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Volume 24 Supplement 1 2004


The International Classification Of

Headache Disorders
2nd Edition

Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International

Headache Society

©International Headache Society 2003. Applications for copyright permissions should be submitted to
Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford 0X4 2DQ, UK (phone +44 1865 776868; fax +44 1865
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, may be reproduced freely for scientific or
clinical uses by institutions, societies or individuals. Otherwise, copyright belongs exclusively to the
International Headache Society. Reproduction of any part or parts in any manner for commercial uses
requires the Society’s permission which will be granted on payment of a fee. Please contact the publisher
at the address above.
Permission for translations must be applied for, and will be granted to National Headache Societies or
Linguistic Groups of the International Headache Society. In the absence of a National Headache Society or
Linguistic Group, a headache expert may be approved on behalf of the International Headache Society by
the Chairman of the Headache Classification Subcommittee to be responsible for translation into a specific
language. Sponsorships may be listed and advertisements accepted in translations.
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, may be purchased from Blackwell
Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford 0X4 2DQ, UK (phone +44 1865 776868, fax +44 1865 714591, Discounts are available for bulk purchase.
First Headache Classification Subcommittee Members
Jes Olesen, Denmark (Chairman)
André Bes, France
Robert Kunkel, USA
James W Lance, Australia
Giuseppe Nappi, Italy
Volker Pfaffenrath, Germany
Frank Clifford Rose, UK
Bruce S Schoenberg, USA (deceased)
Dieter Soyka, Germany
Peer Tfelt-Hansen, Denmark (Secretary)
K Michael A Welch, USA
Marcia Wilkinson, UK

Second Headache Classification Subcommittee Members

Jes Olesen, Denmark (Chairman)
Marie-Germaine Bousser, France
Hans-Christoph Diener, Germany
David Dodick, USA
Michael First, USA
Peter J Goadsby, UK
Hartmut Göbel, Germany
Miguel JA Lainez, Spain
James W Lance, Australia
Richard B Lipton, USA
Giuseppe Nappi, Italy
Fumihiko Sakai, Japan
Jean Schoenen, Belgium
Stephen D Silberstein, USA
Timothy J Steiner, UK (Secretary)
Members of headache classification working groups and advisors

Please address comments and suggestions to the relevant working-group chairmen with a copy to:
Jes Olesen
Chairman of the Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society
Professor of Neurology, University of Copenhagen
Department of Neurology, Glostrup Hospital, 2600 Glostrup, Copenhagen, Denmark

1. Working group on Migraine:

RB Lipton, USA (Chairman); R Daroff, USA; J Haan, The Netherlands; H Massiou, France; J Olesen,
Denmark; J Pascual, Spain; BK Rasmussen, Denmark; SD Silberstein, USA; S Solomon, USA; TJ Steiner,
UK; D Symon, UK; P Winner, USA.
Advisors: MK Eriksen, Denmark; P Goadsby, UK; S Graff-Radford, USA; JW Lance, Australia;
LL Thomsen, Denmark.
2. Working group on Tension-Type Headache:
J Schoenen, Belgium (Chairman); EA MacGregor, UK; K Holroyd, USA; R Jensen, Denmark;
N Mathew, USA; J Olesen, Denmark; T Paiva, Portugal; R Pothmann, Germany; P Sandor, Switzerland;
G Sandrini, Italy.
3. Working group on Cluster Headache and Other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias:
P Goadsby, UK (Chairman); F Antonaci, Italy; A Bahra, UK; D Dodick, USA; MS Matharu, UK; A May,
Germany; J Olesen, Denmark; L Newman, USA; J Pareja, Spain; D Rothner, USA; M-B Russell,
Denmark; M Vincent, Brazil; E Waldenlind, Sweden.
Advisor: CJ Boes, USA.
4. Working group on Other Primary Headaches:
G Nappi, Italy (Chairman); P Goadsby, UK; JW Lance, Australia; PO Lundberg, Sweden; IP Martins,
Portugal; J Olesen, Denmark; JA Pareja, Spain; NH Raskin, USA; G Sandrini, Italy; TJ Steiner, UK;
A Straube, Germany.
Advisors: L Bonamico, Argentina; S Evers, Germany.
5. Working group on Headache Attributed to Head and/or Neck Trauma:
M Lainez, Spain (Chairman); R Agosti, Switzerland; F Antonaci, Italy; D Dodick, USA; R Evans, USA;
A Mosek, Israel; R Nelson, Canada; D Obelieniene, Lithuania; N Ramadan, USA; J Pascual, Spain;
P Sandor, Switzerland.
6. Working group on Headache Attributed to Cranial or Cervical Vascular Disorder:
M-G Bousser, France (Chairman); J-P Castel, France; A Ducros, France; J Ferro, Portugal; S Kittner,
USA; H Mattle, Switzerland; J Olesen, Denmark; S Solomon, USA.
7. Working group on Headache Attributed to Non-Vascular Intracranial Disorder:
H-C Diener, Germany (Chairman); M-G Bousser, France; D Dodick, USA; A Dowson, UK;
P Drummond, Australia; J Gladstein, USA; A Mosek, Israel; R Nelson, Canada; J Olesen, Denmark;
N Ramadan, USA; K Ravishankar, India; P Sandor, Switzerland; SD Silberstein, USA; J Swanson, USA;
F Taylor, USA; L Watkins, UK.
8. Working group on Headache Attributed to a Substance or its Withdrawal:
S Silberstein, USA (Chairman); H-C Diener, Germany; M Ferrari, The Netherlands; J Olesen,
Denmark; JM Pereira Monteiro, Portugal; J Saper, USA; F Sheftell, USA; P Tfelt-Hansen, Denmark;
WB Young, USA.

9. Working group on Headache Attributed to Infection:

F Sakai, Japan (Chairman); M De Marinis, Italy; A Pradalier, France; D Russell, Norway; N Suzuki,
Japan; JR Weber, Germany; KMA Welch, USA.
Advisor: E Schmutzhard, Austria.
10. Working group on Headache Attributed to Disorder of Homoeostasis:
D Dodick, USA (Chairman); W Becker, Canada; G Bussone, Italy; D Capobianco, USA; FM Cutrer,
USA; J Edmeads, Canada; A Kuritzky, Israel; J Olesen, Denmark; A Purdy, Canada; P Spira, Australia.
11. Working group on Headache or Facial Pain Attributed to Disorder of Cranium, Neck, Eyes, Ears,
Nose, Sinuses, Teeth, Mouth or Other Facial or Cranial Structures:
H Göbel, Germany (Chairman); M Bakke, Denmark; RW Baloh, USA; N Bogduk, Australia; RB Daroff,
USA; S Graff-Radford, USA; J Olesen, Denmark; D Soyka, Germany.
Advisors: H Blumenthal, USA; G Deuschl, Germany; HL Levine, USA; NT Mathew, USA.
12. Working group on Headache Attributed to Psychiatric Disorder:
MB First, USA (Chairman); RM Agosti, Switzerland; S Baskin, USA; N Breslau, USA; V Guidetti, Italy;
J Olesen, Denmark; F Sheftell, USA.
13. Working group on Cranial Neuralgias and Central Causes of Facial Pain:
J Lance, Australia (Chairman); D Bowsher, UK; KL Casey, USA; J Olesen, Denmark;
T Staehelin-Jensen, Denmark; A Zagami, Australia.
14. Working group on Other Headache, Cranial Neuralgia and Central or Primary Facial Pain:
D Dodick, USA (Chairman); J Olesen, Denmark.

The work of the Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society is financially
supported exclusively by the International Headache Society. The International Headache Society expresses
its gratitude for unrestricted grants given to the Society with a view to supporting its activities, including
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, by the following companies:
Boots Healthcare International
The headache classification subcommittee and its working groups have received valuable suggestions and
critiques from a great number of colleagues around the world. They cannot all be acknowledged
individually but we wish to mention two specifically. Robert Spitzer’s immense experience in psychiatric
disease classification inspired the reconstituted headache classification subcommittee at its first meeting.
Michael B First is a psychiatrist and an expert in disease classification. He has been invaluable as an
outside expert, early on helping the many new members who were unfamiliar with disease classification
and, later, often guiding our steps in this difficult art. Despite the fact that headache is remote to his
speciality he graciously accepted to chair a newly-formed working group on headache attributed to
psychiatric disease.
Peter Goadsby, Richard B Lipton, Jes Olesen and Stephen D Silberstein have organised the practical
aspects of our meetings.
Kirsten Hjelm has done most of the administrative and secretarial work for the subcommittee. Rosemary
Chilcott has managed the finances. We thank both for their never-failing support.
Table of contents

Preface to the first edition Page 8

Preface to the second edition 9
Introduction 11
How to use the classification 14
Classification and WHO ICD-10NA Codes 16

Part one: The primary headaches

1. Migraine 24
2. Tension-type headache 37
3. Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias 44
4. Other primary headaches 49

Part two: The secondary headaches

Introduction 56
5. Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma 58
6. Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder 65
7. Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder 77
8. Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal 88
9. Headache attributed to infection 102
10. Headache attributed to disorder of homoeostasis 107
11. Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose,
sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cranial structures 114
12. Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder 121

Part three: Cranial neuralgias, central and primary facial pain and other headaches
13. Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain 126
14. Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain 136

Appendix 137
Definition of terms 150
Index 152
Preface to the first edition (1988)

The present document represents a major effort. The nosographic and epidemiologic research activity in
work has been going on for almost three years, and the years to come.
has involved not only the committee members, but We ask all scientists who study headache to take
also the many members of the 12 subcommittees. an active part in the testing and further development
The work in the committee and subcommittees has of the classification. Please send opinions, arguments
been open, so that all interim documents have been and reprints to the chairman of the classification
available to anybody expressing an interest. We have committee. It is planned to publish the second
had a two-day meeting on headache classification in edition of the classification in 1993. Hopefully the
March 1987 open to everybody interested. At the end revision will be based on new evidence.
of the Third International Headache Congress in The International Headache Society considers
Florence September 1987 we had a public meeting classification and diagnostic criteria for headache
where the classification was presented and dis- disorders to be a very important issue. Although the
cussed. A final public meeting was held in San document needs further testing and modification, it
Diego, USA February 20 and 21, 1988 as a combined is recommended to put it into immediate use in sci-
working session for the committee and the audience. entific studies. This pertains not only to drug trials,
Despite all effort, mistakes have inevitably been but also to biochemical and physiological studies.
made. They will appear when the classification is
being used and will have to be corrected in future James W Lance
editions. It should also be pointed out that many President
parts of the document are based on the experience International Headache Society
of the experts of the committees in the absence of Jes Olesen
sufficient published evidence. It is expected however Chairman
that the existence of the operational diagnostic crite- Headache Classification Committee
ria published in this book will generate increased
Preface to the second edition

Disease classifications and their diagnostic criteria members I have primarily paid attention to personal
are often received with scepticism by the medical qualifications. Geographical representation and a
community and may not be put to extensive use. It wish to include persons with a well-argued critique
has therefore been a pleasant surprise to see how against the first edition have also been taken into
well the first edition of The International Classification account. I am pleased to say that recruitment accord-
of Headache Disorders was received. It was accepted ing to these principles proved successful. Every
virtually immediately throughout the world for member has been vividly interested, outspoken and
scientific purposes. Thus, the big wave of triptan well-argued. Respecting the huge workload carried
studies were all performed in patients diagnosed out by the first classification committee, the second
according to this classification. Slowly but surely committee openly debated any aspect of headache
the principles of the classification have also altered classification. Because of the meticulous work and
clinical practice. Many questions not needed in order the many fruitful discussions the second edition
to classify primary headaches are no longer being took much longer to do than any of us had expected.
asked in clinical interviews and, conversely, new cri- Every single set of criteria, every number and every
teria such as aggravation by physical activity are word have been weighed carefully and tremendous
gradually being put to use in daily practice. The clas- effort and thought have been invested in the present
sification has been translated into more than 20 dif- publication. All the views of every member could
ferent languages and is thus available to the majority not be taken into account, but every member has had
of doctors throughout the world. considerable impact on the classification.
When we published the first edition, we thought It is important for any field of medicine to have
that a second edition of The International Classification a generally-accepted classification that is used
of Headache Disorders would follow within five years throughout the world. This is particularly true for
because large parts of it were based on the opinion headache as a young and developing field and
of experts rather than on published evidence. It took, because there is so much prejudice against headache
however, 15 years until we now present the second disorders. Therefore, it is extremely important that
edition and there are many good reasons for that. the headache community at large and headache
Relatively little criticism has prompted a revision. researchers in particular support the use of The Inter-
Nosographic research providing a better description national Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition.
of the clinical features of the different headache No journal should publish papers related to
disorders has appeared only slowly and remains headache that are not using or examining this clas-
insufficient to allow a totally evidence-based classi- sification and the associated diagnostic criteria. On
fication. The world-wide dissemination of the the other hand, our intention is not to lock headache
English version of the first edition and the transla- research into a rigid frame and we therefore issue a
tion into more than 20 different languages has also strong plea to the world’s headache researchers to
taken much longer than we expected. Slowly, examine this second edition scientifically. In order to
however, good suggestions for a revision accumu- stimulate such studies, we have included an appen-
lated and the epidemiological and nosographic dix which describes a number of orphan disorders
knowledge increased to the extent where it became that need validation. We also present a few alterna-
meaningful to start work on a second edition. tive criteria that can be tested against the official
As for the first edition, I have also for this edition ones.
had the chairman’s privilege of appointing the sub- I sincerely hope that this second edition of The
committee members. Although the first committee International Classification of Headache Disorders will
did a fabulous job, it was my feeling that we should be received favourably by the headache community
have a major replacement of membership in order throughout the world and that it will be translated
to secure that the next generation of headache into even more languages than the first edition. Also,
researchers be sufficiently represented. Conse- I hope that it will become a basis for world-wide
quently, the only members of the first committee teaching in headache classification and headache
who have also been members of the second are diagnosis and thereby benefit patient management.
Giuseppe Nappi, James W Lance and I. We have The International Headache Society works to
been responsible for continuity. In appointing new improve the diagnosis, treatment and care of

headache throughout the world. It also works to des- edition of The International Classification of Headache
tigmatise headache sufferers and to gain recognition Disorders. The second edition will hopefully further
for these disorders as neurobiological conditions promote unity in the way we classify, diagnose and
inflicting a very high burden on the sufferers and treat headache patients throughout the world.
their relatives as well on society. It is imperative for
the success of these efforts that researchers and cli- Jes Olesen
nicians as well as patients use the same diagnostic Chairman
system and that this system is as precise as possible. Headache Classification Subcommittee
This process was taken a long way by the first International Headache Society

© International Headache Society 2003

Introduction to the classification

This second edition of The International Classification of differential diagnosis, for example because
of Headache Disorders, like the first, is intended headache is absent, it becomes necessary to distin-
equally for research and for clinical practice. No guish between migraine with aura and other disor-
research studies are likely to be accepted in interna- ders that may mimic it, and thus to code at the
tional journals without adhering to this classifica- second or third levels. Practising neurologists and
tion, but the classification is equally important for headache specialists would normally diagnose the
clinicians. The great majority of evidence-based precise subform of migraine with aura at the third
treatments for headache have been developed using level. This system has proven utility at the different
the first edition of The International Classification of levels of healthcare systems throughout the world.
Headache Disorders. This second edition has not Classification means deciding on which kinds of
changed the major principles of the classification diagnostic entities should be recognised and how to
and diagnosis of primary headache disorders. There- order them in a meaningful fashion. In doing so, one
fore, the existing body of evidence gained using the should draw upon all kinds of available evidence:
first edition remains valid for most diagnoses made clinical description, longitudinal studies of cohorts
using the second edition. When you look for patients of patients, epidemiological studies, treatment
who will respond to a triptan, you must diagnose results, genetics, neuroimaging and pathophysiol-
your patient according to the diagnostic criteria for ogy. This was done for the first edition and it has
migraine with aura and migraine without aura of been repeated for the second edition of The Interna-
this classification. tional Classification of Headache Disorders. Fortunately,
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, big changes have not been necessary, but a fairly
2nd edition, is perhaps the single most important doc- large number of small but important changes have
ument to read for doctors taking an interest in the been made in the light of new evidence. Thus, we
diagnosis and management of headache patients. have introduced 1.5.1 Chronic migraine as a new diag-
There is often a huge gap between researchers and nosis for those rare patients who fulfil the diagnos-
clinicians. Many have suggested that there should be tic criteria for migraine on 15 or more days a month
two classifications, one for research and one for clini- without overusing medication. All secondary
cal use. However, if there were two classifications, headaches are now described as ‘attributed to’
all new information would be gathered using the another disorder while the first edition used the less-
research classification and transfer of results from precise term ‘associated with’. The causal link
research studies to clinical practice would be dif- between the underlying disorder and the headache
ficult. Therefore, the universally-accepted view of is in most cases well-established, and we have there-
experts in disease classification is that there must be fore been able to strengthen the terminology.
one classification only, but constructed so that it can With regard to psychiatric disorders, there is no
be used at different levels of specialisation. reason to treat them differently from all other disor-
The answer to the problem is hierarchical classifi- ders that can cause secondary headaches. Therefore,
cation and this system was already adopted by the we have included a new chapter 12. Headache attrib-
first edition and remains unchanged in The Interna- uted to psychiatric disorder. The problem is that
tional Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition. research elucidating this field is extremely scarce so
All headache disorders are classified into major the chapter is very brief. The corresponding section
groups and each group is then subdivided one, two in the appendix is more comprehensive and will
or three times into headache types, subtypes and hopefully greatly increase research into the relation-
subforms. For example, 1 Migraine is a group con- ship between psychiatric disorders and headache.
sisting of one headache type (migraine) and the All headaches caused by infection are now placed
subtypes of migraine such as 1.2 Migraine with aura in the same chapter 9 Headache attributed to infection
constitute the next level (second digit). Migraine whilst, previously, intracranial infections were
with aura is again divided into subforms, for placed in the chapter on intracranial disorders. A
example 1.2.1 Typical aura with migraine headache. The new chapter 10 Headache attributed to disorder of
practising family physician may only need to diag- homoeostasis has been added. Some new entities such
nose at the first level – migraine – in order to select as 4.5 Hypnic headache, 4.6 Primary thunderclap
acute treatment. However, when there is a problem headache and 4.7 Hemicrania continua have also been

added while 13.17 Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’ has many other reasons we have only made small
been moved from chapter 1. Migraine to chapter 13. changes in the diagnostic criteria for migraine.
Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain. Classification and diagnostic criteria can be aetio-
As a major change in code-numbering, the tabu- logical or descriptive and the latter can be syndromic
lation below now includes WHO ICD-10NA codes or symptom-based. Both first and second editions of
(in parentheses) because these are the codes used The International Classification of Headache Disorders
in daily practice. In many places The International are aetiological for the secondary headaches and
Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, is more symptom-based for the primary headaches. If the
detailed than the WHO Classification. This means course or the evolution of headache syndromes
that some headache subtypes are not uniquely coded should be taken into account, there would have to
under the ICD-10NA system but the most appropri- be so much information available that the diagnosis
ate ICD-10NA code has in each case been attached of migraine, for example, would enable the predic-
to the ICHD-II code. tion of a particular course for that patient. The fact
The basic construct of each chapter in the second is that the evolution of primary headache syndromes
edition of The International Classification of Headache cannot be predicted. Some patients will worsen and
Disorders is the same as for the first edition. For each their symptoms become chronic, others will be
chapter the classification for that chapter is shown. relieved of their primary headache and yet others
Then there is an introduction and the different will stay the same for decades.
headaches are presented one by one in the order of It is an important task for the future to provide
the classification. For each major disease we give prognostic factors and other characteristics that may
previously used terms and specify disorders that are make it possible to classify subtypes of migraine and
related but coded elsewhere and we present short tension-type headache. For some time it looked as if
descriptions that in words try to define the disease. 3.1.2 Chronic cluster headache could be subdivided
After that we present explicit diagnostic criteria. into chronic from onset and evolving from episodic, but
Finally, we provide written comments and a selected then it was shown that a number of patients with
bibliography at the end of each chapter. chronic cluster headache reverted to 3.1.1 Episodic
The explicit diagnostic criteria need a comment. cluster headache. Thus, many different evolutionary
Previously they were called operational diagnostic cri- patterns seem to be crossing each other. The same is
teria, but the meaning of ‘operational’ is not gener- true for migraine according to the longitudinal
ally known. ‘Explicit’ means ‘unambiguous, precise studies of Bille and others. For these reasons the
and with as little room for interpretation as possible’. evolutionary history cannot be classified until
In other words, the aim is to write criteria so clearly much bigger and better studies of the evolution of
and have such clear requirements that different migraine patients become available.
doctors in different parts of the world are able to use Like the first, this second edition of The Interna-
them in the same way. Terms that are open to inter- tional Classification of Headache Disorders classifies
pretation such as ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ or ‘usual’ are patients according to the phenomenology of their
largely avoided. Patients must fulfil all criteria listed headache(s). For clinical use, drug trials and patho-
as A, B, C, D, etc. For each criterion there are specific physiological studies this would normally mean that
requirements such as ‘two of the following four char- the patient must have had that type of headache
acteristics’, etc. The same system was used in the first within the last year and is likely to have further
edition where it proved to be reliable and repro- attacks. For other uses, particularly genetic studies,
ducible. It has also been shown that the first edition we are more concerned with the lifetime history of
was applicable in all settings spanning from epi- the patient. Thus, if the patient has had migraine
demiological studies in the general population to attacks twenty years ago, but no attacks after that
tertiary headache referral centres. A validation of the time, the patient still has the phenotype of migraine
first edition and its explicit diagnostic criteria was in a genetic study. These principles make it possible
provided by the triptan studies, in which the rates of for a patient to have one diagnosis at one time and
success were equal in different countries indicating another diagnosis a few years later. It also makes it
that case ascertainment had been the same. Further- possible and necessary to give some patients more
more, the high success rate of injectable sumatriptan than one headache diagnosis and even two or more
demonstrated that, at least from pathophysiological migraine diagnoses.
and pharmacological points of view, the diagnostic So far, only two migraine genes have been identi-
criteria for migraine with and without aura had fied. They account for only half of patients with the
delineated a fairly homogeneous entity. For this and rare disorder 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine. Thus,

© International Headache Society 2003


genetics have not had significant impact on The Inter- in daily practice and perhaps to some extent in
national Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition. research, we shall continue with clinically-defined
However, it is expected that within the next ten years diagnoses.
migraine genetics will be elucidated. This will A classification and its diagnostic criteria should
undoubtedly lead to major alterations in the way we be reliable, valid and exhaustive. Fortunately, as
classify headaches, but it is not possible at present to partly discussed above, the first edition of The Inter-
say exactly how such changes will be. Some mono- national Classification of Headache Disorders has been
genic entities will probably be identified and it will shown to have fairly high degrees of reliability and
become obvious that our clinically-defined pheno- validity. It has also proven to be exhaustive in
types are heterogeneous. On the other hand, muta- several studies spanning from population-based
tions in the same gene may cause quite different studies to studies in headache clinics. We believe
phenotypes as recently demonstrated by studies of that the second edition is even more reliable, valid
familial hemiplegic migraine. Thus, the genetics of and exhaustive, but only future research can prove
migraine may simply prove to be so complex that, or disprove this belief.

© International Headache Society 2003

How to use this classification

This extensive document is not intended to be be used to decide which of the alternatives is the
learned by heart. Even members of the Headache correct or more likely diagnosis. This could
Classification Subcommittee are unable to remember include the longitudinal headache history (how
all of it. It is a document that should be consulted did the headache start?), the family history, the
time and time again. In this way you will soon get effect of drugs, menstrual relationship, age,
to know the diagnostic criteria for 1.1 Migraine gender and a range of other features. Fulfilment
without aura, 1.2 Migraine with aura, the major sub- of the diagnostic criteria for 1 Migraine, 2 Tension-
types of 2 Tension-type headache, 3.1 Cluster headache type headache or 3 Cluster headache and other
and a few others. The rest will remain something to trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, or any of their
look up. In clinical practice you do not need the clas- subtypes, always trumps fulfilment of criteria
sification for the obvious case of migraine or tension- for the probable diagnostic categories of each,
type headache but it is useful when the diagnosis which are last-described in the respective
is uncertain. For research, the classification is indis- groups. In other words, a patient whose
pensable and every patient entered into a research headache fulfils criteria for both 1.6 Probable
project, be it a drug trial or a study of pathophysiol- migraine and 2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type
ogy or biochemistry, must fulfil a set of diagnostic headache should be coded to the latter. Neverthe-
criteria. less, consideration should always be given to the
possibility that some headache attacks meet one
1. This classification is hierarchical and you must set of criteria whilst other attacks meet another
decide how detailed you want to make your set. In such cases, two diagnoses exist and both
diagnosis. This can range from the first-digit should be coded.
level to the fourth. First one gets a rough idea 6. To receive a particular headache diagnosis the
about which group the patient belongs to. Is it patient must, in many cases, experience a
for example 1 Migraine or 2 Tension-type headache minimum number of attacks of (or days with)
or 3 Cluster headache and other trigeminal auto- that headache. This number is specified in the
nomic cephalalgias? Then one obtains information explicit diagnostic criteria for the headache type,
allowing a more detailed diagnosis. The desired subtype or subform. Further, the headache must
detail depends on the purpose. In general prac- fulfil a number of other requirements described
tice only the first- or second-digit diagnoses are within the criteria under separate letter head-
usually applied whilst in specialist practice and ings: A, B, C etc. Some letter headings are mono-
headache centres a diagnosis at the third- or thetic: that is, they express a single requirement.
fourth-digit levels is appropriate. Other letter headings are polythetic, requir-
2. Patients receive a diagnosis according to the ing for example any two out of four listed
headache phenotypes that they currently present characteristics.
or that they have presented within the last year. 7. The full set of explicit diagnostic criteria is pro-
For genetic and some other uses, occurrence vided for some headache disorders only at the
during the whole lifetime is used. first- and second-digit levels. Diagnostic criteria
3. Each distinct type of headache that the patient at the third- and fourth-digit levels then
has must be separately diagnosed and coded. demand, as criterion A, fulfilment of the criteria
Thus, a severely affected patient in a headache for levels one and/or two and, in criterion B and
centre may receive three diagnoses and codes: onwards, specify the further specific criteria to
1.1 Migraine without aura, 2.2 Frequent episodic be fulfilled.
tension-type headache and 8.2 Medication-overuse 8. The frequency of primary headache disorders
headache. varies from attacks every 1–2 years to attacks
4. When a patient receives more than one diagno- daily. The severity of attacks also varies. The
sis these should be listed in the order of impor- International Classification of Headache Disorders,
tance to the patient. 2nd edition, does not generally provide a possibil-
5. If one type of headache in a particular patient ity to code for frequency or severity, but recom-
fulfils two different sets of explicit diagnostic cri- mends that frequency and severity be specified
teria, then all other available information should in free text.

