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Grinding Technology Course

Mass and Heat Balances

Mass and Heat Balances



1.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 MASS BALANCE ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 The General System ................................................................................................ 4
1.2.2 Total Mass Balance ................................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Partial Balances ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3 GAS BALANCES ........................................................................................................ 9
1.3.1 General Theory....................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Measurement and Calculation of Gas Flows ....................................................... 10
1.3.3 Determination of Gas Flows ................................................................................ 16
1.3.4 False Air Calculation ........................................................................................... 27
1.4 HEAT BALANCE ..................................................................................................... 33
1.4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 33
1.4.2 Heat Balance for the Mill System ......................................................................... 33
1.5 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................... 34
1.6 APPENDIX I .............................................................................................................. 35
1.7 APPENDIX II ............................................................................................................ 37
1.8 APPENDIX III........................................................................................................... 39
1.9 APPENDIX IV ........................................................................................................... 42

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Mass and Heat Balances


The mill installation is supplied with materials, gas flow and heat energy. The mass, gas and
heat balances for the mill system should be in equilibrium.

There are various reasons for which it is of interest to know the mass and heat balance. These

A. Planning of the production

B. Control of the material quality
C. Control of the process
D. Development of heat balances
E. Optimisation of energy consumption
F. Process optimisation

In this module the significance of mass and heat balance and relevant factors identified for
calculating mass and heat balances will be described. The subjects will be covered in the
following order:

 Mass Balance
 Gas Balance
 Heat Balance

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Mass and Heat Balances


The major part of planning the production, control of the quality and control of the process is
based on mass balances. The mass balances can be calculated as total balances or partial
balances. All of them can be divided in non-equilibrated and equilibrated balances (See
Figure1). This section will deal with the following aspects of mass balance:

 The general system

 Total mass balance
 Partial balances

1.2.1 The General System

The general system of the mass flow is shown on Figure 2. The total quantity of material A(t)
in the system, which has CjA(t) concentration of component "j", is a sum of the different
material flows In(t), which have different concentration of common component "j". The output
of the system consist of different flows Ok(t), which have different concentration of component

Figure 1 Non-equilibrated and Equilibrated Balances.

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Mass and Heat Balances

Figure 2 The General System of the Mass Flow.

1.2.2 Total Mass Balance

The total mass balance is described as:


and the general equation is:

dA t 
 I t   Q
n 1
k 1
k 
There are two principal cases of the above mentioned equation:

 Non-equilibrated (time-dependent) system.

 Equilibrated or stabilised system (independent of time).

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The first one is very complicated, and is normally limited to considerations on large time
horizons, f. ex. daily, weekly, and monthly balance of the production, contents of stocks, etc.
The second case is less complex, and the equation is reduced to:


 I t   Q
n 1
k 1

This mass balance can represent output from mills, kilns, crushers etc. at a stabilised
production. Figure3 shows the raw mill system, where the mill is fed with lime-stone, marl and
sand, and supplied with drying air. Mill output consists of raw mix and humid air. A typical
example is shown on the "Raw Mill Production Summary" (see Figure 4).

Quantity [tons]
Dry limestone 874,2
Dry marl 134,5
Dry sand 51,0
Raw meal production 1.059,7

Figure 3 Raw Mill

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Figure 4 Raw Mill Production Summary.

Partial Balances

The partial balances are divided into two types:

 Component balances
 Molecular balances

The component balances are described as:

t    O k t C kO, j t  dA t 

 I n t C I
n, j
n 1 k 1 dt
The component balances can also be divided in non-equilibrated and equilibrated systems. The
non-equilibrated component balance requires a large amount of information f. ex. process
control on filling of pre-homogenising stores, where a fixed quality is required. In cases where
the flows and concentrations do not vary in relation to time (equilibrated component balances),
the general equation is reduced to:

 I t C t    O t C t 
n n, j k k, j
n 1 k 1

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This equation is used for programming and proportioning purposes (assuming that the quality
of the raw materials is known) such as raw material proportioning, proportioning of stockpiles,
programming of quarry work and control of the dosage of gypsum to the cement mill.

The last one is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Dosage of Gypsum to a Cement Mill.

