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Name: _____________________________ Grade Level/Section: _________ Score: _________

Subject: Introduction to World Religion and Beliefs System 1st Quarter Exam

A. Modified True or False. Write the word TRUE if the sentence is true. If not, write the word
FALSE and replace the underlined word to make the sentence true. No erasures.
______________1. Rituals are formal patterns of activity that express symbolic set of shared
______________2. Jewish symbol of life that expresses the hope and life is called Mishnah.
______________3. This is the place where hindus are worshipping their gods and goddesses which
dedicated to their religious life known as synagogues.
______________4. Moksha is the achievement of complete peace and happiness by eliminating their
attachment to worldly things.
______________5. Christians believe that when Jesus died, he gave mankind the ability to be
forgiven of sins, and to live in heaven after death.
______________6. Agri, the god of love, preserver and forgiveness.
______________7. Talmud is contains the wisdom literature, poertry, songs, and religious
______________8. Hannukah, known as the Festival of Lights.
______________9. The star of Solomon, symbolizes of Judaism.
______________10. Yom Kippur is Jewish religious law that provides normative rules in everyday

B. Identification. Write the letter of the correct answer. No erasures.

a. Jews f. Abu Bakr

b. Patriarchy g. Five Pillars
c. Yom Kippur h. Talmud
d. Orthodox i. Lakshmi
e. Abraham j. Bereshit

_______1. The Father of Semitic Religion?

_______2. First successor of Prophet Muhammad?
_______3. Muslims beliefs are centered around the ____________?
_______4. Who is the goddess of fortune?
_______5. Contains stories of records, establishment of the covenant between God and Jewish.
_______6. It is called the record of rabbinic teaching in Judaism.
_______7. A person who follows stricter form of Judaism is often referred to as __________?
_______8. Day of Atonement for the Jews.
_______9. Chosen people of God.
_______10. A system of society wherein the father or eldest male is considered the head of family
and lineage is traced through the male line.

C. Matching Type. Match the items in Column A with their corresponding answers in Column
B. Write only the letter of the correct answer. No erasures.
Column A Column B
_____1. Sacred scripture of Christianity a. Qu’ran
_____2. Sacred scripture of Islam b. Ritual
_____3. A symbols that expresses a basic understanding
Of the world c. Muhammad
_____4.Goddess of art and wisdom d. Mecca
_____5. Founder of Islam e. Holy Bible
_____6. Founder of Buddhism f. Christianity
_____7. Muslim person who successfully completed the Hajj g. Jesus Christ
_____8. World’s largest religion h. El-Hajj
_____9. Place of worship in Islam i. Saraswati
_____10. Proponent of Christianity j. Gautama

Name: _____________________________ Grade Level/Section: _________ Score: _________
Subject: Introduction to World Religion and Beliefs System 1st Quarter Exam

Answer Key:

A. True of False B. Identification

1. True 1. e
2. False-chai 2. f
3. False- Temple 3. g
4. True 4. i
5. True 5. j
6. False- Vishnu 6. h
7. False-Ketuvim 7. d
8. True 8. c
9. False- David 9. a
10. False- Halakhah 10. b

C. Matching Type
1. e
2. a
3. b
4. i
5. c
6. j
7. h
8. f
9. d
10. g

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