9. Primary or secondary headache or both: If a new 12. In each chapter on the secondary headaches
headache occurs for the first time in close tem- the most well-known and well-established
poral relation to another disorder that is a known causes are mentioned and criteria for these are
cause of headache, this headache is coded given. However, in many chapters, for example
according to the causative disorder as a second- 9. Headache attributed to infection, there are an
ary headache. This remains true even when the almost endless number of possible causes. In
headache has the characteristics of migraine, order to avoid a very long list, only the most
tension-type headache, cluster headache or one important are mentioned. In the example, rarer
of the other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias. causes are assigned to 9.2.3 Headache attributed
When a pre-existing primary headache is made to other systemic infection. The same system is
worse in close temporal relation to another dis- used in the other chapters on secondary
order that is a known cause of headache, there headaches.
are two possibilities and judgment is required. 13. The last criterion for most of the secondary
The patient can either be given only the diagno- headaches requires that the headache greatly
sis of the pre-existing primary headache or be improves or resolves within a specified period
given both the primary headache diagnosis and after relief from the causative disorder (through
a secondary headache diagnosis according to the treatment or spontaneous remission). In such
other disorder. Factors that support adding the cases, fulfilment of this criterion is an essential
secondary headache diagnosis are: a very close part of the evidence for a causal relationship.
temporal relation to the causative disorder, a Very often, there is a need to code patients before
marked worsening of the primary headache, this disorder is treated or before the result of
very good evidence that the causative disorder treatment is known. In such cases the diagnosis
can aggravate the primary headache in the should be Headache probably attributed to [the dis-
manner observed and, finally, improvement or order]. Once the treatment results are known, the
disappearance of the headache after relief from diagnosis becomes Headache attributed to [the
the presumed causative disorder. disorder], or is changed if the criterion is not
10. Many patients with headache attacks fulfilling fulfilled.
one set of explicit diagnostic criteria also have 14. In a few cases, post-traumatic headache being
attacks that, whilst similar, do not quite satisfy a good example, chronic headache subforms are
the criteria. This can be due to treatment, inabil- recognised to occur. In such cases, the initially
ity to recall symptoms exactly or other factors. acute headache may persist, and causation is
Ask the patient to describe a typical untreated or neither proved nor disproved by the duration of
unsuccessfully-treated attack and ascertain that the headache in relation to onset of or relief from
there have been enough of these to establish the the causative disorder. The last criterion instead
diagnosis. Then include the less-typical attacks distinguishes between acute and chronic sub-
when describing attack frequency. forms, specifying resolution of headache within
11. When a patient is suspected of having more than (for the acute subform) or persistence of
one headache type it is highly recommended headache beyond (for the chronic subform) a
that he or she fill out a diagnostic headache diary period of 3 months after occurrence, remission
in which, for each headache episode, the impor- or cure of the causative disorder. In the course of
tant characteristics are recorded. It has been the disorder, the diagnosis may therefore change
shown that such a headache diary improves after 3 months to Chronic headache attributed to
diagnostic accuracy as well as allowing a more [the disorder]. In the example, 5.1 Acute post-
precise judgement of medication consumption. traumatic headache changes to 5.2 Chronic post-
The diary helps in judging the quantity of two traumatic headache.
or more different headache types or subtypes. Most such diagnoses are in the appendix
Finally, it teaches the patient how to distinguish because of insufficient evidence of their exis-
between different headaches: for example tence. They will not usually be applied, but are
between migraine without aura and episodic there to stimulate research into better criteria for
tension-type headache. causation.

© International Headache Society 2003

Classification and WHO ICD-10NA Codes

IHS WHO Diagnosis

ICHD-II ICD-10NA [and aetiological ICD-10 code for secondary headache disorders]
code code

1. [G43] Migraine
1.1 [G43.0] Migraine without aura
1.2 [G43.1] Migraine with aura
1.2.1 [G43.10] Typical aura with migraine headache
1.2.2 [G43.10] Typical aura with non-migraine headache
1.2.3 [G43.104] Typical aura without headache
1.2.4 [G43.105] Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM)
1.2.5 [G43.105] Sporadic hemiplegic migraine
1.2.6 [G43.103] Basilar-type migraine
1.3 [G43.82] Childhood periodic syndromes that are commonly precursors of migraine
1.3.1 [G43.82] Cyclical vomiting
1.3.2 [G43.820] Abdominal migraine
1.3.3 [G43.821] Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
1.4 [G43.81] Retinal migraine
1.5 [G43.3] Complications of migraine
1.5.1 [G43.3] Chronic migraine
1.5.2 [G43.2] Status migrainosus
1.5.3 [G43.3] Persistent aura without infarction
1.5.4 [G43.3] Migrainous infarction
1.5.5 [G43.3] + Migraine-triggered seizure
[G40.x or G41.x]1
1.6 [G43.83] Probable migraine
1.6.1 [G43.83] Probable migraine without aura
1.6.2 [G43.83] Probable migraine with aura
1.6.5 [G43.83] Probable chronic migraine

2. [G44.2] Tension-type headache (TTH)

2.1 [G44.2] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache
2.1.1 [G44.20] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial
2.1.2 [G44.21] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with
pericranial tenderness
2.2 [G44.2] Frequent episodic tension-type headache
2.2.1 [G44.20] Frequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial
2.2.2 [G44.21] Frequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial
2.3 [G44.2] Chronic tension-type headache
2.3.1 [G44.22] Chronic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness
2.3.2 [G44.23] Chronic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial
2.4 [G44.28] Probable tension-type headache
2.4.1 [G44.28] Probable infrequent episodic tension-type headache

The additional code specifies the type of seizure.

2.4.2 [G44.28] Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache

2.4.3 [G44.28] Probable chronic tension-type headache

3. [G44.0] Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias

3.1 [G44.0] Cluster headache
3.1.1 [G44.01] Episodic cluster headache
3.1.2 [G44.02] Chronic cluster headache
3.2 [G44.03] Paroxysmal hemicrania
3.2.1 [G44.03] Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania
3.2.2 [G44.03] Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH)
3.3 [G44.08] Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival
injection and Tearing (SUNCT)
3.4 [G44.08] Probable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia
3.4.1 [G44.08] Probable cluster headache
3.4.2 [G44.08] Probable paroxysmal hemicrania
3.4.3 [G44.08] Probable SUNCT

4. [G44.80] Other primary headaches

4.1 [G44.800] Primary stabbing headache
4.2 [G44.803] Primary cough headache
4.3 [G44.804] Primary exertional headache
4.4 [G44.805] Primary headache associated with sexual activity
4.4.1 [G44.805] Preorgasmic headache
4.4.2 [G44.805] Orgasmic headache
4.5 [G44.80] Hypnic headache
4.6 [G44.80] Primary thunderclap headache
4.7 [G44.80] Hemicrania continua
4.8 [G44.2] New daily-persistent headache (NDPH)

5. [G44.88] Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma

5.1 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache
5.1.1 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head
injury [S06]
5.1.2 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury [S09.9]
5.2 [G44.3] Chronic post-traumatic headache
5.2.1 [G44.30] Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head
injury [S06]
5.2.2 [G44.31] Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury [S09.9]
5.3 [G44.841] Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury [S13.4]
5.4 [G44.841] Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury [S13.4]
5.5 [G44.88] Headache attributed to traumatic intracranial haematoma
5.5.1 [G44.88] Headache attributed to epidural haematoma [S06.4]
5.5.2 [G44.88] Headache attributed to subdural haematoma [S06.5]
5.6 [G44.88] Headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06]
5.6.1 [G44.88] Acute headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06]
5.6.2 [G44.88] Chronic headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06]
5.7 [G44.88] Post-craniotomy headache
5.7.1 [G44.880] Acute post-craniotomy headache
5.7.2 [G44.30] Chronic post-craniotomy headache

6. [G44.81] Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder

6.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack
6.1.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke (cerebral infarction) [I63]
6.1.2 [G44.810] Headache attributed to transient ischaemic attack (TIA) [G45]

© International Headache Society 2003


6.2 [G44.810] Headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage [I62]

6.2.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to intracerebral haemorrhage [I61]
6.2.2 [G44.810] Headache attributed to subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) [I60]
6.3 [G44.811] Headache attributed to unruptured vascular malformation [Q28]
6.3.1 [G44.811] Headache attributed to saccular aneurysm [Q28.3]
6.3.2 [G44.811] Headache attributed to arteriovenous malformation (AVM) [Q28.2]
6.3.3 [G44.811] Headache attributed to dural arteriovenous fistula [I67.1]
6.3.4 [G44.811] Headache attributed to cavernous angioma [D18.0]
6.3.5 [G44.811] Headache attributed to encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal
angiomatosis (Sturge Weber syndrome) [Q85.8]
6.4 [G44.812] Headache attributed to arteritis [M31]
6.4.1 [G44.812] Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis (GCA) [M31.6]
6.4.2 [G44.812] Headache attributed to primary central nervous system (CNS) angiitis
6.4.3 [G44.812] Headache attributed to secondary central nervous system (CNS) angiitis
6.5 [G44.810] Carotid or vertebral artery pain [I63.0, I63.2, I65.0, I65.2 or I67.0]
6.5.1 [G44.810] Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to arterial dissection [I67.0]
6.5.2 [G44.814] Post-endarterectomy headache [I97.8]
6.5.3 [G44.810] Carotid angioplasty headache
6.5.4 [G44.810] Headache attributed to intracranial endovascular procedures
6.5.5 [G44.810] Angiography headache
6.6 [G44.810] Headache attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) [I63.6]
6.7 [G44.81] Headache attributed to other intracranial vascular disorder
6.7.1 [G44.81] Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts
and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) [I67.8]
6.7.2 [G44.81] Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes
(MELAS) [G31.81]
6.7.3 [G44.81] Headache attributed to benign angiopathy of the central nervous system
6.7.4 [G44.81] Headache attributed to pituitary apoplexy [E23.6]

7. [G44.82] Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder

7.1 [G44.820] Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid pressure
7.1.1 [G44.820] Headache attributed to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)
7.1.2 [G44.820] Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension secondary to
metabolic, toxic or hormonal causes
7.1.3 [G44.820] Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension secondary to
hydrocephalus [G91.8]
7.2 [G44.820] Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure
7.2.1 [G44.820] Post-dural puncture headache [G97.0]
7.2.2 [G44.820] CSF fistula headache [G96.0]
7.2.3 [G44.820] Headache attributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) low CSF pressure
7.3 [G44.82] Headache attributed to non-infectious inflammatory disease
7.3.1 [G44.823] Headache attributed to neurosarcoidosis [D86.8]
7.3.2 [G44.823] Headache attributed to aseptic (non-infectious) meningitis [code to
specify aetiology]
7.3.3 [G44.823] Headache attributed to other non-infectious inflammatory disease [code
to specify aetiology]
7.3.4 [G44.82] Headache attributed to lymphocytic hypophysitis [E23.6]
7.4 [G44.822] Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm [C00-D48]
7.4.1 [G44.822] Headache attributed to increased intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus
caused by neoplasm [code to specify neoplasm]

© International Headache Society 2003


7.4.2 [G44.822] Headache attributed directly to neoplasm [code to specify neoplasm]

7.4.3 [G44.822] Headache attributed to carcinomatous meningitis [C79.3]
7.4.4 [G44.822] Headache attributed to hypothalamic or pituitary hyper- or
hyposecretion [E23.0]
7.5 [G44.824] Headache attributed to intrathecal injection [G97.8]
7.6 [G44.82] Headache attributed to epileptic seizure [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure
7.6.1 [G44.82] Hemicrania epileptica [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure type]
7.6.2 [G44.82] Post-seizure headache [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure type]
7.7 [G44.82] Headache attributed to Chiari malformation type I (CM1) [Q07.0]
7.8 [G44.82] Syndrome of transient Headache and Neurological Deficits with
cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL)
7.9 [G44.82] Headache attributed to other non-vascular intracranial disorder

8. [G44.4 or G44.83] Headache attributed to a substance 2 or its withdrawal

8.1 [G44.40] Headache induced by acute substance use or exposure
8.1.1 [G44.400] Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache [X44] [G44.400] Immediate NO donor-induced headache [X44] [G44.400] Delayed NO donor-headache [X44]
8.1.2 [G44.40] Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor-induced headache [X44]
8.1.3 [G44.402] Carbon monoxide-induced headache [X47]
8.1.4 [G44.83] Alcohol-induced headache [F10] [G44.83] Immediate alcohol-induced headache [F10] [G44.83] Delayed alcohol-induced headache [F10]
8.1.5 [G44.4] Headache induced by food components and additives [G44.401] Monosodium glutamate-induced headache [X44]
8.1.6 [G44.83] Cocaine-induced headache [F14]
8.1.7 [G44.83] Cannabis-induced headache [F12]
8.1.8 [G44.40] Histamine-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Immediate histamine-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Delayed histamine-induced headache [X44]
8.1.9 [G44.40] Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Immediate CGRP-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Delayed CGRP-induced headache [X44]
8.1.10 [G44.41] Headache as an acute adverse event attributed to medication used for
other indications [code to specify substance]
8.1.11 [G44.4 or G44.83] Headache induced by other acute substance use or exposure [code to
specify substance]
8.2 [G44.41 or G44.83] Medication-overuse headache (MOH)
8.2.1 [G44.411] Ergotamine-overuse headache [Y52.5]
8.2.2 [G44.41] Triptan-overuse headache
8.2.3 [G44.410] Analgesic-overuse headache [F55.2]
8.2.4 [G44.83] Opioid-overuse headache [F11.2]
8.2.5 [G44.410] Combination medication-overuse headache [F55.2]
8.2.6 [G44.410] Headache attributed to other medication overuse [code to specify
8.2.7 [G44.41 or G44.83] Probable medication-overuse headache [code to specify substance]

In ICD-10 substances are classified according to the presence or absence of a dependence-producing property. Headaches
associated with psychoactive substances (dependence-producing) are classified in G44.83 with an additional code to indicate
the nature of the disorder related to the substance use: eg, intoxication (F1x.0), dependence (F1x.2), withdrawal (F1x.3), etc.
The 3rd character can be used to indicate the specific substance involved: eg, F10 for alcohol, F15 for caffeine, etc. Abuse of
non-dependence-producing substances is classified in F55, with a 4th character to indicate the substance: eg, F55.2 abuse of
analgesics. Headaches related to non-dependence-producing substances are classified in G44.4.

© International Headache Society 2003


8.3 [G44.4] Headache as an adverse event attributed to chronic medication [code to

specify substance]
8.3.1 [G44.418] Exogenous hormone-induced headache [Y42.4]
8.4 [G44.83] Headache attributed to substance withdrawal
8.4.1 [G44.83] Caffeine-withdrawal headache [F15.3]
8.4.2 [G44.83] Opioid-withdrawal headache [F11.3]
8.4.3 [G44.83] Oestrogen-withdrawal headache [Y42.4]
8.4.4 [G44.83] Headache attributed to withdrawal from chronic use of other substances
[code to specify substance]

9. Headache attributed to infection

9.1 [G44.821] Headache attributed to intracranial infection [G00-G09]
9.1.1 [G44.821] Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis [G00.9]
9.1.2 [G44.821] Headache attributed to lymphocytic meningitis [G03.9]
9.1.3 [G44.821] Headache attributed to encephalitis [G04.9]
9.1.4 [G44.821] Headache attributed to brain abscess [G06.0]
9.1.5 [G44.821] Headache attributed to subdural empyema [G06.2]
9.2 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic infection [A00-B97]
9.2.1 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic bacterial infection [code to specify
9.2.2 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic viral infection [code to specify
9.2.3 [G44.881] Headache attributed to other systemic infection [code to specify
9.3 [G44.821] Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS [B22]
9.4 [G44.821 or Chronic post-infection headache [code to specify aetiology]
9.4.1 [G44.821] Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache [G00.9]

10. [G44.882] Headache attributed to disorder of homoeostasis

10.1 [G44.882] Headache attributed to hypoxia and/or hypercapnia
10.1.1 [G44.882] High-altitude headache [W94]
10.1.2 [G44.882] Diving headache
10.1.3 [G44.882] Sleep apnoea headache [G47.3]
10.2 [G44.882] Dialysis headache [Y84.1]
10.3 [G44.813] Headache attributed to arterial hypertension [I10]
10.3.1 [G44.813] Headache attributed to phaeochromocytoma [D35.0 (benign) or C74.1
10.3.2 [G44.813] Headache attributed to hypertensive crisis without hypertensive
encephalopathy [I10]
10.3.3 [G44.813] Headache attributed to hypertensive encephalopathy [I67.4]
10.3.4 [G44.813] Headache attributed to pre-eclampsia [O13-O14]
10.3.5 [G44.813] Headache attributed to eclampsia [O15]
10.3.6 [G44.813] Headache attributed to acute pressor response to an exogenous agent
[code to specify aetiology]
10.4 [G44.882] Headache attributed to hypothyroidism [E03.9]
10.5 [G44.882] Headache attributed to fasting [T73.0]
10.6 [G44.882] Cardiac cephalalgia [code to specify aetiology]
10.7 [G44.882] Headache attributed to other disorder of homoeostasis [code to specify

11. [G44.84] Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes,
ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cranial structures
11.1 [G44.840] Headache attributed to disorder of cranial bone [M80-M89.8]

© International Headache Society 2003


11.2 [G44.841] Headache attributed to disorder of neck [M99]

11.2.1 [G44.841] Cervicogenic headache [M99]
11.2.2 [G44.842] Headache attributed to retropharyngeal tendonitis [M79.8]
11.2.3 [G44.841] Headache attributed to craniocervical dystonia [G24]
11.3 [G44.843] Headache attributed to disorder of eyes
11.3.1 [G44.843] Headache attributed to acute glaucoma [H40]
11.3.2 [G44.843] Headache attributed to refractive errors [H52]
11.3.3 [G44.843] Headache attributed to heterophoria or heterotropia (latent or manifest
squint) [H50.3-H50.5]
11.3.4 [G44.843] Headache attributed to ocular inflammatory disorder [code to specify
11.4 [G44.844] Headache attributed to disorder of ears [H60-H95]
11.5 [G44.845] Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis [J01]
11.6 [G44.846] Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or related structures [K00-
11.7 [G44.846] Headache or facial pain attributed to temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
disorder [K07.6]
11.8 [G44.84] Headache attributed to other disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose,
sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structures [code to
specify aetiology]

12. [R51] Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder

12.1 [R51] Headache attributed to somatisation disorder [F45.0]
12.2 [R51] Headache attributed to psychotic disorder [code to specify aetiology]

13. [G44.847, G44.848 Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain
or G44.85]
13.1 [G44.847] Trigeminal neuralgia
13.1.1 [G44.847] Classical trigeminal neuralgia [G50.00]
13.1.2 [G44.847] Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia [G53.80] + [code to specify aetiology]
13.2 [G44.847] Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
13.2.1 [G44.847] Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia [G52.10]
13.2.2 [G44.847] Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia [G53.830] + [code to specify
13.3 [G44.847] Nervus intermedius neuralgia [G51.80]
13.4 [G44.847] Superior laryngeal neuralgia [G52.20]
13.5 [G44.847] Nasociliary neuralgia [G52.80]
13.6 [G44.847] Supraorbital neuralgia [G52.80]
13.7 [G44.847] Other terminal branch neuralgias [G52.80]
13.8 [G44.847] Occipital neuralgia [G52.80]
13.9 [G44.851] Neck-tongue syndrome
13.10 [G44.801] External compression headache
13.11 [G44.802] Cold-stimulus headache
13.11.1 [G44.8020] Headache attributed to external application of a cold stimulus
13.11.2 [G44.8021] Headache attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulus
13.12 [G44.848] Constant pain caused by compression, irritation or distortion of cranial
nerves or upper cervical roots by structural lesions [G53.8] + [code to
specify aetiology]
13.13 [G44.848] Optic neuritis [H46]
13.14 [G44.848] Ocular diabetic neuropathy [E10-E14]
13.15 [G44.881 or Head or facial pain attributed to herpes zoster
13.15.1 [G44.881] Head or facial pain attributed to acute herpes zoster [B02.2]
13.15.2 [G44.847] Post-herpetic neuralgia [B02.2]

© International Headache Society 2003


13.16 [G44.850] Tolosa-Hunt syndrome

13.17 [G43.80] Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’
13.18 [G44.810 or Central causes of facial pain
13.18.1 [G44.847] Anaesthesia dolorosa [G52.800] + [code to specify aetiology]
13.18.2 [G44.810] Central post-stroke pain [G46.21]
13.18.3 [G44.847] Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis [G35]
13.18.4 [G44.847] Persistent idiopathic facial pain [G50.1]
13.18.5 [G44.847] Burning mouth syndrome [code to specify aetiology]
13.19 [G44.847] Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally mediated facial pain [code to
specify aetiology]

14. [R51] Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain
14.1 [R51] Headache not elsewhere classified
14.2 [R51] Headache unspecified

© International Headache Society 2003

Part one

The primary headaches

Tension-type headache
Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias
Other primary headaches

1. Migraine Introduction
1.1 Migraine without aura Migraine is a common disabling primary headache
1.2 Migraine with aura disorder. Epidemiological studies have documented
1.2.1 Typical aura with migraine headache its high prevalence and high socio-economic and
1.2.2 Typical aura with non-migraine headache personal impacts. It is now ranked by the World
1.2.3 Typical aura without headache Health Organization as number 19 among all dis-
1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) eases world-wide causing disability.
1.2.5 Sporadic hemiplegic migraine Migraine can be divided into two major sub-types.
1.2.6 Basilar-type migraine 1.1 Migraine without aura is a clinical syndrome char-
1.3 Childhood periodic syndromes that are acterised by headache with specific features and
commonly precursors of migraine associated symptoms. 1.2 Migraine with aura is pri-
1.3.1 Cyclical vomiting marily characterised by the focal neurological symp-
1.3.2 Abdominal migraine toms that usually precede or sometimes accompany
1.3.3 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood the headache. Some patients also experience a pre-
1.4 Retinal migraine monitory phase, occurring hours or days before the
1.5 Complications of migraine headache, and a headache resolution phase. Pre-
1.5.1 Chronic migraine monitory and resolution symptoms include hyper-
1.5.2 Status migrainosus activity, hypoactivity, depression, craving for
1.5.3 Persistent aura without infarction particular foods, repetitive yawning and other less
1.5.4 Migrainous infarction typical symptoms reported by some patients.
1.5.5 Migraine-triggered seizure When a patient fulfils criteria for more than one
1.6 Probable migraine subtype of migraine, all subtypes should be diag-
1.6.1 Probable migraine without aura nosed and coded. For example, a patient who has
1.6.2 Probable migraine with aura frequent attacks with aura but also some attacks
1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine without aura should be coded as 1.2 Migraine with
aura and 1.1 Migraine without aura.

