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State of Stresses

Stress and strain are most important concepts for a comprehension of the mechanics of
solids. The load carrying capacity and sizing of the components depend on the behaviour
of material under different kinds of loading. This chapter deals with behaviour of material
under uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial states of stress under various combinations of loads.
Concept of principal stress and strains is also illustrated for different combinations of
loading conditions.


2.1.1  Stress
When external loads act on a body, internal forces are set up which resist the external
forces. This internal force per unit area at any section of the body is known as unit stress
or simply stress. It is denoted by the Greek letter sigma (s). Mathematically,

Resisting force F
s= =
Cross-sectional area A

Thus, stress is defined as the internal resistance developed in the body due to external
disturbances over an unit area of its cross section. Stress at a given point does not only
depend on the location of the point but also on the plane passing through it. Therefore,
it is a second-order tensor.
In SI units, stress is usually expressed in Pascal (Pa) such that 1 Pa = 1 N/m2. In
actual practice, we use bigger units of stress, that is, megapascal (MPa) and gigapascal
(GPa), such that

1 MPa = 1 ¥ 106 N/ m 2 = 1 N/mm 2 and 1 GPa = 1 ¥ 109 N/m 2 = 1 kN/mm 2

24 Design of Machine Elements

When loads act perpendicular to the axis of the member, they are called normal loads
and the corresponding stresses are called normal stresses. Normal stresses are caused
by (i) direct loading (may be tensile or compressive) and (ii) bending (both tensile and
Poisson’s Ratio: When a deformable body is subjected to an axial tensile force,
elongation as well as lateral contraction occurs. For example, if a metal bar is stretched,
both the thickness and width decrease while the length increases. Likewise, the
compressive force acting on a body causes it to contract in the direction of force and its
sides expand laterally. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of lateral strain to linear strain. In the
elastic range, Poisson’s ratio lies between 0.25 and 0.33 for most engineering materials.
Typical values of Poisson’s ratio for some common materials are given in Table 1.1,
p.11 of DDHB.

2.1.4  Shear Stress and Strain

Shear stress is induced when a body is subjected to two equal and opposite forces acting
tangentially across the resisting section. The rivet shown in Figure 2.3 is subjected to a
single shear by tangential tensile load F.


Area of shear

Tangential force F
Shear stress, t =
Area of shear
(Eq. 1.1c, DDHB p. 2)

Figure 2.3  Single shear


Area of shear

Tangential force F
Shear stress, t = =
Area of shear 2 As
Figure 2.4  Double shear
Figure 2.4 shows double shear, as the force is resisted by two sections of the body.
Simple shear stress is accompanied by shear strain g which is measured in terms of
angular deformation.
State of Stresses 25

Shear stresses are caused by (i) direct loading (in the transverse direction), (ii) twisting
(torsion) and (iii) bending (only in the case of unequal bending; pure bending will not
induce any shear stress in a beam).
Load direction determines the type of stresses induced. Consider Figure 2.5.


Force F is perpendicular to the cross-sectional Force F is parallel to the cross-sectional

area. This gives rise to tensile stress. area. This gives rise to shear stress.
s= t=

Figure 2.5
Note that the equations for both kinds of stresses are the same.


In practice many machine components are subjected to a combination of normal and
shear stresses. In such cases, resultant stresses are to be worked out and compared to
the design stresses of the components.
In general, the stress system in the case of three-dimensional state stresses can be
represented by three normal stresses and three shearing stresses. When direct stresses
and shearing stresses act simultaneously on a system, these are called the combined
stresses or compound stresses. In a two-dimensional state of stress, a stress field due to
external loading may result in normal stress s x , s y and shear stresses t x at a point on
the component.

