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School Grade Level 12

K TO 12
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area General Biology 1
Date / Time Quarter/ Week 1st Quarter/ Week 2

I. OBJECTIVES Session 1 Session 2

1. Classify different cell types of the human body and give 1. Identify the different plant tissues
their specific functions. 2. Discuss their specific functions in the plant system
2. Identify the different animal tissues and discuss their 3. Explain the importance of those different plant tissues on the growth
specific functions in the body. and development of plants.
3. Discuss the importance of those animal tissues in the overall
functioning of the body.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Content Standards 1. Cell Types
2. Plant and Animal Tissues
The learners shall be able to:
B. Performance Standard 1. Construct a 3D model of a plant/animal/ bacterial cell using recyclable materials
2. Construct a cell membrane model from indigenous or recyclable materials
C. Learning The learners….. The learners…..
Competencies /
Write the LC code for 1. Classify the different cell types (plant tissues) and specify 1. Classify the different animal tissues and specify its
each objective: its function (s). function (s).
STEM_ BIO11/12 Ia-c-4 STEM_ BIO11/12 Ia-c-4

II. CONTENT Values Integration: Students are able to:
 Appreciate the workmanship in the bodies of living things through cell study.
 Become aware of how cellular structures play a vital role in body functions.
 Value the contributions made by several scientists toward the development of cellular study.


A. References General Biology by: Renato A. Dela Pena, Jr., pp. 23-34
General Biology 1 by: Maria Angelica D. Rea, pp.17-22
Biology by: Carmelita Capco pp. 230-2235
General Biology1 (Phoenix) by: Anna Cherylle Morales- Ramos

Different Activity sheets for General Biology 1 taken from LRMS Different Activity sheets for General Biology 1 taken from LRMS
Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal

B. Other Learning Epithelium: The Basics at Plant Cell Types at
Resources w2L2bV898 Plants Parts and Functions at
Connective Tissue: The Basics at https://www.youtubecom/watch=?v=uaZjDUiANcs nknLqGJo2k4
Nervous Tissue: The Basics at
Muscular Tissue: The Basics at Sachs J. 1875. Text-book of botany: morphological and physiological. Clarendon Press. London
Tissues Microscope Slides


A. Reviewing previous  As previously discussed, the prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell Picture Analysis: What does each picture represents? How does it
lesson or presenting are the main types of cell. In the case of prokaryotic cells (e.g., functions in our body?
the new lesson bacteria), they can only do a modification as individual cells
since they cannot form multicellularity.

 In the case of eukaryotic cells, particularly plant and animals,

they can attain multicellularity.

Review of the lesson can be done through Onion peel technique of

asking questions or by means of Venn diagram.
The teacher may use a concept mapping to review the past lesson.

The teacher may show different pictures of animals such as fishes,

B. Establishing a purpose for birds, amphibians, mammals and reptiles.
the lesson (Motivation)

The following examples of animals are on higher forms and in their

body, there are major types of cells found on it. What makes the plant (Fruits and vegetables) to form their fleshy part?
What tissues supported the elongating parts of the plant?
What do you think are those cells? What make the stone cells of the Chico fruit?
How about the seed coat of coconut shells?
This questions wonders us why plants behave in those ways?

Plants are also multicellular organisms composed of different types of

cells that functions independently in plant structures.

Somatic cells (body cells) and germinal cells (sex cells) are Plant tissues have been traditionally grouped in the following tissue
C. Presenting examples/ present in those higher forms of animals. systems:
instances for the new lesson
The teacher may present a short video clip about the difference 1. Protection (epidermis and periderm)
between Somatic cells (body cells) and germinal cells (sex cells).
2. Ground tissues (parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma), and vascular (xylem and phloem). The protection system allows plants to survive in dry and variable
environments. It is the outer part of the plant and, depending on the plant
Guide Questions: species and development state of the plant organ, is the epidermis or
1. What are the differences between somatic cells and germ cells? periderm.
2. Where are the specific location where somatic cells and germ
cells be found? 3. The ground system is mainly involved in metabolic and mechanical
3. What are the examples of somatic and germ cells? support functions. Most of the ground system is parenchyma tic tissue,
4. How important are these somatic and germ cells in the body? which carries out functions like photosynthesis and storing different
types of substances.
Somatic cells – are diverse in the body of an organism 4. The vascular system is one of the most relevant novelties during
Ex. Neurons, epithelial cells, livers cells, somite. plant evolution because it communicates the different organs and parts
Somatic cells play a physiological role in the overall function of the of the plant by transporting molecules and water.