1.1 Migraine without aura

Coded elsewhere:
Migraine-like headache secondary to another disor- Previously used terms:
der (symptomatic migraine) is coded according to the Common migraine, hemicrania simplex
Recurrent headache disorder manifesting in attacks
General comment lasting 4–72 hours. Typical characteristics of the
Primary or secondary headache or both? headache are unilateral location, pulsating quality,
When a headache with migraine characteristics moderate or severe intensity, aggravation by routine
occurs for the first time in close temporal relation to physical activity and association with nausea
another disorder that is a known cause of headache, and/or photophobia and phonophobia.
it is coded according to the causative disorder as a
secondary headache. When pre-existing migraine is Diagnostic criteria:
made worse in close temporal relation to another A. At least 5 attacks1 fulfilling criteria B–D
disorder that is a known cause of headache, there B. Headache attacks lasting 4–72 hours (untreated
are two possibilities, and judgment is required. The or unsuccessfully treated)2;3;4
patient can either be given only the migraine diag- C. Headache has at least two of the following
nosis or be given both the migraine diagnosis and a characteristics:
secondary headache diagnosis according to the other 1. unilateral location5;6
disorder. Factors that support adding the latter 2. pulsating quality7
diagnosis are: a very close temporal relation to the 3. moderate or severe pain intensity
disorder, a marked worsening of the migraine, very 4. aggravation by or causing avoidance of
good evidence that the disorder can cause or aggra- routine physical activity (eg, walking or climb-
vate migraine, and improvement or resolution of ing stairs)
migraine after relief from the disorder. D. During headache at least one of the following:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. nausea and/or vomiting in the appendix because of uncertainty over whether

2. photophobia and phonophobia8 they should be regarded as separate entities.
E. Not attributed to another disorder9 Very frequent migraine attacks are now distin-
guished as 1.5.1 Chronic migraine provided that there
Notes: is no medication overuse. Migraine without aura is
1. Differentiating between 1.1 Migraine without aura the disease most prone to accelerate with frequent
and 2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache use of symptomatic medication, resulting in a new
may be difficult. Therefore at least 5 attacks are headache which is coded as 8.2 Medication-overuse
required. Individuals who otherwise meet criteria headache.
for 1.1 Migraine without aura but have had fewer Regional cerebral blood flow shows no changes
than 5 attacks should be coded 1.6.1 Probable suggestive of cortical spreading depression during
migraine without aura. attacks of migraine without aura although blood
2. When the patient falls asleep during migraine and flow changes in the brainstem may occur, as may
wakes up without it, duration of the attack is reck- cortical changes secondary to pain activation. This
oned until the time of awakening. contrasts with the pathognomonic spreading oli-
3. In children, attacks may last 1–72 hours (although gaemia of migraine with aura. In all likelihood
the evidence for untreated durations of less than spreading depression is therefore not involved in
2 hours in children requires corroboration by migraine without aura. On the other hand the mes-
prospective diary studies). senger molecules nitric oxide (NO) and calcitonin-
4. When attacks occur on ≥15 days/month for >3 gene-related peptide (CGRP) are clearly involved.
months, code as 1.1 Migraine without aura and as While the disease was previously regarded as pri-
1.5.1 Chronic migraine. marily vascular, the importance of sensitisation of
5. Migraine headache is commonly bilateral in perivascular nerve terminals, and the possibility that
young children; an adult pattern of unilateral attacks may originate in the central nervous system,
pain usually emerges in late adolescence or early have gained increasing attention over the last
adult life. decades. At the same time the circuitry of migraine
6. Migraine headache is usually frontotemporal. pain and several aspects of neurotransmission in this
Occipital headache in children, whether unilateral system have been recognised. A significant contri-
or bilateral, is rare and calls for diagnostic bution has been made by the advent of the triptans,
caution; many cases are attributable to structural 5HT1B/D receptor agonists. These drugs have remark-
lesions. able efficacy in acute attacks and, in view of their
7. Pulsating means throbbing or varying with the high receptor-specificity, their mechanism of action
heartbeat. provides new insight into migraine mechanisms. It
8. In young children, photophobia and phonopho- is now clear that migraine without aura is a neuro-
bia may be inferred from their behaviour. biological disorder and clinical as well as basic
9. History and physical and neurological examina- neuroscience currently advances our knowledge of
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in migraine mechanisms at an increasing speed.
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
1.2 Migraine with aura
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do Previously used terms:
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela- Classic or classical migraine, ophthalmic, hemi-
tion to the disorder. paraesthetic, hemiplegic or aphasic migraine,
migraine accompagnée, complicated migraine
1.1 Migraine without aura is the commonest subtype Coded elsewhere:
of migraine. It has a higher average attack frequency 13.17 Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’.
and is usually more disabling than 1.2 Migraine with
aura. Description:
Migraine without aura often has a strict menstrual Recurrent disorder manifesting in attacks of
relationship. In contrast to the first edition of The reversible focal neurological symptoms that usually
International Classification of Headache Disorders, this develop gradually over 5–20 minutes and last for
edition gives criteria for A1.1.1 Pure menstrual less than 60 minutes. Headache with the features
migraine and A1.1.2 Menstrually-related migraine, but of migraine without aura usually follows the aura

© International Headache Society 2003


symptoms. Less commonly, headache lacks migrain- anteriorly and is usually above the ischaemic thresh-
ous features or is completely absent. old. After one to several hours, gradual transition
into hyperaemia occurs in the same region. Cortical
Diagnostic criteria: spreading depression of Leão has been implicated.
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criterion B Systematic studies have demonstrated that many
B. Migraine aura fulfilling criteria B and C for one patients with visual auras occasionally have symp-
of the subforms 1.2.1–1.2.6 toms in the extremities. Conversely patients with
C. Not attributed to another disorder1 symptoms in the extremities virtually always also
suffer visual aura symptoms. A distinction between
Note: migraine with visual aura and hemiparaesthetic
1. History and physical and neurological examina- migraine is probably artificial and therefore is not
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in recognised in this classification. Patients with motor
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or weakness are classified separately because of the
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- dominantly inherited form, 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- migraine, and because of clinical differences. The
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do genetic relationship between migraine with aura
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela- and familial hemiplegic migraine has not been
tion to the disorder. established.
The previously-defined syndromes migraine with
Comments: prolonged aura and migraine with acute-onset aura have
The aura is the complex of neurological symptoms been abandoned. The great majority of patients with
that occurs just before or at the onset of migraine such attacks have other attacks that fulfil criteria for
headache. Most patients with migraine have exclu- one of the subforms of 1.2 Migraine with aura and
sively attacks without aura. Many patients who have should be coded to that diagnosis. The rest should
frequent attacks with aura also have attacks without be coded to 1.6.2 Probable migraine with aura, speci-
aura (code as 1.2 Migraine with aura and 1.1 Migraine fying the atypical feature (prolonged aura or acute-
without aura). onset aura) in parenthesis.
Premonitory symptoms occur hours to a day or
two before a migraine attack (with or without aura).
1.2.1 Typical aura with migraine headache
They include various combinations of fatigue, diffi-
culty in concentrating, neck stiffness, sensitivity to Description:
light or sound, nausea, blurred vision, yawning and Typical aura consisting of visual and/or sensory
pallor. The terms prodrome and warning symptoms are and/or speech symptoms. Gradual development,
best avoided because they are often mistakenly used duration no longer than one hour, a mix of positive
to include aura. and negative features and complete reversibility
The majority of migraine auras are associated with characterise the aura which is associated with a
headache fulfilling criteria for 1.1 Migraine without headache fulfilling criteria for 1.1 Migraine without
aura. For this reason the entity 1.2.1 Typical aura with aura.
migraine headache has been singled out below.
Migraine aura is sometimes associated with a Diagnostic criteria:
headache that does not fulfil criteria for 1.1 Migraine A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
without aura and, in other cases, migraine aura may B. Aura consisting of at least one of the following,
occur without headache. These two subforms are but no motor weakness:
also now distinguished. 1. fully reversible visual symptoms including
Aura with similar features has also been described positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots
in association with other well-defined headache or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of
types, including cluster headache; the relation- vision)
ships between aura and headache are not fully 2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including
understood. positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or
Before or simultaneously with the onset of aura negative features (ie, numbness)
symptoms, regional cerebral blood flow is decreased 3. fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance
in cortex corresponding to the clinically affected area C. At least two of the following:
and often including an even wider area. Blood flow 1. homonymous visual symptoms1 and/or uni-
reduction usually starts posteriorly and spreads lateral sensory symptoms

© International Headache Society 2003


2. at least one aura symptom develops gradually rect reports of lateralisation of headache, of sudden
over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp- onset when it is gradual and of monocular visual
toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes disturbances when they are homonymous, as well
3. each symptom lasts ≥5 and £60 minutes as incorrect duration of aura and mistaking sensory
D. Headache fulfilling criteria B–D for 1.1 Migraine loss for weakness. After an initial consultation, use
without aura begins during the aura or follows of an aura diary may clarify the diagnosis.
aura within 60 minutes
E. Not attributed to another disorder2
1.2.2 Typical aura with non-migraine headache
1. Additional loss or blurring of central vision may Description:
occur. Typical aura consisting of visual and/or sensory
2. History and physical and neurological examina- and/or speech symptoms. Gradual development,
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in duration no longer than one hour, a mix of positive
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or and negative features and complete reversibility
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- characterise the aura which is associated with a
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- headache that does not fulfil criteria for 1.1 Migraine
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do without aura.
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
tion to the disorder. Diagnostic criteria:
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
Comments: B. Aura consisting of at least one of the following,
This is the most common migraine syndrome asso- but no motor weakness:
ciated with aura. The diagnosis is usually evident 1. fully reversible visual symptoms including
after a careful history alone though there are rare sec- positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots
ondary mimics including carotid dissection, arteri- or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of
ovenous malformation and seizure. vision)
Visual aura is the most common type of aura, often 2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including
presenting as a fortification spectrum, ie, a zigzag positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or
figure near the point of fixation that may gradually negative features (ie, numbness)
spread right or left and assume a laterally convex 3. fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance
shape with an angulated scintillating edge leaving C. At least two of the following:
variable degrees of absolute or relative scotoma in its 1. homonymous visual symptoms1 and/or uni-
wake. In other cases, scotoma without positive phe- lateral sensory symptoms
nomena may occur; this is often perceived as being 2. at least one aura symptom develops gradually
of acute onset but, on scrutiny, usually enlarges over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp-
gradually. Next in frequency are sensory distur- toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
bances in the form of pins and needles moving 3. each symptom lasts ≥5 and £60 minutes
slowly from the point of origin and affecting a D. Headache that does not fulfil criteria B–D for 1.1
greater or smaller part of one side of the body and Migraine without aura begins during the aura or
face. Numbness may occur in its wake, but numb- follows aura within 60 minutes
ness may also be the only symptom. Less frequent E. Not attributed to another disorder2
are speech disturbances, usually dysphasic but often
hard to categorise. If the aura includes motor weak- Notes:
ness, code as 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine or 1.2.5 1. Additional loss or blurring of central vision may
Sporadic hemiplegic migraine. occur.
Symptoms usually follow one another in succes- 2. History and physical and neurological examina-
sion beginning with visual, then sensory symptoms tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
and dysphasia, but the reverse and other orders have groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
been noted. Patients often find it hard to describe neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
their symptoms in which case they should be der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
instructed in how to time and record them. After tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do
such prospective observation the clinical picture not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
often becomes clearer. Common mistakes are incor- tion to the disorder.

© International Headache Society 2003


Comment: Comments:
In the absence of headache fulfilling criteria for 1.1 In some patients a typical aura is always followed by
Migraine without aura, precise diagnosis of aura and migraine headache, but many patients have, in addi-
its distinction from mimics that may signal serious tion, attacks with aura followed by non-migraine
disease (eg, transient ischaemic attack) become much headache or even without headache. A small
more important. number of patients have 1.2.3 Typical aura without
headache exclusively. More commonly, as patients
with 1.2.1 Typical aura with migraine headache become
older, their headache may lose migraine characteris-
1.2.3 Typical aura without headache
tics or disappear completely even though auras con-
Description: tinue. Some individuals, primarily males, have 1.2.3
Typical aura consisting of visual and/or sensory Typical aura without headache from onset.
symptoms with or without speech symptoms. In the absence of headache fulfilling criteria for 1.1
Gradual development, duration no longer than one Migraine without aura, precise diagnosis of aura and
hour, a mix of positive and negative features and its distinction from mimics that may signal serious
complete reversibility characterise the aura which is disease (eg, transient ischaemic attack) become much
not associated with headache. more important. This distinction may require inves-
tigation. Especially when aura begins after age 40,
when negative features (eg, hemianopia) are pre-
Diagnostic criteria:
dominant, or when aura is prolonged or very short,
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
other causes should be ruled out.
B. Aura consisting of at least one of the following,
with or without speech disturbance but no motor
weakness: 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM)
1. fully reversible visual symptoms including
positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots
Migraine with aura including motor weakness and
or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of
at least one first- or second-degree relative has
migraine aura including motor weakness.
2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including
positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or
Diagnostic criteria:
negative features (ie, numbness)
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B and C
C. At least two of the following:
B. Aura consisting of fully reversible motor weak-
1. homonymous visual symptoms1 and/or uni-
ness and at least one of the following:
lateral sensory symptoms
1. fully reversible visual symptoms including
2. at least one aura symptom develops gradually
positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots
over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp-
or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of
toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
3. each symptom lasts ≥5 and £60 minutes
2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including
D. Headache does not occur during aura nor follow
positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or
aura within 60 minutes
negative features (ie, numbness)
E. Not attributed to another disorder2
3. fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance
C. At least two of the following:
Notes: 1. at least one aura symptom develops gradually
1. Additional loss or blurring of central vision may over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp-
occur. toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
2. History and physical and neurological examina- 2. each aura symptom lasts ≥5 minutes and <24
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in hours
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or 3. headache fulfilling criteria B–D for 1.1
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- Migraine without aura begins during the aura
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- or follows onset of aura within 60 minutes
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do D. At least one first- or second-degree relative has
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela- had attacks fulfilling these criteria A–E
tion to the disorder. E. Not attributed to another disorder1

© International Headache Society 2003


Note: C. At least two of the following:

1. History and physical and neurological examina- 1. at least one aura symptom develops gradually
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp-
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- 2. each aura symptom lasts ≥5 minutes and <24
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- hours
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do 3. headache fulfilling criteria B–D for 1.1
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela- Migraine without aura begins during the aura
tion to the disorder. or follows onset of aura within 60 minutes
D. No first- or second-degree relative has attacks ful-
Comments: filling these criteria A–E
It may be difficult to distinguish weakness from E. Not attributed to another disorder1
sensory loss.
New genetic data have allowed a more precise Note:
definition of FHM than previously. Specific genetic 1. History and physical and neurological examina-
subtypes of 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine have tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
been identified: in FHM1 there are mutations in the groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
CACNA1A gene on chromosome 19, and in FHM2 neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
mutations occur in the ATP1A2 gene on chromo- der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
some 1. If genetic testing is done, the genetic subtype tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do
should be specified parenthetically. not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
It has been shown that FHM1 very often has tion to the disorder.
basilar-type symptoms in addition to the typical
aura symptoms and that headache is virtually Comments:
always present. During FHM1 attacks, disturbances Epidemiological studies have shown that sporadic
of consciousness (sometimes including coma), fever, cases occur with approximately the same prevalence
CSF pleocytosis and confusion can occur. FHM1 as familial cases. The attacks have the same clinical
attacks can be triggered by (mild) head trauma. In characteristics as those in 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic
approximately 50% of FHM1 families, chronic pro- migraine.
gressive cerebellar ataxia occurs independently of Sporadic cases always require neuroimaging and
the migraine attacks. other tests to rule out other cause. A lumbar punc-
FHM is very often mistaken for epilepsy, and ture is also necessary to rule out pseudomigraine
(unsuccessfully) treated as such. with temporary neurological symptoms and lym-
phocytic pleocytosis. This condition is more preva-
lent in males and often associated with transient
1.2.5 Sporadic hemiplegic migraine hemiparesis and aphasia.
Migraine with aura including motor weakness but 1.2.6 Basilar-type migraine
no first- or second-degree relative has aura includ- Previously used terms:
ing motor weakness. Basilar artery migraine, basilar migraine
Diagnostic criteria: Description:
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B and C Migraine with aura symptoms clearly originating
B. Aura consisting of fully reversible motor weak- from the brainstem and/or from both hemispheres
ness and at least one of the following: simultaneously affected, but no motor weakness.
1. fully reversible visual symptoms including
positive features (eg, flickering lights, spots Diagnostic criteria:
or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
vision) B. Aura consisting of at least two of the follow-
2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including ing fully reversible symptoms, but no motor
positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or weakness:
negative features (ie, numbness) 1. dysarthria
3. fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance 2. vertigo

© International Headache Society 2003


1.3 Childhood periodic syndromes that are commonly
precursors of migraine
visual symptoms simultaneously in both tem- 1.3.1 Cyclical vomiting
poral and nasal fields of both eyes
7. ataxia
Recurrent episodic attacks, usually stereotypical
8. decreased level of consciousness
in the individual patient, of vomiting and intense
9. simultaneously bilateral paraesthesias
nausea. Attacks are associated with pallor and
C. At least one of the following:
lethargy. There is complete resolution of symptoms
1. at least one aura symptom develops gradually
between attacks.
over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symp-
toms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
Diagnostic criteria:
2. each aura symptom lasts ≥5 and £60 minutes
A. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B and C
D. Headache fulfilling criteria B–D for 1.1 Migraine
B. Episodic attacks, stereotypical in the individual
without aura begins during the aura or follows
patient, of intense nausea and vomiting lasting
aura within 60 minutes
from 1 hour to 5 days
E. Not attributed to another disorder1
C. Vomiting during attacks occurs at least 4
times/hour for at least 1 hour
D. Symptom-free between attacks
1. History and physical and neurological examina-
E. Not attributed to another disorder1
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
1. In particular, history and physical examination do
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
not show signs of gastrointestinal disease.
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
tion to the disorder.
Cyclical vomiting is a self-limiting episodic condi-
tion of childhood, with periods of complete normal-
ity between episodes. This disorder was not
Basilar-type attacks are mostly seen in young adults.
included as a childhood periodic syndrome in the
Many patients who have basilar-type attacks also
first edition of The International Classification of
report attacks with typical aura (code for both
Headache Disorders. The clinical features of this
syndrome resemble those found in association
If motor weakness is present, code as 1.2.4 Famil-
with migraine headaches, and multiple threads of
ial hemiplegic migraine or 1.2.5 Sporadic hemiplegic
research over the last years have suggested that
migraine. Patients with 1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic
cyclical vomiting is a condition related to migraine.
migraine have basilar-type symptoms in 60% of
cases. Therefore, 1.2.6 Basilar-type migraine should be
diagnosed only when no motor weakness occurs.
1.3.2 Abdominal migraine
Many of the symptoms listed under criterion B are
subject to misinterpretation as they may occur with Description:
anxiety and hyperventilation. An idiopathic recurrent disorder seen mainly in chil-
Originally the terms basilar artery migraine or dren and characterised by episodic midline abdomi-
basilar migraine were used but, since involvement of nal pain manifesting in attacks lasting 1–72 hours
the basilar artery territory is uncertain (ie, the dis- with normality between episodes. The pain is of
turbance may be bihemispheric), the term basilar- moderate to severe intensity and associated with
type migraine is preferred. vasomotor symptoms, nausea and vomiting.

Diagnostic criteria:
A. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
B. Attacks of abdominal pain lasting 1–72 hours
(untreated or unsuccessfully treated)
C. Abdominal pain has all of the following

© International Headache Society 2003


1. midline location, periumbilical or poorly

1.4 Retinal migraine
2. dull or ‘just sore’ quality Description:
3. moderate or severe intensity Repeated attacks of monocular visual disturbance,
D. During abdominal pain at least 2 of the including scintillations, scotomata or blindness,
following: associated with migraine headache.
1. anorexia
2. nausea Diagnostic criteria:
3. vomiting A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B and C
4. pallor B. Fully reversible monocular positive and/or
E. Not attributed to another disorder1 negative visual phenomena (eg, scintillations,
scotomata or blindness) confirmed by examina-
Note: tion during an attack or (after proper instruction)
1. In particular, history and physical examination do by the patient’s drawing of a monocular field
not show signs of gastrointestinal or renal disease defect during an attack
or such disease has been ruled out by appropri- C. Headache fulfilling criteria B–D for 1.1 Migraine
ate investigations. without aura begins during the visual symptoms
or follows them within 60 minutes
Comments: D. Normal ophthalmological examination between
Pain is severe enough to interfere with normal daily attacks
activities. E. Not attributed to another disorder1
Children may find it difficult to distinguish
anorexia from nausea. The pallor is often accompa- Note:
nied by dark shadows under the eyes. In a few 1. Appropriate investigations exclude other causes
patients flushing is the predominant vasomotor of transient monocular blindness.
Most children with abdominal migraine will Comment:
develop migraine headache later in life. Some patients who complain of monocular visual
disturbance in fact have hemianopia. Some cases
without headache have been reported, but their
1.3.3 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
migrainous nature cannot be ascertained. Other
Description: causes of transient monocular blindness (amaurosis
This probably heterogeneous disorder is charac- fugax), such as optic neuropathy or carotid dissec-
terised by recurrent brief episodic attacks of vertigo tion, must be excluded.
occurring without warning and resolving sponta-
neously in otherwise healthy children.
1.5 Complications of migraine
Diagnostic criteria:
A. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criterion B Comment:
B. Multiple episodes of severe vertigo1, occurring Code separately for both the antecedent migraine
without warning and resolving spontaneously subtype and for the complication.
after minutes to hours
C. Normal neurological examination and audiomet-
1.5.1 Chronic migraine
ric and vestibular functions between attacks
D. Normal electroencephalogram Description:
Migraine headache occurring on 15 or more days per
Note: month for more than 3 months in the absence of
1. Often associated with nystagmus or vomiting; medication overuse.
unilateral throbbing headache may occur in some
attacks. Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D for 1.1
Migraine without aura on ≥15 days/month for >3
B. Not attributed to another disorder1;2

© International Headache Society 2003


Notes: Comment:
1. History and physical and neurological examina- Interruption during sleep is disregarded. Short-
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in lasting relief due to medication is also disregarded.
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or Status may often be caused by medication overuse
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- and should be coded accordingly. Non-debilitating
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- attacks lasting >72 hours but otherwise meeting
tions, or such disorder is present but headache these criteria are coded as 1.6.1 Probable migraine
does not occur for the first time in close temporal without aura.
relation to the disorder.
2. When medication overuse is present and fulfils
criterion B for any of the subforms of 8.2 Medica-
1.5.3 Persistent aura without infarction
tion-overuse headache, it is uncertain whether crite-
rion B for 1.5.1 Chronic migraine is fulfilled until 2 Description:
months after medication has been withdrawn Aura symptoms persisting for more than 1 week
without improvement (see Comments). without radiographic evidence of infarction.
Comments: Diagnostic criteria:
Most cases of chronic migraine start as 1.1 Migraine A. The present attack in a patient with 1.2 Migraine
without aura. Therefore, chronicity may be regarded with aura is typical of previous attacks except that
as a complication of episodic migraine. one or more aura symptoms persists for >1 week
As chronicity develops, headache tends to lose its B. Not attributed to another disorder
attack-wise (episodic) presentation although it has
not been clearly demonstrated that this is always so. Comments:
When medication overuse is present (ie, fulfilling Persisting aura symptoms are rare but well docu-
criterion B for any of the subforms of 8.2 Medication- mented. They are often bilateral and may last for
overuse headache), this is the most likely cause of months or years. Reliably effective treatment is not
chronic symptoms. Therefore, the default rule is to known though acetazolamide and valproic acid
code such patients according to the antecedent have helped in a few cases.
migraine subtype (usually 1.1 Migraine without aura) Exclude posterior leukoencephalopathy by diffu-
plus 1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine plus 8.2.7 Probable sion MRI among other things. Exclude 1.5.4 Migrain-
medication-overuse headache. When these criteria are ous infarction by MRI.
still fulfilled 2 months after medication overuse has
ceased, 1.5.1 Chronic migraine plus the antecedent
migraine subtype should be diagnosed, and 8.2.7
Probable medication-overuse headache discarded. If at 1.5.4 Migrainous infarction
any time sooner they are no longer fulfilled, because Description:
improvement has occurred, code for 8.2 Medication- One or more migrainous aura symptoms associated
overuse headache plus the antecedent migraine with an ischaemic brain lesion in appropriate terri-
subtype and discard 1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine. tory demonstrated by neuroimaging.
These criteria require further study.
Diagnostic criteria:
1.5.2 Status migrainosus A. The present attack in a patient with 1.2 Migraine
Description: with aura is typical of previous attacks except that
A debilitating migraine attack lasting for more than one or more aura symptoms persists for >60
72 hours. minutes
B. Neuroimaging demonstrates ischaemic infarc-
Diagnostic criteria: tion in a relevant area
A. The present attack in a patient with 1.1 Migraine C. Not attributed to another disorder
without aura is typical of previous attacks except
for its duration Comments:
B. Headache has both of the following features: Ischaemic stroke in a migraine sufferer may be cate-
1. unremitting for >72 hours gorised as cerebral infarction of other cause coexist-
2. severe intensity ing with migraine, cerebral infarction of other cause
C. Not attributed to another disorder presenting with symptoms resembling migraine

© International Headache Society 2003


with aura, or cerebral infarction occurring during the Comment:

course of a typical migraine with aura attack. Only Do not code as 1.6.1 Probable migraine without aura
the last fulfils criteria for 1.5.4 Migrainous infarction. if the patient fulfils the criteria for 1.5.1 Chronic
Increased risk for stroke in migraine patients has migraine or 1.5.2 Status migrainosus.
been demonstrated in women under age 45 in
several studies. Evidence for an association between
1.6.2 Probable migraine with aura
migraine and stroke in older women and in men is
inconsistent. Diagnostic criteria:
A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for
1.2 Migraine with aura or any of its subforms
1.5.5 Migraine-triggered seizure
B. Not attributed to another disorder
A seizure triggered by a migraine aura.
1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine
Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria:
A. Migraine fulfilling criteria for 1.2 Migraine with A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D for 1.1
aura Migraine without aura on ≥15 days/month for >3
B. A seizure fulfilling diagnostic criteria for one type months
of epileptic attack occurs during or within 1 hour B. Not attributed to another disorder1 but there is,
after a migraine aura or has been within the last 2 months, medication
overuse fulfilling criterion B for any of the sub-
Comment: forms of 8.2 Medication-overuse headache
Migraine and epilepsy are prototypical examples
of paroxysmal brain disorders. While migraine-like Note:
headaches are quite frequently seen in the postictal 1. History and physical and neurological examina-
period, sometimes a seizure occurs during or fol- tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed
lowing a migraine attack. This phenomenon, some- in groups 5–12 (other than 8.2 Medication-overuse
times referred to as migralepsy, has been described in headache), or history and/or physical and/or neu-
patients with migraine with aura. rological examinations do suggest such disorder
but it is ruled out by appropriate investigations,
or such disorder is present but headache does not
occur for the first time in close temporal relation
1.6 Probable migraine
to the disorder.
Previously used terms:
Migrainous disorder
Aggravating factors
Coded elsewhere: Migraine may be aggravated by a number of factors.
Migraine-like headache secondary to another disor- That is, in a person who already meets criteria for
der (symptomatic migraine) is coded according to that migraine, particular factors may be associated with
disorder. a relatively long-term (usually weeks to months)
increase in the severity or frequency of attacks.
Description: Examples of commonly-reported aggravating
Attacks and/or headache missing one of the features factors include: psychosocial stress, frequent intake
needed to fulfil all criteria for a disorder coded above of alcoholic beverages, other environmental factors.
(1.6.3 Probable childhood periodic syndromes that are
commonly precursors of migraine and 1.6.4 Probable
Trigger factors (precipitating factors)
retinal migraine are not currently recognised).
Trigger factors increase the probability of a migraine
attack in the short term (usually <48 hours) in a
1.6.1 Probable migraine without aura
person with migraine. Though some trigger factors
Diagnostic criteria: have been reasonably well studied epidemiologi-
A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for cally (eg, menstruation) or in clinical trials (eg, choco-
1.1 Migraine without aura late, aspartame), causal attribution in individual
B. Not attributed to another disorder patients may be difficult.

