TranslationsLife-SavingRules 05june2016

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‫قواعد الحفاظ على الرواح‬


Bypassing Safety Controls ‫تجاوز ضوابط السلمة‬

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls ‫احصل على تصريح قبل تجاوز أو تعطيل ضوابط السلمة‬ 
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task   ‫انا أفهم وأستخدم معدات السلمة المهمة والجراءات التي تنطبق على مهام عملي‬
• I obtain authorisation before: ‫ل‬:‫ببببب‬
‫ببببصببريح ق‬
‫أنا أحصل على ت‬
– disabling or overriding safety equipment ‫تعطيل أو تجاوز معدات السلمة‬
– deviating from procedures ‫النحراف عن الجراءات‬
– crossing a barrier ‫عبور حاجز‬

Confined Space ‫المكان المحصور‬

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space ‫احصل على تصريح قبل دخول مكان محصور‬
• I confirm energy sources are isolated ‫أنا أتأكد من أن مصادر الطاقة معزولة‬
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored ‫أنا أتأكد بأن الجو المحيط قد تم اختباره ويتم ومراقبته‬ 
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required ‫أنا أقوم بفحص جهاز التنفس وأستخدمه عند الضرورة‬
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by ‫أنا أتأكد من وجود شخص يراقب المكان المحصور‬
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place ‫أنا أتأكد وجود خطة إنقاذ‬
• I obtain authorisation to enter ‫أحصل على تصريح للدخول‬

Driving ‫القيادة‬
Follow safe driving rules ‫اتبع قواعد السلمة للقيادة‬
• I always wear a seatbelt ‫أنا دائما أربط حزام المان‬
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions ‫ وأقلل من سرعتي حسب ظروف الطريق‬، ‫أنا ل أتجاوز الحد القصى للسرعة‬
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving ‫أنا ل أستخدم الهواتف أو أستخدم أجهزة أثناء القيادة‬
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving ‫ لدي قسط كافي من الراحة وأنا في حالة تأهب كاملة أثناء القيادة‬، ‫أنا أتمتع باللياقة‬
• I follow journey management requirements ‫أنا أتبع متطلبات إدارة الرحلة‬

Energy Isolation ‫عزل مصادر الطاقة‬

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins ‫أتحقق من عزل الطاقة وعدم سريانها قبل بدء العمل‬
• I have identified all energy sources ‫أنا حددت جميع مصادر الطاقة‬
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged   ‫أتأكد من أن مصادر الطاقة الخطرة تم فصلها وإقفالها ووضع العلمات التحذيرية عليها‬ ‫انا‬
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy ‫أنا تحققت من عدم سريان الطاقة وأقوم بالفحص للكشف عن أي طاقة متبقية أو مخزنة‬

Hot Work ‫العمل الساخن‬

Control flammables and ignition sources ‫السيطرة على المواد القابلة للشتعال ومصادر الشتعال‬
• I identify and control ignition sources ‫أنا أحدد مصادر الشتعال وأسيطر عليها‬
• Before starting any hot work: ‫ن‬:‫ببببخ‬
‫بببببلببب بدببء أي عمل بباس‬
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated ‫أنا أتأكد إزالة المواد القابلة للشتعال أو عزلها‬
– I obtain authorisation ‫أنا أحصل على تصريح‬
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: ‫قبل بدء العمل الساخن في منطقة خطيرة أتأكد مما يلي‬:
– a gas test has been completed ‫تم النتهاء من اختبار الغاز‬
– gas will be monitored continually ‫سيتم مراقبة الغاز بشكل مستمر‬

Line of Fire ‫خط النار‬

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire ‫إبقي نفسك والخرين بعيدا عن خط النار‬
• I position myself to avoid:  ‫أنا أضع نفسي في موقع بحيث أتجنب‬:
– moving objects ‫الجسام المتحركة‬
– vehicles ‫المركبات‬
– pressure releases ‫تحرير الضغط‬
– dropped objects   ‫الجسام المتساقطة‬
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ‫أنا أحدد الحواجز ومناطق الحظر وألتزم بها‬
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects   ‫انا أتخذ إجراء لتثبيت الجسام الغير ثابتة وأبلغ عن أي جسم متساقط محتمل‬ 

Safe Mechanical Lifting ‫الرفع الميكانيكي المن‬

Plan lifting operations and control the area ‫التخطيط لعمليات الرفع و السيطرة على المنطقة‬
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose   ‫أنا أتأكد بأنه قد تم فحص المعدات والحمولة وأنها مناسبة للغرض‬
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use ‫أنا أقوم فقط بتشغيل المعدات التي انا مؤهل بإستخدامها‬
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ‫انا أحدد الحواجز ومناطق الحظر وألتزم بها‬
• I never walk under a suspended load   ‫انا ل أعبر أبدا تحت أية حمولة معلقة‬

Work Authorisation ‫تصريح العمل‬

Work with a valid permit when required   ‫أعمل بتصريح سار عند الضرورة‬
• I have confirmed if a permit is required ‫أنا تأكدت إذا كان من الضرور ي الحصول على تصريح‬
• I am authorised to perform the work ‫أنا لدي التصريح بتنفيذ العمل‬ 
• I understand the permit   ‫أنا أفهم التصريح‬
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start   ‫لقد تأكدت بأنه قد تم التحكم في المخاطر وأنها آمنة للبدء‬
• I stop and reassess if conditions change ‫أنا أتوقف وأعيد التقييم في حال تغير الظروف‬

# Schlumberger-Private
Working at Height ‫العمل على ارتفاع‬
‫احمي نفسك من السقوط عند العمل على ارتفاع‬
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use   ‫أنا اقوم بفحص معدات الحماية من السقوط قبل الستخدام‬
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects ‫أنا أقوم بتثبيت الدوات ومواد العمل لمنع الجسام المتساقطة‬
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area   ‫ الى نقاط ا الربط المعتمدة أثناء تواجدي خارج منطقة محمية‬100%  ‫أنا أقوم بربط‬

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES Həyat Qoruyan Qaydalar

Bypassing Safety Controls Təhlükəsizlik Tədbirlərini Atlatmaq

Təhlükəsizlik tədbirlərini ləğv etməzdən və ya dayandırmazdan öncə
icazə alın.
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls
Mən, tapşırığıma aid olan kritik təhlükəsizlik avadanlıqları və
prosedurları anlayır və onlardan istifadə edirəm
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task
• I obtain authorisation before: Mən öncədən icazə alıram:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment təhlükəsizlik avadanlığını dayandırdıqda və ya ləğv etdikdə
– deviating from procedures prosedurlardan kənara çıxdıqda
– crossing a barrier baryerdən keçdikdə

Confined Space Qapalı Sahə

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Qapalı sahəyə girməmişdən öncə icazə alın.
Mən enerji mənbələrinin təcrid edilməsini
• I confirm energy sources are isolated təsdiq edirəm
Mən atmosferin yoxlanıldığını və nəzarətdə
saxlanıldığını təsdiq edirəm
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored
Mən tələb olunduqda tənəffüs aparatımı yoxlayır
və istifadə edirəm
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required
Mən girişə nəzarətçinin təmin olunduğunu
təsdiq edirəm
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by
Mən xilasetmə planının
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place hazırlandığını təsdiq edirəm
• I obtain authorisation to enter Mən giriş üçün icazə alıram

Driving Sürücülük
Follow safe driving rules Təhlükəsiz sürücülük qaydalarına riayət edin
Mən həmişə oturacaq kəmərini taxıram
• I always wear a seatbelt
Mən sürət həddini keçmirəm və yol şəraitinə uyğun sürətimi
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions
Mən nəqliyyatı idarə edəndə telefonlardan istifadə etmirəm və
cihazları işlətmirəm.
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving
Mən sağlamam, dincəlmişəm və sükan arxasında tam ayığam
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving
• I follow journey management requirements Mən səyahət idarəetməsi qaydalarına riayət edirəm

Energy Isolation Enerjinin Təcrid Edilməsi

İşə başlamazdan öncə təcridetməni və
enerjinin sıfır olmasını təsdiq edin
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins
Mən bütün enerji mənbələrini
müəyyən etmişəm
• I have identified all energy sources
Mən bütün təhlükəli enerji mənbələrinin
təcrid edilməsini, qıfıllanmasını və
yarlıklanmasını təsdiq edirəm
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged
Mən enerjinin sıfır olmasını yoxlamışam,
qalıq və yığılmış enerjinin olmamasını
test etmişəm
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy

Hot Work İsti İşlər

Yana bilən və alışa bilən mənbələri
nəzarətdə saxlayın
Control flammables and ignition sources
Mən alışa bilən mənbələri müəyyən edir və
nəzarətdə saxlayıram
• I identify and control ignition sources

# Schlumberger-Private
• Before starting any hot work: Hər hansı isti işə başlamazdan öncə:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated Mən yana bilən materialların çıxarıldığını və ya təcrid edildiyini təsdiq edirəm
– I obtain authorisation Mən icazə alıram
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Təhlükəli ərazidə isti işə başlamazdan öncə:
– a gas test has been completed Mən qaz testinin həyata keçirildiyini təsdiq edirəm
– gas will be monitored continually Mən atmosferin daim izləniləcəyini təsdiqləyirəm

Line of Fire Atəş Xət

Özünüzü və başqalarını
atəş xətndən qoruyun
Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire
• I position myself to avoid: Mən özümü qoruyuram:
– moving objects hərəkət edən obyektlərdən
– vehicles nəqliyyat vasitələrindən
– pressure releases təzyiq azad olmalarından
– dropped objects düşən əşyalardan
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Mən baryerlər və məhdudlaşdırılmış zonalar qururam və onların tələblərinə riayət edirəm
Mən sərbəst əşyaları bərkitmək üçün tədbir görür və düşmə potensialı olan əşyalar
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects haqqında məruzə edirəm

Safe Mechanical Lifting Təhlükəsiz Mexaniki Yükqaldırma

Yükqaldırma əməliyyatlarını planlaşdırın
və ərazini nəzarətdə saxlayın
Plan lifting operations and control the area
Mən təsdiq edirəm ki, avadanlıq
və yük yoxlanıldı
və məqsədə uyğundur

• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose
Mən yalnız səriştəli olduğum
avadanlığı idarə edirəm
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use
Mən baryerlər və məhdudlaşdırılmış zonalar qururam
və onların tələblərinə riayət edirəm
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
Mən asılı yükün altından
heç zaman keçmirəm
• I never walk under a suspended load

Work Authorisation İşə İcazə

Tələb olunduqda etibarlı
İşə İcazə sənədi ilə çalışın
Work with a valid permit when required
Mən İşə İcazə sənədinin tələb
olunduğunu təsdiq etmişəm
• I have confirmed if a permit is required
Mən işi yerinə yetirmək üçün
• I am authorised to perform the work
• I understand the permit Mən İşə İcazəni anlayıram
Mən təhlükələrin nəzarət altına alındığını və işə
başlamağın təhlükəsiz olduğunu təsdiqləmişəm
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start
Mən şərait dəyişdikdə işi saxlayır
və yenidən qiymətləndirirəm
• I stop and reassess if conditions change

Working at Height Yüksəklikdə Görülən İşlər

Yüksəklikdə İşləyərkən özünüzü yıxılmadan qoruyun
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height
Mən istifadədən öncə yıxılmadan qoruyan avadanlığımı yoxlayıram
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use
Mən düşən əşyaların qarşısını almaq üçün alət və iş materiallarını
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects
Mən qorunan ərazidən kənarda olarkən təsdiqlənmiş bağlantı
nöqtələrinə 100% bağlantımı təmin edirəm
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls 忽视安全防范措施

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls 旁路或关闭安全防范措施前获得授权
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task 我理解并使用适合我工作的关键安全设备和程序
• I obtain authorisation before: 在进行下列行为前我会获得授权:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment 关闭或旁路安全设备
– deviating from procedures 偏离程序规定
– crossing a barrier 穿越屏障

Confined Space 有限空间

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space 进入有限空间前应获得授权
• I confirm energy sources are isolated 我确认能量源已隔离
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored 我确认环境已经过测试并且受监测
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required 我在需要时检查并使用呼吸器具
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by 我确认周围有待命人员
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place 我确认已制定救援计划
• I obtain authorisation to enter 我会获得进入授权

Driving 驾驶
Follow safe driving rules 遵守安全驾驶规则
• I always wear a seatbelt 我始终佩戴安全带
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions 我不超速,并根据路况变化降低车速
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving 我驾驶时不用手机或操作设备
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving 我驾驶时保持体况良好、精力充沛并且注意力集中
• I follow journey management requirements 我遵守行车管理要求

