Key Word Transformations

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Key Word Transformations

1. Electricity is getting very expensive these days. cost

The _____________ higher and higher these days.
2. Unemployment has risen considerably over the last eighteen months and the
government is under pressure to find a solution. increase
The government is under pressure due to _____________ over the last eighteen
3. The minister's resignation from the government was caused by the discovery of his
role in the financial scandal. led
The discovery of the minister's role in the financial scandal _____________ the
4. Oh, there you are! I didn't even know you had gone out! unaware
I _____________ fact that you had gone out.
5. Don't get involved in this John, it has nothing to do with you. keep
This has nothing to do with you so _____________.
6. I really can't understand why he can't finish the project on time. baffled
I am really _____________ to finish the project on time.
7. Mr. Edwards was sacked partly because of his arriving late to work. contributed
Mr. Edwards' constant lateness _____________ from the company.
8. You can't just suddenly decide to go on a safari. You need to plan things very
carefully. spur
Going on safari isn't a decision you can make _____________ moment. You need to
plan things very carefully.
9. She wants nothing less than to get that job. It would be a dream come true.set
She has _____________ getting that job.
10. If they ever discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison. light
If your role in the incident _____________, you'll go to prison.
11. Harry plays tennis much better than I do. nearly
I am not _____________ tennis player as Harry is.
12. Both candidates for the job are strong. They are both equally good. hardly
There is _____________ the two job candidates.
13. That child is twice as tall as he was two years ago. doubled
That child's _____________ in the last two years.
14. As soon as I arrived at the pub, a fight started. sooner
No _____________ a fight broke out in the pub.
15. There were very few people who understood what the professor said in the meeting.
There _____________ who understood what the professor said in the meeting.
16. The bank robbers had disappeared completely by the time the police arrived. sign
There _____________ robbers when the police arrived.
17. Give me a call only if you have to buy gas for the car. run
Unless _____________ gas, don't call me.
18. Watch the new secretary carefully this week to make sure she doesn't make any big
mistakes. eye
Keep _____________ secretary this week to make sure she doesn't make any big
19. You shouldn't be surprised at Kevin winning that tournament. come
It _____________ that Kevin won that tournament.
20. There is no doubt at all that the government will win the election. conclusion
It is _____________ that the government will win the election.
21. This is certainly not the last time you will be needed here on a Sunday. means
It is _____________ you won't be needed again on a Sunday.
22. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without proper identity.
_____________ should you let anyone into the building without proper identity.
23. If it wasn't for your arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time
ago. but
_____________ arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time ago.
24. I presume you are coming to the party Miriam. read
Can I _____________ you are coming to the party Miriam?
25. You are not a bad lawyer Martin, but I don't think it is a very suitable job for you.
I just don't think you _____________ a lawyer.

26. I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not. whatsoever
I have _____________ he will be coming or not.
27. He failed the exam as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class. pace
His failure was blamed on his inability _____________ rest of the class.
28. Everyone is criticising the government for its poor unemployment record come
The government _____________ over its unemployment record.
29. He was always going to leave that house after the divorce was finalised. bound
He _____________ the house after the divorce.
30. I don't find it at all surprising that nobody came to the party. wonder
It's _____________ nobody came to the party.
32. Please don't tell anyone else what I told you about Elizabeth. keep
_____________ yourself what I told you about Elizabeth.
33. Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that pay rise. intent
Our boss _____________ the pay rise.
34. I could only afford that house because of the loan you gave me. lent
Had _____________ money, I wouldn't have been able to afford the house.
35. You don't have to come and see the new house if you don't wish. obligation
You are _____________ and see the new house if you don't wish.
36. You should have seen the boss as soon as you arrived. You knew he wanted to see
you. supposed
You _____________ boss when you arrived.
37. She is already married and you knew! I wish you had told me. might
You _____________ she was married!
38. I went in to work for an hour even though I knew it was a holiday. not
I need _____________ into work but I did anyway.
39. The headmaster will give a prize to the top student of the year. awarded
The _____________ a prize by the headmaster.
40. Police arrested Johnson because they think he was involved in the robbery.
Johnson was detained _____________ in the robbery.

