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Name:Ruiz Peralta Mesach Sinair Number:1719110595

Profesor:Margarita Subjet:Informatica

Theme: Unit:1

Date: Activity:

Bibliographic References:


Why the informatic is important for your career​? 
R=I think that the informatic is important because can help with 
solutions for to do the work more easy and give solutions or tools 
that can be used for have a better organization also can be do 
database that can be helpful.  
Hardware and software  

Hardware​=Is the physical includes tangible parts of the computer 
for example: monitor, mouse, cabinet, keyboard etc. 


Software=​Is a collection of data instructions that tell the computer 
how to work or what steps follow for a proper functioning. 

How advanced the technology throught the 

​ echnology runs our lives these days. Smartphones, tablets and 
computers – we really can’t seem to function without them. In a 
very short amount of time, technology has exploded in the market 
and now, many people cannot imagine a life without it.  

Looking back to the 1990’s, the Internet was a new commodity 

many, but not all, households and businesses began to gain access. 

For people living during that time, the sound of the painfully slow 
dial up signal connecting to the Internet is a not-so-fond memory. 

Thankfully, as more people found value in the Internet, technology 

took off to eliminate having to use a phone line to go online and 
instead delivered faster connections to the World Wide Web. 

How advanced the technology throught the time 

A few years later, sharing information gradually started to become 
easier. Instead of handing over a floppy disc or CD-ROM, people 
began emailing documents or storing large files on USB sticks or 
flash drives. 

Since the days of dial-up, access to the Internet is available almost 

everywhere. It is rare these days for consumers to go into a coffee 
shop, library or any place of business and not be able to access a 
Wi-Fi signal. If there isn’t a Wi-Fi signal in close range, most people 
still have access to the Internet via their cellular data connection on 
their smartphones and personal hotspots. 

Computer virus
Is a type of computer program that use to steal data or damage the 
Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on infected 
host computers, such as acquisition of hard disk space or central 
processing unit (CPU) time, accessing and stealing private 
information (credit card numbers, Debit card numbers, phone 
numbers, names, email addresses, passwords, Bank Information, 
House Addresses, etc), corrupting data, displaying political, 
humorous or threatening messages on the user's screen, spamming 
their email contacts, logging their keystrokes, or even rendering 
the computer useless. 
There are different types of virus for example: worms, 
ransomware, spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, rootkits, 

Also known as anti-malware, is a computer program used to 
prevent, detect, and remove malware. 
Antivirus software was originally developed to detect and remove 
computer viruses,  

What is a information system ​ (IS)

Information systems (IS) are formal, sociotechnical, organizational 
systems designed to collect, process, store, and distribute 
information. In a sociotechnical perspective, information systems 

are composed by four components: task, people, structure (or 
roles), and technology. 
Silver et al. (1995) provided two views on IS that includes software, 
hardware, data, people, and procedures.[16] Zheng provided 
another system view of information system which also adds 
processes and essential system elements like environment, 
boundary, purpose, and interactions. 
The Association for Computing Machinery defines "Information 
systems specialists [as] focus[ing] on integrating information 
technology solutions and business processes to meet the 
information needs of businesses and other enterprises." 
There are various types of information systems, for example: 
transaction processing systems, decision support systems, 
knowledge management systems, learning management systems, 
database management systems, and office information systems. 
Critical to most information systems are information technologies, 
which are typically designed to enable humans to perform tasks for 
which the human brain is not well suited, such as: handling large 
amounts of information, performing complex calculations, and 
controlling many simultaneous processes. 
Information technologies are a very important and malleable 
resource available to executives. Many companies have created a 
position of chief information officer (CIO) that sits on the executive 
board with the chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer 
(CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief technical officer 
(CTO). The CTO may also serve as CIO, and vice versa. The chief 
information security officer (CISO) focuses on information security 

