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The Ungrateful crane

Once upon a time, near a pretty little pond, there lived a beautiful crane, he was the
most handsome bird there but he wasn’t very grateful about it. He hated his legs, his wings, his
beak and simply whined about it all year. Everyone had heard him grumble, from the birds that
lived in the highest tree to the fish that swam in the deepest part of the pond. They were all
very tired of hearing him.
One night, as he was resting on a tree, he started to grumble as usual, “Oh these legs of
mine are so useless and so is this wings, they aren’t strong at all, neither are they pretty. If only
I could have had wings of colorful like butterflies.” “Really?” a sudden voice came out of
nowhere. The crane was surprised, “ Oh oh you scared me, oh my heart beats so fast, such a
useless heart as well.” “Oh, what a funny thing to say, no one has a useless heart.” Said the
owl. The crow answered, “Then I am the one for everything I have is useless, my legs are like
little twigs might be keep long and ugly and my wings are so pale and white, no color at all,
how I wish I was a butterfly.” The wise owl replied, “Little crane, say carefully, do you really
think being a butterfly would be better? Without wasting time, the crane answer, “ Oh yes I do,
everyone in the whole world would love and adore me. I would be the most beautiful creature
ever! Oh I wish I could be one!” Just then the little crane went to sleep, leaving the owl saying,
“I warned you little crane but I speak the truth and tell no lie, by morning you shall be a
The next morning, the crane woke up but something was wrong! It wasn’t near his pond
and neither was he a crane anymore, he said, “My! What a pretty flower! I’ve never seen such
a big flower in my whole life! Hem, what are these behind me? Whoah wings?! I’m not a crane
anymore! I’m a butterfly.” Indeed! The crane had made his with and had now transformed into
the most beautiful little butterfly. His wings had such bright colors and he looked lovely in the
sun. He shouted happily “Wow! These wings are amazing! So beautiful! And such lovely
colors! Yes!” All the way he fluttered, showing off his wings to all the flowers and bees he
saw, he flew as high as he could go to show his wings off to the world thinking how lovely and
how beautiful he looked, admiring the beauty of his wings and hoping for that not to be a
At that moment, an eagle came after him. He was so scared that he start fluttering away
very fast, but his wings weren’t very much use. There were very small and he found it very
hard to escape. He got panicked and tried to fly as fast as he can with that small wings. At last,
he hid in the bushes and the eagle flew away. That was very close! The crane now believe that
butterfly wings are terrible for escaping. Suddenly, a frog spotted her and thought that the
butterfly looked very beautiful that it would make a very delicious meal for him. And there
goes another chase. The butterfly managed to escape but he was very exhausted as he spent the
whole day running away from the predators that want him. He thought, “Oh, being a beautiful
butterfly is terrible and it causes me more trouble than ever! Maybe if I were the fish
underwater, it would be better, a body full of shiny scales and no eagles can simply munch on
me. Oh, maybe it would be a better life to be a fish.” The poor little butterfly fell into a deep
sleep. He was very tired after the chase.
The next morning, the crane thought that he had had a very strange dream about
butterflies eagles and frog, but when he tried to fly, he couldn’t and he then realized that the
wings he was trying to fly with, were now tiny little fins. He was very confuse, yes, he had
turned into a fish in the ocean, his wish came true. “Great! These scales are so beautiful, they
shine just like colored mirrors!” he said and off he went, looking at all the lovely corals and
beautiful fish that swam everywhere. He was very happy as the sea was so beautiful, so is his
fish scales. “I fit here perfectly! Nothing can trouble me down here,” he exclaimed.

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