41. You don't need to concern yourself with the new tax laws till October. effect
The new tax laws _____________.

42. She still hasn't really recovered from losing her job in August. being
She still really hasn't got _____________________ in August.
43. I'm afraid I believed his fake story completely! taken
I regret to say that I _____________________ his fake story.
44. This washing machine will give you years of service if you care for it properly.
Properly _____________________ will give you years of service.
45. Could you help me tackle a problem with my son? dealing
I'd be grateful for _____________________ a problem with my son.
46. The news that the President had quit came as a great surprise to everyone. aback
Everyone _____________________ President quitting.
47. Do you mind if I observe you while you draw that sketch? objection
Do you _____________________ observe you while you draw that sketch?
48. Janet has never passed any exams, as far as I'm aware. knowledge
To _____________________ no formal qualifications.
49. None of us was expecting to have a test this morning. blue
This morning's test _____________________ for every one of us.
50. The judges gave Joseph the impression that he would win the competition.
Joseph _____________________ he would win the competition.
51. Sharon really has no idea of the difficulty of finding a parking spot. how
Little does Sharon _____________________ to find a parking spot.
52. Ken said absolutely nothing because he was afraid of offending the women.fear
Ken remained absolutely silent _____________________ offence to the women.
53. Barbara's total dedication to her job has always been exemplary. herself
Barbara _____________________ in the most exemplary way.
54. He doesn't mind at all if Kim records his speech. objection
He has _____________________ his speech.
55. Nobody really expected Glen to do so well in his Biology exams. taken
Everyone _____________________ did so well in his Biology exams.
56. Nina has run away from home on other occasions. time
This is _____________________ run away from home.

57. I offered Fred the position but he refused it. turned

Fred was _____________________ it down.
58. They thought that the music was too loud. far
As _____________________ the music was too loud.
59. In spite of all my efforts, I didn't manage to persuade them to come to the concert.
No matter _____________________, I didn't manage to persuade them to come to the
60. The police were forced to release the suspect because new evidence was produced.
The police were forced to release the suspect _____________________ evidence
61. But for the sea being unusually warm, they never would have survived. would
If it hadn't been for the _____________________ been killed.
62. People know more about my novels than the plays I write. better
I'm _____________________ than as a playwright.
63. I've been informed that you've been late to the office every day this week. brought
It has _____________________ that you've been late to the office every day this week.
64. I apologise but I totally forgot about our dinner appointment. confess
I must _____________________ my mind.
65. They made him wait for two hours, then eventually let him in. kept
He was eventually allowed in after having _____________________ for two hours.
66. Dylan never pays much attention to what his father says. notice
Dylan doesn't ever _____________________ what his father tells him.
67. I wish Julie would learn to drive. high
It's _____________________ drive.
68. If only I had traveled more when I had the chance. taken
I wish _____________________ travel more.
69. Karen had just started her new teaching job when she got flu. came
Karen _____________________ just after starting her new teaching job.
70. It would have been a total catastrophe for her to be made responsible. put
If she _____________________, there would have been very serious consequences.
71. Kim doesn't intend to visit her uncle again. has
Kim _____________________ her uncle again.
72. The third candidate impressed the panel immediately. made
The third candidate _____________________ the panelists.
73. This part of the factory can only be entered by authorized staff. restricted
Access _____________________ in this part of the factory.
74. Kids and seniors are much more prone to infection than others. pick
Kids and seniors _____________________ easily than others.
75. It's highly unlikely that we'll promote Debbie this summer. chance
There's very little _____________________ being promoted this summer.
76. I'd prefer to be given the opportunity to work with other colleagues. allowed
I think it would be better _____________________ as a team.
77. Please read the user manual with care before you use this machine. making
Before _____________________ this machine, please read the user manual with care.
78. I'd never thought of asking the hotel manager for advice about tourist sites.
It had never _____________________ the hotel manager for advice about tourist sites.
79. The cost of software has gone up a great deal recently. sharp
There has been _____________________ of software recently.
80. It's very difficult for many people to express their feelings. words
Putting _____________________ is very difficult for many people.
81. Helga refuses to pay the dry cleaning bill. intention
Helga has _____________________ the dry cleaning bill.
82. Your brother must try to accept that he'll never be an author! terms
Your brother must _____________________ the fact that he'll never be an author.
83. No students must enter the examination room after 10 o'clock, whatever the reason.
Under _____________________ enter the examination room after 10 o'clock.
84. The accountant called a meeting to discuss the company's perilous finances.
The accountant's _____________________ to discuss the company's perilous finances.
85. It may seem strange, but a tomato is technically a fruit. as
Strange _____________________, a tomato is technically a fruit.
86. You'd be in a better position to tackle the exam if you had studied harder. prepared
If you'd studied harder, _____________________ for the exam.
87. I felt so relaxed at Tricia's apartment because her friends greeted me so warmly.
Tricia's friends _____________________ with the warmth of their greeting.
88. Grant completely ignored his elder brother's recommendation. notice
Grant _____________________ his elder brother's recommendation.
89. The author said that he'd invented the whole plot himself. thought
The scriptwriter said that he'd _____________________ any help.
90. Do you think Bob's grandmother was offended by what I said? exception
Do you think _____________________ my remarks?
91. Jen thinks it would be better to get on as quickly as possible. much
Jen would prefer us _____________________ progress as we can.
92. I wish to express my concern over the proposed lay offs. worried
I feel I must say _____________________ the proposed lay offs.
93. We were astonished by the announcement as we hadn't thought we would win an
award for the movie. expected
Not _____________________ for the film, we were completely astonished by the
94. Jones found it difficult to get used to the fact that he'd lost his job. terms
Jones found it hard _____________________ the fact that he'd lost his job.
95. Neil was upset that his wife didn't support him in the argument. back
Neil was upset his _____________________ in the argument.
96. The extra cost is annoying, but I'm sure William can solve our problems. come
The extra cost is annoying, but I'm sure William can _____________________ to our

