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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Supply chain integration and operational performance: The contingency

effects of production systems

Yongyi Shoua, Ying Lib, Youngwon Parkc, Mingu Kanga,
School of Management, Zhejiang University, PR China
School of Management, Shandong University, PR China
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University, Manufacturing Management Research Center, University of Tokyo, Japan


Keywords: The boundary conditions of supply chain integration (SCI) have been widely studied in order to find out when
Supply chain integration SCI is applicable and effective. However, prior studies have mainly focused on external contextual factors, such
Operational performance as supply complexity, environmental uncertainty and country-level infrastructure. This study contributes to the
Production system SCI literature by examining the contingency effects of internal production systems on the relationship between
Boundary condition
supplier integration, customer integration and operational performance. Based on organizational information
Supplier integration
processing theory, we provide evidence to show that the impact of supplier and customer integration on op-
Customer integration
erational performance varies across production systems, such as one-of-a-kind production, batch production and
mass production systems. The empirical results also reveal how supplier and customer integration can be
matched with different configurations of production systems in order to achieve the desired quality, flexibility,
delivery or cost performance.

1. Introduction require different supply chain configurations at different stages of the

product life cycle. Using qualitative data from British manufacturers,
Supply chain integration (SCI) indicates strategic collaboration, in- Tsinopoulos and Mena (2015) conclude that firms tend to implement
formation-sharing, joint decision-making and system-coupling between supplier integration (SI) and customer integration (CI), especially in the
the manufacturer and its supply chain partners, especially in the pro- case of high customization and low-volume production, whereas ex-
duction phase (Alfalla-Luque et al., 2013; Demeter et al., 2016; Flynn ternal integration is not particularly necessary for production with high
et al., 2010; Kauppi et al., 2016). In prior studies, scholars have con- standardization and high volume. In short, it is very important to fit
firmed the positive effects of SCI on operational performance (OP). external integration decisions with internal organizational character-
Some studies have examined the contextual conditions under which SCI istics in order to yield better OP. Nevertheless, limited empirical evi-
is effective (Sousa and Voss, 2008). For example, Wong et al. (2011) dence is available in the extant literature to support the in-depth ana-
demonstrate that environmental uncertainty moderates the relationship lysis of how external SCI matches with internal process structures in
between SCI and OP. Similarly, Gimenez et al. (2012) indicate that SCI order to determine individual dimensions of OP.
improves performance, but only when the buyer-supplier relationship is To address this research gap, this paper aims to empirically explore
characterized by high supply complexity. Wiengarten et al. (2014) ex- the boundary conditions (Busse et al., 2017) where external SCI (i.e., SI
tend the literature by considering the role of a country's logistics cap- and CI) is effective in terms of quality, flexibility, delivery or cost im-
ability in external SCI. provement by analyzing the contingency effects of internal production
However, most extant studies on the contextual conditions of SCI systems. One-of-a-kind production (OKP), batch production (BP) and
focus on the effects of external environmental factors. Few studies have mass production (MP) systems are regarded as three main kinds of
considered internal factors. In a conceptual paper, Ellram et al. (2007) production system in modern manufacturing practices. Consequently,
suggest taking product and process characteristics into consideration this study attempts to answer the research question: How can manu-
and establishing an appropriate match between product design, process facturing firms utilize external SCI to achieve the desired OP, given their
design and supply chain structure. Tsinopoulos and Mena (2015) assert production system configuration?
that manufacturers’ internal process structure and product newness In response to the research question, this paper applies the lens of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Kang).
Received 14 July 2016; Received in revised form 18 November 2017; Accepted 22 November 2017
1478-4092/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Shou, Y., Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (2017),
Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

organizational information processing theory (OIPT). OIPT insists that to enhance the firm's information-processing capability (Wong et al.,
an organization should align its information-processing capability with 2011) through information-sharing, system-coupling, collaboration and
information-processing requirements under different conditions joint decision-making, which can help the firm to perform effectively in
(Galbraith, 1973). In prior studies, scholars have investigated SCI as an terms of cost, quality, delivery and flexibility. In an integrative re-
information-processing system to cope with task interdependence and lationship, supply chain members are willing to exchange and share
uncertainty based on OIPT (Hult et al., 2004; Srinivasan and Swink, information about their inventory, production, logistics and sales.
2015; Wong et al., 2011). SI and CI can improve an organization's in- Meanwhile, system-coupling among manufacturers, suppliers and cus-
formation-processing capability through inter-organizational flows and tomers establishes a platform for the collection and integration of in-
information-sharing mechanisms (Flynn et al., 2016), as well as by formation in the whole supply chain, which in turn improves supply
establishing lateral and collaborative relationships with supply chain chain transparency and further ensures in-time delivery and supply
partners (Srinivasan and Swink, 2015). Production systems, including chain flexibility. In addition, the manufacturer and its suppliers and
OKP, BP and MP, differ from each other in terms of the number of customers make joint and collaborative decisions on product and pro-
variants, lot sizes, automation, specificity of the equipment, and control cess design, quality improvement and cost control when they are in-
of production (Woodward et al., 1965; Tu and Dean, 2011). We spec- volved in an integrative relationship. Information-sharing and system-
ulate that the operation of different production systems may have dis- coupling help the manufacturer to access and integrate information in
tinct information-processing requirements, which should be matched the supply chain, while joint decision-making enhances manufacturers’
with different configurations of SI and CI in order to achieve superior capability in processing a wide range of information. Accurate, ade-
OP. quate and timely supply chain information can help reduce inventories,
This paper contributes to the boundary condition research on SCI. speed up production cycles and improve flexibility (Flynn et al., 2016).
Based on a survey of 791 firms, our findings provide empirical evidence Thus, SI and CI contribute to the improvement of OP. Accordingly, we
concerning the importance of the fit between SCI and production sys- hypothesize that:
tems. This study poses both theoretical and managerial implications.
H1.. SI is positively associated with the firm's OP, including (a) quality, (b)
flexibility, (c) delivery and (d) cost.
2. Theoretical background and hypotheses development
H2.. CI is positively associated with the firm's OP, including (a) quality, (b)
flexibility, (c) delivery and (d) cost.
2.1. The relationship between SCI and operational performance

