him nor his whereabouts
These witnesses evidently referred to two different
occasions. The last witness stated that the American was "3. Sometime during the month of November, 1944, in
walking as well as his captors, And there was no sled, he the Municipality of Mandaue, Province of Cebu,
said, nor did he see Juanito Albaño, except at night when Philippines, for the purpose of giving and with the intent
he and Albaño had a drink of tuba together. to give aid and comfort to the enemy and her military
forces, said accused acting as an enemy undercover did,
This evidence does not satisfy the two-witness principle. then and there wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously, and
The two witnesses failed to corroborate each other not treasonably lead, guide and accompany a patrol of some
only on the whole overt act but on any part of it, 6 Filipinos and 2 Japanese soldiers to barrio Pakna-an,
(People vs. Apolinar Adriano, 44 Off. Gaz., 4300; Municipality of Mandaue for the purpose of
Cramer vs. U. S., 65 S. Ct. 918.) apprehending guerrillas and guerrilla suspects, and said
patrol did in fact apprehend as guerrilla suspects Damian
The lower court believes that the accused is "guilty Alilin and Santiago Alilin who were forthwith tied with a
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of treason rope, tortured and detained for 6 days; that on the 7th
complexed by murder and physical injuries," with "the day said Damian Alilin and Santiago Alilin were taken
aggravating circumstances mentioned above." about ½ kilometer from their home and the accused did
Apparently, the court has regarded the murders and bayonet them to death;
physical injuries charged in the information, not only as
crimes distinct from treason but also as modifying "7. In or about November 16, 1944, in Mandaue, in
circumstances. The Solicitor General agrees with the conspiracy with the enemy and other Filipino
decision except as to the technical designation of the undercovers, said accused did cause the torture of
crime. In his opinion, the offense committed by the Antonio Soco and the killing of Gil Soco for guerrilla
appellant is a "complex crime of treason with homicide." activities."
The execution of some of the guerrilla suspects presumption that the accused was not denied the right to
mentioned in these counts and the infliction of physical have counsel. (U. S. vs. Labial, 27 Phil. 82.) It is presumed
injuries on others are not offenses separate from treason. that the procedure prescribed by law has been observed
Under the Philippine treason law and under the United unless it is made to appear expressly to the contrary. (U.
States constitution defining treason, after which the S. vs. Escalante, 36 Phil., 743.) The fact that the attorney
former was patterned, there must concur both adherence appointed by the trial court to aid the defendant in his
to the enemy and giving him aid and comfort. One defense expressed reluctance to accept the designation
without the other does not make treason. because, as the present counsel assumes, he did not
sympathize with the defendant's cause, is not sufficient
In the nature of things, the giving of aid and comfort can to overcome this presumption. The statement of the
only be accomplished by some kind of action. Its very counsel in the court below did not necessarily imply that
nature partakes of a deed or physical activity as opposed he did not perform his duty to protect the interest of the
to a mental operation. (Cramer vs. U. S., ante.) This deed accused. As a matter of fact, the present counsel
or physical activity may be, and often is, in itself a criminal "sincerely believes that the said Attorney Carin did his
offense under another penal statute or provision. Even best, although it was not the best of a willing worker," We
so, when the deed is charged as an element of treason it do not discern in the record any indication that the former
becomes identified with the latter crime and can not be counsel did not conduct the defense to the best of his
the subject of a separate punishment, or used in ability. If Attorney Garin did his best as a sworn member
combination with treason to increase the penalty as of the bar, as the present attorney admits, that was
Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code provides. Just as one enough; his sentiments did not cut any influence in the
can not be punished for possessing opium in a result of the case and did not imperil the rights of the
prosecution for smoking the identical drug, end a robber appellant.
cannot be held guilty of coercion or trespass to a dwelling
in a prosecution for robbery, because possession of In conclusion, we find the defendant not guilty of count 4
opium and force and trespass are inherent in smoking and and guilty of treason as charged in counts 1, 2, 3 and 7.
in robbery respectively, so may not a defendant be made There being an aggravating circumstance and a mitigating
liable for murder as a separate crime or in conjunction circumstance, the penalty to be imposed is reclusiòn
with another offense where, as in this case, it is averred perpetua. The judgment of the lower court will be
as a constitutive ingredient of treason. This rule would modified in this respect accordingly. In all other
not, of course, preclude the punishment of murder or particulars, the same will be affirmed. It is so ordered,
physical injuries as such if the government should elect to with costs of this instance against the appellant.
prosecute the culprit specifically for those crimes instead
of relying dn them as an element of treason. It is where Moran, C. J., Feria, Pablo, Perfecto, Hilado,
murder or physical injuries are charged as overt acts of Bengzon, and Padilla, JJ., concur.
treason that they can not be regarded separately under
their general denomination.

However, the brutality with which the killing or physical

injuries were carried out may be taken as an aggravating
circumstance. Thus, the use of torture and other
atrocities on the victims instead of the usual and less
painful method of execution will be taken into account to
increase the penalty under the provision of article 14,
paragraph 21, of the Revised Penal Code, since they, as in
this case, augmented the sufferings of the offended
parties unnecessarily to the attainment of the criminal

This aggravating circumstance is compensated by the

mitigating circumstance of plea of guilty. It is true that the
accused pleaded not guilty to counts 4, 5 and 6 but count
4 has not been substantiated while counts 5 and 6 were

In his first assignment of error, counsel seeks reversal of

the judgment because of the trial court's failure to
appoint "another attorney de oficio for the accused in
spite of the manifestation of the attorney de oficio (who
defended the accused at the trial) that he would like to be
relieved for obvious reasons".

The appellate tribunal will indulge reasonable

presumptions in favor of the legality and regularity of all
the proceedings of the trial court, including the
[ G. R. No. L-9529, August 30, 1958 ] and that the withdrawal of appeal granted on September
21, 1953, was a mistake and contrary to legal precedents.
So, in a resolution dated October 19, 1953, this Tribunal
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF reconsidered its resolution of September 21st granting
AND APPELLEE, VS. PEDRO T. VILLANUEVA, withdrawal of appeal, and again remanded the case to the
DEFENDANT AND APPELALNT. Court of First Instance of Iloilo for the retaking of the
testimonies above referred to, with instructions that a
new decision be rendered based on the said testimonies
DECISION and on the standing evidence adduced before the
People's Court. The resolution of October 19th read as
"By a decision dated November 19, 1947, the Fifth
Appellant Pedro T. Villanueva was sentenced to death by Division of the defunct People's Court after trial of
the Fifth Division of the defunct People's Court for the appellant Pedro T. Villanueva on a charge of treason on
crime of treason. On March 10, 1948, the case was several counts, found him guilty of treason and murder
elevated to us (G. R. No. L-2073) not only by virtue of the and sentenced him thus—
appeal duly interposed by the accused but also under the
provisions of Section 9 of Rule 118 of the Rules of Court 'IN THE VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the
which provides mandatory review by this Tribunal of all Court, finding the accused Pedro T. Villanueva guilty of
decisions or judgments of the lower courts imposing the complex crime of treason and murders as defined in
death penalties. Meantime, it was discovered that the Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code, in connection with
transcript of stenographic notes taken down on October Article 48 of the same Code, sentences him to suffer
8, 1947, before the People's Court was missing and death penalty, with the accessories of the law, to
unavailable, by reason of which and upon indemnify the heirs of Cosme Calacasan in the amount of
recommendation of the Solicitor General, we P2,000, to indemnify the heirs of Julia Cabilitasan in the
promulgated a resolution on August 1, 1952, remanding amount of P2,000, to indemnify the heirs of Sofia
the case to the Court of First Instance of Iloilo for the Tambirao in the amount of P2,000, and to pay a fine of
retaking of the missing testimonies of the four witnesses Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000) and the costs of the
who testified before the People's Court, namely, Gregorio proceedings.'
Gaton, Ambrosio Tuble, Basilia Taborete, and the accused
himself. Thus the case was sent to that court. "Villanueva duly appealed to this Court. The records were
sent up to us not only by virtue of the appeal but also
On August 24, 1953, appellant filed a petition with the under the provisions of Rule 118, Section 9, of the Rules
Court of First Instance of Iloilo praying that he be allowed of Court which provides for review and judgment by this
to withdraw his appeal so as to avail himself of the Tribunal of all cases in which the death penalty shall have
benefits of the Executive clemency granted to all been imposed by a court of first instance, whether the
prisoners convicted of treason, including those whose defendant shall have appealed or not.
cases were pending appeal, on condition that such
appeals be first withdrawn. Whereupon the Court of First "It appearing that the stenographic notes taken of the
Instance of Iloilo returned the case to us for whatever testimony of the witnesses who testified on October 8,
action we may take in view of the withdrawal requested, 1947, could not be located, and following the
for, at all events, the case had to be reviewed by us recommendation of the Solicitor General, a resolution
regardless of defendant's appeaL The case was included was promulgated on August 1, 1952, remanding the case
in the agenda prepared by the Clerk of Court for to the Court of First Instance of Iloilo for the retaking of
September 21, 1953, only on the basis of the motion for the testimony of said witnesses.
withdrawal of appeal by appellant, without calling the
attention of the Tribunal that defendant had previously "Thereafter before said court defendant-appellant
appealed from a decision sentencing him to death, which Villanueva filed a petition dated August 24, 1953, stating
decision called for an automatic review and judgment by that about July 4, 1953, the Chief Executive granted
us. Accordingly, and following the practice of this Tribunal executive clemency to all prisoners convicted of treason,
of acting favorably on petitions for withdrawal of appeals including those whose cases were pending appeal, on
where briefs had not been filed, as in the present case, condition that such appeals be first withdrawn,
said petition for withdrawal was granted by resolution of supposedly to give finality to the judgment of the lower
September 21, 1953. However, at about 3:00 o'clock in court, and asking that he be allowed to withdraw his
the afternoon of the same date, and after the passing of appeal. Acting upon said petition the Court of First
the resolution, appellant filed directly with this Court a Instance of Iloilo issued an order dated September 10,
petition reiterating his request for withdrawal of appeal 1953, directing the return of the case to this Court for
previously made with the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, whatever action it may take in the premises, in view of the
attaching thereto two documents said to be copies of the petition for withdrawal of the appeal filed by appellant
conditional pardon granted him and of the letter of the and because the case had to be reviewed by the Supreme
Legal Assistant in the office of the President addressed to
Court anyway regardless of the appeal by the defendant.
the Director of Prisons. It was only on considering this
second petition when we realized the nature of the case
"The case was considered by us on September 21, 1953. October 8, 1947, would testify to the same facts and in
The agenda of this Court on that date as regards this was the same manner that they did at the former trial, altho
prepared by the Clerk of Court's Office only on the basis they are supposed to do so. (See Demetria Obien de
of the motion for withdrawal of appeal by the defendant. Almario vs. Fidel Ibañez, et al., 46 O. G. No. 1, p. 390).
Our attention was not called to the fact that defendant Going over the record of the case, we find that it would
had previously appealed from a decision sentencing him not be too difficult for the trial judge to see to it that the
to death, which decision called for an automatic review said witnesses as far as possible confine themselves to the
and judgment by us. So, following the practice of this same points on which they testified on October 8, 1947,
Tribunal of acting favorably on petitions for withdrawal of because the testimonies of said witnesses including the
appeals where the briefs have not yet been filed, as in the defendant are referred to and described in the decision
present case, said petition for withdrawal of appeal was of the People's Court on pages 87, 123, and 124 to 129,
granted by resolution of September 21, 1953. On the and that there are only four witnesses including the
same date, however, and presumably after the passing of accused himself.
the resolution, appellant Villanueva filed directly with this
Court a petition reiterating the request for withdrawal of "Examining Exhibits 'A' and 'B' submitted by appellant in
his appeal previously made with the Court of First relation to his petition for the withdrawal of his appeal,
Instance of Iloilo, attaching to his petition Exhibits 'A' and we find that although his name appears in the list of
'B', said to be copies of the conditional pardon and of the prisoners convicted by the People's Court and supposed
letter of the Legal Assistant in the Office of the President to be pardoned conditionally, the pardon itself refers to
addressed to the Director of Prisons. It was only on the remission of the 'unexpired portions of the prison
considering said petition that we realized the nature of sentence terms and the fines of the prisoners listed below
the case and the decision appealed to this Court, the who were convicted by the defunct People's Court of
withdrawal of which appeal had been granted by the treason and committed! to the new Bilibid Prison to serve
resolution of September 21, 1953. their sentence.' It is highly doubtful that the pardon could
have contemplated and included appellant herein
"An accused appealing from a decision sentencing him to because his sentence of death does not merely involve a
death may be allowed to withdraw his appeal like any prison term which expires in time. Besides, a death
other appellant in an ordinary criminal case before the sentence is not exactly served but rather executed.
briefs are filed, but his withdrawal of the appeal does not Moreover, Exhibit 'B' says that 'those prisoners whose
remove the case from the jurisdiction of this Court which cases are still pending on appeal shall be released only
under the law is authorized and called upon to review the after their appeal has been withdrawn.' The implication is
decision though unappealed. Consequently, the that the withdrawal of the appeal rendered the decision
withdrawal of the appeal in this case could not serve to of the People's Court final, resulting in conviction, this to
render the decision of the People's Court final. In fact, as bring it into harmony with Art. VII, Sec. 10(6) of the
was said by this Court thru Justice Moreland in the case Constitution which requires conviction as a condition
of U.S. vs. Laguna, 17 Phil. 532, speaking on the matter of precedent to the exercise of Executive clemency. As we
review by this Court of a decision imposing the death have already stated, despite defendant's withdrawal of
penalty, the judgment of conviction entered in the trial his appeal from the decision imposing the death
court is not final, and cannot be executed and is wholly sentence, there is no definite conviction or sentence until
without force or effect until the case has been passed and after this Tribunal has reviewed the case and
upon by the Supreme Court en consulta; that although a rendered its own decision affirming, modifying or
judgment of conviction is entered by the trial court, said reversing that of the lower court, unless of course in the
decision has none of the attributes of a final judgment new decision of the trial court based on the new trial a
and sentence; that until it has been reviewed by the sentence other than death is imposed, in which case
Supreme Court which finally passes upon it, the same is there would be no automatic review by us.
not final and conclusive; and that this automatic review
by the Supreme Court of decisions imposing the death "Let the record of this case be again remanded to the
penalty is something which neither the court nor the Court of First Instance of Iloilo for new trial and
accused could waive or evade. thereafter, for a new decision."

"Furthermore, when the case was remanded to the lower At the new trial, only the testimonies of witnesses for the
court for the purpose of retaking the testimony of those defense, Ambrosio Tuble and Basilio Taborete, were
witnesses who testified on October 8, 1947, the case was introduced. Appellant also presented documentary
virtually remanded for new trial. Of course, the evidence evidence relative to the conditional pardon allegedly
and the testimony received during the trial before the granted him. The Court of First Instance of Iloilo found
People's Court which is still intact and available shall stand nothing in the newly adduced evidence to disturb the
and the new trial will be confined to the testimony of the decision of the People's Court, and, reproducing said
same witnesses who testified on October 8, 1947, the decision, rendered judgment on October 11, 1955,
stenographic notes or transcript of which cannot now be sentencing appellant to capital punishment. The case was
found. Under these circumstances, it is necessary for the again elevated to us for automatic review and judgment
trial court to render a new decision because the new trial and given the present docket number.
is being held before a new Judge and there
is no assurance that the witnesses testifying, altho the In the amended information filed before the People's
very same ones who were on the witness stand on Court, appellant was accused of treason on ten counts,
but the prosecution adduced evidence only on seven of Count No. 7. The amended information respecting this
them, namely, Counts 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The lower Count, reads as follows:
court found that Counts 1 and 2 were not proven, and
convicted the accused on Counts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. "7. That on or about the 9th and 10th day of August, 1943,
in the municipality of Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, and
The prosecution established that during the Japanese within the jurisdiction of this Court, the above-named
occupation, appellant, who is a Filipino citizen, and owing accused, Pedro T. Villanueva, with intent to adhere as he
allegiance to the United States of America and the did adhere to the enemy, and with treasonable intent to
Commonwealth of the Philippines, gave the enemy aid give, as he did give said enemy, aid and comfort, in his
and comfort by rendering service with the Japanese capacity as agent, informer and spy of the Detective
Imperial Army as secret agent, informer and spy, of its Force, Imperial Japanese Army, and in company with
Detective Force in the province of Iloilo, and that in the other Filipino spies and Japanese soldiers, did then and
performance of such service, he participated actively and there wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably
directly in the punitive expeditions periodically made by arrest and apprehend several persons suspected of
the Japanese forces in the guerilla-infested areas of the guerrilla activities, among whom were Federico
province of Iloilo, and committed robberies, arson and Tinamisan, Eustaquio Doga, Roque Tiologo, Salvador
mass-murders, specifically as follows: Tedor, Tomas Trompeta, Agapito Trompeta, Andres Tayo,
Victorio Tuante, Manuel Teano, Matias Tirante, Rufo
Count No. 6. Anent this Count, the amended information Tolate, Celedonio Tupino, Alfredo Trompeta, Hilarion
recites: Toga and several others, who were gathered in the Chapel
at barrio Napnapan, where the persons aforesaid were
"6. That on or about June 10, 1943, at the barrios of Baroc investigated, maltreated and tortured, as a consequence
and Atabayan, municipality of Tigbauan, Iloilo, of which Salvador Tedor died of the beating and torture
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, the inflicted upon him by the herein accused and his
above-named accused, Pedro T. Villanueva, with intent to companions; that the following morning about thirty-
adhere as he did adhere to the enemy, and with seven persons were taken to the yard of Valentina
treasonable intent to give as he did give said enemy aid Amandoron's house, where Jesus Astrologo, Carlos
and comfort, in his capacity as agent, informer and spy of Palma, Filipino co-spies of the accused, and the Japanese
the Detective Force, Imperial Japanese Army, and in killed by beheading Andres Tai, Victorio Tuante, Roque
company with other Filipino spies and several Japanese Tiologo, Manuel Teano, Matias Tirania, Rufo Tulato,
soldiers, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully, Agapito Trompeta, Tomas Trompeta, Celedonio Tupino,
feloniously and treasonably arrest Vicente Garrido, Juan Simeon Ledesma, Hermenegildo Taleon, Marcelo Turid,
Tatlonghari, Clodovio Trieco, Melchor Trieco, Cosme Magdaleno Turid, Enrique Turid, Jose Tamon, Cornelio
Tobias, Leoncio Tumamudtamud, Quirino Toranto, Taghap, Eustaquio Doga, Eugenio (LNU), Francisco (LNU)
Napoleon Luceno, Modesto Torremoro and Dionisio Lucio (LNU), Juan (LNU), Casimiro (LNU), Gorteo (LNU),
Belandrez on the charge that they were guerrilla soldiers and several others whose names are unknown, while
and/or sympathizers and did investigate, maltreat and Alfredo Trompeta and Hilarion Toga were struck and
torture them; that subsequently the persons above- wounded on their necks but miraculously escaped death."
mentioned were taken away and were not seen or heard
of since then; that on the occasion of the aforementioned Six witnesses testified on this Count, namely, Severa Gua,
patrol, the above-named accused and his companions, Natividad Duga, Alfredo Trompeta, Hilario Taghap and
.with intent of gain and without consent of the owners Valentina Amandoron who, corroborating one another,
thereof, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and stated that on August 9 or 10, 1943, which was a Monday,
feloniously loot the house of Jose T. Belandrez, taking at about six o'clock in the evening, while Eustaquio Duga
therefrom genuine Philippine currency in the amount of and his family were at their home in Tigbauan, Iloilo, he
P300; emergency notes in the amount of P1,200; jewelry saw Japanese soldiers and some Filipinos approaching
valued at P500; clothing valued at P200; and other their house; that Eustaquio Duga notified his wife and
personal effects; and from the house of Toribia Taleon, they immediately started to flee; that unfortunately, they
jewelry, watches, clothing and other personal effects with were overtaken by the Japanese soldiers, and Eustaquio
a total value of P160 more or less." Duga was arrested by herein appellant who was in
company with said Japanese soldiers; that Eustaquio
Jose T. Belandrez, Salvador Toranto, Toribia Taleon and Duga was taken to the nearby barrio of Napnapan; that
Maria Mendoza, corroborating one another, testified that sometime later, Severa Gua found the dead body of
at dawn of June 10, 1943, appellant, accompanied by Eustaquio Duga, with his head almost severed, among
some Filipinos and Japanese soldiers, went to the house other corpses in the yard of the house of Valentina
of Jose T. Belandrez situated at Tigbauan, Iloilo, and took Amandoron.
therefrom P1,200 in cash, jewelry worth P300, and
clothing valued at P200; that they also arrested Dionisio On the same day, while Alfredo Trompeta and his
Belandrez, Modesto Torremoro and Napoleon Luceno, companion Roque Teologo were walking in a barrio road
members of the Bolo Battalion, an auxiliary unit of the in Napnapan, Tigbauan, Iloilo, they were arrested by
guerrillas; that since that fateful day, the said three Japanese soldiers who were with the appellant; that
members of the Bolo Battalion never returned. Trompeta and Teologo were taken to the barrio of Ermita,
of the same municipality, where they were investigated
together with about thirty persons who were suspected
as guerrillas; thence they were brought to the house of were killed, their corpses were gathered and placed in a
Valentina Amandoron where appellant and his house which was set on fire.
companions killed in cold blood Trompeta's companions
as well as those persons who were brought there earlier. Count No. 9. Concerning this Count, the amended
Among the twenty-five persons killed on that occasion, information recites:
were Andres Tayo, Tomas Trompeta, Rufo Tolato, Roque
Teologo, Jose Taucon and Matias Tiranea. "9. That on or about August 12, 1943, in the municipality
of Leon, Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
Count No. 8. The information equally recites: this Court, the above-named accused, Pedro T.
Villanueva, with intent to adhere as he did adhere to the
"8. That on or about August 12, 1943, in the municipality enemy and with treasonable intent to give as he did give
of Leon, Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of said enemy aid and comfort, in his capacity as agent,
this Court, the above-named accused, Pedro T. informer, spy of the Detective Force, Imperial Japanese
Villanueva, with intent to adhere as he did adhere to the Army, and in company with other Filipino spies and
enemy, and with treasonable intent to give as he did give Japanese soldiers, did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully,
said enemy aid and comfort, in his capacity as agent, feloniously and treasonably conduct and carry out a raid
informer and spy of the Detective Force, Imperial against and mass arrest of persons suspected as guerrilla
Japanese Army; and in company with other Filipino spies soldiers and sympathizers, as a consequence of which,
and Japanese soldiers, did then and there wilfully, about eighty persons, male and female, both young and
unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably arrest Cosme old were arrested and gathered in a schoolhouse and
Calacasan, Nazario Calimutan, Alberto Caborique, Nazario chapel in the barrio of Buenavista, and thereat
Calacasan, Marcos Sobrevega, Jose Canillas, Aurelio investigated, maltreated and tortured by the herein
Calacasan, Graciano (LNU), Juan (LNU), and three others, accused and his companions; that subsequently about
names unknown, on the charge that the persons thirty persons including women and children were taken
aforesaid were guerrilla soldiers or guerrilla sympathizers; to the house of Aquilino Sales, where about fourteen
that thereafter these persons were taken to barrio Taal persons were bayonetted and killed by Japanese soldiers,
municipality of San Miguel, where the accused and his namely, Julia Cabilitasan, Mercedes Calopez, Andrea
companions set fire to and burned several houses in the Cahipo, Eustaquia Cabilinga, Isabel Canag, Rosalia
aforesaid barrio; and later to barrio Baguingin, Calopez, Luz Caldito, Estelita Camorahan, Roman
municipality of Leon, where the above-named accused Cabilinga, Tomas Canag, Luis Cabalfin, Juan Cabalfin,
and his conmpanions investigated, maltreated and Macario Cabilitasan and Aurelio Caldito; while Paulina
tortured them; that the above-named accused further Cantara, Alejandro Calsona and Bienvenido Cabankalan
adhering to the enemy did then and there, wilfully, received and sustained bayonet wounds but survived and
unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably, and with evident were able to escape after the house of aforesaid Aquilino
premeditation and treachery, bayonetted to death Sales was set on fire and burned by said patrol of Filipino
Cosme Calacasan, while tied to a tree with hands tied spies and Japanese soldiers."
behind his back; while Nazario Calimutan was bayonetted
and killed in the same manner by Jesus Astrologo, Filipino Aquilina Cabilitasan, Bienvenido Cabankalan, Alejandro
co-spy of the herein accused; while Graciano (LNU) and Calsena and Perpetua Canag, who testified for the
Juan (LNU) and two others (names unknown) were prosecution, corroborating one another, stated that at
bayoneted to death by the Filipino and Japanese about eight o'clock in the morning of August 12, 1943,
companions of the accused; that after the killing of the several residents of barrio Buenavista, Leon, Iloilo, were
aforesaid persons, the above-named accused and his arrested by the appellant, who was armed with revolver
companions did gather the corpses of their victims in the and bayonet, and his companions consisting of Filipinos
house of Juan Caya and thereafter did set fire to and burn and Japanese soldiers; that said barrio residents were
that house with the dead bodies inside." brought to the barrio schoolhouse where they were
investigated. During the investigation, Julia Cabilitasan
Aurelio Calacasan and Jose Canillas, corroborating each was singled out by the appellant who tied her hands
other, testified that at about eight o'clock in the morning behind her back and brought her under a "doldol" (kapok)
of August 12, 1943, while Aurelio Calacasan, Cosme tree, near a chapel, where she was stripped of all her
Calacasan, Anazario Calimutan, Alberto Caborique, clothings until she was naked. Appellant investigated her
Nazario Calacasan, Marcos Sobrevieja and Jose Canillas regarding the whereabouts of her husband who was a
and several others were in the barrio of Anonang, Leon, USAFFE soldier. Appellant, after severely beating Julia
Iloilo, they were arrested by Japanese soldiers and taken Cabilitasan, brought her to the house of Aquilino Sales
to the barrio of Taal, of the same municipality, where they where there were other Filipino prisoners. Shortly
saw appellant and his companions. After setting afire the thereafter, appellant and his companions started the
houses in said barrio, appellant and his companions massacre of the prisoners. Appellant stabbed Julia
brought the prisoners to barrio Agboy, of the same Cabilitasan three times with a bayonet. In that massacre,
municipality, where they were investigated regarding fourteen persons including women and children were
their guerilla activities or connections; that during the killed. Among those killed were Julia Cabilitasan, Macario
investigations, appellant stabbed to death Cosme Cabilitasan, Roman Cabelenga, Andrea Cahipos and Julia
Calacasan who was a member of the Bolo Battalion, an Calpit. Later, said house was set on fire.
auxiliary unit of the guerrillas; that after several prisoners
Count No. 10. Lastly, the amended information regarding where they were investigated and maltreated; that during
this Count, recites: the investigation, appellant tied the feet of Gloria
Escorido, hanged her with her head downward and beat
"10. That on or about March 18, 1944, in the her with the branch of an "aguho" tree; that appellant
municipalities of Guimbal and Tubuñgan, Iloilo, likewise brought to the house of Jacinto Batorete three
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, the females, namely, Luz Tabiana, Jesusa Jimenez and Juana
above-named accused, Pedro T. Villanueva, with intent to Tabiana where the said girls were abused by the appellant
adhere as he did adhere to the enemy, and with and his companions; that appellant also bayoneted to
treasonable intent to give as he did give said enemy aid death Sofia Tambirao for the simple reason that she was
and comfort, in his capacity as agent, informer and spy of the cousin of Tranquilino Geonanga, an officer of the
the Detective Force, Imperial Japanese Army, and in guerrillas; that appellant and his companions massacred
company with other Filipino spies, Bureau of on that occasion around thirty persons, among whom
Constabulary and Japanese soldiers, did then and there were Jovita Gersalino, Carolina Escorido, Romero
wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and treasonably arrest Escorido, Sofia Tambierao, and Edgardo Escorido.
Rosalio Tambirao, Joaquin Escorido, Carolina Escorido,
Romero Escorido, Edgardo Escorido, Editha Escorido, We have, therefore, that appellant not only participated
Sofia Tambiras, Raul Tabanda, Nestor Tabanda, Elena actively in the punitive raids made by the Japanese
Gierza, Natividad Gersalino, Jovita Gersalino, Ernesto soldiers and in arresting and killing Filipino Guerrillas, but
Tambirao, Ruly Tambirao, Jesusa Jimenez, Eustaquio personally manhandled Gloria Escorido, a girl barely 16
Tortugalete, Paz Tabora, Basilisa Taborete, Gloria years of age at the time (Count 10), and killed in cold
Escorido, Ciriaco Gierza and several others with unknown blood Cosme Calacasan by bayoneting him three times
names on the charge that the persohs aforesaid were (Count 8), Julia Cabilitasan by likewise bayoneting her
either guerrilla soldiers, sympathizers and supporters; three times, with the added ignominy of stripping her
that the aforesaid persons were then taken to the house stark naked moments before killing her (Count 9), and
of Jacinto Toborete, where the herein accused, did then Sofia Tambirao (Count 10.) These specific overt acts of
and their investigate, maltreat, or otherwise torture appellant as testified to by eyewitnesses who have
Basilisa Taborete, Gloria Escorido and Eustaquia survived the harrowing massacres, speak eloquently that
Tortugalete in an effort to make them confess as to their his adherence to the enemy in giving it aid and comfort,
connection with the guerrilla movement and the was accompanied by cruelty and ruthlessness, in wanton
whereabouts of the guerrilla soldiers; that subsequently disregard of the feelings and decency of his fellow
the herein accused further adhering to the enemy did citizens.
deliver to a Japanese executioner Juan Gelario, Felipe
Tanato, David Garnica, Juana Tabacoran, Jesusa Jimenez The foregoing facts were not impugned by any evidence
and Luz Tabiana, who were all executed and killed one for appellant, his defense in the lower court merely
after another; that the killing of Juana Tabacoran, Jesusa consisting of (1) his denial of the overt acts imputed upon
Jimenez and Luz Tabiana took place shortly after they him, and (2) that if he ever served in the detective force
were abused and raped by the Japanese and BC soldiers of the Japanese Army since January 1st, 1944, it was
in the house of Jacinto Taborete; that while this was going because he was made to accept the position under
on, Jovita Gersalino and Lourdes Tabanda were taken to duress, and that his acceptance of such position was for
another house by the herein accused, Filemon Palacios, the good of the people, He having saved many Filipino
Jr., Vicente Tolosa and a Japanese soldier, where they lives from Japanese atrocities.
were abused and raped; that subsequently the persons
gathered were asked who of them were relatives of We have carefully analyzed the evidence on record
Tranquilino Geonanga for they would be released and because of the seriousness of the charges against
when an old woman answered that they were all relatives appellant, and we find that the evidence for the
of Tranquilino Geonanga, the Japanese soldiers at once prosecution is overwhelming, such that appelant's counse
started to inflict and deliver bayonet thrusts on the de officio instead of m'ng a brief, made a manifestation
persons gathered and as a consequence of which about dated November 29, 1955, stating that "after a thorough
thirty of them were killed and several were wounded: that study of the records of the case, he finds nothing therein
subsequently, the herein accused and his companions sufficient to disturb the decisions of the People's Court
proceeded to barrio Buluangan, where one Saturnino and of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo imposing capital
(LNU) was arrested, investigated, maltreated and punishment on the accused." Said counsel further'stated
tortured by the herein accused and later killed by the that "The accused's only evidence which directly attacked
Japanese." the government's proofs was his denial of what several
witnesses testified to." This manifestation was considered
Gloria Escprido, Basilisa Gierza and Ciriaco Gierza, by this Tribunal as appellant's brief, in its resolution of
testifying in support of this Count, and corroborating one December 6, 1955. Certainly mere denial by appellant
another, stated that at about seven o'clock in the morning cannot prevail upon the positive assertion of the
of March 16, 1944, while the appellant and several witnesses for the government establishing incriminating
Japanese soldiers were on a punitive expedition in the facts, for it is a well settled rule of evidence that as
barrio of Miadan, Guim^al, Iloilo, they arrested the barrio between positive and negative testimony, the former
residents who fled to the Dalihi creek in Tubongan, Iloilo; deserves more weight and credit.
that the barrio residents, who were about fifty persons,
were brought to the barrio of Laguna, Tubongan, Iloilo,
Anent the defense of duress allegedly exerted by the hereinbefore quoted. As to appellant's contention
Japanese upon appellant for which he had to serve in the respecting the applicability of the Astrologo case, we find
detective force of the Japanese Army, we agree with the it untenable, for the Astrologo case (88 Phil., 423) was
Solicitor-General that "except the lone and self-serving elevated to us for review on March 4, 1948; he filed his
testimony of the appellant that he was coerced to brief on October 21, 1949, and we rendered judgment on
cooperate with and serve the Japanese soldiers, there is March 30, 1951, commuting the sentence to life
not an iota of proof that he was in fact compelled or imprisonment for lack of sufficient vote. The pardon
coerced by the Japanese. Much less is there any evidence granted him on June 27, 1953, or more than two years
showing that the alleged compulsion or coercion was after the final judgment, was therefore in order, and
grave and imminent." cannot be invoked by herein appellant as a precedent.

