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rtrt{ il{f,

Government of lndia
Ministru of Water Resources



November, 2018
Government of lndia
Ministrv of Water Respurces


1. lntroduction
Substantial public investment goes into collection of data. There are huge benefits,
untapped, of making data aviilable to the society. lt is the view of the Ministry that non-
sensitive data collected through use of public funds should be made available for legitimate
use, better decision making Lnd meeting society's needs. The Government of lndia has
formulated a Nationat Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP, 2012) with the objective
of Government engaging citizens'in gorernance and placing of non-strategic data in
domain. The proviiions of nfl Act 2005 empower the citizens to get access to information
under the control of public authority for transparency and accountability in working of
public authority. The objective of the NDSAP policy is to facilitate the access to Government
of lndia owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine readable
forms through a nation-wide network. This will help greater accessibility and use of
data and inf-ormation in a proactive and periodically updatable manner, within the framework
of Acts, Rules and policies of Government of lndia.

Central Water Commission (CWC), in association with lndia Space Research Organization,
has set up a web enabled Water Resources lnformation System in the Country
The lndia-WRIS is a 'single Window' solution for comprehensive, authoritative and consistent
information and data of lndia's water resources along with allied natural resources
in a
standardized national GIS framework. lt has tools to search, access, visualize,
and analyze the data for assessment, monitoring, planning, development and lntegrated
Water Resources Management (IWRM)'

Similarly, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) has established Ground Water lnformation
System providing access to various thematic layers. lt is a nationwide database on
water level and water quality monitoring carried out by CGWB'

supersession of all previous guidelines/orders, Ministry of Water Resources,

development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR,RD&GR), Government of lndia
Policy, 2018 for implementation by
formulates this Hydro-meteorological Data Dissemination

2. Hydro-meteorological Data Available

2.1 Data collected bY CWC

2.1.1 Following hydrological data related to surface water are collected at CWC Hydrological
Observation (HO) sites:

(i) River water level (Gauge, C)t

(ii) River discharge (Discharge, D),
(iii) Sediment flow (Silt, S); and
(iv) Water qualitY (QualitY' Q)

2.1.2 Besides hydrological observation, CWC also observes on some selected sites, selected
meteorological parameters such as rainfall, maximum-minimum
pan-evaporation, solar radiation temperature, humidity,
and wind verocity on some specific
2'1'3 The general frequency of hydro-meteororogical
data collection is;
(i) Gauge Water level (Non Monsoon)
(ii) Gauge water tevet iM;;.;;;i""'
- Daily at 0g:00, 13:00 &1g:00 hrs.
(iii) Discharge _ Hourry
iiri sediment
(v)' water ouatitv :
(vi) X-Section. o? the ri.,^-^
rivers i:llri[/ Monthry
- pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
(vii) Meteorological data - Daily/hourly
2'1'4 Thus, the hydro-meteorological information
available with cwc is;
(i) Daily discharge values (including
velocity, manning's 'n' varues, rating
observed & interpotated/extt"pot-trt"J curve, etc.) both
yearlyl monthly/ ten-daily flows "nJ "ny
,niv.i. or derivation of the values rike
(ii) Gauge values/water levels observed at uniform time interval
or non-uniform time interval.
(iii) suspended/bed sediment flow values
inctuding fine, medium and coarse sediment,
Rnv ana-lysis or derivation of the vatues
ffi:ffii=,:-ffirr',"il:d/extrapolated. tike ys271y1

(iv) water quality parameters observed

at site or analyzed in the laboratories.
(v) cross-sections, longitudinat sections, other topographical
morphology related data.
information and river
(vi) Reservoir water revers and rive storage position
(vii) Meteorotogical data such as rainfall,
maximum-minimum temperature, humidity, pan-
evaporation, solar radiation, wind velocity.
2.2 Data collected by CGWB
2'2'1 Following data related to ground water
is coltected at CGWB observation wells (ow):
(i) Water level
(ii) Water quality

2'2'2 The general frequency of groundwater data

collection is;
(i) Water level - Four times in a year in the months of Janua
August & November
ry, AprilrMay,
( ii) Water quality - Once in the year in the month of April/May
2.2.3 ln addition' CGWB also assesses replenishable
ground water resources and groundwater
draft in ground water assessment units (i.e. blocks,
mandats, tatukas etc) estimating
thereby stage of groundwater development.
CGWB categorizes assessment units as
and,saline, units.
3. Classification of Hydro'meteorological Data

From the point of view of data dissemination, the country can be divided into
three regions;

(i) Region-l: Indus basin & other rivers and their tributaries discharging into Pakistan;
(ii) Region-ll: Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin & other rivers and their tributaries
discharging into Bangladesh/Myanmar; and
(iii) Region-lll:-Remaining other rivers and their tributaries.
3.2 The data of Region-l and ll is classified except data mentioned under Para 3.3 whereas
data of Region-lll is unclassified.