There is a growing body of research on the theory and practices of 2.2. The contingency effects of production systems
SCI. Integration is elaborated as collaboration (which suggests joint
goals and collaborative behaviors) and interaction (which indicates The production system refers to the arrangement of technological
formal communication and information exchange). Correspondingly, elements (e.g., machines and tools) and organizational behavior (e.g.,
external SCI is defined as the degree to which a manufacturer strate- division of labor and information flow). Based on technical complexity
gically collaborates with its suppliers and customers, as well as colla- and the continuity of manufacturing, Woodward et al. (1965) classify
boratively manages cross-firm business processes (Flynn et al., 2010; production systems into small batch, mass and continuous process
Wong et al., 2011). In this study, strategic collaboration, information- production. Later on, given the increasing market demand for custo-
sharing, joint decision-making and system-coupling are emphasized as mized or individualized products, an OKP system emerged in manu-
key elements of external SCI (Alfalla-Luque et al., 2013; Demeter et al., facturing plants (Wortmann, 1992) due to its high flexibility and effi-
2016; Flynn et al., 2010; Kauppi et al., 2016; Wiengarten et al., 2014). ciency. Continuous process production is not typically found in most
Specifically, in an integrative relationship, manufacturers and their manufacturing industries. Hence, OKP, BP and MP are considered as
supply chain members engage themselves in sharing information about three main systems in modern manufacturing firms’ production prac-
sales forecasts, production plans, order tracking and tracing, delivery tices. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the three types of pro-
status and stock level. Meanwhile, all the supply chain activities are duction system.
based on risk- or revenue-sharing and long-term agreements. When As shown in Table 1, OKP, BP and MP systems differ from each other
contingencies happen, they are willing to make decisions jointly and in terms of flexibility, the number of variants, lot sizes, automation,
solve problems together in order to maximize benefits for the whole specificity of the equipment, and control of production (Woodward
supply chain. In order to achieve the unified control of inter- and intra- et al., 1965; Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979; Safizadeh et al., 1996; Tu
firm processes, system-coupling with suppliers and customers, for ex- and Dean, 2011). Therefore, we speculate that different configurations
ample, vendor managed inventory (VMI), just-in-time (JIT), kanban of production system indicate different requirements for information.
and continuous replenishment, is required in the SCI relationship. Specifically, the manufacturer with an OKP-dominated production
According to OIPT, the success of an organization's activities de- system delivers highly customized products (e.g., customized windows
pends on its information-processing capability to deal with uncertain and doors, structural steel for construction and special industrial
environments (Galbraith, 1973). SI and CI provide the routines and equipment) to individual customers (Tu and Dean, 2011), meaning it
rules with which to coordinate and control the flow of information and needs a large amount of information about product specifications from

Table 1
Characteristics of production systems.

Production system Product Lot size Production conditions Flexibility

One-of-a-kind production Highly customized Small; manufacturing items singly Relying more on skilled human labor and High flexibility enables a quick response
(OKP) products advanced technology with significant to customers’ individual requirements
Batch production (BP) Similar products with Middle; manufacturing items by The need to stop and prepare materials, A certain degree of flexibility should be
variants batch equipment or machines between batches ensured to produce variants
Mass production (MP) Highly standard Large; manufacturing items by Using assembly line techniques and A production line with little flexibility is
products continuous production automatic machines to achieve continuous hard to switch, once it is launched