There are no chemical reactions; therefore, this is a component balance, whereby the general
rule is valid:


In this case there is no accumulation, and the result is:


Component balance for SO3:


 I t C
n 1
n , SO 3
t  
0 ,5 46 ,1
86 h 
 6 th 6 0  2 0 
t t t
h h
100 100
0 , 43  2 , 77  0  0  3, 20

 O k t C k , SO 3 t   100
3, 20
h  3, 20

k 1 100
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Mass and Heat Balances

The molecular balances are very difficult to handle, taking into consideration that chemical
reactions take place in the system. The same is the case for non equilibrated molecular
balances, where no chemical changes occur.


This section will cover the following points:

 General Theory.
 Measurement and calculation of gas flow.
 Determination of gas flow.
 False Air Calculation.

1.3.1 General Theory

The major part of the process which takes place during the burning of cement clinker involve
gases, for example:

a) Drying of raw materials and coal

In general, the drying processes are affected by heat exchange between hot
gases and moist solid materials. The heat transferred to the solid phase
evaporates the moisture which subsequently is transferred as water vapour to
the gas stream.

b) Heating
In the cement industry, heating takes place by combustion during which hot
gases are formed and heat content exchanged with a solid phase.

c) Cooling
In the cement industry, two main types of cooling takes place; one is cooling by
gases and the other is cooling by evaporation of water.

d) Transport
In various types of equipment, air or gases are used to transport powdery
materials e.g. air slides, screw pumps, Flux pumps, air lifts etc.

As it was mentioned in section 3.1, there are various reasons for which it is of interest to know
the gas flows which circulate between the different systems. The gas balances are formed on
the basis of total balance in the system. During the process, it is possible that certain
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Mass and Heat Balances

compounds change phases in such a manner that part of the solid material in the system leaves
in the form of gases. The reasons for that are chemical reactions such as decarbonisation or
physical-chemical reactions such as evaporation. Sometimes it is possible to separate the
balance of water/vapour from the gas balance. In this way three balances are developed on basis
of the total balance:

A. Balance of dry solids

B. Balance of moisture/water/vapour
C. Balance of dry gases

Based on the three balances, one balance of solids may be calculated. This balance comprises
the balance of dry solids and the part of the moisture balance for the water or moisture which
has not evaporated. In the same manner it is possible to calculate the total gas balance, i.e. the
balance of dry gases plus the part of the moisture balance that comprises the vapour, i.e. the
water evaporated during the process.

The total gas balance in the system contains several unknown variables. These variables must
be determined on the basis of specific measurements. In order to determine the total balance,
the following specific measurements are performed:

A. Determination of the gas composition by:

 Gas analyzer.
 Determination of the dew point temperature.

B. Determination of gas quantities by:

 Pitot tube measurements.

 Fan performance curves.
 Measurement of pressure losses.

The most appropriate measurements depend on the particular situation and should be decided in
each actual case.

1.3.2 Measurement and Calculation of Gas Flows

In cement factories, there is a great need to find out the different air and gas flows through
mills, kilns, coolers and filters.

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Mass and Heat Balances

To determine these flows several measurements and calculations exist, and they will be
presented as follows:

 Calculation of specific gravity of a gas.

 Humidity and dew point. Calculation of Specific Gravity of a Gas

The specific gravity of a gas depends on:

 Chemical composition
 Physical conditions.

As a point of reference for the physical conditions used: 0oC and an atmospheric pressure of
10333 mm WG (pressure at sea level). The specific gravity, ρot, of a dry gas under these
conditions, is calculated on the basis of the volumetric percentages of its content of CO 2, O2,
CO and N2:

 ot  0,01  1,965  CO2  1,429  O2  1,250  CO  1,251 N 2  kg


If no gas analyses exist, the values from the following table can be used.

Specific gravity and heat

Specific gravity Specific heat
kg/Nm * kg/m3 kg/m3 cal/g/oC **
ρot (90oC) (100oC)
Atmospheric air 1,293 0,97 0,95 0,24
Kiln gases 1,40 1,05 1,02 0,25
Aux. furnace gases 1,30 0,98 0,95 0,26
Water vapour 0,80 0,60 0,59 0,45
Raw materials 0,22
Clinker 0,19
*) Dry air at 10333 mm WG (760 mm Hg) and 0 C
**) Valid for air and gases 0-200oC and materials and Clinker 0-400oC.

If the physical conditions are different from the reference conditions (10333 mm WG, 0oC), the
following formula is used to find the specific gravity of the actual condition.

