PGDBA 2019-Question-Paper-with-Answer-Key PDF

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w w SY % x ' & ; aS > ; we os" x i < BEDBA-2019 s ‘Duration: TI Tse Hour . Maximum Marks: 150 Read the following ins, a tions carefully. |. Do not o; invigilator ""° 821 of tye Question Booklet until you are asked to do so by the 2. On the Ong bubble under cork ’t Using ONLY a blue/black ball point pen, darken the appropriate ame and put your “8 Of your registration number. Write your registration number, your 3. This Quest “Signature atthe specified location using a blue/black ball point pen. . es fer you ae oot contains a total of 28 pages including blank pages for rough work. if'any, to the invigilatgs © pen the seal, please check all pages and report discrepancies, “ rane eChoice On 50 questions carrying 150 marks. Each of these questions is a Cea a ion (MCQ). Every question has only one correct answer. (marked AB Ce as**ted on the OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble bee Perea G: D) using ONLY a blue/black ball point pen against the question bubble dare cath Question, darken the bubble of th€ correct answer. More than one ubble dat question will be treated as@Wvrong answer. 5. Each cot to a question will result i (3) marks, unattempted questi mae zero (0) mark and wrong answef0 a question will result in minus one=1) > ma 6. tions Q.1 - Q.15 belong to Vert Rbilty section, Questions Q.16 -620 belong Logical Reasoning section, Que&ions Q.21 - Q.25 belong to D: iterpretation * hand Data Visualization sectio Questions Q.26 — Q.50 belor Quantitative Aptitude section. x 7, Mobile phones, calculators, books, charts, graph sheets, tables or any other communication and/or computing devices are NOT allowed in the examination hall, 8. Rough work should be done on the question booklet itself. Blank pages are also provided at the end the question booklet for rough work. No extra sheets will be provided for rough work. 9. Before the start of the examination, write your name and registration number in the space provided below using a black/black ink ballpoint pen. 10. You are not allowed to leave the examination hall before 1:30 PM. v w Uy PGDBA | 20. xO as <@1- Q.15: VERBAL ABIL x x Y s s Q1. Eachof the follow, . : has been hightighye® "ur sentences has two words within brackets, The word which one of the sentens #8 been used as the most appropriate word forthe sentence. In indicate that optiog {% Wrong word has been highlighted, Identify that sentence and as nur answer. (A) Itisanight a ehimate driving in this city during (peak, peck) traffic hours. (B) Youneed to i (ensure, insure) your belongings against theft and fire, (C) He distribut. ( uted the document so as to (illicit, elicit) everyone’s opinion. o g 9 SX. w : Ve Q2. ae the following four sentences has 60 words within brackets, The wath ks been highlighted has been used gethé most appropriate word forthe septic. In Ovne of the sentences, the Wrong wi < as been highlighted. Identify that. sentence and gS indicate that option as your oe wy vs She was (complemented, complimented) for her excellent presentation. Under his strict but (beneficent, beneficial) rule, the empire enjoyed a period of (B) 8) peace, L © Due to his poor (oversight, oversite) during construction, the building had many flaws. re (A) oe (i), Gi), Gv), Gi) Arrange the sentences the given options (A, Gy) | order t form a coherepParagraph. From 1D) choose the most aPPropriate opfion. ctor in rural areas have resulted in a But state efforts to build up the data s¢ plethora of under-used sites. already running at capacity. main cities are At the same time, data centres in ty by 20 and 25 per cent, In Beijing and Shanghai, demand outstrips supp respectively, according to the ministry: in north-eastern China than required, There are twice as many data centres Ministry of Industry and Information according to figures from China’s Technology. Tech groups have been given incentives by Chinese regulators to set up their onshore data storage in poorer, more remote areas, with inducements such as free land and cheap power. ®) Gi), @, @), GY) Mid, ©, Gv), Gi) S ¢ ww ‘Arrange the sentences in the mi wa order to form a coherent veoh From the given options (A, B, C, Ri joose the most appropriate sequen @ — Foralmost a Sears, while its core chumed andpkoduced a protective magnetic field>Mars may have been among the frididlier places for life as we know it to set up and flourish. (ii) But that is what the $2.4-billion 2020 rover will attempt to do. (iii) ‘Though Mars is a parched, toxic desert today, the planet was once much warmer and