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Class test m.

com –I

Time:- 1Hr Mark:- 40.

Q. No. 1 Fill in the blanks (Any Ten) 10

i) Strategos meaning in Greek is -----------------

(Art of general, Art of common, Fine Art)

ii) Strategy formulation and implementation requires ------------efforts of different dept

to be successful

(Integrated, Individual, separated)

iii) Before selecting best strategy the organization needs to conduct--------- analysis.

(cost-benefit, profit-benefit, loss)

iv) Effective implementation of strategy is largely depends on ------------------of resources.

( Quality & Quantity, Arrangement & Allocation, Availability & Utility)

v) Mission is the ------------- statement of the organization.

( Fundamental, Secondary, Quality)

vi) Goals are ---------in nature.

( Specific, General, Common)

vii) corporate image refers to -----------------

( Mental picture of company, Mental picture of product, None of these)

viii) Along with importing knowledge and developing skill, training is given to

develop -------- towards organization and work

( Positive attitude & social behaviour, polished manner, professional approach)

ix) Management philosophy is -------- component of business environment.

( Internal, External, Both)

x) Micro environment refers to --------------------- business environment.

( Immediate, Larger societal, outsider)

xi) Spying technique is used to gather information about -------------- competition.

( Potential or Actual, Past or previous, Both of these)

xii) Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 became operative during the year---------

( 2001,2000 1999,)

xiii) The primary step in strategic analysis is ---------------- analysis

( SWOT, Financial, Market )

xiv) There are ----- levels of strategy.

( 3,4,5)

xv) Turnaround, Divestment or liquidation are the forms of -------------- strategy.

( Retrenchment, Growth, Stability).

Q.2 Answer in brief ( Any Five) 10

i) Vision

ii) Strategic Management process

iii) Business strategy

iv) QUEST technique

v) Macro Environment

vi) Financial strategy

vii) Competitive advantages

viii) Environmental Scanning

Q.3. Answer Any Two Questions from the following 20

i) What is strategic management process? Discuss in brief the stages involved in it.

ii) What is business environment? Enlist the various components of business

environment and elaborate them in short.

iii) Discuss the various functional level of strategies of business.

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