The six components that must come together in order to produce 
an information system are: (Information systems are organizational 
procedures and do not need a computer or software, this data is 
erroneous) (IE, an accounting system in the 1400s using ledger and 
ink utilizes an information system) 
Hardware: The term hardware refers to machinery. This category 
includes the computer itself, which is often referred to as the 
central processing unit (CPU), and all of its support equipment. 
Among the support, equipment are input and output devices, 
storage devices and communications devices. 
Software: The term software refers to computer programs and the 
manuals (if any) that support them. Computer programs are 
machine-readable instructions that direct the circuitry within the 
hardware parts of the system to function in ways that produce 
useful information from data. Programs are generally stored on 
some input/output medium, often a disk or tape. 
Data: Data are facts that are used by programs to produce useful 
information. Like programs, data are generally stored in 
machine-readable form on disk or tape until the computer needs 
Procedures: Procedures are the policies that govern the operation 
of a computer system. "Procedures are to people what software is 
to hardware" is a common analogy that is used to illustrate the role 
of procedures in a system. 
People: Every system needs people if it is to be useful. Often the 
most overlooked element of the system are the people, probably 

the component that most influence the success or failure of 
information systems. This includes "not only the users, but those 
who operate and service the computers, those who maintain the 
data, and those who support the network of computers." <Kroenke, 
D. M. (2015). MIS Essentials. Pearson Education>'; 
Feedback: it is another component of the IS, that defines that an IS 
may be provided with a feedback (Although this component isn't 
necessary to function). 
Data is the bridge between hardware and people. This means that 
the data we collect is only data until we involve people. At that 
point, data is now information. 


Trends in the commercial field 
Marketing and Sales always hand in hand #1 
It may seem obvious, but among the new trends of 2020 the 
alignment between Marketing and Sales departments is still 
emerging. We continue to see in many companies two departments 
that instead of working in parallel do so independently of each 
This is not only important in large companies with large, 
long-lasting and difficult sales processes, it is important in any 
business environment. Sales has to work in line with Marketing and 
vice versa. Not to mention that once there is a new customer, the 
Customer Success teams have to know in detail what needs are 
being covered for each customer (always customization). 
Alignment between Sales, Marketing, Customer Success 
As HubSpot points out, he is appearing on the scene to renovate or 
maybe even unseat the sales funnel, the Flywheel. The aim of the 
Flywheel is to give companies full visibility and control over every 
interaction between customer and company; before and after the 
purchase process. Because, and according to their study "In 2018 
and onwards, the biggest threat to your company's growth is not 
your competitors. It is a bad customer experience". 
And that brings me to the second of the new trends in the 
commercial sector: the customer experience. 
Customer experience yes, now and forever #2 

Focus on experience is undoubtedly one of the new trends that are 
gaining strength every year, since we are in an increasingly 
hyperconnected and digitalized world, among many other reasons. 
The customer experience refers to the interactive process that is 
generated between a brand and a person. People are not only 
moved by low prices, prestige brands, or convenience, but they are 
also looking for unique and tailored experiences. 
For a good customer experience that helps you grow your sales you 
can use different methods, some of them I explain here. 
It is also important to have the Customer Journey Map designed for 
your company. Where you can see the stages, interactions and any 
key element that can appear from the first contact of the customer 
with the brand to the post purchase (emotions, timeline...). 
customer journey map 
The whole company sells, not just the salesmen. So it's everyone's 
job to know where each customer stands and always communicate 
the same message. 
To design a good customer experience it is essential to rely on an 
effective CRM: It is the way to organize all the processes of the 
company in which we come into contact with the customer (Sales, 
Marketing and Customer Success). By relying on commercial tools 
we are increasingly efficient: we can personalize every action and 
meeting point with the customer, collect information on their 
characteristics and behavior beforehand, and record and share it 
afterwards in a quick and easy way. 