covered in liquid seas. (iv) The trouble is, finding evidence for past life on an alien world, especially if that extinct life is microscopic, is not exactly easy. @, Gi), (iii), (Gv) (B) (iv), Gi), @, Git) By «4 WwW w~ Ws Ss ss PGDBA | 2019. a ws x ee Arrange the sentences, aWorica! order to form a coherent paragdph, From Biven options ca A ie Ee the most appropriate option. Pant o “&P) the rapig glowing reflected specific problems in the German car jo industry, yy a ation have h: » 1 emissions regulation have had a one-off impact on Prodtctign Changes in em" me Gi) Buteven Without tna, growth would barely have been positive, (iii) Last week it Was revealed that Germany, one of the few reliable engines of SurOzZONe growth since the global financial crisis, had seen a 0.2 per cent fall in GDP in the thirg quarter. Gy) Moreover, indicators of business sentiment show that underlying growth ‘Momentum has slowed across the eurozone. @) @. Gi, Gv), Gi) B W,0.6,09 © O,6», Gid, @ ©) ), i) < e g Se ‘ a e $ S N or & a Instryétions for Questions 6 to 10, R She passage below and chooseihe most appropriate answer for the questions that follow. Ay “ One ad pictured a woman holding an hourglass next to the words: “Beauty has no age limit. Fertility does.” Another portrayed a pair of baby shoes wrapped in a ribbon of the Italian flag. Yet another showed a man holding a half-burned cigarette: “Don’t let your sperm go up in smoke,” it read. They were part of a government effort to promote “Fertility Day” on Sept. 22, a campaign intended to encourage Italians to have more babies. Instead, the ads set off a furore, were denounced as being offensive, and within days were withdrawn, What they did succeed in doing, however, was to ignite a deeper and lasting debate about why itis that Italy has one of the lowest birthrates in the world, and what can be done about it. The problem is not a lack of desire to have children, critics of the campaign say, but rather the lack of meaningful support provided by the government and many employers in a country ‘where the family remains the primary S0U"Ce of child care. Many working women, without ati extended family to cage for a child, face @ dilemma, as rive child care is expensive, Some & ww ww Ko 2 RS 2019 - S ermined bY missing workdays because of child xs for Working mothers. x also worry that their job security may be unde if care issues. Many companies do not offer flexible [Not surprisingly, Haly’s long slowdown in childbirth has coincided with its recent economic slump. Bat alan families have been shrinking for oon 2015, 488,000 babies were bom in Italy, the fewest since the country first unified in be - Ithas one of the lowest birthrates in Europe, with 1.37 children per woman, compared with a European average of 16, according to Eurostat figures. By contrast, in France, the economy has been flat, too, but a family-oriented system provides a far more generous social safety net that includes day care and subsidies for families to have children, There, women have two children each on average. The Ministry of Health began the fertility campaign on Aug. 31 with a group of online advertisements and a hashtag on Twitter. The goal was to publicize a series of public meetings on Fertility Day and encourage Italians to have more children, Even Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, whose own health minister started the campaign, distanced himself from the ads in a radio interviews Under Mr. Renzi, Italy’s government has ried to help families with aso-called, baby bonus P80 to 160 euros, or about $90 to $1 low- and middle-income house and itis approved labor laws giving more fewblity on parental leave, But Italy alsates only} Percent of its gross domestic produet i Nocial protection benefits — half the’Bttopean Fage. One child out of three here is of relative poverty. SO a oo ts health minister, ree responding on Facebook, wrote shat the Fertility Day w campaign was not a “call to@ptoduction” but a day to discuss “ag iy issues that 15 percent of Italians deal with,” She promptly cancelled the campaign. “I am saddened that the launch of the advertising campaign misled many people,” Ms. Lorenzin said. “I withdrew it to change it.” Q6. Which one of the following sentences is inaccurate based on all the facts detailed in the passage? (A) Assizable proportion of Italian children are facing poor economic conditions. On average, a group of twenty-seven women give birth to thirty-seven children in Italy as opposed to fifty-four children in France. (D) Prime Minister Renzi has taken several steps in the right direction to address