Energy Isolation 能量源隔离

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins 工作开始前确认能量源已隔离且不存在
• I have identified all energy sources 我已识别所有的能量源的来源
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged 我确认危险能量源来源已被隔离、上锁并挂牌
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy 我已检查过不存在能量源,并且已检测是否有残留或储存的能量源

Hot Work 热工作业

Control flammables and ignition sources 控制易燃物和点火源
• I identify and control ignition sources 我会识别并控制点火源
• Before starting any hot work: 开始任何热工作业前:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated 我确认已移除或隔离易燃材料
– I obtain authorisation 我获得授权
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: 在危险区域内开始热工作业前,我确认:
– a gas test has been completed 已完成气体检测
– gas will be monitored continually 将持续进行气体监测

Line of Fire 风险枪口

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire 您和他人应远离风险枪口(危险区域)
• I position myself to avoid: 我远离风险枪口,以避免:
– moving objects 移动物体
– vehicles 车辆
– pressure releases 压力释放
– dropped objects 坠落物体
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones 我设立并遵守屏障及禁区
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects 我采取措施来固定松动的物体并汇报潜在的坠落物体

Safe Mechanical Lifting 安全机械吊装

Plan lifting operations and control the area 计划吊装作业并控制相关区域
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose 我确认设备和货物均已经过检查并适合工作要求
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use 我只操作我有资质使用的设备
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones 我设立并遵守屏障及禁区
• I never walk under a suspended load 我不会在悬挂物下走动

Work Authorisation 工作授权

Work with a valid permit when required 需要时我会获得有效的工作许可
• I have confirmed if a permit is required 我已确认是否需要许可
• I am authorised to perform the work 我有执行工作的授权
• I understand the permit 我明白许可的内容
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start 我已确认危险已得到控制并且可以安全地开始工作
• I stop and reassess if conditions change 情况有变时我会停下并重新评估

# Schlumberger-Private
Working at Height 高处作业
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height 高处作业时保护自己 防止坠落
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use 使用前我会检查我的坠落防护设备
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects 我会固定工具和工作材料以防止物体坠落
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area 身处保护区域以外时安全绳100%拴在经认可的锚点上

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES Règles de sécurité pour sauver des vies

Bypassing Safety Controls Contourner les dispositifs de sécurité

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Obtenir l’autorisation avant d’outrepasser ou de désactiver un dispositif de sécurité
Je comprends et utilise les équipements et procédures critiques relatifs à la tâche que je
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task réalise
• I obtain authorisation before: J’obtiens l’autorisation avant de:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment désactiver ou outrepasser un dispositif de sécurité
– deviating from procedures contourner une procédure
– crossing a barrier franchir les barrières de sécurité

Confined Space Espaces confinés

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Obtenir l’autorisation avant d’entrer dans un espace confiné
• I confirm energy sources are isolated Je confirme que les sources d’énergie sont isolées
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored Je confirme que l’atmosphère a été testée et qu’elle est contrôlée

• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required Je vérifie et j’utilise mon ARI (Appareil Respiratoire Isolant) lorsque c’est nécessaire
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by Je confirme qu’un surveillant se tient à proximité
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place Je confirme qu’un plan de secours est en place
• I obtain authorisation to enter Je reçois l’autorisation d’entrer

Driving Au volant
Follow safe driving rules Suivre les règles de conduite et de sécurité au volant
• I always wear a seatbelt J’attache toujours ma ceinture de sécurité

• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions Je respecte la limitation de vitesse et j’adapte ma conduite aux conditions de circulation
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving Je n’utilise pas de téléphone ou d’autres appareils en conduisant
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving Je suis en état de conduire, reposé et vigilant au volant
Je respecte les règlements et recommandations destinés à assurer la sécurité de mes
• I follow journey management requirements déplacements

Energy Isolation Isolation des sources d’énergie

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Vérifier l’isolation et la neutralisation des sources d’énergie avant toute intervention
• I have identified all energy sources J’ai identifié toutes les sources d’énergie
Je confirme que les sources d’énergie dangereuses ont été isolées, bloquées et
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged signalisées
J’ai confirmé l’absence d’alimentation en énergie et j’ai vérifié l’absence d’énergie
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy résiduelle ou accumulée

Hot Work Travail à chaud

Control flammables and ignition sources Contrôler les substances inflammables et les sources d’ignition
• I identify and control ignition sources J’identifie et je contrôle les sources d’ignition
• Before starting any hot work: Avant d’entreprendre un travail à chaud:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated je confirme que les substances inflammables ont été ôtées ou isolées
– I obtain authorisation je reçois l’autorisation
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Avant de commencer un travail à chaud en zone dangereuse, je confirme:
– a gas test has been completed que la présence de gaz a été testée
– gas will be monitored continually que la présence de gaz sera contrôlée en permanence

Line of Fire Ligne de mire

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Rester hors de la ligne de mire et veiller à ce que les autres fassent de même
• I position myself to avoid: Je me positionne de façon à éviter:
– moving objects les objets en mouvement
– vehicles les véhicules
– pressure releases les décharges de pression
– dropped objects les chutes d’objets
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones J’installe et respecte les barrières et périmètres de sécurité
Je prends les mesures nécessaires pour sécuriser les objets non fixés et je signale les
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects risques de chutes d’objets

Safe Mechanical Lifting Levage mécanique en toute sécurité

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planifier les opérations de levage et contrôler le périmètre
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose Je vérifie que l’équipement et la charge ont été inspectés et sont appropriés
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use J’utilise uniquement des équipements pour lesquels je suis habilité
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones J’installe et respecte les barrières et périmètres de sécurité
• I never walk under a suspended load Je ne me place jamais sous une charge suspendue

# Schlumberger-Private
Work Authorisation Autorisation de travail
Work with a valid permit when required Travailler avec un permis en cours de validité s’il y a lieu
• I have confirmed if a permit is required J’ai confirmé la nécessité d’avoir un permis
• I am authorised to perform the work Je suis autorisé à réaliser la tâche
• I understand the permit Je comprends le permis
J’ai confirmé que les dangers sont sous contrôle et que les conditions desécurité sont
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start réunies pour commencer le travail
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Je m’arrête et je réévalue la situation si les circonstances évoluent

Working at Height Travail en hauteur

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Se protéger du risque de chute lors d’un travail en hauteur
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use J’inspecte mon équipement de prévention des chutes avant usage
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects Je sécurise les outils et matériaux pour prévenir les chutes d’objets
Je m’attache 100 % du temps à des points d’ancrage validés lorsque je travaille en
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area dehors d’une zone protégée

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Turvajärjestelmien ohittaminen

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Hanki lupa ennen turvajärjestelmien ohittamista tai käytöstä poistamista
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task ·       Käytän suojavarusteita ja ymmärrän turvallisuuden kannalta tärkeiden toimintamallien merkityksen
• I obtain authorisation before: ·       Hankin luvan ennen kuin :
– disabling or overriding safety equipment o   Ohitan tai poistan turvalaitteita käytöstä
– deviating from procedures o   Poikkean sovitusta toimintamallista
– crossing a barrier oYlitän suoja-aitoja

Confined Space Suljetut tilat

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Hanki lupa ennen suljettuun tilaan menemistä
• I confirm energy sources are isolated ·       Varmistan, että energian lähteet on erotettu
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored ·       Varmistan, että ilmanlaatu on testattu ja että sitä seurataan
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required ·       Käytän hengityslaitteita tarvittaessa ja tarkistan laitteet ennen käyttöä
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by ·       Varmistan, että luukkuvahti on paikalla
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place ·       Varmistan, että pelastautumissuunnitelma on olemassa
• I obtain authorisation to enter Hankin työluvan ennen suljettuun tilaan menoa

Driving Ajaminen
Follow safe driving rules Noudata turvallisen ajamisen sääntöjä
• I always wear a seatbelt ·       Käytän aina turvavyötä
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions ·       Noudatan nopeusrajoituksia ja säädän ajonopeuttani olosuhteiden mukaan
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving ·       En käytä puhelinta tai muita vastaavia laitteita ajaessani
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving ·       Olen kunnossa, levänneenä ja tarkkaavainen ajaessani
• I follow journey management requirements Noudatan turvallisen matkustamisen pelisääntöjä

Energy Isolation Nollaenergiatila

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Varmista erotukset ja nollaenergiatila ennen töiden aloittamista
• I have identified all energy sources ·       Varmistan, että olet tunnistanut kaikki energian lähteet
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged ·       Varmistan, että kaikki vaaralliset energian lähteet on eristetty, lukittu ja merkitty
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy ·       Tarkistan ja testaan nollaenergiatilan myös jäännösenergian varalta

Hot Work Tulityöt

Control flammables and ignition sources Palavien aineiden ja palonlähteiden hallinta
• I identify and control ignition sources ·       Tunnistan ja hallitsen palonlähteitä
• Before starting any hot work: ·       Ennen töiden aloitusta :
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated o   Varmistan, että palava materiaali on siirretty pois tai suojattu
– I obtain authorisation o   Hankin työluvan
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: ·       Tulityöt vaarallisilla alueilla :
– a gas test has been completed o   Kaasujen mittaus on tehty
– gas will be monitored continually Kaasuja seurataan jatkuvasti

Line of Fire Tulilinjalla

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Pidä itsesi ja muut poissa tulilinjalta
• I position myself to avoid: ·       Liikun ja asetun siten, että vältän:
– moving objects o   Liikkuvia laitteita ja koneita
– vehicles o   Ajoneuvoja
– pressure releases o   Paineen vapautuksia
– dropped objects o   Pudotettuja esineitä
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ·       Pystytän ja noudatan suoja-aitoja ja eristettyjä alueita
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects Toimin niin, ettei esineitä pääse putoamaan ja ilmoitan mahdollisista pudotettavista tavaroista

Safe Mechanical Lifting Turvalliset mekaaniset nostot

Plan lifting operations and control the area Suunnittele nostot ja rajaa nostoalue
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose ·       Varmista, että nostolaitteet ja kuormat on tarkastettu ja että ne soveltuvat tarkoitukseensa
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use ·       Käytän vain nostolaitteita joihin minulla pätevyys
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ·       Pystytän ja noudatan suoja-aitoja ja eristettyjä alueita
• I never walk under a suspended load En koskaan kävele taakan alta

Work Authorisation Työluvat

Work with a valid permit when required Työskentely vain voimassa olevalla työluvalla
• I have confirmed if a permit is required ·       Olen varmistanut työluvan tarpeen
• I am authorised to perform the work ·       Olen saanut valtuutuksen työn suorittamiseen
• I understand the permit Ymmärrän työluvan sisällön
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start ·       Olen varmistanut, että vaaroja valvotaan ja että on turvallista aloittaa työt
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Pysäytän ja arvioin uudelleen, jos olosuhteet muuttuvat

Working at Height Korkealla työskentely

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Suojaa itsesi putomiselta korkealla työskenneltäessä
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use ·       Tarkistan putoamissuojaimeni ennen käyttöä
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects ·       Varmistan työkalut ja materiaalit siten, että ne eivät pääse putoamaan
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area Kiinnitän itseni hyväksyttyihin kiinnityspisteisiin aina suojatun alueen ulkopuolella

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES წესები სიცოცხლის გადასარჩენად

Bypassing Safety Controls დამცავი ბერკეტებისთვის გვერდის ავლა

აიღეთ ნებართვა დამცავი ბერკეტებისთვის გვერდის ავლამდეან
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls მათ გათიშვამდე
მესმის და ვიყენებ ჩემს სამუშაოსთან დაკავშირებულ შრომის
უსაფრთხოების თვალსაზრისით მნიშვნელოვან
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task მოწყობილობებსადა პროცედურებს
• I obtain authorisation before: ვიღებ ნებართვას, თუ:
ვთიშავ ან გვერდს ვუვლი შრომის უსაფრთხოებისთვის
– disabling or overriding safety equipment მნიშვნელოვან მოწყობილობას
– deviating from procedures ვერ ვასრულებ პროცედურების მოთხოვნებს
– crossing a barrier ვკვეთ ბარიერს

Confined Space დახურული სივრცე

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space აიღეთ ნებართვა დახურულ სივრცეში შესვლამდე
• I confirm energy sources are isolated ვრწმუნდები, რომ ენერგიის ყველა წყარო იზოლირებულია
ვრწმუნდები, რომ ჰაერი შემოწმებულია და მიმდინარეობს
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored დაკვირვება-მონიტორინგი
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required ვამოწმებ და საჭიროებისამებრ ვიყენებ სასუნთქ მოწყობილობას

