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Metasys Network Technical Manual 636

Feature Software Section

Technical Bulletin
Issue Date 0703


Introduction Page 3
• Theory of Operation 3

Setup Procedures 7
• Totalization Definition 7

Totalization Windows 9
• Item Summaries 9
• Data Summaries 12
• Definition Dialog Boxes *13

* Indicates those sections where changes have occurred since the last printing.

© 2003 Johnson Controls, Inc. 1

Code No. LIT-636118
2 Feature Software—Totalization

Theory of The Totalization feature counts the number of occurrences of events, or

Operation accumulates totals for the quantity of a commodity as it is used, then
records the sum. You can display Totalization data at the Operator
Workstation (OWS) in graph or table form. You can also print archived
Totalization data.

Totalization Data There are two places where Totalization data bases are stored: at the
Bases Network Control Module (NCM) and in PC files on the OWS. The NCM
holds the most recently taken samples, and the PC files contain archived
Totalization data.

Data in the NCM

When you define Totalization for an attribute, a Totalization data base is
automatically created at the NCM. This data base records the Totalization
data for the totalized attribute. This data consists of the current value and
previous value.

Archive Data in PC Files

When an attribute’s specified Totalization period expires, the NCM
uploads the data to PC files at the Operator Workstation for archiving.
When you define Report/Access Groups, you define Operator Workstation
PC files as report destinations for Totalization data. Internally, this
creates a PC file at the Operator Workstation for storing the Totalization
data. The files are in dBASE format. For information on defining
Report/Access Groups, refer to the Report Router/Alarm Management
Technical Bulletin (LIT-636114).

Forcing an Archive Before a Download

During a download, all Totalization data in the NCM is lost. To prevent
losing the data, you can force an archive before a download using the
Archive Data option. First, on the Network Map, select the NCM with
data you want archived. Then select Archive Data from the Action menu.
This will send the Totalization data to the appropriate archive PC files,
preventing the data from being lost as a result of the download.
When you use the Archive Data option, Totalization does not begin at the
current totalized value after the download. Instead, the current totalized
value is archived, and the Totalization value is reset.

Feature Software—Totalization 3
Purging Archive Totalization Data
You can purge (delete) all archived Totalization data for a specific PC file.
To do so, double-click the PC file on the Network Map to display its
Report Destination Summary. Then select Totalization. Then select
Purge Data from the Action menu. All Totalization data in the PC file will
be deleted.

Offline, Unreliable When an object being totalized goes offline, becomes unreliable, or is
Status disabled, Totalization is suspended. When the object is back online,
reliable, and enabled, Totalization resumes. If the object is deleted from
the Totalization feature, or if Totalization is ended on the object, the
Totalization process stops for that object.
Note: When the time an object is offline spans midnight of the last day of
the Totalization period, the Totalization will not be reset for the
next period once the object goes online. For such a situation, the
Totalization must be ended and then restarted manually. Refer to
Totalization Commands in the Totalization Windows section of this

Sampling Totalization samples the attributes at one minute intervals, except for
Event Totalization, where each event triggers Totalization to add one to
the event counter.

Calculations Totalization uses a different formula to calculate the results for each of the
four Totalization types: Analog, Pulse, Runtime, and Event. The types
differ in the kind of information totalized, and/or in the type of input
sensor providing the data.

Analog Totalization
Analog Totalization records the usage rate of any consumables monitored
by an analog attribute. Examples of consumables are electricity, steam,
and chilled water. This type of Totalization records a total for the data
collected at an analog sensor or calculated value.
The formula is:
New Total = Old Total + Analog Value
Input Rate x Scale Conversion

4 Feature Software—Totalization
Pulse Totalization
Pulse Totalization records the total usage of any consumables monitored
by a binary input used as an Accumulator (ACM) point object. The binary
input sensor provides a pulse as each consumable unit is sensed. Pulse
Totalization can only be assigned to an Accumulator point object’s Total
The Pulse Totalization formula is:
New Total = Old Total + New Pulse Count x Pulse Constant
Scale Conversion

Note: If you are using an ACM in Totalization or as a power meter, note

that the ACM pulse constant attribute is double edge triggered.
Check whether the power company’s reading is single or double
edge triggered. If the power company’s reading is single edge
triggered, when you define the ACM, you must enter a pulse
constant that is half of what you would normally enter.