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

the customer. CI helps to increase the accuracy of product information, To conclude, OKP, BP and MP systems show different needs in terms
eliminate errors and reworking, and deal with modifications on a timely of information-accessing and -processing, which may strengthen or
basis. Therefore, CI contributes to the enhancement of quality, delivery, weaken the performance effects of external SCI. In other words, the
flexibility and cost-effectiveness in the OKP system. In contrast, SI may effects of external SCI on OP may be contingent on different production
not be particularly important to OKP manufacturers in order to achieve system configurations. Therefore, we propose the following hypotheses:
the expected OP. The key reason is that OKP manufacturers may have to
H3.. The relationship between SI and the firm's OP, including (a) quality,
select suppliers according to specific customer needs. As reported by Tu
(b) flexibility, (c) delivery and (d) cost, varies across production systems.
and Dean (2011), the OKP-dominated production system is character-
ized by a dynamic supply chain. Under such conditions, as SI can hardly H4.. The relationship between CI and the firm's OP, including (a) quality,
be matched with the information requirements of OKP systems, im- (b) flexibility, (c) delivery and (d) cost, varies across production systems.
provement in OP cannot be guaranteed (Wong et al., 2011).
In a BP-dominated system, products are manufactured in relatively
large, but discrete, batches, while the batch size determines the time
3. Research methods
needed to manufacture the products. Examples of BP systems are the
production of food or beverage, the coating, etching and finishing of
3.1. Sample
semi-conductors, and dress-making. Given that a BP system always
provides similar products with variants, the manufacturer has to adjust
We used data collected from the sixth round of the International
production processes accordingly and manage their procurement and
Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) in the period 2013–2014 to test
inventory efficiently. Thus, the operations in a BP system require in-
the proposed hypotheses. Developed by an international team of op-
formation about orders, materials, inventory, and production capacity
erations strategy researchers, the IMSS has been collecting data at the
from suppliers. In order to cope with complex production processes,
plant level in over 20 countries through common research methodology
manufacturers are encouraged to access the necessary information and
since 1992. The IMSS research group has developed a standard English
improve production capabilities through integration with their sup-
questionnaire, which is then translated into the local language by re-
pliers. Meanwhile, information-sharing and system-coupling with sup-
search coordinators using a reliable method (either double parallel
pliers help the manufacturer to make appropriate arrangements for
translation or back translation). The IMSS questionnaire includes three
production planning and control in the BP system (Choudhari et al.,
sections. The first section seeks to obtain the general information about
2012) and enable the manufacturer to produce goods on time at a low
the business unit, such as firm size, industry, competitive strategy and
cost (Flynn et al., 2010). Therefore, it can be concluded that SI con-
business performance; the second section refers to the manufacturing
tributes to OP in a BP-dominated production system. However, unlike
practices and performance of the plant; and the third section pertains to
the OKP system, products in the BP system are not manufactured for a
supply chain practices. Considering that our research intends to explore
specific customer but for target customer groups. As a result, the re-
the relationship between internal production systems, SCI and OP, the
lationship between BP manufacturers and their customers is char-
IMSS offers an appropriate data set.
acterized by a lower level of commitment, which lessens the effec-
All participating companies were manufacturers with more than 50
tiveness of CI (Zhao et al., 2011).
employees, with an ISIC Rev. 4 code between 25 and 30. Local re-
The MP-dominated system is mainly designed for the continuous
searchers contacted plant managers, who were sent the questionnaire
production of standardized products, which indicates a low level of
by mail, fax or email. The common process for the administration of the
uncertainty. In other words, an MP-dominated system indicates low-
questionnaire ensured consistency in relation to different countries. In
level information-processing requirements. Information about products
total, 2586 questionnaires were distributed in 22 countries with good
and production is relatively certain for MP manufacturers. Therefore,
coverage of America, Asia and Europe. After excluding cases with over
the manufacturer does not urgently need to access real-time informa-
60% missing data, a total of 931 valid responses were collected in the
tion from its suppliers and customers. Consequently, stable and con-
sixth IMSS with an overall response rate of 36%.
tinuous production conditions require low-level information-processing
In this study, we dropped 140 responses, due to missing data in
capabilities in the MP-dominated system. OIPT suggests that a simple
related items, resulting in 791 usable responses. Table 2 summarizes the
organizational structure can be efficient in terms of information-pro-
subset sample by region, industry and firm size. To ensure that there
cessing in a certain environment (Galbraith, 1973). Wong et al. (2011)
were no systematic differences between the subset of 791 responses and
have also explained how uncertainty moderates the relationship be-
the overall 931 responses, independent sample t-tests were conducted
tween SCI and OP. Therefore, for the manufacturer with an MP-domi-
using firm size, market share and return on sales (ROS). The results of
nated system, an integrative supply chain structure may not help to
the Levene's test for equality of variance indicate that the variances in
improve OP significantly.
firm size (p = 0.771; F = 0.085), market share (p = 0.873; F = 0.026)

Table 2
Sample overview.

Region Frequency (n) Percentage (%) Industry Frequency (n) Percentage (%) Firm size (personnel Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

America 88 11.12 25 - fabricated metal products, except 234 29.58 1–50 36 4.55
machinery and equipment
Asia 297 37.55 26 - computer, electronic and optical 101 12.77 51–250 335 42.35
Europe 406 51.33 27 - electrical equipment 133 16.82 251–1000 229 28.95
Total 791 100 28 - machinery and equipment not 200 25.28 1001–10,000 143 18.08
elsewhere classified
29 - motor vehicles, trailers and semi- 84 10.62 10,000–50,000 39 4.93
30 - other transport equipment 39 4.93 > 50,000 7 0.88
Total 791 100 missing 2 0.25
Total 791 100