the core problem discussed here. 019 —— of child ‘onomic ere born nrates in cording oriented idies for f online meetings r Matteo ads in a so-called uscholds, allocates European ility Day s that 15 1 that the Irew it to $ Ss “a ® Accord E10 the passage, what she Key feason for Italy's low fetlity ate? Couples are choos extremely competinn®, © Femain childless 5° that they focus on their career in an "Ve environment. A reduction in ove e country since the i recession, all wage rate across th ry recent economic ae 3) Qs. | | @) Vo © _MMittrence ao & Solidarity AY iled in ren in 2 core of 24 Qo. | pileenBieemece? | High prevalence of smoking among men and women in the country. Which of the following words best captures Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s reaction to the fertility campaign? Beliezence Based on the passage, which of the following measures will not have a meaningful impact on Italy's fertility rate even if the government worked hard to implement them? Making it mandatory for all private companies to allow flexible working hours for pregnant women and new moms. Investing in a robust public child care system, Persuading low income families 0 have children by providing them financial incentives w Q10. The passage mentions that the idea of Rigel Day” was “denounced as being offensive.” According to the campaign, WHA exactly did the alians find “offensive”? (A) The message being conveyed was not appropriate for young children who also saw these advertisements. (B) The campaign offended the religious sensibilities of many Italian (D) The advertisements offended men as it linked smoking with low fertility rates. Instructions for Questions 11 to 15. Read the passage below and choose the most appropriate answer for the questions that follow. The ‘trolley problem’ used to be an obscure question in philosophical ethics. t runs as follows: a trolley, regen is speeding down a track toward a junction, Some moustache-twirlingS evildoer héSitied five people to the track ahead, ang-another person to the branch line. Y Standing flext to a lever that controls the junctiéie Do nothing, and the five people willb@eilled. Pulhtite lever, and only one person dies. What is the ethical course of action? oO Oo Se Ste excitement around self-driving’6ats, though, has made the problem famous. A truly self- * WeSides is Oo 2 3 ve oo @ ©) 16 x ( . L 2 Assuming that Podeippin Le |a2f32vs2 Ne is a real number, its value is Ye, ® 16 JE 2 a © 28 Q.36. The total number of onto functions from (1, 2» 10} to (4, 2,...,9} is oentscasesn —@) xa O91) a0" v ¥ 4 Ss Ss oO x Q3Q,2All words formed by permutation sword ‘WARE? are arranged in a lisugetdng to jh ~~" the dictionary ordering. The po: ‘the word ‘WEAR’ in this list is at, er thi & . Qw 20 ae © 2 we 23 RY ; ws we wf RY w x x > Q38. The number of integers between 300 and 1100 which are divisible by either 7 or 13 but not ' both is - @ 19 oe © 1 ) 176 Ss L 2 Q39. The diameter of the circumcirele ofthe triangle formed by the line 24x +7y =168 and the “ coordinate axes is ) 6 (A) 15v2 (B) 24 ©) 12v3 2 % q Arar)ryr rd gromy, (74 A Gea tole \yu LP boot O50 cf ENG ww “Pos rors S uf Pro pot WS SOr YY PGDBA | 2019 ] fferentiable everywhere except e o Q40\Det STO B bean even nti rollowing statements is TRUE ? S10 distinct 0 & Points. Then which s (A) £0) does not exist @ FfO@>0 pp ror w f£o g'(2) for y=) and y=g(2) inthe ay- plane (A) intersect exactly once (B) _ intersect at most once ~ A cannot intersect (D) could intersect more than once cs 943, The value ofthe inte | ES } s Q44. The area enclosed between the parabolas y* =16(I+x) and y* =16(1—-) is a & @ I Pd oO. 3 3 3 s ¢ oe oe A s s Ss Oo Oo S Y <0 oF ee Q45. Let [x] denote the rage less than or equal to x. & fe of the integral ie A [ 1 ede is a wy “a o ® Wer Go Bae © ¢-e Q46. A function f(x) = ax? + bx +c, where a,b,c € R, satisfies the property f(x) < x forall x € R. Then which of the following statements must always be TRUE ? Koss Cha wh c=o © o>1 gy fu So xe ai Lr Pageae'ot 24 Wo” 3 S ° Ss oN ee ss NY eee CNN & eC s & we Bat. The k = : Oe foot of the ladder Rs inf following figure is slipping away ina RO. R Oo Ss Then the point P (a fixed point on the ladder) lies on (A) a straight line y a Oe 48. Giventhat << & x bet < ¢ get — bee J Lo + tim“ =1. ~ eS a ee the value of ab is & > an) 1 1 oe ® = 7 «( = & 6 s w 4 eS . wy x41). xt] gas, 1f| 77 |> 25 then (A) -1szxs1 | eal © xl @) x<-1 a he Q50. How many 6 x 7 matrices are there with entries in {0, 1} such that all the row totals and column totals are odd numbers?

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