Runtime Totalization
Runtime Totalization records the number of hours that a binary or integer
contact condition has existed over a period of time. The NCM records
totals in minutes, but converts all totals to hours for display. For binary
attributes, On time or Off time can be totalized.
If the attribute to be totalized currently matches the state condition, the
Runtime Totalization formula is:
New Total = Old Total + 1 min

Event Totalization
Event Totalization records a total for the number of times any binary or
integer event has occurred. It calculates a new value every time the event
occurs. This type of Totalization can be assigned to any triggerable
attributes. Triggerable attributes are those that produce change-of-state
The Event Totalization formula is:
New Total = Old Total + 1

Feature Software—Totalization 5
Accessing There are two ways to access Totalization data:
Totalization Data
• To display online data in the NCM buffer, select a system or an
object, then select Totalization from the Go To menu. See Figure 2 in
the Totalization Windows section of this document.
• To display archive PC file data, double-click the PC file on the
Network Map to display its Reports Destination summary. Then
double-click Totalization. See Figure 3 in the Totalization Windows
section of this document.

Scheduling You can use the Scheduling feature to schedule when Totalization begins
Totalization and ends for object attributes. See the Scheduling Technical Bulletin for
more information.

6 Feature Software—Totalization
Setup Procedures

Totalization You can only define Totalization online, using Operator Workstation
Definition windows. The process requires a password access level of 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Design Considerations
1. Decide which system\object\attributes to totalize.
2. Decide which system\object\attributes require the
same Period for a data summary graph.

Totalization Definition Procedure
1. Display the Totalization Item window.
2. Select the object to totalize.
3. Select Add Totalization Entry from the Action
menu to display the Totalization dialog box.
4. Fill in the Totalization parameter fields.

Figure 1: Totalization Definition Process

Design Totalization definition requires the following design considerations:

1. Decide which system\object\attributes to totalize. For example, you
may want to monitor the total number of hours a supply fan runs each
week. You can assign any readable attribute, except time and
character string attributes, to Totalization. You can assign any
number of attributes per object to Totalization. The total number of
attributes assigned to this feature is limited only by NCM memory.
2. Decide which attributes may be selected for a data summary graph.
These attributes must all have the same Period, after which the total is
reported, stored, and reset to zero (unless the Limit is user-defined).

Feature Software—Totalization 7
Definition Refer to the Operator Workstation User’s Manual (FAN 634) for
Procedure procedural information on displaying the Totalization dialog boxes.
Briefly, the Totalization definition procedure is:
1. On the Network map, select the system with the object you want
2. Display the Totalization Item window (by selecting Totalization from
the Go To menu).
3. Select the object to totalize in the Totalization Item window.
4. Select Add Totalization Entry from the Action menu to display the
Totalization dialog box.
5. Fill in the Totalization parameter fields.

8 Feature Software—Totalization
Totalization Windows

Use the following windows to view and define Totalization:

Online Totalization Item Lists objects’ names and expanded IDs, and
Summary whether Totalization is defined, begun, or
ended for objects. Allows access to
Definition dialog boxes and to Data
Archive Totalization Item Lists objects’ names and expanded IDs in a
Summary PC file, and allows deletion of data from PC
Online Totalization Data Displays online Totalization data from the
Summary NCM, including name, total value, and
duration. Can be in table or graph form.
Archive Totalization Data Displays archived Totalization data in a PC
Summary file, including name, total value, and duration.
Can be in table or graph form.
Totalization Dialog Boxes Allows you to define Totalization for object

Item Summaries Totalization Item summaries display the Totalization definition for
objects. This includes information such as which attributes of the object
are being totalized and the Totalization period. The Item summaries can
be online (Totalization definition for objects in the NCM) or offline
(Totalization definition for objects in the archive PC file on the
workstation). For online summaries, the Status may be:
• None--Totalization is not defined for this object.
• Began--Totalization is currently sampling this object.
• End--Totalization is defined, but the operator stopped Totalization for
this object.

Feature Software—Totalization 9
Totalization Item - AHU-3
Item Edit View Action Go To Accessory Help

EAST East Wing
AHU-3 AHU 3rd Floor

Alarm Runtime Analog

Report Message Totalized or Event Low
Status Item Attribute Period Limit Type Number Units Type State Cutoff
None XBN1
Began SF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime On
Began SF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime On
Began RF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime On
Began RF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime On


Figure 2: Totalization Item Summary (Online Data)

Totalization Item - PCEAST

Item Edit View Action Go To Accessory Help


Report Message Totalized
Item Attribute Period Limit Type Number Units Type
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\SF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\SF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\RF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\RF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-4\SF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-4\SF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-4\RF-CTRL VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime
HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-4\RF-STAT VALUE Hourly 1000 Status 0 Hours Runtime


Figure 3: Totalization Item Summary (Archive Data)