"Duress, force, fear or intimidation to be available as a As to the payment of Indemnity in the amount of P2,000
defense, must be present, imminent and impending, and to the respective heirs of each of the victims of appellant,
of such a nature as to induce a well-grounded the Solicitor-General recommends that this amount
apprehension of death or serious bodily harm if the act is imposed by the lower court be increased to P6,000. We
not done. A threat of future injury is not enough." (16 C. find this Recommendation to be correct, as it is in
J., 91). consonance with the repeated decisions of this Tribunal
on the matter; hence the decision of the lower court
"To be available as a defense, the fear must be well- should be amended accordingly. Furthermore, although
founded, an immediate and actual danger of death or the facts of the case verily justify the imposition of death
great bodily harm must be present and the compulsion penalty, yet, for lack of sufficient votes said penalty
must be of such a character as to leave no opportunity to should be, as it is hereby commuted to reclusion
accused for escape or self-defense in equal combat. It perpetua, in accordance with law.
would be a most dangerous rule if a defendant could
shield himself from prosecution for crime by merely Wherefore, and with the modifications above indicated,
setting up a fear from or because of a threat of a third the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs.
person." (Wharton's Criminal Law, Vol. 1, Sec. 384).
Paras, C. J., Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor, Reyes, A.,
"Fear as an excuse for crime has never been received by Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes, J. B. L., and Endencia,
the law. No man, from fear or circumstances to himself JJ., concur.
has the right to make himself a party to committing
mischief upon mankind" (Lord Denman in Reg. vs. Tyler, 8
Car. and P. (Eng.) 616, vs. Duddely, L. R. 14, Q. B. Div.
(Eng.) 273).

When the case was remanded to the Court of First

Instance of Iloilo for the retaking of lost testimonies,
appellant attempted to give the case a new twist by filing
a motion to quash on the ground that the pardon
extended him has already extinguished his criminal
liability and that his conviction by the People's Court had
placed him in jeopardy. This motion was denied, but
during the trial appellant was allowed to present
documentary evidence relative to the clemency extended
him, consisting of Exhibit 1 which is a certified copy of his
conditional pardon; Exhibit 2, a certified copy of the letter
of the Legal Assistant of the President dated June 30,
1953, addressed to the Director of Prisons; Exhibit 3 the
motion to withdraw appeal filed before the Court of First
Instance of Iloilo; and Exhibit 4, the Tribunal's resolution
of September 21, 1953, granting said withdrawal. In
addition, appellant presented an Exhibit 5 the decision of
the People's Court in the case of People vs. Jesus
Astrologo, dated December 11, 1947, sentencing him to
death; Exhibit 6 the conditional pardon extended to said
accused dated June 27, 1953; and Exhibit 7 the letter of
the Legal Assistant of the Office of the President to the
Director of Prisons, to show that said Jesus Astrologo who
is now enjoying his freedom by reason of the pardon
extended, has been allowed by this Tribunal to withdraw
his appeal pending review of his death sentence.

Regarding the alleged pardon granted to appellant, we

reiterate our ruling in our resolution of October 19, 1953,
[ G.R. No. L-2189, March 31, 1950 ] Muda guarded the kitchen door; that immediately he
heard a woman cry inside and then heard a shot; that a
crying child was able to escape outside through the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF kitchen but was pursued and killed by Muda; that because
AND APPELLEE, VS. CILDO (ALIAS CELDO he was very much afraid he returned to his house and
CENENTE [CALAGAN]), DIALING (CALAGAN) waited till norning, when he reported the case to Mr. Pio
AND MUDA (TAGACAOLO), DEFENDANTS AND Acot, president of the parents-teachers association of
Sacub. (Exhibit B.)
Upon being apprehended Muda, another non-Christian
DECISION belonging to a tribe called Tagacaolo, admitted his
participation in the crime, saying that he was called by
Cania and Faustino and that he went with them because
OZAETA, J.: he was afraid they might kill him; that his companions
were Faustino, Cildo, Cania, Unte, and Hakinista; that
The soul is transfixed in horror by the extreme during the attack one girl was able to escape through the
wantonness and brutality of the murders involved in this kitchen but that he was able to catch and kill her; that
case. Two helpless women and three innocent children Cania found some money and gave him some amount
were attacked while asleep and butchered for a most near the school-house of Sacub and after that they all
trivial motive in their dwelling in the sitio of Sacub, barrio returned to their respective homes; and that the
of Sinayawan, municipality of Sta. Cruz, province of following morning he escaped to Mandulog where he was
Davao, on the night of November 10, 1947. The victims apprehended bj soldiers. (Exhibit C.)
were Cuya Baga Lim, 35; her children Emilia Lim, 9, and Eli
Lim, 8; her maidservant Constancia Bagaan, 30; and the The constabulary filed a complaint for robbery with
latter's daughter, Candelaria Bagaan 7. multiple homicide against Dialang and all the persons
implicated by him in his statement.
The nearest neighbor of the victims was the accused
Dialang, a non-Christian belonging to a tribe called When the case was called before the justice of the peace
Calagan, whose house was only about 30 meters distant of Sta. Cruz for preliminary investigation, the accused
from theirs, iihen he was investigated by the constabulary Cildo and Muda pleaded guilty and swore to written
as to what he knew of the horrible occurrence he made a statements before the justice of the peace to the effect
statement to this effect: That about five o'clock in the that Dialang was their ringleader and that they (Cildo and
afternoon of November 10, 1947, he went to the river Muda) were induced by him to participate in the
near his house to fetch water and there saw and heard commission of the crime. They made no mention of the
Unte Tagacaolo, Cania Galagan, Faustino Tagacaolo, accused Unte, Cania, Faustina, and I'lakinista, and the
Muda Tagacaolo, Cildo Galagan, and I-iakinista Calagan constabulary said it had no proof against them. The
conversing and plotting to kill the Chinese widow named complaint was then and there amended by excluding the
Cuya who owned a store near his house; that Unte said accused and including only Cildo, Muda, and Dialang.
proposed to kill Cuya because she had much money, she
having just sold some corn; that Faustino seconded the After the preliminary investigation Dialang, who pleaded
proposition because she sold her wares at an exorbitant not guilty, admitted before Policeman Felicisimo Bolado
price; that he (Dialang) tried to dissuade them from their of Sta. Cruz in a conversation they had at the municipal
evil purpose, even telling then that Cuya was the only one jail that he (Dialang) was there confined because he had
who owned a store near then, and that he left them still killed Cuya Lim, Eli, and Candelaria. The policeman
planning to kill her; that during the night of November 10, reported that conversation later to the chief of police,
prayers were being said in the house of Cuya which ended Tamoteo Aguilar, who took Dialang's statement by
about ten o'clock; that not long after that Cania Calagan question-and-answer in writing and later brought Dialang
and four others came to his house and called for Muda before the justice of the peace where Dialang swore to
Tagacaolo, who was already in his (Dialang's) house and thumbmarked his said statement Exhibit E after the
vraiting; that Muda joined them and while downstairs justice of the peace had explained to him its contents and
they all agreed to continue their plan but waited for some asked him whether they were true.
time because it was still early; that he (Dialang) was afraid
and tried his best to advise them not to commit the crime, After the trial of the case in the Court of First Instance
but Faustino warned him to keep quiet or else they would Judge Enrique A. Fernandez found the accused Dialang
also kill him; that about twelve o'clock they left and went and Muda guilty of five separate crimes of murder
directly to the store; that Cania was armed with a home- (acquitting them of robbery for lack of sufficient
made shotgun; Cildo, with an ax, and the others with evidence) and sentenced each of them to life
bolos; that while they were walking towards the store of imprisonment for each of the five murders with an
Cuya he (Dialang) followed them and hid himself among indemnity of P2,000 in each case. The accused Cildo was
the bananas in front of the store; that Cildo Calagan called found guilty as an accomplice of each of the five murders
the Chinese woman on pretext to buy some dried fish; and was sentenced in each case to suffer an
that when the store was opened Gildo entered first, Unte indeterminate penalty of 4 years, 2 months, and 1 day of
next, and then Faustino and Makinista followed; that prisi6n correccional as minimum to 10 years and 1 day of
Cania Calagan guarded the main door of the store while prisi6n mayor as maximum, with the appropriate
indemnity in each case. From that sentence the three thrown bj him into the river. Because he was already
accused have appealed. delivered to the jailer at ota. Cruz, I requested permission
to bring Muda with me to recover the bolo. lie also said
The main proofs against the accused are their respective that there was a khaki pant which he took from the house
confessions before the justice of the peace of Sta. Cruz— of Cuya Daga Lim and which he also threw away. I brought
Exhibits E (by Dialang), F (by Cildo) and G (by Muda); and him to the place where he said he threw the khaki pant
the only question before us is whether said confessions and the bolo. When we arrived at the place I asked him to
were made voluntarily and with full knowledge of the look for the bolo and khaki pants. He could not find them
facts therein narrated. because during those days it was rainy season and the
river had overflowed its banks.
The accused Dialang, 58, is married to a sister of the
accused Muda, 40, and is the grandfather of the accused Felicisimo Bolado, patrolman of Sta. Cruz, Davao, testified
Cildo, 17. in substance as follows: On November 24, I was sergeant
of the guard and I inspected the municipal jail and found
Timoteo Acot, one of the neighbors of the victims, Cania, Cildo, and Dialang there. I asked them what crime
testified that about 6:30 in the morning of November 11, they were charged with and Dialang answered that he
1947, Dialang came to his house and told him that Cuya had killed Cuya Lim, Eli, and Candelaria and that his
had been robbed and that there was plenty of blood and companion was Muda, who killed Emilia and Constancia.
many died. This witness testified: "I asked him, 'Why is it I asked him why he killed them and he said that at nine
that you did not find out what happened before you came o'clock in the morning Cuya tried to collect from him his
here?' He said he was afraid. I told him to go to the barrio indebtedness of P7 and that he was not able to pay his
lieutenant, but he refused on account of the distance. He indebtedness and Cuya got angry and scolded him, calling
insisted that I should go with hin to find out what him a shameless Calagan and slapped him on his left
happened and because of that I went with him. We went cheek and he showed to me one of his teeth which was
to the place of the incident, to the house of Cuya Daga moving due to the slapping. During that conversation
Lira. On our way we met the rural policeman and I told Cildo and Cania were present. At that time Muda was with
him to report to the barrio lieutenant." the MPC. The chief of pollco was absent. When he arrived
on November 26 I reported to him the confession given
Juan Armilla, sergeant of the constabulary, testified in to me by Dialang. He sent for Dialang and asked him
substance as follows: About one o'clock in the afternoon whether he was the one who killed at Sacub and Dialang
of November 12, 1947, I was assigned to investigate the answered yes. The chief of police took his affidavit in
killing at Sacub, Sta. Cruz, Davao. I went to the place Visayan. After the affidavit was finished Biclang was
where the dead persons were. The nearest neighbor is brought before the justice of the peace with the affidavit
Dialang. I asked him whether he heard any cry or shout of which is Exhibit E. The justice of the peace read the
persons that night inasmuch as he is near the place, lie affidavit and asked Dialang whether the contents are true
said that he did not hear. I asked him whether some and he answered they are true.
persons happened to sleep in his house and he said Muda
slept there on the 10th of November. I asked him where Timoteo Aguilar, chief of police of Sta. Cruz, testified in
Muda was and he said he was no longer there. I took him substance as follows: On the morning of November 24,
around to the neighbors of his house. On November 13 1947, I investigated Muda and Cildo. They were brought
Dialang admitted that Makinista, Cildo, and Cania Calagan out of the jail to my office preparatory to the preliminary
were the ones who killed the Chinese. I got these men and investigation which was set on that day and in my
brought them to Malalag. I delivered them to Captain investigation they admitted before me that they
Castillo and the latter and another sergeant investigated committed the crime charged. After I was convinced that
them. I arrested Muda in Bocalil on November 18. On the what they told me was true I typed their statements. After
way to Malalag I investigated him and he admitted that typing their statements I took them to the justice of the
he was the companion of Dialang in killing those persons. peace to have their oaths taken. Exhibit F is the statement
I brought him to Malalag and turned him over to the of Cildo and Exhiibit G is the statement of Muda. The
company commander and he was investigated by justice of the peace read and explained to the accused the
Sergeant Fabiania. contents of Exhibits F and G and after reading and
explaining to them they were asked if the contents were
David Fabiania, sergeant of the constabulary, testified true and the accused Cildo and Muda said yes. After the
that he investigated the accused Dialang and wrote his preliminary investigation Sergeant Fabiania asked
statement Exhibit B which he (Dialang) later permission from me to bring with him Muda in order to
thumbmarked before the justice of the peace; that he show to Sergeant Fabiania the river or place where Muda
also took the statement of Muda (Exhibit C) and that the had thrown the west point cloth and the bolo. I was
latter affixed his thumbmark to it before the justice of the informed later that they "were not able to recover those
peace of Sta. Cruz, who asked Muda if the contents were things because on the previous days the river overflowed
true after it was translated to Muda in the Oebuano its banks and probably those things were carried away by
Visayan dialect. He further testified in substance as the flood. On November 26, when I reported to the office,
follows: On November 24, 1947, Muda was brought to the Patrolman Bolado approached me and told me that
justice of the peace of Sta. Cruz for preliminary trial. After Dialang had confessed to him and admitted to have
the trial I had a conversation with him. He told me that participated in the killing of Cuya Lim and companions at
the bolo he used in the commission of the crime was Dacub. Immediately I ordered the guard to bring Dialang
to me. When Dialang was before me I confronted him I tola also Muda that I will call for Cildo to accompany us.
with the report made by Bolado and Dialang readily In the evening, after the prayer (novena) in the house of
admitted that the conversation lie had with Bolado was Cuya, I went to the house where Cildo lived and woke him
true. On November 27 I took him before the justice of the up without the knowledge of his housemates. I told Cildo
peace with his statement Exhibit E. The justice of the of my plan while on the way to my house. At the outset
peace ordered patrolman Bolado to read and translate Cildo did not like to consent, but I forced him, he being
the affidavit to Dialang. my grandson and I promised him that he will just stay
outside. Aaien we arrived at our house I woke up Muda
Artemio Cometa, justice of the peace of Sta. Cruz, so that we can leave without the knowledge of my wife
testified for the prosecution and vouched for the and children. At about 12:00 midnight we left for the
authenticity and voluntariness of the different house of Cuya. I then opened the back door of the kitchen
confessions made by the accused and thumbmarked and and entered followed by Muda while Oildo stayed
sworn to by each of them before him, assuring the court outside, "when we entered we already drew our bolos
that each of the accused thumbmarked his confession from the scabbard. We saw Cuya and companions
before him after the contents were translated and sleeping as there was a light from the lamp. I immediately
explained to him in the Visayan dialect and after each had stabbed and slashed Cuya until she died and then I killed
affirmed before him (the J. P.) that they were true. lili and Candelaria. lluda killed first Tanciang and because
Emilia ran outside I ordered Muda to follow her and he
We shall disregard the first statements made by the killed Emilia. When they were dead already I got one khaki
accused Dialang and Muda to the constabulary, Exhibits B pant. When Muda reentered the house after killing Emilia,
and C, as inaccurate and consider onl;r their statements, we left passing thru the main door. The short west point
Exhibits E, F, and G, taken subsequently by the chief of khaki pant was taken by me from a hanger inside the
police of Sta. Cruz. store. When we went out I gave the pant to Muda and
then we returned to our house while Cildo went to ths
Exhibits E and E-1, translated into English as Exhibits E-2 house where he was living. Early the next morning Muda
and E-3, read as follows: returned to the mountains.

"I, Dialang Calagan, of legal age, married and a resident of "Q. Why did you not also kill the two other children of
Sacub, Padada, Sta. Cruz, Davao, after having been duly Cuya?—A. We did not kill them because they could not
sworn according to law, depose and say: yet talk and as such they could not report.

"Q. In the evening of November 10, 1947, what happened "Q. Why did you kill Tanciang and her daughter when they
in Sacub, Sta. Cruz, Davao?—A. Cuya, Tanciang, two are not your enemies?—A. We killed them because they
children of Cuya (Emilia and Eli) and one child of Tanciang, will report what we have done.
Candelaria, were killed.
"Q.. In your affidavit which you have sworn to before the
"Q. Who killed them?—A. I killed Cuya, Eli and Candelaria, Justice of the Peace, Sta. Cruz, Davao, on November lo,
and Kuda killed Tanciang and Emilia. 1947, you stated that Cania, Fnustino, Makinista, Unte,
Cildo and lluda were the ones who killed Cuya and
"Q. why did you kill those persons?—A. I killed them companions, and now you stated again that the ones who
because I was slanderously scolded by Cuya and her killed are Muda, Cildo and you, which is now true?—A.
children. I was put to shame and I could no longer endure. The truth is Void a and myself while Cildo accompanied us
only and he stayed outside of the house.
"Q. You said that you were put to shame; what then
happened between you and Cuya?—A. I was indebted to "Q. why did you report Cania, Makinista, Faustino and
Cuya in the amount of P7. She tried to collect from me my Unte when in fact they are innocent?—A. I reported them
debt on Sunday at about 9:00 A.M. I told her to please because I was afraid of the MPC and so that it will not be
wait for a while as I was going to harvest yet my corn. But known that I was the one who killed.
she slanderously reprimanded me and put me to shame.
She called me a Calagan without manners. Her children "Q. What else did you get from the store of Cuya?—A.
helped also in defaming me. And I was slapped by Cuya Nothing else except the west point pant, we were not able
on my left face. to get the money because we were in a hurry to get out
due to fear of being discovered.
"Q. When did you think or decide to kill Cuya?—A. Muda
arrived at my house at 12:00 noon, Monday, November. "Q. When you were investigated by the authorities in
10, 1947. In the afternoon I decided to kill Cuya because Sacub why did you not tell the truth?—A. At the beginning
Muda was already there who could help me. I did not tell the truth as I was afraid that I will be killed by
the MPC, but later when there were no more MPC I told
"Q From the time you decided to kill Cuya please state the truth to a policeman of Sta. Cruz.
what you actually did until you consimmated your plot.—
A. At about 5:00 P.M., Monday, I told Muda of my plan to "Q. Do you have anything more to say?—A. No more.
kill Cuya. I told him the reasons ana because he is my
brother-in-law he sympathized with me and he acceded. "Q. Do you swear to the truth of the foregoing statenient
and that it is your own free and voluntary declaration
without force, threat or intimidation nor any promise of of P100.00 but he did not give me anything. After that I
reward of any kind?—A. Yes, sir. went home while Dialang and Muda went together.

"Witness: "Q. "Why did you not report the matter to the
(Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar authorities?—A. Because I was advised by Dialang not to
"Chief of Police tell anybody and I was afraid that Dialang might kill me.
"Dialang Calagan "Q. Do you have anything more to say?—A. No more.
"Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of
"Q. Do you swear to the truth of the foregoing without
November, 1947, at Sta. Cruz, Davao.
force, threat or intimidation nor promise of reward of any
(Sgd.) "Artemio Cometa kind and that the above is your free and voluntary
"Justice of the statement?—A. Yes, sir.
"Note: The above confession xjonsists of two pages. "Witness:
The confession was read to the affiant by Patrolman (Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar
Felicisirno Bolado before said affiant swore it before "Chief of Police
the undersigned. (marked)
(Sgd.) "Artemio "Cildo Cenente
Cometa " Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day
"Translated by: of November, 1947, at Sta. Cruz, Davao.
(Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar (Sgd.) "Artemio
"Chief of Police" Cometa
"Justice of the
Exhibit F, translated into English as Exhibit F-1, reads as Peace
"Translated from original Visayan confession of Cildo
Cenente by:
"I, Cildo Cemente (Calagan), of age, single, farmer and a
resident of Sacub, Padada, Sta. Cruz, Davao, after having
(Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar
been duly sworn to, depose and say: "Chief of Police
November 26,
"Q. On Monday, the 10th of this month where were 1947"
you?—A. I was in our house and in the evening I went to
the house of Cuya to attend the novena. Exhibit G, translated into English as Exhibit G-1, reads as
"Q. After the novena was finished where did you go?—A.
I went home to sleep. "I, Muda Tagacaolo, of age, married, farmer and a
resident of Magdolog, Sta. Cruz, Davao, after having been
"Q. Did. you see Dialang on the night of Monday?.—A. duly sworn in accordance to law, depose and say:
Yes, sir.
"Q. Where were you on Monday, the 10th of this
"Q. Where?—A. When I was already sleeping I was month?—A. I went to Dialang Galagan at Sacub to collect
awakened by Dialang and he told me that we will kill Cuya his debt of a horse and I arrived at his house at 12 noon.
so that he could get the money of Cuya to pay his debt to
Muda. I refused when he told me but he forced me and "Q. On the night of Monday where were you?—A. In the
for fear that he will kill me I went with him. house of Dialang.

"Q. From your house where did you go and what did you "Q. During the time you were in the house of Dialang what
do?—A. Dialang brought me to his house and then he happened to you?—A. At about 12 midnight I was
awakened i-iuda. when Muda was awakened Dialang awakened by Dialang and when I woke up Cildo was
again said that we will kill Cuya. It was about 12:00 already there. Dialang said that we will kill Cuya.
midnight more or less we went to the house of Cuya
bringing with us our respective bolos. When we arrived at "Q. From the time you have agreed (to kill Cuya) what did
the house of Cuya Dialang opened the back door and he you do?—A. We went to the store of Cuya. When we
entered followed by Muda. I stayed outside listening. I arrived, Dialang opened the door in the kitchen and he
heard that they were hacking and stabbing the people entered followed by Cildo and me. We saw that
inside and then a child ran out of the house. Dialang everybody were sleeping in the house. Then Dialang
ordered Muda. to run after the child. Muda ran after the stabbed Cuya and Cildo stabbed Constancia. When Cuya
child and he stabbed and killed also the child. Not long died he (Dialang} also hacked the two children. When we
after Dialang came out bringing with him "West Point were stabbing one of the children ran out of the house in
khaki good for one pantalon. This was given to Muda and the direction of the toilet, When Dialang saw he ordered
Dialang said that he was able to get money in the amount me to run after the child so that I also ran out and killed
the child, life used our respective bolos in killing those
people. After I killed the ehild outside I did not enter "Q. Did you, Cildo and Muda ever go to the house of Cuya
anymore inside the store. I only waited for them outside. on the night of November 10, 1947?—A. No, sir, I was
sick, I was wearing a patadyong. I stated those statements
"Q. Why did you know whom Dialang and Cildo killed?— because they threatened me with the revolver, they
A. I saw them because of the light of the lamp (lamparilla). pointed to me the revolver.
did they bring? A. Dialang brought West Point Khaki good
for one pantalon and he gave it to me. "Q. Did they not explain to you the contents of Exhibits E
and E-1?—A. No, sir.
"Q. Where is that West Point given to you?—A. When I
went to Bocalil I threw it into the river together with my "Q. In exhibits E and E-1 it appears that you appeared
bolo because I was afraid of what we have done. before the justice of the peace; is it true that you
appeared before the justice of the peace in connection
"Q. How much money were you able to get from the with exhibits 2 and E-1?—A. No, sir.
store?—A. I did not know because they did not give me
anything. "Q. Please tell the truth, because I myself I am convinced
that you appeared before the justice of the peace. Did you
"Q. After you have robbed and killed those people where really not appear before the justice of the peace in
did you go?—A. Dialang and myself returned to his house connection with exhibits E and E-1?—A. No, sir."
while Cildo returned to his house also. Early in that
morning Dialang ordered me to return to the mountains. Thus Dialang denied under oath having appeared before
the justice of the peace to sign Exhibit E, although his own
"Q. You have anything more to say on this attorney believed, and it had been clearly established,
investigation?—A. No more. that he did appear. As between his testimony and that of
the justice of the peace, the chief of police, and Patrolman
"Q. Do you swear to the truth of the foregoing statement Bolado, we find that the trial court did not err in rejecting
freely and voluntarily without any force, threat or the former and in accepting the latter.
intimidation or any promise of reward of any kind?—A.
Yes, sir. The testimony of Teopisto Capul, provincial warden of the
City of Davao, as a witness for the defense, to the effect
"Witness: that on December 2, 1947, the accused Dialang was sent
(Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar to the public hospital because he complained that one of
(marked) his ribs was dislocated, has no decisive weight because
such complaint of the accused was not verified either by
the warden himself or by a doctor of the hospital. It was
a mere self-serving statement of the accused, and the
" Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day accused himself did not testify during the trial that one of
of November, 1947, at Sta. Cruz, Davao. his ribs was damaged due to any maltreatment inflicted
(Sgd.) "Artemio by an officer of the law to extract a confession from him.
Cometa Besides, the testimony of the provincial warden that
"Justice of the Dialang could not walk alone and had to be held by other
Peace prisoners was contradicted by the next witness for the
"Translated from original Visayan confession of defense, Generoso Evangelico, who testified that he was
: the one who received Dialang in the provincial jail on
Cildo Cenente by
(Sgd.) "Teotimo S. Aguilar November 29 and that Dialang could walk alone, although
with difficulty. Dialang in his testimony repeatedly
"Chief of Police
asserted that he suffered from a boil.
November 26,
1947" The accused Cildo, also a Calagan, who pleaded guilty
before the justice of the peace, according to the record
As against the foregoing evidence for the prosecution, the and according to the latter's testimony, denied that he
evidence for the defense consists merely in the denial by entered that plea. He said that he was maltreated by the
each of the accused of any knowledge of the contents of soldiers in the house of Dialang. On cross-examination he
their respective confessions. testified in part as follows:

Dialang testified that the contents of his confessions "Q. And during that preliminary investigation of the case
Exhibits B and E are not true. He said: "I did not know what the justice of the peace asked you whether you were
I was signing, whether it was good or not. When they guilty of the murder of Cuya, and you answered the
prepared Exhibits B and B-1 I was sleeping. I did not know justice of the peace that you were guilty?—A. I stated I
where they prepared it. I learned of this in the following was not guilty.
morning." This witness, however, cannot be believed
because his testimony shows that he had no regard for
"Q. Just tell the truth, is it not true that you said yes, there
the truth. We quote a portion of his testimony on direct were many people there?—A. I stated I was not guilty.
examination as follows:
"Q. And during the time that the justice of the peace was about the killing of Cuya Lira and some members of her
asking you, your other coaccused were there, hearing family there were plenty of people who were inside the
your confession, is that not true?—A. I did not say that I Court room, is it not?—A. Many people.
was guilty.
"Q. And during your conversation with the justice of the
"Q. And during that investigation or preliminary peace your coaccused Dialang and Cildo were present and
investigation of your case the justice of the peace showed hearing that conversation, is that right?—A. They were
you a paper and asked you to thirnbmark that paper, is not.
that right?—A. I was made to sign certain caper but I did
not know what it was. "Q. They were not there?—A. They were there but they
did not hear our conversation, myself and the justice of
"Q. But it was the justice of the peace who asked you to the peace.
thumbmark on that paper, is that right?—A. He said to
sign it because it is for our own good. "Q. And during that occasion the justice of the peace also
had a talk with Cildo, is it not?—A. Yes, sir.
"Q. And when you put your thurabmark on said paper, all
your coaccused were present, is that true?—A. They were "Q. And their conversation was about the killing of Cuya
there and they saw. Lim and some members of her family, is it not?—A. No,
"Q. They also heard your conversation with the justice of
the peace relative to that paper on which you were "Q. But you have just told us that they had conversation.
placing your thumbmark?—A. Maybe they heard, Tell the truth.—A. No, sir.
because they were there.
"Q. What were they talking about?—A. They were not
"Q. And after you narked that paper, the justice of the talking anything.
peace called your coaccused Muda and had a talk with
him, is that true?—A. Me was asked. "Q. Is it not true that during that occasion Cildo also
thumbmarked some paper?—A. No, sir.
"Q. And the justice of the peace showed Muda some
paper and asked Muda to thumbmark that paper, is that "Q. Are you sure of that?—A. Yes, sir.
true?—A. Muda was forced to sign.
"Q. I want to call your attention that Cildo has testified
"Q. Who forced him?—A. The justice of the peace. here and stated that he had thumbmarked certain paper
in your presence at the office of the justice of the peace.
"Q. What did the justice of the peace say in having Mud a Tell the truth now.—A. There was none.
sign that paper?—A. He said to sign it because it is for his
own good." "Q. But Cildo was present during that occasion?—A. Yes,
The accused Muda, who lived in Bocalil, about two days'
walk from Sacub, admitted that on the night of November "Q. And so also was Dialang?—A. Yes, sir.
10, 1947, he was in Sacub, to ask his sister, the wife of
Dialang, to help him harvest his palay, but that she could "Q. So it is not true then that the two were not present?—
not go with him because her husband Dialang was sick A. They were there."
with a boil. He testified that he was forced to thumbmark
his concfession, Exhibits G and G-1. From the testimony We do not accept confessions readily and without due
of this accused it also appears that he has little care and caution because we are aware that some officers
or no regard for the truth. We quote from his testimony of the law resort to the illegal and. reprehensible tactics
on cross-examination as follows: of extorting confessions thru violence and intimidation
(People vs. Tipay, G.R. Mo. 49014, March 31, 1944[*]). But
"Q. You remember that during the preliminary in the present case we believe with the trial judge that the
investigation the justice of the peace had a talk with you confessions of the accused were voluntary and true. The
right in his court, is that right?—A. Yes, sir. fact that the four individuals who were at first implicated
by Dialang and Kuda and who were also arrested and
"Q. The justice of the peace spoke to you about the killing included in the original complaint were not forced to sign
of Cuya and members of her family, is that right?—A. Yes, any confession or statement, tends to show that the
sir. constabulary and the local police acted properly in
handling this case.
"Q. And during that preliminary investigation the justice
of the peace showed to you some document which you The Solicitor General recommends affirmance and we
thurnbmarkeilater on, is that right?—A. Yes, sir. find his recommendation in order. The judgment is
affirmed, with costs.
"Q.. And during your conversation with the justice of the
peace and during the time that you were talking with him
[ Commonwealth Act No. 616, June 04, 1941 ] person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the
same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or
AN ACT TO PUNISH ESPIONAGE AND OTHER employee of the Philippines or of the United States
entitled to receive it; or
(e) Whoever, being intrusted with or having lawful
possession or control of any document, writing, code
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines: book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic
negative, blue print, plan, map. model, note or
SECTION 1. Unlawfully obtaining or permitting to be information, relating to the national defense, through
obtained information affecting national defense.— (a) gross negligence permits the same to be removed from
Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in
respecting the national defense with intent or reason to violation of this trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or
believe that the information to be obtained is to be used destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not
to the injury of the Philippines or of the United States, or more than ten years and may, in addition thereto, be
to the advantage of any foreign nation, goes upon, enters, fined not more than ten thousand pesos.
flies over, or otherwise obtains information concerning
any vessel, aircraft, work of defense, navy yard, naval SEC. 2. Unlawful disclosing information affecting national
station, submarine base, coaling station, fort, battery, defense.— (a) Whoever, with the intent or reason to
torpedo, station, dockyard, canal, railroad, arsenal, camp, believe that it is to be used to the injury of the Philippines
factory, mine, telegraph, telephone, wireless, or signal or of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign
station, building, office, or other place connected with the nation, communicates, delivers, or transmits, or attempts
national defense, owned or constructed, or in progress of to, or aids or induces another to, communicate, deliver,
construction by the Philippines or by the United States or or transmit to any foreign government, or any faction or
under the control of the Philippines or of the United party or military or naval force within a foreign country,
States, or any of its officers or agents, or within the whether recognized or unrecognized by the Philippines or
exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippines or of the United by the United States, or to any representative, officer,
States, or any place in which any vessel, aircraft, arms, agent, employee, subject, or citizen thereof, either
munitions, or other materials or instruments for the use directly or indirectly, any document, writing code book,
in time of war are being made, prepared, repaired, or signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative,
stored, under any contract or agreement with the blue print, plan, map, model, instrument', appliance, or
Philippines or the United States, or with any person on information relating to the national defense, shall be
behalf of the Philippines or the United States, or any punished by imprisonment for not more than twenty
prohibited place within the meaning of section six hereof; years, if the offense is committed in time of peace, or by
or death or imprisonment for not more than thirty years, if
it is in time of war.
(b) Whoever, for the purpose aforesaid, and with like
intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or (b) Whoever, in time of war with intent that the same
obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, shall be communicated to the enemy, shall collect,
take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, record, publish, or communicate, or attempt to elicit any
photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, information with respect to the movement, number,
instrument, appliance, document, writing, or note of description, condition, or disposition of any of the armed
anything connected with the national defense; or forces, ships, aircraft, or war materials of the Philippines
or of the United States, or with respect to the plans or
(c) Whoever, for the purpose aforesaid, receives or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct of any military,
obtains or agrees or attempts or induces or aids another naval, or air operations, or with respect to any works or
to receive or obtain from any person, or from any source measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended
what ever, any document, writing, code book, signal for the fortification or defense of any place, or any other
book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue information relating to the public defense which might be
print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note of useful to the enemy, shall be punished by death or by
anything connected with the national defense, knowing imprisonment for not more than thirty years.
or having reason to believe, at the time he receives or
obtains, or agrees or attempts or induces or aids another SEC. 3. Disloyal acts or works in time of peace.— It shall
to receive or obtain it, that it has been or will be obtained, be unlawful for any person, with intent to interfere with,
taken, made, or disposed of by any person contrary to the impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline of
provisions of this Act; or the military, naval, or air forces of the Philippines or of the
United States: (a) to advise, counsel, urge, or in any
(d) Whoever, lawfully or unlawfully having possession of, manner cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or
access to, control over, or being intrusted with any refusal of duty by any member of the military, naval, or
document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, air forces of the Philippines or of the United States; or (b)
photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, to distribute any written or printed matter which advises,
map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or
the national defense, willfully communicates or transmits refusal of duty by any member of the military, naval, or
or attempts to communicate or transmit the same to any air forces of the Philippines or of the United States. The
violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of
imprisonment for not more than ten years, or by fine not not more than two thousand pesos, or both.
more than ten thousand pesos, or both.
SEC. 9. Photographing, etc., from aircraft. — Any person
SEC. 4. Disloyal acts or words in time of war. — Whoever, who uses or permits or procures the use of an aircraft for
when the Philippines or the United States is at war, shall the purpose of making a photograph, sketch, picture,
willfully make or convey false reports or false statements drawing, map, or graphical representation of vital military
with the intent to interfere with the operation or success naval or air installations or equipment, in violation of
of the military, naval, or air forces of the Philippines or of section eight of this Act, shall be liable to the penalty
the United States or to promote the success of its therein provided.
enemies shall willfully cause or attempt to cause
insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in SEC. 10. Reproducing, publishing, selling, etc., un-
the military, naval, or air forces of the Philippines or the censored copies. — After the President of the Philippines
United States, or shall willfully obstruct the recruiting or shall have defined any vital military, naval, or air
enlistment service of the Philippines or of the United installation or equipment as being within the category
States, to the injury of the service of the Philippines or of contemplated under section eight of this Act, it shall bs
the United States, shall be punished by imprisonment for unlawful for any person to reproduce, publish, sell, or give
not more than twenty years, or by a fine of not more than away any photograph, sketch, picture, drawing, map or
twenty thousand pesos, or both. graphical representation of the vital military, naval, or air
installations or equipment so defined, without first
SEC. 5. Conspiracy to violate preceding sections. — If two obtaining permission of the commanding officer of the
or more persons conspire to violate the provisions of military, naval, or air post, camp, or station concerned, or
sections one, two, three, or four of this Act, and one or higher authority, unless such photograph, sketch, picture,
more of such persons does not act to effect the object of drawing, map, or graphical representation has clearly
the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy indicated thereon that it has been censored by the proper
shall be punished as in said sections provided in the case military, naval, or air authority. Any person found guilty of
of the doing of the act the accomplishment of which is the a violation of this section shall be punished as provided in
object of such conspiracy. section eight of this Act.