97. Jenny didn't feel like meeting friends on Wednesday. mood

Jenny _____________________ meeting friends on Wednesday.
98. She'd prefer it if you kept it to yourself. rather
She'd _____________________ anyone.
99. When he had another look at the manuscript, I was really impressed by its quality.
On _____________________, he was really impressed by its quality.
100. He continued his talk, even though everyone looked bored. on
He _____________________ despite everyone looking bored.
101. Martin was very happy to be selected for the hockey team. delight
Much _____________________ selected for the hockey team.
102. My sister concluded that he should take the teaching job. came
My sister _____________________ she should take the teaching job.
103. Without the umbrella, we would have been soaked. it
Had _____________________ the umbrella, we would have been soaked.
104. She'd better give up all hope of promotion. thoughts
She should _____________________ promoted out of her mind.
105. What's the point of all this extra furniture? aid
What is _____________________ of?
106. Carla thinks it would be better if Tom discovered the answer for himself. found
Carla would prefer _____________________ answer for himself.
107. He left the house early, but arrived after he expected. off
Despite _____________________ late.
108. Unless this weather really changes overnight, we'll leave at 6am. no
Providing _____________________ the weather overnight, we'll leave at 6am.
109. The desert was completely devoid of trees. whatsoever
There _____________________ the desert.
110. Patrick wanted to guarantee that everything was as it should be on his wedding
day. leave
Patrick didn't _____________________ on his wedding day.
111. Susan didn't tell Dan about the bill until he'd finished his dinner. for
Susan _____________________ dinner before telling him about the bill.
112. Don't let his relaxed manner fool you. He's an extremely clever businessman.
Don't be _____________________ his relaxed manner. He's an extremely clever
113. "It's none of your business who I go out with!" Betsy informed her mother.
Betsy informed his mother that who his friends were _____________________ of hers.

