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Ready for Prime Time:

Slope Stability Analysis with

the Shear Strength Reduction Method

We believe that the SSR method, facilitated by

its implementation in software, is ready for prime time,
the point at which it can be applied to the practical, routine
analysis of slopes. This article provides reasons why this is so,
as well as providing practical guidelines for SSR modelling.

Prime time generally refers to the Due to its ability to realistically model a
evening hours between 7 and 11 p.m. very broad range of problems, the Finite
when the largest audience watches Element Method (FEM) has become
television. Because of what stands to be tremendously popular since it was first
gained, TV networks fiercely compete applied to geotechnical engineering in
for the attention of these viewers. Ad- 1966. For various reasons that will be
vertising during this period is powerful. outlined in this article, its primary ap-
A well executed ad can create positive plication in geotechnical engineering,
brand recognition while a bad ad will though, had been restricted to stress
turn customers off. Networks and ad- and deformation analysis of excavations
vertisers go to great lengths to ensure and support. Recent refinements to the
that shows and ads stand up to the SSR method, and advances in comput-
scrutiny of discerning buyers, and it’s ing technology have now altered this
in this sense that we believe the Shear landscape.
Strength Reduction (SSR) method of
slope stability analysis is ready for prime
time: it will stand up to the scrutiny of
the discerning geotechnical audience,
and is therefore ready for routine slope
Brief Description of SSR

The central concept of the SSR method As was discussed in an article in the
is very simple. Similar to limit-equi- Summer 2004 issue of RocNews,
librium analysis, it involves successive Will Finite Elements Replace
reductions (by some factors) in the shear Limit-Equilibrium in Slope Design?
strengths of slope materials until failure
powerful programs, which enable rou-
occurs. Failure is indicated when the
tine geotechnical finite element analysis,
finite element model does not converge
are available today. Phase2, Rocscience’s
to a solution, because equilibrium can-
two-dimensional FEM program, is a
not be maintained. The critical factor at
leader in this market. The program
which failure occurs is taken to be the
significantly reduces the amount of time
factor of safety.
required to build, compute and inter-
pret models.

Recent Advances in the Version 6 of Phase2 highly automates the

SSR Method
SSR procedure for calculating a factor of
safety. In some cases, it is even easier to
In the past, a number of factors limited
use than conventional limit-equilibrium
application of the SSR technique for
analysis. In addition, the new Phase2 can
routine slope stability analysis. These
read Slide (Rocscience’s limit-equilib-
rium slope stability program) files, and
Lengthy modelling, compute, automatically convert them into fully
and results analysis times meshed, finite element equivalents. The
Lack of automated tools for perform- version includes algorithms, which make
ing the successive changes to shear it possible to perform SSR analysis for
strength non-linear material strength models, a
A perceived hunger for material capability missing in practically all the
input data, which were not collected other competing products. For more
in routine site investigations, at least detail, see the article:
not with reasonable accuracy
Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes
Restriction to linear material strength
using the Finite Element Method
(Mohr-Coulomb model), and
Unproven reliability of SSR results
The previous article explained that the
additional data required for the SSR
method is routinely collected for other
forms of geotechnical analysis. As a Guidelines for SSR Modelling
result the need for additional data does
not overly complicate finite element In the course of verifying the reliability
slope stability analysis. of the SSR method, we studied various
aspects of finite element slope stability
The Summer 2004 RocNews article also
analysis and compiled a set of modelling
addressed the question of the reliabil-
guidelines. These guidelines are espe-
ity of SSR results, and listed references,
cially useful, since FEM slope stability
which report good agreement between
analysis is still new to many geotechni-
SSR and limit-equilibrium results. To
cal engineers, and generally requires
further increase confidence in the SSR
more modelling know-how than limit-
technique, we tested the method on 33
equilibrium analysis.
benchmark slope examples. These cases,
which cover a broad range of material We studied the impact of Young’s mod-
and slope behaviours, have been used ulus, Poisson’s ratio, and dilation angle
to verify the results of slope stability pro- on computed factor of safety values.
grams, including Slide. Because the SSR factor of safety is deter-
mined based on the occurrence of non-
The results of our study were published
convergence, aspects of finite element
in a paper,
modelling such as stopping rules (con-
A Comparison of Finite Element Slope vergence criteria), number of iterations
Stability Analysis with Conventional and tolerance, which influence solution
Limit-Equilibrium Investigation convergence, were also investigated.
presented at the recently concluded Although the compiled set of guidelines
58th conference of the Canadian Geo- is by no means an exhaustive list of how
technical Society (CGS) in Saskatoon. to perform SSR analysis, it is still very
The study confirmed what had been helpful to both experienced users and
previously reported; in all the cases, the novices.
SSR gave answers that agreed very well
with limit-equilibrium results.
The rules of thumb for replicating limit- are therefore required in addition to fac-
equilibrium slope analysis with the SSR tor of safety values, then effort must be
method can be summarized as follows: made to specify the right estimates of
these properties.
Assume a single Young’s modulus
and a single Poisson’s ratio for slope In addition, for multiple material slope
materials models the ratios of the different

