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Name: Guerrero, Alisha Jade G.

Date: April 10, 2018. Section: St. Agnes

As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the

uniqueness of others because, first of all, each of us has an own
unique personality or human being. We act based on our personality and
we show our attitude or human being to others in nature. Sometimes,
our attitude has a good impact to others. Sometimes, we are helping
others with kindness, we are giving advice, we are comforting other’s
feelings, and so on. These things are called freedom. Freedom does not
only give good impact, somehow it gives bad impact. For example, we
are attached by money and manipulated by the rich persons with bad
perspective or role. We become a machine of others and manipulated by
their hands that can lead our life miserable. And based on my past
experience, there was a time that everyone in our house are gone, I
think they ate their lunch outside, and I was the only one who
remained, then I saw a money in the cabinet. I tempted to steal that
money because I have freedom that time, but a few minutes, my mind was
telling me that these money came from the sweat and hard work of my
father. Somehow I had my conscience. That’s why I definitely did not
steal that money. Therefore, there are limitations to every type of
freedom because we have the ability to abuse this freedom, and these
can affect others. But as an individual, we have our own uniqueness
that other persons don’t have, like physical appearance, voice,
personality, habits, intelligence, personal tastes, and all of these
made us unique or one of a kind. And if they judge you because of your
uniqueness or because of their first impression to you, just thumbs up.
They are not you and specially they really not even know you. In short,
just ignore it because, sometimes, we must consider our self, our own
opinions, values, attitudes and our self without regards of the others.
And Lastly, the presence of the other are important because the power
of presence gives us emotions, growth and development,and the state of
being alive. Without their presence, presence of our God, family,
friends, teachers, we are nothing in this world. That's why having the
presence of the other helps us to be more alive and have a connection
with them.

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