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Multiple Muscle Systems

Jack M. Winters Savio L-¥". Woo


Multiple Muscle
Biomechanics and
Movement Organization

New York Berlin Heidelberg
London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong
Jack M. Winters SavioL-Y. Woo
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Surgery
Department of Chemical, Bio., and Materials Division of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
Engineering University of California at San Diego
Arizona State University School of Medicine
Tempe, Arizona 85287-6006, USA La Jolla, California 92093

Library of Congress CataIoging-in-Publication Data

Multiple muscle systems I biomechanics and movement organization I
Jack Wmters, Savio Woo, editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes index.

1. Biomechanics. I. Wmters, Jack, 1957- n. Woo, Savio L

[DNLM: 1. Biomechanics. 2. Models, Biological. 3. Movement-
-physiology. 4. Muscles-physiology. WE 103 M961]
QP303.M85 1990
for Library of Congress 90-10128

Cover illustration © Idd Delp. One time North American rights only. Any further use of this image
without the expressed consent of Idd Delp is strictly prohibited. All other rights reserved.

Printed on acid-free paper

© 1990 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 1990
All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied on whole or in part without the written
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ISBN-13:978-1-4613-9032-9 e-ISBN-13:978-1-4613-9030-5
DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-9030-5

The picture on the front cover of this book depicts a young man pulling a
fishnet, a task of practical relevance for many centuries. It is a complex task,
involving load transmission throughout the body, intricate balance, and eye-
head-hand coordination. The quest toward understanding how we perform
such tasks with skill and grace, often in the presence of unpredictable pertur-
bations, has a long history. However, despite a history of magnificent
sculptures and drawings of the human body which vividly depict muscle ac-
tivity and interaction, until more recent times our state of knowledge of
human movement was rather primitive. During the past century this has
changed; we now have developed a considerable database regarding the com-
position and basic properties of muscle and nerve tissue and the basic causal
relations between neural function and biomechanical movement. Over the
last few decades we have also seen an increased appreciation of the impor-
tance of musculoskeletal biomechanics: the neuromotor system must control
movement within a world governed by mechanical laws. We have now col-
lected quantitative data for a wealth of human movements. Our capacity to
understand the data we collect has been enhanced by our continually evolving
modeling capabilities and by the availability of computational power. What
have we learned? This book is designed to help synthesize our current
knowledge regarding the role of muscles in human movement.
The study of human movement is not a mature discipline. For instance,
within this book, respected leaders in the field find that understanding even
simple, stereotyped movements is quite challenging. Similarly, researchers
in robotics find that it is surprisingly difficult to get machines to move grace-
fully or to interact intelligently with a variable external environment. Yet a
young child can perform a countless variety of tasks quite effortlessly. It is a
field that consistently humbles the researcher.
Fundamental to our difficulties in identifying neuromotor control
strategies is the inherent biomechanical complexity of the musculoskeletal
system. Because of mechanical coupling, motion of one segment affects
many others. The standing human can be considered as an interlinked in-
verted pendulum that must operate within a gravitational field. Such systems
tend to be unstable. Thus, the neuromotor control system must not only plan
neurocontrol inputs that will cause appropriate volitional movements, but
must also assure that the overall system remains stable. It must contend with
(and perhaps take advantage of) the inherent complexity of muscle actuators;
dozens of muscles often contribute to even the simplest of movements.
Furthermore, each of these actuators has exquisitely nonlinear properties.
This book addresses this integration between biomechanics and neuromotor
organizational strategies in-depth, and as such provides a unique perspective
regarding our current state of knowledge.
In some ways the task of creating this book is analogous to planning and
executing a movement. We first had to define our task and its goals. We
then had to work out a strategy that could help us meet these criteria. Our
goals were: i) to provide contributions of high quality that span the entire
field of biomechanics/movement organization; ii) to serve both as a resource
book for students and as a source for presentation of state-of-the-art research;
vi Preface

iii) to synthesize, as much as possible, the interrelationships between con-

tributions; and iv) to suggest directions for future research that are likely to be
Our strategy was manifold. First, we actively pursued leaders in the
field. In this regard, we were remarkably successful. This has been clearly
recognized by our contributors, and our impression has been that this situa-
tion leads to each group "putting their best foot forward". As a state-of-the-
art resource book, each author was asked to include a selected review within
their chapter (more than usually possible within refereed journal publica-
tions), and to keep the "Methods" section short whenever possible by
referring to other publications. We also provide a number of chapters that are
of a more basic nature, suitable for instruction. For instance, one of us (IW.)
will use this as the primary resource book for a graduate course entitled
"Neuromuscular Control Systems"; Chapters 1,5,8-11,23 and 35 will serve
as a "core." To synthesize the many contributions presented here, we used
two approaches. First, each author had access to outlines for all other chap-
ters and was asked to reference other chapters as much as possible. Second,
each part of the book starts with an overview chapter which attempts to syn-
thesize information within that respective part of the book. Finally, we
specifically asked each contributor to suggest future research directions,
within either a separate section or a discussion section; these insights and
recommendations will perhaps extend the useful lifetime of this book.
The book is organized into five parts. The first two parts emphasize
modeling. Such models help document the state of current knowledge,
provide predictions that can often be tested experimentally, and allow estima-
tion of information that is difficult or impossible to measure experimentally
(e.g., muscle forces). Part 1 addresses the properties of muscle, the biologi-
cal actuator that allows voluntary movements to unfold. It turns out that
movement strategies are quite sensitive to the properties of this unique ac-
tuator; thus a detailed consideration of muscle dynamic properties is a fitting
way to start this book. Our emphasis here is on concrete models of muscle
that are capable of representing salient muscle properties. We will constantly
face the inherent tension that exists between model complexity and
simplicity, and we will see that different contributors come to different solu-
tions, based largely on their research goals. There is a natural progression
within these chapters from complex models (Chapters 1-4) toward somewhat
simpler models (Chapters 5-7). Chapters 1-4 challenge the backbone of
simpler muscle modeling approaches, such as the Hill-based and variable
spring models used throughout the rest of this book. Chapter 5 addresses
these concerns, suggesting that appropriately used simpler models are suffi-
cient for most of the questions of interest within Parts III-V of this book.
Chapter 6 compares the predictions for various model formulations, while
Chapter 7 contrasts technological actuators with biological muscle. Part II
considers neuromusculoskeletal models. Chapter 8 overviews the founda-
tions underlying musculoskeletal model development, Chapter 9 develops
important theoretical foundations for musculoskeletal systems analysis, and
Chapter 10 develops an approach for utilizing models in conjunction with ex-
periments to gain insight into neuromechanical control systems.
The last three parts of this book emphasize the interplay between
biomechanics and movement organizational strategies, specifically address-
ing the role of multiple muscles in this process. A wide variety of tasks are
Preface vii

considered, with the emphasis on movements in humans. Part III con-

centrates on organizational strategies for upper limb movements. Such
movement tasks typically involve tracking or manipulation, with the upper
limb considered to be mounted on a base at the shoulder. Because of the
variety of upper limb movements that occur throughout life, upper limb
movements tends to serve as a testing ground for assessing principles of
movement organization. In contrast, Part IV considers what happens at the
other side of the shoulder, where issues such as postural stability and tissue
loading become dominant. Control of posture often involves the whole body,
from eye-head orientation to the maintenance of balance by effective action
of limb and torso musculature. Chapters 24-28 focus on tasks involving the
spinal musculature, while Chapters 29-33 emphasize whole body balance and
the relationship between intentional movement and posture. These are both
areas of tremendous complexity. They also represent areas of great impor-
tance with regards to understanding organizational strategies for the wealth of
practical tasks of daily living. For tasks such as walking, it is often difficult
to separate movement and postural aspects (Chapters 32-33, 43-44).
However, for the repetitive, skilled cyclic and propulsive movements con-
sidered in Part V, postural concerns tend not to be the issue. Here the focus
is on movement, and especially on the roles of lower limb muscles in such
movements. Unlike upper limb movements, in which an isolated limb can be
considered, coupling to the moving torso is typically quite important for
lower limb movements. Joint and muscle loads tend to be high, and
biomechanical issues related to inertial dynamic coupling, energy transfer,
the role of spring-like muscle properties, and the "stretch-shortening cycle"
tend to dominate. Most of the tasks under investigation are stereotyped and
often cyclical in nature.
The book ends with an appendix that provides tables summarizing mus-
culotendon parameters utilized by various groups. This represents the most
complete resource for such information.
In conclusion, this book provides the fruits of a team effort by leaders in
this fascinating (and humbling) field of movement biomechanics and motor
control. Put together, it provides the reader with a wealth of insights and a
unique global perspective on multiple muscle systems. At the very least, the
book should give each of its readers a great appreciation for a task so simple
as grasping a fishnet.

This book grew out of a conversation in April of 1989 between the two
of us regarding the possibility of J.W. organizing a symposium for the First
World Congress of Biomechanics, held in La Jolla, CA, August 30-
September 4, 1990. The response within the community was greater than
anticipated, with our preliminary plan evolving into two symposia with over
80 presentations total, one on Multiple Muscle Systems and one on Multiple
Muscle Movement Organization, plus this book. Part of this enthusiastic
response was due to good timing - a resource book in this area was sorely
needed. It was also due to the combination of a major international meeting
and our plan for making the book available in time for the meeting. We
gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the World Congress organizers in
this endeavor.
Our most valuable resource has been the contributors. It was em-
phasized early on that this project would involve a team effort. As an
analogy, we used the muscles of the body. In order to complete a task, many
muscles (contributors) must playa role. To be successful, muscles must be
strong, somewhat attentive to the goals of the overall task, and fatigue-
resistant. Fortunately, these attributes held true for our contributors. We
especially thank them for their willingness to integrate their material so that it
fit within the context of the whole book.
Muscles cannot function without a support system. We thank the staff of
Springer-Verlag for their patience and enthusiasm. We also thank Jean
George for her help with editing, Lesley Rathburn for her help with layout of
the book, and Kathleen Winters for creating the index. Without their profes-
sional and cheerful help during various stages of this project, completion in
time for the meeting would have been impossible.
Finally, we acknowledge Mother Nature for providing us with such a fas-
cinating system to study.

Jack M. Winters

Savio L-Y. Woo

La Jolla, CA

Preface v
Contributors xv

Part I: Muscle Modeling

1. Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 1
GJ. Zahalak

2. The Charge-Transfer Model of Myofilamentary 24

Interaction: Prediction of Force Enhancement
and Related Myodynamic Phenomena

3. Modeling of Lengthening Muscle: The Role of 46

Inter-Sarcomere Dynamics

4. Architecture and Elastic Properties of the Series 57

Elastic Element of Muscle-Tendon Complex
G J.C. Ettema and P.A. Huijing

5. Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering 69

1M. Winters

6. Input Identification Depends on Model Complexity 94


7. Actuator Properties and Movement Control: 101

Biological and Technological Models
B. Hanruiford and 1M. Winters

Part II: Modeling Neuromusculoskeletal Movement Systems

8. Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems: 121
Joint and Body-Segment Dynamics, Musculotendinous
Actuation, and Neuromuscular Control
F. Zajac and 1M. Winters

9. Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular 149


10. Linking Musculoskeletal Mechanics to Sensorimotor 165

G.E. Loeb and W.S. Levine
xii Contents

Part m: Principles Underlying Movement Organization:

Upper Limb
11. Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 182
N. Hogan andJM. Winters

12. The Origin of Electromyograms - Explanations Based 195

on the Equilibrium Point Hypothesis
A.G. Feldman, S. V. Adamovich, DJ. Ostry and J.R. Flanagan

13. Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 214

C.-H. Wu, J.C. Houk, K.-Y. Young and L.E. Miller

14. Principles Underlying Single-Joint Movement Strategies 236

G.L. Goulieb, DM. Corcos, G.C. Agarwal and M.L. Latash

15. Organizing Principles Underlying Motor Skill Acquisition 251

DM. Corcos, G.L. Gottlieb, S. Jaric, R.L. Cromwell and
G.C. Agarwal

16. Direction-Dependent Strategy for Control of Multi-Joint 268

Arm Movements
GM. Karst and Z. Hasan

17. The Organization of Human Arm Trajectory Control 282


18. The Activation of Mono- and Bi-Articular Muscles in 302

Multi-Joint Movements
S. Gielen, G J. van Ingen Schenau, T. Tax and M. Theeuwen

19. Optimized Strategies for Scaling Goal-Directed Dynamic 312

Limb Movements
A.H. Seif-Naraghi and J M. Winters

20. Self-Organizing Neural Mechanisms Possibly Responsible 335

for Movement Coordination
JJ. Denier van der Gon, A.C.C. Coolen, CJ. Erkelens,

21. External Control of Limb Movements Involving 343

Environmental Interactions
P.E. Crago, M A. Lemay and L. Liu

22. Model-Based, Multi-Muscle EMG Control of 360

Upper-Extremity Prostheses
S.G. Meek, J.E. Kbod, S.C Jacobsen

Part IV: Principles Underlying Movement Organization:

Spinal Loading and Postural Stability
23. Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks: Spinal Loading and 377
Postural Stability
G.BJ. Andersson and J M. Winters
Contents xiii

24. The Use of Musculoskeletal Models in the Diagnosis and 396

Treatment of Low Back Pain

25. Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 410

S. Gracovets/cy

26. Postural Biomechanical Stability and Gross Muscle 438

Architecture in the Spine
J J. Crisco and M. Panjabi

27. Modeling of Muscle Action and Stability of the 451

Human Spine
M. Dietrich, K. Kedzior and T. Zagrajek

28. Neck Muscle Activity and 3-D Head Kinematics During 461
Quasi-Static and Dynamic Tmcking Movements
J M. Winters and J. Peles

29. Muscle Activation Patterns Coordinating Postuml 481

Stability From Head to Foot
EA. Keshner and J.H J. Allum

30. Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance? 498

Facts and Concepts
S. Bouisset and M. Zattara

31. Simulation Experiments can Shed Light on the 507

Functional Aspects of Postural Adjustments Related
to Voluntary Movements
CF. Ramos and L.W. Stark

32. Simulation Studies of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics in 518

Cycling and Sitting on a Chair
H.D. Ong, H. Hemami, and S. Simon

33. Control of Balance of Upper Body During Gait 534

D. Winter, GX. Ruder, C.D. MacKinnon

34. Individual Strategies of Muscle Recruitment in 542

Complex Natural Movements
A. Pedotti and P. Crenna

Part V: Principles Underlying Movement Organization:

Propulsive and Cyclic Movements with Lower-Limb
35. Overview: Influence of Muscle On Cyclic and Propulsive 550
Movements Involving the Lower Limb
M. Mungiole and J M. Winters

36. The Architecture of Leg Muscles 568

RMcN. Alexander and RF. Ker
xiv Contents

37. Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in 578


38. Effects of Muscle Elasticity in Walking and Running 591


39. Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills 608

AB. Chapman and D.J. Sanderson

40. Analysis of Muscular Work in Multi-Segmental 621

Movements: Application to Cycling
ML. Hull and D.A. Hawkins

41. The Unique Action of Bi-Articular Muscles in 639

Leg Extensions
G.J. van Ingen Schenau, M.F. Bobbert and A.J. van Soest

42. An Analytical Framework for Quantifying Muscular 653

Action During Human Movement

43. Performing Whole-Body Simulations of Gait with 3-D, 663

Dynamic Musculoskeletal Models
G.T. Yamaguchi

44. Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 680

D.A. Winter, S.l Olney, 1 Conrad, S.C White,
S Ounpuu, and lR. Gage
45. Whole Body Movement: Coordination of Arms and Legs 694
in Walking and Running
R.N. Hinrichs

46. Brain Plans and Servo Loops in Detennining 706

Corrective Movements
J.D. Brooke and W.E. McIlroy


A Survey of Human Musculotendon Actuator Parameters 717

G.T. Yamaguchi, A.G.-U. Sawa, D.W. Moran, M.J. Fessler
and J M. Winters

Index 775

S. V. Adamovich John D. Brooke

Institute of Problems of Information Human Biology/Physics
Transmission University of Guelph
Academy of Sciences Guelph, Ontario
Ermolova 19, 103051 CANADA N1G 2W1
Moscow, USSR
Arthur E. Chapman
Gyan C. Agarwal School of Kinesiology
Depts. of Electrical Engineering and Simon Fraser University
Computer Science, and Bioengineering Burnaby, British Columbia
University of Illinois at Chicago CANADA V5A 1S6
Chicago, IL 60680, USA
Jill Conrad
R. McNeil Alexander Dept. of Physical Education
Dept. of Pure and Applied Biology University of Wisconsin
University of Leeds Madison, WI 53706, USA
Baines Wing
Leeds LS2 9JT A.C.C. Coolen
ENGlAND Dept. of Medical and Physiological Physics
University of Utrecht
John HJ. Allum Princetonplein 5
Dept. of Otolaryngology NL-3584-CC Utrecht
University Hospital NETHERlANDS
CH-4031 Basel
Dept. of Physical Education
Gunnar BJ. Andersson University of Illinois at Chicago
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery Chicago, IL 60612, USA
Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke's Medical Center
1653 West Congress Parkway PatE. Crago
Chicago, IL 60612-3864, USA Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
Maarten F. Bobbert Cleveland,OH 44106, USA
Dept. of Functional Anatomy
Free Universiteit P. Crenna
van der Boechorststraat 9 Politecnico di Milano
1081 BT Amsterdam Dipartmento di Elettonica
NETHERlANDS Piazza Leonarda da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
Simon Bouisset ITALY
Laboratoire de Physiologie du Movement
UA CNRS no. 631 Joseph I. Crisco III
Universite de Paris-Sud Dept. of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
F-914050rsay Yale Medical School
FRANCE 333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CN 06510, USA
xvi Contributors

Ronita L. Cromwell Tamar Flash

Dept. of Physical Education Dept. of Applied Math and Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago Weizmann Institute of Science
Chicago, IL 60680, USA Rehovot 76100
IJ. Denier van der Gon
Dept. of Medical and Physiological Physics lames R. Gage
University of Utrecht Kinesiology Laboratory
Princetonplein 5 Dept. of Surgery
NL-3584-CC Utrecht Newington Childrens' Hospital
NETHERLANDS Newington, CN 06111, USA

Stan Gielen
Marek Dietrich Dept. of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Warsaw University of Technology University of Nijmegen
Institute for Aircraft Engineering Geert Grooteeplein Noord 21
and Applied Mechanics NL 6525 EZ Nijmegen
u1. Nowowiejska 22/24 NETHERLANDS
00-665 Warsaw
POLAND Gerald L. Gottlieb
Dept. of Physiology
CJ. Erlkelens Rush Medical College
Dept. of Medical and Physiological Physics 1753 W. Congress Pkwy.
University of Utrecht Chicago, IL 60612, USA
Princetonplein 5
NL-3584-CC Utrecht Serge Gracovetsky
NETHERLANDS Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Concordia University
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West
GJ.c. Ettema
Montreal, Quebec
Group in Functional Anatomy
Free University
van der Boechorststraat 9 Blake Hannaford
1081 BT Amsterdam Dept. of Electrical Engineering
NETHERLANDS University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195, USA
A.G. Feldman
Institute of Problems of Information ZiaHasan
Transmission Dept. of Physiology
Academy of Sciences University of Arizona
Ermolova 19, 103051 Health Sciences Center
Moscow, USSR Tucson, AZ 85724, USA

Helbert Hatze
Mark J. Fessler
Abt. Bewegungslehre/Biomechanik
Arizona State University
Institut fur Sportwissenschaften
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
der U niversitat Wien
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Auf der Scheltz 6
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA
I.R. Flanagan
Dept. of Psychology David A. Hawkins
McGill University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Montreal, Quebec University of California at Davis
CANADA H3A 1B1 Davis, CA 95616, USA

Hooshang Hemami Slobodan Jaric

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Biomechanics
Ohio State University Faculty of Physical Education
Columbus, OH 43210, USA Blagoja, Parovica 156
11030 Belgrade
Richard N. Hillrichs YUGOSLAVIA
Exercise & Sport Research Institute
PEBE 107 HJJ.Jonker
Arizona State University Dept. of Medical and Physiological Physics
Tempe, AZ 85287-0404, USA University of Utrecht
Princetonplein 5
AtL.HoJ NL-3584-CC Utrecht
Laboratory of Medical Physics NETHERLANDS
University of Groningen
Bloemsingell0 Greg M. Kilrst
9712 KZ Groningen Dept. of Physiology
NETHERLANDS University of Arizona
Health Sciences Center
Tucson, AZ 85724, USA
Neville Hogan
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology KrzysztoJ Kedzior
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Warsaw University of Technology
Institute for Aircraft Engineering
and Applied Mechanics
James C. Houk
ul. Nowowiejska 22/24
Dept. of Physiology
00-665 Warsaw
Northwestern University Medical School
303 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Dept. of Pure and Applied Biology
Peter A. Huijillg University of Leeds
Group in Functional Anatomy Baines Wing
Free University Leeds LS2 9JT
van der Boechorststraat 9 ENGLAND
1081 BT Amsterdam
NETHERLANDS Emily A. Keshner
Dept. of Physical Therapy (M/C 898)
Maury C. Hull College of Associated Health Professions
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering The University of Illinois at Chicago
University of California at Davis 1919 West Taylor Street
Davis, CA 95616, USA Chicago, IL 60612, USA

Gerrit Jan vall Ingen Schenau Zvi Ladin

Dept. of Functional Anatomy Neuromuscular Research Center
Free Universiteit Biomedical Engineering Department
van der Boechorststraat 9 Boston University
1081 BT Amsterdam Boston, MA 02215, USA
Mark L. Latash
Steve C. Jacobsen Dept. of Neurosurgery
Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Rush Medical College
University of Utah 1753 W. Congress Pkwy.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Chicago, IL 60612, USA
xviii Contributors

Steve L. Lehman D.W.Moran

Dept. of Physical Education Arizona State University
103 Harmon Gym College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
University of California at Berkeley Dept. of Chern., Bio., and Materials Engineer
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA

Michel A. Lemay David Morgan

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Dept. of Electrical and
Case Western Reserve University Computer Systems Engineering
Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA Monash University
Clayton, Victoria
William S. Levine AUSTRALIA
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland Michael Mungiole
College Park, MD 20742, USA Exercise & Sport Research Institute
PEBE 107
Like Liu Arizona State University
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Tempe, AZ 85287-0404, USA
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA
Sandra I. Olney
School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Gerald E. Loeb
Queens University
Bio-Medical Engineering
Kingston, Ontario
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Hoo Dennis Ong
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Colum D. MacKinnon
Ohio State University
Dept. of Kinesiology
Columbus, OH 43210, USA
University of WaterIoo
Waterloo, Ontario
Dept. of Psychology
W.E. McIlroy McGill University
Human Biology/Physics Montreal, Quebec
University of Guelph CANADA H3A IBI
Guelph, Ontario
CANADA NIG 2Wl Sylvia Ounpuu
Kinesiology Laboratory
17lOmas McMahon Dept. of Surgery
Division of Applied Mechanics Newington Childrens' Hospital
Harvard University Newington, CN 06111, USA
Pierce Hall
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Marcus G. Pandy
Dept. of Kinesiology and Health Education
Sanford G. Meek University of Texas at Austin
Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Austin, Texas 72712, USA
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Manohar Panjabi
Engineering Laboratory for
Lee E. Miller Musculoskeletal Diseases
Dept. of Physiology Section of Orthopedic Surgery
Northwestern University Medical School Yale Medical School
303 E. Chicago Avenue 333 Cedar Street
Chicago,IL 60611, USA New Haven, CN 06510, USA
Contributors xix

Antonio Pedotti Lawrence W. Stark

Politecnico di Milano Neurology Unit
Dipartmento di Elettonica 483 Minor Hall
Piazza Leonarda da Vinci 32 University of California at Berkeley
20133 Milano Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Toine Tax
loePeles Dept. of Medical Physics and Biophysics
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Nijmegen
Dept. of Chemical, Bio., and Materials Geert Grooteeplein Noord 21
Engineering NL 6525 EZ Nijmegen
Arizona State University NETHERLANDS
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA
Marc Theeuwen
C.F.Ramos Dept. of Medical Physics and Biophysics
The Neuroscience Institute University of Nijmegen
1230 York Avenue Geert Grooteeplein Noord 21
New York, NY 10021, USA NL 6525 EZ Nijmegen
Gordon K Ruder
Dept. of Kinesiology Scott C. White
University of Waterloo School of Health-Related Professions
Waterloo, Ontario SUNY at Buffalo
CANADA N2L 3G1 Buffalo, NY 14260, USA

David I. Sanderson David A. Winter

School of Physical Education & Recreation Dept. of Kinesiology
University of British Columbia University of Waterloo
Vancouver, British Columbia Waterloo, Ontario

A.G.-U. Sawa lack M. Winters

Arizona State University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dept. of Chemical, Bio., and Materials
Dept. of Chem., Bio., and Materials Engineering Engineering
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA
Amir Seif-Naraghi
Samaritan Rehabilitations Institute lohnE. Wood
Good Samaritan Medical Center Center for Engineering Design
1111 E. McDowell Road Dept. of Bioengineering
Phoenix, AZ 85006, USA University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
Sheldon Simon
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery Chi-haurWu
Ohio State University Hospitals Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Columbus, OH 43210, USA and Computer Science
Northwestern University
Arthur 1. van Soest Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Dept. of Functional Anatomy
Free Universiteit Gary T. Yamaguchi
van der Boechorststraat 9 Arizona State University
1081 BT Amsterdam College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
NETHERLANDS Dept. of Chem., Bio., and Materials Engineering
Tempe, AZ 85287-6006, USA
xx Contributors

Kuu-Young Young Feliz Zajac

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
and Computer Science Design Division
Northwestern University Stanford University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA Stanford, CA 94305-4021, USA

Tomasz Zagrajek Maurice Zattara

Warsaw University of Technology Laboratoire de Physiologie du Moven
Institute for Aircraft Engineering UA CNRS no. 631
and Applied Mechanics Universite de Paris-Sud
ul. Nowowiejska 22/24 F-91405 Orsay
00-665 Warsaw FRANCE

George I. Zahalak
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Washington University
Campus Box 1185
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130, USA

Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics)

George I. Zahalak

1.1 Introduction involving large ensembles of such elements are

analytically and computationally tractable, and 2)
This book deals with an engineering perspec- their structure should embody as closely as pos-
tive of the mechanics and control of movement in sible the known physical, chemical and
animals, particularly humans. The final effectors physiological character of the modelled elements,
that actually produce movement are the actuators so that theoretical predictions are credible.
of the neuro-musculo-skeletal control system: the Obviously there is a natural tension between these
skeletal muscles. In the analysis of any control two requirements, and the proper balance of
system, especially one as complex as that govern- simplicity versus fidelity is a subject of continuing
ing movement, it is essential to have a clear debate.
understanding of the physical nature of the ac- In this frrst chapter of Part I (muscle
tuators and also tractable mathematical modeling) I will focus on mathematical repre-
representations of their dynamics. A satisfactory sentations of the dynamics of an isolated skeletal
comprehension of movement is difficult to achieve muscle. Subsequent parts of this book will deal
without sophisticated model simulations, which re- with how such muscle models are integrated into
quire a very heavy computational effort for even multiple muscle systems. I will begin with a very
severely reduced models, and which involve com- brief general overview of the nature of muscle
plex histories of muscle activation, force, and contraction which reflects the current consensus
motion beyond the range of experience in simple among muscle biologists. The purpose of this
laboratory experiments. Of the many predictions review is to provide a physiological framework for
in a simulation of movement only a few are acces- the subsequent discussion of muscle models, and it
sible to direct experimental verification; for will avoid both excessive detail and controversial
example, limb positions, surface electromyograms topics. This qualitative description will be fol-
(EMGs), and joint torques. Many other variables lowed by a brief exposition of biophysical cross-
of interest, such as individual muscle forces, pat- bridge models, first introduced by A.F. Huxley
terns of neural activation, and energy storage and (1957) and elaborated by Huxley, T.L. Hill
liberation are accepted more or less on faith. (1977), and many contemporary workers. After
Model redundancy is a serious impediment to un- this introduction to current concepts of muscle
derstanding: many different internal models may structure and function I will trace the history of a
be compatible with the limited measurements more traditional view of muscle: the A.V. Hill
available for a few global external variables. Thus model. The evolution of the concepts of contrac-
it is desirable that analytical representations of the tile element, series elasticity, and parallel elasticity
elements of the motor control system, particularly from the classic experiments will be developed,
representations of muscles, possess two attributes: and generalizations to include behavior in stretch
1) they should be sufficiently simple that studies as well as shortening, length-dependent properties,

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
2 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

and time-dependent activation will be discussed develop mathematical representations of muscle

briefly [see Chapter 5 (Winters) for a more that have some discernible connection with the
detailed treatment of Hill-based muscle models]. currently perceived biological realities of contrac-
At present the Huxley-type cross-bridge tion. It is far too much to expect that any such
models are relied upon almost exclusively by model be simultaneously simple, tractable, and ac-
muscle biophysicists and biochemists to under- curately mimic all the known experimental facts
stand the mechanisms of contraction at the about muscle including structure, mechanics, ther-
molecular level and to interpret the results of modynamics, biochemistry, and myoelectricity,
mechanical, thermodynamic, and biochemical ex- under conditions of time-varying activation and
periments on muscle. Elegant as they are, these loading. For example, both the traditional Hill and
models are much too complicated to serve directly Huxley models when applied to whole muscle
as mathematical representations of the muscle ac- consider that contractile tissue is homogeneous,
tuators in motor control studies, and indeed they but it has been proposed that several features of a
will be encountered rarely in the remainder of this muscle's mechanical behavior are due to in-
book. On the other hand bioengineers and move- homogeneities in this tissue; these features and
ment scientists rely almost exclusively on their importance for modeling muscle behavior in
phenomenological A.V. Hill-type models for an the living animal are discussed by Morgan in
understanding of the workings of whole muscles Chapter 3.
in multiple muscle systems. I will describe an ap- Modeling always involves a compromise be-
proach with the potential to partially bridge these tween mathematical tractability and physical
two disparate perspectives, called the Distribution- veracity, and I hope in this chapter to touch on
Moment (DM) Approximation, which extracts Hill- some of the considerations bearing on this com-
like state-variable models of whole muscle as promise in the case of skeletal muscle.
mathematical approximations to Huxley-type
1.2 The Physiology of Muscle Activation
cross-bridge theories. I close the chapter with a
summary, and some personal thoughts on the fu- and Contraction
ture development of muscle models and their Since the determination of the sub-microscopic
implementation. structure of striated muscle by x-ray diffraction in
Although many theories and models of mus- the 1950's, an intense and continuing experimen-
cular contraction have appeared, for purposes of tal effort has been mounted to discover the
this chapter I have deliberately chosen to con- ultimate molecular mechanisms of contraction.
centrate on the two which seem to me most Several good reviews of this rapidly evolving field
prominent: A. V. Hill-type macroscopic models are available (Huxley, 1980; Squire, 1981; Pollack
and A. F. Huxley-type microscopic models. (The and Sugi, 1984; Woledge et al., 1985; Cooke,
DM model is a mathematical approximation of the 1986; Ruegg, 1986; Squire, 1986; Paul et al.,
latter with some characteristics of the former.) In 1989). A general consensus seems to exist among
particular, I have avoided discussion of theories of muscle physiologists concerning the broad out-
contraction (Bornhorst and Minardi, 1970; Tirosh lines of the contraction process, although the fine
et al. 1978; Iwazumi, 1978) which, although they details are the subject of active investigation and
may be interesting and provocative, have no sig- debate; in this section I will qualitatively sketch
nificant current support in the biophysics this consensus view.
community. [But see Chapter 2 (Hatze) for a new Figure 1.1 is a cartoon illustrating the cascade
unconventional theory of cross-bridge dynamics.] of steps leading from neural excitation to contrac-
The Hill model is sanctified by long tradition tion. A neural action potential is generated in a
going back to the 1930's, and is the basis of an motoneuron by the spatial and temporal summa-
enormous amount of experimental effort and data tion of incoming action potentials from other
reported in the literature. Huxley-type models are neurons impinging on the motoneuron. .This
used by almost all active workers in muscle electrical disturbance travels down the
biophysics and biochemistry, and therefore these motoneuron's axon at a constant characteristic
models must be considered if one wishes to velocity of the order of 100 ms·1 , and invades the
several branches of the neuron, each with a ter-
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 3

minal that is closely apposed to a skeletal muscle minal and the motor end-plate and binds to
fiber. The arrival of the neural action potential at channel-linked receptors in the muscle-fiber
the neuromuscular junction triggers a sequence of membrane. This binding results in a rapid influx
biochemical events that result in muscle contrac- of sodium into the fiber, locally depolarizes the
tion. First the action potential causes a secretion post-synaptic membrane, and generates a
of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the nar- propagated muscle action potential that travels
row gap between the nerve terminal and a down the fiber at a characteristic speed of the or-
specialized region of the muscle fiber called the der of 5 ms· l •
motor end-plate. The acetylcholine is secreted by As the muscle action potential propagates down
exocytosis via small synaptic vesicles that package the length of the muscle fiber, a transmembrane
the neurotransmitter; this process is triggered by electrical disturbance periodically invades the inte-
an influx of calcium ions made possible by a tran- rior of the fiber via the transverse tubules which
sient change of the nerve-membrane permeability invaginate the fiber at the z-disks spaced ap-
to calcium which is associated with an action proximately 2 11m apart. This internal electrical
potential. The acetylcholine diffuses rapidly disturbance is communicated to the membranes of
across the synaptic cleft separating the nerve ter-

ACh Motoneuron


G>J Actin Binding Site

-.... Cross-Bridge

Propagating Action Potential


I--- sarcomere---l

Figure 1.1: Cartoon illustrating the activation- are used: ACh (acetylcholine), Ca (calcium), SV
contraction coupling sequence in a skeletal muscle (synaptic vesicle), MEP (motor end-plate), IT
fiber. See text for details. The following abbreviations (transverse tubule), and SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum).
4 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

the sarcoplamsmic reticulum (SR), which increases Chemical energy is consumed in both the ac-
the penneability of these membranes to calcium. tivation and contraction processes. The immediate
In the absence of electrical stimulation the SR, a source of this energy is the hydrolysis of
system of closed internal tubules, accumulates cal- adenosine triphosphate (ATP), dissolved in the sar-
cium ions by pumping them out of the surrounding coplasm, to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). In the
cytoplasm (sarcoplasm); the protein pump which activation process this energy is used by special-
accomplishes this is located in the SR membrane ized proteins in the SR membrane to pump calcium
and is ATP-driven. Thus under resting conditions ions from the sarcoplasm into the SR and thus es-
there is a large concentration difference of calcium tablish the calcium concentration gradient. In the
between the interior and exterior of the SR, but the actin-rnyosin contractile interactions one ATP
penneability of the SR membrane to calcium is molecule is hydrolyzed for each cycle of cross-
low. The transient increase of this penneability bridge attachment and detachment, and this is the
results in a rapid efflux of calcium ions into the energy source for the work perfonned by the
sarcoplasm, where they bind reversibly to the muscle. As neither the conversion of ATP free
regulatory protein troponin which is located on the energy into an electrochemical calcium potential
thin actin myoftlaments. difference across the SR membrane, nor its conver-
There is approximately one troponin molecule sion into muscle work, is perfectly efficient, some
for each myosin head (cross-bridge) projecting of the available chemical energy is degraded into
from the thick myosin ftlaments which occupy the heat which is transferred across the muscle bound-
central region of a sarcomere and interdigitate ary or increases the temperature of the muscle. In
with the thin actin ftlaments. In the absence of spite of its rapid utilization, however, no decrease
bound calcium troponin is believed to exert an in- in the ATP concentration is usually detected in
hibition against the binding of myosin cross- contractions of moderate duration. This is because
bridges to specific receptor sites on the actin the ADP generated by muscular activity is im-
filaments. But when the muscle action potential mediately re-phosphorylated back to ATP by the
supplies bound calcium as described above, it is Lohmann reaction, at the expense of the
believed that this troponin-mediated inhibition is hydrolysis of another chemical energy source
removed, perhaps by a confonnational change, available in the sarcoplasm: phosphocreatine
and myosin is free to bind to actin: the muscle (PCr).
tissue is "activated" and ready to contract. The This rather crude summary of molecular
subsequent binding of myosin cross-bridges to ac- activation~ontraction dynamics has glossed over
tin sites causes, through an incompletely an abundance of complex, incompletely under-
understood series of steps discussed in the next stood detail. For example, the single step of
section, muscle movement by relative sliding of translocating a calcium ion across the SR
the two interdigitating myoftlament arrays; or, if membrane may involve as many as twelve
movement is constrained, the actin-myosin inter- separate biochemical states in the pumping protein
action generates contractile force. (Inesi, 1985). Or again, the assumption that all
If electrical stimulation ceases then relaxation cross-bridges are detached in the absence of
occurs by a reversal of steps listed above. First, electrical stimulation may be an oversimplifica-
there is a net flux of calcium out of the sarcoplasm tion: some experiments have suggested that a
and into the SR, because the calcium penneability considerable number of cross-bridges may be in-
of the SR membrane is now low but the ATP- stantaneously attached in relaxed muscle (at least
driven calcium pump continues to operate. The at low ionic strength) but these attached cross-
reduced sarcoplasmic free calcium concentration bridges are in a fast equilibrium with those
promotes dissociation of calcium from troponin, detached and therefore produce negligible force
which in turn reestablishes the inhibition against unless a high stretch velocity is imposed
actin-rnyosin binding. Thus when the cross- (Schoenberg et al., 1984). Clearly, even without
bridges detach from actin they cannot re-attach, these considerations, the basic schema presented
which causes motion to stop and muscle force to in this section is quite complicated and poses a
relax. severe challenge to anyone wishing to develop
realistic models of muscle.
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 5

1.3 Biophysical Models of Contraction

V---f I now turn to biophysical models of how force
and motion are produced in activated muscle; that
is in muscle where actin sites have been made ac-
cessible to the myosin cross-bridges by the prior
binding of calcium to troponin. First I will review
the original simplest model proposed by Huxley
s (1957), as amended to include the "self-
consistency" requirement introduced by T.L. Hill
(Hill et al., 1975). This model assumes that a
myosin cross-bridge can exist only in one of two
Unattached distinct biochemical states: either (1) attached to
an actin site, or (2) detached from actin. This is il-
lustrated in the cartoon of Figure 1.2(a). The cross-
bridges are assumed to be attached to the thick
myosin filaments by an elastic linkage of some
sort (the precise nature of which has yet to be
Attached determined), and to be in random thermal motion
(b) about a neutral equilibrium position. From time to
time each cross-bridge, which in the simplest
Sec 1 theory is assumed to function independently of all
other cross-bridges, will bind to a nearby actin site
and the hypothetical elastic linkage will be
stretched or compressed; this, in turn, will produce
an elementary force of interaction between the ac-
tin and myosin fIlaments, which may act in either
direction. The sum of all these elementary forces
of over all the cross-bridges of the contractile
tissue is the force exerted by the muscle.
-~'----- T.L. Hill (1977) pointed out that in order for
cross-bridges to produce net work in a sequence of
o attachment and detachment there must exist at
least two distinct reaction paths between the at-
tached and detached states. This is illustrated in
Figure 1.2(b), where the rate constants for attach-
Figure 1.2: 0) Schematic illustration of the interdigitat- ment via the two paths are denoted by t and g',
ing array of thick (myosin) and thin (actin) whereas the corresponding reverse rate constants
myoffiaments. The cross-bridges are portrayed as balls for detachment are denoted by f' and g; I will
attached by springs to the myosin backbone. b) refer to these two reaction paths as the '1-path"
Kinetic diagram for a two-state cross-bridge model and the "g-path". Such a situation could arise if,
showing two separate reaction paths between the for example, either the attached or detached state
detached (0) state and the attached (1) state. ATP split- were actually two distinct states (related by a con-
ting is assumed to occur on detachment via the g-path. formational change) which were in a fast
c) Assumed dependences of the rate functions f, f', g,
equilibrium with each other, or if one of these two
and g' on the dimensionless bond length ~ = xlh. For
reasonable values of M, ~ and the rate function g'm sub-states were a transient intermediate (Hill,
1977). The critical ingredient which makes the
is negligible on the scale of the diagram. (From
Zahalak and Ma, 1990; reprinted with permission of Huxley theory work is that the rate constants t, f' ,
ASME.) g, and g' are not, in fact, constants but rather func-
tions of x, the displacement of a cross-bridge from
its neutral equilibrium position. These functions
6 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

are assumed to be such that a cross-bridge has a temal constraints imposed on the muscle.
higher probability of binding with x > 0, and thus The Huxley theory turns on the determination
producing a tension in the contractile tissue, than of a bond-distribution junction, n(x,t), which gives
with x < 0, which would produce compression. A the fraction of cross-bridges at time t that are
typical set of rate functions is illustrated in Figure bonded to actin with bond lengths (i.e. cross-
1.2(c). It is believed that one molecule of ATP bridge displacements) lying in the range (x, x +
from the solution bathing the myofIlaments is dx). Assuming (1) independent cross-bridges, (2)
hydrolyzed to ADP each time a cross-bridge passes rigid myofIlaments, (3) a fixed number of active
through a complete cycle of states. This is indi- cross-bridges, and (4) frrst-order chemical
cated in Fig. 1.2(b) by coupling the hydrolysis of kinetics, it can be shown that n satisfies the equa-
one ATP molecule for each cross-bridge detach- tion

ment via the g-path; attachment via this path
would therefore require the synthesis of ATP from [ :; ] - v(t) ( : ; ) = (1.3)
ADP in solution, which is deemed very unlikely ~

for the normal operation of muscle. [f(x) + g'(x)][1 - n(x,t)] - [f' (x) + g(x)] n(x)
Under special restrictive assumptions one can
actually deduce the dependence of the rate func- where v(t) is the relative velocity of sliding be-
tions on x from macroscopic muscle experiments tween the myofIlaments (shortening positive) (Hill
(Lacker and Peskin, 1986), but in general this is et al., 1975). Eq. 1.3 is the same as Huxley's
not possible; the rate functions are assumed a original celebrated rate equation (Huxley, 1957) if
priori in this theory. But only two of the four rate f + g' and g + I' are replaced respectively by land
functions of a two-state model are independent g. Once n(x,t) has been found by solving Eq. 1.3,
due to a thermodynamic restriction which T. L. all macroscopic quantities of interest can be found
Hill has dubbed "self-consistency". This restric- via appropriate integrals involving n. Thus, for ex-
tion may be shown to take the form (Hill et al., ample, the force, P, per unit current cross-sectional
1975) area, A, (the Cauchy or "true" stress) is given by

-fA -A,}/Kl' -(A -A -"eJ/Kl'

!If' = e I and gIg' = e 0 I (1.1) (PIA) = C1 [ x n(x,t) dx (1.4)

where Ao and A1 are, respectively the free energies whereas the rate of energy release by ATP
of the detached and attached states, T is the ab- hydrolysis during cross-bridge cycling is given by
solute temperature, K is Boltzmann's constant, and
at ~ is the free energy of hydrolysis of one ATP
molecule. At constant temperature and ligand i = C2 f(g(x) n(x,t) - g' (x) [1- n(x,t)] } dx (1.5)
concentrations Ao is assumed to be constant. But
the free energy of the attached state, Al' is assumed where C1 and C2 are constants depending on the
to include the strain energy of the elastic link of myoftlament structure, the cross-bridge stiffness,
the cross-bridge; indeed, if the cross-bridge elas- and theATP-hydrolysis energy (Zahalak, 1981). A
ticity is assumed linear with a spring constant t typical solution of Eq. 1.3 is illustrated in Figure
then 1.3 by the solid curves, which show the evolution
with time of the bond-distribution function when a
(1.2) cylinder of contractile tissue obeying the Huxley
model is either shortened or stretched at a constant
where A~ is a function of temperature only. From speed.
Eq. 1.1 and Eq. 1.2 it is clear that when a linked
In his classic 1957 paper Huxley showed that
his model was consistent with the broad features
cross-bridge is severly deformed (IXI >> Ii:iif..
then of muscle behavior known at that time, including
detachment is favored over attachment in both the the force-velocity relation and the rate of heat
ATP-independentl-path and the ATP-dependent g- production during shortening. Further detailed in-
path. Which path will predominate depends on vestigation of muscle behavior, however, revealed
the detailed shape of the rate functions and the ex- several phenomena which appeared to be incom-
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 7

patible with a simple two-state cross-bridge (Eisenberg et al., 1980), five (Wood and Mann,
model. Thus, for example, Huxley and Simmons 1981), seven (pate and Cooke, 1986), eight
(1971) found that in order to explain the transient (Eisenberg and Greene, 1980), and even to
tension changes following step shortening or eighteen (!) states (Propp, 1986). While these
lengthening of muscle fibers (the Tl - T2 multiple states may be necessary or convenient to
phenomenon) it appeared necessary to postulate at understand the many complex fine details of the
least two distinct attached states of a cross-bridge, mechanical, biochemical, and thermodynamic be-
which resulted in a three-state model. Another havior of muscle in terms of fundamental cross-
deficiency of the basic Huxley model was its bridge mechanisms, clearly not all the states are
failure to predict a maximum in the steady-state required to describe the broad features of macro-
heat-plus-work rate of shortening muscle, scopic contraction dynamics under normal
measured by A.V. Hill (1964). In order to account conditions. In fact, considering its extreme
for these and other features the number of states (relative) simplicity, a two-state model does a
attributed to a cross-bridge has steadily increased. remarkably good job, which may be attributed to
Further, accumulating knowledge of the biochemi- the fact that it captures the most essential feature
cal kinetics of actin~yosin in solution has of muscle contraction: actin-myosin binding.
motivated an expansion of the cross-bridge In addition to a proliferation of states, several
models: as more biochemical states were revealed, other refmements of the basic cross-bridge model
more corresponding cross-bridge states were pos- have been proposed. The original Huxley model
tulated. Indeed the central theme of contemporary and its direct descendants assumed that each cross-
muscle biophysics is a correlation of the solution bridge acted independently of all others, and that
biochemistry of muscle with cross-bridge at each time instant each cross-bridge had a sig-
mechanics (Eisenberg, 1986). The result is that nificant probability of binding to only one actin
published models of contraction dynamics have site. Some later elaborations have included mul-
grown from the original two states (Huxley, tiple actin sites (Wood and Mann, 1981) and
1957), to three (Huxley and Simmons, 1971), four
n n
/\ ,, ,,
, , f :

Shortening Stretch

Figure 1.3: Time evolution of the bond-distribution 1.12-1,13), and the thin dashed lines represent the
function n(~,t) when a block of maximally activated (r Gaussian approximations associated with the DM equa-
= 1) Huxley-type contractile tissue, characterized by tions (Eqs. 1.25). Although the Gaussian curves are
the rate of functions of Figure 1.2(c), is either short- not good pointwise approximations to n their first three
ened or stretched at the maximum speed of unloaded moments are excellent approximations to the cor-
shortening. The heavy solid lines represent exact solu- responding moments of n.
tions of the Huxley rate equation (Eq. 13; see also Eqs.
8 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

competition between myosin heads for actin sites their new ergometer which could apply precisely
(Tozeren and Schoenberg, 1986). Further, almost controlled shortening and lengthening velocities to
all cross-bridge models assume a constant stiffness muscle, and concluded in agreement with Gasser
for the putative elastic link, but a recent paper has and Hill that stimulated muscles did indeed be-
explored the effect of nonlinear cross-bridge elas- have mechanically like viscoelastic bodies. These
ticity (Harry et al., 1990). These perturbations on authors seem to have been the first to suggest ex-
Huxley's basic schema do not appear to radically plicitly that the structure of the viscoelastic model
alter the predicted behavior. should consist of two elements in series: an un-
While they present an elegant unifying view of damped elastic element, and a damped elastic
muscle function, published biophysical cross- element [Figure 1.4(a)]. Electrical stimulation
bridge models have not yet adequately addressed was assumed to somehow rapidly transform the
several issues of importance in whole muscle be- spring of the damped element from a compliant
havior. These issues include: 1) the interaction of state into a stretched tension-generating state,
electrical stimulation and calcium activation with which would then cause the muscle to contract
contraction (although some attempts have been Subsequent experiments by other workers
made), 2) possible dependence of activation produced results that seemed to support this vis-
dynamics on muscle length, and 3) the effects of coelastic theory of muscle (e.g. Bouckaert,
sarcomere inhomogeneity. Nevertheless these Capellen, and de Blende, 1930; see Hill, 1938 for
models are so well established among muscle re- a bibliography).
searchers that they should serve as at least a
conceptual foundation for any approximate en-
gineering model of the muscle actuator.
1.4 Classic Macroscopic Muscle Mechanics: P P

The A.V. Hill Model

The current views of how muscle works, as
presented in the preceding sections, were almost (al

all developed since the 1950's, and depended on
modem experimental equipment and techniques.

But a considerable amount had been known about
the macroscopic mechanical behavior of whole
muscle since the early 1920's, due primarily to the
work of A.V. Hill and his associates. In this sec- CE
tion I will briefly trace the development of the
phenomenological muscle model to which the
name of Hill is usually attached. This model is so
influential and important that a separate chapter I
[Chapter 5 (Winters)] is devoted to a discussion of Py :

its fine details and modem ramifications. I

The origins of the Hill model can be traced to I

L___ ,'\,\,\ ,\ /\,\,\ /\ /\ /' /\. __ J
careful measurements of the mechanical behavior "" , "
of isolated maximally stimulated muscle which (el
were made by several investigators between 1920
and 1930. Gasser and Hill (1924) imposed very Figure 1.4: Macroscopic muscle models. a) The
Levin-Wyman 1927 model consisting of an undamped
rapid force and length changes on frog sartorius
elastic element (UE) and a damped elastic element
and concluded that the transient responses of ac- (DE). b) The A.V. Hill 1938 model consisting of a
tive muscle resembled those of a passive series elastic element (SE) and a contractile element
viscoelastic system. (They went so far as to build (CE). c) Internal structure of the CE of the Hill model
a model consisting of a rubber tube ftlled with a showing the active state force, Po' and the quasi-
viscous fluid which could mimic most of their ob- viscous internal resisting force Pv ' Shown in dashes is
servations on muscle). Shortly thereafter Levin the parallel elastic element (PE) which may be added
and Wyman (1927) published studies employing to model the passive elastic properties of unstimulated
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 9

Continued experimentation in the next decade model for the mechanical behavior of muscle.
(Fenn and Marsh, 1935; Hill, 1938) led to a rejec- The major experiment reported in Hill's 1938
tion of the viscoelastic theory in favor of one that paper was the isotonic quick-release, and it il-
held that shortening and work: production were lustrates succinctly the rationale for his model. In
governed by rates of energy-yielding chemical this experiment a muscle is held at a fixed length
reactions rather than release of elastic energy. (close to the mean length of the muscle in the
This change of view was based particularly on body) and stimulated maximally until it attains a
measurements of the heat produced by muscle steady isometric force, Po' Then the applied force
during contraction, and culminated in A.V. Hill's is suddenly decreased to a lower value, P (the
famous 1938 paper which ftrst explicitly proposed "after-load") and held constant [Figure 1.5(a)]. As
a prototype of the muscle model bearing his name. shown in Figure 1.5(b) the muscle length changes
Although this paper was primarily concerned with in this experiment can be idealized as occurring in
heat measurements, its most important result was a two distinct phases. The ftrst is an almost instan-


Po L


P3 P2

(a) (b)



(d) v
Figure 1.5: The isotonic quick-release test aJ tion of the initial "intantaneous" shortening step
Applied force as a function of time, for three after- magnitude. K(P) is the tangent stiffness. d) After-load
loads: PI' P2 and Pa• b) Muscle length as a function of as a function of the steady velocity of shortening in the
time for the three after-loads. c) After-load as a func- second phase.
10 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

taneous shortening of the muscle, of magnitude in the Levin-Wyman model muscle is assumed to
-IlL, which coincides with the almost instan- be a series combination of two elements. The first
taneous change in force level; -IlL increases with is called the "series elastic element" (SE) and is
(Po - P) [Figure 1.5(c)]. Following this initial assumed to be a (possibly nonlinear) spring, with a
response the muscle proceeds to shorten for some length and stiffness determined by the instan-
distance at almost constant speed. The speed of taneous muscle force in accordance with Figure
shortening in this second phase is an increasing 1.5(c). The second element is called the
function of (Po - P) [Figure 1.5(d)]. "contractile element" (CE) and is assumed to be
Hill applied a new thermopile, which he had characterized by a unique relation (the
designed, to measure the heat produced by muscle "force-velocity relation") between its instan-
during the second phase of steady shortening and taneous speed of shortening and the instantaneous
made two important observations: muscle force. In an isotonic experiment where the
muscle force is constant, the Hill model implies
a) The heat liberated during shortening in excess
that the muscle velocity is the same as the CE
of the isometric ("maintenance") heat was
velocity. This in turn implies that the
proportional to the distance shortened, inde-
force-velocity relation of the CE is nothing but Eq.
pendent of force and distance. Thus
1.8. In the context of the Hill model the CE em-
MI = a (-M) = a (L.•- L + IlL) (1.6) bodies the processes of chemo-mechanical energy
conversion. This separation of the elasticity and
where MI is the increment of additional heat contractility of muscle into two different
liberated, -u
is the amount of shortening in
phenomenological entities connected in series is a
fundamental characteristic of the Hill model.
the second phase, and a is a constant charac-
(Note, however, that from the viewpoint of con-
teristic of a given muscle which Hill dubbed
ventional cross-bridge theory the separation is
the "heat of shortening."
artificial and unwarranted because the cross-
b) The rate at which extra energy (that is, heat
bridges are simultaneously contractile and elastic
plus work in excess of the maintenance heat) structures distributed uniformly throughout the
was released during shortening, AE, was a contractile tissue).
linear function of the force applied to the When it was first introduced Eq. 1.8 appeared to
muscle. In mathematical form establish an appealing, albeit not well understood,
connection between muscle mechanics and ener-

.= b(P-P.) (1.7)
getics via the heat of shortening constant a.
Unfortunately Hill's later more refined heat
measurements (Hill, 1964) severed this connection
where b represents another constant characteristic
by showing that the heat of shortening is not con-
of the muscle.
stant and is, in general, not equal to a in the force-
These observations on the energetics of muscle
velocity relation, Eq. 1.8; the latter equation,
can be immediately converted to a statement about
however, still remains a good empirical fit to
its mechanics. Differentiatin,.g Eq. 1.6 with respect
measured force-velocity data.
to time, recognizing that -{JlJdt) = V, the velocity
It is worth pointing out that Eq. 1.8 can be re-
of shortening, and further that the rate of external
written in a way which assigns internal structure to
work production by the muscle is PV, one obtains
the CE, as follows
from Eq. 1.7 that
(a + P) V = b (Po - P) (1.8)

But Eq. 1.8 establishes a relation between the where

purely mechanical variables P and V [Figure P + a
1.5(d)], which can be verified directly by mechani-
C(V. P ) = -,0,,--_ (UO)
'0 V + b
cal measurements without recourse to thermal
measurements, and indeed this equation was found This algebraic manipulation can be interpreted as
to provide an excellent fit to the measured data. follows: the force, P, generated by the CE is the
sum of an internal contractile force, Po' and an in-
Thus as a simple model that exhibits the be-
ternal viscous resisting force, PV' which depends
havior of muscle in an isotonic quick-release test
Hill proposed the one shown in Figure 1.4(b). As
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 11

nonlinearly on the velocity. Figure 1.4(c) is a sentative of those encountered in-vivo. A simple
diagram of the Hill model incorporating this inter- enhancement is to add a third "parallel elastic"
nal decomposition of the CEo (PE) element [Figure 1.4(c)] to model the fact that
Combining the dynamics of the CE, as ex- passive, unactivated muscle can resist stretch; it
pressed by the force-velocity relation Eq. 1.8, with has been found, however, that this element usually
the force-extension characteristics of the SE one generates substantial forces only at long muscle
may write a differential equation governing the lengths, and is often ignored in simulations. It has
basic Hill model of muscle long been known that isometric muscle under con-
. =.
L PIK(P) - V(P; PO> (1.11)
stant stimulation produces an active force that is
maximal at a length Lo close to the mean length of
the muscle in the body - the optimal length men-
where K(P) is the force-dependent tangent stiff- tioned above - and decreases at shorter and longer
ness of the SE, L is the overall muscle length, and lengths (Ramsey and Street, 1940); this behavior
the superposed dots denote time differentiation. illustrated schematically in Figure 1.6(a), was
In addition to the force-velocity relation Hill in- elegantly explained in terms of the cross-bridge
troduced another important concept - that of the theory by Gordon, Huxley, and Julian (1966). In
active state. At first this idea was used in a qualita- order to incorporate this tension-length charac-
qualitative sense to mean the internal state of a teristic into the Hill model it is assumed that the
stimulated muscle which is capable of producing active state, Po' depends on CE length as well as
force and motion. But gradually the term was as- stimulation history [Ritchie and Wilkie, 1958; see
signed quantitative meaning by defining it to be also Chapter 5 (Winters)].
the force that a muscle exerted when the CE was
neither shortening nor lengthening - that is, when
the CE velocity is zero (Hill, 1949). Therefore, ac- P,
cording to Eq. 1.8, the active state is to be
identified with the internal force, Po' This force
was assumed to depend on the history of stimula-
tion, and considerable effort was expended to
measure its time course, particularly in the ex-
perimentally important cases of isometric tetanus
and twitch. A discussion of these experiments L
may be found in Aidley (1971) and McMahon (a)
(1984) and they revealed several quantitative dif-
ficulties with the notion of active state, which
suggested that this variable should best be
regarded as only a qualitative measure of muscular
activity. Indeed Aidley (1971) has gone so far as
to state "we must conclude that the concept of the
'active state' leads more to confusion than en-
lightenment." Nevertheless, this concept remains
an integral part of the Hill muscle model, and is
generally accepted by bioengineers as providing at v
least an approximate measure of muscular activa-
tion [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)].
Figure 1.6: a) Solid curve: isometric force, Po, versus
The experiments that led to the Hill model were
muscle length, L, at maximal stimulation. The force is
quite restricted, involving muscle that shortened maximum at the "optimal" muscle length, Lo' Dashed
(not lengthened) at maximal (not partial) activa- curve: relation between Po and L at constant sub-
tion over a limited range of muscle lengths near maximal stimulation. b) Force-velocity relations of the
the "optimal" length at which the maximal CE for both positive and negative shortening
isometric force is generated. Successive inves- velocities, V. The upper solid curve is for constant
tigators have attempted to generalize the model so maximal stimulation, and the dashed curve is for con-
that it is useful under circumstances more repre- stant submaximal stimulation.
12 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Even with the elaborations listed above the Hill 1.S The Distribution-Moment (DM) Model:
model for shortening could not simulate the nor- A Bridge Between Molecular and
mal function of muscle in vivo (or even the
Macroscopic Muscle Mechanics
complete force history in an isometric twitch), be-
In the preceding sections I have reviewed the
cause muscle often lengthens as well as shortens
two main currents in muscle modeling: Huxley-
under load. Thus it was necessary to generalize
the force-velocity relation to include lengthening type molecular models and Hill-type
phenomenological models. I will now describe an
as well as shortening. This was done on the basis
approach to muscle modeling which, in a sense,
of early isotonic quick-release experiments by
provid~s a bridge between these two viewpoints,
Katz (1939) on maximally stimulated frog and tor-
toise muscles, who found a relation between the and ytelds low-order state-variable models for
applied force and the steady velocity of shortening whole muscle via a mathematical approximation
or lengthening roughly resembling that shown in of the cross-bridge theories. This approach has
Figure 1.6(b). It is worth noting that Katz did not been called the Distribution-Moment (DM)
observe a unique relation between force and Approximation and has been presented in several
lengthening velocity in this isotonic experiment previous publications (Zahalak, 1981, 1986; Ma
(Katz, 1939, Figure 4). Rather a dynamic tran- and Zahalak, 1987; Zahalak and Ma, 1990); the
sient of variable duration interposed itself between objective of this theory is to generate macroscopic
the initial elastic response and an eventually at- models of whole muscle approaching in simplicity
tained steady lengthening velocity. If the after- the Hill model, while retaining much of the
load ~as too large (greater than 1.8 Po for frog presumed biological veracity of the Huxley model.
sartonus) then no steady lengthening velocity was The most recent and complete development of the
attained - the muscle simply "gave" by extending DM model is contained in the paper by Zahalak
rapidly. Recently Harry et al. (1990) have per- and Ma (1990). While this paper is based on a
formed the converse experiment on tetanized frog two-state Huxley model, it extends the classic
sartorius, wherein constant shortening or lengthen- Huxley theory by integrating a model for electrical
ing velocities were imposed and the corresponding stimulation and calcium-activation dynamics into
forces were measured; they found a force-velocity the cross-bridge model. I will sketch the main
relation like that shown in Fig. 1.6(b), but with a results of the theory, but must refer the reader to
maximum force in lengthening of 15 Prather the references for detailed supporting arguments
than 1.8 Po' Based on a limited number olsimilar and literature citations.
experiments, it is usually assumed in Hill models To lay the foundations of the model it is as-
that at maximal stimulation the force-velocity as
sumed, in the original Huxley theory, that cross-
relation of the CE has the shape of the solid curve bridges act independently and that at any given
in Figure 1.6(b), and further that this relation time each cross-bridge interacts with only one ac-
scales down with submaximal stimulation as sug- tin site - the "closest". But it is assumed further
gested by the dashed curve in this figure. that for each instantaneous (myosin cross-
bridge)-(actin binding site) pair there is one
In this introductory chapter I have limited
molecule of ttoponin that regulates the availability
myself to a broad overview of the Hill model.
of that site for binding. Thus attention is focussed
Chapter 5 (Winters) is devoted entirely to this
on the dynamics of the Myosin-Actin-Troponin
topic, and gives a comprehensive discussion of its
(MAT) complex. While it is known that each
fine details, extensive references, and modern
troponin molecule binds four Ca++ ions, the model
developments. In closing this section, however, it
assumes that only the two so-called low affinity
should be emphasized that in spite of its wide ac-
binding sites are important for the control of con-
ceptance and use by biomechanists there are
traction; the kinetics of the two calcium binding
substantial questions about how well the Hill
steps are assumed to be identical. Figure 1.7
model represents the dynamics of muscle. Indeed,
shows a kinetic diagram for two possible activa-
there is direct experimental evidence (Joyce and
tion schemes that were considered in the model.
Rack, 1969; van Ingen Schenau et al., 1988) that
Both schemes assume that myosin cannot bind to
the fundamental assumptions of the Hill model are
actin until two calcium ions are bound to troponin.
not true in general - in particular, that for some
But the "loose coupling" scheme assumes that the
skeletal muscles at constant activation and length
there is no unique relation between muscle force
and velocity under isotonic conditions.
1. Zahalak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 13


Figure 1.7: Kinetic diagram for two calcium- Circles) a calcium ion can unbind from troponin only if
activation schemes. In both schemes a cross-bridge myosin is detached from actin, but in the "loose
(ball and spring) can bind to an actin site only if the as- coupling" scheme (solid and dashed large circles)
sociated regulating troponin molecule (hatched detachment of calcium from troponin is unaffected by
rectangle) has bound two calcium ions (filled the state of actin myosin binding. [From Zahalak and
hexagous). In the "tight coupling" scheme (solid large Ma (1990); reprinted with permission of ASME.J

binding and unbinding of calcium and troponin If the assumed calcium activation dynamics
proceeds completely independently of the state of described above are combined with the basic pos-
binding between actin and myosin, whereas in the tulates of the Huxley theory it can be shown
"tight coupling" version calcium can unbind from (Zahalak and Ma, 1990) that the Huxley rate equa-
troponin only if myosin is detached from actin. tion (Eq. 1.3) is modified to
The binding of calcium to troponin is assumed to
be fast on the time scale of cross-bridge reactions, at - v(t) an
ax = if + g')(r a. - n) - if' + g) n (1.12)
so that these two species can be considered to be
in chemical equilibrium at all times. The model for loose coupling, and
assumes also that only a fraction a. (0 < a. < 1) of
an an
the cross-bridges in a mass of contractile tissue are
available to interact with actin at any given time.
at- v(t) ax = r if+ g')(a.- n) - if' + g) n (1.13)

This fraction is assumed to be a function of for tight coupling. The function r appearing in the
muscle (more properly, contractile tissue) length;
above equations is called the activation factor, and
it may be less than one at long muscle lengths be-
is a pure function of [Ca], the free calcium ion
cause of reduced myofilament overlap, and also at
concentration in the sarcoplasm (outside the SR).
short muscle lengths because of sterle inter-
Specifically this function is defined by
14 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

By integrating the rate Eq. 1.12 or 1.13 with

respect to the bond-length variable, x, one can ob-
tain an infinite system of coupled equations on the
where kJ and k.J are, respectively, the rate con- moments of the form
stants for binding and unbinding of calcium and
troponin. It is the activation factor r that couples (1.16)
cross-bridge contraction dynamics to the action-
potential mediated calcium-activation dynamics. for loose coupling, or
A comparison of Eq. 1.3 with Eq. 1.13 shows that
the effect of activation in the tight coupling ver- QA = a r ~A - r 'n - '2A - A u(t) QA-J (1.17)
sion of the model is simply to change the effective
binding rate constant in the Huxley model from if for tight coupling, with A = 0, 1, 2,.... in each
+ g') to r if + g'), while leaving the detachment case. In the above equations the superposed dot
rate constant (g + f') unchanged. denotes time differentiation, u(t) represents the
At this point the DM approximation can be ap- scaled myofilament sliding velocity, lI(t),h, and
plied to the Huxley rate equation modified for QA-J is defined to be zero for convenience. The ~'s
calcium activation, either Eq. 1.12 or Eq. 1.13. To and ,'s are functionals of n and the rate functions
explain the approximation we first consider the defined as follows:
normalized moments of the actin-myosin bond-
distribution function, n(x,t). These are defined by ~A(t) = [ ~A [fi:~) + g'(~) 1d~
Q1..(t) = [ ~1.. n(~,t) d~ (1.15)
'n(t) = [ ~A [fi:~) + g'(~) 1n(~,t) d~
where ~ = xlh, and h is a constant scaling
parameter that measures the range of x over which (1.18)
there is a significant probability of cross-bridge at-
tachment [see, for example, Figure 1.2(c)]. In
addition to their microscopic significance as mo-
ments of the molecular distribution function the and
Q1..'s have important macroscopic interpretations.
For a two-state cross-bridge model with constant ~A = ~n + ~2A
cross-bridge stiffness, t
it is easy to show Up to this point there has been no approximation
(Zahalak and Ma, 1990) that the first three ~o- of the cross-bridge theory. The DM approxima-
ments,. Qo' QJ' and. Q2' are p~portIonal, tion is introduced by assuming a-priori afunctional
respecuvely: to: 1) ~e Instantaneous stiffness of form for n which depends on the moments.
the con~cule ussu~ ; 2) the muscle force; ~d 3) Zahalak (1981) postulated as reasonable and math-
the elastic energy Instantaneously stored In the ematically convenient the Gaussian form
( -
) .!. ~ .(E,-pI/2r/
~e (1.19)
n.n q
1Qo corresponds to the operationally defined "series
elastic stiffness" of the Hill model, or at least that part wherep,: Q/Qo and q = .J(
Q2' Qo) - QJ' Qo) 2
of it which resides in the contractile tissue rather than are respectively the mean and standard deviation
the tendon. This stiffness is the ratio of force to dis- of the approximate bond distribution. If now the
placement which would be measured in an
Gaussian approximation, Eq. 1.19, is inserted into
instantaneous stretch or shortening of the contractile
Eqs. 1.16 or 1.17 via Eqs. 1.18, and the first three
tissue. Qo is not, however, the same as Hill's series
elasticity because the latter is determined uniquely by equations of either set retained, there results a set
the instantaneous muscle force. whereas the former is of three coupled nonlinear ordinary differential
not. equations for the approximate determination of Qo'
QJ' and Q2' These are the distribution-moment
1. ZahaIak; Modeling MQSCle Mechanics (and Energetics) 15

(DM) equations corresponding to the chosen cross- with

bridge model: rCa], = rCa] + m r ( 2 + 1c-l1c1[Ca] ) (1.23)
Q~ =r a p~ - '~(QO,QI,Q2) - >.. u(t) Q~-I (1.20)
for loose coupling, and
for loose coupling, and
rCa], = rCa] + (mh/O ( 2Qo +

Q~ = r a p~ - r 'U(QO,Ql,Q2) - r (2 + /c_i /cI[Ca)) (l/h - Q) ) (1.24)

'n(Qo,QI,Q2) - >.. u(t) Q~-I (1.21) for tight coupling, where [Cal, is the total sar-
coplasmic calcium concentration (free plus bound
for tight coupling, with >.. = 0,1,2 in each case. to troponin), m is the concentration of cross-
The p's and ,'s can be constructed as explicit bridges, and I is the distance between successive
functions of the moments (and the parameters of actin binding rites. The second term on the right
the bonding and unbonding rate functions) once side of Eq. 1.22 is the calcium uptake rate into the
the cross-bridge model has been specified; several SR, which is assumed to obey simple Michaelis-
specific cases have been calculated and published Menten kinetics with parameters Vm and Km' The
(Zahalak, 1981; Ma and Zahalak, 1987; Zahalak flfSt term on the right side of Eq. 1.22 represents
and Ma, 1990). the rate of efflux of calcium out of the SR into the
A representative comparison between exact sarcoplasm; Ro is the concentration change o~ cal-
solutions of the rate equation Eq. 1.13 and the cium injected into the sarcoplasm by a smgle
Gaussian approximation of Eq. 1.19 with moments action potential in a rested muscle, and x(t) is a
given by the DM Eqs. 1.21 is shown in Figure 1.3: pulse train representing a sequence of action
the solid curves are exact solutions and the dashed potentials. The term (1- [Ca]/[Cat) is an attenua-
curves are the approximations. Even in this case tion factor introduced ad-hoc to account for the
of non-smooth rate functions where the Gaussian fact that the size of the calcium pulse injected by
curves are not particularly good pointwise ap- successive action potentials decreases with
proximations to the exact solution, it may be repeated stimulation, presumably because the con-
shown nevertheless, that the DM approximations centration gradient driving calcium release
of the exact moments are good (Ma and Zahalak, diminishes. The parameter [Cat has a value of the
1987; Zahalak and Ma, 1990). Extensive com- order of magnitude of the mean concentration of
putational experience indicates that this is calcium in the muscle. (This calcium-activation
generally the case. Thus the DM equations define model tries to avoid detailed representations of
a quantitative model of contractile tissue with es- both the action-potential dynamics and the cal-
sentially the same macroscopic behavior as the cium transport dynamics, as these details do not
parent cross-bridge model, but the former is much appear to be of primary importance for contraction
more tractable computationally than the latter. dynamics). Note that the contraction dynamics are
Further the DM equations yield directly the macro- coupled to those of calcium activation in the tight-
scopic variables of interest (stiffness, force, elastic coupling version of the model through the
energy) without requiring flfSt the determination presence of Qo in Eq. 1.24; no such coupling exists
of essentially unmeasurable bond-distribution in the loose-coupling version, Eq. 1.23. Although
functions. . both loose- and tight-coupling theories have been
Eqs 1.20 or 1.21 embody the contrac~on developed, both experimental evidence and model
dynamics portion of the DM model. As shown m simulations (Zahalak and Ma, 1990) suggest that
Zahalak and Ma, 1990, the DM ap~roximati~n ~an the tight-coupling model is a better representation
also be applied to the calclUm a~t1vat1on of reality, and only this model will be discussed
dynamics, and this results in the calclUm-rate further.
equation If a passive elastic tendon is assumed to be con-
d ( [ Ca] ) [Cal nected in series with a cylinder of contractile
;j,[Cal,=Ro 1- [Cal. x(t)-Vm rCa] + Km tissue then one more state variable and one more
(1.22) rate equation must be added to the model
16 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

(Zahalak, 1986); this variable is L, the muscle sible with the traditional Hill model. In Figures
length. If this is done, and all variables except 1.8 through 1.11 are shown a few comparisons of
time are rendered dimensionless by appropriate DM model predictions with the corresponding ex-
scaling parameters one obtains the following nor- periments. Figure 1.8 shows steady-state
malized equations of the DM model (Zahalak: and force-velocity relations in isovelocity shortening
Ma,1990) and stretch at three constant values of activation.
The inset shows experimental data (Joyce, Rack,
and Westbury, 1969) for the cat soleus muscle.
The model correctly predicts the non-uniqueness
~ = P (1 - ele•) X(t) - to [e)
C 1 --
e + k . (1.25) of the relation between force and velocity at sub-
maximal activation; this is associated with the
"yielding" phenomenon wherein there is a sharp
QA = a r PA - r ~n(QA) - ~2A(QA) - A. u(t) QA-l ' decrease in the force when a muscle is stretched at
where A. = 0,1,2, with constant velocity (Joyce, Rack, and Westbury,
1969, Figure 3).
C =e + 2 b Q o + r (2 + JLle) (1- b Qo) (1.26)

and PIP.


These are a set of five coupled nonlinear first-

order ordinary differential equations, derived
directly from cross-bridge theory, on five state
variables of a muscle: A, the dimensionless muscle
length; e, the dimensionless sarcoplasmic free cal-
cium concentration; and Qo' Ql' and Q2' the
dimensionless stiffness, force, and elastic energy.
It is not possible within the confines of this chap- -1.5 -1.0 -0.5

ter to give a full discussion of the various

parameters entering these equations, and the
reader must be directed to the references. Once Figure 1.8: Steady-state force-velocity relations for a
the normalized equations (1.25) have been solved DM model subjected to constant velocity stretch or
the corresponding physical quantities can be shortening, at three constant activation levels (r = 1.0,
recovered as: 0.2, 0.05). The inset shows corresponding experimen-
tal data (of Joyce et al., 1969) for cat soleus at 37°
[Cal =(mlN)e L=LA
o (From Ma, 1988).

Kc =(r/yLJ Qo (1.28) Figure 1.9 illustrates an interesting experiment

by A.V. Hill (Hill, 1970). A frog sartorius muscle
was held isometric and subjected to a single
where N is Avogadro's Number, Lo is the length of supramaximal stimulus pulse. At various times
the muscle in a standard reference state, and y and after the pulse a fast exponential step stretch was
r are scaling parameters involving muscle imposed on the muscle. The inset of Figure 1.9
geometry and cross-bridge stiffness (Ma and shows how the measured muscle force varied in
Zahalak:, 1990). this experiment. The interesting observation is
Numerous simulations carried out with this DM that if the stretch was imposed soon after the pulse
model, some of which have been published in the then the force remained above the isometric twitch
cited references, have shown that it reproduces force, but for later stretches the force dropped
many of the complex experimental behaviors of below the isometric twitch force after an initial
muscle rather well, including some that are impos- rise. Figure 1.9 shows that the DM model
response shares these characteristics.
1. ZahaIak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 17



o 0.5 1.0
Time (Sec)
Figure 1.9: Force-time trajectories for a DM model to an isometric muscle. The inset shows corresponding
subjected to a fast exponential stretch at various times experimental data (of A. V. Hill, 1970) for frog sar-
following the application of a single stimulating pulse torius at O°C. (From Ma, 1988).
0.1 0.5 2 4

f.O t. 0 0
W /)"
t! o ~
0 0.8
~ /)"
a.. 0.4 /)"
~ 0

« 0.2 o/)"
I'VVV....vvvvvv'Vvvvvvv ( L. O. P'lrtrldgt. 1965 I



. .
0 /)"
30 0 /)"
UJ 60
« /)"
:J: 90

• - Experimental Data
/)" - OM Model Simulation

Figure 1.10: DM model simulation of the force gener- Figure 1.11: Frequency-response characteristics of the
ated by an isometric muscle which is subjected to DM model for the conditions of Figure 1.10. Shown
sinusoidally modulated trains of stimulating pulses. versus frequency are the nonnalized amplitude ratio of
The main figure shows pulse trains at four different force to the magnitude of the stimulation frequency
modulation frequencies together with the resulting modulation (upper graph), and the phase lead of
force traces. The box shows corresponding experimen- stimulation frequency modulation on force (lower
tal data (of Partridge, 1965) for cat triceps surae at graph). Filled circles represent experimental data, and
37°C. (From Zaha1ak and Ma, 1990; reprinted with open triangles represent DM model simulations. (From
pennission of ASME.) Zahalak and Ma, 1990; reprinted with pennission of
18 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Finally, Figures 1.10 and 1.11 exhibit some splitting in cross-bridge detachment, flow of cal-
frequency-response data of the DM model, where cium ions across the electrochemical potential
sinusoidally modulated pulse trains are applied to gradient at the SR membrane (this term appears to
an isometric muscle. The simulations are com- be negligible), calcium binding to troponin, and
pared to data of Partridge (partridge, 1965) for cat cross-bridge binding to actin at zero strain; the
triceps surae. It can be seen that both the term y 'Q/2 represents the rate of change of linked
waveforms and the frequency response charac- cross-bridge strain energy. The last two terms on
teristics show reasonable agreement. the right side of the second of Eqs. 1.29 cor-
The preceding summary of the DM model has respond, respectively, to the external work done
been confined to activation and contraction by the muscle and the elastic energy stored in the
dynamics. But one of the most attractive features passive series tendon. It must be emphasized,
of Huxley-type models is that they inherently con- however, that these equations deal with short-term
tain much of the biochemical energetics of energy transfers, and do not account for slow
contraction. Recently (Ma and Zahalak, 1990) oxidative recovery processes that recharge
equations have been developed describing the rate depleted phosphocreatine stores; a consistent
of chemical energy release, E, and the rate of heat model for oxidative recovery remains to be
production, 11, for the DM model of Eq.1.25. These developed.
energy equations follow naturally from the cross-
1.6 Conclusion
bridge model under the DM approximation and
take the dimensionless form At this point I will attempt to summarize the
advantages and disadvantages of the three ap-

proaches to muscle modeling that have been
= (Q~O).imr1 [VO'l"Ol (c/(c+km))+v1W(A,c,Q>.) considered, both from a general point of view and,
more specifically, with regard to their utility as
+ ~dc) {'I"O l (c/(c + km )) - p(l- clc·)x(t)} representations of the muscle actuators in studies
of multiple muscle systems.
+ (Is {p(l- clc·lx(t) - '1"0 1 (c/(c + kml) - c}
Advantages of Biophysical Cross-Bridge
The primary virtue of these models is that they
and are concise mathematical descriptions of the way
muscle is believed to actually work by the great
majority of biologists. Thus users of such models
have immediate contact with and access to the
large body of current experimental work on the
where important relations between mechanics, ener-
getics, and chemical kinetics in muscle. It is, after

W= i:[{9(E) + r(c)g'(e}}(QolVz;q) exp {-(e - p)2 12q2}

all, in terms of these detailed mechanisms that the
normal and abnormal function of muscle as a
prime mover must be ultimately understood.
These models link the mechanics, chemistry, and
- o(A)r(c)g'{e} ]d E structure of muscle into an integrated whole. All
the variables appearing in these theories posess an
independent physical existence apart from the
model itself. At present these cross-bridge models
Again, space limitations preclude a full dis-
can be ignored only at the risk of biological ir-
cussion of Eqs. 1.29, but we note that the terms
involving the parameters ~ 0 through ~ 4 (these
parameters can be estimated from published Disadvantages of Biophysical Cross-Bridge
biochemical and thermodynamic experiments) are Models
associated with the following contributions to the From the viewpoint of macroscopic neuro-
energy: ATP splitting in SR calcium pumping, ATP musculo-skeletal mechanics the main drawback of
1. Zahalak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 19

the cross-bridge models is their extreme com- fmnly established during the decades when A. V.
plexity. Even a two-state model, such as that Hill dominated muscle physiology, so that at
discussed in Section 1.3, leads to a nonlinear par- present it is almost universally accepted by en-
tial integro-differential equation if it is coupled to gineers (and even some biologists) as an
a visco-elastic-inertial external load. If several appropriate mathematical representation of muscle
muscles act about a joint then we have a kinemati- mechanics. The parameters of the model have
cally coupled system of such equations, one for simple relations to standard experiments, as ex-
each muscle. If more than two cross-bridge states plained in Section 1.4, and lend themselves to easy
are deemed necessary to represent a muscle, then identification - a great practical advantage. Over
an additional Huxley-type rate equation must be the years a large body of experimental data based
added to the system for each cross-bridge state specifically on this model has accumulated; thus
above two. Clearly the computational burden can values of Po' a, and b are known for many muscles
become extremely heavy. But the interpretive bur- [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)]. The Hill model is
den can also become onerous, and physical certainly sufficiently simple to occasion no undue
insights about movement may be lost in a morass difficulties even if large numbers of such models
of bond-distribution functions that, at present, no are used in studies of multiple muscle systems
one knows how to measure directly. (Indeed, a [e.g. see Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)].
desire to avoid computing bond-distribution func-
Disadvantages of the Hill-Type Models
tions is one of the main motivations for the DM
The most obvious deficiency of the Hill-type
models is that they are basically viscoelastic
There is at this time no consensus among
analogies that have little connection with the un-
biophysicists about the fine details of the cross-
derlying physiological mechanisms of muscle
bridge cycle. Thus it has not yet been
contraction. Experiments have shown that the fun-
conclusively decided whether or not cross-bridges
damental assumption of the Hill model- namely,
rotate in order to generate force (Cooke, 1986).
that the instantaneous muscle force and the CE
The exact number of distinct states in the cycle
velocity are uniquely related at a given muscle
has not been decided, but this number is probably
length and level of activation - is not generally
a function of the amount of experimental detail
true (Katz, 1939; Joyce and Rack, 1969; van Ingen
that one wishes to reproduce with the model.
Schenau et al., 1988). Further, it should be recog-
Further, the biophysical modeling efforts have
nized that the "series elastic element" and the
been focussed on simple experimental situations -
"active state" are purely conceptual constructs that
mainly isometric or isotonic shortening conditions.
have no independent physical existence: they can-
Time varying activation, length-dependent activa-
not be defined and measured in general without
tion, variable extemal loading, and electrical
invoking the Hill model. Thus, for example, a
stimulation have not yet been addressed seriously
force change per unit length change can be
in the published cross-bridge models, but all these
measured in a quick stretch or release of an
phenomena are of immediate importance in mac-
initially isometric muscle, and is found to be an in-
roscopic muscle modeling. One may expect,
creasing function of muscle force. This function
however, that these problems will be dealt with in
of muscle force is then assigned as the stiffness of
due course.
the SE, and one assumes in the Hill model that it
Advantages of the Hill-Type Models will be equal to the measured force change per
The greatest virtues of these models are unit length change in a rapid perturbation of the
simplicity, familiarity, and a direct connection muscle about any operating condition. According
with macroscopic muscle experiments. The tradi- to the cross-bridge theory this view is fallacious,
tional Hill model represents the contractile because a part of the stiffness in a quick stretch or
dynamics of muscle with one simple nonlinear release depends on the instantaneous number of
first-order ordinary differential equation; inclusion linked cross-bridges, which is not determined
of electrical stimulation/calcium activation usually uniquely by the muscle force but rather by the en-
calls for one more such equation. The model has a tire preceding history of muscle motion and
long history going back fifty years, and became activation. Indeed, experiments in which the stiff-
20 Multiple Muscle Systems. PID1 I: Muscle Modeling

ness of shortening muscle is measured by high- measurable physical quantities in principle and do
frequency-vibration (Julian and SoUins, 1975) not include internal variables, like "active state"
indicate that a muscle still has considerable stiff- which depend on the model for their definition.
ness (about one third of that in an isometric The moments have simultaneously a macroscopic
tetanus) when it is shortening so fast that it and microscopic significance and thus provide a
produces no external force; this is consistent with bridge to the understanding of muscle function of
cross-bridge theory, but seems at odds with the both levels. Mathematically, the equations of the
Hill model which would have this stiffness equal DM model, Eqs. 1.25, can be written in normal
to the very low value of unactivated muscle. state-variable form and their numerical integration
It is difficult to see what, if any, physical vari- by standard techniques is easy even when the
able in the cross-bridge theory could correspond muscles are coupled to arbitrary external im-
quantitatively to the Hill "active state," although pedances (a formidable computational problem for
several variables bear a qualitative resemblance, cross-bridge models). The simplification achieved
including sarcoplasmic free calcium, the activation over cross-bridge models in the representation of
factor and the fraction of troponin molecules contraction dynamics permits the addition of ra-
saturated with calcium. Further, there is an in- tional models for both calcium activation and
sidious temptation for engineers to take the Hill energetics without making the enhanced model in-
model literally and use it in situations when the tractable. Further, as these models include, at
viscoelastic analogy does not apply. For example least in rudimentary form, the basic facts of
if, as is usual, the CE is conceived of as a parallel actin-myosin binding and calcium activation, there
combination of force generator producing the is some basis for accepting their predictions
"active state" and a nonlinear viscous damper [see beyond the narrow range of experimental ex-
Figure 1.4(c)] then one might attempt to calculate perience.
the heat production (in excess of isometric) during
Disadvantages of DM Models
shortening as the "energy dissipated" in the
Just as the DM models share in the virtues of
damper. On this basis one would conclude that
the biophysical cross-bridge models, so also they
the heat production rate during unloaded short-
share some of the shortcomings of the latter. Even
ening of a tetanized muscle is Po Vm; the measured
when based on a minimal two-state cross-bridge
value in frog sartorius at O°C is about 0.2 PoVm - a
model the resulting DM model is significantly
400% discrepancy. Indeed one of the significant
more complex than the Hill representation. From
deficiencies of the Hill-type models is that they
the practical viewpoint of application to studies of
give no information about biochemical energetics;
multiple muscle systems a serious deficiency is
the latter are usually appended ad-hoc by postulat-
the large number of parameters and the fact that
ing a "heat of shortening" or "heat of lengthening,"
they enter the model in a complicated nonlinear
which is measured under isotonic steady-state con-
manner. Parameter identification is a tedious
ditions, and assumed to apply under all conditions.
iterative process that requires a large body of
Advantages of DM Models structural, chemical, mechanical, and ther-
DM models, as strictly mathematical ap- modynamic data for a single muscle; indeed,
proximations to Huxley-type cross-bridge models, reasonably frrm parameter estimates have been ob-
retain much of the presumed physical veracity of tained for only a few muscles (Ma and Zahalak,
the latter while remaining mathematically trac- 1990) which are well documented in the ex-
table. But the DM theory focusses directly on the perimental literature. Further, the DM models
quantities of interest in whole muscle behavior - which have been worked out explicitly so far have
force, stiffness, etc. - without frrst solving for un- been based on the simplest assumptions about
measured bond distribution functions. With muscle architecture: uniform sarcomeres, fibers
appropriate chocies for the parameters DM models parallel to the muscle axis running the whole
offer quite reasonable predictions of most of the length of the contractile tissue, and a purely elastic
measured behaviors of muscle, both in shortening series tendon. These restrictions can be removed,
and stretch, both of mechanics and energetics. but of course at the cost of complicating the model
The state variables of the DM model are all structure.
1. Zahalak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 21

In sununary, it is probably safe to assume that a challenge to all the models presented in this
no tractable model will predict with quantitative chapter, as they do not take this factor into ac-
accuracy all the known features of muscle be- count. Although most of the known behaviors of
havior. Imperfect models must be used and it is muscle seem to be capable of explanation on the
therefore important to understand and make al- basis of a uniform sarcomere distribution, certain
lowances for their imperfections. In particular, features appear to be best explained as arising
specific predictions derived from the employment from a nonuniform distribution. It is important to
of such models in studies of multiple muscle sys- define clearly when sarcomere inhomogeneity
tems must be taken with the appropriate number of should be incorporated into muscle models and
grains of salt; the further the model from biologi- how this should be done and, further, to estimate
cal reality and the further the simulation from the magnitudes of the errors incurred relative to
direct experimental experience, the less con- other errors inherent in the models if this non-
fidence one can place in conclusions reached. uniformity is ignored.
Due to their simplicity and familiarity Hill-type It appears to me that after fifty years Hill-type
models are likely to continue to be the work- models, especially in their most recent incarna-
horses of motor-control studies into the tions [see Chapter 5 (Winters)] have reached their
foreseeable future, in spite of their manifest highest appropriate level of development, and
deficiencies. Due to their formidable complexity achieved the best balance of simplicity and fidelity
and incomplete development biophysical cross- of which they are capable; further elaboration
bridge models are very unlikely to find would lead to a complexity comparable to that of
employment directly as mathematical repre- the DM models, without the benefit of the
sentations of muscle actuators in studies of animal biophysical foundation of the latter. Perhaps one
movement (although their prospects for direct ap- exception is that the Hill models could be adapted
plications to cardiac muscle, where the history of to more complex fiber architectures, which have
activation and contraction is much more restricted become the subject of recent interest (Richmond et
and stereotyped than in limb motion, seem some- al., 1985), and this is certainly a possible avenue
what better). The role of DM models in multiple- of development for the DM models also.
muscle studies is unclear at present, and will There are several other developments possible
probably depend on the extent to which they can for the DM models which may be worth pursuing
be adapted to human muscles, and the associated on the grounds these models are actually good ap-
parameters identified. It would seem possible, proximations to the cross-bridge models. One
however, to apply these models to restricted sys- improvement could be to incorporate the "doublet
tems involving only a few muscles - with the aim effect" [Burke et al., 1976; see also Chapter 7
of checking analogous calculations based on Hill- (Hannaford and Winters)] produced in some
type models, and also of interpreting to some muscles by a single extra pulse following the onset
(admittedly imperfect) extent the actions of the of stimulation; this phenomenon may have func-
participating muscles in terms of underlying tional significance, and although it can certainly
physiological mechanisms. be simulated by DM models in an ad-hoc manner,
to the best of my knowledge there is no model that
1.7 Future Directions
incorporates this effect rationally. Another ob-
As a coda to this chapter I will offer some per- vious improvement would be the inclusion of long-
sonal speculations on future developments which I term oxidative recovery in the energy equations
think ought to occur in muscle modeling and its (Woledge et al., 1985), an effect that is so far ab-
applications. This assessment will focus on Hill- sent from the DM models. It may also be
type and DM models because, as noted above, worthwhile to explore the application of the DM
cross-bridge models are unlikely to see direct ap- approximation to cross-bridge models with more
plication to multiple muscle systems. A rather than two states, or to use approximating functions
inunediate problem which should be resolved is different than the Gaussian. But probably the
the importance of sarcomere inhomogeneity to the most important direction for future improvement
overall function of muscle in vivo. Sarcomere in- would be to combine the existing DM fiber model
homogeneity, discussed in Chapter 3 (Morgan), is with volume-conductor theory to produce an in-
22 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

tegrated model, founded on basic principles and 126:136-195.

mechanisms, which rationally links muscle Hill, A.V. (1964) The effect of load on the heat of
mechanics to the ubiquitous electromyogram. shortening of muscle. Proc. Roy. Soc., B 159:297-
This is certainly a difficult, but probably feasible, 318.
project. Hill, A.V. (1970) First and Last Experiments in Muscle
In order to ensure that future muscle modeling Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, London,
efforts do not stray too far from reality, there will
Hill, T.L. (1977) Free Energy Transduction in Biology,
be a need for many more experimental data than
Academic Press, New York, NY.
are currently available on the behavior of various Hill, T.L., Eisenberg, E., Chen, Y., and Podolsky, R.J.
muscles under histories of activation, force, and (1975) Some self-consistent two-state sliding fila-
motion that are more complex than in the standard ment models of muscle contraction. Biophys. J.
isometric and isotonic experiments. These con- 15:335-372.
siderations, however, fall outside the scope of this Huxley, A.F. (1957) Muscle structure and theories of
chapter devoted to muscle modeling. contraction. Prog. Biophys. and Biophys. Chem.
References Huxley, A.F. (1980) Reflections on Muscle, Princeton
Aidley, OJ. (1971) The Physiology of Excitable Cells, University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Cambridge Univ. Press, London, UK. Huxley, A.F. and Simmons, R.M. (1971) Proposed
Bornhorst, WJ. and Minadri, J.E. (1970) A mechanism of force generation in striated muscle.
phenomenological theory of muscular contraction: Nature 233:533-538.
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The visco-elastic properties of frog's muscles. J. Iwazumi, T. (1978) A new field theory of muscle con-
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effect of activation history on tension production by Univ. Tokyo Press, 611-632.
individual muscle units. Brain Res. 109:515-529. Joyce, G.C. and Rack, P.M.H. (1969) Isotonic
Cooke, R. (1986) The mechanism of muscle contrac- lengthening and shortening movements of cat soleus
tion. CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. 21: 53-118. muscle. J. Physiol. 204:475-491.
Eisenberg, E. (1986) How ATP hydrolysis drives Joyce, G.C., Rack, P.M.H., and Westbury, D.R. (1969)
muscle contraction. Lec. Math. Life Sc. (Amer. The mechanical properties of cat soleus muscle
Math. Soc., Providence, RO 16:19-55. during controlled lengthening and shortening move-
Eisenberg, E. and Greene, L.E. (1980) The relation of ments. J. Physiol. 204:461-467.
muscle biochemistry to muscle physiology. Ann. Julian, F.J. and Sollins, M.R. (1975) Variation of
Rev. PhysioI42:293-309. muscle stiffness with force at increasing speeds of
Eisenberg, E., Hill, T.L., and Chen, Y.D. (1980) Cross- shortening. J. Gen. Physiol. 66:287-302.
bridge model of muscle contraction: quantitative Katz, B. (1939) The relation between force and speed
analysis. Biophys. J. 29:195-227. in muscular contraction. J. Physiol. 96: 45-64.
Gasser, H.S. and Hill, A.V. (1924) The dynamics of Lacker, H.M. and Peskin, C.S. (1986) A mathematical
muscular contraction. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 96:398- method for unique determination of cross-bridge
437. properties from steady-state mechanical and ener-
Fenn, W.O. and Marsh, B.S. (1935) Muscular force at getic experiments on macroscopic muscle. Lec.
different speeds of shortening. J. Physiol. 85:277- Math. Life Sc. (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI),
297. 16:121-153.
Gordon, A.M., Huxley, A.F., and Julian, F.J. (1966) Levin, A. and Wyman, J. (1927) The viscous elastic
The variation in isometric tension with sarcomere properties of muscle. Proc. Roy. Soc., B 101:218-
length in vertebrate muscle fibers. J. Physiol. 243.
184:170-192. Ma, S. and Zahalak, G.!. (1987) A simple self-
Harry, J.D., Ward, A.W., Heglund, N.C., Morgan, consistent distribution-moment model for muscle:
D.L., and McMahon, T.A. (1990) Crossbridge cy- chemical energy and heat rates. Math. Biosc 84:211-
cling theories cannot explain high-speed 230.
lengthening behavior in frog muscle. Biophys. J. Ma, S. (1988) Activation dynamics for the distribution-
57:201-208. moment model of muscle, D. Sc. Dissert. Dep.
Hill, A.V. (1938) The heat of shortening and the Mech. Eng., Washington University, St. Louis,
dynamic constants of muscle. Proc. Roy. Soc., B MO., 73-115.
1. Zahaiak; Modeling Muscle Mechanics (and Energetics) 23

Ma, S. and Zabalak, GJ. (1990) A distribution-moment Squire, I.M. (1986) Muscle: Design, Diversity, and
model of energetics in skeletal muscle. 1. Biomech., Disease, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park,
(in press). California.
McMahon, T.A. (1984) Muscles, Reflexes, and Squire, I.M. (1981) The Structural Basis of Muscular
Locomotion,Princeton Univ . Press, Princenton,NI. Contraction, Plenum, New YOlK, NY.
Partridge, L.D. (1965) Modification of neural output Tirosh, R, LilPn, N., and Oplatka, A. (1978) A
signals by muscles: a frequency response study. 1. hydrodynamic mechanism for muscular contraction.
Appl. Physiol. 20:150-156. In: Cross-Bridge Mechanisms in Muscle
Pate, E. and Cooke, R (1986) A model for the interac- Contraction (H. Sugi and G.H. Pollack, Eds.), Univ.
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compete with ATP. 1. Theor. Bioi. 118:215-230. Tozeren, A. and Schoenberg, M. (1986) The effect of
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Muscle Energetics, Alan R Liss, New YOlK, NY. on the mechanical response of skeletal muscle fibers
Pollack, G. and Sugi, H. Eds. (1984) Contractile under equilibrium conditions. Biophys. 1. 50:873-
Mechanisms in Muscle, Plenum Press, New York, 884.
NY. van Ingen Schenau, G.I., Bobbert, M.F., Enema, G.1.,
Propp, M.B. (1981) A model of muscle contraction de Graaf, 1.B., and Huijing, P.A. (1988) A simula-
based upon component studies. Lec. Math. Ufe. Sc. tion of rat EDL force output based on intrinsic
(Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rl},16:61-119. muscle properties. 1. Biomech. 21:815-824.
Ramsey, RW. and Street, S.F. (1940) The isometric Woledge, RC., Curtin, N.A., and Homsher, E. (1985)
length-tension diagram of isolated muscle fibers of Energetic Aspects ofMuscle Contraction, Academic
the frog. J. Cell. Compo Physiol. 15:11-34. Press, New YOlK.
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(1985) Muscle fiber compartmentalization in cat cross-bridge ensenble model of muscle contraction
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Press, New York, NY, 269-284. on cross-bridge kinetics. J. Biomech. Eng. 112:52-

The Charge-Transfer Model of Myofilamentary Interaction:

Prediction of Force Enhancement and
Related Myodynamic Phenomena


2.1 Introduction (heat plus work) of a muscle is much higher than

the energy input derived from the splitting of high-
The exact mechanism of myofilamentary
energy phosphate, thus invalidating assumption 1.
energy conversion and force production in skeletal
As regards assumption 2, Tawada and Kimura
muscle remains shrouded in mystery. Although a
(1984) performed cross-linking experiments on
large amount of information is available on the
rabbit psoas fibers in rigor by fixing the S2-moiety
structure and function of the tension-generating
of the myosin cross-bridge onto the surface of the
subunits of the actin and myosin filaments, the in-
myosin backbone. The increase in rigor stiffness
tricate processes of inter-molecular force
observed was 20 to 30%, regardl~ss of the amount
production are still not understood. On the con-
of filamentary overlap, and was therefore not due
trary, established theories and models of muscular
to the cross-linking of the S2-portion. From this
contraction are now being seriously challenged on
result the authors conclude that the fixation onto
the grounds of new experimental evidence
the thick filament of the S2-portion did not make
(Pollack, 1983).
the cross-bridges stiffer, i.e., the S2-moiety of the
This applies in particular to the model of A.F.
cross-bridges is not compliant as had been as-
Huxley (1957) and its numerous versions (Hill et
sumed in the Huxley-Simmons model. However,
al., 1975; Hill, 1977; Huxley and Simmons, 1971;
since an approximately linear dependence of the
Zahalak, 1981, etc.). Recently; some of the basic
rigor stiffness on the sarcomere length had been
assumptions underlying these models have been
found (Figure 3 of Tawada and Kimura, 1984),
directly contradicted by experimental findings.
Tawada and Kimura assumed that the compliance
We briefly mention two of these assumptions and
observed must necessarily reside in the cross-
the corresponding experimental evidence:
bridges and hence in the myosin head
1) The number of energy-providing ATP (subfragment Sl). This conclusion may not be
molecules that are split during contraction is correct. As will be shown in another section of
directly related to the number of completed this chapter, an exponential stress-strain relation
cross-bridge cycles. of a sarcomere series elasticity which is not lo-
2) The major part of the sarcomere compliance cated within the cross-bridges implies the
resides in the cross-bridges (Huxley and observed linear dependence of the stiffness on the
Simmons, 1971). degree of filamentary overlap via the declining
tension resulting from the decreasing number of
Studies carried out by Gilbert et al. (1971) as attached bridges.
well as many subsequent investigations have Therefore, only a small amount of the total sar-
shown that during contraction the energy output comere compliance may, in fact, reside in the

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eels.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 25

cross-bridges. A similar conclusion has been 2.2 A Hypothesis and Model of Muscular
reached by Sugi (1979). We shall elaborate on Contraction by Intra-Molecular
this point later.
The two contradictions mentioned between ex-
Charge Transfer
perimental results and the Huxley model are not This section is devoted to the description of the
the only ones. Reports have appeared in the litera- structural and functional details of the proposed
ture on other phenomena that do not support the model. Except for a few assumptions on the intra-
theory (for details see Pollack, 1983). molecular field distribution, only features of
The criticism levelled against the Huxley molecular structures and functional interactions
model does, of course, apply to most other con- that have been verified experimentally will be util-
traction theories as well. The model of A.F. ized in the formulation of the contraction
Huxley has been selected for the discussion be- hypothesis and the construction of the model.
cause of its popularity and widespread use. It 2.2.1 Substructure of the Actomyosin Complex
should be mentioned that Huxley (1988, p. 7) him- Today it is generally accepted that the cross-
self has recently emphasized that his theory is "a linking of the actin and myosin filaments by so-
skeleton theory" and "incomplete." Furthermore, called cross-bridges is responsible for the
he points out a number of shortcomings of his production of contractive force in skeletal muscle
theory (Huxley, 1988, p. 7) and that it "contains fibers. Experimental evidence in support of this
no specific statements about the nature of the assumption is overwhelming indeed: If an ac-
actin-myosin bond, the nature or location of the tivated muscle fiber is stretched rapidly, the
elastic element, or the mechanism for breaking the transient tension increase is many times larger
bond at the right time." than that in the resting fiber (e.g., see Hill, 1968).
Similar reservations about some of the most Concurring results were obtained by oscillation
widely held features of the theory were expressed and quick release experiments (Kawai and Brandt,
by Pollack in 1983. He suggested to begin afresh 1980; Ford et aI., 1977). Further though indirect
and listed a number of items he would consider support for the notion of tension generation by
worthy of incorporation into any new theory cross links comes from time-resolved X-ray dif-
(Pollack, 1983, p. 1104). From this list and the fraction studies on frog sartorius muscle (H.E.
comments made by A.F. Huxley, it becomes clear Huxley, 1984). It therefore appears to be fairly
that today any thrust directed towards the creation well established that the active force produced in a
of a successful new theory of muscular contraction muscle fiber upon stimulation originates from the
must begin at the level of the molecular substruc- interaction, via cross links, of the actin and myosin
tures that constitute the contractile proteins. filaments. Since it is also known that the energy-
The intended purposes of this chapter are: i) the providing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binds to a
presentation of a model of myofilamentary force specific site on the subfragment 1 (SJ) of the
generation based on intra-molecular charge trans- myosin molecule, we are led to the conclusion that
fer; ii) the description of the model responses in a the actomyosin complex (Sl bound to two actin
variety of contractive modes; and iii) an outline of monomers) is the most likely location of energy
the development of a global myocybemetic model transduction and force generation. For this reason
of skeletal muscle based on the charge-transfer we shall concentrate on the fine structure of these
model. molecular entities.
No specific section will be included on the as- The thick (myosin) filaments are composed of
sessment of pertinent literature as such an myosin molecules, each of which consists of two
assessment of existing theories and models of globular heads (two S1) connected to a long tail.
muscular contraction can be found in Chapter 1 The latter consists of heavy meromyosin (HMM)
(Zahalak) of this volume. The references relevant and light meromyosin (LMM) polypeptide chains
to the development of the present model will be which aggregate to form the thick filament, the lat-
quoted as the need arises. ter having a diameter of approximately 20 nm.
From the surface of the thick filament protrude the
Sl-moieties (globular heads) of the myosin
26 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

molecules at regular, helically arranged axial inter- and, as has been revealed by photoaffinity-
vals of about 42.9 run, allowing for an actin-bound labelling studies performed by Szilagyi et al.
cross-bridge periodicity of 14.3 nm. The globular (1979), most likely also the nucleotide (ATP) bind-
heads are approximately pear-shaped and have a ing site. It does, however, not bind to actin. On
dimension of roughly 18 nm (length) by 9 nm the other hand, both the Sl-23k and the Sl-50k
(width). Their connection to the tail is highly domains have been shown to bind to actin (Mornet
flexible. The distal part of the tail region et al., 1981b). Moreover, the Sl-23k contains the
(subfragment 2) has a second flexible link, about two reactive SH groups SH1 and SH2, which are
40 nm distant from the Sl-link. This permits a probably involved in free electron donation
translocation of the globular heads away from the (Ladik,1982).
surface of the thick fllaments towards binding The binding of the myosin head (Le, of the
sites at the actin filaments. The translocation dis- Sl-23k and Sl-50k domains) to two actin
tance is on average 13 nm, varying from about 8 monomers on opposite strands of the actin helix
nm at long sarcomere lengths to about 15 nm at has been confirmed by Wakabayashi et al. (1984)
short sarcomere lengths. in 3-D electron microscopic image reconstructions
The thin (actin) filaments consist of of the actotropomyosin complex.
monomers arranged in double-stranded helix form Finally, it is well known that negative charges
with an axial repeat of about 38 nm. Notice that are situated on the surfaces of polypeptide chains
this repeat is comparable with that of the myosin (Kodama 1985, p. 514) and, in particular, on the
projections on the thick filaments. The diameter actin filaments (Pollack 1983, p. 1103).
of the thin fllament varies between 6.5 and 9.5 nm. The above-mentioned details of the sub-
Attached to the actin strands are the regulatory molecular structures of the myosin subfragment 1
proteins tropomyosin and troponin. Tropomyosin and the actin helix permit the construction of a
is a long, rod-like molecule that binds to one fairly detailed morphological model of the ac-
strand of the actin helix. Hence there are two tomyosin complex. This model is shown in Figure
tropomyosin molecules on opposite sides of the 2.1 below. It should be noted that our present
helix. Troponin, on the other hand, is a globular knowledge of the probable shape and dimension
protein that binds to tropomyosin (but not to actin) of Sl, the connective arrangement of its subfrag-
at regular axial intervals of about 38 nm (7 actin ments and the configurational appearance of the
monomers to 1 troponin molecule). It consists of actomyosin complex does not allow for much
three components: TN-T that binds to tropomyosin, freedom in the design of such a model.
TN-C that binds the calcium ions, and TN-l which
2.2.2 Formulation of the Contraction
constitutes the inhibitory component. More
detailed information on the fine structure of the Hypothesis
contractile proteins can be found in Pepe (1983). On the grounds of the morphological details
Most crucial to the development of the present depicted in Figure 2.1 and by utilizing further ex-
theory of contraction and the associated muscle perimental findings relating to the contractile
model is the substructure of the subfragment 1 events taking place within and around the ac-
(Sl) of the myosin molecule. Yamamoto and tomyosin complex, a hypothesis can be advanced
Sekine (1979), Mornet et al. (1981a), and others of how energy conversion and force production
have performed tryptic digestion experiments to may be effected.
decompose the Sl into its various domains. As the There are several lines of evidence which
result of this decomposition emerged a domain strongly suggest that intra-molecular transfer of
structure consisting of a moiety connected to the potential energy in the form of charge transfer
HMM tail (S2) and having a molecular weight of could be the mechanism responsible for the
23 kiloDaltons, a portion of molecular weight 50 development of contractive force. First, when cer-
kiloDaltons, and connected to the 23k-moiety, and tain negatively charged ions (8,-, r. etc.) were
a fragment of weight 27 kiloDaltons linked to the used in muscle fibers to replace ATP, contractions
50k-portion. The three domains will be labelled could be induced (Bowen, 1957; Laki and Bowen,
Sl-23k, Sl-50k, and Sl-27k respectively. 1955; Mandelkern and Villarico, 1969). This indi-
The Sl-27k domain contains the NH2-terminal cates that negative charges could be involved in
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 27

the contraction process. Secondly, as Kodama A plausible hypothesis about energy storage
(1985, p. 540) points out, ATP is bound to myosin mechanisms in hydrogen-bonded peptide groups
with an extraordinarily high binding constant, so such as a.-helix proteins has recently been formu-
that in this phase the major free-energy change oc- lated by Lomdahl (1984). This author proposes
curs. Kodama refers to this phenomenon as that amide-I, a characteristic intra-molecular vibra-
"energy trapping." The subsequent hydrolysis of tional mode of all peptide groups, could serve as a
ATP into ADP + Pi is almost isoenergetic, so that "basket" for energy storage. Resonant energy
the free-energy change for the hydrolysis of transfer between identical peptide groups would
myosin-bound ATP is negligible. It therefore ap- constitute a dispersion mechanism which can be
pears that upon hydrolysis the trapped energy is approximated by electrostatic dipole-dipole inter-
converted into some transit form which by repeti- action. This mechanism, in turn, would be
tion of the process could possibly lead to energy counteracted by the coupling between the amide-I
storage within the SI-27k subunit of SI. Indeed, vibration and other intra- and intermolecular ex-
the existence of such a mechanism has been citations, and would correspond to a focusing of
proposed by Pollack (1983, p.ll04) in order to amide-I energy. The competition between disper-
provide an explanation for the so-called unex- sion and focusing of amide-I energy will lead in a.-
plained energy. He suggests that "potential helix proteins (of which large amounts are
energy may be stored in the contractile proteins contained in SI) to the formation of a soliton-like
before contraction." object travelling along the peptide chains without
altering their shape (Lomdahl, 1984, p.I44).

Figure 2.1: Morphological model of the ac- the surface of the tropomyosin molecule; P:
tomyosin complex drawn to scale. The symbols principal electron charge; Bl, B2: actin binding
have the following meaning: M: myosin filament; sites; z: distance of electron charge P from Bl; ~:
S2: rod-like part of the cross-bridge; SI-23k, angle between SI major axis and the axis of the ac-
SI-50k, SI-27k: the three interconnected moieties tin helix. The two small circles above and below
of the globular head SI; A: actin monomer; TM: Bl indicate the location of the SHI and SH2 groups
tropomyosin molecule; N: nucleotide (ATP) bind- respectively.
ing site; R: negative reference charge situated on
28 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

At this point it is of importance to emphasize bond energy acts to generate longitudinal sound
the fact that solitons may carry negative charges waves along a-helix portions which, in turn, react
(Bishop, 1984, p. 158). Davydov (1982) proposed to trap the bond energy and prevent its dispersion.
that biological solitons may be triggered by the In all likelihood, this process of intra-molecular
hydrolysis of AlP bonds and propagate along storage of vibrational energy is repeatable, leading
linear molecules (a.-helix portions of proteins). to an accumulation of considerable amounts of
Disturbances of electronegative charge fields or ATP-derived energy within the substructures of Sl.
mechanical oscillations of peptide chains can also This is the transit form of the molecular energy
account for soliton propagation (Hameroff et al., referred to earlier.
1984). Kodama (1985, p. 492) has emphasized the im-
A fairly detailed model for the energy transduc- portance of the functional connection between the
tion process from ATP splitting into a protein has nucleotide and the actin-binding sites on the
recently been suggested by Scott (1984). He myosin head. Binding at one site influences the
proposes the introduction of a proton soliton as an other antagonistically. In the presence of ATP, for
intermediate state in the process of resonant instance, the strong association between actin and
energy transfer. His model involves the following myosin is weakend by 3 orders of magnitude.
steps (Scott 1984, p. 140). Conversely, actin weakens the interaction between
ATP or its hydrolysis products and the nucleotide
-4 -.1 -2 +
ATP + H2 0 .... ADP + HP04 + H binding site.
Furthermore, Kodama (1985, p. 517) stresses
H + OH
- .... H 0* the fact that there is strong interaction between the
two reactive SH groups in the Sl-23k and the
H20* .... (1 or 2) Sp + H20 nucleotide binding site on the Sl-27k. This im-
plies that there is close spatial disposition between
Sp .... SD + phonons.
these domains (Kodama 1985, p. 517), a fact
In this scheme, the ATP hydrolysis first produces which has been taken into .account in constructing
an extra hydrogen ion (H+) which carries the free the model displayed in Figure 2.1. As already
energy of 0.49 ev =7.84 x 10-20 J derived from the mentioned in Section 2.2.1, the two SH groups are
ATP splitting. In the second reaction, H+ combines probably donors of free electrons (negative
with OJ[ to generate an excited water molecule charges).
(denoted by an asterix) that carries two vibrational Also of importance are the intra-molecular
quanta (0.41 ev) of free energy in H-O-H binding. changes that occur in Sl on binding to actin. The
Next, the free energy of one or both of these H-O- Sl-23k to Sl-50k joint is strengthened while the
H vibrational quanta is transferred to one or two Sl-50k to Sl-27k connection is attenuated
proton solitons S. Finally, the free energy of a (Yamamoto and Sekine 1979). In other words, on
proton soliton (0:205 ev = 3.28 x 10-20 1) is trans- binding to actin, the joint connecting the two
ferred directly to a Davydov soliton SD. If in the domains of Sl associating with actin becomes stif-
third reaction only one proton soliton is produced, fer, while the Sl-27k subunit becomes more loosly
the process has an efficiency of 42%, otherwise connected to the rest of Sl (see Figure 2.1).
one of 84%. After having presented .the experimental
We shall assume that the latter is the case, i.e., evidence and the biophysical notions relevant to
an amount of 6.56 x 10-20 J of free energy is avail- the present contraction hypothesis, we may
able from the hydrolysis of one ATP molecule proceed to the formulation of the latter. The fol-
under physiological conditions. lowing events are postulated to take place.
Following now the arguments of Lomdahl 1. Alternating action of the two globular myosin
(1984, p. 144), whose work is based on Davydov's heads
theories, it appears likely that the energy released Upon activation, one of the two globular heads
during ATP hydrolysis is stored in the form of an linked to the tail (S2) of the myosin molecule at-
intra-molecular amide-/ vibrational mode. As taches to actin, dissociates Pi' and executes the
Scott (1984, p.135) points out, localized amide-/ power stroke. Finally, ADP is dissociated from the
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 29

head. Simultaneously, the other head is in a the SI-27k domain (see Figure 2.1). The transfer
detached state and performs random motions is effected over a distance of about 5 nm, possibly
while hydrolyzing ATP. The random oscillations by means of a charge-carrying soliton. Work has
occur within a cone of about 40° full angle (Cooke to be done in this process against the repulsive
et al., 1984). Each SI contains an intra-molecular forces created by the surface charge R that is
energy depot in which amide-l vibrational energy situated laterally on the tropomyosin molecule as
derived from the hydrolysis of several ATP depicted in Figure 2.1. As will be shown in the
molecules is stored. Activation occurs by influx next section, the amount of work done (neglecting
of ctl+ ions into the interfilamentary space. These small intra-molecular resistive losses) is ap-
calcium ions bind to troponin and presumably proximately equal to 5.90 x 1O-2o Nm, i.e., equal to
remove the steric block on actin by initiating the the amount of energy set free in the form of eletric
movement of the tropomyosin molecules into the potential energy. Note that this amount is com-
helix groove. In addition, Ct?+ and the energy- parable to the energy derived from the hydrolysis
releasing dissociation of Pi are assumed to trigger of one ATP molecule.
the transduction of stored energy from the intra-
3. Contraction in the isometric mode
molecular depot to electrical potential energy after
If no length change occurs in the sarcomere, the
the binding of SI to actin has taken place. Such a
contraction is called isometric. The true isometric
mechanism concurs with the finding of
state is attained after the contractile structures
Schoenberg et al. (1984, p. 278) that relaxation in
have extended the series elastic components of the
muscle seems to be brought about by blocking an
sarcomere to an equilibrium position.
energy supplying step which is subsequent to at-
In this state, the average angle of attachment of
tachment but prior to force generation.
SI relative to the axis of the actin filament is pos-
2. The charge-transfer step tulated to be 90° (see Figure 2.1). The transfer of
As mentioned above, the step subsequent to ac- one electron charge and thus force production
tin binding of the force-generating SI is the commence simultaneously with the completion of
conversion of intra-molecularly stored energy to a the P(dissociation step. Subsequently, ADP is dis-
form of potential energy which enables the ac- sociated.
tomyosin complex to perform mechanical work. Due to intra-molecular losses (Scott, 1984, p.
There are many different modes in which such a 134), the potential that transferred the principal
transduction could occur on a molecular scale. charge P to its terminal position declines as a func-
However, as outlined at the beginning of this sec- tion of time. Consequently, the charge P retracts
tion, experimental evidence strongly supports the in a hopping motion (Bishop, 1984, p. 158) to its
concept of an intra-molecular transfer of negative original position near Bl which results in a con-
charges from the interior to the boundary of the comitant decrease of the contractile force. The
SI-27k domain. This process is indicated in Figure energy lost in this process is identified as the
2.1. Upon initialization by actin binding and the maintenance heat.
subsequent action of Ca 2+ and the energy- Because of the strong interaction between the
supplying dissociation of Pi' an amount of about field created by the potential near Bl and the bond
6.56 x 10-20 J of the stored energy is set free and orbitals at the actin binding site Bl (Hofacker,
assumed available in the form of electric potential 1982, p. 235), the declining potential also results
energy. The corresponding field is centered at or in a decrease of the bond strength. This process is
near the region where the SI-23k actin binding site supposed to trigger ATP binding at the nucleotide
Bl, the two SH-groups, and the nucleotide binding site and thus leads to the dissociation from actin of
site on SI-27k are situated. That there is indeed a both the Bl and B2 binding sites. The detached SI
close spatial disposition between these sites on the goes into a state of Brownian motion while
different domains has been clearly demonstrated hydrolyzing ATP. The second SI of the same
by Wells and Yount (1979). myosin molecule attaches and commences the
The field is now assumed to transfer electron cycle.
charges, donated by the SH2 group, from a posi- It should be remarked that according to the
tion near Bl to the position P on the boundary of present hypothesis the myosin head does not
30 Multiple Musc:le Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

change its attitude during the attached state in Energetically, the situation is somewhat dif-
isometric contraction, a fact which has been con- ferent from that in the isometric case. During one
ftrmed experimentally by measurement of cross-bridge excursion, the decline in the potential
polarized fluorescence from fluorescent ATP due to internal losses is comparatively small, ex-
bound to Sl (Yanagida, 1984) and by electron cept at very low shortening velocities. However,
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (Cooke et because of the strong interaction between the fteld
al.,1984). and the actin bond at B1, zero contractive force at
the end position of the power stroke implies a
4. Contraction in the shortening motU
reduction of the fteld to minimal values upon
If the sarcomere is not kept isometrically
detachment. The rest energy not converted into
during tension development but allowed to short-
work and heat during the power stroke is assumed
en, the present hypothesis implies that rotation of
to be retumed to the intra-molecular energy depot
the attached Sl must occur about an axis through
by the collapsing fteld to be used anew in the next
B1. Such cross-bridge rotations have indeed been
charge transfer.
observed in muscle (Borejdo et al., 1979). The an-
gular movement is assumed to extend over a range 5. Contraction in the lengthening motU
of about 48°, from 90° average attachment angle If the length of the sarcomere in the activated
to approximately 42° detachment angle (see muscle ftber is increased, the attached Sl is for-
Figure 2.1). This corresponds to a linear filament cibly rotated by a small amount in the direction
excursion of about 9.7 nm per cross-bridge stroke. opposite to its normal contraction mode (see
Attachment of Sl to actin and charge transfer Figure 2.1). The increase in the angle, prompted
are assumed to take place as in the isometric case by the lengthening of the sarcomere results in a
once a suitable actin binding site has become decrease of the distance separating the principal
available to the searching Sl on the moving actin charge P on Sl and the surface charge R located on
ftlament. Obviously, some search period will the actin helix. This, in tum, produces a dramatic
elapse before attachment can occur. Likewise, increase in the electrostatic repulsive force acting
once a suitable site has become available, the between the negative charges. As will be shown
process of binding and charge transfer will take in the next section, this force increases in a highly
some time during which the filaments continue to nonlinear fashion according to the square of the in-
slide past each other. Thus, after completion of verse of the separation distance.
the binding and charge transfer process, the cross- The large increase in the contraction force
bridge must rotate rapidly through a certain slack produces a high strain on the binding sites,
angle before producing contractive force and dis- predominantly at B1. As already mentioned at the
sociating ADP. At maximum shortening velocity, beginning of this section, disturbances in the
this slack angle is equal to the total angular range mechanical environment at the binding sites cause
of 48° so that no force is produced at all. changes in the electric fteld. It will be assumed
However, as is apparent from Figure 2.1, during that the strain occurring at B1 leads to bond defor-
its angular excursion the Sl, which rotates about mations which, in tum, increase the
B1, must rotate or (and) deform the actin monomer intra-molecular potential. This is equivalent to
at binding site B2. That this rotation actually oc- saying that mechanical deformation energy
curs within the muscle ftber has recently been produced by the stretch is, at least partly, convert-
demonstrated by Yanagida (1984) by observing ed into intra-molecular fteld energy. Since,
the change in orientation of phalloidin-FITC- eventually, the bonds break and then reform at dif-
labelled actin monomers. The work done in ferent sites along the actin helix, the process is
rotating (or deforming) the monomers is degraded iterative.
into heat and identifted with the shortening heat. The postulated increase in the potential is as-
By deftnition of the detachment angle of 42°, sumed to elicit the transfer of additional charges
the contractile force becomes zero at this position from the initial towards an intermediate position.
and dissociation of Sl from actin occurs. The In this way, contractive force is enhanced, even
second head becomes active and begins a new after the lengthening action has ended, since the
cycle by searching for an attachment site on actin. increased potential only declines slowly.
2. Hatte; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 31

The effect just described should be potentiated feature of the present hypothesis is therefore
at greater sarcomere lengths where fIlamentary strongly supported by direct experimental
overlap decreases. This is because as the number evidence.
of active cross-bridges decreases during lengthen- The actual contractive cycle of one S1 therefore
ing, the instantaneous tension across the series comprises the following periods: '1: l' the velocity-
elastic component of the sarcomere is suddenly dependent search time for an actin binding site;
distributed among fewer cross links. This implies '1: 2 ' the time required for binding, charge transfer
that each S1 instantaneously experiences an inipul- and slack range translocation; and '1: 3 , the time of
sive stretching action, in addition to that already the power stroke. Since it is assumed that all cross-
present and corresponding to the given stretching bridges (actin-bound myosin heads) work
velocity. Obviously, the stretch response of each asynchronously, the average contractive force 1
of the active cross-bridges should be potentiated generated by one bridge over one complete cycle
and the effect should increase, up to a certain will be representative of the "overall" force
limit, with decreasing fIlamentary overlap. That production during that cycle period. Thus
this is indeed the case has been amply confinned
in many studies investigating muscle responses to
lengthening (Edman et al., 1978, 1984; Deleze,
1 =
'1: 1 +
'1: 2 + '1:3
I ~3

I(d)(:), :(t» dt (2.1)

1961; Hill, 1977, etc.).

Finally, the present hypothesis also predicts where the contractive force .l(d)(t),:(t» is non-zero
that very little angular change should occur in the only during the power stroke period '1:3 and d) and :
position of S1 during stretch and that the amount denote respectively the S1 angle and the distance
of ATP splitting should be greatly reduced in the B1-P of the principal charge P from the binding
lengthening mode. Both predictions are in accord- location B1 as shown in Figure 2.1.
ance with the corresponding experimental findings An expression for the contractive force can be
(Cooke et al., 1984 and Curtin and Woledge, derived from the geometry of the actin-bound S1
1978, respectively). displayed in Figure 2.1, and from the known repul-
sive forces acting between the negative charges P
2.2.3 The Charge-Transfer Model and R. Referring to Figure 2.1, let a, = 13 nm and
After having completed the verbal description a. = 6.5 nm denote the distances from the
of the present contraction hypothesis, the cor- S1-23k-S2 link to B1, and from B1 to B2 respec-
responding biophysical model will be presented. tively. Furthermore, let 10 be the repulsive force
It permits the quantitative testing of the hypothesis between the charges R and P; f. the intermolecular
by comparing the model responses with the resistive force opposing rotation and deformation
respective experimental results. of the actin monomer at bond B2; m the moment of
Model of Contractive Force Generation the force 10 relative to the pivot point B1, d) the
angle between the S1 major axis and the actin axis,
Of primary interest is, of course, the contractive
force produced by one S1 during one complete and 6 the angle between the S2 moiety and the
myosin filament axis.
cycle comprising the search for a suitable binding
As can be verified from Figure 2.1, the contrac-
site on actin, attachment, the power stroke, detach-
tive force/is given by
ment, and the inactive period. In certain
contractive modes (such as lengthening), one or
more of these phases may be absent. The inactive 1= (~ 10 ~ f.) sin(d)+9)cos9 (2.2)
a, a,
period, during which the first S1 is dissociated and
hydrolyzes ATP, is of no significance in the where the constraint
present context since the second myosin head is
active during this period of time. Indeed, Greene d+5 = 40 sin 9 + 13sind) (2.3)
(1981) has convincingly demonstrated that in the
dermes the angle 9 in terms of d) and the surface
presence of nucleotide (ATP) only one of the two
distance d (in nm) between actin and myosin fila-
S1 can bind to actin and that the binding mode is
ments. The distance d varies between 17.1 nm at
the same for either of the two myosin heads. This
short sarcomere lengths (60% of rest length), 13
32 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

nm at rest length (full fIlamentary overlap), and

10.1 nm at the terminal length of 1.8 times the rest (2.9)
length (no overlap). The variation in d is due to
the constant volume relation (Dragomir 1970). where the electron charge e has a value of 1.6 x
It can be shown that I does not change by more 1O-19C, 1I(41tE o) =9x 10-9, andy is the distance be-
than 5% on average if the filament distance is tween the charges as given by Eq. 2.B. It follows
varied over the above range. The influence on the that
force production of the varying interfilamentary
lattice spacing may therefore be neglected and an (2.10)
average value of e = 5° assumed corresponding to
the sarcomere rest length. Finally, an expression will be required for the
Referring again to Figure 2.1, let -r = (rx' r) and force Is that resists the rotation and deformation of
. y
the actin monomers which occurs during contrac-
1. = (z cos a, z sm a) denote the position vectors of
R and P respectively relative to a space-fixed tion. It has already been mentioned that such
Cartesian coordinate system with origin at B1. rotations have indeed been observed experimen-
The angle a is defined by tally (Yanagida, 1984). Hofacker (1982, p. 233)
gives an empirical relation for the potential
describing the repulsive interaction between
molecules. This potential function is exponential
(i having a value of 49°. Then the moment so that its first derivative with respect to the dis-
produced by the force la about B1 is given by the tance between the interacting groups must also be
vector cross product of 1. andt;" i.e. an exponential function. The most likely model
for the force function f.s (cp) is therefore

where If is a unit vector normal to the xy-plane and (2.11)

the vector of repulsive forces is given by
where the attachment angle cp has a value of 1t/2
(2.6) (90°), and the constants a1 an"d a2 have values of
1.1 x 10-13 and 4.24 respectively.
The moment arm function m(cp,z) may now be The work done by the cross-bridge in overcom-
computed from Eq. 2.5 and Eq.2.6 and is found to ing this resistive force in every power stroke is
be given by

m(cp,z) = z[(rycosa - r%sinal/y (2.7)

where (2.12)
a2 (+-+)
y = [(z cos a - r%)2 + (z sin a - r)2 llh (2.8) = as a1 [ e • - 1 + CPo - cp 1/ a2

Using the present values for the constants as' al' a2'
For the present case the numerical values are r =
-5.7 nm and ry = 1.9 nm for the location of ~he and CPo' and integrating over the full range of the
reference surface charge R on the actin helix. power stroke from cp 1 = 0.733 rad (42°) to CPo =
Hameroff et al. (1984, p. 577) describe the non- 1t!2, a value of 5.86 x 10-21 Nm is found. This
compares well with 5.51 x 1O-21 J, the amount of
linear electrodynamics in cytoskeletal protein
shortening per heat per cross-bridge power stroke
lattices including soliton propagation in structures
as calculated from the data of Homsher et al.
containing contractile proteins. They use the
Coulomb forces acting between neighboring
Since all functions and parameters appearing in
electrons in their automaton model. A similar
Eq. 2.2 have now been defined, the contractive
situation is anticipated for the interaction between
force j(Cp,z) can be computed for given values of
the charges Rand P in the present model. The
the cross-bridge angle cp and the position z of the
magnitude ofla is therefore given by
mobile principal charge P. However, in order to
evaluate the integral in Eq. 2.1, expressions for the
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 33

periods 't l' 't 2' and 't a need be derived. At a contraction velocity of Ixl < IXmaxl the moving
In the absence of detailed information on the myosin filament produces during the period 't 2 a
velocity-dependent search time, 't l' of a myosin slack length of
head, it will be assumed that 't 1 is a linear function
of the n017lUllized contraction velocity Xs = x't 2 = al (cos «110 -cos «lis) (2.18)

(2.13) which is taken up rapidly by the rotating S1 before

force production begins at the angular position «lis'
where is the fIlamentary sliding velocity of a half- Thus, at a certain, non-maximal shortening
sarcomere and maz the corresponding maximum velocity X, the total period of actomyosin associa-
value. Note that in the present model shortening tion is 't 2 + 'ta, given by
velocities are negative (as they ought to be) and
lengthening velocities positive. Thus, for short- 't 2 + 't a = al (cos «110 -cos «111) / (it IXmazl) (2.19)
ening, we have that -1 s ~ s O. The model for 't 1
is therefore where Eq. 2.13 has been used.
It should be pointed out that the resistive force
(2.14) f is still active during slack range translocation so
• shortening heat is always produced, even at
where c denotes a constant. maximum shortening velocity. The speed of slack
During the period 't 2 actin binding, the charge range uptake can be estimated from the superfast
transfer and the slack range translocation takes tension transients displayed in the records of
place, while the actual contractive work is per- Figure 7 of Van den Hooff and Blange (1984) to
formed during the subsequent power stroke period be about 50 Ilmls per half sarcomere, which is
't a· much larger than the maximum shortening speeds
By definition of the maximum shortening of muscle.
velocity maz' the cross-bridges are unable to In the previous section it has been mentioned
produce contractive force at that velocity. In that in isometric contraction the charge P retracts
terms of the present model this implies that during after transfer to its terminal position, possibly in a
't 2 the distance xmax covered by the filaments sliding hopping motion involving solitons (Bishop, 1984,
past each other must be equal to the full range ex- p. 158). The phase period 't~ is the reciprocal of
cursion of the S1. In this case, detachment would the ATPase rate in isometric contraction and
occur after the slack length had been taken up, detachment of S1 from actin must occur after a
without generation of any contractive force. Thus period 't~. From Eqs. 2.17 and 2.19 it follows that
max /Ixmax I. The expression forthe linear cross-
bridge excursion x which corresponds to an 't = a (cos 4i»I-cos 4i»0)(-1-1fr!) /Ixmaxl (2.20)
a l
angular excursion from «II a to «II ~ «111 is obtained
from (see Figure 2.1) In Eq. 2.1 we therefore have for isometric contrac-

x = al J.+0sin «II d«ll = a (cos «110 -cos «II)

l (2.15)
tions (~= 0)

't l + 't 2 + 't a = al(cos «Ill-COS «IIo)/IXmazl + 't~ (2.21)

Hence for the full range of angular cross-bridge
excursion from «110 = 90° (attachment angle) to «111 while otherwise
=42° (detachment angle) and with al = 1 x 10-9 m,
we have that
Xmax = 13 (cos «IIo-cos «111) = -9.66nm (2.16) =c(-it) + al(cos «11 1 - cos «11 0) / (-it IXmaxl)

which is the length of the cross-bridge stroke in The relationship between «II(t) and x(t) is obviously
the present modeL Therefore, given by Eq. 2.15 with «110 replaced by the initial
power stroke angle «lis' i.e.
34 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

,(t) = arccos (cos ,_ -x(t)/al ) (2.23) (2.26)

where for constant contraction velocities x(t) = t, x where! and m("z) are given by Eq. 2.10 and Eq.
and '. follows from Eq. 2.18. 2.7, resPectively. By hypothesis, the potential u(t)
Thus, if the charge transfer function z(t) is collapses at t = t 3' which leads to the retraction of
known, the average contractive force J of a cross- the principal charge and to the dissociation of Sl
bridge in isometric and shortening contractions from actin. During 0 s t s t 3' however, E '" 0, i.e.,
can be computed from Eq. 2.1 by using Eq. 2.2 and z(t) '" zfor this interval.
Eq. 2.21 or 2.22. For a given normalized contraction velocity~, -
MicrodylUlmics of Intra-Molecular Charge 1 s ~ sO, the corresponding contraction forceJ(~)
of a cross-bridge can therefore be computed from
Transfer Eq. 2.1 with z(t) = z. If this is done for the whole
A ~cial part of the. present con~action range of ~, the shortening velocity-dependence
h~othesls :m
d the assocIated model IS the function of the cross-bridge contractive force is
m1crodyn~c~ of th~ charge transfer. As has obtained. The graph of this function will be
been outlined m Secnon 2.2.2, the transfer of the, h wn later.
~egativ~ charges ~one princ~pal charge in s °In the lengthening mode, the situation is
~sometnc and s~ortemng contracn~n~, ~~o charg~s profoundly different. Owing to the counterclock-
m th~ length~?mg ~ode) from therr mln~ t~ therr wise roation of Sl, the repulsive force between R
~al pOSlnons IS effected by ~ combmanon .of and P increases drastically, leading to a field
~tra-molecular forces and potenn~~. In a he~s- potentiation which, by hypothesis, elicits the
nc manner we shall assume that dri~ng potennals, release of additional charges from their initial
long-range and short-range repulSIve and attrac- location near B1. This model bears some
tive forces, and internal resistive forces determine resemblance to the molecular contraction model of
the charge transfer. Hen~e ~ P?ssible model for Ratze (1973). For the purpose of the present
the charge transfer dynamlcs IS gIven by model we shall assume that only one additional
charge is released. Since the principal charge P is
C3 £(t) - C1 z- h("z) = 0 (2.24) already located at the terminal position z = z
where c3 £(t) is the driving force function repre- (stretch proceeds from the isometric con&tion),
senting the field action, c1 i is the internal resistive the differential equation for the motion z(t) of the
force, and h("z) is the sum of the z-components second charge follows from Eq. 2.24 as
of all repulsive and attractive electrostatic and
dipole forces that act on the charges to be trans- (2.27)
ferred. The value of the constant c1 is about 10-6 .
The driving force function, in tum, is deter-
mined by the postulated field dynamics
£ = p(v) [u(t,~,V,1t) - £]; £(0) = £0 (2.25) and c3 is determined by the condition that £ = 1 un-
der isometric conditions, i.e. c3 = h~,O). The
where the transfer potential u(.) is a function of the
second term in Eq. 2.28 accounts for the fact that
time t, the normalized sarcomere length ~, the nor- the principal charge P at the terminal position also
malized contraction force v = f I " and the produces a repulsive force repelling the second
normalized half-sarcomere sliding velocity~. The charge. The variable £ is determined by Eq. 2.25
symbol p(v) denotes a function of the normalized as in the case of shortening contractions.
contraction force (see Section 2.3.2). In the stretching mode, the myofilament series
In isometric and shortening contractions, only elastic component plays an important role as out-
one electron charge is transferred to the terminal lined in the next section. There it is shown that
position at z = 5 nm against the internal resistance the major part of the series elasticity does most
c1zand the repulsive force in the z-direction. The probably not reside within the Sl but in the bare
expression for the latter has the form zone of the myosin filament and, possibly, also in
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 35

the actin strands and the z-discs. therefore governed by the three differential equa-
Assuming the series elasticity to be located tions described by Eqs. 2.27, 2.25 and 2.31, given
mainly in the bare zone of the myosin filament, an appropriate potential function u(t,~,V,l1) as in-
the following normalized force relation must hold put. Such a function will have to account for part
for each cross-bridge: of the force enhancement during stretch and, most
importantly, for the potentiation of this effect at
u -
flf =f If (2.29) sarcomere lengths greater than the rest length.
To this end consider the force F across the to-
and also tal filament series elasticity. This force must be
·SE - equal to the sum nAj of all cross-bridge forces
flf=f If (2.30) produced by the n A.u active bridges in the overlap
region A.,. Thus
where f denotes the instantaneous force produced
by the "average" cross-bridge, J is the isometric f =F / n Au (2.33)
force, andf sE is the respective half-sarcomere part
of the total filament elasticity. In the next section The instantaneous force increment !if on a cross-
it will be shown that the load-extension curve of bridge that results from a given overlap decrease
the series elastic componenet is exponential (see -~A as a result of the stretch follows from above
also Chapter 5 (Winters». as
Using Eqs. 2.2, 2.7, 2.B, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.37, and
carrying out the differentiation of the terms in Eq.
2.30, a fairly complicated differential equation for
c)l of the form Since at least a very smaIl damping element must
be present in the series elastic component, F may
be considered instantaneously constant and thus
M nearly zero, i.e. the instantaneous force incre-
ment llf is proportional to 1/1.,2.
As is easily

is obtained. The symbols gi(.) denote functions of

shown, the normalized overlap length ~u = AJ Iu is
approximately given by
c)l and z, while 1h is the half-sarcomere stretching
velocity and i a the "slipping" velocity of myosin ~u =1 - au (~ - 1) (2.35)
heads on actin. The relationship between the
stretching velocity ).h' the extension velocity 1. of where au = 1.49 and ~ is the normalized half-
the half-filament series elastic component, the sarcomere length.
velocity i = az ~ sin ell of cross-bridge excursion, By hypothesis, the potential u is proportional to
and the half-sarcomere slipping velocity \ is given the instantaneous stretching stress imposed on the
by cross-bridge and to the slipping distance sl~ t,
through which the Sl is moved. In addition, a
(2.32) sizeable contribution so(v ,t) is due to the first break-
ing of the actomyosin bond. Thus, the potential
where '-. and II (see also Eq. 2.37) are related by II function u can be represented as
= (\ - Aso)! I h, Ih being the half-sarcomere rest
length. The velocity 1 can be expressed in terms

of the remaining velocities and the resulting ex-
pression can then be used in Eq. 2.31. where ~u is given by Eq. 2.35, EO is the isometric
It must be stressed that the contractile force fin initial condition of Eq. 2.25, and sl is a constant
Eq. 2.29 is composed of both the force due to the The function So will be specified later.
principal charge P and that due to the second In the next section we discuss the probable
charge. location of the sarcomere series elastic component
The microdynamics of the stretching mode is and its load-extension properties.
36 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Location of the Sarcomere Series Elasticity sarcomere rest length.

The precise location of the series elastic com- The experiment was repeated at a sarcomere
ponents in a sarcomere is of cardinal importance length of 3.1 11m where the isometric force
for any molecular model of muscular force dropped to half its maximal value and the results
production. Indeed, as has been pointed out in were replotted (black triangles in Figure 5 of Van
Section 2.1, for some theories (e.g. Huxley and den Hooff and Blange, 1984). After scaling the
Simmons, 1971) the assumption is fundamental new values by the appropriate factor correspond-
that the major part of the sarcomere compliance ing to the reduced tension, it turns out that the load-
resides within the cross-bridges. extension curve of the sarcomere series elastic
However, experimental evidence suggests the component at 1 = 3.1 11m is identical with that
contrary. Tawada and Kimura (1984) have determined at 1 = 2.1 11m, despite the fact that at
demonstrated that the S2 portion of the myosin 3.1 11m only about 50% of the total number of
molecule is not significantly compliant. They as- cross-bridges are attached. If there had been ap-
sume that the elasticity observed must therefore be preciable compliance in the cross-bridges, the load-
situated in the Sl-23k moiety of the globular head. extension curve should have changed as a result of
Because an actin binding site is located on Sl-23k, decreased overlap. However, no such change
the free end from B1 to the S2-link (see Figure 2.1) could be detected.
has a length of about 13 nm. The distance of The second implication of the exponential load-
quick half-sarcomere shortening required to drop extension relationship of the sarcomere series
the isometric tension to zero is about 1% of the elasticity found by Van den Hooff and Blange is
half-sarcomere length, i.e., about 12 nm in frog the linearity between stiffness and tension (see
muscle and 90 nm in crayfish muscle (Sugi, 1979). also Chapter 5 (Winters». Assume the general
It is highly unlikely that the entire Sl-23k portion form of the load-extension relationship to be
should bend by an angle of 90° to account for the b~
observed elastic extension of 12 nm in frog F=a(e - 1) (2.38)
The conclusions of Tawada and Kimura are The stiffness is then given by
based on the observation that sarcomere stiffness b~
decreases approximately linearly with decreasing dF / dli =abe =ab + bF (2.39)
filamentary overlap. Such a decrease in rigor stiff-
ness with sarcomere length can indeed be seen in i.e., the relationship between stiffness and force is
their Figure 3 (Tawada and Kimura 1984). Since linear. Since there is also an approximately linear
increasing sarcomere length above rest length im- relationship between tension and amount of
plies a decreasing number of cross links, it is filamentary overlap above rest length, it follows
certainly tempting to attribute the reduced sar- that the stiffness is a linearly decreasing function
comere stiffness to the reduced number of small of the sarcomere length with a certain residue
series elastic components residing within the cross- value at zero overlap. This is exactly what is seen
bridges. Such a conclusion may, however, not in Figure 3 of Tawada and Kimura (1984), i.e., the
represent the complete picture. Vanden Hooff observed stiffness decrease may be attributable to
and Blange (1984) have performed superfast the nonlinearity of the sarcomere series elastic
release experiments on frog muscle fibers at sar- component residing outside the cross-bridges and
comere length 10 =2.1 11m and have plotted the not necessarily to a reduced number of small
relationship between tension drop and amount of series elasticities within the cross-bridges.
release (see their Figure 5, black dots). The curve Such a conclusion is in line with the observa-
is exponential and well fitted by the equation tions of Sugi (1979), who found that be major part
of the sarcomere series elastic component resides
lE / F= 0.158 (e232Ii_ 1) (2.37) most likely in the bare zone in the middle of the
myosin filament and, possibly, also in the Z-discs
and the actin filaments (see also discussion in
where [pEl F denotes the relative tension and Ii =Lll
Chapters 4 and 5).
Ix is the relative extension, x denoting the half- To summarize, the major part of the sarcomere
2. Ratze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 37

series elastic component is most likely not situated Equation 2.1 has been evaluated for 100 values
within the cross-bridges but in series connecting of shortening velocity (-1 S 1) sO), in steps of 0.01.
structures such as the bare zone of the myosin fila- The result is shown in Figure 2.2a, while the cor-
ments and the Z-discs. Futhermore, the load- responding normalized curve is shown in Figure
extension curve of this component is well 2.2b.
approximated by an exponential.
2.3 Verification and Validation of the
Charge-Transfer Model 6.0

The credibility of a model is determined by its

verifiable predictions. It is therefore imperative to
test under as wide a variety of conditions as pos-
sible the charge-transfer cross-bridge model
presented in the previous sections. Unfortunately,
there is a severe restriction imposed on this at-
tempt: Practically all experimental observations on
muscular contractive behaviour are global and not
made at the microstructural level.
For some contractive modes not involving the
effects of intrafilamentary calcium dynamics, this
problem can be partly circumvented by postulating
-1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2
the existence of an "average cross-bridge" whose NORM. CONTR. VELOCITY
behaviour can be considered representative of the
asynchronously working bulk of the cross-bridges.
This is the approach adopted here.
In order to simulate on the computer the
responses of the charge-transfer model in a variety
of contractive modes, the ANSI-Fortran 77 com-
puter program MYOACT implementing the
conceptual model was developed. The com-
puterized model has been verified, i.e., it has been .6

established that it represents the conceptual model

adequately, within specified limits of accuracy. .4
In this section we shall be concerned with the
validation of the model, i.e., with the process of
establishing its ability to predict system responses .2

that agree reasonably well with the corresponding

responses as observed on the real biosystem. ~, __~~____.-____,-____,-____+.o
-1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 .0
2.3.. Velocity-Dependence of Cross Bridge NORn. CONTR. VELOC I TY
Contraction Force in Shortening
As has been described in Section 2.2.3, the Eq. Figure 2.2: a) Velocity-dependence function of the
2.1 can be evaluated for various values of the nor- contractile cross-bridge force in isometric and short-
malized contraction velocity ~ . The resulting force ening contractions. The value of the isometric cross-
functionJ(~) is then the velocity-dependence func-
bridge force is 5.33 pN. b) Normalized velocity-
dependence function of the cross-bridge contraction
tion of the contractile cross-bridge force in the
isometric and the shortening mode. The function
is sometimes termed somewhat loosely the force-
velocity relation. Since it presents an overall
property of the whole cross-bridge assemblage, it
is representative of a whole-fiber property.
38 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

It is seen from Figure 2.2 that the predicted stretch during activity might alter "the function of
curve closely resembles the so-called force- the cross-bridges to enable them to generate more
velocity relation usually observed in contracting tension without altering the kinetics which deter-
skeletal muscle. This is remarkable since in the mine vmcu: " This conclusion is in complete
present model this function is predominantly the agreement with the predictions of the present
result of the changing repulsive forces, during the charge-transfer model: Not an increased number
angular cross-bridge excursion, between the of attached cross-bridges is responsible for force
reference charge and the transferred principal enhancement after stretch but the inherent func-
charge, i.e., an intrinsic property of the model. tional properties of the actomyosin complex.
Also, the isometric cross-bridge force of 5.33 pN In order to simulate on the computer the
corresponds to about 33.6 N/cm2 isometric fiber responses of the charge-transfer model to
force (for 6.3 x 1012 myosin heads/cm2 half- stretches, we use the differential equations (Eq.
sarcomere), a value usually found in skeletal 2.25,2.27,2.31), with the following specifications.
muscle fibers. By hypothesis, both the inverse p( v) of the
In addition, the work necessary to transfer the damping function and the initial-burst function
principal charge P from its initial to its terminal so(v,t) appearing in Eq. 2.25 and 2.36, respectively,
position against the repulsive forces ii(.) given by are supposed to be influenced by the stress distur-
Eq. 2.26 can be computed by integrating over the bances occurring at B1 during stretch (see Figure
whole path z. It is found to have a value of 5.90 x 2.1). They are therefore expected to be exponen-
10-20 Nm. This is slightly less than the energy tial functions of the normalized force v = fIT, i.e.,
value of 6.65 x 10-20 J derived from the splitting
of one ATP molecule. In isometric contractions, pv
P(v)=Pl (e 2 - 1) (2.40)
where no mechanical work is performed, this and
amount of energy is degraded into heat which con-
stitutes part of the maintenance heat. The rate at
which this degradation occurs is a nonlinear func- (2.41)
tion of the fiber's maximum shortening velocity
(Elzinga et aI., 1987, Figure 5 ) o t s 0 or t ~ tb

2.3.2 Force Enhancement Occurring During where for the present model PI = 8.12 x 1<r, P2 =
and After Sarcomere Lengthening 4.6, ko =20, and tb denotes the time interval from
Possibly the most intriguing phenomenon of the beginning of the stretch until the breakage of
muscular contraction is the behaviour of the con- the first bond. For a given normalized stretching
tractile structures during and after sarcomere velocity ~, the value of the constant Sl appearing in
lengthening (see also Chapters 3-5). Depending Eq. 2.36 is computed from sl = 0.8/( t s ~), t s denot-
on the stretching velocity, the force during sar- ing the stretching time.
comere lengthening rises steeply above the An important point to be discussed is the
isometric level in stimulated fibers. Upon cessa- modelling of the forcible rupture (the sarcomere
tion of the stretch, the force first declines rapidly 'give') of the actomyosin bond in stretches. That
to a level above isometric, to be followed by a this phenomenon actually occurs has been clearly
very slow decrease of the residual force towards demonstrated by Flintney and Hirst (1978, Figure
the tetanic level. The amount of force enhance- 6). Referring to Figure 2.1, sarcomere 'give' im-
ment after stretch increases, while the rate of its plies that in the first phase of the stretch the
decline decreases, with increasing sarcomere "average"-Sl rotates, in a counterclockwise direc-
length above the rest length (Edman et al., 1978). tion, from its initial "average" angular position ~
Virtually no force enhancement after stretch is ob- towards the limiting position till at which bond
servable at sarcomere lengths below the rest rupture occurs. It seems reasonable to expect the
length. rate of change ~I of angular limit positions to be
Edman et al. (1978, p. 153) have performed a
thorough analysis of the above mentioned
phenomena. They reached the conclusion that
proportional to the stretching acceleration = = en
Ilxmcu:1 and to the difference tIImlJ% - between the
maximal and the current limit angle. Thus
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 39

directly related to the postulated build-up of the

potential u(o). However, the two velocities are
kl being a constant. Using Eq. 2.13, we may identical after the extremely short initial phase 't b'
rewrite this as: so that the error committed would be small. In the
simulation program MYOACT, the correct
(2.43) "slipping" velocity was used.
Furthermore, a very precise treatment requires
which, for given constant values of Tt, and initial that the change in the properties of the common
value $l =l, may be solved to yield filament series elastic component due to the
changing filamentary overlap be considered. As
• - - --k~ fewer cross-bridges are attached at increased sar-
Mll) = $ + $max - $ (1 - e ) (2.44)
comere length, the apparent series elasticity per
For the present modell = 1.253 rad, $max = 1.423 cross-bridge becomes stiffer. This implies a small
rad, and k = 6.90. Using Eq. 2.40, 2.41, 2.44, and alteration in the function gio) appearing in Eq,
the initial conditions eO= 1 in Eq. 2.25, zo = 0 in Eq. 2.31. The complete form of the latter equation
2.27, and $0= l in Eq. 2.31, the respective differen- was, of course, implemented in the simulation
tial equations can now be integrated over a program, but will not be elaborated on further in
specified time interval, subject to the following the present context.
provisions. In order to test the responses of the charge-
During the first stretching phase at constant Tt transfer model to a variety of stretching modes, a
from t = 0 to t = 't b , the angular movement of S1 value of max= 2 x 1050 nm/s, equivalent to two
takes place from l to $l(Tt), where bond breakage half-sarcomere lengths per second was chosen for
occurs. During that period, Eq. 2.31 determines the maximum shortening velocity. Stretching dis-
the dynamics of $(t), and u(o) appearing in Eq. 2.25 tances were 105 nm (10% of half-sarcomere
is given by Eq. 2.36 with so(o) expressed by Eq. length) and 210 nm (20%), while the values of the
2.41. normalized stretching velocities were ~ = 0.1 (10%
During the second stretching phase lasting of xNU) and Tt = 0.2. To demonstrate the effect of in-
from t = 'tb to t = 'to (end of stretch), "slipping" of creased sarcomere length, stretching simulations
myosin heads on actin occurs and $(t) = $/~) = were performed at the following values of the nor-
constant, i.e., $ =0, which replaces Eq. 2.31 for this malized half-sarcomere length: ~ 1
period of time. The function u(.) is as given by Eq. (corresponding to the optimal length), ~ = 1.2, ~

2.36 with si.) = O. = 1.4, and ~ = 0.8.

In the post-stretching phase from t = 't8 to the Figure 2.3 presents model responses to
final time of the simulation period, all cross- stretches performed over a distance of 105 nm, at
bridges in the half sarcomere rearrange, so that the a normalized velocity of; = 0.2, and starting from
dynamics of the variable $ of the "average" S1 is normalized lengths of ~ both above and below the
determined by nominal length. All stretches begin in the
isometric state where the normalized cross-bridge
(2.45) force equals unity.
From Figure 2.3 we see that the force produced
where kd = 6.2. During this period, Eq. 2.45 re- by the present cross-bridge model first rises
places Eq. 2.31 and the function u(.) controlling the steeply from the isometric to a new level, and then
dynamics in Eq. 2.25 is now given by u = EO , due either remains at that new level (~ = 0.8, Figure
to the rapid collapse of the potential to its initial 2.3d) or increases further during the second
value' at the end of the stretching phase. stretching phase (~ <! I, Figures 2.3a-c). After ces-
Finally, it should be mentioned that, strictly sation of the stretch at t = 0.25 s, the force first
speaking, the normalized stretching velocity Tt ap- declines rapidly, which phase is followed by a
pearing on the right hand side of Eq. 2.36 should period of very slow decline towards the isometric
be replaced by the normalized "slipping" velocity level. Thus force is enhanced after active stretch
x) IXma:r I, since it is the latter and not Tt which is and this force enhancement increases dramatically
with sarcomere length (compare Figures 2.3c and
40 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

2.3d). Furthennore, force enhancement also oc- Edman et al. (1984, Figure 7) have shown that
curs during the second stretching phase and is also there exists an approximately linear relationship
dependent on the sarcomere length at which the between the force enhancement during the second
stretch was initiated (see Chapter 3 (Morgan) for phase of the stretch and the residual force en-
an alternative (and perhaps compatible) approach hancement after stretch. According to the present
for simulating force enhancement}. model this should be so because the charging
The present model predicitions are well sup- process taking place during the second stretching
ported by experimental fmdings. The initial rapid phase implies the simultaneous increase in the
force increase, its further rise during the second force, an increase which persists in the post-
phase of the stretch at greater sarcomere lengths stretching phase. Thus, the amount of force
and the potentiation of the force enhancement enhancement present after stretch should be
after stretch at increased sarcomere lengths have directly related to the distance of the stretch but
all been observed by D6l6ze (1961), Edman et a1. should be independent of the stretching velocity.
(1978, 1984), L. Hill (1977), and others. In fact,


1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 +---===:;::::==;===;===r====;
.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
I. 0 +--::::;===:;=:====r====r=====;
.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
TIME [5] TIME [5]


1.8 :::J

1.2 1.2

1.0 +-__..-__,-__,-__.--_---, I. 0 +--':::::;===r====r===;r---,

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 .0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
.0 1.0
TIME [5] TIME [5]

Figure 2.3: Cross-bridge model stretch response. at nonnalized starting lengths of: a) ~ =1; b) ~ =1.2;
Nonnalized cross-bridge contraction force as model c) ~ = 1.4; d) ~ = 0.8. Simulation time is 5 s in all
response to a stretch perfonned over a distance of 105 records.
nm, at a nonnalized stretching velocity of ~ = 0.2, and
2. Ratze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 41


1.8 ~
1.6 ~
1.4 ~I
1.2 1.2

1.0 +-____.--____.--____.--____. -__----,

.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 .0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Figure 2.4: Cross-bridge model stretch responses for ~ Figure 2.5: Cross-bridge model stretch responses for
=0.2, ~ = 1.2 starting length, and stretching distances 210 nm - stretches starting from ~ = 1.2 with stretch-
of 105 nm (unmarked curve) and 210 nm (curve ing velocities of ~ = 0.2 (unmarked curve) and ~ = 0.1
marked by triangles) respectively. (curve marked by triangles) respectively.

In order to test the corresponding model

responses, two stretches were performed with ~ = On the other hand, stretches performed at dif-
0.2 and from starting length ~ = 1.2, but with ferent velocities but over the same distance have
stretching distances of 105 nm and 210 nm respec- been shown by Edman et al. (1978, Figure 2B) to
tively. The results are shown in Figure 2.4, from produce practically the same force enhancement
which it is clearly seen that the longer stretch after stretch. Again, this is in agreement with the
(curve marked by triangles) also produced the predictions of the present model. Figure 2.5
greater force enhancement after stretch. This shows the model responses to two 210 nm
prediction is also seen experimentally by Edman stretches proceeding from a starting length of ~ =
et al. (1978, Figure 2C). 1.2, but performed at normalized stretching
velocities of ~ = 0.2 and ~ =0.1. As can be seen,




t 1.6



~ .8


.4 .4
.2 .2

r--=~--.---'----r-- .0
-1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 -1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4

Figure 2.6: Extended velocity-dependence force value is 1.722. b) Normalized maximum

function of the normalized cross-bridge force (asymptotic) stretching force value is 1.271.
including positive (stretching) velocities. a) Values of constants used in Eq. 2.44 were $max=
Normalized maximum (asymptotic) stretching 1.33 and k = 16.1.
42 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

there is virtually no difference between the after- In summary, it has been demonstrated that the
stretch force enhancement at these two different present charge-transfer cross-bridge model ex-
velocities. There is, however, a marked difference hibits all important features of the force
observable in Figure 2.5 between the forces at- enhancement occurring during and after stretch of
tained in the two curves after the initial force rise. the contractile structures.
This difference is obviously due to the different
2.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives
stretching velocities and reflects the well-known
This chapter has been devoted to the presenta-
dependence of the initial stretching force on the
tion of a model for myofilamentary force
velocity (e.g., see Flitney and Hirst, 1978, Figure
generation by means of negative charges trans-
4). Indeed, when simulations are carried out at
ferred within the 27 kiloDaltons moieties of the
various stretching velocities T] and the resulting
globular myosin heads. The model can neither be
values of the initial stretching force are plotted,
classified as being unique nor is it likely to be rep-
the graph so obtained closely resembles the ex-
resentative of the actual events taking place within
perimental curves found by Flitney and Hirst
the subfragment 1 upon binding to actin and
(1978, Figure 4A-B). The graphs of the simula-
during contraction. However, since every attempt
tion results for positive (stretching) velocities may
has been made to incorporate into the model as
be combined with those for negative (shortening)
much as possible of the current knowledge avail-
velocities. This has been done in Figure 2.6 for
able on the molecular fine structure and the
two different values of normalized maximum
functional properties of the actomyosin complex,
stretching forces.
there is some reason to believe that the present
Finally, the observation made by Edman et a1.
contraction hypothesis may indeed reflect some of
(1978, Figure 7) that the contractile force is en-
the essential features of the real molecular contrac-
hanced also in filament shortening following a tion process. An encouraging sign in this
stretch is confirmed by the predictions of the direction is the considerable predictive power of
present model (Figure 2.7). As was found in the the model that results from its intrinsic properties.
experiment, the value of the maximum shortening As regards the transition from the charge-
velocity is not affected by the mechanisms respon- transfer model to a global myocybernetic model
sible for force enhancement. of skeletal muscle, it is obvious that a model of
the cross-bridge microdynamics alone is incapable
NORM. CROSS BR IDGE CONTRACTION FORCE of predicting global responses of skeletal muscle.
The total contractive force produced by a muscle
is the result of the neurally controlled action of
1.6 myriads of single actomyosin complexes.
1.4 Therefore, not only the contraction dynamics of
the cross-bridges but also other phenomena must
be considered in the construction of a global
muscle model, including the excitation dynamics
of the Cc?+ regulatory system, the nonlinear recruit-
.6 ment dynamics of whole motor units, and the
.4 influence of the series elastic elements residing
outside the filaments (e.g. see also Chapters 1, 3-
~ __
~~=--, ____,-____ __-+'O ~
5). But not even the contraction dynamics is
completely determined by the cross-bridge
-1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 .0
NORM. CONTRACTION UELOCITY microdynamics since the latter does not take into
account the effects of reduced filamentary overlap.

Figure 2.7: Nonnalized velocity-dependence func- A detailed description of the transition from the
tion of the cross-bridge force without (unmarked charge-transfer model to a global muscle model
curve) and with (marked curve) preceding stretch. would go far beyond the limits of this chapter.
Stretches started at ~ = 1.4 and extended over 105 Suffice it to say that such a development is carried
nm at 1t =0.2. Force value taken 1 s after beginning
of stretch.
2. Hatze; Charge-Transfer Muscle Model and Responses 43

out similar to that described by Hatze (1981). The References

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fects of changing filamentary overlap. Next, the Borejdo, J., Putnam, S. and Morales, M.F. (1979)
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tion dynamics, giving due consideration to all 6350.
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elastic structures that are present in muscle fibers, Physwl. 49: Suppl. 267-290.
including tendinous tissue. Then the model must Cook, R., Crowder, M.S., Wendt, C.H., Barnett, V.A.
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Modeling of Lengthening Muscle:

The Role of Inter-Sarcomere Dynamics

David Morgan

3.1 Inter-Sarcomere Dynamics slope of the force-velocity curve, gave rise to the
Every muscle fiber is made up of a large num- slowly rising phase (tension creep) of "fiber
ber of sarcomeres connected in series, so the isometric" tension records at long lengths. A long
tension must be the same in all of them. If the sar- length here refers to lengths such that at least
comeres are identical, then velocity will also be some sarcomeres are on the descending limb of
the same in all, so any externally applied move- the sarcomere length-tension diagram (Gordon et
ments will be equally distributed among all the al., 1966b; Julian and Morgan, 1979a, Figure 1).
sarcomeres of the fiber. This leads to the common The explanation runs as follows. Series con-
procedure of modeling a muscle fiber, or even a nected elements with a length-tension diagram that
whole muscle, as a scaled sarcomere. Most cross- shows tension decreasing with increasing length
bridge modeling of muscle makes this assumption must be unstable. That is, inequalities in length
implicitly, bearing in mind that many ex- will be accompanied by inequalities in tension
perimenters have gone to great lengths, by use of generating capability that will lead to greater ine-
segment length clamps or diffraction measure- qualities in length. The strong sarcomeres will
ments, to make it at least approximately true in shorten and get stronger, while the weak will be
their experiments. Note that throughout this chap- stretched and get even weaker. The
ter the sarcomere is taken to be the fundamental force-velocity relation, however, shows an increas-
unit of contraction. In many ways, the half sar- ing force for increasing lengthening velocity. This
comere would be a more appropriate unit, and all will provide dynamic stability to the sarcomere
the comments and calculations referring to sar- length distribution. In fact for any achievable
comeres could equally be taken to refer to half duration of tetanus, most of the sarcomeres will
sarcomeres. not have changed in length by more than a few
However, it is most unreasonable to expect ex- tenths of a micron. The internal motion would not
act uniformity in the isometric tension-generating affect the tension (while all sarcomeres were on
capability (herein referred to as strength) of the the linear descending limb) were it not for the
sarcomeres. There will always be some variation change in slope of the force-velocity curve about
in cross-sectional area and in myo-filament over- zero velocity. This can be seen by considering
lap. The question is whether and when the non- two sarcomeres of unequal isometric tensions but
uniformity is significant. Huxley and Peachey a zero sum of velocities - that is, their total length
(1961) showed that fibers tetanized at long lengths is kept constant (Morgan, 1985, Figure 1). Their
exhibited internal motion, with small regions at tensions must be equal and the velocities of equal
the ends shortening and the rest of the fiber slowly magnitude and opposite direction. If the
lengthening. They postulated that this internal force-velocity curve were of constant slope, the
motion, together with the discontinuity of the tension that satisfied this condition would be the
average of the two isometric tensions, and there-

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Musck 47

fore independent of the amount of difference it should (Morgan et aI., 1982). If the tetanus is
between the two sarcomere strengths, provided continued long enough, the non-uniformities will
that both are on the descending limb. However, become large, and so will the tension.
with a force-velocity curve that is steeper for Inter-sarcomere dynamics are also thought to
lengthening than for shortening, the tension must be significant in slow shortening of muscle fibers
be nearer to the isometric value of the shortening (Julian and Morgan, 1979b, Figures 1 and 2) and
(stronger) sarcomere than to that of the lengthen- whole muscles (Abbott and Aubert, 1952, Figure
ing (weaker) sarcomere in order to make the 5). Experimentally, the tension in a fiber held
velocities of equal magnitude. This means that in- isometric after a slow active shortening from a
creasing the difference between the lengths and long length is less than the tension generated when
hence strengths of the two sarcomeres will in- stimulation is commenced at the shorter final
crease the tension. This same argument can be length. Rapid shortening, however, produces no
generalized for many sarcomeres to show that the tension deficit. In other words, a fiber is not able
tension in an isometric fiber is not the average of to shorten slowly up its length-tension curve, as
the isometric tensions of the sarcomeres, but is would a crossbridge model of a sarcomere.
closer to the isometric capability of the stronger Interrupting stimulation of the shortened fiber or
sarcomeres. whole muscle removes the deficit. Julian and
The problem can be formalized as one of dis- Morgan showed that the slow shortening was
tributions and transformations. The first dis- largely absorbed by the end regions seen by
tribution is in sarcomere lengths. This is trans- Huxley and Peachey (1961). This means that
formed into the distribution of sarcomere strengths most of the sarcomeres have not shortened, and so
by the length-tension diagram. If all sarcomeres have not increased their tension generating
are on the descending limb, then this is a linear capabilities. The initially shorter and stronger end
transformation and the mean of the transformed sarcomeres have shortened out of the descending
distribution is equal to the transform of the mean limb, and have become weaker again as they
of the original distribution. That is, the mean moved onto the ascending limb of the
strength is the strength of the mean sarcomere length-tension relation. However, there is always
length. The second transformation is from a transition zone of sarcomeres with lengths be-
strength to velocity at a particular tension. This is tween long and short, and hence strengths greater
essentially the force-velocity curve. Therefore than the tension. These are the ones that take up
the mean velocity at a given tension will only be most of the imposed shortening. When the short-
the velocity appropriate to the mean sarcomere ening is more rapid, the tension is less and the
strength at that tension if the force-velocity trans- range of velocities for a given range of strengths is
formation is linear. In particular the mean smaller. This leads to a more uniform shortening
velocity will not in general be zero when the ten- and so a final isometric tension nearer to that seen
sion is equal to the mean strength if the if stimulation is commenced at the final length.
force-velocity transformation is non-linear, as is The model described here is able to simulate this
found experimentally. experiment (Morgan, 1990). The depression of
Gordon et al. (1966a, 1966b) showed that keep- stiffness, or more accurately the lack of rise of stif-
ing the length of a more uniform central segment fness, which is reported to accompany the lack of
of a fiber constant, rather than the length of the rise of tension (fsuchiya and Sugi, 1988), is also
whole fiber reduced the rate of rise of the "creep" compatible with this explanation. Most of the sar-
tension, in agreement with the explanation offered. comeres have not changed length, and therefore
A smaller initial distribution of lengths and not stiffness, so that the fiber stiffness remains
strengths is expected to lead to a lower tension near to that at the original long length.
early in the tetanus and less initial internal motion.
3.2 Sarcomere Behavior During Stretch
This in turn means that the degree of non-
uniformity and the amount of "extra" tension Despite the extensive attention given to the be-
increase more slowly. Reducing the spread of sar- havior of muscles during stretch in recent years
comere lengths has not been shown to reduce the (e.g., Cavagna et al., 1968; Huxley, 1971; Edman
final peak tension, nor does modeling predict that et al., 1978; Flitney and Hirst, 1978; Morgan et aI.,
48 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

1978; Julian and Morgan, 1979a; Edman et al., very rapidly indeed, limited only by inertial and
1982; Cavagna et al., 1986; Umazume et al., 1986; passive viscous forces. Of course this lengthening
Colomo et al., 1988; Sugi and Tsuchiya, 1988; will allow shortening of the rest of the fiber which
Tsuchiya and Sugi, 1988; Bottinelli et al., 1989; will cause some reduction in tension. If the num-
Harry et al., 1990 [see also Chapter 2 (Hatze)], ber of sarcomeres in the fiber is large, however,
relatively little consideration has been given to this reduction of the tension is likely to be less
inter-sarcomere dynamics under these conditions. than the reduction in tension-generating capability
Lengthening muscle produces a number of unex- of the weakest sarcomere, and so will not stop the
pected results (see Sections 3.4 and 3.5) and also a rapid elongation. Eventually the passive struc-
remarkable inconsistency of results. This dif- tures within the sarcomere will produce a passive
ficulty in reproducing results in even successive tension equal to the tension in the fiber, and exten-
stretches on the same fiber could be seen to sug- sion of the sarcomere will stop. If the imposed
gest that inter-sarcomere dynamics may be stretch is continued, the tension will again rise un-
important, with the initial distribution of sar- til it reaches the slightly greater yield point of the
comeres being the fundamental inconsistent factor. next weakest sarcomere, which will then extend
Woledge et al. (1985, p.71) highlighted this rapidly. This process will be repeated until the
variability in respect to the yield ratio (the yield motion stops.
tension expressed in terms of the isometric Our thought experiment suggests then that
tension) and change in slope of the force-velocity lengthening of a fiber will not be at all uniform,
curve, but it is apparent in many other features of but will take place essentially by "popping" of sar-
tension records during lengthening (see also comeres, one at a time, in order from the weakest
Chapter 6 (Winters». towards the strongest. This has far-reaching con-
The force-velocity curve of a fiber or whole sequences, which will be discussed in Section 3.4.
muscle for lengthening is usually found to have a Where are the weakest sarcomeres likely to be?
yield tension, meaning that increasing the velocity The shortest and strongest have been shown to be
beyond a certain point does not increase the ten- concentrated near the ends. It has been reported
sion any further (Katz, 1939). This of course (Colomo et al., 1988), in accord with my own ex-
corresponds to zero incremental damping or vis- perience, that some fibers do have weak patches -
cosity. The statement above, that the that is, the weakest sarcomeres all in one part of
force-velocity curve will stabilize the inherent in- the fiber. In these fibers the yield ratio is low, the
stability of the sarcomere length distribution, is no continued rise during stretch is large, and non-
longer true if the sarcomeres are stretching in this uniform lengthening can be seen. Colomo et al.
yielding condition. The instabilities will be (1988, Figure 5) also reported a smaller change in
catastrophic in the sense of producing very rapid slope of the force-velocity curve at zero velocity.
changes in the sarcomere length distribution. In a more uniform fiber the weakest are likely to
This becomes clear in a simple thought experi- be randomly distributed throughout most of the
ment. If a fiber is stretched at other than a very fiber. Of course a fiber consists of many parallel
small velocity, the tension will rise as elastic struc- myofibrils, able to move somewhat independently
tures are stretched, until it reaches the yield point of each other. The popping of the randomly dis-
of the weakest sarcomere. There will always be a tributed weakest sarcomeres in a relatively
weakest sarcomere, no matter how small the dif- unifonn fiber is more likely to be a myofibrillar
ferences between the sarcomeres may be. At this phenomenon than a fiber one. The weakest sar-
point the weakest sarcomere will yield, that is, comere in one myofibril may be at a different
begin to stretch more rapidly than the others, point along the fiber to the weakest sarcomere in
without increasing tension. Elastic elements will the neighboring myofibril. This widespread dis-
also cease lengthening as the tension levels out. If tribution of elongated sarcomeres in myofibrils
the weakest sarcomere is on the descending limb will make them difficult to detect by direct obser-
of the length-tension relation, this increased vation. No sarcomere will be extended all the way
lengthening will reduce its tension-generating across the fiber, but scattered long sarcomeres ex-
capability. It will then be unable to support the ex- tending only across one or a few myofibrils will
isting tension at any velocity and so will lengthen be scattered in three dimensions throughout the
3: Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle 49

fiber. This should be visible as increased disorder curve of Gordon et al. (1966b) and the
and skewing of sarcomeres. To the best of my specified isometric capability at optimum length
knowledge, no quantitative measurements have F of that sarcomere. The distribution of FOG,.
been made of this. The mechanical consequences wis specified as an exponential distribution with a
of the myofibrillar distribution of elongated sar- random variation added. Values for the end sar-
comeres will be small, unless significant forces are comere, the central sarcomere, the length constant
generated between myofibrils by the elongation of of the exponential distribution, the random com-
a sarcomere in one myofibril. Consequently the ponent amplitude, and the random number
model assumes that each sarcomere has a unique generator seed were all specified by the user. The
sarcomere length applicable all across the fiber. random component was generated by smoothing a
In this sense it could be considered as a model of a series of pseudo-random numbers generated by the
myofibril. computer, giving an approximately Gaussian dis-
tribution. The initial length distribution was very
3.3 The Computer Model
similarly specified. The basic passive tension
The model was closely based on that of
curve was an offset exponential, specified by the
Morgan et al. (1982), ran on a Macintosh com-
slack length, a length constant of the exponential
puter (Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA), ~d and the tension at some specified sarcomere
was written in Lightspeed Pascal (Thmk
length, and applied to the sarcomere at the center
Technologies, Bedford, MA, now a division of
of the fiber end. The passive tension curves for
Symmantec) using the Programmers Extender
the other sarcomeres were scaled from this so that
(Invention Software Corp, Ann Arbor, MI). One
the specified sarcomere length distribution
half of the muscle fiber was modeled as either 100
produced the same passive tension in all the sar-
or 500 sarcomeres (or contractile units) connected
comeres. No provision has been made for
in series. In order to accommodate different
sarcomere lengths less than the slack length, so no
muscles and temperatures, the unit of time was
simulations involving slack fibers can yet be run.
defined as the time for all unloaded sarcomeres to
The length changes to be applied were
shorten 111m. Thus the unloaded shortening
specified by the times of beginning and ending the
velocity was 1 micron per sarcomere per time unit
ramp, and the fmal average sarcomere length. The
For the usual frog single fibers, this means that
initial average sarcomere length was calculated
one time unit corresponds to about 500 ms at O°C,
from the initial sarcomere length distribution. The
and about 50 ms at 20°C. Each sarcomere was
program included facilities to display, save, and
represented by a Hill type model, consisting of a
print the length-tension relation, the
contractile component characterized by a
force-velocity relation, the passive curve for any
force-velocity curve, a linear series elastic com-
sarcomere, the movement being applied, and the
ponent (default stiffness required 0.024 11m per
distributions of F ,strength and of sarcomere
half sarcomere to drop the tension from isometric
the tension-time recordb·
length, as well asOop' emg
to zero), and an exponential parallel elastic com-
produced. Sarcomere length, FOG,., and strength
ponent. The force-velocity curve was taken as the
could also be displayed as histograms. In addition
classic Hill-Katz curve as quantified by Morgan et
a "segment length" record was obtained by adding
al. (1982). Constants could be entered for a/Fo
the sarcomere lengths of the "central" half of the
(where a is the Hill parameter and Fo is the Hill
fiber. The simulation could be stopped at any time
contractile element force intercept [see also to examine these curves and then resumed.
Chapter 5 (Winters)]; default here: 0.25), the
The solution proceeded iteratively as before
change of slope between slow lengthening and (Morgan et al., 1982). The time intervals for the
slow shortening (default: 6 times higher for
calculation were not equal, but varied automati-
lengthening), the asymptote for lengthening
cally to accommodate the rate of change of
(default: 1.8 Fo)' and a curvature coefficient for ~he tension. No interval greater than 0.0001 time units
lengthening region. The unloaded shortemng
(less during very rapid ramps) was accepted if ten-
velocities of all sarcomeres were the same. For
sion changed more than 2% of isometric tension or
each sarcomere the isometric tension (strength)
if the length of any sarcomere changed more than
was taken as the product of the length-tension 0.2 11m within that time interval. An option al-
50 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

lowed the fiber to be replaced by a single easily observed, but produced unrealistic tension
sarcomere, with parameters equal to the average of traces. Using 500 sarcomeres produced much
those for the fiber. Tension was plotted on the more realistic records, though individual pops are
screen as simulation progressed. still discernible. Most real muscle fibers have
Experience using the model justified several of many more than 500 sarcomeres, so that an even
the assumptions made in the thought experiment smoother trace would be expected. Figure 3.1a
above. It was found that for realistic passive ten- shows the simulated tension during a stretch, and
sion curves and initial sarcomere lengths, a while isometric at the initial and final lengths.
popped sarcomere was extended well beyond zero This figure shows that the model simulates a large
overlap. Of particular importance was the confIr- number of the peculiar features of muscle being
mation that the sarcomere lengths are instan- stretched.
taneously unstable for any reasonable assignment
3.4.1 Continued Tension Rise During Stretch
of parameters and number of sarcomeres, even as
Most experimenters agree that stretching a
low as 100. The only way to actually fmd a solu-
muscle at constant velocity produces a tension that
tion during the rapid elongation phase was to add
continues to rise throughout the stretch, whether
a small amount of damping to the series elastic
the sarcomere lengths are on the plateau or de-
component of the sarcomere model. This meant
scending limb of the length-tension relation (see
that the tension fell to the minimum of the curve
in particular Harry et al., 1990). Shortening at
of total sarcomere tension against sarcomere
constant velocity within the plateau of the
length as each sarcomere popped. In practice this
length-tension diagram, on the other hand,
procedure led to a large number of very short time
produces a tension that is much more nearly con-
intervals and excessive calculation time.
stant. The lengthening behavior is inconsistent
Consequently a "quick pop" option was provided,
with "normal" cross-bridge models, as the distribu-
whereby no attempt was made to track a sar-
tion of cross-bridge extensions, and hence the
comere through popping.
tension, should reach a steady state after stretching
If the "quick pop" option was enabled, then in
more than a few cross-bridge strokes. On the de-
each time interval, after solving for the tension but
scending limb, of course, tension should fall as the
before updating the sarcomere lengths, a check of
overlap of thick and thin filaments is reduced.
the sarcomere nearest to its yield point was made
This was seen when the model was set to single
to see if its updated yield point would be less than
sarcomere, as shown in Figure 3.2.
the existing tension, that is, whether the tension
If inter-sarcomere dynamics dominates, then
would need to be reduced in the next time interval.
the continued rise represents popping ever
If so, the present time step was repeated with half
stronger sarcomeres. The continued rise is in-
the duration. When a tension decrease would be
herent in the model. The tension trace is just a
required and the time interval was at the minimum
series of yield points, each one greater than the
allowed (0.0001 time unit), then the sarcomere
last. On the descending limb of course there will
would be popped by setting its isometric
be a countervailing effect of the slow reduction of
capability (F00 ) to zero. This ensured that only its
strength of all the sarcomeres that are slowly
passive tensi6n would be used from then on, and
lengthening below their yield point. This may ac-
that during the next time interval, it would be
count for occasional observations of tension
stretched appropriately. This led to an instan-
falling during stretch, such as in Edman et al.
taneous fall in tension, as the other sarcomeres
(1978, Figure 2b). Variations in the pattem of sar-
shortened. This option reduced the calculations
comere non-uniformity will account for the
considerably, but was shown not to affect the
variable amount of rise seen between experimental
results perceptibly other than during the actual
records. A large spread of sarcomere lengths in
"popping" of the sarcomere.
the model can lead to a rounding of the yield
3.4 Modeling Results and Discussion comer as sarcomeres are popped from early in the
The model with 100 sarcomeres showed a large stretch, as shown in Figure 3.2. During shortening
abrupt drop in tension each time a sarcomere the slope of the force-velocity curve ensures that
popped. This enabled the pattern of popping to be the sarcomeres shorten much more uniformly, and
3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle 51

the single sarcomere cross-bridge models are more continued. The final tension is near that for an
nearly correct. isometric contraction at the original length, and al-
most independent of the amplitude or speed of the
3.4.2 Permanent Extra Tension
stretch. These are exactly the results found in
The model records also show the phenomenon
muscle fibers. Looking at the final sarcomere
of permanent extra tension [Abbott and Aubert,
length distribution (Figure 3.1b) shows what has
1952; Julian and Morgan, 1979b; Edman et al.,
happened. Most of the lengthening has been taken
1982; Woledge et al., 1985; Sugi and Tsuchiya,
up by the few popped sarcomeres, and the rest
1988; Tsuchiya and Sugi, 1988; see also Chapter 2
have only stretched a little. Furthermore the
(Hatze»). After a stretch at long length, the ten-
weakest sarcomeres have been "removed" from
sion does not fall to the level appropriate to the
final length, regardless of how long the tetanus is

a) b) 27 j !: , .J',.....-..'
.r/.",r ( ...~..'"..r.......
" .'V',
...' -.......-" oi"-. I ~
~i 'i'"
24 f1

. ...
2' :




00 20 40 so 10 ",~~ 120 ,.0 160 ,10 200 '.

A . . . of 500 IafClGfMtM.
IIoOI'noWk; cape MI. F"nl _
MtC:O'Nt __
1.00 Ull ~
• • .3~ • ~.wn
• 1.00 6 - 10.00 %. . I''' 'x .'. \,.(~; ...:. ,..;:','"X. :'.
-,.I .":.
': .' ... : :,,':., .: ~::
. .• , • . . ,I, ; .c ~.~
_._.O.Ol<.wn _ _2.10
. 6
0 •

,.. long"" ~""""c:DI'IWN. 2..10 L.a .. "fCIOI'nIIIr• • ~ta,... - 6JX) % .:o,: ~: I '<,.... • ..:; ':. ~.. ;: ";' .: :.:~ I

P .....f t -=-OQIeftI-M Slid. IIInglt'I .. ~ LMg1n COO*afn • 0.2."

P.saNe ...,...". 81 3.lOurn .. O..2OPc. IrUf laIC III"".' .. 0.00
From aWlf'aOli aatQWlllte ieI"IQ'" Of U53lu'ft aI • .oo 10 2..~ A' :
_......-og •• :tO.oo_.....

- .--,....,--

_-.01 ..... .....,., ...0

aIPo . Q.25 ~ ......
~ ..._.l..2OP<>
101 _ _ .0.00180

:..!.:::",a: ...
S4net etubc .~ • O~tI · ...,C" 81 Po. TIIN CICII'\el.aIII .o.OOC ,.

~ =,11 at'ICI 11iU" ..... unO. me ~ .. 0 .7'020 t ,S J,..-----~r;;:=
, ----....,

Figure 3.1: The model behavior during stretch. a) the stretch does not fall to the tension generated while
Tension traces during fixed end activation at initial and isometric at the same length. The details in the figure
final lengths and during an active stretch of 0.2 11m be- relate to the stretch record. b) The distribution of sar-
tween these lengths. Note the following points. The comere lengths at the beginning of contraction, at the
longer length produces less isometric tension, owing to end of the stretch, and at the end of the simulation.
the length-tension curve. The isometric traces show a Note the "popped" sarcomeres, scattered throughout
"tension creep" or slow rise phase followed by a slow the fiber, and extended beyond the length of filament
decline. The tension continues to rise throughout the overlap. After such a long tetanus, the sarcomeres are
stretch. The popping of individual sarcomeres quite non-uniform.
produces the ripple during stretch. The tension after
52 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

the distribution of active sarcomeres, giving a very attractive. Note that a decrease in stiffness
slight tendency for the tension to rise above that at during the stretch is also predicted by the model,
the original length. This is counteracted by the as observed by Tsuchiya et al. (1988) and Sugi et
slight elongation of the other sarcomeres. aI. (1988). The decrease in this model, however,
Combined with the older evidence suggesting sar- is not due to a decreased overlap and hence num-
comere non-uniformity (interrupting the ber of crossbridges as they postulated, but to the in-
stimulation long enough for the tension to fall, and creasing number of popped sarcomeres. The stiff-
then resuming produces the tension appropriate to ness of the passive tension curve is less than that
the final length (Julian and Morgan, 1979b, Figure of an active sarcomere, so popping more sar-
6)), these records make the inter-sarcomere comeres decreases the stiffness, even though most
dynamics explanation of permanent extra tension of the sarcomeres have not lengthened.


0.0 1 .0 2.0 Tim. 3.0 •.0 5.0


Inilal oat""""" length •.C¥n

0.0 1.0 2.0 3 .0 •. 0 5.0

T,me Final UICOINI. length

Figure 3.2: A fiber with a wider distribution of F..". single sarcomere, owing to the sarcomere
a) The upper traces are for a fiber of 500 sarcomeres lengtb-tension curve. Isometric contractions can also
with a 10% random variation of isometric capabilities involve popping of sarcomeres. For the single sar-
and a 0.05 11m random variation in initial sarcomere comere the tension decays towards that appropriate to
lengths. The lower traces are for a single sarcomere the final length, but stays above for the fiber. b) The
with the average properties of those in the upper traces. initial and final sarcomere length distributions shown
The middle trace shows the movement, calibrated in as histograms. Initial sarcomere lengths 2.35 11m plus
mm for the fiber. Note the following points. The fiber 0.05 m random variation. Slack length is 2.1 11m.
has a smaller yield ratio than the sarcomere, and the Passive tension at 3.1 IJ.ffi is 0.2 F.. Stretch amplitude
yield point is much less distinct. The tension continues is 0.15 11m. Default force-velocity curve is utilized.
to rise throughout the fiber stretch but falls for the
3. Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle 53

3.4.3 Force-Velocity Cune at High Speeds Hill model. The behavior to be expected from a
Stretching the simulated fiber produces a ten- consideration of inter-sarcomere dynamics can
sion that is almost independent of the stretch however be predicted, and compared to experi-
velocity except for very small velocities. This is ment. If a model fiber is subjected to a load
to be expected, since the tension during stretch is greater than the yield point of some of its sar-
determined mainly by the distribution of yield comeres, all those sarcomeres unable to support
points for the various sarcomeres. The velocity the imposed tension will quickly pop, giving a
has a minor effect through the lengthening of the rapid lengthening of the fiber. When that has hap-
other sarcomeres below their yield points. pened, the rate of stretch of the fiber will
Experiments also show that the tension of a drastically slow to that due to the sub-yield
muscle or fiber during constant velocity stretch is lengthening of the sarcomeres with yield points
essentially independent of velocity beyond the greater than the imposed tension. Such slowing of
yield point. A cross-bridge model, however, can the rate of lengthening is the behavior that has
only show this under specific, rather unlikely as- been seen in real fibers, and has proved so difficult
sumptions. As a sarcomere is stretched at higher to explain by cross-bridge or any other models
and higher speeds, the opportunity for cross- (Huxley, 1971, Figure 6; Huxley, 1980, p. 84).
bridges to form becomes less and less, and in most (How can enough cross-bridges form in a rapidly
models the number of attached sarcomeres extending fiber to resist the imposed load when
decreases. The only way to avoid a fall in tension they were unable to do so in the isometric fiber?)
is to increase the average tension per cross-bridge, This would also explain the difficulty experienced
and hence the average extension of the cross- by Pollack's group (e.g., Granzier et al., 1989) in
bridges. It has been shown (Harry et al., 1990) plotting the force-velocity curve using isotonic
that imposing a limit on cross-bridge extension stretches. They found that increasing the isotonic
even as large as six times the maximum extension load increased the amplitude of the immediate
in an isometric muscle produces predictions that lengthening, but not the steady lengthening
depart significantly from experiment. velocity that followed (Granzier et al., 1989).
Inter-sarcomere dynamics can easily accom- Sustained rapid isotonic lengthening does not oc-
modate a sarcomere force-velocity curve that falls cur experimentally.
at large velocities. Once a sarcomere yields and
3.5.2 Damage from Eccentric Contractions
becomes unable to support the existing tension at
Another peculiarity of muscle being lengthened
any speed, the tension that it can support becomes
while active is its propensity to damage. Step tests
essentially irrelevant. This is shown by the fact
(Friden et aI., 1983; Newham et al., 1983) and arm
that using the "quick-pop" option in the model,
curls (Clarkson and Tremblay, 1988) in humans,
equivalent to a sarcomere force-velocity curve
and downhill running in rats (Armstrong et al.,
that falls to zero immediately past the yield point,
1983), all produce damage with the following
does not affect the overall tension trace. In this
characteristics. Immediately after the exercise, the
way the sarcomere force-velocity curve can fall at
only changes seen are small areas of elongated sar-
high speed, but the fiber force-velocity curve does
comeres, sometimes as small as one half sar-
comere in one myofibril. In other cases a group of
3.5 Explanations of Other Phenomena elongated sarcomeres, extending part or all of the
The ideas behind the model can also be seen to way across the fiber, are seen. The next day, the
provide explanations for other puzzles about muscles involved are painful, and histology shows
lengthening muscle that have not yet been damaged muscle fibers being replaced. The de-
modeled. gree of damage is not related to the general fitness
of the subject. Everyday experience also shows
3.5.1 Isotonic Experiments
that sports involving eccentric contractions such as
Simulations of isotonic experiments are not ap-
horse riding and mountain climbing often produce
propriate to the present model, as they rely heavily
such "delayed-onset muscle soreness," while con-
on the moderately fast transient behavior of sar- centric exercise sports such as swimming and
comeres, which is not realistically modeled by a bicycle riding usually do not. The proposal of non-
54 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

uniform lengthening provides the mechanism for predicted by the model. No specific experiments
the initial local damage, which can then lead to have yet been undertaken to test this point, but a
destruction of the fiber (Armstrong, 1984, esp. brief examination of the literature provides some
p.. ·35). support. Certainly the rise during stretch tends to
When a sarcomere "pops", it is extended, prob- be greater at longer lengths, where non-unifor-
ably to the point where there is no overlap of thick mities may be expected to be greater.
and thin fIlament lUTays. When the muscle Similarly, inter-sarcomere dynamics suggests
relaxes, it is likely that the inter-digitating pattern that the change in slope of the force-velocity
of the fIlaments is not fully resumed immediately. curve about zero for a fiber will always be less
(The question of the extent and time course of the than the change for its sarcomeres, since the ten-
recovery of a popped sarcomere is an area that sion for a slow stretch will be measured later in
needs more experimental investigation.) This the contraction, when the non-uniformity will be
provides a weak point during the next stretch, and greater, and hence the yield point of the weakest
increases the stress on the neighboring myofibrils sarcomere less. This similarly means that the sar-
at that sarcomere. In this way, repeated stretches comere value for the slope change must be at least
can be envisaged to produce a microscopic tear in as high as the highest ever seen for a fiber. My
the fiber. At some point this tear damages sar- measurements of Figure 5 of Colomo et al. (1988)
coplasmic reticulum or sarcolemma, allowing suggest a value nearer 9 than the classically as-
uncontrolled release of calcium, and "clot" forma- sumed 6. The isotonic measurements of Granzier
tion. et al. (1989) produced values even higher than
In single fibers, stretching will sometimes kill that. If the difficulties found in measuring the
fibers that have withstood many isometric and/or force-velocity curve (continued rise of tension) by
shortening contractions (personal observations). stretching at low velocities are due to non-unifor-
My own recent observations suggest that these mities, as seems likely, then the isotonic experi-
fibers often have a low fiber yield ratio, consistent ments, which quicldy pop all the very weak sar-
with a wide spread of sarcomere strengths. (See comeres before non-uniformities become worse,
below and Colomo et al., 1988.) may be the best method of measurement. Note
that with more sarcomeres in the fiber, the devia-
3.6 Modeling ConclusionslPredictions tion of strengths required to ensure that at least
This modeling has led to several conclusions some are below a given threshold will be less.
beyond the general principle of the non-uniform
lengthening of muscle. If the yield point of the 3.7 Future Directions
fiber is the yield point of the weakest sarcomere, 3.7.1 Experimental Confirmation
but the isometric tension of the fiber is biased
Perhaps the greatest objection to the suggestion
towards the isometric capability of the stronger
that inter-sarcomere dynamics dominate the
sarcomeres, then the yield ratio of the fiber (yield
response of muscle to stretch is the absence of
tension divided by isometric tension) must be less
direct evidence of such large sarcomere non-unifor-
than for its sarcomeres. This means that the yield
mities. Clearly if the popped sarcomeres are few
ratio for a sarcomere must be greater than the
and widely scattered in individual myofibrils, then
highest value ever seen in a fiber of that type.
seeing them will not be easy. In particular their ef-
That is, the true value for frog single-fiber sar-
fect on a diffraction pattern is likely to be
comeres should not be taken as the mean of the
complex, and measurements of segment length are
fiber observations (approx. 1.8), but as the largest,
not appropriate.
at least 2.1. In addition, it is concluded that a low
Other indirect evidence can be sought. If the
yield ratio can be taken as indicative of a wide dis- myofibrils of popped sarcomeres do not fully
persion of sarcomere strengths.
retum to their inter-digitating pattern on relaxa-
In the model, a steep rate of rise of tension
tion, particularly after long and/or fast stretches,
during a stretch is also indicative of a wide sar-
then cumulative effects should be observable.
comere strength distribution. Although the two
Preliminary experiments with Drs. Julian and
parameters are measuring slightly different aspects
Claflin have shown increased apparent series com-
of the distribution, a general correlation is still
3: Morgan; Modeling of Lengthening Muscle 55

pliance and shifts in the fiber length for optimum far from trivial.
tension. Both of these were permanent and
3.7.3 Refinement of the Model
cumulative, in that repeating the stretches in-
Future work in this area is currently con-
creased the changes. Further experiments to
centrated on improving the sarcomere model
explore the various parameters are under way.
along the lines discussed by Zahalak (Chapter 1)
Other experiments that could provide useful in-
so that isotonic experiments can be simulated.
formation include quantitative measurements of
Consideration of sub-maximal activation and a
the disorder of sarcomeres, and looking for a cor-
study of the energetics of eccentric contractions
relation between the yield ratio and the rate of
should also be facilitated by this development.
continued tension rise during stretch.
3.7.2 Relevance to Whole Mammalian Muscles References
Abbott, B.C. and Aubert, X.M. (1952) The force ex-
Nearly all the experiments described here have
erted by active striated muscle during and after
been for single frog muscle fibers fully tetanized
change oflengthl. J. Physiol. 117:78-86.
at near-freezing temperatures (the exception being Annstrong, R.B., Ogilvie, R.W. and Schwane, I.A.
damage from eccentric contraction). How directly (1983) Eccentric exercise induced injury to rat
relevant are these ideas to whole mammalian skeletal muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. Respirat. Environ.
muscle sub-maximally activated at normal body Exercise Physiol., 54:80-93.
temperature? Armstrong, R.B. (1984) Mechanism of exercise-
Whole muscles have much more passive ten- induced delayed onset muscular soreness: A brief
sion than single fibers, often to the point of not review. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 16:529-538.
having a descending limb in a plot of total tension Bottinelli, R., Eastwood, 1. C. and Flitney, F. W.
against muscle length. However, much of the ad- (1989) Sarcomere 'give' during stretch of frog
ditional elasticity is probably not effectively in single fibers with added series compliance. Q. J. 0/
Exp. Physiol. 74:215-217.
parallel with the individual (half) sarcomeres, so
Cavagna, G.A., Dusman, B. and Margaria, R. (1968)
that the sarcomeres probably do have a region of Positive wode. done by a previously stretched
decreasing tension with increasing length. muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 24:21-32.
Permanent extra tension has certainly been shown Cavagna, G.A., Mazzanti, M., Heglund, N.C. and
in whole toad sartorius (Abbott and Aubert, 1952). Citterio, G. (1986) Mechanical transients initiated
Whole muscle does show a continuing rise during by ramp stretch and release to Po in frog muscle
stretch, although the absence of a clear plateau of fibers. Am. J. Physiol. 251:C571-C579.
isometric tension without significant passive ten- Clarlc.son, P.M. and Tremblay, I. (1988) Exercise-
sion complicates the experiment. induced muscle damage, repair and adaptation in
The yield ratio of tetanized mammalian muscle humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 65:1-6.
Colomo, F., Lombardi, V. and Piazzesi, G. (1988) The
is commonly less than for frog fibers. One pos-
mechanisms of force enhancement during constant
sible interpretation is that mammalian muscles
velocity lengthening in tetanized single fibers of
have a greater range of sarcomere strengths. frog muscle. Adv. Exp. Med. BioI. 226:489-502.
However, differences in species and temperature Edman, K.A.P., Elzinga, G. and Noble, M.I.M. (1978)
make this suggestion rather speculative. The ef- Enhancement of mechanical perfonnance by stretch
fects of submaximal activation are even more during tetanic contractions of vertebrate skeletal
difficult to evaluate, partly because of the dif- muscle fibers. J. Physiol. 281:139-155.
ficulty in doing experiments on sub-maximally Edman, K.A.P., Elzinga, G. and Noble, M.I.M. (1982)
activated single fibers. If the effect of motion on a Residual force enhancement after stretch ofcontract-
submaximally activated sarcomere is similar to the ing frog single muscle fibers. J. Gen. Physiol.
tension traces observed in whole muscle, that is, a 80:769-784.
collapse of tension as the stretch is continued, then Aitney, F.W. and Hirst, D.G. (1978) Cross-bridge
detachment and sarcomere give during stretch of ac-
instability is very probable and inter-sarcomere
tive frog's muscle. J. Physiol. 276:449-465.
dynamics are likely to be very important Friden, I., Sj(Sstr6m, M. and Ekblom, B. (1983)
However, inferring the effect of lengthening on Myofibrillar damage following intense eccentric ex-
sarcomere tension from observations of the effect ercise inman. Int. J. Sports Med. 4:170-176.
of lengthening on fiber tension in this situation is Gordon, A.M., Huxley, A.F. and Iulian, F.I. (1966a)
56 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Tension development in highly stretched vertebrate Morgan, D.L. (1990) New insights into the behavior of
muscle fibers. J. Physiol. 184:143-169. muscle during active lengthening. Biophys. J.
Gordon, A.M., Huxley, A.F. and Julian, F.J. (1966b) 57:209-221.
The variation in isometric tension with sarcomere Morgan, D.L., Mochon, S. and Julian FJ. (1982) A
length in vertebrate muscle fibers. J. Physiol. quantitative model of inter-sarcomere dynamics
184:143-169. during fixed-end contractions of single frog muscle
Granzier, H.L.M., Burns, D.H. and Pollack, G.H. fibers. Biophys. J. 39:189-196.
(1989) Sarcomere length dependence of the force- Morgan, D.L. Proske, U. and Warren, D. (1978)
velocity relation in frog single muscle fibers. Measurements of muscle stiffness and the
Biophy. J. 55:499-507. mechanism of elastic storage in hopping kangaroos.
Harry, J.D., Ward, A.W., Heglund, N.C., Morgan, D.L. J. Physiol. 282:253-261.
and McMahon, T.A. (1990) Crossbridge cycling Newham, DJ., McPhail, G., Mills, K.R. and Edwards,
theories cannot explain high-speed lengthening be- R.H.T. (1983) mtra-structural changes after con-
havior in frog muscle. Biophys J. 57:201-208. centric and eccentric contractions in human muscle.
Huxley, A.F. (1971) The activation of striated muscle J. of the Neurol. Sci. 61:109-122.
and its mechanical response. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Sugi, H. and Tsuchiya, T. (1988) Stiffness changes
B.178:1-27. during enhancement and deficit of isometric force
Huxley, A.F. (1980) Reflections on Muscle. Liverpool by slow length changes in frog skeletal muscle
University Press, Liverpool. fibers. J. Physiol. 407:215-229.
Huxley, A.F. and Peachey, L.D. (1961) The maximum Tsuchiya, T. and Sugi, H. (1988) Muscle stiffness
length for contraction in vertebrate striated muscle. changes during enhancement and deficit of
J. Physiol. 156:150-165. isometric force in response to slow length changes.
Julian, F.J. and Morgan, D.L. (1979a) Intersarcomere
Adv. in Exp. Med. and Bioi. 226:503-511.
dynamics during fixed-end tetanic contractions of
Umazume, Y., Onodera, S. and Higuchi, H. (1986)
frog muscle fibers. J. Physiol. 293:365-378.
Width and lattice spacing in radially compressed
Julian, F.J. and Morgan, D.L. (1979b) The effect on
frog skinned muscle fibers at various pH values,
tension of non-unifonn distribution of length
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changes applied to frog muscle fibers. J. Physiol. J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 7:251-258.
Woledge, R.C., N.A. Curtin, N.A. and Homsher, E.
Katz, B. (1939) The relationship between force and
(1985) Energetic Aspects of Muscle Contraction.
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Morgan, D.L. (1985) From sarcomeres to whole
muscles. J. Exp. BioI. 115:69-78.

Architecture and Elastic Properties of the

Series Elastic Element of Muscle-Tendon Complex

Gertjan J.e. Ettema and Peter A. Huijing

4.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Localizing and Modelling SE

SE is located in several compartments of the
muscle-tendon complex, acting differently in rela-
4.1.1 Functions of Series Elastic Element tion with muscle force. Within the scope of the
Series elasticity in skeletal muscle is con- cross-bridge theory, compliance (short range) of
sidered to be of great importance for muscle the muscle fibers was thought to be located mainly
functioning in several ways. For example, in in the cross-bridge attachments (e.g. Blange et al.,
movement control studies, the musculo-skeletal 1972; Bressler and Clinch, 1974 and 1975; Ford et
system is often modelled as a mass-spring com- al., 1981). However, in recent years some
plex, in which the stiffness characteristics of the evidence has been provided in favor of the
springs determine a joint equilibrium position hypothesis that the myofilaments contain a con-
which will be obtained at certain activation levels siderable amount of fiber compliance (Sugi and
of the muscles (Schmidt, 1982). This type of Tameyasu, 1979; Blange et aI., 1985). In the
modelling is also applied for studying mammalian literature considering whole muscle-tendon com-
running gaits with respect to movement speed, plexes, SE is usually assumed to be localized
type of gait and energy expenditure [McMahon, mainly in tendinous structures and attached cross-
1985; Chapter 37 (McMahon); Taylor, 1985]. bridge linkages (e.g., Morgan, 1977; Proske and
Furthermore, the series elastic element (SE) takes Morgan, 1987; Ettema I and Huijing, 1990).
up part of length changes of the muscle-tendon Tendinous structures can be considered undamped
complex, which means that the contractile element elastic springs (Rack and Ross, 1984), while SE lo-
(CE) does not "see" all of the muscle-tendon com- cated in the fibers strongly depends on contraction
plex movement [see also Chapter 38 (Hot)). An dynamics. Furthermore, within fiber compliance,
approach in principle similar to these behavioral the influence of contraction dynamics is different
models can be applied to series elastic tendinous for myofilament and cross-bridge compliance
structures (i.e., part of SE) and muscle fibers. This (Bressler and Clinch, 1974).
is important, especially in reflex movements in For pennate muscles, the angle of aponeurosis
which information from muscle spindles play a (intra-muscular tendinous sheet) and muscle fibers
crucial role (e.g. Rack et al., 1983; Rack and Ross, with the line of pull introduces an extra com-
1984). In biomechanics and physiological studies pliance on the level of the muscle-tendon
information about SE compliance is important for. complex, which will be referred to as angular com-
estimating elastic energy uptake and release in pliance in this chapter. Series elastic components
stretch-shortening cycles [e.g. Komi, 1984; in pennate muscles have been incorporated in
Cavagna 1977; Haan et al., 1989; Chapter 38 modelling muscle-tendon complexes by Otten
(Hof)). (1985) and Zajac et al. (1986). However, Otten
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
58 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

(1985) only considered the elastic aponeurosis to 1958; Joyce and Rack, 1969).
study its effects on the muscle length-force rela- More recently, some elegant methods were
tion. Zajac et al. (1986) used a model in which the developed to distinguish the contribution of ten-
entire tendinous structures run parallel with the dinous structures to SE from that of the fibers.
line off pull, and consequently only short-range Morgan (1977) modelled the muscle-tendon com-
stiffness of the fibers was placed under an angle of plex as consisting of two springs connected in
pennation. In the present chapter emphasis will be series: one spring with a constant stiffness was as-
put on the effects of pennation on the contribution signed to the tendinous structures, while the other,
of angular compliance. The model we used for with a stiffness proportional to force, was assigned
this purpose is presented in Section 4.3. to the intracellular structures (Le., cross-bridges).
It may be clear that for an accurate description, By means of this model, stiffness measured during
SE cannot simply be modelled as a single spring quick length changes can be separated into tendon
(either linear or non-linear, damped or undamped): stiffness and fiber stiffness. This method, the al-
force-elongation characteristics of SE located pha method, is valid only for force levels above
within cross-bridges differ, depending on the num- 20% of maximal isometric force (Fo)' at which ten-
ber of attached cross-bridges (type of active force don stiffness was assumed to be more or less
exertion). The question remains which simplifica- constant (Morgan, 1977; Proske and Morgan,
tions of modelling SE are justified for which 1987). However, for rat GM and EDL Ettema and
purposes [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)]. We will Huijing (1990) showed that compliance of the ten-
distinguish the major parts of SE of a dinous structures decreases with increasing force
muscle-tendon complex and give a description of even at force levels near Fo. They developed the
their behavior. We already made some simplifica- so-called extension method, based on a similar
tions of SE characteristics by merely discussing model as used in the alpha method (Morgan,
elastic properties, and neglecting viscous and 1977), but they did not assume tendon compliance
other properties of SE [see Chapter 5 (Winters) for to be constant. In the extension method the elastic
discussion of the effects of this assumption]. extension of all tendinous structures at Fo is ex-
Furthermore, we assume fiber compliance to be perimentally determined (by means of
entirely located in the cross-bridge linkages (Le., photographic techniques). In this way estimates of
that myofilaments are very stiff): the main pur- tendon compliance at high as well as low force
pose of this chapter is to study influence of levels were obtained. Furthermore, use of
muscle--tendon complex geometry on compliance, photographic techniques allows consideration of
for which it is not necessary to model elastic fiber differences between free tendon and aponeurosis.
characteristics by means of two components. Especially for low force ranges, another method,
the spindle-null method, was developed by Rack
4.2 Review of Pertinent Literature:
and Westbury (1984) for estimating compliance of
SE in Tendinous Structures and
intact tendinous structures. They applied small
Muscle Fibers
sinusoidal stretches to the muscle--tendon com-
4.2.1 Methods plex, and simultaneously modulated muscle
Several methods have been developed to activation sinusoidally. One particular modulation
measure SE characteristics. Three important resulted in a silence of the discharge of the muscle
methods are described briefly by Bahler (1967) spindles (the null-point). This indicates that fiber
and Close (1972) and discussed further in Chapter length changes were zero and that all stretch ap-
5 (Winters): i) the (isotonic) quick release method; plied to the muscle-tendon complex should be
ii) a method using fast constant velocity releases; assigned to the tendious structures.
and iii) a method calculating compliance from the
force-time curve of an isometric tetanic contrac- 4.2.2 Results
tion. Application of such methods only yields Jewell and Wilkie (1958) reported that about
results concerning compliance of the entire SE. In 50% of length changes of SE of frog sartorius
the past some estimates were made to determine muscle, during a fully isometric contraction,
the relative contribution of the tendinous struc- resided in the tendinous structures. For move-
tures to SE compliance (e.g. Jewell and Wilkie, ments of interphalangeal joint of the human
4. Ettema and Huijing; Elastic Properties of Muscle-Tendon Complex 59

thumb, the tendinous structures of the flexor pol- Ettema and Huijing (1990) found significant dif-
licis longus take up more than 60% of total muscle- ferences between normalized tendon and
tendon complex movement (Rack and Ross, aponeurosis extension for rat GM (7.97 ± 1.13%
1984). Morgan et al. (1978) found about eight and 3.41 ± 0.48% respectively, n =7). For rat EDL
times more movement in the tendinous structures qualitatively similar results were found (2.68%
than in the fibers (within its short-range stiffness) and 1.89% extension for tendon and aponeurosis
during stretching of maximally contracting GM of respectively), but these values could not be shown
the kangaroo. For cat soleus this amount is about to be significantly different.
50% (Morgan, 1977). For rat EDL and GM Ettema
and Huijing (1990) found that about 85% of SE ex- a
tension at F o resides in the tendinous structures.
These results indicate that differences of elastic
characteristics may exist between species and
muscles. On the other hand, some of the dif-
ferences may be explained methodologically. For
example Ettema and Huijing, (1990) (extension
method) included compliance of tendinous struc-
tures at low force levels, while Morgan (1977) and
Morgan et al. (1978) (alpha method) did not.
Table 4.1 gives an overview of the literature on c f
this issue.
The three methods discussed here estimate
compliance of the entire tendinous structures, but .....
do not discriminate characteristics of aponeurosis
from tendon characteristics. In their review, Figure 4.1: a) Representation of the planimetric model
Proske and Morgan (1987) emphasized the pos- as used by Huijing and Woittiez (1984) and Otten
sibility of differences between tendon and (1988). b) Representation the geometrical organisation
aponeurosis stiffness. The extension method gives of the series elastic and contractile elements, within the
planimetric model. c) Simplified geometry of the
the opportunity to distinguish tendon and
model, containing a single fiber.
(superficially located) aponeurosis characteristics.

Table 4.1: Literature on tendon and fiber compliance of in situ muscle-tendon complexes.

Reference Species/Muscle Method Temp. (0G) F (N) F ('Yo) Compliance (mm/N)

tendon fiber
Morgan, 1977 Cat/Soleus Alpha 22 100 0.03·0.08 0.04·0.05
Morgan et ai., 1978 Kangaroo/GM Alpha 30 ·33 135 100 0.04 0.007
Walmsley and Cat/Soleus Alpha 36·38 15 0.05 :!: 0.02 0.043 :!: 0.009
Proske, 1981 12 0.05:!: 0.02 0.053 :!: 0.011
Cat/GM Alpha 36·38 15 0.06:!: 0.02 0.026 :!: 0.002
5 0.06:!: 0.02 0.079 :!: 0.007
Proske and Cat/Soleus Alpha 35·37 22 100 0.074·0.096 0.065:!: 0.07
Morgan, 1984

Rack and Cat/Soleus Spindle·null 35·37 5 25 0.05·0.17

Westbury, 1984 10 50 0.03·0.08

Ettemaand Rat/EDL Alpha 25 3 100 0.092 :!: 0.034 0.128:!: 0.011

Huijing, 1990b Extension 25 3 100 0.138 :!: 0.063 0.057 :!: 0.047
Rat/GM Alpha 25 11 100 0.035 :!: 0.008 0.042 :!: 0.008
Extension 25 11 100 0.048 :!: 0.003 0.020 :!: 0.005
60 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

4.3 Ongoing Efforts: Angular Compliance Fa = F, cos(a+p) (4.3)

4.3.1 Model Description and Methods Ft = Fm (4.4)

The fact that, in pennate muscle, muscle fibers
are positioned under an angle with the line of pull F and F are force exerted on the aponeurosis and
of the muscle results in a transformation of the ac- t:ndon :.cspectively. Keeping the area of the
tive fiber length-force curve to muscle length- muscle constant (equivalent to constant muscle
force characteristics (Huijing and Woittiez, 1984 volume in a three-dimensional model) in the
and 1985; Otten, 1985 and 1988; Woittiez et al., model, for each condition of the muscle-tendon
1984). Huijing and Woittiez (1984) developed a complex, lengths of the elements and forces ex-
planimetric model of a uniform unipennate erted on them, as well as muscle geometry, can be
muscle, incorporating a stiff aponeurosis (Figure found iteratively.
4. 1a). Otten (1988) showed the transfer function The rule of balance of work between the
of this model to be musclo-tendon complex and its elements appeared
to be fulfilled if elastic work performed perpen-
F m = F,'" cos(a+p)/cos(P) (4.1) dicular to the aponeurosis is taken into account: in
order to keep muscle volume constant when the
dim = dl,'" cos(p)/cos(a+p) (4.2) aponeuroses is elastically stretched, an elastic
deformation must also occur in the surface con-
where F and F are force exerted by the muscle
m , .fi.l necting the aponeuroses (elastic deformation of a
and fiber respectively, dim and dl, are m mte y
constant volume body can only occur if more than
small length changes of muscle and fiber respec-
one side is elastic, i.e.)f a body becomes longer it
tively, and a and p are angles of fiber and
also becomes thinner). When elastic energy is
aponeurosis with line of pull. This transformation
stored in the aponeurosis, at the same time some
implies a reduction of force, in exchange for an
energy will be stored in this surface connecting the
enhanced length change of the muscle compared
aponeuroses. The amount of this energy is small
to the fiber, and conforms to the requirement of
but essential for obtaining the balance of work. It
constant muscle volume (Le., area of the paral-
equals the product of force directed perpendicular
lelogram in the planimetric model) as well as to
to the aponeurosis (obstructing the aponeuroses to
the requirement of a work balance between the
move towards each other) and the actual change of
muscle and fiber. Another implication is that the
distance between the aponeuroses. The muscle
slope of the length-force curve (dlJdF) of the model contains a simplification, since aponeurosis
muscle is increased with respect to that of the fiber
and fiber are kept straight and do not curve during
(i.e.,elastic linkages of cross-bridges). This ~eans muscle shortening. It is more likely that changes
that, with increasing pennation, muscle sbffness
of the shape of the muscle induced by lengthening
is reduced (Le.,compliance is increased) compared
of the aponeurosis consists of curving of fibers
to fiber stiffness. For the planimetric model, in- (Otten, 1988).
corporating an infinitely stiff aponeurosis, the
We used this model to simulate quick release
transfer function of fiber compliance (C,) to
experiments perfonned on GM and EDL muscle-
muscle compliance (C ) can be obtained mathe-
tendon complexes of the rat (Ettema and Huijing,
matically. Mathemati~l analysis is much more
1990). Using estimated elastic characteristics for
complicated if elastic tendinous structures
each element and for the entire musclo-tendon
(especially regarding the aponeurosis) are con-
complex, shortening and force decrement during
sidered. We tackled this problem by modelling a
the release were calculated. In this way com-
unifonn unipennate muscle, according to the
pliance of the entire complex and its elements
planimetric model, introducing an elastic
could be compared. The difference is considered
aponeurosis and tendon connected in series with
angular compliance (Ca"ll) induced by pennation:
the muscle. Setting up a free-body diagram of the
aponeurosis Eq. 4.1. 4.3 and 4.4 are obtained, repre- (4.5)
senting muscle force and force exerted on the
aponeurosis and tendon as a function of fiber where CcmPlz represents compliance of the entire
force: muscle-tendon complex and Ct' C~, and C[ are
compliance of tendon, aponeurosIs. and fiber,
4. Ettema and Huijing; Elastic Properties of Muscle-Tendon Complex 61

Table 4.2: Parameter constants of rat GM and EDL short-range stiffness (as determined by the number
used in simulation models. of attached cross-bridges) is related to fiber force
at lengths below fiber optimum length. Therefore,
GM EDL we used two extremes for characteristics of fiber
short-range stiffness for condition A. A): Fiber stif-
~.eq (mm) B.O 16.0
fness (i.e. number of cross-bridges) is linearly
la.eq (mm) 19.2 21.2
W.eq (mm) 14.5 12.4
related to fiber force, resulting in the same exten-
Im.eq (mm) 32.7 33.2 sion (t) of the elastic linkage at isometric force
a.eq(") 16.1 11.6 level for all fiber lengths. A'): Fiber stiffness is
B.eq (") 12.1 6.B constant for all fiber lengths and force levels, Le.,
Wo(mm) 14.5 12.4 the number of attached cross-bridges does not
lis (mm) B.7 7.44 decrease with diminishing fiber length
Ffo(mm) 12.0 3.2 (Stephenson et al., 1989). This yields
Compliance constants
Ala = kyFa: k 0.166 0.237
A~ = rv'Fm: r 0.115 O.26B
where Al is elastic elongation of the cross-bridge
linkage ~d Ffi is isometric fiber force. For con-
AW=t:1 0.174 0.15
AH = I'Ff:I' 0.0145 0.0469
struction A fiber compliance equals t*Ffi and for
construction A' it is equal to (. Values t and ( were
chosen such that at F fiber compliance was the
Parameters of rat GM and EDL muscle-tendon same for both conditio~s. It should be noted that,
complex, derived from Ettema and Huijing (1990) by definition, the number of attached cross-
and used in the model, are shown in Table 4.2. bridges remains constant during the release for
Elongation of the tendinous structures was as- both conditions. Therefore, during the release,
sumed to be linearly related to the square root of fiber compliance is determined by the number of
force (Ingen Schenau et al., 1988). A value of attached cross-bridges prior to the onset of release,
1.2% of fiber optimum length was assumed for ex- and by the elastic characteristics of a single cross-
tension of the elastic cross-bridge linkages at bridge (which has a constant compliance; see
isometric force level. This is somewhat lower above). Consequently, short-range fiber stiffness
than the value found by Ettema and Huijing does not change during the quick release, but is
(1990) (i.e., 1.5%), because they included angular completely determined by the initial condition
compliance in estimates of fiber compliance. The before the release.
force-elongation relationship of a single cross- The model was also applied to experimental
bridge was assumed to be linear (Blange et al., results of quick-release experiments performed on
1972). We constructed force-compliance relation- three GM muscle-tendon complexes of the rat. In
ships by simulating quick release experiments for this case C was determined experimentally
two conditions. a) Muscle force was changed by rather than calculated by running the model. As a
performing simulations for different muscle- consequence fiber compliance could be calculated
tendon complex lengths, using maximal levels of as model outcome rather than that a C, value had
stimulation. Muscle level was varied from just to be assumed. Force-length relations of tendon
above optimum length to active slack length (Le., and proximal aponeurosis were determined during
the shortest length at which active force is gener- an isometric contraction at muscle optimum
ated). b) Muscle force was changed by varying length, using high speed film (200 Hz). Equation
stimulation level(s) between 0 to 1, where 4.8 was fitted to these force-length data of tendon
and aponeurosis and compliance was calculated
for each quick release experiment by means of dif-
Literature is not unequivocal about the ascending ferentiation of Eq. 4.8 with respect to force.
limb of the sarcomere lengtb-force curve in terms
1.= u * F,v + k (4.8)
of number of attached cross-bridges. J J
Consequently, it is not clear in which way
62 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

where I. is length of element j, F. is force exerted
on elerhent j (j = tendon or a{,oneurosis). The 1.0

small proximal tendon of GM could not be
detected on the photographs. Therefore, to be sure
that all tendinous compliance "seen" by the muscle
belly was included in the model calculations, elon-
gation of the free tendon was measured by means 00
12 00 3.S
of shortening of the muscle belly (which are the 0.2 0.5
B tend. siruct.

exact equal but opposite by sign in an isometric
contraction). This way all length changes occur-
ring within the equipment were included within
tendon extension. Afterwards, tendon compliance
was corrected for compliance of the equipment --.s
00 00

12 3.S
(0.014 mm/N). Using experimentally determined O.IS 0.5

muscle-tendon complex compliance (measured by c
means of quick length decreases of 0.2 mm within C.
3 ms) and geometry measurements obtained from E
the high-speed film (i.e., length of muscle, distal u '.

' ' 'L

fiber, proximal aponeurosis, and free tendon; ac- 00 12 00 3.5
curacy of 0.05 mm) a model run resulted in an 0.3
estimation of C, and C for each quick release ex- D angular
periment, which w:'l performed at different
muscle lengths ranging from a few millimeters
above to about 8 mm below optimum length
(condition A for the simulations). .................
12 3.5
4.3.2 Results
Muscle Force {N\
Simulation results of GM and EDL are shown in
Figure 4.2. The choice of construction A or A' for
fiber compliance does influence the relationship Figure 4.2: Compliance results of models of GM and
between force and compliance for the entire EDL muscle-tendon complex and their elements, per-
forming quick length changes of -0.05 mm. Solid line:
muscle-tendon complex (Coi ) extensively. The
model construction A, simulations performed at several
type of method used for regulation of muscle force
muscl6-tendon complex length at and below optimum
(by means of A: muscle length or B: stimulation length under supramaximal stimulation conditions.
level) does influence force-compliance charac- Dashed line: model construction B, simulations per-
teristics only to a small extent (Figure 4.2a). The formed at optimum length with different submaximal
small differences between conditions A and B for activation levels. Dotted line: model construction A',
GM rat are mainly due to a higher angular com- same as construction A, with altered elastic characteris-
pliance in the A condition (Figure 4.2d): in tics of the fiber. Model parameters are shown in Table
condition B the muscle-tendon complex remains at 4.2.
optimum length for all force levels, with relatively
small angles of pennation. For rat EDL the dif-
ferences are negligible, because of the small The degree of pennation (i.e., muscle
pennation angle. This was also found experimen- geometry),however, is not the only factor deter-
tally by Ettema and Huijing (1989) and indicates mining the relative contribution of angular
that construction A is more likely than A', the latter compliance to total compliance. This is shown in
one showing considerable differences with condi- Figure 4.3, where Ca ,expressed as percentage of
tion b (Figure 4.2a). muscle compliance (te., total compliance minus
4. Ettema and Huijing; Elastic Properties of Muscle-Tendon Complex 63

GM EDl levels in construction A' (Figure 4.2c) , whereas

50 25
aponeurosis compliance is the same for both con-
structions (Figure 4.2b). Coincidentally, the
l I I pennation angle of the fiber is larger than that of
c: A· -.....
'the aponeurosis. This causes a smaller contribu-
111 I'
U -.-B A'--'" •...-v tion of angular compliance in construction A'.
Furthennore, condition B (all simulations at op-
0 0
0,88 timum length, i.e., relatively small angles of
0.6 0.85 0.'"
pennation) results in a quite different curve, even
cos(o + B)/cos(6) though force-compliance relations of the elements
(i.e., fiber and aponeuorsis) are the same as in con-
Figure 4.3: Relative contribution of angular com- dition A. Such interaction effects of muscle
pliance to muscle belly compliance (compliance of free geometry and elastic characteristics of the muscle
tendon excluded) as a function of pennation index. elements on angular compliance can be proved
Model constructions (A and A') and simulation condi- mathematically for muscle models incorporating a
tions (A and B) are indicated.
stiff aponeurosis (Zajac et al., 1986).
Figure 4.4 shows experimental results of three
Ct ), is plotted as a function of the transfer function GM muscle-tendon complexes, of which mor-
between fiber force and muscle force (Eq. 4.1), phological and physiological data are presented in
used as indication for the degree of pennation. Table 4.3.
The contribution of angular compliance is much
lower for construction A' than for A. The com-
pliance of the fiber is very small for all force

1.4 A complex 0.5 C tend. struct. #1 0

1.2 #2 •• .. • ..Er .. ·_ ..
#3 l!.
0.8 0.3

0.6 0.2
Z 0.4
0.1 ~f).'.'~_'
E 0.2
E 0
0 10 12
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8
a. 0.6 B angular 0.3
E 0.5
0 0.2
0.2 0.1
2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 4.4: Compliance of three rat GM muscle-

tendon complexes and their elements. Marker and line
types indicate the different muscles.
64 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Table 4.3: Morphological and physiological data 4.3). These values are so high that they take up al-
of the experimental rat GM muscles. most all of the muscle-tendon complex
experiment compliance. In similarity with the simulation
#1 #2 #3 results, this low fiber compliance results in a low
~.eq(mm) 10.1 9.9 8.3 angular compliance (Figure 4.4b). Considering
la.eq (mm) 16.6 19.9 20.1 the shape of the F-G, curve (Figure 4.4d) results
He (mm) 11.1 11.7 11.1
for muscle 1 are more or less in accordance with
Ime(mm) 28.0 30.6 30.9
13.9 18.0 19.6
results of construction A, while muscle 2 and muscle
80M 8.9 10.5 10.3 3 agree with construction A'. For all muscles,
Fe (N) 9.94 10.67 9.66 however, a sizable contribution of angular com-
b~ [Fe] (mm) 0.8 0.9 1.3 pliance is seen. The relative contribution of
bla [Fe] (mm) 0.6 0.5 1.0 tendinous structures, fiber, and angular compliance
Co; [Fe] (mm/N) 0.094 0.084 0.082
is plotted in Figure 4.5, for the experimental
muscles and the GM model under condition A (both
Compliances of the muscle-tendon complexes constructions). It is concluded that at optimum
are quite similar. However, substantial differences length (Fa) about 8% of muscle-tendon complex
occur for the compliances of the separate ele- compliance is due to pennation, while at short
ments. Fiber compliance of muscle 3 is very muscle lengths (force levels of about 0.2 Fa ) this is
small for the entire force range (Figure 4.4d). This about 25%. For submaximally stimulated GM,
is caused by the rather high compliance values of pennation contributes approximately 12% at all
the tendinous structures compared to those of force levels (model calculations).
muscle 1 and muscle 2 (Figure 4.4c and Table

100 # 2 lend,SINe!. --e--
fiber ..•• [3 •...
tend.struct. 80
angle C!,
60 ~-&o 9 9 9 9 9~

40 ~
Ii. 6 (;
20 Glu .(3··· D •••• .Q- •• ••

0 '---........- -......_ ........_ - - ' - - -

o 2 4 6 8 10

100 # 3
80 ~
20 I!. Ii.
.. .e- .... D ••
0 '----~--~----~--~S8~ o L-Q-~~~~~~~~----
o 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Muscle Force (N)

Figure 4.5: Relative contribution of the tendinous perimental rat GM muscle-tendon complexes. Range
structures, fibers, and angular compliance to com- of muscle force was induced by measuring and simulat-
pliance of the entire musclo-tendon complex, for the ing at different muscle-tendon complex lengths.
GM model (construction A and A') and three ex-
4. Ettema and Huijing; Elastic Properties of Muscle-Tendon Complex 65

4.4 Discussion and Future Directions face area. As a consequence of the lowered
effective aponeurosis compliance, angular com-
4.4.1 Compliance Characteristics of Elements pliance is somewhat underestimated, since this
ofSE lowering was not considered in Eq. 4.5.
Within the scope of this chapter elastic charac- Angular compliance of pennate muscles is not
teristics of the tendinous structures can be only determined by the geometry of the muscle
described in a rather simple way, Le. the (Le., the degree of pennation expressed in fiber
force-elongation curve can be represented by a and aponeurosis angle with respect to the line of
single non-linear function. Viscous behavior of pull), but also by the compliance of fiber and
these structures seems to be of minor importance aponeurosis. This is also true for the relative con-
compared to elastic behavior (Rack and Ross, tribution of angular compliance to compliance of
1984). the muscle. A twofold increase of the compliance
However, the fact that the aponeurosis forms a of the muscle elements does not simply result in a
part of the surface of a constant volume body in- twofold increase of angular compliance. This is
fluences its effective compliance. Model caused by interactions between elastic length
calculations on work balance (see Section 4.3.1) changes of the elements and geometrical changes
point out that more elastic energy is stored in the of the muscle. Furthermore, the ratio of fiber and
muscle than in the elastic surfaces (Le., aponeurosis compliance as well as angles will in-
aponeurosis and fiber). Generally speaking, the fluence angular compliance. However, generally
elastic characteristics of a body containing a con- speaking, for unipennate muscles large pennation
stant volume differ from the elastic characteristics angles result in high angular compliance.
of the elastic surface of such a body, irrespective The dynamics of cross-bridge cycling and con-
of architecture. For example, in order to lengthen sequently its influence on the elastic
an elastic hollow tube a certain amount, a certain characteristics of the fibers are beyond the scope
force is necessary which is determined by the elas- of this chapter. Therefore we modelled two ex-
tic characteristics of the tube. If the same tube is treme circumstances for the fiber
sealed at the ends, resulting in a constant volume force-compliance relationship (constructions A and
body, a somewhat higher force is needed for the A'). For the experimental results fiber characteris-
same elongation: the constant volume induces in tics were obtained as calculated output of a model
an extra resistance against elongation of the tube. run, in contradiction with the original model for
The elongation enforces a narrowing of the tube which fiber compliance was a prerequisite
perpendicular to the direction of elongation. An parameter. These experimental results also do not
extra amount of elastic energy will be stored in give a decisive answer on the issue concerning
this narrowing deformation of the tube. This fiber compliance characteristics. This is not
means that the longitudinal compliance of the surprising, given the uncertainties in experiments
constant-volume system will be lower than com- on whole muscle-tendon complexes: in the frrst
pliance of the tube itself. A similar situation place measurement errors of characteristics of the
occurs for the muscle and its aponeuroses: some elastic tendinous structures may obscure the exact
elastic energy is stored in the muscle surface, by force-compliance relationship of the rather stiff
means of deformations directed perpendicular to fibers. Furthermore, the fiber force-compliance
the aponeurosis. In a similar waY,as stated above, curve is a characteristic of the entire fiber popula-
the effective compliance of a muscle with constant tion of the muscle. Any non-uniformity within
volume is somewhat lower than the total com- this population results in a transformation of the
pliance of isolated elastic elements. Note that in curve of the representative fiber. Moreover, the
the model the functional compliance is lowered elastic characteristics found for the fibers might
because of this mechanism. The elastic surface partially represent compliance characteristics of
connecting the aponeuroses is not "forgotten"; in the myofilaments rather than cross-bridge linkages
the model the elastic characteristics of this surface (Sugi and Tameyasu, 1979; Blange et al., 1985),
is implicitly included by the assessment of the which complicates interpretation of the results.
aponeurosis characteristics and conforming the However, the results presented in this chapter do
model to the constraint of a constant muscle sur- give clear information about the relative contribu-
66 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

tion of the fibers to total compliance of the deformation. At this moment this hypothesis must
muscle-tendon complex. For GM this contribu- be considered rather speculative, and clearly much
tion lies in the same order as that of angular more information about the morphological struc-
compliance (about 10% to 25%). ture and behavior of the aponeurosis is needed to
4.4.2 Other Properties of SE: Shift of test such hypotheses. This hypothesis is in con-
Aponeurosis Length tradiction to results of a single GM muscle-tendon
complex, indicating that during a slow concentric
A peculiar behavior of the aponeurosis has not contraction similar length changes of the
been mentioned yet: recent studies show that the aponeurosis occur as between separate isometric
length of the aponeurosis not only depends on contractions at different muscle lengths (Huijing
force but also seems to depend sb'Ongly on muscle and Ettema, 1988/1989).
length (Huijing and Ettema, 1988189; Ettema and Another explanation for the aponeurosis shift
Huijing, 1989). At short muscle lengths in active coinciding with muscle length changes is that
condition, the aponeurosis appeared to be shorter muscle force does not reflect force exerted on the
than at optimum muscle length in passive condi- aponeurosis in any way. One way to explain the
tion, even though total muscle force was highest in rather wide length-force curve of a rat EDL muscle
the former condition. Furthermore, we (Ettema concerns a distribution of lengths of the
and Huijing, 1989) showed that length differences muscle-tendon complex, at which several groups
between the aponeurosis in active short muscle of fibers act at their own optimum length. If such
(low force) and active muscle at optimum length a distribution occurs, active fiber force is not ex-
exceeded extension of entire SE calculated on erted uniformly along the aponeurosis. It is even
basis of compliance measurements. We possible that at short muscle lengths the most dis-
hypothesized that muscle length itself determines tal fibers do not exert any force at all, while the
the equilibrium length of the aponeurosis, which is whole muscle is still producing force. In this
thus shifted along with muscle length (the situation one can only speculate what will happen
mechanism was not explained). with the proximal aponeurosis, the aponeurosis of
To explain shifts in muscle equilibrium length, which the shift was measured (Bobbett et al.,
Alexander and Johnson (1965) proposed a plastic 1990). However, for EDL muscle-tendon com-
deformation of frog muscle, induced by active plex, our present calculations indicate that such
force. Such a deformation of the aponeurosis, in- non-uniformities of the fiber population cannot ex-
duced by muscle length changes, may be a plain the aponeurosis shift entirely (unpublished
mechanism explaining the shift of aponeurosis results). To be able to test any hypothesis along
length. One can imagine this as follows: in pas- this line of thought, one should measure mor-
sive muscle the aponeurosis length can easily be phometrical changes of the distal as well as
adapted by straightening the tendinous fibers proximal fiber and aponeurosis. This way, infor-
within the meshwork of the aponeurosis. During mation is obtained concerning non-uniformities
muscle activity, however, high forces perpen- within the fiber population of a muscle.
dicular to the aponeurosis (i.e., pressure forces)
4.4.3 Consequences for In Vivo Movements
occur. This results in internal frictional forces
within the meshwork of the aponeurosis, obstruct-
and Motor Control
It should be noted that any change of com-
ing straightening the tendon fibers, which is
pliance of a muscle-tendon complex due to the
imposed by tensile forces. In other words, un-
geometrical configuration of its elements does not
straightened tendinous fibers might still be present
influence the amount of elastic energy stored in
in the aponeurosis, even though high tensile fibers
the series elastic element. The rule of balance of
are exerted. This is not possible in free tendon be-
work between the elements within the muscle and
cause of absence of the muscle pressure force.
the muscle as one unity also holds in terms of
This hypothesis predicts a plastic-like deformation
compliance and elastic energy storage: the in-
of aponeurosis, induced by lack of force, in con-
creased elastic elongation of the muscle, owing to
tradiction to the plastic deformation as proposed
pennation, is quantitatively related to reduced
by Alexander and Johnson (1965), for which a cer-
muscle force. As a result elastic energy calculated
tain force level is needed to evoke the
4. Ettema and Huijing; Elastic Properties of Muscle-Tendon Complex 67

using muscle-tendon complex force-compliance Cavagna, G.A. (1977) Storage and utilization of elastic
characteristics is equal to elastic energy stored in energy in skeletal muscle. Exercise Sport Sci. Rev.,
the elements (fiber and aponeurosis). However, 5: 89-129.
angular compliance may affect energetics of active Close, R.I. (1972) Dynamic properties of mammalian
muscle indirectly. For example, during eccentric skeletal muscles. Physiol. Rev., 52: 129-197.
Enema, G.J.C. and Huijing, P.A. (1989) Properties of
contractions, angular compliance enhances the
the tendinous structures and series elastic com-
amount of lengthening of a muscle-tendon com-
ponent of EDL muscle-tendon complex of the rat J.
plex, which can be taken up by means of elastic Biomech., 22: 1209-1215.
elongation without stretching of the contractile Enema, G.J.C. and Huijing, P.A. (1990) Contributions
element. In other words, angular compliance in- to compliance of series elastic component by ten-
creases the possibility of a muscle-tendon dinous structures and cross-bridges in rat muscle-
complex to act within its short-range stiffness (Le., tendon complexes. Submitted to J. Biomech.
no cross-bridge detachment during lengthening), Ford, L.E., Huxley, A.F. and Simmons, R.M. (1981)
avoiding loss of energy due to cross-bridge cy- The relation between stiffness and filament overlap
cling. For similar reasons activity of muscle in stimulated frog muscle fibres. J. Physiol., 311:
spindles of pennate muscle will be influenced by 219-249.
Haan, A. de, Ingen Schenau, G.J. van, Enema, G.J.,
angular compliance during changes of
Huijing, P.A. and Lodder, M.A.N. (1989)
muscle-tendon complex length. Therefore this
Efficiency of rat medial gastrocnemius muscle in
certainly will have its consequences for movement contractions with and without an active prestretch.
control (Maier et aI., 1972) in a similar way as ten- J. Exp. Bioi., 141: 327-341.
don compliance has, particularly in reflex Huijing, P.A. and Enema, G.J.C. (1988/89) Length-
movements [Chapter 35 (McMahon)]. force characteristics of aponeurosis in passive
Within the scope of muscle compliance and muscle and during isometric and slow dynamic con-
motor control it is therefore interesting to draw tractions of rat gastrocnemius muscle. Acta
more attention to the relation between architecture Morphol. Neerl.-Scand., 16: 51-62.
and specific function of a muscle-tendon com- Huijing, P.A. and Woittiez, R.D. (1984) The effect of
plex. architecture on skeletal muscle perfonnance: A
simple planimetric model. Neth. J. Zool., 34: 21-32.
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Alexander, R.S. and Johnson, P.O. (1965) Muscle planimetric and three-dimensional muscle models.
stretch and theories of contraction. Am. J. Physiol.• Neth. J. Zool., 35: 521-525.
208: 412-416. Ingen Schenau, G.J. van, Bobbert, M.F., Enema, G.J.,
Bahler, A.S. (1967) Series elastic component of mam- de Graaf, J.B. and Huijing, P.A. (1988) A simula-
malian skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physiol.• 213: 1560- tion of rat EDL force output based on intrinsic
1564. muscle properties. J. Biomech., 21: 815-824.
Blangt. T., Karemaker, J.M. and Kramer. A.E.J.L. Jewell, B.R. and Wilkie, D.R. (1958) An analysis of
(1972) Elasticity as an expression of cross-bridge the mechanical components in frog's striated
activity in rat muscle. Pflugers Archiv., 336: 277- muscle. J. Physiol., 143: 515-540.
288. Joyce, G.C. and Rack, P.M.H. (1969) Isotonic
Blangl, T., Stienen, G.J.M. and Treijtel, B.W. (1985) lengthening and shortening movements of cat soleus
Active stiffness in frog skinned muscle fibres at dif- muscle. J. Physiol., 204: 475-491.
ferent Ca concentrations. J. Physiol.• 366: 65P. Komi, P.V. (1984) Physiological and biomechanical
Bobbert, M.F., Enema, G.J.C. and Huijing, P.A. (1990) correlates of muscle function: effects of muscle
The force-length relationship of a muscle-tendon structure and stretch-shortening cycle on force and
complex: experimental results and model calcula- speed. Exercise Sport Sci. Rev.,ll: 81-121.
tions. Eur. J. appl. Physiol., accepted. Maier, A., Eldred, E. and Edgerton, V.R. (1972) The
Bressler, B.H. and Clinch, N.F. (1974) The compliance effects on spindles of muscle atrophy and hyper-
of contracting skeletal muscle. J. Physiol., 237: 477- trophy. Exp. Neurol., 37: 100-123.
493. McMahon, T.A. (1985) The role of compliance in
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as the major source of compliance in contracting 282.
skeletal muscle. Nature, 256: 221-222. Morgan, D.L. (1977) Separation of active and passive
components of short-range stiffness of muscle. Am.
68 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

J. Physiol., 232: C45-C49. Schmidt, R.A. (1982) Motor Control and Learning. A
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mechanism of elastic storage of energy in hopping Stephenson, D.G., Stewart, A.W. and Wilson, G.l.
kangaroos. J. Physiol., 282: 253-261. (1989) Dissociation of force from myofibrillar
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tions of skeletal muscle. In Biomechanics /x-AA in rat and toad skeletal muscle.J. Physiol., 410: 351-
(ed. D.A. Winter et al.). Champaign, IDinois: 366.
Human Kinetic Publishers, pp. 27-32. Sugi, H. and Tameyasu, T. (1979) The origin of the in-
Otten, E. (1988) Concepts and models of functional ar- stanteneous elasticity in single frog muscle fibres.
chitecture in skeletal muscle. Exercise Sport Sci. Experientia, 35: 227-228.
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Proske, U. and Morgan, D.L. (1984) Stiffness of cat tained locomotion: A detenninant of gait, speed and
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properties of the cat soleus tendon and their func-
tional importance. J. Physiol., 347: 479-495.

Hill-Based Muscle Models:

A Systems Engineering Perspective

Jack M. Winters

5.1 Introduction Part of the reason for the wide use of this
Chapter 1 (Zahalak:) provided a brief historical model structure is that it describes most of the
treatment of the early findings that led to the salient features of muscle mechanics quite well. A
muscle model structure first proposed by A. V. Hill related reason is due to the ease with which model
(1938). From a "systems engineering" perspec- parameter values can be estimated; in fact, by my
tive, this is a phenomenologically based, lumped- count over two dozen papers from over one dozen
parameter model that is based on interpretations of distinct groups have provided raw data explicitly
input-output data obtained from controlled experi- in a form compatible with the Hill model struc-
ments. Simply stated, this model consists of a ture.
contractile element (CE) that is surrounded, both However, as outlined in Chapter 1 (Zahalak:),
in series and in parallel, by "passive" connective this model is far from perfect. Criticisms come
tissue (Figure 5.1). CE is furthermore charac- from two extremes:
terized by two fundamental relationships: CE
;1 The model is too simple, and fails to capture certain
tension-length and CE force-velocity. Each of 1
fundamental features of real muscle. Indeed, there
these is modulated by an activation input that is
have been suggestions, based on results from cer-
structurally distinct from the location for mechani- tain classes of controlled experiments on isolated
cal coupling between the muscle and the fibers or a single muscle, that this model and its
environment (Figure 5.1). fundamental structure is inherently flawed and in-
This model has been (and remains) the model adequate (Chapters 1-2). Consequently, it is
of choice for most modeling studies of multiple suggested that it should be discarded in favor of
muscle movement systems. For example, it is ex- more realistic (and complex) models.
plicitly utilized in Chapters 6-8, 10, 19, 21, 31,
ii) The model is overly complex, with this complexity
38-39, and 41-43.
excessive for studies addressing underlying
prinCiples regarding multiple muscle movement or-
ganization. As such, it may limit one's vision.
Rather, from this perspective muscle is viewed as
either a force generator (e.g., based on interpreta-
tion of rectified and smoothed EMGs) or a spring
(often with variable stiffness or rest length). This
approach is used, either implicitly or explicitly, in
Chapters 9, 12, 16-17, 24-27, 29-30, 32-33, 37,
a b
Figure 5.1: Classical structures for the Hill muscle Our primary goal in this chapter is to address
model, with contractile element (CE), series element these criticisms, with an emphasis on the first,
(SE, larger spring), parallel element (PE). which is a more serious charge. Such an assess-

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
70 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

ment of the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations 5.2 HilI·Based "Systems" Muscle Model
of Hill-based models appears timely and espe-
cially appropriate within this book. Our secondary 5.2.1 Modeling Foundations
goal is to provide a reasonably deep foundation
that will enable the novice to understand and effec- "Input-Output" Experiments
tively utilize (or reject!) this modeling foundation. The conceptual foundation behind the early ex-
Our perspective will be that of a "systems perimental investigations of Hill, Fenn, Wilkie,
engineer" interested in using a muscle model to and colleagues have their root in what would now
help gain insight into dynamic movement systems be called "systems physiology" or "systems
that involve multiple muscles. We furthermore engineering": controlled "black box" systems iden-
specify that adequate simulation only over a tification with fairly well-defined inputs and
moderate operating range is unacceptable. More outputs, leading to models with a predictive
explicitly, we want to utilize a muscle model that capacity. This "systems" approach differs some-
we can trust: while not perfect, each muscle what from the "reductionist" approach on which
modeled will never be far off for any musculos- biophysical models of muscle are based (e.g.,
keletal movement task of potential interest. Such Chapters 1-2). (Although these two approaches
a model would have a high capacity for providing often evolve somewhat independently, both are
insight and a negligible capacity for providing necessary.)
misinformation of significance. As seen in Figure 5.2, there are three potential
In Section 5.2 we start with a brief historical in- "inputs" to a muscle: muscle load, muscle length,
troduction to the Hill-based model from a and muscle stimulation (secondary effects such as
"systems" perspective, complimenting the review temperature or extracellular ionic balances are ig-
in Chapter 1 (Zahalak). Since the series and paral- nored here). The traditional experimental
lel elements within this model represent approach has been to specify the input sequence
connective tissue, we then review the basic for neural stimulation and then either force or
mechanical properties of such tissues. We then length/velocity; the other of the latter two be-
briefly distinguish between the structural forms of comes the measured output trajectory. Typically,
current Hill-based models. With the foundation one input is held constant while the other is varied
established, in Section 5.3 we consider muscle as an impulse, step, ramp, sinusoid, or a "white
properties, especially as related to constitutive noise" (random signal). Notice that many com-
relations for the basic components of the model. binations are possible, and, as seen in Figure 5.2,
In Section 5.4 we address experimental results many of the classic combinations have been given
that challenge the Hill model foundation. Our specific names.
goal here is to: i) outline the nature of any dis- The above input-output description is a
crepancies between experiment and Hill-model simplification. As shown in Figure 5.2f, in prac-
predictions; ii) see whether techniques exist for en- tice the controlling/measuring apparatus that is
hancing Hill-based so that these discrepancies are coupled to the system may possess significant
insignificant; and iii) assuming discrepancies still dynamics, which here could represent the mass of
exist (or elimination comes at too high a computa- the measuring apparatus. Mechanically, there is
tional or conceptual cost), discern whether or not inherently bidirectional energetic coupling be-
these discrepancies are physiologically relevant tween the muscle and its environment [see
for in-situ musculoskeletal systems. In Section 5.5 Chapter 7 (Hannaford and Winters) and Chapter 9
we outline some of the insights that are possible (Hogan)], and thus the "output" measure may be
when utilizing Hill-based models that might be influenced by the confounding effects such as ap-
"missed" if muscle is simply assumed to be an paratus mass/inertia. Of note is that the early
idealized force generator or a simple spring, or if pioneers were very much aware of this influence
one is interpreting EMG data without the aid of a and went to lengths to minimize such effects [e.g.
mathematical model. Finally, in Section 5.6 a few the widely used two-lever scheme developed by
possible future directions are suggested. Bouckaert et al. (1930)]. For human studies, ef-
forts were made by Wilkie (1950) to
mathematically subtract out the effects of inertia.
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 71

than linear as Hill had originally suggested.

It was within this context that Hill published
his famous 1938 paper which fonnally identified a
lightly damped elastic element in series with a
nonlinear CEo Furthermore, for maximal activa-
tion, the generated contractile force was found to
decrease nonlinearly as the shortening velocity in-
creased. This CE force-velocity behavior could be
described, for shortening muscle, by a hyperbolic
equation (other forms given in Section 5.3.3):

(F + a) (v + b) = (F""", + a) b (5.1)

where F is muscle tensile force, v is muscle short-

ening velocity, F ma" is the maximum (tetanic)
isometric force, and a and b are constants. The
dimensionless" shape" parameteraf =a/FmtJ% =b/vmt1%'
which specifies the hyperbolic concavity (Figure
5.2a), was found to have a value of about 0.25, ap-
proximately independent of length (however, see
also Section 5.2.3). It was anticipated early on
that the b parameter would have higher values for
fast muscle fibers (Katz, 1939». Hill also showed
Figure 5.2: Input-{)utput combinations for skeletal how CE could shorten during isometric contraction
muscle. In each case the neural input (N) is on the left because of SE extension.
and the mechanical variable pair, force (F) and velocity
(v), is on the right. Notice that in each case there are
two input sequences and one output trajectory to be
measured. An "impulse" is as an input of short time
duration relative to the system response - the area un- ~
der the curve determines the intensity. A "step" is a Q:
change in level that, relative to the overall system UJ
response, is rapid. A "ramp" is the derivative of a step. U

5.2.2 Identification of Model Structure '"
Based on early experiments and observations o
on animal and human movements, primarily for -I. 0

contractions against inertial loads, Hill (1922) and

Gasser and Hill (1924) viewed muscle as a spring-
like structure working in a linearly viscous UJ
medium [see also Chapter 1 (Zahalak)]. Based on cr
isokinetic experiments, Levin and Wyman (1927)
proposed the developed a model consisting of a U
damped spring-like property in series with an un- UJ

damped spring. Bouckaert et al. (1930) suggested 3

that after the initial undamped change in length, Q:
the remaining shortening followed a logarithmic Z

relation. Fenn and Marsh (1935), introducing the -1.0 0.0 NORM LIZEO CE VELOCITY
concept of afterloaded isotonic contraction as a
technique for isolating the damped component
Figure 5.3: Effects of parameters on hyperbolic Hill
from the undamped component, determined that
equation (shortening to left). a) Variation in ar b)
the force-velocity property was nonlinear rather Variation in b (or vmax if ar is assumed constant).
72 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Katz (1939) showed that shortening contrac- ranging from tendon to skin to blood vessel, tend
tions followed the Hill equation while lengthening to have quasi-static mechanical properties such as
contractions showed a greatly increased slope for shown in Figure 5.4a, in which the W less (slope
lengthening muscle as opposed to shortening of the curve) increase fairly line, • ....ith force
muscle and then exhibited significant "yielding," over the primary operating range [e.g. Fung
or "giving" (see also Chapters 1-3 and Section (1967); Figure 5.4b]. This can be described math-
5.4.1). This latter effect had been previously ob- ematically:
served by others [e.g. Gasser and Hill (1924)] but dF
not as succinctly described. Without the current dx = KIF + K2 (5.3)
insight into the molecular nature of the contractile
machinery, as described in Chapters 1-4, explana- where F is force, x is extension, and K; are con-
tions of this effect were clearly difficult. stants (often K2 '" 0). Solving this equation and
In summary, the concept of a CE in series and applying boundary conditions, we arrive at the
in parallel (Figures 5-1a,b) with passive, lightly- classic exponential relationship for soft connective
damped elastic tissue was understood by 1939 tissues (e.g., Fung, 1969; Hatze, 1974):
[Katz (1939)]. However, since the parallel elas-
ticity was typically small, it could effectively be F = K3 (e 1 - 1) (5.4)
ignored for most applications. This model struc-
ture, along with simplified versions of the
activation process, can be considered as the foun-

dation for the phenomenologically-based, lumped-
parameter model of muscle. The concept behind F
the "active state" was in common use [e.g. or
"internal 'fundamental' mechanical change" in IJ" 9 t
Gasser and Hill (1924), "active state" in Hill E, F
o F
(1938)], but it was not until 1949 that Hill
provided an explicit (albeit controversial) defini- F F t
tion and a technique for estimating
excitation-activation dynamics (see Section 5.3.4).
If the elements are linearized, Figures 5.1a and
x-x x-x
L:l ~0 :~
5.1b can be shown to be equivalent. DerIDing the F F
series and parallel springs as K and K , respec-
tively, B as the internal Hill"visc~sity" (tee Figure nl /:y
5.8), and Fo as the input to CE, the following rela- x-x x-x t
tions hold between the elements of the two °
versions [e.g. McMahon (1984)]: Figure 5.4: Classical mechanical properties of biologi-
cal soft connective tissue. a) Typical quasi-static
stress-strain or force-extension curves (0 = F/(cross-
sectional area A); E = LUI(rest length L». b) Classic
(5.2) stiffness-force relation, which results in the exponen-
tial force-extension behavior of d). c) Concept of
linear collagen fibers, of different initial orientation,
starting to stretch at different extensions ("piecewise
linear"). d) Exponential fit via "intuitive" parameters:
a dimensionless "shape" parameter K.h and a point on
the curve (conveniently F max and A xmax>. e) "Hybrid"
5.2.3 Models for Soft Connective Tissues curve: exponential "toe" segment followed by linear
region. J) Hysteresis due to viscoelasticity for tissues
Since CE is connected in series and parallel
under cyclic loading (constant velocity stretch fol-
with viscoelastic tissues, it is appropriate to lowed by release). g) Force "relaxation" output
develop an understanding of the basic properties trajectory due to a length step input. h) Length "creep"
for such tissues. Passive soft connective tissues, output trajectory due to a step change in force.
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 73

where t.x is the extension relative to the rest (i.e. There are three classic models that have been
zero force) length. For most tissues this behavior used since the 1800's for describing basic vis-
is due to wavy collagen fibers (which vary in num- coelastic behavior, with that of Figure 5.5c known
ber and orientation between tissues) gradually to be more appropriate. (The "series" model of
straightening out and bearing load (e.g., Fung, Figure 5.5a is inadequate during quasi-static con-
1981). Thus, the overall curve could be exponen- ditions due to a tendency toward "drifting," while
tially shaped even if linear collagen properties are the "parallel" model of Figure 5.5b often poorly
assumed (Figure 5.4c-d). This relation can be approximates initial transient behavior.) The
reformulated to possess a more convenient set of series and parallel elements of the Hill model
parameters (Hatze, 1981; Winters and Stark, would be better represented by a Kelvin model;
1985): however, the added model complexity is usually
considered not to be worth the burden. However,
(K I.u; 111%
(e oA r - 1) (5.5) one must keep these passive properties in mind
when interpreting muscle testing data, especially
for experiments that unfold over very fast (order
where the describing parameters are now very in-
of milliseconds) or very slow (many seconds) time
tuitive: a point on the curve (here F1 and E1 ) and a
intervals. Interestingly, these are the time frames
dimensionless shape parameter (Figure 5.4d). In
of most current muscle testing; hence the reason
tendon and most ligaments most collagen fibers
for considering passive properties in more depth
are initially orientated primarily along the long
than often seen in a "muscle mechanics" review.
axis; this can result in flattening of the curve after
Over the moderate time range of most past mus-
the initial toe region (Woo et al., 1981). If
culotendon testing, long-term passive viscoelastic
desired, an exponentially-shaped toe region can
effects would appear as a slight drift.
easily be connected to a linear region, with the
shape parameter set by the constraint of no discon-
5.2.4 Hill-Model Structural Extensions
tinuity in slope (i.e. stiffness), as shown in Figure
Model structures for musculotendinous systems
that have been commonly used are shown in
Biological connective tissues are also in-
Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.6. Essentially, the dif-
herently viscoelastic, i.e., they exhibit hysteresis
ference between these models is the arrangement
during cyclic loading (Figure 5.4!), force relaxa-
of passive spring and dashpot elements. In both of
tion when held at a constant length (Figure 5.4g),
these figures, springs with lower stiffness (higher
and length creep when held at a constant force
compliance) are shown smaller. Model d is a better
(Figure 5.4h). Of note is that viscoelastic effects
approximation of physical reality. However, is it
are seen within both short (milliseconds) and long
worth the cost of the added complexity? If dash-
(minute or hours) time periods. Thus, the amount
pots are assumed negligible (as is common), it
of hysteresis (measure of energy loss) varies with
turns out that some of the springs are not mathe-
both the speed of ongoing extension and the his-
tory of recent extensions; hence a biomechanical
matically independent of each other. This can be
seen by using methods such as bond graphs [see
basis for "stretching" before exercise.
Chapter 7 (Hannaford and Winters)] to identify in-
dependent energy storage elements. When this is
the case, models can be reduced without any loss
to dynamic performance, and in fact, extra springs
may confound interpretation and make modeling
less computationally efficient. However, if an in-
ternal node location, such as node d in Figure 5.6,
happens to be of special interest (e.g. for sensory
feedback of muscle length), then the added struc-
b ture is worthwhile. My own experience with
Figure 5.5: Dassic models for describing viscoelastic various formulations is that the parallel elasticity
properties. In each case the constitutive relation for the is best lumped with joint properties [see Chapter 8
spring is F =ft..u), the dashpot is F =ft..AV) =ft..,.x). a) (Zajac and Winters)]. We will also see in Section
"Maxwell" series model. b) "Voigt" parallel model. c) 5.3.3 that the CE tension-length relation, although
"Kelvin," or "standard" models.
74 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

"spring-like", is best not treated as a spring in 5.3.1 Passive Parallel Element (PE)
parallel with a dashpot representing the CE This relation can be measured simply by pull-
force-velocity relation - the spring and dashpot ing the passive muscle tissue at various specific
forces would then be additive, which is not com- (usually fairly slow) rates and measuring force. It
patible with the CE force- velocity-length surface is due primarily to the passive tissue within and
that is traditionally assumed to exist for each ac- surroun~g muscle, and as with soft connective
tivation level. Upon reduction, we are back to an tissues in general, can be approximated by a vis-
"equivalent" spring in series with a large CE "force- coelastic model of one of the forms of Figure 5.5.
velocity" dashpot - the basic model structure The dashpot is typically neglected or assumed
which will serve as our base as we now develop linear (Winters and Stark, 1985). For skeletal
each of the classic muscle properties. muscle the force developed by this element is in-
significant except for extreme lengths (e.g over
1.2 times the rest length) which are often beyond
the physiological range [e.g., Katz (1939, Bahler
a et al. (1967)]; hence its lack of inclusion within
many models. For cardiac muscle, the parallel
elasticity is significant [e.g., Parmley et al.
SE m SE t (1970)]. For musculoskeletal systems the mus-

culotendinous passive elements can be considered
separately from the active muscle component, and
lumped with other passive tissue in parallel if the
passive element is considered to be a spring or a
parallel arrangement of spring and dashpot and the
model structure of Figure 5.1a is used [see also
SE t Section 8.3 of Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]; this

qtr is the model structure that is recommended here.

5.3.2 Lightly Damped Series Element (SE)

Fundamental to the early work and all work
since has been the concept of the lightly-damped
elastic element is series with the contractile
machinery. In fact it should be termed the series
compliance element since the distinguishing fea-
ture is significant compliance, but in deference to
history we will use the traditional terminology.
Controversy surrounds the subtle details of this
element [e.g. McMahon (1984)]; however, the fun-
Figure 5.6: Common musculoskeletal model struc- damental existence of this type of property cannot
tures that go beyond those of Figure 5.1. a) Tendon in be denied [Hill (1970)], and its use permeates this
series with classic muscle structure. b) Combined
book (see especially Chapters 4, 34-37).
muscle-tendon models with additional springs [see
Three classic experimental techniques have
Hatze (1981) for details]. c) Simple model structure
with a "lumped" SE viscoelastic element. d) been used to estimate this element [reviewed by
"Complex" model which includes an internal node for Hill (1970)]: i) "controlled" stretch/release (Hill,
muscle mass (the usual convention is to lump mass 1950); ii) "quick release" (usually from tetanus
with the limb segment). [e.g., Wilkie, 1956)]; and iii) the isometric
"calculation" method [Wilkie (1950)]. The second
method has been most widely used. Some groups
5.3 Model Parameter Identification employing fast "controlled" stretch/releases have
Since, mechanically, one can "see" the contrac- preferred terms such as "short-range" stiffness
tile machinery (for Hill-based models CE) only (Rack and Westbury, 1974) or "high frequency"
after connective tissue influence (even true for iso- stiffness (e.g., Cecchi et aI., 1984) to distinguish
lated muscle fibers); we start with PE and SE the observed behavior from that of an ideally pas-
properties before considering CE properties.
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 75

sive spring (the distinction is discussed later). In Overview of SE Structural Components.

general, the results with the third method have Figure 5.7 conceptually separates the "series
predicted a more compliant relationship; reasons element" into three components and an additional
for this difference will become evident later. component for the apparatus. The complex
However, all techniques have produced concave aponeurosis structure (not shown) could perhaps
upward load-extension curves, with peak element be placed within the tendon, although as shown in
extensions between 2% and 8% [e.g., review by Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing) this tissue has
Close (1972)]. unique features, including apparent dependence on
A fourth class of techniques involve considera- both force and muscle length. Also not included is
tion of muscle oscillation; authors' utilizing these extension (but not elastic energy storage) due to
methods have been hesitant to directly relate their geometric factors [see Chapter 4 (Ettema and
"stiffness" findings to SE, but the estimated values Huijing) for a quantification of these effects]. Of
is so compatible with those obtained from other note is that if the curve shapes are not the same,
techniques that it is hard to deny a correlation the relative contribution between the sub-
(e.g., see data of Zahalak and Heyman, 1979). components is a function of force (e.g., Stein and
When put together, there is remarkable consis- Gordon, 1986).
tency across the data, as will be seen below.
Isolated Tendon. Tendon properties are well
documented, with the "toe" region (where the stiff-
ness is increases approximately linearly with
force, and thus is well represented by the classic

'~ ,~,":LL
A F 0 3X 6X;
FlL exponential relation of Eq. 5.3) for about 3-4% ex-
tension, followed by a more linear region up to
failure at about 7% (e.g. Butler et aI., 1979).
Although tendons possess viscoelastic properties,
F a high percentage (about 80%) of the stored elastic
energy is recoverable for the typical physiological
L______________ _____ : ___ ~
range of rates of loading (Alexander, 1988).

Muscle Tendon Apparatus Tendon Extension with Muscle Contraction.

Peak muscle-induced tendon extension is typically
Figure 5.7: Conceptual model of four springs in series. within 2-5% for most tendons [see Chapter 4
a) The two left-most are within muscle tissue, with the (Ettema and Huijing) and Chapter 36 (Alexander
stiffness (slope times initial length) potentially a func-
and Ker)]. The range of in situ applicability of the
tion of both activation (far left, cross-bridges) and
toe region, where the force-extension relation is
force (middle left, Z-discs and filaments). The stiff-
ness for the middle-right curve, representing tendon, is nonlinear, is controversial. Based on assuming a
a function of force, except perhaps at higher values. factor of safety of at least 2 between the tendon
The right curve, representing the apparatus, is likely failure load and the peak load generated by maxi-
linear with potentially a slight offset due to stiction ef- mally contracting muscle (e.g., see Eliott, 1965),
fects. b) Quasi-statically, the total curve is obtained by one would predict that typically a good portion of
summing the individual extensions for each force level: the tendon operating range during muscle contrac-
tion is within the "toe region" (see Figure 5.7).
Indeed, some groups have found stiffness to in-
flL= (fiLm + fiLm) + flLt + fiLa (5.6)
• p crease (compliance to decrease) with increasing
force for most of the range of loading [e.g., see
Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing) for review of their
= (Lm Em + Lm Em) + L t E t + flLa(5.7)
0 0 0
• p
work and that of Rack and Ross (1984)]. Winters
and Stark (1985) assumed that peak extension was
Thus, the relative extension due to each component is a about 3-4%, and that for practical purposes this
function of the relative lengths. Also, because of the was within the toe region; thus they assumed an
series arrangement, for a given force the individual
exponential relation. However, Morgan (1977)
compliances (inverse of stiffness) add; thus, the overall
stiffness (compliance) is less than (more than) that of and Proske and Morgan (1987) suggest that ten-
the individual components. don properties are linear above about 20% of
76 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

maximum isometric tension. Zajac's group muscle extension to reach 4% (see form of Eq.
(Zajac, 1989), emphasizing this data, utilize a 5.7). As suggested by Hanson and Huxley (1955)
linear relation from 20% force onward, and many and Joyce and Rack (1969), it is now well ac-
groups assume a linear force-extension relation. cepted that part of the elasticity lies within the
Simulation experience from thousands of runs cross-bridge structure, likely including the Sl
utilizing various nonlinear and linearized models bridge of myosin (e.g. Huxley and Simmons,
suggest that this assumption matters. Thus, fur- 1971; Flitney and Hirst, 1978; Morgan, 1977).
ther investigation is needed, primarily along the However, the range of strain proposed for the
lines of Chapter 4. However, it appears that the cross bridges [e.g. under 2% in Huxley and
findings presented in Chapter 36 (Alexander and Simmons (1971) and up to 3% in Flitney and Hirst
Ker) may help resolve this issue. Here they divide (1978), both relative to overall sarcomere length]
musculotendinous systems into three categories: i) seem small in comparison to data from whole
long muscle fibers with short tendons; ii) short muscle experiments (reviewed in Close, 1972).
muscle fibers with long, thin, extensible tendons Evidence is also mounting that the myofIlaments
(e.g. 4-5% extension with Fmax applied); and iii) are also somewhat extensible [e.g., reviewed in
short muscle fibers with long tendons and larger Chapter 2 (Hatze); see also Chapter 4 (Ettema and
cross sections than would appear necessary for a Huijing); see Ford et al. (1977) for an alternate
reasonable mechanical factor of safety (thus ex- view]. Thus, all components of muscle appear to
tending only about 2% with Fmax)' They postulate show some extension. In retrospect it would be
different uses for these tendons - in particular, ii) surprising if such was not the case, especially
is best for elastic energy storage (e.g. many lower since experimental investigations of whole muscle
limb actuators) while iii) is better for control trans- (often with little tendon included) have consis-
mission and impedance modulation (upper limb). tently found peak extensions of about 5%
This helps explain some of my own concerns (reviewed in Close, 1972).
regarding predicted SE properties that I and my
colleagues have estimated for about 80 muscles Relative Contribution of Each Component.
(e.g., Winters and Stark, 1988). For instance, as- What is the relative extension of the various con-
suming a similar peak tendon extension for all tributions to series extension? Traditional
maximally contracting muscles (i.e. ratio of input-output methods only measure a "lumped"
muscle to tendon cross-sectional area is uniform), value, but more recent techniques [see Chapter 4
we find that when converted to (more intuitive) (Ettema and Huijing)] allow more careful es-
joint units, the muscles surrounding the ankle joint timates. As reviewed in Chapter 4, for some
in particular were quite stiff (e.g. soleus peak ex- muscles on the order of half of the SE extension is
tension of only 19°) while those surrounding the within muscle tissue (e.g. frog sartorius, cat
wrist were quite compliant (e.g. half over 50° peak soleus, human thumb). However, for many others,
extension). This is due primarily to differences in the majority of the SE extension of musculoten-
moment arm. In retrospect, Chapter 36 and com- dinous unit is due to the tendon. In a recent
mon sense suggests that the former, which are review article, Zajac (1989) suggested that, for
more involved in elastic energy storage and most musculotendinous units, muscle series exten-
utilization, have relatively thinner tendons (see sion is virtually insignificant relative to tendon
Chapters 33-37), while the latter, more involved extension. When all put together, however, it
in fine control and impedance modulation, likely seems evident that peak strains for both muscle
have relatively thicker tendons (as suggested by and tendon are on the order of 3-5%, with only
the data of Rack et aI., 1984). some of that within the muscle due to the cross-
Physical Sources Within Muscle. Jewell and
Wilkie (1958) showed via direct observation that Cross-Bridge Stiffness Vs. Passive SE. Based
significant series extension existed within muscle on intuition from molecular models (Section 5.3),
tissue as well as within tendon. They also sug- the overall cross-bridge induced stiffness would be
gested that SE, and originally identified the Z- expected to increase as a function of the number
discs (and perhaps the actin filaments) as the most of attached bonds. This is because cross-bridge
probable site. However, these are relatively short stiffness can only be realized when the actomyosin
and would have to extend considerably for overall complex is attached. This argument assumes an
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective

idealized mechanical view of cross bridges in operating range, estimate stiffness from a measured
series and in parallel with each other, which is resonance frequency; this may be determined from an
probably reasonable (Rack and Westbury, 1974). "elastic bounce" record (e.g. Cavagna et aI., 1971) or a
Each attached bond then contributes a "short- "natural" voluntary rhythm (Greene and McMahon,
range" stiffness for about 2% of the sarcomere 1979; Hof and Van den Berg, 1981, Bach et aI., 1983).
length (Huxley and Simmons, 1971, Rack and
It turns out that overall structural properties, as
Westbury, 1974). Since the number of attached
determined by these two methods, are in good
bonds is a function of calcium activation, the
agreement with each other for systems such as el-
"short range stiffness" seen during ramp stretches
bow flexion-extension, wrist flexion-extension,
differs from a passive series elastic element (Rack
and ankle dorsi-plantar flexion (Alexander,
and Westbury, 1974). This is because a cross-
1983,1988; Winters and Stark, 1985,1988). Why
bridge, after being broken, can reattach at a
do these methods tend to work? Because, as
different (e.g. lengthened) actin site - it "forgot"
shown in Figure 5.8, for minor perturbations the
that it was storing elastic energy relative to a cer-
CE works as a viscous, "soft" ground. Also, the
tain rest length. This in turn also raise questions
changes in activation (as measured by the EMG
regarding the adequacy of the Hill-based model
fluctuations relative to the bias EMG level) are
structure which will be addressed in Section 5.4.3.
small and of sufficiently high frequency to be
Estimating SEIStiffness in Humans. The clas- fairly filtered by muscle dynamic properties.
sical "quick release" and "controlled release" Finally, activation and force are at about the same
approaches for isolated muscle are difficult to ap- relative level, and thus if anything the curve con-
ply on intact human systems, due primarily to the cavity should be greater than that seen for quick
confounding effects of large limb inertias (Goubel release studies, as is seen.
et al., 1971). Two very different approaches

1. Calculation Methods. This is based the isolated

muscle data described above: peak muscle and tendon
extensions are both about 3-6% strain, and a dimen-
sionless "shape" parameter (Figure 5.7d) on the order
of 3-5 provides a reasonable prediction of curve con-
cavity. This material information, combined with
estimated musculotendinous geometry [e.g., as
cataloged in the Appendix (Yamaguchi et al.)], can be
utilized to estimate structural values (e.g., Alexander,
1983; Winters and Starlc, 1985).
Figure 5.8: Muscle model isolating the series com-
2. Experimental OscUlation Methods. One set of ap- ponent but retaining gross propenies to either side of
proaches is based on applying small, fairly high- the model. The lines through elements indicate sources
frequency oscillations about an otherwise steady of nonlinear influences.
isometric contraction against a bias torque. Either
position oscillations [e.g., Joyce and Rack (1974);
Zahalak and Heyman (1979), Ma and Zahalak (1987)] Synthesis. The phenomena of variable series
orjorce oscillations (e.g., Agarwal and Gottlieb, 1977) stiffness is admittedly a comple~ property that is
can be applied; the other of these becomes the not fully understood. In particular, the history de-
measured output. The estimated stiffness, as defined pendence of series stiffness during dynamic
by the peak-to-peak force change divided by the peak- movements, during which activation and force dif-
to-peak position, changes as a function of the bias fer, requires further investigation, as do the effects
force in a way that appears to provide a stiffness of geometry. Nonetheless, there is a remarkable
measure that is essentially a good prediction of the SE
consistency between the information obtained by
over the entire SE range. Angular stiffness is almost
linearly related to the bias torque, just as suggested pre- various methods, more so than generally recog-
viously for muscle and tendon over, at minimum, the nized.
lower force operating range. This important property is explicitly used in
Another class of approaches, which tend not to es- Chapters 1-6, 8-9, 17, 19-21, 30, 33-37,41-43.
timate the whole SE curve but rather a cenain These chapters, which span limb and torso sys-
78 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

tems, document a wide variety of consequences Active CE Length-Tension Relation

of series compliance, including: i) elastic energy It has long been known that isometric muscle
storage; ii) modulation of operating ranges for the force development is a function of length (e.g. dis-
CE; iii) smoothing of movements; and iv) facilita- cussed in Gasser and Hill (1924); Ramsey and
tion of dynamic stiffness/impedance modulation. Street (1940), Ralston et al. (1949», with the
How should it be modeled? Possibilities in- muscle force maximum at an intermediary
clude: i) a single linear spring element (used in ("optimum") length (about 1.05 times the "rest"
many chapters); ii) a spring which an initial con- length) and lower for shorter or longer lengths,
cavity followed over a large part of the operating fmally reaching near zero at about 0.4 and 1.5
range by a linear region (Zajac, 1989); iii) a tradi- times the resting length, respectively (e.g., Figure
tional concave upward exponential curve, with a 5.9). Thus the slope, a measure of static stiffness,
"shape" parameter of 3-5 (Le., a linear relationship includes both positive and negative (potentially
between stiffness and force); iv) a viscoelastic unstable) ranges. The lack of an abrupt end of
model including one of the aforementioned force near zero force locations is likely due to
springs; v) a series connection of two (or more) cross-bridge non-uniformity [see also Chapter 3
nonlinear series springs (Stein and Gordon, 1986), (Morgan)].
perhaps with one spring modulated by force, the Since the 1950s, isolated muscle CE
other via activation; and vi) a single stiffness value tension-length and human joint moment-angle
which is a weighted function of force and activa- curves have been available within the literature for
tion, with element extension determined via the special case of maximal activation and maxi-
integration. mal effort, respectively [e.g. review by Kulig et al.
For those wanting a reasonable yet simple (1985)]. Using techniques that allowed measure-
model, I suggest iii as opposed to i) or ii). In par- ment at the microscopic level, Gordon et al.
ticular, linearization of this element, while often (1966) showed conclusively that this fundamental
sufficient for studies of lower-limb elastic energy property was due to the amount of overlap be-
storage or unloaded upper-limb movements, tween thick and thin filaments, as predicted by the
should be avoided whenever one desires to use the sliding filament theory [Chapter 1 (Zahalak)]. A
model to gain insight into control aspects of tasks wide variety of empirical fits have been utilized to
involving dynamic interaction with the environ- characterize the basic behavior.
ment. Recent (as yet unpublished) simulations by The physiological operating range is always
myself also suggest that adding a viscous com- much less than the full range; that shown in Figure
ponent (model iv)} has some interesting (yet 5.9, with a positive slope over most of the in situ
subtle) consequences: a) a closer fit to quick- muscle range, is typical. However, there are
stretch and quick-release data (e.g. of Bagley, notable exceptions (e.g. knee and elbow
1987); b) some capacity for showing history- extensors).
dependent "force enhancement" tendencies Of note is that the curve shape for the CE is not
(discussed later; see also Sprigings, 1986); and c) the same as that for the whole muscle (e.g., see
enhanced numerical stability of the muscle algo- Figure 12 in Zajac, 1989 and Figure 5.1O). This is
rithm (which allows larger integration step sizes). because the extension of SE is a function of force,
The last reason alone is sufficient for employing a and the force is not constant. For this and per-
small damping element in optimization studies. haps other reasons (see Hatze, 1981), the
Whether SE should be activation- and well as musculotendinous "tension-length" curves for
force-dependent requires further investigation by isometric twitches (about 15-30% of tetanic force)
studies along the lines of Chapter 6 (Lehman). and those for isometric tetanus should also not be
expected to be simple multiplicative scales of each
5.3.3 The Contractile Element: other.
Tension-Length and Force-Velocity Two impottant practical questions remain:
Two properties define this element: i) CE
1. Determination olin situ rest length. This is hard to
tension-length; and ii) CE force-velocity. After estimate because most joints are crossed by multiple
developing the basic relationships, we will look at muscles. Figure 5.9 provides an example of simulation
how these relationships combine and how the CE predictions of how CE tension-length and sub-
element is influenced by activation. Special issues sequently joint torque-angle relations change as the
such as "yielding" are postponed until Section assumption of rest length changes. By making such
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 79

(1" (MPBI F/F.....

0.4 1.0

0.2 0.5

0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4
normBllzed length
Figure 5.9: Idealized tension-iength for tetanic submaximal activation (here 20%) may assume multi-
(maximal) contraction (solid lines), as seen across the plicative scaling (dashed lines) or additjve scaling
CE element (to left) and whole musculotendon unit (to (solid lines). Also shown are stress units, with the
right). This difference between the two is the exten- maximal stress about 0.3-0.4 MPa, and to a first ap-
sion of the SE. Family of tension-iength curves with proximation is independent of fiber composition.
steady activation level increases. Modeling assump-
~ tions may assume that the CE (or whole muscle) curve
scales downwardly as a multiplicative factor, essen-
C) tially modulating stiffness (e.g. Winters and Stark,
~BIC 1985; dashed line in Figure 5.8) or that it shifts
..J 20 ' ECR
W '0 BRD downward and to the right or left (dotted line in Figure
0 15 x-*-_M__ "M __ * 5.8). Notice that for lower activation levels the passive
--'--iC PT (parallel elastic) component has a relatively larger in-
::::5 -6.- BRA fluence. These poorly understood subtle differences

·20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

are especially important in relation to the theories of
motor control discussed in Chapters 11-17.
E 15
~ CE Force-Velocity Relation.
UJ 10 Four classical methods have been utilized to ex-
a:: perimentally estimate this behavior: i) Isometric-to-
g 5 isotonic contraction (afterloaded); ii) isometric-to-
o isotonic contraction (not afterloaded); iii)
a:: OL__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ isometric contraction dynamics (requires
lD -20 60 80 100 120
knowledge of SE); and iv) isokinetic contraction.
Since flTst used by Fenn and Marsh (1935),
Figure S.lO: a) Sensitivity of muscle length to joint
isotonic methods (fortunately) dominated the early
angles, here for elbow flexors as a function of elbow
flexion angle. b) Changes in the simulated maximal work. Ideally, measurement should be made at a
isometric torque-angle relation as a function of the as- specified position while the muscle force and
sumed muscle rest length, shown here for the velocity are constant, i.e. their derivatives (slopes)
brachioradialis (BRA). For the extended positions a are zero. The classic isotonic studies of the human
curved (spherical arc) approximation was employed flexors by Dem et al. (1947) and Wilkie (1950)
[method reviewed in Section 8.2.4 of Chapter 8 (Zajac provided strong evidence in support of the basic
and Winters)]. (Adapted from thesis by Kleweno, Hill model structure, and further documented
1987). shapes of the force-velocity relation that were con-
sistent with the Hill relation, especially once an
predictions for all muscles and comparing to ex- estimate of the effects of forearm inertia is sub-
perimental data, rest lengths can be estimated
tracted out.
(Kleweno and Winters, 1988).
Although related to muscle energetics by Hill,
2. CE tension-length curve for submaximal activa- the CE force-velocity is essentially just a fit to ex-
tion. This is less well documented and more perimental data. This relationship has been
controversial. Based on purely mechanical considera- estimated by many groups, with the vast majority
tions, since SE extension increases with force and thus finding data compatible to the Hill hyperbola.
(usually) activation, the curve peak for whole muscle
might be expected to shift toward longer lengths as the
80 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Other proposed force-velocity relations include: The dimensionless parameter ar defines the hyper-
bolic shape and the parameter CEvmO%' the maximum
-av unloaded CE velocity, defines velocity intercept
Fee = Fmax e m_ b Vee (5.8)
(see also Figure 5.2). The last parameter, which
[Fenn and Marsh (1935)]
-{F v IbFj
describes the force intercept, is the hypothetical
Fee = Fmax e "" "" - V alb (5.9) isometric force, which we will see comes from the
[Abbott and Wilkie (1953)] CE tension-length relation. This relation can be re-
-ov written into many forms, including (Wilkie, 1956):
Fee = Fmaxe m_ blee (5.10)
[Aubert (1956)] (a + -Fee) ( Vee) _
r F ar + - - - ar + (5.11)
max Vmax
where a and b are different constants in each case
and FmO% is the peak isometric force; all have three One could also divide by ar Other normalized
describing parameters. forms are (e.g., Fung, 1981; note symmetry):
Hatze (1981) has proposed an additional
Vc L 1 - ( Fe./Fmax)
relationship in which the concavity of the curve (5.12)
changes for small shortening velocities (which is v max 1 + (Fe e/(Fmoxar))
not true for the Hill hyperbola); it is too complex
~u. 1 - (vee/vmox)
to present here. His rationale was the data of Fmax + (vee/(v mO%ar ))
Edman et al. (1976), which suggested that a con-
cavity occurred around 80% of the isometric To show explicitly that this equation describes the
force; Cecchi et al. (1984) presents similar results. behavior of a force generator in parallel with a
Furthermore, a number of similar shapes have dashpot, as in Figure 5.11, the following form can
been obtained for human systems, primarily for be utilized [e.g. Cook and Stark (1968)]:
knee rotation experiments utilizing isokinetic
machines (e.g. Perrine and Edgerton (1978)) and
wrist rotation (Baildon and Chapman, 1983).
Reasons for these differences are unknown;
however, many curve shapes can be estimated ":J'
from the same human testing data set, especially , ' I
CE :,'-[jn------------
.. ''
for "isokinetic" testing (Yates and Kamon, 1983;
FiB i!

Winters and Bagley, 1987). In fact, I have found IN!

that students presented with isokinetic t _______________ J Kp
"dynanometer" input~utput data from a model
which includes a Hill-based CE will produce a
variety of curve estimates! Also, Zahalak et al.
(1976) have shown that EMG activity tends to
grow for slow shortening velocities; this may also
-1. 0 -0.5 0.0
help explain part of the human data. The fun-
damental problem is that CE tension-length, SE, NORMALIZED CE VELOCITY
PE, system inertia and activation all represent con- Figure 5.11: a) Hill model structure showing CE
founding influences. Results not following a Hill- divided in a parallel dashpot representing force "lost"
like shape must be contrasted with the dozens of via the force-velocity relationship and a CE
results, ranging from isolated fibers through whole "sculpturing" product relationship for the CE
muscle to muscle joint systems, where the Hill hy- tension-length relation. b) Explicit view of the force
perbola has been a good fit for shortening muscle. "lost" and the force "passed'.'
Lengthening CE force-velocity behavior will be
addressed further in Section 5.4.1-2. It is worthwhile to provide material property
The Hill hyperbolic relation has remained the estimates for the two intercept parameters. In this
standard not just because it adequately ap- way one can easily extend the results to structural
proximates a wealth of experimental data but also properties by combining the materials properties
because the describing parameters are intuitive. with certain geometric features such as physiologi-
cal cross-sectional area, pennation angle, and
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 81

length (Winters and Stark, 1985; Zajac, 1989). (1979), Figure 5.12]. Mathematically, this takes
The experimentally verified range for ar is ap- the form (e.g., from Eq. 5.11 and Eq. 5.14,
proximately 0.1 to 1.0, with slow muscle fibers respectively):
between 0.1 and 0.25 and fast fibers greater than
0.25 (e.g., reviews by Close, 1972; Winters and F = ~- (vc./v max »F .
ce ar + (vce Iv» fvm
Stark, 1985). CEvrnax ranges from about 2 Lisec max

= r1 -_'::.L_
(muscle fiber lengths per second) for slow fibers 1+ a ] Ffv.
to about 8 Lisec for fast. The composition of l arv max + vh m
most muscles is mixed, and thus most muscles are
between these extremes, and can be estimated by a Notice that these forms display a product relation-
linear functions of muscle fiber composition ship between the two phenomena (assuming
(Winters and Stark, 1985). Thus, using the Hill maximal activation for present):
approach, the only new parameter needed to ade-
quately describe muscle material properties is
muscle fiber composition. Structural properties (5.16)
for a given musculotendinous unit of course scale
with muscle geometry.

where Frv(vce) and Ftl(Lce ) are dimensionless func-

tions, each defined by two parameters. This
shows that CE properties are best not represented
by a parallel arrangement of a spring and dashpot
- in such a case the relation would be additive [see
also Figure 21.5 in Chapter 21 (Crago et al.)].

Scaling of Force-Velocity Parameters with

Length. Ar is traditionally considered to be inde-
pendent of length. Bahler et al. (1967) found that
with maximal activation CEVmax peaks within the
mid-operating range and drops off a shorter
lengths where cross-bridge overlap is less. Data
by Edman et al. (1968) on frog muscle fibers sug-
gests relatively constant value over a medium
range of lengths, a low value at small lengths, and
a higher value at long lengths. However, over the
typical physiological range of length changes
Figure S.12: Three-dimensional view of the CE be- (e.g., sarcomere lengths of about 5.8 to 2.8 ~m),
havior for a certain activation level, showing a few the value is relatively constant and probably con-
cases for different lengths and velocities. sistent with the results of Bahler et al. Thus,
variation with length over the physiological range
Interaction Between CE Tension-Length and appears marginal.
CE Force-Velocity. The studies of Abbott and
Wilkie (1953) for isolated frog muscle provided Scaling of the CE Force-Velocity-Length
the conceptual foundation for allowing Frv-in = Ftl _ Relation with Activation. A question that the
out, i.e. the CE force-velocity input forc( early pioneers had to address was how to modify
(y-intercept) equals the CE tension-length output CE force-velocity behavior at sub-maximal activa-
(see also Figure 5.12). They also suggested that tion and muscle length. Wilkie (1956),
the parameters ar and b (and thus vmax in Hill's summarizing frog data, and Bigland and Lippold
equation) remained constant. These observations (1954), using human calf muscle EMG measure-
were supported by Bahler (1968) and are now a ment as an estimation of activation, suggested that
standard assumption. A three-dimensional force- the F/yin parameter in the Hill equation could be
velocity-length curve can be utilized to describe scalcil with activation, with the curve shape
this relationship [Bahler et al. (1967), Partridge parameter (ar) and the maximum velocity
82 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

parameter (CEvmrd remaining about the same. expected for a muscle with mixed fiber composi-
(However, the data of Bigland and Lippold (1954) tion due to the assumption of an orderly
for human calf muscles lacked data above about recruitment of motor units (Henneman, 1965):
40% of CEVmtu). The data of Bahler et al. (1967) slower muscle fibers are more likely to be active
further refined these concepts, which can be during low activation, with faster fibers recruited
viewed as follows: as activation increases (Winters and Stark, 1985).
This suggests that for mixed-composition muscle
'ce'v'=A*F *F(I'*F(v' (the majority) this parameter should vary, but per-
..... co' mtu tl co' ce co'
haps not as significantly as Ffvi" (e.g. as in Figure
5. 13c). For instance, Winters and Stark (1985) as-
where A is the normalized activation. Notice that
sume as a default that CEvmtu drops at half the rate
the normalized CE length-tension and CE
force-velocity effects are effectively decoupled of Ffvi'" Notice that if CEvmtu varies linearly with
Fj ViII' the relative shape of the force-velocity rela-
(shown orthogonal in Figure 5.12), and that for a
tIOn is independent of activation.
given activation, the relation is assumed instan-
Zajac (1989) suggested that since the high-
taneous, i.e. statically satisfied. Furthermore it is
velocity region is of little practical importance for
still a product relationship. Notice that there are
in situ functioning systems, the assumption for
four interrelated variables: activation A, CE length
CEVmtu may not be of practical importance.
Lco ,CE velocity vco,and muscle force Fm . If any
Consider, however, the vertical lines in Figure
three of these variables are known, the other can
5.13, where for a given CE velocity (representing
be determined. For example, if muscle force is un-
the low-velocity range of great practical
known: i) A "sets" the CE tension-length relation,
importance), the assumption for CEvmtu affects not
ii) given this relation, the "hypothetical isometric
only the absolute force, but also the slope (and
force" (Ftlout' which equals Ftv;,,) is read off from
thus the instantaneous dashpot value). Also drawn
the appropriate length; iii) Ffv.;.. the CE force-
in are the slopes connecting the intercepts, which
velocity curve; and iv) finding the appropriate CE
have been utilized often as a mode of linearization
velocity, the muscle force is read off. If activation
(e.g. Baildon and Chapman, 1983; Zajac, 1989).
is unknown: i) given F m and vce' F/V;" is determined;
Note that the intercept slopes and the curves
ii) given an estimate of Ice and Ftlout (= Ffvi")' A is
slopes are not one-ta-one, even though the same
dimensionless shape parameter is assumed. This
Of note is that care must be taken if one
shows how difficult (and dangerous!) linearization
chooses instead to represent the CE tension~length
of the force-velocity relation can be; if truly neces-
property by a spring in parallel with the
sary, it is best accomplished uniquely for each
force-velocity dashpot: the resulting CE then has
task of interest [Seif-Naraghi and Winters, 1989)].
dynamics, and thus the CE force-velocity-length
relation is no longer instantaneous. Additionally, Is the Force-Velocity-Activation Relation
because the dashpot is traditionally assumed to be "Instantaneous"? This question considers
a function of F.fv!'" force-velocity determination whether or not the force-velocity relation is
becomes awkward. satisfied at every instant, given an appropriate ac-
Is theparameterCEllma:r constant with activation? tivation input. If so, the relation is static, and thus
Some groups (e.g. Hatze, 1981; Audu and Davy, not history-dependent. (Of course, the overall
1985) have followed the traditional line that says model still produces history-dependent behavior
that it doesn't change with activation. However, due to the interaction between elements.) Jewell
Julian (1971) shows that this parameter is a func- and Wilkie (1958) concluded that in frog sartorii a
tion of the calcium concentration. On theoretical change in velocity follows a change in force very
grounds, Julian and Sollins (1973) suggest that the quickly ("probably in less than 1 msec, certainly in
level of activation affects the Huxley rate constant less than 6 msec"). Hill investigated this in more
for breaking bonds which are opposed to short- detail using various strategies, including both
ening; this, in turn, affects CEvmtu' Both Zahalak et isotonic and isokinetic, and came to the conclusion
al. (1976, human elbow flexion) and Petrofsky and that, for all practical purposes, the relation is
Phillips (1981; cat medial gastrocnemius) found uniquely satisfied for shortening muscle at each in-
that this parameter does scale significantly with stant. The human elbow flexion data of Pertuzon
activation. Of note is that some scaling would be and Bouisset (1973) provide further support for
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 83

1.5 1.5
a 100\ b c
z ~~~~~~~-----~
-I. 0 -1.0 o.s -1.0 o.•

Figure 5.13: Maximal and submaximal CE extreme a'pproaches used in the literature. Notice that
force-velocity cUlVes for assumptions of a variable this assumption does make a difference, both for
versus an activation-independent CEv1TI4X parameter. a) moderate velocities (mostly magnitude effect) and near
Default approach used by the author. b) and c) Two zero velocity (mostly slope effect).

this assumption. It clearly is not satisfied for tually instantaneous, with deactivation a much
lengthening muscle (e.g. Joyce and Rack, 1969). slower process. An activation "plateau" was often
(However, if "attachment" replaces "activation" as seen. The time course of the falling phase of the
the input to the CE, as recommended in Section "active state" could be estimated experimentally
5.3.1, then perhaps it might still be satisfied [see Close (1972) for review]. As seen in Figure
[Winters (1989)]. 5.14, activation is thus considered as the output of
the excitation-contraction coupling dynamics and
5.3.4 Excitation-Activation Dynamics from the the input to CEo In 1960 Jewell and Wilkie ques-
Hill Model Perspective tioned the concept of the active state, in particular
In this section we cover material also presented as related to its assumed length-independence.
in Chapter 1 (Zahalak), only from the Others, such as McCrorey et al. (1966), wondered
"input-output" systems perspective characteristic whether some of the differences between series
of the Hill model approach. Activation dynamics elastic and force-velocity relation obtained by
is first covered; this is followed by the treatment isotonic versus isometric methods might not be
of how CE is usually scaled by activation. due to active state assumptions.
In 1968, based on studies of the rate-limiting
role of calcium in the muscle activation process,
("Iso pure time del"lls) Ebashi and Endo defined the active state as the
relative amount of calcium bound to troponin.
This concept, since modified to represent evolving
information on bonding site physiology [see
Chapter 1 (Zahalak)], found immediate acceptance
[e.g., Julian and Sollins (1972), Hatze (1974)], and
is now a common conceptual (though
immeasurable) assumption for Hill-based models.
Figure 5.14: Block diagram of relationship be- For physiological temperatures, the data of
tween excitation, activation and muscle Bahler et al. (1967) suggested an activation time
mechanics. on the order of 10 msec and deactivation on the or-
der of 50 msec, and that active state dynamics
"Active State" and "Calcium Activation" could be adequately represented by a first-order
Hill (1949) defined the "active state" as the ten- system. Thus the simplest approach for modeling
sion that the CE would generate, without this dynamic process has been to assume uni-
lengthening or shortening, after the beginning of directional flow and first-order dynamics in which
excitation. He considered activation to be vir- either the activation time constant is constant
84 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

(linear model) or there are two time constant may include recruitment, the fmite time nature of
values, one for lengthening and one for shortening firing rate, any "smoothing" effects in the lower
[e.g., Cook and Stark, 1958; Lehman and Stark, circuitry, and the simple fact that higher brain sig-
1979; Hof and Van den Berg, 1981; Winters and nals are not idealized. It may be modeled as a first-
Stark, 1985; Zajac, 1989]. Winters and Stark order filter (Hatze, 1981; Winters and Stark,
(1985) suggest that these time constants are a 1985). Often excitation has been assumed to be
function of the muscle fiber composition (higher negligible, especially when considering eye move-
time constants with slower muscle fibers) and ments (e.g. Cook and Stark, 1968; Lehman and
muscle size (higher time constants in larger Stark, 1979).
muscle volumes). Ma and Zahalak (1987) and Chapman and Calvert (1979) have suggested
Zajac (1989) have suggested first-order nonlinear that perceived "effort," similar in concept to the
dynamics in which the time constant is variable "excitation" input, is fairly consistent between sub-
(Section 5.7). Hatze (1981) assumes second-order jects. Our data with submaximal exercise (Silver-
dynamics for this excitation-activation relation. Thorn and Winters, 1988) suggests that subjects
Is muscle activation truly uni-directional, inde- correlate perceived effort with force rather than
pendent of muscle dynamics? Indirect evidence EMG. This interesting concept needs to be further
from experiments in muscle mechanics (e.g., explored.
Bahler et al., 1967; Rack and Westbury, 1969) Hatze (1977, 1981) has separated out
suggests that it may be a function of length. "recruitment" and "firing rate" effects. Although
Experiments by Fuchs (1977) suggested that theoretically elegant, the latter approach is practi-
calcium-troponin interactions may be coupled cally difficult since there are now two inputs per
with actin-myosin interactions. Such observa- muscle, and it is difficult to separate out the two
tions prompted Ma and Zahalak (1987) to effects when using surface EMG electrodes.
formally distinguish between the two possibilities Nonetheless, his approach deserves further study,
by referring uni-directional coupling as "loose" both for theoretical investigations and for studies
coupling and bi-directional coupling as "tight" related to muscle fatigue (e.g., due to muscle
coupling [Chapter 1 (Zahalak)]. stimulation).
Of note is that the "loose" coupling assumption
is compatible with any muscle model, and thus 5.4 Challenges for Hill-Based Models
when employing this assumption one can "mix (and Suggested Strategies)
and mesh" models of activation with models of In this section we deal with three classes of ex-
muscle mechanics. An example in the PEXA perimentally measured history-dependent
model of Hannaford that is described in Chapter 7 phenomena that are difficult to describe within the
(Hannaford and Winters). However, combining context of the traditional Hill-based model struc-
an activation model with Hill-based models is not ture: i) "yielding" during lengthening; ii) "force
as theoretically elegant as it is when using the enhancement" after stretch; iii) subtle stiffness ef-
molecular models. fects.
The concept of "attachment" (rather than
Excitation, Effort, and Neural Dynamics "activation") as an input to the Hill-based contrac-
As seen in Figure 5.14, excitation is defined tile machinery is introduced as an approach for
here as the input to activation dynamics. partially dealing with such phenomena.
Conceptually, the output of excitation dynamics Additionally, it is suggested that passive mechani-
can be thought of as similar to a lightly filtered, cal sources for certain phenomena have not always
rectified EMG (Winters and Stark, 1985; Gottlieb been adequately addressed. Finally, it is shown
et al., 1989; Chapters 14-15, 19). If muscle is that some of these phenomena are seen only in ex-
electrically stimulated or the model input is an periments of little relevance during normal human
EMG, excitation dynamics are of no interest. movement tasks.
However, in most simulation studies an idealized
input representing the eNS output, such as a pulse, 5.4.1 Lengthening Muscle
is assumed that differs in shape from an EMG. It is well documented, at least for ramp
Excitation dynamics heuristically represents the stretches within certain muscles (e.g. cat soleus),
very real fact that neural dynamics may be part of that lengthening muscle exhibits history-
the rate-limiting process. Such dynamic effects
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 85

dependent behavior that is incompatible with the struck by an object).

classical CE activation-force-velocity-length ap- A number of modeling approaches have been
proach of Figure 5.12 (Joyce et al., 1969; used to simulate yielding which take advantage of
reviewed in Chapters 1-3). However, other insights from Huxley-based molecular models, but
muscles display a force saturation with little yield- without their complexity. Van Dijk (1978), repre-
ing (e.g. cat medical gastrocnemius); these senting the Huxley model by 3 differential
muscles can be adequately approximated by a equations, used a "compromise" lengthening
lengthening CE force-velocity fit. force-velocity curve that had a high force-velocity
The fact that the CE element in Hill-based slope for velocities under about 0.2 times V ,
muscle models is assumed to be instantaneous and then yielded dramatically. Crowe et al. (1980)
single valued is one of the primary criticisms of provided a length-dependent feature by dividing
such models (e.g., Zahalak, 1981 and Chapter 1). attachment locations into 4 length "bins". They
This is indeed a weakness. Most current CE found reasonably good correlation to their ex-
force-velocity relations assume a saturation with perimental data. The most theoeretically elegant
progressively lengthening velocities at about 1.3 approach, the Distribution Moment (DM) model of
F mO% (e.g., Hatze, 1981; Winters and Stark, 1985; Zahalak (1981), is covered in Chapter 1. Here we
see also Figures 5.2 and 5.12); however, values as consider a conceptually different approach that al-
low as 1.1 F mO% [Chapter 36 (Hof and Van den lows the Hill model to remain intact.
Berg), experimentally estimated for ankle
muscles] and as high as 1.8 F mO% [Chapter 6 "Attachment" as the Input to the CE
(Lehman)] have been used. Additionally, most Based initially on a "challenge" from George
models assume that the slope at low lengthening Zahalak, I recently developed a class of ap-
velocities is higher than that are low shortening proaches for approximating "yielding" behavior
velocities. from within the confines of Hill-based models
Of note is that most of the evidence for yielding (1988, 1989). Central to the conceptual founda-
unfortunately comes from experiments where the tion is a distinction between "activation" and
muscle is originally under steady activation for a "attachment." It is assumed that the "problem"
significant period of time. The data of Cordo and with simulating yielding is not an inadequate CE
Rymer (1982) indicate that yielding does not oc- model but rather an inadequate estimation of at-
cur in newly recruited muscle fibers. This is of tached bonds; the instantaneous, single-valued CE
great importance since it suggests that the muscles relation is assumed to still hold for those bonds
causing changes in movement direction (involved that remain attached. Attachment, the input to
in a "stretch-shortening cycle") are likely not to the CE element, is thus a function not only of the
yield. On teleologic grounds alone this might be ongoing activation, but also the rate-of-change of
expected (Winters and Stark, 1987), especially activation and CE dynamics. Somewhat surpris-
given the proficiency of tasks in life (e.g. walking, ingly, a number of heuristic relations were
running, kicking) which involve stretch-shortening formulated that provide reasonably good simula-
muscle behavior. tions of this behavior. All involve increasing the
Yielding is also is a function of how the muscle order of the model by one due to the addition of a
is transiently lengthened. For example, yielding is nonlinear frrst-order process relating attachment to
not seen below a certain velocity threshold, and activation. All start by assuming that at each in-
furthermore sudden isovelocity ramps appear to stant the "attachment" (Aott) differs from the
cause more yielding than isotonic loads which in- "activation" (A oct ) by a history-dependent yielding
duce lengthening [compare Joyce et al. (1969) to function (Fy ):
Joyce and Rack (1969)]. Of note is that because
Fott(A.vce ) = Foct(A) - F/A.vce) (5.18)
of the inherent inertia of musculoskeletal systems,
the idealized isokinetic "hold-to-ramp" transition The form of Fy used in Winters (1989) is:
that induces yielding is not a good approximation
of in situ human movements, except for tasks in-
volving unexpected "impacts". Here is where
yielding might be most expected. Anticipated im- [
] 0.6 [kFka~+I F ) {l-(AJA1II4%}
pacts may also show yielding (e.g. striking a ball
with a bat; kicking or hitting an object; being
86 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

showing that, with our "attachment" approach, the

(5.20) average force (and for low activation even the
peak: force) can in fact fall below the isometric
force (Figure 5.16b).
Eq. 5.19 empirically combines into a product Our own investigations of lengthening muscle
relationship three experimental observations (from behavior in humans, concentrating on the
left to right in Eq. 5.29): i) yielding increases as "strategic" low-to-moderate velocity range, have
lengthening increases, with there being a produced mixed results. In a very careful study of
"threshold" below which yielding does not occur alternate isokinetic-isometric (repetitive ramp-
(Joyce et al, 1969»; ii) the amount of yielding is hold-ramp) sequences during "steady maximal"
inversely proportional to the current activation (perhaps 90% effort) elbow flexion, in which the
level; and iii) the amount of yielding is greatest effects of CE tension-length-related "drifts" were
with steady or decreasing activation and is nearly carefully isolated out, Bagley (1987) saw little
non-existent when muscle is increasing in activa- yielding in most subjects but a definite indication
tion (Cordo and Rymer, 1982). of a change in CE force-velocity slope with in-
Although the CE relation is remains instan- creasing velocity (Figure 5.17a). Yet Silver-Thorn
taneous and single valued, a schematic of what (1987), employing submaximal effort levels
the history-dependent range would have been if u,r-_-_+_--t--t
the Ffvin due to attachment was replaced by that
which would have occurred due to activation is il-
luminating. Such a plot is shown in Figure 5.15.
~--='-:--:-+:---:-'-:-.;..• ...

