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Detailed Lesson Plan in

English Grade III

I.OBJECTIVES: At the end of 90 minute discussion, the child should be able to:
a. distinguish on identity from fantasy;
b. tell whether the event or action is real or fantasy;
c. give real situation and fantasy situation ; and
d .answer question correctly.

Topic: Distinguishing Reality from fantasy
Materials: Pictures, story, situation written on cartolina’s
References: English for all times reading pp.156-157


A. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Good morning class Good morning to teacher.
How are you today? We are fine teacher.
Ok! Are you now ready to listen class? Yes, teacher.
Very good.
(The teacher present pictures of a girl
watering the plants)
What can you see in this picture class? The girl is watering the plants.
Yes! Very good children.
Did she show proper ways of caring and
conserving our plants. Yes, teacher.
Very good children.
Plants also be taken care in order for them
to like and grow well.
Can you give some proper ways of caring and
conserving our plants aside from watering them
regularly? Remove any leaves and the
What else children? Remove harmful insects from the
What else? Put fertilizers ma’am.
Very good children.
What else? Cultivate the soil around them.
What if they are inside plants? Ma’am if they are inside plants
for beautification, bring them
outside once in a while to get
Why do you bring them out? For them to get sunlight ma’am.
Very good children.
Why do they need sunlight? To help them make their food
Why is plant important? For food, shelter, lumber, furniture
and beautification.
What else? To help the soil from erosion
Anymore. Gives fresh air.
Very good children.

B .Presentation
What kind of stories do you like to read? Children stories ma’am
Like what? Fables, fairy tales
Ok! Very good.
If the story is unbelievable, what do
you call it? Fantasy ma’am
Yes. How about if it is time? Reality ma’am
Very good children.
Do you want to read a story? Yes, teacher
We will read a story. The title of this
story is ‘’It’s Time to Talk ’’.
Have you ever heard this strange tale? No teacher
This story is about some plants that scared
people off.
Let us find out how it happened but before
that, let us find out the meaning of some
words found in the story, for you to understand
it better.

C. Unlocking of Difficulties

1. limp a. to protect
2 .neglect b .to ease the sorrow
3 .shield c. to choke
4. startle d. weak and loose
5. comfort e. to confuse hopelessly
6. bewilder f. to surprise
7. suffocate g. fail to care or attend

(The teacher use the words in a sentence)

1 .The wilting plant looked limp.
2. We should not neglect our health.
3. Use an umbrella to shield yourself from the sun.
4. I was startled by the loud thunder and sharp lighting.
5. The mother comforts her crying child

6. The pupils were bewildered with the announcement.

7. The passengers of the bus began to suffocate because of the smoke.
D.Reading the story (The pupil’s reading the story)

Do you like the story class? Why? Yes teacher, because it is very
Why did the plants feel sad? Because the owners of the garden forget
to them regularly.
What else children? They even spray them with harmful
Very good children.
When did the story happen? It happened not so long ago.
Yes! Where did the story happen? In the garden ma’am.
Is the answer of Alex correct? Yes ma’am.
How did the plants solve the problem? All of them decided to pretend to wilt
at exactly the same hour.
Very good children.
What strange thing did the people see
in the garden? The people were scared to hear the
Patola and all the other plants
started talking.
How did they react? Why? The people ran to hide because they
were so scared.
What will happen to us if we don’t take
care of our plants? We will die ma’am.
Why? Because there’s no more food we
can get from them.
What else children? There is no fresh air ma’am.
What will also happen to the plants? They will also die ma’am.
Yes ! Very good children.
Plants are useful to us. They give us fruits
and vegetables and many other things.
Plants have many uses or they help us a lot.
So, let us show care and concern for the plants.
In the story “It’s Time to Talk”, it could not have
happened for flowers and vegetables to talk.
What kind of story is it? Fantasy teacher.
Very good children.
Why? Because it is unbelievable ma’am.
Class, who among you have an idea
what a fantasy is? Fantasy is a sentence or event
that could not actually happen
in real life.
Very good children.
Fantasy is a sentence or event that
could not actually happen in real life.
A fantasy may have a strange character
with magical powers. These are no real persons.
They never existed. Sometimes the characters
are plants, animals, or things that talk to
each other like the story “Its time to Talk”.
Class, who among you can give example
of fantasy ? The horse is flying.
What else? The monkey can swim.
Very good children.
How about story that happen in real life?
What do we call it? Real story or reality ma’am.
Yes! There are also stories about people who
really existed ant things that are really
happened. We call them reality.
Reality is a sentence or event that could
actually happen in real life.
Like stories about heroes and other
important people are true or real story.
For example:
The life of our national hero, Dr.Jose Rizal.
He fought the Spanish government. He use his
Writings, the El Filibusterismo and Noli Me
His story was really happened in our history.
Another example is that the calamities
that are not happening especially now a days
like what happened in Compostella Valley.
Ok! Who among you can give example of reality? Many Pacquiao lost his fight
against Manuel Marquez.
What else? Janine Tugonon won first
runner up in Miss Universe 2012.
Very good children.
F. Generalization
What is fantasy children? Fantasy is a sentence or event that
could not actually happen in
real life.
How about reality? Reality is a sentence or event that
actually happening real life.

G. Application: Group Activity

Class, I will group you into five. Read each
sentence that I will give to you.Write if it is
reality or fantasy in the blank that I provided
for you to put your answers. I want you to
work quietly and work as a group. I will give you
5 minutes only to do that.

GROUP 1:____1. The clouds opened their coats and let the rain fall.
____2.Birds can fly.
____3. In the story “It’s Time to Talk”, all plants really talked and cried.

GROUP II:____1.Malunggay is a green, leafy vegetables.

____2.Computers can cook our food.
____3. An encyclopedia is a set of books that contain facts about people, places and

GROUP III:____1. Lanzones is one of the country’s best-loved fruits.

____2.Computers talks to one another.
____3. The newest method for recording songs is through compact disc.

GROUP IV: _____1.Computers grows on trees and rocks.

_____2. Trough the internet, people can play games with each other. They can do
much more.
_____3. The leg of the giant can be used as a bridge.

GROUP V: ____1. Birds can carry a basket of mangoes on its bill.

____2. Water in the sea is salty.
____3. The moon and stars can be seen in the sky during night time.
Directions: write F for fantasy and R for reality. Write your answer on a piece of paper.
____1. Lapu-Lapu was the first Filipino leader to fight for our country.
____2.Patola told White Sampaguita, “Even us vegetables have been neglected”.
____3. Grandfather Cloud called the other cloud s to help. They would stop the fire.
____4. Jose Rizal fought the Spaniards through his writings. He was name our national hero.
____5. In 1898, Julian Felipe composed the melody of our national anthem while Jose Palma
wrote its lyrics.
____6. Computers feel happy and proud.
____7. Melchora Aquino is also called “Tandang Sora”. She treated the wounded and fed the
Filipino soldiers during the war.
____8. The plants were all sad. They cried and comforted each other.
____9. Emilio Jacinto was the Brains of the Katipunan. He wrote the Katipunan Primer and led
the Katipuneros after Bonifacio’s dead.
____10. Computers help people become more productive in their work.

Write or give examples of fantasy or reality that you know and relate it to the class

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