Essay For Work Immersion

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During work immersion, students prepare and get familiar with their chosen field of
specialization to enhance their competence, improve their existing capabilities and to build new
skills. Through this, the students get to discover themselves and develop professional growth.
Before entering to any company, one must first get in touch and be familiar with the nature
and culture of the company that he/she is about to work in. Always make sure that you will arrive
on time because it demonstrates your commitment to your job. Remember, school is different from
work, no more excuses/considerations can be accepted. In short, do not be late and make it your
priority. And if you have difficulties in some things, do not give up easily, take it as a challenge
for it will make you better. Keep in mind that no one has succeeded because of laziness. So always
push yourself to the limits. Don’t procrastinate for it can damage your potential. And you should
always be willing to change and learn from your mistakes even it’s already out of your comfort
zone. Another important trait to acquire when inside the company is flexibility in different tasks
assigned to you. Always ensure to end up your day with new lessons and ideas learned from the
company that you worked in. Do not expect monetary value in exchange for the good deeds you’ve
done inside the company because the main objective when attending a work immersion is to
enhance yourself and improve your skills for your chosen field of specialization, not to earn
money. But if the officials in the company that you worked in gave you some monetary value, then
just accept it and say “thank you” to the one/s that gave that monetary value. No matter how tiring
it will become, always put a smile on your face before, on, and after the days of your work
immersion. Always think positive and be optimistic on every situation you face. Offer help to those
in need inside the company, but don’t forget to work within your skills and limits. If you can’t
handle one task, ask help from your superiors in handling and performing that task so that you can
finish that task with relative ease. Do not be afraid of asking questions as long as it is relevant to
your work immersion and the company that you are working in. As long as you conduct yourself
with respect and confidence, work immersion can be fun and successful for you. Lastly, always
see every day as an opportunity towards your better future.
Demonstrate yourself as a person with good character and integrity. Demonstrate that you
can be reliable. Demonstrate that you can do what you say. Be respectful to others. Demonstrate
empathy to others, not only to yourself. Be interested in the prospective work and in the client
base. The most important thing of all, don’t forget to ask God for His guidance and protection, that
you may be able to continue living for tomorrow and for the next days. Most of all, always believe
in yourself, because this is going to be your best tool throughout your life.

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