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AQUATIC ACTIVITIES for one’s protection and for the protection

of marine life.

Water or Aqua has a certain unique attraction to TEST & PRACTICE

people of all ages. Aquatic Activities may be done in It is best for beginners to try the gears on
water such as swimming, snorkeling, whitewater shallow water. This way, one can get used to wearing
rafting, scuba diving, surfing, fishing, etc. the mask and breathing through tube.
 Floating Position
Characteristics:  Kicking to Move
 Diving Deeper (Feet-First Dive: Head-First
 BUOYANCY – is the upward force of water Dive)
on an object. This is the reason why boats What are the important things to remember while
and people float on water. snorkeling?
 HYROSTATIC PRESSURE – is exerted by the S – tay close to the shore if you are a beginner. Some
water at equilibrium due to the force of beginners misjudge their capabilities and endurance
gravity. Helps keep standing balance in and before knowing it, they are exhausted.
water. N – ever do it alone. Always have a buddy so that
 ENHANCED COOLING – transfers heat away whatever happens, someone is there to help you. It is
from the body much quickly than air given in advised to have a minimum party of three.
the same temperature. O – ne up, one down. While diving with your buddy,
one should stay on the surface while one is
Snorkeling is peeking through life underwater. In case the diver has problems, one can
underneath water by swimming with the aid of a help or seek help.
snorkel and mask. Through this we can observe the R – ain check! Always check the weather forecast and
underwater attractions for a long period of time, the state of the sea. Wind can cause waves to
without the need to constantly resurface to gasp for increase, which makes snorkeling challenging to do.
air, and with relatively lesser effort. K – now your surroundings. Know the area where you
will be snorkeling. Know the tides. Be careful around
BASIC EQUIOMENT IN SNORKELING rocky shore or some marine life that may be known
The basic gears needed in snorkeling are the to aggressive. Know the conservation rules and
snorkel, goggles, and fins. regulations.
E –nergy retention. Do not overestimate your limits.
1. MASK – serves as the viewing device in To avoid being worn-out, flotation device or a simple
appreciating the world beneath the water. snorkeling vest will help conserve energy.
2. SNORKEL – is a piece of equipment that L – eave them alone. Do not touch marine life.
makes it possible to breathe at the surface Maintain safe distance as well. Touching them might
while the face is submerged in water. The damage their habitats and hurt marine life. In the
snorkel is basically composed of a tube, also same way, might also suddenly be stung, bitten, or
called barrel, and the mouthpiece. hurt by some marine life if you touch them. Try not to
3. SNORKELING FINS – water resists or pushes make sudden moves that will startle them.
back anything moving through it. This is the
principle behind what the fins do. A DIVE GUIDE or SNORKELING GUIDE is a certified
4. SNORKEL VESTS – are small and inflatable, professional who can lead a group of aquatic
which provide more buoyancy while floating enthusiasts to various dive sites in the area. He is
on water. knowledgeable about the local underwater
5. SKIN PROTECTION – snorkeling may require organisms and other peculiar attractions.
one to be under the sun for some time.
6. SWIMMING CAP – is a big help in keeping
hair out of the snorkel and the face as well.
7. MASK DEFOGGER – helps prevent the mask
from fogging up. Be sure to choose one that
is non-toxic, biodegradable, and alcohol free

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