SEC. 6. Harboring or concealing violators of the law. — SEC. 11. Destroying or injuring or attempting to injure or
Whoever harbors or conceals any person who he knows, destroy war material in time of war. — When the
or has reasonable ground to believe or suspect, has Philippines or the United States is at war, whoever, with
committed, or is about to commit, an offense under intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the Philippines
this Act, shall be punished by imprisonment of not more or the United States or any associate nation in preparing
than ten years and may, in addition thereto, be fined not for or carrying on the war, or whoever, with reason to
more than ten thousand pesos. believe that his act may injure, interfere with, or obstruct
the Philippines or the United States or any associate
SEC. 7. Designation of prohibited places by nation in preparing for or carrying on the war, shall
proclamation. — The President of the Philippines in time willfully injure or destroy, or shall attempt to so injure or
of war or in case of national emergency may by destroy, any war material, war premises, or war utilities,
proclamation designate any place other than those set as herein defined, shall be imprisoned not more than
forth in subsection (a) of section one hereof in which thirty years or be fined not more than thirty thousand
anything for the use of the army, navy, or air forces are pesos, or both.
being prepared or constructed or stored as a prohibited
place for the purpose of this Act: Provided, That he shall SEC. 12. Making or causing war material to be made in
determine that information with respect thereto would defective manner. — When the Philippines or the United
be prejudicial to the national defense. States is at war, whoever, with intent to injure, interfere
with, or obstruct the Philippines or the United States or
SEC. 8. Photographing, etc., defensive installations any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the
regulated; penalties. — Whenever, in the interests of war, or whoever, with reason to believe that his act may
national defense, the President of the Philippines shall injure, interfere with, or obstruct the Philippines or the
define certain vital military, naval, or air installations or United States or any associate nation in preparing for or
equipment as requiring protection against the general carrying on the war, shall willfully make or cause to be
dissemination of information relative thereto, it shall be made in a defective manner,, or attempt to make or cause
unlawful to make any photograph, sketch, picture, to be made in a defective manner, any war material, as
drawing, map, or graphical representation of such vital herein defined, or any tool, implement, machine, utensil,
military, naval, and air installations or equipment without or receptacle used or employed in making, producing,
first obtaining permission of the commanding officer of manufacturing or repairing any such war material as
the military, naval, or air post, camp, or station herein defined, shall be imprisoned not more than thirty
concerned, or higher authority and promptly submitting years or be fined not more than thirty thousand pesos, or
the product obtained to such commanding officer or both.
higher authority for censorship or such other action as he
may deem necessary. Any person found guilty of a SEC. 13. Injuring or destroying national defense material,
violation of this section shall be punished by premises, or utilities. — Whoever, with intent to injure,
interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of the gas mains, oil or gasoline stations, pipes, structures, and
Philippines or the United States shall willfully injure or buildings, whereby or in connection with which water, or
destroy, or shall attempt to so injure or destroy, any gas, or oil, or gasoline, or other fluid is being- furnished,
national defense material, national defense premises, or or may be furnished, to any war or national defense
national defense utilities, as herein provided, shall be premises or to the military, naval, or air forces of the
imprisoned not more than ten years or be fined not more Philippines or the United States, or any associate nation,
than ten thousand pesos, or both. and all electric light and power, steam or pneumatic
power, telephone, and telegraph plants, poles, wires, and
SEC. 14. Making or causing to be made in a defective fixtures and wireless stations, and the buildings
manner, or attempting to make or cause to be made in a connected with the maintenance and operation thereof
defective manner, national defense material. — Whoever, used to supply water, light, heat, gas, oil, gasoline, fluid,
with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the power, or facilities of communication to any war or
national defense of the Philippines or of the United national defense premises or to the military, naval, or air
States, shall willfully make or cause to be made in a forces of the Philippines or of the United States, or any
defective manner, or attempt to make or cause to be associate nation.
made in a defective manner, any national defense
material, as herein defined, or any tool, implement, The words "associate nation," as used in this chapter, shall
machine, utensil, or receptable used or employed in be deemed to mean any nation at war with any nation
making, producing, manufacturing, or repairing any such with which the Philippines or the United States is at war.
national defense material, as herein defined, shall be
imprisoned not more than ten years, or fined not more The words "foreign government," as used in this Act, shall
than ten thousand pesos, or both. be deemed to include any government, faction, or body
of insurgents within a country with which the Philippines
SEC. 15. Definition of terms. — The term "aircraft" as used or United States is at peace, which government, faction,
in this Act means any contrivance known or hereafter or body of insurgents may or may not have been
invented, used, or designed for navigation or flight in the recognized by the Philippines or the United States as a
air. The expression "post, camp, or station" as used in government.
this Act shall be interpreted to include naval vessels,
military and naval aircraft, and any separate military, SEC. 16. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
naval or air command.
Approved, June 4, 1941.
The words "war or national defense material" as used
herein shall include arms, armament, ammunition,
livestock, stores of clothing, food, foodstuffs, or fuel; and
shall also include supplies, munitions, and all other
articles of whatever description, and any part or
ingredient thereof intended for, adapted to, or suitable
for the use of the Philippines or the United States, or any
associate nation, in connection with the conduct of war
or national defense.

The words "war or national defense premises," as used

herein, shall include all buildings, grounds, mines, or
other places wherein such war or national defense
material is being produced, manufactured, repaired,
stored, mined, extracted, distributed, loaded, unloaded,
or transported, together with all machinery and
appliances therein contained; and all ports, arsenals, navy
yards, prisons, camps, or other military, naval, or air
stations of the Philippines or the United States or any
associate nation.

The words "war or national defense utilities," as used

herein, shall include all railroads, railways, electric lines,
roads of whatever description, railroad or railway fixture,
canal, lock, dam, wharf, pier, dock, bridge, building,
structure, engine, machine, mechanical contrivance, car,
vehicle, boat, or aircraft, or any other means of
transportation whatsoever, whereon or whereby such
war or national defense material or any troops of the
Philippines or of the United States, or of any associate
nation, are being or may be transported either within the
limits of the Philippines or the United States or upon the
high seas; and all dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, water and
relations of a foreign government or a foreign
[ BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 39, political party.
September 07, 1979 ] 5. "Political propaganda" refers to any oral, visual,
graphic, written, pictorial, or other
communication or expression :
REQUIRING THE REGISTRATION OF FOREIGN (a) which seeks in any reasonable degree to
AGENTS IN THE PHILIPPINES. prevail upon, indoctrinate, convert, induce, or in
any other way influence a person or any section
of the public within the Philippines with respect
Be it enacted by the Batasang Pambansa in session to the political or public interests, policies, or
assembled: relations of a foreign government or a foreign
political party or with respect to the foreign
SECTION 1. Title.—This Act shall be known as the "Foreign policies of the. Philippines; or
Agents Act of 1979".
(b) which advocates, advises, instigates, or
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.—It shall be the purpose and promotes social, political, or religious dissension,
policy of this Act for reasons of national security and disorder, civil riot, or conflict involving the use of
interest to regulate the activities of foreign agents and to force, or the overthrow of the government of the
require them to register and to disclose their political Republic of the Philippines.
activities in the Republic of the Philippines, so that the
government and the people of the Philippines may be 6. "Political consultant" refers to any person who
informed of their identity and may appraise their engages in informing or advising any other
statements and actions. person on the domestic or foreign policies of the
Philippines or on the political or public interests,
SEC. 3. Definition of Terms.—For purposes of this Act— policies, or relations of a foreign government or
of a foreign political party.
1. "Person" refers to an individual, partnership, 7. "Public relations counsel" refers to any person
association, corporation or any other who engages directly or indirectly in informing,
combination of individuals. advising, or in any way representing a principal in
2. "Foreign principal" refers to the government of a any matter affected by the public policies or
foreign country or a foreign political party; a interests of a principal.
foreigner located within or outside the 8. "Publicity agent" refers to any person who
jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines; or engages directly or indirectly in the dissemination
a partnership, association, corporation, and/or publication of information for and on
organization or other entity owned or controlled behalf of a principal.
by foreigners. 9. "Information representative" refers to any
3. "Foreign agent" refers to any person who acts or person who engages in collecting or gathering
agrees to act as political consultant, public data and in disseminating and/or publishing the
relations counsel, publicity agent, information same for and on behalf of a principal.
representative, or as agent, servant,
representative, or attorney for a foreign principal SEC. 4. Registration.— (1) Every person who is now a
or for any domestic organization subsidized foreign agent shall, within thirty days after this Act takes
directly or indirectly in whole or in part by a effect, and every person who shall hereafter become a
foreign principal. The term "foreign agent" shall foreign agent shall, within ten days thereafter, file with
not include a duly accredited diplomatic or the Ministry of Justice a true and a complete registration
consular officer of a foreign country or officials of statement, under oath, which shall set forth—
the United Nations and its agencies and of other
international organizations recognized by the a. The name, principal business address, and all
Republic of the Philippines while engaged in other business and residence addresses in the
activities within the scope of their legitimate Philippines or elsewhere, if any, of the registrant.
functions as such officers or a bona fide member b. The name of the foreign principal or other
or employee of a foreign press service or news person/s or organization/s for which such person
organization while engaged in activities within is acting as agent.
the scope of his legitimate functions as such. c. A copy of the contract/s of employment, or in the
4. "Political activity" refers to political propaganda absence thereof, a full statement of the terms
or any other activity which seeks in any and conditions, under which such person acts or
reasonable degree to prevail upon, indoctrinate, agrees to act as agent.
convert, induce, persuade, or in any other way d. The date when such contract or each of such
influence any agency or official of the Philippine contracts was made, the date of commencement
Government, or any section of the public within of activity thereunder and the period during
the Philippines with respect to the domestic or which such contract or each of such contracts is
foreign policies of the Philippines, or with respect to be in effect.
to the political or public interests, policies, or
e. The compensation to be paid, if any, and the form SEC. 6. Statement Open to Public Scrutiny.—The Minister
and manner of such compensation. of Justice (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) shall
f. The name of every foreign principal or other retain in permanent form all statements filed under this
person, or organization which contributed or Act, and such statements shall be public records and open
which has promised to contribute to the to public examination and inspection at all reasonable
compensation provided for such contract. hours, under such rules and regulations as the Minister
g. A detailed statement of every activity which the may prescribe.
registrant is performing or is assuming or
purporting or has agreed to perform for himself The Minister shall, promptly upon receipt, transmit one
or any other person other than a foreign principal copy of every registration statement and other
and which requires his registration. statements or matters related thereto, to the Minister of
h. If the registrant be a partnership, association, or Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Public Information for
corporation, a true and complete copy of its such comment and use as they may determine to be
charter, articles of incorporation, association, appropriate from the point of view of the foreign relations
constitution, and by-laws and any other and internal policies of the Philippines.
instruments relating to its organizations, powers
and purposes. SEC. 7. Exemptions.—This Act shall not apply to any
i. Such other statements, information or person engaging or agreeing to engage only—
documents as the Ministry of Justice for purposes
of this Act may from time to time require. 1. In private and non-political activities in
furtherance of the bona fide trade or commerce
(2) The termination of the status of the foreign agent shall of a foreign principal;
not relieve him from his obligation to file a registration 2. In activities in furtherance of bona
statement in accordance with this Act for the period fide charitable, religious, scholastic, academic,
during which he was such an agent. artistic or scientific pursuits ;
3. In the legal representation of a foreign principal
SEC. 5. Additional Statement.—Every person who has before any court or government
filed a registration statement required by Section four agency: Provided, That for purposes of this
shall, within thirty days after the expiration of a period of subsection, legal representation does not include
six months succeeding the first filing, and every six attempts to influence or persuade government
months thereafter, file with the Ministry of Justice a personnel or officials other than in the course of
statement, under oath, which shall set forth— their ordinary official business.

1. Such facts as may be necessary to make the SEC. 8. Amended Registration.—If the Minister
information required under Section four hereof determines that a registration statement does not comply
accurate and current with respect to such period. with the requirements of this Act or the regulations issued
2. The name, business, and residence address, and thereunder, he shall so notify the registrant in writing,
if an individual, the nationality, of any person specifying in what respects the statement is deficient.
other than a foreign principal for whom the
registrant is acting, assuming or purporting to act It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a foreign agent
or has agreed to act under such circumstances as at any time after receipt of such notification without filing
require his registration hereunder, the extent to an amended registration statement in full compliance
which such person is supervised, directed, with the requirements of this Act and the regulations
owned, controlled, financed, or subsidized, in issued thereunder.
whole or in part, by any foreign government or
foreign political party or by any other foreign SEC. 9. Filing and Labelling of Political Propaganda.— A
principal, and the nature and amount of foreign agent who transmits or disseminates in the
contributions, income, money," or thing of value, Philippines any political propaganda for or in the interest
if any, that the registrant has received during the of his foreign principal among two or more persons shall,
preceding sixty days from such person in not later than forty-eight hours after the beginning of the
connection with any of the activities referred to transmittal thereof, file with the Ministry of Justice two
under this Act, either as compensation or for copies thereof, setting forth full information as to
disbursement or otherwise, and the form and
time of each such payment and from whom The places, times and extent of such transmittal. Violation
received. of this provision shall constitute an offense under this Act.
3. A detailed statement of money and other things
of value spent or disposed of by the registrant SEC. 10. Injunction.—Whenever in the judgment of the
during the preceding sixty days in furtherance of, Minister any person is engaged in or about to engage in
or in connection with activities which require his any act which constitutes or will constitute a violation of
registration hereunder, and which have been any provision of this Act, or regulations issued
undertaken by him either as a foreign agent, or thereunder, or whenever any foreign agents fails to
for himself, or any other person, or in connection comply with any of the provisions of this Act, or the
with any activity relating to his becoming such an regulations issued thereunder, or otherwise is in violation
agent. of this Act, the Minister may secure from the appropriate
court an order requiring compliance with any appropriate If the offense, is committed by a corporation, partnership,
provision of the Act or regulation thereunder. The court association or any other organization or entity, the
shall have jurisdiction and authority to issue a temporary penalty provided herein shall be imposed on the
or permanent injunction, restraining order or such other president, managing director, managing partner, or chief
order as it may deem proper. The proceedings shall enjoy operating officer, whichever the case may be: Provided,
the highest priority and shall be expedited in every way. That if the offender is a foreigner, he shall, after payment
of the fine and/or service of the sentence, be subject to
SEC. 11. Unlawful Acts.—(1) It shall be unlawful for any deportation.
person within the Philippines who is a foreign agent:
SEC. 13. Rules and Regulations.—The Minister of Justice
a. to transmit, convey, or otherwise furnish to any shall forthwith promulgate such rules and regulations as
agency or official of the government for or in the may be necessary to implement the provisions of this Act;
interest of a foreign principal any political such rules and regulations shall have the effect of law
propaganda, or to request from any agency or fifteen (15) days following their publication in the. Official
official for or in the interest of such foreign Gazette.
principal any information or advice pertaining to
any political or public interests, policies or SEC. 14. Separability Clause.—It, for any reason, any
relations of a foreign country or of a political provision or part hereof is declared unconstitutional, the
party or pertaining to the foreign or domestic remainder of this Act shall not be affected by such
policies of the Philippines, unless the propaganda declaration.
being issued or the request being made is
prefaced or accompanied by a true and accurate SEC. 15. Revealing Clause.—All provisions of law which
statement to the effect that such person is are m conflict with this Act are hereby repealed or
registered as a foreign agent under this Act; modified accordingly.
b. to be a party to any contract, agreement, or
understanding, either express or implied, with a SEC. 16. Effectivity.—This Act shall take effect upon its
foreign principal pursuant to which the amount approval.
or payment of the compensation, fee or other
remuneration of such agent is contingent in Approved, September 7, 1979.
whole or in part upon the success of any political
activity carried out by such agent;
c. To make, directly or indirectly, any contribution
of money or other thing of value, or promise
expressly or impliedly to make any such
contribution, in connection with any convention,
caucus or other process to select candidates for
any political office.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person in the Philippines to

solicit, accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, from any
foreign agent or from a foreign principal, any of the
contributions, or promises to make such contributions,
referred to in subsection (c) of this Section.

(3) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee

or his spouse to act as a foreign agent. However, the
government may employ any foreign agent: Provided,
That the head of the employing agency certifies that such
employment is required in the national interest. A
certification issued under, this paragraph shall be
forwarded by the head of such agency to the Minister
who shall cause the same to be filed along with the
registration statement and other documents filed by such

SEC. 12. Penalties.—Any person who violates any

provision of this Act or any regulation thereunder; or who
fails to file any statement required to be filed under this
Act; or in complying with the provision of this Act, makes
a false statement of material fact, or omits to state any
material fact required to be stated therein shall be liable
on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years or a fine not exceeding P10,000.00 or both.
[ PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 532, August 08, 1974 ] belongings of its complement or passengers,
irrespective of the value thereof, by means of
ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-HIGHWAY ROBBERY violence against or intimidation of persons or
force upon things, committed by any person,
LAW including a passenger or member of the
complement of said vessel, in Philippine waters,
WHEREAS, reports from law-enforcement agencies reveal shall be considered as piracy. The offenders shall
that lawless elements are still committing acts of be considered as pirates and punished as
depredations upon the persons and properties of hereinafter provided.
innocent and defenseless inhabitants who travel from e. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. — The seizure of
one place to another, thereby disturbing the peace, order any person for ransom, extortion or other
and tranquility of the nation and stunting the economic unlawful purposes, or the taking away of the
and social progress of the people; property of another by means of violence against
or intimidation of persons or force upon things of
WHEREAS, such acts of depredations constitute either other unlawful means, committed by any person
piracy or highway robbery, brigandage which are among on any Philippine Highway.
the highest forms of lawlessness condemned by the penal
statutes of all countries; and, SEC. 3. Penalties. — Any person who commits piracy or
highway robbery/brigandage as herein defined, shall,
WHEREAS, it is imperative that said lawless elements be upon conviction by competent court be punished by:
discouraged from perpetrating such acts of depredations
by imposing heavy penalty on the offenders, with the end a. Piracy. — The penalty of reclusion temporal in its
in view of eliminating all obstacles to the economic, social, medium and maximum periods shall be imposed.
educational and community progress of the people; If physical injuries or other crimes are committed
as a result or on the occasion thereof, the penalty
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed. If rape,
the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by murder or homicide is committed as a result or
the Constitution and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, on the occasion of piracy, or when the offenders
dated September 21, 1972 and No. 1104, dated January abandoned the victims without means of saving
17, 1973 and General Order No. 1, dated September 22, themselves, or when the seizure is accomplished
1972, do hereby order and decree as part of the law of by firing upon or boarding a vessel, the
the land the following: mandatory penalty of death shall be imposed.
b. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. — The penalty
SECTION 1. Title. — This Decree shall be known as the of reclusion temporal in its minimum period shall
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974. be imposed. If physical injuries or other crimes
are committed during or on the occasion of the
SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. — The following terms shall commission of robbery or brigandage, the
mean and be understood, as follows: penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium and
maximum periods shall be imposed. If kidnapping
a. Philippine Waters. — It shall refer to all bodies of for ransom or extortion, or murder or homicide,
water, such as but not limited to, seas, gulfs, bays or rape is committed as a result or on the
around, between and connecting each of the occasion thereof, the penalty of death shall be
Islands of the Philippine Archipelago, irrespective imposed.
of its depth, breadth, length or dimension, and all
other waters belonging to the Philippines by SEC. 4. Aiding pirates or highway robbers/brigands or
historic or legal title, including territorial sea, the abetting piracy or highway robbery/brigandage. — Any
sea-bed, the insular shelves, and other submarine person who knowingly and in any manner aids or protects
areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty pirates or highway robbers/brigands, such as giving them
or jurisdiction. information about the movement of police or other peace
b. Vessel. — Any vessel or watercraft used for officers of the government, or acquires or receives
transport of passengers and cargo from one place property taken by such pirates or brigands or in any
to another through Philippine Waters. It shall manner derives any benefit therefrom; or any person who
include all kinds and types of vessels or boats directly or indirectly abets the commission of piracy or
used in fishing. highway robbery or brigandage, shall be considered as an
c. Philippine Highway. — It shall refer to any road, accomplice of the principal offenders and be punished in
street, passage, highway and bridges or other accordance with the Rules prescribed by the Revised
parts thereof, or railway or railroad within the Penal Code.
Philippines used by persons, or vehicles, or
locomotives or trains for the movement or It shall be presumed that any person who does any of the
circulation of persons or transportation of goods, acts provided in this Section has performed them
articles, or property or both. knowingly, unless the contrary is proven.
d. Piracy. — Any attack upon or seizure of any
vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part SEC. 5. Repealing clause. — Pertinent portions of Act No.
thereof or Its cargo, equipment, or the personal 3815, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code; and all
laws, decrees, or orders or instructions, or parts thereof,
insofar as they are inconsistent with this Decree are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SEC. 6. Effectivity. — This Decree shall take effect upon


Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of August, in the

year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-four.
[ G.R. No. 104461, February 23, 1996 ] Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), when they pleaded not
guilty to the charge upon arraignment on August 9, 1991.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF- Evidence for the Prosecution
JAIME REJALI Y LINA, DEFENDANTS- The prosecution thereafter established that on May 29,
APPELLANTS. 1991, at about 9:00 in the evening, 17-year-old Ma. Grace
Zulueta and her elder sister, Ma. Ramilyn, were on their
way home from their grandparents’ house in Altura Ext.,
DECISION Sta. Mesa, Manila. They boarded a passenger jeepney
bound for Cubao via Aurora Blvd. The jeepney was fully
loaded with the driver, his wife and two children on the
PANGANIBAN, J.: front seat and eight passengers on each of the two
parallel back seats.[2]
The main question answered in this case is whether the
accused should be convicted of highway robbery with The Zulueta sisters were seated near the rear entrance of
homicide punishable under Presidential Decree No. 532, the jeepney[3] with accused Romeo Mendoza seated
or of robbery with homicide under Article 294 of the beside Grace.[4] It was through Mendoza that Grace
Revised Penal Code. handed over their fare to the driver as the jeepney passed
by the SM complex.[5] Glory Oropeo (or Lory Europeo[6]),
Appellants Romeo Mendoza and Jaime Rejali were who boarded the same jeepney near the Stop and Shop
charged on June 17, 1991 before the Regional Trial Court Supermarket, was seated behind the driver. Accused
in Pasig, Metro Manila (Branch 156) of the crime of Jaime Rejali was beside Glory while their companion
"ROBBERY HOLD-UP (sic) with HOMICIDE (P.D. No. 532, named Jack, who has remained at large, was seated
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highwat (sic) Robbery Law of across her.[7]
1974)"[1] in an Information which reads as follows:
When the jeepney reached the dark portion of Aurora
"That on or about the 29th day of May 1991, in the Blvd. in San Juan, Metro Manila, near St. Paul’s College,
municipality of San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines, a just after the bridge and before Broadway Centrum,
place within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court the someone announced a hold-up[8] Both Mendoza and
above- named accused, armed with gun and knives, Rejali had guns while Jack was armed with a knife. It was
conspiring and confederating together with one alias Jack Rejali who fired his gun.[9] Jack told the Zulueta sisters that
whose true identity and present whereabouts is still they would "bring" the sisters along. As the accused
unknown, and mutually helping and aiding one another appeared drunk, the sisters ignored them. However, a
with intent to gain and by means of force, violence and male passenger jumped off the jeepney and a commotion
intimidation, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and ensued. Perplexed ("naguluhan") by this turn of events,
feloniously take, rob and divest one Glory Oropeo of cash the accused held Ramilyn who started kicking, trying to
money amounting to P3 0.00, while the said victim was extricate herself from their grasp. This prompted
aboard a passenger jeep, cruising along Aurora Blvd., San Mendoza to hit her on the head with his gun. He boxed
Juan, Metro Manila, which is a Philippine Highway, to the and kicked her, causing Ramilyn to fall out of the jeepney
damage and prejudice of the owner thereof, in the into the street where she rolled. [10]
aforementioned amount of P30.00; that on the occasion
of said robbery (hold-up) and for the purpose of enabling Mendoza then held Grace by her right arm. As she
them to take, rob and carry away personal belongings of struggled, Grace shouted, "bitawan mo ako, bitawan mo
all passengers in pursuance of their criminal act said ako," in an attempt to call the attention of the drivers of
accused, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and the other vehicles on the road. One of the accused hit
feloniously attack, assault and employ personal violence Grace on the head with a gun causing her to lose
upon the passengers (sic) of said passenger jeep, one consciousness.[11] (She finally came to at the St. Luke’s
Ramilyn Zulueta by then and there hitting her head with Hospital; she was confined there up to June 7, 1991. [12])
a gun and kicked (sic) her out of the passenger jeep which While all this was happening, Rejali poked his gun at the
caused her to fall in (sic) the pavement hitting her head other passengers.[13]
on the ground, thereby inflicting upon the latter mortal
injuries which directly caused her death, while Ma. Grace From Glory, the accused were able to get the amount of
Zulueta, punching her face and hitting her head with a P30.00. She handed it to the holdupper seated in front of
gun, as a result of which said Ma. Grace Zulueta sustained her. When the commotion took place, the driver slowed
physical injuries which required medical attendance for a down the jeepney but the holduppers told him to keep on
period of less than nine (9) days and incapacitated her moving. One of them ordered the driver to proceed to J.
from performing her customary labor for the same period Ruiz St. and make several turns until, when they reached
of time. Paterno, the culprits alighted and made their escape.[14]