273 b  p
 t   ot  
273 t 10333
 

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where t is the actual temperature, measured in oC, p is the relative pressure (in duct), b is the
barometric pressure which depends on the altitude h, in m, above sea level, and which is
calculated as:

b  10333  e  0 , 0001255 h mmWG 

The formula is shown graphically in Figure 6.

Altitude and Barometric Pressure (b)


Barometric pressure b ( mmWG)




0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Altitude h (meter)

Figure 6 Altitude and Barometric Pressure.

In this way, it is possible to calculate the specific gravity of any dry gas, on condition that its
chemical composition, temperature and barometric pressure are known. Humidity and Dew Point

The dew point is an important value because a decrease in the gas temperature to a value
below dew point will cause condensation of the water vapour and may result in problems
during operation.

The dry bulb temperature refers to the intensity of the heat content of substance as measured
with a common thermometer in degrees.

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The wet bulb temperature is a method for determining the amount of moisture in air or gases.
This is accomplished by using a standard, common thermometer with a wick or a sock on the
sensing element (bulb). With the wick wet with clean water the thermometer is inserted into the
gas stream or whirled through the air to create air movement over the bulb and wick. The
resulting cooling effect from the evaporation process lowers the thermometer reading. The
temperature will drop corresponding to the rate of evaporation, which will be determined by the
amount of moisture in the air or gas stream. The more moisture there is present in the air, the
slower will the rate of evaporation be, thus resulting in higher wet bulb reading.

The dew point temperature is defined as the temperature at which air is 100% saturated with
moisture and the moisture begins to condense out of the air. When air or gas steam is cooled it
becomes denser and, therefore, can hold less moisture. When the air is cooled to the
temperature at which it cannot hold any more moisture, it is 100% saturated, and this represents
the dew point temperature. The relation is shown graphically in Figure 7 (Dew Point
It should be pointed out that in lowering the temperature of the air until the dew point is
reached, the moisture content of the air does not change. However, each change in the
temperature changes the percentage of humidity in the air, since the ratio of moisture in the air
to the amount of moisture the air can hold changes with the temperature.

Figure 7 Dew Point Temperature.

Humidity is a term used to describe the presence of moisture in the air. The amount of
moisture that the air will hold depends upon its temperature. The warm air will hold more
moisture than the cold air.

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Relative humidity refers to the amount of moisture in a given volume of air compared to the
amount of moisture the air would hold if completely saturated at the temperature at which the
comparison is being made. The relative humidity is expressed in percentage.

Absolute humidity is the ratio between the amount of water and gases expressed as kg H2O
per kg gas. If the units are moles, then the ratio expresses the absolute molar humidity. In most
cases the molar ratio is more convenient to use, due to the fact that it is easy to make
conversions between molar and volume ratios on basis of the ideal gas laws.

Determination of the absolute humidity may be done graphically by using Figure 8 (Water
Vapour in Air and Gases). The graph shows the ratio between water and dry gas amount wo and
the ratio between the water and wet gas amount y = wo/(1+ wo).

Absolute Humidity versus Dew Point Temperature

1,0 1,0
kg water/kg dry gas wo

kg water/kg wet gas y=wo/(1+wo)

0,9 0,9

0,8 0,8

y (kg water/kg wet gas)

0,7 0,7
wo (kg water/kg drygasr)

0,6 0,6

0,5 0,5

0,4 0,4

0,3 0,3

0,2 0,2

0,1 0,1

0,0 0,0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dew point temperature (degC)

Figure 8. Water Vapour in Air and Gases

The determination of gas humidity can be made in the following way:

a) Measure the temperature of the dry and the wet thermometers on the chosen gas and
water vapour mixture.
b) Look up the figure "Dew Point Temperature". The dew point is then found at the co-
ordinates given by the wet and dry thermometer temperatures, respectively. The
value of the dew point temperature is determined by interpolation between the curves
ranging from 0 to 80oC.
c) When the dew point has been determined as described in points a) and b) proceed to
Figure 8. Water Vapour in Air and Gases. Select the dew point temperature on the
abscissa and follow the corresponding vertical line to the interpolated curve for %

