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Mangatarem, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2019-2020



A Research Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School



Pedrito B. Malicdem
Research Adviser

July 2019

Situation Analysis

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to World

Health Organization (WHO), about 350 million people have diabetes globally, compared to 153

million in 1980, and 90% of these cases are Type 2 diabetes (T2D) (Danaei et al. 2011).

Philippines is one of the 22 countries and territories of the International DF WP region. 425

million people in the WP Region; by 2045 this will rise to 183 million. There were over 3 721

900 cases of diabetes in Philippines in 2017. (International Diabetes Federation) Are you one of

them? Philippine Daily Inquirer (2015) Anyone can get diabetes… young and old, rich or poor,

male or female, Filipino or not, fat or thin. Diabetes is a complex and a multivarious group of

disorders that disturbs the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein characterized by

increased fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels. It occurs when the blood glucose or blood

sugar in your body is too high. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes used to be called juvenile-onset diabetes, because it often begins in childhood.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Diabetes is a complex and a multivarious group of

disorders that disturbs the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein characterized by

increased fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels. It occurs when the blood glucose or blood

sugar in your body is too high. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes used to be called juvenile-onset diabetes, because it often begins in childhood.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. It’s caused by the body attacking its own pancreas

with antibodies. In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or
doesn't makes any insulin. With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas usually makes some insulin. But

either the amount made isn’t enough for the body’s needs, or the body’s cells resist it. Insulin

resistance, or lack of sensitivity to insulin, happens mainly in fat, liver, and muscle cells. The

pancreas produces some insulin but your body don't know how to use the insulin properly. Not

surprising since Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is both a genetic and a lifestyle disease link to

aging, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, obesity and urbanization. People who born pre-

mature, too heavy (</= 8 pounds) or too small are also at risk for T2DM Type 2 Diabetes


Insulin is made in your body by the pancreas. Insulin is needed to allow glucose from the

bloodstream to enter the body cells and be used for energy. Many people with diabetes are

prescribed insulin, either because their bodies do not produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or do not

use insulin properly (type 2 diabetes).

Diabetes is mainly due to oxidative stress and an increase in reactive oxygen species that

can have major effects. Many plants contain different natural antioxidants, in particular tannins,

flavonoids, C and E vitamins that have the ability to maintain β-cells performance and decrease

glucose levels in the blood and most of all, plants are not expensive because you can find it


Mangiferia Indica was found as a major chemical which is responsible for anti-diabetic

activity. A part of anti-diabetic property those extracted media also decreased the serum

cholesterol in level in diabetic rats. Therefore, this study aims to provide an alternative

medication such as Mangifera Indica leaves in order to give a solution for diabetes specifically

type 2 diabetes and lessen medical expenses to be able to save money.

Statement of Objective

We come up in this problem because diabetes is one of the major problem here in the Philippines

and we want to contribute in preventing this disease, this lifestyle disease is so hard to prevent

and the treatments often requires medication and precautions that are hard to follow, But there is

a kind of leaves that can help you and can prevent the problem of diabetes, mango leaves extract

can be the answer in preventing diabetes, mango leaves contains lot of nutrient that can prevent

some diseases specially the diabetes. The researchers conducted this study to test the anti-

glycemic properties of mangifera indica leaves. And to find the answer on the following

problems listed below:

1. Chemical properties of mangifera indica found using phytochemical analysis?

2. How effective is the mango leaves (mangifera indica) leaf extract in maintaining the

blood sugar level?

a. 25% b. 50% c. 75% d. 100%

3. Do the mangifera indica leaf extract really prevent diabetes or it can directly cure the


a. It can only prevent or maintain blood sugar

b. It can cure diabetes

4. What volume of mangifera indica leaf extract is the most effective in maintaining the

blood sugar level?


The mangifera indica leaves are containing chemical properties that can maintain the level of

blood sugar.

The mangifera indica leaf extract can prevent diabetes type II.