Ramon Zulueta, the father of Grace and Ramilyn, learned

about the incident from his other daughter, Joralyn, who
The records show that both accused were assisted by
was informed that Grace was at the St. Luke’s Hospital.
their counsel de oficio, Atty. Fernando Fernandez of the
Grace, who was then a student employed at the Pizza Hut
for P3,000.00 a month, was confined in said hospital from
May 30 to June 7, 1991 for head trauma; she had For his part, 27-year-old Rejali testified that he also sold
contusions and hematomas on the left temporal region ice cream on the date in question, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00
and on the right occipito-parietal and anterior temporal p.m., along E. Tuazon St. near Balic-balic. He claimed that
regions, and abrasions on the supra orbital area as well as he had not gone to San Juan as he did not even know
elbow.[15] Ramon Zulueta spent around P 19,000.00 for where San Juan was, being new in the vicinity. Once back
Grace’s hospitalization.[16] in the factory, he prepared ice cream for sale the next day.
Then he rested in his room.[25]
Upon learning from Grace that Ramilyn had been with
her, Ramon Zulueta surmised that she might have been Myrna Balderama, who also stayed in the living quarters
brought to the hospital nearer the place of the incident, within the same ice cream factory, corroborated the
the UERM hospital. When he got there, he learned that testimonies of the two accused. According to her, she saw
Ramilyn, 21 years old and a computer management Mendoza enter the compound in the afternoon of May
student, had already died of severe, traumatic head 29, 1991. From outside her room, she could see
injuries.[17] The Zulueta family spent around P 15,000.00 Mendoza’s room; on the night in question, she saw him
for her interment.[18] taking care of his child. As to Rejali, she knew that he did
not leave the premises that evening as she had a
Two days after the incident, Ramon Zulueta was informed conversation with him up to 10:00 p.m. while he was
that the jeepney driver and his wife had "surrendered" to preparing ice cream.[26]
the police station in San Juan. The following day, he went
there but the driver was not around. He gave a statement On March 10, 1992, the trial court[27] rendered the
to the police.[19] Decision subject of this appeal. Its dispositive portion
reads as follows:
By fluke of fate, it was Grace herself who brought about
the apprehension of Mendoza. On the morning of June "WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds both
12, 1991, Grace saw Mendoza selling ice cream along accused ROMEO MENDOZA y REYES and JAIME REJALI y
Altura St. She noticed Mendoza staring at her. When she LINA guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
stared back, Mendoza lowered his gaze and left Violation of Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and
immediately. That same afternoon, she saw him again. Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974) and hereby
Considering her poor eyesight, she was instructed by her sentences each of them to suffer the penalty of reclusion
cousin to buy ice cream from Mendoza so that she could perpetua with all its accessory penalties, to indemnify the
get near enough to be sure if he was indeed one of the heirs of Ramilyn Zulueta in the amount of FIFTY
holduppers. When she approached and asked Mendoza, THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00), to pay the sum of
"Mama, kilala kita?", he could not look her in the eyes and P23,673.35 by way of reimbursement of the
seemed confused. Certain now that he was one of the hospitalization, burial and other related expenses for
holduppers, Grace announced to her brother and the Ramilyn Zulueta and the further sum of P30,000.00 by
other people present that Mendoza was one of the way of moral and exemplary damages; to pay Glory
holduppers. Mendoza tried to make a run for it, but the Oropeo the sum of P30.00 by way of reparation of the
people gave chase and overtook him.[20] stolen cash money; to pay Ma. Grace Zulueta the sum of
P6,400.00 by way of reimbursement of her hospitalization
Mendoza was brought to the police station where he was
expenses, all without subsidiary imprisonment in case of
identified by Grace in a line-up.[21] Rejali was
insolvency and to pay the costs.
apprehended that same night by police operatives.
According to SPO1 Dalmacio Luces, Lucia Salinas, the wife
"In the service of their sentence, the accused shall be
of jeepney driver Virgilio Salinas, described one of the
credited in full with the period of their preventive
suspects to the NBI cartographer who came out with a
sketch of his face.[22] However, Luces failed to get a
statement from Lucia.[23]
Evidence for the Defense
In this appeal, appellants fault the trial court for giving
credence to the "inconsistent, conflicting and
contradictory testimonies" of prosecution witnesses
Appellants interposed denial and alibi as defenses. Both
Grace Zulueta and Glory Oropeo and for convicting them
of them admitted knowing each other as they were
of the crime charged "despite the failure of the
working as ice cream vendors at the Ana Maria Ice Cream
prosecution to prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Factory in 1045 Balic-balic, Sampaloc, Manila where they
also lodged in rooms provided by their employer.
Mendoza, 28 years old, swore that on that fateful day, he
Although not directly raised by the appellants, we find, -
sold ice cream from 8:30 a.m. to about 4:00 p.m. From
upon a thorough scrutiny of the facts - that there is yet
the factory, he went as far as V. Mapa St., passing under
another question which is of concern to the bar and the
the bridge near the Stop and Shop Supermarket. By 5:30
bench: are the facts attendant to this case constitutive of
in the afternoon, he was back at the factory. He spent the
the crime of highway robbery with homicide under Pres.
night of May 29, 1991 in his living quarters at the factory
Decree No. 532 or of the felony of robbery with homicide
taking care of his child as his wife was pregnant. [24]
under Art. 294 of the Revised Penal Code?
The Court’s Ruling untruthfulness. The light contradictions, on the other
hand, strengthens the sincerity of the testimony of the
This appeal hinges primarily on the issue of credibility of witnesses.’
witnesses. As this Court has ruled in innumerable cases,
the trial court is best equipped to make the assessment "Thus, far from evidence of falsehood, the minor
on said issue and therefore, its factual findings are inconsistency between the testimonies could justifiably
generally not disturbed on appeal unless the court a be regarded as a demonstration of their good faith."
quo is perceived to have overlooked, misunderstood or
misinterpreted certain facts or circumstances of weight, The strongest part of the defense arguments concerns
which, if properly considered, would affect the result of the identification of the appellants as the perpetrators of
the case and warrant a reversal of the decision the crime considering the lighting condition inside the
involved.[29] We do not find in the instant case any such jeepney. Appellants believed that they could not have
reason to depart from said general principle. been recognized because both Grace and Glory admitted
Nevertheless, in the interest of substantial justice, we that the place was dark, and so surmised that it would
shall confront the issues raised herein by the appellants. have been darker inside the jeepney because the
eyewitnesses failed to point out the source of light
Appellants allege the following "inconsistent" testimonies therein.[33] However, in trying to prove their allegation,
of the prosecution eyewitnesses: (a) Grace testified that appellants unwittingly brought out details via Grace’s
it was Rejali who shouted "hold-up," pulled out a gun and testimony which demolish their surmise. Thus:
fired, in contradiction to Glory’s testimony that the man
in front of her, referring to Jack, announced the hold-up, "Q. Despite the darkness, you were able to identify the
and (b) at the direct examination, Grace pointed out that gun?
she was struck behind her right ear but during cross-
examination, she said that she was hit on the left ear. A. I did not say it was completely dark. I said in the
jeepney it was quite lighted. I said it was dark outside but
The first inconsistency may be attributed to the difference in the jeepney, it was quite lighted."[34] (Italics supplied.)
in the relative positions of Grace and Glory inside the It seems, moreover, that appellants only quoted portions
jeepney. Grace was seated near the rear entrance of the of the testimonies of Grace and Glory to suit their
jeepney while Glory was behind the driver. Because Grace purpose. Had the appellants been candid enough, they
was far from both Jack and Rejali who were seated near would have retained portions of the same testimonies
Glory, this could have affected her perception of who evidencing that it was the place where the jeepney was
announced the hold-up. At any rate, such disparity in their passing through that was dark but, inside the jeepney, it
testimonies does not at all derail the sufficiently was "medium light." Grace had testified on cross-
established fact that both appellants herein participated examination as follows:
in the hold-up. As regards the injuries sustained by Grace, Will you mention again the exact location of the
the certificate issued by her attending physician, Dr. "Q.
alleged incident?
Sosepatro Aguila, states that she sustained injuries on I am not familiar with the streets, sir. It was after a
both sides of the head,[30] clearly A.
bridge. After UERM, sir.
showing no "contradictions" in her testimony with
respect to where she was hit. Q. What was the condition of the place at that time?
A. It was moderately dark. Quite lighted. Medium.
Be that as it may, these "inconsistencies" or How about inside the passenger jeepney? Was it
"contradictions" are minor ones which do not have any Q.
material, bearing on the culpability of the appellants as Medium, sir. Since it was dark, you cannot have a
they do not in any way refute their positive identification A.
complete light there.
by the two eyewitnesses as the perpetrators of the hold-
up.[31] On the contrary, they reflect the truthfulness of the Q. It was quite dark?
testimonies of Grace and Glory. As this Court said A. Yes, sir."[35]
in People vs. Retuta:[32] For her part, Glory testified on cross-examination in this
"The discrepancy signifies that the two witnesses did not Madam witness, will you mention again the exact
deliberately pervert the truth in their narrations. The "Q.
location where you said you were allegedly held up?
discordance in their testimonies on minor matters
A. San Juan, H. Lozada and J. Ruiz St., sir.
heightens their credibility and shows that their
testimonies were not coached or rehearsed (People v. Q. What was the condition of that place at that time?
Doria, 55 SCRA 425). As this Honorable Court held in A. It was dark because it was already nighttime.
People v. Agudu, 137 SCRA 516 to wit: You mean the exact place where you were held-up
is a dark place?
‘However, the variance, if any, is on a minor detail which A Yes, sir."[36] (Italics supplied.)
would not destroy the effectiveness of their
Visibility is an important factor in the identification of a
testimony. We cannot expect absolute uniformity in
criminal offender. However, its relative weight and
every detail because witnesses react differently to what
significance depends largely on the attending
they see and hear, depending upon their situation and
circumstances and the discretion of the trial
state of mind. Complete uniformity in details is a badge of
court.[37] Another overriding consideration is the fact that "e. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. - The seizure of any
the most natural reaction of victims of violence is to strive person for ransom, extortion or other unlawful purposes
to see the appearance of the perpetrator of the crime and or the taking away of the property of another by means
observe the manner in which the crime was being of violence against or intimidation of person or force upon
committed.[38] things or other unlawful means, committed by any person
on any Philippine highway."
In the case before us, Grace’s unrebutted testimony is
that the jeepney was "quite lighted x x x medium." Even In People vs. Puno,[43] this Court, speaking through the
granting that the light was dim as most jeepneys have learned Mr. Justice Florenz D. Regalado, explained the
colored or low-wattage bulbs for the passenger area, the purpose of brigandage as follows:
added illumination from the headlights of passing vehicles
traveling the busy Aurora Boulevard would have been "In fine, the purpose of brigandage is inter alia,
sufficient to permit positive identification of the indiscriminate highway robbery. If the purpose is only a
appellants.[39] Moreover, identification of the appellants particular robbery, the crime is only robbery, or robbery
as the hold-uppers was facilitated by their physical in band if there are at least four armed participants.
proximity to the said eyewitnesses. Grace was seated (citing U.S. vs. Feliciano, 3 Phil. 422 [1904]) x x x
beside appellant Mendoza while Glory was beside Rejali.
That Grace had poor eyesight does not affect her positive "x x x Presidential Decree No. 532 punishes as highway
identification of Mendoza because she was wearing her robbery or brigandage only acts of robbery perpetrated
eyeglasses when the hold-up took place.[40] As stated by outlaws indiscriminately against any person or persons
above, because they were victims of violence, both Grace on Philippine highways as defined therein, and not acts of
and Glory must have had the appellants’ features indelibly robbery committed against only a predetermined or
imprinted in their minds. particular victim, x x x"

In light of the positive identification of the appellants as Consistent with the above, to obtain a conviction for
the perpetrators of the crime, their alibis are highway robbery, the prosecution should have proven
worthless.[41] Moreover, the defense failed to meet the that the accused, in the instant case, were organized for
requisites for alibi to be considered as a valid defense. It the purpose of committing robbery indiscriminately.
is not enough that the appellants were somewhere else There, however, was a total absence of such proof. There
when the crime transpired. They must likewise duly was also no evidence of any previous attempts at similar
establish that they were so far away that it was not robberies by the accused - to show the "indiscriminate"
physically possible for them to be present at the crime commission thereof.
scene or its immediate vicinity at or about the time of its
commission.[42] Balic-balic in Sampaloc, Manila and Incidentally, it would be relevant to add that the number
Aurora Boulevard in San Juan, Metro Manila are not very of perpetrators is no longer an essential element of the
distant from each other considering the numerous public crime of brigandage as defined by P.D. No. 532. Mr.
transportation facilities plying between said places. Justice Regalado explained this in Puno:

But, while there is proof beyond reasonable doubt to lay "True, Presidential Decree No. 532 did introduce
culpability on the appellants for the killing of Ma. Ramilyn amendments to Articles 306 and 307 of the Revised Penal
Zulueta, the physical injuries sustained by her sister Grace Code by increasing the penalties, albeit limiting its
and the asportation of Glory Oropeo’s thirty pesos, we do applicability to the offenses stated therein when
not agree with the trial court that the crime committed committed on the highways and without prejudice to the
by appellants is covered by P.D. No. 532. liability for such acts if committed. Furthermore, the
decree does not require that there be at least four armed
In its Decision, the trial court curtly said: persons forming a band of robbers; and the presumption
in the Code that said accused are brigands if they use
"The Court finds all the elements of the offense charged, unlicensed firearms no longer obtains under the decree.
namely, intent to gain, unlawful taking of property of x x x"[44]
another, (the P30.00 of Glory Oropeo) violence against or
intimidation of any person, on a Philippine Highway and Under the old doctrine, brigandage was committed by a
death of Ramilyn Zulueta and physical injuries upon Ma. "cuadrilla"[45] or by "more than three armed persons" per
Grace Zulueta, (Section 2, par. 3 and Section 3, par. b, the definition of brigands in Article 306 of the Revised
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974, Pres. Penal Code.[46]
Decree No. 532) have been duly proved in the instant
case." Even before the Puno holding, however, there had been
cases[47] where less than four offenders were held guilty
Highway Robbery or Robbery with Homicide? of highway robbery under P.D. No. 532, which just
strengthens the view that the number of offenders is not
Conviction under P.D. No. 532 requires not only the an essential element in the crime of highway robbery.[48]
above elements mentioned by the court a quo. Highway
robbery or brigandage is defined by Section 2 of said It is possible that since Aurora Boulevard is a highway
decree as follows: within the purview of P.D. No 532,[49] the prosecutors
deemed it proper to charge appellants with violation of
said decree. In this regard, the Puno ruling is enlightening. reprehensible as (if not more so than) large-scale robbery
This Court held: committed against the economically well-heeled.
Nonetheless, the law must be interpreted not only to
x x x (i)t would be absurd to adopt a literal interpretation bring forth its aim and spirit but also in light of the basic
that any unlawful taking of property committed on our principle that all doubts are to be resolved liberally in
highways would be covered thereby. It is an elementary favor of the accused. As such, appellants may not be held
rule of statutory construction that the spirit or intent of liable under P.D. No. 532 but only under the provisions of
the law should not be subordinated to the letter thereof. the Revised Penal Code.
Trite as it may appear, we have perforce to stress the
elementary caveat that he who considers merely the In the interpretation of an information, what controls is
letter of an instrument goes but skin deep into its not the designation but the description of the offense
meaning, and the fundamental rule that criminal justice charged.[53] Considering the allegations of the
inclines in favor of the milder form of liability in case of aforequoted Information, appellants herein should be
doubt. liable for the special complex crime of robbery with
homicide under Art. 294 of the Revised Penal Code,
"If the mere fact that the offense charged was committed robbery having been duly established beyond reasonable
on a highway would be the determinant for the doubt by the asportation of thirty pesos from Glory
application of Presidential Decree No. 532, it would not Oropeo. It is immaterial that Ramilyn Zulueta’s death was
be far-fetched to expect mischievous, if not absurd, accidental because it was produced by reason or on the
effects on the corpus of our substantive criminal law. occasion of the robbery.[54] The physical injuries inflicted
While we eschew resort to a reductio ad absurdum line of upon Grace Zulueta during the commission of the crime
reasoning, we apprehend that the aforestated theory are absorbed in the crime of robbery with homicide.[55]
adopted by the trial court falls far short of the
desideratum in the interpretation of laws, that is, to avoid Conspiracy was duly proven by the coordinated actions of
absurdities and conflicts. For, if a motor vehicle, either the appellants and their companion[56] of depriving Glory
stationary or moving on a highway, is forcibly taken at of her money and injuring both Ramilyn and Grace which
gunpoint by the accused who happened to take a fancy resulted in Ramilyn’s accidental death. Since both
thereto, would the location of the vehicle at the time of appellants took part in the robbery, they shall be liable for
the unlawful taking necessarily put the offense within the the complex crime of robbery with homicide in the
ambit of Presidential Decree No. 532, thus rendering absence of proof that they endeavored to prevent the
nugatory the categorical provisions of the Anti- accidental killing of Ramilyn.[57] In view of the prohibition
Carnapping Act of 1972? And, if the scenario is one where against the imposition of the death penalty when the
the subject matter of the unlawful asportation is large crime was committed, the penalty of reclusion
cattle which are incidentally being herded along and perpetua was then the single and indivisible penalty for
traversing the same highway and are impulsively set upon robbery with homicide. It shall be imposed on each of the
by the accused, should we apply Presidential Decree No. appellants regardless of the mitigating and aggravating
532 and completely disregard the explicit prescriptions in circumstances attending the commission of the crime.[58]
the Anti-Cattle Rustling Law of 1974?"[50]
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of
Hence, in charging a crime under P.D. No. 532, it is Pasig, Metro Manila (Branch 156) in Crim. Case No. 87218
important to consider whether or not the very purpose is hereby MODIFIED. Appellants Romeo Mendoza y Reyes
for which the law was promulgated has been and Jaime Rejali y Lina are hereby found GUILTY beyond
transgressed. Citing the "whereas clauses" of P. D. No. reasonable doubt of the special complex crime of robbery
532[51] in Puno, the Court said: with homicide and accordingly, each of them is hereby
sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
"Indeed, it is hard to conceive of how a single act of The other portions of the trial court’s decision, including
robbery against a particular person chosen by the the monetary awards imposed against them,
accused as their specific victim could be considered as are AFFIRMED. Costs against appellants.
committed on the ‘innocent and defenseless inhabitants
who travel from one place to another,’ and which single SO ORDERED.
act of depredation would be capable of ‘stunting the
economic and social progress of the people’ as to be Narvasa, C.J. (Chairman), Davide, Jr., Melo, and Francisco,
considered ‘among the highest forms of lawlessness JJ., concur.
condemned by the penal statutes of all countries,’ and
would accordingly constitute an obstacle ‘to the
economic, social, educational and community progress of
the people,’ such that said isolated act would constitute
the highway robbery or brigandage contemplated and
punished in said decree. This would be an exaggeration
bordering on the ridiculous."[52]

Petty robbery in public transport vehicles (with or without

personal violence and death) committed against the
middle and lower economic classes of society is as
[ G.R. No. 116734, March 29, 1996 ] highway robbers (ladrones) and brigands are

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF- Harking back to the origin of our law on brigandage
APPELLEE, VS. LARRY LAURENTE Y BEJASA, (bandolerismo) in order to put our discussion thereon in
MELVIN DAGUDOG, AND RICHARD DISIPULO, the proper context and perspective, we find that a band
ACCUSED. LARRY LAURENTE Y BEJASA, of brigands, also known as highwaymen or freebooters, is
more than a gang of ordinary robbers. Jurisprudence on
ACCUSED-APPELLANT. the matter reveals that during the early part of the
American occupation of our country, roving bands were
DECISION organized for robbery and pillage and since the then
existing law against robbery was inadequate to cope with
DAVIDE, JR., J.: such moving bands of outlaws, the Brigandage Law was
This is a case for our automatic review[1] in view of the
death penalty imposed upon accused-appellant Larry The following salient distinctions between brigandage
Laurente (hereinafter Laurente). and robbery are succinctly explained in a treatise on the
subject and are of continuing validity:
In a decision[2] promulgated on 23 August 1994 in
Criminal Case No. 104785, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) The main object of the Brigandage Law is to prevent the
of Pasig, Branch 156, found Laurente guilty beyond formation of bands of robbers. The heart of the offense
reasonable doubt of the crime of Highway Robbery with consists in the formation of a band by more than three
Homicide, defined and penalized under P.D. No. armed persons for the purpose indicated in Art. 306. Such
532,[3] and sentenced him to suffer the penalty of death; formation is sufficient to constitute a violation of Art. 306.
to indemnify the heirs of the victim in the amount of It would not be necessary to show, in a prosecution under
P50,000.00, and to pay them P27,300.00 as funeral it, that a member or members of the band actually
expenses and P100,000.00 as moral and exemplary committed robbery or kidnapping or any other purpose
damages; and to pay the costs. attainable by violent means. The crime is proven when
the organization and purpose of the band are shown to
We declare at the outset that even granting ex gratia that be such as are contemplated by Art.
the established facts prove beyond reasonable doubt that 306. On the other hand, if robbery is committed by a ban
Laurente and his two co-accused indeed committed the d, whose members were not primarily organized for the
acts charged in the information,[4] Laurente cannot be purpose of committing robbery or kidnapping, etc., the c
validly convicted for highway robbery with homicide rime would not be brigandage, but only robbery. Simply
under P.D. No. 532. The object of the decree is to deter because robbery was committed by a band of more than
and punish lawless elements who commit acts of three armed persons, it would not follow that it was
depredation upon persons and properties of innocent committed by a band of brigands. In the Spanish text of
and defenseless inhabitants who travel from one place to art. 306, it is required that the band "sala a los campos
another - which acts constitute either piracy or highway para dedicarse a robar."
robbery/brigandage - thereby disturbing the peace,
order, and tranquility of the nation and stunting the In fine, the purpose of brigandage is, inter
economic and social progress of the people.[5] It is alia, indiscriminate highway robbery. If the purpose is
directed against acts of robbery perpetrated by outlaws only a particular robbery, the crime is only robbery, or
indiscriminately against any person on Philippine robbery in band if there are at least four armed
highways, as defined therein, and not those committed participants. The martial law legislator, in creating and
against a predetermined or particular victim. Accordingly, promulgating Presidential Decree No. 532 for the
a robbery committed on a Philippine highway by persons objectives announced therein, could not have been
who are not members of the prescribed lawless elements unaware of that distinction and is presumed to have
or directed only against a specific, intended, or adopted the same, there being no indication to the
preconceived victim, is not a violation of P.D. No. 532. contrary. This conclusion is buttressed by the rule on
This Court, per Mr. Justice Florenz D. Regalado, so held contemporaneous construction, since it is one drawn
in People vs. Puno[6] and a reiteration of the discussion from the time when and the circumstances under which
therein is in order. Thus: the decree to be construed
originated. Contemporaneous exposition or construction
Contrary to the postulation of the Solicitor General is the best and strongest in the law.
Presidential Decree No. 532 is not a modification of
Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code on kidnapping and Further, that Presidential Decree No. 532 punishes as
serious illegal detention, but of Articles 306 and 307 on highway robbery or brigandage only acts of robbery
brigandage. This is evident from the fact that the relevant perpetrated by outlaws indiscriminately against any
portion thereof which treats of "highway robbery" person or persons on Philippine highways as defined
invariably uses this term in the alternative and therein, and not acts of robbery committed against only a
synonymously with brigandage, that is, as "highway predetermined or particular victim, is evident from the
robbery/brigandage." This is but in line with our previous preambular clauses thereof, to wit:
ruling, and which still holds sway in criminal law, that
WHEREAS, reports from law enforcement agencies reveal regarding the absence of the requisite elements which
that lawless elements are still committing acts of thereby necessarily puts the offense charged outside the
depredation upon purview and intendment of that presidential issuance, it
the persons and properties of innocent and defenseless i would be absurd to adopt a literal interpretation that any
nhabitants who travel from one place to another, thereb unlawful taking of property committed on our highways
y disturbing the peace, order and tranquility of the natio would be covered thereby. It is an elementary rule of
n and stunting the economic and social progress of the p statutory construction that the spirit of intent of the law
eople; should not be subordinated to the letter thereof. Trite as
it may appear, we have perforce to stress the elementary
WHEREAS, such acts and depredations constitute x x caveat that he who considers merely the letter of an
x highway robbery/brigandage which are among the high instrument goes but skin deep into its meaning, and the
est forms of lawlessness condemned by the penal statut fundamental rule that criminal justice inclines in favor of
es of all countries; the milder form of liability in case of doubt.

WHEREAS, it is imperative that said lawless elements be If the mere fact that the offense charged was committed
discouraged from perpetrating such acts and on a highway would be the determinant for the
depredations by imposing [a] heavy penalty on the application of Presidential Decree No. 532, it would not
offenders, with the end in view be far-fetched to expect mischievous, if not absurd,
of eliminating all obstacles to the economic, social, educ effects on the corpus of our substantive criminal
ational and community progress of the people; (Italics law. While we eschew resort to a reductio ad absurdum
supplied.) line of reasoning, we apprehend that the aforestated
theory adopted by the trial court falls far short of the
Indeed, it is hard to conceive of how a single act of desideratum in the interpretation of laws, that is, to avoid
robbery against a particular person chosen by the absurdities and conflicts. For, if a motor vehicle, either
accused as their specific victim could be considered as stationary or moving on a highway, is forcibly taken at
committed on the "innocent and defenseless inhabitants gunpoint by the accused who happened to take a fancy
who travel from one place to another," and which single thereto, would the location of the vehicle at the time of
act of depredation could be capable of "stunting the the unlawful taking necessarily put the offense within the
economic and social progress of the people" as to be ambit of Presidential Decree No. 532, thus rendering
considered "among the highest forms of lawlessness nugatory the categorical provisions of the Anti-
condemned by the penal statutes of all countries," and Carnapping Act of 1972? And, if the scenario is one where
would accordingly constitute an obstacle "to the the subject matter of the unlawful asportation is large
economic, social, educational and community progress of cattle which are incidentally being herded along and
the people," such that said isolated act would constitute traversing the same highway and are impulsively set upon
the highway robbery or brigandage contemplated and by the accused, should we apply Presidential Decree No.
punished in said decree. This would be an exaggeration 532 and completely disregard the explicit prescriptions in
bordering on the ridiculous. the Anti-Cattle Rustling Law of 1974?

True, Presidential Decree No. 532 did introduce We do not entertain any doubt, therefore, that the
amendments to Articles 306 and 307 of the Revised Penal coincidental fact that the robbery in the present case was
Code by increasing the penalties, albeit limiting its committed inside a car which, in the natural course of
applicability to the offenses stated therein when things, was casually operating on a highway, is not within
committed on the highways and without prejudice to the the situation envisaged by Section 2(e) of the decree in its
liability for such acts if committed. Furthermore, the definition of terms. Besides, that particular provision
decree does not require that there be at least four armed precisely define[s] "highway robbery/brigandage" and, as
persons forming a band of robbers; and the presumption we have amply demonstrated, the single act of robbery
in the Code that said accused are brigands if they use conceived and committed by appellants in this case does
unlicensed firearms no longer obtains under the decree. not constitute highway robbery or brigandage. (citations
But, and this we broadly underline, the essence of omitted)
brigandage under the Code as a crime of depredation
wherein the unlawful acts are directed not only against In the instant case, there is not a shred of evidence that
specific, intended or preconceived victims, but against Laurente and his co-accused, or their acts, fall within the
any and all prospective victims anywhere on the highway purview of P.D. No. 532, as interpreted above. Thus, to
and whosoever they may potentially be, is the same as repeat, Laurente cannot be validly convicted for highway
the concept of brigandage which is maintained in robbery with homicide under P.D. No 532.
Presidential Decree No. 532, in the same manner as it was
under its aforementioned precursor in the Code and, for Assuming further, however, that Laurente and his co-
that matter, under the old Brigandage Law. accused may be convicted under P.D. No. 532, the death
penalty cannot be legally imposed on Laurente. While it is
Erroneous advertence is nevertheless made by the court true that Section 3 of the said decree prescribes the
below to the fact that the crime of robbery committed by penalty of death for highway robbery with homicide, the
appellants should be covered by the said amendatory imposition of capital punishment was suspended[7] by
decree just because it was committed on a Section 19(1), Article III of the 1987 Constitution.[8]
highway. Aside from what has already been stressed
The reimposition of the death penalty by R.A. No. That on or about the 14th day of February, 1994 in the
7659[9] did not ipso jure lift the suspension as far as Municipality of Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines, and
P.D. No. 532 is concerned. An examination of the former within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
reveals that while it specifically imposed the death named accused, conspiring and confederating together
penalty or restored it for certain crimes,[10] it failed to do with Melvin Dagudog and Richard Disipulo, who are still
so for the latter - in fact, R.A. No. 7659 does not mention at large, and all of them mutually helping and aiding one
P.D. No. 532 at all. Clearly, by failing to squarely deal with another, with intent of [sic] gain and by means of force,
P.D. No. 532, Congress is deemed not to have considered violence and intimidation, did then and there willfully,
highway robbery with homicide a "heinous crime"; or if it unlawfully and feloniously take, rob and divest from
did, it found no "compelling reason" to reimpose the Herminiano G. Artana of his earnings in and [sic]
death penalty therefor. undetermined amount along F. Concepcion St., Bgy. San
Joaquin, Pasig, Metro Manila, which is a Philippine
Nevertheless, the amended information hereinafter Highway; that on the occasion of the said robbery and for
quoted[11] indubitably shows, that except for the the purpose of enabling them to take, divest and carry
emphasis of the place where the robbery was committed, away the said money, in pursuance of their conspiracy
i.e., a highway, the charge is actually for robbery with and for the purpose of insuring success of their criminal
homicide as defined and penalized under Article 294(1) of act, said accused did then and there willfully, unlawfully
the Revised Penal Code. This provision now reads, as and feloniously strangle said victim with a leather belt and
amended by Section 9 of R.A. No. 7659: hit him with a blunt instrument, causing him to sustain
physical injuries which directly caused his death.
ART. 294. Robbery with violence against or intimidation of
persons. - Penalties. - Any person guilty of robbery with CONTRARY TO LAW.[15]
the use of violence against or intimidation of any person
shall suffer: Laurente was taken into custody on 15 February
1994,[16] but his two co-accused have remained at
1. The penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, when by large. The case then proceeded as against Laurente only.
reason or on occasion of the robbery, the crime of
homicide shall have been committed, or when the Upon arraignment, with the assistance of counsel de
robbery shall have been accompanied by rape or oficio, Laurente entered a plea of not guilty.[17] At trial on
intentional mutilation or arson x x x. the merits, the prosecution presented four witnesses,
namely: (1) SPO1 Crispin Pio, the investigating/arresting
Simply, the information remains a valid information for officer; (2) eyewitness Myra Guinto; (3) Felicitas
robbery with homicide under the above provision. The Matematico, the victim’s daughter; and (4) Dr. Emmanuel
investigating prosecutor’s characterization that it was for Arañas, the medico-legal officer of the Philippine National
highway robbery with homicide is of no moment. On the Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory Services, who performed
matter of an accused’s right to be informed of the nature the autopsy on the victim. The prosecution attempted to
and cause of the accusation,[12] it is elementary that what present the other eyewitness, Noel Guinto (Myra’s
determines the offense charged is not the brother-in-law), but despite the issuance of a warrant for
characterization made by the prosecutor who prepared his arrest and the trial court’s grant of one last chance to
the information, but the allegations in the indictment.[13] present him, the prosecution was unable to do so.[18]

Accordingly, on the assumption that the prosecution SPO1 Crispin Pio testified that on 14 February 1994, while
established beyond reasonable doubt all the elements of on duty as a homicide investigator at the Pasig Police
robbery and of homicide committed on the occasion Station, he received a case assignment relative to one
thereof, Laurente can nevertheless be meted the penalty Herminio Artana. He proceeded to the place of the
of death under Article 294(1) of the Revised Penal Code, incident, which was just a few meters away from the exit
as amended by R.A. No. 7659, since the crime was gate of the Capitol Compound in Pasig. Upon arrival, he
committed on 14 February 1994, or one month and saw a parked taxicab and looked inside it. He saw a dead
thirteen days after the effectivity of R.A. No. 7659. But man, who, he supposed, was the taxicab driver. Pio
whether the prosecution in fact discharged its burden is recalled that the taxicab was an "Adet taxi," but he forgot
an entirely different matter which goes into the merits of its plate number.[19]
this appeal.
At such time, Pio asked the Guinto siblings-in-law and
We shall then turn our attention to the appeal proper. other persons present about the incident, but
gained no meaningful information from them. He
In an information[14] dated 17 February 1994 and filed conducted a "cursory investigation" and saw that the
with the trial court on 21 February 1994, Laurente was body "sustained strangulation marked [sic] and wounds
charged with the crime of Highway Robbery with on the face and head," thus he sent the body to the PNP
Homicide. The information was later amended to include Crime Laboratory for examination. He then conducted a
his co-accused, Melvin Dagudog and Richard "crime scene search inside the taxicab and within the
Disipulo. The indictment in the amended information vicinity," which yielded a "colored brown wallet
read as follows: containing an SSS [Social Security System] ID of x x x Larry
Laurente" and "a leather belt supposedly used in
strangling the dead man."[20]
and at a later date, reduced her statements into writing
Pio took the articles, went to the police station to make (Exhibit "F"). After she identified Exhibit "F," Guinto then
an incident report, and "requested the SSS to secure the identified Larry Laurente as one of the three men who left
complete record" of Laurente. From the SSS records, the the taxicab and passed in front of her.[35]
police authorities learned that Laurente lived
"somewhere in Kalawaan Sur, Pasig"; accordingly, a On cross-examination, Guinto declared that the "taxi was
"follow-up" team was formed to arrest him.[21] rather of old vintage" and that it did not have tinted
windows, in fact, one "could see the persons inside the
Pio further testified that on 15 February 1994, the taxi." She likewise declared that the place where she first
"follow-up" team arrested and brought Laurente to the saw the taxicab had "a big white bulb" and was
police station for investigation, and that during the approximately fifteen meters away from where she was
investigation, after having been apprised of his selling cigarettes.[36]
constitutional rights, Laurente:
Felicitas Matematico testified that the victim was her
[V]erbally admitted that he together with his friend[s] father and presented the following as evidence of funeral
Richard and Melvin boarded the taxicab and they grabbed expenses: (a) several pieces of paper with the tagalog
the taxicab driver and after which they strangulated [sic] caption "nagastos noong lamay"[37] (Exhibit "K");[38] (b) a
the driver with the use of [the] belt while Melvin hit the receipt dated 22 February 1994 for P800.00, for the
taxi driver with the used [sic] of a blunt instrument at the construction of a niche cover (Exhibit "L");[39] and (c) a
head and face.[22] receipt dated 21 February 1994 from Sta. Marta Funeral
Homes for P 10,000.00 (Exhibit "N");[40] for a total of
Thereafter, Laurente was "put under [sic] police line-up P27,300.00. To close her testimony on direct
wherein the 2 witnesses positively identified him as one examination, she stated that she was "still sad" about the
of the 3 persons they saw coming from the taxicab." Pio death of her father; and when asked to "quantify her
was present during the conduct of the police line-up and, sadness," she responded that her mother was in a better
under his and his superior’s[23] supervision, he had the position to do so.[41]
line-up photographed (Exhibits "D" and "D-1").[24]
Dr. Emmanuel Arañas testified on the autopsy he
Pio next took the statements of the witnesses (Exhibits "F" conducted on the cadaver of the victim and the medico-
and "G")[25] and the complainant (Exhibit legal report (Exhibit "O") he made on 15 February
"E"), proceeded to make his report (Exhibit 1994.[42] He reiterated his finding that the cause of death
"I"),[27] executed an affidavit (Exhibit "H")[28] attesting to of the victim was "traumatic injuries of head," and that he
the conduct of the investigation and arrest, and secured suffered the following injuries: "(1) Hematoma, right peri-
the death certificate of the victim from the PNP Crime orbital region, measuring 5 by 3 cm., 4 cm. on the anterior
Laboratory (Exhibit "J").[29] To close his testimony on midline; and (2) Contusion, neck, measuring 15 by 1.8
direct examination, Pio identified Laurente and further cm., crossing the anterior midline, 2 cm. to the right and
disclosed their efforts to locate the other suspects.[30] 13 cm. to the left," and that "[t]here are subdural and
subarachnoidal hemorrhages." He opined that the
On cross-examination, Pio clarified certain details injuries could have been caused by a "hard blunt
regarding the findings of the investigation, e.g., the locus instrument," such as a belt, a piece of wood, or a head
criminis was well lit as a lamp post was (buckle) of a belt.[43]
nearby.[31] However, Pio admitted that although he
informed Laurente of his constitutional rights while he On his part, accused Larry Laurente interposed the
was investigated at the police station, Laurente was not defense of alibi. On the witness stand, he related that on
represented by counsel during such investigation; he was 14 February 1994, at around 3:00 to 3:30 p.m., he was in
merely accompanied by a sister and some his house at Consorcia Street, San Joaquin, Pasig, together
cousins. Nevertheless, despite the absence of counsel, with his friends Melvin Dagudog and Richard Disipulo.
Laurente verbally admitted his complicity in the crime, Supposedly, they began a drinking session at around 3:30
although the admission was not reduced in writing.[32] p.m. which lasted four hours, during which period they
consumed two bottles of "Tanduay 5 years." After that,
Myra Guinto testified that on 14 February 1994, at about he did not leave his house anymore,[44] as he got so drunk,
9:15 p.m., she was selling cigarettes at Sitio Square, Shaw "lost consciousness," and did not wake up until 4:00 a.m.
Boulevard, Pasig, around a meter away from the the next day. It was only then that he found out his two
Provincial Capitol.[33] At such time, she saw people friends had left his house.[45]
scrambling inside a yellow taxicab which was "at the stop
position" on the other side of the Street. Three men then In the morning of 15 February 1994, he had to look for his
left the taxicab, ran towards her, and at the time these wallet as it got lost "in [his] wooden bed (papag) where
men passed in front of her, they were "about 2 arms [he slept]." That wallet contained an "I.D., SSS number
length[s]" away. These men then boarded a jeepney and P250.00." He then presumed that Melvin Dagudog
headed towards Pasig. A fourth man approached the and Richard Disipulo had taken his wallet as they were the
taxicab, saw the taxicab driver inside already dead and only ones in the house during the drinking
called the police.[34] session. Having failed to obtain any information from his
neighbors, Mang Roming and Ate Baby, as to where
She was questioned by the policemen upon their arrival, Dagudog and Disipulo had gone, he went home to rest;
then he took a shower and got ready to report for SUCH CRIME WERE NOT SUBSTANTIALLY PROVEN BY THE
work. He had been a shingle molder at Winning PROSECUTION.[55]
Enterprises for the past three years, with offices in Taguig,
Rizal.[46] He maintained that on 15 February 1994, he Laurente anchors his prayer for acquittal on the
reported for work at 6:00 a.m. and stayed in the office till unreliability of the positive identification made of him by
8:00 p.m.[47] the lone eyewitness who testified at the trial, Myra
Guinto. He initially attempts to discredit this by deducing
After returning home from work, four policemen were from Myra’s testimony in court that she was neither able
waiting for him, and in Laurente’s own words, "bigla na to recognize the three men she allegedly saw coming out
lang po akong sinugod at hinila."[48] He surmised that they of the taxicab, nor see Laurente stab the victim. Thus:
were policemen even if they were not in uniform because
they were "holding guns." Although they had no warrant ATTY.FERNANDEZ:
of arrest, the policemen brought him to the Pasig police xxx
station where he was investigated for being "a hold- Q: By the way, do you know these men who came
upper"; and throughout the investigation, he was not out from the taxi and passed by you?
assisted by counsel.[49] On cross-examination of Laurente, A: No, sir.
the prosecution obtained an admission that it would take xxx(TSN, May 6, 1994)
him "about half an hour" to travel from his house to the Q: And also did not have any knowledge that there
Provincial Capitol.[50] was a stabbing incident that happened inside the
On 23 August 1994, the trial court promulgated the A: None, sir.
challenged decision wherein, as stated earlier, it found Q: Now, you said that there were three men who
Laurente guilty beyond reasonable doubt of highway ran passed [sic] infront of you. Is that correct?
robbery with homicide "punishable by death as a single A: Yes. sir.
indivisible penalty under Presidential Decree No. 532 Q: And because of that speed, you were not able to
entitled ‘Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of identify any of these persons?
1974.’"[51] It gave full faith and credit to the eyewitness A: No, sir. I was able to recognize one of them
account of Myra Guinto and rejected the defense because they ran in front of me, sir.
of alibi proffered by the Laurente as "he failed miserably xxx
to give any evidence to support this claim."[52] Regarding Q: Will you describe to the Honorable Court how
Laurente’s presence at the locus criminis, it relied on the fast these man passed by in front of you?
positive identification made by Myra and Laurente’s SSS A: It was quite fast, sir.
ID card which was found inside the taxicab of the victim. xxx
Apparently, finding it difficult to impose a death penalty, Q: You identified the accused in this case as the one
the trial court stated: who allegedly killed the victim in this case. Is that
[W]hile the undersigned Presiding Judge does not believe A: Yes, sir.
in the imposition of the death penalty as a form of Q: Now, did you personally see the accused stabbed
punishment, as he has stated about a month ago in [sic] the victim or killed [sic] the victim?
Criminal Case No. 104781, entitled A: No, sir. (Ibid, p. 7-8) (Italics Ours)[56]
"People of the Philippines vs. Elpidio Mercado. et al., this
same Court, nevertheless, in obedience to the law which Hence, Laurente concludes that "[t]he identification [by
is his duty to uphold, the Court hereby sentences accused Myra Guinto] of the accused-appellant in the police line-
LARRY LAURENTE y Bejasa to death x x x.[53] up as one of those who killed the victim. . . is . . . not
entirely reliable."[57]
Laurente forthwith filed a Notice of Appeal. The trial court
noted therein that the review by this Court was Laurente then continues his assault on Myra’s positive
automatic.[54] identification by surmising:

In his Brief, Laurente assigns the following errors [T]hat it was only thru the SSS ID Card of the accused-
committed by the trial court, but being interrelated, appellant which was found inside the taxicab that made
discusses them jointly: the police authorities conclude or suspect [the] accused-
appellant. . .. Thus, in all probability, the identification. . .
I. in the police line-up was because of the SSS ID Card but
not for the reason that she recognized the accused-
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN CONCLUDING THAT appellant on the night of the incident.[58]
IDENTIFIED BY THE PROSECUTION WITNESS. As to his SSS ID card in the wallet found inside the taxicab,
Laurente submits that the said card:
[W]ill not suffice as a ground for conviction, for neither
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING ACCUSED- was it established that accused-appellant had left the I.D.
APPELLANT OF HIGHWAY ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE while committing the felony. It may well be that who ever
DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE ELEMENTS OF COMMITTING took appellant’s wallet with the I.D. in it purposely left the
same to implicate [the appellant] . . ..It was established This assessment of the credibility of eyewitness Myra
by the defense that the wallet of the accused-appellant Guinto deserves the highest respect of this Court,
which contained his SSS ID Card was stolen from him by considering that the trial court had the direct opportunity
his co-accused [and] this allegation remain[s] unrebutted to observe her deportment and manner of testifying and
by the prosecution.[59] availed of the various aids to determine whether she was
telling the truth or concocting lies.[62] This is a settled rule
Finally, Laurente challenges the trial court’s rejection of in this jurisdiction and the exceptions thereto, viz., some
the defense of alibi and relates this to the allegedly fact or circumstance of weight and influence has been
improbable positive identification by Myra Guinto and overlooked or the significance of which has been
ultimately, the constitutional presumption of innocence: misinterpreted, which if considered might affect the
While it may be admitted that the defense of alibi. . . is. . result of the case,[63] have not been shown to exist in this
. weak this gains strength when the evidence of the case.
prosecution is equally weak. As earlier discussed, there
is no positive identification of the [appellant] by. . . Myra Equally settled is the rule that where there is no evidence,
Guinto, thus the defense of alibi of the appellant perforce and nothing to indicate that the principal witnesses for
prevails. As held, the weakness of alibi of the accused the prosecution - like Myra in this case - were actuated by
could not strengthen the prosecution’s case for settled is improper motive, the presumption is that they were not
[the] rule that the prosecution must rely on the strength so actuated and their testimony is entitled to full faith and
of its evidence and not on the weakness of the defense. credit.[64]
(People v. Garcia, 215 SCRA 349) Further, alibi as a
defense assumes commensurate strength . . . where the Laurente’s next contention that Myra did not actually see
evidence presented by the prosecution [is] unreliable and him stab the victim must likewise fail. From the
uncertain since it is not relieved of the onus probandi just circumstances obtaining in this case, it cannot be doubted
because alibi is the defense invoked by the accused that Laurente and his companions acted in conspiracy in
(People v. Jalon, 215 SCRA 680).[60] committing the crime. They were together in the taxicab
when it stopped and Myra saw them "scrambling inside,"
At bottom, Laurente’s line of reasoning flows as such: after which, they ran off and boarded a jeepney to
First, the positive identification by Myra Guinto is escape. On the matter of proving the existence of
unreliable as she did not see the three men who came out conspiracy, it is settled that direct proof of the previous
of the taxicab, neither did she see Laurente stab the agreement to commit a crime is not necessary. It may be
victim. Second, in the light of the improbability of Myra deduced from the mode and manner by which the
having adequately seen Laurente at the locus criminis, the offense was perpetrated, or inferred from the acts of the
positive identification at the police line-up necessarily accused themselves when such point to a joint purpose
cannot be relied upon as well. Third, without the positive and design, concerted action and community of
identification of Laurente, only his SSS ID card found interest.[65] There is no doubt in our minds that the victim
inside the taxicab links him to the crime; however, was killed by the co-conspirators. That Myra did not
Laurente satisfactorily proved that his wallet containing actually see that it was Laurente who stabbed the victim
his SSS ID card had been taken. Hence, he concludes, the is of no moment. Once conspiracy is established, the act
spurious positive identification, either at the scene of the of one is the act of all.[66]
crime or at the police line-up, coupled with the weak link
provided by his SSS ID card found inside the taxicab, Laurente’s story on the alleged loss of his SSS ID card and
should not be allowed to overcome the defense of alibi its being found in the taxicab is simply unbelievable. As
and the presumption of innocence. to his defense, the trial court assessed Laurente’s
testimony in this manner:
Laurente’s attempts to cast doubt upon the positive
identification made of him by Myra must fail. Accused Larry Laurente would like the Court to believe
that he was someplace else when the hold-up and killing
Laurente’s contention that Myra did not see the three . . . occurred . . . During his testimony, he first claimed to
men who came out of the taxicab deserves scant have gone to work on February 14, 1994, and then on the
consideration. As the proceedings below clearly same breath, he suddenly changed his mind and said that
established, the place where Myra saw Laurente was well- he was absent. He would also like to convince the Court
lit due to a lamp post nearby and the latter was only two that his co-accused in this case, Richard Disipulo and
arms lengths away from her when he passed in front of Melvin Dagudog, came out of the blue, had a drinking
her. Moreover, she identified Laurente at the police line- session with him, and just left with nary a word to him.
up, which was even photographed, and in open
court. Finally, as observed by the trial court: "Evidence to be believed must proceed not only from the
mouth of a credible witness but the same must be
Nothing in the demeanor of prosecution witness Myra credible in itself as when it conforms to the common
Guinto would indicate that she harbors ill-feelings experience and observation of mankind." (People vs.
towards accused Larry Laurente that she will falsely testify Jalon, 215 SCRA 680).
against him. Her testimony is thus given much weight by
the Court. . .[61] The Court also noted that [the] accused. . . contradicted
himself when he said that he ha[d] been a molder . . in
Tagig, Metro Manila for the past three (3) years and yet,
he has only been in Manila from Negros Oriental last s: Hindi ko po alam kung magkano pero wala
October! Such inconsistencies destroy his credibility and na po ang kinita niya sa pagpapasada ng
further bolster the Court’s findings that his defense of taxi.
alibi is merely invoked as a matter of convenience.[67] 09. t: Papaano naman ninyo nalaman na hinoldap
at napatay ang iyong tatay?
We are in full accord with such assessment, and further s. Nuong pang gabi ng petsa 14 ng Pebrero
reiterate the rule that alibi, being the weakest of all 1994, mayroon pong pumunta sa aming
defenses as it is easy to fabricate and difficult to disprove, bahay at kami po ay inimpormahan na ang
cannot prevail over and is worthless in the face of the aking tatay ay hinoldap at napatay habang
positive identification of the accused.[68] But most telling sakay siya ng kanyang inilalabas na
in this case is that Laurente’s alibi does not meet the taxi.[74] (italics supplied)
requirements of time and place. It is not enough to prove
that the accused was somewhere else when the crime Clearly, such constituted inadmissible hearsay as any
was committed, but he must also demonstrate by clear knowledge as to the robbery aspect of the offense was
and convincing evidence that it was physically impossible not derived from her own perception[75] and did not fall
for him to have been at the scene of the crime at the time within any of the exceptions to the hearsay
the same was committed.[69] On cross- examination, rule.[76] However, assuming arguendo that the said
Laurente admitted that it would take "about half an hour" statements were admissible for failure of the defense
to traverse the distance from his house to the scene of counsel to raise a timely objection, nevertheless, such
the crime.[70] Such distance is so near as not to preclude statements carry no probative value.[77]
his having been at the scene of the crime when it was
committed. We are, therefore, left with no option but to On the subject of SPO1 Pio’s affidavit concerning the
rule that the prosecution has discharged its burden to conduct of the investigation, it becomes the sole piece of
prove the commission of homicide by Laurente and to evidence to prove the robbery in the case before us. The
reject his defense of alibi. relevant portion is quoted hereunder:

Proof of the commission of robbery, however, must be That . . . a crime scene search was conducted by this
examined more closely. investigator, during said search, . . . a leather wallet
colored brown was found on the passenger seat at the
Laurente pleads that the prosecution failed to prove the back . . . further the personal belongings of the dead man
element of robbery, thus, his conviction of the crime known as the taxi driver was [sic] intact, however, his daily
charged should not be sustained. On this score, Laurente earnings was [sic] missing, showing that the victim was
calls this Court’s attention to the fact: robbed before being killed. . ..[78] (italics supplied)

[T]hat not a single [shred of] evidence was introduced by This Court holds that the above statements, as the lone
the prosecution to prove robbery or unlawful taking of measure by which to judge the commission of robbery,
property from the victim. Nothing was shown whether are insufficient to prove the same, i.e., that the victim
the victim was divested of his money or other personal actually earned money and that these earnings were
belongings. It cannot be presumed that the main purpose unlawfully taken by the accused. The prosecution, in this
of the killing . . . was to rob [the victim]. There must be regard, failed to discharge the burden of proof and satisfy
evidence showing the unlawful taking of another by the quantum of evidence for the robbery aspect in this
means of violence or force upon things to make the case.
accused-appellant liable under Pres. Dec. No. 532. . ..[71]
A conviction for robbery simply cannot be had in the light
An examination of the records of this case reveals that the of the total absence of evidence regarding the taxicab
following constitute the evidence to prove the robbery driver’s earnings and the sweeping statement that "the
aspect of the offense: the statement given by the victim’s personal belongings of the dead man . . . [were] intact."
daughter to the investigating! arresting officer,[72] and the Moreover, the prosecution did not even bother to
contents of the affidavit executed by the introduce evidence as to what time the victim in this case
investigating/arresting officer himself.[73] started plying his route, which may have led to a
reasonable inference that he had earned some money by
The police statement of the victim’s daughter contained the time the crime was committed. In sum, there
the following exchange: is no conclusive evidence proving the physical act of
"05. t: Nalaman mo ha naman kung ano ang asportation by Laurente and his co-accused.[79]
dahilan at pinatay ang iyong tatay?
s: Ang tatay ko po ay hinoldap. It is settled that in order to sustain a conviction for the
06. t: Ano naman ang trabaho nang iyong tatay, crime of robbery with homicide, it is imperative that the
para siya holdapin? robbery itself be proven as conclusively as any other
s: Siya po ay taxi driver. essential element of a crime. In the absence of such
xxx proof, the killing of the victim would only be simple
08. t: Nalaman mo ha naman kung magkano ang homicide or murder, depending on the absence or
nakuha O’ naholdap sa iyong tatay? presence of qualifying circumstances.[80]

We thus rule that the crime committed by Laurente is

homicide under Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code and fundamental law of the land in ignoring these rights
penalized therein with reclusion temporal. designed to ensure the very equilibrium of our
Since no modifying circumstances have been established, democracy.
it shall be imposed in its medium period pursuant to
Article 64(1) of the Revised Penal Code. It must, however, be pointed out that the conviction of
Laurente is not based on his alleged oral admission during
In passing, this Court notes with much concern that the his custodial investigation by SPO1 Crispin Pio.
law enforcers in this case failed to respect Laurente’s
rights against unlawful arrest[81] and during custodial WHEREFORE, the challenged decision of Branch 156 of
investigation.[82] the Regional Trial Court of Pasig in Criminal Case No.
104785 is hereby modified as to the nature of the offense
In this case, the follow-up team which arrested Laurente committed. As modified, accused-appellant
on 15 February 1994 had only the latter’s SSS ID card as LARRY LAURENTE y BEJASA is found guilty beyond
possible basis to link Laurente to the crime. None of the reasonable doubt, as co-principal by direct participation,
members of the team were eyewitnesses to the of the crime of Homicide, defined and penalized under
commission of the crime; they had, therefore, nothing to Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code, and applying the
support a lawful warrantless arrest under Section 5, Rule Indeterminate Sentence Law, said accused-
113 of the Rules of Court. Under this section, a peace appellant LARRY LAURENTE y BEJASA is hereby sentenced
officer or a private person may, without warrant, arrest a to suffer an indeterminate penalty ranging from Ten (10)
person only: (a) when in his presence, the person to be years of prision mayor medium, as minimum, to
arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is Seventeen (17) years and Four (4) months of reclusion
attempting to commit an offense; (b) when an offense has temporal medium, as maximum. In all other respects, the
in fact been committed, and he has personal knowledge appealed decision is AFFIRMED.
of facts indicating that the person to be arrested has
committed it; and (c) when the person to be arrested is a Costs against the accused-appellant.
prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment or
place where he is serving final judgment or temporarily SO ORDERED.
confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while
being transferred from confinement to another.

SPO1 Crispin Pio candidly admitted that he investigated

Laurente without the benefit of counsel after Laurente
was arrested, although he informed him of his
constitutional rights. As to what these rights were, he
never disclosed; moreover, neither did Pio demonstrate
that he exerted the requisite effort to ensure that
Laurente understood his rights.[83] Undoubtedly, the
custodial investigation had commenced, as the police
authorities had in fact pinpointed Laurente as the author
or one of the authors of the crime or had focused on him
as a suspect thereof. Finally, there is no evidence that
Laurente waived the rights to remain silent and to
counsel. Section 12(1), Article III of the 1987 Constitution
provides as follows:

SEC. 12 (1). Any person under investigation for the

commission of an offense shall have the right to be
informed of his right to remain silent and to have
competent and independent counsel preferably of his
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of
counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights
cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of

There was then a total disregard of the duties of an

investigator during custodial investigation, which this
Court laid down in Morales vs. Enrile,[84] reiterated in
several cases.[85]

It cannot be overemphasized that the rights enshrined in

the Bill of Rights[86] are the very mechanisms by which the
delicate balance between governmental power and
individual liberties is maintained. Thus, it does not bode
well for society when our law enforcers defy the
[ G. R. No. 17958, February 27, 1922 ] had been robbed, or to indemnify them in the amount of
924 rupees, and to pay a one-half part of the costs.
A very learned and exhaustive brief has been filed in this
PLAINTIFF AND APPELLEE, VS. LOL-LO AND court by the attorney de officio. By a process of
SARAW, DEFENDANTS AND APPELLANTS. elimination, however, certain questions can be quickly
disposed of.
The proven facts are not disputed. All of the elements of
the crime of piracy are present. Piracy is robbery or
MALCOLM, J.: forcible depredation on the high seas, without lawful
authority and done animo furandi, and in the spirit and
intention of universal hostility.
The days when pirates roamed the seas, when
picturesque buccaneers like Captain A very and Captain
It cannot be contended with any degree of force as was
Kidd and Bartholomew Roberts gripped the imagination,
done in the lower court and as is again done in this court,
when grotesque brutes like Blackbeard flourished, seem
that the Court of First Instance was without jurisdiction of
far away in the pages of history and romance.
the case. Pirates are in law hostes humani generis. Piracy
Nevertheless, the record before us tells a tale of
is a crime not against any particular state but against all
twentieth century piracy in the south seas, but stripped
mankind. It may be punished in the competent tribunal of
of all touches of chivalry or of generosity, so as to present
any country where the offender may be found or into
a horrible case of rapine and near murder.
which he may be carried. The jurisdiction of piracy unlike
all other crimes has no territorial limits. As it is against all
On or about June 30, 1920, two boats left Matuta, a Dutch
so may it be punished by all. Nor does it matter that the
possession, for Peta, another Dutch possession. In one of
crime was committed within the jurisdictional 3-mile limit
the boats was one individual, a Dutch subject, and in the
of a foreign state, "for those limits, though neutral to war,
other boat eleven men, women, and children, likewise
are not neutral to crimes." ( U. S. vs. Furlong [1820], 5
subjects of Holland. After a number of days of navigation,
Wheat, 184.)
at about 7 o'clock in the evening, the second boat arrived
between the Islands of Buang and Bukid in the Dutch East
The most serious question which is squarely presented to
Indies. There the boat was surrounded by
this court for decision for the first time is whether or not
six vintas manned by twenty-four Moros all armed. The
the provisions of the Penal Code dealing with the crime of
Moros first asked for food, but once on the Dutch boat,
piracy are still in force. Articles 153 to 156 of the Penal
took for themselves all of the cargo, attacked some of the
Code read as follows:
men, and brutally violated two of the women by methods
too horrible to be described. All of the persons on the
"ART. 153. The crime of piracy committed against
Dutch boat, with the exception of the two young women,
Spaniards, or the subjects of another nation not at war
were again placed on it and holes were made in it, with
the idea that it would submerge/although as a matter of with Spain, shall be punished with a penalty ranging
fact, these people, after eleven days of hardship and from cadena temporal to cadena perpetua.
privation, were succored. Taking the two women with
them, and repeatedly violating them, the Moros finally "If the crime be committed against nonbelligerent
arrived at Maruro, a Dutch possession. Two of the Moro subjects of another nation at war with Spain, it shall be
marauders were Lol-lo, who also raped one of the punished with the penalty of presidio mayor.
women, and Saraw, At Maruro the two women were able
to escape. "ART. 154. Those who commit the crimes referred to in
the first paragraph of the next preceding article shall
Lol-lo and Saraw Lol-lo and Saraw later returned to their suffer the penalty of cadena perpetua or death, and those
home in South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Philippine Islands. who commit the crimes referred to in the second
There they were arrested and were charged in the Court paragraph of the same article, from cadena
of First Instance of Sulu with the crime of piracy. A temporal to cadena perpetua:
demurrer was interposed by counsel de officio for the
Moros, based on the grounds that the offense charged "1. Whenever they have seized some vessel by boarding
was not within the jurisdiction of the Court of First or firing upon the same.
Instance, nor of any court of the Philippine Islands, and
that the facts did not constitute a public offense, under "2. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,
the laws in force in the Philippine Islands. After the homicide, or by any of the physical injuries specified in
demurrer was overruled by the trial judge, a trial was had, articles four hundred and fourteen and four hundred and
and a judgment was rendered finding the two defendants fifteen and in paragraphs one and two of article four
guilty and sentencing each of them to life imprisonment hundred and sixteen.
(cadena perpetua), to return together with Kinawalang
and Maulanis, defendants in another case, to the "3. Whenever it is accompanied by any of the offenses
offended parties, the thirty-nine sacks of coprax which against chastity specified in Chapter II, Title IX, of this
"4. Whenever the pirates have abandoned any persons elsewhere and to the concepts of the public law. This
without means of saving themselves. must necessarily be so, considering that the Penal Code
finds its inspiration in this respect in the Novelas,
"5. In every case, the captain or skipper of the pirates. the Partidas, and the Novisima Recopilacion.

"ART. 155. With respect to the provisions of this title, as The Constitution of the United States declares that the
well as all others of this code, when Spain is mentioned it Congress shall have the power to define and punish
shall be understood as including any part of the national piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and
territory. offenses against the law of nations. ( U. S. Const. Art. I,
sec. 8, ,cl. 10.) The Congress;, in putting on the statute
"ART. 156. For the purpose of applying the provisions of books the necessary ancillary legislation, provided that
this code, every person, who, according to the whoever, on the high seas, commits the crime of piracy as
Constitution of the Monarchy, has the status of a Spaniard defined by the law of nations, and is afterwards brought
shall be considered as such." into or found in the United States, shall be imprisoned for
life. (U. S. Crim. Code, sec. 290; penalty formerly death: U.
The general rules of public law recognized and acted on S. Rev. Stat., sec. 5368.) The framers of the Constitution
by the United States relating to the effect of a transfer of and the members of Congress were content to let a
territory from another State to the United States are well- definition of piracy rest on its universal conception under
known. The political law of the former sovereignty is the law of nations.
necessarily changed. The municipal law in so far as it is
consistent with the Constitution, the laws of the United It is evident that the provisions of the Penal Code now in
States, or the characteristics and institutions of the force in the Philippines relating to piracy are not
government, remains in force. As a corollary to the main inconsistent with the corresponding provisions in force in
rules, laws subsisting at the time of transfer, designed to the United States.
secure good order and peace in the community, which
are strictly of a municipal character, continue until by By the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the Philippine Islands
direct action of the new government they are altered or to the United States. A logical construction of articles of
repealed. (Chicago, Rock Island, etc., R. Co. vs. McGlinn the Penal Code, like the articles dealing with the crime of
[1885], 114 U. S., 542.) piracy, would be that wherever " Spain" is mentioned, it
should be substituted by the words " United States" and
These principles, of the public law were given specific wherever "Spaniards" are mentioned, the word should be
application to the Philippines by the Instructions of substituted by the expression "citizens of the United
President McKinley of May 19, 1898, to General Wesley States and citizens of the Philippine Islands." Somewhat
Merritt, the Commanding General of the Army of similar reasoning led this court in the case of United
Occupation in the Philippines, when he said: States vs. Smith ([1919], 39 Phil., 533) to give to the word
"authority" as found in the Penal Code a limited meaning,
"Though the powers of the military occupant are absolute which would no longer comprehend all religious, military,
and supreme, and immediately operate upon the political and civil officers, but only public officers in the
Condition of the inhabitants, the municipal laws of the Government of the Philippine Islands.
conquered territory, such as affect private rights of
person and property, and provide for the punishment of Under the construction above indicated, article 153 of the
crime, are considered as continuing in force, so far as they Penal Code would read as follows:
are compatible with the new order of things, until they
are suspended or superseded by the occupying "The crime of piracy committed against citizens of the
belligerent; and in practice they are not usually United States and citizens of the Philippine Islands, or the
abrogated, but are allowed to remain in force, and to be subjects of another nation not at war with the United
administered by the ordinary tribunals, substantially as States, shall be punished with a penalty ranging
they were before the occupation. This enlightened from cadena temporal to cadena perpetua.
practice is, so far as possible, to be adhered to on the
present occasion." (Official Gazette, Preliminary Number, "If the crime be committed against nonbelligerent
Jan. 1, 1903, p. 1. See also General Merritt's Proclamation subjects of another nation at war with the United States,
of August 14, 1898.) it shall be punished with the penalty of presidio mayor."

It cannot admit of doubt that the articles of the Spanish We hold those provisions of the Penal Code dealing with
Penal Code dealing with piracy were meant to include the the crime of piracy, notably articles 153 and 154, to be
Philippine Islands. Article 156 of the Penal Code in relation still in force in the Philippines.
to article 1 of the Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy,
would also make the provisions of the Code applicable not The crime falls under the first paragraph of article 153 of
only to Spaniards but to Filipinos. the Penal Code in relation to article 154. There are
present at least two of the circumstances named in the
The opinion of Grotius was that piracy by the law of last cited article as authorizing either cadena perpetua or
nations is the same thing as piracy by the civil law, and he death. The crime of piracy was accompanied by (1) an
has never been disputed. The specific provisions of the offense against chastity and (2) the abandonment of
Penal Code are similar in tenor to statutory provisions persons without apparent means of saving themselves. It
is, therefore, only necessary for us to determine as to
whether the penalty of cadena perpetua or death should
be imposed. In this connection, the trial court, finding
present the one aggravating circumstance of nocturnity,
and compensating the same by the one mitigating
circumstance of lack of instruction provided by article 11,
as amended, of the Penal Code, sentenced the accused to
life imprisonment. At least three aggravating
circumstances, that the wrong done in the commission of
the crime was deliberately augmented by causing other
wrongs not necessary for its commission, that advantage
was taken of superior strength, and that means were
employed which added ignominy to the natural effects of
the act, must also be taken into consideration in fixing the
penalty. Considering, therefore, the number and
importance of the qualifying and aggravating
circumstances here present, which cannot be offset by
the sole mitigating circumstance of lack of instruction,
and the horrible nature of the crime committed, it
becomes our duty to impose capital punishment.

The vote upon the sentence is unanimous with regard to

the propriety of the imposition of the death penalty upon
the defendant and appellant Lol-lo (the accused who
raped one of the women), but is not unanimous with
regard to the defendant and appellant Saraw, since one
member of the court, Mr. Justice Romualdez, registers his
nonconformity. In accordance with the provisions of
Act No. 2726, it results, therefore, that the judgment of
the trial court as to the defendant and appellant Saraw is
affirmed, and is reversed as to the defendant and
appellant Lol-lo, who is found guilty of the crime of piracy
and is sentenced therefor to be hung until dead, at such
time and place as shall be fixed by the judge of first
instance of the Twenty-sixth Judicial District. The two
appellants together with Kinawalang and Maulanis,
defendants in another case, shall indemnify jointly and
severally the offended parties in the equivalent of 924
rupees, and shall pay a one-half part of the costs of both
instances. So ordered.

Araullo, C. J., Johnson, Avanceña, Villamor, Ostrand,

Johns, and Romualdez, JJ., concur.
Singapore's shoreline where another vessel called "Navi
THIRD DIVISION Pride" anchored beside it. Emilio Changco ordered the
crew of "M/T Tabangao" to transfer the vessel's cargo to
[ G.R. No. 111709, August 30, 2001 ] the hold of "Navi Pride". Accused-appellant Cheong San
Hiong supervised the crew of "Navi Pride" in receiving the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF- cargo. The transfer, after an interruption, with both
vessels leaving the area, was completed on March
INFANTE, CHEONG SAN HIONG, AND JOHN On March 30, 1991, "M/T Tabangao" returned to the
DOES, ACCUSED-APPELLANTS. same area and completed the transfer of cargo to "Navi

DECISION On April 8, 1991, "M/T Tabangao" arrived at Calatagan,

Batangas, but the vessel remained at sea. On April 10,
1991, the members of the crew were released in three
MELO, J.: batches with the stern warning not to report the incident
to government authorities for a period of two days or
This is one of the older cases which unfortunately has until April 12, 1991, otherwise they would be killed. The
remained in docket of the Court for sometime. It was first batch was fetched from the shoreline by a newly
reassigned, together with other similar cases, to painted passenger jeep driven by accused-appellant
undersigned ponente in pursuance of A.M. No. 00-9-03- Cecilio Changco, brother of Emilio Changco, who brought
SC dated February 27, 2001. them to Imus, Cavite and gave P20,000.00 to Captain
Libo-on for fare of the crew in proceeding to their
In the evening of March 2, 1991, "M/T Tabangao," a cargo respective homes. The second batch was fetched by
vessel owned by the PNOC Shipping and Transport accused-appellant Changco at midnight of April 10, 1991
Corporation, loaded with 2,000 barrels of kerosene, 2,600 and were brought to different places in Metro Manila.
barrels of regular gasoline, and 40,000 barrels of diesel
oil, with a total value of P40,426,793,87. was sailing off On April 12, 1991, the Chief Engineer, accompanied by
the coast of Mindoro near Silonay Island. the members of the crew, called the PNOC Shipping and
Transport Corporation office to report the incident. The
The vessel, manned by 21 crew members, including crew members were brought to the Coast Guard Office
Captain Edilberto Libo-on, Second Mate Christian for investigation. The incident was also reported to the
Torralba, and Operator Isaias Ervas, was suddenly National Bureau of Investigation where the officers and
boarded, with the use of an aluminum ladder, by seven members of the crew executed sworn statements
fully armed pirates led by Emilio Changco, older brother regarding the incident.
of accused-appellant Cecilio Changco. The pirates,
including accused-appellants Tulin, Loyola, and Infante, Jr. A series of arrests was thereafter effected as follows:
were armed with M-16 rifles, .45 and .38 caliber
handguns, and bolos. They detained the crew and took a. On May 19, 1991, the NBI received verified information
complete control of the vessel. Thereafter, accused- that the pirates were present at U.K. Beach, Balibago,
appellant Loyola ordered three crew members to paint Calatagan, Batangas. After three days of surveillance,
over, using black paint, the name "M/T Tabangao" on the accused-appellant Tulin was arrested and brought to the
front and rear portions of the vessel, as well as the PNOC NBI headquarters in Manila.
logo on the chimney of the vessel. The vessel was then
painted with the name "Galilee," with registry at San b. Accused-appellants Infante, Jr. and Loyola were
Lorenzo, Honduras. The crew was forced to sail to arrested by chance at Aguinaldo Hi-way by NBI agents as
Singapore, all the while sending misleading radio the latter were pursuing the mastermind, who managed
messages to PNOC that the ship was undergoing repairs. to evade arrest.