Your company's social speaker #3 
Another new trend is word of mouth, which has been online for 
several years now, especially on social networks. Users seek advice 
on these platforms from other users who have already consumed or 
tried the product in question. It is no longer enough for the brand 
to convince us, we need other consumers to contribute their 
experience, whether positive or negative, to help us buy or discard 
the product. The best place to find this is the Internet. Before 
buying your product or service, consumers will look for 
information, opinions and everything else they need to decide. 
word of mouth 
So, take care of your presence on the Internet, help yourself to 
professionals who bet on your product, create useful content for 
your consumers and study their behaviour after each sale in order 
to continuously improve the processes. 
Know what your customers really care about. 
Goodbye to price #4 
Yes, prices matter. But they're no longer enough, nor are they the 
decisive factor in business strategy. What do you prefer? 
a) A consumer who buys from you once and for a reduced price. 
b) A consumer who buys from you regularly because you are 
offering them good prices accompanied by added value: quality, 
care and attention. 
I imagine that you choose the second option. How? By 
personalizing the customer experience and increasing their level of 
satisfaction. Therefore, companies have to focus on customer 
centric strategies. Where the main focus is always the consumer, 
because he is and will be the most important asset of a company. 
Therefore, the basis of any strategy is to know what the customer 
wants have mechanisms to record and analyse them correctly. 

Data driven thanks to CRM #5 
The latest trend is to become data driven companies. Data can give 
you the information about your customers that you do not see at 
first sight. All of that data is valuable in delivering personalized 
customer experiences. 
What do we mean by personalized experiences? 
The customer expects to receive specific attention depending on 
their interactions with the brand. 
On the other hand, the company in question must always make 
decisions and execute them based on data analysis and 
interpretation. However, actions based on such data will also 
depend to a greater or lesser extent on the quality and reliability of 
The application of artificial intelligence to CRMs is one of the best 
existing contributions. Specifically, the use of natural language 
processing (NLP) systems to optimize the work of the salesperson 
and his interactions with customers. 


Business trends 
1 - Telework and the cloud 
The cloud has become a kind of god, capable of reaching every 
corner. Such is its relevance that it has even made it easier to work 
remotely and from anywhere in the world. The only requirement 
for this is to have an Internet connection. And yes, this is one of 
those opportunities that many business ideas in the USA have been 
able to take advantage of, because it saves costs, makes companies 
more flexible and horizontal organization becomes more important. 
cloud teleworking 
However, it is also true that there are still many who are wary of 
leaving their data behind in order to access the cloud, which is why 
private storage services will gain ground in the coming years. 
Business trends point to the emergence of organisations 
specialising in this type of storage. 
2 - The increase in online professions 
Or as they call them in Entrepreneurs, "professions 2.0". In recent 
times we have heard of community managers, online marketing 
directors and many other professions that relate to the online 
environment. And this trend does not seem to have an end, to the 
point that some positions will arise that, possibly, we do not know 
yet. However, innovation will go a step further in this field with the 
selection of personnel through the web, an environment in which 
social networks can be your best friends, but also your worst 
online careers 

3 - The reign of the mobile 
Mobile business, mobile payment, mobile relationships... Today, a 
large part of everyone's life can be summed up in their smartphone, 
a trend that will gain, by leaps and bounds, an undisputed 
prominence. Because the mobile phone is king. Consumers access 
products and services through this small and inseparable device. 
Thus, businesses must adapt to a reality that allows them to reach 
their customers through these technological devices. 
Mobile barriers will also overcome another great classic: wallets. 
2019 is shaping up to be the key year for making payments with the 
smartphone, because the number of establishments and services 
that allow this to happen will multiply and, therefore, it will be one 
of the business trends that will stand out from next year and in the 
coming years. In fact, there are countries, such as Japan, where this 
reality is already present. 
4 - The 3D printer revolution 
2019 will also be the year of 3D printers. According to the 
Business1000 portal, its importance is such that even large 
companies in this industry are acquiring small entities specialized 
in 3D printers for individuals in order to promote this last branch. 
In this way, these devices will be able to coexist even in homes and 
small corporations and, consequently, will become part of the daily 
life of any business or individual. 
5 - Sustainability in business 