• I confirm there is an attendant standing by ვრწმუნდები, რომ თანმხლები პირი ადგილზეა და მზადყოფნაშია
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place ვრწმუნდები, რომ არსებობს სამაშველო გეგმა
• I obtain authorisation to enter ვიღებ ნებართვას შესვლაზე

Driving ავტოტრანსპორტის მართვა

Follow safe driving rules დაიცავით ავტოტრანსპორტისუსაფრთხოდ მართვის წესები
• I always wear a seatbelt ყოველთვის ვიკეთებ ღვედს
არ ვაჭარბებ სიჩქარის დადგენილ ზღვარს და გზის მდგომარეობის
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions შესაბამისად ვამცირებ სიჩქარეს
არ ვიყენებ ტელეფონს და სხვა მოწყობილობებს ავტოტრანსპორტის
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving მართვის დროს
ვარ კარგ ფიზიკურ ფორმაში, დასვენებული და სრულიად
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving ფოკუსირებული ავტოტრანსპორტის მართვაზე
ვასრულებ ავტოტრანსპორტით მგზავრობის მართვის გეგმის
• I follow journey management requirements მოთხოვნებს

Energy Isolation ენერგიის წყაროს იზოლაცია

სამუშაოს დაწყებამდე შეამოწმეთ იზოლაციის მდგომარეობა და
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins დარწმუნდით, რომ ის ნულის ტოლია
• I have identified all energy sources დავადგინე ენერგიის ყველა წყარო
ვრწმუნდები, რომ სახიფათო ენერგიის ყველა წყარო
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged იზოლირებული, გადაკეტილი და მონიშნულია
დავრწმუნდი, რომ ენერგიის მაჩვენებელი ნულის ტოლია და
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy შევამოწმე ნარჩენი ან დაგროვებული ენერგიის წყაროები

Hot Work ჭრისა და შედუღების სამუშაო

Control flammables and ignition sources გააკონტროლეთ აალებადი ნივთიერებები და აალების წყაროები
• I identify and control ignition sources ვადგენ და ვაკონტროლებ აალების წყაროებს
• Before starting any hot work: ჭრისა და შედუღების ნებისმიერი სამუშაოს დაწყებამდე:
ვრწმუნდები, რომ აალებადი ნივთიერებები მოცილებული ან
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated იზოლირებულია
– I obtain authorisation ვიღებ ნებართვას
სახიფათო ზონაში ჭრისა და შედუღების სამუშაოს დაწყებამდე
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: ვრწმუნდები, რომ:
– a gas test has been completed ჩატარდა შემოწმება ჰაერში აირების შემცველობის დასადგენად
უწყვეტად მიმდინარეობს ჰაერში აირების შემცველობაზე
– gas will be monitored continually დაკვირვება- მონიტორინგი

Line of Fire სახიფათო ზონა

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire მოერიდეთ სახიფათოზონას და მოარიდეთ მას სხვები
• I position myself to avoid: ვიკავებ ისეთ პოზიციას, რომ მოვერიდო:
– moving objects მოძრავ საგნებს
– vehicles ავტოსატრანსპორტო საშუალებებს
– pressure releases წნევის გამოყოფის წყაროებს
– dropped objects სიმაღლიდან ჩამოვარდნილ საგნებს
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ვაწესებ და ვიცავ ბარიერებს და აკრძალულ ზონებს

# Schlumberger-Private
ვიღებ ზომებს მოშვებული საგნების დასამაგრებლად და ვატყობინებ
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects საგნების შესაძლო ვარდნის შესახებ

Safe Mechanical Lifting ტვირთის უსაფრთხო მექანიკური აწევა

Plan lifting operations and control the area დაგეგმეთ ტვირთისაწევის სამუშაოები და აკონტროლეთ არეალი
ვრწმუნდები, რომ მოწყობილობა და ტვირთი შემოწმებული და
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose გამოსაყენებლად ვარგისია
ვმუშაობ მხოლოდ იმ მოწყობილობაზე, რომლის გამოყენების
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use კვალიფიკაციაც მაქვს
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ვაწესებ და ვიცავ ბარიერებს და აკრძალულ ზონებს
• I never walk under a suspended load არ დავდივარ ჩამოკიდებული ტვირთის ქვეშ

Work Authorisation სამუშაო ნებართვა

Work with a valid permit when required იმუშავეთ მოქმედისამუშაო ნებართვის საფუძველზე
• I have confirmed if a permit is required დავრწმუნდი სამუშაო ნებართვის აუცილებლობაში
• I am authorised to perform the work მაქვს ნებართვა სამუშაოს შესრულებაზე
• I understand the permit მესმის სამუშაო ნებართვის შინაარსი
დავრწმუნდი, რომ საფრთხეები კონტროლის ქვეშაა და მუშაობის
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start დაწყება უსაფრთხოა
ნებისმიერი ცვლილების შემთხვევაში ვაჩერებ სამუშაოს და
• I stop and reassess if conditions change თავიდანვაფასებ რისკებს

Working at Height სიმაღლეზე მუშაობა

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height სიმაღლეზე მუშაობისას დაიცავითთავი ჩამოვარდნისგან
გამოყენებამდე ვამოწმებ ჩემს მოწყობილობას, რომელიც
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use სიმაღლიდან ჩამოვარდნისგან მიცავს
ვამაგრებ სამუშაო ხელსაწყოებს და მასალას, რომ ისინი
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects სიმაღლიდან არ ჩამოვარდეს
დაცული ზონის გარეთ მუშაობისას ვიყენებ სათანადოდ ჩამაგრებულ
ჩამოვარდნის საწინააღმდეგო მოწყობილობას, რომელიც
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area უზრუნველყოფს 100%-იან დაცვას

# Schlumberger-Private
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers


Bypassing Safety Controls Umgehen von Sicherheitseinrichtungen

Hole Dir eine Genehmigung ein, bevor du eine Sicherheitseinrichtung außer Kraft setzen
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls oder deaktivieren willst.
• Ich verstehe und verwende sicherheitsrelevante Ausrüstungen und Verfahren, die
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task meinen Aufgabenbereich betreffen
• I obtain authorisation before: • Ich hole eine Genehmigung ein bevor ich:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment - eine Sicherheitseinrichtung außer Kraft setze oder deaktiviere
– deviating from procedures - vom vorgesehenen Ablauf abweiche
– crossing a barrier - eine Sicherheitsabsperrung überschreite

Confined Space Zutritt zu beengten Räumen

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Hole Dir eine Genehmigung ein, bevor Du einen beengten Raum betrittst.
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Ich versichere mich, dass die Energiequellen isoliert sind
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • Ich versichere mich, dass die Raumluft getestet wurde und überwacht wird
• Ich überprüfe und verwende wenn erforderlich mein
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required Atemschutzgerät
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • Ich stelle sicher, dass Sicherungspersonal bereitsteht
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Ich versichere mich, dass ein Rettungsplan vorliegt
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Ich hole eine Genehmigung vor Betreten des Raums ein

Driving Autofahren
Follow safe driving rules Befolge die Regeln des sicheren Fahrens
• I always wear a seatbelt • Ich stelle sicher, dass sich alle angeschnallt haben
• Ich überschreite nicht die Höchstgeschwindigkeit und passe meine Geschwindigkeit den
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions Straßenverhältnissen an
• Ich bediene während der Fahrt kein Telefon oder anderes
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving Gerät
• Ich stelle sicher, dass ich für die Fahrt fit, ausgeruht und bei
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving vollem Bewusstsein bin
• I follow journey management requirements • Ich beachte die Vorgaben zum Fahrtenmanagement

Energy Isolation Energie-Trennung

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Prüfe vor Arbeitsbeginn auf getrennte Systeme und „Null Energie“
• I have identified all energy sources • Ich habe alle Energiequellen erkannt
• Ich versichere mich, dass alle gefährlichen Energiequellen
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged isoliert, verriegelt und gekennzeichnet wurden
• Ich habe geprüft, dass „Null Energie“ besteht und habe auf Restenergie und
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy gespeicherte Energie getestet

Hot Work Heißarbeiten

Control flammables and ignition sources Prüfe brennbare und entflammbare Quellen
• I identify and control ignition sources • Ich prüfe und kontrolliere Zündquellen
• Before starting any hot work: • Vor Beginn von Heißarbeiten:
- versichere ich mich, dass entflammbares Material entfernt
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated oder isoliert wurde und
– I obtain authorisation - hole ich eine Genehmigung ein
• Vor Beginn von Heißarbeiten in einem explosionsgefährdeten
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Bereich bestätige ich, dass:
– a gas test has been completed - ein Gastest durchgeführt wurde und
– gas will be monitored continually - das Gas kontinuierlich überwacht wird

Line of Fire Gefahrenbereiche

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Halte dich und andere aus der „Schusslinie“
• I position myself to avoid: • Ich halte mich fern von:
– moving objects - sich bewegenden Objekten
– vehicles - Fahrzeugen
– pressure releases - Druckentlastungen
– dropped objects - herab- / umfallenden Objekten

• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Ich stelle Absperrungen auf und beachte die Sperrzonen
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects • Ich sichere lose Objekte und melde Objekte, die herunterfallen können

Safe Mechanical Lifting Heben

Plan lifting operations and control the area Plane den Hebevorgang und überwache den Arbeitsbereich

# Schlumberger-Private
• Ich versichere mich, dass die Ausrüstung und die Last geprüft wurden und für den
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose Vorgang geeignet sind
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • Ich betreibe nur Geräte, für die ich qualifiziert bin
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Ich errichte und beachte Absperrungen und Sperrzonen
• I never walk under a suspended load • Ich bewege mich niemals unter einer schwebenden Last

Work Authorisation Arbeitsgenehmigung

Work with a valid permit when required Arbeite mit einer gültigen Genehmigung (falls erforderlich)
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Ich habe überprüft, ob eine Genehmigung erforderlich ist
• I am authorised to perform the work • Ich bin berechtigt, die Arbeiten durchzuführen
• I understand the permit • Ich verstehe die Genehmigung
• Ich habe mich versichert, dass Gefahren kontrolliert werden
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start und es sicher ist zu beginnen
• Ich stoppe und überprüfe erneut, wenn sich
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Arbeitsbedingungen ändern

Working at Height Arbeiten in der Höhe

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Sichere dich bei allen Höhenarbeiten vor Abstürzen
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Ich überprüfe meine Höhensicherungsausrüstung vor Gebrauch
• Ich sichere Werkzeuge und Arbeitsmaterial, um ein
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects Herunterfallen zu vermeiden
• Ich schlage mich immer an den genehmigten Ankerpunkten
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area an, während ich außerhalb eines gesicherten Bereichs arbeite

# Schlumberger-Private

LIFE-SAVING RULES जसवन-रकक लनयम

ससर कच लनययत णण कक अवहनल नच करनच / बयपचलसयग सनफ टस कय टड कलस

Bypassing Safety Controls

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls सवचचललत ससरकच लनययतणण कक बयद यच लनलषषय करनन सन पहलन अनसमलत पचप करर
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my
मम अपनन कचयर पर लचगश हकनन वचलन ससरकच-महतवपशणर उपकरणण और पलषयचओय कक समझतच हह य ,जक मनरन कचयर पर लचगश हकतच हह
• I obtain authorisation before: • मसझन पहलन अनसमलत पचप करनच हह:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment ससरकच उपकरणण कक लनलषषय यच बयद करनन कन ललए
पलषयचओय मम पररवतरन करनन कन ललए
– deviating from procedures
– crossing a barrier लकसस सथचलपत पलकयचर पर कचम करनन कन ललए

Confined Space ससलमत सथचन / ककनलफननड सपनस

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space ससलमत सथचन मर पवनश करनन सन पहलन अनसमलत पचप करर
• I confirm energy sources are isolated मम पसलष करतच हह य लक ऊजचर सकत पकथक और बयद कर लदए गयन हम

• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored

मम पसलष करतच हह य लक वचयसमयडल कच परसकण लकयच गयच हह और इसकक लनरयतर लनगरचनस कक जच रहस हह
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required आवशयकतच हकनन पर मम अपनन शवचस तयत कक जचयच और उपयकग करनच जचनतच हह य
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by मम इस बचत कक पसलष करतच हह य लक एक सहचयक लनगरचनस कन ललए खडच हह
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place मम बचचव यकजनच सयबयलधत वयवसथच कक पसलष करतच हह य
• I obtain authorisation to enter मसझन पवनश करनन कन ललए अलधकचर पचप हह