Germinal cells – are essential for reproduction which are How are plant tissues classified?
represented by sperm and egg cells which can be found only in the
testes and ovaries of male and female organisms respectively. Plant tissues may be classified in other ways. For instance, attending to
the cell diversity found in the different tissues, there are simple
Aside from somatic and germinal cells, there are various types tissues with only one type of cell, like parenchyma, and complex
of cell in humans. tissues with several cell types, like protection and vascular tissues
Activity: cub_human_lesson05_activity1_worksheet (Red Blood
cell) .

The teacher may present a short video presentation about the other
types of cells in human. The teacher may present a short video presentation about plant tissues and their specific functions.
What is all about the video clip presentation?
What are the different types of human cells? What is their functions?
What is all about the video clip presentation?
How the different plant tissues does functions in the plants?
What are the different plant tissues? How do they functions in plants?
What are the other types of cell in humans? What are the different plant tissues and their specific functions?

There are three major types of plant tissues are

1. Dermal
2. Ground
3. Vascular tissues

Dermal Tissue

Ovum/ egg cell Sperm cells Dermal tissue covers the outside of a plant in a single layer of cells called
the epidermis. You can think of the epidermis as the plant’s skin. It
mediates most of the interactions between a plant and its environment.
Epidermal cells secrete a waxy substance called cuticle, which coats,
waterproofs, and protects the above-ground parts of plants. Cuticle helps
prevent water loss, abrasions, infections, and damage from toxins.

The epidermis of Arabidopsis shows both

pavement cells
(A) and stomata made of sclerenchyma guard
(B) Which control water loss and gas exchange.

Ground tissues - metabolism, storage, and support activities

a) the ground tissue of the leaf (called mesophyll) uses the energy in
sunlight to synthesize sugars in a process known as photosynthesis.
Neuron cells Melanocytes cells
b) the ground tissue of the stem (called pith and cortex) develops
support cells to hold the young plant upright.
Other human types of cells are:
1. Keratinocyte cells 6. Fibroblasts c) the ground tissue of the root (also called cortex) often stores energy-
2. Epithelial cells 7. Erythrocytes rich carbohydrates.
3. Hepatocytes 8. Lymphocytes
4. Muscle Fiber cells 9. Megakaryocyte
5. Platelets
Vascular tissues - the transport of water and dissolved substances
inside the plant.

a) the xylem carries water and dissolved ions from the roots to stems
and leaves

b) the phloem carries dissolved sugars from the leaves to all other parts
of the plant.

Bundles of xylem and phloem run through

the ground tissue inside this stalk of celery.

What function do these tissues serve?

Tissues result from the differentiation of several groups of cell that What is Meristematic tissues?
D. Discussing new concepts will form a group of cells having the same functions.
and practicing new skills # 1
In animals, the tissues are either: MERISTEMATIC TISSUE
1. Epithelial 3. Muscular The cells of this tissue have the ability to divide and redivide to form
2. Connective 4. Nervous new cells. The newly formed cells are similar to the parent cells but as
they grow their characteristic change and they differentiate. These cells
The study of different tissues is termed as Histology. Different help in increase of length and girth (width) of plants and are found in
tissues arise from a particular germ layer during embryonic growing areas of plants. This cells are living, have dense cytoplasm, thin
development. cellulose walls, prominent nuclei and lack vacuole as vacuole provide
rigidity to cells preventing quick division.