PNOC, after losing radio contact with the vessel, reported c. On May 20, 1991, accused-appellants Hiong and
the disappearance of the vessel to the Philippine Coast Changco were arrested at the lobby of Alpha Hotel in
Guard and secured the assistance of the Philippine Air Batangas City.
Force and the Philippine Navy. However, search and
rescue operations yielded negative results. On March 9, On October 24 1991, an Information charging qualified
1991, the ship arrived in the vicinity of Singapore and piracy or violation of Presidential Decree No. 532 (piracy
cruised around the area presumably to await another in Philippine Waters) was filed against accused-
vessel which, however, failed to arrive. The pirates were appellants, as follows:
thus forced to return to the Philippines on March 14,
1991, arriving at Calatagan, Batangas on March 20, 1991 The undersigned State Prosecutor accuses ROGER P.
where it remained at sea. TULIN, VIRGILIO I. LOYOLA, CECILIO O. CHANGCO,
On March 28, 1991, the "M/T Tabangao" again sailed to (9) other JOHN DOES of qualified piracy (Violation of
and anchored about 10 to 18 nautical miles from P.D. No. 532), committed as follows:
That on or about and during the period from March 2 to trading petroleum, including shipoil, bunker lube oil, and
April 10, 1991, both dates inclusive, and for sometime petroleum to domestic and international markets. It
prior and subsequent thereto, and within the jurisdiction owned four vessels, one of which was "Navi Pride."
of this Honorable Court, the said accused, then manning
a motor launch and armed with high powered guns, On March 2, 1991, the day before "M/T Tabangao" was
conspiring and confederating together and mutually seized by Emilio Changco and his cohorts, Hiong's name
helping one another, did then and there, wilfully, was listed in the company's letter to the Mercantile
unlawfully and feloniously fire upon, board and seize Section of the Maritime Department of the Singapore
while in the Philippine waters M/T PNOC TABANGCO government as the radio telephone operator on board
loaded with petroleum products, together with the the vessel "Ching Ma."
complement and crew members, employing violence
against or intimidation of persons or force upon things, The company was then dealing for the first time with Paul
then direct the vessel to proceed to Singapore where the Gan, a Singaporean broker, who offered to sell to the
cargoes were unloaded and thereafter returned to the former bunker oil for the amount of 300,000.00
Philippines on April 10, 1991, in violation of the aforesaid Singapore dollars. After the company paid over one-half
law. of the aforesaid amount to Paul Gan, the latter, together
with Joseph Ng, Operations Superintendent of the firm,
CONTRARY TO LAW. proceeded to the high seas on board "Navi Pride" but
failed to locate the contact vessel.
(pp. 119-20, Rollo.)
The transaction with Paul Gan finally pushed through on
This was docketed as Criminal Case No. 91-94896 before March 27, 1991. Hiong, upon his return on board the
Branch 49 of the Regional Trial Court of the National vessel "Ching Ma," was assigned to supervise a ship-to-
Capital Judicial Region stationed in Manila. Upon ship transfer of diesel oil off the port of Singapore, the
arraignment, accused-appellants pleaded not guilty to the contact vessel to be designated by Paul Gan. Hiong was
charge. Trial thereupon ensued. ordered to ascertain the quantity and quality of the oil
and was given the amount of 300,000.00 Singapore
Accused-appellants Tulin, Infante, Jr., and Loyola, Dollars for the purchase. Hiong, together with Paul Gan,
notwithstanding some inconsistencies in their testimony and the surveyor William Yao, on board "Navi Pride"
as to where they were on March 1, 1991, maintained the sailed toward a vessel called "M/T Galilee". Hiong was told
defense of denial, and disputed the charge, as well as the that "M/T Galilee" would be making the transfer.
transfer of any cargo from "M/T Tabangao" to the "Navi Although no inspection of "Navi Pride" was made by the
Pride." All of them claimed having their own respective port authorities before departure, Navi Marine Services,
sources of livelihood. Their story is to the effect that on Pte., Ltd. was able to procure a port clearance upon
March 2, 1991, while they were conversing by the beach, submission of General Declaration and crew list. Hiong,
a red speedboat with Captain Edilberto Liboon and Paul Gan, and the brokers were not in the crew list
Second Mate Christian Torralba on board, approached submitted and did not pass through the immigration. The
the seashore. Captain Liboon inquired from the three if General Declaration falsely reflected that the vessel
they wanted to work in a vessel. They were told that the carried 11,900 tons.
work was light and that each worker was to be paid
P3,000.00 a month with additional compensation if they On March 28, 1991, "Navi Pride" reached the location of
worked beyond that period. They agreed even though "M/T Galilee". The brokers then told the Captain of the
they had no sea-going experience. On board, they vessel to ship-side with "M/T Galilee" and then transfer of
cooked, cleaned the vessel, prepared coffee, and ran the oil transpired. Hiong and the surveyor William Yao
errands for the officers. They denied having gone to met the Captain of "M/T Galilee," called "Captain Bobby"
Singapore, claiming that the vessel only went to Batangas. (who later turned out to be Emilio Changco). Hiong
Upon arrival thereat in the morning of March 21, 1991, claimed that he did not ask for the full name of Changco
they were paid P1,000.00 each as salary for nineteen days nor did he ask for the latter's personal card.
of work, and were told that the balance would be
Upon completion of the transfer, Hiong took the
remitted to their addresses. There was neither receipt nor
soundings of the tanks in the "Navi Pride" and took
contracts of employment signed by the parties.
samples of the cargo. The surveyor prepared the survey
Accused-appellant Changco categorically denied the report which "Captain Bobby" signed under the name
charge, averring that he was at home sleeping on April 10, "Roberto Castillo." Hiong then handed the payment to
1991. He testified that he is the younger brother of Emilio Paul Gan and William Yao. Upon arrival at Singapore in the
Changco, Jr. morning of March 29, 1991, Hiong reported the quantity
and quality of the cargo to the company.
Accused-appellant Cheong San Hiong, also known as
Ramzan Ali, adduced evidence that he studied in Sydney, Thereafter, Hiong was again asked to supervise another
Australia, obtaining the "Certificate" as Chief Officer, and transfer of oil purchased by the firm " from "M/T Galilee"
later completed the course as a "Master" of a vessel, to "Navi Pride." The same procedure as in the first
working as such for two years on board a vessel. He was transfer was observed. This time, Hiong was told that that
employed at Navi Marine Services, Pte., Ltd. as Port there were food and drinks, including beer, purchased by
Captain. The company was engaged in the business of the company for the crew of "M/T Galilee. The transfer
took ten hours and was completed on March 30, 1991. provided that they agreed in writing to abide by and
Paul Gan was paid in full for the transfer. comply strictly with the rules and regulations of the City
Jail of Manila and the National Bureau of Investigation.
On April 29 or 30, 1991, Emilio Changco intimated to With costs against all the accused.
Hiong that he had four vessels and wanted to offer its
cargo to cargo operators. Hiong was asked to act as a SO ORDERED.
broker or ship agent for the sale of the cargo in Singapore.
Hiong went to the Philippines to discuss the matter with (pp. 149-150, Rollo.)
Emilio Changco, who laid out the details of the new
transfer, this time with "M/T Polaris" as contact vessel. The matter was then elevated to this Court. The
Hiong was told that the vessel was scheduled to arrive at arguments of accused-appellants may be summarized as
the port of Batangas that weekend. After being billeted at follows:
Alpha Hotel in Batangas City, where Hiong checked in
under the name "SONNY CSH." A person by the name of Roger P. Tulin Virgilio Loyola Andres C. Infante Jr., and
"KEVIN OCAMPO," who later turned out to be Emilio Cecilio O. Changco
Changco himself, also checked in at Alpha Hotel. From
accused-appellant Cecilio Changco, Hiong found out that Accused-appellants Tulin, Loyola, Infante, Jr., and Cecilio
the vessel was not arriving. Hiong was thereafter arrested Changco assert that the trial court erred in allowing them
by NBI agents. to adopt the proceedings taken during the time they were
being represented by Mr. Tomas Posadas, a non-lawyer,
After trial, a 95-page decision was rendered convicting thereby depriving them of their constitutional right to
accused-appellants of the crime charged. The dispositive procedural due process.
portion of said decision reads:
In this regard, said accused-appellants narrate that Mr.
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing considerations, Posadas entered his appearance as counsel for all of
judgment is hereby rendered by this Court finding the them. However, in the course of the proceedings, or on
accused Roger Tulin, Virgilio Loyola, Andres Infante, Jr. February 11, 1992, the trial court discovered that Mr.
and Cecilio Changco guilty beyond reasonable doubt, as Posadas was not a member of the Philippine Bar. This was
principals, of the crime of piracy in Philippine Waters after Mr. Posadas had presented and examined seven
defined in Section 2(d) of Presidential Decree No. 532 and witnesses for the accused.
the accused Cheong San Hiong, as accomplice, to said
crime. Under Section 3(a) of the said law, the penalty for Further, accused-appellants Tulin, Loyola, Infante, Cecilio,
the principals of said crime is mandatory death. However, Changco uniformly contend that during the custodial
considering that, under the 1987 Constitution, the Court investigation, they were subjected to physical violence;
cannot impose the death penalty, the accused Roger were forced to sign statements without being given the
Tulin, Virgilio Loyola, Andres Infante, ]r., and Cecilio opportunity to read the contents of the same; were
Changco are hereby each meted the penalty of denied assistance of counsel, and were not informed of
RECLUSION PERPETUA, with all the accessory penalties of their rights, in violation of their constitutional rights,
the law. The accused Cheong San Hiong is hereby meted
the penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA, pursuant to Article Said accused-appellants also argue that the trial court
52 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to Section 5 of PD erred in finding that the prosecution proved beyond
532. The accused Roger Tulin, Virgilio Loyola, Andres reasonable doubt that they committed the crime of
Infante, Jr. and Cecilio Changco are hereby ordered to qualified piracy. They allege that the pirates were
return to the PNOC Shipping and Transport Corporation outnumbered by the crew who totaled 22 and who were
the "M/T Tabangao" or if the accused can no longer not guarded at all times. The crew, so these accused-
return the same, the said accused are hereby ordered to appellants conclude, could have overpowered the alleged
remit, jointly and severally, to said corporation the value pirates.
thereof in the amount of P11,240,000.00 Philippine
Currency, with interests thereon, at the rate of 6% per Cheong San Hiong
annum from March 2, 1991 until the said amount is paid
In his brief, Cheong argues that: (1) Republic Act No. 7659
in full. All the accused including Cheong San Hiong are
in effect obliterated the crime committed by him; (2) the
hereby ordered to return to the Caltex Philippines, Inc.
trial court erred in declaring that the burden is lodged on
the cargo of the "M/T Tabangao", or if the accused
him to prove by clear and convincing evidence that he
can no longer return the said cargo to said corporation,
had no knowledge that Emilio Changco and his cohorts
all the accused are hereby condemned to pay, jointly and
attacked and seized the "M/T Tabangao" and/or that the
severally, to the Caltex Refinery, Inc., the value of said
cargo of the vessel was stolen or the subject of theft or
cargo in the amount of P40,426,793.87, Philippine
robbery or piracy; (3) the trial court erred in finding him
Currency plus interests until said amount is paid in full.
guilty as an accomplice to the crime of qualified piracy
After the accused Cheong San Hiong has served his
under Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-
sentence, he shall be deported to Singapore.
Piracy and Anti-Robbery Law of 1974); (4) the trial court
All the accused shall be credited for the full period of their erred in convicting and punishing him as an accomplice
detention at the National Bureau of Investigation and the when the acts allegedly committed by him were done or
City Jail of Manila during the pendency of this case executed outside of Philippine waters and territory,
stripping the Philippine courts of jurisdiction to hold him
for trial, to convict, and sentence; (5) the trial court erred Procedure). This is hinged on the fact that a layman is not
in making factual conclusions without evidence on record versed on the technicalities of trial. However, it is also
to prove the same and which in fact are contrary to the provided by law that "[r]ights may be waived, unless the
evidence adduced during trial; (6) the trial court erred in waiver is contrary to law, public order, public policy,
convicting him as an accomplice under Section 4 of morals, or good customs or prejudicial to a third person
Presidential Decree No. 532 when he was charged as a with right recognized by law." (Article 6, Civil Code of the
principal by direct participation under said decree, thus Philippines). Thus, the same section of Rule 115 adds that
violating his constitutional right to be informed of the "[u]pon motion, the accused may be allowed to defend
nature and cause of the accusation against him. himself in person when it sufficiently appears to the court
that he can properly protect his rights without the
Cheong also posits that the evidence against the other assistance of counsel." By analogy , but without prejudice
accused-appellants do not prove any participation on his to the sanctions imposed by law for the illegal practice of
part in the commission of the crime of qualified piracy. He law, it is amply shown that the rights of accused-
further argues that he had not in any way participated in appellants were sufficiently and properly protected by
the seajacking of "M/T Tabangao" and in committing the the appearance of Mr. Tomas Posadas. An examination of
crime of qualified piracy, and that he was not aware that the record will show that he knew the technical rules of
the vessel and its cargo were pirated. procedure. Hence, we rule that there was a valid waiver
of the right to sufficient representation during the trial,
As legal basis for his appeal, he explains that he was considering that it was unequivocally, knowingly, and
charged under the information with qualified piracy as intelligently made and with the full assistance of a bona
principal under Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 532 fide lawyer, Atty. Abdul Basar. Accordingly, denial of due
which refers to Philippine waters. In the case at bar, he process cannot be successfully invoked where a valid
argues that he was convicted for acts done outside waiver of rights has been made (People vs. Serzo, 274
Philippine waters or territory. For the State to have SCRA 553 [1997]; Sayson vs. People, 166 SCRA 680
criminal jurisdiction, the act must have been committed [1988]).
within its territory.
However, we must quickly add that the right to counsel
We affirm the conviction of all the accused-appellants. during custodial investigation may not be waived except
in writing and in the presence of counsel.
The issues of the instant case may be summarized as
follows: (1) what are the legal effects and implications of Section 12, Article III of the Constitution reads:
the fact that a non-lawyer represented accused-
appellants during the trial?; (2) what are the legal effects SEC. 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the
and implications of the absence of counsel during the commission of an offense shall have the right to be
custodial investigation?; (3) did the trial court err in informed of his right to remain silent and to have
finding that the prosecution was able to prove beyond competent and independent counsel preferably of his
reasonable doubt that accused-appellants committed the own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of
crime of qualified piracy?; (4) did Republic Act No. 7659 counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights
obliterate the crime committed by accused-appellant cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of
Cheong?; and (5) can accused-appellant Cheong be counsel.
convicted as accomplice when he was not charged as such
and when the acts allegedly committed by him were done (2) No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any
or executed outside Philippine waters and territory? other means which vitiate the free will shall be used
against him. Secret detention places,
On the first issue, the record reveals that a manifestation solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of
(Exhibit "20", Record) was executed by accused- detention are prohibited.
appellants Tulin, Loyola, Changco, and Infante, Jr. on
February 11, 1991, stating that they were adopting the (3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of
evidence adduced when they were represented by a non- this or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence
lawyer. Such waiver of the right to sufficient against him.
representation during the trial as covered by the due
process clause shall only be valid if made with the full (4) The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for
assistance of a bona fide lawyer. During the trial, accused- violations of this section as well as compensation to and
appellants, as represented by Atty. Abdul Basar, made a rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar practices,
categorical manifestation that said accused-appellants and their families.
were apprised of the nature and legal consequences of
the subject manifestation, and that they voluntarily and Such rights originated from Miranda v. Arizona (384 U. S.
intelligently executed the same. They also affirmed the 436 [1966]) which gave birth to the so-called Miranda
truthfulness of its contents when asked in open court (tsn, doctrine which is to the effect that prior to any
February 11, 1992, pp. 7-59). It is true that an accused questioning during custodial investigation, the person
person shall be entitled to be present and to defend must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that
himself in person and by counsel at every stage of the any statement he gives may be used as evidence against
proceedings, from arraignment to promulgation of him, and that he has the right to the presence of an
judgment (Section 1, Rule 115, Revised Rules of Criminal attorney, either retained or appointed. The defendant
may waive effectuation of these rights, provided the be no scintilla of doubt in the mind of the Court that the
waiver is made voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently. officers and crew of the vessel could and did see and
The Constitution even adds the more stringent identify the seajackers and their leader. In fact,
requirement that the waiver must be in writing and made immediately after the Accused were taken into custody
in the presence of counsel. by the operatives of the National Bureau of Investigation,
Benjamin Suyo, Norberto Senosa, Christian Torralba and
Saliently, the absence of counsel during the execution of Isaias Wervas executed their "Joint Affidavit" (Exhibit "B")
the so-called confessions of the accused-appellants make and pointed to and identified the said Accused as some of
them invalid. In fact, the very basic reading of the Miranda the pirates.
rights was not even shown in the case at bar.
Paragraph [3] of the aforestated Section 12 sets forth the x x x
so-called "fruit from the poisonous tree doctrine," a
phrase minted by Mr. Justice Felix Frankfurter in the x x x
celebrated case of Nardone vs. United States (308 U.S.
388 [1939]). According to this rule, once the primary x x x
source (the "tree") is shown to have been unlawfully
obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence (the
"fruit") derived from it is also inadmissible. The rule is Indeed, when they testified before this Court on their
based on the principle that evidence illegally obtained by defense, the three (3) Accused admitted to the Court that
the State should not be used to gain other evidence they, in fact, boarded the said vessel in the evening of
because the originally illegally obtained evidence taints all March 2 1991 and remained on board when the vessel
evidence subsequently obtained (People vs. Alicando, 251 sailed to its, destination, which turned out to be off the
SCRA 293 [1995]). Thus, in this case, the uncounselled port of Singapore.
extrajudicial confessions of accused-appellants, without a
valid waiver of the right to counsel, are inadmissible and (pp. 106-112, Rollo.)
whatever information is derived therefrom shall be
regarded as likewise inadmissible in evidence against We also agree with the trial court's finding that accused-
them. appellants' defense of denial is not supported by any hard
evidence but their bare testimony. Greater weight is given
However, regardless of the inadmissibility of the subject to the categorical identification of the accused by the
confessions, there is sufficient evidence to convict prosecution witnesses than to the accused's plain denial
accused-appellants with moral certainty. We agree with of participation in the commission of the crime (People v.
the sound deduction of the trial court that indeed, Emilio Baccay, 284 SCRA 296 [1998]). Instead, accused-
Changco (Exhibits "U" and "UU") and accused-appellants appellants Tulin, Loyola, and Infante, Jr. narrated a
Tulin, Loyola, .and Infante, Jr. did conspire and patently desperate tale that they were hired by three
confederate to commit the crime charged. In the words complete strangers (allegedly Captain Edilberto Liboon,
of then trial judge, now Justice Romeo J. Callejo of the Second Mate Christian Torralba, and their companion)
Court of Appeals - while said accused-appellants were conversing with one
another along the seashore at Apkaya, Balibago,
...The Prosecution presented to the Court an array of Calatagan, Batangas, to work on board the "M/T
witnesses, officers and members of the crew of the "M/T Tabangao" which was then anchored off-shore. And
Tabangao" no less, who identified and pointed to the said readily, said accused-appellants agreed to work as cooks
Accused as among those who attacked and seized, the and handymen for an indefinite period of time without
"M/T Tabangao" on March 2, 1991, at about 6:30 o'clock even saying goodbye to their families, without even
in the afternoon, off Lubang Island, Mindoro, with its knowing their destination or the details of their voyage,
cargo, and brought the said vessel, with its cargo, and the without the personal effects needed for a long voyage at
officers and crew of the vessel, in the vicinity of sea. Such evidence is incredible and clearly not in accord
Horsebough Lighthouse, about sixty-six nautical miles off with human experience. As pointed out by the trial court,
the shoreline of Singapore and sold its cargo to the it is incredible that Captain Liboon, Second Mate Torralba,
Accused Cheong San Hiong upon which the cargo was and their companion "had to leave the vessel at 9:30
discharged from the "M/T Tabangao" to the "Navi Pride" o'clock in the evening and venture in a completely
for the price of about $500,000.00 (American Dollars) on unfamiliar place merely to recruit five (5) cooks or
March 29, and 30, 1991... handymen (p. 113, Rollo)."

x x x Anent accused-appellant Changco's defense of denial

with the alibi that on May 14 and 17, he was at his place
x x x of work and that on April 10, 1991, he was in his house in
Bacoor, Cavite, sleeping, suffice it to state that alibi is
x x x fundamentally and inherently a weak defense, much
more so when uncorroborated by other witnesses
The Master, the officers and members of the crew of the (People v. Adora, 275 SCRA 441 [1997]) considering that
"M/T Tabangao" were on board the vessel with the it is easy to fabricate and concoct, and difficult to
Accused and their cohorts from March 2, 1991 up to April disprove. Accused-appellant must adduce clear and
10, 1991 or for more than one (1) month. There can convincing evidence that, at about midnight on April 10,
1991, it was physically impossible for him to have been in amended Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code, has
Calatagan, Batangas. Changco not only failed to do this, impliedly superseded Presidential Decree No. 532. He
he was likewise unable to prove that he was in his place reasons out that Presidential Decree No. 532 has been
of work on the dates aforestated. rendered "superfluous or duplicitous" because both
Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and
It is doctrinal that the trial court's evaluation of the Presidential Decree No. 532 punish piracy committed in
credibility of a testimony is accorded the highest respect, Philippine waters. He maintains that in order to reconcile
for trial courts have an untrammeled opportunity to the two laws, the word "any person" mentioned in
observe directly the demeanor of witnesses and, thus, to Section 1 [d] of Presidential Decree No. 532 must be
determine whether a certain witness is telling the truth omitted such that Presidential Decree No. 532 shall only
(People v. Obello, 284 SCRA 79 [1998]). apply to offenders who are members of the complement
or to passengers of the vessel, whereas Republic Act No.
We likewise uphold the trial court's finding of 7659 shall apply to offenders who are neither members
conspiracy. A conspiracy exists when two or more of the complement or passengers of the vessel, hence,
persons come to an agreement concerning the excluding him from the coverage of the law.
commission of a felony and decide to commit it (Article 8,
Revised Penal Code). To be a conspirator, one need not Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code, used to provide:
participate in every detail of execution; he need not even
take part in every act or need not even know the exact Article 122. Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas.
part to be performed by the others in the execution of the -The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be inflicted upon
conspiracy. As noted by the trial court, there are times any person who, on the high seas, shall attack or seize a
when conspirators are assigned separate and different vessel or, not being a member of its complement nor a
tasks which may appear unrelated to one another, but in passenger, shall seize the whole or part of the cargo of
fact, constitute a whole and collective effort to achieve a said vessel, its equipment, or personal belongings of its
common criminal design. complement or passengers.

We affirm the trial court's finding that Emilio Changco, (Underscoring supplied.)
accused- appellants Tulin, Loyola, and Infante, Jr. and
others, were the ones assigned to attack and seize the Article 122, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659 January
"M/T Tabangao" off Lubang, Mindoro, while accused- 1, 1994), reads:
appellant Cecilio Changco was to fetch the master and the
members of the crew from the shoreline of Calatagan, Article 122. Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas
Batangas after the transfer, and bring them to Imus, or in Philippine waters. -The penalty of reclusion
Cavite, and to provide the crew and the officers of the perpetua shall be inflicted upon any person who, on the
vessel with money for their fare and food provisions on high seas, or in Philippine waters, shall attack or seize a
their way home. These acts had to be well-coordinated. vessel or, not being a member of its complement nor a
Accused-appellant Cecilio Changco need not be present passenger, shall seize the whole or part of the cargo of
at the time of the attack and seizure of "M/T Tabangao" said vessel, its equipment, or personal belongings of its
since he performed his task in view of an objective complement or passengers.
common to all other accused- appellants.
(Underscoring ours)
Of notable importance is the connection of accused-
appellants to one another. Accused-appellant Cecilio On the other hand, Section 2 of Presidential Decree No.
Changco is the younger brother of Emilio Changco (aka 532 provides:
Captain Bobby/Captain Roberto Castillo/Kevin Ocampo),
owner of Phil-Asia Shipping Lines. Cecilio worked for his SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. - The following shall mean and
brother in said corporation. Their residences are be understood, as follows:
approximately six or seven kilometers away from each
other. Their families are close. Accused-appellant Tulin, d. Piracy. -Any attack upon or seizure of any vessel, or the
on the other hand, has known Cecilio since their parents taking away of the whole or part thereof or its cargo,
were neighbors in Aplaya, Balibago, Calatagan, equipment, or the personal belongings of its complement
Batangas. Accused-appellant Loyola's wife is a relative of or passengers, irrespective of the value thereof, by means
the Changco brothers by affinity .Besides, Loyola and of violence against or intimidation of persons or force
Emilio Changco had both been accused in a seajacking upon things, committed by any person. including a
case regarding "M/T Isla Luzon" and its cargo of steel coils passenger or member of the complement of said vessel in
and plates off Cebu and Bohol in 1989. Emilio Changco Philippine waters, shall be considered as piracy. The
(aka Kevin Ocampo) was convicted of the crime while offenders shall be considered as pirates and punished as
Loyola at that time remained at large. hereinafter provided (underscoring supplied).

As for accused-appellant Hiong, he ratiocinates that he To summarize, Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code,
can no longer be convicted of piracy in Philippine waters before its amendment, provided that piracy must be
as defined and penalized in Sections 2[d] and 3[a], committed on the high seas by any person not a member
respectively of Presidential Decree No. 532 because of its complement nor a passenger thereof. Upon its
Republic Act No. 7659 (effective January 1, 1994) which amendment by Republic Act No. 7659, the coverage of
the pertinent provision was widened to include offenses The trial court found that there was insufficiency of
committed "in Philippine waters." On the other hand, evidence showing:
under Presidential Decree No. 532 (issued in 1974), the
coverage of the law on piracy embraces any (a) that accused-appellant Hiong directly participated in
person including "a passenger or member of the the attack and seizure of "M/T Tabangao" and its cargo;
complement of said vessel in Philippine waters." Hence, (b) that he induced Emilio Changco and his group in the
passenger or not, a member of the complement or not, attack and seizure of "M/T Tabangao" and its cargo; ( c)
any person is covered by the law. and that his act was indispensable in the attack on and
seizure of "M/T Tabangao" and its cargo. Nevertheless,
Republic Act No. 7659 neither superseded nor amended the trial court found that accused-appellant Hiong's
the provisions on piracy under Presidential Decree No. participation was indisputably one which aided or abetted
532. There is no contradiction between the two laws. Emilio Changco and his band of pirates in the disposition
There is likewise no ambiguity and hence, there of the stolen cargo under Section 4 of Presidential
is no need to construe or interpret the law. All the Decree No. 532 which provides:
presidential decree did was to widen the coverage of the
law, in keeping with the intent to protect the citizenry as SEC. 4. Aiding pirates or highway robbers/brigands or
well as neighboring states from crimes against the law of abetting piracy or highway robbery brigandage. -Any
nations. As expressed in one of the "whereas" clauses of person who knowingly and in any manner aids or protects
Presidential Decree No. 532, piracy is "among the highest pirates or highway robbers/brigands, such as giving them
forms of lawlessness condemned by the penal statutes of information about the movement of police or other peace
all countries." For this reason, piracy under the Article officers of the government, or acquires or receives
122, as amended, and piracy under Presidential property taken by such pirates or brigands or in any
Decree No. 532 exist harmoniously as separate laws. manner derives any benefit therefrom; or any person who
directly or indirectly abets the commission of piracy or
As regards the contention that the trial court did not highway robbery or brigandage, shall be considered as an
acquire jurisdiction over the person of accused-appellant accomplice of the principal officers and be punished in
Hiong since the crime was committed outside Philippine accordance with Rules prescribed by the Revised Penal
waters, suffice it to state that unquestionably, the attack Code.
on and seizure of "M/T Tabangao" (renamed "M/T
Galilee" by the pirates) and its cargo were committed in It shall be presumed that any person who does any of the
Philippine waters, although the captive vessel was later acts provided in this Section has performed them
brought by the pirates to Singapore where its cargo was knowingly, unless the contrary is proven.
off-loaded, transferred, and sold. And such transfer was
done under accused-appellant Hiong's direct The ruling of the trial court is Within well-settle
supervision. Although Presidential Decree No. 532 jurisprudence that if there is lack of complete evidence of
requires that the attack and seizure of the vessel and its conspiracy, the liability is that of an accomplice and not as
cargo be committed in Philippine waters, the disposition principal (People v. Tolentino, 40 SCRA 514 [1971]). Any
by the pirates of the vessel and its cargo is still deemed doubt as to the participation of an individual in the
part of the act of piracy, hence, the same need not be commission of the crime is always resolved in favor of
committed in Philippine waters. lesser responsibility (People v. Corbes, 270 SCRA 465
[1997]; People vs. Elfano, Jr., 125 SCRA 792 [1983]; People
Moreover, piracy falls under Title One of Book Two of the v. Pastores, 40 SCRA 498 [1971]).
Revised Penal Code. As such, it is an exception to the rule
on territoriality in criminal law. The same principle applies Emphasis must also be placed on the last paragraph of
even if Hiong, in the instant case, were charged, not with Section 4 of Presidential Decree No 532 which presumes
a violation of qualified piracy under the penal code but that any person who does any of the acts provided in said
under a special law, Presidential Decree No. 532 which section has performed them knowingly, unless the
penalizes piracy in Philippine waters. Verily, Presidential contrary is proven. In the case at bar, accused-appellant
Decree No. 532 should be applied with more force here Hiong had failed to overcome the legal presumption that
since its purpose is precisely to discourage and prevent he knowingly abetted or aided in the commission of
piracy in Philippine waters (People v. Catantan, 278 SCRA piracy, received property taken by such pirates and
761 [1997]). It is likewise, well-settled that regardless of derived benefit therefrom.
the law penalizing the same, piracy is a reprehensible
crime against the whole world (People v. Lol-lo, 43 Phil. The record discloses that accused-appellant Hiong aided
19 [1922]). the pirates in disposing of the stolen cargo by personally
directing its transfer from "M/T Galilee" to "M/T Navi
However, does this constitute a violation of accused- Pride". He profited therefrom by buying the hijacked
appellant's constitutional right to be informed of the cargo for Navi Marine Services, Pte., Ltd. (tsn, June 3,
nature and cause of the accusation against him on the 1992, pp. 15-23). He even tested the quality and verified
ground that he was convicted as an accomplice under the quantity of the petroleum products, connived with
Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 532 even though he Navi Marine Services personnel in falsifying the General
was charged as a principal by direct participation under Declarations and Crew List to ensure that the illegal
Section 2 of said law? transfer went through, undetected by Singapore Port
Authorities, and supplied the pirates with food, beer, and
other provisions for their maintenance while in port (tsn, which it was acquired. He failed to show a single piece of
June 3, 1992, pp. 133-134). deed or bill of sale or even a purchase order or any
contract of sale for the purchase by the firm; he never
We believe that the falsification of the General bothered to ask for and scrutinize the papers and
Declaration (Arrival and Departure) and Crew List was documentation relative to the "M/T Galilee"; he did not
accomplished and utilized by accused-appellant Hiong even verify the identity of Captain Robert Castillo whom
and Navi Marine Services personnel in the execution of he met for the first time nor did he check the source of
their scheme to avert detection by Singapore Port the cargo; he knew that the transfer took place 66
Authorities. Hence, had accused-appellant Hiong not nautical miles off Singapore in the dead of the night which
falsified said entries, the Singapore Port Authorities could a marine vessel of his firm did not ordinarily do; it was also
have easily discovered the illegal activities that took place the first time Navi Marine transacted with Paul Gan
and this would have resulted in his arrest and prosecution involving a large sum of money without any receipt issued
in Singapore. Moreover, the transfer of the stolen cargo therefor; he was not even aware if Paul Gan was a
from "M/T Galilee" to "Navi Pride" could not have been Singaporean national and thus safe to deal with. It should
effected. also be noted that the value of the cargo was
P40,426,793.87 or roughly more than US$l,000,000.00
We completely uphold the factual findings of the trial (computed at P30.00 to $1, the exchange rate at that
court showing in detail accused-appellant Hiong's role in time). Manifestly, the cargo was sold for less than one-
the disposition of the pirated goods summarized as half of its value. Accused-appellant Hiong should have
follows: that on March 27, 1991, Hiong with Captain Biddy been aware of this irregularity. Nobody in his right mind
Santos boarded the "Navi Pride," one of the vessels of the would go to far away Singapore, spend much time and
Navi Marine, to rendezvous with the "M/T Galilee"; that money for transportation -only to sell at the aforestated
the firm submitted the crew list of the vessel (Exhibit "8- price if it were legitimate sale involved. This, in addition
CSH", Record) to the port authorities, excluding the name to the act of falsifying records, clearly shows that accused-
of Hiong; that the "General Declaration" (for departure) appellant Hiong was well aware that the cargo that his
of the "Navi Pride" for its voyage off port of Singapore firm was acquiring was purloined.
(Exhibits "HH" and "8-A CSH", Record) falsely stated that
the vessel was scheduled to depart at 2200 (10 o'clock in Lastly, it cannot be correctly said that accused-appellant
the evening), that there were no passengers on board, was "merely following the orders of his superiors." An
and the purpose of the voyage was for "cargo operation" individual is justified in performing an act in obedience to
and that the vessel was to unload and transfer 1,900 tons an order issued by a superior if such order, is for some
of cargo; that after the transfer of the fuel from "M/T lawful purpose and that the means used by the
Galilee" with' Emilio Changco a. k. a. Captain Bobby a. k. subordinate to carry out said order is lawful (Reyes,
a. Roberto Castillo at the helm, the surveyor prepared the Revised Penal Code, Vol. 1, 1981 ed., p. 212). Notably, the
"Quantity Certificate" (Exhibit "11-C CSH, Record) stating alleged order of Hiong's superior Chua Kim Leng Timothy,
that the cargo transferred to the "Navi Pride" was 2,406 is a patent violation not only of Philippine, but of
gross cubic meters; that although Hiong was not the international law. Such violation was committed on board
Master of the vessel, he affixed his signature on the a Philippine-operated vessel. Moreover, the means used
"Certificate" above the word "Master" (Exhibit "11-C-2 by Hiong in carrying out said order was equally unlawful.
CSH", Record); that he then paid $150,000.00 but did not He misled port and immigration authorities, falsified
require any receipt for the amount; that Emilio Changco records, using a mere clerk, Frankie Loh, to consummate
also did not issue one; and that in the requisite "General said acts. During the trial, Hiong presented himself, and
Declaration" upon its arrival at Singapore on March 29, the trial court was convinced, that he was an intelligent
1991, at 7 o'clock in the evening, (Exhibits "JJ" and "13-A and articulate Port Captain. These circumstances show
CSH", Record), it was made to falsely appear that the that he must have realized the nature and the
"Navi Pride" unloaded 1,700 tons of cargo on the high implications of the order of Chua Kim Leng Timothy.
seas during said voyage when in fact it acquired from the Thereafter, he could have refused to follow orders to
"M/T Galilee" 2,000 metric tons of diesel oil. The second conclude the deal and to effect the transfer of the cargo
transfer transpired with the same irregularities as to the "Navi Pride." He did not do so, for which reason,
discussed above. It was likewise supervised by accused- he must now suffer the consequences of his actions.
appellant Cheong from his end while Emilio Changco
supervised the transfer from his end. WHEREFORE, finding the conviction of accused-
appellants justified by the evidence on record, the Court
Accused-appellant Hiong maintains that he was merely hereby AFFIRMS the judgment of the trial court in toto.
following the orders of his superiors and that he
has no knowledge of the illegality of the source of the SO ORDERED.
Vitug, Panganiban, Gonzaga-Reyes, and Sandoval-
First and foremost, accused-appellant Hiong cannot deny Gutierrez, JJ., concur.
knowledge of the source and nature of the cargo since he
himself received the same from "M/T Tabangao". Second,
considering that he is a highly educated mariner, he
should have avoided any participation in the cargo
transfer given the very suspicious circumstances under
[ G.R. No. 97841-42, November 12, 1997 ] death.