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CO2 (as determined by Orsat analysis). Then follow a horizontal line from the
intercept to the ordinate axis, where the absolute humidity in kg vapour per kg dry gas
can be read.
If it is required to determine the molar humidity, then the above value should be
converted to a volume ratio at the required conditions by using the corresponding
water and gas densities.

d) Knowing the absolute humidity of the gas wo, it is possible to calculate the specific
gravity of the moist gas, - i.e. dry gas + water vapour, according to the following

1  wo
o 
1 w
Nm 3
moist gasses 
 o
 ot 0,8
Examples of calculating gas humidity are available in Appendix I of this module. Evaporation of water

Evaporation of water (transformation from liquid into steam) can happen not only when the
water is boiled at 100 °C. The evaporation heat for the water heated up to 100 °C is 539
kcal/kg, Since the heat, used for heating the water to 100 °C, is 100 kcal ( specific heat 1
kcal/kg), the total heat consumption will be 639 kcal/kg. Knowing the specific heat for the
steam between 0 °C and 100 °C, it is possible to calculate the evaporation heat at the
temperature lower than 100 °C (see figure 9). If we assume that the average specific heat of the
steam is 0.44 kcal/kg, the evaporation heat at 0 °C will be:

H e0  H e100  100  0,44 *100  595kcal / kg

The total heat for evaporation of the water at 80 °C can be fide as:

He80  H e0  0,44 * 80  630,2 kcal / kg

Attention: The values of the specific heat and heat of evaporation can vary, depending of the
used basis sources.

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Evaporation of water

595 639

Heat content (kcal/kg)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature (degC)

Evaporation at 0 degC Evaporation at 100 degC Evaporation at 80 degC

Figure 9 Evaporation of water

1.3.3 Determination of Gas Flows

Various methods can be used to determine a gas flow, such as:

A) Measurements with Pitot tube

B) Fan characteristics
C) Heat balances.

In this lesson, the methods A and B are treated, while C is treated separately. Measurement with Pitot Tube

The measuring point is very important for the reliability of the measurement when D is the
diameter of a duct. There should not be curves, dampers or other obstructions in a distance of
minimum 5 x D before and 2 x D after the measuring point. If possible, a point with small dust
load and maximum distance to cyclones, separator and fans should be chosen.

The total pressure, p, is the sum of the dynamic pressure, pd, and the static pressure, ps.

p = pd + ps

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With the Pitot tube all three types of pressure can be measured by connecting simple
manometers to the Pitot tube in the following way:

p: manometer connected to +
ps: manometer connected to -
pd : manometer connected to + and -

To eliminate the effects of a non-laminar airflow, it is necessary to take measurements in the

whole cross section of the duct to get a reliable average value. In practice, a set of
measurements are made according to the duct diameter, as shown on page 19.

The dynamic pressure is calculated as an average of the p d of each point of measurement:

p dm 
 pd
Knowing the dynamic pressure it is possible to calculate the air velocity in the duct, v, as:

v  4,43 
f * p dm
m sec 

where f is dynamic pressure correction and ρ is the specific gravity of the gas.
f = 1 for normal Pitot tube, f = 0,7 for S-type (normally marked on the tube) – see figures 10a
and 10b)
Knowing the air velocity the air or gas flow in the duct can be calculated as:

Q1  3600   D 2  v   t kg 
4  hour 
If it is necessary to find the flow in m 3 or Nm3 the following relations can be used:

Q  Q1   t
 m3
hour 
Q 0  Q1   o
 Nm 3
hour 

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Example of Air Flow Determination with Pitot Tube

In the duct from R1S11 to the bottom of the separator, Pitot tube measurements have been
carried our as follows:
Duct diameter = 2000 mm.

pd(a) pd(b)
0,97  D 1 2 mm WG
0,90  D 12 18 mm WG
0,81  D 85 75 mm WG
0,68  D 120 115 mm WG
0,32  D 125 120 mm WG
0,19  D 70 80 mm WG
0,10  D 20 15 mm WG
0,03  D 2 2 mm WG

Calculate the air flow rate in m3/s, m3/min, Nm3/min and kg/min.

The gas density is: ρt = 1,05 kg/m3 (ρo at 0oC and 1 atm)
ρo = 1,30 kg/Nm3

Q  2,0 2  27,02  84,9 m s  5093 m min
3 3

t 1,05
Q0  Q   5093   4113 Nm min

0 1,30

Qm  Q   t  5093 1,05  5347 kg min

Qm  Q0   o  41131,30  5347 kg min

The Pitot tube should be used as shown in figures 10a or 10b.