These are the tissues that come from Meristematic tissue and are
matured. The Meristematic cells form permanent tissue once they lose
the ability to divide. This cells have definite shape, size and function and
may be dead or living. The process by which cells arise from
Meristematic tissue and take up a permanent shape, size and function is
called differentiation. Permanent tissues are of two types:

1. Simple permanent tissue.

2. Complex permanent tissue.
The epithelial tissue are polygonal cells nearly placed together
with very few or no extracellular matrix.
 Include shielding the organism against harmful infective
agents. (e.g. skin,)
 Uptake and pre- metabolism of nutrients/ drugs (e.g. intestine
and sensation (e.g. neuroepithelium).

Types of epithelial tissues:

Permanent tissues
E. Discussing new concepts What is a xylem? Phloem? What are the functions of this sieve tube
and practicing new skills # 2 vessels?


The cells have thick walls. Elements are tracheid, vessels, xylem
parenchyma, and xylem sclerenchyma. Vessels are the most important
elements and are shorter and wider than tracheid. Vessels and tracheid
have tube like structures that help in transporting water and minerals
vertically efficiently. Conduction takes place in one direction. Xylem
parenchyma stores food and helps in lateral conduction of water. In
addition to transporting water and mineral salts from roots to leaves,
xylem also provides support to plants and trees because of its tough
lignified vessels. In xylem, only the Xylem parenchyma is living and
all other elements are dead.
The Connective tissues and special connective tissues
How about phloem?
Connective tissues are group of tissue that structurally differ
according to their localization. They can be fibrous elastic, PHLOEM
reticular or collagenous.
Elements of phloem are sieve tubes, companion cells, and phloem
Functions: parenchyma and phloem fibers. Sieve tubes are tube like structures, The
end walls are called seive plates and are perforated due to presence of
 Important for support, protection, transport, insulation and pores. Phloem transports the prepared food from leaves to storage organ
repair. and from storage organ to growing regions. Hence the conduction is bi
directional. In phloem all the elements are living except the phloem
 Responsible also for blood cell differentiation or formation
(haematopoiesis) and immunological responses. fibers.

What is muscular tissues? What is the function of this tissues in

the body?
 Provides posture and body support
 Locomotion/ movement
 Heat production Food production on plants occurs in the parenchyma cell of leaves.
 Muscle tissue is examined with respect to function and types of They are usually made of relatively large cells. Their thin cell walls make
muscle possible the easy exchange of water and nutrients between cells and play
 Structure and mechanisms of contraction and attachments. important role in wound healing and the regeneration of these parts.

There are three types of Muscle tissues in the body: skeletal

Parenchyma cells serve as storage for food, forming the fleshy tissues
muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. of fruits and vegetables.
1. Skeletal muscle is also known as voluntary muscle because we
can consciously, or voluntarily, control it in response to input by Collenchyma cells are elongated and can stretch to provide mechanical
nerve cells. Skeletal muscle, along with cardiac muscle, is also support to elongating parts of the plants. Collenchyma cells are
referred to as striated ("striped") because it has a microscopically commonly found below epidermal regions of the stems.
streaked or striped appearance. Sclerenchyma cell have very thick walls to support mature plant parts
like fibers and seeds. They are usually dead cells. Their cell walls have
2. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart, and although it is lignin that makes them waterproof.
striated like skeletal muscle, it functions involuntarily. Cardiac Plant fibers and stone cells of fruits like Chico as well as seed coat of
and most smooth muscles are auto rhythmic-they are capable of coconut shells are made of sclerenchyma cells.
contracting spontaneously without nervous or hormonal

3. Smooth muscle is widely distributed throughout the body, being

found in the walls of hollow organs such as our digestive,
reproductive, and urinary tracts, tubes such as blood vessels and
airways, and in other locations, such as the inside of the eye. It
gets its name because it lacks the striped appearance that skeletal
and cardiac muscle display microscopically. It is involuntary in

The last type of animal tissue is the nervous tissues:

Nervous tissues receives stimuli from the environment and internal

signals, which produce relay functionally.