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

and ROS (p = 0.901; F = 0.015) are not significant. Furthermore, the process design/modifications, quality improvement and cost control,
results of the t-tests indicate that mean scores do not differ in terms of and (4) system-coupling of VMI, JIT, kanban and continuous replen-
firm size (p = 0.841; t = −0.201), market share (p = 0.721; t = ishment (Alfalla-Luque et al., 2013; Demeter et al., 2016; Flynn et al.,
−0.357) and ROS (p = 0.824; t = 0.222). 2010; Kauppi et al., 2016). Five-point Likert scales were used to in-
dicate the current level of SI and CI.
3.2. Non-response bias and common method bias Measures for the four dimensions of OP (i.e., product quality, pro-
duction flexibility, delivery and production cost) were adapted from
The assessment and control of non-response bias are critical for the Kauppi et al. (2016) and Wiengarten et al. (2014). All the above con-
validity and reliability of survey-based research (Wagner and structs were measured by five-point Likert scales, in which a higher
Kemmerling, 2010). The sixth round of the IMSS survey covered 22 value indicated better performance. Quality, delivery and cost were
countries. The research coordinator in each country had to use a joint measured by two items, while flexibility was measured by three items,
protocol to check non-response bias concerning the collected data since they are all mature constructs. In addition, the IMSS questionnaire
(Demeter et al., 2016; Kauppi et al., 2016). Local researchers were included three sections with more than 200 questions. Hence, the
permitted to adopt one of two approaches for testing the non-response length of the questionnaire had to be controlled to ensure that re-
bias. If a secondary data set of the firms in the surveyed country was spondents could finish the questions before losing patience.
available, local researchers could test for significant differences be- The measure of production systems was based on a forced-choice
tween respondents and non-respondents in terms of size, industry, sales instrument in which the plant managers were requested to allocate 100
or proprietary structure. Otherwise, non-response bias was checked by points across three types of production choices (i.e., OKP, BP and MP).
using questionnaire items, such as size, industry, market share and ROS. To test the contingency effects of H3 and H4, we divided the sample
No evidence of non-response bias was reported by local researchers. into three groups, namely, OKP-dominated, BP-dominated and MP-
Since the IMSS data were collected from single respondents, dominated groups, according to the largest values of OKP, BP and MP.
common method bias is a potential problem. The survey adopted some There were two equal maximum values in 54 cases (e.g., 40% for OKP,
procedural remedies to mitigate potential bias, while this study also 40% for BP and 10% for MP), which were not dominated by a single
used statistical remedies (Podsakoff et al., 2003) to check whether production system. After removing these 54 cases, we had 738 re-
common method bias significantly impacted the outcome. Firstly, the sponses with which to test H3 and H4. We also ran an analysis with the
variables used in this study were presented using separate scales in 54 cases to ensure robustness, while the results indicated that removing
different sections of the questionnaire. Secondly, the IMSS survey these cases did not change our conclusions.
promised to fully protect respondent anonymity through a clear state- We include three control variables in our study, i.e., firm size,
ment on the cover page of the questionnaire. This procedure facilitated country and industry. Firm size, in terms of the natural logarithm of the
respondents’ honest answers to the questions. Thirdly, we applied the total number of employees, is often used as a control variable because
tenure of respondents as a marker variable, which was theoretically larger firms may “take advantages of economies of scale in their busi-
unrelated to other variables. By calculating the correlation between the ness activities” to achieve better performance (Kim and Lee, 2010, p.
marker and other variables, the insignificant coefficients, as shown in 964). Country-level characteristics may also influence SCI activities and
Table 4, indicate that common method bias is not a concern in this firm performance (Wiengarten et al., 2014). Lastly, the IMSS VI data set
study (Williams et al., 2010). includes responses from six industries, as shown in Table 1. These in-
dustries may contribute to the differences in the implementation of SCI
and manufacturing firms’ OP (Safizadeh et al., 1996; Gimenez et al.,
3.3. Measures
2012; Danese and Bortolotti, 2014; Tsinopoulos and Mena, 2015).
As depicted in Table 3, all measures for our key constructs were
adapted from existing scales in the extant literature. Both SI and CI 3.4. Reliability and validity
were measured by four items: (1) information-sharing about sales
forecast, production plans, delivery status and stock level, (2) colla- Considering the active involvement of manufacturing firms and the
borative approaches, e.g., risk-/revenue-sharing and long-term agree- extensive analyses undertaken by a number of important studies based
ments, (3) joint decision-making about quality design/modifications, on previous versions of the IMSS survey (Flynn et al., 2010; Wiengarten

Table 3
Construct reliability and validity analysis.

Latent variable Observed variable Mean SD Factor loading Reliability and validity