Driving वचहन चचलचनच / डड चइलवयग

Follow safe driving rules ससरलकत डड चइलवयग लनयमण कच पचलन करर
• I always wear a seatbelt मम हमनशच ससटबनलट पहनतच हह य
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions मम गलत ससमच सन अलधक नहह चलचतच हह य, और सडक कक लसथलत कन अनससचर अपनस गलत कम कर दनतच हह य
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving मम डड चइलवयग करतन समय फकन यच लकसस उपकरणण कच उपयकग नहह करतच
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving मम डड चइलवयग करतन समय पशरस तरह सन लफट, और सतकर रहतच हह र
• I follow journey management requirements मम यचतच पबयधन आवशयकतचओय कच पचलन करतच हह य

Energy Isolation ऊजचर सकत कक पक थ क करनच / एनजर आइसकलन श न

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins कचम शसर हकनन सन पहलन अलगचव और शशनय ऊजचर कक पसलष करर
• I have identified all energy sources ममनन सभस ऊजचर सकतण कक पहचचन कक हह
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged मम पसलष करतच हह य लक खतरनचक ऊजचर सकतण कक अलग, लकक और टहग लकयच गयच हह

• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy ममनन जचरच कक हह एवय पसलष करतच हह र लक शशनय ऊजचर हह, और अवलशष यच सयगहसत ऊजचर कन ललए परसकण लकयच एवय नहह पचयच गयच हह

Hot Work कलठन कचयर / हकट वकर

Control flammables and ignition sources जवलनशसल और आग सकतण कक लनययलतत करर
• I identify and control ignition sources मम जवलनशसल सकतण कक पहचचन और लनययतण करतच हह य
• Before starting any hot work: लकसस भस कलठन कचयर / हकट वकर कक शसर करनन सन पहलन:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated मम पसलष करतच हह य लक जवलनशसल पदचथर कक हटच लदयच गयच हह यच अलग कर लदयच गयच हह
– I obtain authorisation मसझन अलधकचर पचप हह
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: खतरनचक कनत मर कलठन कचयर / हकट वकर शसर करनन सन पहलन मम पसलष करतच हह य:
– a gas test has been completed गहस परसकण पशरच हक चसकच हह
– gas will be monitored continually गहस कक लगचतचर लनगरचनस कक जचएगस

Line of Fire खतरच सयभचलवत कनत / लचइन ऑफ़ फचयर

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire अपनन आप कक और दशसरण कक खतरच सयभचलवत कनत सन बचहर रखर
• I position myself to avoid: ममनन बचनन कन ललए सवयय कक दशर रखनच हह
– moving objects चलनन वचलस वसतसओय सन
– vehicles वचहन सन
– pressure releases दबचव लनकचलनन वचलन कनत
– dropped objects लगरनन वचलस वसतस कन कनत सन
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones मम सथचलपत और वलजरत कनतण कन लनयम कच पचलन करतच हह य
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects
मम कचररवचई कररगच, खसलस हह ई वसतसओय कक ससरलकत करनन एवय वसतसओय कन नसचन लगरनन पर सयभचलवत खतरण कक लववरण दशयगच

Safe Mechanical Lifting ससर लकत महकन लनकल लललफटय ग / सनफ महकन लनकल लललफटय ग
Plan lifting operations and control the area भचर उठचनन कक यकजनच बनचएय और कनत कक लनययलतत करर
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose मम पसलष करतच हह य लक उपकरण और लकड कच लनरसकण लकयच गयच हह और उदनशय कन ललए उपयसक पचयच
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use मम कन वल उन उपकरणण कक सयचचललत करतच हह य लजनहर मम उपयकग करनन कन ललए यकगय हह य
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones मम सथचलपत बचधचओय और बलहषकरण कनतण कक वयवसथच कच पचलन करतच हह य
• I never walk under a suspended load मम लयलबत लकड कन नसचन कभस नहह चलतच

Work Authorisation कचयर करनन कक अनसम लत / वकर ऑथकररज़नश न

Work with a valid permit when required आवशयकतच हकनन पर एक वहध परलमट कन सचथ कचम करर
• I have confirmed if a permit is required मम कचयर कन अनससचर परलमट कक आवशयकतच कक पसलष कररगच
• I am authorised to perform the work मम कचम करनन कन ललए अलधकक त हह य
• I understand the permit मम परलमट कक अचछस तरह समझतच हह य
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start ममनन पसलष कक हह लक खतरण कक लनययलतत लकयच गयच हह और इसन शसर करनच ससरलकत हह
• I stop and reassess if conditions change यलद लसथलतयचय बदलतस हम, तक कचम कक रककन एवय उसकच मशलयचयकन करन

Working at Height ऊयचचई पर कचम करनच / वकर अत हचइट

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height ऊयचचई पर कचम करतन समय खसद कक लगरनन सन बचचएय
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use मम उपयकग करनन सन पहलन मनरन ससरकच उपकरणण कच लनरसकण करतच हह य
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects ममनन कचयर उपकरण और सचमगस कक उपयसक वयवसथच करकन नसचन लगरनन लक सयभचवनच कक दशर लकयच हह

# Schlumberger-Private
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area मम सयरलकत कनत सन बचहर कचम करतन समय , मम सवसकक त एयकर पकइयट मर १००% टचई ऑफ लनदरश कच पचलन कररगच

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Mengesampingkan Kontrol Keselamatan

Mendapatkan otorisasi sebelum mengesampingkan atau menonaktifkan kontrol
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls keselamatan
Saya mengerti dan menggunakan alat keselamatan dan prosedur yang kritikal sesuai
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task dengan tugas saya
• I obtain authorisation before: Saya mendapatkan otorisasi sebelum:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment menonaktifkan atau mengesampingkan alat keselamatan
– deviating from procedures menyimpang dari prosedur
– crossing a barrier melintasi penahan/pertahanan

Confined Space Ruang Terbatas

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Mendapatkan otorisasi sebelum memasuki ruang terbatas
• I confirm energy sources are isolated Saya memastikan bahwa sumber energi telah terisolasi
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored Saya memastikan bahwa kandungan udara telah diuji dan dimonitor
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required Saya memeriksa dan menggunakan alat bantu pernapasan jika diperlukan
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by Saya memastikan ada seorang petugas yang berjaga
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place Saya memastikan adanya rencana penyelamatan
• I obtain authorisation to enter Saya mendapatkan otorisasi untuk masuk

Driving Berkendara
Follow safe driving rules Mengikuti aturan berkendara yang aman
• I always wear a seatbelt Saya selalu mengenakan sabuk pengaman
Saya tidak melebihi batas kecepatan, dan mengurangi kecepatan sesuai dengan kondisi
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions jalan

• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving Saya tidak menggunakan ponsel atau mengoperasikan perangkat lain saat berkendara
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving Saya dalam kondisi fit, beristirahat cukup dan waspada penuh saat berkendara
• I follow journey management requirements Saya mengikuti aturan manajemen perjalanan

Energy Isolation Isolasi Energi

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Melakukan verifikasi isolasi dan “zero” energi sebelum pekerjaan dimulai
• I have identified all energy sources Saya telah mengidentifikasi semua sumber energi
Saya memastikan bahwa semua sumber energi yang berbahaya telah diisolasi, dikunci,
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged dan ditandai
Saya telah memeriksa bahwa energi sudah tidak ada dan telah diuji terhadap energi
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy yang tersisa atau tersimpan

Hot Work Pekerjaan Panas

Control flammables and ignition sources Mengendalikan bahan yang mudah terbakar dan sumber pengapian
• I identify and control ignition sources Saya mengidentifikasi dan mengontrol sumber pengapian
• Before starting any hot work: Sebelum memulai pekerjaan panas:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated Saya memastikan bahan yang mudah terbakar telah disingkirkan atau diisolasi
– I obtain authorisation Saya mendapatkan otorisasi
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Sebelum memulai pekerjaan panas di area berbahaya, saya mengkonfirmasi:
– a gas test has been completed uji gas telah telah dilaksanakan
– gas will be monitored continually gas akan dipantau secara terus menerus

Line of Fire Jalur Bahaya

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Jauhkan diri Anda dan orang lain dari jalur bahaya
• I position myself to avoid: Saya memposisikan diri untuk menghindari:
– moving objects benda bergerak
– vehicles kendaraan
– pressure releases pelepasan tekanan
– dropped objects benda jatuh
Saya melakukan serta mengikuti aturan pencegahan dan batasan- batasan yang
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ditetapkan
Saya mengambil tindakan untuk mengamankan benda-benda yang longgar dan
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects melaporkan kondisi di mana ada potensi benda jatuh

Safe Mechanical Lifting Pengangkatan Mekanik yang Aman

Plan lifting operations and control the area Rencanakan operasi pengangkatan dan pengaturan area
Saya memastikan bahwa peralatan serta muatan telah diperiksa dan layak untuk
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose digunakan
Saya hanya mengoperasikan peralatan jika saya memenuhi kualifikasi untuk
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use menggunakannya

# Schlumberger-Private
Saya melakukan serta mengikuti aturan pencegahan dan batasan- batasan yang
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ditetapkan
• I never walk under a suspended load Saya tidak pernah berjalan di bawah beban tergantung

Work Authorisation Otorisasi Kerja

Work with a valid permit when required Bekerja dengan izin kerja yang sah jika diperlukan
• I have confirmed if a permit is required Saya telah memastikan apakah izin kerja diperlukan
• I am authorised to perform the work Saya berwenang untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan itu
• I understand the permit Saya memahami izin kerjanya

• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start Saya telah memastikan bahwa bahaya telah dikendalikan dan aman untuk memulai
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Saya berhenti dan meninjau kembali jika kondisi berubah

Working at Height Bekerja di Ketinggian

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Lindungi diri Anda agar tidak terjatuh ketika bekerja di ketinggian
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use Saya memeriksa peralatan pelindung jatuh dari ketinggian sebelum digunakan
Saya mengamankan peralatan dan barang-barang kerja lainnya untuk mencegah benda
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects jatuh
Saya melakukan 100% pengikatan ke titik jangkar yang ditetapkan saat bekerja di luar
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area area yang terproteksi

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Bypassare controlli di sicurezza

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Ottenere l’autorizzazione prima di bypassare o disattivare i dispotivi di sicurezza
• Capisco ed utilizzo l’attrezzatura di sicurezza fondamentale e comprendo le procedure
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task che si applicano al mio compito
• I obtain authorisation before: • Devo ottenere un'autorizzazione prima di:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment – Disabilitare o bypassare i dispositivi di sicurezza
– deviating from procedures – Deviare dalle procedure
– crossing a barrier – Oltrepassare una barriera

Confined Space Spazi Confinati

Ottieni l’ autorizzazione prima di accedere all’interno di uno spazio confinato
Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space • Mi accerto che le fonti di energia siano isolate
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Mi accerto che l’atmosfera sia stata controllata e sia monitorata
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • Controllo ed utilizzo il mio respiratore quando richiesto
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • Mi accerto che vi sia un assistente pronto all'esterno per assistermi
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Mi accerto che sia presente un piano di salvataggio
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Ottengo autorizzazione ad entrare

Driving Guida le regole per una guida sicura

Follow safe driving rules
• Indosso sempre la cintura di sicurezza
• I always wear a seatbelt

• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • Non supero i limiti di velocità e riduco la velocità in relazione alle condizioni della strada
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • Non utilizzo cellulare o opero su altri dispositivi durante la guida
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving • Sono riposato , idoneo e completamente vigile mentre guido
• I follow journey management requirements • Seguo i requisiti del journey management

Energy Isolation Isolamento Energetico

Verifica l’isolamento e l'assenza di energia prima di
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins iniziare il lavoro
• I have identified all energy sources • Ho identificato tutte le sorgenti di energia
•Confermo che le sorgenti di energia siano state isolate, bloccate ed etichettate
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged

• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy • Ho verificato l’ assenza di energia e controllato l'assenza di energia residua o stoccata

Hot Work Lavori a Caldo

Controlla gli infiammabili e le sorgenti di ignizione
Control flammables and ignition sources • Ho Identificato e controllato le sorgenti di ignizione
• I identify and control ignition sources
• Before starting any hot work: –• Prima di inziare
Mi accerto che iqualsiasi
materiali lavoro a caldo:
infiammabili sono stati rimossi o isolati
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated
– I obtain authorisation – ottengo l'autorizzazione
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: •– Prima
Un gasditest
iniziare lavorieseguito
sia stato a caldo in un’area pericolosa devo accertarmi che:
– a gas test has been completed – I livelli gas saranno monitorati continuamente
– gas will be monitored continually