Changes in society also shape future business trends. In a planet 
where ecological awareness is growing, companies, corporations 
and entrepreneurs must adapt to it. Thus, sustainability is on the 
rise in the field of business and new ideas to come. Ideas such as 
natural cosmetics, the commitment to renewable energy or 
bio-construction are just some examples. 
These are the opportunities that the business world presents for 20 

History of Viruses and Antiviruses and their 
History of viruses 
1949: The first hint of a virus definition is given. John Von Neumann 
(considered the Jules Verne of computer science), exposes his 
"Theory and organization of a complicated automaton". Nobody 
could suspect the repercussion of this article. 
1959: In AT&T Bell laboratories, the game "Nuclear War" (Core 
Wars) or war of ferrite cores is invented. It consisted of a battle 
between the codes of two programmers, in which each player 
developed a program whose mission was to grab as much memory 
as possible by reproducing himself. 

1970: The Creeper is spread by the ARPANET network. The virus 
showed the message "I AM CREEPER...Catch me if you can! That 
same year its antidote is created: the antivirus Reaper whose 
mission was to find and destroy the Creeper. 
1974: The Rabbit virus made a copy of itself and placed it twice in 
the execution queue of the IBM ASP which caused a system crash. 
1980: The ARPANET network is infected by a "worm" and is out of 
service for 72 hours. The infection was caused by Robert Tapan 
Morris, a 23-year-old computer science student, although he 
claims it was an accident. 
1988: it brought about an awareness, on the part of the computer 
industry, of the need to defend computer systems from attacks 
carried out by viruses. When the virus attacks began to be made 
public, panic began to invade many users and companies. That 
same year, specialists in protecting computers against these 
attacks emerged. They offered their services as security advisors to 
protect against viruses, and also sold some programs to detect and 
eliminate them. This was the beginning of the anti-virus industry. 
True to its "resemblance" to biological viruses, one of the first 
antivirus programs was called "Full Shot" and was created by an 
American programmer in New York, Ross Greenberg. 
From then on, tools for detecting and eradicating viruses began to 
be developed, which also triggered a greater effort by virus 
creators to avoid detection by these anti-virus programs. 

Then in the following years we found a series of viruses that caused 
great impact on the world of computers and the Internet. 
Concept. It is known as the first macro virus, as it was included in a 
macro of the Microsoft Word program. It was born in 1995 and was 
distributed through infected attachments, which worked mainly in 
Word 6.0 and Word 95, which the user did not know had the virus. 
When the person received the attachment, he or she was infected 
just by opening the file on their computer and using Word. 
Melissa. This virus with a woman's name was the first to be 
transmitted via email in 1999. Although not as destructive, it 
managed to spread and infect millions of users. Any computer that 
arrived was replicated and saturated mailboxes. Users of Microsoft 
Word 97 or 2000 and Microsoft Outlook 97 or 98 were most 
affected by Melissa. The plague, created by David L. Smith, caused 
companies like Lucent, Microsoft and Intel to temporarily shut 
down their e-mail servers because the virus was clogging up the 
system. According to Diego Osorio, technology manager at security 
firm Lock-Net, "Most viruses are for Windows. Most hackers use 
Linux and Mac and have feelings of rejection towards Microsoft, 
which has resulted in the most viruses being for the Redmond 
I love you. A thesis project submitted by a 24-year-old Filipino, 
which was rejected at the university, turned out to be a virus 
capable of infecting more than 45 million computers, at a cost of 
more than $10 billion. The program, which was created in 2000, 
sent an email with the words 'I love you' in its subject line and was 
accompanied by an attachment called 'A love letter to you'. When 
the file, which was supposed to be a text document, was executed, 
the virus was forwarded to the user's entire contact list. 