Assume a zero dilation angle Young’s moduli can affect deforma-

tion patterns. In some instances differ-
Assign all materials elastic-perfectly
ent stiffness ratios can produce failure
plastic behaviour
mechanisms that differ from limit equi-
Use six-noded triangular or other librium solutions. The images on the
higher-order elements. For a given following page show the different shear
number of nodes higher-order ele- deformation contours at failure that
ments are generally more efficient arise in a slope for two different sets of
(produce results that are closer to Young’s moduli for the material layers.
the ‘true’ solution) Although the factor of safety values are
Begin with smaller number of el- very similar for the two cases, the failure
ements. Refine model (increase mechanisms differ.
number of elements) once you’ve
obtained a good handle on a slope This has implications for the design (lo-

problem, and cation and capacity) of support or other

remedial measures for multiple material
Check the sensitivity of results to
slopes. For example, if support deforma-
number of elements
tions are required, then it is important
We would like to note that the defor- to assign adequate estimates of Young’s
mation parameters (Young’s modulus, moduli and Poisson’s ratios.
Poission’s ratio and dilation angle) in-
fluence the magnitudes of computed
deformations. If deformations at failure
These contours of maximum shear strain indicate two different failure
mechanisms for a multi-material slope. The difference in failure mode
is caused by changing the Young’s moduli of the material layers.
Prime Time Ready

We believe that SSR technology has The SSR method has been found to
improved to the point where it is ready work in cases in which limit-equilibrium
for prime time use, the practical, routine analysis either produces misleading
analysis of slopes. As has been reported results or does not work well. One such
by others and as confirmed by our tests example involves analysis of the stability
on several slope cases, the SSR method of slopes in which excavations such as
produces reliable and consistent results tunnels and caverns have been made.
over a wide range of slope problems. Whereas limit-equilibrium methods, due
It matches powerful limit-equilibrium to their inability to model stress-strain
features such as the ability to model behaviour, encounter difficulties on such
non-linear strength, and accommodate problems, the SSR method smoothly
multiple slope materials and support analyzes these cases.
types. In programs like Phase2, the SSR
We advocate for greater use of the SSR,
has been automated to the same levels
since it powerfully complements con-
as those found in premier slope stability
ventional limit-equilibrium analysis. The
tools for performing such slope analysis
The SSR enjoys several advantages over are available. Why not use them?
conventional limit-equilibrium analysis.
Among many desirable attributes, SSR
slope analysis can produce insights into We encourage readers to send
failure mechanisms, and their formation, their comments and views on this topic
to RocNews Feedback.
in ways that may not be as evident in
limit-equilibrium analysis. SSR analysis
can better model the behaviour of sup-
port elements, the interactions caused
by the relative stiffnesses of slope ma-
terials and support elements, and can
indicate deformations at failure.

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