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Hurt. One word that describes the feeling of Sapaeya right now.

She asked the person above all, “why

are you giving me this kind of problems?! Why??” For now, all she can do is to think about nothing and
stare peacefully to the moon and sun, who comforted her through her hardships.

“You should laugh Sapa. Laugh lowers stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and adrenaline.”
Artemis said, (the goddess of moon). “In this situation, I can’t laugh anymore.” Unfortunately, Artemis
failed to make the girl with lovely smile comeback to her usual self. “you can’t be like that forever Sapa,
you already made a lake through your tears.” The goddess said. “I can make two lakes” Sapaeya tried to
crack a joke but that statement made the goddess of moon frowned. Sapaeya just give her a bitter smile
and tries to sleep. The moon and stars are watching her peacefully sleeping.


“Darling, I love you” Sapaeya’s mother said while hugging her daughter who is now crying on the patch
of grass, the place where memories are stored. “don’t leave me alone in this cruel world mother.” she
continued crying while hugging her mother tightly. “I’ll will never leave you.” On that time, her mother
started to fade. “mother! Mom! No!!-“

“wake up Sapa!” Helios is trying to wake her up, and not after a minute, she gasped, as if she ran into a
marathon. “that’s a nightmare Sapa.” Sapaeya take a deep breathe and smiled bitterly. “I miss mom.”
She said and the tears in her eyes started to flow. “you shouldn’t cry everyday.” Helios, the god of Sun
tried to comfort her and make her stop crying, but unfortunately failed. Sapaeya love her mother very
much. Since her father left them, her mother played the role of being father for Sapa. They’ve gone
trough a lot.

Sapa’s hobby is to cry ever since her mother died. Even though Artemis, the goddess of moon is with her
all night, she still cry. Even though Helios, the god of Sun is with her all day, she still cry. “You shouldn’t
cry dear, tears are precious” for them, tears are very powerful, It’s the factor of being emotional and
sensitive. It’s the evidence of your feeling deep inside your heart. Artemis and Helios made an idea.

While Sapa is still crying, she noticed that the sky is getting darker. “at this time, Helios should be here”
Sapaeya said while her tears is still flowing from her beautiful eyes. She noticed two figures somewhere
far on the field. “what’s happening-“ she didn’t finish her statement because some parts of the land is
sinking down, as if someone is digging the ground down. While that scene is happening, above the sky
appeared the moon and sun, together. “your tears should be preserved, because your tears are a part of
you” Sapaeya looked shocked. Artemis and Helios collected the tears and make it flow down to the
ground that they dig. “a beautiful lake just for you” Artemis said and give the confused girl a genuine
smile. An eclipse is happening while her tears is flowing down to the new made lake. A beautiful lake
made with Sapaeya’s tears with the reflection of sun and moon together.

Sapaeya was still speechless. She realized that ever since her mother died, Artemis and Helios were
comforting her everyday and every night. “from now on, this lake will be called Sapa. Sapa lake, the
tears of a beautiful young lady named Sapaeya.”

Ever since that day, Sapaeya didn’t cry anymore. She finally moved on and continue her life with her
friends, Artemis and Helios. She realized that crying will not solve any of your problem, thus, Crying is
the process of releasing our emotion we have, deep inside our heart.
“I am thanking you both because you stayed beside.” Sapaeya said sincerely while giving them her first
genuine smile ever since her mother died. “I witnessed your hardships” Helios said and smiled bitterly. “I
witnessed your nightmares.” Artemis said while enclosing her with a warm hug. “ and I witnessed you
both comforting me, thank you.” From that day, everyone is preserving the beauty and purity of the

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