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Legal Words

1. Ab initio – from the beginning – contracts with minors are void ab initio

VAT has become void after GST, also GST has loopholes ab initio

AAP MLAs contend that Election Commissioner’s decision is void ab initio.

Triple Talaq – Many petitions for it were void ab initio.

2. Actus reus - guilty act [also an omission] – Falder’s actus reus was forging the cheque.

Three were booked for omission of performing their duty to make people metal free,

resultantly a person was died due to

Triple Talaq- it makes the utterance of triple talaq an actus reus

3. Ad valorem- according to value –.

Court fee in civil suit. Property tax. Import duty on foreign products. Home loan

4. Ad litem –for the case/suit/litigation –Amicus Curiae. Appointment of judges in ICJ.

5. Ad idem- meeting of mind/of the same mind – the board of directors in apple came to

the consensus ad idem that the best option for the company was to throw out Steve

Jobs. Arbitration, Arthur T Vanderbilt, Coming to same mind by pre-trial. Pakistan

and India will never be at idem.

6. Amende honourable [French]- satisfactory apology – after his attempt to commit

regicide [killing of king], the assassin was made to give an amende honourable.

Canada PM. Defamation cases

7. Audi alteram partem- hear the other side – it is the responsibility of a judge to audi

alteram partem. Maneka Gandhi. Jay amit shah case, wherein injunction order was

passes that no media can publish any info on this matter. 20 AAP

8. Animus possidendi- intention to possess – under the NDPS Act, a person will be held

guilty for possession of a contraband substance if he has animus possidendi. Cross

border dispute-
9. Animus deserendi- intention to dessert – Ruth Honeywell, Armed forces, woman

living separately do not have animus deserendi but if man is living separately he do

have the intention.

10. Animus furandi- intention to steal– In order to constitute a crime of larceny, the thief

must take the property animus furandi. IPR , copyrights, piracy, Lalu Prasad Yadav

11. Ambiguitas latens – a hidden ambiguity– prima facie, the crime scene seemed normal,
but the evidence presented ambiguous latens. Death of Subhash Chandra Bose. Sheena
Bora Murder case regarding the role of Peter Mukherjee
12. Ambiguitas patens- a patent ambiguity – A request for arbitration, if characterized by

ambigouos patens, then the arbitral award rendered pursuant to the arbitration

proceddings supposedly commenced by way of the initiating document can be set

aside under the New York convention. Aarush Talwara murder case, who came in n8,

wi-fi on/off Mix-up in laboratory. Jaylalita case3

13. Compos mentis- of composed mind – for a contract to be valid, both parties should be

of compos mentis.

14. Non – compos mentis- not of composed mind – a defense of non – compos mentis, if

successfully raised can waive guilt; Falder pleaded non-copos mentis for his crime of


15. Cestui que trust – beneficiary of trust– The public is cestui que trust of the Nani A.

Palkhivala Memorial Trust.

16. Causa remota – remote cause– in a contract for marine insurance, damages are insured

for causa proxima and not causa remota.

17. Causa proxima- proximate/immediate cause – As above. Hookah in Mumbai bar. The

negligence of people in that machine case

18. Causa causans – cause of a cause– Demonetisation is the causa causans of the

economic turmoil in the country.

19. Causa sine qua non – cause without which not – the causa sine qua non for the French

revolution was the storming of the Bastille

20. De bonis de administratis – of goods not administered - Vijay malya’s property ,

Dahud ibrahim’s property

21. De jure- by way of law – China is a de jure democracy, Boundary b/w india and

Pakistan. Manmohan was de jure head of govt.

22. De novo- begin anew – in the lights of the new evidence which surfaced the trial began

de novo. S.377. Nepal after earthquake

23. Ducas tecum – bring the goods with penalty

Subpoena duces tecum subpoena ad testifecum

24. Doli incapax – incapable of commission of crime– according to sec. 82 of the IPC a

minor below the age of 7 is doli incapax.

25. Doli Capax – capable of committing a crime. 0

26. Ex gratia – by favour–

A. NTPC gave a payment

27. Ex officio – by reason of office– vice president is the ex officio chairman of the Rajya


28. Ex parte – with respect to or in the interests of one side only or of an interested outside

party– Adjudication of disputes ex parte is against the principles of natural justice.

29. Ex post facto – from after the fact – the constitution has prohibited the parliament

from enacting laws with ex post fact effect.

30. Ex curia – out of court – Alternative dispute resolution is an ex curia solution to


31. Expatriation – from the fatherland – Edward Snowden was expatriated after the

whistleblowing incident.
32. Extradition ––. Malya and lalit Modi

33. Factum probandum – proposition (what has to be proved) – Factum Probandum

doesn’t always justify the factum probans.

34. Factum Probans – evidence, 2g spectrum case, Aarushi Murder case

35. In forma pauperis – in the form of a pauper/beggar – In forma pauperis in normally

granted only in a criminal law trial.

36. Functus officio [person, office]/res judicata[matter] – having performed his duty– Ad

hoc committees of parliament become functus officio after discharging their duty.


37. Felo de si – a felony to himself– In medieval England, the property of one guilty of

Felo de si was confiscated. Suicide S, 309 IPC

38. In Camera – in the chambers– The press demanded that the Nirbhaya case be held in

curia, but it was held in camera. Salman khan’ case

39. In curio – in open court

 Rectus in curia- proved right in court. A Raja of 2g case. Modi in 2002 case.

South china sea dispute. Shreya singhal 66A of IT act

40. In loco parentis/guardian ad litem – instead of parents– Previously, NLUJ required you

to have a local guardian in loco parentis.

41. Intra vires – within the jurisdiction– it is intra vires for a district court to try cases up to


42. Ultra vires – outside the jurisdiction– it is ultra vires for a district court to try cases

over 20,00,000

 Pecuniary jurisdiction- related to money

 Territorial J. – a) in rem- where the property is located

b) in personam- where the person is located

 Subject matter – civil, criminal

 Appellate J.- high court

43. In toto – in totality– the BCCI is to implement the Lodha committees order in toto.

JS verma committee, 7th pay commissio, padmavat related orders of SC were not

implemented in toto

44. Intestate – to die without a will– Abraham Lincoln died intestate. Jaylalita





45. Inter vivos – among living things– A marriage contract is inter vivos.

46. In articulo mortis – dying declaration– Nirbhaya’s testimony was in articulo mortis.

47. Inter alia – among other things– Nusli Wadia is suing Ratan Tata for defamation inter


48. Ipso Facto – by way of fact– Leaving a knife inside the patients stomache, ipso facto

shows the doctors negligience.

49. Lex loci – law of the land– Demonetization of the 500 and 1000 notes is the lex loci of


50. Lex fori – law of the court– CPC, inter alia, prescribes the lex fori in India

51. Locus in quo – the place at which – The locus in quo the murder happened was

cordoned of by the police

52. Locus Standi – where one stands/The right or capacity to bring an action or to appear

in a court. – PIL’s do not require a locus standi. Cyrus mistri-was not having the locus

standi to go in Company law tribunal

53. Male dictum – bad word– Karunanidhi in an effort to win the elections resorted to

male dictum against Jayalalitha.

54. Mala praxis - malpractice– booth capturing is a sign of mala praxis by the politicians.

55. Malo animo – evil intent– James How felt that Falder’s act of forgery was done malo

animo, but he pleaded that it was done with no mala fide intentions. Mala animo is a

pre stage but mens rea is post stage.

56. Mala fide – bad faith– As above

57. Modus Operandi – mode of operation- Jack the Ripper’s modus operandi was to

murder prostitutes.

58. Modus vivendi – manner of living -

59. Moratorium – a delay or postponement in the fulfilment of a legal obligation – After

demonetization, a moratorium was declared on EMI’s.

If India goes out for a policy of one nation one election there will be moratorium

imposed in this regard.

60. Mutatis Mutandis – the necessary changes having been made/to change to change–

when strict liability was adopted in India, it was mutatis mutandis to absolute liability.

61. Malfeasance – do a wrongful act– In the aftermath of Overgefell v. Hodges, Kim

Davis’ refusal to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples was held as


62. Non culpabilis – plea of not guilty– O. J. Simpson pleaded non culpabilis in his trial.

63. Onus Probandi – burden of proof–.

64. In medias Res – In the middle of action – In the Jessica Lal case, the witness turned

hostile in medias res.

65. Pacta sunt servanda – Pacts must be respected – Contracts are formed on the basis of

pacta sunt servanda.

66. Post-mortem aucteris – After the death of the author – Copyright laws in india protect

the authors work 60 years post mortem aucteris; Mario Puzo’s book Omerta was

published post mortem aucteris.

67. Parequal dilectum – Equal fault – Compensation in a civil suit cannot be granted if both

parties are at par dilectum.

68. Pariequal Passu – On equal terms – The seat in an arbitration conflict is in a place where

both parties are pari pasu.

After declaration of bankruptcy payment to creditors was made pari passu.

69. Per annum(year)/ per diem(day)/ Per capita(head) – Every year – the highest salary

received by a NLUJ student is 21 lakhs per annum.

70. Per pro(curationem) - On behalf of – The surety clears the debts per pro of the

principle debtor according to Sec. 126 of the ICA, 1872.

71. Propia persona- the person himself.

72. Patrimony – Inherited from the father – Saif Ali Khan received the title of Nawab of

Pataudi as patrimony from his father.

 Alimony- maintenance money (25% of one’s office/income)

73. Patricide – Killing of one’s father – Nathuram Godse act of killing Mahatma Gandhi

amounts to patricide. Prince deependra of Nepal killed his 9 family members

74. Parricide – Killing of elders – The death of Bhishma amounted to parricide by Arjuna.

75. Matricide – Killing of one’s mother – Roman emperor Nero committed matricide.

A man in Bangalore had threw his ailing mother from roof.

76. Filicide – killing of child/siblings – TN Lakshmana committed filicide by throwing his

son down a waterfall.

77. Fratricide – Killing of one’s brother/co-worker –

78. Sororicide – Killing of one’s sister - Cleopatra requested the sororicide of her sister

which was carried out by Mark Anthony.

79. Regicide – Killing of one’s King – In Bhutan, Prince Dipendra committed regicide

against his King and father Birendra.

80. Deicide – Killing of a deity – The death of Jesus Christ is considered as Deicide.

81. Prima Facie – On first glance – Prima facie, the facts pointed towards a suicide but it

was eventually seen to be a murder. Jhumla

Res ipsa loquitor- self-evident

82. Pro Tempore/ ad hoc – Temporary(tenure)/ for a purpose – Ad hoc committees of the

parliament become functus officio after discharging their duty.

83. Persona non grata/ Persona grata – Unacceptable person/ Acceptable person –

Apartheid is based on the division between persona grata and persona non grata.

84. Plebiscite – Voting for vital issues – David Cameroon expected the results of the

plebiscite to be against Brexit.

85. Referendum – Voting for particular laws or statutes – A referendum was held in

Greece on whether to accept the bailout conditions laid down by the Troika.

86. Publici juris – Right to all – Universal adult franchise is publica juris. Trademark

5-bhai, bhai Can’t be trademarked as it’s a very general term.

London Dairy v London Derry -2016 case – Trademark protection can’t be given.

Mucosalnan v Mucosluin – Medicine-

87. Quid pro quo – something for something – The barter system is based on quid pro quo.

Akhilesh and Rahul In UP elections. Crony capitalism… Cartels …. G7 …. income

declaration scheme

Ex parte With the respect to or

in interests of one

Ex post facto From after the fact

De bonis non Of goods not

administratis administered

Cestui que trust Beneficiary of trust

Ambiguitas A hidden ambiguity


Ambiguitas A patent ambiguity


Animus Intention to possess


Animus Intention to desert


Amende Satisfactory apology


Ad litem For the case/ suit/


Ad colligenda To collect the goods


Locus in quo Place in which and

place at which

Malo animo Evil intent (mostly in

cases of forgery)

Par delictum Equal fault on both


Palimony Maintenance money

given to live-in
partner after

Patrimony Inheritance from


Persona grata/ An acceptable

Persona non person/ An
grata unacceptable person

Pro bono publica For public work

Per On behalf of another


Propria persona Done for person


Post-mortem After the death of the

aucteris author

Pacta sunt Pacts must be

servanda respected

Non culpabilis Plea of not guilty

Mutatis With necessary

Mutandis changes in detail

Moratorium Delay/postponement
in fulfilment of a
legal obligation.

Functus officio/ having performed his

[person, office]/ duty*

Felo de se A felony to himself

Factum Proposition (what has

probandum to be proved) End
Factum probans Evidence through
which it is proved

Ex parte With the respect to or

in interests of one

Ex post facto From after the fact

De bonis non Of goods not

administratis administered

Cestui que trust Beneficiary of trust

88. Raison de’itre – Reason for being – The Raison de’itre for Fundamental rights is to

preserve the freedom and dignity of all citizens. UN is present to maintain peace and

harmony in world among nations.

89. Stare Decisis – Let the decision stand/to stand by decision – In Gajanan Lande v.

Sanjay Dhotre, it was held to stare decisis. Art 141 And 142. Horizontal and vertical.

Bacchan singh v state of Punjab. 11 Judges said that they have a per incuriam decision

90. Res Judicata – A matter already adjudged – Double jeopardy goes against the doctrine

of Res Judicata. S.11 of CPC – matter decided need not be reopened


91. Res Privatae – Things private – The proceedings of cases held in camera are res


92. Res Publica – Things Public – The proceedings of cases held in curia are res publica.

93. Res Gestae - the events, circumstances, remarks, etc. which relate to a particular case,

especially as constituting admissible evidence in a court of law – Eye witness accounts

are taken as Res Gestae.

94. Cy pres – So near/ as close as possible – OJ Simpson was Cy pres to being acquitted

of all charges but was held tortuously liable.

95. En banc – Full bench – Kailash Sharma v. State of Rajasthan was an En Banc case.

96. Escheat – reversion of unclaimed property to the state – In medieval times, a person

guilty of Felo de si, his heirs were escheated.

97. Estoppel – Once a legal position is taken, then you cannot move away from it -

Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd is a case of promissory


98. Recusal – refusal of the judge to hear a trial for particular reasons – If a judge feels he

has some personal interest in a case, then he should recuse himself.

99. Nolo Contendere - a plea by which a defendant in a criminal prosecution accepts

conviction but does not plead or admit guilt – In Halbert v. Michigan, the defendant

pleaded Nolo Contendere.

100. Repeal – Removal or reversal of law – Sections 76-123 of the ICA have been

repealed by the Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

101. Solatium ex gratia - compensation - After the loss of MH370, the Malaysian

government provided solatium ex gratia to the families of those missing.

102. Sunset provisions – Each law, provision or statute that have an expiry – Reservation

laws were released with a sunset provision of 10 years initially.

103. Hereditament – Anything that can be inherited - An example of a corporeal

hereditament is land held in freehold.

104. Mandate – A command or order; it can be judicial, theological, electoral and

international – A fatwah is an example of a theological mandate.


1. Fait accompli An accomplished fact It is fait accompli that Keshavnanda Bharti
propounded the basic structure doctrine.

2. In Camera & In In the chambers/ In The press demanded that the Nirbhaya case
curio open court be held in curio, but it was held in camera.

3. In personam Against a person Disputes arising out of breach of contracts

are usually in personam.

Hritik and Kangana’s dispute was in


4. In rem Against the world Rights associated with property are rights in

Tort law provides protection from wrongs in


5. Intra vires Within the jurisdiction It is intra vires for a district court to try cases
up to 20,00,000

6. Inter-alia Among other tings Jaitley’s speech, inter-alia, talked about

farmers’ growing issues.

7. Inter-alios Among other people Anna Hazare, inter-alios, was accused of

having political ambitions

8. Ipso facto By the fact itself Travel and transaction are ipso facto
impossible without Aadhar.

The servant being in the room ipso facto

proved that he was the murderer

Not standing in the National Anthem in the

cinema halls ipso facto brands you as anti-

9. De facto By way of fact Sonia Gandhi was the de facto head of govt.

LOC is de facto boundary b/w India &


10. Lex loci Law of the land In a contract, lex loci gives the construction,
and lex fori its execution.

There is no lex loci in personal law.

Lex loci of J&K is different from the rest of


Italian marines were adjudicated by the lex

loci of India.

11. Lex fori The law of the forum The ICJ has its lex fori

CPC, inter-alia, prescribes the lex fori in


12. Lex arbitri Law of the arbitration The arbitration parties search the lex arbitri
forum to see that nothing is in their detriment.

13. Locus (refers to The place where one U.S. had no locus standi of intervening in
place) standi stands/ The ability to Iraq and Afghanistan.
show sufficient
Cyrus P. Mistry’s petition was rejected
connection to prove
because of a lack of a locus standi.
litigation coming to

14. Locus in quo Place in which and Birla House was the locus in quo for the
place at which assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

The locus in quo for Operation Bluestar was

Golden Temple, Amritsar

15. Male dictum Bad Word The use of male dicta to garner political
victory is commonplace in India
Means: Abuse, insults,
allegations The usage of male dicta by Mani Shankar
Aiyar was the turnaround moment in the
Gujarat elections.

16. Male praxis Malpractice PWC accountants are regular in using mala
praxis to alter the accounts of big

Booth capturing is mala praxis in

contemporary Indian politics

Insider Trading is a mala praxis

1. Wilful- Doctor not taking care of the

patients. All of the hospital cases

which state against the

2. Negligence- Not seeing what he’s

allergic to a medicine.

3. Ignorant- The doctors with 2 years’

experience becoming approved by

the government

17. Malo animo Evil intent (mostly in Falder had malo animo of committing the
cases of forgery) forgery in the office.

The thief entered the house with a malo

animo to loot the vault

Difference between malo animo and mens

rea- One is a post crime thing and the other
an intent before the act.

18. Mala Fide In bad faith

19. Bona Fide In good faith

20. Modus operandi Method of operation Jack the Ripper’s modus operandi in killing
a victim always included a month of

E-mail is the modus operandi of

communication in NLUJ.

21. Modus vivendi Way of living/ Agree In India, the three language settlement was a
to disagree/ Temporary modus vivendi during the language dispute.
settlement of a dispute
For the Cauvery Water Dispute, the modus
vivendi was agreed upon by all 3 states and

22. Ab Initio From the beginning

23. Actus Reus Guilty Act (Also

includes omission)

24. Ad colligenda To collect the goods ( Any unattended goods in an airport will be
bona ad colligenda bona by the airport authorities

25. Ad valorem According to value GST is levied ad valorem on the sale of


Court fee in civil suit is ad valorem

Import duty on foreign products is ad


26. Ad litem For the case/ suit/ In Scottish law, curator ad litem (appointed
litigation by a court to represent, during legal
proceedings, the best interests of a person
who lacks the mental capacity to make
decisions for themselves) is equal to
guardian ad litem in Indian law.

Harish Salve was appointed as the advocate

ad litem in Kulbhushan Jadhav case.

27. Ad idem Meeting of mind/ of The board of directors in apple came to the
the same mind consensus ad idem that the best option for
the company was to throw out Steve Jobs.

Pakistan and India will never be ad idem.

28. Amende Satisfactory apology Michel Foucalt

(Amend- Pakistan military issued an amende
honourable to the Indian PM for violation of
cease fire at Uri.

29. Audi alteram Hear the other side Principle of audi alteram partem was
partem violated in Maneka Gandhi.
EC did not adhere to the principle of audi
alteram partem when they dismissed AAP

30. Animus deserendi Intention to desert Professor Damle always had animus
deserendi towards Benare .

RAW has a policy of animus deserendi to

any agent who is compromised.

31. Animus Intention to possess Under the NDPS Act, a person will be held
posidedndi guilty for possession of a contraband
substance irrespective of animus possidendi

32. Animus furandi Intention to steal In order to constitute a crime of theft, the
thief must take the property animus furandi.

In Intellectual Property, animus furandi is


33. Ambiguitas A patent ambiguity A request for arbitration, if characterized by

patens ambiguitas patens, then the arbitral award
rendered pursuant to the arbitral proceedings
can be set aside by the New York

34. Ambiguitas latens A hidden ambiguity Prima facie, the crime scene seemed normal
but the evidence presented ambiguitas latens

35. Compos mentis Of composed mind For a contract to be valid, both parties
should be compos mentis.

36. Non–compos Not of composed mind Falder pleaded non-compos mentis for his
mentis crime of forgery.

A defense of non-compos mentis, if

successfully raised can waive guilt.

37. Cestui que trust Beneficiary of trust The public is cestui que trust of the Nani A.
Palkhivala Memorial Trust.

Mostly used in case of a minor so they can

get the benefit of the trust till they attain the
age of majority.

38. Causa remota Remote cause In a contract for marine insurance, damages
are insured for causa proxima and not causa

39. Causa proxima Proximate/ immediate In a contract for marine insurance, damages
cause are insured for causa proxima and not causa

40. Causa causans Cause of the cause Demonetisation is the causa causans of the
economic turmoil in the country.

41. Causa sine qua cause without which The causa sine qua non for the French
non not revolution was the storming of the Bastille.

42. De bonis non Of goods not The owner of de bonis non administrates
administratis administered goods is the government.

43. De jure By way of law Manmohan was the de jure head of govt.

44. De novo Begin anew In light of new evidence, trial began de novo
regarding S.377.

De facto By way of fact Sonia Gandhi was the de facto head of govt
during the UPA regime.

LOC is de facto boundary b/w India &


45. Doli capax Capable of committing Under IPC, a minor in the age group of 7 to
a crime. 12 years is doli capax if he is aware of the
nature of the crime.

46. Doli incapax Incapable of According to S.82 of IPC, a minor below the
committing a crime. age of 7 is doli incapax.

47. Ex gratia By favour After the loss of MH370, the Malaysian

government released ex gratia compensation
to the families of those missing.
48. Ex officio By reason of office Vice President is the ex officio chairman of
the Rajya Sabha.

49. Ex parte With the respect to or Adjudication of disputes ex parte is against

in interests of one the principles of natural justice.

50. Ex post facto From after the fact The constitution has prohibited the
parliament from enacting laws with ex post
fact effect.

51. Ex curia Out of court Alternative dispute resolution is an ex curia

solution to lawsuits.

52. Extradition Handing over India and Bangladesh had an extradition

treaty for Anup Chetia.

53. Expatriation From the fatherland Edward Snowden was expatriated after the
whistleblowing incident.

54. Factum Proposition (what has Gandhi had said that factum probans is more
probandum to be proved) End important than factum probandum.

55. Factum probans Evidence through Gandhi had said that factum probans is more
which it is proved important than factum probandum.
Arushi Talvar case- there was lack of factum
probans to prove the factum probandum.

56. In forma pauperis In the form of a Order 33 and 34 of CPC empower the courts
pauper/ beggar to let indigent people appear with a counsel
as in forma pauperis.

57. Functus officio/ having performed his Ad hoc committees of parliament become
[person, office]/ duty functus officio after discharging their duty.

58. In toto In totality BCCI is to implement the Lodha Committee

recommendations in toto.

59. Intestate Die without a will. Abraham Lincoln died intestate.

60. Moratorium Delay/postponement in After demonetization, a moratorium was
fulfilment of a legal declared on EMI’s.
J.P. Greens was Demanding a moratorium in
payment of EMIs.

61. Mutatis Mutandis With necessary Judges take precedents mutatis mutandis
changes in detail
State Human Rights Commission adopts
guidelines the principles of NHRC via
mutatis mutantis.

62. Malfeasance Active degree of Lalu Prasad Yadav’s fodder scam was
wrongdoing malfeasance.

GST Commissioner taking bribe is


Amit Shah has been accused of committing


63. Misfeasance Doing something Justice Mishra was accused of committing

under your charge but misfeasance while allotting roster of judges
not doing it as it to the SC.
should be done

64. Non-feasance Not doing the needful Fire brigade not going to a fire.

In the Godhara Kand, acts of government

acting like that is a non-fesance

65. Non culpabilis Plea of not guilty O. J. Simpson pleaded non culpabilis in his

66. Pacta sunt Pacts must be Contracts are formed on the basis of pacta
servanda respected sunt servanda.

Treaty of Versailles wasn’t following the

principle of PSS.

67. Pari Passu On equal terms Creditors on equal footing after bankruptcy
of the debtor.
68. Propria persona Done for person When testimony is required, you’ve to be
himself present propria persona.

Gandhi was present in all his cases propria


69. Per pro On behalf of another Marie Antoinette got married to Louis XVI
per pro and not propria personam

70. Fratricide Killing of sibling Ashoka, Aurangzeb committed fratricide to

get the throne.

Fragging (Coined in Vietnam war)- Killing

of brother-in-arms or a co-worker. It
happens due to resentment/ anger.

Before the foundation of Rome, Romulus

committed fratricide against Remus.

71. Mariticide Killing of one’s The Black Widows of Liverpool were hung
husband for committing mariticde

Killing of her husband by Mrs. Wright in

Jury of Her Peers is an example of

72. Matricide Killing of mother In Bangalore, a son committed matricide

which was a brutal case and shook the entire

73. Tyrannicide Killing of a tyrant Killing of Benito Mussoloni is an example

of trannicide.

Robespierre faced tyrannicide in the same

way he had guillotined thousands of people.

74. Deicide Killing of a deity Krishna being shot by arrow is an example

of deicide in Indian mythology.

75. Parricide Killing of an elder

76. Patricide Killing of father Akhilesh Yadav committed political

fratricide in the last UP elections.

77. Sororicide Killing of sister Khap Panchayats order honor killings which
are brutal cases of sororicide

78. Genocide Mass killing/ Killing The genocide in Germany during WWII was
of a race/ ethnicity the worst genocide the world has ever

79. Pro bono publica For public work Salman Khan’s Being human foundation
was set up pro bono publica

80. Plebiscite Voting for vital issues Direct voting systems – Introduced by
Napoleon- Issue of annexation, sovereignty,
constitution- Issues of Nation good.

NW Frontier Province- underwent a

plebiscite – Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan had
boycotted the plebiscite.

The call for plebiscite in Kashmir has

always been denied by India.

81. Referendum Voting for particular Scottish referendum to severe ties with UK
laws or statutes and they voted in favour of remaining in the

82. Persona grata/ An acceptable person/ When diplomat caught trafficking drugs,
Persona non An unacceptable Devyani Khorbragade was declared persona
grata person non grata recently

Vikas Swarup Q&A- Ram Mohd. Thomas

was in employment of an Australian
diplomat who was a persona non grata.

Modi was a persona non grata in the US

from 2002 till 2014

Person whose extradition is sought v.

Persona non grata- VIajaya Malya is not a
persona non grata
83. Res ipsa loquitur Things speak for Servant washing blood-stained clothes is res
themselves ipsa loquitur of the murder being committed
by him.

Voting based on associations rather than

independent thinking shows the failure of
democracy res ipsa loquitur.

84. Patrimony Inheritance from father Indira Gandhi received the Congress throne
as patrimony.

85. Alimony- Maintenance money Earlier, only given from husband to wife.
given from one spouse There can’t be a legal tender. NRI husbands
to another. running away promising alimony.

86. Palimony Maintenance money

given to live-in partner
after separating

87. Par delictum Equal fault on both Mostly used when court denies relief to one
sides party.

88. Prima facie – On the face of it/ First Jai Amit Shah’s article in The Wire was
appearance. prima facie defamatory but was based on
strong legal premise

89. Pro tempor/ ad For the time being - Pro tem speaker helps in the appointing of
hoc Tenure/ Temporary but the ministers of the State
for a purpose- Nature
Ad hoc appointments of paramedical staff –
When on ad hoc – you’ve no rights.

90. Per annum/ Per Per year/ Per day/ Per Interest rate on loans/ MGNREGA/ GDP
diem/ per capita heads.

91. Pro bono For public good/ of Modicare is a pro bono measure by which
public good. 10 cr. people get a 5 lakh benefit per year.


Legal Aid, etc

Welfare state supposed to work for the

welfare of people.



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