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Figure 10 Measurements with the Pitot Tube.

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- +


Figure 10a Normal Pitot tube

+ -


Figure 10b. S-type Pitot tube is used, if the gas stream is dust filled

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Fan Characteristics

To determine the air flow in a system by means of fan characteristics the following rules and
procedures should be used:

Rule No. 1:
Fan characteristics are valid only at the conditions given together with the curves (fan
revolutions, temperature, pressure and specific gravity).

Rule No. 2:
Because of rule No. 1, it is necessary to distinguish between diagram and actual values:

Specific Fan Power Air flow Total

gravity velocity consumption (m3/s) pressure
(kg/m3) (rpm) (kW) (mbar)
ρ1 n1 PA1 Q1 Pt1
Actual value
ρt n PA Q Pt Procedure for Using Fan Characteristics

1) Calculate the specific gravity of the gas/air at actual conditions, using the

(ρ0 at 0oC and 1 atm.)

273 b  p
t o  
273 t 10333
 kg

where p – relative pressure (in duct) in mmWG

2) Based on the actual power consumption of the fan, PA, the diagram value can
be calculated as:

n  

PA1  PA   1   1
 n  t

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3) With PA1 calculated, use the fan characteristics to find Q1 and Pt1.
4) To transform Q1 and Pt1 to actual values use the following formulas:

Q  Q1
 
n 
Pt  Pt1     t  mbar
 n1  1

pt is the total pressure at the pressure side minus the total pressure at the suction side, or the
static pressure at the pressure side minus the static pressure at the suction side, providing that
the dynamic pressure is the same on both sides.

pt = (ps,p + pd,p) - (ps,s + pd,s) = ps,p - ps,s

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Mass and Heat Balances Recalculation of Fan Performance

Fan performance calculation at changed speed:

(see Figure 11)

Q v1  Q v
n 
p t1  p t   1 
n 
PA1  PA   1 
 n 

Figure 11 Fan Performance Calculation at Changed Speed.

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Fan performance calculation at changed impeller diameter:

(see Figure 12)

Q v1  Q v
d 
pt1  pt   1 
d 
PA1  PA   1 
d 

Figure 12 Fan Performance Calculation at Changed Impeller Diameter.

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Fan performance calculation at changed density:

(see Figure 13)

Q v1  Q v

 
pt1  pt   1 
 t 

 
PA1  PA   1 
 t 

Figure 13 Fan Performance Calculation at Changed Density.

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Specific gravity calculation at changed temperature and atmospheric pressure: (see Figure

 273  t   PA 
 1   t      
 273  t1   PA1 
The following symbols are used for all calculations:

Qv - volume flow, (m³/s)

pt - total pressure, (mbar or mm WG )
PA - power consumption, (kW)
ρt - gas density, (kg/m³)
d - impeller diameter, (mm)
n - fan speed, (rpm)
t - working temperature, (oC)
b - atmospheric pressure, (mmWG)

The index "1" refers to new operating conditions.

Figure 14. Performance Curve for Fan HT-B.BR. 2000/2000.

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1.3.4 False Air Calculation

When considering the air flow participating in the overall clinker burning process, which are
schematically represented in Fig 15, an important factor must always be taken into
consideration. This factor is the so-called false air (also known as parasite, in-leaking or
infiltrating air). False air enters through badly closed openings, e.g. mill inlet seal, inspection
doors, dampers, etc.

Figure 15 Schematic Representation of Gas Flows in the Kiln System.

This in-leakage should at all times be kept at a minimum, since it cuts down the efficiency of
the system fan. The cold false air may also cause an undesirable temperature drop to below the
dew point which may cause condensation and eventually result in corrosion problems. The
extra volume of air which the system fan has to transport requires extra power to drive this fan.
It can be calculated that a false air quantity of 40 % may result in an extra power consumption

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consumption of the system fan of about 40 %, which is a significant inefficiency of the system.
It is thus of importance at all times to maintain an effective sealing of all unnecessary openings.
The quantity of false air is usually determined on the basis of O2 or CO2 analyses by using the
Orsat apparatus at any two given points in the system. False air is usually expressed in per cent
of unmixed gases at the inlet measuring point. In the calculations, atmospheric air is reckoned
to contain 0 % CO2 and 21 % O2. In the calculations the term "gas" signifies the unmixed gases
and the term "mixture" signifies the mixture of gases and false air.
At the measuring point I is found:

QI Nm3 smoke gases containing

O2,I % oxygen

corresponding to a total oxygen quantity of:

QI  O2, I
Nm 3
O2 
At the measuring point II is found:

QII Nm3 (smoke gases + false air) containing

O2,II % oxygen.