© International Headache Society 2003


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© International Headache Society 2003


2. Tension-type headache (TTH) disorder, a marked worsening of the tension-type

headache, very good evidence that the disorder
2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache can cause or aggravate tension-type headache and,
2.1.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type finally, improvement or resolution of tension-type
headache associated with pericranial headache after relief from the disorder.
2.1.2 Infrequent episodic tension-type Introduction
headache not associated with pericranial
tenderness This is the most common type of primary headache:
2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache its lifetime prevalence in the general population
2.2.1 Frequent episodic tension-type headache ranges in different studies from 30 to 78%. At the
associated with pericranial tenderness same time, it is the least studied of the primary
2.2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache headache disorders, despite the fact that it has the
not associated with pericranial tenderness highest socio-economic impact.
2.3 Chronic tension-type headache Whilst this type of headache was previously con-
2.3.1 Chronic tension-type headache associated sidered to be primarily psychogenic, a number of
with pericranial tenderness studies have appeared after the first edition of The
2.3.2 Chronic tension-type headache not International Classification of Headache Disorders that
associated with pericranial tenderness strongly suggest a neurobiological basis, at least for
2.4 Probable tension-type headache the more severe subtypes of tension-type headache.
2.4.1 Probable infrequent episodic tension-type The division into episodic and chronic subtypes that
headache was introduced in the first edition of the classifica-
2.4.2 Probable frequent episodic tension-type tion has proved extremely useful. The chronic
headache subtype is a serious disease causing greatly
2.4.3 Probable chronic tension-type headache decreased quality of life and high disability. In the
present edition we have decided to subdivide
episodic tension-type headache further, into an infre-
Previously used terms: quent subtype with headache episodes less than once
Tension headache, muscle contraction headache, per month and a frequent subtype. The infrequent
psychomyogenic headache, stress headache, ordi- subtype has very little impact on the individual and
nary headache, essential headache, idiopathic does not deserve much attention from the medi-
headache and psychogenic headache cal profession. However, frequent sufferers can
encounter considerable disability that sometimes
Coded elsewhere: warrants expensive drugs and prophylactic medica-
Tension-type-like headache attributed to another tion. The chronic subtype is of course always associ-
disorder is coded to that disorder. ated with disability and high personal and
socio-economic costs.
The first edition arbitrarily separated patients
General comment with and without disorder of the pericranial
Primary or secondary headache or both? muscles. This has proved to be a valid subdivision
When a headache with tension-type characteristics but the only really useful distinguishing feature is
occurs for the first time in close temporal relation to tenderness on manual palpation and not, as sug-
another disorder that is a known cause of headache, gested in the first edition, evidence from surface
it is coded according to the causative disorder as a EMG or pressure algometry. Therefore, we now use
secondary headache. When pre-existing tension- only manual palpation, preferably as pressure-
type headache is made worse in close temporal rela- controlled palpation, to subdivide all three subtypes
tion to another disorder that is a known cause of of tension-type headache.
headache, there are two possibilities, and judgment The exact mechanisms of tension-type headache
is required. The patient can either be given only the are not known. Peripheral pain mechanisms are
tension-type headache diagnosis or be given both most likely to play a role in 2.1 Infrequent episodic
the tension-type headache diagnosis and a second- tension-type headache and 2.2 Frequent episodic tension-
ary headache diagnosis according to the other dis- type headache whereas central pain mechanisms play
order. Factors that support adding the latter a more important role in 2.3 Chronic tension-type
diagnosis are: a very close temporal relation to the headache. The classification subcommittee encour-

© International Headache Society 2003


ages further research into the pathophysiological 1. no nausea or vomiting (anorexia may occur)
mechanisms and treatment of tension-type 2. no more than one of photophobia or
headache. phonophobia
There are some reasons to believe that, with the E. Not attributed to another disorder1
diagnostic criteria set out in the first edition, patients
coded for episodic tension-type headache included Note:
some who had a mild form of migraine without aura 1. History and physical and neurological examina-
and patients coded for chronic tension-type tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
headache included some who had chronic migraine. groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
Clinical experience favours this suspicion, especially neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
in patients who also have migraine attacks, and der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
some patients may display pathophysiological fea- tions, or such disorder is present but headache
tures typical of migraine (Schoenen et al., 1987). does not occur for the first time in close temporal
Within the classification subcommittee there was an relation to the disorder.
attempt to tighten the diagnostic criteria for tension-
type headache for the second edition, with the
2.1.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache
hope to exclude migraine patients whose headache
associated with pericranial tenderness
phenotypically resembles tension-type headache.
However, this would have compromised the sensi- Diagnostic criteria:
tivity of the criteria and there was no evidence to A. Episodes fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.1 Infrequent
show the beneficial effects of such a change. There- episodic tension-type headache
fore a consensus was not reached, but a proposal for B. Increased pericranial tenderness on manual
new, stricter diagnostic criteria is published under palpation
A2 Tension-type headache in the appendix. The classi-
fication subcommittee recommends comparisons
2.1.2 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache
between patients diagnosed according to the explicit
not associated with pericranial tenderness
criteria and others diagnosed according to the
appendix criteria. This pertains not only to the Diagnostic criteria:
clinical features but also to pathophysiological A. Episodes fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.1 Infrequent
mechanisms and response to treatments. episodic tension-type headache
B. No increased pericranial tenderness
2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache
Description: Increased pericranial tenderness recorded by
Infrequent episodes of headache lasting minutes to manual palpation is the most significant abnormal
days. The pain is typically bilateral, pressing or finding in patients with tension-type headache. The
tightening in quality and of mild to moderate inten- tenderness increases with the intensity and fre-
sity, and it does not worsen with routine physical quency of headache and is further increased during
activity. There is no nausea but photophobia or actual headache. The diagnostic value of EMG and
phonophobia may be present. pressure algometry is limited and these recordings
are therefore omitted from the second edition. Peri-
Diagnostic criteria: cranial tenderness is easily recorded by manual
A. At least 10 episodes occurring on <1 day per palpation by small rotating movements and a firm
month on average (<12 days per year) and ful- pressure (preferably aided by use of a palpometer)
filling criteria B–D with the second and third finger on the frontal, tem-
B. Headache lasting from 30 minutes to 7 days poral, masseter, pterygoid, sternocleidomastoid,
C. Headache has at least two of the following splenius and trapezius muscles. A local tenderness
characteristics: score from 0–3 on each muscle can be summated to
1. bilateral location yield a total tenderness score for each individual. It
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality has been demonstrated that, using a pressure sensi-
3. mild or moderate intensity tive device that allows palpation with a controlled
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity pressure, this clinical examination becomes more
such as walking or climbing stairs valid and reproducible. However, such equipment is
D. Both of the following: not generally available to clinicians and it is advised

© International Headache Society 2003


that clinicians simply perform the manual palpation

2.2.1 Frequent episodic tension-type headache
as a traditional clinical examination.
associated with pericranial tenderness
Palpation is a useful guide for the treatment strat-
egy. It also adds value and credibility to the expla- Diagnostic criteria:
nations given to the patient. A. Episodes fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.2 Frequent
episodic tension-type headache
B. Increased pericranial tenderness on manual
2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache
Frequent episodes of headache lasting minutes to
2.2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache not
days. The pain is typically bilateral, pressing or
associated with pericranial tenderness
tightening in quality and of mild to moderate inten-
sity, and it does not worsen with routine physical Diagnostic criteria:
activity. There is no nausea but photophobia or A. Episodes fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.2 Frequent
phonophobia may be present. episodic tension-type headache
B. No increased pericranial tenderness
Diagnostic criteria
A. At least 10 episodes occurring on ≥1 but <15 days
2.3 Chronic tension-type headache
per month for at least 3 months (≥12 and <180
days per year) and fulfilling criteria B–D Coded elsewhere:
B. Headache lasting from 30 minutes to 7 days 4.8 New daily-persistent headache
C. Headache has at least two of the following
characteristics: Description:
1. bilateral location A disorder evolving from episodic tension-type
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality headache, with daily or very frequent episodes of
3. mild or moderate intensity headache lasting minutes to days. The pain is typi-
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity cally bilateral, pressing or tightening in quality and
such as walking or climbing stairs of mild to moderate intensity, and it does not worsen
D. Both of the following: with routine physical activity. There may be mild
1. no nausea or vomiting (anorexia may occur) nausea, photophobia or phonophobia.
2. no more than one of photophobia or
phonophobia Diagnostic criteria:
E. Not attributed to another disorder1 A. Headache occurring on ≥15 days per month on
average for >3 months (≥180 days per year)1 and
Note: fulfilling criteria B–D
1. History and physical and neurological examina- B. Headache lasts hours or may be continuous
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in C. Headache has at least two of the following
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or characteristics:
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- 1. bilateral location
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- 2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality
tions, or such disorder is present but headache 3. mild or moderate intensity
does not occur for the first time in close temporal 4. not aggravated by routine physical activity
relation to the disorder. such as walking or climbing stairs
D. Both of the following:
Comment: 1. no more than one of photophobia, phonopho-
Frequent tension-type headache often coexists with bia or mild nausea
migraine without aura. Coexisting tension-type 2. neither moderate or severe nausea nor
headache in migraineurs should preferably be iden- vomiting
tified by a diagnostic headache diary. The treatment E. Not attributed to another disorder2;3
of migraine differs considerably from that of tension-
type headache and it is important to educate patients Notes:
to differentiate between these types of headaches in 1. 2.3 Chronic tension-type headache evolves over time
order to select the right treatment and to prevent from episodic tension-type headache; when these
medication-overuse headache. criteria A–E are fulfilled by headache that, unam-

© International Headache Society 2003


biguously, is daily and unremitting within 3 days Medication-overuse headache should be diagnosed and
of its first onset, code as 4.8 New daily-persistent 2.4.3 Probable chronic tension-type headache discarded.
headache. When the manner of onset is not remem- It should be remembered that some patients with
bered or is otherwise uncertain, code as 2.3 chronic tension-type headache develop migraine-
Chronic tension-type headache. like features if they have severe pain and, conversely,
2. History and physical and neurological examina- some migraine patients develop increasingly fre-
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in quent tension-type-like interval headaches, the
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or nature of which remains unclear.
neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
2.3.1 Chronic tension-type headache associated
tions, or such disorder is present but headache
with pericranial tenderness
does not occur for the first time in close temporal
relation to the disorder. Diagnostic criteria:
3. When medication overuse is present and fulfils A. Headache fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.3 Chronic
criterion B for any of the subforms of 8.2 Medica- tension-type headache
tion-overuse headache, it is uncertain whether this B. Increased pericranial tenderness on manual
criterion E is fulfilled until 2 months after medi- palpation
cation has been withdrawn without improvement
(see Comments).
2.3.2 Chronic tension-type headache not associated
with pericranial tenderness
The introduction of 1.5.1 Chronic migraine into The Diagnostic criteria:
International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd A. Headache fulfilling criteria A–E for 2.3 Chronic
edition, creates a problem in relation to the differen- tension-type headache
tial diagnosis between this and 2.3 Chronic tension- B. No increased pericranial tenderness
type headache. Both diagnoses require headache
(meeting the criteria for migraine or tension-type
2.4 Probable tension-type headache
headache respectively) on at least 15 days a month.
Therefore it is possible theoretically that a patient Comment:
can have both these diagnoses. A very small group Patients meeting one of these sets of criteria may also
of patients have 15 or more headaches per month meet the criteria for one of the subforms of 1.6 Prob-
fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for both 1.5.1 Chronic able migraine. In such cases, all other available infor-
migraine and 2.3 Chronic tension-type headache. This is mation should be used to decide which of the
possible when two (and only two) of the four pain alternatives is the more likely.
characteristics are present and headaches are associ-
ated with mild nausea. In these rare cases, other
2.4.1 Probable infrequent episodic tension-type
clinical evidence that is not part of the explicit diag-
nostic criteria should be taken into account and the
clinician should base thereon the best possible choice Diagnostic criteria:
of diagnosis. When it is uncertain how many attacks A. Episodes fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for
fulfil one or other set of criteria it is strongly re- 2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache
commended to use a diagnostic headache diary B. Episodes do not fulfil criteria for 1.1 Migraine
prospectively. without aura
In many uncertain cases there is overuse of C. Not attributed to another disorder
medication. When this fulfils criterion B for any of
the subforms of 8.2 Medication-overuse headache, the
2.4.2 Probable frequent episodic tension-type
default rule is to code for 2.4.3 Probable chronic
tension-type headache plus 8.2.7 Probable medication-
overuse headache. When these criteria are still fulfilled Diagnostic criteria:
2 months after medication overuse has ceased, 2.3 A. Episodes fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for
Chronic tension-type headache should be diagnosed 2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache
and 8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse headache dis- B. Episodes do not fulfil criteria for 1.1 Migraine
carded. If at any time sooner they are no longer without aura
fulfilled, because improvement has occurred, 8.2 C. Not attributed to another disorder

© International Headache Society 2003


J. Possible mechanisms of action of nitric oxide synthase

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fulfilling criteria B–D Bach F, Langemark M, Secher NH, Olesen J. Plasma and cere-
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© International Headache Society 2003


3. Cluster headache and other trigeminal tures are less constant, is to be found under 4. Other
autonomic cephalalgias primary headaches.

3.1 Cluster headache

3.1.1 Episodic cluster headache
3.1 Cluster headache
3.1.2 Chronic cluster headache
3.2 Paroxysmal hemicrania Previously used terms:
3.2.1 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania Ciliary neuralgia, erythro-melalgia of the head, ery-
3.2.2 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) throprosopalgia of Bing, hemicrania angiopara-
3.3 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache lytica, hemicrania neuralgiformis chronica,
attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing histaminic cephalalgia, Horton’s headache, Harris-
(SUNCT) Horton’s disease, migrainous neuralgia (of Harris),
3.4 Probable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia petrosal neuralgia (of Gardner).
3.4.1 Probable cluster headache
3.4.2 Probable paroxysmal hemicrania Coded elsewhere:
3.4.3 Probable SUNCT Symptomatic cluster headache is coded to the under-
lying causative disorder.

Coded elsewhere:
Attacks of severe, strictly unilateral pain which is
4.7 Hemicrania continua
orbital, supraorbital, temporal or in any combination
of these sites, lasting 15–180 minutes and occurring
General comment from once every other day to 8 times a day. The
attacks are associated with one or more of the fol-
Primary or secondary headache or both?
lowing, all of which are ipsilateral: conjunctival
When a headache with the characteristics of a
injection, lacrimation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea,
trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) occurs for
forehead and facial sweating, miosis, ptosis, eyelid
the first time in close temporal relation to another
oedema. Most patients are restless or agitated during
disorder that is a known cause of headache, it is
an attack.
coded according to the causative disorder as a sec-
ondary headache. When a pre-existing TAC is made
worse in close temporal relation to another disorder Diagnostic criteria:
that is a known cause of headache, there are two pos- A. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
sibilities, and judgment is required. The patient can B. Severe or very severe unilateral orbital, supraor-
either be given only the TAC diagnosis or be given bital and/or temporal pain lasting 15–180
both the TAC diagnosis and a secondary headache minutes if untreated1
diagnosis according to the other disorder. Factors C. Headache is accompanied by at least one of the
that support adding the latter diagnosis are: a very following:
close temporal relation to the disorder, a marked 1. ipsilateral conjunctival injection and/or
worsening of the TAC, very good evidence that the lacrimation
disorder can cause or aggravate the TAC and, finally, 2. ipsilateral nasal congestion and/or rhinor-
improvement or resolution of the TAC after relief rhoea
from the disorder. 3. ipsilateral eyelid oedema
4. ipsilateral forehead and facial sweating
5. ipsilateral miosis and/or ptosis
Introduction 6. a sense of restlessness or agitation
The trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias share the D. Attacks have a frequency from one every other
clinical features of headache and prominent cranial day to 8 per day2
parasympathetic autonomic features. Experimental E. Not attributed to another disorder3
and human functional imaging suggests that these
syndromes activate a normal human trigeminal- Notes:
parasympathetic reflex with clinical signs of cranial 1. During part (but less than half) of the time-course
sympathetic dysfunction being secondary. of cluster headache, attacks may be less severe
Hemicrania continua, whose cranial autonomic fea- and/or of shorter or longer duration.

© International Headache Society 2003


2. During part (but less than half) of the time-course Diagnostic criteria:
of cluster headache, attacks may be less frequent. A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–E for 3.1 Cluster
3. History and physical and neurological examina- headache
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in B. At least two cluster periods lasting 7–365 days1
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or and separated by pain-free remission periods of
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- ≥1 month
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do Note:
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela- 1. Cluster periods usually last between 2 weeks and
tion to the disorder. 3 months.

Comments: The duration of the remission period has been
Acute attacks involve activation of the posterior increased in this second edition to a minimum of 1
hypothalamic grey matter. Cluster headache may month.
be inherited (autosomal dominant) in about 5% of
Attacks usually occur in series (cluster periods) 3.1.2 Chronic cluster headache
lasting for weeks or months separated by remission Description:
periods usually lasting months or years. However, Cluster headache attacks occurring for more than 1
about 10–15% of patients have chronic symptoms year without remission or with remissions lasting
without remissions. less than 1 month.
In a large series with good follow-up, 27% of
patients had only a single cluster period. These Diagnostic criteria:
should be coded as 3.1 Cluster headache. A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–E for 3.1 Cluster
During a cluster period, and in the chronic headache
subtype, attacks occur regularly and may be pro- B. Attacks recur over >1 year without remission
voked by alcohol, histamine or nitroglycerine. Pain periods or with remission periods lasting <1
is maximal orbitally, supraorbitally, temporally or in month
any combination of these sites, but may spread to
other regions of the head. Pain almost invariably Comments:
recurs on the same side during an individual cluster Chronic cluster headache may arise de novo (previ-
period. During the worst attacks, the intensity of ously referred to as primary chronic cluster headache)
pain is excruciating. Patients are usually unable to or evolve from the episodic subtype (previously
lie down and characteristically pace the floor. referred to as secondary chronic cluster headache). Some
Age at onset is usually 20–40 years. For unknown patients may switch from chronic to episodic cluster
reasons prevalence is 3–4 times higher in men than headache.
in women.

Cluster headache with coexistent trigeminal 3.2 Paroxysmal hemicrania

neuralgia (cluster-tic syndrome):
Some patients have been described who have both Description:
3.1 Cluster headache and 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia. Attacks with similar characteristics of pain and asso-
They should receive both diagnoses. The importance ciated symptoms and signs to those of cluster
of this observation is that both conditions must be headache, but they are shorter-lasting, more fre-
treated for the patient to be headache free. quent, occur more commonly in females and
respond absolutely to indomethacin.

Diagnostic criteria:
3.1.1 Episodic cluster headache
A. At least 20 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
Description: B. Attacks of severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital
Cluster headache attacks occurring in periods or temporal pain lasting 2–30 minutes
lasting 7 days to 1 year separated by pain-free C. Headache is accompanied by at least one of the
periods lasting 1 month or longer. following:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. ipsilateral conjunctival injection and/or Diagnostic criteria:

lacrimation A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–F for 3.2 Paroxysmal
2. ipsilateral nasal congestion and/or rhinor- hemicrania
rhoea B. At least two attack periods lasting 7–365 days
3. ipsilateral eyelid oedema and separated by pain-free remission periods of
4. ipsilateral forehead and facial sweating ≥1 month
5. ipsilateral miosis and/or ptosis
D. Attacks have a frequency above 5 per day for
more than half of the time, although periods with
3.2.2 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH)
lower frequency may occur
E. Attacks are prevented completely by therapeutic Description:
doses of indomethacin1 Attacks of paroxysmal hemicrania occurring for
F. Not attributed to another disorder2 more than 1 year without remission or with remis-
sions lasting less than 1 month.
1. In order to rule out incomplete response, Diagnostic criteria:
indomethacin should be used in a dose of ≥150 mg A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–F for 3.2 Paroxysmal
daily orally or rectally, or ≥100 mg by injection, hemicrania
but for maintenance smaller doses are often B. Attacks recur over >1 year without remission
sufficient. periods or with remission periods lasting <1
2. History and physical and neurological examina- month
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
3.3 Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing
tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do
not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
tion to the disorder. Description:
This syndrome is characterised by short-lasting
Comments: attacks of unilateral pain that are much briefer than
There is no male predominance. Onset is usually in those seen in any other TAC and very often accom-
adulthood, although childhood cases are reported. panied by prominent lacrimation and redness of the
In the first edition all paroxysmal hemicranias ipsilateral eye.
were referred to as chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Suf-
ficient clinical evidence for the episodic subtype has Diagnostic criteria:
accumulated to separate it in a manner analogous to A. At least 20 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D
cluster headache. B. Attacks of unilateral orbital, supraorbital or tem-
poral stabbing or pulsating pain lasting 5–240
Paroxysmal hemicrania with coexistent trigeminal seconds
neuralgia (CPH-tic syndrome): C. Pain is accompanied by ipsilateral conjunctival
Patients who fulfil criteria for both 3.2 Paroxysmal injection and lacrimation
hemicrania and 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia should D. Attacks occur with a frequency from 3 to 200 per
receive both diagnoses. The importance of this day
observation is that both conditions require treat- E. Not attributed to another disorder1
ment. The pathophysiological significance of the
association is not yet clear. Note:
1. History and physical and neurological examina-
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
3.2.1 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania
neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
Description: der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
Attacks of paroxysmal hemicrania occurring in tions, or such disorder is present but attacks do
periods lasting 7 days to 1 year separated by pain- not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
free periods lasting 1 month or longer. tion to the disorder.

© International Headache Society 2003


3.4.3 Probable short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform
This syndrome was described after the publication
headache attacks with conjunctival injection and
of the first edition of The International Classification of
Headache Disorders and has become well recognised
in the last decade. Diagnostic criteria:
Patients may be seen with only one of conjuncti- A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for
val injection or tearing, or other cranial autonomic 3.3 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache
symptoms such as nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea or attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing
eyelid oedema may be seen. 3.3 SUNCT may be a (SUNCT)
subform of A3.3 Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform B. Not attributed to another disorder
headache attacks with cranial Autonomic symptoms
(SUNA), described in the appendix.
The literature suggests that the most common References
mimics of 3.3 SUNCT are lesions in the posterior
fossa or involving the pituitary gland.
Goadsby PJ. Pathophysiology of cluster headache: a trigemi-
nal autonomic cephalgia. Lancet Neurology 2002; 1:37–43.
SUNCT with coexistent trigeminal neuralgia:
Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB. A review of paroxysmal hemicranias,
Patients have been described in whom there is an SUNCT syndrome and other short-lasting headaches with
overlap between 3.3 SUNCT and 13.1 Trigeminal neu- autonomic features, including new cases. Brain 1997;
ralgia. Such patients should receive both diagnoses. 120:193–209.
This differentiation is clinically difficult. May A, Goadsby PJ. The trigeminovascular system in
humans: pathophysiological implications for primary
headache syndromes of the neural influences on the cere-
3.4 Probable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia bral circulation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metab-
olism 1999; 19:115–27.
Headache attacks that are believed to be a subtype
of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia but which do 3.1 Cluster headache
not quite meet the diagnostic criteria for any of the Alberca R, Ochoa JJ. Cluster tic syndrome. Neurology 1994;
subtypes described above. 44:996–9.
Bahra A, May A, Goadsby PJ. Diagnostic patterns in cluster
Diagnostic criteria: headache. In: Olesen J, Goadsby PJ, editors. Cluster
A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of the specific crite- Headache and Related Conditions. Oxford: Oxford Univer-
sity Press 1999: pp. 61–65.
ria for one of the subtypes of trigeminal auto-
Bahra A, May A, Goadsby PJ. Cluster headache: a prospective
nomic cephalalgia clinical study in 230 patients with diagnostic implications.
B. Not attributed to another disorder Neurology 2002; 58:354–61.
Bing R. Uber traumatische Erythromelalgie und Erthro-
Comment: prosopalgie. Nervenarzt 1930; 3:506–12.
Patients coded as 3.4 Probable trigeminal autonomic de Fine Olivarius B. Hemicrania neuralgiformis chronica
cephalalgia or one of its subforms either have had an (Chronic migrainous neuralgia). Quoted by Sjaastad O, ed.
insufficient number of typical attacks or fail to fulfil Proceedings of the Scandinavian Migraine Society Annual
one of the other criteria. Meeting 1971: p. 8.
Ekbom K. Ergotamine tartrate orally in Horton’s ‘histaminic
cephalalgia’ (also called Harris’s ciliary neuralgia). Acta
3.4.1 Probable cluster headache Psychiatrica Scandinavia 1947; 46:106.
Ekbom K. Nitroglycerin as a provocative agent in cluster
Diagnostic criteria: headache. Archives of Neurology 1968; 19:487–93.
A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of criteria A–D for Eulenberg A. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 2nd edn.
3.1 Cluster headache Berlin: Hirschwald 1878.
B. Not attributed to another disorder Harris W. Ciliary (migrainous) neuralgia and its treatment.
British Medical Journal 1936; 1:457–60.
Horton BT. Histaminic cephalgia. Lancet 1952; ii:92–8.
3.4.2 Probable paroxysmal hemicrania Kudrow L. Cluster headache: Mechanisms and Management.
Oxford: Oxford University Press 1980.
Diagnostic criteria: Manzoni GC. Gender ratio of cluster headache over the years:
A. Attacks fulfilling all but one of criteria A–E for 3.2 a possible role of changes in lifestyle. Cephalalgia 1998;
Paroxysmal hemicrania 18:138–42.
B. Not attributed to another disorder Manzoni GC, Micieli G, Granella F, Tassorelli C, Zanferrari C,