Contrary to law.”
SAMPITON Y SENTUS, JESUS LAGARAS Y In Criminal Case No. 8493-MN, Appellant Timon was also
CORNELIO AND CLARO RAYA Y BERENO, charged by Asst. Fiscal Gil Savedia with illegal possession
ACCUSED-APPELLANTS. of firearms allegedly committed as follows:

“That on or about October 4, 1989, in the Municipality of

DECISION Navotas, Metro Manila, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, did then and
there willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously have in his
PANGANIBAN, J.: possession, control and direct custody a firearm, to wit:
one (1) Homemade Shot gun with one 12 gauge live
In denying this appeal from a conviction of piracy, the ammunition and one (1) magazine, without first securing
Court reiterates some well-settled doctrines on the necessary license and permit from a competent
identification of felons, waiver of objections to illegal government authority.
arrest, and assessment of the credibility of witnesses.
Contrary to law.”[3]
The Case
During the arraignment held on November 10, 1989,
Appellants Victor Timon, Jose Tampiton, Jesus Lagaras
Before us is an appeal from the Decision dated September and Claro Raya, all assisted by Counsel de Oficio Froilan C.
24, 1990 of the Regional Trial Court of Malabon, Metro Zapanta of the Public Attorney’s Office, pleaded not guilty
Manila, Branch 72,[1] convicting Appellants Victor Timon, in Criminal Case No. 8492-MN.[4] Timon, assisted by the
Jose Sampiton, Claro Raya and Jesus Lagaras of piracy same counsel de oficio, also pleaded not guilty in Criminal
defined under Presidential Decree No. 532 and Case No. 8493-MN. Thereafter, joint trial of the two
sentencing them to “life imprisonment or reclusion criminal cases ensued in due course. On September 24,
perpetua.” 1990, the trial court promulgated the assailed Joint
Decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
In Criminal Case No. 8492-MN, Asst. Fiscal Hannibal V.
Santillan filed before the court a quo an Information “WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby
dated October 5, 1989[2] charging herein appellants with rendered finding all the accused in Crim. Case No. 8492-
piracy in the high seas with homicide allegedly committed MN guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of the
as follows: crime (sic) charged against them. All of them are hereby
sentenced to life imprisonment or RECLUSION PERPETUA.
“That on or about September 20, 1989, at the territorial The penalty should have been death, but same has been
water of Navotas, Metro Manila, and within the abolished.
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, conspiring, confederating together with four (4) All the accused are also ordered to pay proportionately
John Does, whose true names are unknown and all of the heirs of their victim in the amount of P30,000.00 for
North Bay Blvd., Navotas, M.M., and who are still at large, the loss of the latter’s life, as well as the additional
mutually helping and aiding each other, not being a amount of P100,000.00 representing the cash money
member of the complement nor a passenger, all armed taken from the victim and another P70,000.00 for the
with guns, with intent to gain, and with the use of force, expenses incurred by the family of the victim in
violence and intimidation, did then and there willfully, connection with the latter’s death and burial and to pay
unlawfully, and feloniously attack, seize the vessel named the costs.
“M/B Kali” and board on the said vessel and poked their
guns against the crew of the vessel and forcibly take, rob Accused Victor Timon y Casas is hereby acquitted for
and carry away cash money worth P100,00.00, insufficiency of evidence in Crim. Case No. 8493-MN. His
wristwatch, men’s ring and two (2) telescope, all unrebutted testimony that the firearm subject matter of
belonging to and owned by one PAQUITO RODRIGUEZ II, the said case was merely brought out by a policeman from
owner of the said M/B “Kali”, to the damage and a locker in the police station and the failure of the
prejudice of the said Paquito Rodriguez II, that on the prosecution to present the “maong” jacket allegedly
occasion of the aforesaid piracy and for the purpose of wrapping said firearm rendered doubtful the accusation
enabling them to rob the said M/B “Kali”, in pursuance of against Timon in this case.
their conspiracy and for the purpose of ensuring success
of their criminal act, armed with a gun, with intent to kill, SO ORDERED.”
willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously attack, assault and
use personal violence upon the said Paquito Rodriguez II Hence, this appeal.[5]
by then and there shooting the latter on the head,
thereby inflicting upon the said Paquito Rodriguez II gun
shot wounds, which immediately and directly caused his
The Facts and/or whereabouts of some of the suspects. Fortwith,
the Philippine Coast Guard and the Navotas Police Force
Version of the Prosecution organized a team to the effect the arrest of the four (4)
appellants, and the confiscation from appellant Timon of
a shotgun which he eas allegedly carrying wrapped in a
The facts as viewed by the prosecution are narrated in the "maong" jacket at the time of his arrest (pp.9-25, tsn,
Appelle's Brief as follows: [6] January 5, 1990).

"At about 12:00 o'clock noon on September 20, 1989, the At the Navotas Police Headquarter[s] where the four (4)
fishing boat, "M/B Kali" left Navotas, Metro Manila with suspects were brought, they were positively identified by
its owner Modesto[7] Rodriguez and seven (7) crew the crew members of "M/B Kali" as among those who
members to buy fresh fish in Palawan (pp. 4-7, tsn, boarded their boat, and at gun point forced them to lie
January 19, 1990; pp 5-9, tsn, February 9, 1990; pp. 13- face down (pp.38-44, tsn, February 28, 1990).”
15, tsn, March 7, 1990).
Version of the Defense [8]
The "M/B Kali" had not yet left the territorial waters of
Navotas when it was intercepted by eight (8) armed The defense posits denial and alibi. Appellant Sampiton, a
pirates, six (6) of them including appellants boarded "M/B fisherman, denied participation in the commission of the
Kali" unnoticed, while the other two stayed behind in offense. In the morning of September 20, 1989, Sampiton
their pump boat (pp. 7-8, tsn, January 19, 1990; pp. 16- mended fishing nets; in the afternoon, he stayed at his
20, tsn, March 7, 1990; pp. 3-5, tsn, March 9, 1990). house in Davila St., Tabing Dagat, Navotas, which was
thirty meters away from that of Appellant Raya. As he did
Once on board, the six (6) pirates herded the owner and not have a boat of his own, he usually went fishing with
crew members of "M/B Kali" and ordered them to lie face Timon. On that day, however, Sampiton averred that he
down. Thereafter, three (3) of the pirates, including did not go fishing with Timon because of strong waves at
appellants Lagaras and Sampiton, accosted Rodriguez at sea.[9]
the "fuente" and ordered him to take our the money
which he had to buy fish worth about P100,000.00, after Victor Timon claimed that on September 20, 1989 he was
he was pointed to by the crew members as their boss (pp. mending fishing nets with Sampiton and Raya in Davila St.
9-11, tsn, January 19, 1990; pp. 13-19, tsn, February 9, Timon’s boat was dry-docked even the day before. It was
1990; pp. 5-8, tsn, March 9, 1990). only about 6:00 p.m. of September 20, 1989 when they
took down the boat to where it was usually moored in
After divesting Rodriguez of his P100,000.00 cash and preparation for the next morning.[10] Timon’s friend and
other personal belongings, the pirates fatally shot him. neighbor, Rogelio Anieves, corroborated his story.
Whereupon, the pirates left, after warning the crew Anieves testified that he worked on the fishing nets
members of "M/B Kali" not to move, accompanied by a owned by Timon on said day.[11]
warning shot (pp. 11-12, tsn, January 19, 1990; pp. 19-21,
tsn, February 9, 1990; pp. 8-9, tsn, March 9, 1990). For his part, Appellant Jesus Lagaras claimed that from
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. of September 20, 1989, he was at
As soon as the pirates left, the crew members of "M/B Cesar Casoy’s house in Davila St., merely a house away
Kali" stood up, and learned that their boss, Modesto from his. He was playing a card game called cuajo with a
Rodriguez, was fatally shot at the back of his head. They certain Carding and a certain Deling. After the game,
also found out that the pirates divested their boss of his Appellant Lagaras went outside the house where he
money and personal belongings, and took with them the heard people discussing the M/L Kali’s plunder. He joined
two (2) telescopes used by the crew members (pp. 12-14, the conversation and left about 7:00 p.m.[12]
tsn, January 19, 1990; pp. 21-31, tsn, February 9, 1990;
pp. 9-10, tsn, March 9, 1990). When Lagaras reached home, his brother, Julito, alias Boy
Muslim, admitted complicity in said crime which he
That same afternoon, the incident was reported to the allegedly committed with a certain Felix Duran, alias Rudy,
Navotas Police Force (p. 14, tsn, January 19, 1990), which and one known only as Toto. Julito informed Jesus that he
immediately sent a team to conduct a "spot" was leaving the place to evade arrest and advised the
investigation. When the policemen arrived at the Navotas latter to do the same. According to Jesus Lagaras, he
Fish Port where "M/B Kali" was moored, they saw the looked like his brother Julito; thus, he posits that the
lifeless body of the victim Modesto Rodriguez with a authorities mistook him for the real culprit. Believing in
gunshot wound at the back of his head. From the crew his innocence, Appellant Lagaras did not heed his
members who did not know the identities of the pirates, brother’s advice to flee.[13]
albeit could recognize them if they saw them again, the
policemen took down the description of the suspects (pp. Cesar Casoy, a fisherman and good friend of Jesus
5-8, tsn, January 5, 1990; pp. 23-27, tsn, February 28, Lagaras, corroborated the latter’s story. He added that
1990). after the card game, they went to a nearby place called
bukid where they first heard of the crime.[14] Casoy, the
On the basis thereof, the Navotas Police Force continued team leader of the area’s barangay tanod, related that
to "follow-up" the case until they received information while he was cooking in the morning of September 27,
from the Philippine Coast Guard as to the identities 1989, Navotas policemen, including Patrolman Mabbun,
came to his house. They were looking for “Rudy, Felix, Boy Appellants Timon, Sampiton and Raya assigned the
Muslim and the Chief Engineer” who were the suspects in following “errors”:
a crime. Casoy accompanied the police to the house of
Rudy but the latter was absent. Thereafter, the police left “I
and he headed for home.[15]
The court a quo blatantly erred in decreeing that the
Casoy’s assistance was again sought about 4:00 a.m. of accused-appellants were positively identified as the
October 4, 1989 by Yolanda Lagaras, the wife of Appellant authors of the crime charged when even a cursory
Jesus. She apprised him of her husband’s arrest. They reading of the evidence adduced by the prosecution will
went at once to the police station and told Policeman unveil the unreliability and dubiousness of such
Mabbun that Jesus Lagaras “was not involved” but the identification.
policeman allegedly replied, “Just follow the case in court
because Lagaras was being pointed to (as) Boy II
The court a quo grievously erred in not holding that the
Yolanda Lagaras, on the other hand, testified that about accused-appellants’ warrantless arrest effected through
4:00 a.m. of October 4, 1989, she was awakened by the the highly irregular identification made by an unnamed
sound of “strong successive knocks” on their door, source was illegal.
accompanied by voices identifying themselves as the
police. She woke her husband and told him to open the III
door. As he did, a policeman immediately pointed a gun
at her husband, saying, “Ikaw na nga si Boy Muslim.” Her The court a quo erred in finding the accused-appellants
husband answered, “hindi po”; while she said, “Hindi iyan guilty of the crime charged in the face of the
si Boy Muslim, kapatid iyon ng asawa ko.” Another prosecution’s failure to establish their guilt by proof
policeman, carrying a picture, arrived and said, “Pare, ito beyond reasonable doubt.”[21]
na nga ang hinahanap ko si Boy Muslim.” The same
policeman told her, “Misis, dadalhin ko ang asawa mo sa Appellant Lagaras filed a separate brief, alleging the
detensiyon.”[17] following errors:

“The court a quo gravely erred in finding that the guilt of

Immediately after her husband’s arrest, she asked the
the accused-appellant Jesus Lagaras was proved beyond
help of Cesar Casoy who accompanied her to the police
reasonable doubt despite
station where her husband was detained. At 11:00 a.m.,
her husband was brought to a small room. She then heard
I. the obviously flawed and highly irregular investigative
him shout, “Hindi po ako si Boy Muslim kapatid ko po ang
process that brought to naught his constitutionally
gumawa.” She tried to report this to two policemen but
protected rights;
they ignored her. It was 4:00 p.m. when her husband was
brought back to the detention cell.[18] II. the fact that the evidence on record is replete with
factual antecedents showing that he was a victim of
About 7:00 p.m., the policemen asked her “to point [Boy
mistaken identity.”[22]
Muslim] to them” so that they could “set free” her
husband. Acceding to them, she accompanied three This case hinges on (1) the admissibility and (2) the
policemen to the house of Julito Lagaras or Boy Muslim at credibility of the evidence pointing to appellants’
North Bay Boulevard, but they did not find him. She identification, but the Court will also rule on the (3)
returned to the police station two hours thereafter.[19] objections to the alleged illegal arrest, (4) appellants’ alibi
and (5) the proper penalty.
Finally, appellants alleged that they were arrested
without a warrant, then maltreated and tortured. They The Court’s Ruling
also accused the police of attempting to extort money
from them. The appeal is not meritorious
The Trial Court's Ruling 1. Admissibility of Identification

After “examining the testimony of prosecution witnesses” Appellants Timon, Sampiton and Raya argue that their
who “clearly identified all the accused,” and “clearly identification during the police investigation constituted
narrated the participation” of Lagaras, Raya, Sampiton a violation of their constitutional rights.[23] Claiming that
and Timon [20] vis-a-vis appellants’ denial and alibi, the they were subjected to “malicious pinpointing,” they
court a quo rendered its decision finding the four argue that the police line-up was improperly used against
appellants guilty of the “crime charged” in Criminal them as there were no other “suspects” presented to the
Case No. 8492-MN but acquitting Timon in Criminal witnesses. Additionally, Appellant Lagaras alleges that the
Case No. 8493-MN. police “investigative process was fraught with
unprofessionalism and prejudice” which “did violence to
Errors Assigned the constitutionally protected rights of the
former.”[24] The Court is not persuaded.
All four accused appealed to this Court. In their brief,
In People v. Teehankee, Jr.,[25] the Court, through Mr. Q What kind of description did they give you?
Justice Reynato S. Puno, explained the procedure for out-
of-court identification and the test to determine the A Physical description.
admissibility of such identification. It listed the following
ways of identifying the suspects during custodial Q What in particular?
investigation: show-ups, mug shots and line-ups. The
Court there ruled: A The face, the attire or the wearings (sic) of the
“x x x. Out-of-court identification is conducted by the
police in various ways. It is done thru show-ups where the Q In the interview conducted by you on the person of
suspect alone is brought face to face with the witness for the crew members, do I gather or get right that they also
identification. It is done thru mug shots where gave you the description of the weapons used in the
photographs are shown to the witness to identify the commission of the piracy?
suspect. It is also done thru line-ups where a witness
identifies the suspect from a group of persons lined up for A They gave me the description of the firearms which
the purpose. Since corruption of out-of-court they were armed.
identification contaminates the integrity of in-court
identification during the trial of the case, courts have Q They did not give you the specific type of the firearm?
fashioned out rules to assure its fairness and its A Yes, sir. Because they do not know what kind of
compliance with the requirements of constitutional due firearms.”[28] (Underscoring supplied.)
process. In resolving the admissibility of and relying on Evidently, while the crew members w
out-of-court identification of suspects, courts have
adopted the totality of circumstances test where they ere not able to name the pirates, they were able to
consider the following factors, viz: (1) the witness’ identify them and to give their accurate descriptions. This
opportunity to view the criminal at the time of the crime; is best shown in Eyewitness Virgilio Adreser’s sworn
(2) the witness’ degree of attention at that time: (3) the statement dated October 4, 1989 that he could not forget
accuracy of any prior description given by the witness; (4) one of the suspects who had a scar between the eyes
the level of certainty demonstrated by the witness at the (“hindi ko makakalimutan iyong pilat niya sa pagitan ng
identification; (5) the length of time between the crime mata”).[29] Said suspect later turned out to be Appellant
and the identification; and (6) the suggestiveness of the Sampiton.[30] Significant, too, is the prosecution
identification procedure.”[26] witnesses’ conscious effort to look at and observe the
pirates. Note that the crime was committed on board the
Applying this “totality of circumstances” test to the case M/B Kali in broad daylight. The eyewitnesses’ attention
at bar, the Court finds the out-of-court identification of was naturally intense as they were in an extremely tense
appellants (which is a show-up) admissible and not in any situation and their very lives were threatened. Appellant
way violative of their constitutional rights. This is borne Raya pulled Adreser’s collar to wake him up.[31] Raya’s
out by the following salient facts. Police Officer Manalo companion, who has remained at large since this incident,
testified that while the crew was unable to give the names pointed a short gun at Nuña;[32] while Appellant Lagaras
of the suspects, they nonetheless gave him their pointed a gun at Rojo[33] and Mabiliran and then kicked
assurance that they would be able to identify the pirates them.[34] Oftentimes, an attacker’s image is indelibly
“if they see them again.”[27] In addition, the crew of the etched in the victim’s memory, and what the latter has
M/B Kali described the appellants to the police. This observed is not easily effaced therefrom.[35] The fact that
description, coupled with information obtained from the the other witnesses -- aside from Prosecution Witness
Philippine Coast Guard and police “assets,” all Rojo who described Lagaras as “mataas” -- had not
contributed to the identification and the arrest of described the appellants in their sworn statements is
accused-appellants. Pat. Manalo testified thus: of no moment. It is clear that they positively and certainly
identified the appellants in the police headquarters barely
“ATTY. ZAPANTA two weeks after the commission of the crime when the
incident was still fresh in their minds, and subsequently
Q I understand Mr. Witness that you are the officer on during trial. That the sworn statements of the three
case and you were the first person as member of the witnesses did not contain a description of the pirates’
Navotas Police Station to arrive at the scene and you also physique merely shows that the same were incomplete;
(sic) the very first member of said station being an officer this, however, does not in any way detract from the
of this case to talk to the memvers (sic) of the crew of MB overall veracity of their testimonies or their identification
Kali and I got from you during the direct examination that of accused-appellants. [36]
not one of the crew members were able to give the
identity of the suspects, is it not? Furthermore, appellants’ allegation of suggestiveness in
the identification is unsubstantiated. The identification of
A Yes, sir. accused-appellants was effected through the zealous
investigation of the police. Because the appellants’
Q In fact not one of the members of the crew gave you allegations of irregularity, maltreatment and torture have
the description of the suspects? not been proven adequately, the investigators are
presumed to have performed their duties regularly and in
A No, sir. They described the suspects. good faith. We note that the identities of the accused-
appellants were established after a week of intensive pirates. Appellant’s stance is equivalent to a denial which,
police investigation.[37] We note further that each of the being unsubstantiated by clear and convincing evidence,
eyewitnesses could identify only some, not all, the is inherently weak -- a negative self-serving claim that
accused-appellants; Rojo, for instance, identified only cannot be given evidentiary value greater than that
Appellant Lagaras. If the police had manipulated the accorded to the affirmative testimony of credible
identification process, all the eyewitnesses would have witnesses.[43] Astutely observed by the trial court is the
identified all the appellants. That Rojo failed to identify fact that Lagaras did not even submit a photograph to
the other appellants indicates that the identification prove the alleged similarity of his facial features with
process was done freely, with no suggestion or coercion those of his brother Julito.[44]
from the police.
The fact that the police looked for Julito Lagaras or “Boy
That appellants were not linedup with other “suspects” is Muslim” when they went to Appellant Lagaras’ house
not a bar to or inconsistent with their proper does not prove Julito’s complicity in the crime of piracy or
identification. We reiterate that “(t)here is no law disprove that of appellant. The insinuation of Lagaras that
requiring a police line-up as essential to a proper the police arrested him to force him to produce his
identification. Identification can be made in a room in a brother Julito or to compel Julito to surrender[45] is merely
police station even if it were not a police line-up as long an unsubstantiated conjecture that cannot prevail over
as the required proprieties are observed x x x.”[38] In appellant’s positive identification. Verily, the accuracy of
fine, no irregularity was shown to have attended the Appellant Lagaras’ identification is beyond doubt. The
police work which led to the identification of appellants prosecution eyewitnesses categorically testified that they
at the police station. Hence, applying the totality of saw Appellant Lagaras for the first time during the
circumstances test, we rule that appellants’ out-of-court incident,[46] thereby precluding the probability that they
identification is admissible; appellants were not mistook or confused said appellant for his brother Julito.
“misidentified” nor their constitutional rights violated. As noted earlier, Nelson Rojo, in his sworn statement of
October 4, 1989, stated he recognized only Appellant
Even assuming arguendo the appellants’ out-of-court Lagaras:
identification was defective, their subsequent
identification in court cured any flaw that may have “10 T: Dito sa apat na ito (referring to Jesus, Claro, Victor
initially attended it. We emphasize that the and Jose) at sa kasama nilang apat (4) pa na wala ngayon
“inadmissibility of a police line-up identification x x x dito sa loob ng himpilang ito, si Jesus Laragas lang ba ang
should not necessarily foreclose the admissibility of an nakikilala mo?
independent in-court identification.”[39] We also stress
that all the accused-appelllants were positively identified S: Oho, iyong mataas na iyan lang (pointing to Jesus
by the prosecution eyewitnesses during the trial. Laragas) dahil sa hiwa-hiwalay kami ng pwesto (sa) lantsa
ng mga kasama ko ng umakyat sila at nag-kani-kaniya sila
Appellant Lagaras insists that it was his brother Julito, also ng pagtutok sa amin.”[47]
known as “Boy Muslim,” who was involved in the piracy.
He argues that the policemen were looking for “Boy
Muslim” when they arrested him. He was taken into That Appellant Lagaras was accurately identified by the
police custody simply because he had “deceptively similar prosecution’s eyewitnesses is evident from his highly
facial features” as his brother Julito.[40] At the trial, he visible and active participation in the commission of the
presented as witnesses his friends Casoy and Anieves and crime, considering that the crime was committed at 1:00
his wife Yolanda to show that he cooperated with the p.m. in sunlit areas of the M/L Kali, where visibility was
efforts of the police to apprehend his brother. thus very clear.[48] The defense failed to show any ill
motive on the part of the prosecution witnesses to falsely
Appellant Lagaras’ claim that he was improperly identified accuse appellants of so serious a crime as piracy with
would have acquired persuasive weight had he presented homicide. Even Appellant Lagaras himself could not think
independent evidence to prove that he and his brother of any reason for Prosecution Eyewitnesses Mabiliran,
Julito looked identical and that one could easily be Adreser and Nuña to falsely accuse him.[49] In the absence
mistaken for the other in broad daylight. However, of evidence or any indicium that the prosecution’s main
Lagaras failed to present such evidence to bolster his witnesses harbored ill motives against the accused, the
defense of mistaken identification. Although he presumption is that they were not so moved and that
presented the testimonies of his co-accused Sampiton, their testimonies were untainted with bias.[50]
friend Cesar Casoy, his neighbor Rogelio Anieves, and his
wife, the Court notes that not one of them talked on the Appellant Lagaras’ assertion that he could not have
alleged identical features of the brothers; they merely committed the crime because he did not follow his
concluded that Appellant Lagaras and his brother, who brother’s advice to leave his residence, by itself, is not
were not even twins, [41] were “deceptively similar” in proof of his nonparticipation in the crime charged. “Non-
appearance although Appellant Lagaras was taller than flight is not conclusive proof of innocence.”[51]
his brother. [42]
2. Credibility of Witnesses
Such self-serving conclusion, by itself, cannot be given
greater weight than the prosecution eyewitnesses’ All told, the issue of whether or not appellants were in
positive identification of Appellant Lagaras as one of the fact identified by the prosecution eyewitnesses is
anchored on credibility. Anent this issue, “(j)urisprudence when all the facts on record point to the culpability of
teaches us that the findings of the trial court judge who accused.”[59]
tried the case and heard the witnesses are not to be
disturbed on appeal unless there are substantial facts and Appellant Timon’s application for bail[60] likewise
circumstances which have been overlooked and which, if constitutes a waiver of his right to question whatever
properly considered, might affect the result of the case. irregularities and defects attended his arrest.[61]
The trial judge’s evaluation of the witness’ credibility
deserves utmost respect in the absence of 4. Weakness of Appellants’ Alibi
arbitrariness.”[52] “The reason for this is that the trial court
is in a better position to decide the question, having heard To sustain alibi, the defense must prove that it was
the witnesses themselves and observed their deportment physically impossible for the accused-appellants to have
and manner of testifying during the trial.”[53] After a been at the crime scene during its commission.[62] This,
thorough review of the records in this case, the court the defense miserably failed to do. More significantly, it is
finds no reversible error or arbitrariness in the trial well-settled that the defense of alibi cannot prevail over
court’s assessment of the credibility of the prosecution’s the positive identification of the accused by an
witnesses. As aptly stated by the trial court, it “could not eyewitness who had no motive to falsely testify, like the
help but note that they clearly identified all the accused prosecution’s eyewitnesses in this case. [63] In view of
in these cases as among the six (6) armed pirates who such positive identification, appellants’ alibi is unavailing
boarded the M/B (sic) Kali and robbed and killed its and remains weak and impotent.[64]
5. Proper Penalty
3. Waiver of Objections to Illegal Arrest
In passing, we should state that the penalty of “life
The defense assails the warrantless arrest of accused- imprisonment or reclusion perpetua” imposed by the trial
appellants. The circumstances of the present case do not court is wrong because the two are not the same. This
fall under any of the instances in Section 5, Rule 113[55] of Court had occasion to differentiate the two penalties as
the Rules of Court, which recognizes warrantless arrest. early as May 24, 1948 in People vs. Mobe,[65] and recently
in People vs. Layno [66] where we noted the following
We note that the crime was committed on September 20, distinction:
1989; appellants were arrested fourteen days later on
October 4, 1989 by police officers who were nowhere “The Code (Revised Penal Code) does not prescribe the
near the crime scene. Clearly, said police officers penalty of life imprisonment for any of the felonies
had no personal knowledge to effect the warrantless therein defined, that penalty being invariably imposed for
arrest allowable under paragraph (b) of Section 5, Rule serious offenses penalized not by the x x x Code but by
113 of the Rules. Neither can the police invoke paragraph special law. Reclusion perpetua entails imprisonment for
(a) thereof as regards the arrest of Appellant Victor Timon at least (30) years, after which the convict becomes
who, when arrested, allegedly hid an unlicensed firearm eligible for pardon. It also carries with it accessory
in a maong jacket; as found by the trial court such penalties, namely: perpetual special disqualification, etc.
accusation was doubtful in view of the prosecution’s non- It is not the same as life imprisonment which, for one
presentation of the maong jacket and appellant’s thing, does not carry with it any accessory penalty, and
allegation that said firearm was produced from the police for another does not have any definite extent or
locker.[56] However, appellants’ warrantless arrest cannot duration.”
help them in this appeal because they are deemed to
have waived the illegality of such police action. They did We also have to mention that burial expenses, which are
not raise such question before their plea to the offense by nature actual damages, must be proved.
charged. Neither did they move to quash the information Since no proof of burial expenses was ever presented in
on that ground before the trial court.[57] In People v. the instant case, its award will not be allowed.
Nazareno,[58] where the police, also without a warrant,
arrested the accused fourteen days after the commission WHEREFORE, the appealed Joint Decision convicting
of the crime, this Court ruled: Appellants Victor Timon, Jose Sampiton, Jesus Lagaras
and Claro Raya of the crime of piracy with homicide,
“x x x. (The accused) waived objections based on the imposing on them the penalty of reclusion perpetua and
alleged irregularity of their arrest, considering that they ordering the payment to the victim’s heirs of the sum of
pleaded not guilty to the charges against them and P100,000.00 representing the amount taken from the
participated in the trial. Any defect in their arrest must be deceased is hereby AFFIRMED with the following
deemed cured when they voluntarily submitted to the modifications: (1) the civil indemnity is hereby increased
jurisdiction of the court. For the legality of an arrest to P50,000.00 pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence, and
affects only the jurisdiction of the court over the person (2) the words “life imprisonment or” in the dispositive
of the accused. Consequently, if objections based on this portion thereof and (3) the unproved amount of
ground are waived, the fact that the arrest was illegal is P70,000.00 awarded for burial expenses are deleted.
not a sufficient cause for setting aside an otherwise valid Costs against appellants.
judgment rendered after a trial, free from error. The
technicality cannot render subsequent proceedings void SO ORDERED.
and deprive the State of its right to convict the guilty
[ G.R. No. 178552, October 05, 2010 ] Lichauco, Retired Col. Gerry Cunanan, Carlitos Siguion-
Reyna, Dr. Carolina Pagaduan-Araullo, Renato Reyes,
Danilo Ramos, Emerenciana de Jesus, Rita Baua and Rey
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ENGAGEMENT Claro Casambre filed a petition for certiorari and
NETWORK, INC., ON BEHALF OF THE SOUTH- prohibition docketed as G.R. No. 178581.
ARMED GROUP ENGAGEMENT, AND ATTY. On August 6, 2007, Karapatan and its alliance member
SOLIMAN M. SANTOS, JR., PETITIONERS, VS. organizations Hustisya, Desaparecidos, Samahan ng mga
Ex-Detainees Laban sa Detensyon at para sa Amnestiya
ANTI-TERRORISM COUNCIL, THE EXECUTIVE (SELDA), Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace
SECRETARY, THE SECRETARY OF JUSTICE, THE (EMJP), and Promotion of Church People's Response
SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, THE (PCPR), which were represented by their respective
SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE, THE officers[5] who are also bringing action on their own
behalf, filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition
THE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER, THE CHIEF On August 29, 2007, the Integrated Bar of the
OF STAFF OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE Philippines (IBP), Counsels for the Defense of Liberty
(CODAL),[6] Senator Ma. Ana Consuelo A.S. Madrigal,
Sergio Osmeña III, and Wigberto E. Tañada filed a
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, RESPONDENTS. petition for certiorari and prohibition docketed
as G.R. No. 179157.
Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-Southern Tagalog
(BAYAN-ST), other regional chapters and organizations
CARPIO MORALES, J.: mostly based in the Southern Tagalog Region,[7] and
individuals[8] followed suit by filing on September 19,
Before the Court are six petitions challenging the 2007 a petition for certiorari and prohibition docketed
constitutionality of Republic Act No. 9372 (RA 9372), "An as G.R. No. 179461 that replicates the allegations raised
Act to Secure the State and Protect our People from in the BAYAN petition in G.R. No. 178581.
Terrorism," otherwise known as the Human Security Act
of 2007,[1] signed into law on March 6, 2007. Impleaded as respondents in the various petitions are
the Anti-Terrorism Council[9] composed of, at the time of
Following the effectivity of RA 9372 on July 15, the filing of the petitions, Executive Secretary Eduardo
2007,[2] petitioner Southern Hemisphere Engagement Ermita as Chairperson, Justice Secretary Raul Gonzales as
Network, Inc., a non-government organization, and Atty. Vice Chairperson, and Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto
Soliman Santos, Jr., a concerned citizen, taxpayer and Romulo, Acting Defense Secretary and National Security
lawyer, filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition on Adviser Norberto Gonzales, Interior and Local
July 16, 2007 docketed as G.R. No. 178552. On even Government Secretary Ronaldo Puno, and Finance
date, petitioners Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), National Secretary Margarito Teves as members. All the
Federation of Labor Unions-Kilusang Mayo Uno (NAFLU- petitions, except that of the IBP, also impleaded Armed
KMU), and Center for Trade Union and Human Rights Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen.
(CTUHR), represented by their respective officers[3] who Hermogenes Esperon and Philippine National Police
are also bringing the action in their capacity as citizens, (PNP) Chief Gen. Oscar Calderon.
filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition docketed
as G.R. No. 178554. The Karapatan, BAYAN and BAYAN-ST petitions likewise
impleaded President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the
The following day, July 17, 2007, organizations Bagong support agencies for the Anti-Terrorism Council like the
Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN), General Alliance Binding National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, National
Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership and Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Immigration, Office of
Action (GABRIELA), Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas Civil Defense, Intelligence Service of the AFP, Anti-
(KMP), Movement of Concerned Citizens for Civil Money Laundering Center, Philippine Center on
Liberties (MCCCL), Confederation for Unity, Recognition Transnational Crime, and the PNP intelligence and
and Advancement of Government Employees investigative elements.
(COURAGE), Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap
(KADAMAY), Solidarity of Cavite Workers (SCW), League The petitions fail.
of Filipino Students (LFS), Anakbayan, Pambansang Lakas
ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya (PAMALAKAYA), Alliance of Petitioners' resort to
Concerned Teachers (ACT), Migrante, Health Alliance for certiorari is improper
Democracy (HEAD), and Agham, represented by their
respective officers,[4] and joined by concerned citizens Preliminarily, certiorari does not lie against respondents
and taxpayers Teofisto Guingona, Jr., Dr. Bienvenido who do not exercise judicial or quasi-judicial
Lumbera, Renato Constantino, Jr., Sister Mary John functions. Section 1, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is
Manansan, OSB, Dean Consuelo Paz, Atty. Josefina clear:
Section 1. Petition for certiorari.--When any tribunal, about to be denied some right or privilege to which it is
board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial lawfully entitled or that it is about to be subjected to
functions has acted without or in excess of its or his some burdens or penalties by reason of the statute or
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting act complained of.
to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and there is no appeal,
nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the For a concerned party to be allowed to raise a
ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby may constitutional question, it must show that (1) it
file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the has personally suffered some actual or threatened
facts with certainty and praying that judgment be injury as a result of the allegedly illegal conduct of the
rendered annulling or modifying the proceedings of such government, (2) the injury is fairly traceable to the
tribunal, board or officer, and granting such incidental challenged action, and (3) the injury is likely to be
reliefs as law and justice may require. (Emphasis and redressed by a favorable action. (emphasis and
underscoring supplied) underscoring supplied.)

