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1. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksplanasi

2. Mempresentasikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks yang

Identitas Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris SMA

Petunjuk Kerja:

1. Kelompok memilih teks yang sudah disiapkan oleh guru

2. Peserta didik dalam kelompok membaca teks yang telah dipilih

3. Kelompok mendiskusikan teks dari segi fungsi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

4. Kelompok mencatat hasil diskusi/temuan mereka

5. Kelompok Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi

Text 1

(Sumber: Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kemdikbud Kelas XI, 2017)

Text 2
How do vicious volcano erupt?

A volcano is a large mountain of harden rock

holding a massive amount of extremely hot
lava. Volcano are a very dangerous especially
if you live around them. When lava flows
occur they can reach a very high speed of
100 to 200km/hour, lava can be as hot as
1,170 degrees most likely melting everything
when it erupts.
how a volcano occurs
Firstly the chamber fills with magma which therefore occurs it to press against the solid
rock around it. Eventually magma gases and ash pushes through the vent leading it
towards the crater, finally it will explode out on the surface. Once it hits the surface the
lava starts flowing out onto the surface melting everything, when it gets cold it turns into
rock. A volcano is a vent which transfers magma from the depths of the earth to the
surface. When magma erupts from the volcanoes vent it’s called “lava”. The pressure and
heat in the mantle begins an eruption. Magma in the earth is lighter than the crust so it
tries to push above it. They can trigger Tsunamis, Earthquakes, floods, rock falls and
What a volcano can damage
When lava erupts it can destroy nearly everything surrounding or nearby islands. During
and after an eruption it can destroy road, houses and buildings.Eventually animals die,
plants die and humans die. However, when a lava flow occurs it will kill and melting
anything and everything. When ash lands on a roof of a house or building, the roof is most
likely going to collapse and therefore the house will fall down with it.
Warning signs
When a volcanic eruption is about to occur, the earth will start to rumble, all the gases
from the volcano will flow through the air and the volcano will start to smoke about an
hour before the eruption. Usually they will give you warning signs over the radio and TV,
so if you have enough time I would try and get as far away as possible. Right before the
eruption it will start to rain ash, so you should get undercover.
Where a volcano occurs
Volcanoes occur all over the world, but are stronger when on the ring of fire. The plates
move around very slowly, they push together and pull apart and when that makes magma
moves between the plates forming a volcano. Most volcanoes happen on the plates. They
occur nearly anywhere in the world on the ring of fire, where Earthquakes also occur.
Volcanoes are located all over the world, but when on the ring of fire they are extremely
dangerous. When a volcano explodes they transfer a huge amount of lava, gases and
smoke onto the surface, lava flows can travel up to 100 to 200km per hour most likely
melting everything. When Krakatoa exploded later in 1883 it covered islands with thick
black clouds for 5 days straight. Volcanic eruptions can trigger tsunamis, earthquakes,
floods, rock falls and lastly mudflows. Would you want to be running for your life during
an eruption?
Text 3


Rainbow is a beautiful sight that is rarely found. This natural phenomenon is an optical
andmeteorological phenomenon that forms the spectrum of the sky due to the refraction of
sunlight by rain or dew point in Earth's atmosphere. Symptoms that can form a colorful bow.
Phenomenon occurs only in the rain along with the sun shining, and therefore the rainbowalways
appear directly opposite the sun. While the refraction is a process diuraikannya a specificcolor into
another color (also called the color spectrum) through a particular medium.

Rainbow formed by the refraction of sunlight by water pressure in the atmosphere. Whensunlight
through water droplets, the light is bent in such a way that makes the colors that exist ina separate
light. The sun itself has multiple colors called polychromatic.

All colors of the rainbow produced by sunlight begins. Each color is bent at different angles. Thecolor
red is the color most recently deflected while purple is the color most first steered. Lightthat can be
captured clearly by the human eye there are only 7: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,Blue, Indigo, Violet.
Rainbow can be observed when it rains and the sun shining from behind atlow altitude.

The most amazing rainbow phenomenon will occur when the air a bit overcast and there waslight
rain. When my back to the sun, we will look at the rainbow with clouds background, thecolors will
look clear and unequivocal. The uniqueness of the rainbow is only visible shortlyafter the rain and
sunshine accompanied, usually occurs in the morning or late afternoon whenthe angle between the
sun and the earth is still low.
(Diadaptasi dari:
Text 4

Should People Shop in Online Shop?

Nowadays, the activity of online shopping has

risen steadily around the world. It has become
a new lifestyle for people in modern city since
21St century. Even though there are still many
people who prefer buying their daily needs in
a market to shopping online, shopping online
for certain people has more advantages than
its drawbacks.

There are strong arguments in favour of online shopping. For some people, particularly
working people, they argue that the existence of online shop is very utilitarian in their life.
That is because they do not have to go to a market which they may spend much time.
Moreover, online shop has offered many types of goods that customer can buy, so they
have many preferences to select the best ones.

Furthermore, nowadays, there have been many online shops which put some buyer
testimonies on their websites. If customers feel worried about the quality of goods, they
can see and read some testimonies concerning the quality of those goods. Therefore, with
the presence of testimony, consumers can easily determine whether the quality of goods is
decent or not.

In conclusion, online shopping has advantages and merits for many people. Thus, people
can utilize online shopping as new lifestyle due to its benefits.
Text 5

The Impact of Gadget on Children

Many researchers have studied that children spend

average of their time on different gadgets like
telephone, radio, TV, games, Xbox, iPod and stereo
system [1]. Kids use gadgets for various purposes like
playing games, watching videos, listening songs,
chatting with their friends, browsing different
websites. They spend most of their time in these
activities and don’t pay attention to their posture, screen brightness, and screen distance from their
eyes which ultimately affect their vision and health.

Staring at electronic screen continuously for long time causes distress [2]. Kids suffer various problems
like eye irritation or have difficulty to focus for a while. If we are facing problems to cope with screens,
imagine how our child’s eyes must be going through. In this era, we can’t keep ourselves or our children
away from these devices so we can try to minimize the impact of these devices on our children. It’s
really surprising a 2 year old baby can and knows how to use a gadget, similar to how a kid knows to
use a feeding bottle. A study has been conducted in USA on kids and result shows 1 out of 3 children
can use a tablet or phone before they even talk?

In 2013 Daily mail reported that 29% of the toddlers can easily use the gadgets and remaining 70% are
master by primary school age. Really Surprising! According to the USA Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention, an average child spends about 8 hours a day watching electronic screens. As they are
growing older the use of gadgets also increases. Too much gadget use can also affect the long-term
vision problem [3]. Plus chance of myopia also increases in children when they spend about 8 hours
daily on gadgets. When people use electronic screens, they blink less. On an average, a person blinks
about 15 times in a minute. Due to the high attention required while using an electronic screen, this
rate can drop to less than 5 times in a minute. A lot of research has been done on this type of phenomena;
this paper describes the positive and negative impact of gadgets on children.


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