Supplier integration (SI) Sharing information with key suppliers 3.312 0.981 0.752 Cronbach's alpha = 0.835; composite reliability = 0.843; AVE
Developing collaborative approaches with key 3.254 1.002 0.826 = 0.574
Joint decision-making with key suppliers 3.099 1.052 0.777
System-coupling with key suppliers 2.884 1.159 0.668
Customer integration (CI) Sharing information with key customers 3.143 1.110 0.847 Cronbach's alpha = 0.879; composite reliability = 0.882; AVE
Developing collaborative approaches with key 3.033 1.158 0.855 = 0.653
Joint decision-making with key customers 2.817 1.245 0.777
System-coupling with key customers 3.167 1.129 0.747
Quality Conformance quality 3.120 0.926 0.838 Cronbach's alpha = 0.842; composite reliability = 0.842; AVE
Product quality and reliability 3.259 0.967 0.868 = 0.727
Flexibility Volume flexibility 3.240 0.992 0.753 Cronbach's alpha = 0.727; composite reliability = 0.743; AVE
Mix flexibility 3.161 0.951 0.742 = 0.493
Product customization ability 3.081 1.006 0.602
Delivery Delivery speed 3.191 0.969 0.829 Cronbach's alpha = 0.838; composite reliability=0.840; AVE
Delivery reliability 3.226 0.991 0.872 = 0.724
Cost Unit manufacturing cost 2.523 0.953 0.814 Cronbach's alpha = 0.742; composite reliability = 0.746; AVE
Ordering costs 2.399 0.871 0.727 = 0.596

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

et al., 2014; Demeter et al., 2016; Kauppi et al., 2016), content validity Table 5
was established. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was executed using HTMT results of the correlations.
SPSS 20.0. The sampling adequacy was confirmed by the value of KMO
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(0.865), which was above the recommended value of 0.50 (Ferguson
and Cox, 1993), while the EFA results indicated that all items had SI (1) 1
stronger loadings on their respective constructs and lower loadings on CI (2) 0.770 1
Quality (3) 0.275 0.257 1
other constructs, thus ensuring construct unidimensionality. Cronbach's
Flexibility (4) 0.297 0.299 0.703 1
alpha values were then calculated, ranging from 0.727 to 0.879 (see Delivery (5) 0.275 0.273 0.667 0.709 1
Table 3). The results indicated that the scales were reliable. Cost (6) 0.156 0.126 0.343 0.395 0.364 1
To further evaluate convergent and discriminant validity, we used
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with the maximum likelihood ap-
proach, as suggested by O’Leary-Kelly and Vokurka (1998). The CFA = 647.363, χ2/df = 1.938, RMSEA = 0.035, IFI = 0.954, NNFI =
results, as summarized in Table 3, showed that our proposed structure 0.943 and CFI = 0.953. The results indicated that the data from the
of the items for measuring the two dimensions of SCI (i.e., SI and CI) three groups fit the model well. Measurement invariance was estab-
and the four dimensions of OP (i.e., quality, flexibility, delivery and lished when the chi-square difference test showed that there was no
cost) resulted in a model with a reasonably good fit, with χ2/df (3.138) difference in χ2 by forcing the factors to be equal. Meanwhile, since the
less than 5, with the CFI (0.965), GFI (0.954), IFI (0.966) and TLI value of Δχ2 is sensitive to sample size and non-normality (Byrne,
(0.955) more than 0.90, and the RMSEA (0.052) and SRMR (0.035) less 2013), Vanpoucke et al. (2014) report that the change in CFI (ΔCFI)
than 0.08 (Hu and Bentler, 1999). Furthermore, all factor loadings were value between the baseline model and the constrained model can be
greater than 0.50, while the values of composite reliability for all used as an indicator. In this study, the value of ΔCFI was 0.003, which is
constructs were greater than 0.70. The estimates of the AVE were negligible. Therefore, we conclude that measurement equivalence was
higher than 0.50 for four constructs and 0.493 for the fifth construct. established.
While the recommended minimum value for the AVE is 0.50 (Fornell
and Larcker, 1981), we conclude that our constructs had strong con-
4. Analyses and results
vergent validity based on the above results.
The discriminant validity of the constructs was assessed by com-
Our research found both direct effects of SCI on OP and contingency
paring the square root of the AVE and the correlation between any pair
effects of production systems. A structural equation model using AMOS
of them (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). The square root of the AVE of all
20.0 was first established to test the SCI-OP relationships (H1 and H2).
the constructs is greater than the correlation between any pair of them
We then performed a multi-group analysis across OKP-dominated, BP-
(see Table 4), which provides evidence of discriminant validity. Fur-
dominated and MP-dominated groups to examine the contingency ef-
ther, we calculate the heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correla-
fects of production systems (H3 and H4), according to the approach
tions, as proposed by Henseler et al. (2015), which is “the average of
used by Byrne (2013), Nyaga et al. (2010) and Wiengarten et al. (2014).
the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations (i.e., the correlations of in-
Table 6 summarizes the results of the structural model fit for the overall
dicators across constructs measuring different phenomena), relative to
sample and subgroups, with the CFI, and IFI well above the re-
the average of the monotrait-heteromethod correlations (i.e., the cor-
commended threshold of 0.90, and the RMSEA and SRMR less than 0.80
relations of indicators within the same construct)” (p. 121). If two
(Wong et al., 2011; Hazen et al., 2015), indicating a good fit of the data.
constructs are highly correlated with HTMT values close to 1.0, a lack
The overall sample with 791 cases were used to test H1 and H2,
of discriminant validity can be concluded (Henseler et al., 2015;
with the results summarized in Table 7. All of the four hypotheses of H1
Voorhees et al., 2016). Based on a content analysis of published articles
are supported. It can be concluded that SI is positively and significantly
and a Monte Carlo simulation, Voorhees et al. (2016) suggested a
associated with product quality, flexibility, delivery and cost. However,
threshold of 0.85 as the criterion in a covariance-based measurement
the results for H2 are more complicated. The relationship proposed in
model. Table 5 shows the HTMT results, which indicate no discriminant
H2(b) is statistically significant at the level of 0.05, while, in H2(c), it is
validity problems.
marginally significant at the level of 0.10. The relationships in H2(a)
Since we are using cross-country data, it is important to test mea-
and H2(d) are not significant in this study. The results indicate that CI is
surement equivalence. A multi-group analysis was conducted to ex-
positively associated with production flexibility and delivery, but may
amine the similarity of the measurement models across America, Asia
not be significantly associated with quality and cost performance.
and Europe (Byrne, 2013). Firstly, we ran a baseline model in which the
The contingency effects of production systems on the SCI-OP re-
factor loadings varied freely across the groups, after which we re-
lationship were tested with a comparison of model fits between OKP-
stricted the three groups to equal factor loadings (this is referred to as a
dominated, BP-dominated and MP-dominated groups. Following Byrne
constrained model). The indices for the baseline model were χ2 =
(2013), we first tested the baseline model (i.e., equal pattern; Model 1
606.432, χ2/df = 1.944, RMSEA = 0.035, IFI = 0.957, NNFI = 0.942
in Table 8) with χ2/df, CFI, TLI and RMSEA being 1.932, 0.927, 0.902
and CFI = 0.956, while the indices for the constrained model were χ2
and 0.036, respectively, indicating that the model fits well with the