10 Feature Software—Totalization
Totalization In the archive Totalization Item window (showing the PC file contents),
Commands the only Action menu option is Clear Totalization Data, which deletes data
for the selected item (object/attribute) from the PC file. (This is different
from purging data, which deletes all Totalization data in the entire PC
In the online Totalization Item window, you can use the following
commands to begin and end Totalization sampling, and to modify or
delete Totalization definition. These commands can be accessed from the
Action menu or by clicking the right mouse button.
Note: You can also use the Scheduling feature to begin and end
Totalization. (See the Scheduling Technical Bulletin for more
Begin Totalization tells the NCM to start totalizing the selected attribute.
You can use the Scheduling feature to program the time for Totalization to
End Totalization stops totalizing a selected attribute. Although the
attribute is still defined in the Totalization data base, the NCM will not
collect Totalization data for it. If Totalization is resumed for the attribute,
it starts from zero. You can use the Scheduling feature to program the
time for Totalization to end.
Set Totalization sets or resets the current Totalization value on an
existing attribute. You can use this command to force the value to zero, or
to any number that doesn’t exceed the attribute’s allowable Limit
Modify Totalization Entry displays the Totalization dialog box for the
selected object, and allows you to modify the parameters.
Clear Totalization Entry deletes the selected attribute(s) from the
Totalization data base. When you issue this command, a warning box
displays, asking you to confirm the deletion. Then, if you’re in an online
summary, the attribute’s current total, duration, and time stamp is sent to
the archive PC file. If you select Clear Totalization Entry from an archive
PC file summary, both the item (object/attribute) and its data are deleted
from the PC file.

Feature Software—Totalization 11
Data The Totalization Data summaries contain the actual totalized values. You
Summaries can look at data summaries of objects that are currently being totalized
(online data from the NCM), or have been totalized in the past (archive
data in PC files). You can also print archived data.
Totalization Data summaries can be displayed in graph or table form. See
Figures 4 and 5. Both forms display up to seven attributes at one time.
Summaries show the system\object names and expanded ID, the totalized
attribute, the attribute’s current value, the duration, and display units. All
attributes must have the same Period to be graphed on the same chart.

Totalization Data - AHU-3

Item Edit View Action Go To Accessory Help


ID Item Attribute Value Units Duration

A HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\RF-CTRL VALUE 85 Hours 6 Days 22 Hrs

B HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\SF-CTRL VALUE 85 Hours 6 Days 22 Hrs
D HDQTRS\EAST\AHU-3\XFAN VALUE 43 Hours 6 Days 22 Hrs



Figure 4: Totalization Data Summary Graph

12 Feature Software—Totalization
Totalization Data - AHU-3
Item Edit View Action Go To Accessory Help


ID Item Attribute Units Duration



Time & Date of Reset A B C D

10:00 Mar 1, 1992 85 83 58 40
10:00 Feb 22, 1992 82 88 60 42
10:01 Feb 15, 1992 86 82 61 45
10:01 Feb 8 , 1992 85 85 59 43
10:02 Feb 1, 1992 83 81 58 45


Figure 5: Totalization Data Summary Table

Definition The Totalization dialog box parameters differ, depending on the type of
Dialog Boxes Totalization you are assigning. Refer to the Operator Workstation User’s
Manual for procedures on displaying the Totalization dialog boxes shown
in Figures 6, 7, and 8. Totalization is automatically begun when you
assign define Totalization for an attribute.

Common All Totalization dialog boxes have six parameters in common. They are:
• Attribute
• Report Type
• Alarm Message Number
• Limit
• Totalized Units
• Period
Attribute is the name of the attribute being totalized. Attributes are listed
on the object’s Definition and Focus windows. The Attribute field accepts
up to eight characters.
Report Type (Critical 1-4, Follow-up, Status, or None) defines the kind
of report generated when the Limit parameter is reached. The Report
Router sends reports to all destinations assigned to that report type. This
is an optional parameter.

Feature Software—Totalization 13
Alarm Message Number identifies the message to be sent in the
Change-of-State (COS) report when the value specified in the Limit
parameter has been reached. Messages are numbered from 1 to 255. Zero
indicates no message. This is an optional parameter.
For more information on alarm messages, refer to the Report
Router/Alarm Management Technical Bulletin and the Operator
Workstation User’s Manual.
The Limit parameter specifies the limit that, when exceeded, will generate
a Totalize Limit Exceeded Report, if a report type is specified. The
totalized value does not reset and Totalization continues. This is an
optional parameter.
If the maximum totalized value is reached for a particular Totalization
type, the value is reset to zero. A Totalization Reset COS message is sent
if a report type other than None was specified. The maximum limits are:
• Analog 99,999.9
• Pulse 9,999,999
• Runtime 99,999.9
• Event 9,999,999
You can also specify user-defined limits and request that a report be
generated when the limits are reached. User-defined limits are not reset to
0 when exceeded. A report is generated only if you specify a Report Type
other than None.
Totalized Units are the engineering units for the totalized attribute. For
Runtime Totalization, this parameter is set to Hours and cannot be
The Period parameter specifies the period over which Totalization will
occur. The options are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or None. When
the period is over, the End of Period Totalization report is sent to the
report destination specified for that report type. The report includes the
totalized value, the date and time, and the duration of Totalization for the
attribute during that period. The totalized value is saved as the Previous
Totalization Value, and the current Totalization value is reset to zero.
Note: The Time & Date of Reset indicates when the totalization
period began.