3.3 The reservoir water level, Iive storage position, water quality, groundwater and
meteorological data for all regions are inclassified. Similarly, all metadata
about datf, sites, oWs, etc.ffor all CWC HQ sites and CGWB OWs including
yearly flood peak'
average data and histortal important data (such as highest flood level,
etc.) are also unclassified for all regions.

4. Data User Categories

grouped in
4.1 For the purpose of hydro-meteorological data dissemination, users may be
following categories:

(i) lndian Users -Agencies / entities owned fully by lndian citizens. These may be further
categorized into commercial and non-commercial organizations, as under;

(a) lndian Commercial Users - (i) Private

(ii) Public Sector ComPanies
(iiil Consultants including Non-Governmental
organ izations /Ed ucational/Research I nstitutes
undertaking consultancies / studies / works for fees,

(b) lndian Non-commercial Users - (i) Central Government Departments/organizations

(iiy State Government Departments/organizations
(iiijNon-profit companies/ non-governmental
organizations/Educational/Research lnstitutes for
academic/ professional research/ studies purposes.
purposes, they are
Note: As individuals may use hydro-meteorological data for commercial
the necessary data
treated as commercial users. stidents / Reseaichers, etc., should
through their lnstitutes / Universities.

Agencies / entities owned partially or fully by foreign citizens

(ii) Foreign Users -
individuals employed by such agencies/entities.

5. Custodian of hydro-meteorological data

be the custodian of
5.1 The concerned CWC Chief Engineers, as described in Annex-!, shall
concerned CGWB
hydro-meteorological data of river basins collected by CWC. Similarly,
Regional Directors' as described
in Annex-lt, shafi be the custodian
of groundwater data.

6' Procedure for retease of unctassified Hydro-meteorological

data & pricing
6'1 All unclassified data (after validation
and to
Quality Year Book' water sediment year the extent pubrished in water year Book, water
on lndiawRls website' which Book, crouno water year Book)
can be downloadeo uv any weo-registered shall be hosted
user free of cost.
6'2 The unclassified data not available
on the website can be obtained
concerned chief Engineer of cwc or concerned free of cost from the
Regional oirector
submission of tuq'est without
,ny ,L"recy undertaking. Ho*"r"r, costs of 6GWB after
towards printing,
r#ffi:liJlT;' :;'Jf1'il'?j;" lfu [[" ;ilkvid s roim ati o n' t
;j' :& i n i n no
iig r' to
6'3 The use of data downloaded from
lndiawRls or obtained from cwc/cGWB
acknowledged in the DPR/
puuJication. lndiawRls, cwc,
shall be duly
shall not be held responsibte for CGWB or MowR,RD&GR
inference drawn based on these
6'4 All unclassified data may also be obtained
amended from time to time.
as per Right ro lnformation Act, 2005

7' Procedure for retease of crassified data & pricing

7 '1 classified data will be released for
specific purpose/ study onty and wi1
be non-transferabre.
7 '2 All users desirous to obtain classified
data may send their request to concerned
Engineer of cwc (as described in chief
Annex-l) in ih" pru.cribed format given
along with a 'secrecy Undertaking, (format at Annex-lll
given at the Annex-rv).
7 '3 The concerned chief Engineer of
cwc would verify
purpose of data request and .the authenticity of the user, the
the data reasonably required
fon'rrard the requests with his/her f9r that pJrpose / study and
,""orr"ndations (Annex-v), within thirty days
receipt of such requests, to the
chief rngin"", fpanning & Development), of the
7 '4 The chief Engineer (Plan-ning & Developm.ent),
cwc shail prace ail such requests arong
with the recommendations oiconcer*o.chi;i
E;;ir;"; of cwc, iu"uiruo in a month by
before a classified Data Retease committee
sk#ffiJ:',il;;;h with the fotrowins

Chairman, CWC
Member (RMI CWC
case basis)
(viii) Concerned
(case to case basis)
(ix) Director General, National water Development Agency - Member
(x) Chief Engineer (P&D), CWC - Secretary

7.5 The Classified Data Release Committee shall decide on the requests for release of
classified data by 20th of every month, which shall be communicated to the indenting
(P&D), CWC by the
with copy to the concerned Chief Engineer, CWC by the Chief Engineer
end of that month.