Table 4
Correlations of the constructs.

Construct Mean SD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

SI (1) 3.137 0.860 0.758

CI (2) 3.037 0.995 0.664** 0.808
Quality (3) 3.192 0.880 0.237** 0.221** 0.853
Flexibility (4) 3.164 0.791 0.234** 0.240** 0.553** 0.702
Delivery (5) 3.212 0.909 0.232** 0.234** 0.559** 0.556** 0.851
Cost (6) 2.462 0.814 0.124** 0.101** 0.271** 0.292** 0.285** 0.771
Tenure of respondents (7) 11.336 8.960 0.002 −0.022 −0.049 −0.064 −0.081 0.013

Note: value on the diagonal is the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE).
** p < 0.01.

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 6
Summary of structural model fit indices.


Overall sample 791 3.473 0.056 0.068 0.939 0.926 0.917 0.940 0.919
Sub- groups OKP-dominated 273 2.240 0.068 0.077 0.910 0.876 0.851 0.912 0.879
BP-dominated 323 1.977 0.055 0.070 0.943 0.901 0.893 0.944 0.924
MP-dominated 142 1.576 0.070 0.077 0.921 0.842 0.817 0.924 0.894

data. In Model 2, each factor loading was forced to be equal across three groups. Table 9 summarizes the test results.
groups, after which it was compared with Model 1 to test for mea-
surement invariance. The insignificant χ2 difference between Models 2
5. Discussion
and 1 (Δχ2 = 27.825, Δdf = 22, p = 0.182) shows that factor loadings
appeared to be invariant across the three groups.
This study explores how external SCI (i.e., SI and CI) influences
The invariance of the structural coefficients was tested after the
quality, flexibility, delivery and cost performance, given the different
establishment of measurement invariance. Model 3 forced the factor
production system configurations. Although prior studies have ex-
loadings and all path coefficients to be equal across the three groups.
amined the value of SI and CI in relation to OP, the results of this study
The χ2 difference between Models 3 and 2 was 38.368, with 16 degrees
provide deeper insights and demonstrate that the effectiveness of ex-
of freedom. The statistically significant result (p = 0.001) indicates that
ternal SCI is contingent on the internal production system configura-
structural coefficients across three groups were different, providing
tion. Specifically, this study suggests that, for manufacturers with an
support for the contingency effects of production systems (Byrne,
OKP-dominated system, only CI significantly contributes to quality,
flexibility, delivery and cost performance, while SI plays an important
We then forced specific path coefficients to be equal (i.e., Models
role in the improvement of quality, flexibility and delivery performance
3a-h), and compared each of them with Model 2 in order to identify
for BP-dominated manufacturers. Moreover, for manufacturers with an
which path was being impacted by the production system. As shown in
MP-dominated production system, only the SI-cost path coefficient is
Table 8, the χ2 difference between Models 3a and 2 (Δχ2 = 7.706, Δdf
marginally significant. Overall, the contingency effects of internal
= 2, p = 0.021) was significant at the level of 0.05, while the χ2 dif-
production systems are confirmed. Table 10 summarizes the findings of
ference between Models 3c and 2 (Δχ2 = 5.592, Δdf = 2, p = 0.061)
this study.
was significant at the level of 0.10. The results indicate that the paths of
SI-quality and SI-delivery were different across the three groups to
some extent. The relationship between SI and quality and delivery was 5.1. Theoretical implications
only significant in the BP-dominated group. Thus, H3(a) and H3(c) are
supported. Moreover, the χ2 difference between Models 3e and 2 (Δχ2 This study contributes to boundary condition research on SCI by
= 11.698, Δdf = 2, p = 0.003) and Models 3 f and 2 (Δχ2 = 6.057, Δdf investigating the contingency effects of internal production systems on
= 2, p = 0.048) was statistically significant, while the χ2 difference external SCI-OP relationships. As prior studies have reached incon-
between Models 3 g and 2 (Δχ2 = 5.132, Δdf = 2, p = 0.077) was sistent conclusions about the impact of SCI on OP (Flynn et al., 2010),
marginally significant. The results indicate that the level of association scholars have been encouraged to conduct boundary condition re-
between CI-quality, CI-flexibility and CI-delivery was different across search. To date, scholars have paid a great deal of attention to external
the three groups and only significant for the OKP-dominated group. contextual factors, such as supply complexity (Gimenez et al., 2012),
Therefore, H4(a), H4(b) and H4(c) are supported, revealing the con- environmental uncertainty (Wong et al., 2011), and country-level lo-
tingency effects of production systems on the paths of CI-quality, CI- gistics capability (Wiengarten et al., 2014). However, when manu-
flexibility and CI-delivery. facturing firms make decisions on SI and CI, the organization's internal
In conclusion, our results provide strong support for the positive characteristics, such as product and process structure, should be con-
relationships of SI-quality, SI-flexibility, SI-delivery, SI-cost, CI-flex- sidered in pursuit of better OP (Ellram et al., 2007; Tsinopoulos and
ibility and CI-delivery. However, no evidence indicates that CI is po- Mena, 2015). Through the establishment of a novel theoretical model
sitively related to quality performance and cost performance. With re- and an empirical study based on IMSS data, this paper extends the
gard to the contingency effects, the path coefficients for SI-quality, SI- understanding of the boundary conditions of effective SCI from the
delivery, CI-quality, CI-flexibility and CI-delivery are significantly dif- perspective of internal production systems.
ferent across OKP-dominated, BP-dominated and MP-dominated The findings of this study reveal how SI or CI is matched with dif-
ferent production system configurations in order to achieve the desired