. . ..

... ,..
'."', -
ho' . .....
" ~,+:-
. o~,·..,..--:-l::!.o
•• o.
pos ( d.g )
a Tim (sec1 b
V'" 'Olr---~-------t lLBOW

Figure 5.15: Schematic identifying of range of pos-

sible lengthening behavior if the y-intercept Fpin due to ~

activation were to replace that due to attachment 2
(which is actually used). Three hypothetical activation ~

levels are shown. The location within these ranges at a 1.0 "":>

given time is history-dependent.

O ~-;:

This distinction allows classic nonlinear d PO'1110U " • • )

"yielding" phenomena, as described by Joyce et al. Figure 5.16: Summary of simulation results of classi-
(1969), to be closely simulated within the context cal cat soleus data displaying "yielding" and for elbow
of a Hill-based model structure that retains the in- flexion. a) Muscle activation (dashed), attachment
(solid) and force trajectories during a typical ramp-and-
stantaneous CE force-velocity-length element
hold simulation. b) Summary of cat soleus force-
(Winters, 1989) and the CE-SE model structure. position data for an assortment of "ramp-and-hold"
Figure 5.16a provides a dynamic example of how experiments (compare to Figure 3 of Joyce et al.,
attachment differs from activation and conse- 1969). c) Cat soleus model response to 100 Hz vibra-
quently affects model performance; Figure 5.16b tion for two different initial activation levels. d) Elbow
provides a summary of the observed model "ramp- flexion ramp-and-hold simulations for two initial bias
and-hold" behavior, while Figure 5.16c shows that torques and in each case for speeds between 1 and 5
appropriate simulation of the sinusoidal oscillation rad/sec. Top traces includes two parameter sets, one
data of Joyce et al. (1969). The latter case ad- causing yielding and one not. Notice for both b) and d)
dresses another criticism of Hill-based models, that activation increases due to sensory feedback
eliminated most of the yielding effect.
5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 87

during cyclic isokinetic exercises of knee muscula- ~ -.

ture, saw consistent, repettttve indications of c -. . f
yielding in some subjects (Figure 5.17b) tbat were ~j ~~~;;;;;;:::::::::= ~ 1 -J

clearly not due to changes in effort levels or reflex -

activity (as seen via EMGs). Otbers showed no \ ..
such signs whatsoever. These preliminary obser- t
vations suggest tbat there is variability in the
amount of yielding seen in different subjects per- I-'~~=" l ; 7]6 -
forming the same tasks. This makes modeling
! -. 1--- -...- - 1j J ~ ~
..- - -
more difficult. It also suggests to me that one of
the primary differences between "great" athletes Figure 5.18: Model results for tasks with similar posi-
and the rest of us may be related to tbe capacity to tion trajectories but with and without the "attachment-
control yielding: yielding is undesirable during ac- yielding" addition to the model. With this addition, tbe
tivation of a lengthening agonist undergoing antagonist "turns off' more quickly than with tbe
"stretch-shortening", yet it is desirable to have default model, and consequently the agonist pulse
quick yielding in an antagonist undergoing deac- width can be less. However, a larger antagonist
tivation (e.g., see Figure 5.l8). "clamping" pulse was required for the yielding case.

Does tbis new approach "solve" tbe problem of

"" ,-,-----
=-=- :, simulating muscle yielding witbin tbe context of
CO /150 the Hill-based model? Yes and no. On tbe posi-
tive side, it provides a conceptual foundation for
simulating yielding phenomena while retaining tbe
Hill-based model structure and properties;
"attachment" simply becomes tbe input to CEo On

the negative side, it is a totally heuristic approach.
Additionally, unlike parameters for shortening
muscle or the otber relations tbat have been dis-
cussed, we have not uncovered a systematic,
rational basis for determination of task-
independent parameter values for a range of


AG ~b=-';r ~H~ muscles. Of course, our experimental data sug-

gests due to muscle yielding variability tbis might
! ~:~""ll~======~.~'~1
.... u••• ~ to be futile anyway .
..... 0"" _ ,:::!: °0.0 z.~
u TIME (sec ) 5.3.2 "Force Enhancement"
b 0.0 TIME (sec ) Another phenomenon of muscle tbat has tradi-
tionally been difficult to model via Hill-based (and
Figure 5.17: Sample results from experiments search- Huxley-based) models is force enhancement
ing for yielding in humans. a) Summary of change in tAbbott and Aubert, 1951; Sugi, 1979; Edman et
torque versus change in velocity (impedance units but al., 1978; Julian and Morgan, 1979). When
not a true measure of impedance) versus Kincom isometric conditions are reestablished after stretch-
(Chattecx) isoldnetic velocity setting during the initial ing a muscle (tbe "ramp-and-hold" protocol), tbe
80 ms intervals for eccentric+-+isometric and isometric force generated tends to be higher tban
concentric+-+isometric transitions. Results for female that which would be seen for a normal isometric
subjects and for the "female" muscle-joint model (" are contraction under tbe same activation level and
shown here; results for males were very similar, only initial length. This phenomena is most likely
with "impedance" values nearly twice as high for all
when the muscle is at a length longer than tbe op-
velocities. Adapted from Bagley (1987). b) Typical
low-velocity experimental data which showed timum length [Edman et al., 1978; see also
"yielding" during isoldnetic knee extension movements Chapter 3 (Morgan)]. It is an open (and
(adapted from Silver-Thorn, 1987). The bell-shaped controversial) question regarding how
base in the torque curve is an artifact of start-up effects "permanent" this "extra" force is. with some
and the CE torque-angle property. Notice also the groups claiming that it is (Hill, 1977), while otbers
damped torque oscillation; this was typical. suggest that it continues to decay for at least 1.5
seconds and eventually disappears (Van Atteveldt
and Crowe, 1980). Although Sugi (1979) at-
88 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

tributes this excess tension to forces exerted by sarcomere inhomogeneity addressed in Chapter 3
cross-links that are "locked out" at small displace- (Morgan), seems more appealing. There it is
ments, this phenomenon is difficult explain via proposed that this phenomenon is related to cross-
traditional cross-bridge models (Edman et al., bridge uniformity, and there being an inherent
1978; Atteveldt and Crowe, 1980). tendency toward instability for muscle fibers
Can this phenomenon be seen in human data? longer than the rest length. Another approach
The data of Gielen and Houk (1987; wrist towards modeling this effect, based on the "charge-
movements) show that it exists for at least a few transfer" model for muscle, is presented in
seconds. In our investigations of maximal Chapter 2 (Hatze).
isometric force levels following slow lengthening
of maximally contracting elbow flexors, we have 5.4.3 Subtle Stiffness Effects
seen clear indications of such phenomena in some
1. Sensitivity of SEIStiffness Identification to Testing
subjects but not in others (Bagley, 1987); Method. A discrepancy between results from "quick
however, some of this effect is probably related to release" experiments and the isometric "calculation"
"drifts" in subject attention. method (e.g., Parmley et al., 1970) that simple Hill
Can this phenomenon be modeled? Edman et models cannot explain. We saw in Section 5.2.2 that if
al (1978) suggested a few possible sources, includ- the stiffness for each individual cross-bridge is as-
ing a viscoelastic effect and changes in the sumed linear and the population in homogeneous), then
force-velocity relation or activation level. Crowe for isometric contraction the stiffness would be a linear
et al. (1980), using four length "bins" to represent function of force, and thus the force-extension curve
length-dependency, found that the basic behavior would then have an exponentiol shape, similar to that
of enhancement could be simulated, but that the traditionally used for biological soft tissues (Figure
5.7e-d, Eq. 5.8-5.10), only here for a different reason.
predicted delay was too fast (within 1 sec).
In all other cases, however. force is of course not
Reasonable force enhancement can be also be ob- statically related to activation. When activation is
tained if Eq. 5.18 is modified by having an higher than force (as during shortening of the CE), the
empirical "enhancement" factor added to the right force-extension curve would be expected to be more
side (see also curve E in Figure 5.16a): flat; when lower (e.g. lengthening CE)o a more concave
relationship would be expected. Since different
methods for estimating SE utilize different activation
FaiA,vce ) = FaciA) - F,(A,vce) + Fenh(A,vce) (5.21) operating ranges, this may help explain different
results for different tests. As we saw in Section 5.2.2.
Sprigings (1986), assuming a linearized Hill the Hill SE relation can be made directly activation-
model structure, con:uuted the time constant BhlKse dependent. Finally, Hill (1970) has suggested that part
and showed that if thi~ time constant could some- of the discrepancy may be due to passive viscoelastic
how increase after stretch, enhancement could be effects; this possibility is best explored from within the
modelled. He suggested that Kse is attachment- framework of the Hill model structure.
dependent and thus, with fewer bridges attached,
2. Stiffness Variation During Isometric Contraction.
Kse would decrease (i.e. compliance would
Gassar and Hill (1924) found muscle to be espe-
increase). However, my own evaluation suggests
cially "rigid" right after the initiation of stimulation
that the magnitude of the compliance change (leading muscle force). Cecchi et al. (1984) and Stein
doesn't seen to be enough to cause responses on and Gordon (1986) have carefully quantified changes
the order of seconds. It should be noted, however, in stiffness during isometric contraction, showing that
that the slope of the lengthening CE force-velocity stiffness leads force during the rising phase of tetanic
curve is very large during small lengthening isometric contraction, as if it was in part a function of
velocities (e.g. Katz, 1939). With both Bh increas- activation. However, stiffness lags behind force (and
ing and Kse decreasing, as would be predicted by even more so activation) during relaxation; such results
modern Hill models, the time constant may indeed are not consistent with the concept of stiffness being a
be on the order of seconds. Additionally, passive static function of force and activation, and thus this
subtle effect is very difficult to incorporate within the
viscoelastic tissue exhibits inherent force relaxa-
Hill model structure [or certain forms of Huxley-based
tion that can be on the order of seconds and even
models (Bobet et al., 1990)].
minutes (e.g. Fung, 1970). Thus, the concept of
this having, in part, a mechanical origin 3. Transient Force "Dip" During Fast Releases.
describable from within the Hill model framework Another "unusual" effect is the transient force response
cannot be eliminated. However, in my opinion
other sources, and particularly the issue of series
S. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 89

to very. very fast releases of low magnitude « 0.5%). within this book. These models tend to be flawed
where an excessive force "dip" occurs over the time because muscle force depends not only on the
course of a few milliseconds and then recovers to a neural input, as represented by an EMG, but also
plateau before drifting back (Huxley and Simmons. on muscle length and velocity. Muscle dynamic
1971). This behavior cannot be represented by a single properties clearly cannot be captured by a spring,
series stiffness element. and has been used as evidence nor in most cases by a parallel arrangement of
of a mechanically induced change in attachment states spring and dashpot. Winters and Stark (1987)
[see McMahon (1984) for review]. McMahon also
have shown, however. that higher-order Hill-based
suggests that it cannot be explained by a Kelvin model
of Figure 5.5c (however. at such high speeds both vis- models can, over limited operating ranges, take on
cous and muscle mass effects will be more prominent the input-output characteristics of lower-order
and may playa role). Of note is that this phenomenon models. Predictably, however, the required
has little relevance to the study of multiple muscle describing parameters change dramatically with
movement systems because of the smoothing effects of the type of task, and even during a task.
system inertia and tendon compliance (Alexander. Nonetheless, simpler models can be quite use-
1988). ful (and even preferable) as long as the range of
applicability is firmly established. Of note is that
5.5 Comparison to Simpler Models. whenever an EMG trajectory is causally related to
Simpler muscle models include: i) an idealized a motor task in implicit model has been assumed.
force generator; ii) a force generator that produces Table 5.1 provides a few insights, based on model-
a smoothed (filtered) version of the rectified EMG; ing experiences of myself and simulation results
iii) a spring; or iv) parallel arrangement of spring presented by other contributors, that could be used
and dashpot. Each of these approaches is fun- as "rules of thumb" to aid interpretation of ex-
damentally flawed, yet each is used successfully perimental data.
Table S.I: "Rules of Thumb" regarding Muscle Dynamics for Various Tasks

TASK Param.ur S.nsilMIy Comment"

CEv_ SEx.uu

ShoI1ening muscles in general ++ + Lower force relative to EMG (reaching about 25% at higher velocities

Moderale- and high-speed ++ + Assuming bell-shaped velocity panerns: Agonist: shape of force trajectory differs
"point-to-point" movements. from EMG shape, with force especially low during higher velocity region and of-
ten showing a second "hump" even if EMG doesn't (e.g. Figures 19.6-19.\1).
Anlllgonisr. force potentially relatively high if not lumed "off' in time - a reason
for the common observation of the antagonisl turning "off' just before the agonisl
lurns "on". Very effective al generating "clamping" force (assuming yielding

Anlllgonisl-becoming-agonist: CE length transition will lead thai for the overall

Voluntary "stretch-shortening" movements +++ ++ muscle as the muscle force goes into a favorable CE operating range and to some
eXlent elastic energy is released; thus the muscle force will be relatively higher
than the EMG Irace mighl indicale (see Chaplers 38-39). Agonist-b.coming-
antagonist: normally EMG will have subsided early enough such thai the low level
of EMG that is seen does in faci represent low muscle force levels.

Pre-impaci EMG belps set up elastic recoil polential and helps assure thai CE and
Elastic Bounce (prepared impact) ++ +++ SE are within the effective operating range; die force and work done may be higher
than mighl be predicled from the EMGs. Unlike the case for voluntary slretch-
shoning, anlagonisl co-contraclion, which increases impedance, may be utilized
Aggressive Manual Tracking ++ ++ Nonlinear models are much more effective al tracking, especially when quick
direction changes are desired. Expeci pulse-like EMGs and variable coconlraclion,
fealures which can make the mechanical system "look different" al differem times.
Movements under high bias loads + ++ Due 10 lower velocities, the forces during shonening movements can be much
(e.g. isotonic. torso during tasks) higher than during "free" movements wilh the same EMGs.

Postural/equilibrium + ++ Often a static EMG-force relation is appropriate, bUI use caution - the CE
force-velocity relation is quile steep near zero velocity, and hence even slow
lengthening muscle may generale 20-30% more force than predicted from an
isomelric EMG-force calibration; the converse, though not as dramatic, holds for
shonening muscle.

Manipulation Tasks/Interaction ++ ... + Both sensory feedback and cocontraction will be used aggressively as necessary.
with Environment For dynamic tasks, the SE plays a major role in this regard. Hard 10 generalize
since manipulalion lasks differ significantly and since Ihe hand and upper limb
(and torso) muscles will be used quite differently. EMG and muscle force may
bear little resemblence to each odlcr when dIe lask is complex - modeling be-
comes necessary.
90 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

5.6 Future Directions

There is a great need for experiments in the sub- Ironically, significantly more effort has gone
nuaimal activation region, which is of greatest into creating models than in utilizing models. In
importance for "normal" human movement. Most this regard, this book is an exception, and perhaps
individuals go through their entire day without a statement of what the future holds.
maximally contracting muscles. Questions remain
regarding sub-maximal relatio~s for CE tension- References
length, CE fOl'Ce-'Velocity, SE, yielding, fcirce Abbott, B.C. and Aubert, X.M. (1951) The force ex-
enhancement, etc. Perhaps an "unwritten law" erted by active striated muscle during and after
could be "passed" making it illegal to study change in length. J. PhysioL. Lond. 117:77-86.
muscle mechanics for maximally contracting Abbott, B.C. and Willde, D.R. (1973) The relationship
between velocity of shortening and the tension-
muscles? For example, for activation-dependent
length curve of skeletal muscle, J. PhysioL. 120:214-
SE characterization, it is suggested that future ex- 222.
periments should consider applying quick releases Agarwal, O.C. and Golltieb, O.L. (1977) Oscillation of
to steady sub-mtJXimol isometric contraction, fol- the human ankle joint in response to applied
lowing the early lead of Joyce and Rack (1969). sinusoidal torque on the foot J. PhysioL. 268:151-
Our emphasis here has been on utilizing care- 176.
fully controlled experiments to illuminate muscle Aubert, X. (1956) Le Couplage Energetique de La
structure and properties. In many cases experi- CcontractionMusculaire. Brussels, Editions Arscia.
ments are purposely designed to isolate certain Alexander, R. McN. (1983) Animal Mechanics
elements within the model or to dramatically show (Second Edition). Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford.
certain experimental "quirks." For the "systems Alexander, R. McN. and Bennet-Clark, H.C. (1977)
Storage of elastic strain energy in muscle and other
biomechanist" studying multiple muscle systems,
tissues. Nature 265:114-117.
however, the bottom line is the use of the model Audu, M.L. and Davy, D.T. (1985) The influence of
for the realistic tasks of special interest. muscle model complexity in musculoskeletal mo-
Hopefully, the model provides insights into inter- tion modeling. J. Biomech. Engng. 107:147-157.
nal behavior and makes predictions that can be Bagley, A.M. (1987) Analysis of human response to
tested experimentally. Of note is that a model is slow isokinetic movement. M.S. Thesis, Arizona
more than just the sum of its components. The State University.
real "beauty" lies in the fact that the various ele- Bahler, A.S. (1967) The series elastic element ofmam-
ments interact dy1Ulmically with each other. malian skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physioi. 213:1560-
Often "intuition" will fail unless actual simulations 1564.
are performed - hence part of their value. How do Bach, T.M., Chapman, A.E. and Calvert, T.W. (1983)
Mechanical resonance of the human body during
we get maximum use out of a model? By follow-
voluntary oscillations about the ankle joint J.
ing up "core" simulations with aggressive use of Biomech. 16: 85-90.
advanced tools such as the systematic study of the Bahler, A.S. (1968) Modeling of mammalian skeletal
sensitivity of model behavior to model muscle. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engng. BME-13:248-
parameters. Of note is that the relative sensitivity 257.
of model behavior to various parameters within a Baildon, R.W.A. and Chapman, AE. (1983) A new ap-
model is a function of the task. Another very help- proach to the human muscle model. J. Biomech.
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nonlinear Hill-based models, as recommended Mechanisms relating force and high-frequency stiff-
here, and then identify insensitive model ness in skeletal muscle. J. Biomech., accepted.
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parameters can then be linearized or eliminated J. PhysioL. 69:473.
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5. Winters; Hill-Based Muscle Models: A Systems Engineering Perspective 91

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Input Identification Depends on Model Complexity

Steven L. Lehman

6.1 Introduction The muscle models are: a Hill model, with a non-
linear forct'r-velocity curve and constant (tendon-
Biomechanical data are often the best evidence like) series elasticity; an augmented Hill model
of motor control patterns available. However, the (with the series stiffness a function of active state);
inverse problem in motor control, i.e., to deter- and a linearized Hill model, with constant series
mine the activation of muscles from torques or stiffness and a constant force-velocity viscosity. In
from kinematics, is made difficult by noise in the each case, the assumed input is active state, in the
data and by imprecision in specifying the operator Hill sense [discussed in Chapter 5 (Winters)].
to be inverted. This chapter addresses the depend- As model complexity increases, so does the
ence of the inversion process on the operator. similarity between the inferred active state and
Consider a model M that takes an input u(t) and electromyograms. How big a model is needed to
produces a trajectory x(t): Mu = x. The inverse get a good estimate of active state? Inferred inputs
problem is to determine u from some experimen- to the two nonlinear versions of the Hill model dif-
tally determined trajectory x*. How does the fer most in their antagonist active states. It is just
inferred input u depend on the model M? There this situation - force production by lengthening
appear to be no mathematical tools for finding the partially activated muscles - that is likely to be
dependence of u on changes in the structure of M, poorly represented by a Hill model. I therefore
for models of any generality. simulated a fourth model, with Huxley two-state
This chapter takes a practical approach, based representations of muscle, modified for simulating
on simulation. I solved the inverse problem for lengthening as by Zahalak (1981). This model is
three identified models of wrist mechanics, using not much harder to identify than the Hill versions,
the same data x*. The results demonstrate that the and it has the advantage of simulating force tran-
inferred u depends strongly on the structure of M: sients during lengthening [see also Chapter 1
there are qualitative differences between the in- (Zahalak)].
ferred inputs. To show that these differences have Parameters of the Huxley model are identified
some generality, I investigated the sensitivity of from the characteristics of a shortening muscle, so
each model's output to small changes in its in- the force produced during shortening is the same
ferred input. Small changes in most input as for the Hill model. The biggest differences
parameters yield large changes in each model's should occur during rapid stretches. I found actual
output: the different inferred inputs are not close movements in which active muscles are stretched
to each other. rapidly, and simulated these stretches using the
The three models are variations on an old stan- Huxley model.
dard in the motor control literature, chosen for its The movement data show that forces increase
physiological sense. Each has a simple mechanical with velocity of stretch, even at high velocities.
plant (an inertia) driven by two muscle models. The force increases might be caused by cor-
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
6. Lehman; Input Identification Depends on Model Complexity 95

responding increases in active state, but the EMG torque as F = T * (Urw sin 9) where F is force (N),
does not increase. The force increases might rather T is torque (Nm), and L is the distance from wrist
be caused by the increasing stretch velocities. to tendon insertion. The geometry is detailed in
Here, the transient force production, available to Lehman and Calhoun (1990, in press). For the pur-
the Huxley model, differs from the steady-state, pose of estimating sarcomere velocities from
inherent to the Hill representation. The transient muscle velocities, the wrist flexors and extensors
maximum force increases with lengthening were assumed to be fusifonn and approximately
velocity even for fast stretches, for which steady 10 cmlong.
state force output levels off.
Table 6.1: Wrist Movement Model Parameters
6.2 Methods
Flexion and extension of the wrist are good rep-
resentatives of single-joint limb movements. Plant Param Value Units Remarks
mechanics are simple in a sizable range around
anatomical position - to a good approximation,
the hand is an inertial load rotating about a single m 0.0039 kg_m2 Inertia of hand
axis. Easily measured accelerations are therefore M 0.0071 kg-m2 Inertia of apparatus
21.0 N-m Maximum torque, flexors
good measures of net joint torque. Flexion and ex- For
tension torques are produced by relatively few F 12.0 N-m Maximum torque, extensors
muscles - three flexors and two extensors, com- VIIIOl( 20.0 rad/s Max. shortening ve1., flex
pared, for example, with the five flexors of the
Vmare 20.0 radls Max. shortening ve1., ext
forearm about the elbow. The muscles on each
side are often turned on and off together a/Fo 0.25 Hill a
(Litvintsev and Seropyan, 1977), so their forces kco 1.5 rad· l CE series stiffness per
can be lumped into one equivalent on each side.
unit active state
The wrist movers produce relatively small torques.
k, 10.0 Nm/rad Tendon stiffness
For example, wrist flexors produce about 1/20 the
torque of elbow flexors. Yet wrist movements may D0 0.035 s EMG to movement delay
even have some generality: the ratio of the inertia fl 105 1/s Huxley mod. attach. rt. canst.
of the hand about the wrist to that of the forearm gl 456 l/s Huxley mod. detach. rt. const.
about the elbow is about the same as the ratio of 2198 1/s Huxley mod. detach. rt. canst.
maximum torques.
ga 280 l/s Huxley mod. detach. rt. const.
6.6.1 Wrist Geometry
Estimates of muscle velocities from angular
velocities of the hand, and of muscle forces from
torque, became important in estimating tendon 6.2.2 Identification of Model Parameters
compliance, and in applying a Huxley model to The hand acts as a nearly pure inertial load over
wrist movements. The center of wrist rotation was a range of about 40° of either flexion or extension.
determined by grasping a pencil in the fist and The inertia can be measured by pushing the
tracing an arc with the forearm fixed. relaxed hand with a constant torque, and measur-
Perpendicular bisectors of chords to this arc inter- ing acceleration. Estimates of the inertia by
sected at nearly the same point for rotations over modeling the hand as a rigid body agree with such
the middle of the range of motion. I approximated measurements. Passive elastic torques are small
the radius from the center of rotation to the carpal (less than 0.1 Nm) over the middle 80° of the
tunnels as approximately w = 2 cm, and the dis- hand's range of motion, but increase sharply at ex-
tance from the center to muscle insertions on the treme wrist angles. Viscous torques for the relaxed
hand as about r = 7 cm. For small movements wrist are very small. Full details of the identifica-
about resting position, relative muscle length tion of the plant and the Hill model parameters are
change is approximately proportional to angular in press (Lehman and Calhoun, 1990). Identified
change: M...JL = wl!f)/r. The forces scale from parameters are listed in Table 6.1.
96 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

Maximum voluntary torque is nearly independ- root mean square (RMS) difference between model
ent of angle over the central 80° of the range of position and experimentally recorded position by
motion, but declines sharply (to 0.2 to 0.25 of the varying the parameters of an input pattern consist-
maximum) near either end of the range. ing of two pulses per muscle. Pulse heights were
Maximum velocity varies with load in a hyper- allowed to vary between 0 and Fo' and pulse
bolic curve. The relationship is well fit by Hill widths and delays varied between 0 and 500 ms. I
curves [described in detail in Chapter 5 (Winters)], performed the optimization using the same posi-
with a/Fo approximately 0.25. For the wrist, unlike tion data for each model.
the forearm about the elbow, maximum velocities
are reached and maintained during even the fastest 6.2.4 Collection and Analysis of
isotonic contractions. Movement Data
The lengthening force-velocity relationship Wrist flexions were measured for five healthy
was not measured. Rather, torque output of a adults. Subjects were seated at a table with the
stretched muscle was assumed to increase linearly right forearm secured between wooden blocks.
for slow lengthening velocities, with a slope six The forearm was supinated 90°, and the hand was
times that for slow shortening, then to saturate at placed in a manipulandum designed to allow only
1.8 Fo (Katz, 1939). flexion and extension in the horizontal plane. The
Using a quicki-release protocol, it is possible to handle squeezed the hand between two plates, dis-
measure the series elasticity of the wrist, given allowing grasp.
that the inertia is already known. Stiffness is a An oscilloscope placed in front of the subject
function of initial load (before the quick release). displayed a target and a cursor that moved propor-
It is approximately proportional to torque for tional to wrist rotation. The target was a pair of
small initial torques (0.9 to 1.8 Nm/rad per Nm for lines separated by the equivalent of 0.2° wrist rota-
small active state), but appears to level off at a stif- tion.
fness comparable to tendon stiffness. Subjects began the task with the wrist close to
Derivation of a two-state Huxley model from anatomical position. When the subject entered the
the identified Hill model required identification of center target, it would jump to a position requiring
three parameters. These three rate constants were flexion of 4 to 40°. Subjects were instructed to
derived from the identified torque/angular velocity move as fast as possible to the target, and were in-
curves (specifically from Vmax) using the assump- formed of the maximum velocity after each move-
tions regarding ratios of the constants originated ment. Movements at each amplitude were
by Huxley (1957). practiced until the subject felt proficient (about 20
I modified the Huxley model by increasing the trials). Then 15 movements were recorded at each
release rate for long stretches, exactly as in amplitude.
Zahalak (1981). The additional rate constant was Position and electromyograms were sampled
determined by simulating stretches at high 500 times per second. Position records were digi-
velocities, and adjusting the rate constant to tally differentiated to obtain velocities and
achieve a steady-state force of 1.8 Fo' accelerations.

6.2.3 Model Simulation and Inversion 6.3 Results

Hill models integrated with time steps of 0.001
s, using fourth-order Runge Kutta integration. I 6.3.1 Identified Active State Depends
used OJ. Zahalak's Distribution Moment on Model Structure
Approximation [Zahalak, 1981; see also Chapter 1 It was possible to fit each of the three models to
(Zahalak)] to compute force for the modified position data with some allowable combination of
Huxley model. Active state was assumed to pulse heights and widths (Figure 6.1). The error
modify only attachment rates, with no effect of at- between the actual position and best-fit model
tachment on activation. trajectory was small in each case (less than 0.001
Model inversion was accomplished by use of rad, about 0.8% of the RMS movement amplitude).
an optimization algorithm, which minimized the The inferred active states were quite different
root mean square (RMS) difference between model from each other. The linear model approximated
the overshoot and undershoot of the actual trajec-
6. Lehman; Input Identification Depends on Model Complexity 97

tory by its mechanical resonance, a damped Table 6.2: Sensitivities of elTOr to active state
sinusoid approaching the final position. The ac- parameters.
tive state includes only one antagonist pulse, and
only a very small second agonist pulse. The non- Agonist
linear Hill model has two sizable pulses of agonist Pulse height A 2.1 1.3 3.1
C 0.1 1.4 2.8
active state, but still only one long antagonist
pulse. The augmented Hill model has two full
Pulse width A 2.1 2.6 4.9
pulses in each muscle. The agonist pulses are C 0.1 3.2 4.6
larger than those for the Hill model, but have
about the same timing. The larger first agonist ac- Delay to C 0.07 3.3 2.4
tivity is offset by a strong antagonist pulse, as is
the second agonist pulse. Antagonist
Pulse height B 0.5 2.3 4.0
D none none 4.0

Pulse width B 0.5 5.8 7.0

D none none 4.1

Delay to B 0.2 3.8 3.2

D none none 0.8
Tonic level none 0.4 0.4

6.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis

The relative sensitivity of RMS error to changes
NO_n_li_n_ea__r in each of the input parameters is indicated in
Table 2.2. Relative sensitivity is the fractional
change in RMS error (I'leIE), divided by the frac-
tional change in the parameter value (1'lpIP). The
nominal value of error, E, is 0.119 rad, the RMS
average position over the whole movement.
~~_A_Ug_m_e_nt_ed Relative error is therefore also relative average
position. The nominal parameter value, P, is its
optimum value. The fractional change in
parameter value (1'lpIP) was always 0.1 - I varied
each parameter by 10%, leaving all the others con-
stant, and measured the relative change in error.
The output is generally quite sensitive to small
changes in the nominal input, for each model.
Most of the relative sensitivities are between 1 and
10. For example, the relative sensitivity of posi-
tion error to the first agonist pulse height is 3.1 for
the augmented Hill model: a 10% change in the
I I I I pulse height would cause a 31 % increase in rela-
/' i I I I i I Iii i I r I i I i , I
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 tive error. The absolute change in error would be
time (s) large - 31% of the RMS movement amplitude.
Considering that the absolute error between the
Figure 6.1: Active state functions inferred from a
model position trajectory driven by the optimum
wrist flexion. Position (top) and electromyograms
(bottom) for a fast-as-possible flexion of 12°, and in- input and the actual position was less than 0.001
ferred two-pulse active states for linear, nonlinear, and rad for each of the models, the increase in error is
augmented Hill models. Antagonist active state and
EMG are inverted for display.
98 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

enormous - some 37 times the original error, in

this case.
a 0
Relative errors are quite different between
models. The sensitivities are generally higher for

the nonlinear Hill model than for the linear ver- o
sion, and still higher for the augmented Hill .......

model. In all cases, the largest sensitivities are to
pulse widths. For the two larger models, error is z
very sensitive to antagonist pulse widths. The two IU~
antagonist pulses of the augmented model could 0-
not be merged into a single pulse, like the input to ....,o
the Hill model. The qualitatively different an- o
tagonist patterns are by no means interchangeable. N
Error is insensitive to only a few parameters -
the second pulse of agonist active state for the
linear model, and the tonic level for the other two.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
The optimum inputs are, according to the sen- stretch velocity (rad/s)
sitivity analysis, well identified. Small changes in
almost any parameter of any input would lead to
large changes in the error.

6.3.3 Torque as a Function of Stretch b 0

'c" '"
Velocity in Fast Wrist Movements
The unrealistic simplifications of the Hill
model are the separation of series elasticity from
the contractile element, and the assumption of c '"
steady state in the lengthening force-velocity c 'c" '"
curve. Movements that push these limitations are 0'1
E c
those in which activated muscles are stretched lUi! c c
In investigating the control of a range of fast ....,
movements, we (Lehman and Lucidi, 1990) found o
.... '"

that peak velocity scales with amplitude for fast-as-
possible wrist flexions, and the peak velocities
exceed 0.5 Vmax for large (40°) movements.
Electromyograms show that these rapidly
stretched muscles are activated. Of course, they
4 ~ ,'2 "6 20 t4 2'8 i2 3~ ~
movement amplitude (deg)
do not produce their full torque at peak velocity
(maximum velocity is reached at the zero crossing Figure 6.2: a) Maximum decelerating torque as a func-
of acceleration, and therefore of torque, the hand tion of stretch velocity for fast-as-possible wrist
acting as an inertia). However, they do produce flexions of 12 and 400 deg. Mean and standard devia-
their peak torques at high stretch velocities. tions for ten movements at each amplitude. Triangles
Figure 6.2a shows maximum decelerating torques show torque developed at steady state by Huxley
model. Circles show maximum torque developed by
produced during movements of amplitudes from
Huxley model. b) Integrated electromyograms for the
12° to 40°, and the stretch velocity at which the same movements. Agonist EMG (stars) was integrated
peak torque is reached. The maximum shortening over a period including the first agonist pulse.
velocity of these muscle (Vrna) is about 20 rad/s. Antagonist EMG (squares) was integrated over the
During part of the largest movements, the (active) whole of antagonist activity.
antagonist muscle is therefore being stretched at
about 0.25 Vmax'
6. Lehman; Input Identification Depends on Model Complexity 99

6.3.4 Torque as a Function of Stretch dependent stiffness, can more freely modulate the
Velocity for the Modified Huxley Model activation of the lengthening muscle, which
The torques produced by the Huxley model, produces much higher forces than its shortening
stretched at the same rates and partially activated, counterpart, even at low stretch velocities. The
are indicated on the same graph (Figure 6.2a: model assumes a 6: 1 ratio of slopes of the force
circles show maximum tOIque; triangles show velocity curve lengthening:shortening (Katz,
steady-state torque). The steady-state torque has 1939).
leveled off at 1.8 Fo before stretch velocity reaches With such a large initial slope, the lengthening
force-velocity curve must level off quickly: the
its maximum. The transient maximum torque is
largest forces in steady state are at 1.8 Fo' Steady-
still increasing.
Over the 4° to 40° range of fast-as-possible state force from the stretched Huxley model also
wrist flexions, peak accelerating torque is scaled saturates at slow-lengthening velocities (Figure
to movement amplitude. Electromyographic 6.2). In fast wrist movements larger than 20°,
evidence (Figure 6.2b) supports the hypothesis force continues to increase at these high velocities.
that this scaling is by activation. Peak decelerat- Decelerating force calibrates precisely to ac-
ing torque is also scaled, over the same range. celerating force (Lehman and Lucidi, 1990). The
However, electromyograms decrease in amplitude, precision of the correspondence argues against a
if anything, as torques increase. neural mechanism, as does the last of scaling in
antagonist EMG. The mechanism may therefore
6.4 Discussion be mechanical.

6.4.1 Why u Depends on M 6.4.2 Conclusion and Future Directions

In the parameter space based on pulse heights, A cross bridge representation in muscle
pulse widths and inter-pulse delays, where altitude mechanics may then be necessary, even for move-
is the error between model and actual position, ments of intact humans. There are advantages to
there seems to be a single deep valley for each such a model: an automatic dependence of series
model. The linearized Hill model resides in rela- stiffness on active state, separation of tendon and
tive isolation, close to the other two in only two of contractile element elasticities, a reasonable repre-
12 parameters. The other two are reasonably close sentation of the force-velocity relationship for
to each other along the agonist coordinates, but far lengthening, and the shortening force-velocity
separated in antagonist space. The sensitivity curve as an emergent property.
analysis shows that the valley walls are steep. A A clear experimental problem is set by the
large escarpment separates even the two nonlinear wrist movement results: to measure torques
models. produced by stretching muscles of an intact wrist,
It is likely that the linear model sits in its iso- at different levels of active state. An allied
lated pocket owing to differences in coupling. anatomical problem is to specify more accurately
The linear model matches the oscillatory motion the wrist geometry and muscle architecture, in or-
of the hand by mechanical resonance. In the non- der to determine the correspondence between wrist
linear models, the force generator is not as angle and sarcomere length. The estimates made
coupled to the hand mass. At low active state, the in the model presented here are conservative -
Hill "viscosity" is small, so the series springs and changes in architecture or geometry are likely to
mass are uncoupled from the contractile element. increase the estimate of muscle velocities.
Active state forcing, and not mechanical
resonance, must therefore determine the last trajec- References
tory. A second agonist pulse is necessary to drive
the hand to its final position. Huxley, A.F. (1957). Muscle structure and theories of
The differences between the two nonlinear Hill contraction. Progr. Biophys. Biophys. Chern. 7:257-
models are mostly in the antagonist active state.
Joyce, G., Rack, P.M.H, Westbury, D.R. (1969). The
The augmented version, with inertia further un-
mechanical properties of cat soleus muscle during
coupled from the active state by an activation- controlled lengthening and shortening movements.
100 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

1. Physiol. 204:461-474. cally. Exp. Brain Res. (submitted).

Katz, B. (1939). The relation between force and speed Litvintsev, A.I., Seropyan, N.S. (1977). Muscular con-
in muscular contraction. 1. Physiol. 96:45-64. trol of movements with one degree of freedom.
Lehman, S.L., Calhoun, B.M. (1990). An identified Avtomat. TeleTlUlkhan. 5:88-102.
model for human wrist movements. Exp. Brain Res. Zahalak, O.I. (1981). A distribution-moment ap-
(in press). proximation for kinetic theories of muscular
Lehman, S.L., Lucidi, C.A. (1990). Control of a range contraction. Math. Biosci. 55:89-114.
of fast movements mediated neurally and mechani-

Actuator Properties and Movement Control:

Biological and Technological Models

Blake Hannaford and Jack Winters

7.1 Introduction 7.2 Energy Conversion Devices

Actuation is the process of conversion of Just as muscle has developed into families of
energy to mechanical form. A device that ac- specialization to meet specific needs, no single
complishes this conversion is an actuator. There technological actuator can be said to dominate in
are many types of actuators, with most including technological energy conversion. In fact, the
energy transformation through multiple forms. Of variety of approaches to technological actuation
course an equally vital part of the definition of an exceeds that of muscle types which, despite their
actuator is controllability: the actuator's conver- specialization, share the same cross-bridge ar-
sion of energy must be modulated by a control chitecture.
Galvani demonstrated that muscle activity Table 7.1: Effort-flow definitions for various media.
could be electrically modulated. We now know For solid mechanical systems, the mirror analogy,
that this involves an electrical signal that, through shown in parentheses, is also often used (e.g.,
a series of steps that are rate-limited by the Takahashi et a1., 1972).
influx-efflux of calcium, modulates acto-myosin
interaction [reviewed in Chapter 1 (Zahalak)]. In EJiJJJ1. EklJ!
the 1920s Hill, Fenn, and their colleagues broke Electrical Voltage Current
new ground by subjecting muscle to the ther- Hydraulic Pressure Flow
modynamic analysis developed for the rational Pneumatic Pressure Mass Flow
design of energy conversion devices such as steam Translational Mech. Force Velocity
engines (Hill, 1922; Fenn, 1924). We now have a (Velocity) (Force)
fairly good idea of how chemical energy stored in Angular Mech. Torque Ang. Vel.
the form of ATP is converted to mechanical work (Ang. Vel.) (Torque)
(Chapter 1). Thus, we can view muscle as an ac-
tuator. We will describe seven forms of actuators in a
This chapter will examine the mechanical unified format. The terminology of generalized
properties of muscle actuators in the context of dynamical systems from Paynter (1961) will be
technological actuators such as those used in robot utilized, in which (for the mechanical end of the
manipulators. The goals of the chapter are: i) to actuator), as shown in Table 7.1, we will use effort
elucidate and contrast the dynamic properties of (e; also referred to as ''potential'' or "across") to rep-
various technological actuators, with concentra- resent force or torque, andflow (f, also sometimes
tion on how other actuators differ from biological called "through'~ to represent velocity or angular
muscle; and ii) to elucidate how actuator velocity (see Table 7.1). The product of effort and
properties influence system control strategies. flow is power. The beauty of such a formulation is

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.). © 1990 Springer-Verlag
102 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

that transfonnation among different fonns of By mis-matching impedances/admittances be-

dynamical systems is straightforward, with each tween parts of a system, inherently bi-directional
mode including three types of passive elements power flow takes on the nature of uni-directional
(Figure 7.1): C (compliance or capacitance), I infonnation flow.
(inertance or inductance), and R (resistance). In comparing these diverse machines, we need
Energy can be stored in C and 1 elements and is some measures with which to quantify their
dissipated in R elements (Figure 7.1). For each ac- properties. One approach to this comparison
tuator, we will consider here two of the three would be to make a standard dynamic model and
defining or "constitutive" relations: effort vs. flow specify the parameters of each actuator. Because
(R-element), and effort vs. displacement (C-element), the appropriate dynamic model structure for these
where displacement is the integral of flow (see actuators differ, however, direct comparisons
Figure 7.1). The dynamic relationship between ef- would be difficult and in many cases parameter
fort and flow is tenned impedance [Z(t)] or vectors would be orthogonal; for instance, the 1-
admittance [Y(t)], depending on causality elements may be in different structural locations.
What we can do is note that all actuators lose heat
e(t) = Z(j{t»; fit) = Y(e(t» (7.1) (Le. none are 100% efficient), and all have one
primary power-dissipating R-element. This ele-
or, for the linearized case ment is represented by a static effort-flow
e 1 constitutive relationship. We will also fmd that it
f Y
(7.2) is instructive to provide the steady-state effort- dis-
placement relationship (C-element property).
efforf Finally, when appropriate we will supplement
lie e the above infonnation with some basic practical
or ~c~ ~ )dt

qj);' '/1m~', ,LI ;: =r:~,

/ "" causality stroke perfonnance-related infonnation for each device:
i) power output per actuator mass; ii) force per
I \. " e
cross-sectional area (translational actuators) or
torque per volume (rotary actuators); iii) ef-
ficiency of actuation; and iv) power source.
The actuators we will consider are:
a f b power - e!. - ~fb
1. Internal Combustion Engine
f- 2. AC Induction motor

3. DCMotor
4. Microstepping Motor
S. Hydraulic Cylinder (with/without spring return)
c 6. Pneumatic Cylinder (with/without spring return)
7. Braided Pneumatic (McKibbon-like) Artificial
f e
8. Human Skeletal Muscle

Within each type of actuator there are many

v'ariations. For each case we will define a repre-
sentative actuator and then present the simplified
effort-flow and effort-displacement relations. Most
treatments of a particular type of actuator
Figure 7.1: Conceptual foundation behind dynamic (including muscle) strive for generality and thus
systems modeling approach. a) Schematic showing use nonnalized units to describe constitutive rela-
relationships between passive elements and variables. tions. For example, the force-velocity constitutive
b) An idealized bond connects elements via ports.
relationship of muscle contractile tissue (which
Information flows bicausally: at each port one of the
describes an R-element) is usually plotted with nor-
e-f pair is designated an input, the other the output, as
defined by the causality stroke convention. Energy is malized axes, with the force nonnalized to the
ideally passed across the bond without loss. c) Passive maximal isometric force and the velocity to the
one-port elements. described by constitutive equations. maximal unloaded peak velocity [e.g. Chapter 5
Energy is stored by C and 1 elements. lost across R ele- (Winters)]. For our purposes, nonnalization is
ments. d) 2-port representation of linear impedance Z
and admittance Y.
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 103

harmful because it obscures the large differences Types of Actuators

between properties of different actuators. I .•

Consequently, we will plot the properties of a

specific example of each actuator type in absolute •.8
coordinates so that they may be appropriately con-
Based primarily on fundamental differences in
the shape of effort-{low relationships, Holmes
(1977) identified four classes of energy conversion ;0.4
devices: LL

1. Self Induction Machines
2. Slip Driven Machines
3. Linear Effort Controlled Machines 0.0 Cl2 ... 0.8 G.I 1.0
4. Linear Flow Controlled Machines Effort (normalized)

In Holmes' classification, types 3, and 4 are

linear characteristics that differ only in slope, and Figure 7.2: Classification of energy conversion
there is no type which describes the concave devices according to the shape of their effort-flow
effort/flow property of muscle. Thus, the following relationship (modified from Holmes (1977)). Types
modified version of Holmes' scheme is proposed are: 1) Self Induction Machines; 2) Slip Driven
(Figure 7.2): Machines; 3a) Linear Effort Controlled Machines; 3b)
Linear Row Controlled Machines; 4) Muscle-like
1. Self Induction Machines Machines.
2. Slip Driven Machines
3a. Linear Effort Controlled Machines
3b. Linear Flow Controlled Machines
of air-fuel mixture is drawn into the cylinder by
4. Concave Effort-Flow Machines
the engine's vacuum at a rate proportional to en-
(Muscle-like machines)
gine speed. Thus, the i.c. engine, like all type 1
7.2.1 Internal Combustion Engine (Type 1) machines, cannot start under it's own power.
Although the internal combustion engine This is evident from the effort-flow (R-element)
(Figure 7.3a) has a power density considerably curves and in applications, a constant velocity
greater than that of the other actuators considered starter is used (Figure 7.3b). The internal combus-
here, it is included in the comparison as a repre- tion engine's torque is developed by smoothing a
sentative of the type 1 actuator, the self induction series of impulsive shocks (Figure 7.3c) through
machine. This property holds because the charge an inertial system (the flywheel).

.. ..

.. -- -- -
Velochy (red/sec)
,. .. Displacement (pi r&d)
Figure 7.3: Internal Combustion Engine: a) Integra). c) Schematic depiction of the Effort-
Schematic diagram of the internal combustion en- Displacement relation of an internal combustion
gine. b) Effort-Flow data (1988 1.6 L Accura engine without the filtering effect of it's flywheel.
104 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

, , ao

... b .... c

l·· ....

... . ...

...., ' ao
Figure 7.4: AC Induction Motor: a)
Schematic diagram of a 2-pole AC induc- .,. •
tion motor. The rotor windings are not
connected to a commutator; instead, wind-
ing current is induced by the changing 1...
magnetic fields created by the stator. b) ~• :J

Equilibrium effort-flow data for a 2 pole AC ~ ~

1- . .
servomotor. c) Effort-flow relation for the
AC induction motor for three values of ar-
mature resistance RQ at Vc = 115 v. d) •• I J • I

Effort-flow relation for certain classes of velocity (radlsee) Displacement (rad)

micro-stepper motors (see text). e) effort-
displacement data (idealized).

7.2.2 AC Induction Motor (Types 1, 2) more gently convex shape of a type 2 machine
In the AC induction motor orthogonal field coils (Figure 7.4b).
are excited with sinusoidal currents that are 90° The torque-velocity relation for the AC induc-
out of phase in order to create a rotating magnetic tion motor at constant velocity can be derived as
field vector inside the motor (Figure 7.4a). The (Krause and Wasynczuk, 1989):
magnetic field vector rotates at the frequency of
the field coil currents. The armature coils are
short circuited. The rotating magnetic field vector
induces a current in the armature coil proportional co -co
to the difference in velocity between the armature where a =« r
and magnetic field vector. The induced current
causes a torque proportional to the flux, $. The in- and
duced current is inversely proportional to the P = number of poles
armature resistance R. Since the flux both in-
a r/ = (N,fN/ rr
duces the current and causes the resulting torque, lineup = rotor resistance reflected into stator circuit
the system is highly non-linear. The common AC r = stator resistance

induction motor (Figure 7.4) can be either a type 1 00 = excitation frequency
or 2 machine depending on the value of its arma- 00' = rotor angular velocity
ture resistance. For low values of Ra , the AC i = stator magnetizing inductive reactance =00 L
X,,= stator self inductive reactance =co. ( L l>J + L".,)
induction motor behaves as a self induction (type
1) machine (Figure 7.4c). This mode of operation Xrr =rotorselfinductive reactance =co. ( L 18 + L".,)
is used in constant velocity applications with a
For a selected example [Krause and
starting capacitor for high efficiency. In servo
Wasynczuk (1989)], the parameter values are:
control applications, the type 1 characteristic limits
the controllability of the motor as well as its low
r = 24.5 n; r' =23.0 n
velocity application, and thus a higher value of Ra L/ =27.0 mR; L =273.0 mR ; L mr' = 27.0mR
is used to bring the torque-velocity curve into the co s = 377.0 rad/sen; (7.3)
v; =0-115.0 V
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 105

The torque-velocity curve for an AC ser- index in displacement increments of very small
vomotor with the above parameter values (Figure size. The ejfort-{low relations of Figure 7.5d, for a
7.4b) has a concave shape characteristic of the slip 1.1 kg motor (Compumotor C/CX 57-102) show
driven machine (type 2). To illustrate the strong that the foice-velocity relation is concave, with
dependence of this characteristic on the armature the concavity a function of the DC input voltage
resistance, Ro' the same torque velocity curve at and the I-element. The maximum power per unit
maximal driving voltage is plotted for three values mass is about 0.06 WIg. Of note is that these
of Ro (Figure 7.4c). motors can be modeled as uni-causal devices, with
Until recently AC motors suffered from dif- position set by the electrical input.
ficulties in appropriate control excltatlon
7.2.4 DC Motor (Type 3a)
hardware, quite low torques, and the control
DC motors have been the most widely utilized
stability problem identified earlier. The power to
mass ratio is typically under 0.1 WIg. However, actuator for robotic (Andeen, 1988) and artificial
the efficiency is quite high (e.g. 80%). Although limb (parker and Scott, 1986) design. In general
these problems are now less severe, a recent as- they produce moderate torque, high speed, and
sessment suggested that these motors will be used continuous power output.
where cost and durability, as opposed to precision The separately excited DC motor (Figure 7.5),
performance, are the primary considerations when driven by a voltage source, Vo ' connected to
(Andeen, 1988; see also below). Of note is thatAC the armature winding, develops a torque propor-
and DC motors both represent relatively tional to the armature current, i. This current is in
matllre/stable technologies. The optimum selec- tum proportional to Vo minus a voltage propor-
tion therefore is likely to depend on available tional to angular velocity. This "back-emf'
control technology, which is rapidly changing. reduces torque in direct proportion to angular
velocity, 0>, just as would a parallel viscous ele-
7.2.3 AC Micro-Stepper Motors (Type 4) ment. Notice that there is inherently bilateral
AC microstepper motors translate electrical coupling. Such a motor is commonly described by
pulses into mechanical movements in fixed incre-
ments. Conventional step motors in general are a dt
L - + R t = K III (V - K III co) (7.4)
poor choice as an actuator for servo control due to dt 0 0

low resolution, roughness at slow speeds, ringing where III is the magnetic flux density due to per-
between steps, and resonance over a certain speed manent magnets or constant current drive to the
range. However, recent progress in control tech- field windings, t is the motor torque, Ro is the
nology make microstepping motor systems a resistance, L the inductance of the armature wind-
viable (though extremely expensive) option. ings, and K is the "motor constant", which is a
These devices take a voltage and current input and function of the number of windings, their


a c

• 1.0

. 50 '00 150 2CID 250 3DO 3IID 4CIO
Valocity (radIs) 1lIspIac:ement (rad)

Figure 7.5: DC Servomotor: a) Schematic diagram: The stator creates a magnetic field, with the rotor coils
the DC servomotor consists of a stator, rotor, com- energized via the commutator and brushes. b)
mutator, brushes (most cases), bearings, and a housing. Effort-flow Curve. c) Effort-displacement data
106 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

geometry, etc. To find the steady-state effort-flow 7.2.5 Hydraulic Actuator (Type 3b)
relation, we neglect dynamic effects due to L and The hydraulic actuator is just one component of
solve for the torque: the full hydraulic system, which because of the
need for a closed fluid system becomes rather in-
(7.5) volved (and expensive). Components include a
pump, reservoirs, valves, tubing, the actuator, and
Often DC motor specifications are given as: circuitry. As with electric motors, hydraulic ac-
tuators are produced in many varieties. The
(7.6) variety considered here (Figure 7.6a) is the
cylindrical piston driven by a constant displace-
ment fluid pump. Counter to the name of the
where 0 < c < 1.0. pump, due to the use of shunts and accumulators,
the source of fluid to the control valve is com-
For the selected DC servomotor, ElectrocraJt
monly modeled as a source of constant pressure
modeIM-1140,KI = 9.1 ozin/Amp, Va = 28.0 V, (effort). The control valve acts as a variable resis-
K2 = 67.4 V/krpm, Ra = 0.76 n. Note that when tance to dissipatively control the rate of flow into
converted to MKS units, and out of the cylinder, and thus can be thought of
as controlling the piston velocity. The product of
K/NM/Amp) = ~ (Vir sec-I) = 0.064 (7.7)
the pressure drop across the valve and the flow
i.e., the two commercial motor constants are the rate is the power dissipated across the R-element,
same as expected from Eq. 7.5. We can thus which is seen as heat in the fluid and apparatus.
model the torque-velocity relation of this motor as This dissipative form of control causes relatively
(see Figure 7.5b) low energy efficiency (under 50%).
The working fluid (e.g. oil) is nearly incom-
't = 0.084 Vc - 0.0054 0> (7.8) pressible, and thus the compliance is very low.
Consequently, hydraulic systems are inherently set
Additional specifications: 't max = 2.32 Nm, O>ma:r = up for position regulation, with impedance
430 r/sec, weight = 2.25 kg. modulation quite difficult (for high bandwidth
For the representative motor described above compressibility must be considered). Operating
the torque is approximately a linear function of the pressures for hydraulic systems may range from
voltage input and the speed. In practise, a fairly 1-10 MPa (145-1450 psi). Systems designed for
wide variety of DC motor curves are available, and the higher-pressure range must naturally have
the curve may be somewhat concave in either thicker transmission lines and cylinders. The
direction. The subtle details of the curve mag- static relationship between shaft force and
nitudes and shape depending on the structural hydraulic pressure is:
arrangement of the windings [i.e. series (present
case), shunt or compound]. Also, high-torque F = PA (7.9)
direct drive actuators are now in use in robotic sys-
tems. Of general importance is that reversal of the where A is the cross-sectional area. The maximum
rotor current causes reversal of the motor torque, continuous power output per mass ranges around
which is beneficial. These motors tend to be well- 0.1-1 W/g, with the higher range for high-pressure
behaved near zero velocity. Transient behavior is systems. With high pressures, the force per area
limited primarily by the rotor inertia. Notice that can be as high as 10 MPa, which is considerable.
Theoretical curves for a selected hydraulic ac-
the torque is approximately independent of an-
gular displacement, i.e. there is a flat effort- tuator are shown in Figure 7.6b and d. Practical
displacement relationship (Figure 7 .5c).
difficulties arising in the sharp edges of the
Maximum continuous power per unit mass is spindle valves usually dictate that the spindles be
about 0.1 Wig, torque (stall torque) per mass is somewhat smaller than the fluid ports. The
only on the order 0.04-{).1 MPa, and efficiency is "underlap", UL, can be as much as 20% and has
the effect of introducing a shunt path for fluid
typically about 75% (Shoemaker, 1988).
flow at low valve openings. Two models are thus
required (Rothbart, 1985), one for the flow in the
underflap range (Le. where x, the valve position, is
less than the underlap, or x < UL) and another for
the flow beyond that (x> UL):
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 107

a b c


l l


00 0' " u
Velocity (Mis)
0' "'
Velocity (MIS)
u ..
Figure 7.6: Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders. a)
Schematic diagram. b) Hydraulic effort-flow curves. d
modulated by changes in flow. c) Pneumatic effort-
flow curves (35 mm dia cylinder. 1/8" ports). ~~
modulated by changes in pressures (up to 6 bar). d)
Typical effort- displacement data (idealized; addition
~- r----------------------
of spring-loading would cause a positive slope which
would depend only on displacement).
1 - 2V2
F = APmaxv".!% x 2
(x> UL)
.0 . ' 1lIJ'
(7.10) OispIecerrem 1M)
apparatus coupled to the actuator (e.g. length of
lines, properties of control valves). Pressure-flow
relations across control valve circuitry, and espe-
Thus. while the actuator is capable of con- cially flow-restrictor valves, tend to be nonlinear
siderable maximum force output for x > UL. the (McCloy and Martin, 1973; Lord and Chitty,
maximum force at V = 0 declines in the underlap 1974). The force-pressure relationship is the
region. This lowers the effective gain of the valve same as described in Eq. 7.9, and since the internal
for stable operation in the region near x =O. pressure is less than for most hydraulic applica-
The effort-displacement characteristic is constant tions, the effective force is lower, on the interval
over the length of the cylinder if the cylinder is not 0.6 MPa for muscle-sized actuators. The power to
spring-loaded; otherwise there is a flat slope over mass ratio is typically about 0.2 WIg (Shoemaker.
the primary operating range. The series com- 1988).
pliance to applied loads is quite low due to the low For pneumatic systems supply lines, valves,
working compressibility of the fluid and for most etc. carry dynamic significance. To aid analysis,
applications quite rigid tubing walls. empirical flow coefficients (Fe) can be determined
for all system components, including supply and
7.2.6 Pneumatic Cylinders (Type 3) exhaust ports (Yeaple, 1984). For example
Pneumatic cylinders are structurally similar to (Lansky and Schrader. 1986):'

hydraulic cylinders. only usually lighter since the
internal pressure range is typically lower (typically F =[ G T (7.11)
up to about 0.5-1 MPa). Also. the surrounding ap- e K ( PI - P2 ) P2
pararatus differs greatly, with the fluid flow where PI is the absolute inlet pressure, P2 is the ab-
exhausted directly to the environment. Pneumatic solute outlet pressure, G is specific gravity (e.g.
cylinders have been utilized in a number of artifi- 1.0 for air), T is absolute temperature, and the
cial limb applications (e.g. Simpson and Lamb, range of applicability is for P2 > 0.53 P r The
1965). Fluid inertance and viscosity are much effort-flow curve may then be estimated from em-
lower than for hydraulic (oil or water) systems. pirical curves that relate this coefficient to
Consequently, the peak flow rate velocity can be cylinder diameter and/or port sizes. The shape of
higher than for hydraulic fluid systems. Because the curve for pneumatic systems (Figure 7.6c) is
of the compressibility of air, the compliance is similar to that typical for hydraulic systems
high, and, furthermore, is a strong function of the (Figure 7.6b). However, note that the magnitudes
differ and that the curves scale differently.
108 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Because exhaust time is often the limiting factor 7.2.1 Braided Pneumatic" Artificial
(e.g. on the order of 0.1 msec), "quick exhaust Muscle" Actuators (Type 3-4)
valves" are often used. Electro-pneumatic control Braided pneumatic actuators consist of an inter-
may be "on-off' or proportional, and may control nal bladder surrounded by a braided mesh that is
either pressure or flow. Of note is that on-off attached at either end to fittings or to some type of
valves tend to bring out the nonlinear properties of "tendon-like" structure (Figure 7.7). These ac-
air. When coupled to an appropriate mass or iner- tuators, first patented by Morin (1947 in France,
tia, due to the inherent compliance of the fluid the 1953 in U.S.) and utilized extensively in artificial
overall system may have an inherent tendency to limb research in the 1950s and 1960s under the
oscillate; thus a stability analysis is often neces- name "McKibben muscles", shorten and bulge out
sary. A number of techniques are available to when pressurized. The static force-pressure
stabilize such systems (e.g., Burrows et al., 1974; relationship, can be approximated as (Schulte,
Lord and Chitty, 1974). Experience with the Utah- 1961):
MIT dextrous hand suggested in particular that
pressure regulation, as opposed to flow regulation, (7.12)
was desirable (Jacobsen et al., 1986); we have also
found this to be true. where e is the angle between the elemental length
A typical example is the double-acting, Festo- of the helical fiber and the longitudinal axis of
DSNK plastic cylinder (slightly larger that a biceps tubing and Ad is the cross-sectional area of the
muscle), which weighs 0.37 kg and has a 25 mm (1 cylinder when e =90°. This is the largest possible
in) diameter and a 2 em stroke (shown in Figure cross section, and consequently it turns out that
7.7). The estimated curves are shown in Figure the maximum tensile force is approximately 3
7.6c. Notice that the ejJort..<Jisplaeement curve is times that of a piston-type actuator having a cross-
flat because the cross sectional area is independent sectional area equal to the maximum stable area of
of displacement (Le. not spring-loaded). the braid actuator; personal experience suggests
that this is about twice the resting cross sectional
area, and thus the predicted force levels can be
quite high. The actuator is also much lighter.
Setting F = 0 and solving for e in Eq. 7.12, we see
that, when pressurized, the angle of equilibrium
with no applied force is on the order of 55°; a load
on the actuator prevents this from being reached,
and the actuator generates force. By changing the
extensibility of the weave fibers (usually nylon
has been used) and the resting weave angle
(20°-30° is typical), a continuum of iso-pressure
effort-displaeement curves can be seen. Athough
fabrication techniques have differed, we have
found in our testing of various actuators, in com-
patibility with available literature (e.g., Schulte,
1961; Gavrilovic and Maric, 1969; Bridgestone
Acfas Robot system manual), that the stiffness
(inverse of compliance) increases approximately
linearly with pressure. Also, the offset ("slack
length") usually shifts to the left, with the amount
being fabrication dependent (see Figure 7.8 for a
Figure 7.7: Photograph of representative pneumatic typical example).
actuators. From left to right: double-acting plastic
cylinder (Festo-DSNK), stainless steel single-acting
cylinder (Bimba), fabricated braided musculotendon
actuator, Bridgestone braided actuator, and an original
McKibbon muscle (courtesy Rancho Los Amigos
Rehabilitation Engineering Center, Ca).
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 109

Braided "rubbertuator" muscles (Bridgestone Braided actuators with stiff fibers tend to be
Co.), which we have found to be essentially identi- very stiff in passive extension. In part for this
cal in concept to McKibben muscles and in reason, one of the authors (JW) has been involved
mechanical properties to the McKibben line of ac- in research aimed at producing inexpensive
tuators with stiffer fibers (Schulte, 1961), are autuators that more closely mimic muscle-like
currently used primarily for robotic applications in properties, including the passive compliance of
which proportional electropneumatic valves are resulting muscle and a separate series elasticity
utilized. As an example, rubbertuator #5, which is (Liang, 1989; Winters, 1990). These actuators are
the smallest that we have tested, weighs only 28 g then placed in head-neck and upper-limb
(compare to electric motors and cylinders) and can antbropomOlphic replicas. The resulting units can
generate a force (at rest length) of 800 N with an be built for under $5 in readily-available parts plus
internal pressure of 0.6 MPa, which is quite im- a few hours of labor. Unlike previous designs, we
pressive. The resting cross-section is do not use fittings at either end, rather choosing to
approximately 0.5 cm2 , the maximal cross-section directly attach artificial tendons in series to the
at the rest length is 2.0 cm2 , and the maximal cross- braided structure (middle actuator in Figure 7.7).
sectional area when fully pressurized and fully Additionally, we do not have the diaphragm ex-
shortened is 3.0 cm2 • These are representative of a tend the length of the unit since diaphragm
small-to-moderate sized muscle. Taking the expansion normally creates an axial force com-
second value, the force per area is 4 MPa. As with ponent that opposes shortening. The resulting
pneumatic cylinders, we have found it quite dif- actuators can weight as little as 109, yet can
ficult to estimate the ejfort-jlow relation for this produce forces in excess of 300 N.
actuator due to the limited excursion and the sen- Of note is that the cylindrical McKibbon
sitivity of results to air line length and valve port muscle design is not the only possible braided ac-
effects. Based on crude "quick-release" tests from tuator, nor even the best design. It is, however,
a pendulum apparatus, a curve shape similar to the easiest to fabricate and at present is the most
that shown in Figure 7.7b has been estimated; be- reliable. Baldwin (1969) utilized a different
cause of the sensitivity the actuator speed to the design in which glass fibers were arranged along
length and width of the air line, the ejfort-flow the long axis, with the overall actuator having an
relationship depends on the application. The peak eliptical shape. The force produced by these ac-
power per mass, for a short pneumatic line, is es- tuators could be quite high, but in order to produce
timated as 10 Wig, which is certainly superior to high forces, the amount of shortening was com-
conventional pneumatic cylinders and electric promized.
motors and somewhat greater than that seen for More recently, Immega (1986) has introduced a
hydraulic cylinders. new, ultra-strong actuator termed the ROMAC
(RObot Muscle ACtuator). Here an articulating
F (N) polylobe bladder is surrounded by a flexible, in-
1 50 elastic sheath (e.g. Kevlar) and an inelastic
harness (e.g. steel cable). When under pressure,
100 the bladders force both lateral and outward deflec-
tion of the harness, causing the harness to exert
50 large forces. This design results in axial short-
ening of up to 50% and very high loads [e.g. 2,000
L:::::::":~~==:i2:~==-'---L_-::-':----:.L'_ L '--:-". kg for an actuator with a mass of only 0.3 kg)].
10 1 5 2 0 2 5 J 0 J 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 However, these high forces come at the cost of a
AL (mm) high-volume actuator, which means greater filling
time. Those actuators have been controlled by
Figure 7.8: EJfort-displacement data for a typical EMG signals (Grodski and Immega, 1988).
fabricated braided musculotendon actuator [for
splenius muscle, which is part of the head-neck anthro-
robotic model shown in Figure 28.5 of Chapter 28
(Winters and Peles)].
110 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

... ...r-------------~
b c


, ..

B X,F,
v i:,,"
.. .
... ... ... u
vfl«itt (Mil)
. ,.. ... o.t 0.2
DIspI.......... (M)
Figure 7.9: Representative skeletal muscle: long head
biceps brachi: a) Schematic diagram. b) Effort-flow
curve. c) Effort-displacement data (idealized).
These parameters were used in Eq. 7.13 to plot the
7.2.8 Human Skeletal Muscle (Type 4b) effort-fiow curves for muscle (Figure 7.11 b).
Human skeletal muscle mechanics have been The ef!ort-displacement (CE tension-length) rela-
discussed extensively in Chapter 5 (Winters). tion can be described by many empirical fits. In
Shortening muscle has a concave force-velocity Figure 7.9c we use a fit described by Hatze
relation (Figure 7.9b) which declines sharply for (1981):
low velocities and with a much shallower slope for
higher velocities. This behavior can be ap- t J
= c O.32+0.7Ie
• sin[3.77(Xs -0.66)]
proximated by Hill's equation (1938):
where 0.58 <Xs < 1.8 11m
(F + a)(V + b) = b (c Fa + a) (7.12)
where Xs is the sarcomere length, and c is the
Where a and b are constants, Fa is the isometric dimensionless control input (0 s c s 1).

force, and c is a dimensionless control input (0 s c Assuming uniform contraction, a rest sarcomere
s 1). This hyperbolic form can be expressed as length of 1.0 11m, and the rest length of the biceps
(see Chapter 5): long head, then Xs = X,/(0.36 106), where Xb is the
muscle length.
F = c Fa - bh(V) V = Fe -bh(V) V (7.13) As was discussed in detail in Chapter 5, skele-
tal muscle is unique in that the actuator includes
F + a viscoelastic tissue both in series and in parallel
where bh = _c__ (7.14)
V + b with the contractile machinery. The series com-
pliance surfaces during the application of rapid
This form expresses the loss of force generated by
forces or extensions - all actuators have some
the contractile element (CE) in terms of a non-
series compliance; in most technological actuators
linear viscosity bh (Figure 7.9b). In Figure 7.9b it
it is usually negligible. We will see later that this
is assumed that the maximum unloaded velocity
significant series compliance, which is an integral
scales proportionally with activation (Le. b varies
part of contractile tissue. is quite important. Here
with activation), rather than staying constant or
we note that the SE force-extension curve is non-
scaling less that proportionally - see Chapter 5 for
linear. with the stiffness increasing with force for
further discussion. Locally, the damping of the
low and moderate forces (see Chapter 5). The
muscle can be approximated by the slope of the
muscle tissue is connected to tendon in series, and
force-velocity relation.
thus the overall series element extension is the
Parameter values have been estimated for a
sum of that due to both muscle and tendon. As
wide variety of skeletal muscles (e.g. Winters and
described in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters). the ac-
Stark, 1988). Representative is the long head of
tuator is the musculotendinous unit. This
the biceps brachi, where the parameters are:
stiffness. seen especially during transient loading.
a =70N; b =1.0 m/s; Fa =200 N; weight =60g is different from that of the static
(7.15) ef!ort-disp1acement curve shown in Figure 7.9c.
fiber length = 0.15; musculotendon length = 0.36 which is due to CE tension-length properties.
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 111

7.3 Coupling of Actuator to System 7.3.2 Transmission for Translational

Actuators are bilaterally coupled to the Actuators
mechanical linkage system, which in turn may be The hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders dis-
bilaterally coupled to the environrnent[(see also cussed here supply translational power, typically
Chapter 6 (Zajac and Winters)]. Consequently, via rigid rods connected to one or both ends of the
power (effort-flow product) can flow to and from cylinder. Transmission "gearing" is normally not
the actuator. In our review of actuators, we have necessary since actuator cross-section and length
identified both angular (torque-angle) and transla- can be chosen independently. Coupling to linkage
tional (force-length) types of actuators. These systems is typically either by a straight-line path
structural differences influence the mode of trans- between attachment sites on separate links or via a
fer. Here we discuss these differences from the frictionless pully crossing the joint and connecting
point of view of how these devices interface to links. In the former case the moment arm [R(o)],
linkage systems. We then consider how structural which is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 8
coupling (e.g. multiple actuator per kinematic de- (Zajac and Winters), changes as a function of rela-
gree of freedom, multi-link actuators) affects the tive link angle o. However, the idealized static
dynamic process of actuation and consequently effort-flow transformer relationship is generally
system control. preserved to a good approximation:
7.3.1 Transmission for Rotational Actuators
The three electric motors discussed here are in-
FV = {M R(arl} (roR(a)} = Mro (7.18)

herently torque-angle devices (although transla- where R(o) is the moment arm. Although power is
tional versions exist). With the exception of conserved, the equilvalent I and C elements scale
recently introduced high-torque direct-drive with the square of the moment arm. As an ex-
motors, however, for servo-control applications of ample of this approach, the Utah-MIT Dextrous
interest here their torques are too low. This is Hand couples the rod to a "tendon"-like cable,
clearly the case for the examples of Sections with these cables routed via pulleys (Jacobsen et
7.2.2-7.2.4. Consequently gear or cable/pulley aI., 1986).
transmissions are utilized to increase the torque at Eq. 7.18 also applies to braided actuators and
the sacrifice of speed: muscles. These units have an added practical ad-
vantage of being inherently flexible. Furthermore,
skeletal muscle and certain types of the braided ac-
It is not uncommon for the gear ratio, n, to be over tuators (e.g. Winters, 1990) utilize flexible
100. For instance, for the three electric motor ex- tendons.
amples, gear ratios of 22, 71, and 60 would be 7.3.3 Local vs. Remote Transmission
required for the maximum joint torque due to a As described in Chapter 36 (Alexander and
single actuator to reach 50 Nm, which is ap- Ker) for musculoskeletal systems, it is often
proximately the torque generated by elbow desirable to place the mass of actuators for more
flexors. Such gearing adds inertia and potentially distal joints within the body of more proximal
backlash, and thus in many cases the idealized in- links. This helps lower the effective inertia of the
stantaneous relationship is not quite realized. system, and is accomplished via some type of
Of note is that gearing can dramatically in- cable routing network or geared shafts (e.g.
crease the effective actuator impedance Z by the Microbot, Unimation PUMA, and MIT-Utah
square of the gear ratio, which can be con- Dextrous Hand designs). Both transational and
siderable. The effects of such as increase are rotational actuators can be utilized for this pur-
considered in Chapter 9 (Hogan). Finally, it pose. If the shaft or cabling contains significant
should be noted that if desired the output of the compliance, then a "series elastic" term exists.
gearing process can be a tension cable, and thus
the torque motor may provide force-length trans-
112 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

7.3.4 Flexibility Gained by Actuators 7.3.S Lumped Actuators: "The Whole is

Crossing Multiple Links Greater Than the Parts"
Considerable flexibility (but also complexity) is Consider the simplest possible case for a single
gained when actuators cross multiple links. As degree-of-freedom human movement: an an-
seen in Chapter 9 (Hogan) and Chapter 41 (van tagonistic pair of muscles surrounding a joint
Ingen Schenau et al.), the force vector of the end Make the classical assumptions that the series ele-
effector can be modulated more fully. ment stiffness increases with muscle force and that
Additionally, the shapes and priciple directions of the CE force-velocity dashpot increases with ac-
the stiffness (C-element) and viscosity (R-element) tivation and decreases with the absolute CE
fields for a given position of the end effector can velocity. There is no unique torque-angular
be selectively modulated [Hogan, 1982; see also velocity (effort-flow) relation, even under steady
Chapter 17 (Flash)]. Multi-link actuators may also velocity and torque conditions. This is because
be able to work within more optimal regions of the muscles can co-contract. Under these steady
ejJort-flow or ejJort-displacement curves during (isotonic) conditions, the three position "nodes" all
movements, especially when the links being move at the same velocity, and thus for this spe-
crossed are rotating in opposite directions [e.g. cial condition the dashpot viscoslttes
during cycling (Chapter 40, Hull and Hawkins)]. approximately add; this in general is not true, but
Such actuators also turn out to be more effective at does help show that typically the overall
stabilizing multi-link inverted pendulum system "viscosity" is higher than that of the individual ac-
structures [Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi)]. tuator viscosities. Notice also that the transient
Finally, such an arrangment can couple moments "stiffness" due to sudden perturbation is the sum
and power to other joints and furthermore create of the muscle stiffnesses. The stiffness in each
more energy efficient movements [Chapter 18 muscle is predominantly due to the ongoing active
(Gielen et al.), Chapter 41 (van Ingen Schenau et muscle force level since the series elastic stiffness
al.)]. is much larger that either the parallel elastic stiff-
ness or the CE tension-length relation for most of
the joint operating range.
, ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... J ,4' - ...
I To help illuminate basic combined "equivalent"
actuator properties, let's briefly consider two
similar tasks (see Figure 7.10). For the first task, a
voluntary movement occurs against a moderate
(2%) isotonic load at a moderate effort level
90 ----
(10%), with no concontraction. A moderate short-

ening occurs which eventually approximates a
constant velocity until a sudden load perturbation
is applied. During the steady velocity phase the
equivalent ejJort-flow viscosity is essentially that
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 05 of the agonist because the low antagonist activa-
Time (sec) tion means low antagonist viscosity (a nonlinear
slope change which makes the antagonist tem-
Figure 7.10: Simulation results for two overplotted porarily "disappear"). At the perturbation the
runs of a nonlinear antagonistic muscle-joint model, as transient muscle stiffness is proportional to 12%
described in the text For simplicity, a "base" elbow muscle force level. Now let's repeat this task, at
model with nonlinear CE and SE and no sensory feed-
the same torque and joint rotational speed in
back (or "yielding") is used [see Chapter 5 (Winters)].
steady-state, only now with an additional 20% co-
Moment vs. time (top, with flexor upward and extensor
downward) and position vs. time are plotted for the contraction between antagonists. Because of
two isotonic flexion tasks described in the text, one asymmetry between the shortening and lengthing
with high ongoing cocontraction (dashed) and one with CE force-velocity, the torque activation signals
low concontraction (solid). The responses to the same have to be adjusted slightly for the velocities to be
sudden impact (30 N-m pulse at 0.2 sec, lasting 0.02 the same as before. The new steady-state
sec) differ dramatically despite the same initial position effort-flow viscosity (i.e. slope) turns out to be
and torque differential.
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 113

about 4 times higher than before, even though the Traditional hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders
movements proceed similarly until the impact! have little in common with skeletal muscle. The
Furthermore, the lumped joint stiffness, a function effort-flow and effort-<1isplacement relations are typi-
of muscle forces, is 3 times higher! The response cally quite different. Hydraulic systems have little
to the transient loading naturally differs dramati- series compliance, and thus are very stiff in com-
cally, first because of the change in stiffness, and parison to muscle. The stiffness of pneumatic
subsequently because the viscosity (a "soft cylinders, however, increases with pressure. An
ground" for the series element) differs. important structural difference is that the biologi-
This simple, almost trivial example hopefully cal system has unicausal coupling from the
brings home a key point: when you employ mul- motoneuron to the muscle (due to synapse
tiple actuators around a joint, each with nonlinear properties), while for hydraulic and pneumatic sys-
properties, the overall system properties (e.g. the tems the pressure "input" is itself part of a
effort-flow properties) can provide richer and more bilaterally coupled dynamic system. Thus, to help
varied behavior than can be described by tradi- mimic sleletal muscle, the pressure (not flow)
tional effort-flow curves. The CNS clearly has the must be well regulated. However, for pneumatic
capacity to take advantage of such properties. An cylinders to mimic a given skeletal muscle, the
important observation is that this impedance size would have to be disproportionate.
modulation capacity disappears if the actuators are Two types of actuators have at least some
linear - superposition holds. potential to realistically "mimic" skeletal muscle
properties: DC motors and braided pneumatic ac-
7.3.6 Comparing Technological Actuators tuators. Some DC torque motors have effort-flow
with Skeletal Muscle shapes that are at least in the ballpark. With ap-
Effort-flow and effort-<1isplacment relations do propriate gearing, the addition of a parallel
not tell the whole picture. Different actuators torsional spring (to offset the normally flat effort-
have fundamentally different structural arrange- displacement relation), and a series cable with non-
ments and receive different types of inputs. Here linear compliance properties, there is potential for
we directly compare skeletal muscle to other ac- nearly muscle-like open loop behavior.
tuators. Alternatively, in theory torque sensing coupled
The internal combustion engine and AC motors with a high bandwidth nonlinear controller could
have clearly different effort-flow relationships than implement effectively equivalent properties.
skeletal muscle and need not be considered fur- However, approximating the full capacity for im-
ther. pedance modulation would be difficult, and
On the surface, since microstepping motors and furthermore care would need to be taken to be sure
skeletal muscle have fairly similar effort-flow that the system remains inherently passive [see
curves, one might be misled into thinking that they Chapter 9 (Hogan)].
yield similar performance. Stepper motors can be As documented by Winters (1990), braided
viewed as stiff, quantized, displacement sources acutators with series "tendons" can adequately
with a maximum torque. Torque is thus a function mimic basic tension-length, series elastic and
of the external load. Skeletal muscle is driven by parallel elastic properties, and with additional re-
a unicausal signal, but does not "set" a position or search likely force-velocity properties. By adding
velocity. Rather, those are a byproduct of an ener- internal pressure regulation circuitry (available
getic interaction between the actuator and the from a number of manufacturers) to prevent the
"load" (Le. the rest of the system). Furthermore, bicausal coupling effects from dominating, we
stepper motors have no capacity for dynamic im- find that there is great potential here, which is one
pedance modulation with the environment. reason why we chose to use these actuators on our
Conversely, as is clear from Chapters 1-5, skeletal existing anthro-robotic head-neck and limb
muscle has unique and interesting properties, espe- models (Liang, 1989). Of interest is that the ac-
cially when lengthened. Thus, while these tuators have a physical shape during contraction
acutuators may have similar-shaped effort-flow and a general flexibility that are similar to biologi-
curves, from a compliant control standpoint, they cal muscle. More importantly, it turns out that for
differ dramatically. the same physical size and for the practically
reasonable pressure input range, these artificial
"muscles" have the same range of forces, stif-
114 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

fnesses, and velocities as skeletal muscle. 7.4.2 Phasic ExcitationlActivation

Although the amount of active shortening and pas- (PEXA) Model
sive extensibility is in each case less than for In building a model from the experimental
skeletal muscle, it is clear that these should be studies we can anatomically divide the motor unit
amenable to logical extensions of the past braided system into three sub-systems, the motoneuron,
actuator technology (Winters, 1990). muscle activation, and muscle unit mechanics
7.4 Unique Phasic Dynamics of Muscle (Figure 7.11). In this case then we have data
which give us the behavior of the individual com-
Contraction ponents (Kernell, 1965; Burke et al., 1970) as well
To this point we have not addressed the higher- as of their concatenation (Baldissera and
order dynamics that influence fast transient events Parmiggiani; 1975).
such as movement inititation, rather concentrating
on steady-state effort-{low and ejfort-displacement
behavior. Each actuator has its own unique start- Mota·Neuron

up dynamics. For example, in the DC servomotor, IIII I I I

armature inductance is often neglected in the
dynamical analysis. For the majority of trajec-
tories, this is justified by the very short (-4 msec)
time constants due to motor armatures. However,
for the fastest possible trajectories, armature in-
ductance must be considered to have significant
effects. Similar higher-order phenomena (e.g. due
to fluid inertance, distributed coupling between
properties) exist for all actuators. As suggested
earlier, the unicausal neuromotor dynamics, fol-
lowed by bicausal energetic muscle dynamics, are
unique. Part of the temporal behavior that is seen
for fast movement start-up is due to excitation-
activation dynamics, which represent one part of
the actuator. Here we develop a "systems-based"
model formulation for helping illuminate these ef- IIIII I I
In this section, a model will be presented which
illustrates the effect of short time scale dynamics
and non-linearities of motoneuron response and
muscle activation on force development in muscle. Figure 7.11: PEXA model block diagram: Model con-
A fully detailed derivation of the model is avail- sists of three main blocks corresponding to motoneuron
excitation and adaptation dynamics, activation
able (Hannaford, 1990).
dynamics, and muscle mechanics. Typical signals are
7.4.1 Experimental Foundation plotted at the interfaces: current step input to
Excellent experimental data describes the short motoneuron; impulse train with adapting (increasing)
time dynamics of these processes. These basic ex- inter-pulse interval at moto-neuron output; and
periments measured responses of motoneurons "enhanced" impulse train at muscle input.
when driven intracellularly by steps of trans-
membrane depolarizing current (Granit et al., The first model block, Motoneuronal Dynamics,
1963); Kernell, 1965), the force output of motor consists of a trans-resistance amplifier (an
units when their axons were stimulated with dif- amplifier with current input and voltage output),
ferent patterns of pulses (Burke et al., 1976), and high pass filter, and spike generation implemented
the concatenation of these two paradigms, the as a voltage to pulse rate converter. Its output is a
force response of motor units in vivo to a step or series of unit value impulses which exhibit a
ramp of depolarizing current injected into the con- decline in firing rate (adaptation) with constant
trolling motoneuron (Baldissera et al., 1975, 1977, current input.
1982, 1987).
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 115

The next block, labeled Activation Dynamics, motor unit For intervals greater than tc, the en-
consists of a pulse rate to voltage converter, hancement declines to unity as the effect is
piecewise linear relation, non-linear RC circuit, "forgotten." The enhancement due to intervals
and multiplier. This block produces a multiplica- less than tc, is reduced according to the sequence
tion of the effects of the action potential impulses in the pulse train, declining rapidly after the first
to simulate the non-linear enhancement ("catch" few intervals.
property) found by Burke et. al. (1970); other tech- To model this effect, we assume that for inter-
niques for describing activation dynamics for vals shorter than the "contraction time" the
whole muscle are presented in Chapter 1 phenomenon depends on the degree of muscle ac-
(Zahalak) and Chapter 5 (Winters). tivation. In the piecewise linear approximation,
Finally, the muscle is described by a second- the decline in enhancement due to repeated
order Hill-based non-linear model [e.g. see Cook stimulation is controlled by the amount of muscle
and Stark; 1968; Chapter 5 (Winters)]. activation: a state variable in the non-linear
The first two blocks will be developed here; the muscle model.
third block is similar to that described by within a The enhancement effect of small isi's occurs in-
number of other chapters in this book which util- stantaneously but persists for a time on the order
ize Hill-based muscle models. of a second. The non-linear circuit used in the
PEXA model has this asymmetrical dynamical
7.4.2 Motoneuronal Dynamics
property. Since the persistence time of the catch
The motoneuron model is designed to ap-
like enhancement, t co' is quite long compared to
proximately reproduce current-step to pulse-rate
the scale of fast movements, no effort has been
responses. The basic form of the response to a
made to precisely identify it and it is set at 500
step of current is a quick rise to an initial firing
rate t, followed by an exponential decline in firing
rate, having time constant t, to a steady state rate JOO
6. Because of the motoneuron's non-linear

a Kernell. 1965
response, the dynamic parameters of the step • PEXA Model
response; t, t, and 6, are functions of the current o B&P 1975

step amplitude, I. The firing rate step response

[expressed in pulses per second (Pps)] is modeled
by the exponential form:
-t/ ~(l)
!r<tJ) = 6(1) + [ t(1) - 6(1)] e (7.19)

The computer simulation of this behavior was •

performed by numerical integration of the differen- '00

tial equations describing the equivalent circuit

model in Figure 7.11.
7.4.3 Activation Dynamics
This section of the model represents the
interval-dependent increase in the active state gen- o .2 •• 20 2< 28 32 3& <0 ..

erated by each action potential in a sequence. Current (na)

Burke et. al. (1976) quantified this effect by plot-
ting the enhancement of integral area (g-sec) as a Figure 7.12: Current-to-Firing-Rate for simulation
function of inter-stimulus interval (isi). and experimental data. Motoneuron firing rate plotted
A similar non-linear enhancement effect was against input depolarizing current. Rates are com-
simulated using a piecewise linear, Area puted from the first (solid line), second (dotted line),
Enhancement Map. In the experimental data, the and steady state (dashed line) pulse intervals.
Experimental data replotted with permission from
enhancement function has a relatively fixed maxi-
Kemell et al. (1965) (open squares) and Baldissera and
mal value for intervals around the "contraction
Parmiggiani, (1975) (open diamonds) for comparison
time" (the time to peak twitch tension), tc, of the with simulation (filled triangles).
116 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan I: Muscle Modeling

7.4.5 Basic Simulation Results: corded in response to pulse tmin inputs of varying
Isometric Contractions frequencies. For each frequency, two pulse train
In the real motoneuron, the fIring mte in stimuli were generated. One consisted of a simple
response to current steps is characterized by an train of pulses at that frequency. The second was
initially high mte (short inter-spike intervals) fol- the same but for the addition of an extra pulse 10
lowed by adaptation in which the fIring rate msec after the first of the train. In each force
decreases to a steady state value. The effective record (Figure 7.13, inserts), the higher amplitude
fIring mte corresponding to an interspike interval signal came from the pulse train input containing
is the inverse of the time spanned by the interval. the extm pulse, and the "catch like enhancement"
The adaptation process is illustrated by plotting persisted over approximately a full second.
the interval fIring rate for sequential intervals as a
function of depolarizing current (Figure 7.12). In
a given experiment a fixed current step is applied ~.-------------~
to the neuron and output spike arrivals are re- "
p _toO~ p . 82 ""-'

corded. The fIring rates given by the first, second,
and steady state intervals are plotted along a verti- g 12

cal line specified by the current step amplitude.

The points can be connected in groups to illustrate
~ ':
the dependence of interval fIring rate on interval
number and step amplitude.
In the cat motoneurons studied by Kernell
(1965) and Baldissem and Parmiggiani (1975) the
first interval fIring mte ("1st" group, solid lines)
increased dramatically with depolarizing current
step size, ranging from 10 pps to over 250 pps as
current increased from 7 to 24 na. In the second
interspike interval following the current step O~ to 1.5 20 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 15. 2Q :25-
TOME (. ) TIIoE I' )
("2nd" group, dotted lines) the fIring rate rises
more slowly with current, and the steady state
fIring mte ("infinity" group, dashed lines) rises Figure 7.13: Model responses similar to "catch-like"
gently to a maximum value of about 80 pps. The effect. Each graph is the superposition of two
dynamics of adaptation are such that steady state responses: Force output in response to a step of con-
fIring mte is essentially reached after only two to stant rate pulses; and force output to the same pulse
four intervals: a time of less than 100 msec. When train with an additional pulse 10 msec after the first
steps of current were applied to the simulated one. Insets show experimental data reproduced with
motoneuron, the firing mte of the model for the permission of Burke, et. al. (1976). Note expanded
first, second, and steady state intervals closely force and time scales (lower right panel) for the four in-
matched the experimental data (Figure 7.13).
The next section of the model, firing rate to The simulation was repeated using the PEXA
muscle force, was tested in a simulation experi-
model for basic pulse train periods of 900, 120,
ment analogous to those performed in vivo by
82, and 45 msec. Force output was recorded in
Burke, (1970) in which force output was re- response to pulse train input to the "muscle
activation" and muscle mechanics models (Figure
7.13, main tmces). These compare well with the
experimental data (1970) which are reproduced for
comparison as inserts to Figure 7.13.
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 117
til Current Ramp Response: 4.0 nalms Current Ramp Response: 3.0 nalms Current Ramp Response: 1.74 nalms

~ 300 ...--"'-
.. - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

• o

• •
~ 120
• •
~ .0000000.000000000000000
,,: 60

/~ /~
~ 00 L-_-L.._ _.l.-_--'-~~"'__--'

Current Ramp Response: .813 na/ms Current Ramp Response: .641 na/ms Current Ramp Response: .383 nalms

. .240
.:; 180

~ 00
~ 120 00. ·.ooooooOOo •• o.oG 0000.0000000000

• • 0

..:: 01---.:::..........:::..-----------1
~ 00 L-_-L.._ _.l.-_--'-~~"'___~

~ 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.25
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 7.14: Response of PEXA model to current ing muscle force (straight and curved solid lines
ramps. Plotted are simulations of the complete model respectively), and instantaneous firing rate of the
driven by current ramps of six decreasing rates of motoneuron (circles).
change of current. Shown are current ramps and result·

Finally, we can simulate the complete experi- however saturated at about 1.1 gf/ms for the cur-
ment in which we inject current into the model rent slopes above 1.0 na/ms. Fitting a line to the
motoneuron and observe force development at the force slopes below saturation gives a "dynamic
muscle tendon. Baldissera et. al. (1982) injected gain" of 0.61 gf/na for the simulated motor unit, a
ramps of depolarizing current into the motoneuron value quite typical of the experimentally measured
and observed instantaneous fIring rate and tension units (Baldissera and Campadelli, 1977).
development. The PEXA model was driven by Muscles contain a population of motor units
current ramps whose slopes (di/dt) varied from 4.0 having a distribution of twitch-speed / fatigue
na/ms to 0.4 na/ms. The ramps began at t = 0.01 properties which is commonly approximated with
sec, and terminated at a maximum depolarizing a bimodal one having "fast" and "slow" peaks.
current of 60 na. These values match those used Although fatigue properties are not modeled,
Baldissera et al. (1982). The resulting current, parameter values relating to the muscle activation
pulse rate, and force outputs (Figure 7.14) show block and the muscle mechanics block change the
initial phasic responses in motoneuron fIring rate twitch behavior of the PEXA model. It is initially
(circles) whose peak output rate depends strongly assumed that motoneuron dynamical properties
on the current slope and ranges from 308 pps at are invariant between fast and slow units. Thus
4.0 na/ms to 135 pps at 0.4 na/ms with the occur- the only changes were to the values of activation
rence of the maximum fIring rate ranging from the time constant, the "twitch time" parameter of the
second interval at t = 0.21 (di/dt = 4.0 na/ms) to catch effect, te, and the muscle equivalent vis-
the ninth interval at t = .152 (di/dt = 0.4 na/ms). cosity, b. Two parameter vectors (Table 7.2) were
The force output slope was estimated by fItting a chosen to simulate "fast twitch" and "slow twitch"
straight line to the force record up to the time of fibers. Responses were plotted when the
the decline in firing rate to its tonic level (there is motoneuron model was driven by a depolarizing
no nerve conduction delay in the model). The current of 20 na. The resulting adapted discharge
slopes ranged from 1.11 gf/ms (dildt = 4.0 na/ms) rate was 33.33 pps (period = 30 ms) (Figure 7.15).
to 0.76 gf/ms (dildt = 0.4 na/ms). The slopes
118 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part I: Muscle Modeling

Table 7.2: Parameter values used to simulate fast (left The PEXA model has illustrated how the non-
column) and slow (right column) twitch muscles. linear dynamics of the activation process and the
Lines beginning in ' , are comments. adaptation behavior of the moto-neuron work
together to enable very fast rates of force develop-
# parameter file # parameter file ment in muscle. In the motoneuron, the firing
# FAST twitch unit # SLOW twiteh unit
# catch parameters # catch parameters Units rate adaptation is significant only in the fITSt two
te 0.057 tc 0.057 sec or three firings after step excitation, but the "catch
Ie 0.100 te 0.100 sec like effect" in the muscle activation process
Amin 1.0 Amin 1.0
Amax 3.0 Amax 3.0 "remembers" the initial brief intervals for times on
htmax 20.0 htmax 20.0 Newtons the order of 1 sec. The understanding of muscle
tea 0.50 tea 0.50 sec
#muscle #musele
excitation at these times scales is essential for ac-
ta 0.02 ta 0.05 sec curate modeling of time optimal human
b 100.0 b 340 Msec- I movements. This study has been aided by con-
Ks 2458.0 Ks 2458.0 NM-1
#mise #mise sideration of analogous problems in the analysis of
dt 0.0005 dt 0.0005 sec mechanical actuators.
seale 4.0e-1 seale 4.0e-1 Newtons
7.5 Discussion: Future Directions of
Actuators and Control
The complete response of the two models consists
Technological actuators have "evolved"
of a train of action potentials (weighted with the
primarily to meet specific needs in single purpose
catch-like enhancement), muscle activation
applications. As technology competes for a larger
("active state"), and iso-metric muscle force. The
share of precious resources such as energy and
longer activation time constant in the "slow" unit
space (for example space in the home), the trend
model is evident in the smaller excursions of ac-
will be towards multi-purpose (and more
tivation (20-40 gf, steady state vs. 10-45 gf).
"intelligent") technology. Skeletal muscle has
Force output rises beyond 12.5 gf (50% of it's
evolved under constraints that require many types
final value of 25 gf) in 21 msec for the fast unit vs.
of muscles to perform a wide variety of functions.
87 msec for the slow unit.
It also has evolved in a way that allows the
mechanical system to be controlled to vary its
mechanical properties to fit the task. A given joint
may need, for example, to exhibit very high stiff-
ness and positioning accuracy or very low
stiffness force control. The concave effort-flow
20 property of muscle, coupled with the unique (and
nonlinear) steady-state and transient spring-like
8 characteristics of the musculotendinous actuator,
~ 10
is fundamentally different in design that current
technological actuators. Furthermore, this type of
actuator is coupled to the skeletal frame in highly
optimized ways, providing unique features such as
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 reciprocal actuation and strategically placed multi-
Time (5) link actuators. The former allows joint impedance
to be effectively modulated at will through co-
contraction, while the latter allows
Figure 7.15: Fast and slow motor unit responses:
Simulations using alternate parameter values for "fast great flexibility regarding the coupling of the end
twitch" and "slow twitch" motor units. Force outputs effector to the environment (primary upper limb
for "fast" and "slow" motor units driven by 20 na and benefit), the enhancement of efficient ways to sta-
40 na depolarizing current steps. Plotted are bilize multi-link "inverted pendulum" systems
motoneuron output (small spikes), muscle hypothetical (primary torso benefit), and the distribution of mo-
active state (jagged traces), and isometric force output ments, energy and power between segments
(smooth lines). (primary lower-limb benefit). Clearly linkage and
7. Hannaford and Winters; Biological and Technological Actuator Properties 119

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Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems:

Joint and Body Segmental Dynamics,
Musculoskeletal Actuation, and Neuromuscular Control

Felix E. Zajac and Jack M. Winters

8.1 Introduction the overall task. The subject must a) move the el-
bow as before, and b) maintain the shoulder and
8.1.1 The Modeling Challenge: trunk stationary. Thus a model is needed to under-
Keeping the Goal in Mind stand how the shoulder and trunk muscles act with
It is doubtful that anyone would argue that the elbow muscles to perform these two sub-goals
biological motor control systems are less complex and a complex multi-jointed segmental model con-
than robots. Given that modeling and designing trolled by shoulder, elbow, and trunk muscles
robotic control systems that can walk or manipu- must be formulated. This model cannot be sub-
late objects is quite challenging to engineers [e.g. divided into two models, one for elbow control
(Lee, 1989)], is there any hope for those of us who and one for shoulder and trunk control, because of
wish to develop "adequate" models of biological the dynamical interactions occurring in multijoint
motor control systems? The answer depends on motor tasks. For example, muscles crossing one
the definition of "adequate". joint act to rotate the other joints and these multi-
Whether a model is adequate or not depends on joint effects must be considered (Gordon and
whether it helps, hopefully significantly, in fulfill- Zajac, 1989; see below).
ing the scientific or engineering goal. For study of
movement the underlying goal is usually to maxi- 8.1.2 Evolution of Models
mize one's insight into the system and its behavior It is generally accepted that the simplest model
for a given movement task or class of tasks. For which fulfils the needs of the research and
instance, suppose the goal is to understand how development project should be employed (cf.
muscles work together [i.e., act in synergy, see Hatze 1980a). So how does one determine the
Zajac and Gordon (1989) for discussion of syner- simplest model? In making a judgement call, the
gtsttc and agonist/antagonist muscle-group modeler makes a decision weighed by the current
definitions] to control elbow flexion and extension level of understanding of the task to be studied
where, say, the shoulder and trunk are to be kept and the system to be involved in producing task
motionless. One paradigm is to design a shoulder behavior. These are interrelated. If understanding
and trunk harness to keep the shoulder and trunk of the system is low, a simple model is ap-
stationary, in which case a model with just one propriate; if understanding of both the task and the
body-segment and elbow flexor and extensor system is high, a more complex model is ap-
muscles would probably be adequate. Another propriate. If the task is not well understood, but a
paradigm is to allow the shoulder and trunk to be potentially relevant, though complex, model exists
free to move. The subject must then coordinate for the biomechanical system (perhaps because the
the elbow muscles with the shoulder and trunk model was used to study other tasks), one may
muscles to perform two sub-goals to accomplish wish to use techniques, such a task-specific sen-

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
122 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

wish to use techniques, such a task-specific sen- specific task, better approaches to study other
sitivity analysis, to systematically simplify the tasks may become apparent. Consider, say, that
model (described below). one desired to study the role of the leg muscula-
Traditionally, models have usually evolved ture during dynamic lifting tasks. Such studies
towards complexity as we understand the task bet- could probably take advantage of existing
ter (e.g., Zajac, 1985; Pandy et al., 1990; Mochom biomechanical and control models of jumping, as
and McMahon, 1980; Chapters 38-43). well as of the approach used to gain insight about
Eventually, models become complex enough to muscular coordination in jumping. Thus, because
provide insight into motor control issues that are of the existence of models, other motor tasks can
unobtainable from experimental data alone. Often also be studied.
this is due to the model providing estimations of
internal behavior that cannot be measured. It may 8.1.3 Modeling Objectives
also be due to sensitivity analysis results or op- Since model structure depends on the specific
timization predictions. The next step in the research and development objective, let us briefly
modeling study is to assess how sensitive these in- describe the goals of scientists and engineers
sights are to fundamental body structural and studying motor control. Some wish to identify the
functional parameters (e.g., muscle strength, type neural networks essential to central nervous sys-
and assumed properties; body weight and height; tem (eNS) coordination of muscles, and then to
mass distribution among the body segments). discern how these networks function during task
Experiments must then be designed to have suffi- execution [e.g. Chapter 20 [Denier van der Gon et
cient resolution, which is definable from the al.)]. In contrast to emphasizing the role of neural
sensitivity studies, so that the experimental data to circuitry in the control of the movement, others
be collected can be meaningfully analyzed to con- desire to discover how the eNS output signals act
fum or negate the hypotheses. If hypotheses are on muscles to coordinate single- or multi-joint
confirmed, the model can be used to gain an even movements (e.g., Chapters 14-19, 27-28, 37-43).
deeper understanding of the motor task, and other However, the overall neuromusculoskeletal con-
experiments can be designed based on the trol system is not open loop, as might be inferred
parameters to which the insights are next most from these two statements, but rather is closed-
sensitive. On the other hand, if hypotheses are loop (Figure 8.1). The closed-loop property
negated, then the next generation model is becomes especially apparent in practical applica-
proposed, based on how the experimental and tions, such as in functional neuromuscular
modeling data differ. The level of model com- stimulation [FNS; e.g. Chapter 21 (Crago et al.)].
plexity ultimately reached is thus limited by the So others try to decipher how these short- and
level of confidence in the experimental data, the long-loop feedback pathways participate in motor
variables that can be recorded in the experimental control (e.g., Chapters 10, 29-30, 46). Others
laboratory, and computational limitations in focus on understanding the integrative properties
modeling. Based on this rationale, models of of the "whole" neuromusculoskeletal control sys-
animal motor tasks can evolve to greater com- tem (e.g. Chapters 28-34, 45).
plexity than models of human tasks because
invasive techniques permit variables to be re-
One Approach: To Study Musculoskeletal
corded from animals that are unobtainable from Control
More effort has been expended to model mathe-
humans. See Chapter 10 (Loeb and Levine) for a
matically the musculoskeletal system and how it
foundation behind this approach, as applied to cat
limb movements; here we emphasize human participates in multi-muscle motor control than to
model how neural networks control movement
The above expose may convey the impression (Chapters 9, 17-19, 21-27, 30-31, 36-43; CL
Chapter 20 and parts of Chapter 10 - however,
that modeling techniques and capabilities do not
evolve. Actually, new modeling techniques being a biomechanics book, this is perhaps a
"biased" sample). One major reason is that quan-
evolve along with new experimental ones, and
their evolution can go hand-on-hand. titative data needed to model eNS neural network
control has been quite limited in comparison to
Furthermore, as techniques improve to study a
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 123

eNS Musculoskeletal System
'the controller' 'the ptent'

Figure 8.1: Conceptual diagram of the neuromusculos- nal organs of the torso) and their interaction with
keletal control system. The central nelVous system external forces (e.g. gravity). Motoneuronal output
(CNS), consisting of supraspinal neurons (supraspinal (CNS Output) excites the muscles. Receptors (Cranial
neural networks) and spinal neurons, including Sensors, Peripheral Sensors) feed back proprioceptive,
motoneurons (spinal neural networks), can be con- kinesthetic, visual, auditory infonnation , etc., to the
sidered "the neural networlc controller," or just "the CNS, which "the controller" uses to modify the CNS
controller." The Musculoskeletal System, consisting of output. Notice that the "muscles" and "body segments"
muscles, tendons, and the body segments, can be con- have bilateral energetic mechanical coupling - i.e. in-
sidered "the plant." The body dynamics account for fonnation flows in both directions. In contrast, (short
the inertial properties of all the massy elements of the tenn) neural infonnation usually travels unidirection-
musculoskeletal system (e.g., muscles, skeleton, inter- ally due to the properties of the synapse.

musculoskeletal data [see also Chapter 10 (Loeb Engineers and biomathematicians now have
and Levine)]. CNS data is limited because the ex- renewed interest in neural network modeling. The
perimental techniques available to study single reason is because of the ability of computers to
neurons, groups of similar functioning neurons, simulate neural networks complex enough, it is
and the interactions among the different neural believed, to be useful to the development of neural
groups are at best few, and even then very dif- network theories [e.g. Chapter 20 (Denier van der
ficult. The techniques available to study the Gon et al.)]. These neural network models are,
function of single muscles, muscle groups, and the however, quite "artificial" and must be distin-
interactions among muscle groups are relatively guished from "biological neural networks. "
many and more straightforward. Second, it can be Because biological data is so scarce, few attempts
argued that the properties of the musculoskeletal have been made to actually develop "neural
system (i.e., "the plant," to use engineering jargon) networks" based on biological phenomena
must be "adequately" understood before neural (Pellionisz, 1988).
control properties (i.e., "the controller") can be Nevertheless, neuroscientists could argue that
elucidated (Figure 8.1). Engineers (cf. continued engineering efforts to model "the mus-
neuroscientists) have no difficulty in accepting culoskeletal plant" are "overkill." Don't we
this argument. The more an engineer knows about already know enough about how the musculos-
"the plant," the better the controller he can design. keletal system acts on neural signals to interpret
how the system will respond to a given set of sig-
Another Approach: To Study Neural
nals? After all, a flexor muscle trys to flex the
Control joint it spans; an extensor muscle to extend the
Neuroscientists have traditionally studied joint it spans. Aren't motor units that innervate a
neuromotor function by documenting pathways given muscle more-or-Iess recruited in a fixed or-
between neurons or neural structures and by estab- der? Thus, if we know how neural networks
lishing time-locked, causal relationships between pattern the CNS outflow to the musculoskeletal
neural activity and muscle force or motion
system, won't we be able to predict how the body
parameters. The result has been a vast
segments will move?
neuroanatomical mapping of central and
peripheral neural structures and between neural
structures and classes of movements.
124 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

Of course both the neuroscientist and the neural In animals, sensory, motor, and eNS neural ac-
network engineer have valid points. The better tivity can be recorded [Chapter 10, (Loeb et al.)]
each element of the "system" (Figure 8.1) can be and more complete models of the "whole" motor
understood, the better we can comprehend how the control system become justifted, though im-
components interact to generate system behavior. plementation is still extraordinarily challenging
Because the system has feedback and because (Chapter 10).
muscle force generation is itself a function of limb We should note that models of the musculos-
movement, it is difficult to identify cause and ef- keletal system are not always used to study motor
fect (see Figure 8.1). The eNS "input" signals control; that is, neural control of movement. In or-
modify the "output", but the feedback signals thopaedics, musculoskeletal models are essential
modify the "input" signals. Thus perhaps the for estimating muscle and other soft tissue forces,
neural network is "the plant" and the musculos- which are needed to estimate joint contact forces.
keletal system is "the controller," and which is Such information is needed, for example, to
which becomes just semantics. So it comes down design implant prostheses (e.g. Paul, 1974;
to one's bias. Andriacchi et al., 1985) and to understand condi-
tions such as low back pain (e.g. Chapters 24-25)
OUT Bias: To Study Musculoskeletal
or osteoarthritis (Chao, 1986; Fuller and Winters,
Control 1987). To some extent, we review these as well.
We believe that the whole system needs to be In Section 8.2 we discuss how the constituents
studied and, as a ftrst step, the characteristics of of the musculoskeletal plant are modeled in
"the plant" must be understood, with :'the plant" studies of motor control. We also discuss how
being the musculoskeletal system. Thus, to us, neuromotor eNS circuitry is modeled and, in more
studies of neuromuscular control of movement are detail than above, why there have been few at-
justifted from which it is hoped that functional tempts to add models of neuromotor circuitry to
neural networks can be suggested [e.g. Chapter 10 musculoskeletal models to study motor control. In
[Loeb et al.)]. At times, neuromuscular control Section 8.3 we discuss why multiarticular move-
studies identify less well understood properties of ments are complex dynamically. In Section 8.4
the musculoskeletal system that are important to we show how models can be used to estimate
limb control but not well appreciated by medical muscle forces, while in Section 8.5 we discuss
scientists, including neuroscientists. For example, how such models can be used to illuminate fun-
a biarticular muscle that develops an extensor damental principles of movement strategy, in
torque at one joint and a flexor torque at the other particular, estimating eNS output signals that drive
spanned joint may not always act to accelerate the the musculoskeletal system to perform a specifted
former joint towards extension and the latter joint motor task.
towards flexion (Zajac and Gordon 1989; see
below). 8.2 Modeling the Musculoskeletal System
Below we review the engineering approach to Seven major steps are needed to synthesize a
modeling the musculoskeletal system in motor model of the musculoskeletal system to account
control studies when this system is viewed as "the for multi-muscle control of the motion of the body
plant." Using this approach, sensorimotor and segments during a motor task: (a) The body seg-
eNS control are considered secondary issues to ments and joint kinematics involved in the motor
neuromuscular control, i.e., to understanding how task must be specifted, including the kinematic de-
"the plant" impacts on neural control. Especially grees of freedom of the joints interconnecting the
as applied to studies of motor control of human ex- segments and, if deemed signiftcant, joint fric-
tremities, emphasis on neuromuscular (multi- tional losses. (For example, the thigh, shank, and
muscle) control is meaningful because experimen- foot of each leg may be a sufftcient number of seg-
tally measurable variables are indeed peripherally ments to model a person cycling a stationary
or externally located (e.g. EMG activity, joint rota- bicycle. In this case the hips are assumed sta-
tion, body-segment position and orientation, tionary, the feet as rigid bodies, and the patella as
ground or other external reaction forces). Only an extension of the shank. If the pelvis moves
rarely can other variables be recorded from "signiftcantly," then this segment would have to
humans [e.g. tendon forces (Komi et al., 1987)].
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 125

be included, and perhaps even other more rostral DOF of the knee are well known and must be
segments. If motion outside the sagittal plane is modeled when emphasis is on the stress and strain
significant or of special interest, 3-D segmental properties of the knee, such as in orthopaedics
dynamics would need to be modeled.) (b) The (Wismans et al., 1980). Of note is that the DOF
dy1Ulmical equations 0/ motion of the body seg- that are kinematically constrained (ns = 6 - nk )
ments must be derived. These equations depend must be in equilibrium, with appropriate equal and
not only on the assumed properties of the joints, opposite forces/moments at the joint (e.g. forces at
but also on how the body segments are assumed to the hip prevent translation of the femur relative to
interact with the environment (e.g. in walking, the the pelvis).
ground may be considered a rigid structure rela-
tive to the compliance of the foot and the body as Body Segments
a whole or, if walking on carpet, a damped com- Body segments are almost always assumed
pliant structure). (c) Passive-tissue joint rigid in coordination studies (e.g. in this book).
mechanics must be modelled or assumed insig- The implicit assumption made is that the effect of
nificant (e.g. limits on the joint range of motion motion of structures internal to a segment (e.g.,
via passive connective tissues). (d) The geometric the motion of muscles, when activated, or the
joint trans/ormation, which relates muscle force bending of bones) on intersegmental motion is in-
and length to body segmental torque and rotation, significant. The "rigid body" assumption is
must be specified. This depends on assumed joint reasonable, given our current knowledge of inter-
and musculoskeletal geometry (e.g., musculoskele- muscular coordination, except perhaps during
tal moment arm relative to axis of rotation). (e) impact of the body with very rigid objects (e.g.,
The musculotendon force generation process must concrete floor). For modeling of the torso, a "rigid
be modeled [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)]. (J) The body" segment typically is either an individual
neuromotor eNS circuitry controlling muscle ex- vertebra [e.g. Chapter 27 (Dietrich et al.) or
citation must be modeled [cf. vestibulo-ocular lumped segments of vertebrae [e.g. Chapter 28
reflex (Robinson, 1982)]. (g) The complete mus- (Winters et al.)], depending on the nature and
culoskeletal dY1Ulmical model must be goals of the study [see Chapter 23 (Andersson and
synthesized from these constituent parts. Winters) for further discussion].
We now examine each of these aspects in
detail. Joint Properties and Dynamical Equation
8.2.1 Modeling Body Segments and Joint Virtually all studies of multi-muscle control of
Kinematics limb movement assume segments can rotate fric-
Once the structures participating in the motor tionlessly relative to each other. By and large, this
task have been identified, both those internal and is an excellent assumption for healthy young in-
external to the body, it is then necessary to specify dividuals (Fung, 1981). Consequently, if joint
how the body segments can move relative to one contact forces are not of interest then joint reaction
another; that is, what joint motion is permissible. forces do not have to be included in the equations
of motion (Kane and Levinson, 1985), though they
Degrees 0/ Freedom (DOF) 0/ "Joint" often are needlessly found in the derivation of
The highest number of kinematic degrees-of- these equations (for review, see Zajac and Gordon,
freedom (nk ) a joint can have is six (i.e., three to 1989). Also, from the point of view of motion, the
account for rotation and three for translation). net effect of force in a muscle can be accounted
However, for computational reasons, models of for by the joint-torques it develops at the spanned
multi-muscle control of movement almost always joints.
assume less than six kinematic DOF. For ex- If joint friction is high (e.g. in pathological con-
ample, the hip is assumed to have three, or less, ditions such as osteoarthritis), joint reaction forces
rotational DOF. The knee is often assumed to have to appear explicitly in the equations of mo-
have one rotational DOF (flexion/extension) in tion. Then, both the direction and magnitude of
muscle coordination studies (Yamaguchi and muscle force have to appear explicitly in these
Zajac, 1989), even though the other kinematic equations, and not just the moment of muscle
126 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

force about the joint instantaneous axis of rotation. Radcliffe, 1978). Another advantage of this
This is because frictional force is likely a function method is that computationally efficient recursive
of the joint contact load, which depends, in part, formulations of the equations often exist [e.g. for
on the muscle force vectors. It is important to dis- configurations such as the 3-D open kinematic
tinguish the joint frictional forces, which are chain, of great interest for real-time robotic or
traditionally considered to be a function of contact prosthetic control (Walker et al., 1981)]. The
loads as well as joint kinematics, from the vis- primary disadvantage is that considerable effort is
coelastic properties of passive tissues crossing the needed to fmd a reduced (minimal) set of equa-
joint (e.g. ligaments, passive muscle properties), tions for complex configurations.
which are usually assumed to be only a function of The Lagrangian method (used in Chapters 21,
joint kinematics (see also Section 8.2.3). 30) and Kane's method (used in Chapters 42-43)
both generate a minimal set of equations once an
8.2.2 Finding the Dynamical Equations of appropriate minimal set of generalized coordinates
Body Segmental Motion is chosen. A set of generalized coordinates is one
Many methods have been used to derive the from which the positions and orientations of all
equations of motion of the body segments (for the body segments and interacting body objects
review, see Zajac and Gordon, 1989), with the (e.g. bicycle crank) participating in the motor task
three most common classes of methods being can be found.
Newton-Euler methods, Lagrange methods, and The number of DOF of a motor task is equal to
Kane's method. Assuming that at least one part of the number of equations of motion corresponding
the body is stationary in an inertial reference to the minimal set, and can be less than, equal to,
frame, and all joints are rotary and frictionless, the or greater than the total number of kinematic DOF
dynamical equations of body-segmental motion of the joints involved in the task (Zajac and
can be written as: Gordon, 1989). Kane's method is particularly ad-
vantageous to the generation of a minimal set of
= [Ir1 (8(t) { M(8(t)A T + equations of motion of the motor task because in-
(8.1) expensive, commercially available software
B(9(t» + C(8(t),ro(t) } (Autolev, @, OnLine Dynamics, Inc., Sunnyvale,
CA) exists to develop the equations, regardless of
where ro(t) is the angular velocity vector, 8(t) is the number of DOF of the motor task (Schaehter
the segment orientation vector, I is the mass- and Levinson, 1988). The software can also gen-
inertia matrix, A transforms joint torques into erate computer code for use directly in computer
segmental torques, M is the moment arm matrix, simulations and analyses of movement. Kane's
B is a matrix containing gravitational contribu- method is especially suited to those situations
tions, C(8(t),ro(t» is a vector describing where non-contributory forces are of no interest
centrifugal and coriolis effects, and T is a vector (e.g., equal and opposite "resultant" forces acting
containing externally applied joint-torques. Of im- at the joints).
portance is that as the order of the system The equations of motion describe how the seg-
increases, these equations become very complex. ments will move (subject to a set of contributory
Commercially-available programs exist for creat- muscle, passive tissue, and external force
ing complex multi-link models using any of the trajectories), given that the inertial parameters of
three methods; however, most of these were the body segments are known. Studies have been
created for biodynamic impact investigations on conducted on adults and children (and on
mainframe computer systems and come with con- cadavers), from which techniques or models have
siderable "baggage". become available to estimate the parameters of a
The Newton-Euler method, though commonly subject from specific measurements of body
used (e.g. Chapters 19, 27, 34), tends to generate physique (e.g., Ratze 1980b; Jensen 1989). Row
more equations than are usually necessary. One sensitive the conclusion of a study is to inertial
advantage to this method is that it is quite intuitive parameter estimation is obviously important and
for simpler systems and provides a natural exten- should be addressed whenever possible (Jenson,
sion from quasi-static analysis (e.g. Suh and 1989).
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 127

8.2.3 Modeling the Contributions of

Passive Tissues Crossing the Joints
For a pin-joint, all passive connective tissues
crossing the joint can be assumed to function in
parallel. At times, the contributions of passive
muscle tissues are accounted for by a musculoten-
don dynamical model, which then accounts singly
for both the passive and the active force generated
by a muscle (Zajac, 1989). At other times, as we
do here, the passive muscle force contributions are
accounted for separately and included, along with
the non-muscle passive structures, as contributors
to the "total passive joint moment." Quasi-stati-
cally, with these assumptions, the total passive
J'oint moment (Mk-tot ) can be written
. .
as the sum of
the individual moments (Mi ), whIch In tum are as- Figure 8.2: Technique for lumping passive viscoelas-
sumed to be a function of joint angle (9): tic tissues. Each tissue is represented by a simple paral-
lel viscoelastic element (expanded to right). If the
length of one uniarticular spring is known, the length
M =~(M . )+~(MJ')
k-tol i 'm j t
of all other uniarticular springs can be determined.
Thus, only one independent state variable (e.g. joint
angle) is necessary for each kinematic DOF.
= ~ [ri (9) x Fi (LUm(9)] + ~ [rl9) x Fj,<LUt<9)]
i m m J

Typical passive joint stiffness values are low

= ~ (f(9» = <l>k(9) until the extremes of the range of motion are ap-

proached (e.g., 2-5 Nm/rad for most major joints

where the subcripts m and t refer to muscle and
over the mid-range; reviewed in Winters and
other tissues, respectively; r is the vector from
Stark, 1985). Consequently, for tasks where joints
the joint center to the tissue at the free-body-
do not approach the range of motion extremes, this
diagram "cut"; and AX is the difference between
static component is often ignored.
tissue length and rest length (typically zero if
An approach similar to that outlined above can
negative). Many tissues are commonly assumed
be utilized to model the lumped dynamic contribu-
to provide insignificant moments (e.g. skin, blood
tion, or passive joint viscosity, if a parallel (Voigt)
vessels, nerves).
model [as opposed to Kelvin model- see Chapter
Practically, it is possible to measure the lumped
5 (Winters)] is assumed. The actual relation is in
static contribution of all of the passive tissues
theory a function of both angular position (6) and
crossing the joint by slowly rotating the joint of a
velocity (00), Usually position-dependence is as-
relaxed individual through the range of motion in
sumed negligible and a linearized approximation
a plane orthogonal to gravity. There is thus little
is utilized for velocity-dependence. In summary,
reason to distribute passive properties unless in-
the passive viscoelastic component, which is
dividual passive tissue loading, or joint contact
rarely of great importance except at movement ex-
loading, is of interest. [In fact, estimating in-
tremes and high joint angular velocities, can be
dividual contributions can be quite difficult (e.g.,
lumped and represented as:
knee joint).] The effect of other joints on the pas-
sive joint moment, due to the coupling caused by MpE tot = M K_tot + M B_tot = <l>i9) + r(9,oo)
multiarticular muscles, may not be significant and, - (~3)
if it is, can also be measured experimentally. '" <l>k(9) + Boo
Thus, the number of independent variables
needed to specify all the individual passive spring A more detailed analysis, when desired, re-
(static) forces and their moments at a joint will be quires geometric transformation techniques, as
one (Figure 8.2). Joint angle can serve as the vari- will now be described for individual muscles (but
able. The lumped static effect of all the springs is equally appropriate for passive tissues crossing
can be given by a single, nonlinear torsional joints).
spring (<lV9), see Eq. 8.2).
128 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

Musculotendon Dynamics Body Segmental Dynamics



t......:::::::::::::::::::::: ........L -_ _L--j

L e
Figure 8.3: The musculoskeletal control system. eNS assumed here (see text). The torques from all the ac-
Output E (output of the motoneuronal pools as tive muscle forces (Plus all the passive components,
manifested in the EMG signals) are considered here as not shown but presented in Figure 8.2) sum to produce
"the inputs" to the musculoskeletal system. These eNS the net angular acceleration of the segments (6). The
output signals excite muscles. Typically musculoten- torques developed by a muscle depend on how the
don dynamics is decomposed into activation dynamics musculotendinous structure is juxtaposed to the joints
and contraction dynamics, as shown. Notice that uni- (see joint geometry, Section 8.2.4)]. The latter repre-
directional infonnation flow is assumed from eNS sents relationships that pass energy bicausally without
output to activation A, i.e. "loose coupling" [cf. "tight loss; i.e. power is conserved (e.g. for uniarticular case
coupling" of Chapter 1 (Zahalak)]. According to the for the i-th muscle and j-th joint:
classical Hill model structure (e.g., see Chapter I
(Zahalak)], musculotendon dynamics are described by F)'i= [M/r/9j )] [r;f9) 0i OJ
=Mi see also Chapter 9
a second-order differential equation; state variables can (Hogan)]. Past accelerations of me segments deter-
be activation A and active muscle force F . The muscle mine the current angular velocity (9) and position (9) of
forces cause angular acceleration of the segments, the segments, which are usually considered to be "the
which may describe the complete motion of the seg- output" of the musculoskeletal system.
ments by developing torques on the segments, as

relation with no bicausal energy loss (see Figure

8.2.4 Modeling The Joint Geometric
Transformation The approach of relating the moment of muscle
How Muscle Force Actuates Body Segmental force to joint-torque to prescribe muscle actuation
Motion may be incorrect under two conditions (Zajac and
Because multi-muscle coordination studies Gordon, 1989): i) if friction at the joints is sig-
usually assume frictionless pin and ball-and- nificant; or ii) translation in addition to rotation of
socket joints, the moment of muscle force about one body segment relative to another is believed
the instantaneous axis of rotation is the transforma- significant (or, equivalently, the instantaneous axis
tion needed to relate how muscle force actuates of rotation varies, perhaps dramatically [see
segmental motion (for review, see Zajac and Chapter 28 (Winters and Peles)]).
Gordon, 1989). Since rotation of the body joints These problems can be handled in a straightfor-
are often chosen (included into) the set of general- ward (albeit perhaps tedious) manner when
ized coordinates, muscle joint-torques are linearly utilizing Newton-Euler methods. When using
related to muscle moments and can also be used to Lagrangian or Kane's method, it may well be
transform muscle forces into body segmental actua- more convenient to choose a set of generalized
tion (Figures 8.3 and 8.4; Zajac and Gordon, coordinates (Kane and Levinson, 1985) and calcu-
1989). Because motors drive robots, joint-torques late the "generalized active force" of a muscle,
of motors are often used to represent the actuation which would appear in the equations of motion
of robots. This transformation, which is a function rather than the moment of muscle force (T in
of joint geometry and also needed to describe the Figure 8.3 would represent the "generalized active
relationship between musculotendinous length force of muscle" and joint geometry would specify
(velocity) and joint angular length (velocity), can the transformation between actual muscle force
be represented as an instantaneous (no memory) and "generalized active force of muscle").
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 129

Muscle Path Another useful approximation, complimentary

Regardless of the approach used to transfonn to that just described, is to assume that, in the
muscle force to actuation of the body segments, neighborhood of the joint, the muscle path arcs
the part of the musculotendon path crossing the around a spherical shell once a certain "critical"
joint is critical. Sensitivity analysis studies show moment ann is reached (e.g., path c, path d in
that musculoskeletal model behavior tends to be Figure 8.4). Notice that the muscle length is a
very sensitive to the assumptions used to define function of the assumptions made. By assuming
the path (and consequently moment ann) near the frictionless contact, the resultant internal force
joint (e.g. Winters and Stark, 1988). passes through the joint center and thus produces
Commonly, the effective path crossing the joint no joint moment and thus is non-contributory to
is defined by assuming effective origin and inser- rotation. It turns out that the mathematical for-
tion points and drawing a straight line between mulation for the 3-D spherical (or also, for the 2-D
them (e.g., Brand et a1. 1982; Hoy et al. 1990; planar problem, cylindrical) shell is computation-
Chapters 42-43). As seen in Figure 8.4, the effec- ally efficient for both moment and length
tive path (path b) may differ from the line calculation since the critical path length (in 3-D) or
connecting the actual origin and insertion (path a). angle (in 2D) where the arc is first contacted can
Implicit in this approach are the assumptions that be pre-calculated; the appropriate arc length is
the "internal" forces required to curve the path then simply added (Kleweno and Winters, 1987).
(e.g. due to boney prominences, intennuscle
contact) have a resultant direction that bisects the Decomposition of Certain Muscles Into
muscle path (i.e. the path is frictionless) and that Multiple Paths
the source of this resultant "internal" force is inde- The fibers or aponeurosis of a muscle may have
pendent of the length or force of contributing such a wide insertion on the skeleton (e.g., gluteus
nearby structures, including muscles, contributing maximus and medius) that a more complex repre-
to actuation of the segments. With respect to how sentation may be warranted than one that assumes
muscle force actuates the body segments, there- the muscle has one path (e.g. one point of origin).
fore, it makes no difference whether the non- The common way to deal with this is to decom-
contributory portion of the musculotendon path is pose the muscle into a few lumped compartments
curved or not (Zajac and Gordon, 1989). [e.g., decomposition of gluteus maximus into an-
terior, middle, and posterior compartments [Brand
et al., 1982; used in Chapter 43 (Yamaguchi)];
similar decomposition strategy for deltoid [used in
Chapter 22 (Meek et a1.)]; and decompositon of
muscles with origins within the lower spine
(Chapters 25, 27) and the upper spine (Chapters
27-28)]. The other extreme is to compartmental-
ize the muscle into so many compartments that a
true distributed representation is made. Such a
representation does not yet seem justified to
studies of intennuscular multi-joint coordination
[cf. Chapter 3 (Morgan) for reasons to consider
such models, and Chapter 27 (Dietrich et al.) for
Figure 8.4: Schematic showing convenient assump- an effort in this direction].
tions for describing muscle paths. Left: difference
between "straight-line" (path a, dashed) and 8.2.S Modeling Musculotendon Force
"effective" (path b, solid) assumptions. Notice that the
latter requires the identification of additional
parameters (see text). Middle and Right: "Hybrid" Once the methodology of how muscle force ac-
possibilities that may be necessary as the joint angle in- tuates the body segments is delineated, a model of
creases. Notice the direction of the internal force muscle force generation must be assumed. Since
required to curve the path; relative to movement compliance of tendon and muscle aponeurosis im-
dynamics, these forces usually needn't be considered. pact on muscle force generation, the integrative
130 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan II: NeuromusculoskeletaI Modeling

properties of muscle and tendon must be modeled, course for increasing activation is on the order of
and at times muscle architecture (pennation) as 10 ms, while that for decreasing activation
well [see Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing) for fur- (deactivation) is on the order of 50 ms. The
ther discussion)]. The overall structural model mechanical model structure which has evolved
combines models of musculotendinous tissue with from the work of Hill (1938, 1970) consists of a
architecture. contractile element (CE) in series and in parallel
with viscoelastic tissue. Many subtle variations
Models of Musculotendinous Tissue exist; these are outlined in Chapter 5. The follow-
Modeling muscles, tendons and their integra- ing assumptions have been commonly employed:
tive properties is reviewed in detail elsewhere [e.g. i) the passive parallel element (PE) can be as-
Chapman, 1985; Winters and Stark, 1987; Zajac, sumed negligible, linear or nonlinear, and can be
1989; Chapter 5 (Winters)] and only a few salient accounted for by the passive joint mechanics (not
features are described here. Models describing the considered further here - see Section 8.2.3); ii) the
dynamical properties of the musculotendon ac- series element (SE) is modeled as a nonlinear
tuator range from damped spring-like structures to spring, often with an exponential force-extension
those having dynamics representing both the curve (however, at times the force-extension curve
excitation-contraction coupling of the muscle is assumed linear for moderate and high forces,
tissue and musculotendon contraction dynamics. and sometimes a viscous element is added in
Spring-like models of muscle, or combined parallel); and iii) the contractile element (CE)
muscle-reflex behavior, have been most widely encompases both "force-length" and
utilized either i) to lay down a theoretical force-velocity" contractile properties that instan-
framework for musculoskeletal system behavior taneously satisfy a force-length-velocity
[e.g. Chapter 9 (Hogan), Chapter 12 (Feldman); relationship, which is scaled by the activation A
see also review in Chapter 11 (Winters and [see Chapter 5 (Winters) for 3-D graphical repre-
Hogan)]; or ii) to explore the basic function of sentations]. The form of the CE can be thought of
muscles (including musculotendinous as a product relationship:
architecture) during tasks involving energy storage
[e.g. Chapter 36 (Alexander and Ker) and Chapter Fm = Ftv (A,ice )*Ftl (Lce )*Fmtu*A (8.4)
37 (McMahon); see also review in Chapter 35
(Mungiole and Winters)]. These simpler models where F m is active muscle force, F tl is the dimen-
will not be discussed further. sionless isometric force-length relation, Ftv is the
As outlined in Chapter 1 (Zahalak), there are dimensionless force-velocity relation, Fmtu is the
two classes of more complex models: i) models maximum isometric force, and A is activation on
based on biophysical events at the molecular level the interval <0,1». As described here the muscle
(e.g. Huxley and Simmons, 1971); and ii) models contraction model is second-order (state variables
based on an input-output descriptions of whole associated with activation dynamics and the
muscle behavior, as ftrst formulated by Hill energy storing SE spring):
(1938). The latter are utilized heavily in this book
dA dF •
and will be outlined here so as to help place into dt = FA(E); dt m = F m(A,F,L,L) (8.5)
context how the musculotendon actuator struc-
turally ftts into the framework of the
where Land L are state variables associated with
musculoskeletal system model [see Chapter 5
joint passive elasticity and body segmental equa-
(Winters) for more details)].
tions of motion (see Section 8.2.7), and E repre-
As summarized in Figure 8.3, excitation-con-
sents the net motoneuronal EMG output (Figure
traction coupling, termed Activation Dynamics, is
8.3). The SE extension, or the length of the CE
typically modeled with a uni-causal (one way)
element, could also be utilized as the second state
linear or nonlinear lower-order (usually first-
variable (e.g. one of us (FZ) uses force as the state
order) smoothing filter. The output of this process
variable, the other (JW) uses SE extension for
is typically termed activation (A), although the
numerical stability reasons). In any case, relevant
term attachment has been suggested for Hill-
internal variables, most especially L ce and l c.,both
based models [Chapter 5 (Winters)]. The time
of which appear in Eq. 8.4, can be directly
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 131

(algebraically) obtained from these state variables. explicitly show all bilateral energetic coupling
In cases where neural pulses are used in place of [see the dynamic systems framework established
lightly filtered and rectified EMG's, an additional in Chapter 9 (Hogan)] via unicausal information
uni-causal first-order equation is utilized, with its flow lines. From this perspective, body segmental
output, excitation E, the input to the activation kinematics "feed back" and directly affect force
process (Hatze, 1981; Winters and Stark, 1985); generation. The dashed "feedback" lines to activa-
the active muscle model is then third-order. tion dynamics represent the "tight coupling"
Finally, notice that musculotendon dynamics is concept [Chapter 1 (Zahalak)], which has tradi-
history-dependent. That is, force cannot be deter- tionally been assumed in musculoskeletal models
mined by just knowledge of current muscle length, to be negligible.
velocity, etc., but rate of change of muscle force
can be (Eq. 8.5). 8.2.5 Modeling Neuromotor eNS Circuitry
The level of effort afforded to the modeling of
Musculotendon Structural Properties the neuromotor CNS circuitry is small in com-
To estimate musculoskeletal structural parison to the level afforded to the modeling of the
properties, muscle tissue properties must be com- musculoskeletal system. The basic reason is that
bined with architecture. Maximal muscle force is the CNS structures (e.g., neurons, neuronal pools,
estimated from an estimate of maximal muscle neural nets) are not nearly as identifiable as the
stress (e.g. 0.2-D.5 MPa) multiplied by a measure peripheral musculoskeletal structures. Even if the
of the physiological cross sectional area, account- structures can be identified (e.g., Ia Inhibitory
ing forpennation [e.g. Hatze, 1981; Alexander and interneurons), their function is so uncertain in a
Vernon, 1975; Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing)]. specific task that investigators focus, at the mo-
Musculotendon length is determined from the path ment, on their qualitative rather than quantitative
of the muscle and tendon from real origin to real properties. One reason for this uncertainty in the
insertion points (cf. effective origin and insertion sheer volume of cells and the wealth of intercon-
points; see Figure 8.4) since the musculotendon nections. A more tangible reason for the
path not crossing the joint, as well as that which uncertainty is that the input-output "gain" of these
does, affects the dynamical properties of the ac- interneurons, which are only one layer (synapse)
tuator because of musculotendon compliance. The removed from the final motoneuronal pathway, is
ratio of muscle length to tendon length must be es- modulated by higher CNS structures (Baldissera et
timated since CE element length depends only on al. 1981). The result is that, unlike the musculos-
muscle length, while SE length depends on both keletal system, the neuromotor parameters cannot
muscle and tendon length. be "set" with any confidence; in fact adaptive
The inputs to an isolated musculotendinous sys- parameter modulation is an important aspect of
tem are the excitation signals E to the muscles, and neural control.
typically the muscle length L and velocity L the
output is then muscle force Fm' When functioning Modeling of Peripheral Sensor Dynamics
as part of the musculoskeletal system, the excitation Muscle spindle sensors are embedded within
signals become a control input vector and muscle the intrafusal (or fusimotor) system [see
forces become an internal state vector; muscle Baldissera et al. (1981), Brooks (1986), Loeb
length and velocity are instantaneously related to (1985) or Hasan et al. (1986) for recent reviews of
body segmental state variables, which in tum are a anatomy and function]. Thus spindles do not
function of muscle force and (usually) external measure absolute muscle length directly. Practical
loading from the environment (e.g. picking up approaches involve breaking down the modeling
object) or kinematic constraints set by the environ- process into components (Hasan, 1983): intrafusal
ment [e.g. bicycle crank; Chapter 40 (Hull and dynamics, spindle transduction, and transmission
Hawkins)]. Figure 8.3 shows how the body seg- time delay/filtering. [For tasks at steady activation
mental dynamics, as given by the equations of (e.g. classic "ramp-and-hold" protocol), the first of
motion of the body segments (see Eq. 8.1), and the these may not be important.] We now briefly con-
musculotendon dynamics, as given by activation sider each of these.
and contractile mechanics, are coupled. Here we
132 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

a I- spindle --l
Quipul ----. length of the bag). Interestingly, with this ap-
proach, nonlinear spindle output (e.g. the
"product" transduction process described below)
might result from a linear spindle transducer since
"bag" extension would be sensitive to muscle
~- 1-- mechanical phenomena. For instance, sudden
Llnlrafusal Lexlrafusal stretch would cause an initially high force (due to
.....-.-.- ...... -----.- .. -.---.--- .... -- .. ~
high lengthening CE force-velocity slope) fol-
Intrefusel Sllstem lowed by "yielding" phenomena, which
b corresponds to initially high spindle sensitivity fol-

........... ',. "I lowed by the low-sensitivity


The spindle dynamical model can be incor-

-.------------.-.------ ... ----- .. --.~..... : porated into a systems model of musculoskeletal
control by recognizing the relation between the
t ~ ooC:t ---'---~ D!.namtc IX-motor system and the y-motor system (Figure
~ ~----~ F lnterac:.
8.5b). Specifically, a low-order adaptive reference
model can be proposed (Inbar, 1972; Winters and
Stark, 1985b). A "tight" IX-y linkage is assumed,
Figure 8.5: The muscle spindle receptor. a) The con- and the "spindle" output occurs when the dif-
tractile portion of the intrafusal fibers (CE, contractile ference between the length of the "intrafusal"
element) are excited by y-motoneurons. The SE (reference) fibers and extrafusal fibers exceeds a
(series elastic element) is the elasticity of the intrafusal threshold.
fibers that resides between the ends of the fibers and
the central regions of the fibers, which is modeled by Transduction. Mathematical representation of
viscoelastic elements. Muscle spindle feedback (neural the spindle transduction process, given a length
receptor discharge) is a function of the stretch of this change, can be crudely classified into two ap-
central region. b) A model reference adaptive control proaches [Chapter 13 (Wu et al.)]: i) "additive"
system can be postulated by assuming that the in- descriptions; and ii) "product" descriptions. A
trafusal fiber system mimics the extrafusal system,
number of linear additive approximations have
with spindle output being the "error" signal. Notice
that both the extrafusal and intrafusal systems have a been formulated [e.g. reviewed in Gottlieb and
common drive (CNS output) that links the y motor- Agarwal (1987)]. All possess in common a ten-
drive system to the IX motor-drive system (called an dency for phase lead (strong derivative
"IX-y linkage"). components) over the main operating range, with
the following form typical:
Intrafusal Dynamics. One approach to model-
ing intrafusal muscle-fiber dynamics, based on dN dM- dM-
t ':::..ll + N f = {K --2 +K - +K M-+K.AF}
known physiology, is to assume a model structure dt s a dt v dt P ,-
similar to the extrafusal muscle-fiber structure
(Figure 8.5a). The CE is excited by the CNS
y-illive (cf. IX-illive to extrafusal fibers). In addi-
tion to a series elastic element (similar to the SE where Nsf is the (as yet non-delayed) neural sen-
used in models of the extrafusal fibers), a vis- sory feedback from the given muscle, on the
coelastic element in series models the central interval <0,1> and the time constant t is low in
portion (e.g., the "bag") of the intrafusal fibers (cf. value (e.g. 10 ms) and often neglected. Typical
no such element for the extrafusal system). "ballpark" values providing a moderate yet notice-
Spindle output (especially 1a afferents) would able (and generally stable) feedback contribution
ideally be related to stretch of this viscoelastic for a variety of tasks, are, for the position (Kp)'
bag, which in turn is related to the difference be- velocity (K), acceleration (Ka) and force (Kr) feed-
tween the extrafusal muscle length and the back gains, respectively, 0.1 /rad, 0.01 sec/rad,
intrafusal length (once scaled for the "slack"
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 133

0.0002 ser!/rad and 0.2 /Fmax (Winters, 1985). In verging information from multiple muscles, as
general, experimental data suggest higher values well as from higher structures. Whether this infor-
for lengthening muscle, lower for shortening, and mation converges additively or multiplicatively is
changes in sensitivity with the length of stretch. an open (and controversial) question. For pur-
Based on EMG data during small forced elbow os- poses of formulating a structure along classical
cillations, Cannon and Zahalak (1982) suggested a engineering lines, we assume additive conver-
similar form, only with the addition of a square gence. Based on many studies suggesting multiple
root operator on right side (to simulate a soft "loops", with the "longer" loop gain more depend-
saturation) and a zero force gain. Once compen- ent on instruction (e.g. articl6" in book by
sating for the square root effect, their gains are Desmedt, 1978), we may assume two loops:
surprisingly similar. Why surprising? Because,
unlike for musculoskeletal model parameters,
these parameters can change at the "whim" of
more central control commands. Also, one can (8.7)
regulate stiffness-like muscle properties by
modulating the spindle gains versus the Golgi ten- for all i s n, where Ts and T, represent matrices of
don gains [e.g. see Houk and Rymer (1981) for short- and long-loop transmission time delays,
review]. respectively, Ks and K, are feedback gain matrices,
The "product" approximation comes from the respectively, and (1)(.) is the unit impulse function,
observation that experimental "ramp-and-hold" i.e. I) = 1 if t = Too, 0 otherwise). As shown, the
data, after the initital transient, can be well fit by
relationship is st;llc, i.e. it holds for each time
the product of length multiplied by the velocity step; one could easily add a "smoothing" effect
raised to a low power such as 0.3 (Houk, 1979). It [e.g. with a first-order ftlter with a suggested time
is possible to employ a linear combination of both constant of under 10 ms (Winters and Stark,
approaches (Winters, 1985). Hasan (1983) ex- 1985b)]. Unfortunately (for the modeller), the
tended the "product" approach by utilizing a overall short- and (most especially) long-loop
nonlinear first-order differential equation to gains (Ks and K respectively) are known to be
dynamically relate the nerve ending stretch to "
quite variable even during simple tasks. They also
muscle length [see Eq. 13.1 of Chapter 13 (WU et tend to be low most of the time, as would be ex-
al.)]. He also developed a relation between stretchpected for a system with delayed feedback loops
and reflex-induced muscle activation. In Chapter [see also Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. Furthermore, the
13 both "additive" and "product" muscle-reflex traditional conceptual foundation of assuming that
models are considered for both ramp stretches and all joint "synergists" have similar gains and
force step disturbances. "antagonists" have different gains has been some-
what destroyed by the evolving experimental
Transmission. The transmission of sensory in- facts, which show that the concept of joint-based
formation back to the spinal cord can be ade- "synergists" and "antagonists" is itself fuzzy (e.g.
quately modeled by a pure time delay and a simple
Zajac and Gordon, 1989). EMG activity is often
low-pass ftlter with fairly fast (and thus perhaps better correlated to global task measures than to
insignificant) temporal dynamics (e.g. Hasan, individual joint motion measures (e.g., Soechting
1983; Winters, 1985). This information must then et al., 1981). Such observations suggest that feed-
be utilized. back is organized by task rather than anatomical
Neuromotor Utilization of Sensor structure, prompting Loeb (1984) to propose the
Information. An engineering approach for utiliz- concept of "task groups". From a modeling
ing sensory feedback is to assume that feedback perspective, this is somewhat of a "nightmare", al-
from a given muscle not only goes back to the beit a fascinating one. Unlike musculoskeletal
same muscle but also diverges to neighboring parameters, which in a reasonably sophisticated
muscles and potentially other segmental levels model should not need to be changed either during
[see also Figure 8.6 and Chapter 10 (Loeb and a task or (usually) for other tasks, feedback gain
Levine)]. Each muscle could then receive con- parameters are totally subject to the "whims"
134 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

(needs) of the brain. Not only may they change as trajectories [Le., x(t), t > t1] can be found, given
a function of task, but also may change during a knowledge of the state at time t1, x(t1), and the in-
task. It is for this reason, combined with the fact put vector from then on [Le., u(t), t > t1 ].
that feedback gains are often low anyway The number of state variables can very easily
(presumably for stability reasons related to time approach a high number (e.g., using the muscle
delays), that feedback has rarely been added for in- model of Section 8.2.5, we would have 2m + 2n
vestigations employing advanced neuro- states, assuming m is the number of muscles and n
musculoskeletal modeling. A notable exception is is the number of body segments being modeled).
provided by the work outlined in Chapter 10 Additionally, if the musculoskeletal system is
(Loeb and Levine), where a concerted effort is un- coupled to a dynamic object (e.g. an
derway to utilize optimal control techniques to electromechanical motor exercising a body part),
estimate gain matrices as a function of task. It is state equations describing object dynamics (e.g.
worth noting that the motoneuron, and the EMG, inertia, elasticity, motor inductance) may be re-
represent a "fmal common pathway", and thus the quired [see also Chapter 9 (Hogan)].
signal after the integration of inputs from both the The outputs of the system [y(t)], which can be
periphery and higher eNS structures. whatever happens to be of interest, are at each
time step a function of state variables and inputs:
8.2.6 Synthesizing a Dynamical Model of the
Musculoskeletal System
The dynamical properties of the complete mus- y(t) = G(x,u) (8.9)
culoskeletal system ("the plant") is specified by
the interactive properties of the constituent com- In summary, given a trajectory of controls (the
ponents, which consist of the dynamical equations time history of the muscular excitation signals,
of motion of the body segments, the transfor- "the inputs") and the initial values of the states, the
mation describing muscle force actuation of the dynamical equations describing the system can be
body segments, the dynamical equations of muscle integrated to find, for example, all the muscle
force generation, and (potentially) sensory feed- forces and activations, and the motion of the body
back (Figure 8.1). From these dynamical segments (Le., all the internal state and output
equations and transformations, the input vector trajectories). When the number of states is high,
u(t), which consists of all the muscle excitation fmding appropriate muscle excitation signals (the
signals and the external forces acting on the body, inputs) and interpretating the computer-derived
can be defined. The state vector x(t), which is a trajectories of body segmental motion (the
minimal (usually non-unique) set of state variables outputs) is extremely challenging (see below).
characterizing the musculoskeletal system, can
also be defined. That is, all system variables are 8.3 Complexity of Multiarticular Motor Tasks
known because they are either the states them- The musculoskeletal system involved in a mul-
selves or functions of the states. We saw earlier tiarticular motor task is a highly nonlinear system.
that convenient state variables for a second-order System nonlinearities arise even in the absence of
muscle are muscle activation and muscle force. gravity. It is thus impossible to assume a priori
The state variable needed to defme joint passive that superposition will occur. Thus, the net mo-
elasticity is joint angular displacement and, to tion of the body segments (Le., typical output of
define the body segmental motion, joint angular the system) acted on by muscle excitation (inputs)
velocity is needed as well. The state equations can will not be the sum of the motions that would oc-
then be formed: cur should each muscle act in isolation.
From inspection of Figure 8.3, there are three
dx(t) fundamental sources of nonlinear properties: i)
~ = F(x(t),u(t» (8.8)
musculotendon dynamics; ii) the static transforma-
Given the state equations, the significance of the tion (mapping) between musculotendon force and
state vector is that its value at time t1 [Le., x(t1)] velocity to joint torque and angular velocity,
summarizes the past. In this way, future state respectively; and iii) intersegmental dynamics and
gravitational influences. The second of these will
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 135

not be addressed since it is simply a straightfor- of these are in direct contradiction to the concept
ward static nonlinearity. The ftrst and third, of a unicausal force generator. The next best
however, are nontrivial and indeed "intuition" can model, a bicausallinear ftlter (e.g. linear SE spring
fail - simulations are necessary to fully grasp the and CE dashpot), is shown in Chapter 5 to be help-
signiftcance of the interaction between the various ful but not satisfactory, especially for different
components of the system. Our goal here is to voluntary movements, where it is seen that the
identify a few salient features of the nonlinear parameters for the "best" linearized model fit
musculoskeletal system that are perhaps nonintui- change signiftcantly as a function of movement
tive. amplitude, etc. Differences are especially evident
during movement inititation, where the slopes for
8.3.1 Musculotendinous Actuators are
both the CE viscous element and SE are low.
More Than Simple Filters What about antagonist activity? Nonlinear
For certain simple tasks, muscle dynamics can models allow for much lower antagonist force
indeed take on the form of a uni-directional levels than linearized models. This is due to CE
"smoothing" EMG-to-Jorce ftlter. This, however, is viscous-like properties being lower when activa-
rare, and simply assuming that muscle force is a tion is low. However, when it comes time to
smooth version of an EMG trajectory can be dan- clamp (brake) a movement, nonlinear models
gerous. As noted previously and discussed in predict a much greater capacity for attaining a sig-
detail in Chapter 5 (Winters) and Chapter 9 niftcant braking force quickly (e.g. see Chapter 5).
(Hogan), musculotendinous actuators bicausally
interact with the skeletal system, with muscle Stretch-Shortening Tasks
force also a function of the muscle length history. Many tasks of life involve the excitation of
To help visualize some of the roles and subtle ef- muscles which lengthen fIrst before contracting.
fects of musculotendinous properties during single- Lengthening occurs because other, stronger forces
and multiarticular movement, we start with the act to pull on the muscle simultaneously. As
conceptual foundation of a Hill model with a non- reviewed in Chapter 35 (Mungiole and Winters)
linear CE and SE. Here we will not present and 39 (Chapman and Sanderson), such a contrac-
simulations but rather provide a brief overview of tion allows a muscle to start the shortening process
basic ftndings, most of which are addressed in with a higher muscle force and with elastic energy
other chapters. stored in SE, and perhaps with a force enhanced
over and above that prediced by traditional Hill-
Simple Voluntary Movements
based models. The relative contribution of the
The simplest possible situation is for an agonist various effects is debatable [e.g. compare Chapter
EMG to change level (e.g. a step increase). It turns
38 (Hof) to Chapter 39 (Chapman. and
out that even for this case muscle "ftlter" Sanderson)]; what is not debatable is that muscle
properties are a strong function of the load on the force generation depends on the recent history of
system [e.g. see Chapter 5 (Winters)]. In par- both EMG and muscle length (i.e., muscle has
ticular, when the limb segment is unloaded dynamical properties).
("free"), the muscle will shorten more quickly.
Under these conditions the force trajectory that is Effects of Slow Postural Adjustments
generated will be lower than when loaded, such as Here the SE element is less important than CE
(in the extreme) during an isometric contraction. behavior. Effects due to the CE tension-length
This is simply a statement of the CE force-velocity relation are certainly straightforward, albeit per-
property. Additionally, the shape of the curves haps troubling when this relation has a negative
are fundamentally different, with the force for the slope. Here concepts raised in Chapter 12
unloaded case likely showing a double peak (Feldman become important: musculoskele-
[Chapter 5 (Winters)]. This is a function of com- tal and neuromotor dynamics are best considered
bined properties. Furthermore, the time from EMG as a unit. However, perhaps less evident are the
rise to force production above a threshold [the so- predictions of the CE force-velocity property
called "electromechanical delay" (Norman and during slow shortening and lengthening move-
Komi, 1979)] is clearly a function of the load. All ments. Most experimental data for isolated
136 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

muscle suggest that the slope near zero velocity is ference whether a kinematic perturbation is due to
quite high, especially whenever there is co- contraction of an uni-articular muscle crossing the
contraction around joints. The end result is that elbow, an impact to the forearm, or some com-
even for slow movements the EMG-force relation bination of multiple sources (the usual case). [Of
is not that of a unicasual filter. Force changes are course, as part of the bicausal system, the dynamic
disproportion ally higher for slow lengthening than interaction between these situations differ
for slow shortening. Certainly this nonlinear fea- (Chapter 9, Hogan)]. This dynamic coupling is
ture is important for limb stability, especially as the primarly mode of interaction for most
related to working in conjunction with neural feed- proximaIlimb muscles and for back muscles (cf.
back to help prevent position "drifting". eye muscles and some finger and hand muscles).
Effects of Rapid External Perturbations Since perturbations (and especially complex se-
quences of EMG and length histories) tend to most
Many experiments have been performed during
dramatically bring out the nonlinear properties of
which muscles are: i) stretched or released at con-
muscle, clearly nonlinear, bicausal muscle models
stant velocities, with force trajectories measured;
are often necessary. The bottom line is that since,
ii) step changes in force are applied; iii) small
as seen in the next section, a muscle accelerates all
force or velocity sinusoids are applied; or iv) im-
segments and joints, it also provides significant
pulses ("impacts") are applied. For such tasks the
perturbations to many other muscles, which in tum
concept of an EMG-force relation is absurd - the
results in complex nonlinear responses, which in
EMG is constant (indefinitely for isolated animal
tum ... and so on. Certainly inituition can fail and
experiments and for at least 30 ms for human
modeling becomes a necessity.
experiments) and yet the muscle force shows im-
mediate and often dramatic changes. It is these 8.3.2 A Muscle Accelerates All Segments
tasks which most completely show the need for and Joints
bicausal muscle models and bring out most fully Because the musculoskeletal system is multi-
muscle nonlinear properties. Importantly, for input, multi-output (MIMO), the position, velocity,
single tasks over small operating ranges the input- and even the acceleration of any segment, and the
output behavior sometimes appears linear. angular position, velocity, and acceleration of any
However, once the operating range changes, the joint, depends on the excitation of all the muscles.
describing parameters of lower-order linearized For example, the joint-torque produced by a uniar-
models change dramatically [Winters and Stark, ticular muscle not only accelerates into rotation
1987; Chapter 5 (Winters); Chapter 13 (WU et the joint it spans, but all other un spanned joints as
al.)]. Explanations emerge from consideration of well (Zajac and Gordon, 1989). And the muscle-
the Hill nonlinear model. For instance, when induced angular acceleration of the unspanned
muscle force increases, muscle impedance in- joints can be much greater than that of the spanned
creases because both the SE and CE force-velocity joint. Thus, the force developed by a uniarticular
slopes increase, and in some cases the CE muscle acts instantaneously to rotate both spanned
tension-length slope as well. This can be and unspanned joints, and the effect at the un-
dramatic. Consequently, the muscle can be made spanned joint can be significant.
to "look different" depending on the initital condi- To illustrate how potent a uniarticular muscle
tions and the type of perturbation. can accelerate an un spanned joint into rotation,
Generalization of the "Perturbation" Concept consider soleus in the standing human. Though
Of great importance is the following observa- soleus is assumed to generate only an ankle exten-
tion: As far as a given muscle is concerned, sor torque, it accelerates instantaneously into
whenever a joint crossed by the given muscle un- extension the unspanned knee as well as the
dergoes rotation, the muscle experiences the spanned ankle (Figure 8.6). The induced angular
equivalent of an external perturbation. acceleration at the knee can be two times as strong
Interestingly, this perturbation may be a function as the acceleration induced at the ankle, when the
of what this muscle has done in the past - it is one body is near the upright vertical posture (Figure
part of the bicausal, dynamic energetic mechanical 8.6, 180°). In comparison, biceps femoris (short
system. This means that as far as, say, a shoulder head), assumed to develop only a knee flexor
or back muscle is concerned, it makes little dif- torque, accelerates the unspanned ankle into
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 137

flexion, but the effect is only about half the flexor assumed to always develop a knee flexor torque,
angular acceleration induced at the spanned knee and at other times the ankle into flexion, even
(Figure 8.6). Though the model used to compute though gastrocnemius is assumed to develop al-
these data has only two segments to represent the ways an ankle extensor torque (Figure 8.7). The
body (Zajac and Gordon, 1989), the results are
robust to the number of segments and to body a
physique, assuming the feet are flat on the ground
during standing (Gordon et aI., 1988). ankle extends

knee flexes
r.kGAS 0.5
r;,GAS ,....- knee extends
C ankle lIexes
knee flexes
BFsh (J,5

ankle exlends
knee extends
I I 45· 90· 180·

90· 135 0 180·

~ ~
knee angle
~ l ~
knee angle

Figure 8.7: Regions where the biarticular gastroc-

Figure 8.6: Angular acceleration of an unspanned
nemius (GAS) muscle flexes/extends (Le., accelerates
joint relative to the spanned joint of two uniarticular
towards flexion/extension) the spanned ankle and knee
muscles during flat-footed standing. A two segment
joints. The regions are a function of body position (the
(shank and thigh) model of the body is assumed. The
knee angle for this two segment model) and how much
mass of the head, arms, and torso are assumed to reside
flexor torque it develops at the knee relative to the
at the hip. Soleus (SOL) is assumed to span the ankle
amount of extensor torque it develops at the ankle,
and generate only an ankle extensor (plantar flexor)
which is equivalent to the ratio of knee to ankle mo-
torque; biceps femoris-short head (BFsh ) to span the
mentarm(rkGAS/raGAS). a) Effect on the ankle. Thebold
knee and generate only a knee flexor torque. SOL
line separates the regions where GAS flexes and ex-
(BF ) accelerates both the ankle and knee towards ex-
~ (flexion). The ratio of angular acceleratIon . 0f tends the ankle. For high knee to ankle moment arm
ratios, GAS will flex the ankle (region above the bold
the knee to the ankle produced by SOL per unit torque
line) because the knee flexor torque, which flexes both
is higher at more erect postures (solid line). Notice
joints, dominates the ankle extensor acceleration
that SOL extends (accelerates towards extension) the
caused by the ankle extensor torque. b) Effect on the
unspanned knee joint about 2x more powerfully than it
knee. For low knee to ankle moment arm ratios, GAS
does the ankle, the joint it spans, when the body is in will extend the knee (region below the bold line) be-
the vertical upright posture (knee angle = 180°). In
cause the ankle extensor torque, which extends both
contrast, BFsh flexes the unspanned ankle joint less than joints, dominates the knee flexor acceleration caused
the joint it spans, the knee, regardless of the posture of by the knee flexor torque. c) Combined Effect. Notice
the body (dashed line). (Modified from Zajac and that GAS can have three possible effects, depending on
Gordon, 1989).
the posture of the body (the knee angle in this case)
and the knee to ankle moment arm ratio. Notice that
Because of multijoint interactions, the force in GAS can never simultaneously flex the ankle and ex-
a biarticular muscle can instantaneously accelerate tend the knee. When the knee is flexed no more than
the spanned joints in directions opposite to the 45° (knee angle between 135-180°) the action of GAS
directions of the developed joint-torques (Zajac to flex and extend the joints is very sensitive to mo-
and Gordon, 1989). For example, gastrocnemius ment arm ratios near 0.5, which are the ratios to be
in the standing human may at times accelerate the expected in humans (Hoy et al., 1990; modified from
knee into extension, even though gastrocnemius is Zajac and Gordon, 1989).
138 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: NeuromusculoskeletaI Modeling

action (angular acceleration) caused by gastroc- cal interactions acting among the muscles,
nemius depends on i) the ratio of knee to ankle segments, and joints. For example, one may be
moment arm, which may be affected by body posi- wrong to conclude from EMG and movement
tion, including knee joint angle, and ii) knee joint records that a uniarticular extensor muscle (Le., a
angle explicitly (Le., even if moment arms do not muscle that develops an extensor torque) is ex-
depend on knee angles). Notice that for moment cited because it is needed to accelerate the
arm ratios around one-half, near the upright verti- spanned joint into extension. That is, though ex-
cal posture, the action caused by gastrocnemius to perimental records may show that an extensor
flex/extend the ankle and knee is very sensitive to muscle is active while the spanned joint is under-
its moment arm ratio. If the ratio is above about going acceleration towards extension, it may be
0.5, the knee flexor torque dominates, and gastroc- more important to the motor task that this extensor
nemius flexes both the knee and ankle (Le., muscle be excited to accelerate joints un spanned
accelerates towards flexion the knee and ankle). by this muscle [e.g., soleus acting to extend the
For ratios below about 0.5, the ankle extensor knee in standing, see above, or in walking,
torque dominates, and gastrocnemius extends both Yamaguchi and Zajac 1990, Chapter 43
the knee and ankle. And for a narrow range of (Yamaguchi)] .
ratios near 0.5, gstrocnemius acts to rotate each of
the two spanned joints into the same direction as
8.4 Estimating Musculotendon Forces
the torque developed by gastrocnemius (Le., into Based on the previous section, it is clear that es-
knee flexion and ankle extension). Since moment timating muscle forces is nontrivial. Yet
arm ratios near 0.5 are expected in humans (Hoy knowledge of muscle and tendon force is desirable
et al., 1990), the action of gastrocnemius may dif- because these forces are under the control of the
eNS and thus of interest to motor control inves-
fer among individuals while standing upright.
However, gastrocnemius would not be expected to tigators. In addition, muscle forces interest
produce large accelerations, whatever direction it orthopaedic biomechanicians because joint contact
is trying to rotate the joints, because the mag- forces, as well as muscle forces, must be estimated
to understand joint loading and pathology (Chao,
nitude of the acceleration it induces will be small.
1986; Chapters 23-27). However, tendon force
Thus, gastrocnemius and other multiarticular
has only rarely been recorded directly in humans
muscles may be excited for reasons other than ac-
(Komi et al., 1987). Four classes of methods have
celerating the body segments (e.g. see also
been developed to estimate muscle and tendon
Chapters 9,17-18,24-28,39-44).
forces during human movement: (a) heuristic
Just as a muscle can accelerate all joints, and methods based on statics or inverse dyanamics
thus all body segments, even those to which it which are based on simple assumptions for load-
neither attaches nor spans, it delivers power to, or sharing (e.g. an "equivalent" knee extensor); (b) an
absorbs power from, all the body segments [see inverse dynamical approach involving processing
also Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. The power transferred of experimental motion data, modeling and static
from a musculotendon actuator to a segment is optimization to solve the muscle redundancy
proportional to the segmental acceleration it in- problem; (c) an EMG-to1orce processing approach;
duces and to the mass of the segment (Pandy and and (d) a direct dynamical approach involving
Zajac, 1990). In fact, as one might expect, since model-driven simulations of the movement task.
much of the body mass is in the trunk, leg muscles
deliver much of their power proximally to the 8.4.1 Inverse Dynamical Reductionist
trunk in motor tasks where the trunk is free to ("Heuristic") Approach
move [e.g., jumping, Pandy and Zajac, 1990; This is certainly the oldest and most utilized ap-
Chapter 42 (Pandy)]. proach, especially in textbooks. The inverse
Simply because the action of one muscle to dynamical approach uses body motion data alone,
move the body segments through a trajectory can- or more desirably the motion data together with
not be studied in isolation from the action of external (e.g., ground) reaction force data, to com-
another muscle, we believe that an understanding pute the net torques developed at joints by muscles
of multi-muscle control of a multijoint motor task (see review by Zajac and Gordon, 1989). A sig-
requires an understanding of the complex dynami-
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 139

nificant subset of the inverse dynamics approach lowed to be non-zero), with muscle stress clearly
are tasks where a quasi-static analysis is assumed the most popular choice (Pedotti et al., 1978;
to be sufficent, often with the initital configuration Crowinshield and Brand, 1981; Dul et aI., 1985).
assumed (e.g. classic textbook by Williams and A slightly different approach is to minimize the
Lissner, 1960). Muscle forces cannot usually be upper bound on muscle stresses (An et al., 1984).
computed without additional assumptions because However, both Crowinshield and Brand (1981)
the number of muscles participating in the move- and Dul et al. (1985) have suggested that muscles
ment exceed the number of joints, which is often with a higher percentage of (fatigue resistant) slow
referred to as "muscle redundancy." Here a set of muscle fibers are best represented by muscle stress
limited heuristic "rules" are employed which can raised to a higher power (e.g. ns = 3). Multiple in-
range from a simple assumption of "equivalent" volved criterion are also possible (and usually
muscles (e.g., Williams and Lissner, 1960) to preferable). This typically involves minimization
heuristic "rules" for load-sharing between assumed of some combination of muscle, ligament and joint
"synergists" (e.g. Paul, 1965, Morrison, 1970; loading (e.g., Seireg and Arvikar, 1975, 1989; see
Fuller and Winters, 1987). Such strategies may be also Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters) for a
quite appropriate when 3-D, multi-link movements review and Chapter 25 (Gracovetsky) for an
are performed that are essentially quasi-static and example).
estimating muscle forces is not an end goal but an A general observation is that none of the
intermediate step that is necessary for estimating criteria contain terms related to neural excitation
joint contact loads [e.g. in aged subjects with os- or internal muscle activation. This is because,
teoarthritis performing various exercises slowly with few exceptions (e.g., Pedotti et al., 1978),
(Fuller and Winters, 1987)]. Of note is that heuris- these approaches do not consider muscle dynami-
tic "rules" which work for one task will not cal properties; i.e. muscle force estimation is
necessarily work for another. assumed to depend only on the joint torque, the
musculotendinous moment arm, and the cross-
8.4.2 Inverse Dynamical (Static)
sectional area, and not on muscle dynamics.
Optimization Approach Defming a suitable performance criterion is
Static optimization procedures have been critical to this approach, and can be elusive.
employed to find the muscle forces, given the net Interestingly, some investigators have shown that
muscle torques obtained from an inverse dynamics often the muscle force predictions are relatively in-
analysis (Crowninshield, 1978; Herzog, 1987a,b). sensitive, within limits, to the form of the cost
As with the above method, kinematic and joint function (Chao and An, 1978; Hardt, 1981).
torque data are assumed to be known (and with in- However, many criteria may yield the same
significant error). Solution of the force shortcomings. For example, it is rare for any of
distribution problem at many instants in the motor the above cost functions to predict muscle coac-
task requires multiple solutions, one per each in- tivation of antagonists, a strategy that might
stant, to the static optimization algorithm. The indeed be preferred in some motor tasks (Chapters
solution solves the muscle redundancy by mini- 9, 19,23,27-3240-43), and may be especially im-
mizing (or maximizing) a performance criterion portant for postural stability of inverted pendulum-
(or "cost function") that is usually a subset of the type systems [see Chapter 23 (Andersson and
form: Winters), Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi)].
n n
l' ft. n Notice also that there is no integral sign within
Ie = :- (Km Fm "'+ Ks(FmlA) ") + (K/'j J + K,Mj ') Eq.8.l0: Static optimization methods find the in-
puts at some single instant of time, given
(8.10) knowledge of the segmental kinematics (e.g.,
recordings of joint angles and velocities), and per-
where the measures presented here (muscle force
haps kinetic quantities (e.g., ground forces).
(Fin)' muscle stress (FmIA), joint loading (F), joint
These methods thus focus only on the present,
constraint moments (M.) have been used most of-
solving an algebraic problem, and optimize the in-
ten. Typically for a gi~en "run" only one criterion
puts according to some criterion without regard to
is utilized (i.e. only one set of additive terms is al-
where the segments will go as a consequence of
140 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan II: NeuromusculoskeletaI Modeling

the optimized current inputs. The algorithm must izes a dynamic muscle model, takes advantage of
be run repeatedly to find the inputs at other in- all available information, doesn't depend on
stants. Interpolation can be used to find the input (imperfect) joint torque calculation via inverse
trajectories associated with the whole motor task. dynamics, and is computationally simple enough
Of note is that theory behind static optimization is to potentially be applied in real time.
advanced and algorithms are readily available (for Disadvantages are that it places great trust in im-
review, see Zajac and Gordon, 1989). However, perfect signals such as the EMG and in the muscle
many algorithms constrain the form of the perfor- parameter values of the model.
mance criterion; for instance, the popular (and A related approach that is under current inves-
computationally efficient) method of linear tigation (Winters' group) is to use a hybrid
programming (e.g. Chao and An, 1978; Bean et optimization scheme which assumes that EMG and
al., 1988; Seireg and Arvikar, 1989) requires that kinematic information are inherently imperfect
the exponent n = 1 for all terms, while others re- and noisy, yet provide information that is useful as
quire that n = 2. The recent book by Serieg and reference signals within the performance criterion.
Arvikar (1989) in particular exemplifies the wide This provides some "slack" for the controller sig-
range of problems, ranging from lower limb to nal (i.e. the signal is allowed to be adjusted by the
lower back to upper limb to jaw movements, that optimization scheme), and potentially will shorten
can benefit from the utilization of this approach. the algorithm convergence time since the model
Of note is that "success" of a certain perfor- starts close to the experimentally-predicted signal.
mance criterion has usually been based on By keeping the relative "weights" high for
qualitative compatibility between the predicted measured data that is trusted (which may vary
force patterns and the EMG. As noted in Section from joint to joint), one can keep the final solution
8.3.1, this must be done with care. Estimation of from deviating significantly from "trusted" ex-
EMG from muscle force, using a simple Hill perimental data and get reasonable muscle force
model, is possible, but is rarely done. This would predictions. If no subcriteria are active other than
involve finding the series element extension by the EMG and kinematic error signals, one essen-
knowing the muscle force, then finding the muscle tially is finding a "best match"; if in addition other
activation by taking the force and CE velocity subcriteria (e.g. muscle stress) are active, one is
(estimated from the CE position change), and then also potentially investigating issues related to
using this value and muscle length to estimate ac- neuromotor strategy.
tivation, given the assumed instantaneous CE
8.4.4 Direct Dynamical Approach
force-length-velcocity-activation relation.
The direct dynamical approach computes the
8.4.3 EMG Processing Approach force trajectory of each muscle and tendon during
A method to estimate force in a single muscle motor task execution as a byproduct of the mus-
is to process the EMG signal (Hof and van den culoskeletal system response to neuromotor
Berg, 1981; for review, see Zajac and Gordon, control inputs and any external loading; this is the
1989). A dynamical model of muscle activation approach emphasized in Section 8.2 and illustrated
and musculotendon contraction, such as Hill's in Figure 8.3. This method can provide much
model, must be used. The inputs to this model are more information than just the forces developed
(typically) the recorded EMG signal, after rectifica- during the task, including the contribution of
tion and filtering, and the recorded length and muscle force to accelerating and powering the
velocity of the musculotendon actuator. body segments. This approach can be combined
Therefore, the model has the EMG signal, the with sensitivity analysis and dynamic optimization
(measured) joint angles and velocities as the in- methods. When used with dynamic optimization
puts, and muscle (or tendon) force as the output. (discussed in detail in Section 8.5.4), muscle force
This EMG processing method has been appled to is also a function of the goal of the task. We thus
estimate muscle force and energy storage in ten- believe that it is the method of choice when a full
don during tasks such as walking [Hof et al., 1983; understanding of motor control, including iden-
Chapter 38 (Hof)] and jumping (Bobbert et al., tification of neuromotor strategies, is sought. This
1986). Advantages of this approach are that it util- issue will now be our focus.
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 141

8.S Identification of Neuromotor Strategies the future consequences of the inputs, and do find
both the input and output trajectories from the
8.5.1 Purely Experimental Approaches beginning to the end of the motor task so as to
The experimental approach to finding how the maximize the accummulated performance. From
CNS controls the musculoskeletal system is to the context of illuminating neuromotor strategy
record the EMG signals from muscles believed to for temporal movement tasks, dynamic optimiza-
be significantly involved in the execution of the tion methods are clearly much more apropos to
motor task. Interpretation of these EMG records, multi-muscle movement control than static op-
together with kinematic and kinetic movement timization methods. Interestingly, the phases
data also recorded during task execution, are often "cost function" and "performance criterion" have
used in the absence of a mathematical theoretical traditionally been used interchangeably; we sug-
basis to suggest CNS control mechanisms. This gest that for static optimization the former is a
approach certainly has a place, and is utilized in a more appropriate term while for dynamic op-
number of chapters in this book (Chapters 29-30, timization the latter provides a more representative
46). Useful and thought-provoking data is ob- description.
tained in these chapters. Of special importance
are experiments in which perturbations (usually 8.5.3 Direct Dynamics Approach Without
mechanical) are applied to an ongoing task and the Dynamic Optimization: The Problem
neuromotor response is measured. However, in- The above observations suggest that direct
terpretations of such data are difficult, and may (forward) dynamical simulations provide the
not consider (or at least fully appreciate) the com- preferred avenue for understanding human
plex dynamical interactions existing among the neuromotor control strategy. This theoretical ap-
segments and muscles (e.g., as discussed in proach is based, for most cases of practical
Section 8.3). Thus we suggest that meaningful interest, on the use of a dynamical model of the
hypotheses will evolve more frequently when musculoskeletal system (e.g., Figure 8.3) to
theoretically-based simulation data is collected predict the muscle excitation signals (the inputs)
and analyzed together with experimental data. that produce the movement (i.e. the "typical" out-
puts, as defined by experiments). However,
8.5.2 Static Optimization Method:
finding appropriate muscle excitation signals is
A Limited Option not easy, even for multi-muscle, single-joint sys-
In comparison to dynamic optimization studies tems, and especially for multijoint systems. A
(Section 8.5.4), many more studies use static op- heuristic approach, even when the number of DOF
timization methods to find the muscle excitation being controlled is just a few (e.g., four), is dif-
signals (inputs) (for review, see Zajac & Gordon ficult to impossible. The reason is because of the
1989, Herzog 1987a,b, Serieg and Arvikar, 1989). complex dynamical interactions. For example, if a
Though static optimization methods can be ap- specific joint needs to flex more during the simula-
propriate for estimating muscle forces or joint tion of a motor task but all other joints in the
loading; we suggest that they provide little insight simulation follow desirable trajectories, it might
into neuromotor strategy. The reason is that the be expected that increasing the excitation of the
performance criterion loses sight of the task be- flexor muscles crossing the badly-simulated joint
cause it is only solved at each instant. Also, with would lead to a better overall simulation.
these methods, kinematics are assumed "set", and However, a worse simulation might result be-
thus the structure of the approach does not permit cause, even if the previously badly-simulated joint
a direct causal investigation of the effects of now more closely resembles observations, the
muscle activation on movement kinematics, which other previously well-simulated joints will likely
after all is how the human neuromotor system be significantly disturbed (personal observations).
must learn movement organizational strategies. Figuring out appropriate strategies by trial and er-
Dynamic optimization methods, based on direct ror, while recommended as an occasional
dynamics simulations (described in detail below), intellectual excercise, is difficult. Consequently,
do not assume knowledge of the segment trajec- there is a great need for dynamic optimization.
tories [cf. Chapter 43 (Yamaguchi)], do consider
142 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

8.5.4 Dynamic Optimization Method Performance Criterion

The only viable theoretical approach to finding A mathematical description of the goal of a
the muscle excitation signals and relating it to motor task is somewhat ambiguous, which further
neuromotor strategy is to apply dynainic optimiza- complicates the use of dynamic optimization
tion (optimal control) theory (Athans and Falb, methods to study motor control. At times, an ex-
1966). This approach demands, however, not only plicit goal can be rather easily identified and
a mathematical (and typically deterministic) mathematically specified [e.g., mimumum time
description of the system dynamics (the musculos- movements (Chapter 17), maximum-height jump-
keletal system in this case) but a mathematical ing (Chapter 42), and pedaling as fast as possible
description of the goal (performance criterion) as- (Zajac 1985, Sim 1988, Chapter 42 (pandy)].
sociated with the motor task. Any constraints on More often the goal is elusive, such as in arm
the ranges for control inputs (e.g. inputs on the or- movements or even walking (Stein et al., 1986).
der <0,1» and state variables (e.g. finite range of Usually a guess is made based on one's insight
muscle tensile force) must be specified, as must and bias [e.g., minimum jerk, Chapter 17 (Flash)].
any mechanical coupling to the environment. The Successful comparisons between experimental and
idea of motor tasks being goal-directed, as re- modeling data then work to support, reject, or
quired when using dynamic optumzation refine the goal that was chosen and defined mathe-
techniques, is compatible with the concept of a matically. However, even if supported, one
biocybemetic system. As such dynamic optimiza- cannot be sure that this is a criteria actually used
tion provides a convenient (and as yet virtually by the eNS in controlling the movement since mul-
untapped) link between biomechanists and tiple goals can have solutions with more-or-Iess
psychophysicists. For dynamic optimization, this the same movement trajectories (Stein et al.,
"goal" must be described in mathematical terms 1986). This is sometimes taken as a criticism of
via a performance ("cost") criterion. This scalar optimization methods. Another criticism is that
criterion (J.) in general includes multiple sub- optimal performance is difficult to prove or dis-
criteria, some related to kinematic aspects (e.g. prove; if the solution for one criterion doesn't
output) of the task and some to how much the con- match data, perhaps some other would. These
trols or states are used (e.g., how much energy is criticisms are justified. Perhaps, however, there
expended; the magnitude and duration of forces has been too much emphasis on searching for one
developed by muscles, or in joints). The relative (or a few) mysterious, illusive criteria.
weights between (often competing) subcriteria It might be argued that as humans we are not
help define the subtleties of what is really impor- optimized for anyone task; for example, even
tant within the task. The goal of the optimization after many thousands of practice attempts, a typi-
algorithm is to determine a solution [e.g., set of cal professional basketball player still misses 20%
control (input) vector trajectories] that minimizes of his free throws. This suggests that movement is
the performance criterion. Importantly, a dynamic suboptimal (Le., hard to "box" into our simplistic
optimization algorithm is run "once" and the com- optimization criteria), but with practice can be-
plete history of the input, state, and output signals come close to "optimal". Also, a person has
associated with performance of the motor task is different goals throughout life, ranging from lift-
found (cf. the many "runs" of static optimization ing objects (Chapters 23-26) to orienting to targets
algorithms). The solution (control input) depends (Chapter 28) to sitting down (Chapter 31) to walk-
fundamentally on the entire time history of the ing (Chapters 33-34, 36-37, 43-45) to running
specified task, including both past and future (Chapter 35-36) to throwing a ball (Chapter 40) to
times. Thus, the solution represents not just "goal- jumping (Chapters 40-42) to cycling (Chapters 31,
directed" but also "skilled" behavior [cf. Chapter 39-40). More importantly, a person can change
10 (Loeb and Levine)]. Notice that the traditional performance within a specific type of task at will,
solution to the "regulator" problem of determining whether it be the speed of a hand movement, the
optimal feedback gains depends only on past and posture while sitting, the speed of running, or the
present time. height of a jump. Clearly the athlete involved in a
long-distance event, whether running, biking or
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 143

swimming, changes strategies as the fmish line ap- where the last term represents general energy
proaches. Perhaps, therefore, neuromotor storage/loss, which has been formulated in a num-
systems have evolved to be fairly good at many ber of ways (e.g., Batze, 1981; Oguztorelli and
tasks as opposed to being exceptional at a few. Stein, 1983). Notice that we have assumed that
Another observation emerges: there is significant these "penalty" criteria are integrated over the en-
scatter even within well-controlled, practiced tire time period and summed over all relevant
movements. Furthermore, there may be a few dis- muscles.
tinct ways to perform a given task [Chapter 34 J' b_ld is a measure related to joint (e.g. cartilage
(Pedotti and Crenna)]. stre~s) or bone loading (e.g. bending moment or
To help develop these concepts, consider the bone surface stresses), which has been
following generalized performance criterion: hypothesized by some to mitigate muscle origin-
insertion sites, and are potentially of importance
J e = Kk Jk_taBk + Knm J nm_p + Kjb Jjb_ld (8.11) for movement strategies for individuals with os-
teoarthritis (Jensen and Winters, 1988) or lower
where Kk is a scalar weighting kinematically-based
back pain [Chapter 25 (Gracovetsky); Chapter 24
"task" subcriteria, Knm weights neuromuscular
(Ladin)]. Chapter 25, utilizing static optimization,
"penalty" subcriteria, and K ib weights the loading
penalizes not only compressive and shear stresses
or stresses in joints or along -bones.
but also seeks to maintain uniform stresses along a
Kinematic-based task criteria (Jk -task ) may in- length of the lumbar spine.
clude subcriteria such as movement time (MT,
defmed as staying within some specified interval), Algorithm and Computational Limitations.
relative position error relative to some reference Though the concept of dynamic optimization is
trajectory ( lurer Mref etc.), minimum jerk (JK, seemingly simple, implementation is another mat-
third derivative of position [see also Chapter 17 ter. Except for very simple, lower-order models
(Flash)], or some extremum for a kinematic (e.g. Nelson, 1983), analytical solutions are dif-
parameter (Xutr' e.g. representing center of mass ficult [see Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters)
change of a jump or peak velocity at release of a for the range of currently possible analytical
throw). Thus, solutions]. Thus, numerical methods become es-
sential, and simple algebraic methods such as
J k-taBk = Kml-'T + KwXutr + ~ ( J KjkJK/-t linear programming are not a viable option. Will
the algorithm converge to a solution? To a local
+ J Ku(lurefk ) dt } (8.12) or global maximum in performance (e.g., to the
hole in a golf green, or to the valley in the fairway
where the index j equals 1 if only end-effector of a golf course)? How close to the local maxi-
(e.g. hand) movement is of interest or otherwise mum in performance is the solution? Even for
equals the number of joints. Such kinematic- seemingly simple optimal control problems (e.g.,
based criteria are especially prevalent in maximum-height jumping), these questions are
investigations of upper limb movement organiza- hard to answer and require much effort from op-
tion. timization experts because the system dynamics
Neuromuscular penalty (Jnm-p) may include sub- are nonlinear, multidimensional, and constrained
criteria such as neural effort (NE, e.g. neural (Sim 1988) - one simply cannot systematically
excitation), muscle stress (MS, force divided by check every possibility within finite time
cross-sectional area, which is essentially propor- (although this has essentially been done for mini-
tional to the dimensionless muscle force [Pedotti mum time, 10° eye movements [Lehman and
et al., 1978)], and has also been related to muscle Stark, 1979)].
"fatigue (e.g. MSJ [Crowinshield and Brand, The numerical algorithm is set up as follows:
1981)], and some type of measure of muscle Once the dynamics, constraints, goal of a motor
energy loss (MD, e.g. "dissipation" across the con- task, and assumed structure for the control inputs
tractile element): are defined, some algorithm must determine the

J nm _p= ~ { J [Kne.NE j + Kmf,MF j + Kms.MS j +

. .

Kmd.MD j + Ken.EN] dt } (8.13)

144 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

solution within the specified control space n that reason to believe that a more elaborate perfor-
minimizes (maximizes) the performance crit;rion, mance criterion increases computational time or
i.e. the lowest valley (highest hill) within n +1 complexity. The performance criterion simply
space. Current methods can be. roughly separ:ted provides a scalar value that helps define the
into two general categories: i) gradient-based "landscape" in the nc +1 cost-control space. In fact,
methods; and ii) "random-based" search methods. experience shows that adding additional sub-
Briefly, in the first method information regarding criteria, especially for neuromuscular penalty,
the "slopes" (partial derivatives) are utilized to often dramatically shortens the convergence time,
enable the performance criterion to converge on a apparently by "smoothing out" the landscape
valley, while the second searches the n +1 and/or sculpturing "flat" areas of the surface.
. . c
cntenon-control space, usually utilizing some
Interpreting Results and Comparing to
method for systematically eliminating part
(hopefully most) of the space from consideration. Experimental Data
Many variations of each method exist, and some Once the control inputs (or range of inputs) are
methods (including many current algorithms) are identified, all the internal state variable trajectories
hybrids. Ideally, all algorithms should converge (muscle activations, muscle forces, muscle-fiber
to the same (global) solution, and thus the form of and tendon lengths and velocities), and all the out-
the algorithm should not matter. Finding this put trajectories (e.g. segmental positions and
"perfect" solution can be quite challenging. velocities, and segmental orientations and angular
However, it has been suggested above that iden- velocities) are now available. The solution(s) to
tification of the class (range) of "nearly optimal" the dynamic optimization algorithm thus
solutions may be sufficient (and perhaps more contain(s) a plethora of theoretical data, some of
interesting). In practice, computational limitations which can be compared to experimental data. In
are a major factor that helps define what can and human motor tasks, for example, the body seg-
cannot be done utilizing dynamic optimization; mental trajectories and EMG signals can be
hence the need to consider algorithms and com- compared. At times, such as in simulations of
puter hardware when formulating the problem. Of jumping and walking, other measurable quantities,
note is that there is no one "best" method for op- such as ground reaction forces, can also be com-
timization. For instance, within this book gradient- pared [e.g., Pandy et al. 1990; Chapter 43
based methods (e.g. Sim, 1989) are utilized in (Yamaguchi)].
Chapter 10 (Loeb and Levine) and in Chapter 31 If the comparisons among the theoretical and
(Oh et al.), while versions of a "hybrid" method experimental data are good, then all aspects of the
consisting of "educated" random searching with a motor task have been modeled, including the
certain gradient-like feature [extensions of the neural-output control strategy coordinating the
"Bremermann Optimizer" (Bremermann, 1970)] muscles and the body segments. The complex
are utilized in Chapter 6 (Lehman) and Chapter 19 dynanical interactions among the muscles and the
(Seif-Naraghi and Winters), and "dynamic body segments during coordination can then be
programming" (Belman, 1957; essentially an intel- analyzed to fmd, for example, how muscles ac-
ligent random search) is utilized in Chapter 43 celerate the segments and deliver power to the
(Yamaguchi). Different problems suggest dif- segments [Pandy and Zajac, 1990; Chapter 42
ferent methods, and furthermore the types of (Pandy)]. However, since simulations are never
assumptions and simplifications within the modell- perfect (though we engineers would like to believe
ing process are a function of the method utilized. otherwise), the real challenge is to identify sig-
As an example, dynamic programming was ideal nificant imperfections in the model, perhaps
for the FNS/gait study of Chapter 43 in part be- through additional experiments. Computer-
cause a "coarse" control space was an adequate generated parameter sensitivity data can be used to
representation of current FNS control capabilities. assist in the design of the experiments.
Some algorithms constrain the form of the per- If the comparisons between experimental and
formance criterion (e.g. to all terms being squared theoretical data are bad (i.e., qualitative dif-
(n=2); however, most do not. For those that don't, ferences exist), then the assumptions inherent to
it is important to realize that there is no a priori the model structure, including the assumed goal of
8. Zajac and Winters; Modeling Musculoskeletal Movement Systems 145

the motor task, must be scrutinized. For example, As the role of the musculoskeletal system in
most neuromusculoskeletal control models assume specific motor tasks becomes recognized, espe-
a muscle can be independently excited from all cially through computer modeling studies, I expect
others. But that may not be the case, for example, that the dynamical interactions among the body
due to eNS networks that constrain independent segments, joints, and muscles will be shown to be
excitation of motoneuronal pools (e.g., eNS pat- complex and important, and at times to be con-
tern generators, Grillner, 1981). A comparison of tradictory to intuition or bias. I also expect
recorded to computed EMG signals, especially the hithertofore unknown properties to be elucidated.
timing of activity, might suggest that this assump- As a result, I believe computer modeling will
tion of independent control is invalid. In this case,emerge as a necessary adjunct to experiment in the
performance of the task suggested by the model study of multijoint movement tasks.
should be less than the experimental observation As the musculoskeletal system becomes well
since performance will always be higher in the ab- understood, we will be ready to perform detailed,
sence of constraints, including "eNS constraints." systematic modeling studies to decipher neural
control mechanisms operational to specific motor
8.6 Future Directions tasks. Modeling studies should be emphasized be-
8.6.1 Remarks by Felix Zajac cause experimental techniques to elucidate human
Understanding how the eNS controls the mus- eNS neural networks are close to a null set. This
culoskeletal system, so that complex motor tasks is not to say that experiments will be unimportant,
can be performed, challenges neuroscientists and in fact, to the contrary. The message that I am
engineers and is essential to the systematic trying to convey is that I believe theoretical and
development of rehabilitation strategies for per- experimental studies will have to proceed hand-in-
sons disabled from neurological disorders. hand if systematic advances are to made in motor
Similarly, understanding how the musculoskeletal control research and its applications to rehabilita-
system transforms neural signals into effective tion.
motor task execution equally challenges Finally, the biggest challenge will be in syn-
biomechanicians who desire to develop effective thesizing all the theoretical and experimental facts
rehabilitation strategies for persons with motor into an understanding of how eNS coordinates
disabilities resulting from musculoskeletal disor- muscles to control, so eloquently and seemingly
ders. Clearly, the understanding of how both the effortlessly, the myriad of complex movements
musculoskeletal and neural systems influence that we perform daily. Perhaps even more
motor control is needed, regardless of whether the perplexing is how the eNS is able to generate,
motor disability has a neurologically or a mus- seemingly at will, an emergent neural output pat-
culoskeletal etiology, because of the complex tern that functions well in getting the body to
feedback among these two systems (Figure 8.1). perform tasks that had presumably been novel to
The musculoskeletal system, in comparison to one's movement repertoire.
the neural system, is much more amenable to ex- 8.6.2 Remarks by Jack Winters
periment and modeling. The computational tools As a student of human movement, I remain
available to model the complex properties of the both fascinated by this wonderful field and yet
musculoskeletal system are becoming quite power- frustrated by how little we really understand about
ful, with no end in sight as computer capabilities movement organization. As a community, we
increase per dollar invested. I imagine, therefore, have collected a considerable volume of ex-
that we will soon make rapid advances to unravel- perimental data, encompasing many of the tasks of
ing how the musculoskeletal system ("the plant"), life plus a wide assortment of specific experimen-
particularly the extremities, transforms neural out- tal protocols. Given general improvements in
put signals to produce specific, complex 3-D experimental measurement and reduction tech-
movements, especially those tasks where upper niques within the biomechanical community, this
and lower extremities dominate the movement trend is bound to continue. Yet myself and many
(e.g., Chapters 11-23,34-46). others feel a lack of satisfication. Progress in un-
derstanding (as opposed to documenting) human
146 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

movement - and especially human movement or- the best way to meet these goals - I am often
ganization - seems quite slow. In my opinion initially surprised at the results until I think about
much (most?) of the existing data could benefit them for a while; then comes the moment of
from additional interpretation. In this chapter we illumination).
have emphasized the necessary role of Two final predictions: First, it will turn out (to
biomechanical models in this process, and espe- the possible frustration of neuroscientists) that
cially the need for direct dynamic simulations and neuromotor movement organizational strategies,
dynamic optimization. However, dynamic models especially for everyday movements, are a stronger
can potentially generate more curves than the full- function of joint and bone stresses than we usually
time graduate student (much less the faculty currently assume. Perhaps muscle redundancy has
member) can comprehend. evolved in (large?) part to help evenly distribute
I suggest that that the future lies in dynamic op- bone stresses. Second, stochastic optimization ap-
timization, at least as related to understanding proaches, capable of addressing system stability
human movement organizational strategies. issues, will take on importance in the future.
There are six reasons for this belief: i) as com-
putational power steadily increases, dynamic
This work was supported by NIH grant
optimization will become more viable [see also
NS17662 and the Rehabilitation R&D Service,
discussion in Chapter 43 (Yamaguchi)]; ii) the in-
Department of Veterans Affairs (FEZ).
tuitive form of a generalized performance criterion
(Section 8.5.3), provides a (virtually untapped) References
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Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems

Neville Hogan

9.1. Introduction
The goal of this chapter is to consider some of In contrast, the mechanical environment of
the consequences of the dynamic interactions due forces and motions cannot be described adequately
to the transmission of power within the musculo- in terms of operations on signals. Muscles trans-
skeletal system and between it and its fer power. In order to move a limb segment or
environment. Power transmission embodies a two- any other object kinetic energy must be transferred
way or bi-causal interaction which may be to it (and/or removed from it). Unlike information
characterized by mechanical impedance. Some transmission, energy exchange fundamentally re-
theoretical considerations in modeling and analyz- quires a two-way interaction - an observation
ing mechanical impedances will be reviewed. first made by Newton in his familiar third law:
Some properties of the mechanical impedance of "For every action there is an equal and opposite
the neuro-muscular system and their implications reaction."
for organizing and executing motor behavior will Muscles are often treated (either implicitly or
be surveyed. explicitly) as force generators, organs that exert a
force in response to inputs from the associated
9.2. Single Muscle Behavior alpha-motoneurons. This description may suffice
One of the reasons why understanding muscle under isometric conditions, but aside from that
behavior is so challenging is because muscles are special case, it is grossly inadequate. The force
the primary organs by which the brain may in- exerted by a muscle is a complicated function of
fluence the material world. They operate at the many variables in addition to its neural input.
interface between the neural environment of the For any actuator, biological or artificial, it is
central nervous system and the mechanical en- important to distinguish between two aspects of its
vironment of force and motion. Usually we think behavior. In engineering parlance they are termed
of these two environments in quite different ways. the ''forward-path response function" (or transfer
Major aspects of central nervous system function function) and the "driving point impedance." In
may be described as information processing: the case of muscle, those aspects of muscle be-
operating on input signals to produce output sig- havior which depend on "external" mechanical
nals. Operations on signals imply a one-way variables such as muscle stretch should be distin-
interaction; inputs produce outputs and not vice- guished from those which depend on "internal"
versa. This is consistent with the usual physiological variables such as neural activation.
description of neural function: events at synapses The two are inter-related, being different facets of
induce changes in cell potential which in turn the same object, but the differences are significant.
mayl induce action potentials which travel down Neural activation changes the mechanical state of
the axon and in turn influence other synaptic muscle, but the alpha-motoneuron does not
events. Under normal physiological conditions respond to mechanical events in the muscle; this is
this is a decidedly one-way effect. a one-way effect. Muscle motion changes muscle
force, but in general the converse is also true; this
1 Non-spiking events also occur and are the focus of in- is a two-way interaction.
tensive current research.
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
150 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

This observation may seem innocuous, even The spring-like behavior of a muscle is some-
trivial; in fact it has several important conse- times confused with its stiffness. The latter term
quences. some of which will be reviewed below. usually refers to an incremental change of force
due to an incremental change of length. For ex-
9.2.1. Statics
ample. the nonlinear steady-state relation may be
Probably the simplest useful model of muscle
expanded about an operating length. 10 , and neural
describes its static behavior. a relation between
input. uo' in a Taylor series.
force. length and neural inpuf. The dependence
of muscle force on length is often referred to as al al
"spring-like" behavior. Care is required in using I = /(lo'uo) + tz'..lo'uO> dl + t;j..lo.uo) du
this term: an important way in which muscle dif-
+ ... (higher-order terms) (9.3)
fers from a spring is that it may supply power
indefinitely (at least over the time-scales relevant The coefficients of the linear terms are a stiffness.
to normal motor behavior); it is an active object k. and a gain. c. relating incremental force changes
In contrast. a mechanical spring is a passive ob- to incremental input changes.
ject: only a finite amount of energy may be stored
in the spring and the net energy it delivers to its (9.4)
environment may not exceed that amount". The
force-length relation for a muscle may vary as a
function of neural input (or any of a large set of al
other variables). If those variables are held con-
c = a;:..lo.uo> (9.5)

stant, the resulting behavior may be analogous to

Thus stiffness. which is often associated with a
that of a spring. but the distinction between the
linearized model (e.g. obtained by neglecting
passive behavior of a spring and the active be-
higher-order terms) is merely one aspect of a more
havior of muscle should be kept clearly in mind.
general spring-like behavior.
for reasons that will be expanded below.
Another point of confusion is that muscle force
The defining property of a spring is its ability
is considered positive in tension and work done by
to store elastic energy. which is determined mathe-
the muscle is also considered positive; but if
matically by integrating force with respect to
length increases while muscle force is non-zero.
length. so any integrable force-length relation may
work is done on the muscle. which is considered
be spring-like. Thus if the nonlinear steady-state
to be negative (or eccentric) work. Thus it is
relation is
sometimes useful to define a variable (e.g. x =-1)
1= 1(I.u) (9.1) which increases as the muscle shortens so that
positive dx corresponds to shortening.
where/is the force exerted. I is muscle length. and
9.2.2. Dynamics
u is neural input. then the behavior is spring-like if
Describing the static behavior of muscle as
the neural input is held constant.
spring-like is not invalidated by the demonstrable
(9.2) dependence of muscle force on a large set of other
variables. A prominent example is the decline in
That is. the only requirement is that an unique muscle force in relation to the rate of shortening.
force must be associated with every length. The Subject to the caveats outlined above (i.e. all other
converse need not be true: the same force may be variables influencing muscle force assumed
associated with many different lengths; the constant) this behavior may be described as
force-length relation need not be linear nor analogous to a mechanical damper. a viscous ele-
monotonic. There is ample evidence that muscles ment [see Chapter 13 (Wu et at) and Chapter 5
may exhibit any or all of these features4 • (Winters)].

2 For simplicity. a single neural input variable per 3 A rigorous definition and detailed discussion of pas-
muscle is assumed throughout this chapter. but a mul- sivity may be found in Wyatt et al. (1981).
tiple independent neural inputs could be treated 4 The relation need not even be continuous. but the

similarly. author knows of no evidence that muscles exhibit this

9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 151

There is no reason to believe that the relation where z is a fmite-dimensional vector of state vari-
between muscle force and motion is confined to a ables, v is velocity of shortening and zr(o) and zo(o)
dependence on length and its fIrst time derivative. are algebraic (memoryless) functions. Note that
All of the motion-dependent effects may be con- the muscle models discussed elsewhere in this
veniently summarized in the mechanical book may be cast in this general form.
impedance of the muscle. A mechanical im-
pedance is a dynamic operator which specifIes the
9.3 EtTects and Limitations of Feedback
forces an object generates in response to imposed Control
motions. It may be thought of as a dynamic Muscle is richly endowed with sensory organs
generalization of the familiar notion of an elastic such as muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs
spring. which respond to mechanical events in the muscle.
Among other functions, this afferent activity in-
UnearCase fluences the efferent a-motoneuron activity
From this point of view, a visco-elastic effect through feedback loops operating at several levels
may be thought of as a rate-dependent spring. Of in the central nervous system, from the spinal cord
course, motion-dependent effects need not be that to the cortex. This feedback can playa signifIcant
simple - arbitrarily complex dynamics are role in shaping movement behavior, though its
theoretically possible. This is most easily under- precise function is a topic of continuing research
stood when the relations are linear. In that case, and debate. Comprehensive recent reviews exist
impedance may be represented as a function of (e.g. Loeb, 1984) which will not be duplicated
frequency similar to the familiar transfer-function, here.
but relating output force to input velocity. The When feedback is used to modify a system's
reason for using these two variables is that they behavior there is an ever-present possibility of in-
are suffIcient to detennine the instantaneous stability. In general, the greater the influence of
mechanical power transferred to or from the feedback, the greater the likelihood of instability.
muscle. The point to note is that a mechanical im- This is a fundamental limitation of feedback con-
pedance need not simply be a combination of trol, the reason why it cannot be used to bring
inertia, stiffness and viscosity. The impedance about arbitrarily large changes in behavior.
may have an arbitrary number of peaks and val-
leys and for even a simple mechanical structure it 9.3.1. Destabilizing Effect of Transmission
typically does. There is little a priori reason to Delays
believe that muscle should be any simpler. Neural feedback control of dynamic behavior is
An alternative representation of the same infor- severely curtailed by the inevitable time delays as-
mation is as a mechanical admittance relating sociated with neural transmission. Too large a
output velocity to input force. Admittance is feedback gain in the presence of a transmission
simply the inverse of impedance and in the linear delay will give rise to instability. The limited
case the two contain the same information. For response speed of muscle tends to offset this effect
this reason the term "impedance" is often used to some degree; in effect, the muscle responds in a
loosely as a general term referring to impedance somewhat sluggish manner to rapidly varying
and/or admittance. neural inputs, attenuating the feedback loop gain
at the higher frequencies at which instabilities
Nonlinear Case
could occur and thereby permitting larger feed-
Muscle behavior is, of course, highly nonlinear.
back gains at lower frequencies. Biological
The concept of impedance may readily be applied
sensors also exhibit signifIcant dynamic behavior
to nonlinear systems5 (Hogan, 1985a). For ex-
which influences feedback stability, but the basic
ample, a state-determined representation suitable
fact is that neural feedback can only be effective
for a muscle model is:
below a frequency determined by the magnitude
d:r/dt = zr(z,v,u,t) (9.6) of the transmission delay.
The greater the transmission delay, the lower
f = zo(z,v,u,t) (9.7) the frequency. Drawing on engineering ex-
perience we would expect it to be about one
5 Though, as usual, fewer general-purpose analytical
tools an: available for the nonlinear case.
152 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: NeuromusculoskeletaI Modeling

twentieth of the inverse of the transmission delay. described as follows.

Using 30 ms as an approximate value of the trans-
mission delay for spinal cord feedback loops in the (mr+ bs + k)x = eu-/ (9.8)
human upper extremity yields an estimated fre-
where m is mass, b is damping factor, k is stiffness,
quency of 1.7 Hz; using 100 ms as an appropriate
x is position, e is a gain, u is a controllable input
value for the trans-cortical loop delay yields a fre-
(e.g. neural) and / is environmental force. The
quency of 0.5 Hz. Above these frequencies,
forward-path transfer function relating input, u, to
neural feedback control of neuromuscular
position, x may be obtained by assuming environ-
dynamics can be expected to be severely limited.
mental forces are zero.
9.3.2. Intrinsic Muscle Impedance Governs
x e
Rapid Interactions (9.9)
u mr+bs+k
These estimates are crude, but the rapidity of
the dynamic events involved in voluntary human Now consider the following hypothetical con-
motor actions can far exceed these frequencies. trol system which would act to regulate position
For example, Antonsson and Mann (1985) have by generating a control signal proportional to the
reported that foot-floor interactions in normal, un- time integral of any deviation between the posi-
hurried gait contain significant frequency tion, x, and a reference value, r.
components up to 15 Hz. In rapid manual tasks g
such as throwing, catching, or wielding tools, the u = -(r-x) (9.10)
frequency content may be significantly greater. If
these rapid dynamic interactions are to be control- where g is a feedback gain. With this controller
led, some alternative to neural feedback control is the dynamic behavior is:
That alternative is found in the muscle itself. (m r+ br + ks + eg)x = egr - s/ (9.11)
Intrinsic muscle impedance generates force ex-
tremely rapidly in response to imposed displace- The closed loop transfer function relating the
reference value, r, to position, x is:
ments, essentially without any time delay (see
Chapters 1-5). Grillner (1972) made this argu- x eg
ment and demonstrated that the intrinsic stiffness r ms3 + bs2 + ks + eg
of muscle is responsible for the earliest response
of the lower limb muscles to the disturbances In steady state the position is identical to the
encountered in walking; neurally mediated reference value, which might be desirable for a
response also occur, but somewhat later. regulator. Even this highly simplified control sys-
tem is capable of unstable behavior if the gain, g,
9.3.3. Contact Instability is too large. Assuming m > 0, b > 0, k > 0 it is
Robotic experience has revealed an important straightforward to show that for the system to
distinction between isolated stability and coupled remain stable, the feedback gain must be restricted
stability. Robots that perform unconstrained as follows:
maneuvers stably, smoothly, and rapidly may
break into a sustained, pathological chattering on bk
g <- (9.13)
contact with an object, a phenomenon known as em
contact instability. This has been called one of However, this condition is not sufficient to ensure
the outstanding challenges of robotic research that the system will remain stable when it interacts
(Paul, 1987). with objects in the environment. Consider the ef-
To understand the problem, consider a simple fect of coupling an external mass, me' to the
system comprised of a mass (which could be a system (this might represent the effect of grasping
crude model of a skeletal segment) subject to an object). The dynamic behavior of the external
forces from the environment and from a controlled mass couples the force and motion at the point of
force source, spring and damper (representing the contact (the driving point) as follows:
associated musculature). Using the Laplace vari-
able, the dynamic response of the system may be (9.14)
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 153

Substituting into Eq. 9.11 the resulting behavior is: The necessary and sufficient condition for a
system such as a robot or a human limb to avoid
[(m+me).r'+ br+ ks + cg]x = cgr (9.15) instability when coupled to any stable, passive ob-
ject is simple: its driving point impedance must
The closed loop transfer function relating the appear to be that of a passive system (Colgate and
reference value, r, to position, x is now: Hogan, 1987, 1989).
Returning to the simple example above, with
no controller the driving point impedance relating
x = q (~1~
r (m + me)r + b r + ks + cg velocity, v, to environmental force,!, may be ob-
tained from Eq. 9.8 by assuming the control input
The steady-state behavior of the system is as is zero.
before, but the condition for stability has changed.
If the system is to remain stable when coupled to a f mr+ bs + k
mass, me' the feedback gain must be restricted as v s
follows: Under these conditions, the system is clearly
passive and the phase angle between velocity and
b k > c g (m + me) (9.17)
the force acting on the system (the negative of the
This means that for any value of the feedback gain force,/) never exceeds ± 90°. However, under the
(other than zero) which is chosen to ensure action of the controller defined in Eq. 9.10 the driv-
stability of the control system in isolation, there ing point impedance is as follows.
exists an entire range of masses that will des-
f-=-mil+bs+k (9.20)
tabilize the system on contact. Coupled instability
will occur if me is sufficiently large:
In this case, at sufficiently low frequencies, the
m > --m (9.18) phase lag between force on the system and
e cg
velocity exceeds _90° and may be as large as
-180°. With this controller, the driving point im-
9.3.4. Passivity and Coupled Stability pedance is not that of a passive object, and as
The distinction between the one-way and two- illustrated above, there exist objects which will in-
way effects in an actuator (the forward-path duce instability on contact.
transfer function and the driving point impedance) In general, active control systems do not result
is the key to understanding coupled stability. in passive driving point impedances, but they may
Recent work has established the conditions under be constrained to do so. Consider the following
which a system that is stable in isolation will alternative control system in which the input is
remain stable when coupled to any passive, stable directly proportional to the error
object; the condition is a constraint on the driving
point impedance. u=g(r-x) (9.21)
Most of the objects a limb contacts are passive;
they may store energy (as when a spring is With this controller the dynamic behavior is:
compressed) and that energy may subsequently be
recovered (as when a spring is released) but the [ m s2 + b s + (k + c g) ] x = c g r - f (9.22)
amount of energy recovered cannot exceed the
The closed loop transfer function relating the
amount stored (and because of dissipation is typi-
reference value, r, to position, x is:
cally less). In contrast, an actuator can (at least
theoretically) supply energy indefinitely. In the x cg
linear case, if an object is passive, e.g., a real r mr+ bs + (k + cg)
spring, damper, etc., its driving point impedance is
restricted. For continuous sinusoidal inputs, net
power must be absorbed over each cycle. The
phase angle between velocity and the force acting
on the object and must lie between ±90°.
154 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

In steady state the position is proportional to gans. These two feedback loops might seem to
the reference value, and as the gain increases the counteract one another, but as the feedback gains
proportionality constant approaches unity, so this increase, the overall stiffness of the system be-
controller also acts to regulate position. However, comes less sensitive to variations in muscle
unlike the previous case, this controller results in behavior and is determined by the ratio of the
the following driving point impedance: feedback loop gains. Nichols and Houk (1973)
originally proposed the idea that one of the major
f mr+bs+k functions of the spinal cord feedback loops is to
- =- (9.24)
v s regulate or maintain muscle stiffness in the face of
disturbing influences such as the yield in muscle
In this case the the phase angle between force
force that accompanies rapid muscle stretch; a sub-
on the system and velocity always remains within
stantial body of evidence has since been amassed
mo. This actively controlled system has a pas-
in support of this postulate (e.g. Nichols and
sive driving point impedance. Consequently it
Houk, 1976; Crago et al., 1976; Houk, 1979;
will be stable on contact with any stable, passive
Hoffer and Andreassen, 1981).
One important point to note is that although
Neither of these controllers is offered as a
feedback may modify muscle impedance, the
plausible model of neural feedback; they are in-
steady state effect of neural feedback to a muscle
tended only to illustrate the point that dynamic
from sensors in the same muscle will always
interaction profoundly affects stability. This is
produce a spring-like behavior. Whatever the role
one of the reasons why controlling the arms (or
of the muscle spindles and tendon organs, if all
the torso or legs) is more complicated than con-
other variables (e.g. the descending commands to
trolling the eyes. Under normal circumstances,
the spinal motorneuron pool, etc) are held con-
the eyes do not interact physically with the en-
stant, a given muscle length will correspond to a
vironment, and contact stability is not an issue. In
unique muscle force, and that is the only require-
contrast, the arms, hands and legs frequently inter-
ment for spring-like behavior.
act with the environment; that is one of their
primary functions. Similarly, the torso is loaded 9.4. Multi-Muscle, Single-Joint Systems
whenever the arms pick up an object; here too As outlined above, mechanical impedance is
stability requires impedance modulation [Chapter the quantity which determines how a limb inter-
26 (Crisco and Panjabi), Chapter 23 (Andersson acts with its environment. The apparent dynamic
and Winters)]. Ensuring stability when coupled to behavior observable at any point on the musculo-
a wide range of environmental objects is the sine skeletal system (e.g. the hand) is determined by
qua non of movement control systems and this is a three major factors: 1) the intrinsic mechanics of
property of the neuro-muscular system's output the muscles and skeleton; 2) neural feedback; 3)
impedance. the geometry or kinematics of the musculo-
9.3.5. Feedback Regulation of Muscle Behavior skeletal system.
These considerations suggest a perspective on The simplest example of the influence of
the action of feedback complementary to the usual kinematic factors is the antagonism of muscles ac-
control systems viewpoint: not only does feedback ting about a joint. Muscles pull, hence in order to
generate both flexive and extensive moments
regulate quantities such as position, it acts to
modify apparent behavior, e.g. mechanical im- about a joint, they are usually deployed in groups
such that at least two of the muscles oppose one
pedance. Indeed, one of the greatest benefits of
another. Consider a hypothetical system of two
feedback is that as the gain of a feedback loop in-
muscles connected in opposition about a single
creases, the overall dynamic behavior of the
joint. Each muscle force generates a moment
controlled system depends less on the dynamics of
the actuator inside the feedback loop and more on about the joint proportional to the moment arm
from its line of action (assumed to be unique) to
the feedback system.
Muscle receives a combination of negative the joint axis (assumed to be in a constant
position feedback from the muscle spindles and location). Assume (for simplicity) that the mo-
negative force feedback from the Golgi tendon or- ment arms of the muscles are independent of the
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 155

joint angle. Using subscripts 1 and 2 to denote where W is the weight of the limb plus load, and h
agonist and antagonist respectively, the relations the distance from the center of mass to the joint
between muscle lengths and joint angles are: axis. The "gravitational stiffness", kg' is

11 = 110 - 71 q (9.25) k =
= Whcosq (9.32)

la = 120+ 7a q (9.26)
This tends to destabilize the system. Suppose the
where q is the joint angle, 71 and 7a are the moment system is at equilibrium in, say, the upright posi-
arms, and 110 and 120 and the muscle lengths at some tion (q = 0). At equilibrium the net moment is
configuration designated as q = O. The moment, zero and a necessary condition for stability is that
11, about the joint is the difference of the muscle the net stiffness be negative (Le. displacements
tensions weighted by the moment arms. result in restoring moments).

(9.27) (9.33)

Assume (also for simplicity) a linear model for the The larger the load held, the less stable the system.
steady-state behavior of the muscles. To maintain stability, it may be necessary to
modulate mechanical impedance. This becomes
11 = C1 "1+ kIll (9.28) especially important for inverted pendulum sys-
tems [a reasonable first approximation for the
la = Ca"a + ka la (9.29) head-neck system [see Chapter 28 (Winters and
Peles)] and low-back-torso system [Chapter 26
The corresponding steady-state relation between
(Crisco and Panjabi)]; see Chapter 23 (Andersson
moment and joint angle is:
and Winters) for further discussion.
11 = [71 C1 "1- 7a C3 "a] - [71a kl + 722 k a] q (9.30) In fact, modulating mechanical impedance is a
general strategy for controlling interaction be-
This example illustrates several simple but impor- tween both a limb and its environment (Hogan,
tant points. Whereas the net moment about the 1985; Kazerooni, 1987) and a flexible base of sup-
joint is a weighted difference of muscle tensions, port and the limb [Chapter 23 (Andersson and
the net stiffness about the joint is a weighted sum Winters)]. Robotic experience has shown that
of the contributions each of the muscles. controlling mechanical impedance is effective in a
Secondly, the moment contributed by the one-way wide variety of situations including stable control
relation between neural input and force is propor- of contact tasks (Hogan, 1987). Controlling
tional to the moment arm, while the contribution mechanical impedance also appears to be one of
due to the two-way interaction between force and the strategies available to the biological system.
length is proportional to the square of the moment Several researchers have reported task-dependent
arm. In a more realistic model the relations will changes in the mechani,!al impedance of the limbs
be more complex, (see below) but kinematic ef- or the reflex feedback system which affects the
fects will always have a more pronounced effect mechanical impedance (e.g. Hammond, 1956;
on the output impedance than on the forward-path Evarts and Tanji, 1974; Dufresne et al., 1978,
transfer function. 1980; Akazawa and Milner, 1981; Lacquaniti et
al., 1982; Lacquaniti and Soechting, 1983). A
9.4.1. Controlling Mechanical Impedance
closely related strategy of controlling stiffness has
Not only is the human arm-torso system stable
been successfully applied in extemal control of
when coupled to passive objects, it can stabilize
limb movements by functional neural stimulation
unstable objects, and routinely does so. A simple
[Chapter 20 (Crago et al.)].
example is holding an object in an upright posture
against gravity. If we include a gravitational load Synergistic Activation ofAntagonist
in our hypothetical two-muscle single-joint system Muscles
the moment due to gravity, Jl.g , is Because the impedance of a muscle increases
with activation level, one means of modulating
Jl.g = Whsinq (9.31)
mechanical impedance is to synergistically ac-
156 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

tivate both muscles. Because the stiffness dynamic events, feedback will be ineffective be-
contributions of the muscles add while their mo- cause of the inevitable neural transmission delays,
ment contributions subtract, by carefully but intrinsic muscle mechanics are available for
coordinating muscle activities, the net joint mo- impedance modulation, though at a cost in energy
ment may be held constant while the net stiffness consumption. At lower frequencies, feedback
increases and this may be one of the ways the comes into play and significantly enhances the
central nervous system controls its dynamic be- stiffness corresponding to a given muscle force;
havior. For example, Akazawa and Milner (1981) again, antagonist muscle coactivation may be used
reported coactivation of antagonist muscles when to modulate impedance and control dynamic inter-
the fmger was coupled to an unstable load, and the action. In this way neural feedback may
level of muscle coactivation and limb impedance complement intrinsic muscle behavior, and syner-
increased with the magnitude of the instability. gistic activation of antagonist muscles may be a
One drawback of this strategy is that it is ener- single unified strategy for controlling dynamic in-
getically inefficient. By opposing one another, the teraction at all frequencies.
muscles perform no net mechanical work, yet they By this argument, synergistic activation of an-
consume metabolic energy. If we make the tagonist muscles would be anticipated when the
reasonable assumption that the biological system frequency content of a task exceeded that which
does not squander energy needlessly, one would could be dealt with via feedback. Humphrey and
expect synergistic activation of antagonists to be Reed (1983) applied periodic torques to a
kept to a minimum except when the task demands monkey's forearm and observed that at low fre-
it. That is, a compromise must be reached be- quencies (around 0.2 Hz) they were resisted by
tween mmlInIZmg energy expended and reciprocal activation of antagonists, but as the fre-
maintaining stability. This compromise can be quency of perturbation increased a progressive
analyzed using dynamic optimization theory increase in coactivation was observed, becoming
(Hogan 1984). Optimization studies are a power- significant at frequencies as low as 1.0 Hz.
ful tool for investigating motor control strategies
9.4.2. Minimum Model Requirements for
and are discussed in Chapters 8,10,17, 19,24,25,
27, 28, 32,42 and 43. If synergistic activation of Impedance Modulation
opposing muscle groups is used to stabilize the Modulation of mechanical impedance is a non-
limbs, including this consideration in the analysis linear effect that cannot be captured in a linear
may improve the ability of these approaches to model. Consider a Taylor series expansion of a
predict the patterns of muscle activation. steady-state relation between force length and
neural input (Eq. 9.3). If terms above first order in
Neural Feedback Complements Intrinsic the differentials are neglected the resulting linear
Mechanics model produces a family of parallel force-length
Impedance modulation through synergistic ac- characteristics, each with the same stiffness.
tivation of antagonist muscles does not preclude To reproduce the observed modulation of stiff-
the action of neural feedback. Hoffer and ness with neural input, terms at least up to second
Andreassen (1981) showed that feedback acts to order in the differentials must be included. In fact
enhance the apparent stiffness of muscle and main- it is sufficient to include just one of those terms:
tain a constant relation between stiffness and force the crossed partial derivative of force with respect
level. Other studies have shown that the stiffness to length and neural input.
about a joint increases with the moment about the
aj aj
joint (Joyce et al., 1974; Gottlieb and Agarwal, j = /(lo'uo) + tz'lo'uo) dl + i;;}lo'uo> du
1978; Zahalak and Heyman, 1979; Akazawa and
Milner, 1981; Hunter and Kearney, 1982; Billian a2 j
and Zahalak, 1983). + iH au (lo'uO> dl du + ... (9.34)
Given that the stiffness of a single muscle in-
creases with force (whatever the mechanism), The result of neglecting all other terms in the ex-
synergistic activation of antagonist muscles will pansion is a bi-linear model.
modulate net joint stiffness. For the faster (9.35)
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 157

where a, ~, y, and I) are constants derived from Consider the effect of deliberately co-activating
the fIrst four terms in the Taylor series expansion. the antagonists (i.e. tensing the arm) while main-
This produces a fan-shaped family of force-length taining posture. Because the agonist is nearer the
curves, a model that has been used extensively in longer end of its physiological range, a small
exploring the consequences of the spring-like change of its neural input produces a large change
properties of muscles. Though clearly a crude rep- in its contribution to the joint moment. In con-
resentation of neuro-muscular mechanics, it can be trast, the antagonist is at the shorter end of its
quite effective. For example, the stiffness of a bi- physiological range, therefore in order to generate
linear model is proportional to neural input. an equal contribution to the joint moment (which
is necessary if posture is not to change) a much
k" =
of •. /'
~.- .MGr = ~ (y + I) u) (9.36) larger change of its neural input is required.
b.-hMGr 0/
Therefore this model predicts a highly counter-
The force generated at any given length is also intuitive result: at suffIcient levels of co-
proportional to neural input; therefore the bi-linear activation, the activity of the antagonist will
model reproduces the relation between force and exceed the activity of the agonist, despite the fact
stiffness which has been reported by several inves- that the agonist generates a greater moment.
tigators. Recent experiments reported by Murray and
Another point to keep in mind is that a good Hogan (1988) using myoelectric activity as a
mathematical model does not merely reproduce measure of neural activity have unequivocally
known behavior as accurately as possible. confIrmed this prediction.
Enhancement of insight and understanding is
9.5. Multi-Joint Mechanics
equally important (perhaps more so) and is usually
at variance with accurate prediction. More com- The kinematics of the musculo-skeletal system
is, of course, far more complex than the simple
plex nonlinear models of muscle are clearly
hypothetical model of Section 9.4. In the multi-
justifIable, but they are difficult to analyze. In
joint case new factors must be taken into con-
contrast, though it is not widely recognized, a
sideration. One of the most important is the
wide range of general-pwpose mathematical tools
possibility of interaction between different degrees
have been developed for bi-linear systems.
of freedom. In a multiple degree of freedom sys-
This crude bi-linear model of impedance
tem, force and motion are vector quantities with
modulation has some counter-intuitive conse-
direction as well as magnitude. The impedance
quences. Just as stiffness is proportional to neural
also has a directional property. In particular, the
input, the effective gain relating force to neural in-
force and displacement need not be co-linear; both
put is proportional to muscle length.
the magnitude and the direction of the output force
c " = of hi-linear = (a + l3 l) 15 (9.36) vector resulting from an input displacement vector
b.-hnear 0/ of a given magnitude will depend on the orienta-
tion of the displacement vector.
That is, a longer muscle is more effective at gener-
Modulating the directional character of the im-
ating force than a shorter muscle. Now suppose pedance may be important for performing interac-
this muscle model is used in the hypothetical two-
tive tasks. For example, the limb might be made
muscle single-joint system of section 4.1 and we
compliant in one direction to accommodate an ex-
analyze the requirements for maintaining an off-
ternal kinematic constraint and stiff in another
upright posture of the limb. To counterbalance the
direction to minimize the effects of disturbing
effect of gravity at a given posture a moment must
forces. This provides a different perspective on
be generated, hence the agonist muscle must be ac-
the problems of motor control. Coordination is
tive. Suppose further that the resulting stiffness
usually regarded as a movement problem but
due to the active agonist muscle is suffIcient to
modulating multi-joint impedance implies that
provide the necessary stability to maintain posture
muscle coordination is required to control postural
so that the antagonist may be inactive.
158 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

9.5.1. The Unique Contribution of Poly- configuration variables. As mentioned above, to

Articular Muscles keep a consistent sign convention we define a set
For the purposes of motion contrQl, muscle of variables, x, which increase as the muscles
groups spanning a single joint would be sufficient shorten.
to generate the necessary moments. Poly-articular
muscles would appear to be an excess, a redun-
x(q) = -l(q) (9.39)
dancy in the system. However, if only single-joint The relation between muscle displacements and
muscle groups were available, the ability to modu- joint displacements is obtained by differentiating.
late impedance by synergistic muscle activation
would be quite limited; there would be no way to fix = [ax(q)/aq] dq = [-al(q)/aq] dq
modulate the interaction between joints. Neural
feedback connections between the joints might = j(q)dq (9.40)
play this role, but as argued above, modulation of
impedance via neural feedback would be ineffec- The Jacobian matrix j(q) is a matrix of partial
tive for rapid or high-frequency interactions. derivatives of muscle lengths with respect to joint
Including the poly-articular muscles changes angles. As there are typically far more muscles
the situation considerably. Poly-articular muscles than degrees of freedom in the skeleton, the
provide precisely the coupling between joints Jacobian matrix is usually not square (and hence
needed to modulate inter-limb interactions usually cannot be uniquely inverted). The
through muscle synergies (Hogan 1979, 1985b). Jacobian also relates muscle and joint velocities.
From this point of view, the neuro-muscular sys- v = j(q) Cil (9.41)
tem may be considerably less redundant than it
would otherwise appear and poly-articular where v = dx/dt and Cil = dq/dt.
muscles may have an unique functional role to The connection of the muscles to the skeleton
play. This contribution of poly-articular muscles cannot of itself generate power, so the incremental
to limb impedance would complement other func- work done by shortening the muscles is identical
tional roles they may play [see Chapter 18 (Gielen to the incremental work done by rotating joints.
et al.), Chapter 41 (van Ingen Schenau et al.)]. ,
9.5.2. Transformation Theory dE = Jl'dq = f fix (9.42)
The most effective way to understand
wheref= [{Ida' ... 1",1' ~ ~ array of muscle fmces
kinematic effects such as muscle connectivity is to
and Jl = [111' l1a' ••• 11,.1 IS an array of moments
consider the transformation of the apparent
about the joints. The relation between muscle
mechanical behavior of the muscles into an equiv-
force and joint moments is obtained by substitu-
alent behavior of the joints and into an equivalent tion.
behavior of the hand (or other point of contact
with the environment). All of the transformation
l fix = lj(q)dq = Jl'dq (9.43)
relations may be determined from the geometry of
Jl = J.f(q) f
musculo-skeletal connections. The lengths of all
the muscles, uni-articular as well as poly-articular,
may be determined from the configuration of the This demonstrates that the elements of the
limbs. Jacobian matrix are the moment arms of the
muscles [see Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters) for
1= l(q) (9.38)
elaboration of this transformation].
· an array ("
where I = [11' la' ... 1",f IS a vector") con- Transforming Apparent Viscosity
taining a set of muscle lengths and q [ql' qa' ... These relations may be used to transform the
q,J' is an array containing a set of numbers which mechanical impedance of the muscles into an
derme the limb configuration. Those numbers will equivalent mechanical impedance about the joints.
usually be joint angles (e.g. defining relative rota- For example, consider a relation between muscle
tion of adjacent limb segments) but that is not force and velocity of shortening. If the individual
essential; there is an infinity of equivalent sets of
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 159

muscle behaviors are described by relations 11 =

fu1 (v 1),/a =Iua(va), ••. I m =Ium(vm) the aggregate be- (9.52)
havior of all of the muscles may be written
concisely as follows. The second term transforms the muscle stiffness,
k, the same way as the viscosity.

Transforming to joint coordinates is a simple mat- /(q)* = /(q) Ie j(q) (9.53)

ter of substitution.
The first term, however, is quite independent of
J.1 = /(q) fufj(q) ro} the muscle stiffness. It is a "fictitious" joint stiff-
ness due to the variation of the moment arms (the
Viscosity is usually defined as the incremental Jacobian matrix) with configuration. We may
change of force due to an incremental change of denote the array of second partial derivatives of
velocity. The apparent muscle viscosity is: muscle lengths with respect to joint angles by the
symbol r( q).
b=~ (9.47)
r(q) = oAq) (9.54)
The apparent joint viscosity due to muscle be- oq
havior is:
Thus the stiffness transforms as follows.
b oJ.1 .f ~.
j = oro =} (q) OV }(q) ro (9.48) (9.55)

Thus the viscosity transforms as follows. If the stiffness is computed at an operating condi-
tion corresponding to zero muscle force, the
(9.49) "fictitious" joint stiffness due to the variation of
the moment arms vanishes. However, it becomes
As in the simple example above, the transforma- progressively more significant as the muscle
tion of this component of the impedance is dif- forces at the operating condition increase, and this
ferent from the transformation of forces or mo- is precisely what happens if opposing muscles are
tions. The viscosity transforms as a second-rank synergistically activated.
tensor (in proportion to the "square" of the
Jacobian) whereas the forces and velocities trans- 9.5.3. Multi·Joint Spring.Like Behavior
form as a first-rank: tensors (Le. vectors). In the case of a single degree of freedom, no
matter how many muscles are involved, and no
Transforming Apparent Stiffness matter what neural feedback relation modulates
One important point is that unlike viscosity, the neural input to the muscles, the steady-state be-
stiffness does not transform as a second-rank ten- havior of the system is always spring-like. That is
sor. If the individual muscle behaviors are because all that is required is that every angle to
described by relations 11 =Ie l(x1), la =lea(xa), ... 1m correspond to a unique moment. The converse is
= lam(xm) the aggregate behavior of all of the not necessary and indeed, because of nonlinear
muscles may be written as follows. moment arms, is highly unlikely. For example,
f = Ie (x) (9.50)
moment arm of biceps varies very strongly with
angle (approaching low values at the limits of joint
The corresponding joint behavior is travel). Therefore even if the force-length be-
havior of biceps were monotonic, the
J.1 =}.f(q) 1e ( x(q) } (9.51) moment-angle relation is not.
However, when the system has multiple de-
The apparent joint stiffness due to muscle be- grees of freedom, the steady-state behavior is a
havioris vector relation between moment and configura-
tion. The conditions for multi-variable spring-like
behavior are more restrictive; a particular sym-
160 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

metry of interactions between degrees of freedom F = -KdX (9.59)

is required (Hogan 1985b).
The fundamental requirement for spring-like where F is the force at the hand, dX is the dis-
behavior is that a potential function analogous to placement of the hand and K is the stiffness at the
elastic energy must be defmable. It is a scalar hand, a square matrix of coefficients. The ex-
function E (q) of the configuration variables (e.g. perimental observations were fit to a linear
the joint ~gles). The moment-angle relation is force-displacement relation using multivariable
the gradient of that scalar function. regression techniques. They were then partitioned
into two components, one symmetric and one anti-
Jl = gradE (q) = oEp(q) (9.56) symmetric.
p oq

But a basic fact from vector algebra is that the curl (9.60)
of a gradient is zero.
curl Jl = 0 (9.57) II

This requires the crossed partial derivatives of mo- The symmetric component, K , can be derived
ment with respect to angle to be equal. from a potential function; this ts the spring-like
part of the behavior. In contrast, the anti-
ao~i o~i ..
= ;;-; I.J= 1•... r; i ~j (9.58) symmetric component, K • cannot be derived from
qj aqj • II
a potenttal function. The force due to this com-
These quantities are the off-diagonal terms in ponent is always directed at right angles to the
the stiffness matrix k .. Therefore to test rigorously displacement with a magnitude proportional to the
for spring-like behavior in the multi-joint case it is displacement. It gives the corresponding
sufficient to measure the linearized (or local) stiff- force-displacement relation a rotational character
ness and check for symmetry. Furthermore, if the (hence the term curl). If the hand were displaced
curl is zero in joint coordinates it will be zero in along a closed path a net non-zero quantity of
all coordinates (Hogan 1986). so it is sufficient to mechanical work would be done by (or on) the
measure the linearized stiffness at some con- hand. Thus by repeatedly traversing this closed
venient point such as the hand. path the hand could be made to supply (or absorb)
The steady-state relation between force and dis- an arbitrarily large amount of work; this is a 11011-
placement for ten normal human subjects was passive behavior.
measured in experiments reported by Mussa-Ivaldi Comparison of the relative magnitudes of the
et al. (1985). Briefly, subjects were seated and symmetric and anti-symmetric components of the
held the handle of a planar two-link manipulan- stiffness provides a numerical quantification of the
dum. The elbow was supported so that the extent to which the neuromuscular system is
forearm and upper arm moved freely and comfor- spring-like. Experimental observations showed
tably in the horizontal plane. While subjects that the conservative component dwarfed the rota-
maintained an equilibrium posture of the limb and tional component. If fact, in about half of the
handle, controlled displacements in eight direc- measurements, the curl was not statistically dif-
tions in the plane were applied using computer- ferent from zero; in all cases, it was small. At
controlled servomotors mounted on the least under the conditions of these experiments,
manipulandum. When the limb reached steady the steady-state behavior of the neuro-muscular
state following this perturbation, but before the on- system was essentially indistinguishable from that
set of any voluntary response, the applied of a multi-variable mechanical spring.
displacement vector and the restoring force vector How surprising is this result? If the steady-
generated by the subject were measured. state multi-variable behavior were simply the
Although the force-displacement relation is aggregate of the individual muscle behaviors. the
nonlinear for large displacements. for sufficiently symmetry requirement would always be met. For
small deviations about an equilibrium point it is each individual muscle (including poly-articular
approximately linear. muscles) a potential function could be defined by
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 161

integrating its steady-state force-length relation.lengths is the critical information needed to trans-
form muscle impedance into a corresponding
(9.62) dynamic behavior of the skeleton. In an exactly
similar manner, the critical information needed to
An aggregate potential function may be defined
transform the joint impedance into an equivalent
for the multi-variable system by summing the con- behavior at the hand is the kinematic relation
tributions for each muscle.
x = X(q) (9.64)
E (x) = i 1:=1 EP'.(x.), (9.63)
P between joint configuration, q, and an array of
variables, X, derming hand position and orienta-
Of course, the force-displacement relation for the
tion. With this information, transformation
entire limb depends also on feedback-generated in-
relations exactly analogous to Eqs. 9.40, 9.41, 9.44,
teraction between degrees of freedom. If this
9.46, 9.49, 9.51 and 9.55 may be derived. An im-
feedback-mediated interaction were not bilaterally
portant point to note is that joint configuration
symmetric it would introduce a curl. For example,
variables, q, figure prominently in all of these
if rotation of the elbow produced a moment about
transformation. Consequently, posture
the shoulder which was stronger (or weaker) than
profoundly modulates all aspects of dynamic be-
the moment about the elbow resulting from a cor-
responding rotation of the shoulder) the vector
force-displacement relation for the neuromuscular Transforming Inertia
system would not be integrable; a potential func- Perhaps the most striking example of the in-
tion analogous to elastic energy could not be fluence of kinematic effects on the apparent
defined and the neuromuscular system would not dynamic behavior of the musculo-skeletal system
be spring-like. is in the modulation of apparent inertia. Unlike
Thus the experimental observation of zero curl the mechanical behavior of muscle, the distribu-
means that either feedback interaction between the tion of mass in the bone is not subject to voluntary
degrees of freedom was absent under the condi- control. In principle, neural feedback might be in-
tions of this experiment or it was exquisitely voked to modulate apparent inertia, but inertial
balanced. The latter seems more plausible. behavior is most important during the fastest tran-
Neural feedback pathways which relate motions at sient dynamic events, such as the foot striking the
one joint to the activity of muscles at another are ground or the hand catching a ball and for these
known to exist (e.g. Eccles et aI., 1957a,b; Eccles actions neural feedback would be expected to be at
and Lundberg, 1958; Hongo et al., 1969). Given least effective because of the inevitable transmis-
that the neural pathways exist, it would be puz- sion delays. However, the apparent inertia of a
zling if feedback was insignificant. If, instead, multi-joint system may be modulated over a wide
feedback interactions were present, but balanced range by selecting an appropriate posture of the
and symmetrical, this would indicate that the limb segments.
neuromuscular system goes to some lengths to ex- The inertial behavior of the skeleton is
hibit an apparently passive behavior. As described by a relation between velocity and
mentioned above, an apparently passive im- (generalized) momentum.
pedance is sufficient to ensure that contact with
passive objects of arbitrary complexity and non- m=1 n (9.65)
linearity will not result in unstable behavior
(Hogan 1988a). where 1-1 is the inverse of the inertia tensor for the
skeleton and n is the generalized momentum as-
9.5.4. Posture Modulates Dynamics
sociated with joint motion. Differentiating Eq.
To characterize interactions between the
9.65 yields a relation between velocities.
musculo-skeletal system and objects in its environ-
ment we need to determine the impedance at the v = J(q) m (9.66)
point(s) of contact (e.g. the hand). The kinematic
relation between joint configuration and muscle where V =dXldt and J(q) is a Jacobian matrix. An
162 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

argument analogous to that used the derive Eq. the spring-like effect to acquire the new equi-
9.44 yields a relation between generalized librium posture. This idea has been investigated
momenta (Hogan 1985a). in depth by numerous researchers and is discussed
in Chapters 11-14 and 17. Early thinking was that
n = J t(q)P (9.67) movement might be generated by an abrupt shift
of the neurally-defined equilibrium point, but that
where P is the generalized momentum associated turned out not to be the case. Experimental obser-
with hand motion. Substituting: vations (Bizzi et al. 1984) showed that the path
-1 t -1
between two point exhibited a measurable degree
V = J(q) I J (q)P = M (q)P (9.68) of stability, not just the end-point [see also
Chapter 17 (Rash)]. Thus, the production of
Eq. 9.68 describes the apparent inertial behavior at movement appears to be accomplished by a
the hand; M -1(q) is the inverse of the apparent in- progressive movement of the neurally-defined
ertia tensor. Because it is a function of equilibrium posture, which has been termed a vir-
configuration6 the biological system may modulate tual trajectory (Hogan 1984).
its inertial behavior by repositioning the limb. The principal significance of this idea is that it
In effect, repositioning the limb changes the implies a dramatic reduction in the computational
lever arms through which forces at the hand gener- complexity of movement generation (Hogan
ate joint moments. Because of this, changing the 1988b). If muscles merely produced forces on
configuration of the limb modulates the apparent command, then it would appear to be necessary
stiffness and viscosity at the hand - indeed, all for the brain to perform some equivalent of the
aspects of the mechanical impedance - as well as notoriously complex inverse dynamics computa-
its inertia. Consequently, appropriate choice of tions (Asade and Slotine, 1986) so as to determine
posture may be one of the most important the appropriate forces needed to generate a par-
strategies for controlling dynamic interactions be- ticular movement. In contrast, if movement is
tween the limbs and its environment. Time will executed through a neurally-defined virtual trajec-
tell whether this concept, outlined here for the up- tory, the spring-like neuromuscular properties
per limb, is also of importance for trunk and whole- mean that the limb tends to follow the virtual
body posture. trajectory without any explicit inverse dynamic
9.6. Implications for Multi-Joint Control computations. A series of simulations based on
The mechanical impedance of the neuro- this theory have proven remarkably successful at
muscular system coupled with the inertia of the reproducing observed features of upper-limb multi-
skeleton define the dynamics of an attractor. If articular motor behavior. A comprehensive
the descending commands to the motoneuron review is presented in Chapter 16 (Flash).
pools are held constant, the spring-like behavior of 9.9. Future Directions
the neuromuscular system defines an equilibrium Dynamic interaction between the limbs and the
configuration for the skeleton. Particular environment may profoundly influence motor be-
properties of the mechanical impedance such as its havior, possibly causing instability. The condi-
apparent passivity ensure the stability of that con- tions for ensuring stability on contact with a
figuration. Whenever the limb is transiently stable, passive object have been established: the
disturbed, it will return to that eqUilibrium posture. impedance of the limb must appear to be passive.
The attractor dynamics may be used to produce Observations under restricted conditions (i.e.
movement as well as to sustain posture. If neural steady state) have shown that the impedance of the
activities were changed so that the neurally human upper limb is consistent with this passivity
defined equilibrium point coincided with a new constraint. It would be informative to determine if
position, the limb would move under the action of this result generalizes to other conditions and
other limb segments. Is the steady-state behavior
6 In general, the inverse inertia tensor of the skeleton
of other multi-joint systems (e.g. the head and
may also be configuration-dependent, though that is
neck, the spine, the lower limb, etc.) spring-like in
strongly influenced by the variables chosen to describe
the sense dermed above? Over what range of
the configuation (Hogan, 1985a).
9. Hogan; Mechanical Impedance of Single- and Multi-Articular Systems 163

amplitudes and frequencies of perturbation does Asada, H. and J-J. E. Slotine (1986) Robot Analysis
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Apparently passive behavior is sufficient to en-
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much more robust behavior: we routinely grasp During Arm Movement. J. Neurosci. 4: 2738-2744.
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jects? On the theoretical side, what are the 159.
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Dynamically Interacting Systems. Int. J. Contr. 48:
mance with these classes of objects?
In the area of motor control and movement or-
Crago, P. E., J. C. Houk and Z. Hasan (1976)
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Joint Movements. Canadian Journal of Physiology from Actions of Stretch Reflex. J. Neurophysiol. 39:
and Pharmacology 66: 508-519. 119-142.
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The rubrospinal trace. II. Facilitation of inter- Associated with the Hybrid Control of Force and
neuronal transmission in reflex paths to Displacement. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
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and Joint Stiffness: Reciprocal Activation and Wyatt, 1. L., Chua, L. 0., Gannett, 1. W., G knar, I. C.
Coactivation of Antagonist Muscles. Adv. Neurol. and Green, D. N. (1981) Energy Concepts in the
39: 347-372. State-Space Theory of Nonlinear n-Ports: Part I -
Hunter, I. W. and R. E. Kearney (1982) Dynamics of Passivity. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Human Ankle Stiffness: Variation with Mean Ankle Systems CAS-28: 48-61.
Torque. J. Biomech. 15: 747-752. Zahalak, G. I. and S.I. Heyman (1979) A Quantitative
loyce, G., P. M. H. Rack and H. F. Ross (1974) The Evaluation of the Frequency Response
Force Generated at the Human Elbow 10int in Characteristics of Active Human Skeletal Muscle in
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Foreann. J. Physiol. 240: 351-374.

Linking Musculoskeletal Mechanics to

Sensorimotor Neurophysiology

Gerald E. Loeb and William S. Levine

10.1 Introduction Our work is directed toward developing more

The general topic of motor systems and their objective and less intuitive processes for deter-
control can be considered at three hierarchical mining how the neural circuitry mediates between
levels: i) mechanical components and their the mechanical properties of the musculoskeletal
properties; ii) control algorithms and their im- system and the performance goals of the whole or-
plementation in neural circuits; iii) general control ganism. At the simplest level (Section 10.2), this
strategies and emergent behavior of systems. involves facilitating the combination and presenta-
Most of the preceding chapters are concemed with tion of diverse experimental data through model-
the ftrst level; most of the subsequent chapters based analyses and simulations and graphical
deal with the third level. This chapter considers displays. While such analyses are beginning to be
the intermediate level, which to date has been common in human kinesiology, the very different
largely the province of neurophysiologists. technical demands of neurophysiological experi-
There are two traditional approaches to under- ments on chronically instrumented, naturally
standing a control circuit by experimental probing behaving animals have posed a logistical barrier to
of its connections and activity. The ftrst involves combined studies. More ambitiously (Section
collecting such data phenomenologically in the 10.4), we are using engineering tools for optimal
hope that the design principles are self-evident control to make formal predictions regarding the
from the structure and function. The second in- details of the control circuitry and exploring how
volves intuiting (or more often borrowing) a changes in the mechanical properties or perfor-
control principle, devising a hypothesis regarding mance criteria of model systems are reflected in
the expected response to a speciftc perturbation, this predicted circuitry. In between (Section 10.3),
and then confmning or rejecting the hypothesis ex- we have discovered that the process of formalizing
perimentally. For sensorimotor systems as the properties of a model system is an exacting
complex as whole limbs, both approaches master that highlights deftciencies and inconsis-
encounter serious problems. The neural circuits tencies in existing data, thus providing a demand
now appear to be sufftciently complex that, by and a fertile source of direction for new experi-
judicious selection, components can be found that ments on individual components of the system.
appear to suggest, support, or reject almost any This report surveys our ongoing attempts to as-
reasonable hypothesis of sensorimotor control. semble such a modeling environment. Most of the
Furthermore, the diversity of architectural features component model relationships have been selected
and control problems to be found among the from prior efforts elsewhere on the basis of their
muscles of even a single limb during a single be- supposed ability to capture those aspects of
havioral task suggests that control requires several biomechanics and behavior that are most salient
different, parallel algorithms which must be coor- for neural control (for review, see Loeb et aI.,
dinated among themselves (for review, see Loeb, 1989, and other chapters herein). Our experimen-
1987). tal work has concentrated on testing the validity

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
166 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

and saliency of these models for the physiological It is possible to create a series of models of the
range of natural, voluntary behaviors, often with cat hindlimb system with gradually increasing
surprising results requiring modification of the complexity. Each successive model requires addi-
models and/or development of new experimental tional data and computation while revealing how
methodologies. its additional terms contribute to the realism of the
model behavior. Our simplest model (Figure
10.1.1 Heterogeneity of the Data
10.1) consists of four skeletal segments connected
Sensorimotor neurophysiology traditionally has
by three hinge joints moving only in the parasagit-
been organized around motor pools, the individual
tal plane under the control of 10 muscle groups.
muscles or compartments of muscles that can be
The model can be complexified by including the
selectively activated during the performance of a
motion of the phalanges (obtainable by
behavioral task. Any hypothesis of control at this
cinefluoroscopy) and adding and separating out
level must include a separate representation for
the muscles that control the toe joints, most of
each such entity. Thus, in addition to the tradi-
which are now grouped together on the basis of
tional kinesiological data (e.g. joint angles,
their actions at the ankle joint. The model can
ground reaction forces) and limb parameters (e.g.
also be complexified by adding a second degree of
mass, center of mass, rotational inertia), the
freedom at the hip to permit abduction/adduction.
models must include the parameters governing the
This would require separation of the hip extensors
dynamics of individual muscles and tendons, the
and flexors into subgroups based on the com-
sensitivity of their proprioceptors, and
ponent of their moment arms normal to the .s~gittal
neurokinesiological data regarding their normal
plane; it would greatly improve the abIlIty. to
level of activation. For the hindlimb model
evaluate the realism of different control strategIes
described below, there are about 45 separate motor
(see Section 10.4.5) for responding to displace-
pools; it is not possible to obtain complete
ments of the foot applied during standing, a well-
kinesiological, neurophysiological and mor-
studied paradigm (Macpherson, 1988a & b). A
phometric data from any single animal. Thus, one
more incremental form of complexity can be intro-
of the main requirements of the modeling environ-
duced by dividing some muscle groups into their
ment is that it facilitate the orderly collection,
component motor pools (Section 10.3.2), thereby
scaling, and combination of different types of data
providing an environment in which to study
from different structures in different specimens
specializations of muscle architecture and com-
and different trials of a range of behavioral ac-
partmentalized recruitment.
10.1.2 Current State of the Cat Hindlimb
The first job of a systems modeler is to validate
each of the modeled relationships by determining
that its critical parameters can be measured with
adequate accuracy vis-a-vis the sensitivity of the
proposed relationships to uncertainties in those
parameters. We have chosen locomotion in th.e
cat hindlimb as our first model system because It
has sufficient complexity and diversity to test
these relationships thoroughly while providing a
wealth of preexIstmg morphometric,
neurophysiological, biomechanical and
kinesiological data and well-developed
Figure 10.1: Computer-generated representation of a
methodologies for obtaining more such data. We simplified model of the cat hindlimb consisting of four
believe that experience with this system will lead segments moving in the parasagitta1 plane (foot, shank
eventually to simpler and adequate procedures for and thigh articulated at hinge-joints; pelvis trajectory
modeling less accessible systems such as human driven as a boundary condition) plus 10 muscle groups,
patients with neuromuscular disorders. labeled by name of one typical member of that group.
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 167

10.2 A Framework for data, mechanical constants) are collected into sub-
Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling sheets that can be pointed to and nested so that the
entire database of such data to date are available to
10.2.1 Interactive Relational Database the user and traceable to the original experimental
The design goal is not a specific model but a source. The names of all parameters and state-
work-space environment in which the scientist can variables are proscribed by a syntax generator and
choose freely the particular model relationships to parser according to a standard nomenclature. This
be explored. Such an environment is similar to a makes it possible to read the structure of the
computerized spread-sheet, in which input data are model directly from the equations that define each
gradually combined and transformed into higher- cell and to include high-level functions that
order entities. However, the data heterogeneity automatically generate calls for the cells that are
problem described above (Section 10.1.1) creates required to compute such functions (e.g. the inter-
unusually severe problems for assuring com- segmental angle at joint n requires the x and y
patibility and traceability of data pooled from coordinates of joints n, n-] and n+ 1).
different experimental sources. Furthermore, this
system must be accessible to neurophysiologists 10.2.2 Icon-Based Graphics
with limited expertise in mechanics and computer Because of the heterogeneity and complexity of
programming, adding a large requirement for intui- kinematic data, it can be very difficult to ap-
tively clear, user-friendly interactive interfaces. preciate important relationships by visual inspec-
We have elected to develop a custom relational tion of the usual multi trace graphs of various state-
database on the Macintosh II personal worksta- variables, particularly for users not well-versed in
tion. This platform offers an acceptable biomechanical terms and units. This is par-
compromise among computing power, cost, ticularly true when dealing with different groups
general availability, programmability and of uni- and multiarticular muscles and their direct
capabilities for real-time kinesiological data col- and indirect effects on accelerating, coupled skele-
lection. Our database is designed like a tal segments. For this reason, we use quantitative
spreadsheet, each of whose "cells" occupy a third icons in which state-variables are depicted as
dimension in which each time- varying state vari- mnemonic symbols arranged on sequential stick-
able is represented by a standard 200 datapoint figure depictions of the limb position (see Figure
vector. Individual parameters (e.g. morphometric 10.2). For example, each joint torque is shown as
a sector of a circle centered on the joint, with a

Figure 10.2: Computer-generated iconographic sartorius, is shown as the variable length of the
presentation of one cycle of slow walking by the cat thickened rectangle on the icons depicting their path
hindlimb (modified from usual multicolor format). from Origin to insertion. Net torque at ankle, knee and
Stick figures taken at intervals of 20 phase units out of hip joints attributable to the work of muscles (active
200 for the cycle; ground force vectors (small arrows) and passive) is shown as sectors of a circle at those
and phase of footfall and footlift (large down and up joints, with diameter and orientation corresponding to
arrows) shown along bottom scale. Typical EMG ac- magnitude and sign (torques during swing are too
tivity for two muscles, posterior biceps and anterior small to be visible at this scale).
168 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling




~- ~ I
- ~
-- -
~~ A-.ny

Ground Forcn

\ ~i-·~
MODELING Muscle Work
Figure 10.3: 11Je data management scheme for the 10.2.3 Automated Equation-or-Motion Writing
modeling project has been divided into three separate So far, we have generated Newtonian equations-
tasks: a) kinesiological recording to obtain state vari- of-motion by hand. In addition to being tedious
ables for normal behavior; b) biomechanical modeling and prone to error, this fixes the structure of the
whereby kinesiological data are transformed into the model in the database. The relational database ap-
muscle kinematics and joint torques; and c) muscle
proach offers the opportunity for the same
physiology models whereby the EMG recordings are
software system to depict any mechanical system
transformed into estimates of the time course of force
generation (Modified from Loeb et al., 1989). depending simply on the parameters describing the
limb segments and linkages. At present, a two-
dimensional model such as the cat hindlimb can be
diameter and direction indicating magnitude and
converted into any planar movement system with
sign of the torque. Variables related to a single
the same number of joints simply by changing the
muscle are depicted by a rectangle lying on a line
morphometric and mechanical parameters describ-
showing the path of the muscle from origin to in-
ing the skeletal segments and muscles, but it
sertion; its length and width can be selected to
cannot be converted into a topologically different
represent kinematic terms such as muscle length
linkage. Chapters 8 (Zajac and Winters) and 43
or velocity and/or dynamic terms such as EMG ac-
(Yamaguchi) describes current approaches to the
tivation or force output. Ground reaction forces
formidable algebra for general problems in
are shown by appropriately oriented and sized ar-
dynamics, including emerging, promising
rows; translational accelerations can be shown
equation-writing software. These will need to be
similarly. The syntactically defined name for each
coupled with a general notation for representing
state-variable is linked to its appropriate icon-type;
the nature of mechanical linkages, perhaps by
its display can be selected with one of a range of
building them up iconographically.
distinguishing parameters such as color.
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 169

10.3 Biological Issues Morphometric

A model is an approximation. Any model can We have adopted the general strategy of assum-
be shown to contain errors simply by increasing ing some degree of congruency in the form of our
the resolution or range of the experimental data. subjects, which are selected to be normal,
One can then respond by increasing the com- young-adult domestic cats (Felis domesticus). Data
plexity of the model, but there must be some that are related to individual length measurements
objective end-point to this infinitely recursive are readily described as a fraction of those lengths;
process. Our component models are being used in e.g. the origin of a muscle on a skeletal segment
a model system with a definite range of behavior can be measured as the fraction of the length of
and resolution of measurement, namely locomo- that segment from the joint across which it
tion in the cat hindlimb. Thus, our strategy is to operates. Lineal dimensions that relate to the limb
pick models that capture adequately the behavior as a whole (e.g. joint positions in space and stride
of these components for the range of conditions length) can be normalized to an arbitrary standard;
under which they operate during such behaviors. we use the sum of the lengths of the principle seg-
Tactically, this has meant starting with models ments, namely foot plus shank plus thigh. Cubic
from the literature and performing many experi- terms such as segment mass and muscle volume
ments in acute and chronic animals to compare are normalized directly by the total mass of the
biological behavior with model predictions for the animal. However, this leaves an ambiguity regard-
particular range of parameters normally ex- ing intermediate terms such as cross-sectional
perienced by each component. We have areas, which could be normalized to the square of
discovered that most literature models are actually the normalizing limb-length or to the resultant of
summaries of experimental data obtained under total mass divided by limb-length. At the mo-
very limited and often quite non-physiological ment, we prefer the latter, but validation awaits
conditions. This is because the models were often compilation of sufficient morphometric data from
constructed to make inferences about underlying our experimental animals to test the nature of their
structure and function which were better revealed presumed congruency.
under such unusual conditions. For example, the
cross-bridge mechanism in muscles is often
The fixed, 2oo-bin time-dimension of our rela-
studied with very short-range stretches and
tional database establishes a scaling of time in
isotonic single twitches or tetanic activation,
dimensionless phase units for a cyclical behavioral
whereas muscle fibers usually operate over large
activity such as walking. The database contains
movement ranges at intermediate frequencies of
one complete cycle of the behavior, which can be
activation. Such models often exhibit three forms
wrapped around during read-out to visualize better
of inadequacy that must be corrected before using
the phases near the beginning and end of the
them for our purposes: i) they are undefined, un-
cycle; for inverse dynamical calculations, these
stable or incorrect when extrapolated to the
ends must wrap smoothly to permit the calculation
pertinent range of behavior; ii) they include
of the required time derivatives.
parameters that are difficult to measure with suffi-
This approach requires a somewhat arbitrary
cient accuracy; and iii) they include unnecessary
division of the range of locomotor gaits into in-
terms that complicate the mathematics (e.g. nonin-
dividual behaviors, each of which constitutes a
vertible relationships) but do not produce
separate kinesiological database into which data
concomitant improvements in accuracy vis-a-vis
from many samples of such behavior are pooled.
the experimental data.
Fortunately, there is strong evidence that gait in
10.3.1 Musculoskeletal Scaling most quadrupeds is discretely multimodal, with
In order to combine data from many subjects similar preferred-locomotor-speeds for each gait
and trials, it is useful to convert these data into across similarly sized animals (Hildebrand, 1985).
dimensionless units. The identification of such Some non-cyclical behaviors such as jumping also
units is also a form of modeling in which testable appear to be stereotypable (Zajac et al., 1981) and
assumptions are embedded about the range and can be accommodated in this scheme by arbitrarily
significance of differences between subjects and defining their phases to start and stop with similar,
trials, some of which are described below. stable preparatory and terminal postures such as
170 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

the sitting crouch. i) Speed. The standard 50 or 60 field/sec scan rate

The identification of the phase boundaries used of video information provides sufficient tem-
for separating and combining individual cycles re- poral resolution for most forms of human
quires some attention. The classical phase locomotion, but it is only marginally adequate
boundaries for locomotion defined by Phillipson for the slower gaits of small animals.
(1905) include two transitions that are abrupt and Optimal digital filtering tends to be limited by
easily identified mechanically and kinesiologically the amount of spatial noise in the original sig-
(footlift and footfall), plus two that are smooth and nal, which is also considerable unless
continuous (mid-stance and mid-swing). The centroids are determined mathematically
abrupt transitions are easily identified in the ex- rather than placed by eye at the closest pixel.
perimental data. so they make the best markers for Video systems with 200 fields/sec capable of
nonnalizing small fluctuations in the relative dura- on...J.ine multicentroid extraction in 3-D are just
tion of each phase of the behavioral cycle. starting to become available and seem likely
However, their very abruptness makes them un- eventually to replace cumbersome high-speed
suitable for defming the beginning and end of the cinephotography, but only when high contrast
cycle because small uncertainties in timing trans- markers are feasible.
late into large discontinuities in many of the state- ii) Skin slippage. The amount of skin slippage
variables that must wrap smoothly around the relative to skeletal movement is higher in
cycle boundary. Therefore, we have picked the many animals, particularly at proximal joints.
mid-stance transition (denoted E2-3 by Phillipson) The severe problem at the knee in cats is typi-
as the cycle boundary, a phase when the limb is a cally resolved by trigonometric calculation
stable support with the mass of the pelvic girdle based on ankle and hip position and thigh and
centered above the support point, the ground- shank lengths, but this puts a larger burden on
reaction force has a zero longitudinal component, ankle and hip location which may break down
and muscle recruitment is relatively constant; when studying movements that include com-
these conditions also characterize pre- and ponents out of the sagittal plane.
post-conditions for noncyclical behaviors such as Cinefluoroscopy may be required, at least to
jumping (Zajac et al., 1981). validate procedures for estimating skeletal
In addition to the length, mass and time (phase) position from skin position; it is certainly re-
units described above, there are terms related to quired to resolve the position of small bones
dynamic properties of musculotendinous com- such as phalanges and vertebrae.
ponents such as activation, elasticity, and viscosity
that appear to be considered usefully in terms of iii) Gadget tolerance. Most animals have little
frequency response of these components. See tolerance for anything attached to their skin,
Zajac (1989) for a discussion of this approach. particularly if it produces noticeable drag and
provides good footholds for claws and teeth.
10.3.2 Inverse Dynamics This virtually eliminates external sensors and
The kinesiological and computational ap- emitters such as goniometers and light-
proaches to inverse dynamic analyses are well emitting-diodes (LEDs), leaving only passively
developed in human studies (e.g. Bernstein, 1935, reflective markers which usually must be reap-
1940) and described in some detail elsewhere in plied daily.
this volume [e.g. Chapter 34 (Hinrichs)]. The ap-
iv) Concurrent physiological studies. Animal
plication of such analyses to animals, particularly
kinesiology often includes other measure-
in conjunction with neurophysiological studies, is
ments at the same time, such as EMG and
somewhat more recent (e.g. Hoy and Zernicke,
nerve recording and electrical stimulation.
1985) and poses some special methodological
Mutual interference can take many forms, in-
problems that merit brief description here.
cluding electrical cross-talk (e.g. high-current
The collection of kinesiological data on limb
pulses in strobed lights or LEDs) and optical
position in animals differs from humans in several
confusion from randomly reflective enclosures
and dangling cables.
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 171

10.3.3 Forward Dynamics ation of the interference electromyogram, it

Several methods have been developed for appears that such recordings are readily processed
resolving the net joint-torques calculated into a remarkably accurate representation of the
inverse dynamic analysis into the work of m- overall command signal to the pool of
dividual muscles and muscle groups. These divide motoneurons (Hoffer et al., 1987), an important
generally into optimization schemes and ~orward consideration when such models are subjected to
dynamic models [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac an~ perturbations to evaluate the "reflexes" produced
Winters)]. Optimization has the advantage that 11 by their model controllers. There are three general
requires no additional kinesiological data. Instead, issues in implementing forward-dynamic models
assumptions are made regarding the "le~st to predict muscle work.
expensive" ways in which activation would be dis-
Muscle Architecture
tributed to the available, overcomplete muscula-
Perhaps the biggest surprise in the process of
ture to achieve the required net torques (e.g.
implementing our models of the cat hindlimb has
Pierrynowski and Morrison, 1985). These assump-
been the inadequacy of the voluminous literature
tions should be driven by large amounts of data
over the past century on functional anatomy. Not
regarding the morphometrics and energetics of the
only are the necessary data often missing or incor-
different muscles and muscle-fiber distributions to
rect, but the whole scope of muscle design
be found in the limb; in practice, the models are
variations appears to have been grossly underes-
often quite simple and based upon fragmentary
timated in ways that have important and largely
data from other studies. Furthennore, the notion
unexplored mechanical implications.
that the musculature is overcomplete is based on
The largest problem involves the parallel-
the presumption that the only task of the muscles
fibered muscles that seem, misleadingly, to have
is to produce the nominal torques necessary f~r
the simplest mechanics. Most of the architectural
normal, unperturbed locomotion. As analyzed m
and theoretical studies have concentrated on the
Chapter 9 (Hogan), the action of muscles produces
interesting but largely straight forward properties
a trajectory of limb impedance as well as position,
of pinnate-fibered muscles (Gans, 1982).
and that impedance may be structured to produce
Recently, there have been several important ad-
an initial stability in the face of a range of pertur-
vances in our understanding of the details of
bations that have been commonly experienced
contractile movements and forces within pinnate
during a task such as locomotion. Thus, in the use
muscles, particularly regarding hetereogeneities in
of optimization to determine muscle work, there is
fiber lengths produced by curvature and elasticity
embedded a large assumption about the nature of
of the aponeuroses into which they insert (Otten,
control, which is incompatible with our goal of
1988). However, from the perspective of model-
using models to understand such control.
ing the work of such muscles as a whole, these
Forward dynamic models use a direct
improvements probably constitute refmements too
neurokinesiological measurement of muscle activa-
small to warrant their computational complexity.
tion such as EMG to estimate the output of force
The problem in parallel-fibered muscles is the
by each muscle or muscle group (see Figure 10.4).
belated rediscovery of the prevalence of architec-
In humans, this technique is limited by the poor
tures in which the force-transmitting chain from
quality of EMG data that can be gathered clini-
boney origin to boney insertion is composed of
cally. Skin surface electrodes are subject to cross-
more than one independently controllable entity.
talk and cannot sample small or deep muscles;
It is well known that many axial muscles are com-
intramuscular needles are difficult to place reliably
posed of a series of anatomically distinct
and tend to sample small, perhaps un-
compartments separated by tendinous inscriptions
representative samples with unpredictable sen-
and innervated by separate nerves, often arising
sitivity. However, laboratory animals can be
from motoneurons in separate spinal segments.
implanted with large arrays of carefully designed
However, until recently, it was generally assumed
EMG electrodes that provide a reproducible picture
that in the cat hindlimb, only the semitendinosus
of the relative activation of virtually all muscles
muscle presented such an in-series muscle ar-
(Loeb and Gans, 1986). Furthermore, despite the
chitecture and both of its sets of motoneurons
many complex factors that enter into the gener-
were known to be intermingled in a single,
172 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

~ __________ J

7 I
I ~~I==~====~==~~
1 F.

/_ L.._

/ L,
_ J LIMB ~


M,l ~ L,
~--4T----------'I----i I

1- _I

Figure 10.4: A block diagram of the complete cat limb segments defining the overall path length from
hindlimb model arranged for forward (as opposed to origin to insertion. The limb dynamics accept muscle
inverse) dynamics, driven by alpha motoneurons (Mn) forces as inputs and produce limb motion as an output
arranged into 10-45 recruitment groups, depending on (ground reaction forces and pelvic girdle trajectory are
the complexity of the model being used. The output of boundary conditions acting as constraints on the
each motor pool is converted into muscle activation motion). Proprioception uses muscle spindle primary
(which uses separate time constants for rise and fall afferents (Ia) driven by muscle fiber length and
time). Because the tendon is elastic and the force out- velocity and Golgi tendon organs (Ib) driven by tendon
put of the muscle fibers is velocity dependent, the force; joint angle may be obtained from explicit recep-
relationship between the muscle dynamics and tendon tors or estimated from Ia and Ib signals. The
properties is recursive, with the force of the muscle cal- proprioceptive signals plus Renshaw feedback from
culated as an output of the tendon on the basis of two motoneuron collaterals (RC) are distributed as feed-
competing input velocities at its ends: Lf from the mo- back through the control matrix.
tion of the muscle fibers, and Lp from the motion of
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 173

homogeneous motor nucleus in the lumbosacral nerve branches and fascial boundaries that may be
spinal cord (Letbetter and English, 1981). It now recruited quite homogeneously during some be-
appears that the fascicles of most, if not all, of the haviors and heterogeneously during others
long, parallel-fibered muscles of the hindlimb are (Chanaud et al., in press). There may be two or
composed of relatively short muscle-fibers in an more anatomically continuous regions of the
overlapped, series distribution (Loeb et al., 1987). muscle that are separately recruited or a single
The ends of these fibers are long tapers, devoid of region in which different populations of motor
myotendinous attachments, which appear to trans- units are intertwined but recruited in different
fer tension by viscous shear into a surrounding phases of the behavior or under different
matrix of randomly oriented fllaments of collagen kinematic conditions (Hoffer et al., 1987b). The
(Trotter, in press)muscles with long fascicles, such EMG in one part of a muscle may appear to be
an arrangement may be necessitated by mechani- quite different from that in another part because of
cal instabilities that would arise in individual a heterogeneous distribution of motor unit types,
muscle fibers attempting to span this distance be- but the whole muscle may actually consist of a
cause of the relatively slow conduction of action single, homogeneously recruited motor pool
potentials along the sarcolemma relative to the rise- (Chanaud et al., in press). Decisions on how to
time of mechanical force. However, it is also seen represent the musculature require careful and
within the relatively short single compartments of thorough anatomical analyses interpreted in the
some inscripted axial muscles (Richmond et al., context of EMG data that may need to include
1985). comparison of multiple, simultaneous records
At least in some muscles, there is evidence that from different regions of the muscle during a
many of the motoneurons branch to innervate variety of voluntary and reflexively evoked be-
long, narrow muscle territories that extend over haviors. These decisions are often further
the length of the fascicles (Loeb et al., 1987). complicated by the desire for simplified models in
This arrangement would assure a similar tension- which muscles with some degree of differences
generating capability for each motor unit over the are pooled into groups of actuators (e.g. Figure
length of the muscle, although the mechanism of 10.1).
coupling the tension over a sparse distribution of EMG-Io-Force Prediction
asynchronously active fibers has not been worked The development of models of the force-gener-
out and may involve considerable elastic and/or ating process in muscle is one of the most active
viscous compliance that would affect force- areas of biomechanical research, with various
length-velocity relationships. Unfortunately, it aspects covered in some detail in the preceeding
now appears that many motor units in some such chapters. As noted earlier, our interest in this
muscles may have motor territories that are highly stems from the need to resolve the net joint
asymmetrically distributed over the length of the torques derived from inverse dynamic analyses
muscle (Thomson et al., 1990). This poses into the work of individual muscles. Our ap-
physiological control problems for motor unit proach is to use the gross EMG signal, recorded by
recruitment and reflex organization (see below) as bipolar, epimysial "patch" electrodes implanted in
well as methodological problems in the design of the fascial planes between muscles (Loeb and
experiments to study the mechanics of such Oans, 1986) as a measure of relative sarcomere ac-
muscles or to stimulate them for clinical neural tivation and to combine this with length and
velocity data to predict the time-course of force
Motor Pools and Groups output by the muscle as a whole. The absolute
The recent interest in compartmentalization of force output can be determined by calculating a
muscles and motor pools raises difficult questions weighting coefficient for each muscle using an
regarding the number of separate, component en- error-minimizing procedure; the different time-
tities to be included in a model of the limb courses of force predicted for each muscle then
musculature (for review, see Loeb, 1989). It is not must add up to the net joint-torque over the com-
enough to take a list of muscles from an atlas of plete behavioral task. In fact, it is possible to
gross anatomy. Some of these muscles have ob- make fairly strong inferences about the absolute
vious anatomical compartments with separate forces on the basis of the muscles' physiological
174 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

cross-section areas and the absolute amplitudes of One troublesome problem with some formula-
the EMGs, which empirically tend toward similar tions of the dynamic models of muscle has been
maxima of 10 mV when recorded with these stability. When the muscle goes from passive to
highly standardized patch electrodes (5 mm con- active, the contractile element begins to shorten as
tact spacing) and integrated into 2-ms bins (Bak it takes up slack in the series elastic element,
and Loeb, 1979). This is not surprising, because which reduces contractile force output according
the voltage amplitude depends essentially on the to the force-velocity relationship. However, in the
mean current density in the tissue, which in turn next iteration of the model, the reduced force is
depends primarily on the percentage of the cross- suddenly exposed to the larger elastic force stored
sectional area of the muscle that is active, given in the series elasticity on the previous pass, which
similar ranges of muscle fiber diameters and begins to lengthen the contractile element. The
asynchronous firing frequencies. now-eccentric velocity produces an abrupt in-
Identifying the form and parameter values for crease in force output of the contractile element,
models of muscle dynamics is less straight- which pulls even more strongly on the slackened
forward. Chapters 1 and 5-8 deal with the elastic element in the next pass. Regardless of the
competing demands of simplicity and accuracy in temporal resolution of the simulation, the situation
defining the minimum necessary complexity for a is fundamentally unstable and produces large, un-
model, which depends on both the particular physiological oscillations in the force output. This
muscle and the particular behavior. Where pos- has led some investigators to restrict the minimal
sible, we have adopted an empirical approach to activation of the muscle force to some small, non-
the specification and validation of models, subject- zero value to maintain tension on the series elastic
ing individual muscles to electrical stimulation of element (Zajac, 1989); however, this is unaccep-
single units and whole nerves at physiological table for many cat hindlimb muscles which are
firing rates while directly measuring force output used intermittently at low levels of recruitment
during behaviorally relevant length and velocity during slow walking. We have found that the
excursions, particularly including active- models become better behaved when they are
lengthening (eccentric work; see Chapters 1 and 3) made more realistic, by adding a viscous term in
which has been quite neglected by muscle the tendon compliance that is known to exist
physiologists. For a number of poorly understood (Woo, 1982; Hubbard and Chun, 1988; see also
reasons, it seems that force output is highly de- Chapter 5 (Winters)) and/or by adding in the mass
pendent on recent history of movement and of the muscle belly, which provides an inertial
activation (Heckman et aI., 1988); therefore, we damping term.
have eschewed "general" techniques for system Another issue in stability concerns muscles
identification such as white-noise analysis in favor with multiple contractile elements in series, as
of more focused parametric studies. described above. Even within a single muscle
Again where possible, these parameters are fiber, the series arrangement of sarcomeres can
tested empirically by comparing the predicted give rise to transient heterogeneity in sarcomere
force-output of the models to the directly lengths as the wave of activation propagates from
measured forces in naturally behaving animals the neuromuscular end-plate near the center to the
using strain-gauges chronically implanted on ten- ends of the muscle fiber [see Chapter 3 (Morgan)].
dons (Weytjens and Loeb, 1987). These data are The problem of distributing precisely equal
invaluable in assessing the sensitivity of models to amounts of tension along the lengths of muscles
changes in their form and parameters. For pinnate with separate or partially separate motor unit ter-
muscles such as the triceps surae, theory suggests ritories would seem to be insurmountable. In fact,
(Zajac, 1989) and experiments confirm (Weytjens the very steep (actually discontinuous) slope of the
and Loeb, 1987) the importance of dynamic terms force-velocity relationship of active muscle may
such as the slope of the force-velocity curve and solve this problem quite neatly (albeit at the ex-
the elasticity of the tendons and aponeurotic pense of introducing other control problems for
sheets, which together may comprise 80% or more voluntary transitions between concentric and ec-
of the length of the path from boney origin to centric work). If an over-excited part of the
boney insertion (see also Chapter 4 (Enema and muscle begins to contract at the expense of an
Huijing); Chapter 38 (Alexander and Ker)). under-excited region in series, the shortening ele-
Figure 10.4 shows schematically the general struc-
ture and computational form of a musculotendon
model that seems generally adequate.
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 175

ments immediately decrease their force output 10.4.1 Models of Proprioceptors

while the lengthening elements become locked We are starting with a simplified set of those
isometrically until the external force exceeds the mechanoreceptors that are generally believed to
breaking force for their cross-bridges. The back- provide the most important feedback for segmen-
wards breaking force appears to be about 1.8 times tal control: Golgi tendon organs (muscle force
their isometric force output (Joyce et al., 1969). sensors), muscle spindle primaries (muscle length
The two effects produce about a 50% margin of er- and velocity sensors), and joint receptors (joint
ror in allowable imbalance of activation, at least angle and velocity sensors). Of these, only the
for the relatively brief contractions of locomotor first (GTOs) have a well-accepted mathematical
and many other behaviors. representation (Crago et al., 1982). For spindles,
we are using a highly simplified model of
10.4 Control Theory
fusimotor control based on our previous record-
Even at a subjective level, an appreciation of
ings (Loeb and Duysens, 1979; Loeb et aI., 1985;
the intrinsic mechanical properties of muscles and
Loeb and Hoffer, 1985) and a signal-theory
tendons and of the mechanical interactions of the
analysis (Loeb and Marks, 1985) of single primary
limb segments during natural movements has
afferents from various muscles during natural be-
provided a great deal of insight into the control
havior. This model assumes that the static and
problems that are presumably being addressed by
dynamic components of the fusimotor system are
sensory feedback and segmental reflexes.
adjusted to modulate the spindle output over its
However, it now appears that it may be possible to
full dynamic range during one cycle of the be-
formalize these relationships to test specific
havior. The velocity and length terms are additive
hypotheses about the organization of sensorimotor
and each is scaled so that the range of its
state-variable encountered during the locomotor
As detailed elsewhere (Loeb et al., 1989; He et
cycle accounts for 50% of the dynamic range.
al., 1989), we have begun to apply a class of
More sophisticated models based on a more com-
general engineering tools that have been used in
plete database are being developed (Prochazka et
the design of "optimal controllers" for complex
ai., in press); these will be tested against ours to
systems. In the typical industrial application, a
determine if they are significantly different in
complex "plant" (e.g. roboticized assembly line,
terms of their effects on overall control of the limb
oil refinery, etc.) is equipped with a large number
of sensors and actuators related to various aspects
Regarding joint afferents, there is a long and
of the process. For particular performance
contentious literature on the nature and accuracy
criteria, an optimal configuration of feedback can
of their proprioceptive function (for review, see
be calculated, whereby signals from the sensors
Ferrell et aI., 1987). Optimal control theory man-
are weighted and combined into commands to the
dates either a sensor or an estimator for joint
actuators (see Figures 8.4 and 8.5). Thus, three
angles and velocities, which are state-variables of
things are required as inputs:
the equations for limb dynamics. Therefore, we
i) a complete mathematical model of the plant, in- are comparing models in which this function is per-
cluding the response of the actuators to formed explicitly by joint sensors versus models
command and feedback signals, as discussed in which this information is derived from a
above; weighted admixture of muscle spindle and GTO
ii) models of sensors for all "state-variables" of the signals (the latter are required to correct for the
mathematical functions describing the plant or not-insignificant effects of tendon and aponeurotic
estimators for those state-variables built up sheet elasticity; Rack and Westbury, 1984).
from available sensors; One particularly interesting side-issue has
arisen from the formalized definition of
iii) performance criteria, which are often a state-variables and their use in optimal controllers.
weighted mixture of the "cost" of using the ac-
Each mathematical function used in the model of
tuators to correct perturbations and the
the plant has inputs that depend on the time-
"penalty" for allowing each selected state-
varying state of the system; hence, these are state-
variable to stray from its nominal, desired
variables. As noted above, there must be a signal
176 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

available from a sensor or an estimator for each feedback matrix is merely a summary of the net
state-variable for use in the feedback matrix of the trends that should emerge from the spinal circuitry
controller. The force output of muscle is related to if it is attempting to maintain stability optimally in
an intramuscular "activation" that is a time- the face of small perturbations. Departures from
dependent function of motoneuronal commands this feedback that are observed experimentally can
involving factors such as the rise and fall of sar- be evaluated in simulations to determine their ef-
coplasmic calcium. Thus, muscle activation is a fects on regulation.
state-variable that must be sensed or estimated. LQ controllers are useful only for perturbations
Curiously, this provides a formal requirement for small enough that linear combinations of sensor
an efference copy of the motor pool output that signals can deal usefully with the underlying non-
seems to be entirely compatible with the known linearities of the mechanical system. Larger
properties of the Renshaw cells, which receive in- perturbations (e.g. Forssberg's, 1979, stumbling
put from recurrent collaterals of alpha corrective reaction) must be handled through spe-
motoneurons. The available data on Renshaw cial circuits capable of triggered, sequenced
cells suggests that the relative weighting of their programs.
input from various motor units is consistent with The LQ controller does not obviate the need for
an estimation of overall muscle activation a central pattern generator (CPG), which still must
(Hultborn et aI., 1988); even their temporal in- generate the nominal sequence of states that the
tegration properties are not inconsistent with system is trying to achieve. In fact, the changing
estimating the rise and fall of activation mechanical conditions of the limb (e.g. from
(Windhorst and Koehler, 1983; Windhorst et al., stance to swing phases) suggest that the CPG must
1988), but this requires more specific experimenta- switch between two or more LQ control schemes
tion. (see Figure 10.5). The LQ feedback matrix also
operates independently of sensory pathways that
10.4.2 Optimal Control
reset or otherwise modulate the CPG (for review,
We are using optimal control as a tool to iden-
see Rossignol et al., 1988). Adopting the conven-
tify salient features of a complex system, much as
tion of Bryson and Ho (1975), the feedback matrix
one would use linear regression analysis, to which
constitutes a "regulator" for maintaining the se-
it is related. We use the linear quadratic method
quence of desired states, whose trajectory is
(LQ; Stein and Athans, 1987). It is linear because
determined by a separate "controller". The con-
for small perturbations, the system to be controlled
troller is the CPG, whose open-loop output has
can be assumed to be linear; it is quadratic be-
been shaped by a lifetime of motor learning and
cause the performance measure minimizes the sum
adaptation plus millions of years of evolutionary
of the squares of the perturbations in all of the
testing. Given appropriate performance criteria
state variables and inputs. The combination of a
(no simple matter), its pattern also could be
linear plant plus quadratic criteria implies linear
predicted using optimal control [e.g. Chapter 42
state feedback control (Athans and Falb, 1969).
(Pandy); Chapter 19 (Winters and Seif-Naraghi)],
Like linear regression analysis, LQ design
but it seems prudent for now to accept the mean
makes no assumptions about the sign or mag-
observed behavior of unperturbed locomotion as
nitude of the optimal relationship that is
the empirical description of the controller and to
"predicted" between each sensor and each ac-
concentrate on the narrower design problem of the
tuator. For example, the spindle afferents could
inhibit the homonymous motoneurons if that con-
tributed to stability of the overall system. In fact, 10.4.3 Performance Criteria and Feedback
the models consistently predict the experimentally Matrices
observed homonymous pattern of positive feed- In a model with 10 muscle groups and 3 joints,
back from spindles and negative feedback from the multiple-input-to-multiple-output feedback
GTOs. Like linear regression analysis, there are no matrix K has 36 rows (inputs from spindle
presumptions that the neural circuits that embody primaries, Golgi tendon organs and Renshaw cells
the feedback network are individually linear or for each of 10 muscle groups plus joint angle and
that they have a one-to-one correspondence with velocity sensors or estimators for each of 3 joints)
the terms of the feedback matrix. The calculated
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 177



ResettirY;l half-center-
~ lialf-center _
\ ~ ?rct~lng~
I t I
, Motor R>ols
" " "
reflex gating
" " """
Somatosensory ~
\. Predicted
...-+, \
Reflex ___ 1_ FiMeetd~ack
... Connectivity ~ a fiX

--- Musculoskeletal
System - -- - Models

Observed Behavior -- - - Behavior

Figure 10.5: Because the mechanical conditions of the control matrix, producing the observed movement after
limb change drastically during the different phases of being transfonned by the mechanics of the musculo-
locomotion, the feedback provided through the control skeletal system. The resulting movements and forces
matrix must be changed by gating in different patterns are sensed by the afferents, some of which seem
of connectivity. This is presumably under the control capable of resetting the CPG in the event that certain
of a central pattern generator (CPG), here shown as a critical criteria indicate that it is not safe to proceed.
system that has a few discrete states (e.g. two half- The blocks at left represent anatomical structures and
centers) plus a networlc for producing the more physiological processes that can be observed ex-
complexly phased patterns of recruitment in individual perimentally only through their outputs; the goal of the
motor pools. The output of the motor pools thus theoretician is to make inferences about the contents of
reflects the sum of their CPG commands and their those blocks, as shown at right.
reflexive drive from somatosensory input through the
178 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part II: Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling

by 10 columns (outputs to motoneuron pools for and its putative regulator to the actual responses of
each of 10 muscle groups). All of the inputs repre- an intact, naturally behaving cat recorded
sent state variables whose deviation from nominal neurokinesiologically (e.g. Macpherson 1988a,b).
trajectory the animal might wish to minimize. We In general, we have found that realistic behavior
have grouped them into two matrices representing can be obtained only when Q has no zero elements
performance criteria. The proprioceptive signals and for intermediate values of R/Q (He et al. 1989,
(muscle length and force sensors plus joint Loeb et al. 1989). However, we have just begun
signals) are grouped into the Q matrix, where the to explore systematically the effects of various
weighting coefficients represent the relative im- restrictions and weightings of performance
portance of stabilizing that particular measure of criteria. One obvious issue is the selection of
limb trajectory. The muscle activation levels muscle activation (as estimated by the Renshaw
(Renshaw cells) are grouped into the R matrix, system) as the measure of cost; it would be more
where the weighting coefficients represent the realistic to estimate the thermodynamic cost of
relative cost of using a muscle to restore the muscle activation based on the relative cross-
desired limb trajectory. sectional areas and the different economics of
In order to calculate K, we must select par- force generation under concentric and eccentric
ticular values for R and Q. However, it is more conditions (active shortening vs. lengthening,
instructive (albeit computationally expensive) to respectively). Another issue involves the dif-
examine how K varies with changes in Rand Q. ference between eliminating a state variable from
Two basic types of change have been examined. the performance criteria (setting Q terms to zero)
The first is to force various elements in Q to zero, as opposed to eliminating its input to the feedback
thereby simulating hypotheses such as "stiffness system (setting K terms to zero).
regulation," in which it is supposed that only a 10.4.4 Hypothesis Development and Testing
subset of the state variables are being used in con-
Linear-quadratic methods for designing optimal
trol (e.g. muscle length and force without explicit
regulators have been applied to a simplified model
consideration of joint angles or velocities).
of the cat hindlimb during quiet standing. The
Normalizing assumptions about the relative sen-
resulting predictions regarding the distribution of
sitivity and dynamic range of the various sensors
sensory feedback among the motor pools can be
(see above,particularly regarding fusimotor con-
changed by varying the performance criteria and
trol of spindle afferents) are important for
the model representations of the muscles and sen-
infonning the selection of the nonzero elements in
sors. This provides a subjective appreciation of
Q. The second type of change involves a weight-
the nature of the control problems posed by the cat
ing coefficient for determining the ratio between R
hindlimb and the possible roles for segmental
and Q. This reflects a cost-benefit consideration;
reflexes to stabilize its posture during small pertur-
a small ratio indicates relatively little cost in the
recruitment of muscles to maintain the target
Once we have had sufficient experience with
trajectory whereas a large ratio indicates relatively
this approach to control and the robustness of its
high tolerance for deviations from nominal trajec-
predictions in the face of uncertainties about the
tory. As might be expected, feedback matrices K
models of the actuators and sensors, we intend to
calculated for low R/Q values have large coeffi-
look experimentally for the more interesting and
cients, particularly in the diagonal terms reflecting
robust of its predictions. Three classes of experi-
homonymous feedback, which produce large
ments have been proposed:
changes in muscle recruitment and rapid move-
ments in response to perturbations. K-matrices i) Biological circuit tracing. Classically, the con-
calculated for high R/Q ratios have lower coeffi- nectivity of the spinal cord has been
cients overall, which produce smaller and more determined by painstaking, acute
widely distributed changes in muscle activation electrophysiological probing of surgically
that result in less "stiff' response. reduced and/or anesthetized preparations.
The various K matrices that can be produced by Normally, it is difficult to get a sense of
varying Q and R/Q ratio can be evaluated by com- perspective from this very fine-grained ap-
paring the simulated responses of the model limb proach, but it may be feasible to probe for the
10. Loeb and Levine; Linking Mechanics to Neurophysiology 179

more robust and unusual circuits predicted by 10.5 Conclusions and Future Directions
control theory. Importantly, this technique has Although it has been said before, one lesson
been applied to neuronal systems that are cy- bears reitemting in a volume such as this: the
cling in an identifiable way through the value of modeling comes largely from the process,
locomotor pattern, using "fictive locomotion" not the results. The benefits may be public, i.e.
in decerebmte, pamlyzed prepamtions (Pratt the discovery or reappreciation of processes over-
and Jordan, 1987). looked, or private, i.e. elevation of one's
ii) Locomotor reflexes. Using implanted nerve perspective from the parochial vantage point of
cuff electrodes, electrical stimuli can be ap- one's training. Both accrue to the investigator
plied and accumtely calibrated on individual during the iterative process of developing and test-
nerves to activate particular classes of nerve ing the model, not merely reading about its "fmal"
fibers and to examine their reflex effects at dif- attributes. This philosophy underlies our attempt
ferent phases of natum! behaviors such as to construct a "modeling environment" mther than
locomotion (Pratt et al., in press). Similar a specific model. Our goal is to produce a general
stimulation of muscle nerves is possible, but tool that is accessible and meaningful to
unfortunately the spindle primary afferents, physiological experimentalists, both to facilitate
GTOs and alpha motoneurons (projecting to our own ongoing modeling work and to build
Renshaw cells) have similarly excitable axons, bridges among control theory, biomechanics, and
which will complicate interpretation of such sensorimotor neurophysiology.
data. Recently, this effort has gained momentum
iii) Reflex plasticity. It is possible to change the from two areas of practical application, robotics
mechanics of the musculoskeletal system by and neum! prosthetics, in which it appears increas-
tendon tmnsfers in animals at various stages of ingly advisable to attempt to discover existing
development. It seems likely that at least control principles in nature mther than to invent
some of the specification of the sensory feed- them de novo. Undoubtedly, this will continue to
back matrix depends on motor experience and spur on many related projects such as those
remains malleable to account for growth and described elsewhere in this volume.
development. The changes that should occur
for a given tendon transfer can be explored
Athans, M. and Falb, P.L. (1969) Optimal Control.
through the model and then looked-for ex-
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Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb

Neville Hogan and Jack M. Winters

11.1 Introduction
It seems natural to assume that certain fun- and concerns such as energy storage, energy trans-
damental principles underlie the organization and fer and joint loading take on less relative
performance of motor behavior. The search for importance.
governing principles has spanned many motor sys-
5. Rhythmic motion patterns typical of gait are
tems, ranging from isolated muscle contraction
less appropriate and less frequently observed.
through locomotion in invertebrates and ver-
tebrates, quadrupeds and bipeds, to whole-body This overview chapter will attempt to provide a
posture in humans. More recent attempts to study perspective on the current state of knowledge.
the fundamental principles of upper-limb function Our goal is not to attempt to survey the field; a
are the topic of PART ill of this book. These number of fairly recent reviews exist from a
chapters provide a representative sample of the variety of perspectives (e.g., Hasan et aI., 1985;
issues which have been raised and the progress Georgopoulos, 1986; Hogan et al., 1987; Bullock
which has been made towards gaining an under- and Grossberg, 1986; Gottlieb et al., 1989) and
standing of this complex topic and applying that duplication is unnecessary. Nor do we intend to
knowledge to the development of assistive devices critically review or assess each theory that has
for rehabilitation of upper-limb motor dysfunction.been put forward regarding upper limb movement
Several features distinguish upper limb func- organization; the contributions within this section
tion from that of the lower limb or whole-body of chapters address these issues. Instead, we will
posture and balance: try to place into context the class(es) of tasks to
which a given theory is meant to apply and the
1. The arm is the primary organ humans use to
relative importance of biomechanical considera-
manipulate objects in the environment.
2. The function of the hands is as much sensory as
it is motor. 11.2 Relationships Between Tasks and
3. The upper limb routinely interacts with a wide
The human upper limb is involved in a
variety of physical objects. It must retain its
prodigious variety of tasks, ranging from pointing
stability and performance while doing so; yet
to eating to drawing to throwing. These natural
robotic experience has shown that this requirement
movements tend to be graceful and usually in-
is anything but trivial.
volve many limb segments. Different tasks
4. The human upper limb typically does not need typically require quite different sequencing of
to support the weight of the body; hence inherent limb motion and muscle activation and different
muscle patterns designed to hold and stabilize an information from sensors. Some involve dynamic
inverted pendulum system are rarely necessary, interaction with the environment, others do not.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New Yolk
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 183

How are these movements organized? Perhaps dynamics of the musculo-skeletal system on the
one of the most fundamental questions about performance that is achieved. Thus optimization
movement organization is which muscles are used theory is a valuable integrative and predictive tool
and in what pattern (Bernstein, 1967). This ques- for studying the interaction between the many
tion can be surprisingly difficult to answer complex factors which result in observable be-
experimentally. Part of the difficulty stems from havior.
the extreme adaptability and versatility of the up- One might argue that, given a model of
per limb. The task being performed profoundly musculo-skeletal mechanics, optimization theory
influences the deployment and use of muscles, merely re-maps Bernstein's problem of choosing
limbs and sensors and this makes the comparison among an infmity of possible patterns of muscle
of data obtained in different tasks problematical. activation into an equivalent problem of choosing
For example, in Chpater 18 (Gielen et al.) it is among an infinity of possible performance criteria
shown that even the apparently minor difference [see also discussion in Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et
between isometric and isotonic conditions can al.)]. This is a legitimate objection, but it should
result in different patterns of muscle activation. be recognized that "merely" restating a question
The reasonable tendency among researchers often makes the answer more obvious. The cost
has been to create highly structured, well- functions used to model task goals can be chosen
controlled experiments to test specific hypotheses. to reflect physically meaningful concerns such as
Consequently, there is a close relationship be- the need to minimize stress or energy consumption
tween reported experimental data and the theories or plausible qualitative aspects of behavior such as
they were designed to test. The relation to other maximizing smoothness. Combinations of such
competing theories is typically less clear. In the entities, i.e. subcriteria, are also possible, and in
following sections we will examine several types Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters) it is sug-
of theories and classes of tasks which have been gested that one of the advantages of the
investigated. optimization approach lies in observing how
predicted movement strategies change with
11.3 Optimization Theory changes in the relative weights between compet-
One widely-used mathematical tool is optimiza- ing subcriteria. Certainly voluntary movements
tion theory. There are four components to an scale with ease simply by a change in conscious
optimization problem: i) a task goal, defined math- thought, and perhaps terms as "effort", "energy",
ematically via a performance criterion (cost "accuracy", "fatigue" or "smoothness" come closer
function); ii) a system that is to be controlled to describing the higher levels of movement plan-
(usually dynamic); iii) set of controls to this sys- ning than terms such as "pulse width" or "percent
tem that are available for modulation; and iv) an overshoot. " Thus, optimization theory serves to
algorithm capable of finding an analytical or spell out the consequences of these broad
numerical solution. Optimization has the appeal- generalizations in specific. behavioral detail.
ing feature that the cost function or performance A second objection to optimization approaches
criterion to be optimized is, in a well-defined is that many movements, especially those in
sense, a mathematical model of the specific task to everyday life, may be "satisficing" as opposed to
be performed, in some cases independent of the "optimal". A conservative movement strategy that
structures used to perform it. Nevertheless, the simply satisfies some basic, perhaps "fuzzy", ob-
predicted output behavior will reflect any informa- jective may be adequate for many of the tasks of
tion about those structures which are used in the life. It is here, however, that the potential of op-
analysis, and the predicted control input provides timization methods has yet to reach fruition.
insight regarding the optimal "strategy" for execut- There has been a tendency in the study of move-
ing the mathematically-defined "task." If a ment for goals to be defined in kinematic terms;
mathematical model of the mechanics and even terms such as "effort" have been given a
dynamics of the structures used to perform a task kinematic flavor (Hasan, 1986). However, this
is available, it is possible (though often computa- certainly need not be the case - the distance run-
tionally challenging) to use dynamic optimization ner doesn't win the race by sprinting the whole
theory to analyze the impact of the mechanics and way. In Chapter 19 it is shown that without
184 Multiple Muscle Systems, Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

penalty for neural and/or muscle activity, dynamics of the sensory-motor system into ac-
predicted EMG signals tend to be much more ag- count. The central claim of the theory is that in
gressive than is ever seen experimentally, order to relate the information from multiple non-
regardless of the form of the kinematic criteria. orthogonal sensors to the action of multiple non-
This suggests that some neuromuscular penalty orthogonal actuators a metric tensor is required.
could always be added to task-based subcriteria The cerebellum (and certain other neural
simply to mimic inherent tendencies of structures) was postulated to be the embodiment
neuromotor circuitry to go back toward moderate of that metric tensor. In fact, the mathematical
nominallevels1 . Interestingly, for single-joint sys- aspects of this theory are seriously flawed [see
tems a byproduct of increasing neuromuscular Arbib and Amari (1985) for a critique] and recent
penalty is high levels of smoothness (Chapter 19). experimental evidence (Kay et al. 1989a,b) indi-
Another aspect of the "satisficing" argument is cates that sensory-motor processes are not based
related to the concept of desiring a certain margin on a consistent underlying metric. Nevertheless,
of safety/stability - why "live of the edge" when the fundamental importance of coordinate transfor-
not neccesary? It is true that certain tasks may be mations in sensory-motor control cannot be
hard to specify by a performance criterion. denied.
Consider a popular task within this book, that of
picking up and drinking a cup of hot coffee
11.5 Neural Networks
without spilling and without undue effort A related approach is the use of massively
(Chapters 14, 17, 19). In the optimization ap- parallel distributed processing, the so-called
proach, a margin of safety/stability can be "neural networks", for sensory-motor coordina-
approximated by assuming neural and/or environ- tion. The foundation of this approach lies in two
mental noise sources; the greater the applied noise, concepts: i) that the strength of synaptic connec-
the greater the desired margin. As shown in tions (Le., "gains") between cells and cell
Chapter 19, there are numerical techniques for excitation thresholds can be modulated (e.g., due
solving such problems, with the predicted strategy to synchronous activity); and ii) that the behavior
a function of the noise level. In fact, such tech- of the overall intermeshed network can be con-
niques have provided perhaps the most unbiased siderably more complex than that of each
evidence to date regarding the positive use of non- individual cell. The particular appeal of the ap-
linear muscle properties, especially as related to proach is that parallel distributed processors have
impedance modulation. been shown in several instances to exhibit sig-
nificant learning and adaptive behavior. In
11.4 Sensory-Mot'lr Transformations addition, their structure bears at least a family
One viewpoint on the problem of movement or- resemblance to networks of neurons in the biologi-
ganization is that it is fundamentally a process of cal system.
transforming sensory perception into motor action. At the time of writing, this field remains in a
A prominent and highly controversial example of state of flux and valid generalizations are difficult
this perspective is the so-called "tensor" theory of to establish. With that caveat, parallel distributed
sensory- motor transformation proposed by processors may be considered to implement a
Pellionisz and Llinas in 1979 and elaborated in a general nonlinear mapping (usually "smooth" in
series of subsequent papers. This exclusively some sense) between a multi-dimensional input
geometric theory does not take the mechanics or and a multi-dimensional output. For example,
Poggio and Girosi (1990) have established an
equivalence between a class of three-layer net-
1An alternative to neuromuscular penalty may be works and classical function approximation
redefine the "system" to include lower-level neurocir- techniques such as regularization theory.
cuitry which is wired to prevent excessive activity; Applied to the problem of movement organiza-
similar to the RC and Rl commands of Chapter 12 tion, neural network approaches typically attempt
(Feldman et al.); the control inputs for optimization to establish a static (memory-less) functional rela-
could then be the R and C commands of Chapter 12. tion between sensor input and motor output (e.g.
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 185

Kuperstein, 1987). Recent work has begun to ex- multi-stage process, hierarchically organized with
tend these approaches to consider dynamics (e.g. multiple levels of representation ranging from an
Jordan, 1988, 1990; Kawato et al. 1987). abstract specification of task goals to a concrete
Characteristic of these methods is that they treat specification of motoneuron activities.
the biological system somewhat as a "black box" Though there is little direct evidence for (or
and say little about its components, e.g. which against) the existence of such a hierarchy, it is an
structures are critical for which behavior. implicit assumption in most of the work that has
In Chapter 20 (Denier van der Gon et al.) ap- been reported. It is certainly compatible with our
proaches are outlined for utilizing neural networks existing knowledge of brain structures, though
to: i) create internal representations of arm move- aspects of the pyramidal tract may constitute an
ments; ii) learn appropriate reflex responses for exception. For this reason, in comparing different
certain situations, and iii) generate sequences of theories and experimental results it is important to
activation patterns (a "motor program"). Although understand clearly which level of the (assumed)
at present only applied to quite simple upper limb hierarchy is addressed. Many apparent contradic-
examples, this chapter provides a foundation for tions may be resolvable by taking this into
future exploration within neural networks, as account.
relevant to neuromuscular systems. 11.7 Planning vs. Execution
One consequence of the neural network ap-
One of the more common assumptions of
proach is that, unlike much of systems theory,
hierarchical organization is that the production of
neural networks are not bound to simple linearized
motor behavior occurs in at least two stages: plan-
biomechanical representations. In fact, as with
ning and execution. This begs the question: at
numerical optimization, a neural network might
what level of abstraction is the motor plan formu-
learn to take advantage of nonlinear musculoskele-
lated? One possibility is that planning for most
tal properties (e.g. task-specific modulation of
tasks takes place at the level of kinematics: the
impedance). Also, as outlined in Chapter 20, the
trajectory of the limb is planned, but the details of
neural networks approach need not encompass a
joint torques and muscle forces required to carry
full sensory-to-motor mapping. Networks of sub-
out that plan are not considered in the planning
systems, and especially the lower spinal circuitry,
stage. They are assumed to be determined by the
might prove fruitful. For instance, a neural net-
subsequent process of executing the motor plan
work with a structure similar to that outlined in
(see review by Georgopoulos, 1986). This view-
Chapter 10 (Loeb and Levine), could be
point may be cast into a mathematical framework
developed, perhaps driven by both sensory inputs
by formulating a dynamic optimization problem in
and a command structure similar to that outlined
which the performance criterion is a function of
in Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.). In Chapter 10 an
kinematic variables only, for example a measure
optimization approach is utilized to estimate ap-
of the smoothness of the motion (Hogan 1982,
propriate task-specific feedback gains, while in
1984, Flash and Hogan 1985).
Chapter 20 a neural network is considered. Which
An alternative possibility is that the planning
approach is better? This is an open question.
takes the details of movement execution into ac-
However, it should be realized that neural net-
count. This may also be formulated as a dynamic
works and traditional optimization methods have
optimization problem by choosing a performance
certain aspects in common, and in one sense the
criterion which depends on variables related to
neural network method is a form of ongoing op-
movement production (Uno et al. 1989; Kawato et
timization. Perhaps hybrid approaches will evolve
al. 1990). These two possibilities are compared in
in the future.
Chapter 17 (Flash).
11.6 Hierarchical Organization Of note is that execution of the plan, as
In detailing the nature of the transformation be- prescribed by, say, an optimization algorithm, is a
tween sensory input and motor output, a multi- function of the system model and of the class of
stage process seems plausible and consistent with tasks. In Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters) it
known neural architectures (Bernstein, 1967; was found that for tasks which do not involve
Arbib, 1972). Saltzman (1979) has argued for a dynamic interaction with the environment, the
186 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part m: Upper Limb Movement Organization

basic form of the predicted strategy was relatively presentation of the task (move between visually
insensitive to the order of the model or whether it displayed points which are stationary in a
was nonlinear or linearized; details such as the laboratory reference frame) may bias the results
magnitude of the excitation pulse, etc., were of and generalizations should be made with caution.
course system-dependent. Perhaps this helps ex- Soechting et al. (1986) also investigated three-
plain why the experimental data presented in dimensional drawing motions and reported that
Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.) and Chapter 15 elbow and shoulder rotation were linearly related:
(Corcos et al.) could be interpreted so easily - for both joint angles exhibited predominantly
their tasks muscle could be adequately viewed as a sinusoidal patterns with fixed phase relations be-
simple filter. In contrast, for tasks involving en- tween them. They suggested that linear shoulder-
vironmental interaction (e.g. isotonic or random elbow relationships could be expressions of
loads), both the model structure and the assumed general neural constraints which facilitate the
properties influenced the form of the control mapping of intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates.
strategy. It must be recognized that kinematic studies
11.8 Coordinate Frames alone tell only a small part of the story of move-
The viewpoint that planning takes place at the ment production, and may not be sufficient to
kinematic level leads naturally to the question of resolve certain questions. Even if behavior is
coordinate frames. A given arm motion admits planned in terms of the kinematics of hand mo-
many inter-related representations: as a trajectory tion, the execution of that plan will be heavily
of the hand, as a sequence of joint angles, as a influenced by the mechanics and dynamics of the
time pattern of muscle lengths, and so forth. peripheral musculo-skeletal system. Phase
These may be considered as descriptions of the entrainment during oscillatory behavior may be
same behavior in alternative coordinate frames. A due to the nonlinear neural and mechanical cou-
question which has received some attention is: pling which exists between degrees of freedom in
Which one of these coordinate frames is the basis the upper limb rather than a reflection of a higher-
of motor planning? level computational processes. For example,
A number of studies have been performed in Kelso (1984) and colleagues (e.g. Kay et al. 1987)
which subjects performed self-paced point-to- have investigated human bimanual coordination.
point movements. One of the earliest They have reported many of the phenomena typi-
investigations was that of Morasso (1981), who cal of coupled nonlinear oscillators (e.g. frequency
reported data showing that hand paths were entrainment, phase resetting, critical slowing, etc)
roughly straight with unimodal tangential speed and have shown that their observations are well-
profiles. Compared with the corresponding joint described by a low-dimensional coupled nonlinear
trajectories, these features of the hand motion oscillator (Haken et al. 1985). Consequently the
showed little variation with movement duration or coupling reported by Soechting et al. (1986) may
location in the subject's workspace. From this be peculiar to the cyclic movements they inves-
Morasso suggested that the central command was tigated and may not be preserVed during
formulated in terms of the hand motion, in spatial, terminated reaching movements of a more
body-centered coordinates. episodic nature.
In contrast, Soechting and Lacquaniti (1981) in- 11.9 Curved Motions
vestigated sagittal (vertical) plane movements and Many movements in life have inherently
reported a tight kinematic coupling between the curved paths. Examples include handwriting and
angular speed of the shoulder and the elbow various sports activities. Are there certain salient
during the deceleration phase of movement which features of such movements that can be identified?
was independent of movement duration, target As outlined in Chapter 17 (Flash), one feature of
location and or load. From this they argued for such movements is that the trajectories of the hand
trajectory planning in terms of joint coordinates. in space are compatible with concept of maximal
The issue of coordinate frames is discussed further smoothness, i.e. minimal hand jerk (Viviani and
in Chapter 17 (Flash) and need not be duplicated Terzuolo, 1980; Morasso and Mussa-Ivaldi, 1982;
here. However, it is appropriate to note that the
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 187

Schneider and Zernicke, R.F.; 1989). As dis- slope constant, duration modulated) and "speed
cussed in Chapter 17, this high compatibility with sensitive" (excitation pulse, initial EMG slope, and
theory need not imply that the eNS actually calcu- movement speed modulated, pulse duration
lates minimum-jerk trajectories; rather, it suggest constant). A wide variety of data seem fit into
that the concept of maximum smoothness captures these categories, which makes the theory appeal-
certain salient features of a variety of movements. ing, and it is the basis of a theory of motor skill
As addressed in Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and acquisition [Chapter 15 (Corcos et al.). However,
Winters), to some extent smooth trajectories are a all of the tasks considered are uncommon outside
byproduct of intrinsic muscle properties and of the environment of controlled experiments. How
neuromuscular penalty. this theory may be generalized to more natural
multiple degree-of-freedom movements is not
11.10 Fast Tracking Movements
clear at this time.
One-degree-of-freedom point-to-point move-
ments have been a favorite of researchers (e.g. 11.11 Importance of Mechanics
review by Gottlieb et al., 1989; Chapters 14-15). For cenain classes of tasks movement planning
They allow well-defined experimental protocols may appear to be represented and planned at a
and seem to challenge subjects. One area of inter- kinematic level. Examples include maximum
est has been the speed-accuracy trade-off during smoothness (Flash and Hogan, 1985; see also
movements in which subjects are instructed to Chapter 17) and the documentation of direction-
move as fast as possible and yet as accurately as sensitive cells (in world or visually-relevant
possible. The appeal of this type of experiment is coordinates) within the motor cortex
that the investigator has control over two task [Georgopoulis, 1986; Schwartz et al, 1988; see
parameters (usually movement distance and target also review in Chapter 16 (Karst and Hasan)].
width) and measures a third variable (usually However, in interpreting neuromotor experimental
movement time). Many combinations are pos- data the imponance of mechanics and of mechani-
sible, movements of different systems and/or cal principles should not be underestimated. Here
degrees of freedom can be explored and all vari- we briefly outline a few examples.
ables can be determined without detailed For simple fast movements of one degree of
measurement of movement trajectories. Empirical freedom, it is imponant to note that many of the
relations exist between these parameters (e.g., correlations that have been discovered experimen-
Fitts' law, 1954). tally [e.g. the "impulse-timing" theory of Wallace
Others have focused on EMG burst behavior (1981)] are essentially expressions of expected be-
and its correlation to movement kinematics and havior for the mechanical system, and indeed
various task parameters (e.g., Freund and could not have been otherwise. This can be seen
Budingen, 1978). Still others have studied the ef- from simple optimization results for, say, second-
fects of added inertial loads and/or variable speeds order overdamped models (reviewed in Chapter
(e.g., Lestienne, 1979). 19; see also Nelson, 1983 for similar insights for a
Recently Gottlieb et al. (1989) completed an visco-inertial model). For instance, to move a
extensive review of the work related to single- greater distance, the agonist pulse height and/or
joint point-to-point movements and attempted to width must increase. Increasing only pulse height
place these effons within a unifying framework. increases velocity and movement distance, in-
Relations between task variables and EMG, be- creasing only pulse width increases movement
tween task and kinematic variables, and between distance and movement time but not initial
EMG parameters and kinematic measures were velocity, adding inertia while maintaining the
documented across the literature. They assumed same excitation pulses lowers peak velocities and
that observed EMG patterns may be the response accelerations and increases movement times, etc.
of a first-order, low-pass system to an "excitation ... - basic causal input-output mechanics.
pulse" which can vary in height and/or width. As addressed in depth in Chapter 8 (Zajac and
They then identified two fundamental strategies Winters), inertial dynamics introduce nonlinear
(the "Dual Strategy" hythothesis): "speed coupling between body segments. This is due to
insensitive" (excitation pulse and initial EMG
188 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

the fact that the motion of one limb segment in- An alternative approach assumes a look-up
duces an acceleration of connected segments (the table (Albus, 1975; Raiben, 1976). Here the com-
Cariolis and centrifugal effects). The effects of putation problem is replaced by a memory
such coupling, which are a major focus in many of storage/retrieval problem. Unfonunately, such
the chapters emphasizing the lower limb tables may become very large very quickly.
[reviewed in Chapter 35 (Mungiole and Winters)], Although initially appealing and still under con-
can be quite complex and difficult to comprehend sideration (Atkeson, 1989), up to the present
without simulation. However, most upper limb practical problems have made utilization of this
movements at pre/e"ed speeds are essentially approach difficult.
quasi-static, and for such tasks gravitational and An alternative and somewhat simpler view is
visco-elastic musculotendon effects tend to that the central nervous system takes advantage of
dominate over inertial effects. the effective dynamic and mechanical behavior of
Of note is that the inherent coupling between the muscles and neural feedback circuits to cir-
limb segments can potentially be used to ad- cumvent most of the computational complexities
vantage. This concept is the basis of an elegant of coordinating multi-joint actions. As reviewed
method described in Chapter 21 (Meek et al.) for in Chapter 7 (Hannaford and Winters), several
deducing the moments about the distal (artificial) aspects of muscle behavior are in sharp contrast to
joints of an upper-limb amputation prosthesis from the behavior of the typical motors of modern
measurements of EMG from muscles of proximal machinery. Prominent among those differences is
(natural) joints. However, it severely complicates the fact that the steady-state force exened by a
the problem of associating muscle action with the muscle for constant neural input varies with
resulting motion, to the point that the "obvious" muscle length, producing the so-called "spring-
flexor muscle of a joint may sometimes cause ac- like" behavior [see Chapter 5 (Winters) for
celeration which would extend the joint [see biological sources of this effect and Chapter 9
review in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]. How (Hogan) for mechanical implications].
does the biological system deal with this com- Qualitatively similar behavior is observed with
plexity? and without neural feedback. In the absence of ex-
ternal loads, the combined action of a group of
11.12 Computation vs. Mechanics muscles spanning a joint, including antagonists as
Despite the manifest complexity of multi-link well as agonists, will define an equilibrium pos-
dynamics, even a young child is capable of a wide ture for the joint. Changing the relative inputs to
variety of effonless movements. How is this the muscles will (in general) define another equi-
done? librium position and the joint will tend to move to
One possible approach is to formulate a the new equilibrium position. This equilibrium-
dynamic model (based on rigid-body inenial point hypothesis was originally proposed by
mechanics) of the relation between joint torques Feldman (1966) for single-joint motions and was
and the resulting limb motions, and use this model subsequently pursued by other researchers (e.g.
to compute "backwards" from a specified motion Bizzi et al. 1976, 1984). As outlined in Chapter
to the corresponding joint torques. This is the so- 12 (Feldman et al.), it may be used to account for
called "inverse dynamics" approach which has observed patterns of EMG.
been championed by Hollerbach (1982). It im- The same idea, with a few modifications, may
plies that the central nervous system contains a be generalized to account for the coordination of
detailed model of the kinematic and inenial multiple degrees of freedom (Hogan 1985, Flash
propenies of the skeletal system. However, the ef- 1987, Feldman et al., 1986; Chapters 12 and 17).
fective dynamic and mechanical behavior of the If the posture defined by the pattern of neural ac-
muscles and neural feedback circuits are not taken tivity is moved continuously, the limb will tend to
into account. It also implies that the central nerv- follow, driven by the action of the forces gener-
ous system explicitly performs a computation that ated by the effective dynamic and mechanical
experience with a comparable problem in robotics behavior of the muscles and neural feedback cir-
has shown to be extremely demanding. cuits (e.g. the "spring-like" behavior, etc.). In
general the position of the limb will differ from
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 189

the neurally-defined "equilibrium" posture (and in behind each model have been reviewed and con-
the presence of external loads such as gravity may trasted elsewhere (e.g., Hasan et al., 1985). Here
differ even at equilibrium) and hence the time- we briefly address some similarities and dif-
course of neurally-defined postures has been ferences and then suggest that these are perhaps
termed a virtual trajectory (Hogan 1982, 1984). A reconcilable.
simulation study by Flash (1987, Chapter 17) has Fundamental to both models is the concept that
shown that this theory is competent to describe a muscle or a muscle-reflex system has spring-like
certain sets of observed movements to a remark- properties, and that these properties, in conjunc-
able degree. tion with neural commands and any external load,
Quite aside from its ability to reproduce certain set a steady-state equilibrium. EP models in
experimental observations, one of the most impor- general suggest that neuro-mechanical dynamics
tant aspects of this theory is that it dramatically are so intertwined that they cannot be separated
simplifies the computational complexity of multi- [see also Houk and Rymer (1981) and Chapter 13
joint coordination. The effective mechanics of the (Wu et al.)]. However, it must also be recognized
neuro-muscular system account for the complex that there are qualitative similarities between the
dynamics leaving only a much simpler static com- responses of intact and deafferented monkeys
putation (albeit a non-trivial one) to be performed. (Bizzi et al., 1984).
It must be stressed that neither of the above The assumed inputs to the models differ. In the
theories directly address the difficult problem of A.-model, commands are related to motoneuron
which muscles are selected to perform a multi- recruitment thresholds, defined mathematically as
joint motion and how they are activated. This the offset of a spring. The EMG is considered an
matter is taken up, at a simple level, in Chapter 16 internal consequence of recruitment. In this foun-
(Karst and Hasan). Here initial muscle activity is dation EMG activity is predicted via muscle
documented for horizontal plane movements span- activation areas (MAAs), which are defined by the
ning a wide variety of directions and initial ongoing muscle length and velocity along with the
locations. Since different theories predict dif- ongoing A. (see Figure 12.1 in Chapter 12). The
ferent initital muscle patterns, this approach further into an MAA (i.e. from the A. line), the
potentially allows the various theories to be distin- greater the EMG. In past forms of the so-called a-
guished. Experimentally, the best fit of the data model, the input has been activation, which in tum
was with the angle defining the target direction has modulated the slope of the force-length rela-
with respect to the forearm, which is suggested not tion.
to be compatible with any of the aforementioned Of note is that both models tend to utilize
theories. However, it should be noted that an im- slopes greater than CE tension-length properties
plicit assumption behind their "attractor" could predict; values used for the a-model are of-
simplification of the EP theory is an isotropic stiff- ten closer to SE stiffness, which is essentially what
ness; it tums out that experimentally measured is experimentally estimated by perturbation
anisotropy of the stiffness (as documented in studies [see review in Chapter 5 (Winters)], while
Chapter 17) can profoundly affect the predictions. values for the A.-model are based on experimental
data generated by Feldman's group (reviewed in
11.13 Equilibrium, Mechanics and
Feldman, 1986). Of note is that there tends to be a
Neural Feedback correlation between SE stiffness (which is nearly
There has been some controversity regarding linearly related to muscle force) and activation, at
formulations of the two continually evolving least for equilibrium conditions and for small os-
"eqUilibrium point" hypotheses outlined above, the cillatory perturbations [Chapter 5 (Winters)].
so-called (by Feldman) 1..- and a-models. The 1..- Furthermore, feedback gains tend to modulate
model was pioneered by Feldman (Feldman, 1966, with activation level (e.g., Lacquaniti and
1986, Chapter 12), while the so-called a-model (as Soechting, 1981), and simulations with a nonlinear
defined by Feldman) is based on the work of Bizzi antagonistic muscle-joint model with delayed sen-
and colleagues Bizzi (Bizzi et al, 1976, 1984; dis- sory feedback [e.g., Winters and Stark, 1985; see
cussed in Chapter 17). The basic foundations also Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)] showed that
190 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

maintenance of stable yet effective position con- a variety of tasks are insensitive to short-time tran-
trol was achieved by letting feedback gains sient details of such virtual trajectories, especially
modulate with activation. Interestingly, ongoing for fast movements (results for different forms, in-
co-contraction levels compensate for feedback cluding ramps and various smoothed signals, are
time delays [e.g., Chapter 7 (Hogan)], while feed- given in Seif-Naraghi, 1989). Thus, actual trajec-
back helps compensate for muscle yielding [Houk tories may be relatively insensitive to the exact
and Rymer, 1981; Cordo and Rymer, 1982; see form of the virtual trajectory that is utilized to in-
also Chapter 13 (WU et al.)]. Thus, the available itiate and terminate movements; interestingly,
mechanisms for predicting modulation of joint these are the regions where the approaches of
stiffness and threshold with antagonistic coactiva- Chapters 12 and 17 differ.
tion, some based on muscle mechanics and others
11.14 Contact Tasks
on neurocircuitry, appear compatible. Chapter 12
Much of the work on motor coordination has
develops additional neurally-based sources for
focused on unrestrained or minimally restrained
these and related effects, based on Rl (reciprocal
motions, e.g. point-to-point reaching movements.
inhibition) and RC (Rhenshaw cell modulation)
Though clearly important, these motions are a
commands. Careful consideration of each of the
small part of the repertoire of normal upper-limb
sources suggests that these are potentially com-
behavior. Most functional uses of the upper limb
plementary and in any case not conflicting.
require contact with objects.
Another difference between the models is the
In one sense, contact tasks might seem to be an
form of the assumed virtual (equilibrium) trajec-
order-of-magnitude more complex than un-
tory [defined here as a mechanical representation
restrained motions. The mechanics of contact are
of the input that is applied so as to achieve a
not adequately described by simply assuming an
desired (reference) trajectory, which the actual
external load. The forces generated by contact
trajectory tries to achieve]. To produce voluntary
depend on the motion of the limb (or vice versa)
movements, Chapter 12 assumes ramp (constant
whereas an external load (e.g. gravity) need not.
velocity) trajectories, while Chapter 17 assumes
Thus, if an internal model of the musculo-skeletal
bell-shaped velocity trajectories. Are these dif-
system is postulated as necessary for the coordina-
ferences in shape incompatible? This remains an
tion of unrestrained motions, then contact tasks
open question. Of note is that the mapping be-
would appear to require a model of the object
tween the virtual trajectory and the EUG does
being wielded as well.
differ in the two cases; in particular Chapter 12
However, the effective dynamic and mechani-
emphasizes the MAA concept. Chapter 12 suggests
cal behavior of the muscles and neural feedback
that the assumption of smoothed virtual trajec-
circuits may once again play a role in simplifying
tories has a problem related to modification of
this problem. The "spring-like" muscle behavior
ongoing movement plans, yet Chapter 17 provides
which can be used to circumvent the "inverse
evidence showing that observed corrective be-
dynamics" computations may also be used to con-
havior that is seen with target changes in rapid
trol contact force. Furthermore, this approach has
progression is well approximated by the co~cept
several distinct advantages. It circumvents the
of independent, superimposed smooth vIrtual
contact stability problem which has plagued at-
tempts to develop robots capable of controlling the
To help place the concept of virtual trajectories
force they exert on objects [see Chapter 9
within a broader framework, in Chapter 19 (Seif-
(Hogan)]. It also permits the same strategy (and
Naraghi and Winters) a slightly different form of a
perhaps even the same neural apparatus) to contr~l
virtual trajectory is utilized. Here it is shown that
contact tasks, unrestrained motions and the tranSI-
when neuromuscular penalty is added within a per-
tions between the two. The extraordinary
formance criterion, the "reference" trajectory
effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated in
becomes a virtual (cost) trajectory that may repre-
Chapter 20 (Crago et al.), where stiffness regula-
sent general kinematic plans as opposed to an
tion as the basis of a Functional Neuromuscular
instant-to-instant desired trajectory. Because of
Stimulation (FNS) system for controlling grasp.
neuromuscular dynamics, optimized solutions for
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 191

The usefulness of the effective dynamic and kinematic patterns need to be documented. For
mechanical behavior of the muscles and neural example, for what tasks does the elbow stay lower
feedback circuits is by no means restricted to the vertically than the hand? In conjunction with such
"spring-like" behavior. The force exerted by a experiments, dynamic optimization studies need to
muscle, with and without feedback, is a function be performed which make kinematic predictions
of its speed of shortening. This imparts an effec- but include appropriate biomechanical models.
tive viscous behavior to the muscle which may By comparing optimization predictions to ex-
play an important functional role, e.g. in reducing perimental data, it should be possible to illuminate
oscillations or decelerating the limb. The effective some of the organizational strategies that solve
viscous behavior need not be linear and indeed is problems in kinematic and muscle redundancy.
not [e.g., see review in Chapter 5 (Winters)]. In 2. Why am I being perturbed? EMG and
Chapter 13 (WU et al.) the effects of various forms kinematic information on movement is often not
of nonlinear viscous behavior are documented via fully illuminating - mechanics cannot be ignored.
phase plane analysis for isotonic and isokinetic Perturbation studies can help extract such
cases of environmental coupling. These properties phenomena. However, anticipation of perturba-
can be shown to facilitate adaptation to different tion may (for better or worse) influence the
external loads without the need for explicit iden- strategy of the subject. Clever techniques for ex-
tification of environmental parameters. ternally perturbing natural movements are needed.
11.15 Conclusions and Future Directions Such experiments would be especially appropriate
Proposing a perspective on the large body of re- for helping illuminate relations between: i)
search on upper-limb movement organization is no neuromusculoskeletal dynamics and kinematic
small undertaking. Compared to the vast reper- smoothness and ii) impedance modulation over
toire of human upper-limb function and the the course of various tasks.
remarkable adaptability of human sensory-motor 3. Falling from equilibrium. The current evolu-
behavior, the available experimental data is sparse. tion of EP theories toward multiple-link
What has been learned does not constitute a applications and more complex tasks needs to be
"fabric of knowledge"; it is more like a few iso- continued. Additionally, foundations behind EP
lated knots of fact connected by a tenuous web of models need to be incorporated into Hill-based
theory. We believe that many of the apparent con- models, including some of the insights into
tradictions and inconsistencies in the available neurocircuitry that are provided in Chapter 12
data may be reconcilable by carefully considering (Feldman et al.). EP models also need to be ex-
the experimental context in which the observa- tended to the torso, which, because of fundamental
tions were made. When evaluating alternative concerns regarding postural stability, would
interpretations of the available evidence, it is im- provide a good (and perhaps even better) "testing
perative to clearly identify which levels of the ground" for continued theoretical development.
motor control system (from cognitive processes to
musculo-skeletal mechanics) the theories address 4. The arm has a body. With only a few excep-
tions [e.g. Chapter 22 (Meek et al.)], the arm has
and which levels are likely to be responsible for
been considered as an isolated entity connected to
the data. We do not presume to draw any final
a rigid base. In the past this has been partly due to
conclusion but we believe that the beginnings of a
our lack of understanding of the torso. As seen by
consensus on at least some of the issues can be
Chapters 23-34, however, this has changed.
Whenever a manipulation task is being performed,
Where does this lead? Here is small sample of
a few areas that appear ripe for exploration: loads are transferred between the arm and back.
Shoulder and back muscles are also heavily in-
1. Isn't this redundant? Most tasks can be per- volved in fast arm tracking movements and in
formed in more than one way. While tasks such as throwing. When a relatively rigid
experimentally challenging, more data is needed base is desired for arm movements, how much of
for freely moving individuals performing reaching this is acheived simply by cocontracting torso
movements and common manipulation tasks. 3-D
192 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

muscles? How much by activity in specific

van der Gon et al.). Clearly neural networks have
the potential to be complementary to other ap-
5. What's that muscle doing over there? In proaches such as optimization.
Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.) it is shown that since
muscle work output is sensitive to velocity and
Albus, J.S. (1975) A new approach to manipulator con-
length, multi-articular and uni-articular muscles
trol: the cerebellar model articulation controller
may "work" differently. As with so many other
(CMAC). 1. Dynamic. Sys., Meas. & Control, 97:
recent insights regarding multi-articular muscles 220-227.
[e.g., Hogan et al., 1985; Chapters 17-18,26,41], Arbib, M.A. (1972) The metaphorical brain: an intro-
this finding needs to be explored futher. However, duction to artificial intelligence and brain theory.,
the concept of muscle work efficiency is espe- Interscience, New York.
cially enticing because it can be tested via Arbib, M. A. and S.-I. Amari (1985) Sensori-Motor
optimization studies. Transformations in the Brain (with a Critique of the
Tensor Theory of Cerebellum). 1. Theor. Biol., 112:
6. So that's why 1 have two of them! Unless very 123-155.
astute or lucky, an uninformed creature reading a Atkeson, C.G. (1989) Learning arm kinematics and
sampling of research papers involving upper limb dynamics. Ann. Rev. Neurosci.12: 157-183.
movements may not realize that humans normally Atkeson, C.G. and Hollerbach, J.M. (1985) Kinematic
have two upper limbs. Many quite relevant tasks features of unrestrained vertical arm movements. 1.
are performed with two arms. These tasks are of- Neurosci., 5: 2318- 2330.
ten goal-directed, well-planned movements that Benati, M., Morasso, P. and Tagliasco, V. (1982) The
are executed with extreme coordination. inverse kinematic problem for anthropomorphic
manipulator arms. 1. Biomech. Eng., 104: 110-113.
Understanding such movements is especially
Bernstein, N. (1967) The co-ordination and regulation
relevant for groups involved in upper-limb artifi-
o/movements. Pergamon Press, New York.
ciallimb or FNS research. Bizzi, E., A. Polit and P. Morasso (1976) "Mechanisms
7. What's that baby doing now? The vast Underlying Achievement of Final Head Position", 1.
majority of experiments are performed on adults Neurophysiol., 39: 435-444.
who are reasonably coordinated and who have pre- Bizzi, E., N. Accomero, W. Chapple and N. Hogan
(1984) "Posture Control and Trajectory Formation
viously practised performing the task under study.
During Arm Movement", 1. Neurosci., 4: 2738-
Such goal-directed tasks are fine for documenting
skilled performance or for comparing to optimiza- Bullock, D. and Grossberg, S. (\986) Neural dynamics
tion results. However, with regards to of planned arm movements: emergent invariants and
understanding movement organization, investiga- speed-accuracy properties during trajectory forma-
tion into the process involved in developing such tion. Psychol. Rev., 95: 49-90.
organizational strategies may tum out to be an Cordo, P.J. and Rymer, W.Z. (1982) Contributions of
easier path. As mentioned in Chapter 15 (Corcos motor-unit recruitment and rate modulation to com-
et al.), there has been somewhat of a schism be- pensation for muscle yielding. 1. Neurophys., 47:
tween motor control and motor learning. This 797- 809.
exists both in terms of theoretical issues and ex- Feldman, A.G. (1966) Functional tuning of the nervous
system with control of movement or maintenance of
perimental techniques. Perhaps much could be
a steady posture, II: controllable parameters of the
learned by exploring more completely, with the
muscle. Biophysics 11,565-578.
best techniques the field has to offer, motor skill Feldman, A.G. (1986) Once more on the equilibrium-
development in the child. point hypothesis (A model) for motor control. 1.
8. Do we need to network? As mentioned pre- Motor Behav. 18: 17-54.
Fitts, P.M. (1954) The information capacity of the
viously, the field of neural networks remains in a
human motor system in controlling the amplitude of
state of flux. However, with regard to neuromotor
the movement. 1. Exp. Psychol., 47: 381-391.
systems the real question is whether to "think big" Rash, T. (1987) The control of hand equilibrium trajec-
or "think small". We suggest starting small, i.e. tories in multi-joint arm movements. Biol. Cybern.
with reasonably-sized networks at the spinal 57: 257-274.
levels, similar in concept to Chapter 20 (Denier
11. Hogan and Winters; Principles Underlying Movement Organization: Upper Limb 193

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The Origin of Electromyograms - Explanations Based

on the Equilibrium Point Hypothesis

A. G. Feldman, S. V. Adamovich, D. J. Ostry and J. R. Flanagan

12.1 Introduction which force the subsystems to fmd a new equi-

In the present chapter, we review and further librium. Changes in muscle activation and forces
develop the equilibrium-point (EP) hypothesis or A. as well as limb movement itself are a reflection of
model for single and multi-joint movements the dynamic processes associated with the transfer
(Feldman 1974, 1986; cf. Chapters 11, 13-22). A of the neuro-biomechanical system from one equi-
departure point is the notion of the measure of the librium state to another. The final equilibrium
central control signals underlying movement state essentially depends on the parameters the
production. According to the EP hypothesis, eNS specifies as well as on the external load. It
central commands parameterize the threshold of should be emphasized that muscle activation by
motorneuron (MN) recruitment. The usual as- way of the recruitment or derecruitment of motor
sumption that central signals are directly units occurs as a consequence of the disturbance
associated with muscle activation, i.e. recruitment of the initial equilibrium state at the neuronal
of MNs and their firing frequencies, is rejected (see level. Neither the timing nor the magnitude of the
also Bernstein, 1967). This assumption ignores muscle activation ("EMG bursts ") have to be
the role of muscle afferents in motor control as programmed for the execution of the movement,
well as the non-linear threshold properties of MNs. just as muscle elastic properties, forces and
In this chapter, we discuss electromyographic kinematic variables do not appear to be
(EMG) pattems of single- and multi-joint move- preplanned or calculated in the course of move-
ments in terms of the EP hypothesis. Reference ment. Therefore, the EP hypothesis can be
will be made to the central control signals which considered as an alternative to the notion that the
set the inter-muscular interaction (cf. Nichols, eNS preplans movement kinematics and performs
1989) as well as to the concept of muscle activa- inverse-dynamic computation in the course of
tion area which is essential for the explanation of movement to generate appropriate muscle activa-
the EMG patterns. tion and forces (see Hollerbach, 1985).
It is necessary to make an initial remark con- The EP hypothesis suggests a more primary
cerning the understanding of the EP hypothesis. A reason for biological movements than merely a
static arm position is associated with an equi- change in muscle forces or, indeed, even muscle
librium state of the corresponding spinal and activation. In contrast, muscle activation is con-
supraspinal systems, including peripheral afferent sidered to be the basic mechanism in shifts of the
systems, muscle properties, and external forces limb equilibrium in an alternate version of the EP
(loads). This static state is achieved by the hypothesis [Bizzi, 1980; Hogan, 1984; for dis-
dynamic interaction of these subsystems. The EP cussion see Chapters 11 (Hogan and Winters) and
hypothesis suggests that the eNS can alter the 17 (Flash)]. But, in essence, the cause and effect
equilibrium state at the spinal level by changing of movement production are inverted in this ver-
specific neurophysiological parameters. sion of the original formulation (Feldman, 1974,
Subsequently, the eNS initiates dynamic processes 1986).
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
196 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

!z lengthening
Vshortening",. / - /
v. v.
~ • i I I
i . I I
L.S)._I ,/
v_ V_
v_ ..).. r.'>"L
< )...
X )..- >.. X

Velocity (dO/dt) PHASE PLANE


8.8 Angle

A* = A -lld9/dt B

A 9 - A* >0
,,+-0... ',-

0 l#A~-
, (/ eel.