7.6 lndian non-commercial users would be supplied classified data free of cost. However, costs
towards printing, photocopying, digital media, etc., as payable for providing information
under Right to lnformation Act, 2005 would be charged.

7.7 lndian commercial and foreign users would be supplied the minimum classified data,
considering the requiremeni of the user and recommendation by concerned Chief
Engineers, on payment of Rs. 75000/- per site per annum. The year for calculation of

charges will be water year (from 1tt June to 31"t Mry of following year). The dissemination
of data for part of any year shall also be charged at rate of Rs.75000/-.

T.g On the basis of authorization from the Classified Data Release Committee, the concerned
Chief Engineer of CWC would release the data to the indenting user after collection of
charges within 15 days of the receipt of such authorization and the payment.

7.g The released ctassified data shall not be reproduced in any report/ publication/ Detailed
should be
-ne and inferences drawn thereof
project Report (DpR), etc. Only result of anatysis
published. The contribution of CWC shall duly acknowledged in the DPR/report/
on these
7 .10 CWC and/or MoWR shall not be held responsible for any inference drawn based

7.11 Hydro-meteorological data amongst implementing agencies of National Hydrology
will be shared as mentioned in Appendix 1.

the Ministry' The

T.1Z The Classified Data Release Committee shall submit its annual returns to
Ministry may conduct annual audit of the data released by the Classified
Data Release

8. Review of Hydro-meteorological Data Dissemination Policy

g.1 shall be the

The Minister of Water Resources, River development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Policy along
competent authority to review this Hydro-meteorological Data Dissemination
with the extent of classified data and procedure for release.
Annex I

Sl. No Name of niverEasin

1 tnous Tt^
r ne L,nter trngtneer (lndus
Central Water Commission,
Block- 4, 6th Floor, Kendriya Sadan,
Sector-9 A, Chandigarfr-t-OOOt Z.
Tel. No. A1Z2-2241266
Fax No. 0172-2742465

2 I -Upper Gange rne unter Engtneer (UGB),

(From origin till Buxar, Bihar)
| Central Water Commission,
Jahanavi Sadan, 211496,
lndira Nagar, Lucknow -226016
Tel. No. 0522-2715832
Fax No. 0522-2715g34

3 Lower Ganga
(Downstream of Buxar, Bihar) II Lne unref tngineer (LGB)
Central Water Commission,
177-8, Srikrishna puri,
Tel. No. 0612-2541087
Fax No. 0612-2541865

4 Yamuna I ne unter tngtneer (yBO),

Central Water Commission,
Kalindi Bhavan, B-5, Tara Crescent Road,
Qutab lnstitutional Area, New Delhi-16.
Tel. No. 011-26526857
Fax No. 011-20526857

5 Brahmaputra, Meghna & Barak r ne L:htef Engineer (B&BBO),

Central Water Commission,
Rebeka Ville, Near Barik point,
Temple Road, Lower Lachumiere,
Shillong (Meghalaya)
Tel. No. 0364-2220568
Fax No. 0364-2220044

6 Krishna and Godavari The Chief Engineer (KGBO),

Central Water Commission,
H.No. 1 1-4-648,Krishna Godavari Bhavan,
AC Guards, Hyderabad-S00 004 (A.p.)
Tel. No. 040-23201005
Fax No. 040-2330A042

7 Cauvery & Southern Rivers Cf,ret Engineer, Cauvery & Southern
Rivers Org.,
Central Water Commission,
Sangamam Gandhimanagar,
Peelamedu P.O., Coimbatore-641 004
Tel. No. 0422-2512242
Fax No. 0422-2512243

I Mahanadi and Eastern Rivers
Central Water Commission,
A-13 & 14, Bhoi Nagar,
Bhubane swar-7 51 022-
Tel. No. 0674-2545536
Fax No. 0674-2545537

9 Narmada (except in Gujarat) ffre Chief Engineer, Narmada Basin,

Central Water Commission,
Block-3, Ground Floor, Paryawas Bhavan,
Mother Teresa Marg, Arera Hills,
Bhopal-462 011
Tel. No. 0755-2574513
Fax No. 0755-2550253

