World Current Events Assignment (ESE Asia)

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NAME: ________________________ COLOR: ________ DATE: _________________


At least once per unit you will find and summarize a news article that has to do with our current
unit. For this unit, you will find an article pertaining to Korea, Japan and countries of
Southeast Asia.

Here is what you should do:

• Go online to a major newspaper or news site like The New York Times, The Washington
Post, CNN or BBC News.
• Each of these sites should have a\ “World,” “Asia” or “South Asia” tab or section that
you can browse. OR you can do a search for terms like “Korea” or “Shintoism.”
• Your news article should be from within the last year. A news article should NOT have
an opinion from the writer. If you are unsure, come see me and we’ll figure it out.

Once you have found your news article, write it up by doing the following:
• write three paragraphs to give background, explain the issue, analyze the significance
• give a topic sentence that introduces the main idea(s) for each paragraph
• first paragraph: background info about:
o country, leaders, dispute
o do not just add irrelevant facts and statistics
• second paragraph: explain the issue by:
o summarizing the article in an organized way
• third paragraph: explain the significance. Simple: Why does your article matter? Try to
stay focused and clear on this one. Some questions you could consider:
o What is important about this event? What could it lead to?
o Can I compare this to other events and draw conclusions?
o Think about broader conclusions – what does this signify?
o What types of people will be most/least affected and why?
o Do you have an argument or particular side to support? Defend your position.

Friday, Dec. 10, 2010

VALUE: 24 points

GRADING RUBRIC: on the back

HOW LONG: No more than 1 typed page! Keep it clear and concise. 

NAME: ____________________________ GRADE: ___________


1st paragraph background thorough background too little or
(background) information is background information does insignificant
significant, information is not effectively background
concise and provided introduce the makes it difficult
effectively issue and may be to understand the
introduces the distracting issue

2nd paragraph employs employs provides some little or no

(summary) sufficient and sufficient evidence that is relevant evidence
well-chosen evidence to relevant to is provided.
evidence to explain the issue, explaining the Neglects to
explain the issue. using a logical issue. Structure develop a
The structure is structure is confusing. structure.
logical and flows

3rd paragraph develops and develops and mostly reiterates does not attempt
(significance) analyzes content analyzes content, content with a much analysis
with taking limited lack of analysis
sophistication risks with ideas
and originality,
taking risks with

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