1. The __COST OF ELECTRICITY IS GETTING__ higher and higher these days.

2. The government is under pressure due to __AN INCREASE IN UNEMPLOYMENT__ over
the last eighteen months.
3. The discovery of the minister's role in the financial scandal __LED TO HIS
RESIGNATION FROM__ the government.
4. I __WAS UNAWARE OF THE__ fact that you had gone out.
5. This has nothing to do with you so __KEEP OUT (OF IT)__.
6. I am really __BAFFLED THAT/WHY HE IS UNABLE__ to finish the project on time.
7. Mr. Edwards' constant lateness __CONTRIBUTED TO HIS SACKING/DISMISSAL__
from the company.
8. Going on safari isn't a decision you can make __ON THE SPUR OF THE__ moment.
You need to plan things very carefully.
9. She has __SET HER HEART/(MIND) ON__ getting that job.
10. If your role in the incident __EVER COMES TO LIGHT__, you'll go to prison.
11. I am not __NEARLY AS GOOD A__ tennis player as Harry is.
job candidates.
13. That child's __HEIGHT HAS DOUBLED__ in the last two years.
14. No __SOONER HAD I ARRIVED THAN__ a fight broke out in the pub
15.There __WAS VIRTUALLY NOBODY/NO-ONE__ who understood what the professor
said in the meeting.
16. There __WAS NO SIGN OF THE__ robbers when the police arrived.
17. Unless __YOU RUN OUT OF__ gas, don't call me.
18. Keep __AN EYE ON THE__ secretary this week to make sure she doesn't make any
big mistakes.
19. It __SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE__ that Kevin won that tournament.
20. It is __A FOREGONE CONCLUSION__ that the government will win the election.
21. It is __BY NO MEANS CERTAIN (THAT)__ you won't be needed again on a Sunday.
22. __UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES__ should you let anyone into the building without
proper identity.
23. __BUT FOR YOUR__ arrogance, you would have gotten your promotion a long time
24. Can I __TAKE IT AS READ (THAT)__ you are coming to the party Miriam?
25. I just don't think you __ARE CUT OUT TO BE__ a lawyer.
26. I have __NO IDEA WHATSOEVER WHETHER/IF__ he will be coming or not.
27. His failure was blamed on his inability __TO KEEP PACE WITH THE__ rest of the
28. The government __HAS COME IN FOR CRITICISM__ over its unemployment record.
29. He __WAS BOUND TO LEAVE__ the house after the divorce.
30. It's __NO WONDER THAT__ nobody came to the party.
31. __PLEASE KEEP TO__ yourself what I told you about Elizabeth.
32. Our boss __IS INTENT ON NOT GIVING__ the pay rise.
33. Had __YOU NOT LENT ME THE__ money, I wouldn't have been able to afford the
34. You are __UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO COME__ and see the new house if you don't
35. You __WERE SUPPOSED TO SEE THE__ boss when you arrived.
36. You __MIGHT HAVE TOLD ME__ she was married!
37. I need __NOT HAVE GONE__ into work but I did anyway.
38. The __TOP STUDENT WILL BE AWARDED__ a prize by the headmaster.
the robbery.
40. The new tax laws __DON'T TAKE EFFECT TILL OCTOBER__.
41. She still really hasn't got __OVER BEING MADE REDUNDANT__ in August.
42. I regret to say that I __WAS TAKEN IN BY__ his fake story.
43. Properly __LOOKED AFTER, THIS WASHING MACHINE__ will give you years of
44. I'd be grateful for __YOUR HELP IN DEALING WITH__ a problem with my son.
45. Everyone __WAS TAKEN ABACK BY THE__ President quitting.
46. Do you __HAVE ANY OBJECTION IF I__ observe you while you draw that sketch?
47. To __MY KNOWLEDGE, JANET HAS__ no formal qualifications.
49. This morning's test __CAME OUT OF THE BLUE__ for every one of us.
50. Joseph __WAS MADE TO BELIEVE__ he would win the competition.
51. Little does Sharon __REALIZE HOW HARD IT IS__ to find a parking spot.
52. Ken remained absolutely silent __FOR FEAR OF CAUSING__ offence to the women.
53. Barbara __DEDICATES HERSELF TO HER JOB__ in the most exemplary way.
54. He has __NO OBJECTION TO KIM RECORDING__ his speech.
55. Everyone __WAS TAKEN ABACK THAT GLEN__ did so well in his Biology exams.
56. This is __NOT THE FIRST TIME NINA'S__ run away from home.
57. Fred was __OFFERED THE POSITION BUT TURNED__ it down.
58. As __FAR AS THEY WERE CONCERNED,__ the music was too loud.
59. No matter __HOW HARD I TRIED__, I didn't manage to persuade them to come to
