Acknoledgement ELVIANA

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All praises to Allah, the merciful and the compassionate that the writer can finish this thesis
completely entitled Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text Through
Story Map (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Swasta Darul Iman in the
Academic Year of 2018/2019). Peaceful for prophet Muhammad SAW who becomes our best
figure of human life.
The writer realizes that there are many people who already helped her in arranging and
writing this thesis directly or indirectly. In this chance, the writer would like to express deepest
appreciation to:

1. M. Tahir, S.Pd.M.S as a chief of major English Departememnt

2. Raudhatul Hasanah, S.PdI.M.S the first consultant, who has given her a lot of valuable
suggestions, comments and critism in completing this research.
3. All the lecture of the English Departement of STKIP-US Kutacane for their nice and
valuable teaching to enrich the writer’s knowledge

Finally the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect, therefore, the writer will
happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it better. The writer hopes that this thesis
would be helpful and beneficial to everyone. May Allah bless us.

Kutacane, October 2019

NIM: 17317002010

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