© International Headache Society 2003


Cavallini A. Cluster headache-course over ten years in 189 Zukerman E, Peres MFP, Kaup AO, Monzillo PH, Costa AR.
patients. Cephalalgia 1991; 11:169–74. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania-tic syndrome. Neurology
Manzoni GC, G.Terzano M, Bono G, Micieli G, Martucci N, 2000; 54:1524–6.
Nappi G. Cluster headache – clinical findings in 180
patients. Cephalalgia 1983; 3:21–30. 3.3 SUNCT
May A, Bahra A, Buchel C, Frackowiak RSJ, Goadsby PJ.
Benoliel R, Sharav Y. Trigeminal neuralgia with lacrimation or
Hypothalamic activation in cluster headache attacks.
SUNCT syndrome? Cephalalgia 1998; 18:85–90.
Lancet 1998; 351:275–8.
Bouhassira D, Attal N, Esteve M, Chauvin M. SUNCT syn-
Mulleners WM, Verhagen WIM. Cluster-tic syndrome. Neu-
drome. A case of transformation from trigeminal neuralgia.
rology 1996; 47:302.
Cephalalgia 1994; 14:168–70.
Pascual J, Berciano J. Relief of cluster-tic syndrome by the
Bussone G, Leone M, Volta GD, Strada L, Gasparotti R. Short-
combination of lithium and carbamazepine. Cephalalgia
lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with
1993; 13:205–6.
tearing and conjunctival injection: the first symptomatic
Romberg MH. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten des Men-
case. Cephalalgia 1991; 11:123–7.
schen. Berlin: Dunker 1840.
De Benedittis G. SUNCT syndrome associated with cavernous
Russell MB, Andersson PG, Thomsen LL, Iselius L. Cluster
angioma of the brain stem. Cephalalgia 1996; 16:503–6.
headache is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder in
Ferrari MD, Haan J, van Seters AP. Bromocriptine-induced
some families: a complex segregation analysis. Journal of
trigeminal neuralgia attacks in a patient with pituitary
Medical Genetics 1995; 32:954–6.
tumor. Neurology 1988; 38:1482–4.
Sjostrand C, Waldenlind E, Ekbom K. A follow up study of 60
Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB. A review of paroxysmal hemicranias,
patients after an assumed first period of cluster headache.
SUNCT syndrome and other short-lasting headaches with
Cephalalgia 2000; 20:653–7.
autonomic features, including new cases. Brain 1997;
Sluder G. The syndrome of sphenopalatine ganglion neurosis.
American Journal of Medicine 1910; 140:868–78.
Goadsby PJ, Matharu MS, Boes CJ. SUNCT syndrome or
Solomon S, Apfelbaum RI, Guglielmo KM. The cluster-tic syn-
trigeminal neuralgia with lacrimation. Cephalalgia 2001;
drome and its surgical therapy. Cephalalgia 1985; 5:83–9.
Torelli P, Cologno D, Cademartiri C, Manzoni GC. Applica-
Levy MJ, Matharu MS, Goadsby PJ. Prolactinomas, dopamine
tion of the International Headache Society classification
agonist and headache: two case reports. European Journal
criteria in 652 cluster headache patients. Cephalalgia 2001;
of Neurology 2003; 10:169–74.
Massiou H, Launay JM, Levy C, El Amran M, Emperauger B,
Vail HH. Vidian neuralgia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1932;
Bousser M-G. SUNCT syndrome in two patients with pro-
lactinomas and bromocriptine-induced attacks. Neurology
Watson P, Evans R. Cluster-tic syndrome. Headache 1985;
2002; 58:1698–9.
Matharu MS, Levy MJ, Merry RT, Goadsby PJ. SUNCT syn-
drome secondary to prolactinoma. J. Neurol. Neurosurg.
3.2 Paroxysmal hemicrania Psychiatry 2003; in press.
Antonaci F, Pareja JA, Caminero AB, Sjaastad O. Chronic Morales F, Mostacero E, Marta J, Sanchez S. Vascular malfor-
paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua. Par- mation of the cerebellopontine angle associated with
enteral indomethacin: the ‘Indotest’. Headache 1998; SUNCT syndrome. Cephalalgia 1994; 14:301–2.
38:122–8. Moris G, Ribacoba R, Solar DN, Vidal JA. SUNCT syndrome
Antonaci F, Sjaastad O. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania and seborrheic dermatitis associated with craneosynostosis.
(CPH): a review of the clinical manifestations. Headache Cephalalgia 2001; 21:157–9.
1989; 29:648–56. Pareja JA, Sjaastad O. SUNCT syndrome. A clinical review.
Broeske D, Lenn NJ, Cantos E. Chronic paroxysmal hemicra- Headache 1997; 37:195–202.
nia in a young child: possible relation to ipsilateral occipi- Penart A, Firth M, Bowen JRC. Short-lasting unilateral neu-
tal infarction. Journal of Child Neurology 1993; 8:235–6. ralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing
Caminero AB, Pareja JA, Dobato JL. Chronic paroxysmal hem- (SUNCT) following presumed dorsolateral brainstem
icrania-tic syndrome. Cephalalgia 1998; 18:159–61. infarction. Cephalalgia 2001; 21:236–9.
Hannerz J. The second case of chronic paroxysmal Sjaastad O, Saunte C, Salvesen R, Fredriksen TA, Seim A, Roe
hemicrania-tic syndrome [Editorial Comment]. Cephalalgia OD et al. Shortlasting unilateral neuralgiform headache
1998; 18:124. attacks with conjunctival injection, tearing, sweating, and
Kudrow DB, Kudrow L. Successful aspirin prophylaxis in a rhinorrhea. Cephalalgia 1989; 9:147–56.
child with chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Headache 1989; ter Berg HWM, Goadsby PJ. Significance of atypical presen-
29:280–1. tation of symptomatic SUNCT: a case report. J Neurol Neu-
Sjaastad O, Dale I. Evidence for a new (?) treatable headache rosurg Psychiat 2001; 70:244–46.
entity. Headache 1974;14:105–108.

© International Headache Society 2003


4. Other primary headaches (neuroimaging, in particular) is mandatory in these

4.1 Primary stabbing headache The chapter also includes some clinical entities,
4.2 Primary cough headache such as 4.1 Primary stabbing headache and 4.5 Hypnic
4.3 Primary exertional headache headache (this latter recently described), that are
4.4 Primary headache associated with sexual primary in most cases.
4.4.1 Preorgasmic headache 4.1 Primary stabbing headache
4.4.2 Orgasmic headache
4.5 Hypnic headache Previously used terms:
4.6 Primary thunderclap headache Ice-pick pains, jabs and jolts, ophthalmodynia
4.7 Hemicrania continua periodica
4.8 New daily-persistent headache (NDPH)
Transient and localised stabs of pain in the head that
occur spontaneously in the absence of organic
General comment disease of underlying structures or of the cranial
Primary or secondary headache or both?
When a new headache occurs for the first time in Diagnostic criteria:
close temporal relation to another disorder that is a A. Head pain occurring as a single stab or a series
known cause of headache, this headache is coded of stabs and fulfilling criteria B–D
according to the causative disorder as a secondary B. Exclusively or predominantly felt in the distribu-
headache. This is also true if the headache has the tion of the first division of the trigeminal nerve
characteristics of migraine or other primary (orbit, temple and parietal area)
headache. When a pre-existing primary headache is C. Stabs last for up to a few seconds and recur with
made worse in close temporal relation to another irregular frequency ranging from one to many
disorder that is a known cause of headache, there per day
are two possibilities, and judgment is required. The D. No accompanying symptoms
patient can either be given only the diagnosis of E. Not attributed to another disorder1
the pre-existing primary headache or be given
both this diagnosis and a secondary headache diag- Note:
nosis according to the other disorder. Factors 1. History and physical and neurological examina-
that support adding the latter diagnosis are: a very tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in
close temporal relation to the disorder, a marked groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or
worsening of the pre-existing headache, very good neurological examinations do suggest such disor-
evidence that the disorder can cause or aggravate the der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga-
primary headache and, finally, improvement or re- tions, or such disorder is present but pain does
solution of the primary headache after relief from the not occur for the first time in close temporal rela-
disorder. tion to the disorder.

Introduction In a single published descriptive study, 80% of stabs
This chapter includes headaches that are clinically lasted 3 seconds or less. In rare cases, stabs occur
heterogeneous. The pathogenesis of these types of repetitively over days, and there has been one
headache is still poorly understood, and their treat- description of status lasting one week.
ment is suggested on the basis of anecdotal reports Stabs may move from one area to another in either
or uncontrolled trials. the same or the opposite hemicranium. When they
Several headache disorders included in this are strictly localised to one area, structural changes
chapter can be symptomatic and need careful evalua- at this site and in the distribution of the affected
tion by imaging and/or other appropriate tests. cranial nerve must be excluded.
The onset of some of these headaches, 4.6 Primary Stabbing pains are more commonly experienced
thunderclap headache especially, can be acute and by people subject to migraine (about 40%) or cluster
affected patients are usually assessed in Emergency headache (about 30%), in which cases they are felt in
Departments. Appropriate and full investigation the site habitually affected by these headaches.

© International Headache Society 2003


A positive response to indomethacin has been Diagnostic criteria:

reported in some uncontrolled studies, whilst others A. Pulsating headache fulfilling criteria B and C
have observed partial or no responses. B. Lasting from 5 minutes to 48 hours
C. Brought on by and occurring only during or after
4.2 Primary cough headache physical exertion
D. Not attributed to another disorder1
Previously used terms:
Benign cough headache, Valsalva-manoeuvre Note:
headache 1. On first occurrence of this headache type it is
mandatory to exclude subarachnoid haemor-
Description: rhage and arterial dissection.
Headache precipitated by coughing or straining in
the absence of any intracranial disorder. Comments:
Primary exertional headache occurs particularly in
Diagnostic criteria: hot weather or at high altitude. There are reports of
A. Headache fulfilling criteria B and C prevention in some patients by the ingestion of ergo-
B. Sudden onset, lasting from one second to 30 tamine tartrate. Indomethacin has been found effec-
minutes tive in the majority of the cases.
C. Brought on by and occurring only in association Headache described in weight-lifters has been
with coughing, straining and/or Valsalva considered a subform of 4.3 Primary exertional
manoeuvre headache; because of its sudden onset and presumed
D. Not attributed to another disorder1 mechanism it may have more similarities to 4.2
Primary cough headache.
1. Cough headache is symptomatic in about 40% of
cases and the large majority of these present 4.4 Primary headache associated with sexual activity
Arnold-Chiari malformation type I. Other
Previously used terms:
reported causes of symptomatic cough headache
Benign sex headache, coital cephalalgia, benign vas-
include carotid or vertebrobasilar diseases and
cular sexual headache, sexual headache
cerebral aneurysms. Diagnostic neuroimaging
plays an important role in differentiating second-
ary cough headache from 4.2 Primary cough
Headache precipitated by sexual activity, usually
starting as a dull bilateral ache as sexual excitement
Comment: increases and suddenly becoming intense at orgasm,
Primary cough headache is usually bilateral and pre- in the absence of any intracranial disorder.
dominantly affects patients older than 40 years of
age. Whilst indomethacin is usually effective in the 4.4.1 Preorgasmic headache
treatment of primary cough headache, a positive
response to this medication has also been reported Diagnostic criteria:
in some symptomatic cases. A. Dull ache in the head and neck associated with
awareness of neck and/or jaw muscle contraction
and fulfilling criterion B
4.3 Primary exertional headache B. Occurs during sexual activity and increases with
Previously used terms: sexual excitement
Benign exertional headache C. Not attributed to another disorder

Coded elsewhere: 4.4.2 Orgasmic headache

Exercise-induced migraine is coded under 1.
Migraine according to its subtype. Coded elsewhere:
Postural headache resembling that of low CSF pres-
Description: sure has been reported to develop after coitus. Such
Headache precipitated by any form of exercise. headache should be coded as 7.2.3 Headache attrib-
Subforms such as ‘weight-lifters’ headache’ are uted to spontaneous (or idiopathic) low CSF pressure
recognised. because it is due to CSF leakage.

© International Headache Society 2003


Diagnostic criteria: Comments:

A. Sudden severe (‘explosive’) headache fulfilling The pain of hypnic headache is usually mild to mod-
criterion B erate, but severe pain is reported by approximately
B. Occurs at orgasm 20% of patients. Pain is bilateral in about two-thirds
C. Not attributed to another disorder1 of cases. The attack usually lasts from 15 to 180
minutes, but longer durations have been described.
Note: Caffeine and lithium have been effective treat-
1. On first onset of orgasmic headache it is manda- ments in several reported cases.
tory to exclude conditions such as subarachnoid
haemorrhage and arterial dissection.
4.6 Primary thunderclap headache
Comments: Previously used terms:
An association between 4.4 Primary headache associ- Benign thunderclap headache
ated with sexual activity, 4.3 Primary exertional headache
and migraine is reported in approximately 50% of Coded elsewhere:
cases. 4.2 Primary cough headache, 4.3 Primary exertional
Two subtypes (dull type and explosive type headache) headache and 4.4 Primary headache associated with
were included in the first edition of The International sexual activity can all present as thunderclap
Classification of Headache Disorders. No specific inves- headache but should be coded as those headache
tigation has been undertaken since then to clarify types, not as 4.6 Primary thunderclap headache.
whether they are separate entities. In most published
reports of headache with sexual activity, only explo- Description:
sive (‘vascular type’) headache has been reported. High-intensity headache of abrupt onset mimicking
The dull type may be a subtype of tension-type that of ruptured cerebral aneurysm.
headache, but no evidence supports this hypothesis.
No firm data are available on the duration of Diagnostic criteria:
primary headache associated with sexual activity, A. Severe head pain fulfilling criteria B and C
but it is usually considered to last from 1 minute to B. Both of the following characteristics:
3 hours. 1. sudden onset, reaching maximum intensity in
<1 minute
2. lasting from 1 hour to 10 days
4.5 Hypnic headache
C. Does not recur regularly over subsequent weeks
Previously used terms: or months1
Hypnic headache syndrome, ‘alarm clock’ headache D. Not attributed to another disorder2

Description: Notes:
Attacks of dull headache that always awaken the 1. Headache may recur within the first week after
patient from asleep. onset.
2. Normal CSF and normal brain imaging are
Diagnostic criteria: required.
A. Dull headache fulfilling criteria B–D
B. Develops only during sleep, and awakens patient Comment:
C. At least two of the following characteristics: Evidence that thunderclap headache exists as a
1. occurs >15 times per month primary condition is poor: the search for an under-
2. lasts ≥15 minutes after waking lying cause should be expedient and exhaustive.
3. first occurs after age of 50 years Thunderclap headache is frequently associated with
D. No autonomic symptoms and no more than one serious vascular intracranial disorders, particularly
of nausea, photophobia or phonophobia subarachnoid haemorrhage: it is mandatory to
E. Not attributed to another disorder1 exclude this and a range of other such conditions
including intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebral
Note: venous thrombosis, unruptured vascular malforma-
1. Intracranial disorders must be excluded. Distinc- tion (mostly aneurysm), arterial dissection (intra-
tion from one of the trigeminal autonomic cepha- and extracranial), CNS angiitis, reversible benign
lalgias is necessary for effective management. CNS angiopathy and pituitary apoplexy. Other

© International Headache Society 2003


organic causes of thunderclap headache are colloid Description:

cyst of the third ventricle, CSF hypotension and Headache that is daily and unremitting from very
acute sinusitis (particularly with barotrauma). 4.6 soon after onset (within 3 days at most). The pain is
Primary thunderclap headache should be the diagnosis typically bilateral, pressing or tightening in quality
only when all organic causes have been excluded. and of mild to moderate intensity. There may be
photophobia, phonophobia or mild nausea.

4.7 Hemicrania continua Diagnostic criteria:

A. Headache for >3 months fulfilling criteria B–D
Description: B. Headache is daily and unremitting from onset or
Persistent strictly unilateral headache responsive to from <3 days from onset1
indomethacin. C. At least two of the following pain characteristics:
1. bilateral location
Diagnostic criteria: 2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality
A. Headache for >3 months fulfilling criteria B–D 3. mild or moderate intensity
B. All of the following characteristics: 4. not aggravated by routine physical activity
1. unilateral pain without side-shift such as walking or climbing stairs
2. daily and continuous, without pain-free D. Both of the following:
periods 1. no more than one of photophobia, phonopho-
3. moderate intensity, but with exacerbations of bia or mild nausea
severe pain 2. neither moderate or severe nausea nor
C. At least one of the following autonomic features vomiting
occurs during exacerbations and ipsilateral to the E. Not attributed to another disorder2
side of pain:
1. conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation
2. nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea Notes:
3. ptosis and/or miosis 1. Headache may be unremitting from the moment
D. Complete response to therapeutic doses of of onset or very rapidly build up to continuous
indomethacin and unremitting pain. Such onset or rapid devel-
E. Not attributed to another disorder1 opment must be clearly recalled and unambigu-
ously described by the patient. Otherwise code as
Note: 2.3 Chronic tension-type headache.
1. History and physical and neurological examina- 2. History and physical and neurological examina-
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or in groups 5–12 (including 8.2 Medication-overuse
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- headache and its subforms), or history and/or
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- physical and/or neurological examinations do
tions, or such disorder is present but headache suggest such disorder but it is ruled out by
does not occur for the first time in close temporal appropriate investigations, or such disorder is
relation to the disorder. present but headache does not occur for the first
time in close temporal relation to the disorder.
Hemicrania continua is usually unremitting, but Comments:
rare cases of remission are reported. Whether this This second edition of the classification recognises
headache type can be subdivided according to 4.8 New daily-persistent headache as a separate entity
length of history and persistence is yet to be from 2.3 Chronic tension-type headache. Although it has
determined. many similarities to tension-type headache, NDPH
is unique in that headache is daily and unremitting
from or almost from the moment of onset, typically
in individuals without a prior headache history. A
4.8 New daily-persistent headache (NDPH)
clear recall of such an onset is necessary for the diag-
Previously used terms: nosis of 4.8 New daily-persistent headache.
De novo chronic headache; chronic headache with The headache of NDPH can have associated fea-
acute onset tures suggestive of either migraine or tension-type

© International Headache Society 2003


headache. Secondary headaches such as low CSF Perini F, Toso V. Benign cough ‘cluster’ headache. Cephalal-
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infection (particularly viral) should be ruled out by Smith WS, Messing RO. Cerebral aneurysm presenting as
appropriate investigations. cough headache. Headache 1993; 33:203–4.
If there is or has been within the last 2 months
medication overuse fulfilling criterion B for any of 4.3 Primary exertional headache
the subforms of 8.2 Medication-overuse headache, the Edis RH, Silbert PL. Sequential benign sexual headache and
rule is to code for any pre-existing primary headache exertional headache (letter). Lancet 1988; 30: 993.
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Heckmann JG, Hilz MJ, Muck-Weymann M, Neundorfer B.
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Newman LC, Greenberg MA. Cardiac cephalgia: a treatable
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© International Headache Society 2003


Centonze V, D’Amico D, Usai S, Causarano V, Bassi A, Mauriño J, Saposnik G, Lepera S, Rey RC, Sica RE. Multiple
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surg Psychiat 1991; 54:1117–25. sions to the IHS-criteria. Headache 1994; 34:1–7.

© International Headache Society 2003

Part Two

The secondary headaches

Headache attributed to head and neck trauma

Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder
Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder
Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal
Headache attributed to infection
Headache attributed to disturbance of homoeostasis
Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth
or other facial or cranial structures
Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder

Introduction to the secondary headaches worsening of the primary headache, the existence of
other evidence that the other disorder can aggravate
When a patient has headache for the first time, or a primary headache in the manner observed, and
new headache type, and at the same time develops remission of the headache after cure or remission of
a brain tumour, it is straightforward to conclude that the other disorder.
headache is secondary to the tumour. Such patients In the first edition of The International Classification
shall be given only one headache diagnosis – 7.4 of Headache Disorders the diagnostic criteria for sec-
Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm – even ondary headaches varied a great deal and were often
if the headache phenomenologically is migraine, uninformative about headache characteristics. For
tension-type headache or cluster headache. In other this second edition it has been decided to stand-
words, a de novo headache occurring with another ardise the format and give more headache charac-
disorder recognised to be capable of causing it is teristics whenever possible. The diagnostic criteria
always diagnosed as secondary. therefore have the following disposition:
The situation is different when the patient has pre-
viously had a type of primary headache that becomes Diagnostic criteria for secondary headaches:
worse in close temporal relation to the occurrence of A. Headache with one (or more) of the following
another disorder. In the first edition of The Interna- [listed] characteristics1;2 and fulfilling criteria C
tional Classification of Headache Disorders we con- and D
cluded after many discussions that only a new B. Another disorder known to be able to cause
headache could be regarded as secondary. During the headache has been demonstrated
work with the second edition it has become obvious, C. Headache occurs in close temporal relation to the
however, that this results in some unacceptable situ- other disorder and/or there is other evidence of
ations. What about a patient who throughout her life a causal relationship
has had ten migraine attacks but who, after a head D. Headache is greatly reduced or resolves within 3
trauma, begins to have migraine attacks twice a week months (this may be shorter for some disorders)
and becomes disabled by these headaches? Accord- after successful treatment or spontaneous remis-
ing to the system of the first edition this patient could sion of the causative disorder3
only receive the diagnosis of migraine. Another
example is a patient who has had tension-type Notes:
headache which becomes worse, whilst retaining 1. For most secondary headaches the characteristics
the same characteristics, in association with a brain of the headache itself are poorly described in the
tumour. The diagnosis of 7.4 Headache attributed to scientific literature. Even for those where it is well
intracranial neoplasm could not previously be given. described, there are usually few diagnostically
Finally, nothing in the past could be diagnosed as important features. Therefore, diagnostic criterion
medication-overuse headache because this is always A in the standard set of criteria is usually not very
an aggravation of a primary headache, usually contributory to establishing causation. However,
migraine, which would remain the only diagnosis. criteria B, C and D usually effectively establish
For these reasons, we introduce a new way of causation. This makes it possible to use criterion
diagnosing and coding primary headaches that are A not only as a defining feature but also to tell as
made significantly worse in close temporal relation much about the headache as possible or to show
to another disorder known from good scientific how little we know of it. This is why the formu-
studies to be able to cause headache. Such patients lation of criterion A now allows mention of a
can now receive two diagnoses: the primary number of features. Hopefully, this will stimulate
headache diagnosis and the secondary headache more research into the characteristics of second-
diagnosis. In theory the new system is more open ary headaches so that, eventually, criterion A for
to interpretation than the old but, in fact, the old most of these headaches can become much more
system has never been followed when it led to clearly defined.
unreasonable diagnoses. The problem with the new 2. If nothing is known about the headache, it is
system is to decide, in patients whose primary stated ‘no typical characteristics known’.
headache worsens in relation to another disorder, 3. Criterion D cannot always be ascertained and
whether to use only the primary diagnosis or some presumed causative disorders cannot be
whether to add a secondary headache diagnosis treated or do not remit. In such cases criterion D
also. The following factors support the use of two may be replaced by: ‘Other causes ruled out by
diagnoses: a very close temporal relation, marked appropriate investigations’.

© International Headache Society 2003


In many cases sufficient follow-up is not available headache is not fulfilled if a patient does not improve
or a diagnosis has to be made before the expected within 2 months and this diagnosis must then be dis-
time needed for remission. In most such cases the carded in favour of 1.5.1 Chronic migraine. A similar
headache should be coded as Headache probably rule applies to patients overusing medication but
attributed to [the disorder]: a definite relationship can otherwise fulfilling the criteria for 2.3 Chronic
only be established with full confidence once crite- tension-type headache.
rion D is fulfilled. This is especially so in situations In most cases criterion D has a time-limit for
where a pre-existing primary headache has been improvement of the headache after cure or sponta-
made worse by another disorder. For example, the neous remission or removal of the presumed cause.
great majority of patients otherwise fulfilling the cri- Usually this is 3 months but it is shorter for some
teria for 1.5.1 Chronic migraine are overusing medi- secondary headaches. If headache persists after 3
cation and will improve after this overuse ceases. months (or a shorter limit) it should be questioned
The default rule in this case, pending withdrawal of whether it was actually secondary to the presumed
the overused medication, is to code according to the cause. Secondary headaches persisting after 3
antecedent migraine subtype (usually 1.1 Migraine months have often been observed but most have not
without aura) plus 1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine plus been of scientifically-proven aetiology. Such cases
8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse headache. Following have been included in the appendix as Chronic
withdrawal, criterion D for 8.2 Medication-overuse headache attributed to [a specified disorder].

