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♣♠ Merely SAGA: Races & Roles ♦♥

An Extension to the SAGA Game System Primer

By Bob Portnell

Edited from material written by William W. Connors in the Dragonlance Races & Roles Defined
Fifth Age Dramatic Adventure Game and A SAGA Companion.

CONTENTS A Race is a description of a non-human species,

INTRODUCTION: Why Races & Roles? such as Elf, or Dwarf, or Centauran . . . usually any
Notices & Disclaimers intelligent humanoid species can be identified as a
Contents Race. Races bring important flavor to fantasy and
RACES & ROLES DEFINED science fiction worlds. The Race description lists any
CREATING RACES & ROLES Ability limits and special Advantages &
Race Features Disadvantages that accompany being a non-human.
Role Features A Role is a description of a character or hero
Ability Scores & Codes archetype -- the fundamental characteristics of, say,
Advantages & Disadvantages
a noble knight, or a thief, or a policeman, or a
Additional Requirements
RACES & ROLES IN HERO BUILDING starship crewman. The Role ties into the Hero's
FOR SAGA FANS background, giving more information on the Hero's
AFTERWORD past, his activities before the current adventures, and
the types of people which influenced him in his
youth. The Role description lists any Ability limits
INTRODUCTION: Why Races & Roles? and special Advantages or Disadvantages that are
necessary to fulfill that role in the game world.
Merely SAGA works very well for the humans on
which the game is based. But many heroes of
Creating Races & Roles
literature are not human! Thus the need to address
Heroes and Characters who are other than human.
As the definitions above suggest, a Race
Roles refer to the archetypes of Heroes found in Description and a Role Description look very much
stories. By placing conditions on the Heroes we can alike, and so we will use a single set of guidelines
better simulate these archetypes, making the Hero for creating both Races and Roles.
and the game more vivid. This document presents The key principle for creating Races and Roles is
these concepts in a simplified form for use in Merely balance. Every Race has its good points and bad;
every Role has its strengths and flaws.

Disclaimers and Notices

Race Features
Dragonlance, Fifth Age and SAGA are registered
Just as for Heroes, Races need to be physically
trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and used
described. Since humans are the baseline reference
here without permission. No infringement of the
in Merely SAGA, describe them in relationship to
rights of Wizards of the Coast is intended or to be
the average human: stronger but not as smart, or
perhaps uncoordinated but mentally tough. Add the
Copyright 2001 W. Robert Portnell. All Rights
usual comments about height, weight, hair, eye or
Reserved. Permission is granted to duplicate and
skin color, and so on.
distribute this document provided it remains
Races might also have natural weapons or
unchanged from the original distribution.
armor; this should be noted.
Finally, information about how the race is
played -- how a typical member of the race behaves
Merely SAGA: Races & Roles consists of this
-- is an essential part of the race description. Be brief
rules document.
but be clear and as complete as necessary.
Role Features Advantages & Disadvantages
Roles are described more in terms of how they In the Dragonlance game, most Races & Roles
are played than how they appear. Give the Role a have a special Advantage (usually a condition
name, provide a one- or two-sentence capsule under which the Hero receives the automatic trump
description of the Role, a few more sentences on bonus -- see Merely SAGA: Skills) and a
how such a Role should be played, and perhaps corresponding special Disadvantage (typically a
some notes on Appearance features common to the condition under which the Hero can never receive a
Role. (For example, some Acolytes might be Trump bonus). Just for demonstration, a Vulcan from
required to shave their heads.) Star Trek might receive a Trump Bonus
It is possible that some Roles may be open to automatically for any action involving a computer,
some Races but not to Others. Restrictions of this but never be allowed a Trump Bonus in situations
type should be recorded. where he might be required to act in an emotional
Ability Scores & Codes
Recall that the human norm for Ability Scores Additional Requirements
hovers around 4 or 5, with maximums of 9 and Finally, the Race might have special conditions
minimums of 1. Races who are similar to human in for Wealth/Status or the requirements that certain
this regard need have no special Ability Score Skills be taken. Or a Role might be restricted from
comments. certain possessions or actions. These, like the
However, if a Race (or Role) has a minimum Advantages and Disadvantages, should be chosen
value for one Ability Score that is much higher than to make the Race or Role more interesting to play
human-norm, then the maximum value for some but not more difficult.
other score must be correspondingly reduced. Use
the following table as a guide: Races & Roles In Hero Building
This is where the character concept, the Race
Minimum Maximum
Score Score
and the Role chosen all come together. The
9 3 Narrator should work with the Player to allocate his
8 4 Fate Cards in such a way as to meet the assorted
7 5 requirements of the Race and/or Role. Minimum
Scores or Codes must be met with appropriate cards.
So, if you decide the many-tentacled F'theem If a card is played which exceeds a Maximum value,
have an Agility /minimum/ of 8, you should set a the Ability Score or Code is lowered to the
maximum on Body, Mind or Will of 4. Maximum regardless of the card played.
Likewise, if a certain minimum Ability Code is
very high, you should offset it with a lowered
Maximum elsewhere:
For SAGA Fans
This time, of course, we're purely in the material
Minimum Maximum created for Dragonlance. On close inspection, Races
Code Code and Roles are (for rule purposes) the same thing.
A D And that's how I've approached them here. A SAGA
B C Companion has much more extensive advice on
created balanced Races & Roles for your game, and
So, if the Role of Metalwright requires a Body it's a very worthwhile read.
Code of A, you would be fair in setting a maximum
Will code of D.
Since Merely SAGA has so few Abilities, we
And that's all, folks! I shan't be adding any more
recommend that Ability Minimums and Maximums
Merely SAGA material -- you should have plenty to
be confined to one pair of Scores and one pair of
spark your imagination and games. Thanks for taking
Codes. Placing restrictions on all four Abilities
the time to read (and hopefully play!) my Merely
places unfair restrictions on the player.
SAGA rules.
The online home for Merely SAGA is
Feel free to drop in! -- BP

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