Code Red. On 13 July 2001, the first news about this worm that 
spread through networks without the need for an email or a 
website was released. The aim of Code Red was to infect computers 
with the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS); figures show 
that in a single week it infected almost 400,000 servers. In August 
of the same year, Code Red II was released, with a similar behavior 
to the first one. 
Slammer. This virus, which appeared on January 23, 2003, is 
estimated to have infected most of its more than 75,000 victims in 
just 10 minutes. Slammer affected affected computers with 
Microsoft SQL Server and caused many Internet servers to show 
their users that there was no service or caused the Network to be 
too slow. 
Sasser. At the age of 17, Sven Jaschan did not imagine that he would 
be the creator of one of the most terrible and harmful computer 
viruses in history. Between April and May 2004, this computer 
plague alerted more than one company to its high degree of danger 
because, in order to infect the computer, it was not necessary for 
the user to open a file. Among the malicious activity of Sasser, it is 
recalled that it took advantage of the bumps in the security of the 
Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems and expanded 
at surprising speeds, until reaching about 250 thousand infected 
computers. The worm put corporations and major companies in 
countries such as England, Taiwan, Australia and Finland in a 
difficult situation. 
Storm. In January 2007, users in Europe and the United States 
began to receive e-mails related to a storm affecting the European 

continent. The message had an attachment that infected the 
computer and immediately made it part of a botnet, so it began 
sending and receiving commands from its creator. It is estimated 
that Storm produced about 8 percent of all malware in the world by 
that time. 
Conficker. This is one of the most recent viruses, first detected in 
November 2008. The virus attacked an existing vulnerability in the 
Windows operating system and took advantage of systems that had 
not been updated with a certain security patch by October 2008. 
Although the Conficker problem was considered fixed and 
eliminated at the beginning of 2009, it attacked again in April 2009. 
Conficker is believed to have affected over 7 million computers in 
government institutions, businesses and homes in its early stages, 
although it has been difficult to quantify its impact because it used 
many malware techniques in combination. The final figure for 
infections is estimated at around 15 million computers. 
Differences between Viruses and Antiviruses 
Computer viruses 
A computer virus is a program or software that runs itself and 
spreads by inserting copies of itself into another program or 
A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file so that it can 
spread, infecting computers as it travels from one computer to 
Like human viruses, computer viruses can spread widely: some 
viruses only cause mildly annoying effects while others can damage 
your hardware, software or files. 

Almost all viruses attach themselves to an executable file, which 
means that the virus can be on your computer but cannot infect it 
unless you run or open the infected program. It is important to 
note that a virus cannot continue to spread without human action, 
(for example by running an infected program). 
People contribute to the spread of viruses, often unknowingly, by 
sharing infected files or by sending e-mails with viruses as 
attachments to the e-mail. 
Inserting the virus into a program is called an infection, and the 
infected code in the file (or executable that is not part of a file) is 
called a host. 
Viruses are one of several types of Malware or malicious software. 
Some viruses have a delayed load, which is sometimes called a 
bomb. For example, a virus may display a message on a day or wait 
a specific time until it has infected a certain number of hosts. 
However, the most negative effect of viruses is their uncontrolled 
self-replication, which overloads all computer resources. 
Due to the Internet, today worms are more common than viruses. 
Anti-virus programs, originally designed to protect computers 
against viruses, have expanded to cover worms and other threats 
such as spyware. 
cyber attacks 
An antivirus is a computer program that is intended to detect and 
remove viruses and other harmful programs before or after they 
enter the system. 
Antivirus software is software applications that have been designed 
as a protection and security measure to safeguard data and the 
operation of home and business computer systems from those 
other applications commonly known as viruses or malware that are 
intended to alter, disrupt or destroy the proper performance of 
A virus protection program has a common function that often 
compares the code of each file it checks against a database of 
known virus codes and thus can determine if it is a harmful element 
to the system. It can also recognize a behavior or pattern of 
behavior typical of a virus. The antivirus can record both the files 
inside the system and those trying to enter or interact with it. 
Since new viruses are created almost constantly, it is always 
necessary to keep your antivirus program updated, so that it can 
recognize new malicious versions. Thus, the anti-virus can either 
remain running for as long as the computer system remains on, or 
register a file or series of files whenever the user requires it. 
Typically, antivirus can also check incoming and outgoing emails 
and visited websites. 
An antivirus can be complemented by other security applications 
such as firewalls or anti-spyware that perform accessory functions 
to prevent the entry of viruses. 
​ Virus and Antivirus Features 
Characteristics of Computer Viruses 
In the past, most computer viruses were transmitted between 
infected diskettes. Today, with the growing popularity of the 
Internet, most viruses (and malicious programs) are spread through 
the network of networks by e-mail, by downloading infected files 
(via WWW, P2P, FTP, chats, forums, etc.), by browsing, etc. 