Time and Place of the Study

The study will be conducted on Research Laboratory of Tarlac Agricutural university

with the help of school veterinarian.

This research study will focus on the ability of the Mangifera Indica (Indian Mango)

leaves to prevent type II diabetes. We will have to collect middle aged Mangifera Indica (Indian

Mango) leaves. The leaves are collected from Poblacion Norte San Clemente, Tarlac.

We will have a phytochemical analysis for the mangifera indica leaves in Lyceum

Northwestern University which is located in Tapuac District, Dagupan, Pangasinan.

The conditioning of mice will be conducted on the clinic of accredited veterenarian in

camiling, Pangasinan.

Definition of Terms

Anti hyperglycemic- counteracting the accumulation of excess sugar in the blood.

Autoimmune Condition- is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your


β-cells- are cells that make insulin, a hormone that controls the level of glucose (a type of sugar)

in the blood.

Decoction- a mashing process in which parts of the mash are removed, boiled, and returned to

the main part thereby raising the whole to about 75°C.

Diastema- is an area of extra space between two or more teeth. The two front teeth of the upper

jaw area is where diastema is most frequently seen.

Gauge- indicates the standard thickness of sheet metal for a specific material. As the gauge

number increases, the material thickness decreases.

Gavage- The administration of medication through stomach tube.

Glucometer-provide readings by detecting the level of glucose in a person's blood.

Hypoglycemic- an abnormally low level of the sugar glucose in the blood, usually a

complication of diabetes, in which the body does not produce enough insulin to fully metabolize

Postprandial- refer to plasma glucose concentrations after eating refer to plasma glucose

concentrations after eating.

Xiphoid Process- is the smallest and most inferior region of the sternum, or breastbone. the

xiphoid process plays an important role as a bony anatomical landmark in the trunk and may be

damaged by improperly administered CPR.


Input Process Output

Checking the blood sugar level Giving the mango extract

Mango extract that can
Preparing the equipment for Checking the blood sugar level maintain or prevent diabetes
the experimentation Data gathering for the level of
Maintaining the condition
Preparing the mango extract blood sugar
of the mice
Conditioning the mice

Research Design

The researchers will be using the true experimental design. The study will be using 2

groups: control group and experimental group. The true experimental design is the most accurate

form of experimental research design, it is considered to be successful only when the researcher

confirms that a change in the dependent variable is solely due to the manipulation of independent


Materials and Procedures

1. Correctly sized metal gauge/ feeding needles (14-22 gauge tubes are usually used)

2. Appropriate sized syringes.

3. Towels if ever the liquid may spill, or to wipe the gauge.

4. The decoction of Indian Mango leaves (solution).

5. Gavage

1.Weigh the animal and calculate the maximum volume that can be administered, because the

size of the gauge and the amount of volume depends on the size or weight of the mice.

2. Choose the gavage needle best suited for your use. There are different types of gavage: metal

and plastic gavage. Metal gavage needles are typically easier to use in mice since they cannot

bite through the tube but can easily damage the esophagus if the mice struggles. Straight or

curved metal gavage needles are available and the choice depends on personal preference and


3. Prior to performing the oral gavage procedure, measure the distance from the oral cavity to the

end of the xiphoid process (caudal point of the sternum) The xiphoid process functions as a vital

attachment point for several major muscles. It acts as one of several origins for the diaphragm

muscle that forms the floor of the ribcage and performs the vital process of respiration, with the

feeding needle/tube on the outside of the restrained animal. This will be the distance the needle

will be inserted into the esophagus. Mark this distance on the needle using a permanent marker

or a small piece of tape.

4. Pre-fill the syringe and gavage needle with the correct amount of the solution to be

administered. Don't forget to wipe the outside of the needle to remove any liquid or moist to

ensure that the dose is correct.

5. Gently get the mouse from the cage and firmly restrain the animal in an upright position. Get

the scruff perfectly, so that the front legs are extended out. Ensure the mouse can breathe even if

you restrain it or hold it tight.

