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1. Mention the characteristics features of the cloud.
2. Why do we need a hybrid cloud?
3. Write a short note on community cloud.
4. List the requirements of VMM
5. Give the role of VM
6. “Although virtualization is widely accepted today, it does have limits”. Comment on the
7. Summarize the difference between PaaS and SaaS
8. Define the term virtual cluster.
9. Distinguish between physical and virtual clusters.
10. How does performance enhances by virtualizing the data center?
1. With architecture, elaborate the various deployment models and reference models of
cloud computing.
2. What are the pros and cons for public, private and hybrid cloud. (7)
3. Give the importance of cloud computing and elaborate the different types of services
offered by it.
4. Describe service and deployment models of a cloud computing environment with
illustration. How do they fit in NIST cloud architecture?
5. What is virtualization? Describe para and full virtualization architectures. Compare and
contrast them.
6. Discuss how virtualization is implemented in different layers.
7. “Virtualization is the wave of the future”. Justify. Explicate the process of CPU, memory
and I/O device virtualization in data center.
8. L Explain virtualization of I/O devices with an example (6)
9. What do you mean by data centre automation using virtualization?

1. Brief out the main components of Globus toolkit?
2. Write the significant use of GRAM.
3. Name any four services offered in GT4
4. What are the advantages of using Hadoop?
5. HDFS is fault tolerance. Is it true? Justify your answer.
6. What is the purpose of heartbeat in Hadoop?
7. What is distributed file system?
8. Name the different modules in Hadoop framework.
9. How does divide-and-conquer strategy relates to MapReduce paradigm?
10. How MapReduce framework executes user jobs?

1. List the characteristics of Globus toolkit. With a neat sketch describe the architecture of
Globus GT4 and the services offered.
2. Explain the main components and programming model of Globus Toolkit.
3. Describe a framework for building a web service with Globus Toolkit
4. Give a detailed note on Hadoop framework
5. Elaborate HDFS concepts with suitable illustrations
6. Illustrate dataflow in HDFS during file read/write operation with suitable diagrams
7. Discuss mapreduce with suitable examples.
8. Explain the Hadoop distributed file system with architecture
9. With an illustration, emphasize the significance of MapReduce paradigm in Hadoop
framework. List out the assumptions and goals set in HDFS architecture for processing
the data based on divide-and-conquer strategy.

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