© International Headache Society 2003


5. Headache attributed to head and/or finally, improvement of the headache after recovery
neck trauma from the trauma.

5.1 Acute post-traumatic headache Definite, probable or chronic?

5.1.1 Acute post-traumatic headache attributed In many cases of secondary headache, the diagnosis
to moderate or severe head injury is definite only when headache resolves or greatly
5.1.2 Acute post-traumatic headache attributed improves within a specified time after effective treat-
to mild head injury ment or spontaneous remission of the causative dis-
5.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache order. In such cases this temporal relation is an
5.2.1 Chronic post-traumatic headache essential part of the evidence of causation. This is not
attributed to moderate or severe head so in the case of trauma: causation is established by
injury onset in close temporal relation to trauma, whilst it
5.2.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache is well recognised that headache after trauma often
attributed to mild head injury persists. When this occurs, for example after head
5.3 Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury trauma, 5.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache is diag-
5.4 Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury nosed. Until sufficient time for recovery has elapsed,
5.5 Headache attributed to traumatic intracranial the diagnosis of 5.1 Acute post-traumatic headache is
haematoma definite if the criteria are fulfilled. The same applies
5.5.1 Headache attributed to epidural after whiplash injury. There is no option for a diag-
haematoma nosis of Headache probably attributed to head and/or
5.5.2 Headache attributed to subdural neck trauma.
5.6 Headache attributed to other head and/or neck Introduction
5.6.1 Acute headache attributed to other head Headache is a symptom that may occur after injury
and/or neck trauma to the head, neck or brain. Frequently, headache that
5.6.2 Chronic headache attributed to other results from head trauma is accompanied by other
head and/or neck trauma symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty in concentra-
5.7 Post-craniotomy headache tion, nervousness, personality changes and insom-
5.7.1 Acute post-craniotomy headache nia. This constellation of symptoms is known as the
5.7.2 Chronic post-craniotomy headache post-traumatic syndrome; amongst them, headache
is usually the most prominent.
A variety of pain patterns may develop after head
injury, and may closely resemble primary headache
disorders – most frequently tension-type headache,
General comment
in more than 80% of patients. In some cases, typical
Primary or secondary headache or both? migraine with or without aura may be triggered, and
When a new headache occurs for the first time in a cluster-like syndrome has been described in a few
close temporal relation to a known trauma, it is patients.
coded as a secondary headache attributed to the It is easy to establish the relationship between a
trauma. This is also true if the headache has the char- headache and head or neck trauma when the
acteristics of migraine, tension-type headache or headache develops immediately or in the first days
cluster headache. When a pre-existing primary after trauma has occurred. On the other hand it is
headache is made worse in close temporal relation very difficult when a headache develops weeks or
to a trauma, there are two possibilities, and judg- even months after trauma, especially when the
ment is required. The patient can either be given majority of these headaches have the pattern of
only the diagnosis of the pre-existing primary tension-type headache and the prevalence of this
headache or be given both this diagnosis and the type of headache in the population is very high. Such
diagnosis of headache attributed to the trauma. late-onset post-traumatic headaches have been
Factors that support adding the latter diagnosis are: described in anecdotal reports but not in case-control
a very close temporal relation to the trauma, a studies.
marked worsening of the pre-existing headache, There are recognised risk factors for a poor
very good evidence that the particular kind of outcome after head injury or whiplash injury.
trauma can aggravate the primary headache and, Women have a higher risk for post-traumatic

© International Headache Society 2003


headache, and increasing age is associated with less- B. Head trauma with all the following:
rapid and less-complete recovery. Mechanical factors 1. either no loss of consciousness, or loss of con-
such as the position of the head at impact – rotated sciousness of <30 minutes’ duration
or inclined – increase the risk of headache after the 2. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≥13
trauma. The relationship between severity of the 3. symptoms and/or signs diagnostic of
injury and severity of the post-traumatic syndrome concussion
has not been conclusively established. Although C. Headache develops within 7 days after head
there are some controversial data, most studies trauma
suggest that post-traumatic headache is less frequent D. One or other of the following:
when the head injury is more severe. However, the 1. headache resolves within 3 months after head
causal relationship between head and/or neck trauma
trauma and headache is difficult to establish in some 2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
cases with very mild trauma. passed since head trauma
The role of litigation in the persistence of headache
is still discussed, and some studies show a reduction Comment:
of headache in countries where the accident victims Mild head injury may give rise to a symptom
do not receive compensation. 5.2 Chronic post- complex of cognitive, behavioural and conscious-
traumatic headache and 5.4 Chronic post-whiplash injury ness abnormalities and a GCS of ≥13. It can occur
headache are often part of the post-traumatic syn- with or without abnormalities in the neurological
drome in which the complex inter-relationship examination, neuroimaging (CT scan, MRI), EEG,
between organic and psychosocial factors is difficult evoked potentials, CSF examination, vestibular
to assess. function tests and neuropsychological testing. There
is no evidence that an abnormality in any of these
changes the prognosis or contributes to treatment.
5.1 Acute post-traumatic headache These studies should not be considered routine for
patients with ongoing post-traumatic headache.
5.1.1 Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to
They may be considered on a case-by-case basis, or
moderate or severe head injury
for research purposes.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
filling criteria C and D
5.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache
B. Head trauma with at least one of the following:
1. loss of consciousness for >30 minutes Comment:
2. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) <13 Chronic post-traumatic headache is often part of the
3. post-traumatic amnesia for >48 hours post-traumatic syndrome which includes a variety
4. imaging demonstration of a traumatic brain of symptoms such as equilibrium disturbance, poor
lesion (cerebral haematoma, intracerebral concentration, decreased work ability, irritability,
and/or subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain depressive mood, sleep disturbances, etc. The rela-
contusion and/or skull fracture) tionship between legal settlements and the temporal
C. Headache develops within 7 days after head profile of chronic post-traumatic headache is not
trauma or after regaining consciousness follow- clearly established, but it is important to assess
ing head trauma patients carefully who may be malingering and/or
D. One or other of the following: seeking enhanced compensation.
1. headache resolves within 3 months after head
5.2.1 Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed
2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
to moderate or severe head injury
passed since head trauma
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
5.1.2 Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to
filling criteria C and D
mild head injury
B. Head trauma with at least one of the following:
Diagnostic criteria: 1. loss of consciousness for >30 minutes
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- 2. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) <13
filling criteria C and D 3. post-traumatic amnesia for >48 hours

© International Headache Society 2003


4. imaging demonstration of a traumatic brain 1. headache resolves within 3 months after

lesion (cerebral haematoma, intracerebral whiplash injury
and/or subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain 2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
contusion and/or skull fracture) passed since whiplash injury
C. Headache develops within 7 days after head
trauma or after regaining consciousness follow- Comments:
ing head trauma The term whiplash commonly refers to a sudden
D. Headache persists for >3 months after head acceleration and/or deceleration of the neck (in the
trauma majority of cases due to a road accident). The clini-
cal manifestations include symptoms and signs that
relate to the neck, as well as somatic extracervical,
5.2.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed
neurosensory, behavioural, cognitive and affective
to mild head injury
disorders whose appearance and modes of expres-
Diagnostic criteria: sion and evolution can vary widely over time.
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- Headache is very common in this post-whiplash
filling criteria C and D syndrome. The Quebec Task Force on Whiplash-
B. Head trauma with all the following: Associated Disorders has proposed a classification
1. either no loss of consciousness, or loss of con- in five categories that may be useful in prospective
sciousness of <30 minutes’ duration studies.
2. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≥13 There are important differences in the incidence
3. symptoms and/or signs diagnostic of of post-whiplash syndrome in different countries,
concussion perhaps related to expectations for compensation.
C. Headache develops within 7 days after head
5.4 Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury
D. Headache persists for >3 months after head
trauma Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
Comment: filling criteria C and D
Mild head injury may give rise to a symptom B. History of whiplash (sudden and significant
complex of cognitive, behavioural and conscious- acceleration/deceleration movement of the neck)
ness abnormalities and a GCS of ≥13. It can occur associated at the time with neck pain
with or without abnormalities in the neurological C. Headache develops within 7 days after whiplash
examination, neuroimaging (CT scan, MRI), EEG, injury
evoked potentials, CSF examination, vestibular D. Headache persists for >3 months after whiplash
function tests and neuropsychological testing. There injury
is no evidence that an abnormality in any of these
changes the prognosis or contributes to treatment. Comment:
These studies should not be considered routine for Chronic post-whiplash injury headache is often part
patients with ongoing post-traumatic headache. of the post-traumatic syndrome. There is no good
They may be considered on a case-by-case basis, or evidence that ongoing litigation, with settlement
for research purposes. pending, is associated with prolongation of
headache. It is important to assess patients carefully
who may be malingering and/or seeking enhanced
5.3 Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
5.5 Headache attributed to traumatic intracranial
filling criteria C and D
B. History of whiplash (sudden and significant
acceleration/deceleration movement of the neck) Coded elsewhere:
associated at the time with neck pain Headache attributed to traumatic intracerebral
C. Headache develops within 7 days after whiplash and/or subarachnoid haemorrhage or to traumatic
injury intracerebral haematoma is coded as 5.1.1 Acute post-
D. One or other of the following: traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head

© International Headache Society 2003


injury or 5.2.1 Chronic post-traumatic headache attrib- Bilateral subdural haematomas may be a compli-
uted to moderate or severe head injury. cation of CSF hypotension. Headache attributed to
these is coded here. In such cases, the headache is
initially postural and may either remain predomi-
5.5.1 Headache attributed to epidural haematoma
nantly postural or become continuous.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Acute-onset headache, no other typical charac-
5.6 Headache attributed to other head and/or neck
teristics known, fulfilling criteria C and D
B. Neuroimaging evidence of epidural haematoma
C. Headache develops within minutes to 24 hours 5.6.1 Acute headache attributed to other head
after development of the haematoma and/or neck trauma
D. One or other of the following:
Diagnostic criteria:
1. headache resolves within 3 months after evac-
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
uation of the haematoma
filling criteria C and D
2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
B. Evidence of head and/or neck trauma of a type
passed since evacuation of the haematoma
not described above
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to,
and/or other evidence exists to establish a causal
Epidural haematoma occurs within hours of head
relationship with, the head and/or neck trauma
trauma which may be moderate. It is always associ-
D. One or other of the following:
ated with focal signs and disorders of consciousness.
1. headache resolves within 3 months after the
Emergency surgery is required.
head and/or neck trauma
2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
5.5.2 Headache attributed to subdural haematoma passed since the head and/or neck trauma
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Acute or progressive headache, no other typical 5.6.2 Chronic headache attributed to other head
characteristics known, fulfilling criteria C and D and/or neck trauma
B. Neuroimaging evidence of subdural haematoma
Diagnostic criteria:
C. Headache develops within 24–72 hours after
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
development of the haematoma
filling criteria C and D
D. One or other of the following:
B. Evidence of head and/or neck trauma of a type
1. headache resolves within 3 months after evac-
not described above
uation of the haematoma
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to,
2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet
and/or other evidence exists to establish a causal
passed since evacuation of the haematoma
relationship with, the head and/or neck trauma
D. Headache persists for >3 months after the head
and/or neck trauma
Different types of subdural haematomas should be
differentiated according to their temporal profile. In
acute and subacute haematomas, which usually 5.7 Post-craniotomy headache
occur after obvious head trauma, headache is fre-
5.7.1 Acute post-craniotomy headache
quent (11–53% of cases) but commonly overshad-
owed by focal signs and disorders of consciousness. Diagnostic criteria:
In chronic subdural haematomas, headache is more A. Headache of variable intensity, maximal in the
frequent still (up to 81%) and, though moderate, can area of the craniotomy, fulfilling criteria C and D
be the leading symptom. The diagnosis can be diffi- B. Craniotomy performed for a reason other than
cult, because the causative head trauma is often head trauma1
trivial and may have been forgotten by the patient. C. Headache develops within 7 days after
Chronic subdural haematoma should always be con- craniotomy
sidered in an elderly patient with a progressive D. One or other of the following:
headache particularly if there is some cognitive 1. headache resolves within 3 months after
impairment and/or mild focal signs. craniotomy

© International Headache Society 2003


2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet Editorial. Definition of mild traumatic brain injury. J Head
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moderate or severe head injury. and cognitive functioning in posttraumatic headache
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© International Headache Society 2003


6. Headache attributed to cranial or 6.7.3 Headache attributed to benign

cervical vascular disorder angiopathy of the central nervous system
6.7.4 Headache attributed to pituitary apoplexy

6.1 Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or

General comment
transient ischaemic attack
6.1.1 Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke Primary or secondary headache or both?
(cerebral infarction) When a new headache occurs for the first time in
6.1.2 Headache attributed to transient close temporal relation to a vascular disorder, it is
ischaemic attack (TIA) coded as a secondary headache attributed to the
6.2 Headache attributed to non-traumatic vascular disorder. This is also true if the headache
intracranial haemorrhage has the characteristics of migraine, tension-type
6.2.1 Headache attributed to intracerebral headache or cluster headache. When a pre-existing
haemorrhage primary headache is made worse in close temporal
6.2.2 Headache attributed to subarachnoid relation to a vascular disorder, there are two pos-
haemorrhage (SAH) sibilities, and judgment is required. The patient can
6.3 Headache attributed to unruptured vascular either be given only the diagnosis of the pre-existing
malformation primary headache or be given both this diagnosis
6.3.1 Headache attributed to saccular and the diagnosis of headache attributed to the vas-
aneurysm cular disorder. Factors that support adding the latter
6.3.2 Headache attributed to arteriovenous diagnosis are: a very close temporal relation to the
malformation (AVM) vascular disorder, a marked worsening of the pre-
6.3.3 Headache attributed to dural existing headache, very good evidence that the vas-
arteriovenous fistula cular disorder can aggravate the primary headache
6.3.4 Headache attributed to cavernous and, finally, improvement of the headache after the
angioma acute phase of the vascular disorder.
6.3.5 Headache attributed to
encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal Definite, probable or chronic?
angiomatosis (Sturge Weber syndrome) A diagnosis of Headache attributed to vascular disorder
6.4 Headache attributed to arteritis usually becomes definite only when the headache
6.4.1 Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis resolves or greatly improves within a specified time
(GCA) after its onset or after the acute phase of the disor-
6.4.2 Headache attributed to primary central der. When this is not the case, or before the specified
nervous system (CNS) angiitis time has elapsed, a diagnosis of Headache probably
6.4.3 Headache attributed to secondary central attributed to vascular disorder is usually applied.
nervous system (CNS) angiitis The alternative, when headache does not resolve
6.5 Carotid or vertebral artery pain or greatly improve after 3 months, is a diagnosis of
6.5.1 Headache or facial or neck pain A6.8 Chronic post-vascular-disorder headache. This is
attributed to arterial dissection described only in the appendix as such headaches
6.5.2 Post-endarterectomy headache have been poorly documented, and research is
6.5.3 Carotid angioplasty headache needed to establish better criteria for causation.
6.5.4 Headache attributed to intracranial
endovascular procedures
6.5.5 Angiography headache
6.6 Headache attributed to cerebral venous The diagnosis of headache and its causal link is easy
thrombosis (CVT) in most of the vascular conditions listed below
6.7 Headache attributed to other intracranial because the headache presents both acutely and with
vascular disorder neurological signs and because it often remits
6.7.1 Cerebral Autosomal Dominant rapidly. The close temporal relationship between the
Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts headache and these neurological signs is therefore
and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) crucial to establishing causation.
6.7.2 Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic In many of these conditions, such as ischaemic or
Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes haemorrhagic stroke, headache is overshadowed by
(MELAS) focal signs and/or disorders of consciousness. In

© International Headache Society 2003


others, such as subarachnoid haemorrhage, Comments:

headache is usually the prominent symptom. In a The headache of ischaemic stroke is accompanied
number of other conditions that can induce both by focal neurological signs and/or alterations in
headache and stroke, such as dissections, cerebral consciousness usually allowing easy differentiation
venous thrombosis, giant cell arteritis and central from the primary headaches. It is usually of moder-
nervous system angiitis, headache is often an initial ate intensity and has no specific characteristics.
warning symptom. It is therefore crucial to recognise Headache accompanies ischaemic stroke in
the association of headache with these disorders in 17–34% of cases; it is more frequent in basilar- than
order to diagnose correctly the underlying vascular in carotid-territory strokes. It is of little practical
disease and start appropriate treatment as early as value in establishing stroke aetiology except that
possible, thus preventing potentially devastating headache is very rarely associated with lacunar
neurological consequences. infarcts but extremely common in arterial dissection.
All of these conditions can occur in patients who
have previously suffered a primary headache of any
6.1.2 Headache attributed to transient ischaemic
type. A clue that points to an underlying vascular
attack (TIA)
condition is the onset, usually sudden, of a new
headache, so far unknown to the patient. Whenever Diagnostic criteria:
this occurs, vascular conditions should urgently be A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criteria C and
looked for. D
For all vascular disorders listed here, the diagnos- B. Focal neurological deficit of ischaemic origin
tic criteria include whenever possible: lasting <24 hours
A. Headache with one (or more) of the stated char- C. Headache develops simultaneously with onset of
acteristics (if any are known) and fulfilling crite- focal deficit
ria C and D D. Headache resolves within 24 hours
B. Major diagnostic criteria of the vascular disorder
C. The temporal relationship of the association with, Comment:
and/or other evidence of causation by, the vas- Whilst more common with basilar- than carotid-
cular disorder territory TIA, headache is very rarely a prominent
D. Improvement or disappearance of headache symptom of TIA. The differential diagnosis between
within a defined period1 after its onset or after the TIA with headache and an attack of migraine with
vascular disorder has remitted or after its acute aura may be particularly difficult. The mode of onset
phase is crucial: the focal deficit is typically sudden in a
TIA and more frequently progressive in a migrain-
Note: ous aura. Furthermore, positive phenomena (eg,
1. For headache attributed to some vascular dis- scintillating scotoma) are far more common in
orders, criterion D is not indicated because migrainous aura than in TIA whereas negative phe-
there are not enough data to give any time nomena are more usual in TIA.
limit for improvement or disappearance of the
6.2 Headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial
6.1 Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or transient Coded elsewhere:
ischaemic attack Headache attributed to traumatic intracerebral
and/or subarachnoid haemorrhage or to traumatic
6.1.1 Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke
intracerebral haematoma is coded as 5.1.1 Acute post-
(cerebral infarction)
traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head
Diagnostic criteria: injury or 5.2.1 Chronic post-traumatic headache attrib-
A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criterion C uted to moderate or severe head injury.
B. Neurological signs and/or neuroimaging evi- Headache attributed to traumatic epidural
dence of a recent ischaemic stroke haematoma is coded as 5.5.1 Headache attributed to
C. Headache develops simultaneously with or in epidural haematoma; headache attributed to traumatic
very close temporal relation to signs or other evi- subdural haematoma is coded as 5.5.2 Headache
dence of ischaemic stroke attributed to subdural haematoma.

© International Headache Society 2003


The abrupt onset is the key feature. Any patient with

6.2.1 Headache attributed to intracerebral
headache of abrupt onset or thunderclap headache
should be evaluated for SAH. Diagnosis is con-
Diagnostic criteria: firmed by CT scan without contrast or MRI (flair
A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criterion C sequences) which have a sensitivity of over 90% in
B. Neurological signs or neuroimaging evidence of the first 24 hours. If neuroimaging is negative,
recent non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage equivocal or technically inadequate, a lumbar punc-
C. Headache develops simultaneously with or in ture should be performed.
very close temporal relation to intracerebral Subarachnoid haemorrhage is a neurosurgical
haemorrhage emergency.

Through usage, the term intracerebral is taken in this
6.3 Headache attributed to unruptured vascular
context to include intracerebellar.
Headache is more common and more severe in
haemorrhagic than in ischaemic stroke. It is usually Coded elsewhere:
overshadowed by focal deficits or coma, but it can Headache attributed to ruptured vascular malfor-
be the prominent early feature of cerebellar haemor- mation is coded as 6.2.1 Headache attributed to intrac-
rhage which may require emergency surgical erebral haemorrhage or 6.2.2 Headache attributed to
decompression. subarachnoid haemorrhage.
6.2.1 Headache attributed to intracerebral haemorrhage
is more often due to associated subarachnoid blood
and to local compression than to intracranial hyper-
6.3.1 Headache attributed to saccular aneurysm
tension. It can occasionally present as thunderclap
headache. Diagnostic criteria:
A. Any new acute headache including thunderclap
headache and/or painful third nerve palsy ful-
6.2.2 Headache attributed to subarachnoid
filling criteria C and D
haemorrhage (SAH)
B. Neuroimaging evidence of saccular aneurysm
Diagnostic criteria: C. Evidence exists of causation by the saccular
A. Severe headache of sudden onset fulfilling crite- aneurysm
ria C and D D. Headache resolves within 72 hours
B. Neuroimaging (CT or MRI T2 or flair) or CSF E. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral haem-
evidence of non-traumatic subarachnoid haem- orrhage and other causes of headache ruled out
orrhage with or without other clinical signs by appropriate investigations
C. Headache develops simultaneously with
D. Headache resolves within 1 month Comments:
Headache is reported by approximately 18% of
Comments: patients with unruptured cerebral aneurysm.
Subarachnoid haemorrhage is by far the most It usually has no specific features. However, thun-
common cause of intense and incapacitating derclap headache occurs prior to confirmed aneurys-
headache of abrupt onset (thunderclap headache) mal SAH in about 50% of patients. Although
and remains a serious condition (50% of patients die thunderclap headache may occur in the absence of
following SAH, often before arriving at hospital, and vascular malformations, such malformations should
50% of survivors are left disabled). be looked for by appropriate non-invasive investi-
Excluding trauma, 80% of cases result from rup- gations (MRA or CT angiography) and, in doubtful
tured saccular aneurysms. cases, by conventional angiography. A classic variety
The headache of SAH is often unilateral at onset of ‘warning pain’ (signalling impending rupture or
and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, disorders of progressive enlargement) is an acute third nerve
consciousness and nuchal rigidity and less fre- palsy with retro-orbital pain and a dilated pupil,
quently by fever and cardiac dysrythmia. However, indicating an aneurysm of the posterior communi-
it may be less severe and without associated signs. cating cerebral artery or end of carotid artery.

© International Headache Society 2003


6.3.2 Headache attributed to arteriovenous 6.3.4 Headache attributed to cavernous angioma

malformation (AVM)
Coded elsewhere:
Diagnostic criteria: Headache attributed to cerebral haemorrhage or
A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criteria C and seizure secondary to cavernous angioma is coded as
D 6.2.1 Headache attributed to intracerebral haemorrhage or
B. Neuroimaging evidence of arteriovenous 7.6 Headache attributed to epileptic seizure.
C. Evidence exists of causation by the arteriovenous Diagnostic criteria:
malformation A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criterion C
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours B. Neuroimaging evidence of cavernous angioma
E. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral haem- C. Evidence exists of causation by the cavernous
orrhage and other causes of headache ruled out angioma
by appropriate investigations D. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral haem-
orrhage and other causes of headache ruled out
Comments: by appropriate investigations
Cases have been reported highlighting the associa-
tion of AVM with a variety of headaches such as Comment:
cluster headache, chronic paroxysmal hemicrania Cavernous angiomas are increasingly recognised
(CPH) and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform on MRI. There is no good study devoted to
headache with conjunctival injection and tearing headache associated with these malformations.
(SUNCT), but these cases had atypical features. There Headache is commonly reported as a consequence
is no good evidence of a relationship between AVM of cerebral haemorrhage or of seizures due to
and these primary headaches when they are typical. cavernous angioma and should be coded to these
Migraine with aura has been reported in up to 58% accordingly.
of women with AVM. A strong argument in favour
of a causal relationship is the overwhelming corre-
lation between the side of the headache or of the 6.3.5 Headache attributed to encephalotrigeminal
aura and the side of the AVM. There is thus a strong or leptomeningeal angiomatosis (Sturge Weber
suggestion that AVM can cause attacks of migraine syndrome)
with aura (symptomatic migraine). Yet in large AVM Diagnostic criteria:
series, migraine as a presenting symptom is rare, A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criterion C
much less common than haemorrhage, epilepsy or B. Facial angioma, seizures and neuroimaging evi-
focal deficits. dence of meningeal angioma ipsilateral to the
facial angioma
6.3.3 Headache attributed to dural arterio-venous C. Evidence exists of causation by the angiomas
fistula D. Other causes of headache ruled out by appropri-
Diagnostic criteria: ate investigations
A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criterion C
B. Neuroimaging evidence of dural arteriovenous Comment:
fistula Headache is commonly reported in this condition
C. Evidence exists of causation by the fistula but poorly documented. Isolated cases suggest that
D. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral haem- encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal angiomato-
orrhage and other causes of headache ruled out sis may be a cause of symptomatic migraine, partic-
by appropriate investigations ularly of attacks with prolonged auras (possibly
related to chronic oligaemia).
Studies devoted to headache with dural arteriove-
nous fistula are lacking. A painful pulsatile tinnitus 6.4 Headache attributed to arteritis
can be a presenting symptom, as well as headache
6.4.1 Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis
with other signs of intracranial hypertension due to
decrease in venous outflow and sometimes to sinus
thrombosis. Carotido-cavernous fistulae may pres- Previously used terms:
ent as painful ophthalmoplegia. Temporal arteritis, Horton’s disease

© International Headache Society 2003


Diagnostic criteria: B. Encephalic signs of any type (eg, stroke, seizures,

A. Any new persisting headache fulfilling criteria C disorders of cognition or consciousness)
and D C. CNS angiitis proven by cerebral or meningeal
B. At least one of the following: biopsy or suspected on angiographic signs in the
1. swollen tender scalp artery with elevated ery- absence of systemic arteritis
throcyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and/or C D. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
reactive protein (CRP) encephalic signs
2. temporal artery biopsy demonstrating giant E. Headache improves within 1 month of steroid
cell arteritis and/or immunosuppressive treatment
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
other symptoms and signs of giant cell arteritis Comments:
D. Headache resolves or greatly improves within 3 Headache is the dominant symptom in CNS angiitis
days of high-dose steroid treatment (either primary or secondary). It is present in 50–80%
of cases according to the diagnostic methods used,
Comments: respectively angiography and histology. Neverthe-
Of all arteritides and collagen vascular diseases, less it has no specific features and is therefore of little
giant cell arteritis is the disease most conspicuously diagnostic value until other signs are present such as
associated with headache (which is due to inflam- focal deficits, seizures, altered cognition or disorders
mation of head arteries, mostly branches of the exter- of consciousness. However, the absence of both
nal carotid artery). The following points should be headache and CSF pleocytosis makes CNS angiitis
stressed: unlikely.
• the variability in the characteristics of headache The pathogenesis of the headache is multifactor-
and other associated symptoms of GCA ial: inflammation, stroke (ischaemic or haemor-
(polymyalgia rheumatica, jaw claudication) are rhagic), raised intracranial pressure and/or SAH.
such that any recent persisting headache in a The effect of treatment is far less dramatic than in
patient over 60 years of age should suggest GCA 6.4.1 Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis. Histo-
and lead to appropriate investigations; logically proven primary CNS angiitis remains a
• recent repeated attacks of amaurosis fugax asso- serious and not infrequently lethal condition.
ciated with headache are very suggestive of GCA
and should prompt urgent investigations;
• the major risk is of blindness due to anterior 6.4.3 Headache attributed to secondary central
ischaemic optic neuropathy, which can be pre- nervous system (CNS) angiitis
vented by immediate steroid treatment; Diagnostic criteria:
• the time interval between visual loss in one eye A. Any new persisting headache fulfilling criteria D
and in the other is usually less than 1 week; and E
• there are also risks of cerebral ischaemic events B. Encephalic signs of any type (eg, stroke, seizures,
and of dementia; disorders of cognition or consciousness)
• on histological examination, the temporal artery C. Evidence of systemic arteritis
may appear uninvolved in some areas (skip D. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
lesions) pointing to the necessity of serial encephalic signs
sectioning; E. Headache improves within 1 month of steroid
• duplex scanning of the temporal arteries may and/or immunosuppressive treatment
visualise the thickened arterial wall (as a halo on
axial sections) and may help to select the site for Comments:
biopsy. Headache is the dominant symptom in CNS angiitis
(either primary or secondary). It is present in 50–80%
6.4.2 Headache attributed to primary central of cases according to the diagnostic methods used,
nervous system (CNS) angiitis respectively angiography and histology. Neverthe-
Previously used terms: less it has no specific features and is therefore of little
Isolated CNS angiitis, granulomatous CNS angiitis diagnostic value until other signs are present such as
focal deficits, seizures, altered cognition or disorders
Diagnostic criteria: of consciousness. However, the absence of both
A. Any new persisting headache fulfilling criteria D headache and CSF pleocytosis makes CNS angiitis
and E unlikely.