Line of Fire Linea del Fuoco

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Mantieni te stesso e gli altri fuori della linea del fuoco
• I position myself to avoid: •Mi posiziono al meglio per evitare :
– moving objects – oggetti in movimento
– vehicles – veicoli
– pressure releases – rilasci di pressione
– dropped objects – oggetti in caduta
•Stabilisco e rispetto barriere e zone di esclusione
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
• Prendo le dovute azioni per assicurare oggetti non fissati e segnalo oggetti che possono
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects potenzialmente cadere

Safe Mechanical Lifting Sollevamento Meccanico in Sicurezza

Plan lifting operations and control the area Pianifica le operazioni di sollevamento e monitora l’area
• Mi accerto che l’attrezzatura ed il carico siano stati ispezionati e adeguati alle
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose operazioni previste
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • Utilizzo unicamente l’attrezzatura per cui sono qualificato
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Stabilisco e rispetto le barriere e le zone di esclusione

# Schlumberger-Private
• I never walk under a suspended load • Non passo mai sotto a carichi sospesi

Work Authorisation Permesso di Lavoro

Lavora in possesso di un permesso di lavoro valido quando richiesto
Work with a valid permit when required
• Mi accerto che sia richiesto il permesso di lavoro
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Sono autorizzato ad effettuare il lavoro
• I am authorised to perform the work • Ho compreso il permesso di lavoro
• I understand the permit

• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start • Mi sono accertato
Interrompo il lavoroche
e loi rivaluto
pericoli sono sotto
qualora le controllo
è sicuro iniziare il lavoro
• I stop and reassess if conditions change

Working at Height Lavori in Quota

Proteggiti dalla caduta quando effettui lavori in quota
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height

• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Controllo il buono stato del mio dispositivo di protezione anti caduta prima dell'uso

• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects • Metto in sicurezza attrezzi da lavoro e materiale per prevenire il rischio di caduta oggetti
•Mi assicuro di essere ancorato al 100% a punti di ancoraggio certificati quando sono al
di fuori di un’area protetta
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task
• I obtain authorisation before:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment
– deviating from procedures
– crossing a barrier

Confined Space
Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space
• I confirm energy sources are isolated
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place
• I obtain authorisation to enter

Follow safe driving rules
• I always wear a seatbelt
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving
• I follow journey management requirements

Energy Isolation
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins
• I have identified all energy sources
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged

• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy

Hot Work
Control flammables and ignition sources
• I identify and control ignition sources
• Before starting any hot work:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated
– I obtain authorisation

# Schlumberger-Private
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm:
– a gas test has been completed
– gas will be monitored continually

Line of Fire
Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire
• I position myself to avoid:
– moving objects
– vehicles
– pressure releases
– dropped objects
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects

Safe Mechanical Lifting

Plan lifting operations and control the area
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
• I never walk under a suspended load

Work Authorisation
Work with a valid permit when required
• I have confirmed if a permit is required
• I am authorised to perform the work
• I understand the permit
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start
• I stop and reassess if conditions change

Working at Height
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area

# Schlumberger-Private






# Schlumberger-Private





# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls 안전장치를 우회로 수행하는 경우

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls 불가피한 사유로 안전장치를 우회로 수행하는 경우, 이에 대한 사전 승인 취득 필요
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task • 업무절차 및 업무와 관련된 안전장치 사용법을 숙지했습니다
• I obtain authorisation before: • 다음 경우에 대해서는 사전 허가를 받겠습니다:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment -안전장치를 비활성화하거나 사용하지 않기로 결정하는 경우
– deviating from procedures -업무 절차에서 벗어나는 행동을 하는 경우
– crossing a barrier -제한된 지역에 진입하는 경우

Confined Space 밀폐 공간
Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space 밀폐된 위험구역에 진입하기 전에는 이에 대한 사전 승인 취득 필요
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • 에너지 차단이 되여있고 잠겨있음을 확인했습니다
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • 대기 환경에 대한 검사 및 모니터링이 이루어졌음을 확인했습니다
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required • 필요한 경우 호흡기를 점검하고 사용할 것입니다
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • 예비인원이 대기 중임을 확인했습니다
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • 적절한 구조계획이 수립되어 있는지 확인했습니다
• I obtain authorisation to enter • 밀폐 공간 진입에 대한 사전 승인을 받겠습니다

Driving 차량 운전
Follow safe driving rules 안전운전 규칙 준수
• I always wear a seatbelt • 안전 벨트는 항시 착용합니다
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • 제한 속도를 초과하지 않으며 도로 상황에 따라 속도를 제어할 것입니다
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • 운전 중 휴대전화 등 전자기기를 사용하지 않습니다
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving • 운전에 문제가 없도록 최상의 컨디션을 유지하겠습니다
• I follow journey management requirements • 출장 중 차량 이동과 관련된 규칙을 준수할 것입니다

Energy Isolation 에너지 차단장치의 잠금

업무 시작 전, 에너지 차단장치의 잠금을 확인하고 에너지를 방출하고 있지 않은지 확인

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins
• I have identified all energy sources • 모든 에너지 발생원에 대한 확인 점검을 완료했습니다
• 모든 에너지 발생원을 비활성화 시켰고 잠금장치를 설정하였으며, 이에 대한 표시도 적
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged 절히 이루어졌는지 확인했습니다.
• 발생원에서 에너지가 방출되고 있지 않은지 확인하였고, 사용되지 않고 남은 에너지 또
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy 는 저장되어 있는 에너지는 없는지 점검하였습니다

Hot Work 화재 위험 작업
Control flammables and ignition sources 가연성 및 점화원성 물질에 대한 관리
• I identify and control ignition sources • 점화원성 물질을 식별하고 이에 대한 사용을 통제할 것입니다
• Before starting any hot work: • 화재 위험 작업을 시작하기 전, 아래 사항을 확인할 것입니다:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated -가연성 물질 제거 또는 격리 확인했습니다
– I obtain authorisation -작업에 필요한 사전 승인 취득 됐습니다.
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: • 위험 구역에서 열관련 작업을 시작하기 전에 아래 사항들을 확인하겠습니다:
– a gas test has been completed -가스 누출는 없는지 점검
– gas will be monitored continually -가스 누출에 대한 지속적인 모니터링 시행

Line of Fire 충돌 위험 구역
Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire 작업자들이 충돌 위험 구역에 접근하지 않도록 조치 함
• I position myself to avoid: • 아래 충돌위험에 대해 사고가 발생하지 않도록 주의합니다:
– moving objects -움직이는 물체
– vehicles -차량
– pressure releases -압력해제 사항
– dropped objects -낙하 물체
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • 제한 구역을 수립하고 제한 구역에 잠식하지 않겠습니다.
• 느슨한 물체는 고정 하기 위한 조치를 취하며, 잠재적 낙하 위험물체는 즉시 보고하겠
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects 습니다

Safe Mechanical Lifting 안전한 기계적 인양작업

Plan lifting operations and control the area 리프팅 작업에 대해 계획을 수립하고 업무 구역을 통제 함

• 모든 장비와 적재물을 점검했으며, 각 목적에 맞게 사용 가능한 상태인지 확인했습니다

• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • 사용허가를 받은 장비만을 사용합니다
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • 제한 구역을 설정하고 제한 구역 및 장벽의 규칙들을 준수하겠습니다
• I never walk under a suspended load • 상승된 적재물 아래로 지나가지 않겠습니다

Work Authorisation 작업 업무 허가
Work with a valid permit when required 작업 수행에 필요한 허가는 사전에 취득함
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • 허가가 필요한 작업인지 확인했습니다
• I am authorised to perform the work • 작업을 수행하는데 필요한 허가를 취득한 상황입니다

# Schlumberger-Private
• I understand the permit • 취득한 허가와 관련된 상세한 내용을 잘 파악하고 있습니다
• 업무 시작 전, 존재하는 위험 요소를 파악하였고, 필요한 안전조치를 취하여 작업 수행
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start 에 문제가 없도록 준비를 마쳤습니다
• 업무환경에 변화가 생기는 경우에는, 모든 업무를 중지하고 변화된 환경에 이슈가 없는
• I stop and reassess if conditions change 지 재검토합니다

Working at Height 고장소 작업

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height 고장소에 작업 시, 추락 사고에 대해 유의하세요
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • 추락 사고 대비 안전장치를 사전에 점검한 뒤 사용합니다
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects • 자재, 부재 등이 떨어지는 사고가 없도록 조치를 취할 것입니다
• 보호구역 밖에 있는 경우, 신체를 사전에 설치한 고정장치와 연결하여 추락 사고를 미
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area 연에 방지할 것입니다

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES Livreddende Regler

Bypassing Safety Controls Utkopling av sikkerhetssystemer

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Innhent godkjennelse før overbroing eller utkopling av sikkerhetssystemer
Jeg forstår og bruker sikkerhetskritisk utstyr og prosedyrer som er relevant for min
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task arbeidsoppgave
• I obtain authorisation before: Jeg innhenter godkjennelse før:
Jeg kopler ut eller overbroer
– disabling or overriding safety equipment sikkerhetsutstyr
– deviating from procedures Jeg avviker fra prosedyrer
– crossing a barrier Jeg går inn i avsperret område

Confined Space Entring

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Innhent godkjennelse før entring
• I confirm energy sources are isolated Jeg bekrefter at energikilder er isolert
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored Jeg bekrefter at atmosfæren har blitt testet og blir monitorert
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required Jeg sjekker og benytter pusteluft når det er krav om dette
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by Jeg bekrefter at det er entringsvakt til stede
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place Jeg bekrefter at en redningsplan er etablert
• I obtain authorisation to enter Jeg har innhentet tillatelse til å entre

Driving Bilkjøring
Follow safe driving rules Følg regler for sikker kjøring
• I always wear a seatbelt Jeg bruker alltid sikkerhetsbelte
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions Jeg følger fartsgrenser, og reduserer farten etter forholdene
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving Jeg bruker ikke mobiltelefon eller andre enheter mens jeg kjører
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving Jeg er i form, uthvilt og tilstede mens jeg kjører
• I follow journey management requirements Jeg følger krav i utarbeidet kjøreplan

Energy Isolation Isolering av energi

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Verifiser at energi er fjernet eller isolert før arbeidet starter
• I have identified all energy sources Jeg har identifisert alle energikilder
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged Jeg bekrefter at farlige energikilder har blitt isolert, avlåst og merket
Jeg har sjekket at energien er fjernet, eller forsvarlig isolert, og testet om det er restenergi
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy i systemet.

Hot Work Varmt arbeid

Control flammables and ignition sources Ha kontroll på brennbart materiale og tennkilder
• I identify and control ignition sources Jeg identifiserer og kontrollerer tennkilder
• Before starting any hot work: Før oppstart av varmt arbeid:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated Jeg bekrefter at brennbart materiale har blitt fjernet eller isolert
– I obtain authorisation Jeg innhenter tillatelse
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Før jeg starter varmt arbeid i farlig område, bekrefter jeg at:
– a gas test has been completed Det er utført gassmåling
– gas will be monitored continually Gass blir monitorert kontinuerlig

Line of Fire I skuddlinjen

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Hold deg selv og andre utenfor «skuddlinjen»
• I position myself to avoid: Jeg posisjonerer meg for å unngå:
– moving objects Bevegelige objekter
– vehicles Kjøretøy
– pressure releases Frigjøring av trykk
– dropped objects Fallende gjenstander
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Jeg etablerer og respekterer avsperrede områder og ekskluderingssoner
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects Jeg tar aksjon for å sikre løse og mulig fallende gjenstander

Safe Mechanical Lifting Sikre mekaniske løft

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planlegg løfteoperasjoner og ha kontroll på området

• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose Jeg bekrefter at utstyret og lasten har blitt inspisert og er egnet for den aktuelle bruken
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use Jeg opererer kun utstyr som jeg er kvalifisert til å operere
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Jeg etablerer og respekterer avsperrede områder og ekskluderingssoner
• I never walk under a suspended load Jeg går aldri under hengende last

Work Authorisation Arbeidsgodkjennelse

Work with a valid permit when required Arbeid med gyldig arbeidstillatelse når dette er påkrevd
• I have confirmed if a permit is required Jeg har forsikret meg om det er nødvendig med arbeidstillatelse
• I am authorised to perform the work Jeg er autorisert til å utføre arbeidet

# Schlumberger-Private
• I understand the permit Jeg forstår arbeidstillatelsen
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start Jeg bekrefter at risikoen er under kontroll og at det er trygt å starte

• I stop and reassess if conditions change Jeg stopper og revurderer risikoen dersom det oppstår endringer i arbeidsforholdene