Table 7
Structural model path coefficients: overall sample.

Structural path Standardized coefficient p-value SE t-value Result

H1 (a) SI to quality 0.234*** 0.000 0.074 3.326 Supported

H1 (b) SI to flexibility 0.189** 0.010 0.076 2.590 Supported
H1 (c) SI to delivery 0.200** 0.005 0.076 2.823 Supported
H1 (d) SI to cost 0.199** 0.009 0.08 2.622 Supported
H2 (a) CI to quality 0.094 0.167 0.056 1.383 Not supported
H2 (b) CI to flexibility 0.161* 0.022 0.058 2.285 Supported
H2 (c) CI to delivery 0.128† 0.062 0.058 1.866 Marginally supported
H2 (d) CI to cost −0.042 0.567 0.061 −0.572 Not supported

* p < 0.05.
** p < 0.01.
*** p < 0.001.

p < 0.1.

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 8
The contingency effects of production systems using multi-group analysis.

Models χ2 df χ2/df CFI TLI RMSEA Δdf Δχ2 Significance level OKP-dominated (N BP-dominated (N MP-dominated (N
= 273) = 323) = 142)

1. Equal pattern 1298.077 672 1.932 0.927 0.902 0.036

2. Equal factor loadings 1325.902 694 1.911 0.926 0.904 0.035 22 27.825 0.182
3. Equal factor loadings and 1364.27 710 1.922 0.924 0.903 0.035 16 38.368 0.001
path coefficients
3a. SI to quality 1333.608 696 1.916 0.925 0.904 0.035 2 7.706 0.021 0.062 0.506*** 0.173
(0.591, 0.554) (4.734, 0.000) (0.715, 0.475)
3b. SI to flexibility 1326.67 696 1.906 0.926 0.905 0.035 2 0.768 0.681 0.079 0.204† 0.206
(0.750, 0.453) (1.900, 0.057) (0.844, 0.399)
3c. SI to delivery 1331.494 696 1.913 0.926 0.904 0.035 2 5.592 0.061 0.040 0.378*** −0.041
(0.383, 0.702) (3.656, 0.000) (−0.166, 0.868)
3d. SI to cost 1328.817 696 1.909 0.926 0.904 0.035 2 2.915 0.233 0.046 0.069 0.455†
(0.414, 0.679) (0.639, 0.523) (1.912, 0.056)
3e. CI to quality 1337.600 696 1.922 0.925 0.903 0.035 2 11.698 0.003 0.329** −0.185 −0.067
(3.171, 0.002) (−1.872, 0.061) (−0.284, 0.776)
3 f. CI to flexibility 1331.959 696 1.914 0.926 0.904 0.035 2 6.057 0.048 0.362*** 0.031 −0.044
(3.405, 0.000) (0.297, 0.766) (−0.187, 0.852)
3 g. CI to delivery 1331.034 696 1.912 0.926 0.904 0.035 2 5.132 0.077 0.254** −0.067 0.283
(2.434, 0.015) (−0.687, 0.492) (1.176, 0.240)
3 h. CI to cost 1330.415 696 1.912 0.926 0.904 0.035 2 4.514 0.105 0.197† −0.132 −0.184
(1.773, 0.076) (−1.254, 0.210) (−0.808, 0.419)

Note: t-values and p-values are in brackets.