A calculation of the false air which infiltrates the system between points I and II can then be
determined according to:

False Air = QII - QI Nm3 containing

0,21 · (QII - QI) Nm3 oxygen,


Q1  O 2 , I
 0,21  Q II  Q I 
O 2 , II  100  100 %
from which:

21  O 2 , I
Q II  Q I  Nm 3
21  O 2 , II

If the air or gas quantities are unknown, the percentage of false air may simply be calculated on
the basis of the oxygen contents:

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O 2 , II  O 2 , I
False air   100 %
21  O 2 , II


In the raw mill circuit shown in Figure 16, measurements of CO2 and O2 were carried out by
Orsat analysis. The quantity of false air in the raw mill circuit is calculated according to the
equation in Figure 17.

Figure 16 Determination of False Air in the Raw Mill Circuit

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Figure 17 Calculation of the Amount of False Air Into a System

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Position A to B:

29,0  27,4
CO 2   100  5,84 %
27,4  0,0

4,75  4,33
O2   100 2,58%
21 4,75

Average  4,2 %
Position B to C:

27,4  18,9
CO 2   100  44,97 %
18,9  0,0
8,93  4,75
O2   100  34,63 %
21  8,93

Average  39 ,8 %

Position C to D:

18,9  16,8
CO 2   100  12,50 %
16,8  0,0

9,97  8,93
O2   100  9,43 %
21  9,97

Average  10 ,97 %

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Position A to D:

29,0  16,8
CO2   100 72,62 %
16,8  0
9,97  4,33
O2   100  51,13 %
21  9,97

Average  61 ,88 %
Too much false air at the system inlet lowers the temperature.

False air increases the total air quantities, and thereby the load on the fan.

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Mass and Heat Balances


1.4.1 Introduction

Now and then it is useful to establish a total material- and heat (energy) balance of the mill
system. This is a rather elaborated calculation, however, it gives one of the most complete
description of the operating system.

The balance itself is based on the conservation of energy i.e.

ENERGY (input) = ENERGY (output + accumulated)

If we consider the mill as the system, it becomes basically a question of determining the heat
content flowing into and out of the system. Apart from electrical power input all major energy
exchanges are directly related to the heat transfer.


The accumulated energy - i.e. the energy used to create new surface - is negligible
according to the low efficiency of the grinding process (less than 1 %).

1.4.2 Heat Balance for the Mill System

To establish the heat balance an arbitrary standard condition of 0oC and 760 mm Hg are
normally used. Still it is common to calculate in kcal/h. The system may consist of any subpart
of the total mill system. Figure 18 shows a mill system with typical input and output

Figure 18 Mill System with Typical Input and Output Components.

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Mass and Heat Balances Input
Material to the mill will be the heat content of the total dry feed. For close circuit the separator
is normally not included, i.e. the return has to be considered as feed. Heat content of raw
materials, clinker and other components ( e.g. gypsum) can be found from tables.

Air to the mill is an atmospheric air for the cement mill. For the raw mills it will often be solely
kiln gases, or a mixture of kiln gases and auxiliary heat generator air. Coal mills use of
atmospheric air or kiln gases will depend on the used system ( non-inert atmospheric air, inert
kiln gases ). In the calculation a consideration of false air amount entering the system should be

The water calculation should include moisture in the feed components and water injected into
the mill (cement mills). The power supplied to the mill should be converted to kcal/h : 1 kWh =
860 kcal. Output
The material can always be calculated by a simple mass balance.
The air will contain a total air out of the system ( together with the false air).
The water will include heat consumption of the residual moisture in the material and
evaporated water as vapour.
The heat losses are mainly surface losses from the mill shell, and depend on the surface
temperature. Normally the surface loss for the ball mill is calculated as 600 kcal/h·m2.
Examples of heat balance calculations are attached to this Module in Appendix IV.