Working at Height Arbeid I høyden

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Beskytt deg mot fall ved arbeid i høyden
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use Jeg inspiserer fallsikringsutstyret før bruk
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects Jeg sikrer verktøy og arbeidsmaterialer for å forhindre fallende gjenstander
Jeg fester meg 100% til godkjente forankringspunkter når jeg arbeider utenfor beskyttede
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area områder

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Omijanie systemów bezpieczeństwa

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Zmiany lub wyłączenie systemów bezpieczeństwa wymaga uzyskania autoryzacji
Rozumiem i używam sprzętu bezpieczeństwa i procedur które są właściwe dla
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task mojego zadania
• I obtain authorisation before: Uzyskuje autoryzacje przed:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment Wyłączaniem lub zmianą sprzętu bezpieczeństwa
– deviating from procedures Odchyleniem od procedur
– crossing a barrier Przekraczaniem bariery

Confined Space Ograniczona przestrzeń

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Uzyskaj zezwolenie przed wejściem do zamkniętej przestrzeni
• I confirm energy sources are isolated ·       Potwierdzam, że źródła energii są odizolowane

• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored ·       Potwierdzam, że atmosfera została przetestowana i jest monitorowana
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required ·       Sprawdzam i używam aparatu oddechowego w razie potrzeby
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by ·       Potwierdzam, obecność asystenta
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place ·       Potwierdzam, że plan ratunkowy jest na miejscu
• I obtain authorisation to enter Otrzymuję upoważnienie do wejścia

Driving Prowadzenie pojazdów

Follow safe driving rules Postępuj zgodnie z zasadami bezpiecznej jazdy
• I always wear a seatbelt ·       Zawsze mam pasy bezpieczeństwa
·       Nie przekraczam ograniczenia prędkości i redukuje prędkość dla warunków
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions drogowych
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving ·       Nie używam telefonów ani nie obsługuję urządzeń podczas jazdy
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving ·       Jestem sprawny, wypoczęty i w pełni czujny podczas jazdy
• I follow journey management requirements ·       Przestrzegam wymogów dotyczących prowadzenia pojazdów

Energy Isolation Izolacja energetyczna

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Zweryfikuj izolację i zerową energię przed rozpoczęciem pracy
• I have identified all energy sources ·       Zidentyfikowałem wszystkie źródła energii
·       Potwierdzam, że niebezpieczne źródła energii zostały odizolowane,
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged zablokowane i oznaczone.
Sprawdziłem, czy jest energia wyzerowana i przetestowałem ją pod kątem energii
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy resztkowej lub zmagazynowanej

Hot Work Gorąca praca

Control flammables and ignition sources Kontroluj źródła łatwopalne i źródła zapłonu
• I identify and control ignition sources ·       Identyfikuję i kontroluję źródła zapłonu
• Before starting any hot work: ·       Przed rozpoczęciem jakiejkolwiek pracy na gorąco:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated Potwierdzam, że materiał łatwopalny został usunięty lub odizolowany
– I obtain authorisation o Otrzymuję autoryzację
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Przed rozpoczęciem pracy na gorąco w strefie niebezpiecznej potwierdzam:
– a gas test has been completed o Zakończono test gazu
– gas will be monitored continually o Gaz będzie monitorowany na bierząco

Line of Fire Linia ognia

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Trzymaj siebie i innych poza linią ognia
• I position myself to avoid: ·       Ustawiam się tak, aby uniknąć:
– moving objects Poruszajacych sie obiektów
– vehicles o Pojazdów
– pressure releases Uwalnianego ciśnienia
– dropped objects Upuszczonych przedmiotów
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Ustanawiam i przestrzegam barier i stref wykluczenia
Podejmuję działania, aby zabezpieczyć luźne przedmioty i zgłosić potencjalne ryzyko
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects upuszczenia przedmiotów

Safe Mechanical Lifting Bezpieczne podnoszenia mechaniczne

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planuj operacje podnoszenia i kontroluj obszar
·       Potwierdzam, że sprzęt i ładunek zostały sprawdzone i nadają się do
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose przeznaczonego celu
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use ·       Obsługuję tylko sprzęt, do którego jestem uprawniony
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ·       Ustanawiam i przestrzegam barier i stref wykluczenia
• I never walk under a suspended load Nigdy nie chodzę pod zawieszonym ładunkiem

Work Authorisation Autoryzacja do pracy

# Schlumberger-Private
Work with a valid permit when required Pracuj z ważnym zezwoleniem tam gdzie to wymagane
• I have confirmed if a permit is required ·       Potwierdziłem, czy wymagane jest zezwolenie
• I am authorised to perform the work ·       Jestem upoważniony do wykonania pracy
• I understand the permit ·       Rozumiem pozwolenie
·       Potwierdziłem, że zagrożenia są kontrolowane i można bezpiecznie
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start rozpocząć
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Zatrzymuję się i oceniam ponownie, jeśli warunki się zmienią

Working at Height Praca na wysokościach

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Chroń się przed upadkiem podczas pracy na wysokości
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use ·       Przed użyciem sprawdzam sprzęt chroniący przed upadkiem
·       Zabezpieczam narzędzia i materiały robocze, aby zapobiec upuszczeniu
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects przedmiotów
Przypinam się 100% do zatwierdzonych punktow kontrolnych, gdy znajduję się poza
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area strefą chronioną.

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Desabilitar Dispositivos de Segurança

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Obtenha permissão antes de substituir ou desativar os dispositivos de segurança
• Eu entendo e uso equipamentos e procedimentos críticos para a segurança que se
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task aplicam a minha tarefa
• I obtain authorisation before: • Eu obtenho permissão antes de:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment − desabilitar ou substituir equipamento de segurança
– deviating from procedures − desviar de procedimentos
– crossing a barrier − atravessar uma barreira

Confined Space Espaço Confinado

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Obtenha permissão antes de entrar em um espaço confinado
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Eu confirmo que as fontes de energia estão isoladas
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • Eu confirmo que a atmosfera foi testada e está sendo monitorada
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required • Eu verifico e uso meu equipamento respiratório quando exigido
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • Eu confirmo que há alguém de prontidão
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Eu confirmo que há um plano de resgate em vigor
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Eu obtenho permissão para entrar

Driving Direção
Follow safe driving rules Siga as regras de direção segura
• I always wear a seatbelt • Eu sempre utilizo cinto de segurança
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • Eu não excedo o limite de velocidade e a reduzo para as condições da via
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • Eu não utilizo telefone ou opero dispositivos enquanto dirijo
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving • Eu estou apto, descansado e completamente alerta ao dirigir
• I follow journey management requirements • Sigo os requerimentos do gerenciamento de viagens

Energy Isolation Isolamento de Energia

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Verifique o isolamento e a ausência de energia antes do início do trabalho
• I have identified all energy sources • Eu identifiquei todas as fontes de energia
• Eu confirmo que as fontes de energias perigosas foram isoladas, travadas e
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged etiquetadas
• Eu verifiquei a ausência de energia e testei a ausência de energia armazenada ou
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy residual

Hot Work Trabalho a Quente

Control flammables and ignition sources Controle as fontes inflamáveis e de ignição
• I identify and control ignition sources • Eu identifico e controlo as fontes de ignição
• Before starting any hot work: • Antes de iniciar qualquer trabalho a quente:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated − Eu confirmo que o material inflamável foi removido ou isolado
– I obtain authorisation − Eu obtenho permissão

• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: • Antes de iniciar trabalho a quente em área de atmosfera explosiva eu confirmo:
– a gas test has been completed − um teste de gás foi efetuado
– gas will be monitored continually − o gás será monitorado continuamente

Line of Fire Linha de Fogo

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Mantenha a si mesmo e os outros fora da linha de fogo
• I position myself to avoid: • Eu me posiciono para evitar
– moving objects − objetos em movimento
– vehicles − veículos
– pressure releases − liberações de pressão
– dropped objects − queda de objetos
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Eu estabeleço e obedeço barreiras e zonas de exclusão

• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects • Eu tomo ação para prender objetos soltos e reporto queda de objetos em potencial

Safe Mechanical Lifting Levantamento Mecânico Seguro

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planeje as operações de levantamento e controle a área
• Eu confirmo que o equipamento e a carga foram inspecionados e estão prontos para a
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose tarefa
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • Eu só opero equipamento para o qual sou qualificado
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Eu estabeleço e obedeço as barreiras e zonas de exclusão
• I never walk under a suspended load • Eu nunca caminho sob carga suspensa

Work Authorisation Permissão para o Trabalho

Work with a valid permit when required Trabalhe com uma permissão válida quando exigida

# Schlumberger-Private
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Eu confirmei se uma permissão para o trabalho é exigida
• I am authorised to perform the work • Eu sou autorizado a executar o trabalho
• I understand the permit • Eu compreendo a permissão
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start • Eu me certifiquei de que os perigos estão controlados e é seguro iniciar
• I stop and reassess if conditions change • Eu paro e reavalio se as condições mudarem

Working at Height Trabalho em Altura

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Proteja-se contra quedas ao trabalhar em altura
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Eu inspeciono meu equipamento de proteção contra quedas antes de usá-lo

• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects • Eu prendo ferramentas e materiais de trabalho para prevenir queda de objetos

• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area • Eu me fixo 100% a um ponto de ancoragem quando estou fora de uma área protegida

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES Reguli de Salvare a Vieții

Bypassing Safety Controls Ocolirea Sistemelor de Siguranță

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Obțineți aprobarea înaintea ocolirii sau dezactivării sistemelor de siguran ță
• Înțeleg și folosesc procedurile și echipamentele critice de siguran ță care sunt aplicabile
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task activității mele
• I obtain authorisation before: • Obțin autorizarea înainte de a:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment – dezactiva sau ocoli sistemele de siguran ță
– deviating from procedures – devia de la proceduri
– crossing a barrier – depăși o bariera

Confined Space Spații Închise

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Obțineți aprobarea înaintea intrării într-un spa țiu închis
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Confirm că sursele de energie sunt izolate
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • Confirm că atmosfera a fost testată și este monitorizată

• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required • Am verificat și folosesc aparatul de respira ție artificială atunci când este necesar
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • Confirm că mai am o persoana care mă supraveghează
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Confirm că există un plan de salvare
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Obțin autorizarea pentru a intra

Driving Condusul
Follow safe driving rules Urmăm regulile privind condusul în siguran ță
• I always wear a seatbelt • Port întotdeauna centura de siguran ță
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • Nu depăsesc limita de viteză și reduc viteza în func ție de condi țiile de drum
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • Nu folosesc telefonul sau alte dispozitive în timp ce conduc
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving • Sunt pregătit, odihnit și atent atunci când conduc
• I follow journey management requirements • Urmez cerințele managementului călătoriei

Energy Isolation Izolarea Energiei

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins Verific izolarea energiei și că aceasta este zero înainte de a începe activitatea
• I have identified all energy sources • Am identificat toate sursele de energie

• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged • Confirm că sursele de energie periculoasă au fost izolate, lăcătuite și etichetate

• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy • Am verificat că energia este zero și am testat eventualele energii stocate sau reziduale

Hot Work Lucrul cu Focul

Control flammables and ignition sources Controlul substanțelor inflamabile și ale surselor de aprindere
• I identify and control ignition sources • Identific și controlez sursele de aprindere
• Before starting any hot work: • Înainte de a începe lucrul cu focul:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated – Confirm că materialele inflamabile au fost eliminate sau izolate
– I obtain authorisation – Obțin autorizarea
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: • Înainte de a începe lucrul cu focul într-o zona periculoasă, confirm că
– a gas test has been completed – am efectuat un test de prezen ță a gazelor
– gas will be monitored continually – prezența gazelor va fi monitorizată în continuu

Line of Fire Direcția Energiei Periculoase

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Menține-te pe tine și ceilalți în afara direcției energiei periculoase
• I position myself to avoid: • Mă poziționez astfel încât să evit:
– moving objects – obiectele în miscare
– vehicles – vehiculele
– pressure releases – eliberarea presiunii
– dropped objects – obiectele cu potențial de cădere
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Stabilesc și respect barierele și zonele de excluziune

• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects • Acționez să asigur obiectele libere și raportez obiectele cu poten țial de cădere

Safe Mechanical Lifting Ridicări Mecanizate Sigure

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planificați operațiunile de ridicare și controla ți zona

• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose • Confirm că echipamentul și încărcătura au fost inspectate și sunt adecvate scopului
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • Acționez doar echipamente pe care sunt calificat să le utilizez
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Stabilesc și respect barierele și zonele de excluziune
• I never walk under a suspended load • Nu mă deplasez niciodată pe sub o încărcătură suspendată