 The functionality is dependent on synapses, which serves as the
site for the physiological relay of signals/ messages.
 Are sensory input, integration, control of muscles and glands,
homeostasis, and mental activity.
 Fish bowl technique Think and Pair:
F. Developing mastery  Picture Analysis: The teacher may pose pictures/ illustrations of
(Leads to Formative 1. What are the actively dividing tissues of the plant found in
different animal tissues, and the students will identify the type
Assessment 3) of animal tissue it is and give their specific functions. growing parts such as root tips and leaf buds?
What are the different animal tissues? 2. Which vascular tissues in plants are responsible for conducting
How important are these tissues in the body? water in the plant body? What about the dissolved food
3. Which meristems brings about the horizontal growth of the
plant tissues?
4. Which ground tissue provides structural integrity to the plant
What are the new technological advancement in Science and With your cell phone, take a picture of any plant. Print your picture.
G. Finding practical health, Surgeries and other medical development using tissue Using arrows, indicate the type of cells that are in the various parts of the
applications of concepts culture? plant body. Alternatively, you can draw a plant in the space provided.
and skills in daily living
 New Developments and Trends in Tissue Engineering
 Although it is now known as a common term for almost two
decades, ‘Tissue Engineering’ (TE) still can be considered to
be a comparatively young field of basic and applied
multidisciplinary biomedical research. It utilizes the
principles and methods of engineering and life sciences
combined with clinical expertise toward the development of
biological tissue substitutes to restore, maintain or improve
the function of diseased or damaged human tissues is
currently leaving its eggshells behind. Without doubt the
collaboration of scientists from many various disciplines has What are the different plants stress?
led to the development of a multitude of brilliant inventions, How do you think plants manage stress?
latest research tools and scientific techniques which are now Does their tissues plays a vital role in managing plant’s stress?
constantly incorporated in this yet growing scientific field.
 Just like human beings, we do have our unending stress, but how do
Nowadays, how does the tissue development helps mankind to you manage those different stress and problems in life?
cure/ correct different diseases?
Identify the four types of tissue in the body, and describe the Let us Summarize the Plant Tissues:
H. Making generalizations major functions of each tissue.
and abstractions about  The three types of plant cells are found in each of the major types of
the lesson If a cell is called the basic unit of life, then a group of cells together plant tissues: dermal, ground, and vascular tissues.
make up the tissues. These groups of cells have a common origin with
a similar structure. And the groups of cells perform a definite function.  Dermal tissue covers the outside of a plant in a single layer of cells
So, in simple terms, tissues can be defined as a group of cells called the epidermis. It mediates most of the interactions between a
performing similar functions. plant and its environment.
Tissues represent a level of organization in living organisms. Both  Ground tissue makes up most of the interior of a plant. It carries out
plants and animals have tissues. But the kinds of tissues that are basic metabolic functions and stores food and water.
present in both the living organisms are different. If you see in animals,
groups of muscle cells together form the muscle tissue. Similarly,  Vascular tissue runs through the ground tissue inside a plant. It
groups of plant cells form the plant tissue. consists of bundles of xylem and phloem, which transport food, water
and minerals throughout the plant.
The four types of tissues in the body are:
1. epithelial, 3. muscle
2. connective 4. nervous
How are plant tissues classified according to their functions?
Epithelial tissue is made of layers of cells that cover the surfaces
of the body that come into contact with the exterior world, line What are the growth tissues of plants? How are they classified and where
internal cavities, and form glands. can they be found?