2.2.1  Sign Conventions

There is a system of notations we follow for stresses. Normal stresses are denoted by
s x , s y and s z in X, Y and Z directions respectively. Tensile stresses are considered to be
positive, while compressive stresses are considered to be negative. Shear stresses are
denoted by two subscripts. For example, consider a shear stress denoted by t xy . The
subscript x indicates that the shear stress is on the area which is perpendicular to x axis.
The subscript y indicates that the shear stress is acting in the y direction.
(a) Normal stress: Tensile stresses are considered to be positive, while compressive
stresses are considered to be negative, when the stresses are in the x- or y-direction
(Figure 2.6).
State of Stresses 27

s n ¥ mn ¥ 1 = (s x ¥ pn ¥ 1) ¥ cosf
sn = sx ¥
¥ cosf = s x cos 2f (Eq. 1.6a, DDHB, p. 4)

Now resolving forces parallel to mn

t n ¥ mn ¥ 1 = (s x ¥ pn ¥ 1) ¥ sinf

Ê pn ˆ
t n = Ás x ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ sinf
Ë mn ¯   
2 s
t n = (s x ¥ cosf ) ¥ sinf = ¥ (s x ¥ cosf ) ¥ sinf = x sin 2f
2 2
(Eq. 1.6 b, DDHB, p. 4)
Maximum and minimum normal in uniaxial state of stress
We know that normal stress (s n ) = s x cos 2f .  Maximum normal stress (principal stress) s 1
acts on cross-section normal to the axis of the bar that is when f = 0 (Eq. 1.6d, DDHB, p. 4 )
Therefore, Maximum normal stress = Maximum principal stress = s1 = sx (Eq. 1.6c,
DDHB, p. 4)
Minimum normal stress acts on the cross section parallel to the axis of the bar, that
is, when f = 90
Therefore, Minimum normal stress = Minimum principal stress = s 2 = 0 (Eq. 1.6c,
DDHB, p. 4)

Shear stresses in uniaxial state of stress

Maximum shear stress occurs when sin 2f = 1 or f = 45∞ (Eq. 1.6f , DDHB, p. 4)
sx s s
Maximum shear stress , t max =
¥ sin 2f = x = 1
2 2
(Eq.1.6e, DDHB, p. 4)
That is, maximum shear stress induced  in a body subjected to uniaxial stress is half
of normal stress and is inclined at an angle of 45∞ with respect to reference axis (with


Problem 2.1. A light-duty engine part of diameter 20 mm is made up of grey iron cast
iron FG150. Calculate the load (a) when rod is subjected to its full tensile strength,
(b) when tested in compression.
Given data: Material: FG150. Diameter = D = 20 mm
Both loadings are shown in Figure 2.9
Refer to Table 1.3, DDHB, p. 459.
28 Design of Machine Elements

Tensile strength = s y = 150 MPa, Compressive strength = s c = 600 MPa

Shear strength t = 173 MPa

Tensile load Compressive load



Figure 2.9

(a) When subjected to its full tensile strength

Tensile strength = 150 MPa
Corresponding stress in shear = = 75 MPa < 173 MPa
Hence, the part fails by tension. Failure occurs on the plane of axial stress.
p ¥ 20 2
Ft = Area ¥ s y = ¥ 150 = 471223 N = 47.122 kN

(b) When subjected to compression

Stress in compression = 600 MPa
Corresponding stress in shear = = 300 MPa > 173 MPa

Hence, the part fails by shear. Failure occurs on the plane 45° to the plane of axial
Corresponding compressive stress = 2 ¥ t = 2 ¥ 173 = 346 MPa
Corresponding compressive force = Area ¥ s y

p ¥ 20 2 ¥ 346
Fc = = 108695.9 = 108.69 kN

Problem 2.2. A circular bar of diameter 25 mm is subjected to an axial force of 20 kN as

shown in Figure 2.10. Find the stresses on a plane making an angle 30° to the plane of
axial stresses and also on the plane which has maximum shear stress.
Given data: Diameter = D =25 mm, Load F = 20 kN = 20000 N
State of Stresses 29

Plane of axial stress

F = 20 kN F = 20 kN

Figure 2.10

F 20 ¥ 1000
Axial stress, s x == = 40.7435 MPa
A p ¥ 252
The normal stress acting on a plane inclined at 30°
s n = s x cos 2f = 40.7435 ¥ cos 2 30 = 30.558 @ 35.6 MPa

