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Speaker___________________________________ Date _____________ Score ________

Time Started: _________ Time Ended: __________

A. CONTENT (5 points for each item)

_____ 1. Is interesting and relevant

_____ 2. Is appropriate for audience
_____ 3. Is within the time limit set (10 minutes)
_____ 4. Uses visual aids: actual item, model, pictures, Powerpoint presentation
_____ 5. Includes personal stories and examples
_____ 1. Begins with an effective attention-getter
_____ 2. Details each step with specific data
_____ 3. Closes with a memorable statement
_____ 1. Steps up to speak with confidence and establishes eye contact with audience before
_____ 2. Begins without referring to notes
_____ 3. Maintains eye contact with audience
_____ 4. Sounds extemporaneous, not read or memorized
_____ 5. Pronounces words correctly
_____ 6. Uses appropriate grammar
_____ 7. Refers to notes only occasionally
_____ 8. Sustains audience interest
_____ 9. Avoids yah, ah, well, you know, okay, etc
_____ 10. Maintains posture: doesn’t lean, cross legs, sway, etc
_____ 11. Dresses to help, not hinder, speech
_____ 12. Speaks loudly enough to be heard easily

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