Correct balances of mass, heat and gases in a ball mill grinding system are of considerable
importance. Balances that are not properly checked and maintained can cause malfunctioning
of the grinding system and also cause excessive power consumption. In this module problems
of mass and heat calculations have been introduced and the proper solutions given. It is
recommended to train additionally with problem solving by using the CBT pertaining to the

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Mass and Heat Balances



Determination of ρot


CO2 11,66 %
O2 6,52 %
CO 0,04 %
N2 81,78 %

Specific gravities

CO2 = 1,9643 kg/Nm3

O2 = 1,4289 kg/Nm3

CO = 1,250 kg/Nm3

N2 = 1,251 kg/Nm3

Calculated specific gravity of gas:

Nm 3 CO 2 kg CO 2
CO 2 0,1166 3
 1,9643 3
 0,2290 kg Nm3 gas
Nm gas Nm CO 2

Nm 3 O 2 kg O 2
O2 0,0652  1, 4289  0, 0932 kg
Nm 3
Nm 3 gas Nm 3 O 2

Nm 3 CO kg CO
CO 0,0004 3
 1, 250 3
 0,0005 kg Nm 3 gas
Nm gas Nm CO
Nm 3 N 2 kg N 2
N2 0,8178 3
 1, 251 3
 1,0231 kg Nm 3 gas
Nm gas Nm N 2

 ot 1,3458 kg Nm3 gas dry 

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Determination of ρo

Measurements: tdry = 90oC and twet = 50oC

From Figure 7: Dew point = 45oC

From Figure 8: wo = 0,068 kg vapour/kg dry gas

Volume of 1,000 kg dry gas 0,743 Nm3
0 , 068
Volume of 0,068 kg vapour 0,85 Nm3
0 ,8

Volume of 1,068 kg moist gas 0,743  0,085 0,828 Nm3

1, 068
Specific gravity of the moist gas, ρ0 1,290 kg/Nm3
0 ,828

Determination of ρ

Measurements: static pressure, Ps = - 200 mm WG

H = 1400 m above sea level

From Figure 6: barometric pressure, b = 8640 mm WG

b  ps
t o 

273  t dry 10333
 

273 8640 200

 t 1,290   0,792  
273 90 10333 m3

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Example of Air Flow Determination with Pitot Tube

In the duct from R1S11 to the bottom of the separator (see Figure 19), Pitot tube measurements
have been carried out as follows:


Duct diameter = 2000 mm.

pd(a) pd(b)
0,97  D 1 2 mm WG
0,90  D 12 18 mm WG
0,81  D 85 75 mm WG
0,68  D 120 115 mm WG
0,32  D 125 120 mm WG
0,19  D 70 80 mm WG
0,10  D 20 15 mm WG
0,03  D 2 2 mm WG

Calculate the air flow rate in m3/s, m3/min, Nm3/min and kg/min.

The gas density is: ρt = 1,05 kg/m3

ρ0 = 1,30 kg/Nm3

Q  2,0 2  27,02  84,9 m s  5093 m min
3 3

t 1, 05
Q0  Q   5093   4113 Nm 3
Q m  Q   t  5093  1,05  5347 kg min

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Figure 19 Pitot Tube Measurement in the Raw Mill Circuit

Solution to the Example of Air Flow Determination with Pitot Tube:

pd pd
1,00 1,41
3,46 424
9,22 8,66
10,95 10,72
11,18 10,95
8,37 8,94
4,47 3,87
1,41 1,41
 50,06 50,20
pd 6,22 6,28

Average p d  6 , 26
p d  39 ,3 mm WG

 t  1, 05 kg

39 ,3
v  4, 43 
 27 ,1 m s 
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Mass and Heat Balances



Example of Fan Performance

The power consumption of a fan of the type HT-B.BR 2000/2000 is:

PA = 230 kW
t = 89oC
p = -20 mbar = -204 mm WG
b = 10072 mm WG

Use the performance curve for the fan to determine the quantity of air transported in:

a) Nm3/s
b) m3/s
c) kg/s

The fan motor is replaced with a new motor with the speed: n = 1050 rpm.