© International Headache Society 2003


The difficulty here is two-fold: 1) diagnosing CNS

6.5.2 Post-endarterectomy headache
angiitis in a patient known to have one of the many
conditions that can cause angiitis; 2) finding the Diagnostic criteria:
underlying condition (inflammatory, infectious, A. Acute headache with one of the following sets of
malignant, toxic) in a patient presenting with CNS characteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
angiitis. 1. diffuse mild pain
The pathogenesis of the headache is multifactor- 2. unilateral cluster-like pain occurring once or
ial: inflammation, stroke (ischaemic or haemor- twice a day in attacks lasting 2–3 hours
rhagic), raised intracranial pressure and/or 3. unilateral pulsating severe pain
subarachnoid haemorrhage. B. Carotid endarterectomy has been performed
C. Headache, in the absence of dissection, develops
6.5 Carotid or vertebral artery pain within 1 week of surgery
D. Headache resolves within 1 month after surgery
6.5.1 Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to
arterial dissection
Diagnostic criteria: Three subforms of headache have been described
A. Any new headache, facial pain or neck pain of after carotid endarterectomy. The most frequent (up
acute onset, with or without other neurological to 60% of cases) is a diffuse, mild isolated headache
symptoms or signs and fulfilling criteria C and D occurring in the first few days after surgery. It is
B. Dissection demonstrated by appropriate vascular a benign self-limiting condition. The second type
and/or neuroimaging investigations (reported in up to 38% of cases) is a unilateral
C. Pain develops in close temporal relation to and cluster-like pain with attacks, lasting 2–3 hours,
on the same side as the dissection occurring once or twice a day. It resolves in about 2
D. Pain resolves within 1 month weeks. The third type is part of the rare hyperper-
fusion syndrome with a unilateral pulsating and
Comments: severe pain occurring after an interval of 3 days after
Headache with or without neck pain can be the only surgery. It often precedes a rise in blood pressure
manifestation of cervical artery dissection. It is by far and the onset of seizures or neurological deficits on
the most frequent symptom (55–100% of cases) and about the 7th day. Urgent treatment is required since
it is also the most frequent inaugural symptom these symptoms can herald cerebral haemorrhage.
(33–86% of cases).
Headache and facial and neck pain are usually
6.5.3 Carotid angioplasty headache
unilateral (ipsilateral to the dissected artery), severe
and persistent (for a mean of 4 days). However, it has Diagnostic criteria:
no constant specific pattern and it can sometimes be A. Any new acute headache fulfilling criteria C and
very misleading, mimicking other headaches such D
as migraine, cluster headache, primary thunderclap B. Extra- or intracranial angioplasty has been
headache and SAH (particularly since intracranial performed
vertebral artery dissection can itself present with C. Headache, in the absence of dissection, develops
SAH). Associated signs are frequent: signs of cere- during or within 1 week of angioplasty
bral or retinal ischaemia and local signs. A painful D. Headache resolves within 1 month
Horner’s syndrome or a painful tinnitus of sudden
onset are highly suggestive of carotid dissection. Comments:
Headache usually precedes the onset of ischaemic Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and
signs and therefore requires early diagnosis and stenting versus surgery are presently undergoing
treatment. Diagnosis is based on Duplex scanning, randomised trials. Data on headache are still scarce
MRI, MRA and/or helical CT and, in doubtful cases, and headache is not mentioned in large series of
conventional angiography. Several of these investi- carotid PTA. In a small series of 53 patients, cervical
gations are commonly needed since any of them can pain occurred in 51% of patients and head pain in
be normal. There have been no randomised trials 33% during balloon inflation. It mostly disappeared
of treatment but there is a consensus in favour of within seconds of balloon deflation.
heparin followed by warfarin for 3–6 months accord- Headache as part of a hyperperfusion syndrome
ing to the quality of the arterial recovery. (see 6.5.2 Post-endarterectomy headache) has also been
reported after carotid PTA.

© International Headache Society 2003


D. Headache resolves within 1 month after appro-

6.5.4 Headache attributed to intracranial
priate treatment
endovascular procedures
Diagnostic criteria: Comments:
A. Unilateral severe localised headache of abrupt Headache is by far the most frequent symptom of
onset and fulfilling criteria C and D CVT (present in 80–90% of cases) and it is also the
B. Intracranial angioplasty or embolisation has been most frequent inaugural symptom. It has no specific
performed characteristics. Most often it is diffuse, progressive,
C. Headache develops within seconds of the severe and associated with other signs of intracranial
procedure hypertension. It can also be unilateral and sudden,
D. Headache resolves within 24 hours after the end and sometimes very misleading, mimicking
of the procedure migraine, primary thunderclap headache, CSF
hypotension or SAH (of which it can be a cause).
Comment: Headache can be the only manifestation of CVT but
A very specific subform of headache has been in over 90% of cases it is associated with focal signs
reported after balloon inflation or embolisation of an (neurological deficits or seizures) and/or signs of
AVM or aneurysm. It is a severe pain of abrupt onset, intracranial hypertension, subacute encephalopathy
localised in specific areas according to the artery or cavernous sinus syndrome.
involved, occurring within a few seconds of the pro- Given the absence of specific characteristics, any
cedure and disappearing rapidly. recent persisting headache should raise suspicion,
particularly in the presence of an underlying pro-
thrombotic condition. Diagnosis is based on neu-
6.5.5 Angiography headache roimaging (MRI plus MRA or CT scan plus CT
angiography or intra-arterial angiography in doubt-
Diagnostic criteria:
ful cases). Treatment should be started as early as
A. Acute headache with one of the following sets of
possible and includes symptomatic treatment,
characteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D
heparin followed by at least 6 months of oral anti-
1. diffuse burning severe headache
coagulation and, whenever indicated, treatment of
2. headache, in a patient with migraine, having
the underlying cause.
the features of migraine
B. Intra-arterial carotid or vertebral angiography
has been performed
6.7 Headache attributed to other intracranial vascular
C. Headache develops during angiography
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours
6.7.1 Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy
Comment: with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy
The intracarotid or intravertebral injection of con- (CADASIL)
trast induces a diffuse severe headache with a
Diagnostic criteria:
burning sensation which resolves spontaneously.
A. Attacks of migraine with aura, with or without
The injection can also trigger a migraine attack in a
other neurological signs
person who has migraine. This should be coded both
B. Typical white matter changes on MRI T2WI
under 1. Migraine (as the appropriate subtype) and
C. Diagnostic confirmation from skin biopsy evi-
as 6.5.5 Angiography headache.
dence or genetic testing (Notch 3 mutations)

6.6 Headache attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis
CADASIL is a recently identified autosomal domi-
nant (with some sporadic cases) small artery disease
Diagnostic criteria: of the brain characterised clinically by recurrent
A. Any new headache, with or without neurological small deep infarcts, subcortical dementia, mood dis-
signs, fulfilling criteria C and D turbances and migraine with aura.
B. Neuroimaging evidence of cerebral venous Migraine with aura is present in one third of cases
thrombosis and, in such cases, is usually the first symptom of
C. Headache (and neurological signs if present) the disease, appearing at a mean age of 30, some 15
develops in close temporal relation to CVT years before ischaemic strokes and 20–30 years

© International Headache Society 2003


before death. Attacks are typical of 1.2 Migraine with modes of onset: it can be abrupt, mimicking SAH, or
aura except for an unusual frequency of prolonged progressive rapidly over hours or more slowly over
aura. days. It is one of the identified causes of thunderclap
MRI is always abnormal with striking white headache. It can be the only symptom of this con-
matter changes on T2WI. The disease involves the dition but it is usually associated with fluctuating
smooth muscle cells in the media of small arteries focal neurological deficits and sometimes seizures.
and it is due to mutations of Notch 3 gene. The diag- Angiography is, by definition, abnormal, with
nosis is made on a simple skin biopsy with alternating segments of arterial constriction and
immunostaining of Notch 3 antibodies. dilatation.
CADASIL is an excellent model to study the A number of causes have been identified: the best
pathophysiology of migraine with aura and the rela- defined is post-partum angiopathy which has been
tionships between it and ischaemic stroke. related in some cases to use of bromocriptine. The
disease is self-limiting in 1–2 months without treat-
ment and with disappearance of the arterial abnor-
6.7.2 Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic
malities but, given the diagnostic difficulty with
Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes (MELAS)
primary CNS angiitis, a course of steroids is some-
Diagnostic criteria: times given.
A. Attacks of migraine with or without aura
B. Stroke-like episodes and seizures 6.7.4 Headache attributed to pituitary apoplexy
C. Genetic abnormality (3243 point mitochondrial
DNA mutation in the tRNA Leu gene or other Diagnostic criteria:
DNA MELAS point mutation) A. Severe acute retro-orbital, frontal or diffuse
headache accompanied by at least one of the fol-
Comment: lowing and fulfilling criteria C and D:
Migraine attacks are frequent in MELAS and this has 1. nausea and vomiting
led to the hypothesis that mitochondrial mutations 2. fever
could play a role in migraine with aura but the 3243 3. diminished level of consciousness
mutation was not detected in two groups of subjects 4. hypopituitarism
with migraine with aura. Other yet-undetected 5. hypotension
mutations may play a role in both migraine and 6. ophthalmoplegia or impaired visual acuity
ischaemic stroke since migraine attacks, mostly with B. Neuroimaging evidence of acute haemorrhagic
aura, also occur in other mitochondrial disorders. pituitary infarction
C. Headache develops simultaneously with acute
haemorrhagic pituitary infarction
6.7.3 Headache attributed to benign (or reversible) D. Headache and other symptoms and/or signs
angiopathy of the central nervous system resolve within 1 month
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Diffuse, severe headache of abrupt or progressive Comment:
onset, with or without focal neurological deficits This rare clinical syndrome is an acute, life-
and/or seizures and fulfilling criteria C and D threatening condition, characterised by spontaneous
B. ‘Strings and beads’ appearance on angiography haemorrhagic infarction of the pituitary gland. It is
and subarachnoid haemorrhage ruled out by one of the causes of thunderclap headache.
appropriate investigations Magnetic resonance imaging is more sensitive
C. One or both of the following: than CT scan for detecting intrasellar pathology.
1. headache develops simultaneously with neu-
rological deficits and/or seizures Bibliography
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Ameri A, Bousser MG. Cerebral venous thrombosis. Neuro- brovasc Dis 1998; 8:102–6.
logic Clinics 1992; 10:87–111. Pavlakis SG, Phillips PC, Di Mauro S, De Vivo DC, Rowland
Biousse V, Ameri A, Bousser MG. Isolated intracranial hyper- P. Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis
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Crassard I, Biousse V, Bousser MG, Meyer B, Marsot-Dupuch 6.7.3 Headache attributed to benign angiopathy of
K. Hearing loss and headache revealing lateral sinus throm- the CNS
bosis in a patient with Factor V Leiden mutation. Stroke Call GK, Fleming MC, Sealfon S, Levine H, Kistler JP, Fisher
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Dodick DW, Brown RD, Britton JW, Huston J. Non aneurys- Chakeres DW, Curtin A, Ford G. Magnetic resonance imaging
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Carral F. Pituitary apoplexy. Arch Neurol 2001; 58:1143–4. 1991; 29:669–75.

© International Headache Society 2003


7. Headache attributed to non-vascular disorder, it is coded as a secondary headache attrib-

intracranial disorder uted to the intracranial disorder. This is also true if
the headache has the characteristics of migraine,
7.1 Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid tension-type headache or cluster headache. When
pressure a pre-existing primary headache is made worse in
7.1.1 Headache attributed to idiopathic close temporal relation to an intracranial disorder,
intracranial hypertension (IIH) there are two possibilities, and judgment is required.
7.1.2 Headache attributed to intracranial The patient can either be given only the diagnosis of
hypertension secondary to metabolic, the pre-existing primary headache or be given both
toxic or hormonal causes this diagnosis and the diagnosis of headache attrib-
7.1.3 Headache attributed to intracranial uted to the intracranial disorder. Factors that support
hypertension secondary to hydrocephalus adding the latter diagnosis are: a very close tempo-
7.2 Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid ral relation to the intracranial disorder, a marked
pressure worsening of the pre-existing headache, very good
7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache evidence that the intracranial disorder can aggravate
7.2.2 CSF fistula headache the primary headache and, finally, improvement
7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous (or or resolution of the headache after relief from the
idiopathic) low CSF pressure intracranial disorder.
7.3 Headache attributed to non-infectious
inflammatory disease Definite, probable or chronic?
7.3.1 Headache attributed to neurosarcoidosis A diagnosis of Headache attributed to non-vascular
7.3.2 Headache attributed to aseptic (non- intracranial disorder usually becomes definite only
infectious) meningitis when the headache resolves or greatly improves
7.3.3 Headache attributed to other non- after effective treatment or spontaneous remission
infectious inflammatory disease of the causative disorder. If the intracranial disorder
7.3.4 Headache attributed to lymphocytic cannot be treated effectively or does not remit spon-
hypophysitis taneously, or when there has been insufficient time
7.4 Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm for this to happen, a diagnosis of Headache probably
7.4.1 Headache attributed to increased attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder is
intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus usually applied.
caused by neoplasm The alternative, when the causative disorder is
7.4.2 Headache attributed directly to neoplasm effectively treated or remits spontaneously but
7.4.3 Headache attributed to carcinomatous headache does not resolve or markedly improve
meningitis after 3 months, is a diagnosis of A 7.10 Chronic post-
7.4.4 Headache attributed to hypothalamic or intracranial disorder headache. This is described only
pituitary hyper- or hyposecretion in the appendix as such headaches have been poorly
7.5 Headache attributed to intrathecal injection documented, and research is needed to establish
7.6 Headache attributed to epileptic seizure better criteria for causation.
7.6.1 Hemicrania epileptica
7.6.2 Post-seizure headache
7.7 Headache attributed to Chiari malformation Introduction
type I (CM1)
7.8 Syndrome of transient Headache and In this chapter are the headaches attributed to
Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid changes in intracranial pressure. Both increased and
Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) decreased CSF pressure can lead to headache. Other
7.9 Headache attributed to other non-vascular causes of headache here are non-infectious inflam-
intracranial disorder matory diseases, intracranial neoplasia, seizures,
rare conditions such as intrathecal injections and
Chiari malformation type I, and other non-vascular
intracranial disorders.
General comment
Compared to those on primary headaches, there
Primary or secondary headache or both? are few epidemiological studies on these headache
When a new headache occurs for the first time in types. Controlled trials of therapy are almost non-
close temporal relation to a non-vascular intracranial existent.

© International Headache Society 2003


Headache persisting for more than 1 month after C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
successful treatment or spontaneous resolution of increased intracranial pressure
the intracranial disorder usually has other mecha- D. Headache improves after withdrawal of CSF to
nisms. Chronic headache persisting for >3 months reduce pressure to 120–170 mm H2O and resolves
after treatment or remission of intracranial disorders within 72 hours of persistent normalisation of
is defined in the appendix for research purposes. intracranial pressure
Such headaches exist but have been poorly studied
and the appendix entries are intended to stimulate Comments:
further research into such headaches and their IIH most commonly occurs in young obese women.
mechanisms. Although the majority of patients with IIH have
papilloedema, IIH without papilloedema is
observed. Other symptoms or signs of IIH include
7.1 Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid
intracranial noises, tinnitus, transient visual obscu-
rations and diplopia.
Coded elsewhere:
7.4.1 Headache attributed to increased intracranial pres-
7.1.2 Headache attributed to intracranial
sure or hydrocephalus caused by neoplasm.
hypertension secondary to metabolic, toxic or
hormonal causes
7.1.1 Headache attributed to idiopathic intracranial
Coded elsewhere:
hypertension (IIH)
Headache attributed to increased intracranial pres-
Previously used terms: sure due to head trauma, vascular disorder or
Benign intracranial hypertension (BIH), pseudotu- intracranial infection is coded to whichever one of
mor cerebri, meningeal hydrops, serous meningitis those disorders is present. Headache attributed to
raised intracranial pressure occurring as a side-effect
Diagnostic criteria: of medication is coded as 8.3 Headache as an adverse
A. Progressive headache with at least one of the fol- event attributed to chronic medication.
lowing characteristics and fulfilling criteria C and
D: Diagnostic criteria:
1. daily occurrence A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
2. diffuse and/or constant (non-pulsating) pain acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
3. aggravated by coughing or straining 1. daily occurrence
B. Intracranial hypertension fulfilling the following 2. diffuse and/or constant (non-pulsating) pain
criteria: 3. aggravated by coughing or straining
1. alert patient with neurological examination B. Intracranial hypertension fulfilling the following
that either is normal or demonstrates any of criteria:
the following abnormalities: 1. alert patient with neurological examination
a) papilloedema that either is normal or demonstrates any of
b) enlarged blind spot the following abnormalities:
c) visual field defect (progressive if a) papilloedema
untreated) b) enlarged blind spot
d) sixth nerve palsy c) visual field defect (progressive if
2. increased CSF pressure (>200 mm H2O in the untreated)
non-obese, >250 mm H2O in the obese) meas- d) sixth nerve palsy
ured by lumbar puncture in the recumbent 2. increased CSF pressure (>200 mm H2O in the
position or by epidural or intraventricular non-obese, >250 mm H2O in the obese) meas-
pressure monitoring ured by lumbar puncture in the recumbent
3. normal CSF chemistry (low CSF protein is position or by epidural or intraventricular
acceptable) and cellularity pressure monitoring
4. intracranial diseases (including venous 3. normal CSF chemistry (low CSF protein is
sinus thrombosis) ruled out by appropriate acceptable) and cellularity
investigations 4. intracranial diseases (including venous
5. no metabolic, toxic or hormonal cause of sinus thrombosis) ruled out by appropriate
intracranial hypertension investigations

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Headache develops after weeks or months of D. Headache resolves either1:

endocrine disorder, hypervitaminosis A or intake 1. spontaneously within 1 week
of substances (other than medications) that can 2. within 48 hours after effective treatment of the
elevate CSF pressure spinal fluid leak (usually by epidural blood
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after removal patch)
of the cause
Comment: 1. In 95% of cases this is so. When headache persists,
Normal pressure hydrocephalus does not cause causation is in doubt.

7.2.2 CSF fistula headache

7.1.3 Headache attributed to intracranial
hypertension secondary to hydrocephalus Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache that worsens within 15 minutes after
Diagnostic criteria:
sitting or standing, with at least one of the
A. Headache with at least two of the following char-
following and fulfilling criteria C and D:
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. neck stiffness
1. diffuse pain
2. tinnitus
2. worse in the morning
3. hypacusia
3. worse with Valsalva-like manoeuvres
4. photophobia
4. accompanied by vomiting
5. nausea
5. associated with papilloedema, sixth nerve
B. A known procedure or trauma has caused per-
palsy, altered level of consciousness, gait insta-
sistent CSF leakage with at least one of the
bility and/or increased head circumference (in
children <5 years old)
1. evidence of low CSF pressure on MRI (eg,
B. High-pressure hydrocephalus fulfilling the fol-
pachymeningeal enhancement)
lowing criteria:
2. evidence of CSF leakage on conventional
1. ventricular enlargement on neuroimaging
myelography, CT myelography or cisternog-
2. intracranial pressure >200 mm H2O in the non-
obese or >250 mm H2O in the obese
3. CSF opening pressure <60 mm H2O in sitting
3. no other intracranial disorder causing
increased CSF pressure
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
CSF leakage
increased CSF pressure
D. Headache resolves within 7 days of sealing the
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours of normalisa-
CSF leak
tion of CSF pressure

7.2 Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous (or
pressure idiopathic) low CSF pressure

7.2.1 Post-dural (post-lumbar) puncture headache Previously used terms:

Spontaneous intracranial hypotension, primary
Diagnostic criteria: intracranial hypotension, low CSF-volume head-
A. Headache that worsens within 15 minutes after ache, hypoliquorrhoeic headache
sitting or standing and improves within 15
minutes after lying, with at least one of the fol- Diagnostic criteria:
lowing and fulfilling criteria C and D: A. Diffuse and/or dull headache that worsens
1. neck stiffness within 15 minutes after sitting or standing, with
2. tinnitus at least one of the following and fulfilling crite-
3. hypacusia rion D:
4. photophobia 1. neck stiffness
5. nausea 2. tinnitus
B. Dural puncture has been performed 3. hypacusia
C. Headache develops within 5 days after dural 4. photophobia
puncture 5. nausea

© International Headache Society 2003


B. At least one of the following: on MRI, aseptic meningitis and/or periventricu-

1. evidence of low CSF pressure on MRI (eg, lar inflammatory focal lesions and homoge-
pachymeningeal enhancement) neously enhancing mass lesions that are
2. evidence of CSF leakage on conventional confirmed on biopsy as non-caseating granulo-
myelography, CT myelography or cisternog- mas.
3. CSF opening pressure <60 mm H2O in sitting
7.3.2 Headache attributed to aseptic (non-
infectious) meningitis
C. No history of dural puncture or other cause of
CSF fistula Diagnostic criteria:
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after epidural A. Diffuse headache fulfilling criterion D
blood patching B. Examination of CSF shows lymphocytic pleocy-
tosis, mildly elevated protein and normal glucose
Comments: in the absence of infectious organisms
The underlying disorder may be low CSF volume. A C. Use of one of the following: ibuprofen,
history of trivial increase in intracranial pressure (eg, immunoglobulins, penicillin or trimethoprim,
on vigorous coughing) is often elicited. In other cases intrathecal injections or insufflations
a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure has D. Headache resolves within 3 months after with-
occurred. drawal of the offending substance
Postural headache resembling that of low CSF
pressure has been reported after coitus. Such
7.3.3 Headache attributed to other non-infectious
headache should be coded here because it is due to
inflammatory disease
CSF leakage.
Many patients with spontaneous low CSF pres- Diagnostic criteria:
sure headache respond to epidural blood patching, A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
epidural saline infusion or pharmacological thera- filling criteria C and D
pies such as intravenous caffeine or conventional B. Evidence of one of the inflammatory diseases
analgesics. Some have spontaneous resolution of known to be associated with headache1
their headache, while others relapse after initial suc- C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
cessful treatment. Cases of dural sleeve herniation, the inflammatory disorder
particularly in the thoracic area, have been reported D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc-
and have been successfully treated surgically. cessful treatment of the inflammatory disorder
Dural puncture should be avoided in patients with
positive MRI signs such as meningeal enhancement Note:
with contrast. 1. Headache can be associated with but is not
usually a presenting or dominant symptom of
acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM),
7.3 Headache attributed to non-infectious inflammatory systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Behçet’s
disease syndrome, anti-phospholipid antibody syn-
drome, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.
7.3.1 Headache attributed to neurosarcoidosis
Diagnostic criteria:
7.3.4 Headache attributed to lymphocytic
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
filling criteria C and D
B. Evidence of neurosarcoidosis1 Diagnostic criteria:
C. Headache develops in temporal relation to A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
neurosarcoidosis filling criterion C
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc- B. Hypopituitarism fulfilling the following criteria:
cessful treatment of neurosarcoidosis 1. MRI demonstrates symmetrical pituitary
enlargement with homogeneous contrast-
Note: enhancement
1. Evidence of neurosarcoidosis includes cranial 2. biopsy confirmation of lymphocytic
nerve lesions, intracranial space-occupying lesion hypophysitis

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to

7.4.3 Headache attributed to carcinomatous
Diagnostic criteria:
Lymphocytic hypophysitis is often accompanied by
A. Diffuse or localised headache fulfilling criterion
hyperprolactinaemia (50% of cases) or autoantibod-
ies against hypophyseal cytosol protein (20%).
B. Carcinomatous meningitis proven by (repeated)
This disorder typically develops at the end of
CSF examination and/or dural enhancement on
pregnancy or during the post-partum period, but it
can occur in men.
C. Headache develops and/or deteriorates with
advancing disease
7.4 Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm
7.4.1 Headache attributed to increased intracranial Comment:
pressure or hydrocephalus caused by neoplasm Headache may improve temporarily with intrathe-
cal chemotherapy or prednisone (prednisolone).
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Diffuse non-pulsating headache with at least one
of the following characteristics and fulfilling cri-
teria C and D: 7.4.4 Headache attributed to hypothalamic or
1. associated with nausea and/or vomiting pituitary hyper- or hyposecretion
2. worsened by physical activity and/or Diagnostic criteria:
manoeuvres known to increase intracranial A. Bilateral, frontotemporal and/or retro-orbital
pressure (such as Valsalva manoeuvre, cough- headache fulfilling criteria C and D
ing or sneezing) B. At least one of the following:
3. occurring in attack-like episodes1 1. prolactin, growth hormone (GH) and adreno-
B. Space-occupying intracranial tumour demon- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) hypersecretion
strated by CT or MRI and causing hydro- associated with microadenomas <10 mm in
cephalus2 diameter
C. Headache develops and/or deteriorates in close 2. disorder of temperature regulation, abnormal
temporal relation to the hydrocephalus emotional state, altered thirst and appetite and
D. Headache improves within 7 days after surgical change in level of consciousness associated
removal or volume-reduction of tumour with hypothalamic tumour
C. Headache develops during endocrine
1. Onset of headache can be sudden (thunderclap
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after surgical
headache) and, in such cases, associated with loss
resection or specific and effective medical
of consciousness.
2. For example, colloid cyst of the IIIrd ventricle.