6. Gavage needle - before using it, you need to sterilize the gavage to avoid bacterias. Slide the

end of the gavage needle into the left side of the animals’ mouth behind the front teeth and in

front of the first molar (the “diastema”), along the roof of the animal’s mouth slightly towards

the animal’s left side (you may feel the ridges of the hard palate as you slide the needle back).

Once the gavage needle is at the back of the mouth (the animal usually “gags” at this stage),

gently tilt the head back towards the spine with gentle pressure from the gavage needle. This

allows the esophagus to be in a straight line to the stomach. There should be no resistance when

passing the gavage needle. The gavage needle should slide down the esophagus with gravity

alone. The gavage needle may need to be twisted clockwise slightly as it passes the epiglottis and

into the esophagus. Pass the needle into the esophagus until the pre-marked line reaches the


7.Once the feeding needle or tube is at the pre-measured distance, ensure the animal is breathing

normally. If the needle or tube is in the trachea, the animal will struggle to breathe. If the animal

is breathing normally, inject a very small “test” dose (~0.05 ml). If there is no change in

breathing effort, then slowly inject the solution (over 2-3 seconds) to minimize the fluid coming

back up the esophagus.

8. When the entire substance has been administered, remove the feeding needle slowly, in the

opposite direction from insertion and return the animal to its cage.

9. Monitor the animal for at least 10 minutes, to observe for potential complications. If there

were any complications such as: obvious aspiration or excessive struggling, monitor the animal

until it is acting normally before leaving it for the day.

Data Gathered

This study will investigate the effects of Mangifera Indica leaves as an alternative

prevention for type II diabetes. The researchers will conduct a test and observational checklist to

determine its effectiveness. The researchers had administered the phytochemical analysis for the

leaves to identify the active substances present in it. The mice were also gathered and now being

controlled for them to have a high level of blood sugar.

The researchers will get the level of insulin by extracting blood from the mice’s eyes and

measure it through a glucometer. Experimentation will now be conducted to determine if the

Indian mango leaves are effective, the first set of the mice will be given the treatment while

others does not.

The measurement of the blood sugar level from the treatment group will be compared to

the control group to conclude its effect.

Data Analysis

Finding an alternative way of preventing diabetes using Mangifera Indica leaves is

critical, we find out the chemical composition and chemical content of mango leaves through

phytochemical analysis that the leaves of mango are containing anti-glycemic properties that can

prevent type II diabetes. The researchers test subject is an obese mice and specific pathogen free,
the decoction of mango leaves will be given to the controlled test subject through gavage and get

the blood sample from the mice. the researchers will compare the pre-test data and the post-test

data from the blood sample of the mice before giving the extract and after giving the decoction

of mango leaves and observe if the level of blood sugar of the obese mice will decrease.


Situation Analysis
Definition: Beta Cells. (1995-2019) Retrieved July 30, 2019, from
Watson, S. (2019). Autoimmune Diseases: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and More. Retrieved July
30, 2019, from
Shiel Jr., W. (2018, December 11). Medical Definition of Hypoglycemic. Retrieved July 30,
2019, from
Shiel Jr., W. MD, FACP, FACR (1996-2019) Definition of Postprandial. Retrieved July 30,
2019, from

Materials & Procedures

Encyclopedia of Veterinary Terms. (1999-2019) Retrieved July 30,2019, from
Sheet Metal Gauge. (2002-2019) Retrieved July 30, 2019, from
Decoction process. (2019) Retrieved July 30, 2019, from

Barclay, T. (2017). Xiphoid Process of Sternum. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from
Frazier-Bowers, S., Maxbauer, E. (2009). Orthodontics. Dental Hygiene Concepts, Cases, and
Competencies. Retrieved frtom July 30, 2019, from
Preece, J. (2017). What Is a Glucometer and How Does It Work? An FAQ. Retrieved July 30,
2019, from

Data Analysis
Antihyperglycemic. (2019) Retrieved July 30, 2019, from https://www.merriam-

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