10 Narmada (Gujarat) & TaPi The Ch'tef Engineer, Narmada Tapi Basin Org'
Central Water Commission,
101, Narmada TaPi Bhavan,
1st Floor, Sector-10 (A),
Gandhi Nagar-382 010
Tel. No. 079'23245427
Fax No. 079-232461 15

ffre Ctrief Engineer, Teesta Basin,

11 Teesta
Central Water Commission,
2nd Mile, Sevoke Road,
Tel. No. 0353-2543230
Fax No. 0353-2540262
Annex ll

S. Regional Offices of CGWB Telephone FAX email ld Jurisdiction

1 I r\Egtuilat utreclor , 0172-5021960
It Central Ground Water Board 2639500 rdnwr- Punjab, Haryana
lorth Western Region and UT of
Bhujal Bhawan, plot No.3_8,
Sector 27A, Chandigarh
Chandigarh - 16001 9

2 Regional Director 0141-2706338

Central Ground Water Board 2706991 rdwr- Rajasthan
Western Region
6-4, Jhalna Doongri
Jaipur - 302 OO4

3 Regionaffi 2732478 -
Central Ground Water Board 0522-2363812 rdnr-
2363820 Uttar Pradesh
Northern Region
Bhujal Bhavan,
Sector-B Sitapur Road, 0522-2360498 2362276
Yojna, Ram Ram Bank
Lucknow - 226 021 (U.p.)

4 Regional Diree.tor
0612-2205435 2231020 rdmer-
Central Ground Water Board Bihar, Jharkhand
Middle East Region
6th & 7th Floor,
Lok Nayak Jai prakash
Bhawan, Frazer Road,
Dak Banglow, patna-gOO01 1

5 Regional Director
Central Ground Water Board 033-23673081 23673080 rder- West Bengal,
Eastern Region Sikkim and
Bhujalika, C p Block-6
Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Andaman and
Kolkata - 700 091 (West Nicobar lslands

b Regional Director ilc 0361-227175e

Central Ground Water Board rdner- Assam,
North Eastern Region - 0361-227 1760 Arunachal Pradesh,
C.G.W.B, NH-37, Betkuchi, 0361-2271761
(Opposite ISBT), Guwahati - Meghalaya,
781035 (Assam) Manipur,

Regional Director i/c 079-25320476 rdwcr- Gujarat and UT
7 25329379
Central Ground Water Board of Daman and Diu
West Central Region
Swami Narain College Build.
Shah Alam Tolnaka,
Ahmedabad - 380022

Regional Director i/c 0755-2525201 rdncr- Madhya

8 2760090
Central Ground Water Board, 2557639 Pradesh
North Central Region,
Block -1, 4th Floor, ParYawas
Bhawan, Area Hills, Jail Road
Bhopal - 462011 (MP)

Regional Director 0771-2413903 2413689 rgi- Chhattisgarh

Central Ground Water Board
North Central
Chhatisgarh Region alokdube-
Block A-1, 2nd Floor, Pujari
Chambers, Pachpedi Naka,
Raipur- 492001

Regional Director 0712-2550646 2564390 rdcr- Maharashtra

10 and UT of
Central Ground Water Board
Central Region Dadra & Nagar
N.S. Building, Civil Lines, Haveli
Opp.VCA Ground,
Nagpur - 440001

Regional Director 0674-2350342 2350332 rdser- Orissa

Central Ground Water Board
South Eastern Region
Khandagiri Square NH-5
Bhubaneswar - 751 001

Regional Director i/c 040-24222508 24222508 rdsr- Andhra Pradesh

Central Ground Water Board
Southern Region
Plot No.1 17,Thatti Annaram
Panchayat, GSI Post, Nagole,
Bhujal Bhawan, Bandlaguda,
Hyderabad - 500068

0471-2442191 2555026 rdkr- Kerela and

13 Regional Director
2442191 Lakhshadeep
Central Ground Water Board
Kerela Region,
Kedaram Kesavadasapuram,
Trivendrum - 695004 (Kerala)

Regional Director 044-24914334 24914334 rdsecr- Tamil Nadu and

14 UT of
Central Ground Water Board
South East Coastal Region,
Raiaii Bhavan, CGO ComPlex
Besant Naoar
Chennai - 5oo ogo
(Tamil Nadu)

