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– 1981
– Written by Pope john paul II
– Work and Man
– 90th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
– advocates the right of workers
– demans of constructive revision of rigid capitalism and exclusive right to private
– take action against unemployment
– dignity of agriculture work
– offering jobs to disabled persons
– other social benefits besides wages
– human work is a key to the whole social question from the point of view of man’s


– Pope John Paul II
– December 30 1987
– Concern of the church for the Social Order
– 20th Anniversary of the Populorum Progressio
– Regarding Social Concern
– Problems: 1. Production and distribution of goods; 2. Hygiene; 3. Health and
housing; 4. Availability of drinking water; 5. Working Conditions (esp women)
– Three things that threaten humanity: 1. Lack of adequate housing; 2.
Unemployment; 3.International Debt
– 3. Solidarity
– 4. Option for the poor

Chapter 1
– The social concern of the church, directed towards an authentic development of
man and society
Chapter II
– Originality of the encyclical popularum progression
– talks about the problem of the world
– development is the new name of peace
Chapter III
– Survey of the the contemporary world
Chapter IV
– Authentic Human Development
Chapter V
– A theological reading of modern problems
– social teaching to the current situation
– there should be a change of behavior
– importance of solidarity together with the holy trinity

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