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Jahnavi M
General Medicine

KMC Regn. No.:ANP 2017 0001720 KTK

Name: Mr. Thejeswar Age : 22 Years UHID : 74270 Blood Group: NA

Gender: Male Contact No : 8309226091

Date: 18-11-2019 - 06:12 PM

KMC Regn. No.:ANP 2017 0001720 KTK

Fever with body pains, Duration: 2 Days

Viral fever

Sl No. Name of medicine Dose Frequency Advice Duration
Dolo 500mg Tablet 500 mg 1-1-1 After Food 2 Days
Paracetamol 500mg
Pantos 40mg Tablet 0-1-0 Before Food 2 Days
Pantoprazole 40mg

(Dr. Jahnavi M)

No prescription drug should be used except on the advice of, and as directed by, a physician. The
training and experience of a physician are essential to forming any opinion on the appropriateness of a
specific drug for a specific patient. The information in this publication is not by itself sufficient for a
layperson--or even a physician--to evaluate the risks and benefits of taking any particular drug.
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