15 RegionalDirector
0191-2459757 24c1626
Central Ground Water Board rdnwhr- J&K
North West Himalayan
298-299, Sashtri Nagar,
Jammu-180004 (J&K)

Regionat Dir!E1s;
0135-2761675 2769525
I,U Central Ground Water Board rdur- Uttarakhand
Uttranchat Region
419A, Kanwali Road,
Balliwala, Near Urja Bhawan,
Dehradun - 24g OO1

Regional Dffir 22586965 080-
Central Ground Water Board rdswr- Karnataka and
99ytf, Western Region
07'n Cross ,27th Main,
HSR Layout, Sector-1,
Bangalore - 560 102

18 Regionat DiffiIiE 01892-2716A 223535


Central Ground Water Board rdnhr- Himachal

North-Himalayan Region Pradesh
Pgr" Cottage, Ram f,Jagar,
Dtrara mshala (Ka ngra)_
(Himachal pradesh)

19 Suptg. Hyaro-geologist & 01 1-23384355 23366743 oicnd-

H.O.O., State Unit Office, Delhi
Central Ground Water Board,
Jam Nagar House,
Man Singh Road,
New Delhi 110011

Annex - lll


(d) wateiQG@ Monthly/sGasonaT
Yearly average
to... .


ver cross-sectionT
to... .
to... .
A iustii
rrera@note to be attach icat daiE wiii-bE
undertaken in house;
1' r.,e qilowEr ru query aI
ul. No. g (i) is No,lhEn
of the consuttant deproyed / to
::::..l^,rlor:.s be

::1"9: T^1 :ifi;;l; ;: L :T{.ffi:ffi lroor,

9ocuments to be attached
ame, designa
authorized for collection of data

ln case data is approved for release,

I abide to provide "Undertaking,,
duly signed by me before release in the prescribed format
of the data.

signature of the officer of the Rank of

chief Engineer/Generar
Manager/Head of Department/ Managing
Director or equivarent

Name in full with designation:

Name of the Department:
Address of the Office:

Annex - lV

I ---------- (Name in full with designation) do hereby undertake to abide by the

following conditions in respect of the Hydro-meteorological Data supplied.

1) The Hydro-meteorological Data pertaining to. (Name of

Sub Basrns for which data is required) of River Systems collected from
...Organization of Central Water
Commission, with reference to letter No. "
dated .. will be used strictly for the said official purpose for which the data
has been asked for.

2\ The data will not be supplied to any Governmental / Non Governmental or Public Sector
Undertaking without the prior concurrence / fresh permission.
I have already intimated to the Central Water Commission that we have engaged M/s

fffi 3" #.'i"",:'[:il"# t [1 "Jl I ilJ#il^fl l"ili
purpose. I understand that I will be held responsible for passing the data to other
agencies (Other than Consultants) even if it is passed by our consultants'

3) The data will not be published without the prior permission. The released classified data
shall not be reproduced in any report/ publication/ Detailed Project Report (DPR), etc.
only result of analysis and inferences drawn thereof should be published. The
contribution of CWC shall be duly acknowledged in the DPR/report/ publication.

4) The data shall be used for the specific purpose only for which the approval of the
competent authority has been accorded'

5) Central Water Commission will not be held responsible for any inference drawn based
on these data.

6) Subsequent to release of data, if we deploy any other Nationali lnternational consultants

for carrying out studies referred in my data request form, I will take prior permission
central water commission for transfer of data to them.

7) I understand that any breach of undertaking may invite civil liability.

Signature of the Officer of the Rank of Chief

Engineer/General Manager/ Head of
Department/Managing Director or equivalent

Name in full with designation:

Name of the DePartment:
Address of the Office:

(FoR oFFrcE rttffi
Name of the lndenting User

Address: Office

Address: Residence

Leuer No. & date vide w@
made for release of data.

(see clause 4 for data user categories)

^9rsErnenr wtrn Ine clatm about the categoffi

user on the basis of proof/document
lf the
whether the indenting user has been iniormed
within 15 days of the receipt of the request
about requirement of additlonaf p."fl---'
document and letter no. date of such letter.
Extent of data requested fori

ether p

ether the r-required d
the extent of data avairabte and recommended

ayment to be collEffibEfror6
along with calculation thereof

Engineer of CWC with signature, name and
designation (office seal)




The Hvdro-meteoroloqicat Data shall be shared amongst lmplementing Agencies of National

Hydrology Project as fler details given below:

SN Hydro-Met Data Policy 2013 Ghanges Proposed for lAs of NHP

1 (
Region I lndus Basin & other No Change Proposed.
rivers and their tributaries
discharging into Pakistan)
2. Region 2 (Ganga-Brahmaputra t. ft$o-Meteorological data of river basin shall
- Meghna Basin & other rivers be shared freely among Ministry of Water
and their tributaries Resources, River Development and Ganga
discharging into Bangladesh/ Rejuvenation* and co-basin State Government's
Myanmar) Ministry/Organization** dealing with water
resources through secured login/protocol and one
time secrecy statement.
Z=or alt other cases, the Hydro-meteorological
data shall be provided on demand in a manner
and form to be decided by Classified Data
Release Committee.
S. Uo States will release data to third party
without explicit clearance from Classified Data
Release Committee.
3. Region 3 (remaining rivers and No Change, Hydro-meteorological Data of river
their Tributaries) Basin shall be shared freely between all

Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation referred will
include only attached and Subordinate Offices of the Ministry.
Co- basin State Government's Ministry/Organization means only lmplementing Agencies of
National Hydrology Project as per list enclosed as Appendix-2.


SL. No. Statesl egencies

ASSAM Water Resources
2. Andhra pradesh Grot lnd \A/a+ -l lA
uePa rtment,
Govern m";i;r ddffi 'il#"1t
3. Anonra pradesh (SW)
uepanment, Government of
- prrd".h"
4. Bihar
.e.rvpal urren[, trovernment Of Bihar
5. Bihar
of Bihar
6. Chhattisgerh \A/afor
, vqre, D
r\sD..,,ulues uepanment, Govgrnment of
- _ Chhattisgarh
7. Goa
vv sv1,s.r Lr I rsl tt, \ruvgrnment oI Goa
-ularaa- Narmada & Water Resources,
WateiSuily &
Kalpsar Department
9. Haryana lrrina*in^ 9 lA
tt"s uePa rtme nt'
Go-ve rn mu ri o; ;'r;';"J
10. Himachal pradesh I
,, r 19"tr.r(r r .rnq ruollc
l_lealth Department,
Government of Himachal pradesh
11. Jharkhand
vvqr(rr D^^^ r\EUUurces Uepaftment, GOVefnment
12. Karnataka (SW) \A/af^'
yvcrrsr D^^^..
^EUUurces uepanment, Government of
13. Kerala lA/a+^.
vvor'cr D^^^.
r\ulruurces uepartment wRD, Government
Kerala of
14. Madhya praaesh- lA/a{o' D^^^
-v vqrsr r\EDUurues uepanment WRD, Government of
Madhya Pradesh
15. Maharashtra (GW) \rruunowarer
burveys and Development Agerrcy,
Government of Maharashtra
16. MaharashtE (S\A4 lA/^t^-
-vvor.Er D^^^.
r\esources uepafiment, Government
17. Manipur I
rlrgdr.ron (l rrooo control Department, Government
of Manipur
18. Meghalaya tA'
- r-)
^esources uepartment, Government of
19. Mizoram ,l;
rI ngauon uepanment, Government of

20 Odisha esources, Government of
21. Nagaland @ontrol Department, Government
of Nagaland
22. Puducherry Water Resou rces Organ ization,
Pud Lrcherry
Government of Puducherry
n. Punjab , Government of Punjab

u. Rajasthan

25. Sikkim Water Resources & River Development

Department, Government of Sikkim
26. sol Sulvey of lndla (SOl), Department of Science &
Technology (DST),
27. Tamil Nadu ffient, (PWD) Government of
Tamil Nadu

n. Telangana (GW) Ground WAt Deparlment, Government of

29. Telangana (SW) @ Department, Government of
30. Tripura PWD @Resources), Government of rripu ra

31. Uttarakhand overnment of Uttarakhand

32. Uttar Pradesh lrrlgation and Water Resources Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh
33. overnment of Uttar
I Pradesh
u. West Bengal (GW) ources lnvestigation &
Development, Government of West Bengal

3A West Bengal (SW) DePartment, Government of

West Bengal

36. BBMB Bhakra Beas Management Board, Ministry of

Power, Government of lndia

I Board, Government of

3& DVC Damodar ValleY CorPoration

39. NIH Mtlonal lnstitute of Hydrology, Roorkee,

Government of lndia

40. NCT, Delhi @ Control Department, Government

of NCT of Delhi
41. NRSC
Research Organization, Department of Space


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