The shear stress acting on a plane inclined at 30∞

sx 40.7435
tn =
sin 2f = ¥ sin ( 2 ¥ 30 ) = 17.64 MPa
2 2
Maximum shear stress occurs on a plane where f = 45∞

sx 40.7435
t max = sin 2f = ¥ sin (2 ¥ 45) = 20.37 MPa
2 2
Problem 2.3. An element of a machine member of rectangular cross section is subjected
to a 10 kN unidirectional load using universal tensile testing machine. Determine the
cross-sectional area of the member. Take the width of the beam as thrice the thickness.
Also find the normal and shear stresses along a plane inclined at 30° (Figure 2.11). The
allowable stress for the material is 294 MPa.
tn h
F = 10000 N 30° F = 10000 N

b = 3h

Figure 2.11

Given data:
Force F = 10000 N. b = 3h (rectangular cross section). Allowable stress = 294 MPa.
Inclination f = 30∞.
30 Design of Machine Elements

Axial stress, s x =

10 ¥ 1000 10 ¥ 1000
294 MPa = =
b¥h 3h ¥ h
Solving we get, h = 3.367 mm take h = 3.5 and b = 3 ¥ h = 3 ¥ 3.5 = 11.5 mm
Actual stress induced in beam of cross section 3.5 ¥ 11.5 is

F 10 ¥ 1000 10 ¥ 1000
Actual axial stress, s x = = = = 272.1 MPa
A b¥h 3 ¥ 3.52
The normal stress acting on a plane inclined at 30°
s n = s x cos 2f = 272.1 ¥ cos 2 30 = 204.08 MPa
The shear stress acting on a plane inclined at 30°
sx 204.08
tn = sin 2f = ¥ sin ( 2 ¥ 30 ) = 88.369 MPa
2 2

2.2.3  Bidirectional State of Stress without Shear

Figure 2.12 shows an element of unit depth subjected to bidirectional stress. f is the
angle between horizontal and sn.
sx ¥ pn cos f
Y m p
sn f
f sx ¥ pn

sx tn sx x sx ¥ pn sin f
sy ¥ mp
sy mp cos f f
sy sy mp sin f

Figure 2.12

Let the block be of unit depth, then considering the equilibrium of forces on the
triangular portion mnp
Resolving the forces perpendicular to mn,

s n ¥ mn ¥ 1 = (s x ¥ pn ¥ 1) ¥ cos f + s y ¥ mp ¥ 1 ¥ sin f )
Ê pn ˆ Ê mp ˆ
s n = Ás x ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ cos f + Á s y ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ sin f
Ë mn ¯ Ë mn ¯
32 Design of Machine Elements

2.2.4  Pure Shear

Figure 2.13 shows an element subjected to pure shear. Since the applied and comple-
mentary shears are of equal value on x and y planes, they are both given symbol t xy
txy txy ¥ mp cos f
m p
sn f
f txy ¥ mp
txy tn txy
txy ¥ mp sin f
txy ¥ pn
txy pn cos f f
n txy ¥ pn sin f

Figure 2.13
f is the angle between the horizontal and s n .
Let the block be of unit depth, then considering the equilibrium of forces on the
triangular portion mnp,
Resolving the normal to mn
( ) (
s n ¥ mn ¥ 1 = t xy ¥ pn ¥ 1 ¥ sin f + t xy ¥ mp ¥ 1 ¥ cos f )
Ê pn ˆ Ê mp ˆ
s n = Á t xy ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ sin f + Á t xy ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ cos f
Ë mn ¯ Ë mn ¯
s n = t xy cos f sin f + t xy sin f cos f

s n = t xy sin 2f

Now resolving forces parallel to mn

( )
t n ¥ mn ¥ 1 = - t xy ¥ pn ¥ 1 ¥ cos f + t xy ¥ mp ¥ 1 ¥ sin f ( )
Ê pn ˆ Ê mp ˆ
t n = - Á t xy ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ cos f + Á t xy ¥ ¥ 1˜ ¥ sin f
Ë mn ¯ Ë mn ¯

( ) (
t n = - t xy ¥ cos f ¥ 1 ¥ cos f + t xy ¥ sin f ¥ 1 ¥ sin f )
t n = -t xy ¥ cos 2 f + t xy ¥ sin 2 f = -t xy cos 2 f - sin 2 f( )
t n = -t xy cos 2f
State of Stresses 33