Figure 12.1: The muscle activation area and its lines). ~ is the damping coefficient for dxldt. B)
properties. A) Left panel: Two equivalent measures Muscle activation area in angular coordinates. The
(BV and oA) of central control signals. V_. V+ are mini- solid line is the border of the MAA. The horiwntal bar
mum and maximum threshold membrane potentials of is a measure of muscle activation. A. A simulated
the motoneuron. If control signals are constant. phase trajectory for fast active movements is shown.
membrane potential (V) increases with muscle length. x C) Two examples of the inner structure of the MAA
(solid inclined lines). A is the static threshold length with a stable (left) and a variable (right) order of the
for motoneuronal recruitment Right panels: Dynamic motoneuronal recruitment as a function of velocity. D)
threshold length (A*) decreases with velocity (dxldt). Modelled responses of muscle spindle afferents to a
Trajectories of the membrane potential are shown for ramp muscle stretch and stimulation of gamma static
statics (dashed-pointed lines) and dynamics (solid (y.) and dynamic (Yd) efferents.
12. Feldman et a1.; Lambda Model 197

l2.2 Basic Concepts and Mathematical where A = Al is the threshold of the MN which is
recruited first. According to Burke et al. (1976),
Equations motor units are recruited in the order of S, FR, and
12.2.1 Muscle Activation Area (MAA) FF where S are slow, fatigue-resistant motor units,
A constituent part of the EP hypothesis is the FR are fast, also fa,tigue resistant, and FF are fast,
concept of MAA (Feldman, 1974, 1986) which in- fatiguable motor units. In the suprathreshold area
tegrates, in a compact fonn, the non-linear (Eq. 12.1), muscle activation, A (Le. the number of
properties of a MNs, the effects of afferent in- active MNs and their firing frequencies), is an in-
fluences and descending central commands to a, creasing function of the difference between x and
~, 'Y MNs, and the effects of intemeurons mediat- A. For the purpose of simplicity, muscle activa-
ing afferent and efferent inflows to a MNs. The tion will be directly associated with this difference
properties of specific phasic and tonic reflexes ifx ~ A and 0 ifx < A:
(the tendon reflex, unloading reflex, stretch reflex)
A=x - A (12.3)
are also integrated in the concept.
Consider a single a MN with intact afferent and Invariant Characteristics (ICs)
efferent connections. Let V be an initial, sub- The static muscle torque, T, is a function of
threshold membrane potential of the MN at an muscle activation such that T =j(x - A). When A is
initial muscle length, x, when descending control constant, muscle torque depends only on the
signals are fixed. Now let us suppose that the eNS muscle length. We call this dependence the in-
specifies a new magnitude of the tonic control sig- variant characteristic (Ie). It should be
nal. The effect can primarily be measured by a emphasised that the Ie of the muscle including
decrement OW) in the membrane potential (Fig. feedback is not equivalent to the torque-position
12.1a, left panel). The decrement results from function obtained when the muscle is deprived of
both direct influences of the signals on the MN and feedback and stretched under constant level of ac-
indirect influences mediated by ~ and y MNs, tivation. A given Ie may be characterized by a
muscle spindle afferents, and intemeurons. A single threshold; however, muscle activation
quasi-static stretch of the muscle from the initial varies as a function of length.
length results in increasing depolarization as a Dynamics
function of x because of the proprioceptive feed- In dynamics, if the muscle is stretched at a
back. The threshold membrane potential (V), and speed, dxldt, the muscle spindle afferents produce
consequently the recruitment of the MN, will be an additional speed-dependent component of ac-
reached at a muscle length AI if the central com- tivity which gives rise to an additional
mand is absent and at a muscle length A2 if the depolarization of the MN. As a result, the
central command (liV) is present Thus, the com- threshold V+ will be reached at a muscle length
mand is expressed as a decrement (liA) of the (A *) which is less than the static threshold length,
threshold muscle length at which the MN is A (Figure 12.1A, middle panel). On the other
recruited (Figure 12.1a). Motoneuronal activation hand, if the MN has been recruited, muscle short-
in statics occurs when: ening can lead to de-recruitment. In this case, the
dynamic threshold length, A*, also depends on the
X-A>O (12.1)
speed of shortening and is greater than the static
where x is associated with the actual muscle length threshold length (Figure 12.1A, right panel). On
and A with the threshold muscle length. In the the whole, the threshold A* is a decreasing func-
suprathreshold area, motoneuronal firing is an in- tion of speed dxldt:
creasing function of X-A.
A* = A - dxldt (12.4)
Each MN has its own threshold Ai' and all
thresholds are interrelated so that: where 11 is a coefficient having the dimension of
time. Note that muscle shortening is considered
negative. Eq. 12.3 for muscle activation is
198 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

modified for dynamic conditions correspondingly: We may consider theoretical examples of the
inner structure of the MAA with special reference
to the problem of ordered or selective recruitment
A = x - ).. ... = x + dxldt - ).. (12.5) of MNs. In Fig. 12.1C (left panel), the threshold
lines of MNs do not cross each other. In this case,
The above relations can be represented in a
the order of motoneuronal recruitment (S, FR, FF)
simple graphical form (Figure 12A,B). The
remains the same irrespective of the method of
boundary condition x - ).. '" = 0 represents a
muscle activation (changes in variables x and dxldt
straight line in a phase plane (Le. muscle length x
or control parameters).. and ~). However, rever-
versus speed dxldr, see also Chapter 13 (WU et al.).
sals in recruitment order are known to exist. In
The MAA is the part of the plane to the right of the
this case, individual threshold lines will cross each
line. The position of the line (determined by the
other. One possibility is shown in Figure 12.1C
)..) can be modified by central commands as dis-
(right panel), in which the order of recruitment is
cussed above. The slope is associated with the
speed dependent. The recruitment order of MN s
coefficient ~ of velocity (Eq. 12.4) and reflects the
also differs with respect to fatigue. This suggests
dynamic sensitivity of muscle spindle afferents
that the structure of threshold lines in the MAA is
(see below). The sensitivity is specified by ac-
non-stationary (Le., time-dependent).
tivity of y dynamic and ~ MNs. Consequently, it
The above analysis shows that reversals in the
also can be modified by central commands. The
order of recruitment of MNs are not necessarily as-
level of muscle activation is measured by the
sociated with the use of specific central inputs to
horizontal distance between the threshold line and
MNs. The intrinsic, synaptic organization of the
the point (x, dxldt), which represents the current
motoneuronal pool, as well as the properties of
combination of the kinematic variables. The MAA
MN s themselves, can give rise to the reversals.
can also be represented in corresponding angular
This is consistent with the idea that the activity of
variables (Figure 12.1B). In this case parameter )..
a motoneuronal pool is a function of one integral
is the threshold joint angle for recruitment of MNs
variable, x -).."', as has been suggested in Eq. 12.5.
of the corresponding muscle.
A single-joint movement can be represented as 12.2.2 Muscle Spindles
a trajectory on the phase plane. If the trajectory Static and dynamic properties of muscle
enters the MAA, muscle activity arises and in- spindles and their effects on MNs have bee~ in-
creases as the trajectory goes deeper into the area. tegrated in the concept of the MAA. ConSider,
When the trajectory leaves the area, muscle ac- however, muscle spindle properties in more detail
tivity disappears. In particular, Figure 12.1B (cf. Chap. 13), with the purpose of further
shows a final position of the border of the flexor developing the concept of the MAA. We sug~est
MAA and the trajectory for a fast flexor movement. the following differential equation for the fmng
It can be seen that the trajectory leaves and then frequency (S) of muscle spindle afferents:
reenters the MAA. Thus, flexor activation is
predicted to be bi-phasic in this fast movement. y static y dynamic & 6 MNs
The muscle activations and de-activations occur J. J.
after time delays but in the present model these
delays were not included. S + c dSldt = a (x - l) + b dxldt (12.6)
Inside the MAA there are threshold lines for dif-
The first term on the right side of the equation is a
ferent MNs (Figure 12.1C) so that the area has a
static length-dependent component of activity of
defmite inner structure ("landscape") which al-
muscle spindle afferents. The second term is the
lows, in principle, the prediction of the number of
dynamic speed-dependent component. The arrows
active motoneurons and their firing rates as a func-
indicate the parameters controlled by y static, y
tion of control and kinematic variables.
dynamic, or ~ MNs. An increase in the tonic com-
Unfortunately, the structure of the MAA is not fully
ponent of muscle spindle activity is associated
understood and further experimental work is re-
with activation of y static MNs and, as a result,
quired to map out the MAA in detail.
with a decrease in the parameter I. The coefficient
12. Feldman et al.; Lambda Model 199

b represents the dynamic sensitivity of spindle af- where 11' = bla is the ratio of dynamic to positional
ferents. It can be modified by y dynamic and IJ sensitivity for spindle afferents. It can be seen that
MNs. The coefficient a is the spindle afferent posi- the threshold of muscle activation has a time-
tional sensitivity. The fact that the sensitivity is dependent component due to the decay of spindle
different for short and large lengthenings [e.g. see afferent activity. Geometrically, this suggests that
Chapter 13 (WU et a1.)] can be taken into account the boundary line of MAA can be shifted by central
if we assume that a is an appropriate function of control signals or by decay of spindle afferent dis-
lengthening, lil. The second term on the left-hand charge. Consequently, the boundary line can
part of Eq.12.6 is associated with decay in spindle move even though the central control signals are
primary afferent activity after the end of muscle fixed. Eq.12.5 for the magnitude of muscle activa-
stretch which is presumed to be exponential with a tion remains but Eq. 12.4 for A* is replaced with
time constant c. Eq. 12.6 reproduces typical Eq.12.8.
responses of muscle spindle afferents to ramp Eq. 12.6 for muscle spindle firing must be
stretch as well as the effects of stimulation of y modified to be consistent with the fact that muscle
static and y dynamicMNs (Figure 12.10). spindle afferent activity temporarily disappears
During muscle stretch at a constant speed the during a twitch contraction of the muscle under
speed-dependent component of the spindle isometric conditions - a standard test for spindle
primary response has the form b dxldt - c dSldt = afferents. To reproduce this effect, it is necessary
(b - c a) dxldt, where S is derived from Eq. 12.6. to take into account the interaction of the contrac-
This component is less than the speed-dependent tile and the series elastic components of the
response b dxldt (Eq.12.6) in the absence of decay. muscle. To do so, the length of the whole muscle
Houk and Rymer (1981; see also Chapter 13 (WU (x) in Eq. 12.6 must be replaced with the length of
et a1.» have indicated that the gain of muscle its contractile component (xC>. The same holds for
spindle afferent responses to velocity can be low all equations related to the MAA.
during constant velocity stretch. Our model shows
12.2.3 Angular Variables
that the gain is equal to b - ca, i.e. it can be low
While considering the co-ordination of activity
due to decay while the actual dynamic sensitivity
of flexor and extensor muscles of a joint, it is con-
of the afferents to velocity remains high. Thus, in
venient to use angular variables (joint angle a,
contrast to Houk and Rymer (1981), we see no
angular velocity co = daldt, etc.) instead of linear
reason for postulating a complex non-linear de-
ones (x, v, etc.). Flexor length increases and exten-
pendence of muscle spindle activity on velocity.
sor length decreases with increases of joint angle.
Now let us use Eq. 12.6 to further develop the
The symbol A will now refer to threshold angle: Al
concept of MAA. We assume that spindle afferent
for flexor muscles and A2 for extensors. In addi-
signals are transformed linearly to the
motoneuronal membrane potential V: tion, invariant characteristics (1Cs) will refer to
muscle torque/angle functions associated with a
V= gS + e (12.7) constant value of threshold angle A. The transfor-
mation from angular to linear variables may be
where g is the gain of the transformation ("the linearly approximated by x = ma + n where m is
weight" of synaptic transmission) and e is the com- associated with the muscle moment arm about the
ponent of membrane potential associated, in joint. The sign of m is opposite for flexor and ex-
particular, with direct central inputs to MNs not tensor muscles. Note that the form of Eqs. 12.4,
depending on the spindle afferent transmission. 12.6, and 12.8 is unaffected by this substitution.
Notice that the condition of motoneuronal recruit- The condition of activation for the flexor and ex-
ment, V = V+, can be observed in dynamic tensor muscles in angular variables is given by:
conditions when x = A* or in static conditions
when x = A but dxldt and dSldt equal zero. It fol- AJ = a- A1 ~ 0; A2 = A~ - a ~ 0 (12.9)
lows from Eqs. 12.6 and 12.7 that:
where At and A;
are dynamic threshold angles for
A* = A - 11' dx/dt + (cIa) dSldt (12.8) activation of the flexor and extensor muscles,
200 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

1MO£TI TOJQJ£ r--....-~~~-.-~~----.~~ r---~-r~~~ , I

I : I
4 .8 , ;' / /.','
'" N I
' ~F ~

F E ,

c '" N I ell-----<~'-·.!.R'~''_,'",,?,,·- - -8=- R~'':'_ - - ~R',' 6

I N .' ....... ,.. ,
18 I N I
,' /
/'E .j '
. t ( /
AI , 7
t 't' f

RC I' Rei -4 .8 1 2C B ./ C - - - .... :4 C'


••• 188

R[c( PROCA L 11111 B1TI 0tI TOI\WE ~------r--r-- ,--,rR~[C:.!.!1Pc.;:ROC=;:AL,-,I:.;.::HHc..:,1;rBI.:. .;TI:.o.:OH':'---r-"1

/ roo' 12 .9
- / I
/ / '1
/ /

-12.9 .. 2 C ' F
o • .8._______~~ [ _ _~
~L~ =__ _ _ _ _ __ ____
188 ~

Figure 12.2: Central commands and intennusclar in- 12.3). B, C) R and C commands in tenns of shifts of
teractions in the 1.. model. A) neurophysiological the invariant torque/angle characteristics (ICs). D-F)
schemes for the commands. F MNs and E MNs are Reciprocal inhibition of antagonist muscles increases
flexor and extensor motoneurons; inhibitory synapses the slope of the agonist IC and decreases the size of the
are marked with filled circles (see Sections 12.2 and coactivation area for flexor and extensor muscles.

12.2.4 Central Commands the flexor and extensor torques in this coactivation
It is suggested that high brain levels control range gives rise to the total IC of the joint (dashed
flexor and extensor muscles as a coherent unit, but line). The slope (stiffness) of the total IC exceeds
there exist a variety of coherent commands that of either individual IC. The coactivation
(Figure 12.2A) that allow the nervous system to range expands with the difference between the
set any combination of flexor-extensor activity thresholds. Thus, C = (A,2 - A,1)/2 provides a
(Feldman, 1980). According to the A, model, measure of the speciflc coactivation command. Its
however, each central command is primarily ex- modification from C to ci (Figure 12.2C) results
pressed not in terms of muscle activations but in in a greater distance between flexor and extensor
terms of A,1 and A,2' Nevertheless, the names of the ICs and gives rise to a change in the slope of the
commands reflect their typical (but not necessarily total IC. Note that the C and R commands are in-
universal) effects on flexor and extensor activity: dependent such that the coactivation area may
reciprocal (R), coactivation (C), reciprocal inhibi- vary without shifting the position R. For
tion (RI), and Renshaw inhibition (RC) commands. simplicity, we have assumed that the flexor and
extensor IC's are the same form. Thus, equal but
We flrst review the deflnition of the R and C opposite shifts of these ICs will not affect R. An
commands (Feldman, 1980). The effects of the in- additional effect of the command C is a lineariza-
teraction of agonist and antagonist muscles tion of the total IC. If A,1 > A,2' the operational
mediated by speciflc afferents and spinal inter- range of joint angles attainable in situ has three
neurons (e.g., those of reciprocal inhibition) will zones in which either one of the muscles or none
be considered later in this chapter. of them is active. The absence of coactivation
CCommand range can be considered a negative coactivation: C
If A,2 > 1..1 (Figure 12.2B), the muscles work < 0, in which case the term total IC may also be
together in the range A,1 < a < A,2' Summation of used. The total IC consists then of a flexor and an
extensor IC situated apart.
12. Feldman et al.; Lambda Model 201

RCommand timing and magnitude of future activity of an-

Now consider a command R = (;'2 + ;'1)/2· tagonist MNs.
Since the form of flexor and extensor Ies is as- It has been shown that the stretch reflex
sumed to be identical, the R coincides with the threshold of the gastrocnemius muscle in the
joint angle at which the total Ie crosses the 9-axis decerebrated cat increases if its antagonist
if e > 0 (Figure 12.2B). This command can be as- lengthens (Feldman and Orlovsky, 1972). In other
sociated with the position of the total Ie on a words, the RI effect can be measured by a shift in
torque/angle plane. At the same time, if the exter- the threshold length of the extensor muscle, under
nal load at the joint is zero, the R coincides with the influence of spindle afferents of the flexor
the equilibrium position of the joint To modify muscle and vice versa. Consequently, we
this position from R to Ri, the two individual Ies hypothesize that the flexor reflex threshold angle
have to be shifted in the same direction (Figure ;. *1 is modified by a value;. * 12 > 0 conditioned by
12.2C). Physiologically, this command may be extensor spindle afferent activity S2 so that the new
elicited by descending central signals with recipro- threshold angle is given by
cal effects on flexor and extensor MNs (Figure
12.2A) and thus is called the reciprocal command (12.10)
(Feldman, 1980). Its modification shifts the total
Ie and the equilibrium position. Consequently,
where ;. *12 is an increasing function of S2. The
same effect occurs for the extensor muscle as the
the limb moves to the new position. Damping of
interaction between flexor and extensor MNs is
the system to avoid oscillations is provided by
mutually inhibitory (Bulthorn, 1972). Note that
velocity dependent activity of muscle spindle af-
the form of relationship also holds for statics.
ferents and the mechanism of muscle contraction
Figure 12.2D shows that the RI gives rise to a
[see below and Chapter 5 (Winters) on
change in the slope (stiffness) of the Ie. The
force-velocity relation].
initial angle 9 coincides with a threshold angle
12.3 Intermuscular Interactions defmed by ;'1 + ;'12. This threshold angle is com-
Muscle spindle afferents have mono- and poly- posed of two components: ;'1 associated with
synaptic connections with homonymous and central commands and ;'12 with RI. Let the joint
heteronymous MNs. We will describe in terms of angle increase quasi-statically from 9 to 9"
the ;. model the intermuscular interactions be- through 93• If the inhibitory effect (;'12) were
tween MNs of synergist, agonist and antagonist fixed, the flexor torque would increase according
muscles mediated by muscle afferents. to the Ie (thin solid line) specified by threshold ;'1
+ ;'12. However, in fact, the inhibitory effect on
12.3.1 Reciprocal Inhibition (RI) of Antagonist
the flexor MNs decreases as 9 increases and the ex-
Muscles tensor shortens. This displaces the flexor Ie to the
The system of RI between flexor and extensor left (Figure 12.2D, dashed lines). As a conse-
MNs has been studied in detail (Bultborn, 1972; quence, torques TJ and T' are generated. This
Nichols, 1989). It is active during natural move- results in a steeper muscle characteristic (thick
ments in man and animals (Feldman and solid line) than would occur in the absence of RI.
Orlovsky, 1975; Baldissera et al., 1981). Ia inter- The same effect occurs for the extensor muscle.
neurons (Ia INs) mediating RI are controlled by Thus, RI acts to modulate the positional gain
descending pathways (Grlliner, 1975; Lundberg, (stiffness) of the system as has been suggested
1982) and receive effective inhibitory inputs from (Nichols, 1989). Therefore, increases in stiffness
Renshaw cells (Bulthorn, 1972) and excitatory in- need not be attributed to the autogenic stretch
puts from antagonist muscle spindle afferents. reflex. The influence of RI on stiffness under static
From a theoretical point of view, it is important conditions (Le., dxldt = 0) can also be shown
to fmd an adequate measure of RI. It is clear that analytically:
the effects of fa INs are not necessarily expressed
in terms of a decrease in the activity of antagonist dA/dO = d(9 -;'1 - ;'12)/dO
MNs: the inhibitory action of Ia INs can be sub- (12.11)
threshold but not negligible, which can affect the
202 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

where 'A.12 is an increasing function of antagonist 12.3.3 Mutual Facilitation of Synergists

spindle afferent activity S2 and a decreasing func- la afferents of muscle spindles terminate on
tion of 9. As a result dA/de > I, i.e., the gain of both homonymous and heteronymous MNs. This
the system with RI exceeds that of the system gives rise to a steeper lC for each of the synergist
withoutRl. muscles than would be the case in the absence of
It is of interest to consider the role of RI when a the facilitatory interaction. The considerations are
C command acts. To do so, we used a simple similar to those used for the estimation of RI ef-
model based on Eq. 12.10 for static conditions with fects (Figure 2E). When a flexor muscle is
linear dependencies of 'A.12 and 'A.21 on spindle af- stretched from a threshold angle. la afferents of
ferent activity S2 and SI' respectively. Figure synergist muscles give rise to a decrease in the
12.2E and 2F show lCs when RI was either absent flexor threshold angle. As a result, the IC which
(2E) or present (2F). RI can influence the slope of represents autogenic afferent effects shifts to the
the totallC by changing the size of the coactiva- left so that the slope of the muscle torque-angle
tion zone and the slope of the lCs of individual relationship is steeper than in the absense of the
muscles. By comparison, without RI, the central C facilitatory interaction.
command affects the system's gain only by chang-
12.3.4 Rl and RC Central Commands
ing the size of the coactivation zone (Figure
Both Ja INs and RCs are effectively controlled
by descending systems. We associate this action
The Rl also affects reflex damping which
with the occurrence of independent central com-
characterises the ability of the system to change
mands. How can these commands be expressed in
muscle activity as a function of velocity. In the
terms of the A model? By analogy with the MN.
absence of Rl, this component of damping is equal
the threshold membrane potential of an la IN and
to 11. When Rl acts, the afferent component of
its recruitment occur at a specific joint angle. An
damping is:
independent central action on la INs (we call this
dA/dro = d(9 - 'A. *1 - AI2)/dro action the RI command) can be measured by a
(12.12) decrement or an increment of the threshold angle.
= l1- dAl/dro >11 Similarly. central RC commands specify the
membrane potentials of Renshaw cells. As a
The inequality is justified by the fact that 'A.12 is an result. the inhibitory action of RCs can be as-
increasing function of extensor spindle afferent ac- sociated with a specific threshold level of muscle
tivity S2 whereas S2 is a decreasing function of activity.
angular velocity ro. Thus, the RI command allows the nervous sys-
12.3.2 Renshaw Cells (RCs) in the tem to specify the angular range in which stiffness
and damping will be enhancened whereas the RC
Inter-Muscular Interaction
command specifies the range of muscle activation
Agonist RCs inhibit the la intemeurons that in- in which the RI action is attenuated.
hibit antagonist MNs (Figure 12.2A). This
disinhibitory effect will be expressed as a change 12.4 Muscle Torques:
in the antagonist A. For example, the effect Hill Force-Velocity Relation
elicited by extensor RCs on flexor MNs is denoted The dependence of muscle force on velocity
by AI;' This shift for flexor muscles is negative, its (e.g. see Chapters 1,5) reflects the mechanism of
absolute value increases if extensor activity A2 in- attachment and detachment of actin-myosin cross-
creases. A2 , in turn, is a decreasing function of 9. bridges (Descherevsky. 1977). The force-velocity
The effect of RC on the individual and totallCs is relation has usually been studied under conditions
opposite to the effect of Rl. Using the same of constant electrical stimulation of the muscle. It
analysis described above for Rl. it can be shown is a non-trivial problem to apply this relation to a
that RC reduces the slopes of the individual and to- muscle in vivo with varying activity. Within the
tal lCs. On the whole. both la INs and RCs are framework of the A model. we offer the following
likely to belong to the system which establishes solution. Hill's equation will be represented in
appropriate values of stiffness and damping.
12. Feldman et al.; Lambda Model 203

tenns of muscle torque and angular velocity and The time constants, t 1 and t 2 , characterize the
refer only to the contractile component of the calcium-dependent proceess of the excitation-
muscle. We represent the equation for torque (1') contraction coupling.
in the general fonn: To make the above relations complete, an equa-
tion of motion has to be specified. In addition, it
(12.13) is necessary to specify the timing of central com-
mands. For single joint movements the equation
where roc is the velocity of the contractile (c) com- of motion has the fonn:
ponent, h is an increasing function of roc; Po is
isometric torque specified by muscle activation. (12.17)
Note that h(Po'O) = Po and shortening is considered
negative. For a combined consideration of flexor where Tl and T2 are muscle torques, L is an exter-
and extensor muscles, it is convenient to transfonn nal load (e.g., gravitational torque), and I is the
muscle length into joint angle a. Furthennore, a inertia of the movable part of the system distal to
can be decomposed into contractile (c) and series the Jomt. In the double-joint model,
(s) elastic components such that a = ac + as. Then Newton-Euler equations of motion were used
we find roc = da jdt. (e.g., Hollerbach and Flash, 1982).
To solve Eq. 12.13, it is necessary to consider
the series elastic component, which is assumed to 12.5 Timing of Central Commands for
have a spring-like characteristic: Single Joint Movements
It has been suggested in tenns of the A model
T = g(a) (12.14)
(Feldman, 1979; Adamovich and Feldman, 1984)
that the brain can specify the velocity and duration
In addition, it is necessary to specify the isometric
of changes in the R command and thus indirectly
torque Po as a function of muscle activation, A.
controls basic kinematic characteristics of move-
This will be done in several steps. Under static
ments (speed, duration and magnitude). This
conditions, Po represents the muscle torque. Thus,
hypothesis has been corroborated for movements
Po is a function of muscle activation, Po = frAY,
perfonned at moderate speeds (Abend et aI.,
where the functionfdescribes the muscle Ie and A
1982)land fast movements (Adamovich et aI.,
= a - A. Strictly speaking, A in this equation is
static tonic activation. However, the dynamic
muscle activation, A = a - A* is equivalent to the Figure 12.3A shows a scheme of the fonnation
static activation, A = a - AI, if the static threshold, of the R command for stereotyped point-to-point
AI, is numerically equal to the dynamic threshold, single-joint movemements realized on a computer
A model. The R command is assumed to result
A*. Consequently, the equation Po = j(A) repre-
sents isometric muscle torque irrespective of from the summation of individual components
whether the muscle activation A is static or each of which produces an elementary shift, Ri , in
dynamic and Eq. 12.9 and Po =f(A) can be used to the equilibrium position. The movement distance
findP. is specified by the number of elementary com-
o ponents the brain issues. A priori, the components
Note that the active state, Po' for a given level
of activation, sets in gradually with a time con- can be activated either successively (Figure 12.3A,
stant. Thus we assume that an additional time- input 1) or simultaneously (input 2). In the case of
dependent transformation plays a role in the above successive activation, the R command will shift
relation so that: gradually to its final value. The rate of shift

D (P) = f(A) (12.15) lAbend et al. (1982) concluded that there is a gradual shift in
the equilibrium position for point-to-point movements. This
where D is assumed to be an operator of the conclusion is quite consistent with the A model but not with
second order: the a model the authors suggest In the a model, shifts in
equilibrium are assumed to be a consequence of changes in
muscle activation. Consequently, a gradual shift in equi-
librium must be associated with a monotonic change in
flexor and extensor EMGs. This is not consistent with ex-
perimental data showing that non-monotonic, three-burst
EMG patterns are typical for these movements.
204 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Two hypott1l .. 1
AItCLT c:A' R /IH) C <XMoWC)9
FcJUI (1 01 2) A 17U TMNG
- - ------- -

1 ••
~ 6, B ,

C "~

19.i1 " c...,,- - -'7"""--

Tillt --

AIICU SUPmoslTlOll supmosm 011 Ti ll[ SCALING

17U Ii'

c FMT (el /IH)

SlOW (bl .

tlCr) =.(t)

~ b - a • ad ",.

__ ~.
o. - - - ' - -............--'-~
____________ ~1~.
2 . 8~__~T~
~8~ ~____~
illf 1.~

Figure 12.3: Properties of central commands and Typical form of R and C commands for fast active
resulting movements in the A model. A) Hypothetical movements in the model (6 is joint position). C, D)
components (R) of the R command. In scheme I, the Examples of verification of the principle of superposi-
components are activated sequentially. In scheme 2, tion for fast (C; dR/dt = 6(XJO/s) and slow (D, 600 /s)
they are activated in parallel. Scheme I is consistent movements. E) Demonstration of time scaling for
with experimental data and was used in the model. B) movements of the same amplitude.

depends on the time interval between successive isolation, depending on motor tasks. For example,
activations and can be centrally controlled. If the the C command can be set before the movement
rate of shift is constant for a set of successively initiation produced by the R command.
generated movements, but the duration varies, Figure 12.3B shows a hypothetical time course
then the movement paths will initially be the same of the R and C commands used in the model for
and then will diverge as a function of distance. stereotyped one-joint point-to-point movements.
However, if the rate of shift, and consequently The commands gradually change at constant
torque, varies then the trajectories will deviate speeds until the necessary final values are reached.
from each other from the very beginning. In con- The values as well as the speeds are controlled
strast, in the case of simultaneous activation, only variables. The fastest movements are associated
the amplitude of the shift, but not the rate of shift, with the maximal values of rate of shift of central
can be controlled. The amplitude of shift will commands. After the end of the movement the
depend on the number of simultaneously activated final R command remains constant but the C com-
units. The fact that the trajectories of single-joint mand gradually diminishes: the first provides the
fast movements coincide at an initial phase final equilibrium position and has to be sustained
(Wadman et al., 1979; Adamovich et al., 1984) is whereas the higher stiffness of the joint the C com-
consistent with the hypothesis of successive sum- mand creates is necessary only during the
mation of command components. In addition, the movement and after its end the C command may
successive model can account for experimental be reduced. The magnitudes and speeds of the R
movements in which the paths diverge from the and C commands may be correlated, especially for
very beginning (cf. Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.)). fast movements. However, this need not be the
The C command and other central commands case. For example, a constant C command can be
can be graded in a similar way and may be used specified before the movement and remain during
either in combination with the R command or in the movement.
12. Feldman et al.; Lambda Model 205

12.6 The Principle of Superposition position. The movement kinematics would be the
same as a movement initially planned to the final
and Time Scaling target, and there will be no inflection point in the
The hypothesis that gradual constant-rate con- movement trajectory. This effect has been
trol signals underlie stereotyped one-joint demonstrated for both arm and eye movements
movements has numerous consequences. Figures (Pellisson et al., 1986). (The simultaneous model
12.3C and D show a computer test of one of them, discussed in Section 12.5 cannot account for these
the principle of superposition. In 3C, two position- findings.) Note that the rate of the control signals
time functions, a and b, were elicited by Ra and Rb in movements in which a final position must be
commands having the same speed (-600°/s) but Rb reached very precisely may be slowed down while
was twice the duration of Ra • The duration of their the arm is approaching the target.
common path was 40 ms. Movement a was
shifted to the right at time = 40 ms and denoted ad' 12.8 Wave Command Generator
Summation of a and ad resulted in the curve a + ad The neuronal organization of the brain struc-
that coincides with movement b. The same is true tures underlying central commands is not known.
for movements performed at a slow command The wave hypothesis proposed earlier
speed (-6O"/s, Figure 12.3D). In general, a single (Adamovich et al., 1984) and described below is
movement trajectory having distance n a can be one simple possibility. The R command is as-
split into n identical trajectories of distance a and sumed to be graded by a hypothetical segmental or
generated one after another with a time delay that suprasegmental neuronal ensemble arranged se-
is equal to the duration of the common path of the quentially. Higher brain levels specify constant
large and small movements. The only constraint tonic influences on the ensemble during some
is that the velocity of the R commands underlying time. The amplitude of the tonic signal specifies
the movements must be the same whereas the rest the rate of propogation of excitation along the
of the central commands may remain constant or neuronal ensemble. This causes new neurons of
vary as a single-valued function of the R command the ensemble to become tonically active, and these
duration. neurons discretely contribute to the R command.
The principle of superposition has experimen- The number of neurons recruited is associated
tally been verified for n = 5 and used to measure with the value of R and the final value of R will
the rate (500-7000 /s) of the R command for fast depend on the duration of the tonic control signal
point-to-point movements (Adamovich et al., and its amplitude. The discrete neuronal activa-
1984; Abdusamatov et al., 1987). tions result in individual movements which sum
Another advantage of constant velocity control up successively according to the superposition
signals is that a simple modification of the control principle. Similar wave structures may be as-
velocity provides scaling of movements in time sociated with the C and other central commands.
(Figure 12.3E). This is consistent with experimen-
tal data. In addition, R commands having an equal 12.9 Single-Joint Movements: EMGs
duration but different velocities give rise to move- and Kinematics
ments that can be superimposed by scaling in For simulations of single joint movements, we
amplitude. For discussions of movement scaling used A. models of different complexity. In a mini-
see Schmidt (1982), Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.) mal model, the concepts of MAA, IC, R, and C
and Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters). central c:!mmands with appropriate timing, and
12.7 Movement Corrections Newton's equation of motion were used.
However, this model did not include Hill's
One more interesting consequence of the
force-velocity relation and intermuscular interac-
constant-velocity form of the control signals con-
tions mediated by muscle afferents. It was
cerns corrections of movements in response to an
essential to demonstrate that even such a
unexpected shift of the target. Provided the new
simplified model qualitatively reproduces typical
target position is not presented too late, the sweep-
EMG patterns and basic kinematic characteristics
ing of the control signal can be stopped earlier or
of single joint movements including the three-
continued further depending on the new target
burst EMG pattern typical of fast point-to-point
206 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan lIT: Upper Limb Movement Organization


1i5~ c::--~=====- 17&.8

.; F
: , E
If", \· ~
A. ! f ,\~
;.,;~ c
-5,8 U 1.2 1&.8 1''",&-- - -- -- U


~ . II ==-:-,~'~.,.:.:..:;~..:....:.:="--~
17U ~ ..
16U ,. . .- -===""-=::.:....- -
: R " r---- r " ~ ' -'

il i,~1~
~{ 0 :
L;~----- l§~
. E --('-F-'
·'-~- E -: _ F'' x E - F ,
_...:c:..: _ __ 12
_ _ _~. _--=.:.
lU ,8 :. :. . __-=-=
D 11'-"""=----_ 2. 5 1281
_ ---=-::. • U lJ

Figure 12.4: Aexor (F) and extensor (E) activation

patterns ("EMGs") and kinematics in the model for
single joint movements. (See text for details.)

movements. In more complex models, a linear ap- be emphasised that this pattern results from a con-
proximation of the Hill force-velocity relation, stant velocity control signal R (f/.XJO/s). The
series elastic and contractile muscle components, resulting movement has a bell-shaped velocity
and reciprocal interaction between antagonist profile (Fig. 12.4A) which is typical for actual
muscles were used. These additional properties of movements (Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.)). The de-
the system improve somewhat the characteristics pendence of the amplitude of the agonist and
of performance but do not change them radically. antagonist burst activity on movement amplitude
The value of the reflex damping parameter 11 (Figure 12.4C) is also consistent with experimen-
ranged between .OS and .12 s. This range encom- tal data (Brown and Cooke, 1981; see also Chapter
passed both overdarnped and underdamped 14).
12.9.2 Isometric Torques
12.9.1 Fast Active Movements In isometric conditions, the same central com-
Figure 12.4A-C shows typical simulated EMG mands as in Figure 12.4A-C give rise to a fast
patterns for fast point-to-point movements. The increase in the agonist muscle torque (Fig. 12.4D).
calculations were made with the use of the mini- In this model, a series elastic component and a
mal model (Figure 12.4B, curves with "-") and the contractile muscle component with a linear de-
model that included the reciprocal interaction be- pendence of force on velocity were included. For
tween antagonist muscles and the Hill a fast torque production of moderate magnitude
force-velocity relation (Figure 12.4B, curves with (left panel), a bi-phasic EMG pattern with recipro-
"+" and Figures l2.4A and C). A tri-phasic pat- cal activation of agonist and antagonist muscles
tern of EMG is especially pronounced if there is a was observed (cf. Gordon and Ghez, 1984). The
reciprocal interaction between antagonist muscles antagonist muscle activity was totally suppressed
(compare "+" and "-" in B). This is independent in the case of fast torque generations of large mag-
of movement amplitude (Figure 12.4C). It should nitudes (right panel).
12. Feldmanetal.; LambdaModel 207

12.9.3 Active Movements at Moderate Rates and the midpoint of the movement range is
The rate of change of the R command was specified by the R command Activation and de-
diminished to about flJo/s to produce movements activation of antagonist muscles are locked to
having a moderate speed. The C command was specific positions of the limb. The period of the
correspondingly attenuated. As a result, after a oscillation depends on the inertia of the limb. If
short period of acceleration the arm moves at a the limb is arrested, tonic activity in the agonist
constant velocity (Figure 12.4E). The movement muscle is established and the oscillations cease. If
ends soon after the R command reaches its final the limb is released, the oscillations resume with a
value. In contrast, fast movements last relatively phase shift equal to the duration of the pause.
long after the end of control signals (cf. Figure Thus, the generator has some features reminiscent
12.4A). During large movements at a moderate of that for slow walking (Grillner, 1975).
rate, the muscles are active in the initial and ter-
minal phases of the movement whereas in the 12.10 Double-Joint Movements: Control
intermediate phase, when the velocity is constant, Signals, EMGs, and Kinematics
they are not active at all (Figure 12.4E) (Cooke We have examined two-joint point-to-point
and Brown, 1990). arm movements using a doubl~joint model based
on all the equations described above, where A* is
12.9.4 Unloading Reflex
given by Eq. 12.4. The model includes six
The effects of perturbations during posture and
muscles: singl~joint flexor and extensor muscles
movements may be tested with the A model. As
for each joint and doubl~joint flexor and extensor
an example, Figure 12.4F shows a simulation of
muscles. Thus, the number of muscles is redun-
EMGs and kinematics in the case of an abrupt un-
dant. We consider first some properties of
loading of the agonist muscle with constant R and
doubl~joint muscles in terms of the A model and
C commands. The model reproduces characteristic
then suggest a strategy for the coordinative control
features of the unloading reflex if the subject is in-
of singl~ and doubl~joint muscles.
structed not to correct the deflections of posture
(Feldman, 1986): a silent period in the agonist 12.10.1 DoUble-Joint Muscles
EMG, a transfer of the arm to a new position, and a The double-joint flexor muscle length is, to a
lower level of tonic EMG corresponding to the first approximation, a linear function of the two
residual load after the end of movement. joint angles, 01 and 02:
12.9.5 Rhythmic Movements x=a0 1 +b0 2 +c (12.18)
In the A model, active rhythmical movements
can be elicited in different ways. First, a central where coefficients are positive. We define a
generator can produce rhythmical changes in the R weighted angle, 0:
command. The other commands can either remain
constant or be changed in-phase with the R com- °= p01+ q02 (12.19)
mand. EMG can arise, indirectly, from changes in
central commands. However, EMG responses may where p + q = 1 and p = aI(a + b). There is a
single-valued correspondence between this angle
also arise rapidly from perturbations during move-
ment while the form of the central commands °
and the muscle length: = (x - c)/(a + b). The
remains unchanged. The phase of oscillations sense of this is that the length x - c is considered as
remains the same in spite of perturbations. an arc of a circle having the radius a + b. The
Second, rhythmical movements can be received angle corresponding to this arc is 0. The same
when central control signals remain constant and rule is used for transformation of the threshold
there is strong coactivation in combination with a length of each double-joint muscle into an angular
high gain for the reciprocal interaction between one, A. As a result, the condition of activation for
antagonist muscles. This produces alternative ac- the doubl~joint flexor muscles has the form:
tivation of antagonist muscles. The movement
amplitude of the limb can be controlled by the
A- °~ 0 (12.20)

coactivation and reciprocal inhibition commands which is similar to that for single joint flexor
208 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

For double-joint muscles, the Rand C com- structure is associated with a point (X,y) of the ex-
mands are defined as for single joint muscles but ternal space. In particular, this point can coincide
in terms of weighted thresholds. Thus, we con- with the position of the arm endpoint. When a tar-
sider commands R1 and R2 for the single and R for get is presented to the subject, the localisation of
double-joint muscles. A given value of R is as- the neuronal activity changes, and, correspond-
sociated with an equilibrium value of weighted ingly, the equilibrium position of the arm endpoint
angle e = R. According to Eq. 12.19, a given value shifts in the external space in the direction of the
of the threshold angle can be achieved by different target. We assume that this shift in equilibrium, if
combinations of joint angles. It follows that there are no special constraints, occurs along a
central control signals to double-joint muscles straight line at a constant velocity until the target
provide a certain relation between equilibrium is reached. This control signal is then transformed
joint angles but not their specific values. Within into commands for each joint (R I , R2 and the
the limits of this relation, the arm can go from one double-joint R command) to elicit an actual move-
equilibrium combination to another in response to ment to the target.
perturbations (indifferent eqUilibrium). In con- 12.10.3 Equilibrium Spaces
trast, control signals R1 and R2 for single joint To make the above representations more
muscles provide a specific eqUilibrium configura- precise, we define two neuronal spaces in the A
tion of the arm. For correspondence between the model. The first is the space of equilibrium end
equilibrium positions specified by single- and point positions corresponding to actual end point
double-joint muscles, the control signal R is estab- posloons. We call this notion the equilibrium
lished in accordance with Eq. 12.19: space (ES). The second is the space of equilibrium
joint configurations which represents all possible
combinations of control signals R I and R2 •
Assuming equal link lengths, m, for the
12.10.2 General Scheme of Performance
double-joint arm, the transformation between
A hypothetical scheme for the performance of
equilibrium joint space and ES is:
reaching movements may be described as follows.
There is a neuronal analog of the subject's exter- X' =m sin RI - m sin (R I + R2)
nal space in the sense that activation of a neuronal (12.22)
population localized about a point in the neuronal Y' =m cos R1 - m cos (R I + R2)



Figure 12.5: Relationship between the end point and these joints. Right panel: four zones of inter-joint coor-
joint control signals. Left panel: the end point displace- dination. The boundary line (with negative slope)
ment vector U dt can be decomposed into endpoint orthogonal to radial vector r1 corresponds to shoulder
displacements (r. dR.) due to rotations of individual motion. Flexion is -. The other boundary line
joints. r1 and r2 ' are the radial vectors at the shoulder (orthogonal to r2 ) is associated with elbow motion.
and elbow. R I and R2 are the central commands for
12. Feldman et al.; Lambda Model 209

Here X' and Y' are the coordinates of the end point movement to correct errors, to accelerate or
of the limb in ES. Since R 1 and R2 are specified by decelerate the movement, to react to a sudden
the brain and since the form of the above transfor- change in the target position, or to avoid obstacles.
mation also describes the relation between actual Otherwise, if there are no special constraints, the
end point and joint coordinates, the ES is an velocity vector remains constant until the target is
isomorphic representation of external space. The reached.
brain produces movements by specifying a The A model gives a realization of the scheme
velocity vector, U, based on the ES. The effect is of motor control suggested by Georgopoulos et al.
tantamount to a shift in the equilibrium position of (1988) [see also Chapter 16 (Hasan and Karst) and
the end point in the actual external space. Chapter 17 (Flash)] in their study of motor cortex
Given a goal-directed vector U, it is necessary neuronal activity. We can associate the population
to specify individual commands for each joint. vector in their study with vector U in the A model.
They must be coordinated in such a way that the In addition, Eq. 12.24 shows that, for any con-
vector summation of the displacements of the end figuration, the control signal is maximal when 02 =
point elicited by rotations in each joint together 90°. The control signal will be a cosine function
give the desired vector U (Figure 12.5, left panel). of the angle between this optimal direction and the
The displacement of the end point due to rotation actual movement direction. The corresponding de-
in the i-th joint equals the vector product of the pendence is characteristic of cortical neurons.
radial vector T; directed from the axis of the joint This allows us to suggest that motor cortex
to the end point and the vector of rotation dR.;- neurons convey information about the target vec-
Thus: tor U as well as the individual central commands
that produce shifs of the equilibrium for each
l: T; dR.; = U dt (12.23) joint.
Eq. 12.23 applies to systems with any number of 12.10.4 Velocity Profiles and EMGs
links as well as two- and three-dimensional mo- Numerous studies have shown that the end
tion. For double-joint limb and two-dimensional point velocity profile in point-to-point arm move-
space the equation can be solved for R;: ments is typically bell-shaped [e.g., see Chapter 17
(Flash)]. According to the A model, movements
(12.24) are smooth because of the system's natural
dynamics [see also Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and
R2 is obtained by transposing subscripts 1 and 2. Winters)]; the brain does nothing to produce a
In Eq. 12.24, U is the length of the velocity vector, smooth movement [cf. Chapter 11 (Hogan),
02 is the angle between the vector U and the dis- Chapter 17 (Flash)]. Figure 12.6 demonstrates
placement of the end point due to rotation of the that the A model, with constant velocity shifts in
second joint (Figure 12.5, left panel), the equilibrium position of the end point, is able to
a1 = 1/r1 sin(ol - (2) depends only on the current produce a bell-shaped velocity profile of the actual
configuration of the limb but not on the direction movement of the end point as well as the in-
of the vector U. Eq. 12.24 shows that the control dividual joints.
signal for one joint depends on the parameters of The magnitude and duration of EMGs in the
the other joint. This strategy is different from that model are a function of movement direction
suggested by Berkinblit et al. (1986). (Figure 12.6A,B). In the absence of joint move-
Thus, several levels of motor control are sug- ment reversals, agonist-antagonist patterns of EMG
gested in the A model. At a high neuronal level, a are tri-phasic.
constant-velocity vector U is specified that cor- Figure 12.5 (right panel) shows four zones
responds to the direction and rate of the shift in the relating movements of the end point to the direc-
equilibrium position of the end point. The signal tions of joint motion. Within each zone, joint
is then transformed into individual commands for motion directions (e.g., ++) remain constant. Joint
each joint and the movement is realized according reversals occur when the direction of U changes
to the A model. Indeed, both the magnitude and from one zone to another. The borders between
direction of U can be modified in the course of zones are defined by the equation sin (0) = 0 (see
210 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

lI0&.I8I_' ___

I .•
MDIS (1)
, /lIS (2)

F' ,I ~

e5 u
~ 3 3 ~
I .S

:z: J.I

.. ~E F

~ I.e

.... u

I· t- ....
- --
. 1.1

~ , -..£·~- t --- = u
ft. : ,. 1 8 1

1.1 Ti ..
Figure 12.6: Shoulder EMG patterns and kinematics panel. Note that the extensor is active first during
in the double-joint model. The numbers in A and B flexor movement. C) Bell-shaped end point tangential
indicate movement direction (rad). A, B) Movements and joint velocity profiles. Notice that a constant-
without joint reversals. B) A movement near to the velocity control signal (dashed line) underlies these
border between zones shown in Figure 12.5, right movements.

Eq. 12.24; see also Chapter 16 (Karst and Hasan). tions in response to a sudden shift of the target.
Near the boundaries of the zones the model can This paradigm has been used by Flash (Chapter
produce EMG patterns that are counter-intuitive. 17) with another model based on control signals
For example, the beginning of flexor movement with bell-shaped velocity profiles. In our model,
can be associated with an initial extensor EMG as there is a single control vector, U, which may be
has been shown experimentally (Hasan & Karst, modified (in both magnitude and direction) in
1989; Chapter 16). Bernstein (1967) has also response to a shift in target position. On the other
described rather widespread cases when the move- hand, we may assume that the old control signal is
ment direction is opposite to what we could not interrupted and a new control signal is added.
predict based on the EMGs. Reactive forces and The new signal, V, is directed from the old target
other dynamic effects in multi-joint systems may to the new target (Figure 12.7). Within the
also affect the relations between EMGs and move- framework of the A model the two strategies are
ment kinematics. formally equivalent and the resulting movements
may coincide.
12.11 Double-Joint Movements: Corrections
and the Principle of Superposition y
The principle of superposition formulated

above for one-dimensional control signals and
target 2
resulting movements can be generalized to multi-
dimensional performance. We have suggested
that the control signal which is specified at the
level of the ES is a vector. As a consequence, the
vector can be decomposed in a sum of two or '<---- - -
V t
more components. For example, in case of an or- U to
thogonal decomposition we have:

.twt x
It is suggested that the corresponding decomposi- Figure 12.7: Movement corrections and the principle
tion is also possible for the resulting movement. of superposition in a vector formulation of the control
In this connection it is interesting to apply the processes for multi-joint movements. (See text for
principle of superposition to movement correc- details.)
12. Feldman et a1.; Lambda Model 211

In the model developed by Flash (Chapter 17), characterizing the state of the periphery. This ac-
control signals are bell-shaped. To fonn them the tion is associated with the voluntary control of
nervous system has to estimate beforehand move- both posture and movement. In this analysis the
ment distances. In the case of movement threshold properties of MNs have been taken into
correction, the old control signal continues simul- account. The control signals are manifest in a
taneously with the new correction signal. In change in the threshold length, A., at which
constrast, our model assumes a single constant motoneurons become recruited. The A. is an ex-
velocity control signal. Thus, the nervous system perimentally measurable variable (Feldman,
need not specify movement amplitude in order to 1986). One more concept - the muscle activation
initiate movements and reserves the possibility to area - is essential in the explanation of EMGs and
specify or correct the final equilibrium position of the kinematics and dynamics of single- and double-
the end point during the course of the movement joint movements. Intennuscular interactions have
depending on the current situation. also been described in tenns of the A. model.
Importantly, according to the A. model, muscle ac-
12.12 The Redundancy Problem tivities, forces, and movement kinematics need not
If the number of joints exceeds the dimension be iteratively calculated over the course of move-
of external movement space and its inner, ES ment.
model, the solution of Eq. 12.23 is ambiguous, i.e., We have also illustrated the notion that each
the system is redundant (see also Chapters 6-11, level of motor control may be associated with a
16-22). If there are no additional constraints (e.g., specific invariant variable and perfonns specific
those limiting possible coordinations of control motor functions (cf. Bernstein, 1967). In par-
variables), the brain can apply one or another op- ticular, a constant value of the parameter R is
timal control strategy to issue concrete commands. associated with the postural control of the joint. In
One solution to Eq. 12.23 is to find commands this case, the system can generate responses to per-
dR/dt which give rise to a vector U' having a least turbations and a new equilibrium position will be
square deflection from the desired vector U. With established if the external load changes. The in-
this constraint, a solution of Eq. 12.23 can be found variance of the target vector, U, produces an active
with the use of the method of the pseudo-inverse directional movement of the arm endpoint. The
matrix (Gantrnaher, 1966; cf. Mussa Ivaldi et aI., level U does not exclude the behavior associated
1988). Thus, the commands will be minimal in the with the level R but may modify the behavior.
sense of their "energy" (Gantrnaher, 1966): We offered various fonnulations of the
principle of superposition both for control signals
§ (dR/dtl = minimum (12.26)
and resulting movements. Usually, principles of
This solution of Eq. 12.26 could, in principle, be superposition are considered a characteristic of
found through dynamic neuronal interaction be- linear systems. The A. model is thus an example of
tween and within the end point and joint linear behavior of the system in spite of non-
equilibrium spaces. This interaction gives rise to linearity of its single components. This does not
control signals which minimize the movement mean that we can neglect nonlinearities.
deflection from the target vector U (Eq. 12.23) It is a characteristic of the A. model that it com-
which, in turn, minimizes the "energy" of control bines both biomechanical and neurophysiological
signals in the sense of Eq. 12.26 [see also Chapter notions. The biomechanical aspects of the A.
19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters) for a similar ap- model can be developed by combining it with
proach based on dynamic optimization]. equations of the chemical kinetics of muscle con-
traction (Feldman, 1979). The neurophysiological
12.13 Conclusions and Future Directions aspects of the A. model allows us to explain dif-
We have illustrated several ideas and concep- ferent EMG patterns. Potentially, neuro-
tions which seem essential for the understanding physiological elements of the A. model can be
of motor control and perfonnance. First of all, it is modelled using neuronal nets (e.g., Chapter 20
necessary to find an adequate measure of the ac- (Denier van der Gon et al.). In this case, the A.
tion of brain control structures on motoneuronal model may be coordinated with experimental data
pools which is independent of kinematic variables concerning the activity of neurons in the motor
cortex and other brain structures.
212 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

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Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion

Chi-haur Wu, James C. Houk, Kuu-Young Young and Lee E. Miller

13.1 Introduction superior adaptability and facile performance in

The muscle-l"eflex mechanisms fonn a feed- limb control.
back system called the motor servo (Houk and Recent experimental findings (Gielen et al.,
Rymer, 1981; Gielen and Houk, 1987), which con- 1984a,b; Miller, 1984) further indicate that the
sists of a muscle, its spindle receptors, and the motor servo has two salient nonlinear dynamical
corresponding reflex pathways back to the muscle. features, a stiffness enhancement at small signals
This neuromuscular system mediates the stretch and a fractional velocity-dependent viscosity. The
and unloading reflex of the muscle by the feed- presence of the short-range elasticity enhancement
back. Motivated by a desire to understand the indicates that the stiffness of the neuromuscular
capabilities of biological arms, many researchers system is not constant over the stretching range.
have studied limb movements (Asatryan and The position-dependent mechanism will have
Feldman, 1965; Feldman, 1966; Freund and more impact on the short-range response. As for
Budingen, 1978; Gottlieb et al., 1989a,b; Hasan, the presence of the velocity-dependent viscous
1983" 1985" 1986; Hogan, 1984a,b; Polit and force response, it shows a nonlinear viscosity that
Bizzi, 1979; Stein, 1982) and findings have been has been postulated to dampen limb movements
applied to arm control and task planning (Atkeson when variable loads are involved. According to
and Hollerbach, 1985; Bizzi et al., 1978" 1982" an extensive body of experimental evidence, this
1984; Flash, 1987; Flash and Hogan, 1985; nonlinear effect extracted from force-velocity
Hogan, 1985; Hollerbach, 1982; Hollerbach and data shows that the force response is proportional
Flash, 1982; Mussa-Ivaldi et al., 1985" 1988; Uno to a low fractional power, 0.17, of muscle's
et aI., 1989). Many encouraging results benefitting velocity. This unusual kind of damping property
robotic control have been found in these studies. acts as a control function regulating the limb mo-
However, most research efforts thus far have in- tion in such a manner that the muscle-reflex
vestigated linear dynamic aspects of the motor system will have a rapid response from the effect
servo (Bawa et al., 1976; Oguztoreli and Stein, of low viscosity in the high-velocity range, but
1976; Rack, 1981; Stein, 1974). The nonlinear will have a very slow response from the effect of
aspects of muscle-reflex mechanisms have for the high viscosity in the low-velocity range. This non-
most part been ignored. From the linear damping effect will help in terminating limb
neurophysiological studies (Gielen and Houk, motion promptly when velocity decreases to the
1984" 1987; Gielen et aI., 1984; Houk et aI., low-velocity range; similarly, it will enhance the
1981a-<:" 1989; Rack et aI., 1969; Zahalak, 1981), rapid motion when high velocity is needed. These
the results strongly suggested that nonlinear nonlinear dynamics also provide an important
dynamics in the neuromuscular system may have a capability for the primate limb to adapt to the
substantial functional significance for having the changes of different loads and motion constraints.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New YOtX
13. Wu et aI.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 215

Preliminary results from this study were reported consists of three main components: intrafusal
in Houk et al. (1989). The uniqueness of these fiber, transducer-encoder, and spinal processing.
properties motivates this study of nonlinear damp- Muscle length x(t) is mechanically filtered by in-
ing of the neuromuscular system. trafusal muscle fibers in spindle receptors to
produce the stretches of the sensory nelVe endings
!l(t). The nelVe ending stretch is transformed into
the discharge rate r(t) of the afferent nelVe fiber
through the transducer-encoder process. This af-
ferent nelVe signal is conducted to the spinal cord
~t). where it is processed with the motor command and
sent back to the muscle to produce an
~ electromyographic signal e(t) specifying the de-
r------------------------------------------, xCt) gree of the muscle activation.
According to Hasan's formulation, the length
rCt)! Transducer
Encoder :
of the sensory zone !l(t) as a function of muscle
length x(t) is governed by a nonlinear first-order
differential equation:

Figure 13.1: Muscle mechanisms.

d!l~ = dx( t) +a [b!l(t) - ~ (t) +~] 3
dt dt x(t) - !l(t) + c

One model of the motor selVO that can replicate where a and b are constants that affect the degree
the muscle-reflex system is depicted in Figure of nonlinearity in the differential equation, and c is
13.1 (Gielen and Houk, 1987). This model incor- a reference length specifying the lower bound of
porates a nonlinear description of the behavior of the position range where the muscle spindle
muscle spindle receptors, a delay in the reflex loop responds to stimuli. Hasan also formulated the
via the spinal cord, and a nonlinear model describ- linear dynamics of the transducer-encoder process
ing muscle mechanical properties. From Hasan's as the following equation:
study on muscle spindle receptors (Hasan, 1983), d!l(t)
it was found that the response of muscle spindle ret) = H (!l(t) + 1: - - ) (13.2)
receptors bears a fractional power relationship to
velocity, and that the velocity sensitivity is multi- where H represents the small signal sensitivity of
plicative with the length sensitivity. From the the receptors, and 1: is the time constant of the
experimental results in Gielen and Houk (1987), encoder dynamics. As for the reflex pathway
the reflex pathway through the spinal cord can be through the spinal cord, it can also be simply for-
simply modeled as a time delay of 0.03 sec. As mulated as a time delay of 0.03 sec as follows
for the model of muscle mechanical properties, its (Gielen and Houk, 1987):
force activation can be simulated through
Zahalak's distribution-moment model (Zahalak, e(t) = ret - 0.03) (13.3)
1981). This model basically is a modification of
Although no general solutions of the equations
Huxley's two-state sliding filament model in
1957 (Huxley, 1957). Before the nonlinear damp- describing this reflex loop have been found, an
ing effect of the limb movement is studied, some analytic expression for the asymptotic response at
constant stretch velocity, which is frequently
of the properties and functions of the above
adopted as target response in the experiments on
muscle-reflex system will be briefly described and
identified in the following manner. the reflex-induced EMG activation of muscle, has
been derived as follows (Hasan, 1983):
13.1.1 Spindle Receptor Behaviors
Based on Hasan's results in, 1983, the model H[ dxJ dt
e(t)=/; 1+(-a-)
113] [x(t-O.03)-c+ 1: dx(t-O.03)]
for producing reflex-induced electromyographic
(EMG) activation of muscle (e(t) in Figure 13.1) (13.4)
216 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

From the above solution, it is shown that the reflex 13.1.3 Muscle-Reflex System
response is proportional to only a fractional power Many results about the muscle-reflex
of muscle velocity. It is also indicated that the mechanisms have been found in the study of the
combined effect from the aforementioned non- motor servo. As shown in Figure 13.1, the muscle-
linear velocity and the stretched length is reflex system basically consists of two major
multiplicative. The dependence of the nonlinear mechanisms. spindle receptors and the muscle stif-
velocity in Hasan's model indicates that the fness mechanism. The mechanism of spindle
spindle receptors will reflexly promote the opera- receptors has a unique property of nonlinear damp-
tion of a nonlinear viscous damper. Therefore, to ing effect proportional to a fractional power of
develop a model for emulating the muscle-reflex velocity. The property of muscle stiffness
system, these nonlinear dynamical properties have mechanism described by Zahalak's model in Eq.
to be included. 13.5 also shows a dynamical effect of nonlinear
13.1.2 Muscle Mechanical Properties stiffness. Although Zahalak simplified the
mechanism from Huxley'S model, it is still com-
From the study of muscle systems (Huxley,
plicated and nonlinear. Combining this nonlinear
1957; cf. McMahon, 1984), muscle fibers are
muscle stiffness mechanism with the nonlinear
divided into sarcomeres based on their striated
spindle receptors, the complete neurophysiological
bands and the sarcomere further consists of actin
model of the neuromuscular system is very com-
and myosin filaments (see Chapter 1 (Zahakak)
plicated for applications such as limb motion
for review).
emulations and robotic controls. Therefore, it is
Because of the complexity of Huxley's model
beneficial that some simplified analogous models
on expressing the bond-distribution functions,
can be developed for emulating the behaviors of
Zahalak (1981) estimated the distribution func-
the neuromuscular system.
tions with the low-order moments of the
To study the practicality of this idea, the non-
approximated distributions for computational
linear damping effect proportional to a fractional
simplification [see Chapter 1 (Zahalak) for more
power of velocity presented by the muscle~eflex
details]. Zahalak's model is included in Figure 1.1
system will be analyzed first. As nonlinearity is
for simulating muscle force responses P(t). One
involved in the analysis, the phase-plane approach
input to this model is the muscle length x(t), yield-
(Ogada, 1970) will be employed for studying and
ing the muscle mechanical response. The other
exploring the characteristics of the system's be-
input is eft), the simulated EMG response, yielding
havior. Based on the phase-plane approach, a
the neurally mediated component of the force
trace of the system's states in the space of velocity
response. The force of contraction P(t) can be
versus position will be generated. As time varies,
computed from the first-order moment of the dis-
a trajectory of states will represent the state history
tribution function n(y,t), which describes the
of the system. This trajectory is called a phase-
fraction of actin-myosin bonds with length y(t) at
plane trajectory that represents the system's
time t, and formulated as:
dynamic behavior. By utilizing this phase-plane
P(t) = a CJ y n(y,t) dy (13.5) approach, the dynamical behavior of the nonlinear
damping can then be evaluated.
where a, here assumed proportional to eft), is the In Section 13.2, the approach of phase-plane
degree of muscle activation and C is a constant analysis will be introduced and a second-order sys-
that depends on parameters such as bond stiffness, tem with the nonlinear damping effect will be
sarcomere spacing, cross-sectional area, and wrist analyzed. The dynamical effects of different
geometry (Zahalak, 1981). As for y(t), it is a func- loads, damping constants, and stiffnesses will be
tion of muscle length x(t) and muscle velocity studied. To provide fitting "template" for
(Gielen and Houk, 1987). In summary, the total developing an analogous muscle-reflex model, in
effect described by Zahalak's model in Eq. 13.5 Section 13.3 an experimental setup was designed
represents a very nonlinear muscle stiffness for collecting different sets of data (Gielen et al.,
mechanism. 1984a,b; Miller, 1984). Two types of involuntary
movements, step disturbances and ramped
13. Wu et a1.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 217

stretches, were studied. Each type of movement To simplify the initial analysis, the muscle stiff-
will provide its unique features for identifying the ness of the muscle-reflex system is assumed to be
functional capabilities of the neuromuscular sys- a linear stiffness. Then based on the overall frac-
tem. The phase-plane analysis in Section 13.2 tional power of velocity dependence, estimated to
confmns that the muscle-reflex system is insensi- be 1/5 according the experimental data, a
tive to variable loads and can adapt to different simplified model with the estimated nonlinear
forces through its unique nonlinear damping ef- damping effect and a linear elastic stiffness can be
fect. Based on this theoretical study, in Section simulated by the following simple second-order
13.4 two basic models, referred to as the additive system:
model and the product model, are proposed for
•• .1/5
emulating the response of this nonlinear damping Jx + Bx + K(x-x~ = Fa (13.6)
behavior. To study the validity of the models, the
responses of two types of involuntary movements, where J represents the inertia of the load; B repre-
step disturbances and ramped stretches (discussed sents the damping coefficient of the system, K
in Section 13.3) are used as templates for evaluat- represents the linear stiffness of the muscle
ing the models' performance. Through mechanism, x represents the muscle length, Xo rep-
minimizing the mean-square errors in fitting these resents the equilibrium position of the muscle, and
data, both models can replicate some of the salient Fa represents the applied or observed force. To
features of the responses of the muscle-reflex sys- analyze the behavior of this nonlinear system, the
tem; especially the product model. Furthermore, phase-plane approach will be applied in the fol-
from the effects of hysteresis and stiffness en- lowing manner.
hancement for small perturbations, a 13.2.1 Phase-Plane Analysis
representation based on the product model is
To study the transient response of the simulated
evolved for emulating the muscle-reflex system.
system in Eq. 13.6, the initial muscle length is as-
13.2 Analysis of a Nonlinear Damping sumed to be displaced from equilibrium by an
System amount x(O) - Xo at position x(O). Since the sys-
From the brief description of the muscle-reflex tem is nonlinear, the phase-plane approach will be
system in the previous section, it is clear that the applied. For the phase-plane analysis, Eq. 13.6 is
neuromuscular system has many nonlinear fea- rearranged into the following form:
tures that are unique. One specific feature is the •• K. B • 115 K Xo + F
nonlinear viscosity. Although the fractional x + - x = --x + ----!!. (13.7)
power of velocity dependence indicated by Eq.
13.4 is 1/3 , being coupled with the nonlinearity in Then by defining a 0t function as follows:
muscle stiffness described by Eq. 13.5, a power of
0.17 is extracted from the experimental data ot = (_l!.x
Il5 +~ XoJ +.!.!!. ] !..K (13.8)
(Gielen and Houk, 1987; Miller, 1984). This over-
all viscous damping effect indicates that the Equation 13.7 can be rewritten into the following
muscle-reflex system will express low viscosity at standard form:
a high velocity but will transfer into high viscosity
at a low velocity. In other words, the nonlinear (13.9)
damping effect will enhance the rapid motion
when high velocity is needed; similarly it will help where CJ) = (K/J)112. Since; = .i dXJdx, after in-
in terminating limb motion promptly when tegrating both sides of Eq. 13.9 with respect to the
velocity decreases to the low-velocity range. This position variable x, a circular trajectory in the
property shows prominent capability for adapting space of (x.x) can be generated as follows:
to different loads and forces. Therefore, before
modeling any muscle-reflex system, the property (13.10)
of this nonlinear damping effect on different loads
and forces needs to be investigated.
where Rt is the radius of the circle centered at
218 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

(5 t ,0). Based on Eq. 13.10, the relationship be-

(. I
tween x(t) and i(t) is well defined at any time t,
which depends on the radius Rt(t) and the circle's
center. In other words, the phase-plane trajectory
of position versus velocity can be easily generated
through computing the radius and the circle's cen-
ter at any time t from the previous values of x(t)
and x(t). This approach can be implemented
through a discrete method as the following equa-
B • K x + F (t)
5(t) = --(i(t_M»115+ __ o __a_ (13.11)
t K K .... '. '1-

where M is the sampling time. By knowing x(t -

M) and x(t - M), the phase-plane trajectory of x(t)
and 1{t) can be generated from Eq. 13.10 by es-
timating 5t(t) and Rt(t) from Eqs. 13.11 and 13.12.
For easily generating the phase-plane trajectory
of position versus velocity, Eq. 13.9 can be renor-
malized as follows:

(13.13) Figure 13.2: a) Phase-plane trajectory generation. b)

Trajectory in low-velocity range.
where 't is the normalized time and

't = rot (13.14) where

After integrating Eq. 13.13 with respect to x , the

relationship between x and dx/d. is defined by the
following circular equation: K x + Fa('t)
+ °K
dX )2
( d't + (x- l = R/
5 (13.15) Figure 13.2a demonstrates how to utilize the
phase-plane approach and the above equations for
where generating the position vs. velocity trajectory.
This example assumed that no forces were applied
to the system in Eq. 13.6, but the system was
released from the initial zero position to the equi-
librium position xo' The figure shows how to find
To generate the phase-plane trajectory, the radius
the new circle's center from the 5t function using
Rt at anI 't can be evaluated by the values of x( 't - the previous location of position versus velocity,
M) and ~ 't - M) as follows:
i.e., point a in Figure 13.2a. Then, based on the
newly evaluated radius Rt , the next location in the
dx)2 2
Rt2(t) = (-;-(t - &'t) + (x(t - M) - 5it» (13.17) space can be estimated at point b. After repeating
d't the same procedure from the initial position x(O)
to the equilibrium position, the phase-plane trajec-
tory of position vs. velocity is generated as shown.
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 219

13.2.2 Properties of Nonlinear Damping The simulation results are demonstrated in Figures
System 13,4a,b. By setting the same initial position in the
Observe from Figure 13.2a that the nonlinear simulation, the simulated system with different
function II t( t) acts as an asymptotic function stiffnesses will result in different equilibrium posi-
regulating the behavior of the phase-plane trajec- tions, as shown in Figure 13.4b. In comparison
tory of position vs. velocity. While the trajectory with a linear damping system, the most prominent
is in the large signal range of the II (t) function, effect of this nonlinear damping system is the
i.e. high-velocity range, it will overs~oot a certain property of load insensitivity. Figure 13.5a shows
amount of position depending on where the trajec- the phase-plane plots of this nonlinear damping
tory intersects the IIt ( t) function. To demonstrate system under different loads varied from 0.1 to
the response within the range of low velocity, 100, a lOoo-fold range. The variables in Figure
another example of phase-plane trajectory was 13.5a are not normalized for the purpose of
generated in Figure 13.2b. As this figure making the II function unique in the phase plane;
demonstrates, as long as the trajectory falls into in other words, Eq. 13.11 is used for generating the
the small signal range of II t (t) function, i.e. the 8t function. Figure 13.5b shows the time plots of
low-velocity range, which is referred to as the the positions, which are well damped by the sys-
dead-band, the system will take a very long time tem. To demonstrate the load sensitivity of a
to reach the equilibrium position as if it is stopped. linear damping effect, in comparison with the non-
This property demonstrates that this nonlinear linear system described by Eq. 13.6, a linear
damping system will quickly respond to the second-order system with the viscous force chang-
desired motion if the phase-plane trajectory is in ing linearly with respect to the velocity is also
the large signal range. However, after the trajec- simulated. The same lOoo-fold range of loads
tory falls into the region of dead-band, the system used in the nonlinear system were also applied to
will quickly damp the responses to stability. this linear system. Figure 13.6a shows the counter
Some other interesting properties can also be part of Figure 13.5a for this linear damping sys-
observed from Eq. 13.18. The damping coefficient tem. Figure 13.6b shows the corresponding
B and stiffness K have dominant effects on the sys- position-time plots. The results indicate that this
tem's performance, because they change the linear damping system has the stability problem
region of dead-band governed by the II (t) func- when the load is too large. Comparing the results,
. H t it is obvious that Figures 13.5 and 13.6 show the
bon. owever, the effect of load J is very small
du~ to the power of 1/10 in the II t (t) function. superiority of the nonlinear damping system over
ThIS result means that a system with the specified the linear one in the aspect of load insensitivity.
nonlinear damping effect can adapt to a wide Concluding from the above results, a simple
range of inertial loads without causing stability second-order system with muscle's nonlinear
problems typically in a system with linear damp- damping effect can capture the adaptability of the
ing. To demonstrate the above properties, Figures muscle-reflex system on different forces and loads
13.3a-b show the effect of different damping con- in a manner that reduces the stability problem.
stants. The phase-plane plots in Figure 13.3a. Based on this analysis, we confirm that a non-
show that a large damping constant B will induce a linear damping system can provide the
wider dead-band and make the system tend to un- adaptability that a muscle-reflex system has.
dershoot, while the small damping will make the Evolved from the theoretical study of this non-
system tend to overshoot. This effect can be ob- linear damping property, in Section 13,4 we will
served from Figure 13.3b showing the propose three models to emulate the muscle's
corresponding position-time plots of Figure 13.3a. responses by actually fitting some sets of ex-
As for the effect of different stiffnesses, it has the perimental data recorded from an experimental
reverse effect on the system in comparison with setup described in the following section.
the damping constant as indicated in Eq. 13.18.
220 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

. ) r., 12


.• •


'i 2

....... _ _ l
(hI K. 100 NTIm

:10 300
... 6 00

1 2
' _ l..c l Tlme ( lOc )

Figure 13.3: a) Nonlinear system under different Figure 13.4: a) Nonlinear system under different stif-
dampings. b) Corresponding position-time plots. fnesses. b) Corresponding position-time plots.

I" (" ~----------------~

-" ' - - - - - - - - - - - --'------'
." L -_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _---''''----'


. .- ,,,:

Figure 13.5: a) Nonlinear system under different Figure 13.6: a) Linear system under different loads.
loads. b) Corresponding position-time plots. b) Corresponding position-time plots.
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 221

device for stability consideration; Me is a mass

Be simulated from the device; and Mw is the mass of
the hand plus the handle connecting the forearm
and the device. The measured wrist force Iw is the
muscle force 1m plus the inertial force Mw Xw
where Xw is the wrist acceleration.
Based on the above setup, two types of involun-
Device body diagram tary responses, using step force disturbances and
ramped stretches, were recorded. The transient
responses for force disturbances were recorded by
applying four different force steps: 3.88, 8.64,
13.52, and 18.34 N. As for those of ramped
stretches, they were recorded by imposing two
ramped stretches, 3.62 and 0.92 crn/sec, respec-
tively. The stretched length was 4.6 cm. To
identify a subset consisting of the most
stereotyped trials from a set of trials, a trial com-
parison technique (Gielen et al., 1984b; Miller,
1984) was applied. The technique will compare
System block diagram each trial of force trace to every other trial that
was generated by the same stimulus condition in
the experimental session. Each pair of trials is
Figure 13.7: a) Device body diagram. b) System synchronized at stimulus onset and the difference
block diagram. between the trials is measured at each data point.
If at any point, the difference exceeds a
13.3 Experimental Data "divergence criterion" specified by the user, the
trials are assumed to be dissimilar. If the diver-
13.3.1 Experimental Setup gence criterion is never exceeded, a "match" is
To be able to provide some templates for counted for both trials. After all comparisons
developing simplified muscle-reflex models, the have been made, a summary table is compiled
responses of two types of involuntary movements with the quantity of matches for each trial. From
were collected from an experimental setup this table, the trials with the greatest number of
depicted in Figure 13.7 (Miller, 1984). The ap- matches are selected and the most highly
paratus was designed to study wrist flexion and stereotyped trials are assumed to represent the
extension in the horizontal plane. The subject response of the motor servo without the addition
held a lightweight handle that had strain gauges in- of other modifying reactions. Naturally, the
stalled for measuring wrist-force production. The entries in the summary table will vary with the
forearm was supported in the horizontal plane by user's choice of the maximum difference.
an arm brace, and the subject was seated so that Experience with a large number of data sets col-
the upper arm was approximately perpendicular to lected under different conditions indicates that a
the forearm. This arrangement allowed comfort- useful divergence criterion is one that yields some
able and natural wrist flexion-extension motion. trials with very few or no matches whereas other
The handle was attached to a mechanical stimulus· trials match 25-35% of the total number of trials.
generator designed to operate in one of two modes Under these conditions, taking the 10-20% of tri-
controlling either position or force. The device als that match most frequently with the others
was also capable of providing different external generally yields a very stereotyped template set.
dampings for the stability concern of the whole There are some exceptions, however, since the
system. Specifically, the parameters of this ex- procedure does not require that all trials be similar
perimental setup shown in Figure 13.7 are defined to a number of other trials. Occasionally, the
as follows: Id is the applied disturbance force; Be template set will contain two classes, each show-
is a linear damping constant provided by the ing good intraclass agreement. These may result
222 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

from differing amounts of co-contraction. . 1

Template sets are always visually inspected and
where multiple classes are apparent, the most fre-
quent is chosen. Trials in a template set are eu ~ iI
averaged to produce a single template record. e
Based on the above comparison technique, four ;;
sets of data displayed in Figure 13.8 were
produced for the responses of these four step dis-
turbance forces. Figures 13.8a-b display the 1. 2' ,
corresponding posltton-time plots and the 0 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.'
Timo (ue)
velocity-position plots representing the
phase-plane trajectories. Similarly, two sets of
(b l

data were produced for the responses of the two

imposed ramped stretches. Figure 13.9a shows ~·15 I.
the force-position plots that emulate the system's
elasticity. The stiffness enhancement effect for
I i
!" , o
the small signal is clearly demonstrated in this ~
figure. Furthermore, the force-time plots of the >•
system displayed in Figure 13.9b demonstrate the
slow decaying effect during the stretch-relaxation. ·5
0 2
This slow decaying effect indicates that the non-
Pos ilion(em )
linear damping mechanism dominates the
response of stretch-relaxation. To understand
Figure 13.8: a) Position-time plots for step distur-
these unique feattrres from different responses
bance responses. b) Corresponding phase-plane
generated through the muscle-reflex system, the trajectories.
properties of these two types of involuntary move-
ments will be briefly described in the following ,., 00------------------------
subsections. Then, these data will be used as the I

templates for developing the

muscle-reflex models in Section 13.4.
;:30 ~ ~ I
13.3.2 Properties of Step Disturbance f.. 20 '
/_- _-'---

~ I JP'
... ,o [ /
Enhancement of stiffness for smaU
Perturbations i /
From the study of viscoelasticity of the wrist o 4 5
po. ll l on(e m)
motor servo (Gielen et al., 1984b), it is found that
if triggered reactions are eliminated, the responses (b )

of the neuromuscular system then contain inertial

forces due to acceleration of the wrist, muscle
mechanical forces, and forces of stretch-reflex
origin. This result indicates that the elastic
property of the human motor servo is not simply
spring-like. A significant difference is a
prominent static hysteresis in the position of the
o L-____________________
limb. This effect appears to arise as a result of a

short-range enhancement of stiffness. Stiffness is o

TI",o IIlC )
high for small amplitude displacements about the
operating point of the muscle. As the amplitude Figure 13.9: a) Force-position plots for ramp
increases, the short-range effect gives way to stretches. b) Corresponding force-time plots.
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 223

lower stiffness. Such short-range effects are not As a result of this elastic hysteresis in the motor
uncommon. Examples can be cited both for servo, the task of the central nervous system in
muscle's mechanical properties and for its reflex directing movements may become more compli-
control. When restricted to approximately 2% of cated. In order to achieve accurate, swift
its physiological range of length change, a placement of the limb, the calculation of the motor
reflexive muscle exhibits a very linear, relatively command may need to include the history of the
high stiffness response to imposed length changes limb as well as intended final position.
(Matthews, 1972; Nichols and Honk, 1976).
13.3.3 Properties of the Ramped Stretch
Beyond this short range, the cross bridges between
actin and myosin begin to pull apart and the Responses
muscle stiffness decreases abruptly. Upon ter- It has been shown (Honk et al., 1981b) for
mination of the stretch, a short length of time is primary and secondary endings in the decerebrate
required to reform these cross bridges and restore cat that their responses to ramped stretches can be
the higher stiffness. described by the following relation:

Hysteresis (13.19)
Because of the short-range stiffness enhance-
ment, the limb position is dependent not only on where r is the firing rate of ending; r0 is the steady-
force, but also on the direction to the final position state firing rate at rest length; Xo is the reference
as well. A directional dependence of this type im- muscle length; v is the ramped velocity; n is the
plies hysteresis. The hysteresis in elastic exponent, which is about 0.3 for primary and
properties can be studied more systematically by secondary endings; and K is the scale factor. In
contrasting responses to loading and unloading. addition, it has also been shown that the responses
An experiment was set up for studying this be- of force, after correction for delay times in the
havior (Gielen et al., 1984b). The responses to reflex loops, are well described by a similar rela-
loading used force steps that loaded the flexors tion (Gielen and Houk, 1984), namely
from the 6 N flexor preload. Initial conditions for
the unloading were set to the values for force and
position, which were measured following the The above equation implies that for a ramped
largest force step (to 25 N) in the loading. Force stretch the response should increase linearly as a
steps were delivered from that point to unload the function of muscle position. Furthermore, because
flexors. The experimental results obtained in of the power function YO, the slope of the increas-
Gielen et al. (1984b) displayed two curves for ing response becomes steeper with the stretched
loading and unloading, respectively. Both curves velocity.
showed an initial high stiffness for movements The aforementioned results show that, except
less than 0.5 cm. Beyond this point, the curves for an early transient phase, responses of force
asymptotically approached a lower stiffness for during the ramped stretch can be adequately
large amplitude movements. This short-range en- described by a product relationship of a position-
hancement of stiffness created an opposite dependent term and a low fractional power
concavity in the two curves and gave rise to hys- function of velocity. This indicates that the
teresis in the elastic properties. The experiments properties of the stretch reflex are essentially non-
indicated that the human motor servo behaves in a linear and that any attempt to approximate the
more complicated manner than does a simple action of the stretch reflex by a linear model is
mechanism. Disturbance responses of less than restricted to a limited range of positions and
0.5 cm appear to have up to 4 times higher stiff- velocities. The fact that the parameters in the
ness than larger responses. This makes the product relationship tend to show only small varia-
response to loading different from that to unload- tions for different subjects gives additional support
ing. The result is a significant hysteresis in the to the characterization.
elastic properties of the system. The characterization of the wrist motor servo
presented here only applies to the region of the
ramped stretch after the initial transient part of the
224 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

response and prior to stretch plateau. Equation series with a strong spring representing the tendon.
13.20 predicts no reflex-induced response at The mechanical formulation of this model is
stretch plateau, when velocity is zero. Instead, the depicted in Figure 13.10. Under this simplified
experimental records indicate that after stretch formulation, the effect of the reflex loop is im-
velocity becomes zero, force decays with a very plicitly incorporated through adjusting the
slow time course as demonstrated in Figure 13.9b. nonlinear damping coefficient and stiffness. As
Even after 5 sec a steady-state level was not the effects of nonlinear viscosity and parallel elas-
reached, and this was found for all stretch ticity are additive, we refer to this system as the
velocities. In summary, the mechanism repre- additive model.

I I~xm~11
sented by Eq. 13.20 must be combined with some

~ OOOo:tfB~O 00
other mechanisms to deliver the decaying
13.4 Modeling Muscle-Reflex System and IE-- Xl --7/ I
The phase-plane analysis of a nonlinear damp- Xw
ing system suggests that the nonlinear viscosity
plays a dominant role in regulating the behavior of Kt(X w - Xm) = KmXm + Bm~::
the muscle-reflex system. Therefore, to emulate Figure 13.10: Additive model.
the functional capabilities of the muscle-reflex
system, a simplified model must have at least this From the above formulation, the additive model
nonlinear damping property. Inspired by this con- that emulates the agonist-antagonist pair of muscle-
cept, two simplified models, referred to as the reflex systems acting upon an inertial load at the
additive and the product model, will be introduced wrist can be formulated by the following equa-
in Sections 13.4.1 and 13.4.2. Both models can tions:
capture some of the salient features of the
muscle-reflex system. Through identifying the (13.21)
properties of stiffness enhancement for small per-
turbations, a more complete model referred to as (13.22)
the muscle-reflex model is proposed in Section
13.4.3. This model quite accurately emulates the where x and ~ represent the wrist position and ac-
w w
responses of the neuromuscular system. In the celeration; xm and its derivative represent muscle
end, the behaviors of the short-range stiffness en- position and velocity; M is the inertial load; Bm is
hancement and the hysteresis will also be the viscous coefficient of the nonlinear damping
emulated through the muscle-reflex model. element; Kt and Km are the elastic stiffnesses of
13.4.1. Additive Model the tendon and muscle, respectively; and fw is the
force at the wrist.
Modeling System
From the structure of the human wrist and Simulations
forearm, the wrist is connected to the forearm The simulations here are designed to replicate
muscle by a tendon which has an estimated stiff- the collected experimental data described in
ness in the range 8000 to 12,000 N/m. Since the Section 13.3. Two types of involuntary responses,
tendon behaves like a strong spring, the combined using step forces and ramped stretches, will be
stiffness of this tendon and forearm muscle is as- simulated. By using the additive model to emulate
sumed here to be close to muscle stiffness [cf. the muscle-reflex system, the aforementioned ex-
Chapter 5 (Winters)]. By modeling the spindle perimental system can be simulated with the
mechanism as a nonlinear damper with the ex- following equations:
tracted nonlinear damping effect, the forearm
muscle-reflex system can then be simplified as a (13.23)
spring in parallel with a nonlinear damper, both in

13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 225

As described in the experimental setup, fd is the 01

applied disturbance force; Be is the linear damping

constant provided by the device for stability con-
sideration, which is set to 50 N-s/m; Me is the
simulated mass from the device and is set to 2 kg;
and Mw is the mass of the hand plus the handle
connecting the forearm and the device, which is
estimated as 0.65 kg. The measured wrist force .wf
is the muscle force f m plus the inertial force Mw "x: w. 0.2 0.. 0 .' 0.'
To study the transient responses of step forces Tlm.,IO.)

using the additive model, Eqs. 13.23-24 will be (bJ

utilized by applying a step force input of f d • The
simulation block for studying this type of response
is shown in Figure 13.lla. As for studying the
ramp-stretch responses, Eqs. 11.24 and 25 will be
the simulation equations by imposing a ramped
time course for Xw at the wrist (Figure 13.llb).
Since the ramp response of muscle movement has
a constant velocity (after an initial start-up), the ·s L---------------------~
acceleration term is zero. Therefore, the equations o
POl ifr OnfCm )
can be simplified after a small time period to:
Figure 13.12: a) Additive model: positiolHime plots
of simulated results and experimental data for step dis-
turbance responses. b) Corresponding phase plane
(13.27) trajectories.
where Xw is the imposed ramped stretch at the oJ .0 ,----------------------,
"I .
~ 30
! 10

Model of o L -_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

mU5cle- reflex system o

POl lllon(om)

Simulation Block for Step Disturbances 'O r---~----------------~

Ib ,
, 0
Model of
muscle - reflex system
Simulation Block for Ramp Stretches
Figure 13.13: a) Additive model: force-position plots
Figure 13.11: a) Simulation block for step distur- of simulated results and experimental data for ramp
bances. b) Simulation block for ramp stretches. stretches. b) Corresponding force-time plots.
226 Multiple Muscle Systems, Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Using the additive model in the above setup to 13.13b, showed two very distinct properties, a
fit the experimental data, the model parameters in near-linear response for ramped stretch and a very
Eqs. 13.21-22 will be optimized through minimiz- slow decaying responses for relaxation. These
ing the mean square errors between the simulation two distinct properties indicate that during the
results and the experimental data. In the case of stretch the muscle-reflex system responds like a
fitting step forces, a set of optimized parameters linear spring; however, when the stretch ends, the
are obtained as follows: Kt = 8000 N/m, Km = system behaves as a nonlinear damping element to
520 N/m, and Bm = 2.6 N_(s/m}1/5. The simulated allow stress-relaxation to occur. These facts con-
results overlaying with the experimental data are clude that a model for the muscle-reflex system
displayed in Figure 13.12. In these figures the should at least be the combination of a linear
smooth curves are simulated results. Figure spring in series with a nonlinear damping element.
13.12a shows the time plots of simulated and ac- Specifically, this linear spring should be stiff
tual wrist positions and Figure 13.12b shows the enough for the near-linear behavior of the ramped
corresponding phase-plane plots. These results stretches and then the nonlinear damping element
show that the additive model captures the behavior allows the relaxation to occur. Additionally, in
of the transient responses to step disturbing forces Section 13.3.3 we have described that the response
quite well. However, the responses shown in of a ramped stretch can be represented by a
Figure 13.12 also indicate that this model needs product relation of a position-dependent term and
stiffness enhancement for small movements. a fractional power function of velocity. This
As for fitting the transient responses of ramped product relation can also be observed from the
stretches, the optimized parameters are obtained as spindle's properties, as described by Eq. 13.4.
follows: Kt = 8000 N/m, Km = 620 N, and Bm = Motivated on the basis of this product relation, a
8.2 N-(s/m}l (5 Figures 13.13a-b display the simu- new model referred to as the product model is
lated results (smooth curves) overlaying with the proposed. The mechanical formulation of this
experimental data. Figure 13.13a shows the stiff- model is depicted in Figure 13.14.
ness plots of wrist forces versus positions. Figure
13.13b shows the corresponding time plots of
wrist forces. Observed from these results, the ad-
ditive model fits the experimental data reasonably
well during the stretch but not well for the initial
rising part and the final decaying part.
The results from the above study conclude that
the modeling of the nonlinear damping effect in
the additive model does capture muscle behavior
to some extent. However, because of the incom-
plete muscle properties in the additive Figure 13.14: Product model.
representation, the model does not fit the ramp
stretches very well. In particular, it cannot fit the In this product model, a linear spring is
slow decaying behavior shown in the experimental modeled for muscle stiffness to provide the stiff-
data in Figure 13.13b. To capture this behavior, in ness necessary for describing the near-linear slope
the following another model referred to as the part of ramped stretches. Extracted from the ex-
product model will be proposed. perimental data, this stiffness ranges from 300 to
1000 N/m (Miller, 1984). To yield various decay-
13.4.2 Product Model
ing responses after different ramped stretches end,
Modeling System the nonlinear damping element is modeled as the
The experimental data of the force response product of a linear function of position change and
from ramped stretches, the noisy curves in Figure
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 227

a nonlinear viscous force that is proportional to 5
; 15. From the above formulation, an agonist-
antagonist pair of reflex-regulated muscles acting E'
upon an inertial load at the wrist can be modeled .!!.

by the product model with Eq.13.21 plus:

Kt<xw -xm) =Km(xm -xp) =B~p (xp -xpo) (13.28) 2

where all terms are defined as in Eqs. 13.21-22 and

0.2 0.' 0.6 0.1
x and i are the internal position and velocity of Tlm.(ne)
the procfuct model; x is the bias internal position (b)
of the product modef;'and B is the scaled damp-
ing coefficient of the product ~odel.
As in the additive model, simulations were
designed for replicating the same experimental
results recorded from four different step forces
and two ramped stretches. After incorporating
the product model into the experimental system
described earlier, the simulation model for analyz- 2 3 .
ing the transient responses of step disturbing
forces (fd) utilizes Eqs. 13.21, 13.23, and 13.28. As Figure 13.15: Product model. a) Position-time plots
for analyzing the transient responses of ramped of simulated results and experimental data for step dis-
stretches imposed at xw ' due to no accelerations in turbance responses. b) Corresponding phase-plane
the ramped stretches, the simulated system is trajectories.
simplified by Eq. 13.26 and Eq. 13.28. The simula- (al

tion blocks are the same as in Figure 13.11, except

using the product model for the muscle-i"eflex sys- ~ 30
tem. ;-
Since the tendon represented as Kt is in series
with the more compliant muscle represented as .
~ 20

Km' the combined stiffness will be merely repre- "

sented by the neuromuscular stiffness. Therefore, ~ '0

in our simulation we have eliminated the tendon

effect by assuming that Xw = xm • In the sense of
minimizing the mean square errors between the
0 2 3 . 5
simulation results and the experimental data, after (b) 40
fitting the transient responses of four step forces, a
set of parameters were obtained as follows: K = 30
640N/m, B = 4200 N/mo(s/mil 5 ,x = -D.OO4mm.
The simul:ted results overlaying ":ith the ex-
perimental data are displayed in Figures 13.15a-b.
The simulation results show that the product ...0
model emulates the muscle behavior quite well in 10
the case of larger step forces, but it still needs stiff- 3.8
ness enhancement for smaller step movements. 0
In comparison with the results in Figure 13.12a-b, 0 2 3 5 6
simulated from the additive model, the product
model can capture the final drifting toward the
equilibrium position much better than the additive Figure 13.16: Product model. a) Force-position
plots of simulated results and experimental data
for ramp stretches. b) Corresponding force--time
228 Multiple Muscle Systems, Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

model. Quantitatively, the mean square errors for would have the effect of adjusting the point at
fitting all four curves in the product model are which separation occurs for different ramped
about 60% of the fitting errors in the additive stretches. This point also demarcates the range of
model. This improvement over the additive model small signals for stiffness enhancement. The fit-
is quite substantial. ting results shown in Figure 13.16a demonstrate
After applying the same optimization technique that the point of separation and the upper bound of
to fit the transient responses of ramped stretches, stiffness enhancement range is around the position
the parameters for the product model are obtained of selected x (2.8 cm in Figure 13.16a). The
as follows: K = 740 N/m, B = 2600 simulation rerults suggested that if the model
N/m.(s/m)1/5, t = -0.028 m. FigJes 13.16a-b satisfied the required stiffness enhancement for the
display the fittin; results overlaying with the ex- small signal, the responses of large movements
perimental data. In Figure 13.16b, the force-time could not be replicated. To fit the overall
plots indicate that the model fits the experimental responses in the case of ramped stretches, a
data quite well in both the stretch and decaying desired short range for stiffness enhancement can
parts, except the small signal range and the sharp then not be maintained. This effect explains why
force notches in the beginning of the stretch different values of x were obtained for fitting the
relaxation. In comparison with Figure 13.13, the step disturbances anaramped stretches.
results simulated from the additive model, the In comparing the product model with the
product model is much better in replicating the be- neuromuscular system shown in Figure 13.1, the
havior of the transient responses of ramped differences are a separate mechanism for muscle
stretches. Quantitatively, the mean square errors mechanical stiffness and a natural input for motor
for fitting the two stretch responses in the product commands from the brain. Without the input for
model are appreciably less than the additive model motor commands, voluntary movements cannot be
by a factor of 0.32. This improvement over the simulated, but it should not affect the involuntary
additive model is excellent. movements requiring no motor programs.
In summary, the simulation results show that Therefore, we believe that the missing separate
the product model is much better than the additive stiffness mechanism in the product model may be
model in emulating muscle behavior, especially the reason why the model must produce less stiff-
ramped stretches. The improvement over the addi- ness enhancement for the short-range signal in
tive model shows that the nonlinear product order to capture the overall features within a wide
relation in the spindle mechanism is a very impor- range of movements. Therefore, to compensate
tant function in modeling the muscle-reflex for the missing functions in the product model, in
system in order to emulate the overall responses of the following subsection we will propose a more
ramped stretches. However, in order to replicate complete model to emulate capabilities of the
the overall responses through miJiimizing the neuromuscular system.
mean square errors, the model could not produce
13.4.3 Muscle-Reflex Model
enough stiffness enhancement for the small signal.
This property of stiffness enhancement is clearly Modeling System
indicated by the experimental data, both in Figures The simulated results from the product model
13.8 and 13.9. The experimental data of the four show that this model emulates the involuntary
step disturbances in Figure 13.8 had different elas- movements of the neuromuscular system quite
tic stiffnesses as 705, 504, 486, and 486 N/m, well except for not producing enough stiffness en-
respectively. The short-range enhancement was hancement for the small signal. Due to the
demonstrated through that the smallest response properties of the nonlinear damping, the response
had the largest elastic stiffness and the largest of the product model should show a higher elastic
response had the smallest one. As for the ramped stiffness for the short-range signal because of the
stretches in Figure 13.9, the stiffness enhancement dead-band discussed in Section 13.2; however,
was demonstrated through the initial jump in force when the signal is out of the dead-band, the
and the sharp force notch in the beginning of the response should show a lower elastic stiffness be-
stretch relaxation. Through our simulations, we cause of the enhanced rapid motion. This property
also found that adjusting parameter xpo in Eq. 13.28
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 229

demonstrates that the product model can produce of movements, a linear muscle stiffness
the stiffness enhancement for the small signal. mechanism is added for compensating for the
However, through our simulations, if the system overall stiffness. Based on this discussion, the
captured this stiffness enhancement, then the complicated muscle force-distribution model
response for the large-signal range could not be described in Section 13.1 is simplified by a simple
replicated. Specifically, the stiffness for the large- stiffness Km in Figure 13.17 representing the
signal range must be reduced to satisfy the muscle mechanical stiffness. This mechanical stif-
stiffness enhancement at the small signal. As the fness is different from the total neuromuscular
muscle-reflex system depicted in Figure 13.1 has a stiffness, defined in the additive and product
separate muscle mechanism for stiffness effect, we models. The total neuromuscular stiffness is a
believe that by modeling a separate muscle stiff- composite elastic stiffness including both the
ness mechanism to compensate for the overall muscle mechanical stiffness and the reflex stiff-
stiffnesses in the large-signal range, enough short- ness in the spindle mechanism. In the previous
range stiffness enhancement can then be produced two models, we have assumed the neuromuscular
by the nonlinear damping to replicate the overall stiffness as this composite elastic stiffness because
responses of different movements. Furthermore, of no separate muscle stiffness mechanism.
the muscle-reflex system also accepts the motor However, in order to produce enough short-range
.commands sent from the brain that are responsible stiffness enhancement, in this new model the
for voluntary movements of limbs. Therefore, to muscle mechanical stiffness and the reflex stiff-
compensate for the missing muscle properties in ness will be defined separately.
the product model and to provide a natural input In this muscle-reflex model depicted in Figure
for motor commands, a model with an architecture 13.17, the discharge rate of the spindle-like model,
similar to that of the neuromuscular system is r, scaled through a reflex gain coefficient, H, is
proposed. combined with the motor command, denoted as c.
The combined signal will produce a simulated,
f" I
reflex-induced EMG. Since the muscle length will
change with the load position, a linear feedback
with a gain coefficient L is used to represent this
linear effect of length change, such as from the
muscle length-tension and the other unmodeled
linear position feedback terms (Houk and Rymer,
1981; cf. McMahon, 1984). The combined signal
of the simulated, reflex-induced EMG and the feed-
back signal of length change will then emulate a
Figure 13.17: Muscle-reflex model. length change to produce the muscle force,! . The
resultant muscle force combined with the disturb-
On the basis of the aforementioned needs, a ing forces,/w' sensed from the load will then move
muscle-reflex model evolved from the product the limb. Since the strong tendon stiffness can be
model is developed and depicted in Figure 13.17. ignored from our simulation as described in the
The architecture of the proposed muscle-reflex product model, in this new model we will assume
model is similar to that of the neuromuscular sys- that the wrist position change, xw ' is the same as
tem with a spindle-like model and a simple muscle the muscle position change, xm. Based on the
stiffness mechanism. As demonstrated in the pre- above formulation, an agonist-antagonist pair of
vious section, the product model can capture the reflex-regulated muscles acting upon an inertial
overall performance of the neuromuscular system load at the wrist can be represented by the
to a great extent. Therefore, it is reasonable to muscle-reflex model with the following equations:
design the spindle-like model with the same func-
tions as the product model dominating the (13.29)
response. To allow the nonlinear damping to
produce enough short-range stiffness enhancement r = Kr(xw-p
x ) = Bp x (xp-pxo ')
to replicate the overall responses of a wide-range
230 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

By ignoring the tendon stiffness, the wrist position where Id is the disturbing force applied from the
change Xw is the same as the muscle position experimental device to the wrist. For the same
change. In Eq. 13.30, Kr represents the reflex stiff- experimental setup, the values of pammeters, Be'
ness in the spindle mechanism and Km in Eq.13.31 Me' and Mw are the same as those in the product
represents the muscle mechanical stiffness. The model. As for analyzing the transient responses of
other parameters are described earlier. ramped stretches, due to the constant velocity, the
Specifically, the above three equations represent, simulated model can be further simplified to Eq.
respectively, the load system model, the spindle- 13.30 plus the following:
like model, and the spinal cord processing and the
muscle stiffness mechanism. In summary, the (13.35)
proposed muscle-reflex model shown in Figure
13.17 is a simplified analogy of the neuromuscular By imposing Xw to be mmped stretches, which
system shown as in Figure 13.1. means that Iw = 1m' the spindle-like model repre-
In this new model, the effect of the muscle stiff- sented by Eq. 13.30 will then respond to induce a
ness mechanism can be taken away by setting the reflex response. As for Eq. 13.35, its condition of
value of parameter L to zero. In addition, by set- zero accelemtion forces Xw to be the imposed
ting both Km and H to 1, the muscle-reflex model ramped stretches. In both simulations of step dis-
turbing forces and ramped stretches, the
is the same as the product model. By adding an
parameters are optimized to fit the experimental
extra linear stiffness to compensate for the overall
stiffnesses for a wide range of movements, the data.
reflex response of the spindle-like model can be In the sense of minimizing the mean square er-
adjusted to replicate the short-range stiffness en- rors between the simulated results and the
experimental data, after fitting the transient
hancement. Although the linear feedback gain
coefficient, L, can be used to adjust the ovemll stif- responses of four step forces, a set of pammeters
were obtained as follows: H = 0.00333, K = 138
fness of the system, when L = 1, Km will represent
N/m, Kr = 1100 N/m, Bp =5700 N/m.(s/m)'f15, and
the muscle mechanical stiffness that describes the
X = -0.004 m. The SImulated results overlaying
linear effect of muscle length-tension. Therefore,
:rth the experimental data are displayed in Figure
to simplify our discussion and ignore other linear
13.18. The short range for stiffness enhancement
position feedback terms, we will set L to 1 and ad-
is achieved by fitting the pammeter x to the
just all the other pammeters to emulate the
desired mnge. In comparison with Fi~e 13.15
neuromuscular responses. Based on this formula-
tion, in the following the proposed muscle-reflex simulated using the product model, the simulated
model will be simulated to fit the experimental results from this muscle-reflex model emulate the
step force responses very well. Quantitatively, the
mean square errors for fitting all four curves are
Simulations about the same as the fitting errors in the product
By setting L to 1, simulations are designed for model. Qualitatively however, this model
replicating the same experimental data recorded demonstrates a certain degree of refinement in
from the involuntary movements of four step comparison with the product model. An interest-
forces and two ramped stretches. Since the in- ing result is that the fitted value of Km is in the
voluntary movements involve no motor range of muscle mechanical stiffness measured
commands, the model will be simplified by setting from the physiological experiments (Miller,
that c = O. To analyze the transient responses of 1984), in which three different muscle mechanical
step disturbing forces, after incorporating the stiffnesses, 130, 160, and 230 N/m, were
muscle-reflex model into the experimental system, measured from three subjects, respectively.
the simulated model is Eq. 13.30 plus the follow- After applying the same optimization technique
ing: to fit the transient responses of two ramped
stretches, the parameters were obtained as follows:
(13.32) H =0.00333, Km = 231 N/m, Kr = 1150 N/m, B
=2200 N/m·(s/m)1 15 ,x =-0.008 m. This resuh
(13.33) shows that K m is still 1n the range of muscle
mechanical stiffness. Since the step disturbances
(13.34) and ramped stretches were recorded from two dif-
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 231

(a) ferent subjects, different mechanical stiffnesses

are expected. The short range for stiffness en-
hancement is also achieved by fitting the
E , parameter x to a desired range (0.8 cm), which is
C very close t~ the value of 0.4 cm obtained in fit-
~ 3
ting the step disturbances. In Figure 13. 19a,
o which displays the force-position plots, x demar-
2 cates the separation for different ramped ~tretches.
In comparison with Figure 13.16a, where Xpo was
2.8 cm fitted from the product model, thlS new
0.2 0.' 0.6 0..
model has provided good agreement in fitting both
(b) 25 step disturbances and ramped stretches. The cor-
responding force-time plots are displayed in
20 Figure 13.19b. In Figure 13.19a, the linear-
!• 15 stiffness line represents the effect of
u length-tension from Km. As expected, the short-
~1 0 range stiffness enhancement is clearly

5 demonstrated in Figure 13.19a. Besides the stiff-
ness improvement at the small signal, the sharp
force notch in the beginning of the stretch relaxa-
0 2 3 , tion shown in Figure 13.19b has also been
observed in comparison with Figure 13.16b.
Pos itlon (cm)
Quantitatively, the mean square errors for fitting
Figure 13.18: Muscle-reflex model. a) Position-time the two stretch responses are about a fraction of
plots of simulated results and experimental data for 0.55 relative to the fitting errors in the product
step disturbance responses. b) Corresponding model. Such notable improvement is the result of
phase-plane trajectories. adding a separate stiffness mechanism that repre-
., u sents the muscle length-tension effect.
In summary, the muscle-reflex model can ac-
curately simulate the responses of the limb

z )0
involuntary movements. In comparison with the
~ zo neurophysiological model of the muscle-reflex
~ system depicted in Figure 13.1, the proposed
muscle-reflex model is much simpler for simula-
: 10
tion or actual implementation. To conclude the
modeling and simulations, we will use this model
0 2
POl lllonl.")
• to discuss and emulate the important behavior of
hysteresis in the neuromuscular system.
(b) '0
Short-Range Enhancement and Hysteresis
lO In comparison with the product model, a
i: muscle stiffness mechanism is added into the
.20 muscle-reflex model for allowing the nonlinear
damping to produce a desired stiffness enhance-
ment for small signals. Because of this property
... of short-range enhancement, the loading and un-
loading of muscle movements will have a
0 I hysteresis behavior as described in Section 13.3.2.
n m.(It. )
To demonstrate this behavior through the
Figure 13.19: Muscle-reflex model: a) Force-position muscle-reflex model, the set of parameters' values
plots of simulated results and experimental data for obtained in the case of the ramped stretches were
ramp stretches. b) Corresponding force-time plots. used to generate the loading and unloading curves
for simulating the phenomenon of the hysteresis.
232 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

13.5 Discussion and Conclusion

The adaptability of limb movements in per-
forming the constrained task is clearly superior to
that of current robotic systems. To study the prac-
f=" ticality of modeling the muscle-reflex
mechanisms, the features of the muscle-reflex sys-
tem are analyzed and then modeled in this chapter.
Basically, the neuromuscular system consists of
many nonlinear features but with two major
mechanisms, the muscle stiffness mechanism and
the spindle receptors. The response of the
o neuromuscular system demonstrates that the sys-
o 2
tem has a unique nonlinear damping property that
may be responsible for the limb's adaptability in
Figure 13.20: Simulated loading and unloading curves performing the constrained task. Extracted from
for short-range enhancement of stiffness and hys- an extensive body of experimental evidence, this
teresis. nonlinear damping property is proportional to a
fmctional power of muscle's velocity. On the
To genemte the loading curve that basis of this fmding, a phase-plane analysis was
demonstrates the short-mnge stiffness enhance- performed on a second-order system with such a
ment, step disturbing forces ranging 0 to 10 N nonlinear damping. The theoretical results show
were applied to the system. The initial force step that such a system has the capability of adapting to
was 0.5 N for producing a short movement. To various loads and different forces without chang-
have a good resolution for the short-range stiffness ing the system's pammeters. The encouraging
enhancement, the sampling force step was 0.1 N results from this analysis suggest that it is possible
from range 0.5 to 1 N. From mnge 1 to 10 N, the to model the functional capability of the
force step change was 1 N. Each knot point on the neuromuscular system. Initiated by these results,
curve represents an applied step force and its cor- three models were developed to model the
responding response after 5.0 sec. The same range neuromuscular-like system.
of force steps were unloaded from the largest force In the physiological study, an experimental
step by using the same set of parameters. device was set up for recording two types of in-
Similarly, the step forces and the corresponding voluntary movements, step force disturbances and
responses after 5.0 sec were recorded. Both ramped stretches. The recorded experimental data
curves of loading and unloading were displayed in were used as templates for modeling the
Figure 13.20. The loading curve clearly neuromuscular system. Based on the nonlinear
demonstrates the phenomenon of short-mnge stiff- damping effect proportional to a fractional power
ness enhancement. When simulating the of muscle's velocity, a simple model referred to as
unloading, we found that the system needs to un- the additive model was formulated ftrst. The
load a certain amount of force to counterbalance simulation results showed that the additive model
the drifting forces due to the hysteresis. emulated the responses of the step disturbing
Therefore, when we simulated the ftrst unloading forces well but not the ramped stretches.
force from the largest force step, 10 N, we had to Nevertheless, this model captured the salient fea-
unload at least 1 N in order to have the net reverse tures of the neuromuscular system to a certain
movement. This unloaded 1 N force caused a extent. This fact demonstrates that the nonlinear
sharp drop as shown in the beginning of the un- damping is a necessary property in modeling the
loading curve in Figure 13.20. Because of the muscle-reflex system. Comparing the results
effect of the hysteresis, there exists a zone be- simulated from the additive model with the ex-
tween the loading and unloading curves. This perimental data, we also found that the slow
zone clearly represents that the muscle-reflex decaying behavior of stretch relaxation should be
model possesses the property of hysteresis the product relation of position and velocity. This
presented by the neuromuscular system. product relation can also be found in the property
13. Wu et al.; Nonlinear Damping of Limb Motion 233

of the spindle receptors. On the basis of this find- cient, L, to one so that the linear stiffness"Km , will
ing, another model referred to as the product represent the muscle length-tension effect.
model was further introduced. The results simu- Through our simulations in fitting both step distur-
lated from this model showed great improvement bances and ramped stretches, the obtained values
over the additive model, especially for the for Km were within the measured range of muscle
responses of ramp stretches. Although the product mechanical stiffness (Miller, 1984). The analysis
model emulated the limb responses to a great ex- of the other possible linear position feedback
tent, in order to replicate the overall responses of a terms will be one of our future studies. As for the
wide range of movements, it could not produce nonlinear term of the muscle-reflex system, the
enough short-range stiffness enhancement. same study also indicated that it has two origins:
Additionally, the product model also lacks a spindle receptors and remnant nonlinear muscle
natural input for the motor command from the properties (e.g. as described by Zahalak's model
brain that is responsible for the voluntary move- in Eq. 13.5). In our muscle-reflex model, the non-
ment. For these reasons, a muscle-reflex model linear damping properties of the spindle receptors
that can accurately emulate the response of the are emulated through the spindle-like model.
limb involuntary movement was developed. However, using a linear stiffness to represent the
During the process of modeling, the model nonlinear muscle mechanical properties, the
used for phase-plane analysis was eliminated from second origin contributing the nonlinear term is
representing the neuromuscular system. The missing from our model. Therefore, understand-
reason is that although this model is similar to the ing this remnant nonlinear term is important for
additive model, without the muscle tendon as an improving the model.
absorber for ramped stretches, the system will stop In summary, through modeling the nonlinear
rigidly when a stretch ends without having any damping properties of the neuromuscular system,
response associated with stretch relaxation. In the muscle-reflex model can accurately emulate
both the additive and product models, we have the responses of involuntary movements. Without
modeled the parameter Km as the total muscular adjusting the values for the system's parameters,
stiffness that combines the muscle mechanical stif- this neuromuscular-like model can adapt to a wide
fness and the reflex stiffness. However, in the range of loads and disturbing forces without caus-
muscle-reflex model we have separated these two ing stability problems. In other words, this system
stiffnesses by defining Km as the muscle mechani- has the advantage of adapting to any sudden
cal stiffness and Kr as the reflex stiffness. change caused by the contact environment. As the
Because the data collected for the step distur- constrained condition under robotic compliance
bances and ramped stretches were from two control (Wu, 1988) is similar to that under the
different subjects, two sets of values were op- limb's involuntary movements, they both require
timized for the parameters in each model through that the limb be continuously in contact with the
fitting the data. In fitting the step disturbances environment. The development of a
through minimizing the mean-square errors, the neuromuscular-like model may be beneficial to
fitting errors in the additive and product models robotic compliance control [see also Chapter 9
were about 1.69 and 1.0 times, respectively, in (Hogan)]. As for future research, besides the
comparison with the muscle-reflex model. As for needed improvements for the models, to further
fitting the ramped stretches, the mean-square er- understand the limb, movement studies will apply
rors in the additive and product models were about these models, particularly the muscle-reflex
5.69 and 1.82 times, respectively, in comparison model, to the characterization of voluntary move-
with the muscle-reflex model. The improvement ments. Exploring the inverse relation from limb
of the last model over the other two is impressive. movement responses to motor commands is neces-
From the physiological study (Houk and sary for understanding how limbs are commanded.
Rymer, 1981), the results indicated that the linear
stiffness term in the neuromuscular system has
two potential origins: muscle length-tension effect This work is supported by the ONR contract
and other linear position feedback terms. In our NOOOI4-88-K-0339.
muscle-reflex model, to simplify the discussion,
we have set the linear position feedback coeffi-
234 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Il1: Upper Limb Movement Organization

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Principles Underlying Single-Joint Movement Strategies

Gerald L. Gottlieb, Daniel M. Corcos, Gyan C. Agarwal and Mark L. Latash

make it possible to sip the coffee with added con-

14.1 Introduction ditions that it neither spill nor get cold on the way.
Humans make "rational" decisions in different This goal provides few constraints on the move-
ways. One is according to a plan that optimizes ment's trajectory or speed yet it is one we can
some consequence of the decision. Such a accomplish easily and without a moment's thought
decision-making strategy is normative, leading to on just how to do it. Therefore, we presumably do
a behavior appropriate for achieving some desired not have to ponder and choose from an infinite
goal. Another way is to use a heuristic or rule number of motor programs that are capable of gen-
based approach that guides behavior on the basis erating a similarly infinite number of trajectories.
of simpler criteria than those characterized by an We promptly select and execute one program that
"optimal" result. For example, optimal strategies gets us our hot coffee, keeps us dry, and does not
for obtaining wealth from the stock market or the require excessive effort. Is it uniquely "optimal"
race track are sufficiently subtle that few have or is it merely "good enough"?
found them. On the other hand, "rules of thumb" Let us note first that these are not mutually ex-
are many, and perhaps almost as much money is clusive options. Surely the "best" trajectory is a
made from the sale of such rules as from their ap- member of the set of acceptable ones.
plication. In fact, people often apply such rules in Furthermore, a trajectory governed by a simple,
the face of objective evidence that they are in fact suboptimal set of heuristically based rules might
not optimal. be indistinguishable from an optimal trajectory. It
These observations on general properties of is our intention here to describe a set of such
human decision making have some bearing on heuristically based rules that appear to be used to
how humans plan and perform voluntary move- control a class of single-joint movements. In the
ments. They could perform movements that are discussion, we will consider whether these rules
"optimal" in a sense that maximizes or minimizes are compatible with possible optimization
some predefined goal or performance criterion im- schemes that have been proposed.
portant to the mover [Hogan, 1984; Nelson, 1983; We will consider fast, single-joint flexions of
Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters); Chapter 19 the elbow. "Fast" movements can be operationally
(Winters and Seif-Naraghi)]. Alternatively, they defined as being associated with burst-like EMG
could use simple rules that lead to movements that patterns, at least in the agonist muscles
are not optimal in any unique sense, but ac- (Wacholder and Altenburger, 1926; Wadman et
complish a task that is loosely defined and al., 1979; Waters and Strick, 1981). This agonist
achievable in a number of equivalent ways, none burst is due to the sudden and strong activation of
of which is "superior" to the others. the muscles needed to produce the initial accelera-
Consider the task of moving a cup of coffee tion of the limb. The control of this burst, to
from a table to your mouth. The overall goal is to produce the desired movement characteristics (e.g.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 237

distance and speed for the given load), has been infer it from the variables that we can measure.
described by many authors in terms of what we These are myoelectric (EMG), kinematic (angles
will term a "pulse-timing" model (Freund and and their derivatives), and kinetic (torques and
Bundingen, 1978; Ghez, 1979; Wallace, 1989). their derivatives). We wish to demonstrate that
We too have found utility in such a model (Corcos the signal to the motoneuron pool can, for
et al., 1989; Gottlieb et al., 1989a,b, 1990), which reasonably fast movements, be described as a rec-
proposes that the amplitudes and durations of the tangular pulse that we will call an "excitation
agonist and antagonist EMG bursts, and the onset pulse." The excitation pulse can be modulated in
latency of the antagonist EMG burst, are the amplitude and in duration.
parameters of the motor program that are selected We will call the choice of modulation mode a
to accomplish the desired movement. "strategy" for movement control. If the movement
Reducing the problem of control to one of task is defined simply as moving from point A to
determining a small number of relatively point B, subjects always have a choice of
well-defined parameters allows some straightfor- strategies in making a movement. They can
ward questions to be posed regarding how choose to modulate pulse width or pulse height or
different movement tasks are performed. Can one perhaps both. This element of choice is important
(or more) parameters be found that relate to some if the notion of strategies is to provide insight. A
movement feature? For example, Freund and rock, dropped from the hand, has no choice but to
Budingen (1978) proposed that to move rapidly to fall under the influence of gravity. We would
a target and return, burst duration is selected to never say "the rock chooses to accelerate
control the movement's time and burst intensity to downward at 9.8 m/~."
control its distance. However, the fact that people What if the task is to move from point A to
can make movements (and perform experiments) point B in 500 ms? Does the subject still have a
of similar or different durations over different or choice under these more constrained kinematic
similar distances has not led to any consensus on conditions? Can the subject still chose a strategy
how these different performance variations are ac- for movement? The answer to these questions is
complished. Furthermore, most of the rules that "yes." This may be illustrated by the following
have been described are only applicable to a analogy. A football coach always has a choice of
specific load, and some must be modified if the strategies in playing a game. Pass or run, long or
load changes. Do we have one rule for dealing short, left or right. However, the goal is not just to
with changes in movement distance, a second for play but to win the game. The primary goal of
changes in movement speed, a third for changes in playing is augmented by a secondary goal of win-
limb load, and so on for each permutation and ning, and not all strategies may be compatible
combination, ad infmitum? How might we com- with both. (Clearly one cannot win if one does not
bine rules when more than one feature of the play and one cannot move in 500 ms if one does
planned movement changes? We have sum- not move at all.) However, the notion of primary
marized this issue in a recent article (Gottlieb et and secondary goals is arbitrary, and to some what
al., 1989a). The notion of characterizing the con- we might define as secondary from a kinematic
trol signal for fast movements as a pulse would perspective might actually be the primary or even
have a compelling simplicity if we were able to the sole goal from another perspective (e.g. the
provide a rational and small set of rules for "winning is The Qnlx Thing" philosophy at-
specifying its parameters in terms of the physical tributed to V. Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers
task to be performed. These would be the kinds of (1964». In such circumstances the coach retains
"rules of thumb" about which we ruminated at the the powers of choice, only now the consequences
beginning of this article. include winning or losing. To say that the coach
must "first establish the ground game and then go
14.2 Strategies of Movement to the pass, there is no choice" is a figure of
The argument we shall develop is that rules for speech, not a statement of fact. As many who
movement can be usefully formulated in terms of have lost games might attest, a wrong choice after
signals that drive motoneuron pools. However, the fact was no less a choice before it! Returning
this signal is not directly observable so we must to the more banal task of moving between two
238 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

pOSItIOnS in a specified interval, the choice of tion of the excitation pulse while others are
movement strategy remains. One strategy may accomplished by pulse height modulation, A pat-
fail to reach the final position in a timely manner, tern of simultaneous modulation of both
but it is the problem of the mover, as it is the parameters, while in no way excluded from con-
problem of the coach, to choose the right strategy sideration, is unnecessary to describe any of the
to accomplish all aspects of the task. The pos- movements we will discuss here (cf. Gottlieb et
sibility of error (like the possibility of "sin") is the al., 1989a, for further discussion of this point.)
basis for the existence of a meaningful choice. Because only two distinguishable patterns of con-
What we intend to show is that certain classes trol are needed for the movements we have
of tasks are accomplished by pulse width modula- examined, we will refer to this as a "dual strategy"

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385 Time (ms) 750


;, / 1I "\' \ \
: ('I " \'
: ~ \
:, I
, .,..-....------
"- ------ _. \_,~.\,~=----~

4000 4000

.4000 -4000

Figure 14.1: Angle, velocity and acceleration for two Changes in speed resulted from changes in the inertial
groups of four movements, performed at different load moved by a subject who was trying to move
speeds. a) Changes in speed were induced by four dif- quickly but accurately to a target (from Figure 3 of
ferent instructions to the subject that affected speed Gottlieb et al., 1989b). The traces are all averages of
(redrawn from Figure 4 of Gottlieb et al .. 1990). b) 10 movements. Reproduced with permission.
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 239

14.3 Some Illustrative Examples the moment of inertia and the joint acceleration,
Figure 14.1 shows two sets of 72° flexion move- both of which were measured and the rectified,
ments. They were all made in the horizontal plane smoothed EMGs from a principal agonist and an-
to a 9° target window. A video monitor provided tagonist. Among the features that differ between
continuous visual feedback of joint angle to the the two data sets, we suggest that the onsets of the
subject. inertial torque and of the EMG bursts are most in-
These two sets of movements look kinemati- formative. On the left, the steepest rise of torque
cally quite similar but are kinetically quite and EMG occurs for the shortest movement time
different. In Figure 14.2 we show the inertial joint while on the right, the rising phases of those vari-
torques generated by the muscles (the product of ables are independent of movement time.

60 f-

,- ..-
·30 r
- 60 I I I I I I I I

Time (ms) 750


·· .,
," ,

'"a. ···· ,,., (/)


(.) a.
cD Q)

.:'J '~". (D
:1 r''''\,, "\. .
.: ' V""\~ ..............


, .......... ,. \,.,....:'-
. ~~ - 0



' '::::

Figure 14.2: Inertial torque and rectified and tional changes in movement speed (from Figure 4 of
smoothed EMGs from the principal agonist (biceps) Gottlieb et al., 1990). b) These measures increase with
and antagonist (Lat. Triceps) muscles for the move- falling speeds that are consequent to added inertial
ments shown in Figure 14.1. a) Peak inertial torque loading (from Figure 3 of Gottlieb et al., 1989b).
and the area of the EMG bursts increase with inten- Reproduced with permission.
240 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Motoneuron Pool Muscle


~ -.. Tension

£ JL=
Contractile Mechanism
Ex citation ~

Figure 14.3: A block diagram of the signal processing

stages between the excItatlon pulse and the observable
variables. The two left blocks represent the effects of
L Tissue Filter

the motoneuron pool which transforms the graded

potentials produced by synaptic excitation into trains of There are several implications of this model.
propagating action potentials. The limiter represents The rectangular shape of the motoneuron excita-
the bounds imposed by the number of motoneurons tion pulse allows only two controllable parameters
and their maximum firing frequencies. The two right for the agonist muscle, pulse width and pulse
blocks incorporate different aspects of muscle. The up-
height. For the antagonist iliere are three, its
per block embodies the dynamics of excitation, height and width and also its latency wiili respect
contraction and coupling mechanisms. The lower to the agonist onset. The low-pass filtering causes
block represents the passive electrical properties of the
differences in excitation pulse height to be observ-
tissue that affect the measurement of the EMG. able only as differences in the derivatives of ilie
measured variables. This is demonstrated in
The origin of these differences is to be found in
Figure 14.4, which shows ilie effects of low-pass
the nature of the movement task. The four sets of
filtering on pulses iliat are modulated eiilier in
movements on the left were performed with four
height (left) or width (right). This model realizes
different instructions to the subject, each designed
many of the significant properties of EMG modula-
to affect movement speed (Gottlieb et aI., 1990).
tion. Greater verisimilitude would require a more
The four sets of movements on the right were each
complex model and a more complex input
performed with a different inertial load on the
waveform. This very simple model is adequate
limb (Gottlieb et al., 1989b).
for the issues of concern here.
Such an operational distinction between be-
haviors offers little insight into why the difference
exists. To look more deeply into this question, we
have proposed a simple model for the relation be-
tween the signal that excites the motoneuron pool
and the resulting EMGs and muscle forces. This
model is illustrated for a single muscle in Figure
14.3. Its salient features are:
1. Motoneuron excitation (which is
unmeasurable) can be characterized as a rec-
tangular pulse. It generates trains of action Figure 14.4: Simulated envelopes of EMG waveforms
potentials, modulated in frequency and in resulting from low-pass filtering of excitation pulses
number of motor units. Both are proportional that are modulated either in amplitude (a) or duration
to the amplitude or intensity of the pulse. This (b). The simulation represents 500 ms and the filters
signal is also, for most practical purposes, un- (see Figure 3) are 1/(s+20) and 1/(~ + l00s + 2500).
In a), the pulse has a duration of 100 ms and varies in
amplitude from .5 to 2 in equal steps. In b), the
2. The signals from the motoneurons are low-pass amplitude is fixed at 1 and the duration varies from 50-
filtered by two physically separate processes 125 ms in equal steps. The limiter element in Figure 3
to produce the measurable variables, tension has not been included in this simulation.
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 241

To apply this model to movement, we must

have explicit rules for all five parameters. In order Table 14.1
to account for data such as illustrated in Figures
Muscle Modulation SS strategy SI strategy
14.1 and 14.2, we have proposed the need for two
sets of rules or strategies which we call "speed-
sensitive" (SS) and "speed-insensitive" (S/) Agonist Pulse height + 0
(Gottlieb et al., 1989a). The rules for the five Pulse width 0 +
parameters are summarized in Table 14.1. The '+' Antagonist Pulse height + 0
symbols indicate a significant positive correlation Pulse width 0 +
between the parameter and the kinematic variable Latency +
the subject is trying to control. A '-' indicates a
significant negative correlation, and a zero means
the parameter remains essentially invariant. This U sing these rules allows us to simulate a
makes it clear that the SS strategy is one of pulse single-joint contraction. There are two identical
height modulation and the SI strategy is one of and opposed muscles, each represented by a sys-
pulse width modulation. Note that both tem such as Figure 14.3. The antagonist pulse is
parameters will directly increase or decrease the delayed relative to that of the agonist. The net
total amount of muscle excitation in a similar man- joint torque is the difference between the two
ner. Note too that the latency of the antagonist muscles. We illustrate this in Figure 14.5, show-
reverses its relationship to the amount of muscle ing the simulated agonist and antagonist EMGs
activation across the two strategies.

Simulation with SS Rules Simulation with 51 Rules

Agonist EMG

Antagonist EMG


Figure 14.5: Simulation of agonist and antagonist of the antagonist decreases as the amplitude of excita-
EMG's and net joint Torques under the rules for each tion increases. b) SI rules apply. Excitation pulses are
of the two strategies. a) SS rules apply. The excitation of equal amplitude but differ in duration. The latency
pulses to both muscles are equal in amplitude and the of the antagonist increases with pulse duration.
four traces differ in the pulse amplitude. The latency
242 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

and the net torque under the rules for each of the
two strategies. This is a highly simplified model,
neglecting all the nonlinearities of muscle activa-
tion, contraction, and shortening dynamics which
are described elsewhere in this book.
Nevertheless, the results given SS rules (Figure
14.5a) and Sf rules (Figure 14.5b) demonstrate
many of the distinguishing features of the two
modes of behavior.
We can apply this model to our interpretation
of Figure 14.2. The left side of Figure 14.2, where
EMG and torque slopes diverge from the onset of
contraction, is consistent with pulse height
modulation and antagonist latencies that decrease
with increasing peak tension, or an SS strategy.
The right side of the figure, where EMG and
torque slopes are initially the same, is consistent
with constant height pulses of varying duration (or
pulse width modulation) and antagonist latencies
that increase with peak tension or an Sf strategy.
14.4 How Different Is "Different" and
How Similar Is "Similar"?
The experimental distinction between the two
strategies rests upon the assertion that for an SI
strategy, measured variables (initial EMGs and
joint torques) are similar for a period of time that
depends upon the independently manipulated task
variable. After this interval, they diverge and be-
come different. In using an SS strategy to control
movement speed as a task variable, the measured
variables diverge from the outset of the contrac-
In our earlier studies, we have used the agonist Figure 14.6. Integrated agonist EMG for movements
EMG, integrated over the first 30 ms after its onset
of four different distances, performed under four dif-
ferent instructions to the subject affecting movement
(Q30)' to distinguish between strategies (see
speed. At the left, the integration was performed over
Appendix 1 of Gottlieb et al., 1989b). In the Sf the first 30 ms of the agonist burst while at the right, it
strategy, Q30 is constant and independent of the was performed over the whole burst, using the period
task variable, while in the SS strategy it is propor- of acceleration towards the target to defme this inter-
tional to it. This distinction can be seen in Figure val.
14.6. We have plotted Q30 for four different dis-
tances of movement under four sets of instructions The way in which strategy affects the
regarding speed (Gottlieb et al., 1990) on the left similarities or differences in torque has previously
(14.6A) and the total integration of the agonist been left to the eye of the observer to discern. To
burst (Qacc) on the right (14.6B). Since speed in- provide a more objective method, we have per-
creases monotonically on both of the base axes, formed the following analysis. The data plots in
the graphs show that when distance varies, Q30 is Figure 14.2 show inertial torques four sets of
insensitive to speed but when instruction varies it movements, to the same target with the same load,
is proportional. This is distinctly different from performed at four different "chosen" speeds. For
Qacc which always scales with speed if the load is these four sets we have performed a one way
unchanged. repeated measures ANOVA on the inertial torque,
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 243

45 .,,-------- 30
! E
I .,-- --- --- --- ------------- ~
II ~
~'~------------- -- ~



-30 I 1S
~~~~~~-r~OT-."-,,,rT, - 30 L,....-.--,.......-...,.......,.--r-..-r--r-r-r..,.,...-..-.-,-,..

/.,", \
/ ~\
.11-\ ", \
\ Q)
\ " iii
l "
1 '. \
\\ "\
, ' '\,\
-1 5 t::;::~-:=
.-;:=- ..-).~.'..~.;- ~-~.-~-~~~
. -.;:



roQ) V>


Figure 14.7: Movements of four distances with in-

struction to be as fast, but accurate, as possible. Each
trace is the average of 10 movements. The data are
redrawn from Figure 1 of Gottlieb, et aI., 1990a.
Reproduced with permission.
244 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

measured every 4 ms, to detenmne when the sets 14.5 The Basis For Choosing Strategies
become separable. Figure 14.7 shows for four sets
We are now able to address the issue of what
of movements of four different distances with the
elements of a movement task lead to the choice of
same load and instruction influencing the choice
one strategy over another. Some are physical con-
of speed. Note that this is not the "same speed"
straints. For example, movements performed too
since subjects cannot perform such a task under
quickly or too slowly require that the mover cor-
most conditions, when asked to move different dis-
rect the joint torques in order to achieve a proper
tances. They always vary speed in proportion to
rate of acceleration. This is a condition in which
distance, although that is not their conscious intent
the mover is concerned with the speed of move-
(as opposed to the experiment in Figure 14.2) and
ment (e.g., Figures 14.1a and 14.2a), or
they may not even be aware of the change in speed
equivalently, the movement time, and therefore
(Gottlieb et al., 1990).
adopts an SS strategy. The strategy is required by
Figure 14.8 shows the F and p values as a func-
the dynamical laws of Newtonian mechanics that
tion of time after the onset of inertial torque for
specify the application of (larger or smalle~) forc~s
each of the two cases that result from this analysis.
to obtain the desired (faster or slower) kinematIC
The thin solid line for the SI strategy (Figure 14.7)
properties. Note that the choice is imposed, not by
represents the F value and the thin dashed line the
the movement itself (Le., from point A to point B)
probability p that the four torque trajectories for
but by the added constraint that it be performed at
movements of different distances are not sig-
some desired speed.
nificantly different. It is only after over 60 ms that
Similar constraints are imposed by changing
the probability falls below 0.5 and almost 80 ms
target size and emphasizing movement accuracy.
before it is below .05. We interpret this as
Fitts' Law (Fitts, 1954) describes a reduction in
evidence that it is at least 80 ms before there is a
speed for smaller targets, a speed-accuracy trade-
statistically significant probability (at the .05
off. This control of speed is implicit in that it is
level) that the four acceleration trajectories in
not part of the instructions given to the subjects,
Figure 14.7 are different.
nor is it necessarily part of the subjects' conscious
The thick lines for the SS strategy show that the
understanding of how to correctly perform the
probability that the four accelerations under dif-
task. Nevertheless, the change in speed emerges
ferent instructions are not different is vanishingly
as a way of controlling accuracy, and this change
small from the first moments.
is accomplished by the same control strategy that
is used to intentionally alter speed (Corcos et al.,

When subjects alter movement distance, they
also alter movement speed (Corcos et al., 1988;
' 0 08
Milner, 1986). How is this different? It is impor-
tant to note that although there are dynamical
30 •
reasons for why the SS strategy should exist, the
existence of the SI strategy and the uniformity of
"- 20 o. ~
initial torques and EMGs seems entirely
gratuitous. There is no obvious reason why

.: ,LSP_E:/..~:_,~_E_HS_I_Tl_"_'0_~=60=:::""-:8:=0: '-_~";' diverging signals should not be seen in both cases,

other than that this appears to be the choice made
by the motor controller. There is nothing prevent-
TIME (ms) ing the torques from being modulated for
controlling distance in almost exactly the same
manner that they are for controlling speed. There
Figure 14.8: The graph plots the results of a one way
repeated measures ANOVA (F and p values) for the in- would have to be a change in the timing of the an-
ertial torques from two sets of four movements tagonist but that would not prevent the initial
illustrated on the left side of Figures 14.1 and 14.2 and profiles of acceleration (and EMG) from resem-
in Figure 14.7. bling those of SS strategy controlled movements.
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 245

That this is not the case is clear from Figures 14.7 al.)]. These properties are entirely consistent with
and 14.8. Instead, we observe uniform profIles the two strategies we have described for force
that diverge much later in the trajectory. This be- modulation. If we model the peripheral system as
havior is consistent with our model for the Sf a controllable spring producing a force F at a
strategy where uniform excitation is modulated in length I:
duration. Higher speeds are reached because ac-
F= k (/- ')..) (14.1)
celeration is more prolonged rather than more
steeply rising. Movement of different inertial
with a stiffness k and an equilibrium length ').., then
loads (Figures and 14.2b) is controlled in
we can obtain the desired forces by modulating
the same manner.
either k or').. according to the chosen strategy.
Since people usually make individually dif-
This property of the peripheral motor system
ferent movements, rather than repeat 10 or 20
provides an alternative conceptual approach, based
similar movements at a time, how do these notions
on spring-like muscle properties (Feldman, 1974;
of strategy apply? To make one unique move-
Bizzi et al., 1976) or, in the Sherringtonian tradi-
ment, a person may make it slowly enough to
tion, on parameterization of muscle reflexes
allow continuous correction of the trajectory using
(Berkinblit et al., 1986). The A-model of the
visual and proprioceptive feedback. This is not
equilibrium-point hypothesis, for example, treats
the kind of movement, however, that we are con-
the mechanism of limb control as modulating one
sidering. To make a movement that is too fast for
parameter per muscle, identifying this parameter
continuous correction, a person makes a prediction
with the threshold of the muscle length-sensitive
of the kinematic consequences of their motor com-
reflex [Feldman, 1986; Chapter 12 (Feldman et
mands and executes their best guess. In most
al.)]. In either case, central control can be
cases, this is good enough. If it is not, they either
described in terms of changing compliant charac-
can try again or suffer the consequences of their
teristics of the peripheral apparatus, and the
error. If they do try again, however, they will use
observable performance will depend on both
one strategy or the other to improve. If the move-
central control signals and external conditions of
ment falls short, they will prolong muscle
movement execution. In this framework, the EMG
activation and delay the antagonist. If they are too
patterns are determined by two equally important
slow, they will intensify muscle activation and
factors: the central command and reflex feedback.
recruit the antagonist earlier. If they erred in both
One way to reconcile these views with the
regards, they will superimpose the strategies,
dual-strategy hypothesis is to presume that the
prolonging and intensifying their muscle excita-
higher centers predict afferent contribution and ad-
tion and compromising on antagonist latency.
just the central commands to make the input to the
14.6 Equilibrium-Point Hypothesis a-motoneuron pools a rectangular excitation pulse
The development of our ideas has to this point (Figure 14.9, C2). This of course depends upon the
been framed in terms of how the nervous system ability of the higher centers to predict the shape of
generates neural "programs" to produce muscle the afferent signal and generate an appropriately
forces that lead to movement. This approach modified central command. If the movements are
omits all consideration of afferent contributions practiced, then this prediction can be firmly based
from muscle and joint receptors that undoubtedly on prior experience. If the movement is novel,
play a part in this process. It treats all the then it may err because of the failure of the central
peripheral elements, the muscles and their as- controller to properly anticipate the pattern of af-
sociated reflexes, as if they were a force generator ferent activity. However, since rapid novel
under the absolute control of descending signals movements are often not accurate, this does not
from higher centers. seem to be a fundamental objection. This ap-
However, the peripheral neuromuscular system proach means abandoning the assumption of a
is not a length-independent force generator. Its rectangular excitation pulse as a central command
spring-like and viscous properties have long been to the a-ffiotoneurons (see the "input signal" to the
recognized [reviewed in Chapter 11 (Winters and point of summation in C2, Figure 14.9). However,
Hogan), elaborated in Chapter 12 (Feldman et it does not mean rejection of the dual-strategy
246 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

based on such afferent contributions must be fur-

ther developed, however, to account for the

similarities in the EMG patterns that exist between
free movements and those that are unexpectedly
• blocked (Wadman et al., 1979).
Thus, the equilibrium-point approach changes
descending muscle the site at which strategy based differences are
command excitation implemented to a higher level in the motor control

6[J D
hierarchy than the motoneuron pool without
C2 • changing the dual-strategy principle. In this
frameworlc, the speed-insensitive strategy is as-
sociated wIth a shift in)" at a constant rate c.o for
different intervals (corre~nding to our different

pulse widths) while the speed-sensitive strategy is
associated with changing)., at different c.o
(corresponding to different p~se heights). The
rules for choosing one strategy or the other do not
return differ from those described earlier.
Figure 14.9: The pattern of muscle excitation will be During the frrst several tens of milliseconds,
influenced by a summation of descending and afferent this approach is indistinguishable from the as-
signals at various levels of the central nervous system. sumption of a rectangular excitation pulse since
According to the equilibrium·point hypothesis (Cl), a reflex loops need time to start affecting the EMGs.
central command in a "simple" (rectangular, in Cl) However, for the later events, including the an-
feedback·independent form is summed with the af· tagonist burst, the predictions of the equilibrium
ferent feedback signals and form a non·rectangular point approach differ from those derived from as-
excitation pulse. If higher centers are able to predict suming a rectangular excitation pulse. For
the afferent pattern (C2), then they can achieve any ar· example, the equilibrium-point approach leads to a
bitrary pattern of muscle excitation, including a
possibly of non-monotonic changes in the an-
rectangular one, by taking that afferent pattern into ac·
count in the generation of the descending command. tagonist EMG amplitude with movement
Since afferent inputs reflecting peripheral events conse- amplitude under the S] strategy (Latash, 1989).
quent to descending commands must be delayed by 14.7 "Optimal" Strategies
neuronal conduction times and peripherill system A number of studies have investigated the op-
dynamics, the initiation of changes in muscle excita-
timality of simple movements according to various
tion, in both cases C] and C2, should reflect the
criteria. Hogan (1984) analyzed the problem of
descending rather than the afferent component The
point of summation is tentatively considered to be at generating the smoothest trajectory using the fol-
the motoneuronallevel. lowing criterion.

The equilibrium-point hypothesis can be ex- (14.2)

tended [Abdusamatov and Feldman, 1986;
Adarnovich and Feldman, 1989; Chapter 12
The goal was to calculate the trajectory (,(t» for a
(Feldman et al.)] to produce the EMG patterns of
movement of specified duration T and distance D
either strategy by assuming simple standardized
that would minimize J, the squared third deriva-
changes in )., for the agonist and antagonist
tive of , ("jerk"), integrated over T. A similar
muscles ().,ag and ).,ant) and taking into account the
type of analysis was performed by Hasan (1986)
contribution of the afferent reflex loops (Latash,
using a different measure of performance, given
1989). One can assume that the deficiencies of a
rectangular model on muscle excitation arise from

Jo k [d).,]2
the fact that the actual muscle excitation is in fact
a more complex waveform, and reflects, in part, J= - dt (14.3)
afferent contributions (Cl in Figure 14.9). Models
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 247

The parameters k and A. are the same as in Eq. 14.1.

This equation is treated as a measure of "effort" (14.5)
that the subject is presumed to minimize.
Since "strategies" are rules used by the nervous
Hogan's optimal values for Kv and Ka are 1.88 and
system to control the muscles, then certainly Eq.
5.77 respectively while Hasan's are 1.97 and 6.14.
14.2 and Eq. 14.3 qualify as implying specific Figure 14.10 plots data from movements over four
strategies. There exist specific torques that must distances and with four different instructions con-
be generated by the muscles to produce those op-
cerning speed (see Figure 14.1 as well as Figures 1
timal trajectories and these require specific
and 4 from (Gottlieb et al., 1990). The solid lines
(although not unique) patterns of muscle activa-
are Eq. 14.4 and 14.5 for the two sets of optimal
tion. What is the relation between these optimal
coefficients. The dashed lines are the linear
strategies and the simpler S1 and SS strategies
regression curves which give estimates of Kv and
described above which deal only in pulse width
K as 1.73 and 7.28.
and pulse amplitude modulation?
a Since Figure 14.10 includes data from move-
It must be emphasized that these methods re-
ments that encompass both strategies, we conclude
quire the a priori specification of movement time T
that S1 and SS strategies both result in trajectories
before an optimal solution can be calculated.
such that parameters of movement like peak
Given that time, each of these optimal criteria
velocity or peak acceleration do not distinguish
predicts a trajectory that is symmetric and can be
them from either of these optimal control
characterized, in part, by two invariant relations.
strategies which minimize jerk or effort.
These are:
However, the actual trajectories are not perfectly

(~:J .... =K-

symmetrical (Nagasaki, 1989), a fact that is

500 + 200

+ PA"(MT'2) = ·55.8 + 7.28 0 R=.976

N 400
Q) --5.77*0 160
E "U
f= --6.12"0 III
300 <
Q) 0
> 120 0
0 ~

c:: 200 ~
~ ro
Q; x 80 3
0 ~
« 100
0 -i
.>t. 3
Q) X PV"MT = -0.95 + 1.730 R = .987
0 --1.88"0

-100 L---~--~--~--~--~--~--~o
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Target Distance

Figure 14.10: Plots based on Eq. 14.4 (x) and 14.5 (+) predicted relations for a minimum jerlc trajectory (Eq.
for experimental data for movements of different dis- 14.2). The thick lines are for a minimum "effort"
tances and different speeds. The thin lines are the trajectory (Eq. 14.3)
248 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

problematic for the optimal control laws. This 10,000

still leaves open the question of how a single op-
timal strategy, be it based on Eq. 14.2 or Eq. 14.3,
can be consistent with our requirement of two -- "
strategies, depending on the task. u
Consider Hogan's minimum jerk trajectory for
moving a distance D in a time T. '~


From this we can calculate the initial jerk as the

third derivative of Eq. 14.6 at t = O.
d 3 q, 60 D 10 20 30 • 0 ~o 60 10 80
dt 3 :>: ~; t«T (14.7)
Targel IMlance

The SS strategy predicts that the initial jerk will

be proportional to D for movements of constant Figure 14.11: A plot of Dlr for movements of dif-
time and inversely proportional to speed for move- ferent distances. The different symbols correspond to
ments of constant distance. This prediction is different instructions to the subiect concerning speed.
obviously satisfied by Eq. 14.7. The Sf strategy
predicts that the initial jerk is insensitive to the dis- However, optimal strategies offer no guidance
tance moved. This implies from Eq. 14.7 that for a as to how to choose movement time. Instead of
minimum jerk trajectory, Dlr must be constant for choosing movement time a priori, one could leave
movements of different distances. it free to find the absolute minimum jerk or effort
In Figure 14.11 we have plotted this quantity and the movement time at which it occurs. The
for the same set of movements used above for solution to this problem is trivial. Zero effort and
Figure 14.10 and find that jerk increases for dif- jerk (the absolute minimum of a non-negative
ferent instructions that affect speed (different function) will be achieved by applying zero force
symbols). Furthermore, for a single instruction (or constant A. for Eq. 14.3) so that all the deriva-
and movements of different distances, T (which tives of angle are zero. This solution is
was not specified by the conditions of the task) unsatisfactory because movement time is infmite.
varied with distance ;Tl such a way as to keep Eq. Alternatively, one could use a criterion that sums
14.7 relatively constant. The significance of this is jerk or effort with a monotonically increasing
not yet entirely clear however since for trajectories function of movement time. Such an approach
such as those in Figure 14.7, although the quantity does not offer any significant advantages over the
DIf1 remains constant for different distances, it is a priori selection of movement time since it merely
not proportional to the initial jerk and Eq. 14.7 is substitutes one arbitrary choice (of movement
not satisfied. time) with another, equally arbitrary choice (of the
Optimal strategies of the type we are consider- weighting function of movement time).
ing describe trajectories that minimize their The issue addressed by our dual strategy
respective performance criteria for movements of hypothesis, as it describes the kinetics and
a specified duration. They require that people kinematics of movements, bears on how move-
"choose" movement time and then apply the op- ment time might be chosen. The SS strategy
timal control law to calculate muscle activation emerges when movement times are chosen accord-
commands. This a priori choosing of movement ing to external criteria such as remaining constant
time is no more unreasonable than our earlier as- for different distances or changing for movements
sumption of an a priori choice of the level of effort of the same distance. The Sf strategy emerges in
(intensity of the excitation pulse). the way that movement time is chosen to move
different distances or inertial loads.
14. Gottlieb et al.; Principles Underlying Movement Strategies 249

The dual strategy hypothesis also describes Acknowledgments

how the activation patterns of the motoneuron We thank: Mr. Om Paul for programming sup-
pools can be chosen to achieve the observed port and Mr. K. Lee for assistance in performing
kinematics, in terms of pulse width or pulse height these experiments. This work was supported, in
modulation of the excitation pulses. This aspect
part, by NllI Grants NS 23593 and AR 33189.
of the hypothesis is possibly incompatible with op-
timal rules of movement, but that is not yet References
determinable. It depends upon what rules for ac- Abdusamatov, R. M. and Feldman, A. G. (1986).
tivating the motoneuron pools arise from dynamic Description of the electromyograms with the aid of
optimization and how they compare with EMG a mathematical model for single joint movements.
data and the predictions of our pulse modulation Biojizika 31: 503-505 (Translation 549-552).
Adamovich, S. V. and Feldman, A. G. (1989). The pre-
model. [Some predictions of dynamic optimiza-
requisites for one-joint motor control theories. Beh.
tion are provided in Chapter 19 (Winters and Seif- Brain Sci. 12: 210-211.
Naraghi)]. It further remains to be determined Berkinblit, M. B., Feldman, A. G. and Fukson, O. I.
whether the predictions of dynamic optimization (1986). Adaptability of innate motor patterns and
will be sufficiently different from the pulse motor control mechanisms. Beh.Brain Sci. 9: 585-
modulation model that various hypotheses can be 638.
distinguished from experimental data. Until that Bizzi, E., Polit, A. and Morasso, P. (1976).
time, we conclude that optimal control laws and Mechanisms underlying achievement of final head
dual strategy rules of thumb are complementary position. J. Neurophysiol. 39: 434-444.
principles that describe different aspects of the Corcos, D. M., Gottlieb, G. L. and Agarwal, G. C.
motor control problem. (1988). Accuracy constraints on rapid elbow move-
ment. J. Motor Behall. 20: 255-272.
14.8 Summary Corcos, D. M., Gottlieb, G. L. and Agarwal, G. C.
We have reviewed the data that support the (1989). Organizing principles for single joint move-
hypothesis that single-joint voluntary elbow move- ments: 11 - A speed-sensitive strategy. J.
ments may be usefully segregated into two classes. Neurophysiol. 62: 358-368.
One class is performed under conditions which Feldman, A. G. (1974). Control of the length of a
muscle. Biophysics 19: 766-771.
constrain movement speed. These conditions
Feldman, A. G. (1986). Once more on the equilibrium-
either are explicitly recognized by the mover or
point hypothesis (~ model) for motor control. J Mot
are implicit in what is called the speed-accuracy Beh. 18: 17-54.
trade-off. This class of movements in controlled Fitts, P. M. (1954). The infonnation capacity of the
by a speed-sensitive strategy for modulating the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of
intensity of motoneuron excitation. The other movement. J. Exp. Psy. 47: 381-391.
class of movements is performed without con- Freund, H. and Budingen, H. I. (1978). The relation-
straints on movement speed. These are governed ship between speed and amplitude of the fastest
by a speed-insensitive strategy that uses a uniform voluntary contractions of human ann muscles. Exp.
intensity of motoneuron excitation, in spite of dis- Brain Res. 31: 1-14.
tance and load dependent changes in movement Ghez, C. 1979. Contributions of central programs to
rapid limb movment in the cat. In: Integration in the
speed. The accommodation to different distance
nervous system (edited by H. Asanuma and V.
and load conditions is achieved by this strategy by
Wilson) pp. 305-319. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin.
varying the duration of motoneuron excitation. Gottlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M. and Agarwal, G. C.
We have discussed this hypothesis in the con- (1989a). Strategies for the control of single
text of two other classes of movement theories: the mechanical degree of freedom voluntary move-
equilibrium point model and the optimal control ments. Beh. Brain Sci. 12(2): 189-210.
model. We conclude that within the precision of Gottlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M. and Agarwal, G. C.
the available data. the notion of dual strategies and (1989b). Organizing principles for single joint
its kinematic and myoelectrical manifestations are movements: I - A speed-insensitive strategy. J.
entirely compatible with both models. Neurophysiol. 62(2): 342-357.
The dual strategy hypothesis draws a distinc- Gottlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M., Agarwal, G. C. and
Latash, L. M. (1990). Organizing principles for
tion between classes of movements that needs to
single joint movements: 111 - The speed-insensitive
be recognized and incorporated in higher level
strategy as default. J. Neurophysiol. 63:625-636.
theories of motor control.
250 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Hasan, Z. (1986). Optimized movement trajectories Wacholder, K. and Altenburger, H. (1926). Beitrage
and joint stiffness in unperturbed, inertially loaded zur physiologie der willkurlichen bewegung. X.
movements. Bioi. Cybernetics 53: 373-382. Einzelbewegungen. Pfl. Arch. Ges. Physiol. 214:
Hogan, N. (1984). An organizing principal for a class 642-661.
of voluntary movements. J. Neurosci. 11: 2745- Wadman, W. J., Denier van der Gon, J. J., Geuze, R.
2754. H. and Mol, C. R. (1979). Control of fast goal-
Latash, M. L. (1989). Dynamic regulation of single- directed ann movements. J. Human Move. Studies
joint voluntary movements. Unpublished Ph.D. 5: 3-17.
Dissertation, Rush University, Chicago. Wallace, S. A. (1981). An impulse-timing theory for
Milner, T. E. (1986). Controlling velocity in rapid reciprocal control of muscular activity in rapid, dis-
movements. J. Mot. Beh. 18: 147-161. crete movements. J. Mot. Beh. 13: 144-1160.
Nagasaki, H. (1989). Asymmetric velocity and ac- Waters, P. and Strick, P. L. (1981). Influence of
celeration profiles of human ann movements. Exp. 'strategy' on muscle activity during ballistic move-
Brain Res. 74: 319-326. ments. Brain Res. 207: 189-194.
Nelson, W. L. (1983). Physical principles for
economies of skilled movements. Bioi. Cyber. 46:

Organizing Principles Underlying Motor Skill Acquisition

Daniel M. Corcos, Gerald L. Gottlieb,

Slobodan Jaric, Ronita L. Cromwell, and Gyan C. Agarwal

15.1 Introduction some predictions for the rules that underlie perfor-
mance improvement. We will then present data to
A review of the literature on motor behavior show how the Dual Strategy hypothesis can be
suggests that there have been few attempts to un- used to interpret changes in motor performance
derstand motor learning and motor control from a resulting from prior experience in performing
common theoretical perspective. Both fields of movement tasks. We will consider changes that
study have a long history of research but with little arise from adaptation in typical and highly skilled
overlap. This is unfortunate since the develop- individuals as well as learning and transfer.
ment of knowledge in each field must ultimately 15.2 Assessment of Pertinent Literature
depend on the development of knowledge in the In this section, we will first review the Dual
other. For example, many experimental results in Strategy hypothesis of motor control, then con-
the motor control literature are potentially con- sider the processes of adaptation and learning and
founded by the prior history of experimental conclude with some predictions for learning that
subjects and the degree of learning that took place can be derived from the Dual Strategy hypothesis.
before and during data collection. Experimental
paradigms requiring subjects "not to intervene" 15.2.1 Dual Strategy Hypothesis
(Asatryan and Feldman, 1965; Gottlieb and Individuals can genemte movements over dif-
Agarwal, 1988) usually require considerable sub- ferent distances, against different types of load and
ject practice and are seldom possible in untrained at different speeds. This wide repertoire of move-
subjects. Observations such as the triphasic EMG ments raises the question whether these
pattern (Angel, 1974; Hannaford and Stark, 1985) movements are all controlled in the same manner,
are contingent on movement speed that is in tum controlled in different manners or whether certain
affected by the skill of the subject at performing classes of movement tasks are controlled by one
the particular task. Similarly, an understanding of set of rules and other classes by other rules. We
the principles that underlie the control and regula- have shown that when a single joint movement
tion of movement will give insight into how task is to move different distances to a constant
movement skills are acquired and how control size target and movement time is not constrained,
principles change as a function of learning. subjects adopt a "speed-insensitive" (Sf) strategy
This chapter will briefly summarize the Dual (Gottlieb et al., 1989a). The term insensitive is
Strategy hypothesis of motor control that was used because this task can be performed
presented in Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.). It will "correctly" at a wide variety of speeds. This task
then discuss some of the findings on motor learn- can be contrasted with one in which a person is
ing that can be found in the literature. Once this told to move "accurately" and to targets of dif-
framework has been established, we will generate ferent sizes. In most situations, subjects do not

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
252 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

move at their fastest possible speed since this Kinematic rules: The slope of the initial rise in
leads to inaccurate performance (Fitts, 1954; Fitts muscle force (or joint torque) will scale with the
and Peterson, 1964). Instead they exert control intensity of the excitation pulse. For constant iner-
over movement speed by slowing their movements tial loads, this implies that acceleration will be
in order to meet the accuracy requirements of the proportional to intensity (Gottlieb et al., 1989b, p.
task. This movement strategy has been termed 196).
"speed-sensitive" (SS) (Corcos et al., 1989b). The These rules state that the control of movement
same strategy is employed when individuals inten- can be characterized by pulse height or pulse
tionally move at a specific speed. width modulation of a hypothetical excitation
We have used the term strategies to refer to a pulse that is determined by task demands.
set of rules for the control of movement, of which 15.2.2 Kinematic and Myoelectric Patterns of
we have described two (Gottlieb et al., 1989b).
The rules refer to how the parameters of muscle
In the study of time-dependent changes in
excitation are modulated and how EMGs and
motor performance, it is important to distinguish
kinematics vary as a consequence of this modula-
changes that are relatively permanent from those
tion. Motoneuron excitation refers to the total
that are temporary. Enhanced performance that
excitatory input that arrives at the motoneuron
occurs in the course of one experimental session
pool from all sources and, for the movements we
has been termed adaptive to connote changes in
are considering, will be assumed to be a rectan-
behavior that are determined by practice but are
gular pulse of controllable height or width (see
not retained beyond the experimental session
Chapter 14 for a detailed explanation of the
(Brooks and Watts, 1988; Ito, 1976, 1984). Motor
relationship of excitation to EMGs and
learning, on the other hand, can be deftned as "a
set of processes associated with practice or ex-
Rules for the Speed-Insensitive Strategy: perience leading to relatively permanent changes
SI rule for the excitation pulse: Intensity is con- in skilled behavior" (adapted from Schmidt, 1988,
stant and duration is modulated. p. 346). This distinction allows that there might
SI rule for the EMG: The initial pattern of be a difference in the processes that underlie adap-
motoneuron pool discharge is independent of the tation and learning, a point we will consider in
magnitude of the task variable. This generates Section 15.4.3.
EMGs which rise at the same rate, irrespective of Several theories of motor learning have been
changes in distance or load. Changes in the task proposed (Adams, 1971; Pew, 1966; Schmidt,
affect the area and duration of the EMG burst. 1975, 1988), but none are directly related to motor
SI rule for kinematics: Because initial control models and mechanisms. Consequently, it
motoneuron pool activation is insensitive to the is very difftcult to draw conclusions from studies
magnitude of the task variable, initial muscle force in the motor learning literature that have used
rise is also unaffected. For constant inertial loads, myoelectric and kinematic variables. For ex-
this is reflected in constant initial rates of accelera- ample, increased muscle activation is one
tion. For different inertial loads, acceleration mechanism to enhance movement speed and in-
scales inversely with load. crease EMG activity (McGrain, 1980;
Rules for the Speed-Sensitive Strategy: Schmidtbleicher et al., 1988). However, unprac-
SS rule for the excitation pulse: Intensity is ticed movements are often characterized by
modulated. Duration is constant. greater activation than is required if the muscles
EMG rules: The initial rate of recruitment and were used more efftciently (Person, 1960). In
ftring rates of the alpha motoneurons are adjusted such cases, improvements in performance might
to adapt to changes in the task. This results in be characterized by decreases in muscle activation
changes in the initial slope of the EMG and in the (Payton and Kelley, 1972). A third possibility is
area of the agonist burst. The duration of the that the quantity (area) of myoelectric activity
agonist burst will be nearly constant if the duration changes very little but that changes in the timing
of the excitation pulse is constant. of muscle activity are responsible for performance
changes (Hobart et al., 1975; Ludwig, 1982).
15. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 253

Such divergent findings are difficult to reconcile excitation pulse. The smaller the value of inten-
in the absence of specific rules relating sity, the less the effect of errors in selecting values
myoelectric parameters to kinetic and kinematic of duration (Gottlieb et al., 1989b). Therefore, in-
parameters in the context of the specific task per- dividuals can become more accurate either by
formed. making slower movements (reducing intensity) or
by using more appropriate values of duration and
15.2.3 Predictions for Adaptation and
latency. The choice they make will depend
Learning heavily on experimental instructions and prior ex-
Three defming characteristics of skilled perfor- perience.
mance are speed, accuracy, and consistency. It is If we also consider accuracy in terms of
possible to predict the way in which individuals reduced variability, then there will be greater con-
will acquire movement skills in terms of the Dual sistency in selecting values for the excitation pulse
Strategy hypothesis. Any time individuals repeat from trial to trial. In such cases we predict that
a task more quickly, EMGs and kinematics should there will be a decrease in the variability of
change according to the speed-sensitive strategy. selected EMG measures. For example, the area of
That is, the EMGs and kinematics should rise at the EMG calculated over the first 30 ms [which is
progressively faster rates as a function of increases proportional to excitation intensity (Gottlieb et al.,
in movement speed. 1989a)] should become more consistent from trial
The issue of how accuracy and consistency will to trial.
improve is more difficult to predict than speed
since the terms accuracy and consistency are dif- 15.3 Methods
ficult to define and the mechanisms that underlie The majority of the data to be presented in this
accuracy and consistency are different. chapter are taken from a series of studies that are
Movement accuracy can be defined either in terms reponed in detail in (Corcos et al., in preparation
of: 1) the absolute value of the distance moved (a,b); Jaric et al., in preparation). In this section
from the "target" (called absolute error, or AE), 2) we will present only the experimental design for
the signed value of the distance moved from the this series of studies and two other studies. The
"target" (constant error, or CE), 3) the standard experimental protocols, mechanical measure-
deviation of the values of the final position (called ments, and EMG analysis can be found in Gottlieb
variable error, or VE), or 4) some composite value et al. (1989a).
(E) (see Spray (1986) for a discussion of these
15.3.1 Pre- and Post- Test - Sessions 0 & 8
measures). In this chapter we will refer to the
A series of experiments consisting of nine ex-
second measure as movement accuracy and the
perimental sessions was performed. Nine sessions
third measure as movement consistency.
numbered 0 to 8 were performed on alternate days
The Speed-Insensitive strategy proposes that
with a day of rest in between. The experimental
movement distance is planned by selecting excita-
sessions 0 and 8 will be referred to as the "pre-
tion intensity and then determining the appropriate
test" and the "post-test." In the pre-test, 10
values for duration and antagonist latency. If we
subjects first performed three maximum voluntary
define accuracy in terms of the signed value of the
isometric contractions (MVCs) in both elbow
actual distance moved from the mid-point of the
flexion and extension. They then performed series
target, errors in accuracy will be due to incorrect
of flexion movements to a 3° target at distances of
specification of the duration of the excitation pulse
18°,36°,54°,72°,and 90°. They were instructed
and the time delay in activating the antagonist
that when a computer-generated tone sounded,
muscle. For example, longer durations and/or
they should:
delayed antagonist activation would lead to move-
"Always be as fast as possible. I know that you
ment overshoots. As such, improved accuracy
will almost always miss the target. You may ad-
would be related to refining the selection of these
just your next movement on the basis of the
two parameters. However, the size of movement
previous undershoot or overshoot, but only under
errors is indirectly related to the intensity of the
the condition that you not slow down. Do not ad-
excitation pulse. The smaller the value of inten-
just your fmal position. "
sity, the less the effect of errors in selecting values
254 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

The instructions also explained that reaction only allowed to increase movement velocity under
time was not important. For each experimental the condition that at least 18 out of 20 movements
condition, subjects performed 11 movements in in the previous block were accurate. The data
about 90 seconds and then had two minutes' rest from this set of experiments will be presented
before the next experimental block. The ftrst within Section 15.4.3.
movement of each condition was discarded from
all subsequent analyses. Target distance for each 15.4 Results and Discussion
block of movements was set in a randomized se- In this section we will present data that il-
quence with a brief rest between blocks. The data lustrates the rules that underlie adaptation of
for this session will be reported in Section 15.4.4. normal and highly skilled individuals, learning,
and transfer.
15.3.2 Early Phase - Session 1
Two days after the pre-test, five of the ten sub- 15.4.1 Adaptation Highly Skilledin Normal
jects first performed MVCs in both flexion and Individuals
extension. They then made 200 elbow flexion The data in Figure 15.1 show the ftrst three
movements, partitioned into 10 blocks of 20 blocks of trials from one subject (S.4) in session 1.
movements, of 54° to a target 3° in width. The This subject increased movement speed over the
pause between movements was about 10 seconds first three blocks of trials. The question of interest
and between blocks, two minutes. During the in- is whether the "rules" used to increase speed are
terblock interval, subjects were told the average the same as those used when speed is intentionally
movement time in the most recent block, and a varied [see Section 15.2.1 and Figures 14.1 and
comparison between it and the movement time in 14.2 of Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.)]. That they are
the previous block. If they had slowed, they were can be seen from the fact that acceleration and
asked to try to increase their movement speed. both EMGs rise at a progressively faster rate from
The data from this experiment will be reported in blocks 1 to 5 and the antagonist latency becomes
Section 15.4.1. In addition, we also collected data shorter. These data suggest that improved perfor-
from one college-level baseball player who per- mance is caused by increasing the intensity of the
formed exactly the same sequence of movements excitation pulse and activating the antagonist
(in the flexion direction) and also performed muscle earlier. These ftndings are consistent with
movements in the extension direction. These data the rules outlined in Section 15.2.1. These results
will be reported in Section 15.4.2. are also in accord with studies that show increased
coactivation during learning since the "speed-
15.3.3 Late Phase - Sessions 2·7 sensitive" strategy results in increased EMG,
The ftve subjects who participated in the early earlier antagonist activation, and consequently
phase (Session 1), repeated the same protocol for more temporal overlap in the activity of the two
six more experimental sessions with a day of rest muscle groups.
intervening between experimental sessions. Only Several other features of the performance are
the data from block 1 were recorded for further also interesting. The data in Figure 15.2 depict
analysis for Sessions 3 to 6. The data from this peak velocity and its standard deviation (part a)
experiment will be reported within Section 15.4.3. for one subject (S.3), the consistency of this sub-
15.3.4 Effects of Instruction ject (part b), and the ratio of acceleration time to
We also ran a set of experiments to investigate deceleration time part c). The data show that peak
the effects of experimental instruction. Five sub- velocity increases for about the first ftve blocks of
jects with no previous experience as experimental trials (100 trials) and then decreases. The standard
subjects generated 2,000 elbow flexion move- deviation of peak velocity decreases steadily
ments on 10 consecutive days (200 movements throughout the ten blocks of trials. These data
divided in 10 blocks over 54° distance to a 3° show that the subject became more consistent.
target). Three of the subjects were instructed to The data in Figure 15.2 (part c) show that changes
perform the fastest possible movements over the in total movement time were accomplished
entire learning process, while the other two were primarily by shortening the deceleration time.
15. Corcos et a!.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 255

en Q)
Q) :2-
c..> 2
en Ol


," , 25 '-,-7":- ~.:;::-~-

j - - -................ -. -
,," "v.: ,, ,,
: I
, , , I
'I' I,' Vl :
I" ~ ,'/ , ...... I ..

---Ol : I
\ \ ..
:t \ ' 'I "\,
:' ~ : ;, Q)
\\ I
\ .
\ '
I, \ ~t
:, 'J
:, ,~, '\
:, :, \01 1 " J...,. >
:t '/ \. \_1"


," ,
,, ,
,, ,
: I
" ~\\ ~ c:
" ~
:, a;
'/ , a;


, , E
:J ,. '.. ~
:~ (
c: Q)
o I /"
:' ~
Q) i/ \ r:.
c..> (ij
~ :" I 1:
:1 .s
150 Time (ms) 650 150 Time (ms) 650

Figure IS.I: Time series plots of rectified and filtered and 5 (short dashed line) for 54 0 elbow flexion move-
EMGs of the biceps, brachioradialis, and lateral and ments performed by subject 4. Angle is measured in
long heads of the triceps. Data are averaged over the degrees, velocity in deg/s, accleration in deg/rr and in-
20 trials for blocks I (solid line), 3 (long dashed line), ertial torque in Newton meters.
256 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

P E At( VELO C ITY ./ .

.0 We were also interested in whether such an im-
provement occurs in a bj.ghly skilled athlete who
~ •• performs a task that uses some of the muscle

. 0
groups involved in our "simple" elbow flexion
task. Therefore we tested a baseball pitcher with
.00 • 0 movements in both flexion and extension. This al-
> •
lowed us to answer the following questions. First,

• 60
> 0 is the performance in the flexion direction similar
so v ,
•• 0 P AK L O C IT Y ., •
to that of normal subjects? Since flexors are not
420 .) 0 the agonist muscles involved in pitching, they
have undergone no more extensive training as
B agonist muscles than the typical subjects tested.
Second, is performance in the extension direction
•• similar to that in the flexion direction? Since the
extensor muscles are the principal elbow agonists
in pitching, this might constitute special and exten-
3., sive prior experience. Here, we are comparing a
muscle group that undergoes extensive use as an
agonist in pitching (elbow extensors) with one that
2. >
does not (elbow flexors).
The data in Figure 15.3 depict the ftrst, third,
and ftfth blocks of trials in flexion (part a) and ex-
C tension (part b).
150 1.3
One difference from the data presented in
1 . 2~ Figure 15.1 is that the flexion movements are
1. 2
much faster. The average peak velocity of our
130 ftve subjects was about per 500°/sec. The baseball
' .' 5 pitcher was moving at a peak velocity of 720° per
1 ~ O
1.' second as shown in Figure 15.4. In fact this sub-
ject is the fastest subject to have performed
1 .0 5
movements in our laboratory (n > 25). Clearly,
100 this observation is not surprising since everyone
0 •
Ii 8 10
would expect a pitcher to be able to move his arm
quickly. However, the biceps muscles are not the
agonist muscles for pitching, and there is fre-
Figure 15.2: a) Peak velocity (solid circles) and the quently little transfer between tasks (cf Section
standard deviation of peak velocity (open squares) 15.4.4). As such, why does he move so fast?
plotted as a function of trial block (20 trials per block). 750
b) The standard deviation of [mal position plotted as a
function of trial block (20 trials per block). c) 700
Acceleration time (open circles), deceleration time
(open squares), both measured in ms, and acceleration . 650

time divided by deceleration time plotted as a function

of trial block (solid circles). ~ 600 <l
",. ·0·· G .


15.4.2 Adaptation of a Highly Skilled 500

6 8 10
Individual 0 2 4
In the previous section we presented data from
an extremely "simple" task in which considerable Figure 15.4: Peak velocity in flexion (solid circles)
performance improvement was observed in one and extension (open squares) plotted as a function of
session over at least the ftrst ftve blocks of trials. trial block (20 trials per block).
IS. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 257





: 1,\
: I ~\
:1 '.1\\
,\ ' '"
,',::'\,f"'.. .
.. ...

, "'' ' ' . . 1_'


,... '
, I '


c: ::J
Co I-
o Cii
~ 'E

150 Time (ms) 650 150 Time (ms) 650

Figure 15.3: a) Time series plots of rectified and fil- ments to a 3° target perfonned by a college baseball
tered EMGs of the biceps, brachioradialis. and lateral pitcher. Angle is measured in degrees. velocity in
and long heads of the triceps. Data are averaged over deg/s. accleration in deg/s2, and inertial torque in
20 trials for blocks 1 (solid line). 3 (long dashed line). Newton meters. b) see next page.
and 5 (short dashed line) for 54° elbow flexion move-
258 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization










150 Time (ms) 650 150 Time (ms) 650

Figure 15.3: (cont) b) The same information as

presented in a). except that the movements are in the
extension direction.
15. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 259

There are several possible reasons, and many of Influence of experimental instruction
them will apply. They include a wide array of The data in Figure 15.5a (solid lines) are from
physiological and biomechanical properties al- one of the three subjects in the experimental group
luded elsewhere [e.g. Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi that performed 10 blocks of 200 trials over 10 ex-
and Winters)]. The reason we would like to con- perimental sessions using the fast instruction.
sider here is antagonist muscle strength. This This subject increased his peak velocity at least
subject's MVC in flexion was about 70 Nm and 20%, and this increase extended over almost the
about 48 Nm in extension. Colebatch et al. (1986) entire learning process. The data of the other sub-
showed the average value of flexion torque to be ject (dashed lines) are from one of the two
about 62 Nm for males, but only about half that subjects who practiced using the accuracy instruc-
for extension torque. Therefore, the strength of tion and did not increase movement velocity.
the pitcher's flexors is slightly above the normal The variability of peak movement velocity
range, but his extensors are almost one and a half (Figure 15.5b) decreased threefold in the subject
times as strong as the subjects in the study by instructed to be fast despite the fact that only
Colebatch et al. movement speed was stressed (cfFigure 15.2a).
Several interesting points emerged from the ex- The improvement in accuracy of the two sub-
tension movements. First, as already noted, his jects is impossible to compare using any of the
maximal voluntary contraction in extension is standard measures because of the different instruc-
stronger than that of normal subjects. Second, he tions - the subject instructed to be accurate had to
undergoes no increase in peak movement velocity retain the same accuracy of the final position
in extension. This point can be seen in Figure during the entire learning process. However, the
15.4. In this figure, the peak movement velocity damped oscillations around the final position (the
of the 10 blocks of flexion and extension move- standard deviation of the maximum movement
ments are depicted. For flexion movements, peak amplitude during the terminal phase of the
movement velocity improves over the first four movement) offered an indirect accuracy measure
blocks of trials and then falls. His performance in for both subjects. The results show that both sub-
extension is somewhat different. His peak move- jects notably improved their accuracy, but the
ment velocity starts to decline after the first block subject given the accuracy instructions was ap-
of trials and reaches a stable level at the sixth proximately two times more accurate during the
block. The main reason for the decline in peak entire learning process (Figure 15.5c).
movement velocity is that his movements were Some previous investigations have
slightly long and he shortened them, as can be demonstrated more or less symmetrical, bell-
seen in Figure 15.3b. Longer movements are nor- shaped velocity profiles in single joint target
mally associated with higher movement velocities movements (see Figure 15.2c, first block of 10
(Milner, 1986). If this argument is accepted, the trials). Since changes in movement time are
most plausible explanation of this data set is that mainly based on extending the deceleration phase,
little or no change in performance occurred over this symmetry is sensitive to movement speed
the blocks of trials. Why might this be? One pos- (Fisk and Goodale, 1989; Nagasaki, 1989). Figure
sible reason is that there is little room for 15.5d depicts changes in the symmetry of the
improved performance in muscle groups that un- velocity profile shape as a result of practicing
dergo extensive use. In other words, there has movements under fast or accurate instructions.
been positive transfer from what is learned in The two subjects showed opposite trends. The
pitching to this elbow extension task. high movement speed achieved by the subject in-
structed to be fast was associated with a
15.4.3 Learning (Retention)
movement time decrease that was mainly attained
In this section we will first consider how dif-
by shortening the deceleration phase. However,
ferent experimental instructions influence the rate
the other subject did not significantly change
at which a task is learned and then consider the de-
movement speed or movement time but did
gree to which learning differs from adaptation.
prolong his deceleration phase. The reasons for
260 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

A 8
500 50
400 ~ 35
~ -=u :G!,
'u 350
0'., El.
'[3 •• -0.
.2 30
> 25 &'-"1 ,

G> d
300 rn
fl---Ej p. 20
l!1 FAST
250 ~

200 10

c o

7 i= FAST
6 .2
'ii 0.9
C Ii
;: 5 'i
'iii 0.8
c: E 0.7
;;: FAST i= :c, •
0 c:
2 .2 0.6
0.., "'.
ACCURATE 't>--o---S'-'S __ -a' .0---8
'ii 0.5 '~'

0 ""
0 2 6 8 10 6 10

Figure 15.5: a) Peak velocity for a subject instructed deviation of peak excursion for a subject instructed to
to be fast (solid circles) and a subject instructed to be be fast (solid circles) and a subject instructed to be ac-
accurate (open squares) plotted as a function of ex- curate (open squares) plotted as a function of
perimental session. The data for each session are the experimental session. d) Acceleration time divided by
averaged data for the block of twenty trials in each ses- deceleration time for a subject instructed to be fast
sion. b) The standard deviation of peak velocity for a (solid circles) and a subject instructed to be accurate
subject instructed to be fast (solid circles) and a subject (open squares) plotted as a function of experimental
instructed to be accurate (open squares) plotted as a session.
function of experimental session, c) The standard

these differences in symmetry are related to the Learning versus adaptation

different task demands. For example, in the case The data in Figure 15.6 are taken from days 1,
of the instructions to move accurately, the more 2, and 4 for one of the subjects (S.5) from the
time subjects have in the vicinity of the target, the main experiment. He increased his movement
more time they have to generate visually based speed significantly in spite of the fact that he did
corrections for the movement. not enhance his maximum isometric strength in
15. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 261

. o
, ,
, ,
., ,,,


"," '
,, ',
, ', ~
, , Cl
i (~ '\
·,, : I ~\: ..

: \ ~

., ,, '0
:J \ ~ 0
\ '
:' I ~, >






I/) E
Cl ~
c: CD
.3 :J
.~ Cii
..= 'f:
150 Time (ms) 650 150 Time (ms) 650

Figure 15.6: Time series plots of rectified and filtered line), and 4 (short dashed line) for 54° elbow flexion
EMGs of the biceps, brachioradialis, and lateral and movements performed by subject 5. Angle is
long heads of the triceps. Data are averaged over the measured in degrees, velocity in deg/s, accleration in
first 20 trials for day 1 (solid line), 2 (long dashed deg/s2, and inertial torque in Newton-meters.
262 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

either elbow flexor or extensor muscles.

Therefore, we conclude that the change is due to
improvements in the neural activation pattern con-
trolling the movement. Figure 15.6 presents the
main changes in that pattern in parallel with the as-
sociated changes in angle, velocity, and
acceleration. All three EMG bursts became en-
hanced, suggesting greater excitation of both
agonist and antagonist muscles. In addition, the
duration of the fIrst agonist burst remained rela-
tively unchanged, while antagonist burst onsets
occurred earlier. These changes are in line with
the SS strategy of motor control.
Given that the data of this subject conform to
the "speed sensitive" strategy, we can ask whether
there are any differences between adaptation and
learning. The two main differences are that the
rate of performance improvement decreases over
time, as can be seen from the data of subject 4 that
are plotted in Figure l5.7a). The fIrst ten data
points are the same as plotted in Figure l5.2a.
Performance on the second day resumes at a
higher level than at the end of day 1. The point
that is new in these experiments is that the an-
tagonist latency does not follow this same pattern. 130
The data in Figure l5.7b show that the latency of
the antagonist EMG falls to about 100 ms after the 1 25
- _ OAV1

. ·•
·0 DAY 2
!,.. ~


fIrst experimental session and no further by the 120 ~. 0 DAYl

• ·
" · OAY '
second session although velocity continues to in- ;! 115

crease. There is also some suggestion that
towards the end, the latency begins to increase. ..

. ,
: ;

This initial reduction in latency during adaptation §o 0;: °'1 .....

and the subsequent increase during learning make E
C 100 c ~?o to i
sense if we postulate that two separate processes 95
are at work. Over the fIrst fIve blocks of trials 10 100
velocity increases by the rules of the "speed- TRIAL BLOCK

sensitive" strategy. The antagonist latency

decreases. However, as subjects become more
Figure 15.7: a) Peak velocity for subject 4. The data
skilled, it is commonly observed that there is a are all ten blocks on day I and the first of ten blocks on
decrease in coactivation. This would occur if in- the next six days. The data are plotted on a logarithmic
dividuals learn to delay the activation of the scale as a function of trial block. b) Antagonist time
antagonist muscle. Learning such a pattern of delay plotted in the same manner as in Figure 15.7a. c)
muscular activation would lead to higher velocity A hypothetical plot of antagonist time delay as a func-
movements and a more effIcient movement pat- tion of trial block and day.
tern. Figure l5.7c is a prediction of how the
antagonist delay is modulated to deal with the fact Anecdotal support for this suggestion can be
that it shortens for adaptation and lengthens for seen in Figure l5.3a-b in which the latency of the
learning. That is, the time delay decreases within antagonist muscles of the pitcher can be seen. In
the course of a day but increases over days. both directions, the muscles are not activated until
well over 100 ms after the agonist, and there is
very little coactivation.
IS. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 263

15.4.4 Learning (Transfer) "speed-sensitive" strategy. The second way of

The permanence of changes in performance demonstrating learning is by evaluating perfor-
that characterize learning can be determined in mance on a different task. This is referred to as
one of two ways. The ftrst is by demonstrating the either "transfer of training" or "generalizability."
retention of changes in behavior in the task that is More speciftcally, transfer can be deftned as "the
practiced. We have already shown this occurs by gain (or loss) in the capability for responding on a
means of the rules that underlie the transfer or criterion task as a function of practice

en .....................




150 Time (ms) 650

Figure 15.8: Time series plots of rectified and filtered ~
EMGs of the biceps and lateral head of the triceps. Q5
Data are averaged over first 20 trials for movements u
over 36° (solid line), 54° (short dashed line) and 72° «
(long dashed line) for the pre-test (thin lines) and the
post-test (thick lines) for subject 3. Angle is measured -10000
in degrees, velocity in deg/s, and accleration in deg/rl. 150 Time (ms) 650
264 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

or experience on a training task" (Schmidt and 15.5 Discussion and Conclusions

Young, 1987, p. 48). In our analysis of the highly The studies we have presented show how the
s10lled baseball pitcher, we have shown that trans- Dual Strategy hypothesis of motor control can be
fer does or does not occur depending on used to explain how performance improves over
movement direction. In the flexion direction (the time and can reconcile many discrepant fmdings
antagonist muscle group in pitching), the pitcher in the motor learning literature that have used
improved his performance using the speed- myoelectric and kinematic variables. For ex-
sensitive rules. For extension movements, there ample, the data in Figures 15.1, 15.3a, and 15.6 all
was no increase in performance. The influence of show EMGs that rise at faster rates and have in-
pitching on the performance of the extension task creased EMG quantities when movements are
is an example of positive transfer since this is the performed at faster speeds. Both these observa-
most reasonable interpretation of why there was tions are consistent with the rules of the Dual
no change in performance in this direction. In the Strategy hypothesis. The fIndings of increased
flexion direction, the interpretation of whether any EMG quantities are also consistent with studies by
transfer occurs is somewhat more difficult since (Gottlieb et al., 1988; McGrain, 1980;
the pitcher clearly moves much faster than normal Schmidtbleicher et al., 1988). We have shown
subjects, but there is still room for improvement. this fmding to be true for adaptation in typical in-
Another way to demonstrate transfer is to have dividuals (Figure 15.1), in a highly skilled
subjects make movements to different distances baseball player (Figure 15.3a) and for learning
after practicing at one distance. The data in Figure (Figure 15.6). The data we have presented also
15.8 are taken from one of the subjects (S.3) suggest that there is no change in the duration of
making flexion movements over three different the fIrst agonist burst (Figures 15.1 and 15.3a).
distances before and after practicing 1400 move- However, some studies have shown decreases in
ments to the same distance. The fIrst point we agonist burst duration (Kamon and Gormley,
wish to make is that the degree of transfer differed 1968; Hobart et al., 1975; Ludwig, 1982; Payton
markedly across the fIve subjects tested. The data and Kelley, 1972). This observation could be as-
we are presenting here are those of the subject sociated with a reduction in movement time.
who demonstrated the most transfer. The movements made in these fIgures were all
The data show clear evidence of learning and generated under instructions to be fast.
also transfer. The effect of learning can be seen Movements performed under these instructions are
most clearly in the velocity traces. The three lines also characterized by decreases in the standard
corresponding to the pre-test rise at the same rate deviation of peak velocity (Figure l5.2a), consis-
as would be expected for movements of different tency of fInal position (Figure 15.2b), and
distances performed by means of the speed- proportionally larger decreases in deceleration
insensitive strategy. If we look at the post-test time than acceleration time (Figure 15.2c). These
movements, the 54° movement rises, as expected, observations are, however, dependent on ex-
more steeply than in the pre-test. The most inter- perimental instruction. When subjects are
esting feature of this data set though is that the instructed to be accurate, they make their move-
other two post-test distances also rise more steeply ments considerably more slowly and change the
than in the pre-test, although not quite as rapidly overall kinematic profIle. Movements performed
as the 54° movement. These are therefore ex- under instructions to be accurate usually show
amples of positive but not complete transfer. only improvements in movement accuracy and
The way that learning and transfer are ac- consistency (Figure 15.5b-c). Similar fIndings
complished can be seen from an inspection of the have been observed by Brooks and Watts (1988),
electromyograms. The EMGs for the post-test rise Darling et al. (1988), Georgopoulos and Massey
more steeply than for the pre-test and occur earlier (1981), and Ludwig (1982). Movement time often
in time. Both these observations are consistent does not change under instructions to be accurate,
with the idea that this subject learned to increase but the ratio of acceleration time to deceleration
the intensity of muscle excitation and decrease the time does change; the deceleration phase is
latency at which the antagonist was activated. prolonged, as shown in Figure 15.5d and by
IS. Corcos et al.; Organizational Principles in Motor Skill Acquisition 265

Hobart et al. (1975) and Payton and Kelley 15.6 Recommended Future Directions
(1972). These changes in movement kinematics At least two areas emerge from these studies
do not require larger forces (unlike increases in for future research. The first is to refine our un-
velocity) and will consequently be very difficult to derstanding of the processes that underlie the
detect in the electromyogram. We suspect this is attainment of greater accuracy and consistency.
the reason that no electromyographic changes The second question concerns the degree to which
were found in some of the studies that have em- this theory can be used to explain how complex
phasized movement accuracy (Brooks and Watts, movements are learned. Clearly the study of mul-
1988; Ludwig, 1982; Normand et al., 1982). tiple degree of freedom movements introduces
As pointed out by Schmidt and Young (1987), many complexities that are not contained in the
there has been very little interest in the transfer of analysis of single degree of freedom movements
motor control abilities. This is unfortunate since that we have presented [cf. Corcos et al., 1989a
the study of transfer can contribute significantly to and commentaries as well as Chapter 17 (Flash)].
what is learned. Perhaps the most interesting find- Examples of such factors are the appropriate se-
ing in our set of studies concerns the observation quencing and coupling of proximal-distal musculo-
that improving performance at one movement dis- skeletal linkages [Bernstein, 1967; see also
tance can lead to improvements in performance at Chapter 39 (Chapman and Sanderson)] and how
other movement distances. This is accomplished limb dynamics change as a function of practice
by using an increased excitation pulse intensity (Schneider et al., in press).
and decreased antagonist latency (Figure 15.8). Sometimes the findings from studies using
The data on the baseball pitcher also imply that complex movements are in accord with predic-
transfer occurs. The skill of pitching requires tions from studies of single degree of freedom
rapid, controlled elbow extension. We showed movements even though the "rules" might require
that the pitcher can perform a simple elbow exten- elaboration. For example, Southard (1989) had
sion task more rapidly than typical individuals but subjects learn a ball-striking task under three sets
undergoes no performance improvement in the ex- of instructions: fast, accurate, and fast-accurate.
tension task. In the flexion task, the pitcher again He found that the movements were performed
moves much faster than typical individuals (some more slowly when using the accuracy instructions
transfer) but undergoes performance enhancement. and that subjects did not learn how to transfer an-
One interpretation of these data is simply that he gular momentum when instructed to be accurate.
has the ability to move quickly and would have Clearly, therefore, speed should be emphasized
performed the laboratory task as quickly before he when learning single or multiple degree of
became a pitcher. However, this explanation freedom tasks. The way the rules should be
would not account for the observation that he changed to accommodate the sequencing of
could still undergo performance enhancement in muscle activation is not so clear. However, the
flexion but not extension. We predict that he idea that antagonist l muscles become activated
would have performed the flexion task at a higher progressively later as skill is acquired is a starting
initial speed if he had practiced an activity requir- point. For example, McDonald et al. (1989) have
ing elbow flexors and would not have undergone shown that improved performance in a
the same level of performance improvement. dart-throwing task is accompanied by an uncou-
In conclusion, the data presented in this chapter pling of the degrees of freedom involved in the
suggest the rules that underlie changes in move- task. One way that degrees of freedom might be
ment speed are the same irrespective of whether coupled is through simultaneous activation of
the changes are induced by instruction (Corcos et synergistic and antagonistic muscle groups. As
al., 1989b), accuracy constraints (Corcos et al., skill level increases, antagonist muscle activation
1989b), or adaptation (Corcos et al., in prepara- can be delayed and the degrees of freedom un-
tion, a). We have also suggested that the coupled.
antagonist is activated relatively later as the task The study of movement organization and
becomes learned (Jaric et al., in preparation). biomechanics will benefit from efforts to generate
unified theories of motor control that can account
266 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

for changes in motor behavior over time. The de- joint movements: I - Rules for enhanced motor per-
gree to which these theories will be task dependent formance.
is unclear. As Newell (1989) has pointed out, Corcos, D. M., Jaric, S., Agarwal, G. C., Gottlieb, G.
most of the theories, hypotheses, and models that L. (in preparation, b). Principles for learning single
have been developed are specific to the studied joint movements: III - Generalizability.
task and not general theories of motor control. Darling, W. G., Cole, K. J., Abbs, J. H. (1988).
Kinematic variability of grasp movements as a func-
There are several theories or models that can ac-
tion of practice and movement speed. Exp. Brain
count for certain tasks or certain data sets Res. 73: 225-235.
(Feldman, 1986; Ghez and Gordon, 1987; Gottlieb Feldman, A. G. (1986). Once more on the equilibrium-
et al., 1989b; Hogan, 1984; Schoner and Kelso, point hypothesis (A model) for motor control. J.
1988), but none yet offer a unified theory of motor Mot. Behav. 18: 17-54.
control or leaming. We are optimistic that the Fisk, 1. D., Goodale, M. A. (1989). The effects of in-
considerable efforts being made to generalize structions to subjects on the programming of
these theories will be fruitful. visually directed reaching movements. J. Mot. Beh.
21(1): 5-19.
Acknowledgments Fins, P. M. (1954). The information capacity of the
human motor system in controlling the amplitude of
We thank Mr. Om Paul for programming support movement. J. Exp. Psy. 47: 381-391.
and Mr. K. Lee for assistance in performing these Fins, P. M., Peterson, 1. R. (1964). Information
experiments. This work was supported, in part, by capacity of discrete motor responses. J. Exp. Psy.
NIH Grants NS 23593 and AR 33189. 67: 103-112.
Georgopoulos, A. P., Kalaska, 1. F., Massey, 1. T.
(1981). Spatial trajectories and reaction times of
References aimed movements: Effects of practice, uncertainty,
Adams, J. A. (1971). A closed-loop theory of motor and change in target location. J. Neurophysiol. 46:
learning. J. Mot. Beh. 3: 111-150. 725-743.
Angel, R. W. (1974). Electromyography during volun- Ghez, C., Gordon, 1. (1987). Trajectory control in tar-
tary movement: the two burst panem. geted force impulses. I. Role of opposing muscles.
Electroenceph. Clin. Neuro. 36: 493-498. Exp. Brain Res. 67: 225-240.
Asatryan, D. G., Feldman, A. G. (1965). The func- Gonlieb, G. L., Agarwal, G. C. (1988). Compliance of
tional tuning of nervous systems with control of single joints: Elastic and plastic characteristics. J.
movement or maintenance of a steady posture I. Neurophysiol. 59: 937-951.
Mechanographic analysis of the work of the joint on Gonlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M., Agarwal, G. C. (1989a).
execution of a postural task. Biophysics 10: 925- Organizing principles for single joint movements: I -
935. A speed-insensitive strategy. J. Neurophysiol.
Bernstein, N. (1967). The Coordination and Regulation 62(2): 342-357.
oj Movements. Oxford: Pergamon. Gonlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M., Agarwal, G. C.
Brooks, V. B., Wans, S. L. (1988). Adaptive program- (1989b). Strategies for the control of single
ing of arm movements. J. Mot. Beh. 20(2): 117-132. mechanical degree of freedom voluntary move-
Colebatch, J. G., Gandevia, S. C., Spira, P. J. (1986). ments. Behav. Brain Sci. 12(2): 189-210.
Voluntary muscle strength in hemiparesis: distribu- Gottlieb, G. L., Corcos, D. M., Jaric, S., Agarwal, G.
tion of weakness at the elbow. J. N eurol. N eurosurg. C. (1988). Practice improves even the simplest
Psychiatry 49: 1019-1024. movements. Exp. Br. Res. 73: 436-440.
Corcos, D. M., Gottlieb, G. L., Agarwal, G. C. (1989a). Hannaford, B., Stark, L. (1985). Roles of the elements
Does constraining movements constrain the of the triphasic control signal. Exp. Neurol. 90: 619-
development of movement theories? Behav. Brain 634.
Sci. 12(2): 237-246. Hobart, D. I., Kelley, D. L., Bradley, L. S. (1975).
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(1989b). Organizing principles for single joint novel throwing task. Am. J. Phys. Med. 54: 1-24.
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Direction-Dependent Strategy for Control of

Multi-Joint Arm Movements

G.M. Karst and Z. Hasan

16.1 Introduction direction-dependent activity has been obtained

In order to manipulate objects with our hands, from neurons in the motor cortex (Georgopoulos
we routinely use coordinated rotations about the et al., 1982), area 5 of the parietal cortex (Kalaska
shoulder and elbow to convey the hand from point et al., 1983), and cerebellum (Fortier et al., 1989)
to point within the surrounding workspace. The during multijoint reaching tasks. Since many of
seeming ease with which the nervous system is these findings have been detailed in recent reviews
able to generate muscle activation. patterns ap- (Georgopoulos 1988a, 1988b; Kalaska, 1988), this
propriate for pushing an elevator button or section includes only a brief synopsis of the ex-
reaching for the telephone appear to belie the well- perimental support for direction-dependent
documented complexity of the mechanics neuronal activity, with the primary emphasis on
underlying such movements. In order to delineate results characterizing direction-dependent
rules by which the CNS might choose suitable pat- neuronal activity in motor cortex.
terns of muscle activation, and to identify the
movement parameters most important in im- 16.2.1 Directional Coding in the Motor Cortex
plementing those rules, we have investigated the Many of the findings discussed below are based
electromyographic (EMG) activity of shoulder and on an experimental paradigm (Georgopoulos et al.,
elbow muscles associated with a variety of two- 1982) in which extracellular recordings from
joint pointing movements in the horizontal plane single motor cortical neurons in rhesus monkeys
(Hasan and Karst, 1989; Karst, 1989). In this were obtained during the performance of target-
chapter, we will consider data from those studies, directed, reaching movements. These volitional
as well as from studies of movement-related movements were initiated in response to the light-
neuronal activity at higher levels of the CNS, ing of visual targets, and the movement-related
which suggest that an important parameter of such activity of individual neurons was quantified in
movements is the spatial direction of hand move- terms of the change in firing rate (relative to the
ment. rate before the target appeared) during both the
16.2 Direction-Related Neuronal Activity reaction time (target onset until movement onset)
and throughout the movement. Data were col-
in the Brain
lected only from those neurons which showed
In recent years, recordings obtained during the
activity related to movement of the proximal joints
performance of target-directed, multijoint reaching
of the contralateral arm. Unlike the more con-
tasks have demonstrated that modulation of
strained, single-joint tasks used in most earlier
neuronal activity in several regions of the primate
studies of cortical activity, these multijoint move-
brain is correlated with the spatial direction of
ments encompassed a variety of directions in 2-
hand movement during the task. Evidence of
dimensional (Georgopoulos et al., 1982) or 3-

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Strategy for Arm Movements 269

dimensional space (Schwartz et al., 1988). ment. Nevertheless, cells sensitive to kinetics
Funhennore, this paradigm has also been modulated their activity in relation to the direction
modified to include movements initiated from dif- of external loading such that the increase in dis-
ferent regions within the workspace (Caminiti et charge rate was maximum when the external load
al., 1988; Kettner et al., 1988) and to examine the was in a direction opposite the preferred move-
effects of various external forces applied to the ment direction for that cell. Thus, it appears that
hand. (Kalaska and Hyde, 1985; Kalaska et al., the preferred movement direction remains an im-
1989). portant functional characteristic of the cell,
whether that cell is modulated primarily in relation
Single-Cell Activity to kinematic or kinetic parameters of the move-
Movement related changes in the discharge rate ment.
of task-related motor cortical cells were typically
observed 80-100 ms prior to movement onset Neuronal Population Activity
Studies in which movement direction was varied Though the broad tuning of motor cortical cells
in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space generally precludes unambiguous coding of direc-
yielded similar basic findings, which may be sum- tional infonnation by the output of single motor
marized as follows: cortical cells, Georgopoulos and colleagues have
shown that directional infonnation could be coded
1) Of the task-related motor cortical cells studied,
unambiguously by the activity of populations of
70-80% exhibited changes in discharge rate
cortical cells. If the activity of individual cells is
that varied systematically with the spatial
represented by a vector whose orientation is paral-
direction of hand movement.
lel to the cell's preferred direction and whose
2) These cells typically exhibited a gradual, con- magnitude is proportional to the movement-related
tinuous modulation of discharge frequency change in its activity, the "population vector" may
over a broad range of movement directions. be derived as vectorial sum of those individual cell
This modulation of discharge was modeled as vectors. This population vector corresponds to the
a cosine function of the difference between the spatial direction of hand movement for multijoint
direction of movement and the cell's reaching movements in either two-dimensional or
"preferred direction," the movement direction three-dimensional space (Georgopoulos et al.,
eliciting the largest response. 1986; 1988). Furthennore, when calculated for
3) Although baseline activity of motor cortical each 20 ms interval, the population vector appears
cells varied with the spatial location of the to predict the direction of movement over time,
hand, movement-related changes in discharge since it begins to point in the direction of the sub-
were independent of final hand position, and sequent movement and to increase in magnitude
thus, similar for parallel movements in dif- approximately 100 ms prior to movement onset.
ferent regions of the workspace. Finally, for parallel movements in the same direc-
tion, but varying in distance and location within
These findings indicate that, for many motor the workspace, the congruency of the population
cortex cells related to shoulder function, changes vector with the actual hand trajectory remains rela-
in discharge rate appear more closely linked to the tively constant (Caminiti et aI., 1988; Kettner et
spatial direction of hand movement than to move- al., 1988), demonstrating that movement-related
ment distance or final hand position. Likewise, changes in motor cortical activity correspond to
the movement does not appear to be represented at the spatial direction of hand movement, as op-
the motor cortical level in tenns of intrinsic coor- posed to the final hand position. Thus, like the
dinates, such as joint angles. The directional changes observed in single-cell activity, it appears
representation need not, however, be strictly that modulation of the activity represented by
kinematic in nature, as some cells also neuronal population vectors corresponds most
demonstrated variations in discharge in response closely to the spatial direction of the upcoming
to constant external loads applied to the hand hand movement, and shows much less dependence
(Kalaska et al., 1989), indicating sensitivity to on movement distance or location within the
kinetic, as well as kinematic, parameters of move- workspace.
270 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

16.2.2 Directional Coding in Other Regions (1989). They found that many cerebellar neurons,
of the Brain including both cortical and nuclear cells,
Direction-related changes in neuronal activity demonstrate direction-dependent changes in ac-
have been reported in other regions of the brain, as tivity associated with reaching movements. These
well (Fortier et aI., 1989; Kalaska et aI., 1983). cells also typically display the broad directional
These findings have led to suggestions that the tuning observed in motor and parietal cortical
movement may be represented at multiple levels cells, once again suggesting the possibility of a
of the CNS, with directional information serving as common code based on spatial direction of move-
a common code to enhance communication be- ment.
tween various levels of the sensorimotor system, A11-in-all, these results suggest that the encod-
or as a means of facilitating coordinate transforma- ing of directional information by changes in neural
tions (Kalaska, 1988). Moreover, as exemplified discharge rates is a recurrent theme in many
by the comparison of direction-dependent activity regions of the brain participating in the control of
in motor cortex and area 5 of parietal cortex which movement, whereas there is little indication of
follows, the distinctions between directional repre- similar neural coding of alternative movement rep-
sentations at different levels of the CNS may resentations such as final hand position or joint
provide important clues about the organization of angle changes (although a possible alternative in-
the sensorimotor system. terpretation of motor cortical activity in terms of
Cells in area 5 of the parietal cortex show muscle state variables has been recently suggested
direction-related changes in activity that are, in by Mussa-Ivaldi [1988]). As such, these findings
many ways, similar to those observed in motor lend support to the premise that spatial direction of
cortical cells. That is, single-cell discharge movement plays an important role in formulating
modulation shows broad directional tuning, and the motor output for initiation of multijoint reach-
population vectors representing area 5 activity cor- ing movements. In subsequent sections, we will
respond to the spatial direction of hand movement examine some direction-related characteristics of
(Kalaska et aI., 1983). And, though cells in area 5 the muscle activation patterns associated with such
tend to be activated 50-80 ms later than those in movements, and consider how those features
motor cortex, changes in activity still precede might relate to directional coding at the motor cor-
movement onset, suggesting a role in planning, as tical level.
well as ongoing guidance of the movement. On 16.3 Direction-Related Features of
the other hand, the area 5 cells appear to differ
from many motor cortical cells in their response to
Electromyographic Activity
external loads. Whereas modulation of activity in By serving as an indicator of the actual output
motor cortical cells frequently reflects an additive of spinal motoneuron pools, EMG data obtained
effect related to the external load, movement- during the performance of multijoint arm move-
related modulation of neuronal activity in area 5 is ments can provide information supplementary to
typically unaffected by external loading (Kalaska that derived from kinematic and kinetic analyses.
et aI., 1989). Based on these findings, Kalaska We have analyzed initial EMG activity in muscles
and colleagues have suggested that movement- acting at the shoulder and elbow in order to test
related modulation of area 5 cells encodes proposed strategies for the planning and execution
directional information in strictly kinematic terms, of multijoint limb movements (Hasan and Karst,
whereas the activity of motor cortical cells may re- 1989, Karst and Hasan, 1990a).
late primarily to dynamic variables (e.g. direction Subjects performed self-paced movements to
of forces required to counteract external loads). visual targets, with the arm supported in the
Such a purely kinematic representation might horizontal plane and relaxed prior to each trial
provide accurate information about limb con- (Figure 16.1). It is important to note that these
figuration for both planning and execution of movements encompassed a broad range of initial
reaching movements. positions, distances and directions, as illustrated in
Yet another example of direction-related neural Figures 16.2A, B, which portray the initial and
activity has recently been reported by Fortier et al. final hand positions in relation to the reachable
workspace within the horizontal plane. For each
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Strategy for Arm Movements 271

movement, EMG records were analyzed qualita- can be formulated in terms of the same two move-
tively to determine which muscle groups (Le., mentparameters, 'II and e~"jt (see Figure 16.1),
flexors or extensors) were the first to be activated it follows that each of those rules predicts the par-
at each joint, and quantillltively in terms of onset titioning of the four combinations of shoulder and
time and magnitude of that initial EMG activity. elbow agonists (FF, FE, EF, or EE) into specific
In agreement with previous reports (Accornero et regions of the'll and a~"it plane. Thus, by plotting
al., 1984; Wadman et al., 1980) we observed that the data on axes corresponding to'll and a1:"·t, using
the pattern of muscle activity at each joint was different symbol types to indicate the observed
typically characterized by alternating flexor and combination of shoulder and elbow agonists, the
extensor bursts, comparable to the two- or three- predictive power of each rule was evaluated based
burst EMG patterns frequently associated with on comparison of the predicted and observed par-
rapid, single-joint movements involving the elbow titioning of symbol types (Karst, 1989; Karst and
(Hallet et aI., 1975; Karst and Hasan, 1987) or Hasan, 1990a). Results for all three rules may be
shoulder (Angel, 1974; 1977; Pantaleo, et al., summarized as follows:
1988). This pattern of EMG activity was par-
1) The first rule tested predicts that the sign of
ticularly consistent at the shoulder, where
initial muscle activity at each joint should cor-
determination of the "agonist" muscle group
respond to the direction in which that joint
(defined as the first muscle group activated at that
must rotate in order to reach the final position
joint) was possible for 95% of the movements tri-
(e.g., initial elbow flexor activity should ac-
als, whereas the agonist muscle group at the elbow
company all elbow flexion movements).
could be clearly identified for 89% of the trials.
Though this rule would suffice for single-joint
movements in the horizontal plane, it is
clearly contradicted for these two-joint move-
ments, particularly with respect to initial
elbow muscle activity.
2) The second rule predicts that the sign of initial
muscle activity at each joint is chosen such
that the distal tip of the limb (hand) exerts an
initial force in the direction of the final tip
PTNll position. Observed initial shoulder muscle ac-
tivity clearly contradicted this proposed rule,
which is based on the idea that the CNS con-
trols the movement by specifying the
equilibrium position of the hand.
3) The third rule predicts that the sign of initial
muscle activity at each joint is chosen such
that the initial acceleration of the hand is
directed toward the final position. This rule,
based on the notion that the CNS plans a
Figure 16.1: Conventions for defining joint angles and straight-line hand trajectory, then uses in-
the spatial direction of hand movement from initial to verse kinematics and inverse dynamics to
final position. Note that 'V is defined as the target determine appropriate joint trajectories and
direction relative to the initial orientation of the joint torques, was also contradicted by the ob-
foreann, while ~ is the absolute target direction. Thus,
served shoulder muscle activity for certain
~ = 'V + aslnil + a~nit.
movements. Furthermore, the effects of
Three proposed initiation rules were tested; two added inertial loads predicted by this rule
are based only on statics, while the third rule takes were not observed for trials in which a 1.8 kg
into account intersegmental dynamics. Since the mass was attached to the hand.
latter two of the proposed rules (described below)
272 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization


101" Ewe
1 /l In ~L
~.-mnAD ......
40 I\Q:M ft.I:IIlII

:::.. 1-------- -----.....1

. ......


,.,.';.:.~~:. J::.~J~;:::::7; .'"~~~'


0.' .:. ".:.

. ..,.........-
:- =-

= 1-------------.....1
PI.aDt 4.D;1

Figure 16.2: illustration of the wide range of initial ment., with the symbol type indicative of the sign of
and final hand positions associated with the move- initial shoulder and elbow EMG activity as indicated in
ments depicted in subsequent figures. Each symbol the key. In C, the value of II' for each movement cor-
represents a single movement (data from 8 subjects; responds to the central angle formed by the initial line
390 movements) and depicts the initial (A) or fmal (B) and a radius passing through the symbol. There is no
hand position in relation to the reachable workspace Significance to the radial distance from the origin.,
within the horizontal plane. (In order to combine data which was assigned randomly in order to reduce over-
from several subjects.• segment lengths were normal- lapping of symbols with similar ",values. The
ized across subjects., and ranges of joint motion were tendency for the different symbol types to be parti-
assumed to be -10" to 100" of horizontal flexion at the tioned into different sectors of C indicates that ",is, by
shoulder., and 0" to 130° at the elbow for all subjects.) itself, a relatively good indicator of the initial muscle
C-D depict the observed sign (flexor or extensor) of activations chosen by the CNS. and contrasts with the
initial EMG activity at the shoulder and elbow as a much greater overlap of different symbol types seen in
function of spatial direction defined in terms of II' (C) D, which is identical except that the data are plotted as
and of ~ (D). Each symbol represents a single move- a function of ~.
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Strategy for Arm Movements 273

16.3.1 Selection or Agonists at the 16.3.2 Magnitude and Timing or Initial

Shoulder and Elbow Shoulder and Elbow EMG
Although the analyses described above did not The fact that some overlap of symbol types
support any of the specific initiation rules tested, does occur in Figure 16.2C indicates that 'I" alone
they demonstrated that the observed initial muscle does not fully account for the choice of shoulder
activity at both joints was well predicted by com- and elbow agonists made by the CNS.
binations of movement variables which included Nevertheless, 'I' appears to be unique in that, by it-
'1', the direction of movement relative to the self, it is a very robust predictor of initial agonist
forearm (see Figure 16.1). In fact, though certain choice throughout the workspace. Furthermore,
other variables (e.g. initial elbow angle and move- for each of the muscle groups studied, the mag-
ment distance) appear to have a slight influence on nitude of initial EMG activity (quantified in terms
the observed choice of agonists (Karst and Hasan, of either peak amplitude or area of the rectified,
1988), the data indicate that 'I' is, by itself, a good filtered EMG during the initial 100 ms of activity
predictor of the observed choice of agonist muscle in each muscle) varied systematically with respect
groups at each joint. Furthermore, this relation- toV·
ship has proven consistent across subjects, for Each muscle group's contribution to the overall
movements encompassing nearly the entire reach- pattern of muscle activation is related to '1', in
able workspace in the horizontal plane, and terms of both the magnitude of initial activation
despite altering the mechanical characteristics of and the role (i.e., agonist or antagonist) of the
the limb by the addition of inertial loads of 1.8 kg muscle group during the execution of a given
to the hand (Karst, 1989; Karst and Hasan, 1990a). movement. This is illustrated in Fig. 16.3 by plot-
The degree to which 'I' accurately predicts the ting the magnitude of the initial EMG activity as a
shoulder and elbow agonists is illustrated in positive value if the muscle group acted as the
Figure 16.2C, which depicts a total of 390 in- agonist, and as a negative value for movements in
dividual movements performed by eight subjects. which it acted as the antagonist. Data from in-
Each symbol represents a single movement, and dividual movements are shown in this manner in
the symbol type indicates the observed combina- Figure 16.3A, where initial EMG magnitudes re-
tion of initial EMG activity at the shoulder and corded from the pectoralis major (clavicular
elbow. Figures 16.2A and 16.2B characterize the portion) are plotted against V for a total of 355
broad scope of the movements studied by denot- movements performed by eight subjects, thus
ing' for each movement, the location of the initial revealing the systematic variation of initial agonist
(Figure 16.2A) and final (Figure 16.2B) hand posi- magnitude with respect to V. Likewise, each of
tions relative to the reachable workspace within the other muscle groups studied demonstrated dis-
the horizontal plane. The same movements are tinct patterns of direction-related changes in initial
portrayed in the polar plot of Figure 16.2C, where EMG magnitude that were consistent enough to
the central angle corresponding to each symbol in- remain apparent even when averaged across sub-
dicates the value of 'I' for that movement. (To jects and for movements from different initial
emphasize the partitioning due to 'I' alone, there is poslhons. This direction-related modulation is
no significance to the symbol's radial distance depicted for all five muscles in Figures 16.3B-F,
from the origin, which was varied randomly where for each muscle, the initial EMG magnitude
simply to limit overlapping of symbols with of all quantifiable trials has been bin-averaged
similar 1Vvalues.) The tendency for the different over 20 deg intervals of '1', so that each symbol
symbol types to occupy relatively distinct sectors represents the mean (± S.E.) initial EMG mag-
of Fig. 16.2C supports the link between 'I' and the nitude ("+" for agonist; "-" for antagonist) for 5 to
sign of initial muscle activity. In contrast, there is 60 individual movements. For comparison of
a much greater overlap of different symbol types averaged results with individual movement results,
in Fig. 16.20, where the same movements are note that Figure 16.3B is the bin-averaged pec-
plotted as a function of absolute movement ditec- toralis (PEC) EMG data for the 355 trials depicted
tion (~). (Comparison of 'I' and ~ is discussed in individually in Figure 16.3A.
greater detail in Section 16.4.)
274 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

8~ .. , ffft
~~ •

"' "
: • • • 'I• •

~ ~. ... " '.

. "', :
• II:, ' ... , ...
.'t~(~ -; ..
hi/I + t •

. . ... .
0 0
I' . ;~~. ..' 380 380

';1>0 I t

.:~. ~.~ ,~.,

I'~ I~I


~ I''')
f Cd •.J

... f -=
H •
Inl t II!/ I
• t t

a J60 0
ff t 3&0

, t t
+! !
~I~I i
t Id,,)
+ 1111

' r-.I

-~r~ .,

~n H ~§ ••

i r .
! !
t J60
1" 360

Ull ! I
~ ("d
II~I " 10.,)

Figure 16.3: Characterization of the direction- are represented individually (in A) and as bin-averaged
dependent variations of muscle function (i.e. agonist vs means (in B). Bin-averaged initial EMG data for the
antagonist) and magnitude of initial EMG activity for posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, and
individual shoulder and elbow muscles. In each panel, brachioradialis, respectively, are shown in C-F, where
the magnitude of the initial EMG activity is repre- each symbol represents the mean (± S.E.) initial EMG
sented as a positive value if the muscle group acted as magnitude ("+" for agonist; "-" for antagonist) and
the agonist, and as a negative value for movements in direction (1jf) for each bin. (Bin width = 20°, except
which it acted as the antagonist Initial pectoralis where adjacent bins were collapsed so that n > 5 for
major EMG magnitude is shown in relation to 1jf in A each bin; horizontal error bars extend beyond the sym-
and B, where data from 355 movements (8 subjects) boIs only for collapsed bins).
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Sttategy for Arm Movements 275

Presenting the data in this fannat illustrates that A

the absolute magnitude of EMG activity tends

toward a minimum for movement directions near
the agonist-antagonist transition for that muscle
1 80
group (e.g., near V = 120° for the PEC), and,

P ',!'
though the minima are similar for anatomical an- f
tagonists at each joint, they differ across joints.
As a result, when the movement direction is near

~ !II
the agonist-antagonist transition for one of the 0'"z !! !
joints, the net torque acting at that joint depends ~ 0
more on the torque due to dynamical interactions ~ 110 180 270 380

and less on the muscular torque at that joint, thus -; ('"0)

making the choice of agonists somewhat less criti-
cal near those transitions. Though the initial
kinematics would differ depending on the choice
of agonist, such differences may be very slight,
since the magnitude of the muscle torque at that B

III +!
joint would be small, regardless of sign. For ex-
ample, Figure 16.3A indicates that, of the
movements for which V = 120°, some were in-

!1111 !~ f III
itiated by PEC activity and others by deltoid (DEL) &! ~
Iii ~
activity, yet the overall direction of movement was ~
identical. ~

.. !
The data shown in Figure 16.3 support the pos-
sibility of V playing a significant role in :0 ~ !
coordinating the activity of various muscle groups
!: ~
~!H '!
at the same joint. In order to initiate multijoint
~~ w~
movements, however, it is apparent that there
must be coordination of the initial muscle activa- . 0 lIU 180 270 360
tion patterns across joints as well. Using data It(dq)

from the same movements depicted above, we ex-

amined both the relative timing and the relative Figure 16.4: A) This illustrates that the agonist onset
magnitude of initial agonist EMG activity at the difference varies systematically with V. Bin-averaged
shoulder and elbow. For all trials in which the values for 345 movements; 8 subjects. (Positive values
time of agonist onset at each joint could be clearly indicate that shoulder agonist activity preceded elbow
identified, we determined the agonist onset time agonist onset.) Each square symbol and vertical error
difference, and quantified the relative magnitude bar indicate the mean (± S.E.) of the agonist onset dif-
of shoulder and elbow initial agonist activity as ference for the movements within that bin. Bin width
the log10 ratio of shoulder/elbow EMG magnitude is 10 deg .• except where adjacent bins have been col-
during the first 100 ms of activity. The results of lapsed to insure that n it 5 for all bins. (Collapsed bins
are those with visible horizontal error bars indicating
those analyses (Karst, 1989; Karst and Hasan,
the S.E. for V within the bin.• while.• for the 10 degree
1990b) are illustrated in Figure 16.4 and briefly bin widths., the horizontal error bars are not visible.•
summarized below. since they are narrower than the symbols.) B)
lliustration showing that the shoulder-elbow agonist
magnitude ratio also varies systematically with V.
Conventions as in A. except that the vertical axis now
represents the relative magnitude of the initial 100 ms
of agonist EMG activity at the shoulder and elbow.
Increasing Y values indicate increasing shoulder EMG
activity and/or decreasing elbow EMG activity. Data
from the same movements as in A.
276 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

For most movements, initial agonist EMG ac- tivated at each joint, as well as the relative timing
tivity at the shoulder preceded that at the elbow, and magnitude of those initial activations. These
with a mean onset difference of 26 ms (p < 0.001; observations suggest that relatively simple rules,
n = 345), of which less than 3 ms was attributable based on directional information such as that
to axonal conduction to the more distal muscles. encoded in motor cortical output, may play a
Figure 16.4A also illustrates that the agonist onset primary role in determining the appropriate
varies systematically as a function of 'If, with min- muscle activation patterns for the initiation of mul-
ima corresponding to the agonist-antagonist tijoint reaching movements.
transitions for the shoulder muscles and maxima
near the analogous transitions for the elbow 16.4 Comparison of EMG Activity and
muscles. As a result, there is a nearly linear Motor Cortical Output
change in the relative timing of shoulder and el- Though it appears that the directional informa-
bow agonist onsets over each of the four ranges of tion encoded in motor cortical activity exerts an
'If occupied by the four possible combinations of important influence on the EMG pattern, that in-
shoulder and elbow agonists. Furthermore, plot- fluence is far from direct For proximal muscle
ting the relative magnitude of initial shoulder and groups, such as those we have studied, motor cor-
elbow agonist activity, as seen in Figure 16.4B, tical neurons do not project directly to the spinal
reveals a comparable pattern of variation with motoneuron pools. Instead, they terminate
respect to 'If. Consequently, for movement direc- primarily on interneurons of the C3-C4
tions near the shoulder agonist-antagonist propriospinal system. There is considerable
transitions, initial agonist EMG activity at the el- divergence of motor cortical output, due in part to
bow tends to be relatively large and early while axonal branching within the corticospinal tract it-
shoulder agonist activity is relatively small and self, as well as to connectivity within the C3-C4
late; the converse being true for movement direc- propriospinal system. This system, which receives
tions near the elbow agonist-antagonist transitions. a variety of descending and peripheral inputs,
The manner in which both the relative timing projects directly to spinal motoneurons, and ap-
and the relative magnitude of initial shoulder and pears to play an important role in shaping the final
elbow activity vary with target direction suggests motor output associated with reaching movements
that the temporal aspects of the motor output pat- (Alstermark et al., 1981). As a result, the output
tern might not be specified independently at the of a single motor cortical neuron affects multiple
pre-motoneuronal level. Instead, once the relative spinal motoneuron pools, and, conversely, a given
magnitude of the shoulder and elbow motor com- motoneuron is influenced by converging input
mand is specified, the observed variations in from a variety of sources, including multiple
relative timing could simply emerge from an in- motor cortical cells.
verse relationship between the magnitude of the How the directional information encoded in the
excitatory input to a motoneuron pool and the time motor cortical output is actually used to specify
required for those motoneurons to reach the muscle activation patterns is still unknown, though
threshold of activation. If so, temporally at least one possibility has been suggested. A
stereotyped motor commands, in which the input general scheme, proposed by Georgopoulos and
to the shoulder agonist motoneurons precedes that colleagues (Georgopoulos, 1988; Schwartz et al.,
to the elbow motoneurons by a fixed interval 1988), incorporates the divergence of motor corti-
(perhaps 25-30 ms), could still result in the ob- cal output from a single cell to multiple
served range of agonist onset differences. motoneuron pools, and includes the following
In summary, we have demonstrated that, for characteristics:
planar, two-joint, reaching movements, the main 1) Individual motor cortical cells exert a weighted
features of the initial muscle activation patterns at influence on the activity of motoneuron pools
each joint show consistent correlations with 'If, the in several muscles.
spatial direction of hand movement relative to the
forearm. For movements throughout the reachable 2) The combination of muscles and weighting fac-
workspace in the horizontal plane, 'If may be used tors (a "muscle field") determines the
to predict which muscle groups will be initially ac- preferred movement direction, for which that
motor cortical cell is maximally active.
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Sttategy for Arm Movements 277

3) Thus, each muscle field acts as an independent 1984; Kettner et al., 1988), the population vectors
functional unit, the activation of which varies corresponded to observed movement tmjectories
as a function of the difference between the to a similar degree for parallel movements. Still,
preferred direction and the specified move- comparison of single-cell activity between pairs of
ment direction. parallel movements revealed that significant dif-
Given the broad directional tuning of single cells, ferences were observed in nearly one-third of
it follows that movement would result from the those paired comparisons (Kettner et al., 1988).
graded co-activation of many muscle groups. Our And, since it is unclear whether the range of initial
observations regarding EMG activity associated positions in those experiments was comparable to
with planar, two-joint movements are not incom- that which we have examined, we cannot rule out
patible with the basic features of this scheme, the possibility that the apparent difference in coor-
although some of our findings suggest that the dinate systems used to represent direction at the
mechanism outlined above understates the role of motor cortical and EMG levels is due to
spinal circuitry in mediating the transfer of corti- methodological differences.
cal motor output to the motoneuron pools. If further investigation should confmn that
Having considered the assertions in preceding movement direction is, indeed, represented in dif-
sections that the observed activity at both the ferent coordinates at the two levels, it would imply
motor cortical and EMG levels is related to spatial that the transformation between 'V and 41, which
direction, the reader may well ask: direction rela- depends on the absolute orientation of the forearm,
tive to what? The evidence presented in Section takes place subcortically. That scenario seems
16.2 indicates that modulation of cortical neuronal feasible, since, as we have already noted, a good
activity is related to 41, the absolute direction of deal of the requisite neural integration for these
hand movement (Le. relative to subject's fixed movements does occur at the spinal level. In fact,
trunk), while our data demonstrate variations of the C3-C4 propriospinal system, which mediates
initial EMG activity in relation to 'V, the direction the effect of motor cortical output on the spinal
of hand movement relative to the forearm (Figure motoneuron pools, receives input from a variety of
16.1). For movements initiated from the same forelimb afferents as well as from the motor cor-
position, 1\1 differs from 'V only by a constant which tex, and thus would appear well-suited to effect
describes the initial absolute orientation of the such a transformation.
forearm in space (since 41 = 'V + O~nit + Oknit ). Another contrast between the output at the
Thus, for movements which share the same initial motor cortical and spinal motoneuron levels lies in
hand position, choosing between 'V and 41 as the in- the structure of the EMG patterns which we and
dependent variable changes only the phase, not the others (Accornero et al., 1984; Wadman et al.,
form of a given relationship. Similarly, 'V and 1\1 1980) have observed during the execution of
tend to covary for nearby starting positions. planar, two-joint reaching movements. Those data
Since, in our studies of initial EMG activity, we at- give the impression: 1) that there is a strong ten-
tempted to maximize the mnge of initial hand dency toward the generation of an alternating
positions (see Figure 16.2A), 1\1 and 'V are no pattern of agonist and antagonist activity at each
longer simply related, as indicated by the different joint, as has been shown for many single-joint
distributions of the data in Figures 16.2C and movements; and 2) that the patterns at the
16.2D. Furthermore, comparison of the partition- shoulder and elbow tend to be roughly in-phase;
ing of symbol types in Figures 16.2C and 16.2D but 3) that the modulation of that pattern may be
reveal that 'V is clearly a better predictor of the much more comprehensive than has generally
combination of shoulder and elbow agonists used been observed in relation to movements con-
for initiating these movements. strained to a single joint. For example, Figure
On the other hand, the studies of motor cortical 16.5 depicts four individual movements from ap-
activity reviewed in Section 16.2 showed that ac- proximately the same initial position. The
tivity to be related to the absolute movement direction of these movements varies sequentially
direction (1\1). Even when those experiments in- from 'V = 3030 in Figure 16.5A to 'V = 248 0 in
cluded sets of parallel movements with varying 16.5D, thus spanning a range of 'V which encom-
initial and final positions (Georgopoulos et al., passes one of the agonist-antagonist transitions for
the shoulder musculature. The switch of shoulder
278 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

agonist from pectoralis in Figure 16.5B to pos- be much more prominent than we or others have
terior deltoid in Figure 16.5C illustrates that, even observed for the type of movements discussed
for movement directions very near this transition, here (Accornero et al., 1984; Hasan and Karst,
an alternating pattern is seen in the muscles about 1989; Karst, 1989; Wadman et at., 1980). Instead,
the shoulder, though the magnitude of activity is our observations suggest that directional informa-
greatly reduced. tion at the EMG level is used in two ways, being
Although we have argued that the directional represented first as a discrete variable (specifying
infonnation from motor cortex could specify some one of four combinations of shoulder and elbow
of the features of the initial EMG pattern, this does agonists), then, within each of those subgroups, as
not mean that the basic structure of that pattern is a continuous variable (specifying relative mag-
represented at the motor cortical level. In general, nitude and/or timing of initial agonist activity).
discharge patterns of single motor cortical cells Using directional information in this manner
are not characterized by the sort of temporal would seem to simplify the planning of initial
modulation which might serve as the basis for the muscle activations since the first step allows for
typical alternating EMG pattern (Murphy et al., the use of a stereotyped muscle activation pattern
1985), nor is there a reversal of the population by simply "plugging in" the appropriate agonists,
vector which might account for antagonist activa- while the second step provides flexibility by
tion (Georgopoulos, 1988). [There is evidence, modulating parameters within that pattern.
however, that the proximal to distal sequencing of Furthermore, this two-step use of directional infor-
agonist onsets may be reflected at the cortical mation would explain the observed EMG activity
level (Murphy et aI., 1985).] Thus, the charac- near the agonist-antagonist transitions, such as
teristic structure of this pattern seems likely to that depicted for the shoulder in Figure 16.5.
emerge at the spinal level. Although there have To summarize, comparison of motor cortical
been previous suggestions of a stretch reflex and EMG activity supports the notion that direc-
origin for the antagonist burst (Angel, 1977; Ghez tional information encoded in the activity of motor
and Martin, 1982), our data provide clear evidence cortical cells plays a major role in determining the
that antagonist activation is not dependent on observed muscle activation patterns, but indicates
stretch, since, in some cases, the entire three-burst that the previously proposed "weighted influence"
pattern is expressed even though the antagonist is scheme does not, by itself, completely account for
actually shortening throughout the movement (e.g. the direction-related characteristics of EMG ac-
the PEC in Figure 16.5C). Nevertheless, afferent tivity that we have observed. Our data suggest
input to the C3-C4 propriospinal system appears to more extensive neural integration at the spinal
play a significant role in reaching movements level.
(Alstermark et al., 1981; 1986). At present, it
seems reasonable to assume that pattern gener-
16.5 Summary and Conclusions
ating circuitry at the spinal level, activated by The main thrust of this chapter is the assertion
descending commands and modulated by afferent that, in spite of the complexity of the mechanics,
input, is responsible for the characteristic alternat- multijoint reaching movements might ensue from
ing EMG pattern observed during these a strategy in which muscle activations appropriate
movements. for initiating a movement are determined by
Finally, our observations about the structure simple rules based primarily on the spatial direc-
and modulation of these EMG patterns have im- tion of that movement. The experimental
plications as to how the directional information evidence offered in support of this premise in-
encoded in the motor cortical output might be in- cludes our observations regarding the initial
corporated into the generation of the EMG output shoulder and elbow EMG activity for movements
As noted in Section 16.2, directional information throughout the reachable workspace in the
appears to be represented as a continuous variable horizontal plane, as well as observations regarding
in the output of the motor cortex. H a similar rep- the activity of motor cortical neurons in the rhesus
resentation existed at the muscle activation level monkey during a variety of volitional multijoint
(as suggest in the "weighted influence" scheme reaching movements. The former observations in-
suggested by Georgopoulos and colleagues), one dicate that: 1) the initiation of these movements is
would expect agonist-antagonist co-activation to characterized by relatively simple patterns of EMG
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Strategy for Arm Movements 279


"" = 303'
"" =283'

~1 °E ~I °E ----
9s ~ OS

~ ~



1/1=268' 1/1 =248'


-- :1

BIe ~ BIe

Figure 16.5: Representation of digitized EMG and and elbow are indicated by as and aE • respectively .•
kinematic data for movements in different directions. with upward deflections indicating flexion. Each
Each of the four records depicts a single movement record also depicts the rectified and filtered EMGs of
performed by the same subject. initiated from ap- five shoulder and elbow muscles. with increasing ac-
proximately the same position (initial joint angles were tivity indicated by an upward deflection of the EMG
22° ± 4° [mean ± S.D.] for a siAit and 57° ± 5° for a~"it). trace for flexor muscles (biceps. brachioradialis and
but differing in movement direction. as indicated by pectoralis major) and a downward deflection for exten-
the values of 'fl. Angular displacements at the shoulder sor muscles (triceps and posterior deltoid).
280 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

activity at each joint; 2) modification of a few directional deviations would result in curved hand
parameters of this stereotyped EMG pattern paths, with the extent and direction of that curva-
provides the flexibility to initiate movement in any ture dependent on the initial configuration of the
direction; and 3) appropriate specification of each limb and the direction of the movement. As more
of those parameters may be based primarily on the diverse movements have been studied, it has be-
spatial direction of the movement. Moreover, the come apparent that this is, indeed, the case
ready availability of such directional information (Atkeson and Hollerbach, 1985; Karst, 1989).
is supported by the latter group of experimental Whether or not the observed deviations from a
observations, which indicate that the spatial direc- straight-line hand path are fully explained by this
tion of movement is encoded in the output of initiation rule has not yet been determined.
motor cortex, and, in fact, appears to be Finally, though the particular direction-based in-
prominently represented at multiple levels within itiation rule discussed here applies only to planar
the sensorimotor system. movements, the search for an analogous rule for
This proposed initiation rule does not explain the initiation of three-dimensional movements is
the movement strategy as a whole, but would func- an obvious, albeit technically difficult, step in
tion to propel the hand in the approximate evaluating this concept.
direction of the intended final position, with addi-
tional mechanisms required for ongoing correction
Accomero. N., Berardelli, A, Argenta. M. and
and braking. Despite these potential drawbacks,
Manfredi, M. (1984) Two joints ballistic ann move-
the simplicity of this initiation rule, whereby the ments. Neurosci. Lett. 46: 91-95.
initial muscle activations could derive from a Alstennarlc. B., Lundberg, A., Norrsell, U. and
single parameter (which is known to be repre- Sybirska. E. (1981) Integration in descending motor
sented in the CNS), is inherently appealing. This pathways controlling the forelimb in the cat. 9.
simplicity contrasts sharply with the complexity of Differential behavioral defects after spinal cord le-
a strategy in which the CNS plans the initial hand sions interrupting defined pathways from higher
trajectory, then uses inverse kinematics (plus addi- centres to motoneurones. Exp. Brain. Res. 42: 299-
tional constraints to insure a unique solution) to 318.
determine initial joint trajectories, then employs AlstennatK, B., Gorska.T., Iohannisson,T. and
inverse dynamics (and precise knowledge of mass Lundberg, A. (1986) Hypennetria in forelimb
target-reaching after interruption of the inhibitory
and inertial parameters) to determine initial joint
pathway from forelimb afferents to C3-C4
torque requirements, and finally (by some un- propriospinal neurones. Neurosci. Res. 3: 457-461.
known mechanism) chooses appropriate initial Angel. RW. (1974) Electromyography during volun-
muscle activations based on those torque require- tary movement: The two-burst pattern.
ments. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol36: 493-498.
Finally, in addition to its appealing simplicity Angel, RW. (1977) Antagonist muscle activity during
and the extent of the experimental evidence which rapid ann movements: central versus proprioceptive
appears to support it, the concept of a simple, influences. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 40: 683-686.
direction-dependent initiation rule has testable im- Atkeson, C.G. and Hollerbach, I.M. (1985) Kinematic
plications. Since a direction-based initiation rule, features of unrestrained vertical ann movements. J
Neurosci 5: 2318-2330.
as proposed here, does not explicitly account for
Caminiti. R, Johnson. P.B., Pastore. RA and Urbano,
the effects of dynamic interactions between limb
A. (1988) Spatial coding of movement direction in
segments, some initial deviation from the intended frontal cortical areas. Soc Neurosci Abstr 14: 342.
direction of movement is an inherent characteris- Cole. K.I., Gracco, V.L. and Abbs, I.H. (1984)
tic. Thus, it seems likely that a strategy built Autogenic and non-autogenic sensorimotor actions
around this rule would also exhibit the type of in the control of multiarticulate hand movements.
rapid, ongoing modulation of motor output that Exp Brain Res 56: 582-585.
has been observed in other multijoint movement Fortier, P.A., Kalaska. J.F. and Smith, A.M. (1989)
tasks (Cole et al., 1984). Experiments currently in Cerebellar neuronal activity related to whole-ann
progress will assess the effects of unpredictable reaching movements in the monkey. J Neurophysiol
perturbations on the EMG output during the initia- 62:198-211.
Georgopoulos, AP. (1988a) Spatial coding of visually
tion phase of multijoint reaching movements.
guided arm movements in primate motor cortex.
Similarly, ongoing correction for the inherent
16. Karst and Hasan; Direction-Dependent Sttategy for Arm Movements 281

Can] Physiol Pharmacol66: 518-526. arm movements. Soc Neurosci Abstr 14: 951.
Georgopoulos, A.P. (1988b) Neural integration of Karst, G.M. and Hasan, Z. (1989) Timing and mag-
movement: role of motor cortex in reaching. FASEB nitude of EMG activity at the shoulder and elbow
] 2: 2849-2857. for initiation of planar arm movements. Soc
Georgopoulos, A.P., Kalaska, J.F., Caminiti, R. and Neurosci Abstr 15: 48.
Massey, J.T. (1982) On the relations between the Karst, G.M. and Hasan, Z. (1990a) Initiation rules for
direction of two-dimensional arm movements and planar, two-joint arm movements: agonist selection
cell discharge in primate motor cortex. ] Neurosci for movements throughout the worlcspace.
2: 1527-1537. (Submitted)
Georgopoulos, A.P., Kalaska, J.F., Crotcher, M.D., Karst, G.M. and Hasan, Z. (1990b) Timing and mag-
Caminiti, R. and Massey, J.T. (1984) The repre- nitude of electromyographic activity for two-joint
sentation of movement direction in the motor arm movements in different directions. (Submitted)
cortex: Single cell and population studies. In: Kettner, RE., Schwartz, A.B. and Georgopoulos, A.P.
Edelman, G.M., Cowan, W.M. and Gall, W.E. (eds) (1988) Primate motor cortex and free arm move-
Dynamic aspects of neocortical function. Wiley, ments to visual targets in three-dimensional space.
New York pp 501-524. III. Positional gradients and population coding of
Georgopoulos, A.P., Schwartz, A.B. and Kettner, RE. movement direction from various movement
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Neurol Neurosurg Psych 38: 1163-1169. hypothesis. Neurosci Lett 91:106-111.
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initiation of planar, two-joint arm movements in dif- M.A. and Baroni, A. (1988) Effects of expected per-
ferent directions. Exp Brain Res 76: 651-655. turbations on the velocity control of fast arm
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The Organization of Human Arm Trajectory Control

Tamar Flash

17.1 Introduction operated upon by a much larger number of

Traditionally, studies of human and animal muscles than are strictly necessary from mechani-
movements have focused on systems composed of cal considemtions, the problem of torque
a single muscle, or a single joint. However, most distribution among redundant muscles in another
natural human actions such as reaching, walking, example of an ill-posed problem.
writing, etc., require coordination among a large A third and perhaps more fundamental ill-
number of muscles and joints. Although the ex- posed problem arises at the task level. Any
cess degrees of freedom problem, also known as behavioral goal can be acheived in many different
Bemstein's problem (Bemstein, 1967), arises even ways. Thus, for example, a cup of coffee might be
in the context of single-joint movements, it be- reached while moving the hand along many dif-
comes especially complicated to resolve in the ferent paths. Likewise, in drawing an ellipse, or
multi-joint case. writing the letter z, we may generate the same
In the strict kinematic sense, degrees of geometrical form, while using each time a totally
freedom are "the least number of independent different law of motion for the time course of pen
coordinates required to specify the position of the position along the path. Again, how does the brain
system elements without violating any kinematic determine in what way to perform a given motor
constraints" (Saltzman, 1979). To describe the task in order to achieve the desired behavioral
location and orientation of the hand in space, six goals?
independent coordinates are required. However, The excess degrees of freedom problem, there-
to uniquely characterize the configuration of the fore, poses a real challenge to any motor control
upper arm, at least seven coordinates are neces- theory. How does the motor system select specific
sary. Given the kinematic redundancy of the solutions to any of these ill-posed problems? How
human arm, the inverse kinematics problem, i.e., does the system manage to handle the large num-
finding what joint angles correspond to a given ber of controlled parameters available at all levels
hand location and orientation in space, does not of sensorimotor representation? The two solutions
have a unique solution. This is but one example of that were offered to this problem were: a) the
a large number of ill-posed problems that arise in motor system is hierarchically organized; b) the
the control of arm posture and movement. A system makes use of coordinative constraints.
problem is well-posed when a solution exists, is Instead of trying to directly bridge the gap be-
unique, and depends continuously on the input in- tween the behavioral goals of any motor act and
formation (Tikhonov and Arsenin, 1977). Ill- the neural input to muscles needed to achieve this
posed problems fail to satisfy one or more of these goal, this gap is progressively narrowed down by
criteria. Most motor problems are ill-posed in the using a hierarchy of motor control levels
sense that the kinematic solution to the problem is (Bernstein, 1967; Gelfand et al., 1971; Saltzman,
not unique. Since most limb segments are 1979). Higher levels translate the motor problem

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. WintersandS.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 283

into terms that are more suitable for the lower principles, we will refer to the view that the motor
level to handle, all the way down to the muscles. system is hierarchically organized by addressing
Associated with this idea is the concept of internal the question of what possible aspects of movement
representations of motor actions (e.g., Bernstein, generation are dealt with at the various levels of
1967; Saltzman, 1979; Keele, 1981). Many papers sensorimotor representation. Section 17.2 deals
dealing with the problem of motor organization with the topic of trajectory planning and reviews
have stressed the need to distinguish between long- evidence from behavioral and modelling studies
term and short-term, or working representation of which supports the notion that higher levels deal
action (for a review see Saltzman, 1979). While with more abstract aspects of movement gener-
the working plan was postulated to be quite ation. In particular, a theory of motor
specific and to depend on the current task coordination which offers a solution to the task-
demands and the current state of the musculoskele- level redundancy problem is presented. Section
tal system and of the environment, the long-term 17.3 deals with the problem of motor execution. It
representation was postulated to be more abstract focusses on the role played by the mechanical
and to relate to the general features of any motor properties of muscles in simplifying the motor
action. Two considerations led to this hypothesis. control problems arising in multi-joint posture and
One is the limitation on the memory storage movement. This section also summarizes
capacity of the system. The other is derived from evidence in support of the view that arm trajectory
the similarities that exist between the characteris- control is a step-by-step process, whereby higher
tics of movements produced by different effectors levels deal with motion planning while lower
(e.g., handwriting produced by wrist and finger levels deal with the more concrete aspects of
movements or by upper limb movements while motor execution. Section 17.4 deals with possible
writing on a blackboard). Since it would have strategies for trajectory modification. An ex-
been extremely inefficient for the system to store perimentally confirmed model is presented which
all possible variations of any single movement, it suggests that the modification of aimed arm move-
was argued that there should exist more abstract ments in response to sudden changes in target
and general representations of movement The ac- location might involve the superposition of basic
tual performance of every motor act was therefore trajectory primitives. Next, the principles dis-
claimed to incorporate both abstract information cussed in the former sections are summarized and
derived from long-term memory, and particular in- an integrative view of arm movement organization
formation about the current task demands and the is presented. Finally, we conclude by discussing
physical state of the environment and of the mus- several recommendations for future research direc-
culoskeletal system. tions.
It was also argued that in order to simplify
17.2 Trajectory Planning
motor control, it is essential to reduce the number
In recent years, the planning and control of
of controlled parameters and the amount of infor-
multi-joint movements in general, and arm move-
mation needed to be analyzed in the performance
ments in particular, has attracted the attention of
of any motor act (Gelfand et al., 1971).
an increasingly large number of studies. The ob-
Coordinative constraints, or the so-called basic
jective of many of these studies was to identify
motion synergies, were claimed to play an impor-
common kinematic features or sterotyped patterns
tant role in establishing such working conditions
of muscle activations which characterize intact
for the higher motor levels. Gelfand et al. (1971)
motor behavior, and based on these observations
have defined synergies as "those classes of move-
to form new ideas and hypotheses about move-
ments that have similar kinematic characteristics,
ment organization.
coinciding active muscle groups and conducting
Motor behavior is fundamentally multi-
types of afferentation." Such synergies, then,
dimensional. Hence, movements can be
form the basic alphabet from which more compli-
alternatively represented at the muscle, joint or
cated motor acts can be generated.
task levels. This raises the two following fun-
This chapter focuses on the organizing
damental questions: In what space(s) or coordinate
principles that underlie the generation of multi-
frame(s) does the brain represent movement?
joint arm movements. In discussing these
284 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

What rules govern the selection of specific trajec- the trajectories displayed two or more curvature
tories among the infInite number of possible ones? maxima. The hand velocity profIles also had two
One effective way to investigate these issues is to or more peaks and the minima between adjacent
experimentally observe human movements. By velocity peaks temporally corresponded to the
looking for patterns of invariance in the observed maxima in curvature (Abend et al., 1982). To ac-
behavior, certain hypotheses concerning the under- count for the observed kinematic featuress of
lying organizing principles can be formulated straight and curved hand trajectories a mathemati-
leading to quantitative and testable theories of cal model of the organization of voluntary arm
motor contro1. In this context, distinguishing be- movements was formulated (Flash and Hogan,
tween movement path and trajectory may provide 1985). This model, which was based on dynamic
a better understanding of the problems involved in optimization theory, enabled us to describe an as-
multi-joint movement generation. Path is defIned sumed goal of this class of movements, by a
as the geometrical curve that the hand follows in relatively simple formula, and to derive from that
space, while the term trajectory refers also to the formula detailed predictions of the kinematics of a
velocity of movement along the path. large number of specific motions.
Based on experimental observations, several in-
17.2.1 The Maximum-Smoothness Theory for
vestigators (e.g., Soechting and Lacquaniti, 1981;
Hollerbach and Atkeson, 1987; Flanagan and Arm Movements
Ostry, 1990) have suggested that trajectories are Natural movements are characteristically
planned in joint variables while others have smooth and gracefu1. This observation can be ex-
argued that simplicity of motor control (at least for pressed by a mathematically concise model of
higher-level CNS planning) is achieved by plan- motor coordination by postulating that voluntary
ning hand trajectories in extracorporea1 space; movements are made, at least in the absence of
joint rotations are then tailored to produce the any other overriding concerns (such as the mini-
desired hand movements (Bernstein, 1967). This mization of movement duration), to be as smooth
view gained support from several behavioral and as possible under the circumstances. Mean
neurophysiological studies of human and monkey squared magnitude of hand jerk (rate of change of
reaching movements (Abend et al., 1982; hand acceleration, or equivalently, the third
Georgopoulos et al., 1981; Morasso, 1981; Flash derivative of position) integrated over movement
and Hogan, 1985; Georgopoulos, 1986). When time was used as a measure of smoothness
moving the hand between pairs of targets in the (Hogan, 1984; Flash and Hogan, 1985). Using
horizontal plane, subjects tended to generate dynamic optimization theory, the unique trajectory
roughly straight hand paths with single-peaked, (among the infInite number of possible ones) that
bell-shaped speed profIles; this behavior was inde- minimizes this performance measure was deter-
pendent of the part of the work-space in which the mined. More precisely, the smoothest motion is
reaching movement was performed. Because acheived by the trajectory that minimizes the fol-
these common invariant features were only evi- lowing objective function:

=!.J If (
dent in the extracorporeal coordinates of the hand
and not in the movements of individual limb seg- C d 3r )2 dt (17.1)
T 2 d3
ments, these results provided strong indication that o t
planning takes place in terms of hand motion
through external space and not in terms of joint where r(t) is the vector of hand position and t, is
rotations (Moras so, 1981). the movement duration. Based on this defInition
This conclusion was also generalized to more the actual movement had to be worked out, its
complex movements, where kinematic invariances details depending on the conditions assumed at the
were again only present in the hand and not in beginning and end of the movement.
joint movements. When subjects were instructed The above model has been initially derived for
to generate curved, or obstacle-avoidance move- single-joint movements (Hogan, 1984) but most
ments, the single-peaked velocity profIles were natural movements are multi-dimensional, i.e.
not preserved. Although the hand paths appeared they involve simultaneous rotations about several
smooth, movement curvature was not uniform and joints. In extending the maximum smoothness
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 285

principle to the multi-joint case, however, a cru- These predicted movements were shown to
cial question is what coordinates should be used in have the following characteristics:
order to define the above measure of smoothness.
1) The trajectories of the hand follow straight
For example, the vector r may relate to the posi- paths.
tion coordinates of the hand in space, or to the
angular coordinates of the different joints (e.g., 2) The velocity profIle for moving along that path
shoulder and elbow). A basic postulate of this is smooth and unimodal.
theory is that the objective of motor coordination 3) The shape of the trajectory is invariant under
should be expressed in the coordinate system in translation, rotation, amplitude, and speed
which movement planning is assumed to occur. scaling.
Since, as discussed above, experimental observa- Experimental studies of planar horizontal arm
tions have indicated that arm movements are movements have shown that these predictions
planned in terms of hand trajectories, the vector r agree quite well with the experimental observa-
was chosen to be expressed in terms of the tions. Figure 17.1 shows theoretical predictions
Cartesian coordinates of the hand. The minimiza- and experimental observations for two typical
tion of this cost resulted in analytic expressions for point-to-point movements.
the description of both point-to-point and curved Several studies indeed have reported that
trajectories. For point-to-point movements, start- during point-to-point motions the path of the hand
ing and ending at rest, the expressions derived for through extrapersonal space is essentially straight
the description of x(t) and y(t), the hand position and the velocity profIle is basically bell-shaped in-
coordinates were: dependently of end-point locations (Morasso,
1981; Flash and Hogan, 1985), thus satisfying the
x(t) = Xo + (x,- x) (6(tltl- 15(tltl + 100tlt/ (17.2) prediction that the trajectory is invariant under
translation and rotation. It is both true for large
y(t) = Yo + (Y,- y) (6(tltl-15(tltl + lO(tlt/
and small movements and for movements at dif-
where (xo'y), (x';Yr) are, respectively, the initial ferent speeds, thus, satisfying the predictions that
and fmal hand posItions, t is the time and t, is the the trajectories are invariant under amplitude and
movement duration. ·speed scaling.
o o

• T4



1500 b 1500 b d

• I I • ••• I I " I I.. •

204060 120 204060 120 204060 120 204060 120

Figure 17.1: Overlapped predicted (solid lines) and the x-axis (d) for two point-to-point movements.
measured (dashed lines) hand paths (a). speeds (b) and (From Flash and Hogan, 1985; reproduced with per-
acceleration components along the y-axis (c) and along mission.)
286 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

To account for the kinematic features of curved 5) The shape of the trajectory is invariant under
movements, again the maximum smoothness translation, rotation amplitude and time scal-
model was applied assuming that curved motions ing.
are generated by specifying a small number of ac- 6) The durations of the motions from the initial
curacy ("via") points along the trajectory. The position to the via point, and from the via
hand is then required to pass through these points point to the fmal position are almost always
on its way between the initial and final positions. equal, except for cases in which the via point
The time at which the hand passes through these is located very close to either one of the move-
points, or the velocity at that time, need not be a ment end-points. This behavior will be
priori specified. These are predictions of the referred to below as the isochrony principle
model. As before, limb motion was expressed in (Viviani and Terzuolo, 1982).
terms of hand coordinates. Taking the simplest
Each of these predictions was corroborated by
case of one via point between the initial and final
observation. Figure 17.2 compares between
positions, the theory yielded explicit mathematical
theoretical predictions and experimental observa-
expressions for the description of curved motions
tions for two typical curved movements. Peak in
(see in Flash and Hogan, 1985) as well as the fol-
curvature, valleys in velocity proflles, and the time
lowing predictions:
coincidence between them were reported both for
1) The hand velocity proflle exhibits two peaks curved and obstac1e-avoidance movements
with a valley between them. (Abend et al., 1982) and for handwriting (Viviani
2) The depth of this valley increases with the and Terzuolo, 1980; Edelman and Flash, 1987).
lateral deviation of the via point from the Likewise, for drawing movements it was observed
straight line joining the initial and final posi- that the same law of motion applies whether the
tions. movements are large or small, slow or fast (for a
3) The hand path exhibits a single curvature peak. review see Lacquaniti, 1989). The additional
prediction corroborated by experimental data is
4) The peak in curvature temporally coincides the isochrony principle, namely, the phenomenon
with the valley in tangential velocity. that within a given trajectory, movement durations
for large and small segments are roughly equal.

+T4 +T4 +T4 +T4

V' V r>
+ + + +

T, T, + +T, + +T,

~J I I
11. §]

V V·


ll- C

Time 1.....:1
Real Mode' Reo I Mode'

Figure 17.2: Two examples of measured (real, left of hand speed, T, curvature, C and velocity com-
columns) and predicted (model, right columns) curved ponents, V and V, versus time. (Reproduced with
trajectories. Displayed are the hand paths, P, and plots permission%from Fl~sh and Hogan, 1985.)
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 287

Since this theory was based on the hypothesis straight (Hogan, 1988; see also Figure 4 in Flash
that arm movements are planned or coordinated and Hogan, 1985). The predictions of the
based on hand motions in external space, the suc- staggered-joint interpolation strategy, therefore,
cess of this theory in accounting for the observed are incompatible with experimental obSClVations,
behavior provided further support for this at least in the case of horizontal planar move-
hypothesis. How does this view agree with other ments. Why pointing motions are more CUlVed is
obselVations of arm movements? It has been not yet clear. However, as will be shown in the
reported that in straight pointing movements per- next section, it has been possible to account for the
formed in the vertical plane the ratio between joint deviations of horizontal planar point-to-point
velocities approaches a constant value towards the movements from straight paths by considering
end of the movement. This [mding sClVed as an how desired motion plans are possibly executed
argument in favour of the idea that arm move- by the neuromuscular system. Whether this con-
ments are planned in terms of joint coordinates clusion can be extended to movements in the
(Soechting and Lacquaniti, 1981). The motions, vertical plane remains to be seen.
recorded in these studies, were directed away from The maximum-smoothness objective, as ex-
the body and ended near the boundaries of the pressed by the above theory, is independent of
workspace. Based purely on mathematical limb kinematics and the neuromuscular dynamics.
grounds, Hollerbach and Atkeson (1987) have This theory is, therefore, completely consistent
shown, however, that if the hand follows a straight with the notion that there exists an abstract repre-
path, the ratio of joint velocities is bounded to con- sentation of movement that is independent of the
verge to a constant as the hand approaches the . mechanical effectors used in the performance of
workspace boundaries. Thus, such movements the motor task (Bernstein, 1967). This theory is
cannot provide evidence for joint-based planning. also consistent with the notion that movement gen-
Not all point-to-point movements are ideally eration is heirarchically organized, whereby at
straight. Several researchers presented experimen- higher levels only the more general features of
tal observations showing that although some movement, i.e. those that remain invariant under
pointing movements, performed in the vertical changes in the temporal and spatial scales of the
plane, follow straight paths, others are characteris- movement, are represented (Keele, 1981).
tically quite cUlVed (Atkeson and Hollerbach, Specific motion parameters, such as end-point or
1985; Flanagan and Ostry, 1990). To account for via-point positions and movement durations,
the CUlVature of some of these movements, defined on the basis of the current task demands,
Hollerbach and Atkeson (1987) have proposed a are then used to obtain a more detailed specifica-
joint-based strategy which they called slllggered tion of any particular movement (Flash and
joint interpolation. The suggestion was that the Hogan, 1985).
velocity profiles of all joints have the same Although hand jerk was shown to decrease with
kinematic form. The times at which the joints practice (Schneider and Zernicke, 1989), it should
begin moving, however, might be delayed or stag- be stressed that nowhere does this theory
gered with respect to one another. These velocity hypothesize or suggest that hand jerk is actually
profiles are also appropriately scaled with respect sensed, or that minimum-jerk trajectories are com-
to amplitude and duration. Choosing appropriate putationally derived by the nervous system. Thus,
parameters, this strategy can produce essentially one possible physiological interpretation for the
straight lines in certain parts of the workspace. success of this theory in accounting for the ob-
This strategy, however, does not allow joint rever- selVed behavior is that the central nervous system
sals during the performance of any movement. employs a trajectory planning strategy that is cap-
Hence, Hollerbach and Atkeson (1987) have tured by this model. Another possible explanation
argued that in regions where the performance of is that the smoothness of motion is an outcome of
straight paths requires joint reversals, the move- the intrinsic properties of the neural and musculos-
ments are bound to be CUlVed. keletal hardware [Flash and Hogan, 1985; Chapter
The trajectories obSClVed in many studies of 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters)]. The possible
point-to-point movements do display, however, rationale for maximizing smoothness might be the
joint reversals and are also very close to being wish to maximize the predictability of the trajec-
288 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

tory, which is consistent with mInlIDlzmg its motion plan, however, appropriate joint torques
higher time-derivatives (Hogan, 1984; Flash and and muscle activation patterns must be generateed.
Hogan, 1985), or the wish to minimize the amount How are these trajectory plans realized by the sys-
of information that needs to be presented and proc- tem? One possible way that this can be achieved
cessed in the planning and execution of motor (Hollerbach, 1982) is by transforming hand trajec-
tasks. tory plans into joint rotations. The required joint
Similar optimization principles may also apply torques can then be derived by solving the second-
in the generation of more complicated movements. order nonlinear dynamic equations of motion (the
In handwriting or drawing, for example, the sys- so called "inverse dynamics" problem). For multi-
tem need not internally represent all possible jointed arms, there exist inertial dynamic
letters or figural forms, but may use, instead, a interactions between the moving skeletal segments
limited set of basic primitives or strokes which can and several muscles pull across more than one
then be concatenated to form more complicated joint [e.g., Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.); Chapter 8
figural shapes (Morasso and Mussa-Ivaldi, 1982; (Zajac and Winters)]. As indicated by a study of
Lacquaniti, 1989). These strokes, themselves, point-to-point movements (Hollerbach and Flash,
might be internally represented, based on a limited 1982), all interaction torques, including Coriolis
set of position and shape parameters, and gener- and centripetal forces, are significant when the en-
ated according to motion planning rules, similar to tire course of the movement is considered even at
the ones described above (Edelman and Flash, slow movement speeds. Moreover, the latter
1987). These internal constraints may again give forces completely dominate arm dynamics at
rise to the obselVed coupling between motion movement midpoint, when all the other torque
speed and cUlVature. terms which depend on joint accelerations go
In naturally executed drawing movements, an- through zero as the hand switches between ac-
gular velocity was found to decrease with celeration and decceleration. Also, joint torque
increasing cUlVature and to be proportional to the profiles, required for the generation of one par-
two-thirds power of the latter (Lacquaniti et al., ticular point-to-point movement, cannot be used in
1983). The gain factor of this relationship was the generation of a kinematically similar move-
demonstrated to be piecewise constant and to be ment between a different pair of end-points. Since
determined by the linear extent of each individual the motor system seems t9 be capable of executing
segment (Viviani and Cenzato, 1985). These ob- quite complicated multi-joint movements, this im-
selVations were interpreted to suggest that in spite plies that it must have devised some means for
of the apparent continuity of drawing movements, computing or appropriately compensating for the
they are, in fact, intrinsicly discontinuous and are interaction forces. It has been suggested,
constructed of individual segments or strokes however, that the time-scaling property of human
(Morasso and Mussa-Ivaldi, 1982; Viviani and movement may simplify dynamic computations.
Cenzato, 1985). It has been suggested that hand Since for arm trajectories which simply scale with
velocity during any movement need not be ex- speed, the rate-dependent torque terms also simply
plicitly coded but is automatically derived from scale with speed, this may indicate that the eNS
the coupling between speed and CUlVature ex- has developed a trajectory formation strategy
pressed by the two-third power law (Lacquaniti, which reduces some of the complexities involved
1989). It is not yet known how this relationship in motor execution (Hollerbach and Flash, 1982).
between geometrical form and velocity comes If indeed the system explicitly computes or, al-
about in the natural execution of movement, but it ternatively, derives the necessary joint torques
is possible that optimization theories of the type from look-up tables (e.g. Atkeson, 1989), these
presented above may offer a possible explanation. torques must still be distributed among a con-
(See also Nelson, 1983; Stein et al., 1985; Wann et siderable number of muscles. Moreover, having
al., 1988.) internal models of arm dynamics is not sufficient,
17.3 Trajectory Execution since it does not guarantee robustness of the be-
In the previous section we have focused on the havior in the face of unpredictable external
topic of motion planning. To execute a desired disturbances or errors in internal models. Such
robustness can be guaranteed, however, by the
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 289

utilization of the viscoelastic properties of muscles measuring the elastic field at a number of loca-
[see Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. tions within the horizontal plane (Mussa-Ivaldi et
Is the derivation or computation of joint torques al., 1985). The hand was displaced from equi-
the only possible scheme for executing limb move- librium and the resulting restoring forces were
ments? As the theory presented below will measured at the displaced positions at steady state
suggest, there exists an alternative possible and before the onset of voluntary reactions. The
scheme that may allow the system to circumvent field of forces, measured at the hand during pos-
the need to solve the complicated inverse ture, indicated that this field is mechanically
dynamics problem. Instead, the brain may only conservative and can be completely described, in
transform the desired hand trajectory plans into the vicinity of each hand position, by the stiffness
hand equilibrium trajectories. The forces needed matrix which relates force to displacement vec-
to track the equilibrium trajectory may then be tors. The hand stiffness matrices, obtained from
automatically generated as a consequence of the these measurements, were graphically represented
mechanical properties of muscles [Hogan, 1985; as ellipses, characterized by three parameters (see
Flash, 1987; Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.), Chapter also Chapter 9): size (the area of the ellipse),
9 (Hogan)]. shape (the ratio between the lengths of the major
The force exerted by a muscle on the limb in- and minor axis) and orientation (the direction of
creases as the muscle is stretched. The magnitude the ellipse major axis with respect to a laboratory
of this force depends on both the muscle stiffness fixed coordinate system).
and rest length, which are specified by the level of
the neural activation of the muscle (for a review
see Houk and Rymer, 1982). Consequently,
several investigators have proposed that postural
control is achieved by the motor system through
the choice of a particular pair of torque-angle
curves for the agonist-antagonist muscle pairs ac-
ting on the limb (Bizzi et al., 1976; Feldman,
1986; Chapter 12). This choice will determine the
equilibrium position for the limb and the stiffness
about the joint. According to the final position
hypothesis for movement generation, motion
towards a specified final position can be achieved
without explicit planning of the trajectory of the
limb, but merely on the basis of a pulse-like shift
of the equilibrium point to the final position (Bizzi
et aI., 1976; Feldman, 1986). Recent observations
of single-joint elbow movements in monkeys have
indicated, however, that the eNS generates a con-
trol signal which defines a series of equilibrium
positions and not merely the final position (Bizzi
et al., 1984).
Figure 17.3: Hand stiffness ellipses obtained from
17.3.1 The Control of Arm Posture
two subjects during the postural task. Each ellipse was
The mechanical properties of muscles may also derived by regression on about 60 force and displace-
play an important role in the control of multi-joint ment vectors. The upper arm and forearm are
posture and movement [Hogan, 1985; Berkenblit represented by the two line segments (S-E) and (E-H),
et al., 1986; Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. In particular, the respectively, and the ellipses are placed on the hand
actions of individual arm muscles ultimately com- (H). The calibration for the stiffness is provided by the
bine to produce the overall mechanical behavior of circle to the left, which represents an isotropic hand
the hand during posture. The net spring-like be- stiffness of ZOO N/m. (Reproduced with permission
havior of the hand was recently characterized by from Hash, 1987.)
290 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

The experimental findings indicated the exist- characteristics of the hand stiffness field and on
ence of a strong and systematic dependence of the the patterns of variations of the joint stiffness
shape and orientation of the stiffness ellipse on the matrix with hand position, it was found that arm
location of the hand in the horizontal plane. In configuration alone can not be the mere cause for
particular, the results shown in Figure 17.3 indi- the experimental observations. Using anatomical
cate that the major axis of the hand stiffness data derived from the study by Wood et al. (1989)
ellipse at any location was observed to be nearly and considering the effects that muscle
coaligned with the direction of the radial axis of a cross-sections and changes in muscle moment
polar coordinate system located at the shoulder, arms have on the joint stiffness matrix, we found
where this radial axis is defined by the line con- that these anatomical factors are also not sufficient
necting the hand with the shoulder. As far as to account for the observed pattern of variation of
shape is concerned, the ellipses became more elon- joint stiffnesses in the workspace. However,
gated (Le. hand stiffness was less isotropic) as the based on the mathematical analysis of the relation
hand approached the distal boundary of the between hand and joint stiffness matrices, it was
workspace, the major axis being in the proximal- found that in order for the stiffness ellipse to have
distal direction. These patterns of stiffness shape the observed characteristics, the shoulder stiffness
and orientation were observed to be the same in all must covary in the workspace with the stiffness
the subjects participating in the study and to component provided by the two-joint muscles
remain invariant over time. In contrast, the values (Flash, 1987; Flash and Mussa-Ivaldi, 1990).
obtained for the size parameter varied substan- This condition was indeed found to be satisfied
tially among subjects and in the same subject by the measured joint stiffness components.
among experimental sessions. Even when a dis- Figure 17.4 shows stiffness surfaces describing the
turbance force in a well-specified direction was variations of the net shoulder, net elbow and two-
imposed on the hand, Mussa-Ivaldi et al. (1985) joint stiffnesses with elbow and shoulder angles.
have found that only minor changes could be seen Thus, as these results indicate, the two-joint and
in the orientation and shape of the stiffness field. the net shoulder stiffnesses do covary with arm
In a subsequent study, the underlying causes configuration while the net elbow stiffness surface
for the observed spatial pattern of variation of the displays a different pattern of variation. We then
hand stiffness ellipse were investigated (Flash and examined whether the coupling between shoulder
Mussa-Ivaldi, 1990). Three possible factors that and two-joint stiffnesses may result from the coac-
could have contributed to the observed characteris- tivation of the muscles contributing to these
tics of the stiffness field were considered. First, stiffnesses. EMG signals were recorded from
for a given vector of joint torques the magnitude shoulder, elbow, and two-joint muscles. However,
and direction of the net force experienced at the our results indicated that, while some muscle coac-
hand depends on the configuration of the arm (see tivation may indeed exist, it can be found for only
Chapters 9 and 11). Consequently, even if the some of the muscles and in only part of the
values of all joint stiffnesses were to remain con- workspace.
stant throughout the workspace, the geometrical Nonetheless, these results have indicated that
parameters of the hand elastic field would be ex- functional muscle synergies can be identified. In
pected to change with hand position. Second, the this context, the concept of a synergy implies that
contribution of each muscle to the resultant joint in spite of the excessive number of arm muscles,
stiffness depends on the muscle moment arm. there is nearly a fixed relationship between the
Since the lengths of muscle moment arms change stiffnesses contributed by different muscle groups.
with joint angles, the stiffness contributions of This coupling finds its manifestation in the net
muscles are also expected to change with arm con- mechanical response of the human arm to external
figuration. Third, muscle stiffness depends on disturbances. At least in principle (Hogan, 1985),
muscle length and activation through the length- the redundant number of arm muscles offers the
tension relationships. Hence, the spatial features eNS the possibility of selectively tuning the hand
of hand stiffness at different positions of the stiffness field according to task requirements. The
workspace are also affected by neural activation as indicated limited capability of the system to sig-
well as by the muscle spring-like properties. nificantly modify the characteristics of the
Examining the effects of these factors on the stiffness field may, therefore, indicate the opera-
tion of coordinative constraints which might also
be present during movement generation.
17. Flash; Organization of Human Ann Movement Control 291

Two-Joint St iffness

"''" ....
c: 0
..... 20 :=(f)!to~~'l
~ __________ 60 o~
.5 - o 45 lOeo) .~ -
0 45 l Oeo 1 ~
-, Shoulder Anol. -, Shoulder AnO Ie
A 8

Elbow Stiffness

~ Shoulder Anoia
Figure 17.4: Variations of the measured joint stif- bow stiffness. (Reproduced with pennission from
fnesses with shoulder and elbow angles. a) Net Flash and Mussa-Ivaldi. 1990.)
shoulder stiffness. b) Two-joint stiffness. c) Net el-

17.3.2 The "Equilibrium Trajectory" The equilibrium position and trajectory and the
Control Theory characteristics of the stiffness and viscosity fields
The above section has concentrated on the im- are determined by the neural activations of arm
portance of the mechanical properties of muscles muscles. Given the "spring-like" properties of
in the control of multi-joint arm posture. Do these muscles, an equilibrium position and trajectory for
properties play any role in the execution of the limb can always be defined. Are they,
multi-joint movement? As postulated by the equi- however, explicitly controlled or coded for by the
librium trajectory theory discussed below, the brain? As the model presented below suggests,
motor system may use muscle "spring-like" the system might use the equilibrium trajectory
properties to obviate the need for dynamic com- control scheme as a vehicle in the realization of
putations. Furthermore, as indicated by a recent desired motion plans. To test the validity of this
simulation study, the control of arm trajectories, at hypothesis, an explicit model of arm trajectory
least in the context of kinematically unconstrained control was developed (Flash, 1987). The model
movements, might not be fundamentally different was based on the notion that the execution of
from the control of posture (Flash, 1987). reaching movements involves explicit planning of
According to the equilibrium trajectory straight hand eqUilibrium trajectories which are in-
hypothesis, limb movements are achieved by variant under translation, rotation, amplitude, and
gradually shifting the hand equilibrium position time scaling. A simple mathematical description
between the movement end-points (Hogan, 1985; of the musculoskeletal system was constructed and
Flash, 1987). The magnitude and direction of the the suggested control scheme was implemented in
forces acting on the arm, at any point in time, are computer simulations. The stiffness values used
determined by the magnitude and direction of the in these simulations were derived from the ex-
displacement vector of the hand from equilibrium perimentally measured static stiffness values
and by the hand elastic and viscosity fields about (Mussa-Ivaldi et al., 1985), under the assumption
the equilibrium positions. that the orientation and shape of the stiffness field,
292 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

when the arm moves through any workspace loca- As seen in Figure 17.5, the predicted trajec-
tion, are similar to those of the static field at that tories captured the observed features of the
location. The simulations were used to derive measured movements down to fine details of
hand equilibrium trajectories from measured kinematics. In particular, the curvatures of the
movements. These equilibrium trajectories were measured movements were successfully accounted
found to follow straighter paths than the actual for, as well as the presence of small hooks or
movements. Forward computations were also per- movement overshoots as the hand approaches the
formed. An equilibrium trajectory, derived from fmal target and the kinematic differences observed
one representative movement, was used (after between movements generated between the same
suitable amplitude and time scaling, translation,. pair of targets but in opposite directions.
and rotation) to simulate actual movements of dif- On the basis of the success of this model in ac-
ferent amplitudes, directions, and speeds. counting for the fine details of movement
curvature, we may argue that the characteristic
A B deviations from ideally straight paths observed in
actual data may reflect the combined effects of
arm inertia, centrifugal and interaction torques,
and the local characteristics of the arm stiffness
and viscosity fields. Were joint torques explicitly
computed by the brain and then distributed among
the muscles, there would have been no apparent
reason why the desired straight hand paths could
not be generated. The success of this model in

'~~ capturing the observed behavior therefore suggests
that at least in the case of point-to-point move-
ments, the inverse dynamics problem is not

"~ explicitly solved by the brain. The system, there-

fore, has seemed to adopt a simpler control
o O. ..., I' strategy even at the price of movement accuracy.
Moreover, since the stiffness fields used in these

So .
'~ simulations were assumed to have similar charac-
teristics to the static ones, this may indicate that
.... --I o O. '6 similar coordinative constraints operate during
"l !\s
both posture and movement.

~ ,0<:
17.3.3 An Alternative Model
The view presented in this chapter is that the

"l f\ R transformation of behavioral goals into actual

movements involves a step-by-step process. The
first step is only concerned with movement
kinematics and deals with the generation of mo-
4 S
' ~~ tion plans. The second step involves the execution
- _.- , 'R
I ...
of these plans by taking advantage of the
°0 0 .1 ,_
M( physiological properties of the neuromuscular sys-
Figure 17.5: Comparison of simulated (S) and ob- tem. Recently, an alternative view to the one
served (R) point-to-point movements in the horiwntal presented here was suggested (Uno et al., 1989,
plane. Column A shows hand paths. Column B shows Kawato et al., 1990). Again, it was postulated
profiles of hand speed along the path. Avirtual trajec-
that motor commands are directly calculated from
tory (marlced E) was derived from observations of
the goal of the movement, represented by some
movement 1 (top panel) and used with appropriate scal-
ing and rotation to simulate movements 2, 3 and 4. performance index. However, in contrast to the
(Reproduced with permission from flash, 1987.) maximum-smoothness objective which was ex-
pressed in terms of world coordinates, Uno et al.
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 293

(1989) have postulated that the underlying however, different predictions were obtained from
criterion for the selection of specific motions from the ones obtained by Uno et al. (1989). These dif-
the infinite number of possible ones can be ferences do not seem to result from the differences
defined as follows: between the methods used to arrive at the optimal
solution, but to reflect differences in the values of
the inertial parameters used to model the upper
(17.3) limb. Since, as stressed above, CT strictly depends
on arm dynamics, the results obtained from the
where Zj is the joint torque for actuator i. Hence minimization of this cost are highly sensitive to
the proposed performance index is the sum of the values used for these parameters.
square of the rate of change of joint torques, in- As was explained above, however, the curva-
tegrated over the entire movement. This ture seen in measured point-to-point movements
movement objective, unlike the one proposed by can be accounted for by considering the strategy
Flash and Hogan (1985), is critically dependent on used by the system to execute the desired motion
the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system. plans (see Figure 17.5). Hence, the actual move-
The results obtained from the minimization of ments produced on the basis of the equilibrium
CT were found to be in good agreement both with trajectory control scheme are more cprved than the
the observed behavior and with the predictions of ones that are assumed to be planned based on the
the minimum-jerk model. For certain movements, minimization of hand jerk. This is indicated in
however (e.g., movements starting when the hand Figure 17.6, where the trajectories predicted by
is stretched away from the midline), the trajec- the minimum-jerk and the eqUilibrium trajectory
tories predicted by this model were more curved models are displayed side by side. However,
than the ones predicted by the minimum-jerk when using the same inertial parameters as the
model and in better agreement with the data. This ones used in the equilibrium trajectory model to
was also found to be the case for certain observa- predict the trajectories that would result from the
tions made with respect to curved movements. minimization of CT' the resulting movements failed
Independently from the above study, computa- to match the measured ones. These findings indi-
tionally efficient trajectory planners based on the cate that multi-joint movement generation may
multi-grid approach were developed and were ap- indeed involve a step-by-step trajectory control
plied to this problem of finding the unique process and that arm dynamics may not be inter-
trajectories which minimize C for a two-joint arm nally represented as postulated by the
(Ben-Zvi, 1987; Flash, 1988).T In this latter study, minimum-torque change model (Uno et al., 1989;
Kawato et al., 1990).

a T3 C
... ....... ........
,.. :::: R ........ ........ ..{R
... ..{ ........

t~s' ~Ol~

31 I

..... I .....
1.20 1.0 090
sec sec sec

Figure 17.6: Comparison of measured (dashed line) model. c) The minimum-torque rate of change model.
and predicted (solid line) movements. a) The (Reproduced with pennission from Hash, © 1988
minimum-jerk model. b) The equilibrium-trajectory IEEE.)
294 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

17.4 Arm Trajectory Modification interrupted at any time (Georgopoulos et al.,

So far we have discussed the topics of motion 1981).
planning and execution, focussing mainly on the It is not yet clear, however, what strategy is
generation of point-to-point and curved move- used by the brain in the modification of ongoing
ments. During many daily activities, however, we motion plans.
do not simply generate motions towards static To investigate this issue, human horizontal
visual objects, but must also actively interact with planar movements were recorded using the double-
the environment or respond efficiently and quickly step target displacement paradigm. The
to dynamic changes in the locations of external ob- experiments were performed in a darkened room,
jects. Reaching towards visual targets in space eliminating any visual feedback from the moving
involves a series of events and sensorimotor trans- limb (Henis and Flash, 1989; Flash and Henis, in
fonnations leading from the neural encoding of preparation). The target was displaced once or
target location, derived from vision or memory, to twice along the x or y axes or obliquely, using
the performance of aimed movements. As was various directions and amplitudes of target dis-
discussed in the section on trajectory planning, the placements and lSI's ranging between 50 and 700
temporal scales of any specific movement, i.e. ms. In general, our findings were consistent with
motion amplitude and duration, are used to trans- previously reported results.
fonn the general motion plans into a detailed One plausible strategy for trajectory modifica-
trajectory for the hand through space. When, tion may involve aborting the rest of the initially
however, the target towards which we intend to planned trajectory and replacing it by a new move-
move our limb suddenly changes its location, our ment between the location of the hand (at the
motor response must be planned and executed modification time) and the final target position.
while the arm is no longer at rest. Even if the tar- For the two movement parts to be smoothly joined
get is displaced during the reaction time, it can be together, since motion planning preceeds its ex-
assumed that the first planning process has already ecution, this strategy would require of the brain to
begun. How, therefore, does the nervous system predict, or derive, information about the kinematic
modify an ongoing motion or update an ongoing state of the hand at the switching time.
planning process? In this section, we summarize evidence that the
The characteristics of aimed movements when system may use an alternative and simpler
the target changes location either during the reac- modification scheme than the one described
tion or movement time have been described by above. Instead of aborting the rest of the initial
several investigators (e.g. Georgopoulos et al., trajectory plan, it is suggested here that this plan
1981; Gielen et al., 1984). Basically, these studies continues unmodified until its intended comple-
indicated that the change in target location elicits a tion and is vectorially summed with a second, time-
graded movement towards the first target, fol- shifted point-to-point hand trajectory plan for
lowed by a change in movement direction and a moving between the initial and new target loca-
subsequent motion towards the second target. tions. Thus, both trajectory units start and end at
Occasionally, for a short interstimulus interval rest and each trajectory is separately planned
(lSI; the time elapsing between target presentation regardless of the other one. Since the initial trajec-
and its displacement), the hand moved directly to tory is neither aborted nor modified when the
the second target or in between the two targets. second part is injected, this guarantees that the
The duration of the initial motor response to the second target location will always be reached inde-
first target was found to be a linear function of the pendently of the modification time. However, the
lSI and no delays were found beyond the nonnal exact details of the combined motion plan, and
reaction time, i.e., there was no appreciable consequently of the actual movement executed by
psychological refractory period. The orderly the system, do strongly depend on the time shift
modifications of movements produced in response between the initiation of the two superimposed
to double target displacements suggested that the trajectory plans and on their durations.
aimed motor commands are emitted in a con-
tinuous fashion as a real time process that can be
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 295

In this context, it should be mentioned that the aa' a4 and as are coefficients to be calculated,
idea that more complicated movements may and (xz -Xl) is the X component of the displace-
emerge from the superposition of basic trajectory ment vector between the first and second
primitives was postulated in the context of speech target locations. The expression for y(t) was
(Munhall and Lofquist, 1987), locomotion analogous to Eq. 17.4. This family of trajec-
(Flashner et al., 1988), and both single tories has zero initial positions as well as zero
(Adamovitch and Feldman, 1984) and multi-joint initial (but not final) velocities and accelera-
arm movements (Morasso and Mussa-Ivaldi, tions.
1982). The validity of this hypothesis was also d) The values of the three unspecified coefficients
tested for movements recorded in double-step tar- of this polynomial were determined using a
get displacement trials (Massey et al., 1986). least-square fitting method based on the posi-
However, the underlying assumption made in that tion error between the simulated and measured
study was that the superimposed trajectories movements.
should have the same durations as control point-to- For the modified motions, the analysis showed
point movements separately performed by the that point-to-point minimum-jerk trajectories be-
same subject when moving between the two target tween the first and second targets provided the
pairs. Since in that study, the simulated move- best fit for the second trajectory units. Statistical
ments that were predicted by this scheme failed to tests further showed that the coefficients of the
match the measured ones, it was concluded that added trajectory units are not significantly dif-
arm trajectory modification cannot possibly in- ferent from the measured ones. Thus, the
volve the superposition strategy. modified movements were found to result from
In our work (Henis and Flash, 1989), no a priori the vectorial summation of the initial unmodified
assumption was made with respect to the durations trajectories with point-to-point trajectories be-
of the superimposed trajectory plans. Instead, we tween the first and second target locations which
wished to test whether the modified movements have the same kinematic form as simple point-to-
may emerge from the vectorial summation of point movements. Following the first detectible
"control-like" point-to-point trajectories, i.e., deviation, the motions resulting from the super-
movements that have the same kinematic form as position scheme were found to be in good
simple reaching motions, whatever their durations agreement with the measured ones.
might be. To assess the success of this scheme in
The recorded hand paths and velocity profiles
accounting for the data, the following analysis was
for all target configurations and all ISIs were suc-
separately applied to the x and y components of
cessfully accounted for. Figure 17.7 shows two
each individual measured modified movement
examples of measured modified movements, the
The simulated x and y components were then com-
corresponding trajectories predicted by the super-
bined to predict the entire measured trajectory:
position scheme, and the superimposed trajectory
a) Time scaled velocity profiles corresponding to units. The exact kinematic details of any modified
a point-to-point minimum jerk trajectory be- movement were found to depend on the specific
tween the initial and first targets were durations of the superimposed trajectories and on
superimposed on the initial part of the move- the time delays between their initiation. The alter-
ment. native strategy for trajectory modification which
b) The time of the first detectable deviation of the involves aborting the rest of the initial trajectory
measured speed profile from that of the super- and replacing it by a new trajectory plan was also
imposed control movement (t,) was extracted. mathematically modelled. However, the move-
ments predicted by this scheme failed to match the
c) From this time. on, the following fifth-order
measured ones. Hence, this scheme was sig-
polynomial was added to the first polynomial.
nificantly less successful than the superposition
x(t) =(xz - Xl) (aa t/ + a4 t/ + as t/) (17.4) model in accounting for the observed behavior.
Our results were therefore consistent with the
where tr = (t - t, )I(t( - t, ), t( is the total duration assumptions of the superposition model that the
of the modified movement, derived from data, second target presentation activates a separate
planning process while the first process continues
296 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

..... 0.6 0.6..-
E ISI=~ ISI=50msec .....E
' ....... c

.~ 0.4 2 _.-' 0
·iii I 0.4 :: I/)

2- 0 &
02 ~
>- 0.2
X-position (m)
ISI=50msec 0.6
U u
0.2 ~
~ -0.3 E
~ >.
-0.2 'E
~ >
.....u ISI=50msec 0.6'U

.5 -0.2 0.2.~
~ u
·0 0
.2 a;
~ -0.60 -0.2 >
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 17.7: Comparison of measured modified move- bottom panels. Measured trajectories are marked by
ments (lSI = 50 ms) and movements resulting from the solid lines, superimposed initial and added trajectory
superposition scheme. The initial hand positions are units by altemating dots and dashes and their vectorial
marked by O. The first and second target locations are sums by dashed lines. In the top panels the added
marked by 1 and 2, respectively. Hand paths are trajectories are shown to begin at the locations cor-
shown in the top panels. The x and y components of responding to the modification times.
velocity, V. and Vy ' respectively, are shown in the two

unmodified. Using information about the first and a second trajectory, or whether, for short ISIs, the
second target locations, derived from vision, this initial trajectory is already directed towards some
process generates a trajectory plan that obeys the intermediate target located in between the first and
same relationship between movement amplitude, second target locations. The simplicity of the
duration and speed as a single reaching movement proposed superposition scheme may explain the
starting and ending at rest. When this trajectory observed lack of a psychological refractory period.
plan is ready, it is continuously added to the first Furthermore, our findings may indicate the
plan to yield the combined motion. For long ISIs, presence of parallel planning of trajectory primi-
the initial response is ready before the second tives.
process is activated, giving rise to movements 17.5 Conclusions
initially directed towards the first target. For short
The studies reviewed in this chapter have indi-
ISIs, however, it was often observed that the hand
cated the existence of hierarchical control levels
either directly moves towards the second target, or
for arm trajectory generation. Higher levels are
along some intermediate direction [the
concerned with the planning of trajectories that
"averaging" phenomenon (Van Sonderen et aI.,
maximize the smoothness of hand motion in ex-
1989)]. It remains therefore to be seen whether in
tracorporeal space. These desired motions are
this case, too, the modified trajectories result from
then executed by taking advantage of the mechani-
the superposition of the initial trajectory plan with
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 297

cal properties of muscles. An important ecuted in the same way as a separate point-to-
consequence of the proposed hierarchical scheme point movement by relying upon the mechanical
is to make computational control of multi-joint propertes of muscles. Since the superimposed
arm movements much simpler. Since a hand loca- primitives were shown to be hand trajectory plans,
tion on the equilibrium trajectory can be directly this provides an additional support for the hierar-
associated with a co-contraction pattern of chical organization of the trajectory control
muscles, the joint torque profiles, required for the processes and suggests that such an organization
realization of the. intended movements, are might be especially beneficial when coping with
automatically generated whenever the actual hand unpredictable disturbances or with dynamic motor
position deviates from the instantaneous equi- tasks.
librium position, thus eliminating the need for Given that the superimposed movements were
inverse dynamics computations. shown to have the same kinematic form, as though
The above scheme assumes two separate levels derived from a common template, this indicates
of trajectory planning and execution. One pos- that more complicated motor acts and motion se-
sible alternative scheme, which assumes that the quences might be constructed from the
cost that is minimized in movement execution is superposition of more elementary trajectory primi-
the rate of change of joint torques, does not adhere tives.
to this step-by-step transformation from the be- 17.6 Recommended Future Directions
havioral goal of movement to the neural
The issues discussed in the previous sections
activations to muscles. When comparing the have dealt with several aspects of arm trajectory
predictions of these two alternative schemes, our control. Of course, there are many other aspects
results indicated that, in contrast to the findings
of multi-joint arm movement generation that were
presented by Uno et al. (1989), only the predic-
not addressed here and many questions remain.
tions of the step-by-step scheme were compatible Here, we will discuss only several recommenda-
with experimental observations. Hence, the
tions for future research directions. Some of these
studies reviewed here show that the observed
recommendations address issues that arise mainly
kinematic data are completely consistent with the
in the context of three-dimensional arm move-
hypothesis that: a) simple movements are first
ments and movements in the vertical plane, while
planned in terms of desired hand motions in exter-
others address more general problems.
nal space; b) are expressed in terms of
Of the three ill-posed motor problems that were
equilibrium trajectories; and c) are executed via
discussed in the introduction to this chapter, we, as
the mechanics of the neuromuscular system,
well as other investigators, have focussed mainly
which acts to keep the actual path of the limb
on the question of how the system resolves the
reasonably close to the equilibrium trajectory.
task-level redundancy. There is a strong evidence
In dealing with the modification of ongoing
to support the hypothesis that, indeed, arm move-
movements, the success of the superposition
ments are internally represented in terms of task-
model in accounting for the observed behavior
level coordinates. It is not yet clear, however,
suggests that the system may have adopted a
whether and how the system transforms these task-
simple movement modification strategy that
level motion plans into joint coordinates. Here we
eliminates the need to rely upon efference copies
have focussed mainly on two-joint arm move-
of past motor commands or on kinesthetic infor-
ments in the horizontal plane. An additional issue
mation in order to derive or predict the expected
that does not arise in this context is the issue of
hand position at the switching time. Instead, inde-
kinematic redundancy. Based on the kinematic
pendently and possibly in parallel the system plans
analysis of three-dimensional drawing move-
a second point-to-point trajectory, using informa-
ments, Soechting and Terzuolo (1986) have
tion derived from vision about the first and second
suggested that the brain is endowed with an ex-
target locations. The two trajectory plans are then
plicit representation of movements in joint space
continuously summed together to give the com-
and an algorithm for embedding a world 'space
bined plan for the modified movement. This
trajectory into joint rotations. It was also sug-
combined plan can then be transformed into a
gested that the internal representation of actual
combined hand equilibrium trajectory and ex-
298 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

movement in joint space is not an exact reproduc- sum of muscle forces, stresses, etc. were
tion of the intended hand movement, but is one hypothesized [e.g., see Patriarco et al., 1981 or
that simplifies the transformation from hand to review in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)].
joint coordinates. Another consideration, for However, the force distributions predicted in these
resolving redundancies, may involve, for example, studies were found to depend more strongly on the
the maximization of smoothness. Based on muscle attachment geometry than on the types of
theoretical grounds, Jordan and Rosenbaum cost functions being minimized. Furthermore,
(1989) have suggested that a smoothness con- these methods failed to predict the coactivation of
straint in articulatory space, which implies that muscle synergists and antagonists, usually seen in
targets nearby in time are achieved using similar experimental data [however, see Chapter 19
limb configurations, might be used to resolve (Winters and Seif-Naraghi)]. In a recent paper as-
kinematic redundancies. Thus, a greater research sessing the question of the existence of particular
effort should be directed at investigating whether muscle synergies during load perturbations or in-
and how hand trajectory plans are transformed tentional arm movements, it was concluded that
into joint movements. Nonetheless, for practical the concept of a muscle synergy is not appropriate
reasons, most of the studies addressing this and to characterize, in any economical fashion, the ac-
similar questions have focused on well-defined tivities of muscles involved in upper limb
motions that are easy to study from within a movements or the response of the muscles to ap-
laboratory setting (e.g., pointing movements, plied load perturbations (Soechting and
drawing ellipses, etc.). There is therefore a great Lacquaniti, 1989). Instead, it was suggested that
need to examine what principles underlie the gen- each muscle is related in a unique and different
eration of more natural and perhaps less confined manner to the kinematic and dynamic variables of
movements. the motor task. Thus, it was argued that the
Another recommended direction for future simplification of the problem of controlling a large
studies has to do with the characterization of arm number of degrees of freedom does take place in
impedance, i.e. hand and joint stiffnesses and vis- the sense suggested by Bernstein (1967), but that
cosities during movement, especially when gravity this occurs at the level of limb kinematics and
must be taken into account. As was suggested does not manifest itself in tenns of fixed patterns
above, the observed curvature of some pointing of activation among different muscles. As indi-
movements in the vertical plane may result from cated, however, by the findings reported by Hasan
the way by which the nervous system executes and Karst (1989, Chapter 16), it does seem that
desired motion plans. As long as arm impedance during planar horizontal two-joint point-to-point
cannot be measured and characterized during movements, the order of muscle activation, i.e.
movement, the Validity of this hypothesis, as well which muscles are frrst activated, is reproducible
as the Validity of the equilibrium trajectory over trials and among subjects and depends on the
hypothesis in the context of planar horizontal initial limb configuration. Another promising line
reaching movements, cannot be experimentally of investigation is reported in Chapter 18 (Gielen
tested. Thus, it is strongly recommended that re- et al.). Hence, although some progress has been
search efforts should be directed, as indeed they made with respect to this issue, further efforts
currently seem to be (e.g., Xu et al., 1989) at should be directed at deciphering the rules that
developing technical means that will enable us to dictate what muscles to activate during multi-joint
measure arm stiffness and viscosity during move- arm posture and movement.
ment. Nothing was said in this chapter about the
It is also not yet clear how the system solves relevance of the studies reviewed here to
the ill-posed problem of muscle activation, i.e., neurophysiology or to the analysis of motor disor-
selecting what muscles to activate, in what order, ders. However, although very often
and to what level of activation. In many studies neurophysiological findings can be interpreted in
attempts were made to determine the rules, accord- many different ways and do not always lead to un-
ing to which the motor system specifies the pattern equivocal answers to theoretical questions, they
of activation of individual muscles. The mini- may provide insight into the ways by which the
mization of various perfonnance costs, such as the brain solves some of the computational problems
17. Flash; Organization of Human Arm Movement Control 299

discussed above. For example, the hypothesis that neuromotor planning.

arm movements are internally represented in terms Finally, more research studies should focus on
of hand coordinates was supported by recent the areas of motor learning and adaptation. Such
neurophysiological fmdings (for a review see studies may offer us new opportunities to resolve
Georgopoulos, 1986). These series of studies indi- the questions of what it is that the system learns
cated that the motor cortex is a key area in the during skill acquisition and when adapting to new
control of spatial aspects of hand trajectories. The loads or external disturbances, what performance
direction of the population vector, which reflects costs does the system wish to minimize or op-
the activity of a large population of neurons, was timize during skill acquisition, etc. Atkeson
found to provide unique information concerning (1989) as well as Kawato et al. (1990) have
the direction of movement of the hand in 2-D or 3- claimed that the equilibrium trajectory scheme
D space. A signal related to the instantaneous does not allow efficient learning from practice, but
hand velocity was also described. Although it has no evidence was provided to support this claim.
been argued that these fmdings might also be in- In contrast, as indicated by a recent study based on
terpreted in other ways (Mussa-Ivaldi, 1988), the the use of recurrent neural networks, motor learn-
similarities that were shown to exist between the ing based on the use of the equilibrium control
patterns of activities of cortical cell populations scheme is at least feasible (Jordan, 1990). Thus,
when moving the hand in the same direction but much more effort should be directed at investigat-
from different starting positions (Kettner et al., ing how it is that the motor system allows us to
1988) did support the idea of task-level repre- learn new skills or to improve motor performance
sentation of multi-joint arm movements. Further on the basis of practice. Finally, efforts should be
studies are therefore required either to establish, or directed at developing theories that will account
to refute, this conclusion as well as additional for the phenomenon of motor equivalence (e.g., in
studies designed to investigate whether and how Berkenblit et al., 1986), which implies that even if
motion plans are transformed into joint and external conditions do not vary, the system may
muscle coordinates. generate a set of different solutions for one and the
Another recommended direction for future same motor task.
studies is in the area of motor disorders. Thus, for Acknowledgments
example, the kinematic analysis of motion in basal
Tamar Flash is an Incumbent of the Corinne S.
ganglia or cerebellar disorders may offer a new
Koshland Career Development Chair. This re-
opportunity to shed new light on the still mys-
search was partially supported by grants No. 85-
terious role of these brain areas in motor planning
00395 and 88-00141 from the United States-Israel
and execution. Recently, for example, we have in-
Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem,
vestigated the kinematic properties of planar
horizontal point-ta-point and curved movements
in Parkinsonian patients (Flash et al., 1988). References
Pertinent to our discussion here are the findings re- Abend, W.K., Bizzi, E. and Morasso, P. (1982)
lated to the production of curved movements Human ann trajectory formation, Brain 105: 331-
which showed that unlike healthy subjects, 348.
Adamovitch, S.H. and Feldman, A.G. (1984) Model of
patients often stopped at points of maximum cur-
the central regulation of the parameters of motor
vature before changing movement direction.
trajectories. BioJizika 29: 306-309 (English
Moreover, the isochrony principle (Viviani and Translation 338-342).
Terzuolo, 1982) did not hold in patient move- Atkeson, C.G. (1989) Learning ann kinematics and
ments: movement duration increased dynamics. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 12: 157-183.
proportionally to the length of the movement seg- Atkeson, C.G. and Hollerbach, J.M. (1985) Kinematic
ment. Thus, since it has been indicated that the features of unrestrained vertical ann movements. 1.
performance of complex, i.e. sequential or simul- Neurosci. 5: 2318-2330.
taneous movements is especially impaired in Benecke, R., Rothwell, J.C., Dick, J.P.R., Day, B.L.
Parkinson's disease (Benecke et al., 1986), the and Marsden, C.D. (1986) Performance of simul-
study of such motor tasks may provide new insight taneous movements in patients with Parkinson's
into the functional roles of these structures in disease. Brain 109: 739-757.
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The Activation of Mono- and Bi-Articular Muscles

in Multi-Joint Movements

Stan Gielen, Gerrit-Jan van Ingen Schenau, Toine Tax, Marc Theeuwen

18.1 Introduction
Biological limbs are designed in a way that lever arm and the force vector there is a unique
gives them large flexibility to make a wide variety relationship between the external force at the hand
of complex movements. This flexibility is and the torque in each of the joints. An isometric
provided by the relatively large number of joints force in the direction indicated in Figure 18.1 re-
and of mono- and poly-articular muscles. This quires a flexion torque in both elbow and
large set of joints and muscles has raised the issue shoulder.
of coordination for simple movements, for which For a subject to make a movement producing a
the neuro-muscular system is redundant with force against the external force in Figure 18.1, an
respect to the number of degrees of freedom re- extension of the elbow and a movement in an-
quired for these movements. Several suggestions teflexion direction of the shoulder is required.
have been proposed in the literature. Most of these The point is that by making an isotonic movement
suggestions are based on the notion of imposing against the external force the change in elbow
additional constraints. Among these are the mini- joint angle (extension) is opposite to the direction
mization of total muscle torque (Yeo, 1976) and of the torque in the elbow joint. This implies that
the minimization offatigue (Dul, 1984a, 1984b). It the elbow joint is dissipating work, rather than
has been shown, however, that most of these contributing work. Notice that the total work done
criteria cannot explain the observed activation of by the hand is the sum of the work done at the el-
arm muscles in man (Gielen et al., 1988a). A more bow and at the shoulder:
detailed review of alternative hypotheses on the
control of redundant neuromuscular systems and a
comparison between theoretically predicted and Consequently, because of the negative work
observed activation patterns can be found in delivered in the elbow, the work done at the
Gielen et al. (1988a) and in van Zuylen et a1. shoulder exceeds the work done at the hand. For
(1988). some movement directions the work done in one
joint may be about twice as large as the work done
18.2 Statement of the Problem by the hand (Gielen and van Ingen Schenau,
In this chapter we will focus on the contribu- 1990). This example shows that if biological limbs
tion of mono- and bi-articular muscles in the would be supplied with mono-articular muscles
control of force and position. The main issue of only, movement control would be rather ineffi-
this chapter is illustrated in Figure 18.1. Let us as- cient since, for a large number of movements,
sume that the subject's arm in Figure 18.1 is some mono-articular muscles would dissipate a
moving in the horizontal plane by rotations of el- large part of the work delivered by other muscles.
bow and shoulder joints only. Since torque is In this chapter we will show that with bi-articular
defined as the vector cross-product between the muscles the negative work in a joint can be
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
18. Gielen et al.; Activation of Bi-Articular Muscles in Arm Movements 303

avoided, thus making movement coordination

more efficient.
The different constraints on the direction of
torque and change in joint angle can be understood
easily. Let us define a Cartesian x-y coordinate sys-
tem with the origin at the shoulder (see Figure
18.1). The relationship between hand position
(x,y) and joint angles ('1' '2) in the shoulder and
elbow, respectively, is then given by

x _ ['1 cos('I) + '2 cos ('1 + '2) ] (16.2)

y - ' 1 sin('I) + ' 2 sin('I+'2)

In this equation the length of the upper arm and

forearm is represented by '1 and ' 2 , For small dis-
placements the relation between changes in joint
angles A'1 and A'2 is related to the displacement Figure 18.1: Illustration of torques and changes in
(Ax, Ay) in world space by the equation joint angles for isotonic contractions against an exter-
nal force in a horizontal plane. Note that the direction
(18.3) of torque and change in joint angle are not the same for
the elbow joint T" and T'1a refer to the flexion torques in

where J is the Jacobian given by '1 'l

elbow and shoulder joints, respectively, counteracting
an external force Fezt; and refer to the joint angles
at the shoulder and elbow, respectively.
J- [-IISin('I)-/~in('I+'2) -l~in('I+'2)]
'1cos('I) + '2cos('1 + '2) '2oos('1 + '2)


The relationship between a change in torque AT

in the joint space and a change in force t:.F at the
hand is given by the relation


where JT is the transpose of the matrix J. Note that

the Jacobian (Eq. 18.4) is not symmetric in
general. Therefore, J and its transpose may be dif-
ferent. Also note that even when the displacement
Ax and the change in force t:.F are in the same
direction, the resulting change in joint angle A,
and change in torque AT may be in different direc-
Figure 18.2: This illustrates how mono- and bi-
tions. Even the sign of the respective components
articular muscles may be activated for movement in a
may be different, such as for the elbow in the ex-
particular direction acting against an external force Fat'
ample presented in Figure 18.1.
in a more efficient way than is possible with mono-
articular muscles only. Note, that the mono-articular
elbow flexors, which are lenthening during the move-
ment, should not be activated in order to prevent
negative work (energy dissipation!) by these muscles.
304 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

The dissipation of energy could be easily 18.3 Methods

remedied by incorporating bi-articular muscles Muscle activation was studied in isometric and
(see Figure 18.2). For the example shown in isotonic contractions with surface electrodes and
Figure 18.2 the flexion torque in the elbow joint with intramuscular electrodes. The directions of
can be obtained by activation of m. biceps. The ac- both force and movement were always in the
tivation of m.biceps is preferential above horizontal plane. In all conditions force in the ver-
activation of m. brachialis and m. brachioradialis, tical direction (upwards and downwards) was
since extension of the elbow gives rise to measured and was kept zero. This is important
lengthening of the mono-articular m. brachialis since m. biceps contributes to torque in exorota-
and m. brachioradialis, thereby causing negative tion at the shoulder and since the activation of m.
work done by these muscles. On the other hand, biceps depends on the amount of torque in both
lengthening of biceps, which would otherwise exorotation and endorotation of the humerus
arise due to the elbow extension, is compensated (Buchanan et al., 1986; ter Haar Romeny et al.,
for by the shoulder flexion. Since the amplitude of 1984).
the elbow torque is smaller than that at the The relative activation of muscles for isometric
shoulder, the activation of m. biceps is not suffi- and isotonic contractions in different direction was
cient to obtain the required shoulder torque. investigated with surface electrodes. EMG activity
Therefore, the contribution of a shoulder flexor is was recorded from the mono-articular muscles m.
required to make up the total shoulder torque. The brachialis and m. brachioradialis and from the bi-
mono-articular elbow extensor (possibly the articular m. biceps (caput longum). In order to
medial or lateral part of m. triceps) may be neces- measure the muscle activation in isometric condi-
sary to cause the elbow extension. In this way the tions the wrist of the subject was fixated to a
same work is done by the hand in a much more ef- device which measured force with a resolution of
ficient way. Such a role for mono- and bi-articular 0.1 N. For isotonic movements the wrist was
muscles was previously reponed for cycling fixated to a rope running over a pulley. In this way
movements (van Ingen Schenau et al., 1989). a constant force was applied to the wrist of the
This particular role for bi-articular muscles is subject. Movement velocity was constant and low
helpful for movements when lengthening of active ( e.g. about 5 crn/s). As a result inertial force com-
mono-articular muscles would occur. For other ponents were negligibly small. In these
movement directions, when the active mono- experiments the joint angles in shoulder and elbow
articular muscles are shortening the bi-articular (see Figure 18.1) were both 90°.
muscles may be lengthening and in these condi- In addition, the activation of mono- and bi-
tions the same reasoning argues against the articular arm muscles in isometric contractions
activation of bi-articular muscles (see Gielen and was investigated with intramuscular electrodes.
van Ingen Schenau, 1990). The comparison of surface EMG data with motor-
This chapter focuses mainly on two questions unit recruitment thresholds can be done with some
concerning the coordination of mono- and bi- reasonable assumptions. The procedure is ex-
articular muscles. The first issue concerns inter- plained in the following.
muscle coordination and relates to the With intramuscular electrodes the recruitment
coordination between different muscles in threshold of motor-units was determined for force
isometric and isotonic contractions in different in various directions. It is generally accepted that
directions. The second issue concerns the activa- a motor-unit is recruited when the total synaptic
tion of motor units within a muscle in isometric input to the motoneuron exceeds a particular
and isotonic contractions, and in particular, the threshold (Henneman, 1957, 1981). This idea is
contribution of recruitment and firing rate in related to the "Size Principle" (Henneman, 1957)
isometric and isotonic contractions. which assumes a homogeneous input to all
motoneurons of a particular motoneuron pool and
which states that the recruitment order in this
motoneuron pool is related to the size of the
motoneuron soma. As a consequence, any com-
18. Gielen et al.; Activation of Bi-Articular Muscles in Ann Movements 305

bination of forces in the horizontal plane that are

present when a motor-unit is recruited can be con-
A B. -:I
sidered to reflect a particular, constant input to the
motoneuron pool. Using surface electrodes, the
T., 40 Tal O.J
amount of surface EMG activity is measured for ..
constant forces in various directions. The dif-
.... ..........
ference between these approaches is that with
". Till T...
-40 -20 20 40 -20 20 40
intramuscular electrodes a constant output signal
-20 20
of the motoneurons of a particular muscle is ob-
tained for various forces, whereas with surface
electrodes a variable output activity is obtained
for a constant force at the wrist. Therefore, the
comparison of recruitment data of motor units
with surface EMG activity requires some explana-
tion. The force direction amin , where a motor unit

~~ l>'~'\
reveals the lowest recruitment threshold F min' cor-
responds to the force direction of maximal input,
which is the direction with the largest surface ~~
EMG activity for constant forces in different direc-
tions. Assuming that the EMG-force relationship
is more or less linear, which is a good approxima-
tion for forces in the mnge below 30% of J'
maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), the
, ,
recruitment threshold F(a) can be compared with ,,
surface EMG activity for the direction a by com- ,,
( D

paring the ratio of F miiF(a) with the ratio of EMG
activity relative to the maximum EMG activity for
o ,
'- -,
that force for all directions.
The activation of motor units in isometric and Figure 18.3: A and B show recruitment thresholds of
isotonic contractions was investigated with in- a motor unit in m. brachioradialis (A) and m. biceps
tramuscular wire electrodes inserted in m biceps (B). Units along the axis refer to flexion (positive) and
and m. brachioradialis. Intramuscular motor-unit extension (negative) torque (Nm) in the elbow
recordings were obtained after insertion of nylon- Tel and shoulder T.". When the data points in A and B are
fitted by a straight line, the transformation of this line
coated fine wire electrodes (diameter 25 /lm,
in torque space to the force space gives the curves in C
California Fine Wire Company) with a hollow
and D. The open circles refer to data obtained with sur-
needle (diameter 0.4 mm) which was extracted face EMG during isometric contractions. The hatched
after insertion, leaving the wires in the muscle. A areas in C and D correspond to regions where the
detailed analysis of the experimental procedures muscle would be shortening (see text). Data in Figure
can be found in van Zuylen et al. (1988) and Tax 18.3E and F refer to EMG-activity measured during
et al. (1989). In the motor-unit experiments the isotonic movements in the same (squares) or opposite
joint angles at shoulder and elbow (see Figure direction (circles) as the external force. In all parts
18.1) were 0° and 100°, respectively. Motor-unit torque and force refer to the torque and force exerted
behavior was studied in isometric contractions and by the limb as a result of muscle contraction.
in isotonic contractions. In the latter conditions Therefore, the extemal force (torque) acting on the
limb is pointing in opposite direction. Also note that
both lengthening and shortening contractions were
scaling of surface EMG is done for m. biceps and m.
studied. In order to eliminate any effects of the brachioradialis separately, such that a quantitative com-
force-velocity relationship, the movements were parison of the relative activation of these two muscles
made as slowly as possible. Usually the velocity in different conditions cannot be done with the data
was 3 deg/s, which corresponds to a velocity of shown here. The inset shows the position of the subject
about 1.3% of the rest length per second. At these in the experimental set-up.
velocities the effect of the force-velocity relation-
306 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

ship is very small. respond with forces to the lower-right of the

In all motor-unit experiments the right arm of diagonal in Figure 18.3C. A significant part of the
the subject was 80° abducted. Movements were in activation of m. biceps is for forces that would
the range between 90° and 110° elbow flexion. All produce elbow flexion and shoulder flexion. If the
data were collected when the arm moved at con- lever arms of m. biceps at the elbow and shoulder
stant velocity through the position of 100° elbow would be the same, the force directions with a
flexion. In this way any artefacts in our results negative F component in Figure 18.3D would cor-
due to the force-length relationship of muscles respond fo directions where m. biceps is
could be eliminated. In these experiments the shortening.
shoulder of the subject was fixated eliminating
any movements of the upper arm.
.... 8
18.4 Results E
z \ *

The motor-unit recruitment behavior for CD \ +: + + i ++

+ +

isometric forces in various directions is shown in

\ * +:
...0r:T " + + + +
Figure 18.3. Recruitment thresholds of motor
units in m. brachioradialis and m. biceps are
shown in Figures 18.3A and B, respectively. As
L+ ++ +
- ~--- = ~-----:-:-------------+~-

expected, motor units in these muscles are CD
recruited mainly for flexion torques in the elbow II.

joint. These data are very similar to those reported

earlier by Jongen (1989). 5 10 15
Using Eq. 18.5 the recruitment data in Figure
Velocity (deg/s)
18.3A and B were plotted as a function of force at
the hand. Moreover, the data were converted such
that they could be compared with data obtained 8
with surface electrodes using the procedures out-
lined in Section 18.3. In this conversion, it was
• •
assumed that the length of upper arm and forearm
was the same. The results are shown in Figure
18.3C-D. Since different motor units do have dif- • •
ferent recruitment thresholds the amplitude of the
response in Figure 18.3C-D was normalized to
100% for the activation at the direction with the
lowest recruitment threshold. The recruitment data
in Figure 18.3A-B for brachioradialis and biceps
seem to fall along straight lines with a slightly dif- -3

ferent slope. This difference in slope becomes
visible in Figure 18.3C-D in the different orienta- (velocity deg/s)
tion of the curves (circles).
Also shown in Figures 18.3C-D are data ob-
tained with surface electrodes. For the direction Figure 18.4: Part A shows the absence ('-') or
presence ('+') of motor-unit activity for different
for isometric force with the largest EMG activity,
torques at the elbow as a function of shortening
the EMG activity was normalized to 100%. velocity. Part B shows averaged recruitment
Considering that the motor-unit data and surface- thresholds for motor units in m. biceps (circles) and m.
EMG data were obtained in different experiments brachioradialis (squares) for isometric contractions (v
(from the same subject), both data are in good = 0) and for voluntary isotonic flexion (v = 3 deg/s)
agreement. Notice that the activation of m. and extension (v = -3 deg/s) movements. (Part A
brachioradialis is mainly for force directions that reprinted with permission from Tax et al., 1989.)
would give rise to muscle shortening if the arm
was allowed to move. These directions cor-
18. Gielen et al.; Activation of Bi-Articular Muscles in Movements Human Arm 307

EMG activity recorded during isotonic contrac- considerably even for slow movements. It ap-
tions against a constant preload (20 N at the hand) peared to be almost impossible to make voluntary
is shown in Figure 18.3E-F. Comparing the data movements at constant velocities below 3 deg/s.
with those in Figure 18.3C-D shows that the main However, recruitment thresholds were determined
orientation of the data in E and F corresponds at velocities exceeding 3 deg/s. For higher
roughly with those in C and D, suggesting that the velocities the recruitment threshold decreased very
relative activation of m. brachioradialis and m. slowly, quantitatively in agreement with the
biceps is approximately the same in isometric and force-velocity relationship for arm flexor muscles
isotonic contractions. The variability in EMG ac- (Jorgensen, 1976). Extrapolation of the recruit-
tivity did not allow to make explicit statements on ment threshold to velocity zero suggests a clear
whether the data, obtained for isotonic contrac- discontinuity with respect to the isometric recruit-
tions, deviated significantly from the data obtained ment threshold. This sudden decrease of
with isometric contractions. However, the data in recruitment threshold at slow velocities indicates a
Figure 18.4 and Figure 18.5 clearly indicate that discontinuity at velocity zero (see Tax et al.,
there is a different activation in the two conditions 1989). For motor units in m. brachioradialis the
(see Section 18.5 for discussion). recruitment threshold was higher for isotonic con-
The data in Figure 18.3E-F suggest that the tractions than it was for isometric contractions.
relative activation of m. biceps and m. Just as for motor units in m. biceps, all data for m.
brachioradialis during movements in the same brachioradialis suggested a discontinuity at
direction and opposite to the external force may be velocity zero (see Tax et al., 1990).
different. The circles in Figure 18.3E-F refer to Since the absolute changes in recruitment
the relative amount of activation during move- threshold were proportional to the isometric
ments in a direction opposite to the external force. recruitment threshold (Tax et aI., 1989) we have
During movements in the same direction as the ex- plotted average values of the recruitment threshold
ternal force the amount of EMG activity in both for movements relative to the isometric recruit-
muscles decreased considerably in comparison to ment threshold. Figure 18.4B clearly shows that
the amount of EMG activity for movements in the during isometric contractions the recruitment
direction opposite to the external force. For m. threshold of motor units in m. biceps is higher
biceps the relative variation of EMG activity as a than that during voluntary movements. The
function of movement direction (or with other recruitment threshold for voluntary flexion and
words, the orientation of the curves in Figure voluntary extension was not significantly dif-
18.3D) was not different for movements opposite ferent. For the recruitment behavior of motor
to or in the same direction as the external force. In units in m. brachioradialis just the opposite was
m. brachioradialis small variations in EMG activity found. Here the recruitment threshold for
could be observed for movements in the same isometric contractions is lower than for voluntary
direction as the external force, but they were too movements. Again, there was no clear difference
small to make accurate estimates of the EMG ac- between the recruitment threshold for flexion or
tivity. Presumably, the decreased EMG activity at extension movements. On the average the recruit-
the same force can be explained with the ment threshold for movements is decreased by a
force-velocity relationship, which gives a larger factor of 0.77 (standard error = 0.02) for m. biceps
force for small lengthening contractions at con- and is increased by a factor of 1.29 (standard error
stant activation for the velocities used in this =0.03) for m. brachioradialis and m. brachialis.
experiment (about 5 cm/s, corresponding to about These data are averaged for three subjects. It
5% of the rest length per second). should be mentioned that there are small quantita-
Recruitment data obtained in m. biceps and m. tive differences for data from different subjects
brachioradialis are shown in Figure 18.4. The (see Tax et al., 1989, 1990).
main [mding was that the recruitment thresholds Because of the different effect of movement on
of motor units is not the same for isometric and the recruitment threshold of motor units in m.
isotonic contractions. For isotonic contractions the biceps and m. brachioradialis, motor units in dif-
recruitment threshold of motor units in m. biceps ferent muscles may show reversal of recruitment
is decreased (see Figure 18.4A). It is decreased order in isometric and isotonic contractions.
308 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

However, the recruitment order of motor units during isometric contractions than during isotonic
within the same motor-unit population was the movements, in agreement with the data in Figure
same both in isometric and isotonic conditions. 18.4. In addition, the firing frequency is slightly
The fIring-frequency behavior of motor units higher during isotonic flexion movements and
during isometric and both isotonic flexion and ex- lower during isotonic extension movements than it
tension movements is shown in Figure 18.5. In is during isometric contractions.
Figure 18.5A it is shown that the brachioradialis Figure 18.5B shows the data for a motor unit in
motor unit is recruited at lower torque levels m. biceps. Clearly the motor unit is recruited at
higher torques during isometric contractions than
10 A for isotonic contractions, in agreement with the
conclusions from Figure 18.4. The main point of
Figure 18.5B is that at the same torque the fIring
rate is different for isotonic flexion movements
z A
0 and for isometric contractions. At the same torque
o~ the motor unit has a higher fIring rate for flexion
A 0
::l movements compared to the fIring rate at the same
...0C7 5 • .00 8 0
• • isometric torque.
• The data in Figure 18.4 and Figure 18.5 show
c: ••
0 • that the activation of the mono-articular
brachioradialis and the bi-articular m. biceps
U. varies in a different way for isometric and isotonic
contractions. Moreover, they show that the fIring
rate of motor units can be modulated independ-
10 20 ently from the recruitment such that the gradation
Firing frequency (Hz) of force by recruitment and fIring rate is different
in isometric and isotonic contractions.
B 18.5 Discussion
The main fInding of this paper is that mono-
6 and bi-articular muscles in the human arm have a
..... different role in isometric and isotonic contrac-
Z tions and that the relative activation of mono- and
bi-articular muscles can, at least qualitatively, be
~ 4 understood based on some simple theoretical con-
o siderations regarding the efficiency of multi-limb
c: movements. The changes of motor-unit recruit-
o 2 ment threshold and frring frequency at recruitment
CD related to isometric or isotonic contractions are as
yet not well understood.
As explained in the results, the variability in
5 10 15 EMG activity did not allow us to decide whether
Frequency (Hz) the data obtained for isometric and isotonic con-
tractions in Figure 18.3C-F deviated signifIcantly.
Figure 18.5: This shows the relationship between However, the motor-unit data, obtained in Figure
flexion torque in the elbow and firing frequency of a 18.4 show that the recruitment threshold of motor
motor unit in m. brachioradialis (A) and in m. biceps units in the mono-articular brachioradialis and the
(B). Filled circles refer to data obtained at isometric bi-articular biceps changes in a different way for
contractions, open circles refer to extension move- isometric and isotonic contractions. Owing to
ments, and squares refer to flexion movements. mechanical restrictions in our set-up we could in-
(Figure 18.5B reprinted with permission from Tax et vestigate motor-unit behavior in isometric and
al.,1989.) isotonic contractions in one direction only (in
18. Gielen et al.; Activation of Bi-Articular Muscles in Arm Movements 309

flexion/extension direction of the elbow). Since 1S.S.1 Comparison With Other Experimental
for this direction the relative activation of m. Observations
brachioradialis and m. biceps changes in a dif- The important role of bi-articular muscles has
ferent way for isometric and isotonic contraction, been described earlier for jumping, skating and
we believe that this reflects a more general bicycling by van Ingen Schenau et al. (1987),
phenomenon and we speculate that the activation Bobbert and van Ingen Schenau (1988), van Ingen
for both m. brachioradialis and m biceps is dif- Schenau (1989), and Chapter 41 (van Ingen
ferent in isometric and isotonic contractions. We Schenau et al.». A review of the different role of
are collecting more data to verify this prediction. mono- and bi-articular muscles can be found in a
Some caution is warranted with respect to the recent target article by van Ingen Schenau (1989)
interpretation of the data obtained with surface and the commentaries included in that volume.
EMG electrodes. In the fIrSt place, it has been The observation that mono- and bi-articular
shown that within a muscle there are several muscles may receive a task-dependent activation
groups of motor units (ter Haar Romeny et al., has been reported before by others as well. For ex-
1982), each with a different activation. Since sur- ample, Nardone and Schieppati (1988) found that
face electrodes measure the weighted activity of a during active lengthening of the triceps surae, as
relatively large group of motor units, one cannot when gradually yielding to a dorsiflexing load, the
determine how different motor-unit populations soleus muscle is silenced whereas the gastroc-
contribute to the surface EMG activity. Based on nemius is active. During active shortening
the location of the different populations of motor contractions against an external load both muscles
units (see ter Haar Romeny et al., 1984; van are active. This observation fits nicely with the
Zuylen et al., 1988), we are confident that the ideas and the analysis presented in this chapter.
EMG activity measured with the EMG surface A need for bi-articular muscles has been sug-
electrodes reflects the activity of the largest motor- gested earlier by Hogan (1985). According to his
unit populations (see van Zuylen et al., 1988), ideas, bi-articular muscles are necessary in order
which is the same type of motor units that was re- to obtain an isotropic end-point stiffness in the
corded from with the intramuscular wire workspace (instead of in the jointspace). This idea
electrodes. is not in conflict with the ideas outlined in this
A second methodological issue, which should chapter. Instead, it puts another constraint on the
be raised with respect to the interpretation of sur- activation of mono- and bi-articular muscles. The
face EMG data as a measure of muscle activation constraint that follows from our results follows
and muscle force, concerns the fact that the two from the efficient activation of mono- and bi-
force-grading mechanisms (i.e. recruitment and articular muscles in movements against an
firing frequency of motor units) do not contribute external force. The constraint predicted by Hogan
equally to the amplitude of the surface EMG. It is (1985; Chapter 9) is related to end-point stiffness.
well known that the surface EMG activity is, for This constraint should be considered for isometric
the most Part. determined by recruitment. contractions. Whether it is valid for movements as
Therefore, if recruitment thresholds and firing fre- well is an open question since it is still unclear
quency of motor units can be modified whether the same joint stiffness is found for
independently, as shown by Tax et al. (1989, moving and stationary limbs. End-point stiffness
1990; see also Conway et al., 1988; Crone et al., has been investigated mainly in static conditions
1988) it becomes very difficult to interpret the sur- (e.g. see Mussa-Ivaldi et al., 1985; Vincken et al.,
face EMG activity quantitatively in terms of 1983); Flash has estimated stiffness for simple
activation of the motoneuron pool or of the dynamic movements (Chapter 17). It has been
muscle. However, despite these problems, our postulated that the same principles underlie the
data show that mono- and bi-articular muscles do generation of movements (see Feldman, 1986, and
have a different role in movements and that the Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.». However, ex-
relative activation of mono- and bi-articular perimental data about stiffness regulation during
muscles is different in isometric and isotonic (both movements are scarce. Our motor-unit data (see
shortening and lengthening) contractions, as dis- Figures 18.4 and 18.5), which show that the ac-
cussed previously.
310 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

tivation of mono- and bi-articular muscles is Acknowledgements

different in isometric and isotonic contractions, Part of this research was supported by the
suggest that stiffness may be different. European Community in the ESPRIT 2, BASIC
As was explicitly mentioned before, all move- RESEARCH Program MUCOM, project number
ments were made in a horizontal plane and 3149.
movement velocities were relatively low. This was
done in order to be able to avoid variations in References
gravitational force. In a study by Karst and Hasan Allum, J.H.I. and Mauritz, K.-H. (1984) Compensation
(1989) EMG activity was recorded from flexor and for intrinsic muscle stiffness by Short-latency
extensor muscles in the shoulder and elbow joint reflexes in human triceps surae muscles. J.
[see also Chapter 16 (Karst and Hasan)]. The main Neurophysiol. 52: 797-816.
result of their investigations was that the activa- Bobbert M.F. and van Ingen Schenau G.I. (1988)
tion pattern which initiated arm movements could Coordination in vertical jumping. J. Biomech., 21:
be predicted based neither by the changes in joint 249-262.
Buchanan, T.S., Almdale D.P.J., Lewis J.L., Rymer
angles nor the (isometric) force that was necessary
W.Z. (1986) Characteristics of synergistic relations
to initiate these movements. Unfortunately, these during isometric contractions of human elbow
authors pooled all flexor muscles (both mono- and muscles. J. Neurophysiol. 56: 1225-1241.
bi-articular muscles), which makes it impossible Conway, B.A., Hultbom,H., Kiehn, O. and Mintz,I.
to interpret their data in the present context. (1988) plateau potentials in (X-motoneurones in-
Moreover, the movement speed in their experi- duced by intravenous injection of L-DOPA and
ments was such that inertial components could not clonidine in the spinal cat. J. Physiol. 405: 369-384.
be neglected, which requires some further exten- Crone C., Hultbom,H., Kiehn,O., Mazieres,L. and
sion of the ideas presented in this chapter. A way Wistrom,H. (1988) Maintained changes in
to do this may be to incorporate the ideas sug- motoroneuroneal excitability by shortlasting synap-
gested by Zajac and Gordon (1989) [see also tic inputs in the spinal cat J. Physiol. 405: 321-343.
Dul, J., Iohnson J.E., Shiavi, R. and Townsend, M.A.
Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)].
(1984a) Muscular synergisM. -I. On the criteria for
An interesting issue for further research con- load sharing between synergistic muscles. J.
cerns the stage in the functional hierarchy of Biomech.17: 663-673.
motor programming where the coordination of Dul, I., Johnson I.E., Shiavi, R. and Townsend, M.A.
mono- and bi-articular muscle activation takes (1984b) Muscular synergisM.- II A minimum
place. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the fatigue criterion for load sharing between synergis-
relative activation of muscles in response to exter- tic muscles. J. Biomech. 17: 675-684.
nal perturbations is different in the short-latency Feldman, A.G. (1986) Once more on the Equilibrium-
and long-latency reflex components (Lacquaniti point hypothesis (A-model) for motor control. J.
and Soechting, 1986; Gielen et al., 1988b). The Motor Behav. 18: 17-54.
short-latency reflex was found only in muscles Gielen C.C.A.M., van den Oosten, K. and Pull ter
Gunne, F. (1985) Relation between EMG activation
that were stretched, which is compatible with the
patterns and kinematic properties of aimed arm
notion that the short-latency reflex prevents movements. J. Motor Behav., 17: 421-442.
muscle-yielding due to the sudden break of actin- Gielen S.C.A.M., van Zuylen E.I., Denier van der Gon
myosin bonds (Allum and Mauritz, 1984). The J.J. (l988a) Coordination of arm muscles in simple
long-latency reflex component (latency about 50 motor tasks. In: Int. Series on Biomechanics, Vol.
ms in elbow flexors) gives rise to the activation of 7A. Eds.: G. de Groot, A.P. Hollander, P.A. Huying,
a wider set of muscles, some of which are not G.J. van Ingen Schenau. Free University Press,
stretched by the perturbation. However, the activa- Amsterdam, pp. 155-166.
tion of these additional muscles is necessary for Gielen C.C.A.M., Ramaekers,L. and van Zuylen,E.I.
the coordinated response to the perturbation (1988b) Long-latency stretch reflexes as co-
ordinated functional responses in man. J. Physioi.
(Gielen et aI., 1988b). This result, in our view,
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suggests that the coordination center should be
Gielen, C.C.A.M. and van Ingen Schenau G.I. (1990)
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Optimized Strategies for Scaling Goal-Directed

Dynamic Limb Movements

Amir H. Seif-Naraghi and Jack M. Winters

19.1 Introduction scaling simple goal-directed upper-limb move-

ments. The use of a mathematical modeling
A recurring theme of the previous five chapters framework requires an explicitly defined
has been a consideration of control strategies for biomechanical system and its goals. In optimiza-
goal-directed movements involving one of the up- tion studies "goals" are specified by a scalar
per limbs. In each chapter specific classes of tasks performance criterion ("cost function", "penalty
were considered. For each task, specific instruc- function", "performance index") which is to be
tions were given to adult subjects who presumably minimized or maximized [see also Chapter 8
complied as well as possible with the stated task (Zajac and Winters)]. Varying the system struc-
goals. Their movement strategies were a function ture and/or parameter values while maintaining the
of a specific neuromusculoskeletal apparatus same performance criterion allows investigation of
which had been tuned through years of constant the sensitivity of the control strategy to
use. Their performance, however, was also a func- biomechanical assumptions. Varying relative
tion of many hard-to-define variables, including weights between competing subcriteria within a
"mood", perception of instructions, the amount of generalized performance criterion while using the
practice, the level of mental and/or physical same biomechanical system yields information
fatigue, and choice of limb. These factors con- regarding the organizational strategies for scaling
tribute to intra- and intersubject variability. As movements.
pointed out in Chapter 34 (Pedotti and Crenna), An implicit assumption in this study is that ob-
however, such variabi~ity may be related to dif- taining optimized solutions for a biomechanical
ferent strategies as opposed to "noise" about a system, without consideration of neurocircuitry, is
single strategy. An issue, not directly addressed in a worthwhile and potentially rewarding endeavor.
these previous chapters, is how subtle changes in The rationale behind this approach is that or-
movement instructions or subjective goals affect ganizational strategies underlying movement
the movement strategy. Within the context of un- should reflect the fact that we are inherently
derstanding movement strategy, we suggest, this is goal-directed, biocybemetic creatures that move
of fundamental importance. Tradeoffs exist be- within a physical world subservient to mechanical
tween meeting task-related goals (e.g. movement laws. Movement goals can vary widely; upper
to a specified target) and the "effort" level of the limb movements can range from the practical task
individual, especially for everyday movements of picking up a full cup of coffee and bringing it to
performed. In the laboratory setting, movements the mouth (preferably with minimal exertion or co-
can also scale due to explicit changes in task re- nscious "effort") to very skilled tasks such as
quirements such as speed, magnitude or direction. accurately throwing a ball or playing piano. Each
In this chapter dynamic optimization is utilized of these tasks can be accomplished many different
to address basic issues related to strategies for ways by very subtle changes in desire.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 313

Variations in perfonnance due to subtle numerical search-based optimization methods are

changes in a subjective goal may yield insight to necessary, in which many separate optimization
many aspects of movement organization. Yet solutions are necessary to investigate the effects of
there has been little investigation along these lines. variation in even a single model parameter.
Indeed, the concept tends to be at odds with the Unfortunately, however, closed-fonn solutions are
traditional experimental approach, which usually only possible for very simple systems, typically in-
requires a well-controlled, highly constrained ex- volving movement of a single joint with crude
periment designed to test an explicit hypothesis. (and even nonexistant) muscle properties.
In this chapter the emphasis is on a synthesis of Nevertheless, an understanding of the basic form
our current understanding regarding how changes of the solution will tum out to be quite valuable.
in goals, and especially subtle changes, affect

predictions for optimal movement strategies.
This chapter is divided into four sections.
H1F.X1 ~F1F.XI
N, F,
Section 19.2 summarizes closed-fonn optimal
control strategies for scaling movements in very /.
simple systems. Surprisingly, existing
closed-fonn results for such systems have not I----- I-----
been reviewed previously within the motor control a b
field, nor are these findings developed in any other
part of this book. Consequently, this section,
which emphasizes results for simple parallel
mass-dashpot-spring (JBK) models of a single HI H,

joint (Figure 19.1a~ is included. Section 19.3 con-

siders how strategies are modulated when the
input to the "joint" comes from one or two muscle c
"filters" (Figures 19.1b-c). Although results for
simple JBK models are infonnative and capable of
providing basic organizational principles, one Figure 19.1: Basic model structures under consideration
must consider the limitations of their predictions. here. a) Second-order "spring-rnass-dashpot" (JBK) system,
In Section 19.4 we show that control strategies of- with the dashpot (B) and spring (K) containing potentially
ten take advantage of higher-order model structure nonlinear properties, driven by neural inputs (0 < N1 < Nmax; 0
< N2 < Nmax' but pulling in opposite directions), and poten-
and/or nonlinear muscle properties, and that scal- tially an external load (Fut)' In all cases we assume J, B and
ing of movements can be well approximated by K are greater than zero. Special cases of practical interest
changes in the relative weights among perfor- are: "visco-elastic" (J =0; first-order system), "pure inertial"
mance subcriteria. Finally, Section 19.5 (K = 8 = 0), "visco-inertial (K = 0). "overdamped" (B 2 > 4 J
summarizes our findings and Section 19.6 iden- K), "underdamped" (~ < 4 J K). b) Higher--order system in
which the neural inputs work through one or two first- or
tifies areas for future exploration of upper limb second-order linear muscle "filters" (first-order shown to
movement organization which we believe are right), with the output(s) of the filter(s) driving a passive
likely to be fruitful, especially as related to exten- J8K model. c) Antagonistic muscle-joint model, where
sions to multi-articular systems. muscle properties are nonlinear and a function of both neural
input and joint kinematics [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and
19.2 Closed Form Solutions to JBK Models Winters)]. Here F may refer to force or moment, x repre-
sents changes in length or angle.
Closed fonn analytical solutions have a sig-
nificant advantage over numerical solutions in that The goal here is to present optimal control in-
explicit relationships are developed that relate puts that satisfy some explicitly defined goal. We
model structure, model parameter magnitudes, will not develop nor utilize the mathematical foun-
variation in perfonnance criterion, and optimal dation, whether based in calculus of variations,
control inputs. Thus, one sees immediately the in- Pontryagin's maximum principle (Pontryagin et
terrelationships between changes in system al., 1962», or geometric techniques for determin-
parameters and the control strategy. This is in ing switching functions. In fact, from the present
contrast to the consideration of cases where perspective, the mathematical tools utilized to find
314 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

solutions are irrelevant - certainly the brain does tions, the most common case has been to prescribe
not solve these problems in a way that resembles initial position and velocity (the latter usually
our (relatively simplistic) analytical techniques. zero) and a desired final position and velocity
Rather, we present the form of results and briefly (often zero). For some cases specification of ac-
discuss the consequences as relevant to motor con- celeration conditions are also relevant.
trol. Our closed-form examples are divided into In order of increasing complexity, the follow-
two categories: i) second-order (or simpler) ing systems will be considered: i) simple
models (Section 19.2); and ii) linear models where, first-order linear ("viscoelastic") systems (J = 0);
muscle-like filters drive a second-order model ii) second-order viscoinertial systems (K = 0), in-
(Section 19.3). cluding one case with a nonlinear viscosity
The following generalized performance described by Hill's equation plus an isotonic load;
criterion (C.) is used throughout this section: and iii) full JBK systems, with an emphasis on the
overdamped case.
Cj =ws[xP)-xP)] + ( ( w t + W.,[x/t)-x(t)]2 + 1. Minimum Time (wt > 0, all others zero).
(19.1) It turns out that the optimal control structure
, .
Wu Iu(t) I + Wu ,J(t) + w/X' + w/E(t)" } dt will be "bang-bang", i.e. maximal level input sig-
nals, for all cases to be considered here.
where wi are weighing functions, xr is a
"reference" (desired) position (in deg), x is posi-
tion (in deg), u is the control input, T is the
movement time (which may be fixed, free or a b
bounded), and the five summed expressions go by- ~ '§ 1.0 ...",.,'!"".] ......T· .. ·_.. -_· .. 1.0 r ...........-.\\-\. \.
the names: final error (typically forced to zero), iii i ./"."---
g i ! ..IiII \ ... > - - -
minimum time (time optimality), integrated state 0.5 :9 :: 0.5
\' ...

error, minimum input "effort" ("fuel"), minimum "':;ii

input "energy", and an expression representing oS ~
various "metabolic/mechanical energy" considera- 0 T 21 T 2T
tions. lIme (lIme canst.) TIme (tIme canst.)
For each case of interest, we must specifiy: i) a
system to be controlled; ii) movement goals (as Figure 19.2: Minimum time solutions for first-order
specified by performance criterion which are sub- "viscoelastic" system. a) Overplot of optimal control
sets of Eq. 19.1); iii) constraints on the inputs or pulses (dashed) and first-order system responses (solid)
states (e.g. physiological relevant ranges); and iv) as the movement distance increases. assuming K = 1.
b) Control pulses (dashed. shown nonidealized) and
boundary conditions (e.g. initial and final states
system responses (solid) for case where pulse height is
and perhaps the movement time). constrained when movement magnitudes are small.
The form of the second-order differential equa-
tion of Figure 19.1a is: First-Order "Viscoelastic" System (J = 0).
Consider the classical case of performing move-
J2x dx
ment of magnitude D, with the initital velocity and
J-+B-+K(x-x) = NJ -N2 +Fext (19.2)
dt dt 0
the desired final velocity both zero. Here a non-
where x = x(t) all terms are defined in Figure zero input holds the initital position x(O) (e.g. if
19.1a. Additionally, Tis defined as the time inter- x(O) > 0 then NJ =K x(0». The optimal solution is
val of the movement and D is the distance moved quite intuitive: for D > D, make NJ maximal until
[i.e., x(T) - x(O)]. When appropriate, ts is the time x(tcr, = xdeSlre
. d(t). The required duration of the
of switching between muscles. Notice that the pulse is
neural inputs and the external load Fext struc- 1 B D
turally enter at the same location. An implicit tsw = tmt = - N K In (1 -"K) (19.3)
assumption is that the zero position, essentially the
mid-operating range, is the resting length of the
spring, i.e. x(O) = xo' In terms of boundary condi-
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 315

In order to hold the new position, allow nj = Visco-Inertial Model. The rrummum time
K x(t.W> = K x(T). This could be called a "bang- solution for this model is also "bang-bang", with
hold" strategy. Such a "hold" is necessary the switching time past the mid-point T/2 (Nelson,
whenever either K, the final position, or the final 1983; see also Figure 19.3b as B becomes large or
(isotonic) level Fut is nonzero. The relationship Figure 19.3c as K approaches zero):
between tBW and D is apparent from Figure 19.2a.
Notice that: i) the pulse width equals the move- T til D T
ment time; ii) smaller magnitude movements
t = - + - - >- (19.7)
8 2 2 U 2
require a smaller pulse width (PW); iii) a "hold" is
necessary that is only a function of K and the For a given system inertia and control bounds, as
desired position; iv) coactivation serves no useful the viscous drag increases, the movement time in-
purpose and would never be predicted in the solu- creases and the peak velocity decreases (see
tion; and v) for a given D, the pulse width Appendix A of Nelson, 1983 for details). In terms
increases linearly in magnitude with increasing of state variables, the optimal switching time is
viscosity B or decreasing maximal strength Nr (Athans and Falb, 1966)

= -I aa(I I - e(B/J)9 )-(0)

Obtaining a maximal neural input with small
pulse widths may not be physiologically t (19.8)
realizable. Figure 19.2b considers the practical
concept of "bing-hold" control, i.e. the pulse Second-order, nonlinear visco-inertial. In
height is constrained by the movement magnitude FitzHugh (1977) idealized inertial and isotonic
D until some maximal magnitude, x/max' is reached loads were controlled by a Hill-based muscle
(Figure 19.2b). For the regions of "bing-hold" model (which functioned essentially as a nonlinear
control, the pulse width can be found by replacing viscous element) with a single control input. A
Nl . mcuin Eq. 19.3 by nl , and similarily for n2 , where "bang-bang-hold" strategy was found which was
nj are the available pulse height. Notice that this a function of distance, inertia and the magnitude
causes mild increases in pulse widths (e.g., Figure of the isotonic load, with the final step level that
19.2b). required to hold the isotonic load. The optimal
pulse width differed for shortening and lengthen-
Pure Inertial System. (B = K = 0). Assuming ing muscle. For shortening muscle, the bang-bang
the classical case of zero initial and final velocity, pattern is based on driving the system velocity to
we simply list results presented by various be optimal for maximal muscle power generation,
authors, primarily Nelson (1983), where he addi- assuming the classical Hill equation for the
tionally assumed that INl .max l = IN2 _max I: force-velocity relationship.
u = N/.""", 0 ~ t < ts
(19.4) Second-Order, Overdamped (a2 > 4lK). The
opt N 2 .""", t 8 < t !> T time optimal control is "bang-bang-hold"
(Figures 19.3 and 19.4). The bang-bang switching
where tB , the switching time, and D, the movement times, as a function of variation in l, B and K, are
distance, are
presented in Figure 19.3. Notice that as B in-
creases (i.e., the system becomes progressively
(19.5) more overdamped), the movement time increases
and the switching time becomes essentially the
T= t
+ N2· ..... same as the movement time. Similarily, when lis
N (19.6)
2· mCI%
small, the normalized switching time is near one,
i.e., the system approaches first-order; conversely,
NoticethatiflNl -max 1= IN2- maxI, t=TI2,i.e.the
as 1 becomes progressively larger, the switching
switch occurs at the half-way point - acceleration time approaches that of a pure inertial system.
followed by an equal deceleration. This is the Finally, notice that the optimal switching time is
limiting case in Figure 19.3a as the magnitude of 1 relatively independent of K until it has a very large
continues to increase relative to K and B. value. Of note is that whether the switching and
movement time increases or decreases with in-
creasing K depends on the initital position and
movement magnitude. Athans and Falb (1966)
316 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

. ... .,----,r---,...--~
n n n
I 1 I
0.' U
.. o ..o+-- -___
u .~


. '" II

0 •.0• .+--
- - - +- - -- -+
0 . 10

Inertlel Element
' . 00
0.0.+ - - - - - - - + -- ....1.

VUlcoua Element
.0 0 .• ..
o.os+--__;---t-- -p
10 . 0

E lB s t Ie E l elOent
100 . 0

x I x


c e .7 t .7
n n h


.0 .0

II ,.
+-- ----+-- - -+
I nerti a l Element
·0 .•+-- +---+-- .0

_+_-+ . '0.0+- -__;_--+---+--1.
o • 1.0 10 . 0 100 , 0

Vlscoua Element El eet1c Elemen t

a b c

Figure 19.3: Minimum time optimal solutions for an presented. The constant values of J. B. & K are 0.06
overdamped JBK model as a function of model (Nm/radls2), 5.0 (Nm/radls), 10.0 (Nm/rad). The traces
parameters J (part a), B (part b), and K (part c). In in each plot are obtained by varying the maximal
each case both movement times (top) and switching Torque input from 10 to 90 Nm.
times as a percentage of movement times (bottom) are

N'moa -
0 0 o - - - - -T
N2ma •

0 0 0 o o
N 2ma • '-

a b c d
Figure 19.4: Conceptual overview of the basic forms c) minimum neural "energy" (squared input); and d)
of the optimal control of point-to-point movements for "jerk" (maximum smoothness of output). In each case
four classical isolated criteria: a) minimum time (time control input forms are presented for purely inertial (J)
optimal); b) minimum neural "effort" (absolute input); system (top) and visco-inertial (J-B) system (bottom).
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 317

provide switching curves as functions of state vari- First-order "viscoelastic" model The solution
ables. for this case, given that x(0) and x(T) have the
Second-Order, Underdamped (IfJ < 4JK). This same sign and latter has a greater magnitude is
is a more difficult problem. While the solution is given by
"bang-bang", it may include many switches, with u(t) = sgn (x(7)},
the number of switches tending to increase with
distance. Also, the maximum time at a given con- and
trol level is 'It/ro, where ro = is the natural
frequency (see Athans and Falb, 1966 for details).
The suboptimal, yet practically clever control
T = alog
1 x(0) - sgn (x(7)}
7)-:-} (19.9)

strategy known as "Posicast control" (e.g., see

Takahashi et al., 1972), is of special interest. This
Second-order "inertial" system. The optimal
engineering solution is based on the concept that
solution turns out to be equivalent to minimizing
if, during the underdamped response to a step, a
the maximum velocity while satisfying specified
second step of strategic magnitude can be added at
movement time considerations (Figure 19.4b). If
the time of the peak overshoot due to the initial
there were no bounds on the input, the optimal
step, an approximate cancellation of the two super-
control is u t =(2DMtr)«T/2H), which describes a
imposed responses can result. The net result is a
ramp; this 'iilows the maximum velocity to be the
rapid rise and reasonably fast clamping at the new
average velocity. Often, however, the desired
movement time T is low enough such that the con-
2. Minimum State E"or (i.e. Wx = 1, relative here trol saturates. It turns out that the optimal control
to a steady reference level). is "bang-zero-bang" strategy, and thus there are
This criterion differs subtlely from minimum two switches (see Figure 19.3b). If we assume for
time since it also penalizes the path that is simplicity that N =N1. max =N2• max' the switching
traversed to arrive at the reference position. As times, for the practical regions of the solution
the power to which the state error is raised grows, space of interest, are defined by (Athans and Falb
large errors in particular are agressively eliminated (1966):
with small errors near the reference position of 1 J,lr

less relative importance.

tSI = :2 [ T - (~ + 4 D) ]
First-order "viscoelastic" system. The solu- 1 J,lr
tS2 = -2 [ T + (~+ 4 D) ]
tion is the same as for the minimum time case.
Second-order "inertial" system. It turns out where T is the maximum allowable time (Le., the
that the control is bang-bang, with multiple optimal solution will utilize all available time).
switches and oscillation. Indeed, as m grows As an approximation to a "movement turn-
greater "chattering" (and initital overshoot) occurs around", which is of great importance in motor
about the reference point (Takahashi et al., 1972). control, if an initital velocity exists that opposes
The optimal position trajectory crosses the "fmal" the intended direction, the optimal control will
position sooner than for the classical time optimal decrease the "coasting" time and produce an ac-
case. However, from a practical viewpoint, as an celeration pulse that is wider than the deceleration
isolated criterion, nonphysiological behavior is ap- pulse (Athans and Falb, 1966):
parent, therefore this criterion will not be
considered any further. However, later it will be
shown to be quite effective as a subcriteria that
"competes" with measures of effort.
3. Minimum "Effort" (Minimum "Impulse";
w .. For an initial velocity in the direction of the move-
This criterion has been especially well studied ment, the solution is not unique for this idealized
in control systems literature within the framework system. However uniqueness may be achieved by
of minimizing fuel consumption. The form of the penalizing movement time as well as "effort"; this
optimal control solution is of "bang-zero=bang" important case will be considered later.
type for the operating ranges of interest (see
Figure 19.4b).
318 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Second-order "visco-inertial" system. Here

5. Minimum Jerk (i.e. W. =1 all others zero).
we again see a "bang-zer~ng" strategy, with J '
Here the optimal control has a graded form,
the switching times now more complex, with
[Nelson, 1983, assuming no saturation; see also
numerical solution to nonlinear equations neces- Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.) and Chapter 17
sary (Nelson, 1983). (Flash)]:
4. Minimum Energy (w > 0, all others zero).
Another possibility for control is to move a cer- (19.16)
tain distance D in a specified time T while
minimizing the quadratic of neural drive. This The maximum input appears at the initital time,
popular type of quadratic index has been related to then scales downward.
input "energy" (Athans and Falb, 1966). 1&3. Minimum Time and Minimum Effort (i.e.
First-order "viscoelastic" model. If the input wt & wuf > 0, T not pre specified).
is unbounded (i.e. doesn't saturate), the con- Second-order "inertial" system. Here
tinuous optimal control turns out to be: tradeoffs between a task parameter (minimum
time with no final error) and the control effort are
_ 2a(xf e' aT- Xo) at _ at
n- e -Ae (19.12) considered. The solution, which is unique, turns
(1 - e- 27)
out to be "bang-zero-bang", with the switching
where a =K/B and D =xf-xo' Notice that we start times set by regions of the phase plane and the
with a control magnitude of A, and decreases ex- relative weight w between the competing sub-
ponentiaUy until the final time. If the desired criteria (Athans and Falb, 1966; see also Figure
movement time is on the order of the system time 19.5)
constant and the movement magnitude is over the Second-order "visco-inertial" system. This
primary range, saturations occurs. While for situation also produces a unique solution with
greater movement time, the exponentially-shaped "bang-uro-bang" behavior, with the switching
input signal progressively decreases (e.g., see times, which again can be viewed from within the
Takahaski et al., 1972). phase plane, given in Athans and Falb (1966).
Second-order "inertial" system. A continuous The continuum of optimal strategies obtained by
ramp-like optimal control signal results if not increasing the relative weight of minimum time
saturated [Le. T:<! (6D/U)"", (Nelson, 1983)]: subcriterion (Figure 19.5) shows a transition from
bang-zero-bang to a near bang-bang. Notice that
6D the width of the negative (third) pulse increases
uopt = ~ (1 - 2 (tl1) (19.13)
(relative to total movement time) with decreasing
It turns out that the peak velocity exceeds the viscosity. With small relative weight given to
average velocity by 50%. If saturation is reached, minimum time, the coasting period dominates the
i.e. T < (6D/U), the form of the control input is movement strategy, especially when viscosity is
"bang-ramp-bang", as shown in Figure 19.4. low (left column of Figure 19.5). Also notice that
increased NmtJZ equally scales the timing of all three
Second-order visco-inertial system. The op- pulses when large weights are given to minimum
timal control is, assuming no saturation (Nelson, time.
1983): An example developed by Athans and Falb
(1966) in which the viscous drag was a function of
u(t) = C -2 e(BIJ)t (19.14) the squared velocity. The optimal control law
took forms such as "bang-bing-ur~ng", show-
where ing explicitly that submaximal activation may
bT indeed emerge as an optimal strategy for non-
EJ2 e D (19.15) linear systems.
C=- b7' +J
J (BT-2J)e + BT + 2J
As in the first-order case we have a exponential
relation unless saturation is reached.
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 319

1.0 \. 1. 0

....... .........
0 •• \.<-... . o .•.!--:-~::::':==----i
I• •
~.~. : ..
··'_on ..... .

0 ,0
~ 0 ,0 0 0.\--+- -+---I- -t--1-4
o 0 0 .' 1.0 L a a .o 1 .8 ~.O 0 .0 0 ,11 1.0 loll a .o I .e J ,O 0 ,0 0 .0 1.0 La 1' . 0 I .' _.0

.. 0 1 .0 1.0

0 . 1t
•.••••••• ~.

0 .5 '~"'"
...... .
... ............
............. ..
........... "
00 0 .0 o.o-+-- t- -t---If--t--j- -+
00 0 .. 10 1" 1 .0 I .. 1 ,0 0 ,0 0 .8 LO L& 1,0 I .e J .O 0 .0 0 .0 1.0 .. I. 2 .0 iI . 1I 1.0

.. 1,---.- - - , - -,.--.---,---,. "',.---.--,.--..---,---.-'--,- I .I ,---,.- -,---.r--r--,.---"T

1 .0 .. 0 .. 0


......•, ..... .
.... .... ---.
... _..... T
.. ._ . ...... _ ............ T

0 .0 0 .0
• • •• •• •• ••• 1 •

0 o-+-- + --!---i-
". -t-- I--+
00 "o .. e 1 ,0 I. 1.0 0 .0 0.. ..0 I. e ' .0 1'. .1 . 0 0 .0 0 1.1 1.0 ". 1 .0 1 .8 1 .0

w w w

Figure 19.5: General fonns for scaling input pulses as 1.0, :,.0, 10.0 Nm (top to bottom rows) is considered.
a function of the relative weights between minimum ef- The horizontal axes represent the 10g1Ow. Compare
fort and minimum time (w) subcriteria. A J-B model case of 8=.1 N =1 with case of B=l, N =10 to see
with J = 0.1 Nm/rad/s and B = 0.1, 1.0, 2.0 Nm/rad/s the effects of red~~ed J. Shown: switching time from
(left to right columns) and the maximum torque N""", = maximum to zero (ts, solid), from zero to negative
maximum (ts 2 , dash~d), and movement time (T,

2&3: Minimum State Error and Minimum depend on whether or not the idealized control
Energy. would hit the saturation boundary N. We are in
The solution for the case of penalizing the fact more interested in cases of finite time and
square of both state error and input is especially bounded controL For finite time and a final posi-
appropriate for analytical analysis. The resulting tion as mid-range, the control is:
optimal control law can be formulated in terms of
X ·e(T·t) e(T·t)
the state variables, and thus state feedback can be u=-::cT(e -ce ) (19.17)
utilized to realize the control. For our purposes, of ff
note is that: i) the solution depends on the relative where c = w + dJ
weight w, being more aggressive if w » 1; ii)
quadratic terms in the performance criterion sug- Notice that the optimal control involves a com-
gest disproportionately high penalty for large bination of falling and rising exponentials, and can
error/input; iii) the form of the solution is ex- be shown to be quite intuitive (e.g., see Takahashi
ponential; iv) the solution depends on the et a1. (1972), p. 649). Of note is that the optimal
movement time (if not specified, the optimal con- feedback gain is a function of time if the move-
trol will involve a decaying exponential that does ment is to be made in finite time (e.g. see
not converge until t = 00); and v) the solution may Takahashi et al., 1972 for details).
320 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Final State Error and Input "Energy". Here 19.3 Second-Order Plants Controlled by
we consider briefly what happens when some Linear Muscle Filters
"slack" in the final position error is allowed. Consider the equation of motion of Eq. 19.2,
Second-order visco-inertial system.
For only with the signal for each of the two muscles
specified final time T, the optimal control input replacing the neural inputs, and this signal being
turns out to be: the output of a first-order ftlter of the form

-2wxo at (19.19)
U -
opt - (2+w)e2 /1T_ 1
e (19.18)

This could represent, for example, a simple

muscle filter acting on an inertial object such as a
6. Minimal Expended Energy. limb.
The reader is referred to FitzHugh (1977) for
this rather involved performance criterion. It is Minimum Time (wmt > 0, all others zero). For
considered here because it is in essense a the case of one muscle filter that can push and
"combined" criterion. pull, the general solution is bang-bang with two
switches, Le. Nl -+ N2 -+ Nl or N2 -+ N -+ N , with
Second-order "inertial" system with isotonic . h. . 1 2
SWltc mg bmes set by a switching surface in 3-D
load. For lengthening muscle a "bang-bang-hold" state space (see Athans and Falb, 1966 for details).
strategy was always obtained. For shortening In general, for higher-order linear systems with
muscle, however, two classes of control strategies negative real poles (normal systems to be exact),
were revealed: i) bang-bang-bold; and ii) the number of switches is equal to one less than
bang-level-bang-bold. In each case the initital order of the system.
pulse width of the initital maximal signal was that Oguztoreli and Stein (1983) formulated closed
necessary to achieve the critical velocity for op- form expressions of the optimal control strategies
timum muscle power generation. However, for for a model consisting of a pair of linear, first-
certain regions, as defined by the magnitude of the order antagonistic muscles with the Hill model
movement distance, the inertia, and the isotonic structure that could be driven directly by a neural
load level, a "level hold" was required which al- input or by the output of a first-order filter repre-
lowed efficient muscle power production to senting muscle activation. In both cases the
continue for a certain time period. optimal control was found to be bang-bang, with
the switching times complex functions of the
Second-Order, Oscillatory, With Variable model parameters.
(Nonlinear) K. With B = 0 and K = u(t) (0<u<1),
the inertial system can be driven from any initial Other Performance Criteria. Using the linear
position (zero initial velocity) to origin with a two-muscle model described above, Oguztoreli
bang-zero input (Takahaski et al., 1972). The and Stein (1983) also considered several other per-
maximum input results in maximum force at each formance criteria, including oscillation around
dynamic position and therefore the highest ac- final position, an involved expression representing
celerations the system is capable of producing. total energy, and neural input As might be ex-
The subsequent zero spring constant results in a pected, the form of all neural strategies were
zero acceleration (Le., constant velocity) coasting found to be bang-bang or bang-zero-bang except
period which brings the inertial system to the for the minimum energy case. Thus there exists a
origin. This transfer to the equilibrium (Le. natural progression from simpler systems to more
origin) through stiffness modulation is of special structurally complex systems.
interest since Hogan (1984) suggest movement An important point made by the authors in an
may be carried out by a continuous shift of equi- earlier paper (Ouztoreli and Stein, 1982) is that
librium. two linear anatagonist muscles may be combined
into one since co-activation does not vary any of
the system characteristics and is not utilized.
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 321

Combined Criteria. The need for a weighted force-velocity relationship [e.g., see Chapter 5
sum of some or all the above subcriteria was sug- (Winters)]. The SE force-extension relationship is
gested by Oguztorelli and Stein (1983); however, approximated by an exponential relating force and
the numerical solution was feared to be "quite extension, using peak force and peak extension as
difficult". Corraborating this observation, our parameters. When coupled, the CE and SE can be
own attempts at such solutions have proved unsuc- represented with one nonlinear ordinary differen-
cessful (Seif-Naraghi, 1989). To our knowledge tial equation. An input to this first-order system
no closed-form solutions exist for is activation/attachment, which is itself the output
muscle-filter-joint-plant systems with a general- of two cascaded first-order unicausal filters ap-
ized criteria that include both measures of task proximating neural dynamics underlying
performance and neuromuscular penalty. excitation (E) and activation (A) processes, respec-
Consequently, numerical solution becomes a tively, with an idealized neural signal (N) being
necessity. [Of note is that solutions for optimal the input to the neuromuscular unit. The inter-
feedback gains, given a performance criteria that mediate signal between the excitation and
includes both penalty for both states and inputs, activation processes, which is one of the state vari-
can be formulated for certain classes of regulator ables, resembles a linear enveloped
problems - see Chapter 10 (Loeb and Levine)]. electromyographic (EMG) signal. Each of these is
developed in detail in Winters and Stark (1985)
19.4 Higher-Order Nonlinear Movement and in Chapter 5 (Winters).
System Muscle-loint Model. Two antagonistic equiv-
Mathematical representations describing the alent muscles coupled to a joint is utilized in this
same physical phenomenon are often of varying modeling approach; this is the simplest structure
degrees of complexity. The proper choice of capable of producing basic muscle-joint dynamic
model is of great importance since what can be phenomena (Winters aned Stark, 1985). As dis-
learned from the study is often a direct function of cussed in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters), the
the modeling choice. Use of extremely simplified, muscle parallel elasticity is incorporated into the
lower-order models leads to predictions that may second-order parallel plant which consists of
not be generalized beyond the specific conditions lumped elastic (K ) and viscous (B ) elements and
under which the model is valid. Extremely link inertia (J). loint acceleratiort'is produced by
detailed models with numerous parameters may the summati6n of the opposing muscle torques
lead to little insight into the overall system be- [e.g. for flexor (I) and extensor (e) muscles] plus a
havior. Having considered the simple models of possible torque term due to the external environ-
movement in Section 19.2 and reached the limits ment:
for closed-form solutions in Section 19.3, we now
consider a more realistic nonlinear muscle-joint .. . ..
model. The following subsections discuss in-
Jp 6+Bp 6+Kp 6 = Ff.N,6,6)-Fe(N.6.6) + Mext
herent scaling of movement strategies that occur (19.20)
naturally through systematic changes in the move-
ment goal, as described by the optimization where the muscle torques are a function of not
criterion. The results suggest that the system util- only neural activation but also system dynamics
izes nonlinear muscle properties, such as ability to ("bicausal" muscle filters). The full model is
rapidly modulate internal dynamics, to perform therefore nonlinear, eighth-order, with three inputs
tasks more efficiently. Predictions made by (i.e.. neural inputs to two muscles plus external
simple second-order models are modified to take load) and one output (i.e., joint position).
advantage of these properties. Optimization Criterion. We favor a general-
19.4.1 Modeling/Optimization Foundations ized performance criterion which is a function of
Muscle Model. The classical Hill model struc- state and input variables. In addition to joint posi-
ture consists of a contractile element (CE) in series tion output. other available variables include: joint
with a viscoelastic element (SE). The CE is repre- velocity. acceleration and jerk, each muscle force,
sented by the product relationship of a bell-shaped the resulting net torque, and the dynamic force
length-tension relationship and a modified Hill "lost" due to the viscous properties of the system.
322 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Various measures of energy storage (across as the control parameters. Such a multi-pulse
springs) or dissipation (across dashpots) can be ob- structure is in agreement with experimental find-
tained. The higher-order model allows inclusion ings as well as the results of the lower-order
of these variables, alone or in tandem, within the systems. Our own experimentation with input
optimization criterion. The generalized perfor- structure has consistently shown that only three or
mance criterion that we will consider here is a four pulse heights and widths for each muscle will
natural extension of Eq. 19.1 and is a subset of the be utilized by the algorithm (minimum jerk is an
more generalized form developed in Chapter 8 exception). Nevertheless, it should be realized
(Zajac and Winters): that what is obtained is an "optimized" solution
Je = f ITO" + REF" + JX!' + 1: (NE' + MS" + MIY')
rather than the "optimal" solution.
19.4.2 Strategies for Scaling Movements
Optimization Technique The goal of this section is to systematically
Theoretical optimal control, when applied to a vary the optimization criterion and observe the
high-order system and a general optimization scaling of the movement strategies. The "base"
criterion, involves solving complicated differential movement is a very fast, nearly time optimal
equations with split boundary conditions by movement, followed by a variety of combined
numerical means. Two general methods often criteria.
used are gradient-based, which does not guarantee Scaling Via Changes in Task Kinematic.
conversion to a solution, and random search,
which are computionally inefficient. Many of the 1. Movement Time and Position Error. Fast time
more recent additions are essentially hybrid optimal movements may be obtained by a direct
methods which attempt to incorporate the best of minimization of the time it takes the model to ar-
each approach. The modified Bremermann op- rive and stay within a described neighborhood of
timizer, which will be used here, combines a the fmal position. It turns out that forcing the
random search method with a gradient-like feature model to follow a very fast reference trajectory
in order to provide an optimized solution within (also may be refered to as virtual cost trajectory)
reasonable computation time. A multivariate type gives very similar results (Seif-Naraghi, 1989).
search along a random direction is carried out in Optimization convergence results made it clear
order to obtain five points on the optimization cost that a criterion including both movement time and
function. A one-dimensional fourth-order polyno- position reference trajectory subcriteria is com-
mial fit through these points is then differentiated putationally most efficient. In fact, movement
to find its minimum. This point in the parameter speed may be scaled by either specifying the
space is mapped to its actual cost The minimum desired movement time or the speed of the
of these six points on the cost surface (one pre- reference model without significant changes in the
vious minima, one calculated new minima, and the optimized strategy (Seif-Naraghi, 1989). The
four perturbed points) is the new minimum cost solution, a near bang-bang control strategy with a
and the corresponding point in the parameter longer acceleration phase (agonist pulse width)
space represents the control parameter set than deceleration phase (antagonist pulse width),
Since the optimization criterion is digitally in- is similar in basic form to that obtained in the
tegerated over the time course of whole task, the slightly overdamped second-order case; the larger
performance criterion may include equality con- agonist pulse is in part due to viscous properties of
straints such as final position and/or movement the joint. However, the nonlinear properties of
time (defined as the time to arrive at and stay muscle, rather than the neural input, shape the
within a neighborhood of the final position). developed muscle forces so as to cause significant
Also, a finite number of control parameters are overlap during the second half of the deceleration
necessary, in contrast to the possibility of con- phase. These increased muscle forces, although
tinuous control signals for closed-form solutions. not accelerative in either direction, help to in-
This points out the need to assume a structure for crease the stiffness of the muscle-joint system,
the control signal. Here a sequence of pulses is as- which in tum helps bring it to a quick stop [Seif-
sumed, with pulse heights and widths designated Naraghi, 1989; see also Chapter 5 (Winters)].
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 323

Also, the peak antagonist force and peak decelera- Scaling movements by varying the speed of
tion are larger than peak agonist force and peak reference trajectory, essentially the optimization
acceleration, respectively. The small peak nega- equivalent of the "inverse dynamics" calculation
tive velocity is an indication of the overshoot of approach, predicts neural signals that are overly
the position trace. The amount of overshoot is a aggressive (Figure 19.7a). However, inclusion of
function of the width of the allowable neighbor- neuromusclar penalty reduces the overlaping
hood - thus, in line with the insights from Chapter EMGs and results in much smoother pursuit of
34 (Pedotti and Crenna), subtle changes in goal both fast and slow trajectories (Figure 19.7b). As
will cause subtle changes in control strategy. to be presented below, we suggest that speed scal-
ing can be achieved in a more natural manner by
2. Scaling By Virtual Cost Trajectory. scaling relative weights between kinematic and
Movements of various magnitude and/or speed neuromuscular penalty subcriteria.
may be obtained with scaling of the amplitude or
the "speed" (i.e., the poles of the assumed second
order form) of the virtual cost (or reference) trajec-

Ui ·20
> • •ol-.._ _ ·_ _ _ _---J
o O. 02 03 o. 0 o. a2 03 o.
" "' E (5) n "' EI' )
• b ~

Figure 19.6: Optimized solutions for various mag- :> · lO ~---;..-----+

nitudes of reference trajectories. a) EMGs for both 0.0 O. .3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0. 4
agonist and antagonist muscles (flexion upward, and Time \secl Time (sec)
extension downward) and velocity profiles for op- a b
timized 20°, 40°,60°,80°, and 1000 elbow movements
with position error cost subcriterion active, while a fast Figure 19.7: Scaling by the reference trajectory speed. aJ
reference model and the appropriate input step mag- EM Gs for both agonist and antagonist muscles (i.e. flexion
nitude provide the reference trajectory. Notice the in the positive, and extension in the negative direction), posi·
tion, and velocity profiles for five 60° elbow flexions,
decreased onset of the antagonist muscle EMG burst, optimized for position error between joint position and five
overlaping the agonist activity, with decreased move- reference trajectories: rl, r2, r3, r4, and r5 that are the out-
ment magnitude. b) Same as aJ except with put of step responses from various second-order models.
neuromuscular cost (NE) added. Notice the smooth Position plots include these reference trajectories, which in
and more symmetrical velocity profiles and diminish- all cases start faster than the biomechanical model. bJ Same
ing antagonist activity. optimization as 3 of the 5 runs (Le., rl, r4, and r5) in aJ,
only with a 10% relative weight given to neural effon sub-
For amplitude scaling, reasonable control sig- criterion, which results in smoother trajectories, lower EMG
pulse heights, and less coacti vation.
nals may be obtained for these movements if the
optimization criterion also includes some measure 3. Kinematic Scaling Via Minimum Jerk. As
of neuromuscular penalty (Figure 19.6a and b). seen in Figure 19.8 (small fig), this highly
As seen in Figure 19.6b for 20°, 40° and 60° publicized criterion requires a smoother structure
movements, smooth symmetrical velocity profiles for the controller. In other words, it seems to
occur when any of the neuromuscular cost sub- deviate from the pulse-like neural input that is as-
criteria are active. The higher magnitude sumed as a default; unlike strategies for most of
movements have nearly saturated velocities, which combinations of subcriteria, the optimal strategy
is partly due to the nonlinear CE force-velocity will take advantage of additional pulses, in a
relation. graded fashion, if they are provided. This, of
course, is similar to the case of the second-order
324 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

system (Hogan, 1984). Another interesting

characteristic of minimum jerk continuum of
movements is the reduced delay in the onset of the
antagonist burst, which helps smooth the accelera-
tion trace as the relative weight of jerk
subcriterion increases. In general, minimizing jerk
tends to cause more pulse overlap and, if weighted
heavily, a "pull-pull" strategy that includes
cocontraction, that is not necessarily an efficient
use of neuromuscular effort (note slower rate of
decrease of m and n costs in Figure 19.8b).

0.1 0.2 0.3 0 .•
TIME (sec )
10 a
'"> -1 0 ' " - - - - - - - - . . . . 1
o 01 02 03 Figure 19.9: Continuum when scaling weight for neural ef-
, .;'-:-,-:-_ __ ---l
TIM E I S} fort. a) Neuro-inputs. EMGs. and muscle torques for both
agonist (i.e. flexor in the positive direction) and antagonist
(i.e. extensor in the negative direction). plus position and
Figure 19.8: Continuum for scaling movement via mini- velocity profiles. and position trajectories for elbow move-
mum jerk. a) Neural inputs and (enveloped) EMGs for both ment task. Position plots include a reference trajectory (r3)
agonist and antagonist muscles (i.e. flexion in the positive. in thick line. ITO target size intervals were +3° and +600
and extension in the negative direction) and velocity profiles deg/sec. NE relative weights (WN~ are 0 (dash), .01 (si~le),
for various relative weights of minimum jerk subcriterion .1 (double) •.5 (dash), 1.0 (single), and 5 (double). To dis-
(w ) of 0 (dash), .0001 (single) •.001 (double), .01 (dash) • .1 cern between similar line types note that increasing weights
(single). and 1 (double). b) Final costs 0 f all acuve
. and'mac- corresponds to smaller pulse heights or widths. decreasing
tive sbcriterion as a function of the relative weight of peak muscular activity. increased movement time. and
minimm jerk subcriterion. The codes on the traces are J reduced peak velocity and peak acceleration. b) Final costs
(JK). t (ITO). p (PE). n (NE). m (MS). d (MD). and v (1V). of all active and inactive sbcriterion as a function of the rela-
tive weight of neural effort subcriterion.
Scaling Via Addition of Neuromuscular Penalty
1. Neural Effort. While the addition of very
We shall now discuss the effects of adding
small relative weights for neural effort increases
various forms of simple neuromuscular penalty to
the efficiency of the movement use of neural in-
the time optimal plus squared position error sub- put, it does little to the dynamics of the position
criterion. (Notice that for dynamic optimzation
trajectory (Figure 19.9a). Initially, the agonist
using a forward dyanmic model, unlike static op-
pusle width is modulated and the pulse height
timization with an inverse dynamic model, some
remains at 100%. However, increased NE relative
"task" subcriteria must be specified in addition to
weight results in reduction of agonist pulse height
neuromuscular penalty.) In each case we will see (Le., initial rate of change of EMG). Using the ter-
that both control strategy and movement minology of Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et a1.), this
kinematics scale as a continuum with changes in subcriterion seems to switch from "speed-
relative weights; however, the fonn of the scaling insensitive" to "speed-sensitive" strategy as the
changes with the form of the neuromuscular moment time increases. The second agonist
penalty added to the optimization criterion. muscle force burst appears to diminish as a conse-
quence of this efficiency measure. This, together
with decreased antagonist neural pulse height and
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 325

a b d t· '



, Movement Time
., e

04 t· , t- ' [- I l a [. :
TI (sec) MS Coe!

usc Stress Cae !

Figure 19.10: Scaling continuum with changes in the rela- function of movement time (b) and relative weight of MS
tive weight for muscle stress. a) EMGs and muscle torques (c). The six kinematic points are: 1) peak acceleration, 2)
for both agonist and antagonist muscles, and velocity peak velocity, 3) maximum decceleration or minimum ac-
profiles for 600 elbow movement task. Criterion includes celeration, 4) peak position, 5) minimum velocity, 6) second
PE relative to r3 reference model, 1% ITO with a target size zero velocity. Note the linear scale of b and log scale of c. d)
of ±3° and ±600 deg/sec, and various weights for to MS: 0 Final costs of all active and inactive subcriteria as a function
(dash), .01 (single), .1 (double), 1.0 (dash), 5 (single), and 50 of the relative weight of neural effort subcriterion (codes
(double). To discern between similar line types refer to given in Figure 19.8b).
Figure 19.9a. b&c. Timing plots of six kinematic points as a

a corresponding decrease in muscle torque, coupled to movement time, hardly changes. Note
reduces the stiffness during the deceleration phase. that the pulses representing the envelope of EMG
One major finding, depicted in Figure 19.9b, is signals modulate in height and width in both NE
that all other inactive subcriteria fall as the NE is and MS cases. This is an interesting observation
reduced, at the expense of slight increases in considering the fact that in the experimental
movement time and position error. The net torque studies EMG signals are often measured and
and acceleration plots (not illustrated) show a sof- analyzed. It is clear that EMG is neither the input
tening of the transition between the peaks with to the system nor proportional to muscle force or
increasing NE penalty. This is consistent with the stress. The latter is in part due to CE as well as the
"minimum fuel" results suggested by the second- SE of the muscle.
order system. With MS relative weight below 1.0, the timing
2. Muscle Stress. This subcriterion results in of important kinematic points such as peak ac-
celeration and velocity is hardly modified. This
slightly different neuroinput strategy, though
similar general changes in trajectory dynamics observation, coupled with reduced muscle activity
(Figure 19.10). Pulse width modulation is the for the same movements, suggests that the MS sub-
dominating mode of scaling movement. While criterion facilitates movement efficiency. As with
NE variation, all inactive subcriteria are reduced
second and third muscle force peaks are reduced,
the timing of these peaks, which are tightly sharply with increased relative weight of the MS
subcriterion (Figure 19.1Od).
326 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

4. "Generalized" Neuromuscular Penalty

The three previous continnum of results all dif-
fer in subtle ways. These differences are general
(Le. not model specifIc), and were seen for elbow,
wrist and head models. Which is "better"? We
suggest that each has certain benefIcial attributes.
In addition to simply penalizing control inputs
for traditional reasons, NE may represent certain
E inherent features of neurocircuitry (e.g., recipro-

~ cal inhibition), which when functioning normally,

does in fact seem to deter sustained high levels of
motoneuronal activity.
MD alone fails since it does not penalize force
production during quasi-static conditions due to
being only a dynamic measure; hence co-
E I contraction, which in fact costs muscular energy,
Z is not penalized unless the movement velocity is
o signifIcant.
MS does penalize such co-contraction. Also, as
the relative weight of MS increases, all of the other
inactive subcriteria (NE, MD, JK, or even JV) fol-
10 low decreases in MS cost by also displaying sharp
;:;,.. decreases of value. This behavior suggests that by
...J o+--L_ _ _~:b~~--_-r
minimizing MS, other criteria of interest also move
-10.1. - --------0 --~O..
0.0 0.1 0 .1 : -"
toward their minimum simply as a byproduct of
the "active" MS subcriteria - an indication of an
TIME(sec) effective general criterion. This is also apparent
from results of Table 19.1, where a sensitivity
matrix is presented for all considered subcriteria to
variation in the value of the active subcriterion.
Figure 19.11: Scaling continuum with changes in Using MS as an example, numbers larger than 1.0
weight of muscle dissipation subcriterion. EMGs, and in the MS2 row indicates lowering of other criteria
muscle torques, dissipated torques for both agonist and
as MS cost decreases. Also, smaller negative num-
antagonist muscles and velocity profiles for PE and
bers in that row under PE2 and TOI show the
ITO relative weights similar to Figure 19.9a, with MD
subcriterion relative weights of: 0 (dash), .1 (single), 1 effIciency of this criterion in lowering neuromus-
(double), 5 (dash), 50 (single), and 200 (double). To cular expenditure with smaller adverse effect on
discern between similar line types refer to Figure the joint trajectory.
19.9a. Although the PE-MS combination appears to be
the best of the pairs considered, the combination
3. Muscle Dissipation. Addition of this sub-
of larger numbers of active criteria, including PE
criterion lowers the dynamic losses in the muscle
and MS with NE, MD or JK, is suggested to be a
model. This is accomplished by reducing muscle
better approximation of reality. The PE-MS-NE
torque production during high velocity regions
combination helps prevent early maximal neural
(Figure 19.11). Additionally, there is an increase
activity, which MS alone does not really dis-
in use of muscle torque in the static holding of the
courage during the fIrst 50 ms since the muscle
position, persisting cocontraction, and a tendency
torque pulse during active shortening is never in-
toward triphasic behavior. The neural strategy for
credibly high (this is due to nonlinear muscle
MD is pulse width modulation of the fIrst agonist
dynamics). In fact, constraints on maximal ac-
pulse and reduced muscle torque peaks. The early
tivity are likely to be neural in origin since each
behavior is similar to that seen when employing
motoneuron receives a wealth of converging infor-
the MS subcriterion.
mation - it is unlikely that every excitatory
connection is maximally active and every in-
hibitory connection silent at any given time, even
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 327

Table 19.1: Optimization Sensitivity Matrix.

NE2 MS2 MD2 JK2 JV2 PE2 T01

NE2 +1. 00 +0.63 +1. 63 +0.97 +0.33 -0.44 -0.28
MS2 +1.12 +1. 00 +2.24 +1.28 +0.35 -0.46 -0.30
MD2 +0.44 +0.58 +1. 00 +0.45 +0.17 -0.16 -0.13
JK2 +0.45 +0.40 +0.78 +1. 00 +0.15 -0_35 -0.19
JV2 +0.87 +0.81 +2.63 +0.90 +1. 00 -0.96 -0.69

NE2 +1. 00 +0.63 +1. 86 +0_89 +0.35 -0.35 -0.26
MS2 +1.12 +1. 00 +2.53 +1. 23 +0.28 -0.21 -0.23
1102 +0.36 +0.32 +1. 00 +0.40 +0.18 -0.72 -0.19
JK2 +0.42 +0.43 +0.76 +1.00 +0.17 -0.34 -0.23
JV2 +0.54 +0.42 +1. 93 +0.60 +1. 00 -0.68 -0.23

NE2 +1.00 +0.41 +1.60 +0_88 +0_37 -0.41 -0.33
MS2 +1. 93 +1.00 +2.76 +2.05 +0.66 -0.79 -0.59
MD2 +0.43 +0.33 +1. 00 +0.61 +0.20 -0_16 -0.19
JK2 +0.49 +0.32 +0_97 +1. 00 +0_23 -0.34 -0.30
JV2 +1. 68 +2.29 +3.96 +2.29 +1. 00 -0.18 -1.26

in a motivated human. The PE-MS-MD combina- We suggest that all of these are relevant, and
tion seems especially appropriate - together suggest the following form for a generalized per-
MS-MD provide an estimation of the sum of formance criterion:
energy storage and loss in muscle (Oguztorelli and
Stein 1983), with MS providing a measure of both
series elastic storage and resting metabolic energy where W is the relative weight. Notice that this is
loss and MD estimating dynamic energy (power) a natural extension of the second-order case (e.g.
loss across the contractile element. Furthennore, see Figure 19.4). In order to combine features of
they are highly complimentary, with MS prevent- various neuromuscular subcriteria into one
ing excessive co-activation and MD providing a criterion, one needs to consider the absolute sizes
tendency toward tri-phasic neural behavior. of each of the cost subcriteria. A rough re-
Considering that the inactive jerk criterion is normalization of the sizes of these costs should
reduced when neural effort or muscle stress are result in a neuromuscular criterion which include
penalized and that the opposite is not necessarily the basic advantages of each one of them. We
the case, it is more reasonable to optimize effort suggest the following relative weights within the
and obtain a reduction of jerk as an added ad- neuromuscular penalty subcriterion (Seif-Naraghi
vantage. At least those experiments linking and Winters, 1989a):
practise of a task to reduction of jerk are no proof
that it is jerk that is being minimized. Nearly sym- lnp= J12NE+.10MS + 1.0MD (19.21)
metrical bell-shaped velocity profiles, so
commonly seen in experiments, are also observed This combined neuromuscular penalty subcriteria,
as relative weights for neuromuscular penalty sub- which we consider· most representative of
criteria are increased. physiological reality, will be utilized in a few of
the subsequent simulations that are presented.
328 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

19.4.4 Optimization in the Presence of

External Loading
Many everyday movements involve interaction
with the environment. Such interaction may range
from steady applied load (isotonic and inertial) to " . 05 1
....- -- - - - -

unpredictable transient perturbation. However,

second-order linear J8K models of movement can-
not distinguish between external forces acting on
the joint and the modeled neuro-input changes or
EMG levels, and therefore they are not suitable
for study of most loaded movements. Higher-
order structural models, on the other hand, may be
used to simulate various types of loading and their
optimal strategies. For brievity, the results is
limited to select few cases. •
- ~~~~------~
1. Pseudo-Random Perturbation. Random o 01 02 03 04
TIME (Seel
load perturbation allows simulation of movements b
within an unpredictable environment, as is often
encountered in daily movements. Since optimiza-
tion by nature involves predictions that should be Figure 19.12: Effects of random loading on control strategy
compared to tasks which have been practiced and neural effort continuum. 0} Neural inputs and muscle
many times under conditions which are fixed and torques for both agonist and antagonist muscles and velocity
and position trajectories for four perturbed and one free op-
well known, random perturbation findings may timized 600 elbow movement. In order to investigate
also be relevant to strategies applied for novel, un- optimized movement strategies in an unknown environment
practised tasks. For example, holding a child special optimization criterion is formed. A pseudo-random
while making a movement requires strategies sequence of + 1, 0, and -1 's, with a zero mean, together with
which account for sudden changes in magnitude a scaling factor (6 Nm in part a and 8 Nm in part b» was
randomized in 20 ms bins, defined one of four external
and direction of the load due to the child. torque sequences. Another one is obtained by a shift in time
Increased neural input, specifically as co- of one sample, and two more by inverting the first two se-
contracting antagonist activity, results from quences. The four external torque sequences generated in
inclusion of pseudo-random joint torques during a this manner have a zero mean within each one and across
point-to-point movement [Figure 19.12a; see also them. At each optimization step, in order to obtain an
average-sense optimized movement, the subcosts for each of
Seif-Naraghi and Winters (1988) and Winters et the four runs of the system with the four pseudo-random ex-
al. (1988)]. This increases the muscle force levels ternal torque sequences are summed. Note that this results
holding the final position and causes oscillation of in four times as many runs as unperturbed optimization,
the position trajectory due to increased stiffness. which increases the computational cost accordingly.
The modulation of mechanical impedance in the Although this is a deterministic loading of the muscle-joint
system since the four sequences are fixed, the resulting op-
presence of noise was also reported by Hogan timized control strategy has to account for changes in
(1982, 1984) in a second-order nonlinear model perturbation direction of the load as well as its timing. The
capable of K modulation. Note that co-contraction cost criterion utilized here includes PE relative to r2
will remain although the performance criterion in- reference model and an additional 1.0 times NE plus 1.0
cludes moderate neuromuscular penalty. times MS subcriteria. Increased muscle activity mainly in
co-activation helps resist the external perturbations. The
Importantly, if the model is linearized, the result- four runs for the final optimized control signal, plus the
ing optimal strategy does not employ average of the four runs, is overplotted. b) Increased weight
cocontraction (Seif-Naraghi, 1989). Also of note of NE subcriterion added to the performance criterion, here
is that the stiffness that is being modulated is that with only the average trajectory of the four runs plotted. NE
relative weights (WNE) are: 0 (dash), .01 (single), .1 (double),
due to SE as opposed to the CE tension-length rela-
and 1 (single with lower activity and speed).
tion. In addition, the average "viscosity" of the
Hill relation increases with co-contraction [see
also Chapter 5 (Winters)].
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 329

This is an explicit (and quite important) example

of how the neuromotor system can take advantage
of nonlinear muscle properties.
Another interesting finding involves the scaling
of the strategies in the presence of random pertur-
bation as the relative weight of each subcriterion is
systematically varied. Results indicate that the
modulation of the agonist pulse in height and
width seems to be a function of the chosen
criterion and not affected by presence of the per-
turabation (Seif-Naraghi, 1989).
2. Inertial Loading. Increased inertial loading
of the elbow joint results in increased neuromus-
cular activity in the optimized control strategy
(Figure 19.13). Very large co-contraction occurs
if there is no penalty for neuromuscular effort ·1 0 01 02 03 oi 0 01 02 03 04
(Figure 19.13a). As a result, the position traces " '" lsec ) ,"' EI'''C)

show oscillatory overshoot, which becomes • b

progressively less as the relative weight for the Figure 19.13: Added inertial load with and without
neuromuscular criterion increases (Figure 19.13b). neuromuscular criterion a) EMGs and muscle torques
Notice that a silent period is followed by an in- for both agonist and antagonist muscles. velocity
crease in height of the antagonist pulse while the profiles and position trajectories for the 400 ms elbow
agonist pulse width increases. With increased in- movement task. Performance criterion include 1.0
ertial loading, the system behaves more and more times PE and .01 times ITO under various added iner-
tial loads: 0 (single. fastest with lowest activity) • .06
like a pure inertial system. This is apparent from
(dash) .. Hl(double) and .20 Kgm2/s (single. slowest
the bang-zero-bang strategy which occurs with the with most activity). b) Same as a except for .01 times
addition of neuromuscular cost - a natural exten- NE and .02 times MS added to the performance
sion of the second-order case. Additionally, if the criterion.
plots were redrawn against normalized time, posi-
tion traces would be nearly identical, which is 3. Isotonic Loading. Consider 60° elbow
another characteristic observed in the case of pure movements made in the presence of constant ex-
inertial system. ternal torque inputs (isotonic loading) of varying
The increased neural activity, together with magnitude which may be directed "with" or
lower velocities, results in muscle torque trajec- "against" the intended movement. In the case of
tories of increased magnitude (Figure 19.13a). only PE and ITO subcriteria being active (i.e. no
Reduced peak acceleration and deceleration, as neuromuscular penalty), the result is so much ac-
well as peak velocity, scale in their timing propor- tivity that the graphical representation of the result
tional to movement with added inertial load in a is at best "messy" (Seif-Naraghi and Winters,
manner that is in agreement with experimental 1989b). However, a substantial reduction in
data (Gottlieb et aI., 1989). neuromuscular activity and more moderate
When the model is linearized based on the op- velocities result from added neuromuscular
timal run and then re-optimized with the linear penalty (Figure 19.14). For the case of the highest
model, one sees decreased agonist activity, in- opposing isotonic torque in Figure 19.14, a nearly
creased muscle torque, lower initial acceleration, trapezoidal velocity profile is accompanied by a
and higher peak velocities (Seif-Naraghi and flat muscle torque to overcome the external
Winters, 1989b). torque. One may expect an increase in agonist ac-
tivity for the opposing external torques, but since
the movement time is increased and there is a cost
associated with neuromuscular activity, the best
use of available input is to spread the movement
over time for a coasting period.
330 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

CE through the neural input. The absence of co-

contraction as a means of increasing impedance in
the linearized case once again points to the fact
that the optimal control solution takes advantage
of the nonlinear series elastic relation.
0. 1 0.2 0. <
19.5 Observations and Conclusions
1. To help place our findings in perspective,
notice that none of the models that have been
~ 10 1
2 presented here allow for inclusion of neurocir-
cuitry. Idealized, optimized open loop
> neurocontrol pulses to the muscle are obtained
~ ~. : t .) ~ . , without constraints of delayed sensory feeback.
The optimized neuromotor control strategies are
Figure 19.14: Added isotonic load with and without simply solutions to a dynamic optimization
active neuromuscular subcriteria. a. Velocity profiles problem in which the goal is to get a biomechani-
for optimized elbow movement task. Performance cal model to perform an explicit task optimally.
criterion includes 1.0 times PE and .01 times ITO UD- The goal of the movement is defined by the perfor-
der various added isotonic loads: +8 (single, fastest), mance criterion, and the optimization algorithm
+4 (dash, faster), 0 (double), -4 (dash, slower), -8 Nm performs many iterations (or trials) to converge
(single, slowest). Note that + direction is the direction toward (or learn) the solution (or strategy).
of the movement and - opposes the movement. b) Consequently, in all cases except for tasks with
Same as a except for .01 times NE and .02 times MS added psuedorandom perturbations our results
added to the performance criterion.
should be compared to performance in weU-
Notice that the velocity profiles (and also the practiced, skilled subjects. Note that even in the
muscle torque trajectories) are very different in the case of the pseudorandom loading the nature and
case of isotonic loading from those of inertial peak magnitude of the loading would be well
loading. The marked increase in muscle torque known through practise. However keep in mind
peaks which was the case with inertial loading is that the biomechanical system has ample chance
not present in isotonic loading, and the velocity to practise simple everyday tasks.
profiles with inertial loading are much more bell- 2. For unloaded point-to-point movements involv-
shaped than with isotonic loading. In addition the ing a single joint, there is a remarkably consistent
initial muscle torque levels are adjusted in isotonic natural progression between optimal solutions
loading to allow the initial joint position to be held ("strategies") for low- and high-order models. In
in steady-state; this is automatically done for the other words, for this class of tasks, the form of the
final position by the optimization of the final strategy is most sensitive to the/orm o/the perfor-
neural excitation levels. mance criterion. Subtle details, such as the
Despite considerable reduction of agonist and timing of neural pulses, are governed by the form
antagonist activity with added weight for the of the biomechanical model and the magnitudes of
neuromuscular penalty subcriteria, a sufficiently the parameters within the model. For instance,
large agonist muscle torque level is maintained to "minimum time" solutions tend to be "bang-bang"
oppose the large external torque. The linearized in all cases, while adding "effort"-related penalty
and re-optimized movements lose all co-activation results in strategic scaling of pulses in height
and exhibit reduced frequency of oscillation and and/or width (depending on form of subcriteria),
smooth velocity trajectories since impedance often with "zero" input coasting regions. Of note
modulation is no longer possible (Seif-Naraghi is that the simple penalty functions for the second-
and Winters, 1989a). Additionally, higher peak order model (e.g. lui, ,r) become expanded into a
velocity and lower initial acceleration of the more generalized "neuromuscular" penalty sub-
linearized model demonstrate the ability of the criteria which includes inputs and some state
nonlinear model to modulate the viscosity of the variables.
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 331

3. As addressed in Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.) movement organization tend to be kinematically

and Chapter 14 (Gottlieb et al.), a major issue in based. Examples of this include the minimum jerk
movement control is how (typically unloaded) hypothesis (Hogan, 1984; see also Chapter 17
movements are scaled in speed and magnitude. (Flash) and the "effort" hypothesis of Hasan
The conceptual approaches in Chapters 12-17 tend (1984). Interestingly, we find that jerk is dramati-
to be based on kinematic foundations. Using op- cally lowered as a natural byproduct of increasing
timization methods we fmd that scaling the neuromuscular penalty. One rationale behind
movements via kinematic criteria alone produces the minimum jerk hypothesis is that bell-shaped
overly aggressive control signals - this general velocity trajectories are experimentally common,
trend was true for criteria as diverse as a virtual as predicted by this hypothesis. Notice that the
cost reference model and measures of smoothness nominal "very fast" movement is not bell shaped,
(jerk). A highly refined reference trajectory is an but that as any of the weights for neuromuscular
awkward approach for scaling, as s the concept penalty grow, the velocity profile becomes
of explicit inverse dynamic calculation. In general progressively more symmetrical (Figures
kinematically-forced scaling results in aggressive 19.9-19.14).
"pull-pull" strategies that seem to be uncharac- 5. Added inertial loading had distinct effects on
teristic of available experimental observation (e.g., control strategies. Neural activity, movement
data presented in Chapters 12, 14, 15). Adding times, and muscle torques all increased, velocities
penalty for jerk does not change this situation. and accelerations decreased, and velocity proflles
Solutions for runs which include neuromuscular become symmetric. Increasing J has the effect of
penalty become relatively insensitive to the subtle making the model appear more "second-order",
differences in the form of the virtual trajectories and consequently the control strategies becomes
[compare Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.) to Chapter progressively more similar to those found for a
17 (Flash)] as long as this trajectory is faster than simple second-order model.
(i.e., leads) the model. Our results encompass ele-
6. For interaction with the environment (i.e. ex-
ments of both "speed sensitive" and "speed
ternalloading other than simply adding J, B. or K),
insensitive" strategies presented in Chapter 14
(Gottlieb et al.). In general, higher neuromuscular second-order linear models become useless.
penalty results in slower movements that are more Furthennore, nonlinear properties become
of great
compatible with the speed-sensitive strategy. importance. Movements under external perturba-
However, when NE penalty is higher, pulse-height tion show modulation of the system impedance
through co-contraction directed at minimizing
modulation is more prevalent, and when MS
penalty is higher, pulse-width modulation is more position error. They also prove the generality of
some of the features of different neuromuscular
likely. Perhaps kinematic-based optimization
could dominate for certain sets of instructions to criteria; relative to each other, the NE, MS, and MD
subcriteria show similar characteristics both with
the subject. However, in our opinion, in most
everyday tasks, the subject's perception of "effort" and without the application of external perturba-
strongly influences both movement planning per- tion. Furthennore, as with unloaded movements,
fonnance and neuromotor execution of the plan. the same trends are seen for elbow, wrist and head
models (Seif-Naraghi, 1989).
These observations hold true for all models
checked: elbow, wrist and head, and thus seem to 7. Isotonic loading of the joint results in increased
represent a general finding (Seif-Naraghi, 1989). activity when opposing the direction of the move-
4. It is recommended that neuromuscular penalty ment. However, the velocity profiles are more
be included for all dynamic optimization work trapezoidal and adding neuromuscular criterion to
(other than perhaps certain short-term sports ac- the perfonnance index results in a zero-
tivities performed by elite athletes). We also acceleration (Le. coasting) period which is
suggest that criteria such as NE, MS and MD can accomplished by sustained neural activity (to op-
(and perhaps should) be employed as a unit. This pose the load) at lower than maximum levels.
recommendation contrasts the norm in upper-limb These results generally favor inclusion of some
movement organization studies, where theories on neuromuscular penalty performance criterion of
daily movements. They also make predictions
which can be tested experimentally.
332 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

8. In Section 14.7, Gottlieb et al. discuss op- 11. What experiments are most likely to help un-
timization. It is stated that optimization methods cover movement organizational strategies?
"... require the a priori specification of movement Conventional wisdom (and pragmatic experimen-
time T before an optimal solution can be calcu- tal common sense) suggest that well-controlled
lated .... " This is not true for many of the second- tasks with little variation should be studied. We
order closed-form solutions which we have find that insights do not come from isolated op-
reviewed and for all of our solutions with the timization results but rather from considerations of
higher-order model. Movement time was not how strategies change as goals change within a
prespecified; conversely, it was merely a certain class of movements. We also often find
byproduct of the optimization process. Their com- "valleys" within the cost-control space where
ments are only valid for overly simple, single- there are a spectrum of solutions that are within a
component optimization criterion which the small neighborhood of the optimal solution. Our
authors chose to critique. Optimization criterion results suggest that fundamental organizational
which include multiple (competing) subcriteria strategies are likely to be revealed by considering
will by nature have variable movement times. the subtle differences that occur when task goals
are changed, preferably by the subject as opposed
9. There is no basis for the common perception
to the experimenter. Furthermore, as discussed in
that finding numerical solutions for nonlinear
Chapter 34 (Pedotti and Crenna), when tasks are
models is more difficult than for linearized
not highly constrained, a number of significantly
models; in fact, we have found that the converse is
different strategies may be utilized that are all
often the case. The neural inputs can indirectly
nearly optimal.
modify the internal parameters of the nonlinear
model and therefore provide flexibility and rich- 19.6 Future Directions
ness to the control strategy. For instance, with
nonlinear models, impedance modulation (of both 19.6.1 Needed Experiments
stiffness and viscousity) via cocontraction be- Mathematical modeling and dynamic optimiza-
comes a useful option. Although not emphasized tion can be a useful tool for making predictions
in this chapter, this is especially true for tasks in- about the goal-directed movements. However, dif-
volving movement tum-arounds (Seif-Naraghi, ficult experimental designs are needed to test these
1989). Interestingly, the utilized optimization al- predictions.
gorithm has a more difficult time arriving at a The issue of perception of instructions, which
solution when there is no neuromuscular penalty. often preeeed a performed task, is also worthy of
This may be due to such penalty sculpturing the consideration for future experiments. These com-
otherwise rugged cost--control-parameter space; mands to the subject, in our view, help shape the
perhaps this also holds true for higher neuromotor relative weights in the performance criterion and
structures as well. It also has a harder time find- therefore decide the objective goal of the move-
ing solutions for simple linear second-order ments. Experiments linking the verbal instruction
models than for complex nonlinear, higher-order to the movement startegies and possibly to the per-
models. There is also no basis for the common formance criterion will help test the predictions
perception that performance criteria with fewer made by the model.
terms may be easier to optimize. Perhaps by 19.6.2 Optimizing" Above" Neurocircuitry
searching for relatively simplistic rule-based or- Up to the present, with only a few exceptions
ganizational strategies, researchers miss the where the control space included feedback gains
opportunities to explore the underlying processes.
(Seif-Naraghi and Winters, 1988), our concentra-
10. The above observations have ramifications tion has been on open-loop control at the
regarding neural network research. We suggest motoneuronal level. Another possibility, sug-
that such researchers should utilize nonlinear gested by insights within Chapter 12 (Feldman et
muscle models so that the neural network can al.) and Chapter 16 (Karst and Hasan), is to in-
learn to take advantage of beneficial nonlinear clude basic neural connections within the "system"
muscle properties (i.e., a "mechanically smart" and then optimize control parameters that could in-
periphery). clude terms such as the C, R and Rl commands of
Chapter 12.
19. Seif-Naraghi and Winters; Optimized Strategies for Scaling Movements 333

19.6.3 Multi.Joint Movements radius equal to 10% of distance); iii) straight-line

virtual cost trajectory (very fast, similar to "step"
An interesting question, which we are currently change in position), iv) slow virtual trajectory; v)
addressing, is whether the insights from one joint
extend to multi-joint systems. Observations in fast virtual trajectory with jerk added; vi) also with
favor of this include the fact that for certain com- small nerumuscular penalty; and vii) large
binations of active performance subcriteria, certain neuromuscular penalty. If we were to perform all
forms of solutions were seen irrespective of the 7 of these fundamental possibilities for each of the
details of the model; however, the model structure 108 cases, we would require 756 optimizations
and parameters did dramatically affect the actual just for point-to-point movements! This appears
signals. Conversely, however, when external overwhelming. However, we are exploring certain
loads were added, higher-order, nonlinear models strategic areas of the workspace - for instance, the
became crutial. As discussed in Chapter 8 (Zajac strategic directions described in Chapter 16 (Karst
and Winters), a given joint doesn't distinguish be- and Hasan).
tween external loads and dynamic coupling Four other classes of experiments are of high
between links. This suggests that for multi-link priority: i) the curved-path experiments of Flash
systems we should immediately start with higher- (e.g. see Chapter 17); ii) the curved-path experi-
order nonlinear muscle models. Within this ments of Schneider et al. (1989); iii) rapid
context we believe that conceptual foundations voluntary elbow flexion-extension oscillatory
found for the higher-order, single-joint model will movements in which the shoulder is to remain
extend to multi-joint cases. relatively fixed (which should help establish
However, the problem is difficult because of relationships between posture and movement, in-
the wealth of possibilities. Multi-joint movements cluding a role for cocontraction of a proximal
can scale not only in speed and magnitude but also "base"); and iv) maximal velocity throwing experi-
direction. They also can take place within dif- ments (which may identify optimal strategies for
ferent regions of the workspace. Furthermore, utilizing the stretch-shortening cycle).
external loads have direction as well as magnitude. Another future direction of great practical and
Finally, tasks other that point-to-point are of great theoretical relevance is to consider arm-torso inter-
interest. Unlike for cyclic and propulsive move- action in the seated position. This would
ments involving the lower limb, one cannot define essentially be an extension of the types of studies
certain stereotyped tasks for consideration. presented in Chapter 29 (Ramos and Stark) and
As discussed earlier, we believe insight into Chapter 31 (Ong et al.), where postural stability
movement strategies comes not from anyone op- and volitional movement must both be addressed.
timization run but rather from a consideration of The minimal model for addressing fundamental
how optimal solutions changes as the goals for a issues would appear to be a four-link system in-
certain class of tasks change. Consider a minimal cluding a 2-link arm, a link between the shoulder
set of point-to-point movements. With only two and thoracic spine, and a link between the pelvis
movement magnitudes, six movement directions and the thoracic spine.
spaced 60° apart, and three different regions In closing let us re-emphasize that there are
within the workspace result in 36 distinct tasks. many possible applications for dynamic optimiza-
Furthermore, for each task we would want to tion in the study of goal-directed movement
employ three models: a linearized Hill model with strategies. These predicted strategies are
single-joint muscles at shoulder and elbow, a non- byprodcts of a stated goal within the performance
linear Hill-based model with only single-joint criterion that can then be tested experimentally.
muscles, and a nonlinear model that also includes
bi-articular muscles (i.e. 108 optimization runs).
Additionally, for each of these, we can im-
mediately identify 7 basic performance criteria
which would be representative: i) small "target"
criteria (a circle of a radius equal to 5% of
distance); ii) large "target" criteria (a circle of a
334 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

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Lestienne, F. (1979) Effects of inertial load and gained and what is lost by varying model com-
velocity on the braking process of voluntary limb plexity. Bioi. Cybern. 55: 403-420, (1987).
movements. Exp. Brain Res., 35, 407-418, (1979). Winters, I.M., Stark, L. and Seif-naraghi, A.H. (1988)
Levine, W.S., Zajac, F.E., Belzer, M.R., Zomlefer, An analysis of sources of muscle-joint system im-
M.R. (1983) Ankle controls that produce a maxi- pedance. J. Biomech., 12: 1011-1025.
mum vertical jump when other joints are locked.
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Nelson, W.L.: Physical principles for economies of
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Self-Organizing Neural Mechanisms Possibly

Responsible for Muscle Coordination

J.J. Denier van der Gon, A.C.C. Coolen, C.J. Erkelens, and H.J.J. Jonker

20.1 The Motor System representations because motion initiates simul-

In this chapter we will discuss certain taneous activity in the various sensory systems.
mechanisms that may play an important role in the An oversimplified, hierarchically structured,
organization and the learning of motor control. functional model of the motor system is shown
These mechanisms are based on the generally ac- schematically in Figure 20.1. General motor plans
cepted notion that the strength of synaptic connec- are formed at the highest level of control. Target
tions between neurons in the central nervous selection, choice of the speed of movement,
system can be modified under the influence of choice of the effector system, considerations with
synchronous activity of these neurons. Thus, respect to constraints of movement (obstacle
neural signals not only contain current informa- avoidance) are ingredients of the general motor
tion, they also contribute to the long-term plan. This intriguing, but extremely difficult to
organization of neural structures. model, level of control will not be the subject of
Two streams of neural information are essential further discussion. At the next lower level of con-
in motor control. One, afferent stream of signals trol we find two functions which are thought to be
contains a manifold of sensory information localized in the sensorimotor cortex (Brooks,
originating from all the different types of sensory 1986). In this structure an internal representation
systems. These systems provide the brain with par- (IR) is formed of the position (and movement) of
tially supplementary and partially overlapping the selected target in relation to the position of the
information. With signals from each of these sys- body. The creation of a specific motor plan is sup-
tems, the brain can build up an internal repre- posed to take place in the same part of the brain.
sentation of a specific physical aspect of the state This plan is a layout of a distinct pathway or
of the body and/or of the environment trajectory (van Sonderen et al., 1989, 1990) for the
Simultaneous activity of the sensory systems intended movement. Information for this plan is
enables the brain to form a complete internal rep- obtained from the IR and restrictions are set by the
resentation of the state of the body in relation to its general motor plan. At a still lower level, move-
environment. ment trajectories are translated into motor
The other, efferent stream of information con- programs for those effectors that will be involved
sists of control signals for the effector systems (a- in the action. These motor programs contain the
activation), as well as for the sensory systems (for codes of the activation patterns for the muscles.
instance y-activation). Such signals initiate con- Finally, at the level of the spinal cord, these pat-
tractions of muscle fibers which enable man and terns are distributed among the appropriate
animal species to navigate through their environ- muscles. Adjustments can be made by means of
ment. Moreover, muscle contractions generate regulating the gains and thresholds of spinal
motion that is important for the creation of internal reflexes mediated by the proprioceptive system.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New YOIX
336 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

General Motor Plan

Internal Representation Specific Motor Plan

Motor Program

Muscle Coordination

Figure 20.1: Functional model of the motor system.
The terminology has been adopted from Brooks (1986).

In this chapter attention will focus on possible (20.1)

mechanisms underlying the leaming of muscle
coordination and the generation of motor
The left-hand side of Eq. 20.1 is the post-synaptic
programs. In a fIrst example we will show how in
potential of neuron i; 9 i is the threshold for excita-
principle an internal representation of elbow
tion of neuron i. li' denotes the strength of the
movement can be created on the basis of
synaptic connection between the axon of neuron j
proprioceptive information obtained from muscle
and the dendrite or cell-body of neuron i. If l IJ.. >
spindles. In a second example, a method is
0, neuron j has an excitatory effect on neuron i; if
presented by which reflexes in response to random
lij < 0, the effect is inhibitory. Finally, si repre-
disturbances can be made more adequate. To
sents the fIring frequency of neuron i. In a
achieve this result, groups of excitatory and in-
physicist'S model si is usually taken to be either-l
hibitory interneurons leam to contribute to these
(neuron i is at rest) or +1 (neuron i fIres with maxi-
reflexes on the basis of activity of homonymous
mum frequency), a so called Ising spin.
connections. Finally, we will show how neural
The leaming process amounts to modifying
systems may generate sequences of activation pat-
connections l .. and thresholds 9., based on the cur-
terns, which together may make up a motor
rent activity; = (sr .. ,sN) of the N neurons in the
network. The rule used for modifIcation of con-
20.2 Learning in Neural Networks nections and thresholds (the 'leaming rule') will
Neural networks are best viewed as consisting be called local if it is based solely on the informa-
of two types of variables: fast variables and slow tion available at the physical location of the
variables. The states of the neurons are the fast variable that undergoes the modifIcation. If a
variables; fIring states can vary on a timescale of synapse l .. is modifIed, then M .. can only depend
IJ ''/
milliseconds. The neural connection strengths (or on S., s. and L l . . s. (the state ot the post-synaptic
synaptic effIcacies) and the neural fIring neuron, the state of the pre-synaptic neuron and
thresholds are the slow variables (their values are the post-synaptic potential, respectively). If a
modifIed on a much larger timescale). In the threshold 9i is modifIed, then d9 i can only depend
values of the latter variables all information is on s. and L l .. s .. Only models which apply local
1eammg J 1es
ru IJ J be conSl'dered re al"IStlC f rom a
stored, both concerning the outside world and con- I •

cerning the function (or program) of the network. neurophysiological point of view. We will
In neural network theory it is generally assumed restrict ourselves accordingly.
that a neuron i will fIre if
20. Denier van der Gon et al.; Neural Mechanisms in Movement Coordination 337

In 1982 Hopfield (1982) introduced a model in Kohonen (1982) is capable of creating topologi-
which he used a version of Hebb's (1949) learning cally correct feature maps of the input. One can
create topological maps of the outside world, if
rule: if the network is in state S' all synapses are this world is observed by sensors whose outputs
modified according to
are fed into the input-layer of Kohonen's model.
1 The topological maps can then be used as internal
Alij = ,?iSj (20.2) representations of the outside world. The only
restriction is that the sensors must preserve the
All thresholds are zero. If this system undergoes a world's topology, i.e. small changes in observed
learning phase, in which a number of activity events (limb positions, target positions, sound fre-
states ~ ( ".) are enforced upon the system, the final quencies etc.) must lead to small changes in the
corresponding sensory signals. One disadvantage
connection matrix is such that the states ~ ( ".) are the
of Kohonen's original model is that during the
stable activity states of the network (they are said
competition process a "supervisor" is needed who
to be 'stored'). If a network state resembles one
decides which neuron is the winner of each round
of the stored patterns, say pattern 11, then the sub-
of the competition and who can tell which neurons
sequent autonomous evolution of the neural
are neighbors. However, it can be shown that the
activity will be a relaxation towards equilibrium
original model can be modified in such a way that
state ~(".) ('associative recall'). If the network is Hebb's rule will suffice to generate the desired or-
divided into an input layer and an output layer, der without a supervisor.
then the very same procedure allows one to store We believe that the neural mechanisms just dis-
input-output mappings. Finally, if one takes into cussed (all of which have the advantage of using
account transmission delays of neural signals, sys- autonomous local learning rules) in principle seem
tems of the Hopfield type can store and generate sufficient to (learn to) perform the tasks that are
sequences of activity patterns as well. encountered in human movement coordination and
One of the prominent features of these types of sensor-motor interaction. In the following sec-
models is that they allow for analytical solutions. tions we will illustrate this by studying some
As a result of their resemblance to statistical specific examples in more detail.
mechanical models for magnetic substances, one
can apply the same (rich) toolbox. The micro-
20.3 Internal Representations Created
scopic level of description (the states of single from Spindle Outputs
neurons) is abandoned in favor of a level of well- As an illustration of the construction of an in-
chosen macroscopic features. For these features ternal representation we consider the elbow
one generally chooses the correlations between the system. This system has two degrees of freedom,
actual microscopic network state s and the patterns namely flexion-extension and supination-
pronation of the forearm. Movements resulting
~ ( ".) . In this way the equilibrium properties (Amit
from rotations in the elbow joint or moments gen-
et al., 1985, 1987; van Hemmen and KUhn 1986)
erated by muscles that act over the elbow joint can
as well as the dynamical properties (Derrida et al.,
be drawn in a diagram like Figure 20.2. The
1987; Coolen and Ruijgrok, 1988) of these models
diagram shows the directions of the moments ex-'
can be studied analytically.
erted by the main muscles.
Another class of neural network models are the
In this example we will confine ourselves to
so-called competitive systems. They consist of
directions and disregard magnitudes of displace-
two or more separate interacting layers. In an
ments or forces. These directions can be mapped
input-layer input patterns are presented; in a
topologically onto a one-dimensional closed array
second layer (not directly accessible from the out-
of neurons, e.g. a circular array. According to
side world) competition takes place, such that the
Kohonen's theorem this mapping can be brought
neurons in this layer will tend to respond to only
about by a sensory system that has directional sen-
one specific input (or one specific type of input) of
sitivity, for instance the spindles in the muscles
the input-layer. In other words, feature detectors
that act over the elbow joint. A disturbance of the
will emerge. One specific model proposed by
position of the forearm will only cause activity in
338 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movemenl Organization

the spindles of those muscles that are stretched. of the neurons in the ring is activated most accord-
Each spindle is assumed to project onto each ing to Eq. 203 (say neuron number k). The next
step is to update synaptic weights according to the
neuron of the circular array (Figure 20.3).
following procedure: we let all increase in
proportion to the spindle activity a .. ~Next the new
iJ values of
. welg
are rescaled in order fo keep the total
~ h
synaptIc t J"f. 'ki a constant

'k'+ aa.
',/ =
~ r.(Jkl
~ I
+ aa1)

where ex is a constant. Following Kohonen we as-

sume that this process is not restricted to neuron k
pronation but that it also applies to neurons that are, up to
certain degree, neighbors of k (see also Bonhoeffer
Figure 20.2: Moments 4> of the main muscles, acting et aI., 1989). Initially the neurons that are ac-
over the elbow joint F denotes an external disturbance tivated most upon disturbances in the elbow joint
which leads to activity of the spindles in the muscles are randomly distributed over the ring. However,
that are stretched. Meaning of the symbols 4> 1: m. after a number of trials, in which the weights are
brachialis/brachioradialis; 4>2: m. biceps; 4>3: m. updated according to the process described above,
supinator; 4>4: m. triceps; 4>5: m. pronator; 4>6: m.
these neurons reflect topologically the direction of
pronator teres; F: direction of disturbance.
the disturbance applied. A result is shown in
Figure 2004. For the central nervous system the el-
bow joint is part of the outside world and an
internal representation of this part is formed. If
a 1' the system generates disturbances itself it is ob-
viously able to develop actively internal repre-

T 11
.... 'M'
' <ij
0 21
Figure 20.3: Spindle sensors a. and a circular array of 0.
feature detectors s.. The conn~ctions between sensors
and detectors are ~odified according to Kohonen's or-
ganization principle. I:: II

For simplicity we replace the spindles within a

muscle by just one sensor that signals the total ac-
tivity a. of the spindles of muscle j. A neuron of
the cirC'ular array now receives an input equal to
,. 11. t1l
direction of disturbance (degrees)
Figure 20.4: The result of the learning process in
where 'j'denotes the synaptic weight of spindle
group j ~nto neuron i in the 'ring'. Initially the
Kohonen's model: the position of the neuron which is
activated most as a function of the angle of the distur-
values 'j'are chosen randomly. A learning trial
consists Jof applying a disturbance in a random

direction to the elbow joint and determining which

20. Denier van der Gon et al.; Neural Mechanisms in Movement Coordination 339

From the sensory signals a. we have subtracted the

average value (this proce3ure is necessary if the
average is not equal to zero (Amit et al., 1987».
A decay term is introduced to replace the rescaling
of the connections. In the second layer (the 'ring')
we introduce two types of neural interactions: a
long-range inhibition f and a short-range excita-
eJrcens.ion --L..-L..-L..-\-'--L..+-'----'-il>r'--'-~~ fluion
tion r. The local input hi of a neuron in the ring
will now consist of two contributions:

h.I =h.e:x:t
+ h.I int (20.6)

The external contribution (coming from the input

layer) is again given by Eq. 20.3. In addition we

Figure 20.5: Voluntary exerted moments that give rise (20.7)

to a constant activation of the muscles. The numbers
refer to the muscles as listed in Figure 20.2.
where N.I contains the neurons near i that con-
tribute to r. Owing to their mutual interactions,
At the end of the learning phase the neuron that the activity of the neurons in the ring will no
is activated most receives its input from a few longer be a simple function of the sensor signals
mostly synergistic muscles. If the weights f .. with a.. If, for some given sensory input {a.}, all
which the muscle sensors contribute to the a6tivity n'eurons in the ring update their activity in r~dom
of a certain neuron are, in turn, used as weights to order according to the value of the input hi minus
activate the muscles, coordinated muscle activity the neural threshold 9, then one will observe a
results which shows a striking overall resemblance relaxation process in which some equilibrium con-
with actually observed coordinated muscle ac- figuration of the activity in the ring will be
tivity. Figure 20.5 shows an example. The lines approached (Figure 20.6).
in the diagram represent exerted moments for
which the muscles are activated proportionally to
the weights fir The level of activation is chosen
such that for each line a muscle has a constant ac-
tivation. These lines can be compared directly to
critical fIring level lines (see e.g. van Zuylen et al.,
1989). Average measured slopes show a fair
agreement with the computations.
Kohonen's model suggests an effIcient way of
creating an internal representation of the outside
world as 'viewed' by the muscle spindles. It is
clear, however, that from a neurophysiological
point of view there are non-realistic ingredients.
There is the supervisor who decides which neuron
is activated most. Also, a mechanism is needed to
restrict the synapse modifIcation to connections Figure 20.6: Development of activity of the neurons
belonging only to this very neuron and its neigh- in the ring due to the presence of long-range inhibition,
bors. short-range excitation and a positive threshold. The
In an alternative model we assume that all con- upper panel shows the initial states of neural activity
nections are modified according to a Hebbian rule: (all neurons at rest). The bottom panel shows the equi-
librium states of neural activity (active neurons are
(20.5) clustered).
340 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

functional stretch reflex because of its longer dura-

tion and often higher amplitude (Marsden et al.,
1976). Additionally, the force generated by this
part of the reflex counteracts the disturbing force
much more accurately than does the early reflex
(Gielen et al., 1988). In this section we present a
mechanism that may play a role in the organiza-
-- ,
tion of this long latency reflex and in the shaping

.- of polysynaptic, heteronymous connections.

In the model muscle spindle activity during

,. 188 Z71 161

stretch is related to the relative change in muscle
length tlULo' where I'lL represents the amount of
stretch and Lo the initial length of the muscle
direction of disturbance (degrees)
(Jongen et al., 1989). Anatomical data concerning
the elbow joint are used in our model to compute
Figure 20.7: The result of the learning process in the the muscle spindle activity (Jongen et al. 1989).
non-supervised version of Kohonen's model: the posi- In the model (Figure 20.8), groups of muscle
tion of the neuron which is actived most as a function spindles project monosynaptically onto the
of the angle of the disturbance.
motoneuron pool of the homonymous muscle
through fixed connections. In addition, the groups
By choosing J and 9, one can control the
of muscle spindles project onto corresponding
average activity level of the regime of possible
groups of inhibitory interneurons and onto groups
equilibrium states. Finally the short-range excita-
of excitatory interneurons. Each group of in-
tion r will further restrict the set of possible
hibitory interneurons projects onto all groups of
equilibrium states in the ring to those which are
excitatory interneurons, with modifiable connec-
the same shape as the equilibrium state shown in
tions (n. The groups of excitatory interneurons
Figure 20.6. The actual position of the active
project onto the motoneuron pools of all muscles,
group of neurons in the ring will be detennined by
also with connections with modifiable weights
the input. Figure 20.7 demonstrates that these in-
(J+). All neurons obey Dale's law: excitatory
gredients are indeed sufficient to replace the
neurons can only have excitatory connections
supervisor in the standard Kohonen model (if the
whereas inhibitory neurons can only have in-
parameters are suitably chosen).
hibitory connections.
20.4 Reflex Coordination A possible criterion for an adequate reflex is
When a limb is displaced suddenly, a seg- that the direction of the total, generated force is
mented pattern of electromyographic activity is opposite to the direction of the disturbance vector
often observed in some of the muscles. In this pat- F: Thus, if e refl represents the direction of the
tern, the first burst of activity (M1) results from the generated reflex and edist the direction of the dis-
homonymous, monosynaptic loops. The next turbance, the direction of an 'ideal' reflex is
burst of activity (M2) is often referred to as the described by:

homonymous monosynaptic projections

musc1e- inhibitOI excitatory moto-

spindles interneurc 1S interneurons neurons

Figure 20.8: Architecture of the network.

20. Denier van der Gon et al.; Neural Mechanisms in Movement Coordination 341

2~ r-----------II----------~


Figure 20.9: Direction of the M 1 reflex as a function Figure 20.10: Direction of the M2 reflex as a function
of the direction of disturbance. The straight line repre- of the direction of disturbance. The straight line indi-
sents the direction of the 'ideal' reflex, Le.: opposite to cates the direction of the 'ideal' reflex.
the direction of disturbance.
20.5 Storage and Processing of Motor
(20.8) Programs
Motor programs can be thought of as sequences
The Ml reflex, caused by homonymous, of activity patterns which are generated by the
monosynaptic connections, does not perform well central nervous system and which are ultimately
with respect to the chosen criterion. Figure 20.9 sent to the muscle fibers. Since the activity pat-
clearly shows that the line indicating the direction terns run ahead of the movement, we looked for
of the Ml reflex deviates largely from the straight mechanisms that could store and generate se-
line representing the direction of the 'ideal' reflex. quences of patterns. A possible candidate is a
network of the Hopfield type with transmission
In order to obtain an M2 reflex which is more delays. If this network has experienced a learning
adequate than the Ml reflex, the modifiable con- phase during which a sequence of patterns is
nections in the neural network of Figure 20.8 are presented, it will end up having connections in
changed. During the learning process, randomly which the correlations between bits of subsequent
chosen disturbances [1 are applied to the elbow patterns are stored (Hopfield, 1982; Sompolinski
joint. Consequently certain muscles are stretched and Kanter, 1986):
and their spindles are activated. As a result of the
connections, activity spreads out through the net- 1
J .. =-1; ~("+1) ~(w (20.9)
work. Both J+ and.r are modified according to I) N" 1 :J

Hebbian rules, that is, J+ according to Eq. 20.2 but

r according to an alternative Hebbian rule applied If this network is forced into the first state ~(l) of
to inhibitory neurons (see lonker et al., 1989). the sequence, it will subsequently generate all the
The latter rule assumes that inhibitory connections following states of this sequence:
become more inhibitory if pre- and post-synaptic
neurons are active simultaneously. Figure 20.10 ~(I) -+ ~(2) -+ ~(3) -+ ••• (20.10)
shows the adequacy of the reflex after a learning
period. Comparison of this figure with Figure In this way motor programs may be stored and
20.9 clearly shows that the adequacy of the reflex processed.
has improved dramatically.
342 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Furthennore, since it is rather unlikely that Amit, 0.1., Gutfreund, H. and Sompolinsky, H.
each of all the possible motor programs has been (1987) Information storage in neural networks with
stored, a neural network must be able to perfonn low levels of activity. Phys. Rev., A35: 2293-2303.
interpolations between the activity patterns that ac- Bonhoeffer, T., Staiger, V. and Aertsen, A. (1989)
tually have been learned. The question of how Synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampal slice cultures:
Local 'Hebbian' conjunction of pre- and postsynap-
interpolations can be perfonned in neural net-
tic stimulation leads to distributed synaptic
works is more difficult to answer. Recently a
enhancement. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 86: 8113-
model was proposed that consists of two layers: an 8117.
input layer of excitatory neurons and an output Brooks, V.B. (1986) The Neural Basis of Motor
layer of mutually interacting inhibitory neurons. Control. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
As a learning rule the same rule as introduced in Coolen, A.C.C. and Ruijgrok, Th.W. (1988) Image
Section 2004 was used in the model. It was shown evolution in Hopfield networks. Phys. Rev. A38:
that this two-layer system is capable of performing 4253-4255.
interpolations between the input-output relations Derrida, B., Gardner, E. and Zippelius, A. (1987) An
that have been learned (Jonker et al., 1989). exactly solvable asymmetric neural network model.
Europhys. Lett.,4: 167-173.
20.6 Concluding Remarks Gielen, C.C.A.M., Ramaekers, L. and Zuylen, E.l. van
If one is interested in obtaining a basic under- (1988) Long-latency stretch reflexes as co-ordinated
standing of complex motor functions, it seems functional responses in man. J. Physiol. 407: 275-
worthwhile reflecting upon their neural substrates 292.
Hebb, D.O. (1949) The Organization of Behaviour.
and the organizing mechanisms of the neural
Wiley, New York.
machinery. After all, many motor functions are
Hemmen, 1.L. van and Killin, R. (1986) Nonlinear
learned and are adaptable to changing cir- neural networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 57: 913-916.
cumstances (e.g. due from growth). Experimental Hopfield, I.I. (1982) Neural networks and physical sys-
exploration of parts of the nervous system is often tems with emergent collective computational
an endless task unless one knows what kind of abilities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 79: 2554-2558.
mechanisms and organization one should look for. 10ngen, H.A.H., Gielen, C.C.A.M. and Denier van der
Neural network theory suggests a number of pos- Gon, 1.1. (1989) Activation of human arm muscles
sible leaming- and self-organizing mechanisms during flexion/extension and supination/pronation
that may be used by the central nervous system. Tasks: A theory on muscle coordination. BioI.
In this contribution we discussed a few of these Cybern. 61: 1-9.
Ionker, H.I.I., Coolen, A.C.C. and Denier van der Gon,
mechanisms and we have speculated on where
I.I. (1989) Linear interpolation with binary neurons.
they might play a role in the motor organization.
Proc. Artifcial Neural Networks. lEE, London.
Although we do not claim that these mechanism Kohonen., T. (1982) Self-organized formation of
are indeed used in the way we suggested, con- topologiCally-correct feature maps. Bioi. Cybern.,
siderations like those presented give rise to 43: 59-69.
hypotheses that can be tested. We have confined Marsden., C.D., Merton, P.A. and Morton., H.B.
ourselves to muscle- and reflex- coordination and (1976) Stretch reflex and servo action in a variety of
to a few aspects of motor programs, since much human muscles. J. Physiol. 259: 531-560.
data are available on these subjects. The examples Sompolinsky, H. and Kanter, I. (1986) Temporal as-
are still far remote from the real motor system. sociation in asymmetric neural networks. Phys.
However, we think that further modelling based Rev. Lett. 57: 2861-2864.
Sonderen, 1.P. van, Gielen, C.C.A.M. and Denier van
on neural principles could turn out to be a reward-
der Gon, I.I. (1989) Motor programmes for goal-
ing investment.
directed movements are continuously adjusted
Acknowledgment according to changes in target location. Exp. Brain
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Res.,78: 139-146.
Sonderen, J.P. van and Denier van der Gon, I.I. (1990)
DJ. Glastra, GJ. Meijer and P.B. Nederkoorn,
A simulation study of a programme generator for
who carried out the simulations.
centrally programmed fast two-joint arm move-
References ments: responses to single- and double-step target
Amit, 0.1., Gutfreund, H. and Sompolinsky, H. (1985) displacements. BioI. Cybern. 63: 35-44.
Spin-glass models of neural networks. Phys. Rev. Zuylen, E.l. van, Gielen, C.C.A.M. and Denier van der
A32: 1007-1020. Gon, I.I. (1988) Coordination and inhomogeneous
activation of human arm muscles during isometnc
torques. J. Neurophysiol. 60: 1523-1548.

External Control of Limb Movements

Involving Environmental Interactions

Patrick E. Crago, Michel A. Lemay, and Like Liu

21.1 Introduction ness regulation, in both laboratory experiments

and in simulation. We have employed stiffness
External control of both upper and lower limbs regulation to regulate the input-output properties
can be achieved by electrical stimulation of of a hand grasp neuroprosthesis. We will present
muscles, allowing paralyzed patients to regain use- experimental results obtained in spinal cord injury
ful function. External control by Functional patients that document the performance of the sys-
Neuromuscular Stimulation (FNS) has been tem under varying loading conditions. Analytical
achieved for restoration of hand grasp (Peckham and simulation results will then be presented that
et al., 1988; Keith et al., 1989; Handa et al., 1986), elucidate the special role of the value of regulated
arm and elbow control (Allin and Inbar, 1986; stiffness in determining performance under dif-
Hoshimiya et al., 1989; Miller et al., 1989), stand- ferent loading conditions.
ing (Kralj et al., 1986; Jaeger et al., 1989), and
locomotion (Kralj- et aI., 1983; Marsolais and 21.2 Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation
Kobetic, 1986). All of these systems are open loop In muscles that have been paralyzed by an up-
in the sense that no automatic corrections are per motor neuron lesion, the motor axons
made for errors in the output. It is well recognized innervating the muscle remain intact and can be
that incorporation of feedback control into these activated by electrical current pulses. This type of
systems can improve the repeatability of perfor- paralysis occurs both in stroke and in spinal cord
mance by automatically compensating for internal injury (SCI). Gradation of contraction strength is
disturbances (particularly the nonlinear and time important in most applications, yet is technologi-
varying properties of muscles) as well as external cally diffIcult to realize in a well-controlled
disturbances due to interaction with objects in the manner. The strength of the contraction can be
environment. In both upper and lower extremity modulated by varying the parameters of stimula-
applications, the limbs interact with external loads tion. The number of motor axons activated by
that are constantly changing, complicating the each pulse can be varied by adjusting the
design of single variable (e.g. force or position amplitude or duration of individual pulses, allow-
alone) control systems. In contrast, stiffness ing recruitment modulation of contraction force
regulation (achieved by combining force and posi- (Crago et aI., 1980). The frequency of pulses can
tion feedback from external sensors) shows be used to vary the overlap of successive twitches,
potential advantages in FNS applications, since it allowing modulation of force by temporal summa-
can achieve good compensation for internal distur- tion. Thus, neuroprostheses can employ the same
bances even in the presence of changing external mechanisms of force modulation that are used by
loads. the nervous system, except that all motor axons
In this chapter, we will fIrst briefly review FNS that are activated by a single stimulus pulse are
with special attention to control issues, and then forced to fIre in synchrony, and the order of
present work that we have done with active stiff- recruinnent is generally not the same.
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
344 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

The type of stimulating electrode affects the ent recruitment (Crago et al., 1980). It is felt that
selectivity, reproducibility, and slope of recruit- length dependent recruitment results from changes
ment modulation. Stimuli can be delivered via in the location of the nerve axons within the field
electrodes placed within the muscle (intramuscular produced by the stimulus pulse, as the muscle
electrodes, e.g. Peckham, 1987), sewn onto the moves. This same dependence on geometry
surface of the muscle (epimysial electrodes, e.g. makes the recruitment characteristic extremely
Grandjean and Mortimer, 1986), located next to variable from electrode to electrode, necessitating
the nerve (epineural electrodes, e.g. Holle et al., initial calibration, and recalibration if electrodes
1984), in cuffs surrounding the nerve (nerve cuff are changed or moved.
electrodes, e.g. Naples et al., 1989), or on the skin The simplest functional systems are those for
surface overlying the muscle or nerve (surface open loop standing in SCI patients (Kralj et al.,
electrodes, e.g. Kralj et al., 1983). Surface 1986; Jaeger et aI., 1989). Fixed stimulation pat-
electrodes are convenient to apply, especially for terns are turned on and off by commands from the
short term studies in human subjects, yet have patient. In two channel systems, the quadriceps of
poor selectivity and poor reproducibility. Nerve each leg are stimulated to raise the body from a
electrodes have good reproducibility and are also seated position and to lock the knees in extension.
selective if they are placed on a nerve innervating The patient uses his arms in conjunction with
only one muscle. Epimysial electrodes offer balance aids to get into a posture that forces the
reasonable selectivity and do not require direct ac- center of gravity of the head, arms and trunk to be
cess to the muscle nerve. Coiled wire intramus- behind the hips. This eliminates the need for ac-
cular electrodes have selectivity similar to the tive hip extension. The arms also provide stability
epimysial electrodes, and can be inserted per- at the ankles, which are otherwise free to move.
cutaneously via a hypodermic needle, unlike nerve Additional channels can be added to activate
and epimysial electrodes that require surgical muscles at the hip to provide active extension and
placement Intramuscular electrodes also offer increased stiffness in the coronal plane (Chizeck et
reasonable long-term stability, and are therefore al.,1988). Hybrid systems, combining stimulation
convenient for the development of clinical sys- and orthotics, provide both the active muscle
tems, even if they are to be replaced by surgically power (with stimulation) required for standing up,
implanted epimysial or nerve electrodes in the sitting down, and walking, and passive stabi-
final version of a neuroprosthesis. lization (without stimulation) at the knee and
Almost all motor system neuroprostheses modu- ankle during quiet standing to reduce the amount
late contraction strength by recruitment of time that muscles must be activated (Andrews
modulation with the stimulus frequency fixed to et al., 1988).
the lowest rate that gives an adequately fused Walking is achieved by activating muscles with
response. This strategy is taken to minimize the temporally varying patterns of stimulation that a
rate of fatigue, which occurs more slowly at low patient triggers by means of switches (see reviews
than at high stimulus frequencies (Mortimer, by Cybulski et al., 1984; Chizeck et al., 1988).
1981). The relationship between the force of con- Each stored sequence of stimuli takes the patient
traction and the stimulus pulse width or amplitude from one stable postural state to the next. The
is referred to as the recruitment characteristic simplest systems use two channels of stimulation
(Crago et al., 1980). In general, this relationship per leg, one to activate the quadriceps to provide
is nonlinear, with a deadband below threshold, active extension, and another to stimulate the
saturation at full recruitment, and variable slope peroneal nerve to activate a flexor withdrawal
between these two extremes, regardless of the type reflex for swing (Kralj and Bajd, 1983). More
of electrode (Crago et al., 1980; Grandjean and complex systems use more electrodes and stimulus
Mortimer, 1986; Durfee and MacLean 1989; channels. Holle et al. (1984) employ a multichan-
Vodovnik et al., 1967). With all but nerve cuff nel implantable nerve stimulation system to
electrodes, the fraction of the muscle that is directly activate hip and knee extensors, providing
recruited at a particular stimulus level is also a reciprocating gait. Marsolais and Kobetic (1987)
function of the muscle length (and thus, the joint employ as many as 16 stimulus channels per leg to
geometry), a property referred to as length depend- provide hip flexion, extension and abduction, as
well as flexion and extension at the knee and ankle
21. Crago et at.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 345

Neuroprostheses for hand grasp have been not one-to-one relationships between stimulus
developed for patients with spinal cord injuries at channels and degrees of mechanical freedom, and
the fifth and sixth cervical levels (Peckham et al., this makes tuning of the system more difficult
1988; Handa et aI., 1986). These patients can The clinical tuning process would be facilitated
position their hand voluntarily in a reasonable greatly by the use of accurate models of the ex-
working space in front of them, and achieve open- tremities, including both skeletal and muscle
ing and closing of the hand by controlled electrical mechanical properties; certainly this book is
stimulation of finger and thumb muscles. Eight timely in this regard.
channels of stimulation provide two modes of Once stimulus patterns have been established in
grasp, as well as a single channel of cutaneous an open loop system, they remain fixed until they
stimulation for sensory feedback (Keith et al., need to be retuned, which frequently necessitates a
1989). Typically, a single signal (command), return visit to the laboratory. Satisfactory perfor-
derived from voluntary movement of the opposite mance depends on the ability of the chosen
shoulder, provides coordinated stimulation of patterns to provide the desired motor output in the
thumb and finger muscles by means of pulse width face of internal disturbances (changing muscle
maps. At one extreme of the command range, the properties) and external disturbances (changing in-
fingers and thumb are fully extended. As the sig- teractions with the environment). The input-
nal is graded toward the other extreme, the output properties of stimulated muscle are time
stimulus pulse widths to the extensors are dependent, as described below, making the motor
decreased and those to the flexors are increased output for a given stimulus pattern nonrepeatable.
(as programmed in the pulse-width maps), provid- The stimulus patterns are set up for expected ex-
ing gradual closing of the hand and exertion of ternal loading conditions. For example, the knee
grasp force. By altering the choice of muscles and extensors are stimulated at a certain point in time
the pattern of stimulus modulation, either palmar during the swing phase, in the anticipation that
grasp (tip pinch) or lateral grasp (key grip) is heel contact will be made. The time of contact
achieved. The system enables patients to function can not be predicted accurately, even under the
independently at home, school, and work since best circumstances. In standing, significant pos-
they can pick up and hold ordinary objects such as tural disturbances are generated by functional use
pencils, papers, books, and eating utensils. of the upper extremities. These are obviously im-
In all of these systems the patterns of stimula- possible to predict, and restricting the use of the
tion specified in the pulse width maps are arms would eliminate an important functional
developed by an iterative process, starting from benefit of standing. Similarly, in hand grasp,
conventional knowledge about which muscles pulse width maps are set up to control position and
provide each of the functions that are needed, and force for a certain size and compliance load. With
from studies of how muscles are activated nor- different loads, the control properties can change
mally. This is supplemented by measurements of substantially.
function when each electrode is stimulated Muscle gain changes produce substantial inter-
separately (e.g. Kilgore et al., 1989). The need for nal disturbances in FNS systems. They arise from
iterative tuning is a result of poor predictability of changes in the slope of the recruitment charac-
the electrically elicited responses for individual teristic as discussed above, and from changes in
electrodes, the dynamic coupling of torques at dif- the contractile strength of muscle (the force
ferent joints because of gravitational, inertial and produced by a given set of active fibers). Changes
Coriolis effects, and the complex functional in muscle contractile strength arise from potentia-
anatomy of the muscles and limbs [Chapter 8 tion (Burke et al., 1976), fatigue (Jones et al.,
(Zajac and Winters)]. Because of the anatomical 1979), length-tension properties (Rack and
structure, individual muscles frequently have more Westbury, 1969), and the trophic effects of exer-
than one action at a single joint (Le. they do more cise (Lieber 1986) or disuse (Mayer et aI., 1984).
than just flex or extend) and produce coupled In principle, length-tension effects and length de-
torques at all of the joints that they cross (e.g. the pendent recruitment can be characterized ex-
rectus femoris flexes the hip at the same time that perimentally, and accounted for in the specifica-
it extends the knee). The result is that there are tion of open-loop stimulation patterns. Since
346 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

potentiation takes place relatively rapidly, it may The third advantage of feedback control is that
be less important in tonic activities, where the ef- endurance during submaximal activities could be
fects of fatigue will predominate. Changes in increased in comparison with that obtained using
force due to exercise or disuse, can not be open loop systems. Closed loop systems adjust
predicted accurately, and can cause such large the stimulus levels to those just needed to ac-
changes in strength that open loop stimulus pat- complish the task, and as the muscles fatigue, the
terns need to be altered in the clinic. stimulus levels are increased automatically. Open
The incorpomtion of closed loop control sys- loop systems, on the other hand, overdrive the
tems into neuroprostheses is expected to provide muscles to ensure that there is enough force even
severnl significant improvements. Perhaps the in the presence of fatigue.
most important benefit is to compensate for inter- When patients have voluntary control of the
nal disturbances: the time varying properties of stimulus gmdation, as in the neuroprostheses for
muscle, length dependent recruitment, and mus- hand grasp, they can make corrections for distur-
cular or dynamic coupling across several joints or bances by increasing or decreasing the voluntary
across degrees of freedom at a single joint (Le. command. Patients with spinal injury generally
feedback can decouple interacting degrees of have major sensory as well as motor deficits, forc-
freedom [see also discussion in Chapter 10 (Loeb ing them to visually monitor their performance to
and Levine»). This would provide substantial im- detect errors. Incorpomtion of substitute sensory
provement in predictability of the input-output feedback to augment a patient's perception of er-
properties of the system, making it possible to rors should improve performance (Riso et al.,
specify movements or forces directly in terms of 1989), but changes in command still have to be
physical variables, rather than indirectly in terms made by the patient, thus adding an attention
of stimulus pammeters. Feedback correction for demand.
internal disturbances may also reduce the need for Closed loop systems for regUlating joint posi-
frequent retuning, but only if the closed loop sys- tion, muscle force, or muscle length, have been
tem's performance itself is robust, ie relatively studied in sevemllaboratories, with the result that
insensitive to the internal disturbances. If the there are now several different types of controllers
closed loop system is not robust, the need to available to be used in clinical studies.
retune stimulus parameters may just be replaced Controllers may be divided into two groups: fixed
by a need to retune the feedback controller. parameter controllers that are first tuned but then
The second benefit of feedback control is stabi- operate with a fixed set of values (e.g. Chizeck et
lization of an otherwise unstable system, such as al., 1988; Durfee, 1989); and adaptive controllers
upright posture (Cybulski et al., 1984; Chizeck et that continually monitor the input-output
al., 1988). In open loop standing systems, upright properties of the system and adjust the controller
posture is stabilized in two ways: i) by voluntarily parameter values to optimize performance as the
controlling the upper extremities, and ii) by properties of the system change (e.g. Allin and
stimulating the quadriceps to drive the knee joint Inbar, 1986; Bernotas et al., 1987). Fixed
into hyperextension where it is stabilized by pas- parameter controllers offer the advantage of com-
sive structures such as ligaments. High levels of putational simplicity, while adaptive controllers
quadriceps stimulation ensure that the knees have the potential advantage of being able to ad-
remain stable in the face of disturbances. In the just to changes in the system. While the adaptive
long term, it is felt that hyperextension will cause ability is attractive for FNS because of the time
joint degenemtion. With feedback control, the varying plant, adaptive controllers are potentially
stimulus level is continuously adjusted to stabilize unstable, work best when the changes in the sys-
the knee by active muscle forces without driving tem are slow, and show oscillatory behavior when
the knee into hyperextension. Feedback control the system changes mpidly. Detailed review of
can also stabilize the ankle, a task that can not be closed loop controller design is beyond the scope
accomplished with open loop techniques since the of this chapter, but it should be pointed out that
passive stiffness is so low in the middle of the nearly all controllers have been designed on an ad-
range of motion, where stability is desired. hoc basis, without detailed consideration of
muscle properties or the biomechanics of the sys-
21. Crago et al.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 347

terns to be controlled. A notable exception to this (21.1)

is a computer simulation model of feedback con-
trol of FNS standing, developed by Khang and (21.2)
Zajac (1989 a,b). The simulation was used to
study the recovery of upright posture from per- where the subscript k is the time index, T is the
turbed initial conditions and the maintenance of stimulus period (time equals kT), Ek is the force er-
upright posture during external disturbances in- ror (input to the activation controller), PVk. is the
duced by movements of the upper extremities. virtual position, Pk is the actual position, Fk' is the
The control system performed well in simulation, actual interaction (contact) force with any external
but has yet to be tested experimentally. object, Dk is the controller output, G is the control-
ler gain, and m is the controller zero location. The
21.3 Active Stiffness Regulation operation of the stiffness regulator and the feed-
Most of the controller studies have looked at back controller given in Eq. 21.2 are described in
regulation of a single variable, either force or posi- previous publications (Chizeck et al., 1988; Crago
tion, under loading conditions where only that one et al., 1990).
variable is changing. Single variable control sys- If the controller is functioning properly the er-
tems such as these will not allow compensation for ror should be zero. For our implementation, the
internal disturbances when the loading conditions controller has integrator action, ensuring zero
switch. In contrast, regulating the relation be- steady-state error for maintained inputs. Under
tween force and position, specifically stiffness, has this assumption,
several function~ advantages, including the ability
to compensate for internal disturbances under (21.3)
varying loading conditions. Stiffness can be regu-
which is the equation of a spring, and
lated by the feedback control system shown in
Figure 21.1. The input to the system is the static Fi
equilibrium position, and will be referred to as the PVk=Pk +:..!... (21.4)
virtual position, P yo The difference between the
virtual position and the actual position, P, as which indicates that the input, under conditions of
measured by a sensor, forms a position error. The zero error (Le. at steady state), is equal to the sum
position difference is multiplied by the stiffness of the position and the force scaled by the stiff-
coefficient, Kc' to determine the desired contact ness, rather than a single variable. Note that the
force. A force error, calculated as the difference convention assumed here is that an increase in
between the desired and measured contact forces, force in the direction of flexion causes a decrease
is processed by a feedback controller, and the out- in position. Thus, the sum of position and scaled
put is used to specify how the antagonistic force can be viewed as the single output of a stiff-
muscles should be stimulated. The following ness regulator.
equations describe the stiffness regulator and the
activation controller.
StitTness Activation
Virtual Controller Controller


Force Feedback Loop

Position Feedback Loop

Figure 21.1: Block diagram of an active stiffness

regulator controlling joint position and contact force by
electrical stimulation of antagonist muscles.
348 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

In the absence of an external load, the contact pulse width sent to the flexor, and decreases the
force will be zero, and the system reduces to a pulse width sent to the extensor.
single feedback loop, position regulation system. The cocontraction pulse widths and the
In the presence of a rigid load, the position feed- thresholds define the conditions for cocontraction.
back signal remains constant at a fixed offset with Since the abscissa is controller output, and can be
respect to the virtual position, and the system be- scaled by changing controller gain, the controller
comes a single feedback loop, force regulation outputs delimiting the cocontraction region can be
system. With loads that are compliant, or have chosen arbitrarily and the overall gain tuned in the
viscous or inertial properties, both the position and controller. At the extreme ends of the cocontrac-
force loops are significant in the regulatory action. tion region, one or the other of the two muscles is
inactive, since its pulse width is just below
threshold. Therefore, the pulse width sent to the

Cocontraction Map other muscle can be chosen to define the mechani-
cal output of the system at that point (for a given
Pulse (Maximal PW, ••••
Width .... load). The slope of the line specifying the pulse
••• ·1i;xor width to each muscle in its single muscle contrac-
... tion region, is specified relative to the slope for
•• ' •• ···~-COCO-n-InIcIJ-·on-P-w.....,) that muscle inside the cocontraction region (ratios
( Thn.. ~oId P"'!....········ rrand r.).

Single Muscle
Fi1ellSlon Region·
I Coconttactioo
.I Single MUscle
Flujon Region
21.4 Experimental Methods
Our experimental studies of stiffness regulation
have focussed on applications for neuroprosthetic
Controller Output control of hand grasp. The hand grasp neuropros-
thesis provides two modes of grasp: palmar
Figure 21.2: Cocontraction map relating the output of prehension, where the thumb is held in opposition
the controller to the pulse widths of the stimuli applied and grasp is controlled by flexion and extension of
to the antagonistic muscles. the fingers; and lateral prehension (key grip)
where the fingers are held in flexion and the
thumb is flexed to hold objects against the lateral
The muscles are stimulated according to a map aspect of the index finger (Peckham et al., 1989;
(cocontraction map, Figure 21.2) that relates the Keith et aI., 1989). Application of stiffness regula-
output of the activation controller to the stimulus tion to hand grasp involves controlling the digit
pulse width applied to each muscle. The control- that moves and exerts force, rather than the digit
ler output is divided into three activation regions, that is fixed. Thus in lateral prehension, the
allowing both cocontraction and single muscle thumb is controlled by the stiffness regulator, with
contractions. Antagonists are cocontracted in the the finger fixed in flexion by constant stimulation
central region and activated alone in the regions (Cabrera et aI., 1987).
on either side. Coactivation in the central region Some of the subjects that have received hand
increases the inherent stiffness during unloaded grasp neuroprostheses (Peckham et al., 1989;
position control or when exerting low forces, and Keith et al., 1989) have also participated in the
also prevents deadbands in control when switching studies on feedback regulation of hand grasp stiff-
from stimulation of the flexor to stimulation of the ness. The electrodes and the implantable
extensor and vice versa. The flexor and extensor stimulator system used by the particular subject
are activated alone when the stiffness of the sys- whose data are shown in this chapter have been
tem is known to be high, ie during extension near reported in detail elsewhere (Keith et aI., 1989).
the limit of the range of motion, and during The experimental methods for closed loop stiff-
moderate to high force contractions. The two ness studies are also described elsewhere (Crago
muscles are activated reciprocally in the et aI., 1990), and will only be summarized briefly
cocontraction region. An increase in the controller here. For tests on tuning and measurement of
output (to the right on the abscissa) increases the input-output properties, the subject's hand and
21. Crago et al.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 349

arm are placed in a cast, fixed to a stereotaxic tuning criteria are rise time less than one second
table. Only the digit (index finger or thumb) that and overshoot less than 30% for step inputs. The
is under feedback control is free to move. A rigid final criterion is that the response should remain
force transducer is placed at a position where the steady with less than 10% oscillation for main-
digit would nonnally come into contact with op- tained inputs. The parameters are adjusted from
posing digit during flexion. A position transducer trial to trial by factors of 2.
is attached to measure the displacement of the con- The loop gain is a function of both feedback
trolled digit when it is extending. Position is taken loops, and is therefore also a function of the exter-
as zero when the digit is in contact with the force nal loading conditions. For a thin load, contact
transducer, and positive for extension. Force is takes place within the cocontraction region. If this
taken as zero when the digit is not touching the load is rigid, the point of contact divides the
transducer, and positive during flexion. The stiff- cocontraction region into two parts, one where the
ness controller is implemented by a digital digit is unloaded, and another where the digit is
laboratory computer that samples the transducer isometric. As pointed out above, the position
outputs just prior to each stimulus pulse, performs feedback loop is effectively opened when the load
the controller calculations and cocontraction map- is rigid, making the loop gain independent of the
ping, and then stimulates each of the muscles via a regulated stiffness, which under these conditions
multichannel computer controlled stimulator. In only scales the input to the force regulation loop.
the examples reported in this chapter, the virtual Therefore, the controller gain (G) can be adjusted
positions were all generated by the computer. by itself to obtain satisfactory performance under
Tuning the stiffness regulator consists of defin- isometric cocontraction conditions. Increasing the
ing the cocontraction map and choosing desired force moves the system from the
parameters for the regulated stiffness and the ac- cocontraction region to the single muscle flexion
tivation controller. The pulse widths in the region. The flexor slope ratio (r,) is then adjusted
cocontraction map are defined on the basis of to provide satisfactory performance under this
steady state measurements of the force versus condition.
pulse width for the flexor, and the position versus Under unloaded conditions, the force feedback
pulse width for the extensor. The thresholds are is eliminated and the system loop gain depends on
chosen as the maximal values that produce no ac- the product of controller gain and regulated stiff-
tivation. The maximal pulse widths are chosen as ness. With the digit extended just enough to be
the smallest values that produce maximal activa- lifted off the surface of the force transducer, the
tion without exceeding safe pulse width limits or digit is operating under conditions of unloaded
activation of adjacent muscles. In hand grasp, the cocontraction. Leaving the controller gain fixed at
cocontraction pulse widths are chosen to limit the value obtained for isometric loads, the value of
cocontraction at approximately 20% of maximal regulated stiffness (kc) is adjusted to give satisfac-
grasp force, and 80% of maximal grasp opening tory performance under these conditions.
when stimulating the flexor or extensor alone. Increasing the position command moves the sys-
The controller structure and the loading condi- tem out of cocontraction into single muscle
tions encountered during hand grasp are used to extension, where the extensor slope ratio (re) is ad-
simplify tuning of the stiffness regulator, by justed to give satisfactory performance. To
eliminating interactions between parameters. The summarize, controller gain (G) is adjusted under
system loop gain is tuned to perform satisfactorily isometric cocontraction conditions, the flexor
under at least four unique combinations of loads slope ratio (r,) is adjusted with isometric loads in
and activation regions that are encountered in the single muscle flexion region, regulated stiff-
hand grasp (see below). There are four gain terms ness (Kc) is adjusted under unloaded cocontraction
(controller gain, regulated stiffness, flexor and ex- conditions, and the extensor slope ratio (re ) is ad-
tensor pulse width slope ratios) that are tuned to justed during unloaded position control in the
adjust the loop gain of the system so that perfor- single muscle extension region.
mance is satisfactory under each condition. The
350 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

A. Isometric B. Isometric C. Unloaded D. UnlOaded

Cocontraction Single MUICIe Cocontraction Single Muscle
Flexion Extension

em em em em
, ,0
O. S 2
Virtua l Position , Py
0 ,5

Scaled FOlce, ·FlKc 0 .0 ••• ··~ ... _.... r._ ... _ 0

............................ 0 .0 0

Position, P ·o,s . , . ,
· 0 .5
. , .0 ·2

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

em em em em

0 .6 2 .0
·0 .2
·0 . 5
Virtua l Position, Py 0 .4 1.5
·0 .4
· 1.0 1.0
Output, P.FIKc · 0 .6 0 .2
· 1.5 0 .5
· 0 .8 0 .0
0 .0
· 2 .0
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)

Figure 21.3: Step responses of the stiffness regulation is shown at the bottom, The step responses show
system in all four combinations of loading and activa- similar rise time and overshoot under all conditions,
tion that are used in tuning. Force, position, and virtual with a single set of system parameters.
position are shown at the top, and the combined output

21.5 Experimental Results and Discussion cocontraction, where the overshoot was about
We have found that the stiffness regulation sys- 40%. Since rise time and overshoot were assessed
tem produces good performance under the variety visually in these tests, and since there is some
of loading conditions that are encountered in hand variability in responses, the response criteria were
grasp. This is evidenced by the fact that the step not always strictly met in individual trials.
responses obtained in each of the loading and ac- Transitions between loading conditions and be-
tivation regions during tuning, have acceptable tween activation regions were evaluated during
rise time and overshoot, and have a stable output smoothly graded contractions (ramps) from exten-
Furthermore, the responses are also acceptable sion to flexion and vice versa. Three loads were
when the system is tested with other inputs and used in these tests: the zero thickness rigid load
other loads. that was used during tuning, a large rigid load con-
Example step responses obtained when tuning sisting of a wooden block placed on the force
the system are shown in Figure 21.3 for one sub- transducer, and a compliant load consisting of a
ject. The steps beginning at approximately two foam rubber block placed on the force transducer.
seconds were obtained for the following condi- The ramp rate was kept low to approximate static
tions: a) isometric cocontraction, b) isometric conditions. With the zero thickness rigid load
single muscle flexion, c) unloaded cocontraction, (Figure 21.4a), virtual position was constant for a
and d) unloaded single muscle extension. Forces few seconds before the ramp began. In this period
(solid lines), positions (dashed lines), and virtual there was a steady state error, due to saturation of
positions (dotted lines) are shown as functions of the extensor. That is, maximal activation of the
time in the top panels, and the combined outputs extensor could not achieve a grasp opening as
(P - PIKe) are shown in the bottom panels. All of large as requested. As the virtual position ramped
the step responses show rise times less than 0.5 down, the steady state error was reduced and posi-
sec and overshoots less than 30% of the step tion began to track the virtual position. Force
amplitude, except for the response in unloaded stayed at zero until contact was made. After con-
21. Crago et a1.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 351

tact, the position remained nearly constant and 21.4. The command represents the patient's input
force began to track the virtual position. Good to the stiffness regulator, assuming that there is a
tracking was evident in the reverse direction also. straight line relationship between the command
With the large rigid object (Figure 21.4b), two dif- and the virtual position, and that the slope relating
ferences are evident. First, position decreases command to position is equal to the slope relating
only about one cm before contact is made. command to scaled force. That is, the control of
Second, force starts increasing earlier and reaches unloaded position and of scaled isometric force
a higher value, with the result that force is offset have the same sensitivity to changes in the
from the virtual position. The data in Figure 21.4c patient's command. As expected, the relationship
were obtained with the compliant load. Contact of position to command is unaltered prior to con-
was made at a larger virtual position and force and tact. The size and compliance of the load alter the
position changed simultaneously over a larger relationship between command and position. The
range of virtual positions than with the rigid ob- size of an object causes a vertical shift and the
jects. The stiffness of the load increased with compliance of an object causes a change in slope
compression, with the result that the force and of the command to force relationship.
position relationships were curved rather than These relationships are what would be expected
straight lines as would be expected with linear with stiffness regulation: if the endpoint of the
compliant objects. Transitions from one activa- digit moves as if it was being controlled by chang-
tion region to another, or from one loading region ing the slack length of a spring of constant
to another, were all accomplished smoothly. stiffness. Several functional benefits can be ex-

Zero Thickness Large Rigid Compliant pected from this achievement. First, the system
Rigid Load Load Load
controls either position, force, or both with a

lb t &:3 --- - b
,--"" t-
em em em
single input command, and without switching con-
trol strategies between regulation of force,

~ - .--Lt 2
position, or both. The single input recognizes the
physical impossibility of simultaneously regulat-
. ,
· 1 ing force and position to independent values .
.2 ·2
Position and force must be related by the
.3 .• ·3
properties of the load and the control system. The

;c' ;f:§
. . - -- :(:s

.- - -
o 10 10 10
Time (s econds) type of regulation is achieved automatically by
em em simply summing both the position and the force
feedback signals. In application to hand grasp, the
system offers predictable and repeatable
o ~ - --·O 0
input-output properties. In unloaded conditions,
.. · 1 01
the position is proportional to the command signal,
·2 ·2 2
. l .J . J and with a load, the force is proportional to the dif-
20 4 0 60 ' 0 20 4 0 60 eo 20 4 0 6 0 80 ference between the desired (virtual) and the
Percent Comnw>d
actual positions. This should reduce the number
of corrections that patients would need to make in
Scaled Force • . FlK c
their command signals, and reduce the attention
P OS ~ lio n . P demands in controlling their hand.
Figure 21.4: Force and position as functions of time
(top) for virtual position ramps that traverse the range
21.6 A Simulation Study of Active Stiffness
of available positions and forces, for three different Regulation
kinds of load, as indicated at the top of each panel. Stiffness regulation with electrically stimulated
The dependence of input-output properties on load are antagonist muscles has been studied in simulation
shown at the bottom, in plots of force and position ver- as an aid in understanding the operation of the sys-
sus virtual position. tem, and to study the sensitivity of the
performance to system parameter values. The
Virtual position, position and scaled force are simulation incorporates a nonlinear model of
shown as functions of the normalized virtual posi- electrically stimulated muscle (Figure 21.5), in-
tion (Command) below each time plot in Figure
352 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

cluding activation dynamics, length-tension

properties, and asymmetrical force-velocity Ak+1 = al A", + a2 A"'_I + b PW", (21.5)
properties, similar to that described in detail in A(kTH) = A", + (t/T) (A"'+I - A",) (21.6)
Chapter 5 (Winters). Two loads are included, an
internal one representing passive mechanical LT = e (L - L) (21.7)
properties, and an external one representing the
mechanical properties of objects in the environ- FV = 1 + hI TV U(V) - h2 TV U(-V) (21.8)
ment. The limb is allowed to make and break F =A LT FV (21.9)
contact with the external load during movements.
A constant load, linearized version of the model is The activation dependence factor, A"" is a linear,
used to derive conditions for making performance second order, discrete time model of the dynamics
independent of the external load. These condi- of isometric force modulation, where aI' a2 are
tions are conftrmed by simulation with the autoregressive activation parameters, b is the
nonlinear system. linear recruitment gain, and PW", is the pulse width
(in normalized units) representing the recruitment
level (0 S PW", S 1). The second equation linearly
interpolates between successive values of Ak ,
giving a continuous time representation of the
isometric force. The length dependence factor,
LT, is a linear approximation of the length tension
properties, where e is the slope of LT at maximal
activation, L is the muscle length, and Lo is the
slack length. Note that the product be is the stiff-
ness at maximal activation. The velocity
Figure 21.5: Block diagram of the muscle model dependence factor, FV, is a piecewise linear ap-
employed in the simulation. Force is the product of proximation of the force-velocity properties, with
three factors representing activation, force-velocity separate slopes hI and h2 for lengthening and short-
properties, and length-tension properties. ening respectively. V is the velocity, and Ufo) is
the unit step function. A, L, V, LT, FV, and F are all
A discrete time model of isometric muscle that
continuous functions of time. The equation for F
is suitable for control purposes has been
calculates the active muscle force as a product of
developed by Bernotas et al. (1986). This model
three factors: the force-velocity factor FV, the
has recently been expanded to incorporate
length-tension factor LT, and the activation A. In
length-tension and force-velocity properties so
isometric conditions and at the discrete times kT,
that it could be used under nonisometric loading
this reduces to the model of Bernotas et a1. (1986).
conditions. Muscle force is calculated as the
product of three components: the activation by
stimulation, and two terms representing the eltensor

force-velocity and the length-tension properties of

muscle. Methods of parameter estimation have
recently been developed by Chizeck and Geng
(unpublished). The model assumes constant fre-
quency, variable pulse width stimulation.
Since both the flexor and extensor are modeled
the same way, only the equations describing a
general muscle are given here. The force
produced by a muscle is modeled as the product of Figure 21.6: Schematic of the biomechanical system
an activation dependence factor, a length depend- employed in simulation of stiffness regulation by
ence factor, and a velocity dependence factor: stimulated antagonists.
21. Crago et al.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 353

The muscles are incorporated into a system load) is allowed to make and break contact with
mimicking the control of a single digit interacting the external load. When the digit is not contacting
with an external load (Figure 21.6). The two the load, the two systems are integrated separately
muscles act as antagonists (one flexor and one and when they are in contact, they are integrated
extensor) with constant, identical moment arms together. The two systems are joined if the posi-
(rm)' The flexor is assumed to shorten with in- tions begin to overlap, and they are separated if
creasing joint position, P, while the extensor the force exerted by the digit on the load becomes
increases its length by an equal amount. The digit negative. If the boundary conditions differ by
position is measured as the arc length that the con- more than a certain tolerance at the end of each in-
tact point of the digit moves through when the tegration step, the time step is reduced and the
joint rotates. The point of contact with the exter- system is reintegrated.
nalload is assumed to be at radius,1' At rest, the 6
two muscles are midway between their minimal,
Lo' and maximal, L max, physiological lengths. That vlnual Position, Py (em)


where the positive sign is for the extensor and the
negative sign is for the flexor. - 2 ~

Two loads are included: an internal load repre- \Position, P (em)

senting the passive properties at the joint, and an \/

external load representing an object in the environ-
ment. Both are assumed to be second order linear
loads, with the following differential equations. -6~----~r-----~-----r--~~
o 2 4 6 8

(21.12) 50
M, B, and K represent the mass, viscosity, and stiff-
ness of the loads. The subscripts i and e are used
for the internal and external loads respectively, P
is the position of the digit, Po is the position of the 10
external load, PDe is the equili.brium (unloaded) e~c 0
position of the external load, F • is the interaction
force between the digit and the external load at a
8 -10

radius rl , F f and F e are the forces exerted by the -20

flexor and extensor respectively. The dots above -30

the variables indicate derivatives with respect to -4 0 Single Muscle
time. Extension
The simulation is broken down into two com-
ponents. The controller output is calculated at
o 2 4 6 8
Time (seconds)
discrete times corresponding to multiples of the
stimulus period, T. Between each stimulus period, Figure 21.7: Ramp responses of the tuned simulated
the force acting on the mechanical load is in- system for a compliant load. In the positive direction,
the load is contacted and force and position change in
tegrated by an adaptive step-size, fourth order
parallel. In the negative direction, when the load is not
Runge-Kutta method (Press et al., 1986). The in contact, force remains at zero and position tracks the
digit (including the two muscles and the internal virtual position. The controller output, shown at the
bottom, indicates the activation region transitions.
354 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Table 22.1: Model Parameters 21.7 The Dependence of Performance on

External Load
The loop gain of a feedback control system is
Muscle and Controller BiomechanicaI and Load an important determinant of the system's ability to
Parameters Parameters
aJ 0.19 rl 7.5cm regulate the output in the face of internal distur-
a2 0.0094 rm 7.5mm bances. An analytical expression for the loop gain
be 0.46N/mm Kj 0.512 N/cm is not feasible for the complete system described
Lo -26mm Bj 0.0752 Ns/cm above, due to the nonlinearities. However, we
Lmax Omm Mj 0.00276 Ns2/cm will derive an expression for the loop gain of the
hJ 0.002 s/mm Ke 1.7 N/cm linearized system under steady state conditions
h2 -0.0128 s/mm Be 0.076 Ns/cm during cocontraction with a constant stiffness ex-
m 0.6 Me 0.0CK)42 Ns2/cm ternal load. This equation offers insight into the
G 20 Poe Oem relative importance of the three stiffnesses in the
Kc 0.5 N/cm
model: the regulated stiffness, the internal stiff-
rf 4.4
re 4.0 ness, and the stiffness of the external load. In
particular, we will show that if the regulated stiff-
ness is equal to the internal stiffness (passive
The simulated system is tuned with a procedure stiffness and intrinsic active muscle stiffness),
similar to that described above for the clinical sys- then the loop gain becomes insensitive to the stiff-
tem. An example of the simulation response to ness of the external load. We then use the
ramp inputs is shown in Figure 21.7, using muscle simulation to show that the result holds for the
parameters (Table 21.1) estimated from an experi- nonlinear system as well.
ment in cat soleus (unpublished results). Force, Under steady state conditions, the equation for
position and virtual position as functions of time the force produced by one muscle is
are shown at the top for ramp changes in virtual
position traversing all of the activation regions, F = -be- PW [L mar - L0 ± .J!l
, P ] (21.13)
and with a load transition. At the start, the virtual a 1 + a2 2 ,1
position is just at the point of contact, and the con-
troller output, shown below, is in the This is linearized with respect to PW and P by
cocontraction region. As the virtual position in- taking the first order Taylor series expansion
creases, the contact force and position increase in about a fixed PW (which will be designated PW)
proportion, and there is a smooth transition from and P = 0 (unstretched external stiffness). The
cocontraction to single muscle flexion at about 1.6 linearized model is given by
s, as seen in the controller output. The reverse
F = Fo+ B M'W ± KiaM' (21.14)
transition is also made smoothly during the
decreasing ramp. As the virtual position passes B= be [L mq ,,- Lo] (21.15)
zero, there is a transition from simultaneous con- a1 + a2 2
trol of force and position to unloaded position
be ,
control. Although there is a change in the slope of K. = PWa ...J1l (21.16)
the controller output at this time, the mechanical 10 a1 + a2 '1

transition is made smoothly. Continued decrease

in the virtual position requires a transition from (21.17)
cocontraction to single muscle extension. There is
a slight change in the slope of position versus time where B is the linearized gain for stimulation, Kia
at this point. Overall, the results are qualitatively is the linearized internal active stiffness, and F 0 is
similar to results obtained in patients. the force produced at the point of linearization.
We further assume that the muscles are coac-
tivated at the same pulse width, and have the same
slope in the coactivation map. Then, the net
muscle force is the difference between the two
21. Crago et al.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 355

muscles, and is given by than the regulated stiffness, then loop gain will in-
crease with the external stiffness, and if it is less
[if - p = 2 B M'W - 2 KiaM' (21.18) than the regulated stiffness, the loop gain will
decrease with the external stiffness. Note that this
The second tenn represents the contribution of derivation does not depend on the specific fonn of
the intrinsic active stiffness of the stimulated the muscle model, only that the model must in-
muscles, and this can be added to the internal pas- clude an intrinsic active stiffness term.
sive stiffness (Ki ) to fonn a total internal stiffness, This behavior was verified in the nonlinear sys-
Ki • tem (the simulated system) by analyzing step
(21.19) responses with varying external load stiffness for
three combinations of internal stiffness and regu-
The system block diagram under these conditions lated stiffness (Figure 21.9). The internal stiffness
is shown in Figure 21.8, and the loop gain, calcu- was adjusted by varying the level of cocontraction,
lated as the product of all the gains around the keeping the net muscle force equal to zero, for a
loop is given by zero input. Since changing the cocontraction level
also changes the muscle gain for pulse width in-
LG = G K,+ Kc (21.20) puts, the product of controller gain and
C K,+ K;' cocontraction map slope was kept constant. Unit
step responses starting from Pv = 0 were quantified
Gc = 2BGs(l-m) (21.21) in terms of rise time, overshoot and percent RMS
error. When the internal stiffness was less than
where Gc is a gain tenn that is independent of load, the regulated stiffness, rise time and RMS error in-
and s is the slope of pulse width versus controller creased, and overshoot decreased with increasing
output in the cocontraction map. Taking the external load stiffness. This behavior would be
derivative of the loop gain with respect to K expected if loop gain decreased with increasing
shows how the perfonnance would be expected t~ external stiffness. Reversing the stiffness relation-
change with external load stiffness. ship also reversed the behavior of the step
responses. In the last case, the internal and regu-
d( LGL = G K j ' - Kc lated stiffnesses were made equal, and the
d( K ) c (K + K . • ) 2
, " dependence of the step response on external stiff-
ness was greatly reduced (Figure 21.9, bottom
If the internal stiffness, Ki', is equal to the regu-
lated stiffness, then the loop gain is independent of
the stiffness of the external load. If K/ is greater

Pv +
Force Feedback
Position Feedback

Figure 21.8: Block diagram of the linearized stiffness

356 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

K j '< Kc Ki' > Kc variables by taking advantage of the dependence

50 50 of loading conditions and perfonnance on in-
.---/ 40
~ dividual parameters or combinations of
parameters. Once tuned, the system perfonns well
under the full range of loading conditions
20 20 \ encountered in hand grasp.
10 10 \..... The input-output relationship of the system is
..._--... simple. In the absence of a load, the actual posi-
0 0
tion tracks the virtual position. When a load is
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 present, the force is proportional to the difference
Load Stiffness, Ke Load Stiffness, Ke between the virtual and actual positions. In a
neuroprosthesis, the command (generated volun-
40 tarily by the patient or automatically by the
30 hardware) determines the virtual position, and the
... ___ rms"100 (em)
-e- rise time"tO (5) value of regulated stiffness determines the relative
-0- overshoot (%) sensitivities for controlling unloaded position or
10 isometric force. The fact that stiffness is at an in-
o~~~;; tennediate value (i.e. neither overly stiff nor
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
overly compliant) is important for patient control.
Load Stiffness, Ke It is the difference between the actual and virtual
positions that determines the interaction force, and
Figure 21.9: Dependence of step response parameters this difference can occur because of either an ex-
on the stiffness of the external load, for three relation- ternal disturbance or an error in virtual position.
ships between internal stiffness and regulated stiffness. The change in interaction force with either type of
In all cases, the internal stiffness, K/, was 0.512 N/cm. error is kept low if stiffness is low, and the force
When the regulated stiffness (3.0 N/cm) was greater opposing displacement is high if stiffness is high.
than the internal stiffness (upper left), the responses be- An intennediate value of stiffness provides a com-
haved as they would if the loop gain decreased with promise between these goals.
increasing external stiffness. The opposite occurred In the experimental studies, the value of stiff-
when the regulated stiffness (0.2 N/cm) was less than ness is determined by tuning the system under
the internal stiffness (upper right). The dependence on conditions of unloaded position control. Stiffness
external load stiffiless was much smaller when the in-
is adjusted with a fixed controller gain so that
ternal and regulated stiffnesses were equal (lower left).
position is stable, with a fast rise time to step in-
puts. Controller gain is set similarly to adjust
21.8 Conclusions perfonnance under isometric conditions. The
Active stiffness regulation, achieved by com- chosen values of stiffness and controller gain
bining feedback of contact force and limb make perfonnance nearly the same under the two
position, is a useful and simple method of provid- extremes of load stiffness. With these values,
ing controlled interactions with the environment there is no guarantee that perfonnance will remain
[see also Chapter 9 (Hogan), Chapter 11 (Winters the same for loads with intennediate values of stif-
and Hogan), and Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.)]. It fness. The analytical and simulation results,
provides compensation for internal disturbances however, indicate that a particular value of stiff-
under a wide range of external loading conditions. ness makes the loop gain independent of load
The relative contributions of force and position to stiffness. This value is the sum of the intrinsic
the feedback compensation are determined by the muscle stiffnesses and the passive stiffness. Since
properties of the load, rather than by a discrete intrinsic muscle stiffness is proportional to activa-
switch within the controller between control of tion level (force), and passive stiffness depends on
force or of position. Logical switches between joint angle, it follows that it would be advan-
controlled variables would be prone to errors, and tageous to have the regulated stiffness be variable,
could cause oscillations. Tuning the system is rather than fixed as it is in the present control sys-
straightforward, eliminating interactions between tem. Since the intrinsic muscle stiffness is more
21. Crago et al.; FNS Control of Movements Involving Environmental Interactions 357

significant than the passive stiffness over most of tion of the magnitude and orientation of the end-
the range of joint movement, and since intrinsic point force vector has been achieved by
stiffness may be predictable from the recruitment stimulating knee and ankle flexors and extensors
characteristics and the cocontraction map (with in the cat hindlimb. More work has to be done in
some initial calibration), it may be relatively the area of controlling end-point position, load
simple to incorporate this nonlinearity into the transitions, and limb trajectories.
control system. There is at least one possible dis-
advantage to having variable stiffness: the
relationship between command and isometric
force becomes nonlinear, raising the possibility
that it may be more difficult for a patient to con- The authors gratefully acknowledge the support
trol force. of the NIH-NINDS Neuroprosthesis program, un-
der contract NOl-NS-6-2303.
2l.9 Recommended Future Directions
Stiffness regulation is one aspect of impedance References
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ments quickly, without overly impeding rapid Chizeck, H.I., Crago, P.E. and Kofman, L. (1988).
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Model-Based, Multi-Muscle EMG Control of

Upper-Extremity Prostheses

Sanford G. Meek, John E. Wood, and Stephen C. Jacobsen

22.1 Introduction nant muscles about all of the remnant joints of the
arm (or leg); iii) the recruitment patterns of the
Mathematical modelling of natural limb motion muscles; iv) models of the muscle forces as func-
and actuation can greatly facilitate understanding tions of muscle length, velocity, and fatigue; and
of the biomechanics and control of a human limb, v) the relationships between muscle forces and the
and can be used in the design of controllers for cutaneous myoelectric signals. We, herein,
multi-axis prosthetic arms or the design of func- present the component models, and the results of
tional neuro-stimulators (FNS) for paralyzed our research to date, noting that quantification of
limbs. The motion of a human limb involves the some of the models is not yet complete. The
simultaneous control of each muscle of the limb. models are separated into two approaches, analyti-
This simultaneous control provides stability, cal and empirical. The analytical approach is the
linkage stiffness, and force balance of the entire more detailed approach, modelling each subcom-
limb system, if not the entire body, in addition to ponent separately, providing the foundations of
the primary action of the limb. This idea of the total neuro-musculo-skeletal system model.
synergy of the entire system suggests that a pros- The empirical approach is the more pragmatic
thetic limb or a neuro-stimulated paralyzed limb (and computationally simpler) approach, which
should not be considered as an autonomous sys- lumps the natural and prosthetic system in an over-
tem but rather as an integral, dynamically coupled all manner into a phenomenological set of
part of the person. Such a control scheme should equations so that practical controllers can be
free functionally sound parts of the body from developed for existing prosthetic limbs. While we
controlling or actuating prosthetic or stimulated have concentrated our efforts towards controllers
limbs, thus minimizing the conscience effort on for prosthetic arms, the methods and models
the part of the person. Jacobsen (1973) proposed presented herein should have utility for others in-
such a scheme, called Postulate Control, which is terested in the biomechanics and control of intact
a unifying model involving the dynamics of the human limb motion.
natural and prosthetic system and the natural and
prosthetic efferent and afferent signal paths. 22.2 Postulate Control
While we have investigated afferent pathways Dynamic equations of motion (e.g. Lagrange's)
(Meek et al., 1989) for improved prosthesis con- are the starting point for the description of the
trol, in this chapter we discuss only our work in Postulate Controller. The governing dynamic sys-
investigating the efferent pathways. tem can be described mathematically by the
Components of the Postulate Control model in- following matrix equation:
clude: i) the kinematic and dynamic equations of
motion of the natural and prosthetic limb links; ii) [ M
] = P(9)a + Q(9,ro) + R(9) (22.1)
the instantaneous moment arms of all of the rem- Mproo

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 361

where e, 0>, and a. are seven-element vectors repre- degrees of freedom of the humerus and forearm,
senting angular position, velocity, and acceleration as the clavicle typically has the smallest motion of
respectively. Of the 11 degrees of freedom of the the upper extremity and is the most difficult to
upper arm, from the clavicle to the forearm monitor with a goniometer:
supination/pronation, only seven degrees of
freedom are significant for an upper-extremity econstrained = " efree (22.2)
prosthesis controller. These degrees of freedom,
where" represents an experimentally determined
spanning both the natural (nat) and prosthetic
2x5 element constraint matrix. Using the con-
(pros) degrees of freedom, are: clavicular
straint equation and its appropriate derivatives, the
abduction/adduction, clavicular flexion/extension,
dynamic equations can be partitioned thus:
humeral abduction/adduction, humeral
flexion/extension, humeral rotation, elbow
flexion/extension, and wrist pronation/supination.
For an above-the-elbow amputation, humeral rota-
tion, elbow flexion/extension, and wrist The equations can be rearranged, solving for the
pronation/supination are the controlled degrees of
freedom of the prosthesis. Terminal device prehen-
seven unknowns, ree and Mpros:

sion is not included in this analysis as it is not

dynamically coupled sufficiently to be controlled
well by a Postulate Controller. M1ItJt is a five ele-
ment subvector representing the torques applied
The command signal to the prosthesis torque
by the remnant musculature. In a prosthetic limb
servo is Mpros ; are not directly required for
controller, these are estimated from cutaneous
the servo.
electromyographic (EMG) signals. Humeral rota-
tion torque is included in this vector. It must also 22.3 Derivation of the Controller Equations
be a controlled motion because, with an above-the- The complete derivation of the controller equa-
elbow amputee, insufficient torque and motion of tions can be found in the references (Jacobsen,
the humerus are transmitted through the soft 1973; Jerard, 1976), with further discussion in
tissues of the remnant limb for effective "direct" Fullmer (1983) and Fullmer et al. (1985). Some
use. Therefore, humeral rotation is "directly" con- general points of interest for the development of a
trolled by the EMG-estimated torque MMt and not model-based prosthetic controller are discussed
by the Postulate Controller, though the humeral below.
rotation torque is also an input via M1ItJt to the
Postulate Controller. Mprotl represents the two 22.3.1 Kinematics
remammg command torques, elbow The combined natural and prosthetic skeletal
flexiOn/extension and wrist supination/pronation, system is considered to be a set of rigid links inter-
applied to the prosthesis. The P matrix represents connected with revolute joints, starting from the
the position dependent coefficients (the general- clavicular abduction/adduction joint and ending at
ized impedance) of the angular acceleration the wrist supination/pronation joint. This enables
vector. The centrifugal and Corriolis terms are the use of successive rotation matrices (Fu et al.,
contained in the Q matrix. The gravity terms are 1987), from the clavicle to the wrist, to describe
contained in the R matrix. The arm positions and the kinematics.
velocities are measured by goniometers attached 22.3.2 Dynamics
to the amputee and by transducers in the prosthesis The dynamic equations represent the major
(Meek, 1982), leaving nine unknowns for the computational burden for the controller. Efficient
seven dynamic equations - the seven angular ac- recursive inverse dynamic algorithms now exist
celerations (a.) and the two prosthetic torques for robotic controllers [Hollerbach, 1980;
(Mpros ). This imbalance of unknowns and equa- reviewed briefly in Chapter 8 (Zajac and
tions can be resolved by postulating a constraint Winters)]. However, these are not directly ap-
between some of the degrees of freedom of the plicable to the partitioned form of the controller
linkage. We have linearly related the two degrees equations. An exact analytical form of the P
of freedom of the clavicle with the remaining five
362 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

matrix was detennined using a symbolic 22.4.1 EMG Transmission Matrix

manipulation program (Jerard, 1980; Fullmer, Cutaneous EMG signals are typically used for
1985). The values of the Q matrix (which were not practical prosthesis control because their nonin-
partitioned) were found by Hollerbach's algorithm vasive nature is better suited for daily use of
(Hollerbach, 1980; Fullmer et al., 1985). prostheses. The cutaneous signals indicate more of
Of primary interest is whether the centripetal the overall activity of the muscle, and the skin and
and Coriolis accelerations contribute significantly tissues provide some integration (smoothing) of
to the moments on the linkage. It has been found the individual motor unit depolarizations. The
from our laboratory experiments that with an am- relationship between the cutaneous EMG signals of
putee performing tasks of daily living with his the accessible muscles and their subcutaneous
prosthesis, that the Q matrix could be ignored EMG signals can be given in matrix form:
without noticeably degrading performance
(Fullmer, 1983; Meek et al., 1989).
22.4 Estimation of the Joint Moments -
Analytical Approach The off-diagonal terms of the transmission matrix
The Postulate Controller requires that we deter- include the EMG cross-talk terms. We have not
mine the vector Mil a t which represents the specifically investigated the relationships between
moments about the remnant joints due to muscle subcutaneous and cutaneous EMG signals, since, at
forces. For a prosthetic controller, these moments least for empirical VMG and practical prosthesis
can be estimated from the cutaneous myoelectric control, we always are interested in cutaneous
(EMG) signals of the remnant musculature, as rep- EMG signals. Consequently, in the analysis, we
resented by the following matrix equation: have lumped the transmission matrix into the
muscle modeling matrix.
MIIIJl = GE + N (22.5)
22.4.2 Muscle Modeling Matrix
where E is the vector of EMG signals, G is a
The amplitude of the subcutaneous EMG signal
matrix of position and velocity dependent coeffi-
is used as an estimate of the muscle force. The
cients, and N is a vector of moments due to
relationship between the EMG level and the
nonactive elements about the joint. We call this
muscle force can be given by:
equation the vectormyogram (VMG) equation.
Four biomechanical components form the
above matrix transduction of EMG's to muscle mo-
ment estimates. These components are: 1) an where HI is the "active" muscle matrix and Hs is
EMG transmission matrix which accounts for at- the vector of passive muscle forces. The force-to-
tenuation, dispersion and cross-talk of the EMG EMG-amplitude relationship is nonlinear,
signals as they are transmitted from their fiber- depending upon the length (L), velocity (V), and
depolarization sources to the electrode sites on the the fatigue level (J) of the muscle. This relation-
skin; 2) muscle modelling matrices which modify ship has been studied or modelled by many
the EMG-based force estimate of each muscle as a researchers [Heckathome and Childress, 1981;
function of its length, velocity, and fatigue; 3) Wood and Mann, 1981; Patla et al., 1982; see also
muscle recruitment matrices which correlate the review in Chapter 5 (Winters)].
activity of synergistic muscles; and' 4) an We have estimated the muscle length depend-
a1Ultomy matrix (for musculature) which provides ency of the cutaneous EMG amplitude for an intact
the geometric factors for converting the muscle elbow. Thus, we have combined the EMG trans-
forces into joint torques. If we could completely mission matrix, T, with the H matrices, yielding
understand these components, we could analyti- H'. A third order model of EMGs vs. length was
cally find the relationship between the joint used for H' with the constant terms (Hs) forced to
torques and the cutaneous EMG signals. Each of be zero. The primary origin of this dependency is
these components is discussed below from analyti- the change in the filament overlap within the
cal and empirical bases, with varying levels of muscle (see Eq. 22.8). A secondary consideration,
completeness of the component models.
22. Meek et a1.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 363

though urunodelled, might be the movement of the ing the EMG level to muscle force for the biceps
muscle belly with respect to the cutaneous muscle:
electrodes with limb movement.
The estimation procedure was as follows. Fmuocl. =H'(L) EcutOMOfU (22.8)
Filtered cutaneous EMG signals of the biceps,
where E is the cutaneous EMG signal
triceps, and brachialis muscles were recorded as a d 'L .
, F mwcl. is the muscle force, an H ( ) IS
subject moved his elbow over a 400 range.
the length-dependent coefficient which has the
Torques were applied about the elbow in a
transmission matrix and modelling matrix coeffi-
sinusoidal manner with a ±3 ft-Ib amplitude.
cients nested within.
Figure 22.1 shows the results where the measured
and estimated moments about the elbow are dis-
played, along with the elbow position and the
EMG amplitude of each muscle.

.... Meuwed
+) lib _ E.8ioued

~~~ I~"\:/"\I time 161CC.

:;;.r"L =- n. .c=


,19 II 11 .1 "I 12 4 Il~
Brachialis ",I 4(11 )01
20 1 10 1 . . . Nf.Ic (* , )

time 16J<C. Figure 22.2: The length-dependent coefficient, H'(L)

~~p' l: :=~:=::::==-----~=
relating the cutaneous EMG signal, E, with the muscle
force, F . Determined by regression.

time 16J<C.

t :::::=::::=:::::::::=::==::::~
lim< 16 sec.
At the relatively slow contraction rates as-
sociated with prosthesis control in laboratory
experiments, the velocity dependent relationships
of H do not seem critical. What is very critical to
prosthesis control is the change in the EMG signal
Figure 22.1: Actual and estimated via VMG elbow amplitude with fatigue of the muscle which wou.ld
torques with a varying angle of the elbow. Filtered change the command signal to the prostheSIS.
cutaneous EMG signals of the biceps, brachialis, and Figure 22.3 shows this effect.
triceps also shown.
Experimentally, this effect was determined by
applying a constant load to the muscle with a
A regression analysis was performed on the
weight. As can be seen, the amplitude of the fIl-
measured EMG signals, measured torques, and el-
tered EMG signal increases with time. Figure 22.4
bow angle. The length of each muscle and the
shows that the median frequency of the EMG
moment arms of each muscle were estimated from
spectrum decreases under the same conditions.
measurements of the muscles about the elbow
This suggests the possibility of measuring fatigue
joint of a cadaver (Section 22.4.4). Figure 22.2
level and theoretically, to compensate the
shows the length-dependent coefficient H'(L) relat-
EMG/torque relationship for the fatigue level.
364 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization










Figure 22.3: The amplitude of the cutaneous EMG

signal for a constant force (80% maximum voluntary
contraction (MVC) on the biceps showing the increase
of the signal due to fatigue.

o 4 12
Time (sec)

Figure 22.4: The median frequency of the cutaneous

EMG (same EMG as in Figure 22.3. constant force at
80% MVC). showing the descrease due to fatigue.
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 365

Current research at the CED is investigating be estimated. Defining the recruitment patterns of
relationships between the median frequency and the muscles of a complex joint such as the
the amplitude change in order that a fatigue- shoulder is a formidable task, so a method of
compensated EMG processing system could be grouping the muscles according to their actions is
built. Real-time measurement of fatigue level has needed. The principal components techniques
been investigated by several researchers (Deluca, (Massey, 1965) group the variables according to
1984; Kramer et aI., 1987) and is a critical issue their correlations with each other. The principal
for prosthetics, neuro-stimulation, and components are the eigenvalue-weighted eigen-
biomechanics research. vectors of the correlation matrix of EMG vectors
(EE). For example, Table 22.1 shows the second
22.4.3 Muscle Recruitment Matrix and third components of the set of principal com-
There are typically several muscles which ponents for 10 muscles about the scapulo-humeral
cause any given action, as well as several muscles joint while the three simultaneous torques,
which oppose the motion and/or provide joint humeral flexion/extension, humeral abduction/ ad-
stability and bone stress reduction. For example, duction, and humeral rotation, were applied to that
the biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis all flex joint. The groups can be identified by knowing
the elbow. Each muscle provides a different the general actions of the muscles and seeing
proportion of the torque across the joint. At dif- when the muscles involved with a certain action
ferent positions of the joint, the relative have significant principal component coefficients.
proportions of the total torque from each muscle
will change (Basmajian and Latif, 1957; Crago et Table 22.1: Principal component groupings of muscle
al., 1980; Hof and van den Berg, 1977; Dul et al., actions about the shoulder during simultaneous
1984a,b). The contraction force of each of the humeral flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and
muscles with respect to forces of the other muscles rotation. (The first component does not group to any
acting about the joint is known as the recruitment particular degree offreedom.)
pattern. The forces are then mapped to torques
about each joint by the Anatomy Matrix (Section
2nd Principal 3td Principal
22.4.4). Jacobsen (1973) described the recruit- Mu~1c CQmggm:Ol COMRQllCD&
ment relationships between groups of muscles in I'ecIonIIis Major· AlxIominai pan .1128 ·.2694
terms of the EMGs by the following matrix equa- Pectoralis Major· SternOCOstal pan .0869 -.2701
tion assuming linear synergism Pectoralis Major - Clavicular pan .2996 -.6427

Delroid - Oavicular pan. mcdiaI .1477 .1313

(22.9) Delroid - Clavicular pan. Iateml -.0121 .2162

DelU>id - Acromial pan -.7873 .0760

Delroid - Scapular pan .0022 .0133
An understanding of the recruitment patterns is
Infraspinatus .4233 .5760
helpful for artificial arm control as well as neces-
T=sMajor .2369 .1989
sary for basic biomechanics knowledge. For an
artificial arm which is reliable and convenient for l..alhiiimuli IkIai 1m -om
the amputee to use, it is desired to minimize the
number of muscles and electrodes needed to con-
trol the prosthetic arm. Moreover, many of the In this example, the second principal com-
muscles are not accessible from surface EMG ponent weights the EMGs according to their action
electrodes. For a practical "take-home" artificial with humeral abduction. It shows, for instance,
arm, it is desirable to use only surface electrodes that the mid deltoid (PC#2 = -0.7873) is the only
and to minimize the number of electrodes for the significant abductor (negative direction) of the
comfort and convenience of the amputee. The humerus. The third principal component groups
muscle recruitment patterns describe how the the humeral rotators. It indicates that the most sig-
muscles work together for given motions, from nificant indicator of medial (negative direction)
which the minimum number of muscles needed rotation is the clavicular pectoralis major (PC#3 =
for the control of a prosthesis could be determined -0.6427) and the most significant indicator of
and the activity of the unaccessible muscles could
366 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part Ill: Upper Limb Movement Organization

lateral (positive direction) rotation is the in- Quantitation of Moment Arms

fraspinatus (PC#3 = 0.5760). This implies that Each Am-matrix coefficient can be found by the
only these two muscles would possibly be needed niple-scalar-product:
to estimate humeral abductiOn/adduction torque.
Similar analyses, including the minimum number (22.11)
of muscles required for the VMG equation, could
where: X" is the point of attachment of the k-th
be performed for the other degrees of freedom.
muscle, Z. locates in space the unit vector of
22.4.4 Anatomy Matrix revolutionJU. of the j-th joint, and L" is a unit vec-
The conversion of muscle forces to joint tor of the ejf~ctive line-of-action of the k-th muscle.
torques requires the determination of "effective" Figure 22.5 shows the notation. Spherical joints,
geometric moment arms. This can be described such as at the shoulder, are defmed by three suc-
by the following relationship: cessive revolute displacements. The term Am(j"l is
thus a scalar, consisting solely of geometric infor-
mation (all of which is a function of the skeletal
linkage configuration), and is thus the geometric
where Am is the anatomy matrix containing the in-
stantaneous moment arms of the muscles about the factor (or moment arm) which converts the k-th
joints. In the simplest cases, the muscle has a scalar force F m(1<) into a scalar moment about the j-
linear line-of-action which remains linear with th joint (U., Z.). If we have several muscle forces
limb displacements. In more complicated cases, acting aoo'ut foint j, then we would have the total
the muscle usually begins with a curved line of ac- net moment for musculature about joint j given by
tion which then transitions to a linear line-of- the scalar summation over all muscles
action extending from a point of tangency on one (22.12)
body segment to a point of insertion on another
segment. In such cases, with limb displacement, The muscle force could be the force of a single
there is motion of the ejfective origin and/or inser- fiber, a motor unit, a gross muscle bundle with a
tion points, relative to their respective anatomical tendon which attaches at a fairly discrete point, or
attachments to rigid bones, thus causing changes the resultant force vector of a muscle with a dis-
in the ejfective anatomy matrix coefficients. tributed attachment pattern. The line-of-action of
Regardless of the problems, the nature of the the muscle force is the line from the insertion to
geometric data comprising the anatomical conver- the origin of the muscle in the linear line-of-action
sion factors remains similar in form. case. For curvilinear muscles, the line-of-action is
tangent to the centroid line of the muscle from the
insertion to the origin. Am-matrix coefficients were
calculated along the length of the centroid of each
muscle. The centroid line of each muscle was cal-
culated from 3-D locations of points on the surface
of each muscle. Mathematical cross sections
(perpendicular to the muscle fibers) were found
for each muscle along the length of the muscle.
For each cross section, the centroid and area
(projected area of the muscle) were calculated.
The tangents of the centroid line were calculated
by the set of line segments cross section centroid.
Quantitatively, we determined the elements of
each A m( j ") for 30 muscles about the shoulder and
elbow jomts (eleven degrees of freedom total) of a
Figure 22.S: Muscle acting about a revolute joint cadaver mounted inside a rigid measuring frame at
The force of muscle Ie, Fmil' acts at point X" along unit the Center for Engineering Design (Wood,
vector L". Unit vector U. defines the direction of the 1989a,b). A 3-degree-of-freedom digitizer was
joint,j, while Zj locates th~ joint in space. then used to collect 3-D coordinate data for muscle
trajectories, muscle and bone surfaces, and joint
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 367

• aowc,"".o_

Figure 22.6: Original Circle Diagram by Jacobsen

(1973) of the muscles acting about the shoulder.

The results are shown in Table 22.2. The dary action would be humeral flexion. Thus, the
"effective" moment arm is given for each muscle. Circle Diagram is a graphical representation of the
The choice of the "effective" moment arm is based mechanical influence of the muscles about several
upon whether the best estimate of the line of tan- degrees of freedom in this case about the joints
gency of the trajectory of the line-of-action of the of the upper limb. Three degrees of freedom
muscle occurs at the origin (0) or at the insertion (DF) can be shown for each muscle on a single
(I). Also indicated is whether a linear trajectory diagram. The degrees of freedom are, typically, a
(L) is sufficient to model the line of action of the flexion/extension, an abduction/adduction, and a
muscle (e.g. a straight "string" model from the rotation of a given joint Another diagram would
origin to the insertion is adequate) or whether a be needed to represent the moment arms of those
curved trajectory (C) is required. muscles about another joint (or set of DFs).
Explicitly, the vertical and horizontal axes repre-
Circle Diogram
sent the abductiOn/adduction (AlA) and
A graphical method of showing the moment
flexion/extension (FIE) directions, respectively.
arms about several joints is by the Circle Diagram
The angle (9) that a muscle is drawn with respect
(Jacobsen and Mann, 1974). Jacobsen originally
to these axes indicates the relative lengths of its
based his anatomy coefficients on the primary ac-
AlA and FIE moment arms. The width (w) of the
tions as described in anatomy texts (Figure 22.6).
muscle body indicates the relative magnitude of
Figure 22.7 shows a computer-generated circle
the "hypotenuse" (a) of the AlA and FIE moment
diagram based upon measured anatomy coeffi-
arms, times the effective cross-sectional area of
cients from our dissection for the same primary
the muscle, thus giving a measure of the total mo-
actions (Wood et al., 1989b). For example, we
ment capacity of the muscle. The perpendicular
might consider the primary actions of the biceps to
distance (d) from the muscle "line-of-action" (as
be elbow flexion and wrist supination. A secon-

Table 22.2: A-matrix coefficients: Coefficients are in units of inches

1- point of tangency is at the insertion. (}- point of tangency is at the origin

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Linear(L)or Clavicular Clavicular Clavicular Scapular Scapular Scapular Hwneral Humeral Humeral Elbow Wrist
Curvilinear (C) Rotation Flexion! AlxIuction! Rotation Flexion! AlxIuction/ Flexion! Rotation AlxIuction! Flexion! Supination!
No.t Name Trajectory Extension Adductioo Extension Adductioo Extension Adduction Extension Pronation e:

1. Biceps-long bead L 0 1.1 o 0.0 o 0.3 I 1.7 0.6 s::c

2. Biceps-sbort bead L 0 1.2 o 0.1 o -0.7 1 1.7 0.6 III
3. Brachioradia1is L 0 1.3 0.5 (>'
4. Brachia1is-lower bead L 1 1.1 en
5. Brachia1is-upper bead L 1 1.0 '"
6. Concobnchia1is L 0 1.1 o -0.2 o -0.9 ~
7. Deltoid-acromial part L o -0.7 o 0.0 o 0.8 '"
8. Deltoid·davicular part C o 0.2 o 0.8 0-0.5 I 1.3 1 -0.1 1 0.6
9. Deltoid-scapu1ar part C 1 -3.1 1 0.3 I -0.1 ~
10. Infraspinatus L 1 0.0 1 0.9 1 0.2 1;
II. Latissimus doni C 1.3 I -5.9 I -4.2 I -2.4 I -0.9 1 -2.2 I -1.6 I -0.4 1 -1.4
12. Pectoralis minor L 1.3 I 2.0 I -2.9 1 -0.2 1 -0.6 1 0.8
13. PeeL major-abdomina1 C 2.1 1 3.5 1 -3.3 1 2.5 I 2.0 1 -3.0 2.2 1 -0.7 1 -2.1 f
14. PecL major-clavicular C I 2.1 I 1.6 1 -1.8 2.1 1 -0.5 1 -1.0 C
15. PeeL major-sternocostal I 1.8 I -2.3 1.8 8
L 1 1.2 I 1 1.7 1 -3.1 1.7 1 -0.8 I -2.0 0"
16. Rhomboidmajor C I -4.6 I -4.3 1 -0.1 I -1.6 1 -27 1 -5.3
17. Rhomboid minor C I -26 1 -4.6 I 0.9 1 -0.4 1 -3.4 I -3.1 ~
18. Serratus anterior-lower C I 2.0 I 6.2 I 3.7 I 4.8 1 0.2 I 3.3 8
19. Serratus anterior-upper C 1 -1.2 I 5.2 I 0.5 1 0.8 I -0.4 1 1.1
20. Supraspinatus L I 0.2 1 0.1 1 0.7
21. Subclavius L L 0.3 L-O.4 L 0.0 ~
22. Subscapu1aris C 1 -0.1 1 -1.0 I 0.1 ~
23. Teres major L 1 -1.8 I -0.4 1-1.5 N'
24. Teres minor L I -0.4 I 0.8 1-0.5 1:'.
25. Triceps-Iatera1 head L 1 -0.8 ::s
26. Triceps-medial head L I -0.8
27. Triceps-long head L 0-1.0 o 0.5 0-1.2 1 -0.9
28. Trapezius-lower part L 1 5.9 I -4.1 1 -1.7 2.6 1 -1.5 1 1.4
29. Trapezius-middle part L 1 0.5 1 -6.1 1 1.5 0.2 1 -25 1 -0.2
30. Trapezius-upper part L 1 -0.2 1 -4.2 1 2.4 0.0 1 -1.0 1 0.2

t Number corresponds to the muscle in the circle diagram, Figure 22.7

22. Meek et a1.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 369


Scal•• :
w _Sin3
d. 10 (no dimensions)

Figure 22.7: Computer-generated Circle Diagram for

the muscles acting about the shoulder. Numbers cor-
respond to muscles listed in Table 22.2. (From Wood
et aI., 1989b; reprinted with permission.)

drawn) to the center of the circles is proportional Likewise, the humeral flexion/extension moment
to the normalized (by a) rotational moment arm. (MHF E (m)would be calculated using cot a,or,alterna-
For example, suppose that a muscle (m) is gener- tively,
ating a stress and it affects the humeral degrees of
freedom (it might also be acting about other DFs, M HFE(m) =M HAA(m) cos a (22.14)
but they must necessarily be plotted on another
The humeral rotation (HR) moment would be cal-
diagram). The humeral AlA moment (HAA), for
culated by:
orientation a with respect to axis FIE, would then
be calculated by: MHR(m) = (0) (width) (d)
MHAA(m) = (0) (width) (sin a) =0 (Ac· a) (aHI/a) (22.15)
= 0 (Ac • a) sin a (22.13)

= Fm aHAA Similar analyses can be made for muscles affect-

where ing movement of the shoulder girdle bones
(clavicle and scapula) or forearm or any other limb
(e.g. Seireg and Arvikar, 1973, 1975).

aHAA =a sin a
370 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

Figure 22.8: Alpha-1 generated image of surface

topology reconstruction of the muscles about the
shoulder (from Wood et aI.• 1989a)

Surface Modelling Volumetric data can be calculated from these

Mathematically continuous surface models of data. The results of the maximum projected cross
the thirty muscles acting about the shoulder and sectional area and volume calculations are given
upper limb were produced using Coons' surface in Table 22.3 along with the physiologic cross .sec-
(Coons. 1967) methods. This allowed us to tion areas (Crowninshield, 1981). which is the
produce a computer-generated image of any or all volume divided by the length of the muscle. The
of the muscles and bones. Figure 22.8 shows an reader can make the appropriate comparisons of
Alpha_l (Cohen and Riesenfield. 1982) solid the maximum "projected" cross-sectional area and
model reconstruction of all of the muscles. the physiologic cross-sectional area. which are
surprisingly close in most cases.
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 371

Table 22.3:
Lengths (L), Surface Areas (S) *, Volumes (Y), Cross-Sectional
Areas (A) ** , and PhysiologIcal
. Areas (A ) *** of Muscles

IS:2. IS:imll< Lao.) S(io.~) Y(io ..ll ~(iD.~) A~2J
1. Biceps-long head 12.3 27.9 4.3 1.1 0.3
2. Biceps-short head 13.1 23.4 2.3 0.5 0.2
3. Brachioradialis 11.3 26.0 2.5 0.4 0.2
4. Brachialis-lower head 3.0 11.8 2.1 0.8 0.7
5. Brachialis-upper head 5.9 22.2 4.0 0.9 0.7
6. Coracobrachialis 7.3 12.8 1.3 0.2 0.2
7. Deltoid-acromial part 6.5 36.7 13.6 2.8 2.1
8. Deltoid-clavicular part 7.6 27.6 5.4 1.0 0.7
9. Deltoid-scapular part 7.5 25.0 4.6 0.7 0.6
10. Infraspinatus 5.9 26.0 5.2 1.3 0.9
11. Latissimus dorsi 10.6 125.7 20.7 2.0 2.0
12. Pectoralis minor 5.3 24.6 3.2 0.7 0.6
13. Pectoralis major-abdominal part 8.6 33.3 4.8 0.8 0.6
14. Pectoralis major-c lavicular part 7.3 29.5 5.7 1.3 0.8
15. Pectoralis major-sternocostal part 8.5 39.1 5.9 0.8 0.7
16. Rhomboid major 4.5 17.3 2.5 0.8 0.6
17. Rhomboid minor 3.1 10.2 1.7 1.1 0.5
18. Serratus anterior-lower 6.8 73.4 9.9 1.6 1.5
19. Serratus anterior-upper 4.1 28.6 1.9 0.5 0.5
20. Supraspinatus 3.4 11.1 2.4 0.8 0.7
21. Subclavius 3.0
22. Subscapularis 4.8 33.2 7.4 2.1 1.5
23. Teres major 4.8 19.8 4.3 1.3 0.9
24. Teres minor 4.1 10.0 1.5 0.4 0.4
25. Trieps-Iateral head 9.7 33.9 6.6 0.9 0.7
26. Trieps-medial head 8.4 23.1 3.8 0.6 0.5
27. Triceps-long head 12.3 38.4 7.8 1.1 0.6
28. Trapezius-lower part 8.2 73.4 12.2 2.0 1.5
29. Trapezius-middle part 4.9 31.7 5.5 1.1 1.1
30. Trapezius-upper part 4.7 24.0 4.9 1.2 1.0

* Surface areas do not include areas of ends of the muscles (typically small)
** Cross-sectional areas are maximum projected areas (normal to line-of-action of muscle
*** Physiological areas are defined as: Ap = V/L

22.4.5 Summary of Analytical Methods as is, without further refinement they are not fully
The EMG transmission, muscle modelling, quantitated. Much work remains in the basic un-
muscle recruitment, and anatomy matrices repre- derstanding of the complete system. In order to by-
sent the fundamental components needed to pass the incompleteness of the "analytical" data,
estimate the natural moments of the muscles ac- empirical methods (described below) were used to
ting about a joint. The mathematical models of get lumped-parameter data.
these components could be further refined. Even
372 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

22.5 Estimation of Joint Moments - trol. When holding the prosthesis steady or
Empirical Methods performing slow, dexterous tasks such as thread-
In the next two sections, we present our ing a needle, the amputee will tolerate slow
methods of empirically measuring the relation- . response as long as there is low noise. The
ships between joint torques of the shoulder and response time and the signal-to-noise ratio depend,
arm and cutaneous EMG signals of the muscles then, not upon the time constant but rather upon
about the shoulder and arm. the adaption logic. The adaption logic is defined
22.5.1 Myoelectric Signal Processing -
Adaptive Filtering t=l
- t
' + tS'
· Y
= t,uE E (22.16)
In order to have accurate estimates of muscle aZ + 1
forces from EMG signals, a processing system where:
with high signal-to-noise ratio as well as short rise tnl is the adaptive time constant
time is required. Many filtering schemes have tI is the max. time constant of the adaptive filter
been investigated, including linear filters, averag- ~. is the min. time constant of the adaptive filter
ing filters, spatial, pre-whitening filters, and Z is the derivative of the smoothed EMG signal
adaptive filters. Adaptive filters have been shown E is the rectified unsmoothed EMG signal
to provide the best results (Meek et al., 1987). Y is the output (control) signal
The EMG signal, when used for proportional a is a gain factor for the adaption.
control, is usually treated as an amplitude-modu-
lated signal. The mean amplitude of the cutaneous
myoelectric signal is used as the control signal and
is the desired output from the myoelectric proces-
sor. A multiplicative signal with frequencies from
below 10 Hz to over 1000 Hz (the EMG spectrum)
functions as the "carrier" of the amplitude modu-
lated system (Deluca, 1979). However, the use of
myoelectric signals as control signals poses a fun-
damental problem: the EMG spectrum of
frequencies overlaps the frequencies of desired
control (Jacobsen et al., 1984; Fullmer, 1985).

This makes the separation of the desired control
OulpUt of 1st Order SOO msec Filta 8 sec.
signal (EMG amplitude) from the noise (EMG 10.0
carrier) difficult. We observed a fundamental fll-
tering paradox whereby, with a stationary filter, it
is possible to have either a fast response or a high
tit h rv"'l
0.0 ............-~~-~~-~.....,=:--­

'tlfh M
OulpUt of 2SO msec Tune Av...p& Filta 8 .....
signal-to-noise ratio, but not both (Jacobsen et al.,
The basic idea behind the adaptive flltering
method in overcoming the flltering paradox is to 0.0 ...."-"---~--"--.........- - - - -
OulpUt of Adaptive Filta 8 sec.
vary the time constant of the fllter depending upon
the rate of change of the signal. The rate of
Figure 22.9: Comparison of the response of a 50 ms
change of the signal is determined by the deriva- linear filter, a 500 ms linear filter, a 250 ms averaging
tive of the smoothed signal. When the signal is filter, and the adaptive filter.
changing rapidly (high derivative), the time con-
stant is low, allowing fast response but with high The ability of the adaptive filter to produce
noise. When the signal is steady (derivative is low high signal-to-noise ratios as well as allowing fast
or zero), the time constant is high, allowing high response can be demonstrated in Figure 22.9. The
signal-to-noise ratio but slow response. The as- original rectified raw EMG signal is shown with
sumption is that when operating a prosthesis, an the responses of a 500 ms linear filter, a 50 ms
amputee can tolerate noise when rapidly moving linear fllter, an averaging fllter of 250 ms averag-
the prosthesis but will not tolerate delays in con-
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 373

ing time, and the adaptive filter. Note that the more than three torques at specified levels be-
response of the adaptive filter has the same rise comes exceedingly difficult for the subject. For
time as that of the 50 ms linear filter and that it has these reasons, another data collection system was
the same signal-to-noise ratio as that of the 500 ms devised, the Dynamic Skeletal Loading System
filter. (DSLS).
The DSLS is an apparatus consisting of several
22.5.2 Empirical Controller fully gimbled, computer-controlled pushers which
Vector Myogram Equation can apply forces to the arm. The gimbles are in-
For practical artificial arm use using the postu- strumented to measure angular positions at each
late controller, the muscle forces are estimated joint of the gimble. The pusher rod is also instru-
from EMG signals. A relationship between joint mented to measure the position, velocity, and
torques and EMG signals can be found empirically force at the end of the rod. The motor can push or
by measuring known torques about a particular pull the rod with a maximum force of 10 pounds
joint and associated EMG signals. This relation- (B.K. Hanover, personal communication).
ship is known as the vectormyogram (VMG). If three pushers are connected together at one
point, then the force in any direction can be con-
VMG Data Collection trolled. Also, since the pushers are gimbled, the
The empirical measurement of the VMG must limb is no longer constrained to be in a fixed posi-
begin with the data collection. Simultaneous joint tion. Another advantage of the DSLS is that since
torque and EMG data are collected from a subject the force can now be computer-controlled to push
by one of two methods (Meek, 1984). or pull on the subject's limb, the subject is no
The first method employs the Force Loading longer required to initiate the torques and follow
Joystick (FU), which is a three degree-of-freedom complicated target displays on a computer
force sensor. The shoulder joint torques initiated graphics system. The subject merely is required to
by the subject in three directions are measured as hold his limb in position, resisting the applied
forces at the distal end of the limb. Since the dis- torques. This enables the DSLS to be capable of
tances can easily be measured from the FU to the data collection in more than 3 degrees of freedom,
center rotation of each joint, the torques are easily as well as collecting simultaneous torque/EMG
computed. The torque applied by the subject, as data on a moving limb. Experiments have been
well as the simultaneous EMG signals, are re- performed with up to 5 degrees of freedom of
corded by the computer for later processing. torques.
In order to insure that all ranges and directions
of the torques about all the degrees of freedom are Humeral Rotation
achieved, the subject is directed by the computer In the experiments involving both the FU and
to specified combinations of torque levels. A tar- the DSLS, the humeral rotation torques are not
get is presented to the subject on a computer readily obtained from above-elbow amputees.
graphics screen, with the actual torque that the The amputee's muscles apply rotary torques about
subject is applying to the FU also displayed. the humerus and the humerus rotates; however, the
When the applied torque matches the target, the humeral torque is not transmitted to the outside
simultaneous torque and EMG data are recorded by skin since the humeral bone remnant is rotating in-
the computer. side the soft tissues of the stump and these tissues
The targets are set at specified levels and are are incapable of transmitting the full torque to the
presented in a random order to the subject. This is outside. This is not a problem for the non-
to prevent fatiguing of anyone group of muscles. amputee since a loadcell could simply be placed
As an additional means to remove fatigue as a fac- on the forearm.
tor, the subject is paced to the target level at a In order to determine the humeral torques on an
specified rate. amputee, an assumption must be made. Whenever
There are several limitations of the Force a bone moves in a joint, certain resistances due to
Loading Joystick. Firstly, only static torques can passive ligament, tendon, and muscle tensions as
be applied. Secondly, since the subject must in- well as inherent joint friction must be overcome.
itiate three dimensions of torque and the computer When the amputee's humeral bone rotates inside
graphics display is two dimensional, controlling the soft tissues of the stump, some resisting torque
374 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part III: Upper Limb Movement Organization

must be present. This resisting torque may also be ficients, less senSlnve to small changes in the
dependent upon the position of the bone in the values of the variables. The regression coeffi-
joint, since the ligaments will be stretched dif- cients, therefore, become more stable, that is to
ferent amounts in different positions. We assumed say, they have a smaller mean-squared-error. The
that the resisting torque and, therefore the applied mean-squared error is lowered at the sacrifice of a
muscular torque, vary linearly with position. The small biasing of the regression coefficients from
angular humeral rotation position measurement their "true" values.
can be accomplished with the use of a goniometer Principal components regression treats the sin-
applied to the end of the amputee's stump. The gularity problem by removing the source of the
goniometer moves with very little resisting torque singularity. The procedure to do this is straightfor-
so that the motion of the soft tissues can turn it ward. First, the EMG vectors are rotated by the
Enough rotation transmits out through the soft eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. These
tissues, if the stump is long and the tissues are not rotated EMG vectors are ranked according to their
too loose, to allow a torque estimate. eigenvalues from largest to smallest The smallest
eigenvalues represent the more singular data and
Data Analysis are eliminated. The eigenvectors representing the
The simultaneous joint torque and muscle EMG highest eigenvalues are called the principal com-
relationship is estimated via a multivariant regres- ponents. The regression is then performed
sion. Since the muscle actions are redundant, the between the remaining rotated EMG vectors and
corresponding EMG signals can be highly corre- the torque vectors. The resulting regression coef-
lated. This leads to an instability when ordinary ficients are then rotated back to the original space
least squares regression is used to calculate the by their eigenvectors. Thus, the singularity is
equation coefficients. In order to circumvent this reduced at a small sacrifice of some lost informa-
problem, two other regression techniques have tion (some of the EMG data is thrown away).
been investigated, specifically ridge regression and
principal components regression (Meek et al., 1984). 22.5.3 Results of the Empirical VMG
The complete details of the regression analysis Experiments
will not be presented here. However, a cursory ex- The correlation between the actual measured
planation is helpful. If we partition the VMG torques and the VMG estimated torques are typi-
equation as: cally in the range of 0.90 to 0.96. Correlations as
high as .98 have been achieved (Meek, 1982).
M = [G:Nj [-f--] (22.17) Figure 22.10 shows the results of a typical 5 de-
grees of freedom VMG experiment performed on
then the least squares formulation results in: an amputee.
Notice that the humeral torques are fairly ac-
curate. The humeral rotation estimate is showing
(22.18) the effects of the nonlinearity between the EMG's
and the position (what is actually recorded).
The covariance matrix, E E T , is of interest for In general, the clavicular torques are not es-
investigating the correlation problem. If there is a timated as well as the humeral torques. This is due
high correlation between the independent vari- to several reasons: 1) the muscles providing
ables, the EMG's, then this matrix tends to be clavicular flexion are difficult to access with sur-
singular, causing unstable regression coefficients. face EMG electrodes; and 2) it is difficult to apply
Ridge regression (Marquart, 1975) and principal torques to the clavicle. The techniques and results
components regression (Massy, 1965) are two are, however, quite adequate for arm control in the
methods to reduce the singularity of the laboratory setting.
covariance matrix.
Ridge regression reduces the singularity of the 22.5.4 Arm Control With VMG Estimates
covariance matrix by adding a small constant The purpose of the VMG is to estimate the
value to the diagonal terms of the matrix. This in- natural joint torques, which become the inputs to
creases the determinant of the matrix, making the the Postulate-based multiple degree-of-freedom ar-
inverted matrix, and therefore the regression coef- tificial arm controller. The ultimate criterion of
22. Meek et al.; Models Aiding EMG Control of Upper-Extremity Prostheses 375

22.6 Conclusions
Dep.t .. ~~
ion ~ We have found from our experiences with
Cla.,CII'" ~.. . . . ....>c:;;;J... .....10...,. multi-degree-of-freedom arm control experiments,
EI<..1ion lOPes
and from our fitting of over 500 Utah Arms [from
lomed, Inc., UT] outside the laboratory environ-
ment, that the major impediments to
improvements in prosthetic arms are better com-
mand signals (EMG signal processing) and better
electro-mechanical hardware (lighter, stronger,
more reliable, more efficient). In this sense,
biomechanical modelling does not help us design
better, cheaper, stronger, or more rugged artificial

arms. However, such modelling does help us in
the basic understanding of human limb motion.
Specifically, better kinematic and anatomic

v- ~
H""",noJ models could help in the design of better harness-
ing systems for artificial arms, while generally,

. ~
.' •.•..••.. ' . lime 10 ""'. anatomical and muscle modelling would be help-
12 Pes
ful in the area of ergonomics and safety, sports
and exercise biomechanics, and surgical or-
Hum<noJ thopedics.
Hum<r:al Primary support for this work came from the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences,
Grant S-ROI-GM23499-0S and in part by Air
Force contract, F3361S-83-D-0603.
Figure 22.10: Comparison of the measured and VMG-
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Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks:

Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Gunnar B. J. Andersson and Jack M. Winters

23.1 Introduction
coordinated, smooth, "easy" fashion. This holds
The major issues of interest in Section IV can
whether the task is performed slowly or quickly,
be illuminated by considering a simple, everyday
and in our example involves the whole body. It
task: picking up an object (say of medium-weight)
also usually involves the vestibular system, which
off the floor and placing it in a new location (say
essentially measures head orientation and rotation.
at a specific spot on a tabletop). Of note is that
This chapter starts with a brief summary of the
robots have a surprisingly difficult time perform-
classes of models that are used to study posture.
ing such "simple" tasks. Let's assume that our
The rest of the chapter is then organized along the
goal is quite practical: to successfully complete
lines of these four basic issues. We have two in-
this task without undue effort. One fundamental
terrelated goals. First, we seek to provide a
issue is related to tissue loading: clearly high loads
synopsis of our current understanding of the role
in various passive and muscular tissues are un-
of muscles in posture and balance within the con-
desirable. Since tissue loading is likely to be a
text of a global view of tissue loading, balance,
function of how the task is completed, this con-
posture and orientation. Second, we attempt to
cern may influence movement strategy. Another
synthesize how the chapters within Section IV ad-
fundamental consideration in completing this task
dress these basic practical and conceptual issues.
is to not have any part of the body buckle or the
Our emphasis will be on addressing postural ad-
whole body fall: local mechanical stability (e.g. of
justment, balance, and head/visual orientation
the spine) and overall dynamic stability (i.e. "good
during movement tasks of interest within daily
balance") must be satisfied. Furthermore, some
margin of safety is desired, first because of in-
herent neural and mechanical "noise" and second 23.2 Mathematical Modeling Foundations
in anticipation of the unforeseen (e.g., the object Because of the biomechanical complexity of
weight is different than expected). It turns out that the torso and of whole-body musculoskeletal sys-
minimizing tissue loading and maintaining tems in general, mathematical modeling becomes
stability are sometimes competing criteria. A third a integral part of the process of gaining improved
consideration involves visual tracking of: i) the ob- understanding. Biomechanical models provide
ject; ii) perhaps one's hands as they reach for the predictions which can be compared to the limited
object; iii) the path the object must pass, to avoid experimental variables that usually can be ob-
any obstacles; and iv) the new location at which tained, such as EMG measurement of some
the object is to be placed. This involves eye, head strategic subset of muscles, movement kinematics
and perhaps torso movements, and needs to be (typically as estimated from markers coupled to
done with fairly minimal effort. A fourth issue, re- the skin at strategic landmarks), perhaps loading at
lated to the others (especially stability and visual locations of contact with the environment (e.g.
orientation), is to perform this voluntary task in a force platforms), and/or (within certain laboratory

MUltiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New YOIX
378 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

settings) disk pressure measurements. 4. Finite element mouls. Here tissues are struc-
Mathematical modeling techniques for the study turally broken down into (usually deformable)
of human limb movements in general are reviewed elements in mechanical contact with each other
extensively in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters). The (e.g., revew by Yoganandan et al., 1987; Chapter
classes of models employed for torso and whole- 27 (Dietrick et al.). Although used in Chapter 27
body posture, however, span an even greater for a complete torso system, the primary uses for
range. No single model provides all answers. It this class of model have been to estimate tissue
turns out that each approach has its place; hence load distribution [e.g., within intervertebral disk
the reason for this brief review, designed to place (Yoganandan et al., 1987)]. Typically finite ele-
the various modeling approaches in perspective. ment models are only used to investigate quasi-
Models can be classified as follows: static load distribution. Notice that lumped-
parameter models are a (more computationally
1. "Rigill body" qUllSi-static mouls. Here a free
efficient) subset of finite element models which
body diagram cut is made, typically through the
are typically more appropriate for dynamic simula-
lumbar region, with mechanically relevant muscle
and passive tissue forces represented by vectors.
Of note is that all of these classes of models are
Typically some type of static optimization algo-
useful and will likely continue to be useful. In
rithm is used to solve the tissue redundancy
contrast to models of the upper and lower ex-
problem [e.g. Andersson et al., 1980; Schultz et
tremities, as presented elsewhere in this book, it is
al., 1983; Chapter 24 (Ladin); Chapter 25
interesting to note that quasi-static models are
(Gracovetsky)]. This class of model has been util-
most common for the torso; this is a reflection of
ized to estimate lumbar spinal loading during a
the complexity of the system.
wide variety of tasks and condition, with emphasis
on ergonomic considerations (e.g. Chaffin and 23.3 Trunk Muscle Activity During
Andersson (1984» or rehabilitation (e.g. Chapters Various Tasks
24-25). The activities of the trunk muscles cannot be
2. Multi-link lumped-parameter mouls. Here measured directly in mechanical terms but have
bones are considered to be rigid bodies, ligaments been estimated indirectly, using electromyog-
and cartilage are represented by assorted spring raphy. Although the relationship between electric
and (sometimes) dashpot elements, and muscle is output of muscles and force is often nonlinear, for
represented by either a passive spring, an idealized quasi-static tasks it is monotonic. An appropriate
force generator, or a dynamic muscle model. calibration procedure, therefore, will result in
Lumped-parameter models can be further divided reasonably accurate estimates of force from EMG
into three classes: i) those emphasizing rigid body data.
dynamics [e.g., impact studies (reviewed in The relationship between torque and
Huston and Perrone, 1978; Winters, 1988)]; ii) myoelectric signal amplitude for the trunk muscles
quasi-static spring-mass models emphasizing in flexion-extension was studied by Stokes et al.
tissue loading in musculo-skeletal disease [e.g. (1987). They found a linear relationship for the
Closkey and Schultz, 1988; Ghista et al., 1988; ESM and extension moment, while a quadratic
Chapter 27 (Deitrich et al.) or principles related to regression better described the relationship of ab-
posture and stability (Bergmark, 1987; Chapters dominal muscle activity and flexion torque.
26-27); and iii) lumped parameter models com- Seroussi and Pope (1987) found linear relation-
plete with muscle dynamic properties [e.g. ships for isometric extension efforts and for the
Chapter 30 (Ramos and Stark)]. difference between the left and right erector spinae
myoelectric activity and the lateral bending mo-
3. Analytical continuum mechanics mouls. In a
ment. Vink et al. (1988) placed twelve surface
number of studies the spine has been represented
electrodes over the lumbar spine at LI, L3 and L5
as a beam (reviewed in Yoganandan et al., 1987).
levels to record myoelectric activity over the mul-
These types of models, often used to study
tifidus, longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
responses to impact, are less popular today be-
When performing isometric extension efforts
cause of the wide availability of finite element
while standing, a different relationship of force to
myoelectric activity was found for the three
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 379

muscle groups. The multifidi showed a linear and internal oblique muscles reveal slight activity
relationship, the longissimus and iliocostalis a cur- during relaxed standing, particularly of the inter-
vilinear. nal oblique muscles (Floyd and Silver, 1950).
McGill (1990) recorded muscle activities There is also slight activity in the vertebral portion
during static and dynamic twisting efforts. Peak of the psoas major muscle (Andersson et al.,
muscle activity during maximal twisting efforts 1974).
was low, compared to the maximum activity of all
trunk muscles. Although generally a monotonic
relationship occurred between torque and activity, The activity of the lumbar paraspinal muscles is
the relationship was not consistently linear or non- similar in standing and in unsupported sitting,
linear. This supports previous studies by Pope et while there is a somewhat higher level of activity
al. (1986). in the thoracic region during sitting (Floyd and
To summarize, the relationship of torque and Silver, 1950; Andersson and Ortengren, 1974;
trunk muscle myoelectric activity during quasi- Andersson et al., 1974a,b). Carlsoo (1963) re-
static tasks, while monotonic, appears to differ corded slight activity in the anterior oblique
between groups of muscles, and to be influenced muscles, but he did not investigate the rectus ab-
by the specific loading condition. Of course, as dominis and transverse muscles. His results
shown in many locations throughout this book agreed with those of Schultz et al. (1982) and
[e.g., Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)], this relation- Andersson et al. (1980), who studied several sup-
ship becomes more complicated which motion ported sitting postures. They found slight activity
occurs. As an example of relevance here, Marras in the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, even
and Mirka (1990) performed an experiment to through the posture was sagitally symmetric. This
determine the myoelectric response of the trunk suggests mild cocontraction. The iliopsoas muscle
muscles to trunk velocity, trunk position (both for- is also slightly active when a sitting posture is as-
ward bending and asymmetric angle) and trunk sumed (Andersson et al., 1974; Floyd and Silver,
force exertion level. Subjects produced constant
torque about the lumbro-sacral junction while Andersson (1986, 1987) summarized several
moving the trunk under constant velocity condi- studies of supported sitting and of work activities
tions. Significant reactions to velocity, force level in sitting postures. These studies showed that the
and unique combinations of trunk angle and myoelectric activity of the trunk muscles was in-
velocity were seen in all muscles of the trunk. fluenced by the posture of the seated subject, by
supports incorporated into the chair, and by the
23.3.1 Myoelectric Activity and Posture: specific work activities performed. The use of
Standing and Sitting backrests was particularly important, with muscle
The myoelectric activity of the trunk muscles in activity strongly influenced by the angle between
erect standing and in sitting postures has been the seat and the backrest (Andersson and
studied extensively. Much of this work has been Ortengren, 1974; Andersson et al., 1974,a,b).
reviewed previously (Andersson, 1974, 1982); Levels of activity were quite low in all trunk
Ortengren and Andersson, 1977; Hosea et al., muscles when the trunk is adequately supported
1986; Andersson et aI., 1989). by a reclining back rest (Figure 23.1.)
In studies of standing, a slight myoelectric ac-
tivity is typically observed in the paraspinal
muscles; with higher levels in the thoracic than in
the lumbar and cervical regions (Ortengren and
Andersson, 1989). Asmussen and Klaussen
(1962) found slight activity in erect standing pos-
ture in either the posterior back muscles or the 80 90 100 110 120 130
abdominal muscles, but not in both. This may BACKREST INCLINATION
result form the normal presence of postural sway. (DEGREES)
Studies of the rectus abdominis and the external Figure 23.1: The muscle activity of the lumbar erector
spinae muscles decreases as the backrest inclination in-
creases (adapted from Andersson et al., 1974).
380 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

The importance of the slope of the seat pan has 23.3.2 Myoelectric Activity in Flexed
also been studied to define optimal seating in the Postures and During Forward Flexion
office setting. Bendix et al. (1985) found no dif- Studies of flexed postures have revealed an in-
ference in activity. Soderberg et al. (1986), on the crease in the myoelectric activity of the back
other hand, recorded lower levels of activity found muscles, both when the angle of flexion is in-
with forward inclination in the lumbar as well as creased and when external loading is increased at
cervical regions of the back. Myoelectric ac- a fixed angle of flexion [Figure 23.2; Schultz et
tivities directly measured during office work as al., 1982; Andersson et al., 1977; Chapter 24
well as model calculations of trunk forces suggest (Ladin)]. In attempted flexion resisted by external
that, in general, the myoelectric signals are quite forces, on the other hand, the abdominal muscles
low and marginally influenced by table and chair are strongly active while there are only low levels
adjustments (Andersson, 1986, 1987; Andersson of activity in the lumbar part of the erector spinae
et al., 1986). muscle (Jonsson, 1970; Schultz et al., 1983, 1987;
Zetterberg et aI., 1987).
Forward flexion of the trunk is a combined
movement of the spine and pelvis. The muscles of
the trunk, pelvis and thighs combine to control the
pattern of motion. During the first portion of a
50 flexion movement, strong activity is found in the
gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the
hamstring muscles; this muscle action locks the
pelvis and prevents motion at the hip joints. As
flexion progresses, the increasing trunk moment is
a O+-_..-~_~_~_~_ balanced by a corresponding increase in back
10 20 30 40 50 oc (0) muscle activity. In the fully flexed position,
however, myoelectric activity decreases and often
ceases almost completely. Floyd and Silver
(1951; 1955) called this the flexion-relaxation
phenomenon of the back muscles and
70 hypothesized that it results from stretch reflex in-
hibition [see also discussion in Chapter 25
(Gracovetsky)]. Other possible explanations are
50 that in the fully flexed posture the trunk moment is
H resisted by passive support structures such as the
ligaments, thoraco-Iumbar fascia and facet joints
30 11 (see also Chapter 25). Certainly the stretched ex-
tensor muscles also contribute. Valencia and
10 Monroe (1985), using wire electrodes, found a
b decrease in activity in full flexion only in subjects
who reached their pre-experimental degree of
o 100 200 300 trunk flexion.
load (N) The main reason for the interest in the flexion-
relaxation phenomenon is the potentially harmful
effects of performing lifting and other work ac-
Figure 23.2: The myoelectric activity of the lumbar tivities in flexed postures. It has been postulated
back muscles. a) Activity increases linearly with the that the inactivity of muscles leave the spine un-
angle of flexion of the trunk. b) Activity increases as protected, and increase the forces inside the spine
the load held by the hands increases (measurements at because the moment arm acting on the ligaments
30" of trunk flexion). (Adapted from Andersson et aI., is shorter. Kippers and Parker (1984) determined
1977). the relationship between degree of flexion and
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 381

decrease in myoelectric acttVlty, and also dis- of activity are found on the contralateral side of
cussed a variety of possible explanations for the the lumbar region [see also Chapter 24 (Ladin)].
phenomenon. Schultz and Associates (1985) es- Muscle activity in the lumbar region is typically
timated the tissue tensions resulting from the higher in the sacrospinal than in the transver-
flexion-relaxation phenomenon. They also deter- sospinal muscles (Andersson et al., 1977).
mined that the back muscles immediately become Jonsson (1970) found the sacrospinal muscles to
electrically quite active when exertions are per- be active in lateral flexion, whereas the multifidi
formed in the fully flexed posture. muscles, which are closer to the spine, were
usually inactive. Intuitively, this observation
23.3.3 Myoelectric Activity During Extension makes sense. The abdominal muscles are active in
When raising the trunk from the flexed to the lateral flexion both ipsilaterally and con-
upright posture, the sequence of muscular activity tralaterally, with higher activity on the
is the reverse of that when bending forward. The contralateral side. Carlsoo (1961) recorded strong
gluteus maximus, along with the hamstrings, is ac- activity in the gluteus medius and the tensor fas-
tive early and initiates extension by a posterior ciae latae muscles on the ipsilateral side, which
rotation of the pelvis. The paraspinal muscles reflects the force necessary to rotate the pelvis.
then become active and then increase their activity Raftopoulos et al. (1989) studied whether the
until the upright posture is reached. Extensor flexion-silence phenomenon of back muscles this
muscle activity is typically greater when the trunk is observed in full flexion also exists in lateral
is being raised than when it is being lowered, al- flexion. A relaxation phenomenon does seem to
though in neither case is it close to its maximum. occur in the fully laterally bent trunk posture, but
The direction of the movement in relation to the only in the trunk extensor muscles. The oblique
weight forces of body segments is obviously im- abdominal muscles remain active.
portant. Concentric contractions are known to Pope and associates (1986, 1987) studied the
require more muscle force than eccentric. myoelectric activity of trunk muscles when twist-
When the trunk is extended from the upright ing was attempted, both with and without
position, myoelectric back muscle activity is prerotation of the trunk. In general, a linear
strong early on during the initial phase, but again relationship was established between force output
only after the gluteus maximum has become ac- and myoelectric activity (Figure 23.3). However,
tive. Both muscle groups are active in the position high levels of antagonistic activity were found in
of full extension, while between these two extreme both abdominal and posterior back muscles. In
postures there is only slight activity. The ab- some muscles, prerotation increased the antagonis-
dominal muscles, particularly the rectus tic activity. In both these experiments, the highest
abdominis, show increasing activity throughout activity levels were found in the erector spinae and
the extension movement. Extension of the trunk external oblique abdominal muscles. Ladin et al.
against resistance results in a marked increase in (1989; see also Chapter 24) modeled a lumbar
the activity of the muscles of the lumbar region of cross-section as a loading plane to which external
the back (Jonsson, 1970; Schultz et al., 1983, moments were applied in different combinations.
1987; Zetterberg et al., 1987). In fact, this is the This loading plane was assumed to have a horizon-
activity in which the back muscles show their tal axis to which flexion-extension moments were
maximum activity. applied, and a vertical axis for lateral bending mo-
23.3.4 Myoelectric Activity During Lateral ments. Any point in the plane was viewed as a
Flexion and Twisting loading point describing any combination of bend-
When the trunk is flexed laterally, the ing moments. Using this scheme, the myoelectric
myoelectric activity increases in the posterior back activities of lumbar trunk muscles were well
muscles on both sides of the spine. The main in- predicted for various moment applications.
crease in activity in the lumbar region is on the
side contralateral to the direction of lateral bend.
This is also the case when the trunk is loaded in
lateral flexion, where comparatively higher levels
382 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

2. 2°O"L
Bobet and Norman (1984) measured EMG ac-
tivity from the lumbar ESM when subjects carried
a backpack placed with just below the midback or
just above the shoulders. The high load placement
resulted in significantly higher levels of muscle ac-

tivity. Cook and Neumann (1987) studied the
effect of different load placement (anterior, pos-
terior, and lateral) when subjects were walking.
The lowest levels of activity occurred when carry-
ing the load in a backpack. Carrying the load

~~o", anteriorly resulted in significant increased activity

levels. Further, in this carrying mode, sig-

nificantly higher levels of activity were found for
women than for men. Side-carrying resulted in
high contralateral muscle activities. The conclu-
sion derived from these studies is that the lifting
mode is less important than load placement and

~ ~o",
lifting speed.
3.9 Myoelectric Activity During Walking
100,," 100'" A few studies report on the myoelectric activity
of the trunk muscles during walking [Thorstenson
et al., 1982; see also Chapter 33 (Winter et al.)].
Battey and Joseph (1966) recorded short periods
Figure 23.3: Average myoelectric activity versus con- of activity over the lateral part of the ESM; one at
traction level for the five muscle pairs. ESSS, the start of stancephase, a second at the end.
sacrospinai; RA, rectus abdominus; OBU, oblique in- Using indwelling electrodes Waters and Morris
temus; ESTR, transversospinai; OBLE, oblique (1972), on the other hand, report multifidus ac-
extemus. (Adapted from Pope et al., 1986.)
tivity of heelstrike and ESM activity at the time of
contralateral heelstrike. More recently, Dotterhof
23.3.5 Myoelectric Activity During Lifting and Vink (1985) confmned those findings, record-
Because of the common occurrence of low ing short bursts of activity just before left and
back strain with lifting, this topic has been of par- right heelstrike over both the multifidus and
ticular interest. The back muscles, the muscles of iliocostalis lumborum muscles. They also found
the buttocks, and the hamstring muscles are all that load carrying altered the pattern of activity
myoelectrically active during a lift. The ab- corresponding to the external moment resulting
dominal muscles are also active, but to a lesser from load and its location.
degree. The levels of activity in these various There are a number of possible explanations for
muscles are directly related to the external mo- the observed lumbar muscle activity. Perhaps the
ment and are, therefore, influenced by the weight posterior back muscles are responding to a flexion
lifted, the body posture, the location of the mass moment occurring when the lower part of the body
center of the weight and the speed of the lift at heelstrike is decelerated. The theory of the
(Andersson et al., 1976, 1980; Schultz et al., 1982; "spinal engine" (Gracovetsky, 1988), presented
McGill and Norman, 1986; Gracovetsky, 1988). within Chapter 25 (Gracovetsky), provides another
At a practical level the question of whether the possible explanation. Here it is suggested that the
spine should be flexed or straight during the lift spinal musculature, along with the unique spinal
has been addressed using EMG measurements. linkage, plays an integral role in the production of
Generally, in these studies, activity of the back gait. In Chapter 33 (Winter et al.) posterior back
muscles is similar in a leg lift (spine held straight) muscle activity is implicated as being important
and a back life (spine flexed) or, sometimes, is for maintenance of whole body stability and in
greater in the back lift. miniming horizontal and vertical fluctuations of
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 383

I~g j J3

~ r---l
~ r. ' r Ll
a b c d e

Figure 23.4: Inverted pendulum models of springs. Muscle activation (a; 0 " a " 1) is as-
stability. a) classical whole-body view. The cen- sumed to scale the stiffness of both the CE tension-
ter of mass must reside within the base of support. length (= a ktl) and series elastic (= a kse ) springs,
If not, the body will have a tendency to fall. plus shift the offset ("slack" length) of the muscle
Dynamic stability can be maintained if the base of (shown conceptually by shifting "lock" at base).
support can change before it's too late. b) e) Multi-link inverted pendulum, which requires
Stability of an elastic column under load (see spring-like muscle-reflex actuators (not shown) to
text). c) Elastic beam with an eccentric load. d) maintain stability.
Inverted pendulum controlled by muscle-like

the head (and thus of the vestibular and visual stability is: i) proportional to the base of support;
systems). We now consider issues related to pos- ii) related to the horizontal distance between the
tural stability. center of gravity and the edge of support; iii) in-
versely related to the height of the center of
gravity relative to the base of support; and iv)
22.4 The Problem of Postural Stability proportional to the weight of the body (true for
It is interesting that the basic approach of the rigid body systems that "tip" but, as shown below,
previous section, which emphasizes the concept of not true in general). Implicit in the above state-
muscles as force generators, does not explictly ad- ments is the assumption of no moment between
dress the issue of stability. Rather, a kinematic the foot and the ground. Stabilometry, the
configuration of interest is assumed to already be measurement and recording via force platforms of
stable. Since analyses proceed from experimen- the continuous oscillation of the body center of
tally documented initial kinematics, this represents mass, helps document this level of relative
a logical approach. Stability, however, is a real stability (l'erekhov, 1976).
issue, and furthermore an important one. For human movements what really matters is
Whole Body Slllbility, Given Base of Support. dynamic stability. During tasks such as gait, cer-
The standing person can be thought of as an in- tain inherently "unstable" periods of time are not
verted pendulum structure (Gurfinkel and Osovets, only tolerated but also desired since they are part
1972). Statically, for a given orientation of the of the process of propulsion [Chapter 33 (Winter
whole body to be stable, the center of mass must et al.)]. However, to maintain dynamic stability
be located within the base of support at the feet either the base of support must change (Le. step to
(see Figure 23.4a). With regards to stability, typi- new position) or there must be appropriate
cally a margin of safety is desired. Hayes (1982), dynamic modulation between body parts (e.g., the
summarizing conventional thought regarding child with arms out while walking on balance
whole body stability, states that the degree of beam).
384 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Stability Within the Body. For individual parts Interestly, Chapters 26-33 explicity address the
of the body, if the superior aspect is not within a issue of stability.
base of support (e.g. upper body center of mass an- Basic Mechanical Principles and the Spine.
terior to the spinal column or the head anterior to An appropriate starting point is to consider
the neck), appropriate moments necessary to mechanical energy conservation [Chapter 9
balance this eccentric loading must exist (Hogan), Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi);
However, such conditions are necessary but not Chapter 32 (Ong et al.)]. Connective tissues such
suffICient [Bergmark, 1987; Chapter 9 (Hogan); as ligaments store potential energy when
Chapter 26 (Crisco and Pajabi)]. In addition, a stretched. The energy stored is the area under the
stable static equilibrium requires that, in the event load-extension curve. A system of connective
of a perturbation (e.g. "noise"), the body will tissue, such as the spinal column, may be though
return back to eqUilibrium. Further complicating of as a rotational (torsional) spring which stores
the situation is the fact that for musculoskeletal potential energy. If a loaded spring is released,
systems, which are inherently nonlinear, stability the stored energy may be transferred to, say, a
may depend on the size of the perturbation. mass. Masses can store potential energy by virtue
Such issues are difficult to grasp when employ- of their height and kinetic energy by virtue of their
ing inverse (position to force) mechanical analyses speed of movement.
[(although see Chapter 33 (Winter et al.)], and re- To help establish fundamental principles as re-
quire either a different analytical model or a lated to system stability, let's consider a few
forward (direct) dynamic simulation [see Chapter simple examples. As a first example, consider the
8 (Zajac and Winters) for discussion]. Bergmark simple elastic column of Figure 23.4b. For such
(1987) in particular has recently shown that elastic columns, a crucial concern is buckling.
stability is a major issue that can influence predic- The force causing bucking failure in such an ideal-
tions of mechanical loads, etc. In Chapter 9 ized linear elastic column is (e.g. Shigley, 1977):
(Hogan) it is shown that an inititally stable system
may become unstable when in contact with the en- n2EI n2EA
vironment (e.g. picking on an object of significant Fer =n [;2 =n (LI c) 2 = n n2c(cIL)Ka (23.1)
mass). This is referred to as contact instability
and remains one of the biggest challenges within where Fer is the critical (peak) load, n is a constant
robotics and prosthetics [see also Chapter 11 that depends on the boundary conditions [e.g., 1/4
(Hogan and Winters)]. It also turns out that for if bottom is fixed and top is free (most useful case,
stable equilibrium the neuromusculoskeletal sys- shown in Figure 23.4b) and 2 if one end fixed, the
tem must possess the attributes of springs, and that other pin-jointed], E is Young's modulus, I is the
for stability the springs need to exceed a certain area moment of inertia, A is the cross-sectional
critical stiffness. The passive, relaxed person is area, c is the radius of gyration, (Llc) is called the
inherently instable at many levels - when slenderness ratio, and Ka is the axial stiffness
someone faints, the head falls if the shoulders are (EAIL). Although overly simplistic, it provides a
supported, the torso falls if the body is supported conceptual foundation: elastic beams which are
at the pelvis, and the whole body falls if the per- long, thin, flexible and free at one end are more
son is freely standing. Certainly the central likely to be inherently unstable. Other relations
nervous system is partly responsible for this be- exist for the more common case of eccentric load-
havior, but the primary mode of its influence can ing shown in Figure 23.4c, but these are more
be considered to be adjusting muscle "spring-like" complex and add little to our conceptual founda-
behavior [Chapter 9 (Hogan), Chapter 26 (Crisco tion. Of note is that a nominally curved beam
and Panjabi)]. with a convavity as shown by the dashed line in
The functioning neuromusculoskeletal system Figure 23.4c is more likely to be stable along its
handles stability so remarkably well that it is hard length; interestingly, both the cervical and lumbar
sometimes to even identify it as a problem. spines normally have lordotic curves which, rela-
Perhaps this helps explain why it has been ad- tive to the typical anteriorly-placed eccentric
dressed so rarely in movement and occupational loads, are in the direction as shown in the Figure.
biomechanics [Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi)]. Passive stiffness values have been fairly well
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 385

documented for various levels of the spine or, noting that torsional stiffness is related to trans-
(reviewed in Ashton-Miller and Schultz, 1988). lational stiffness, to a first approximation, by Ki =
There are six components: compression, anterior- r.I 2k.,I for stable equilibrium we have:
posterior shear, lateral shear, bending in flexion-
extension, lateral bending, and torsion. Because K1 + K2 + K. = Keq > mgh .. Kent (23.6)
of the structural arrangement of spinal units
Thus, the passive system is stable if the torsional
stacked in series, extensions add and the overall
stiffness is higher than some critical value that
stiffness for a given mode is less than the lowest
depends on the mass and the height of the column.
individual component:
For more detailed analyses see Bergmark (1987,
1 1989). This simplistic analysis shows also that
K = -,:::---- (23.2)
stability is more of a challenge for inverted pen-
eq ~ (11 K.)
i I
dulum systems. Notice that for static equilibrium
As can be seen from the review by Ashton-Miller any moment due to the antagonist would subtract
and Schultz (1988), it turns out that stiffness is from the agonist moment, while for stability, the
least (compliance is highest) in the cervical spine antagonist and agonist stiffnesses add. Since the
for all modes of bending, with the CJ-C2 primarily stiffness increases with activation, stiffness and
responsible for torsional rotation, the range of thus system stability can be modulated via co-
flexion-extension relatively uniform along the cer- contraction.
vical column, and lateral bending most significant Considering posture, three possible systems are
in the rnid- and lower-cervical column. Also, the immediately evident: head-neck; torso-back, and
thoracic spine is reasonably compliant in torsion body-ankles. Taking crude estimates of masses
while the lumbar spine capable of considerable and heights, we estimate that critical bending stiff-
flexion and to a lesser extent extension and lateral ness values are on the order of:
K cr. neek - 10 N-m/rad
Let us now consider a second conceptual view
for assessing system stability which emphasizes K cr_1ow back - 100 N-m/rad; (23.7)
the effects of tissues such as muscle (see Figure
23.4d). The potential energy of a single-joint sys- Kcr-ankle - 250 N-m/rad (per ankle)
tem with 2 linear springs (k1 and k2 ) is (Bergmark,
1987): where here we have assumed an idealized joint at
the base of the segment of interest and the height
aV ={ 61 F 1 + 62 F2 - 6mg}+ to be that from the base to the center of mass. The
ankle value comes from Bergmark (1987). Of in-
1 1 2 1 2
{ "2kl 6/ + "2k2 62 + "2k<l> 6<1> } (23.3) terest is that passive stiffnesses are much lower
than these values. Now let's consider the order of
= aV1 + aV2 magnitude of the extensor moments, assumed due
to muscle activity, that are necessary to maintain
where we have assumed that for small angular per- static equilibrium (M = m g r):
turbations from equilibrium 6<1> '" sin(<I» and cos(<I»
= 1.0. For equilibrium, oav/oa<l> = 0 for a<l> = 0, Mneck - 4 N-m; M 10w back - 40 M-m;
and assuming 6i = <I> r i , we have: (23.8)
Mankle - 17 N-m (per ankle)
These values are approximately 15%, 25% and
where the sign of the moment arms r.I would differ 10% of the maximum possible moments via
if the springs were antagonistic. For stable equi- isometric muscle contraction. To maintain a
librium the potential energy must grow as we are stable equilibrium, not only must the muscle tissue
displaced from equilibrium [see also Chapter 26 provide the moment necessary to balance the sys-
(Crisco and Panjabi], and thus: tem but at the same time must provide appropriate
stiffness. As described in Chapter 5 (Winters) and
(23.5) shown in Figure 23.4e, it turns out that muscle dis-
386 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

plays a few different types of mechanical stiffness, velocity.

one related to the series elastic (SE) component (a The above analysis, although illuminating with
"transient, or "dynamic" stiffness) and one related regards to capturing the essense of stability, is
to static stiffness [contractile element (CE) clearly an oversimplification. The simplest realis-
tension-length curve]. Furthermore, because of tic model for addressing biomechanical stability is
"tonic" reflex activity the neuromuscular unit can that shown in Figure 22.4f. This addition of a
be thought of a possessing a "reflex" stiffness second joint has a number of important implica-
[Chapter 12 (Feldman et al.); Chapter 13 (WU et tions. First, in allows one to address relative
al.); Chapter 35 (McMahon)]. It also turns out stiffness variation between different links.
that the muscle series element (transient) stiffness Second, it allows one to consider dynamic interac-
and CE tension-length are, to first approximations, tion between links, which as many chapters within
directly proportional to force: this book point out, is of great importance. Third,
allows to system to become unstable by either of
ki = zi(FIF..,,) or Ki = zl (MIM..,,) (23.9) the classic two possibilities: "collapsing" as out-
lined initially by the Euler beam analogy and
where z is a constant, F is muscle force, M is the "tipping". Finally, it allows issues such as
corresponding moment, and the subscript i is an separate roles for uni- and multiarticular muscles
index. Based on the dimensionless constitutive to be explicitly addressed [Chapter 26 (Crisco and
equations presented in Chapter 5 (Winters), and Panjabi)]. Chapters 27-34 all address stability
assuming a maximal muscle stress 0.4 MPa, a concerns from within the context of either concep-
peak series element extension of 4%, and a CE tual (Chapters 29, 31, 33, 34) or mathematical
tension-length slope of 20% of (JIIIIJ% for a 10% (Chapters 27, 28, 30, 32, 34) with two or more
change in muscle fiber length over the nominal joints.
operating range (perhaps high), we have:
Posture and Stability: a Synthesis of the
Contributions Within Part lV.
In Chapter 26 Crisco and Panjabi open by
developing the concepts of clinical and mechani-
where Am is the physiological cross-sectional area,
cal stability, especially as it applies to the spine.
L mt is the length of the musculotendinous unit and r
They then address fundamental issues related to
is the idealized moment arm.
uniarticular versus multiarticular skeletal muscles.
Based on these crude assumptions, the es-
One observation was that any vertebrae devoid of
timated stiffnesses that would occur as a
musculature are inherently unstable, irrespective
byproduct of obtaining the required moments are
of the muscular architecture. Of special impor-
on the order of:
tance was the fmding that longer, multiarticular
KIlI!.neck ~ 50 N-m/rad; Ktl _neck ~ 10 N-m/rad muscles are advantageous in terms of system
stability, with the efficiency increasing with the
Kse-lowbock ~300N-m/rad; K tl-lowbocJe ~ 6ON-m/rad number of vertebrae spanned. Such insights have
(23.11) far-reaching consequences, in particular as related
Kse_onkle ~ 400 N-m/rad; K tl-ank1e ~ 80 N-m/rad to traditional thought which often regards the deep
internal muscles as "stabilizers" and the larger su-
Interestingly, the series stiffnesses are higher than
perficial muscles as "prime movers". Their
the estimated "critical" values for stable equi-
observations can be made even more conclusive
librium, yet the CE stiffnesses may be lower. Due
by realizing that, given a certain moment arm r,
to the series arrangement, as in Eq. 23.2 the
the moment scales linearly with force (M = r F)
"equivalent" stiffness is lower that the lower
while the torsional stiffness scales with the square
value; thus, some cocontraction and/or reflex en-
of r (K = ,fl k). Thus, since larger superficial
hancement of stiffness may be necessary to
muscles have larger moment arms, such muscles
maintain stability. Assisting stability is the fact
are especially appropriate for efficient stiffness
that the slope of the CE force-velocity relation,
modulation. Crisco and Panjabi also point out that
which serves as a "soft ground" for the series ele-
while antagonistic muscle coactivation is, at least
ment, is high (i.e. quite viscous) near zero
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 387

for some tasks, a normal physiological et al., 1974). Another interesting finding was the
phenomenon, most past modeling efforts do not documentation of "release and hold" mechanisms
predict such coactivation and in fact stability con- for certain ranges of head movement: head exten-
siderations have traditionally not entered into the sor activity can control head flexion movements
method of solution. and, for upward head extension positions, the ster-
Finally, Figure 26.5 brings out an important noceidomastoids can play a major role in
consequence of nonlinear systems such as the controlling head extension. Such findings show
spinal column - the concept of multiple equi- that for multi-articular inverse pendulum systems,
librium positions. In particular, the nonlinear, the distinction between "agonist" and "antagonist"
concave upward force-extension curve of soft con- depends on the operating range.
nective tissues allow the passive stiffness to Starting with Chapter 29, the emphasis shifts to
increase with extension. With disruption of one postural stability as related to the whole body.
tissue, relative vertebra rotation or translation will Chapter 29 (Keshner and Allum) considers whole-
occur until resisted some other tissue(s). Because body stability from the perspective of
of the lack of normal load-sharing, this secondary documenting neuromuscular responses to rota-
tissue is likely to be extended more than normal, tional or translational perturbations at the foot.
and thus in its high-stiffness operating. Their work represents an extension of the classical
Consequently, in the absence of severe injury, the studies by Nashner and colleagues (e.g., Nashner,
injured spinal column will tend to find a secondary 1976) which had emphasized the role of ankle
(yet nonideal) eqUilibrium rather than completely muscles in system stability. Of special interest are
collapsing. Thus, from purely a stability perspec- relative timing between muscular response at
tive, nonlinear, concave-upward force-extension various levels such as the ankle, hips and neck,
behavior is highly desirable. This has implications which is shown to be a function of the direction
toward conditions such as scoliosis, which is ad- and type of perturbation. Such data helps docu-
dressed from a biomechanical perspective in ment and catalog the growing body of knowledge
Chapter 27 (Dietrich et al.). regarding neuromuscular responses, and in par-
In contrast to (yet complimentary with) the ap- ticular relations between simple reflex loops,
proach of Chapter 26, Chapter 27 utilizes a triggered responses, and voluntary responses.
considerably more complex model and explores Could these responses be predicted based purely
relations between stability, mild muscle im- on mechanical principles, as applied to a multi-
balances, and idopathic scoliosis. Using a static link inverted pendulum? Simulation studies
optimization criterion related to the minimum of appear to be necessary to address such issues.
elastic energy to distribute forces, they show that Simulations of experimental data, using two-
with even small muscle asymmetry, the spine can joint inverted pendulum models of the body, are
become inherently unstable, especially in lateral presented in Chapter 31 (Ramos and Stark). Here,
bending. Both small local instabilities and gross however, what is of interest are "anticipatory" pos-
curve changes can be predicted, with the form of tural adjustments (APA) made before or during
the curvature a function of the extemalloading. rapid voluntary movements [Chapter 30 (Bouisset
In Chapter 28 (Winters and Peles) it is seen that and Zatarra)]. Such activity, first documented by
models which include only the 10 major superfi- Belenkii et al (1967), have turned out to be a
cial muscles of the neck region tend to, ironically, general phenomena (Cordo and Nashner, 1982;
be inadequate at maintaining upright postures of Chapter 30). Are such adjustments solely related
certain orientation. Small suboccipital muscles, at to inverted pendulum mechanics? Is selective
minimum, appear essential for maintenance stable cocontraction a major mode of modulation?
head orientation. Additionally, because of the Might the primary reason for such adjustments be
natural lordotic curve, it was found that contrac- to "set" the system for neurosensory collection?
tion of the large posterior muscles crossing the Such issues are addressed in these chapters.
cervical spine creates a tendency toward buckling Insight is facilitated by measuring link accelera-
of the spine; perhaps this is one reason why tions as well as collecting the usual EMG and force
muscles such as the longus colli have been found platform data. It is shown that APA are
to be active during a variety of movements (Vitti preprogrammed movements that are part of the
388 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

motor program and serve to counterbalance an- hip extensor muscles are primarily responsible for
ticipated perturbation to balance. It is also sagittal plane stability (see also Cappozzo, 1983),
emphasized that the APA are sensitive to the initial while the primary determinant of frontal plane
body configuration and to the dynamic asym- stability is medio-Iateral foot placement, which in
metric of the task. Simulation insights in Chapter turn is controlled primarily by hip abductor ac-
31 suggest that there are multiple reasons for an- tivity.
ticipatory postural adjustments, with the relative Chapters 29 and 33 emphasize the importance
importance of these possibilities being a function of the vestibular system in the maintenance of
of the type of task. In particular, for tasks involv- balance during gait and other tasks. From a
ing dynamic arm movements, neuromotor PQlses neuromotor control perspective, two points seem
of moderate magnitude appear sufficient; especially appropriate: i) great effort is made to
cocontraction also appears to be useful. For mimimize head movement oscillations, thus
dynamic movements involving the torso as well, facilitating high quality signals for sensors
inertial dynamics are of greater relative impor- measuring head and eye movement; and ii) the
tance, and stability requires well-timed control vestibular system is ideally situated for control of
pulses to strategic muscles. Finally, it is shown stability and balance, being situated within the top
that the appropriate postural responses may link of inverted pendulum structure and in tight
change as the task progresses. proximity to the brain.
Chapter 32 (Ong et al.) also considers volun- Another important point raised in Chapter 33 is
tary tasks, and in particular the task of sitting on a the concept that variability in the gait cycle can be
chair. Their analysis of this task involves forward related to unique patterns designed to solve
dynamics simulation, complete with analytical stability patterns, as opposed to "noise" around a
methods for guaranteeing stability and minimizing single strategy. This concept is expanded in
performance errors. Although correlation between Chapter 34 (Pedotti and Crenna), where it is
experiment and simulation was only moderate, pointed out via numerous examples that for nor-
perhaps due to extensive linearization, this study mal, self-paced whole-body movement tasks,
provides an indication of the type of path that fur- multiple, distinct, strategies are the rule rather than
ther numerical studies involving dynamic stability the exception. Thus, one must be careful to distin-
will likely take. Of special interest is their guish between "noise" and variability in task
development of a Lyapunov function for stability strategy and execution; both EMG patterns and
analysis which is based on energy considerations. movement kinematics may be affected.
Also of interest was the prediction of cocontrac- Tradeoffs Between Stability and Movement.
tion and the need to divide certain task into Based on the above analyses, it might be assumed
constrained and unconstrained regions - clearly that, because of stability concerns, a "stiff' system
the contact between the chair and the body affects
is always better. This is not true. In particular,
stability. It is confirmed that there are certain one of the primary functions of the spinal column,
critical feedback and stiffness values for certain and especially the cervical and lumbar regions, is
tasks that are necessary to maintain stability
to rotate. To do so, a compliant spine is desirable
throughout the task. for many tasks, including that described at the
A fascinating aspect of human movement is the
beginning of this chapter. A healthy spine is quite
of maintenance of dynamic stability during tasks mobile, and in fact range of motion is one measure
such as walking. In fact, the primary control-
of health. Furthermore, muscle activity comes at
related problems with FNS walking systems is not metabolic cost. Even more importantly, muscle
producing the basic sagittal-plane gait-producing cocontraction causes high tissue loads, especially
muscle patterns but rather maintaining stability! in axial compression of disk tissue. Thus, muscle
As pointed out in Chapter 33 (Winter et al.), activity should be used selectively. Our point,
during the 80% of the gait cycle in which only one however, is that determination of appropriate
foot is on the ground, the system is dynamically muscle activity requires more than just an assess-
unstable. This very instability helps facilitate for- ment of static or dynamic equilibrium; stability
ward propulsion. Chapter 33 provides insights needs to also be addressed. Whether or not the
into how stability is maintained. In particular, the results of past optimization studies, especially in-
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 389

volving the lower back, would have been ing ongoing head rotation); and iv) vergence
influenced by stability concerns remains an open (where the eyes move in opposite directions so as
question. to provide depth perception). These movements
have long fascinated bioengineers, with many
22.4 Posture, Sensors, and Movement
groups investigating how such eye movements in-
In the above discussion emphasized
teract with each other (e.g., Young and Stark,
biomechanical aspects of postural stability, with
1963; Winters et al. Stark, 1984) and with move-
only modeate discussion of the crucial role of sen-
ments of the head (Berthoz, 1985; Guitton, 1988)
sory feedback. Important modes of sensory
and hand (e.g., Prablanc et al., 1979). It is known,
infonnation include proprioceptive, vestibular, and
for instance, that there is tight coupling between
visual. For appropriate postural control, these
voluntary eye and head movements, both in terms
separate modes of information must be integrated
of static orientation (Andre-Deshays et al., 1988;
together. Sensory information may play many
Roucoux and Crommelinck, 1988) and dynamic
roles in movement regulation, including: i) aiding
movement (e.g., reviewed in Guitton, 1988).
task planning; ii) helping provide initial conditions
Of special interest here is the strong relation-
for "motor programs"; iii) initiating "triggered
ship between vision and standing posture.
responses", iv) serving as part of traditional real-
Postural sway is well known to increase when the
time feedback loops; and v) providing information
eyes are closed, and furthermore a moving visual
that may be used "off line" to assist neuralleam-
surround is known to cause changes in the body
ing structures involved in future applications of
pitch (Soetching and Berthoz, 1978; Berthoz,
the task.
1979). In addition to such automatic, subcon-
Proprioceptive information may come from
scious coupling, visual orientation is crucial for
throughout the body. However, there are certain
the successful completion of most movement
regions that appear to have special relevance with
tasks, including that which was described in the
regards to postural regulation. For instance, neck
opening paragraph of this chapter.
muscles have a massive supply of sensory recep-
Of note is that sensors not only affect perfor-
tors (Richmond, 1988), and furthermore have well-
mance but can also be the driving force behind a
documented neural connections to the vestibular
postural adjustment. For instance, a postural ad-
and occulomotor systems. Vestibular receptors es-
justment may occur simply to obtain a proper
sentially measure the orientation and movement of
orientation for effective vision. Such adjustments
the head in space. Vision provides geometric in-
m~y involve the eyes alone, the eyes and the head,
fonnation regarding the relative spatial location of
or In some cases the entire body. Within the work
objects in the environment and of parts of the
environment, considerable time may be spent sit-
body, as seen by the eyes. Extensive visual infor-
ting with a given body orientation, for example
mation processing only occurs within a narrow
viewing a video terminal and typing at a keyboard.
range of approximately 2° of arc at the fovea.
Thus, we see that body orientation and posture are
This primary direction of view is termed the gaze.
often intricately linked.
The orientation of gaze with respect to some world
reference frame is 22.5 PosturelMovement Strategies:
What is Being Optimized?
Most movements are performed with some
where the three terms on the right are the eye sense of purpose in mind. This may be as simple
orientation with respect to the head, the head with as to stand without falling, to pick up an object, or
respect to the torso, and the torso with respect to to set one's gaze on a certain object of interest. As
the world frame, respectively. It turns out that such movement is goal-directed. Biocybemetic
there are only a few stereotyped classes of normal principles suggest that goal-directed systems
eye movements: i) saccades (very fast movements, should move toward optimized solutions. As out-
completed within 20-60 ms); ii) smooth pursuit lined in Chapter 34 (Pedotti and Crenna), there are
(moderate- and low-speed movements which track typically many ways to complete a task. One con-
moving targets); iii) the vestibulo-ocular reflex ~ideration is kinematic redundancy - for instance,
(VOR, where the eyes move in a direction oppos- In the absence of explicit instructions, different
390 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

people will use different kinematic patterns to pick defines the boundary between whether or not a
up the same object. Another level of redundancy, given muscle will be active, can also be identified
repeatedly addressed throughout this book, in- and utilized. Comparison to EMG records sug-
volves muscle fOICe distribution. Also entering gests that this optimization approach is reasonably
into the picture are measures such as "effort" and effective. However, as would be expected,
"fatigue", each of which has multiple levels (e.g., cocontraction is never predicted. Our previous
mental and muscular). All of these considerations, stability analysis suggested that cocontraction may
and undoubtedly many others, influence how the at times be necessary. Does it occur? To some
task described at the beginning of this chapter is extent. For instance, the correlation between
executed. Given all these possibilities, how does model results and EMG is better for contralateral
one choose between the available options? muscles (primary agonists for this inverted pen-
The goal of this section is to address this topic dulum system) than ipsilateral muscles (muscles
from within the framework of mathematically- potentially cocontracting).
based optimization, with special reference to tasks In Chapter 25 (Gracovetsky) a two-stage op-
involving the torso. Although each postural task timization strategy is employed. First, a static
differs, there do seem to be certain salient features optimization criterion is used which minimizes a
that cross between tasks which can be emphasized, linear combination of muscle stresses, spinal com-
and whcih distinguish these tasks from those con- pression, and spinal shear, summed across five
sidered in other parts of the book. lumbar joints. These tend to be complimentary (as
As discussed in detail in Chapter 8 (Zajac and opposed to competing) subcriteria. Next, an itera-
Winters), there are two fundamental classes of op- tion scheme is used to minimize the distribution of
timization investigation: "static" and "dynamic". load variation along the column while allowing
The former tends to be the approach of choice for mild kinematic changes.
postural biomechanical studies that involve the Chapter 27 (Deitrich et al.) employ a lumped
torso. Typically a certain posture is assumed and parameter model and utilize a criterion related to
the magnitudes of the muscle forces crossing the the stored energy across the muscle springs. This
region of interest are to be determined. A com- criterion predicted that muscles capable of large
mon approach for the lumbar spine region has torques (with moments arms) are most active;
been to assume that tissue stress should in some smaller muscles join in for larger loads when
sense be minimized. This may involve muscle reasonable constraints are placed on larger
stresses, axial compressive stressses, or shear muscles. Of interest is the comment within this
stresses [see also the appendix of Chapter 25 chapter that, for "reasonable" perfonnance criteria,
(Gracovetsky)]. Minimization of such criteria the optimal solutions are relatively insensitive to
result in low tissue stresses, which seems to be an the form of the criterion. This may be true in part
appropriate strategy for minimizing injury. but must be applied with caution.
Furthennore, the muscle stress, raised to a power In Chapter 28 (Winters and Peles) a "forward
of, say, 2 or 3, has been correlated to minimization static" analysis is employed, i.e. the task is quasi-
of muscle fatigue (Crowninshield and Brand, static but the inputs to the system are muscle
1981; Dul et al., 1985). forces and the outputs are changes in the
A simple, computationally efficient variation of kinematic configuration. Chapter 27 may also
the muscle stress criterion, used in Chapter 24 have used this approach. By using this input-
(Ladin), is to minimize the maximal muscle stress output causality, the optimization criterion can
(Schultz et al., 1983; Bean et al., 1988). As out- include kinematic parameters as well as
lined in Chapter 24, this approach is currently only parameters related to muscle or joint stress.
applicable for relatively unright postures. In Specifically, Chapter 28 employs 3-D screw axis
Chapter 24 the basic approach is generalized, with parameters in this regard. "Reference" axis of
the result being muscle activity surfaces which rotation parameters are specified based on ex-
provide predictions of muscle activity for arbitrary perimental data or a purposeful reason to want to
combinations of external moments. Such 3-D sur- see what muscles are necessary to cause a certain
faces thus predict certain mapping between muscle unique head rotation axis. Muscle stress is also
activity and load. Switching curves, which penalized. Unlike the method of Chapter 25,
23. Andersson and Winters; Role of Muscle in Postural Tasks Involving the Torso 391

where muscle stress and joint stresses are com- However, traditional dynamic optimization ap-
plimentary subcriteria, these kinematic and proaches may not be sufficient, especially for
muscle subcriteria are competing, similar to was is systems with a small base of support. Sabilometry
common for dynamic optimization studies [e.g. measurements on standing humans repeatedly
Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters), Chapter show that there is significant sway of a oscillatory
43 (Yamaguchi)]. Consequently, different nature. Either this is a purposeful act of the nerv-
strategies can be investigated by varying the rela- ous system or there is noise in the system
tive weights between these subcriteria. Of interest Incorporation of "noise", whether due to the neur-
is that for the to-muscle scheme discussed within vous system or external perturbation, turns a
Chapter 28, it was not possible to find solutions deterministic dynamic optimization problem into a
for certain physiological combinations of head stochastic optimization problem. Although in
orientations and head axis of rotation. Clearly some cases such problems can be solved [e.g., see
small internal muscles must play major roles Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters) for one
during voluntary head movements. approach], solutions are difficult. However, such
Chapter 32 (Ong et al.) employs dynamic op- an optimization approach would allow movement
timization to determine appropriate control strategy to be investigated within the natural con-
parameters for their cycling and sitting tasks. A text of goal-directed task completion, combined
few different criteria are used. Of interest is one with maintanence of stability within a specified
related to stiffness, which led to predictions of margin of safety.
How can optimization techniques be best util- 23.6 Future Directions
ized in the future? First, the type of optimization The biomechanical systems considered within
approach will depend on the goal of the analysis. this chapter are quite complex. Furthermore, the
For cases where predictions of tissue loading is of tasks considered here are by and large difficult to
primary interest, static optimation methods may understand.
suffice. These methods have the important ad- One basic area of great need is quantitative
vantage of being computationally efficient, to the musculotendon data for trunk muscles. In the
point were solutions can be obtained quite quickly Appendix to this book (Yamaguchi et al.), the
[Chapter 24 (Ladin)]. However, such efforts are quantitative musculotendon data, from various
likely to yield a lower limit on tissue loading since authors, for the musculature of the lower limb
cocontraction is not predicted. If cocontraction is spanned 24 pages; that for the trunk only 2 pages.
seen via EMG measurement, then these methods Yet the trunk includes many, many muscles. Such
will either need to be supplemented by heuristic lack of data discourages modeling efforts. Better
methods forcing some cocontraction or else be set data on muscle physiological cross-sectional areas,
aside in favor over other methods. muscle fiber lengths, fiber compositions, etc.,
If postural or movement organizational which would facilitate existing anatomical inves-
strategy is of interest, static optimization methods, tigations [e.g. that of Bogduk (1980) and Bogduk
which prespecify movement kinematics, are less and MacIntosch (1984)], is needed.
likely to be effective. Notice that a number of Considerable work remains to further improve
chapters, and especially Chapter 34 (Pedotti and our understanding of posture and movement.
Crenna), have pointed out that there are typically Specifically, we feel that efforts are needed to ad-
multiple strategies for solving a given task that dress the issue of postural stability, muscle
may be kinematically distinct. Dynamic optimiza- coordination in asymmetric activities, and effects
tion, as outlined in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters), of fatigue, disease and injury on the functions of
provides a natural causality for the neuromuscular the trunk muscles.
system, with movement kinematics becoming a As discussed throughout this book, the ability
system output. For postural systems, this implies to predict muscle force is a central problem in
that the optimization algorithm must truely solve biomechanics. Because the problem is usually
the inverted pendulum problem. This method fur- statically indeterminate, static optimization tech-
ther allows tradeoffs between "effort-related" niques are frequently employed. Often muscles
subcriteria and "task-related" subcriteria [Chapter are grouped together, and co-contractions of an-
19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters)]. tagonist muscles are not predicted. Yet, we know
392 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

from electromyographic experiments that co- References

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of asymmetry. For example, in the experiments Reproduction of certain special aspects of the
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Use of Musculoskeletal Models in the Diagnosis

and Treatment of Low Back Pain

Zvi Ladin

24.1 Background At the present time, most clinicians approach

the treatment of back disorders as a biomechanical
Recent epidemiological studies document the problem (Farfan, 1973). This approach is based
continued impact of low back pain (LBP) on our on the supposition that the onset of lower back
society. LBP occurs at some time in over 60% of pain is related to an imbalance in the mechanical
the population in industrialized nations components of the back. In recent years there
(Andersson, 1981; Deyo, 1983), and each year 5% have been a few studies that suggest that physical
of American adults experience an episode of low therapy exercises improve the prognosis of LBP
back pain (Frymoyer and Cats-Baril, 1987). As patients. Nachemson (1983), in a comprehensive
many as 75 million Americans currently suffer review of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to
from back problems (Kelsey et al., 1979; Kelsey low back pain, suggests that "early but moderate
and White, 1980), and each year seven million and gradual motion and loading improve healing
new cases develop. Of these new cases, five mil- in all the structures that build the back." The
lion will become partially disabled and the philosophy behind this approach gave rise to the
remaining two million will be unable to work at development of a simple set of guidelines that are
all. The decrease in work time associated with intended to rehabilitate and educate low back
lower-back pain has been estimated to be 93 mil- patients, as summarized and taught at "back
lion work days per year, second only to the schools." The improved prognosis of patients that
common cold (Nordby, 1981). The long-range have gone through such training and educational
projections of this problem are even more serious courses (Moffett et aI., 1986) no doubt con-
than the above numbers suggest because the rate tributed to the popularity of such schools in recent
of disability resulting from LBP increased at 14 years.
times the rate of population growth between 1977 The high success rate in treating acute cases of
and 1981 (Cats-Baril et al., 1987). Although the low back pain (Wiesel et al., 1984) can therefore
vast majority of patients recover within six months be contrasted with the low success rate in treating
(Cats-Baril et aI., 1987), a few studies point out chronic low back patients. One is left to wonder
that up to 90% of the costs are related to the treat- why is it not possible to extend the same kind of
ment of only 10% of the patients who are disabled educational and therapeutic approach to the por-
for more than six months (Benn and Wood, 1975; tion of the patient population that is clearly in
Cats-Baril and Roth, 1985; Pheasant, 1977). As great need for it. The high human and economic
the debilitating condition persists, the potential for costs that are involved in the care for the chroni-
recovery decreases. Only 20-40% of patients cally disabled low back patients should not dictate
return to work after a disability of 1 year, and abandonment of the physical therapy approach.
none after a 2-year disability (Frymoyer and Cats- Rather, what appears to be lacking is a comprehen-
Baril, 1987). sive understanding of the role muscles play in the

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S. L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 397

control of trunk motion and posture. The develop- A valid biomechanical model of the lower back
ment of such understanding could lead to could serve as an invaluable link in the sequence
assessment techniques for determining quantita- of diagnosis, prescription, and evaluation that ex-
tively and objectively both the diagnostic nature of ists in every clinical problem. The role of the
a given muscular deficiency and the optimal model is schematically depicted in Figure 24.1.
therapeutic regimen to improve such a deficiency. The presentation of clinical symptoms, coupled
Assessment techniques that provide an outcome with the biomechanical model, leads to the
measure for treatment exist for the skeletal system specification of diagnostic tests that could com-
(X-rays), the soft tissue (CAT scans), and bine imaging and mechanical loading tests. The
neurological structures (myelograms). For imaging tests are intended to reveal basic struc-
muscles, the assessment of the efficacy of a tural deficits such as disk or vertebral problems.
specific physical therapy regimen is usually based The mechanical loading exercises are intended to
on indirect measures such as muscle strength and a selectively activate or deactivate specific muscles.
joint range of motion. Such measures have been The patterns of muscular activity thus detected
successfuly used in the evaluation of post-surgical could identify muscular deficits. The diagnosis of
rehabilitation of knee surgery where the individual those deficits will then lead to the prescription of
role of a single muscle in the control of a given individualized exercises that are intended to selec-
joint is much simpler than in the back. The large tively activate or deactivate those muscles. The
number of muscles that intersect the lumbar prescription of such exercises requires a basic un-
region, the mechanical complexity of the posture derstanding of the role of the different muscles in
and movement in that area, and the lack of a com- response to externally applied loads. The
prehensive framework to understand the role of biomechanical model is intended to summarize
the muscles in a variety of physical tasks make the and provide such an understanding.
design of rehabilitation exercises to improve the
muscular function of the lower back a seemingly 24.2 Introduction
intractable problem. The lower back is a complex system of
muscles, vertebral bodies, intervertebral disks,
Iclincal ligaments, and layers of fascia. The basic struc-
(Symptoms ture is the vertebral column that is made up of
multiple vertebrae. This configuration provides
the upper body with the required mechanical
strength to support the weight of the trunk and
head as well as any extemally applied loads, while
Diagnostic Tests maintaining the flexibility necessary to provide
flexion, lateral bending, and torsional motion. The
vertebral bodies are separated by fibrocar-
(mechanical) tilaginous intervertebral disks. All the vertebral
bodies have bony prominences called processes:
some serve as attachment sites for the muscles and
ligaments, while others serve as articular surfaces
during the intervertebral motion. The articular sur-
faces of two adjacent vertebral bodies are covered
with hyaline cartilage and form a synovial joint
(Snell, 1973). Hence there are two kinds of inter-
vertebral joints: the synovial joints formed by the
articular surfaces, and the fibrocartilaginous joints
follow-u formed by the intervertebral disks. The ligaments
are attached longitudinally to the anterior and pos-
Figure 24.1: A conceptual framework for the integra- terior surfaces of the vertebrae and serve to restrict
tion of the biomechanical model into a clinical decision- the amount of intervertebral motion that can be
making process. sustained by the vertebrae.
398 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Physical Task Physical Task


"'- Muscular Passive Soft Free Body
- -- "'- Activation Tissue Strains Analysis
Local "'-
Strain "'-
"'- I
"'- Passive Soft
"'- I Tissue Forces
Passive "'-
I e disks
e fascia
IG) Muscle Force
- - - Distribution

Total Spinal

Figure 24.2: A flow-chart for the determination of to- and the calculation of muscle force distribution in
tal spinal load arising from a given physical task (a) response to a loading task (b).

The muscles of the lumbar region can be The mechanical properties of the lumbar region
divided into three groups: the anterolateral group, are determined by tissues that have only passive
the posterior group, and the deep paravertebral mechanical properties (vertebral bodies, liga-
group. The anterolateral group contains the rectus ments, disks, and fascia) and tissues that have both
abdominus and the internal and external oblique; passive and active properties (muscles). The loads
the posterior group includes the erector spinae sustained by the different elements will therefore
group (the multifidus, iliocostalis, and depend on the anatomic posture (i.e. the geometry)
longissimus) and the latissimus dorsi; the deep that determines the strains (and therefore the
paravertebral group includes the psoas and the stresses) of the passive elements, as well as on the
quadratus. The thoracolumbar fascia (also activation level of the different muscles. Such a
referred to as the posterior ligamentous system) hierarchical relationship is depicted in Figure
(Bogduk, 1984) gives rise to the upper fibers of 24.2a. Any physical task can be described by two
the internal oblique and to the transversus indepenedent determinants: the body posture and
muscles, and is attached medially to the transverse the external load. The posture determines the lo-
processes of the lumbar vertebrae. cal strains and therefore the resulting stresses in
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 399

the passive tissues, whereas the muscle force dis- equations obtained by a "free body analysis" of
tribution is determined by both the posture and the any imaginary cross section in the lumbar region.
external loads. The total sum of the stresses in all For example, consider an imaginary transverse
the soft tissues determines the overall internal cross section performed through the lumbar region
force and moment that need to equilibrate the ex- on a weight lifter standing in an erect posture. Six
ternally applied loads to maintain the static equilibrium equations can be written, three for the
equilibrium or the dynamic motion required by the force components and three for the moment com-
physical task. ponents, representing the six degrees of freedom
Figure 24.2a also provides a convenient of the virtual joint through which the cross section
framework to examine previous biomechanical was conducted. The number of unknowns in these
models. Block 1 in the figure represents the equations corresponds to the number of soft tissue
studies that were aimed at finding the constitutive components that can generate force, Le., the pas-
equations (Le. the stress/strain relationship) of the sive and active elements listed above. Another set
passive soft tissues. They include studies that of equations can be incorporated by calculating
were aimed at quantifying the motion of vertebral the local strains arising from the anatomic posture,
segments (Kippers and Parker, 1989), the and then using the constitutive equations of the
development of phenomenological models for the passive soft tissues to calculate the forces con-
disk (Panagiotacopulos et al., 1987; Hickey and tributed by them. These forces can then be
Huckey, 1980), and the facet joints (Shirazi-Adl substituted into the equilibrium equations, leaving
and Drouin, 1987). Block 2 in the figure describes the muscle forces as the only unknowns in these
studies that addressed the relationship of physical equations. Since the number of muscles crossing
tasks and muscle force distribution, for example the lumbar level exceeds the number of degrees of
Yettram and Jackman (1980), Schultz et al. freedom of the transverse cross section, the
(1983), Pope et· al. (1986), Seroussi and Pope problem becomes mechanically indeterminate.
(1987), and others [see also Chapter 23 Two approaches have been taken to resolve the
(Andersson and Winters) and Chapter 25 mathematical redundancy in determining the
(Gracovetsky)]. Studies that analyzed the force muscle force distribution: functional grouping and
distribution in the lumbar muscles were limited to optimization. In functional grouping, muscles that
the erect posture: a subject was standing erect were believed to work in consort were grouped
while holding (or resisting) the forces and mo- together, thereby reducing the number of un-
ments exerted by weights (Schultz et al., 1983, knowns to match the number of equations
1982; Pope et al., 1986; Seroussi and Pope, 1987). (Seroussi and Pope, 1987; Morris et al., 1961).
A biomechanical analysis of physical tasks that in- The optimization approach assumed the existence
volve a different posture increases significantly of a cost function defined by the muscle forces,
the complexity of the problem, since the internal and searched for a solution that optimized the
forces arising from the local strains imposed on value of the cost function (Schultz et al., 1983;
the passive tissues will have to be accounted for. Bean et al., 1988; see also Chapters 8, 23, 25-27).
This is the reason why attempts at analyzing dif- Some authors tried to avoid the use of optimiza-
ferent postures were limited to the study of overall tion and still maintain some degree of anatomic
ground reaction forces (Kromodihardjo and Mital, accuracy by invoking physiological assumptions;
1987; Freivalds et al., 1984), spinal joint loads i.e. if one muscle group is active, then an opposing
(Garg and Herrin, 1979; Bejjani et al., 1984), or muscle group will not be active (Schultz et al.,
continuous models of the spinal column such as 1982). It is clear that each of the above ap-
the passive beam model by Lindbeck (1987) and proaches carries its own benefits and penalties: the
the arch model by Aspden (1989). mathematical simplification that is achieved by
The mechanical determination of the lumbar reducing the number of unknowns using
muscle force distribution can be schematically physiological assumptions (one can view the func-
described as a variation of the above process, and tional grouping as a physiological assumption that
is depicted in Figure 24.2b. The physical task constrains the grouped muscles to always act
determined by the combination of external loads together) reduces the ability to study individual
and anatomic posture defines the equilibrium muscle activation patterns. Therefore, the detailed
Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

study of individual lumbar muscles requires at this in all the lumbar muscles is therefore detennined
point the use of optimization techniques. This ap- by a point in the "loading space": the coordinates
proach will be illustrated through the rest of this of that point will describe the external moment
chapter. components that dictate the forces in all the lum-
bar muscles.
24.3 The Muscle Activity Surfaces
The vertebaral bodies that make up the spinal
night Leterel
Mo •• ont
column create a multi-joint, multi-link system that
is held together by a series of passive elements ()--o--o--t
such as the ligaments and by the muscles that have
both passive and active properties. The external
loads that are applied at any level of the spinal
column include moments and forces that can be
Fle)(lon Bending
separated into six components: two shear forces Moment

and a compressive force, and two bending mo-

ments and an axial torsion moment. Andersson et ~
al. (1980) suggested that the moments generated
by the muscles in the lumbar region balance the
Left Leterel Bending
overall moments that are applied to a given lumbar
cross section. This suggestion was followed in Figure 24.3: The loading plane. The stick figures rep-
later works by Schultz et al. (1982), Seroussi and resent characteristic loading tasks that correspond to
Pope (1987), and Bean et al. (1988). This points along the axes. (Reproduced from Ladin et aI.
hypothesis can be stated as a physiological decou- (1989), with permission.)
pIing assumption: in response to the external
The "loading space" describes all the different
loads, the muscles balance the external moments;
moment combinations that could be externally ap-
the other vertebral and paravertebral structures
plied, and they include in the most geneml case,
equilibrate the external forces and the balance of
two bending moments, and an axial (or a torsion)
the muscle forces. This analysis does not take into
moment. The analysis could be initially limited to
account the moments contributed by all the non-
loading conditions that have no torsion com-
muscular soft tissues in the cross section of
ponent. In this case, the "loading space" becomes
interest. Such a simplification is probably ap-
a "loading plane" and is described in Figure 24.3.
propriate for the erect posture, where one could
The horizontal axis is the flexion-extension bend-
argue that the ligaments and the fascia are in their
ing moment, and the vertical axis is the lateral
slack, rest position and therefore not generating
bending axis. The stick figures on the axes repre-
any forces. Those forces will clearly have to be
sent typical loading conditions that are described
taken into account for any posture that strains
by points along the axes. For example: holding
those structures.
equal weights in both hands, while the arms are
By limiting the class of physical tasks under
symmetrically extended in front of the body, gen-
considemtion to external loads applied to the up-
erates a pure flexion bending moment and no
per body in the erect posture condition, it is clear
lateral bending moment, and therefore will be rep-
from the above assumption that the external mo-
resented by a point on the flexion bending
ment combination will determine the muscle-force
moment axis. In a similar fashion, holding a
distribution. If indeed the muscle forces are
weight in the right hand while the arm is being ex-
uniquely determined by such a combination, one
tended laterally to the right side produces a pure
can describe a three-dimensional space called the
right lateral bending moment and no
"loading space" whose axes are the three independ-
flexion-extension moment. Such a task is there-
ent components of the external moment loading,
fore represented by a point on the right lateral
i.e. the two bending moments and the axial (or
bending moment axis. Since most daily activities
torsional) moment. The muscle force distribution
involve holding weights in front of the body, the
analysis will be limited to the right half of the
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 401

"loading plane", representing combinations of defined. The goal of the solution process was to
flexion and lateral bending moments. It is impor- optimize the muscle force distribution, Le. to find
tant to note that any physical task can be described a distribution of muscle forces that minimized the
by a single point on the "loading plane", provided cost function while satisfying the moment equality
that it does not have an extemally applied torsion constraints. The solution space was bound by ad-
moment and that it is executed in an erect posture. ding inequality constraints that prevented the
A typical exercise could be moving the upper ex- individual muscle stresses (calculated as the
tremities while holding weights and keeping an muscle forces divided by the appropriate cross-
erect posture. The moment combination arising sectional areas) from exceeding a given upper
from holding the weights in any position will bound. By gradually increasing the value of this
translate into a resultant lateral bending moment bound, the linear programming algorithm applied
and a resultant flexion moment, thereby defining a in this problem searched for the smallest possible
single point on the "loading plane". Moving the muscle forces that could satisfy the moment equi-
weights in the process of performing the exercise librium equations and minimize the muscular
will therefore map into a curve in the loading spinal compression force.
plane. The inverse calculation cannot be generally The MAS of all the 22 lumbar muscles were cal-
done without invoking additional assumptions, culated by discretizing the loading plane using a
since a single point in the loading plane could cor- step-size of 10 Nm, and covering the range of
respond to many physical tasks. 0-100 Nm along the flexion bending moment, and
The physiological decoupling assumption listed 0-100 Nm along the lateral bending moment for
above, and the identification of the loading plane both the right and left sides. The grid was made
as the single determinant of the lumbar muscle up of a total of 231 points. The surfaces were then
force distribution, open the door to the description stored as three-dimensional arrays representing the
of the muscular response to different loading con- muscular response to external loading for any
ditions. This process can be executed by given loading condition described by a point that
discretizing the loading plane, Le. creating a dis- lies in the specified range of the loading plane.
crete grid on the plane, and solving the muscle The procedure to find the predicted muscle force
force distribution problem repeatedly for different in response to a given physical task can now be
points on the grid, thus covering a range of load- summarized in the following steps:
ing conditions. The predicted muscle forces in a
single muscle for the given range of the loading 1. Calculate the external moment combination
plane can be stored as a three-dimensional surface arising from the physical task.
called the muscle activity sUrface (MAS). Such a
2. Use the moment combination to determine the
surface provides us with a predicted activity map
loading point on the "loading plane."
of the muscle: given the external moment loading
generated by a specific task, the expected mus- 3. Find the predicted muscle force from the
cular force can be immediately determined. muscle activity surface (MAS) of that muscle.
The biomechanical model discussed in this
chapter is based on the model presented by The MAS of all the lumbar muscles provide us
Schultz et al. (1983), and is described in detail by with a summarized biomechanical model of the
Murthy (1990). The moment equilibrium equa- lumbar region. They capture the muscle force dis-
tions of the lumbar cross section at the L3 level tribution in response to an arbitrary loading of the
were written for a given loading condition repre- lumbar region. Such a loading could come about
sented by a single point on the loading plane. by performing weight-holding exercises using the
These equations included the unknown muscle upper extermities, or by directly loading the trunk
forces applied in the directions of the muscle in a controlled experiment. As long as the basic
fibers, and the locations of the centroids of the assumptions used in the process of calculating the
cross sectional areas of those muscles. A cost MAS are not violated, the surfaces could be used as
function that described the muscular spinal com- our best estimates of the momentary muscle force
pression, Le., the total sum of the axial distribution. The graphic display of the muscle ac-
components of the muscle tensile forces, was tivity surface enables us to visually scan the
402 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Muscle AC tiVIty Surlace Left latiSSimus tusc le ACl lVlty Surlace: RIg hI latissImus

126 .

100 7 100

,,- R' 0
L<lleral"_ Ighl
I! _,.
ol?)enr IN",}

Figure 24.4: Muscle activity surfaces of the left (a)

and right (b) latissimus dorsi).

predicted response of the muscle to different load- sion moment with a fixed value of the other
ing conditions. It can show whether the muscle is bending moments. The geometric display of such
more sensitive to load increases in one direction or surfaces may help explain the overall relationship
another and it can show if there are moment com- between the muscular force and the external load-
binations that predict no activation of the muscle. ing conditions.
The comparison of the MAS for different muscles
can teach us about muscle recruitment schemes, 24.4 Physiological Applications of the
i.e., moment combinations that require the activa- Lumbar Model
tion of different muscle groups. The The precalculated values of the MAS of all the
biomechanical model can therefore become a use- lumbar muscles enable us to study the response of
ful integral tool in the physiological study of the the lumbar muscles to arbitrary loading condi-
relationship between the external loading tasks tions. One of the most intriguing results was the
and the lumbar muscular response. prediction of muscular switching curves. The role
The concept of MAS as a summarized map of that the curves play in predicting the activation
muscular activity could be easily extended to ha- state of a given muscle, and the physiological tests
ndle arbitrary moment combinations. The most that were conducted to test those predictions, will
general loading condition in the erect posture in- be described in the following sections. Finally, a
volves a torsion moment in addition to the two real-time simulator of the effect of upper-limb
bending moments. The loading space in this case loading on the lumbar muscle force distribution
is a three-dimensional (3-D) space, and therefore will be described.
the MAS becomes a four-dimensional (4-D) sur-
24.4.1 Muscle Switching Curves
face. Such a surface can be stored as a 4-D array
The MAS of the left latissimus muscle is shown
in the computer memory, but could not be visual-
in Fig. 24.4a. The axes of the loading plane are
ized in its entirety due to the limitations of the 3-D
labeled according to the different bending mo-
geometric space we live in. The reduced order
ments that determine the muscle force distribution.
MAS can still be studied by observing the surface
that is defmed by combinations of two out of the The surface shows a monotonic increase in the
direction of increasing the flexion bending mo-
three independent moment components. The
ment, predicting that the muscle force will
above discussion addressed the MAS that is
defined by the two bending moments, with no tor- increase with an increase of the flexion bending
sion. One can similarly study the MAS defined by moment. Its dependence on the lateral bending
moment is more complex. It monotonically in-
a combination of one bending moment and the tor-
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 403

o- oR v-vP
. -

.- .0
.A. - .A. EOL . - . EI
.- -! - - - _ _ ___ / 'Y • ..---. O- OIOL - EL

E 75 o / -/
......., / ..---'Y..---. ..............
50 Y / 'Y / . .......... _ ______•
zw V . _ _~ ____..---v
• ~~v --- v
::::i: 25
./ ~r==:::v-~ .\
- 25 .---.-----
...- -.• . . . . . " . . F - I I - I I - I I - I I - I I - a r - - - I I -.


w - 50
ro ..... / -....::::,.~.
-I __ ,.,-"'- A
4: -75
I .- .
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


Figure 24.S: The switching curves of the right-side IOL-Iateral portion of internal oblique, Q-quadratus, P-
lumbar muscles: R-rectus abdominus, EOM-medial psoas, L-Iatissimus, EM-multifidus, EI-iliocostalis, EL-
portion of external oblique, 10M-medial portion of in- longissimus; activation direction is counterclockwise.
ternal oblique, EOL-Iateral portion of external oblique, The dashed line represents the exercise discussed in the

creases with the right lateral bending moment and combinations that will not activate the muscle (on
it crosses the loading plane for some combinations one side of the MAS) from those that will activate
of a left lateral and flexion bending moments. The the muscle (on the other side of the curve). This
MAS also has a local maximum for moment com- curve was therefore named the switching curve.
binations that include the left lateral bending The switching curves of all the different muscles
moment and a non-zero flexion moment. From that comprise the lumbar region can be plotted on
the shape of the surface it can be seen that it has a the same loading plane, since all the surfaces are
local minimum along the line that represents no defined by the same plane. Such a plot (seen in
lateral bending moments (i.e. a value of lateral Figure 24.5) describes the activation pattern of the
bending moment of zero). One can draw a practi- eleven muscles on the right side of the body in
cal conclusion from such an observation, namely response to an arbitrary external bending moment
that the optimal position for holding a weight in a loading. The muscles are activated clockwise: in
fixed distance in front of the body (a task that response to a load held in the right hand while it is
creates a fixed flexion bending moment) is to hold extended laterally to the right side, thereby exert-
it in both hands right in front of the body. Holding ing a pure right lateral bending moment, all the
the weight in this fashion will produce no lateral muscles on the right side are predicted to be inac-
bending moment, and therefore will minimize the tive. As the right hand rotates forward, decreasing
latissimus muscle force. the lateral bending moment and increasing the
The intersection of the MAS and the loading flexion bending moment, the erector spinae group
plane occurs along a curve that separates loading is first activated, the deep paravertebral group is
404 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

activated next, as the load is moved in front of the Seroussi and Pope (1987) reported the existence of
body and held by the two hands (creating a sym- a threshold level of the lateral bending moment re-
metric loading condition by exerting only a quired to activate the centralized external oblique
flexion bending moment with no lateral bending and that the threshold level is independent of the
component), the lateral portion of the oblique flexion moment. An examination of the switching
muscles is activated. As the load is moved to the curves of the lateral oblique muscles in Fig. 24.5
left by the left hand, the left lateral bending mo- does show that the curves are parallel to the
ment increases while the flexion moment flexion moment axis, reflecting the independence
decreases, causing the activation of the medial of the threshold level and the flexion bending mo-
portion of the obliques, and finally the activation ment. Bean et al. (1988) described the activation
of the right rectus abdominus. A similar plot was of the left external and internal obliques achieved
made for the muscles on the left side of the body. by a task that involved shifting a hand-held load
Because of the symmetry of the anatomic informa- by 30° to the right of the mid-sagittal plane.
tion used in the model, it is not surprising that the Mapping such a task on the loading plane and ex-
MAS and the switching curves of the muscles on amining the switching curves of the appropriate
the left side of the body are mirror images of the muscles reveals indeed that such an exercise is ex-
corresponding ones on right side of the body. pected to activate the lateral portions of the
The model can thus be used as a predictive obliques, though the medial portion is not ex-
tool: a given external moment combination defines pected to be activated. Bean et al. (1988) further
a point on the loading plane. Using Fig. 24.5 one reported that a 90° rotation of the load (i.e. creat-
can predict what muscles will be active and what ing a pure lateral bending moment) will activate
muscles will not be active in order to oppose the the ipsilateral obliques and the rectus abdominus.
external load. An exercise that creates such a Our model predicts the activation of the ipsilateral
loading combination could be performed, and the rectus abdominus, but does not predict the activa-
monitored EMG signal could be used as a valida- tion of the obliques under those conditions.
tion test of the model. Ladin et al. (1989) Schultz et al. (1982) reported that pure flexion
performed such a study by monitoring the surface bending moments did not increase the activity of
EMG activity of six muscles at the L3 level, in the the rectus abdominus muscles above their rest
process of performing weight-holding tasks. Eight levels. Such tasks are represented by points along
subjects were tested during the performance of six the flexion moment axis, a line that lies entirely in
different tasks. The prediction success rate ranged the inactive region of the rectus abdominus, and
from 60% in the worst case (for the ipsilateral therefore are predicted not to activate that muscle.
erector spinae) to 100% (for the contralateral erec- The activity of the contralateral erector spinae
tor spinae). The laterality was defined in terms of muscles required to balance a pure lateral bending
the externally held weight: for a load held in the moment (e.g. the activity of the left erector spinae
right hand, the left muscles were termed con- required to balance a right lateral bending moment
tralateral while the right muscles were the ip- created by a load held laterally by the right hand)
silateral. The model predictions for all the has been reported by many researchers, including
muscles in all the subjects were correlated with the Floyd and Silver (1955), Jonsson (1970),
measured activity patterns, and a chi-square Andersson et al. (1980), and Seroussi and Pope
analysis showed that the results in one series of (1987). As the pure lateral bending moment axis
tests were significant at p < 0.005. Only one is in the active region of the contralateral erector
muscle in one series of tests showed a smaller con- spinae, it is predicted by this model as well.
fidence level (p < 0.1). The model was more Jonsson (1970) reported that such a task did not
successful in predicting the activity of the con- activate the ipsilateral erector spinae, a result that
tralateral muscles (92-100% success rate) than is predicted by this model, since the a pure lateral
those of the ipsilateral muscles (60-75% success moment represents a task that is in the inactive
rate). region of the ipsilateral erector spinae.
The concept of the switching curves as describ- In summary, the model created a framework
ing a loading threshold needed to activate a that enabled to examine previously reported
specific muscle is supported by other studies: studies in a comprehensive manner. The model
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 405

suggests that electromyographic activity patterns The second screen, shown in Fig. 24.6b,
that have been reported in the literature for dif- describes the prescribed exercise and the resulting
ferent tasks and by different researchers generally load distribution. The person in the top left por-
agree with the model predictions. Such a model tion of the screen shows the actual exercise, the
could therefore be used as an aid in studying the window at the bottom of the left part of the screen
predicted effects of external loading conditions on shows the loading plane and the movement of the
the distribution of muscle forces in the lumbar loading point resulting from the prescribed exer-
region. As the following section will illustrate, it cise. The schematic figure in the right portion of
can also be used to design loading exercises that the screen describes the L3 cross section. It shows
are intended to activate a particular muscle or the vertebral body (the bottom of the figure is the
group of muscles. direction of the back, or the posterior direction),
and all 22 of the different muscles that cross that
24.4.2 The Lumbarator level. Each muscle is represented by a circle
The biomechanical model described above whose area is proportional to the cross sectional
served as the basis for the development of a real- area of the muscle. The circles are centered
time simulation program that graphically describes around the corresponding locations of the
the muscle force distribution of all the lumbar centroids of the cross sectional areas. The table at
muscles in response to a given weight-holding ex- the bottom represents all the different muscles and
ercise. The program is composed of two elements is used to plot the switching curve of a given
that represent the two stages of the simulation muscle on the loading plane. As the figure starts
program: the exercise generator and the load dis- exercising in the top left window, the moment
tribution display. The screen display of the loading combination resulting from the momen-
program (dubbed the Lumbarator) was imple- tary posture is calculated and displayed on the
mented on a Silicon Graphics 4D system and is loading plane. The loading point is used to inter-
shown in Fig. 24.6. It is composed of two screens: sect the 22 different muscle activity surfaces and
The first one is the exercise design screen and is determine the corresponding muscle force distribu-
described in Figure 24.6a. The second screen dis- tion. The predicted forces in the individual
plays the lumbar muscle force distribution and is muscles are displayed in real time according to a
shown in Figure 24.6b. Both screens serve as the color code in the lumbar cross-section window.
user interface as well as the information display. The Lumbarator can be used in two modes: as a
The exercise design screen shows three projec- teaching tool and as an aid in prescribing physical
tions and a perspective image of a person holding therapy exercises. The simulator can be used as a
weights and moving the upper extremities in a tool that describes the lumbar muscle force dis-
horizontal plane. The exercise design begins by tribution in response to a given exercise. Using
specifying the weights held in both hands. An ex- the momentary location of the loading point on the
ercise is then prescribed for each arm by using the loading plane and the switching-curve for the
generic angle/angle plane in the center of the muscle under study, an exact determination can be
screen. The axes of this plane are the elbow made as to the posture (for the given hand-held
flexion angle (the horizontal axis) and the weights) that will cause the activation of that par-
shoulder internal rotation angle (the vertical axis). ticular muscle. Such a mode of use can begin to
By constraining the movement of the upper limbs develop an insight to the activation pattern of dif-
to a horizontal plane, a mapping between the ferent muscles in response to specifIc loading
angle/angle plane and the orientation of the upper conditions. The model could be used in an op-
limb was obtained. Therefore, the movement of posite mode as an exercise prescription tool: by
the cursor on the angle/angle plane is mapped into specifying a goal of exercising a specifIc muscle
a spatial trajectory that determines the motion of by a given amount, an exercise that includes a set
the left or right upper extremity. The motion is of weights and a sequence of different postures
generated in real time in the central window of the that achieves such a loading condition can be
screen. The specifIcation of the loads and the designed. The sequence can then be printed out
trajectory of both arms complete the exercise and used as a guide for the patient during the in-
design stage, and the program proceeds to display home exercise.
the second screen.
Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

... _. IIICCOI . .
O[oIU' •11( c.w'Ult "'I~ tlClIt ••

.. .

,- ...• •

I ,,", \.0-;, •

'_In.c.'I .... '
h.a I." ~ . ' ..... M . ... 1',,110' ... C'w"""" • 'e I ...... • ~ • •' I .. .

!. "
,,/' 0 ------. (9'"


a ....
,. -.& .... ...... -
• •
,~ tIIHIIf . '
I.'.rw.t _II.,. ...... _,
b .t., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I MI

'" I I.'....................... .
:J I 1.1_"-'
(. ................... 1_1

• ,.
'1 (.... ,.... ,...t_ l-.h" I _ _
-I . (I"IIIIC"'''' . "tftM .... n If .....

1_ 'I

- - - ...
. ..
·n tn (rK.'W .... laIMae ' . '"

b •, ,- ,....
L lei 1•• 1_• .... "..,
111:. 1--..,._

L 1 1 .......


, , no

Figure 24_6: The screen layout of the Lumbarator: the

exercise design screen (a) and the lumbar force dis·
tribution screen (b).
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 407

24.5 Summary and Future Work loading, and the resulting muscle force distribu-
The biomechanical model presented in this tion. As discussed in this chapter, the
chapter was designed as a practical tool that links biomechanical model presented here is quite suc-
a physical loading task and the resulting lumbar cessful in providing a single framework that
muscle force distribution in a consistent and com- explains previously conducted biomechanical
prehensive manner. An underlying question that is studies and the observed muscle activity patterns.
still unresolved concerns the physiological ac- A successful biomechanical model could therefore
curacy of the model predictions. The ultimate test serve as an integral link in the diagnostic and
of the model is clearly a study that will compare therapeutic processes that take place in the context
specific muscle force predictions to physical of treating low back pain.
measurements of such forces. The limitations of Much work remains to be done before we get to
current technology preclude such a validation the point of actually utilizing the biomechanical
scheme, leaving the EMG signals generated by the model as a fully integrated clinical tool. The
muscle as our only avenue for comparing muscle model described in this chapter is clearly limited
force predictions and activity levels. Comparisons to the erect posture, and assumes that the moments
between muscle force predictions and EMG arising from the muscular forces equilibrate the
measurements have been reported by many external moments. A change in the posture will
authors, and an extensive comparison of the as- clearly activate the ligaments and other passive
sumed relationships can be found in Basmajian tissues, which then contribute to the overall mo-
and De Luca (1985). There is broad agreement ments. The development of the constitutive
that such a relationship is monotonic, though its equations for those tissues in a variety of postures
exact nature and the question of whether such a is therefore necessary for extending the model to
general relationship (independent of the particular deal with those postures. Since the model equa-
muscle) exists is still an open research question. tions are based on the cross-sectional anatomy of
The theoretical prediction of the switching the lumbar region, obtaining accurate and reliable
curves as determining the activity state of a given information that will enable extraction of
muscle provided a new vehicle to test some of the geometric properties of the muscles is necessary if
basic predictions of the model. The study of the the model is to be integrated into the clinical
switching curves eliminates the need to assume a decision-making process. Finally, further research
certain force-EMG relationship, and as such has is needed to ascertain the physiological assump-
the potential of being a general tool for the study tions on which the model is based. The model
of muscle activation, independent of the specific presented here assumes that the muscle force dis-
muscle under examination. As reproted by Ladin tribution minimizes the spinal compression.
et al. (1989), the model has shown a good correla- Whether this is really the case is still an open
tion between its predictions and the measured question, though the more relevant issue is finding
activity states of the monitored muscles in a group a model that will be able to predict muscle activa-
of healthy subjects. One of the most intriguing tion patterns that will correlate well with measured
questions that needs to be addressed is the nature patterns under a variety of physical tasks. Only
of the switching curves of the lumbar muscles in when we reach that stage could we view the
low back patients. Changes in the switching biomechanical model as a complete and helpful
curves could suggest physiological variations that tool in clinical and physiological studies.
are correlated with low back pain. The long-range
monitoring of the switching curves could also help Acknowledgment
in providing a quantitative tool to assess the ef- This research was supported by a grant from
ficacy of physical therapy exercises. the Veterans Administration Research and
The usefulness of biomechanical models for the Development Service of the Department of
lumbar region was demonstrated by the Medicine. My appreciation to Dr. Carlo 1. De
Lumbarator program. Such a model is a prerequi- Luca for the helpful discussions leading to some
site for the establishment of a link between a of the ideas expressed in this work, and to Ramesh
physical task that involves a given posture and Murthy, Sujoy Guha, and Kristin Neff for their as-
sistance on this study.
408 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

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the Erectores Spinae Muscles in Certain Movements the Relief of Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine
and Postures in Man. J. of Physiol. 129: 184-203. 11(2):12-122.
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K.S. (1984) A Dynamic Biomechanical Evaluation of the Trunk in the Stability of the Spine, J. of Bone
of Lifting Maximum Acceptable Loads. J. of and Joint Surgery 43-A(3):327-351.
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Biomechanical and Metabolic Evaluation, AlIE Orthopaedics and Related Research 179: 17-85.
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Gracovetsky, S. (1985) An Hypothesis for the Role of Low Back Injury. Occup. Health and Safety: 38-42.
the Spine in Human Locomotion: A Challenge to Ortengren, R. and Andersson, G. B. J. (1917)
Electromyographic Studies of Trunk Muscles. With
24. Ladin; Use of Musculoskeletal Models for Low Back Pain 409

Special Reference to the Functional Anatomy of the Schultz, A., Haderspeck, K., Warwick, D. and Portillo,
Lumbar Spine, Spine 2:44-51. D. (1983) Use of Lumbar Trunk Muscles in
Panagiotacopulos, N.D. and Pope, M.H., Krag, M.H. Isometric Performance of Mechanically Complex
and Bloch, R.A. (1987) Mechanical Model for the Standing Tasks. J. ofOrthop. Res. 1:77-91.
Human Intervertebral Disc. J. of Biomech. 20:839- Seroussi, R.E. and Pope, M.H. (1987) The Relationship
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Studies of the Lumbar Trunk Musculature During Plane Loadings. J. of Biomech. 20(6):601-613.
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Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine

Serge Gracovetsky

25.1 The Problem of Low Back Pain 25.1.1 The Optimum Human Spine
The theory of evolution and natural selection
Low back pain is an enonnous problem in implies the survival of the fittest and the elimina-
North America today. It is the most common dis- tion of the weak from the pool of genetic
ability in persons under the age of 45; in those infonnation available for the continuity of a
over 45 it is third only after arthritis and heart dis- species. What is the meaning of "fit for survival,"
ease. and what ranking system decides that the weak
The impact of spinal dysfunction both on the are, indeed, weaker than some ideal nonn? One
lives of individuals affected and on the health care can start with the hypothesis that survival means
system motivated the Quebec Workers' that the animal will not self-annihilate. This im-
Compensation Board to set up a task force headed plies that, at any given time, the level of
by Dr. W. Spitzer (1987) to review the state of mechanical stress within the musculoskeletal sys-
available treatment procedures. The task force tem cannot exceed some ultimate value. Hence,
considered and classified the work contained in regardless of the task being accomplished, the
over 7,000 publications and as such the report central nervous system will activate appropriate
produced by the Task Force is an invaluable muscles to prevent such an event. Since the
source of infonnation. One important conclusion various components of the musculoskeletal sys-
reached by the task force is that despite the intense tem have different mechanical characteristics, it is
research activity of the past 50 years, low back not unreasonable to speculate that the level of
pain is still an unknown phenomenon, requiring stress in all its components during the execution of
further research. a task will be proportional to the ultimate limit of
How can we hope to restore nonnalcy to the in- each individual component. For example, if, for
jured and design efficient rehabilitation protocols an arbitrary task, the stress within the bone
if we do not know what is the function to be re- reaches 2/3 of its ultimate, then the stress within
stored? It seems that the study of the spine either the ligaments will also be 2/3 of its own ultimate.
clinically or via in vitro experimentation is con- This idea has a number of implications. As
ducted without first answering a basic question: each vertebra is composed of the same material,
What is the function of the spine? A purely in vivo the stress within each should therefore be equal.
experimental investigation into that question is un- This is another way of saying that an efficient
acceptable for obvious ethical reasons. One is left animal will execute a task in such a way that the
mainly with a combination of in vitro experimen- stress within the spine is equalized at its lowest
tal analysis supplemented by mathematical level.
modeling and simulation. To structure a mathe- But what is the task for which the spine has
matical fonnulation requires a detailed knowledge been designed? Although there is no way of know-
of the anatomy and some hypotheses as to the ing for sure what that particular task might be, we
probable function of the vertebrate spine. propose that the most important activity for mem-

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Wmlers and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New Yortc
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 411

bers of the vertebrate species is locomotion. It is tinct early injuries in the annulus as well as at the
therefore appropriate to examine the stages of central portion of the disc.
development of our ancestors' locomotive ability. The type of injury is determined by the actual
In so doing, the spine and its surrounding tissues distribution of stress on the components of the
emerge as the pervasive element, the primary en- lumbar spine. Thus, one of the key factors in
gine of locomotion in animals such as ourselves. determining the effect of the stress is the
It is suggested that the spine of a fish and its geometric arrangement of the individual spinal
surrounding tissues represent the primary engine segments. From the geometric features seen in
which the animal uses for locomotion. To this simple radiographs, it is sometimes possible to lo-
day, gait analysis is essentially the analysis of ·the cate the particular joint that is at risk. This is
motion of the legs. The legs are certainly useful, particularly helpful either when the radiographs of
but are they essential? The answer is definitely the joints show no injury or where other indica-
no. Human bipedal gait can be demonstrated not tions point to multiple possibilities. In the lumbar
to require the presence of any extremities. In spine, 95% of all injuries occur at the lAI5 and
retrospect, it was evident that the primary function L5IS1 levels. Of the remaining 5%, problems at
of the spine, so obvious in the fish, was never L314 appear to be far more common than at the
transferred to any of our extremities during the other two levels (Farfan and Kirkaldy-Willis,
long evolutionary journey. 1981). The shape and size of the disc, as well as
Locomotion is but one of the many tasks that its location relative to the pelvis, have con-
the human spinal engine is asked to perform. In siderable influence on both the type of injury
many ways, tasks such as weight-lifting require induced and its consequences for the anatomy and
the use of the spinal engine for applications for the function of the joint. Disc problems cannot be
which it has not been optimally designed. The amalgamated into a single entity.
analysis of this wide variety of possible tasks is Farfan (1973) proposed that the existing data
beyond the intent of this chapter. We will there- on pathology could be explained by the existence
fore restrict ourselves to the study of flexion in the of two basic sequences of pathological processes
sagittal plane and locomotion. resulting from the application of excessive com-
pression and excessive torsion to the intervertebral
25.2 Pathology and the Mechanical
joint. Each sequence behaves in its own clinical
Etiology of Most Spinal Injuries manner and responds to different types of treat-
The first step in understanding the function of ment.
the spine is to appreciate the nature of the forces
which it has to support. The study of the pathol- Sequence I: Compression Injury: This injury
ogy of the intervertebral joint generates facts on results in central damage to the disc with an end-plate
the natural outcome of these forces. Since the fracture of varying magnitude, followed by an in-
early 1900s, a considerable number of distin- growth of vascular granulation tissue through the
guished researchers have attempted to reproduce fracture into the disc nucleus. As a result, the avas-
in the laboratory the damages on the intervertebral cular nucleus and inner annulus are gradually
joint noted by pathologists by subjecting the spine destroyed. In the early stages, the facet joints are not
to a variety of excessive forces. At least three greatly affected. At a later stage, with continued loss
of volume of the nucleus, the height of the disc is
types of loading appear to be responsible for
reduced and the facet joints dislocate. Arthritic
serious damage when combined in specific ways. changes appear but are rarely severe. The outer an-
These are axial compression, axial torque, and nulus survives and is gradually pushed out from
lateral bending. However, lateral bending may between the end-plates.
also induce an axial rotation because of the External violence may cause intervertebral joint in-
coupled motion of the spine. Hence, it could be jury and subsequent degenerative change. This is
argued that there are really only two basic loading generally accompanied by obvious damage to the bone.
configurations responsible for a large number of There are, however, special cases involving certain
pathological observations: axial compression and types of accidental falls on the backside. In these in-
torsion. In this regard it is interesting to note that stances, high axial load is applied when neither the
Hirsch and Schajowicz (1953) reported two dis- ligamentous nor the muscular system is set to restrain
412 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

the motion; the result is an explosive rupture of the

Although mathematical modeling was a highly
disc. popular exercise in the 1960s and 1970s, these ap-
S,quene, 2: Torsion Injury: This causes peripheral
proaches were invariably based on the description
damage to both the disc and facet joints. The annulus
of the ill-defined back musculature found in
is avulsed from the end-plate, and its laminae separate.
Gray's Anatomy, which dates from the beginning
However, the central portion of the disc and end-plate
of the century. Surprisingly, few individuals chal-
remain intact At a later stage, the annulus develops
lenged these fuzzy descriptions, and it was not
radial fissures, while the nucleus remains relatively un-
until 1984 that the correct anatomical description
touched. Because the changes in the facet joints are
of the back musculature was finally established by
severe, the intervertebral joints may become unstable.
Bogduk and Macintosh (1984). For the last two
The reluctance to consider torsion as an important
decades researchers have performed an impressive
element in the etiology of spinal disorders is based
upon the interpretation of many in vitro experiments
number of computer simulations using models
such as those of Adams et al. (1982). These experi-
based upon an erroneous anatomical repre-
ments involving bending (such as hyperflexion) didsentation of the spine which included the
produce annular damage and were believed to repre-following two basic mistakes: 1) The back mus-
sent a plausible explanation for disc prolapse. There
culature was misrepresented as an imprecise mass
are, however, a number of reasons to be cautious. called "erectores spinae" with few hard facts as to
FIrst, there is no clear-cut relationship between the data
the layout of muscular fibers. 2) The role of the
collected and an in vivo situation, and second, the
posterior ligamentous system (PLS), especially
initial conditions of the discs are unknown. For ex-
that of the thick layers of collagen fibers connect-
ample, it is conceivable that discs already damaged by
torsion were included in the sample. Hence, the ing the ilium to the spinous processes, was nearly
totally overlooked.
prolapse subsequently observed may have been due to
the combination of the preceding injury and the hyper-The consequence of such errors can be ap-
flexion. Furthermore, the level of facet asymmetrypreciated when considering the role of the spinal
was not noted, even though it is bound to have an ef-
musculature as the spine flexes. During the last 50
fect as it may result in a net torque being applied to the
years, it has been frequently argued in the litera-
annulus. Thus it could be argued that Adams et al. ob-
ture that the back muscles are responsible for
served annular failure from a peculiar combination of
lifting loads in the sagittal plane. In 1955, Floyd
compression and torsion.
and Silver studied a series of sagittal lifts per-
The simple distinction made between injuries
formed by 150 individuals (Figure 25.1). To their
resulting from the application of an excessive
surprise, they noted that the electromyographic ac-
axial compression and/or torsion is attractive but
tivity of the erectores spinae decreased at the time
certainly incomplete; it is also far from being
when they are most needed, that is, when the load
universally accepted. Yet, the usefulness of the
is just lifted off the ground. This muscle relaxa-
concept can be appreciated in the consideration of
tion phenomenon presented quite a challenge to
two important but basic types of spinal motion: 1)
the school which promotes the role of the lumbar
flexion in the sagittal plane, in which the main
musculature in lifting. To resolve the difficulty,
type of forces is axial compression; and 2)
Bartelink (1957) proposed that the internal ab-
locomotion, in which the main type of forces is
dominal pressure would rise and supplement the
axial torsion and compression.
action of the back muscles (Figure 25.2).
25.3 The Role of the Spinal Musculature in Theoretical and experimental considerations
Flexion refuted this suggestion (Gracovetsky, 1977, 1981,
The clarification of the role of muscles in 1988). There is no doubt that the maximum mo-
flexion, and the resulting axial compression ap- ment which those muscles are able to generate at
plied to the spine, are largely the result of L5181 is about 250 Nm. This is sufficient to
mathematical simulation with appropriate in vivo handle 50 kg or so but not much more (Figure
validation experiments. 25.3). Hence, the question: If the erectores are too
One would expect that the study of the anatomy small to lift significant loads and do not fire at the
would precede the development of mathematical very moment they are needed most, then where
models. Regrettably, this has not been the case. does the necessary lifting force come from?
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 413

at L5 " '\
200 "" I,..... \ .....
, \

tot" 7

" .'
......'.... .
..... \
z , ",L -..-., \

100 .... \

flex ion angle (deg rees)

Figure 25.3: The anatomical arrangement of longissimus
and iliocostalis lumborum is such that none of them are well
placed to exert the maximum moment to balance loads in
Figure 25.1: The EMG data of the erectores spinae sagittal plane movement
demonstrate an almost total relaxation at the time the
volunteer lifts a load from the floor. This
phenomenon, first reported by floyd and Silver (1955),
is difficult to explain if one believes that the low back
muscles generate the moment necessary to balance the
load on the spine.

(40 em)

200 9

Figure 25.4: Bogduk's dissections demonstrated the cor-

rections in the mathematical prediction of two basic
anatomical structures which form the thick lumbodorsal fas-
cia (WF) linking the ilium to the spinous processes: a) a
network of deep collagen fibers connecting the ilium to the
Figure 25.2: The concept of internal abdominal pres- tips of the spinous processes. This is the passive part of the
sure (lAP) was introduced to explain lifts in excess of WF because it requires a change in spinal geometry to be
50 kg. Indeed, there are simply not enough back tightened; b) a superficial layer of collagen fibers connecting
muscle mass to balance external loads in excess of 50 the lateral raphe of the fascia to the transversus abdominis.
When the transversus contracts, the collagen geometry
kg. The lAP is presumably pushing up the diaphragm forces the spinous processes to draw closer, thereby inducing
which assists the erectores in their action. The dif- a moment supporting the activity of the erectores. This mo-
ficulty with this concept is that the lAP will have to ment is not significant (Bogduk and Twomey, 1987). The
rise well above any physiological limit to be of any sig- whole assembly integrates neatly into a network of muscles
nificant assistance to the muscles. This concept must and ligament fibers. Proper load transmission from
therefore be abandoned. shoulders to ground requires that all parts of the fibers
(muscles and ligaments) be tightened. In particular, the pas-
sive part of the WF must be tightened. This can be
achieved through lordosis changes. The control of lordosis
is of fundamental importance both in lifting and walking,
and it is suggested that this is the primary responsibility of
the erectores spinae and psoas muscle.
414 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Gracovetsky (1977) suggested an answer for The suggestion that the PLS is the main com-
this question. Briefly, the force necessary to per- ponent in the transmission of force was greeted
fonn a lift is generated by the hip extensors, which with considerable skepticism. To clarify the role
are attached to the ilium. This force must then be of the PLS requires a review of the relationship be-
transmitted from the ilium to the upper extremities tween the musculature and the other soft tissues of
where it is required (Figure 25.4). It was the spine, especially the ligaments.
hypothesized that the posterior ligamentous sys- 25.3.1 The Nonmuscular Soft Tissues of the
tem (PLS) comprising the ligamentum flavum, the Spine
capsular ligaments of the facets, and the thick lum-
Muscles are attached to bone by strong col-
bodorsal fascia is the main structure channeling
lagen fibers called tendons (or, occasionally,
these forces. Anatomical studies (Bogduk and
ligaments). Bone can be attached to bone by
McIntosh, 1984; Bogduk and Twomey, 1987)
purely ligamentous tissues. In general, ligaments
showed that the lumbodorsal fascia portion of the
do not restrict movement unless the range of mo-
PLS is comprised of two major sub-structures
tion exceeds physiological limits. Hence, the
which must share the transmission of forces:
popular representations of the muscle/ligament
1. The upper sub-structure, comprised of the latis- relationship, whereby muscles will contract to
simus dorsi and other thoracic muscles, move bones, and the whole movement will be
channels the force from the tips of the spinous maintained within limits by the ligaments [e.g.
processes to the shoulders and arms. Because Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]. This repre-
it is a muscular component, it can be activated sentation is certainly true for the cruciate
regardless of posture. ligaments of the knee. Is it also true for the spinal
2. The lower sub-structure, comprised of the back motion? If it were, then there would be less need
muscles and the PLS, links the ilium to the tips to account for the presence of ligamentous tissue
of the spinous processes. It is crucial to deter- in the mathematical modeling of spinal function
mine the division of the force between the until near the limits of the physiological range.
back muscles and the PLS. Mathematical Virtually all mathematical models of the spine
modeling of the problem using appropriate and its surrounding soft tissues use some form of
anatomy indicates that the back muscles can optimization technique to overcome the basic
transmit about 1/5 of the force: the remaining problem of indetermination created by the excess
4/5 of the force is transmitted by the PLS. of control parameters (muscles) over constraints;
It is therefore apparent that the PLS plays a for the spine, this has been static optimization
critical role in transmitting the forces generated by [reviewed in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters) and
the hip extensors from the ilium to the tips of the Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters)]. The perfor-
spinous processes. To do this, the PLS must be mance criteria used by the optimization algorithm
taut. Since it is made of passive collagen fibers, have been expressed in the form of minimizing
the PLS cannot be tightened until the lordosis is some functional, such as muscular activity, energy
sufficiently reduced. We suggest that the control expenditure, compressive stress at LJ, etc. An ex-
of lordosis is precisely the role of the lumbar mus- ample of such modeling is given at the end of this
chapter in which the calculated muscle firing se-
culature, and that lordosis is a vitally important
parameter describing the ability of the spine to quence results in the mmlnllzation and
support loads (examined in more detail later). equalization of stress throughout the lumbar spine.
Although the mathematical solution repre-
Indirect support comes from study of Triano et al.
(1987), where EMG activity of the erectores was senting muscle activity depends upon the specific
less for nonnals than the injured. This criteria used, it must be realized that this type of
demonstrates that the normal must use a nonmus- approach has a fundamental limitation independ-
cular component in the lifting process, and that ent of the criteria chosen. That is, the model of a
this nonmuscular component may be what is dis- purely muscle driven spine generates a muscle
firing sequence which is unlikely account for the
abled by injury.
muscle relaxation phenomenon noted by Floyd
and Silver (1955). Furthermore, a matrix relating
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 415

the activity of the muscles to the stress on the joint major contributors to the lift. How can this be ex-
was found to be poslbve semi-definite plained? McGill et al. did not recognize the
(Gracovetsky, 1988). It is known that such a importance of the passive part of the lumbodorsal
matrix is also representative of the energy in the fascia, which was assigned the role of limiter of
system, and that a quadratic form with a positive range of motion, and as such was implicitely
semi-definite matrix describes a system with an in- removed from the equations. Specifically, the
finite number of states that have the same elimination of the ligamentous contribution is
minimum energy associated with them. This type based entirely on the idea that the ligaments
of system is unstable, for it can change between remain slack at up to 140 of flexion of the 1A15
these minimum energy states. Such behavior joint; based on data such as Adams et al. (1980),
would be clearly nonphysiological. To stabilize who measured an average flexion angle at 1A15 of
the system, the matrix in the quadratic form 10 0 or so, it is suggested that the value of 140 is
describing the energy in the system must be posi- too extreme. It is thus not surprising that McGill
tive definite. et al. did not find any ligament contributions
To convert a positive semi-definite matrix into within the normal spinal range of motion.
a positive-definite matrix, it is sufficient to intro- Introducing the value of the 10 deg in McGill et
duce a mathematical term in each diagonal al.'s equations will result in a reversal of the con-
element. With this correction, the muscle relaxa- clusion: the PLS becomes now the major force
tion phenomenon is now accounted for. However, transmission structure (McGill 1986, p. 142).
the model is supposed to be a faithful repre- It is noteworthy that McGill et al. (1986) did
sentation of the anatomy. The need to correct the not attempt to test their model for the type of lifts
model suggests that a major structural component which are common among weight lifters. Such
of the spine has been overlooked in the anatomical tests can be expected to give results similar to
dissections; the more recent work of Bogduk's those of Granhed et al. (1987), who analyzed the
group (Bogduk and Twomey, 1987) identified the performance of lifters in the 300 Kg lift range,
previously neglected PLS as the "missing" struc- using an equivalent muscle model proposed by
tural component predicted by the mathematical Schultz et al. (1982). He found that the calculated
model. disc compression (36,000 N) was three times
It can now be appreciated that if the PLS cannot higher than the ultimate (12,000 N) determined ex-
be correctly tightened, the available moment at L5 perimentally by Adams et al. (1980)! This high
will have to be supplied mostly by the erectores. compression, if truly representative of the in vivo
This will severely limit the ability to lift. siruation, would be severely disabling. It is en-
Furthermore, the lever arm of the erectores is ap- tirely based on the premise that the back muscles
proximately 50% shorter than those of the PLS, are responsible for lifting. In the opinion of the
since the muscles are attached to the transverse author, this school of thought cannot explain
processes and not the spinous processes of the ver- simple observations, no longer helps clarify the
tebrae. Therefore, using these muscles rather than function of the spine, and thus should be aban-
the PLS will always result in a higher compression doned.
stress on the disk. As the calculations unfolded, another surprising
An injury to the disk annulus or the capsular feature of the spine emerged: the spine and its sur-
ligaments of the facet will restrict the motion of rounding soft tissues behaved like a gigantic
the joint. Consequently, the erectores cannot ad- muscle. A proper description of this phenomenon
just the correct spinal lordosis and the PLS remains requires a reexamination of the notion of muscle.
slack. There has been a reluctance to relinquish
the tradition of assigning the erectores the major 25.3.2 The Synthesis of Muscular Response
role in sagittal lift. For instance, McGill et al. A muscle is usually defined by its material
(1986, 1988) propose a model based on an accept- composition as an ensemble of individual fibers
able representation of the anatomy, including whose length can be changed within certain
ligamentous tissue. Yet their conclusion was that physiological limits. This feature is described by
the PLS could not possibly intervene during the lift an equation relating the force applied to the mus-
and therefore the erectores still represented the
416 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

cular fiber to the resulting elongation (Figure design of mega muscles can be appreciated when
25.5a). Defining a muscle by its physical ap- considering the need to house the abdominal con-
pearance is convenient but restrictive. tent and other vital organs. It seems difficult to
SPINE MUSCLE FIBRE imagine how a regular biceps could function with
a "hole" in its center. Hence, the spine, as a mega
E muscle, represents a feasible solution to the
100 problem of synthesizing the muscle
2 50
force/elongation transfer function with a hole in its
center (e.g. the abdominal cavity). There is no ob-

vious alternative: if the moment at L5 necessary to
lift heavy loads were to be generated by the low
back musculature, then these muscles will have to
be enlarged from their current size to almost fill
out the abdominal cavity.
A B The study of the function of the spine in
Figure 25.5: a) Distribution of moments between flexion/extension revealed that the most important
muscles (M) and ligaments (L) as a function of the type of stress on the intervertebral joint is of a
angle of forward flexion; b) response of an individual compressive nature. Accordingly, a flurry of in
muscle fiber to elongation. F is the total tension force,
vitro experiments tried to reproduce the pathology
C the muscle contractile force, R the elastic resistance
of an injured joint by subjecting intact specimens
(Frost 1973). The overall response of the spine during
forward flexion has a pattern similar to that of a single to excessive compressive stress. A good correla-
muscle "fiber." This may not be coincidental; the tion was expected from such simple experiments.
spine and its surrounding soft tissues behave like a Unfortunately, the data stated otherwise. Virgin
very large muscle. (1951) subjected intervertebral joints to excessive
compression in vitro and demonstrated that the an-
We propose enlarging this definition by intro- nulus fibrosus is rarely damaged by compression.
ducing the concept of 'mega muscle.' A mega Numerous other researchers have repeated this ex-
muscle is defmed to be anything which will be periment with the same results. The calculations
described by the same force/elongation relation- made by Shirazi-Adl et al. (1984) suggest that
ship as a muscle fiber. Hence, a mega muscle is when the end-plate ruptures, the collagen fibers of
defined by its function, and not by the way it the annulus fibrosus are only stretched by about
looks. Note that this definition certainly includes 4%, well below their estimated limit of 20-30%.
what are generally termed muscles. The key point In short, the annulus cannot be damaged easily by
is that it also includes any complex arrangement of compression and therefore disc prolapse cannot be
components (not necessarily made of muscular a consequence of the application of pure compres-
tissue), which exhibit the same force/elongation sive forces to the joint.
transfer function. Pathology showed that axial torsion is a source
The reason for enlarging the definition of a of crippling spinal injuries. This in itself is
muscle is due to its physical constraints in bulk paradoxical: why some mechanism did not evolve
and size. To eliminate these physical constraints to prevent the spine from being injured by torsion?
and still keep the same behavior we must use com- There had to be some fundamental advantage in
ponents other than muscle fibers. exposing the spine to such potentially damaging
types of forces. This problem was resolved when
25.3.3 The Spine as a Mega Muscle
we came to understand that the spine was not a
It is remarkable that the calculated response of
passive structure, but rather an engine capable of
the spine, for sagittal lifts, exhibits the same
driving the pelvis that has adapted to our bipedal
characteristic response as that of a single muscle
mode of locomotion. Torsion thus emerged as
fiber (Fig. 25.5b; Gracovetsky, 1988). Therefore,
perhaps the most important motion of the spine.
according to our previous definition, the complex
system represented by the spine and its soft tissues
must be called a mega muscle. The freedom in the
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 417

However, a problem remained. If torsion was laterally to one side, while the shoulder of the
indeed necessary to ensure pelvic rotation, how other side is lifted. This motion applies an axial
could any axial torque be generated from the more rotation to a spine already flexed laterally. What
or less longitudinal pull of the erectores? It is con- happens next is a straight-forward problem in
ceivable that the obliques could contribute to axial physics: Any homogeneous rod bent in the
rotation during locomotion; the problem is that horizontal plane, while an axial torque is applied,
they do not (Basmadjian, 1979). Somehow the induces another motion off the horizontal plane.
spine converts the primitive lateral bend of our This phenomenon has been known for a long time
fish-like ancestors into an axial torque. How this (Lovett, 1903). It corresponds to the so called
is done was discovered by Lovett (1903) and is at coupled motion of the spine which will be dis-
the very heart of the spinal engine theory. cussed elsewhere. Hence, axial rotation in the
presence of a lateral bend induces a motion of
25.4 The Role of the Spinal Musculature in
flexion/extension in the sagittal plane.
Locomotion: The Theory of the Spinal
The theory of the spinal engine is an attempt to
put under a single conceptual roof the many ap-
parent paradoxes and experimental contradictions
which have surfaced over the years (Gracovetsky,
1988). The theory states that the locomotive func-
tion of the spine, so obvious in the fish, was never
transferred to any extremities. In other words, the
spine is not a supporting column passively Uo -

transported by the legs but rather the primary en-

gine driving the pelvis: the legs follow and
amplify the movement. This theory represents a
radical departure from the current representations
of human gait, which assigns a predominant role
to the lower extremities, even thought it is realized
that fully 2/3 of our body mass is located above
the legs. Conventional representation of gait does
not assign any particular important role to this
mass, which is believed to be passively carried
away at a significant energy cost. Such a
simplified model may explain the considerable dif-
ficulties encountered by many in the study of
pathological gait.
To be credible, a theory of human bipedal
locomotion cannot be limited to man. It has to ex-
plain the features of other vertebrates in the Figure 25.6: 0) Motion by lateral bend requires the al-
context of evolution. ternate firing of paraxial muscles. The power available
for locomotion is half the installed power; b) Motion
25.4.1 Evolution of the Spine by flexion (gallop) requires the firing of both paraxial
The main steps in the evolutionary sequence muscles. The power available is double; c) flexion
hypothesized here to lead to our present day can be controlled by muscles placed outside the
anatomy are are outlined in Gracovetsky (1988). pelvis/shoulder complex. Hence, the growth of the
Mechanically, the type of movement of interest is power source (hip extensors) is no longer hindered by
illustrated by movement in the lizard, in which the the abdominal content. provided this power is returned
to the spinal engine (PIS); d) It was then a matter of
locomotive process demands the alternate lifting
time before the animal could develop enough hip ex-
of the legs to clear obstacles as the animal ad-
tension power to lift himself off the ground in the erect
vances. Hence, at each step, the spine is bent stance.
418 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

The induction of flexion in the sagittal plane 3. When the heel strikes, the trunk deceleration con-
opened up new avenues in the design of the verts the potential energy stored in the gravitational
animal (Figure 25.6). Flexion/extension pennitted field into kinetic fonn. The spine, already posi-
a transition from the slow, low-poWered crawl of tioned during step 2, is further bent laterally with
the lizard, to the rapid, high-powered gallop of the force, in the presence of lordosis. The coupled mo-
cheetah. The muscular power source had to tion converts this forced lateral bend into an axial
torque. This effect is enhanced at heel strike by the
switch from the alternate fIring of the left and
axial compressive pulse of propagating upward.
right erectores to the simultaneous frring of all the Compressing the spine increases the axial torque
erectores. The increased. demand that a gallop strength of its joints and pennits a relatively large
puts on muscular power could not be met by the axial torque to be generated from small displace-
space constrained erectores; this problem was ments.
resolved by developing muscular power sources 4. The pelvis and the shoulders are forced to counter-
(hip extensors) outside of the abdominal cavity, rotate by the spine and its surrounding tissues. The
together with the means of returning this power to legs follow and amplify the pelvic motion.
the spine (PIS). Without the constraint in size and Locomotion is the product of the spine oscillat-
volume imposed by the need to house the ab- ing in the gravitational fIeld. There are two
dominal content, the hip extensors increased in resonating frequencies for this engine, depending
size and power. It was therefore inevitable that
on whether or not the posterior ligamentous sys-
the corresponding increase in moment in the sagit- tem plays a major role in the exchange of energy
tal plane generated by these muscles would permit
between the gravitational fIeld and the animal.
the animal to switch abruptly from 4 feet to 2. Each of these frequencies corresponds to a dif-
From this point on, bipedal locomotion be- ferent style of movement: walking, which is a
comes a problem of axially rotating the pelvis muscle predominant strategy, and running, which
using a muscular mass (erectores spinae and hip is a ligament predominant strategy.
extensors), which is essentially parallel to the axis A parallel can be made with the previous study
of rotation. As described below, the solution to of lifting, in which there were also two basic types
this problem requires the existence of a gravita- of lifting. For small loads below 50 kg (walking)
tional fIeld. the power demand of the spine can be met by the
25.4.2 Rotating the Pelvis spinal musculature, and there is no need to tighten
Axial rotation of the pelvis cannot efficiently the PLS to directly transmit further forces from the
be accomplished by direct action of the hip exten- ilium to the tips of the spinous processes. When
sors. An indirect route must be taken. The large loads are lifted, (running), the power demand
sequence of steps necessary to rotate the pelvis is of the spine cannot be met by the spinal muscula-
as follows: ture alone and therefore the PLS must be taut.
1. The hip extensors lift the body as the spine extends. Finally it must be noted that the shape of the
This is particularly obvious in a runner as both feet compressive pulse returned to the spine by the
leave the ground. Muscular energy is now stored heel strike impact cannot be arbitrary if maximum
in potential fonn as the center of gravity rises in axial torque is to be generated at minimum energy
the earth's gravitational field. expenditure. This implies that the combination of
2. As the center of gravity rises and falls, the effect of track surface and shoes must be very specifIc.
the changing vertical velocity is to reduce the load This has been known for some time by athletes.
on the spine. To prepare for step 3, the spine must An extreme case of poor match is felt by anyone
be positioned for impact. Appropriate corrections walking or running over soft sand: the compres-
in lordosis and lateral bending postures are made sive pulse is so damped that the energy recovered
by the trunk mUsculature, and in particular iliocos- by the spine from the descending trunk is inade-
talis, longissimus and psoas. These muscles, once quate. To rotate the pelvis, additional power
again, act as controllers of the spinal curvature, and
sources acting directly on the spine (spinal and
need not have the power to locomote the subject.
trunk musculature) must be recruited. The inef-
fIciency of this solution is obvious in that one
becomes tired very quickly. This demonstrates
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 419

that the spinal musculature is not designed to sup- A few observations are appropriate:
ply the power to locomote, any more that it is 1. A contradiction. If the legs were to axially
designed to supply the power to lift. In both cases, rotate the pelvis, then the conservation of an-
it is suggested that the role of the spinal muscula- gular momentum would require that an equal
ture is to modify the spinal curvature to control the an opposite torque be transferred to the
use of power generated by the hips extensors. ground. This has not been measured.
This representation of spinal function explains the
2. The use of the gravitational field. Nachemson
anatomical arrangement of longissimus, iliocos-
(1966) proposed that the psoas muscle is a
talis lumborum, multifidus and psoas (Figure
controller of spinal posture. Dempster (1955)
noted that "whenever the body exerts forces
on its environment, forming a closed chain
system of forces, limb and trunk muscles do
not directly exert pull forces; instead they
maintain joint postures which permits body
weight to exert an effective moment." Hence
the idea that the gravitational field ought to
Hip ......Iioa play a role in locomotion has been in the
literature for quite some time.
G. MaIimua 3. Minimi:dng lateral displacements. To mini-
mize lateral displacement of the pelvis and the
shoulder, it is advantageous to construct the
- spinal engine in two sections, corresponding to
the lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis.
The reversal in curvature cancels the lateral
~"~.~"4. displacement of each section and that of pelvis
and shoulders, without affecting the gener-
Rfdus Ibdominio
~ ation of axial torque.
4. StabiUzing the head. The need to stabilize the
Ui~.liollloracU ~
head as a platform for eyes/ears sensors,
demands that the rotation of the shoulders be
Loncissimusihoncio ~ decoupled from the head movement. This is
achieved by using the coupled motion of the
rliO<QIIaliolumborvm ~ cervical spine. It is suggested that the cervical

lordosis converts the lateral cervical spine mo-
MulCindus -#.. It l tion into an axial torque, which cancels the
torque transmitted to the cervical spine by the
rotating shoulders. In short, the cervical spine

Ri,hl hHi contad

~ tAR hftl <01>1.<1
stabilizes the head by de-rotating the motion
of the shoulders.
5. Bipedalism and human gait. Bipedalism has
been around for a very long time: dinosaurs
Figure 25.7: Right side EMG measurements of a sub- walked on two legs and so do today's birds.
ject walking. Redrawn from Liberson (1965) and Walking on two feet does not require the
Waters (1972). peculiarities of the human spine. The spine of
apes and monkeys does not have the lordosis
of the human spine, and although they are
basically quadrupeds, they can walk fairly
well on two feet for some time. The distinc-
tive form of human bipedalism is very
specific. People with a fused spine or disabled
420 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

spine can be expected to walk on two feet, al- amount of power shared between both thoracic
though they will not achieve the nonnal level and lumbar spines. The lumbar contribution
of efficiency (Inman, 1966). The characteris- can be readily evaluated, assuming that the
tic counter rotation of pelvis and shoulders lumbar joint rotates by one-fifth of the total
will be affected and so will energy exchanges displacement measured by Thurston and
with the gravitational field. It is therefore Harris (1983). The thoracic contribution has
relevant to study the theoretical predictions of been evaluated from the data generated by
power flow through the spine and compare Gregerson and Lucas (1967). Within the
these calculations with experimental data. limitations of this experimental knowledge
25.4.3 Power Flow in the Spinal Engine and the validity of the many assumption made
To better appreciate the intricate details of the in the calculation, the power available at the
energy transfers which take place within the spine, pelvis may be estimated to reach about ten
we reviewed the available experimental data on times that available at the joint, with a peak of
spinal motion during gait, together with the in up to 30W.
vitro mechanical response of the intervertebral We could not find any data from the literature
(IV) Jomt to compression and torsion to directly verify the validity of these predictions,
(Gracovetsky, 1988). As the spinal engine is a and therefore used an indirect approach based on
collection of stacked intervertebral joints, the the experimental data published by Winter
dynamic response of the joint must be clarified by (l983a,b), who considered the kinematics of the
using data from in vitro experiments and model- legs and calculated the power available at the hip
ing. joint regardless of the detailed motion of the
1. The torque needed to drive the trunk and pelvis masses above the pelvis. The rationale for this
must rotate the individual IV joints and over- validation is as follows: if the spine does indeed
come the inertia of the surrounding soft drive the pelvis, then the calculated power
tissues. The torsional response of the joint can delivered at the hip joint by the spinal engine
be determined from the data first collected by should be similar to that measured (e.g. by Winter,
Farfan and co-workers (Farfan, 1969, Farfan 1983a; see also Gracovetsky, 1988).
et al., 1970) and later on by Liu et al. (1985). Although the magnitude of the power at the
hips is different from that calculated at the LA
2. These data were used to derive a semi-
level, its pattern should nevertheless yield some
empirical nonlinear first order differential
indications of the reasonableness of our approach.
equation describing the joints. This equation
The superimposition of power patterns shows
relates the axial torque necessary to rotate the
striking similarities. Hence, it appears that the
joint, to the axial angular displacement and
proposed theory can offer a rational link between
velocity and to the applied axial compression.
the respective motions of the spine and legs during
3. The torque needed to overcome the inertia of locomotion. The apparent success of this correla-
the trunk mass was calculated by Cappozzo tion does not necessarily prove the theory to be
(1983) based on observations of volunteers true; rather, it simply demonstrates its usefulness
walking at different speeds. From these data, in putting pieces together from a wide range of dif-
the total torque, which is the sum of the torque ferent sources.
required to overcome the inertia of the trunk This theoretical analysis relies on the validity
mass plus the torque required to overcome the of equations which have been derived from experi-
resistance of the intervertebral joint, can be ments conducted under artificial conditions.
calculated. This total torque can then be Proper experiments will have to be carried out in
decomposed into the components supported by order to analyze the response of the intervertebral
the annulus and facets. joint under more physiological conditions. It is
4. Once the total torque and angular displacement possible to compile a list of some testable conse-
are known, the mechanical energy expended quences of the spinal engine theory and compare
and the power used by the joint can be calcu- them with those of the pedestrian theories of
lated. To evaluate the entire contribution of locomotion (Table 25.1).
the spine, it is necessary to estimate the
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 421

It can be appreciated that the coupled motion of remember the critical role of torsion as a source of
the spine is a fundamental feature tuned to the injuries to the ligamentous structures of the joint.
variations in spinal curvature and the mechanical The current difficulty in ascertaining the extent of
properties of collagen. Hence, the unique S shape ligamentous damage may explain the hesitation of
of our spine is of fundamental importance for many to accept the predominant impact of axial
human gait. torsion on the etiology of spinal disorders. The
From a clinical and rehabilitation point of view, verification and validation of the proposed theory
the theory highlights the fundamental importance is certainly a formidable task. Yet we should not
of axial torsion in the motion of the spine, coupled be deterred from using it as a qualitative guide for
with a critically timed axial compression. In the lack of better alternative.
formulation of a diagnosis, the clinician should

Table 25.1: Some testable consequences of the

spinal engine and classical theories of locomotion.

Situation Classical Theories Spinal Engine

Slwrtened or other- Reduced amplitude of Increased amplitude

wise disabled legs. spinal and pelvic oscil- of spinal and pelvic
lations. oscillations.

Less spinal mobility Walking ability unimpeded. Pelvic oscillations

(i.e. spinal fusion) Pelvic oscillations greater and walking ability
from theories which see the impaired.
role of spinal oscillations to
dampen pelvic oscillations,
or unchangedfrom models
which ignore trunk entirely.
Complete restraint of Walking ability unimpaired; Inability to walk or
spine by cast or har- perhaps some difficulties extremely modified
ness. in maintaining balance. gait; or, inability of
harness to restrain
the spine.

Loss of control of Minimum effect. Major consequences

psoas. as lordosis control
is lost.
422 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

25.5 The Coupled Motion of the Spine give a clear image of the precise damage to the
The ability of the spine to convert a lateral bend collagen of the annulus fibrosus, and injection of
into an axial torque has been known for some contrast material generally reveals the existence of
time. The earliest reference we could find is that multiple anatomical anomalies (Heslin, 1987). In
of Lovett (1903). Formal studies involving radiol- fact, it is known that 30% of asymptomatic
ogy and or in vitro laboratory tests were made by patients exhibit some kind of radiological anomaly
Tanz (1953), Roaf (1958), Miles and Sullivan (Boden et al., 1990). Since the correlation be-
(1961), Gregerson and Lucas (1967), Pope et al. tween anatomy and function is tenuous at best, the
(1977), White and Panjabi (1978), Frymoyer et aI. question remains: What anomaly, among the many
(1979), Schultz et al. (1979), Pearcy and Tibrewal visible on the radiographic film, is the one respon-
(1984), and Panjabi (1985). sible for the patient's problem?
The results are variable; they range from "there To answer such a question, the response of the
is little or no coupling" (Schultz et aI., 1979) to joint must be tested in vivo under the two basic
"coupling is essential to the understanding of the modes of loading: an increase in axial compres-
lumbar spine kinematics" (White and Panjabi, sion and an increase in axial torsion. The increase
1978). To explain these wide differences in in compression is achieved by requesting the
opinion it was proposed that the direction and patient to bend forward in full flexion. This in-
magnitude of coupling is a function of the relative crease is mainly supported by the anterior part of
position of the center of rotation of the joint and the intervertebral joints, and in particular, the disc.
the disc pathology (Gracovetsky, 1988). In short, The torsional strength of the joint (and the ability
in the normal spine, given a lateral bend to one of the disc and the facets to transmit it) is tested by
side, the induced axial torque can be either clock- asking the patient to bend laterally. If a patient is
wise, counter clockwise, or neutral. Hence, it is asked to bend to the left, then the pelvis will be
suggested that the difficulty in controlling the driven in a clockwise direction (when looking
position of the center of rotation may be respon- from above) by the coupled motion - i.e., the left
sible for the paradoxical results of apparently inferior facet of a vertebral body will push against
similar experiments. the left superior facet of the one immediately
When the disc is injured, the coupled motion of below. If the joint is healthy, the resulting motion
the spine is affected, the induced axial torque may of the spinous process will be smooth. The whole
become negligible, and consequently the patient spine will bend evenly to one side.
may lose the ability to locomote. To maintain But if the joint has been previously injured by
locomotion in the presence of an injury, the in- excessive torsion in the clockwise direction, then
duced axial torque must be restored to an executing a lateral bend to the left will force the
acceptable level. This compensation mechanism joint to rotate in a clockwise direction, that is, in
can be calculated. It requires the facets to supple- the same direction which caused the patient's in-
ment for the loss of disc strength. To enhance the jury. The patient will unconsciously refuse to do
function of the facets, it is necessary for the disc to this. The lower spine will go to the right first (to
collapse (i.e. the disc space is reduced); if that is axially derotate the injured level) and then from a
not sufficient, the facet may be reoriented. Hence, certain level up go to the left, as requested. This
the theory may explain the frequent deformations phenomenon is well documented in the literature
noted on CT scans called 'facet arthropathy' or where it is referred to as "the lateral bending sign"
'facet remodeling'. (Weitz, 1982) or "protective scoliosis" (Caillet,
25.5.1 Theoretical Method for Detection of
Torsional injuries deform the joint. Restoring
Spinal Injuries
normal alignment of the vertebral bodies requires
As seen earlier the mechanical failure of the
derotation. In principle, spinal derotation could be
joint may occur by a combination of excessive tor-
achieved by external manipulation, or by asking
sion and compression. Unless the injury is fresh
the patient to use appropriate muscles such as mul-
and clean, the clinician is faced with complicated
tifidus. But using muscles is tiring and inefficient
detective work because CT, MRl, and X-rays cannot
because spinal muscles are more or less aligned
with the spine. The patient left to himself uses his
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 423

own body weight to derotate his spine through a turbance may be repeatable, it is not necessarily
combination of protective scoliosis and lordosis in relevant. After all, most workplace tasks are not
order to reduce the pain. The patient's list betrays performed with the worker's pelvis restrained by a
his torsional injury. Note that the protective belt, nor are they performed isokinetically, isoiner-
scoliosis disappears when the patient lies supine tially, or in any other such artificial way. Berkson
on a table. et al. (1977) compared the muscle strength of male
Care must be exercised to avoid confusing patients (those healthy and those with acute low
protective and idiopathic scoliosis. Rare are back pain) and found that acute back syndrome
asymptomatic spines which do not have some de- patients have considerable physical ability under
gree of idiopathic scoliosis. Following torsional many circumstances. As a rule, either patients
injury, the protective scoliosis adds its deforma- were unable to assume a given position, or else
tion to the preexisting idiopathic scoliosis. their performance was close to the norm in all ex-
Therefore, the detection of a torsional injury is ercises in that position. The positions which could
facilitated by conceptually separating the spinal not be assumed were generally those involving
scoliosis into its primary components: the per- substantial trunk twisting, or a combination of
manent deformation (idiopathic scoliosis) and the bending and twisting.
temporary, compensatory deformation (protective
scoliosis) which characterizes the injury. It would
be beneficial to design a machine capable of dis-
tinguishing between compression injuries (by
analyzing the motion of the spine flexing in the
sagittal plane) and torsional injuries (by distin-
guishing between idiopathic and protective
scoliosis as the spine bends laterally). The
Spinoscope (described in Section 25.6) is one such
machine; it opens a new field for assessing the
function of the spine in a non-invasive manner.
25.5.2 The Problem of Assessing Spinal
The difficulties involved in objectively assess-
ing the function of the spine are rather formidable.
Besides the fact that the spine consists of 24 in-
dividual intervertebral joints (all of which are
mobile, and anyone of which can be the site of an
injury), the whole assembly is mounted on the pel-
vis, which itself moves. The strong connective
tissues that attach the vertebrae directly to the
ilium ensure that the motions of the spine and pel-
Figure 25.8: Harnessing the pelvis to isolate the spine
vis are inextricably linked (Figure 25.8). is a common procedure. However, spinal function is
This is why the various isokinetic, isotonic, inextricably linked to the pelvis.
isoinertial, and related machines intended to
measure muscular trunk strength do not do justice A spinal injury is usually a ligamentous or a
to the biomechanical complexity of the spine. By collagenous injury. Damage to ligamentous
attempting to mechanically isolate the spine from tissues cannot be readily detected by radiology,
the pelvis using harnesses and belts (Figure 25.8), and there exists no evidence in the literature sus-
and allowing its movement around a fixed axis of taining the view that machines which measure
rotation, these machines interfere substantially trunk muscle strength can characterize this injury
with the normal functioning of the spine. What either. Finally, to complicate these issues, the
they measure is in fact the disturbance of the ligaments are visco-elastic - that is, their response
spine's function by the machine. While this dis- is time dependent. Meaningful data on a spinal in-
424 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

r--------- -- --,

~ -- ---- ------- - --~

f lllG c _ clloft_

C- ' .'

..... print.,

e: Lf O "'_ L O 24211
.... . ~"d (1110 • ...,t,_.
0...[} ~".,." .... Uc .. C _1ef

:l C :::.:.:.-:-..!;,='
Figure 25.9: Overview of Spinoscope. Note the 12 two more are placed above the iliac crest and two
mmers placed above the mid line of the spine, while above the Achilles' tendons.

jury requires that the contribution of the ligamentsdeduced. For a normal individual, this coordina-
be determined. This task must be done dynami- tion is task-speciftc, and can be used as a
cally, not quasi-statically as the spine moves reference. When a patient with an unknown con-
freely. dition is tested, his spine and pelvis coordination
25.6 Assessing Spinal Function and can be compared with the reference obtained from
the normal individual. Any discrepancy between
Injuries: A Practical Solution: them is interpreted as a loss of spinal function.
The Principles of Spinoscopy The kinematics of the spine are obtained by
To verify the application of the theory of the tracking the motion of markers placed on the skin
spinal engine in explaining human locomotion, it with adhesive tape. These markers are small
was first necessary to collect data on individuals light-emitting diodes. Twelve of them are dis-
with no lower extremities. The motion of the tributed along the spine, only two of which need to
spine during locomotion was approximated by be located with precision: the first one must be
tracking the movement of markers placed on the above the spinous process of C7, and the ninth
skin, while monitoring the EMG activity of below must be above LA. With this accomplished,
selected muscle groups. The precision necessary the other markers can be placed approximately,
to measure variations in lordosis and intersegmen- because their relation to the underlying vertebrae
tal mobility precluded the use of IV based motion can be calculated using anthropomorphic tables.
analysis systems; the Spinoscope (Figure 25.9) uses In addition, two more markers are placed above
infrared cameras with a resolution 64 times better. the iliac crest, and two more on the Achilles' ten-
The Spinoscope obtains geometric data from the dons. The EMG electrodes are placed above
patient's spine using a dual camera system, while multifidus at L5. In this region, multiftdus stands
the activity of multifidus is recorded using skin alone and the electrical signal is not disturbed by
surface EMG electrodes. By mathematical the activities of the iliocostalis and the longis-
analysis, detailed information about the coordina- simus.
tion between spine, pelvis and muscles can be
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 425

This ring will appear as an ellipse on the film and

I-HIC-~-+-+-+-+--i::;::o.t., ..... will permit scaling the image until the shadow of
.,tlee .•.•••• the largest ellipse is exactly one inch. By taking
1 several AP and lateral radiographs of the subject so
instrumented, one can measure the relationship be-
tween the position of the markers and the
vertebrae for a wide variety of postures. From
these data, it is possible to derive some important

. --
physiological parameters.
., "'
~ 25.6.2 The Measure of Lordosis
r---. ..... r-- 1\ Lordosis refers to the curvature of the lumbar
spine. For the purpose of this study, lordosis is
defined as being the lumbosacral angle, which is
: ',7"'
'0 tI'.)r'- I"" the angle between the bisectors of the T12ILl and
"JT.!!I" L5181 discs. The lumbosacral angle derived from
0 __________--' direct vertebrae measurements is said to be "true."
L-_'_2_ _ _.L'_I.3If..
In addition to the shape of the vertebrae, the
Figure 25.10: Subject in flexion with the reconstructed radiograph clearly shows the corresponding loca-
motion of the markers in the sagittal plane. tion of the steel balls, which define a curve. The
perpendiculars to the curve at the level of T12ILl
and L5181 also define an angle. This lumbosacral
During data collection, each marker emits a angle derived from the steel balls measurements is
short pulse of infrared light. At full speed, each termed "effective." The correlation between the
marker flashes about 5,000 times per second. This "true" and "effective" angles has been studied in
allows the reconstruction of spinal motion at a rate Gracovetsky (1988). Essentially, the relationship
of 180 images per second. is monotonic; in fact, it is well approximated by a
When the patient bends forward, the motion of straight line (Figure 25.11). This has been verified
the markers in the sagittal plane contains informa- on 30 individuals, and is consistent with the find-
tion on the intersegmental mobility and lordosis
ings of others.
reduction (Figure 25.10). The reconstructed mo- The correlation in variation in lumbosacral
tion can be played back for detailed analysis of the angle, calculated from the kinematics of the LED
kinematics of the spine. This information, markers and those of the steel balls with the true
however, is distorted by skin motion, which intro- motion of the vertebrae, is also consistent for a
duces an error into the measurement process. given individual. But what about inter-subject
25.6.1 The Skin Motion Problem variation? Although the patterns of motion are
The clinical data generated by the Spinoscope similar, an absolute inter-subject comparison using
is derived from the tracking of markers placed on only marker data is not possible because of the
the skin. As the patient moves, the spine and the variable thickness of the soft tissues above the
skin move. It is pertinent to examine to what ex- spine. Hence, the correlation curve for an in-
tent it may be possible to obtain information on dividual must be obtained before the absolute true
the spine movement from the kinematics of the lumbosacral angle can be deduced from the data
skin markers. This idea is not new (Bryant, 1989) collected on skin markers. In practice, this restric-
and has been used to determine vertebral body tion is not severe because the relation between the
positions. "effective" and "true" lordosis is at least
Our basic protocol for this investigation con- monotonic and therefore the clinician can compare
sists in taping 3-mm steel balls over the spinous the patterns of responses of different individuals.
processes and the iliac crest of volunteers to be X- In addition, it is clinically important to compare
rayed. To control for image magnification of the the data collected on the same individual during
X-ray machine, a one inch diameter steel ring is the performance of different tasks.
taped above multifidus as close to 1.3 as possible.
426 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

• mark.,. I II
placed on akIn <II

'f/ m.aaur.d enlle !

'f- true anile
E. 40

- - - 'umbar CUty.



a b o 20 10
apln. ahown lSA (true) (degrees)
In .aten.lon .e,tebr •• dr •• "
JYM-fI17 from a-r., fII",

Figure 25.11: a) Lateral view showing the relative between l' and Yis fairly linear, indicating that the mo-
position of vertebrae and steel balls. These define the tion of extemal marlcers placed on the skin does
lumbosacral angle Y* as the angle between L511 and contain information relevant to the estimation of the
T12ILl and the angle Y as the estimate of calculated true lumbosacral angle.
from the positions of the steel balls, b) The correlation
25.6.4 The Non-Invasive Evaluation of True
25.6.3 The Schober Test Intersegmental Mobility
A very popular test performed by clinicians The accuracy of the Spinoscope camera system
consists in measuring the variation in distance be- 1 part in 500) makes it easy to track gross move-
tween two marks placed on the skin above S1 and ments such as range of motion. It is, however,
Ll. As the patient bends forwards, the lordosis is much more difficult to determine the true interseg-
reduced and the distance between the two marks mental mobility of the various joints of the spine,
increases and is well correlated with the true rela- because the magnitude of the errors due to skin
tive elongation of the distance between the motion becomes comparable to the relative dis-
corresponding spinous processes of S1 and Ll placement of one joint above another. This is not
(Gracovetsky, 1988) (Figure 25.12). to say that the skin movement introduces a level of
Note that in addition to any inter-trial uncertainty which reduces to zero the clinical sig-
variability, at least part of the variance between 60
the measurements using the LEDs and steel balls is
due to the fact that the LEDs could be tracked
f2 40
dynamically, while the radiographs of the steel w

balls were taken with the subject in quasi-static ~

posItIons. The visco-elastic ligamentous struc- 20
tures of the spine may creep while the radiographs
are taken. This may account for the fact that the 0
dynamic measures made from the LEDs yield a d y _ 0.97 x - 0.43
?1- , _ 0.82
consistently lower calculated response than the
response obtained from the quasi-static data col- -20 n_ '1
lected from radiographs of the steel balls. In the
normal subjects exhibiting the muscle relaxation -20 o 20 40 eo
phenomenon, the elongation at relaxation was ap- %S.ONGATION - VEATEBRAE
proximately 30%. Figure 25.13: Cumulative data on seven individuals
showing the correlation between the variation in the
distance between the L5 and T12 vertebrae and the
variation in distance between marlcers placed above the
spinous processes of L5 and T12.
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 427

nificance of the intersegmental mobility calculated At the very least, it is suggested that this type
from the steel balls or from the LEDs; skin motion of non-invasive measurements should be con-
cannot be random and must contain information sidered as an acceptable source of information on
characterizing both the spine and its surrounding the hard-to-get dynamic response of the un-
soft tissues. Since both are affected by pathology, restrained spine. This is desirable in view of the
it must follow that skin motion is also affected by limited altematives available to identify spinal
the presence of spinal pathology. Therefore the dysfunction. The visco-elastic nature of collagen
clinical relevance of the calculated '.'effective" in- requires that functional analysis of the spine be
tersegmental mobility (calculated from the performed at speed. This dynamic information
kinematics of the skin markers) must be separated has important clinical implications. Yet the issue
from the clinical relevance of the "true" interseg- at hand is a larger one: we do not know how to in-
mental mobility (calculated from the kinematics of tegrate fully the data collected from the variety of
the vertebral bodies) because each contains dif- non-invaSive sources available to us.
ferent amounts and types of information. The
25.7 Clinical Application of Spinoscopy
usefulness of the effective intersegmental mobility
to the clinician is beyond the scope of this chapter 25.7.1 Experimental Muscles and Ligaments
(see Gracovetsky, 1990). Briefly, the clinician Response as the Load Lifted Increases
wants to know if there exists a relationship be- A subject who exhibits a near normal response
tween effective intersegmental mobility and when carrying no load might demonstrate a
pathology, and to what extent this relationship will markedly different response when handling a cer-
help him or her better appreciate the condition of tain amount of weight. It is therefore desirable to
the patient. In this regard, the correlation between study the variations in performance of a patient as
the effective and true intersegmental mobility may he is asked to manipulate increasing levels of
be considered of secondary importance, although weights. As the load and therefore the stresses
it would clearly be an advantage to obtain reliable within the spine increase, there must be a point at
data on the actual motion of the vertebrae from which the spine reaches its maximum ability to
non-invasive sources. The relationship between handle that load. The spine will "brace" itself,
the kinematics of the skin markers and true inter- thereby manifesting slightly different kinematics
segmental mobility of the spine, for a population which can be objectively detected by the
of 24 subjects, is documented elsewhere Spinoscope (e.g. Figure 25.13). Notice that the
(Gracovetsky, 1990). pattern of lifting was remarkably similar (see
Table 25.2 summarizes the experimental results Figure 25.15).
by providing the statistical error between true and There is a limit to what the collagen network of
effective intersegmental mobility. These data sug- the lumhodorsal fascia can transmit. As the load
gest that it is not unreasonable to use skin markers exceeds a limit (which varies according to the
to approximate the motion of the spine. Of course anthropomorphic characteristics of each
some precautions must be taken and judgment individual), the maximum trunk velocity begins to
must be exercised. For instance, very fat people decrease. When this occurs, the collagen must
will not be good candidates for such an analysis. stretch more to maintain its ability to transmit an
increasingly high level of force. This stretching
Table 25.2: Average error (in degrees) between cannot continue indefinitely since the soft tissues
true and effective intersegmental mobility. of the spine will be damaged. Thus a decrease in
peak trunk velocity indicates that the lifter is ap-
proaching his or her physiological limits. This
observation suggests a measure for evaluating the
safety of a load. It is proposed that the load is safe
Ll 2.S9 1.32 2.00 1.54 0.71 0.78
Ll I.S8 1.78 1.79 1.36 1.63 1.19 as long as it is in a range during which the maxi-
L3 2.91 2.26 US 0.84 1.38 0.83 mum trunk velocity increases. The value of the
L4 3.6S 1.49 2.J3 2.lS 1.21 1.56 load at which the peak velocity begins to decrease
S 2.60 1.84 3.00 2.94 3.23 2.16
would then be considered as the maximum for safe
428 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

loading. In Figure 25.15, the safe load is es-

timated to be about 50 kg.
l.oII_ """'_ loft_

"I \

'. )
I ;I I
"1 !

I ~\ \
! II\ !
o· ' . ~ ~""<-=i;"'-",-- '.
) ~
I 1t 10 .
C.l .
"0 1S " 10
10 .S

..,_ ....
- T
De~ I \ )' )
15 10

15 10

' .. \
\ '. /

.\ I . /
Figure 25.13: Data for ten healthy volunteers between '. , '. I
the ages of 23 and 32 who were requested to lift a jHJ \\1//
series of increasingly heavier loads using whatever

'. I
posture they felt most comfortable and to stop when-
ever they felt the lift would endanger their spine. The
data from several lifts of increasing loads are overlaid. ,
0.0--": o~ 4 I ,
'0 20 '0 ,. 20 )0 '0 20 00 '0 )0
Notice the similarity of the responses. The data sug- C.l. Y.M.
gest that the coordination of spine and pelvis is
consistent regardless of the load lifted, as long as the
spine can handle the load. See also Figure 25.15. Figure 25.14: For each load lifted the peak trunk
velocity changes. The velocity peaks for a certain
angle of forward flexion. Note that the maximum
velocity first increases with the load to be lifted, and
then begins to decrease. It is suggested that the load at
The net decrease in lordosis is defined by the which the peak velocity begins to decrease reflects the
change in lordosis as the subject bends down un- limit of ligaments stretching, and as such, represents a
loaded to pick up the load. The net increase in reasonable index of the maximum safe load.
lordosis is the variation in lordosis as the patient,
after having picked up the load, returns to the erect
stance (Figure 25. 15a).
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 429

a ,.-----:P~E=-:-L-:-:V-=I-=C:--::M::-:o:":r=-=-I-=o7:N- - - . r~T=-H~O-=R-=A-=C~O:-:-L-:U~M~B~A-=-R----,M,....,O,....,T.,....,I,....O-N--., b

•.~ . t, 8;...·.... 1·. .. ····i.....·...r...·····
. •..
.... • ill 41 .. III I.

. . . . . . .
41 .,.j. ...:... ; ····+······l·······j·······+·····+····..
., . . ······j····.·+······t··
...·t... ·....
• '~:".".'+' ... '..:"'. ...;. ...... +...... .
-ill ·U·······+·······~·······!··
:: : : :
.. ··+·. . f ....·..l· ..·····
: : :

Figure 25.15: a) The variation in lordosis is given as a demonstrates a reduction in the elongation of the soft
function of the load lifted. Note the similarity between tissues of the spine because the back flattens when the
the net increase and decrease in lordosis, that is load increases. What is not represented by this
whether or not the patient is loaded. It seems that the measurement is the impact of the pelvis rotating
subject anticipates the posture to be adopted to lift the around the acetabulum as the knees flex. c) As the
weight and adjusts his lordosis accordingly. Note that load lifted increases, the contribution of the pelvis to
lordosis decreases as the weight lifted increases. This the reduction of lordosis increases to compensate for
is consistent with a tightening of the posterior ligamen· the flattening of the back. Indeed, the back must be
tous system. b) The dynamic Schober Test flattened to minimize the external moment which must
be supported by LS.

It is apparent from Figure 25.15b that the elonga· This demonstrates the considerable impact of
tion of the soft tissues reduces from 50% (no load with pelvis rotation on the mechanics of the spine, and
the spine flexing to its maximum) to 25% (100 kg with why it is unreasonable to restrain the pelvis in any
"flat back"). Can we conclude that lifting with a "flat way when testing patients. This is dramatically il-
back" implies a lifting with a back more lordotic than lustrated in Figure 25.15c in which the relative
that of a flexed spine? Notice that the initial lordosis contribution of the spine and pelvis are plotted
also changes with loads; a 50% of reduction of the
versus the load lifted.
initial lordosis with no loads is equal to a 25% of
reduction of the initial lordosis with a 100 kg load, These data suggest a method for determining a
which explains why the fmal lordosis is the same in safe level of load. The relationship between the
both cases. Hence, a "flat back" posture does not ligament elongation, velocity and load lifted is
necessarily imply a lordotic spine because the accom- very particular, and similar patterns can be found
panying flexion of the knees permits a significant in all healthy subjects we examined. The impor-
rotation of the acetabulum so that the pelvis may now tance of the ligaments in the lifting process makes
compensate for the reduced spinal action. This permits it imperative that they function in an optimal man-
a level of lordosis reduction sufficient to tighten the ner. The visco-elastic nature of collagen suggests
PLS. Note that the action of the erectores is necessary that speed is an important parameter which must
to control the reduction of lordosis. Hence, the ob- be maintained if the strength of the collagen is to
served multifidus activity is related to the need to
be sustained. Hence, the beginning of trunk
adjust posture (a control action shared with psoas
velocity reduction as shown in Figure 25.14 may
which requires little power, Nachemson, 1966) and not
to a need to deliver the power for the lift A more com- be indicative of the asymptomatic moment at
plete discussion on the theoretical implications of the which the spine begins to acknowledge the
role of the PLS is given in Gracovetsky (1988). stresses created by the load. It is therefore sug-
gested that a "safe load" be defined as the load at
which the maximum trunk velocity begins to
430 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

25.7.2 Range of Motion Versus Coordination of 25.8 Conclusion

Motion The theory of the spinal engine has been able to
There is an important distinction to make be- explain in rational form a considerable body of ex-
tween range of motion and coordination. Range perimental facts. Nevertheless, this success is not
of motion is under voluntary control and can be a validation. It is simply a question of time before
easily altered. Coordination is harder to change new evidence forces a review of the theory which
because it is, generally speaking, not controlled will then have to be amended or discarded. In the
consciously. For example, it is virtually impos- mean time, it is hoped that our work will be seen
sible to rotate at will the fA vertebme over LS. as a useful contribution to the solution of the eter-
The coordination of joint motion is a chamcteristic nal back problem.
of the health of the spine and represents a 25.9 Future Directions
desirable signature which can be measured.
The theory of the spinal engine assigns an im-
In fact, the lifting capacity of an asymptomatic
portant role to the PLS and the coupled motion of
spine can also be determined by detecting the load
the spine. Therefore, our recommendations are
at which normal coordination breaks down. This
directed towards encouraging research in three im-
is possible because the coordination between spine
portant areas:
and pelvis is not affected by increasing loads, as
long as the subject is normal. Moreover, there is 1. The properties of the PLS. This study can be
little change in spine/pelvis coordination when a done in vitro by analyzing the response of the
lift is performed with the back appearing either collagen, while maintained at body tempera-
flat or flexed. This may be smprising because the ture, under various regimes of elongation,
various styles of lifting appear quite different. loads and velocities.
Yet, the spine/pelvis coordination of an individual 2. The precise role of the PLS in locomotion. This is
is relatively consistent throughout the range of a theoretical approach involving the redesign
weight lifted, as long as the spine can safely sup- of the current mathematical models of the
port the load. spine. The spine and its surrounding tissues
must oscillate in the earth's gravitational field,
25.7.3 The Unique Optimum Coordination using the sagittal flexion of the trunk lifted by
Between Spine and Pelvis the hips extensor as input. The result of the
The theory of the spinal engine predicts that the sequence in energy transfer is the axial rota-
coordination between spine and pelvis is deter- tion of the pelvis. The thick passive part of
mined by the need to minimize the level of stress the lumbodorsal fascia linking the ilium to the
which the spine has to support, regardless of the tip of the spinous processes and the tendonous
load to be lifted. This unique optimum coordina- attachment of latissimus dorsi should be care-
tion will be affected by injury, and the resulting fully modeled. They are expected to play a
changes can be readily detected. That the coor- crucial role in the determination of the resonat-
dination between spine and pelvis is invariable for ing frequency; as such, the energy storage
a healthy spine should not really surprise us, since property of the PLS should be investigated.
the human body has other invariants such as tem-
3. The coupled motion of the spine. Until now, ex-
perature. For example, no one would expect a
periments designed to evaluate the coupled
large individual to have a high tempemture, be-
motion of the spine did not reproduce the con-
cause a specific body tempemture is chamcteristic
ditions which can be calculated during
of the species. Similarly, the coordination be-
walking or running. That is, as the joint
tween spine and pelvis is something which is
rotates around a moving axis of rotation, the
characteristic of the human species, not just the in-
intervertebral joint is subjected to high com-
dividual, and as such represents a highly desirable
pressive pulses. The design of an appamtus
parameter to be quantified by Spinoscopy.
capable of applying such high variable loads
cyclically would certainly represent a chal-
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 431

Appendix: Three-Dimensional Model of This numerical coding of the anatomy is used

the Human Spine to construct the anatomical database, which is
The development of a physiological 3-D model simply a list of the muscles and ligaments with
of the spine can be viewed as the consolidation of their respective fascicle and strand co-ordinate
four separate tasks. The fIrst task is to acquire an pairs. Designing the database in this fashion al-
accurate description of the relevant anatomy and lows for simple modifIcation of the anatomy.
quantify the appropriate components. The second Muscle fascicles or ligament strands can be added,
task is to develop a mathematical method to gener- deleted or displaced by modifying the appropriate
ate different spinal postures, using the anatomical co-ordinate pair. This numbering is a "generic"
description provided by completion of the fIrst representation of each bone. Determination of 3-D
task. The third task, given the above, is to gener- bone sizes, and scaling for subjects, is discussed
ate equations capable of describing the moments, further in Gracovetsky (1988).
shears and compressions induced on the spine by 2S.A.2 Second Task - Spinal Posture Details
the various muscles and ligaments. The fourth Generation of spinal postures in 3-D allows for
and fInal task involves the application of systems the simulation of armost any real life activity as a
theory to take these equations, along with informa- sequence of connected spinal postures. To gener-
tion about the external loads on the spine in a ate spinal postures requires an understanding of
given posture, and generate a solution that mini- how the spine moves in space. Studying 3-D mo-
mizes and equalizes joint stress as a function of tion can be confusing, so the problem is broken
muscle activity, ligament tension and spinal pos- down into three sub-problems: motion in the sagit-
ture. It is this latter task that is of greatest interest tal plane, motion in the coronal plane, and motion
in this book, and thus the fIrst three tasks will only in the transverse plane. See Gracovetsky (1988,
be briefly outlined (see Gracovetsky (1988) for Appendix I) for details of this process.
2S.A.3 The Third Task - Mathematical Details
2S.A.l The First Task - Anatomical Details
The muscles and ligaments can induce forces
The anatomy relevant to a spinal model must
and moments on the various spinal components.
be determined and then described mathematically.
However, for the purposes of the 3-D model, only
Our model includes the following anatomical
the forces and moments on the lumbar vertebrae
groups: the thoracic spine (including the shoulder
are required. When the cervical spine is included,
girdle and arms), the lumbar spine, the pelvis, the
then the forces and moments on both the cervical
thoracic back muscles, the abdominal muscles, the
and lumbar vertebrae will be required.
lumbar back muscles, and the thoracolumbar
Given the spinal posture and anatomical
ligamentous system. The cervical anatomy
database, it is possible to generate force vectors
(including the head) has not been incorporated, but
for each muscle fascicle and ligament strand.
is a natural extension. Within this context, twelve
Knowing the force vectors, it is possible to com-
muscles and four ligaments have been incor-
pute the moment induced at each lumbar vertebra.
porated into the model.
Automatic determination of which vertebrae
The muscles have been further broken down
are spanned by a given fascicle or strand is ac-
into their fascicular construction, with the iden-
complished by building a sequence table for the 57
tifIcation of the points of origin and insertions of
bones. The sequence table defInes the order of the
the various fascicles on the bones. A similar proce-
bones, thus allowing for the identifIcation of the
dure has been applied to the various ligament
vertebrae spanned by any muscle fascicle or liga-
strands. The bones with muscle/ligament attach-
ment strand (see Gracovetsky, 1988) for further
ments have been given numbers, and each
details on this algorithm.
individual attachment point on a particular bone is
also numbered. Thus, a fascicle or strand can be 2S.A.4 The Fourth Task - System Details
identifIed by a co-ordinate pair (bone number, at- The 3-D model is used to predict patterns of
tachment point number). Each muscle and muscle activity and ligament tension for an in-
ligamentous structure is then identifIed by a group dividual during a load-bearing activity. This
of fascicles and strands respectively. activity is defined by a sequence of spinal pos-
tures. Execution of the first three tasks yields sets
432 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

of equations that give the compression forces, the Constraints to Reflect a Given Pathology. An
shear forces, and the moments induced at the ver- injury to the back can manifest itself in many
tebral bodies for given spinal postures as functions ways and may involve muscles, ligaments, bones,
of muscle activity and ligament tension. Given or joints. To prevent injuries we must impose con-
the load that is borne during an activity, the forces straints on 1) the maximum and minimum shear or
and moments generated by the load at the ver- compression to which any given intervertebral
tebral bodies are computed for each spinal posture. joint is subjected,2) the maximum muscle activity
Equilibrium conditions dictate that the resultant a given muscle can have, and 3) the maximum ten-
forces and moments at each vertebral body must sion a given ligament can support. The muscle
be zero for each spinal posture. and ligament constraints are implemented by a
Equilibrium Conditions. Static equilibrium of family of equations:
the lumbar spine is accomplished by balancing all
the moments and loads at each of the five lumbar (25.3)
levels. The intervertebral discs are assumed to be
able to support shear and compressive loads, but where Xma", is an Nvector with the maximum values
little or no moments (just like a ball-and-socket permitted for the individual muscles and liga-
joint). This assumption leads to the equality con- ments. The equations used to compute the shears
straints imposed on the system: all net external and compressions are as follows:
moments at all levels must be zero. It is con-
venient to separate the moment at each interver- Shear X direction = S X + Se
tebral disc into its x, Y, and Z components. Thus, Shear Y direction = S'"X + Se'" (25.4)
CompresslOn y y
we have three sets of equality constraints (one for = CX + Ce
each axis) and each set has five equations (one for
each lumbar level). The individual sets of equa- where S and S are the muscle and ligament ten-
tions can be represented in matrix form as: sion to "'X anl Y direction shear scaling (5xN)
matrices, respectively; Se and Se are the muscle
and ligament tension to c~mpressfon scaling (5xN)
matrices, respectively; and Ce is the (5xl) vector
MLMyX+EMy=O (25.1)
compression induced by external loads and body
weight. Each expression is subject to constraint
inequalities that set minimum and maximum inter-
where N is the total number of independent muscle vals.
fascicles and ligament strands, MIMi is the muscle Formation of the Objective Function. The
and ligament tension to i = x,y,z direction moment control hypothesis employed to formulate the ob-
scaling (5xN) matrix, and EMi is the i=x,y,z (5xl) jective function states that the human body will
vector direction component of the moment in- perform a given task in such a manner as to mini-
duced by external loads and body weight. mize the stress induced on the body while
Physiological Constraints. Muscles only exert expending the minimum amount of energy. This
force when contracting. They cannot push. A hypothesis is formulated mathematically as fol-
positive muscle activity represents a pull whereas lows:
a negative muscle activity represents a push.
Thus, muscle activity values must be greater than
or equal to zero. Ligaments can be considered to
act as cables, as they can only support tensions
greater than or equal to zero.The mathematical
constraints expressing the above properties of
t , f' .r are on the index i =1, 5; f has the index
muscles and ligaments are represented by a family
of inequalities:
i=l, NMUS; I- has the index i=NMUS+ 1, N; Pi' i = 1
Xi ~ 0; i = 1 to N (25.2) to 5 are scaling factors weighting the different
components (Pi ~ 0); NMUS is the number of
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 433

muscle fascicles; N - NMUS is the number of liga- ment tension. The equality constraints imposed
ment strands. This equation is a quadratic are that the resultant moment at each level be zero.
function. With some algebraic manipulation, it An outline of the algorithm is given in the lower
can be written in the fonn: part of Figure 25.18.
The Nature of the Objective Function. The
OF(X) = Ifl X'G' X + B X + A (25.6) human lumbar spine is modeled using linear func-
tions of muscle activity and ligament tension,
where G is an (NxN) symmetric positive definite
while performing tasks such as lifting and/or twist-
matrix, B is an (N) vector and A is a scalar.
ing. Resultant shear and compression at the
The implications of positive definiteness for the
various lumbar levels are expressed as linear func-
matrix G are important from a system-theoretic
tions of muscle activity and ligament tension.
point of view. If this constraint is not made, i.e. if
These linear functions follow directly from a clas-
G is only a positive semi-definite matrix, then
sical mechanical analysis of the loads and forces
there exists some non-zero X for which X'G' X = O.
acting on the lumbar spine. The task being per-
If it is assumed that the objective function is a
fonned induces external loads on the spine which
measure of the energy within the system, then are balanced by internal forces generated by
having G as a positive semi-definite matrix means
muscle activity and ligament tension, as well as by
that there exists some non-zero state within the
reaction forces at the intervertebral joints. This
system (ie. some non-zero X) for which the
balancing action is modeled by equality con-
energy is zero. If the solution X is not unique, this
straints. The equality constraints reflect the fact
implies that the system is unstable and can exist in
that the moments and forces must be balanced at
an infinite number of states for which the energy
each intervertebral joint to assure that the spine is
is zero. We can force the matrix G to be positive
in equilibrium.
definite by adding the identity matrix to G. This is
Muscle activity is modeled in such a way that
equivalent to adding a ligament to the model.
any given muscle produces force only when con-
Therefore this requirement of positive definiteness
tracting. Similarly, ligaments can only support
suggests that modeling the spinal system without
tensile loads, not compressive loads, and are
including the posterior ligamentous system is
modeled as such. These two conditions lead to in-
equality constraints on the muscle activity and
Minimization of the Objective Function. The ligament tension which force them to be greater
objective function is minimized subject to all con- than or equal to zero.
straints. All the constraints are linear. The Modeling the lumbar spine in this manner al-
objective function itself is quadratic with G being lows one to compute the resultant forces at each
positive definite. The algorithm used to minimize intervertebral joint as well as the moments and
the objective function is outlined in the next sec- forces induced individually by the muscle activity,
tion. The objective function presented here is ligament tension and external load. The equality
strictly for the minimization of stress. Stress and inequality constraints form a space which
equalization is dealt with in a later section. must contain muscle activities and ligament ten-
The Optimization Algorithm. The control sions. This space contains an infinite number of
criterion described in the previous section is the solutions. The question we ask is: Is there only
minimization of musculoskeletal stress. We ex- one best solution or a number of them?
pressed this criterion mathematically as a quad- It is apparent from this question that some
ratic function of muscle activity and ligament criterion must be fonned with which to compare
tension. The desired result is the minimization of one solution against another. It is reasonable to
this function with respect to muscle activity and assume that the system will perfonn the task (i.e.
ligament tension. Certain inequality constraints choose a solution) while expending the minimum
are placed on the range of feasible solutions, such amount of energy. From a systems point of view,
as positive muscle activity, positive ligament ten- having a system that functions at minimum energy
sion and ligament tension less than or equal to implies stability of that system.
some prescribed maximum. These constraints are Energy in this spinal system can be represented
all linear functions of the muscle activity and liga- as a function of the stress in the various spinal
434 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

components. The stress can be approximated by time approach. The flexion angle can be viewed
taking the Euclidian norm of the shear, compres- as a representation of time because it is estimated
sion, muscle activity, and ligament tension. The as a linear function of time. When we obtain solu-
energy can then be represented by a quadratic tions for X(i) and then plot them for i going from 0
form. The matrix of this quadratic form is always to 7, we observe points that make up smooth, con-
positive definite provided that the square of the tinuous curves.
muscle activity and the square of the ligament ten- Total Stress Minimization and Joint Stress
sion are included in the approximation. It can be Equalization. Stress in the lumbar spine can be
mathematically proven that if only the Euclidian readily computed as a function of external load,
norm of the shear and compression is used, the spinal geometry, muscle activity and ligament ten-
matrix of the quadratic form is positive semi- sion. Holding the external load and spinal
definite. As explained elsewhere, the need to geometry constant then allows for the stress to be
make this matrix positive definite lead to the minimized as a function of muscle activity and
realization that an important structure was forgot- ligament tension. Stress equalization has been
ten (the PI..S). Thus, the function for the spinal achieved by modifying the geometry through per-
system must include the muscle activity squared turbation of the positions of the centers of reaction
plus the ligament tension squared. Adding the independently of the stress minimization proce-
square of the shears and the square of the compres- dure. Once a new geometry is chosen, it is held
sion gives a more complete representation of the constant for the minimization process. This two-
system. stage procedure is used to obtain a solution in
The System as a Function of Time. In the terms of muscle activity, ligament tension and
strictest sense of systems theory, our objective geometry. This solution is one for which stress is
function should be dependent on time as well as minimized and equalized. It should be noted that
muscle activity and ligament tension (see Chapter stress equalization as a function of muscle activity
8 (Zajac and Winters) for a discussion of dynamic and ligament tension alone has not been at-
optimization). We should be minimizing an in- tempted.

tegral of the form:

OF(X(t») = f [ 1!l X(t)' G(t)' X(t) + AJgmdm ear..;".

(25.7) (ljcaio<Funaim
B(t)'T X (t) + A(t)] dt MuscO ~
""'" r....
What we are actually minimizing is an individual

sequence of static functions of the form: SIa
OFj (X(t)) = 1!l X(i)'T' G(i) X(i) + ComptaOca

(25.8) Center of
B(i)'TX(l) + A(i) Reaction

where i is the index of the flexion angle. Each

OFj(X(i)) is a quadratic function whose minimum
value is O. In effect, we are minimizing individual
quadratic functions at each flexion angle. This
can be written as:
I=.=ml+- ear..;".
f.. s....~

~ 1!l [ X(l)'T' GO) X(l) +

B(i)'T X(l) + A(i)] t.i Figure 25.18: Two-stage procedure for stress mini-
mization and equalization. 1) The minimization stage
If this equation is written so that the index i runs is carried out for a given geometry. 2) Stress is ex-
from 0 to 7 in steps of n (n>o) instead of 1, then its amined to see if equalization has been achieved. If
reduces to Riemann sum. Thus, our way of yes, stop. If no, go to step 3. 3) Modify the geometry.
modeling the system can be viewed as a discrete- 4) Go to step 1.
25. Gracovetsky; Musculoskeletal Function of the Spine 435

A block diagram of this two-stage procedure, a solution in at most N iterations. This is due to
plus the outline of the optimization algorithm, is il- the fact that every iteration reduces the solution
lustrated in Figure 25.18. Note that the method range by one dimension.
for determining the perturbation of the centers of If all the K-T multipliers are positive and N con-
rotation is not as sophisticated as the method used straints are active, then the solution has been
to solve for muscle activity and ligament tension. found. If all the K-T multipliers are positive and
It is desirable to consolidate both stages and thus less than N constraints are active, then a line
use only one optimization algorithm to determine search is done to eliminate the possibility of find-
the muscle activity, ligament tension, and ing a solution with positive K-T results that can
geometry that give minimized and equalized still be minimized.
stress. To achieve this goal, the stress must be
written as a function of muscle activity, ligament
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Postural Biomechanical Stability and

Gross Muscular Architecture in the Spine

Joseph John Crisco III, and Manohar M. Panjabi

26.1 Introduction
lumbar spine. With this model we examine how
Consider a ligamentous thoracolumbar spine gross muscular architecture (defined as a pattern
specimen, sacrum-Tl, fixed at the sacrum and car- of positions and orientations) influences the
rying a load at Tl. It has been determined muscle's ability to stabilize a multiple joint struc-
experimentally that such a spine buckles when the ture. Though we have used the spine in our model,
load reaches a critical value of about 20 N (Lucas the concepts presented and the findings reported in
and Bresler, 1961). Or consider a lumbar spine this chapter apply, within the assumptions and
specimen, sacrum-Tl, its critical load is less than limitations given here, to all jointed structures.
90 N (Crisco, 1989; Crisco, et al., 1990). On the Our underlying assumption was that the neuromus-
other hand, we have a world-class weight lifter cular system controls posture with spring-like
who can carry more than 3000 N without damag- behavior. Thus, this chapter is limited to postural
ing the spine (Granhed et al., 1987). Simply stability.
stated, the difference between the two behaviors is
26.2 Spinal Instability
the spinal muscles. The same is true in another ex-
ample. Compare a healthy normal person and a The case of a polio patient described above il-
polio patient. The latter, with the back muscles lustrates two aspects of a spinal instability
paralyzed, cannot even hold his/her own trunk in problem. First, the ligamentous spine, without
the upright position. The important role of the functional muscles, is incapable of carrying any
muscles as the stabilizers of the spine is unques- substantial loads before it buckles. We may call
tioned and essential for its function. A deficiency this the mechanical or biomechanical instability
in either muscle function or bony-ligamentous problem. Second, the mechanical instability,
function will eventually lead to disabling clinical owing to lack of muscle function, manifests itself
problems. as a clinical problem of a serious nature. This we
may call the clinical instability problem. In the
In this chapter we will first briefly review the
working definitions of stability in the clinical and following paragraphs we look at these two aspects
engineering professions, concentrating on spinal of the spinal instability in some detail.
and mechanical definitions. We will define and 26.2.1 Definitions of Clinical Instability
differentiate the principles of equilibrium and Clinical instability arises either from acute
stability for elastic mechanical structures. These trauma and surgical procedures or from cumula-
principles will then be applied to a simple, single tive degenerative changes in the spine. Acute
functional spinal unit to demonstrate that stiffness trauma and surgery result in the instantaneous
regulation through bilateral cocontraction of failure or destruction of ligamentous and/or os-
muscle is necessary and sufficient for stability. seous structures which may lead to acute
Finally, our simple model is extended to the whole instability. Degenerative changes in the spine
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 439

over time may also produce cumulative damage in The most encompassing clinical defmition of
the same structures. We may call this cumulative instability was proposed by White and Panjabi
instability. Either of these two modes may result (1978): "Clinical instability is defmed as the loss
in clinical changes acutely or over time in the of the ability of the spine under physiological
patient. This is clinical instability. loads to maintain relationships between vertebrae
For the diagnosis of clinical spinal instability in such a way that there is neither damage nor sub-
due mainly to trauma, a two-column model of the sequent irritation to the spinal cord or nerve roots,
ligamentous spine (the anterior column loaded in and, in addition, there is no development of in-
compression and the posterior column loaded in capacitating defonnity or pain from structural
tension) was proposed by Holdsworth (1970), changes. " Based upon this definition and in vitro
Whitesides (1977), and Bradford (1980). More experimental data, specific checklists for the deter-
recently Denis (1983) proposed a three-column mination of spinal instability for the cervical,
model. The posterior column of the three-column thoracic, and lumbar and lumbosacral regions
model was essentially the same as that of the two- were proposed (White et al., 1975; Panjabi et al.,
column model: the posterior bony arch and the 1981; Posner et al., 1982).
posterior ligamentous complex (supra/interspinous As an example, the checklists proposed for the
ligaments, facet capsules, and ligamentum lumbar and lumbosacral regions are presented in
flavum). The middle column was the posterior lon- Table 26.1. The use of these checklists is
gitudinal ligament, the posterior portion of the straightforward. If a clinician determines that
annulus fibrosus, and the posterior vertebral wall. there are any positive findings in the element
The anterior column consisted of the anterior lon- category, then appropriate point values are as-
gitudinal ligament, the anterior portion of the signed and summed up. A total of five or more
annulus fibrosus, and the anterior wall of the ver- represents clinical instability.
tebral body. The advantage of these stability These and other clinical definitions of stability
models is their simplicity and ease of clinical ap- were reviewed in more detail by Panjabi et a1.
plication; if any two of the three columns are (1988) and Frymoyer et al. (1988). The role of the
detennined by imaging techniques to have failed, musculature was not specifically addressed in any
then the spine is considered clinically unstable. of these sources.
However, none of these classifications are based
on any experimentally detennined data. Instead, Table 26.1: Checklists by White et al. (1981) for the
they represent collective clinical experience. diagnosis of clinical instability in the lumbar, Ll-L5,
In the case of recurring damage to the spine, and lumbosacral, LS-Sl, spines. It is assumed clini-
Kirkaldy-Willis and Farfan (1982) proposed to cally unstable if the total is greater than 5.
divide the temporal process of cumulative damage
and degeneration into three stages: (1) temporary Element Point Ll-L2 LS-Sl
dysfunction; (2) unstable phase; and (3) res-
tabilization phase. They went on to define clinical Cauda equina damage 3
instability as the clinical status of the patient with Relative flexion translation 2 >16% >25%
back problems, with the least provocation steps Relative extension transl. 2 >12% >12%
from the mildly symptomatic to the severe Relative flexion rotation 2 >110 >190
episode, i.e., from stage (1) to stage (2). In an at- Anterior elements destroyed 2
tempt to explicitly define the step into the realm of Posterior elements destroyed 2
instability, the authors used catastrophic theory Dangerous loading anticipated 1
and manifolds. In this representation, a patient's
progress is displayed as a path on the catastrophe
surface, defined by "increased pathology and ab-
normal motion." Instability arises when there is a
discontinuous or catastrophic increase in the
patient's "symptoms." The terms "increased
pathology," "abnormal motion," and "symptoms"
were not rigorously defined.
440 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

An elastic system is characterized by its poten-

tial energy V. We define the potential energy of a
system to be the total work, by both internal and
external loads, required to perturb the system from
its eqUilibrium position. The potential energy will
be referred to as the potential hence forth in this
chapter. From the potential, the equilibrium posi-
Figure 26.1: A ball rolling down an incline is not in tion and stability conditions can be derived. For a
static equilibrium, and therefore its condition of single degree of freedom elastic system whose
stability is not defined. position is given bye, the equilibrium position(s)
are the minimum(s) and maximum(s) of the poten-
26.2.2 Definitions of Mechanical Stability tial, i.e. the zeros of the derivative of the potential
In elastic mechanical systems, equilibrium is with respect to displacement,
necessary but not sufficient for stability. As an
example, let us consider a ball on a flat surface. If dV
-= 0 (26.1)
the surface is inclined, the ball rolls down (Figure de
26.1). Hence the ball is not in static equilibrium.
In Figure 26.2 a ball is at rest on three different We define the initial equilibrium position as the
surface shapes. Although the ball is in static equi- reference position, e = O. The stability condition
librium on each surface, it is not stable in all cases. is determined by the shape of the potential at the
The ball is considered to be stable if, after a pertur- equilibrium position, i.e. the sign of the second
bation from its equilibrium position, it returns to derivative of the potential with respect to the dis-
that same equilibrium position. In Figures 26.2a placement. If
and 26.2b, when the ball is perturbed, it will not
return to its equilibrium position and hence it is
unstable. Only the ball at the the bottom of the
valley is stable (Figure 26.2c), and will return to
its equilibrium position when perturbed. or


then the system is unstable, and if


la l
the system is stable. Equations 26.2, 26.3, and
26.4 mathematically define the stability conditions
represented in Figures 26.2a, 26.2b, and 26.2c,
26.2.3 Definitions of Biomechanical Stability
l 1 Presently, our biomechanical definition of
stability is that of the mechanical definition ap-
plied to biological systems. Previously, a simple
biomechanical definition of spinal stability was
given by Pope and Panjabi (1985). In that defini-
tion the stiffness of the spine was suggested as an
indicator of its stability.

Figure 26.2: Even though the ball is in equilibrium in

(a), (b), and (c), it is unstable in (a) and (b), and stable
only in (c).
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 441

V = -J? 0 - F h (l-cos(O» (26.5)
F 2

The equilibrium equation of the column is derived

from Eq. 26.1
- =k0 - F h sin(O) =0 (26.6)
and is graphed in Figure 26.4 by plotting the posi-
tion (0) as a function of the magnitude of the load
F. Throughout these illustrative examples we have
set the height of the column to 1 m and the stiff-
ness of the spring to 1 Nm/rad. The equilibrium
equation shown in Figure 26.4 is not a simple
function. As the load is increased from zero, the
column may remain in equilibrium at 0 = 0 for any
Figure 26.3: A single degree of freedom column, given load. In addition, at 1 N the equilibrium
height h and hinged at its base with torsional stiffness path bifurcates. That is, for loads above the bifur-
k, is perturbed from the vertical reference position (q = cation point there are two equilibrium positions
0) by the vertical force F. other than the reference position.
The stability condition for the column is deter-
The ftrst deftnition of biomechanical stability mined from the second derivative of the potential
that incorporated muscles was presented by energy,
Bergmark (1987, 1989). By approximating the
mechanics of the neuromuscular system by elastic d2 V
springs (Broberg, 1981), Bergmark was able to - =k - Fhcos(O) (26.7)
d0 2
derive an elastic potential energy function for his
muscular lumbar spine model, which investigated With 0 = 0, the reference position, the above equa-
the role of global and local muscular systems in tion becomes
maintaining stability as a function of load and pos-
d2 V
ture. d0 2 =k - Fh (26.8)
26.3 The Muscular Euler Column
By applying Eqs. 26.2-26.4, we ftnd that the
A column subjected to a vertical compressive
column is unstable when
load will not fail until the stresses in the column
exceed the failure stress of the material. However, k
-,;.F (26.9)
a slender column will become unstable and buckle h
at a load signiftcantly smaller than its failure load.
This is the classical example of structural or
mechanical instability known as the Euler column. k
Consider a single bone and joint as a single de- -=F (26.10)
gree of freedom Euler column. The bone is a rigid
column of height h, connected to a ftxed base by a and stable when
hinge joint (Figure 26.3). The passive ligamen- k
tous tissue of the joint are approximated as a linear ->F (26.11)
torsional spring whose stiffness coefftcient is k.
The position of this ligamentous column is given From Figure 26.4 we see that Eq. 26.11 is true
by o. The reference position is the vertical posi- below the bifurcation point and Eq. 26.9 is true
tion, 0 = O. above the bifurcations point. Therefore, we deftne
If a vertical load F is applied to the top of the the load at the bifurcation point to be the critical
limb, the potential energy of the column is the sum load (Fer). For loads greater than or equal to the
of the potentials due to the applied load and the critical load the column is unstable and for loads
torsional spring, less than the critical load the column is stable at 0
442 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

= O. Eq. 26.lO gives critical load explicitly, centered at the reference posltton continues to
evolve to a steeper and steeper hill as the two local
F =- (26.12) valleys become deeper and move outward.
CT h
1.5 I
E 0.6 \ - - Stable at posnion 9 _ 0

~ \
- - - - Unstable at position 9 - 0 I
> \
>- 0.4
!: ,
1.0 Fer
... , F<Fc:r

j ii
0.2 '-
'- ... - _... ... .- "
~_ 0.0
.. '~ ........ __ 2 - - __ .. _ .... ~ ......: :.. F.a._
.. _-_ ... -......... , .... -- .. _---_ ......
-90 -45 0 45 90
-90 ~5 0 ~ 90 Position 9 (degrees)
Position 9 (degrees)

Figure 26.4: The equilibrium paths for the Euler Figure 26.5: These potential energy curves give the
column of Figure 26.3 as a function of position and stability conditions of the Euler column at two specific
load magnitude. The Euler phenomena is represented loads. For the load less then the critical load, the
potential curve resembles a valley, and the column is
by the bifurcation at the critical load (Fc ) ' 1 N in this
example. The height and stiffness were 1 m and 1 stable. For the load greater than the critical load, the
column is unstable when vertical, q = O. Therefore, the
Nm/rad, and the reference postion is e =o.
perturbed column will buckle and, in this example,
equilibrate at one of the two new equilibrium positions.
The shape of the potential curves allows us to
comprehend graphically the phenomena of the This simple column model may be extended to
Euler column. In Figure 26.5 the potential energy the ligamentous spine, where the column of Figure
(Eq. 265) is plotted for two loads: one less than 26.3 approximates a single vertebral body, and the
and the other greater than the critical load. For hinge joint simulates the intervertebral joint. In an
loads less than the critical load the shape of the in vitro study, Wilder (1985) found that single ver-
potential energy curve is that of the valley ball of tebral segments of human cadavers had a critical
Figure 26.2c. If the column, when loaded with a load of 500 N. Since healthy humans do not
load less than the critical load, is perturbed, the present with a buckled spine, the in vivo critical
potential increases and the column returns to the load must be higher than the ligamentous critical
reference position. When the column is support- load. From Eq. 26.12, we see that one can increase
ing a load greater than the critical load, and there the critical load by either decreasing the height of
are no perturbations, the column may remain at the vertebrae or increasing the stiffness of the
equilibrium in the reference position, as shown by joint. Since one cannot regulate vertebral height,
the equilibrium path at the zero position in Figure one must regulate intervertebral stiffness to be
26.4. However, the column is not stable, the stable in vivo.
potential decreases to both sides as the hill of Muscles regulate intervertebral joint stiffness.
Figure 26.2a, and when perturbed infinitesimally Therefore, returning to our model, we construct a
the column will buckle. In our example, we see muscular Euler column with muscles that originate
from the potential curve that there are two local from the base and insert on each side of the limb
minimums. Thus the buckled column moves from (Figure 26.6). If we are to model this column as a
the reference position to a new equilibrium posi- mechanical structure, we must approximate the be-
tion. The shape of the potential curves varies for havior of the muscles by classical mechanical
each applied load but can be visualized by the elements.
evolution of the curves with load: from the deepest
valley, at a zero load, to being nearly flat at the
critical load, and above the critical load, the hill
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 443

bilateral muscles when the critical load is larger

than the critical load of the passive ligamentous
The concept of mechanical stability is not new
[it is generally attributed to the German scientist
Kirchhoff in 1850), nor is the concept of the
neuromuscular reflex system regulating stiffness,
fIrst attributed to the experimental work by
Nichols and Houk (1976). Hogan and colleagues
have further developed a theoretical foundation for
stiffness-impedance modulation [e.g. Chapter 9
Figure 26.6: The muscular Euler column. This is the (Hogan), Chapter 17 (Flash)]. However, it is
same simple column of Figure 26.3 supplemented with believed that Bergmark (1987, 1989) fIrst united
bilateral muscles, approximated as springs. these ideas in his theoretical study of the stability
of the lumbar spine.
Though the regulated muscular variables may The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebral
depend upon numerous, as yet unknown factors columns may be modeled as multiple Euler
(Stein, 1982), the regulation of stiffness has been columns of Figure 26.3 stacked upon one another.
obselVed experimentally (e.g. Houk, 1979; Greene The ligamentous thoracolumbar spine and the
and McMahon, 1979), and found to be an elegant ligamentous lumbar spine buckled at critical loads
and useful characteristic for approximation in of 19 N and 88 N, respectively, in experimental
theoretical work (McMahon and Greene, 1978; studies on cadaveric specimens by Lucas and
Bergmark, 1989; see also Chapters 9, 11-12, Bresler (1960) and Crisco (1989). By stacking the
36-38). Therefore, we shall assume that the muscular Euler column of Figure 26.6, we shall in-
muscles of Figure 26.6 act as springs. Moreover, vestigate in the next section how muscular
their stiffness is variable and proportional to an in- architecture may influence the muscles' ability to
crease in muscular activity. Setting aside - until stabilize the multiple joints of a spine.
the following section - the influence of gross mus-
cular architecture on the Euler column, the 26.4 Postural Stability and Gross Muscular
muscles in this section are considered to generate Architecture in the Lumbar Spine
a pure torque about the joint. Furthermore, each Leonardo da Vinci, depicting the vertebral
muscle is capable of generating a torque in only its muscles of the neck as ropes, was the fIrst inves-
contracting direction. Therefore, we represent tigator of mechanical spinal stability (Figure 26.7).
their bilateral contribution to the potential energy He hypothesized that the muscles of the cervical
as a torsional spring of stiffness k , and the total spine stabilized the neck analogous to the guy
potential energy of the muscular Euler column is ropes of a ship's mast. In reference to the in-
then fluence of muscular architecture, da Vinci stated,
"the more central muscles stabilize, the more
(26.13) lateral bend the neck" (Keele, 1983). In modem
anatomical texts, the multifIdus muscles are
In vivo loads vary, and if the load increases referred to as the stabilizers of the vertebral
above the critical load of the ligamentous column, column. Bogduk and Twomey (1987) have sug-
the column will buckle. In order to stabilize the gested the role of the deep muscles, including the
column, the muscular stiffness must increase to in- multifIdus, is to prevent consequential motion
crease the joint stiffness, which raises the critical produced by the more superfIcial muscles as they
load of the column. Moreover, to maintain the move the thoracic cage and pelvis. Unfortunately,
reference position of the column, this muscular ac- there is no scientifIc evidence for any of these
tivity must increase bilaterally. For a given statements.
applied load that is greater than the passive or Bergmark (1987) was one of the fIrst to mathe-
ligamentous critical load, there is a minimal mus- matically analyze the muscular stability of the
cular stiffness that stabilizes the column. This spine. He grouped the muscles of the back into
muscular stiffness is the critical muscular stiff- two groups: local (vertebral insertions and
ness. This simple model predicts coactivation of
444 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

origins) and global (pelvic ongms and thoracic 26.4.1 The Model
insertions), and studied the three-dimensional The model was composed of two elastic sys-
stability of the lumbar spine as a function of pos- tems: one represented the ligamentous spine and
ture. His spinal model was stable if the potential the other represented the passive and active
energy, which incorporated the ligamentous and properties of the muscles and their stretch reflex.
muscular stiffnesses, was a minimum. The ligamentous spine was modeled as a discrete
The work in this chapter is a ftrst attempt at ap- elastic column: the vertebral bodies were simu-
plying the principles of potential energy to the lated by rigid lxxlies and all elastic interlxxly
investigation of the stability of the spine as in- tissues were simulated by torsional elastic springs.
fluenced by gross muscular architecture. Gross The loads were chosen to be vertical and compres-
muscular architecture refers to a specific pattern of sive, simulating the weight of the body-section at
muscle positions and orientations, i.e. interseg- each vertebral body. Motion was restrained to the
mental, multisegmental, etc. The objective was to frontal plane.
compare the lateral stabilizing potential as a func- The active and passive properties of the
tion of the gross muscular architecture of the muscles and their reflex activity were simulated
lumbar spine. by variable stiffness springs, the stiffness of the
muscle being assumed proportional to the level of
muscular activation [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)
and Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. It was assumed that the
neuromuscular system regulates muscular stiffness
in postural control. This muscular stiffness was
assumed to be linear, proportional to muscle ac-
tivation, and equal for all muscles. The critical
muscular stiffness was the minimal muscular stiff-
ness required to stabilize the spine model, under
the given loading. The stabilizing efficiency of
various muscular architectures was compared by
their critical stiffness: the lower the critical mus-
cular stiffness, the more efficient the given
muscular architecture was at stabilizing the model.
Although the overall length of each muscle varied
in the models, it was assumed that the contractile
components that regulate the muscular stiffness
were of equal length. Due to these assumptions,
displacements were limited to be small and, there-
fore, only the critical load in upright posture was
studied. In this study we defined the inferior at-
tachment of a muscle to be the origin.

Table 26.2: The insertions and origins for each mor-

phological model of muscular architecture.


Insertions Origins
Figure 26.7: Sketch by Leonardo da Vinci depicting
Ll 12 L3 Pelvis Pelvis
the lines of actions of the cervical spine muscles. da
Vinci hypothesized that the muscles stabilize the spine 12 L3 fA Pelvis Pelvis
like the guy ropes of a ship's mast, and the more L3 fA L5 Pelvis None
central muscles stabilize the spine and the more lateral LA L5 Pelvis Pelvis Pelvis
muscles move the spine. (From Keele, 1983.) L5 Pelvis Pelvis Pelvis Pelvis
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 445

The Muscular Spine Models ARCH 2, the muscles were defined to span two
Four simple morphological models were con- joints. In ARCH 3, each muscle was defined to
structed to study the effect of muscular span the maximum number of segments, with each
architecture on the critical muscular stiffness. The muscle originating from the pelvis. The lack of
models, labeled ARCH 1 through ARCH 4, are musculature was investigated in ARCH 4 by using
schematically drawn in Figure 26.8, and defined the same architecture of ARCH 3 and removing the
by the origins and insertions listed in Table 26.2. muscles from a single vertebrae, in this model
The details of the mathematics are given else-
where (Crisco, 1989). Essentially, the potential
energy function was a function of the positions of
muscle origin and insertion, and was derived for
each muscular architecture model. The potential
energy was then formulated as a generalized
eigenvalue problem. The smallest eigenvalue was
the critical muscular stiffness for each muscular
architecture model.
26.4.2 Results
For each muscular architecture, the critical
muscular stiffness required to stabilize the intact
ligamentous spine is listed in Table 26.3. These
results show that the intersegmental muscular ar-
chitecture (ARCH 1), consisting of muscles which
originated from adjacent vertebrae, required the
highest muscular stiffness for stability. This stiff-
ness decreased by 70% when the muscles skipped
a vertebra and originated on the vertebrae inferior
to the adjacent vertebra (ARCH 2). As the number
of vertebrae that were spanned by the multiseg-
mental muscles increased, so did the efficiency of
stabilization. In ARCH 3 the muscles originated
from the pelvis, an architecture that permitted the
largest possible number of vertebrae to be spanned
for each muscle. The result was a 90% increase in
the efficiency of stabilization, relative to ARCH 1.
We also found the efficiency of any muscle in-
Figure 26.8: A schematic representation of the inser-
creased the more lateral the muscle's origin and
tion and origin architecture of the four spinal models.
ARCH 1 models unisegmental muscles that span one insertion.
intervertebral joint. ARCH 2 models mutlisegmental
muscles that span two intervertebral joints. ARCH 3 Table 26.3: Critical muscular stiffness (kN/m) for the
models multisegmental muscles that span the maxi- various muscular architectures.
mum number of intervertebral joints, with each muscle
originating from the pelvis. ARCH 4 is identical to ARCH 1 ARCH 2 ARCH 3 ARCH 4
ARCH 3, but devoid of muscle at L3. The muscular 129.5 37.8 10.5 00

lines of action are renderings only.

The muscles of the models do not simulate ARCH 4 was identical to that of ARCH 3, except
specific muscles but rather approximate possible the muscles of L3 were removed. It was deter-
muscular architectures. The first model, ARCH 1, mined that such a model was unstable, regardless
approximated the smaller intervertebral muscles of the muscular stiffness. We found that this in-
that span only a single intervertebral joint. In stability occurred for any vertebrae devoid of
musculature, irrespective of the muscular architec-
446 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

26.4.3 Discussion Assumptions and Limitations

In our model we assumed that muscular stiff-
Critical Muscular Stiffness ness was constant throughout each model so that
Contrary to what da Vinci hypothesized and we could specifically address the issue of mus-
what has been generally accepted throughout the cular architecture. This assumption was based
anatomical literature, our model found that the upon the concept of material optimization in
deep intervertebral muscles (ARCH 1) were the biological systems: stresses, which in muscle are
least efficient at laterally stabilizing the spine. proportional to activation levels, are regulated to
The model demonstrated that the efficiency of the be equivalent throughout the material. Our as-
multisegmental muscles increased with the num- sumption here is a further simplification. The
ber of vertebrae spanned, and that the most cross-sectional area of the spinal muscles was also
efficient architecture (ARCH 3) consisted of not taken into account. However, because the in-
muscles that attached to the pelvis - spanning the tervertebral muscles are smaller than the
maximum number of vertebrae. The significant multisegmental muscles, the fmdings reported
difference between the critical muscular stiffness here would only be accentuated if cross-sectional
of ARCH 1 and ARCH 3 can be visualized by con- areas were incorporated.
sidering the following example: Assume the In the formation of our model we assumed that
vertical model (at equilibrium) is rotated only at the active muscle length was constant and inde-
1.5, with no other relative motions. In the interseg- pendent of the distance between the origin and
mental model (ARCH 1), only the muscles insertion. For common engineering materials the
spanning 1.5 are elongated and increase the poten- stiffness of the material is proportional to its
tial energy of the system. The other vertebrae are length. Although the relation between muscle stif-
still in equilibrium since their relative motion is fness and length has not been determined, we
zero. However, in ARCH 3, all muscles are elon- reformulated our model by assuming muscle stiff-
gated, and all contribute to the increase in ness was proportional to muscle length. We
potential energy, forcing the system back to equi- found, as was expected, that the critical muscle
librium. This example also demonstrates why stiffness increased for each muscle architecture.
multi segmental muscle efficiency increases with However, the relative efficiencies of the architec-
the number of joints spanned: the more muscles tures were unchanged.
that span a joint, the greater the potential for res- Hoffer and Andreassen (1981), investigating
toring the equilibrium position of that joint. the muscle mechanics of the hind limbs of
When the intervertebral joint stiffness decerebrated cats, showed that the stiffness of the
decreased - as with ligamentous injury - an in- muscles increased with force up to 25% of the
crease in muscular stiffness attained spinal maximal force, but remained within ±15% there-
stability. Since muscular stiffness was assumed after. The stiffness decreased slightly as the force
proportional to activation, the temporal stability of approached tetanic contraction. Additionally, with
the injured ligamentous spine would be limited by the reflex present, they found that the stiffness
muscular fatigue. Therefore, the model suggests varied little with operating length. For the nonin-
that chronic instability due to ligamentous nervated muscle (i.e. reflex absent), the muscular
deficiencies may result from muscular overload, stiffness was linearly proportional to the force
indicated by spasm and pain. (exponential elastic behavior). Many other groups
When a vertebral level was devoid of muscle have shown similar findings (e.g. see Chapters 1,
(ARCH 4), the compressive load at that level was 3, 6, 34-36). Therefore, the assumption made
supported solely by the ligamentous spine, capable here, that muscular stiffness is proportional to
of supporting 88 N before becoming laterally un- muscle activation, is in agreement with the find-
stable. Therefore, the muscular spine was ings of Hoffer and Andreassen (1981) for forces
unstable for any loads greater than the critical load one-fourth of maximal contraction. It is
of the ligamentous spine, regardless of the remain- reasonable to assume that posture is maintained
ing spinal musculature. with a level of muscular activation that produces
forces less than one-fourth of maximal contrac-
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 447

EMG and Bilateral Cocontraction Serroussi and Pope (1987) proposed and
Since the work of Sherrington (1909), the sub- verified that the difference between the EMGs of
ject of coactivation of antagonistic muscles has the contra and ipsilateral erector spinae muscle
received much attention and still remains an issue group was correlated with an induced frontal mo-
which is far from being resolved. We shall only ment. These frontal plane moments were
discuss, and briefly, the work that is directed developed with constant dead weights in the out-
towards the coactivation of back muscles during stretched arms of subjects. The moments were
isometric contracts, which is synonymous with our varied by varying the effective moment arm. The
limitations of small angles and postural control. load on the spinal column, due to the extended
Note that since the spine is only subjected to axial dead weight, can be simply decomposed in to an
loads in our model, there is by definition neither axial compressive force and a moment (or couple).
an agonist muscle nor an antagonistic muscle. For the spinal column to support the increase in
Thus in this chapter, we are concerned only with compressive force, the critical muscle stiffness
cocontraction or coactivity that occurs bilaterally, must be raised; therefore, cocontraction is indi-
and this bilateral activity must occur symmetri- cated by our model. The moment would be
cally for the spine to maintain its upright position. supported by the additional activation of the con-
Floyd and Silver (1955) were the first to study tralateral muscle, as Serroussi and Pope (1987)
the electromyograms (EMG) activity of back found. Since Serroussi and Pope (1987) reported
muscles. They showed that the back muscles were results with only a single load, direct verification
active in the relaxed upright posture. Under static of the proposed coactivation role cannot be done.
body weight, the ligamentous spine was unstable, Floyd and Silver (1955) recorded the EMG sig-
and our model suggests that coactivation of back nals while a subject was standing with weights in
muscles are necessary to laterally stabilize the each hand. They state: "With an equal weight in
spine, as Floyd and Silver (1955) found. each hand there was no asymmetry of erectores
Numerous researchers, including Schultz et al. spinae action, and usually very little increase in
(1987), Andersson et al. (1977), Serroussi and [EMG] activity over resting [standing relaxed] .... "
Pope (1987), and Basmajian and Deluca (1982), Unfortunately, the weights were not reported, nor
have since used EMGs to record antagonistic ac- was the frequency of the increase in EMG activity.
tivity of the back muscles [see also Chapter 24 All other published data on EMG studies have
(Ladin) and Chapter 25 (Gracovetsky)]. Most re- been directed at determining the specific role of
searchers now agree that coactivation is a normal muscles and their levels of activity for various
physiological phenomena. However, of the postures and loads [see also review in Chapter 23
noteworthy biomechanical models to date for the (Andersson and Winters)]. The simplest case of
spine, none predict coactivation (Hughes and supporting increasing weights while maintaining
Chaffin, 1988). Most muscular biomechanical upright posture, which would allow a direct
models have used some form of an objective func- verification of our model prediction of a bilateral
tion, based indirectly on muscle activity. Thus increase in activity with increasing load, has not
coactivation, the expenditure of muscular energy yet been thoroughly investigated. Floyd and
without mechanical work, would not be a possible Silver (1955) did report some increase in activity
solution [however, cf. Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi with increasing load, which is predicted by our
and Winters)]. model and cannot be predicted by equilibrium
Let us assume the following: 1) critical muscle based models.
stiffness is a physiological concept neurologically The assumption that the nervous system can
regulated to the minimal value for maintaining sense an increase in the compressive loads on the
upright posture; 2) the nervous system can sense spine is a difficult one to address. The nervous
an increase in the applied compressive loads on system can only sense displacement. With an in-
the spine. Then the model predicts an increase in crease in the compressive load on the spine,
coactivation of bilateral muscles as the compres- displacements could develop as lateral perturba-
sive load on the spine increases. Cocontraction tions or as changes in the curvature of the spine in
increases the stiffness of the spine, raising the the sagittal plane. However, the magnitude or
critical load above the applied load and stabilizing type of displacement needed to evoke an efferent
the spine. signal is not known. Furthermore, the source of
448 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

such signals is not known. However, two studies Supportive Studies

have recently touched upon this topic. Hunter and In a histological study, Nitz and Peck (1986)
Kearney (1983) showed, when monitoring the mo- determined the percentage volume of muscle
tion of the human ankle, that dynamic muscle spindles from various back muscles. They found
stiffness was invariant with fatigue. They were that the rotators brevis spindle percentage volumes
not able, however, to determine if this phenomena ranged form 4.58 to 7.30 times higher than those
of muscle stiffness was a result of an invariance in of the multifidus and semispinalis. The dif-
the associated muscles' mechanical properties, or ferences were significant (p < 0.0001). Based
achieved via an unknown nervous regulatory primarily upon these findings, Nitz and Peck
mechanism. Skinner et al. (1986) showed that (1986) hypothesized that the smaller intervertebral
joint position sense decreased with fatigue. They muscles play more of a sensory role than a
associated this finding with a decrease in the ef- mechanical role in stabilizing the spine, and that
ficiency of the muscle receptors, and concluded the mechanical requirements for stability were
that the capsular receptors playa secondary role in being fulfilled by the larger multi segmental
position sense, and were unaffected by fatigue. muscles.
Thus, from a mechanical potential energy
Muscle Stiffness and Muscle Force
analysis and from a histological perspective, it ap-
In order to correlate muscular stiffness with the pears that the intersegmental muscles do not playa
better understood variable of muscle force (or
primary role in the mechanical stability of the
stress), Bergmark (1987) proposed a simple linear
spine. However, simply classifying the roles of
relationship between skeletal muscular stiffness the intersegmental muscles as sensory and multi-
and force in his stability model. Using the cross- segmental muscles as mechanical is a simplistic
bridge model for muscular contraction (Huxley, view that should prove incomplete as our under-
1974), this relationship was based upon the work standing increases.
by Broberg (1981). The predictions of this model would also apply
Bergmark (1987) proposed that the muscular to any structure approximated as elastic. For ex-
stiffness (km ) was proportional to the muscle force ample consider some spinal ligaments: If the
(F), and inversely proportional to the muscle
ligaments of the spine were approximated as
length (1m)' The constant of proportionality was springs, then by analogy with the model, the liga-
designated as q, and this relationship is written as ments would be more efficient, in a material sense,
F if they spanned several intervertebral joints.
km = qT (26.14) Recently, Bogduk and Twomey (1987) showed
that the origins and insertions of the anterior and
From the work of Morgan (1977) and Hunter and posterior longitudinal ligament spanned several
Kearney (1983), Bergmark (1987) calculated an vertebral joints.
average value of 40 for q (q is dimensionless).
26.5 Summary
In order to determine q more thoroughly, cal-
culations were performed using the data from an Even though no rigorous definition of clinical
extensive review of the literature: Morgan (1977), stability exists, the spine is certainly dependent
Rack and Westbury (1969), Joyce et. al. (1969), upon both its bony-ligamentous and muscular sys-
Agarwal and Gottlieb (1977), Hoffer and tems for maintaining stability [see also Chapter 25
(Gracovetsky) and Chapter 27 (Dietrich et al)].
Andreassen (1981), Cannon and Zahalak (1982),
The understanding of the mechanical stability of
An et. al. (1981), van Ingen Schenau et. al. (1988)
these systems should constitute the foundation for
and Woittiez et. al. (1987). From these calcula-
a better clinical understanding. In this chapter we
tions, a mean value of 10 was detennined for q.
have attempted to demonstrate the difference be-
The values ranged from 0.5 to 42. In addition to
tween equilibrium and stability in elastic
the difficulty with defining 1m' we conclude that the
present knowledge of gross muscle mechanics is mechanical systems and the difference between
equilibrium-based and stability-based biomechani-
insufficient to endorse such a relationship as
cal models. By applying these definitions, with
proposed by Bergmark (1987). This relationship,
the given assumptions, to the spine modeled as a
however, certainly deserves further consideration,
muscular Euler column we have:
since it is a noteworthy and simple concept.
26. Crisco and Panjabi; Biomechanical Stability 449

1. Demonstrated that the multisegmental muscles Scand. No.230, Vol. 60, 1989 Bogduk N and
of the spine were more efficient than the inter- Twomey LT (1987) Clinical Anatomy 0/ the
segmental muscles at stabilizing the spine in Lumbar Spine. Churchill Livingston, New York.
Bradford, D.S. (1980) Spinal stability: orthopaedic
the frontal plane, with their efficiency increas-
perspective and prevention. Clin. Neurosurg. 27:
ing with the number of intervertebral joints
spanned. The pelvic-originating muscles, Broberg, K.B. (1981) The mechanical behavior of the
which spanned the maximum number of spinal system. Report from the division of solid
joints, were 90% more efficient at laterally sta- mechanics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund,
bilizing the spine than the least efficient Sweeden.
architecture of intersegmental muscles. Cannon, S.C. and Zahalak, G.I. (1982) The mechanical
behavior of active human skeletal muscle in small
2. Found that the efficiency of stability increased
oscillations. J. Biomech. 15: 111-121.
the more lateral the muscular positions of at- Crisco, J.J., Panjabi, ~.M., Yamamoto, I., Oxland,
tachment. This was due to the increasing T.R. (1990) The Euler stability of the lumbar spine:
moment arm of the muscular line of action. Part n. Experiment (in preparation).
3. Determined that the spine was unstable when a Crisco, 1.1. (1989) The biomechanical stability of the
human lumbar spine: experimental and theoretical
vertebral body was devoid of muscle, indicat-
investigations. Doctoral Dissertation, Department
ing instability if intervertebral stiffness is not
of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University, New
increased when a vertebra is resected of its Haven, Conn.
musculature. Floyd, W.F. and Silver, P.H.S. (1955) The function of
4. Predicted that when the compressive load on the erectores spinae muscles in certain movements
the spine was increased, bilateral cocontrac- and postures in man. J. Physiol. 129:184-203.
Frymoyer, I.W., Pope, M.H., and Wilder, D.G. (1988)
tion of the back muscles occurs in order to
Segmental Instability. The Lumbar Spine,ISU, WB
stiffen the spine and raise the critical load.
Saunders, Orlando, FL.
Acknowledgments Granhed H., Iohnson, R., Hansson, T. (1987) The loads
This research was supported in part by NIH on the lumbar spine during extreme weight lifting.
Spine 12:146-149.
Grants AR30361 and AR39209, and CDC Injury
Greene, P.R. and McMahon, T.A. (1979) Reflex stiff-
Grant R49/CCR103551. We would also like to
ness of man's anti-gravity muscles during
thank Ms. Cathy Nelson for her assistance in the kneebends while carrying extra weights. J.
preparation of this manuscript. Biomech.12:881-891.
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American Surgeon 52:273-277. De Graaf, J.B. and Huijing, P.A. (1988) A simula-
Panjabi, M.M., Thibodeau, L.L., Crisco, I.I. and tion of rat edt force output based on intrinsic muscle
White, AA. (1988) What constitutes spinal in- properties. J. Biomech. 21:815-824.
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Spine in Cambridge, England, April, 1983.) 78-92.
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(1982) A biomechanical analysis of the clinical Intervertebral Motion Segment. Ph.D. Dissertation,
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Modeling of Muscle Action and Stability of the Human Spine

Marek Dietrich, Krzysztof Kedzior and Tomasz Zagrajek

27.1 Introduction 27.2 Assessment of Pertinent Literature

27.2.1 General Remarks
The range of in situ experimental research of
Biomechanical investigations of the human
the human spine system is very restricted. Such
spine are nowadays rarely taken up for purely cog-
research may produce only limited information,
nitive reasons. Usually they are stimulated by
and in certain cases [e.g. measurement of pres-
needs of various areas of contemporary civi- sures in intervertebral disks (Nachemson, 1981)]
lization and directed toward applying their results may be rather risky to the subject's health. The
in medicine (etiology of diseases and defects of present state of knowledge, however, does not al-
the spine, rehabilitation, occupational medicine),
low for quantitative measurement of tensions and
technology (e.g. influence of a vehicle upon the
deformations in elements of the system, and forces
spine of its human operator in normal or emer-
exerted by each of the muscles in particular. Even
gency conditions), and sports (influence of
obtaining reliable data representing geometrical
overloads due to sport training upon the spine).
dimensions of the system for a given subject is im-
Muscles playa very important role in the spine
possible without employing methods such as X-
system owing to their active influence upon bone
ray radiography.
elements, which in turn allows the position of the
For the above-mentioned reasons most inves-
human body to be controlled, even while under ex-
tigations of the spine systems are conducted with
ternal loads, both in static conditions and during the help of either material or mathematical
motion. The bones and joints in the spine system
models. The fIrst of the two methods resolves it-
seem, at least at fIrst glance, to be rather clear,
self to investigating specimens from corpses
which is contrary to the system of muscles, which
(Yang and King, 1984), replicas made of photo-
seem to be rather complex. This impression is due
elastic resins (Dietrich and Kurowski, 1983), or
to the large number of muscles, their complicated
replicas made of composite materials representing
and varied shapes, and their multi-functionality.
bones, ligaments, and muscles [Chapter 28
It seems that the progress in the spine system
(Winters et al.)]. Such investigations are,
biomechanical research, especially conceming the
however, toilsome and expensive, and these
principles underlying spine movement organiza-
methods are limited in terms of investigating the
tion, depends largely on discovering the principles
operation of muscles in the spine system. For the
of operation and cooperation of muscles belonging
method using photo-elastic resins, this is due to
to the system.
the fact that it is impossible to model a system

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
452 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

composed of both rigid (bones) and elastic point-like attachments to bones (e.g. muscles:
(muscles) elements and to investigate tension dis- rotatory, multifidus, interspinal), but in case of
tribution in both kind of the elements such muscles as erector spinae, of large diameter
simultaneously. The second of the two methods - and large number of attachments located on the
mathematical modeling aided with computer lateral surface of the muscle, this type of a model
simulation - is free of such limitations and there- is a very rough approximation of reality. And for
fore is now used most frequently. However, this abdominal muscles (transverse, oblique,
does not mean that using that method it is easy to diaphragm), which play a very important role in
model muscles. Generally, one is faced here with mechanical operation of the human spine system
the following difficulties: by producing pressure in the abdominal cavity,
1. The necessity to account in one model for a this mooel is totally unsuitable. What is more, the
large number of muscles differing in size, string model does not account for the fact that
shape, number of attachments, and directions muscles when contracting change their shape and
of muscle fibers. act upon neighboring muscles, pressing them with
their lateral surfaces. Therefore the real muscular
2. The necessity to account for the double func- force operation is different from that determined
tion of each muscle. One of the two functions with the string model. It seems that a way to over-
is developing passive force. In this aspect a come the above mentioned difficulties is by
muscle not stimulated with a nervous signal employing the Finite Element Method (FEM) to
can be treated as an elastic element of the sys- model complex muscular systems. The method al-
tem built of a material (muscular tissue) of lows for effective, three-dimensional modeling of
anisotropic, non-linear mechanical properties. all elements of the human spine system, which
The other function is exerting active force, the was mentioned in earlier works (Dietrich et al.,
direction of which is the same with the direc- 1989; Dietrich and Zagrajek, 1989).
tion of muscle fibers (a muscle can only pull),
and its value depends on three parameters: 27.2.3 Modeling of Muscles as Force
stimulation, length, and speed of contraction Generators
(in case of concentric work) or extension (in The second of the mentioned problems - pas-
case of eccentric work) of the muscle. sive and active role of the muscles - may seem to
be easier to account for in the spine model.
3. The necessity to formulate a criterion describ-
Modeling of separate skeletal muscles as dynamic
ing the way muscles are controlled by the
force generators is one of the more developed
nervous system during the considered motion
areas of contemporary biomechanics, and a great
deal of information concerning the subject has
Now let us consider the above-mentioned been gathered [Ratze, 1980; Chapter 8 (Zajac and
problems. Winters)]. Usually the proposed mathematical
27.2.2 Geometrical Modeling of the Muscular models are in the form of an ordinary differential
equation or set of equations (Kedzior, 1973;
Soechting and Roberts, 1975; Biezanowska and
During mathematical modeling of the musculo-
Kedzior, 1981) and coefficients of the equations
skeletal system it is usually assumed that whole
are usually functions of the muscle length
muscles or their parts are one-dimensional strings,
(Dabrowska and Kedzior, 1985). In mathematical
the axis of which forms a straight or a broken line.
modeling it is not very important whether the
This type of simplification is commonly used
equations are derived based on considerations of
while modeling the muscles of human limbs, for
the visco-elastic properties of the muscle, or
which the string model is an adequate approxima-
treated as an object of regulation. The main
tion (Seireg and Arvikar, 1976; Dabrowska and
problem here is that the coefficients (time
Kedzior, 1981). This model, however, is also
constants) occurring in the equations are different
employed while describing the spine system,
for different muscles (Winter, 1979), and some-
where its use is better justified for modeling
times for a different muscle group a different
muscles of small diameters and small, almost
degree of the differential equation is proposed
27. Dietrich et at.; Modeling Muscle Action and Stability of Spine 453

(Dabrowska and Kedzior, 1985). Furthermore, rithm (program) of control. The question is
muscle force depends not only on neural input but according to what "program" the nervous system
also on the muscle length history (Chapter 1 acts. This is, of course, a task for neurophysiol-
(Zabalak and Winters». Therefore, prior to ogy, and in regard to the spine system it still
modeling of the spine system, one should identify requires serious research work. In biomechanics
the parameters of the mathematical model for each the problem is called the "muscle cooperation
of the muscles in the system. Nowadays it is not problem" or the "general distribution problem"
possible, which, of course, decreases the reliability (GDP). Lacking the appropriate neurophysiologi-
of the obtained results. cal information, the research workers try to give
In some of the older models (Andriacchi et al., an approximate description of the muscle system
1974; Belytschko, et al., 1973; Orne and King Liu, operation. For the description some general obser-
1971; Schultz and Galante, 1970; Schultz et al., vations are used, and it is assumed that the control
1973) active components of muscular forces are is done in a "logical, optimum" way. The litera-
omitted, and approximate passive components ture gives many examples of solutions of
(elasticity) were accounted for. Those models optimization problems based on the analysis of the
served mainly for determining external forces in human body mechanics [see Chapter 8 (Zajac and
the spinal column during high accelerations acting Winters) for review]. Arvikar and Seireg (1978),
upon the human body (car crash, catapulting of modeling intervertebral disks under sudden ac-
airplane pilot), i.e. in extreme situations not occur- celerations, minimized the linear combination of
ring during normal human activity. In the modem forces and torques. Coefficients of objective func-
models of the human operator during emergency tion were selected so that the results were
situations a simplified way of accounting for the consistent with quantitative observations in situ.
active component of muscular forces is employed Gracovetsky et al. (1977; see also Chapter 25),
which involves one equation (constructed on the modeling the lumbar spine, accepted as the op-
basis of the visco-elastic model) for the whole timization criterion the minimum sum of the
group of muscles operating at a given joint shearing forces' squared in five intervertebral di-
(Laananen et al., 1982; Laananen, 1987). sks. Crowninshield et al. (1978) investigated
There are also models which account only for mechanics of the hip, using a linear objective func-
the active component of muscle or muscle groups tion in the form of the sum of quotients of all
(e.g. Seireg and Arvikar, 1976; Yettram and muscle forces and physiological cross sections of
Jackman, 1980). Both the active and the passive respective muscles. Yettram and Jackman (1980),
roles of muscles have been accounted for in a investigating the lumbar section of spine, mini-
number of models designed throughout the last mized the sum of forces in the muscles. The same
decade [Dietrich and Kurowski, 1985; Bergmark, was done by Dietrich and Kurowski (1985), and
1987; Deng and Goldsmith, 1987; Williams and they minimized also the sum of intervertebral
Belytschko, 1983; Chapter 28 (Winters et al.)]. forces and minimized the maximum shearing force
Omitting the passive component (elasticity) of in lumbar disks.
muscular forces is an acceptable simplification in Looking at the above examples, the conclusion
static or quasi-static analysis of the human drawn by Dietrich and Kurowski (1985) and con-
locomotion system (including the spine model) for firmed by Aruin et al. (1989) is interesting and
large loads, i.e. when active forces developed by encouraging. They proved that for different
muscles are considerably greater than the passive "logical" criteria of muscle control, similar dis-
ones. In investigations considering dynamics and tributions of muscular forces are usually obtained.
stability, however, the passive component should It should also be mentioned that most of the tasks
be accounted for since its role in the overall elas- presented so far of the GDP type consider the
ticity and damping of the system is considerable. operation of the musculo-skeletal system in
27.2.4 Modeling of Muscle Control steady-state conditions of all muscles involved
The way the nervous system, by muscle stimula- (tetanic contraction-stimulation does not change;
tion, acts upon the bone elements of the spine muscular force depends on the length and speed of
system can be regarded as execution of an algo- the contraction but does not explicitly depend on
time). Such tasks can be solved with parametric
454 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

optimization methods. In those few tasks which The dependence between the tensions, the
dealt with the contraction accounting for the tran- deformations, and stimulations has been assumed
sient processes in muscles (when during a motion in the following form (steady-state tetanic contrac-
separate muscles join in or out of the work), there tion, small changes of muscles length):
were also attempts to achieve a mathematical
model allowing use of parametric optimization a=C£+CKp (27.1)
(Ratze 1975; Biezanowska, 1984). Solving the
opUmtzation task of a multi-dimensional, where: a = tension tensor, £ =deformation tensor,
C = matrix of material constants, K = matrix of
non-linear dynamic process, although theoretically
possible, is numerically difficult to perform: It constant coefficients, p = vector of stimulations of
individual muscular zones (groups of elements).
refers mainly to investigations of the human spine
The first term in the sum of Eq. 27.1 describes
system, where the number of cooperating muscles
is large. the passive components, the second one the active
components. The material data of muscles, bones,
27.3 Method cartilage, and tendons were taken on the basis of
To investigate the operation of the multi- literature (Obrastsov, 1988; Skalak and Shu Chien,
muscular system serving the human spine we have 1987). Because of the wide scatter of values cited
used an improved mathematical model designed in the literature, averaged data have been used.
with the help of FEM (described in Dietrich et al., For example, for the not stimulated muscular
1989; Dietrich and Zagrajek, 1989). This model tissue the Young's modulus along muscular fibers
accounts for those muscles which considerably in- has been accepted as E = 0.4 MPa, and cross mus-
fluence the spine system operation: longissimus, cular fibers as E = 0.2 MPa. The geometrical and
iliocostal, spinal, interspinal, intertransverse, semi- mass data of the model elements have been
spinal, multifidus, rotatory, straight m. of gathered on the basis of our own measurements of
abdomen, oblique internal m. of abdomen, spine specimens.
oblique external m. of abdomen, transverse m. of The abdominal cavity has been treated as an in-
abdomen, diaphragm, quadratus, psoas, levators of compressible (with constant volume) body despite
ribs. Those muscles have been divided into 600 the fact that tension of the muscles (mainly ab-
three-dimensional, 20-node finite elements dominal muscles and the diaphragm) causes pres-
(Zienkiewicz, 1977). The FEM mesh has been sure in it, which decreases the loading of the spine
done so that every element would be a functional column in its lumbar section. The assumption
unit of the muscle with parallel fibers. Assumed would be precise if the abdominal cavity were
were linear, anisotropic mechanical properties of filled with liquid. However, there are also gases
the muscle tissue (passive component), described in it. Considering both liquids and gases would be
in a local cartesian reference system, one axis of difficult because of the lack of appropriate data in
which runs along the muscular fibers direction. literature, and it would make the model much
The system changes its orientation in space owing more complex. Moreover, a slight pressure
to change of the muscular fibers direction. It has change influences the abdominal cavity volume
been assumed that the finite elements in the very little. It can be estimated that pressure
muscles contract along muscular fibers under change ~ = 0.02 MPa, with 10% of the gas com-
neural stimulation. Contraction of the elements ponent in the abdominal cavity causing the change
modeling muscles produces forces (active of its volume less than 2%.
components) acting upon the bone system of the The spine system model was loaded with the
spine. In the described model, 302 independent body weight of 300 N, which was substituted by a
contracting muscle zones have been distinguished system of concentrated forces applied at nodes of
(some [mite elements form groups contracting the model finite elements (-20,000 nodes). The
together). The division mesh of some muscles external load, modeling a weight of 400 N held in
into finite elements is shown in Figure 27.1. hands, was applied in the form of concentratoo
forces to nodes in the zone of scapulas, symmetri-
cally to the sagittal plane.
27. Dietrich et a1.; Modeling Muscle Action and Stability of Spine 455



vertebra Th12

erector spInae

ve rtebra L3

erector spinae
d) f)

Figure 27.1: FEM mesh: a) general (lateral) view of muscles: erector spinae, quadratus, and psoas in cross
the spine system model in the straightened position section between vertebrae L3-L4; e) abdominal
(muscles, bones, ligaments, disks); b) erector spinae muscles; f) fragments of multifidus muscle (right part)
(right part) and quadratus muscle (left part); c) attach- and short rotatory muscles (left part).
ments of the erector spinae to the bone system; d)
456 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

The human spine system model employed in values (Chaffin and Andersson, 1984). Analysis
our investigation consists of 2640 finite elements of the tension distribution configuration in the
- rigid (bones) and elastic (muscles, ligaments, whole spine system has proven that the external
cartilages, intervertebral disks). Its respective load is in this case balanced mainly by the tension
mathematical model consists of 13,107 generally of muscles with large diameters and operating on
non-linear equations, which are linearized for the large radii, like the erector spinae. The tensions in
considered spine position. Using computer simula- short muscles with small diameters operating on
tion we have investigated two cases of work of the small radii, e.g. rotatory, are relatively small. But
muscles. In the first case it has been assumed that their tension is also necessary, since they play the
all muscles participate in balancing the external important role in stabilization of the spine.
load; in the second case that the external load is Tension distribution for the second case (only
balanced only by muscles which are close to the some muscles work) proved to be not reliable, as
spine: multifidus and interspinal. Stability of the could be expected. The obtained values of ten-
spine system has been investigated as well, deter- sions (about 3.5 MPa) with the external load
mining spine deflection shapes due to instability. relatively small more than three times exceeds
The tensions in the muscles have been deter- maximum values cited in literature. The tension
mined assuming that the task of the muscular distributions in both cases have been obtained
system in both cases is balancing the weights with minimizing the elastic strain energy accumu-
(body and external), with the spine position kept lated in the muscular system according to criterion
straightened. The condition has been formulated of Eq. 27.2. That criterion, like most optimization
assuming that all components of the pelvis dis- criteria employed by other researchers, is suitable
placement and the horizontal component in the for modeling of muscle control in static condi-
sagittal plane of the first thoracic vertebra are tions. As a result of its use for small external
equal to zero. It has been assumed that the mus- loads, mainly those muscles work that attain large
cular system performs the task with minimum torques with respect to the joint rotation axes. The
work expense (minimum elastic energy accumu- other muscles join in the work for large loads
lated in muscles). That criterion has been when constraints built in the optimization algo-
formulated is the following form: rithm in the form of maximum acceptable tensions

f N
dV = min, N ~ 0 (27.2)
in muscular tissues are active. Thus a new
criterion should be found which, simultaneously to
m=1 V
. Em m the increase of the spine load, would cause the in-
crease of tension in short muscles. Quantitative
where: k = number of independently stimulated formulation of such a criterion requires further in-
muscle zones, V m = muscle zone volume, N m =ten- vestigation.
sion along muscle fibers, Em = Young's modulus
27.4.2 Stability of the Spine System
(the passive and active component together) along
Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of
muscle fibers (different values for different
scoliosis. Medical publications present various
hypotheses concerning the causes of the disease.
27.4 Results and Discussion A new hypothesis, however, can be formulated:
idiopathic scoliosis is due to the fact that a sym-
27.4.1 Operation of the Spine System Muscles
metrically built and symmetrically loaded spine
Predicted tension distributions along muscle
can be instable. Stability here is understood in the
fibers in exemplary muscles are presented in
Lapunov sense, commonly used in mechanics.
Figure 27.2 (first case - all muscles work).
Depending on the external load value and values
Similar tension distributions have been obtained
of muscular forces, the spine system can be stable
for all other muscles of the system. The obtained
or instable. The spinal column can be deflected in
values of tensions (about 0.2 MPa) seem to be cor-
different forms because of instability.
rect (Obrastsov, 1988). The pressure in the
Nonlinearity of the system is the reason that every
abdominal cavity, which in this case equals 0.0047
form of deflection may have its respective form of
MPa, is small in comparison with the predicted
local equilibrium. All these forms are asymmetri-
27. Dietrich et al.; Modeling Muscle Action and Stability of Spine 457

. 8(I8[t. vertebra L2 - -. 178[- 111

2 - .UU-tl
Z . 483[ -111
1 - .142[+•
3 - . 81i6[-81
4 - .221(+ •
4 - . 121[+.
5 - .3111[+ •
. IUf+1III
7 - . Zt2[+.

•, -- . lIU+II8
.3Z2[+. b)
erector sp i nae

1 - .Mr+.
Z - . 716[- 111
J - .155[+.
4 . 233[+l1li
:; - .31(1[+.

12th (, - .318[+.
7 - .466[+.

vertebra L5
a) c)

1 - - . 3'7[-113
2 - .288[+.
3 - .41u+gg
4 - .6 25[ ••
5 - .833[+.

1 - - .631£-111
2 - - .147[-111
3 - .337[- 11
4 - .821[-11
5 - .131[+.

d) e)
Figure 27.2: Tension distribution along muscle fibers: muscle of abdomen; e) straight muscle of abdomen. In
a) erector spinae; b) muscles: erector spinae, quadratus, tables there are given tension values in MPa respective
and psoas, cross-section in transverse plane on the to numbers of isolines.
level of vertebra L2; c) quadratus muscle; d) transverse
458 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

V - - .6141.81

~I 2 - - . ~53["1

;6 3 - - .W['11 ve rtebra
4 - - . 29U'"

- -.un"l
~g ,
- ~!l w
- .283['"

- . 183['81
~8 ~

. 2341"1 V
- . 365["1

~~ ~

§§ ~§ ;$
W 1 - -. 1341'82
z - - . 116['12
- - . '741'11

f t
4 - -. "3£t11l
5 - - .6 11["1
- -. 43tl·"
- - .2t8[·'1
- -. 6641'11
. 115['81
a) b) a) b)

Figure 27.3: Spine equilibrium in the state of stability Figure 27.4: First fonn of deflection due to instability
(side view): a) marlced isolines of the transverse com- of the spine (back view): a) the whole spine; b) ver-
ponent of displacement in sagittal plane v; b) maIKed tebrae T8-Ll.
isolines of the vertical component of displacement in
sagittal plane w. Tables give numbers of the isolines of
displacement values in millimeters. terized by large displacements of vertebrae TlO
and T11 and simultaneous rotation of all vertebrae.
cal and are characterized by lateral bending and The rotation angle of vertebrae. beginning at the
rotation of vertebrae, despite the aforementioned L5, increases in the lumbar section and attains its
fact that the original spine system and the external maximum value at the Tll. Then it decreases in
loads were fully symmetrical. the thoracic section. The relative rotation axes of
Figure 27.3 presents the spine system displace- the vertebrae are beyond the spinal column. The
ments in the state of stability (only vertebrae are spine deformation visible from behind is mostly
shown) deformed by load (in the considered case due to the fact that during the rotation the location
all muscles work). Because of the symmetry of of the natural spine curves changes (lordosis and
both the investigated system and the applied load kyphosis are now in different planes).
in respect to the sagittal plane, displacements in Increase of the external load of the system may
the frontal plane equal zero. It can be noticed that, cause a few further forms of deflection to appear
in comparison with Figure 27.1a, the load causes (at the increase by about 38%, 60%, and 180%,
an increase of the spine curves (kyphosis and respectively). In order to state which of those
lordosis). forms can occur, calculations taking into account
When the load is increased by about 20% the the nonlinearity of the system would have to be
spine system loses its stability. A form of spinal done.
deflection is shown in Figure 27.4. Because of Simulations have also been performed for the
linearization of the equations, only the proportions second case, when only some muscles work. It
of the displacements and rotation angles of in- turns out that in this case the spine system is in-
dividual vertebrae are known, not their absolute stable even for the load that is smaller by 15%
values. The form shown in Figure 27.4 is charac- than the original extemalload.
27. Dietrich et al.; Modeling Muscle Action and Stability of Spine 459

Among the investigated fonns of spine deflec- titative investigations of the system treated as a
tion (due to instability), none have been found that dynamic one (i.e. with inertia and damping
are characterized by bending in the sagittal plane. forces). Because of its multi-dimensionality and
Considering the system mechanics, this fact can be nonlinearity, it is practically impossible to employ
explained by the existence of the almost incom- the known methods of stability investigation in or-
pressible volume of the abdominal cavity and der to state whether (and in what state parameter
strong abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. zones) a given point of equilibrium is asymptoti-
When the spine is bent forward, in the abdominal cally stable. Therefore further investigations can
cavity additional pressure must appear which be conducted by trial method only. For various
causes tension in the abdominal muscles and the symmetrical and asymmetrical initial configura-
diaphragm; otherwise the abdominal cavity's con- tions and different external loads, the search can
stant volume would not be preserved. In that be done in order to investigate more closely these
situation the tension of the abdominal muscles and selected zones of the system.
the diaphragm indirectly opposes the forward In conjunction with investigations of the whole
bending of the spine, increasing the system stiff- spine system, it seems advisable to conduct simula-
ness in that direction (Tesh et al., 1987). Similar, tions concerning its fragments. Models of the
although probably to a lesser degree, is the in- subsystem can be more detailed and can represent
fluence of the incompressibility areas of nuclei more precisely the geometry, material properties,
pulposi of the intervertebral disks. pathologies (e.g. osteoporosis), the liquid flow be-
tween the system elements, the nonlinearity of
27.5 Conclusions parameters, etc. External loads of those fragments
The conducted research indicated the necessity can be determined on the basis of investigation of
of three-dimensional modeling of the muscular the whole system. Results of such investigations
system while investigating complex biomechani- can be helpful for explaining the underlying
cal objects such as the human spine system. biomechanical reasons for certain ailments and
The presented results of computer simulation diseases (e.g. discopathy, vertebra fractures, etc.).
allow formulation of a hypothesis conceming the Such investigations have already been initiated
cause of idiopathic scoliosis: the cause is the loss (Dietrich et al., 1988).
of stability of the spine system due to incorrect
operation of the muscular system. The operation References
is incorrect when some muscle groups are too Aruin A., Zatsiorsky v., Prilutsky B. (1989). Decision
weak in comparison with other groups. The of distributional problem using "logical" and
phenomenon does not have to be asymmetrical "illogical" optimization criteria. In: Gregor R.J.,
(which has been assumed so far), since even with Zernicke R.F., Whiting W.C. (eds), Proceedings of
the XI/Int. Congr. ofBiomech., Univ. ofCallfornia,
full symmetry of the spine system and of the ac-
Los Angeles, 43l.
ting loads, there appear asymmetrical forms of Andriacchi T., Schultz A.B., Belytschko T., Galante J.
deflections due to the instability. Those forms are (1974). A model for studies of mechanical interac-
characterized by lateral (frontal) bending and ver- tions between the human spine and rib cage. J.
tebra rotation. That deflected state can be fixed by Biomech. 7: 497-507.
remodeling of the bones, which leads to per- Arvikar R.J., Seireg A. (1978). Distribution of spinal
manent deformation of the spine (Stokes et al., disc pressure in the seated posture subjected to im-
1981). Local deformations of the spine due to in- pact. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
stability can be the reason of further ailments 49(1): 166-169.
popularly called discopathy. Belytschko T.B., Andriacchi T.P., Schultz A.B.,
Galante J.D. (1973). Analog studies of forces in the
27.6 Recommended Future Directions human spine. J. Biomech. 6: 361-371.
The present work proves that for fully sym- Bergmark A. (1987). Mechanical stability of the
metrical (in respect to sagittal plane) geometry, human lumbar spine. Ph.D.Thesis, Lund Institute of
distribution of masses, and external loads, asym- Technology, Sweden.
metrical positions of spinal column can occur. Biezanowska E. (1984). modeling of muscle coaction
under dynamic conditions. Biology of Sport 1:
The problem requires further qualitative and quan-
No.3/4, PWN, Warsaw, 199-208.
460 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Biezanowska E., Kedzior K. (1981). Simulation ap- of isolated skeletal muscles. Archive ofMechanical
proach to modeling and investigation of static and Engineering XX(2), Polish Scientific Pub., Warsaw,
dynamic properties of skeletal muscles. In: Morecki 219-238.
A. et al. (eds), Biomeclumics VilA, University Park Laananen D.H. (1987). Passenger response in transport
Press - Baltimore, PWN, Warsaw, 208-214. aircraft accidents - a simulation. Soma -
Chaffin D.B., Andersson G.B. (1984). Occupational Engineeringfor the Human Body, 2 (1): 18-25.
Biomeclumics. John Willey and Sons, New York. Laananen D.H., Bolukbasi A.D., Coltman J. (1982).
Crowninshield R.D., Johston R.C. Andrews J.G., Computer simulation of an aircraft seat and oc-
Brand R.A. (1978). A biomechanical investigation cupant in a crash environment (final report), Simula
of the human hip. J.Biomech.ll: 75-85. Inc., Tempe, Arizona.
Dabrowska A., Kedzior K. (1981). Cooperation of Nachemson A.L. (1981). Disc pressure measurements.
muscles under dynamic conditions. In: Morecki A. Spine 6: 93-97.
et al (eds), Biomechanics VilA, University Park Obrastsov I.F. (ed) (1988). Strength problems in
Press, Baltimore; PWN, Warsaw, 215-222. biomeclumics. Wysschaya Schola, Moscow (in
Dabrowska A., Kedzior K. (1985). Investigation and Russian).
modeling of relationship between integrated surface Orne D., King Liu Y. (1971). A mathematical model of
EMG and muscle tension. In: Winter D.A. et al. spinal response to impact. J. Biomech. 4: 49-71.
(eds), Biomechanics lXA, Human Kinetics Pub., Schultz A.B., Belytschko T.B., Andriacchi T.P. (1973).
Champaign, lllinois, 308-312. Analog studies of forces in the human spine:
Deng Y.C., Goldsmith W. (1987). Response of a mechanical properties and motion segment be-
human head!neck/Upper-torso replica to dynamic haviour. J. Biomech. 6: 373-383.
loading - II. Analyticallnumerical model. J. Schultz A.B., Galante J. (1970). A mathematical model
Biomech. 20: 487-497. for the mechanics of the human vertebral column. J.
Dietrich M., Kedzior K., Zagrajek T. (1988). Finite ele- Biomech. 3: 405-416.
ment method analysis of human spine segment. In: Seireg A., Arvikar R.J. (1976). A mathematical model
de Groot et al. (eds), Biomechanics XIA, Free for evaluation of forces in the lower extremities of
University Press, Amsterdam, 333-337. the musculoskeletal system. J. Biomech. 6: 313-326.
Dietrich M, Kedzior K., Zagrajek T. (1989). Model of Skalak R., Shu Chien (eds), (1987). Handbook of
human spine system. In: GregorR.J., Zernicke R.F., Bioengineering. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
Whiting W.C. (eds), Proceedings of the XII Int. York.
Congr. of Biomech., Univ. of California, Los Soechting J.F., Roberts W.J. (1975). Transfer charac-
Angeles, 381. teristics between EMG activity and muscle tension
Dietrich M., Kurowski P. (1983). Model of the human under isometric conditions in man. J. Physiology
lumbar spine. Proc. of Sixth IFroMM Congress on Parts 70: 779-793.
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Indian Stokes I.A.F., Bigalow L.C., Moreland M.S. (1981).
Institute of Technology, Delhi, vol.2, 1386-1389. Three dimensional spinal curvature in idiopathic
Dietrich M., Kurowski P. (1985). The importance of scoliosis. J. Orthop. Research 5: 102-113.
mechanical factors in the etiology of spondylolysis. Tesh K.M., Dunn S.J., Evans J.H. (1987). The ab-
A model analysis of loads and stresses in human dominal muscles and vertebral stability. Spine
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Dietrich M., Zagrajek T. (1989). Simulation of human Williams J.L., Belytschko T.B. (1983). A three-dimen-
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Simulation in Biomechanics, Univ. of California, simulation. J. Biomechanical Engineering 105: 321-
Davis, 32-33. 330.
Gracovetsky S., Farfan H.F., Lamy C. (1977). A mathe- Winter D.A. (1979). Biomechanics of Human
matical model of the lumbar spine using an Movement. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
optimized system to control muscles and ligaments. Yang K.H., King A.I. (1984). Mechanism of facet load
Orthop. Clin. NA. 8(1):135-153. transmission as a hypothesis for low-back pain.
Hatze H. (1975). A control model of skeletal muscle Spine 9(6): 557- 565.
and its application to a time optimal biomotion. Yettram A.L., Jackman MJ. (1980). Equilibrium
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of South Africa, Pretoria. analysis for the forces in the human spinal column
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Kedzior K. (1973). Investigation of dynamic properties

Neck Muscle Activity and 3-D Head Kinematics

During Quasi-Static and Dynamic Tracking Movements

Jack M. Winters and Joseph D. Peles

28.1 Introduction biomechanical injury to neck tissues can cause

The head-neck system is one of the least under- changes in neuromotor strategy (Albright et al.,
stood (and most complex) neuromechanical 1984; Bohlman et al., 1982). Conversely,
systems of the body. The head rests on the top of neuromotor disease conditions not only affect
the cervical spinal column; it can be considered voluntary movement but can also cause deformity
the fmallink of an open kinematic chain that also (Rondot, 1988).
includes the seven cervical and upper thoracic ver- Our goal here is gain insight into the role of
tebrae. Each vertebra is connected in series to its neck muscles in head movement organization. To
neighbors by multiple joints and is capable of 3-D maximize insight, we have been simultaneously
relative rotation. This capacity for rotation is a using three complimentary approaches: i) experi-
function of the level within the spine, with the top ments on human subjects (Peles, 1990); ii)
two (anatomically unique) cervical vertebrae caus- construction and testing of an advanced
ing especially unique kinematic and mechanical anthrobotic head-neck replica (Liang, 1989); and
features. The flexible cervical column, sur- iii) computer simulations using a 3-D neuromus-
rounded by passive and active tissue, must culoskeletal model (Darn, 1989). The focus of
function at three levels: i) generation of ap- this chapter, in line with the goals of this book, is
propriate head movements in three dimensional to search for fundamental patterns related to the
space; ii) maintanance of mechanical stability of organization of head movements, in particular as
the head-neck system at a given orientation; iii) related to goal-directed tracking movements and
distribution of loads within local neck tissues. postural orientation. Our emphasis will be
Consideration of the neuromotor aspects of "natural" movements made at comfortable speeds
head function adds to the mystery. Head move- in many directions and with different initital orien-
ments are closely coupled to movements of the tations. It will tum out that many fundamental
eyes, assisting in visual stabilization of images issues, such as muscle redundancy and the concept
(see reviews by Berthoz (1985) and Guitton of what constitutes a "synergist", "agonist", or
(1988», and to vestibular function (e.g. ves- "antagonist" will emerge. Experimental results on
tibulocollic reflex), assisting in postural concerns humans will be emphasized for a simple practical
that often involve the entire body (peterson, reason: the amount of available data for the human
1988). Head muscles are also richly innervated movement system is quite small, suggesting that
with sensors, which provide information both for for this particular system the greatest need is for
local muscle reflexes and for postural presenting a breadth of basic experimental data.
orientation/stability of the entire body (Richmond The two modeling approaches will be utilized in a
et aI., 1988). The tie between neck biomechanics supporting capacity to help illuminate and inter-
and head movement control is tight. For instance, pret various experimental findings.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New Yorl<:
462 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

causal relation between activation of the more

than 40 neck muscles which cross through the
neck region and head kinematics.
28.2.1 Passive Column Biomechanics
Passive resistance to neck bending is attributed
to soft tissue (ligaments and intervertebral disks)
h and bony (vertebral facets) constraints. Ligaments
help limit the relative rotation between vertebrae
by generating force when extended. These tissues
display a classical concave upward force-
deflection behavior over the physiological
~-- I 1 operating range of interest. A recent study of
spinal ligament tensile' properties (Myklebust et
a b
al., 1988) suggests that all ligaments in this region,
and not just the ligamentum flavum and nuchae,
Figure 28.1: Conceptual view of the head-neck sys- are quite extensible; based on their force-extension
tem as an inverted pendulum (of mass m" in data we suggest typical peak strains of 20-60% for
gravitational field g). a) Inverted pendulum with a most ligaments. Intervertebral disks, composed of
single joint used to represent the celVical column, a tor- a fluid (nucleus pulposus) surrounded by cartilage
sional spring representing "passive" column rotational (annulus fibrosis), also exhibit the classical con-
stiffness (k,), and a translational spring used to repre- cave upward load-deflection behavior,. and act as
sent "passive" and "active" musculotendon stiffness viscoelastic "shock absorbers", reaching peak ex-
(km ) . The latter is assumed here to be a linear function
tension and compression strains on the order of
of activation a (0 < a < I) for both the "tension-length"
50% (Myers and Mow, 1983).
(k tl ) and "series elastic" (kit) relations, and since these
Since the cervical vertebrae are essentially
springs are in series and k. e » ktl' km '" a ktl" b)
Four-link, three-joint inverted pendulum model to be stacked on each other, the structure is mechani-
used here, minus all springs. Link 1 lumps vertebrae cally in series (see Figure 28.2). Consequently,
T4-C7, link 2 lumps C6-C3, link 3 lumps C2-oC (OC for a given applied moment (or force), applicable
is occiput (skull». rotational (and translational) components add, and
thus the overall rotation (and translation) is greater
28.2 Basic Head-Neck Neuro-Biomechanics than that between any two vertebrae. The overall
The basic biomechanics of the head and neck stiffness (compliance) is thus less than (greater
are outlined elsewhere (e.g., Winters, 1988; than) that of individual components. The picture
Sances et al., 1984). Here we emphasize the im- that emerges is a passive spinal column that is in-
plications of this biomechanical structure. The ititally quite compliant, but progressively stiffer as
head can be approximated as an inverted pen- rotation increases; studies of passive vertebra-soft
dulum connected to the cervical vertebral column tissue units (Goel et al., 1984, 1988, Moroney et
(Figure 28.1a). Two important characteristics of al., 1988, and Panjabi et a!., 1986 for cervical
this system are: i) a relatively large head mass spine) support this view.
(approx. 4-5 kg) and inertia (approx. 0.02 kg-rif Conventional thought is that for most tasks less
axial rotation, 0.03-0.04 kg-m2 frontal and lateral load is transmitted through the facets than the
flexion); and ii) a cervical vertebral column that disks (e.g. Winters, 1988). However, the relative
can be bent fairly easily in every direction of rota- contribution of each mode varies with the type of
tion. Because the center of mass of the head is loading and magnitude of rotation. The cervical
anterior to the neck, if all neck muscles were to facets, spatially orientated at approximately a 45°
relax the head would fall forward, rotating about angle to the vertical, play a special role in
an axis of rotation located somewhere between the kinematically coupling lateral bending and axial
ftrst cervical and ftrst thoracic vertebrae. rotation (see White and Panjabi (1978) for ex-
Voluntary head movements also rotate about axes planation and Scholten and Veldhuizen (1985) for
located within this interval. Of interest here is the relevant computer simulations).
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 463

The above observations show that the passive Assessment of stability for the real system is
cervical spine has the mechanical properties of a more difficult. The greatest rotation tends to oc-
compliant viscoelastic beam in which the stiffness cur in the upper spine, and thus at minimum a
increases with increasing rotation and in which useful model must include a second joint. An ad-
cross-coupling stiffness terms exist. Given the ditional confounding factor is that the normal
relatively large mass of the head. an important cervical spine has a lordotic curve. Thus, the
emerging concem (too often ignored in the past) is model of Figure 28.1 b appears to be the simplest
system stability [see also Chapter 26 (Crisco and model that encompasses the basic features of the
Panjabi)]. For an inverted pendulum, Bergmark head-neck system; this is the model we will use
(1987) has shown that it is not enough to simply here for our similations. Interestingly, we have
balance the moments - the system must also be found regions of inherent instability within our
mechanically stable (Le. the potential energy at default 1O-muscle, 3-joint model, especially in the
equilibrium must represent a minima). Using his neighborhood of upright posture (discussed in
"T-shaped" model case (Figure 28.1a), it turns out Section 28.4.1).
that the conditions for sagittal stable mechanical
equlibrium are (Bergmark, 1987): 28.2.2 Kinematics and Redundancy
The estimated ranges of motion for flexion-
Fm 'm + Mp = mh g , (28.1) extension, lateral bending and axial rotation, due
to static eqUilibrium between voluntary muscle
km 'm2 + kp ~ mhgh (28.2)
contraction and (primarily) passive tissues, are

the pas~ve column rotational stiffness and F:

where k is the translational muscle stiffness, k is shown in Figure 28.2. Notice that with the excep-
is tion of axial rotation, where C1-C2 is especially
muscle force (see Figure 28.1). Here Eq. 28.1 is important, there is fairly uniform relative rotation.
necessary for equilibrium, while Eq. 28.2 ensures Of note is that mid-range head orientations, which
stable eqUilibrium. As a ballpark example, if we are of much greater importance in everyday move-
let mh =4 kg, h =0.16 m, ,= 0.06 m, 'm =0.03 m, ments, can be performed with multiple
assume a (negligible) value of 1 N-m/rad for combinations of rotation (e.g., see Schuldt et al.
lumped passive stiffness (K ), and assume a negli- (1986». For example, with a little practice it is
gible passive moment ~ at this resting possible to perform low magnitude head move-
orientation, we find from E4. 28.1 that for equi- ments (e.g. ±20° flexion-extension) about an axis
librium without co-contraction a force of about 80 near C1 (mainly OC-C1 rotation), an axis about the
N is necessary. However, from Eq. 28.2 we see base of the neck, or via an axis between these two
that for stable equilibrium a muscle stiffness of at extremes (the normal case). Muscles must be
least 70 N/cm (or angular stiffness of at least 6-7 causing this difference.
N-m/rad) is necessary. Assuming an "equivalent" 28.2.3 Neck Muscles
head extensor muscle with a physiological cross- The above observations lead to questions
sectional area of 20 cm2 [obtained from adding regarding neck muscle activity and head-neck
individual muscle cross-sections estimated in Daru kinematics. As seen in Figure 28.2, there are
(1989) for extensor muscles crossing C7 ( other many more neck muscles capable of head rotation
than trapezius)], the muscle stress is on the order than would seem to be necessary. Traditionally,
of 0.04 MPa, or about 10% of maximum. the deep muscles have been thought of as stabi-
Assuming an average muscle fiber length of 0.1 m lizers while the long outer muscles connecting the
(some muscles connect to skull, some don't), and skull to the shoulder girdle and vertebral column
a positive CE tension-length slope with a crude have been considered the prime movers. For
value of a Fmtu/Lrest (the best possible case), where reasons distinct from (yet complimentary to) those
a is the relative activation, the predicted described in Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi), we
tension-length stiffness is on the order of 80 will suggest in this chapter that this is an over-
N/cm, or about the same value. Since if anything simplification.
this is an overestimate, this suggests that main-
tenance of stability may require co-contraction
[see also Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters)].
464 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

E 1ension F lexi on La eral Bending

- - 1/ ___


Figure 28.2: Schematic summarizing conventional large, superficial muscles which connect the skull with
wisdom with regards to relative contributions to the the shoulder girdle (sternocleidomastoid (SCM),
typical range of motion seen for 0) flexion and exten- trapezius (TRA»; ii) Long Dash - Dot lines: long, often
sion ("pitch"); b) lateral flexion ("yaw"); and c) axial large muscles linking the skull with the vertebral
rotation ("roll"; displayed as a pie chart with relative column (semispinalis capitis (SSC) , splenius capitis
rotations adding). Also shown (by strings in a) and b) (SPL), longus capitis (LC), longissimus capitis (LON»;
and by arcs in c» are selected muscles conventionally iii) Single lines: short suboccipital muscles and ventral
considered to cause these motions, here with "average" muscles (rectus capitis anterior (RCA), rectus capitis
locations for origins and insertions (many attach to lateralis (RCAL), ); tv) Dashed lines: Long, deep
multiple vertebrae). An S near origin-insertion site in- muscles between cervical and thoracic vertebrae (or
dicates connection to the spinous process or to the ribs (Longus Colli (LCO), Splenius cervicis (SPLV) ,
occiput (OC) posterior to the vertebral foramen (VF), T Semispinalis Cervicis (SSCV), Longissimus Cervicis
represents connection to transverse process or lateral to (LONV» and v) Short Dash-Dot: muscles connecting
VF, and A represents connection to the anterior portion cervical vertebrae to ribs, scapula or clavical
of vertebral body or anterior of VF. Muscle key: (Scalenius (anterior, medius, posterior) (SCA-), parts of
Muscles are classified into six groups: i) Thick lines: trapezius (TRCV»

28.3 Past Investigations timate joint angles and axes of rotation (e.g.
Available experimental methods for assessing Gonon et al., 1987; Breen et al., 1988).
neck muscle function and neck kinematics are Additionally, Moffat and Schulz (1979) have es-
quite limiting. Kinematic and mechanical inves- timated relative vertebral centers of rotation
tigation of cadaveric spines have helped yield during 16 sequential radiographs made while the
basic information regarding passive spine subjects rotated from full flexion to full extension.
properties and the relative contribution of tissues They found reasonably good correlation between
such as ligaments (e.g. Panjabi et al., 1975, 1988, the measured head path and the predicted head
Goel et al., 1984, 1988), and as such are important path obtained from a pinned link model of the ver-
for studies of injury biomechanics and for model tebrae. They also provide evidence of non-
parameter estimation. However, such studies do uniform relative rotation between vertebrae. In
not yield direct information regarding the roles of general, however, these methods are crude at best
muscles or movement organization. and furthermore yield little information regarding
Radiographic analysis can be utilized to es- muscle function. Also, such invasive methods
timate relative rotations of vertebrae. A few could not be ethically used to study a variety of
graphical/numerical methods have emerged which tracking tasks.
attempt to use sequences of low-dose x-rays to es-
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 465

Recently, Chao et al. (1989) used a 3-D motion tivity (Ekholm et al., 1986). However, based on
analysis system to study 3-D head ranges of mo- kinematic inspection and simple biomechanical
tion, employing Euler angles to show explicitly analyses of likely moments at OC-Cl and C7-Tl,
the coupling between lateral bending and axial especially at movement extremes, it was pointed
rotation. This approach is complimentary to that out that different subjects will employ different
which is used here, which will emphasize calcula- strategies for various postures, and will adapt pos-
tion of axes of rotation parameters during tracking tures as appropriate for the necessary movements
tasks. and changes in orientation required on the job
EMG measurement has been utilized in a few (Harms-Ringdahl,1986).
cases, often in conjunction with kinematic Using surface electrodes, Vorro and Johnston
measurement. Some studies have assessed activa- (1987) have studied EMG timing (time to initia-
tion patterns in specific muscles during various tion, duration) during various neck bending tasks
simple, relaxed tasks. Needle electrodes have in subjects diagnosed (via range of motion during
been placed into longus colli (LCO) and longis- lateral bending) as having "symmetric" or
simus cervicis (WNV) muscles (Fountain et a., "asymmetric" neck function. Interestingly, they
1966; one subject), the LCO and SCM muscles have found that relative to movement times
(Vitti et al., 1973), and SSC and SPL (Takebe et al, (provided as percentage of total time), there were
1974). Vitti et al. (1973) found that the LCO and significant differences between symmetric and
stemocliedomastoid (SCM) were inactive during aysmmetric popUlations, with EMG's for the sym-
relaxed sitting, were synergists during both free metric group starting sooner, peaking sooner and
flexion and forward flexion against applied loads. lasting longer. There were also right-left dif-
During lateral bending, they worked ferences. The authors' postulate that these results
homolaterally, while during axial rotation, say to are due to dysfunction of the neuromotor reflex
the right, the right LCO worked with the left SCM. control system.
The LCO in particular was found to be very active In contrast to the above study of postural
during talking, coughing and swallowing, muscle activity, Stark and colleagues have inves-
presumably to help prevent excessive increases in tigated EMG activity and rotational head
the cervical lordotic curve during pharyngeal con- kinematics during very fast horizontal tracking
tractions (Basmajian, 1979). Of interest is that the movements and eye-head coordination during
SCM are incapable of providing this function such movements. Inititial studies showed fairly
The LONV was found to be primarily an extensor similar SCM and SPL activity (Zangemeister et al.,
of the spine, with little lateral bending effect, and 1982); subsequent studies emphasized SPL
marked activity during axial rotation (Fountain et muscles. In general, tri-phasic
al., 1966). The semispinalis capitis (SSC) was agonist-antagonist-agonist patterns were seen. As
found to be limited to head extension, but was the movement magnitude increased, the EMG
relatively inactive during erect postures (Takebe et pulses increased in height and width, the peak
al., 1974), while the splenius capitis (SPL) was of velocity and accelerations increased, and the time
importance for both axial rotation and extension. duration increased (Zangemeiser et al., 1982;
A group in Sweden has utilized surface EMG Hannaford et aI., 1984). The effects of added vis-
electrodes and head orienation measurements to cous, inertial and spring loads were also
help identify correlations between the work en- investigated, with viscous loads causing greater
vironment and levels of fatigue/injury in females agonist over a longer time period and less an-
involved in assembly work (Ekholm et al., 1986; tagonist activity, inertial loads increasing the pulse
Harms-Ringdahl, 1986). They found that working widths, and elastic loads causing a change
with the head flexed resulted in especially high ac- primarily in bias EMG levels (Hannaford and
tivity in the extensor muscles near the skull (likely Stark, 1984; Hannaford et al., 1985). Another
in large part to SSC), with activity in the posterior study found that there were significant deviations
group of the lower neck most influenced by the from straight-line paths during oblique movements
seat inclination. It was concluded that a slanted (Hannaford et al., 1983). Phenomenological an-
work table (e.g., 35°) and a slightly backwardly in- tagonistic muscle-joint models of the horizontal
clined chair backrest (e.g., 10-15°) were ideal component, employing the classical Hill model
from the point of view of minimizing muscle ac- structure outlined in Chapter 5 (Winters) for
466 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

"equivalent" axial rotators, have been shown to be biomechanical integrity of the spine but
able to predict each of the basic trends seen ex- neuromotor control of neck muscles.
perimentally (Zangemeister et al., 1982;
Hannaford and Stark, 1985; Winters, 1985), al-
though in general less second and third pulse • • •
activity has been necessary in the simulations.
Also, optimal control results with such model
structures predict more overlap between the
1• • •

• . )W .

second and third pulses than is seen experimen- • •
tally (Winters et aI., 1987). • • . IW .

10- Jll" Ai' Iii" d· Ill" :.>1:\' ' \11'
Neural control studies in animals and the
human have shown repeatedly that head move-
• • • • • • • • •
ment organization is strongly coupled both to eye • • • I~I' • •
movements and to postural orientation. A recent • •
book volume (edited by Peterson and Richmond,
• • • • lW. • •
1988) considers such coupling in great detail [see • • • .lW •

also review in Chapter 23 (Andersson and I
Winters)]. Of note is that neck muscles have an
• • • 'Il l' • •
especially plentify supply of muscle spindles and
Golgi tendon organs (Richmond et al., 1988).
Figure 28.3: Target grid on the spherical dome, as
Thus, sensory reasons alone suggest an important
would be seen by the subject Dashed lines outline tar-
role for neck muscle activity in global strategies get patterns used for the four primary classes of
involving orientation and posture [e.g., see tracking tasks: "horizontal" (A), "vertical" (B),
Chapter 28 (Keshner and Allum)]. On the motor "oblique" (C), and "box" (D). (Ranges shown are for
side, neck muscles receive converging information "nonnal" subjects; injured "whiplash" subjects, of less
from a variety of sources. Certain tight connec- interest here, typically tracked a subset of these ranges
tions are well documented: the vestibulo-collicular due to limited range of motion in various directions.)
reflex (Schor et al., 1988); the "tonic neck reflex",
which generally implicated tight coupling between 28.4 Methods
the head and posture (Wilson, 1988); and nearly
identical head and eye agonist drive signals during 28.4.1 Human Experiments
visual orientation changes of sufficient magnitude For the human tracking experiments the subject
(Zangemeister et al., 1982; Guitton et al., 1988; was placed on a chair facing a dome arc with a
with the superior colliculus usually implicated dark blue background which contained a grid of
(Roucoux and Crommelinck, 1988». Finally, 59 lamps of 2.5 cm dia. The subject was placed at
Pellionisz and Peterson (1988) have used tensor the approximate center of the dome, which had a
methods to address the challenging question of radius of 1.61 m. The targets were arranged sys-
how geometric mapping between sensory activity tematically as shown in Figure 28.3. Each target
and muscle activity might occur. could be controlled separately by a digital com-
Finally, of note is that disease or injury condi- puter (PC-AT 286). A light-weight helmet, which
tions can affect neck neuromechanics (Sances et included five reflective markers on the left side of
al., 1984). For example, eNS brain lesions may the mid-sagittal line and a laser pointer connected
selectively affect the base drive to various to the top, was fit snuggly to the subject's head
muscles. The result can be head orientations that (Figure 28.4). The five markers were in view of
are off the midline (e.g. torticolis, where there is two synchronized video cameras. Eight EMG
axial rotation). If sustained, permanent (and often electrodes were placed on the subject in the posi-
progressive) biomechanical deformity and tions shown in Figure 28.4; these placement
degradation of head movement function can result locations were chosen based on a survey of the
(Rondot, 1988; Stark et al., 1988). Similarily, literature and a number of trial runs with various
biomechanical injury may affect not only the placements.
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 467

Video information, sychronized to EMG collec-

tion and to target sequencing, was analyzed off-
line by the 3-D Expert Vision (Motion Analysis,
Inc.) system. The resulting centroidal coordinates
for the five markers were then utilized by a
software algorithm designed to find "fmite" and
"instantaneous" screw axis parameters. To ac-
complish this, the data were separated into "on
target" and "moving" aspects based on a velocity
threshold. The finite screw axis parameters (see
Figure 28.5) were determined by using averaged
data between two subsequent "on target" locations
and then applying the Spoor-Veldpaus method
(Spoor and Veldpaus, 1981), as formulated by
Woltring et al. (1985) and documented in Darn

Figure 28.4: Photograph of a subject, showing the hel-

met with five attached markers and a laser, and typical
EMG placement for measurement of the SCM's
(located by palpation), SPL's (located laterally and su-
periorly near the mastoid process so as to lessen cross-
talk due to the trapezius and other posterior
musculature, UC (over upper dorsal cervical spine,
orientated vertically, about 1 em from the mid-sagittal
plane, and LC (lower cervical spine orientated verti-
cally and 1 cm lateral). We assume that UC includes
SSC plus deep OC-Gl-G2 paravertebral muscles and
Figure 28.5: Graphical overview of 3-D Kinematic
trapezius, and that LC includes the three cervicis
Analysis Methods. Finite screw axis parameters
muscles (semispinalis, longissimus and splenius)
[fmite rotation vector direction (u~, the coordinates of
which originate on the upper thoracic venebrae and in-
a point on this axis (cr), the rotation angle (lP r ), and
sert on the upper cervical vertebrae, and possibly
sliding along the axis] are calculated from estimation
rhomboid activity or activity from intervertebral
of marker locations before and after a certain finite
rotation. In contrast, instantaneous screw axis
parameters (magnitude OJ and direction (u) of angular
EMG information was rectified, lightly
velocity vector and coordinates of a point (c) on this
smoothed (20 ms double time constant), sampled axis) are calculated from estimation of the position and
via a Data Translation 2801A board, and then col- velocity of the markers at each instant that is sampled
lected onto a PC-AT computer via the Labtech (shown for right-most body). Significant marker
Notebook (Laboratory Technologies) data acquisi- velocities are required for the latter method to provide
tion software package. All data were inititally useful data. Displacement and acceleration are then
reduced and plotted using command files from calculated from the smoothed angular velocity. For
within the DaDisp (DSP Devel. Co.) software en- simple cases (e.g. nearly planar rotations that stop at
vironment. Selected final plots were produced targets), the two methods can be checked against each
using the Grapher (2-D) software package (Golden other by comparing integrated rotation over time
Software, Inc.). predicted by the ISAP method with the finite rotations
predicted by the FSAP method.
468 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

(1989). We have found this algorithm to be less For both horizontal and vertical FAST move-
sensitive to noise than the classical techniques ments the sequences were:
described in Suh and Radcliffe (1978; see also
Kinsel (1972) and Panjabi et al. (1981»; it also b -20-+20->-20 (repeated six times, last four stored)
has the advantage of including all five markers in- c 0--4Q-.Q-.-40-+0 (repeated six times, last four
stead of combinations of any four. During the stored)
"moving" phases, the instantaneous screw axis al-
d Unpredictable pattern between ~O.
gorithm in Angeles (1982), modified by light pre-
and post-application smoothing, was used (see
For oblique movements, only the following
Figure 28.5). Data was plotted in 3-D using the predictable patterns were used:
Surfer plotting package (Golden Software).
Testing Protocol (0,OH10, 10H20,20)....(30.30)....(40.40)....
Testing has been performed on populations of (30.30)->(20.20H10.10HO.0)....(-1O.-10)....
young normal controls (n = 9) and a group of sub-
jects with "whiplash" symptoms who are (-20.20)->(-30.30H-40,40)->(-30.30)->(-20.20)....
undergoing conservative chiropractic treatment (n (-10.10)->(0.0)->(10.-10)->(20.-20)->(30.-30)....
= 12). For the "normal" subjects of primary inter- (40.-40)....(30.-30H20.-20)->(1 0.-1 0)->(0.0)
est here, targets changed every 2 sec. Tracking
sequences could be divided into horizontal, verti- for the COMF instruction and
cal, oblique (45 0 angle from horizontal and
vertical) and a "square box" (Figure 28.3). (-20.-20) ....(20.20H-20.-20)
Additionally, two types of instructions were given (-20.20)....(20.-20H-20.20)
to the subject: i) "track the lit target with the head
(laser) pointer at a comfortable pace" (COMF); and for the FAST instruction. Our primary goal for
ii) "follow the target quickly", i.e. "always keep these tasks was simply document what muscles
the difference between the head pointer and target were active and what kinematic patterns were seen
small" (FAST). (e.g. locations of axis of rotation; type of path
The entire protocol, including EMG placement, taken by the subject).
took approximately 2 hours. Under 20% of this For the "square box" protocol, the following
time actually involved testing; subjects were free predictable target sequence was employed for the
to relax or read between tasks. The first task, COMF instruction only:
which will not be discussed further here, involved
natural tracking of targets without a head pointer
or instructions of any kind - this was done first so
(0.-40)....(-20.-40) ....(-40.-40)->(-40.-20)....
that the subject wouldn't be biased by previous (-40.0)->(-40.20H-40.40)
head tracking tasks. It was felt that FAST move-
ments, which are less natural and spontaneous and reversed direction box:
involve significant mental load, might bias COMF
movements; thus COMF tasks were performed (-40.40) ...(-40.20H-40.0)->(-40.-20)(-40.-40)....
next, followed by the FAST movement tasks. The (-20.-40)->(0.-40)....(20.-40)->(40.-40)...
session concluded with the self-paced "slow", (40.-20)->(40.0)->(40.20)(40,40)->(20,40)....
"moderate" and "fast" horizontal and vertical oscil- (0,40)->(-20,40)->(-40.40)
lation movements of ±20° and ±40° (not discussed
further here). The goals of the "box" data were to: i) examine
For horizontal COMF movements, the pattern EMG and kinematic behavior for a variety of orien-
was: tations; ii) examine the effects of the movement
operating range on movements of the same mag-
a 0-+10-+20-+30--40-+50--40-+30-+20-+10--.0-+--10-+ nitude and in the same direction; and iii) examine
-20->-30-+-40->-50-+-40->-30->-20->-10-+0. the effects of direction of approach on how a
given orientation is held. In particular, the
Vertical COMF movements were similar, but with horizontal movements made while holding flexion
the target sequence only reaching 40°.
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 469

could be compared to those with no vertical com- Kinematic orientation and motion could be
ponent and those made while holding extension. measured via 3-D motion analysis techniques
Similarily, the same type of comparison could be similar to that mentioned earlier for the human
done for vertical movements. system. The same algorithm as described pre-
viously was utilized to determine screw axis
parameters. A triaxial accelerometer was mounted
to the head.
The following classes of tasks have been
studied: i) static external loading to the head, ap-
plied from a variety of directions; ii) contraction
of the artifical muscles, both isolated, in pairs, and
in "strategiec" combinations (all flexors, all exten-
sors, all muscles on one side, all axial rotators);
and iii) the model response to head impacts, espe-
cially with regards to the role of initital muscle co-
contraction (ongoing). Only the second class of
tasks will be of interest here.
28.4.3 Computer Simulation Models
Of primary interest here is the 3-D quasi-static
model of Darn (1989), as used in conjunction with
static optimization. In order to investigate fun-
damental issues related to relations between
muscle activity, head orientation, and head screw
axis parameters (HSAP) , the model configuration
of Figure 28.1 b was utilized. This appeared to the
simplest model which had wide potential for vari-
able HSAP. Each joint was surrounded by a
Figure 28.6: Photograph of the anthromorphic replica, nonlinear (concave upward exponential) torsional
which includes 10 artificial muscles. Head is darkened spring that represented the lumped passive
to minimize reflection during motion analysis. properties of the cervical column. Given the
series arrangement of stacked vertebrae, passive
28.4.2 Anthropomorphic Model
torque-angle properties were obtained by lumping
Results from an anthropomorphic replica of the deflections from OC-C2 into the top joint, C3-C6
human head, neck and upper torso (Liang, 1989; into the middle joint, and C7-T4 into the base
see Figure 28.6) will be utilized to help interpret joint. The indiviual passive properties were es-
the human experimental data, especially as related timated based on data such as Goel et al. (1984,
to kinematic effects of muscle contraction. This 1988). Of note is that the bottom "joint" was con-
model included: i) fiberglass "bones" made from siderably stiffer in all directions, with the middle
molds of actual bones (from T5 upward, including "joint" most compliant for flexion-extension and
upper ribs and clavicle); ii) artificial ligaments lateral bending, and the top "joint" initially very
with nonlinear force-extension properties very compliant for axial rotation (Darn, 1989). Three
similar to the various neck ligaments (anterior and different sets of muscles were developed: a
posterior longitudinal, flavum, transverse and "minimal" set (8 large superficial muscles), a
supraspinous were modeled; each also including "default" set (12 muscles), and a "large" set (36
embedded displacement gages not of interest muscles). Our goal was to first fully understand
here), iii) intervertebral discs (silicone rubber the potential and limitations of the smaller sets.
disks with embedded fabric which surrounded a The method utilized to obtain parameter values
central pocket fIlled with water); and iv) was based primarily on cervical spine segmental
pneumatically-powered (and computer controlled) data such as Goel et al. (1984,1988), as detailed in
braided artificial "McKibbon-like" muscle ac- Darn (1989) [see also the appendix to this book
tuators (described in Chapter 7; used for the (Yamaguchi et al.»).
following muscles: 2 SCM, 2 SPL, 2 SCA, 2 TRA, 2
470 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Of interest here are two classes of tasks: i) tasks tractions to cause some buckling of the link
documenting kinematic sensitivity to systematic structure; for instance, multilink muscles on the
activation of individual muscles and combinations opposite side of the column from contracting
of muscles; and ii) tasks using static optimization muscles would sometimes shorten in length.
in which the performance criterion is of the form: Stability was improved either by increasing the
passive column stiffness or changing either the
rest length or slope of the muscle tension-length
relation. Interestingly, for the anthro-model, in
part to minimize the magnitude of this problem,
we had purposely "tightened" the spine by artifi-
cially increasing the stress of ligaments, especially
where HAXr and HAXm represent the "reference"
those near the OC-CI-C2 area; our rationale was
(e.g., experimental) and "model" head finite axes
that this helped represent deep muscle activity in
of rotation, respectively; 8r and 8m the respective
the "alert" human (Liang, 1989).
head orientations of primary interest; MS muscle
stress (force per area, essentially normalized High CI-C2 Sensitivity to Axial Rotation.
force), and K/S are relative weights between sub- One of the most interesting findings from sys-
criteria. By changing the task (specified here by tematic contractions of the artificial muscles
the "reference" signals), the relative weights be- within the anthropomorphic model was accidental:
tween subcriteria, the assumed number of muscles, because of slight fabrication asymmetries in
and/or model parameters for active or passive muscle properties, at low "symmetric" contraction
tissue, a wide variety of possibilities, numbering levels in a single pair of muscles there was often a
in the thousands, are possible - we have explored tendency toward some initial axial rotation that
an "interesting" subset of these. was clearly occuring at CI-C2. This suggests a
high sensitivity to axial rotation in muscles such as
28.4 Results and Discussion SCM and SPL, which really only have moderate
In conjunction with the general focus of the vectoral components in axial rotation. It also sug-
chapters within Part IV of this book, we will em- gests that tight control near the mid-range requires
phasize issues related to orientation and posture; activity in the deeper muscles within the
thus we will concentrate on the COMF and off- OC-CI-C2 region.
center FAST tasks. We will start by briefly
summarizing some insights from sensitivity Sensitivity to Muscle Activity. In general,
analysis studies of various muscle contraction se- simulation sensitivity analysis results tended to
quences. Our approach will then be to outline confmn traditional views regarding the larger
salient EMG and kinematic results, discuss pos- muscles (Darn, 1989). Also, with few exceptions
sible causal relations between these findings, and (e.g. SCM), the change in the rotation angle (about
use modeling results to help interpret experimental the axis of rotation) became less pronounced with
findings. increasing activation. Interesting findings regard-
ing specific muscles included: i) SCM contraction
28.4.1 Overview of Modeling Insights causes insignificant flexion-extension at the top
Stability. One interesting computer simulation joint due to producing a negligible moment, and
finding is that when only the large muscles are thus high SCM activity is indicative of a low axis
employed there are regions of local instability, of rotation; ii) SCA contraction most significantly
especially for orientations near the upright pos- affects lateral bending of the lower joint; iii) SPL
ture. Slight changes in muscle activation often contraction causes all three rotation components,
resulted in "sudden" rotational sensitivity to with axial rotation and lateral bending highest and
muscle activity. Also, a given muscle pattern about equal, and furthermore influences the top
might have multiple equilibrium positions. Often and middle cervical parts of the column about
a solution could only be found with the aid of the equally; and iv) due to gravitational coupling,
optimization algorithm, and even then only if muscles such as SPL and SSC can mildly influence
"muscle stress" was not excessively penalized. the "joint" at the base of the neck without crossing
There was also a general tendency for strong con- this region.
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 471

Optimization. Some interesting general trends For off-center FAST horizontal movements
were: i) the relative contribution between syner- (task c), the classical agonists (ipsi SPL and contra
gists was dependent on the penalty for muscle SCM) are both very strong when going away from
stress - for instance, for 20° flexion, SCA activity the center line, with large pulse widths; when
was much higher than either SCM or LC when Kms going toward the center line both displayed nar-
= 0 but decreased dramatically for even small Kms rowing pulses, and SCM in particular is not as
levels; ii) the relative contribution between syner- strong (see Figure 28.7). Antagonists (contra SPL
gists was causally related to the location of the and ipsi SCM) showed more activity (and wider
axis of rotation - for instance, SCM was a pulses) for movements away from the center point
preferred muscle for flexion movements about C7 than towards zero. In fact, virtually no antagonis-
but not for higher axes; and iii) pure lateral bend- tic clamping was seen during "toward" tasks, and
ing required the significant use of muscles on both in most cases the antagonists (and especially SCM)
sides of the mid-sagittal plane. exhibited initial "release" behavior. How are these
fast "toward center" movements clamped? We
28.4.2 EMG Activity During FAST Movements suggest that deep muscles must be involved be-
Horizontal cause: i) movement dynamics suggest that
For task b (-20°........20°) the primary "driving" clamping must occur; ii) computer simulation in-
agonists were, as expected based on previous sights show that resolution of position is difficult
studies, the ipsilateral SPL and the contralateral for the straight-ahead position when only the large
SCM. SPL was usually a stronger antagonist than muscles are active (Darn, 1989); and iii) this view
SCM. We usually did not see as dramatic of a tri- is also compatible with the general kinematic find-
phasic bursting pattern as was seen by Hannaford ing that the first 30° of rotation occur almost
et al. (1984), but did see agonist activity sustained exclusively at CI-C2 (White and Panjabi, 1978).
through what would be the second agonist burst.
Interestingly, we saw significant activity in
both UC and LC, especially for the ipsilateral side,
with 60% of subjects showing UC pulses with over
25% of maximal activity. It was usually difficult
to ascertain whether the activity was that of an
"agonist" or an "antagonist"; there was a trend
toward ipsi UC firing with agonists (70%) and con-
tra LC being antagonists (70%). Of note is that
pulse shapes consistently suggested that UC and ~ I' LL Snt L
LC cross-talk with SPL was minimal - certainly
SPL doesn't affect Le. The sources of this activity
may be large superficial dorsal muscles (SSC,
WN, WNV, SSCV), but we suggest that small in-
ternal muscles may be a primary source. Four
reasons for this activity can be postulated: i) small t; c (ur)
f l1

muscles with diagonal fibers functioning as

Figure 28.7: Overplot of ensemble-averaged SPL and
agonists-antagonists (e.g. the subocciptital SCM EMGs during off-center horizontal (axial) FAST
ObUquus capitis inferior for the UC signal, and the movements made to the right (Subject N4). a) Toward
rotatores spinae for the LC signal); ii) co- centerline (with overplotted stars). b) Away from zero.
contraction may be utilized to help stabilize the
spinal column by increasing the general stiffness; Another interesting finding is that when going
iii) a selective increase in the vertical stiffness via away from the center line, both UC and LC on the
co-contraction would help cause a straight ipsi side tended to be agonists, while the contra
horizontal trajectory, or iv) subtle movement cou- cervical muscles tended to be antagonistic.
pling dynamics may cause a need for muscle However, when going toward the center line the
activity that we as yet don't understand. timing in all of these muscles was that of an
472 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


....Sma. SPL R SCM R UCR L R


Figure 28.8: Representative EMG activity for FAST overplotted based on kinematic threshold. Notice lack
vertical flexion (top) and extension (bottom) move- of maximal activity for these moderate-magnitude
ments between -20 0 and 200 (Subject N5). Trials movements. Only right side EMGs displayed (left very

Vertical Antagonistic "clamping" by UC was often larger in

For FAST extension movements over the mid- magnitude and pulse width than seen in Figure
range (_20° ........ 20°), the dorsal musculature, most 28.8.
notably UC, were consistently active yet rarely at a The most fascinating finding regarding off-
maximal level (e.g. Figure 28.8). SPL and espe- center vertical FAST extension movements was
cially LC were clearly lower magnitude than UC. that strong LC (and often UC) pulses were seen
Interestingly, based on timing, in some subjects when the movement was made away from the cen-
the SCM showed little sign of antagonistic activity, ter line, in extension as an agonist and in flexion
rather co-contracting with agonists, as is the case as an antagonist (Figure 28.9). We also found
in Figure 28.8. greater SCM activity for movements between
For FAST flexion movements, SCM was distinct 0°........40° than between 0°+--+-40°, often with
yet never close to maximal, with a small pulse steady SCM "holding" activity at 40°. Also, in
width that served to help initiate the movement. comparing head flexion movements, SCM was
Figure 28.8 shows that multiple strategies can ex- more active for "toward" movements (40°....()O)
ist for flexion movements, as one case shows a than "away" (0....-40°). Of interest is that the
distinct single pulse while the others show small "antagonist" is necessary for "holding" the new
double pulses. Many subjects had difficultly per- position. Finally, although not the case for the
forming these movements quickly. In some cases subject shown in Figure 28.9, LC could display a
"controlled release" by extensors appeared to holding pattern at either movement extreme.
provide part of the necessary drive toward flexion.


U' - 40'
0'- ·40'
~ .Sm.

ma IIlIle (se c )

Figure 28.9: EMG activity in LC during FAST vertical

movements both away from and toward the center posi-
tion (Subject N5).
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 473



01 n," I
~ ~ h'*'~
1Fll 0~2 lr-rm
HI . ~I'
1 0 J' 2 ~ fl'
f~ ~
10 . lO·

I •
10 _10'
111 (I"
III '!fl'
0 1
In l{r
HI 411"

'''IN: htc )

Figure 28.10: Example of EMG activity (SCM) during movements ending at the same position could be com-
COMF horizontal tracking movements as a function of pared. Traces with overplotted small stars are for
operating range (Subject N3). Original plot (over 40 movements approaching the given position from a
sec of sampling) was split up by times of target larger angle (notice that these EMGs usually start with
changes (every 2 sec) and overplotted so thatEMGs for a higher value).

FAST Oblique same side. Based on a rank-ordering the x- and y-

In general, FAST oblique movements contained components crossing C5 for each subject, we con-
many of the features seen in FAST horizontal cluded that once this minor shift occurs, the axis
movements, with the ipsi SPL and contra SCM al- stays about the same for rotations between 10° and
ways agonists and the contra SPL and ipsi SCM 40°. For rotations between 40°........50°, a sig-
antagonists. However, the UC and LC activity was nificant lateral bending component emerged in
more clear cut than for horizontal movements. most subjects that had the effect of raising the ip-
For upward oblique movements, both UC's were silateral ear and lowering the contralateral ear.
clearly agonists, while LC pulse activity timing EMG Trends and Possible Causal Relations.
was usually closer to what would be expected for As horizontal movements for task a proceeded out-
an antagonist. For downward oblique movements, ward in 10° increments, steady EMG activity
contra SCM antagonist was not as prevalent, while levels in agonists (ipsi SPL and contra SCM) in-
SPL took on the classical patterns expected for the creased. The SCM in particular showed a steady
horizontal component of the movement. rise throughout, often with a disproportionally
However, both UC and LC activity, which was greater increase toward the extreme (e.g. Figure
quite major, was usually better classified as an- 28.10). Antagonist contra SPL and ipsi SCM ac-
tagonistic. tivity was generally light, with most of that seen
28.4.2 Operating Range Sensitivity for occuring near extreme orientations. The most in-
COMF Tracking teresting finding was that ipsi UC activity often
increased as the extremes of motion were ap-
Horizontal proached, presumably due to deep musculature.
Variation in FSAP. In general, with the excep- This trend is compatible with computer and
tion of the 40°-50° rotations, the head axis of anthropomorphic modeling studies, where it is ap-
rotation for horizontal COMF tracking was quite parent that the large superficial muscles (SCM and
vertical. Furthermore, this data shows that during SPL) are incapable of providing the horizontal
horizontal movements the axis stays within a force vector component required for rotations over
fairly tight region. However, a consistent trend about 30°-40° (Darn, 1989; Liang, 1989). The
that emerged was that the axis shifted slightly agonist SCM cannot cause such rotations because
laterally (about 1-2 cm) for movements to the
474 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


>,055 ma.

.03 nl3 I +-,-..,-.--, I I i i Iii I I Iii I

I ill

2 }, I I I 1, i t I (I t ! ! til
I •
1010' 10 20' 10 In '
l ime (sec)

of View


1= 0'10 10' 9 = 0' ( 0 -10'
2 10' (020' 10 = -10' (0 -20'
3 = 20' (0 30' I I = -20' (0 -30'
4 =30'(040' 12 = -30' 10 -40'
5 = 40'(0 30' 13 = -40' (0 -30'
6 = 30'(020' 14 = -30' ( 0 -20'
7 = 20'(010' 15 = -20' 10 -10'
g = 10'(0 0' 16=-10'10 0'
Figure 28,11 : Example of COMF vertical tracking graphs of average of ranking of y- (vertical; top) and x-
movements (10° magnitudes) as a function of operat- (anterior-posterior. with anterior positive; bottom)
ing range (Subject NS). a) Selected muscle activity coordinate crossing locations in the mid-sagittal plane.
(SCM). with movement location changing every 2 sec. For each subject, a rank of 1 was given for the highest
Two movements are overpIotted. with the traces with (top) or most anterior (bottom) crossing location. 16
stars inititally from a higher angle. b) Finite axis of for the lowest. Solid bars are for movements going
rotation variation across the neck region for 10° in- away from the center line. striped toward.
cremental rotations ranging between ±40°. c) Bar
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 475

the muscle becomes nearly vertical; the SPL the posterior shift of the axis. For some subjects
provides less force because it becomes too short (< the steady-state SCM activity was a clear function
70% of rest length). Furthermore, the maximal of the previous direction of approach (Figure
possible axial rotation at Cl-C2 is about 40° (e.g. 28. 11 a). The SCM's also had a slight rise in steady-
White and Panjabi, 1978). Thus, the last 10° must state EMG level while tracking from 20° to 40°.
include rotation along the whole cervical spine. Also interesting was that the EMG levels were sig-
Interestingly, this is the same operating range nificantly higher for some subjects during
where the axis of rotation "tilt" from vertical was "holding" aspects while going from 40° through
seen! Chao et al. (1989) appear to show a similar 20°, during which the SCM's were prime movers
finding. We suggest that this is due to a combina- for the initital movement phase. The lack of sig-
tion of three sources: i) intervertebral muscle nificant SCM for movements between 0° and 20°
contraction; ii) passive coupling between axial seems consistent with the high kinematic axis
rotation and lateral bending; and iii) a mechani- during these intervals OC-Cl-C2 muscles appear
cally ineffective contra SCM "agonist" contraction primarily responsible for these rotations. In fact,
that now serves to laterally tilt the head. computer simulation studies with the three-joint
model of Figure 28.1 b show that paired SCM con-
Vertical COMF Movements
tractions cause virtually no moment nor rotation in
Variations in FSAP. For pure vertical tracking the upper cervical spine, with the highest moment
movements the axis of rotation vector was, with at the base of the neck and most of the rotation in
few exceptions, directed horizontally, orthogonal the mid- and lower cervical spine. This interpreta-
to the mid-sagittal plane (e.g. Figure 28. llb). tion is further supported by the fact that for
The axis of rotation was found to be highest for movements between 30° and 40° the SCM in-
0°....... 10°, typically reaching the C2 level. For creases in activity while for the same movements
10°.......20°, the level was typically C3. the axis lowers (Figure 28.11).
Interestingly, it lowered dramatically both for Finally, although we could not measure this ac-
movements between 30° and 40° and for the four tivity, we suggest that the scaleni (SCA) muscles,
movements between _20° and -400 (Figure which rotate the lower cervical column, likely as-
28. 11 b). The lowest level reached was typically sist in lowering the axis during flexion.
about C7, with this occuring most commonly for
rotations between -30° and -40°. For most sub- COMF Oblique Movements
jects ventral-dorsal (front-back) variation in the In contrast to FAST oblique movements, COMF
axis was small, reaching only a few centimeters. diagonal oblique movements possessed EMG fea-
However, it did tend to be more posterior for tures that were more similar to vertical COMF
movements above the mid-line and more anterior movements. This suggests that the dominant ef-
for movements below; the only consistent trend feet of static orientation behavior is gravity.
was that movements between 30° and 40° crossed 28.4.3 Effect of Bias Orientations on
posteriorly by about 2 cm. Movements: "Square" Tracking
EMG Trends and Possible Causal Relations. The COMF "square box" tracking protocol
For extension movements, SPL and UC were the provides a unique opportunity to assess the effects
primary agonists, with SPL showing an increase in of bias orientations orthogonal to the movement
steady-state EMG level from 0° to 40° (usually not direction. Also, a byproduct of traversing the
large until extremes), and a corresponding fall "square" both clockwise and counterclockwise is
from 40° to 0°. UC (likely due to both large and that history-dependent effects can also be inves-
small muscles) showed large movement pulses tigated.
from 0° to 40° but little activity while moving
Axis of Rotation Effects
back to the center. In half of the subjects LC often
Figure 28.12 summarizes behavior of the axis
exhibited increased activity at the movement ex-
of rotation vector. Before assessing this data it is
treme (40°); this may be correlated to the lower
important to realize that horizontal and vertical
axis of rotation that occurred as extreme upward
movements are coupled via the orientations at the
orientations were reached and perhaps also with
comer locations.
476 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

• •
I • • •
;\ center extension movements display a 25° axial
component, again less than the 40° gaze-centered
• ...
• There was great asymmetry between horizontal
rotations while looking upward and horizontal
lahlrllll I.f , rotations while looking downward (Figure 28.12).
• VW"I C4I- -L • The former case displayed the same type of
c)llal lelt "compromise" axis as seen for vertical move-
ments, with a F-E component of 20-25°.
• However, for horizontal rotation while looking

downward, we see that the F-E component was
. ...?"
under 10°! Thus, body-centered axial rotation is
• ..:: • • preserved. Furthermore, when rotating toward the
Figure 28.12: Averaged axis of rotation unit vector mid-line the ~ component rotates so as to
components (relative to body coordinates) in the off· eliminate the pre-existing mild ipsi ear up posture,
axis directions during "square box" tracking (n = 4). then rotates so as the raise the ipsi (formerly
Vectors originate at the half-way point of the move· contra) while going away from the midline! This
ment between two consecutive targets (solid circles). fascinating asymmetry was documented for
The solid lines are for counterclockwise rotation , "squares" in either direction and is a clear sign of
dashed for clockwise. Notice that the smaller the line direction- and/or history-dependence.
magnitude, the more "on axis" the data.
EMG Activity and Potential Explanations
Notice that downward vertical off· line tracking for Axis Vector Datil
results in an axial component of 0.5, or 30°. This For downward off-center vertical tracking, the
is less than the 40° rotation that would be expected ipsi SCM was inactive while the contra SCM, which
if the subject was making pure flexion-extension had a virtually vertical orientation, was quite ac-
movements in the new (gaze-centered) plane, yet tive in the extended positions, but showed little
much greater than the 0° that would be expected if activity otherwise (Figure 28.13a). The posterior
the rotation occured in the (body-centered) initial cervical musculature (UC, LC) exhibited a "hold-
coordinate system of the torso - clearly a com- release" pattern, with activity especially high at
promise emerges. Notice also that the slight -400V.
lateral bending component shifts sign. Rising off-

Figure 28.13: EMG behavior for selected muscles plotted (Subject Nl). b) SPL and SCM behavior during
while subject performs clockwise and counterclock- horizontal movements to the right, overplotted with dif-
wise "box" patterns. a) SCM behavior during ferent downward and upward (with overplotted stars)
downward vertical movements, with cases of right vertical biases (Subject N3).
(with overplotted stars) and left horizontal biases over-
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 477

For horizontal movements with downward ver- vertical) is increased, perhaps to aid straigHt-line
tical components, the LC musculature is now low path production; v) indications that extensor ac-
and steady - this is compatible with the concept of tivity during FAST horizontal movements is a
"high axis" rotation. SCM activity is marginal or function of the operating range, with movements
nonexistant. Mechanically, we might have ex- "toward" the center showing bilateral symmetry
pected greater SCM activity, especially for the and "away" movements showing initial ipsi muscle
"away" aspect where L-B was seen that could have activity; vi) cases where COMF movements are
been due to the contra SCM. SPL agonist activity is made by a "hold-release antagonist", with mini-
low from 40° to 0°, then becomes a clear agonist mal agonist acitivity (the "agonist" being gravity);
from DOH to 400 H. vii) cases where EMG activity for a given orienta-
For upward off-center vertical, the SPL and UC tion is a function of the direction of approach; viii)
show little activity, while the LC increases "compromise" kinematic behavior for off-center
progressively. It is likely some of the smaller ver- vertical COMF movements, where the axis of rota-
tebral muscles with an axial component are partly tion was between the "gaze-centered" and "body-
responsible for observed behavior. The ipsi SCM centered" but closer to the former - additionally,
appears to be involved in holding the top corner EMG activity in muscle pairs such as SCM, which
positions. normally for vertical movements are synergists,
As seen in Figure 28.13b, for the upward was markedly asymmetric; ix) dramatic asym-
horizontal sequence, the SCM opposite the head metric sensitivity of COMF horizontal movements
orienation was quite active, with the SPL inactive to the vertical component of orientation, with
and the UC and LC involved in "hold-release" pat- movements with a downward component having a
terns. "body-centered" rotation yet movements with an
upward component being a compromise; x) indica-
28.5 Summary tions of history dependent kinematic redundancy,
We have seen that the head-neck system plays in which the axis of rotation is influenced by the
an important role in visual orientation and whole recent tracking history; xi) a general trend toward
body postural control. In this chapter we go activity in stretched muscles; xii) computer model-
beyond traditional range-of-motion or isometric ing results show explicitly that 12-muscle schemes
contraction studies to explore muscle organization emphasizing the large superficial musculature are
and head kinematics during a variety of head unable to capture certain fundamental features of
tracking tasks. We supplement our experimental the real system; and xiii) perhaps the most fun-
fmdings, some of which were quite novel, with in- damental conclusion of our study is that the
sights from modeling studies. internal paraspinal musculature is very important
S')me of the more interesting findings include: during voluntary movements; in fact, the large,
i) asymmetries in FAST movements made in the multilink superficial muscles with larger moments
same direction only over different operating arms may be more effective "stabilizers" [see
ranges; ii) a situation (vertical fast movements) in Chapter 26 (Crisco and Panjabi)].
which the "agonists" and "antagonists" for the
"fast" portion of the movement differ dramatically 28.6 Future Directions
from those necessary for "steady" step levels - Our knowledge of head-neck biomechanics and
this is a consequence of controlling an inverted movement organization remains incomplete. In
pendulum with an eccentric mass; iii) indications large part this is due to the enormous complexity
that FAST oblique movements are closer in or- of the system. However, as outlined in Winters
ganizational strategy to horizontal movements, yet (1988), it is also due to there being three very dif-
that COMF movements and steady orientations in ferent disciplines involved in head-neck research
general are dominated by features found in verti- with very different goals and little cross-
cal movements; iv) indications of dramatic fertilization: i) neuroscientists using rudimentary
extensor activity during FAST horizontal move- biomechanical models and highly evolved
ments, suggesting both that small internal muscles neuromotor concepts; ii) engineers studying
play a significant role and that the stiffness in the impact-injury mechanisms using advanced models
direction orthogonal to the movement (i.e. of passive biomechanics, with little or no con-
478 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

sideration of neuromuscular factors; and iii) suggest that 12-muscle models are not sufficient,
medically-based studies related to head-neck with at least 24 and perhaps more necessary to cor-
rehabilitation from injury (perhaps further clas- rectly simulate basic head kinematics during
sified as orthopedic-based or neurologically- voluntary movements. Furthermore, determina-
based). tion of appropriate muscle activation patterns is
The greatest need seems to be in rehabilitation, very difficult, due to both the complex anatomy
which has long been the domain of medical and the "inverted pendulum" structure.
professionals and more recently an area of active Consequently, to find solutions, optimization
pursuit by orthopedic biomechanists. An area methods, both static and dynamic, become essen-
largely untapped are the relationships betwe6n tial supporting tools. However, as discussed in
muscles, voluntary movement organizational Bergmark (1987), static optimization, and even
strategies, and the head-neck rehabilitation deterministic dynamic optimization, may fail to
process. We suggest that this is the most pressing provide insight into issues related to stability.
area. Thus, we need to consider stochastic optimization
There is also a great need for new diagnostic approaches, a very difficult adventure.
tools for functional assessment of the head-neck
system. Current imaging techniques provide use-
Albright, J.P., van Gilder, J., el Khoury, G., Crowley,
ful clues regarding skeletal or neurological
E. and Foster, D. (1984) Head and neck injuries in
function, but really say little about the neuromus- sports, In Principles of Sports Medicine, (eds: Scott,
culskeletal system. Classical range-of-motion and W.N., Nisonson, B. and Nicholas, J.A.), Williams &
palpation techniques also do not really address the Wilkins, Baltimore.
functioning system. Because of the strong Angeles, J. (1982) Spatial Kinematic Chains. Springer-
kinematic link between the head and neck, screw Verlag, New York.
axis parameters may provide a useful "window" Basmajian, J.V. (1978) Muscles Alive. Their functions
for assessing head-neck neuromechanical func- revealed by electromyography. Williams & Wilkins
tion. We are currently testing this hypothesis on a Co., Baltimore.
population of subjects with ", ·hiplash"-type Bergmark, A. (1987) Mechanical stability of the
symptoms. Preliminary results have been human lumbar spine. Ph.D. Dissertation, Lund Inst.
of Technol., Lund, Sweden.
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of problems may exist within the cervical spine. coordination. In: Adaptive mechanisms in Gaze
For instance, we found one subject who always Control: Facts and theories, (eds: Berthoz, and
rotated about the Cl-C2 area, yet another who Melville Jones), pp. 177-201, Elsevier Sci.
tended to have very low (and wildly varying) axes Bizzi, E. and Polit, (1978) Effect of load disturbance
of rotations. While we often have an intuitive feel during centrally inititated movement. J. of
for what changes in head kinematics mean clini- Neurophys., 41: 542-556.
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cautiously. In particular, a more detailed model of Spine and spinal cord injuries. In The Spine, (eds:
the cervical spine is necessary; we are currently Rothman, R.H. and Simeone, F.A.), W.B. Saunders,
developing such models.
Breen, A., Allen, R., Morris, A. (1988) An image
Our study, in conjunction with Chapters 23 and
processing method for spine kinematics - prelimi-
26-27, point out the need for a better understand- nary studies. CUn. Biomech., 3: 5-10.
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biomechanical assessment of equilibrium condi- Abstract 319, UCLA, Los Angeles.
tions and of dynamic interaction is not sufficient. Darn, K.M. (1989) Computer simulation and static
Unfortunately, we find that the head-neck system analysis of the human head, neck and upper torso,
is too complex for effective analytical stability M.S. Thesis, Arizona State University.
analysis, at least for the questions we seek to ad- Fountain, F.P., Minear, W.L. and Allison, R.D. (1966)
dress. Clearly computer models are necessary. Function of longus colli and longissimus cervicis
muscles in man.
Yet our modeling studies of the head-neck system
Goel, V.K., Clark, c.R., McGoman, D. and Goyal, S.
28. Winters and Peles; Neck Muscle Activity During Head Tracking Movements 479

(1984) An in-vitro study of the kinematics of the Panjabi, M., Dvorak., 1., Duranceau, 1., Yamamoto, I.,
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Muscle Activation Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability

from Head to Foot

Emily A. Keshner and John H. J. Allum

29.1 Characteristics of Human A second aspect of the redundancy problem

Equilibrating Movements: concerns the number of muscles acting at a joint.
The Problem of Redundancy Consider, for example, the neck "joint"
(kinematically actually at least two "joints"; Vidal
In order to truly understand how the central et al., 1986). Twenty-three different muscles
nervous system plans and produces movements to directly link the skull on either side of midline to
match environmental demands, one needs to take the vertebral skeleton (Sherk and Park, 1983).
into account the many muscle activation patterns The multiple muscle attachments might not be so
and movable links available to the human body surprising if the head were involved in the fIne
when a movement is generated. The human mus- motor control and variety of motions found in the
culoskeletal system, because it has the potential to hand and fIngers. Motions of the head relative to
move in multiple directions and has more muscles the trunk, however, are primarily directed toward
surrounding its joints than appear necessary to orienting and stabilizing the position of the eyes
produce the functional range of movements and head in space [Outerbridge and Jones, 1971;
(Pellionisz and Peterson, 1988), is a unique redun- Chapter 28 (Winters et al.)]. Even for such a rela-
dant system. Unfortunately, human movement tively "simple" task the redundancy problem of
systems, particularly for the study of postural con- which muscle is selected and its activation pattern
trol, are frequently reduced to 1-degree-of- has to be examined in order to understand how a
freedom, single-axis, rigid bodies in order to movement is generated. Although these muscle
simplify the gathering, analysis, and interpretation activation patterns are often described in terms of
of data. The problem with this approach is that agonist muscle activity, or as a balance between
the results of such conceptual assumptions may agonist and antagonist forces, there is the potential
lead to conclusions about sensory signals and for muscles acting on the joint to join in varying
resulting movement control that do not match the combinations of activation and still produce the
reality of the tasks presented to the human central same directional force output. Examples of such
nervous system [e.g. Chapter 8 (Zajac and systems include not only the head-neck motor sys-
Winters); Chapter 10 (Loeb and Levine); Chapter tem (Peterson et al., 1985), but also the shoulder
34 (Pedotti and Crenna)]. In fact, during standing (Flanders and Soechting, 1989) and the elbow
the eNS is controlling a multi-link system with joint (Buchanan et al., 1989).
several degrees of freedom. Thus the fIrst aspect The fInal aspect of the redundancy problem
of the redundancy problem which should be inves- concerns the type of motor program that generates
tigated is the redundant modes of movement of the a movement. Thus a multi-muscle system can
multi-link structure of the human body. potentially switch its control operations between
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
482 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

reflexes, voluntary mechanisms, and biomechani- 29.2 Maintaining Multisegmental Body

cal resonant properties in order to achieve the ap- Equilibrium
propriate response. Biomechanical dynamics are
easily described [e.g. see Chapter 8 (Winters and 29.2.1 Describing Whole-Body Stabilizing
Zajac)]. These include the viscoelastic and inertial
characteristics of each segment and act almost in-
~en upright stance is disrupted, equilibrating
stantaneously. However, these forces must be
reactIons could be generated by the peripheral and
taken into consideration by later acting neural
central nervous system in a number of ways. One
responses in order to produce muscle activation
extreme possibility is that movements at various
patterns that match the externally applied forces.
joints are solely dependent on local reflex
Definitions of neural responses controlling posture
responses to perturbations at each joint. Only
are usually based on three properties of the
reflexes would have controlled the timing and
response: latency, task dependence, and invariance
strength of muscle activity, and thus joint angle
of motor output. Reflexes are assumed to have the
changes would be practically independent of each
shortest latencies (less than 70 ms), to be inde-
other, except for biomechanical coupling. The
pendent of task demands, and to be organized as
other extreme is to assume that both muscular ac-
~ invariant output to a specific pattern of sensory
tivation and movement coordination are part of a
mputs. Voluntary responses are believed to have
centrally preprogrammed strategy (cf. Horak and
the longest latencies (greater than 150 ms), are de-
Nashner, 1986) which is triggered by the sensory
pendent upon specific task parameters, and are
inputs signalling the onset and direction of des-
highly variable in their response organization. For
tabilizing forces. A centrally preprogrammed
some movements that are well learned and predict-
response would presumably involve coordinated
able (postural movements fall into this class),
patterns of muscle activity or synergies between
these response definitions can be confounded.
and across joints. Regardless of how the resulting
Voluntary responses are capable of occurring at
movement coordination pattern is generated, it is
latencies as early as those of reflexes (Rothwell,
~enerally termed a strategy. Through an investiga-
1988), and triggered reactions, that can be
tIon of the strategies and synergies comprising
modified by the demands of the task, appear at
stabilizing reactions, one can develop a descriptive
latencies longer than reflexes (80-120 ms) (Crago
solution to the aforementioned redundancy
et al., 1976).
problem of human posture.
In this chapter our primary goal is to lay the
The idea that preprogrammed or stereotypical
framework for an appreciation of human postural
automatic responses to postural disturbances in-
control based on these redundancy considerations.
itiated at the base of support were responsible for
On the problem of multi-link redundancy we will
stabilizing upright stance was first introduced by
sug~est that a given environmental task is usually
Nashner (1976). His experimental technique had
achIeved by only one multi-link mode totally de-
subjects stand on a platform that could be trans-
pendent on a whole body muscle synergy. Our
lated in an anterior or posterior direction, or
arguments in support of this hypothesis will be
rotated into plantar or dorsiflexion within limited
developed by considering how muscle activation
velocity ranges. Once the velocity ranges of this
patterns at the ankle, hip, trunk, and neck are
technique were extended, it was recognized as an
linked together. Nested within this multi-joint
extremely useful approach to studying postural
synergy concept is the idea that the number of
control. Early studies concentrated only on
muscles and activation patterns that could be in-
muscle responses in the lower limbs, particularly
volved at a single joint when a stabilizing
those at the ankle joint. Logically, but inac-
movement occurs are in fact less redundant than at
curately, assumptions about the organization of
first sight because of preprogrammed optimization
stabilizing responses and early models of human
and reduction of possible patterns by the eNS.
posture were based on a single-link inverted pen-
Finally, in our consideration of the link and
dulum movement strategy. As has already been
muscle pattern redundancy, a by-product will be
emphasized here, the body is multi segmental with
an understanding of the role of reflex and volun-
multiple joints within some segments such as the
tary responses in equilibrating movements.
neck and back [reviewed in Chapter 23
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 483

(Andersson and Winters); Chapter 46 (Brooke and NORMAL - ST ANDING

McDroy»). The validity of rigid body approxima-
tion was challenged following observations of
accelerations of the center of gravity (Kodde et al., : ,.~.'- I \

1979) and of individual body segments (Valk-Fai, !

1973) during quiet standing that differed from dog/5 2 ~I /'\.
-'-'~ \ I
those of the inverted pendulum model. Crucial to : i \ VELOCITY

this point were the findings of Stockwell and his 120

I .I \ wrl TRUNK

collaborators (1981), who developed a four-link I

model composed of a foot, shank, thigh, torso, and TRUNK ANGULAR
head. They found significant movement at all 110

measured body joints, indicating that at least four

degrees of freedom would be required to ade- I ROTATION
quately describe postural sway in the sagittal TRUNK ANGULAR
plane. Not surprisingly, Nashner and his col- wrt LOWER LEG

leagues have begun to question their original

hypothesis and to suggest that body posture is a 120
dl!'g/s ....../'''\"\.-_....J..._-:.r-~.;;;.-..:..;::::
\ ·" . .,i
function of the position of several different joints
\ ........ /
(Nashner and McCollum, 1985) and multiple sen- .I i I'.
sory inputs (Nashner et al., 1989). / i i '. , ......,
i i
Once the multi-link nature of human sway was 110
Nm Ij .....
widely accepted, the next step involved determin-
ing whether postural reactions to one type of LOWER LEG

destabilization always adopted a unique multi-link

/ ......... TRANSLATION
strategy fitting the force requirement of the task or ./ ROTATION
even the immediate sensory inputs evoked by sup-
port surface movements. One way to investigate /./.
this question is to compare the response strategy to ./
rearward translation of the support surface with GOB 10133

that induced by a toe-up rotation which mimics the I • iii i i i I I' i

ankle dorsiflexion occurring during translation. ·100 100 200 300 400 SOD 600 ms

Specifically, one is asking two questions. Firstly,

Figure 29.1: Biomechanical changes and equilibrating
are the modes of multi-link movement strategy in-
movements induced by rotating (solid line) and trans-
herently different for rotations and translations?
lating (interrupted line) the support surface. All traces
And, if not, is the sensory input at the ankle joint are from one normal subject An upward deflection of
the cause of the common response strategy? the head, trunk, and lower leg traces in the figure indi-
It turned out that rearward translation caused, cates backwards pitching. Increasing plantar flexion
from the very first translation,a characteristic set torque on the support surface is represented by an up-
of leg, trunk, and head movements different from ward deflection of the ankle torque curve. (From
those induced by rotation despite an equal angle of Allum et al., 1989. Reprinted with permission.)
imposed ankle dorsiflexion. The differences are
shown as biomechanical recordings in Figure 29.1 Compensatory action opposing the stimulus in-
and reduced to a schema in Figure 29.2. Those for duced body sway commences at approximately
translation may be best understood by assuming 150 ms from stimulus onset and is also different
that the hips remain stationary in space for the first for translation and rotation. For translation the
100 ms; that is, are thrust forward relative to the changes in ankle torque and shear force resulting
support base. An ankle dorsiflexion and hip exten- from the hips being thrust back coincide with fast
sion is thereby induced. As the hips are thrust trunk motion pitching forwards and a return of
forward, the head and trunk are accelerated back- lower leg angle to upright. As illustrated in
wards. Figures 29.1 and 29.2, an overshoot, past upright,
of the initial lower leg inclination almost always
occurs. Simultaneously, the head pitches back-
484 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Slability

Support Surface Rotation elicits a Stiffening Strategy

------- ---------------

5:{ 2
~ ~

~, ----
0 100 300 400ms
Quiet Unstable Compensate Brake ar,d
Standing Post- Stimulus Final Correction

Support Surface Translation elicits a Multi - Link- Strategy

l i
~'" 1:
o 100 300 450ms
Quiet Unstable Compensate Brake and
Standing Post- Stimulus Final Correction

Figure 29.2: Schema of stabilizing strategies for trans- angular velocities of body segments represented by
lation and rotation support surface pertuIbations. Each broader arrows.
of four stages of the response are illustrated with faster

wards on the trunk:, thus maintaining gaze 29.1 and 29.2), which has been termed a
direction, though the head is not stable in space. "stiffening" multi-link: strategy (Allum et aI.,
Because the equilibrating action compensating for 1989). Despite an equal amount of ankle dor-
support surface translation involves major rota- siflexion and equal, if oppositely directed head
tions about the ankle, hip, and neck joints, it has accelerations being imposed for rotation, the com-
been termed a "multi-link" strategy (Allum et al., pensatory rotational velocities of body segments
1989) The term "ankle-hip" strategy (Horak and are of an order of magnitude less than those for
Nashner, 1986) is almost as appropriate. translation. Essentially the rotation of the support
Rotation of the support surface elicits a com- surface is absorbed at the ankle joint though it is
pletely different movement strategy (see Figures evident from the traces in Figure 29.1 that the hips
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 485

are thrust backwards by the toe-up rotation. Thus,

the two movement strategies, multi-link and stiff-
ening, are very different despite comparable NORMAL-STANDING
changes at the ankle joint. In short, the ap-
propriate strategy appears to be dependent on the A
direction of trunk and head acceleration, and is ex- 'Tal
ecuted as if preprograrnmed from the very fIrst ' 117"."

29.2.2 Describing Whole-Body Muscle ·19Im.
The above description of stabilizing movement jilm.l
strategies left three crucial issues untouched. The '1 ,30
T141 m.
first issue concerns the type of muscle response
synergies underlying movement strategies. These
synergies will be described here in order to
provide the reader with an overview of muscle ac-
tivation patterns that restabilize an unstable
posture. The second issue concerns how the ac-
'h O'I '48
tivation patterns of muscles that act as synergists T'43 m,
along the ventral or flexing surface and along the
dorsal or extending surface of the body are corre-
lated with the movement strategy, in order to
reduce joint and muscle redundancy by locking de-
grees of freedom together. Finally, the TI BIALIS AN T
o~ SURF ... C~ E N G
dependence of muscle responses on incoming sen-
sory signals deserves consideration.
1'41 m,
Muscle activation patterns recorded in the trunk
and leg muscles are consistent with the interseg-
mental movements caused by support surface Goa ... 33
perturbation and the compensation strategy util-
i I j r I I I I
ized to reestablish upright posture. Figure 29.3 ,'00 0 '00 100 )()O 400 ~oo 600 m,
shows that in response to posterior translations,
soleus (SOL), hamstrings, and abdominal muscles
were activated earlier and more powerfully than
Figure 29.3: Muscle response panems of a normal
their antagonists at the lower leg, thigh, and trunk, subject to rotations and translations (same subject as in
respectively. When the hips were thrust backward Figure 29.1). The traces are average EMG responses
by toe-up rotation, tibialis anterior (TA), quad- for the 2nd 8 trials. Differences between the means of
riceps, and paraspinal muscles provided the the EMG curves are shown as a filled area when the
earliest and most predominant responses. By com- rotation response was larger, as a hatched area when
paring Figures 29.1 and 29.3 it is evident that the translation response was larger. The zero latency
these different muscle responses are well corre- reference is given by a vertical dashed line, and cor-
lated in timing and amplitude (EMG area) with responds to the first inflexion of ankle torque (see
differently directed torques exerted on the support Figure 29.1). Average values of EMG burst-onset
latencies are marked by a vertical arrow, one standard
surface, and with the overall different movement
deviation by a horizontal bar above the arrow. The up-
strategies exhibited by tracings of trunk and head per set of latencies (marked with an asterisk) below
angular velocity. Excepted from these observa- each trace correspond to translation responses, the
tions on response differences are the short latency lower set for rotation responses, except for SL onset in
(SL) stretch reflex responses in soleus. As Figure soleus which was equal in latency for rotation and
29.3 illustrates, the soleus SL responses, and for translation. (From Allum et al., 1989; reprinted with
that matter gastrocnemius responses, are common permission.)
to rotation and translation.
486 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

It is noticeable that response onsets in Figure radiated upwards along the body reaching the neck
29.3 lie between 90 and 150 ms and do not fall muscles last. With appropriate pre-programming
into the neat categories of either a reflex response of intersegmental neuronal circuits, one would
(onset prior to 80 ms) or voluntary response conceive of an ascending synergy triggered by the
(greater than 150 ms onset; see also Figure 29.4). sensory input from the ankle joint. In essence, this
A rather elegant way to account for those onset idea is embodied in Horak and Nashner's (1986)
delays would be to suggest that the proprioceptive paper on stabilizing strategies. There are argu-
input at the ankle joint, specifically muscle stretch ments, however, that make this otherwise
receptors from triceps surae muscles, excited fIrst reasonable hypothesis untenable.
a stretch reflex in the lower legs which then

Posterior Translations Anterior Translations

11K) 11K)

.... ....
1/1 1/1
:::ElSO ~ ISO
1/1 1/1
;I~ c
.! I~
-I ..J"
Hlp Pelvis Chest Neck Ankle Hip Pelvis Chest Neck
Body Segments Body Segments

Dorsiflexion Rotations Plantar Flexion Rotations

11K) 180

.,!! ISO
1/1 1/1

CD I~ ; m
-I ..J

Ankle Hip Pelvis Chest Neck Ankle Hip Pelvis Chest Neck
Body Segments Body Segments

Figure 29.4: Mean medium latency EMG responses of Muscles tested at each segment include: soleus and
muscles to four directions of platfonn perturbation. tibialis anterior at the ankle, hamstrings and quadriceps
Muscles on the ventral surface (open squares) and dor- at the hip. lumbar paraspinals and abdominals at the
sal surface (filled squares) of the body are plotted on pelvis, thoracic paraspinals and pectorals at the chest,
each graph to illustrate the pattern of muscle activation. and neck extensor and flexor at the neck. (From
Keshner et al., 1988; reprinted with pennission.)
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 487

First, the rotation of the support surface in duced sway is backwards. For rotation of the
Figure 29.1 mimics the dorsiflexion ankle rotation support surface, the resulting stiffening strategy in-
occurring during rearward support surface transla- volves a simultaneous activation of muscles at all
tion. Nonetheless, the movement strategy in segments with stronger activation on the dorsal
Figure 29.1 and muscle activation patterns in body surface for dorsi-flexion rotation and vice
Figure 29.3 are so fundamentally different for the versa for plantar flexion rotations. The auxiliary
two types of perturbations that neither muscle aspect to these intersegmental studies is that sen-
spindle receptors in the lower leg, ankle joint sory inputs from the ankle joint are not in-
receptors, nor pressure receptors in the sole of the strumental in triggering the different strategies and
foot appear to trigger the muscle activation pat- the consequent reduction in muscle redundancy.
terns or to be responsible for the movement In fact, as the next section will document, studies
strategy. In other words, the SL reflex response in of coactivation patterns acting across a joint have
triceps surae muscles may well be an indicated that vestibular and proprioceptive sys-
epiphenomenon to the movement strategy. tems in the upper body play a role in both
Second, Keshner et al. (1988) recorded from 11 initiating and modulating stabilizing muscle
leg, trunk, and neck muscles. The timing of pos- responses.
tural muscle responses within and between body
segments was employed in order to determine 29.2.3 Coactivation Patterns at the Ankle and
whether they maintained a consistent temporal Hip Joints During Equilibrating Reactions
relationship under translational and rotational plat- One optimizing strategy for reducing redundant
form movement paradigms. The results did not linkages is to coactivate agonist-antagonist muscle
support a strict ascending pattern of activation. In pairs across a joint within the movement
response to posterior platform translations (Figure synergies. To generate appreciable movement
29.4), an ascending pattern of muscle responses about each joint during the multi-link strategy, ac-
along the ventral surface of the body was ob- tivation of antagonist muscles acting at a joint
served. In addition, responses elicited in the neck must be delayed in onset but coactivated at inten-
flexor and abdominal muscles occurred as early as sities relative to one another. The stiffening
those of the stretched ankle muscles (SOL), sug- strategy can occur if muscles acting there have
gesting a simultaneous descending pattern of simultaneous onset of correlated activation [e.g.
activation. The crossed ascending/descending pat- see Chapter 5 (Winters) and Chapter 9 (Hogan)].
tern also existed for anterior platform For hinge joints such as the ankle and hip, a con-
displacements, where early neck extensor muscle sideration of this solution is easier because
responses were observed at the same time as movements are basically restricted to flexion and
stretched ankle flexor (TA) activation (Figure extension when stance is two-legged. At the neck,
29.4). For platform rotations there was an even where the joint structure is complex, solutions to
greater tendency for all muscle responses to occur the redundancy problem have a matching com-
simultaneously, although earlier on one side of the plexity [see Chapter 28 (Winters and Peles)]. For
body. this reason, neck muscle synergies will be
The conclusions that can be drawn from these described separately in a later section (29.3).
studies are twofold. The fundamental aspect is Figure 29.5 documents, for all subjects tested,
that the two movement strategies, multi-link rota- the activation patterns observed in reaction to rota-
tions for translation, stiffening for support surface tion and translation as medium latency (ML onset
rotations, appear to result from two types of at 90 to 150 ms) responses in lower leg muscles.
muscle activation synergies each of which is a dif- The upper part of the figure plots the onset of the
ferent solution to the redundancy problem and tibialis anterior ML response against that of soleus.
comprises an attempt to link movements of body The lower part of Figure 29.5 plots the ML
segments together. In response to translation, a response areas measured under the first 80 ms of
multi-link stabilizing strategy is generated by an each EMG response. The separation of data points
ascending-descending muscle response pattern; as- for rotation and translation in Figure 29.5 indicates
cending on the ventral surface when body sway is significant differences with respect to coactivation
induced forward, on the dorsal surface when in- at the ankle joint for these stimuli. Translation
488 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

responses consist of a sequential activation of ML. REST ABILIZING ACTION

soleus followed by tibialis anterior after 40 ms. FORWARD SWAY TORQUE
There is no significant covariation between O.l
response amplitudes as measured by EMG ML
areas. Rotation responses, in contrast, appear to Nm/Kg
0.2 BODY WI.
be coactivated because both onset latencies are
within one standard deviation of each other, and a
significant linear correlation exists between 0.1

response areas.
SOLEUS • 4 o "
" 0

o 8 / AREA
r:0.81 "
00 0 ../ •
e-/ ""
~ /

~o ¢o , ! o "

,.: " . ,
80/ 0 0
./ o. o
/ 0 0

100 • • ,,~

50 o
50 100 150 200ms


I' •. s ML AREA
Eyes Eyn -1 ri.---r.-&~'---~i--~i--~i---ri---r---ri--
Open Closed o ~ 1~ 15 20 25 lO ~O 451' •. 5
20 • I>

NORMALS I> • Figure 29.6: Coupled activity of SOL and TA and their
<P 'b• BILATS 0 • joint influence on ankle torque at medium latencies.
". ..
10 I>
1>1>.( .1> Lower half of figure: average areas of TA activity of
·0. • o each normal subject (circles) and patient (squares)
plotted against SOL, and regression line drawn for eyes
open (solid line) and closed (broken line) data.
Respective correlation coefficient (r value) printed
10 o 10 20 lO 40 50 60/, •. s next to each line. Upper half: multivariate regression
of TA and SOL on ankle torque. Average activity of
Figure 29.5: Response amplitudes and latencies for the weaker predictor is multiplied by its regression
soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles follow- coefficient and added to the torque values (e.g.,
ing a rotation or a translation perturbation to stance. In Ks*SOL) (From Keshner et al., 1987; reprinted with
the upper part of the figure SOL ML onset is plotted permission.)
against TA ML onset, equal onset is marked by the dash-
dot line. Several TA responses to translation for the A similar coactivation effect, albeit with sub-
vestibular deficit patients had onset latencies over 200
jects initially leaning back slightly prior to onset
ms. The lower part of the figure shows plots of the
of the support surface rotation, has been described
area of the first 80 ms of the response. Rotation
response areas had a significant linear correlation. The previously (Keshner et aI., 1987). These authors
plots illustrate an earlier larger response in SOL for studied the correlation of kinematic parameters
translation, a coactivated action of SOL and TA for with neural components of the response to plat-
rotation with TA the larger response. Inset indicates form perturbations in standing adults. That is, the
visual conditions and subject category associated with magnitude of restabilizing ankle torque was ex-
the data point symbol. (From Allum et al., 1989; amined for temporal concurrence and significant
reprinted with permission.) correlation with EMG response areas of medium
latency (approx. 120 ms) and long latency (75 ms
later) activity in SOL and TA. The results con-
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 489

ftnned the hypothesis of functional coactivation of to determine, in a similar way attempted for rota-
these muscles (see lower half of Figure 29.6) con- tion response at the ankle joint (see Figure 29.6),
sistent with current theories suggesting that whether the coactivation pattern at the trunk
muscles around a joint are coactivated in a range muscles is correlated with torque exerted about the
of limb orientations in order to produce ap- hip joint. Since there is not a simple ~ay of
propriate limb movement (Buchanan et al., 1989; measuring this torque, studies of patient responses
Baker et al., 1985; Peterson et al., 1989). At the might provide the necessary insights because clini-
ankle joint, interrelationships between the cal studies are a means of exploring where control
kinematic measure (ankle torque) and EMG ac- components might lie for certain motor functions.
tivity were examined through a multivariate The temporal organization and magnitude of EMG
regression, and revealed that each ankle muscle responses, as well as resultant biomechanical
alone was poorly correlated with resultant ankle changes, have been shown to be signiftcant in-
torque. When, however, the coactivated action of dicators of balance disorders (Black et al., 1983;
both ankle muscles was considered, high sig- Diener et al., 1984; Allum et al., 1988).
niftcant correlations (p < 0.00(5) appeared TRUNK MUSCLE LATENCIES &
between ankle torque and muscle activity at
medium and long latencies (upper half of Figure ms
29.6). The motor control picture emerging from RECTUS ABOOMINIS
this analysis suggested that at medium latencies, ML ONSET •
the action of TA was to increase forward sway
torque about the ankle joint to counteract the rear-
ward thrust from the platform. Longer latency
torque was best predicted by SOL which produced
a negative sloping regression line, suggesting a 100

braking torque action on the forward sway

produced at medium latencies. PARASPINAlIS ML ONSET
Interestingly, the coactivation picture at the 50
50 100 150 200 ms
ankle joint for support surface rotation, and its ab-
sence for translation, is completely reversed for 30 RECTUS ABOOMINIS
the antagonist abdominal and lumbar paraspinal t'v.s ML AREA

muscles that act to rotate the trunk about the hip
joint. Figure 29.7 presents the onset delays and
coactivation between these muscles and

. ... ~ ~
~ ~r;0.63

demonstrates that the trunk muscle synergy is con-



stant across subjects. Although abdominals 10 ~

~ ...
........ ...

respond some 40 ms prior to paraspinals during ~


translation, the range of onset differences between 0 <> <>
subjects is small, suggesting a ftxed coactivation PARASPINALIS ML AREA
delay. The concept of coactivation in these o 10 15 20 25 t'v.s
muscles is supported by the linear correlation be-
tween response magnitudes as shown in the lower Figure 29.7: Response amplitudes and latencies for
rectus abdominous and paraspinal muscles after a sup-
part of Figure 29.7; such a covariation was con-
port surface translation. See Figure 29.5 for
spicuously absent from the ankle muscle responses explanation of symbols. (From Allum et al., 1989;
to translation (Figure 29.5) and from the trunk reprinted with permission.)
muscle responses to rotation. For rotations, no
responses were observed in abdominal muscles
(see Figure 29.3). Returning to Figure 29.1, it is 29.2.4 Sensory Inputs Underlying the
apparent that the large pulse of forward pitching Organization of Equlibrating Strategies
trunk acceleration thrusting the hips backward is a Differences noted in muscle synergies and
major component of the restabilizing strategy in coactivation patterns for the strategies elicited by
response to translation. Thus, it would be useful
490 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

translation and rotation perturbations provide the 29.3 Towards an Understanding of Head
strongest evidence for the hypothesis that sensory Stabilization Strategies
inputs other than those in the lower legs determine The troika of solutions suggested above for
the organization of the equilibrating strategy. If solving the redundancy problem of human pos-
one can exclude proprioceptive inputs from the tural stabilization could be examined purely
lower legs, what then are the necessary and suffi- through the head movement system which is a
cient sensory inputs to trigger and/or modulate the microcosm of a multi-link, multi-muscle system.
appropriate synergy and movement strategy? The Investigations to date have not provided evidence,
most effective receptors must rapidly detect the however, indicating that opposing neck muscles
occurrence and direction of body movements. are coactivated in the same way as leg and trunk
Thus, sensory systems registering differences in muscles to reduce degrees of freedom during equi-
polarity and having early onset would be the best librating reactions. Unlike the lower limb,
candidates. Reviewing Figure 29.1, it appears that difficulties exist in examining the head and neck
the vestibular system registering head angular ac- motor system because of its intrinsic complexity,
celerations is an ideal candidate because vestibular including overlapping muscles, multiple insertions
afferents have an early onset (20 ms). on the intervertebral joints, and several central
Studies comparing the responses of normals control mechanisms. A confounding factor is that
and vestibular deficient subjects have suggested the multiple muscles acting on the head, including
that vestibular afferents excited by head angular ac- many small, deep muscles, demonstrate well-
celerations play a major role in the control and specified directions of preferred activation [Baker
organization of equilibrating reactions to support et aI., 1985; Keshner et al., 1988; see also Chapter
surface rotation (Allum and Pfaltz, 1985; Keshner 27 (Winters and Peles)]. It may well be that the
et aI., 1987). Areas under the EMG bursts in the failure to find coactivation between antagonistic
ankle muscles, soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior neck muscles may simply be the result of incor-
(TA), and ankle torque recordings of patients with rectly defined recording locations with respect to
bilateral labyrinthine deficits were found to be sig- the stabilization task.
nificantly diminished when compared with normal The second difficulty is that the afferent origin
subjects (p < 0.05) with both eyes open and closed of neck muscle responses noted during postural
(see Figure 29.6). The magnitude of EMG activa- stabilization has not been clearly identified
tion correlated with the extent of peripheral (Keshner et al., 1987), even though the
vestibular deficit (Allum et al., 1988), suggesting predominant role of vestibulocollic and cer-
that the amplitude of lower limb postural reflexes vicocollic reflexes has been postulated for some
is under the control of the vestibulospinal system. time in humans. In the cat, head stabilization for
Whether or not these latter results can be extended pitch rotations is dominated by short latency ves-
to translation responses requires further investiga- tibular and neck reflexes (Peterson et aI., 1985).
tion. The number of vestibular deficient subjects Evidence for short latency effects in man are seen
examined to date is too small to permit definitive in vestibularly deficient subjects, but only as a
conclusions. However, a tendency for reduced ab- possible enhancement of cervicocollic reflexes
dominal responses has been observed (see Figure (Allum and Pfaltz, 1985). There is some evidence
29.7) in these subjects. of short latency mechanisms controlling head
Head and trunk accelerations could also excite stability at high frequencies (2-3 Hz) of horizontal
a number of proprioceptive sensory systems which head rotations (Keshner and Peterson, 1988b), but
would be appropriate in generating suitable this frequency range has not yet been correlated
balance reactions. Among the sensory systems in- with functional activity. Resonant characteristics
fluenced by these accelerations are muscle stretch of the head were found to predominate at higher
receptors in the hip, trunk, and neck muscles, as frequencies (> 3 Hz), matching the head angular
well as joint receptors in the spinal column. At acceleration frequency characteristics during equi-
this point it would be useful to review experiments librating reactions to pitch platform rotations
distinguishing between the sensory inputs excited (Keshner et aI., 1987). It appears that man tends to
by head and trunk accelerations, and to consider rely more heavily on voluntary motor commands
the complex redundancy problem posed for the
neck muscles.
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 491

(Guitton et al.,1986; Kasai and Zee, 1978) and cluding semispinalis captus (SEMI), splenius
passive mechanics of the head-neck system capitis (SPL), trapezius (TRAP), and ster-
(Viviani and Berthoz, 1975; Allum et aI., 1990) to nocleidomastoid (SCM) were recorded with
stabilize the head. Aspects of recent studies at- surface electrodes at placements later verified with
tempting to ameliorate the two difficulties in bipolar intramuscular electrodes. The polar plots
exploring solutions to redundancy in the of directional preferences for these muscles shown
head-neck system, will be highlighted in the fol- in Figure 29.8a may be more easily understood by
lowing sections. referring to the adjacent schema. For example, an
applied isometric force at zero degrees was taken
29.3.1 Muscle Activation Patterns During in the direction requiring neck extension (pitch
Isometric Head Stabilization extension) torques to stabilize the head. A force at
In order to obtain a basic understanding of the 90° required right lateral flexion (right roll)
types of correlated activation that might be ex- torques of the head, and _90° required left roll.
pected during dynamic head stabilization, Keshner Applying the force directly behind the subject
et aI. (1989) studied directional preferences of resulted in pure forward flexion (pitch flexion)
human neck muscles during voluntary, isometric torques of the head (180°).
head stabilization. In total, four neck muscles, in-

• S,",noc l" ldornalloid

Splln l.o
Semlopl nollo

later.' Rot.Uon

I £"'1 L:':f
Slernocleldom . . loid Splenlu. Seml.pln.lI.

/:~'I 1

LX·'" d\J
1 .. 6 I JO 0 1 4 6 JO 0 2 oil 6 • lO

Force (Ib')
0 1 10
1 d:;'1 10

Figure 29.8: a) Mean percent of maximum EMG ac- EMG responses of one subject with incrementing
tivation plus and minus one standard deviation for the weights. Preferred activation directions for each
group. A narrow shaded area indicates less variability muscle are in the top row, non-preferred directions in
among the subjects; the point closest to the circum- the bottom row. Numbers to the right of each line indi-
ference is the maximal activation direction for that cate orientation of the head. Amplitude of muscle
muscle. Diagram to the right demonstrates the direc- electrical activity has been normalized so that the
tion of resistive torques at each head orientation in the largest response in the four orientations was given a
frontal plane. b) Mean percentage of EMG activation value of 1. [Modified from Keshner et al .• 1989 and
plotted for the two directions of lateral rotation. c) Keshner (in press), reprinted with permission.]
492 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Referring to Figure 29.8a, it can be seen that each muscle in Figure 29.8c) would, therefore, re-
each muscle has a restricted range of excitation quire an equal increase in the activation level of
with a consistent direction of maximal activation whichever muscle was acting in its preferred direc-
indicative of that muscle's potential dynamic tion if no movement was required. It would
responsiveness. Zero, or null, responses of each appear that at some critical force level there is a
muscle in directions opposite to the maximum in- change to an alternative program of muscle
dicate that muscles are reciprocally activated response which is suitably matched to the stiff-
during this task. SEMI worked primarily in pitch ening equilibrating strategy, rather than a simple
extension with some lateral rotation (0° to 45°), shifting in the tension characteristics of the
and therefore is the muscle of choice to record muscles as found during reciprocal activation.
from during posturography investigations inducing The results of these isometric studies suggest
pitch sway. Superior fibers of trapezius presented that muscle patterns involved in head stabilization
a large area of variation in all of the tested direc- may be quite localized and therefore difficult to in-
tions and low levels of activation during isolated vestigate unless recordings are obtained from a
movements of the head. Intramuscular EMG number of neck muscles. In addition, differences
responses of the trapezius muscle were greatest between the muscle response patterns in preferred
when the subject was asked to perform isolated versus non-preferred muscle pulling directions due
movements of the shoulder joint, indicating that to the preprogrammed optimization of different
TRAP was performing scapular depression in order parameters by the CNS may present a further
to stabilize the scapular during head movements, analysis hurdle to be surmounted.
rather than participating in pitch stabilization of
the head. SPL exhibited two directions of maximal 29.3.2 Patterns of Muscle Activity During
activation. This muscle was used by half the sub- Reflex and Voluntary Head Movements
jects for roll with flexion, and by the other half for One method of examining the complex op-
roll with extension of the head. timization of muscle pulling directions employed
Robustness of the response to directional during human head stabilization is to investigate
parameters was tested by increasing the isometric stabilization responses in more simple animal
forces applied to the head. Such attempts at in- models. Animal models have the advantage that
creasing the force requirements for head the experimenter can hold external conditions con-
stabilization resulted not only in a change in the stant enabling responses to be examined over a
EMG activation patterns, but also in a shift from a range of stimuli. In the decerebrate cat, for ex-
pattern of reciprocal activation to one of ample, neck muscles maximally excited by one
cocontraction. Accompanying this change in direction of head rotation (stimulation of the ves-
motor program was a non-linear shift in EMG out- tibulocollic reflex, VCR) are consistent over time
put with increased force output in the directions and over animals (Baker et aI., 1985). Of course,
that previously produced no EMG response (Figure the optimal response of the neck muscles may be
29.8c). Non-linearity in the directional parameters very different in both the freely moving animal or
of the response raises some question about how in an alert animal whose head is stabilized. These
the CNS programs coactivation. If, as suggested differences, however, can provide insight into how
above, an essential element of the stiffening the CNS employs one sensory mode, vestibular sig-
strategy is that the coactivation and reciprocal ac- nals from the semicircular canals, as compared to
tivation commands are issued simultaneously at all voluntary commands that are organized on the
times, non-linear increasing activation of agonist basis of somatosensory, vestibular, visual, and cor-
and antagonists with increased loading on the neck tical inputs in order to select muscle pulling
joint should not only alter the stiffness of the joint, directions.
but cause a change in head position. With linear As a working hypothesis for their experiments
changes in activation levels one would expect a Peterson and his colleagues (Keshner et al., 1986;
stable equilibrium to be maintained, as predicted Keshner and Peterson, 1988a) expected that reflex
by Feldman (1980; see also Chapter 12). The sud- responses obtained when the VCR was stimulated
den jump from a null to a strongly activated (by placing the animal on a platform and rotating
response in the neck muscles (see lower trace of it in the dark while the head was fixed in relation
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 493



30 de-g.]

0 ~
22 ~
45 1V
12.5 25 0 12.5 25

Figure 29.9: Activation of the left rectus major (90°). EMG responses are sinusoidally modulated in
muscle in an alert cat during sinusoidal whole body both tasks, but the null plane where the response grows
rotation (right traces) and sinusoidal head tracking with small and reverses direction clearly differs for muscle
body fixed (left traces). On the far right of the figure, activation during body rotation (VCR) and head track-
the solid lines with curved arrows indicate the axis of ing (from Keshner and Peterson, 1988a; reprinted with
rotation for that set of body or head rotation records. permission).
This series of rotations includes pitch (0°) and roll

to the body) would occur in the opposite direction that differences in the reflex (VCR) and voluntary
to those obtained for voluntary head motion about (tracking) muscle activation patterns exist both in
the same axis. The responses of the left rectus the orientation of maximum and minimum activa-
major muscle during the voluntary and reflex tasks tion, and in the phase of the response.
are compared in Figure 29.9, where it can be seen
494 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

T2 o

-I -I -I
-I 0 -I 0 -I 0

Y Y '.

Rl o T2 Rl

-I -I -I
-I 0 -I 0 -I D





T2 ,~~ T2
-I -I -I
-I 0 -I 0 -I 0

~ T2 TI

-I -I -I
-I 0 -I 0 -I

Figure 29.10: Averaged response vectors of five would maximally excite the muscle. Maximal activa-
muscles during voluntary tracking in two alert cats (Tl tion directions can be visualized from the vectors in the
and 72) and whole-body rotations in alert (Rl and R2) figure by placing one's right thumb along the vector
and decerebrate (V) cats. Left muscles are inverted to and noting the direction in which the fingers curl
appear as though they are on the right side of the body. around the vector axis. (From Keshner and Peterson,
Each vector represents the axis of the rotation that 1988a, reprinted with permission.)
29. Keshner and Allum; Muscle Patterns Coordinating Postural Stability 495

In fact, for this muscle and for many others (see 29.4 Future Directions
Figure 29.10) reflex and voluntary responses fol- One of the main difficulties in studying pos-
lowed a more orthogonal relationship. As seen in tural control concerns the complexity of the task
Figure 29.10, only in the biventer cervicis muscle involved: stability of an inverted multi-linked
was the hypothesis of oppositely directed pendulum, held upright by muscle torques gener-
responses supported. It is important to note for the ated at each link, is sensed by receptor systems at
purpose of this comparison of head stabilization the ankle joint and head. The frrst approach of
strategies in man and cat that maximal activation many modellers would be to reduce the system to
was not in the direction expected from the a single inverted pendulum in order to better un-
anatomical position of the muscle (peterson et al., derstand human postural control. This drastic
1989). For example, right complexus produced its solution to the redundancy problem of several
major response component while the head was links and numerous muscles acting at each joint
rolling to the left rather than assisting the head in undoubtably leads to conclusions that do not
turning to the right as would be expected for a match the reality of the task presented to the
right sided muscle during voluntary head move- central nervous sytem. The question that must be
ment. In some human subjects, splenius was faced if one is to argue that a given stabilization
found to act primarily in roll with flexion rather task is achieved by one multi-link mode totally de-
than extension (see Figure 29.8). Although volun- pendent on a whole muscle synergy, is the extent
tary muscle patterns were quite consistent for an to which muscle synergies are modulated by in-
individual cat over several months of testing, they coming sensory signals on a continuous scale, or
differed much more from animal to animal than whether a switching between different movement
the reflex muscle patterns, suggesting that the CNS strategies is dependent on the original biomechani-
chooses a single solution to generate the VCR from cal response to the body's perturbation. Thus
among the many possible motor patterns that future research could be targeted towards examin-
could be used, but voluntary responses are ing the number of centrally organized movement
selected on the basis of multiple parameters and strategies, and the extent to which vestibular and
strategies. upper body proprioceptive systems participate in
Thus, the solution for the head stabilization the selection of the associated muscle synergies.
synergy from the viewpoint of an individual Crucial to the question of switching between
human CNS may vary from person to person. As a different movement strategies is a deeper under-
result, the concept with which this paper was standing of the body's biomechanics. One might
started, namely that solutions of the muscle and ask whether for a given type of body perturbation
joint redundancy problem for postural control are a particular synergy is chosen by the CNS because
common for a given (patient or normal) popula- sensory information indicated that either passive
tion may well be poorly conceived for head mechanical forces were nearly appropriate to com-
stabilization. No matter how excellent an explana- pensate for imposed forces or that only one type of
tion synergy and strategy approaches are for all synergy was quick or strong enough to stabilize
lower body segments, these concepts require the body. Considerable progress has been made in
rethinking before they can be applied to head sta- recent years examining normal and pathological
bilization. Future questions must first address muscle action during stance stablization. This re-
whether neck muscle activation patterns are search has spotlighted the latter course of action
programmed to match frequency requirements as by CNS command centers. Very little progress has
well as spatial and force constraints. Second, the been made, however, in understanding the effect
role of the deep versus superftcial muscles and that stance perturbations have on passive
their relation with various joint arrangements and biomechanical trajectories of body segments and
the frequency characteristics of the system should the modifications of these trajectories by active
be examined. Third, effects on the spatial charac- muscle forces. It was when head stabilization
teristics of the neck muscle activation patterns at strategies were considered that the separate con-
different frequencies of head rotation need to be tributions of active muscle and passive
investigated, especially given that a different spa- biomechanical forces assume an important func-
tial organization exists for the reflex and voluntary
response patterns at low frequencies.
496 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

tion in the environmental task. Otlaryngol. (Stockh.) 106: 252-263.

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Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance?

Facts and Concepts

Simon Bouisset and Maurice Zattara

30.1 Introduction More precisely, it has been assumed that an-

That postural reactions are associated with ticipatory postural adjustments depend on two
voluntary movement has probably been known in main factors: 1) a factor which integrates the ef-
the medical field at least since Babinski's observa- fect of movement to body structure, i.e., not only
tions (1899). Since that time, many kinesiologic the parameters of the intentional movement, but
studies have been carried out with the aim of also its location with respect to the body's axes of
describing the muscular patterns which underlay symmetry; 2) the actual functional state of the
maintenance of a given posture, slow changes in sensori-motor and musculo-skeletal systems
posture, and movements performed at a significant (impairment in disease or trauma, fatigue, con-
speed. They have included segmental movements ditioning, etc.). The originality of the present
performed on a stable underpropping area, as well research may be situated within this context.
as gross movement involving body progression, APA associated with intentional movement will
such as gait. It has been observed that postural be studied in both bilateral and unilateral move-
muscular activities can precede, accompany, and ments, performed without and with an added
also follow intentional movement. inertia. It will be shown that APA are specific to
As far as the postural activities which precede the characteristics of the forthcoming intentional
the onset of intentional movement, usually movement. They will be considered "pre-
referred to as anticipatory postural adjustments programmed". It will be assumed that postural
(APA), are concerned, their approach in a neuro- adjustments constitute a part of the motor program
physiological context started with the pioneering that they tend to create inertial forces which, when
work of Belenkii et al. (1967). They were based the time comes, will counterbalance the distur-
on the hypothesis proposed by Gelfand et al. bance of balance due to the forthcoming
(1966) in the line of Bernstein's general theories intentional movement. In this context, the inten-
(1935), according to which programming of a tional movement is considered as a perturbation to
motor act includes two components: one which is balance. The concept of dynamic asymmetry is
in relation to the intentional movement itself and proposed to characterize this factor, which
the other which is related to the postural support. depends not only on the parameters of movement
Since that time, diverse types of segmental move- but also on its location with respect to the body's
ments have been considered, mainly involving the axes of symmetry.
upper limb (Lee, 1980; Cordo and Nashner, 1982; In Parkinsonian patients it will be shown that
Clement et al., 1984; Brown and Frank, 1987) and there was a lack of APA and that movement
trunk (Crenna et al., 1987). velocity decreased. In order to take into account
The aim of this chapter is to put forward some the ability to react efficiently to the forthcoming
ideas about the postural roles played by muscles in perturbation, the concept of posturo-ldnetic
relation to segmental movement. These ideas are capacity is proposed, which is supposed to
based on the study of anticipatory postural ac- depend on the actual state of the sensori-motor
tivities. system.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
30. Bouisset and Zattara; Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance 499

auF BF

DA ] 0 .8 mV

ES ] 0.4 mV

GM ] 0.4 mV

TFL· ] 0.4 mV

] 0.4 mV
] 0 .3 mY
] 0.4 mV
TA ] 0.4 mY
SOL ] 0 .5 mY

L--' L--'

100 ms 100 ms 100 ms

Figure 30.1: EMG activities of /ower limbs and pelvis bilateral flexions. From top to bottom: activities of an-
recorded for the three experimental conditions. EMG terior portion of Deltoideus (DA) Erectores Spinae
activities are reported from one subject performing the (ES>, Gluteus Maximus (GM), Tensor Fasciae Latae
three types of movements. For each type of movement, (TFL), Semi-tendinosus (S1), Rectus Femoris (RF),
rectified and smooth EMG activities of five trials were Vastus Lateralis (VL), Tibialis Anterior (TA), Soleus
superimposed by synchronizing records on the onset of (SOL). Ipsilateral (i) and contralateral (c) activities
DAi activities (dotted line). From left to right: aUF, with respect to the moving limb are displayed in op-
unilateral flexions with no additional inertia; /uF, posite directions.
unilateral flexions with an additional inertia; BF,
500 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

30.2 Methods The ACG presented the same main features as

Subjects stood normally and had to execute, ac- the EMG: a) identity of APA at a given level was
cording to a simple reaction time paradigm, at a the rule for BF, contrarily to UF and, b) duration of
maximal speed, unilateral upper limb movements APA increased from BF to OUF and from OUF to
(UF), without (OUF) and with (lUF) an inertial lUF; they almost doubled from BF to lUF, show-
load, and bilateral upper limb movements (BF). ing values similar to EMGs. There was a given
The inertial load was a lead bracelet (1 kg) fas- order in anticipatory ACG: first contralateral lower
tened to the wrist. limbs and hip, and then ipsilateral ones for UF,
This paradigm has several advantages and, in and both sides simultaneously for BF. Therefore,
particular, it offers the possibility of dividing the the ACG results were consistent with the EMG
body into two parts: the upper limb(s), which are ones and the electrical muscular activities could be
voluntarily moved, and the rest of the body. related to local accelerations: the local movements
Local movements were studied by are not passive movements.
electromyography (EMG) and accelerometry Moreover, it has been shown that the peak
(ACG). General body movements were studied by amplitude of anticipatory ACG increased in a quad-
means of a force platform, which gave the resul- ratic manner with the peak velocity of the
tant forces and the resultant torque about the intentional movement. Besides, for a given
vertical axis as well. velocity, the peak amplitude is higher for inertial
loaded movements (Zattara and Bouisset, 1983).
30.3 Results and Discussion
From these EMG and ACG results, it must be
30.3.1 Study of Local Movements stressed that APA are specific not only to
This study includes a systematic description of parameters of the forthcoming intentional move-
APA, mostly from a temporal point of view ment, such as its velocity, but also to its location
(Bouisset and Zattara, 1981, 1983, 1987; Zattara, with respect to the body's axes of symmetry. Their
1982; Zattara and Bouisset, 1986, 1988). combination is called dynamic asymmetry.
Therefore, as APA occur by definition before the
EMG anticipatory activities onset of voluntary movement, it can be pointed
The pattern of EMG postural activities was out that dynamic asymmetry is "pre-programmed":
specific to the intentional movement (Figure 30.1). it is not equivalent, in terms of posturo-kinetic
Synchrony of homonymous muscle activities was programming, to raise both upper limbs simul-
the rule for BF, contrarily to UF for which taneously, one upper limb or the other.
asynchrony increased when an inertial load was
added to the upper limb. 30.3.2 Study of General Body Movements
As far as APA were concerned, there was a The general shape of kinetic curves (Aw) was
given sequence of disactivations (-) and activa- reproducible according to a given experimental
tions (+): SOU(-), TFl.c(+) and RFc(+), STi(+) and condition. Upper limb movement was always
GMi(+), ESc(+) for UF and both SOL(-), diphasic: an acceleration was followed by a
ST(+)/GM(+) and ES(+) for BF. There were no con- deceleration phase (Figure 30.3). As far as the
sistent anticipatory EMG modifications either in resultant force or the resultant moment was con-
foot or in neck muscles. The APA increased from cerned, the following was observed: during BF,
BF to OUF and from OUF to lUF. Indeed, mean llRz and Rx were diphasic, while the variations of
APA ranged from 25-30 ms for BF, 40-45 ms for Ry and Mz were nil or negligible. On the contrary,
OUF and 60-70 ms for lUF: they almost doubled for UF, resultant force and moment showed con-
from BF to lUF. sistent variations for all the considered variables,
but these were more complex than for BF
ACG anticipatory activities (Bouisset and Zattara, 1987).
The ACG activities concern all the body seg- As can be seen in Figure 30.3, llRz and Rx varia-
ments, and their pattern was also specific to the tions began before the onset of Aw; these
forthcoming movement (Figure 30.2). The exist- accelerations were positive, i.e. corresponded to
ence of accelerations indicated that anticipatory upward and forward accelerations of the body cen-
activities are movements. ter of gravity. As far as they were concerned, Ry
30. Bouisset and Zattara; Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance 501


AWj _ ] 10 m.s-2

] 1 m.s·2

Ash l ] 1 m.s·2

Atr • ] 1 m.s'2

] 1 m.s·2

Ahj ] 1 m.s·2

Ate ~ ] 1 m.s·2

At·I •- ] 1 m.s·2

ASe~ ] 1 m.s·2

AS j + ] 1 m.s·2

~ ~ '--'
100 ms 100 ms 100 nls

Figure 30.2: Local accelerations recorded for the bottom: Awi, tangential acceleration of the upper limb
three experimental conditions. Antero-posterior local measured at wrist level (positive sign corresponds to
accelerations are reported from one subject perfonning the acceleration phase of the movement); Ash, Atr, Ah,
the three types of movement. For each type of move- At and As, antero-posterior accelerations measured at
ment accelerations of five trials were superimposed by level of shoulders, trunk, hips, thighs, and shanks
synchronizing records on the onset of Awi (dotted line). (positive sign corresponds to forward accelerations); i
From left to right: OUF, unilateral flexions with no ad- and c, ipsilateral and contralateral accelerations with
ditional inertia; IUF, unilateral flexions with an respect to the moving limb.
additional inertia; BF, bilateral flexions. From top to
502 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


Ry ,-1r-----~~~~]10N

] 100N

Mz ~:- _ _ 4 ] 10 N .m

Aw ~ r----'(- ]10 ml~

t. t.

Figure 30.3: Force platform data recorded for the with P being the weight of the subject); positive sign
three experimental conditions. Force platfonn data re- corresponds respectively to forward, right-to-Ieft and
corded from one subject, perfonning upper limb(s) upward forces); M., resultant moment about the verti-
movements according to the three experimental condi- cal axis (positive sign corresponds to a moment which
tions. For each type of movement, records of five trials tends to rotate the body from the right side to the left
were superimposed by synchronizing them on the onset one); AWi' tangential acceleration of the upper limb re-
of AWe From left to right: OUF, unilateral flexions corded at wrist level; t and t correspond to the onset
with no additional inertia; !UF, unilateral flexions with and the end of the uppe~ limb ~ovement.
an additional inertia; BF, bilateral flexion. From top to
bottom: R:x:, Ry and M., antero-posterior, lateral and
vertical components of the resultant force (M. = R.- P,

and Mz were positive for UF: these accelerations analysis, it can be assumed that APA tend to create
corresponded to a lateral acceleration of the body inertial forces which, when the time comes, will
center of gravity directed toward the contralateral counterbalance the disturbance to postural equi-
side and induced a moment directed also toward librium due to the intentional forthcoming
the contralateral side. movement (Bouisset and Zattara, 1984).
Duration of APA were longer for M z than for According to this hypothesis, the intentional
the other variables. Moreover, they increased from movement constitutes a perturbation which
BF (29 ms) to OUF (50 ms) and from OUF to !UF depends not only on the parameters of the move-
(56 ms): they doubled in !UF as compared to BF, ment, but also on its location with respect to the
which was consistent with the data reported above. body's axes of symmetry, i.e. to its dynamic asym-
Concurrently the peak: velocity of intentional metry. Hence, it is tempting to consider that the
movement decreased from 7.9 rad/sec for BF (at postural perturbation associated with voluntary
right wrist level, classically less at the left one, movement might result form two factors, which
summing up at about 15.5 rad/sec) to a slightly correspond to the two vectors to which the pertur-
lower value (7.5 rad/sec) for OUF and to 5.8 bation force system may be reduced, i.e., its
rad/sec for !uF. resultant and its moment (in reference to the body
The finality of APA may be proposed on the center of gravity, for example). One is linear, the
basis of an analysis of forces acting at shoulder other is rotational. Both may include three or-
level and at the body center of gravity (Figure thogonal components.
30.4), whose direction was opposite. From this
30. Bouisset and Zattara; Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance 503

BF UF varied. More precisely, PA increased with the

dynamic asymmetry, which was, in fact, not
surprising because it corresponded to the APA.
By definition, as is well known, simple RT can-
not vary according to the parameters of a
voluntary movement Therefore, ML was equiv-
alent to the "true RT' in that type of motor activity,
and it can be assumed that the motor activity
started with APA. Furthermore, as APA are trig-
gered by a feed-forward command and are specific
to the characteristics of the forthcoming move-
ment, they have to be determined from previous
knowledge of the disturbing effect of forthcoming
voluntary movement. Finally, a question can be
raised: could intentional movement be initiated
Aw only when convenient postural dynamics have
been developed? In other words, without suitable
APA, does intentional movement have to be
slower? This problem has been studied in
Parkinsonians (Bazalgette et al., 1986) and in
paraplegics (Do et al., 1985).
30.3.4 Anticipatory Postural Adjustments
and Parkinson '8 Disease
Data were collected from 18 Parkinsonian
patients (patients with severe tremor or marked L-
Dopa-induced dyskinesia were excluded), who
ranged from 39 to 73 years of age (mean: 59.6
years) and who were hospitalized for treatment.
Figure 30.4: Interpretation of the finality of an- Data were also collected from five volunteer sub-
ticipatory postural adjustments. The filled arrows jects in the same age range, who were free from
correspond to the actual recorded biomechanical data, neurological or other severe diseases. With the
the interrupted arrows correspond to theoretical aim of comparing healthy subjects and patients,
parameters. a, angular displacement of the upper electromyographic and accelerometric data were
limb(s). Aw. y and y. tangential. radial and total up- recorded in the same way as in the studies
per limb acceleFation. R", and M •• antero-posterior and reported above.
vertical acceleration of the body center of gravity, G. The main results concerned the movement
M • resultant moment about the vertical axis crossing duration and the APA. In accordance with the clas-
G~ sical data, the movement time increased in a
highly significant way (p < 0.01) in Parkinsonian
30.3.3. Study of Reaction Time patients, (m = 752 ± 42 ms, as compared to m =
The previous results tended to prove that 457 ± 23 ms) i.e. the velocity decreased (from
dynamic asymmetry was "pre-programmed". A about 8 rad/sec to 4.5 rad/sec). Furthermore, the
direct argument may be brought by a chronometric APA were usually absent and the postural adjust-
study (Zattara and Bouisset, 1986). ments which occured during the movement course
The simple reaction time was studied in the were not specific to the voluntary movement
same three conditions. The results showed that RT Indeed, contrarily to healthy subjects, in whom
varied from one condition to an other (Figure early postural adjustments associated with
30.5). But if RT was divided into two parts, motor unilateral movements have been reported as asym-
latency (ML) and postural anticipation (PA), it metric (Asi directed backward, Asc forward),
could be seen that ML was constant whereas PA Parkinsonian patients displayed symmetrical pos-
Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV; Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


o "'0 ,00 (ma)


1 - - - - - - - - -ML - - - - - ' - -.-+--- PA -

1----- - - - -- - - RT- - -- -- -- --

Figure 30.5: Chronometric indexes for the three ex- the upper part of the figure, mean values and standard
perimental conditions. On the lower part of the figure, deviations of RT, ML (hatched areas), and PA (non-
meanings of the chronometric indexes are illustrated hatched areas) are given for five subjects performing
(RT, reaction time; ML motor latency; PA, postural ten movements of each type during two experimental
anticipation) (RS being the response signal, As and Aw sessions. From top to bottom: bilateral flexions (BF),
indicating respectively the onset of the earlier shank ac- unilateral flexions without additionnal inertia (OUF)
celeration and the onset of the wrist acceleration). On and with an additional inertia ([UF).


i . · ~i. 11mV

200 ms

Figure 30.6: Electromyographical and accelerographi- right (R) and left (L) biceps femoris; Aw, tangential ac-
cal recordings in a Parkinsonian patient. From left to celeration of the right (R) and left (L) upper limbs,
right: UFR, right unilateral shoulder flexion; UFL, left measured at wrist level; As, antero-posterior accelera-
unilateral shoulder flexion; BF, bilateral shoulder tion of the right (R) and left (L) shanks. The dotted
flexion. From top to bottom: AD, EMG of anterior por- vertical lines indicated the onset of prime mover ac-
tion of right (R) and left (L) deltoideus; BF, EMG of tivity and the onset of the upper limb acceleration.
30. Bouisset and Zattara; Segmental Movement as a Perturbation to Balance 505

tural movements of both legs (always directed References

forward) in unilateral as well as in bilateral move-Babinski, J. (1899) De l'asynergie cerebelleuse. Rev.
ments (Figure 30.6.) Neurol.7:806-816.
These results raised up a fundamental question: Bazalgette, D., Zattara, M., Bathien, N., Bouisset, S.
was bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease due to and Rondot, P. (1986) Postural adjustments as-
pathological postural adjustments or postural ad- sociated with rapid voluntary ann movements in
patients with Parkinson's disease. In Yarr, P.D. and
justments reduced in relation to bradykinesia?
Bergmann, K.J.: Adv. Neurol. 45:371-374, Raven
Some of the present data are in agreement with the
Press, New York.
frrst hypothesis. Indeed, APA have not been ob- Belenkii, Y.Y., Gurfinkel, V. S. and Paltsev, Y.I.
served in healthy subjects, for submaximal (1967) Element of control of voluntary movements.
movements, above 4 rad/sec (Zattara and Bouisset, BioJizika 12:135-141.
1983), which could correspond to a threshold Bernstein, N. (1935) Coordination and regulation of
below which the inertial forces due to the inten- movements. New-York:Pergamon Press (Amer.
tional movement became negligible. The upper translation, 1967).
limit for the movement velocity in Parkinsonian Bouisset, S. and Zattara, M. (1981) A sequence ofpos-
patients could be explained by their inability to tural movements precedes voluntary movement.
counterbalance these perturbing forces. The Neurosci. Lett. 22:263-270.
Bouisset, S. and Zattara, M. (1983) Anticipatory pos-
results, obtained in paraplegics, could also be in-
tural movements related to a voluntary movement.
terpreted in favor of the same hypothesis. In Space Physiol., Toulouse, Cepadues Pubs., pp.
In order to take into account the ability to react 137-141.
to the forthcoming perturbation, the concept of Bouisset, S. and Zattara, M. (1987) Biomechanical
posturo-kinetic capacity has been proposed. This study of the programming of anticipatory postural
is supposed to depend on the actual state of the adjustments associated with voluntary movement. J.
sensori-motor and musculo-skeletal systems Biomech. 20:735-742.
(impairment in trauma or disease, conditioning, Brown, J.E. and Franck, F.S. (1987) Influence of event
fatigue, etc.). anticipation on postural actions accompaying volun-
tary movement. Exp. Brain Res. 67:645-650.
30.4 Conclusions Clement, G., Gurkinkel, V.S., Lestienne, F., Lipshits,
Dynamic asymmetry has been shown to be a M.I. and Popov, K.E. (1984) Adaptation of postural
discriminative experimental factor for the study of control to weightlessness. Exp. Brain Res. 57:61-72.
APA. Inasmuch as it integrates the effect of move- Cordo, P.J. and Nashner, L.M. (1982) Properties of
ment parameters to body's structure, it allows a postural movements related to a voluntary move-
ment. J. Neurophysiol. 47:287-303.
more comprehensive approach to APA. It might be
Crenna, P., Frigo, C., Massion, J. and Pedotti, A.
interesting to test the hypothesis according to
(1987) Forward and backward axial synergies in
which APA result from the arrangement of two man. Exp. Brain Res. 65:538-548.
biomechanical factors. These factors correspond Do, M.C., Bouisset, S. and Moynot, C. (1985) Are
to two vectors to which the perturbing force sys- paraplegics handicapped in the execution of a
tem may be reduced, i.e., its resultant and its manual task? Ergonomics 28:1363-1375.
moment (in reference to the body center of Gelfand, I.M., Gurfinkel, V.S., Tsetlin, M.L. and Shik,
gravity, for example). M.L. (1966) Problems in analysis of movements.
The concept of posturo-kinetic capacity has In:Gelfand, I.M., Gurfinkel, V.S., Fomin, S.V. and
been proposed to characterize the ability to react Tsetlin, M.L. (Eds); Models of the structural func-
to the perturbation due to intentional movement tional organization of certain biological systems
(Amer. translation, 1971), M.I.T. Press, Cambridge,
The interest of this concept has been proved on
MA, pp. 330-345.
disabled subjects. For healthy subjects, on the
Lee, W.A. (1980) Anticipatory control of posture and
other hand, this posturo-kinetic capacity could task muscles during rapid ann flexion. J. Mot.
also depend on the configuration of postural basis. Behav.12:185-196.
Preliminary results (Zattara and Bouisset, 1987) Zattara, M. (1982) Ajustements posturaux anticipateurs
seem to support this assumption. associes au mouvement du membre superieur.
These de 3e cycle, Orsay, France.
506 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Zattara, M. and Bouisset, S. (1983) Influence de la Zattara, M. and Bouisset, S. (1987) Posturo-kinetic or-
vitesse d'execution du mouvement volontaire sur les ganization during upper limb movement performed
accelerations locales anticipatrices. Huitieme from varied foot positions. Neuroscience Letters,
Congres de la Societe de Biomecanique, Lyon, in suppl. 22, 1969.
resume des communications, pp. 113-114. Zattara, M. and Bouisset, S. (1988) Posturo-kinetic or-
Zattara, M. and Bouisset, S. (1986) Chronometric ganization during the early phase of voluntary upper
analysis of the posturo-kinetic programming of the limb movement. 1. Normal subjects. J. of
voluntary movement. J. ofMotor Behavior, 18: 215- Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 51: 956-
223. 965.

Simulation Experiments can Shed Light on the

Functional Aspects of Postural Adjustments
Related to Voluntary Movements

Constance F. Ramos and Lawrence W. Stark

31.1 Introduction aspects of the postural activities associated with

Voluntary movements of the upper body are ac- voluntary movements, those which anticipate the
companied by anticipatory postural adjustments in voluntary muscle activity as well as those which
the lower body in a standing subject. The ex- follow.
perimental studies described in Chapter 30
31.2 Empirical Evidence
(Bouisset and Zattara) support the hypothesis that
Studies on anticipatory postural adjustments
these anticipatory activities initiate an opposing
have considered a number of rather complex
acceleration of the body which counteracts the
movement paradigms, including push-pull experi-
oncoming penurbation to the center of gravity
ments (Cordo and Nashner, 1982) and head
caused by the voluntary movement. This idea is
movements in quadrupeds (Debu and Gahery,
centered around the physical principle of "Action
1988). In this chapter, the simulation studies
=Reaction" and is a compelling biomechanical ex-
focus on two movements for which a standing sub-
planation. However, it may also be that the
ject can be regarded as a simple two-link inverted
anticipatory activity serves a neurophysiological
purpose, for example, related to setting pendulum; these are rapid upward arm raising and
fast forward bending.
proprioceptive feedback gains in the postural
muscles. 31.2.1 Rapid Upward Ann Swings
Computer simulation experiments can shed Several different groups have chosen to look at
light on the functional aspects of the postural ad- the postural activities that accompany a rapid up-
justments that are related to voluntary movements. ward arm swing, including experiments conducted
This chapter proposes a generic modeling scheme under the zero-gravity conditions of orbital space
for studying the neurological control of multi-joint flight (Clement et al., 1984); this particular
movements, and presents simulation examples of paradigm lends itself well to the simulation
how the model can be used to elucidate different methodology.
aspects of the postural control processes during Three important experimental series are ex-
movement. emplary. The first group of experiments has been
As described below, a stretch reflex model that conducted by Friedli and colleagues (1984, 1988).
has been used previously to investigate aspects of Their experiments revealed the clear distal-to-
single-joint movements (Ramos and Stark, 1987; proximal order of the postural muscle activations
Ramos et al., 1990) is expanded into a in the gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, and erector
double-joint system. Each joint is controlled by spinae muscles, as well as reciprocal activation be-
its own agonist-antagonist excitation inputs and tween agonist/antagonist muscle pairs. Overall,
proprioceptive feedback. With this model, com- their studies suggested that whereas these an-
puter simulations can fully explore the control ticipatory activities may be preprogrammed, the

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S. L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
508 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

postural adjustments stabilizing the body during body and, indeed, as recorded by accelerometers,
the voluntary movement and after it has ended are the postural sway preceding the voluntary move-
probably resulting from reflex control. ment is clearly in the backwards direction for the
The second group of experiments, conducted hips and lower limbs.
by Lee, Buchanan, and Rogers (1987), have con-
31.2.2 Fast Forward Bending
sidered the effects of different arm accelerations
on the postural perturbation. They attempted to Postural activities associated with fast forward
bending show similarites to those associated with
find a correlation between the anticipatory pos-
rapid arm movements. Experiments conducted by
tural muscle activity (in this case, the ratio of
Crenna et al. (1987, 1988) have shown that fast
mean rectified EMG amplitudes) and the accelera-
forward bending movements are accompanied by
tion of the voluntary movement. Their
a backwards motion of the hips and lower limbs.
experiments showed that although such a correla-
tion might be made for each individual subject, no Motion analysis of the full body kinematics
revealed that the voluntary movement is generally
general rule could be made for data across several
preceded by activity at the level of the ankle (and
subjects. Furthermore, they found no evidence
also manifested in a slight but functionally insig-
that the anticipatory period (anywhere from 7 ms
nificant flexion at the knee). Electromyographic
to 86 ms) depended upon the arm acceleration.
evidence was reported to show that anticipatory
From their experiments, it might be speculated
postural muscle activity of the lower limbs occurs
that anticipatory postural activities associated with
in the soleus (early silencing) and tibialis anterior
voluntary movements may not serve a purely
(early activation). EMG activity in the vastus
biomechanical purpose.
medialis was reported to appear approximately
The third group of experiments, conducted by
simultaneously with the rectus abdominis
Bouisset and Zattara (1981, 1987; Zattara and
(voluntary) activity. Their complex interpretation
Bouisset, 1988), and described in Chapter 30,
of these experimental results was that postural ac-
primarily focussed on the anticipatory period in
tivity produced a necessary backwards motion in a
the postural activity. Their data included
feed forward manner, which served to minimize a
electromyographic recordings from shank, thigh,
destabilizing forward acceleration of the center of
hip, and trunk muscles (flexors and extensors) on
gravity caused by the voluntary movement.
both right and left sides of the body; locally re-
corded accelerations for these body segments; 31.3 The Modeling Scheme
ground reaction forces; the anterior deltoid EMG;
and wrist acceleration. The experimental condi- 31.3.1 The Biomechanical System
tions in their studies included both unilateral and The mechanical system used in mathematically
bilateral flexions, with and without an added 1 kg describing both the upward arm swing and the for-
mass to the wrist. The model simulations of the ward bending movements is the simple, two-link
present study are qualitatively compared to their inverted pendulum (Figure 31.1). The equations
empirical observations. of motion for the inertial torques on this system
Important aspects of their electromyographic can be easily derived using Lagrangian methods.
data include the following: 1) both the semiten- In the example of the arm swing paradigm, the
dinosus and soleus muscles exhibit anticipatory biomechanical coupling between the two links is
activities; the semitendinosus becomes active ap- described by:
proximately 30 ms prior to the onset of the
voluntary activity in the anterior deltoid, whereas Mbody =-(J2 +m2D2~a2-m2g(D2sin(92)-Lsin(9 1»
the soleus becomes silent about 60 ms prior to the
voluntary activity; 2) the tensor faciae latae ex- +m2D2L(91+92)coS(92+ 91) (31.1)
hibits no anticipation, but seems to increase its
activity during periods of quiescence in the semi- -m2D2L(92-91~sin(92+ 91 )
tendinosus (a reciprocal activation pattern).
Mann '" 0.0
These initial, anticipatory postural activities (since the motion of the ann is overwhelmingly
(but not the soleus silencing) would seem to cor- dominated by the muscle torques)
respond to an initial backward motion of the lower
31. Ramos and Stark; Simulation of Postural Adjustments for Movements 509

e ®




a b
Figure 31.1: a) A two link simplification of a standing in Table 31.1; Right; Definition of the kinematic vari-
subject for modeling postural maintenance during a ables with which the biomechanical coupling equations
rapid upward arm swing. Left; The body is modeled as are derived. b) Equivalent inverted pendulum model
one rigid link and the arms (together) as the other link. for the forward bending paradigm.
The values of the biomechanical parameters are listed

where M are moments, I is the inertia, m is mass, Table 31.1: Biomechanical parameter values as es-
and the distances are defined in Figure 31.1. timated from the scheme proposed by Zatsiorsky and
Notice that the total torque at each joint is a com- Selayanov (1983) (subject's mass = 75 kg; subject's
bination of this inertial component, the height = 175 em)
gravitational torque and the muscle activity, and
Arm Swing Bending
summarized by the second order equation:
Lower Link Mass m1 65.55 kg 27.92 kg
Upper Link Mass m2 7.40 kg 45.03 kg
Lower Link Length L1 1.75 m 0.92m
(31.2) Upper Link Length L2 0.68m 0.82m
Lower Link C.O.G. D1 0.96 m 0.58m
where Upper Link C.O.G. D2 0.24 m 0.36m
I p·body =11 + m2 L2 + m1 D 12 Lower Prin. Inertia 11 0.71 kg_m2 3.93 kg_m2
Upper Prin. Inertia 12 0.23 kg-m2 1O.62 kg_m2
for the upward arm swing paradigm:
Arm(s) Inser. Pt L 1.50 m
The motion of the center of gravity of the sys-
tem, that is, body plus arm links, is also computed
for each simulation. Center of gravity accelera-
tions may be compared to experimentally recorded
ground reaction forces (biomechanical parameters
for the model are summarized in Table 31.1). A
similar set of equations describes the forward
bending paradigm.
510 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

N N ..

-- 9 (t)


CNL ________ ~~ ________ ~

i _.w. _
",,"iti ..

CNR ____________________ ~


Figure 31.2: a) Block diagram of the single-joint, are comparable to experimental recordings of
neurological control model that is used to independ- electromyographic activities, whereas the model output
ently control the movement of each joint ("shoulder" or is directly comparable to the recorded kinematics. b)
"hip" and "ankle"). Two muscles work as an antagonis- The complete stretch reflex model. The single-joint,
tic pair in moving their common load. Feedback neurological control system can now function in either
control from the proprioceptive system is not depicted open-loop (neurologically "preprograrnmed") or closed-
(see Figure 31.2b). The two model inputs, NL and NR, loop (reflexive) modes.

31.3.2 The Neurological Control System

In addition to the inertial coupling, the motion "hard" spring [see Chapter 5 (Winters) for further
of each link in this biomechanical system is inde- discussion of the Hill-based muscle model]. The
pendently controlled by an eighth-order, nonlinear muscles are identical in their mechanical
model for neuromuscular control (Hannaford and properties and act symmetrically on their common
Stark, 1985, Ramos and Stark, 1987; the system load. The load itself is a second-order plant
state equations can be found in Ramos et aI., described by an inertia (J), viscosity (8 ), and
1990). This model consists of an antagonist pair elasticity (K). The m6del also inco/porates
of muscles and their common load (Figure 31.2a). propriocepti!e feedback from the muscles spindles
Each muscle is constructed from a force gener- (Figure 31.2b). Earlier simulations (Ramos, 1989)
ation element, a parallel viscosity that incorporates have determined a set optimal parameter values
the well-known, nonlinear force-velocity relation- for both the feed-forward and feedback com-
ship «(F+a)(v+b) = constant), and a series elasticity, ponents of the model, which are also adopted for
which is also nonlinear and implemented as a the present simulation study (Table 31.2).
31. Ramos and Stalk; Simulation of Postural Adjustments for Movements 511

Table 31.2: Muscle, load and feedback parameters for In the flfSt simulated paradigm, the upward arm
the neurological control model. swing is simulated for a set of control signals that
are determined by matching the kinematic output
Muscle Parameters to the quantitative data taken from Zattara and
electromechanicl delay 25ms Bouisset (1988). In the second paradigm, the fast
activation time constant T 50ms
forward bending movement of the "trunk" link is
apparent viscosity factor Bh 350deg/s
O.OO6Nm simulated to a fmal, forward position of 40°. The
series elasticity (linear) kl
series elasticity (exp) 0.010 (deg)"l movement time and peak velocity approximately
correspond to what has been observed in human
Load Parameters experiments (Ramos, Frigo, and Pedotti, un-
parallel elasticity k 1.0 Nm/deg published data). Thus, by specifying the
parallel viscosity If 1.0 Nms/deg kinematics for each of the voluntary movements,
the input signals for the upper joint are found by
Feedback Parameters an inverse modeling technique.
position feedback I The postural adjustments associated with these
velocity feedback 1.94 voluntary movements are found by taking a set of
acceleration feedback 1.96
input signals for the descending neuromuscular
lag time constant lOOms
transmission delay Bms control at the ankle joint (for example, a constant
spinal gain G (variable) cocontraction) and the angular kinematics of the
voluntary movement, which together comprise the
simulation input for the computer model.
Both the joints in the biomechanical system
31.4 Simulation Experiments
(shoulder and ankle in the case of the arm swing
The following section describes the results of
experiments, hip and ankle in the forward bending
simulation experiments for the two movement
experiments) are independently controlled by such
paradigms, a rapid upward arm swing and a fast
a neurological control system. Input signals for
forward bend, both in the absence and then in the
each joint represent the degree of neuromuscular
excitation for the agonist and antagonist muscles presence of anticipatory postural activities.
and are expressed in terms of muscle tension level. 31.4.1 The Upward Arm Swing
The muscle-load model therefore has two inputs For the fIrst paradigm, the arm movement
that can be compared to experimentally recorded simulations determine that the upward arm swing
electromyograms in their impulse patterns and is controlled by two independent, successive
overall time course. The model output is the joint bursts (separated by a brief silent period) in the an-
angle and derivatives, which can also be compared terior deltoid muscle; next follows a steady level
to the experimental kinematics. contraction, which maintains the arm horizontally.
31.3.3 The Simulation Scheme It is interesting to note that this double burst pat-
The simulation method requires four neurologi- tern of the simulated input control signal fIts into
the triphasic EMG pattern for fast movements (cf.
cal inputs: two input signals specifying the muscle
activation levels for the voluntary (arm) move- Wadman et al., 1979; Hannaford and Stark, 1985).
ment, and two input signals specifying the postural The absence of pB (the antagonist braking pulse,
second in the triphasic signal) is due, in the model
activities. Bursts in the neurological control signal
simulation, to the adequacy of gravity in carrying
are modeled by Gaussian functions (Ramos and
out this function. In zero-gravity conditions (see
Stark, 1987). The model outputs are the joint
angles, velocities and accelerations for the joint in- Clement et al., 1984), the model thus predicts the
appearance of pB. Experimental evidence con-
volved in the voluntary movement (shoulder or
hip), and the ankle joint, which shows the postural fIrming this prediction should be forthcoming.
sway. Kinematically, the resulting simulated move-
ment shows a slight overshoot of about 3° before
coming to rest at 89° to 92°. This characteristic is
also seen in human subject experiments (personal
512 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV; Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


r;-.-~, .rE--------
(AI (B)

':~~ ,~,
== '~t\c-. -----
--.. 2 ••c

Figure 31.3: Arm swing paradigm. Free perturbation reaction force (equal to the acceleration of the center of
(no postural control) predicted from the biomechanical gravity, multiplied by the total body mass); R., = calcu-
coupling equations. a) The body kinematics. Notice the lated antero-posterior ground reaction force. Notice
initial backwards movement of the body, followed by a that although the body link is initially thrust back-
slow forwards sway. b) Center of gravity motion. Dy = wards, the motion of the system's center of gravity is
vertical movement of the system's (body plus arm always forwards. Thus, the upwards arm swing clearly
links) center of gravity; D~ = antero-posterior move- dominates the center of gravity motion in the absence
ment of the C.G.; Ry = calculated vertical ground of any postural control activities.

observaton). The total movement time is 527 ms. of 95.6 degls2). Since there are no postural ac-
The peak acceleration is 31000/~ and the peak tivities, the body continues falling forward until in
velocity is 443°/s. the limit it would fall flat on the floor.
In the absence of any postural activities in the This two-phased postural sway (first back-
lower limbs and trunk (other than a minimal wards, then forwards) results solely from the
cocontraction at the ankle of 80 N (about 1% of biomechanical coupling between the two segments
maximally possible contraction, necessary for (ann and body) in this idealized system. Since
state equation stability», the predicted postural normal human subjects cannot suppress their pos-
sway is initially about 1° backward (Figure 31.3). tural activities, the model simulation is invaluable
This corresponds to approximately 16 mm of body in clarifying this "reduced" trajectory. Evidently,
link's center of mass, and is due to the backwards the backwards perturbation to the body resulting
reaction of the body to the forward muscular thrust from the muscular thrust at the shoulder is quite
on the anns. The peak backwards acceleration of small.
the body is -65.7 degl~, and the peak backwards With regard to the movement of the center of
velocity is -7.5 degls. The motion then slowly mass for the complete, two- link system, the mo-
changes to the forward direction, caused by the tion is always upwards (2 cm) and forwards (0.5
large, upward angular momentum of the anns; the cm, initially, then increasing with the continuing
body continues to move forward at a speed of forward sway).
about 6.5 degls (with a peak forward acceleration
31. Ramos and Stark; Simulation of Postural AdjusUnents for Movements 513

(Al (B)

~~=:: ,= i~~,=
- 1000
- 5000

Figure 31.4: Ann swing paradigm. Effects of an- introduces an oscillation that increases in frequency
ticipatory cocontractions on the postural sway. with increasing cocontraction level. a) Body
Cocontraction levels in the flexor/extensor postural kinematics. b) Center of gravity motion. (Scales are as
muscle pair are considered at lOOON (-20% maximal in Figure 31, pos = + 3 ; vel = + l5°/sec; acc = +
contraction), 5000 N (-100%), and lO,OOON (-200%). 2
150o/sec ; flex/ext = 1000 N; x = + 50 N; Ry = + 200 N;
Although cocontraction does tend to suppress the for-
ward component of the postural sway, it also D,,=+ 3 cm;Dy= 85 cm -IOOcm).

The effects of increased levels of cocontraction 31.4.2 Fast Forward Bending

at the ankle have also been considered (Figure For the second movement paradigm, simulating
31.4). Simulations have tested a preset level of the fast forward bending of the trunk link deter-
cocontraction at the ankle joint for 1000 N, 5000 mines a voluntary movement of the upper body
N, and 10,000 N. These values would reasonably that is controlled by two symmetric, reciprocally
correspond to about 20%, 100%, and 200% of a active bursts, first in the rectus abdominis to in-
maximal cocontraction level for the ankle itiate the movement, then in the erector spinae to
flexion/extension system. No stretch reflex ac- brake the movement. Next follows a steady level
tivity is present. The results show that increasing contraction in the erector spinae, which maintains
the cocontraction corrects the postural perturba- the trunk at 40° from the vertical (Figure 31.3
tion by returning the body to 0°, or straight up Left, lower panel; dashed trace). The resulting
(note that 1000 N is too low to achieve a final simulated movement shows a smooth rise and
upright posture, even though it is about 20% of hold from zero to 40°, with a total movement time
maximal force). However, cocontraction also has (as measured from the acceleration trace) of about
the effect of introducing a marked oscillation, the 580 ms. The peak acceleration is 400 degJg2 and
frequency of which augments from 1 Hz at a the peak velocity is 87 degJs.
cocontraction level of 5000 N, to 3 Hz at 10,000
514 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


P~S (deg)

•••c II I.e

Dx (ell>


ACC (deg/s/s)
- 20 L--'---L_..L--lL._.L...--1---L_~--L...,.~~.c


-ISO L--'---L-.A--L-'---1---L-.J.---L~.d~.c

+200\ ;r

I u~
• ""c

Figure 31.5: Forward bending paradigm. Postural N) to maintain the final position at 40°. The solid line
perturbation in the absence of postural activity. Left: displays the trajectory of the lower body, which com-
The dashed trace is the voluntary, fast forward bending pletely falls over backwards within 200 ms after the
movement, controlled by a single burst (F) in the voluntary movement has stopped. Right: the motion of
t1exor (rectus abdominis: amplitude = 600 N; width = the center of gravity is first forwards, then backwards,
200 ms; peak 200 ms), followed by a burst (E) in the in the absence of any postural maintenance activity in
extensor (erector spinae: amplitude 600 N; width 200 the hips and lower limbs.
ms; peak 450 ms) and a steady level contraction (170

Preliminary simulations have demonstrated that In the absence of any neuromuscular activity in
for purely reflexive postural activity, increasing the hips and lower limbs, the simulation experi-
levels of reflex gains progressively diminish the ment clearly shows a perturbation to the lower
perturbation to the lower body link: but have no body link which is backward, but slightly delayed
perceptible effect on the large initially forward ex- with respect to the voluntary movement and also
cursion of the center of gravity of the system slower (Figure 31.5, left; solid trace). The motion
(Ramos and Stark, submitted). Since the ex- of the system's center of gravity is biphasic
perimental evidence shows that the center of (Figure 31.5): fIrst about 9 cm forward, then re-
gravity moves only about 1 em during fast forward versing direction until the body falls completely
bending, this result implies that feedback alone is over on its back about 800 ms after the onset of
not sufficient for postural maintenance during the the fast forward bend (i.e. about 200 ms after the
movement. A simulation experiment using an voluntary movement has stopped).
initial burst of descending activity in the anterior This motion of the center of gravity (fIrst for-
muscles of the lower body, followed by stretch wards, then backwards) results solely from the
reflex activity in these muscles, gives a rough idea activity at the "hip" joint and from biomechanical
of how feedback control coupled with an initial coupling between the two segments (upper and
descending signal significantly improves the over- lower body links) in this idealized system. The
all stability of the full body movement (Figure backwards perturbation to the body results from a
31.6). signifIcantly large momentum transfer from the
voluntary movement.
31. Ramos and Stark; Simulation of Postural Adjustments for Movements 515

POS (dag)

:/-===-, E-~,

.. Sire

Ox (em)

n. D • He


R", (In

~ I! SEt:

Figure 31.6: Forward bending paradigm. Effects of ing burst, the effect of feedback alone (not shown) can
stretch reflex feedback on the postural perturbation. diminish the backwards motion of the hips and lower
Left: A descending burst of activity in the anterior limbs but not the center of gravity (dashed line =
muscles of the lower body is followed by a proprioc- voluntary forward bending; solid line = lower body
tive feedback signal (0 =3) which serves to stabilize response). Right: Center of gravity motion.
the total body movement Without this initial descend-

31.5 Summary and Conclusions actIvItIeS can be regarded as the "reduced

Clearly, from a biomechanical point of view, trajectory" of the body posture response. The
certain postural commands must exist simul- simulations have also taken a preliminary look at
taneously with voluntary motor commands in possible control strategies for anticipatory and
order to counterbalance the reaction forces accom- synchronous postuml activities; they include
panying the primary movement. What is not cocontractions at the ankle for the arm swing
entirely clear is the reason for the anticipatory ac- paradigm, and a mixture of descending and reflex
tivities in the postural system. Does the control for the forward bending pamdigm.
anticipation serve a biomechanical purpose in Important observations from these simulation ex-
producing a postural sway before the onset of the periments are described below.
voluntary movement, or is there a
31.5.1 On the Upward Arm Swing Simulations
neurophysiological reason for activating the pos-
For the upward arm swing paradigm, the con-
tural muscles before the "prime mover"? The
trol aspects investigated by the simulation study
simulation studies presented in this chapter have
can be summarized as follows:
considered the effects of removing postural ac-
tivities that normally accompany voluntary 1) The biomechanical component of the model
movements. The perturbations to balance that predicts the physical propogation of the pos-
result from an upward arm swing and a fast for- tural perturbation that is a consequence of the
ward bend in the absence of any postural muscle upward arm swing. The initial backward
516 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

thrust is to be expected from the physical movement. However, that backward perturbation
principle of mechanics "Action = Reaction" - is large enough to eventually pull the body over
that is, the force at the shoulder throwing the backwards within 200 ms after the voluntary
arm link: upwards and forwards must also movement stops, even though the trunk is held in
throw the body link: downwards and back- the forward position.
wards. Unexpectedly, however, is the The implication is that postural activities in the
evidently insignificant perturbation this causes hips and lower limbs should be a two-fold process:
to the body posture. On the other hand, the first, some preprogrammed, descending control to
subsequent forward motion, predictable from the lower body would be required to actively en-
the fact that the voluntary movement transfers hance the passive, backwards motion, in this way
a significantly large angular momentum to the reducing the otherwise large center of gravity dis-
body link: seems to introduce the important placement. This prediction is in accordance with
destabilizing torque. the hypothesis of Crenna and his colleagues (1987,
1988), in spite of the fact that they do not find
2) A sustained cocontraction of the postural
electromyographic evidence for this first postural
muscles does not help the uncontrolled, physi-
adjustment. Secondly, there must be a subsequent
cal perturbation (biomechanical model),
activation in the anterior muscles of the lower
except at muscle forces well beyond those ob-
body (vastus medialis, tibialis anterior, etc.) to ar-
served in the experiments. This simulation
rest this backwards motion, since otherwise the
result implies that a dynamic bursting pattern
backwards momentum would carry the body to the
in the postural muscles is required for postural
floor in less than half a second after the upper
maintenance, and this is consistent with the
body movement has terminated. This latter
electromyographic evidence.
prediction is in accordance with the experimental
The neurological component of the model can findings of Crenna et al. (1987). The simulation
describe consequences of alternate strategies to experiments have clarified these two opposite and
cocontractions, such as stretch reflex activity, and sequential components of the postural perturbation
anticipatory and synchronous descending postural from the "reduced trajectory."
activities (or combinations thereof). This ability
to compare aspects of various neurological 31.6 Future Directions
strategies is an indispensable feature of the model, A variety of neuromuscular activation patterns
which may show that the anticipatory activites are at the ankle joint, both descending and reflex
primarily of neurophysiological importance, not derived, can be explored by changing the
necessarily used for a biomechanical advantage; neurological input and feedback parameters of the
the anticipatory activities may be used as a means system, and these hypothetical activities are
of setting a certain "motor rhythm" or as a means directly comparable to the relevant
of preparing the reflex pathways (cf. Wollacott et electromyographic recordings. Effects of stretch
al.,1984). reflex feedback aCtIVIty and antICIpatory
activation/deactivation of the postural muscles can
31.5.2 On the Forward Bending Simulations then be observed in simulations with a fixed
For the fast forward bending paradigms, human voluntary movement. Such simulation experi-
subject experiments have shown that the maximal ments would determine, with a theoretical method,
excursion of the center of gravity during fast for- the optimal combinations of higher level and feed-
ward bending is very small and on the order of 1 back control for postural maintenance during
cm (Crenna et al., 1987). The simulation experi- movement.
ments have shown that in the absence of an active, In addition, further simulation studies may in-
backwards movement of the hips and lower limbs, clude variations in the voluntary movement
the center of gravity displaces itself forward by ap- kinematics with the same paradigm, such as in-
proximately 9 cm. This is because the passive creasing acceleration as in the experiments of Lee
backwards movement resulting from the physical and colleagues (1987), to see what quantitative ef-
coupling of the body links is not quick enough to fects this may have on the postural perturbation,
initially compensate for the fast forward voluntary under different neurological control strategies and
31. Ramos and Stalk; Simulation of Postural Adjustments for Movements 517

for different voluntary movements. head movements in the cat. Arch. Ital. Bioi. 126:75-
Furthermore, a more rigorous method for com- 85.
paring the experimental records to the simulation Friedli, W.G., Hallett, M., Simon, S.R. (1984) Postural
adjustments associated with rapid voluntary arm
results may be conducted. Parameter identifica-
movements. 1. Electromyographic data. J. Neurol.
tion algorithms could then be used to find optimal
Neurosurg. Psych. 47:611-622.
parameter values for the stretch reflex feedback Friedli, W.G., Cohen, L., Hallet, M., Stanhope, S.,
gains, descending anticipatory periods, etc. (cf. Simon, S.R. (1988) Postural adjustments associated
Ramos et al., 1990). with rapid voluntary arm movements. II.
The present mathematical modeling and com- Biomechanical analysis. J. Neurol. Neurosurg.
puter simulation study has demonstrated the Psych. 51:232-243.
importance of this powerful and relatively new Hannaford, B., Stark, L. (1985) Roles of the elements
technique in clarifying the interactions between of the triphasic control signal. Exp. Neurol. 90:619-
posture and movement, and in generally inves- 634.
tigating the principles at work in the human motor Lee, W.A., Buchanan, T.S., Rogers, M. W. (1987)
Effects of arm acceleration and behavioral condi-
control system. This chapter has emphasized the
tions on the organization of postural adjustments
benefits of computer simulations in speculating on
during arm flexion. Exp. Brain Res. 66:257-270.
postural maintenance schemes that may be impor- Ramos, C.F. (1989) Mathematical modeling and com-
tant during voluntary movements. The model puter simulations of the reflex control of voluntary
allows us to gain insight into the physical and movements. Ph.D. thesis, Department of
neurophysiological interactions most likely in- Biophysics, University of California, Bedeeley.
volved. Experimental results from the literature Ramos, C.F., Stade, L. (1987) Simulation studies of de-
have driven this simulation study to consider scending and reflex control of fast movements. J.
several different neurological control strategies for Motor Behav. 19:38-62.
handling postural perturbations accompanying Ramos, C.F., Hacisalihzade, S., Stade, L. (1990) The
rapid voluntary movements. These simulations behaviour space of a stretch reflex model and its im-
plications for the neural control of voluntary
have made clear and concise predictions that sug-
movements. Med. Bioi. Eng. Comp., 28:15-23.
gest further experiments. Forthcoming
Wadman, W.J., Denier van der Gon, J.I., Genze, R.H.,
experimental results will test the present model, Mol, C.R. (1979) Control of fast goal directed arm
confirm it, or force its restructuring. movements. J. Human Mov. Studies 5:3-17.
References Wollacott, M., Bonnet, M., Yabe, K. (1984)
Preparatory process for anticipatory postural adjust-
Bouisset, S., Zattara, M. (1981) A sequence ofposturaI
ments: modulation of leg muscles reflex pathways
movements precedes voluntary movement.
during preparation for arm movements in standing
Neurosci. Lett. 22:263-270.
man. Exp. Brain Res. 55:263-271.
Bouisset, S., Zattara, M. (1987) Biomechanical study
Zatsiorsky, V., Selayanov, V. (1983) The mass and in-
of the programming of anticipatory postural adjust-
ertia characteristics of the main segments of the
ments associated with voluntary movement J.
human body. In: Matsui H, Kobayashi K,
Biomech. 20:735-742.
Biomechanics VI/I-B. International Series on
Clement, G., Gurfinkel, V.S., Lestienne, F., Lipshits,
Biomechanics 4B, Proceedings of the Eighth
M.I., Popov, K.E.: (1984) Adaptation of postural
International Congress of Biomechanics, Nagoya,
control to weightlessness. Exp. Brain Res. 57:61-72.
Japan. Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign,
Cordo, P.J., Naslmer, L.M. (1982) Properties of pos-
tural adjustments associated with rapid arm
Zattara, M., Bouisset, S. (1988) Posturo-kinetic or-
movements. J. Neurophysiol. 47:287-302.
~anization during the early phase of voluntary upper
Crenna, P., Frigo, C., Massion, J., Pedotti, A. (1987)
11mb movement 1. Normal subjects. J. Neurol.
Forward and backward axial synergies in man. Exp.
Neurosurg. Psych. 51:956-965.
Brain Res. 65:538-548.
Crenna, P., Frigo, C., Massion, J., Pedotti, A., Deat, A.
(1988) Forward and backward axial movements:
Two modes of central control. In: Gurfinkel, V.S.,
loffe, M.E., Massion, J., Roll, J. Stance and Motion.
Plenum Press, New York.
Debu, B., Gahery, Y. (1988) Postural adjustments to

Simulation Studies of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics in

Cycling and Sitting on a Chair

Hoo Dennis Ong, Hooshang Hemami, and Sheldon Simon

32.1 Introduction
the dynamics of the muscles play an important and
In the past few years, a great deal of research critical role. In terms of neuromuscular biped
has been devoted to the understanding of the con- modeling, Vickers (1968) modeled a one-1ink
trol machinery of the central nervous system neuromuscular model with two muscles attached
(Bizzi et al., 1982; Chow and Jacobson, 1981; to the link. Hatze (1976) modeled the right thigh
Golliday and Hemami, 1976; Hatze, 1976; Hogan, and the right leg with two links. He also included
1984; Nashner and McCollum, 1985; Ong et al., five muscles in the dynamics with motor unit
1989). Part of the motivation for this research is recruitment and stimulation rate as inputs. Later,
to apply the knowledge gained to the design of Hatze (1977) modeled a three-dimensional,
user-specific functional electrical stimulation 17-link biped. His model is the most complicated
(FES) systems enabling paraplegics to regain model to date. Vickers' model is over-simplified
mobility (Bajd et al., 1982; McNeal and Reswick, as one link cannot represent the inherent dynamic
1976). The feedback controller thus developed coupling between the links [e.g. see Chapter 8
can automatically and autonomously regulate the (Zajac and Winters)]. Hatze's model is a
body position and program its propulsion. physiologically based model but the equations are
A useful method for the analysis and under- very complicated for analysis and control.
standing of the subtle and complex machinery of In this chapter, a three-link neuromuscular
the central nervous system (eNS) is to utilize digi- biped model is developed that will take into ac-
tal computer simulations. One part of the method count the dynamics of the muscles. This model
is to arrive at a reasonable model of the process to incorporates both single and multi-joint muscles in
be simulated. In the past, some work has been the dynamics based on the knowledge of their
devoted to modeling human linkage systems. geometry and points of origin and insertion.
Hemami and Jaswa (1978) modeled a biped in the Position and velocity feedback from the muscles
sagittal plane by a three-link system whose three and the viscoelastic behavior of the muscles are in-
links corresponded respectively to the leg, the corporated into the dynamics of the biped. Using
thigh and the torso. Mochon and McMahon Lyapunov's second method (Arirnoto and
(1980) developed a biped model consisting of Miyazaki 1984), the feedback gains necessary for
three links; one representing the stance leg and the stability of the bipedal system are calculated.
two representing the thigh and the swinging leg. This model is capable of testing different
Onyshko and Winter (1980) represented a planar hypotheses about neuromuscular control by simula-
biped by a seven-link model with a three segment tions. Two illustrative examples of study by
lower limb, and the head, arms and trunk included simulations are carried out in this chapter:
as one segment. All of the above models either as- 1. Co-activation of agonist and antagonist pairs;
sume torque actuators at the joints or no torque 2. Analysis of control strategies for coordination
actuators at all. In modeling human movements, of multi-segment movements.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
32. Dng et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 519

A case of co-activation of agonist and an- position reference signals, and position and
tagonist pairs occurs during cycling. The two- velocity reference signals. The control strategies
joint members of both the hamstrings and the are applied to a three-link biped for sitting down
quadriceps are active throughout the movement. on a chair. The resulting trajectories and forces of
However, both the quadriceps and the hamstrings contact are compared with experimentally
are considered to produce opposite motions at the measured forces of contact. The chapter is or-
knee and the hip. The activation of both two-joint ganized into two sections. The cycling case is
muscles in this situation involves additional discussed in Section 32.2 where the biped is
energy expenditure since the opposing groups modeled. A simple muscle model is discussed and
work against each other at each joint (Lombard, two optimization criteria are proposed. The mo-
1903). The co-contraction is necessary for other tion of sitting down on a chair is presented in
purposes such as controlling the stiffness of the Section 32.3. The biped model and its muscle-like
joints. Hull and Davis (Hull and Davis 1981, actuators are introduced in Section 32.3.1 and
Davis and Hull 1981) have built a 32.3.2 respectively. The role of natural feedback
pedal/dynamometer unit that can analyze the cy- is discussed in Section 32.3.3. The point contact
cling process. Hull and Jorge (Hull and Jorge approach is developed in Section 32.3.4. The
1985) further investigated the functional role the stability of the biped is developed in Section
leg muscles play individually in the pedalling 32.3.5. The structure of the control strategies is
process (see also Chapter 40). Soden and Adeyefa provided in Sections 32.3.6 and 32.3.7. Finally,
(Soden and Adeyefa 1979), using elementary computer simulations are implemented in Section
mechanics, estimated the forces that the rider ap- 32.3.8 and are discussed in Section 32.3.9.
plies to the pedals, saddle and handlebars during
32.2 Coactivation in Cycling
hill climbing. The results were compared with
force measurements obtained from an instru- 32.2.1 Biped Model
mented pedal. Gregor, Cavanagh and LaFortune The equation of a general n-link three-dimen-
(Gregor et al. 1985) analyzed the functional ef- sional biped (Bay, 1988) is
ficiency of two joint muscles during cycling.
They found that a knee flexor moment was consis- ••• aLT acT
1(9)8+B(9,9) + G(9) = - F +- F +DM
tently observed in all subjects starting a9 a9 e (32.1)
approximately halfway through the propulsive
phase of crank rotation.
9: vector of joint angles
Since sitting down on a chair is a regular and
important daily motion, especially for paraplegics, 1(8): Inertia matrix
the control strategies for this motion are inves- B(9,9): Centrifugal and Coriolis terms
tigated in this chapter. Mussa-Ivaldi et al. (1985) G(9): The gravity vector
and Hogan (1984) proposed that a human may L: vector of lengths of the muscles
modulate the stiffness of the hand for voluntary aLT/a9: matrix of muscular force input map
motion. There have been attempts using various F: vector of muscular forces
c: contact forces with the environment
optimizing methods to understand locomotion
(Chow and Jacobson 1981, Hatze 1976, Levine et
. the forces at the end-point of the foot
input matrix for the moment M
al. 1983). However, there is strong disagreement
on which optimization criteria should be used. The formulation of Eq. 32.1 accepts multi-joint
Bernstein (1967) and Gelfand et al. (1971) have muscles that extend an arbitrary number of joints
proposed the concept of hierarchical control. The provided that two conditions are satisfied: a) the
lower levels handle the small details and the brain length of the muscle as a function of all the inter-
is free to make major qualitative decisions. This vening angles is known and that this function is
concept proposed by Bernstein and Gelfand is differentiable with respect to all those angles, and
promising but it lacks quantitative proof. b) no friction is allowed for the muscle at the
In this chapter, four control strategies are ex- joints. With these two assumptions, the incremen-
plored by simulations: no trajectory signal, tal work of the multi-joint muscle is
intermittent position reference signals, continuous
dw = fdl (32.2)
520 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

The issue of the simultaneous activation of a

pair of agonist-antagonist muscles is investigated
here by a planar lower limb. The three link: planar
lower limb and the pedal forces are shown in
Figure 32.1. The three links correspond to the
thigh, the leg and the foot The torso is assumed
to be stationary and, therefore, part of the inertial

.,) ", frame of reference. A vertical force and a horizon-

tal force act on the pedal by the foot. For
simplification, the foot is assumed to be parallel to
the ground for the whole cycle. Therefore, the
leg --~+I foot can be incorporated into the leg and there are
altogether two links, as shown in Figure 32.2. The
vertical force acting on the foot will cause a mo-
ment, M, on the leg. Therefore, for the two-link
t biped, there are one moment and two forces acting
on the leg. The parameter of the weight, the
n height and the moments of inertia are taken from
(Drillis and Contini, 1966; Gregor et al., 1985)
and are shown in Table 32.1
Figure 32.1: The three-link lower limb.
Table 32.1: Parameters of the Lower Limb
where, is the force produced by the muscle. The
contribution of this force in the equations of mo-
tion is 2
l(kg-m) M (kg) I (m) k(m)
dw dl
(32.3) Link 1 0.341 7.243 0.439 0.187
d8 = d8'
Link 2 0.144 3.215 0.440 0.177

32.2.2 Muscle-Like Actuators

hip extensors --_~'"
In performing the cycling motion, a number of
leg and trunk muscles can be used. In order to
comply with the general scheme of postural adjust-
ments (Nashner and McCollum, 1985), the
hamstrings -----'~
minimum number of muscles that can independ-
ently control the movement are two pairs of
agonist-antagonist muscles: 1) hamstrings (knee
flexion); quadriceps (knee extension); 2) hip
flexors; hip extensors. Therefore, we have:

t (32.5)

D where d1(8), d2 (8) and di8) are moment arms of
the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the hip flexors
and the hip extensors, and they are functions of the
Figure 32.2: The two-link lower limb relative positions of the limbs (Hatze 1976). The
32. Ong et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 521

forces.!1'12 .!3 andl4, all positive, are respectively

the muscular forces of the quadriceps, the hamstr-
ings, the hip flexors and the hip extensors. Since
the last two moment arms are assumed to be equal,
these muscles can be combined into a pair of
agonist-antagonist muscles. Therefore, the Eq.' s
32.4-5 can be simplified as:

... TlIf:I!£C

where positive and negative values of 13 4 repre-

sent the muscular force exerted by the hip flexors Figure 32-3: The muscular forces of the quadriceps
and the hip extensors, respectively. and the hamstrings.

32.2.3 Optimization Criterion The corresponding muscular forces are shown

In order to calculate the muscular forces, Eq. in Figure 32.3. For the first 0.2 sec, the quad-
32.1 is rearranged as: riceps are active. However, from 0.2 sec to 0.6
sec, the hamstrings are active. For the rest of the
aLT acT
F = 1(9) e+ B(9,8) + G(9) - -- F -DM
a9 e
time, the quadriceps are active again. Therefore,
the above optimization criterion does not lead to
coactivation. However, from the EMG graph of
Since we are interested in the agonist-an- Gregor et al. (1985), both the quadriceps and
tagonist action of the hamstrings and the quad- hamstrings are active in the first 0.3 sec of the mo-
riceps, only the values of 11 and 12 will be tion. An alternative criterion is to minimize the
investigated. Let the right side of Eq. 32.8 be: stiffness of the leg over a whole cycle. This
criterion can be represented by:
!J + !..i (32.11)
12 11
where"1 is a 2 x 1 matrix and "2 is a 1 x I matrix.
H F 1•2 = "2 (32.10)

ez 1500.
-- -- .. , ,
In order to compute the values of 11 and 12 , two
optimizing criteria are explored here. One U
criterion is to minimize the muscular forces. o
Using a pseudoinverse approach (Klein and 'SIlO .
Huang, 1983), the minimum norm of the forces
are calculated as:
O. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0. 4 0.0; 0.6 0. 7 0.8 0.9 \'D
(32.10) TIMEI5E[1

Figure 32.4: The muscular forces of the quadriceps

and the hamstrings.
522 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Minimizing the above equation over a whole The angles and angular velocities at the joints (8 =
cycle results in the forces that are shown in Figure and 8 = d81dt) constitute the 6 states of the
[81 ,82 ,83]

32.4. The quadriceps force compares closely with system. The inputs to this system are m muscular
the EMG data (Gregor et al. 1985). However, the forces exerted at different links. The equations of the
unconstrained 3-link biped are:
hamstrings force does not compare well with
EMG data. Nevertheless, the approach here leads ••• aLT
to a solution that involves coactivation. 1(8) 8 + B(8,8) + G(8) = - F (32.12)
Additional terms may have to be included into the
optimization function for better results. where
8: vector of angles at the joint
1(8): Inertia matrix
B(8),8) Centrifugal and Coriolis terms
G(8): The gravity vector
L: mx 1 vector oflengths of the muscles
aLT/a 9: 3xm matrix of muscular forces input map
F: mx 1 vector of muscular forces

Eq. 32.12 is valid when there is no contact with

the chair. In the sitting position, the biped is as-
sumed to remain in contact with the chair at one
point; and, therefore, the motion is constrained. It
is also assumed that there is no friction. For the
constrained motion of the biped, the equations of
motion are:

.. • aLT acT
1(8) 8 + B(8,8) + G(8) = a8 F + a8 Fe (32.13)
Figure 32.5 The biped.
where Fe is the point contact force vertical to the
chair and C(8) is the constraint equation describ-
32.3 Sitting Down On a Chair ing the contact.
32.3.1 Biped Model 32.3.2 Natural Actuators
A three link planar biped for sitting down on a For performing a sitting movement, three pairs
chair is shown in Figure 32.5. The three links cor- of agonist-antagonist muscles are utilized: I) an-
respond respectively to the leg, the thigh, and the terior tibialis (ankle plantarflexion) and soleus
torso. The parameters of weight, height and mo- (ankle dorsiflexion) and 2) hamstrings (knee
ments of inertia are taken from (Kallel, 1987) and flexion) and quadriceps (knee extension) and 3)
are shown in Table 31.2. hip flexors and hip extensors. Gastrocnemius,
another two-joint muscle, is not considered here.
Table 32.2: Parameters of the Lower Limb The moment arms of the muscle are usually func-
tions of the relative positions of the limbs (Hatze,
2 1976). For the purpose of simplicity, the moment
Linki J (kg-m) M (kg) li(m) ki(m) arms of all the muscles are assumed to be one. As
a result, the forces may have to be rescaled, per-
Link 1 0.17 5.05 0.401 0.21 haps dramatically.
Link 2 0.5 18.67 0.412 0.26 The simplification means:
Link 3 2.1 41.87 0.619 0.24
aLT [1 -1 0 -1 1 0]
= 0 0 -1 0 0 1 (32.14)
a8 0 1 1 0 -1 -1
32. Dng et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 523

Let the force vector F be (1968) quantitatively modeled the basic elements
involved in the control of the supinator and
(32.15) pronator muscles of the forearm. There are
natural velocity and position feedback from the
wherell.f2.f3.14.fs and/6 are, respectively, the mus- muscle back to motor neurons. Velocity feedback
cular forces of the tibialis, the quadriceps, the hip results from the apparent viscosity of the muscle.
flexors, the soleus, the hamstrings and the hip ex- This can be observed from the idealized
tensors. Since the six muscles can be combined force-velocity relationship of a muscle as shown
into three pairs of agonist-antagonist muscles, in Figure 32.7. The force decreases as the velocity
aLT/ae and F can be represented as: increases. A simple approximation is that the

aLT = [ 1-1 0]
o 0-1 (32.16)
force decreases linearly as the velocity increases.
Therefore, the apparent viscosity can be modeled
ae o 1 1 by a negative velocity feedback. The spindle
provides poslUon and velocity feedback.
(32.17) Therefore, the spindle can be simulated as a posi-
tion and velocity feedback gain that can be
where the positive and negative ofll 4 represent the regulated by the higher centers through the motor-
forces exerted by the tibialis and the soleus respec- servo loop. The effect of the velocity feedback
tively. Similarily, the positive and negative of 12 5 can be derived from the dynamics of the muscle.
represent the forces exerted by the quadriceps and The dynamics of the muscles based on the above
the hamstrings, respectively, and the positive and argument can be modelled as:
negative values of13,6 represent the forces exerted
by the hip flexors and the hip extensors respec-
I = - (n +
. .
dl); 1 s 0, d ~ 0 (32.18)
where I is the force produced by the muscle, n is
the alpha-motomeuron input to the muscle, d is
the velocity gain constant and 1is the length of the
9.8 muscle. Since 1is a function of e,

• aL·
1 = (-)e (32.19)

Figure 32.6: Dynamics at the Spinal Level.

32.3.3 The Role of Natural Feedback

The simplified motor system, as shown in
Figure 32.6, can quantitatively show the interac-
tions between the nervous system and muscle.
There are four inputs to the bipedal system, which
are: neural inputs, apparent passive viscoelasticity,
active programmed viscoelasticity, and the in- Increased contraction
tended learned movement. The neural input
compensates for gravity. The apparent passive Figure 32.7: Linear force-velocity relationship for
viscoelasticity provides the necessary feedback for muscle.
stability. The active programmed viscoelasticity
gives the desired speed for a particular motion. In a single-joint muscle, 1 is usually a function
The intended learned movement supplies the in- of the two angles. In a multi-joint muscle, a larger
tended lengths and velocities of muscles. Stark number of angles are involved in Eq. 32.19. The
524 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

collective effect of all the muscles can be repre- To summarize, the force inputs to the biped,
sented in a vector form as: due to the muscles, provide a negative definite
position feedback matrix and a negative definite
F=-(N+DL) (32.20) velocity feedback matrix.
32.3.4 The Single Point of Contact
The motion of sitting down can be segmented
oL • into the unconstrained and constrained phases.
F = -(N + D(-)8) (32.21) The unconstrained phase is when the biped starts
to sit and before it touches the chair. The con-
where N, F are 3xl vectors of neural inputs and strained phase is the motion when the biped
muscle forces, and D is a positive definite touches the chair and is supported by the chair.
diagonal 3x3 matrix. The apparent viscous matrix The constrained phase consists of two motion:
D can be modified by the CNS as follows. If addi- the collision between the biped and the chair, and
tional negative velocity feedback is supplied by the motion of the biped when it is sitting on the
the spindles, the system becomes more viscous. If chair. It is assumed here that a compressible
additional positive velocity feedback is supplied, tissue interfaces between the contact point and the
the effect is a less viscosity but a more oscillatory chair. Chow and Odell (1978) have proposed such
and compliant system. Therefore, the active vis- a model by a hemisphere of cast PVC gel. Reddy
cous component of N can be written as: and his colleagues (Reddy et al., 1982) have
proposed a semicircular slab of PVC gel. Both
oL •
K (-)8 (32.22) models have exhibited properties of viscoelas-
n 08
ticity. Burstein and Frankel (Burstein and
where the diagonal Kn matrix may have positive or Frankel, 1968; Frankel and Burstein, 1970) have
negative components. shown that biological tissues exhibit viscoelastic
Hogan (1985) and Bizzi et al. (1982) have properties. The load-deflection curve of the cast
shown that muscles exhibit 'spring-like' behavior. PVC gel exhibits the behavior of a nonlinear spring
Therefore, consider an equilibrium point 8 0 for the and a dashpot in parallel (Chow and Odell, 1978).
biped, and assuming that all the muscles extend as Since the contact point between the biped and the
ideal springs near the equilibrium point and the chair is viscoelastic, the contact point here is
changes of length, liL, is small, the effects of this modeled as a spring and dashpot in parallel. It is
system of springs on the biped system are: assumed here that the frictional force at the point
of contact is negligible. Therefore, the contact
oLT oLT oL force does not have a tangential component. The
- - K liL = - - K-(8-8) (32.23)
08 08 08 viscoelastic normal force, Fe' is
where K is a 3x3 diagonal matrix and positive
definitive. The stiffness gain K, as stated before, (32.25)
can be brought about or modified by the central
where k. and kd are respectively the spring constant
nervous system through setting the stiffness gain
and the dashpot constant (Ong et aI., 1989). The
of the servo-motor loop. Suppose that at least 3
holonomic constraint, C, is a position dependent
muscles are involved and the corresponding 3
relation that requires the biped not to penetrate the
rows of oU08 are linearly independent
chair. The constraint can be represented as:
Therefore, the contribution of the muscular system
to the biped system is: C(8) = h - '1oos(81) - ' 200s(82) = 0 (32.26)
oLT oLT oLT oL where h is the height of the chair. When C(8) < 0,
08 F = -08 N-(08 )K(08)(8-8)
(32.24) the biped is not in contact with the chair. When
oLT oL· the biped makes the first contact with the chair,
- (08 )D(08)(8) C(8) = O. When C(8) > 0, the medium between
the biped and the chair is being compressed.
Assuming that the leg and thigh would not move
substantially after the biped makes contact with
32. Ong et a1; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 525

the chair, the constraint, C, in the vicinity of the From other evidence, it has been suggested that
operating point 8 0 , can be approximated by for certain movements (Lashley 1917, Laszlo
1967, Taub and Berman, 1968), proprioceptive
C(8) = C(8O> +-1 iJC
iJ8 8 0
(8-80 ) (32.27) feedback may not be necessary. From the above
evidence, a diagonal form of feedback is proposed
here for the simulations. The minimum value of
~C(8» = iJC 9
iJ8 8.
position gain, K, that can ensure the stability of the
biped both in the unconstrained and the con-
strained phases are calculated from Appendix B.
Therefore, the viscoelastic force, Fe' can be ap-
proximated by: 1284 0 0]
K(unconslroined) = [ 0 1284 0
iJC iJCI· o 0 1284 (32.30)
F. = -ks(C(8 O> + iJ8 18 (8-8O»-kdiJ8 8 8

32.3.5 Stability of the Biped

• (32.29)
K(constrained) = [ g 98~ g]
o 0 0

Lyapunov methods are used to establish the lo-

The velocity feedback is not required for
cal stability of the biped in the unconstrained and
stability but is essential for damping. The
the constrained phases. In the. unconstrained
diagonal elements of K (unconstrained) have rela-
phase, a positive function, Q(8,e~, i~ defined
tively large values since position feedback can
(Appendix B) that is the sum of the kinettc energy,
bring the biped to any desired unconstrained posi-
the potential energy and the energy stored in the
tion. When the biped sits on the chair, the position
elastic springs of the biped. At the equilibrium
feedback by the hamstrings and the quadriceps is
point of the biped (80 ,90 = 0), Q = O. It can be
sufficient for stability, with the feedback by other
shown (Appendix B) that small disturbances about
muscles is not necessary. This is because the chair
the equilibrium cause Q to increase, but its nega-
provides the necessary support.
tive rate of change with respect to time is
indicative of the system's evolution to Q = 0 and 32.3.7 Control Strategies in Sitting Down
to the equilibrium point. The most important in- Four different control strategies are inves-
ference from this analysis is that natural tigated here.
viscoelasticity is sufficient for stability, and that
1. Position-Position Control Strategy: In this
bounds on the elasticity needed for stability can be
strategy, only the initial and final positions of
found. A slightly more complex analysis estab-
the movement are specified. Since the control
lishes the same results for the constrained phase
strategy guarantees stability, the biped should
(Appendix B).
eventually converge to the final position.
32.3.6 The Structure of the Feedback Gains
2. Multiple-Positions Control Strategy: In this
The 3X3 positive definite matrices K and D in
strategy, the biped is given two additional in-
Eq. 32.24 are diagonal. It is hypothesized by
termediate positions to track between the
Nashner and McCollum (1985) that postural con-
initial position and the fmal position.
trols are organized to use a minimum number of
Moreover, a feedforward gravity compensa-
muscles. The diagonal structure above is com-
tion is provided as a ramp input connecting
patible with the minimum hypothesis of Nashner
the intermediate positions.
and McCollum in two ways:
3. Reference Position Control Strategy: In this
1. In a 3-link systems, at most 3 pairs of muscles strategy, the biped is to track the reference
are needed to guarantee positive definiteness
position continuously.
of the position and velocity gain matrices.
4. Reference Position and Velocity Strategy: In
2. If the natural viscoelasticity of some muscle
this strategy, the biped is to track the reference
pairs are adequate for the task at hand, a
position and velocity continuously.
smaller subset of 3 pairs of active muscles
may be sufficient for stability.
526 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

32.3.8 Computer Simulations contacts with the chair between 1.46 sec to 1.55
To verify the effectiveness of the control sec as the biped tries to track the desired position.
strategies, computer simulations are performed. The biped also slows down before it hits the chair,
The reference position and velocity trajectories are resulting in a chair reaction force, as shown in
taken from the experiment performed by Kallel Figure 32.9b, which is 30% higher than in the ex-
(1987). The experiment consisted of recording the periment. The muscular forces, as shown in
motion of a healthy subject as he sat down on a Figure 32.9c, are more oscillatory and larger in
chair and stood up from the chair. The recorded value those in the calculation but are smaller than
data were the kinematics of the body segments and that in the position-position control strategy.
the chair reaction force. Inverse dynamics (Chao For the position control strategy, all three
and Rim, 1973) are used to compute the muscular angles, as shown in Figure 32.10a, track the ex-
forces and then compare with the forces in the perimental curves very closely but with a time
simulations. delay of approximately 0.2 second and a small
In the simulations, the position feedback gains overshoot. The chair reaction force, as shown in
that are used are: Figure 32. lOb, is larger than in the experiment
which is mainly due to the overshoot. The mus-
1284 0 0] cular forces, as shown in Figure 32.1Oc, generally
K(unconstrained) = [ 0 1284 0
o 0 1284 have a good agreement with the calculations.
(32.31) For the position and velocity control strategy,

3goo 6~
as shown in Figure 32.11a, all three angles show a
K(constrained) = [ ~] little overshoot when compared with the reference
0 300 angles. However, all three angles in the simula-
tions track the reference angles very closely before
For the unconstrained case, the minimum gain
sitting on the chair. After sitting, the angles con-
that is sufficient for stability is used. However,
verge slowly to the fInal values. The chair
for the constrained case, the minimum gain is too
reaction force, as shown in Figure 32.11 b, has
small to give good tracking. Therefore, the gain is
10% overshoot and settles down to the ex-
increased substantially but is still less than that in
perimental values gradually. The muscular forces,
the unconstrained case.
as shown in Figure 32.11c, generally are in good
For the position-position control strategy, the
agreement with the calculations.
fIrst two angles lag the experimental curves by 0.4
second (Figure 32.8a). Moreover, the biped is 32.3.9 Discussions of the Results
moving much faster, as can been seen from the Of the four control strategies, the reference
steep slopes of the two angles. However, the third position and velocity control strategy has the best
angle cannot follow the experimental curve since agreement with the experimental data and mus-
the biped is only asked to track the fInal position cular forces calculations. However, this may
but not the position in between. All three angles require too much attention from the human. The
converge slowly to the fInal values. With the reference position control strategy has the second
biped sitting down faster than in the experiment, best agreement with the experimental data. For
the chair reaction force, as seen in Figure 32.8b, is this control strategy, the biped is to track the
much higher than in the experiment. That means reference position only. This will definitely re-
that the biped is not slowing down when sitting. quire less attention than the first strategy. The
The muscular forces, as shown in Figure 32.8c, multiple-position control strategy has a high and
have unrealistically large values since the muscles oscillatory chair reaction force. This may be be-
try very hard to pull the biped to the desired fInal cause the biped is tracking only four positions.
position in a very short time. The position-position control strategy has a very
For the multiple-positions control strategy high chair reaction forces and large muscular
(Figure 32.9), all three angles follow the ex- forces. Also, the biped cannot track the ex-
perimental curves closer than the position-position perimental angles closely. Therefore, the conjec-
control strategy. The slopes of the curves are less ture that a human being will let himself/herself
than that in the position-position control strategy drop to the sitting posture without any inter-
but are still considerably higher than in the experi- mediate information may not be valid.
ment (Figure 32.9a). The biped makes temporary
32. Ong et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting

a - - - experim.nt c - - - - calculation
_ _ _ almulation ____ simulation

"-'lC.I..'" rCJ'a: I ""Cl ,

.. . .. . " ....
rv ..



I J I I j

"-'lC.I..'" rCJ'a: t ""Cl S

-5 ~:;:::;::~=r=r==r=;::=;=:;:=;==r=;:9


..5 .. .~

' .
. . .. .. '

-115 1
-ss :=:::::::::::=====~~~

"-'lC.I..'" rlJlct 3 ""Cl •

I I j

.. '. I\f . '
.. , , '

10F-_ _ _.......~
-ICO ,ll I I
-'- I
I 1
I I I~
i' . ~
~ . Ii

- e l p erimenl
_ , rInulation

Figure 32.8: Results for position-position strategy. a)

angles; b) chair reaction force; c) muscular forces.
528 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

a - - - experiment
_ __ I m
l ulation
c - --
_ __
l imulati on

N 100
E 01--------,
~·I CD
I; · ~CD
• XX)
. ~

. 7CD

. ~~=====:==~~~~~~~~~~=======
I ",s:u. op r c.o:: ! r ~>C s
e~ 1
.... ' Ii-' -
?~ I
r".lS o ~ _ __ _ .:.rv

-" -beD
·7. -800

-e!> ---- 1 - 10::0

-'5 ,I=::±~:::!=~:::±~~;::;;±::!::d::==='
,..,...~ 3 -ll:Il ;:::===:::;~~~~~~::::::::=~
I ~. op r OO': 1 3 ~ ~
' 0 ;=:::;::::;::::::;::::::;:::::;;:::::::;::::::;:::::;;:::::::;::::::;::::;:::::::;=~:=:::; . oo~~~~~~~=r~~=rr.1
01=-_ __ --, .
•!O [
~;~ ;.. . za:l

f)() e
T -'CD


I'10;:-_ _ _ _---' - 1000

O .~~~L-~~~~~~I~.r-~~~oc.~.~-.~.~.--­
T1 >l tS: C

b I~----------~r~~~
IOOO ~ I I I 1 I I I I I I I
:- ~
Figure 32.9: Results for multipre-positions strategy.
a) angles; b) chair reaction force c) muscular
--------- experiment
aimu!ation forces.


32. Ong et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 529

a - - - experiment
c - - - calculation
___ almulation ____ simulation
1t.ID.l", , CIIItt I H() •



Or. I~

S5 F=;::::;:=;::::;::::::;:=;:=;=r===::;::::::;:=:;=;;:=::r~ IOOF=~~~~=T=T=T=r~=r~;=;=~



10F-_ _ _ _.--

~ .~~~~~~~~I~
. ~~~~~~ -~.~~~~~~~I~. ~~~~~
TIl'[~ C

Figure 32.10: Results for reference position strategy.

a) angles; b) chair reaction force c) muscular
--...----. expe riment forces.

530 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Poslural Stability

a experiment C calculation
aimulation aimulation
IIfQ...[ I ~ .. '0Itt I IWC) ~
~s 50


I -~
eo 'IID

-, !DO
~ .. rlJlct t IWC) ,




I 50

-'-15" -lID .....
~ .'
-15 -lID
IIICl..! ,
~ .. ,1JIct , IWC) •
50 lID

".50, so '"
'" ..
0 ..

f: K

"10 -5)

-ma. TXI2:C

b Ir------------.r~~~(~-----------.


Figure 32.11: Results for reference position and

velocity strategy; a) angles; b) chair reaction force c)
- - " - expe riment muscular forces.
_ _ _ l imulation

32. Ong et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 531

The reference poslbon and velocity control compensation is still needed (Nashner and
strategy and the reference position control strategy McCollum, 1985). Of the four control strategies
are feasible control strategies for the CNS. tested, the reference position control strategy and
the reference position and velocity strategy most
32.4 Summary closely approximate the experimental results.
A multi-link: three-dimensional model of the A final note of caution is that the above model
musculoskeletal system is presented that possesses is far from physiological reality, and the results
certain physiological attributes of the musculos- must be viewed in that vein.
keletal system of humans. The forces of contact
with the environment are included in the model. Acknowledgement
The model incorporates both single and The experimental data were supplied by
multi-joint muscles in the dynamics, based on Hichem Kallel and is gratefully acknowleged.
knowledge of their geometry and points of origin
and insertion. The passive and dynamic properties
Arimoto, S. and Miyazaki, F. (1984) Stability and
of the muscles can independently be quantified
robustness of pid feedback control for robotic
and controlled. Viscoelasticity and velocity de-
manipulators of sensory capability. In M. Brady
pendence of the contractile forces are included. and R. Paul, editors, Robotic Research, pp. 783-799.
The muscles' dynamic contribution to the MIT Press, Cantbridge, Massachusetts.
stability, compliance and stiffness of the system is Bay, J. (1988) Constrained motion of a 3-D
specified via linear and nonlinear spindle feed- manipulator over unknown constraints: the robotic
back. groping problem. Ph.D. thesis, The Ohio State
In this way, the model can be capable of testing University.
different hypothesis related to: i) synergistic ex- Bizzi, E., Chapple, W. and Hogan, N. (1982)
citation of systems; ii) co-contraction of muscles; Mechanical properties of muscles: implications for
iii) co-activation of agonist and antagonist pairs; motor control. Trend in Neurosci. 5:395-398.
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Regulations 0/ Movements. Perganton Press,
and v) control strategies for coordination of multi-
Headington Hill Hall, Oxford.
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Some of the above attributes were investigated properties of some biological materials. Annals 0/
with two examples: 1) co-activation was studied in N.Y. Acad. Sci. 146:158-165.
a simple cycling maneuver; and 2) the control Bajd, T., Kralj, A. and TurK, R. (1982) Standing-up of
strategies for coordination of movements was a healthy subject and a paraplegic patient J.
studied with a three-link: planar biped controlled to Biomech.15(1):I-IO.
sit down on a chair. The forces of contact with the Chow, C. and Jacobson, D. (1981) Studies of human
chair and the floor were included. For these locomotion via optimal programming. Math. Biosci.
maneuvers, four control strategies are 10:239-306.
hypothesized: position-position control strategy, Chow, W. and Odell, E. (1978) Deformations and
stresses in soft body tissues of a sitting person.
multiple-positions control strategy, reference posi-
ASMEJ. Biomech. Eng. 100:79-87.
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velocity strategy. These hypotheses were tested tion principles in determining the applied moments
on the model by simulation. The resulting trajec- in human leg joints during gait. J. Biomech. 6:497-
tories and forces of contact are compared with 510.
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We have demonstrated by these examples some paranteters. Tech. Reprt. 1166.03, School of
of the capabilities of our model. In addition, some Engineering and Science, New YorK University.
specific conclusions could be drawn from the Davis, R and Hull, M. (1981) Measurement of pedal
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Biomech. 14:857-872.
The most interesting result is that co-activation
Frankel, V. and Burstein, A. (1970) Orthopaedic
may be a necessity for continuous regulation of
Biomechanics. Lee & Febiger, Philadelphia.
the stiffness. Further, it was shown that natural
Gregor, R, Cavanagh, P. and LaFortune, M. (1985)
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position feedback for stability. However, gravity a creative solution to Lombard's paradox. J.
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Biomech. 18:307-316. McNeal D. and Reswick J. (1976) Control of skeletal

Gelfand, I., Gurfinkel, V., Tsetlin, M. and Shik, M. muscle by electrical stimulation Adv. Biomed. Eng.
(1971) Some problems in the analysis of move- 6:209-256.
ments. In Models 0/ the Structural-Functional Nashner L. and McCollum G. (1985) The organization
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Massachusetts. 172.
Golliday, C. and Hemami, H. (1976) Postural stability Ong H., Hemami H. and Simon S. (1989) Postural
of the two-degree-of-freedom biped by general stability of biped during sitting down motion. In
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21. trol and computing, Monticello, Illinois. University
Hatze, H. (1976) The complete optimization of a of lllinois.
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Hogan, N. (1985) The mechanics of multi-joint posture Machine Systems, pp. 21-23.
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Kallel, H. (1987) A six link planar biped model for sit- Appendix A: Point Contact Tissue Model
ting down on a chair and standing up. Master's The spring and damper constants, ks and kd are
thesis, The Ohio State University. estimated from the experimental data. The
Klein, C. and Huang, C. (1983) Review of pseudoin-
relationship between the chair reaction force and
verse control for use with kinematically redundant
manipulators. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and the joint angles and velocities are shown in Eq.
Cybern. 13:245-250. 32.25 as
Lashley K. (1917) The accuracy of movement in the
absence of excitation from the moving organ. (32.32)
Amer. J. Phys. 43:169-194.
Laszlo J. (1967) Training of fast tapping with reduction From the experimental chair reaction forces in
of kinaesthetic, tactile, visual and auditory sensa- Kallel (1987), the value of ks is estimated to be
tions. Quart. J. &per. Psych. 19:344-349.
32.0 N/cm 0 < C S 2.366 em
Lombard W. (1903) The action of two-joint muscles. K ={ (32.33)
Amer. Phys. Educ. Rev. 8:141-145. s 176.2 N/cm C> 2.366 cm
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ing arm posture in humans. J. Neurosci. 5:2732-
To prove stability, let K and D be constants and
Mochon S. and McMachon T. (1980) Ballistic walk- not depend on 8. Further let K be selected such
ing. J. Biomech.13:49-57. that the equilibrium point 8 0 is a minimal point for
32. Ong et al; Simulation of Musculo-Skeletal Dynamics During Cycling and Sitting 533

the potential energy of the system. This means aLT aLT aL aLT aL.
gravity is compensated by storing energy in - F = -- K-(8-8,) - -D-(8)
a8 a8 a8 a8 a8
stretched muscles. Let the Lyapunov function
Q(8,8) be dermed as an energy function consisting + G la + -a kP(8,) (32.37)
of the sum of the kinetic energy, potential energy o 8
and the energy stored in the stretched muscles: There is an additional term in the input when com-
pared with Eq. 32.35 of the unconstrained phase.
The additional term is to compensate for the con-
tact force. Using the same assumption that the leg
1 TaLT aL and the thigh angles will not change substantially
z<8-8,) a8 K a8 (8-80 ) (32.34)
after contact, the following approximation can be
where v(8) is the potential energy of the biped sys- made:
tem. With input defined as
aLT aLT aL aLT aL •
- F=-- K-(8-6)-- D-(8)+GI
a8 a8 a8 a a8 a8 ao The Lyapounov function is defined here as before
(32.35) with an additional term

It follows that Q(80 'O) =O. Select K such that Q = 2'l'!'T •

~ I(8)8+v(8)-v(8,)

v(8) - v(8J - GT la (8 - 8,)T +

-oTla o(8-80)
1 ~aLT aL
+ -(8-8 )T-K-(8-8' (32.39)
2 a a8 a8 0'

It can be shown that if the system is disturbed aCT,

+ a8 aok. a8
aC,] 90 (8-80 )
from equilibrium
The additional term is the potential energy of the
• ,,!.T aLT aL.
Q= -~-D-(8) < 0 (32.37) contact spring. Following the same steps as
a8 a8 before, K must be appropriately selected and then
and the system is driven to its unique equilibrium system will be driven to its unique equilibrium
point, 8 0 where Q = O. Let's define M(8) to be point by any disturbance. With the same
equal to Eq. 32.36. M(8) can be shown to be larger philosophy as with the unconstrained system, it
than zero if M(8) is a convex function, and has a can be shown that M > 0 for all 8 if:
global minimum M(80 ) = 0 at 8 = 8 0 , therefore en-
a2 v aLT aL acT ac
suring that M(8) is larger than zero for all 8. This
is true if K is chosen such that
aa2 + a8 K a8 (8-80 )+ a8 laok. a8lao> 0

This will ensure that the system converges to
desired 8 0 , Therefore, the biped will converge to
Therefore, global stability for the unconstrained
the desired 8 0 if Eq. 32.36 and 32.40 are satisfied
phase is guaranteed.
for the unconstrained and the constrained phases,
For the constrained phase, the equation of mo-
tion in contact is represented by Eq. 32.13. The
contact force can be represented by Eq 32.29 and is
substituted into Eq. 32.13 to give the equations of
motion. Let's define the input, F, to be:

Control of Balance of Upper Body During Gait

David A. Winter, Gordon K. Ruder, and Colum D. MacKinnon

33.1 Introduction longer is it necessary to keep the C of G within the

borders of the foot; the task is now to keep the
Human walking represents an extremely com- HAT. segment erect (within ± 1W) and with mini-
plex motor control task and the control of balance mum head accelerations as the body proceeds
during that task is especially challenging. First, forward (Thorstensson et aI. 1984). The control of
humans are bipeds who spend 80% of their time HAT. by the ankle muscles would require an
on one limb during natural walking. Thus only ankle moment about 8 times that about the hip
two 10% double support periods are available for (because of the relative moments of inertia).
restabilization and this time decreases as cadence However, during the first half of stance, for ex-
increases until we break into a run, when it be- ample, when a posterior acceleration at the hip is
comes zero and is replaced by a free flight period. attempting to collapse HAT. in the forward direc-
Second, the distribution of body mass is such that tion, the ankle muscles do not act to intervene
2/3 of the body mass in the head, arms and trunk (Winter, 1987a). Rather, the hip extensors act to
(HAT.) is located 2/3 ofthe body height above the control the lesser inertial load of HAT. in con-
ground. Such an "inverted pendulum" is in- junction with a tight coupling with the knee
herently destabilizing especially when we consider muscles (Winter, 1987b, 1989).
the body's high forward momentum. A third fac- The literature related to the control of the upper
tor, revealed in level walking or running, is that body during gait has been largely confined to the
the center of gravity (C of G) of the body does not sagittal plane and has been largely descriptive.
pass within the foot; rather, it passes forward Most research has focused on a single group of
along the medial border of the foot (Shimba, variables: energy, EMG, kinematics or kinetics.
1984). The foot, especially in the medial-lateral The energetics of HAT. has been seen to be
direction, provides a small base of support. energy conserving by inference from the velocity
Compounded on this balance task is the require- and height time histories (Saunders et aI., 1953) or
ment to achieve a safe forward trajectory of the by direct calculation of potential and kinetic
swing limb with minimum toe clearance and a safe energies (Ralston and Lukin, 1969; Winter et al.,
(gentle) foot landing (Winter, 1987a). 1976). The percentage conservation of energy
Studies of the regulation of balance in the sagit- within HAT. was estimated to be 80% by Winter
tal plane during standing have identified the ankle et aI. (1976). EMG studies have reported activa-
plantar-flexorsldorsi-flexors as dominant, and this tion profiles of hip and low back musculature
is not surprising when one considers that the task (Dubo et al., 1976; Knutsson and Richards, 1979;
of balance is to keep the body's C ofG within the Shiavi, 1985; Winter and Yack, 1987). These
borders of the foot. However, in gait the ankle reports documented very repeatable activity re-
muscles have not been seen to be important lated to the control of the pelvis and spinal column
(Winter, 1987b) because the task has changed. No during stance. In general posterior muscles
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
33. Winter et al.; Control of Balance of Upper Body During Walking 535

(hamstrings, gluteus maximus, erector spinae) (Ruder, 1989). In the MIL direction it will be seen
were seen to be active during the fIrst half of that the supporting foot's position relative to the
stance and the anterior muscles (rectus femoris, body's C of G is the dominant control of MIL
iliopsoas, and rectus abdominus) were active balance assisted by subtalar invertors/evertors in
during the latter half of stance. Kinematic descrip- collaboration with hip abductors and the lateral
tions of the upper body (Murray, 1967; Waters et muscles of the spine (MacKinnon, 1990).
al., 1973; Cappozzo et al., 1978; Cappozzo, 1981;
33.2 A Bilateral Sagittal and Frontal
Thorstensson et al., 1984) have shown the trunk to
vary only a few degrees over the gait cycle and the Plane Model
anterior/posterior (AlP) horizontal accelerations to In an effort to assess the total body's response
decrease as we progress upwards from the pelvis during level walking, a combined 3 camera and
to the thorax and head. Media1!lateral (MIL) dis- two force platform analysis was conducted on six
placements of the upper trunk segments tend to be subjects. Ten repeat trials were analyzed on each
more variable across subjects (Thorstensson et al., subject, with about 5 minutes' wait between data
1984) and the accelerations are not attenuated be- collection periods. Video data were collected
tween the pelvis and head (Cappozzo et al., 1978). using the CCD cameras with 1 ms electronic shut-
Most moment-of-force analyses were confIned to ter at 60 Hz. Reflective markers were placed at
the lower limb (Bresler and Frankel, 1950; Paul, appropriate anatomical locations to defIne each
1966; Pedotti, 1977; Cappozzo et al., 1978; segment in both the sagittal and frontal planes.
Winter, 1980, 1984, 1987a) with a few reported Frontal marker coordinates were corrected for
moments at the vertebral level (Cappozzo, 1983). perspective using the sagittal x.y data and a known
In general these studies agreed with the EMG vanish point in the fIeld of view. A 14-segment
studies by showing a general trend towards exten- biomechanical model was developed to analyze
sor hip and spinal moments during weight the kinematics and kinetics of level walking:
acceptance and a flexor pattern during late stance. phalangeal (2), foot (2), leg (2), thigh (2), pelvis,
Winter (1984) documented the high variability abdomen/thorax, head, upper arm (2), and forearm-
of the hip moments for intra-subject averages hands. Two AMTI force platforms recorded the
across repeat trials and across days, and for vertical, AlP shear and MIL shear forces, plus AlP
inter-subject averages. He attributed these and MIL centers of pressure. The pelvic segment
changes as a deterministic adaption on each stride was defIned from a triangulation of the right and
in an attempt to control the balance of H.A.T. left ASIS markers and a mid PSIS marker, with IA-
(Winter, 1987b) and demonstrated that the L5 joint a fIxed location superior to this triangle.
changes in the hip moment patterns were The IA-L5 joint separated the pelvis segment from
stride-t(}-stride bias changes that were virtually the abdomen/thorax segment, and the C7-Tl loca-
matched by an opposite change at the knee. The tion defIned the neck joint. The head segment in
covariance in the hip/knee moment patterns was the frontal plane was defIned by the mid point be-
almost 90% for repeat trials done days apart and tween markers placed on the ear canals and in the
60-70% for strides analyzed minutes apart. These sagittal plane the mid point between markers on
trade-offs reflected a stride-t(}-stride change in the the forehead and inion.
AlP direction and were labelled an index of An inverse dynamics solution of moments of
dynamic balance so as to help quantify the AlP force separately calculated the moments for left
regulation of H .A.T. balance. and right subtalar, ankle, knee and hip joints.
With this background information in mind we Combining the left and right hip joint moments at
present a biomechanical model of human gait the distal end of the pelvis segment, the IA-L5 mo-
which will show how balance and posture of ment was then estimated. The neck moment was
H A.T. is regulated or voluntarily controlled in the calculated separately, starting the inverse solution
AlP and MIL directions. It will be seen that the hip with the head segment Mechanical power gener-
muscles are the dominant control in the AlP direc- ation and absorption at all joints was calculated
tion, with some secondary involvement of the but does not appear as part of this chapter.
knee muscles and some fIne tuning of the trunk
and neck muscles to control the head accelerations
536 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability


Q. 2 z If
to CV'S6~
RIIS·.J6 ~
I I[ c.~ L:
o~ c:::7
\ o~--~-----+------~-----+­ \
\ \
E -2 E
z z
o o
I- I-
[ [
!!: rr
W w
J 3 J
U ~2 U
U 1111 U
[ [
-2 -2
o o o., o o o o o o o o o
I1J ID (J) o I1J v ID (J) o
a STRIDE (%) b STRIDE ( %)

Figure 33.1: a) Vertical accelerations of pelvis, thorax b) Horizontal accelerations in AlP direction for the pel-
and head for nine repeat walking trials of one subject. vis. thorax and head for same nine repeat walking

33.3 Results and Discussion However, in the horizontal accelerations we see a

The kinematic and kinetic analyses for one sub- considerable damping as we proceed more dis-
ject is presented here, with additional information tally; the head acceleration is about 1/3 that of the
regarding the other five subjects reported as is pelvis. Such a damping points to the role of the
necessary. The ensemble average of the trunk muscles of the spine as fine regulators of horizon-
angle in the sagittal plane for the nine repeat trials tal acceleration, thus ensuring that the head is a
for this subject showed that the average trunk stable platform moving forward at a virtually con-
angle varied less than ± 1°over the stride with a stant velocity.
standard deviation (s.d.) of about 2°. The Figure 33.2 depicts the sagittal plane view of
variability of the ankle, knee and hip angles also the subject during two critical destabilizing
varied with a s.d. of about 2°. The mean AlP periods of stance. During weight acceptance there
horizontal and vertical accelerations for the pelvis, is a large posteriorly directed hip acceleration, ax'
thorax and head segments are presented in Figures which creates an unbalancing hip flexor couple
33. la-b. The vertical accelerations of these three (M):
upper body segments are seen to be virtually iden-
tical with the head, being a minuscule amount (33.1)
smaller than the pelvis. Such results indicate a
rigid vertical coupling of these segments with neg- During push-off the hip acceleration reverses its
ligible shock absorption by the vertebrae. direction and this unbalancing couple becomes ex-
33. Winter et a1.; Control of Balance of Upper Body During Walking 537

BALANCE CONTROL Thus the second facet of dynamic balance is abun-

dantly evident. The balance moment, which is
nothing more than a combination of left and right
stance phase hip moments, is virtually solely
responsible for the control of H.A.T. balance. For
the six subjects tested, the correlations between Mb
and Mu had an average () of about 0.8, and the
slope of the correlations were greater than unity.
This latter information indicates that Mb is larger
than Mu and therefore more than cancels out the
unbalancing accelerations.


50 WL95

Z 10

Weight Acceptance Push Off I-

Figure 33.2: Sagittal plane view of the subject during
0 \
the two critical destabilizing periods of stance. An un-
I: -20
balancing moment is created by the large horizontal -30 --rtJSCLE I10ttENT (_19. 0)

hip acceleration and is countered by a hip muscle mo- -40 - - ItOI1ENT IIl£ TO ACCELERATION (RMS-19. 9)
-------·I1OttENT IIl£ TO lNERTIIL LORD (_1.6)
ment. -50

tensor. Countering this unbalancing moment is a

0 0


hip moment, Mh. Mh acts during single support to
balance HAT., but during double support the Figure 33.3: Average unbalancing moment, hip
responsibility for balancing HAT. is considered to balancing moment and resultant inertial moment for
transfer from the push-off limb to the weight- nine repeat trials from same subject reported in Figures
accepting limb. Assuming a linear transfer during 33.1 and 33.2.
that period, a net Mh is created which we label a
balance moment, M b • This moment acts on the In the frontal plane it is essential to determine
pelvis, and as such controls H.A.T.'s angular ac- the final control of the body's C of G relative to
celeration. The net inertial moment resulting from the placement of the feet. Figure 33.4 shows, for
this balancing and unbalancing moments and one trial, the body's C ofG vs. the location of each
gravitational should be in dynamic equilibrium: foot and the location of center of pressure (C of P)
within each foot. Also shown are the times of left
(33.2) and right toe off (LTO, RTO) and left and right heel
contact (LHC, RHC). The trajectory reinforces that
where I h is the moment sagittal plane of inertia of reported by Shimba (1984) and adds the details of
HAT. about the hip joint and ah is the sagittal C of P. All 10 trials for this subject and all other
plane angular acceleration of HAT. The gravita- subjects showed the C of G to pass forward just
tional term, mgx, is negligible in erect level gait along the medial border of the shoe or slightly out-
because the horizontal displacement of the center side that border. The goal of the medialllateral
of gravity of HAT., x, from the hip joint centers, is balance and postural control was evident: keep the
negligible. PlotsofMu ' Mb andlh ah are presented in body's C of G safely between the centers of pres-
Figure 33.3 for the average of the 9 walking trials sure of the two feet and with minimum side-to-
on this representative subject. It can be seen that side fluctuations. How this is accomplished at the
Mb and Mu are almost equal and opposite, so much motor level is now presented.
so that the resultant I h ah is drastically reduced.
538 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Figure 33.4: Horizontal view of body's C of G versus

C ofP during two successive steps.

Figure 33.5 depicts the frontal balance control

problem during single support time. The moment
created by the C of G being located medial to the C Figure 33.5: Frontal plane view of body during single
of P is dominant and it generates a large angular support showing the positions of the body's C ofG and
acceleration of the total body towards the cen- H.A.T.'s C ofG. Coarse control of MIL acceleration is
terline. This moment is labelled the "center of decided by foot placement and fine control is achieved
pressure control moment" and is essentially a ?y hip abductors and in some cases by ankle
coarse control of balance whose amplitude is mvertors/evertors.
decided primarily at the instant of foot placement.
During single support three additional motor pat- body's C ofG. Also, medial acceleration of H.A.T.
terns can intervene to achieve fine motor control is initiated by a brief burst of hip adductors during
of the C of G trajectory: the subtalar the first half of double support. Then, as single
invertors/evertors (Msu b)' the abductor moment of support is achieved, a second level of dynamic
the support hip (Mh) and the spinal lateral flexors balance takes place at the hip joint. Similar to Eq.
(MLAIL5). 33.2, the frontal plane moments are in dynamic
equilibrium: the gravitational moment , Mg' the mo-
Figure 33.6 plots the center of pressure control
ment due to the medial-lateral acceleration M
moment over 8 repeat trials during successive
(which is similar to the sagittal plane unbal~ci;;"g
right and left support times. There is a transition
moment), the hip abductor/adductor moments, M h ,
of responsibility from the right to left limbs during
and the frontal plane inertial load, I h (lh:
double support. This was accomplished using an
unloading of the push-off limb and loading of the (33.3)
weight accepting limb proportional to their rela-
For eight repeat trials on this subject the mag-
tive vertical ground reaction forces. Thus the
nitudes ofMg ,Macc and Mh are presented in Figure
control moment is on the order of 40-50 Nm.
Differences between right and left foot placements
33.7. It can be seen that the gravitational moment
is in excess of 60 Nm and is countered by right
directly affect this control moment and therefore
and left hip abductor moments, M h , of about 50
determine the initial medial acceleration of the
Nm, and are further assisted by the medialllateral
33. Winter et al.; Control of Balance of Upper Body During Walking 539

GRS CENTRE: or PR£SSlR: CONTRa.. lOOT (n-91 acceleration couples of about 10 Nm. Thus the net
inertial load of HAT. is quite small and oscillates
60 around 0 with small 10-15 Nm peaks. Thus the
SO hip abductors are the dominant controller of HAT.
... balance, with some further fme tuning of HAT.
~ 40 -
..(.m.1My .tPit

(c.'~ by the muscles crossing the fA-LS joint. Figure
e 30 C'P1l2
33.8 presents these kinetic profiles. During right
Z ~ stance (0-50%), the fA-LS muscles generate a left
~ ~ 20 lateral flexor moment that prevents excessive
" lateral flexion towards the support limb. The
o~~ .................... ~~~ ................... reverse happens during left stance (66-100%).
The moment at the neck is similar in shape but
much smaller, and it appears to be the final tuning
of the lateral accelerations of the head. In this sub-
ject the lateral horizontal accelerations were seen
~30 to be reduced as we proceed upwards from the pel-
> vis, but this trend was not consistent across all
four subjects.
-so 11111
o o o 0 o o
N -r II
• o
Figure 33.6: Ensemble average of the center of pres- ~5
sure coarse control during right and left support
periods for eight repeat walking trials. 0


-:,::. :::
,:: ---,:::::: .--.,-: .
~~ .< ~~ :-. ". -15
~" ,': C'P1l2 : :-, ~
,110 ~'0 Z
: : -~ Ia.I
1: 2.0 0/11
-50 : : ....::. '::'- '.':.' 0 CN5.n
e 1:
z ~~20~/. " """"'__ : :

~ !~;: . ' ~~': ~ O.OL-~~~~---------w~--~_---------


o o o 000 0
1: ... SO N -r II • 0
~t : CillWlTIITlCNl. STRIDE (%1
aw C'PS.n
~.JO~~~________~F-~ ______"""""

Figure 33.8: Frontal plane moments at fAILS and neck

-SO III •• (C7ITJ) averaged over eight repeat trials.

o o o o o o
N -r II
• o
Figure 33.7: Ensemble average of frontal plane mo-
ments due to gravitation, hip abductors, and MIL linear
acceleration as per Eq. 33.3.
540 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Finally, the motor control exerted by the sub- Table 33.1: Covariances between moment patterns
talar invertor/evertor muscles along with the knee over walking stride
valgus/varus moments is shown in Figure 33.9.
Here the hip moment is that of the right limb and
is the same as that presented in Figure 33.7. The Subject! WKlO WKll WK13 WK14
knee valgus moment is high but is passive; it is Compar. R L R L R L R L
due mainly to the ground reaction force passing
68 42 76 72 83 72 71 44
medial to the lateral condyles. Thus this valgus
moment is due to the mechanical compression of
the medial condyles, which could in the extreme Initial foot placement determines the magnitude
be reinforced by tension in the lateral collateral of the M . If the foot is placed too close to the
ligaments. It is at the ankle that we see con- centerlini (e of G), the acceleration of the body
siderable variability on a trial-to-trial basis, which towards that centerline will be insufficient to ar-
in previous studies has been identified with fine rest the lateral momentum; if it is placed too far,
motor control (Winter, 1984). Any tightly the medial acceleration will be too high. In the lat-
coupled motor synergies at any two joints were ter situation there are two coarse corrections that
identified by a covariance analysis similar to that can take place. First, the subject can shorten his or
of Winter (1984, 1989). Such covariance her swing time to ensure that the contralateral foot
measures were calculated to pinpoint any coupling makes contact before the lateral momentum
between the hip abductor moment, M h , and center towards that side becomes too high. Second, the
of pressure control moment (Mcp ). These contralateral foot can be placed further from the
covariances were expressed as a percent of the centerline. Fine tuning corrections can also take
maximum possible (l 00%) and are presented in place at the hip, and the close coupling between
Table 33.1. the M and Mh is evident in Table 33.1. The per-
centa; covariance varies from 42% to 83%,
averaging about 61 %. This coupling means the
following. When Mc increases above normal, Mh
decreases. Both of these alternatives will rein-
force to increase the acceleration of the e of G of
the body towards the centerline. Conversely,
when the M (because of foot placement) is below
" normal, the Chip abductor muscles will increase Mh
: ...::..: .... .
and thus both will decrease the acceleration of the
body's e ofG towards the centerline.
33.4 Conclusions and Future Directions
I- c 20 : cv~x : : The kinematics of the upper body reveals the
Z > 10 : : ., :
W goals of the eNS during walking. Firstly, the trunk
I 0 ': . . .
o regulation is quite tight and is controlled within ±

1O~ A :
t 10 over the stride period in the sagittal plane.
I : R-9.8TfUIR :...... :
W5 ~ Vertical accelerations are damped very slightly as
~ .: ....: ~~Ut ..................... . : we progress upwards from the pelvis to the head,
o : .......
' <:> ../ .. : but the horizontal accelerations in the AlP and the
.11 MIL direction are severely attenuated. It appears
that the fine tuning by the trunk muscles during
e o o o o e gait has the goal of minimizing horizontal head ac-
N ~ 14 III e
- celerations, and thereby provide a stable platform
STRIDE (%) for our visual system.
The motor patterns that achieve this control are
Figure 33.9: Ensemble average of lower limb frontal very distinct. An unbalancing hip moment due to
moments over eight repeat walking trials. hip horizontal accelerations is more than cancelled
out by a hip extensor/flexor muscle moment,
33. Winter et al.; Control of Balance of Upper Body During Walking 541

resulting in AlP angular accelerations of HAT. that Knutsson, E., Richards, C. (1979) Different types of
are less than 10% of what they would be without disturbed motor control in gait of hemiparetic
CNS intervention. In the coronal plane the balance patients. Brain 102:405-430.
control system has the goal of keeping the body's MacKinnon, C.D. (1990) Control of whole body
C of G within the medial borders of the feet. This balance and posture in the frontal plane during
human walking. MSc Thesis, University of
is achieved by the initial placement of the foot
which determines the coarse control of the ac- Murray, M.P. (1967) Gait as a total pattern of human
celeration of the body's C of G towards the movement. J. Bone Jt. Surgery 46-A: 335-360.
centerline. Fine tuning of this acceleration is Paul, I.P. (1966) The biomechanics of the hip joint
achieved by the hip abductor muscles which con- and its clinical relevance. Proceedings of the Royal
trol the medial acceleration of HAT. during Society of Medicine 59: 943-948.
single support. In some subjects the ankle Pedotti, A. (1977) A study of motor coordination and
invertors/evertors also provide a final level of fine neuromuscular activities in human locomotion.
tuning during single stance. Now that the Bioi. Cybernetics 26: 53-62.
kinematic task of balance and posture is well iden- Ralston, H.I., Lukin, L. (1969) Energy levels of human
body segments during level walking. Ergonomics
tified and the coarse and fme motor control
12: 39-46.
patterns have been pinpointed, we can now
Ruder, G.K. (1989) Whole body balance during nor-
proceed in several directions. First, it appears that mal and perturbed walking in the sagittal plane.
the vestibular system must be heavily involved, MSc Thesis, University of Waterloo.
not only because of the rapidity of the hip motor Saunders, I.B., Inman, V.T., Ebemart, H.D. (1953)
pattern changes (especially in the sagittal plane), The major determinants in normal and pathological
but also by the evidence that points to a minimiza- gait. J. Bone Jt. Surg. 35-A: 513-558.
tion of head horizontal accelerations. Thus Shiavi, R. (1985) Electromyographic patterns in adult
experiments should now be devised to perbturb locomotion: A comprehensive review. J. Rehab.
the head during gait to tease out the essential Res. & Develop. 22:85-98.
characteristics of this control. Second, future Shimba, T. (1984) An estimate of the centre of gravity
from force platform data. J. Biomech. 17: 53-60.
simulations of the regulation of HAT. balance
Thorstensson, A., Nilsson, I., Carlson, H., Zomlefer,
should include a strong vestibular control, with at-
M.R. (1984) Trunk movements in human locomo-
tempts to model and identify the transfer function tion. Acta Physiologica Scandinavia 121:9-22.
of that control. Third, because arm movement was Waters, R.L., Morris, I.M., Perry I. (1973)
constrained during these experiments they should Translational motion of the head and trunk during
be repeated to identify the role, if any, of the arms normal walking. J. Biomechanics 6:167-172.
in balance control during normal gait. Winter, D.A., Quanbury, A.D., Reimer, G.D. (1976)
Analysis of instantaneous energy of normal gait. J.
References Biomech. 9: 253-257.
Bresler, B., Frankel, I. (1950) The forces and mo- Winter, D.A. (1980) Overall principle of lower limb
ments in the leg during level walking. Trans. ASME support during stance phase of gait. J. Biomech. 13:
72: 27-36. 923-927.
Cappozzo, A., Figura F., Leo, T., Marchetti, M. (1978) Winter, D.A. (1984) Kinematic and kinetic patterns in
Movements and mechanical energy changes of the human gait: Variability and compensating effects.
upper part of the human body during walking. Human Movement Science 3: 51-76.
Biomechanics V/-A (Assmussen, E., Iorgansen, K., Winter, D.A. (1987a) Biomechanics and Motor
eds.) Univ. Parlc Press, Baltimore, 272-279. Control of Human Gait. University of Waterloo
Cappozzo, A. (1981) Analysis of the linear displace- Press. Waterloo, Ont
ment of the head and trunk during walking at Winter, D.A. (1987b) Balance and posture in human
different speeds. J. Biomech. 14:411-425. walking. Engineering in Med. and Bioi. 6: 8-11.
Cappozzo, A. (1983) The forces and couples in the Winter, D.A., Yack, H.J. (1987) EMG profiles during
human trunk during level walking. J. Biomech. 16: normal human walking: Stride-to-stride and inter-
265-277. subject variability. EEG & Clin. Neurophysiol. 67:
Dubo, H., Peat, M., Winter, D.A. Quanbury, A.D., 402-411.
Steinke, T.,Grahame, R. (1976) Electromyographic- Winter, D.A. (1989) Biomechanics of normal and
temporal analysis of normal gait. Arch. Phys. Med. pathological gait: Implications for understanding
& Rehab. 57: 415-420. human motor control. J. Motor Behavior 21:337-

Individual Strategies of Muscle Recruitment

in Complex Natural Movements

Antonio Pedotti and Paolo Crenna

34.1 Conceptual Foundation mammals, most often able to execute very special-
Any motor task executed in everyday life is the ized performances, sometimes quite skilled, but
result of complex data processing performed by with a high degree of stereotypia. On the other
our Central Nervous System (eNS). Such process- hand, when the experimental investigation and the
ing must take into account different problems, mathematical modeling were directed to primates
including coordination of multiple limbs in three and humans, descriptions have mainly considered
dimension, maintenance of dynamic equilibrium, reflex responses or simple voluntary movements
sharing of muscle forces and loads on various involving one or two joints, with the rest of the
body segments, and a predetermined level of ac- body being usually constrained or neglected.
curacy. Only in recent years have analyses included
If we consider that even a simple motor action, more complex movements, often involving the
such as raising an arm while standing, is accom- whole body, performed by "freely behaving", un-
panied by a complex anticipatory compensation constrained subjects. One of the main reasons for
involving several (and even distant) body seg- this new trend is certainly the availability of im-
ments [see Bouisset, 1987 and Chapter 29 proved technologies, which make it possible to
(Bouisset and Zattara)], some basic points become collect and process data in a more rapid and reli-
apparent: i) the concept of global control, related able way, with minimal interference on the
to the high number of degrees of freedom (and subject's performance (Ferrigno and Pedotti,
consequently to the number of variables which 1985). Another reason is most probably the neces-
must be simultaneously controlled); ii) the com- sity to avoid or minimize the artifactual aspects of
putational complexity, which thus characterizes the experimental condition by dealing with volun-
even a simple movement; and iii) the inherent tary movements as much as possible within the
redundancy, that is the possibility of performing natural repertoire of everyday life.
the same motor task by different combinations of Indeed, in such movements a distinctive feature
kinematics and/or forces and therefore of muscle of the motor system is maximally exploited,
contractions [Pedotti, 1977; Pedotti et al., 1989); namely the possibility to execute a same motor
see also Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters)]. task through different combinations of muscle
These essential features, which allow us to as- forces and/or kinematics (different strategies).
sociate concepts in human motor organization to Such an operational redundancy, which implies a
the more general concept of intelligence, have peculiar organization of the control mechanisms
been often underestimated. Several factors might exceeding the classical concepts of control theory,
be responsible for this. On the one hand, a large will optimally adapt the resulting movement to the
volume' of neurophysiological studies on motor specific individual and environmental demand.
control have focused on invertebrates or lower The analysis. of these aspects, as well as the iden-
tification of the various strategies adopted in

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
34. Pedotti and Crenna; Strategies of Muscle Recruitment 543

complex movements, requires a rigorous inves- where:

tigation of different kinds of variables including Q are the forces acting on the joints;
kinematics, forces and EMG. Starting from these M =(MIl' Mr M A ) are the moments at the hip, knee
data, suitable mathematical models are available and ankle joints;
for the computation of other parameters which R = (R., R", X) are the ground reactions vector con-
stituted by vertical and horizontal components of
cannot be measured directly (e.g., mechanical mo-
the reaction and by the abscissa of its point of ap-
ments acting at the joints, muscle lengths, etc.).
34.1.1 Computational Complexity P = (m" m., mr I" I., 'r d d., dr i" i., if> are
parameters vector, where m " are the masses, I the
Let us consider a quite commonplace motor
task, such as walking on level in steady state condi- lengths, d the distances of the centers of mass
from the proximal joint and i are the moments of
tions. Even if the observation is limited to the pure
the inertial of thigh, shank and foot, respectively.
biomechanical aspects, and the simplest
The explicit formulae for the functions g and f
schematization in 2D of one lower limb is taken are given in an earlier publication (pedotti et al.,
into account (Figure 34.1), the mathematical equa- 1978).
tions relating the forces exerted by the main
muscles and the desired movement will appear ex-
tremely complex. Indeed, a similar three-link
system is in dynamic equilibrium under the action
of the external forces exerted by the rest of the
body through the hip joint, the ground reactions,
inertial dynamic components, gravitational forces,
and the internal forces exerted by the muscular VA
contraction. The latter can be represented by the
three torques MH' M Ic , MA at hip, knee and ankle
joints, respectively. For instance,


where tiH(I) is the instantaneous torque arm be-

tween the i-th muscle and the hip joint, and F.(I) is
the instantaneous force exerted by the i-th m~scle
acting at the hip in the sagittal plane. Figure 34.1: Tree-link schematization of the lower
Thus the general problem of determining the limb. The schematic representation of the eleven
muscular forces entails: i) analysis of the con- muscles considered. RF: rectus femoris, GL: glutei, ST:
tribution of the various muscles exerting the semitendinosus, SM: semimembranosus, BFCL: biceps
torque at a joint, and ii) determination of these femoris caput longum, VA: vasti, BFCB: biceps
muscular torques [see Chapter 8 (Zajac and femoris caput breve, GA: gastrocnemius, SO: soleus,
Winters) for greater details]. Applying the TA: tibialis anterioris and lL: iliacus. Note that RF, ST,
SM, BFCL, GA are two-joint muscles, while GL, VA,
governing dynamic equations successively to the
BFCB, SO, TA and lL are one-joint muscles.
systems constituted by foot, foot and shank, and
the whole leg, the following equations are ob- The explicit formula for the function reported
tained for the forces at the joints and for the above (Ghista and Pedotti, 1981) consists of a sys-
moments at the articulations: tem of 3 nonlinear differential equations. Their
solution, which follows the same direct dynamic
Q(I) = f(d, v,Q,R,P) (33.2)
problem to be faced by the Central Nervous
and System (Le., the determination of the time courses
of the muscles forces needed to produce a desired
M (I) = g(d, v,Q,R,p) (33.3) movement), requires a great amount of computa-
tions. Even so, the model is obviously
544 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

A more realistic description of the actual move- specific finger paths.

ment should consider: The second level of redundancy concerns the
muscle recruitment in the execution of the same
motion in three dimensions
motor task, which is an issue addressed by many
the interplay of the two legs chapters throughout this book. This muscle redun-
the interplay of the upper part fo the body in- dancy derives from the number of muscles
cluding trunk bending and pelvic rotation, (independent variables controlled by the CNS),
head and arm movement which for most tasks are higher than the number
of eqUilibrium equations which can be written
the detailed function of the foot and distal from a pure biomechanical analysis. This aspect
muscles of the leg which, for instance, will has been approached with reference to the lower
condition the distribution of pressure on the limb in a rather stereotyped movement: normal
ground and therefore the ground reaction walking.
force, the time course of which plays a fun-
In the simple scheme of Figure 34.1 the main
damental role in the execution of movements.
eleven muscles acting mostly in the sagittal phase
Since the complexity of the problem increases during walking are illustrated. Several of them,
exponentially by increasing the number of degrees namely RF, ST, SM, BFCL, GA are two joint
of freedom, we are facing a problem which is not muscles. Therefore, when activated, their forces
even approachable with our present knowledge of contribute simultaneously to the mechanical mo-
control theory and computational means. ments at two joints. We thus have a set of three
equations similar to Eq. 34.1 relating muscle forces
34.1.2 Redundancy and moments at hip, knee and ankle. This set of
A pure mathematical analysis, as well as a equations is undetermined; that is, there is infinite
number of experimental data, point to the exist- possible combination of muscular forces Fj(t),
ence of several levels of redundancy. which can provide the required moments at joints.
The first level of redundancy concerns This kind of redundancy is most probably used
kinematics, that is the possibility of executing the by the CNS to optimize a set of performance in-
same motor task by different combinations of dexes related to the motor task [see also Chapter 8
coordinated movements. The intrinsic mor- (Zajac and Winters)]. For instance, it was shown
phological structure of human body can be by Pedotti et al. (1978) that in walking, the pattern
responsible for a high level of redundancy, from a of muscle activation of each subject is such to
pure biomechanical point of view. This is true for minimize the total muscle effort. In the same line,
the lower limb and torso as well as of the upper it is worth noticing that the inter-individual
limb, where the same trajectory of the hand can be variability in the pattern and time course of muscle
executed by infinite combinations of segment activity, computed by using optimality criteria,
angles. strongly suggest a strict relation between muscle
Our common experience clearly shows how redundancy and optimization of a biologically
strongly the initial conditions, various constraints, meaningful goal [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and
and different intrinsic goals are able to influence a Winters)].
given motor performance in terms of planning The evidence of high redundancy in the
trajectories of various body segments. kinematic expression as well as in the combination
Recent papers have quantitatively investigated of muscles involved in a given motor task indicate
these aspects. For instance, in a study of rapid that a third level of functional redundancy must be
grasp movements executed with fingers and present within the central motor system. No direct
thumb, Cole and Abbs (1986) clearly information is so far available on the neural sub-
demonstrated that, except for consistent single- strates of this phenomenon. However, recent joint angle and digit trajectory velocity neurophysiological studies performed in chronic,
profiles, all other kinematic features varied con- freely behaving animals, employing microstimula-
siderably across trials, including the spatial tion and then recording from either single or
positions of finger tips at contact, finger and populations of neurons using spike triggered
thumb path movement duration and distance, and
34. Pedotti and Crenna; Strategies of Muscle Recruitment

averaging techniques, favor the concept of an ex- lower limb muscles, kinematics and ground reac-
tremely flexible organization in the tions were recorded. If we look at the EMG
communication and dispatching of motor com- patterns, even at a first glance a consistent interin-
mands, even at the peripheral most stages of the dividual variability is clearly apparent (Figure
motor hierarchy. 34.2). It concerns particularly the interplay be-
In the motor cortex of the monkey, within the tween the biarticular hamstrings (extensors at hip
area of representation of a given body segment, and flexor at knee) and the monoarticular vasti
different and clearly segregated clusters of output (extensors at knee).
neurons were shown to facilitate a same segmental In subject A the activity of hamstrings starts im-
motor nucleus, indicating convergence of se\lCl'al mediately before the heel strike, increases
potential sources of activation onto a single immediately there-after and lasts up to the middle
muscle effector. At the same time, however, a of the stance phase (S7), At variance, in subjects
single cortical neuron facilitates functional subsets B and C the hamstring activity reaches its maxi-
of motor nuclei, indicating a divergent connection mum at or before the heel strike, and stops
onto variable configurations of output targets immediately thereafter. The vasti are slightly ac-
(Lemon, 1988). tivated in subject A, while displaying an increasing
At the spinal level, the pre-motoneuronal sta- level of activity in subject B and, particularly
tions activated by descending motor commands strong and long lasting during ST in subject C.
were shown to include non-homogeneous subsets This subject reveals also a bimodal activity of the
of interneurons with diverse branching connec- calf muscles which is not present in subjects A and
tions towards alpha and gamma motoneurons B.
(Baldissera et al, 1987). The same interneurons A question arises at this point: can these dif-
have been suggested to be intercalated in the ferences in amplitude and timing of EMG patterns
group II afferent pathways, which convey multi- be associated with other independent variables so
sensory (muscle spindle, joint, cutaneous) that they can be reasonably interpreted as a com-
information from the periphery (Lundberg et al., ponent of a more complex individual motor
1987). As a result, the motor command issued strategy? The comparison with the moment-time
through descending pathways might be switched course computed independently from kinetics and
to several different affector subsystems, even at ground reaction measurements confirms that the
the very final stage of motor output. different EMG patterns are the part of a well
Again, the evidence of tonic (mainly defined and intra-individually variable dynamic
brainstein-mediated) control of y-Mn (see behavior. In fact, in subject A a hip extensor and
Kuypers, 1982) adds a further potential source of knee flexor moment pattern starts at the end of
modulation of the effects (and perhaps of swing phase and last for almost the entire stance.
channelling) of descending motor commands by In both cases these are supported by the long last-
means of changes in the spindle afferent discharge ing activity of the hamstrings, with the second part
and, in tum, of the excitability of the above of the flexor moment at the knee being supported
described group II pre motoneuronal systems. by the calf muscles.
In subject B and especially in C, the knee exten-
34.2 Interpretation of Data and Discussion sor moment is significatively higher and therefore
34.2.1 Inter- and Intraindividual Variability the hamstrings stop their activity immediately
The lines of evidence summarized above make after the onset of the stance, in conjunction with a
observations of a large degree of variability in the more pronounced activity of Vasti. Also, the
execution of natural everyday life movements less bimodal time course of moment at ankle is as-
unexpected. Examples of how variability in the sociated with the bimodal calf activity in subject
execution of natural movements can be objectively C.
documented and quantitatively evaluated will be This close matching between individual EMG
shown in the following, starting from one of the patterns and mechanical variables, observed in
most natural motor behaviors, i.e., gait. each subject, excludes that inter-individual dif-
In a study of normal gait (Pedotti, 1977) in a ferences in amplitude and timing of muscles
group of young male subjects walking on a activities could be attributed to random variability
walkaway at a natural speed, EMGs from the main around a basic pattern, suggesting the existence of
546 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

MH 80[~~
A " B ~c
'~- \~~

N~m ,,'I
:;.-v I
...,I I
I I I I I I I" 1 I

MK I~ !4 I
~ J
I I I'
I -\',-_

80[ I
N~m ~I
-80 I ''::::; I I

N~:[ ~~,:'
I, 1
I '-'. "
Hamst -180 _*'

YasU ~
1 I
Calf .... 1
-I 4 1

Figure 34.2: Multifactorial analysis of a gait cycle in illustrated by the continous and dashed line, respec-
three subjects: A. B and C. On each column from top tively. For sake of simplicity, the activity of the main
to bottom are reported the mechanical moments active muscles has been grouped in Hamstrings (Hamst) in-
on the plane of progression at hip (MH), knee (MK) cluding BFCL, ST and SM, Vasti and Calf including
and ankle (MA) joint. respectively. The positive sign SO and GA. EMG envelopes are a schematization of
represents a flexor action at the hip, an extensor action the integral, filtered activity, normalized with respect
at the knee and a dorsal flexion at the ankle. Mean to the maximal voluntary contraction.
values of the moments and the range of uncertainty are

different individual motor strategies. As men- body and include erectors spinae as prime movers
tioned above, a previous study (Pedotti et al., (main target of the voluntary command), and
1978) has shown that these individual patterns in hamstrings and calf muscles as synergists.
level walking are consistent with a minimization Analysis of timing of recruitment of postural leg
of the total muscle effort. muscles (Hamstring and Calf muscles) with
To gain further insight on the relation between respect to the prime mover (Er. Sp.) revealed a
individual motor strategies and performance op- rather variable relationship, as shown by Pedotti et
timization, as well as on some factors which might a1. (1989).
be responsible for them, the variability between In the most common pattern. recruitment of
subjects in muscle recruitment during natural be- synergistic leg muscles was synchronous or
havior can be analysed for simpler motor tasks. slightly delayed with respect to the prime mover
An interesting example is the study of postural (Figure 34.3A).
synergies which anticipate the activation of a In a few subjects the proximal synergists
given set of prime movers in standing humans. (Hamstrings) displayed a particularly large delay,
In a study on axial movements performed while and could be activated as late as 35 ms after the
standing (Crenna et aI., 1987). the EMG pattern of prime movers, and 20 ms after the calf muscles
trunk and lower limb muscles was investigated in (Figure 34.3B). These different EMG patterns were
association with trajectories of the main body seg- not associated with significant changes in the ex-
ments and ground reactions. During fast cursion of upper trunk segments, as detected by
backward bending of the upper trunk, the involved maximal shoulder and head displacement.
muscle groups are all located in the back of the However, analysis of lower limb kinematics
34. Pedotti and Crenna; Strategies of Muscle Recruitment 547

revealed a highly significant increase in forward faster and with a lower displacement of CG as
knee displacement in the subjects with the largest compared with controls, as confirmed by the
delays in the hamstring recruitment as compared statistically significant decrease of a "performance
to the others (mean 25 cm vs. 10 cm). The index", represented by the ratio maximum
"delayed-hamstring pattern" can be therefore horizontal displacement of CG divided by the
regarded as a strategy whereby the backward mean velocity of shoulder displacement (37 in the
bending of the upper trunk is better counteracted gymnasts vs 73.4 in the untrained subjects).
by a correspondent forward movement of the The variability between subjects can involve
knee. Such a strategy results in a good balance not only the timing but also the muscle pattern
compensation, as shown by the low value of the adopted in a given voluntary movement. A strik-
maximal displacement of the center of gravity ing example of this phenomenon was found in
(CG) of the body during the bending movement subjects in whom, during fast backward bending,
(about 2 cm). in place of the usual initial burst on the calf
muscles, the reciprocal pattern was observed
(Figure 34.4). This implies early activation of
A B c tibilias anterior and inhibition of calf muscles.
Once more, the excursion of the upper trunk
, movement was the same, even though the maxi-
Er. Sp.
- ---!-,-
, .... mal velocity was moderately increased. At
variance, dynamic variables such as maximal
H.m~ horizontal displacement of CG and CP were sig-
,, nificantly increased, as compared with subjects
Celf_ --!'iA_,--
exhibiting the more common EMG pattern.

! Interestingly, the two patterns could be ob-
, I , I I I I , served in a same subject during a same recording
.. 40 - .0 0 - 40 _.0
- 14 II *4(1
session, indicating that different postural
programs are available and can be selected to be
Figure 34.3: Fast backward bending of the upper associated with a given voluntary movement. A
trunk. Schematic representation of the most commom similar finding points to the existence of a consis-
patterns of muscle recruitment in the prime movers
tent degree of intraindividual variability.
(Erectores Spinae) and in the postural muscles of the
leg (Hamstrings and Calf muscles). Time is referred to In order to test this concept further, and with
the onset of EMG activity in the prime movers (time particular reference to the possibility that the de-
0). gree of intra-individual variability might be
different in different subjects, we have manipu-
In a third subgroup of subjects examined which lated some external constraints in order to force a
consisted of girls with a high level training in change in the anticipatory postural synergy as-
gymnastics. Here a consistent anticipation of calf sociated with backward bending. After the control
muscles (and usually of the hamstrings) was ob- trials, four untrained subjects, and the same num-
served with respect to the prime mover (distal ber of subjects well trained in gymnastics, were
anticipated pattern) (Figure 34.3C). asked to perform a second sequence of backward
An obvious question in this context is whether bending movements, while standing on a small
the distal anticipated pattern of gymnasts is ac- platform placed on a narrow support.
tually associated with a higher level of motor Requirements were maximal speed, same excur-
performance. Accordingly, relevant parameters sion as in the control movements and recovery to
related to speed of movement (peak velocity of the initial position after bending. Under this con-
shoulder marker), and to optimal distribution of dition, any activity in the calf muscles, typical of
body masses (maximal horizontal displacement of the backward bending, will be highly disturbing,
the CG) were determined over a certain range of since the resulting plantar flexion torque is no
movement excursion. Interestingly, trained sub- longer counteracted by the ground reaction, so that
jects proved to perform the bending movement destabilization of the whole body balance will oc-
cur. A change in the postural strategy is therefore
548 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part IV: Spinal Loading and Postural Stability

Er. S


GA : 1\ t ,,'" ,

'''''''1' ~1l\o4111:_"" ~~~-tj ~'I'~ ~


i i ' I~
o o 500 ms

Figure 34.4: Flexibility of the pattern of activation of tivity. B) Pattern observed in the second part of the
distal muscles in an untrained subject. during the ex- experiment. after about 16 trials. characterized by the
ecution of a fast backward movement under control usual early burst on GM-Sol. In this case. the TA ac-
conditions. A) Pattern observed in the first part of the tivity is delayed and helps to brake the backward
recording session. characterized by the atypical early movement. Three traces superimposed in each row.
burst on TA. associated with the inhibition of Sol ac-


.INT.. support :
. 200
: .
"M'Tew SuppOf"l

o 0 ~
C :
c 0 :

~'" ISO ~'" ISO ~ ~

o 0:
;; \ <¥

r 100 ~. -. ; r 100
C) C)

..,. ..,.
• 000 / 0 :
V Ol . 0

.3 SO " SO
.:: 0
° :
0 ....................... <

0 10 20 30 10 a 10 20 30 10
Trial number
Tri a) number

Figure 34.5: Amplitude (area) of the gastrocnemious axis on the frontal plane). The left graph is for a
burst in a sequence of backward bending trials per- trained subject. while the right graph is for an un-
formed while standing on the floor (control paradigm) trained subject (right graph). Vertical dotted lines:
and with narrow support (standing on a wooden plate change of support conditions.
placed on a metal square-section bar with the main
34. Pedotti and Crenna; Strategies of Muscle Recruitment 549

to be expected if satisfactory performance level is References

to be maintained. In fact, differences in the EMG Baldissera, F., Hultborn, H. and men, M. (1987)
pattern between control and narrow-support condi- Integration in spinal neuronal systems. In V.B.
tions were actually detected. These did not in Brooks: Handbook of Physiology, 2, I, Nervous
general involve the latency of the synergistic System, Motor Control, I, American Physiological
muscles, since both in untrained subjects and in Society, Bethesda, 509-595.
Bouisset, S. and Zattara, M. (1987) Biomechanical
gymnasts, no systematic changes affected the or-
study of the programming of anticipatory postural
der of muscle activation. Rather, the most striking adjustments associated with voluntary movement J.
changes involved the amplitude of the EMG ac- Biomech. 20:735-742.
tivity in the calf muscles, and most interestingly, Cole, K.J. and Abbs. J.H. (1986) Coordination of three-
were detected exclusively in the gymnasts group. joint digit movements for rapid finger-thumb grasp.
In these subjects, on moving from control to J. Neurophysiol. 55:1407-1423.
narrow-support conditions, the early EMG burst Crenna, P., Frigo, C., Massion, J., Pedotti, A., (1987)
typically observed on calf muscles was consis- Forward and backward axial synergies in man. Exp.
tently reduced in amplitude from the very frrst Brain Res. 65:538-548.
trials, and in three out of four subjects completely Fenigno, O. and Pedotti, A. (1985) ELITE: a digital
disappeared in the majority of trials (see Figure dedicated hardware system for movement analysis
34.5). via real time TV processing. IEEE Trans. Biomed.
Eng. BME-32 11:456461.
34.3 Conclusions Kuypers, H. and Huisman, A.M. (1982) The new
The motor tasks considered here, which were anatomy of the descending brain pathways. In
perfonned self-paced by freely behaving subjects, Sjolund, B. and Bjorkllund, A.: Brain stem control
o/spinal mechanisms, 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 29-
belong to the repertoire of everyday life and are
characterized by a great level of complexity deriv- Lemon, R. (1988) The output map of the primate motor
ing from the interplay of many body segments. cortex. Trends Neurosci. 11:501-505.
One of the main fmdings which emerges from Lundberg, A., Malmgren, K. and Schomburg E.D.
the data presented is the existence of well defined (1987) Reflex pathways from group II muscle af-
individual patterns of muscle recruitment, as- ferents. 3. Secondary spindle afferents and the FRH;
sociated with relevant biomechanical variables in a new hypothesis. Exp. Brain Res. 65:294-306.
the execution of the same motor task, in the same Pedotti, A. (1977) A study of motor coordination and
experimental condition. The observed variables neuromuscular activities in human locomotion.
(several muscles, mechanical moments, trajec- Biolog. Cybernet. 26:53-62.
tories, CG displacements) constitute only a Pedotti, A., Krishnan V.V. and Stark, L. (1978)
Optimization of muscle-force sequencing in human
relatively small subset of the high number of fac-
locomotion. Math. Biosci. 38:57-76.
tors involved in such complex movements. Pedotti, A. and Ghista, D.N. (1981) Human locomotion
However, they indicate the presence of individual analysis in: Orthopaedic Mechanics, Vol. II, Ed.
motor strategies as general schemes of organiza- D.N. Ghista, R. Roaf, Academic Press, pp. 111-174.
tion of a motor action, which result in the Pedotti, A., Crenna P., Deat A., Frigo, C. and Massion
prevalence of a criterion of optimization (e.g., J. (1989) Postural synergies in axial movements:
velocity, force, equilibrium, precision, energy ex- short and long-term adaptation. Exp. Brain Res.
penditure, elegance) in order to obtain a given 74:3-10.
The redundancy of the motor organization is
one of the basis of such individual strategies,
which on the other hand can be related to specific
characteristics of each subject, such as
anthropometric parameters, individual levels of
training, and, possibly, inborn predisposition.

Overview: Influence of Muscle on Cyclic and Propulsive

Movements Involving the Lower Limb

Michael Mungiole and Jack M. Winters

35.1 Introduction large forces. The more distal muscles have long
We are one of the few living animals who nor- tendons that are useful for storing elastic energy.
mally locomotes bipedally. Because of this, our The relatively short and proximally-located
lower limbs have features and requirements that muscle fibers help to minimize the limb mass at
are somewhat unique in the animal kingdom. We the distal aspect of the segment (Chapter 36
are endowed with relatively strong leg extensor (Alexander and Ker)). This characteristic is func-
muscles and long lower limbs, characteristics well tionally important in terms of reducing metabolic
suited to our locomotion and postural require- energy requirements during locomotion (Chapters
ments. These features, however, also result in 36, 38). The control and organization of move-
different loading than would normally be ment is often considered differently for arm-
encountered by the upper limbs. dominated versus leg-dominated movements. As
When comparing the functional requirements outlined in Chapter 11 (Hogan and Winters) and
of the upper and lower limbs, some contrasting exemplified by Chapters 12-17, the arms have
characteristics are evident. The upper limbs been looked at more from a perspective of iden-
generally are used as an open kinematic chain in tifying factors involved in the movement
which the trunk serves as a base while the hands trajectory. Theories of motor control that are
undergo various curvilinear paths. Typically, the developed using arm movement paradigms do not
loads acting at the hands are small compared to directly apply to movements of the lower limb,
the weight of the body. In contrast, the lower which have been primarily investigated during
limbs are often expected to both support and move cyclic tasks such as locomotion. These cyclic
the mass of the body. Because one or both feet are movements, which are much more common for
usually in contact with the environment, the mus- the lower limbs, are often considered to be
culoskeletal system experiences high external produced by muscle activation patterns resulting
loads during continuous or cyclic tasks such as from some type of central pattern generator
posture and locomotion. Furthermore, a closed (Grillner, 1975).
kinematic chain is encountered whenever both feet Investigations of lower limb movement or-
are in contact with the ground, resulting in a ganization have frequently focused on the
kinematically and dynamically difficult indeter- consideration of mechanisms influencing move-
minate problem. ment performance. These include such issues as
The muscles involved in movements of the the storage and utilization of elastic energy, the
lower limb have specific features that are com- role of biarticular muscles in producing and con-
patible with their functional requirements. trolling movement, and energy transfer between
Architectural features include pennate fibers and and within segments. These topics are of par-
relatively large cross-sectional areas, both of ticular relevance to several chapters in this section
which help in allowing these muscles to develop of the book and will be reviewed in Section 35.4.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 551

35.2 Features of Volitional Movements during several common activities, athletic move-
Involving the Lower Limb ments, or stationary positions. The estimates were
based primarily on either simple reductionist
35.2.1 Interaction with the Environment models of joint load distribution or on static op-
The movement constraints placed on the lower timization methods [for details regarding such
limbs are somewhat unique since the feet are often methods see Section 8.4 of Chapter 8 (Zajac and
dynamically interacting with the environment. Winters)] and are quite sensitive to modeling as-
This may involve contact with either the ground or sumptions (e.g., estimated moment arms). Also,
some moving object (e.g., bicycle pedal) which most of the estimated values are likely to underes-
provides resistance. The torso, which is attached timate the true forces or moments because muscle
to the proximal end of each limb, represents the co-contractions were usually not assumed.
base of support during bicycling but not during A consequence of the relatively high forces
most forms of locomotion. being exerted by the leg muscles is that, in the ab-
In the review of upper limb movement [Chapter sence of dynamic coupling between links,
11 (Hogan and Winters)], it was shown that generated joint angular velocities tend not to be as
dynamic interaction with the environment can high as those often encountered during arm move-
have profound effects on the musculoskeletal sys- ments. One contributing factor is the contractile
tem, and that the central nervous system has the element (CE) force-velocity property, where for a
capacity to modulate this dynamic interaction [see particular level of activation, higher forces result
also Hogan et al., 1987 and Chapter 9 (Hogan)]. in reduced CE shortening velocity. Additionally,
These interactions and resulting effects also occur because of unique skeletal features (e.g., cal-
for the lower limb, which usually is in contact caneus, patella, greater trochanter, the shape of the
with the environment. Ground contact essentially pelvis), the major muscles of the lower limb have
provides a position input to the neuromusculo- relatively large moment arms. This facilitates
skeletal system with the ground reaction force joint torque generation but at a cost to joint an-
represented as an output [e.g., Chapter 43 gular velocity. Finally, inertial components tend
(Yamaguchi)]. This provides additional con- to scale with size at a greater rate than joint mo-
straints on movement which have implications in ments (McMahon, 1984). Thus, in proportion to
the motor control requirements during posture and limb inertia, larger moments can be developed
locomotion. Issues related to posture and stability about joints of the upper limb as compared to the
are the focus of Section ill of this book and are lower limb. This would result in proportionately
reviewed in Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters); larger accelerations and, hence, larger velocities
here we emphasize cyclic and propulsive move- for the upper limb segments. We will see
ments. throughout this sequence of chapters, however,
35.2.2 Types and Magnitudes of Loading that dynamic coupling and elastic energy storage
can be used to one's advantage to help increase
the velocities of the lower limb segments.
Because the legs are usually involved in sup-
porting the rest of the body, large forces are often 35.2.3 Importance of Cyclic Movements
developed. When the feet are in contact with the For most cyclic movements, the active muscles
ground during a postural or movement task, the re- are continuously undergoing an alternating stretch-
quired support of body weight often results in ing and shortening, known as the stretch-
significant ground reaction forces, especially shortening cycle (Norman and Komi, 1979).
during periods where only one foot is on the Several rhythmic movements have been inves-
ground (Miller and Nissinen, 1987). Furthermore, tigated with respect to their particular relevance to
because large muscle forces are often necessary to stretch-shortening, including running (Alexander
provide appropriate joint torques, joint contact and Bennet-Clark, 1977; Cavagna and Kaneko,
(bone on bone) forces can be large (Burdett, 1977; Ito et al., 1983), walking (Hof et al., 1983),
1982). Table 35.1 gives typical estimates and and cross-country skiing (Komi and Norman,
direct measures (obtained from the research 1987). There is some controversy, however,
literature) of forces and moments developed regarding whether muscles are actively stretched
552 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Table 35.1: Representative summary of peak forces culotendon and ligament forces, and joint moments.
and moments experienced by the lower limb for All forces are in multiples of body weight and joint
various movements and positions. Shown are vertical moments are in Nm.
ground reaction forces, bone-on-bone forces, mus-

load/anatomical movement/ average reference

location position peak value

vertical ground
reaction force:
walking @ 1.34 m/s 1.2 Larish et a1. (1988)
walking @ 1.21 m/s 1.1 Chao et a1. (1983)
running @ 4.5 m/s 2.8 Cavanagh & Lafortune (1980)
sprinting @ 7 mI. 3.0 Hamill at a1. (1983)
hopping 4.2 Fukashiro & Komi (1987)
v/B spike (landing) 4.8 Adrian & Laughlin (1983)
bkwd. somersault (tkoff.) 4.8 Brugg.....nn (1985)
running fwd. somersault (lndg.) 13.6 Killer & Nissinen (1987)

bone on bone
ankle running @ 4.5 m/s 9.0 Harrison et a1. (1986)
hip walking @ 1.2 m/s 5.2 Crowninshield et a1. (1978a)
hip walking @ 1. 0 m/s 4.3 Crowninshie1d at a1. (1978b)
hip ascending stairs @ 0.5 m/e 5.5 crowninshie1d et a1. (1978b)
knee landing from 1 m height 24.4 Smith (1975)
ankle landing from 1 m height 7.4 Smith (1975)
ankle running @ 4.47 mla 10.8 Burdett (1982)
ankle ballet (2 foot spring to toeS) 10.0 Galea & Norman (1985)
hip walking @ 1. 3 ml s 2.5* Rydell (1965)
hip walking @ 0.9 m/s 1.8· Rydell (1965)
hip walking @ 0.65 m/s 1.3· Rydell (1965)
hip walking @ 1.3 mI. (swing phase) 1.3* Rydell (1965)
hip standing on one leg 2.5* Rydell (1965)
hip walking 2.0· Kil v inqton & Goodmen (1981)
hip single legged stance 2.2* Ki1vinqton & Goodman (1981)
knee sideways bend (double support) 2.4 Fuller & Winters (1988)
hip sideways bend (double support) 2.1 Fuller & Winters (1988)
knee & hip marching (single support) 3.1 Fuller & Winters (1988)
knee side kick (single support) 2.8 Fuller & Winters (1988)
hip side kick (single support) 2.5 Fuller & Winters (1988)
knee back kick (single support) 2.7 Fuller & Winters (1988)
hip back kick (single support) 3.0 Fuller & Winters (1988)
hip single legged stance 2.2 Kilvinqton & Goodman (1981)
knee squatting (fast descent) 5.6 Dah1kvist et a1. (1982)
patellar/fern. squatting (fast descent) 7.6 Dah1kvist et a1. (1982)

mUBculotendon or
ligament force:
ach. tendon walking @ 1.8 m/s 3.0 Alexander & Vernon (1975)
patellar 1ig. running @ 3.9 mls 7.4 Alexander & Vernon (1975)
quadriceps standing long jump (tkoff.) 7.8 Alexander & Vernon (1975)
gastrocnemius running @ 4.5 mls 7.0 Harrison et ale (1986)
hamstri.ngs running @ 4.5 m/s 3.1 Harrison et al. (1986)
ach. tendon bicycling @ 90 rpm (1 kp) 0.6* Gregor et a1. (1987)
ach. tendon bicycling @ 60 & 90 rpm (3 kp) O.S* Gregor et a1. (1987)
ach. tendon bk. somersault (takeoff) 14.1 Bruggemann ( 1985 )
ach. tendon running @ 4.47 mI. 7.0 Burdett (1982)
patellar lig. landing from 1 m height 16.6 Smith (1975)
gastrocnemius landing from 1 m height 6.1 Smith (1975)
quadriceps squatting (fast descent) 6.9 Dah1kvist et a1. ( 1982)
hamstrings squatting (fast descent) 2.2 Dah1kvist et a1. (1982)
gastrocnemius squatting (fast descent) 1.2 Dah1kvist et a1. (1982)

joint moment:
ankle running @ 3.9 mls 200 Alexander & Vernon (1975)
ankle walking @ 1. 8 m/s 96 Alexander & Vernon ( 19 75)
knee standing long jump 125 Alexander & Vernon (1975)
ankle isometric 134 Nistor et a1. (1982)
ankle isokinetic @ 30 deg/s 101 Nistor et a1. (1982)
ankle bk. somersault (takeoff) 282 Bruggemsnn (1985)
knee running @ 4.5 m/s 188 Harrison et a1. (1986)
hip running @ 4.5 m/_ 98 Harrison at a1. (1986)
ankle running @ 4.5 mls 174 Harrison et a1. (1986)

* direct measure obtained.

35. Mungioie and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 553

during bicycling although recent research indi- and hopping movements have generally concluded
cates that this does occur for some muscles that enhanced performance is primarily due to the
[Gregor et al., 1987; Chapter 40 (Hull and storage and utilization of elastic energy (see also
Hawkins)]. Chapter 38 (Rof)). In contrast, van Ingen Schenau
Cyclic movements also provide the foundation (1984) has questioned the amount of elastic
behind the concept of the central pattern generator, energy that is capable of being stored and utilized
which is considered by many to be primarily based primarily on measures of musculotendon
responsible for rhythmic type movements stiffness and changes in tendon length during
(Grillner, 1975). From this viewpoint it is walking, running, and jumping [see also Chapter
believed that central pattern generators likely con- 39 (Chapman and Sanderson)].
trol functional groupings of muscles (synergies)
35.2.5 Greater Interest in Energy and Power
during cyclic movements, with local control over
individual segments of the leg (Brooks, 1986). Transfer and Biarticular Muscles
Past research addressing this concept, primarily There has been a good deal of research,
conducted on cats, have centered on studies where primarily investigating walking and running, that
mechanical or electrical perturbations were ap- has considered the role of energy transfer and its
plied. The purpose of such studies has been to relationship to the efficiency of movement (see
determine the relative influence of feedback path- Winter, 1984a for review). The individual energy
ways versus spinal and higher brain centers [see transfer assumptions inherent in mechanical
Grillner, 1975 and Chapter 45 (Brooke and energy analyses, however, have resulted in a large
Mcllroy)]. range of mechanical work, power, and efficiency
measures during movement (Williams and
35.2.4 Greater Importance of Spring-Mass Cavanagh, 1983; Winter, 1984a). These assump-
Characteristics tions encompass the various possibilities of
There is a good bit of evidence [reviewed in segment energy transfer, ranging from insig-
McMahon (Chapter 37)] supporting the spring- nificant exchange (Norman et al., 1976) to
like characteristics of muscles during movements complete exchange between nonadjacent seg-
such as running and bouncing. The bouncing ments. The kinetic approach, however, which
studies (Cavagna, 1970; Greene and McMahon, employs a mechanical power analysis (Elftman,
1979) show the importance of muscle mechanical 1939; Robertson and Winter, 1980) eliminates the
properties in determining the output characteristics need to make any energy transfer assumptions.
of the movement. Bach et al. (1983) found that Also, Winter has indicated that this analysis can
subjects can obtain a resonant frequency of bounc- provide information on where energy generation,
ing due partly to the mechanical properties of their absorption, and transfer take place. Although
ankle plantarflexor muscles. Each of these studies ground reaction force measures are required, out-
assumed the body to be represented by mass and puts obtained using this analysis include the
viscoelastic components, with a force generator individual joint reaction forces and moments and
also included in the Bach et al. study. Greene and the instantaneous power measures attributed to
McMahon found that mass had a minor effect on them.
leg stiffness measurements while geometric fac- Zajac and Gordon (1989) recently published a
tors (such as lower limb joint angles) influenced review in which they consider dynamic interac-
stiffness to a much greater extent (see also Chapter tions that occur between segments for multijoint
37). movements [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and
The spring-like characteristics of muscle have Winters) and Chapter 42 (Pandy)]. They em-
traditionally been considered to be the primary phasize that an active muscle connecting two
reason for enhanced performance (above that ob- adjacent segments can potentially contribute to
tained when there is no prior muscle stretch) movements of other segments due to dynamic cou-
during the concentric phase of the stretch- pling and suggest that one of the primary roles of
shortening cycle. Specifically, the early studies biarticular muscles is to transfer power among the
(see Komi, 1984 for review) which have inves- various body segments (van Ingen Schenau et al.,
tigated the stretch-shortening cycle for jumping 1987). Wells (1988) has shown support for this
554 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

role of biarticular muscles during walking. Using image in recent years, video has gained in
a reductionist algorithm, he found that there was a popUlarity. One is usually restricted, however, to
reduced mechanical energy cost when the joint a maximum sampling rate of 60 frames/s, which is
moments were partitioned among both monoar- adequate for gait analysis. Video has the ad-
ticular and biarticular muscles, as compared to the vantages of overall ease of handling, the ability to
case when only monoarticular muscles were ac- obtain immediate feedback, and the retention of a
tive. An interesting theoretical discussion on the permanent record of the movement being inves-
overall role of biarticular muscles was recently tigated.
given in a target article by van Ingen Schenau Kinetic analyses involving the lower limb are
(1989). usually conducted while using a force platform to
obtain the ground reaction forces imparted to the
35.2.6 Some Unique Functional Features
foot. Pressure sensing mats (Hennig et aI., 1982),
The lower limb has at least two unique features
a more recent biomechanical tool, provides the re-
that are not present in the upper limb. The first of
searcher with the added capability of measuring
these relates to the structure of the knee joint and, the pressure distribution beneath the foot or shoe
in particular, the function of the patella. It is
area contacting the mat. A variation of the pres-
generally considered that the main purpose of the
sure mat is the discrete force sensor, which can be
patella is to increase the moment arm of the knee placed inside the shoe to obtain force measures at
extensor muscles, allowing this muscle group to particular anatomical locations (Gross and Bunch,
develop larger moments than could be obtained if
1988). Load cells and strain gages have also been
the patella were not present. Since stiffness scales used to measure forces either applied to the body
with the square of the moment arm [Chapter 9 or those imparted to athletic equipment coupled to
(Hogan)], the patella also serves to increase the the body (Hay et al., 1979).
knee joint angular stiffness.
One of the most important requirements in
A second unique characteristic of the lower biomechanical analyses is the determination of the
limb is the high stiffness of the ankle joint. This individual forces produced by the active muscles.
feature is primarily related to the large moment Methods for force estimation are presented in
arm of muscles crossing the ankle joint (see Section 8.4 of Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters). For
Winters and Stark, 1988). Ankle joint stiffness ap- lower limb movements, Hof and Vanden Berg
pears to serve functional requirements during (1981) used electromyography (EMG) to estimate
volitional tasks such as locomotion, where it helps muscle force while using a three element Hill-
offset the high equivalent mass so as to provide based model and inputs of joint angle and
appropriate spring-mass behavior. The high stiff- velocity. Active state was assumed to be a func-
ness is also significant with regards to postural
tion of the filtered EMG. They obtained fairly
adjustments provided by muscles spanning the good agreement with experimental results for an
ankle joint. Grillner (1972) indicated that joint ankle plantarflexion movement. For walking,
stiffness provides a load compensation mechanism Olney and Winter (1985) used EMG and kinematic
in controlling movement for which the mechanical information to validate a deterministic model
response to perturbations is instantaneous, in con- which calculated moments at the ankle and knee
trast to the inherent time delay that occurs with joints.
feedback response (see McMahon, 1984). An unfortunate limitation for each external
35.3 Current Methodologies measuring method (including the more invasive
procedure of using EMG wire electrodes) is that no
35.3.1 Experimental direct measure of muscle force is made. Thus, one
Both hardware and software have evolved con- is often forced to make questionable assumptions
siderably in recent years. Capabilities in the area to obtain the forces produced by individual
of imaging (motion analysis) have also been muscles. Recently, buckle transducers have been
greatly expanded. The most popular types of im- temporarily implanted around the achilles tendon,
aging systems include cinematography, allowing for direct measures of tendon forces.
videography, and optoelectric systems. With an Some researchers have used a similar device on
improvement in the quality and resolution of its the cat hindlimb muscles (Walmsley et al., 1978;
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 555

Gregor et al., 1988) and the elbow flexor muscles timization techniques to solve for individual
in monkeys (Landjerit et al., 1988), while Komi muscle forces (described in Chapter 8). The in-
and associates (Komi et al., 1987; Gregor et al., herent difficulties in experimental validation of the
1987) have had success in implanting of a buckle several performance criteria used in static op-
transducer on the achilles tendon of humans. timization, however, continues to hamper the
Norman (1989) considers the determination of in- researcher. A related confounding influence is ex-
dividual muscle and ligament forces noninvasively emplified in a gait study conducted by Winter
as the most important problem faced by research- (1984b), who found large variations in the knee
ers involved in human movement studies. and hip torques despite fairly constant lower limb
Although a direct measure of musculotendon kinematics across walking trials.
length has been rarely attempted, Whiting et al. Inverse dynamics has additional limitations as
(1984) and Abraham and Loeb (1985) have ob- well. As outlined in Chapter 8, the researcher
tained this measure for some hindlimb muscles in utilizing such methods may not even need to be
cats. aware of fundamental issues concerning neural
control strategies. Consider the common example
35.3.2 Modeling
of human gait. To a fIrst approximation, the
Since muscle modeling has been considered in upright human torso system can be thought of as
depth elsewhere [e.g., Chapter 5 (Winters)], it will an inverted pendulum [see Chapter 37
not be reviewed in this section. (It should be indi- (McMahon)]. Such systems are very difficult to
cated that Hill-based muscle models are used ir
stabilize, yet maintainIng stability [reviewed in
Chapters 38, 39, 40, 42, and 43 in this section oj
Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters)] r~resents
the book.) Here, we will briefly address model·
one ot the primary neuromotor control Issues of
ing, as related to multiarticular movement
the lower limb. With inverse dynamics, stability
dynamics and control of the lower limb. There are
becomes a moot point since the kinematics repre-
two main approaches that have been considered in
sent the input to the model. Thus, it is not
determining the kinematic and kinetic aspects of
surprising that a review of the inverse dynamics
movement, inverse and forward (direct) dynamics
literature finds little mention of stability require-
[Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]. Inverse
ments. In contrast, when forward (direct) dynamic
dynamics is a simpler approach which can be
simulations of gait are performed [Chapter 43
readily applied to both two and three dimensional
(Yamaguchi)], it becomes a vital question because
problems. By measuring the joint and/or segmen-
the model will literally "fall" if this issue is not ap-
tal kinematics along with the externally applied
propriately addressed. Even here, however,
loads (e.g., ground reaction forces), one can sys-
deterministic models may not allow a full inves-
tematically obtain the joint moments and reaction
tigation of stability issues since such models may
forces by progressing in a distal to proximal se-
not be set up to assess the model response to per-
quence while solving algebraic equations only
turbations (see also Chapter 23).
(Bresler and Frankel, 1950). Inverse dynamics
As another example, the concept of goal-
has been used more often than forward dynamics
directed behavior is related to a task that unfolds
in kinetic analyses, probably because of the
over time. Such tasks cannot be adequately
reduced complexity of the former method. Much
treated from within the framework of inverse
of the published research on locomotion and other
dynamics since each instant in time is mathemati-
complex movements has employed this method.
cally distinct from any other instant. This is
In many instances it is desirable to obtain the
especially evident in static optimization, where
loading contributions of the various tissues cross-
there is no mechanism available for incorporating
ing a joint by a distribution of the net joint
the performance criterion which is a function of
moment. Unfortunately, many combinations of in-
the entire temporal task. In reality, neural control
dividual muscle forces are capable of producing
strategies at one instant are applied for the purpose
similar multisegmental movements. In an attempt
of affecting future instants in time, based on trying
to overcome this indeterminate problem in inverse
to meet the goals of some task (e.g., Chapter 42
dynamic analyses, one is forced to either use
heuristic reductionist approaches or static op-
In contrast to inverse dynamics, the direct
556 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

(forward) dynamics approach represents the conceptual and practical issues regarding elastic
natural causality of physical systems. This ap- energy.
proach offers the important advantage of forcing
Implications of Elastic Properties in
the researcher (or computer) to solve the physical
problem in a manner similar to the functioning Musculoskeletal System Design
neuromotor system, i.e., the neural drives to Chapter 36 (Alexander and Ker) provides a
muscles become inputs to the musculoskeletal sys- thoughtful commentary on the relationship be-
tem [see Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]. In this tween architectural features of limb muscles and
case, state equations must be integrated over time tendons in various animals and the capacity for
which results in the solution of differential equa- elastic energy storage during locomotion. This has
tions. Forward dynamics has often been utilized in been an ongoing topic of interest by Alexander
conjunction with lower limb dynamic optimization and colleagues (e.g. Alexander, 1988), and in con-
methods [e.g., Hatze, 1978; Chapter 43 junction with Chapter 37 (McMahon) and Chapter
(Yamaguchi); Chapter 42 (Pandy)]. In Chapter 8 38 (Hof) provides a unique global perspective on
it is shown that direct dynamics, used in conjunc- spring-like musculotendinous structures. The
tion with dynamic optimization, provide the authors indicate how these structures have evolved
greatest potential for gaining insight into in animals to optimally meet the competing needs
neuromotor control strategies employed during of task performance (e.g., locomotion speed) ver-
movement. sus metabolic energy requirements. Assuming
Both inverse and direct dynamics modeling ap- typical stress-strain material behavior for tendon
proaches, at least as utilized to date, make no a [see review in Chapter 5 (Winters)], Alexander
priori assumptions regarding neural connections and Ker provide a convincing argument that
between muscles. It is hopeful that future applica- various tendons have dramatically different
tions of dynamic optimization will include force-extension properties which serve different
assumptions on the neural connections which, purposes. Based on architectural features, they
upon excitation, would have the ability to produce distinguish between three major types of mus-
inherent coupling between muscles. Control culotendinous units and, from a teleological
parameters to be optimized need not only be perspective, propose reasons for these differences.
motoneuronal input parameters; feedback gains or These three types of musculotendinous units are:
tuning parameters for "hard-wired" neural cir- 1. Muscles with long fasckles and relatively short
cuitry may also be optimized for specific tendons. These muscles tend to be located
(stereotyped) tasks. Eventually, the modeler may proximally on the limb and are often large in size.
consider if an optimization algorithm (or perhaps a They are capable of producing a large amount of
neural network) can produce a central pattern gen- work, while accelerating a limb segment over a sig-
erator. Cyclic lower limb movements would nificant range of motion. When it is necessary to
help decelerate the limb, these muscles are also
provide the ideal paradigm for such investigations.
capable of absorbing energy.
35.4 Major Conceptual Issues and Current 2. Muscles with long and relatively thick tendons
Status which only extend up to 2% of their length. These
tendons do not store a significant amount of strain
35.4.1 Basic Implications of Elastic Energy energy and would thus appear to be overdesigned.
Storage and Utilization Building on the observations of Rack and Ross
Elastic energy and its biomechanical (and (1984), Alexander and Ker suggest that the tendons
neuromotor) implications has been the focus of may serve the purpose of remote operation. These
much investigation, especially as they relate to musculotendinous units often have long tendons
and distal insettion sites which allow the muscle
muscles in the lower limb. Yet the source and
mass to be proximally located and help in minimiz-
relative importance of elastic energy storage and ing limb inettia. Due to their thickness, these
utilization remain controversial. In several chap- tendons have the stiffness necessary to meet the
ters (particularly Chapters 36-38) within this important functional requirement of position con-
section emphasizing the lower limb, recognized trol, especially appropriate for prehensile muscles
leaders provide a unique focus on some important of the fingers and thumb. Because of their long
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 557

length, however, the tendons also aid in the control Fundamental Global Effects of
of force and regulation of stiffness. Since the Spring-Like Muscles
operating range of these tendons are within the The findings of Chapter 37 (McMahon)
"toe" region (see Fung, 1981, p. 210), their stiff- complement the above observations related to ar-
ness increases dramatically with an increase in chitecture while treating the gross limb
muscle force. Thus, the theoretical foundation for
musculature as a single telescoping spring. Here,
impedance modulation described by Hogan
(Chapter 9), based on the capacity to modulate stiff- simple spring-mass models are considered while
ness, would still apply. In addition, these addressing elastic energy during movements, par-
properties circumvent two disadvantages of com- ticularly the "elastic bounce" seen during running
pliant tendons stated in Chapters 36 and 38. The and walking. The physical source of spring-like
first of these is represented by the higher metabolic behavior is not directly addressed because
cost and more sluggish nature of voluntarily- McMahon considers stiffness from a global
induced isometric or concentric muscle action. perspective in which control-modulated reflex stiff-
This is especially true when muscle action is in- ness works in conjunction with passive
itiated from a low force level, where the tendon musculotendinous elasticity. Conceptual issues re-
compliance is higher. Under this condition, a rela- lated to the advantageous use of spring-like
tively large amount of CE shortening accompanies
elements in animals and robots are emphasized in
a given change in muscle force. The second disad-
vantage is concerned with potential neuromuscular his chapter. He documents experimental observa-
control difficulties which are due to: i) the muscle tion of macroscopic spring behavior, showing the
spindles not measuring absolute musculotendinous relatively small change in global leg stiffness over
length; ii) a lack of precise position regulation; and a large range in force and the more significant
iii) the requirement that the central nervous system variation in stiffness due to kinematics (e.g., knee
determine the appropriate time course for a con- angle). Also, he makes a distinction between ver-
certed contraction (Chapter 38) that would result in tical and leg stiffnesses. The telescoping spring
reduced metabolic energy consumption. leg is utilized in considering the theoretical
benefits of spring-mass systems during running as
3. Musculotendinous units with relatively short related to the tradeoffs between stiffness, stride
muscle fascicles and long and slender tendons length, and forward velocity. Finally, McMahon
(e.g., ankle plantarflexors). These units are repre-
indicates that model predictions are in reasonably
sented by the anti-gravity muscles located in the
distal segments. When large forces are present in good agreement with the empirical relationship be-
these muscles, the tendons undergo large exten- tween stride length and forward velocity (both
sions (up to 5%) enabling them to store significant variables normalized to leg length) obtained by
amounts of elastic energy. As indicated in Alexander (1976) for a wide range of animals.
Chapters 36 and 38, such tendons also save energy
because: i) for a given force level, less metabolic 35.4.2 Stretch-Shortening: Controversy and
energy is required due to the relatively small Significance
muscle mass; ii) the tendon acts as a spring, storing Bicycling represents a movement in which
energy that can later be released with little viscous there has been controversy as to whether the
energy loss; and iii) the contractile machinery does stretch-shortening cycle exists to a significant ex-
not experience as much variation in length as the tent. When electromechanical delay (Norman and
entire musculotendinous unit, allowing the CE to Komi, 1979) is taken into account, Hull and
remain within a narrower and more efficient region Hawkins (Chapter 40) conclude that elastic energy
of its tension-length and force-velocity relations
is stored and utilized in cycling but may be de-
[see also Chapter 39 (Chapman and Sanderson)].
Hof (Chapter 38) provides quantitative documenta- pendent on methodological factors such as
tion of points iiJ and iii) while using a Hill-based pedalling speed and whether toeclips are used.
model of the ankle plantarflexors. While consider- They report that their subject pedalled at a rela-
ing the positive and negative work of the CE and tively high speed (85 rpm) while using toeclips
the entire musculotendinous unit along with the and cleats. These results are consistent with those
elastic energy stored, he shows the various se- obtained by Andrews (1987) and Gregor et al.
quences of energy flow during slow, moderate, and (1987) who also show evidence that the
fast speed walking, and running. stretch-shortening cycle exists. In contrast, pre-
558 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

vious studies which concluded that elastic energy 20

1 16

was not stored and utilized, had subjects pedaling ~ 12
at approximately 60 rpm and without toeclips. &
Force potentiation induced by the stretch- 4
shortening cycle has been documented for a !Z -4
variety of movements (reviewed in Komi, 1984). ~ -&
The relative contribution and importance of elastic
energy, however, remains controversial. An inter- 17~
esting discussion on this issue was addressed by z

van Ingen Schenau (1984) in which he suggested

that elastic energy storage may be overestimated. 7~

In general, Chapman and Sanderson (Chapter 39) !Z 50

':":" ' ~ " ""- '
~ 25 -- " -* '"
seem to agree with this assessment and state that 0
the real advantage of the stretch-shortening cycle

is to allow time for muscles to develop force. This
200 (e) / .,~...~. ~
allows a high force level to be achieved by the ~
time the muscle starts to shorten, resulting in im-
Y -="=""<

proved performance during the concentric phase. !Z -100 :/

The importance of this high force level for ~ -200 ,
movement performance [Chapman and Sanderson -300
(Chapter 39)] is consistent with results obtained
by Bosco et al. (1981) at movement turnaround,
50 (d) -"':::
where the direction of joint(s) rotation is reversed. g 0

i -~:
Bosco et al. found that vertical jump performance
was strongly affected by the brief delay period
::l -150 /
(coupling time) at turnaround during which the -200 ,
knee joint was maintained at a constant angle. -250
They have shown that an increase in coupling time ...J 1.0,----:;r.::::~&:::!:<-=-=-==-=,-.--'1
resulted in a reduction in the vertical ground reac- ~ 0.& (.)?~
tion force at turnaround along with a
~ 0.6
corresponding reduction in movement perfor- !i
mance (maximum height jumped). Also, an ~ 0.4

increase in coupling time corresponded to reduced az 0.2

angular acceleration of the joints at turnaround. 0.0-1---1--- ----------1
-50 o 50 100 150 200
The importance of joint angular acceleration TH.lE (ms)
(and ongoing muscle force and CE power) at the
initiation of the concentric phase of the stretch- Figure 35.1: Ankle dorsi/plantarflexion simulation of
shortening cycle was addressed in a recent experimental protocol (Mungiole, 1990) obtained from
experimental and simulation study for ankle a muscle model (Winters and Stark, 1985) showing the
effect of minipulating neural signals on ankle plan-
dorsi/plantarflexion movements (Mungiole, 1990).
tarflexion (time> 0). Solid, dotted, and dashed lines
Computer simulations, using a model with HiII- represent ankle joint angular accelerations of 41.5,
based muscle properties, were obtained in which 59.2, and 76.7 radls2, respectively, at movement tur-
ankle joint angular accelerations at movement turn- naround (time = 0). a) Joint position. Anatomical
around were compared by varying the neural input position (relaxed standing) is at 0°. Positive values
to the plantarflexor (agonist) muscles during the represent plantarflexion. b) Joint torque. Positive
eccentric phase of the movement. Mechanical out- values represent plantarflexor torque. At tum-around,
put variables were compared during the ftrst 200 torque values are 111, 136, and 161 Nm, respectively.
ms of ankle plantarflexion. Figure 35.1 shows c) Joint power (torque ... angular velocity). Positive
values indicate joint is plantarflexing. d) Contractile
plots of simulation predictions for joint angle,
element (CE) power (muscle force ... CE shortening
torque, and power and CE power for the three velocity). Positive values indicate CE is shortening. e)
levels of angular acceleration at turnaround. Neural excitation and activation (simulated EMG)
levels. Values can range between 0 and 1. The dashed-
dotted line represents the neural excitation input.
Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements 559

Movements were simulated while a resistive load For the stretch-shortening cycle (reviewed in
of 36% of maximum isometric plantarflexion Chapters 39-41), eccentric muscle action due to
strength was applied. The neural input values increased muscle activation facilitates the strength
were varied in a manner that produced equal and speed of the ensuing concentric action. With
neural excitation and nearly equal activation levels this movement, changes in voluntary muscle ac-
(Figure 35.1e) at turnaround (time = 0) and during tion are responsible for inducing the
the concentric phase. Joint excursion, torque, and stretch-shortening cycle. "Elastic bounce" exists
power results agreed reasonably well with ex- when a sudden (and often prolonged) impact load
perimental data in which subjects lowered and is applied to the musculoskeletal system, inducing
raised weights while using their ankle plan- muscle stretching. Prior to impact, the muscle(s)
tarflexor muscles (Mungiole, 1990). Considering soon to be stretched is not typically lengthening.
the early part of the concentric phase, it is ap- In fact, there is often shortening, with the ongoing
parent that the joint power and CE power (Figures activation level increasing in anticipation of the
35.1c and d, respectively) follow different trends impact. The increase in activity is partly respon-
across the three simulation runs. As angular ac- sible for producing muscle recoil sometime after
celeration at turnaround increases, the joint power impact. Our simulation results of the muscle-
increases while the CE power decreases. This activation-induced stretch-shortening cycle and
trend difference indicates that, as turnaround ac- external-load-induced "elastic bounce" indicate
celeration increases, the series elastic component that they are different situations, with muscle
(SE) contributes to a greater extent both in utiliz- receiving different types of inputs [see also
ing stored elastic energy and in setting CE force Chapter 5 (Winters)]. Sensitivity analysis trajec-
and velocity operating ranges. What is important tories indicate that the classical stretch-shortening
is not how much elastic energy is stored but rather cycle against a constant load predicts less of a role
when it is stored and how this affects the system for elastic energy storage than does an "elastic
state variables. In particular, the difference be- bounce" simulation. This perhaps explains why
tween the instantanous CE power and the joint elastic energy is of greater concern in chapters em-
power is a direct consequence of series element phasizing running (Chapters 36-38), a movement
behavior. indicative of an "elastic bounce" effect. It is
These simulation results are compatible with downplayed and of lesser importance, however, in
Chapman and Sanderson (Chapter 39) who indi- situations where the windup aspects of throwing,
cate that the large muscle torque developed early striking, and kicking are addressed [Chapman and
in the concentric phase results in the joint angular Sanderson (Chapter 39)], movements closely iden-
velocity increasing faster than would occur for a tified with the stretch-shortening cycle.
movement starting from rest. Chapman (1985)
35.4.4 Revisiting Responses to Impact
also reached a similar conclusion in his com-
In Chapter 38, Hof considers the contribution
prehensive review article on muscle mechanics in
of ankle plantarflexors to the energetics of walk-
which he compared model results of a
ing and running and the relative role of elastic
stretch-shortening cycle with a movement starting
energy storage at different speeds. Using a Hill-
from rest undergoing a concentric phase only.
based muscle model, he shows that that elastic
Thus, the main reason for improved performance
energy is utilized more effectively during normal
in the stretch-shortening cycle is the high torque
walking as opposed to slow walking, and that this
developed at movement turnaround. Our simula-
is due to muscle mechanical properties. It should
tion experience with other joints suggest that
be noted that these simulations assume no muscle
although the details may differ, the basic trends
yielding [see Chapter 1 (Zahalak)). This assump-
extend to most joints throughout the body.
tion is compatible with the fmdings of Cordo and
35.4.3 Distinguishing Between Stretch- Rymer (1983), who showed that when additional
Shortening Phenomena fibers are being recruited (a typical occurrence
Before proceeding, we would like to distin- when impact is anticipated), yielding is insig-
guish between the classical definition of the nificant. As further support, strong reflex activity
stretch- shortening cycle and "elastic bounce". due to muscle lengthening (see Chapter 13 (Wu et
560 35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements

al.) and tendon compliance also tend to help mini- major issue in Chapters 39 and 41-45, which con-
mize a yielding effect. These issues are discussed sider the movements of throwing and kicking
in more detail in Chapter 5 (Winters). (Chapter 39), jumping (Chapters 41-42), and
For most impact-induced "elastic bounce" tasks walking (Chapters 43-45). Ir..verse dynamic
(particularly, cyclic movements such as running), models provide one avenue for exploration and
the initial conditions at impact can be strategically have been utilized extensively for study of energy
set by neural activity. As an example, the initial and power transfer (see Section 35.4.7). These
speed and rate of change of force of the ankle types of approaches essentially document dynami-
plantarflexor muscles at the time of impact can be cal interaction effects, and as such, provide
set by prior neural activation. For both force and valuable information. For example, in Chapter 45
velocity to be independently set, however, either (Hinrichs) helps to identify a major role for arm
temporary antagonistic co-contraction or strategic swing during running - stabilization of the axial
multi-articular coordination may be required. Co- angular momentum.
contraction changes the system Direct (forward) dynamic methods, however,
stiffness/impedance [Chapter 5 (Winters); Chapter can provide insights into intersegmental coupling
9 (Hogan)]. McMahon (Chapter 37) suggests that that are not possible with the inverse dynamic ap-
there is an optimal leg stiffness, of intermediate proach (Zajac and Gordon, 1989). For instance,
value, which allows a cyclical task to be repeated Zajac and Gordon indicate that the contraction of a
without variation. This optimal stiffness would muscle crossing the ankle joint affects not only the
depend on the goal of the movement along with ankle joint but also accelerates and transfers
the mass and inertial dynamics of the system [see energy to more proximal joints. Such findings
also discussions in Chapter 38 (Hof) and Chapter force reassessment of fundamental concepts, such
39 (Chapman and Sanderson)]. It may also as muscle synergy (see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and
depend on the magnitude and duration of the im- Winters». In addition, one of the primary ad-
pact. Consider the example of kicking a ball of vantages of forward dynamic simulations is that
moderate mass as far as possible. The impact time sensitivity analysis techniques can be more fully
may be brief and the impulse and energy imparted utilized since changing model (or control)
to the rotating joint(s) are considerably less than parameters also changes movement kinematics.
that which occurs when the foot impacts the Chapters 39-43 collectively consider the effects
ground and bears the full weight of the body. In of intersegmental dynamics and muscle properties
fact, an eccentric phase may not even occur. In as related to optimal performance (e.g., in sports
this case the optimal stiffness might be a value activities). Until recently, there have been few ex-
which allows elastic recoil to act on the object plicit ties made between dynamic coupling,
(and within the object) during the impact time muscle properties, and performance. Considering
period. Thus, for such a striking task, maximal a basic issue, Chapman and Sanderson (Chapter
performance depends on the magnitude and direc- 39) and Hof (Chapter 38) suggest that optimal
tion of the contact velocity [Chapter 39 (Chapman cadence during cyclic tasks may in part be set by
and Sanderson)], segment geometry at impact, and considerations of muscle properties and the operat-
the compliance of the object being struck. If con- ing range of the CEo
tact time is relatively long (Le., the object has In Chapter 39, Chapman and Sanderson indic-
significant compliance), manipulation of the CE ate that studies in sports biomechanics rarely
and SE operating ranges takes on greater sig- consider how muscle mechanical properties may
nificance. predispose athletes toward adopting specific tech-
niques. The authors attempt to remedy this by
35.4.5 Intersegmental Coupling, Muscle, and
providing numerous insights on how muscle
Optimal Sports Performance mechanical factors fundamentally influence move-
To fully understand elastic energy storage and ment strategy. (Given our bias towards the
most other aspects of lower limb neuromusculo- importance of muscle properties, we suggest that
skeletal function, we need to consider dynamic this chapter should be read by all sports
interactions between limb segments and the biomechanists.) The primary focus of this chapter
unique roles of multiarticular muscles. The con- rests with the stretch- shortening cycle, as ex-
cept of multi-link dynamic coupling represents a tended to multi-link systems. They use the inverse
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 561

dynamics approach to document the proximal to Chapter 41 (van Ingen Schenau et al.) and
distal nature of throwing and kicking tasks and Chapter 42 (Pandy), both of which consider
then utilize muscle simulation experience to con- energy transfer and the role of biarticular muscles
sider the implications as they relate to muscle in jumping, appear to give conflicting results.
mechanics. When muscle action produces the Although van Ingen Schenau et al. state that the
rotation of a proximal segment, the adjacent distal transport of energy refers to the power transported
segment in the open kinematic chain tends to due to the action of biarticular muscles, one would
initially experience backward rotation. This, in normally need to indicate in what context this term
turn, results in an efficient stretch-shortening is being used. Traditionally, energy transfer has
cycle at the joint between these segments due to usually referred to the flow of energy between
subsequent activity of the muscles crossing this various segments, or within a segment when a
joint. The stretch-shortening cycle can then occur transfer between kinetic and potential energy oc-
at some later time at the next more distal joint. curs. Van Ingen Schenau et al. indicate that they
With appropriate neuromotor timing, this process are referring to an energy balance summed over all
could be an effective strategy which takes ad- segments while also reporting that biarticular
vantage of muscle properties. muscles are responsible for a transfer of power
Chapter 39 closes by pointing out that one of from the proximal to distal joints during jumping.
the goals of training is to change muscle properties Contradicting these results, Pandy shows that all
and consequently, performance. Also, they indi- lower limb muscles, including biarticular muscles,
cate that extensive sensitivity analysis studies are involved in transferring power in a proximal
(using muscle describing parameters) will be cru- direction, primarily to accelerate upwards the rela-
cial if biomechanical modeling is to make an tively heavy trunk. A possible reason for the
impact on sports performance. We fully agree, contradictory results, as indicated by van Ingen
and would further suggest that as far as sports Schenau et al., may be that Pandy's interpretation
training is concerned, exact simulations would not of the definition of energy transfer is different
be a requirement. Rather, what the coach and ath- from that used by the former authors.
lete need to know is the direction they need to
35.4.6 Insights Into The Roles of Biarticular
take to improve performance. This may involve
changing either the neuromotor control strategy or Muscles
the biomechanical system (with training). Based on the several early references men-
Typically, neurocontroller parameter sensitivity tioned in Chapter 41 (van Ingen Schenau et al.), it
would help determine the appropriate direction for is evident that a basic understanding of possible
modifications in task execution (Le., the goals for uses for multiarticular muscles has been around
an athlete's neuromotor system), while sensitivity for a surprisingly long time. In Chapter 41,
to muscle (and perhaps joint) mechanical modeling approaches are used to gain insight into
parameters would help determine how to best cycling and two explosive push-off activities -
train. jumping and speed skating. The authors develop a
Related to this, Pandy (Chapter 42) shows the number of important reasons for the positive use
interdependence of the neural and mechanical sys- of biarticular muscles: i) coupling of joint move-
tems. For jumping, he indicates that as the muscle ments via tendon-like biarticular leg muscles; ii)
properties change, the optimal neural pattern may capacity for biarticular muscles to contract within
also change. Muscle strength, contraction speed, the relatively efficient low velocity region of the
and tendon compliance are varied to determine CE force-velocity relation; iii) transport of energy
their effects on maximal jumping height. His via coupling actions; iv) use of coactivation of a
results indicate that variations in strength have the monoarticular agonist and a biarticular antagonist
largest effect on height while the control-related to modify and stabilize movements; v) capacity for
aspects show that as strength is increased, the im- more energy-efficient use of muscles (documented
portance of muscular coordination (or the timing by the same group in Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.»
of proximal to distal muscle activity) decreases. and vi) capacity to modulate the direction of force
Finally, he found that the optimal strategy for a application of the contact location at the distal seg-
jump changes dramatically as the mechanical ment. The last reason appears related to another
parameter of peak unloaded CE velocity is varied. possibility indicated by Hogan (Chapter 9) - the
capacity to modulate end-point stiffness. Point iv
562 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/propulsive Movements

requires some elaboration. Here, monoarticular been conducted that have utilized various static
agonist and biarticular "antagonist" muscles work optimization schemes for walking (reviewed in
together, with the latter acting as a relatively stiff Berme et al., (1985); Zajac and Gordon, 1989).
elastic band. It is suggested that this muscle coac- The results of these studies, in trying to identify
tivation represents synergistic rather than the strategies underlying the control of gait, have
antagonistic action because it makes it possible to not been particularily satisfying (patriarco et al.,
"redistribute joint moments and joint powers in 1981; Winter, 1984a). Because of the high
such a way that specific task demands are met" (p. visibility of these studies, optimization techniques
xxx). Specifically, this "could serve the purpose (under the guise of the more limiting static op-
of transporting energy from joints where it can no timization approach) have at times been given a
longer be used effectively, to joints where it still bad name. However, the problem rests more with
can" (p. xxx). the type of task than optimization per se.
It is interesting that monoarticular muscles are Furthermore, as documented by Winter (1984b),
found in Chapter 42 (Pandy) to be more important quite different inverse dynamics predictions of
in terms of power generation. Furthermore, in joint torque can produce nearly the same move-
Chapter 39 (Chapman and Sanderson), the ment kinematics. This suggests that walking may
proximal to distal timing was viewed as a not have a specific optimization strategy, at least
mechanism for placing monoarticular muscles into in terms of kinetic criteria. Perhaps this concept is
efficient CE operating ranges of their CE curves. reflected by the increased variability in the net
Perhaps biarticular muscles, as suggested in muscle torques for the hip and knee joints that are
Chapters 40-42, are not as much the main power crossed by several biarticular muscles during gait
generators as they are the subtle, efficient (Winter, 1984b).
modulators of performance. This role for the biar- Chapter 43 (Yamaguchi) and Chapter 44
ticular muscles is consistent with the results (Winter et al.) represent quite nicely the directions
obtained by Winter (1984b), who attributed a toward which experimental and modeling studies
major portion of the variability in gait kinetics to of gait analysis are moving. These chapters (as
these muscles. This increased task-specific well as Chapter 33 (Winter et al.) and Chapter 45
variability of activation for biarticular muscles (as (Hinrichs), indicate the need for improved model-
compared to monoarticular muscles) may indicate ing of the torso and arms and a better
that these muscles are based on different organiz- understanding of gait as an integrated activity in-
ing principles, at this time not well understood. volving the entire body. Additionally, both
Of note are two other uses for multiarticular Chapters 43 and 44 emphasize the use of computer
muscles that have been suggested in other parts of models for pathological gait, with Chapter 43
this book. In Chapter 9, Hogan points out that using the direct dynamics approach, Chapter 44 in-
selective modulation of multiarticular muscles verse dynamics. Chapter 44 discusses the
may help the overall system appear "passive", and assessment of gait and makes an important distinc-
consequently remain stable when in contact with tion between adaptations to gait pathologies by the
other passive objects. In Chapter 26, Crisco and intact neuromuscular system as compared to
Panjabi point out that multiarticular muscles may pathology itself. Because of the inherent plasticity
inherently facilitate system stability, especially for of the central nervous system, atypical adaptations
multilink inverted pendulum structures. will likely disappear or be reduced after successful
surgical intervention followed by appropriate
35.4.7 Walking Into the Adapting Future
therapy. By utilizing direct dynamic simulation
Up to this point we have emphasized tasks in-
techniques, Chapter 43 emphasizes the predictive
volving rapid lower limb movements that, in capacity of gait simulations, especially as they re-
general, have fairly well defined goals. We now
late to likely effects of surgical intervention (e.g.,
consider a type of task that is perhaps one of the
tendon transfers) or orthotic treatment. This latter
most difficult to understand - bipedal walking. technique can also be utilized to explore possible
The difficulty arises because: i) walking involves
neuromotor adaptations and issues related to
both single and double support periods and ii) one
stability. These two fundamentally different
cannot easily define the goal of the task. This
modeling approaches are both needed in
common task does not tax the limits of the mus-
pathological gait study and, together, provide a vi-
culoskeletal system. Several research studies have sion of what the future will offer.
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 563

35.4.8 EMG and Neural Control Strategies 35.5.2 Bearing Good Fruit Depends on One's
Whether the direct or inverse dynamics ap- Vision: Visions Worth Exploring
proach is utilized in biomechanical analyses, it is Many tasks have been considered in this set of
useful to have information on the muscle activa- chapters. Often, somewhat opposing views have
tion patterns because it will provide some insight emerged. When viewed in context, however, we
into motor control requirements. From a modeling find that most of the studies within this group of
perspective, the rectified and filtered EMG patterns chapters are compatible with one another. For in-
[see Chapter 40 (Hull and Hawkins) for a review stance, the relative contribution of elastic energy
of techniques] during various movements have to movement is a function of the characteristics of
been used: i) in EMG-to-force processing [Chapter the task, and can change throughout the task. If
38 (Hof)]; ii) to help elucidate regions of positive one point emerges from the assortment of chap-
and negative muscle work (Chapter 40); and iii) to ters, it is that the techniques utilized to assess data
compare and potentially validate experimental help defme the visions that are possible. What
results with those predicted by using static or techniques and approaches are most fruitful?
dynamic optimization. Review of classical anellor From the overall point of view of the movement
especially interesting EMG patterns for various biomechanics community, the application of mul-
lower limb tasks is beyond the scope of this chap- tiple approaches appears to be quite advantageous,
ter. It should be pointed out, however, that muscle while also making meetings more enjoyable.
activation patterns are the "final common From our viewpoint, however, certain approaches
pathway", and thus they include both open-loop do appear most likely to bear better fruit. Here is
inputs (e.g., central pattern generator) and closed- one of the many possible examples. In Chapter 41
loop sensory feedback. The usual way to van Ingen Schenau et aI., suggesting that "nature
distinguish between reflex contributions and never works against herself' (Pettigrew, 1873, as
central inputs is to perturb the mechanical system cited by Tilney and Pike, 1925), conclude that
and then study the EMG and mechanical effects of since co-contraction consists of muscles producing
this perturbation (reviewed in Chapter 46 (Brooke forces that cancel and moreover comes at metabo-
and McIlroy». In recent years perturbations have lic cost, co-contraction would violate this adage.
applied to complex movements involving multiple However, this is perhaps a limited vision. The
limb segments, with the results suggesting that a standing human has certain characteristics of an
significant portion of the response is due to inverted pendulum, which is inherently unstable
centrally-triggered (pre-structured) "programs". In [Chapter 23 (Andersson and Winters)]. Stable
Chapter 46 the effects of such disturbances are equilibrium requires that a certain "critical" stiff-
documented for a cycling task. It is seen that cor- ness is met. Because of nonlinear muscle
rective movements involve the whole limb. properties and reflex feedback gain modulation, co-
contraction causes joint stiffness modulation.
35.5. Future Directions
Thus, co-contraction can often stabilize an other-
35.5.1 Expanded Utilization of Advanced wise unstable system, and, more importantly, can
Modeling Tools provide a margin of safety to a system that might
It was suggested in Chapter 8 (Zajac and otherwise just barely be stable. Nature may pos-
Winters) that, as computer technology continues sibly want to allow herself a margin of safety,
to advance, the future lies in combining ex- especially in an unpredictable environment. Thus,
perimental investigations with direct dynamic even co-contraction could at times be compatible
simulation and dynamic optimization. Another with this adage. As shown in Chapter 19 (Seif-
useful tool that is likely to find expanded use is Naraghi and Winters) for dynamic optimization
sensitivity analysis. Our objective here, however, studies of simple arm movements, optimal solu-
is to suggest some more tangible areas that are tions will in fact predict co-contraction while
more directly related to understanding lower limb movements must be made in an unpredictable en-
biomechanics and neuromotor movement or- vironment.
ganization. The above problem required that direct
dynamics would need to be employed. This may
not be enough, however. To study stability in
complex nonlinear systems, sensitivity to "noise"
564 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

perturbations needs to be addressed, and thus a and Winters)). Chapters 36, 38, and 39 show that
stoclulstic modlll is needed. This adds con- the muscle model structure (both in terms of ar-
siderable complexity to the problem, especially to chitecture and the SE and CE series arrangement)
optimization studies, but perhaps it will be worth can be advantageous. Chapter 5 (Winters) points
the effort. out a number of situations in which muscle non-
linear properties are advantageous. We simply
35.5.3 How Do Tasks Scale?
need to understand the effects of muscle structure
One can walk and run at different speeds, jump
and nonlinear properties better. One should be
to different heights, throw different distances,
cautious in interpreting results when linearized
cycle at different average power levels. Athletes
muscle models are used; they can limit one's view
typically use different strategies during warm-up
and, worse yet, may provide misinformation. This
than during competition. One hundred percent ef-
is especially true for muscles of the lower limb
fort is the exception, not the rule. Tasks scale
since muscle forces and velocities can vary over a
whenever the person's goal changes. Can we
wide range.
describe such scaling of goals? The concept of a
generalized optimization criterion, as proposed in 35.5.6 Roles for Multi-Articular Muscles
Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters), suggests that we The recent exciting work regarding possible
can for many tasks of interest (e.g., in sports and fundamental roles for lower limb multi-articular
rehabilitation). By changing the relative penalty muscles will continue to progress. Differences of
between measures of task Performance and opinion, such as those expressed by the authors of
measures of neuromuscular effort, optimal solu- Chapters 41 and 42 need to be resolved. We need
tions scale quite naturally [e.g., Chapter 19 (Seif- to document task-specific features more accurately
Naraghi and Winters)]. We suggest that as the and develop a better understanding of the roles of
movement biomechanics field matures, increased multiarticular muscles for various skilled and
effort will be placed in the experimental and stereotyped movements. Improved understanding
modeling investigations of how movements scale. of neurosensory integration of the information
In tum, this will produce a subtle but real change from multiarticular muscles will take a substantial
in focus toward neuromuscular strategy. It will effort. Advanced animal studies, such as the ap-
also, in conjunction with sensitivity analysis proach taken by Loeb's group (Chapter 10), are
studies, provide an avenue for investigation of ath- likely to become quite important.
letic performance and training techniques.
35.5.7 A Move Toward Clinical Relevance
35.5.4 Incorporating Torso and Arms into The movement biomechanist needs to be able
Lower Limb Models to share information with not only research col-
In the past, most lower limb models have as- leagues but also with other professionals interested
sumed that the torso is just a large mass that in certain aspects of movement. It is expected that
needed to be supported. In the fourth section of the biomechanist will also tend to converge
this book, several chapters (Chapters 24, 28-31) toward areas of pursuit that can be funded. The
were concerned with integrating torso movements area that appears most likely to experience growth,
to lower and upper limb movements. In line with at least in the United States, is rehabilitation
Chapters 35 and 43-45, we suggest that better biomechanics. To meet these goals, the
models of body segments above the pelvis are biomechanist will have to be able to provide infor-
necessary to better integrate these segmental mation graphically and also bring professionals
movements. (such as the orthopedist, therapist, or coach) into
the research process. It follows that these profes-
35.5.5 What is The Muscle Doing? sionals will need to see causal results from their
As observed by Chapter 39 (Chapman and interaction, such as the effects produced due to a
Sanderson), there have been surprisingly few change in treatment or training procedure. This is
studies which have seriously looked into how another area where sensitivity analysis and par-
muscle mechanical properties influence perfor- ticularily optimization performance criterion can
mance. Compared to man-made motors, muscle be quite useful.
properties are quite unique (Chapter 7 (Hannaford
35. Mungiole and Winters; Influence of Muscle on Lower Limb Movements 565

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The Architecture of Leg Muscles

R. MeN. Alexander and R. F. Ker

36.1 Introduction o
Each of the four muscles shown in Figure 36.1 a~
(a to d) consists of muscle fascicles (bundles of D
muscle fibers) connected at either end to tendons, b
but they show striking differences of architecture. L
Most authors would describe (a) and (c) as pen- C ~~««~
nate, but (b) and (d) as parallel-fibered. It often
seems convenient to use these adjectives, but the d
distinction that they make is not a sharp one: it is
easy to imagine a continuous series of inter- e
mediates between (a) and (b) or between (c) and
(d). It is sometimes suggested that the diagnostic
feature of a pennate muscle is that its fascicles at-
Figure 36.1: Diagrams of four muscles showing their
tach obliquely to the tendons. However, the cross-
tendons (thick lines) and fascicles.
sectional areas of the tendons are always much
less than the total of the cross-sectional areas of
the muscle fascicles, so geometry requires that the 36.2 Methods
attachment be oblique even in muscles such as (b) The anatomical data of this paper come from
and (d) that would generally be described as dissections of about 40 species of mammal ob-
parallel-fibered. Muscle (e) has fascicles that at- tained in Kenya, Britain and (in a few cases) the
tach at one end directly to a bone rather than to a USA. They range in size from small rodents of
tendon. about 0.1 kg body mass to a 2500 kg elephant.
The significant difference between the muscles Some were obtained from the wild, some had died
of Figure 36.1 is that (a), (c), and (e) have short in captivity, and a few were domestic animals.
fascicles and relatively long tendons whereas (b) Leg muscles were dissected out and weighed in-
and (d) have long fascicles and short tendons. dividually, and fascicle lengths were measured.
(We refer to fascicle length rather than fiber length Weighted harmonic mean fascicle lengths were
because individual muscle fibers may not extend calculated for groups of muscles (Alexander et al.,
the whole length of the fascicles (Loeb et aI., 1981). The total of the cross-sectional areas of the
1987). In this chapter we discuss the functional fascicles of each muscle, and the cross-sectional
significance of this difference. areas of tendons, were determined gravimetrically,
We also discuss the cross-sectional areas of and the stresses likely to act in tendons were es-
tendons. We will show that some tendons are timated by assuming a stress of 0.3 MPa in the
much stronger than seems necessary to transmit muscle fascicles (Ker et al., 1988). The effective
the forces exerted by their muscles, and will in- length of tendon for each muscle with tendon at
quire why this should be. both ends (Figure 36.1, a to d) was estimated as

Multiple Muscle Systems, Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
36. Alexander and Ker; Architecture of Leg Muscles 569

the difference between the overall length D cur during running could be calculated from
(Figure 36.1 a,b) and the fascicle length L. If the measurements on films (Dimery et al., 1986).
angle between fascicles and tendon is less than Dynamic tensile tests were performed on
about 30° (as it generally is), this is approximately various tendons from ten species of mammal,
the total length of tendon in series with each fas- using an Instron servo-hydraulic dynamic testing
cicle (note that cos 30° = 0.87). Rack and machine (Bennett et al., 1986).
Westbury (1984) have shown for cat soleus
muscle that the elastic compliance of the entire
36.3 Results and Discussion
tendinous component could be calculated with ac- 36.3.1 Fascicle Lengths
ceptable accuracy by multiplying the compliance Figure 36.2 shows the principal muscles of the
per unit length of the external part of the tendon hind leg of a typical mammal. It shows the attach-
by (D-L). This estimate of effective tendon length ments of the muscles and gives a general
is not appropriate to pennate muscles that attach indication of the differences of fascicle length,
directly to bone (Figure 36.1e). [See also Section which are the subject of this subsection.
4.3 of Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing).] It will be convenient to group some of these
Further anatomical measurements were made muscles together in presenting results. We will
on single species only. Freshly killed rabbits group the hamstrings (biceps femoris,
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) were arranged in positions semi-tendinosus, semimembranosus, and gracilis)
matching selected frames from cine films of gal- with the other large muscle of the back of the
loping. Rigor mortis was allowed to develop (to thigh, the adductor femoris. The quadriceps group
ensure that the muscles were taut), and sarcomere consists of the rectus femoris and vasti. By "ankle
lengths were measured by diffraction of light extensors" we mean gastrocnemius, soleus, and
(Dimery, 1985). Experiments were performed on plantaris, and when we refer to "toe flexors" we
the legs of dead horses (Equus caballus) to discover exclude the plantaris although it flexes the digits
the relationships between muscle lengths and joint as well as extending the ankle.
angles, so that the muscle length changes that oc-



deep flexors
digital extensors

a b

Figure 36.2: Diagrams of the skeleton and some of

the muscles of the hind leg of a typical mammal.
570 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Table 36.1: Relative fascicle lengths (mean ± stan- Fascicle lengths have been divided by femur length
dard deviation) for major muscles and muscle groups (hind leg muscles) or humerus length (foreleg
in mammals investigated by Alexander et aI. (1981). muscles). The muscle groups are defined in the text.

Primates Fissipedia Bovidae

(6 s.l2!cies) (8 s.l2!cies) (8 s.l2!cies)

Gluteus superficialis 0.28 ± 0.07 0.42 ± 0.15 0.44 ± 0.07

Hamstrings & adductor 0.41 ± 0.12 0.58 ± 0.09 0.62 ± 0.09
Quadriceps 0.17 ± 0.03 0.21 ± 0.06 0.25 ± 0.05
Ankle extensors 0.12 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.07 . 0.06 ± 0.01
Toe flexors 0.13 ± 0.05 0.11 ± 0.05 0.09 ± 0.02
Triceps 0.23 ± 0.06 0.28 ± 0.05 0.40 ± 0.06
Wrist flexors 0.18 ± 0.01 0.09 ± 0.04 0.05 ± 0.01

Muscle fascicles lengthen and shorten as the Figure 36.3 shows relative fascicle lengths for
animal moves its legs but we will show in the next two muscle groups, plotted against body mass.
subsection that these length changes are generally Several points seem clear. First, the ham- strings
small compared to the differences that we will and adductor invariably have much longer fas-
demonstrate between different muscles in the cicles than the ankle extensors. Secondly, there
same leg. For many muscles of the thigh, the are differences between major groups of mam-
overall length D (Figure 36.1) is approximately mals: most notably, the ankle extensors have
equal to the length of the femur. For some smaller relative fascicle lengths in antelopes, etc.
muscles of the lower leg, the overall length is ap- (Bovidae) than in primates. Finally, there is no
proximately equal to the length of the tibia, which marked dependence of relative fascicle length on
in all but one of the species for which we present body mass. Homologous muscle groups generally
data was between 0.82 and 1.32 times the femur have approximately equal relative fascicle lengths
length. (The exception is the elephant Loxodonta in related mammals of different sizes.
for which the ratio was 0.58.) We therefore give Table 36.1 includes data for more muscle
fascicle lengths of hind limb muscles as fractions groups. It shows that gluteus superficiaIis and the
of femur length: we will call this fraction the rela- hamstrings and adductor generally have longer
tive fascicle length. fascicles than quadriceps, which in turn has longer
fascicles than the ankle extensors and toe flexors.
The ankle extensor fascicles are especially short in
Table 36.1 also includes some data for muscles
of the foreleg. For these, humerus length rather
than femur length has been used to calculate rela-
tive fascicle length. The table shows that the
'" triceps (the extensor muscle of the elbow) has
longer fascicles than the "wrist flexors," in which
group we include the digital flexors as well as car-
'--_ _........._ _--'---.:~~:...-_---'L....__. pal flexors. The wrist flexors have especially
short fascicles in Bovidae.
Some other ungulate mammals as well as
Figure 36.3: Relative fascicle lengths of the hamstring Bovidae have very short fascicles in some leg
and adductor muscles (open symbols) and of the ankle muscles. The most extreme examples are found in
extensors (filled symbols), plotted against body mass, horses and camals (Dimery et al., 1986).
for mammals studied by Alexander et aI. (1981):
o • Primates; Q • Fissipedia; () • Bovidae; '" • others.
36. Alexander and Ker; Architecture of Leg Muscles 571

elastic extension of tendons [e.g. Chapter 5

isometric force
(Winters); Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing)]. This
problem is unlikely to be important in mu~les

such as the hamstrings, which have long faSClcles
and short tendons, but Loeb et a!. (1987) have sug-
gested that length changes of the short fibers of
such muscles may not be proportional to the
sarcomere length length changes of the fascicles if fibers of the
rabbit same motor unit are not connected directly in
series. In that case, elastic extension and recoil of
the epimysial matrix might contribute appreciably
to fascicle length changes. This seems unlikely to
Figure 36.4: A schematic graph of isometric force be important in strenuous activities if most or all
against sarcomere length for vertebrate striated of the motor units are recruited so that only short
muscle. Corresponding points on the graph would oc-
lengths of epimysium are interpolated between ac-
cur at different sarcomere lengths. in different species.
Bars below the graph indicate the ranges used by leg tive units.
muscles of galloping rabbits (Dimery. 1985). wing Hoffer et al. (1989) avoided the problem of ten-
muscles of birds (Cutts. 1986). and red swimming don stretching in their study of the cat
muscles of carp (Cyprinus carpio; Rome et aI.• 1988). gastrocnemius by using implanted piezo-electric
crystals to measure fascicle length changes as the
animal walked. In a typical experiment they
36.3.2 Fascicle Length Changes
found that a fascicle fluctuated in length between
A vertebrate striated muscle fiber can contract
about 15 and 22 mm during each stride.
to short lengths or be stretched to long ones, but
Griffiths (1989) fitted buckle transducers to the
Can exert large forces only over a limited range of
medial part of the gastrocnemius tendon of wal-
lengths. A short muscle fascicle (i.e. one com-
labies (Thylogale billardierii) so that he could
posed of a small number of sarcomeres in series).
record the force exerted by the medial gastroc-
required to work over a wide range of length,
nemius muscle during hopping. He also filmed
could exert only small forces in parts of the range,
the wallabies hopping and analyzed the film to
but a longer fascicle could exert large forces over
determine the changes in overall length of the
the whole range. It will help us to understand the
muscle with its tendon. He made tensile tests on
differing fascicle lengths of different muscles, if
excised tendons to discover how much the tendons
we know which parts of their force-length curves
would stretch under the forces indicated by the
muscles actually use.
buckle transducer. Finally, he subtracted the ten-
Dimery (1985) measured sarcomere lengths in
don length changes from the overall length
leg muscles. in rabbit carcases arranged in posi-
changes to determine the length changes of the
tions imitating galloping. She concluded that most
fascicles. He found that the length of the fascicles
of the muscles worked in the sarcomere length
fluctuated, during the part of the stride in which
range 1.7 to 2.7 11m. the range in which 80% or
they were active, through a range of about 6 nun.
more of maximum force can be exerted. This
Their length at the minimum of the range was
result, and the results of similar studies of bird
probably about 19 mm (Morgan et al., 1978).
flight muscles and fish swimming muscles are
These data suggest that, in the locomotion of
shown in Figure 36.4. They give the impression
mammals, the fascicles of limb muscles generally
that muscles generally work mainly on the ascend-
work over ranges in which the minimum length is
ing limb and plateau of the force-length curve.
about 0.7 times the maximum.
Poliacu Prose's (1985) work on cat leg muscles
gives a similar impression. 36.3.3 Tendon Length Changes
All these measurements are subject to possible Mechanical tests on tendons show no obvious
error if the forces in the muscles were different systematic differences in properties between mam-
from those that would act in the same limb posi- malian species or anatomical sites (Bennett et al.,
tion in locomotion, because the forces cause 1988). The ultimate tensile strength is about 100
572 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Ion I ' on I
Ion I Ion I Ion I • on
.s.c: .s.c: 20

·Sc: ·Sc:
.! ~ -20
w" w

0 2 0
a lime (sec) b lime (sec)

Figure 36.5: Graphs showing how the lengths of (a) digit of the foreleg of a horse fluctuate during gallop-
the plantaris muscle and (b) the superficial flexor of the ing. From Dimery et al. (1986).

MPa (or possibly a little higher) and tendons means that the tendon was only just taut. The
stretch by about 8% before breaking. [See also negative extensions of up to ~O mm mean that
Chapter 5 (Winters); Chapter 4 (Ettema and during part of the stride, when the foot was off the
Huijing).] ground, the tendons were slack and must have
The remainder of this subsection concerns ten- been folded. While the foot was on the ground the
dons that suffer substantial strains in normal plantaris tendon stretched by 50 mm (6% of its
activities. We will show later that many tendons length) and the superficial flexor by 60 mm (9%).
suffer much smaller maximum strains. Nine per cent seems improbably high, as tendons
Alexander and Vernon (1975a) made force generally break in tensile tests at about 8% strain,
plate records and films of a wallaby (Macropus and may perhaps have been enlarged by an
rufogriseus) hopping, and calculated the forces in unidentified error. The tendons extend less in
the principle leg muscles. Ker et a1. (1986) slower gaits. Dimery et a1. (1986) showed that
reanalysed their data and made tensile tests on the these estimates of tendon strain were generally
tendons in question. We calculated that peak consistent with measurements of tendon properties
stresses in the gastrocnemius, plantaris, and deep and estimates of tendon stresses reported in earlier
digital flexor tendons were about 41, 35 and 15 papers.
MPa, in slow hopping. These would stretch the The peak force in the Achilles tendon of a 70
tendons by about 4,3 and 2% respectively, of their kg man running at a middle-distance speed is
lengths (see Figure 1.6 of Alexander, 1988). about 4700 N, and the cross-sectional area of the
Griffiths' (1989) records indicate that the medial tendon is about 89 ~ (Ker et al. 1987). Thus
gastrocnemius tendon of Thylogale stretches by the peak stress is about 53 MPa, and the tendon
3.2% in slow hopping and 4.4% at a higher speed. must be stretched by about 5% (refer again to
Some of the leg muscles of horses and camels Figure 1.6 of Alexander, 1988).
(Camelus dromedarius) have long tendons and ex- These studies suggest that some leg tendons of
ceedingly short muscle fascicles. Camp and Smith many mammals may be stretched by around 5%
(1942) realized that some of these tendons must during running. However, we will show in
stretch substantially and recoil in each running Section 36.3.5 that many other muscles are in-
stride. Dimery et a1. (1986) measured the changes capable of exerting the forces required to stretch
in overa11length (D, Figure 36.1) of some of these their tendons so much.
muscles during walking, trotting and galloping. This and the previous subsection show that
Figure 36.5 shows some of our results. The many muscle fascicles shorten and lengthen by
muscle belly of the plantaris is vestigial, with fas- about 30% during running and that some tendons
cicles only 1-2 mm long, and that of the stretch and recoil by about 5%. If the fascicles are
superficial digital flexor has 3 mm fascicles. less than about one sixth as long as the tendons,
Length changes of these short fascicles can have their length changes may contribute less to the
contributed very little to the length changes shown movements of the joints than do the length
in Figure 36.5. In these graphs, zero extension
36. Alexander and Ker; Architecture of Leg Muscles 573

changes of the tendons. Many leg muscles have be less than 4% of the lengths of the bones
fascicles as short as this: many of the muscles in alongside which they lie. Some muscles, such as
Table 36.1 have fascicles less than 0.15 times as the gastrocnemius at the ankle, have much larger
long as the femur or humerus although their over- moment arms (Alexander et al., 1981). The ten-
all lengths (including tendons) are at least equal to dons of muscles that have short fascicles are
the lengths of these bones. generally almost as long as the bones alongside
which they run. Thus if tendon stretching is to al-
36.3.4 Tendon Compliance Saves Energy
low joint angle changes of around one radian, such
An animal running steadily on level ground as occur commonly in running (for example
needs very little net work in each stride, merely Goslow et al., 1973), the tendons must stretch by
enough to overcome aerodynamic drag, friction in
at least 4%. This requires stresses that are large
the joints and tissue viscosity. However, the leg
fractions of the ultimate tensile stress.
muscles of mammals do much larger quantities of
work at some stages of the stride and act as
brakes, degrading mechanical energy to heat, at
other stages (e.g. see Alexander and Vernon,
1975a). Tendons that stretch (removing kinetic
energy from the body) at one stage of the stride
and recoil (returning it) at another can largely per-
form the tasks that would otherwise be required of
muscle fascicles. (See also Chapter 37
(McMahon) and Chapter 38 (Hof).)
Muscles use metabolic power whenever they
are active, exerting tension. They use more meta-
bolic power when they are shortening (doing
work) and less when they are lengthening (acting 10
as brakes) under the same force (Woledge et al.,
1985; Heglund and Cavagna, 1987). Because
work and braking almost balance, we can ignore
this difference and assume that the metabolic
energy consumed during a stride is approximately
proportional to the time integral of muscle force.
However, more metabolic power is needed to
Stress (Mpa)
maintain the same force in long muscle fascicles
than in short ones, and in fast fascicles than in
slow ones. Tendons that contribute to the length Figure 36.6: The distribution of maximum stresses
changes required of muscles, by stretching and among limb tendons of mammals. Stippling and hatch-
recoiling, do not alter the forces that the muscles ing indicate tendons that would be stretched by more
have to exert but may enable the animal to make than one quarter and one half of the length of the
do with shorter or slower fascicles, and so reduce muscle fascicles, respectively, when these stresses
the metabolic power required for running. acted. (From Ker et al. (1988); reprinted with permis-
If large energy savings are to be made, the ten- sion.)
dons must stretch to large strains, as the following
argument shows. The radius of the articular sur- 36.3.5 Tendon Thickness
faces in a joint sets a lower limit to the moment Ker et al. (1988) measured various limb
arms of muscles working the joint. The mid-shaft muscles and their tendons from ten diverse species
radii of the long bones of mammals are typically of mammal. We calculated the stresses that would
about 4% of bone length (Alexander et al., 1979), act in the tendons when the muscles exerted their
and the radii of the articular surfaces at the distal maximum isometric forces. Figure 36.6 shows
ends of the bones are probably about as large. that for most of the tendons this stress was 5-25
Thus the moment arms of muscles are unlikely to MPa but for some (including those discussed in
574 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/PrOpulsive Movements

Section 36.3.3) it was much larger. The ultimate the muscle fascicles to shorten more to take up
tensile stress of tendon is 100 MPa or more (see this stretch. If the fascicles are required to shorten
above), so the lightly stressed tendons seem very more they should be longer, and so have greater
much thicker than is necessary to transmit the mass. Thus reduction of tendon mass requires in-
forces that their muscles can exert. Why are they crease of fascicle mass, and vice versa. We
so thick? argued that the combined mass of tendon plus fas-
The highly stressed tendons are the ones that cicles would be minimized when the tendon had a
seem to serve as energy-saving springs, as dis- particular cross-sectional area. The stress in the
cussed in Section 36.3.4, where we argued that tendon, when the muscle exerted its maximum
such tendons must be highly stressed. Shading in isometric force, would then be about 10 MPa. It
Figure 36.6 indicates tendons that would be may be argued that tendons should be thicker than
stretched (by maximum isometric forces) by more this, and exposed to even lower stresses, because a
than one quarter of the length of the muscle fas- given mass of tendon uses less metabolic energy
cicles. The information on fascicle length changes than an equal mass of fascicles. However, the
in Section 36.3.2 suggests that for most of these mode in Figure 36.6 is about 13 MPa, reasonably
muscles, tendon stretching is likely to contribute close to the prediction of the simple theory.
more than fascicle length changes to movement at
the joints. These are the muscles that seem
adapted to save metabolic energy by serving as 36.3.6 Location and Architecture
springs. The data of this paper suggest that we should
The most thoroughly studied example of a distinguish three main types of limb muscle.
lightly stressed tendon is the tendon of insertion of Typical examples of the three types are very dif-
the human flexor pollicis longus (Rack and Ross, ferent from each other and tend to be found in
1984). The muscle belly is in the forearm but it different parts of the limb, but intermediates do oc-
serves to bend the interphalangeal joint of the cur, and lack of data makes it difficult to place
thumb, so its force has to be transmitted by a long some muscles in the classification.
tendon. It can exert forces up to 140 N (calculated Type (i) muscles have long fascicles and rela-
from Figure 3D of Brown et al., 1982), which im- tively short tendons: the hamstring muscles are
poses a stress of 15 MPa on the tendon. This is good examples. They include the largest muscles
only about one sixth of the ultimate tensile stress of the limb which, because of their volume of
but is enough to stretch the tendon by 1.7%. The muscle fascicles, can do more work than smaller
muscle originates directly on bone as in Figure muscles. Remember that the work that a fascicle
36.1e so (D-L) is not a good estimate of the effec- can do is the product of the force it exerts
tive length of its tendon: 170 mm seems a (proportional to its cross-sectional area) and the
reasonable estimate. Thus the tendon may be distance it shortens (proportional to its length), so
stretched by about 2.9 mm, enough to allow 21 0 this work is proportional to its volume. When an
movement at the thumb joint. If the tendon were animal accelerates or jumps, its muscles perform
more highly stressed and so stretched more, it net work, which must be done largely by these
would be very difficult to control the position of muscles. When it decelerates it also-requires large
the joint when fluctuating forces acted on the muscles to degrade kinetic energy to heat The
thumb. On the other hand, if the tendon did not large type (iJ muscles are found in the proximal
stretch it would be difficult to control the force ex- segments of limbs where their mass adds less to
erted by the thumb (Rack and Ross, 1984). the limb's moment of inertia, than if they were lo-
It is not obvious what the best compromise will cated more distally. The greater the moment of
be between the requirements of position control inertia of the limb about its proximal end, the
and force control, but a different approach sug- larger the forces that muscles must exert to ac-
gests optimum thicknesses for tendons (Ker et al., celerate and decelerate it as it swings forward and
1988). Suppose that a typical task for a muscle is back. This seems bound to increase the metabolic
to exert maximum isometric force and move a energy cost of locomotion, although Taylor et al.
joint to a particular position. A thinner tendon (1974) were unable to demonstrate the effect in
would stretch more than a thick one and require their comparison of cheetahs, gazelles and goats.
36. Alexander and Ker; Architecture of Leg Muscles 575

Type (ii) muscles have relatively thick, lightly stressed tendons and so belong to type (iii) in
stressed tendons that are longer than the muscle horses and sheep but have lightly stressed tendons,
fascicles. The human flexor pollicis longus is one and so are better placed in type (ii), in monkeys
good example. Others are the digital extensor (Ker et al., 1988). Type (iii) muscles are the ones
muscles of both fore and hind limbs, of various involved in energy saving by tendon compliance
mammals (Ker et al., 1988). These muscles are (Section 36.3.4). They are generally more distally
generally not concerned in supporting the weight placed than type (i) muscles but because of their
of the body, so the compliance of their tendons smaller mass do not add unduly to the moment of
cannot save energy in the manner envisaged in inertia of the limb. Many type (iii) muscles have
Section 36.3.4. Many of these muscles operate fascicles kss than one fifth as long as type (i)
joints that are remote from the muscle belly, for muscles in the same limb (compare the ankle ex-
example muscles in the human forearm that tensors and hamstrings of Bovidae, Table I), so
operate the hand. If the bellies of these muscles the same force can be exerted by a muscle whose
were in the hand, the moment of inertia of the arm belly has only one fifth the mass.
would be higher and the hand would be incon- There is another reason, in addition to that of
veniently bulky. Remote opemtion requires long moment of inertia, why type (i) muscles should be
tendons, which would stretch by large amounts if
proximal and type (ii) muscles distal. When mam-
they were highly stressed. We discussed the ad-
mals run at constant speed, the forces on the feet
vantages of relatively thick tendons for such
remain approximately in line with the legs (Figure
situations in Section 36.3.5.
36.7a), so their moments about proximal limb
Type (iii) muscles have relatively slender,
joints are relatively small. When they accelemte
highly stressed tendons that are much longer than
or take off for a jump, however, the forces on the
the muscle fascicles. In extreme cases such as the
hind feet must have large forward components and
horse plantaris the fascicles may be rudimentary. so must exert large moments about the hip (Figure
The anti-gmvity muscles of the lower leg and
36.7b). Type (i) hip extensor muscles (the hamstr-
forearm of ungulate mammals all belong to type
ings and adductor) are well placed to do the work
(iii), but homologous muscles of some other mam-
of accelerating the animal but need not exert large
mals do not. For example, the plantaris and
forces in steady running.
superficial and deep digital flexors have highly

Figure 36.7: The directions of forces on the feet of a taneous films made by Alexander (1974) and
dog and a man during (a) running and (b) takeoff for a Alexander and Vemon (1975b).
standing jump. Based on force plate records and simu1-
576 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

36.4 Future Directions forces they exert. J. Human Movt. Stud., 1: 115-
Our information about the ranges of sarcomere 123.
length that are used in normal activities is frag- Bennett, M.B., Ker, R.F., Dimery, N.J. and Alexander,
mentary, and we have no quantitative theory of the RMcN. (1986) Mechanical properties of various
mammalian tendons. J. Zool, Lond. (A), 209: 537-
trade-offs that determine the optimum range.
Plainly, if a very narrow range were used, the
Brown, T.I.H., Rack, P.M.H. and Ross, H.F. (1982)
muscle fascicles would have to be long and the Forces generated at the thumb interphalangeal joint
metabolic cost of exerting tension would be high, during imposed sinusoidal movements. J. Physiol.,
whereas if a wide range were used the fascicles 332: 69-85.
could be short, but little force could be exerted Camp, C.L. and Smith, N. (1942) Phylogeny and func-
near the extremes of the range, but we have no tions of the digital ligaments of the horse. Mem.
theory to predict just what the optimum range Univ. Cali/., 13: 69-124.
should be. Our knowledge of the strains that oc- Cutts, A. (1986) Sarcomere length changes in the wing
cur in tendons in normal use is limited to a few muscles during the wing beat cycle of two bird
cases, and some of these depend on calculations species. J. Zool., Lond. (A), 209: 183-185.
Dimery, N.J. (1985) Muscle and sarcomere lengths in
based on doubtful assumptions. We would like to
the hind limb of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
have more and better data. In particular, we during a galloping stride. J. Zool. Lond. (A), 205:
would like more data about tendon strain in 373-383.
muscles such as the triceps and vastus that have Dimery, N.J., Alexander, RMcN. and Ker, RF. (1986)
long aponeuroses but only short external tendons. Elastic extension of leg tendons in the locomotion
It also seems desirable to extend our studies in a of horses (Equus caballus). J. Zool., Lond. (A),
newer direction. Limb muscles are composed of 210: 415-425.
fascicles of different intrinsic speeds that are Goslow, G.E., Reinking, RM. and Stuart, D.G. (1973)
recruited in sequence as the animal performs in- The cat step cycle: hind limb jOint angles and
creasingly strenuous activities, but we do not muscle lengths during unrestrained locomotion. J.
know how the spectrum of speeds in any particular Morph., 141: 1-42.
Griffiths, R.I. (1989) The mechanics of the medial
limb muscle is matched to that muscle's normal
gastrocnemius muscle in the freely hopping wallaby
range of activities. Rome et al. (1988) showed (Thylogale billardierii). J. Exp. BioI., 147: 439-
how the slow red fibers and the fast white ones of 456.
fish swimming muscle both have intrinsic speeds Heglund, N.C. and Cavagna, G.A. (1987) Mechanical
adapted to their tasks, but there has been no work, oxygen consumption and efficiency in iso-
similar study of limb muscles. lated frog and rat striated muscle. Am. J. Physiol.,
253: C22-C29.
References Hoffer, J.A., Caputi, A.A., Pose, I.E. and Griffiths, R.1.
Alexander, RMcN. (1974) The mechanics of jumping (1989) Roles of muscle activity and load on the
by a dog (Canis /amiliaris). J. Zool., Lond., 173: relationship between muscle spindle length and
549-573. whole muscle length in the freely walking cat.
Alexander, R.McN. (1988) Elastic Mechanisms in Progr. Brain Res. 80: 75-85.
Animal Movement. Cambridge University Press, Ker, RF., Alexander, RMcN. and Bennett, M.B.
Cambridge, England. (1988) Why are mammalian tendons so thick? J.
Alexander, RMcN., Jayes, A.S., Maloiy, G.M.O. and Zool., Lond.,. 216: 309-324.
Wathuta, E.M. (1979) Allometry of the limb bones Ker, RF., Bennett, M.B., Bibby, S.R., Kester, RC. and
of mammals from shrews (Sorex) to elephant Alexander, R.McN. (1987) The spring in the arch
(Loxodonta). J. Zool., Lond.,189: 305-314. of the human foot. Nature, 325: 147-149.
Alexander, RMcN., Jayes, A.S., Maloiy, G.M.O. and Ker, RF., Dimery, N.J. and Alexander, RMcN. (1986)
Wathuta, E.M. (1981) Allometry of the leg muscles The role of tendon elasticity in hopping in a wallaby
of mammals. J. Zool., Lond.,194: 539-552. (Macropus ru/ogriseus). J. Zool., Lond. (A), 208:
Alexander, RMcN. and Vernon, A. (1975a) The 417-428.
mechanics of hopping by kangaroos Loeb, G.E., Pratt, C.A., Chanaud, C.M. and Richmond,
(Macropodidae). J. Zool., Lond.,177: 265-303. F.J.R (1987) Distribution and innervation of short,
Alexander, RMcN. and Vernon, A. (1975b) The interdigitated muscle fibers in parallel-flbered
dimensions of knee and ankle muscles and the muscles of the cat hindlimb. J. Morph. 191: 1-15.
36. Alexander and Ker; Architecture of Leg Muscles

Morgan, D.L., Proske, U. and Warren, D. (1978) Rome, L.C., Funke, R.P., Alexander, R. McN., Lutz,
Measurements of muscle stiffness and the G., Aldridge, H.,Scott,F. and Freadman,M. (1988)
mechanism of elastic storage of energy in hopping Why animals have different muscle fiber types.
kangaroos. J. Physiol., 282: 253-261. Nature. 335: 824-827.
Poliacu Pro~, L. (1986) De functionele stabiliteit van Taylor. C.R., Shkolnik, A., Dmi'e1, R., Baharav, D.
de knie van de kat. Thesis, Free University of and Borut, A. (1974) Running in cheetahs, gazelles
Brussels, Belgium. and goats: energy costs and limb configuration.
Rack, P.M.H. and Ross, H.F. (1984) The tendon of Am. J. Physiol .• 227: 848-850.
flexor pollicis longus: its effects on the muscular Woledge, R.C., Curtin, N.A. and Homsher. E. (1985)
control of force and position at the human thumb. J. Energetic Aspects 0/ Muscle Contraction.
Physiol., 351: 99-110. Academic Press, London.
Rack, P.M.H. and Westbury, D.R. (1984) Elastic
properties of the cat soleus muscle and their func-
tional importance. J. Physiol.• 347: 479-495.

Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running

Thomas A. McMahon

37.1. Introduction
37.1.1 Early Evidence for Spring-Like
Events in Running
The idea that running is essentially bouncing
may be an ancient one, but the fIrst good quantita-
tive evidence for it was presented by Cavagna et
al. (1976). Force-plate measurements of steady-
speed human walking and running were used to
calculate fluctuations of the kinetic energy and the
gravitational potential energy of the body's center
of mass. In walking, the calculations showed that
changes in forward kinetic energy were out of
phase with changes in gravitational potential
energy, so that the total mechanical energy of the Figure 37.1: Strobe photograph of a subject running at
center of mass was nearly steady throughout a constant speed. The strobe frequency was 8.4 Hz. The
walking step. In running, the kinetic and gravita- white lines on the floor are 1.0 m apart. (From
McMahon et al. (1987); reprinted with permission.)
tional energy fluctuations were found to be in
phase, so that large changes in the sum of the two 37.1.2 Measurement of Spring-Like Properties
took place during a step. A simple way to put this
in Muscles and Reflexes
is to say that in walking, the body is highest at the
moment the forward kinetic is least, in mid-step 1. Tension-length curves in isolated muscle
(when the hips pass over the ankles). In running, A fundamental property of muscle is that it is
as may be seen in the strobe photograph in Figure capable of bearing a greater force at longer lengths
37.1, the body is lowest in mid-step, when the for- than at shorter lengths. Furthermore, a muscle
ward kinetic energy is least. stimulated to either partial or fully fused tetanus
Cavagna and his collaborators pointed out that can bear a higher force than an unstimulated
in walking, the exchange of energy between poten- (passive) muscle at the same length. The
tial and kinetic forms means that not all the energy developed tension is the difference between the
required to lift and accelerate the body has to tension measured while a muscle is active and the
come from the muscles. In running, however, tension measured while it is passive at a particular
gravitational and kinetic energy exchange is not length. The fact that the developed tension has a
possible because the center of mass is losing both maximum near the length a muscle is found in the
height and speed at the same time. Thus, if poten- body (the rest length) and declines at longer
tial energy is to be stored and re-used during the lengths has been used as a point of evidence in
running cycle, it must be stored in an elastic, favor of the sliding-fllament model of muscle con-
rather than a gravitational form. traction (Gordon et al., 1966).

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 579

2. Reflex stiffness sic properties to give a stiffness that increases

The skeletal muscles of the limbs contain spe- rapidly with force at low levels, then reaches a
cialized structures known as stretch receptors that plateau that varies by less than 15% when the
are known to report information to the spinal cord operating force ranges between 25% and 100% of
concerning the magnitude and rate of local length its maximum value. By contrast, when the muscle
changes taking place in a muscle. In addition, was isolated by cutting the soleus nerve and apply-
Golgi tendon organs at the junction between a ing an electrical stimulation to the cut end, the
muscle and its tendon report force information to stiffness measured by the torque motor technique
the spinal cord. Since the discovery and descrip- over the same range of force levels was lower than
tion of these organs, physiologists have wondered with the reflex intact.
what roles they might play in the control of motor
movements. Results from several classes of ex-
periments have suggested that the motor servo 3. Cavagna's "elastic bounce of the body"
including both types of receptors regulates and Giovanni Cavagna was able to demonstrate the
maintains the ratio of force change to length reflex stiffness of calf muscles in an elegant way
change, rather than controlling either the force or (Cavagna, 1970). Subjects jumped on a force plat-
length separately (Houk, 1979). form, landing on the balls of the feet (M-P joints)
Experiments done in cats decerebrated at the while keeping the knees fully extended. The force
premammillary level corroborated the idea that record showed a ringing, damped trace that was
stiffness is maintained nearly constant by the ac- used to extract a spring constant and damping
tion of spinal reflexes (Hoffer and Andreassen, ratio. The values reported for the damping ratio
1978, 1981). In decerebrate preparations like the (average = 0.20) illustrate that, at least in this exer-
one used by Hoffer and Andreassen, the force cise, the reflex stiffness of the muscles behaves as
level in the various muscles changes spon- a fairly lightly-damped spring.
taneously over a wide range during the several
hours the preparation is viable, but stays at a
nearly constant level for many seconds at a time. 4. Board bouncing experiments
The investigators used a torque motor to apply Running involves more muscles than just those
small length perturbations (1 mm) for short dura- acting to plantar-flex the ankle. In an effort to
tions (200-500 ms) in order to evaluate the characterize the reflex stiffness of all the anti-
stiffness of the muscle by dividing the change in gravity muscles of the leg, Greene and McMahon
force by the change in length. The results (Figure (1979) measured the vertical vibratory motions of
37.2) show that reflex effects combine with intrin- subjects standing on wooden springboards of

--- ·..

.; .
5001- .-....
• •
-r .. Reflex present
E 4001- ~
..... ._~_--4
.. ------ -- .
::: 3001-
4 _---- Reflex absent
/. ---

-.- --
1001- ....---
Operating force (gl

Figure 37.2: Measurements of stiffness vs. force in the

soleus muscle of a decerebrate cat. From Hoffer and
Andreassen (1978).
580 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/PrOpulsive Movements

known spring stiffness. The subjects held their

knees fixed at certain angles while executing up- 5. PrelimilUlry conclusions concerning re/lex
and-down bouncing motions of small amplitude. stiffness
It was found that shrugging the shoulders or The experimental evidence presented above
making small flexions and extensions of the back demonstrates how a single muscle or group of
was enough to excite bouncing deflections of the muscles can behave like a spring. Furthermore, it
springboard of an inch or so in amplitude, provid- shows how reflexes (most importantly the stretch
ing that the excitation was carried out at one reflex) act to increase muscle stiffness and main-
particular frequency; excitation at other fre- tain that stiffness at a level nearly independent of
quencies had little effect The subjects carried bar- the force at moderate and high force levels. The
bell weights on their shoulders in order that the board bouncing experiments showed that although
steady force level on the legs could be varied. the leg spring stiffness is nearly independent of the
When the subjects were not carrying weights, they force, it depends on the knee angle because the
folded their arms rigidly across the chest to keep mechanical advantage of the ground reaction force
their arms from becoming an additional sprung acting about the knee changes with knee angle.
mass. It was possible to excite either the parallel
37.2. Leg Springs and Robots
mode of oscillation, where both the subject and
the springboard were moving downward at the
same time, or the anti-parallel mode where the 37.2.1 The McMahonimal
subject was moving down as the board was In 1976, an undergraduate, Michael Jacker,
moving up (and vice versa), but it was not possible wanted a design project. I suggested he build a
to excite both modes at one time. machine that would run. The final product is
The frequencies of both the parallel and anti- shown in Figure 37.3. It had four legs, each of
parallel modes were measured, and the results which had an elbow or ankle with a spring acting
were analyzed using a simple theoretical model as- to keep it extended. The rotary motions of the
suming a separate lumped mass for the board and hips and shoulders were coupled using large gears
the man, an undamped spring for the board and a so that moving the rear legs backward caused the
damped spring for the man. The calculations front legs to move forward and vice versa. A
showed that the spring stiffness of the leg was microswitch was positioned to close when the
about 60.2 kN/m when the angle of the thigh with ankle joints dorsiflexed past a certain angle; this
respect to the horizontal was about 70°, a value caused a solenoid to open, sending pressurized
representative of the midstance posture during run- nitrogen to an air cylinder that pulled a tendon,
ning. The stiffness depended very much on the thereby plantar-flexing the ankles and extending
angle of the knee; it fell, on average, to 37.6 kN/m the hips. The machine was mounted on the end of
when the angle of the thigh with the horizontal a counterweighted boom. As long as the machine
was 45°. A significant finding was that the stiff- was held off the ground, it did nothing. When it
ness increased, but only by a very little when extra was dropped on its feet, it ran in a circle around
weights were added to the subject's shoulders. the central support. Without asking me if I liked
One man increased the weight on his shoulders by the idea, Jacker named it the McMahonimal.
200 lbs without changing his stiffness. On It worked, but I never thought it was a very
average, the stiffness increased by less than 5% as good simulation of an animal. It had only one for-
subjects put an additional weight equal to their ward speed. We had to fiddle for some time with
body weight on their shoulders. the placement of the micros witch and the nose-
The stiffness for bouncing on one leg was down angle of the body before the jumping
found, on average, to be 19% less than for bounc- motions produced forward running. It was a
ing on two. This fmding will be important later as relaxation oscillator; once it was running, we had
we attempt to understand the role of the stiffness no control over it beyond tuming the gas supply
of the trunk as well as that of the legs in running. on and off.
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 581

Figure 37.3: The McMahonimal, a running robot. The

length of the body is 33 cm.

37.2.2 Raibert's Robots

Marc Raibert and his students have built run-
ning machines with one, two, and four legs, all
under computer control, all with pneumatic leg
springs enclosing a fixed volume of air (Raibert,
1986). The most extraordinary thing about these
machines is that they balance themselves while
Compute ,
Int.llac e A diagram of Raibert's one-legged hopping
(1 . ,110/\1( ,
machine is reproduced in Figure 37.4. The body
of the machine is an aluminum frame containing
hydraulic actuators for flexion-extension motions
V. ,t.c e l
of the hip joint in two planes, air valves, gyro-

I .- scopes, and computer interface electronics. The

G,ro , cop e H,<" .. uhc
Adu al Of
l oe W it ...
S .,U O,..
large computer that actually controls the machine
sits in its own air-conditioned room many feet
away; it communicates with the machine via an
/ umbilical cord that dangles from the ceiling. The
umbilical also brings in hydraulic power.
The driver stands somewhere out of harm's
Figure 37.4: Raibert's one-legged hopping machine. way and controls the machine by moving a joy -
The length of the leg is about 0.5 m. (From Raibert stick that commands changes in velocity. Computer
(1986); reprinted with permission.) algorithms determine where to put the foot in or-
der to obtain the proper acceleration of the center
of mass and to stabilize the body in pitch and roll.
A famous demonstration of the machine's ability
to balance itself begins as one of the machine' s
582 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/propulsive Movements

builders (they are called "wranglers" when they do called relative stride length is plotted against
this) steps forward and deliberately pushes the another dimensionless parameter, the Froude num-
body sideways as the machine is hopping in place. ber. The main advantage of using dimensionless
After two or three steps of wobbling, it rights itself parameters is that they allow data representing ob-
and hops back to the starting position, all without servations on animals of a wide range of body size
any human assistance. to be compared on an equivalent basis.
37.2.3 McGeer's Theoretical Robot
Tad McGeer (1989) became interested in a dif-
ferent but related issue concerning the stability of S = s/l
running robots. He wondered whether it was 2.0
theoretically possible for a bipedal robot with leg
springs to operate in a stable limit cycle while run- l. 0 '------''-''''''''''''''''- - ' - _- ' -_ .....1..-_ ----''--
ning forward. He also considered the equivalent 0.2 0 .5 1 .0 2.0 5.0
question for a stiff-legged walking machine 1 12

(McGeer, 1990). U = u/(gl)

McGeer's bipedal robot model had two teles-
Figure 37.5: Relative stride length S = sll vs. U =
coping legs with linear springs. The legs were con- uJ(gl)l/2. Animals represented include horses, other
nected at the hip by a linear torsional spring. He mammals, and an ostrich. Open circles = walk; filled
found that some choices of parameters led to circles = run, trot, or rack; triangles =canter or gallop.
stable limit cycles and others to unstable ones; he The shaded range shows the predictions of the ballistic
pointed out that even the unstable limit cycles walking model. The broken line shows Alexander's
could be stabilized by a simple control law. A par- correlation S = 2.3lf'·6. Adapted from Alexander
ticularly interesting set of solutions required zero (1977) plus Mochon and McMahon (1980); reprinted
input of energy from the outside. with permission.
McGeer pointed out the curious fact that a
theoretical running machine could go through a The stride length s is the distance between
complete cycle without any energy input, but a footprints of the same foot; it is normalized by the
passive walking machine loses energy in every leg length l to give relative stride length S = sft.
step and therefore has to walk down a shallow The Froude number is a group originally used in
grade in order to maintain its speed. A studies of ship hydrodynamics. When it is given in
stiff-legged walking machine conserves momen- the form u/(gl)lh, (where u is forward velocity and g
tum but loses energy when the rigid legs strike the is the acceleration due to gravity), the Froude
ground. Thus the difference between compliant number is a dimensionless velocity. The term
and rigid legs can make the difference between Froude number has also been applied to the group
modes of locomotion that are potentially free of ,}/gl, which may be recognized as a dimensionless
loss and those that inevitably require an input of kinetic energy. Alexander gave S =2.3rjJ·6 for the
power. best-fitting line in this log-log plot, where U =
37.3. Comparing the Gaits: Why are Some
37.3.2 Ballistic Walking
Faster? Motivated by Cavagna's discovery that the
kinetic plus potential energy of the body changes
37.3.1 Alexander's Introduction of the little during a walking step, Mochon and
Froude Number McMahon (1980) proposed a mathematical model
In 1976, R. McNeill Alexander introduced a of walking that coupled a compound pendulum
useful idea to the study of locomotion (Alexander, representing the swing leg to an inverted pen-
1976). He wished to estimate the speed of a dulum representing the stance leg. The model was
dinosaur from a knowledge of the distance be- restricted to describing the swing period when one
tween its footprints. The question led him to foot is on the ground and the other is moving for-
discover the remarkable correlation reproduced in ward. It was assumed that no torques act at the
Figure 37.5, where a dimensionless parameter hip or knee throughout the swing period. Mochon
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 583

and McMahon tenned this motion "ballistic walk- placed on the ground in sequence. as they are in
ing." The condition that the foot of the swing leg galloping. it is assumed that an unspecified energy
should not strike the ground during the swing exchange mechanism involving the inertial mass
period results in a particular relationship between of the body allows the transfer of elastic energy
the relative stride len..gth S and the Froude number from one leg spring to another as one foot is lifted
u/(gl)1h. When u/(gl)fh is between 0.3 and 0.7. the from the ground and another is placed simul-
relationship is approximated well by S = 2.9 u/(gl)1h. taneously. The rebound time (time from the end
The model also predicts that the vertical ground of one aerial phase until the beginning of the next)
reaction force will approach zero in the middle of is assumed to be a given fraction (for convenience.
the step if u/(gl)1h approaches 1.0. An inverted pen- one half) of a full cycle of vibration of the
dulum has a similar property: its weight will be mass-spring system. The stiffness of the vertical
zero when the centripetal acceleration ,}/I balances spring when two feet are on the ground at once is
the gravitational acceleration g. where 1 is the assumed to be twice what it is when one foot is on
length of the pendulum and u is its speed when it the ground. The step length (distance moved for-
passes over the top. Thus we expect a transition ward when one foot is on the ground) is assumed
from walking to running before u/(gl)1h reaches 1.0. to be a certain distance L. whatever the gait or run-
and this is what is found. Alexander (1977) found ning speed. The conclusions of the model are not
evidence that the walk-run transition occurs when changed in any important way when more realistic
u/(gl)1h is near 0.8 in cats. men. and horses. assumptions replace many of these above
The shaded region in Figure 37.5 shows the (McMahon. 1985. pp. 277-279).
domain in S vs. u/(gl)1h space where ballistic walk-
ing would be expected. The right-hand boundary TROT

of the shaded region is set by the condition that the

toe of the swing leg must not strike the ground.
The left-hand boundary gives the condition where
the maximum flexion angle of the knee is 125°. an
angle not normally exceeded as any mammal
walks. The middle line defines the condition • OIST ANCE
rllt ... V[L L [O OU" INt;

where the maximum flexion angle of the knee is • AE80v fllO TIM( • .,J]...
90°. The theoretical range and the experimental 2.

points are in fair agreement. showing that the bal- • SP£[O • ~ 4

listic walking model can determine the
neighborhood of the low-speed part of the figure
relevant for walking. The high-speed part of the GA LLOP ( ttaMv." . l

figure will be the topic of a later section of this

37.3.3 Comparing Trotting and Galloping
As quadrupedal animals move faster. they
walk. then trot. then gallop. A simple mass-spring
model separating the vertical and horizontal mo-
tions of the body may be used to predict that
galloping is much faster than trotting (McMahon. • () lSTANC[ TR,&V Eu.£ O OURINoG.

1985). "(~O TIME' .. .~

The model makes many assumptions in order to
reduce the calculations required to use it. The total
• SPH D '
body mass is lumped in a single mass M sitting GAl.I..OP lfrtG SPEEO ..
T"OfT 'I"IG SP(£ O '' ;:; =: 2."
upon a massless spring K representing the effec-
tive vertical stiffness of the load path between the Figure 37.6: Comparison of speed in trotting and gal-
center of mass and the foot. The foot is assumed loping using a mass-spring model separating vertical
to be a circular arc so that the reaction forces on and horizontal motions. From McMahon (1985).
the center of mass are vertical. When feet are
584 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: L~wer Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

A result comparing trotting and galloping is

shown in Figure 37.6. In trotting, since two legs
are down at once, the vertical stiffness is 2K and
the rebound time is proportional to (M/2K)lh. The
trotting speed is given by the step length divided
by the rebound time. In galloping, each of the
four legs is placed in sequence, so that the total
distance covered during rebound is 4L. Because
only one leg is on the ground at a time, the
rebound time is proportional to (M/K)lh. The fmal
line in the bottom panel of the figure shows that
the ratio of the galloping ~eed to the trotting
speed is predicted to be 4/(2)1 ,or 2.83.
Experimental comparisons have been in
reasonable agreement with the above assumptions
and predictions. For example, analysis of data Figure 37.7: Groucho running. The subject was run-
presented by Cavagna et al. (1977) show that the ning at the same speed as in Figure 37.1. The strobe fre-
contact period is the same fraction of a cycle of quency was again 8.4 Hz. (From McMahon et aI.
resonant vibration at low trotting and low gallop- (1987); reprinted with permission.)
ing speeds in both small and large dogs, in agree-
ment with the assumptions of the model, and the
37.4.1 Groucho Running
lowest galloping speed was about 2.4 times the
What sets the vertical stiffness for a given
lowest trotting speed (McMahon, 1987). A recent
animal? Certainly, the intrinsic properties of
study of sixteen species of wild and domestic
muscles and reflexes must be important. Another
quadrupeds ranging in size from 30 g mice to 200
variable must be posture, as the board-bouncing
kg horses (including 3.5 kg suni, 4.35 kg dik-diks,
experiments implied (Section 37.1.2, part 4). In a
200 kg goats, 90 kg wildebeest, and 213 kg
study designed to investigate the effects of posture
elands) concluded, among other things, that the
on vertical stiffness, subjects were asked to run at
lowest galloping speed was about 2.6 times the
constant speed on a treadmill and over a force plat-
lowest trotting speed in all the animals studied
form while deliberately flexing the knees more
(Heglund and Taylor, 1988). Furthermore, the
than usual (McMahon et al., 1987). The authors
preferred speeds naturally chosen by the animals
called this exercise "Groucho running. "
for galloping and trotting were in approximately
A strobe photograph of a subject Groucho run-
the same ratio.
ning is shown in Figure 37.7. Comparing Figure
37.4. An Apparent Contradiction 37.7 with a strobe photo of the same subject run-
Until now in this chapter, there has been an im- ning normally at the same speed (Figure 37.1)
plicit assumption that the vertical motion in reveals that the contact time is longer and the
running can be considered separately from the aerial time is shorter in Groucho running. As sub-
horizontal motion. The K in Figure 37.6 represents jects bent their legs, they softened their vertical
the effective vertical stiffness when a single foot is springs, increasing the contact time until, as hap-
on the ground at a time. One way to define such a pened in the deepest postures, the aerial time
stiffness is to measure the vertical ground reaction disappeared entirely. Because there was no flight
force at any instant and divide by the compression phase, deep Groucho running looked superficially
of the spring, which may be measured by the like walking. The force-plate records showed,
downward vertical displacement of the body from however, that it was actually running by
the beginning of the contact phase. The vertical Cavagna's criterion, because the body was lower
stiffness is a logical concept to propose because, in mid-step, just as in ordinary running.
together with the body mass, it determines the The Groucho running studies made use of a
natural frequency for vertical motions of the body new dimensionless group, vrojg, designated the
and hence it is the relevant stiffness governing the Groucho number. In this group, v is the vertical
duration of the contact phase. landing velocity, roo= (k Im)lh is the natural fre-
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 585

quency for vertical vibration, k""rt is the effective tor as speed increases. These studies also showed
vertical stiffness, m is the total body mass, and g is that the peak vertical ground reaction force
the acceleration due to gravity. For nonnal run- measured in the middle of the running step in-
ning, this group is near unity, and the contact creases with speed, although not quite so
phase occupies 3/4 of a full cycle of vibration of dramatically. Perhaps an explanation for both in-
the mass-spring system comprising m and kvert' In creases is that, as an animal runs faster, more
Groucho running, k""ri goes down and v diminishes muscle fibers are recruited· into activity.
nearly to zero (because the aerial phase Additional active muscle fibers in parallel would
disappears). As a consequence, the Groucho num- be expected to increase both the force-generating
ber goes toward zero and the contact phase capacity and the stiffness of the muscles of the leg.
occupies nearly a full cycle of vibration. The problem with this explanation is that it
In another part of the Groucho studies, subjects doesn't agree with either the measurements of
ran normally at a range of speeds from 2.5 to 5 reflex stiffness in the hindlimbs of cats or the
mls. The effective vertical stiffness was found to measurements of short-i"ange leg stiffness in the
increase by a factor of 2 or more over this speed board-bouncing experiments with human subjects
range. (37.1.2). Both of these studies found that the stiff-
ness of the leg increased very little with increasing
37.4.2 Direct Measurements of the Vertical
force over the moderate to high force range
Spring encountered in running. A conclusion of these
Cavagna et al. (1988) analyzed the vertical mo- studies was that the leg stiffness was determined
tions of the center of mass in running humans and not by the number of muscle fibers active but by
birds; trotting dogs, monkeys, and rams; and hop- negative-feedback servo loops including at least
ping kangaroos and springhares. They presented the stretch reflex and probably other reflexes as
figures showing the vertical acceleration of the well.
center of mass against the vertical displacement,
where both variables were calculated from force-
plate records. The figures generally showed a
nearly linear relationship between vertical ac- 37.5 Resolution of the Contradiction
celeration (hence vertical force) and vertical
displacement during the contact phase, making it 37.S.1 There Are Two StifTnesses
possible to obtain the vertical stiffness directly Suppose a ball bounces vertically on a force
from the figure. platfonn. The force-plate record may be used to
These authors also inttoduced a new method determine the vertical stiffness k either by the
direct method (obtaining theverislope of the
for calculating the vertical stiffness. They pointed
out that the interval between the time the force is force-displacement relation) or the half-period
equal to body weight when the force is rising and method inttoduced by Cavagna et al. (1988). Now
the time it is again equal to body weight when the suppose the ball moves forward at a steady speed
force is falling can be considered a half-period of while bouncing (assume that it also rolls at a
vibration of the vertical mass-spring system. steady angular velocity in order to avoid skidding
When the vertical spring is an ideal, linear spring, on the ground.) Again the force-plate records may
this method gives the same value for vertical stiff- be used to calculate k veri' and the answer turns out
ness that would be obtained from the slope of the the same as it did for vertical bouncing.
vertical force-vertical displacement curve. The When the ball is replaced by a linear leg spring
results for all the animals showed a vertical stiff- with a mass on the top, the situation changes. As
ness that increased by a factor of 2 or 3 as speed long as the motion is confined to hopping in place,
doubled. force-plate records analyzed by either of the two
me~ods will calculate a k""ri equal to the linear
37.4.3 Posing the Apparent Contradiction spnng constant of the leg spring, kk' When for-
Both the Groucho running results and the direct ward motion is included without ~hanging the
measurementS of Cavagna et al. in running stiffness of the leg spring, calculations for k will
animals showed that k""ri increases by a large fac- give a value higher than k,eg, vert
586 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

is dimensionless because it is the ratio of two

-'- 10(1 . COSAo)
lengths, an arc length to a radius. The dimension-
less parameters U and V are Froude numbers based
T on the horizontal and vertical landing velocities.
KLEG is a dimensionless stiffness. It is also the ratio
of two forces, the maximum force available from
the spring when it is fully compressed divided by
the total body weight. Thus, KLEG must take a value
greater than one to prevent the body mass from
falling through the floor even under conditions of
motionless standing.

Figure 37.8: Diagram showing the trajectory of the
center of mass during a running step of the McMahon
and Cheng model (broken cUIVe). (From McMahon
and Cheng (1990); reprinted with permission.)

Figure 37.8 may be used to explain why this is

true. The broken curve shows the trajectory of the
center of mass during the contact phase of a run-
ning stride. The initial (and final) angle of the leg
with respect to the vertical is a0' and the initial
(and final) length of the leg is 10 • The downward
vertical displacement from the moment of contact
until mid-step is t..y. If we call the ground reaction b
force at mid-step Fmax' then the vertical stiffness
kvert isFmJt..y. The stiffness of the linear leg spring
4 \ u = 2.66
V = .565
is given by Fmax divided by its entire change in 9 0 = .9
length at mid-step, so that kleg = F ma:i1[/0 (J - cos e 0 )
+ t..y). Since the denominator of kvert is smaller 2 (Kangaroo hopping)
than that of kleg ' k vert is greater than kleg
for nonzero values of eo .
37.5.2 The McMahon and Cheng Model 0~----~~~-----------------1

A comprehensive set of solutions for forward

running using a linear leg spring have been given
by McMahon and Cheng (1990). The parameters
of the model include the total body mass m, the 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
initial (zero-force) length of the leg 10 , the initial Vertical displacement (cm)
angle of the leg with respect to the vertical ao' the
stiffness of the leg spring kle ' the vertical landing Figure 37.9: a) illustration of three trajectories. The
velocity -v, the horizontal la~ding velocity u, and correct stiffness results in a symmetric trajectory that
the acceleration due to gravity g. When the dif- reverses the downward velocity and preseIVes the for-
ferential equations describing the motion are ward velocity. b) Result showing the normalized
written using dimensionless variables X = xii , Y = vertical acceleration A =f /mg - 1 versus the vertical
yll0, L = III, and T = t(gll )~ where t is tim~, the displacement for a 21ilg k:fugaroo. Here, f is the ver-
0 0
tical force. The broken cUlVe (from CaJ'agna et al.
problem is specified in terms of four dimension-
1988) shows experimental measurements. (From
less groups of variables: ao' U = u/(glo)~' V = McMahon and Cheng, 1990; reprinted with permis-
v/(glo)~, and KLEG =kleg I0 Img. The initial angle e 0 sion.)
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 587

The method for obtaining solutions of the analyzed. Using the model, McMahon and Cheng
spring-leg running problem is illustrated in Figure showed that the vertical stiffness was nearly linear
37.9a. Three of the four dimensionless parameters in running men and dogs.
must be specified, and the differential equation 150r-----------~------~----~

model provides the fourth. We elected to specify v= .18 K

90 , U, and V, so that the model gave K LEG as an out- VERT

put. Our method of solution began by assuming a

value for K LEG and integrating the equations for- 100
ward in time. The leg compressed, then extended,
and the integration was stopped when the leg K
returned to its original length. If the value of KLEG
was too large (too hard), the final value of the
horiwntal velocity was less than the starting value K = 15
and the magnitude of the final vertical velocity
was greater than the starting value, as shown
schematically in Figure 37.9a. If the value of KLEG 2 3
was too low, the final horizontal velocity was too
large and the vertical velocity too small. Iterations
were performed on KLEG until the final and initial + dog 5.0kg
angles and horizontal velocities matched and the

o dog 17.5kg
final vertical velocity was equal and opposite the • rhea 22.5kg
starting value. These conditions ensure that the 6 man 75.7kg
model can run forward without gaining or losing
forward speed or vertical height. s
A representative solution obtained with the
model is shown in Figure 37.9b. The input condi-
tions U, V, and 90 are appropriate for simulating a
21 kg kangaroo of leg length 0.5 m hopping for-
ward at 21.1 km/hr. The solid curve shows the
predictions of the model when the dimensionless 1
.1 1 10
vertical acceleration of the center of mass A = (b) U
f,'mg - 1 is plotted against the vertical dispIIce- 0.8
ment in cm. The horizontal portions of the curve 0.7
at A = -1 corresponds to the flight phase. After a
flight phase, A rises as the vertical displacement 0.6

falls during th~ stance phase. The broken curve 0.5

shows the results of an experiment in which a 21 90
0.4 o •
kg kangaroo ran at 21.1 km/hr across a force plat-
•• +
dog 5.0kg
dog 17.5kg
form (Cavagna et al. 1988). The theoretical and
• rhea 22.5kg
experimental curves are in agreement, even to the 0.2 6 man 75.7kg
point of showing a curved, rather than a linear 0.1 KLEG' 15, V = .18
force-displacement characteristic. The changing
slope shows that the vertical spring is almost twice 0 2 3
as stiff at the highest force levels as it is at the (e) u
lowest. The fact that the leg was taken to be a
linear spring in the model demonstrates that it is a Figure 37.10: Results from the McMahon and
geometric effect, not one involving the intrinsic or Cheng model (solid curves). The animal points are cal-
reflex properties of the muscles, that makes the culated from experimental results given by Cavagna et
kangaroo's effective vertical stiffness a nonlinear al. (1988). a) Dimensionless stiffnesses K LEG and KVERT
vs U =u/(gf)1h. b) Relative stride length S =sll vs. U.
spring. The kangaroo, by the way, gave results
c) Initial leg angle 90 vs. U. (From McMahon and
that were not typical of the other animals Cheng, 1990; reprinted with pennission.)
588 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in CycJic/Propulsive Movements

37.5.3 Running with Legs of Constant experimental observations (McMahon et al., 1987;
Stiffness Cavagna et al., 1988). The increase in KVERT with
Earlier we saw how the ballistic walking model forward speed is obtained in the model by increas-
was able to make a fair prediction of the way in ing 90 , not by increasing K LEG• Coincidentally,
which relative stride length S increases with for- Raibert's robots work similarly: forward speed is
ward Froude number u/(gl)1h in walking (Figure increased by taking larger steps and thereby in-
37.5). Is there anything simple to be said about the creasing ao' not by making the leg spring stiffer.
rest of Figure 37.5, the running part? 37.6. Future Directions
The answer is yes. In Figure 37.10, the
McMahon and Cheng model has been specified to 37.6.1 Theoretical
have a leg ~~ constant dimen~ionless stiffness K LEG The theoretical models discussed in this chapter
= 15. Addibonally, we required that the relation- provided a conceptual framework for interpreting
ship between the relative stride length S = sfl and various known experimental facts. They also
the horizontal Froude number U = u/(gl) Ih be the pointed the direction for new experimental inves-
one given by Alexander as representative of all tigations that might not have been undertaken
animals: S = 2.3cfl·6 • The outputs of the model in- otherwise. Theoretical models are often developed
clude KVERT and a0; these are shown as solid curves in a hierarchical fashion, with the simplest ones
in Figures 37.lOa and 37.IOc. The points are not presented first, in the hope that the most important
from Alexander; they were calculated by principles are also the easiest ones to analyze.
McMahon and Cheng from data published by Sometimes it is not sufficient to stop with the
Cavagna et al. (1977). simplest model. For example, Mochon and
Looking at Figure 37.lOb, the first point worthy McMahon (1980) considered first just an inverted
of note is that Alexander's line works just about as pendulum as a model for walking. We rejected
well to correlate these data on two dogs of dif- that model because an inverted pendulum alone
ferent sizes, a 22.5 kg rhea, and the average of ten specifies too broad a range of period for the swing
men (mean body weight 75.7 kg) as it did for the leg, all the way from a period approaching infinity
variety of animals Alexander used in its formula- (when the pendulum nearly stops at the top of its
tion. Figure 37.1Oc shows that all the animals travel) to the period corresponding to u/(gl)1h = 1
took larger steps to go faster, and the solid curve (when the pendulum is weightless in mid-step).
from the model prediction is in generally good We tried coupling a rigid stance leg to a pole-like
agreement with the animal data. Note that if one rigid swing leg, and also found predictions that
looked only at the open triangles describing the were in poor agreement with experiments. The
men in Figure 37.1Oc, the trend would show that model assuming a rigid stance leg with a foot
a0 does not increase much with speed at moderate coupled to a swing leg including a knee appeared
to high speeds, a fact noted by Cavagna et al. to be the least complicated model that provided
(1976) and McMahon and Greene (1979). predictions for the swing period that were in good
Another trend is that the smaller the animal, the agreement with experimental observations.
more its data points tend to lie above the predicted The McMahon and Cheng model, with its
curve. A regular feature of animal scaling is that single telescoping spring leg, has been successful
smaller animals tend to swing their legs through in simulating many observations about animal run-
larger excursion angles, as discussed by McMahon ning. It has its limitations, however. For one thing,
(1975). it does not have a swing leg at all, and therefore
The conclusion available from Figure 37.10 is assumes that there will always be enough time
that a model for running, based on the assumption available during one stance and one aerial phase
that the leg is a linear spring of constant stiffness, for the swing leg to move forward into the correct
can make a realistic prediction of the way in position for the next rebound. Cavagna et a1.
which both stride length and leg excursion angles (1988) have objected to this limitation of spring
increase with running speed in vertebrate animals. models of running including only one mass.
In the model, the vertical stiffness increases McGeer's model for bipedal running does include
markedly with running speed, in agreement with two legs, and it is valuable additionally because it
37. McMahon; Spring-Like Properties of Muscles and Reflexes in Running 589

investigates the stability, as well as the equi- nitude of gravity. It would be useful to have
librium dynamics, of running with springs experimental evidence to compare with these
(McGeer, 1989). A limitation of McGeer's model predictions.
so far is that it does not have a knee on the swing Finally, the construction of robots that can trot
leg, and this raises a problem about how the swing and gallop represents a further fascinating pos-
leg clears the ground. It would be interesting to sibility for studying the mechanical principles of
see how a bipedal running model including a knee animal gait. What should be the sequence of
would work:. placement of the legs in galloping, and how
Another important contribution would be made should the robot make a transition from one gait to
by a quadrupedal model for running that could another? Frequently the attempt to synthesize
trot, canter, and gallop. The scheme outlined in something that occurs in nature can lead to deeper
Figure 37.6 was limited to vertical motions, but analytical questions and therefore a more com-
the coupling between vertical and horizontal mo- prehensive understanding than any straight analyti-
tions that was a major theme of the McMahon and cal study. The mechanics of locomotion has been
Cheng single-leg model must be even more impor- of interest to scientists and inventors for many
tant in quadrupeds. For example, the transfer of hundreds of years, but its period of rapid flower-
energy from one leg spring to another that was as- ing may have just begun.
sumed in the galloping paradigm in Figure 37.6
might be incorporated naturally into a quadrupedal
Alexander, R. M. (1976) Estimates of the speeds of
model with spring legs. As one leg is placed
dinosaurs. Nature (Lond.) 261:129-130.
before another is lifted, the leg which is about to Alexander, R. M. (1977) Terrestrial locomotion. In:
be lifted would recoil (extend), transferring its Mechanics and energetics of animal locomotion, R.
elastic energy partly into the kinetic energy of the M. Alexander and G. Goldspinlc, eds. John Wiley
body and partly into compression of the recently and Sons, New York.
placed leg. Alexander (1989) has wondered how Alexander, R. M. (1988) Elastic mechanisms in animal
such a mechanism might work:; it would be valu- movement. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
able to see. Alexander, R. M. (1989) Optimization and gaits in the
locomotion of vertebrates. Physiol. Reviews 69(4):
37.6.2 Experimental 1199-1227.
The satisfactory agreement between theory and Cavagna, G. A. (1970) Elastic bounce of the body. J.
experiment in Figure 37.10 leads one to ask: What Appl. Physiol. 29: 279-282.
physiological mechanisms are at work which Cavagna, G. A., H. Thys, and A. Zamboni. (1976) The
might explain why leg-spring stiffness apparently sources of external work in level walking and run-
does not change with running speed? The ning. J. Physiol. 262: 639-657.
principle, whatever its explanation, appears to ap- Cavagna, G. A., N. C. Heglund, and C. R. Taylor.
(1977) Mechanical work in terrestrial locomotion:
ply quite generally to vertebrate animals.
two basic mechanisms for minimizing energy ex-
Alexander (1988) has shown by calculations that
penditure. Am. J. Physiol. 233(5): R243-R261.
when the length of the Achilles tendon is much Cavagna, G. A., P. Franzetti, N.C. Heglund, and P.
longer than the length of muscle fibers in series Willems. (1988) The determinants of the step fre-
with the tendon, the stiffness of the leg may be quency in running, trotting and hopping man and
dominated by the stiffness of the tendon [see also other vertebrates. J. Physiol. 399: 81-92.
Chapter 36 (Alexander)]. It is likely that many Gordon, A. M., A. F. Huxley, and F. J. Julian. (1966)
more investigations, including those centered on The variation in isometric tension with sarcomere
the mechanisms of control of the limb by the length. in vertebrate muscle fibers. J. Physiol. 184:
central nervous system, will be needed to under- 170-192.
stand the result. Greene, P.R. and T.A. McMahon. (1979) Reflex stiff-
ness of man's anti-gravity muscles during
The McMahon and Cheng model can make
kneebends while carrying extra weights. J.
predictions of how all the dynamic variables
Biomech. 12: 881-891.
would change as certain circumstances of running Heglund, N. C. and C. R. Taylor. (1988) Speed, stride
change, including the angle of inclination of frequency and energy cost per stride: How do they
gravity (running up and down hill) and the mag- change with body size and gait? J. Exp. Bioi. 138:
590 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

301-318. McMahon, T. A. (1985) The role of compliance in

Hoffer, J. A. and S. Andreassen. (1978) Factors affect- mammalian running gaits. J. Exp. Bioi. 115: 263-
ing the gain of the stretch reflex and soleus muscle 282.
stiffness in premammillary cats. Soc. Neurosci. McMahon, T.A. (1987) Compliance and gravity in run-
Abstr. 4: 937. ning. In: Biomechanics of normal and prosthetic
Hoffer,1. A. and S. Andreassen. (1981) Regulation of gait, J. L. Stein, ed. Am. Soc. ofMech. Engrs. Book
soleus muscle stiffness in premammillary cats: in- no. GOO4IO, New York.
trinsic and reflex components. J. Neurophysiol. 45: McMahon, T. A. and P. R. Greene. (1979) The in-
267-285. fluence oftrack compliance on running. J. Biomech.
Houk, J. C. (1979) Regulation of stiffness by 12: 893-904.
skeletomotor reflexes. Annu. Rev. Physiol.• 41: 99- McMahon, T. A., G. Valiant, and E. C. Frederick.
114. (1987) Groucho running. J. Appl. Physiol. 62(6):
McGeer, T. (1989) Passive bipedal running. CSS-IS 2326-2337.
TR 89-02. Simon Fraser University, Centre for McMahon, T. A. and G. C. Cheng. (1990) The
Systems Science, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. mechanics of running: How does stiffness couple
McGeer, T. (1990) Passive dynamic walking. Int. J. with speed? J. Biomech. (in press).
Robotics Research 9:62-82. Mochon, S. and T. A. McMahon. (1980) Ballistic
McMahon, T. A. (1975) Using body size to understand walking. J. Biomech. 13: 49-57.
the structural design of animals: quadrupedal Raibert, M.H. (1986) Legged robots that balance. MIT
locomotion. J. Appl. Physiol. 39: 619-627. Press, Cambridge, 233 pp.

Effects of Muscle Elasticity in Walking and Running

AtL. Hof

38.1 Introduction
Kaneko, 1977) and kangaroo hopping (Cavagna et
38.1.1 Statement of the Problem al., 1977b), both of which can be over 80%.
A person S of 78.5 kg weight who jogs at a To explain the above anomalies, generally the
speed of 2 rn/s (7.2 km/h) makes up-and-down concept of elastic energy storage is advocated: the
movements with his trunk of 12 cm, twice every decrease of potential and kinetic energy in the first
stride of 0.88 s. These vertical movements repre- stage of stance is accumulated in strain energy of
sent a change in potential energy of mgh = 60 1. At muscles and (mainly) tendons and released at a
the same time he decelerates and accelerates his later time to propel the trunk again forward and
horizontal velocity, so that the kinetic energy of upward. Essentially the same phenomena are seen
his trunk fluctuates over 30 J, in phase (for in a bouncing ball, hence the "bouncing ball
running) with the 60 J of potential energy, thus model" for running [see also Chapter 36
making 90 J of trunk energy variations. His legs (Alexander and Ker) and Chapter 37 (McMahon)].
are active as well and reach 60 J of kinetic energy Some other phenomena are also considered to
in midswing. Our subject, whose data were bor- be due to storage of elastic energy. You can jump
rowed from Hof, Struwe and Nauta (1989) and of higher when the upward movement is preceded by
whom we will report more in this chapter, thus one downward and still higher when you start
delivers mechanical work at a rate of 2 from a platform (Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen,
(90+60)/0.88 = 340 W. For this work he has avail- 1974). Such a countermovement is apparent in
able a metabolic power, measured from oxygen many more activities like throwing and kicking
consumption, equivalent to 4.2 J/kgm, in all 660 [discussed in Chapter 39 (Chapman and
W (Cavagna and Kaneko, 1977a). One would con- Sanderson)].
clude from this that the efficiency of his muscles Is all this true, and is it so simple, can any su-
is over 50%. The efficiency of a single muscle, perfluous amount of energy just be "stored" for
however, has been measured a great number of some time until it is needed again? What are the
times, and it is commonly assumed that it cannot complications for the control of muscles, which
be higher than 25%, at most 30%. are to work with compliant tendons? We will try
On the above rough calculation several com- to address a few of these questions in this chapter.
ments are possible (Williams and Cavanagh, The method will be, very globally, that the interac-
1983) but this does not invalidate the general con- tion between contractile muscle fibers and elastic
clusion: the apparent efficiency in human running tendon material is reconstructed on the base of, on
is much higher than can be understood from one hand, recordings of muscle force and length
muscle properties alone. In fact, the efficiency in !lIld, on the other hand, the estimated force-
the above example is less excessive than those elongation curve of the muscle series elasticity.
reported for human sprint running (Cavagna and The activities are walking and running in man.
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990, Springer-Verlag, New Yolk
592 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

38.1.2 Literature out that, although the elastic properties of muscle

The subject of elastic energy storage has a are indispensable for explaining the observed
strong appeal to many researchers; witness the power output, elastic energy storage yields only
number of relevant papers. Fortunately, a number part of the work needed to move the body upward.
of excellent reviews are available and for the pur- Another important mechanism turned out to be the
pose of this chapter we may confine ourselves to a action of biarticular muscles (see Chapter 41 (Van
short review of reviews. Ingen Schenau et al.». Finally, the simple fact
A good name to begin with is A.V. Hill, the that muscle action lasts longer in countermove-
godfather of muscle mechanics. His many papers, ment jumps relative to squatting jumps may be
reviewed in Hill (1965), as well as his book "First one more explanation for the observed differences
and last experiments in muscle mechanics" (Hill, in jumping height. Our own papers (Hof et al.,
1970), contain a treasure of ideas on the measure- 1983, Hof and Van den Berg, 1986) on the elastic
ment of elasticity and its function in movement. effects of elasticity in walking belong to the same
A general introduction, with examples from all line of thought: What are the effects of SEC elas-
over the animal kingdom, is given in the book ticity on the internal behavior of the muscle
Alexander (1988a) "Elastic mechanisms in animal components in a natural movement, and how effi-
movement". More specificly related to human ciently do they exploit the contractile properties?
running is a paper of the same year (Alexander, The present chapter can be considered as a follow
1988b) which, short as it is, makes an excellent up and extension (with regards to running) of
and quite complete introduction to the present sub- these papers.
ject. 38.1.3 Assessment of Series Elasticity in Man
The links between muscle physiology, exercise Elastic components should be included in any
physiology and biomechanics are expounded in model of muscle next to the contractile properties.
Cavagna (1977). A contemporary paper (Cavagna The simplest models contain three elements (see
et al. 1977) provides the vista of Noah's ark: dogs, Figure 38.1). We will adopt the version a, which
ostrichs, hares, kangaroos, monkeys walking, hop- is easier to understand and to calculate with.
ping and galloping over the force plate. This work Jewell and Wilkie (1958) have shown that it is im-
has later been extended to even more exotic possible to decide between the two models on the
animals (Taylor et al., 1981, Fedak et al., 1981, basis of measurements alone because as a rule the
Heglund et al., 1981ai b). parallel elastic component (PEC) is much more
The book of McMahon (1984) addresses elas- compliant than the series-elastic component (SEC).
ticity effects, among many other subjects, in a For convenience we will use angular units, mo-
very broad framework. Additions to his work in ment of force (Nm) and joint rotation (deg or rad)
this field are a paper on "Groucho Running" instead of muscle force and length.
(McMahon et al., 1987) and Chapter 37 in this As is apparent from Figure 38.1a, the PEC rep-
book. resents all elasticity that remains when the CC
Although their main objective is to provide a does not exert force, i.e. when the muscle is pas-
review of methods of elasticity measurement in sive. This comprises properties of muscle
animal experiments, Proske and Morgan (1987) filaments (mainly short range elasticity, D.K. Hill,
also address some points of wider interest, e.g. the 1968, Boon et al., 1973), of sarcolemma, fasciae
control problems for a muscle that is connected to and - in musculoskeletal models - joint ligaments.
the outer world with a compliant tendon. The Measuring the PEC moment-angle relation is a
same problem is also dealt with by Rack (1981). straightforward affair, although there are some
The review of Shorten (1987) is, like that of complications in the form of visco-elastic effects
Alexander (1988b), well suited to serve as a and hysteresis. As regards the major leg joints,
general introduction. It has an emphasis on data are available for the hip (Yoon and Mansour,
methods of elasticity measurement and data on 1982, Walsh and Wright, 1988), the knee
elasticity effects in "real" movements. His results (Beerkens et al., 1985) and the ankle (Tardieu et
in jumping were markedly expanded shortly after- al., 1981, Hof and Van den Berg, 1981b). The
wards by Bobbert et al., (1986a,b, 1988). It turned PEC moment is usually very low over most of the
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 593



Ij) _ _ _ _ ___ '--_---,_ _- ' Mp

a load b load
Figure 38.1: Three element muscle models. ee = con- ~ for the calf muscles. An increase of ~ corresponds to
tractile component. SEe = series elastic component. plantarflexion and muscle shortening. ee length ~ • and
PEe = parallel elastic component. a) Maxwell model. SEe length ~. have been expressed in corresponding
b) Voight model. Model aJ has been adopted in this angular units.
study. Muscle length has been expressed in ankle angle

range of the joint, increasing only near the limits From animal experiments it is known thatMe(~.) is
of this range. It has a function in constraining joint a nonlinear relation, the elasticity K' (or the com-
motion and damping limb movement in situations pliance 11K') is therefore not constant. All
with no muscles active. In some muscles with very muscles of interest are connected to limbs with a
short fibers. as in the camel (Alexander et al .• considerable moment of inertia I, with respect to
1982) and the horse (Van den Bogert et al .• 1989) the joint rotation axis. In combination with a
the PEe accounts for most of the muscle force. damping factor B, the origin of which need not be
also during active movement. It will be shown gone into at this point, this yields a second order
below that it has only minor importance for the differential equation for the moment externally ap-
ankle moment in human walking and running. plied to the joint
The SEe comprises the elasticity in the
cross bridges. in the thick and thin filaments, in the
tendinous material in series which each fiber, the
aponeuroses and the tendons. Alexander and in which M c is the ee moment. For the assess-
Bennet-Clark (1977) calculated from the dimen- ment of K' four methods are available [see also
sions of muscle fibers and tendons in many Chapter 5 (Winters)]:
muscles that the SEe can be thought located for a) The complete M(~.) curve is determined from
the major part in aponeurosis and tendon. the course of the isometric moment, for ex-
Exceptions are only very long parallel fibered ample at the onset of a tetanus. This might be
muscles like frog sartorius, the 'pet muscle' of done by comparing real isometric tetanus with
physiologists. one in which a spring of known stiffness is in-
To determine the elasticity curve for the SEe in terposed (MacPherson, 1953) or by curve
the intact human is far less easy than for the PEe,
fitting when the force-velocity relation of the
because the SEe cannot be disconnected from the
ee is known. Our experience (Hof and Van
ee. The curve can be described by a relation
den Berg, 1981 b) is that a good model fit can
Me(~.) between Me and the elastic stretch ~.' The be obtained in this way, but that the parameter
derivative at a certain Me is the elasticity or stiff-
sensitivity is not sufficient to get reasonably
accurate SEe parameter values.
K'(M) = (dMe ( ~.) ] (38.1)
b) The angle ~ is varied and the amplitude of the
e d~. M.
594 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

fluctuations in Me"t is measured (Goubel and Usually it is assumed that the SEC has one
Pertuzon, 1973, Asmussen and Bonde- unique M(t1I e ) relation, which can be found by ftt-
Petersen, 1976, Evans et al., 1983, Ma and ting the derivative of this function to the measured
Zahalak, 1985, Weiss et aI., 1988). stiffness values. It is not certain that this supposi-
c) Vice-versa: Me" t is changed and the resulting
tion is true; maybe the recruitment of more muscle
rotation is measured (Gottlieb and Agarwal, ftbers at higher forces also recruits more of the
1978). small elastic elements that can be thought in series
with each muscle ftber [cf. Shorten, 1977 and
d) Methods relying on determination of the fre-
Chapter 4 (Ettema and Huijing)]. In that case the
quency of natural oscillation fast recoil of the SEC would not follow the same
curve for different initial values of the muscle mo-
ment [see also Chapter 5 (Winters)]. It should be
(38.3) admitted that the differences in resultant SEC
stretch are probably not large, as apparent from in
vitro experiments (Cavagna et al., 1981, Goubel,
The attractive point in these methods is their 1987), and that at any rate the differences in elas-
simplicity. In the elastic bounce method tic energy are minor.
(Cavagna, 1970) the subject has to make a The second drawback is the uncertainty
small jump and the period of the resulting whether Me' the moment due to the CC, remains
damped oscillation is determined. In oscillat- constant during the stiffness measurement. This is
ing methods (Greene and McMahon, 1979; by no means certain. The stretch reflex, for ex-
Hof and Van den Berg, 1981c; Bach et al., ample, can make the muscle force increase as a
1983) the subject is asked to make oscillations result of stretch, and this manifests itself as an ap-
in his 'easiest' rhythm and it is assumed that parent elasticity. In order to cover this
this corresponds to the resonant frequency. eventuality, McMahon (1984 and Chapter 37) sys-
The inertia I in the resonance experiments (for tematically speaks of 'reflex stiffness'. It should
the ankle) is the one due to the total body be understood, however, that the part of the ap-
weight, or half of it, with respect to the ankle, parent muscle stiffness that is due to reflex activity
when standing on one or two legs respectively. does not participate in the energy saving by
This gives thus the stiffness K' at two values storage of elastic energy, because it is related to
of M. A greater range of K' values was ob- active CC contractions which consume their usual
tained by Shorten (1987) who loaded the bent metabolic energy.
knee of the sitting subject with a series of 38.2 Methods of Experimental Work
38.2.1 EMG to Force Processing
As far as the published data can be compared,
The results in this chapter on moment and work
and that is not always easy because of the various of the calf muscles have been obtained by EMG to
mathematical representations of M(t1I.) and K'(M),
force processing (Hof and Van den Berg, 1981a;
they agree reasonably well with each other.
Hof, 1984; reviewed in Chapter 8 (Zajac and
Interindividual differences are probably the major
Winters». This method relies on a muscle model,
source of disagreement. There is also a satisfac-
for which the three-component Hill muscle model
tory agreement with published data on tendon
has been chosen, being an attractive compromise
stress-strain relations measured in vitro (see the
between model complexity and model realism
discussion in Section 38.4.2).
(Winters and Stark 1987, Chapter 5 (Winters).
All methods b, c, d, however, have two major The arrangement of the elements is given in
drawbacks. The ftrst is that they all measure the
Figure 38.1a. The action of the CC is described
elasticity K' (M) at only a few points of the curve
with a force-length-velocity relation according to
and not the complete recoil of the SEC in a single Hill (Abbott and Wilkie, 1953, Winters and Stark,
fast release. Such a fast release would be really 1985) driven by an 'active state' independent of
representative for the SEC function as an elastic muscle force or lengthening. Model equations and
energy buffer. parameters have been summarized in Table 38.1.
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 595

For reasons of convenience the moment around dynamics (Hof et al., 1987), in spite of the fact
the ankle M and the ankle angle til are used instead that the EMG is intrinsically a strongly fluctuating
of muscle force and length, respectively. 'noisy' signal. The effect is related to the low-
Surface EMG signals (in our case of mm. soleus pass properties of the muscle model due to the
and gastrocnemius) are rectified, summed and SEC-CC interaction.
processed in such a way that the resulting signal The method by which the triceps surae moment
has the major properties of the muscle active state: has been obtained has in fact little relevance to the
a fast rise, a plateau and a slow decay. This active results to be presented. An inverse dynamics ap-
state signal is input to the CC of a Hill model, proach, with due consideration of antagonist
together with the muscle length, which in our case muscle activity, would have been equally useful.
can be measured by recording the ankle angle with On the other hand, it might not have induced us to
a goniometer. It has been shown that the muscle investigate the interaction between series-elastic
moment thus obtained corresponds very well with and contractile component
the ankle moment determined with inverse

Table 38.1: Fonnulae and parameters relating to the means that the parameter value is generally valid for
muscle model. In the last column'S' means that the adult human subjects. For details and parameter es-
value of the parameter is specific to subject S, 'A' timation see Hof and Van den Berg (l981a,b,c).

Formula Parameters A/S

EMC to active state
U(t-Llt) A
Mo(t) = max{ [ Ll! ... T2 J
U(t-Llt).exp - ~ A

where U(t) is the rectified EMC, smoothed over Tl 25 m~s~. _____________________

Moment-angle relation (force-length relation)

!(¢c) = {::=:: :::: ::~ ¢Il}

o (¢e > ¢l )

Moment-velocity relation (Hill relation)

b 1. 2 rad/s A
Mc -- M0 !(¢e) - n<Pe/ b n 0.12 A
1 + <Pelb c o A
Me:;; (1+c)M of(<P e)

Series Elastic Component

{3 = 15 rad- 1 S
'" _ 1
'1'0- rn
+ Me
l( K = 740 Nm/rad S
M,= 1 Nm A

Parallel Elastic Component

Mp= Mpo exp [

¢ _
900) Mpo= 10 Nm S

¢p = 38° S
596 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/propulsive Movements

Mp PEC (Nm) 220Nm
20 200

10 100 I
46) 137·

O.S (rad)
o~--------~~--------~--~------- O~~~~~---L----~~--~~---

60 90 120 'f' - (deg) o 10 20 30 40 (deg)


Figure 38.2: a) Elasticity curve of the Parallel Elastic is very small (less than 2 J per cycle). b) Elasticity
Component for subject S, measured by passively curve of the Series Elastic Component for subject S,
moving the foot and recording the ankle moment at no measured by the free resonance method at moments of
muscle (EMG) activity. The area under the curve 50 and JOO Nm. The curve follows Eq. 38.4 with ~ =
equals the energy stored in the PEe (see Table 38.2). 15 rad-I and K = 740 Nm/rad. The dashed lines refer to
There is some hysteresis, but the associated energy loss the 'taking up the slack' effect (see Section 38.4.7).

values of M (~Me)' from which ~ and K could be

38.2.2 Parameters of the Muscle Model
obtained. Ms had to be chosen arbitrarily. This
A description of the model and of the methods ma1ces that the total value of e!>. has not a well-
by which the parameters have been determined founded experimental base. However, the subject
can be found elsewhere (Hof and Vanden Berg, of this study are mainly differences in e!>. at dif-
1981a,b,c). In short, great effort has been made to ferent values of Me and these are hardly affected
devise different types of contractions, each
by the choice of M. Only the position of the mo-
specific to as few parameters as possible. Most
ment angle relation: parameter e!> 1 ' is dependent on
parameters were individually assessed for every
Me (Table 38.1).
subject and showed considerable interindividual
differences. Table 38.1 gives a summary. 38.2.3 Experiments, Subject
Of special interest for this paper is the SEe load- The results to be reported have been ta1cen from
extension relation. In the model it was a more extensive study on the relation between
calf muscle work and segment energy changes in
1 (Me + Ms] +Me
e!>=-ln - (38.4) walking and running (Nauta and Hof, 1989; Hof,
e ~ Ms K Struwe and Nauta, 1989). Data on one subject (S,
male, age 28 yr, weight 78.5 kg, stature 1.82 m)
This fonn has been chosen, because then the com- will be given. He walked on a treadmill at con-
pliance 11K' as a function of Me has a simple fonn: stant speeds between 0.5 and 2.0 mis, with
increments of 0.25 mls and ran at 2.0 and 2.75
- de!>. _1 + _1
(38.5) mls. (The treadmill did not allow higher speeds.)
K' dMe ~Me K
The results on walking can be seen as an extension
The parameters ~ and K were determined by of those in Hof et al., (1983); those on running are
the 'free oscillation' method (see 38.1.3), in two new.
conditions, viz. standing on one and on two legs. Figure 38.2a gives the PEe curve and Figure
This yields two values for the stiffness K' at two 38.2b the SEC curve of subject S.
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 597

0.75 m/s 1.25 m/s 1.75 m/s

200 ~
o -~
Me 200
~ ~
~ ~
We +20 E
( ") ) _20 0
-..,..; ------ -----"'"""
W +20 E
(])-20 0 --..:-
------ ~--./--


A B (
Figure 38.3: Calf muscle action in walking at a) 0.75 most 10 Nm higher. We =work done by the CC, run-
mls (2.7 km/h), b) 1.25 mls (4.5 km/h) and c) 1.75 mls ning integral of CC power. W = wotX done by the
(6.3 kmIh), respectively. From top to bottom: U =sum whole muscle-tendon complex. tPe = 'length' of CC,
of rectified EMGs of soleus and gastrocnemius, expressed in angular units, see Figure, tP =angle
smoothed with a time constant of 25 ms. The scale is of the ankle, plantarflexion positive, neutral standing
calibrated in Nm isometric ankle moment. M = mo- position = 90°. Below: foot contact pattern and time
ment developed by the CC. The total moment" M is at scale.
38.3 Results
Figure 38.3 a,b,c gives recordings of walking at speed (in fact with the freely chosen steplength),
0.75, 1.25 and 1.75 mls respectively, and Figure in Fig. 38.3 a,b,c, it amounts to 4, 12 and 24 J
38.4 a,b those for running at 2.0 and 2.75 mls. respectively. In fact the presented figures have
Next to the rectified EMG (sum of both muscles), been chosen in such a way that w+ is less, equal to
triceps surae moment Me and the ankle angle tP, and more than W-. In running both W- and w+ are
three derived data have been given: considerably higher than in walking, in Figure
W, the work done by the calf muscle muscle- 38.4a W- = -44 J and w+ = +56 J, in Figure 38.4b
tendon complex. It is presented as the integral W- = -48 J, w+ = +60 1.
The CC-length tPe has been calculated, accord-
Wet) = Jt M tP dt (38.6)
ing to Figure 38.1a, as
and is reset at times to when ~ = dtPldt = O. This
yields seperate branches related to, first, the nega- in which tP is measured and tP. derived from Me ac-
tive work W- and, next, the positive work w+ . As cording to Eq. 38.4. Because of the definition of tP
has been shown earlier (Hof and Vanden Berg, and tP e' plantarflexion positive, an increase of tPe
1983), W- is in walking not very dependent on means a shortening of the CC. The diagram in
speed, amounting to -16, -12 and -16 J in Figure Figure 38.3a, a two-component Hill model with
38.3 a,b,c respectively. w+ increases strongly with the PEC left out, may illustrate the relation.
598 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

2.0 m/s 2.75 m/s

INm) 200t
Me 200

t -;\
We +20
1J ) _20 oE ---~ ..".,--

W +20 E
1])-20 0
1~:: ~


::::J ~ ==:::::J c:::::=

Figure 38.4: calf muscle action in running at a) 2.00 tion see legend of Figure 38.3. Time scale is twice as
m/s (1.2 km/h) and 2.75 m/s (10 km/h). For explana- large as in Figure 38.3.

The CC work We is defined analogous to Eq. intervals and small amounts of lengthening are in-
38.6 as terposed between the gradual concentric action.
Only in Figure 38.3a, where the amount of nega-
tive work is more than the positive work, is
(38.8) lengthening of the CC is substantial.
This is the overall picture, details will be dis-
cussed in the next section.
In the same way as W it is reset when ~ =o. 38.4 Discussion
Immediately obvious from the Fi~es 38.3 and 38.4.1 Function of Negative and Positive Calf
38.4 are the essential differences between the
Muscle Work
ankle angle til, corresponding to the length changes
The action of the calf muscles, the work done
of the total muscle-tendon complex, and'"Y e' which
on them (W") or by them (wt"), must have, of
represents the length of the contractile component
course, some function in the complex movements
alone. The pattern for til, both in walking and run-
ning, is eccentric-<:oncentric: stretch first, then of walking and running. In running negative and
shorten. The CC 'length' til, on the other hand, is positive calf muscle work are directly related to
shortening in most of the co"ntractions during most the decrease and increase of potential and kinetic
of the time; when force is developed, only short energy of the trunk moving down and up during
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 599

stance (Hof, Struwe and Nauta, 1989). In walking work W. There is an interesting relation between
positive calf muscle work serves to initiate leg these quantities. The ee and the SEe are con-
swing. The origin of the negative work is as yet nected in series (Figure 38.1a) and therefore with
less clear (Nauta and Hof, 1988). From a the sign convention adopted here.
mechanical point of view, one would expect that it
would serve to decelerate the movement of the (38.7)
trunk over the ankle, but a corresponding decrease
. =.
of trunk energy is not present. Maybe this is due
to a simultaneous acceleration of the trunk due to
some other force. eIIe ell + eII e (38.9)

38.4.2 Shortcomings of the Method The PEe is parallel to the ee and the SEe, thus
There are a few aspects of the EMG to force
processing method, that should be in mind when (38.10)
evaluating the results. It has the noisy rectified
EMG as input. This results in some ripples in the From (38.9 and (38.10) it follows that
output muscle moment M (cf. Section 38.2.1) and
these in their turn may cause a few spunous

JMe~edt= JM~dt+ JMe~edt- JMp~dt
deflections of ell and W-. The general form and or
magnitude of th~ model ~utput can be considered
correct, however.
The resonance method for measuring SEe stiff- provided that all integrals are taken over the same
ness is not very accurate and may contain a reflex time interval. Ee and Ep are the elastic energy
component (38.2.2). Some justification may be •
stored in the SEe and the PEe, respecttvely. The
obtained from the fact that the measured change of sign in E is because an increase of ell,
parameter values agree with data on Young's muscle shortening, ~orresponds to a decrease of
modulus of tendon material of a wide range of E. Eq. 38.11 holds at any time in the movement
muscles and animals, as given by Bennett et al., cycle. It represents a relation between, on one
(1986). An exact match can be obtained for sub- hand, ee work We and musclp-nlus-tendon work
- Y
ject S if we assume a tendon length of 40 cm, a W, done up to a certain time t, and on the other
moment arm of 5 cm and a tendon cross-section of hand, the elastic energy present at that time in SEe
0.5 cm2 , constant over the whole length. It is im- and PEe. We will now estimate the magnitude of
possible to verify these measures accurately, but E andE.
they are certainly of the correct order of mag- p The e~ergy E stored in the PEe can simply be
Triceps surae is composed of three muscles,
found as the are:
under the curve of Figure 38.2a.
It is only dependent on the ankle angle ell. Table
two of which - the medial and lateral heads of 38.2 gives the maximal value of Ep ' which occurs
gastrocnemius - are biarticular. It would have when ell is minimum.
been nice if all three muscles could have been The energy Ee stored in the SEe can be found
modelled separately, to show (possibly) additional from its moment-angle characteristic, Figure
effects of biarticular muscles [e.g. see Chapter 18 38.2b and Eq. 38.4. This yields, neglecting a
(Gielen et al.) and Chapter 41 (van Ingen Schenau minor term:
et al.)] and of any differences in activity between
the three muscles. Unfortunately we have not yet M M 2
available at present equipment and a parameter es- E=-1l+-L (38.12)
e p 2K
timation procedure to be able to make a reliable
model of the three separate muscles. The present which shows that Ee is only dependent on Me' as it
muscle model consists therefore of one monoar- should be. Maximal values for Me and Ee are also
ticular muscle, even if two EMG's are used. given in Table 38.2.
With the parameters found, we see that Ee
38.4.3 Elastic Energy
reaches substantial values: of the same order as the
In the above we defined the ee work We and
negative work W. In comparison Ep is con-
the SEe elastic energy Ee, in addition to the muscle
600 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

siderably smaller, although not completely 38.4.5 Findings in Walking and Running
negligible. In the following we will be mainly
a) - W- = w+ (moderate speed o/walking, as
concerned with Ee and the SEC-CC interaction.
in Figure 38.3b)
The most efficient contraction in this case
Table 38.2: From left to right: Speed of walking (W) would be one in which both We- and We+ are zero.
or running (R), maximal values of PEC moment M The only way to achieve this, is to keep ~ e con-
and elastic energy E , which depends on the minim~ stant all the time during which the active moment
value of~. Maxim~ value of SEC elastic energy E., Me has a significant value. This requires a muscle
which depends on the maximum of M. Negative and force which closely matches the muscle plus ten-
positive work, W- and W'", done by theccalf muscles on don lengthening and shortening, because ~ e -
the ankle. which should be kept constant - is the sum of
muscle 'length' ~ and the SEC stretch ~ e' which is
speed <Pmin Mp Ep Mc(max)E. w- w· wholly determined by Me' Figure 38.5 gives a
diagram with a two-component muscle model in
(mts) (deg) (Nm) (J) (Nm) (J) (J) (J)
such a contraction, for which we previously have
0.75 W 78 14 4.8 100 13.4 -16 +4 proposed the term 'concerted contraction' (Hof
1.25 W 78 14 4.8 110 15.5 -12 +12 and Van den Berg, 1983).
1.75 W 76 15 5.3 140 22.6 -16 +24

2.0 R 62 20 9.3 220 47.4 -44 +56

2.75 R 62 20 9.3 230 51.0 -48 +60

38.4.4 Concerted Contraction

Splitting W and We in phases of positive and
negative work, W+, We +, W- and We-respectively (cf.
Figures 38.3 and 4), we can evaluate Eq. 38.11 to
get the total work done in a complete contraction.
Before and after a contraction Me = 0 and thus Ee =
o as well. E need not exactly to be zero at those
times, but it buns out to be very small (2-3 J) and
will not be considered here. For such a complete
contraction thus holds Figure 38.5: Diagram of a two component muscle
model (as in Figure 38.1 with PEC left out) in a con-
(38.13) certed contraction without shortening or lengthening.
Externally muscle and tendon are stretched and short-
We see from Table 38.2 that in walking the sum ened, but the muscle force is at each instant just thus
(W" + w+) could be negative (0.75 rn/s), zero (1.25 high that the stretch of the SEC is equal to the external
mls) or positive (1.75 rn/s). In running it was posi- length change. The CC does not change in length in
tive at both speeds. such a contraction.
W/' positive or concentric CC work requires
metabolic energy, at an efficiency of 20-30%. For an ideal concerted contraction will hold as
Negative muscle work We- may also cost some one of the consequences that the minimum of ~ ,
energy, to maintain the muscle tension, but to all which is also the borderline between W- and W+,
available evidence this amount seems to be small should be simultaneous with the maximum of Me'
(Asmussen, 1953, Hill, 1960). It is uneconomical, and thus with the maximum in the elastic energy.
nevertheless, to waste more Wc - than necessary, be- For this maximal elastic energy then should hold,
cause then an amount of We + has to be done to keep from Eq. 38.11:
the sum equal to the right side of (38.13). We will
-W- = Ee (max) (38.14)
consider the three possible cases in some detail.
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 601

In Figure 38.3b we see that this ideal is ap-

proximated quite reasonably; eII e stays within 6
deg, while ell changes about 12 deg during the
period that Me is over ca. 40 Nm. Before and after In Figure 38.3c we see that this is roughly what
that period larger lengthening and shortening happens in fast walking. There can be short 'slips'
movements of ell e are seen, but then the associated in between, e.g., when a peak in Me does not ex-
We- and Me + are low, because Me is low (see Eq. actly coincide with a minimum of ell, but the
38.4.7). Over the complete contraction we associated We- is small. The results presented ear-
measure a We + of 6 I with a measurement error of lier (Hof and Van den Berg, 1983, Figures 3 and
about 4 I, while W- and w+ are both -12 and +12 I. 4) were slightly less favourable in this respect. In
The peak Ee is amply sufficient to fulfill Eq. 38.14. running (Figure 38.4a,b) the ideal scenario is
The main energy flow in this contraction is, to wholly followed. When running, therefore, of the
summarize: large amounts of negative and positive work, -44
and +56 I in Figure 38.4a, only the sum, 56 - 44 =
(38.15) 12 I needs to be delivered by concentric CC ac-
tion, with the associated energy consumption. In
One might thus say that in a concerted contrac- McMahon's model: the rack-and-pinion is
tion the muscle 'merely acts as a spring' and one gradually cranked up all the while, but the biggest
is reminded of McMahon's (1984) 'spring plus energy exchange is the stretch and rebound of the
rack-and-pinion' concept of muscle, with the rack elastic component.
and pinion stationary [see also Chapter 37
(McMahon)]. It should be kept in mind, however, u
that a concerted contraction requires a close match
between muscle force and extension, and therefore
a very special control.
(Nm) 200[~
b) - We- > We + (skl.Jf. walking, as in Figure 38.3a).
The most efficient CC action in this case, when Me 200
eccentric action preponderates, is one in which ell e (Nm)
is either stationary or decreasing (Le. the CC is
lengthening). In that case no W/, with the as-
We +20
sociated energy consumption, is done. We see
that this indeed happens in Fig. 38.3a; ell e is seen ( J ) _20 0 ----~----....----

to be constant - at most very slightly increasing -

for most of the time, with short periods of abrupt
W +20 E
decrease in between. (fhe number of these 'slips'
(J ) -20 0
may be slightly overrated due to excess fluctua-
tions in Me (see Sections 38.2.1 and 38.4.2).) The
energy flow can be represented as:

W- -+ E


c) -W- < w+ ifJ:J.sJ. walking, running,

Figures 38.3c and 4a,b).
The most efficient muscle action in this case,
when net concentric work is done, is one in which 0.5 s
eII e is increasing all the time, a 'concerted contrac-
tion with shortening'. We- is then zero and We + has Figure 38.6: Calf muscle action in walking (1.5 mIs,
the minimal value, equal to the sum of W- and w+ 5.4 km/h) with exaggerated up and down movement,
(38.13). The energy flow can be represented as: see text. For explanation see legend of Figure 38.3.
Fast time scale as in Figure 38.4.
602 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

A peculiar case, from the "department of silly

walks", can be seen in Figure 38.6. It concerns
walking with an exaggerated up and down move- 20
ment halfway stance, we heard it called once the
'salesman walk'. In the ankle angle we see an ad- ~
ditional plantar- and dorsiflexion, which ~
corresponds to phases of positive and negative ~ 10
work which, in their tum, can be found back in an
up and down movement of the trunk. One would
expect that such a needless movement, with the as-
sociated work and energy changes, would be very
inefficient We see, however, that the SEC stretch
accounts for the whole excursion, while tile follows
a smoothy increasing course. It may be that the to- Figure 38.7: Efficiency of muscle contraction, in-
clusive recovery, as a function of positive CC
tal positive work done (ca. 30 J) is higher than
shortening velocity til. Calculated from fonnulae of
normal, but the muscle does this work in an effi- Hill (1938) with par~eters for the human calf muscles
cient way, without undue losses. (b = 1.2 rad/sec, n = 0.12, optimum efficiency 25%).
38.4.6 Consequences for Muscle Efficiency Shaded area: interval of tile where the efficiency is 90%
The major energy saving mechanism has now or more of the maximum. (From Hof and Van den
Berg (1983); reprinted with pennission.)
been discussed:
1) Elastic energy storage. By this effect negative In Figure 38.7 the efficiency of muscle contrac-
work is not wasted but made available for the posi- tion is given as a function of CC shortening
tive work W+. The CC work We +, which determines velocity calculated from the moment-velocity rela-
the metabolic demands, can thus be lower than W+. tion with parameters from Table 38.1. We see that
There are, however, more effects of SEC elas- the curve has a flat maximum, such that the ef-
ticity. ficiency is over 90% of the optimum for CC
2) Moment-angle relation. We have seen that shortening rates between 0.4 and 2.0 rad/s. The
during stance tile changes over a smaller range than CC speeds in both walking and running are all in
Ill. It is remarkable that this range of tile is close to this range except for the fact that tile often shows
the optimum muscle length in the moment-angle alternating periods of no motion with periods of
(Me - III e) relation. In Figures 38.3 and 4 tile is al- moderately fast shortening. Rough calculations,
ways between 95° and 110° when Me is over 40 which will not be detailed here, show that the
Nm. The moment-angle relation has values be- overall efficiency in this case is hardly different
tween 1.0 and 0.85 in this interval (cf. Table 38.1). from the case that the muscle would shorten the
To put it another way, because of elastic stretch same distance at a steady low speed. The SEC-CC
muscles with quite short fibers are adequate for interaction can thus ensure that the positive CC
eccentric-concentric actions involving large length work We + is delivered at an efficiency close to the
changes. This point has been extensively dis- optimum 25%.
cussed in Chapter 36 (Alexander and Ker). 4) Smoothing of power peaks, catapult. action.
3) Moment-velocity relation. The third advantage This effect is most nicely demonstrated in running
of SEC elasticity is that the CC works in the most (Figure 38.4b). In push-off the muscle-tendon
efficient range of speeds. This is most dramati- complex delivers its work w+ at rates of no less
cally illustrated in running, e.g. Figure 38.4b. than 1100 watt. The rate of We + is much less, up to
Ankle plantarflexion reaches in that case an an- 300 watt, better in accordance with the physiologi-
gular velocity up to 12 rad/sec, which is more than cal limit of muscle power production, estimated at
the maximal shortening speed of the muscle fibers 150-250 watt per kg of muscle. This is a manifes-
(tIl o = bIn = 10 rad/sec for the calf muscles, Table tation of SEC 'catapult action' (Alexander and
38.1). In contrast, the shortening of tile occurs at Bennet-Clark, 1977); the SEC acts as an energy
rates not over 1.5 rad/sec as long as Me> 40 Nm. buffer in which energy is accumulated at a rate ef-
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 603

ficient to the muscle fibers, but can be released called 'taking up the slack'. For a further dis-
almost instantaneously. We think that this effect cussion see Hof and Van den Berg (1986). A
is important in many 'explosive' movements as further advantage is a high stiffness at heel strike,
throwing, kicking and jumping etc. which provides better stability for the leg.
Jumping without countermovement is relevant It should be noted, however, that the reverse
as an example of an activity in which negative can also occur, giving some extra slack. We see it
work plays a minor role. 'Storage of elastic in the walking recordings (Figures 38.3 a,b,c) of
energy' is thus not a significant mechanism for this subject.
achieving a large work output. The catapult
mechanism, on the other hand, plays a major role
by concentrating the accumulated muscle work for
the very short time in which it is to be delivered at
top speed. Admittedly, in man (Bobbert et al., 200 [
1988) this effect is less dramatic than in the flea
(Alexander, 1988a). o
One comment on the above discussion has to
be made. We have considered the ankle angle and Me 200
moment as given entitiles and deduced the be- (Nm) [
havior of the contractile element. In reality there o[
is a close interaction between muscle active state, ,-
We + 20 [
CC and SEC properties, and mechanical load. For
example, the statement that CC speed is mostly be- ( ) ) _ 20 0 [
tween 0.4 and 2 radls, as long as Me has a
substantial value, may also be reversed: as soon as
the CC reaches higher velocities, Me decreases
W +20 E
(])_20 0 ~L=--
rapidly because of the force-velocity relation. An
example can be seen in the final phase of push-off

1~:: t
in running, Figure 38.8. This remark does not in- 'Pc
validate, in our opinion, the relevance of the four
energy saving mechanisms, but questions how 'P
they are achieved in real-world movements.
38.4.7 Taking Up The Slack 70°
In the recordings of running (Figures 38.4a,b) R
we see that at the onset of the contraction <I> e shows L 0.5 s
a steep rise. This is due to both an increase of Me
and the swift plantarflexion at heel strike. Me is Figure 38.8: Recording of running at 2.0 mIs, same as
still low at that time, however, and the associated in Figure 38.4a. Dashed lines: muscle moment, work,
We + is very small. We can interpret this as the CC CC length etc., according to the muscle model in a
giving a slight pretension to the SEC, so that the hypothetical isometric contraction (<I> fixed at 70°) with
'toe' region of the SEC curve is left unused and the the same EMG input. The initial delay and the lower
angular excursions can be kept smaller during the peak value are due to the long time constant of the
negative work phase (see Figures 38.4a and CC-SEC combination, see text The earlier drop of M
38.2b). From the total 37° of SEC stretch, which in running, compared to the 'isometric' case, is due t~
corresponds to a moment of 220 Nm, the first 12° the high CC shortening velocity.
are delivered by the CC. This requires a low mo-
ment of 18 Nm and a W/ of only 1.4 J for the
elastic energy. The further 47.4 - 1.4 = 46 J of
elastic energy are mainly provided by W- (44 1)
with an ankle dorsiflexion of no more than 22°.
This effect was foreseen by A.V. Hill (1970) and
604 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

38.4.8 Disadvantages of a Compliant Tendon A third problem, in our probably incomplete

A compliant tendon gives important advantages list, is how to control a concerted contraction, with
to a muscle that has to perform eccentric- or without added stretch. To achieve the possible
concentric or explosive actions. For other tasks it energy saving, force and length of the muscle
may be disadvantageous. To these belong actions must follow a closely connected time course
that begin with an isometric phase. In an (Section 38.4.4). At present we have only vague
isometric action the total muscle plus tendon ideas how this might be performed. Feedback ac-
length is constant, but internally there is at the on- tion by muscle spindles may be relevant, as the
set a shortening of the CC at the expense of a spindles sense CC length (see above). Also can
stretch of the SEC. This costs W/ and metabolic we imagine that the interaction of a muscle CC
energy, which cannot be regained in the decre- plus SEC with a combination of a gravitational and
scent phase, when the CC is lengthened again. inertial load, together representing the action of
Furthermore this process makes the development quadriceps or calf muscles in running, would more
of force slower. The combination of the Hill-type or less automatically produce a kind of concerted
CC and linear plus logarithmic SEC as used in our contraction, because of the inbuilt feedback due to
muscle model (Table 38.1) behaves in an the force-velocity relation.
isometric step response approximately as a first or- Compliant tendons in muscles have their pros
der system with time constant tm(cf. Hill, 1970, p. and cons. They are useful for saving energy in
106; Vit, 1978) in which eccentric-concentric actions, they are a disad-

tm =
[1P + tM] (38.18)
vantage in precise and fast movements and of no
use in concentric movements requiring a great
deal of muscle fiber shortening. It seems that a
For our parameters andMo = 220 Nm this yields tm specialization along these lines indeed exists be-
= 340 ms, which is rather long compared to the tween muscles. In Chapter 36, Alexander and Ker
duration of the activity in running, about 250 ms. found striking anatomical differences between
Figure 38.8 gives a recording of running on muscles such as triceps surae, suited to eccentric-
which is superimposed (dashed line) a hypotheti- concentric work, with short muscle fibers and
cal isometric contraction (, constant at 70°) with relatively compliant tendons, and other muscles,
the same activation. Figures like these are easy to with longer fibers and relatively thick and stiff ten-
make with a muscle model. The 'isometric' con- dons.
traction is very sluggish compared to the real one 38.5 Future Directions
and We + is at least equally high. In the real case the It will be obvious that the above discussion
SEC is swiftly stretched by the external movement contains sufficient open ends and gaps in the ar-
(the initial dorsiflexion), there is very little slack gumentation to provide research subjects for some
to overcome and the force can rise rapidly. It time to come. We may name a few.
reminds one of the 'controlled stretch' experi-
a) The present methods to access in vivo series
ments, in which A.V. Hill (1970) exposed the
elastic properties of human muscle are all
initial fast rise of the active state.
rather indirect, not very accurate and they rely
Next to this sluggish response is another
on a number of unproven assumptions (see
problem in the control of muscles with compliant
Sections 38.1.3 and 38.4.2). A new method,
tendons. Immediately obvious in Figures 38.3 and
against which the simple resonance method
(= muscle plus tendon length) and 'e
38.4 is the big difference in time course between ,
(= muscle
fiber length). The muscle spindles are in parallel
might be checked and which would separate
purely passive elasticity from active reflex
components, would be welcome.
with the muscle fibers and can therefore not sense
total muscle length, closely connected to joint b) Animal experiments with concerted contrac-
rotation, but only a sum of muscle length and tions might provide a useful addition to the
muscle force (translated into tendon stretch). This available data on the effects of muscle elas-
problem has been discussed by Rack (1981). ticity. Most experiments on elastic energy
storage have been performed with tetanic
38. Hof; Energy Transfer in Walking and Running 605

stimulation and a prescribed lengthening and work done by the human triceps surae muscle-
shortening of muscle plus tendon. Concerted tendon complex in jumping. J. Biomech. 19: 899-
contractions might be achieved with controlled 906.
lengthening and shortening, e.g. by means of a Bobbert, M.F. and Van Ingen Schenau, G.1. (1988).
servo-controlled actuator, so that the external Coordination in vertical jumping. J. Biomech. 21:
stretch counteracts the internal lengthening of
Bogert, A. van den, Hartman, W., Schamhardt, H. and
the SEC (cf. Hill, 1970), with controlled Sauren, A. (1988). In vivo relationship between
stimulation (Rack and Westbury, 1969; Zhou force, EMG and length change in the deep digital
et al., 1987) or with both. In such experiments flexor muscle in the horse. In: G. de Groot (eds.).
it might be possible to demonstrate in vitro Biomechanics XI, pp. 68-74, Free University Press,
contractions in which eccentric work would be Amsterdam.
fully regained in later positive work, more Boon, K.L., Hof, A.L. and Wallinga-De Jonge, W.
convincingly than Morgan et al., (1978) could (1973). The mechanical behaviour of the passive
do. arm. In: E. JokI (ed.). Medicine and Sport, 8:
Biomech. lll, 243-248. Karger, Basel.
c) Modeling studies to find possible rules of Cavagna, G.A. (1970). Elastic bounce of the body. J.
motor control for achieving concerted contrac- Appl. Physiol. 29: 279-282.
tions in human activities, might clear up a few Cavagna, G.A. and Kaneko, M. (1977a). Mechanical
of the questions posed in Section 38.4.8. work and efficiency in level walking and running. J.
Physiol. 268: 467-481.
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Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills

Arthur E. Chapman, David J. Sanderson

39.1 Introduction tion which allows achievement of a given aim by

It is our opinion that while research on muscle means of a system of muscles acting upon a skele-
has blossomed since the early 1900s, as illustrated tal structure. Just as the engineer needs to know
by the size of this book, we have hardly begun to the characteristics of motors to design a control
apply knowledge of muscle to the understanding system (see Chapter 7 (Hannaford and Winters)),
of athletic technique and its modification. For ex- so the athlete's nervous system and the sports
ample, a review of the papers given at the 12 biomechanist need to understand the human
meetings of the International Society for motor. In this way the biomechanist may be able
Biomechanics reveals much work concerned with to aid the athlete's nervous system in control of
sports, yet relatively few are concerned with if and muscle.
how mechanical properties of muscle predispose Muscular coordination can be investigated by a
the athlete to adoption of a specific technique. number of techniques. Electromyography gives a
This chapter is concerned with muscular coordina- direct measure of the recruitment of muscles
tion in sporting techniques, what information is provided that caution is undertaken in the treat-
currently available and where this area of research ment and interpretation of the EMG. Kinematics
may lead. provide a description of motion only. Kinetics
Information on appropriate muscular coordina- gives joint forces and torques. Joint forces are a
tion is buried deeply within the central nervous convenient biomechanical resultant of muscular,
system of skillful individuals. Undoubtedly the ligamentous and bone-on-bone forces. Torques
nervous system has knowledge of the mechanical are the net result of action of a number of mus-
characteristics of muscles, and if not specific cular protagonists and antagonists. In this sense
knowledge of characteristics, knowledge of the the torque is a result of activity of a single equiv-
mechanical outcome of activating muscle. The alent muscle. In combination with kinematics,
process of execution of a skill begins with a torques can be identified as resulting from either
specific aim from a given set of initial conditions concentric, isometric or eccentric muscular ac-
which mayor may not be entirely under the con- tivity. Such information is useful in describing
trol of the athlete (e.g. the contrast between how muscular activity is coordinated in relation to
throwing a baseball from rest versus cross-country the kinematic state of the muscles when activity
running over variable terrain). Consequently mus- begins. Therefore the use of such beneficial
cular coordination can range from an exact phenomena as the stretch-shortening cycle (SSe)
temporal sequence which would be ideal to repeat of muscle can be identified. By means of models
on each occasion (the throw) to variations on a of individual muscles, the inverse dynamic ap-
basic temporal pattern according to conditions (the proach has been used to solve the general
run). In either case there is an assumption that distribution problem (GDP). The aim here is to
there is an ideal sequence of muscular coordina- identify the timing and magnitude of the contribu-
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
39. Chapman and Sanderson; Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills 609

tion of individual muscles to a specific task. The stimulation (activation). At a given level of ac-
question of application of this technique is tivation the isometric, steady-state force produced
whether such information can be used by a per- by the CC is a non-linear function of its length.
former. For example, would the athlete be at an Force is low at a short CC length; it increases as
advantage if he/she were to know that m. CC length increases and it subsequently decreases
supinator was relatively more active than m. with further increases in length. Thus the force of
biceps brachii in a complex striking skill involvingthe CC is greatest at some intermediate length.
supinator torque? A final approach, and the only For a given level of activation and length the force
one with predictive qualities, is that of computer in the CC is a non-linear function of velocity. As
simulation. This approach allows the searching shortening velocity increases (concentric
for an optimal solution for the skill in question. contraction) force decreases, while an increase in
Armed with average values for segmental lengthening velocity (eccentric contraction)
parameters and mechanical characteristics of produces increased force. There is therefore a
single equivalent muscles, the simulator can iden- four-dimensional relationship between force,
tify general strategies for coordination of these length, velocity and activation [see also Chapter 5
muscles. A model representing a specific in- (Winters)]. Of current, general interest is the fact
dividual might lead to fine tuning of the general that at any instant CC force is enhanced if the
strategy. This work is in its infancy. muscle has previously been stretched and it is
That the same segmented body is used for all depressed following prior shortening. These last
athletic skills may be too obvious to state. Yet thetwo phenomena represent history-dependent
aims within the spectrum of athletic skills are so properties of the CC. In muscle in situ activation
varied that the same segmented body must adopt provides the greatest variation in CC force fol-
different strategies. For this reason the subsequentlowed in decreasing importance by velocity,
discourse on muscular coordination is divided into length and history-dependent properties.
two basic classes of sporting actions; namely Series Elastic Component. The SEC is a com-
throwing (and striking and kicking) and cycling. ponent which is continually revealing increased
These two activities are so different that we might complexity. The basic property is that the SEC
expect significantly different principles of coor- transmits force to the bone as a non-linear function
dination to be adopted. of its length such that its stiffness increases with
increased length. As some of the series elasticity
39.2 Muscle Mechanics resides in the sarcomeres, SEC stiffness is depend-
This section is not a lengthy discourse on the ent upon muscle activation and length. In
numerous, complex properties exhibited by skele- developing a complex phenomenological model of
tal muscle. Readers are directed to Chapman muscle all of the above properties require incor-
(1985) for references in this area and Chapters 1-5 poration. At the current level of understanding of
for more detailed information. The aim in this muscular control in skill it is suggested that the
section is to provide sufficient information to il- simple recognition of the presence of a SEC is suf-
lustrate why a knowledge of muscle mechanics is ficient.
a necessary precursor to interpreting experimental Chapman (1985) has described the interaction
evidence on the role of muscular coordination in of the CC and SEC in typical types of muscular
sporting skills. contraction; stretch followed by shortening (SSC)
While muscle comprises numerous complex and repetitive cyclical motion of a load against
structural elements involved in both the develop- gravity. The SSC has received much attention
ment and transmission of contractile force, a from a sporting standpoint. The basic story is that
convenient functional model comprises at least either external load or antagonist muscles move a
two components. The contractile component (CC) limb segment in a direction opposite to the re-
is that which develops force under influence of quired final motion (See Figure 39.1) .. The
neural control and the series elastic component protagonist muscles then begin activation in an ec-
(SEC) transmits this force to the bone. centric state. Consequently force rises rapidly
Contractile Component. The CC develops because the CC is working either on the eccentric
force as a function of the intensity of neural part of the force-velocity relationship or at a small
610 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

velocity on the concentric part. By the time the

0.215 Kg.m 2
eccentric motion of the limb segment is arrested 15
the force applied to that segment is high. TORQUE
Therefore subsequent concentric contraction (N.m)

begins from this high level. Figure 39.1 (S-R)

demonstrates how the torque in the concentric
phase of forearm supination, which follows
muscle stretch (S), is much greater than that in a
concentric contraction from rest (R). Although
torque from rest eventually exceed that from the
SSC, the early high torque in S produces the most
rapid accumulation of angular impulse and there-
fore a faster rise in load angular velocity. It can be
seen that the concentric torque following an
isometric development of tension (I) is also greater
than that from rest (R), but not as beneficial as that
from the SSC. Simulation has shown that this
Figure 39.1: Torque versus time in foreann supination
benefit of the SSC is realized with a muscle model
against the inertia shown. R, I and S refer respectively
having only a CC (see Figure 2b in Chapman, to contractions from Rest, a release from prior
1988). The more realistic incorporation of the Isometric development of tension and from Stretch,
SEC also shows beneficial effects, and the relative where the supinators contracted against an eccentri-
benefit depends on the relative properties of the cally moving load. S-R is a measure of how much the
CC (rate of activation, FV relationship) and SEC torque in S exceeds that in R. (Reproduced with per-
(stiffness) (see Figure 2 in Chapman, 1988). The mission of the Free University Press, Amsterdam, The
benefit of the SSC has been ascribed to storage and Netherlands.)
release of strain energy in elastic structures.
While this view is convenient to indicate a saving
of energy through use of a spring, it is the current The story in cyclical contraction against
authors' view that this explanation is misleading gravity, such as in running, is simple (Chapman,
when applied to a single contraction. Without ac- 1985). At a specific cyclical frequency most of
tivation of the CC the SEC will store no energy. In the external motion is accommodated by SEC
fact the gain in velocity of a load is obtained at the stretch and recoil [see also Chapter 37
expense of a greater amount of work done by the (McMahon)]. This allows the CC to remain in an
CC in a single SSC compared with that in a single almost isometric state which avoids the extra me-
contraction from rest (see Figure 2f in Chapman, tabolic cost of excursions of the CC. At other than
1988). Thus it appears that the advantage of the this resonant frequency the CC has to shorten and
SSC is to allow greater muscular work to be done lengthen. Consequently cyclical SSC's will show
to stretch the SEC in the eccentric phase. It ap- different gains (e.g. force/activation or load kinetic
pears that storage and release of energy is a energy/CC work) at different cyclical frequencies
consequence of the SSC and not a reason for its (Bach et al. 1983). In this repetitive type of con-
use. The presence of the SEC modifies the traction the concept of storage and release of strain
kinematics of the CC, which allows the latter to energy in the SEC is a reasonable explanation of
work on a favorable part of the FV relationship. energy saving, but only in the sense that CC work
Many investigators may disagree with aspects of is minimized but not obviated completely. When
this explanation [e.g. see Chapter 38 (liof)]. gravity does not play a significant part as in cy-
Reflex potentiation of activation has also been cling, muscular contraction would appear to be
cited as a benefit of stretch. Yet there is evidence entirely concentric. However, the work of Ryan et
that reflexes do act (Aura and Komi, 1988) and do al. (1989) indicates that there are eccentric modes
not act in maximal muscular effort (Thomson and of contraction. In this case the benefits of the SSC
Chapman, 1988). may be present.
39. Chapman and Sanderson; Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills 611

39.3 Kicking, Striking and Throwing reversing torques, again in a proximal to distal se-
quence. This type of antagonist activity has been
Striking and throwing have the common aim of suggested by others as being beneficial largely
projecting an object with various degrees of ac- through observation of changes in segmental an-
curacy and speed. Conventional wisdom through gular velocities. Evidence of reduced and
observation of experts dictates that the sequence reversed torques in human throwing is present but
of progression of segmental involvement is from not universally observed in all types of throwing,
proximal to distal (P-D). Research in muscular striking and kicking actions. A study of the tennis
coordination of throwing and striking has centered serve Bahamonde (1989) indicated that those
largely upon describing patterns of motion while players who demonstmted a change from extensor
few researchers have considered why the P-D to flexor elbow torque produced the greatest ball
progression appears best. That experts in these ac- velocity. Furthermore Feltner (1989) stated that
tions become experts by copying other experts rapid elbow extension in a baseball pitch resulted
suggests that research in this area is merely an from reversal of trunk rotation and not from the
academic exercise with little pmctical value. But action of elbow extensors. That the muscles
until these skills are understood completely it can responsible were those of the trunk and legs
not be assumed that copying is the best method of demonstrates torque reversal of a very proximal
learning. For example, Hatze (1976) set of muscles. Strangely Feltner and Dapena
demonstrated an improvement in learning of a (1986) provide evidence for the production of el-
kicking task by presenting a subject with bow extensor torque in the same skill.
kinematic information obtained from optimization Presumably the statement by Feltner (1989) im-
of a myocybernetic model of the subject. This plies that the elbow extensor torque was
work suggests that the fine tuning of coordination insufficient to account entirely for the observed
can be determined for an individual to produce a kinematics of elbow extension. Although the out-
better result than if the individual is left to their come of a reversal of a given joint torque in a
own devices. Unfortunately the work of Hatze multisegmental body is dependent upon the
(1976) has not as yet been built upon significantly kinematics of the linked segments, the reversal of
by other researchers. a proximal torque will genemllY tend to decelerate
The reasons for using the P-D sequence have the proximal segment. However, changes in a dis-
been investigated by Herring and Chapman (1988, tal torque can also lead to decelemtion of the
1989). A simple, three-segment, sagittal-plane, proximal segment. For example, Dunn and
overarm throwing task was simulated using con- Putnam (1988) and Putnam (1983) showed
stant joint torques. A search field was used in decelemtion of the thigh in punting to be the result
which the temporal onset of the three joint torques of shank kinetics. A flexor hip moment remained
was varied to find the throw yielding maximal throughout the whole kick and was never reversed
velocity and maximal range. All throws began in sign (Figure 39.2). Putnam and Dunn (1987)
from the same joint angles and angular velocities also analyzed kicking off the ground and
(negative to replicate a backswing). Both ball described similar kinematic patterns to the punt.
velocity and range were maximized only if the se- However, the pattern of joint torques, while fol-
quence of onset of torques was initially shoulder lowing the P-D sequence, showed significant
extension followed by elbow extension and finally differences. In the same type of kick Robertson
wrist flexion. Different sequences of onset and Mosher (1985) showed hip flexor torque to
produced poor results. From this work it can be drop dramatically, while Zernicke and Roberts
concluded that the P-D sequence is desirable (1976) showed hip torque to become extensor
simply because of the linked segmental nature of prior to ball contact. Alternatively Roberts et a1.
the model Oimb) irrespective of any impact which (1974) show no evidence of torque reversal. An
muscle properties may have on the action. A interesting modification of the P-D sequence was
similar simulation by King and Huston (1989) shown by Feltner (1989) in the baseball pitch.
confirmed the suitability of the P-D sequence. Peak angular velocity of elbow extension preceded
A further observation by Herring (1989) was the more proximal peak angular velocity of upper-
that ball mnge and velocity would be enhanced by arm internal rotation.
612 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

produced lower ball velocities did not always

show this sequence. Similarly, in the tennis serve
the maximal linear velocities of segment endpoints
400 demonstrate a P-D sequence (Van Gheluwe and
Hebbelinck, 1985).
Whichever criteria are used to assess the use of
_,H I P-D sequence, it seems reasonable to conclude
\ I that the motion is caused by a P-D sequence of on-
\ I
\ I set of protagonist torque. Undoubtedly the general
I P-D sequence of muscular coordination is a basis
200 I
I of execution which must meet the demands of
JOINT I varying initial conditions and varying specific
TORQUE aims of the skill. Whether deceleration of a
proximal segment is caused by proximal torque
( N.m) reversal or by distal torque increase appears to
depend upon the nature of the multi segmental

ANG. 40

o 36 72 108 144180
TIME (ms)
Figure 39.2: Experimental results from a punt H and
K refer repectively to torques about the hip (flexor is
positive) and knee (extensor is positive) joints. T and S
refer respectively to absolute angular velocities of the
thigh and shank (counterclockwise is positive). S-T
represents angular velocity of knee joint extension.
Redrawn from Putnam (1983). (Reproduced with per-
mission of Human Kinetic Publishers, Champaign, IL, time
and the author.)
Figure 39.3: Experimental results from an overhand
Many investigators have described the P-D se- throw using the arm in sagittal·plane motion. SM, EL
quence on the basis of measurements other than and WR refer respectively to the Shoulder, Elbow and
joint torques. Wilson et al. (1989) showed that Wrist joints. Extension (E) and Flexion (F) are indi-
cated. For each joint torque the vertical line shows that
peak segmental angular velocities occurred in a
torque is zero when the joint is moving in opposition to
P-D sequence when moving loads as fast as pos-
the throwing direction. The second vertical line shows
sible with the hands. Elliott and Chivas (1988) how torque in the throwing direction is well estab-
described a P-D sequence of peak segmental end- lished when the joint is at zero angular velocity (from
point velocities in hitting a hockey ball. In this Chapman, 1985, 1988; reproduced with permission of
case the hockey stick behaves in much the same Free University Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
manner as any bodily segment. The same P-D se-
quence of peak segmental angular velocities was Having established that the linked-segmental
described by Luhtanen (1988) in experienced vol- nature of a limb predisposes the system to P-D
leyball players. Less experienced players who torque onset, the question remains as to the man-
39. Chapman and Sanderson; Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills 613

ner in which muscular properties are implicated. result in putting the internal rotators into stretch.
In this context the sse is paramount. In throwing The use of successive P-D muscular recruitment
(Feltner and Dapena, 1986) and kicking (Putnam, requires appropriate timing for success, and the
1983), the presence of a backswing is clearly evi- complexity would seem to increase with the
dent. The immediate conclusion is that the greater number of segments involved. For ex-
protagonist muscles begin activity in an eccentric ample, Elliott et al. (1989) observed two types of
mode. As discussed in Section 39.2, the mag- forehand drive in tennis, one of which involved
nitudes of joint moments will be high at the onset substantial intersegmental motion in the arm, and
of the concentric phase. For example, Figure 39.3 one in which the whole arm appeared to act as a
demonstrates a well established shoulder extensor single unit. In fact the segmental end-point
torque when the shoulder joint is at zero angular velocities in the direction of the stroke showed a
velocity, having undergone a period of eccentric similar sequence of peaking despite the apparent
contraction. Similarly Figure 39.2 shows a hip observed difference in technique. This indirect
flexor torque of 100 Nm when hip joint angular evidence suggests use of a fundamental pattern of
velocity is zero in kicking. Oearly the subsequent muscular recruitment. However, the greatest ball
angular impulses applied to the upper arm in velocity shown by the multisegmental group sug-
throwing (Figure 39.3) and the thigh in kicking gests indirectly greater relative involvement of
(Figure 39.2) will be enhanced by the torques sse's to enhance total angular impulse.
beginning above zero. The effect of these In certain kicks the hip flexor torque is vari-
proximal protagonistic torques will be to induce a able; however, it never becomes extensor in sign.
joint force at the proximal end of the next more This appears to negate the possibility that distal
distal segment. With reference to Figure 39.3, segment velocities can be enhanced by antagonis-
such a force will tend to induce and/or increase tic activity of muscles crossing the most proximal
backward rotation of the forearm. Similarly in joint, i.e. the use of a mechanism to aid transfer of
Figure 39.2 the shank backward rotation is aided, angular momentum from proximal to distal seg-
in this case by a knee flexor torque. The conse- ments. Yet Figure 39.3 shows an antagonistic
quence of these effects is that the forearm (Figure torque at the shoulder for a period of time when
39.3) and shank (Figure 39.2) show increases in both elbow and wrist torques are protagonistic.
negative angular velocity during the initial period Although the throw shown in Figure 39.3 may not
when the upper arm and thigh show increasing have been the best, the possibility still remains (as
positive angular velocity. An examination of both yet unconftrmed) that P-D antagonism following
elbow extensor torque and knee extensor torque P-D protagonism may be a feature of control
shows that the extensor muscles are active in ec- which enhances ball velocity in throwing.
centric contraction. Eccentric contraction serves The certain pattern which emerges is the suc-
to reduce angular velocities of elbow and knee cessive P-D use of sse's in protagonist muscles of
flexion such that when these velocities reach zero, throwing, kicking and hitting. Use of the P-D se-
both elbow and knee extensor torques are large. quence is therefore beneficial from the point of
Again this represents clear evidence of use of the view of both the physical nature of the linked seg-
sse, since the greater part of the elbow and knee ments and the beneficial effects of the sse of
extensor angular impulses serve to arrest back- muscle. In the simulations by Herring and
ward motion of both forearm and shank Chapman (1988, 1989), which involved constant
respectively. For the throw in Figure 39.3 it can muscular torques, the sse is seen to occur in a P-D
be seen that the wrist flexor moment begins ec- sequence. This begs the question as to how impor-
centrically to arrest wrist extension and is high tant are the muscular characteristics. It is
when zero angular velocity of the wrist is tempting to suggest that muscular FV characteris-
achieved. Such segmental end-point forces have tics evolved to take advantage of the fact that a
been shown to induce external rotation of the up- sse is used in optimal throwing. Yet the specific
per arm prior to the required internal rotation in action of throwing in the form which we under-
baseball pitching (Feltner and Dapena, 1986). The stand it is confined to humans, and other species
more proximal muscles producing horizontal ab- have muscles which exhibit similar dynamic mus-
duction are responsible for this effect, and they cular characteristics.
614 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

150 -.--



- 50

- 100

0.0 0.05 0.10 O.D 0.20 0.25

- SHOULDER --+- ELBOW -*- WRIST o Peak Velocities

Figure 39.4: The upper diagram illustrates kinematics Square symbols illustrate peak angular velocities. The
of a simulated throw to the left for maximal end-point step functions are, in order of time, torque inputs at the
velocity. The bottom diagram shows angular velocities shoulder (extension, 40 Nm), elbow (extension, 25
(rad/s) of the jOints indicated where a positive value is Nm) and wrist (flexion, 7.5 Nm). (From Herring
in the direction of the throw (counterclockwise). (1989); reproduced with permission of the author.)

Muscular control in throwing depends upon the torques tum on at 200 ms and 240 ms, respec-
aim of the throw. The simulations of Herring and tively. In contrast, maximal ball range resulted
Chapman (1988, 1989) that are shown in Figures from P-D torque onsets of 120 ms, 220 ms and
39.4 and 39.5 illustrate best kinematics and tem- 260 ms, respectively. The early onset of shoulder
poral onset of torques for maximal velocity torque in the maximal velocity throw presumably
(Figure 39.4) and maximal ball range (Figure indicates the necessity for use of maximal angular
39.5). Where maximal velocity is the aim (Figure impulse. Although the greatest total angular im-
39.4), the shoulder extensor torque is turned on at pulse could be achieved with simultaneous onset
time zero while elbow extensor and wrist flexor of all torques at zero time, the resulting pattern of
39. Chapman and Sanderson; Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills 615


60 1-


0.0 0.05 0.10 O. IS 0.20 O.2S

Time (sec)
-- SHOULDER -!- ELBOW -*- WRIST a Peak Velocities

Figure 39.5: The kinematics of a simulated throw for planation of symbols. (From Herring (1989);
maximal ball range. See caption to Figure 39.4 for ex- reproduced with permission of the author.)

motion proved inappropriate due to too early is required. The substantial delay in onset of
achievement of full wrist flexion. The aim here shoulder torque (120 ms) enables considerable
was to achieve maximal velocity irrespective of its flexion of the elbow to be achieved under gravita-
direction and therefore segmental orientation. tional influence. Final elbow extension and wrist
Had a directional requirement been imposed upon flexion therefore occur in a manner appropriate to
the ball velocity vector, different times of onset of achievement of the correct ball velocity vector.
torques would have been necessary. The extent of The P-D sequence of onset of torques and peak an-
such a modification can be seen in the throw for gular velocities is retained as in the case of the
maximal ball range (Figure 39.5). In this use the maximal velocity aim.
best combination of velocity and angle of release
616 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

39.4 Cycling which is felt to be best for successful performance.

That is, one wants to be able to make statements
Cycling, like walking and running, is an ac- like "If you wish to ride at 200 watts then pedal at
tivity that is characterized by a repeating pattern of 87 rpm". To this end there is an abundance of
coordinated muscular effort. When the situation data, primarily physiological in nature, which ad-
demands prolonged effort the pattern of movement dresses the issue of minimal energy cost as
is consistent and exhibits little variation. For ex- measured by oxygen uptake. These data are con-
ample, in normal paced walking Winter (1987) has sistent across running, walking, and cycling in that
shown coefficients of variation of lower limb they show a clear parabolic relationship between
kinematics to be 8% and 21 % for knee and hip oxygen uptake and cadence at particular power
joints respectively. Further, over a range of walk- outputs with a distinct minimum associated with a
ing speeds there is relatively little change in these given rate.
joint kinematics. Cycling represents an even more If we accept that oxygen uptake is an indicator
constrained task. The constraints of seated of the overall level of muscular effort, and if we
cyclists are such that there have been a number of accept that the primary contribution to this value
authors (Hull et al. 1988; Redfield and Hull, 1985) comes from the muscles of the legs, then we
who have presented predicted kinematic data for would conclude that the selection of a rate of pat-
the lower limb based upon five-bar linked seg- tern repetition exhibits minimal energy cost
ment models. These models have presented Further, it would seem likely that the design of the
reasonable kinematics of cycling from analytical lower limb musculature is such that each com-
solutions [see also Chapter 40 (Hull et al.)]. ponent muscle would develop maximum power
One of the interesting characteristics of cycling output consistent with the power output demands
is that there appears to be an optimal rate at which of the task. One avenue to explore in the task of
it is performed. "Optimal" has been interpreted identifying the particulars of the muscle mechani-
from a variety of perspectives. When the move- cal characteristics would be to query whether the
ment task is one dictated by prolonged effort the rate of pattern repetition was similar for different
performer will select a rate which is consistent, tasks using the same muscles. For example, if the
repeatable, and relatively invariant for a given primary controlling factor is the force-velocity
level of power output. When the terrain is predict- relationship, as postulated by Chapman (1985),
able, as in a gymnasium or on a stationary bicycle, then for similar power outputs in walking and cy-
the control of this rate appears to be automatic, or cling there should be a similar optimal rate.
at least at some level below the conscious task of Published data on the limb kinematics (Cavanagh
on-line programming. However, the pattern is not and Sanderson, 1986; Winter, 1987) indicate a
so entrained that it cannot be consciously varied similarity in the range of motion of the lower
(e.g. McMahon et al. 1987) or indeed trained to be limbs in these two tasks. The external forces re-
different (Sanderson and Cavanagh, 1990). In cy- quired, on the other hand, are quite different.
cling the optimal rate or cadence has been shown However, walking is a weight-bearing activity,
to be dependent upon power output (Coast and while cycling is not Nonetheless there are an in-
Welch, 1985) and indirectly on the level of perfor- finite number of force-velocity curves; when the
mance. factor of activation is accounted for it is not im-
It seems reasonable to expect that the rate of possible to consider a combination that would
pattern replication would reflect some match be- result in a similar frequency.
tween required neuromuscular control and the We are suggesting that regardless of the length,
mechanical characteristics of skeletal muscle. In or rather assuming that length change remains
other words, there is some level of optimization of within the middle of the force-length relationship,
resources which results in the particular frequency the FV relationship dictates the most desirable rate.
of the movement pattern. There have been a num- Hill (1922) showed that for a given FV relationship
ber of published works that have examined this a power velocity relationship could be developed
phenomenon in cycling. The apparent goal has and that this showed a peak power output for the
been to provide information to assist training of muscle. Cavanagh and Kram (1985) have argued
cyclists so as to achieve a desired pedaling rate that this relationship leads to the conclusion that
39. Chapman and Sanderson; Muscular Coordination in Sporting Skills

these very mechanical properties are the main during the pedaling cycle. While they did not
properties that are used in the optimizing process. have data on muscle lengths, their data would sug-
In other words, the rate at which power output is gest that force and velocity characteristics in
maximized for a given demand determines the association with moment arm lengths are very im-
desired rate of movement. As this is a peak in the portant for effective cycling.
power output-velocity curve, the constraints on One issue in the literature that is controversial
the system would then be to attempt to maintain is the apparent lack of agreement on whether the
the linear velocities of shortening near the same optimal rate reflects muscle properties or some
value. In walking at a normal pace the range of other level of control. For example, Pandolf and
knee joint angular velocities is within ± 5 rad/s Noble (1973) have presented data which suggest
while in cycling at 60 rpm the ranges are similar that optimal cadence is not associated with a feel-
(Nordeen, 1976). ing of metabolic ease. Rather, a higher rate is
Kroon (1983) presented an assessment of op- more desirable. This perspective argues that the
timal cadence and argued that there indeed were desired rate is one which gives the perception that
similarities in the optimal frequencies of walking the forces within the legs are minimized. As this
and cycling that indicated the same underlying occurs at a higher cadence, oxygen uptake is
controlling mechanism, namely the mechanical elevated. Kram (1987) has argued that for a shift
properties of skeletal muscle. This hypothesis suf- in pedaling rate, the apparent advantage of
fers a risk of oversimplification, however. In the reduced pedal forces and associated muscle mo-
action of the lower limbs there are numerous ments outweigh the detrimental effects of
muscles involved in moving the limbs. EMG ex- increased metabolic cost. Merril and White
amination indicates that there are activities in the (1985) have concluded from a different perspec-
one-joint muscles as well as the two-joint tive that the higher pedaling rates of competitive
muscles. To find a simple relationship between cyclists are a reflection of peer pressure and train-
force and velocity which would predict the exact ing. This leads to an interesting question of
optimal cadence will be difficult indeed. Given whether the optimal cadence is based on mechani-
the variations in the geometrical relationship be- cal properties of muscles, perception of metabolic
tween the muscles and the joints, whether they be effort, perception of perceived exertion or training
one or two-joint muscles, and the consequent using conventional wisdom as a guide.
variations in the lengths of the muscles during the
ranges of motion it would require a very sophisti- 39.5 Summary and Future Directions
cated development system to match. Even if the The underlying presumption has been that it is
perfect match among the muscles is not made, beneficial to know all of the properties of all
there will be an optimal overall relationship even muscles potentially involved in a skill. If this
though some muscles would be working over were the case, how could the information be used
ranges that are less than optimal. The issue may to identify appropriate muscular coordination in a
not be to minimize energy cost for individual skill? The enormous amount of information
muscles but for the whole system. The fact that would preclude a solution by means of thought
one can ride without a particular muscle dropping alone. A reasonable solution appears to be
out indicates some degree of success. Yet a pat- through modelling and simulation of the task ac-
tern of recruitment which overloads a particular cording to some objective function or optimization
muscle is unlikely to be used, even if the energy scheme (see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters».
cost of the whole system is small. Ryan et al. Providing that information can be given to the ath-
(1989) have presented data which show that there lete in a usable form, the simulation could be
is indeed a sse in the muscles of the lower limb considered successful in producing the most
during steady-state cycling. Specifically, the desirable performance. Further useful application
gastrocnemius showed active lengthening during would result from modifying muscular characteris-
the first 90° of crank motion after top dead center. tics with a view to prescribing what and how to
Gregor et al. (1985) have presented data which train. Incorporating fatigue functions would allow
show a delicate balance between the simultaneous investigation of the possibility of varying mus-
contributions of the one- and two-joint muscles cular coordination to get the best from a muscular
618 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

system which is subject to change. These applica- Bahamonde, R.E. (1989) Kinetic analysis of the selV-
tions are either in their infancy or unborn, but in ing arm during the performance of the tennis selVe.
the context of throwing and cycling they may take Proc. 12th. Int. Congo Biomechanics (edited by
the following forms. Gregor, R.J., Zernicke, R.F. and Whiting, W.C.),
How much variation in muscular coordination Abstract #99, University of California, Los Angeles.
in throwing is appropriate in a group of in- Cavanagh, P.R. and Kram, R. (1985) Mechanical and
muscular factors affecting the efficiency of human
dividuals showing different relative segmental
movement Med. Sci. Sport. Exercise 17: 326-331.
inertias and dimensions? In other words, can we
Cavanagh, P.R. and Sanderson, D.J. (1986) The
be sufficiently accurate in simulations to cus- biomechanics of cycling. Studies of the pedaling
tomize the simulation to an individual? Even if mechanics of elite pursuit riders. In Science oj
we can, is it necessary? Do we simply provide the Cycling (edited by Burke, E.), Human Kinetics
basic pattern of coordination and let the nervous Publishers Inc., Champaign, Ill.
system deal with fine-tuning of the muscular sys- Chapman, A.E. (1985) The mechanical properties of
tem? These questions will be answered by the use human muscle. Exercise and Sport Sciences
of sensitivity analysis: varying segmental dimen- Reviews 13: 443-501.
sions and inertias and muscular characteristics in Chapman, A.E. (1988) How muscular mechanical
our simulation [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and properties govern technique in Sports.
Biomechanics XI-B (edited by de Groot, G.,
Winters)]. One major advantage of this approach
Hollander, A.P., Huijing, P.A. and van Ingen
is to allow prediction of necessary adjustments in
Schenau, GJ.), pp. 545-554. Free University Press,
coordination when muscular characteristics Amsterdam.
change because of training. Chapman, A.E. (1988) An understanding of muscle is
To achieve maximal overground velocity in cy- the comerstone of sport biomechanics. Proc. 5th.
cling, the angular impulse applied to the front Biennial Con! Can. Soc. Biomechanics (edited by
chain ring needs to be maximized. This would be Cotton, C.E., Lamontagne, M., Robertson, D.G.E.
achieved by a particular pattern of force applica- and Stothart, J.P.), pp. 2-4, Spodym Publishers,
tion to the pedal, which in tum would result from London, Ontario.
a specific sequence of contractions of single equiv- Coast, J.R. and Welch, H.G. (1985) Linear increase in
alent muscles of the lower limb in a simulation. optimal pedal rate with increased power output in
cycle ergometry. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 53: 339-
The aim would be to obtain the required pedal-
force profiles with a sequence of contractions Dunn, E.G. and Putnam, C.A. (1988) The influence of
requiring minimal activation. Therefore the initial lower leg motion on thigh deceleration in kicking.
need in determining desirable muscular coordina- Biomechanics XI-B (edited by de Groot G.,
tion in cycling is to identify appropriate Hollander, A.P., Huijing, P.A. and van Ingen
pedal-force profiles. Schenau, GJ.), pp. 787-790. Free University Press,
Should our simulations be successful, the final Amsterdam.
overriding problem is how to communicate mus- Elliott, B.C. and Chivers, L. (1988) A three dimen-
cular coordination to the performer. Only when sional cinematographic analysis of the penalty
this problem is solved will we be able to assess the comer hit in field hockey. Biomechanics XI-B
success of our efforts to improve muscular coor- (edited by de Groot G., Hollander, A.P., Huijing,
P.A. and van Ingen Schenau, G.J.), pp. 791-797.
dination in sports.
Free University Press, Amsterdam.
References Elliott, B., Marsh, T. and Overneu, P. (1989) A
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voluntary oscillations about the ankle joint. shoulder and elbow joints of the throwing arm
J.Biomechanics 16: 85-90. during a baseball pitch. Int. J. Sport Biomechanics
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2: 235-259. perimental and simulated lower limb kinematics.

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lions. Proc. 12th. Int. Congo Biomechanics (edited Zernicke, R.F. and Roberts, E.M. 0976) Human lower
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Abstract #351. University of California, Los vriations in resultant limb velocity. Biomechanics V-
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Control of HU1TUJn Gait. University of Waterloo
Press, Waterloo, Ontario.

Analysis of Muscular Work in Multisegmental

Movements: Application to Cycling

M. L. Hull and D.A. Hawkins

work will be clarified. Muscle has the capability

40.1 Introduction of responding to external limb loads through two
In many athletic aCtIvItIes, efficiency and/or kinds of work - positive or concentric, and nega-
power are the keys to superior performance. For tive or eccentric. In positive work, the muscle
example, in activities which are primarily aerobic shortens while under contraction, whereas in nega-
(e.g. distance running, cross-country skiing), the tive work, the muscle lengthens during
ability to perform the activity with high efficiency contraction. Thus, in positive work the muscle
is one important factor in realizing superior perfor- does work on the environment whereas in negative
mance. On the other hand, in activities which are work the environment does work on the muscle.
primarily anaerobic (e.g. jumping, sprint running, Note that the word "contraction" as used herein
power lifting), the ability to develop high power is means only that the muscle is generating force but
an important ingredient in the recipe for superior not necessarily changing length. Isometric con-
achievement. traction refers to force generation at constant
Although the ability to perform an athletic ac- length whereas concentric and eccentric contrac-
tivity with either high efficiency or high power is tions are defined as above.
dependent on many factors (Cavanagh and Kram, The efficiency with which muscle performs
1985; Heglund and Cavagna, 1985; Ekblom, 1987; positive work is dependent on a variety of factors.
Komi, 1987), one important factor is neuromus- Positive work efficiency is a complex function of
cular coordination (Cavagna, 1977; Cavanagh and muscle fiber type, with efficiency being higher for
Kram, 1985). Neuromuscular coordination in- slower muscles (Davies, 1965). Positive work ef-
volves not only the activation of different muscles ficiency is also strongly influenced by muscle
in relation to one another but also the activation of kinematics and especially contraction velocity
individual muscles in relation to the kinematics of (White, 1977); at the extremes of the
that muscle. By coordinating activation and force-velocity curve, efficiency of positive work is
kinematics, it is possible to develop a "stretch- zero. Finally, Whipp and Wasserman (1969) have
shortening cycle," which consists of a period of observed that efficiency is also dependent on tem-
active lengthening followed by active shortening. perature with efficiency decreasing as temperarure
Developing a stretch-shortening cycle has the increases. Assuming that none of these factors are
potential of increasing both efficiency and power near extremes, the gross efficiency of whole
substantially. To appreciate this phenomenon muscle is about 30% (Whipp and Wasserman,
more fully, it is useful to briefly review the litera- 1969).
ture relevant to muscle efficiency, power, and the Similar to positive work, the "efficiency"
stretch-shortening cycle. (defined here as the work divided by the energy
Before embarking on the literature review, expended by muscle) of negative work also
some of the terminology surrounding muscular depends on a number of factors but the efficiency

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

1.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
622 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

of negative work is much higher than positive the series elastic component during the active
work (Abbot et al., 1952; Asmussen, 1953; stretch and "potentiation" (increased force) of the
Stainsby, 1976). The explanation as to this dis- contractile component (Cavagna et aI., 1968,
parity is traced in part to the force-generating 1985; see also Chapters 1-5, 33-39).
capability of muscle which is higher in eccentric Accompanying the remarkable increase in force
than in concentric contractions. Thus, fewer fibers and work of muscle as a result of the
need be stimulated in eccentric contraction to stretch-shortening cycle is an increase in ef-
develop a given level of force (Komi, 1973). The ficiency of concentric work (Thys et aI., 1972;
explanation is also traced in part to the chemical Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen, 1974; Bosco et al.,
processes accompanying forcible cross-bridge 1982; Aura and Komi, 1986; Goubel, 1987).
detachment in eccentric contractions [Curtin and The fact that the performance of negative work
Davies, 1975; White, 1977; see also Chapter 1 immediately followed by positive work has the
(Zahalak)]. potential to substantially affect the overall ef-
As the positive work efficiency of a muscle ficiency of movement has caused evaluation of the
depends on many factors, so does its ability to importance of this mechanism in various activities
generate power. Similar to efficiency, muscle [see also Chapter 39 (Chapman)]. The activities
power is a function of the muscle's kinematics. At which have had the greatest attention are walking,
the extremes of the force-velocity curve, the running, and cycling. Discussion here will be
power is zero, whereas maximum power is ob- restricted to running and cycling. Many studies
tained at shortening velocities near 30% of the have measured the overall efficiency of both run-
muscle's maximal velocity (Edgerton et aI., 1986). ning (Lloyd and Zacks, 1972; Zacks, 1973;
Muscle architecture is another important factor af- Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen, 1974; Cavagna
fecting power production. Muscles of similar and Kaneko, 1977) and cycling (Whipp and
mass and composition but with varying arrange- Wasserman, 1969; Zacks, 1973; Asmussen and
ments of sarcomeres (Le. arranged in either series Bonde-Petersen, 1974). Depending on the study,
or parallel) may develop the same maximum the apparent efficiency of running ranged between
power, but at different absolute shortening 33% (Zacks, 1973) and 80% (Cavagna and
velocities (Edgerton et aI., 1986). The fiber com- Kaneko, 1977), whereas the efficiency of cycling
position of a muscle also influences the power was always below 30%. Because the measured ef-
generated. Fast twitch fibers generate about four ficiency of running was greater than the gross
times greater maximal power than slow twitch efficiency of muscle undergoing positive work
fibers (Green, 1986; Faulkner et aI., 1986). sans prestretch effects, the conclusion was that the
The mechanical performance of muscle may be effects of pre stretch play an important role in this
altered remarkably when the muscle experiences a activity. In cycling, on the other hand, the result
stretch-shortening cycle (Bosco et al., 1982; that efficiency was less than the gross efficiency
Goubel, 1987; see also Chapters 3-5, 35, 38-39). of muscle led many to conclude that prestretch
The force following an active stretch to a specified plays no role in this activity and that negative
length is higher than the corresponding isometric work does not occur (Zacks, 1973; Asmussen and
force (Cavagna et aI., 1968; Bosco et al., 1982; Bonde-Petersen, 1974; van Ingen Schenau, 1984).
Goubel, 1987). Consequently the concentric work However, more recent studies in cycling
(and hence the power) is also higher when the biomechanics suggest that inferring a lack of nega-
muscle is allowed to shorten (Bosco and Komi, tive work based on efficiency measurements may
1979). Further, the excess work increases with be faulty reasoning. The existence of
both the stretch velocity and the length change stretch-shortening cycles in both the hamstrings
(Cavagna et al., 1968; Bosco et aI., 1982). Any and gastrocnemius muscles is evident in the work
delay in initiating the concentric phase, however, of Andrews (1987) and Gregor et al. (1987),
will diminish the increased force and hence work respectively.
following the eccentric phase (Cavagna et aI., Inasmuch as the development of stretch-short-
1985). The increased force and work accompany- ening cycles in muscle has the potential to impact
ing the stretch-shortening cycle appears due to both efficiency and power and hence the perfor-
two separate mechanisms, elastic energy stored in mance level of an activity, it is useful to develop a
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmental Cycling Movements 623

methodology for detailed examination of this frames are fixed to points which offer ready align-
phenomenon in multisegmental movements. One ment of coordinate axes with anatomical
objective of this article is to present a general pro- landmarks and are easily identified visually.
cedure for analyzing this phenomenon through Points which offer these features are typically the
identification of regions of positive and negative joint centers. With the origin at the joint center,
work in individual muscles. Because of conflict- the coordinate axes are developed by aligning one
ing claims which have surrounded the ?re~en~e of along a line connecting the proximal and distal
negative work in cycling, a second objective IS to joint centers of the segment. A second axis is
apply this procedure to the study of this activity. directed anteriorly and perpendicular to the first
while the third is mutually orthogonal. In the
40.2 Methods
second step, segment orientations and joint center
In order to identify regions of positive and locations are determined in a global coordinate
negative work in individual muscles, two types of system during the activity under study. In the
data must be available. The first is knowledge of final step, the coordinates of the muscle origin and
the time course of muscle kinematics (i.e. length insertion locations are determined in the global
and velocity) and the second is the time course of coordinate system and the length is computed.
the muscle contraction. By synchronizing these The procedures described above are ilIustrated
two types of data, regions of positive and negative schematically in Figure 40.1 for a two-segment
work and hence the presence of stretch-shortening model and a single-joint muscle. Two local
cycles may be readily identified. reference frames are shown, one for each body
40.2.1 Muscle-Tendon Kinematics segment, (x1 , Yl' zl and x2 , Y2 , z2) along with a
third reference frame representing a global coor-
In order to provide the first type of data
dinate system (X, Y, Z). The location of the muscle
described above, kinematics of individual muscles
Origin (0 0 0 ) is defined in terms of the 10-
must be determined for the activity under study. x1' y1' zl
cal reference trame of segment 1 while the location
However, it is not practical to directly measure
ofthe insertion (1x 2' 1 2' 1z 2) is defined in terms of
muscle kinematics from living subjects. To do so the local reference frame of segment 2. Segment
would require invasive techniques that would be
orientation and joint center locations are defined
time consuming, not weH tolerated, and more than
in terms of the global reference frame. Given this
likely inhibit normal movements. To circumvent
information, origin and insertion locations may be
the need for a direct approach for measuring
transformed from local coordinates into global
muscle kinematics, an indirect approach has been
coordinates by multiplying local position vectors
developed. This approach is based on the measure-
by the appropriate transformation matrix (see
ment of joint angles and the use of these angles in
Figure 40.1). The transformation matrix includes
conjunction with a musculo-skeletal system model both a translation and a rotation. Once both at-
to determine muscle-tendon lengths. The generic
tachment sites are defined in terms of the global
methodology for determining muscle-tendon
reference system, muscle-tendon length is calcu-
kinematics is described foHowed by a specific ex-
lated as the distance between these attachment
ample that determines lower extremity muscle-
sites (see Figure 40.1).
tendon kinematics during cycling.
To fully describe muscle-tendon kinematics,
The methodology presented here is based on
the muscle-tendon velocity must be determined as
the idea that muscle-tendon length may be ex-
well as the length. If muscle-tendon lengths can
pressed as a function of the absolute location of its
be expressed as analytical functions of the inde-
bony attachments (i.e. origin/insertion locations).
pendent variables (i.e. joint angles) and these
Several steps are taken in the calculation of
variables can be expressed as functions of time,
muscle-tendon length. In the first step, local (i.e.
then velocity may be obtained by simply differen-
segmental) coordinate reference frames are
tiating the analytical functions. As is often the
defined for body segments to which muscles of in-
case, however, obtaining analytical functions of
terest are attached and muscle origin and insertion
muscle lengths is impractical due to the com-
cites are located in terms of appropriate local coor-
plexity of the movement under study.
dinates. Usually, the local coordinate reference
Consequently, muscle tendon lengths must be
624 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

determined from measurements of joint angles, re- employed including splines, Fourier series ap-
quiring that muscle-tendon velocities be proximations, and digital ftlters. For a discussion
determined using ftnite difference techniques. A of each of these techniques refer to the papers by
common differentiation technique of this type in- Zemicke et al. (1976), Soudan and Dierckx
volves forward difference at the beginning of time (1979), Vaughn (1982), and Wood (1982).
series data, backward difference at the end, and A variety of techniques are available for
central difference for everything in between measuring segment positions, thus enabling the
(Hornbeck, 1975). quantiftcation of both local coordinate system
origins and segment orientations. A review of
these techniques is a major topic in its own right
z so that only a brief cataloging of various tech-
niques will be given here. Techniques include
Segment t
cinematography (e.g. Walton, 1981), videography
y (Hawkins et al., 1986; Kadaba et aI., 1987;
Andriacchi, 1987; Miller, 1987), goniometry (e.g.
Chao, 1980), and linkage models (Hull and Jorge,

40.2.2 Time Course of Muscle Force

x2 The second type of data necessary to examine
• Joint Center 2
(JC2x.JC2,.JC2 zl regions of positive and negative muscular work in
detail is the time course of muscle force.
z Historically there have been two basic approaches
utilized to predict muscle force in vivo aside from
attaching force transducers directly to tendons.
y The ftrst approach is direct and relies on measure-

[~] = ~--...--" ments of speciftc muscle parameters (e.g. activa-

tion levels, kinematics, architecture) and a suitable
mathematical muscle model to compute individual
where: 11;; and b;; are direction cosines for respective local coordinate frames. muscle forces (e.g. Pell, 1972; Stern, 1974; Hof
Muscle-tendon length. I", -/(OX .Ixl' + (Oy • Iv)' + (0, .1,)" and van den Berg, 1981; Baildon and Chapman,
1983). The second approach is indirect, and in-
volves solving the inverse dynamics problem ftrst
Figure 40.1: Multistep procedure for determining
muscle-tendon length. The first step involves defining so as to determine intersegmental forces and mo-
local coordinate systems attached to individual seg- ments, followed by distributing these loads (i.e.
ments and then locating muscle origin and insertion forces and moments) among the various structures
sites in these coordinate systems. The next step re- of the joint (i.e. bones, ligaments, and muscles) to
quires that local coordinate system origins and satisfy some musculoskeletal model. The distribu-
orientations be determined relative to the global coor- tion problem is generally solved using one of three
dinate system during the activity under study. In the methods: 1) reduction methods (Morrison, 1968);
final step. coordinates of muscle origin and insertion 2) optimization methods (Seireg and Arvikar,
sites are determined in the global coordinate system 1973; Penrod et al., 1974; Pedotti et al., 1978;
and length is computed. Crowninshield, 1978; Crowninshield and Brand,
With the use of ftnite difference derivatives 1981; Dul et aI., 1984; Davy and Audu, 1987), or
comes the problem of noise in the angle measure- 3) control model methods (Hatze, 1981). A
ments being amplifted in the difference process. detailed review of these various methods is
To combat this problem, the usual approach is to beyond the scope of this chapter. Refer to the
digitally ftlter both the length data prior to com- references cited above and to Chapter 8 (Zajac and
puting ftnite differences and the resulting velocity Winters) for more infonnation regarding each of
data. Several fIltering techniques have been these techniques.
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmental Cycling Movements 625

If the regions of positive and negative work are considerably greater versatility. In either case, a
only of interest rather than quantification of the ac- variety of techniques has been developed such as
tual work accomplished in those regions, then it is integrated rectified EMG, average rectified EMG
not necessary to quantify the force level. In these and true RMS (Basmajian, 1974; Basmajian et al.,
situations, the direct approach is advantageous be- 1975). To provide a single instantaneous index of
cause the time course of the muscle force is activity, a rectangular window is convolved with
dynamically related to the muscle activation, either the rectified or squared signal and then the
which may be estimated experimentally by integration is performed over the window dura-
measuring muscle action potentials. Because the tion. Yet another technique is the smoothed,
regions rather than the actual work are of interest rectified EMG. Note that if the data are processed
here, subsequent discussion will be devoted to in the digital domain, then it is possible to perform
identifying these regions using the direct ap- the smoothing operation (Le. low-pass filtering)
proach. such that no phase shift is introduced. This re-
The direct approach involves the use of quires that the smoothing be done twice, both
electrodes to measure muscle action potentials forwards and backwards in time.
(EMGs). As outlined by Loeb and Gans (1986) the To accurately identify regions of positive and
many types of electrodes available can be negative muscular work, the relation between the
categorized as either invasive or non-invasive. By time when force is actually developed by muscle
far the more widely used for kinesiological studies and the initiation and termination of the EMG sig-
are the non-invasive type surface electrodes. nal must be considered. Komi and coworkers
Typically these electrodes are mounted in groups have studied experimentally the effect of various
of three on the skin covering the muscle of interest factors on the delay between time of activation
and are oriented along the long axis of the muscle. and onset of muscle force, termed electromechani-
To both avoid "cross-talk" from other muscles and cal delay (EMD). Cavanagh and Komi (1979)
insure a strong signal, the electrodes must be care- studied the dependence of EMD in the human el-
fully placed. Anatomical guides such as that by bow flexor group on contraction type and found
Delagi et al. (1975) describe procedures for that EMD was significantly different depending on
electrode placement on individual muscles. whether the muscle was contracting eccentrically,
Two of the three electrodes provide a signal concentrically or isometrically. The longest EMD
which is amplified differentially while the third of 55.4 ms was found for concentric contraction
electrode provides a reference signal. Differential and the shortest EMD of 49.4 ms for eccentric con-
amplification is desirable to eliminate common traction. Norman and Komi (1979) explored the
mode signals which may be developed in the body effects of both velocity and muscle type (Le. slow
acting as an antenna picking up electromagnetic or fast) in addition to contraction type on the EMD.
radiation. Typically, the most troublesome radia- Similar to Cavanagh and Komi, the major muscles
tion comes from commercially supplied power. In crossing the elbow were studied, with the triceps
addition to amplification, other signal conditioning being faster than the biceps. Norman and Komi
includes band pass filtering. The high pass charac- reported that the EMD was shorter for the faster
teristic is necessary to eliminate movement artifact muscle and that EMD was independent of velocity
(Basmajian et al., 1975) whereas the low pass during concentric contraction. During eccentric
characteristic reduces high frequency noise. Low contraction, however, EMD decreased with higher
and high frequency cutoffs are typically 5-10 Hz velocity but only for the slower muscle. The de-
and 500-1000 Hz, respectively. pendence of EMD on fiber type was subsequently
Since the raw EMG signal appears as band confmned by Viitasalo and Komi (1981), who
limited noise, usually the raw signal is further correlated EMD to muscle fiber type as determined
processed to develop a time varying signal, the from muscle biopsies. For the vastus lateralis
value of which is used as an indication of the in- muscle, EMD increased from 25 ms for low per-
stantaneous level of activation. Processing may be centages of slow twitch fibers to 55 ms for high
done either in the analog domain or in the digital percentages.
domain. With processing operations implemented In addition to the factors mentioned above, the
via computer software, the digital domain offers effect of EMD on muscle length has also been ex-
626 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

amined. In their experiments, Nonnan and Komi

(1979) also included two ranges of motion. They
found no significant differences between the EMD
for the two ranges of motion. In contrast to this
result is that of Mum and Nagato (1985) who
studied EMD in the triceps surae under isometric
contraction for different ankle flexion angles with
the knee angle constant. Rather than having sub-
jects voluntarily stimulate muscles, stimulation
was imposed electrically. They found that EMD
varied inversely with length; the delay at greatest
length was 7.0 ms while at the shortest length was
11.7 ms.
In summary, EMD appears to be a complex
result of muscle morphology (i.e. fiber
composition), kinematics (length and velocity) and
type of contraction (isometric, eccentric,
concentric). Accordingly, because EMD values
may be relatively long in relation to the duration
of the activity, it appears desirable to measure
these delays specific to the muscles of interest in
both the athletes of interest and the kinematics of
the particular activity. In the event that this is not
possible, then data available from the literature
must suffice. As is evident from the preceding
discussion, data are available for a number of
muscles with varying kinematics. Global Z
In the development of muscle force subsequent
to activation, the electromechanical delay is only
one consideration because once development com- Global Y
mences, the muscle force does not track the EMG Global
signal [Gottlieb and Agarwal, 1971; Chapter 5
Figure 40.2: Local coordinate systems for the four
(Winters)]. While the development of muscle
segments used in the cycling analysis. See Table 40.3
force, once initiated, is clearly important to the for descriptions of these systems.
quantitative assessment of positive and negative
work, it is not necessary to appreciate the force
level if only regions of positive and negative work
are of interest. Since these regions occupy atten- relation to anatomical landmarks is given in Table
tion here, the methodology includes no provision 40.1.
A variety of techniques has been used to es-
for treating the time course of muscle force other
timate the locations of origins and insertions of
than the electromechanical delay.
lower limb muscles. Seireg and Arvikar (1973)
40.2.3 Application to Cycling estimated muscle attachment sites from a figure of
The complete fonnulation of the steps of this a skeleton in a textbook. Crowninshield et al.
methodology, as they may be applied to the deter- (1978) determined origin and insertion locations
mination of lower extremity muscle-tendon from a single dry cadaver specimen. Dostal and
lengths in cycling, will be described. A general Andrews (1982) estimated hip muscle origins and
set of local reference frames for the lower ex- insertions from one side of seven dry cadaver
tremity is defined as shown schematically in specimens; they also examined three cadavers to
Figure 40.2. The location of local coordinate sys- obtain muscle attachment data for other lower ex-
tem origins together with the definition of axes in tremity muscles.
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmental Cycling Movements 627

Table 40.1:

Segment Local reference Definition of coordinate axes

frame origin x ~ z
Pelvis Center of Parallel to a Perpendicular to Parallel to a
acetabulum. vector created by and directed vector directed
taking the cross medially from along the long
product of the the plane of axis of the torso
y-axis with the motion. and in the plane of
z-axis. motion.
Thigh Midpoint between Parallel to a Perpendicular to Parallel to a
medial and lateral vector created by and directed vector from the
femoral taking the cross medially from the knee joint
epicondyles. product of the the plane of center to the
y-axis with the motion. hip joint center.
Shank Midpoint between Parallel to a Perpendicular to Parallel to a
the medial and vector created by and directed vector from the
lateral malleoli. taking the cross medially from the ankle joint
product of the the plane of center to the
y-axis with the motion. knee joint center.
Foot Midpoint between Parallel to the Perpendicular to Parallel to a
the medial and component of a and directed vector created
lateral malleolus. vector from the medially from by taking the
lateral aspect of the plane of cross product of
the calcaneus to motion. the x-axis with
the lateral aspect the y-axis.
of the 5th meta-
tarsal in the plane
of motion.
628 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Table 40.2:

Segment Normalizing factors for local axes

x V z
Pelvis Anterior/posterior Medial/lateral Sagittal plane
distance from distance from distance from
the pelvic frontal the anterior the iliac
plane to the superior iliac crest to the
sciatic notch spine to the hip ischial tuberosity
Thigh Femoral Femoral Thigh length
width at width at (greater trochanter
condyles condyles to lateral femoral
Shank Tibial plateau Tibial plateau Shank length
width width (lateral femoral
epicondyle to
lateral malleolus)
Foot Tibial plateau Tibial plateau Shank length
width width (lateral femoral
epicondyle to
lateral malleolus)

Table 40.3:

Muscle Name Origin Insertion Origin Location* Insertion Location*

segment segment x y z x y z

Upper 1/3 of
Gluteus Maximus pelvis thigh ·48.9 35.1 65.4 -20.2 -71.7 104.1

Biceps Femoris pelvis shank -62.1 18.9 -23.7 -58.8 -68.6 107.4

Rectus Femoris pelviS shank 48.5 -49.4 16.4 5.91 0.84 130.4

Semimembranosus pelvis shank -56.7 16.1 -22.5 -90.2 8.86 105.2

Gastrocnemius thigh foot -26.4 19.2 1.86 -56.5 -6.03 -13.7

Gastrocnemius thigh foot -24.8 -28.9 1.16 -56.7 -5.94 -13.7

Vastus lateralis thigh shank 1.48 -68.6 53.9 13.8 -24.2 129.3

Vastus medialis thigh shank 4.83 -17.3 47.8 -13.2 22.4 127.5

Tibialis Anterior shank foot -9.73 -21.3 76.2 35.5 31.2 4.29

Soleus shank foot -45.9 -1.00 78.3 -55.6 -10.4 -13.9

* All values are expressed as a percent of the normalizing factor.

40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmental Cycling Movements 629

Probably the most extensively referenced

muscle origin and insertion location data are those
reported by Brand et al. (1982). They determined
three-dimensional attachment cite locations for GM
most muscles of the lower extremity [see
Appendix (Yamaguchi et al.) for complete
overview]. With the exception of the foot coor-
dinate system, they defined attachment
coordinates in terms of the local coordinate frames
illustrated in Figure 40.2. Their data were deter-
mined from three fresh cadavers (six limbs).
Muscles with either broad origins or broad inser-
tions were marked as a single point if variations in
the attachment location did not affect moment arm
lengths (vastus intermedius, soleus), and multiple
points if attachment location variations did greatly
affect these lengths (gluteus maximus, gluteus
minimus, gluteus medius, adductor brevis, adduc-
tor magnus). For muscles that do not act in a
straight line, either the origin (for illiacus, psoas,
obdurator intemus) or insertion (for sartorius, Figure 40.3: Diagram illustrating the lower extremity
gracilis, semitendinosus, tibialis posterior, flexor muscles considered in the analysis. GM-gluteus maxi-
digitorum communis, flexor hallucis longus, mus, BF-biceps femoris (longhead),
peroneus tertius, peroneus brevis, peroneus SM-semimembranous, RF-rectus femoris, VM-vastus
longus) was marked by a single "effective" point medialis, VL-vastus lateralis, TA-tibialis anterior,
where either the muscle or tendon crossed a bony GA-gastrocnemius (lateral head), SOL-soleus. Not
prominence. In addition to examining muscle at- labeled is gastrocnemius (medial head).
tachment locations, they also developed a scaling
scheme which allows estimations to be made of
origins and insertions in living subjects based on
anthropometric measurements. They reported nor- occurs in a single plane and that there is no rela-
malized muscle origin and insertion coordinate tive motion between the pelvis and the bicycle
data for 47 muscles or equivalent muscles. Table seat. It is also assumed that the axes of rotation do
40.2 provides a list of muscle-tendon normalizing not shift, and thus that the lengths of the links
factors. Given in Table 40.3 is a list of normalized remain constant. Knowing linkage lengths (from
muscle tendon attachment locations for the ten bicycle setup information and subject
muscles of the right leg studied in the cycling ap- anthropometrics) and the orientation of these links
plication here. Three dimensional coordinates for enables the hip, knee, and ankle joint centers, rep-
each attachment location are expressed as a per- resentative of local coordinate origins, to be
cent of the normalizing factor in the direction of determined throughout the crank cycle. Inasmuch
appropriate local coordinate axes. Illustrated in as the model is a five-bar linkage, it has two de-
Figure 40.3 are the muscles listed in Table 40.3 grees of freedom so that the orientation of all links
(except for medial gastrocnemius). is uniquely specified by knowing the orientation
Ioint center locations for the ankle, knee and of any two links. Rotational potentiometers are
hip are determined during cycling using a closed used to measure the angular position of both the
loop five-bar linkage model as shown in Figure crank arm and pedal (i.e. foot link) throughout the
40.4. The five links in this model represent the crank cycle. See Hull and Davis (1981) for further
thigh, shank, foot, crank arm, and crank axis to hip details on the hardware used to make these
center. In this model it is assumed that leg motion measurements.
630 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Muscle action potentials are amplified and high-

pass ftltered with a small signal conditioning
circuit located within 10 cm of the electrode sens-
ing elements. The signal conditioning circuit
incorporates a single operational amplifier with a
gain of approximately 850, and an RC high-pass
ftlter with a cutoff frequency set to 34 Hz. The
signal· conditioning circuit is illustrated in Figure


Glltn Black Whit'

+5Y Gain = (1 + 40,OOO/R)

~o;;.... _____
• x

Figure 40.4: Five-bar linkage model of the lower limb

in cycling. The five links are the thigh, shank, foot, c
crank, and the bicycle seat tube which is a fixed link R
connecting the crank and hip axes. Linkage movement Eout
is assumed to be confmed to the sagittal plane. Also the
link lengths are assumed fixed. Crank and pedal angles
are measured to determine the linkage configuration
throughout a crank cycle.
With the positions of local coordinate system
origins, the orientation of these coordinate sys- Figure 40.5: EMG signal conditioning circuit with
tems, and the muscle origin/insertion locations high-pass filter. F. is high-pass cutoff frequency.
within these local coordinate systems known, the
lengths of individual muscles over the complete EMG data are collected at 1000 Hz utilizing a
crank cycle are determined using the procedures Compaq computer with Metrabyte AID converter.
outlined in Figure 40.1. Muscle-tendon velocities Further processing of the EMG signal includes rec-
are then computed using finite difference tech- tification, smoothing, and normalization.
niques and the results smoothed using a digital The smoothing routine uses a 2nd-order
low-pass filter (Vaughn, 1982). Butterworth digital low-pass ftlter (Vaughn,
As described above, muscle activation, suitably 1982). The ftltering routine processes the data in
processed, is used as an indicator of muscle force. both the forward and reverse directions to remove
Muscle activation information is recorded using any phase shift. The cutoff frequency is set to be-
three silver-silver/chloride surface electrodes tween 4 and 6 Hz. Finally, the EMG data of each
mounted on the skin covering the muscle of inter- muscle are normalized with respect to the maxi-
est and oriented serially along the long axis of the mum levels developed for that muscle during a
muscle fibers. The electrodes have an outer crank cycle.
diameter of 12.5 mm, with a sensor diameter of 6 To account for the electromechanical delay be-
mm. The electrodes are applied to the skin with a tween muscle activation and the commencement
center-to-center spacing of approximately 2.5 cm. of muscle force, it is assumed that the EMD is the
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmentai Cycling Movements 631

same for all lower limb muscles. Also it is as- To illustrate muscle-tendon kinematic proftles
sumed that the delay time is independent of both (Le. length and velocity) as a function of crank
muscle kinematics and type of contraction. The angle, sample plots for four of the five biarticular
EMD value selected is 40 ms, which is the average muscles studied are presented in Figure 40.7. The
value reported by Viitasalo and Komi (1981) for four muscles are gastrocnemius medial head, rec-
the vastus lateralis. tus femoris, biceps femoris (long head) and
semitendinosus. The gastrocnemius lateral head
plots for both length and velocity are not shown
because they track those of the medial head almost
identically. In comparing the muscle length plots
in Figure 40.7 to the joint angle plots in Figure
.. 100 40.6, it is noticed that extreme values of angles
... 80
and lengths do not coincide. This observation
highlights the complex relation between joint

60 angles and kinematics of biarticular muscles.

90 180 270 360
.. - ..
Crank Angle (deg) ~ 0.4
...'" .... . ......... ..
'"c ,-----
Figure 40.6: Joint angles of the leg over a complete ~
crank cycle. The hip angle is the angle between the pel- ..,occ
vis and the thigh (full hip extension = 180"), the knee .....
angle is the angle between the shank and thigh (full ..
knee extension = 180°), and the ankle angle is the ~

angle between the shank and a line connecting the 2: 0.4

ankle joint axis to the pedal spindle axis. Extreme
90 180 270 360
values do not coincide.
Crank Angle (deg)

--- Rectus Femoris

40.3 Results 0 . 4 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - .... Biceps Femoris
- Semimembranosus
The comparison of hip, knee, and ankle angles, ~ - - Gastrocnemius
which are plotted as a function of crank angle in ~
Figure 40.6, highlights the differences in move- :; 0.2
ment of these joints. The hip and knee angles are :5
the included angles between the pelvis and thigh ': 0.0
and thigh and shank repectively when the joint is -g ,
flexed. Thus, full joint extension corresponds to :: -0.2 \
an angle of 180° for both joints. Note that the ]
angle labeled "ankle" in the plot is not the actual z:
ankle angle but rather the angle of the foot link o 3 0
relative to the shank (see Figure 40.4). Because Crank Angle (deg)
the foot link connects the ankle axis to the pedal
axis, this angle is greater than 90° (see Figure Figure 40.7: Kinematics of biarticular muscle-tendon
40.3). These plots indicate that the range of mo- complexes over a crank cycle. The kinematics of the
medial head of gastrocnemius are representative of the
tion of the knee (75°) is considerably greater than
lateral head. Extreme values of lengths do not coincide
either the hip (55°) or the ankle (25°). Further, the
with extreme values of joint angles, indicating that
joints do not reach their maximum and minimum lengths of biarticular muscles are complex functions of
values simultaneously; the extremes of knee mo- joint angles. None of the four muscles exhibits similar
tion occur about 20° earlier in the crank cycle than patterns of length change, despite the fact that two of
the hip and about 20° later than the ankle. Finally, the muscles (biceps femoris and semimembranosus)
while the knee plot is approximated closely by a are in the same group. Regions of positive velocity for
sinusoid, the hip and ankle plots are not. both knee flexors and extensors overlap.
632 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Unlike the biarticular muscles, the kinematics dicating no possible synergy. This is contrasted to
of the uniarticular muscles can be appreciated to a muscles in the quadriceps and hamstrings groups.
large degree from the joint angle plots in Figure In the second half of the downstroke region of the
40.6. In particular, the patterns of length change crank cycle, the positive work regions of these
of individual muscles closely track the correspond- muscles overlap. Accordingly, although these
ing joint angle plot in Figure 40.6 with the phase muscles are considered antagonistic at the knee,
adjusted depending on whether the muscle is the overlap in positive work regions indicates the
either a flexor or an extensor. From the patterns potential for the muscles in these groups to work
of length change, the patterns of velocity change synergistically in extending the leg in cycling. A
follow directly by noting extreme values (points of similar observation holds for the gluteus
zero velocity) in conjunction with regions of in- maximus/rectus femoris as well as the
creasing length (negative velocity) and decreasing gastrocnemius/quadriceps. Notice that there is no
length (positive velocity). possibility of synergy between muscles crossing
For the purposes of this article, the primary opposite sides of the same joint during the
utility of the muscle length and velocity data is to upstroke region (180°-360°). Inasmuch as the
identify possible regions of positive and negative maximum power region in cycling is centered at
work. With these regions identified it then be- about 100°, the potential synergy in the
comes possible to evaluate the potential role that downstroke appears well suited to meeting this
specific muscles might play in developing the demand.
- - - Rectus Femori s
propulsive power in cycling. According to the •••• Biceps Femoris
- Semimembranosus
velocity plots, the gastrocnemius can only provide - ... Gastrocnemi us
positive work in the range 340°-85°. For the rec-
tus femoris, it is capable of positive work in the 1.0
range 300°-160°. Finally, the positive work - ...

0 I ~

ranges are 90°_300° and 120°_300° for the biceps +'

> 0.8
femoris and semitendinosus respectively. These ...

regions together with those of the other muscles "u 0.6

are presented in Figure 40.8. '"'"


Tibial is Ant ~"
-;;; 0.2
Soleus _ - - - - . z
0 ,

Med/Lat (Jdstroc - : : : : .• •
Vastus Med/lat_ 90 180 270 360
Rectus Fern _ _ _ _ __
Crank Angle (deg)

Figurt: 40.9: Plots of smoothed, rectified EMG's for
Biceps Fem( 1)
four muscles over a crank cycle. Smoothing is per-
Gluteus Max
formed with a zero phase shift digital low-pass filter.
~---9t,;O----;,ii:;8o'---:2~70,-----;i360 Smoothed EMG signals are normalized to highest
Crank Angle (deg) levels recorded for corresponding muscles over the
crank cycle. The cadence of the tests is about 85-90
Figure 40.8: Regions of possible positive work. for ten RPM and the power level is 175-200 W.
lower limb muscles over a crank cycle. Possible
synergy exists between muscles crossing the opposite
sides of the hip and knee joints.
The next results to be presented are those of
Examining Figure 40.8 leads to several inter- muscle activation. Sample plots of the smoothed,
esting observations regarding the synergy of rectified EMGs for the four muscles of Figure 40.7
muscles which cross joints on opposite sides. are illustrated together in Figure 40.9. Each EMG
First, notice the tibialis anterior and muscles of the signal is normalized to the highest EMG signal re-
triceps surae group. For this subject, the positive corded for a particular muscle over the crank
work regions of these muscles do not overlap, in- cycle.
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in MultisegmentaI Cycling Movements 633

downstroke, the quadriceps become inactive

Tibial is Ant :::::r I whereas the hamstrings remain active. The

Med. Gastroc
i gluteus also remains active but the activity drops
below 30% over the majority of the second half of
Lat. Gastroc the downstroke region. Overall the EMG picture is
Vastus Med one in which there is little activity in the upstroke
Vastus Lat
region where either little or no positive power is
Rectus Fern
generated. Conversely, relatively high levels of
Semimem c::::: activity occur in all muscles except tibialis an-
terior during the downstroke region where positive
Biceps Fem(l ) c::=
power is generated over the entire region (Hull
Gluteus Ma x c: and Davis, 1981).
90 180 270 3.0 Combining the muscle activation results in
Crank Angle (deg) Figure 40.10 with the positive velocity regions in
Figure 40.8 enables assessment of the actual
Figure 40.10: EMG activity regions for ten lower synergy between muscles as well as identification
limb muscles over a crank cycle. White regions cor- of stretch-shortening cycles. The actual regions of
respond to activity below 30% of the maximum in the positive and negative work resulting from this
same crank cycle for that muscle while dark regions in- combination process are depicted in Figure 40.11.
dicate activity above the 30% threshold. Overall, the Note that in identifying these regions only the ac-
EMG activity picture is one of little activity in the
tivity region above 30% is used. Omitting the
upstroke (180"-360°) and relatively higher activity in
activity region below 30% is equivalent to a time
the downstroke (0°-180"), where positive power is gen-
erated. delay of 40 ms or greater for all muscles.

__--, _
lib Ant

From plots such as those in Figure 40.9, the Soleus ~=:;~~~

regions of activity for all muscles may be iden- Med Gastroc I _
. I _
tified as illustrated in Figure 40.10. In this figure Lat Gastroc
the activity region of each muscle is indicated by Vastus Med f""7"1i
white and black regions. The black region cor- Vastus Lat r=li
responds to activity greater than 30% of the Rectus Fem 1- L........:-
maximum level in a complete crank cycle whereas
the white region indicates activity less than 30%.
semimeml ~~
Biceps Fem(l)~
As is clear from the figure, there is little activity Gluteus Max
during the upstroke region. Beginning at about
240°, the tibialis anterior reaches its 30% level. 90 180 270 310

Subsequently, the quadriceps become active with Cr.nk Angle (deg)

the rectus femoris preceding the vastii. At the top
dead center position of the crank, every muscle is Figure 40.11: Actual regions of positive and negative
work for ten muscles over a crank cycle. Work regions
active to some degree with the relative activity
are developed using only the region of EMG activity
being greatest in the quadriceps and gluteus maxi-
greater than the 30% threshold. Omitting the region
mus. Relative levels of activity greater than 30% less than 30% is equivalent to a time delay of about 40
in both the gluteus maximus and quadriceps are ms or greater for all muscles. All muscles except those
sustained throughout the first half of the crossing the ankle joint exhibit a stretch-shortening
downstroke region. At about 25°, the muscles of cycle.
the triceps surae group reach 30% activity level as
does biceps femoris (long head). Subsequently, Considering first the issue of synergy, not all of
the semimembranosus reaches its 30% level. At the potential synergy in the downstroke region evi-
90° past top dead center, every muscle except dent from Figure 40.8 is realized. In particular,
tibialis anterior exhibits activity greater than the positive work regions for the quadriceps and
30% threshold. Over the second half of the hamstrings do not overlap. However, there is sub-
634 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

stantial overlap in positive work regions for the impact pedalling mechanics to a degree where it is
other two potentially synergistic muscle pairs, possible that the muscle use in the experiments
gluteus maximus/rectus femoris and performed here is fundamentally different than the
quadriceps/gastrocnemius. muscle use in the experiments of Zacks (1973) and
Considering next the issue of stretch-5hort- Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen (1974).
ening cycles, notice that all muscles except those Because the electromechanical delay is known
crossing the ankle joint exhibit negative work to be dependent on a number of factors and the
regions immediately followed by positive work delay in the analysis was assumed constant at 40
regions. The durations of the negative work ms, the question naturally arises as to what effect
regions vary considerably, however. The regions this assumption might have on results. As men-
are smallest for the vastus lateralis and gluteus tioned previously the 40 ms value is the average of
maximus, occupying about 25 0 of the crank cycle the values obtained by Viitasalo and Komi (1981).
(45-50 ms at 85 RPM). The vastii exhibit com- Recall that the delay is included here by omitting
parable negative work regions of about 400 (75 the region of EMG activity below 30% and that
ms) whereas the negative work regions for the this is conservative in the sense that the region of
hamstrings are the largest, being 550 (105 ms) and EMG activity below 30% consumes at least 40 ms
65 0 (125 ms) for semimembranosus and biceps at the beginning of the activity period. Thus,
femoris, respectively. With these levels of dura- reducing the EMD would not impact the negative
tion for negative work regions comes the work regions in Figure 40.11 providing that these
possibility of developing substantial levels of regions are delineated by the 30% threshold. On
force during stretch. Consequently, the stretch- the other hand, increasing the EMD would impact
shortening cycle with its concomitant increase in the negative work regions in Figure 40.11.
both efficiency and power appears to be an impor- Examining Figure 40.10 indicates that the EMG
tant mechanism in cycling mechanics. signal for the rectus femoris reaches the 30% level
in the shortest time. This time is right at 40 ms.
40.4 Discussion The next shortest time to the 30% level is about 50
The presence of stretch-5hortening cycles in ms for the gluteus maximus. This is followed by
both the hip and knee muscles indicates that these the vastus lateralis (75 ms). Consequently, in-
muscles perform negative work which is contrary creasing the EMD value to the longest time (55
to the claim of Zacks (1973), Asmussen and ms) reported by Viitasalo and Komi would result
Bonde-Petersen (1974), and van Ingen Schenau in slight decrease of the negative work regions for
(1984). It should be noted, however, that the ex- only two muscles, gluteus maximus and rectus
perimental conditions herein are different from femoris.
those of either Zacks or Asmussen and Bonde- Assuming that all the cycling variables (e.g.
Petersen. In particular, the pedalling rate of 85 pedalling rate) are constant, the factor which will
RPM used here is notably higher than the 50 RPM certainly impact the regions of positive and nega-
and 65 RPM rate used by Zacks and Asmussen tive work is the test subject. The results presented
and Bonde-Petersen respectively. Also, the test here pertain to a single test subject and his cor-
subject who provided the data here pedalled with responding patterns of muscle activation and joint
toeclips and cleats whereas these pedalling aids angles. However, patterns of muscle activation
were not used by Zacks and Asmussen and Bonde- are subject dependent (Jorge and Hull, 1986), as
Petersen. Suzuki et al (1982) have shown that are joint angles. In fact joint angles not only vary
pedalling rate influences the timing of EMG sig- between subjects (due to differences in
nals during the crank cycle with higher pedalling anthropometry and pedalling mechanics) but also
rates generally advancing the phase of the biar- may vary between the legs of one subject due to
ticular muscles. Retarding the phase of EMG asymmetry in pedalling mechanics (Lafortune et
envelopes would decrease the negative work al., 1983). Because of the varying patterns of
regions evident in Figure 40.11. Also, Ericson et muscle activity and joint angles both between and
al. (1985) and Jorge and Hull (1986) have shown within subjects, the positive and negative work
that the foot;>edal connection influences EMG pat- regions may vary markedly from those shown in
terns as well. Consequently both these variables Figure 40.11.
40. Hull and Hawkins; Muscular Work in Multisegmental Cycling Movements 635

Recognizing the possible variability in positive 40.5 Summary

and negative work regions between subjects and Because of the importance of
the impact that the stretch-shortening phenomenon stretch-shortening cycles of muscles in affecting
has on human perfonnance, it is interesting to con- human performance, it is of interest to develop a
sider whether diagrams such as that shown in general methodology for identifying positive and
Figure 40.11 might serve to evaluate the potential negative work regions in individual muscles in
of athletes to excel in cycling as well as other complex movements. Thus it is the objective of
sports. In order to take this step, some means of this work to present such a method and then il-
interpreting the infonnation in this type of lustrate its application to the lower limb muscles
diagram is necessary. To provide this means, one in cycling. The method involves combining infor-
possibility is to develop these diagrams for both mation surrounding muscle-tendon kinematics
elite athletes and non-elite athletes who are com- (Le. length and velocity) with information con-
parable physiologically and then try to identify cerning the time course of force developed by the
features which distinguish the two groups. muscle. Muscle-tendon kinematics are obtained
Another possibility would be to quantitate the ac- via a biomechanical model in conjunction with ex-
tual force produced by the individual muscles and perimental data which quantify both the positions
then use these data in conjunction with a suitable and orientations of body segments during the ac-
biomechanical model to assess performance. This tivity of interest. The general procedure for
second possibility is attractive because it could developing a biomechanical model which serves
lead to a fundamental understanding of how to compute muscle kinematics, given these ex-
neurological and biomechanical factors blend in perimental data, is outlined. By examining
determining performance. While this second pos- velocity polarity of muscles, possible regions of
sibility is attractive, the implementation is difficult positive and negative work are readily identified.
primarily because the actual muscle force cannot To identify actual regions of positive and negative
be quantitated with a great degree of certainty in work, the muscle velocity must be considered
dynamic contractions involving biarticular together with the time course of muscle force.
muscles. This would be a problem common to This time course is indicated by measurement and
most, if not all, sports. suitable processing of muscle electromyograms
Beyond serving as a vehicle for evaluating ath- (EMG) during the activity of interest. The
letic performance, the methodology presented methods of making these measurements and tech-
herein serves to elucidate muscle kinesiology. It niques of processing are described briefly.
has been believed traditionally that muscles cross- The methodology is applied to cycling. The
ing opposite sides of a joint form biomechanical model consists of a five-bar linkage
agonistic/antagonistic pairs. Accordingly, simul- restricted to plane motion. The five links are the
taneous activity of these muscle pairs has been thigh, shank, foot, crank and bicycle (fixed link).
viewed as paradoxical. Probably the best known The segment positions and orientations are deter-
paradox is Lombard's which surrounds the coac- mined throughout the crank cycle by measuring
tivation of the hamstrings and quadriceps during the angles of the crank and the foot links. Relying
knee extension (Lombard, 1903). The results in on previously published data which allow muscle
Figure 40.8, however, indicate the possibility of origin and insertion sites to be determined relative
synergy between these muscle groups while being to each link, the lengths and velocities of ten
coactivated. The possibility of synergy results be- muscles are computed over a crank cycle.
cause the hamstrings muscles cross two joints, the Electromyograms measured simultaneously with
angles of which both change. During leg exten- the linkage angle data allow the time course of
sion in cycling, the way in which these joint muscle force to be synchronized with the muscle
angles change simultaneously allows the hamstr- kinematics. This reveals stretch-shortening cycles
ings muscles to shorten even though the knee is for all muscles considered in the thigh.
extending. Consequently, to accurately evaluate Consequently, the stretch-shortening cycle ap-
the functional role of biarticular muscles in a pears to be a potentially important mechanism in
given activity, a detailed analysis of muscle length cycling mechanics.
change in conjunction with stimulation according
to the methods presented herein is warranted.
636 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyc1ic/Propulsive Movements

Running," J. ofPhysiol. 268: 467481.

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The Unique Action of Hi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions

Gerrit Jan van Ingen Schenau, Maarten F. Bobbert, and Arthur J. van Soest

41.1 Introduction have studied jumping, speed skating and cycling

In textbooks on the anatomy of the using an inverse dynamical approach, and we have
musculo-skeletal system, both muscles crossing identified a number of constraints in the transfor-
only one joint (mono-articular muscles) and mation of rotations in joints into the desired
muscles crossing more than one Jomt translation of the body center of gravity relative to
(multi-mticular muscles) are classified according the foot (in jumping and speed skating) or the
to the location of their line of action relative to pedal trajectory relative to the trunk (in cycling).
joint axes of rotation (e.g. Williams and Warwick, In dealing with these constraints, bi-mticular
1980). For instance, the line of action of the muscles appear to playa unique role by distribut-
mono-mticular vastus medialis passes anterior to ing net joint moments and joint powers over the
the flexion/extension axis of the knee joint, and joints.
therefore the muscle is classified as a knee exten- Both in this chapter and in Chapter 18 (Gielen
sor. Similarly, the bi-mticular gastrocnemius is et al.), this unique role, which often requires co-
classified as a knee flexor and ankle plantar flexor. activation of mono-articular muscles and their bi-
As such, the gastrocnemius is considered to be an articular antagonists, will be explained in the
antagonist of the vasti at the knee joint. terminology of multi-link models. Before describ-
This classification method, which is focussed ing our approach, and results obtained using it,
on joint displacements, underlies the majority of some attention is paid to other approaches used in
contemporary descriptions of muscle actions re- the literature to study the function of bi-mticular
quired to perform a task. For instance, in jumping, muscles and co-activation. Also, in order to
hip extension and knee extension occur. Thus, the prevent misunderstandings, attention is paid to
hip extensor and knee extensor muscles are ex- some of the concepts used in our approach.
pected to be active. Unfortunately, if we focus on 41.2 Possible Actions of
joint displacements it is difficult to understand
why the body is supplied with muscles crossing
Bi-Articular Muscles
more than one joint; it seems that such muscles Since Borelli (1685) showed that the force
could well have been replaced with sets of development in the knee joint is influenced by the
mono-mticular muscles. Arguing against the clas- position of the hip joint, many researchers have
sification of muscles as described above, many advanced ideas about possible actions of muscles
authors have suggested that muscle actions can crossing more than one joint. The possible action
only be understood if their effects are studied in a of bi-mticular muscles in the lower extremity has
natural environment, taking into account the ac- in particular been the subject of a lot of specula-
tions of other muscles, forces on the environment, tion over the past century (e.g. Cleland, 1867;
inertial forces and gravity (e.g. Fisher, 1902; Fick, 1879; Hering, 1897; Lombard, 1903; Baeyer,
Bernstein, 1967). Following this suggestion, we 1921; Fenn, 1938; Markee et al, 1955; Molbech,
1966; Wells and Evans, 1987; Ingen Schenau,

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
640 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

1989). When restricted to bi-articular muscles and tus femoris is lower than that of the
actions which cannot be perfonned by an alterna- mono-articular knee extensors. Similarly, the
tive set of two mono-articular muscles, the shortening velocity of gastrocnemius is lower
following (in part overlapping) functions and ad- than that of mono-articular plantar flexors
vantages of bi-articular muscles have been when knee extension is combined with plantar
proposed: flexion. At this lower contraction velocity, the
muscles are operating in a more favorable
* CoupUng ofJoint Movements
region of their force-velocity relationship
Many authors have stressed the fact that activa-
compared to a situation where origin and in-
tion of bi-articular muscles leads to
sertion are not moving in the same direction.
interdependency of the movements in both
Baeyer (1921) used the term "concurrent
joints that are crossed (Cleland, 1867; Huter,
movements" to define simultaneous move-
1863,1869; Fick, 1879; Langer, 1879;
ments in adjacent joints causing origins and
Elftman, 1939; Markee et al. 1955;
insertions of bi-articular muscles to move in
Landsmeer, 1961; Winter, 1984; Hogan, 1985;
the same direction; for the opposite move-
Wells, 1988). If, for example, the hip is ex-
ments he used the term "counter-current
tended by the mono-articular hip extensors
and the rectus femoris does not elongate, hip
extension must be accompanied by knee exten-
* Transport of Energy
In the above-mentioned simultaneous hip and
sion. In a similar way, knee extension can be
knee extension it might be said that the
coupled to plantar flexion via the gastroc-
mono-articular hip extensors are doing work
nemius muscle. This coupling is known as
in extending the knee. In our recent work we
ligamentous or tendinous action (Cleland,
dermed this process as transport of energy, a
1867). Especially in animals such as the
concept coupled to our applied multi-link
horse, a number of the bi-articular muscles
models. Expressed in other words, this
have only a limited shortening capacity and
transport mechanism was already proposed
can to a large extent be regarded as tendons
more than a century ago: Langer indicated in
(Bogert et al., 1989). These tendinous
1879 that the gluteus maximus can support
muscles allow the more proximally located
plantar flexion in a leg extension by coupling
mono-articular muscles to have indirect ac-
actions of rectus femoris and gastrocneMius.
tions on joints which they do not pass
The same idea was expressed at the same time
(Cleland, 1867). As indicated by Cleland
by Fick (1879) and by other authors later on
(1867) and by Fick (1879), coupling of joint
(Lombard, 1903; Fenn, 1938; Gregoire et aI,
movements by tendinous action of bi-articular
muscles has the advantage that most of the
muscle mass can be located close to the trunk, In addition to the above mentioned actions of bi-
thus leaving the distal segments relatively free articular muscles, a number of other actions have
of muscle bulk. Other proposed advantages of been proposed, such as joint stabilization (Markee
these couplings are the ease of control of et ai, 1955). However, such actions cannot be
multi-joint movements (Hogan, 1985) and the judged as unique for bi-articular muscles.
transport of energy from one joint to a more
41.3 Co·Activation of Antagonists
distal joint (Cleland, 1867; Gregoire et al.
From the point of view of joint displacements
1984; see below).
required in performing a particular task, it seems
* Low Contraction Velocity inefficient to activate antagonists since the force
This concept can be seen in the discussions of (and work) contribution of the agonists appear to
Cleland (1867), Fick (1879), Duchenne be cancelled out by the antagonists. This apparent
(1867), Fenn (1938), and Gregoire (1984). If inefficiency may have led many to the opinion that
hip extension and knee extension occur simul- such co-contractions should not (or do not) occur
taneously, the shortening velocity of the in voluntary movements. In this context, it has
bi-articular hamstring muscles is lower than been stated:
that of the mono-articular hip extensors and "Nature never works against herself. "
the shortening velocity of the bi-articular rec- (Pettigrew, 1873, cited by Tilney and Pike, 1925)
41. Ingen Schenau et al.; Bi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions 641

Several authors have attempted to identify or- also a direction [see also Chapter 9 (Hogan)].
ganizational principles which could prevent co- Assuring a particular direction of the external
contraction of agonists and antagonists. Descartes force requires a certain distribution of net mo-
(1662) was the first to describe some type of ments in the joints. This phenomenon was
reciprocal inhibition (controlled by "vital spirits") identified in an analysis of cycling (Ingen
and there have been many supporters since then; Schenau, 1989) and further elaborated for ann
especially since Sherrington (e.g. Sherrington, tasks in Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.). A second con-
1909) published his series of papers on this subject straint is that joint angles influence the transfer of
(e.g. Fujiwara and Basmajian, 1975; Suzuki et al., angular velocities into linear velocities, and the
1982; Kumamoto, 1984; Yamashita, 1988; see transfer of angular accelerations into linear ac-
Smith (1981) for more references). celerations. This constraint plays an important
Since Winslow's work in 1776 (cited by Tilney role in explosive ballistic movements where the
and Pike, 1925) many have opposed these views. aim of the movement is to obtain a velocity as
According to Tilney and Pike (1925), Duchenne high as possible in projecting the body center of
described co-activations of mono-articular gravity or an object. Examples are vertical jump-
agonists and bi-articular antagonists in 1857 as ing, pushoff in speed skating, and overarm
"Hannonie des Antagonistes": co-activations throwing. The constraint was originally identified
needed to modify and stabilize the movements. in the speed skating pushoff (lngen Schenau et aI,
Much experimental evidence has since then been 1985) and further elaborated in an analysis of the
published to show that co-activations of an- vertical jump (lngen Schenau et al, 1987; Bobbert
tagonists indeed occur (see Tilney and Pike, 1925 and Ingen Schenau, 1988). It will be illustrated
and Smith, 1981 for further arguments and with the help of a simplified example of a push off
references on this controversy). as outlined in Figure 41.1.
In fact, many results of studies of multi-joint
movements (such as running, jumping, cycling
and standing up from a chair) indicate that co-

contractions of mono-articular agonists and their
bi-articular antagonists are common rather than
exceptional (Andrews, 1987; Elftman, 1939a,b;
Gregor et al., 1985; Winter, 1984; Gregoire et al.,
1984). In the remaining part of this chapter, as
well as in Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.), it will be
shown that these co-activations are not in conflict
with Pettigrew's statement that "nature never
works against herself."
41.4 Constraints in the Transfer of
Rotation to Translation
41.4.1 Geometrical Constraints
Since the translational range of motion in
human joints is very small, translations of hand or
foot relative to the trunk have to be realized by
rotations in joints. In the transformation of rota-
tions of segments into translation of segmental end
points, constraints are present. Because of these
constraints, a particular pattern of coordination of
mono- and bi-articular muscles is needed to Figure 41.1: The velocity difference between hip and
prevent inefficient utilization of metabolic energy. ankle is not only determined by the angular velocity
One of the constraints is that the force exerted on dOldt but also by O. The more the knee approaches full
the environment not only needs a magnitude but extension, the smaller is the transfer of dOldt to vHA'
642 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Imagine a pushoff where the trunk: is to be ac- It is important to realize that when the pushoff
celerated by extending the knee joint without ends with the knee still flexed, the knee extensor
changing the position of the trunk: or the foot muscles have not shortened fully, and their
Such type of pushoff is required in speed skating: capacity to do work has not been used fully for the
increasing the trunk: angle would cause an increase pushoff. H the muscles remain active after
in air friction, and plantar flexion in the leg that takeoff, the work performed by them over the
pushes off would increase ice friction as the skate remaining shortening range will be used for a use-
of this leg glides forward (Jngen Schenau et al., less increase in rotational energy of segments.
1985; de Koning et al., 1989). By taking the time
41.4.2 Anatomical Constraint
derivative of the distance between hip and ankle,
we obtain the vertical velocity of the hip relative In addition to the geometrical constraint im-
posed by the transfer function of equation (41.1), a
to the ankle:
second constraint is present during explosive
I I sina ] pushoffs. This is due to the fact that the angular
v - [ I U da/dt
HA - [( I: + I! - 21, I u cos a) ] ~ velocity needs to be reduced prior to full exten-
sion. In actual jumping, the knee angular velocity
(41.1) can reach values up to 17 radls. H this angular
velocity were not actively decelerated to zero, the
knee joint could be damaged. To preserve struc-
tural integrity of the knee joint, knee flexor
where lu is upper leg length, I, is lower leg length,
activity is needed. This "anatomical constraint"
and a is knee angle. The expression between
(Ingen Schenau et al., 1987) should be accounted
brackets may be regarded as a transfer function
for in protocols used to simulate vertical jumping
describing the transformation of knee angular
(see below and Chapter 42 (pandy». If Alexander
velocity into the required translational velocity.
(1989) would have incorporated this constraint in
This transfer function goes to zero when the knee
his simulations, he would have found smaller knee
joint reaches full extension. Thus, irrespective of
angles at the end of the pushoff even in the
the knee extension velocity, the translational
hypothetical jumps of his model with massless
velocity vHA also goes to zero. Thus, dvHAldt be- legs.
comes negative before the knee joint reaches full
extension. It follows that the skate will loose con- 41.S Possibilities of Dealing with
tact with the ice before the knee is fully extended, Constraints
at approximately the instant that dvHAldt reaches a
value of -9.8 rn/~. This indeed occurs in speed 41.S.1 Co-Activation of Mono-Articular
skating where the skate was found to lose contact and Bi-Articular Muscles
with the ice at a knee angle of about 1500 (lngen In an actual vertical jump where the jumper is
Schenau et al., 1985). The reason is that at the in- allowed to perform a plantar flexion, the geometri-
stant that the decreasing transfer function begins cal constraint imposed by the transfer function as
to dominate the (still increasing) angular velocity well as the anatomical constraint mentioned above
of knee extension, the relatively heavy trunk: pulls can be dealt with effectively by activation of the
the lower leg, foot and skate from the ice since it bi-articular gastrocnemius. This is outlined in
has already obtained a velocity larger than the Figure 41.2a. The resulting knee flexing moment
decreasing velocity vHA at the last part of knee ex- caused by this muscle reduces the angular ac-
tension. celeration in the knee joint and, due to the
Needless to say, the same constraint, referred to tendinous action described earlier, knee extension
as geometrical constraint (Jngen Schenau et al., is now to a certain extent coupled to plantar
1987), is present in jumping. The only difference flexion. It can be said that knee extensors pull on
is that the transfer function is more complex be- the calcaneus and thus support plantar flexion.
cause rotation of the trunk: and foot are allowed. The importance of this tendinous action was
As a matter of fact, an early loss of contact was demonstrated by a simple physical model as out-
demonstrated by Alexander (1989) in a simulation lined in Figure 41.2b (Bobbert et al., 1987). The
of vertical jumps. mono-articular knee extensors are modelled by a
41. lngen Schenau et a1.; Bi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions 643

plosive pushoffs. In an electromyographic

analysis of vertical jumping we found that human
subjects indeed show co-activation of vasti and
gastrocnemius. With these basic principles in
o mind it is now possible to explain the temporally
ordered sequence of muscle activation patterns as
o observed in those analyses (Bob bert and Ingen
o Schenau, 1988).

I~~ 0
·1.00 ·300 ·200 ·100 0

Figure 41.2: a) As soon as the velocity difference be-

tween hip and ankle can no longer be increased, the
gastrocnemius muscle couples a further knee extension 100
to plantar flexion. b) The effect of this coupling was
demonstrated by a mechanical model ("jumping Jack") m "'~ SO
where the gastrocnemius is represented by a wire (see
text and Bobben et al., 1987). Ims) 0
./000 -300 ·200 ·100 0

spring, which is loaded with a certain amount of

potential energy by flexing the knee (pushing the

model downwards). The tendinous action of the

gastrocnemius is modelled by a stiff wire. The I lmSI
·1.00 ·300 ·200 ·100 0
length of this wire can be adjusted in order to
simulate variation in timing of the coupling of
knee extension and plantar flexion. It was found
that when the wire became taut during the pushoff,
jumping height was greater than when it remained
loose. Moreover, it was found that an optimum
occurred in wire length; with wire length adjusted 100
to this optimum (representing optimal timing of mE'd'al head of
m gostnxnpmlus
the coupling of knee extension and plantar SO
flexion), the model jumped almost twice as high
as when the wire remained loose. Also, we per- t Imsl 0
·400 ·300 ·200 ·100 0
formed computer simulations of this type of jumps
(Soest et al., 1989) and found that the optimal
timing results in a compromise between loosing
ground contact too early (which occurs when cou-
pling occurs early in the push off) and increasing
the rotational energy in the lower and upper legs
I msl~O
·400 ·300 -200 ·100 0
uselessly (which occurs when coupling occurs late Figure 41.3: Mean muscle activation patterns of 10 ex-
during the pushoff). These examples suggest that perienced jumpers. Time is expressed in ms prior to
co-activation of antagonists (in this case co- the end of push off (toe oft). Note the periods of co-
activation of knee extensors and the bi-articular activation of gluteus maximus and rectus femoris and
gastrocnemius) can be highly effective in ex- of vasti and gastrocnemius.
644 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

41.5.2 Sequencing of Muscle Activations most likely to do with the fact that both the
Figure 41.3 presents as a function of time mean hamstrings and the rectus femoris shorten in this
muscle activation levels of 10 experienced movement. This phenomenon was early on
jumpers during the performance of counter move- described by Lombard (1903), who showed that
ment jumps (see Bobbert and Ingen Schenau frogs can jump very efficiently by co-activation of
(1988) for details regarding this study). For the in- these bi-articular "antagonists."
terpretation of muscle activation patterns one
should keep in mind that there is a delay between
a change in activation and a change in the
mechanical response of the muscle of 8o-100.. ms
(Thomas et al., 1988; Ingen Schenau, 1989b; Vos
et aI., 1990). These patterns can be shown to be
highly functional with help of Figure 41.4, where
the orientations of the jumpers' body segments are
schematically depicted at four time intervals prior
to the end of the pushoff. The thickness of the
lines representing muscle actions is drawn in such
a way that it gives an impression of the changes in
mechanical responses of the muscles.
The vertical acceleration of the center of -280 ms -190 ms ' SOms Oms
gravity is initiated by a rotation of the trunk fol-
lowing the increases in activity of hamstrings and
Figure 41.4: A schematic outline of muscle actions as
gluteus Ulaximus. Some 100 ms later the activity occurring in a sequential order during the pushoff. The
level of the quadriceps muscles is increased while thickness of the lines representing the muscles indi-
the hamstring activity is decreased. In light of the cates the mechanical responses of the muscles on the
discussed problems in the transfer of rotations into changes in activity as presented in Figure 41.3. The
translation, this seems logical. Because of the curved arrows indicate the major angular accelerations.
large moment of inertia of the trunk, it takes a rela-
tively long time to give this segment a large
angular velocity. Activation of the hamstrings
helps to increase the angular velocity of the trunk. A comparable proximo-distal sequence and co-
At the same time, it prevents an early knee exten- activation of mono- and bi-articular muscles was
sion, which would hamper a fast trunk recently found for the pushoff in the sprint start
acceleration (an upward acceleration of the hip be- (Jacobs et al., in preparation). In speed skating,
cause of knee extension would cause an extra the proximo-distal sequence is not complete: the
inertial force on the trunk). As soon as an increase rectus femoris appears to play a comparable role
in trunk rotation can no longer contribute to a ver- in transporting energy from the mono-articular hip
tical acceleration of the body center of gravity, extensors to the knee, but coupling between knee
rectus femoris activity is increased and hamstring and ankle is much less pronounced than in jump-
activity is decreased. The hip flexing moment ex- ing and sprinting (de Koning et aI., submitted for
erted by rectus femoris helps to reduce the angular publication). This is of course due to the fact that
acceleration of the trunk, and the power delivered speed skaters have learned to suppress a plantar
by the gluteus maximus supports knee extension flexion in order to prevent an increase in ice fric-
by tendinous action of the rectus femoris. During tion.
the last 50-100 ms the knee flexing moment of In an analysis of the overarm throw of female
gastrocnemius helps to reduce the angular ac- handball players, we also found a pronounced
celeration in the knee joint as explained above. In proximo-distal sequence in joint actions (Ioris et
these last 50 ms all leg muscles can contribute to al., 1985). Though in that study no muscle ac-
plantar flexion through tendinous actions of rectus tivity patterns were obtained, that sequence too is
femoris and gastrocnemius. The fact that hamstr- likely to playa role in dealing with the constraints
ing activity is decreased but not terminated has in the transfer of rotations into translations.
41. Ingen Schenau et al.; Bi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions 645

In this paragraph on timing it should be Simulation seems the most promising

stressed that the observed sequence in changes in methodology to tackle these problems. Simulation
muscle activation and joint extensions could serve and optimization of behavior of rather complex
the purpose of transporting energy from joints systems has become feasible in recent years
where it can no longer be used effectively, to thanks to a tremendous increase in computational
joints where it still can. Without these muscles, a power. In this section, basic ideas are introduced
proxim<Hlistal sequence is not optimal, as and some results are presented. Basically, direct
recently shown in computer simulations by dynamics simulation of "mechanical" systems can
Alexander (1989). As indicated above, the actual be described as follows [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac
transfer function between angular velocities in all and Winters)]:
joints and the translational velocity of the body
1) Given a position and velocity of the system and
center of gravity (which has no fixed anatomical
neural drive for the current time, the forces ac-
location) is much more complicated than what is
ting (usually a function of neural drive,
outlined in the basis of Figure 41.1. Moreover,
position and/or velocity) are calculated.
other constraints may play a role as well (e.g.
neurologically based constraints; intrtnslc 2) Given the results of (1) plus external loading on
properties of muscles and tendons etc.). This the linkage system, and supposing that the
makes it difficult to predict what would be an op- equations of motion of the degrees of freedom
timal timing. Moreover, one can imagine that have been derived in some way (which con-
rather large differences in timing exist between stitutes the major problem of direct dynamics),
subjects, as indicated by Jensen et al. (1989). In the accelerations of the degrees of freedom are
our group of not specifically trained subjects, calculated.
however, we found comparable patterns as for the 3) Given position, velocity and acceleration of the
trained subjects. The only significant difference degrees of freedom, the former two are in-
was a shorter time interval between the onset of tegrated numerically over a small time interval
hip extension and the onset of knee extension than to yield new positions and velocities of the de-
was found in the trained subjects. Despite the ab- grees of freedom. (If a dynamic muscle model
sence of reliable data on intrinsic muscle is used, the muscle model state variables must
properties, muscle tendon lengths, tendon com- also be integrated.)
pliances and about possible "hard-wired"
connections in the central nervous system, an un- 4) Increment time. Given the new values for the
derstanding of why one activation pattern is better state variables, as obtained results of (3), cal-
than another could be obtained by means of direct culate any other parameters that are static
dynamics. In Chapter 42 (Pandy) such an applica- functions of the state variables (e.g. other
tion is presented for the vertical jump. kinematically-related positions and velocities
Comparable results of our own group are within the assumed linkage system).
presented below. Both Pandy's and our simula- 5) Return to (1).
tion seem to support the proximo-distal sequence.
In our case, the (planar) model consists of four
41.6 Simulations of Vertical Jumping segments (foot, lower leg, upper leg,
The concepts presented in the previous trunk-head-arms). Driving forces are generated
paragraphs have been formulated on the basis of by 6 groups of muscles: GLUtei, HAMstrings,
an inverse dynamical analysis of jumping. An as- VASti, RECtus femoris, SOLeus and
sumption underlying the formulation of these GAStrocnemius. These groups represent the
concepts is that the coordination pattern found ex- major mono-articular and bi-articular muscles
perimentally results in a (more or less) maximal contributing in vertical jumping. Input to these
jumping height. Experimentally, it is not possible muscles is stimulation, which is transformed into
to test this assumption. Also, it is impossible to active state using first order dynamics. The
ascertain from experiment exactly in what way the muscles are modelled using a three-component
concepts described interact. Finally, it is not clear Hill-type muscle model. Parameter values for the
whether these concepts are sufficient (in contrast muscle models are derived from known mor-
to necessary) to explain the coordination pattern phologic characteristics (e.g. number of
646 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

sarcomeres in series} and experimental results * in the simulated optimal jump, a clear
(e.g. moment-angle relationships). Behavior of proximo-distal sequence in stimulation pattern
the muscle can be described by one ftrst-order dif- is present; only the hamstrings group is a little
ferential equation, in which contractile element out of line;
velocity is calculated as a function of stimulation,
* during the major part of the simulated jump, co-
contractile element length and total muscle length. activation of monarticular extensors with their
The behavior of the entire system thus deftned
bi-articular "antagonists" is present;
is simulated using SPACAR, a ftnite element
method with deformable links developed at the * kinematics of the simulated jump is very
Technical University of Delft (van der Werff, similar to the kinematics of experimentally ob-
1977). All differential equations governing sys- served squatting jumps (data not shown)
tem behavior are integrated simultaneously using a except for the ftnal part of the pushoff (see
variable order, variable step size predictor correc- below).
tor integration algorithm (Shampine and Gordon,
1975). What constraints playa major role in determin-
For reasons of simplicity, simulations have ing optimal timing? This question is currently
been restricted to "squatting jumps", i.e. jumps being investigated in detail using simulation.
started from a prescribed static squatted position; a Here, some observations will be made concerning
countermovement is not allowed. At the start of the constraints discussed earlier in this chapter.
the simulation, stimulation of the muscles is such In the ftrst place, the anatomical constraint,
that a static equilibrium is maintained. forcing a deceleration of joint extension just prior
The question addressed is: At what time should to takeoff, is absent in the model. In the behavior
the stimulation of each muscle be switched from of the model, a continuous increase of the angular
the starting value to the maximum value in order accelerations is observed. It can therefore be con-
to jump as high as possible? This optimization cluded that the anatomical constraint plays a
problem is solved using a standard quasi-Newton signiftcant role just before takeoff.
optimization algorithm (NAG). Secondly, the geometrical constraint clearly
When comparing the jump performed with op- plays an important role in a fast ballistic move-
timal timing with experimental data, a number of ment such as jumping. From the previous
observations can be made (see Figure 41.5). paragraphs, it will be clear that a sequential action
of the bi-articular rectus femoris and gastroc-
o LOll ST'ft . 0 .... ST 'ft .
nemius muscles can contribute in dealing with this
constraint (although full joint extension at takeoff
=1 probably cannot be reached). From the fact that
both in experiment and in simulation such a se-
-I quential action is present, it is tempting to think
...s l that the stimulation pattern is aimed primarily at
arc I solving the problem posed by the geometrical con-
SOlo 1
However, when performing these simulations it

_- became evident that it is not at all easy to control


.... t .t the direction of the acceleration of the body center

of mass. This "directional" constraint has not yet
Figure 41.5: Optimal stimulation pattem for a mathe- been subject to systematic research. In the near
matical model incorporating 6 muscle groups, future, we hope to address the influence of this
performing a squatting jump from a prescribed static constraint, and the way it relates to the geometri-
position as obtained from direct dynamics simulation. cal constraint.
For all muscle groups, the time at which stimulation
was switched to the maximal value was optimized.
Time is expressed in seconds prior to the instant of
41. Ingen Schenau et al.; Bi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions 647

41.7 Redistribution of Joint Moments derivative of this equation, called the instan-
and Powers taneous power equation of the system, is:

r. Pjoints = r. (Fi * Vi) + dE""llm1dt (41.2)

If the actions of bi-articular muscles discussed
in this chapter are combined with those in Chapter The expression on the left-hand side equals the
18 (Gielen et al.), it is possible to formulate a (instantaneous) sum of joint powers (sum of
general role for bi-articular muscles. Generally products of joint moment and joint angular
speaking one might say that bi-articular muscles velocity). The frrst expression on the right-hand
can redistribute net moments and net power over side equals the power exchange with the environ-
the joints that are crossed. Power delivered by ment, calculated as the product of forces external
mono-articular muscles which cross a particular to the entire system (e.g. air friction, force on the
joint can appear as joint power at an adjacent joint. pedal in cycling) and the velocity of their points of
This has been defmed as a transport of energy application. The last expression equals the rate of
(Ingen SC lenau et al., 1987). Unfortunately, be- change of the sum of segmental energies. It
cause the expression transport of energy has also should be noted that in this equation the joint
been used to indicate a flow of energy between forces are no longer present. In fact it shows the
segments, our definition appears to cause confu- origin of power which can be used to fulfill a cer-
sion. The following discussion is intended to tain task (increase the mechanical energy of the
prevent misunderstandings. entire system or do work against the environment).
If the human body is modelled as a system con- Though joint power is calculated for each joint
sisting of rigid links connected by joints which separately it should be stressed that Eq. 412 is
predominantly allow rotations, an inverse dynami- only valid for the instantaneous sum of joint
cal analysis, as originally proposed by Elftman powers. This means that a negative power at one
(1939a) and applied or further elaborated by many particular joint does not necessarily mean that
others (e.g. Capozzo et al., 1976; Robertson and power is degraded into heat or stored in elastic
Winter, 1980; Aleshinsky, 1986; Bobbert and components of muscle-tendon complexes; if the
Ingen Schenau, 1988), yields for each joint a net summed power is positive, negative power at one
joint force and a net joint moment. Following particular joint may appear as positive power in an
Elftman (1939a) a number of authors have con- adjacent joint through action of bi-articular
structed an energy balance for each separate muscles. This is illustrated with the help of Figure
segment using the (external) joint forces and joint 41.6.
moments to calculate the flow of energy to the
segment which, for rigid segments, should equal
the rate of change of mechanical energy of the seg-
ment. By constructing these energy balances for
all individual segments, these authors were able to
calculate flows of energy between segments. It
should be emphasized that the transport of energy
as discussed in this chapter has nothing to do with
these flows of energy between segments [which
may be the reason why Pandy (Chapter 42), using
the energy flow definition, did not find a unique
action for bi-articular muscles in transporting
energy]. What is meant here is based on an
energy balance of the assembly of all segments
together. As shown by Aleshinsky (1986) for run-
ning and for the more general case by Ingen Figure 41.6: Schematic representation of a set of
Schenau and Cavanagh (1990), a summation of mono- and bi-articular muscles needed to meet the con-
the energy balances for the separate links leads to straints discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 16
one energy equation for the entire body. The time (Gie1en et at.) for planar two-joint movements.
648 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

In the light of the constraints discussed in this most effectively contribute to the increase of effec-
chapter and in Chapter 16 (Gielen et al.), the indi- tive energy of the jumper.
cated number of mono- and bi-articular muscles is For cycling we found that the shift in net mo-
sufficient to control a two bar system in one plane. ments was necessary to control the direction of the
Now imagine that this two bar system represents external force on the pedal in such a way that this
the upper and lower leg and that the leg is ex- force can do work on the pedal [see Ingen
tended through actions of the mono-articular Schenau, 1989a, for details on cycling, and
muscles (1) and (3). Let (1) deliver a moment M1 Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.) for a more general dis-
with respect to the hip joint and an amount of cussion of this topic].
power P1. Let (3) deliver a moment M3 and Though the paper of Cleland came only
power P3. If we now also activate the bi-articular recently to our notice we feel that he deserves the
muscle (5), the result will be that the net moment honor to be explicitly cited in this context. With
in the hip decreases and the net moment in the respect to the effects of the actions of bi-articular
knee increases. If, for the sake of simplicity, we muscles he wrote:
assume that the extension velocities remain the
".... the total amount of muscular power is
same and that (5) does not change in length (as the
made available for overcoming the total
wire in the model of Figure 41.2b), it does not add amount of resistance, which ever be the
power to the system while the other two muscles joint on which that may to the greatest ex-
can still deliver the same amount of power. tent fall. (Cleland, 1867)
However, the power delivered by (1) does only in
part appear as hip joint power since the net mo-
ment in the hip is decreased through action of
41.8 Conclusions and Future Directions
muscle (5). The opposite is true at the knee. Here From the phenomena discussed above and
the power is larger than what is delivered by those discussed in Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.), the
muscle (3) while muscle (5) in this example does conclusion can be drawn that a wide range of
not add power to the system. Note that strong ac- multi-joint movements require not only a control
tivation of (5) can cause a negative moment (and of joint displacements but also a particular dis-
power) at the hip while (1) is still producing the tribution of net moments over the joints. These
same amount of positive power. One can easily two requirements can to a large extent be judged
calculate that the decrease in power due to the as independent.
decrease in net moment at the hip is exactly equal In preventing inefficient eccentric contractions
to the surplus power at the knee. When expressed and in interchanging net moments and energy be-
in net joint powers we defined this phenomenon as tween joints, bi-articular muscles appear to
a transport of power from hip to knee and basi- perform unique actions which could not be per-
cally this should be judged as a contemporary formed by a set of two mono-articular muscles.
expression of what more than a century ago was This means that the actions of these muscles can-
dermed as a "ligamentous action" (Cleland, 1867). not be qualified on the basis of a simple reference
This effect of transport of energy is of course also to the joint displacements which they are assumed
present if (5) changes in length. The total amount to support.
of joint power is then increased or decreased by The described actions require a co-activation of
mono-articular and bi-articular muscles. Such co-
the amount of power production or absorption by
muscle (5). It will not be difficult to realize that activations are not inefficient. Instead, it is only
by virtue of these co-activations that specific task
activation of muscle (6) will cause a transport of
power from knee to hip. demands can be satisfied efficiently. Thus, the co-
This versatile system makes it possible to activations may be qualified as synergistic rather
than antagonistic. As such they are not in dis-
redistribute joint moments and joint powers in
agreement with Pettigrew's statement that "nature
such a way that the specific task demands are met
never works against herself' .
For jumping we have seen that this includes a
On the basis of these conclusions, a number of
proximo-distal shift in joint power: power is
plans, suggestions and speculations can be formu-
predominantly used in those joints where it can
lated to help direct future research.
41. Ingen Schenau et al.; Bi-Articular Muscles in Leg Extensions 649

41.8.1 Ongoing Research (Loeb, 1984). It has been shown that even in tasks
A number of studies have been started to iden- with slow or moderate speed one can move well
tify constraints in motor tasks other than jumping without any sensory information (Taub and
and cycling, and to determine whether the inter- Berman, 1968; Loeb, 1984).
muscular coordination in these tasks can be In our analysis of experienced cyclists (Ingen
understood from the mechanical aim. At present Schenau, 1989a) the periods of activation of
the research focusses on sprinting, running, walk- mono-articular muscles were highly
ing and cycling at different loads and cycle cross-correlated with the periods of muscle short-
frequencies. In a different set of studies it will ening, the phase lag being about 90 ms. Since this
also be attempted to quantitate the contributions of phase lag agrees with the phase shift between
individual muscles to the net joint moments and EMG and mechanical response of these muscles, it
powers, and to determine the amount of power seems that the central nervous system anticipates
transport via bi-articular muscles. Quantitation is on the required mechanical responses. This, of
tackled both with inverse and direct dynamics. course, can only be explained on the basis of an
Much attention is also paid to organizational open loop control. In other words: experienced
principles using an experimental setup for leg cyclists use a learned movement pattern.
tasks comparable to that described for arm work in On the basis of these observations and the
Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.). referred literature our current position with respect
to movement organization is that multi-joint
41.8.2 Movement Control and Learning
movements require a process of learning both
One of the ideas which needs further attention position control and control of the distribution of
is that the control of mono- and bi-articular net moments and power over the joints as
muscles is based on different organizational
described in this and Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.).
processes. Support for this idea comes from
This learning process might occur along the lines
results of analyses of cycling (Ingen Schenau,
described by Chapter 20 (Denier van der Gon et
1989) and arm tasks [Chapter 9 (Hogan) and
Chapter 18 (Gielen et al.)], as well as from other
If it should be confrrmed that mono-articular
studies in the literature.
muscles mainly act as force and work generators
Especially from studies of walking, running or
while bi-articular muscles warrant the correct dis-
jumping cats, it can be deduced that the
tribution of net moments and power over the
mono - articular hindlimb muscles seem to act
joints, one can imagine that the learning process
simply as force or work generators while the
requires different sources of information for the
bi-articular muscles show a considerably more
learning to control these muscles. Learning to
complicated, and task dependent, behavior (Hoffer
control mono-articular muscles might be possible
et al., 1987a,b; Perret and Cabelguen, 1980; with help of simple muscle length information
Spector et al., 1980; Walmsley et aI., 1978). An
provided by muscle spindles in lengthening as
issue which also needs attention is the importance
well as shortening muscles (Burke et al., 1978;
of sensory information. In many theories on
Loeb, 1981); learning to control bi-articular
motor control and especially in servo control
muscles, however, might require a variety of
theories, sensory information is necessary to
multi-modal sources of information.
modulate the a-motoneuron pools. For example,
Suzuki et al (1982) suggested that in cycling, espe- Acknowledgment
cially the bi-articular muscles show a pattern of The authors gratefully acknowledge the permis-
reciprocal inhibition triggered on the basis of sen- sion of Prof. Dr. K. van der Werff (Delft
sory information. Many more of such suggestions Technical University) to use SPACAR, a software
have been proposed, mainly based on reflexologic package developed by him for simulation of multi-
studies (see Smith, 1981 for references). Such link mechanical systems. The authors also
reflexologic studies, however, and particularly acknowledge the help of M.G. Mullender in find-
those based on the characteristics of muscle ing the papers published in the previous century
spindles in lengthening muscles, may have over- and the beginning of this century, which were
emphasized the importance of servo control relevant to the topics addressed in this chapter.
650 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

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An Analytical Framework for Quantifying

Muscular Action During Human Movement

Marcus G. Pandy

42.1 Introduction meaningful muscle force predictions (e.g., Hardt,

1978; Davy and Audu, 1987). Dynamic optimiza-
A fundamental problem in human movement tion, on the other hand, allows both activation
analyses is the quantification of individual, time- (excitation--<:ontraction) and musculotendon
varying, muscle forces. Muscle forces not only dynamics to be taken into account, and is therefore
play a major role in determining the stresses in a potentially powerful tool. However, previous at-
bones and joints, but they also reflect the underly- tempts to use this technique have been noticeably
ing neural control processes responsible for the scarce (Batze, 1980). The reason is that a detailed
observed movement patterns. Unfortunately, in- dynamical model of the human musculoskeletal
vasive techniques for measuring muscle forces are system is nonlinear, highly coupled, and highly
highly objectionable, whereas non-invasive tech- dimensional (Le., it has a large number of states).
niques such as electromyography do not provide Therefore, dynamic optimization solutions for syn-
the quantitative accuracy needed to define thesizing body-segmental motions are
muscle's action on the skeleton. In addition, the computationally very demanding. In fact, pre-
human musculoskeletal system is mechanically vious dynamic optimization solutions for human
redundant (Le., the number of muscles spanning a movement are characterized by either over-
joint exceeds the number of degrees of freedom simplified models of the overall musculoskeletal
defining joint motion) so that a direct solution of system (Chow and Jacobson, 1971; Ghosh and
the muscle force-joint torque equations is not pos- Boykin, 1976) or detailed models of isolated limbs
sible. (Hatze, 1976; Davy and Audu, 1987).
To circumvent the mechanically redundant na- A major goal of our ongoing research is to un-
ture of the lower limb system, previous derstand how intermuscular control, inertial
investigators have used both static interactions among body segments, and mus-
(Crowninshield, 1978; Hardt, 1978) and dynamic culotendon dynamics coordinate multi-articular
(Chow and Jacobson, 1971; Hatze, 1976; Davy human movement. With this in mind, we have
and Audu, 1987) optimization techniques to been using dynamic optimization (or optimal con-
predict individual muscle forces during human trol) theory to study maximum-height human
movement [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and jumping. Because this particular activity presents
Winters)]. Though the static optimization ap- a relatively unambiguous performance criterion, it
proach is computationally less intensive, it suffers fits well into the framework of optimal control.
from the assumption that muscle force is time in- Moreover, vertical jumping is an activity charac-
dependent (Le., a static optimization is performed terized by bilateral symmetry, which leads to a
at discrete time intervals with muscles often relatively simple representation of the
modeled as ideal force actuators). Consequently, body-segmental dynamical system. Most impor-
static optimization procedures can lead to less tantly, however, our rationale for using optimal
Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization
J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
654 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/propulsive Movements

control is based upon the belief that it is currently that each musculotendinous unit has as its input
the most sophisticated methodology available for only one control signal (Le. we have not dis-
solving human movement synthesis problems. sociated the net firing rate control of a muscle
Optimal control requires not only that the system from the recruitment control; though others have
dynamics be formulated, but that the performance (e.g., Hatze, 1978)). For a review of modeling
criterion be specified as well. Thus, differences musculotendon actuation, see Zajac (1989),
between model and experiment indicate Chapter 5 (Winters) and Chapter 8 (Zajac and
deficiencies in the modeling of either the system Winters).
dynamics or the performance criterion [see also
discussions in Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters) and
Chapter 19 (Seif-Naraghi and Winters)].
In this chapter, we describe the rudiments of an
analytical framework which we have been using to
quantify muscular action during complex motor
tasks. The framework consists not only of a
detailed musculoskeletal model driven by dynamic
optimization theory (Sections 42.2 and 42.3), but
also of mathematical equations which can be used
to find the contribution of individual muscles to
the acceleration and power of body segments
during movement (Section 42.4). We then
demonstrate the utility of this framework by apply-
ing it to understand how muscles coordinate the
motions of all the body segments during a vertical
jump (Sections 42.5 to 42.7).
42.2 Musculoskeletal Modeling
For vertical jumping, we modeled the human
body as a four-segment, articulated, planar
linkage, with adjacent links joined together by
frictionless revolutes. A total of eight lower- Figure 42.1: Schematic representation of the mus-
extremity musculotendinous units provided the culoskeletal model for the vertical jump. Symbols
actuation in the model (Figure 42.1). The details appearing in the diagram are: soleus (SOL), gastroc-
of the musculotendinoskeletal model can be found nemius (GAS), other plantarflexors (OPF), tibialis
in Pandy et al. (1990). Briefly, each musculoten- anterior (TA), vasti (VAS), rectus femoris (RF), hamstr-
dinous unit was modeled as a three-element, ings (HAMS), and gluteus maximus (GMAX).
lumped-parameter entity (muscle), in series with
tendon. The mechanical behavior of muscle was 42.3 Optimal Control Formulation
described by a Hill-type contractile element which For maximum-height jumping, we chose the
modeled its force-Iength-velocity-activation height reached by the center of mass of the body
property, a series-elastic element which modeled to be the measure of performance. Again, the
its short-range stiffness, and a parallel-elastic ele- mathematical details are provided in Pandy et aI.
ment which modeled its passive response. Tendon (1990). Briefly, beginning from a pre specified,
was assumed to be elastic, and its properties were static, squat position, the optimal control problem
represented by a stress-strain curve (Pandy et aI., was to maximize the height reached by the center
1990). The musculotendon model was driven by a of mass of the body (which depends explicitly
first-order representation of activation upon the position and velocity of the mass
(excitation-contraction) dynamics, which centroid at the instant that the body leaves the
describes the time lapse between the incoming ground) subject to: a) body-segmental, mus-
neural control signal (muscle excitation) and culotendon, and activation dynamics; b) a set of
muscle force. In this model, we have assumed inequality constraints which limit the magnitude
42. Pandy; Quantifying Muscular Action During Human Movement 655

of each neural control signal to lie between zero taching to or crossing the corresponding body
(no excitation) and one (full excitation); and c) a segment, the total contribution of muscles to the
zero vertical ground reaction force at the instant vector of segmental accelerations is thus:
that the body leaves the ground (lift-off). The op-
timal control problem for maximum-height
jumping is bang-bang (Le., the optimal controls (42.2)
can only take values of zero or one). The reason
Since A(9)-1 is, in general, non-diagonal, each
for this is that the first-order model used for ac-
muscle force accelerates all body segments. Thus,
tivation dynamics is linearly related to the
muscles not directly attached to or spanning a seg-
controls, and consequently the system
ment still contribute to its acceleration (see Zajac
Hamiltonian is also linear in the controls (Pandy et
and Gordon, 1989, for review).
al., 1990). A computational solution to this
Similarly, knowing the total instantaneous
problem was derived on the basis of a modified
power of a segment (Le., the time rate of change
Polak-Mayne dynamic optimization algorithm (see
of the total mechanical energy), the contribution of
Sim, 1988, for details).
muscles, gravity, and inertia (i.e., Coriolis and
42.4 Contribution of Muscles to centrifugal terms) to the instantaneous segmental
Segmental Acceleration and Power power can also be found. For example, the net
The dynamical equations of motion can be used contribution of muscles to the instantaneous power
to find the contribution of a muscle to the accelera- of the trunk is composed of contributions from
tion (Hatze, 1987; Zajac and Gordon, 1989; Pandy those intersegmental forces acting at the hip joint
and Zajac, 1990) and instantaneous power that arise from muscle forces, as well as from
(Aleshinsky, 1986; Pandy and Zajac, 1990) of in- "direct" muscular forces that arise from the inser-
dividual body segments as well as the mass tion of muscle on that segment. And, analagous to
centroid of the body. From the equations of mo- the contribution of muscles to segmental accelera-
tion describing the dynamics of our four-segment, tions (Eq. 42.2), muscles not directly attached to a
planar, skeletal model for jumping (Pandy et al., segment still contribute to its power because of the
1990): presence of the matrix A(e)-l, which couples
gravity, inertia forces, and muscle forces into all
li = A(9)-1{ B(9) ~2 +C(9)+DM(9)pT +T(9,9)} body-segmental motions (see Pandy and Zajac,
1990, for details).
42.5 Optimal Muscle-Force Sequencing
where 9, 9 are vectors of limb angular displace- Quantitative comparisons between experimen-
ment, velocity, and acceleration (all are 4 x 1) tal results obtained from several subjects
respectively; T(e,e) is a 4 x 1 vector of externally instructed to "jump as high as possible" and the
applied joint torques (it contains only the moment model's predictions have indicated that the model
applied to the foot segment from a damped tor- successfully reproduces the major features of a
sional spring; see Pandy et al. (1990)); pT is an 8 x maximum-height squat jump (Le., the time his-
1 vector of musculotendon forces; M(9) is a 3 x 8 tories of all muscle forces, body-segmental
moment-arm matrix formed by computing the per- motions, and ground reaction forces, a proximal-to-
pendicular distance between each musculotendon distal sequence of muscular activity, overall jump
actuator and the joint it spans; A(9) is the 4 x 4 height, and final lift-off time; see Figs. 1-3 in
system mass-matrix; C( 9) is a 4 x 1 vector contain- Pandy and Zajac, 1990). Subsequently, the op-
ing only gravitational terms; B(9) {)2 is a 4 x 1 timal control solution was analyzed in detail to
vector describing both Coriolis and centrifugal ef- understand coordination. We have focused on
fects, where represents af for i = 1,4; and D is a quantifying the contribution of muscles to the ver-
4 x 3 matrix which transforms joint torques into tical acceleration and the instantaneous power of
segmental torques. The details of Eq. 42.1 are the trunk during the ground contact phase because
given in Pandy et al. (1990). Because each ele- this segment represents approximately 70% of to-
ment of the vector D M(9) pT is the sum of the tal body mass.
segmental torques developed by the muscles at-
656 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Muscles were found to dominate the angular opposes the actions of VAS and GMAX at both the
acceleration of all segments for all but the final knee and hip [i.e. GAS accelerates the knee and hip
10% of ground contact time. During the final 10% towards flexion which opposes the efforts of VAS
of ground contact time, inertial contributions to and GMAX at this time (Figure 42.2b)]. We con-
the acceleration of a segment outweighed those of clude, therefore, that the increase in jump height
muscles because segmental angular velocities in- due to an increase in foot angular velocity result-
creased rapidly near lift-off (Fig. 4 of Pandy and ing from excitation of GAS outweighs its
Zajac, 1990). Because muscles dominate the an- undesirable effects at the knee and hip. That is,
gular accelerations of the segments for almost the the net effect of the biarticular GAS is to increase
entire jump, we have analyzed individual mus- the vertical velocity of the center of mass of the
cular contributions (Figure 42.2) in order to better body at lift-off.
understand muscle-force sequencing during jump-
ing. Notice that TA, VAS, and RF make negligible Joillt aut/tranOll
contributions to the joint angular accelerations (radlstt1)
(dashed lines, Figure 42.2). The muscles that
dominate joint angular accelerations are GAS, VAS,
GMAX, and the uniarticular ankle plantarflexors Q ------- - ---
SOL and OPF (designated as UPF). Of all these
muscles, only one (i.e., GAS) is biarticular.
HAMS and GMAX are activated first
(approximately 20% and 30% of ground contact
time, respectively) and these muscles accelerate
the trunk towards an upright position to counteract
the effects of gravity (Fig. 3 of Pandy and Zajac,
1990). VAS, on the other hand, induces an oppos-
ing angular acceleration of the trunk (Fig. 3 of
Pandy and Zajac, 1990), and it is therefore excited
later in the jumping cycle (about 40% of ground
contact time). Even though VAS induces an un-
desirable forward (negative) angular acceleration
of the trunk, this knee extensor actually ac-
celerates the hip joint towards extension (Figure
42.2a; VAS) because of the large positive angular
acceleration of the thigh it induces (Fig. 3 of
Pandy and Zajac, 1990).
Because VAS is assumed to be the strongest
muscle in the lower extremity (see Table 1 in
Pandy et al. 1990), any action other than hip exten-
sion would clearly be undesirable. Thus, GMAX
and VAS, the strongest hip and knee extensors in % of ground cOfllacll~
the model, work together to accelerate the knee
and hip towards extension (Figure 42.2a-b), which Figure 42.2: Contributions of muscles to the angular ac-
in turn acts to accelerate the mass centroid of the celeration of the hip (a), knee (b), and ankle (c) derived from
the model during the ground contact phase (0% to 100%) of
body in the desired direction (upwards). Because a maximum-height squat jump. The shaded region is the
VAS and GMAX simultaneously induce large ankle summed effect of all the muscles. UPF is the combined con-
dorsiflexor accelerations (i.e., they accelerate the tribution of the uniarticular ankle plantarflexors (SOL and
OPF). The dashed lines represent the combined effect of
heel into the ground; Figure 42.2c), the uniar-
TA, HAMS, and RF. Positive angular acceleration indicates
ticular SOL and UPF are excited at 50--60% of joint extension. Prior to and at 0% ground contact time,
ground contact time to counter these actions muscle forces applied to the model are constant to maintain
(Figure 42.2c). Finally, GAS is excited near lift- the body statically in the squat.
off to further accelerate the ankle towards
plantarflexion (Figure 42.2c). In doing so, GAS
42. Pandy; Quantifying Muscular Action During Human Movement 657

Instantaneous segmental much as 90% to the peak power delivered by the

!()()() •
power (waus) muscles to the thigh (Figure 42.4b, compare thigh
power of PF curve with shaded region at 85% of
ground contact time). Because of the combined
effects of the ankle plantarflexors on the trunk and
thigh, we conclude, in agreement with previous in-
vestigators (Gregoire et al., 1984; Bobbert and van
Ingen Schenau, 1988) that the contribution of SOL,
OPF, and GAS to overall jumping performance
cannot be neglected.

o ,~

__ ~===-~'-~

M ~
__ ~~~~ ,

~ m I run4po .. t r
, ' '''atrs ~

Figure 42.3: Instantaneous power of each segment in

the model during the ground contact phase (0% to
100%) of a maximum-height squat jump. The shaded
region is the summed power of all four body segments.
The area under each curve is the energy of that seg-
ment at body lift-off. Notice that most of the energy
(approximately 70%) resides in the trunk at lift-off.
.., ( waIlS)
42.6 Optimal Power Distribution
A large proportion of the total energy delivered b
to the segments (Figure 42.3, shaded region)
resides in the trunk (Figure 42.3, compare the area
under the heavy solid line with the shaded region).
In fact, the combined energy of the thigh, shank,
and foot amounts to only 30% of the total energy
made available at body lift-off. Thus, almost 70%
of the total input musculotendon energy is trans-
.. .. I""

ferred to the trunk. This is not particularly <;t; of ground eonraellime

surprising given that the trunk represents about
70% of total body mass.
Figure 42.4: Individual muscular contributions to the in-
Consistent with their contribution to body- stantaneous power of the trunk (a) and the thigh (b). (a)
segmental angular acceleration (Section 42.5), Total contribution from all the muscles in the lower ex-
muscles also dominate the instantaneous power of tremity is represented by the shaded region. PF represents
the contribution of all ankle plantarflexors (SOL, OPF, and
individual body segments for all but the final 10% GAS). The dashed line is the combined contribution of
of ground contact time. Specifically, of all the HAMS, RF, and TA. The area under each curve is the energy
muscles, VAS and GMAX contribute approximately contributed by each muscle to the trunk at body lift-off.
90% of the total energy of the trunk (Fig. 42.4a, Notice that VAS and GMAX are the major energy producers
or prime movers of the lower extremity. (b) Total contribu-
summed area under VAS and GMAX compared to tion from all the muscles in the lower extremity is the shaded
the shaded region). In contrast, the ankle plan- region. PF is the contribution from all the ankle plan-
tarflexors (SOL, OPF, and GAS) contribute tarflexors (SOL, OPF, and GAS). The dashed line represents
the contribution from all other muscles. Notice that the
significantly only during the final 20% of ground ankle plantarflexors dominate the total energy delivered by
contact time, during which time they account for all the muscles to the thigh at body lift-off.
about 30% of the total power delivered by the
muscles to the trunk (Figure 42.4a, compare PF
curve with the shaded region at body lift-off).
Moreover, these ankle plantarflexors contribute as
658 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Though our optimal control solution predicted

a proximal-to-distal sequence of muscle activation
[Le., muscles spanning the hip (GMAX and HAMS)
were activated ftrst, followed by uniarticular
muscles spanning the knee (VAS) and ankle (SOL
and OPF)], it does not support the idea that energy
"flows" proximally from the hip to the knee to the
ankle [Gregoire et al., 1984; Bobbert and van
potential jump
lngen Schenau, 1988; Chapter 41 (van Igen
'.'r he;g., (m)

Schenau et al.)]. To the contrary, we found ··that
energy production by the musculotendinous units
is dominated by the uniarticular extensors VAS and
GMAX, and that almost all of this energy (90%) is
used to accelerate the center of mass of the trunk
upwards (Figure 42.4 VAS and GMAX). Thus, o w ~ ~ ~ m
uniarticular muscles, as well as biarticular
muscles, transfer power proximally to the massive % of ground contact time
trunk segment in an effort to maximize the vertical Figure 42.5: Simulated maximum-height squat jump using
velocity of the center of mass of the body at lift- only uniarticular muscles. HAMS, RF, and GAS were
off. removed from the model, and, given the remaining set of
muscles, the optimal control solution was recomputed. The
Of all the lower-extremity biarticular muscles, stick figures show how the body segments should be coor-
our analyses indicate, in agreement with others dinated during the ground contact phase (0% to 100%) to
(Bobbert et al., 1986; Bobbert and van Ingen achieve the maximum possible height with the new muscle
Schenau, 1988), that GAS is the most important. sel The heavy solid and dashed lines show how high the
center of mass of the body would go if the body could leave
To assess the dependence of jumping performance the ground at that instant, given that all the muscles, or just
on biarticular muscle function, we removed all the uniarticular muscles, are used to coordinate the jump,
biarticular muscles from the musculoskeletal respectively. The thin dashed line represents the standing
height of the simulated jumper.
model of Figure 42.1 and, with only uniarticular
muscles available for propulsion, recomputed the
optimal control solution. We found that even 42.7 Influence of Musculotendon Properties
though the jump was still coordinated (Figure on Performance and Coordination
42.5, stick figures), the net vertical displacement To investigate the dependence of jumping per-
of the center of mass of the body from standing formance and coordination on the mechanical
decreased by 20%. Because RF and HAMS con- properties of muscle and tendon, we have intro-
tribute much less than GAS to the total energy of duced large changes (typically 300-400%) to the
the trunk and thigh (not shown in Figure 42.4), we parameters of our musculotendon model describ-
conclude that the absence of GAS is the major fac- ing muscle strength, muscle-fiber contraction
tor contributing to the decrease in jump height speed, and tendon compliance. Because each
shown in Figure 42.5. However, we are opposed change introduced to the nominal musculotendon
to the notion that jumping performance is in- model imposes a new condition on the optimal
creased by the unique biarticular action of GAS control problem, changing the mechanical
(Bobbert et al., 1986; Bobbert and van Ingen properties of the nominal musculotendon model
Schenau, 1988). We have found no evidence to necessitates a recomputation of the optimal con-
support the claim that ankle power output is in- trols producing a maximum-height jump.
creased signiftcantly as a result of power Changes to the parameters deftning body strength-
transferred by GAS from the knee to the ankle. To to-weight ratio, muscle-ftber contraction speed,
the contrary, by delivering power to the thigh and and tendon compliance were all implemented over
trunk, GAS behaves no differently from any uniar- a physiologically justiftable range. Tendon com-
ticular extensor muscle in the lower-extremity; it pliance, for example, was increased only to the
too transfers power in a proximal direction to the point where the strain in tendon became 10%,
most massive body segments during upward since this is the maximum strain deftning tendon
propulsion. rupture (Zajac, 1989) (see Figure 42.8 and Pandy
and Zajac 1989 for details).
42. Pandy; Quantifying Muscular Action During Human Movement 659

compared with 40% of ground contact time when

, hip Vmax = 30 Vsec (not shown). Therefore, charac-
, ,'max = 1 teristic of the response associated with "fast"
l:~ ~ muscles is the presence of a countermovement
I Vmax = 30
prior to upward propulsion (Figure 42.6, Vmax = 30
ljsec; initial flexion at the hip, knee, and ankle
I prior to joint extension). On the other hand, an op-
timal performance generated by "slow" muscles is
b marked by immediate ankle, knee, and hip exten-
knee sion (Figure 42.6, Vmax 3 ljsec; no
Vnuu = 1
countermovement prior to upward propulsion).

Vnuu =10 F., 10/0 body I\eighl}


150 r C
I ankle
1:0 l

80 100
10 .0 6IJ
% of ground contact lime \
o 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 42.6: Angular displacements of the hip, knee,
and ankle for a variety of simulated maximum-height % of ground contact time
squat jumps during ground contact (0% to 100%). The
Figure 42.7: Vertical ground reaction forces gener-
shaded region represents the range of joint trajectories
ated by the model for two different values of muscle-
produced as the value of muscle-fiber contraction
speed was changed from Vm<J% = 3 ljsec to Vm<J% = 30
fibercontractionspeed(~m<J%=O.3and~m<J% =30). m<J%is
the normalized muscle-fiber contraction speed obtained
ljsec. In the model, muscle-fiber contraction speed
by dividing through by the value of muscle-fiber con-
was assumed to be invariant for all muscles in the
traction speed assumed in the nominal musculotendon
lower extremity. Notice that the response of the model
model (Le., V m<J% = 10 Ijsec). Notice that the duration of
with fast muscles involves a considerable counter-
the preparatory countermovement phase increases and
movement phase prior to upward propUlsion, whereas
propulsion time decreases as muscle-fiber contraction
this characteristic is noticeably absent during a simu-
speed increases (i.e., for V = 0.3 l/sec (dashed line)
lated jump with slow muscles.
propulsion begins at 0% ~ground °contact time with
no preparatory countermovement, whereas the counter-
Increasing either muscle-fiber contraction
movement phase for V = 30 l/sec (solid line) lasts
speed or body strength-to-weight ratio delayed the until approximately 40% of g~und contact time).
onset of extension of all the joints (compare, for Notice also that the area under the solid curve is much
example, the outlines of the shaded regions in greater than that associated with the dashed curve, in-
Figure 42.6). The reason is that as either muscle- dicating that fast muscles produce higher jumps.
fiber contraction speed or body strength-to-weight
ratio was increased, all extensor muscles of the The appearance of a preparatory countermove-
lower extremity were activated later in the jump- ment as either muscle-fiber contraction speed or
ing cycle. For example, at Vmax = 3 ljsec, where body strength-to-weight ratio is increased is also
l/sec is the contraction velocity expressed in terms evident in the vertical ground reaction force gener-
;f the number of muscle-fiber lengths per second, ated (e.g., Figure 42.7). In particular, as both
GMAX is activated at 10% of ground contact time, muscle-fiber contraction speed and body strength-
660 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

to-weight ratio are increased, the duration of the Normali:ed Jump Height
preparatory phase increases, which leads to a muscle-fiiJer spud
decrease in propulsion time (Figure 42.7, compare
ground contact times at which minima in the verti- o
cal ground reactions occur). Moreover, peak
magnitudes of the vertical ground reaction in-
:1 tendon compliance

crease with an increase in either muscle-fiber J"

contraction speed or body strength-to-weight ratio

(e.g., Figure 42.7). Jump height (defined as the
net vertical displacement of the center of mass of
the body from standing) therefore increases since Normali:ed Muscle-Tendon Paramerers
the area under the vertical ground reaction force is
a measure of the total impulse delivered to the Figure 42.8: Dependence of jumping performance, as
predicted by the model, on three musculotendon properties:
body, and greater impulses yield greater velocities muscle strength (actually body strength to weight ratio),
of the center of mass at lift-off. For example, muscle-fiber contraction speed (or maximum shortening
jump height increased by more than a factor of six velocity), and tendon compliance. Normalized jump height
for the model was defined to be the ratio of jump height
when muscle-fiber contraction speed increased produced when one of the above musculotendon properties
tenfold (i.e., from Vmax =3 l/sec to Vmax =30 l/sec). was varied independently, to jump height achieved when
We found jump height to be most sensitive to nominal musculotendon parameters were chosen (e.g. V m= =
changes in body strength-to-weight ratio. To 10 Ijsec. Similarly, normalized musculotendon parameters
were defined as follows: normalized muscle-fiber contrac-
quantify the dependence of jumping perfonnance tion speed for the model is the ratio of any given value of
on muscle-fiber contraction speed, body strength- muscle-fiber contraction speed to the nominal value of
to-weight ratio, and tendon compliance, we plotted muscle-fiber contraction speed assumed by the model; nor-
malized body strength to weight ratio was the ratio of a
nonnalized jump height against a nonnalized ver- given value of body strength-to-weight to the nominal value
sion of each of the above musculotendon of body strength-to-weight; and normalized tendon com-
properties. Assuming that these relationships are pliance was the ratio of a given value of ankle plantarflexor
tendon compliance in the model to the compliance of the
linear, and by fitting straight lines to these data ankle plantarflexor tendons computed under nominal condi-
(Figure 42.8), we found that the slope of the line tions. In all cases, the influence of muscle-fiber contraction
for body strength-to-weight ratio (1.2) was twice speed was studied by changing the maximum shortening
that for muscle-fiber contraction speed (0.6), and velocity of all the muscles in the lower extremity simul-
taneously. Perturbations to body strength-to-weight ratio
an order of magnitude greater than that for tendon were introduced by either increasing the strength (i.e., the
compliance (0.08). Our model predicts, therefore, peak isometric force) of all the muscles in the lower ex-
that jump height is relatively insensitive to tendon tremity by as much as four times (relative to the nominal
peak isometric force of each muscle), and adjusting the mass
compliance. Because a squat jump involves con- of all the body segments simultaneously (to account for the
siderably less countennovement than a appropriate increase in muscle mass), or independently per-
countennovement jump per se, we should not ex- turbing the mass of each body segment by as much as 20%
from its nominal value, without altering muscle strength.
pect tendon compliance to contribute significantly Note that overall body strength was defined to be the sum of
to overall jumping perfonnance. In this respect, all peak isometric forces produced by all extensor muscles in
our results support a previous conclusion for- the lower extremity, and that the strength of all extensor
warded by Komi and Bosco (1978) that squat muscles was increased simultaneously. Only the compliance
of the tendons in m. triceps surae (SOL and GAS) was
jumps yield lower values of perfonnance because changed because these tendons are much longer and there-
of their inability to utilize tendon's capacity for fore more compliant than those spanning either the knee or
storing elastic energy. However, on the basis of the hip (see Zajac 1989 for review). To estimate the overall
compliance of m. triceps surae, the individual compliances
the rationale that compliance can only be in- of SOL and GAS were added together, assuming that these
creased to the point where the strain in tendon musculotendinous units act in parallel. Thus, the com-
becomes 10%, our preliminary calculations lead pliance in each of these tendons was increased to the point
where the strain in each tendon became 10%, corresponding
us to believe, in opposition to others [e.g., Bobbert to a four-fold increase in the nominal value of compliance of
and van Ingen Schenau, 1988; see also Chapter 41 these ankle plantarflexor tendons. Notice that the slope of
(van Ingen Schenau)], that the contribution of ten- the line for body strength to weight ratio (1.2) is steeper than
don to countennovement jumping perfonnance those for muscle-fiber contraction speed (0.6) and tendon
compliance (0.08). Thus, the model predicts jump height to
will also be negligible. be mQst sensitive to changes in body strength to weight ratio,
and least sensitive to changes in tendon compliance.
42. Pandy; Quantifying Muscular Action During Human Movement 661

As both body strength to weight ratio and invasive. Assuming that we are able to resolve
muscle-fiber contraction speed increased, mus- this issue, the aim here will be to establish a set of
cular coordination (defined here as the sequence curves much like those given in Figure 42.8 which
and timing of muscle activation) became less im- define the relationships between jumping perfor-
portant to the production of an optimal mance and muscle strength and speed. Thus, we
performance. In contrast, both slow and weak will be able to assess the validity of our optimal
muscles demand early excitation. Under these cir- control model's predictions.
cumstances, GMAX and VAS are especially
important because they are responsible for ac-
I thank Felix Zajac for sharing with me his
celerating the massive trunk segment towards an
many valuable insights into muscular coordination
upright position. In fact, as muscle-fiber contrac-
of human movement in general, and vertical jump-
tion speed and body strength to weight ratio are
ing in particular. I also acknowledge William
decreased, the trend for muscles to be activated in
Levine, Eunsup Sim, Eric Topp, and Melissa Hoy
a proximal-to-distal sequence (Figure 3 in Pandy
for their efforts in developing the optimal control
and Zajac, 1990) becomes more pronounced. In
model for jumping, and I thank Idd Oelp for his
other words, weaker and slower muscles cause
help with figure preparation. This work was sup-
jumping to depend much more heavily upon the
ported by NIH grant NS17662, the Alfred P.
mechanism of muscle-force sequencing. The
Sloan Foundation, and the Veterans
corollary is that faster and stronger muscles are
not only activated later in the jumping cycle, but
they are also all activated almost simultaneously. References
Aleshinsky, S.Y. (1986). An energy "sources" and
42.8 Future Directions "fractions" approach to the mechanical energy ex-
To validate the model's predictions of how penditure problem. II. Movement of the multi-link
musculotendon properties alter jumping perfor- chain model. 1. Biomech. 19:295-300.
mance and coordination, we are currently Bobbett, M.F., and van Ingen Schenau, G. (1988).
conducting experiments on human subjects to in- Coordination in vertical jumping. 1. Biomech.
dependently determine the effects of muscle 21:249-262.
strength and muscle-fiber contraction speed. An Bobbett, M.F., Huijing, P.A., and van Ingen Schenau,
estimate of overall body strength can be obtained G. (1986). An estimation of power output and work
by measuring the maximal, voluntary, isometric done by the human triceps surae muscle-tendon
torque exerted at the knee as a function of knee complex in jumping. 1. Biomech. 19:899-906.
Chow, C.K., and Jacobson, D.H. (1971). Studies of
joint angle using a Cybex dynamometer. Dividing
human locomotion via optimal programming. Math.
the peak value of isometric knee torque by the sub- Biosci. 10:239-306.
ject's weight will then give the ratio of body Crowninshield, R.D. (1978). Use of optimization tech-
strength to weight. Similarly, to study the effects niques to predict muscle forces. 1. Biomech. Engng.
of muscle-fiber contraction speed on performance 100:88-92.
and coordination, we have been conducting jump- Davy, D.T., and Audu, M.L. (1987). A dynamic op-
ing experiments on both "fast" and "slow" timization technique for predicting muscle forces in
athletes. Qualitatively, one would expect sprinters the swing phase of gait. 1. Biomech. 20:187-201.
to possess a high percentage of fast-twitch muscle Ghosh, T.K., and Boykin, W.H. (1976). Analytic deter-
fibers, while elite distance runners should have a mination of an optimal human motion. 1. Opt.
high concentration of slow-twitch fibers. Theory Appl. 19:327-346.
Gregoire, L., Veeger, HE., Huijing, P.A., and van
Quantifying such differences, however, is some-
Ingen Schenau, G. (1984). Role of mono- and biar-
what problematic. While isokinetic measurements ticular muscles in explosive movements. Int. 1.
(i.e. maximal, voluntary, knee torque exerted at Sports Med. 5:301-305.
various (constant) speeds of knee-joint extension) Hardt, D.E. (1978). Determining muscle forces in the
are easily performed on a Cybex dynamometer, leg during human walking: An application and
these data do not reveal an estimate of the maxi- evaluation of optimization methods. 1. Biomech.
mum shortening velocity of muscles. Engng.l00:72-78.
Alternatively, muscle biopsies can supply such in- Hatze, H. (1987). Gait analysis:Adequacy of current
formation, but these experiments are clearly models and research strategies. 1. Motor Behavior
662 Multiple Muscle Systems. Pan V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

19:280-287. Pandy, M.G., and Zajac, F.E. (1989). Dependence of

Hatze, H. (1980). Neuromusculoskeletal control sys- jumping performance on muscle strength, muscle-
tems modeling - A critical survey of recent fiber speed, and tendon compliance. In Stein, J.L. et
developments. IEEE Trans. Auto. Control AC- al. (eds.):Jssues in the Modeling and Control 0/
25:375-385. Biomechanical Systems, 1989 ASME Winter
Hatze, H. (1978). A general myocybemetic control Annual Meeting in San Francisco. New Yort::The
model of skeletal muscle. Bioi. Cybernetics 28:143- American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
157. Sim, E. (1988). The application of optimal control
Hatze, H. (1976). The complete optimization of a theory for analysis of human jumping and pedaling.
human motion. Math. Biosci. 28:90-99. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Electrical
Komi, P.V., and Bosco, C. (1978). Utilization of stored Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park.
elastic energy in leg extensor muscles by men and Zajac, F.E., and Gordon, M.E. (1989). Determining
women. Med. Sci. Sports 10:261-265. muscle's force and action in multi-articular move-
Pandy, M.G., Zajac, F.E., Sim, E., and Levine, W.S. ment Exer. Sport Sci. Revs. 17:187-230.
(1990). An optimal control model for maximum- Zajac, F.E. (1989). Muscle and tendon:Properties,
height human jumping. J. Biomech. (in press). models, scaling, and application to biomechanics
Pandy, M.G., and Zajac, F.E. (1990). Optimal mus- and motor control. CRC Critical Rev. Biomed.
cular coordination strategies for jumping. J. Engng.17:359-411.
Biomech. (in press).

Performing Whole-Body Simulations of Gait

with 3-D, Dynamic Musculoskeletal Models

Gary T. Yamaguchi

43.1 Introduction models possible in order to provide clear illustra-

As walking is a basic activity, it is not surpris- tions of mechanical principles. Because the data
ing that the literature describing and analyzing records for each body segment's movements are
human gait is prolific. Articles on walking appear pre-recorded, and are uncoupled, the analyst can
regularly in newspapers, fitness magazines, medi- choose to ignore motions not having a direct bear-
cal research journals, technical publications, and ing on the modeling study. Two-dimensional
the like. Most of these focus on the particular models are often sufficient for these purposes;
aspects of gait most interesting to the reader. however, extending the technique to three-
Even sub-disciplines with relatively limited appeal dimensions is straightforward.

have extensive bibliographies!
This is especially true regarding the subject of ---M".tI. '
gait modeling, which typically attempts to reduce .",.,..,10., I
Xx · . .
the complicated process of walking to one which
can be analyzed mathematically. Doing so in- ~ ft_

volves the formulation of musculoskeletal gait c===::i:'::~:::?,;::::' ~"'-"""J

models, which in turn are constructed from mathe- ~- I
matical models of various subcomponents, e.g. r---T.",JOII - - -
musculotendon actuator models (among others,
Audu and Davy, 1985; Hatze, 1977; Hill, 1938;
Zajac, 1989; see Figure 43.1), musculoskeletal
geometry models (Brand et aI., 1982; Delp et aI.,
1989; Friederich and Brand, 1990; Hardt and
Mann, 1980; Hoy et al., 1990; Wickiewicz et aI.,
1983), and joint models (Crowninshield et al., I
_IT ----t".,e
1976; Van Eijden et al., 1986; Wismans et aI., !------/~---------~
1980; Yamaguchi and Zajac, 1989a). Of course,
the complexity of each subcomponent making up
Figure 43.1: Simplified structure of the musculoten-
the aggregate gait model is dictated by the goals of don actuator (top) and the musculotendon model used
the analysis (Davy and Audu, 1987) and limited in the example of Section 43.4. The model is com-
by the computational facilities at hand. posed of lumped, idealized mechanical components
Whether the gait models are formulated in two such as springs (tendon, SE, PE), dashpots (DE), and
or three dimensions depends upon their intended force-generators (CE). that together mimic the macro-
use. Inverse-dynamic analyses (motion inputs, scopic behavior of biological muscle-tendons.
force/torque outputs), which seek to investigate or (Reprinted with permission from Yamaguchi & Zajac,
explain the mechanics of previously-observed IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. © 1990 - IEEE.)
(recorded) movements, often utilize the simplest

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
664 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

On the other hand, forward-dynamic analyses models using the 8-DOF, lO-muscle model of
(control inputs, movement outputs) are performed Yamaguchi and Zajac (1990) as an example. It is
in order to predict or simulate ambulatory move- hoped that as faster computers become available,
ments in response to neural or muscular control and new, efficient control algorithms are
inputs. Because resulting movements are not developed, more accurate and comprehensive gait
known a priori, and because body segmental mo- simulations will become possible, which in turn
tions are dynamically coupled (Le., the movement will lead to increases in understanding and the
of one segment affects the motions of every other development of better medical treatment methods
body segment; see Zajac and Gordon, 1989), the to correct gait abnormalities.
quest for realism suggests that gait simulations be First, however, let us further discuss the dif-
performed in three dimensions (3-D). ference between gait simulations (direct-dynamic
This requirement for accurate, 3-D dynamic analyses) and standard (inverse-dynamic) gait
modeling leads to extreme computational analysis techniques [see also Chapter 8 (Zajac and
demands. Not only must the calculational system Winters)].
compute the dynamic inner workings of the model To begin our discussion, consider the natural
(e.g. muscle activation dynamics, musculotendon "flow" of events by which movements are
contraction dynamics, and the reaction of the produced in a living organism. When an animal,
skeletal system to applied extemal and muscular say, desires to move its limbs, a sequence of motor
forces), it must also determine some means of ade- commands emanates from its central nervous sys-
quately controlling the muscles so that coordinated tem and excites an appropriate set of muscles into
movements will result. Generally, this need for developing precisely the right amount of contrac-
control becomes greater as modeling complexity tile force. Since these muscles connect directly to
increases. With relatively few degrees of freedom bones (through tendons), the tensile forces acting
(DOF) to control, with few muscles to excite, and on the bones exert moments about the joints of the
well-dermed movements to execute, the control skeletal system. It is the summation of the mo-
task is simpler, so that classical optimal control ments produced by all of these active moments,
techniques may sometimes be utilized. When the plus the kinematic constraints and inertial charac-
numbers of DOF and/or muscles becomes large, teristics of the body, that govern how the body
constraints imposed by limitations in computa- segments will move. Thus the natural flow of
tional hardware forces compromises to be made in events proceeds outward from the nervous system
modeling accuracy, complexity, and/or control. to the muscular system, and the muscular system
Recent dynamic, musculoskeletal gait models to the skeletal system (Zajac and Gordon, 1989).
possess few DOF and muscles (Audu and Davy, Dynamic musculoskeletal models are useful in
1987; Hardt and Mann, 1980; Iu and Mansour, describing the interrelationship between the ap-
1988; Mena et al., 1981; Mochon and McMahon, plied muscular forces and the resulting motions of
1980; Onyshko and Winter, 1980; Pandy and the body segments. For instance, the mathemati-
Berme, 1988a,b; Yen and Nagurka, 1987). cal gait model developed later in this chapter will
Although these models were exemplary in light of be used as a geometric tool to define the position
available computing resources, these numbers of and velocity-dependent transformations between
DOF and muscles are inadequate to describe nor- the inputs (here, muscle activations) and the out-
mal and pathological gait in 3-D, except in highly- puts (limb trajectories) of the dynamic equations.
constrained, rather artificial situations. To mimic These equations, which govern the motion of the
the "important" movements during gait, ap- body model, can be written in simplified form as
proximately 20 DOF and many more
musculotendon groups would be desirable
(Yamaguchi, 1989).
To take but a small step toward this goal, this and can be restructured to emphasize the depend-
article will attempt to establish a framework for ence of the segment accelerations vector (9) upon
developing models with greater complexity and the mass characteristics and instantaneous con-
capability, and will address some of the tradeoffs figuration of the body (contained in M), and the
involved in the formulation of 3-D dynamic gait
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 665

segmental torques applied by the muscles (T), in- "Inverse" dynamics, as opposed to direct-
ertia (V), gravity (G), and extemal forces (E), dynamic analyses, proceed in a direction opposite
respectively to the natural flow of events. In contrast, inverse-
dynamic methods start from quantitative
(43.2) observations of a particular movement trajectory,
and use dynamic musculoskeletal models to deter-
In Eq. 43.2, M is the n x n "mass matrix" for the mine the joint moments or muscular forces that
n-DOF model, and T, V, G, and E are n x 1 vectors. must have been evitknt to create the observed mo-
As mentioned, M and G are functions of the seg- tion (see Zajac and Gordon, 1989). In inverse
ment orientations e =(al, ... ,a n ), where the element analyses, Eq. 43.1 is rewritten as
ei (i=1, .. ,n), is the angular orientation of segment i
relative to an inertial reference frame, and V is a T= (Me - V-G-E) (43.4)
function of e and the segment angular velocity
which clearly expresses the output segmental
vector 9. The equations of motion written in this torques as a function of the trajectory-dependent
way clearly show motion outputs as functions of terms grouped on the right-hand side of the equa-
muscular inputs, and are therefore compatible with tion. To obtain the set of muscular forces once the
the natural flow of neural-to-muscular-to-skeletal torques T are known, typically some form of static
events. For dynamic simulations of movement, or optimization is used to distribute the tensile forces
motion syntheses, Eq. 43.2 is integrated forward in among the redundant muscle set at each instant of
time to obtain motion trajectories in response to time.
neuromuscular inputs, Clearly, the inverse-dynamic approach applies
itself readily to clinical and experimental settings
where one must work backwards from observed
motion trajectories. Since the trajectories of only
the body segments of interest are needed, the ex-
where tl = t + M. The term "direct-dynamics" will perimenter can use inverse-dynamic analyses to
be used to describe this type of analysis. focus upon few or many segments at will.
When such studies are applied to human walk- The drawbacks to inverse-dynamic methods
ing, pure syntheses of gait can only be done have already been well-explained in the literature
without the imposition of trajectory constraints. (Hardt, 1978). In particular, muscular controls are
Pure syntheses are complex because all of the in- typically determined quasistatically, leading to
teractions between the body segments must be control solutions that are unrelated to the controls
taken into account when determining the controls. at other instants of time, and hence the muscle
Adding constraints simplifies the control problem, forces can be discontinuous in time. Also,
but often introduces undesirable approximations. kinematic measurements often cannot resolve
For example, a five-link human locomotion model subtle movements that are crucial to the overall,
by Yen and Nagurka (1987) was assumed to move whole-body gait pattern (Pandy and Berme, 1987).
at a constant forward speed. Moreover, the trunk For instance, pelvic movements that vary by no
was assumed to be rigidly fixed in a vertical orien- more than a few degrees are often neglected in
tation throughout their simulations. As a modeling studies, even though they can be impor-
consequence, some undesirable motions of the tant because large masses (e.g. the trunk) are
trunk were not modeled, even though they should displaced through these small movements, which
have been allowed to occur during realistic simula- potentially can involve significant amounts of
tions (Onyshko and Winter, 1980). Of course, mechanical work.
realism and accuracy improve as additional seg- Direct-dynamic methods do determine con-
ments are included to model the actions of both tinuous controls that can be optimized over the
legs and the trunk. Each additional segment entire time-frame of the simulation, rather than
and/or degree of freedom added, however, makes just at discrete instants of time, and can produce
the gait synthesis problem more difficult. subtleties of movement that are difficult to
measure experimentally. Moreover, dynamic
666 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

simulations have predictive value, in that the ef- Some breakdown of the trunk into segments
fects of musculoskeletal alterations (e.g. due to would also be desirable. Transverse rotations of
surgery, physical therapy, and orthotic the shoulder could be included for added realism.
interventions) potentially can be predicted before and the motions of the upper trunk could be
the actual alterations are perfonned. If a surgeon separated from the motion of the pelvis. The
wished to perfonn a tendo-achilles lengthening, analyst could then model pelvic list without com-
say, or transplant a particular ligament, the poten- promising the position of the center of mass of the
tial to predict the effects of these operations exists head. arms. and trunk (HAT). If the pelvis is in-
via direct-dynamic methods, but does not exist cluded as part of a single-segment HAT. pelvic list
with inverse-dynamic analyses. equals "HAT list", which causes the moment ex-
erted by gravity to increase in a highly unstable
43.2 3-D Musculoskeletal Model fashion (Figure 43.2). Furthermore. calculating
Formulation musculotendon forces at the hip requires accurate
43.2.1 How Many Degrees of Freedom? relative orientations of the femur and pelvis. If pel-
vic list cannot be modeled for stability reasons.
To really model gait well. many of the charac-
accuracy is compromised in the musculotendon
teristics of nonnal gait should ultimately be
force-length-velocity computations.
included in a 3-D gait model. In 1953. Saunders
et al. classified these characteristics as the well-

known "determinants" of gait: (1) pelvic rotation.

(2) pelvic tilt (list). (3) knee flexion during stance.
(4,5) knee and ankle interactions. and (6) lateral
displacement of the pelvis. The "unifying
principle" behind each of these determinants was
the concept that "fundamentally locomotion is the
translation of the center of gravity through space
along a pathway requiring the least expenditure of
energy.... " i.e. the pathway in which the center of
gravity had the least vertical fluctuation. Further.
they found that the loss of one of these deter-
minants could be compensated for by other
mechanisms. but that compensating for the loss of
Figure 43.2: TIle model used here (left) and a
two required a threefold increase in energy con-
proposed model (right) combining pelvic list, lateral
sumption [see also Chapter 44 (Winter et al.) for trunk bending, and ankle eversion, as seen from the
discussions regarding compensations in pathologi- front. Note that the addition of lateral trunk bending
cal gait]. allows pelvic list without destabilizing the system sig-
A complete lower-extremity model with the nificantly. (Reprinted with permiSSIOn from
capability of including all six determinants of gait Yamaguchi & Zajac, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. ©
would require joints possessing more than single 1990 - IEEE.)
DOF. It would be desirable. for instance. to have A better model of the HAT would include a 2
ankle joints with 3 DOF. Inversion/eversion would DOF "sacral-pelvic" joint in the lumbar region al-
allow the pelvis to move laterally (determinant #6) lowing sagittal-plane flexiOn/extension and lateral
while rotation of the foot about the tibial axis and bending in the frontal plane between the upper
subtalar joint axes would allow the ankle to have a trunk and pelvis. plus an additional degree of
full range of motion (Isman and Inman. 1969; freedom in the mid-thoracic region (near 17).
Inman et al .• 1981). Modeling the knee with more where transverse axial rotation is maximal (Inman
than 1 DOF would allow inclusion of the "screw- et al .• 1981). These 3 DOF. plus 3 at each ankle
home" motion near full extension (Hallen and and hip. and 2 at each knee. total 19 DOF. And
Lindahl. 1966). although there are indications that since at least one more is required at the foot-
it may not occur during nonnal gait (Lafortune. ground interface to allow the heel to rise. a
1984). And of course. the ball-and-socket hip desirable whole-body. 3-D gait model could easily
joint would best be modeled with 3 DOF. possess 20 DOF.
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 667

43.2.2 Practical Limitations on the Number complexity than ever before.

ofDOF The advantage of p-:rforrning the derivations
Though one could argue that simple models are step by step, as in AUTOLEV, is that one gains in-
easier to understand, and thus serve to illustrate sight into the nature of the kinematical
mechanical principles better, our current needs for relationships inherent in the problem. This is
accurately predicting the effects of musculoskele- much better than a "black box" approach to obtain-
tal alterations requires a higher level of ing the equations of motion (as in SYMBA), where
sophistication. Most dynamic musculoskeletal the output must often be accepted on faith. The
models described in the literature possess rela- more one understands the problem, the easier it be-
tively few degrees of freedom (except for free-fall comes to analyze and interpret the results, not an
situations; see Dapena, 1981; Hatze, 1981; Ramey easy task given the degree to which biomechanical
and Yang, 1981). Even the complex long-jump segments are coupled together. Blind use of com-
model of Hatze (1981), which had many seg- puter programs that generate complex dynamical
ments, was presented in planar form, which equations from input specifications can easily ex-
simplified the analysis considerably. One might tend oneself far beyond one's level of
ask why there are no complex, 3-D gait models at understanding, and can potentially lead to faulty
the present time? What imposes limitations on the analyses.
degree of modeling complexity? Since obtaining the equations of motion for
Until recently, probably the greatest roadblock reasonable biomechanical models is no longer an
to the creation of more complex gait models was issue, the main source of difficulty is that of deter-
the difficulty of deriving the dynamic equations of mining the controls needed to perform a
motion. Certainly Lagrange's classical method coordinated task. Joint torque histories usually
was simple enough in theory to understand, but form the controls on a superficial level. In mus-
very difficult and tedious to apply. The benefits of culoskeletal models, these torques are really the
having the dynamic equations in algebraic form at summation of moments applied by the mus-
the price of squaring and differentiating inter- culotendon actuators and other forces acting on
minably long lists of trigonometric terms by hand the system (e.g., joint reaction, inertial, etc.).
could not usually be justified. Kane's vector- Therefore, the muscle activations, musculotendon
based method of analytically deriving the lengths, contraction velocities, and moment arms
equations simplified this undesirable task im- about spanned joints all contribute to the difficulty
mensely, but typical analyses could still take of controlling a specified movement. And since
months to perform (Kane and Levinson, 1985). muscles can only exert forces in tension, at least n
Numerical methods of simulating the dynamic mo- + 1 muscle-tendon actuators are needed to control
tions, such as the iterative Newton-Euler method an n-DOF model (Nazarczuk, 1970). To add to the
(Pandy and Benne, 1988b), were an alternative, difficulty, "extra" or potentially redundant muscles
but are computationally slow (however, see also are evident, some spanning multiple joints. One
Walker et al., 1981) and could not easily handle can see how much more difficult it is to control
branches in the linked-segment models. paralyzed extremities than a robot manipulator
Relief to the tedium of deriving the dynamic with well-characterized torque motors at each
equations by hand is now provided by computer joint! Practical limits to the numbers of DOF in-
programs proficient in algebraic manipulations. corporated in a musculoskeletal model are dictated
Combined with Kane's method, the latest of these somewhat by the difficulty of determining ap-
programs can capably calculate off-line the entire propriate control information.
set of equations in algebraic form for open-chain For example, linearization of the dynamic equa-
linked-segment models (SYMBA, by Nielan, 1986), tions about an operating point or well-defined
or even perform Kane's step-by-step method on- trajectory is often done to apply classic optimal
line requmng only a personal computer control methods [e.g. Chapter 10 (Loeb and
(AUTOLEV, by Schaechter and Levinson, 1987). It Levine)]. In order for the control to converge to
is believed that programs such as these will enable an optimum, it is crucial that the linearized equa-
researchers to perform dynamical simulations tions closely approximate the actual equations,
using musculoskeletal models of much greater and that the initial guess for the controls be close
to ideal. The dynamics of intersegmental mus-
668 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

culoskeletal motions are highly nonlinear and Items #1 to #3 are important characteristics of
strongly coupled, making success unlikely. As the gait without which normal walking would be im-
number of degrees of freedom gets large, the possible. If the legs could not move, the trunk
process of detennining appropriate controls be- would either stand still in the upright position or
comes very complex, and consequently, very time- fall over. The degree of freedom about the
consuming. In many cases it becomes doubtful metatarsal joints of the stance foot (#4) is impor-
that convergence can be obtained in a reasonable tant to allow the heel to rise, which includes the
amount of time (see Section 43.3). major power input to the gait cycle at push-off and
A means of systematically reducing the number is an important mechanism that enables the former
of DOF to more manageable levels will now be ex- stance hip and knee joints to flex during double-
plained. support without lowering the hip. Hip
abduction/adduction (#5) is deemed to be impor-
43.2.3 Prioritizing the Modeled Degrees
tant for stability in the frontal plane, and to allow a
of Freedom measure of pelvic list to occur.
In this section, a hierarchy of the degrees of Ankle inversion/eversion (#6) is considered to
freedom, in order of their importance, is proposed be an energy-conserving measure, which in con-
for models of the normal gait cycle. First, junction with pelvic list allows the position of the
however, a basis for prioritizing the degrees of body's center of mass to swing transversely over
freedom is given. the stance foot. Item #7, transverse pelvic rota-
I. Support - trunk mass must be supported tion, allows the step length to be increased, which
reliably is another method by which energy is conserved
(Inman et al., 1981).
II. Functionality - the forward progression of The inclusion of a 2 DOF sacral-pelvic joint
the body's center of mass must be main-
(items #8 and #9) separates the motions of the up-
per and lower trunk. In particular, lateral bending
Ill. Efficiency - save energy of the trunk would allow the pelvis to list without
severely increasing the frontal-plane gravitational
IV. Aesthetics - gait should look as natural as
moment of the trunk about the supporting hip
(Figure 43.2). Thus, vertical fluctuations of the
body's center of mass and the stresses on the
By the above basis, the following motions are
lateral hip muscles (abductors) could be mini-
deemed to be important in any model of normal
mized simultaneously.
Remaining items add realism and contribute
1. hip flexion/extension, stance and swing legs somewhat to energy savings during normal gait.
2. knee flexion/extension, stance and swing legs Adding swing-side hip abduction/adduction (#10)
would allow the swing leg to extend in the direc-
3. ankle dorsi/plantarfiexion, stance and swing tion of forward progression even if the pelvis were
legs rotating transversely. The addition of this DOF
4. foot rotation about the metatarsals, stance leg would also decouple lateral leg motions from
lateral motions of the trunk. Hip rotation (#11) on
5. hip abduction/adduction, stance leg the swing side would allow the toes to be oriented
6. ankle inversion/eversion, stance leg correctly if the pelvis rotated transversely (#7).
Axial trunk rotation (#12) would allow the effects
7. hip rotation about the axis of the stance-leg
of arm swing to be included.
8. sacral-pelvic lateral bending (frontal plane) 43.3 Determining Musculotendon Controls
in Dynamic Simulations
9. sacral-pelvic flexion/extension (sagittal plane)
One of the classic problems in biomechanics is
10. hip abduction/adduction, swing leg that of determining the forces or activation levels
11. hip rotation about swing leg femoral axis needed in each of the body's musculotendon ac-
tuators to create smooth, coordinated movements.
12. axial trunk rotation In this section, muscle activation levels are con-
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 669

sidered to be the controls, while the phrase opturuzation techniques because it requires no
"coordinated movements" refers to simul- prior knowledge of the solution, and is easy to un-
taneously moving the joints through their derstand and apply to the biomechanical force
movement trajectories. Thus, controlling coor- distribution problem (Seireg and Arvikar, 1973,
dinated movements is distinctly different from, 1975; Chao and An, 1978; Crowninshield, 1978;
and much more difficult than, sequentially moving Crowninshield et al., 1978; Hardt, 1978; Pedotti et
multiple joints from their initial to final configura- al., 1978). As long as an optimization problem
tions as is commonly done with upper-extremity may be mathematically formulated with linear ex-
prostheses (Moreeki, 1980). Furthermore, since pressions for the cost and constraints, linear
the muscle set is redundant (there are many more programming can be used.
muscles than joints), and they can only exert ten- Studies, however, suggest that the physiologi-
sile forces, the problem becomes one of most cal costs associated with muscular exertions are in
efficiently distributing the forces among the fact non-linear, as suggested by the inverse non-
muscle set in order to generate the joint moments linear relationship between muscle stress and
required to produce a desired movement. endurance (Crowninshield and Brand, 1981).
In the literature, most approaches to solving the Therefore, a linear cost function (as required by
problem of force distribution can be grouped into linear programming) would only be able to ap-
methods that either reduce the degree of muscle proximate the physiological cost, at best. Many of
redundancy in the model, mathematically optimize the constraints, especially if they contain geometri-
the solution according to some criterion, or com- cal or empirical relationships, also may not be
bine the two approaches. In the first method, readily cast into linear forms. Of course, non-
constraints are introduced until the number of de- linear expressions can be linearized about a
grees of freedom just equals the number of nominal operating point or trajectory, but such ap-
controls, so that a determinate problem can be for- proximations will be valid only if the deviations
mulated. Since expressing such constraints often are small.
cannot be done without adding unphysiological ar- Linear programming imposes still other poten-
tifacts to the analysis, optimization (the second tially undesirable limitations for use in solving
method) is generally the favored, and most adapt- movement and coordination problems. Since it is
able approach. a quasi static method, it optimizes the controls only
Optimization methods search for allowable at specific, unrelated instants of time. As a result,
combinations of the controls to find the "best" one the muscle force solutions may not be optimal
according to some predetermined criterion. The over the entire movement, and may be unrealistic
presumption is that a mathematical expression as well (Hardt, 1978). More seriously, the linear
called the cost or criterion function may be formu- programming method mathematically limits the
lated to measure how good, say, the resulting number of muscles active at any given time to a
movement of a biomechanical model would be in number equal to the number of constraints. Thus
response to a particular control strategy. Typical linear programming would be hard-pressed to
cost functions for dynamic simulations penalize predict, for example, muscle synergies requiring
deviations from desired movement trajectories the simultaneous control of many coactivated
and/or excessive use of control efforts [see also muscles.
Chapter 8 (Zajac and Winters)]. The main dif- Ultimately, dynamic optimization methods
ficulty with expressing the cost mathematically is based on the calculus of variations should be used
in formulating physiologically justifiable expres- to solve the problem of finely controlling mus-
sions that reflect energy expenditure, metabolic culotendon forces to achieve normal gait. A
costs, muscle exertion, and fatigue. It is plausible, physiologically based, time-integral cost function
though, that the body naturally "optimizes" the would have to be formulated, perhaps balancing
energetics of movement control in a manner energy expenditure with deviations from desired
similar to mathematical optimization. segment trajectories. If classical methods were
Human walking has been the subject of many employed, the dynamic system equations would
such optimization studies. A commonly-used ap- require linearization about the desired trajectory [a
proach is linear programming, for example. difficult and tedious task; see also Chapter 10
Linear programming is one of the more popular
670 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

(Loeb and Levine)], in order to predict the 43.4 Example: The Use of Dynamic
changes in cost due to infinitesimal changes in the Programming to Control to Crudely
controls. Gradient, or similar methods of effi-
Controlled Musculotendon Actuators
ciently searching the solution space for optimal
solutions would probably be employed to deter- in an 8-DOF Gait Model
mine the best patterns of control throughout the Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) is
gait cycle. a technique whereby electrical currents are artifi-
Unfortunately, these dynamic optimal control cially applied to nerve and muscle tissues in order
algorithms are difficult to apply to complex sys- to elicit muscular contractions. In this example,
tems. Unless one has prior knowledge of the the feasibility of utilizing FNS to enable
character or form of the optimal control solution, paraplegics to walk with normal appearance and
or at least a good initial guess for it, the likelihood speed was evaluated through the use of dynamic, 3-
of obtaining meaningful results is very small. D movement simulations. What is illustrated here
This is because the numerical gradient methods by this example are the interrelationships between
usually employed have difficulty converging to a model complexity, control determination, and
minimum-cost solution unless they begin search- hardware limitations. It is emphasized that this
ing in the vicinity of the desired solution. Even if section, then, will focus upon these interrelation-
a solution is found, one cannot be sure without ad- ships, and not upon the results of the study itself
ditional tests that the global, rather than a local, which have been adequately presented elsewher;
optimum has been reached. Additional difficulties (Yamaguchi, 1989; Yamaguchi and Zajac, 1989b,
arise because muscles, and particularly muscles 1990).
with pathologic conditions, are limited in their In studying the use of FNS to restore normal
ability to exert force. Thus the controls are gait to paraplegics, optimization was useful in or-
bounded by nature, which undesirably applies der to determine: a) appropriate muscle sets, and
restrictions to variational methods. Together with b) their approximate patterns of stimulation to best
the other factors just mentioned, it is unlikely that utilize the limited capabilities of electrically-
good solutions can be found for movements utiliz- stimulated muscles. More specifically, the goal of
ing complex models without preliminary study. the study was to examine whether minimal sets of
Though quite powerful dynamic optimization muscles could be used in order to generate ap-
routines have been developed that are suitable for proximately normal gait trajectories without
controlling biomechanical motions (for example, requiring either high levels of force or unduly
see Mayne and Polak, 1975), one might not need precise control of muscle activation.
to determine optimal solutions as much as solu- As this was a preliminary study, the question
tions that are worlalble. This depends to a large investigated here focused primarily upon
degree upon how the model is to be used. If one feasibility, rather than on optimality of the control-
wishes to discover the way in which the s. Dynamic programming was therefore suitable
neuromuscular system naturally operates, mathe- as a means of obtaining preliminary (e.g.
matical optimization is an appropriate tool through worlalble) results. It was anticipated that this
which various cost function formulations may be work would lay the necessary foundation for fur-
tested. If, on the other hand, one uses the model to ther, more refined work.
design or predict a sequence of control signals that 43.4.1 Dynamic Programming
will enable a disabled individual to perform a Dynamic programming was attractive as an al-
specific movement, a workable solution may be all ternative to linear programming and variational
that is needed. methods for this preliminary work, in which the
In the next section, dynamic programming is in- feasibility of restoring natural gait to paraplegics
troduced as a potential means of obtaining using FNS was studied. Compared to linear
workable, dynamic controls without requiring programming, dynamic programming does not re-
prior knowledge of the solution. quire the criterion (cost) function or the
constraints to be linear. Neither does it limit the
optimization to quasistatic analyses, nor impose
mathematical constraints on the number of active
muscles as linear programming does. Many of the
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 671

drawbacks of variational methods are avoided as state vector X is considered for control purposes to
well. For instance, without prior knowledge of the be discretely variable in steps rather than in-
character of the control solution, obtaining mean- finitesimally variable over its range Ri (Figure
ingful results with variational optimal control 43.3); Xi is thus described by N discrete levels
methods was deemed to be a dubious proposition. rather than by an infinity of possible values.
Also, boundedness in the controls helps rather Because all the elements are similarly discretized,
than hinders the process of numerical solution. the controls are determined only for a finite num-
Linearization of the dynamic equations of motion ber of discrete state combinations, or admissible
is not required, and a good initial guess of the states. Considering that both the numbers of ad-
solution is not needed, at least in principle. Above missible controls and admissible states are finite
all, the optimal solution found by dynamic suggests that the optimal controls might be found
programming is guaranteed to be a good, global simply by trying each combination of the controls
solution, though approximate. at each of the admissible states. Dynamic
A feature of dynamic programming is that the programming is simply an efficient method of
dynamic equations of motion are used exactly doing just that.
(i.e., without approximation) to compute and For use in this study, dynamic programming
evaluate the movement trajectories resulting from has only one serious drawback, which has thus far
particular patterns of control. Yet in searching for prevented its widespread use. Normally, only
optimal control patterns, the control levels are con- very simple problems with relatively few variables
sidered to be available only in M discrete levels, or degrees of freedom can be solved due to the ex-
rather than being infinitesimally variable. This is treme requirements placed upon computational
disadvantageous for some applications, since resources. For example, computation time in-
dynamic programming produces only approximate creases exponentially with the degree of problem
optimal control patterns. For exploring neuromus- complexity. Given a system with n degrees of
cular control issues in FNS, this drawback is not freedom (2n state elements) and m control vari-
expected to be detrimental, as the activation levels ables (muscle activations), and integers K, M, and
of the muscles themselves are unlikely to be con- N (all greater than 1), it would take
trolled with great precision.
Tcpu= KxN2n x M"' x Mcpusec (43.5)
This expression for computation time reflects
the process undertaken by dynamic programming,

,__..._--_._ _.
.... _._.........
_ . _ ..... _ _ • •
-:-_4__ "":"'" ......... __
_.h_.__........_... ....
. ..
i "

whereby every allowable combination (taking Mcpu
seconds each) of the controls is tried and evaluated
~ . --:--~~"':'.-- ... -.. at every allowable state, for K "stages" (intervals
-H- of time within which the controls remain
lit constant). Even if N and M were as small as prac-
continuous dis<:rlJle tical (N =M = 2) for the 8 DOF model used here (n
= 8), a theoretical minimum of m = n + 1 muscles
Figure 43.3: Discretization of a continuous state vari- (Nazarczuk, 1970), and a typical minicomputer
able, x, and time. were used (Mcpu = 5 msec) , it would take ap-
proximately 513 hours of CPU time to analyze K =
The optimal controls, too, are not computed 11 such time-steps! Even if a computer could be
using the infinite array of possible configurations monopolized for that long, the elapsed time re-
the model can attain. Rather, for purposes of com- quired would stretch beyond the reasonable cycle
puting the controls, the system configuration is or "up" times attained by current computers.
itself approximated. The variables describing the Memory and storage requirements, too, would be
state of the system, which are the angular orienta- severe for complex problems. Bellman (1957)
tions and velocities of the body segments, are each coined this as the "curse of dimensionality." Yet
discretized in a manner similar to discretizing the by simplifying the model used to the utmost, and
controls. In other words, the element Xi of the through efficient use of computer time and
672 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

storage, biomechanical problems may be fonnu- the fmal time, the optimal controls for only the
lated, made tractable, and solved through the current stage are applied. As each successive
dynamic programming method. stage is reached, the state is re-evaluated to deter-
A basic difference between dynamic program- mine the control settings over the next stage.
ming and optimal control methods based on the Therefore, the controls are updated in response to
calculus of variations should now be stated. In the the state as each discrete interval of time is
variational approach, the system is linearized reached in any simulation or real-time application
about an operating point (or trajectory) so that the using a dynamic programming control law.
effects of infinitesimal adjustments in the controls The reader is referred to Kirk (1970) and
may be evaluated. In effect, the system is first ap- Larson and Casti (1978) for more complete
proximated by one that is mathematically simpler descriptions of the dynamic programming method.
to analyze, which is then used to finely tune the As applied to the control of musculoskeletal move-
controls until the optimum is found. In dynamic ments, the reader is referred to Yamaguchi (1989).
programming, the system equations themselves

are used exactly, but the states and controls are
represented by discrete approximations. Since the
numbers of discrete, admissible states and controls
is finite, approximations to the optimal controls
(determined from the set of admissible controls)
can be found at every admissible state.
Once the approximate optimal controls are
found for each of the admissible states, they are
stored in computer memory for later usage. If ap-
plied in a movement simulation or in an actual
control application, they can be used as a control
law, whereby given any system configuration (e.g.
state), the appropriate control over the next stage
is known and can be retrieved from memory and
applied. This phase is here referred to as the for-
ward simulation phase, as it takes place in the
forward-time direction (from the initial to the final
time). In contrast, the optimal controls are deter-
mined by proceeding backward in time from the
final time to the initial time.
Before going on, a subtle point should be em- Figure 43.4: The 8 DOF model used in the example
phasized concerning the dynamic nature of the of Section 43.4. (Reprinted with permission from
controls obtained. Though the period from the Yamaguchi & Zajac, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. ©
initial to the final time has been divided into a 1990 - IEEE.)
series of discrete intervals of time (stages), the 43.4.2 Results
dynamic programming procedure optimizes the The dynamic programming controls were dis-
controls dynamically over many time intervals. cretized in levels of 10% activation, which is
That is to say, the optimal controls are detennined commensurate with the coarse nature of muscle-
from each admissible state of every stage to the fiber recruitment in typical FNS applications.
desired end state (not to an intennediate state). Subject to the computational hardware limitations
When applied later during the forward simulation of a 1 MIP VAX I1n80 computer, only 8 DOF
phase, the controls are periodically retrieved from and 10 muscles were allowable even with suitable
storage and applied so as to guide the system state simplifications. Degrees of freedom were as-
along an optimal pathway directed toward the signed according the hierarchy listed in Section
final state. And, though the controls have been 42.2.3, resulting in the 8 DOF, single-step model
determined to optimize the total remaining path- shown in Figure 43.4.
way (over many stages) from the current time to
43. Yamaguchi; Performing Dynamic Gait Simulations 673

Highly damped, stiff linear springs were as- adjusted before the 8-DOF model was able to even
sumed to exert forces preventing the heel of the marginally follow the nominal trajectory under the
right leg, and the heel and forefoot of the left leg, derived control law. Even if one critical
from falling through the assumed ground-plane. parameter was sufficiently off, the simulated
The use of such "soft constraints" (Hemami et al., walker would trip or begin falling catastrophically
1975) enabled the model to be used for the single- before one step had been accomplished (Figure
leg support and double-leg support phases of the 43.5)! This is likely due to the coarse nature of the
step, as well as the transition in between. control for such an unstable, dynamically coupled,
Assuming symmetry between left and right steps multilink inverted pendulum. Fortunately, the
allowed the time interval of the analysis to be cut analysis was able to utilize the published EMG
in half. Damping and passive constraints at the record for guidance as to the selection of ap-
joints were defined using the method of Audu and propriate sets of muscles to try. Also, because of
Davy (1985), though parameter values were al- the stage-wise nature of the dynamic programming
tered to more accurately fit the 8-DOF model. method, problems specific to the early-, mid-, late-
Cost functions in this study were weighted stance, and double-leg support phases could be
sums of squared deviations from a nominal state worked out separately.
trajectory (Winter, 1987; Inman et aI., 1981) and a
weighted sum of cubed muscle stresses, which has
been shown to physiologically relate to muscle
fatigue (Crowninshield and Brand, 1981).

Figure 43.6: Muscles actually used to maintain the

steady-state stepping motion. (Reprinted with pennis-
sion from Yamaguchi & Zajac, IEEE Trans. Biomed.
Figure 43.5: Stick-figure sequences of selected runs, Eng. 37. © 1990 - IEEE.) .
showing (from top) stance leg instability, excessive
swing-leg dorsiflexion leading to premature heel con- The most difficult and critical aspects of the
tact, too lengthy a step, and a near-nonnal step. gait simulations proved to be obtaining: (i)
(Reprinted with pennission from Yamaguchi & Zajac, stability of the knee and ankle during early to mid
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. © 1990 - IEEE.) single-leg support; (ii) lateral stability of the hip;
(iii) clearance of the toe and heel during swing;
When implemented, typical runs took 14 hours and (iv) appropriate step length and duration. A
of CPU time to both determine the controls and set of ten musculotendon actuators was deter-
perform the dynamic simulations. Many months mined to meet goals (i) to (iv), as shown in Figure
of effort (several hundred control determinations 43.6, to achieve a single step (14% to 62% of the
and dynamic simulations) were expended before gait cycle; Figure 43.7) under steady-state condi-
meaningful results were obtained. The difficulty tions. These were found to be adequate when
arose because a successful run required most of coarsely-controlled except at the ankle, where
the unknown parameters to be simultaneously well- plantarfiexion strength was inadequate at push-off.
674 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Dorsiflexion was also difficult to control when the

foot was unloaded, necessitating the imposition of
an ankle-foot orthosis (Figure 43.8).
The gait simulations were perfonned in two
phases. In Phase I, dynamic programming was
used to determine stepwise muscle activation pat-
terns. Therefore the dynamics of muscle
activation was neglected in this, more difficult,
multiple-inputlmultiple-output (MIMO) portion of
the study. Once these activation patterns were
known, Phase 1/ simulations were performed in-
cluding the dynamics of muscle activation and
musculotendon contraction, to confirm the Figure 43.8: The ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), shown on
dynamic programming results. These simulations the swing leg. Without resistance, even slight dor-
were performed using trial-and-error to smooth the siflexor activity caused the unloaded foot to dorsiflex
muscle activations and to more finely tune the excessively, resulting in abrupt, premature heel-strike
simulated gait (e.g. without dynamic during mid-swing (left drawing, 38% of the gait cycle).
The AFO acts only when dorsiflexion exceeds 5° (right
programming). This latter phase reduced to a
series of simpler, single-inputlsingle-output (SISO)
problems, since muscle activations are not coupled In summary, dynamic programming was used
and can therefore be determined on a muscle-by- to determine workable, discretized controls
muscle basis. (Figure 43.9) for a complex, whole-body simula-
tion using simplified musculature. Given these, a
more complete musculotendon model was incor-
porated to more accurately model the gait

---- -.....
simulations (Figure 43.10). Though the controls
developed in this way were not optimal, it must be
=:.. ..

::: ... emphasized that at the least, workable results were

obtained with a complex, highly unstable,
dynamic musculoskeletal gait model.

43.5 Discussion
The example of the preceding section illustrates
a process whereby workable controls were

.. ----
, - - - - ....
developed, via dynamic programming, for a mus-
culoskeletal gait model. Practically speaking,
dynamic programming will probably never be
used to control normal walking movements with
many DOF unless ultra-fast, portable controllers
can be made. Computer memory chips with
retrieval speeds and capacities many orders of
magnitude beyond the current state of the art
would need to be developed to overcome
Bellman's "curse of dimensionality" (Bellman,
1957; see Eq. 35.5).
Figure 43.7: The portion of the complete (0-100%) Certainly the method does lend itself to control
gait cycle studied here begins just after left-toe-off (at problems having a limited number of bounded
14%), and ends just before right-toe-off (62%). The controls, highly coupled and nonlinear equations
right leg is considered to be the stance leg during of motion, admissible states that are easily defined
single-leg support. (Reprinted with permission from about a nominal set of segment trajectories, and a
Yamaguchi & Zajac, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. ©
1990 - IEEE.)
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 675


gluteua ",.dlua
endmlnlmua !

'~b ' I, 1, q

hem.lring. '- )


'-b ,'
don/flexors _
• ! c:.
.. 'j
!L _ _ _.

Figure 43.9: Muscle activations (shaded regions) over

an entire stride. optimized with the dynamic program-
ming method. Swing-side (left leg) muscle activations
are used to extend the results from a single step to
(}-'12% and 64-100% of the gait cycle.

requirement for dynamic, rather than static, What, then. constitutes sufficient accuracy in
analyses. In particular. dynamic programming is the controls for dynamic simulations of gait? It
attractive if the dynamic equations are difficult to was surprising to the author that a set of muscle
linearize about the desired operating point or activations (in the "closed-loop" control process of
nominal trajectory. In such cases, much can be Phase I) that were crudely modulated by levels of
learned about the character of the control solutions 10% and updated rather infrequently (at 4% gait
using dynamic programming before steps are cycle intervals, or 0.047 sec) were actually suffi-
taken to linearize the dynamic equations. One can cient to generate near-normal gait patterns. The
then use the approximate optimal control solutions inherent instability of the model was obviously
as a good initial guess in more accurate optimiza- demonstrated by the sensitivity of ambulation to
tion methods. For control problems involving changes in the control parameters and cost-
relatively few degrees of freedom, the ap- function weighting coefficients (Yamaguchi and
proximate controls delivered via dynamic Zajac, 1989b), which suggested a need for more
programming might themselves be of sufficient finely adjusted muscular controls. When the com-
accuracy. plete muscle-tendon models were implemented,
676 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

gllJlaUI mad;u •
_- ...
• ndminimus
,+---,.J : < , II -<

r~ J I
• r===;-r'1

' .... 1
~ ~ , ,~

,. ,
! ;

L ;

Figure 43.10: Muscle activations (shaded regions)

compared with reported EMG activity (black bars;
Shiavi, 1985). Swing-side activations are used to ex-
tend the simulated results to 0-12% and 64-100% of
the gait cycle. (Reprinted with pennission from
Yamaguchi & Zajac, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37. ©
1990 - IEEE.)
but controlled "open-loop" in Phase II, the mus- of the musculotendon actuators. If the muscles are
cular activations changed from stepped to (i) appropriately sized and placed to control the in-
continuously varying functions. Except for the ertial body segments, and (ii) self-regulating in
time delay between the imposition of the "neural" terms of output force, then approximate controls
controls and the buildup of muscle activation, no may be sufficient. That is, if the musculotendon
significant differences occurred between the actuators deliver "appropriate" forces to the skele-
simulations of Phases I and II. tal system no matter what the control inputs are,
Pandy and Berme (1987), too, reported surprise then proper accelerations/decelerations of the iner-
in that stable locomotion could be synthesized in a tial segments of the lower extremity can occur in
highly-coupled gait model, using open-loop con- spite of the control inadequacies.
trol. Moreover, Pandy and Berme (1987) found The author believes that the force-Iength-
simple, as opposed to complex, control functions velocity properties of muscle provide such self-
to be sufficient. Why such a dynamically-unstable regulatory capabilities. For example, because a
system can be controlled (at least in gait flexor musculotendon compartment is stretched
simulations) without requiring sophisticated con- when the joint is extended, large accelerating
trols is open to speculation. forces can be developed through both active and
One reason why some control inaccuracy can passive means to initiate joint closure. On the
be tolerated may rest with the inherent properties other hand, it is less highly accelerated into further
43. Yamaguchi; Perfonning Dynamic Gait Simulations 677

closure if the joint is already flexed significantly. To move toward this goal, future efforts should
Damping in the muscles, too, allows the muscles focus upon the development of human locomotion
to regulate tension by exerting maximal forces to models that: i) are more complex, by introducing
change the accelerations of the segments, and often-neglected but important DOF; ii) allow mo-
decreases these forces automatically once the seg- tions to occur in 3-D rather than restricting them to
ment begins to move (Yamaguchi, 1989). a plane; and iii) more precisely represent the
Furthermore, tendon elasticity increases the ef- mechanical properties of muscles, tendons, liga-
ficiency of the musculotendons during certain ments, and joints. Improved methods of
movements such as gait If an active musculoten- determining optimal/workable "neuromuscular"
don is stretched, and then is allowed to shorten, controls, and relating patient-specific parameters,
energy can be stored in the elastic tendon much capabilities, and disabilities to the gait model,
like energy storage in a spring. Such a "stretch- should be developed.
shorten cycle" allows the energy stored to be later New methods of coagulating, analyzing, and
released almost without loss since tendon is nearly displaying the mountain of information that will
elastic (Elftman, 1939; see also Chapters 5, be obtained with complex musculoskeletal models
35-40). will also need to be developed. The massive array
In summary, the author believes that gait of information is likely to be unintelligible and of
simulations car. be performed without sophisti- little use to anyone but the research engineer, and
cated control because musculotendon actuators are thus significant efforts should be expended to
made to be efficient, self-regulating accelerators present the simulation data in formats that are as
of the body segments. This conceptually opposes natural to interpret as possible.
the view that muscles are simple generators of Perhaps each of these goals will, in time, be
joint torque. A further point to be made is that achieved. And as computers continue to become
determining optimal controls, at least in simula- faster and less expensive, perhaps biomechanical
tion studies, is not always worth the effort gait simulation will become a practical tool for the
Depending upon the goals of the particular treatment of gait disorders in the not-too-distant
analyses, workable controls may be all that are future.
necessary to achieve desired function.
43.6 Future Directions Audu, M.L., and Davy, D.T. (1985) The influence of
Existing computer models of human locomo- muscle model complexity in musculoskeletal mo-
tion modeling. J. Biomech. Engrg., 107: 147-157.
tion are constrained by: i) computational resource
Bellman, R.E. (1957) Dynamic Programming.
limitations; ii) difficulties in controlling the move- Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
ments of the interconnected body segments; and Brand, R.A., Crowninshield, R.D., Wittstock, C.E.,
iii) interpretion of the complex array of results. Pedersen, D.R., Oark, C.R., and Van Krieken, P.M.
Hence, existing models of human locomotion are (1982) A model of lower extremity muscular
overly simple, and cannot adequately predict or anatomy. J. Biomech. Engrg., 104: 304-310.
explain the causal relationships of musculotendon Chao, E.Y., and An, K.N. (1978) Graphical interpreta-
contraction and human locomotor behavior. tion of the solution to the redundant problem in
What is desired are gait simulation biomechanics. J. Biomech. Engrg., 100: 159-167.
models/procedures that have clinical relevance, Crowninshield, R.D., Pope, M.H., and Johnson, R.J.
and that can be applied to predict the effects of (1976) An analytical model of the knee. J.
Biomechanics, 9: 397-405.
treatment procedures on pathological gait.
Crowninshield, R.D. (1978) Use of optimization tech-
Physicians would then be able to "optimize" the
niques to predict muscle forces. J. Biomech.
treatment of gait disorders prior to surgical, or- Engrg., 100: 88-92.
thotic, and prosthetic interventions. Predictive Crowninshield, R.D., and Brand, R.A. (1981) A
usage of gait simulation models in this manner physiologically based criterion of muscle force
would be a step beyond the current, diagnostic prediction in locomotion. J. Biomechanics, 14: 793-
usage of inverse-dynamic gait analyses 801.
(Sutherland, 1984; Gage et al., 1984; Gronley and Crowninshield, R.D., Johnston, R.C., Andrews, J.G .•
Perry, 1984; Naumann et al., 1984; Simon et al., and Brand, R.A. (1978) A biomechanical investiga-
678 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

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Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait

David A. Winter, Sandra J. Olney, Jill Conrad

Scott C. White, Sylvia Ounpuu and James R. Gage


44.1 Introduction t\uoR fl'fJSCLES fibENTS OF FORCE

Human walking is a complex motor control

task requiring the integration of central and ILI09S0AS
peripheral control of scores of muscles acting on a SEMITENDINOSUS

skeletal system with many degrees of freedom. SEMI ....RMOSUS

Associated with the goal of forward progression is BICEPS F£MOIIIIS

the overriding need for a safe transit: balance con- RECTUS fEMORIS
trol to prevent falling over, a support control to VASTUS "DIALI'
prevent collapse against gravity, and a fine motor VASTUS INTERMEDIUS

control of the foot during swing to ensure a safe IiASTROCHEMI US

toe clearance and a gentle heel contact. SoLEUS

When a pathology occurs, the CNS control is of- PERONEI

ten drastically disrupted (stroke, cerebral palsy) or TIBIALIS MTERIOR

the musculoskeletal system is dramatically altered Figure 44.1: illustrative example to demonstrate the
(amputation, joint surgery). With such chronic or three moments of force and major muscles that control
traumatic alterations to the system it is important the knee joint during stance. Redundancy of the sys-
that the CNS have the capability of adapting to tem at the muscle level predicts considerable
compensate for the loss of function. Most gait as- variability and adaptability at the motor level.
sessments have focused solely on the pathology
with little regard for how the rest of the system
44.2 Inherent Redundancy and Variability
was responding. Amputee gait assessments, for ex-
ample, have zeroed in on the prosthesis, its of Motor System
alignment, and the forces the stump/socket inter- Anyone who has taken a course in gross
face. Almost totally neglected have been the anatomy is faced with the task of learning the
drastically altered motor patterns of the residual names of scores of muscles, many of which appear
muscle groups, on either the prosthetic or non- to have the same function. Considerable comment
prosthetic side. The same is true for hemiplegic is made about the apparent excess redundancy of
gait, and for joint surgery such as knee the system. Such redundancy even extends
arthroplasty. The purpose of this chapter is to beyond the muscles crossing a given joint; in
focus on the total motor system by first document- many situations the motor patterns at one joint can
ing the kinematic and kinetic changes at the site control the movement at one or two joints away.
of the pathology and also the compensations by Figure 44.1 is presented to illustrate the motor pat-
the residual intact system. terns of the stance limb that can control the knee

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds), © 1990Springer-Vedag, New York
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 681

angle. It should be noted that the knee angle is un- protocol described by Winter et al. (1974). Using
der the control of moments of force at the hip and an inverse link segment model (Bresler and
ankle as well as the knee. A stronger than normal Frankel, 1950), the moments of force at the ankle,
ankle plantar-flexor moment early in stance will knee, and hip on the surgical side were calculated.
slow down or even reverse the forward rotation of Normalization of these moment profiles by divid-
the leg and thereby reduce the amount of knee ing the body mass permitted a comparison of these
flexion. In fact, in many cases of calf muscle motor patterns with a data base of nortnals
spasticity the result is often a hyper-extended knee (Winter, 1987).
joint in mid-stance. Similarly, hyperactive hip ex-
tensor activity can cause a backward rotation of NO E T OF FORCE (WPS4C vs NORMALS)
the thigh, thereby reducing the knee angle; above- IIlT .OID.
knee amputees use their hip extensors on every
stride to lock their knee joints. Thus there are an
infmite number of combinations of moments at the
three joints that can result in the same knee angle
history. Thus we should anticipate highly variable
moment patterns during stance and this has been ~"'0I~
""""""'" _ - - - , HIP
···· '" ........ ~ ....a
documented (Winter, 1984). Furthermore, at the c . . . . .:.:.;;'
individual muscle level we see 15 of the more im- -1
portant muscles responsible for these three
moments, and it is evident that even more .. I~ ............ 10([

variability manifests itself in the linear envelope ~ o~····· ....··········"";:., GiiI#

EMG profiles which has been reported for intra- ."" ....~.~
_I . .......... --dlRS("'I')
and inter-subject averages (Winter and Yack, ··········· 514.D...
1987). Thus the inherent characteristic of the
- - 1fS4C -
K 10([
human motor system would predict tremendous IIITIIKfI..Rm
variability, which, in turn, reflects the system t
redundancy and a great potential for adaptability. J IMQl T()ooiOl
1: I.
44.3 Results and Discussion 0 0 0 0 0 0

A wide spectrum of case studies are now

N • III ID 0
presented which will demonstrate the adaptability
of the eNS to compensate for the loss of function. Figure 44.2: Moment-of-force profiles for a knee
It is extremely important that atypical patterns arthroplasty patient (dashed line) compared with en-
which are adaptions be identified as such, because semble average of normals (solid line ± I s.d. dotted
it is important to treat the primary problem rather line).
than secondary adaptions. The examples are
drawn from four gait laboratories in Canada and Figure 44.2 presents the comparative results of
the United States and include: knee arthroplasty, those moment curves. All extensor moments are
above-knee amputee, candidates for unilateral to- shown as positive, and the support moment, M s '
tal hip replacement (degenerative joint disease), was calculated (Winter, 1980). Ms reflected the al-
hemiplegia, and cerebral palsy. gebraic sum of all three joint moments and
represents the total extensor or flexor pattern of
44.3.1 Case Study #1 - Knee Arthroplasty the lower limb. In normals (solid line) it can be
This patient was a 53 year old female who had seen to be extensor during most of stance, it be-
a total knee replacement. She was assessed at the comes flexor at 55% of stride, as this limb unloads
University of Waterloo Gait Laboratory. Data during double support. This flexor pattern con-
were collected using a 16 rom cine camera at 50 tinues until mid swing when it reverses to become
Hz as the subject walked along a level walkway a small extensor pattern during reach. The follow-
over an AMTI force platform. Raw coordinate ing changes (or adaptions) are noted. At the site of
data were digitized and digitally filtered using the the surgery there was a flexor moment during all
of stance. This can be interpreted as a primary
682 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

change due to chronic pain at the knee joint due

to the original osteoarthritis and any residual pain
after the prosthetic knee was implanted. Thus this "
patient did not use her quadriceps because that III
would have increased the knee bone-on-bone com- :i.
pressive forces, which prior to surgery would have E
resulted in severe pain. After surgery the adaption Z
appears to have remained. Because of the lack of " I~
quadriceps motor activity to control the knee joint III
from collapse, a major adaption was evident at the III
hip. Here we see an above-normal hip extensor «
pattern for all of stance, which means that her >-r
thigh collapse was being controlled from its 0
proximal end; this in turn prevented knee collapse.
The major muscles contributing to the hip exten- \
sor moment were gluteus maximus and Z
hamstrings. These hamstring muscles then created W
a smaller flexor moment at the knee, but the hip
motor pattern dominated in its control of the knee. r
A third compensation appears evident at the ankle,
where the normally high plantar-flexor moment
was drastically reduced. Such a reduction during
o o
• •
o o


normal push-off (40-60% stride) would dramati- %or STRIDE

cally reduce the normal "piston-like" drive of the Figure 44.3: Moment-of-force proftles for an above-
ankle upwards and forwards during this dominant knee amputee (dashed line) compared with a data-base
energy generating phase (Winter, 1983). It ap- ensemble average for normals (solid line ± 1 s.d. dotted
pears that such a reduction would also reduce any line). The moment patterns (Nm/kg) are normalized
knee joint pain and instability during this critical to remove the influence of body mass.
Figures 44.3 and 44.4 present the moments and
44.3.2 Case Study #2 - Above-Knee Amputee powers respectively for this amputee compared
This patient was a 30-year-old male who was with the data base of normals. The amputee's pat-
