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12 Leadership


1. Describe the characteristics of a "hero". (point form)

- You believe that if you just work harder, you’ll fix things
- You believe if you just get smarter or learn a new technique, you’ll be able to solve problems for
- You take on more projects and causes and have less time for relationships
- You believe you can save the situation, the person, the world
- Believe in their inherent superiority
- Every day people aren’t as creative or self-motivated as they are
- Will block participation and ideas from staff when suggested to fix a problem
- View engaging the whole system as a threat to their own power and control
- Consistently choose control (and the resultant chaos) rather than invite people in to help solve
complex problems

2. Describe the characteristics of a "host". (point form)

- Candid enough to admit when they don’t know what to do
- Learn from first-hand experience
- Realize their organization is rich in resources
- Bring people together in conversations that matter
- Relies on everyone's creativity, generosity, and commitment
- Extend sincere invitations, ask good questions, and have the courage to support risk-taking and

3. According to the video, describe the characteristics of a post-heroic leader. (point form)
- Emotionally intelligent
- Collaboration comes naturally
- Constantly change their behaviour to different environments
- Understand that command and control will not deliver enduring success
- They are self-aware and aware of the world around them
- Possess exceptional insight into their own motives
IDC4OUX- Gr. 12 Leadership

4. Name an individual or organization that you believe applies a “host” or “post-heroic” leadership
philosophy and explain why?
- A person in my life that demonstrates the host/post-heroic leadership style is my best friend,
Talia. Leadership comes naturally comes to Talia, she understands that she needs to take
everyone’s ideas and suggestions before she comes up with a final plan/solution. Talia is selfless
and knows when she needs help and assistance and when she does she goes out of her way to
get it. These are only a few reasons how Talia applies host/post-heroic leadership to her
everyday life!

4. Why should we adopt a "host" or “post-heroic” leadership philosophy to student leadership at

SJAM and specifically in this class? (1 paragraph/ .5 page)
- Leadership plays a huge role when it comes to a school’s success and atmosphere. It is important
that schools adopt the host/post-heroic leadership style for many beneficial reasons. First, as a
school, the students and staff need to come together and share their ideas, beliefs, and goals as
a group/community rather than just one person or a small group of people. This is because
everyone’s voices need to be heard so that most people, if not everyone is happy for the
decisions that are being made. Secondly, host/post-heroic leadership relies on people taking
risks and getting out of their comfort zones. This is really important because it pushes students
to make their high school experiences memorable and enjoyable. Lastly, this leadership style
expresses that it is okay to fail and that you should never give up when you are faced with tough
situations. This will not only help staff and students succeed in school, but also prepares them
for life outside of the halls. These are only a few reasons why it is so important for SJAM to adopt
the host/post-heroic leadership style.

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