7.4.2 Headache attributed directly to neoplasm

7.5 Headache attributed to intrathecal injection
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- Diagnostic criteria:
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: A. Diffuse headache remaining present in the
1. progressive recumbent position and fulfilling criteria C and
2. localised D
3. worse in the morning B. Intrathecal injection has been given
4. aggravated by coughing or bending forward C. Headache develops within 4 hours after intrathe-
B. Intracranial neoplasm shown by imaging cal injection
C. Headache develops in temporal (and usually D. Headache resolves within 14 days1
spatial) relation to the neoplasm
D. Headache resolves within 7 days after surgical Note:
removal or volume-reduction of neoplasm or 1. If headache persists beyond 14 days, the likely
treatment with corticosteroids diagnosis is 7.2.2 CSF fistula headache.

© International Headache Society 2003


electroencephalographically-demonstrated ictal
7.6 Headache attributed to epileptic seizure
The association between migraine and epilepsy is 7.6.2 Post-ictal headache
complex and bi-directional. It may be related to
genetic and/or environmental risk factors that Diagnostic criteria:
increase neuronal excitability or decrease the thresh- A. Headache with features of tension-type headache
old to both types of attacks. Migraine and epilepsy or, in a patient with migraine, of migraine
may coexist without either being a contributing risk headache and fulfilling criteria C and D
factor for the other. Migraine and epilepsy may be B. The patient has had a partial or generalised
co-morbid as certain brain disorders (eg, MELAS) epileptic seizure
predispose patients to both epilepsy and migraine C. Headache develops within 3 hours following the
occurring remotely from each other. There appears seizure
also to be a high incidence of migraine in certain D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after the
forms of epilepsy such as benign occipital epilepsy, seizure
benign rolandic epilepsy and corticoreticular Comments:
epilepsy with absence seizures. Furthermore, struc- Post-ictal headache with migrainous features is a
tural lesions such as arteriovenous malformations well-recognised consequence of a seizure discharge.
may present with clinical features of migraine Post-ictal headache is often indistinguishable from
with aura along with seizures, usually accompanied migraine headache and associated with nausea and
by headache. Finally, seizures have been reported vomiting. It is equally common in those with or
to occur during or immediately following a migraine without a family history of migraine. Other similar-
aura. The term migralepsy has been used to denote ities with migraine headache are that, in some
epileptic seizures occurring between the migrainous patients, post-ictal headache develops 3–15 minutes
aura and the headache phase of migraine. There after the end of visual hallucinations (and it is longer
should be no reason why epileptic seizures, so vul- and more severe after visual seizures of longer dura-
nerable to extrinsic and intrinsic precipitating tion). Similar post-ictal headache has been reported
factors, could not be susceptible to cortical changes in patients with symptomatic epilepsy but it is
induced by migraine. However, this is so extremely mainly emphasised in idiopathic occipital seizures.
rare that only a few case reports have been published It may be that the seizure discharges in the occipital
despite that migraine and epilepsy are among the lobes trigger a genuine migraine headache through
commonest brain diseases. According to a recent trigeminovascular or brainstem mechanisms.
review, most of these are genuine occipital seizures In a study of 100 patients with epilepsy, post-ictal
imitating migraine aura. For example, two of the headache occurred in 51 and most commonly lasted
three ‘migralepsy’ patients of Lennox and Lennox 6–72 hours. Major seizures were more often associ-
(1960) seemed to have symptomatic and idiopathic ated with post-ictal headache than were minor
occipital epilepsy with visual hallucinations. attacks. Nine patients in this series also had
migraine: in eight, a typical albeit mild migraine
attack was provoked by seizures. Post-ictal headache
7.6.1 Hemicrania epileptica in the 43 who did not develop migraine was accom-
Diagnostic criteria: panied by vomiting in 11 cases, photophobia in 14
A. Headache lasting seconds to minutes, with fea- cases and vomiting with photophobia in 4 cases. Fur-
tures of migraine, fulfilling criteria C and D thermore, post-ictal headache was accentuated by
B. The patient is having a partial epileptic seizure coughing, bending and sudden head movements
C. Headache develops synchronously with the and relieved by sleep. It is, therefore, clear that
seizure and is ipsilateral to the ictal discharge seizures provoke a syndrome similar to the
D. Headache resolves immediately after the seizure headache phase of migraine in 50% of epileptics.

7.7 Headache attributed to Chiari malformation type I

Synchronous ipsilateral headache with migrainous
features occurring as an ictal manifestation of the Diagnostic criteria:
seizure discharge is recognised, albeit rare. Diagno- A. Headache characterised by at least one of the fol-
sis requires the simultaneous onset of headache with lowing and fulfilling criterion D:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. precipitated by cough and/or Valsalva

7.8 Syndrome of transient Headache and Neurological
Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis
2. protracted (hours to days) occipital and/or
sub-occipital headache
3. associated with symptoms and/or signs of Previously used terms:
brainstem, cerebellar and/or cervical cord Migraine with cerebrospinal pleocytosis; pseudomi-
dysfunction graine with lymphocytic pleocytosis
B. Cerebellar tonsillar herniation as defined by one
of the following on craniocervical MRI: Diagnostic criteria:
1. ≥5 mm caudal descent of the cerebellar tonsils A. Episodes of moderate or severe headache lasting
2. ≥3 mm caudal descent of the cerebellar tonsils hours before resolving fully and fulfilling criteria
plus at least one of the following indicators of C and D
crowding of the subarachnoid space in the B. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis with lymphocytic
area of the craniocervical junction: predominance (>15 cells/ml) and normal neu-
a) compression of the CSF spaces posterior roimaging, CSF culture and other tests for
and lateral to the cerebellum aetiology
b) reduced height of the supraocciput C. Episodes of headache are accompanied by or
c) increased slope of the tentorium shortly follow transient neurological deficits and
d) kinking of the medulla oblongata commence in close temporal relation to the devel-
C. Evidence of posterior fossa dysfunction, based on opment of CSF pleocytosis
at least two of the following: D. Episodes of headache and neurological deficits
1. otoneurological symptoms and/or signs (eg, recur over <3 months
dizziness, disequilibrium, sensations of
alteration in ear pressure, hypacusia or Comments:
hyperacusia, vertigo, down-beat nystagmus, This syndrome, first clearly delineated by Bartleson
oscillopsia) et al. (1981), has also been referred to in the litera-
2. transient visual symptoms (spark photopsias, ture as a migrainous syndrome with cerebrospinal
visual blurring, diplopia or transient visual pleocytosis and as pseudomigraine with temporary
field deficits) neurological symptoms and lymphocytic pleocyto-
3. demonstration of clinical signs relevant to cer- sis. The clinical picture is of one to >20 discrete
vical cord, brainstem or lower cranial nerves episodes of neurological deficits accompanied or fol-
or of ataxia or dysmetria lowed by moderate to severe headache. Most of the
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc- episodes last hours. The neurological manifesta-
cessful treatment of the Chiari malformation tions, involving either cerebral hemisphere and/or
the brainstem/cerebellum, are most commonly
sensory symptoms (78% of reported cases), aphasia
Comments: (66%) and motor deficits (56%). Migraine-aura-like
Headache is often descriptively similar to primary visual symptoms are relatively uncommon (18%).
cough headache with the exception of possibly Some individuals report a ‘march’ of symptoms
longer duration (minutes rather than seconds). similar to that reported in typical migraine aura.
Headache is the most common symptom of Chiari Patients are asymptomatic between episodes.
malformation type I (CM1), but patients may also In addition to CSF lymphocytosis (10–760
have localised vestibulo-ocular (74% of cases), lower cells/ml), there are elevations of CSF total protein
cranial nerve, brainstem, cerebellar (50%) and/or (20–250 mg/dl) in >90% of cases and of the CSF
spinal cord dysfunction suggestive of syringomyelia opening pressure (100–400 mm H20) in >50% of
(66%). Although no specific criteria currently exist to cases. Papilloedema is occasionally present. Routine
characterise headache attributed to CM1, rigid CT and MRI scans (with or without intravenous con-
adherence to the clinical and radiological criteria trast) and angiography are virtually always normal.
described above is recommended prior to surgical Microbiological studies have been uniformly
intervention. However, these criteria require valida- normal. EEG and SPECT scans may show focally
tion and will inevitably be altered in future revisions abnormal areas consistent with the focal neurologi-
of The International Classification of Headache Disor- cal deficits.
ders. Prospective studies with long-term surgical The CSF pleocytosis eventually normalises on
outcome are needed. repeat sampling. Although no large systematic long-

© International Headache Society 2003


term follow-up studies have been reported, it Gardner K, Cox T, Digre K. Idiopathic intracranial hyperten-
appears that some patients with this syndrome may sion associated with tetracycline use in fraternal twins: case
experience recurrence of it. report and review. Neurology 1995; 45:6–10.
Giuseffi V, Wall M, Siegal PZ, Rojas PB. Symptoms and disease
Most patients with this syndrome have no prior associations in idiopathic intracranial hypertension
history of migraine. The clinician must consider (pseudotumor cerebri): A case control study. Neurology
other diagnoses that may share some of its clinical 1991; 41:239–44.
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weight loss and acetazolamide in the treatment of idio-
vasculitis. pathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri).
Ophthalmol 1998; 105:2313–7.
Johnston I, Paterson A. Benign intracranial hypertension II.
7.9 Headache attributed to other non-vascular CSF pressure and circulation. Brain 1974; 97:301–12.
intracranial disorder Karahalios DG, Rekate HL, Khayata MH, Apostolides PJ. Ele-
vated intracranial venous pressure as a universal mecha-
Diagnostic criteria: nism in pseudotumor cerebri of varying etiologies.
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- Neurology 1996; 46:198–202.
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: Kelman SE, Heaps R, Wolf A, Elman MJ. Optic nerve decom-
1. daily occurrence pression surgery improves visual function in patients with
2. diffuse pain pseudotumor cerebri. Neurosurg 1992; 30:391–5.
3. aggravated by Valsalva manoeuvre Keltner J. Optic nerve sheath decompression: how does it
B. Evidence of an intracranial disorder other than work? Has its time come? Arch Ophthalmol 1988;
those described above Konomi H, Imai M, Nihei K, Kamoshita S, Tada H.
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© International Headache Society 2003


8. Headache attributed to a substance or its 8.4.1 Caffeine-withdrawal headache

withdrawal 8.4.2 Opioid-withdrawal headache
8.4.3 Oestrogen-withdrawal headache
8.1 Headache induced by acute substance use or 8.4.4 Headache attributed to withdrawal from
exposure chronic use of other substances
8.1.1 Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced
headache Immediate NO donor-induced Coded elsewhere:
headache 7.1.2 Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension Delayed NO donor-headache secondary to metabolic, toxic or hormonal causes, 7.3.2
8.1.2 Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor- Headache attributed to aseptic (non-infectious) meningi-
induced headache tis, 10.3.6 Headache attributed to acute pressor response
8.1.3 Carbon monoxide-induced headache to an exogenous agent.
8.1.4 Alcohol-induced headache Immediate alcohol-induced General comment
headache Primary or secondary headache or both? Delayed alcohol-induced When a new headache occurs for the first time in
headache close temporal relation to substance exposure, it is
8.1.5 Headache induced by food components coded as a secondary headache attributed to the
and additives substance. This is also true if the headache has the Monosodium glutamate-induced characteristics of migraine, tension-type headache
headache or cluster headache. When a pre-existing primary
8.1.6 Cocaine-induced headache headache is made worse in close temporal relation
8.1.7 Cannabis-induced headache to substance exposure, there are two possibilities,
8.1.8 Histamine-induced headache and judgment is required. The patient can either be Immediate histamine-induced given only the diagnosis of the pre-existing primary
headache headache or be given both this diagnosis and the Delayed histamine-induced diagnosis of headache attributed to the substance.
headache Factors that support adding the latter diagnosis
8.1.9 Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)- are: a very close temporal relation to the substance
induced headache exposure, a marked worsening of the pre-existing Immediate CGRP-induced headache, very good evidence that the substance
headache can aggravate the primary headache and, finally, Delayed CGRP-induced improvement or resolution of the headache after ter-
headache mination of effect of the substance.
8.1.10 Headache as an acute adverse event
attributed to medication used for other Definite, probable or chronic?
indications A diagnosis of Headache attributed to a substance
8.1.11 Headache induced by other acute usually becomes definite only when the headache
substance use or exposure resolves or greatly improves after termination of
8.2 Medication-overuse headache (MOH) exposure to the substance. When exposure to a
8.2.1 Ergotamine-overuse headache substance ceases but headache does not resolve or
8.2.2 Triptan-overuse headache markedly improve after 3 months, a diagnosis of A8.5
8.2.3 Analgesic-overuse headache Chronic post-substance exposure headache, described in
8.2.4 Opioid-overuse headache the appendix, may be considered. However, such
8.2.5 Combination medication-overuse headaches have not been documented and the crite-
headache ria are proposed only for research purposes.
8.2.6 Headache attributed to other medication In the particular case of 8.2 Medication-overuse
overuse headache, a period of 2 months after cessation of
8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse headache overuse is stipulated in which improvement must
8.3 Headache as an adverse event attributed to occur if the diagnosis is to be definite. Prior to ces-
chronic medication sation, or pending improvement within 2 months
8.3.1 Exogenous hormone-induced headache after cessation, the diagnosis 8.2.7 Probable medica-
8.4 Headache attributed to substance withdrawal tion-overuse headache should be applied. If improve-

© International Headache Society 2003


ment does not then occur within the 2 months, this prevalence of headache. Only when it occurs more
diagnosis must be discarded. often after active drug than after placebo in double-
blind controlled trials can headache be regarded as
Introduction a true side effect. The double-blind design can also
be used experimentally to study the relationship
Migraineurs are physiologically and perhaps psy- between drug effects and headache. In some cases,
chologically hyper-responsive to a variety of inter- for example NO donors, such studies have led to a
nal and external stimuli. Alcohol, food and food deeper understanding of the involvement of neuro-
additives and chemical and drug ingestion and with- transmitter mechanisms in primary headaches. A
drawal have all been reported to provoke or activate number of substances such as NO donors and hista-
migraine in susceptible individuals. The association mine induce an immediate headache in normal vol-
is often based on anecdotal data and reports of unteers and in migraineurs. However, it is now clear
adverse drug reactions. that sufferers of primary headache also develop a
The fact that these stimuli are associated with delayed headache one to several hours after the
headache does not prove causation or eliminate the inducing substance has been cleared from the blood.
need to consider other aetiologies. Because common Knowing the potential headache-inducing effects
events happen commonly, the association between of substances in clinical use is important in order to
a headache and an exposure to a substance may be label these substances appropriately. In general,
mere coincidence. Headache can occur just on the migraine sufferers are much more susceptible to
basis of chance. Headache can be a symptom of a such headaches than other individuals and the same
systemic disease, and drugs given to treat such a may be true for sufferers of chronic tension-type
condition will be associated with headache. In acute headache, episodic tension-type headache and
migraine drug trials, headache, as well as associated cluster headache during cluster periods.
symptoms, is listed as an adverse drug reaction Paradoxically, the headache encountered by most
despite that it is a symptom of the treated disorder people after heavy alcohol use may be a positive
and not the result of treatment. Some disorders may feature because it helps avoid excessive drinking.
predispose to substance-related headache. Alone, Combinations such as alcohol and disulfiram may
neither the drug nor the condition would produce cause headache when individual agents might not.
headache. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
may produce headache by inducing aseptic menin-
8.1.1 Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache
gitis in susceptible individuals.
Finally, some acute or chronic substance exposures Immediate NO donor-induced headache
have been proven to be causally related to headache.
Previously used terms:
Nitroglycerine headache, dynamite headache, hot
8.1 Headache induced by acute substance use or dog headache
Diagnostic criteria:
Coded elsewhere:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
10.3.6 Headache attributed to acute pressor response to an
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
exogenous agent.
1. bilateral
2. frontotemporal location
Introduction 3. pulsating quality
This group of headache disorders can be caused 1) 4. aggravated by physical activity
by an unwanted effect of a toxic substance, 2) by an B. Absorption of a NO donor
unwanted effect of a substance in normal therapeu- C. Headache develops within 10 minutes after
tic use and 3) in experimental studies. absorption of NO donor
Substances that cause headache through their D. Headache resolves within 1 hour after release of
toxic effects, such as carbon monoxide, cannot be NO has ended
studied experimentally and the causal relationship Delayed NO donor-induced headache
between exposure and headache has therefore to be
demonstrated in clinical cases where the substance Diagnostic criteria:
has been used accidentally or for suicide attempt. A. Headache, in a person who suffers from primary
Headache as a side effect has been recorded with headache, with the characteristics of that primary
many drugs, often as just a reflection of the very high headache type1 and fulfilling criteria C and D

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Absorption of a NO donor middle age, which probably explains why the

C. Headache develops after NO is cleared from the problem is not of greater magnitude.
blood2 Other NO donors have been much less studied but
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single available evidence suggests that they too may
exposure produce headache. Isosorbide mononitrate has been
the subject of one formal double-blind placebo-
controlled study and causes a much longer-lasting
headache than GTN owing to its slow release of NO.
1. Normal subjects rarely develop delayed NO
donor-induced headache whilst migraineurs
develop an attack of migraine without aura, 8.1.2 Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor-induced
tension-type headache sufferers develop a headache
tension-type headache and cluster headache suf- Diagnostic criteria:
ferers develop a cluster headache attack. A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
2. Migraine and tension-type headache develop acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
after a mean of 5–6 hours, cluster headache typi- 1. bilateral
cally after 1–2 hours. 2. frontotemporal location
3. pulsating quality
Comments: 4. aggravated by physical activity
The headache is typically bilateral, pulsating and B. A single dose of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor
frontotemporal in location. has been given
All NO donors (eg, amyl nitrate, erythrityl tetran- C. Headache develops within 5 hours of PDE
itrate, glyceryl trinitrate [GTN], isosorbide mono- or inhibitor intake
dinitrate, sodium nitroprusside, mannitol hexani- D. Headache resolves within 72 hours
trate, pentaerythrityl tetranitrate) can cause
headache of this subtype particularly in persons
PDEs are a large family of enzymes that break down
with migraine. GTN is the best studied substance. It
cyclic nucleotides cGMP and cAMP. When PDEs are
reliably induces headache in most normal individu-
inhibited, the levels of cGMP and/or cAMP there-
als and migraine sufferers develop a more severe
fore increase. PDE-5 inhibitors sildenafil and dipyri-
immediate headache than non-migraine sufferers.
damole are the only formally studied compounds in
GTN can also cause a delayed headache in migraine
this group. The headache, unlike GTN-induced
sufferers which fulfils the diagnostic criteria for 1.1
headache, is monophasic. In normal volunteers it
Migraine without aura, even in patients whose spon-
has the characteristics of tension-type headache but
taneous migraine attacks are with aura. In people
in migraine sufferers it has the characteristics of
with chronic tension-type headache, GTN has been
migraine without aura. Headache has been noted as
shown to induce a delayed headache which has the
a side effect of sildenafil in clinical trials but only
characteristics of tension-type headache. It is not
recent experimental studies have shown that, in
known if it has the same effect in sufferers of
young persons – especially females – the side effect
episodic tension-type headache. Cluster headache
occurs in a majority of subjects and in migraine
sufferers do not develop delayed headache outside
patients sildenafil usually induces a migraine attack.
cluster periods but, during a cluster period, GTN
Migraine sufferers should be warned of this side
fairly reliably induces a cluster headache attack
usually occurring 1–2 hours after intake. The
delayed headache in those with migraine or tension-
type headache occurs at variable times but on 8.1.3 Carbon monoxide-induced headache
average 5–6 hours after exposure. Previously used terms:
Headache is well known as a side effect of thera- Warehouse workers’ headache
peutic use of nitroglycerine and other NO donors.
With chronic use tolerance develops within a week, Diagnostic criteria:
and GTN-induced headache disappears in most A. Bilateral and/or continuous headache, with
patients within that time. With intermittent use quality and intensity that may be related to the
headache continues, and may be severe enough to severity of carbon monoxide intoxication1, fulfill-
compromise the use of NO donors for angina. Most ing criteria C and D
heart patients are, however, male and beyond B. Exposure to carbon monoxide (CO)

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Headache develops within 12 hours of exposure 1. bilateral

D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after elimina- 2. frontotemporal location
tion of carbon monoxide 3. pulsating quality
4. aggravated by physical activity
Note: B. Ingestion of a modest amount of alcoholic bever-
1. Typically: mild headache without gastrointestinal age by a migraine sufferer or an intoxicating
or neurological symptoms with carboxyhaemo- amount by a non-migraine sufferer
globin levels in the range 10–20%; moderate C. Headache develops after blood alcohol level
pulsating headache and irritability with levels of declines or reduces to zero
20–30%; severe headache with nausea, vomiting D. Headache resolves within 72 hours
and blurred vision with levels of 30–40%.

Comments: Comment:
With higher carboxyhaemoglobin levels (>40%) This is one of the commonest types of headache. It
headache is not usually a complaint because of remains unclear whether, in addition to alcohol,
changes in consciousness. other components of alcoholic beverages play a role.
There are no good studies of the long-term effects It also remains uncertain whether the mechanism is
of CO intoxication on headache. Casuistic evidence a delayed response to toxic effects or whether mech-
suggests the possibility of chronic post-intoxication anisms similar to those responsible for delayed NO
headache. donor-induced headache may be involved.
The susceptibility to hangover headache of well-
diagnosed headache patients compared with non-
8.1.4 Alcohol-induced headache headache sufferers has not been determined. In Immediate alcohol-induced headache migraine sufferers a migraine attack can be induced
the next day after modest intake of alcoholic bever-
Previously used terms: ages, while non-migraineurs usually need a high
Cocktail headache intake of alcoholic beverages in order to develop Delayed alcohol-induced headache.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. bilateral 8.1.5 Headache induced by food components and
2. frontotemporal location additives
3. pulsating quality Previously used terms:
4. aggravated by physical activity Dietary headache
B. Ingestion of beverage containing alcohol1
C. Headache develops within 3 hours after inges-
tion of alcoholic beverage Diagnostic criteria:
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
Note: 1. bilateral
1. The effective dose has not been determined. 2. frontotemporal location
3. pulsating quality
Comment: 4. aggravated by physical activity
A few subjects develop headache due to a direct B. Ingestion of a minimum dose of food component
effect of alcohol or alcoholic beverages. This is much or additive1
rarer than delayed alcohol-induced headache. C. Headache develops within 12 hours after sub-
stance intake Delayed alcohol-induced headache D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single
Previously used terms:
Hangover headache
Diagnostic criteria: 1. Phenylethylamine, tyramine and aspartame have
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- been incriminated but their headache-inducing
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: potential is not sufficiently validated.

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Use of cannabis Monosodium glutamate-induced headache
C. Headache develops within 12 hours after
Previously used terms: cannabis use
Chinese restaurant syndrome D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- Comment:
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: Cannabis use is reported to cause headache associ-
1. bilateral ated with dryness of the mouth, paraesthesias, feel-
2. frontotemporal location ings of warmth and suffusion of the conjunctivae.
3. aggravated by physical activity
B. Ingestion of monosodium glutamate (MSG) 8.1.8 Histamine-induced headache
C. Headache develops within 1 hour after MSG
ingestion Comment:
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single Histamine has been shown to cause an immediate
intake headache in non-headache sufferers and an imme-
diate as well as a delayed headache in migraine
Comment: sufferers. The latter fulfils criteria for 1.1 Migraine
MSG-induced headache is typically dull or burning without aura. The headache-inducing property of his-
and non-pulsating, but may be pulsating in migraine tamine has been studied after intravenous adminis-
sufferers. It is commonly associated with other tration, after cutaneous administration and after
symptoms of this syndrome including pressure in the inhalation: all routes of administration have the
chest, pressure and/or tightness in the face, burning same effect. The mechanism is primarily mediated
sensations in the chest, neck or shoulders, flushing of via the H1 receptor because it is almost completely
face, dizziness and abdominal discomfort. blocked by mepyramine. Immediate histamine-induced headache

8.1.6 Cocaine-induced headache
Diagnostic criteria:
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. bilateral
1. bilateral
2. frontotemporal location
2. frontotemporal location
3. pulsating quality
3. pulsating quality
4. aggravated by physical activity
4. aggravated by physical activity
B. Absorption of histamine
B. Use of cocaine
C. Headache develops within 10 minutes after
C. Headache develops within 1 hour after cocaine
absorption of histamine
D. Headache resolves within 1 hour after absorption
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single
of histamine has ceased
use Delayed histamine-induced headache
Headache is a reported side effect of cocaine use. It Diagnostic criteria:
is frequent, develops immediately or within one A. Headache, in a person who suffers from primary
hour after use and is not associated with other symp- headache, with the characteristics of that primary
toms unless there is concomitant stroke or TIA. headache type1 and fulfilling criteria C and D
B. Absorption of histamine
8.1.7 Cannabis-induced headache C. