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XCOM 2 Console Commands

Table of Contents
Version 1.3

Version history 5
Includes the commands from the DLC’s:
- Shen’s Gift Version 1.3 5
- Alien Hunters Version 1.2 5
- War of the Chosen Version 1.1 5
- War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack Version 1.0 5

Introduction 6

Warning 6

Note 6

Getting started 7
Steam 7
Windows (Non-Steam) 7
Opening the console 8
Enable command execution 8

Commands 9
Avenger 9
AddItem (ItemName, Amount) 9
Example(s) 9
Resources (vanilla) 9
Weapons (vanilla) 10
Heavy weapons (vanilla) 11
Grenades (vanilla) 11
Rounds (vanilla) 12
Vests (vanilla) 12
Armor (vanilla) 12
Utility (vanilla) 13
Corpse (vanilla) 14
Weapon upgrade (vanilla) 15
Personal Combat Sim (PCS) (vanilla) 16
Grenades (Alien Hunters) 18
Armor (Alien Hunters) 18
Corpse (Alien Hunters) 19
Resources (War of the Chosen) 20
Weapons (War of the Chosen) 20
Armor (War of the Chosen) 21 BondSoldiers (SoldierName, SoldierName, Bonded) 36
Utility (War of the Chosen) 21 Example(s) 36
Corpse (War of the Chosen) 21 RemoveFortressDoom (Amount) 36
Weapons (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack) 22 Example(s) 36
Weapons (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack) 23 LevelUpBarracks (Amount) 36
GiveTech (Research) 24 Example(s) 36
Example(s) 24 Others 36
Mission (vanilla) 24 Mission 36
Armor (vanilla) 24 GiveHackReward (Hack) 37
Autopsy (vanilla) 25 Hack rewards (vanilla) 37
Proving grounds (vanilla) 26 Hack rewards (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack) 40
Weaponry (vanilla) 27 GiveActionPoints (Amount) 41
Mission (Shen’s Last Gift) 27 Example(s) 41
Proving grounds (Shen’s Last Gift) 27 Other 41
Autopsy (Alien Hunters) 27
Credits 41
Weaponry (Alien Hunters) 28
Autopsy (War of the Chosen) 28
MakeSoldierAClass (Class, SoldierName) 29
Example(s) 29
Classes (vanilla) 29
Classes (Shen’s Last Gift) 29
Classes (War of the Chosen) 29
GiveFacility (Facility, Position) 30
Example(s) 30
Positions 30
Facilities (vanilla) 30
GiveResources (Resource, Amount) 31
Example(s) 31
Resources (vanilla) 31
Resources (War of the Chosen) 31
Example(s) 32
Resources (vanilla) 32
GiveScientist (Amount) 33
Example(s) 33
GiveEngineer (Amount) 33
Example(s) 33
SetSoldierStat (Stat, Amount, SoldierName) (BaseStat) 34
Example(s) 34
Stats (vanilla) 34
Version history Introduction
This document contains information about the console commands in XCOM 2. It’s more or less
Version 1.3 a collection of commands and values found online on many websites, and all are tested by me
to confirm that they work. It might not include all values and commands available online, so I
- Added continent bonus encourage you to search online for more information about the command and/or values.
- Added hacking bonus (stub, untested)
- Added missing Shen’s Last Gift items
Version 1.2 Using commands does NOT disable achievements (for those who use a legal version of the
- Changed document layout game), and may also cause hangs, crashes, and unexpected behaviour ingame. It is cannot
- Changed document styling guaranteed that the behaviour is the same when mods (such as Long War) are enabled. Use at
- Reworked the Getting Started chapter your own risk. And yes, this document contains spoilers (obviously).
- Added missing vanilla items
- Added missing War of the Chosen items
- Added missing Alien Hunters research Note
- Added more notes to the GiveResearch
This list is incomplete and will be updated over time. Feel free to let me know what’s missing or
- Added War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack items (stub, untested)
if a command isn’t working for you!
- Added mission commands
The place for discussion:
Version 1.1
- Added GiveFacility
- Added SetSoldierStat

Version 1.0
- Initial version
Opening the console
Getting started
After you made sure you added the command to the launch options correctly, launch the game
and start a new game / load an existing one. If you’re new to this, I highly recommend you to
Steam start a new game so you got a sandbox to mess in. Otherwise, you’ll run at the risk of ruining
your existing save.

Once your game is loaded, you can now open the console. To do this, press the ‘~’ key
(QWERTY). You’ll now see a screen similar to this:

There isn’t much more to it than adding the ‘-allowconsole’ command to the launch options.

Windows (Non-Steam)

To get the console to the bottom of the screen, press ‘\’ (QWERTY) while the console isn’t open.
To close the console, press the key you opened it with (either ‘~’ or ‘\’).

You can copy-paste commands by using the default key shortcuts (ctrl-c, ctrl-v). To execute a
command, press ‘RETURN’ (aka your enter key).

Enable command execution

Since we want to do some funky stuff with the console, we need to enable our save to allow
In the target field, add the ‘allowconsole’ command. this. The EnableCheats command will do this for us. Enter the command and execute it to get
The result should look similar to this:
"c:\path\to\xcom2\Binaries\Win64\Launcher\ModLauncherWPF.exe" -allowconsole
Weapons (vanilla)
ItemName InGame Name
This is a list of commands that have been tested and are confirmed to work.
AssaultRifle_MG Magnetic Rifle

Avenger AssaultRifle_BM Plasma Rifle

These command only work when used within the avenger. Cannon_MG Mag Cannon

Cannon_BM Beam Cannon

AddItem (ItemName, Amount)
This has by far the biggest list of values. This gives or removes the specified item a Gremlin_MG GREMLIN Mark II
specified amount of times. You can remove items by using a negative value (-) for Amount.
The console doesn’t give an error when using an incorrect value. You might need to switch
between screens (from armory to Geoscape and back for example) to see the changes. Pistol_MG Mag Pistol

Example(s) Pistol_BM Beam Pistol

AddItem Supplies 100 Receive 100 supplies PsiAmp_MG Advanced Psi Amp

AddItem Supplies -100 Remove 100 supplies PsiAmp_BM Alien Psi Amp

Shotgun_MG Shard Shotgun

Resources (vanilla) Shotgun_BM Storm Shotgun

SniperRifle_MG Gauss Rifle

ItemName InGame Name
SniperRifle_BM Plasma Lance
AlienAlloy Alien Alloys
Sword_MG Arc Blade
EleriumCore Elerium Core
Sword_BM Fusion Blade
EleriumDust Elerium Crystals
GrenadeLauncher_MG Advanced Grenade Launcher
Intel Intel

Supplies Supplies
Heavy weapons (vanilla) Rounds (vanilla)

ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name

BlasterLauncher Blaster Launcher ApRounds AP Rounds

Flamethrower Flamethrower BluescreenRounds Bluescreen Rounds

FlamethrowerMk2 Hellfire Porjector IncendiaryRounds Dragon Rounds

PlasmaBlaster Plasma Blaster TalonRounds Talon Rounds

ShredderGun Shredder Gun TracerRounds Tracer Rounds

ShredstormCannon Shredstorm Cannon VenomRounds Venom Rounds

Grenades (vanilla) Vests (vanilla)

ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name

AlienGrenade Plasma Grenade HazmatVest Hazmat Vest

AcidGrenade Acid Grenade Hellweave Hellweave

AcidGrenadeMk2 Acid Bomb NanoFibreVest Nanoscale Vest

EMPGrenade EMP Grenade PlatedVest Plated Vest

EMPGrenadeMk2 EMP Bomb StasisVest Stasis Vest

Firebomb Incendiary Grenade

FirebombMk2 Incendiary Bomb Armor (vanilla)

FlashbangGrenade Flashbang Grenade ItemName InGame Name

GasGrenade Gas Grenade HeavyPlatedArmor EXO Suit

GasGrenadeMk2 Gas Bomb LightPlatedArmor Spider Suit

ProximityMine Proximity Mine MediumPlatedArmor Predator Armor

SmokeGrenade Smoke Grenade HeavyPoweredArmor W.A.R. Suit

SmokeGrenadeMk2 Smoke Bomb LightPoweredArmor Wraith Suit

MediumPoweredArmor Warden Armor

Utility (vanilla) Corpse (vanilla)

ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name

BattleScanner Battle Scanner CorpseAdventMEC Advent MEC Wreck

CombatStims Overdrive Serum CorpseAdventOfficer Advent Officer Corpse

Medikit Medikit CorpseAdventPsiWitch Avatar Corpse

MindShield Mind Shield CorpseAdventShieldbearer Advent Shieldbearer Corpse

MimicBeacon Mimic Beacon CorpseAdventStunLancer Advent Stun Lancer Corpse

NanoMedikit Nanomedikit CorpseAdventTrooper Advent Trooper Corpse

Skulljack Skulljack CorpseAdventTurret Advent Turret Wreck

CorpseAndromedon Andromedon Corpse

CorpseArchon Archon Corpse

CorpseBerserker Berserker Corpse

CorpseChryssalid Chryssalid Corpse

CorpseCyberus Codex Brain

CorpseFaceless Faceless Corpse

CorpseGatekeeper Gatekeeper Corpse

CorpseMuton Muton Corpse

CorpseSectoid Sectoid Corpse

CorpseSectopod Sectopod Corpse

CorpseViper Viper Corpse

Weapon upgrade (vanilla) Personal Combat Sim (PCS) (vanilla)
ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name
AimUpgrade_adv Advanced Scope CommonPCSAgility Agility
AimUpgrade_bsc Scope CommonPCSConditioning Conditioning
AimUpgrade_sup Superior Scope CommonPCSFocus Focus
ClipsizeUpgrade_adv Advanced Expanded Magazine CommonPCSPerception Perception
ClipsizeUpgrade_bsc Expanded Magazine CommonPCSSpeed Speed
ClipsizeUpgrade_sup Superior Expanded Magazine EpicPCSAgility Epic Agility
CritUpgrade_adv Advanced Laser Sight EpicPCSConditioning Epic Conditioning
CritUpgrade_bsc Laser Sight EpicPCSFocus Epic Focus
CritUpgrade_sup Superior Laser Sight EpicPCSPerception Epic Perception
FreeFireUpgrade_adv Advanced Hair Trigger EpicPCSSpeed Epic Speed
FreeFireUpgrade_bsc Hair Trigger RarePCSAgility Advanced Agility
FreeFireUpgrade_sup Superior Hair Trigger RarePCSConditioning Advanced Conditioning
FreeKillUpgrade_adv Advanced Repeater RarePCSFocus Advanced Focus
FreeKillUpgrade_bsc Repeater RarePCSPerception Advanced Perception
FreeKillUpgrade_sup Superior Repeater RarePCSSpeed Advanced Speed
MissDamageUpgrade_adv Advanced Stock

MissDamageUpgrade_bsc Stock

MissDamageUpgrade_sup Superior Stock

ReloadUpgrade_adv Advanced Auto-Loader

ReloadUpgrade_bsc Auto-Loader

ReloadUpgrade_sup Superior Auto-Loader

Weapons (Shen’s Last Gift) Weapons (Alien Hunters)
ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name

SparkBit_CV SPARK BIT AlienHunterAxe_CV Hunter’s Axe

SparkBit_MG SPARK BIT Mark II AlienHunterAxe_MG Ionic Axe

SparkBit_BM SPARK BIT Mark III AlienHunterAxe_BM Fusion Axe

AlienHunterPistol_CV Shadowkeeper

AlienHunterPistol_MG Enhanced Shadowkeeper

AlienHunterPistol_BM Powered Shadowkeeper

AlienHunterRifle_CV Bolt Caster

AlienHunterRifle_MG Magnetic Bolt Caster

AlienHunterRifle_BM Powered Bolt Caster

Grenades (Alien Hunters)

ItemName InGame Name

Frostbomb Frost Bomb

Armor (Alien Hunters)

ItemName InGame Name

HeavyAlienArmor R.A.G.E. Suit

HeavyAlienArmorMk2 R.A.G.E. Armor

LightAlienArmor Serpent Suit

LightAlienArmorMk2 Serpent Armor

MediumAlienArmor Icarus Armor

MediumAlienArmorMk2 Icarus Armor (proving grounds upgrade)

Corpse (Alien Hunters) Resources (War of the Chosen)

ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name

CorpseArchonKing Archon King Corpse Abilitypoint Ability point (XCOM AP)

CorpseBerserkerQueen Berserker Queen Corpse

CorpseViperKing Viper King Corpse Weapons (War of the Chosen)

ItemName InGame Name

ChosenRifle_XCOM Disruptor Rifle

ChosenShotgun_XCOM Arashi

ChosenSniperPistol_XCOM Darkclaw

ChosenSniperRifle_XCOM Darklance

ChosenSword_XCOM Katana

Reaper_Claymore Claymore

VektorRifle_MG Temnotic Rifle

VektorRifle_BM Shadow Lance

Bullpup_MG Kal-15 Bullpup

Bullpup_BM Kal-90 Bullpup

WristBlade_MG Ionic Ripjack

WristBlade_BM Fusion Ripjack

ShardGauntlet_MG Tempest Gauntlets

ShardGauntlet_BM Celestial Gauntlets

Armor (War of the Chosen) Weapons (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack)
ItemName InGame Name ItemName InGame Name
PlatedReaperArmor Plated Reaper Armor TLE_AssaultRifle_CV Old-world Assault Rifle
PoweredReaperArmor Powered Reaper Armor
TLE_AssaultRifle_MG Improvised Magnetic Rifle
PlatedSkirmisherArmor Plated Skirmisher Armor
TLE_AssaultRifle_BM Prototype Plasma Rifle
PoweredSkirmisherArmor Powered Skirmisher Armor
TLE_Cannon_CV Light machine Gun
PlatedTemplarArmor Plated Templar Armor
TLE_Cannon_MG Magnetic Support Cannon
PoweredTemplarArmor Powered Templar Armor
TLE_Cannon_BM Energy Cannon

TLE_Pistol_CV Traditional Handgun

Utility (War of the Chosen)
TLE_Pistol_MG Rail Pistol
ItemName InGame Name
TLE_Pistol_BM Energy Pistol
RefractionField Refraction Field
TLE_SniperRifle_CV Marksman Rifle
SustainingSphere Sustaining Sphere
TLE_SniperRifle_MG Anti-Materiel Rifle
UltrasonicLure Ultrasonic Lure
TLE_SniperRifle_BM Energy AMR

TLE_Shotgun_CV Scattergun
Corpse (War of the Chosen)
TLE_Shotgun_MG Augmented Shotgun
ItemName InGame Name
TLE_Shotgun_BM Energy Sweeper
CorpseAdventPriest Advent Priest Corpse
TLE_Sword_CV Traditional Sword
CorpseAdventPurifier Advent Purifier Corpse
TLE_Sword_MG Experimental Blade
CorpseSpectre Spectre Corpse
TLE_Sword_BM Advanced Blade
CorpseTheLost The Lost Corpse
Weapons (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack) GiveTech (Research)
Completes specified research. For example, you could research plasma weapons early on,
ItemName InGame Name
provided that you researched the required research. The console doesn’t give an error when
RangerKevlarArmor Improvised Ranger Field Armor using an incorrect value. You might need to switch between screens (from armory to Geoscape
and back for example) to see the changes. The chance is very high that cinematics are NOT
RangerPlatedArmor Enhanced Ranger Field Armor triggered. Using the command a second time will result in a duplicate entry in the research
archives. Some research might not be visible until you completed the preceding research.
RangerPoweredArmor ...

SpecialistKevlarArmor Improvised Specialist Field Armor Example(s)

SpecialistPlatedArmor Enhanced Specialist Field Armor

GiveTech AutopsyViper Makes Viper Autopsy available for research*
* (you first need to do the Alien Biotech research before you can research it)
SpecialistPoweredArmor ...

GrenadierKevlarArmor Improvised Grenadier Field Armor

Mission (vanilla)
GrenadierPlatedArmor Enhanced Grenadier Field Armor
Research InGame Name
GrenadierPoweredArmor ... AutopsyAdventOfficer Advent Officer Autopsy
SharpshooterKevlarArmor Improvised Sharpshooter Field Armor AlienBiotech Alien Biotech

SharpshooterPlatedArmor Enhanced Sharpshooter Field Armor BlacksiteData Blacksite Vial

SharpshooterPoweredArmor ... CodexBrainPt1 Codex Brain

PsiOperativeKevlarArmor Improvised Psi Operative Field Armor CodexBrainPt2 Encrypted Codex Data

PsiOperativePlatedArmor Enhanced Psi Operative Field Armor Skulljack Skulljack

PsiOperativePoweredArmor ...

Armor (vanilla)

Research InGame Name

HybridMaterials Hybrid Materials

PlatedArmor Plated Armor

PoweredArmor Powered Armor

Autopsy (vanilla) Proving grounds (vanilla)

Research InGame Name Research InGame Name

AutopsyAdventMEC Advent MEC Breakdown AdvancedHeavyWeapons Experimental Powered Weapon

AutopsyAdventPsiWitch Avatar Autopsy AdvancedGrenades Advanced Grenades

AutopsyAdventShieldbearer Advent Shieldbearer Autopsy BattlefieldMedicine Battlefield Medicine

AutopsyAdventStunLancer Advent Stun Lancer Autopsy Bluescreen Bluescreen Protocol

AutopsyAdventTrooper Advent Trooper Autopsy ExperimentalAmmo Experimental Ammo

AutopsyAdventTurret Advent Turret Breakdown ExperimentalArmor Experimental Armor

AutopsyAndromedon Andromedon Autopsy ExperimentalGrenade Experimental Grenades

AutopsyArchon Archon Autopsy EXOSuit E.X.O. Suit

AutopsyBerserker Berserker Autopsy HeavyWeapons Experimental Heavy Weapon

AutopsyChryssalid Chryssalid Autopsy PlasmaGrenade Plasma Grenades

AutopsyFaceless Faceless Autopsy Skullmining Skull Mining

AutopsyGatekeeper Gatekeeper Autopsy SpiderSuit Spider Suit

AutopsyMuton Muton Autopsy WARSuit W.A.R. Suit

AutopsySectoid Sectoid Autopsy WraithSuit Wraith Suit

AutopsySectopod Sectopod Breakdown

AutopsyViper Viper Autopsy

Weaponry (vanilla) Weaponry (Alien Hunters)

Research InGame Name Research InGame Name

ModularWeapons Modular Weapons RAGESuit R.A.G.E. Suit

MagnetizedWeapons Magnetized Weapons SerpentSuit Serpent Suit

GaussWeapons Gauss Weapons IcarusArmor Icarus Armor

Psionics Psionics ExperimentalWeapons Experimental Weapons

Tech_Elerium Elerium BoltCaster Bolt Caster

PlasmaRifle Plasma Rifle HuntersAxe Hunter’s Axe

PlasmaSniper Plasma Lance Shadowkeeper Shadowkeeper

HeavyPlasma Beam Cannon Frostbomb Frostbomb

AlloyCannon Storm Gun

Autopsy (War of the Chosen)

Mission (Shen’s Last Gift) Research InGame Name

Research InGame Name Note AutopsyAdventPriest Advent Priest Autopsy

BuildSpark ... Only when mission is enabled AutopsyAdventPurifier Advent Purifier Autopsy

AutopsySpectre Spectre Autopsy

Proving grounds (Shen’s Last Gift) AutopsyTheLost The Lost Autopsy

Research InGame Name

MechanizedWarfare Mechanized Warfare

Autopsy (Alien Hunters)

Research InGame Name

AutopsyArchonKing Archon King Autopsy

AutopsyBerserkerQueen Berserker Queen Autopsy

AutopsyViperKing Viper King Autopsy

MakeSoldierAClass (Class, SoldierName) GiveFacility (Facility, Position)
Makes the specified soldier the specified soldier class. BE AWARE THAT THIS DEMOTES Create the specified facility at the specified position. It cannot create a facility at a place
YOUR SOLDIER TO SQUADDIE RANK!!. It doesn’t behave correctly with certain classes. If you that contains debris, is under construction or already has a facility. Please don’t attempt to do so
are not sure if you want to risk the game to break, stick with the vanilla ones. either. You might need to switch between screens (from armory to Geoscape and back for
example) to see the changes.
MakeSoldierAClass “Jhon Doe” Makes Jhon Doe a specialist
Specialist GiveFacility ProvingGround 3 Creates the Proving Ground in the upper left
corner of the avenger

Classes (vanilla)
Class InGame Name
3 4 5
Grenadier Grenadier
6 7 8
PsiOperative Psi Operative
9 10 11
Ranger Ranger
12 13 14
Rookie Rookie

Sharpshooter Sharpshooter
Facilities (vanilla)
Specialist Specialist
Facility InGame Name

AdvancedWarfareCenter Advanced Warfare Center

Classes (Shen’s Last Gift)
Laboratory Laboratory
Class InGame Name
OfficerTrainingSchool Guerilla Tactics School
Spark Spark
PowerRelay Power Relay

ProvingGround Proving Grounds

Classes (War of the Chosen)
PsiChamber Psi Chamber
Class InGame Name
ResistanceComms Resistance Comms
Reaper Reaper
ShadowChamber Shadow Chamber
Templar Templar
UFODefense UFO Defence
Skirmisher Skirmisher
Workshop Workshop
GiveContinentBonus (ContinentBonus)
GiveResources (Resource, Amount) Gives the specified resource the specified amount. You must have at least one unit of this
Gives the specified resource the specified amount. You must have at least one unit of this resource in order to receive it.
resource in order to receive it.
GiveContinentBonus SuitUp Receive Suit Up continent bonus
GiveResource Intel 100 Receive 100 intel

Resources (vanilla)
Resources (vanilla)
ContinentBonus InGame Name
Resource InGame Name
ContinentBonus_AllIn All In
AlienAlloy Alien Alloys
ContinentBonus_ArmedToTheTeeth Armed To The Teeth
EleriumCore Elerium Core
ContinentBonus_FireWhenReady Fire When Ready
EleriumDust Elerium Crystals
ContinentBonus_FutureCombat Future Combat
Intel Intel
ContinentBonus_HelpingHand Helping Hand
Supplies Supplies
ContinentBonus_HiddenReserves Hidden Reserves

ContinentBonus_LockAndLoad Lock And Load

Resources (War of the Chosen)
ContinentBonus_PursuitOfKnowledge Pursuit Of Knowledge
Resource InGame Name
ContinentBonus_QuidProQuo Quid Pro Quo
Abilitypoint Ability point (XCOM AP)
ContinentBonus_SpareParts Spare Parts

ContinentBonus_SpyRing Spy Ring

ContinentBonus_SuitUp Suit Up

ContinentBonus_ToServeMankind To Serve Mankind

ContinentBonus_UnderTheTable Under The Table

GiveScientist (Amount) SetSoldierStat (Stat, Amount, SoldierName) (BaseStat)
Gives one scientist with specified level. The level cannot be negative. Set the specified stat to the specified amount for the specified soldier. In case you playing War
of the Chosen, you also need to specify whenever it’s for the base stat or not.
GiveScientist 100 Receive 1 max level scientist
setSoldierStat eStat_HP 30 "Jhon Sets Jhon Doe’s base HP to 30 in vanilla

GiveEngineer (Amount) setSoldierStat eStat_HP 30 "Jhon Sets Jhon Doe’s base HP to 30 in War of the
Doe" Yes Chosen
Gives one engineer with specified level. The level cannot be negative.

Stats (vanilla)
GiveEngineer 100 Receive 1 max level engineer
Stat InGame Name / (Function)

eStat_ArmorChance The chance that Armor Migration triggers

eStat_ArmorMitigation Armor

eStat_CombatSims If unit can use the PCM slot (either 0 or 1)

eStat_CritChance Base critical hit chance

eStat_DetectionRadius Lowers enemies detection range (0 to 1)

eStat_Dodge Base dodge

eStat_FlankingAimBonus Flanking aim bonus

eStat_FlankingCritChance Flanking critical hit chance

eStat_Hacking Hacking

eStat_HP Health

eStat_Mobility Mobility

eStat_Offense Aim

eStat_PsiOffense Psi Offence

eStat_SightRadius Sight radius

eStat_Strength The chance melee attacks trigger effects

eStat_UtilityItems Utilities a soldier can carry without bonus
BondSoldiers (SoldierName, SoldierName, Bonded)
eStat_Will Max Will
(Un)bonds soldier 1 with soldier 2. Requires the War of the Chosen DLC for obvious reasons.


BondSoldiers “Jhon Doe” “Jane Bonds Jhon Doe with Jane Doe
Doe” true

RemoveFortressDoom (Amount)
Removes specified amount of doom from the avatar project. You cannot remove progress
caused by the extra avatar facilities.


RemoveFortressDoom 6 Removes 6 avatar project doom

LevelUpBarracks (Amount)
Removes specified amount. Depending on the soldier’s learning speed, they might (not)


LevelUpBarracks 10 Levels up all soldiers in barrack 10 times

These are single-line commands with no parameters.

HealAllSoldiers Heals all soldiers in the barracks

GiveFactionSoldiers Gives you a soldier of each faction (Reaper,

Skirmisher, Templar).

Works only in War of the Chosen. If you

haven’t received Dragunova, Mox, and that
templar guy yet, you will not be able to obtain
Override_T2 ...
Distortion_T1 ...
These commands only work when used in a mission
Distortion_T2 ...

Deception_T1 ...
GiveHackReward (Hack)
Text here. Deception_T2 ...

Intrusion_T1 ...
Hack rewards (vanilla)
Intrusion_T2 ...
Hack InGame Name

Blitz_T1 ... Disorient_T1 ...

Blitz_T2 ... Disorient_T2 ...

DisguisedSignals_T1 ... CentralCommand_T1 ...

DisguisedSignals_T2 ... CentralCommand_T2 ...

IntegratedComms_T1 ... PriorityData_T1 ...

IntegratedComms_T2 ... PriorityData_T2 ...

Targeting_AimAndCrit_T1 ... WatchList_T1 ...

Targeting_AimAndCrit_T2 ... WatchList_T2 ...

Targeting_Dodge_T1 ... Insight_T1 ...

Targeting_Dodge_T2 ... Insight_T2 ...

Targeting_Crit_T2 ... SatelliteData_T1 ...

Targeting_Crit_T2 ... SatelliteData_T2 ...

VideoFeed_T1 ... ResistanceBroadcast_T1 ...

VideoFeed_T2 ... ResistanceBroadcast_T2 ...

Hypnography_T1 ... EnemyProtocol_T1 ...

Hypnography_T2 ... EnemyProtocol_T2 ...

Override_T1 ... MapAlert_T0 ...

SquadConceal_Intel ...
Hack rewards (War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack)
IndividualProtocol_Intel ...
Hack InGame Name
DarkEvent_ViperRounds ...
WaterfrontRadio ...

PilotSeat ...

RotorMechanism ...

UFOPowerGrid ...

AvalanceMissles ...

OperatorsManual ...
GiveActionPoints (Amount)
Gives the specified amount of action points to the currently selected unit.
Deaconivory for mirroring this document in his drive so my google drive wouldn’t crash,
Example(s) explaining how the GiveFacility commands work, and for the link to the incredible detailed page
about LW’s console commands:
GiveActionPoints 10 The currently selected unit gets 10 action
The old reddit console commands thread for all the basic console commands, some of the Alien
Hunter’s command values, and the shortcut command parameters required to get the console
Other working.

These are single-line commands with no parameters.

Ginrikuzuma for correcting me about the wrong maximum value for GiveScientist and
GiveEngineer (was first 10 in this document, but it had to be 100) and also for explaining how
Command Effect setSoldierStat works.

SkipAI Skips the AI’s turn

Supadrumma4411 for the AddItem’s chosen weapon codes:
PowerUp God mode, no damage, no weapon reloads
This topic on NexusMods with a list of useful eStats, and explains what they actually do.
TakeNoDamage No damage
...and all the other fantastic people who helped out and/or are reading this document!.
ToggleUnlimitedActions Toggles if you and the enemy AI need to
spend action points to perform actions

ToggleUnlimitedAmmo Toggles if weapon reloads are required

ToggleFOW Reveals / hides the map but not the hidden


ToggleSquatConcealment Conceals / reveals your squat. Alerted

enemies will remain alerted

ForceCritHits You and the enemy AI always hit crits

TTC Teleports currently selected unit to the cursor

TATC Teleports all units to the cursor

RestartLevel Restarts the current mission

endbattle xcomwins true Win the mission if all objectives are

completed, otherwise lose the mission

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