The normal stress acting on plane mn = s n = t xy sin 2f

The shear stress acting on plane mn = t n = - t xy cos 2 f
Maximum principal stress s 1 = t xy
Minimum principal stress s 2 = - t xy
Angle at which maximum principle stress acts f p = 45∞ or = 135∞

s1 - s 2
Maximum shear stress , t max = = t xy

Directions of shear stresses are fs = 0∞ or 90∞

2.2.5  Biaxial State of Stress

Biaxial state of stress: When a component is sy
subjected to different forces in such a way that the B m
stresses produced act on two planes perpendicular sn
to each other and there is no stress on the third
plane which is perpendicular to these two planes, sx tn sx
the above state of stress is then called biaxial stress. f
Figure 2.14 shows an element subjected to txy
biaxial state of stress along with shear stress. n
f is the angle between the horizontal and s n . Since A t
the applied and complementary shears are of
equal value on x and y planes, they are both given Figure 2.14
symbol t xy .
The diagram represents a complete stress system for any condition of applied load in two
dimensions and represents an addition of stress system previously considered in Figures
2.12 and 2.13

sx ¥ pncos f txy ¥ mp cos f

f f
sx ¥ pn txy ¥ mp
txy ¥ pn
sy ¥ mp
sy mp sinf txy ¥ pn sin f

(a) Normal stress components (b) Shear stress components

Figure 2.15
State of Stresses 35

Expression for Maximum and Minimum Principal Stresses

The maximum and minimum normal stresses act on a plane called the major and minor
planes respectively. To get an expression for maximum and minimum normal stresses with
respect to f, we should use the differential of the normal stress with respect to f and equate
it to zero.

sn =
sx + sy
) (
sx - sy )
cos 2f + t xy sin 2f
2 2

= Ì
ds n d ÏÔ s x + s y
) (
sx - sy
cos 2f
)+ t sin 2f
df df Ô 2 2 Ô˛
Here, s x , s y and t xy are constants, therefore,

ÔÏ Ê sx - sy ˆ ¸Ô
Ì(0 ) + Á ˜ ¥ (- sin 2f ) ¥ 2 + t xy (cos 2f ) ¥ 2 ˝ = 0
ÔÓ Ë 2 ¯ Ô˛
Dividing throughout by − 2 we get,
Ê sy - sx ˆ
ÁË ¥ (sin 2f ) - t xy (cos 2f ) = 0
2 ˜¯
Rewritten as
Ê sy - sx ˆ
-Á ¥ (sin 2f ) + t xy (cos 2f ) = 0 (a)
Ë 2 ˜¯

Compare Equation (a) with Eq. 1.8b, DDHB, p. 5.

The RHS of Equation (a) is zero. Therefore, we can conclude that shear stress is zero
on principal planes.
Rewriting Equation (a) we get,
  Ê sx - sy ˆ
ÁË ¥ (sin 2f ) = t xy (cos 2f )
2 ˜¯
sin 2f 2t xy
cos 2f s x - s y
2t xy
tan 2f =
sx - sy
(Eq. 1.8e, DDHB, p. 5)

1 Ê 2t xy ˆ
f p 1, p 2 = tan -1 Á ˜
2 Ë sx - sy ¯
f p 2 = f p1 + 90∞

That is, maximum and minimum principal planes are orthogonal, or mutually
perpendicular to each other.
State of Stresses 37

Expression of the Maximum and Minimum Shear Stresses

The shear stress on an arbitrary plane is given by Eq. 1.8b, DDHB, p. 5

tn = -
(s x -sy ) sin 2f + t cos 2f
To get the orientation of maximum and minimum shear stresses, differentiate Equation
(b) with respect to f and equate it to zero.

dt n d ÏÔ s x - s y
= Ì -
sin 2f + t
cos 2f
df df Ô 2 Ô˛

(s x -sy ) (cos 2f ) ¥ 2 + t (- sin 2f ) ¥ 2
This gives,
( )
- s x - s y (cos 2f ) = 2t xy (sin 2f ) (e)

sin 2f
sx - sy )
cos 2f 2t xy

Ê sx - sy ˆ Ê sx - sy ˆ
tan 2f = - Á ˜ =Á ˜ (f ) Eq. 1.8f , DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2t xy ¯ Ë -2t xy ¯

1 Ê sx - sy ˆ
fs1, s 2 = - tan -1 Á ˜ (g)
2 Ë 2t xy ¯
fs 2 = fs1 + 90∞

The orientations of maximum and minimum shear

planes are at right angles to each other. Observing (s x - s y )2 + ( - 2t xy )2
Equation (g) for orientation of principal planes and
orientation of maximum shear stress, it can be seen (sx – sy)
that the planes of maximum and minimum shear
stress occur at an angle of 45°and 135° with respect to 2f
the plane of maximum and minimum normal stress
respectively. –2txy

From Equation (f), we can draw the right-angle Figure 2.17

triangle as shown in Figure 2.17.
40 Design of Machine Elements

We can also use Eq. 1.8f , DDHB, p. 5 to determine the maximum shear stress.

s 1 - s 2 20 - 0
Maximum shear stress, t max = = = 10 MPa
2 2
Ê sx - sy ˆ 2 Ê 20 - 0 ˆ
max = ± ÁË + t = ± ÁË ˜ + 0 = ±10 MPa
2 ˜¯
2 ¯

Maximum shear stress occurs on a plane where f = 45∞

Problem 2.5. A tension member is formed by connecting with glue, two wooden
scantlings, each 50 mm ¥ 100 mm at their ends, which are cut at an angle of 60° as
shown in Figure. 2.19. The member is subjected to a pull F. Calculate the safe value of
F, if the permissible normal and shear stresses in the glue used are 3 N/mm2 and  2N/
mm2 respectively.
Given data: s n = 3 N/ mm 2, t = 2 N/ mm , sn
Solution: tn
(a) Normal stress
Figure 2.19
f = 30∞ (angle with the vertical )
Area, A = 50 ¥ 100 = 5000 mm
s x = Normal stress =
Ê sx + sy ˆ Ê sx - sy ˆ
sn = Á + cos 2f + t xy sin 2f Eq. 1.8a , DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2 ˜¯ ÁË 2 ˜¯

Here only s x is acting and s y = 0 and t xy = 0

Ê sx + sy ˆ Ê sx - sy ˆ
sn = Á + cos 2f + t xy sin 2f
Ë 2 ˜¯ ÁË 2 ˜¯

Ê s + 0ˆ Ê s x - 0ˆ
sn = Á x + cos 2f + 0 ¥ sin 2f
Ë 2 ˜¯ ÁË 2 ˜¯

Ês ˆ Ês ˆ F F F F
s n = Á x ˜ + Á x ˜ cos 2f = + cos (60 ) = + cos (60 ) £ 3
Ë 2¯ Ë 2¯ 2A 2A 2 ¥ 5000 2 ¥ 5000
Solving we get F £ 20000 N

Take F = 20000 N.
42 Design of Machine Elements

tn = - sin 2f + t xy cos 2f = +t xy cos 2f

t n = + 50 cos 60 = + 25 N/mm 2 = + 25 MPa

(b) Principal stress

Maximum principal stress (Eq. 1.8c , DDHB, p. 5)
sx + sy Ê sx - sy ˆ
s1 = + Á 2
+ t xy =0+ (0)2 + t xy
= 0 + (0 ) + (50 ) = 50 MPaa ( tensile)
2 2
2 Ë 2 ˜¯

Minimum principal stress (Eq. 1.8d, DDHB, p. 5)

sx + sy Ê sx - sy ˆ
s2 = - Á 2
+ t xy =0- (0)2 + t xy
= 0 - (0 ) + (50 ) = - 50 MP
2 2
2 Ë 2 ˜¯

s 2 = -t xy = - 50 MPa (compressive )

The values of the angle f where either a maximum or minimum normal stress
2t xy 2 ¥ 50
          tan2f = = =•
sx - sy 0-0

        2f = 90∞ or 270∞ i.e., f = 45∞ or 135∞

(c) Shear stress (Eq. 1.8f , DDHB, p. 5)

Ê sx - sy ˆ 2
t max = ± Á + t xy = ± 50 MPa
Ë 2 ˜¯

The values of the angle fs where either a maximum or minimum normal stress
sx - sy 0-0
tan 2fs = - =- = 0 , tan 2fs = 0 or fs = 0∞ or fs = 90∞
2t xy 2 ¥ ( 50 )

Problem 2.7. A point in a certain element is subjected to a horizontal tensile stress of

100 N/mm2 and vertical shear stress of 60 N/mm2 as shown in Figure 2.21. Find the
magnitude of principal stresses and its location.
State of Stresses 45

tangential, resultant stress and its obliquity on a plane making an angle of 30° with
vertical as shown in Figure 2.25. Also find the maximum shear stress.

sx tn sx
f 458.26 MPa


Figure 2.25

Given data: s x = 500 N/mm 2, s y = 300 N/mm 2, f = 30∞

(a) Normal stress
Let us write the generalised biaxial state of stress equation
Ê sx + sy ˆ Ê sx - sy ˆ
sn = Á + cos 2f + t xy sin 2f Eq. 1.8a , DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2 ˜¯ ÁË 2 ˜¯
Here, s x and s y are present and t xy = 0
500 + 300 ( 500 - 300 ) cos 60
sn = + + 0 = 450 N/mm 2 = 450 MPa
2 2
(b) Shear stress

Ê sx - sy ˆ
t = -Á sin 2f + t xy cos 2f Eq. 1.8 b, DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2 ˜¯

(500 - 300) sin 60

t n = - = - 86.6025 N/mm 2 = - 86.6025 MPa
(c) Resultant stress of normal and shear stress on an oblique plane.

s R = s n2 + t n2 = 450 2 + ( -86.6025) = 458.3 MPa


tanf =
Ê 86.6025 ˆ
f = tan -1 Á = 10.893o
Ë 450 ˜¯
The angle made by the resultant and the normal stress on an oblique plane is
46 Design of Machine Elements

(d) Maximum shear stress (Eq. 1.8f , DDHB, p. 5)

Ê sx - sy ˆ 2
t max = ± Á + t xy
Ë 2 ˜¯

Ê sx - sy ˆ Ê 500 - 300 ˆ
t max = - Á ˜ = -Á ˜¯ = -100 MPa
Ë 2 ¯ Ë 2

t max = -100 MPa.

It is negative shear stress and produces clockwise rotation
n w.r.t the x face.

Problem 2.10. The principal stresses at a point in sy

a bar are 200 N/mm2 (tensile) and 100 N/mm2
(compressive). Determine the normal; resultant
stress and its direction on a plane inclined at 60° f sx
sx tn
to the horizontal axis as shown in Figure 2.26. Also 60°
determine the maximum intensity of shear stress in
the material at the point. sy

Given data: s x = 200 N/mm2 (tensile), s y = 100 Figure 2.26

N/mm2 (compressive)
(a) Normal stress
Let us write the generalised biaxial state of stress equation

Ê sx + sy ˆ Ê sx - sy ˆ
sn = Á + cos 2f + t xy sin 2f Eq. 1.8a , DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2 ˜¯ ÁË 2 ˜¯

Here, s x = 200 MPa and s y = -100 are present and t xy = 0

Since the plane is inclined 60° to the horizontal, f = 30∞

Ê 200 - 100 ˆ Ê 200 - 100 ˆ 2

s n = Á ˜¯ + ÁË ˜¯ cos 60 + 0 = 125 N/mm = 125 MPa
Ë 2 2

(b) Shear stress

Ê sx - sy ˆ
t = -Á sin 2f + t xy cos 2f Eq. 1.8 b, DDHB, p. 5
Ë 2 ˜¯

Ê 200 - ( -100 ) ˆ N
tn = -Á
Ë ˜¯ sin 60 + 0 = - 129.9 = - 129.9 MPa
2 mm 2
State of Stresses 51

Problem 2.13. For the stress element shown in Figure 2.29, find the principal stresses
and their directions. (VTU June/July 2014)
sy = 120 MPa
txy = 80 MPa

txy = 80 MPa
sx = 180 MPa sx = 180 MPa

txy = 80 MPa

tyx = 80 MPa sy = 120 MPa

Figure 2.29

Given data:
s x = 180 MPa , s y = 120 MPa , t xy = 80 MPa
Principal stress
Maximum principal stress

sx + sy Ê sx - sy ˆ
s1 = + Á
2 ˜¯
+ t xy (Eq.. 1.8c, DDHB, p. 5)
2 Ë

180 + 120 Ê 180 - 120 ˆ 2
s 1 = + Á
Ë ˜¯ + 80 = 150 + 900 + 6400 = 150 + 85.44 = 235.44 MPa
2 2

Minimum principal stress

sx + sy Ê sx - sy ˆ
s2 = - Á
2 ˜¯
+ t xy (Eq.. 1.8d, DDHB, p. 5)
2 Ë

180 + 120 Ê 180 - 120 ˆ 2
s 1 = + Á
Ë ˜¯ + 80 = 150 - 900 + 6400 = 150 - 85.44 = 64.556 MPa
2 2

