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EG – 234 - Civil & Structural Engineering Management

Assignment 2
Important Information
➢ This coursework contributes 25% to the final EG-234 module mark and is an individual
piece of work.
➢ Submission deadline: midday Tuesday 3rd December 19.
➢ Mode of submission: Electronic submission of a single .pdf file via EG-234 Blackboard
Turnitin. A College of Engineering coursework cover sheet must be attached to the first
page of your submission.

Coursework Task
Explain what Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts are and there intended purpose - high
lighting the strengths and weaknesses of this form of contract from the funder / contractor
/government / public perspective. (15%)
➢ Draw a typical diagram of the management structure (including all parties – not just the
construction companies) for the life of the PFI highlight any contractual relationship
between them. (20%)
➢ Highlight the risk categories and risks to be transferred in a PFI contract and who (which
party in your management diagram) is likely to carry each of these risks at the various stages
of the contract. (20%)
➢ Discuss why PFI contracts became popular in the UK and why they are now seen as a major
drain of public money. – using two examples to illustrate your answer (20%)
➢ Discuss what needs to be done in PFI contract to promote and the implementation of the UN
Sustainability Development Goals – using 3 of these goals as examples. (15%)
➢ A list of the sources used to collect data / information for this assignment (10%)(*)

(*) – Please note - quoting Wikipedia as a source of information for this assignment will have a
negative score of -2.5%

Marks will be assigned for –

➢ Evidence of good original thinking and a reasoned balanced view of the various questions.
➢ The use of evidence to illustrate your answer.
➢ The good use of English and proper sentence construction.
➢ Opinions as to why problems have occurred and potential ways of improving the contracts

Cont over

Assignment 2 – Rev 1.
Please note – Wikipedia should NOT be used as a source of evidence to answer this assignment – it
does have a section on PFI’s which you can use this to get familiar with some of the terms used etc.
However, it is unreliable with some of the sections being incorrect just cutting and pasting from
these pages will not pass this assignment.


➢ To be in a report format – with a maximum of 10 A4 sized sheets submitted – as pdf .

➢ Any drawing /image not embedded in the report please create a single page .pdf
➢ On each document put the following information - Your name and student number

Assignment 2 – Rev 1.

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