*p < 0.05.
** p < 0.01.
*** p < 0.001.

p < 0.1.

quality, flexibility, delivery or cost performance. Although a few studies Table 10

have advocated a match between process structure and supply chain Summary of effective external integration.
configuration (Ellram et al., 2007; Tsinopoulos and Mena, 2015), our
Quality Flexibility Delivery Cost
research presents empirical evidence for the differential effects of SI
and CI on the four dimensions of OP, given a specific production system OKP-dominated system CI** CI*** CI** CI†
configuration. Specifically, CI for an OKP-dominated manufacturer BP-dominated system SI*** SI† SI*** –
helps to enhance overall OP. Thus, this study contributes to the MP-dominated system – – – SI†

knowledge about how OKP manufacturers simultaneously maintain

*p < 0.05.
high customization and high OP. Additionally, SI for a BP-dominated ** p < 0.01.
manufacturer helps to increase quality, flexibility and delivery perfor- *** p < 0.001.

mance, while, in an MP system, SI may help to improve cost perfor- p < 0.1.
mance. The findings improve our understanding of the relationship
between production systems and SCI. Bode et al., 2011; Srinivasan and Swink, 2015; Fan et al., 2017). The
Moreover, the findings extend the application of OIPT when effectiveness of SCI relies on its proper and rational alignment with
studying supply chain management phenomena. SCI has been con- information-processing requirements of the organization under the
firmed as an information-processing system in response to task inter- contextual conditions of task complexity and task security (Narayanan
dependency and uncertainty in the extant literature (Hult et al., 2004; et al., 2011), product and market complexity (Wong et al., 2015),

Table 9
Summary of hypotheses testing.

Structural paths Overall sample Direct effects Subgroups Moderation effects

OKP-dominated (n = BP-dominated (n = MP-dominated (n =
273) 323) 142)
Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients

SI to quality 0.234*** H1(a) supported 0.062 0.506*** 0.173 H3(a) supported

SI to flexibility 0.189** H1(b) supported 0.079 0.204† 0.206 H3(b) not supported
SI to delivery 0.200** H1(c) supported 0.040 0.378*** −0.041 H3(c) marginally
SI to cost 0.199** H1(d) supported 0.046 0.069 0.455† H3(d) not supported
CI to quality 0.094 H2(a) not supported 0.329** −0.185 −0.067 H4(a) supported
CI to flexibility 0.161* H2(b) supported 0.362*** 0.031 −0.044 H4(b) supported
CI to delivery 0.128† H2(c) marginally 0.254** −0.067 0.283 H4(c) marginally
supported supported
CI to cost −0.042 H2(d) not supported 0.197† −0.132 −0.184 H4(d) not supported

* p < 0.05.
** p < 0.01.
*** p < 0.001.

p < 0.1.

Y. Shou et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

environmental uncertainty (Wong et al., 2011), and supply chain un- future research. Firstly, while previous studies have focused on external
certainty (Flynn et al., 2016). However, to the best of our knowledge, environmental contexts of SCI, this paper emphasizes the role of the
there is a limited body of literature on the information-processing re- internal production system. However, manufacturers’ decisions on SCI
quirements of production systems and the fit between SCI and pro- choices may rely on both external and internal contingency factors.
duction systems from the OIPT perspective. This study argues that OKP, Thus, it would be interesting to explore how both external and internal
BP and MP systems differ in terms of production processes, technical factors simultaneously influence the effectiveness of SCI. Secondly,
complexity and the continuity of manufacturing, such that they have model testing in this study is based on a cross-sectional design, with
different requirements concerning demand and supply information. Our data exclusively collected from manufacturers. Since SCI generally re-
results indicate that OKP with CI and BP with SI make the best con- quires time to develop, it is difficult to examine the dynamic char-
tribution to OP. The findings provide a nuanced understanding of the acteristics of SCI by using cross-sectional data. Thus, further long-
performance impact of SI and CI when they are coupled with the in- itudinal studies could contribute to the development of useful insights
formation-processing needs of a specific production system configura- into the evolution and long-term effects of SCI. In addition, data col-
tion. The empirical findings on the fit between external SCI (SI and CI) lected from suppliers and customers could offer more comprehensive
and internal production systems (OKP, BP and MP) further support the knowledge. Thirdly, besides OP, sustainability has been a major con-
theoretical logic of OIPT, while complementing prior studies (e.g., Bode cern among supply chain executives. Future research is suggested to
et al., 2011; Narayanan et al., 2011; Wong et al., 2011; Srinivasan and explore how the match between SCI and production systems affects
Swink, 2015; Wong et al., 2015; Flynn et al., 2016). sustainability.

5.2. Managerial implications Acknowledgements

Given the competitive market environment, superior OP is critical The authors would like to express their gratitude to the associate
for manufacturers to survive and thrive. Both researchers and practi- editor and two reviewers whose suggestions have led to significant
tioners regard SCI as a strategic means to enhance quality, flexibility, improvements of this paper. This work was supported by the National
deliver and cost performance. However, “SCI is easier to talk about than Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant number 71472166.
to do” (Knemeyer and Fawcett, 2015) due to exchange hazards and
coordination difficulties across organizational boundaries. This study References
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