Calculate the quantity of air transported with the same data as above in:

d) Nm3/s
e) m3/s
f) kg/s

Solution to the Example of Fan Performance

From the performance curve it is found that:

 75  0 ,96 kg

 1   75  0,96 kg m3 

273  75
 0  0,96  kg
1,22 kg Nm3

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273 10072 204

t  89 1,22    0,88 kg m3
273  89 10333

1 0,96
PA1  PA   230  251 kW
t 0,88

a) Qv  Qv1  25,5 m3

b) Qv  0,88  25,5 kg
s  22,4 kg s

22 , 4 kg s
Qv  kg
 18 ,4 Nm 3
1,22 Nm 3

n  1050 RPM
n 1  970 RPM

Q v  Q v1 

24 ,3 kg s
Qv   19 ,9 Nm 3
1, 22 kg Nm 3

Qv  25,5   27,6 m

f) Qv  0,88  27,6 kg s  24,3 kg s

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Mass and Heat Balances

Figure 20 Performance Curve for Fan HT-B.BR. 2000/2000.

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Mass and Heat Balances

Case 1
An open-circuit cement mill with two grinding compartments has the following characteristics:

Diameter of mill shell 4,2 m

Length of mill shell 11,0 m
Length of first compartment 4,25 M
Power consumption, C1 997 kW
Power consumption, C2 1669 kW

Operational data:
Production 85 tph
Feed temperature (clinker + gypsum) 170 C
Material temperature, outlet C1 108 C
Material temperature, outlet C2 122 C
Air temperature, mill inlet 25 C
Air temperature, outlet C1 108 C
Air temperature, outlet C2 122 C
Water temperature (injected water) 18 C
Airflow at mill inlet 20000 kg/h

Fixed data to be used in heat balance:

Specific heat of cement 0,19 kcal/kgo·C
Specific heat of air 0,24 kcal/kgo·C
Heat loss from mill surface 600 kcal/m2·h
1 kWh consumed by mill 860 kcal
Heat of evaporation at 100oC 539 kcal/kg
Specific heat of vapour (0 -120oC) 0,44 kcal/kgo·C
Vapour in the air at mill inlet 0,015 kg/kg dry air
Specific gravity of dry air 1,293 kg/Nm3
Specific gravity of vapour 0,80 kg/Nm3

a) Use a heat balance for the first compartment to calculate the amount of water that must be
injected to maintain 108o in the outlet.
b) Use a heat balance for the second compartment to calculate total amount of water that must
be injected to maintain 122oC in the outlet.
c) Calculate the total airflow in the mill outlet (airflow at inlet + vapour) in kg/h, Nm3/h and
m3/h at 122oC.
d) Calculate the air velocity in the free area above the ball charge at the mill outlet (q = 30%).
e) Calculate the total amount of vapour in the airflow in kg vapour/kg dry air, and find the
expected dew point and wet temperature in the mill outlet (Figures 3.7 and 3.8)

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Mass and Heat Balances

Case 2

For a TIRAX coal mill, 32 x 4,5 + 2,8, the following operational data are given:

Production (incl. H2O) 20 tph

Water in product 2,2 %
Water in feed 14,2 %
Inlet temperature (gases) 400 C
Outlet temperature 75 C
Power consumption 450 kW
Specific heat of coal 0,25 kcal/kg·oC
Feed temperature 20 C

a) Based on a heat balance for the coal mill operating at above conditions find the necessary
amount of gases for drying, in kg/h and m3/h.
b) The hot gas duct between the grate cooler and the coal mill inlet has a diameter of 1 m.
Calculate the air velocity in this duct.

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Case 3

We will now treat a closed-circuit raw mill installation, as shown in the following diagram:

Actual operational data:

Production 124000 kg/h

Water in raw materials ? %
Water in product and return materials 0,5 %
Temperature of raw materials 10 C
Temperature of false air 10 C
Mill inlet temperature 325 C
Kiln gases available 110000 kg/h
Temperature in mill outlet 80 C
Temperature of return material 78 C
Specific heat of raw meal 0,21 kcal/kg·oC
Specific heat of kiln gases 0,25 kcal/kg·oC
Specific heat of false air 0,24 kcal/kg·oC

a) With a circulation factor of 2,0 calculate the maximum water % which can be dried in this
mill. False air is 0%.
b) Will the drying capacity increase with a circulation factor of 3,0?
c) What will the drying capacity be with 25% false air in the mill?
Circulation factor = 2,0 and the same amount of kiln gases.

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