fitted with an above-knee prosthesis. The pros- terns are shown by the dashed line. The ankle
thesis was fitted with a SACH (solid ankle moment (Figure 44.3) generated by the SACH
cushioned heel) foot and had a knee mechanism foot and pylon was not insignificant; it was dorsi-
which incorporated an extensor stop (to prevent flexor for the first 18% of stride and then was
hyper-extension of the knee during stance) and a plantar-flexor as the amputee moved forward over
spring/damper mechanism to assist during swing. his prosthetic foot (which reached a flat foot posi-
He was analyzed at the University of Waterloo tion at 20% of stride). Then during the normal
Gait Laboratory using identical data collection push-off period (40-60%) the plantar-flexor mo-
protocols as described for Case Study #1 . In addi- ment plateaued at slightly over 50% of normal.
tion to the moment-of-force calculations, the This moment proftle is exactly what would be gen-
mechanical power generation and absorption at erated by a locked ankle (Winter and Sienko,
each of the joints were calculated (Winter, 1983). 1988). The power proftles (Figure 44.4) as-
Firstly, we were interested in determining the sociated with this moment pattern showed a minor
energy absorption/storage by the knee mechanism absorption during mid stance which reflects the
and also what adaption, if any, was evident by the viscous nature of the foot. However, during the
hip muscles. normal push-off period when there is rapid plantar-
flexion and the major generation of power (A 2 ),
there is, as expected, no generation.
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 683

P()[R GO(RAl[D fWD ABSORBED (IflJOO vs NORIflSI ing thigh (H2 during 30-50% of stride) then
generate a pull-off burst (H3 ) which had ap-
I. 0 I ! .\\ ~f\ proximately the same energy generation as seen
I ' \ ". ~ ,.H3 for normals (H3 power peak was higher but its
z ; H1\ \
" ... .5 J.- \ ..... ,..I ... \ """ duration was less). Thus this amputee's main
"" ........ ./ \ '.. adaption was by the hip extensors. During late
\ stance and early swing the knee moment pattern
1 returns to normal; the knee mechanism in the pros-
thesis now controls the flexion of the knee and
III z absorbs energy (K3 ). During late swing a some-
what reduced energy absorption by the knee
r mechanism occurs. This reduction is due to a
>- slower than normal swing velocity by the pros-
o thetic limb and also the reduced mass of the
III prosthesis (compared to the intact lower leg and
\ ~ -NORIflS (N=25-l foot).
It' 3 ...... ·...... Std.Dev . ,'; A
Wz , . 2 44.3.3 Case Study #3 - Candidate for
1 ... 2 - - -NP300 :
o U
I Im.[ Unilateral Total Hip Replacement
n. Gait assessments of subjects with hip pain have
o ", ... 0...., .: been extremely limited (Murray et al., 1971) and
-I 'A, " have reported only outcome measures (temporal,
o o o o o o distance, and kinematic). No kinetics were
• II
• o reported, nor were possible compensations on the
% OF STRIDE contralateral side. The purpose of a study con-
Figure 44.4: Power generation and absorption profile ducted at the Biomechanics Laboratory in the
for the above-knee amputee reported in Figure 44.3. Department of Physical Education, University of
(The solid line is the mean and the dotted line ± s.d.) Wisconsin, Madison, was to document the full
kinematic and kinetic changes from both ip-
At the knee and hip we see atypical motor pat- silateral and contralateral sides. Six candidates
terns. The hip moment is above-normal extensor were assessed and one is reported in detail.
for the fIrst half of stance while the knee has a Bilateral 16 mm cine at 100 Hz and force plat-
strong flexor moment This amputee prevents form records were collected for three repeat trials.
knee collapse by hyperactivity of his hip extensors Each stance period was normalized to 100%, and
immediately at heel contact. This locks his knee an ensemble average profIle of all three trials was
which is prevented from hyper-extending by an calculated for each of the variables. Joint mo-
extensor stop (which results in the flexor knee ments and powers were normalized by dividing by
moment). There is a second reason for this adap- body weight so that they could be compared with
tion, and this is apparent in the power profIles. normative data (Winter, 1987) for signifIcant dif-
Because of the total absence of the major push-off ferences.
power (A2 ), he had to adapt by generating at either The following signifIcant differences (p < .05)
the hip or the knee. Since there was no generation were seen when comparing the unaffected side of
possible at the knee, his adaption was at the hip. the six subjects with their affected side: greater
He showed a very large generation by the hip ex- knee flexion at weight acceptance, increased hip
tensors during the fIrst half of stance (HI); the hip flexion at heel contact, larger hip flexor moment at
extensors shorten concentrically after He as the heel contact, greater peak ankle plantar-flexor mo-
thigh rotates backwards from its initial flexed posi- ment during push-off, and increased peak ankle
tion. This power burst is referred to as "push-from- power at push-off.
behind" and acts to propel H.A.T. and thigh The selected subject (OZ80) was an 80-year-
forward. Then during the latter half of stance his old male who was observed on the affected side to
hip flexors tum on to reverse the backward rotat- have a hip hike, a shortened stance phase, a flexed
684 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

but rigid knee during stance, and a weak push-off. The kinetic patterns at the ankle are presented
The ankle angle history on the unaffected side fell in Figure 44.5a-b. The ankle moments (Figure
within the normal range while the affected side 44.5a) showed a slight reduction in peak plantar-
has reduced ankle plantar-flexion during push off, flexion moment. Although this reduction was
probably an adaption to unload the painful leg small, it will be seen to result in a significantly
more quickly. The knee angle history showed the reduced push-off power (Figure 44.5b). Small
normal side to have a normal profile, but the af- reductions of about 6% in the peak plantar flexor
fected side flexed to 25° during weight acceptance moment have been observed as resulting in a 50%
and remained near 25° until push-off, when it decrease in push-off power (Winter, 1987) when
flexed through a near-normal range into the swing similar motor patterns of natural and slow walkers
period. The hip plots showed the unaffected hip to were compared. The adaption by the ankle
have a slightly larger than normal range of flexion muscles to the painful hip appears to be to reduce
and extension. However, the painful hip remained the vigor of the push-off (A2 burst) and thereby
flexed for all of stance, partially owing to the for- would reduce the joint reaction forces generated
ward inclination of the trunk. by the normally vigorous "piston-like" upwards
drive by the plantar-flexors.
Ankle Moments OZSO
200 - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , Knee Moments OZSO
a 100 . , . . - - - - ; ; ; ; - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

Affecled Side
Unaffected Side
z 50
o~~~~~------------~ ..

·100 +-~-r_~__,r-- ........._.-...-_._--..____i -50 +-~-._~-r_~___,r_~__,- .........-;

o 20 40 60 80 100
o 20 40 60 80 100
% of Stance % of Stance
Ankle Power ozao Knee Power ozao
b b

0.. o

-200 +-~-._~-r_~-r_~__,-~--l
o 20 40 60 80 100
20 40 60 80 100
%of Stance
% of Stance

Figure 44.5: a) Ankle moments for affected and unaf-

fected side for a patient with a degenerative hip prior to Figure 44.6: a) Knee moments for affected and unaf-
surgery. b) Ankle power generation and absorption for fected side for the degenerative hip patient reported in
this same patient. Figure 44.5a. b) Knee power generation and absorp-
tion for this same patient.
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 685

The kinetic profiles for the knee are presented Hip Moments OZ80
in Figure 44.6a-b. A larger than nonna! extensor
moment is evident on the unaffected side as he
controls an above-normal knee flexion during
weight acceptance (0-25%), and which ultimately
causes the knee to extend during most of mid- E
stance (25-65%). Then during push-off ~
(65-100%) a second knee extensor pattern is seen _ 0~--~~--------------~r-4
to control the rapidly flexing knee. The knee ;

power bursts (Figure 44.6b) associated with.. this ~
knee moment profile are normal: K1 absorption 2
during weight acceptance as the knee flexed, K2 Unaffected Side
generation during mid-stance as the knee ex-
tended, and K3 absorption during push-off. The ·100 ~""""--r--~-r-----r-~--r-~-t
o 20 40 80 10060
knee motor patterns on the affected side (Figure % of Stance
44.6a) showed a moment profile that oscillated
Hip Power OZSO
from slightly flexor to slightly extensor during the
ftrst half of stance, then slightly flexor and exten-
sor again during the latter half of stance. It
appears these small moment fluctuations were
what was necessary to hold the knee stiff at 25 0
until late in stance when the knee was allowed to
flex as it was unloaded prior to toe off. The power
patterns associated with this stiff-legged knee sup-

port were almost non-existent They remained
essentially near-zero just until late stance when the --0- Affected Side
Unaffected Side
small knee extensor moment absorbed a small
amount of energy (K3 ). ·100 +-~-r--'---r-"'---r-~-.--~-i
o 20 40 60 80 100
The motor patterns of the hip are seen in Figure
"10 of Stance
44.7a-b. The unaffected hip had a normal pattern,
a hip extensor moment during early stance fol- Figure 44.7: a) Hip moments for affected and unaf-
lowed by a flexor pattern during the latter half of fected side for the degenerative hip patient reported in
stance. The hip powers (Figure 44.7b) associated Figure 44.5a. b) Hip power generation and absorption
with this moment pattern are also well within nor- for this same patient.
mal: H1 generation by hip extensors as the hip has
an extensor velocity early in stance; H2 absorption We now summarize the adaptions evident by
by hip flexors as they decelerate the backward this subject with a painful hip. The primary adap-
rotated thigh; H3 pull-off power as the hip flexors tion appears to be a flexed hip with very limited
contract concentrically to accelerate thigh forward hip rotation during stance, combined with a for-
and upward. The painful hip showed a large and ward lean of the trunk:. This appears to be the
dominant extensor moment for virtually all of least painful posture and articulation, and he has
stance, and this was attributed to the forward lean adjusted his hip motor patterns to accomplish
of the trunk: which required a biased extensor mo- those joint angle changes. A companion adaption
ment to maintain such a posture. This strong hip of this hip pattern is a similarly flexed knee, also
extensor pattern, because of hyperactive hamstr- with a limited articulation during stance. The
ings, also explains why the knee moments on the knee moments show an adaption that is com-
affected side were not the normally strong exten- patable with the knee angle changes. Finally, the
sor pattern. Rather, they had a drastically reduced ankle motor patterns show a small reduction in
extensor or even flexor pattern. The hip power as- peak plantarflex moment with a commensurate
sociated with this extensor motor pattern (H1 ) is a and large decrease in push-off power. Presumably
small but prolonged generation of energy as the such a reduction reduces the joint reaction forces
thigh rotating slowly backwards during all of at push-off, thus further reducing hip pain.
686 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

On the contralateral limb the above-normal tion of stance was slightly higher than normal for
knee extensor moment was necessary to adapt for both sides. Although the ankle profile was normal
the more rapid unloading of the painful hip. In for the unaffected side, the moment of the affected
fact, for this slow walking eighty year old man all ankle was reduced to about half the normal value.
of the moment and power profiles on the unaf- The power profiles are shown in Figure 44.8.
fected side approach or exceed those values seen A comparison was made between the power bursts
for younger subjects walking a faster cadence. (W/kg) seen for the three trials for this patient
Thus the general adaption by the unaffected side (solid lines) and the normal values reported by
was a general increase in the kinetic patterns to Winter (1987). Larger than normal Ka absorption
compensate for the drastic decrease in energy gen- phases are apparent for the knee on both sides. In
eration and absorption from the painful limb. contrast, the A2 ankle power burst was increased
by about 50% of its usual values for the unaffected
44.3.4 Case Study #4 - Stroke Subject with
side but reduced to less than a third of normal
Hemiplegia (Q121) values for the affected side. At the hip, while Ha
Subjects who have suffered a stroke charac- values were normal on the unaffected side, they
teristically lose the ability to exert individual and were increased to more than double their normal
graded control over muscle groups of their af- amplitudes on the affected side.
fected limbs (Knutsson and Richards, 1979). The stance phase of the unaffected limb is al-
Instead, general extensor or flexor patterns tend to ways increased in these subjects. This increase
dominate their motor activity. In addition, the results in extended support at the end of stance,
force generated by voluntary contractions tends to while the knee is flexing, with greater than normal
be less on the affected side, the loss varying with Ka absorptive power phases. Although it may as-
the extent of the damage. Sensory and perceptual sist balance, this represents a net loss of energy to
problems are also common. the body compared to normal walking and should
Ms. H. was a 41 year old subject who suffered not be classified as a positive adaptation, but as a
a stroke seven years prior to the gait analysis in necessary accommodation to the pathological
the Gait Laboratory at the School of Rehabilitation state.
Therapy, Queen's University. She was in good Two positive adaptations are apparent in this
health and held a job requiring standing and walk- pathological gait, one by muscles of the unaffected
ing for several hours a day. A slight limp was side and one by those of the affected side. First,
apparent, and she walked with an average stride the primary deficit appears to be diminished
velocity of just under 0.80 mls. Nevertheless, power production by the ankle plantar-flexors of
adaptations to compensate for gait deficiencies the affected side at push-off. The ankle plantar-
were apparent in the kinetic analysis. flexors of the unaffected side offered some
A planar kinematic and kinetic analysis of Ms. compensation by generating considerably more
H's usual walking was performed. Three strides energy than normal. This increase yielded a net
from each side were analyzed. The kinematic increase of positive work, but, by itself, would
profiles showed minor variations from normal result in quite asymmetric work inputs for succes-
profiles. The affected hip extended about 10° fur- sive left and right strides. The second adaptation
ther than is usual for slow walking speeds, and produced positive work near the time of the defi-
further than the unaffected side. The affected cient push-off. Almost concurrent with the weak
knee flexed slightly more in early stance but other- push-off of the affected side is the event of pull-
wise both appeared normal. At initial contact and off by the hip flexors (Ha) , which, as seen in
for the first 15% of the cycle the affected ankle Figure 44.8, is increased above normal values on
showed more plantarflexion than is usual, but both the affected side. This extra power generation was
the affected and unaffected sides reached normal caused by rapid flexion of the hip from an exces-
levels of dorsiflexion at 50% of the cycle. sively extended position on the affected side, not
However, the range of plantarflexion was about 5° from an above-average net moment. Thus the total
less than normal at push-off on the affected side. input of work was augmented and, moreover, it
Both hips demonstrated larger than normal hip was performed at the time that it was most com-
flexor moments in late stance, at pull-off. The promised by deficient plantarflexor input.
knee extensor moment occurring at the termina-
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 687


..e l.'



Z ••

.......... -........
::l ...... :J:
......... :.;:.:.:,;• :;,:..!.....: .....
••• ...........
" ""'-

-. .
I .'
• <0 • • •• •
_...... ' ....... 0:
w w

.. -I.' .. -z.'

• -'.f! - J.I

e J.'
e l.'

-, . .
z .•

.. .....
:J: •........... ...............
• •• ............... ....
I .' ..".

a: a: ......
w w
-I.' ',,'

.. -I.' .. -z .'
.. -I.'

•. I ' .1

oS I.' ,
oS J.'
. ...
Z •• Z ••
a: IX
w w
I.' A2 :J:
.- ......
••• ................-""'- ........ _..
. 1 .1

• -"I
• ! . ..• •. ..• •• . •
.,• • :
! • ! .,• • : . ..• .• ~ •• •. I

Figure 44.8: Power generation and absorption at the of three repeat trials: dotted lines are ensemble
ankle, knee, and hip of both the affected and unaffected averaged curves from a data base of normal subjects
limbs of a hemiplegic patient. Solid lines are profiles (average ± I s.d.).
The kinematic profIles showed several varia-
44.3.5 Case Study #5 - Stroke Subject with tions. The range of the affected hip was reduced
Hemiplegia (Q070) to about 20° and neither hip extended beyond
Mr. W. was a 57-year-old subject who suffered neutral. The affected knee showed a total range of
a stroke two years prior to the gait analysis con- only 20°. The unaffected knee was slightly flexed
ducted at the School of Rehabilitation Therapy, at initial contact and did not extend the usual
Queen's University. He walked with his affected amount prior to heel-off, but normal flexion oc-
knee held quite stiffly, and his average walking curred during swing phase. The affected ankle
speed was 0.55 mls. A two-dimensional kinematic showed little dorsiflexion during mid-stance and
and kinetic analysis of Mr. W's usual walking was reduced plantar-flexion during push-off.
undertaken. Three strides from each side were Dorsiflexion on the unaffected side was about 10°
analyzed. Joint moment and power profIles ap- greater than normal and no planterflexion beyond
pear in Figures 44.9 and 49.10. neutral occurred.
688 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

• I.' 0070 : HIP AFFECTED .• I. ,

" .. I
.. I

., ,III
I! .,
i i.
...Z I .'
...Z I .'

W -. , W
-. ,
r 0
r r
-I. I -I .'
.. -.. ,
..x -I. ,

x x

.. I

I! . , ,III
I! .,
i. i.
...Z 1 .1

-., .... Z
-. '

r r
0 0
r -l . •
..x "
" - .. ,
- I.'


II. ..... ......... " ..,

II. "
-" .

, ,
.JI. .JI.
.. I .. I
Ii Ii
i. ., i. .,
l- I-
Z I.' Z 1 .1
r r
r -.' 0

... -"
...• ...
0 -I. I 0 -I. I


Z. I l.'
,., .. , ......

I .•
... ' .. ,-.. ..
~ ,

., i.
., ..... .....
W 1.1
_. l-
r I .'

-.' r
-. ,
-I. I
• ! • •
N . ~ ..• .• :e : .• ~

... - •
... ! :: ...• ~ ..• •• .
:e • ..• :

Figure 44.9: Moment-of-force profiles for 3 repeat tri-

als from both limbs of a second hemiplegic patient
compared with ensemble averaged curves (dotted
lines) from normal subjects.
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 689

0070 , HIP A"ECTEO 1 .1

1.1 C

_.................. H 1
1. 1
1. 1
........:::::::::... ,
................ ...

. ..... ................. .. .::;::::.::::::::::~ ..,

........................................ -.......

-1. 1 :t -I. I

. -1.1

- 1.1

Z> Z>
-J .I I--_ _ _ ~~~ __---o_ __- - - o -_ _ -1 .1 1 - - _ -_ _- _ _- _ _- _ __


.. J .I 1 .1
c C
C7> ED
1.1 1.1

1.1 1. 1

..... .~""" .
1 .1 ............ ..
:t ....
-I. I -I.I
o o
11. 11.
-1 . 1 -1.1

- 1.1 •" -' .1


' .1 C
' .1
t .1 '" ' .1
1 .1 ' .1
1 .1 1. 1
.. ' .
o .. I :J:
o .. I
11. 11.

.. : ..............,..-~.
I . I "".."" 1 .1

........:::::::::::.... _.....

• ..• .• ..• -"I

•. ..• •. •. .• •
-I. I
• N •• = •

Figure 44.10: Power generation and absorption

profiles for both limbs of the hemiplegic patient
reported in Figure 44.9.

The extensor moment (Figure 44.9) of the af- The power profiles (Figure 44.10) of the unaf-
fected hip was larger and longer than normal fected side were near normal except for a large K3
during stance. An above-normal flexor moment absorption phase at the termination of stance. In
from mid-stance through pull-off was seen on the contrast, the ankle power (A2 ) of the affected side
unaffected side. The knee extensor moment was was reduced to less than half of normal values,
lower than normal on the affected side, but con- and virtually no positive or negative work was per-
siderably greater than expected on the unaffected formed at the knee. The positive burst of pull-off
side. The ankle plantarflexor profile was slightly at the hip (H3 ) was reduced on the affected side,
lower than normal on the unaffected side, it was but a long low-level period of hip extensor gener-
75% of that of the unaffected side. Both sides ation was evident in stance (H1 ).
showed reasonably normal support moments.
690 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

Despite relatively small variations from normal discrepancy showed the right leg to be shorter than
in the joint kinematics of the unaffected side, the the left. Raw EMG recordings from four muscle
net extensor moments at the hip and knee showed groups on the affected side revealed the following:
marked ability to "trade off' against each other to rectus femoris, hamstrings, tibialis anterior, and
produce the normal support moment (Winter, triceps surae all lacked normal phasic activity and
1980) shown in Figure 44.9. The unusually large were generally on all of the time. The same
knee extensor moment was matched by an un- muscles on the non-involved side exhibited nor-
usually large flexor moment at the hip. While the mal or near-normal phasic patterns.
rationale for the overall gait compensations The joint kinematics and kinetics for the ankle,
remains unclear (and one suspects that it is far knee, and hip are presented in Figure 44.11; the
from optimal), the normality of the resulting solid line is taken from normals, the long dashed
power patterns attests to the remarkable adapt- line is left limb, the short dashed line is the af-
ability of the individual components of the motor fected limb. In addition the pelvic tilt (not plotted)
system. averaged about 18° anteriorly vs the normal data
The primary deficiency of the affected side ap- base average of 10°; this coincided with hip angles
pears to be diminished power generation of the which on both sides had the normal range but
ankle and hip, with associated reduction in absorp- were biased towards greater flexion for all of the
tion at the knee on the affected side. The in- stride. Knee flexion at initial contact on both sides
creased stance phase resulted in extended support was 20° vs the normal 5°. On the affected side
at the end of stance, while the knee was flexing, this was attributed to tight hamstrings preventing
and an increased K3 absorptive power phase for the full extension at end of swing while on the unaf-
unaffected side. In contrast, the affected knee did fected side it was seen as a compensation for the
not flex much, and no absorption was evident. In leg length discrepancy. At the ankle, he had a
contrast to subject Q121, little energy was lost by "clonus" pattern on the right side due to the triceps
the body at this time. This strategy is probably spasticity. This was characterized by rapid dor-
dysfunctional to the gait, however, as the reduced siflexion just after initial contact followed by a
knee flexion did not allow strong hip pull-off (H3 ) stretch-reflex induced plantar-flexion, then fol-
to occur as an adaptation. lowed by a small dorsiflexion and another rapid
There is evidence of only one positive adapta- plantar-flexion prior to toe-off. Finally, the triceps
tion in the powers of this pathological gait - by spasticity caused a drop foot during swing. The
muscles of the affected side. To produce more left side had a somewhat reduced form of these al-
positive work in stance phase of the affected side, ternating patterns but without a drop foot in swing.
the hip extensors showed a greatly extended Pelvic rotation in the coronal plane was within
period of positive work (HI)' Although the normal limits but the right hip showed above-
amplitude of the power curve was not above nor- normal hip adduction in stance as a result of hip
mal, the net generation of energy was augmented abductor weakness. As compensation for this
by this strategy. In summary, this subject showed there was circumduction of the left limb to achieve
poorer compensations for his primary deficiencies foot clearance during swing. Pelvic rotation in the
than subject Q121. horizontal plane showed the right side to be pos-
terior to the left during the gait cycle. Also the
44.3.6 Case Study # 6 - Cerebral Palsy Right light foot was externally rotated 20° with respect
Spastic Hemiplegia to the thigh.
This nine-year-old boy was assessed pre-surgi- The joint kinetics associated with these
cally in the Kinesiology Laboratory of the kinematic and EMG profiles is presented in Figure
Newington Children's Hospital, Newington, 44.11. Both ankle moments were strongly plan-
Conn. His clinical analysis revealed the follow- tarflexor after initial contact (on the ball of the
ing: right hip flexion contracture of 20°, tight feet) and exhibited the rapid oscillations charac-
hamstrings (hip flexed 90° and knee flexed 50°), teristic of the "clonus" pattern. The corresponding
neutral ankle position with knee fully extended, ankle powers showed a sharp eccentric absorption
10° dorsiflexion with knee flexed 90°, positive test of energy as a result of the frrst stretch reflex, fol-
for triceps and quadriceps spasticity. A leg length lowed by a high generation during the rapid
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 691

Newington Children's HOHEJIT . AOO: e2 Nil - - -

94277. Til: I R
Hospital SAGITTAL PLANE 94277.Tll;2 L - - - - - ..
22-DEC-89 Joint Kinematics and Kinetics






.. 0
Joint. lIo •• nt.


Generat.iOD 0.50

Joint Po•• r 1

-o.oe -0.30
A:baorpt.loD -0.26
..----:-:,00 7• 100
.. 0411' CTeLI .. OAIT CleLJ: .. GAlT CTCLI

Figure 44.11: Joint kinematics and kinetics for both short dashed is for the right affected limb, long dashed
limbs of a cerebral palsy right hemiplegic patient prior line is for the left limb.
to surgery. Solid line is average curve for nonnals,

plantarfiexion, then a small absorption and finally The compensations for these primary problems
a short high generation during the normal push- resulted in atypical left limb patterns which are
off. At the knee there appears to be near-normal classed as secondary problems.
moments during both stance and swing. At the hip (i)
the crouch gait requires a much larger extensor A crouch pattern on the left to compensate
moment during most of stance with an associated for the leg length discrepancy.
increase in hip extensor generation of energy, (ii) A circumduction to adapt for the right limb
especially by the left side. crouch gait.
In summary, the primary problems were iden-
(iii) The vaulting gait in mid-stance by the
tified to be on the right side as follows:
plantar-flexors was a compensation to as-
(i) triceps surae spasticity and resulting clonus sist in clearance by the right limb.
and drop-foot
Surgery was planned for the right side only.
(ii) tight hamstrings resulting in excessive knee The details of the surgery are beyond the scope of
flexion at initial contact this chapter. The biomechanical details of the al-
(iii) crouch gait due to hip flexor spasticity tered patterns not only on the surgical side but on
the previously compensating limb are evident in
(iv) a leg length discrepancy Figure 44.12. Both right limb (solid line) and left
(v) excessive external rotation of the foot limb (dashed line) kinematics are closer to normal
as are the moment of force patterns at all three
692 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limb Organization for Movement

191.77 . T.e ; 1 a---

SAGITTAL PLANE a1.77. T.e;. L - - - - - - - -

Joint Kinematics and Kinetics


.0 10 10
lot&1.l00. 30

(O.,r ••• ) 15

-30 L-_......L.._---'_................_ - - '


Joint Ko•• nt.

_I. 0 L-_-'-_--'-_................_ - '

o.aa • (Jo Ike) 0.0'7 • (y' Ike) 0.01 ., 0 0.30
a.D..ratloD 0'
,, 0

Joint Poyer 1


-I • (Jo tk,) -0.01 (Jo tke) -0.13
I -0.11 • -0.01
-a o!---:a~.-~'0"'-""""'7:!:'---:-!lOO 0 as '0 100 I. '0 100

, 0"11' CTetl .. GAIT CTeLI Ii QAIT CTCLI

Figure 44.12: Post-surgical kinematics and kinetics

for the cerebral palsy patient reported in Figure 46.11.

limbs. Thus the resultant power profiles are also problems) but to treat the primary problems. The
more normal. As well, not shown in these plots, plasticity of the CNS ensures that with successful
were improvements in external rotation of the post-surgery therapy the atypical adaptions will
right foot (reduced from 30° to 15°) so that it disappear or be drastically reduced.
progressed more normally. The implications of the wide scope of the
adaptability is far-reaching as far as data collec-
44.4 Conclusions and Future Directions tion and analysis of gait is concerned. Because a
It is extremely apparent from the biomechani- wide range of adaptions are possible it is apparent
cal analyses of gait pathologies that well-defined that simultaneous data from both limbs and upper
adaptions by the intact neuromuscular system take body must be recorded. Also, although 3-D data
place. It is important that these adaptions be would be preferred, a sagittal plus coronal plane
recognized for what they are. They are atypical analysis yields about 99% of the necessary infor-
but they should not be considered as pathological. mation. Some researchers may be critical of such
Some of those adaptions may be permanent, as in a "shotgun" approach in measuring everything.
the case of amputees and joint replacement. However, they would soon change their bias when
However, in cases of major surgery (such as in they saw how adaptable the CNS really is, and
cerebral palsy) or in long-term therapy it is impor- when they realized the importance of pinpointing
tant not to treat the adaptions (secondary the motor adaptions versus the primary pathology.
44. Winter et al.; Adaptability of Motor Patterns in Pathological Gait 693

References Winter, D.A. (1987). Biomechanics and Motor Control

Bresler, B., Frankel, J.P. (1950). The forces and mo- of Human Gait. University of Waterloo Press,
ments in the leg during level walking. Trans. Waterloo, Ontario.
ASME, 72: 27-36. Winter, D.A., Sidwall, H.G., Hobson, D.A. (1974).
Knutsson, E., Richards, C. (1979). Different types of Measurement and reduction of noise in kinematics
disturbed motor control in gait of hemiplegic oflocomotion. J. Biomech. 7: 157-159, 1974.
patients. Brain, 102: 405-430. Winter, D.A., Sienko, S.E. (1988). Biomechanics of
Murray, M.P., Gore, D.R., Clarlc.son, B.H. (1971). below-knee amputee gait J. Biomech. 21: 361-367.
Walking patterns of patients with unilateral hip pain Winter, D.A., Yack, H.I. (1987). EMG proffies during
due to osteo-arthritis and avascular necrosis. J. nonnal human walking: Stride-to-stride and inter-
Bone Jt. Surgery 53A: 259-274. subject variability. EEG and Clin. Neurophysiol.
Winter, D.A. (1980). Overall principle of lower limb 67: 402-411.
support during stance phase of gait. J. Biomech.,
13: 923-927.
Winter, D.A. (1983). Energy generation and absotption
at the ankle and knee during fast, natural and slow
cadences. CUn. Orthop. & Rei. Res., 197: 147-154.
Winter, D.A. (1984). Kinematic and kinetic patterns in
human gait: Variability and compensating effects.
Human Movement Science, 3: 51-76, 1984.

Whole Body Movement: Coordination of Arms and Legs

in Walking and Running

Richard N. Hinrichs

45.1 Introduction deltoid. Whatever methods Gerdy used to arrive

As Winter et al. so aptly pointed out in Chapter at this opinion were not disclosed. In 1867,
33, the upper body has not received as much atten- Duchenne (English translation, 1949) provided the
tion as the lower body in locomotion research. It ftrst real evidence of muscular control of the arm
is as if the arms and trunk were not important in swing. He based his conclusions on clinical obser-
the overall picture of gait. A few researchers, vations of patients in which the oscillatory
however, have wondered why the arms are swung motions of the upper extremities during walking
as they are. Do the arms passively react to move- were abolished following atrophy of the deltoid
ments of the shoulders, or are the arms under muscle. He believed the forward swing to be
muscular control? Do the arms serve any useful caused by action of the anterior deltoid and the
purpose other than helping to maintain one's backswing by the posterior deltoid. Gravity, he
balance? This chapter reviews the literature in the contended, played only a minor role. Du Bois-
area of upper extremity function in locomotion Reymond (1909) spoke of the arms as serving to
and its relationship to that of the lower ex- protect the upper body from excessive rotation and
tremities. This review is divided into two parts: lateral motion, and that the arm swing was partly
ftrst, those studies dealing with walking, and passive and partly active in nature. He did not,
second, those dealing with running. The chapter however, speculate as to which muscles might be
ends with a discussion of current research and fu- responsible for the arm swing.
ture directions in this area of study. Although Elftman (1939; see also Section
45.2.2) provided some further evidence in favor of
45.2 Walking the active role that the muscles play in the arm
45.2.1 Early Speculation swing, Morton and Fuller (1952) evidently were
Nearly all references to upper extremity func- not familiar with either Elftrnan's or Duchenne's
tion in walking prior to 1965 were speculative in work and continued to perpetuate in their textbook
nature. The issue was the underlying mechanism on locomotion the notion that the arm swing was
of the arm swing. Do the arms passively react to primarily a passive movement. They argued that
the movements at the shoulders or are they under because it requires muscular effort to swing the
muscular control? arms while standing still and likewise to keep the
Gerdy (1829) believed that the arm swing was arms from swinging while walking, it must follow
primarily a reaction to the rotation of the shoulders that the arm swing arises without muscular con-
and trunk. He added, however, that sometimes it traction. Like Gerdy (1829), Morton and Fuller
seemed that the movements of the arms are in- did recognize, however, the possible role of the
creased by the involuntary action of the biceps muscles in increasing the magnitude of the arm
brachii, the pectoralis major, and one part of the swing as it is needed.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

lM. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Arms and Legs During Walking and Running 695

It is clear from the early speculation on the na- Within subjects, the arm swing was highly
ture of the arm swing in walking that there were reproducible, although some differences existed
considerable differences in opinion as to the na- between right and left arms. These differences
ture of the arm swing in walking. Most were not found to be related to hand dominance.
acknowledged, however, that the muscles might Other comparisons included walking speed
playa role in the arm swing. It was clearly time (greater arm swing amplitude at the fast speed
for some scientific research in this area. than the free speed), stature (taller subjects were
found to have a significantly greater total excur-
45.2.2 Kinematic Studies sion at the elbow joint while walking at the free
By the mid-1960s scientific investigations into speed), and age (not a significant influence on arm
arm swing were finally underway. In a two- swing).
dimensional kinematic study, Murray et al. (1967) Finally, Murray et al. calculated the path of the
investigated the ranges of normal variability in up- center of mass (eM) of the combined upper ex-
per limb displacement patterns of "normal" tremities and found that it oscillates vertically
subjects. Thirty subjects, ranging in age from 21 through two peaks and two valleys within each
to 66 years, walked overground at a "free" pace walking cycle. The peaks occurred when the arms
(averaging 114 steps/min and 1.54 mls) and a were outstretched forward and backward, and the
"fast" pace (averaging 136 steps/min and 2.14 valleys occurred when the arms were in relatively
mls). Successive positions of reflective targets vertical positions passing the trunk. They com-
placed on the arms were recorded using a camera pared this to the results from a previous study by
with an open shutter and a stroboscope flashing at Fischer (1899) for the vertical oscillation of the
20Hz. entire body eM during walking and noted that the
The investigators plotted the rotational patterns vertical oscillation of the arms would be 180" out
at the shoulder and elbow joints as functions of of phase with that of the whole body. This sug-
time. The mean patterns reported by Murray et al. gests that the arm swing would tend to decrease
of shoulder and elbow rotation are shown in the total vertical excursion of the whole body eM
Figure 45.1. The investigators found the arm from what it would be if the arms did not swing.
swing to be the most variable (between subjects) They suggested that this may lead to a decrease in
of the 20 gait components they had measured. energy expenditure in gait
The main source of variability was the amplitude Hinrichs and Cavanagh (1981) provided some
of the arm swing. The temporal patterns were additional data on the two-dimensional kinematics
quite consistent between subjects. of the arm swing in walking (their kinetic and
A. EMG results are reviewed in Sections 45.2.3 and
F/ 45.2.4, respectively). These investigators used
five subjects, each walking barefoot at two dif-
... ferent speeds on a treadmill, a "slow" speed (0.9
w mls) and a "medium" speed (1.2 mls). Films were
~ i'20 taken from the left side of the body as the subjects
walked on the treadmill. Only the left side of the
! !'lO !.
body was analyzed from film. The movements of
~Soo I
F/ the right side were assumed to be 50% out of phase
~ ~ so E lOW
with the left.
;; 1- 0 Of particular relevance to this kinematics dis-
cussion are the investigators' findings on the

~ IO+!.':..,·-_.----......---....,...--~~ k
! 30
vertical oscillations of the eM of the arms and the
20 eM of the rest of the body (termed body-minus-
o 25 50 75 100 arms, BMA). The results from a single subject are

'0 CENT Of 'ilI"l.{ING C'l'ClE shown in Figure 45.2. Contrary to the findings of

Figure 45.1: Mean patterns of shoulder and elbow
Murray et al. (1967) the oscillations of the eM of
the arms were not found to be 1800 out of phase
with those of the BMA. In fact, at the slow speed,
rotation during walking as functions of time. (From
Murrayet aI., 1967; reprinted with permission from
Physical Therapy, copyright 1967, American Physical
Therapy Association).)
696 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in CycJic/Propulsive Movements

the two were rather close to being in phase with These results indicate that the picture may not
each other. At the faster speed, however, the two be as clear-cut as Murray et al. (1967) suggested.
were further out of phase but not as much as 1800 However, Murray et al. do not clearly state how
out of phase. These results could be explained as they calculated the eM of the arms, simply that it
follows: The position of the eM of the arms is in- was calculated using the mean body weight and
fluenced by (1) the position of the shoulders and mean arm segment rotational patterns of their 30
(2) the positions of the arm segments relative to subjects. They may have ignored the vertical mo-
the shoulders. The shoulders could be expected to tion of the shoulders themselves, giving rise to a
oscillate up and down in a similar manner as the calculation of the eM of the arms relative to the
eM of the BMA. Added to this is the movement of shoulders. If this were true, their results would be
the arms relative to the shoulders. It was this rela- totally consistent with those of Hinrichs and
tive term that Hinrichs and Cavanagh found to be Cavanagh.
close to 1800 out of phase with the eM of the At slow walking speeds the arms seem to do
BMA. The sum of these two terms produce the ab- very little to reduce the vertical oscillation of the
solute movements of the eM of the arms. At the body eM. As the magnitude of the arm swing in-
slow speed the arms eM seemed to follow the eM creases at faster walking speeds, however, the
of the BMA, suggesting that the movements of the arms do appear to be capable of reducing the verti-
shoulders dominated the movements of the arms cal oscillation of the body eM.
eM relative to the shoulders. At the faster speed, 45.2.3 Kinetic Studies
however, a more vigorous arm swing produced an
The fIrst study providing a kinetic analysis of
oscillation of the arms eM which was substantially
the arm swing in walking was by Elftman (1939).
out of phase with the eM of the BMA. This would
This study was also the fIrst major experimental
tend to reduce the magnitude of the vertical oscil-
study to be done on arm swing. His purpose was
lations of the body eM.
-body-arms to investigate whether the arms react as pen-
---. arms dulums to the movements of their points of
attachment or whether the action is of muscular
origin and plays some part in the integrated
locomotion process.

Using the three-dimensional walking data of

Braune and Fischer (1895) and Fischer (1899)
.. (obtained from a single subject), Elftman calcu-
lated the linear and angular velocities and
~ .•• -'-_ _ _ _ _ _--"'-CH_S_ _ _ _ _---.J accelerations for all parts of the body during the
w a ~ 1M interval in which the right foot was in contact with
~ IHS '" cycle IHS
C) the ground. From this, he was able to compute the
CI. three components of each of (1) the angular
'C" momentum of each body segment relative to the
~ .75,--------.--------,
II: body eM, (2) the net moments at the shoulder and

~:. ------~--,J -'---~~~::T

elbow joints, and (3) the mechanical power at
these joints.
The results of the angular momentum analysis
are shown in Figure 45.3. Elftman retained Braune
.{ ~I ~I and Fischer's left-hand coordinate system which is
defIned as follows: X-forward, Y-to the right, and
." o' - - - - - - - - -C HY
'i 100
Z-up. Of particular interest is the vertical com-
ponent of the angular momentum (Hz>. With the
IHS '" cycle It'S
exception of a short interval preceding heel strike,
Figure 45.2: The results of Hinrichs and Cavanagh the Hz of the arms was approximately equal in
(1981) showing the vertical oscillations of the centers magnitude and opposite in direction to the Hz of
of mass of the arms and the body-minus-arms for a the rest of the body, and resulted in a net Hz of the
single subject walking at two different speeds, "slow"
- 0.9 mls. and "medium" - 1.2 m/s.
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Anns and Legs During Walking and Running 697

whole body of approximately zero. He concluded

that "It is therefore possible for the legs to go -
.. --_:.-_ -------
through the movements necessary for walking,
. . - I LtrT ...I1I ... 1---
- ....-.z
without imparting marked rotation to the body as a ":1
whole" (p. 531). The arms also appear to make E " ,
2':1 - - -.."t:.::-- __

the changes which do occur in body rotation more g
gradual. About the X and Y axes (forward and to ~ . . . . . '-t ~-""I
the right, respectively), the angular momentum of
the arms was small compared to the rest of the
Figure 45.4: The three components of the net joint
moment acting at the shoulder of each arm in walking.
(See text for axis definitions.) (From E.F. Elftman,

E iO·'f:":~=:"'::.::;; __ . Through his analysis of the net moments at the

'- , . . . ________ -- .0:."'$,
.... ;::;:;~ "10.".
01' l OOt
shoulder, he concluded that because the muscles
are exerting "a considerable torque" about the
/ . \ ,\ shoulder, "the swinging of the arms is not an ex-
ample of pendulum action, but is brought about in
large part by the action of the muscles" (p. 532).

.. He neglected to consider, however, that net joint


'. ',~

". ::--.':""--------
moments can result from sources other than mus-
cular action, for example, from ligaments and
from sources of friction in and around the joint.
This author feels also that the words "considerable
• KC...! ... , .. ..
~1tJC,r(T '001 ~ IN Con-AC";----, torque" may be a bit strong in describing the mag-
nitudes of the net moments at the shoulder.
Figure 45.3: Three components of angular momentum Actually, they are relatively small, having peaks
about the body center of mass for the arms, the rest of less than 8 N-ml. The relative contributions of
the body, and the whole body in walking. (See text for passive and active sources to these net moments at
axis definitions.) (From Elftman, 1939; reprinted by the shoulder remain, of course, unknown.
pennission.) Overall, however, Elftman's study was an ex-
cellent investigation, even by today's standards.
The results of Elftman's analysis of the net mo-
A three-dimensional kinetic analysis requires a
ments at the shoulder are shown in Figure 45.4. much greater degree of mathematical sophistica-
About the Y axis a positive moment indicates a tion than is found in a strictly planar analysis. The
moment tending to flex the shoulder, a negative nature of the arm swing clearly cannot be fully un-
moment tends to extend. There is a net flexor mo-
derstood by studying the motion of the arms in
ment as the right foot approaches heel strike. This
two dimensions. Although there were many ques-
is also true of the left arm during the period tions still left unanswered, and despite the use of
preceding left heel strike. Note that the shoulder only a single subject, Elftman's study was way
is in maximum extension at ipsilateral heel strike
ahead of its time judging from the complete lack
(/HS). The flexor moment thus would tend to slow
of further scientific scrutiny in this area for the
the backward swing and initiate the forward
next 25 years.
swing. In the period preceding contralateral heel
strike (CHS - left heel strike for the right arm and 1 To put the magnitudes of these moments into perspec-
right heel strike for the left arm), there is a net ex- tive, one can estimate the moment required of the
tensor moment. At this time, the shoulder is shoulder musculature to hold an out-stretched arm in a
approaching maximum flexion. Thus, the moment horizontal position. Using the mean anthopometric
would tend to slow the forward swing and initiate and BSP data of Clauser et al. (1969), the estimated
the backward swing. value is 9.3 N-m. If a 2 kg mass is held in the hand,
this would increase to 22.2 N-m.
698 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Hinrichs and Cavanagh (1981) also presented telemetered EMG with needle electrodes in 23 nor-
results on the net moment in the sagittal plane at mal subjects and two patients with upper
the shoulder and elbow joints during walking at extremity nerve damage. Subjects walked over-
two different speeds. Results for a typical subject ground at their own preferred cadence averaging
walking at 1.2 m/s are presented in Figure 45.5. 80 steps/min. Hogue (1969) also used te1emetered
The moments about the shoulder joint were in EMG with wire and needle electrodes in 15 sub-
close agreement with the Y component of the mo- jects walking overground at various pre-set
ments presented by Elftman. There is a net cadences and inclines. Jackson et al. (1978) col-
moment tending to flex the shoulder at IHS (when lected surface EMG in eight subjects who walked
the shoulder is extended) changing to a net exten- at cadences ranging from 80 to 150 steps/min.
sion moment at CHS (when the shoulder is flexed). Hinrichs and Cavanagh (1981) also used surface
The elbow showed a similar pattern, but with mo- EMG in five subjects during barefoot treadmill
ments generally of a lesser magnitude than at the walking at two fixed speeds. Table 45.1 sum-
shoulder. Also shown in Figure 45.5 are moment marizes the results of the four EMG studies on arm
reference levels for the shoulder and elbow. swing. The author has attempted to classify the
These indicate approximately how much moment magnitudes of the EMG activity using a five-point
would be required to hold the entire arm (in the scheme: 0 = no activity, - =negligible activity, +
case of the shoulder) or just the forearm (in the = slight activity, ++ = moderate activity, and +++
case of the elbow) horizontally while standing. = pronounced activity. A blank indicates that the
These were calculated using the mean muscle was not monitored by that particular inves-
anthropometric and BSP data of Clauser et al. tigator.
(1969). The Fernandez-Ballesteros et al. study was the
most comprehensive of the four studies. They
flex 20 SHOULDER found that certain upper extremity muscles were
indeed active during the walking cycle. In the nor-
mal subjects, the supraspinatus and upper
trapezius muscles were found to be active
throughout the entire walking cycle with the ex-
ception of brief "silent periods" around IHS and
CHS. The posterior and middle deltoids were
found to be active near the end of the forward
ext -20 swing and throughout the backward swing.
Activity was also found in the teres major and up-
per latissimus dorsi during the first half of the

backward swing coming on again near the end of
the backward swing and persisting throughout the
first half of the forward swing. The most striking
result was that there was a complete absence of ac-
ext -'0 05
! . , tivity in the anterior deltoid and the clavicular
IHS TIME(s) IHS head of the pectoralis major, both of which are
shoulder flexors. Additionally, there was no ac-
Figure 45.5: The results of Hinrichs and Cavanagh tivity in the triceps, biceps, and sternal head of the
(1981) showing the net joint moments at the shoulder pectoralis major. (Jackson et al., 1978, did find
and elbow for a typical subject walking at 1.2 m/s. triceps activity, but only at the faster cadences.)
(See text for explanation of reference levels.) Of the muscles that were found to be active, this
activity was small when compared to that obtained
during a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC).
45.2.4 EMG Studies
Four studies were found which have inves- The average activity was reported to range from 4-
15% of that obtained during an MVC.
tigated upper extremity EMG during gait.
Fernandez-Ballesteros et al. (1965) used
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Arms and Legs During Walking and Running 699

Fernandez-Ballesteros et al. also investigated the arms during walking. This, however, was not
some variations of ann swing. Four of the sub- addressed by the authors. When the anns were
jects performed "free swinging" pendular voluntarily held at the sides while walking, they
movements of the anns while standing and while found that all muscle activity ceased. The authors
seated. When the ann excursion was less than did not discuss this very surprising result. This
30°, activity was confined to the posterior deltoid author would have expected to find some mus-
during the backward swing. No muscles were ac- cular activity present to keep the anns from
tive during the forward swing, indicating a passive swinging. This result implies that there is no pas-
forward swing. When the excursion was greater sive pendular component to the ann swing; that
than 30° (greater than that of normal walking), ac- the muscles are completely responsible for the ann
tivity occurred in a number of other muscles as action. Given the inertia of the system, this seems
well. These included the anterior deltoid, the unlikely.
biceps, and the clavicular head of the pectoralis The posterior deltoid appears to arrest the for-
major, all active during the forward swing. ward swing and initiate the backward swing. This
To see if muscle activity persisted when the finding is highlighted by the results of one of their
arm swing was inhibited, the investigators had five patients with recent nerve damage. In this subject,
subjects walk (1) with their anns loosely bound to the three heads of the deltoid were paralyzed.
their sides, and (2) unrestrained but voluntarily There was still a forward swing, but in the back-
holding their anns at their sides. When the anns ward swing, the ann did not extend beyond the
were restrained, some step-related activity similar trunk. Because the triceps were not recruited to
to that in unrestrained walking was found in the replace the posterior deltoid, this provided further
posterior deltoid, the teres major, and the upper evidence of the existence of a motor program
latissimus dorsi, providing evidence of an underly- which probably includes inhibitory impulses to
ing motor program. Because the anns were only certain muscles. Activity in the middle deltoid
loosely bound to the sides in this condition, and trapezius muscles suggests the need to slightly
however, there may have been some movement of
10 IJiMAX 10 ..MAX





Figure 45.6: The results of Hinrichs and Cavanagh
(1981) showing the mean EMG patters of selected el-
bow and shoulder muscles during walking at two
different speeds, "slow" -- 0.9 mis, and "medium" --
1.2 mls. Q. Flexors, b. Extensors.
700 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/PrOpulsive Movements

abduct the anns during the swing so that they clear cadences greater than 120 steps/min. Although
the trunk. measured in only one study, the supraspinatus (an
Hinrichs and Cavanagh (1981) reported results abductor of the shoulder) also had moderate ac-
similar to those found in Fernandez-Ballesteros et tivity.
al. The Hinrichs and Cavanagh results are shown The results of all four studies suggest that the
in Figure 45.6. Activity was negligible throughout backward swing is initiated by the posterior del-
the walking cycle for all the flexor muscles inves- toid, the latissimus dorsi, and the teres major. The
tigated at both speeds. The extensors, on the the posterior fibers of the middle deltoid may assist in
other hand, showed activity occurring the extension (Rasch & Burke, 1973). There is
predominantly at CHS. The posterior deltoid some confusion, however, as to which muscles in-
showed the most activity with peaks of 6% and itiate the forward swing. The anterior deltoid does
9% of MVC at the slow and medium speeds, not appear to be involved except, perhaps, at high
respectively. The latissimus dorsi and triceps cadences. The forward swing may actually be
showed slight activity (2-4% MVC). The triceps primarily a passive movement at low cadences.
showed very little activity at the slow speed but Both flexion and extension at the elbow appear to
seemed to come into play more at the medium be passive at low cadences. The triceps and
speed. This result is consistent with the results of brachioradialis may modify this motion at high
Jackson et al. (1978) who found the triceps active cadences.
only at the faster cadences. The concept of passive movements in the arm
Overall, it appears that there are at least four swing has not been adequately discussed in the
muscles which show a moderate amount of ac- literature. Besides gravity, which would always
tivity during the arm swing in walking (see Table tend to seek the lowest position of the arm seg-
45.1). The posterior and middle deltoid and the ments (as it would a simple pendulum), there are
latissimus dorsi/teres major complex were shown other sources of passive force affecting the arm
to have at least moderate activity in every study. swing. Among these are (1) resistance provided
The triceps appears to be active primarily at

Table 45.1: Summary of Results of EMG Studies on

Arm Swing in Walking.

Fernandez· Hinrichs and

Ballesteros Hogue Jackson et al.2 Cavanagh3
Muscle 80spml 70-120spm <120spm >120spm slow medium

Posterior Deltoid +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++

Middle Deltoid +++ +++ ++ ++
Anterior Deltoid 0 + +
Upper Lat. Dorsi ++ ++ +++ + +
Teres Major ++ ++ ++ +++
Pecl. Maj.--Sternal 0
Pecl. Maj.--Clavic. 0 0 0
Trapezius +
Supraspinatus ++
Infraspinatus 0
Biceps Brachii 0 0 0 0
Triceps Brachii 0 0 ++ +
Brachialis 0
Brachioradialis + 0 0
Flex. Carpi Uln.
Flex. Carpi Rad. Br.

Key: "" = muscle notlested Noles:

"0" = no muscle activity (I) Cadence: "spm" = steps/min
"-" = negligible activity (2) Jackson et al. considered Ihe lal. dorsi and
"+" = slight activity teres major as one muscle.
"++" = moderate aClivity (3) slow = 105 spm, 0.9 mis, medium x 118 spm,
"+++" = slrongactivily 1.2 mls
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Arms and Legs During Walking and Running 701

by the soft or bony structures in and around the (E~. Vo )' Also included in the model were passive
joints and (2) movements of the shoulder joints resistive moments produced by elastic and viscous
themselves caused by motion of the trunk. stiffness in the joints and surrounding structures
During the initial part of the forward swing, for and by the locking of the elbow at full extension.
example, the flexor moment at the elbow neces- EMG was used to estimate the muscle moments
sary to keep the elbow from extending could arise driving the system.
from the bony structure of the elbow as it ap- The vertical and horiwntal accelerations at the
proaches the fully extended position. A similar shoulder were measured on six subjects using two
situation could occur at the shoulder. A net flexor accelerometers placed at right angles to each other
moment could occur near the end of the backsw- on an aluminum block. The block was held over
ing simply from a restriction on the range of the acromion with velcro straps attached around
motion of the shoulder in hyperextension. the trunk. The overall pattern was the same for
There is a limitation that was not mentioned in both the vertical and horizontal accelerations and
any of the EMG studies on arm swing; that is, the was consistent for all subjects. It consisted of two
unnatural situation created by having electrodes on positive and two negative peaks per cycle. The
the arms of the subjects. The electrodes may have positive peaks (representing upward and forward
drawn attention to the arms and caused the sub- acceleration) occurred slightly after each heel
jects to think about swinging their arms. This, in strike. The negative peaks occurred between heel
turn, may have altered both the natural pattern of strikes. By mounting accelerometers on the left
muscular activity and the kinematics of the swing. and right shoulders on one subject, the inves-
tigators were able to demonstrate that the
horizontal acceleration of the shoulder was
primarily due to a horiwntal acceleration of the
whole body, and that the angular acceleration of
the body about its long axis contributed only a
minor component of the horizontal acceleration at
the shoulder.
The model was flrst used to predict what the
arm swing would look like without input from the
muscles. The results showed that the angular
movements at both the shoulder and elbow were
very small and were ragged. There was no recog-
nizable arm swing. If the model is correct, this
result might suggest that there is very little, if any,
passive pendular action of the arms during walk-
Figure 45.7: Mathematical model of the upper limb It would have been convenient, however, if
used to predict the kinematic features of the arm swing Jackson et al. had done some further investigation
in walking. (From Jackson et al., 1978; reprinted with along this line. Although all the evidence points
permission from Journal of Biomechanics, copyright primarily to the posterior deltoid as being respon-
1978, Pergamon Press.)
sible for the backswing, there is no consensus as to
45.2.5 Mathematical Modeling which muscles, if any, produce the forward swing.
The EMG data collected by Jackson et al. Perhaps the oscillations are forced in only one
(1978), mentioned in the previous section, were direction and the forward swing is a passive pen-
part of a larger study intended to delineate a two- dular reaction to the backs wing. The investigators
dimensional mathematical model of the arm swing could have simulated this by ignoring all EMG ac-
in walking. The rotation of a two segment model, tivity from muscles which might contribute to the
which is shown in Figure 45.7, was controlled by forward swing (e.g., the anterior deltoid), and
muscle moments (derived from EMG) at the seeing if the forward swing still occurred.
shoulder and elbow joints (H, J), and the horiwn- Fernandez-Ballesteros et al. (1965) suggested
tal and vertical accelerations of the shoulder joint that the latissimus dorsi, acting as an internal
702 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

rotator of the upper ann, may contribute to the for- of the vertical oscillations of the eM, however, is
ward swing. By omitting the moment of the not as clear, since this is where walking is dif-
latissimus dorsi around the time of the forward ferent than running. In walking the body eM is
swing and seeing its effect on the ann swing, the highest in mid stance, whereas in running it is
contribution of the latissimus dorsi to the forward lowest. The effect of the ann swing on this verti-
swing might be revealed. It is unlikely, however, cal oscillation in running may be different than in
that this two-dimensional model could help in this walking. This section of the chapter briefly
case. Depending on how the three dimensional reviews the relevant literature on the coordination
geometry of muscle insertions was reduced to two of arms and legs in running.
dimensions (something that was not reported by
45.3.1. Speculation
the authors), the latissimus dorsi would probably
There has been very little literature written on
only be allowed to exert an extensor moment at
the function of the anns in running, although some
the shoulder. By the same token, the primary role
of what has been written dates back more than
of the middle deltoid (i.e., abduction) could never
2300 years. The frrst reference to arm swing in
be assessed in this two-dimensional model. Given
the literature was written by Aristotle (English
all its limitations, though, the model of Jackson et
translation, 1961). In demonstrating a remarkable
al. was able to predict the main kinematic features
understanding of what would come to be known as
of the ann swing as shown by Murray et al.
Newton's laws of motion, Aristotle commented on
the importance of swinging the arms in running:
45.2.6 Summary of Walking Literature
From this review of the related literature, it can ... the animal that moves makes its change of posi-
be seen that there is still much to be resolved con- tion by pressing against that which is beneath it ..
cerning the function of the upper extremities in Hence athletes jump farther if they have the
weights in their hands than if they have not, and
walking. Although it has been established that the
runners run faster if they swing their anns; for in
arm swing in walking is under muscular control, the extension of the anns there is a kind of leaning
the oscillations appear to be forced in only one upon the hands and wrists. (p. 489)
direction, namely the backward swing. An anal-
ogy would be a child on a swing being pushed Exactly why do runners swing their anns? Do
from just one direction. the arms some how propel the runner forward as
There appears to be a motor program supplying Aristotle suggested? Can you actually press
the neural control of the arms swing. The phasic against your own hands and wrists? Or, as Mann
activity primarily in the posterior and middle del- (1981) and Mann and Herman (1985) have sug-
toid, latissimus dorsi, and teres major is integrated gested, are the anns are only used for keeping
into the overall pattern of locomotion. The arms one's balance? Recent research by the author has
swing in virtually exact opposition to the legs, the- shed some light on this topic. The following rep-
reby counteracting excessive rotation of the body resents a summary of a series of articles by the
produced by the striding of the legs. Elftman author. This research has focused on three major
(1939) conftrmed this by demonstrating the ability aspects: 1) EMG and net joint moment considera-
of the arms to balance the angular momentum of tions (Hinrichs, 1985); 2) center of mass and
the rest of the body about the vertical axis. In ad- propulsion considerations (Hinrichs, Cavanagh, &
dition, the arm swing may serve to reduce the Williams, 1987); and 3) angular momentum con-
vertical excursion of the body eM in walking, th- siderations (Hinrichs, Cavanagh, & Williams,
ereby possibly reducing energy cost. 1983; Hinrichs, 1987). Because this work has
45.3 Running recently been reviewed elsewhere (Hinrichs,
1990), this section will include only a short sum-
Although running differs from walking in many
mary of the author's work (see Hinrichs (1990) for
ways, the coordination of anns and legs is similar
an expanded review).
in both. The fact that the anns and legs act in op-
position in both forms of locomotion suggests that 45.3.2 The Author's Research
angular momentum balance about the vertical axis Hinrichs studied ten recreational distance run-
is served in running as well as walking. The issue ners and fIlmed them three-dimensionally from
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Anns and Legs During Walking and Running 703

four cameras while each ran on a treadmill at three

speeds (3.8 mis, 4.5 mis, and 5.4 mls).
Simultaneous EMG's were recorded from eight up-
per extremity and trunk muscles with ha.lf of ~e
subjects wearing the electrodes on the nght slde
and half on the left side. The EMG's were
synchronized with the film data by means ?f an i~­
sole footswitch device. The raw 3D kinemanc
data were smoothed and entered into a computer
program which calculated the following variables:
1) The paths of the CM of the arms, the body-
iD 0
minus-arms, and the whole body over the
running cycle. .

2) The contributions of the arms, head and trunk, ~ c

o g
and legs to the changes in total-body linear Z I

momenrum over each contact phase. These

were called "lift" and "drive," respectively.
3) The angular momenrum of each body segment
and various systems of segments about the
4) The net moments at the shoulder and elbow
Figure 45.8: Mean curves for the vertical component
The results revealed several interesting aspects of angular momentum (Hz) of the upper body, lower
about the coordination of arm and legs in running. body, and whole body for running at 4.5 m/s. (From
First, the arms were found to contribute very little Hinrichs, 1987. Reprinted with permission from
to angular momentum of the body about the International Journal of Sport Biomechanics, copyright
mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) axes. 1987, Human Kinetics.)
There was nothing found to indicate that the arms
The arms were also found to make a small but
are able to "balance" the legs in any fashion about
meaningful contribution (5-10%) to the vertical
these two axes. About the vertical axis, however,
linear impulse on the body during each contact
angular momenrum in the upper body (arms, head,
phase and hence provided lift. The arms' con-
and upper trunk) was found to offset the angular
tribution to lift increased as running speed
momentum of the lower body (legs and lower
increased. Somewhat unexpected was the finding
trunk), leaving only a small amount of total-body
that the arms contributed nothing to the forward
angular momenrum about this axis (see Figure
propulsion of the body (drive). Instead, the arms
45.8). This result, which was similar to that found
were found to reduce the fluctuations in the
by Elftman (1939) for walking, suggests that the
velocity of the runner, both in the ML and AP
upper and lower body "torque" off each other
directions. The arms were found to cross over
about the vertical axis. In running, the legs can
slightly in front of the body, rather than swinging
rapidly change their vertical angular momenrum
directly forward and back. While believed by
during the airborne phase by receiving an angular
some to be bad form in running, this crossover
impulse from the upper body. Without this im-
was actually found to be beneficial in that it
pulse, a runner could only "leap" from one foot to
tended to reduce the side-to-side motion of the
another, waiting until the next foot contact to
body center of mass and hence promoted a more
begin moving the swing leg through. The runner's
constant forward velocity.
legs would have to rely on the ground as the
Somewhat surprisingly, the EMG activity in the
source of angular impulse.
shoulder and elbow muscularure showed moderate
to strong activity in all the muscles sampled (three
704 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

deltoids, latissimus dorsi, triceps, pectoralis major, rather to get off the ground. The arms, by provid-
biceps, and brachioradialis}. This activity in- ing lift, help the runner achieve this goal.
creased as running speed increased. As in Whether the arms contribute to the forward
walking, the posterior deltoid showed the propulsion of the body in situations where the run-
strongest activity. The activity was substantially ner is speeding up is unknown. This is a topic for
higher in running, however, reaching a peak: level further research.
of 60% of maximum voluntary contraction at the Secondary functions of the arm swing include
fastest speed. the reduction of excursions of the body CM from
side to side and, at least in the case of "constant
45.3.3 Other Research speed" running studied here, in the direction of
Little else has been done on the mechanics of progression. Thus the arms help the runner
the arm action in running. Only two additional achieve a more constant horizontal velocity which
studies come to mind. In one, Williams (1980) could lead to a reduction in energy cost.
reported a relationship between arm action and
energy cost in distance running. Williams used 45.4 Future Directions
wrist excursion as a global measure of the amount There is much work to be done on the coordina-
of arm swing used by a runner. Those runners tion of arms and legs in walking and running.
who were more economical (Le., who used less Perhaps the most intriguing is the topic of energy
oxygen per minute per kg body mass) showed less cost. The link between arm action and energy cost
excursion of the wrists over the running cycle than in walking has not been established, but only
those runners who were less economical. speculated upon. Williams (1980) reported that
In another study which assessed energy cost, runners who were more economical in terms of
Claremont and Hall (1988) investigated the use of oxygen consumption tended to use less vigorous
hand and ankle weights in running. The authors arm swings. Thus there may be a compromise be-
reported that carrying hand weights significantly tween mechanical and physiological factors. A
reduced peak: angular velocities and excursions of vigorous arm swing may provide more lift yet re-
the upper arm and forearm compared to the no quire more energy to execute. Further study is
weight condition. This result is not surprising. warranted in the area of uphill running where lift
The more massive arms would not have to swing is of utmost importance.
as vigorously to generate an equal amount of an- Another topic for future research is in the area
gular momentum about the vertical axis. of sprinting. Some sprinters such as Carl Lewis
demonstrate what is referred to as the "classic
45.3.4 Summary of Running Literature style" in which each arm swings nearly directly
It is interesting that what appear to be the two forward and back with little or no crossover.
main functions of the arms in running both involve Perhaps this classic style has an advantage in
the vertical axis. Through their acceleration up- sprinting that we don't understand yet. Most dis-
ward relative to the trunk, the arms help the legs in tance runners, however, do not adopt this form.
propelling the body upward (lift). Through their It may require more energy to swing the arms
forward and backward swings, the arms (with the this way. The crossover of the arms in front of the
help of the upper trunk) provide the vast majority chest, in fact, seems to be advantageous to the run-
of the torque about the vertical axis needed to put ner by reducing the side-ta-side excursions of the
the legs through their alternating patterns of stance body CM. From an angular momentum
and swing. standpoint, just as much vertical angular momen-
The role of the arms in the forward propulsion tum can be generated with a crossover as with the
of the body has not been well defined. Based on classic style. The classic style would seem to have
the current definition of drive (that is, the forward an advantage when it comes to generating drive,
acceleration of both arms combined relative to the but, at least in distance running, drive does not ap-
trunk), the arms generally do not contribute to the pear to be a factor.
forward propulsion of the body. Hopper (1964) Research is currently underway which inves-
had some early insight into this aspect of running. tigates the arm action in sprint running and race
He basically said that at "constant speed" running, walking. (Funding has been received from the
the main aim of the runner is not to speed up but
45. Hinrichs; Coordination of Arms and Legs During Walking and Running 705

U.S. Olympic Committee and The Athletics Fischer, O. (1899) Der gang des menschen:ll. Tell. Die
Congress.) Contributions of the arms and legs to bewegung des gesammtschwerpunktes und die aus-
the propulsion out of the blocks in a sprint start are sem krafte. Abhandl. d. Math. - Phys. Cl. d. k. Sachs
also being investigated. Questions which will be Gesellsch. Wissensch. 25:1-163.
answered include: 1) Do the arms propel the Gerdy, P.N. (1829) Memoires sur Ie mecanisme de la
marche de l'homme. J. Physiol. Exp. Path. 9:1-28.
sprinter forward in the start and at top speed? 2)
Hinrichs, R.N. (1985) A three-dimensional analysis of
What torques are left about the vertical axis for the the net moments at the shoulder and elbow joints in
walker or runner to get from the ground? 3) running and their relationship to upper extremity
Should the arms be swung directly forward and EMG activity. Biomechanics /X-B (Edited by
backward in sprinting, or is there an advantage, as Winter, D.A., Nonnan, R.W., Wells, R.P., Hayes,
in distance running, of letting them cross over in and Patla, A.E.), Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL,
front slightly? It is assumed that the arm action in pp. 337-342.
race walking serves similar functions as it does in Hinrichs, R.N. (1987) Upper extremity function in run-
walking and running. The influence of the arms ning. II:Angular momentum considerations. Int. J.
on the motion of the body CM should be especially of Sport Biomechanics 3:242-263.
interesting, since it is here that running differs Hinrichs, R.N. (1990) Upper extremity function in dis-
tance running. Biomechanics of Distance Running,
from walking.
(Edited by Cavanagh, P.R.), Human Kinetics,
Finally, a logical progression from the ex- Champaign, IL, pp. 107-133.
perimental work done so far is to create realistic Hinrichs, R.N. and Cavanagh, P.R. (1981) Upper ex-
mathematical models of gait which include the tremity function in treadmill walking. Paper
arms as well as the legs and be three-dimensional presented at the 1981 Annual Meeting of the
in nature. The complexity of such a model would American College of Sports Medicine, Miami, FL.
undoubtedly greatly exceed that of the current two Hinrichs, R.N., Cavanagh, P.R., and Williams, K.R.
dimensional models of gait which lump head, (1983) Upper extremity contributions to angular
arms, and trunk together as one point mass sitting momentum in running. Biomechanics VII/-B (Edited
on top of fully functional legs. We cannot truly by Matsui, H. and Kobayashi, K.), Human Kinetics,
understand gait without investigating the fine Champaign, IL, pp. 641-647.
motor coordination of arms and legs together. Hinrichs, R.N., Cavanagh, P.R., and Williams, K.R.
(1987) Upper extremity function in running.
References I:Centerofmass and propulsion considerations. Int.
Aristotle. (English Translation by E.S. Forster, 1961) J. Sport Biomechanics 3:222-24l.
Progression of Animals. Harvard University Press, Hogue, R.E. (1969) Upper-extremity muscular activity
Cambridge. at different cadences and inclines during nonnal
Braune, C.W., and Fischer, C. (1895) Der gang des gait. Phys. The. 49:963-972.
menschen:I. Teil. Abhandl. d. Math. - Phys. Cl. d. k. Hopper, B.J. (1964) The mechanics of arm action in
Sachs Gesselsch. Wissench. 21:153-322. running. Track Technique 17:520-522.
Claremont, A.D., and Hall, S.J. (1988) Effects of ex- Jackson, K.M., Joseph, J., and Wyard, S.J. (1978) A
tremity loading upon energy expenditure and mathematical model of arm swing during human
running mechanics. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 20:167- locomotion. J. Biomechanics 11:277-289.
17l. Mann, R.Y. (1981) A kinetic analysis of sprinting.
Clauser, C.E., McConville, J.T., and Young, J.W. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 13:325-328.
(1969) Weight, Volume, and Center of Mass of Mann, R. and Hennan, J. (1985) Kinematic analysis of
Segments of the Human Body. AMRL Technical Olympic sprint perfonnance:Men's 200 meters. Int.
Report 69-70, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, J. Sport Biomechanics 1:151-162.
Ohio. (NTIS# AD-710-622) Murray, M.P., Sepic, S.P., and Bernard, E.J. (1967)
du Bois-Reymond, R. (1909) Specielle be- Patterns of sagittal rotations of the upper limbs in
wegungslehre. Handbuch der Physiologie des walking, a study of nonnal men during free and fast
Menschen (Edited by Nagel, W.), F. Vieweg, walking. Phys. Ther. 47:272-284.
Braunschweig, pp. 564-628. Rasch, P.J. and Burke, R.K. (1973) Kinesiology and
Elftman, H. (1939) The function of the arms in walk- Applied Anatomy. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
ing. Hum. Bioi. 11:529-535. Williams, K.R. (1980) A biomechanical and
Fernandez-Ballesteros, M.L., Buchthal, F., and P. physiological evaluation of running efficiency.
Rosenfalck. (1965) The pattern of muscular activity Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania
during the arm swing of natural walking. Acta State University, University Park.
Physiol. Scand. 63:296-310.

Brain Plans and Servo Loops in

Determining Corrective Movements

John D. Brooke and William E. McIlroy

46.1 Introduction
There are research benefits to studying move- Hammond (1955). The paradigm involved load-
ments which correct a disturbance of the position ing of the human forearm to stretch the biceps
or progression of a limb. For example, the prior brachii muscle. Two responses were observed,
state of the limb, the body or the brain can be one excitation at a latency of approximately 45 ms
manipulated. This can throw light on prior or- and a second at 110 ms. The first was related to
ganization, or pre-planning, of the corrective the monosynaptic stretch reflex and the second to
movement. Further, the onset point for the need a voluntary response to the external loading. A
for the correction can be accurately specified. report in 1956 by Hammond reported the potential
This serves as a temporal bench mark from which of an intermediate response (approximately 73 ms)
the corrective movement is initiated by the nerv- to account for differences between responses ob-
ous system. Study of such movements can also served when subjects were instructed to either 'let
highlight the role of peripheral feedback from sen- go' or 'resist' the perturbation. These studies rep-
sory transducers in the organization of movement. resented the first evidence of multiple responses,
(This then can be contrasted with pre-planning by distinguished by latency, to external loading.
the central nervous system.) The initial distur- In the early 1970s the technique was further
bance or 'perturbation' of the limb sets up developed (Newson et ai., 1970; Melville-Jones
additional discharge in the sensory receptors. and Watt, 1971). The emphasis was on the role of
When this discharge can be measured or es- reflex function in normal behavior. Melville-
timated, correlation can be made between the Jones and Watt (1971) labelled a further response
input and the subsequent output of corrective mus- to those observed by Hammond (1956), the func-
cular activity. This can test for the existence of tional stretch reflex, which occurred at
servo relationships between the sensory discharge approximately 120 ms. Further categorization oc-
and the muscular activity. The possibility of in- curred when Tatton et al. (1975) reported four
vestigating servomechanisms is improved when distinct responses to perturbation in the monkey,
the concept is delimited, as presently, to 'simple' Ml, M2, M3 and voluntary. Hendrie and Lee
servos. •Simple' means proceeding through brief (1978) revised this by combining M2 and M3
pathways, with the effects of the input on the mus- (M21M3) in humans, where the two responses were
cular discharge being those described as reflexes not easily distinguishable. Many studies using dif-
in basic texts of neuroscience. ferent nomenclature were performed on different
Reflexes observed during corrective reactions muscles and different species. It soon became dif-
have a long history, initiated by studies of pertur- ficult to compare the numerous, presumably
bation at single joints. The first recorded use of distinct, responses which were distinguished
load perturbation appears to have been by primarily by latency.

Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York:
46. Brooke and McIlroy; Neural Components of Corrective Movements 707

In the mid 1970's individuals were also explor- transrmsslon over their briefest paths to the
ing using the load perturbation strategy to perturb motoneuronal pools. We searched for such servo
more complex movements, such as postural loops. We chose biomechanical measures to
stability. Nashner (1977) produced data suggest- reflect particular sensory discharge. We then at-
ing that the responses to induced sway in standing tempted to correlate these measures with the EMG
subjects represented fixed synergies from a pattern responses.
generator in the central nervous system (eN$). In addition to the servo loops, the prior states of
There was a greater focus on the combination of the eNS I!llly partially or wholly determine the
responses in different muscles, as opposed to the responses to perturbation. The identification of
segmented responses seen in individual muscles programmed responses, centrally derived, depends
during single joint studies. Some of this new on two possible observations: 1) independence of
focus resulted from a lack of observation of simple response characteristics from the peripheral inputs
responses such as the monosynaptic reflex. This and 2) anticipatory effects (Rosenbaum, 1985).
lack could be due principally to the low rates of The use of the first criterion is most common. In
stretch around the joints. Allum (1983), studying general, researchers have attempted to dissociate
posture, and Dietz et al. (1982), studying gait, the response characteristics from peripheral input
also recorded responses which were not easily as- on the basis of inference of sensory input from
sociated with those seen in single joint studies. changes in kinematics due to perturbation.
An immediate bi-product of focusing on more One possibility for such programmed responses
than one muscle was the view that the output aris- would be that there are fixed patterns of neuronal
ing from afferent input was much more complex discharge leading to EMG discharge, patterns
than that seen in the single muscle case. Muscles which are released by a triggering stimulus; that
which may not have been agonists to the perturba- is, 'hard-wired' neuronal circuits. A more flexible
tion were activated. Abbs and Cracco (1984) were view would be that the eNS learns a number of
critical of single joint studies for this limitation of patterns of EMG responses and that one of these is
not being able to observe 'open-loop control' selected on the basis of prior sensory information
processes because of the single muscle focus. about the task and the body condition that
They highlighted the importance of the non- preceeded the onset of perturbation, and on the
autogenic muscle as evidence of the complexity of basis of the prior intentions of the subject. When
transformations. we failed to find simple servo relationships be-
In the last 5 years there has been a substantial tween perturbation input and muscle output, we
rise in the number of studies evaluating responses explored this possibility of preplanning.
to perturbation of complex movement, including Specifically, could it be identified? Could it be
study of posture (Horak et al., 1989; Diener et al., shown to be flexible for different prior states?
1988; MacPherson et al., 1986; Horak and
Nashner, 1986; Forssberg, 1985), gait (Dietz et al., 46.2 Transduced Sensory Information
1987), pedalling (McIlroy & Brooke, 1987), and from Limb Perturbation
grip (Johansson and Westling, 1988; Cole and There is a well documented range of biological
Abbs, 1987). These studies have concluded that a transducers available to sense the position of the
significant portion of the response to perturbation leg and on the types of perturbations that these
is the product of a centrally triggered (pre- sensory receptors receive [e.g., see table on
structured) program. The emphasis has clearly physiological classification of nerve fibers and
been on the complexity of the transformation their receptors (p. 578) and section on the main-
rather than the afferents or the neuroanatomical tenance of equilibrium (p. 621) in Guyton (1986)1
characteristics. Proprioception arises from kinesthetic and ves-
In such studies, there are two potential con- tibular receptors. Kinesthetic receptors transduce
tributors to the kinematic and electromyographic the stretch of muscles, the muscle force and the
(EMG) responses due to the perturbation. The position of joints. Vestibular receptors transduce
parameters of the afferent volleys (inferred from the position of the head in space. In addition, in-
the characteristics of the perturbation) may deter- formation from limb contact may be transduced
mine the response in a scalar manner, through through haptic receptors (pressure-touch). The af-
708 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

ferents serving these various transducers proceed tion or from the vestibular apparatus. Further, for
in the spinal cord through a myriad of routes to the muscle stretch and pressure-touch transducers, the
motoneurons which excite muscles (Baldissera et parameter of the stimulus should be selected ap-
al., 1981). They also rapidly transmit information propriately for the transducer tissue site. Figure
to brain sites, including the cerebral cortex 46.1 shows the appropriate delimitation. For ex-
(Guyton, 1986). The above list is not all-inclusive ample, if stretch discharge is anticipated from
(e.g., special senses such as vision may knee extensor muscles, measurement should be
contribute), but it probably contains the main made of the evoked velocity of knee flexion,
sources of information transduced by subjects rather than forces or velocities at the ankle.
producing corrective muscular activity in the [However, knee flexion velocity may in some
present tasks. cases be estimated via a mathematical model (e.g.
It must be noted that, in the past, study of Chapter 40 (Hull and Sanderson) for cycling).]
response to perturbation has unduly emphasized
transducers for muscle stretch and transformations INPUT TRANSFORMATION OUTPUT
of this information through conduction in fa af-
ferent fibres. A large number of types of sensory
receptors may be activated when a limb is per-
load +
Load 10
+ Tissue 10
turbed. The action potentials due to these (receptor slle) generator
receptors may be transmitted in the full range of
afferents (certainly in groups f, II and Ill). This
means that afferent conduction velocities from the Figure 46.1: General perturbation load leads to
initial disturbance of the limb can range in the specific transducer load, so as to infer the evoked sen-
human from approximately 60 mls to 3 mls. sory activity and afferent traffic.
Accordingly, the initial latency of an evoked
response in the EMG cannot easily be used to infer It is concluded that a particular type of
the time or modality of the onset of the transducer transducer needs to be separated and specifically
discharge. One cannot assume group f afferent activated when a role is to be assigned to it. The
velocities from muscle stretch without first show- appropriate stimulus parameters of the perturba-
ing how one rules out the other sensory tion must be obtained to represent that particular
possibilities. transducer discharge. Such specific activation and
Research on corrective movements has used its adequate representation have not been well
some measure of the perturbing force to infer the done in studies of human responses. This is partly
volley evoked from a particular receptor. Two because experimental control is difficult to obtain.
questions are pertinent. Can the parameters of the It follows that confirmation of the eNS role, by
perturbing stimulus be used for such inference? If showing that simple servo mechanisms are not a
so, what parameter of the stimulus should be part of the EMG responses, is not an easy task.
used? There are too many possible transducers and
We agree with earlier researchers that the reflex loops.
characteristics of the stimulus of mechanical per-
46.3 Central Nervous System Plans
turbation can be used to make reasonable
In the late 1900's, there was considerable re-
inferences about the transducer discharge and sub-
search conducted on spinalized preparations which
sequent afferent traffic, both for the muscle
revealed that complex movement was possible in
spindle stretch receptor (Gottlieb and Agarwal,
the absence of the brain. Chained reflexes were
1979) and for haptic transducers. We note the low
explored to account for behavior (Sherrington,
level of EMG response compared to that obtained
1906). These studies diverted attention away from
in studies which used electrical stimulation of the
the central nervous system as a control center for
afferents (McIlroy and Brooke, 1986). We are
the patterning of complex behaviour. However,
less secure about inferences for Golgi tendon or-
models for pattern generators were constructed by
gans transducing force through the musculo-
individuals such as Brown (1914) and later von
tendinous junction, and do not feel secure about
Holst (1935). In recent years there has been sub-
inferring discharge from joint transducers of posi-
46. Brooke and McIlroy; Neural Components of Corrective Movements 709

stantial work, with the role of the central pattern transducer to muscle becomes more complex.
generator well recognized in some preparations This complexity might be through spinal or brain
(e.g., Grillner, 1985). These observations, along networks of neurons. Prior action potentials from
with those from studies on deafferentated prepara- environmental events result in memory and plans
tions (e.g., Deliagnia et al., 1975), contributed to for future action. The neural circuits for the ex-
the view of the motor physiologist that the eNS ecution of these future actions will lead to
contains 'programs' for movement. These biologi- descending modulations on the motoneuronal
cal models of motor programs are complemented pools, resulting in a pattern of discharges from
in the psychological literature by a more diffuse muscles. Species modifIcation, through evolution-
view of the brain's capacity to store and generate ary adaptation from environmental events, may
programs [e.g., see Schmidt (1982)]. result in some such circuits becoming 'hard
The product of the outputs from motor wired', fIxed components of the eNS connections.
programs has been observed as both modulation of An example is pattern generators (Grillner 1985).
ongoing reflex action and as distinct motor reac- The brain and spinal cord circuits at complex
tions. Hammond (1956) reported that the short levels, from phenotype or genotype memory, may
latency reflex was attentuated when subjects were need no more than trigger signals from the
instructed not to correct tl;.e load disturbance. This proprioceptive or haptic transducers.
has been repeatedly confIrmed. More general Alternatively, they may be flexible to changing
evidence, outside the load perturbation paradigm, task conditions.
for the modulation of 'reflex' pathways by de- No one knows what the quantified physical
scending commands, reflecting some programmed models are for these modes of eNS control that
discharge, has seen considerable growth in recent have the potential to be involved in pre-planning.
years (see Baldissera et al., 1981; Schieppati, There is little evidence for the linear scaling of in-
1987). Programmmed response can also mobilize put and output that is associated with simple
muscle action directly. There is evidence that servomechanisms. Pellionisz and Llinas (1980)
some of the corrective reaction to load disturbance have taken a novel approach to modeling motor
represents a triggered 'pre-programmed' reaction coordination, viewing the brain as a geometric ob-
(Crago et al., 1976). ject, with its networks organized as vectors in
There are a number of ways in which the eNS reference to the three dimensional movement
can deliver pre-planned patterns of response to space. The sensory and motor vectors are felt to
limb perturbation. At the periphery, the eNS can be treated in their natural coordinate systems, with
modulate the information transmitted in the af- the internal vectors being removed from these
ferent line conducting from the transducer. One specifIc coordinates by a hypothesized neuronal
possibility is to alter the sensitivity of the network that acts as a metric tensor. This metric
transducer. For example, the primary stretch tensor determines the relationship between the in-
receptor of the muscle spindle receives gain con- put and output systems (Pellionisz and Llinas,
trol from the brain through the gamma 1985).
motoneuronal innervation. Another possibility is In conclusion, it is clear that at least some of
to control afferent traffic by inhibiting the trans- the EMG responses to perturbation can arise from
mission. This occurs directly at spinal and brain pre-planning in the eNS. Even the earliest latency
stem levels through presynaptic inhibition. responses can be influenced. Compared to the
Indirectly, the effects of afferent traffic can be servo control view, there is much less direct ex-
reduced in simple servo loops of the spinal cord perimental evidence for this pre-planning. This is
by inhibiting the neuron which would, be excited partly due to the apparent ease of manipulating the
by the traffIc. Thus pre-planning can, at the eNS peripheral afferent discharge and then studying
periphery, control the flow of afferent information spinal responses. It is also partly because valid
by modulations at the membranes of the receptor, numerical modeling of the neural aspects of mul-
the presynaptic and the postsynaptic neurons. tiple muscle movement systems has proved to be
Clearly, this pre-planning has the potential for difficult, especially given out lack of knowledge
considerable flexibility as the task alters. regarding eNS pre-planning. One suspects that the
There are additional ways of delivering pre- earlier bias to servo control is also partly due to
planned EMG responses, as the neural path from the ideological seduction of the Chained Reflex
710 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements


.. EMGs
b. IIbl."• .,,\erlor
c- lal. IlUlrocnemlua

d. vaalua medialis
rorallon a reclua lemorls
ptJ/nr f. lemllencInoaue

foOt plate fI. hlp angle

<==- 'f ~ f/xrJd

-====<> lIa/aclOl'Y
h. knee angle
L ankle angle
t Ioolp!a\e angle
k. a"de pOSition

Figure 46.2: Outline of details of the methods used in

a number of our experiments.

Theory, which for many decades directed the as quickly as possible after the braking perturba-
thoughts of experimenters. tion, which slowed the angular velocity of the
46.4 Current Method of Investigating pedals by 50% in approximately 30 ms. Ten to 30
Perturbation of the Human Leg seconds elapsed between perturbations, which
were presented at three positions in the movement,
Movements were performed from a seated posi-
near the top, middle and bottom of the frrst half of
tion, on a custom designed slide, with ankle, knee,
the leg cycle (when the leg is extending). At these
and hip angles initially at approximately 100°.
points, the perturbation occurred at different knee
Subjects tonically contracted leg extensor muscles
angles and ankle angles and occurred at different
to resist a flexor force of 120 N, and were in-
levels of ongoing activity in the muscles.
structed to return the slide to its starting position
when perturbed. Perturbation flexor forces up to 46.5 Results on the Role of Inferred
350 N were applied at unpredictable intervals Afferent Volleys from Perturbation
from 10 to 45 sec. The plantar surface of the foot
contacted a footplate, which served as the inter- 46.5.1 Perturbation of Isometric Extension
face between the limb and the external inertial Activity of the Isolated Leg
loads imposed. Possible slide configurations In one study, loads of different and predictable
defined specific trajectories or varied degrees of magnitudes were applied. Figure 46.3A presents
freedom for movement. The kinematic variables the kinematic changes resulting from such load
sampled with potentiometers included hip, knee changes. The slide displacement reveals the sharp
and ankle angles, foot plate angle and slide dis- change of limb position due to the onset of the ex-
placement Reaction forces of initial perturbation ternal load and the eventual recovery of the limb
and of response were sampled. Surface electrodes position against the new load. As the magnitude
sampled electromyograms from six leg muscl~s, of perturbing load increases, the slide is displaced
as shown. The 13 data channels were analog- further, then returned to the starting point. Initial
digital transformed and on-line sampled at a rate and peak velocities were dependent on the mag-
of 1 kHz. nitude of perturbation. It is interesting to note that
Perturbations also were applied when subjects the changes in knee and hip displacement paral-
pedalled on a Monark friction brake ergometer at a leled, in shape, the changes in slide position but
rate of 50 rpm and power output of 160 W the ankle joint did not. In particular, note the early
(McIlroy and Brooke, 1987). The ergometer was oscillation at the ankle. This information is not
modified with a potentiometer to measure right readily available from the slide kinematics. In this
pedal angle, strain gauge plates to measure pedal movement, part of the changes seen at the hip and
force, and a mechanical brake which rapidly in- knee also must arise from this oscillation at the
creased the pedal resistance. The right pedal force ankle. The peak velocities of the early oscillation
signal was conditioned by a Vishay amplifier. of the ankle are low, making it difficult to predict
Subjects were instructed to restore the cycling rate the afferent discharge resulting from muscle
stretch transducers.
46. Brooke and McIlroy; Neural Components of Corrective Movements 711

A) Predictable B} Unpredictable

Displacement Velocity Displacement Velocity

M'" .E:g {~ ~ EJf!J
Knee~~ ~~
~-~ ~-~
HIP~~ ~~
~ ~ ~ ~
Figure 46.3: Displacements and velocities of slide, after perturbation with three added loads of 120, 250
ankle, knee and hip, from 100 ms before to 500 ms and 350 N, in one subject.

Figure 46.4A shows that on average, with pre- A) Predictable 8) Unpredictable

dictable loading, EMGs rose as the velocity of
perturbation of the appropriate joint rose. The 60L soc..

peak velocities for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
were obtained from the initial period of oscillation
reported in Figure 46.3. This correlation of EMG


and joint velocity is not evidence for servo loops
between the muscle stretch receptors and EMG
response. These loads were presented in a predict-
•0 JQ
•• •• •• ... •
Ankle dorsiflexion
10 eo 00 ...
able fashion, all of the samples of one load being TA
presented together. (See 46.5.3 - Unpredictable
Loading.) The main bursts of excitatory responses
in ankle muscles were temporally separated. On
average, the excitation in tibialis anterior started
50 ms before that in soleus. Also noteworthy is
the one subject who corrected the perturbation, but
showed no change in early soleus or tibialis an- Ankle plantar flexion
JQ . 10 eo
terior activity with increasing joint velocity. VM VM

Figure 46.4: Regression of EMG magnitude, 65-155
ms post perturbation, on joint velocity (deg/s). Lines
are constructed through data points for individual sub-
jects. EMGs were expressed as ratios of response
(mV.s) evoked following the lowest load (SOL-soleus,
TA-tibialis anterior, VM-vastus medialis).
JQ .. 00 I • ... .~

Knee flexion
.. JQ eo 00
l ...
712 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/propulsive Movements

46.5.2 Perturbation of Extension Activity can be seen that stable patterns of muscular
of the Leg when Pedalling responses resulted. The pedal angle provides
Some of the major observations from perturba- some indication of ankle joint rotation. It can be
tion of isolated leg extensions on the slide can also seen that the reactive dorsiflexion normally occur-
be observed when natural activities such as pedall- ring is largely maintained with perturbation.
ing are perturbed (McIlroy and Brooke, 1987). Tibialis anterior is excited, yet no perturbation
Figure 46.5A shows raw EMG activity over stretch occurred. Soleus and lateral gastrocnemius
repeated cycles of pedalling, together with reac- were both inhibited initially. Thus, the early
tion force at the pedal and pedal angle. At the EMGs in ankle muscles are not those anticipated
start of the time window shown, 48° past top dead for simple servo responses. It should also be
centre for the pedal (TDC), the flywheel was noted that the excitation of the quadriceps muscles
rapidly braked and perturbed the movement of the was not preceeded by perturbation-induced
limb. Figure 46.5B shows 15 samples of stretch, simply by slowing of the developing ex-
responses to this perturbation. As with the slide, it tension of the knee.

A) Unperturbed 8) Perturbed
'vi cycle - ..... 11 - I .... ,eel


ToIIi •• "",.......... OI!..~~r_n.....-., 1.. -
~~I~_ill6W-W I--,..w....... i I.

hit c: ....k

.. ~ ... _JOC)
I. _ -.

Figure 46.5: Raw EMG responses, pedal forces, and shown on the full cycle trace. (Redrawn from McDroy
pedal angles, from a single subject, cycling at 0.8 Hz. and Brooke Brain Res. (1987); printed with permis-
The perturbed samples occurred in the time window sion.)
46. Brooke and McIlroy; Neural Components of Corrective Movements 713

Top Middle Bollom

An kl e d lspl acemen l

M~ "ka"'~
7'I ~ n -- ':I

Figure 46.6: Displacement of the ankle joint and with ± I SO). for one subject. at the top. middle and
EMGs of tibialis anterior (mean full wave rectified. end of the leg extensor phase following perturbation of

We have perturbed pedalling at different posi- Figure 46.4B shows that, in the unpredictable
tions of the leg during its extension. At the condition, the subjects did not correlate the level
various points in the movement, there was a of EMG activity with the magnitude of the load im-
similar decrease in pedal crank velocity, which, posed. However, they should have done so if the
when unperturbed, remained comparatively con- peripheral sensory transduction of the load was in
stant However, as Figure 46.6 shows for the fact determining the magnitude of the EMG
tibialis anterior at the ankle joint, even though the responses via simple servo loops. The evidence
activity of muscles decreased over the extension for such loops in controlling the corrective move-
phase, the initial EMG responses to perturbation ment was not there. The failure to scale EMG
could still be observed. No stretch occurred in activity to the magnitude of the perturbation when
muscles showing early excitatory responses. It is it was unpredictable contrasted with the linear
concluded that when pedalling is perturbed, the regressions normally occurring with predictable
complex pattern of EMG responses is not primarily loads. as shown in Figure 46.3A. We feel that the
arising from servos from muscle stretch or force regressions in Figure 46.3A reflect the scaling of
receptors. response due to the eNS pre-planning for a predict-
able load. We suggest that these results should not
46.5.3 Results on eNS Pre-Planning
be taken as evidence for simple servo loops,
eNS pre-planning appeared to be involved in
however superficially attractive this idea may be
the corrective movements of the leg. There was
when Figure 46.4A is viewed alone.
temporal separation in the activation of ankle
It can be seen from the displacements of the
muscles, and one subject showed EMG responses
slide in unpredictable conditions (Figure 46.4B)
not correlated to the appropriate joint rotation.
that this subject was biased toward predicting one
Therefore, this pre-planning was further explored
level of perturbation. In this case it was the high
in a different way by making the magnitude of the
load, and consequently the return of low and
perturbing load unpredictable as subjects held leg
medium perturbations overshot the return target.
extensor activity on the slide. Figure 46.3B shows
Different subjects showed biases to different
the resulting effect on displacements and
levels of perturbation. Also, for a given subject
velocities of the slide and of ankle, knee and hip
there could be considerable variation over a num-
joints. Note that the early kinematics, which result
ber of trials.
from the perturbation as opposed to corrective
Subjects quickly stabilized the pattern of mus-
EMG activity, were close to identical for unpredict-
cular activation appropriate for a predictable load.
able and predictable loads. That is, loading
Noting this rapid adaptation, and the changes that
magnitude did not alter between predictable and
occurred in a pattern which is complex, we feel
unpredictable conditions. The main difference in
that the motor pre-planning was occurring in the
kinematics between the two conditions occurred
brain rather than the spinal cord. However, we
well into the corrective phase, when the eNS was
have no direct evidence for this opinion. There is
presumably apprised of the magnitude of the load.
evidence from primate studies that motor set in-
volves the deep nuclei of the cerebellum.
714 Multiple Muscle Systems. Part V: Lower Limbs in Cyclic/Propulsive Movements

Reversible cooling of these nuclei in Cebus whether the magnitudes of perturbation were pre-
monkeys abolishes the component of the dictable or not (This was confirmed by the same
perturbation-evoked EMG that is attributed to an- early kinematic changes due to perturbation in
ticipatory set (Hore and Vilis, 1984). The pre- both predictable and unpredictable trials.) The
frontal cortex· is also likely to be involved in the identical stimuli should have resulted in the same
pre-planning (see, e.g., Sieb's hypotheses 1989). EMG responses for the two types of trials if the
signal was in fact processed through simple servo
46.6 Concluding Remarks, Future loops. This did not occur. The simple servo
Directions hypothesis again was discredited. However, the
In the present work, sensory discharge, due to EMG responses were not random. Rather, subjects
perturbation of the leg when isometrically exerting in unpredictable settings delivered an average
extensor force, was indirectly represented by the EMG response which showed clear bias to one of
changes in displacement and angular velocity of the three loads. The brain anticipated a type of
the ankle, knee and hip joints, and by the loading load. We conclude that motor plans were made
force applied to the plantar surface of the foot before the perturbation occurs.
The EMGs of major extensor and flexor muscles of The rejection of the simple servo hypothesis
the leg were examined during the response to re- lends strong support to the alternative, that the
store limb position, following the perturbation. A eNS, and probably the brain, pre-plans the
major conclusion is that such corrective muscular responses. This conclusion has to be delimited
activity is not the output of simple ser- presently to the characteristics of our experimental
vomechanisms through brief neural pathways task. Particularly important is the fact that there
from the inferred sensory input (Inputs from was no penalty for inaccuracy and no reward for
muscle stretch and force, and from plantar surface speed. Much more use of the servo control might
pressure, were studied. There are not dynamic have occurred if there had been a severe penalty
grounds for anticipating much Golgi force for inaccuracy in returning the foot to the set posi-
transducer discharge. Furthermore, joints did not tion.
move to the extremes at which the main discharge Our central conclusion, that a major role is played
occurs from joint receptors.) by the brain in corrective movements, signficantly
We have confidence in our conclusion, which directs whole limb modeling. The conclusion is
suggests against the presence of servomechanisms, supported by additional experiments we have con-
in part because it was not based simply on the ducted but not reported here. We have, under
relationship between the EMG responses and the publication, further evidence on the role of the
global measure of perturbation, the loading force. human brain in pre-planning. Our results suggest
There have been some recent research reports that: 1. It is clear that truly novel perturbation
which arrive at our conclusion from a different set events evoke EMG and kinematic responses which
of observations (e.g., Diener et al. 1988). Clearly, are quite different from those arising during
the biomechanical measures need to approximate, known perturbations. 2. We observe learning
as closely as possible, the perturbing phenomena adaption, following novel disturbances (e.g., note
which are appropriate for exciting the various the pedal force in the perturbed trial on Figure
types of sensory receptor that could be involved in 46.5B). 3. Diminished cutaneous drive from the
servo loop responses. The present studies come foot results in response modulation at the com-
close to this goal, and suggest that the peripheral paratively long latencies associated with brain-
servo loop is not the primary means of control in processed responses and does not alter the initial
this task. EMG responses (McIlroy et al., 1989). 4. Changes
In one of the experiments, the loads of pertur- to the positions of the limb segments beforehand
bation were delivered randomly in one trial and result in marked changes in the response pattern of
then in predictable series in another trial. After the limbs (McIlroy et al., 1988).
the trials, the EMG and kinematic data were The conclusion is that the brain determines
grouped according to the load of" perturbation and much of the pattern of EMG and kinematic
its predictability. It should be noted that the same responses to a perturbation of the limb, when the
stimuli were delivered to the sensory receptors, cost of inaccuracy is low. The question arises:
46. Brooke and McIlroy; Neural Components of Corrective Movements 715

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comodate this brain processing? For these that such thrusts at deep etiology will be a major
processes, in such regions as the cerebellum and characteristic of biomechanical studies of human
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cerebrum, we do not know what sort of quantita-
tive relationships exist between nerve cells. The
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rotations of the supporting surface: evidence for a Sherrington, C.S. (1906) The Integrative Action 0/ the
centrally generated synergic organization. Exp. Nervous System. New Haven, Yale University
Brain Res. 62: 152-160. Press, (2nd edition 1947).
Mcllroy, W.E. and Brooke J.D. (1986) The magnitude Sieb, R.A. (1989) Proposed mechanism for cerebellar
of the H reflex of soleus substantially exceeds the coordination, stabilization, and monitoring of move-
myotatic response from rapid dorsi-flexion of the ments and posture. Medical Hypotheses. 28: 225-
ankle joint. Exp. Neurol. 92: 455-460. 232.
Mcllroy, W.E. and Brooke, J.D. (1987) Response Tatton, W.G., Forner, S.D., Gerstein, G.L., Chambers,
synergies over a single leg when it is perturbed W.W. and Uu, C.N. (1975) The effect of
during the complex rhythmic movement of pedall- postcentral cortical lesions on motor responses to
ing. Brain Res. 407: 317-326. sudden upper limb displacement in monkeys. Brain
Mcllroy, W.E. and Brooke J.D. (1989) Contribution of Res. 96: 108-113.
prior expectation to corrective movements.
Neurosci. Abs. IS: 173.
Mcllroy, W.E., Brooke, J.D. and Singh, R. (1989)
Cutaneous contributions to corrective movements of

A Survey of Human Musculotendon Actuator Parameters

G. T. Yamaguchi, A. G. U. Sawa, D. W. Moran, M. J. Fessler, and J. M. Winters

A.I Introduction and Overview sible (i.e. without scaling the data to a "normative"
Hopefully, this volume has convinced the reader size or forcing the data to be consistent with
that musculoskeletal modeling is inherently valuable. regard to parameter definitions, reference frames,
Good examples of how models are used to either inter- etc.). In doing so we hope that future studies will
pret experimental data or to predict the movements work to standardize the measurement techniques,
resulting from muscular contractions have been in- parameter definitions, and reference frames used
cluded in the previous chapters. These models, to define the musculoskeletal models, as well as to
incorporating a multiplicity of muscles, demand the lay the groundwork for developing more accurate
availability of accurate anatomical data, especially with
methods of scaling the data to specific subjects.
regard to the set of parameters required to describe the
intricate system of physiological actuators. Hence, this
Users of these tables are strongly encouraged to
appendix was created to contain, in one place, the mus- check values tabulated here with the original
culotendon actuator parameters utilized by leading sources for accuracy, for further descriptions of
researchers in the field. the methods employed to obtain the data, and for
The information is catagorized into five tables as more precise definition of measurement
follows: reference frames. The authors extend apologies
Table A.1: Lower Extremity Musculature in advance to those whose data has not yet been
included in the following tables. Omissions of
Table A.2: Trunk Musculature noteworthy data are purely unintentional, and will
Table A.3: Upper Extremity Musculature be corrected in future editions if such data and a
description of the measurement technique is sent
Table A.4: Hand Musculature
directly to the authors.
Table A.5: Head and Neck Musculature
A.2 Parameter Definitions
This appendix was intended to provide a
benchmark which will allow us to measure both PCSA muscle physiological cross-sectional area (in
our current state of knowledge as well as to indi- nr); defined as the volume of the muscle
cate where published information is lacking. divided by its "gross muscle length or its fiber
Though much is known about the major muscles length with or without accounting for
pennation". Most authors use formulas
of the extremities, for example, less has been pub-
presented by Alexander and Vernon (1975):
lished concerning the small muscles of the trunk
[although see Bogduk and Twomey (1987) for

{ ;1'
anatomical details that are difficult to catalog (fusiform)

here]. Our hope is that by indicating the blank
areas on the following tables, they will someday (A.I)
PCSA " t on(2a)
be filled. We have included published data from (unipennate)
many sources in as close to original form as pos-

Multiple Muscle Systems,' Biomechanics and Movement Organization

I.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (eds.), © 1990 Springer-Verlag, New York
718 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

where m, p, and I are muscle mass, density (a tionally large regions of bone were considered to be
typical value is 1.05 gmlem8), and length, t is composed of two or three components; thus, such
the layer thickness of muscle pennation, and a muscles can be seen to have multiple numbered listings
is the pennation angle. in the table. For muscles that do not act in a straight
line, "effective" origin and/or insertion points were
ML muscle length (m)
marlced by a single point located where the estimated
1M optimal muscle fiber length (m) centroid of the cross section of the muscle or tendon
crossed the joint and had the most realistic effect on
V muscle volume (ml)
moment arm predictions.
a average pennation angle (deg) X-ray imaging was used to determine the Cartesian
SO denotes slow oxidative (type I, or "slow-twitch") coordinates of the embedded metal marlcers. Locations
of these points are specified with respect to tibial,
muscle fibers; measured as a percentage of all
femoral, and pelvic reference frames defined as fol-
muscle fibers (%)
lows: "The pelvic reference frame has its origin at the
FOG denotes fast oxidative glycolytic muscle fibers center of the acetabulum with axis directions defined
FG denotes fast glycolytic (type II, or "fast-twitch") as:
muscle fibers .J' p p
r =P3 -Pa
LT resting tendon length
AT tendon physiological cross sectional area X =y" x (P; -P:) (A.2)
OJ Origin and insertion of muscle-tendon system,
usually the centroid of the areas of bone-tendon
attachment. Where several "origins" and
"insertions" are given by one source for a single p p

muscle, the intermediate origin/insertions repre- where PI is the right anterior superior iliac spine, P2 is
sent "via" points, or points through which the the midpoint between the pubic tubercles, and Pa is the
musculotendon passes. midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spines.
The femoral reference frame has its origin at the mid-
point between the medial and lateral epicondyle with
A.3 Principal Sources axes directions defined as:
[OJ Alexander and Vernon (1975)
Muscles were dissected from the right leg of an em-
balmed male cadaver (166 em, 64 kg, 48 yr. old) who
"seemed superficially similar to the bodies of
reasonably healthy middle-aged men". Muscles were
weighed, then strategically cut for pennation angle and
fiber length estimation. Pennation angles were
measured in two places for ext. digitorum longus and where PI is the lateral epicondyle, P2 is the midpoint of
peroneus longus; both are given. Eq. A.I was used to F
estimate PCSA. the medial and lateral epicondyle, and Pa is the femoral
head center. The tibial reference frame has its origin at
the midpoint between the medial and lateral malleolus
[IJ Brand, Crowninshield, Wittstock, Pederson, with axis directions defined as:
Clark, and van Krieken (1982) T T T
Y =P3 -Pa
Three fresh cadavers (163 em female, 172 cm male,
183 em male) were used in this study. Muscles were .:r T T T
A: =Y X(P 1 -P2 ) (A.4)
dissected from their origins and insertions so that
radiographically visible markers (single or multiple ZT=XTxY
nails) could be attached in their place. Where muscle
origin or insertion sites occurred over broad areas, the T T
centroids of the attachment areas (estimated) were used where PI is the lateral maleolus, Pais the midpoint
to specify origin/insertion "points". Some muscles between the medial and lateral malleolus, and P3 is
(e.g. gluteus maximus) which exert forces upon excep- the tibial tuberosity."
Appendix. Yamaguchi et aI.; Survey of Musculotendon Parameters 719

[2] Friedrich and Brand (1990) and insertion locations, as well as up to four inter-
mediate points describing a nonlinear pathway are
The legs of two embalmed cadavers were dissected: reported to have been measured. Unfortunately, this
(1) 37 year-old, 183 em, 91 kg male, and (2) a 63 year- data and the measured values of musculotendon
old, 168 em, 59 kg female as denoted by SI and S2, lengths, were not available from this publication.
respectively, in Table A.1. Musculotendon (total)
lengths and average pennation angles were measured
[4] Dostal and Andrews (1981)
with the bodies placed in a supine position ("with hips
close to full extension and neutral abduction-adduction Musculotendon origins and insertions were deter-
and rotation, knees extended, and feet in a neutral posi- mined for the muscles of the pelvis. Points
tion neither dorsi- nor plantar-flexed"), prior to representing the centers of muscle attachment were
dissection. Excised muscle lengths were used instead marked on the bony pelvis and right femur of an adult,
of origin to insertion distances for muscles that male, dry-bone specimen using anatomical texts as a
wrapped around joints and hence followed curving, in- guide (Gardner et al., 1969; Grant and Basmajian,
stead of straight, pathways. 1965; Gray, 1959; Hollinshead, 1967; Morris, 1953).
Muscle volumes were obtained after excision via Each long, two-joint hip muscle that crosses the knee
water displacement Average fiber lengths were was given a fictitious distal attachment point on the
measured directly from single fibers, which were femur. Ukewise, two muscles that wrapped around the
prepared from macerated fiber bundles obtained by underlying bony pelvis prior to crossing the hip were
sampling different parts of each muscle. Physiological also assigned fictitious pelvic attachments. These
cross-sectional areas were calculated by dividing the origins were taken as the last point of muscle contact
muscle volume by average muscle fiber length. with the bony pelvis.
Separate measurements of tendon were not included in Coordinates of bony landmark and muscle attach-
these studies. The reader is cautioned that muscle ment points were measured in a convenient right-
volumes, and hence PCSAs, appear to shrink following handed orthogonal laboratory reference system which
death. Therefore PCSAs as measured in cadavers may was subsequently transformed to embedded pelvic and
be smaller than those in living subjects (Brand, 1990; femoral coordinate systems. The origins of each of
Edgerton, 1990). these coordinate systems are located at the center of the
acetabulum/femoral head. The axes of each system
[3] Pierrynowski and Morrison (1985) were defined such that they would be coincident when
the pelvis and femur were in the position referred to as
Muscle properties were obtained via a combination the zero joint configuration, a position similiar to the
of dry-bone measurements (from a dried, disarticu- anatomical position. In such a position, the plane con-
lated, male Caucasian skeleton), scaling, and literature taining the two anterior superior iliac spines and the
surveys. A measurement device capable of 1 mm ac- more anterior of the two pubic tubercles would be
curacy in 3-D was built to collect data on the 38 parallel to the frontal (y,z)-plane. The straight line con-
muscles deemed to be important Some muscles were necting the two anterior superior iliac spines was
partitioned into "two or more distinct structures due to defmed to be parallel to the z-axis. Hence, with the
functional considerations", so that data on 47 positive x-axis directed anteriorly, and with the posi-
"muscles" were provided. Data includes useful tive z-axis directed laterally for this right hip specimen,
measures such as tendon and fiber lengths as a percent- the positive y-axis would therefore be defined supe-
age of total length, a shape factor E, the "maximum riorly from the origin.
anatomical cross-sectional area divided by its mean
anatomical cross-sectional area, tendon cross-sectional
[5] White, Yack, and Winter (1989)
area, pennation, and muscle mass. To obtain muscle
volumes, Eycleshymer and Shoemaker's cross-section Musculotendon origins and insertions measured
anatomy text (1970) was used to define muscle cross- from several dry-bone specimens (six disarticulated
sections, from which areas could be measured via pelves, nine femurs and combined tibia-fibula, one
planimetry, and volumes estimated by summing the reconstructed skeletal foot and one dissected cadaver
products of area and slice thickness. Area repre- foot) are provided in scaled form. All coordinates
sentations of three fiber types (percentages of SO, FO, were scaled homogeneously and mapped to a subject
FG) are also provided. However, many of these per- of 66.5 kg mass and 1.77 m height Measurements
centile values were estimated, for example, the were made using graphical techniques (graph paper
subdivision of the fast twitch fibers into the oxidative and drawing tools) to a precision of 2 rnrn. Four coor-
and glycolytic group. dinate axes were used to measure bony landmarks and
Dry-bone measurements of muscle-tendon origin the origins and insertions of 40 muscle-tendons. The
720 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

pelvis coordinate system used the right anterior supe- vical vertebrae (el through e7), the skull, the thorax,
rior iliac spine as the origin with left anterior superior and the clavicle.
iliac spine and right pubic tubercle as markers for In general, coordinate axes are located at the joint
defining axis orientation (x-axis points anteriorly, centers and aligned along bony axes. For vertebrae,
y-axis points superiorly, and the z-axis points reference frames are located at the centers of the in-
laterally). The origin of the femoral coordinate system ferior inter-vertebral disks, oriented such that Z points
was located at the greater trochanter and orientation superiorly, and X points anteriorly. For the upper-
was defined using the medial lateral epicondyle. The extremity limbs, the reference frames appear to be
three axes of the femoral system are all parallel to their located at the centers of the proximal joints, and
respective axes in the the pelvic system. The tibial oriented similarly to the vertebral axes in the anatomi-
coordinate system used the tibial tuberosity as its cal position. Lower-extremity reference frames are
origin with the same orientation as the other two sys- located at distal joint centers. Finger-segment
tems. The origin of the foot segment is located at the reference frames are located at the centers of the
heel with the same orientation as the other three sys- proximal joints, and oriented such that X points distally
tems. along the bone axes, and Y points laterally. The skull
reference is located at the "level of the atlanto occipital
[6] Spoor, Van Leeuwen, De Windt, joint, midway between the two occipital condyles."
The clavicular frame is located at its junction with the
and Huson (1989)
sternum; orientations of the skull and clavicular
All anatomical measures were taken from one em- frames are similar to that for the vertebral frames. The
balmed male specimen (a 48 cm baby) who had died reader is referred to the original source for further
during partus. Values of pennation angle, muscle defmition.
length from Origin to insertion, and physiological cross
sectional area were determined for both the fetal and [8] Wickiewicz, Roy, Powell, and Edgerton
neonatal posture. The fetal posture, designated "fet" in
the table, is described as hyperflexion of hip and knee,
lateral rotation and very little abduction of the femur, Architectural features of the major knee
the foot touches the trunk. The neonatal posture, desig- flexors/extensors and ankle plantarflexors/dorsi-flexors
nated "neo" in the table, is described as abduction, were measured in three human cadavers (as denoted by
lateral rotation, and slight flexion of the hip. Sl, S2, and S3 in Table A.l). The hemipelvectomy
sections were fixed in formalin with the hip and knee
[7] Seireg and Arvikar (1989) in maximum extension and the ankle in maximum dor-
siflexion. Muscle lengths were measured as "the
Musculotendon parameter and coordinate data are distance between the most proximal and the most
based on i) direct measurements made on a skeleton of distal" muscle fibers during dissection. Muscles were
average size, ii) several approximately same-size (171 cleaned of fat and excessive connective tissue before
em, 68 kg) cadavers (Seireg, 1990), and iii) scaled weighing and preparation for architectural determina-
(2-D) diagrams based on Braus (1954). Data sets from tions (see Sacks and Roy, 1982). peSA was computed
this reference are used in all five appendices. The as
coordinate systems used to define the lower extremity
muscles are defined as follows: pelvis, femur, tibia, m
peSA = -cos IX (A.5)
calcaneus, retinaculum, talus, navicle, cuboid, pl
cuneiforms one through three, metatarsals one through
five, and finally the toes. The coordinate systems used where m was the wet weight of the fixed muscles and p
to define the trunk muscles are thorax, pelvis, femur, was assumed to be 1.056 glcm3 •
and lumbar vertebrae (Ll through L5). The upper ex- Their findings are characterized by a "marked
tremities musculature utilized five coordinate systems uniformity of fiber length throughout a given muscle",
as follows: ulna, radius, humerus, scapula, and hand. similarity of fiber lengths within muscles of a synergis-
The hand musculature used twenty different coordinate tic group, "generally consistent" pennation angles
systems: four for each finger, three for the thumb and throughout a given muscle, and "remarkably similar"
one for the ulna/radius. They are ulna/radius, five ratios of muscle length to fiber length.
metacarpals (Mel through Me5), five proximal
phalanxes (PPl through PP5), four middle phalanxes [9] Delp, Loan, Hoy, Zajac, Topp, and
(MP2 through MP5), and five distal phalanxes (DP 1 Rosen (1990); [10] Delp (1990)
through DP5). Finally, the head musculature utilized
These data sets are modifications of data presented
ten reference frames. They include the first seven cer-
Appendix. Yamaguchi et al.; Survey of Musculotendon Parameters 721

originally by Brand et al. (1982, 1986) and Friederich or is constrained by retinacula, intermediate "via
and Brand (1990). Musculotendon pathways have points" were introduced to represent the muscle path
been defined relative to three-dimensional bone surface more accurately. TIle number of via points was de-
models. To acquire the bone surface data, bone sur- pendent on the body position. For example, the
faces were marked with a mesh of polygons, and quadriceps tendon contacts the distal femur when the
digitized using a Polhemus electromagnetic digitizer to knee is flexed beyond about 80° (Yamaguchi and
determine coordinates of the vertices. Bone surface Zajac, 1989), but does not when the knee is extended.
coordinates [those measured by Delp et al. (1990) were Thus, additional "wrapping points", were introduced
used to define the pelvis and femur; other skeletal seg- for large knee flexion angles so that the quadriceps ten-
ments were derived by Stredney (1990») were don would wrap over, rather than pass through, the
displayed on a computer graphics workstation (Silicon bone. Wrapping points that are dependent on joint
Graphics, IRIS 2400f) as Gouraud-shaded surfaces. angle are designated by the symbol "**" in Table A.l.
Based on the anatomical landmarks of the bone surface Seven different coordinate systems were used to
models, the paths (Le., the lines of action) of forty- defme the lower extremity muscles in this paper
three musculotendon actuators were defined. Each (Figure A. 1). In the anatomical position, each of these
musculotendon path is represented as a series of line reference frames are oriented such that the x-axes point
segments. Origins and insertions alone, in some cases, anteriorly, the y-axes superiorly, and the z-axes point
were sufficient for describing the muscle path (e.g., laterally.
soleus). In other cases, where muscle wraps over bone
[10] White (1989)
The average pennation angle was obtained from
data from several sources. Fiber type compositions are
provided as being of either type I (slow twitch, or SO),
or type /I (fast twitch, or FG), and were assigned using
data from the literature. Fiber resting lengths were cal-
culated from average numbers of sarcomeres per fiber
(Wickiewicz et al., 1983), and an average sarcomere
rest length of2.6 11m. See also White et al. (1989).

[11] Hoy, Zajac, and Gordon (1990)

Grouped musculotendon actuators were constructed
from the data sets of Brand et al. (1982), Friedrich and
Brand (1990) according to sagittal-plane function. The
coordinate systems used were consistent with those
utilized by Brand et al. (1982), except that the lon-
gitudinal coordinate axis of the shank reference frame
(the "Y " axis) was rotated 5° about a medial to lateral
axis and displaced 1.4 cm distal to the tibial frame of
Brand et al. (1982). By doing so, the local coordinate
axes were more nearly placed at the rotational axes of
Figure A.I: Location of reference frames in the model the ankle joint, and the y-axis of the shank frame
of Delp et al. 1990. PEL (pelvis): fixed at the mid- pointed toward the origin of the femoral coordinate
point of the line connecting the two anterior superior frame instead of the tibial tuberosity. Curved mus-
iliac spines. FEM (femur): fixed at the center of the culotendon pathways were approximated by one to
femoral head. PAT (patella): located at the most distal three straight-line segments defined in Cartesian space.
point of the patella. TIB (tibia): located at the mid- Tendon slack lengths were determined by comparing
point of the line between the medial and lateral femoral the joint angles at which (i) passive moments initiate
epicondyles. TAL (talus): located at the midpoint of and (ii) active moments peak to in-vivo measurements.
the line between the apeces of the medial and lateral Origins and insertions were defined relative to the pel-
maleoli. CAL (calcaneus): located at the most in- vic, femoral, tibial, and calcaneal reference frames.
ferior, lateral point on the posterior surface of the
calcaneus. TOE: located at the base of the second [12] Freivalds (1985)
metatarsal. (From Delp (1990), reprinted with
permission). Musculotendon origin/insertion coordinates were
722 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

measured from scaled photographs obtained from [16J Wood, Meek, and Jacobsen (1989)
anatomical texts (among others, McMinn and
Hutchings, 1977), and are given for the right side of The torso of an embalmed, male cadaver (from a
the body. The reference frames relating to 10 of the 15 person having good muscle definition and estimated to
body segments are referred to by: pelvis, center torso, be 180 cm tall and 91 kg total weight) was used to
upper torso, neck, head, femur, tibia, foot, upper arm defme muscle parameters. The eviscerated torso was
and lower arm. Origins of the segmental reference filled with expanding polyurethane foam and secured
frames are defmed relative to the center of mass of the to a frame. Distributed sets of points defming mus-
segment identified, however, orientation was not culotendinous attachment areas were collected using an
specified. Joints are defined as: head junction, neck electromechanical digitizer (accuracy estimated at bet-
junction, waist, L5IS1, hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, ter than 0.5 mm) and averaged to yield the single-point
and elbows. Muscle cross-sectional areas were deter- origin and insertion data presented in Table A.3.
mined by an independent investigator (C. S. Davis, not Computer-generated surface topographies (bicubic
referenced) and are taken primarily from the patches) of the muscles were also defmed with the aid
of the digitizer. Muscle lengths, surface areas,
Schumacher and Wolff (1966) reference.
volumes, and cross-sectional areas were defined from
these computerized representations. Reference frames
[13J Reid and Costigan (1985) ulna are shown graphically, and appear to be defined
with respect to the eleven revolute axes of the arm
Cross-sectional areas and average volumes for the
linkage. These reference frames thus appear to be lo-
rectus abdominis and erector spinae muscles were cal-
cated along the elbow flexion/extension axis, at the
culated based on computer tomography scans of 28
humeral head (the intersection of the humeral
living subjects (16 normal males and 12 normal
flexion/extension, axial rotation, and abladduction
females). Transverse (coronal) scans were taken at 0.5
axes), and at the approximate kinematic centers of the
to 2.0 cm intervals between the xiphoid process and the
thorax/clavicle and clavicle/scapula joints. The reader
symphysis pubis. The subjects ranged from 17-75
is referred to Table 3 and Section VI.A. of the original
years old (mean 53.5 yrs), 147-185.4 cm in height
reference for further defmition.
(mean 166.1 em), and 47-100.9 kg (mean 69.25).
Absolute muscle moment arms about the spinal column
were also calculated, though this data is not presented
in the tables. [17J Hog/ors, Sigholm, and Herberts (1989)
Three dissected cadavers (range of subject ages: 55-
71 yrs) and one human skeleton were used to
[14] Johnson, Polgar, Weightman and determine the insenions of 21 muscles spanning the
Appleton (1973) shoulder. Measurements were made using a ruler; ac-
curacy was estimated to be within ± 4 mm in worst-
The method of Jennekens et al. (1971) was used to
case situations. Coordinates of the corresponding
measure the distribution of Type I and 1/ muscle fibers
muscle insertions were defined using the following
in samples of 36 human muscles obtained from 6 nor-
coordinate systems: thorax, scapula, clavicle, and
mal, male adults at autopsy. The subjects ranged in
humerus. Coordinates of the origin points, however,
age from 17 and 30 years (mean age .21.8 yrs), in
were not included.
height from 183-198 em (mean 186.3), and in weight
The sternum system has its origin in the center of
from 61-98 kg (mean 78.5). Muscle specimens were
the sternoclavicular joint. It is such that the x-axis goes
removed, placed in solution, and frozen within 24
through the middle of both articular surfaces, i.e. it is
hours after death in preparation for later measurement.
normal to the sagittal plane and directed away from it.
The entire system is orthonormal and the x-y plane
contains the midpoint of the first thoracic vertebra.
[15J Lehmkuhl and Smith (1983)
The y-axis and z-axis are directed forwards and up-
This source contained data on muscle cross- wards, respectively. The clavicular system has the
sectional area as adapted from Fick (1911); however, same origin as the sternum system. Its x-axis goes
methods by which values were obtained were not through the center of the acromial articular surface.
stated in the current text. The cross-sectional areas of The y-axis is orthogonal to the x-axis and parallel to
the upper extremity muscles were given for several the upper planar surface on the lateral end of the
poSitions of the arm (e.g. supination, midposition, clavicula. The y-axis is directed forwards and the
pronation). The values of the arm in "midposition" z-axis upwards. The scapula system has its origin in
were used in the table. the point common to the clavicula and the scapula.
Appendix. Yamaguchi et al.; Survey of Musculotendon Parameters 723

The x-axis of the system is directed through the in- cadavers. These specimens were of normal build and
ferior angle. The x-y plane contains the superior angle were placed with the hands at a position of
in its first quadrant The last coordinate system is that "physiologic rest" (wrist in 10° of extension, finger
fixed in the humerus. The gliding surface of the jOints flexed at about 45°, thumb opposite the middle
humeral head has an essentially spherical shape. The segment of the middle fmger). Finally, the mass of
center of this sphere is used as the origin of the each muscle was converted to volume and divided by
humerus system. The x-axis is directed along the the mean fiber length of that muscle to get the
humerus through the end of the ridge between the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of the
coronoid fossa and the radial fossa. The y-axis lies in muscle. The PCSA's of the hand and forearm were
the plane of the x-axis and the angular mobility direc- then totaled. The percentage of each muscle in com-
tion of the ulna, with the ulna having a positive parison to the total PCSA was termed "tension
y-coodinate. fraction". The average total PCSA of the muscles in
each arm was 141 cm2 •
[18] Daru (1989) It must be clearly understood that these values for
tension fraction are only proportional and involve no
Muscle parameters (lengths, fiber compositions, numerical statement of force, tension or PCSA.
tendon lengths, pennation angles, and PCSAs) of 38 However, their figures do suggest that a muscle with a
muscles in the human head and neck are presented. tension fraction of three is probably capable of 50%
Muscle lengths were measured from an anthropomor- more tension than one with a value of two.
phic model representing a "small man".
Qrigin/insertion points of the anthropomorphic model [20] Amis, Dowson, and Wright (1979)
were based on data presented in Warfel (1973).
Four limbs of stout muscular build were removed
Masses for the majority of the muscles were estimated
from embalmed cadavers, complete with shoulder
from consideration of cross-sectional slices from
girdle and pectoral muscles. Alexander's formula
Koritke and Sick (1983); other muscle masses were es-
(1975) was used to compute each muscle's PCSA. To
timated based on their sizes relative to larger ones.
apply the formula, they measured the following upper-
Pennation angles were conservatively estimated at 10°
limb parameters: muscle mass, fiber length, and layer
for lack of better data. Thickness estimates for PCSAs
thickness of muscle pennation. For bipennate muscle
were estimated based primarily on measurements made
fibers, each pennation angle was computed independ-
from Toldt and Hochstatter (1957). Percentages of
ently, as was each PCSA, then the PCSA's were added
slow muscle fibers were estimated (and scaled toward
to obtain the total PCSA for the bipennate muscle.
50%) based on data giving the ranges of slow fiber dis-
Muscle density was assumed to be 1050 (kg/m3).
tributions in cat muscle (Richmond, 1988). Tendon
lengths were estimated from inspection of anatomy
sources. [21] Kleweno (1987)
Parameters for muscles crossing the elbow joint
[19] Brand, Beach, and Thompson (1981) were estimated based on the data of An et al. (1981)
and the previous estimations of Winters (1985), which
Here, the ratios of muscle mass and PCSA were in-
in tum were based on anatomical sources combined
vestigated, based on the observation that while muscle
with the data of Amis (1979) and An et al. (1981),
strength varies enormously with time, and from subject
scaled for an "average sized male." Additionally,
to subject, the ratios of muscle strengths within the
origin-insertion values were checked and in a few
same limb vary much less.
cases modified slightly based on attachment of strings
To develop a list of muscle qualities independent of
to an "average sized male" anthropomorphic replica
time or the overall strength of an individual, the fleshy
with plastic bones (bones obtained from Carolina
part of each of the muscles below the elbow (including
Biological Supply Co.). Not presented here are com-
portions of brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis
puter model results which estimate muscle moment
longus that extend above the elbow, but not including
arms and muscle length changes as a function of
the anconeus) in 15 cadavers was weighed. Muscle
shoulder, elbow and wrist angles and the different as-
"mass fraction" was defined as the percentage of in-
sumptions utilized to curve muscle paths.
dividual muscle mass to total muscle mass. These
enable comparisons to all arms as long as the total
[22J An, Hui, Mo"ey, Unscheid, and Chao [1981J
muscle weight is known or can be estimated. Mass
fractions in atrophied and nonatrophied arms were The volumes, fiber lengths and physiological cross-
found to be comparable. sectional areas of muscles spanning the elbow joint
Mean fiber lengths were measured in five of the were obtained from four fresh, unembalmed cadaver
724 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

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(m) (m) (ml) (em2) (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

adductor brevis (S) [1)
(I) [1)
(1) [2)-S1 0.110 0.0538 62 11.52
(1) [2)-S2 0.130 0.1200 23 1.92 0.0
(2) [2)-S1 0.145 0.1160 62 5.34
(2) [2)-S2 0.170 0.1170 23 1.97 0.0
[3) 0.0 0.45 0.15 0.40
(neo) [6) 0.031 0.53 5.0
(fet) [6) 0.032 0.52 5.0
[B)-S1 0.178 0.115 3.9 0.0
[B)-S2 0.152 0.093 6.6 0.0
[B)-83 0.138 0.101 3.5 0.0
[9) 0.1330 0.0
[10) 0.102 0.0 0.500 0.500
[11) 0.132 3.6
[12) 4.54
adductor longus [1)
[2)-S1 0.1B5 0.0827 188 22.73
[2)-S2 0.165 0.1056 103 9.75 3.5
[3) 0.0 0.65 0.15 0.20
(neo) [6) 0.028 0.53 4.0
(fet) [6) 0.024 0.62 4.0
[B)-S1 0.252 0.10B 6.0 5.0
[B)-S2 0.210 0.105 10.5 5.0
[B)-83 0.225 0.112 4.0 B.O
[9) 0.1380 6.0
[10) 0.102 6.0 0.500 0.500
[11) 0.132 3.6
[12) 5.03
adductor magnus (1) [1)
(2) [1)
(3) [1]
(1) [2)-S1 0.125 0.OB70 222 25.52
(1) [2)-S2 0.125 0.0770 84 10.91 5.0
(2) (2)-S1 0.220 0.1210 222 1B.35
(2) (2)-S2 0.220 0.1205 B4 6.97 2.5
(3) [2]-S1 0.225 0.1311 222 16.95
(3) [2]-S2 0.235 0.1416 B4 5.93 5.0
(ant) [3] 0.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(mid) [3] 0.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(pos) [3] 0.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(mid) [4)
(pos) [4)
(mid) [5)
(pos) [5]
(neo) [6) 0.031 2.52 20.0
(fet) [6) 0.048 1.66 20.0
(add) [7)
(ext) [7)
[B]-81 0.327 0.131 20.1 0.0
[B)-S2 0.299 0.106 20.8 0.0
[B)-83 0.288 0.109 13.6 0.0
(1) [9] 0.0870 5.0
(2) [9) 0.1210 3.0
(3) [9] 0.1310 5.0
[10] 0.136 0.0 0.584 0.416
[11] 0.144 0.0
(1) [12] 20.58
(2) [12)
(surf) [14] 0.535 0.465
(deep) [14] 0.633 0.367
adductor minimus [4)
Yamaguchi et 81; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculatme 727


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm2)

pelvis 0.0312 -0.0373 -0.0611 femur -0.0082 0.2828 0.0215

pelvis 0.0326 -0.0371 -0.0613 femur -0.0112 0.2534 0.0211

pelvis 0.021 -0.045 -0.067 femur -0.002 -0.131 0.038
pelvis -0.047 -0.100 -0.102 femur -0.012 -0.101 ·M54

pelvis 0.0400 0.0400 -0.0250 femur 0.0050 -0.0200 0.2800

0.0200 pelvis -0.0587 -0.0915 0.0164 femur 0.0009 -0.1196 0.0294

0.040 pelvis 0.0416 -0.0340 -0.0611 femur -0.0057 0.2269 0.0168

pelvis 0.0000 0.0394 0.0935 femur -0.0300 0.1194 -0.0785
pelvis 0.0490 -0.0316 -0.0610 femur -0.0031 0.1924 0.0134

pelvis 0.041 -0.031 -0.065 femur 0.005 -0.204 0.026
pelvis -0.022 -0.087 -0.105 femur -0.010 -0.198 -0.067

pelvis 0.0500 0.0470 -0.0150 femur 0.0150 -0.0100 0.1800

0.1100 pelvis -0.0316 -0.0836 0.0169 femur 0.0050 -0.2111 0.0234

0.040 pelvis 0.0416 -0.0340 -0.0611 femur -0.0057 0.2269 0.0168

pelvis 0.0000 0.0193 0.0833 femur -0.0300 0.1194 -0.0335
pelvis -0.0117 ·0.0552 -0.0486 femur -0.0122 0.2758 0.0290
pelvis -0.0120 -0.0552 -0.0485 femur -0.0036 0.1740 0.0163
pelvis -0.0120 ·0.0551 -0.0486 femur -0.0064 0.0166 -0.0297

pelvis -0.031 -0.061 -0.044 femur 0.005 -0.228 0.027
pelvis -0.048 -0.059 -0.034 femur 0.001 -0.404 -0.031
pelvis -0.092 -0.119 -0.073 femur -0.010 -0.211 -0.067
pelvis -0.108 -0.123 -0.068 femur -0.028 -0.391 -0.117

pelvis -0.0200 0.0100 -0.0550 femur 0.0000 0.0400 0.0200

pelvis 0.0000 0.0200 -0.0550 femur 0.0100 -0.0100 0.2202

0.0600 pelvis -0.0732 -0.1174 0.0255 femur -0.0045 -0.1211 0.0339

0.1300 pelvis -0.0831 -0.1192 0.0308 femur 0.0054 -0.2285 0.0227
0.2600 pelvis -0.0771 -0.1181 0.0276 femur 0.0070 -0.3837 -0.0266

0.070 pelvis -0.0119 -0.0552 -0.0486 femur -0.0080 0.1728 0.0088

pelvis 0.0000 0.0795 0.0935 femur -0.0300 0.1194 -0.1636
pelvis 0.0000 0.0394 0.0935 femur -0.0300 0.1194 -0.2235

pelvis 0.007 -0.049 -0.061 femur -0.004 -0.124 0.040

pelvis -0.072 -0.112 -0.088 femur -0.015 -0.088 -0.049
728 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (<leg) %SO %FOG %FG

gems/ii [9) 0.0240 0.0

gems/Ius inferior [I)
[2]-S1 0.060 0.0231 10 4.33
[2]-S2 0.042 0.0265 4 1.51 0.0
[3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6) 0.008 0.12 10.0
(fet) [6) 0.011 0.10 10.0
gems/Ius superior [I)
[2)-81 O.05e 0.0282 6 2.13
[2)-82 0.065 0.0275 4 1.45 0.0
[3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6) 0.006 0.04 4.0
(fet) [6) 0.016 0.02 4.0
gluteus maximus (1) [I)
(2) [I)
(3) [I)
(1) [2)-81 0.155 0.1421 288 20.20
(1) [2)-82 0.160 0.0747 109 14.59 5.0
(2) [2)-81 0.165 0.1474 288 19.59
(2) [2)-82 0.160 0.1136 109 9.60 0.0
(3) [2)-81 0.185 0.1440 288 20.00
(3) [2)-82 0.155 0.1345 109 8.10 5.0
(deep) [3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(sup) [3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo-caud) [6) 0.031 3.09 5.0
(fet-caud) [6) 0.049 1.94 5.0
(neo-eran) [6) 0.029 1.64 5.0
(fet~ran) [6] 0.046 1.01 5.0
(1) [7)
(2) [7]
(3) [7)
(1) [9) 0.1420 5.0
(1) [9)
(1) [9)
(2) [9) 0.1470 0.0
(2) [9)
(2) [9)
(3) [9] 0.1440 5.0
(3) [9]
(3) [9]
[10] 0.123 0.0 0.524 0.476
[11] 0.180 3.4
(1) [12] 29.42
(2) [12]
[14] 0.524 0.476
gluteus medius (1) [1)
(2) [1)
(3) [1)
(1) [2)-81 0.135 0.0535 137 25.00
(1) [2)-82 0.100 0.0405 53 13.09 8.0
(2) [2)-Sl 0.125 0.0845 137 16.21
(2) [2)-82 0.110 0.0508 53 10.43 0.0
(3) [2)-Sl 0.130 0.0646 137 21.21
(3) [2)-82 0.130 0.0550 53 9.64 19.0
(ant) [3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(mid) [3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(pos) [3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(ant) [4)
(mid) [4)
(pos) [4)
(ant) [5)
(mid) [5)
(pos) [5)
(neo-dors) [6) 0.014 1.65 15.0
(fet-clors) [6) 0.037 0.63 15.0
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculature 729


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

0.0390 pelvis ~.1133 ~.0820 0.0714 femur ~.0142 ~.0033 0.0443

pelvis ~.0426 ~.0165 ~.0095 femur ~.0113 0.3949 0.0448

pelvis ~.049 ~.012 ~.009 femur ~.006 ~.OOS 0.047

pelvis ~.0435 0.0009 ~.0201 femur ~.0113 0.3947 0.0445

pelvis ~.05s o.oos ~.028 femur ~.006 ~.OOS 0.047

pelvis ~.0338 0.1288 ~.027S femur ~.0158 0.4055 0.0350

pelvis ~.06S2 0.0842 ~.0429 femur ~.0158 0.3609 0.0350
pelvis ~.0747 0.0127 ~.0709 femur ~.0158 O.i!894 0.0350

pelvis ~.087 0.068 ~.044 femur ~.009 ~.103 0.047
pelvis ~.151 ~.014 ~.068 femur ~.OlS ~.07S ~.042

pelvis -0.0700 0.0200 0.0650 femur ~.0150 ~.0400 0.3300

pelvis ~.0750 0.1100 0.1000 femur 0.0000 ~.0800 0.3850
femur 0.0000 ~.0800 0.3850 tibia 0.0300 ~.0350 0.3800
0.1250 pelvis ~.1195 0.0612 0.0700 pelvis ~.1291 0.0012 0.0886
pelvis -0.1291 0.0012 0.0886 femur ~.0457 ~.0248 0.0392
femur -0.0457 ~.0248 0.0392 femur -0.0277 ~.0566 0.0470
0.1270 pelvis ~.1349 0.0176 0.0563 pelvis ~.1376 ~.0520 0.0914
pelvis ~.1376 -0.0520 0.0914 femur ~.0426 ~.053O 0.0293
femur -0.0426 -0.0530 0.0293 femur ~.0156 -0.1016 0.0419
0.1450 pelvis ~.1556 -0.0314 0.0058 pelvis ~.1529 ~.1052 0.0403
pelvis -0.1529 -0.1052 0.0403 femur ~.0299 ~.1041 0.0135
femur -0.0299 ~.1041 0.0135 femur ~.0060 ~.1419 0.0411

0.001 pelvis -0.0578 0.0754 ~.0471 pelvis -0.0158 0.3519 0.0350

pelvis 0.0000 ~.0800 -0.0165 femur ~.0300 0.0351 ~.1135
pelvis 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 femur -0.0300 0.0351 ~.1135

pelvis 0.0168 0.0905 0.0356 femur ~.0195 0.3899 0.0598

pelvis ~.0239 0.1090 0.0054 femur ~.0197 0.3902 0.0597
pelvis ~.0546 0.0721 ~.02S7 femur ~.0195 0.3901 0.0596

pelvis 0.027 0.102 0.062 femur ~.018 ~.026 0.073
pelvis ~.002 0.132 0.018 femur ~.018 ~.026 0.073
pelvis ~.048 0.097 ~.OlS femur ~.018 ~.026 0.073
pelvis ~.026 0.019 0.011 femur ~.009 0.013 ~.020
pelvis ~.077 0.042 ~.005 femur ~.OIS 0.019 ~.023
pelvis ~.112 0.029 ~.041 femur ~.016 0.020 ~.024
730 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

(neo-vent) [6[ 0.010 3.84 13.0

(let-vent) (6) 0.025 1.63 13.0
(1) (9) 0.0535 8.0
(2) (9) 0.0845 0.0
(3) (9) 0.0646 19.0
(10) 0.063 0.0 0.500 0.500
[11) 0.081 9.7
(12) 21.18
gluteus minimus (1) [1)
(2) [1)
(3) [1)
(1) (2)-S1 0.080 0.0680 46 6.76
(1) (2)-52 0.080 0.0322 24 7.45 10.5
(2) (2)-SI 0.095 0.0561 46 8.20
(2) (2)-52 0.085 0.0274 24 8.76 0.0
(3) (2)-S1 0.085 0.0384 46 11.98
(3) (2)-52 0.080 0.0301 24 7.97 21.0
(ant) (3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(mid) (3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(pos) (3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(ant) (4)
(mid) (4)
(pos) (4)
(ant) (5)
(min) (5)
(pas) (5)
(neo-dors) (6) 0.008 1.45 10.0
(let-mrs) (6) 0.031 0.37 10.0
(neo-vent) (6) 0.014 0.91 5.0
(let-vent) (6) 0.022 0.58 5.0
(1) (9) 0.0680 10.0
(2) (9) 0.0560 0.0
(3) (9) 0.0380 21.0
(10) 0.050 0.0 0.500 0.500
[111 0.064 12.0
[12) 9.6
Riscus [1)
[2)-SI 0.260 0.1003 234 23.33
[2)-S2 0.180 0.0964 85 8.82 6.5
[3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6) 0.030 1.39 10.0
(let) [6) 0.020 2.08 10.0
[9) 0.1000 7.0
Rio-psoas [1)
(10) 0.121 0.0 0.492 0.508
[11) 0.127 7.0
(1) (12) 15.06
(2) (12)
(14) 0.492 0.508
obturator extemus [1)
(2)-51 0.040 0.0295 8 2.71
(2)-52 0.100 0.0492 24 4.88 7.0
(3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) (6) 0.013 0.74 5.0
(let) (6) 0.009 1.07 5.0
(10) 0.024 0.0 0.500 0.500
(12) 4.95
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.l: Lower Extremity Musculature 731


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

pelvis -<l.0300 -<l.0300 0.1100 femur -<l.0150 -<l.0600 0.4000

0.0780 pelvis -<l.0408 0.0304 0.1209 femur -<l.0218 -<l.0117 0.0555
0.0530 pelvis -<l.0855 0.0445 0.0766 femur -<l.0258 -<l.0058 0.0527
0.0530 pelvis -<l.1223 0.Q105 0.0648 femur -<l.0309 -<l.0047 0.0518

0.035 pelvis -<l.0180 0.0891 0.0069 femur -<l.0196 0.3900 0.0597

pelvis -<l.0371 0.0000 -<l.0566 femur -<l.0500 0.1494 -<l.2085
pelvis 0.0236 0.0611 0.0305 femur -<l.0073 0.3810 0.0572
pelvis -<l.0084 0.0648 0.0130 femur -<l.0072 0.3810 0.0571
pelvis -<l.0293 0.0423 -<l.0053 femur -<l.0073 0.3810 0.0572

pelvis 0.029 0.073 0.041 femur 0.004 -<l.027 0.069
pelvis -<l.004 0.088 0.020 femur 0.004 -<l.027 0.069
pelvis -<l.026 0.071 0.000 femur 0.004 -<l.027 0.069
pelvis -<l.036 0.006 -<l.003 femur -<l.006 0.021 -<l.024
pelvis -<l.069 0.004 -<l.011 femur 0.006 0.023 -<l.026
pelvis -<l.092 -<l.015 -<l.030 femur 0.004 0.025 -<l.025

pelvis 0.0200 -<l.0200 0.0850 femur 0.0000 -<l.0650 0.4000

0.0160 pelvis -<l.0467 -<l.0080 0.1056 femur -<l.0072 -<l.0104 0.0560
0.0260 pelvis -<l.0633 -<l.0065 0.0991 femur -0.0096 -0.0104 0.0560
0.0510 pelvis -0.0834 -<l.0063 0.0856 femur -<l.0135 -0.0083 0.0555

0.025 pelvis -0.0097 0.0539 0.0093 femur -<l.0073 0.3810 0.0572

pelvis 0.0000 0.0000 -<l.0366 femur -<l.03oo 0.1494 -<l.2085
pelvis 0.0199 0.0493 0.0025 femur -0.0179 0.3350 0.0116


0.0900 pelvis -0.0674 0.0365 0.0854 pelvis -<l.0230 -0.0550 0.0755

pelvis -0.0230 -0.0550 0.0755 femur 0.0017 -0.0507 0.0081
femur 0.0017 -<l.050? 0.0081 femur -0.0193 -0.0621 0.0129
pelvis 0.0315 0.0111 -<l.0102 femur -0.0180 0.3352 0.Q116
pelvis 0.028 0.024 0.005 femur -<l.002 -<l.061 0.015
pelvis -<l.031 -<l.045 -<l.038 femur -<l.023 -<l.034 -<l.072
pelvis 0.0300 0.0000 0.0100 femur -<l.0100 -<l.0270 0.3400

0.085 pelvis 0.0075 0.1350 -<l.0400 pelvis 0.0260 0.0293 -<l.0042

pelvis 0.0260 0.0293 -<l.0042 femur -<l.0180 0.3351 0.0116
pelvis 0.0000 -<l.0099 0.0866 femur -<l.0300 0.0201 -<l.1636
Cen Torso 0.0000 0.0000 -<l.0043 femur -<l.0300 0.0201 -<l.1636

pelvis 0.0057 -<l.0280 -<l.0415 femur -<l.0242 0.3821 0.0415

pelvis 0.009 -<l.035 -<l.049 femur -<l.017 -<l.016 0.050
pelvis -<l.069 -<l.098 -<l.078 femur -<l.014 0.Q18 -<l.041

pelvis 0.0000 0.0495 0.0935 femur -<l.0300 -<l.0500 -<l.2235

732 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

obturator intemus [1]

[2]-81 0.090 0.0474 43 9.07
[2]-82 0.095 0.0344 32 9.30 25.0
[3] 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6] 0.008 1.62 25.0
(fet) [6] 0.013 1.05 25.0
[10] 0.039 0.0 0.500 0.500
(12) 3.91
pectineus [I)
[2]-81 0.120 0.0720 65 9.03
(2)-82 0.105 0.1047 13 1.24 0.0
[3] 0.0 0.45 0.15 0.40
(neo) [6] 0.027 0.34 5.0
(fet) (6) 0.018 0.52 5.0
(8)-81 0.128 0.102 3.1 0.0
[8]-52 0.127 0.105 3.8 0.0
[8]-83 0.114 0.106 1.8 0.0
(9) 0.1330 0.0
[10] 0.095 0.0 0.500 0.500
[II) 0.130 0.0
(12) 2.47
piriformis [I)
[2]-81 0.085 0.0258 53 20.54
[2]-82 0.085 0.0415 38 9.16 9.5
[3] 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6] 0.008 1.02 15.0
(fet) [6] 0.023 0.34 15.0
[9] 0.0260 10.0
[10] 0.028 0.0 0.500 0.500
psoas I1J
[2]-81 0.255 0.1035 266 25.70
(2]-82 0.240 0.1217 45 3.70 7.5
(3] 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) (6] 0.039 1.08 5.0
(fel) (6] 0.026 1.62 5.0
[9] 0.1040 8.0
quadratus femoris [I]
(2]-81 0.095 0.0538 113 21.00
[3] 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neo) [6] 0.008 0.29 5.0
(fet) (6) 0.Q15 0.16 5.0
(9) 0.0540 0.0
[10] 0.020 0.0 0.500 0.500
[12] 2.91
biceps femoris long [0] 21 17
[2]-51 0.293 0.0794 217 27.34
[2]-82 0.255 0.0658 60 9.12 7.0
[3] 15.0 0.65 0.10 0.25
(neo) [6] 0.018 1.41 15.0
(let) (6) 0.038 0.68 15.0
[8]-81 0.328 0.083 16.4 0.0
(8)-82 0.369 0.078 14.7 0.0
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculature 733


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

pelvis -0.0488 -0.0091 -0.0135 femur -0.0113 0.3947 0.0446

pelvis -0.053 -0.011 -0.018 femur -0.0006 -0.005 0.047
pelvis -0.113 -0.074 -0.048 femur -0.001 0.030 -0.037

pelvis 0.0000 0.0495 0.0935 femur -0.0300 0.0886 -0.2256

pelvis 0.0318 -0.0096 -0.0299 femur -0.0109 0.3146 0.0248

pelvis 0.044 -0.003 -0.038 femur -0.004 -0.114 0.035
pelvis -0.028 -0.073 -0.075 femur -0.016 -0.064 -0.054

0.0010 pelvis -0.0431 -0.0768 0.0451 femur -0.0122 -0.0822 0.0253

0.001 pelvis 0.0318 -0.0096 -0.0299 femur -0.0109 0.3146 0.0248

pelvis 0.0200 0.0394 0.0234 femur -0.0300 0.0254 -0.1285
pelvis -0.0559 0.0562 -0.0404 femur -0.0132 0.3983 0.0484

pelvis -0.078 0.055 -0.047 femur -0.001 -0.001 0.055
pelvis -0.133 -0.017 -0.068 femur -0.008 0.034 -0.037

0.1150 pelvis -0.1396 0.0003 0.0235 pelvis -0.1193 -0.0276 0.0657

pelvis -0.1193 -0.0276 0.0657 femur -0.0148 -0.0036 0.0437

pelvis 0.0315 0.0111 -0.0102 femur -0.0180 0.3352 0.0116


0.1300 pelvis -0.0647 0.0887 0.0289 pelvis -0.0250 -0.0570 0.0687

pelvis -0.0250 -0.0570 0.0687 femur 0.0016 -0.0447 0.0062
femur 0.0016 -0.0447 0.0062 femur -0.0188 -0.0597 0.0104
pelvis -0.0319 -0.0479 -0.0231 femur -0.0164 0.3446 0.0329

pelvis -0.036 -0.046 -0.015 femur -0.029 -0.040 0.047
pelvis -0.100 -0.109 -0.051 femur -0.028 -0.004 -0.047

0.0240 pelvis -0.1143 -0.1151 0.0520 femur -0.0381 -0.0359 0.0366

pelvis -0.0201 0.0495 0.0935 femur -0.0599 -0.0500 -0.1935

pelvis -0.0414 -0.0474 -0.0146 tibia -0.0383 0.3321 0.0431

pelvis -0.053 -0.036 -0.013 femur -0.023 -0.441 0.039
pelvis -0.121 -0.098 -0.048 tibia -0.039 0.012 0.031

pelvis -0.0380 0.0000 -0.0250 tibia -0.0250 -0.0350 0.3600

734 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em") (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

[8)-83 0.329 0.005 7.4 0.0

[9) 0.1090 0.0
[10) 0.001 0.0 0.669 0.331
[12) 11.8
[14) 0.669 0.331
gracilis [0) 0.18 3.4 0.0
[1) ..
[2)-81 0.270 0.2355 88 3.74
[2)-82 0.325 0.2543 20 0.79 0.0
[3) 0.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(neD) [6) 0.046 0.37 4.0
(let) [6) 0.031 0.56 4.0
[8)-81 0.375 0.300 1.7 0.0
[8)-82 0.316 0.271 2.3 5.0
[8)-83 0.315 0.260 1.3 5.0
[9) 0.3520 3.0
[10) 0.215 0.0 0.500 0.500
[11) 0.345 3.3
[12) 1.63
hamstrings (lumped) [11) 0.107 8.7
quadricsps (1) [12) -:- 56
(2) [12)
reclUs femoris [0) 30 15
[2)-81 0.332 0.0554 238 42.96
[2)-82 0.295 0.0652 60 9.20 14.0
[3) 15.0 0.45 0.15 0.40
(neD) [6) 0.019 1.86 25.0
(fet) [6) 0.052 0.69 25.0
[8]·51 0.324 0.OS7 15.2 5.0
[8]·82 0.319 0.068 14.1 5.0
[8)-83 0.305 0.063 8.9 5.0
[9] 0.0840 5.0
[10] 0.071 10.0 0.381 0.619
[11] 0.082 5.0
(Iatsurf) [14) 0.295 0.705
(Iat deep) (14) 0.420 0.580
(med head) [14) 0.428 0.572
sartorius [0) 0.45 2.4 0.0
[2)-81 0.519 0.4835 140 2.90
[2)-82 0.535 0.3911 105 2.68 0.0
[3) 0.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(neD) [6) 0.087 0.28 0.0
(let) [6) 0.078 0.31 0.0
[8)-81 0.552 0.482 2.1 0.0
[8)-82 0.499 0.464 1.9 0.0
[8)-83 0.458 0.419 1.1 0.0
[9) 0.5790 0.0
[10) 0.385 0.0 0.496 0.504
[11) 0.566 0.0
[12) 1.55
[14) 0.496 0.504
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculature 735


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

0.3410 pelvis -0.1244 -0.1001 0.0666 tibia -0.0081 -0.0729 0.0423

pelvis -0.0450 0.0300 0.0632 tibia 0.0000 0.0399 -0.1814

pelvis 0.0303 -0.0441 -0.0691 tibia -0.0586 0.3426 -0.0095

pelvis 0.010 -0.049 -0.068 femur -0.014 -0.434 -0.041
pelvis -0.053 -0.108 -0.104 tibia -0.019 0.000 -0.014

pelvis 0.0350 0.0450 -0.0350 tibia 0.0100 0.0250 0.3300

0.1400 pelvis -0.0563 -0.1038 0.0079 tibia -0.0154 -0.0475 -0.0358

tibia -0.0154 -0.0475 -0.0358 tibia 0.0060 -0.0836 -0.0228

0.080 pelvis 0.0303 -0.0441 0.0691 tibia -0.0586 0.3426 -0.0095

pelvis -0.0099 0.0193 0.0932 tibia 0.0099 -0.0201 -0.1313
0.385 pelvis -0.0409 -0.0455 -0.0140 tibia -0.0508 0.3321 0.0073
pelvis 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0058 tibia 0.0300 0.0000 -0.2014
femur 0.0000 0.0300 0.0165 tibia 0.0300 0.0000 -0.2014

pelvis 0.0326 0.0323 0.0174 tibia 0.0041 0.4084 -0.0006

pelvis 0.043 0.037 0.026 femur 0.043 -0.415 0.002
pelvis -0.024 -0.040 -0.017 tibia 0.000 0.000 0.000

pelvis 0.0250 -0.0200 0.0250 femur 0.0500 -0.0200 0.0000

0.3460 pelvis -0.0295 -0.0311 0.0968 femur 0.0334 -0.4030 0.0019

femur 0.0334 -0.4030 0.0019 patella 0.0121 0.0437 -0.0010

0.410 pelvis 0.0326 0.0323 0.0174 tibia 0.0041 0.4084 -0.0006

tibia 0.0041 0.4084 -0.0006 tibia 0.0000 0.3700 -0.0006

pelvis 0.0488 0.0649 0.0438 tibia -0.0515 0.3478 -0.0205

pelvis 0.051 0.068 0.050 femur -0.008 -0.435 -0.042
pelvis -0.012 -0.011 -0.002 tibia -0.016 -0.005 -0.011

pelvis 0.0450 -0.0300 -0.0850 tibia 0.0100 0.0250 0.3500

0.0400 pelvis -0.0153 -0.0013 0.1242 femur -0.0030 -0.3568 -0.0421

femur -0.0030 -0.3568 -0.0421 tibia -0.0056 -0.0419 -0.0399
tibia -0.0056 -0.0419 -0.0399 tibia 0.0060 -0.0589 -0.0383
tibia 0.0060 -0.0589 -0.0383 tibia 0.0243 -0.0840 -0.0252
0.040 pelvis 0.0488 0.0649 0.0438 femur 0.0488 0.1300 -0.0440
femur 0.0488 0.1300 -0.0440 femur -0.0515 0.0830 -0.0205
femur -0.0515 0.0830 -0.0205 tibia -0.0150 0.3478 -0.0200
pelvis -0.0399 0.0000 -0.0267 tibia 0.0099 -0.0201 -0.1313
736 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

semimfllTlbranosus [0] 30 16
[2]-SI 0.200 0.0749 347 46.33
[2]-S2 0.215 0.0536 75 13.99 16.0
[3] 15.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
(neD) [6] 0.015 1.69 15.0
(fet) [6] 0.034 0.73 15.0
[8]-SI 0.265 0.070 18.6 10.0
[8]-S2 0.260 0.054 18.1 15.0
[8]-SS 0.262 0.064 13.9 20.0
[9] 0.0800 15.0
[10] 0.066 0.0 0.500 0.500
[12] 12.97
semitendinosus [0] 0.15 8.5 0.0
[2]-81 0.290 0.0911 212 23.27
[2]-82 0.275 0.0885 45 3.12 6.0
[3] 0.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
(neo) [6] 0.037 0.88 10.0
(fet) [6] 0.050 0.64 10.0
[8]-SI 0.321 0.160 6.3 5.0
[8]-S2 0.313 0.156 4.4 5.0
[9] 0.2010 5.0
[10] 0.155 15.0 0.500 0.500
[12] 4.33
tensor fasciae /atae [1]
[2]-SI 0.168 0.0950 76 8.0
[2]-S2 0.145 0.1015 25 2.46 2.5
[3] 0.0 0.70 0.10 0.20
(neD) [6] 0.025 0.36 5.0
(fet) [6] 0.017 0.54 5.0
(1) [7]
(2) [7]
[9] 0.0950 3.0
[10] 0.106 0.0 0.500 0.500
[11] 0.118 2.5
[12] 2.48
biceps femoris short [0] 0.12 5.2 0.0
[2J-Sl 0.205 0.1229 100 8.14
[2J-S2 0.240 0.1108 52 4.69 15.0
[3] 0.0 0.65 0.10 0.25
[8]-81 0.258 0.145 23.0
[8]-82 0.292 0.133 22.0
[8j-S3 0.262 0.140 25.0
[9] 0.1730 23.0
[10] 0.118 17.0 0.669 0.331
[11] 0.173 23.3
popliteus [3] 0.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
[8J-Sl 0.115 0.036 6.5 0.0
[8]-82 0.101 0.022 9.3 0.0
[12] 1.99
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.l: Lower Extremity Musculature 737


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm2)

pelvis -0.0382 -0.0448 -0.0143 tibia -0.0564 0.3297 -0.0072

pelvis -0.044 -0.031 -0.008 femur -0.029 -0.428 -0.034
pelvis -0.110 -0.099 -0.044 tibia -0.046 0.014 -0.015

pelvis -0.0380 0.0000 -0.0300 tibia -0.0100 0.0300 0.3700

0.3590 pelvis -0.1192 -0.1015 0.0695 tibia -0.0243 -0.0536 -0.0194

pelvis -0.0399 0.0000 0.0632 tibia 0.0000 -0.0300 -0.1814

pelvis -0.0457 -0.0446 -0.0125 tibia -0.0542 0.3369 -0.0058

pelvis -0.053 -0.036 -0.013 femur -0.022 -0.433 -0.040
pelvis -0.122 -0.100 -0.049 tibia -0.023 -0.005 -0.019

pelvis -0.0400 0.0100 -0.0250 tibia 0.0000 0.0300 0.3300

0.2620 pelvis -0.1237 -0.1043 0.0603 tibia -0.0314 -0.0545 -0.0146

tibia -0.0314 -0.0545 -0.0146 tibia -0.0113 -0.0746 -0.0245
tibia -0.0113 -0.0746 -0.0245 tibia 0.0027 -0.0956 -0.0193

pelvis -0.0500 0.0000 0.0632 tibia 0.0099 -0.0201 -0.1115

pelvis 0.0327 0.0882 0.0547 tibia -0.0099 0.3504 0.0292

pelvis 0.045 0.078 0.056 femur 0.022 -0.436 0.033
femur -0.011 0.007 0.010 tibia -0.019 0.031 0.023

pelvis 0.0400 -0.0300 0.1000 femur 0.0000 -0.0800 0.3850

femur 0.0000 -0.0800 0.3850 femur 0.0300 -0.0350 0.3800
0.4250 pelvis -0.0311 0.0214 0.1241 femur 0.0294 -0.0995 0.0597
femur 0.0294 -0.0995 0.0597 femur 0.0054 -0.4049 0.0357
femur 0.0054 -0.4049 0.0357 tibia 0.0060 -0.0487 0.0297

0.430 pelvis 0.0327 0.0882 0.0547 tibia -0.0099 0.3504 0.0292

pelvis -0.0399 0.0000 -0.0566 femur -0.0500 0.1394 -0.1336

femur -0.0007 0.1784 0.0144 tibia -0.0384 0.3323 0.0433

femur 0.005 -0.010 0.130 tibia -0.025 -0.035 0.385
femur -0.004 -0.186 -0.041 tibia -0.039 0.012 0.031
pelvis 0.0500 -0.0100 0.1300 tibia -0.0250 -0.0350 0.3600

0.1000 femur 0.0050 -0.2111 0.0234 tibia -0.0101 -0.0725 0.0406

0.090 femur -0.0007 0.1784 0.0144 tibia -0.0384 0.3323 0.0433
femur -0.0300 0.0300 -0.0135 tibia 0.0000 0.0399 -0.1814

femur -0.0300 -0.0399 0.2464 tibia -0.0201 0.0000 -0.1415

738 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (OOg) %SO %FOG %FG

quadriceps (12)
vastus intermedius (0) 28 18
(2)-81 0.275 0.0739 606 82.0
(2)-82 0.330 0.0785 135 17.2 2.5
(3) 10.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
(8)-SI 0.328 0.064 39.5 5.0
(8)-S2 0.355 0.078 11.0 5.0
(8)-83 0.303 0.063 16.4 0.0
(9) 0.0870 3.0
(10) 0.078 10.0 0.500 0.500
[11) 0.084 4.5
vastus latera/is (0) 43 13
(2)-SI 0.305 0.0798 514 64.41
(2)-S2 0.295 0.0807 133 16.48 13.0
(3) 20.0 0.45 0.20 0.35
(8)-SI 0.308 0.066 27.8 5.0
(8)-S2 0.353 0.067 42.9 5.0
(8)-83 0.312 0.064 21.0 5.0
(9) 0.0840 5.0
(10) 0.075 10.0 0.480 0.520
[11) 0.084 4.5
(surf) (14) 0.378 0.673
(deep) (14) 0.469 0.531
vastus medialis (0) 34 15
(2)-SI 0.280 0.0765 555 66.87
[2)-S2 0.320 0.0790 123 15.60 7.0
[3) 25.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
[8)-SI 0.329 0.072 22.1 5.0
[8)-S2 0.363 0.075 28.0 5.0
[8)-83 0.314 0.064 13.3 5.0
[9) 0.0890 5.0
[10) 0.088 10.0 0.470 0.530
[11) 0.084 4.5
(surf) (14) 0.437 0.563
(deep) [14) 0.615 0.385
patelJar tendon [7)
[9) 0.0500 0.0
gastrocnemius media/is [0) 22 16
[2)-SI 0.235 0.0419 212 50.60
[2)-S2 0.210 0.0358 61 17.04 6.5
[3) 15.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(8)-SI 0.268 0.035 29.3 10.0
[8)-82 0.240 0.039 38.7 15.0
[8)-83 0.237 0.032 29.3 25.0
[9[ 0.0450 17.0
Yamaguchi et aJ.; Table A.1: Lower Extremity Musculature 739


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

femur 0.0000 0.0300 0.0165 tibia 0.0300 0.0000 -<l.2014

femur 0.0232 0.2067 0.0176 tibia -<l.0018 0.4110 0.0006

femur 0.017 -<l.147 -<l.040 tibia 0.000 0.000 0.000
femur 0.0300 -<l.0200 0.2000 femur 0.0500 -<l.0200 0.0000

0.1360 femur 0.0290 -<l.1924 0.0310 femur 0.0335 -<l.2084 0.0285

femur 0.0335 -<l.2084 0.0285 femur 0.0343 -<l.4030 0.0055
femur 0.0343 -<l.4030 0.0055 patella 0.0058 0.0480 -<l.0006

0.225 femur 0.0106 0.2026 0.0205 tibia -<l.0005 0.4056 0.0005

tibia -<l.0005 0.4056 0.0005 tibia 0.0000 0.3700 -<l.0006

femur 0.0010 0.2127 0.0365 tibia 0.0089 O.40SO 0.0151

femur -<l.003 -<l.030 -<l.022 tibia 0.000 0.000 0.000
femur 0.02SO -<l.0300 0.1800 femur 0.0500 -<l.0200 0.0000

0.1570 femur 0.0048 -<l.1854 0.0349 femur 0.0269 -<l.2591 0.0409

femur 0.0269 -<l.2591 0.0409 femur 0.0361 -<l.4030 0.0205
femur 0.0361 -<l.4030 0.0205 femur 0.0253 -<l.4243 0.0184
femur 0.0253 -0.4243 0.0184 patella 0.0103 0.0423 0.0141

0.225 femur 0.0106 0.2026 0.0205 tibia -<l.0005 0.4056 0.0005

tibia -0.0005 0.4056 0.0005 tibia 0.0000 0.3700 -<l.0006

femur 0.0043 0.1880 0.0088 tibia -<l.0079 0.3996 -<l.0137

femur -0.003 -0.090 -0.044 tibia 0.000 0.000 0.000
femur 0.0250 -<l.0100 0.1800 femur 0.0500 -0.0200 0.0000

0.1260 femur 0.0140 -0.2099 0.0188 femur 0.0356 -0.2769 0.0009

femur 0.0356 -0.2769 0.0009 femur 0.0370 -0.4048 -0.0125
femur 0.0370 -<l.4048 -<l.0125 femur 0.0274 -<l.4255 -<l.0131
femur 0.0274 -<l.4255 -<l.0131 patella 0.0063 0.0445 -<l.0170

0.225 femur O.ot06 0.2026 0.0205 tibia -<l.0005 0.4056 0.0005

tibia -<l.0005 0.4056 0.0005 tibia 0.0000 0.3700 -<l.0006

femur 0.0400 -<l.0100 0.3500 tibia 0.0500 -<l.0200 0.0000

O.OOSO patella 0.0021 0.0015 0.0001 tibia 0.0390 -<l.0822 0.0000

femur -<l.0204 0.0077 -<l.0157 calcaneus -<l.0388 -<l.0429 0.0028

femur -<l.020 -<l.380 -<l.079 calcaneus 0.005 0.000 0.002
femur -<l.0200 O.OISO 0.0000 calcaneus -<l.04SO -<l.0100 -<l.0370

0.4080 femur -<l.0127 -<l.3929 -<l.0235 femur -<l.0239 -<l.4022 -<l.0258

740 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em2) (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

(10) 0.048 16.0 0.482 0.518
[11) 0.048 14.8
(14) 0.508 0.492
gastrocnemius lateralis (0) 13 8
(2)-$1 0.230 0.0769 110 14.30
(2)-$2 0.205 0.0442 38 8.60 17.5
(3) 10.0 0.55 0.15 0.30
(8)-S1 0.226 0.059 5.0
(8)-$2 0.229 0.053 10.0
(8)-$3 0.195 0.040 10.0
(9) 0.0640 8.0
(10) 0.048 16.0 0.482 0.518
[11) 0.048 14.8
(surf) (14) 0.435 0.565
(deep) (14) 0.503 0.497
plantaris (3) 5.0 0.45 0.15 0.40
(8)-$1 0.101 0.041 1.4 0.0
(8)-$2 0.099 0.050 1.7 5.0
(8)-S3 0.055 0.027 0.5 5.0
dorsiflexors (lumped) [11) 0.101 6.9
extensor digitorum longus (0) 8 16,13
(2)-$1 0.270 0.0871 65 7.46
(2)-$2 0.325 0.0743 30 4.04 13.0
[3] 15.0 0.40 0.15 0.45
(toell) (7)
(lOell) (7)
(lOelll) (7)
(lOelll) (7)
(toeIV) (7)
(lOeIV) (7)
(lOeV) (7)
(toeV) [7]
[8]-$1 0.346 0.094 4.4 5.0
(8)-82 0.381 0.082 6.4 10.0
(8)-83 0.338 0.065 5.9 10.0
(9) 0.1020 8.0
(10) 0.068 10.0 0.473 0.527
extensor haHucis longus [1)
(2)-81 0.250 0.0462 30 6.49
(2)-$2 0.175 0.0848 18 2.21 8.0
(3) 10.0 0.50 0.20 0.30
(8)-SI 0.270 0.080 2.2 5.0
(8)-82 0.272 0.103 1.5 5.0
(8)-$3 0.278 0.078 1.6 8.0
(9) 0.1110 6.0
(10) 0.078 5.0 0.500 0.500
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.l: Lower Extremity Musculature 741


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm 2 )

femur -0.0239 -0.4022 -0.0258 tibia -0.0217 -0.0487 -0.0295

tibia -0.0217 -0.0487 -0.0295 calcaneus 0.0044 0.0310 -0.0053

0.425 femur -0.0203 0.0071 -0.0073 calcaneus -0.0368 -0.0289 0.0028

femur 0.0000 0.0000 0.2164 calcaneus 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0381

femur -0.0198 0.0048 0.0226 calcaneus -0.0369 -0.0430 0.0028

femur -0.026 -0.393 -0.049 calcaneus 0.005 0.000 0.002
femur -0.0200 -0.0250 0.0000 calcaneus -0.0450 -0.0100 -0.0370

0.3850 femur -0.0155 -0.3946 0.0272 femur -0.0254 -0.4018 0.0274

femur -0.0254 -0.4018 0.0274 tibia -0.0242 -0.0481 0.0235
tibia -0.0242 -0.0481 0.0235 calcaneus 0.0044 0.0310 -0.0053

0.425 femur -0.0203 0.0071 -0.0073 calcaneus -0.0368 -0.0289 0.0028

femur 0.0000 0.0000 0.2164 calcaneus 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0381


0.235 tibia -0.0155 0.2t75 0.0134 tibia 0.0259 0.0257 -0.0093

tibia 0.0259 0.0257 -0.0093 calcaneus 0.1850 -0.0510 -0.0330

tibia -0.0228 0.2590 0.0280 calcaneus 0.0253 0.0116 -0.0021

tibia -0.038 -0.090 0.011 calcaneus 0.131 -0.015 0.045
tibia 0.0000 -0.0250 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100 toes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0080
tibia 0.0000 -0.0250 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100 toes -0.0070 -0.0340 0.0080
tibia 0.0000 -0.0250 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100 toes -0.0130 -0.0460 0.0060
tibia 0.0000 -0.0250 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100 toes -0.0240 -0.0560 0.0020

0.3450 tibia 0.0032 -0.1381 0.0276 tibia 0.0289 -0.4007 0.0072

tibia 0.0289 -0.4007 0.0072 calcaneus 0.0922 0.0388 -0.0001
calcaneus 0.0922 0.0388 -0.0001 calcaneus 0.1616 0.0055 0.0130
calcaneus 0.1616 0.0055 0.0130 toes 0.0003 0.0047 0.0153
toes 0.0003 0.0047 0.0153 toes 0.0443 -0.0004 0.0250

tibia -0.0155 0.2175 0.0134 calcaneus 0.0259 0.0117 -0.0093

tibia -0.042 -0.190 0.000 calcaneus 0.227 -0.026 0.030
tibia 0.0000 -0.0200 0.1600 retinae 0.0250 0.0040 0.0000
retinae 0.0250 0.0040 0.0000 toes 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100

0.3050 tibia 0.0012 -0.1767 0.0228 tibia 0.0326 -0.3985 -0.0085

tibia 0.0326 -0.3985 -0.0085 calcaneus 0.0970 0.0389 -0.0211
calcaneus 0.0970 0.0389 -0.0211 calcaneus 0.1293 0.0309 -0.0257
calcaneus 0.1293 0.0309 -0.0257 calcaneus 0.1734 0.0139 -0.0280
calcaneus 0.1734 0.0139 -0.0280 toes 0.0298 0.0041 -0.0245
toes 0.0298 0.0041 -0.0245 toes 0.0563 0.0034 -0.0186
742 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

flexor digitorum longus (1)

[2]-81 0.265 0.0469 30 6.40
[2]-82 0.205 0.0290 17 5.86 9.0
(3) 20.0 0.40 0.20 0.40
(toell) [7]
(toell) [7]
(toell) (7)
(toelll) (7)
(toelll) [7]
(toelll) [7]
(lOeIV) (7)
(lOeIV) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
[8]-81 0.239 0.026 6.2 10.0
(8)-82 0.290 0.028 5.2 5.0
(8)-83 0.251 0.027 3.8 5.0
(9) 0.0340 7.0
(10) 0.048 8.0 0.500 0.500
flexor hal/ucis longus (1)
(2)-Sl 0.252 0.0502 93 18.52
(2)-82 0.195 0.0346 31 8.96 19.0
(3) 20.0 0.50 0.15 0.35
[8J-81 0.214 0.037 6.3 15.0
[8J-82 0.231 0.032 5.2 10.0
(8)-83 0.220 0.033 4.3 5.0
[9J 0.0430 10.0
[10J 0.034 11.0 0.500 0.500
peroneus brevis [1)
(2)-81 0.250 0.0357 70 19.61
(2)-82 0.225 0.0434 23 5.29 12.0
(3) 10.0 0.45 0.15 0.40
(8)-81 0.252 0.046 4.9 5.0
(8)-S2 0.230 0.038 7.7 5.0
(8)-83 0.208 0.034 4.5 5.0
(9) 0.0500 5.0
[10) 0.035 8.0 0.625 0.375
peroneus longus (0) 11 9,13
(2)-81 0.265 0.0426 105 24.65
[2]-82 0.250 0.0460 35 7.61 5.5
[3) 10.0 0.60 .010 0.30
(eun) [7]
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculature 743


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

tibia "().0246 0.1996 0.0016 calcaneus ..().0070 ..().0024 ..().0222

tibia ..().040 "().123 "().016 calcaneus 0.133 "().026 0.042
tibia "().02SO 0.0900 0.0000 talus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO "().034O
1alus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO "().034O me1a1ar2 0.0550 "().014O "().0380
me1a1ar2 O.05SO "().014O "().0380 toes 0.0000 "().024O "().0100
tibia "().02SO 0.0090 0.0000 1alus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO "().034O
1alus O.OlSO 0.01 SO "().034O me1a1ar3 0.0610 "().o100 "().034O
me1a1ar3 0.0510 "().0100 "().034O toes ..().0070 "().0340 "().0100
tibia "().02SO 0.0090 0.0000 1alus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO "().0340
1alus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO "().0340 me1a1ar4 0.0620 "().012O ..().0260
me1a1ar4 0.0520 "().012O "().0260 toes "().0130 "().0460 "().0100
tibia "().02SO 0.0090 0.0000 1alus O.OlSO O.OlSO "().0340
1alus 0.01 SO O.OlSO "().0340 me1atar5 0.0480 "().OlSO ..().0200
me1a1arS 0.0480 "().o1SO "().0200 toes "().024O "().0660 "().0100

0.4000 tibia ..().0083 "().2046 "().0018 tibia "().0154 ..().4051 "().0196

tibia "().0154 ..().4051 "().0196 calcaneus 0.0436 0.0315 "().0280
calcaneus 0.0436 0.0315 "().0280 calcaneus 0.0708 0.0176 ..().0263
calcaneus 0.0708 0.0176 "().0263 calcaneus 0.1658 ..().0081 0.0116
calcaneus 0.1658 ..().0081 0.0116 toes "().0019 ..().0078 0.0147
toes "().0019 ..().0078 0.0147 toes 0.0285 ..().0071 0.0215
toes 0.0285 ..().0071 0.0215 toes 0.0441 ..().0060 0.0242

tibia "().0266 0.1660 0.0204 calcaneus ..().0092 "().0065 "().0159

tibia ..().054 ..().197 ..().004 calcaneus 0.226 "().038 0.028
tibia "().o180 ..().OOSO O.OOSO 1alus "().0200 O.OOSO "().0170
1alus "().0200 O.OOSO ..().0170 calcaneus 0.0000 0.0130 "().032O
calcaneus 0.0000 0.0130 "().032O me1a1arl 0.0460 "().0100 ..().0300
me1a1arl 0.0460 "().0100 ..().0300 toes 0.0000 0.0000 "().o100

0.3800 tibia ..().0079 "().2334 0.0244 tibia "().0186 "().4079 ..().0174

tibia "().0186 "().4079 "().0174 calcaneus 0.0374 0.0276 ..().0241
calcaneus 0.0374 0.0276 ..().0241 calcaneus 0.1038 0.0068 "().0256
calcaneus 0.1038 0.0068 "().0256 calcaneus 0.1726 -0.0053 "().0269
calcaneus 0.1726 ..().0053 "().0269 toes 0.0155 -0.0064 "().0265
toes 0.0155 ..().0064 "().0265 toes 0.0562 -0.0102 "().0181

tibia "().0226 0.1364 0.0253 calcaneus ..().0081 ..().0058 0.0273

tibia "().049 ..().176 0.010 calcaneus 0.095 ..().024 0.058
tibia "().OlSO "().0280 "().0180 calcaneus 0.0000 "().02SO "().0330
calcaneus 0.0000 "().02SO "().0330 me1atar5 ..().0030 "().0030 "().0100

0.1610 tibia ..().0070 "().2646 0.0325 tibia "().0198 ..().4184 0.0283

tibia "().0198 ..().4184 0.0283 tibia ..().0144 ..().4295 0.0289
tibia ..().0144 ..().4295 0.0289 calcaneus 0.0471 0.0270 0.0233
calcaneus 0.0471 0.0270 0.0233 calcaneus O.06n 0.0219 0.0343

tibia "().0268 0.2419 0.0356 calcaneus "().0094 ..().0076 0.0240

tibia "().046 ..().055 0.020 calcaneus 0.134 ..().008 0.024
tibia "().OlSO "().0200 "().0180 calcaneus "().0100 "().02SO ..().0400
744 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FOG %FG

(eun) [7]
(eun) [7]
(mel) [7]
(mel) [7]
(mel) [7]
[8]-SI 0.282 0.044 12.3 10.0
[8]-S2 0.318 0.039 17.3 10.0
[8]-53 0.258 0.033 7.4 10.0
[9] 0.0490 10.0
[14] 0.625 0.375
peroneus tertius [1]
[2]-Sl 0.190 0.0798 33 4.14
[2]-S2 0.105 0.0652 8 1.23 13.0
[3] 10.0 0.35 0.20 0.45
[9] 0.0790 13.0
plantarflexors (lumped) [11] 0.038 12.1
soleus [0] 67 20.0
[2]-Sl 0.370 0.0308 575 186.69
[2]-S2 0.305 0.0298 172 57.72 32.0
[3] 15.0 0.75 0.15 0.10
(tib) [7]
(fib) [7]
[8]-Sl 0.308 0.020 58.0 30.0
[8]-82 0.311 0.019 20.0
(9( 0.0300 25.0
[10] 0.035 23.0 0.750 0.250
[11] 0.024 25.0
(surf) [14J 0.864 0.136
(deep) [14J 0.890 0.110
tibialis anterior [OJ 14 8
[2J-S1 0.290 0.0770 130 16.88 12.0
[2J-82 0.278 0.0684 58 8.48
[3J 10.0 0.70 0.10 0.20
(eunl) [7J
(eunl) [7]
(mell) [7]
(mell) [7]
[8]-51 0.288 0.070 12.7 5.0
[8]-82 0.322 0.093 7.9 5.0
[8]-53 0.284 0.069 9.0 5.0
[9] 0.0980 5.0
[10] 0.073 6.0 0.730 0.270
(surf) [14] 0.734 0.266
(deep) [14] 0.727 0.273
tibialis posterior [0] 17 20
[2]-81 0.290 0.0354 93 26.27
[2]-82 0.250 0.0217 41 18.89 19.0
[3] 20.0 0.55 0.25 0.20
(eunl) [7]
(eunll) [7]
(eunll) [7]
(eunlll) [7]
Yamaguchi et aJ.; Table A.1: Lower Extremity Musculature 745


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

calcaneus -O.Q1oo -0.0250 -0.0400 cuboid 0.0350 -0.0300 -0.0460

cuboid 0.0350 -0.0300 -0.0460 cunei!1 0.0550 -0.0050 -0.0380
tibia -0.0150 -0.0280 -0.0180 calcaneus -0.0100 -0.0250 -0.0400
calcaneus -0.0100 -0.0250 -0.0400 cuboid 0.0350 -0.0300 -0.0460
cuboid 0.0350 -0.0300 -0.0460 metatarl -0.0020 -0.0100 -0.0080

0.3450 tibia 0.0005 -0.1568 0.0362 tibia -0.0207 -0.4205 0.0286

tibia -0.0207 -0.4205 0.0286 tibia -0.0162 -0.4319 0.0289
tibia -0.0162 -0.4319 0.0289 calcaneus 0.0438 0.0230 0.0221
calcaneus 0.0438 0.0230 0.0221 calcaneus 0.0681 0.0106 0.0284
calcaneus 0.0681 0.Q106 0.0284 calcaneus 0.0852 0.0069 0.0118
calcaneus 0.0852 0.0069 0.0118 calcaneus 0.1203 0.0085 -0.0184

tibia -0.0099 0.1202 0.0210 calcaneus 0.0205 0.0032 0.0097

tibia -0.0100 -0.0200 0.1000 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100 metatarS 0.0050 -0.0010 -0.0020
0.1000 tibia 0.0010 -0.2804 0.0231 tibia 0.0229 -0.4069 0.0159
tibia 0.0229 -0.4069 0.0159 calcaneus 0.0857 0.0228 0.0299
0.273 tibia -0.0268 0.2419 0.0356 tibia -0.0094 0.0064 0.0240
tibia -0.0094 0.0064 0.0240 calcaneus -0.0099 -0.0210 0.0240
calcaneus -0.0099 -0.0210 0.0240 calcaneus 0.0715 -0.0420 -0.0260

tibia -0.0292 0.2467 0.0006 calcaneus -0.0365 -0.0428 0.0056

tibia -0.042 -0.032 0.001 calcaneus 0.010 0.000 0.002
tibia -0.0050 0.0100 0.2900 calcaneus -0.0450 -0.0100 -0.0370
tibia -0.0300 -0.0300 0.3100 calcaneus -0.0450 -0.0100 -0.0370

0.2680 tibia -0.0024 -0.1533 0.0071 calcaneus 0.0044 0.0310 -0.0053

0.270 tibia -0.0292 0.2467 0.0006 calcaneus -0.0365 -0.0288 0.0056

tibia -0.0067 0.2397 0.0132 calcaneus 0.0221 0.0132 -0.0194

tibia -0.016 -0.091 -0.003 calcaneus 0.141 0.005 0.003
tibia 0.0200 0.0000 0.2500 retinae 0.0250 0.0100 0.0070
retinae 0.0250 0.0100 0.0000 cunei!1 0.0550 0.0130 -0.0370
tibia 0.0200 0.0000 0.2500 retinae 0.0250 0.0100 0.0000
retinae 0.0250 0.0100 0.0000 M!14 -0.0020 0.0050 -0.0110

0.2230 tibia 0.0179 -0.1624 0.0115 tibia 0.0329 -0.3951 -0.0177

tibia 0.0329 -0.3951 -0.0177 calcaneus 0.1166 0.0178 -0.0305

tibia -0.0128 0.1786 0.0137 calcaneus -0.0023 0.0023 -0.0276

tibia -0.044 -0.136 -0.007 calcaneus 0.111 -0.002 0.002
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 cunei!1 0.0420 0.0120 -0.0430
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 navicle 0.0300 0.0200 -0.0360
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350
talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350 cuneif2 0.0480 -0.0050 -0.0270
746 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (cm') (OOg) %SO %FOG %FG

(cunlll) [7]
(nav) [7]
(melll) [7]
(medl) [7]
(mellll) [7]
(metlll) [7]
(meIIV) [7]
(meIIV) [7]
[S)-SI 0.2OS 0.024 24.5 15.0
[S)-52 0.299 0.031 14.S 10.0
[S)-S3 0.254 0.017 23.0 10.0
(1) (9) 0.0310 12.0
(1) (9)
(1) (9)
(2) (9) 0.0310 12.0
(2) (9)
(2) [9)
(2) (9)
(10) 0.02S 14.0 0.500 0.500
abdJctor hallucis [7]
abdJctor digiti minimi [7]
adductor hallucis [7]
(metll) (7)
(mellll) [7]
(mellll) [7]
(meIIV) (7)
(meIIV) [7]
dorsal interossei [7]
(toell) [7]
(lOell) [7]
(Ioell) (7)
(Ioelll) [7]
(Ioelll) (7)
(laeIV) [7)
(loeIV) [7)
extensor digitorum brevis (7)
(Ioell) [7)
(Ioelll) [7)
(loeIV) [7)
[14) 0.453 0.547
extensor hallucis brevis [7]
flexor digiti minimi [7)
flexor digitorum brevis [7)
(Ioell) [7)
(toelll) [7]
(toelll) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(toeV) (7)
(toeV) [7]
(14) 0.445 0.555
flexor ha/lucis brevis (7)
(cub) (7)
(cunlll) (7)
(cunlll) (7)
(cub) (7)
(cub) [7)
(cunlll) [7]
(cunlll) (7)
plantar aponenrosis (7)
(toel) [7]
(toell) [7]
(toell) [7)
(toelll) [7]
(toelll) [7]
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.I: Lower Extremity Musculature 747


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 -0.0050 -0.0350

talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350 cuneff3 0.0400 -0.0120 -0.0330
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 -0.0050 -0.0350
talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350 metatar2 0.0030 -0.0020 -0.0080
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350
talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350 metatar3 0.0050 0.0050 -0.0090
tibia -0.0250 0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350
talus 0.0180 0.0050 -0.0350 metatar4 0.0030 0.0050 -0.0070

0.3100 tibia -0.0094 -0.1348 0.0019 tibia -0.0144 -0.4051 -0.0229

tibia -0.0144 -0.4051 -0.0229 calcaneus 0.0417 0.0334 -0.0286
calcaneus 0.0417 0.0334 -0.0286 calcaneus 0.0772 0.0159 -0.0281
0.3100 tibia -0.0094 -0.1348 0.0019 tibia 0.0063 -0.3505 0.0146
tibia 0.0063 -0.3505 0.0146 tibia 0.0165 -0.3904 0.0176
tibia 0.0165 -0.3904 0.0176 calcaneus 0.0912 0.0463 0.0086
calcaneus 0.0912 0.0463 0.0086 calcaneus 0.1050 0.0325 0.0093

calcaneus -0.0300 0.0050 0.0500 metatarl 0.0460 0.0055 -0.0300

metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0300 toes 0.0000 0.0060 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0380 -0.0100 -0.0580 metatarS -0.0030 -0.0030 -0.0150
metatar5 -0.0030 -0.0030 -0.0150 toes -0.0240 -0.0590 -0.0080
metatar2 0.Q100 -0.0020 -0.0090 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280
metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 0.0280 toes 0.0000 -0.0090 -0.0080
metatar3 0.0090 0.0050 -0.0100 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280
metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280 toes 0.0000 -0.0090 -0.0080
metatar4 0.0090 0.0050 0.0070 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280
metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280 toes 0.0000 -0.0090 -0.0080
metatarl 0.0240 -0.0090 0.0000 IOes 0.0000 -0.0200 -0.0070
metatar2 0.0300 -0.0020 -0.0080 loes 0.0000 -0.0200 -0.0070
metatar2 0.0300 -0.0100 -0.0080 IOes 0.0000 -0.0280 -0.0070
metatar3 0.0270 0.0000 -0.0090 loes 0.0000 -0.0280 -0.0070
metatar3 0.0270 -0.0070 -0.0090 loes -0.0070 -0.0370 -0.0070
metatar4 0.0290 -0.0010 -0.0060 loes -0.0070 -0.0370 -0.0070
metatar4 -0.0290 -0.0080 -0.0060 loes -0.0130 -0.0490 -0.0080
metatarS -0.0300 -0.0060 -0.0050 IOes -0.0130 -0.0490 -0.0080
calcaneus 0.0170 -0.0220 -0.0250 cuneif3 0.0500 -0.0180 0.0210
cuneif3 0.0500 ·0.0180 -0.0210 IOes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0080
calcaneus 0.0170 -0.0220 -0.0250 loes -0.0070 -0.0340 0.0080
calcaneus 0.0170 -0.0220 -0.0250 loes -0.0130 -0.0460 0.0060

calcaneus 0.0170 -0.0220 -0.0250 metatar2 0.0940 -0.0070 0.0040

metatar2 0.0040 0.0070 0.0040 IOes 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100
metatar5 0.0000 -0.0010 -0.0130 IOes -0.0240 -0.0590 -0.0080
calcaneus -0.0250 0.0000 -0.0550 metatar2 0.0550 -0.0140 -0.0380
metatar2 0.0550 -0.0140 -0.0380 loes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0250 0.0000 -0.0550 metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340
metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340 toes -0.0070 -0.0340 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0250 0.0000 0.0550 metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260
metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260 toes -0.0130 -0.0460 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0250 0.0000 0.0550 metatarS 0.0480 -0.0150 -0.0200
metatarS 0.0480 -0.0150 -0.0200 toes -0.0240 -0.0560 -0.0100

cuboid 0.0350 -0.0120 0.0370 metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0300

metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0300 toes 0.0000 0.0060 -0.0100
cuneif3 0.0400 -0.0100 0.0320 metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0300
metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0300 loes 0.0000 0.0060 -0.0100
cuboid 0.0350 -0.0120 0.0370 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280
metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 0.0280 toes 0.0000 -0.0090 -0.0080
cuneif3 0.0400 -0.0100 0.0320 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280
metatarl 0.0460 -0.0100 -0.0280 toes 0.0000 -0.0090 -0.0080
calcaneus -0.0300 0.0050 0.1500 relinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
metatarl 0.0460 0.0050 -0.0100 toes -0.0240 -0.0560 0.0020
calcaneus -0.0300 0.0050 0.0000 toes 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100
metatar2 0.0550 -0.0140 0.0000 talus 0.0150 0.0150 -0.0340
calcaneus -0.0300 0.0050 -0.0340 metatar2 0.0550 -0.0140 -0.0380
metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0380 toes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0100
748 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) o/~O %FOG %FG

(toeIV) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
(toel) [7]
(toel) [7]
(Ioell) [7]
(toell) [7]
(Ioelll) [7]
(Ioelll) [7]
(loeIV) [7]
(loeIV) [7]
(loeV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
(lOel) [7]
(lOel) [7]
(lOell) [7]
(lOell) [7]
(lOelll) [7]
(toelll) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(toeIV) [7]
(lOeV) [7]
(toeV) [7]
quadratus plantae [7]
(toell) [7]
(toelll) [7]
(lOelll) [7]
(lOeIV) [7]
(loeIV) [7]
(lOeV) [7]
(loeV) [7]
(Ioell) [7]
(lOell) [7]
(Ioelll) [7]
(Ioelll) [7]
(toeIV) (7]
(toeIV) (7]
(toeV) [7]
(toeV) (7]
volar interossei [7]
(Ioelll) (7]
(toeIV) [7]
Yamaguchi et a\.; Table A.l: Lower Extremity Musculature 749


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm2)

calcaneus -0.0300 O.OOSO 0.0000 talus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO -0.0340

metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0340 metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340
calcaneus -0.0300 O.OOSO -0.0340 IDes -0.0070 -0.0340 -0.0100
metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO 0.0000 talus 0.01 SO O.OlSO -0.0340
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0120 -0.0340 metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260
metatarl 0.0460 O.OOSO -0.0260 IDes -0.0130 -0.0460 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0120 0.0000 talus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO -0.0340
metatar2 O.05SO -0.0140 -0.0340 metatarS 0.0480 -O.OlSO -0.0200
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0120 -0.0200 IDes -0.0240 -0.0560 -0.0100
metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 O.OOSO talus -0.0200 O.OOSO -0.0170
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0120 -0.0170 calcaneus 0.0000 0.0130 -0.0320
metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0320 metatarl 0.0460 -0.0010 -0.0300
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0120 -0.0300 IDes 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0100
metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO -0.0340 IDes -0.0070 -0.0340 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0220 0.0000 talus 0.01 SO 0.01 SO -0.0340
metatarl 0.0460 O.OOSO -0.0340 metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0220 -0.0260 IDes -0.0130 -0.0460 -0.0100
metatar2 O.05SO -0.0140 -0.0380 IDes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0300 0.0220 -0.0600 metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340
metatar3 0.0510 O.OlSO -0.0340 metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO -0.0200
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0220 -0.0600 metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260
metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 0.0260 toes -0.0130 0.0460 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0220 -0.0600 metatar5 0.0480 -0.01 SO -0.0200
metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO -0.0200 toes -0.0240 -0.0560 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0120 0.0000 -0.0400 metatar2 O.05SO -0.0140 -0.0380
metatar2 O.05SO -0.0140 -0.0380 toes 0.0000 -0.0240 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0120 0.0000 -0.0400 metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340
metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0340 IDes -0.0070 -0.0340 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0120 0.0000 -0.0400 metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260
metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0260 toes -0.0130 -0.0460 -0.0100
calcaneus -0.0120 0.0000 0.0000 talus 0.0180 O.OOSO -O.03SO
metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO -O.03SO metatar3 O.OOSO O.OOSO -0.0090
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0200 0.0000 talus 0.0180 O.OOSO -O.03SO
metatar2 0.05SO -0.0140 -O.03SO metatar4 0.0030 O.OOSO -0.0070
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0200 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
metatar3 0.0510 -0.0100 -0.0100 toes 0.0000 -0.0240 0.0080
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0200 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
metatar4 0.0520 -0.0120 -0.0100 toes -0.0070 -0.0340 0.0080
calcaneus -0.0300 -0.0200 0.1500 retinae 0.0200 -0.0100 -0.0100
metatarS 0.0480 -0.01 SO -0.0100 toes -0.0130 -0.0460 0.0060
metatar3 0.0220 -0.0030 -0.0120 toes -0.0070 -0.0310 -0.0070
metatar4 -0.0230 -O.OOSO -0.0090 toes -0.0130 -0.0430 -0.0080
metatar5 0.0250 -0.0050 -0.0080 toes -0.0240 -0.0530 -0.0080
(m) (m) (ml) (emo) (deg) %SO %FO %FG

1st dorsal intsrosseus [14] 57.4 42.6

erector spinae (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) [7]
(9) [7]
(10) [7]
(11 ) [7]
(12) [7]
(13) [7]
(14) [7]
(15) [7]
(16) [7]
(L) [13] 425.59 16.02
(R) [13] 417.87 15.73
(surface) [14] 58.4 41.6
(deep) [14] 54.9 45.1
external obliquus abdominis [12] 6.85
(1) [7]
(2) [7]
iliocostalis dorsi [12] 0.50
iliocostalis lumborum [12] 1.00
iliopsoas (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) [7]
(9) [7]
intsrnal obliquus abdominis [7]
[12] 5.68
interspinalis (1) [12] 0.50
(2) (12)
intertransversarii (1) [12) 0.25
(2) [12)
latissimus dorsi (1) (7)
(2) [7)
(3) (7)
(4) [7)
(5) [7)
[14) 50.5 49.5
longissimus dorsi (12) 1.0
multifidus (1) [12] 1.25
(2) [12]
multifidus lumborum (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) [7]
(9) [7]
(10) [7]
(11) [7]
quadratus lumborum (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
[12] 2.80
rectus abdominis [7]
[12] 2.66
(13) 356.16 10.50
[14] 46.1 53.9
rotatores lumborum (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) (7]
(4) (7]
(5) (7)
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.2: Trunk Musculature 751


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

Thorax -0.0600 -0.0700 0.1000 Pelvis -0.0650 -0.0600 0.1400

Thorax -0.0600 -0.0700 0.1000 Pelvis -0.0600 -0.0300 0.0800
Ll -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0200 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0350 0.1250
L2 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0230 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0230 0.1250
L3 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0250 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0250 0.1250
L4 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0270 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0270 0.1250
L5 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0290 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0290 0.1250
Pelvis -0.0660 -0.0300 0.0800 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0350 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0350 0.1250
Pelvis -0.0650 -0.0600 0.1400 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0420 0.1250
Thorax 0.0200 -0.0350 0.2200 Thorax -0.0400 -0.0420 0.1250

Pelvis 0.0762 0.0894 -0.0782 CenTolSo 0.0000 0.0894 0.0079

Thorax -0.0400 -0.1200 -0.0450 Pelvis 0.0400 -0.1150 0.1150
Thorax 0.0700 -0.1300 0.0000 Pelvis 0.0600 0.0000 -0.0100
CenTolSo -0.0254 0.0762 0.0079 UpTorso -0.0254 0.0762 0.0000
Pelvis -0.0254 0.0381 0.0978 CenTolSo -0.0254 0.0762 0.0079
L1 -0.0050 -0.0200 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
Femur -0.0100 -0.0950 0.3450 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
L2 -0.0050 -0.0230 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
L3 -0.0050 -0.0250 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
Femur -0.0100 -0.0950 0.3450 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
L4 -0.0050 -0.0270 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
Femur -0.0100 -0.0950 0.3450 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
L5 -0.0050 -0.0280 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
Femur -0.0100 -0.0950 0.3450 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.0750 0.0000
Thorax 0.1450 -0.0050 0.0200 Pelvis 0.0250 -0.1250 0.1250
Pelvis 0.0000 0.0894 -0.0782 CenTolSo 0.0762 0.0894 0.0079
CenTolSo 0.0254 0.0000 -0.0734 UpTolSo -0.0190 0.0000 0.1074
UpTolSo -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0518 Neck -0.0190 0.0000 0.0716
CenTorso -0.0254 0.0381 -0.0734 UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 0.1074
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0518 Neck -0.0190 0.0254 0.0716
Ll -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.1150 0.0500
L2 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.1150 0.0400
L3 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0400 -0.1150 0.0300
L4 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0300 -0.1150 0.0200
L5 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax -0.0300 -0.1150 0.0100

CenTorso -0.0254 0.0381 -0.0048 UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 0.0180

CenTorso -0.0254 0.0381 -0.0734 UpTorso -0.0190 0.0000 0.1074
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0518 Neck -0.0190 0.0000 0.0716
Thorax -0.0500 0.0000 0.0950 Ll -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0650 Ll -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0650 L2 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0300 L2 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0300 L3 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0000 L3 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0000 L4 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L1 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L4 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L1 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L5 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L2 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L5 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L5 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 Pelvis -0.0800 -0.0300 0.0650
Thorax -0.0500 -0.0550 0.0100 Pelvis -0.0400 -0.0750 0.1600
L1 -0.0350 -0.0350 0.0200 Pelvis -0.0400 -0.0750 0.1600
Ll -0.0350 -0.0370 0.0200 Pelvis -0.0400 -0.0750 0.1600
L3 -0.0350 -0.0420 0.0200 Pelvis -0.0400 -0.0750 0.1600
L4 -0.0350 -0.0450 0.0200 Pelvis -0.0400 -0.0750 0.1600
Pelvis 0.0000 0.0894 -0.0782 CenTolSo -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0043
Thorax 0.1500 -0.0400 0.0500 Pelvis 0.0550 -0.0080 -0.0100
Pelvis 0.0254 0.0127 0.0487 CenTolSo 0.0762 0.0127 -0.1074

Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0300 L2 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330

Thorax -0.0550 0.0000 0.0000 L2 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L1 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L3 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L2 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L4 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330
L3 -0.0650 0.0000 0.0100 L5 -0.0450 -0.0200 0.0330

(m) (m) (ml) (cm') (deg) %SO %FO %FG

anconeus (7)
(12) 0.94
(15) 3.18
(22) 0.027 6.7 2.5
biceps brachii (LH) (15) 3.33
(LH) (16) 0.3124 70.46 1.94
(LH) (21)
(LH) (22) 0.136 33.4 2.5
(SH) (15) 3.22
(SH) (16) 0.3327 37.69 1.29
(SH) (21)
(SH) (22) 0.150 30.8 2.1
(1) (17)
(2) (17)
(surface) (14) 42.3 57.7
(deep) (14) 50.5 49.5
(LH) (7)
(LH) (7)
(LH) (12) 3.55
(SH) (7)
(SH) (12)
brachialis (7)
(12) 4.63
(15) 6.40
(low head) (16) 0.0762 34.41 4.52
(upp head) (16) 0.1499 65.55 4.52
(21) 0.12 0.090 9
(22) 0.090 59.3 7.0
brachioradia/is (7)
(12) 1.37
(15) 1.86
(14) 39.8 60.2
(16) 0.2870 40.97 1.29
(21) 0.24 0.16 3
(22) 0.164 21.9 1.5
coracobrachialis (7)
(12) 1.52
(16) 0.1854 21.30 1.29
[15] 5.B
(1) (17)
(2) (17)
deltoideus (1) (7)
(2) (7)
(3) [7]
(1) [12] 11.01
(2) (12)
(1) (17)
(2) (17)
(3) (17)
(superfic.) (14) 53.3 46.7
(deep) (14) 61.0 39.0
(acromial) (16) 0.1651 222.86 13.55
(clavicular) (16) 0.1935 88.49 4.52
(scapular) (16) 0.1905 75.38 3.87
extensor carpi radialis brevis (7)
(15) 2.22
(22) 0.053 15.8 2.9
extensor carpi radialis longus (7)
(15) 3.14
(21) 0.22 0.080 7
(22) 0.078 18.3 2.4
extensor carpi ulnaris (7)
(15) 5.30
(22) 0.045 14.9 3.4
extensor digitorum communis (7)
(14) 47.3 52.7
(15) 4.30
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.3: Upper Extremity Musculature 753


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

Humerus -0.016 -0.025 -0.300 Ulna -0.018 -0.006 -0.040

Humerus 0.000 0.030 0.132 Forearm 0.010 0.000 -0.176

Scapula 0.1829 0.1321 0.6985 Radius 0.0381 -0.1473 0.6045

Shoulder 0.025 0.000 -0.005 Shoulder 0.006 -0.318 -0.003

Scapula 0.1854 0.1270 0.7239 Radius 0.0406 -0.1448 0.6045

Shoulder 0.029 0.006 -0.015 Shoulder 0.006 -0.318 -0.003

Scapula 0.0180 0.0028 0.0025

Scapula 0.0090 0.0012 0.0402

Scapula -0.005 0.020 -0.020 Humerus 0.005 0.005 0.025

Humerus 0.025 0.000 0.010 Radius 0.008 0.008 -0.055
UpTolSo 0.0000 0.1595 -0.0724 Forearm 0.0099 0.0000 -0.1667
Scapula 0.010 0.036 -0.025 Radius 0.008 0.008 -0.055
UpTolSo 0.0399 0.1595 -0.0823 Forearm 0.0099 0.0000 -0.1667
Humerus 0.010 -0.006 -0.200 Ulna 0.000 0.008 -0.030
Humerus 0.0099 0.0000 -0.0681 Foreann 0.0099 0.0000 -0.1816

Humerus 0.1016 -0.0762 0.5918 Ulna 0.0483 -0.1626 0.6020

Humerus 0.1270 -0.0178 0.6223 Ulna 0.0508 -0.1600 0.6020
Shoulder 0.001 -0.182 -0.003 Shoulder -0.003 -0.304 -0.013

Humerus 0.000 -0.015 -0.270 Radius 0.000 -0.020 -0.240

Humerus 0.0099 0.0099 0.0917 Foreann 0.0000 0.0201 0.0084

Humerus 0.1041 -0.0737 0.5867 Radius -0.0610 -0.1448 0.7595

Shoulder -0.006 -0.195 0.005 Shoulder 0.010 -0.505 0.027

Scapula 0.010 0.036 -0.025 Humerus 0.010 0.008 -0.132

UpTorso 0.0399 0.1849 -0.0820 Humerus 0.0000 -0.0099 -0.0183
Scapula 0.1905 0.1219 0.7214 Humerus 0.1397 -0.0178 0.6274

Scapula 0.0209 -0.0025 0.0342

Humerus 0.1185 0.0042 -0.0054
Scapula -0.065 0.060 -0.025 Humerus -0.010 0.000 -0.120
Scapula 0.000 -0.025 -0.015 Humerus 0.010 -0.010 -0.120
Clavicle 0.008 -0.130 -0.005 Humerus 0.010 -0.008 -0.120
UpTorso -0.0207 0.1648 -0.0968 Humerus 0.0099 0.0099 0.0018
UpTorso 0.0207 0.1648 -0.0968 Humerus 0.0099 0.0099 0.0018
Scapula -0.0016 -0.0260 -0.0109
Scapula 0.0427 0.0352 -0.0308
Clavicle 0.1110 -0.0039 0.0021
Humerus 0.1185 -0.0012 0.0129

Scapula 0.1956 0.1422 0.6604 Humerus 0.1194 -0.0051 0.6223

Clavicle 0.1956 0.1473 0.7188 Humerus 0.1270 0.0203 0.6350
Scapula 0.2667 0.1270 0.6756 Humerus 0.1321 0.0127 0.6248
Humerus -0.010 -0.030 -0.290 Hand -0.006 -0.009 -0.036

Humerus -0.010 -0.028 -0.280 Hand -0.006 -0.013 -0.034

Shoulder -0.008 -0.239 0.009 Shoulder 0.011 -0.490 0.024

Humerus -0.014 -0.027 -0.300 Hand -0.003 0.025 -0.030

Humerus -0.012 -0.030 -0.295 Hand -0.070 0.000 -0.015

754 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FO %FG

flexor carpi radialis [7]

[15] 2.16
[22] 0.058 12.4 2.0
flexor carpi ulnaris [7]
[14] 44.5 55.5
[15] 5.0
[22] 0.048 15.2 3.2
flexor digitorum profundus [14] 47.3 52.7
[15] 10.8
flexor digitorum sublimis [7]
[15] 10.7
flexor poIlicis longus [7]
[15] 2.9
greater round (1) [17]
(2) [17]
infraspinatus [14] 45.3 54.7
[16] 0.1499 85.21 5.81
[12] 5.98
(1) [17]
(2) [17]
infraspinatus and teres minor [15] 16.5
latissimus dorsi (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(1) [12] 5.37
(2) [12]
[16] 0.2692 339.21 12.90
levator scapulae (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
[12] 17.75
omohyoid [17]
palmaris longus [15] 0.93
[22] 0.057 5.1 0.9
pectoralis major (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(1) [12] 6.8
(2) [12]
(clavicular) [14] 42.3 57.7
(sternal) [14] 43.1 56.9
(abdom.) [16] 0.2184 78.66 3.87
(clav.) [16] 0.1854 93.40 5.16
(stem.) [16] 0.2159 96.68 4.52
(1) [17]
(2) [17]
pectoralis minor [17]
[16] 0.1346 52.44 3.87
pronator teres [7]
[12] 1.61
[15] 3.24
[21] 0.14 0.070 4
[22] 0.056 18.7 3.4
pronator quadratus [15] 2.22
rhomboid (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
[14] 44.6 55.4
(major) [16] 0.1143 40.97 3.87
(minor) [16] 0.0787 27.86 3.23
(greater) [17]
(smaller) [17]
Yamaguchi et a1.; Table A.3: Upper Extremity Musculature 755


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

Humerus -0.003 0.036 -0.295 Hand 0.008 -0.018 -0.025

Humerus -0.012 0.030 -0.295 Hand 0.007 0.018 -0.012

Humerus -0.005 0.035 -0.295 Hand 0.007 0.000 -0.025

Humerus -0.005 0.035 -0.295 Hand 0.007 -0.030 -0.030

Scapula 0.1494 -0.0103 -0.0011

Humerus 0.0428 0.0111 -0.0066

Scapula 0.2972 0.0787 0.6833 Humerus 0.1880 0.1346 0.6604

Scapula -0.095 0.060 -0.080 Humerus -0.008 -0.023 0.004
UpTorso -0.0099 0.1148 -0.0071 Humerus 0.0000 0.0150 -0.1382
Humerus -0.0054 -0.0075 0.0281
Scapula 0.1092 0.0425 -0.0188
Scapula 0.1345 0.0204 -0.0122

Thorax -0.105 -0.090 -0.230 Humerus 0.010 0.000 -0.058

Thorax -0.080 -0.115 -0.280 Humerus 0.Q15 0.006 -0.040
Pelvis -0.110 -0.055 -0.380 Humerus 0.015 0.006 -0.040
CenTorso -0.0508 0.0000 0.0978 Humerus 0.0000 0.0099 -0.0681
CenTorso -0.0508 0.0000 0.0180 Humerus 0.0000 0.0099 -0.0681
Humerus 0.0509 0.0108 0.0051
Thorax 0.2845 -0.1219 0.6833 Humerus 0.1702 0.0660 0.6731
Cl 0.0000 -0.0360 0.0070 Scapula -0.0570 0.0900 -0.0040
C2 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Scapula -0.0680 0.0900 -0.0120
C3 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Scapula -0.0800 0.0870 -0.0280
UpTorso -0.0508 0.1087 -0.0470 CenTorso -0.0079 0.Q114 -0.0470
Scapula 0.0392 0.0731 -0.0021
Scapula 0.0428 0.0358 0.0005

Thorax 0.040 0.010 0.070 Humerus 0.020 -0.009 -0.045

Thorax 0.040 -0.020 -0.190 Humerus 0.020 -0.009 -0.045
Clavicle 0.Q18 -0.050 0.007 Humerus 0.020 -0.009 -0.045
UpTorso 0.0508 0.0000 -0.0071 Humerus 0.0099 0.0099 -0.0483
UpTorso 0.0508 0.0848 -0.0670 Humerus 0.0099 0.0099 -0.0483

Thorax 0.1448 -0.0254 0.8763 Humerus 0.1473 0.0711 0.6629

Clavicle 0.2083 0.1194 0.8179 Humerus 0.1372 0.0432 0.6528
Thorax 0.2007 0.0483 0.8915 Humerus 0.1448 0.0660 0.6004
Humerus 0.0823 0.0119 0.0129
Clavicle 0.0522 0.0136 0.0038
Scapula 0.0289 0.0064 0.0347
Thorax 0.1549 0.0330 0.8001 Scapula 0.2007 0.1245 0.7290
Humerus -0.005 0.035 -0.290 Radius 0.005 -0.010 -0.130
Humerus 0.0099 0.0000 0.1105 Forearm 0.0000 0.0180 -0.0968

Shoulder -0.004 -0.247 -0.027 Shoulder 0.005 -0.390 0.025

Shoulder 0.010 -0.496 -0.010 Shoulder 0.014 -0.493 0.020

C3 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Scapula -0.1100 0.0920 -0.0400
C7 -0.0400 -0.0040 -0.0100 Scapula -0.1150 0.0900 -0.0650
Thorax 0.0300 0.0000 0.2750 Scapula -0.1180 0.0850 -0.0900
Thorax 0.0300 0.0000 0.2600 Scapula -0.1200 0.0800 -0.1100
Thorax 0.0300 0.0000 0.2500 Scapula -0.1200 0.0750 -0.1350

Thorax 0.3505 0.1016 0.7722 Scapula 0.3150 0.0533 0.6858

Thorax 0.3404 0.1321 0.7823 Scapula 0.3150 0.1168 0.7061
Scapula 0.1506 0.0428 -0.0246
Scapula 0.0646 0.0804 -0.0241
756 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FO %FG

serratis anterior (1) (7)

(2) [7]
(3) (7)
(4) (7)
(1) [17]
(2) [17]
(3) [17]
(lower) (16) 0.1727 162.23 9.68
(upper) (16) 0.1041 31.14 3.23
smaller round (1) [17]
(2) [17]
sternoc/eido-mastoid [17]
sternohyoid (17)
subclavius [7]
(16) 0.0762
subscapularis [7]
(12) 9.9
(16) 0.1219 121.26 9.68
(15) 25.24
(1) [17]
(2) (17)
(3) (17)
supinator [7]
(12) 1.77
(15) 2.20
(21) 0.033 4.5
(22) 0.033 10.9 3.4
supraspinatus (7)
(14) 59.3 40.7
(12) 3.3
(16) 0.0864 39.33 4.52
(15) 7.7
(1) [17]
(2) [17]
teres major (7)
(12) 4.97
[16] 0.1219 70.46 5.81
(15) 9.8
teres minor (7)
(12) 1.57
[16] 0.1041 24.58 2.58
trapezius (1) [7]
(2) (7)
(3) (7)
(4) [71
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) (7)
(9) (7)
(10) (7)
(11) [7]
(12) (7)
(13) (7)
(14) (7)
(15) [7]
(16) [7]
(17) (7)
(18) [7]
(19) (7)
(20) [7]
(12) 10.60
(lower) (16) 0.2083 199.92 9.68
(medial) (16) 0.1245 90.13 7.10
(upper) (16) 0.1194 80.30 6.45
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.3: Upper Extremity Musculature 757


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

Thorax 0.0850 ~.0850 0.2250 Scapula ~.0550 0.0900 0.0050

Thorax 0.0850 ~.1000 0.1900 Thorax 0.0300 ~.1100 0.1900
Scapula ~.1250 0.0950 ~.0850 Thorax 0.0300 ~.1100 0.1900
Thorax 0.0800 ~.1400 0.0700 Scapula ~.13OO 0.0680 ~.1480
Scapula 0.0582 0.0804 ~.0191
Scapula 0.1242 0.0549 ~.0204
Scapula 0.1653 0.0147 0.0057
Thorax 0.1727 ~.0254 0.7264 Scapula 0.3124 0.0000 0.6680
Thorax 0.2261 0.1016 0.7518 Scapula 0.3073 0.0838 0.7188
Scapula 0.1062 ~.0087 ~.0042
Humerus 0.0117 ~.0135 ~.0111
Clavicle 0.0293 0.0047 0.0098
Clavicle 0.0092 ~.0094 0.0009
Thorax 0.1150 ~.0500 0.2130 Clavicle 0.0000 0.0950 0.0030
Clavicle 0.0768 ~.0050 ~.0003
Thorax 0.2311 0.1016 0.8230 Clavicle 0.2159 0.1372 0.7595
Scapula ~.090 0.065 ~.085 Humerus 0.015 0.012 0.008
UpTorso 0.0099 0.1250 0.0130 Humerus 0.0150 0.0150 ~.1382
Scapula 0.3048 0.0711 0.6909 Humerus 0.2032 0.1067 0.6960

Humerus 0.0036 0.0254 0.0033

Scapula 0.0926 0.0543 ~.0242
Scapula 0.1182 0.0290 ~.0190
Scapula 0.1349 0.0122 ~.0113
Humerus ~.013 ~.028 ~.300 Radius 0.006 ~.006 ~.065
Arm ~.013O ~.0280 0.1600 Radius 0.0060 ~.0060 0.0650
Humerus 0.0000 0.0:.00 0.1318 Forearm 0.0000 0.0150 ~.1509

Shoulder 0.015 ~.285 0.010 Shoulder 0.007 ~.340 ~.014

Scapula ~.060 0.075 ~.006 Humerus 0.019 ~.020 0.025

UpTorso 0.0000 0.0950 ~.0470 Humerus 0.0000 0.0399 ~.1481

Scapula 0.2870 0.1397 0.7239 Humerus 0.1981 0.1397 0.6833

Scapula 0.0540 0.0616 ~.0198

Humerus -0.0126 0.0093 0.0236
Scapula ~.110 0.060 ~.140 Humerus 0.014 0.008 ~.064
UpTorso 0.0000 0.1250 0.0531 Humerus 0.0000 ~.0099 ~.0782
Scapula 0.2794 0.0305 0.6553 Humerus 0.1702 0.0610 0.6655

Scapula ~.070 0.025 ~.095 Humerus ~.006 ~.023 ~.005

UpTorso 0.0000 0.1450 0.0130 Humerus 0.0000 0.0099 ~.1382
Scapula 0.2667 0.0483 0.6604 Humerus 0.1905 0.1118 0.6604
Skull ~.0660 ~.o100 0.0270 Clavicle -0.0100 0.1300 0.0050
Cl ~.0270 0.0000 0.0060 Clavicle -0.0100 0.1300 0.0050
C2 ~.0270 ~.0040 ~.0080 Clavicle -0.0100 0.1300 0.0050
C3 ~.0350 ~.0040 ~.0070 Clavicle ~.o100 0.1300 0.0050
C4 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Clavicle ~.0100 0.1300 0.0050
C5 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Clavicle ~.0100 0.1300 0.0050
C6 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Clavicle ~.0100 0.1300 0.0050
Skull ~.0660 ~.o100 0.0270 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
Cl ~.0270 0.0000 0.0060 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C2 ~.0270 ~.004O ~.0080 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C3 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C4 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C5 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C6 ~.0350 ~.004O ~.0070 Scapula ~.0200 ~.0100 ~.0150
C7 ~.0400 ~.004O ~.0100 Scapula ~.0650 0.0500 ~.0200
Thorax 0.0300 0.0000 0.2550 Scapula ~.0650 0.0500 ~.0200
Thorax ~.0070 0.0000 0.1500 Scapula ~.1150 0.0950 ~.0500
Scapula ~.0900 0.0650 ~.0270 Scapula ~.1150 0.0950 ~.0500
Thorax ~.0450 0.0000 0.0800 Scapula ~.1250 0.0900 ~.0800
Scapula ~.0900 0.0650 ~.0270 Scapula ~.1250 0.0900 ~.0800
UpTorso 0.0000 0.1849 ~.0597 Head ~.0360 0.0099 0.0658
Thorax 0.3810 ~.0483 0.7544 Scapula 0.3073 0.1118 0.6833
Thorax 0.3480 0.1194 0.7772 Scapula 0.2616 0.1397 0.6731
Thorax 0.3048 0.1651 0.7772 Clavicle 0.2083 0.1575 0.7112
758 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FO %FG

(1) [18] 0.1300 3.11 10 15

(2) [18] 0.1875 1.14 10 15
[14] 53.7 46.2
(1) [17]
(2) [17]
(3) [17]
(4) [17]
triceps brachii [17]
(1) [15] 6.78
(2) [15J 5.66
(3) [15J 4.75
(surface) [14J 32.5 67.5
(deep) [14J 32.7 19.6
(lateral) [16J 0.2464 108.15 4.52
(lateral) [22J 0.084 47.3 6.0
(medial) [16J 0.2134 62.27 3.23
(medial) [22J 0.063 38.7 6.1
(long) [16J 0.3124 127.82 3.87
(long) [22J 0.102 66.6 6.7
(1) [7J
(2) [7J
(3) [7J
(1) [12J 16.38
(2) [12J
(3) [12J
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.3: Upper Extremity Musculature 759


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')


Scapula 0.0378 0.0354 -0.0290

Scapula 0.0526 0.0536 -0.0322
Scapula 0.0147 0.0156 -0.0178
Clavicle 0.1159 -0.0216 0.0046
Scapula 0.0648 -0.0193 0.0073

Humerus 0.1448 0.0051 0.6121 Ulna 0.0686 -0.1651 0.5537

Humerus 0.1346 -0.0660 0.6071 Ulna 0.0787 -0.1702 0.5588

Scapula 0.2210 0.0914 0.6706 Ulna 0.0838 -0.1651 0.5588

Scapula -O.Q15 0.005 -0.060 Ulna -0.015 0.000 0.025

Humerus -0.010 0.012 -0.200 Ulna -O.Q15 0.000 0.025
Humerus -0.008 -0.010 -0.160 Ulna -0.015 0.000 0.025
Humerus -0.0099 0.0000 -0.0183 Forearm -0.0150 0.000 -0.2167
Humerus -0.0099 0.0000 -0.0381 Forearm -0.0150 0.000 -0.2167
UpTorso 0.0000 0.1748 -0.0470 Forearm -0.0150 0.000 -0.2167


(ml) (em') (deg) (%) (gm)

abduetor digiti minimi [19] 0.04 1.1

[14] 51.8
abductor pol/icis brevis [19] 0.037 0.8
[14] 63.0
abductor pol/icis longus [19] 0.046 2.8
[20] 0.033 2.62 6.09 13.0
[15[ 1.84
[14[ 80.4
adductor pol/icis longus [19] 0.036 2.1
dorsal interosseous [IJ (mell) [19] 0.031 0.8
(met2) [19] 0.016 0.6
[IIJ [19] 0.014 0.7
[I/IJ [19] 0.015 0.6
[IV] [19] 0.015 0.5
extensor carpi radialis brevis [19] O.OSI 5.1
[20] 0.049 3.47 9.40 24.5
extensor carpi radialis longus [19] 0.093 6.5
[20] 0.108 2.73 6.38,3.72 - 37.5
extensor carpi ulnaris [19] 0.045 4.0
[20] 0.034 3.25 8.46,6.76 - 17.0
extensor digiti minimi [19] 0.059 1.2
(can) [7]
(/at) [7]
(med) [7]
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.4: Hand Musculature 761


(%) (mm2)

CRP -0.0170 0.0220 0.0160 PP5 0.0100 0.0070 0.0025
CRP -0.0150 -0.0230 0.0200 MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0040
MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0040 PPl 0.0110 0.0050 0.0040

URD -0.0100 -0.0200 0.0070 MCl 0.0080 0.0000 0.0060
CRP -0.0040 -0.0030 0.0120 PPl 0.0080 0.0040 -0.0080
MC2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0070 PPl 0.0080 0.0040 -0.0080
MC3 0.0060 0.0000 0.0070 PPl 0.0080 0.0040 -0.0080
MC3 0.0300 0.0000 0.0030 PPl 0.0080 0.0040 -0.0080
MCl 0.0230 0.0000 -0.0060 PP2 0.0130 -0.0080 -0.0020
PP2 0.0330 -0.0060 0.0000 MP2 0.0060 -0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
MC2 0.0230 -0.0040 -0.0040 PP2 0.0130 -0.0080 -0.0020
PP2 0.0330 -0.0060 0.0000 MP2 0.0060 -0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
MC2 0.0270 0.0040 -0.0050 PP3 0.0130 -0.0090 -0.0030
PP3 0.0350 -0.0060 0.0000 MP3 0.0070 -0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035
MC3 0.0300 -0.0040 -0.0040 PP3 0.0130 -0.0090 -0.0030
MC3 0.0300 -0.0040 -0.0040 PP3 0.0130 -0.0090 0.0000
PP3 0.0350 -0.0060 0.0000 MP3 0.0070 -0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035
MC3 0.0300 0.0040 -0.0040 PP3 0.0130 0.0130 -0.0030
MC3 0.0300 0.0040 -0.0040 PP3 0.0130 0.0090 0.0000
PP3 0.0350 0.0060 0.0000 MP3 0.0070 0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035
PP3 0.0130 0.0090 -0.0031 MC4 0.0280 -0.0040 -0.0025
MC4 0.0280 -0.0040 -0.0025 PP3 0.0130 0.0090 0.0000
PP3 0.0350 0.0060 0.0000 MP3 0.0070 0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035
MC4 0.0280 0.0040 -00025 PP4 0.0120 0.0080 -0.0020
PP4 0.0300 0.0060 0.0000 MP4 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP4 0.0250 0.0000 -0.0020 DP4 0.0035 0.0000 -0.0030
MC5 0.0170 ·0.0040 -0.0040 PP4 0.0120 0.0080 -0.0020
MC5 0.0170 -0.0040 -0.0040 PP4 0.0120 0.0080 0.0020
PP4 0.0300 0.0060 0.0000 MP4 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP4 0.0250 0.0000 -0.0020 DP4 0.0035 0.0000 -0.0030

URD 0.0000 -0.0100 -0.0100 MC3 0.0080 0.0050 -0.0080


URD 0.0000 -0.0150 -0.0080 MC2 0.0060 -0.0080 -0.0060


URD -0.0150 0.0280 -0.0080 MC5 0.0060 0.0080 0.0000

URD -0.0070 0.0150 -0.0110 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060
MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0385 0.0000 -0.0025
PP5 0.0385 0.0000 -0.0025 MP5 0.0050 0.0000 -0.0035
URD -0.0070 0.0150 -0.0110 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060
MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030
PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030 MP5 0.0050 -0.0050 -0.0015
MP5 0.0215 0.0000 -0.0015 DP5 0.0030 0.0000 -0.0025
URD -0.0070 0.0150 -0.0110 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060
MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0270 0.0025 -0.0030
PP5 0.0270 0.0025 -0.0030 MP5 0.0050 0.0050 -0.0015
MP5 0.0215 0.0000 -0.0015 DP5 0.0030 0.0000 -0.0025
762 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters


(ml) (em2) (OOg) (%) (gm)

eXl8nsor dgitorum communis [II) [19J 0.055 1.1

[2OJ 0.055 o.n 7.84 5.5
[22J 0.067 4.9 0.7
(een) [7]
(/at) [7]
(moo) [7]
[/II) [19J 0.060 2.2
[20J 0.057 1.38 4.02 12.5
[22J 0.069 5.9 0.9
(een) [7]
(/at) [7]
(moo) [7]
[IV] [19J 0.058 2.0
[20J 0.048 1.09 5.98,2.39 - 7.5
[22J 0.061 8.0 1.4
(cen) [7J
(/at) [7J
(moo) [7]
[V] [19J 0.059 1.0
[20J 0.055 0.64 5.22 5.0
[22J 0.059 4.7 0.8
(cen) [7J
(/at) [7]
(moo) [7J
eXl8nsor incfcis proprius [19J 0.055 1.1
[15J 0.37
[15J 1.20
[20J 0.055 0.84 0.0 4.5
(een) [7J
(moo) [7J
(/at) [7J
Yamaguchi et aJ.; Table A.4: Hand Musculature 763


(%) (mm')


URD -0.0070 0.0030 -0.0130 MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080

MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030
PP2 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030 MP2 0.0055 0.0000 -0.0040
URD -0.0070 0.0030 -0.0130 MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080
MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0330 0.0030 -0.0030
PP2 0.0330 0.0030 -0.0030 MP2 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
URD -0.0070 0.0030 -0.0130 MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080
MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0330 -0.0030 -0.0030
PP2 0.0330 -0.0030 -0.0030 MP2 0.0060 -0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030

URD -0.0070 0.0060 -0.0130 MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080

MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP3 0.0520 0.0000 -0.0030
PP3 0.0520 0.0000 -0.0030 MP3 0.0060 0.0000 0.0040
URD -0.0070 0.0060 -0.0130 MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080
MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP3 0.0350 0.0040 -0.0040
PP3 0.0350 0.0040 -0.0040 MP3 0.0070 0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035
U.RD -0.0070 0.0060 -0.0130 MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080
MC3 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP3 0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0040
PP3 0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0040 MP3 0.0070 -0.0070 -0.0020
MP3 0.0310 0.0000 -0.0025 DP3 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0035

URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070

MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070 PP4 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030
PP4 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030 MP4 0.0050 0.0000 -0.0040
URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070
MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070 PP4 0.0300 -0.0030 -0.0030
PP4 0.0300 -0.0030 -0.0030 MP4 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP4 0.0250 0.0000 -0.0020 DP4 0.0035 0.0000 -0.0030
URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070
MC4 0.0540 0.0000 -0.0070 PP4 0.0300 -0.0030 -0.0030
PP4 0.0300 -0.0030 -0.0030 MP4 0.0060 -0.0060 -0.0020
MP4 0.0250 0.0000 -0.0020 DP4 0.0035 0.0000 -0.0030

URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060

MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0385 0.0000 -0.0025
PP5 0.0385 0.0000 -0.0025 MP5 0.0050 0.0000 -0.0035
URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060
MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030
PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030 MP5 0.0050 -0.0050 -0.0015
MP5 0.0215 0.0000 -0.0015 DP5 0.0030 0.0000 -0.0025
URD -0.0070 0.0090 -0.0130 MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060
MC5 0.0500 0.0000 -0.0060 PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030
PP5 0.0270 -0.0025 -0.0030 MP5 0.0050 -0.0050 -0.0015
MP5 0.0216 0.0000 -0.0015 DP5 0.0030 0.0000 -0.0025

URD -0.0070 0.0030 -0.0130 MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080

MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030
PP2 0.0470 0.0000 -0.0030 MP2 0.0055 0.0000 -0.0040
MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0330 -0.0030 -0.0030
PP2 0.0330 -0.0030 -0.0030 MP2 0.0060 -0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
URD -0.0070 0.0030 -0.0130 MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080
MC2 0.0620 0.0000 -0.0080 PP2 0.0330 0.0030 -0.0030
PP2 0.0330 0.0030 -0.0030 MP2 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
764 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters


(ml) (em') (deg) (%) (gm)

extsnsor longus [II) (23J

[III) [23J
[IV)" [23J
[V) [23J
extsnsor pollicis brevis [19J 0.043 0.7
[15J 1.84
[20J 0.054 1.29 0.0 7.0
extsnsor pollicis longus [19J 0.057 1.5
[15J 0.56
(20J 0.045 1.04 0.0 4.0
extsnsor !;/ip [II) [23J
[III) [23J
[IV) [23J
[V) [23J
flexor carpi radialis [19J 0.052 4.2
(20J 0.08 2.73 8.63 25.0
flexor carpi ulnaris [19J 0.042 5.6
[20J 0.048 5.39 9.59,179 - 30.5
flexor digiti minimi [19J 0.034 0.3
flexor digitorum profundus [II) [19J 0.066 3.5
[20J 0.057 3.35 12.15 21.0
[III) (19J 0.066 4.4
(20J 0.088 2.68 11.14 25.0
[IV) (19] 0.068 4.1
(20J 0.074 2.9 13.45,6.68 - 43.0
[V) (19J 0.062 3.4
(20J 2.61
flexor digitorum sublimis [II) (19J 0.072 2.9
(20J 0.032 4.19 14.48 21.5
[22J 0.045 11.1 2.5
[III) [19J 0.070 4.7
(20) 0.058 3.61 7.93 25.5
(22J 0.077 13.7 1.7
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.4: Hand Musculature 765


(%) (mm')

6 0.000 0.506 -0.024 5 0.000 0.455 -0.013

6 0.000 0.393 -0.039 5 -0.080 0.322 -0.018
6 0.000 0.388 0.010 5 -0.110 0.326 0.002
6 0.000 0.477 0.111 5 0.040 0.414 0.035

URD -0.0100 -0.0200 0.0070 MCl 0.0420 -O.OOSO 0.0000

MCl 0.0420 -O.OOSO 0.0000 PPl 0.0100 -0.0050 0.0000

URD -0.0070 -0.0050 -0.0130 MCl 0.0420 -O.OOSO -0.0030

MCl 0.0420 -O.OOSO -0.0030 PPl 0.0330 -0.0040 0.0000
PPl 0.0330 -0.0040 -0.0000 DPl 0.0070 -0.0040 0.0000
4 0.000 0.280 -0.040 3 -0.040 0.293 -0.036
4 0.000 0.236 -0.019 3 -0.030 0.247 -0.024
4 0.000 0.202 0.006 3 -0.040 0.208 -0.Q16
4 0.000 0.257 0.006 3 -0.040 0.272 -0.012

URD 0.0000 -0.0080 0.0120 CRP -0.0130 -0.0150 0.0250

CRP -0.0130 -0.0150 0.0250 MC2 0.0070 -0.0020 O.OOSO

URD -0.0150 0.0300 0.0100 CRP -0.0170 0.0200 0.0150

CRP -O.OOSO O.OlSO 0.0200 PP5 0.0100 0.0070 0.0025

URD -0.0070 0.0100 O.OlSO CRP -0.0100 -0.0010 0.0130

CRP -0.0100 -0.0010 0.0130 MC2 0.0600 0.0000 0.0090
MC2 0.0600 0.0000 0.0090 PP2 0.0420 0.0000 0.0025
PP2 0.0420 0.0000 0.0025 MP2 0.0210 0.0000 0.0020
MP2 0.0210 0.0000 0.0020 DP2 O.OOSO 0.0000 0.0020

URD -0.0070 0.0140 0.01 SO CRP -0.0070 0.0020 0.0150

CRP -0.0070 0.0020 0.0150 MC3 0.0580 0.0000 0.0080
MC3 0.0080 0.0000 0.0080 PP3 0.0470 0.0000 0.0030
PP3 0.0470 0.0000 0.0030 MP3 0.0280 0.0000 0.0025
MP3 0.0280 0.0000 0.0025 DP3 0.0070 0.0000 0.0025

URD -0.0070 0.0160 0.01 SO CRP -0.0070 0.0060 0.0130

CRP -0.0070 0.0060 0.0130 MC4 0.0500 0.0000 0.0070
MC4 0.0500 0.0000 0.0070 PP4 0.0430 0.0000 0.0030
PP4 0.0430 0.0000 0.0030 MP4 0.0220 0.0000 0.0020
MC4 0.0220 0.0000 0.0020 DP4 0.0060 0.0000 0.0025

URD -0.0070 0.0180 0.0150 CRP -0.0070 0.0100 0.0110

CRP -0.0070 0.0100 0.0110 MC5 O.04SO 0.0000 0.0070
MC5 O.04SO 0.0000 0.0070 PP5 0.0350 0.0000 0.0020
PP5 0.0350 0.0000 0.0020 MP5 0.0190 0.0000 0.0017
MP5 0.0190 0.0000 0.0017 DP5 0.0060 0.0000 0.0020

URD -0.0070 0.0100 0.01 SO CRP -0.0100 0.0000 0.0150

CRP -0.0100 0.0000 0.0150 MC2 0.0600 0.0000 0.0090
MC2 0.0600 0.0000 0.0090 PP2 0.0420 0.0000 0.0025
PP2 0.0420 0.0000 0.0025 MP2 0.0130 0.0000 0.0020

URD -0.0070 0.0100 O.OlSO CRP -0.0070 0.0050 0.0170

CRP -0.0070 0.0050 0.0170 MC3 0.0580 0.0000 0.0080
MC3 0.0580 0.0000 0.0080 PP3 0.0470 0.0000 0.0030
PP3 0.0470 0.0000 0.0030 MP3 O.OlSO 0.0000 0.0025
766 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters


(ml) (em') (deg) (%) (gm)

{IVJ [19] 0.073 3.0

[20] 0.050 2.48 0.0 16.5
[22] 0.064 7.8 1.2
{V] [19] 0.070 1.3
[20] 0.035 1.09 11.54 3.5
[22] 0.045 3.3 0.7
flexor pollicis brevis [19] 0.036 0.9
flexor pollicis longus [19] 0.059 3.2
[20] 0.038 3.08 11.38 18.0
flexor profundus {IIJ [23]
{IIIJ [23]
{IVJ [23]
{V] (23]
flexor sublimis {IIJ (23]
{IIIJ (23]
[IV] [23]
{V] [23]
lumbrical [IIJ [19] 0.055 0.2
{IIIJ (19] 0.066 0.2
[IVJ [19] 0.060 0.1
{V] (19] 0.049 0.1
{IIJ [23]
{IIIJ (23]
{IVJ (23]
{V] [23]
opponens digiti minimi [19] 0.015 0.6
opponens poIlicis [19] 0.024 0.9
Yamaguchi et aJ.; Table A.4: Hand Musculature 767


(%) (mm')


URD .{).0070 0.0150 0.0160 CRP .{).0070 0.0100 0.0150

CRP .{).0070 0.0100 0.0150 MC4 0.0500 0.0000 0.0070
MC4 0.0500 0.0000 0.0070 PP4 0.0430 0.0000 0.0030
PP4 0.0430 0.0000 0.0030 MP4 0.0130 0.0000 0.0025

URD .{).0070 0.0150 0.0160 CRP .{).0070 0.0120 0.0130

CRP .{).0070 0.0120 0.0130 MC5 0.0460 0.0000 0.0070
MC5 0.0460 0.0000 0.0070 PP5 0.0350 0.0000 0.0020
PP5 0.0350 0.0000 0.0020 MP5 0.0100 0.0000 0.0020
CRP .{).012O .{).0200 0.0240 MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0040
MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0040 PPl 0.0090 0.0050 0.0040

URD .{).0070 .{).0050 0.0140 CRP .{).0130 .{).0150 0.0230

PPl 0.0330 0.0040 0.0000 DPl 0.0080 0.0040 0.0000
CRP .{).0130 .{).0150 0.0230 MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0000
MCl 0.0420 0.0060 0.0000 PPl 0.0100 0.0050 0.0000
6 0.300 .{).605 .{).033 5 .{).100 .{).380 0.040
5 .{).100 .{).380 0.040 4 0.400 .{).375 0.039
4 0.400 .{).375 0.039 3 .{).210 .{).305 0.027
3 '{).21 0 .{).305 0.027 2 0.300 .{).270 0.056
2 0.300 .{).270 0.056 1 0.000 .{).159 0.028
6 0.300 '{).470 0.012 5 .{).180 .{).330 0.023
5 .{).180 .{).330 0.023 4 0.400 .{).266 .{).004
4 0.400 '{).266 .{).004 3 .{).280 .{).273 .{).004
3 .{).280 .{).273 .{).004 2 0.300 .{).254 0.033
2 0.300 '{).254 0.033 1 .{).050 .{).141 0.032
6 0.300 .{).463 0.012 5 .{).210 .{).278 0.006
5 .{).210 .{).278 0.006 4 0.400 .{).291 0.010
4 0.400 .{).291 0.010 3 .{).290 .{).278 .{).016
3 .{).290 .{).278 .{).016 2 0.300 .{).253 0.032
2 0.300 .{).253 0.032 1 .{).070 .{).145 0.001
6 0.300 .{).584 0.112 5 .{).060 .{).413 0.076
5 ·0.060 '{).413 0.076 4 0.400 .{).359 0.058
4 0.400 .{).359 0·958 3 .{).210 .{).317 0.017
3 -0.210 .{).317 0.017 2 0.030 '{).236 .{).020
2 0.030 '{).236 .{).020 1 -0.010 .{).187 -0.075
6 0.300 -0.685 -0.082 5 -0.100 -0.483 -0.033
5 -0.100 -0.483 .{).033 4 0.400 -0.294 0.003
4 0.400 -0.294 0.003 3 -0.210 -0.240 0.005
6 0.300 -0.574 0.019 5 -0.180 -0.393 0.039
5 -0.180 -0.393 0.039 4 0.400 -0.217 -0.016
4 0.400 .{).217 -0.016 3 -0.280 .{).207 0.001
6 0.300 -0.517 0.036 5 '{).21 0 -0.338 0.038
5 -0.210 .{).338 0.038 4 0.400 '{).228 .{).004
4 0.400 -0.228 -0.004 3 .{).290 '{).234 -0.009
6 0.300 .{).653 0.129 5 .{).060 .{).489 0.117
5 .{).060 .{).489 0.117 4 0.400 .{).310 .{).008
4 0.400 .{).31 0 .{).008 3 '{).21 0 .{).271 0.004
6 0.400 -0.741 0.629 5 .{).300 .{).146 0.444
6 0.400 -0.623 0.422 5 .{).380 .{).140 0.328
6 0.400 -0.415 0.213 5 -0.410 .{).059 0.165
6 0.400 -0.363 0.469 5 -0.260 0.066 0.430
CRP .{).003O 0.0160 0.0200 MC5 0.0160 0.0050 0.0000
CRP -0.0030 0.0160 0.0200 MC5 0.0290 0.0040 0.0020
CRP .{).003O 0.0160 0.0200 MC5 0.0390 0.0045 0.0000
CRP .{).012O -0.0220 0.0250 MCl 0.0250 0.0010 0.0020
768 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters


(ml) (em') (deg) (%) (gm)

palmar interosseous [IIJ [19] 0.015 0.4

PVJ [19] 0.017 0.4
[V] [19] 0.015 0.3
radial band [IIJ [23]
[I/IJ [23]
Pv] [23]
[V] [23]
radial interosseous [IIJ [23]
[I/IJ [23]
[IV] [23]
[V] [23]
terminal extensor [IIJ [23]
[I/IJ [23]
Pv] [23]
[V] [23]
ulnar band PIJ [23]
[I/IJ [23]
[IV] [23]
[V] [23]
ulnar interosseous PIJ [23]
[I/IJ [23]
[IVJ [23]
[V] [23]
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.4: Hand Musculature 769


('¥o) (mm')

MC2 0.0400 0.0045 0.0000 PP2 0.0130 0.0080 0.0035
MC2 0.0400 0.0045 0.0000 PP2 0.0130 0.0080 0.0000
PP2 0.0330 0.0060 0.0000 MP2 0.0060 0.0060 -0.0020
MP2 0.0240 0.0000 -0.0025 DP2 0.0040 0.0000 -0.0030
MC4 0.0300 -0.0030 0.0010 PP4 0.0130 -0.0080 0.0025
MC4 0.0300 -0.0030 0.0010 PP4 0.0130 -0.0080 0.0000
PP4 0.0300 -0.0055 0.0000 MP4 0.0060 , -0.0060 -0.0020
MP4 0.0250 0.0000 -0.0020 DP4 0.0035 0.0000 -0.0030
MC5 0.0280 -0.0040 0.0020 PP5 0.0100 -0.0080 0.0020
MC5 0.0280 -0.0040 0.0020 PP5 0.0100 -0.0080 0.0000
PP5 0.0270 -0.0050 0.0000 MP5 0.0050 -0.0050 -0.0015
MP5 0.0215 0.0000 -0.0015 DP5 0.0030 0.0000 -0.0025
4 0.100 0.202 0.261 3 -0.110 0.219 0.207
4 0.100 0.100 0.242 3 -0.180 0.172 0.227
4 0.100 0.110 0.237 3 -0.190 0.140 0.163
4 0.100 0.182 0.224 3 -0.110 0.203 0.184
6 0.400 -0.476 0.616 5 -0.300 0.020 0.478
6 0.400 -0.565 0.471 5 -0.380 -0.038 0.331
6 0.400 -0.211 0.283 5 -0.410 0.000 0.275
6 0.400 -0.145 0.473 5 -0.260 0.066 0.430
2 0.000 0.205 -0.020 1 0.000 0.217 -0.019
2 0.000 0.168 -0.015 1 -0.050 0.154 -0.022
2 0.000 0.141 -0.025 1 -0.070 0.144 -0.030
2 0.000 0.187 -0.119 1 -0.010 0.199 -0.132
4 0.100 0.160 -0.347 3 -0.110 0.149 -0.303
4 0.100 0.076 -0.279 3 -0.180 0.161 -0.247
4 0.100 0.072 -0.246 3 -0.190 0.141 -0.228
4 0.100 0.113 -0.293 3 -0.110 0.110 -0.321
6 0.400 -0.444 -0.477 5 -0.300 -0.067 -0.462
6 0.400 0.264 -0.358 5 -0.380 0.036 -0.357
6 0.400 -0.330 -0.207 5 -0.410 0.012 -0.199
6 0.400 -0.304 -0.590 5 -0.260 -0.100 -0.502

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (OOg) %SO %FO %FG

frontalis [14) 64.1 35.9

iliocostalis csrvicis (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
longissimus (1) [18) 0.0700 1.88 10 30
(2) [18) 0.0800 1.88 10 40
(3) [18) 0.0850 1.88 10 50
longissimus capitis [12) 0.50
(1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
[18) 0.1200 1.22 10 30
longissimus cervicis [12) 0.60
(1) [7)
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) [7]
(9) [7]
(10) [7]
longus capitis [12) 0.75
(1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
longus colli [12) 0.75
[18] 0.0850 0.82 10 50
longus colli vertical (1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) (7)
(7) (7)
(8) [7]
(9) [7]
(10) [7]
(11) (7)
(12) [7]
(13) (7)
(14) [7]
(15) [7]
(16) [7]
longus colli inferior oblique (7)
(2) [7]
longus colli superior oblique [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
mullificiJs csrvicis (1) [7]
(2) (7)
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
(8) [7]
(9) (7)
(10) [7]
(11) (7)
(12) [7]
oblique capitis superior [7]
(12) 1.00
(18) 0.0600 1.75 10 50
oblique capitis inferior [7]
[18] 0.0550 0.89 10 30
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.5: Head and Neck Musculature 771


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

C4 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax 0.01 SO ~.0400 0.21SO

C5 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax 0.01 SO ~.0400 0.21 SO
C6 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax 0.01 SO ~.0400 0.21SO
Neck ~.0190 0.0254 0.0549 Head 0.0020 0.0340 0.0678
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO C3 0.0000 ~.02SO 0.0100
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO C4 0.0000 ~.02SO 0.0100
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO C5 0.0000 ~.02SO 0.0100
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO C6 0.0000 ~.02SO 0.0100
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO C7 0.0000 ~.02SO 0.0100
Skull ~.0180 ~.0430 O.OOSO Thorax O.06SO ~.03SO 0.2600
UpTorso ~.0190 0.0254 ~.0320 Neck ~.0190 0.0254 0.0137
C2 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax 0.0450 ~.03SO 0.2500
C3 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax O.04SO ~.03SO 0.2500
C4 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax O.04SO ~.03SO 0.2500
C5 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax O.04SO ~.0350 0.2500
C6 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO Thorax O.04SO ~.03SO 0.2500
C2 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO C7 ~.OOSO ~.0280 0.0070
C3 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO C7 ~.OOSO ~.0280 0.0070
C4 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO C7 ~.OOSO ~.0280 0.0070
C5 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO C7 ~.OOSO ~.0280 0.0070
C6 ~.0040 ~.0280 O.OOSO C7 ~.OOSO ~.0280 0.0070
Neck ~.0190 0.0254 ~.0137 Head 0.0391 0.0099 0.0808
Skull 0.0170 ~.0040 0.0080 C3 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
Skull 0.0170 ~.0040 0.0080 C4 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
Skull 0.0170 ~.0040 0.0080 C5 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
Skull 0.0170 ~.0040 0.0080 C6 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
UpTorso 0.0190 0.0000 ~.0508 Neck 0.0190 0.0000 ~.0457
Cl 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C5 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C5 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C3 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C5 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C4 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C5 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C1 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C6 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C6 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C3 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C6 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C4 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C6 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C1 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C7 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C7 0.0100 0,0000 0.0080
C3 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C7 0.Q100 0.0000 0.0080
C4 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C7 0.Q100 0.0000 0.0080
C1 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C3 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C4 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C5 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C6 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.Q100 Thorax 0.1030 0.0000 0.2700
C1 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C3 0.0050 ~.0230 0.0100
C3 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C4 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
Cl 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C5 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C3 0.0050 ~.0230 0.0100
C1 0.0160 0.0000 0.0100 C4 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
C2 0.0100 0.0000 0.0080 C5 O.OOSO ~.0230 0.0100
C2 ~.0270 ~.0040 ~.0080 C5 ~.0120 ~.0220 0.0200
C2 ~.0270 ~.0040 ~.0080 C6 ~.0120 ~.0220 0.0200
C3 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 C6 ~.0120 ~.0220 0.0200
C3 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 C7 ~.0120 ~.0220 0.0200
C4 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 C7 ~.0120 ~.0220 0.0200
C4 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 Thorax 0.0700 ~.03SO 0.2800
C5 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 Thorax 0.0700 ~.03SO 0.2800
C5 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 Thorax 0.0650 ~.03SO 0.2600
C6 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 Thorax 0.0650 ~.03SO 0.2600
C6 ~.03SO ~.0040 ~.0070 Thorax 0.0550 ~.03SO 0.2500
C7 ~.0400 ~.0040 ~.Q100 Thorax O.05SO ~.03SO 0.2500
C7 ~.0400 ~.0040 ~.0100 Thorax 0.0400 ~.0350 0.2400
Skull ~.0370 ~.0320 0.0170 C1 0.0000 ~.0340 0.0070
Neck ~.0190 0.0254 ~.0640 Head ~.0140 O.03SO 0.0678
C1 0.0000 ~.0360 0.0070 C2 ~.0270 ~.0040 ~.0080
772 Multiple Muscle Systems. Appendix: Survey of Musculotendon Parameters

(m) (m) (ml) (em') (deg) %SO %FO %FG

orbicularis oculi [14] 15.4 84.6

rectus capitis postBrior major [7]
[12] 0.50
[18] 0.0600 1.10 10 60
rectus capitis postBrior minor (7)
[12] 0.385
[18] 0.0300 1.03 10 60
rectus capitis antBrior (7)
[12] 0.25
[18] 0.0300 0.13 10 50
rectus capitis latBraI [7]
[12] 0.25
[18] 0.0250 0.21 10 50
rotatores csrvicis (1) (7)
(2) [7]
(3) (7)
(4) [7]
(5) (7)
(6) (7)
(7) (7)
(8) (7)
(9) (7)
(10) [7]
(11) [7]
scalenus [12] 1.75
[18] 0.0922 2.39 10 30
scalenus antsrior (1) (7)
(2) (7)
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
scalenus medial (1) [7]
(2) (7)
(3) [7]
(4) (7)
(5) [7]
(6) [7]
(7) [7]
scalenus posterior (1) (7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
semispinalis (1) [18] 0.1012 1.89 10 40
(2) [18] 0.1200 3.75 10 50
semispinalis capitis [12] 2.38
(1) [7]
(2) [7]
(3) [7]
(4) [7]
(5) [7]
semispinalis cervicis [12] 2.00
(1) (7)
(2) (7)
(3) (7)
(4) (7)
(5) (7)
(6) (7)
semispinalis dorsi [12] 1.00
spinalis capitis [12] 0.50
spinalis dorsi [12] 1.00
splenius capitis [12] 1.22
[18] 0.1392 3.73 10 25
(1) (7)
(2) (7)
splenius cervicis [18] 0.1653 3.73 10 50
(1) [12] 1.25
(2) [12] 0.70
(1) (7)
(2) (7)
(3) [7)
sternocleidomastoid [12] 1.60
[18] 0.2003 2.08 10 15
(1) (7)
(2) (7)
[14] 35.2 64.8
tBmporalis [14] 46.5 53.5
Yamaguchi et al.; Table A.S: Head and Neck Musculature 773


LT SYSTEM (m) (m) (m) SYSTEM (m) (m) (m)
(m) (mm')

Skull -0.0400 -0.0230 0.0120 C2 -0.0270 -0.0040 -0.0080

Neck -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0472 Head -0.0140 0.0239 0.0719
Skull -0.0370 -0.0100 0.0080 Cl -0.0270 0.0000 0.0060
Neck -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0640 Head -0.0140 0.0079 0.0757
Skull 0.0100 -0.0060 0.0080 Cl 0.0000 -0.0270 0.0080
Neck -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0640 Head 0.0320 0.0099 0.0808
Skull -0.0090 -0.0300 0.0090 Cl 0.0000 -0.0360 0.0070
Neck -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0640 Head 0.0221 0.0300 0.0808
C2 -0.0270 -0.0040 -0.0080 C4 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C3 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C4 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C3 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C5 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C4 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C5 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C4 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C6 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C5 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C6 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C5 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C7 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
C6 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 C7 0.0000 -0.0250 0.0100
,}6 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Thorax 0.0700 -0.0350 0.2800
C7 -0.0400 -0.0040 -0.0100 Thorax 0.0700 -0.0350 0.2800
C7 -0.0400 -0.0040 -0.0100 Thorax 0.0650 -0.0350 0.2700
UpTorso 0.0762 0.0508 -0.0470 Neck -0.0190 0.0254 0.0051
C3 0.0050 -0.0230 0.0100 Thorax 0.1050 -0.0530 0.2400
C4 0.0050 -0.0230 0.0100 Thorax 0.1050 -0.0530 0.2400
C5 0.0050 -0.0230 0.0100 Thorax 0.1050 -0.0530 0.2400
C6 0.0050 -0.0230 0.0100 Thorax 0.1050 -0.0530 0.2400
Cl 0.0000 -0.0360 0.0070 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C2 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C3 -0.0040 ·0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C4 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C5 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C6 -0.0040 ·0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C7 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0750 -0.0530 0.2700
C5 -0.0040 ·0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0450 -0.0530 0.2550
C6 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0450 -0.0530 0.2550
C7 ·0.0040 ·0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0450 -0.0530 0.2550
Neck ·0.0190 0.0254 0.0549 Head -0.0361 0.0201 0.0678
Skull ·0.0530 ·0.0180 0.0250 C4 -0.0120 -0.0220 0.0200
Skull -0.0530 ·0.0180 0.0250 C5 -0.0120 -0.0220 0.0200
Skull -0.0530 -0.0180 0.0250 C6 -0.0120 -0.0220 0.0200
Skull -0.0530 ·0.0180 0.0250 C7 0.0000 ·0.0280 0.0100
Skull -0.0530 ·0.0180 0.0250 Thorax -0.0400 ·0.0300 0.2400
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0660 Neck ·0.0190 0.0000 -0.0305
C2 -0.0270 -0.0040 -0.0080 Thorax 0.0150 -0.0300 0.2200
C3 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Thorax 0.0150 -0.0300 0.2200
C4 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Thorax 0.0150 -0.0300 0.2200
C5 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Thorax 0.0150 -0.0300 0.2200
C6 -0.0350 -0.0040 -0.0070 Thorax -0.0100 -0.0300 0.1600
C7 -0.0400 -0.0040 -0.0100 Thorax -0.0100 -0.0300 0.1600
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 0.0480 Neck -0.0190 0.0254 0.0381
Neck -0.0190 0.0254 0.0549 Head -0.0221 0.0061 0.0719
CenTorso -0.0254 0.0000 -0.1074 UpTorso -0.0190 0.0254 0.0180
Neck -0.0190 0.0000 0.0549 Head -0.0099 0.0399 0.0678
Skull -0.0300 -0.0440 0.0160 C7 -0.0400 -0.0040 -0.0100
Skull -0.0300 -0.0440 0.0160 Thorax 0.0300 0.0000 0.2500
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0660 Neck -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0472
UpTorso -0.0190 0.0000 -0.0320 Neck -0.0190 0.0254 -0.0472
Cl 0.0000 -0.0360 0.0070 Thorax 0.0150 0.0000 0.2250
C2 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0150 0.0000 0.2250
C3 -0.0040 -0.0280 0.0050 Thorax 0.0150 0.0000 0.2250
UpTorso 0.0762 0.0000 -0.0508 Head -0.0099 0.0399 0.0678
Skull -0.0350 -0.0500 0.0230 Thorax 0.1300 -0.0100 0.2300
Skull -0.0350 -0.0500 0.0230 Clavicle 0.0050 0.0350 0.0120

Acceleration(s) conversion of energy burst 236, 239

antero-posterior 501,503 dynamical properties of the mus- coordinates 99
body segmental angular 657 culotendon 130 function of the chosen criterion
coriolis 362 flexibility gained 112 328
of the trunk 656 for robotic 105 motoneurons 276
joint angular 252, 254, 558 human skeletal muscle 110 pulse 97,98
normalized vertical 586 effort-displacement data 110 shoulder and elbow 271,276,277
of the trunk 656 effort-flow curve 110 selection of 273
of the thigh 656 schematic diagram 110 to the perturbation 707
tangential 501 hydraulic cylinder 106, 109, 113, Agonist-Antagonist, see also Muscle
time 254, 256, 264 581 289
triaxial 469 effort-flow curves 107, 113 pain of reflex-regulated muscles
vertical 503 empirical curves for 106, 107 227,229
ACG 500, 503, 504 schematic diagram 107 alternating activity 277
anticipatory activities 500 stiffness of 113 transition 275,276,278
Actin, see Muscle, Muscle filaments lumped 112 Alexander's line 588
4,5,13,202 mechanical properties of 101 Algorithm
interaction 101 multi-link 112 quasi-Newton optimization 646
thin filaments 4,5 multiple nonorthogonal 184 variable stepsize predictor corrector
myosin muscle like 519, 520 integration 646
binding 7, 20, 311 musculotendon 663,667,670,673, linear programming 401
bond 35 721,135
substructure of 25 control of, in eight DOF gait Alpha method 58
complex 25,26,42 model 670 Alpha-motor neuron
interaction 4 parameters 717 input 523
kinetics 7 power transferred from a 138 Amputee 361, 372, 374, 682
Action potential(s) 2-4, liS, 149,708, natural 522 above the elbow 361, 372, 374
709,172,240,631 physiological 717 above knee 682
dynamics 15 pneumatic cylinder 107 gait assessments 680
Activation effort-displacement curves 108 AMTI force platforms 535
contraction dynamics 4 effort-flow curves 107 Analysis see also Dynamic,
factor 13 stiffness 113 Sensitivity
submaximal 318 properties and movement control 3-D kinematic 467
Active muscle matrix 362 101 direct dynamic 665, 666
Active state 11, 19-20, 594 pueumatically-powered 469 chi-square analysis 404
dependence on model structure 96 Mckibbon-like 469 forward static 390
independent of muscle force 594 robot muscle actuator (ROMAC) forward-dynamic 664
signal 595 J. 109
inverse dynamic 645,646, 663-
Activity patterns 404 spring-like characteristics 118 666
Actomyosin, see Actin myosin spring-like muscle-reflex 383 gait 677
ActotropomYQsin complex 26 technological 101 of vertical jumping 643
Actuation transmission for rotational 111 phase-plane 217,232,233
body segmental 128 transmission for translational 111 quasi-static 126
of robots 128 types considered 102 Anatomy matrix coefficients 368, 366
Actuator(s) Adaptation 253 Anaerobic activities 622
bilateral coupling to system 111 deterministic 535 Angle
braided pneumatic artificial predictions about 253 angle plane 405
muscles 108, 113, 114 versus learning 260 of pennation 58
effort-displacement curves 108 ADP (adenosine diphosphate) 4,6,27- torque curve 483
effort-flow relation 109 30 Angular
elastic properties 113 Aerial phase 588 compliance 57,63
Mckibben 108, 109 Aerobic activities 622 model description and methods
rubbertuator 109 Afferentstream 335 60
comparison to skeletal muscle 113 Agonist(s), see also Muscle 236, 239- displacements 659
constitutive relations 102 241,246,461 momentum
776 Index

about the body center of mass Basal ganglia 301 stress reduction 365
697 Basic motion synergies, see surface
balance in walking and running Synergy(ies) coordinates 721
701 Basic primitives 288 data 720
consideration in ann swing 701 Bending Bradykinesia 505
ttansfer of 265 fast backward 547 Brain
vertical component 696 fast forward 508, 513 cerebellum 184,268,270,715
velocity 203 1ateral 397,411,462~5,470,475- corrective movements 714
Anisotropic mechanical properties 454 476 higher centers in 553
Annulus fibrosis 462 sign 422 motor cortex 151, 187,268-270,
ANOVA 242,244 trunk 666 278,280
Antagonist(ic), see also Muscle 239, neck 462 directional coding in 268
241,246,300,461,475 sacral-pelvic 1ateral 668 motor cortex (monkey) 545
burst 246 Bernstein's motor-sensory cortices 715
EMG 237 general thenries 498 networks of neurons 709
clamping 471 problem 183,282 nuclei of the cerebellum 713,
latency 242 Bicubic patches 722 parietal cortex 268,270
pulse 97,98 Bifurcation 441 pre frontal 715
time delay 262 at the critical load 442 preplanning in 713, 714
Anthopomorphic Bilateral labyrinthine deficits 490 sensorimotor cortex 335
data 683, 684 Biological circuit tracing 176 Brememtann optimizer, modified 321
head-neck replica 461,469 Biomechanic(s) BSP data 697,698
replica 723 head neck 477 Buckling 384,438,441-443
Anthroplasty head-neck-neuro 462 force in an elastic column 384
knee 681 passive column 463 of the spine 387,438
Anthropometric parameters 549 studies in cycling 623 Butterworth digital low-pass filter 631
Anticipatory Biomechanical Cadence 703
activities analysis 554 Calcium 3-5,12-16,18-20,26,29,37,
preprogrammed 507 of physical tests 399 42,53,101
compensation 542 changes induced by rotation and activation dynamics 12
effects 707 ttanslation 483 activation schemes 13
postural components 362 dependefttprocess 203
activities 498 anatomy matrix 362 Carti1age
adjustments (APA) 387, 388, EMG ttansmission matrix 362 hyaline 397
498, muscle modeling matrices 362 CATscan 397
500,502,503,505 muscle recruitment matrices Cavagna's criterion 584
postural synergy 547 362 CED 365
Aponeurosis 170,593,56-63,65,66 coupling 29.2 Center of mass
compliance of tendon and muscle data 166 of the head, anns, and trunk (HAT)
129 dynamics 482 666
curvature and elasticity 170 instability problem 438 vertical oscillations 695,696
elasticity and 593 stability 440 of the anns 695
Area enhancement map, see Map definitions of 440
Arm Biopsies of muscles 626 Central commands 200
action Biped, see Model(s) C command 200, 202
in sprint running and race Bipedal R command 203-203
walking 705 locomotion 550 timing of 203
inertia 292 Black box 185 Central Nervous Synapses, see
movements 285 Block diagram 221 Synapses
joint coordinates 285 phasic excitation/activation Central pattern generator 709, 174,
trajectory 283 (PEXA) 114 177,550,553,556,563
Artificial limbs, see also Limbs single-joint neurological control Centrifugal
designing and controlling 119 model 510 effects 188
Asynchrony of muscle activities 500 upper body limb movement 221 forces 288
A1P (adenosine triphosphate) 4,6, 18, BMA (body minus anns) 695,696, terms 361
25-29,31,38,101 704 Centroid
Attractor 162 Balance 694 of cross section of muscle 718
Autogenic afferents, see also Muscle Body of cross section of tendon 718
afferents 202 centerofmass 696,701,705 Cerebral palsy 680, 690-692
AUTOLEV 126,667 side to side excursions of the Cervical
Axon 167 705 column 461
conduction 276 liftoff 657,658,660 lordotic curve 463, 465
Back, see also Low back segmental motions 655 vertebrae 461,462
disorders 396 strength-to-weight ratio 658-661 column 469,475
problems 396 Bond distribution function 6, 19,20 spine
Ballistic walking, see Walking actin-myosin 19 rotation along whole 475
Bang-bang, see Control strategies Bone segmental data 469
Index 777

vertebral column 461, 462 of agonist and antagonist pairs Constraint(s)

Charge-transfer step 29 518,519,531 anatomical 642
mechanics of 34 patterns 489 damping and passive 673
microdynamics of the 34 agonist-antagonists across a directional 646
Chemical kinetics 211 joint 487 geometrical 641, 646
CHS 697,699,793 at the ankle and hip joints inequality 40 1
Cinematography 625 between antagonistic neck neurologically based 645
Circle diagram 365 muscles 490 on movement 551
Classical-mechanical elements 442 solution that involves 522 passivity 162
Clinical decision making process 407 Co-contraction, see also Muscle 463, possibilities of dealing with 642
studies 407 551,639,648 soft 673
Clonus 690,691 alternate strategies to 516 Contact
Closed loop, see also Loop 348 and adjustment of internal stiffness forces generated by 190
at maximal activation 352 355 instability 384
external 355, 356 antagonist activity 327 mechanics of 190
dependence of step response on antagonistic 560 phase 704
355,356 antagonistic 648 lift 704
load 356 anticipatory 513 drive 704
internal 354-356 at the ankle 513 point 524
intrinsic 347 levels compensate for feedback viscoelastic 524
active 354, 355 time delay 190 Contractile
regulated 349, 354-356 map 349,357 component594,595,609,610
regulator 349, 351 of Hill model 595 potentiation of 623
relationship 355 pattern 299 element 1,11,20,57,67,71-73,
variable 357 pulse 349 81-86,99,557,604
Clot formation 453 role in stabilizing the spine 471 curves 562
~S 284,289,290,268,270,540, stability analysis efficient operating range 562
541,551 suggested necessity of 390 force 559
and reduced metabolic cost 557 symmetric 470 force-velocity relation 12, 71-
choice of shoulder and elbow synergistic 648 73, 82-85, 322, 551, 561
agonists 283 unloaded 349 slope of 132, 386
compensatory adaptability of 681, vertical stiffness via 471 Hill type 654
692 with agonists 472 length 645
considered as the neural network Commands manipulation of operating range
controller 123 descending motor 545 560
controls the movement 281 reciprocal inhibition 190 power 558, 559
disruption of control due to pathol- Rhenshaw cell modulation 190 series arrangement 564
ogy 680 Compliance 172, 462, 569, 56-66, 660 shortening velocity 551
employing vestibular signals 492 angular 56-67 stiffness 386
generation ofvestibulocollic reflex of pennate muscles 65 tension-length 79-82, 383
495 aponeurosis 63, 64 curve 80, 386
Hard wired connections 645 elastic 172, 569 directly proportional to
identifying the neural networks 122 fiber 58,60,61,64,65 force 386
indep. variables controlled by 544 force-compliance characteristics slope 386
init. muscle activo chosen by 282 62,63,65,67 tension-length properties 79-
means of circumventing most of muscle 60,62 81, 189,110
the computational complexities muscle tendon complex 58,62,64, tension-length relation 80, 327,
188 66 112
neural network control 122 of tendinous structures 58, 62, tension-length slope 463
lmit of quantitative data 122 64 velocity 559,645
planning a straight line hand- short range 57 peak unloaded 561
trajectory 281 viscous 172 force 4
planning and producing movements Computation time, see Time muscle components 204
481 Computer simulations, see proteins 27
prevention of excess stress 410 simulation(s) tissue 20
programs coactivation 492 Concentric velocity 19
reduction of possible patterns by contraction 622,623 Contraction 3, 717
482 exercise 54 actin myosin binding 7
system 195 muscle action active shortening 310
dynamic processes initiated by voluntarily-induced 557 activity 700
195 phase 623,558,559,613 pattern of 700
Co-activation, see also Muscle 447, Connections agonist 475
521,562,669 homonymous, monosynaptic 341 arm swing and 694
bilateral, of the back muscles 449 synaptic 335 concentric 610,622,623,626,627
gradual 277 Constant velocity stretch, see Velocity concentric versus eccentric force
in cycling 519,531 Constitutive equations, see Equations requirements 381
map 354 Constrained phase, see Phase concerted 601, 602
778 Index

control of 12 parameters 283, 556 Coordinate(s)

cyclical 610 strategy 292 frames 186
different role of bi-articular of arm posture 289 basis of motor planning 186
muscles in 309 theory - equilibrium trajectory intrinsic 269
dynamic(s) 57,636 301 system
involving biarticular muscles position 190 local 631
636 postulate 360 origins and segment orienta-
eccenttic 87-89,613 components of the model 360 tions 625
cross-bridge detachment 623 postural 482 Coordinated muscular effort 616
energy saving 605 process repeated pattern 616
in the shortening muscle 30 closed-loop 675 Coordination 336,661
inefficient eccenttic 648 open loop 676 eye-head 465
intervertebral muscle 474 simultaneous 360 inter-joint 206
isomeric 116 solutions 675 of arms and legs in walking and
isomettic 29, 33, 34, 38, 305, 306, systems 343,351,356 rwtning 694
308-310,447,477,604,622, closed loop 346 pattern 645
626,627 workable 677 reflex 342
isotonic 96,305,306,308-310 Control signals 195, 196, 199,203, sensory motor 184
maximal 446 202, 204-208, 335 strategic multi-articular 560
maximum velocity 306 central 195,199,201,202,205 Coriolis
maximum VOIWitary isomettic 253 constant velocity 204 acceleration 362
musculotendon 674, 677 single constant 209 effects 188,288,655
neural excitation to 2 Control strategies 186, 351 tenns 361
pharyngeal 465 bang-bang 315,319,321,329 Corrective Phase, see Phase
physiology of 2 bang-bang-hold 315,319 Cost
shortening 34 bang-bing-zero-bang 318 control space 331
smoothly graded 350 bang-hold 315 fWiction 183, 312
speed 561 bang-level-bang-hold 319 optimization 321
time course of muscle 624 bang-ramp-bang 317 linear 669
unique phasic dynamics 114 bang-zero-bang 316,318,319,328 time integral 669
voluntary muscle 463 bing-hold 315 formulating 670
Connective tissue 720 CNS 518,524 minimum 669
Control(s), see also Optimal, Signals, control machinery of the 518 weighting coefflents 675
Strategy, Systems, Theory effects of random loading on 327 COWitennovement 659,660
arm 214 forCNS jump 660
central 245 for coordination of multisegment jumping perfonnance 660
central pattern generator 175 movement 531 preparatory 659
circuitry 165 for multi-segment movements 518 Coupling
continuous 665 for sitting down 525, 531 between V01Witary eye and head
coordinate transfonnations in sen- multiple-positions 525, 526, movements 389
sory motor 184 531 dynamic 346
direct by EMG estimated torque position-position 525,526, 531 excitation-contraction 130
360 reference position 525, 526, nonlinear 187
feedback 343,347,514 531 Crank cycle, see Crank
fine motor 481 reference position and velocity Creep tension 46,47,51
fusimotor - of spindle afferents 525,526,531 Critical force level 492
176 Control theory 173 Cross sections 290
hierarchical 519 circuits of predicted by 177 Cross talk 626
implications for multi-joint 162 models of proprioceptors 173 Cross-bridges 1-5,6,7,19,24,25,27,
intennuscular 653 optimal control 174 30-43,46,50-54,169,202,223
law 582, 672, 673 perfonnance criteria and feedback architecture 101
motor 649 matrices breaking force for 173
movement 481 Controller 124 contraction dynamics 14
multi-muscle of limb movements activation cycling 6
125 closed loop 346 detachment 18
offorce 557 conceptual diagram 123 detachment in eccenttic contrac-
of mono and bi articular muscles equations tions 623
649 derivation of 361 displacement 6
of motor movements 579 dynamics 361 mechanicsm in muscles 169
of movement 1 kinematics 361 models 8, 15, 19
of multi-joint movements 283 partitioned fonn of 361 reactions 13
of trWlk motion and posture 396 linear quadratic 174 reactions 13
open loop, 649 output 348 stiffness 6, 14, 16
at the motoneuronallevel 331 gain 356 strain energy 18
optimal 654 postulate 361, 362 theories 12,16,19,20
optimal/workable neuromuscular description of 360 three state model 7
677 Coon's surface methods 370 two state model 7
Index 779

Curved motions, see motions time(s) 632, 223 modeling approaches 556
Cybex dynamometer 656 transmission 161 optimization 556
Cycling Dendrite 336 efferents 196
analysis 627 Depolarization equilibrium 537
cr.u]k 63~33,636 of post synaptic membrane 3 intrafusal 132
angle 632 Digital low pass filter 631 joint and body segmental 121
propulsive power in 633 Digitizer motion 399
rate 710 electromechanical 722 motoneuronal 1I5
variables 635 Polhemus three-dimensional 720 optimization
Dale's law 340 Diphastic movement 500 method 142
Damped Direct dynamic(s) 665 problem 185, 329
oscillation 594 approach to understanding studies 191
sinusoid 97 neuromotor strategies 141 theory 284
active state 99 without dynamic optimization 141 processes 195
space 99 Directional coding 270 segmental, 3-D 125
spring 579 Discharge sensitivity 198, 199
torsional spring 655 modulation of 269 speed-dependent component 198
trace 579 single cell 270 threshold 203
Damper Discopathy 460 unicausal neuromotor 1I4
constant 532 Disease variables 270
viscous 20 effect on neck neuromechanics Dynamic equations of motion 360
Damping 50, 110, 196,201,202,677, 466 development
536,540 effects on trunk muscles 391 and joint properties 125
coefficient 218 Disk 398 of body segmental motion
constant 219 inter-vertebral 720 fmding the 126
element 35 intervertebral 462, 469 of the natural and prosthetic limb
incremental 48 problems 397 links 360
linear 219, 225 Z-disks 36, 37 Eccentric
system 219 Displacement 585, 145 concentric
nonlinear 220,219,226,228,229, downward vertical 585 pattern in walking and running
232 of the ankle joint 713 599
system 219,220 of the hand 160 contraction(s) 54, 55
of limb movements 593 patterns damage from 54
overdamped 204 of the upper limb 695 cross bridge delachment 623
properties 233 slide 710, 711, 713 phase 558,560,623
ratio 579 vector 157 Effectors 283
reflex 202, 204 Distribution Efferent stream 335
spring 560 loads 461 Efficiency 591,622,623
underdamped 204 moment approximation 2 gross 623
velocity feedback requ. for 525 equations 14 in human running 591
viscous 217 model 12, 16-21 of a single muscle 591
Dashpot(s) 30,663 problem 625 of movement 623
Data heterogeneity problem 167 methods for solving 625 of muscle tendons 677
De-recruitment 197 Disturbance of negative work 622
Dead band 219 transmembrane electrical 3 of positive work 622, 623
Decay Divergence criterion 221 influence of muscle kinematics
of spindle afferents 199 Double joint muscle, see Muscle 622
Deceleration Double step target displacement trials of stabilizations 445, 449
phase 259 295 of the multisegmental muscles 444
time 254, 256, 264 Dynamic(s), see also Analysis, relative, of the architectures 446
Deflections Forward dynamics, Inverse stabilizing 444
of the spine 460 dynamics, Modeling, Optimization, Effort 183, 390, 101
Deformable links 646 Sensitivity displacement 114
Deformations 451,460 activation 1I5 characteristic of pneumatic
of actin monomers 32 asymmetry 500, 505 cylinders 107
Degenerative joint disease 681, 684 at the spinal level 523 curves 102,103,113
of the hip 684 balance 537 data 104,105,107,110
Degrees of freedom behavior of musculoskeletal system flow 101, 102, 113, 114
limitations on the number of 667 154 curves 105-7, 1I0, 1I2
Delay(s) determined by three factors data for two pole AC ser-
destabilizing effect of transmission 154 vomotor 104
151 bicausal energetic muscle 114 definitions for various media
electromechanical 557, 135 coupling 551,553,560 101
in hamstring pattern 547 direct 556, 563 property 103, 118
neural transmission 156 forward 555, 556 relations 102-106,109,112
of synergistic leg muscles 546 modeling approaches 556 viscosity 1I2
onset 489 inverse 555,556,561,563 influences on movement planning
780 Index

and neuromotor execution 330 needle 465 ward flexion 380

minimum 317,318 nerve 344 increase with velocity of perturba-
ne~ 318,323,325,327,330 noninvasive 626 tion 711
Elastic see also Parallel elastic com- surface 625 intra muscular responses of the
ponent, Series elastic component, silver-silver/chloride surface 631 trapezius 491
Series elasticity, Viscoelastic surface 491,710 joint kinetics associated with 690
behavior placed over the lumbar spine lower limb activity over a crank
exponential 74,77-78,446 378 cycle 634
bounce 90, 559 surface EMG 465 mean medium latency response
external-load-induced 559 surface skin 170 486
impact-induced 560 wire 380 measure of recruitment 608
method 594 Electromagnetic radiation 626 measurement of neck muscle ac-
of the body 579 Electromechanical delay (EMD) 626, tivity 465
vs stretch-shortening 90, 559 627,631,632,635 measurements of a subject walking
characteristics 59-61, Electron microscopic 419
offibers 65 3-D image reconstructions 26 near the agonist-antagonist transi-
compliance 571 Element(s) tion 275
components 592,647 damped 8 noisy signal 595
curve for the series elastic com- elastic 452 rectified 600
ponent passive and active 399 nonlinear shift in oUlput 492
deformation 60 rigid 452 of back muscles 447
element undamped 8 of shoulder and elbow muscles
parallel 654 EMG 268,273-277,279,289
energy 14,60,65,67 activo for lateral rotation 491 magnitude and timing of initial
buffer 594 activity at the ankle joint 489 273
differences 594 activity during FAST movemo 471 of erectores spinae 412
maximal 601 activity for axis vector data 476 of lumbar back muscles 380
storage 591,592,594,623 activity in calf muscles 548 of lumbar erector spinae muscles
in the series elastic com- agonist and antagonist 241,242 379
ponent 623 analysis of vertical jumping 643 of trunk muscles during lateral
series elastic component 69-70. and kinematic variation 252 flexion twisting 381
76-79,600,601 and speed sensitive strategy 254 of trunk muscles during walking
extension 571 antagonist 98 382
fiber 58 scaling in 99 of trunk muscles during extension
field 289, 292 antagonistic 262 381
linkage 5,6 anterior deltoid 508 of the trunk muscles in sitting and
stiffness 8 anticipatory activities 500 standing 379
measurement 592 as an internal consequence of of the erector spinae muscle 447
mechanical systems 440 recruitment 189 over repeated cycles of pedaling
potential energy function 441 burst on tibialis anterior 548 712
properties of muscle 195,592 burst in the ankle muscles 490 overall picture 634
series 1 burst on GM-SOL 548 pattern between control and narrow
tendon 20 burst-onset latencies 485 support conditions 549
strain energy 456 change in signal with fatigue 363 pattern of trunk and lower limb
structures 43,49,610 compared to motor cortical OUlput muscles 546
bond in stretches 38 276 patterns and mechanical variables
parallel 43 cutaneous signals 361-365 545
systems 444 data of the erectores spinae 413 patterns of selected elbow and
tendon 677 direction-related features of 270, shoulder muscles during walk-
tendon material 591 278 ing 702
Elasticity see also Parallel elasticity, discharge 707 performance of regression analysis
Series elasticity, 55,453 displaying rapidly stretched on 363
passive musculotendinous 557 muscles 98 perturbation evoked 714
parallel 1 during COMF movements 473, perturbations of output 280
Electrical stimulation 343 475 preplanning responses 709
Electrodes 344, 345, 348, 626, 700 during fast tracking movemo 465 of major leg muscles 710, 714
amplitude of surface 310 during off center FAST movements processing of 636
bipolar epimysia! "patch" 471,472 processing to estimate force in a
electrodes electrodes 466 single muscle 140
bipolar intramuscular 491 for the post test rise 264 quantities 264
EMG 170,466 force relationship 306 rare signals 626
EMG surface 310 from main lower limb muscles 545 reflex induced activation 215,229
epimysial 344 from shank, thigh, hip and trunk relationship between torque and
implanted nerve cuff 177 508 signal amplitude for
intramuscular 305,306,310,344 focusing on anticipatory period trunk in flexion-extension 378,
coiled wire 344 508 379
invasive 626 in flexed postures and during for- response via simple servo loops
Index 781

713 intra-molecular 30 reactions 487

responses to penurbation 707, 709 kinetic 149,574,525,533,561, Equilibrium
responses using incremented 591 control scheme
weights 491 and the walking step 582 critical values for stable 386
signal conditioning circuit 66 dimensionless 582 disturbances about the 525
signal modulation for neural effon fluctuations of the 578 dynamic 542,543
and muscle stress forward 578 equation 441
signal processing 374 least expenditure of 666 maintenance of stable 385
signals during the crank cycle 635 mechanical 553,647,603,604 maintaining multisegmental body
simultaneous signals 372 analysis 553 482
myoelectric 362 conservation 384 mechanics and neural feedback
simultaneous torque/EMG data metabolic 156 189
372 cost 563 path bifurcation 441
slope of 252 reducing 550 paths for Euler column 442
studies on arm swing in walking requirements 556 point 524,525,532
700,703 minimum 317,319 unique 533
subcutaneous signals 362 musculotendon 657 potential for restoring the 446
telemetered 699 output 24 principles 438
time series plots of potential 442,444,446, 525, 533, for elastic mechanical structures
to estimate muscle force of lower 561,578,591 438
limbs 554 and the walking step 582 sagittal stable mechanical 463
to force processing 563 bilateral contribution 443 space 206-208
to force processing method 600 of a single joint system with stable 563
tonic 205 two linear springs 385 stable static 384
torque relationship 363, 373 of the muscular Euler column static 399
transmission matrix 362 443 steady state 189
triphasic pattern 251 principles of 440 trajectory 292, 293
triphasic pattern for fast move- storage of 384 control theory 291-293,300
ments 511 prodution 657 Ergometer 8
upper extremity 699 saving 594,605 Monark friction brake 710
used to measure trunk activity 378 saving, by tendon 575 Ergonomics 374, 378
wire electrodes 554 storage 182,27,28,682,525, 533, ESM 378
End point position 287 667 Euler
Energy across C and I elements 102 column 441
absorption 682 by limbs 153 phenomena 442
sharp eccentric 690 in a spring 677 Excitation
balance 647 strain 591,610 dynamics 43
conservation 557 supply pu~ 237,252,254,265
consumption 183,666 by actuator 153 Exercise(s)
conversion devices 101 total 657 design screen 405
four classes of 103 total mechanical 578, 655 generator 405
conversion of actomyosin complex transfer 182,28,553,560,561 physical therapy 405,407
26 transponation of 640, 646, 648 Expen Vision System 467
cost 417,616,701,705 trapping 27 Extension method, see Methods
and arm action 705 unexplained 27 Extensor spindle afferent 204
associated with gait 17 vibrational 28, 29 Failure
dissipated 20 intra-molecular storage of 28 stress 441
effective 648 viscous 557 Fatigue 183,198,345,360,363,364,
efficiency 668, 561 zero input 582 390,669,673
efficient movements 112 Epidemiological studies 396 change in EMG signal with 363
elastic 553, 557, 578 Epimysial matrix 571 compensated EMG processing sys-
bounce 557 Equation(s) tem 365
contribution to movement 563 constitutive 399 effects on trunk muscles 391
storage 591,592,594 550, 551, development of 407 level 363
557,558,559 instantaneous power 647 muscular 446, 448
implication of 557 of a general n-link three- of back and knee muscles 392
strain 456 dimensional biped 519 preventing 372
transfer of 583,589 of an unconstrained 3-link biped resistant 197
electrical potential 29 522 Feature detectors 337
exchange 149 of constrained motion of biped 522 Feedback
exchange mechanism 583 of motion 667,675 action by muscle spindles 605
expenditure 418,519,669 dynamic 667 and postural maintenance 514
flow 557, 646, 657 in contact, for constrained circuits 191
gravitational 578 phase 533 closed loop sensory 563
in eccentric-concentric actions 605 oflower limb 520 compensation for muscle yielding
in the spinal system 433 of state 134 190
input 319,24 Equilibrating components of the eight-order, non-
782 Index

linear model for neuromuscular Fictive locomotion 177 instantaneous muscle 19

connectionsbe~een Filters intermolecular resistive 31, 32
the joints 158 bicausal muscle 320 internal 399, 129
control 343,346,347,510,514 Finite element method 646, 452, 454- contractile 10
effects and limitations of 151 456 resistive 34
from the proprioceptive system SPACAR 646,649 viscous resisting 10
510 Firing frequency 309,310 intersegmental 625
systems 354 Fixed patterns of neuronal discharge intramolecular 34
controller 518 707 invasive techniques for measuring
correction 346 Flexion 653
delayed sensory 189,329 relaxation phenomenon 380,381 isometric 102,307,356,357,571,
due to force-velocity relation 605 silence phenomenon 381 609,623,660
gain(s) 151, 152,331,556 Flow 101, 102 fiber 38
modulation of with activation Flywheel 103 output 173
level 189, 190 Force joint 613,647
necessary for stability of the and length 595 reaction forces 553
bipedal system 518 balance 360,400 torque equations 653
position 526 ~een agonist and antagonist length contractile properties 130
structure of 525 481 length curve 571
least square fit method 295 bone on bone 551 length relationship 79, 150, 161,
linear state feedback control 174 chair reaction 526, 527, 528, 529, 616
loop(s), 133 530,531 characteristics 156
actuator inside the 154 change to length ratio 579 family of parallel 156
gain 151, 154 contractile, 30, 35,42,609 curves
spinal cord 152, 154 viscoelasticity and velocity de- fan shaped family of 157
matrix 174 pendence 531 modulating the slope of 189
mechanoreceptors important in seg- contractive 31,111 length velocity 594
mental control 173 average 31 activation property 654
multiple-input-to-multiple-output coulomb 32 properties 676
matrix 174 deflection 462 relationship 172, 130
necessary for stability of the direct muscular 655 lifting 412,414
bipedal system 523 displacement relation 585, 160, ligament 552
negative position 154 161 loading joystick 372
negative, from GTOs 174 distribution 399-401 long range
network 174 in the lumbar muscles 399, repulsive 34
ne~ 188,190,161 402,405 attractive 34
circuits 188 problem 669, 139 maximal isometric II, 574
complements intrinsic disturbance(s) 221,225,230 mechanical rise time of 172
mechanics 156 four step 222 mechanisms of modulation 343
of contact force 356 disturbing 225,230,232,23 musculotendon 552, 669
optimal configuration of 173 drifting 242 nonlinear viscous 227
pathways elongation 58,61,65,73 normalized cross-bridge 39-41
short and long loop 122 relationship 73, 416 of contact 519,531
plausible model of ne~ 154 EMG relationship 407 of quadriceps 521
position 523, 531 EMG-amplitude relationship 362 output 168
loop 349 enhancement 38-43 passive mechanical 495
matrix 524 estimating musculotendon 138 peak
positive, from spindles 174 four classes of methods 138 vertical ground reaction 585
proprioceptive 197,507,510 extension curve of soft connective pedal 520
regulation 348 tissues 387 plate measurements of walking
with electrically stimulated an- extension properties of tendons 578
tagonistic muscles 351 556 plate record 584, 585
response 554 extension data 462 platform 554,599
role of natural 519,523 feedback signals 351 position plots 222
sensor 173, 176, 177 force-length relationship 307 processing 594
sensory 345 force-velocity relationship 306, production
signal oflength change 229 308 of actomyosin complex 26
signals 173 four step 222, 230 regulation loop 349
spindle 531 generalized active 128 repulsive 34, 38
stretch reflex 515 generating capability of muscle repulsive and attractive electros-
through control matrix 171,175 623,585 tatic and dipole 34
velocity 518,523,525,531 geneouor 378,383,553,663 rise in muscle 252
gain 523 ground reaction 508,543,551-555, sensor 554
Feedforward 510 655,585,586 short range
gravity compensation 525 vertical 552, 558, 659 attractive 34
command 503 increase in compressive 447 repulsive 34
Fibers, see Muscle fibers inertial 639 step 234,227,232
Index 783

disturbing 227 Gak 498,535,541,555,57,663,680, Hard wired neuronal circuits 707, 709
stretching 41, 42 681,686,687,690,707 Hasan's formulation 215
tensile 664 abnormal 664 Healing
ttansducers 625 correcting 664 of the lower back 396
ttansmiUing chain 170 amputee assessments 680 Heat
veclDI' of repulsive 32 analysis 411 oflengthening 20
velocity 202 analysis technique 664 shortening 10, 20
approximation by Hills equa- inverse-dynamic 664 Hebbian rule 339
tion 110 assessments 683 Hemiplegia 680, ~7, 689
contractile properties 130 bipedalism and 419 spastic 690
curve ~50,52-54,94,98,99 comparing 583 Hemistic 141
623,616 components 695 methods
lengthening 99 control of 562 to estimate musculotendon
nonlinear crouch 691 forces 138
curve at high speeds 53 cycle 674, 675 reductionist approaches 555
data 214 determinants of 666 rules 139
linear 523 efficiency of musculotendons and Hierarchical
properties 352 677 level
relatiooship 6,11-12,16,38, generation of near normal patterns importance of understanding
72,82-84,96,102,110, 675 the 185
524,605,609,616 importance of spine for 419 organizatioo 282,283,287,299,
lengthening 11-12,38,87- kinetics 562 185
89 mechanical principles of 589 control levels 296
slow-lengthening 87-89,99 multifactorial analysis of S46 relationship 398
steady-state 16 normal 152, 664 structure 335
viscous 219 analysis 554, 562 Hill A.V., see also Model(s) 1,2,8-
wrist 221 overall picture of 694 10,69-90,592,594,616
zero cootractive 30 pathological 562, 664,677 equation 202
Forcible rupture 38 pure synthesis of 665 force-velocity relation 204
Forward Dynamics(s) see Models range oflocomotor 169 type cootractile component 605
issues in implementing models 170 restoration of normal 670 Hip replacement 683
EMG to force prediction 172 rhythmic motion patterns typical of degenerative 684
motor pools and groups 172 182 Hold-release
muscle architecture 170 simulations 664,673,674,677 antagonist 477
models 170, 522, 656, 666 six determinants of 666 pattern 476, 477
Fractional power speed 583 Human sway
function of velocity 223, 226 study of normal 545 multi-link nature of 483
of muscles velocity 232 synthesis problem 665 Hyaline cartilage 397
ofviscosity 217 whole body 665 Hydrodynamics 582
relatiooship to velocity 215,13 pattern 665 Hyperbolic curve
Free oscillation method, see Methods Galloping 583 maximum velocity and 72, 80-82,
Frequency Gamma motoneuronal discharge 707 96
cyclical 610 Gamma static efferents 196 Hypotenuse 367
resooant General distribution relative magnitude of 367
Froude number 582, 583, 586 cycle 608 Hypothesis
Function problem 453 about neuromuscular control 518
head-neck neuromechanical 478 Globular heads 25-27,26 dual strategy 187,59,245,246,
neck alternating action of 28 251,252,264
asymmetric 465 heavy meromyosin (HMM) 25 equilibrium point 188, 189, 195,
symmetric 465 light meromyosin (LMM) 2S 197,246,249
potential energy 445 Golgi [mal position 289
sagittal-plane 721 force transducer discharge 714 minimum fuel 324
Functional electrical stimulation (PES) tendon organs 708, 466, 173, 175, of functional coactivation 489
518 579,151,154 of meaning ofsurvival 4lO
Functional Goniometer 595, 363, 373, 625 of muscle models 122
neural stimulation 155,343, 345, Gravitational of non lower leg sensory inputs
346 energy exchange 578 determining equilibrium
neuro-stimulalDI's 360 energy fluctuatioos 578 strategy organization 490
requirements of the upper and Gross muscular architecture 438, 443, simple servo 714
lower limbs 550 444 spaces 206
Functional neuromuscular stimulation Groucho the objective function 432
(FNS) 122, 144, 192,670-672 number 584, 585 Hypothetical
stiffness regulatioo as the basis of running 585,585 two-muscle single-joint system
190 Ground reactions veclDI' 543 157
walking systems 388 Gyroscope 581 Hysteresis 217,223,224,231,232,
Fusiform 95 H.A.T. 538, 539,683 592
Fusimotor system 173 Hand velocity profIle 285 in elastic properties 223
784 Index

static 222 abdominal pressure 413 unloaded 350

Icon based graphics 167,168 combustion engine 103 single muscle extension
Ill-posed problems 282, 299 constraints 288 350
Impact-injwy mechanisms, see models 288 contraction 51,58,62,66,71,604,
Mechanisms representation 335 605,622,623
Impedance 90, 159, 300 of motor actions 283 extension 378
applied to nonlinear systems Interneurons 197,201,202,336 efforts while standing 378
90,151 afferent 197,201 fibers 46, 47
directional property of 157 efferent 197 force 11, 58, 61, 303
driving point 149, 153, 154 excitatory 400 contraction 307
passive 154 inhibitory 400 peak 660
intrinsic muscle 154 Intersegmental moment 593
limb 156, 158, 162 dynamics 271 muscle 17-19
mechanical 149, 151, 158, 162 mobility 426,427 muscle action
controlling 155 Interstimulus interval 294, 296 voluntarily-induced 557
modified by feedback 154 Intervertebral phase 605
modulation 191,331, 154, 155, disks 460,397 shortening 19
157,163 fibrocartilaginous 397 tension 46-49,51,53,55
minimum model requirements nuclei pulposi 460 tetanus 11, 593
for 156 motion 397 twitch 11,12, 16
neuromuscular systems output 154 Initiation rules 271, 272 Isotonic 53-55
passive 161 direction dependent 280 experiments 12, 53
referring to admittance 151 Intracellular structure 58 quick release 9
transforming 161 Intrafusal fiber 215 test 9
Inertial Intramuscular activation 174 shortening 19
characteristics of the body 664 Intrinsic Isovelocity shortening 16
components 311 morphological structure of the Jerk 246, 248, 284, 287, 320
forces 48, 498, 502, 639 human body 544 minimum 143,318,321-323
load 240,248,500,534,539 properties 287 minimum hand 186
parameters 293 of neural and musculoskeletal minimum jerlc trajectories 287
torque 239,242 hardware 287 minimum jerlc model 293
Influence of experimental instruction properties 579, 584 point to point 295
259 properties of muscles 645 Joint
Injwy properties of tendons 645 acceleration 239
effects on trunk muscles 391 Invariantcharacteristic 197,199-201 and dynamical equation develop-
spinal cord 343, 345,411,416 Inverse dynamic(s), see also Dynamics ment 125
to the disk 415,422 analysis 170, 172, 645, 646 angle 624,625,632
to the ligamentous structures of the of jumping 645 changes 482
joint 420 approach 188 plots 632
torsional 422,423 computation 162,190 angular velocity 559
Input optimization approach 139 ankle 482,487
cortical 492 to estimate musculotendon based planning 287
open looped 563 forces 139 center 624, 720
output problem 292, 625 ankle 630
properties 343,348,351,356 reductionist approach hip 628
output relations 342 to estimate musculotendon knee 628
somatosensory 492 forces 138 locations 630
visual 492 solution 535 proximal and distal 624
Instability 162 Inverse modeling technique 511 coactivation patterns acting across
affect of coactivation and im- Involuntary, see also Movements a 487
pedance on 156 movements 216,228,230 compliance 469
clinical spinal 449 offour step forces 230 coordinates 287
definitions of 439 of the limbs 233 degrees of freedom of 125
diagnosis of 439 responses 221,224 displacements 639,640, 648
contact 152 of the limb 231 fibrocartilaginous 397
coupled 153 Ising spin 336 forces 647
cumulative 439 Isochrony principle 286, 301 hinge 487
of intervertebral stiffness 449 Isokinetic measurements 661 hip 633
of the spine 438 Isomeric conditions 199, 204 interphalangeal 58
structural mechanical 441 Isometric 46-55 intervertebral
Instantaneous power equation, see co-contraction conditions two kinds of 397
Equations conditions 352, 356 fibrocartilaginous 397
Inter-sarcomere 48, 50, 52-55 force 356, 357 synovial joints 397
dynamics 46 force modulation 352 knee 633
Interference electro myogram 170 loads in single muscle flexion loading 182
Intermuscle interactions 201, 209 region 349 mechanics
Internal single muscle flexion 350 passive-tissue 125
Index 785

moments 647 lower limb 546,616 Length

number of muscles acting at 481 measurement of neck muscle ac- dependant coefficient 363
perturbations at each joint 482 tivity 465 relating the EMG level to
power 647,648 movements muscle force 363
proxim<Hlistal shift in 648 double joint 205,208 force curve 60
properties fast active 204 force relation 58, 61
range of motion 397 rhythmic 205 slack 383
redistribution of power in 646 neck 464 tension 46,48-52, 55
redundancy problem 495 of biarticular muscles 632 properties 345, 352, 353
remnant 360 of cycling 616 relationship 320
of anns and legs 360 of elbow extention 611 velocity 54
replacement 683, 693 of the ann swing 700,701 Ligament(s) 462
disease 681, 684 of the LED markers 425 activation of 407
sacral-pelvic 666 of the skin markers 425 active and passive properties of
two OOF 668 of uniarticular muscles 633 400
shoulder and elbow 481 parameters 253 neck 469
stiffness 290, 469 patterns 611 Ligamentous
modulation 563 profile 264 action 648
stress equalization 434 profiles of walking 686, 687 injury 446
synovial 397 raw 3-D data of ann swing 704 Limb
~ques 1,288,289,292,293,299 redundancy 282,219,300 adaptability and versatility of upper
generation 551 responses to perturbation 710, 714 183
histories 667 sensitivity to systematic activation motion emulations 216
transformation 470 parameters of the lower 520, 522
geometric 125 slide 710 positions 1
velocities 287 smoothness 191 three-link lower 520
virtual 399 terms 168 two-link lower 520
Joystick 581 time course of muscle 624 upper-limb artificial 192
Kinematic(s) 282,283,285-287,291, two dimensional study 695 Limit cycle
292,294,299-201,203,204,208, of ann swing in walking 695 stable 582
209,237,239,241 variables 195, 198, 252 unstable 582
3-D head 461,463 Kinesiologic 165, 166, 170,498 Linear
analysis of the ann swing 696 pooled data 169 feedback 233
angular real time date collection 167 gain coefficient 220
of voluntary movement 511 Kinetic(s) muscle stiffness mechanism 229
body segmental diagram for two calcium activation regression analysis 174
feedback 131 schemes 1 quadratic method 174
chain joint spring constant 585
closed 550 for limbs of a cerebral palsy Linkage lengths 630
open 550, 561 patient 689 Load{ing)
comprised behavior 477 for the ankle, knee, and hip 690 and unloading curves
constrained motions 163 of the two calcium binding steps for stiffness and hysteresis 231,
constraints 282, 664 12 232
curved movements 285 parameters 253 cells 554
data for movement in different profiles of walking 686, 687 combinations 403
directions 279 simple Michaelis Menten 15 compensation mechanism 554
degrees of freedom 125, 126 Latency 241,262,264,482,706,708 compressive, on the spine 447,449
equations of motion 360 accuracy 253,265 critical 446
of natural and prosthetic limb antagonistic latency 253, 262, 265 muscular stiffness 443
links 360 long 489 curve 36
factors influencing dynamic be- medium 487, 489 deflection 462
havior 154 reduction in 262 curve 524
head 477,478 responses 709 distribution 405
heterogeneity and complexity of Laterally stabilizing 446 display 405
data 167 potential 444 quasi static 378
indeterminate problem 550 Learning 259,263,264 dorsiflexing 310
influence toward positive work ef- and adaptive behavior 184 extension curve 384
ficiency 622 predictions about 253 extension properties 35
invariances 284 theory of 265 external
inverse 280, 282 versus adaptation 260 dependence of performance on
joint 616 LED 425,416 354
and/or segmental 555 Leg excursion angles 588 inertial 328, 465
for limbs of a cerebral palsy Leg springs, see also Springs 580, 585 insensitivity 219
patient 691 pneumatic 561 isotonic 328, 329
for the ankle, knee, and hip 690 stiffness 589 joint contact 126
kinematically unconstrained move- stiffness of the linear 586 lifted 429
ments 291 telescoping 588 lumbar spinal 378
786 Index

minimizing tissue 377 self induction 103 Memory storage 283

competition with stability 377 slip driven 103 long term 283
perturbations 300 Manipulandum 96 retrieval problem 188
plane planar two-link 160 Metabolic
lumbar cross-section as a 381 frequencies of 163 cost 669,576,617,557
plane 400,401,403,404 Map(s) power 573,574,591
relationship of the sarcomere series area enhancement 115 Methodological problems in design
elasticity 39 motor control 177 172
safe 429 Mapping Methods
space 400 between the virtual trajectory and control model
spring 465 theEMG 190 for solving the distribution
system 220 general nonlinear 184 problem 625
task 407 between a multi-dimensional in- Coon's surface 360
threshold 404 put and multi-dimensional extension 58
tissue oulpUt 184 free oscillation 596
in musculoskeletal disease 378 neuroanatomical of measuring
transfer of central and peripheral neural resonance 600
between arm and back 191 structures 123 EMG to force processing 600
typeS and magnitudes of 551 of intrinsic and extrinsic coor- Metric
vertical compressive 441 dinates 186 tensor 709
viscous 465 sensory-to-motor 185 tensorial transformation 715
Locomotion Marlcers Model(s)
integrated process 696 radiographically visible 728 3-D dynamic 664
lack of upper body research in 694 Mass sping complex 57 3-D musculoskeletal 666
mechanics of 589 Maximum smoothness Formulation of 666
pattern of 701 model 286 3-D neuromusculoskeletal 461
upper extremity function in 694 objective 287, 292 3-D quasi- static model of Dam
Logical switches, see Switches theory 284 469
Lohmann reaction 4 Maximum voluntary Contraction A.F. Huxley see Huxley
Lombards paradox 636 (MVC) 699,705 A.F. Huxley-type microscopic
Loop(s) isometric 253 models see Huxley 2, 5-8,
gain 354 McKibben artificial muscles, see A.V. Hill model see Hill
homonymous, monosynaptic 340 Muscles additive 224,228,233
Loose coupling scheme 12 McMahonimal 580, 581 additive and product muscle-reflex
Lordosis 425, 428 Mechanical 133
reduction of the initial 429 complexity advanced passive biomechanical
the measure of 425 of movement 397 477
variation in 429 of posture 397 advantages of biophysical cross-
Lordotic curve(s) 463,465 components bridge 18
of the cervical and lumbar spines of the back 396 advantages of distribution moment
384 energy 20
Low back analysis 553 advantages of Hill-type 19,72,90
pain 124, 396 cost 554 anthropomorphic 461,469
acute cases 396 instability problem 438 ballistic walking 588
prognosis of 396 loading tests 397 bi-linear 156
the problem of 410 exercises 397 biomechanical 168, 399,407, 667
patients of objects in the environment 352 equilibrium based 448
chronically disabled 396 passive 352 of the lumbar region 401
education of 396 potential energy analysis 448 stability based 448
treating chronic 396 power analysis 553 biophysical crossbridge 1
patients 407 properties 289,298,298 biped 518, 519, 522
diagnosis and therapeutic ap- anisotropic, nonlinear 452 ofHatze 518
proaches to 396 of the lumbar region 398 ofHemami and Jaswa 518
Lumbar force distribution screen 406 passive 398 of Mochon and McMahon 518
Lumbar cross section window 405 variables 10 of Onyshko and Winter 518
Lumbarator 405, 406 Mechanism(s) of Vickers 518
program 407 force production in skeletal muscle cat hindlimb 166
Lumbrosacral angle 425, 426 24 Cheng 586,587,589
Lumping in cycling mechanics 635 classes used to study posture 378
passive viscoelastic tissues 127 of myofilamentary energy conver- analytical continuum mechanics
static contribution of all passive sion 24 378
tissues crossing the joint 127 voluntary 482 finite element models 378
MAA concept 190 Mechanoreceptors 173 multi-link lumped-parameter
Machines for feedback segmental control models 378
concave effort-flow 103 175 three classes of 378
linear effort controlled 103 Megamuscle 416 rigid body quasi-static 378
linear flow controlled 103 the spine as a 416 complete lower extremity 666
Index 787

complex multi-joint segmental 121 molecular models 12 antagonistic muscle-joint 465

computer simulated 469 integration into clinical decision for the disk 399
continuous models of the spinal making process 397 planimeter 60
column 397 inverse dynamic 560 quadrupedal running 589
passive beam model 397 inverted pendulum 485 redundancy 1
creating complex multi-link 126 of stability 383 second-order
crossbridge model for muscular for walking 588 nonlinear visco-inertial 315
contraction 448 joint 663 overdamped 315
deterministic 554 linear underdamped 315
development of a three-link for steady state behavior 155 simple mass spring 583
neuromuscular biped model linearized Hill 332 simple parallel mass-dashpot-
518,531 linkage 625 spring of a single joint (JBK)
disadvantages of biophysical cross- long jump model of Hatze 667 313,314,316,327
bridge 18 macroscopic muscle 8 simple reductionist
disadvantages of distribution mo- mathematical muscle 625, 664 of joint load distribution 551
ment 20 to compute individual muscle static optimization methods
discrete time model of isometric forces 625 551
muscle 352 McGeer 582, 588 simple spinal 444
distribution moment 16-21,215 McMahon 580,581,586,589 simple spring mass 557
eight DOF gait 670 minimum-torque change 293 single-joint neurological control
eight DOF single-step 672, 673 multi-link 639 510
eight DOF, ten muscle model 664, muscle block diagram 510
671 parameters of 596 sliding-filament 578
muscleJoad and feedback two component 601 spine 452-456
parameters for 511 muscle mechanics and energetics 1 spring models of running
environment 177 muscle reflex 216 limitation of 588
equilibrium based 447 muscle-joint 320 stimulation and inversion 96
Euler column 441, 442, 448 muscle-load 511 straight string 367
evolution of 121 muscle-tendon 675 stretch reflex
fJrSt-order viscoelastic 317 muscular architecture 445 string 452
five bar linkage model of the lower muscular biomechanical 447 systems 165
in cycling 623 muscular lumbar spine 441 cat hind limb 166
restricted to plane motion 636 muscular spine 445 Tshaped 463
five-link human locomotion 665 musculoskeletal gait 663, 664 the lumped dynamic contribution
force-generating process 172 3-D model 666,667 127
four link 483 musculoskeletal 122-128, 592, three-state cross bridge 7
four-link, three-joint inverted pen- 624, 625 677, 667 two dimensional, of the arm swing
dulum 462 dynamic 123,667,674 in walking 700, 701
four-segment, planar, skeletal for low back pain 398 two-state cross bridge 7
model 655 geometry 663 visco-elastic 8, 9
fusimotor control 173 musculotendon 658, 674 visco-inertial 315
gait 663, 666 actuator 663 Modeling
Hasan's 216 n-DOF 664 anthropomorphic 723
head-neck anthrorobotic 469 neuromusculoskeletal system 360 basic elements involved in the con-
highly-coupled gait 676 framework for 167 trol of supinator and
Hill 1,8,11,12,16,54,69-90,94, nominal musculotendon 658 pronator muscles of the forearm
96-98,110,135,321,352,465, of electrically stimulated muscle 523
592-594,609,645,648 351 body segments and joint kinematics
augmented Hill 94,97,98 of human locomotion, constrained 125
linearized Hill 94,97,99 by 677 human linkage systems 518
viscosity 99 of muscular contraction 24 mathematical 360
Hill-based 2,69-90, 191,554-556, of muscular contraction by intra- natural limb motion 360
558,559 molecular charge mechanical impedance 149
Hill, two component 597 of musculotendinous tissue 130 musculoskeletal 717
Hill-like state-variable models 2 of myofilamentary force generation musculotendon force generation
Hill-type 25 129
macroscopic models 2, 69 of the lower back 397 neuromotor CNS circuitry 131
phenomenological models 12, of the normal gait cycle 668 of muscle control 453
69 of the spine 414 of muscles as force generators 452
Huxley 14,94,96 of upright stance 496 of peripheral sensor dynamics 131
modified 98 open-chain linked-segment 667 optimization foundations 320
two-state 96 optimal control 246,249,661 surface 367
criticism against 25 perturbations 170,176 the contributions of passive tissues
Huxley's two-state sliding filament phasic excitation/activation crossing the joints 127
215 (PEXA) 114-118 the joint geometric transformation
Huxley-type 8 responses to current ramps 117 128
cross-bridge 2, 5, 7, 20 phenomenological theknee 666
788 Index

the lumbar spine 433 behavior 251,283 physiological control problems

Modulation control 251 172
direction related 273 dual strategy hypothesis recruitment of 306, 308
of~e 269,270 251,253 Motor pools, see also Motmleuronal
Moment arm(s) models and mechanisms pools 166, 172, 176
abduction/adduction 367 252 recruitment of 175
effective 366 theories of 265, 266 sensory feedback of 177
flexion/extension 367 learning 251,252,264 Motomeuron 2,545,195-198,170,
quantitation of 366 performance 252 174,202,209,305
rotational 367 time-clependent changes in axon 2
Moment of inertia 239 252 commands 174
limb 574 commands 233 excitation 240,251,252
Moment(s) alpha 545 activation 252
angle relationships 646 descending 545 discharge 252
combinations 400 gamma 545 pool 252
cyclic/propulsive sequence of 664 firing rates of alpha 252
in lower limbs control 195,207,209,283,284, pool 240,249,305,306,310,707,
distribution of net 641-648 680,249,335,649 276,277,283,170,177,340
in the joints 641 approaches toward studying soma 305
over the joints 648 122-124 Movement, see also Involuntary,
equilibrium equations multi-muscle 122 Voluntary
estimation of a joint 362 patterns 94 accuracy 253
analytical approach 362 inverse problem 94 agonist/antagonist muscle pairs
extensor requirements 563 507
order of magnitude necessary to during posture and locomo- ambulatory 664
maintain static equilibrium tion 551 and the relative activation of mono-
385 system 690 and bi-articular muscles 309
flexion 404 inherent redundancy and arm 285
flexion bending 400,401,403,404 variability of 680 COMF 475,477
resultant 401 theory 282 concurrent 640
flexion-extension bending 400 coordination 709 constraints 551
flexion-extension 381 theory 283 control 481,579,252
fluctuations 685 DC 105 control and learning 648
frontal plane 447 alpha 174 coordinated 669
humeral abduction/adduction 369 collaterals 171 controlling 669
humeral flexion/extension 360 conervation of 172 problems 669
humeral rotation 369 specifications 106 coordination 482
intersegmental 625 torque-velocity relation of 106 centtally preprogrammed
magnitudes of joint 613 disorders 301 strategy 482
matrix transduction ofEMO's to endplate 3 counter concurrent 640
362 execution 283 coupling of joint 640
non-zero flexion 403 nuclei curved 286,292,294,301
of inertia of the trunk 644 functional subsets of 545 cyclic 550, 551, 553, 556, S60, 520
of the lumbar cross section 401 output in lower limbs 629
redistibution of invariance of 482 importanceof 551
joint 646, 648 pattern 276 diphasic 500
net 646 plan 186 efficiency of multi-limb 309
right lateral bending 400 executing 185 elbow flexion 254-256, 260
torsion 402 program(s} 702, 496 equilibrating 481
total passive joint 127 of motor programming 341 induced by rotation and translat-
Morphometric data 166 storage and processing 341 ion 483
in response to perturbations 176 rhythm 516 explosive 604
Motion(s) servo 214-216,221-223 explosive ballistic 641
body segmental 655 linear dynamic aspects of the extension 259, 264
dynamic 399 214 eye 466
dynamics of intersegmental mus- viscoelasticity of the wrist 222 classes of 389
culoskeletal 667 strategies S46 FAST 471-473,477
curved 285, 286 different individual 546 fast 190
of vertebral segments 399 system 335 fast forward bending 511
of effective origin and/or insertion system control 177 fast lracking 187
points 366 control algorithms 165 flexion 239,254
screw-home 666 general control slrategies 165 flexion-extension of hip joint 581
synthesis 666 mechanical components 165 free swinging pendular
Motor unit 172,42,43,306-310 of the arms 702
AC induction 104 individual depolarizations of fundamental problem in analyses of
AC micro-stepper motors 105 362 human 653
axons 343 intramuscular 306 hand 268
Index 789

absolute direction of 277 trajectory 550 force 61,626

spatial direction of hand 269, two-joint 268,271 balance 400
270 upper limb time course of 626
head 461, 463 at preferred speeds 188 field 276, 277
control 461 velocity 254, 259 groups
organization 461,466 volitional 268, 280 synergistic and antagonistic 265
voluntary 462 involving the lower limb 551 in a single muscle 401
head-neck 467 voluntary 190,219,233,236498, intrinsic mechanical properties of
intended learned 517+6 502,503 173
intersegmental 485 of the upper body 506+ 1, 508, ions parallel-fibered 172
involuntary 216, 115 513-515,517 isometric 352
two types 216 of the limbs 229 kinetics of actin-myosin 7
isotonic 303 whole body 694 ligament relationship 74,414
kinematics 265 Multi-grid approach 293 limb muscle types 574
learning of complex 265 Multiple-input/multiple-output 674 line of action 367
lower and upper limb 564 Muscle, see also Agonist, Agonist- long 568
multi-articular 653 Antagonist, Antagonist, Co- MAS activity surfaces 400-404
multi-joint 118,195,268,282-289, activation, Co-contraction, Muscles mass fraction 723
294,295,332,507,640,641, biarticular, Muscle fascicles, Muscle mechanical behavior of 9
648,649 length, Muscle monoarticulation, membrane 3
reaching 270, 280 Muscle spindle, Muscle tendon, Mckibben artifical muscle 108
multi-segmental 624 Muscle activity morphometric and mechanical
neural activation pattern controlling activation 83,84,86,446,252 parameters see Appendix
262 direction-related characteristics length 171
oblique 465, 468 270 morphometrics of 170
organization 192 patterns 268, 276, 278, 399 multi-articular
principles underlying upper individual effects on accelerating 167
limb 182 activators 172 myofilament 4-6, 46, 57
passive, in the arm swing 703 active state 83, 84, 594, 595 myofibri~ 48,49,53,54
path 284 afferents 708, 195 noninnervated 446
patterns 653 activation .:' ~ 199 of the back 443
single functional 496 mono- and polysynaptic con- global 443
planar two-joint 647 nections 20 1 local 443
planar two-joint, reaching 276, 277 muscle spindle afferents 196- origin and insertion locations see
planning and execution of multi- 199,201 Appendix
joint limb antagonist pairs 636 shoulder 368
point to point, 292-295,299-301, asynchronously active fibers 172 lower limb 624
327,332 bipennate 720 overlap 13
one degree of freedom 187 burst 252, 262, 264 passive and active properties of
reaching 190 co-contraction 348, 89 398,400
selCpaced 186 compartmentalization of 172 patterns
single joint 187 contractile strength 345 designed to hold and stabilize
unloaded 329 contraction 609 an inverted pendulum sys-
pre-programmed 498, 500, 503 control 456 tem 182
principles that underlie the control cooperation 453 involved in head stabi1ization
and regulation of 251 coordination 608,618 492
propulsive 551 repeated pattern of 616 pennate 568,569,170
range offast 98 coupling across several joints 346 angular compliance of 65
rapid upward arm swings 507 curvilinear 366 degreeatpennation 62
rapid voluntary 387 design variations 170 pennation angle 63
andAPA 387 dissipation 325, 326, 330 poly-articular, 303, 304
rhythmic type 553 neural strategy for 325 unique contribution of 158
role of neural circuitry in the con- double joint 205,206,209 protagonist 613,608
trolof 122 efficiency 603, 448 receptors 448
sensors and posture 389 consequences for 603 relation to aponeurosis 66
simple arm 563 energetics of 170 relative length 570
simple voluntary 135 extensor muscles 199-201,203 semitendinosus 170
single joint 271,277,282,284, invariant characteristics 200, series elasticity 591
295,251,507 201 short 568,571,572
limb 93+2 motor neuron 201 short muscle fibers 172
sitting 522, 524 torque 200 single joint 205, 206, 209, 282
spatial direction of 270,271,280 flexor muscles 198-203 single muscle 282
speed 251,259,265 activation 198 slow 659
control over 252 invariant characteristics 200, slower
strategies 183, 237, 201 efficiency and 622
influence of loading on 377 motor neurons 201, 202 stiffness mechanism 230
time 259,264 torque 200 strength 658, 661
790 Index

stretch receptors 710 Muscle spindle, see also Muscle 57, coordination of 641
tautness and cable-like behavior of 151,171,173,336,337,340,523, insights into the roles of 561
531 605,649,700 lower extremity 658
total length of 645 fusimotor control of 176 possible actions of 639
twojoint 617 like 230 unique action action of GAS
uni-articular 167 receptor 215,216,222,232,233 Muscle bilateral, see also Muscle
effects on accelerations 167 behavior 215 coactivation of 443,447
uniarticular 632 in neck 466 co-contraction 438
uniarticular extensors 658 modeling 173 Muscle fascicles, see also Muscle 172,
unipennate 60, 65 schematic diagram 132 556,557,568,570,573,576
volume 717 Muscle tendon lengths 569
with a distributed attachment pat- complex 599 changes 571
tern 406 complex 57-66 long 556
work 599 complexes 645 short 557
Muscle activity/activation 195, 196, lengths 624, 636 slow twitch fibers 623, 626
198 lengths 624, 625 striated 571
activity velocity 624, 625, 631 Muscle fiber, see also Muscle, Twitch
Proximal to distal sequences 655 profiles 632 average sarcomere per 721
agonist 481 Muscular compositions 721,722
agonist or antagonist 471 architecture 443-446 contractile 591
antagonistic 472,613 insertions and origins 444 contraction speed 658-661
area 197-199 Eulercolumn 441,443 normalized 659
between and across joints 482 Muscular control dependence of positive work on
centtally preprogrammed strategy ofanns 694 622
482 of ann swing 694 disttibutions 170
concenttic 608 Muscular deficiency 397 fast oxidative glycolytic 576,659,
corrective 706 diagnostic nature of 397 718
during static and dynamic twisting function fast twitch 623, 721
efforts 379 of lower back 397 length 717,723
dynamics 664 switching curves 402,403 optimal 717
eccenttic 608 Muscular tables 717 rest 721
electtical modulation of 107 Musculo-skeletal 283,291,293,452, parallel 20, 170,568
head neck 461 453 pennate 550
isomettic 608 linkages slow 576
minimizing 465 proximal-distal 265 slow twitch (slow oxidative) 718,
pattern of 262 properties 185 721,723,661
patterns 288,481,482,493,550 nonlinear 185 type 622
maximum-smoothness theory for scaling Muscle filaments, see also Actin,
ann 284 " dynamic 169 Myosin, Muscle
auring isomettic head stabilization morphomettic 169 actin 24-28,31,36,216
491 Musculotendon binding sites 28, 30, 36
affected "by isomettic and isotonic actuation 654 helix 30,32
conditions 183 actuators 663, 667 myosin 19,24-28,31,35-37,216
sequencing 644, 645 attachment areas 722 backbone 24
spindles 198 contraction dynamics 664 collagen 172
stepwise patterns of 674 dynamics 653, 654 cross-bridge 24
synergy 482 energy 657 head 24,29,31
the physiology of 2 force generation 125 boundA1P 27
Muscle agonist(ic), see also Agonist lengths 719 slipping of 39
Muscle antagonist(ic), see also model 658 Muscle force disttibution, 229, 399,
Antagonist, Muscle parameter data 720 400,405,407
activation 265 properties 660 lumbar 402,405, 399,401,405,
activation of back muscles 447 structural properties 131 407
burst 262 units 654,658 optimization of 40 1
co-contraction of 348 three major types 556 problem 401
co-contraction of 641 MVC (max. voluntary contrac.) 703 Muscle length, see also Muscle 66,
coactivation 447 Myelograms 397 569,605,717,722
coactivation of 643 Myoelecttic history 453
motor neurons 202 manifestations 249 plots 632
muscle activity 595 variables 252 tension 229-231,233
stimulation of 347 activity 252 Muscle monarticular, see also Muscle
Muscle biarticular, see also Muscle parameters 252 303,305,309,310,600
advantages of 640 Myosin, see also Muscle filaments 4, agonists 641
antagonists 641, 646 5,13,202 coactivation of 641,642, 644, 646
co-activation of 641 thick filaments 4, 5 coordination of 641
coactivation of 642, 644 Myosin-Actin-Troponin complex 12 hip extensors 644
cocontraction of 640 Negative feedback knee extensors 642
Index 791

servo loops 585 firing 336 systems 343-346

Nerve damage 702 Neuroanatomical characteristics 707 techniques 346
of the arm swing 701 Neurokinesiology 176 Optimal, see also Optimization
Nerve terminal 3 measurement of muscle activation cadence 617
Nervous System 287,452,453, 706- 170 configuration of feedback 173
708 control 165 control 174, 677
modes of control 700 Neuromuscular dynamic 672
plans 708 coordination 622 nrethods 671,672
preplanniog in 700, 714 antagonistic patterns 671
programs for movement in 700 at the knee 633 schemes 170
quantitative interaction with muscle origin and insertion controllaw(s) 318,248,249
523 data 630 control strategies 247,328, 2Cf)
results of preplanning 713 locations 631 closed-form 313
Network see also Neural tendon normalizing factors 630 submaximal activation and 318
Hopfreld type 341 disorders 166 control theory 173
neural 336,342 junction 3 controllers 173
Neural, see also Neuronal, Network like 233 cycling 616
activation pattern system 214,228,231,232,233, dynamic 249
controlling movement 262 287,292,299 frequencies 617
activations 291 dynamics 287 muscle length 11
circuits 165, 174 Neuronal, see also Neural neural pattern 561
implementation of mechanical con- activity 268 position for holding a weight 403
trol 165 direction dependent 268 rate 617
neuronal systems 177 direction-related 268, 270 regulators 176
cycling using fictive locomo- modulation of 268 linear quadratic nrethods for
tion 177 circuits designing 176
prosthetics 167 pre-programming of intersegmental seating, in the office 380
control 486 solutions 564
pulses 329 network 700 scaleof 564
optimized open loop 329 population activity 269 stimulation pattern 646
signal 654, 655 Neuron{s) 335-338 strategies 236, 248
excitatory 342 cortical 545 for executing a task 183
information 335 motor cortical 276 therapeutic region 397
inhibitory 342 movement related activity of 268 of lower back 397
input 453, 523 Neurophysiology 166,453 timing 646
mechanism 99 Neurophysiological 165, 166 tJajectories 247
motor experiments on animals 165 values 247
need to model the 125 studies 284,300,301 Optimization, see also Optimal, Static,
utilization of sensor information Neuroprosthesis, see also Prosthetic{s) Dynamic
network{s) 119, 184, 336, 715 343,344,348,356,345,346 algorithm 433,435,456,470
afferent volleys from 710 handgrasp 343, 348 Polak-Mayne dynamic 655
approach 185 Iatetal prehension 348 criterion 320,321,323,390,521,
at single joints 706 palmer prehension 348 549
brake 710 Neurotransmitters deterministic dynamic 478
competitive systems 337 acetylcholine 3 dynamic 390, 390, 653, 556, 563
fast variables 336 Noise 184 theory 654
for sensory-motor coordination neural and mechanical 377 generalized criterion 564
184 Non-monotonic changes 246 in the presence of extemalloading
learning in 336 Noninvasive techniques 653 327
load 706, 707,708,710 Nonlinear damping 219,224 material
models 337 of limb motion 214,224 in biological systems 446
of complex movement 707 of the neuromuscular system 215 mathematical 669
of the leg 710, 712 system 224 methods 625, 669
of the limb 706, 714 properties of 218 dynamic 669
response to 707, 708 Nonlinear force-velocity relationship for solving the distnbution problem
slow variables 336 510 625
stimulus of mechanical 708 Nonlinear viscosity damping 217,224 lower limb dynamic 556
theory 336, 342 viscous damping 216 numerical 185
velocity of 711 dynamical properties 216 of behavior 645
principles 342 muscle stiffness mechanism 216 of the muscle force distribution
prosthetics 172 spindle receptors 216 401
responses 482 Nucleus pulposus 462 of the neck muscle activity 471
signals 335 Objective function 432,433 of the value of the cost function
stimulation 454, 600 600 minimization of the 433 399
structures 335 Open loop performance criterion 564
substrates 342 control 707
threshold 339 output 174
792 Index

perfonnance 546 curvilinear 550 mechanical or electrical 553

preprogrammed 482 decomposition of certain muscles of body 495
principles 288 into multiple 129 of the spinal system 440
theories 288 feedback vs spinal 553 of the system 563
relation to redundancy 544 fmal common 134 platform 486
static 390, 470, static 653 group n afferent 545 postural 502,515
stochastic 478 hand paths 284, 286 pseudo-random 327
strategies muscle 129 response to 554, 555
for scaling goal-directed determining musculotendon rotational or translational at the
dynamic limb movements 312 length 131 foot 387
for utilizing the stretch- short- musculotendon small oscillatory 189
ening cycle 332 crossing the joint 129 support surface 485
technique 321,562,653,669 Pathologic(al) system 515
gradient-base 312 conditions 670 to body strength to weight ratio
type of approach depending on goal postural adjustments 505 660
of analysis 391 gait 690, 692 to stance 488
Optimize(ed) Pathology 416,680,692 to the center of gravity 509
a set of performance indexes· 544 Pattern generator 707, 709 to the lower body
performance 346 Peak excursion 260 translation and rotation 490
solutions 190 PedaIIdynamometer unit 519 uncontrolled, physical 516
for a variety of tasks 190 Pelvic tilt (list) 666 unpredictable transient 327
Optimizing Penalty, see also subcriteria Pettigrew's statement 640,641
above neurocircuitry 331 controlinput 316 Phase
methods 519 function 312 consbldned 525,533
Optimum coordination muscle stress 330 corrective 713
between spine and pelvis 430 neural effort 324, 330 lag 649
Orientation neuromuscular 184, 190,323,327- plane analysis
ofgaze 389 332 for isotonic and isokinetic cases
Origins and insertions generalized 325 of environmental coupling
positions of 443,445 subcriteria 329 191
Orthopaedic(s) 124 Pendular action 700 preparatory 660
surgical 374 of the arms during walking 700 shift 649
Orthotic(s) 344 Pendulum 555, 582 Phasic patterns 690
treatment 562 compound 582 Phosphate 24
Oscillator inverted 462,463,477,534,555, Phosphocreatine 4,18
low-dimensional coupled non- 563,582 Photo-elastic resins 451
linear 186 controlled by muscle-like Photoaffinity labelling studies 26
Oscilloscope 96 springs 383 Physical therapy 666
Osteoarthritis 682 multi-link 383,562 exercises 396, 405, 407
Osteoporosis 46 simple two-link inverted 507, 508 design of 397
Pain Pennation angle 722 regimen 397
lowback 124 average 721 Physiologic cross section(al) 370
Para spinal musculature Percent overshoot 183 areas 386, 391, 717-720, 723
internal 477 Performance 622 coordinate data 720
Paradigm criteria 183-185, 190, 327-332, origin/insertion coordinates
arm swing 512,513 414 721
forward bending 514,515 neuromuscular penalty 330 pathways 720,721
Parallel elastic component, see also other 319 curved 721
Elastic 592, 593, 596 reasonable Physiologic rest
and muscle force 593 scalar 312,318 position of 723
compliancy of 592 efficient modulators of 562 Physiological assumptions 399,400
elasticity curve 596 enhanced 553 decoupling assumption 400,401
Parallel elasticity, see also Elasticity 1 index 312,330,544,547 studies 407
elastic element 8, 11 optimization of 546 Piezo-electric crystals 571
Paralyzed 438 jumping 658 Pitch 464
back muscles 438 of upper limb 182 Plant(s) 123, 124, 134, 145
limbs 360 optimal 560 conceptual diagram 123
neuro-stimulated 360 sports 561 constituents of the musculoskeletal
patients 343 Perturbation 174,217,222,224,329, 124
Paraplegics 670 498,505,579 secondorder 319
Paravertebral structures 400 anticipation of 191 controlled by muscle filters
Parkinson's disease 301,498,503, at each joint 482 319
504,505 backward 512,516 Point(s)
Passive force system contactapproach 519
ligamentous structures 443 free 512 driving 152
viscous forces 48 infmitesimal 442 end 162
Path(way) 284 lateral 447 equilibrium 160, 162
Index 793

of contact 524, 152 effort and flow 101, 111 Prosthesis, see also Neuroprosthesis
of origin and insertion 518,718, equation (instantaneous) 647 680
712 flow control 363
to point motions 285, 288 in the spinal engine 420 change in EMG signal
via 721 through the spine 419 amplitude with fatigue 363
wrapping 721 generators 562 controller 361
Pointwise approximations 15 hydraulic 581 upper-extremity 361,669
Polio 438 instantaneous 553,655,657 upper-limb amputation 188
Population vector 269,270, 277 segmental 655 Prosthetic(s), see also Neuroprosthesis
Position(s) joint 647 afferent and efferent signal path-
error 321,322,326,328 maximum 623, 633 ways 360
hand 272, 277 mechanical, 553 arms
Post tests 253, 263, 264 at the joints 696 major impediments to improve-
Post-surgical rehabilitation 397 metabolic 591 ments in 374
of knee surgery 397 output 658 multi axis 360
Post-synaptic potential 336 output-velocity curve 617 challenge of contact instability 384
Postural 398, 407, 482, 584 peak 657 controller 361
activity positive 634 model based 361
anticipatory 508, 511 redistribution of joint 647 degrees of freedom 361
adapt 465 stroke 30-32 foot 682
adjustments 505, 507, 508, 520, total 657 improved control 360
554 total instantaneous 655 limb 360
anatomic 398, 399 os a segment 655 actuating 360
and EMG activity of the trunk transfer 149, 151,553,560,561, controlling 360
muscles 379 658 skeletal system 361
control of 482,495 velocity relationship 616 system 360
disturbances 482 Pre-motoneuronal Proton solution 28
equilibrium 162, 189 level 276 Proximal to distal
erect 399,465 stations 545 protagonism 613
fetal 720 Pre-synaptic potential 336 sequence 611-613,615
flat back 429 Preplanned patterns 709 Pulse
flexed, revealing an increased ac- brain vs spinal cord 713 excitation 186,187
tivity of the back 380 of response to limb perturbation magnitude of 186
global strategies involving 466 709 height modulation 242
modeling postural maintenance Preprogrammed reaction 709 timing model 242
508 Prestretch effects 623 width 183
modulates dynamics 161 Prestructured program 707 Push off 687,561,673,642,643
multi-joint posture 283,291 Presynaptic inhibition 709 explosive 642
muscle 509,516 Pretests 253, 263, 264 Quantitative icons 167
muscle responses 487 Principle component eigenvectors 373 Quasi-static
muscles of the leg 547 Principles analysis 453
neonatal 720 of equilibrium 438 stretch 197
neurally-defmed 189 for elastic mechanical structures Quick length changes 58
orientation 466 438 Quick-release
orientation/stability 461 of stability 438 protocol 96
perturbation 508,514,516 elastic mechanical structures tests 109
programs 547 438 Rack-and-pinion 602
redundancy problem of 482 Program Raibert's one-legged hopping machine
reestablishment of upright 485 symbolic manipulation 362 581
requirements 55.0 Programming Ramp(ed)
role in force distribution 399 dynamic 670-675 and hold 131, 133
role of muscles in 377 control law 672 decreasing 354
sensors and movement 389 Properties, passive 8 input 525
stability 707 Proprioception 170,707 responses 353
summary of the classes of models Proprioceptive stretches 196,199,216,217,221,
used to study 377 feedback 197,507,510 224,225,227,228,230-233
synergies 546, 547 input at the ankle joint 486 simulation block 225
tasks involving a different 399 inputs from lower legs 490 Range of motion 641
three possible systems for 385 sensory system 490 3-D head 465
two-phased sway 512,513 signals 171 translational 641
upright 463 system 487, 495, 510 under voluntary control 430
Posturo-kinetic capacity 498, 505 feedback control from 510 vs coordination of motion 430
Potentiation 345,623 Proprioceptors 166 Rate
of the contractile component 623 Propriospinal system 277 change in firing 268
Potentiometers 710 Propulsion 702 discharge 269,270
rotational 630 forward, role of arms in 705 functions 6
Power 622, 623 time 659,660 equation, Huxley 4
794 Index

Reaction time, see also Time 503,504 of muscle force distribution 390 vestibulo-collicular 389,466,490,
motor latency 503, 504 of the motor organization 549 492,493,496
postural anticipation 503, 504 operational 542 Regression
Real-time simulator 402 problem 209,481,318,496,482, analysis 363
Receptors 490 unstable coefficients 373
capsular 448 reducing 487 ridge regression 373
efficiency of 448 relation to optimization 544 principal components regres-
haptic 707 several levels of 544 sion 373
kinesthetic 707 solution to 495 Rehabilitate/rehabilitation 396, 478
muscle spindle 489 task-level redundancy 118,283 development of assistive devices
muscle spindle stretch 708 tissue 378 for 182
muscle stretch 486, 711 Reflex 228-233, 482 head-neck 478
pressure 487 autogenic stretch 201 post surgical 397
primary stretch 709 cervicocollic 499 Relaxation oscillator 580
vestibular 707 control 223 Release and hold
Reciprocal inhibition 201 coordination 340 mechanisms for certain ranges of
RecnrlunentI95-198,202,305,306, effects 579 head movement 387
308-310,343,371,559,608, 252 enhancement of stiffness 386 Remote operation 556
characteristics 344, 345 feedback gain modulation 563 Renshaw -
comparbnentalized 166 activity due to muscle lengthen- cells 202
control 654 ing 559 agonistic 202
dynamics of whole motor units 42 fIrSt stretch 680 extensor 202
length dependent 344-346 functional stretch 340, 706 in the inter-muscular interaction
linear gain 352 ideal 340 202
patterns 345 neural 339 feedback 171
modulation 344 induced response 224 cells 174,177
motomeuronal 196,198 intrinsic properties in 584 Resistance
muscle-fiber 672, 585 local muscle 461 passive 462
of elastic elements 594 local responses 482 to neck bending 462
of hamstring 547 long latency 340 Resonance
of individual motor pools 175 long-latency reflex components mechanical 97, 99
of motor units 24 311 Resonant~uency 594
of synergistic leg muscles 546 loop 215,223,224,708 Response(s) 487
orderof 343 mechanisms 214 as load lifted increases 427
pattern of muscle 177, 360, 365, monosynaptic 707 burst of excitatory 711
617,547 monosynaptic stretch 706 centrally preprograrnmed 482
individual 541 movements 57 disturbance 223
proximal to distal 613 muscle length-sensitive 204 function
rate of 252 organization 172 forward path 149
relationships between groups of pathway modulation 709 local reflex 482
muscles 365 pathways 214,215 lumbar muscular 402
reversal of order 308 plasticity 177 of the neuromuscular system 224
schemes 402 proprioceptive 496 passive 654
threshold 305-308 responses 185,216 postural muscle 487
Recurrent neural networks, see learned appropriate 185 properties of the ramped stretch
Neuronal segmental 173 223
Recursive short latency stretch 485, 487 rotation 488
relationship between muscle short latency vestibular and neck synthesis of muscular 415
dynamics and tendon 171 490 three properties of 482
Reduction{ist) short-latency reflex components underdamped 316
algorithm 554 311 to a step 316
heuristic 555 simulations 230 voluntary 482
methods spinal 335, 579 in equilibrating movements
for solving the distribution spinal cord 177 482
problem 625 stiffness 229,230,233,579,594 Restoration
Redundancy 158,282,283,284,303, preliminary conclusions of hand grasp 343
461,463,481,482,669,680 stretch 201,214,222,580,585 Ridged
inherent 542 system 214-217,219,224,2~ body approximation 485
joint and muscle 485 229 validity of 485
kinematic 389 agonist-antagonist pair of 224 segments 647
mathematical 399 modeling of 224 body dynamics 378
Two approaches to resolve 399 of the forearm 224 body
modes of movement of the multi- simulations of 224 assumption 125
link structure 481 stiffness mechanism 216 Rigor mortis 569
multi-link 482 tonic 197,386 Robot
muscle pattern 482 tonic neck 466 manipulator 101, 50
nature of lower limb system 653 unloading 214,205 designing and controlling 119
Index 795

Robotic(s) 188 stretching phases 39, 40 Series elasticity, see also Elastic I,
challenge of contact instability 384 uniform 20 327,510,591
compliance control 233 Sarcoplasmic reticulum 3,4, 13, 18, assessment of 592
controls 216 53 compliance characteristics of e1e-
experience 182 calcium 174 mentsof 65
Robots 152, 153,580,581 Sarcoplasm 13,16,20 constant 94
Cheng 586-589 Scaling force-extension relation 320
McGeer's 582,588 by reference trajectory 322-323 in tendinous structures and muscle
McMahonimal 580,581,586-589 varying speed 323 fibers 58
passive walking 582 kinematic localizing and modeling 57
Raibert's 581,588 via minimum jerk 323 manipulation of operating ranges
running 580-582 strategies for 321 560
stiff-legged 582 via addition of neural effort 319, methods to measure 58
Roll 464 324 separation from contractile element
Rotation(al) via addition of neuromuscular 98
3-D relative 461 penalty 323-325, 330,331 series arrangement 564
axial 465 via addition of muscle stress 325 shift of aponeurosis length 66
sensitivity to 470 Schematization total filament 35
body centered 476 tree-link of the lower limb 543 within the cross-bridges 36
degrees of freedom 125 Schemes Series element(s) 386
high axis 477 recruitment 402 connected elements
humeral 372 Schober Test 426,429 with a length tension diagram
of actin monomers 32 Scoliosis 387 demonstrating instability 46
of the pelvis 418 confusing protective and idiopathic extension 386
impact on mechanics of the 423 passive 400
spine 429 idiopathic 456,460, 387 Servo
of upper spine 463 Screw axis parameters 478 control, 709, 714
patterns 3-D 390 applications 104, 111
at the shoulder and elbow joint fmite 467 of AC induction motor 104
695 head 469 of DC motors 104
pelvic 666 instantaneous 467 controlled actuator 606
sinusoidal whole body 493 Self-consistency requirement 5, 6 loops 707, 699, 714
transverse Sensitivity, see also Analysis, mechanisms 706, 709, 714
of the shoulder 666 Dynamic 198 motor
vertebral centers of 464 dynamic 198 two pole AC 104
Rotatoris analysis 618 DC 105
equivalent axial 466 analysis 97 controlled 160
Running Sensorimotor motor loops
angular momentum balance in 671 representation 282, 283 setting the stiffness gain of 524
coordination of the arms and legs in transformations 294 relationships 706, 707
701,704,705 system 280 simple 706, 708, 709
cycle 703, 705 Sensory inputs simple loops 708,709,714
energy cost and arm action in 703 multiple 483 Signa1(s)
groucho 584 mechanisms 496 constant output 306
importance of swinging the arms in Sensory receptors continuous position reference 519
701 abundant supply in neck 389 continuous ramp-like optimal con-
machines 580,581 Sequence trol 317
. speed 583 of muscle activations 644 control 330,335
vertical motion in 584 proximo-distal 644-646 overly aggressive 330
Saccades 389 proximal to distal 611-613,615, feedback 246
SACH (solid ankle cushioned heel) 661 Gro (Golgi tendon organ) 173
682 Series elastic element (also called input 245
Sarcolemma 53 series elastic component), see also intermittent position reference 519
action potentials along 172 Eilastic 35,36,49,50,75-77,199, low-pass filtered 240
Sarcomere 38,46-55,216,571 203,204,559,592-596,604,609, neural 335,558
activation 172 610 position and velocity reference 519
behavior during stretch 47 and elasticity in processing 240
compliance 24, 36 crossbridges 593 saturating 317
length 31,32,34,36,38-40,110, thick and thin filaments 593 theory analysis 173
571,576 tendinous material 593 proprioceptive 176
optimum range of length 576 elasticity curve for 593 trajectory 519
series elastic component of the 31, force-extension curve 75-77,110, Silicon Graphics
35,36 112 4D system 405
location of 36 located in aponeurosis and tendon Iris 2400T 721
shortening 26 593 Simulated
spacing 216 term for actuators 113 jump with slow muscles 659
stiffness 36 functions of 57 maximum-height squat jumps 659
796 Index

optimal jump 646 disorders optimum human 410

Simulation etiology of 412 passive cervical 463
direct dynamic 562, 645 function mechanical properties of 463
dynamic 665,669,673 assessing 424 physiological consttaints of the
3-0 movement 670 problem of assessing 423 432
detennining musculotendon injuries 343-345,411, 416 probable function of 410
controls in 668 assessing 424 recurring damage to the 438
of movement 665 axial torsion as a source of 416 three stages 438
of musculoskeletal alterations compression 411 represented as a beam 378
666 pathology and the mechanical stability 438
forward 6n etiology of 411 stabilizing 447
forward dynamic 384 theoretical method for detection static equilibrium of the lumbar
block 422 4323
for ramp stretches 225 three types of loading respon- the coupled motion of the 430
for step disturbances 225 sible for 411 unit 438
gait 664, 673, 674, 677 torsion 411 single functional 438
of behavior 645 instability problem 438 Spinoscope/Spinoscopy 430
ofvertical jumping 645 level 545 accuracy of 426
program level of integration 277, 278 clinical application of 427
of lumbar muscles 405 ligament tensile properties 462 overview of 424
stiffness regulation studies in 351 load 398 the principles of 424
tetanic 605 lower circuitry 185 Spring(s)
variable pulse width 352 model 444 constant 579, 532
Single-input/single-output 674 motoneuron level 277 damper mechanism 682
Sinusoidally modulated motoneuron pools 270, 276, 277 elastic 151
pulse ttains 18 motor pre-planning in 713 of the biped 525
Slenderness ratio 384 musculature 412 energy storing series elastic 130
Smooth pursuit 389 role in flexion 412 hard 510
Smoothness 183-185 role in locomotion 417 highly damped, stiff linear 673
concept of maximal 186 networks of neurons 709 ideal 524
consttaint 300 posture leg 580,589
maximal 187 psoas muscle is a controller of leg running problem 587
of motion 287 419 like 239
Sodium 3 processing 215,230 behavior 188,190,191,384
Solutions responses 709 adjusting 384
closed form 313 segments 411 behavior 524, 150, 160-162
toJBKmode1313 geomebic arrangement of 411 characteristics 553
two categories 314 systems 451,453,454,459,460 confused with stiffness 152
linear models with filter operation of 456 events in running 578
drive 314 Spine motor servo 222
second order 314 application of external load to 400 multijoint 159
minimum time 329 basic mechanical principles and the musculotendinous structures
SPACAR 646,649 384 556
Spasticity 690 biomechanical complexity of the global perspective on 556
biceps surae 691 423 properties 160
Speed buckles in 387,438 properties in muscles and
contraction 561 cervical 463 reflexes 578
insensitive 187 continuous models of the 399 properties of muscle reflex sys-
insensitive sttategy 251-253 coupled motion of the spine 422 tem 189
rule for kinematics 252 erroneous anatomical repre- linear 582
rule for the EMG 252 sentation of the 412 constant stiffness 588
rule for the excitation pulse 252 evolution of the 417 mass characteristics
of shortening 191 harnessing the pelvis to isolate the importance of 553
sensitive 187 423 massless 583
sensitive strategy 252 instability of 438 nonlinear 524
rule for EMG 252 ligamentous 438 single telescoping 557
rule for excitation pulse 252 injured 446 stiffness 580
rule for kinematics 252 thoracolumbar 438 ofleg 580
Spinal lumbar region of 397,398 torsional 441,443,462,582
column 461 anterolateral group 398 elastic 444
passive 462 deep paravertebral group 398 nonlinear 469
compression minimization of 400 mechanical properties 398 translational 462
connecting of 176 posterior group 398 undamped 580
cord 439,708,709 mathematical models of the 414 variable stiffness 444
deflection 460 maximum ability to handle a load Sprinting 705
deformation 460 427 classic style 705
disks 398 nonmuscular soft tissues of the 414 Square bow protocol 468
Index 797

Stability tribute forces 4TI transfer to equilibrium through

and energy expended 156 method 319
clinical 448 a limited option 141 muscular 217,230,385-387,443,
condition for the Euler column 441 of the spine 414 445,447
coupled 152 techniques 555 critical 385,443-445,447
definitions of biomechanical 440 state 195,202 describing the near-linear slope
definitions of mechanical 440 tonic activation 203 part of ramped stretches 226
global 533 Steady state behavior 152, 153, 162 increase in 446
for the unconstrained phase between force and displacement neuromuscular 229
533 162 of actuators 108, 110, 112
indicator of 440 Step disturbances 216,217,221,224, braided 109
isolated 152 227,232 of cross-bridges 39
maintenance 377, 555 four step 222 of shortening muscle 20
competition with loading 3TI properties of response 222 for putative elastic link 8
necessity of critical feedback Stereotypia 542 instantaneous of the contractile
and stiffness value for 388 Stick-figure tissue 14
mechanical spinal 443, 448 sequences of selected runs 673 series elastic 19
models Stiffness 289-292,300,200-202,229, of the Hill model 19
three column 439 47,52,609,610,150,156 of spine 440,4470
tW(H;olumn 439 activation dependent 99 of the bipedal system 531
muscular 443 activeregu1ation 343,347,356 of the hand for voluntary motion
necessary to maintain posture 157 addition of agonist antagonist 385 519
of an inverted multi-linked pen- angular of the leg 589
dulum 495 ankle 554 of the leg spring 585, 586
of spine systems 456 knee joint 554 of the linear leg spring 586
of the biped 525 at the hand 160, 162 of the muscles in the leg 585
local 525 axial 384 of the tendon 589
of upper limb 182 values of passive for the spine of the trunk 580
passivity and coupled 153 384 of the vertical spring 583
postural 443 bond 216 optimal 560
fundamental concerns regarding coefficient 347 overall 463
191 constant leg 588 passive 346,356,357
principles 438 control modulated reflex 557 passive and active musculotendon
for elastic mechanical structures critical 384, 563 462
438 cross coupling 463 passive column rotational 462
sufficient 438 different types of mechanical 386 properties of 224
the problem of postural 383 dimensionless 586, 587 reflex 239,230,386,585,594
tradeoff's between movement and due to kinematics 557 regulation 166,190,343,348,351,
388 dynamic muscle 448 438,557,531
velocity and position feedback for elastic 224, 228, 229 neuromuscular reflex system
531 elastic and viscous 700 443
within the body 384 in the joints 700 regulator 347
Stabilization end-point 310 relation of torsional to translational
human head 492,495 enhancement 214,217,222,223, 385
comparison with cat 495 228,229,231-233 relation to force 156
patterns involved in 492 fictitious joint 159 relation to muscle force 448
stance 495 for bouncing 580 relation to muscle length 448
task 495 forearm 224 relationship to force 36
voluntary isometric 491 gain 524 response 176
Staggered joint interpolation 287 brought about by CNS 524 rigor 24,36
State error global leg 558 series 94
final 319 gravitational 155 constant 94
minimum 318 high 224 series elastic 189
quadratic 318 increased in coronal plane 344 correlation with activation 189
Static, see also Optimization influence of geometric factors 553 series elastic component
analysis 453 intervertebral joint 446 short range 224, 233, 654
arm position 195 isotropic 189 short range leg 585
threshold 197,203 joint 469, 156, 159 tendon 224, 230
conditions 203 ligamentous 444 transforming apparent 159
functional relation between sensor linear elastic 217 values for critical bending 385
input and motor output 184 linearized 160 variable 443
muscle torque 197 linkage 360 vertical 471,585-588
optimization lower 223 of the load path 583
algorithm 388 lumped passive 463 vs force measurements 579
criterion maintenance by spinal reflexes 579 Stimulation
related to the minimum of minimal muscular 444 channels of 345
elastic energy to dis- modulation cutaneous 345
798 Index

open loop 345 rules for 252 activation induced 559

pattern 646 speed sensitive 241,242,244,247, concentric phase 553
proximo-distal 644-646 248,262,263,323,330,252, versus elastic bounce 559
patterns of 345 253, velocity 4, 38-42, 53, 215
response to ramp inputs 354 rules for 252 continued tension during 50
Stimulus modulation 345 stabilizing 486, 487 Stride length 557 582, 588
channels 344, 345 stiffening multi-link 484-487,492 relative 582, 583, 587
lateral grasp 345 equilibrium 492 Synaptic cleft 3
open loop patterns 346 tension 462 Stroboscope 695
palmer grasp 345 unique multi-link Stroke 288, 343, 680
period 353 fitting the force requirements of Subcriteria 183,316,322,324,329,
Stochastic optimization approaches the task 483 390
146 Stress 324-326, 328, 330 competing 183,391
Strain axial compressive 390 complimentary 390,391
ankle-hip 484 distribution of on the lumbar spine effort related 391
basis b choosing 244 411 inactive 324
centrally preprogrammed 482 equalization 434, 435 jerk 324
change as goals change 331 equalization of lumbar spinal 414 muscle dissipation 325
compensation 485 failure 441 muscle stress 325-327
compression in passive tissues 398 neural effort 328
describing whole body stabilizing in soft tissues 399 neuromuscular 329-331
482 instantaneous stretching 35 neuromuscular penalty 323,330
developing optimal 192 low tissue 390 penalty 143
energy 6 mechanical 410 task 323,143
for movement control 237, 238 ultimate value 410 task based 184
for scaling movements 321 minimization of 183,433-435 task related 391
for trajectory modification 283 musculoskeletal function of 410 Superimposed primitives 299
for translation and rotation 484, on the intervertebral joint 416 SupelpOsition
487 relaxation 226 of basic trajectory primitives 283,
form of predicted 186 shear 390 295
gages 554 strain of trajectory plans 294
global curve 654 strategy 295
involving orientation and pos- material behavior for tendon Supination-pronation 337
ture 466 556 Suprathreshold 197
head stabilizing 490, 495 of a sarcomere series elasticity Surface topographies
compared to cat 495 24 Computer-generated 722
identifICation of neuromotor 141 of the passive soft tissues 399 Surfer plotting package 468
in tendon 660 relationship 24,399 Surgical orthopedics 374
local 398 tensile 574 Switches 319
arising from anatomic posture ultimate tensile 573 Switching curves 390, 402-405, 407
399 within the spine 410 SYMBA 667
maximum Stretch Symbolic manipulation program 362
defining tendon rupture 658 acceleration 38 Synapses 149
motor control 156 active 623 Synaptic
movement 487 shortening cycle 622-624, 634, connections
movement organizational 391 635 modulation of strength of 184
multi-link movement 483-485, 487 phenomenon 636 excitation 240
neural control 555 constant 16 input 305
neural-output control 144 fast exponential step 16 Synchronous activity 335
neuromotor 461 followed by shortening Synchrony of homonymous muscle ac-
neuromotor control 556 force 41 tivities 500
of the passive elements 398 of the sensory nerve endings 215 Synergist(ic) 461,465,339,546
optimized neuromotor control 329 phases 39,40 activation of antagonistic muscles
optimizing reflex 155
for reducing redundant linkages activity 516 leg muscles 546
487 feedback 515-517 muscles 202
posture!movement 389 inhibition proximal 546
pull pull 330 relation to flexion-relaxation Synergy 121, 139,283,290, 300,482,
results for multiple-points phenomenon 380 489,524,560,562,633-635,669,
results for point to point 527 relaxation 233 707, 715
results for reference position 529 response between and across joints 482
results for reference position and of cross-bridge model 40,41 head stabilization 495
velocity strategy 530 shortening modulated by incoming sensory
single-link inverted pendulum controversy and signifICance signals 495
movement 482 557 multi-joint synergy concept 482
speed insensitive 241-244,247, cycle 551,557,558-561,608, muscle activation 487
323,330,251 610,613,617,677 neck muscle 487
Index 799

of entire system 360 mechanics of 125-128,175 quirements 556

whole muscle 495 nervous 664 physical loading 407
System(s) neuro-biomechanical system 195 planning 214
3-D motion analysis 465 neuromotor reflex control 465 specific feedback gains 185
active control 153, 154 neuromuscular stretch-shortening 135
bi-linear 157 and regulation of muscular stiff- target-directed, multijoint reaching
biocybernetic 142 ness in postural control 444 268
biomechanics of 346 neuromuscular 303, 562, 670 volitional 554
bipedal 523 redundancy 303 Telescoping legs 582
four inputs into the 523 neuromuscular skeletal control Tendo-Achilles lengthening 666
closed loop 122 conceptual diagram 123 Tendon
complete torso 378 neuromusculoskeletal 151 compliance 73, 75, 76, 658, 660
control 541 neuromusculoskeletal control 1 insensitivity of jump height to
coordinate 7W,721 open loop 122 660
twenty different 720 pendulum compliant 591
four 721 multi-link inverted 112, 118 energy-saving springs 574
Dynamic skeletal loading 372 peripheral neuromuscular 245 length 75,718,723
effector posterior ligamentous 398 changes 571
elastic mechanical 448 bodies 397 resting 718
Expert Vision 467 processes 397 slack 723
fust-order viscoelastic 314,316 column 397 passive elastic 15
for maintaining stability energy storage property of 430 physiological cross sectional area
bony ligamentous 448 the precise role in locomotion 718
muscular 448 of 430 rupture 658
functioning neuromotor 556 the properties of 430 thickness 573
Group II premotoneuronal 545 proprioceptive 487 Tension 48-55
Hamiltonian 655 pure inertial 315 curve 49,50,52
headneck 461-463,477,478 reflex feedback 155 fraction 723
diagnostic tools 478 robotic 222 length 462
head-neck motor 481 intertwining of neuromotor and characteristic 11
passive mechanics of 491 119 curves 578
higher-order nonlinear movements schematic representation of the permanent extra 51
320 musculoskeletal control 128 slope 463
human movement 461 second order oscillatory 319 of contractile element 463
imaging 554 second-order inertial 316-318 stiffness 463
cinematography 554 with isotonicload 319 Tensor
optoelectric 554 second-order viscoinertial 314, fl!St-rank 159
videography 554 317-320 inertia 162
implantable stimulator 348 sensory-motor 498, 505 metric 184
limb 360 sensory 335 second-rank 159
loop gain 349 skeletal 397, 664 theory 184
mass-spring 583 treatment for 397 Tetanized muscle W
mechanical properties of the 496 spring mass 557 Tetanic activation 167
modeling and designing robotic stability 463 Tetanus 46,47
control 121 stability in complex nonlinear 563 Theory(ies)
modeling the musculoskeletaI 124 stable 440,441 chained reflex 709
importance of identifying the stiffness/impedance 560 creation of new 25
level of the 191 synergistic excitation of 531 development of neural network
seven major steps needed 124 unstable 440,441 123
multi-joint, multi-link 400 upright human torso 555 dynamic optimization 156
multi-link 332, 560 vestibular 388, 487, 541 equilibrium point 191
multi-muscle 19,481,490,454 vestibulospinal 490 Huxley-type cross-bridge 2
multi-muscle, single joint 154 Task(s) impulse timing 187
Multichannel implantable nerve COMF 470 of motor control 550
stimulation 344 complexity of multiarticular motor of motor learning 252
multimuscle movement 709 134 of muscular contraction 24
numerical modeling of the cyclic 550 optimization 183
neural aspects of 709 dependence 482 dynamic 183
muscle reflex 189 execution 561 regularization 184
muscle-fIlter-joint-plant 320 FAST 470 relationships between tasks and
musculoskeletal goal 183 182
classification method of 639 involving environmental interact- spinal engine 417
muscular 664 ions 186 tensor 184
musculoskeletal 122-128, 498, 505, manipulation 191 of sensory-motor transforma-
551,680 muscle activity during various 378 tion 184
changing mechanisms of 177 performance 556 transformation 158
mechanical properties 175 versus metabolic energy re- Therapeutic approach
800 Index

of low back patients 396 prosthetic 361 neurally-defmed virtual 162

Thermodynamic proximal 612 nominal operating 669
analysis 101 psuedo-random joint 327 of controls 134
cost 176 restabilizing ankle 488 of limb impedance 170
restriction 6 simultaneous joint torque and of the center of mass during the
Thermopile 10 muscle EMG relationship 373 running step
Thoracolumbar fascia 398 static 197 of the hand in space 186
Threshold 195-199,201,202,336, supinator 609 of the limb 185
337,344,348,349,505 temporal onset of 583 optimal position 316
decreasing 354 upper and lower body 704 oscillation of position 327
dynamic 196 velocity due to increased stiffness 327
excitation 184 curve 104 passive biomechanical, of body
local 336 for the AC induction motor 104 segments 495
neural firing 336 for the AC servomotor 105 pedal 639
of activation 276 relation for DC motor 106 pelvis 166
of spinal reflexes 335 VMG elbow 363 phase-plane 218
recruitment 189 voluntary 661 of position vs velocity 218
static 196, 197 Torsional motion 397 planned 294
velocity 467 Torticollis 466 planned in joint variables 284
Tight coupling scheme 13 Trace planning 283,544
Time, see also reaction full cycle 712 hand 284
coasting 317 Tracking 525 strategy 287, 294
computation 671 COMF 468,474 plans 288,294,295,299
constant 453 operating range sensitivity for point to point 285,287,294,295,
minimum 312 473 299
movement 321 experiments 466 position vs velocity 218
Tissue FAST 468 ramp 190
active 461 goal directed 461 reduced 512,515,516
passive 461, 463 quasi-static and dynamic 461 reference 190, 322, 320, 332
neck 461 square 475 segment 669
Tonic square box 475,476 spatial 405
control 545 tasks 466,477 state variable 144
signal 197 vertical offline 476 straight horizontal 471
reflexes 197 sinusoidal head 493 superimposed 294-296
Torque visual 377 tracking tests 374
about the joint 443 voluntary 493, 325 units 294
actuators at the joints 518 Trajectories velocity 526
angle curves 289 actual 190 virtual 189, 199
angle properties 469 arm 288,296,299 smoothed 190
passive 469 modification 294 Trauma 439
antagonistic 613 arm control 291 Transducer 708
as function of stretch velocity 98, bell shaped velocity 190 buckle 554, 555
99 body segmental 134, 144 buckle fitted 571
centrifugal 292 control 293 discharge 708
concentric phase of forearm supina- curved 285 encoder 215
tion 610 digit trajectory velocity profiles process 215
destabilizing 516 544 haptic 708, 709
developed at steady state 98 elementary trajectory primitives muscle stretch 708, 710
by Huxley model 98 299 peripheral feedback from sensory
dynamic coupling of 345 equilibrium 289, 291, 299, 301 706
EMG relationship 363 execution 288 proprioceptive 709
flexion 259,303,304,307 force time for distribution moment range of biological 707
inertial 255, 260 model 17 Transduction 132
instantaneous arm 543 forward 534 Transfer 25,30,38,42,264
interaction 288, 292 future state 134 function
isometric 204,309,661 hand 269,280 closed loop 152, 153
peak value 661 hand trajectories 284,285, 288, forward path 153
joint 362,611,612,252 289 global cybernetic 41
geometrical factors for convert- initial joint 280 molecular contraction model of
ing muscle forces into 361 instant-to-instant desired 190 Hatze 34
maximal 662 minimum jerk 287 morphological
maximum decelerations 99 modification 294 of the actomyosin complex 27
motor 579 motion 665 of contractive force generation 31
net joint 170, 172 movement 550,669,671 of training 263
opposing isotonic 328 contractile 170 Transformations
passive elastic 95 deviation from nominal 176 sensory-motor 184
peak decelerating 99 stabilizing limb 176 tensor theory 184
Index 801

Transmission peak 254, 256, 260,262,264 passive 523

for rotational actuators 111 movement 259 properties 289,524
for translational actuators 111 peak angular 615 shock absorbers 462
local vs remote 111 peak trunk 427 Viscosity 48,159,162,523
of sensory information back to the pedal crank 712 fields 291, 292
spinal cord 133 profile 285-287,259,207,329 high 217
Treadmill 695, 704 trapezoidal 328 increase with co-contraction 327
Tri-phasic agonist-antagonist-agonist segmen~ angular 656 joint 159
patterns 465 segmen~ endpoint 613 low 214,217,218
Trophic effects 345 slide 711 nonlinear 214,217
Tropomyosin 26, 27, 29 slipping 35,41 of actuators 112
Troponin 4,5, 13, 14, 18,26,29 stretch 622,94,95,98 transformation 159
Twitch, see also Muscle fiber, Muscle low 99 transforming apparent 158
isomeric 11, 12, 16 stretching 38-42 Viscous
isotonic single 169 trunk and head angular 485 element 150
Unconstrained phase 525, 533 vertical landing 586, 587 forces 49
Unilateral total hip replacement 683 Vergence 389 Vishay amplifier 710
Variable output activity 306 Vertebrae Voluntary, see also Movement(s)
Vector(s) anterior and posterior surfaces of commands 492
of passive muscle forces 362 397 head movement 495
rotated EMG 373 bodies 398, 400, 464 motor commands 490
torque 373 cervical 462, 720 movements 284
Vectorial summation 295 column 463, 464 responses 495
Vectormyogram facets 462 Walking 694
equation 362 foramen 464 arm swing 695,703
partition of 373 fractures 460 ballistic 582, 583
results of empirical experiments lumbar 398 coordination of the arms and legs in
373,374 multiple 397 701,702
Velocities segments 399 cycle 695, 703
afferent conduction 708 motion of 399 activation of upper extremity in
and momentum relation 161 stacked 469 699
angular 585,710 structures 400 energy cost and arm action 705
of the pedals 710 thoracic 462 function of upper extremities in
change Vertebral 701
patterns of 6322 problems 397 normal 544
compensatory rotational 484 Vestibular speed 695,696
constant forward 704 afferents 490 Whiplash 466,468,478
contact 560 apparatus 708 Work 160
contractile element 645 control 541 concentric 622
contraction 622 deficient subjects 490 contractive 33
dependence function of the cross- function 461 dynamic optimization 330
bridge force 37,41,42 receptors 389 eccentric 606, 623
dependence of the contractile force signals from the semicircular canals muscle-plus-tendon 600
531 492 incremen~ 519, 158
dependent relationships 363 system 495 mechanical 29,553
dependent search time 33 Vestibulo-ocular reflex, see Reflex negative 622-627,634-636
dependent transformations 664 Via point positions 287 over a crank cycle 634
dependent viscosity 214 Vibration output
dimensionless 582 vertical 585 sensitivity to velocity and
feedback 518 Videography 625 length 192
forward 557 Visco-elastic properties 452, 453 positive 622-627,633-636
half-sarcomere stretching 35 Viscoelastic 74 efficiency 622
high 214 active programmed 523 Wranglers 582
horizon~landing 586,587 analogies 19 Wrist-force production 221
joint angular 551 and velocity dependency of the X - ray(s) 397
linear and angular 696 contractile force 531 diffraction studies
low contraction 640 behavior 518 time-resolved 25
low shortening 30 bodies 8 radiography 451
maximal unloaded peak 102 characteristics 482 Yaw 464
maximum shortening 30, 38, 39, compliant beam 463 Young's modulus 384,454
43 components 74, 78 Z-disks, see Disks
maximum trunk 427,429 contact point 524
non-maximal shortening 33 force 525
normalized contraction 33, 34 model 8
normalized half-sarcomere sliding natural 525
34 sufficient for stability 525
of shortening 151, 158 normal force 524

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