Written Report Inclusive

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Accomodations and modifications in Inclusive education

Around the world, children are excluded from schools where they belong because of disability, race,
language, religion, gender, and poverty. Just like what Anderson (2014) quoted, in our time, being
different is a crime. Where it must not be, as our current curriculum emphasizes Inclusive Education,
that every learners are special in their own ways. They should not be treated as others, instead they
should be treated as much as possible as normal students. Our government belive that, they have their
uniqueness in learning and own development. Where learning is like a doorway for them. Being special
who should be sustain with their needs has to be received the key of that doorway. Learning can only
be successful by the help of different accomodations and modifications in Inclusive education. This is the
way in completing the puzzle on that key of doorway.

Teachers in both Special and Inclusive education uses different approach of accomodations and
modifications to achieve the learning of a special learner. Different strategies in teaching aren't enough
to suffice the needs of a student with special needs. Adjustment in the course content and provision of
equipment and tools in order to make their learning easier, plays a big role in this.

First, accomodations in Iearning refers to the supports and services provided to help a student access
the general education curriculum and validly demonstrate learning. There were different areas in
accomodation, first is Time this refers to extending the time allotted to take a test, finish an assignment,
learn a concept, or complete an activity. Next is Setting, this refers to giving a student an opportunity to
take tests in a distraction free space – potentially a resource room so it is easier for the child to focus.
This accommodation may be as easy as preferential seating (does the student need to be close to the
board to see or next to the teacher to hear?). Next the provision of tools or materials, for example
providing audiotype lectures, bigger font learning materials and using a braille. These ways surely helps
the students with special needs to adapt easily to the content without giving different work compare to
his/ her classmates, just the approach of doing the work is being changed. The objectives and goals are
both being achieved by ordinary students and with special needs.

Next, Modification in learning refers to individualized changes made to the content and performance
expectations for students. Meaning, in modification the teacher lessens the complexity of the lesson
content based on the intellectual capacity of a learner. Examples are modifying the number of items
that the child is expected to learn or complete. Another instead of writing an essay, they may be given
multiple choice questions. Instead of open-ended questions, they may be given a yes/no strategy option.
This kind of approach is udoubtedly helpful for students who require special modifications, but as we
promote inclusive education it should be controlled and lessen in the effectiveness of our current
curriculum. Also in this manner, goals and objectives of the lesson are somehow not being achieve by
students with special needs, as their work is totally change based on their level and capacity that the
context of equality and fairness are being forgotten.

So that, teachers must be knowledgeable enough to know when and how to apply accomodations and
modifications in their special learners. But as much as possible modifications should be use in
moderation. Undoubtedly, these will help them to nurture effectively their students to become
independent on the next level of their lives. As learning is a stepping stone of a student with disability
for a new opportunity. So as a teacher we should not only teach our students, rather we should also
help them open the different doors of opportunity that awaits them.

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