Work Authorisation Autorizarea Activității

Work with a valid permit when required Lucrați cu un permis de lucru valid atunci când este cerut
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Am confirmat necesitatea unui permis de lucru

# Schlumberger-Private
• I am authorised to perform the work • Sunt autorizat să realizez lucrarea
• I understand the permit • Înțeleg cerințele permisului de lucru
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start • Am confirmat că pericolele sunt controlate și este sigur să încep activitatea
• I stop and reassess if conditions change • Ma opresc și reevaluez dacă condițiile se modifică

Working at Height Lucrul la Înălțime

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Protejează-te împotriva căderii atunci cand lucrezi la înăl țime
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Inspectez echipamentul de protecție împotriva căderii înainte de a-l utiliza
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects • Asigur uneltele și materialele împotriva căderii
• Mă asigur 100% de punctele de ancorare aprobate atunci când lucrez în afara zonei de
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area protecție

# Schlumberger-Private

Bypassing Safety Controls Обход мер безопасности

Перед блокировкой или отключением защитного оборудования получите
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls разрешение
• Я использую критически важные для безопасности оборудование и процедуры,
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task относящиеся к выполняемой мною задаче
• I obtain authorisation before: • Я получаю разрешение перед:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment – блокировкой или отключением защитного оборудования
– deviating from procedures – отклонением от предписанных процедур
– crossing a barrier – пересечением защитного ограждения

Confined Space Замкнутое пространство

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Перед входом в замкнутое пространство получите разрешение
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Я подтверждаю, что источники энергии изолированы
• Я подтверждаю, что атмосфера в замкнутом пространстве проверена и
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored контролируется
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required • Я проверяю и использую дыхательный аппарат в случае необходимости

• Я подтверждаю, что при выполнении работ присутствует помощник-дежурный

• I confirm there is an attendant standing by
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Я подтверждаю наличие плана действий в чрезвычайной ситуации
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Я получаю разрешение перед входом

Driving Вождение ТС
Follow safe driving rules Соблюдайте правила безопасного вождения
• I always wear a seatbelt • Я всегда пристегиваюсь ремнем безопасности
• Я не превышаю установленный предел скорости и уменьшаю ее в соответствии с
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions дорожными условиями
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • Я не использую телефоны или другие устройства во время вождения

• Я отдохнул перед выездом и максимально внимателен во время вождения

• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving
• I follow journey management requirements • Я соблюдаю требования по управлению поездками

Energy Isolation Изоляция источников энергии

Перед началом работы проверьте изоляцию источников энергии и отсутствие
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins напряжения
• I have identified all energy sources • Я выявил все источники энергии
• Я подтверждаю, что все опасные источники энергии изолированы, блокированы от
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged включения и снабжены соответствующей маркировкой
• Я убедился в отсутствии напряжения и проверил наличие остаточной или
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy накапливаемой энергии

Hot Work Огневые работы

Control flammables and ignition sources Контролируйте легковоспламеняющиеся вещества и источники возгорания
• I identify and control ignition sources • Я выявил и контролирую источники возгорания
• Before starting any hot work: • Перед началом любых огневых работ:
– Я подтверждаю, что легковоспламеняющиеся вещества удалены из зоны работ
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated или изолированы
– I obtain authorisation – Я получил разрешение на выполнение работ
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: • Перед началом огневых работ в опасной зоне я подтверждаю, что:
– a gas test has been completed – анализ воздушной среды выполнен
– gas will be monitored continually – мониторинг загазованности ведется на постоянной основе

Line of Fire Линия огня

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Не входите в зону линии огня и не допускайте попадания в нее других лиц
• I position myself to avoid: • Я выбираю свое местоположение так, чтобы избежать:
– moving objects – движущихся объектов
– vehicles – транспортных средств
– pressure releases – выбросов давления
– dropped objects – падающих объектов
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Я устанавливаю защитные барьеры и ограждения и не нарушаю их
• Я предпринимаю действия к тому, чтобы зафиксировать незакрепленные
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects предметы, и сообщаю об опасности падения предметов

Safe Mechanical Lifting Спуско-подъемные операции

Plan lifting operations and control the area Планируйте спуско-подъемные операции и контролируйте область работ

# Schlumberger-Private
• Я подтверждаю, что оборудование и груз были проверены и признаны
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose пригодными для использования по целевому назначению
• Я работаю только с тем оборудованием, использование которого допускает моя
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use квалификация
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Я устанавливаю защитные барьеры и ограждения и не нарушаю их
• I never walk under a suspended load • Я никогда не хожу под грузом

Work Authorisation Наряд-допуск

Work with a valid permit when required Работайте при наличии действующего наряда-допуска
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Я убедился в том, требуется ли наряд-допуск
• I am authorised to perform the work • Я уполномочен выполнять работу
• I understand the permit • Я понимаю назначение наряда-допуска
• Я подтверждаю, что риски находятся под контролем и что можно безопасно
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start начинать работу
• Я останавливаю работу и провожу повторную оценку рисков в случае изменения
• I stop and reassess if conditions change условий

Working at Height Работа на высоте

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Страхуйте себя от падения при работе на высоте
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Я проверяю страховочное оборудование перед использованием

• Я закрепляю инструменты и рабочие материалы, чтобы не допустить их падения

• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects
• Я всегда пристегиваю страховочный пояс к утвержденным опорным точкам при
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area работе на высоте за пределами защищенной зоны

# Schlumberger-Private
LIFE-SAVING RULES Reglas que Salvan Vidas

Bypassing Safety Controls Baipasear sistemas de seguridad

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Obtengo autorización antes de anular o deshabilitar cualquier dispositivo de seguridad

• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task Entiendo y utilizo los equipos y procedimientos de seguridad que aplican a mi trabajo
• I obtain authorisation before: Obtengo autorización antes de:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment deshabilitar o anular un dispositivo de seguridad
– deviating from procedures desviarme del procedimiento
– crossing a barrier Ignorar las barreras de seguridad

Confined Space Espacios confinados

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Obtengo autorización antes de entrar en un espacio confinado
• I confirm energy sources are isolated Verifico que las fuentes de energía están aisladas
Verifico que la atmósfera ha sido evaluada y que esta siendo monitoreada durante el
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored trabajo
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required Reviso y utilizo mi equipo de protección respiratoria cuando sea necesario
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by Aseguro la presencia de un vigía
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place Confirmo la existencia de un plan de rescate
• I obtain authorisation to enter Obtengo la autorización para entrar

Driving Conduciendo
Follow safe driving rules Cumplo las normas para una conducción segura
• I always wear a seatbelt Siempre utilizo el cinturón de seguridad

• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions Respeto el límite de velocidad y reduzco la velocidad sí las condiciones lo requieren.
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving Mientras conduzco, no utilizo el teléfono móvil ni otros dispositivos
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving Conduzco en buen estado, descansado y atento
• I follow journey management requirements Cumplo los requerimientos del gerenciamiento de viajes

Energy Isolation Aislamiento de las fuentes de energía

Verifico el aislamiento de las fuentes de energía y que no exista energía residual antes
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins de intervenir
• I have identified all energy sources He Identificado todas las fuentes de energía
Confirmo que las fuentes de energía peligrosas han sido debidamente aisladas,
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged bloqueadas y señalizadas
He verificado que no exista energía y que la energía residual o almacenada ha sido
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy descargada

Hot Work Trabajo en caliente

Control flammables and ignition sources Controlo los materiales inflamables y las fuentes de ignición
• I identify and control ignition sources Identifico y controlo las fuentes de ignición
• Before starting any hot work: Antes de iniciar cualquier trabajo en caliente:

– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated Compruebo que todo el material combustible o inflamable haya sido retirado o aislado
– I obtain authorisation Solicito autorización
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: Antes de iniciar un trabajo en caliente en zona peligrosa, me aseguro de que:
– a gas test has been completed Se haya realizado un monitoreo de gas
– gas will be monitored continually El monitoreo de gas se realice de forma continua

Line of Fire Linea de Fuego

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Me mantengo fuera de la línea de fuego y cuido de que los demás hagan lo mismo
• I position myself to avoid: Me coloco en una posición tal en la que evite:
– moving objects objetos en movimiento
– vehicles vehículos
– pressure releases liberación de presión
– dropped objects caídas de objetos
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Instalo y respeto barreras de seguridad y zonas prohibidas
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects Actúo para asegurar objetos sueltos y reporto el riesgo de caída de objetos

Safe Mechanical Lifting Izaje

Plan lifting operations and control the area Planifico las operaciones de izaje y controlo el área

• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose Verifico que los equipos y la carga hayan sido revisados y sean aptos para los trabajos
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use Utilizo únicamente la maquinaria para la cual estoy calificado
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones Instalo y respeto barreras de seguridad y zonas prohibidas

# Schlumberger-Private
• I never walk under a suspended load Nunca paso bajo una carga suspendida

Work Authorisation Permiso de trabajo

Work with a valid permit when required Realizo las actividades con un permiso de trabajo válido, cuando sea necesario
• I have confirmed if a permit is required Confirmo sí la actividad requiere un permiso de trabajo
• I am authorised to perform the work Estoy autorizado para realizar la actividad
• I understand the permit Entiendo el permiso de trabajo

• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start Verifico que los riesgos están controlados y que es seguro iniciar las actividades
• I stop and reassess if conditions change Detengo la actividad y vuelvo a evaluar si las condiciones cambiaron

Working at Height Trabajo en altura

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Me protejo contra las caídas al trabajar en altura
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use Inspecciono mi equipo de protección contra caídas antes de usarlo
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects Aseguro las herramientas y materiales para evitar caídas de objetos

• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area Al trabajar fuera de una zona protegida, utilizo siempre los puntos de anclaje autorizados

# Schlumberger-Private

LIFE-SAVING RULES กฏการชวช ยชชวชต

Bypassing Safety Controls การหลล กเลลช ยงการปฏชบบตชตามกฎความปลอดภบ ย

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls ตตองไดตรบบอนน ญาตจากเจตาของงาน หรร อ ผผตเชลชยวชาญทางดตานความปลอดภบ ยกชอนการปฏชบบตชนบน ต
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task ฉบ นเขตาใจ ขบ ตนตอนและวชธลการใชตเครรช องมร อเพรช อปตองกบ นกรณล เกชดเหตน ขบดขตอง และขบ ตนตอนการใชตงานอยาช งปลอดภบ ย
• I obtain authorisation before: ฉบ นตตองไดตรบบการอนน ญาต ดบ งตชอไปนลต
– disabling or overriding safety equipment หยน ดการใชตงาน หรร อ หยน ดการขบ บเคลรช อนกลไกของเครรช องมร อนบ น ต
– deviating from procedures การหลล กเลลช ยงจากการปฏชบบตชตามขบ ตนตอน
– crossing a barrier การขาต มขบ ตนตอนการปฏชบบตชนบน

Confined Space งานในทลช อบบอากาศ

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space ตตองไดตรบบอนน ญาตกชอนเขตาไปทาท งานในทลช อบบอากาศ
• I confirm energy sources are isolated ฉบ นยรนยบ นวาช แหลชงกาท เนช ดพลบ งงานไดตตบดแยกระบบเรล ยบรตอย
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored ฉบ นยรนยบ นวาช สภาพอากาศ แกกส ไดตรบบการตรวจสอบและคอยเฝตาดผตามระยะเวลาทลช กาท หนด
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required ฉบ นตรวจสอบและใชตชนดเครรช องชวช ยหายใจเมรช อจาท เปป น
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by ฉบ นยรนยบ นวาช มล ผผตเฝตาระวบ งอยผ ห
ช นตางาน ทางเขตาออก ตลอดเวลา
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place มล แผนฉน กเฉช นพรตอมทลช หนตางานตลอดเวลา
• I obtain authorisation to enter ตตองไดตรบบอนน ญาตใหตเขตาไปทาท งาน

Driving การขบ บขลช

Follow safe driving rules ปฏชบบตชตามกฏการขบ บขลช อยาช งปลอดภบ ย
• I always wear a seatbelt ฉบ นคาดเขปมขบ ดนช รภบ ยตลอดเวลา
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions ฉบ นจะไมชขบบขลช เกชนความเรป วทลช กาท หนดและลดความเรป วลงตามสภาพของถนน
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving ฉบ นจะไมชใชตโทรศบ พทม ท ร อถรอและอน ปกรณทอชร นขณะขบ บรถ
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving ฉบ นมล สภาพพรตอมขบ บรถ พบ กผชอนเพล ยงพอและตรช นตบ วตลอดเวลาทลช ขบบรถ
• I follow journey management requirements ฉบ นจะปฏชบบตชตามกฎการขบ บขลช อยาช งปลอดภบ ย

