Gaudium Et Spes Notes

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1891=RN = Just wage = Leo XIII

1931=QA = Subsidiarity = Pius XI

1961=MM = Socialization = John XXIII
1963=PT = Peace=Mutual Trust = John XXIII
1965=DH = Religious Freedom = Vatican II = Paul VI
1965=GS = Vatican II = Paul VI

Pacem in Terris
— “Peace on Earth”
— Pope John XXIII
— April 11, 1963

— UN was established 1948

—Main points:
– peace can only be achieved if your respect the rights and do responsibilities:
– (1) between people
– (2) between people and their public authorities
– (3) between states
– (4) among people and nations at the level of the world community.

Right - a claim we can make on other people and on society so we can live a full,
human life.

Dignitatis Humanae
— 1965
— Vatican II (Paul Vi)
— the highest norm of human life is the divine law and truth but it can only be sought
after in the proper and free manner, with the aid of teaching or instruction,
communication and dialogue, and it must be adhered to by personal assent.

Vatican II
– 21st Ecumenical Council of the Church
– 1961-1965
– aggiornamento = updating
– Future Popes present: Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis I
– Effects of Vatican II: Revised Liturgy, Stronger emphasis on ecumenism (unity
amoing christian churches), New approach to the world itself

Gaudium Et Spes
– Pastoral constitution of the church in the modern world
– Pope John XXIII & Pope Paul VI
– overview of the Church’s teachings about humanity’s relationship to society,
especially in reference to economics, poverty, social justicec, culture, science
and technology and ecumensim
– Gaudium et Spes = “Joy and Hope”
– Major areas of concern: Human dignity, common good, sign of the times, public

responsibility, respect for families, right of culture, justice and development
– -use #1 of gaudium et spes in group page
– Conclusion: We are called to be brothers and sisters; we ought to work together
without violence and without deceit to build up the world in a spirit of gennuine

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