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Online sweet marts


Version 1.0

Group Id: < F1902DA068>

Supervisor Name :< Hafiz Wajahat Hashmi>
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
21/01/2020 1.0 I shall explain the introduction, E Mc170402214
R Diagram, sequence
diagram,class diagram, DB
Design , interfaces,test cases in
Design phase
Table of Contents

1. Introduction (of the document)

2. Entity Relationship Diagram

3. Sequence Diagram

4. Architecture Diagram

5. Class Diagram

6. DB Design

7. Interface Design

8. Test Cases
01. Introduction of Design Document

Design phase explains the Online sweet mart Requirements in the form of the E
R, Sequence, Architecture, Class and DB design etc. This document has also
Interfaces and Test cases.

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3. Sequence Diagrams

1: User Register:

2: User Login:
3: User Search for mart

6: User Delete Category

4.Make An Order
5:User Canceling Appointment

6:Giving Ratings For Services

7:Customer can Update His/her Profile

8:Admin Login
9:admin Update Information

10 Admin Can delete Data from System

11:Owner Login
12:Add product

13:Add Services
14:Update Services

15:Remove Services
4. Architecture Design Diagram

Application Layer

Business Logic

Data Access Layer

5. Class Diagram
6.Database Design

7: Interface Design
8: Test Cases

Test Case ID: 1

Test Case Title: Add Stylist

Pre-Conditions Adding product in System.

Actions System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct Admin Correct and Add Items.
System Add new Stylist.
System Display Success Message.
Expected Owner Added Stylist.
Actors Owner
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 2

Test Case Title: Add Services

Pre-Conditions Owner Add New Services in System

Actions System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct Admin Correct and Add
Category/Sub Category.
System Add New Services in System
System Display Success Message.
Expected Services are Added in System
Actors Owner
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 3

Test Case Title: Update Services/mart info
Pre-Conditions Update Services
Actions Owner Update The Services that’s provided by mart
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct Owner Correct And Update
Select Services to Update Information
System Update Stylist/Services in System
System Display Success Message.
Expected Services/Stylist Updated.
Actors Owner
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 4

Test Case Title: Delete Services

Pre-Conditions Delete Services in System.

Actions Owner Delete Services
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct Admin Correct and Update .
Owner Select Services
Select to Delete Services.
System Confirms before Deletion.
System Delete Services
System Display Success Message.
Expected Result Services Deleted.
Actors Owner
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 5

Test Case Title: Update Users/mart info

Pre-Conditions Update Users & mart info

Actions Admin Update user/mart Profile information.
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Update Profile.
System Make Changes in User Profile.
System Display Success Message.
Expected Info Has been Changed.
Actors Admin
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 6

Test Case Title: Users Sign Up

Pre-Conditions Users Signup.

Actions User Fill The Registration Form.
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Submit Form.
System Create User Account.
System Display Success Message.
Expected Account Has Been Created.
Actors User
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass
Test Case ID: 7
Test Case Title: Login

Pre-Conditions Users Login.

Actions User Write Username and Password.
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Login.
System Login into User Account.
System Display Success Message.
Expected User Has been Login.
Actors User
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 8

Test Case Title: Change Profile Info
Pre-Conditions Users Change Profile Info.
Actions User Change Profile information.
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Update Profile.
System Make Changes in User Profile.
System Display Success Message.
Expected User Profile Info Has been Changed.
Actors User
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 9

Test Case Title: Make order

Pre-Conditions Users Make order

Actions User Can Make order
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Check Orders
User Specify product
Select Service
Select Date for order
Confirm order Date
System Display Success Message.
Expected order has Been Scheduled
Actors User
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

Test Case ID: 10

Test Case Title: Rate mart
Pre-Conditions Users Rate mart.
Actions User login to the System
System Asks for Necessary Information.
Some information Not Correct User Correct and Change Password.
Users Rate Salon for availed Services
Select appointment
Give Ratings and Feedback about services
System Display Success Message.
Expected Users gives feedback Successfully .
Actors User
Tested By Amna Asghar
Result Pass

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