Energy Isolation การตบ ดแยกพลบ งงาน

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins การสาท รวจและการตบ ดพลบ งงานออกไปใหตหมดกชอนเรชช มปฏชบบตชงาน
• I have identified all energy sources ฉบ นไดตระบนแหลชงตตนกาท เนช ดของพลบ งงาน
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged ต มล การตบ ดแยกระบบ , ลปอค และระบนแหลงช กาท เนช ด
ฉบ นยรนยบ นวาช อบ นตรายจากแหลงช กาท เนช ดพลบ งงานนบ น
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy ฉบ นตรวจสอบกอ ช นวาช ไมม
ช ล พลบ งงาน และทดสอบวาช ไมม ช ล พลบ งงานตกคาต ง หรร อ ไมม
ช ล พลบ งงานหลงเหลร ออยผ ช

Hot Work งานทลช มล ความรตอน ประกายไฟ

Control flammables and ignition sources การควบคนมวบ ตถนไวไฟ หรร อ แหลชงกาท เนช ดไฟ
• I identify and control ignition sources ฉบ นไดตระบนถถงวชธลการควบคนมแหลชงกาท เนช ดไฟ
• Before starting any hot work: กชอนปฏชบบตชงานทลช มลความรตอนและประกายไฟในพรต นทลช ทบชวไป จะตตองปฏชบบตชดบงนลต
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated ฉบ นยรนยบ นวาช ไดตเคลรช อนยตาย กาท จบ ดวบ ตถนทลชสามารถตชดไฟไดตออกไปแลตว
– I obtain authorisation ฉบ นไดตรบบอนน ญาตใหตปฏชบบตชงาน
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: กชอนปฏชบบตชงานทลช มลความรตอนและประกายไฟ ไดตตรวจสอบอบ นตรายดบ งตชอไปนลต :
– a gas test has been completed ตตองตรวจเชปค แกกส ในสถานทลช ปฏชบบตชงานเรล ยบรตอย
– gas will be monitored continually ตตองตรวจสอบปรช มาณแกกสอยาช งตชอเนรช องตลอดเวลาทลช มลการปฏชบบตชงาน

Line of Fire การอยผ ใช นสภาวะทลช มลโอกาสไดรต บ บอบ นตราย

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire หลล กเลลช ยงการเขาต ไปอยผ ใช นสภาวะทลช มลโอกาสไดรต บ บอบ นตราย
• I position myself to avoid: ฉบ นจะหลล กเลลช ยงจนดทลช อาจจะไดตรบบอบ นตราย
– moving objects สภาวะทลช มลการเคลรช อนยตาย เคลรช อนทลช ของวบ ตถน
– vehicles สภาวะทลช มลยานพาหนะขบ บเคลรช อน
– pressure releases สภาวะทลช มลการปลดปลชอยแรงดบ นจากแหลชงกาท เนช ดตชางๆ
– dropped objects สภาวะทลช เสลชยงตชอการทลช มลวบตถนรชวง หลชน ลงมาในแนวดชชง และแนวราบ
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ฉบ นปฏชบบตชงานอยผ ใช นสภาวะทลช มลการปตองกบ น โดยมล รบวต และ แนวกบ ตน จากอบ นตรายทลช จะเกชดขถตน
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects ฉบ นปฏชบบตชตามกฎความปลอดภบ ยในการปตองกบ นวบ ตถนรชวงหลชน และรายงานการปฏชบบตชงานทนกครบ งต หากพบวาช มล วบตถนรชวงหลชน

Safe Mechanical Lifting เทคนช คการยกอยาช งปลอดภบ ย

Plan lifting operations and control the area มล แผนการยกของผผตปฏชบบตชงาน และการควบคนมในพรต นทลช ปฏชบบตชงาน
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose มล การตรวจสอบอน ปกรณทงานยก และทดสอบการรบ บนทตาหนบ ก อยาช งเหมาะสมกบ บการปฏชบบตชงาน
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use ฉบ นใชตอนปกณทงานยกทลช ผชานการทดสอบและรบ บรองเทาช นบ น ต ในการปฏชบบตชงาน
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones ฉบ นปฏชบบตชงานอยผ ใช นสภาวะทลช มลการปตองกบ น โดยมล รบวต และ แนวกบ ตน จากอบ นตรายทลช จะเกชดขถตน
• I never walk under a suspended load ฉบ นไมชเขตาไปในพรต นทลช ปฏชบบตชงานขณะมล การยก

Work Authorisation การอนน ญาตการทาท งาน

Work with a valid permit when required การปฏชบบตชงานสอดคลตองกบ บใบอนน ญาตชการทาท งาน
• I have confirmed if a permit is required ฉบ นยรนยรนยบ นวาช มล ใบอนน ญาตการทาท งานถตาจาท เปป น
• I am authorised to perform the work ฉบ นเปป นผผตไดตรบบอนน ญาตใหตปฏชบบตชงาน
• I understand the permit ฉบ นเขตาใจการปฏชบบตชงานตามใบอนน ญาตชการทาท งาน
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start ฉบ นทราบอบ นตรายทลช จะเกชดขถตนและมล วชธลการปตองกบ นอยาช งปลอดภบ ย
• I stop and reassess if conditions change หากมล การเปลลช ยนแปลงเงรชอนไข เราจะหยน ดการทาท งานและประเมชนสถานะการณทกอ
ช นการปฏชบบตชงานใหมช

Working at Height การทาท งานบนทลช สผง

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height การปตองกบ นตนเองเมรช อตตองทาท งานบนทลช สผง
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use ตรวจสอบอน ปกรณทปตองกบ นการตกในการทาท งานงานบนทลช สผงกชอนเรชช มงาน
• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects ผผ กรบ ดวบ สดน อน ปกรณท และเครรช องมร อ เพรช อปตองกบ นการรชวงหลชน
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area ฉบ นคลอต งเกลช ยวอนปกรณทปตองกบ นการตกกบ บจน ดทลชอนน ญาตใหตเปป นจนดคลอ
ต งเกลช ยวหลบ กเมรชอตอ
ต งทาท งาน
นอกพรตนทลช ทลชมลความเสลชยง

# Schlumberger-Private
ENGLISH Vietnamese

Bypassing Safety Controls Bỏ qua kiểm soát an toàn

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety controls Phải được người có thẩm quyền phê duyệt trước khi bỏ qua kiểm soát an toàn.
• Tôi thấu hiểu các qui trình và bi ết cách sử d ụng các trang thi ết b ị an toàn quan tr ọng
• I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task khi thực hiện công việc
• I obtain authorisation before: • Tôi đã được người có thẩm quyền phê duyệt trước khi:
– disabling or overriding safety equipment - Vô hiệu hóa thiết bị an toàn.
– deviating from procedures - Không hoàn toàn tuân th ủ quy trình.
– crossing a barrier - Vượt qua rào chắn an toàn.

Confined Space Không gian hạn chế

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space Phải được người có thẩm quyền phê duyệt trước khi vào không gian h ạn ch ế
• I confirm energy sources are isolated • Tôi xác nhận đã cô lập các nguồn năng lượng
• I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored • Tôi xác nhận đã kiểm tra và theo dõi ch ất lượng không khí
• Tôi đã kiểm tra tình trạng thiết bị hô h ấp kh ẩn cấp c ủa mình và bi ết s ử d ụng khi
• I check and use my breathing apparatus when required cần thiết
• I confirm there is an attendant standing by • Tôi xác nhận có một người trực sẵn sàng trợ giúp khi cần thiết
• I confirm a rescue plan is in place • Tôi xác nhận có kế hoạch ứng cứu khẩn cấp
• I obtain authorisation to enter • Tôi đã được người có thẩm quyền phê duyệt cho phép vào không gian h ạn ch ế

Driving Lái xe
Follow safe driving rules Tuân thủ các quy tắc an toàn khi lái xe
• I always wear a seatbelt • Tôi luôn thắt dây an toàn.
• I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions • Tôi không chạy quá tốc độ quy định và giảm t ốc khi đi vào đo ạn đ ường x ấu
• I do not use phones or operate devices while driving • Tôi không sử dụng điện thoại hay các thiết b ị điện t ử khi đang lái xe
• I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving • Tôi khỏe mạnh và tỉnh táo khi lái xe
• I follow journey management requirements • Tôi tuân thủ các quy định an toàn khi tham gia giao thông

Energy Isolation Cô lập nguồn năng lượng

Kiểm tra các điểm cô lập và xác minh đã xả h ết các ngu ồn năng l ượng tr ước khi ti ến
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins hành công việc
• I have identified all energy sources • Tôi đã xác định được tất cả các nguồn năng lượng cần ph ải cô l ập
• I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged • Tôi xác nhận đã cô lập các nguồn năng lượng, khóa và treo th ẻ cô l ập
• I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy • Tôi đã kiểm tra và xác nhận các nguồn năng lượng đã đ ược x ả h ết

Hot Work Công việc phát sinh nhiệt

Control flammables and ignition sources Kiểm soát các vật liệu dễ cháy và nguồn phát sinh cháy
• I identify and control ignition sources • Tôi đã nhận diện và kiểm soát các ngu ồn phát sinh cháy
• Before starting any hot work: • Trước khi tiến hành công việc phát sinh nhiệt:
– I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated - Tôi xác nhận các vật liệu dễ cháy đã đ ược di dời ho ặc cô lập
– I obtain authorisation - Tôi đã được người có thẩm quyền phê duyệt cho phép th ực hi ện công vi ệc
• Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm: • Trước thực hiện công việc phát sinh nhiệt trong khu v ực nguy hi ểm , tôi xác nh ận:
– a gas test has been completed - Đã đo kiểm tra nồng độ khí
– gas will be monitored continually - Liên tục đo và theo dõi nồng đ ộ khí

Line of Fire Khu vực nguy hiểm

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire Tránh xa khu vực nguy hiểm
• I position myself to avoid: • Các vị trí tôi nên tránh:
– moving objects - Giữa các vật thể đang di chuyển
– vehicles - Khu vực có các máy móc chuyển đ ộng
– pressure releases - Khu vực xả áp suất
– dropped objects - Khu vực có vật thể rơi từ trên cao
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Tôi thiết lập vùng an toàn và tuân th ủ ranh gi ới an toàn
• I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects • Tôi chằng buộc các đồ vật dễ rơi và báo cáo các vật có th ể r ơi t ừ trên cao

Safe Mechanical Lifting An toàn thiết bị nâng

Plan lifting operations and control the area Lập kế hoạch di chuyển/nâng hạ hàng hóa và kiểm soát khu v ực làm vi ệc
• I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose • Tôi xác nhận thiết bị nâng và hàng hóa đã đ ược ki ểm tra và trong tình tr ạng t ốt
• I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use • Tôi chỉ vận hành những thiết bị theo đúng chuyên môn c ủa mình
• I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones • Tôi thiết lập vùng an toàn và tuân th ủ ranh gi ới an toàn
• I never walk under a suspended load • Tôi không bao giờ đi dưới một vật đang cẩu phía trên

Work Authorisation Giấy phép làm việc

Work with a valid permit when required Chỉ thực hiện công việc khi giấy phép làm việc có hiệu lực
• I have confirmed if a permit is required • Tôi đã kiểm tra xem nếu công việc cần ph ải có giấy phép làm vi ệc
• I am authorised to perform the work • Tôi đã được phép thực hiện công việc
• I understand the permit • Tôi đã thấu hiểu nôi dung trong giấy phép làm vi ệc

# Schlumberger-Private
• Tôi xác nhận các mối nguy đã được kiểm soát và an toàn đ ể b ắt đ ầu th ực hi ện công
• I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start việc
• I stop and reassess if conditions change • Tôi sẽ dừng công việc và đánh giá rủi ro khi có sự thay đ ổi

Working at Height Làm việc trên cao

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height Khi làm việc trên cao hãy tự bảo vệ mình
• I inspect my fall protection equipment before use • Tôi kiểm tra thiết bị an toàn cá nhân ch ống r ơi c ủa mình tr ước khi s ử d ụng

• I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects • Tôi chằng buộc các dụng cụ và các nguyên vật liệu nh ằm ngăn ch ặn v ật b ị r ơi
• Khi làm việc bên ngoài khu vực an toàn tôi s ử d ụng đi ểm đ ược quy đ ịnh đ ể neo
• I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area buộc dây an toàn cá nhân

# Schlumberger-Private

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