Parenthetically, petitioners do not even allege with any Petitioner-organizations assert locus standi on the basis
modicum of particularity how respondents acted of being suspected "communist fronts" by the
without or in excess of their respective jurisdictions, or government, especially the military; whereas individual
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or petitioners invariably invoke the "transcendental
excess of jurisdiction. importance" doctrine and their status as citizens and
The impropriety of certiorari as a remedy aside, the
petitions fail just the same. While Chavez v. PCGG[13] holds that transcendental
public importance dispenses with the requirement that
In constitutional litigations, the power of judicial review petitioner has experienced or is in actual danger of
is limited by four exacting requisites, viz: (a) there must suffering direct and personal injury, cases involving the
be an actual case or controversy; (b) petitioners must constitutionality of penal legislation belong to an
possess locus standi; (c) the question of constitutionality altogether different genus of constitutional
must be raised at the earliest opportunity; and (d) the litigation. Compelling State and societal interests in the
issue of constitutionality must be the lis mota of the proscription of harmful conduct, as will later be
case.[10] elucidated, necessitate a closer judicial scrutiny of locus
In the present case, the dismal absence of the first two
requisites, which are the most essential, renders the Petitioners have not presented any personal stake in the
discussion of the last two superfluous. outcome of the controversy. None of them faces any
charge under RA 9372.
Petitioners lack locus standi
KARAPATAN, Hustisya, Desaparecidos, SELDA,
Locus standi or legal standing requires a personal stake EMJP and PCR, petitioners in G.R. No. 178890, allege that
in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that they have been subjected to "close security surveillance
concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of by state security forces," their members followed by
issues upon which the court so largely depends for "suspicious persons" and "vehicles with dark
illumination of difficult constitutional questions.[11] windshields," and their offices monitored by "men with
military build." They likewise claim that they have been
Anak Mindanao Party-List Group v. The Executive branded as "enemies of the [S]tate."[14]
Secretary[12] summarized the rule on locus standi, thus:
Even conceding such gratuitous allegations, the Office of
Locus standi or legal standing has been defined as a the Solicitor General (OSG) correctly points out that
personal and substantial interest in a case such that the petitioners have yet to show
party has sustained or will sustain direct injury as a result any connection between the
of the governmental act that is being challenged. The purported "surveillance" and the implementation of RA
gist of the question on standing is whether a party 9372.
alleges such personal stake in the outcome of the
controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness BAYAN, GABRIELA, KMP, MCCCL, COURAGE, KADAMAY,
which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which SCW, LFS, Anakbayan, PAMALAKAYA, ACT, Migrante,
the court depends for illumination of difficult HEAD and Agham, petitioner-organizations in G.R. No.
constitutional questions. 178581, would like the Court to take judicial notice of
respondents' alleged action of tagging them as militant
[A] party who assails the constitutionality of a statute organizations fronting for the Communist Party of the
must have a direct and personal interest. It must show Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the National
not only that the law or any governmental act is invalid, People's Army (NPA). The tagging, according to
but also that it sustained or is in immediate danger of petitioners, is tantamount to the effects of proscription
sustaining some direct injury as a result of its without following the procedure under the law.[15] The
enforcement, and not merely that it suffers thereby in petition of BAYAN-ST, et al. in G.R. No. 179461 pleads the
some indefinite way. It must show that it has been or is same allegations.
organizations.[19] Such statement notwithstanding, there
The Court cannot take judicial notice of the alleged is yet to be filed before the courts an application to
"tagging" of petitioners. declare the CPP and NPA organizations as domestic
terrorist or outlawed organizations under RA 9372. Again,
Generally speaking, matters of judicial notice have three RA 9372 has been in effect for three years now. From
material requisites: (1) the matter must be one of July 2007 up to the present, petitioner-organizations
common and general knowledge; (2) it must be well and have conducted their activities fully and freely without
authoritatively settled and not doubtful or uncertain; and any threat of, much less an actual, prosecution or
(3) it must be known to be within the limits of the proscription under RA 9372.
jurisdiction of the court. The principal guide in
determining what facts may be assumed to be judicially Parenthetically, the Fourteenth Congress, in a resolution
known is that of notoriety. Hence, it can be said that initiated by Party-list Representatives Saturnino
judicial notice is limited to facts evidenced by public Ocampo, Teodoro Casiño, Rafael Mariano and
records and facts of general notoriety. Moreover, a Luzviminda Ilagan,[20] urged the government to resume
judicially noticed fact must be one not subject to a peace negotiations with the NDF by removing the
reasonable dispute in that it is either: (1) generally impediments thereto, one of which is the adoption of
known within the territorial jurisdiction of the trial designation of the CPP and NPA by the US and EU as
court; or (2) capable of accurate and ready foreign terrorist organizations. Considering the policy
determination by resorting to sources whose accuracy statement of the Aquino Administration[21] of resuming
cannot reasonably be questionable. peace talks with the NDF, the government is not
imminently disposed to ask for the judicial proscription
Things of "common knowledge," of which courts take of the CPP-NPA consortium and its allied organizations.
judicial matters coming to the knowledge of men
generally in the course of the ordinary experiences of More important, there are other parties not before the
life, or they may be matters which are generally Court with direct and specific interests in the questions
accepted by mankind as true and are capable of ready being raised.[22] Of recent development is the filing of
and unquestioned demonstration. Thus, facts which are the first case for proscription under Section 17[23] of RA
universally known, and which may be found in 9372 by the Department of Justice before the Basilan
encyclopedias, dictionaries or other publications, are Regional Trial Court against the Abu
judicially noticed, provided, they are of such universal Sayyaf Group.[24] Petitioner-organizations do not in the
notoriety and so generally understood that they may be least allege any link to the Abu Sayyaf Group.
regarded as forming part of the common knowledge of
every person. As the common knowledge of man ranges Some petitioners attempt, in vain though, to show the
far and wide, a wide variety of particular facts have been imminence of a prosecution under RA 9372 by alluding
judicially noticed as being matters of common to past rebellion charges against them.
knowledge. But a court cannot take judicial notice of any
fact which, in part, is dependent on the existence or non- In Ladlad v. Velasco,[25] the Court ordered the dismissal
existence of a fact of which the court has no constructive of rebellion charges filed in 2006 against then Party-List
knowledge.[16] (emphasis and underscoring supplied.) Representatives Crispin Beltran and Rafael Mariano of
Anakpawis, Liza Maza of GABRIELA, and Joel Virador,
No ground was properly established by petitioners for Teodoro Casiño and Saturnino Ocampo of Bayan Muna.
the taking of judicial notice. Petitioners' apprehension is Also named in the dismissed rebellion charges were
insufficient to substantiate their plea. That no specific petitioners Rey Claro Casambre, Carolina Pagaduan-
charge or proscription under RA 9372 has been filed Araullo, Renato Reyes, Rita Baua, Emerencia de Jesus
against them, three years after its effectivity, belies any and Danilo Ramos; and accused of being front
claim of imminence of their perceived threat emanating organizations for the Communist movement were
from the so-called tagging. petitioner-organizations KMU, BAYAN, GABRIELA,
The same is true with petitioners KMU,
NAFLU and CTUHR in G.R. No. 178554, who merely harp The dismissed rebellion charges, however, do not save
as well on their supposed "link" to the CPP and the day for petitioners. For one, those charges were
NPA. They fail to particularize how the implementation filed in 2006, prior to the enactment of RA 9372, and
of specific provisions of RA 9372 would result in direct dismissed by this Court. For another, rebellion is defined
injury to their organization and members. and punished under the Revised Penal Code.
Prosecution for rebellion is not made more imminent by
While in our jurisdiction there is still no judicially the enactment of RA 9372, nor does the enactment
declared terrorist organization, the United States of thereof make it easier to charge a person with rebellion,
America[17] (US) and the European Union[18] (EU) have its elements not having been altered.
both classified the CPP, NPA and Abu Sayyaf Group as
foreign terrorist organizations. The Court takes note of Conversely, previously filed but dismissed rebellion
the joint statement of Executive Secretary Eduardo charges bear no relation to prospective charges under
Ermita and Justice Secretary Raul Gonzales that the RA 9372. It cannot be overemphasized that three years
Arroyo Administration would adopt the US and EU after the enactment of RA 9372, none of petitioners has
classification of the CPP and NPA as terrorist been charged.
case or controversy
Petitioners IBP and CODAL in G.R. No. 179157 base their
claim of locus standi on their sworn duty to uphold the By constitutional fiat, judicial power operates only when
Constitution. The IBP zeroes in on Section 21 of RA 9372 there is an actual case or controversy.
directing it to render assistance to those arrested or
detained under the law. Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be
The mere invocation of the duty to preserve the rule of established by law.
law does not, however, suffice to clothe the IBP or any of
its members with standing.[27] The IBP failed to Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice
sufficiently demonstrate how its mandate under the to settle actual controversies involving rights which are
assailed statute revolts against its constitutional rights legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
and duties. Moreover, both the IBP and CODAL have not whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
pointed to even a single arrest or detention effected discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
under RA 9372. the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Government.[30] (emphasis and underscoring supplied.)
Former Senator Ma. Ana Consuelo Madrigal, who claims
to have been the subject of "political surveillance," also As early as Angara v. Electoral Commission,[31] the Court
lacks locus standi. Prescinding from the veracity, let ruled that the power of judicial review is limited to
alone legal basis, of the claim of "political surveillance," actual cases or controversies to be exercised after full
the Court finds that she has not shown even the slightest opportunity of argument by the parties. Any attempt at
threat of being charged under RA 9372. Similarly lacking abstraction could only lead to dialectics and barren legal
in locus standi are former Senator Wigberto questions and to sterile conclusions unrelated to
Tañada and Senator Sergio Osmeña III, who cite their actualities.
being respectively a human rights advocate and an
oppositor to the passage of RA 9372. Outside these An actual case or controversy means an existing case or
gratuitous statements, no concrete injury to them has controversy that is appropriate or ripe for
been pinpointed. determination, not conjectural or anticipatory, lest the
decision of the court would amount to an advisory
Petitioners Southern Hemisphere Engagement opinion.[32]
Network and Atty. Soliman Santos
Jr. in G.R. No. 178552 also conveniently state that the Information Technology Foundation of the Philippines v.
issues they raise are of transcendental importance, COMELEC[33] cannot be more emphatic:
"which must be settled early" and are of "far-reaching
implications," without mention of any specific provision [C]ourts do not sit to adjudicate mere academic questions
of RA 9372 under which they have been charged, or may to satisfy scholarly interest, however intellectually
be charged. Mere invocation of human rights advocacy challenging. The controversy must be justiciable--
has nowhere been held sufficient to clothe litigants definite and concrete, touching on the legal relations of
with locus standi. Petitioners must show an actual, or parties having adverse legal interests. In other
immediate danger of sustaining, direct injury as a result words, the pleadings must show an active antagonistic
of the law's enforcement. To rule otherwise would be to assertion of a legal right, on the one hand, and a denial
corrupt the settled doctrine of locus standi, as every thereof on the other hand; that is, it must concern a real
worthy cause is an interest shared by the general public. and not merely a theoretical question or issue. There
ought to be an actual and substantial
Neither can locus standi be conferred upon individual controversy admitting of specific relief through a decree
petitioners as taxpayers and citizens. A taxpayer suit is conclusive in nature, as distinguished from an opinion
proper only when there is an exercise of the spending or advising what the law would be upon a hypothetical
taxing power of Congress,[28] whereas citizen standing state of facts. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
must rest on direct and personal interest in the
proceeding.[29] Thus, a petition to declare unconstitutional a law
converting the Municipality of Makati into a Highly
RA 9372 is a penal statute and does not even provide for Urbanized City was held to be premature as it was
any appropriation from Congress for its implementation, tacked on uncertain, contingent events.[34] Similarly, a
while none of the individual petitioner-citizens has petition that fails to allege that an application for a
alleged any direct and personal interest in the license to operate a radio or television station has been
implementation of the law. denied or granted by the authorities does not present a
justiciable controversy, and merely wheedles the Court
It bears to stress that generalized interests, albeit to rule on a hypothetical problem.[35]
accompanied by the assertion of a public right, do not
establish locus standi. Evidence of a direct and personal The Court dismissed the petition in Philippine Press
interest is key. Institute v. Commission on Elections[36] for failure to cite
any specific affirmative action of the Commission on
Petitioners fail to Elections to implement the assailed resolution. It
present an actual refused, in Abbas v. Commission on Elections,[37] to rule
on the religious freedom claim of the therein petitioners The possibility of abuse in the implementation of RA
based merely on a perceived potential conflict between 9372 does not avail to take the present petitions out of
the provisions of the Muslim Code and those of the the realm of the surreal and merely imagined. Such
national law, there being no actual controversy between possibility is not peculiar to RA 9372 since the exercise of
real litigants. any power granted by law may be abused.[45] Allegations
of abuse must be anchored on real events before courts
The list of cases denying claims resting on purely may step in to settle actual controversies involving rights
hypothetical or anticipatory grounds goes on ad which are legally demandable and enforceable.
A facial invalidation of a
The Court is not unaware that a reasonable certainty of statute is allowed only in free speech cases,
the occurrence of a perceived threat to any wherein certain rules of constitutional
constitutional interest litigation are rightly excepted
suffices to provide a basis for mounting a constitutional
challenge. This, however, is qualified by the Petitioners assail for being intrinsically vague and
requirement that there must be sufficient facts to enable impermissibly broad the definition of the crime of
the Court to intelligently adjudicate the issues.[38] terrorism[46] under RA 9372 in that terms like
"widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the
Very recently, the US Supreme Court, in Holder v. populace" and "coerce the government to give in to an
Humanitarian Law Project,[39] allowed the pre- unlawful demand" are nebulous, leaving law
enforcement review of a criminal statute, challenged on enforcement agencies with no standard to measure the
vagueness grounds, since plaintiffs faced a "credible prohibited acts.
threat of prosecution" and "should not be required to
await and undergo a criminal prosecution as the sole Respondents, through the OSG, counter that the
means of seeking relief."[40] The plaintiffs therein filed an doctrines of void-for-vagueness and overbreadth
action before a federal court to assail the find no application in the present case since these
constitutionality of the material support statute, 18 doctrines apply only to free speech cases; and that RA
U.S.C. §2339B (a) (1),[41] proscribing the provision of 9372 regulates conduct, not speech.
material support to organizations declared by the
Secretary of State as foreign terrorist For a jurisprudentially guided understanding of these
organizations. They claimed that they intended to doctrines, it is imperative to outline the schools of
provide support for the humanitarian and political thought on whether the void-for-vagueness and
activities of two such organizations. overbreadth doctrines are equally applicable grounds to
assail a penal statute.
Prevailing American jurisprudence allows an adjudication
on the merits when an anticipatory petition clearly Respondents interpret recent jurisprudence as slanting
shows that the challenged prohibition forbids the toward the idea of limiting the application of the two
conduct or activity that a petitioner seeks to do, as there doctrines to free speech cases. They particularly
would then be a justiciable controversy.[42] cite Romualdez v. Hon. Sandiganbayan[47] and Estrada v.
Unlike the plaintiffs in Holder, however, herein
petitioners have failed to show that the challenged The Court clarifies.
provisions of RA 9372 forbid constitutionally
protected conduct or activity that they seek to At issue in Romualdez v. Sandiganbayan was whether
do. No demonstrable threat has been established, much the word "intervene" in Section 5[49] of the Anti-Graft
less a real and existing one. and Corrupt Practices Act was intrinsically vague and
impermissibly broad. The Court stated that "the
Petitioners' obscure allegations of sporadic "surveillance" overbreadth and the vagueness doctrines have special
and supposedly being tagged as "communist fronts" application only to free-speech cases," and are "not
in no way approximate a credible threat of appropriate for testing the validity of penal
prosecution. From these allegations, the Court is being statutes."[50] It added that, at any rate, the challenged
lured to render an advisory opinion, which is not its provision, under which the therein petitioner
function.[43] was charged, is not vague.[51]

Without any justiciable controversy, the petitions have While in the subsequent case of Romualdez v.
become pleas for declaratory relief, over which the Commission on Elections,[52] the Court stated that a facial
Court has no original jurisdiction. Then again, invalidation of criminal statutes is not appropriate, it
declaratory actions characterized by "double nonetheless proceeded to conduct a vagueness analysis,
contingency," where both the activity the petitioners and concluded that the therein subject election
intend to undertake and the anticipated reaction to it of offense[53] under the Voter's Registration Act of 1996,
a public official are merely theorized, lie beyond judicial with which the therein petitioners were charged, is
review for lack of ripeness.[44] couched in precise language.[54]

The two Romualdez cases rely heavily on the Separate

Opinion[55] of Justice Vicente V. Mendoza in to the conduct of others."
the Estrada case, where the Court found the Anti-
Plunder Law (Republic Act No. 7080) clear and free from In sum, the doctrines of strict scrutiny, overbreadth, and
ambiguity respecting the definition of the crime of vagueness are analytical tools developed for testing "on
plunder. their faces" statutes in free speech cases or, as they are
called in American law, First Amendment cases. They
The position taken by Justice Mendoza in Estrada relates cannot be made to do service when what is involved is a
these two doctrines to the concept of a "facial" criminal statute. With respect to such statute, the
invalidation as opposed to an "as-applied" challenge. He established rule is that "one to whom application of a
basically postulated that allegations that a penal statute statute is constitutional will not be heard to attack the
is vague and overbroad do not justify a facial review of statute on the ground that impliedly it might also be
its validity. The pertinent portion of the Concurring taken as applying to other persons or other situations in
Opinion of Justice Mendoza, which was quoted at length which its application might be unconstitutional." As has
in the main Estrada decision, reads: been pointed out, "vagueness challenges in the First
Amendment context, like overbreadth challenges
A facial challenge is allowed to be made to a vague typically produce facial invalidation, while statutes found
statute and to one which is overbroad because of vague as a matter of due process typically are invalidated
possible "chilling effect" upon protected speech. The [only] 'as applied' to a particular
theory is that "[w]hen statutes regulate or proscribe defendant." Consequently, there is no basis for
speech and no readily apparent construction suggests petitioner's claim that this Court review the Anti-Plunder
itself as a vehicle for rehabilitating the statutes in a Law on its face and in its entirety.
single prosecution, the transcendent value to all society
of constitutionally protected expression is deemed to Indeed, "on its face" invalidation of statutes results in
justify allowing attacks on overly broad statutes striking them down entirely on the ground that they
with no requirement that the person making the attack might be applied to parties not before the Court whose
demonstrate that his own conduct could not be activities are constitutionally protected. It constitutes a
regulated by a statute drawn with narrow specificity." departure from the case and controversy requirement of
The possible harm to society in permitting some the Constitution and permits decisions to be made
unprotected speech to go unpunished is outweighed by without concrete factual settings and in sterile abstract
the possibility that the protected speech of others may contexts. But, as the U.S. Supreme Court pointed out
be deterred and perceived grievances left to fester in Younger v. Harris
because of possible inhibitory effects of overly broad
statutes. [T]he task of analyzing a proposed statute, pinpointing
its deficiencies, and requiring correction of these
This rationale does not apply to penal statutes. Criminal deficiencies before the statute is put into effect, is rarely
statutes have general in terrorem effect resulting from if ever an appropriate task for the judiciary. The
their very existence, and, if facial challenge is allowed for combination of the relative remoteness of the
this reason alone, the State may well be prevented from controversy, the impact on the legislative process of the
enacting laws against socially harmful conduct. In the relief sought, and above all the speculative and
area of criminal law, the law cannot take chances as in amorphous nature of the required line-by-line analysis of
the area of free speech. detailed statutes, . . . ordinarily results in a kind of case
that is wholly unsatisfactory for deciding constitutional
The overbreadth and vagueness doctrines then have questions, whichever way they might be decided.
special application only to free speech cases. They are
inapt for testing the validity of penal statutes. As the For these reasons, "on its face" invalidation of statutes
U.S. Supreme Court put it, in an opinion by Chief Justice has been described as "manifestly strong medicine," to
Rehnquist, "we have not recognized an 'overbreadth' be employed "sparingly and only as a last resort," and is
doctrine outside the limited context of the First generally disfavored. In determining the
Amendment." In Broadrick v. Oklahoma, the Court ruled constitutionality of a statute, therefore, its provisions
that "claims of facial overbreadth have been entertained which are alleged to have been violated in a case must
in cases involving statutes which, by their terms, seek to be examined in the light of the conduct with which the
regulate only spoken words" and, again, that defendant is charged.[56] (Underscoring supplied.)
"overbreadth claims, if entertained at all, have been
curtailed when invoked against ordinary criminal laws The confusion apparently stems from the interlocking
that are sought to be applied to protected conduct." For relation of the overbreadth and vagueness doctrines as
this reason, it has been held that "a facial challenge to a grounds for a facial or as-applied challenge against a
legislative act is the most difficult challenge to mount penal statute (under a claim of violation of due process
successfully, since the challenger must establish of law) or a speech regulation (under a claim of
that no set of circumstances exists under which the Act abridgement of the freedom of speech and cognate
would be valid." As for the vagueness doctrine, it is said rights).
that a litigant may challenge a statute on its face only if it
is vague in all its possible applications. "A plaintiff who To be sure, the doctrine of vagueness and the doctrine of
engages in some conduct that is clearly proscribed overbreadth do not operate on the same plane.
cannot complain of the vagueness of the law as applied
A statute or act suffers from the defect obvious. If a facial challenge to a penal statute is
of vagueness when it lacks comprehensible standards permitted, the prosecution of crimes may be
that men of common intelligence must necessarily guess hampered. No prosecution would be possible. A strong
at its meaning and differ as to its application. It is criticism against employing a facial challenge in the case
repugnant to the Constitution in two respects: (1) it of penal statutes, if the same is allowed, would
violates due process for failure to accord persons, effectively go against the grain of the doctrinal
especially the parties targeted by it, fair notice of the requirement of an existing and concrete controversy
conduct to avoid; and (2) it leaves law enforcers before judicial power may be appropriately exercised. A
unbridled discretion in carrying out its provisions and facial challenge against a penal statute is, at best,
becomes an arbitrary flexing of the Government amorphous and speculative. It would, essentially, force
muscle.[57] The overbreadth doctrine, meanwhile, the court to consider third parties who are not before it.
decrees that a governmental purpose to control or As I have said in my opposition to the allowance of a
prevent activities constitutionally subject to state facial challenge to attack penal statutes, such a test will
regulations may not be achieved by means which sweep impair the State's ability to deal with crime. If
unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of warranted, there would be nothing that can hinder an
protected freedoms.[58] accused from defeating the State's power to prosecute
on a mere showing that, as applied to third parties, the
As distinguished from the vagueness doctrine, the penal statute is vague or overbroad, notwithstanding
overbreadth doctrine assumes that individuals will that the law is clear as applied to him.[65] (Emphasis and
understand what a statute prohibits and will accordingly underscoring supplied)
refrain from that behavior, even though some of it is
protected.[59] It is settled, on the other hand, that the application of
the overbreadth doctrine is limited to a facial kind of
A "facial" challenge is likewise different from an "as- challenge and, owing to the given rationale of a facial
applied" challenge. challenge, applicable only to free speech cases.

Distinguished from an as-applied challenge which By its nature, the overbreadth doctrine has to
considers only extant facts affecting real litigants, necessarily apply a facial type of invalidation in order to
a facial invalidation is an examination of the entire law, plot areas of protected speech, inevitably almost
pinpointing its flaws and defects, not only on the basis of always under situations not before the court, that are
its actual operation to the parties, but also on the impermissibly swept by the substantially overbroad
assumption or prediction that its very existence may regulation. Otherwise stated, a statute cannot be
cause others not before the court to refrain from properly analyzed for being substantially overbroad if
constitutionally protected speech or activities.[60] the court confines itself only to facts as applied to the
Justice Mendoza accurately phrased the subtitle[61] in his
concurring opinion that the vagueness and overbreadth The most distinctive feature of the overbreadth
doctrines, as grounds for a facial challenge, are not technique is that it marks an exception to some of the
applicable to penal laws. A litigant cannot thus usual rules of constitutional litigation. Ordinarily, a
successfully mount a facial challenge against a criminal particular litigant claims that a statute is unconstitutional
statute on either vagueness or overbreadth grounds. as applied to him or her; if the litigant prevails, the
courts carve away the unconstitutional aspects of the
The allowance of a facial challenge in free speech law by invalidating its improper applications on a case to
cases is justified by the aim to avert the "chilling effect" case basis. Moreover, challengers to a law are not
on protected speech, the exercise of which should not at permitted to raise the rights of third parties and can only
all times be abridged.[62] As reflected earlier, this assert their own interests. In overbreadth analysis,
rationale is inapplicable to plain penal statutes that those rules give way; challenges are permitted to raise
generally bear an "in terrorem effect" in deterring the rights of third parties; and the court invalidates the
socially harmful conduct. In fact, the legislature may entire statute "on its face," not merely "as applied for";
even forbid and penalize acts formerly considered so that the overbroad law becomes unenforceable until
innocent and lawful, so long as it refrains from a properly authorized court construes it more
diminishing or dissuading the exercise of constitutionally narrowly. The factor that motivates courts to depart
protected rights.[63] from the normal adjudicatory rules is the concern with
the "chilling;" deterrent effect of the overbroad statute
The Court reiterated that there are "critical limitations on third parties not courageous enough to bring
by which a criminal statute may be challenged" and suit. The Court assumes that an overbroad law's "very
"underscored that an `on-its-face' invalidation of penal existence may cause others not before the court to
statutes x x x may not be allowed."[64] refrain from constitutionally protected speech or
expression." An overbreadth ruling is designed to
[T]he rule established in our jurisdiction is, only statutes remove that deterrent effect on the speech of those
on free speech, religious freedom, and other third parties.[66] (Emphasis in the original omitted;
fundamental rights may be facially underscoring supplied.)
challenged. Under no case may ordinary penal statutes
be subjected to a facial challenge. The rationale is In restricting the overbreadth doctrine to free speech
claims, the Court, in at least two cases,[67] observed that elements may be culled: (1) the offender commits an act
the US Supreme Court has not recognized an punishable under any of the cited provisions of the
overbreadth doctrine outside the limited context of the Revised Penal Code, or under any of the enumerated
First Amendment,[68] and that claims of facial special penal laws; (2) the commission of the predicate
overbreadth have been entertained in cases involving crime sows and creates a condition of widespread and
statutes which, by their terms, seek to regulate extraordinary fear and panic among the populace; and
only spoken words.[69] In Virginia v. Hicks,[70] it was held (3) the offender is actuated by the desire to coerce the
that rarely, if ever, will an overbreadth challenge government to give in to an unlawful demand.
succeed against a law or regulation that is not
specifically addressed to speech or speech-related In insisting on a facial challenge on the invocation that
conduct. Attacks on overly broad statutes are justified the law penalizes speech, petitioners contend that the
by the "transcendent value to all society of element of "unlawful demand" in the definition of
constitutionally protected expression."[71] terrorism[77] must necessarily be transmitted through
some form of expression protected by the free speech
Since a penal statute may only be clause.
assailed for being vague as applied
to petitioners, a limited vagueness The argument does not persuade. What the law seeks
analysis of the definition of to penalize is conduct, not speech.
"terrorism" in RA 9372 is legally
impermissible absent an Before a charge for terrorism may be filed under RA
actual or imminent charge against them 9372, there must first be a predicate crime actually
committed to trigger the operation of the key qualifying
While Estrada did not apply the overbreadth doctrine, it phrases in the other elements of the crime, including the
did not preclude the operation of the vagueness test on coercion of the government to accede to an "unlawful
the Anti-Plunder Law as applied to the therein demand." Given the presence of the first element, any
petitioner, finding, however, that there was no basis to attempt at singling out or highlighting the
review the law "on its face and in its entirety."[72] It communicative component of the prohibition cannot
stressed that "statutes found vague as a matter of due recategorize the unprotected conduct into a protected
process typically are invalidated only 'as applied' to a speech.
particular defendant."[73]
Petitioners' notion on the transmission of message is
American jurisprudence[74] instructs that "vagueness entirely inaccurate, as it unduly focuses on just one
challenges that do not involve the First Amendment particle of an element of the crime. Almost every
must be examined in light of the specific facts of the commission of a crime entails some mincing of words on
case at hand and not with regard to the statute's facial the part of the offender like in declaring to launch overt
validity." criminal acts against a victim, in haggling on the amount
of ransom or conditions, or in negotiating a deceitful
For more than 125 years, the US Supreme Court has transaction. An analogy in one U.S. case[78] illustrated
evaluated defendants' claims that criminal statutes are that the fact that the prohibition on discrimination in
unconstitutionally vague, developing a doctrine hailed as hiring on the basis of race will require an employer to
"among the most important guarantees of liberty under take down a sign reading "White Applicants Only" hardly
law."[75] means that the law should be analyzed as one regulating
speech rather than conduct.
In this jurisdiction, the void-for-vagueness doctrine
asserted under the due process clause has been utilized Utterances not elemental but inevitably incidental to the
in examining the constitutionality of criminal statutes. In doing of the criminal conduct alter neither the intent of
at least three cases,[76] the Court brought the doctrine the law to punish socially harmful conduct nor the
into play in analyzing an ordinance penalizing the non- essence of the whole act as conduct and not
payment of municipal tax on fishponds, the crime of speech. This holds true a fortiori in the present case
illegal recruitment punishable under Article 132(b) of the where the expression figures only as an inevitable
Labor Code, and the vagrancy provision under Article incident of making the element of coercion perceptible.
202 (2) of the Revised Penal Code. Notably, the
petitioners in these three cases, similar to those in the [I]t is true that the agreements and course of conduct
two Romualdez and Estrada cases, were here were as in most instances brought about through
actually charged with the therein assailed penal statute, speaking or writing. But it has never been deemed an
unlike in the present case. abridgement of freedom of speech or press to make a
course of conduct illegal merely because the conduct
There is no merit in the was, in part, initiated, evidenced, or carried out by
claim that RA 9372 regulates means of language, either spoken, written, or
speech so as to permit a facial printed. Such an expansive interpretation of the
analysis of its validity constitutional guaranties of speech and press would
make it practically impossible ever to enforce laws
From the definition of the crime of terrorism in the against agreements in restraint of trade as well as many
earlier cited Section 3 of RA 9372, the following
other agreements and conspiracies deemed injurious to
society.[79] (italics and underscoring supplied)

Certain kinds of speech have been treated as

unprotected conduct, because they merely evidence a
prohibited conduct.[80] Since speech is not involved
here, the Court cannot heed the call for a facial analysis.

IN FINE, Estrada and the other cited authorities engaged

in a vagueness analysis of the therein subject penal
statute as applied to the therein petitioners inasmuch as
they were actually charged with the pertinent crimes
challenged on vagueness grounds. The Court in said
cases, however, found no basis to review the assailed
penal statute on its face and in its entirety.

In Holder, on the other hand, the US Supreme

Court allowed the pre-enforcement review of a criminal
statute, challenged on vagueness grounds, since the
therein plaintiffs faced a "credible threat of prosecution"
and "should not be required to await and undergo a
criminal prosecution as the sole means of seeking relief."

As earlier reflected, petitioners have

established neither an actual charge nor a credible threat
of prosecution under RA 9372. Even a limited vagueness
analysis of the assailed definition of "terrorism" is thus
legally impermissible. The Court reminds litigants that
judicial power neither contemplates speculative
counseling on a statute's future effect on hypothetical
scenarios nor allows the courts to be used as an
extension of a failed legislative lobbying in Congress.

WHEREFORE, the petitions are DISMISSED.


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