the concert.
60.The police were forced to release the suspect __IN THE LIGHT OF NEW__ evidence
61. If it hadn't been for the __SEA'S TEMPERATURE, THEY WOULD HAVE__ been killed.
62. I'm __BETTER KNOWN AS A NOVELIST__ than as a playwright.
63. It has __BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION__ that you've been late to the office
every day this week.
65. He was eventually allowed in after having __BEEN KEPT WAITING__ for two hours.
66. Dylan doesn't ever __TAKE MUCH NOTICE OF__ what his father tells him.
67. It's __HIGH TIME JULIE LEARNT TO__ drive.
68. I wish __I'D TAKEN THE CHANCE TO__ travel more.
69. Karen __CAME DOWN WITH FLU__ just after starting her new teaching job.
70. If she __HAD BEEN PUT IN CHARGE__, there would have been very serious
71. Kim __HAS NO INTENTION OF VISITING__ her uncle again.
72. The third candidate __MADE AN IMMEDIATE IMPRESSION ON__ the panelists.
73. Access __IS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED STAFF__ in this part of the factory.
74. Kids and seniors __PICK UP INFECTIONS MORE__ easily than others.
75. There's very little __CHANCE OF DEBBIE__ being promoted this summer.
76. I think it would be better __TO BE ALLOWED TO WORK__ as a team.
77. Before __MAKING USE OF__ this machine, please read the user manual with care.
78. It had never __OCCURRED TO ME TO ASK__ the hotel manager for advice about
tourist sites.
79. There has been __SHARP INCREASE IN THE PRICE__ of software recently.
80. Putting __FEELINGS INTO WORDS__ is very difficult for many people.
81. Helga has __NO INTENTION OF PAYING__ the dry cleaning bill.
82. Your brother must __COME TO TERMS WITH__ the fact that he'll never be an
83. Under __NO CIRCUMSTANCES MUST STUDENTS__ enter the examination room after
10 o'clock.
84. The accountant's __PURPOSE FOR THE MEETING WAS__ to discuss the company's
perilous finances.
85. Strange __AS IT SEEMS/SOUNDS/MAY BE/MAY SOUND/MAY SEEM__, a tomato is
technically a fruit.
86. If you'd studied harder, __YOU'D BE BETTER PREPARED__ for the exam.
87. Tricia's friends __PUT ME AT (MY ) EASE__ with the warmth of their greeting.
88. Grant __TOOK NO NOTICE OF__ his elder brother's recommendation.
89. The scriptwriter said that he'd __THOUGHT UP THE PLOT WITHOUT__ any help.
90. Do you think __BOB'S GRANDMOTHER TOOK EXCEPTION TO__ my remarks?
91. Jen would prefer us __TO MAKE AS MUCH__ progress as we can.
92. I feel I must say __HOW WORRIED I AM BY__ the proposed lay offs.
93. Not __HAVING EXPECTED AN AWARD__ for the film, we were completely astonished
by the announcement.
94. Jones found it hard __TO COME TO TERMS WITH__ the fact that he'd lost his job.
95. Neil was upset his __WIFE DIDN'T BACK HIM UP__ in the argument.
96. The extra cost is annoying, but I'm sure William can __COME UP WITH A
SOLUTION__ to our problems.
97. Jenny __WASN'T IN THE MOOD FOR__ meeting friends on Wednesday.
98. She'd __RATHER YOU DIDN'T TELL__ anyone.
99. On __LOOKING/READING THROUGH THE MANUSCRIPT__, he was really impressed
by its quality.
100. He __KEPT ON TALKING/TALKED ON__ despite everyone looking bored.
101. Much __TO MARTIN'S DELIGHT, HE WAS__ selected for the hockey team.
102. My sister __CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT__ she should take the teaching job.
103. Had __IT NOT BEEN FOR__ the umbrella, we would have been soaked.
104. She should __PUT ALL THOUGHTS OF BEING__ promoted out of her mind.
105. What is __ALL THIS FURNITURE IN AID__ of?
106. Carla would prefer __IF TOM FOUND OUT THE__ answer for himself.
107. Despite __SETTING OFF EARLY, HE ARRIVED__ late.
108. Providing __THERE'S NO CHANGE IN__ the weather overnight, we'll leave at 6am.
109. There __WERE NO TREES WHATSOEVER IN__ the desert.
110. Patrick didn't __LEAVE ANYTHING TO CHANCE__ on his wedding day.
111. Susan __WAITED FOR DAN TO FINISH__ dinner before telling him about the bill.
112. Don't be __TAKEN IN BY__ his relaxed manner. He's an extremely clever
113. Betsy informed his mother that who his friends were __WAS OF NO CONCERN__ of

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