14 Feature Software—Totalization
Analog Totalization Item - Add Totalization Entry
Parameters Analog Totalization OK

Attribute: VALUE Input Rate CANCEL

Report Type: NONE
Alarm Message Number: 0

Limit: Period

Totalized Units: Hourly

Scale Conversion: Weekly
Low Cutoff: None


Figure 6: Analog Totalization Dialog Box

In addition to the common parameters, the Analog Totalization dialog box

has the following three parameters:
Scale Conversion is a scale factor that converts the incremental
consumption to the units desired for displays of the total. The
measurement units used for the total can be different from the analog input
units, for instance, analog inputs defined in terms of watts can be
converted to kilowatts for the totals. For example,
Scale Conversion = 1000 if Analog Value measures kWh and the totalized
display is in units of MWH.
Input Rate is a scale factor that converts the Analog Value to a rate per
minute. Any analog input rate (e.g., watt hours) can be converted to
consumption per minute for the Totalization. For example,
Input Rate = 60 min/hr if Analog Value measures kWh.
Low Cutoff defines a minimum input threshold. Incremental results
below this threshold are ignored. No Totalization will occur for values
below the Low Cutoff. With this parameter, sensor error associated with
the low readings of flow sensors can be eliminated.

Feature Software—Totalization 15
Pulse Totalization Totalization Item - Add Totalization Entry
Pulse Totalization OK

Attribute: CANCEL
TOTAL Period

Report Type: NONE Hourly

Alarm Message Number: Weekly
Limit: None

Totalized Units:

Scale Conversion:

Pulse Constant:


Figure 7: Pulse Totalization Dialog Box

In addition to the common parameters, the Pulse Totalization dialog box

has the Scale Conversion parameter (explained earlier), and the Pulse
Constant parameter.
Pulse Constant (a floating point number) is the number of consumed
units represented by each pulse. For example, 1000 W/pulse.
Note: If you are using an ACM in Totalization or as a power meter, note
that the ACM pulse constant attribute is double edge triggered.
Check whether the power company’s reading is single or double
edge triggered. If the power company’s reading is single edge
triggered, when you define the ACM, you must enter a pulse
constant that is half of what you would normally enter.

Event and Totalization Item - Add Totalization Entry

Runtime or Event Totalization OK
Parameters Attribute: STATUS CANCEL
Report Type: NONE Event
Alarm Message Number: 0

State: Hourly
Totalized Units: Weekly


Figure 8: Runtime Totalization Dialog Box (Integer)

16 Feature Software—Totalization
Totalization Item - Add Totalization Entry
Runtime or Event Totalization OK
Report Type: NONE Event
Alarm Message Number: 0

Totalized Units: Hourly
State Weekly
OFF Monthly
ON None


Figure 9: Runtime Totalization Dialog Box (Boolean)

In addition to the common parameters, the Event or Runtime Totalization

dialog box has the following parameter:
State is the value to be totalized. For example, to totalize the runtime of a
binary object, you specify which state (most likely ON) of the point’s
value attribute is to be totalized. Totalization will keep track of the time
the object is in that state.

Totalization The Totalization dialog boxes display default settings in the boxes to the
Definition right of the attribute labels. The defaults depend on the type of objects.
Table 1: Totalization Definition Parameter Defaults
Field Totalization Type BI, BO AI, AD BD ACM
Attribute All Value Value Status Total
Limit All blank blank blank blank
Report Type All None None None None
Alarm Message # All 0 0 0 0
Period All None None None None
Totalized Units Analog, Pulse, Event Hours blank Hours blank
Scale Conversion Analog, Pulse -- blank -- blank
Low Cutoff Analog -- blank -- --
Input Rate Analog -- Seconds -- --
Pulse Constant Pulse -- -- -- blank
Integer Value Event, Runtime On -- blank --

Feature Software—Totalization 17

18 Feature Software—Totalization

Feature Software—Totalization 19
Controls Group FAN 636
507 E. Michigan Street Metasys Network Technical Manual
P.O. Box 423 Release 9.01
Milwaukee, WI 53201 Printed in U.S.A.

20 Feature Software—Totalization

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