The values of the angle f where either a maximum or minimum normal stress
occurs can be found as follows:
2t xy
tan2f =
sx - sy
(Eq. 1.8e, DDHB, p. 5)
54 Design of Machine Elements

Ê 30 + 20 ˆ
t max = Á + 152 = ± 29.155 MPa
Ë 2 ˜¯

Ê s - s2 ˆ
or t max = Á 1
Ë 2 ¯
˜ (Eq. 1.8f , DDHB, p. 5)

Ê 34.1547 - (-24.155) ˆ
t max = Á
Ë 2 ˜¯ = ± 29.155 MPa

The values of the angle fs where either a maximum or minimum normal stress
occurs can be found as follows:
sx - sy
tan 2fs = -
2t xy
(Eq. 1.8g , DDHB, p. 5)
30 - ( -20 ) 50
tan 2fs = - =-
2 (15) 30

2fs = -59.03∞
or fs1 = - 29.518∞ and fs 2 = -29.518 ∞ + 90∞ = 60.481∞
fs1 = f p1 + 45 = 15.481∞ + 45∞ = 60.481∞ and fs 2 = 15.481∞ + 135∞ = 150.482∞

2.2.7  Triaxial State of Stress

When a cubical element of a deformable body is under sy

the action of external forces, a stress would act on each

of its six faces. If these stresses are resolved into the
tyx txy
normal and tangential components to each of the faces, tyz
nine stresses act on the element. These are said to be tzy
a triaxial stress element. The triaxial stress element sx

shown in Figure 2.31 consists of three normal stresses txz

s x , s y, s z and six shear stresses t xy, t yx , t yz, t zy, t xz , t zx, tzx
all positive. If the element is in equilibrium, then
t xy = t yx, t yz = t zy, t xz = t zx . The nine components at a
point on the element can be represented by a second
order tensor. Figure 2.31

Ès x t xy t xz ˘
Í ˙
s ij = state of stress at a point = Ít yx sy t yz ˙
Í ˙
ÍÎt zx t zy s z ˙˚
State of Stresses 55

In a triaxial state of stress, there are six faces on which normal and shear forces act and
there will be three principal stresses and three principal planes. The principal stresses
are obtained by solving the cubic equation.

s 3 - I1 s 2 - I 2 s + I 3 = 0

I1 = s x + s y + s z
2 2 2
I 2 = s x s y + s y s z + s x s z - t 12 - t 23 - t 31

Ès x t xy t xz ˘
Í ˙
I 3 = det Ít yx sy t yz ˙ = det ÈÎs ij ˘˚
Î zx t zy s z ˙˚

where I1 , I 2 , I 3 are called stress invariants.

In the case of triaxial state of stress, resultant unit deformation or strains in X, Y and
Z directions are given by Equations 1.12(a), 1.12(b) and 1.12(c), DDHB, p. 7.

Problem 2.15. Find the principal stress for the following state of stress condition that
exists in an element.
Ï80 20 0 ¸
s ij = Ì20 0 20 ˝ MPa
Ô 0 20 -40 Ô
Ó ˛

State of stress is given. We can determine principal stresses. The three invariants are
I1 = s x + s y + s z = 80 + 0 - 40 = 40 MPa
I 2 = s x s y + s y s z + s x s z - t 12 2
- t 23 2
- t 31 = 80 ¥ 0 + 0 ¥ -40 + (-40 ¥ 80 ) - 20 2 - 0 2 - 20 2
= -4000 MPa 2

80 20 0
I 3 = det 20 0 20 = -16000 MPa 3
0 20 -40

s 3 - 40s 2 - 4000s + 16000 = 0

The roots of the equation are

s 1 = 84.896 MPa, s 2 = 3.865 MPa, s 3 = - 48.761 MPa
60 Design of Machine Elements

10. Stresses in a two-dimensional stressed body is shown in Figure 2.38. Determine

(i) principal stresses and their direction, and (ii) the maximum shear stresses and
their planes.
(VTU June/July 2016)

80 MPa
60 MPa

120 MPa tn 120 MPa

60 MPa
80 MPa

Figure 2.38

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