Here is a list of some properties that computer viruses can have 
and the effects they produce. Not all viruses will exhibit these 
1.- Viruses can infect multiple files on the infected computer (and 
the network it belongs to): Because some viruses reside in memory, 
as soon as a diskette or program is loaded into memory, the virus 
will "add up" or "stick" to memory itself and then be able to infect 
any file on the computer it accessed. 
2.- They can be Polymorphic: Some viruses have the ability to 
modify their code, which means that a virus can have multiple 
similar variants, making them difficult to detect. 
3.- They can be memory resident or not: As we mentioned before, a 
virus is capable of being resident, that is, it first loads itself into 
memory and then infects the computer. It can also be 
"non-resident", when the virus code is executed only each time a 
file is opened. 
4.- They can be sneaky: Stealth viruses will first attach themselves 
to computer files and then attack the computer, causing the virus 
to spread more quickly. 
5.- Viruses can carry other viruses: A virus can carry another virus 
making it much more lethal and help each other hide or even assist 
it in infecting a particular section of the computer. 

They can cause the system never to show signs of infection: Some 
viruses can hide the changes they make, making it much more 
difficult for the virus to be detected. 
Can remain in the computer even if the hard disk is formatted: 
While very rare, some viruses have the ability to infect different 
portions of the computer such as CMOS or lodging in the MBR 
(boot sector). 
Antivirus features 
In order to define the characteristics of the antivirus, it is necessary 
to use some of them (we will see them later) and from this we will 
derive an objective conclusion of how an antivirus should be, 
highlighting its general characteristics, so that we can trust in its 
According to the different authors consulted, the essential 
characteristics are the following: 
1.Great capacity to detect and react to a new virus. 
2.Systematic update. 
3.Minimum detection of false positives or false viruses. 
4.Respect for the normal performance of the equipment. 
5. Seamless integration with the email program. 
6.Alert on possible infection by different entry routes (Internet, 
email, network or floppy disk). 
7.High disinfection capacity. 
8.Presence of different detection and analysis methods 
9.Checking of the startup and possible changes in the application 

What is malware and pishing 
A malware attack is a piece of malicious software that takes control 
of a person's computer in order to spread the malware to other 
people's devices and profiles. It can also infect a computer and 
make it part of a botnet, meaning that the cybercriminal can 
control the computer and use it to send malware to others. 
Phishing attacks are designed to steal people's login details and 
passwords so that the cybercriminal can take control of the victim's 
social network, email and online bank accounts. 70% of Internet 
users choose the same password for almost every web service they 
use. This is why phishing is so effective, as the offender, using the 
same login details, can access multiple private accounts and 
manipulate them for their own benefit. 

Recommendation of a computer to a commercial 


Companies that have to carry out design or data analysis tasks 
surely need a robust team. There are workstations like the HP Z620 
that are used by large film producers to edit content and oil 
companies to run fluid models. These machines can have more than 
36 processor cores, 2 TB of memory and up to 20 TB of storage 

Conclutions u Observations:


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