Connective tissue binds the cells and organs of the body together What are the main features of Meristematic cells? Why do these cells
and performs many functions, especially in the protection, support, need to have a high mitotic rate?
and integration of the body.
What are lateral meristems? Where can they be found and which type
Muscle tissue, which responds to stimulation and contracts to of plant growth do they promote?
provide movement, is divided into three major types: skeletal
What is the difference between lateral and apical buds in plants?
(voluntary) muscles, smooth muscles, and the cardiac muscle in the

Nervous tissue allows the body to receive signals and transmit

information as electric impulses from one region of the body to
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
I. Evaluating Learning 1. Which of the following is not a primary tissue type?
a. *Embryonic c. Epithelial 1. When the weather is very hot, what will happen to the stomata?
b. Muscle d. Nervous a. They will be closed to prevent water loss.
2. A group of organized __________ working together forms b.They will be open to allow for water loss.
__________. An organized group of the latter work together c. They will be closer to allow for water loss.
to form __________. d.They will be open to prevent water loss.
a. Tissue, organ, cell c. *Cell, tissue, organ
b. Organ, cell, tissue d. Tissue, cell, organ 2. Parenchyma cells are specialized for and involved in all of the
3. Which of the following tissue types make up the inside or following activities EXCEPT
outside lining of something in the body? a. Serve as storage for food, forming the fleshy tissues of fruits and
a. Epithelial c. Muscular vegetables.
b. Connective d. Nervous b. Responsible for easy exchange of water and nutrients.
4. If you observe a layer of columnar cells of varying heights, c. Responsible for the growth regions of stems and roots.
they would be called __________ columnar cells. d. Provides mechanical support to the elongating parts of the plants
a. Simple c. *Pseudo stratified columnar
b. Stratified d. Simple cuboidal 3. It is the upward transport of water throughout the parts of the
5.Which of the following muscles typically operate under plants.
voluntary control? a. a. Xylem b. Phloem c. Bark d. Meristems
a. Cardiac c. Smooth
b. *Skeletal d. Muscular 4. Transpiration and exchange of gases are functions of __________
6. Which of the following muscles have the ability to cause a. Stomata c. both a and b
blood vessels to dilate or constrict depending on external b. Xylem d. neither a nor b
a. Skeletal c. Muscular 5. Collenchyma mainly forms _________________.
b. *Smooth d. Nervous a. hypodermis c. phloem
7. Which of the following muscles do NOT consist of b. epidermis d. inner cortex
a. cardiac c. *Smooth
b. skeletal d. Nervous
8. Which part of the neuron is involved in sending an impulse
to the synapse area or to an effector?
a. Axon b. Soma c. Dendrite d. Nucleus
9. Impulses that are going toward the CNS are called
__________ and impulses going away from the CNS are
called __________.
a. *afferent; efferent c. efferent; afferent
b. motor; sensory d. neurons, axon
10. Where can you find the cardiac muscle tissues?
a. lining of the intestine c. stomach wall
b. *Heart d. lining of the arteries
Research on the other development on animal tissue engineering Research about plant tissue development and how the products of this
and tissue culture development and have it presented in the class. activity brings development and progress in one’s society. Present it to
J. Additional activities for the class.
application for remediation


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation
_____Experiment _____Role Play _____Experiment _____Role Play
_____Lecture _____Complete IMs _____Lecture _____Complete IMs
E. Which of my teaching
_____Discover _____Collaborative Learning _____Discover _____Collaborative Learning
strategies worked well? Why
Others, please specify Others, please specify
did these work?
Why? ______________________________________________ Why? ______________________________________________

_____Bullying among students _____Bullying among students

F. What difficulties did I ______Pupils/ behavior/attitude ______Pupils/ behavior/attitude
encounter which my principal _____Colorful IMs _____Colorful IMs
or supervisor can help me _____Unavailable technology equipment (AVR/LCD) _____Unavailable technology equipment (AVR/LCD)
solve? _____Science/ Computer/Internet lab _____Science/ Computer/Internet lab
Others, please specify __________________ Others, please specify __________________
_____Localized videos _____Localized videos
G. What innovation or localized
_____Making big books from views of the locality _____Making big books from views of the locality
materials did I use/discover
_____ Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts _____ Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
which I wish to share with other
_____Local music composition _____Local music composition
Others, please specify_____________ Others, please specify_____________
Note: This materials has been crafted for the benefit of the teachers and learners as reference to ease the preparation of teaching- learning plan, yet you can modify it as to diversity
of learners but not the competencies. Thank you.

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