Susunan Dalam Bidang IT Di Klinik PDF

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Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited

Company Reg. No. : 201626368G Incorporated in Singapore

GST Reg. No. : M90371710Y
8 Shenton Way, #45-01 AXA Tower, Singapore 068811

Tax Invoice
Customer Name : EDC GROUP Invoice No. : SIGR1-2001000014835
Jl. Raya Veteran No. 435, Miagan
Customer Address : Mojoagung, Miagan Invoice Date : 2020-01-06 11:07:02
Jombang,East Java,61482
Email Address : Invoice Cycle : 202001

Description Amount (USD)

OrderID 500925454680762

Elastic Compute Service(GST @0.00%)

Subscription Charges for the period from 2020/01/16 to 2020/02/15

Total 6.67

GST 0.00

Amount Due 6.67

E. & O. E.

For Singapore GST purpose only

Exchange Rate 1.368000

Total before GST (in SGD) 9.12

GST (in SGD) 0.00

Total amount including GST (in SGD) 9.12


1. Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited reserves all rights to determine and conclude
all items and amounts set out in this invoice and all services and products defined herein.
2. All enquires shall be directed to our authorized agent:
3. This is a computer-generated document and no signature is required.

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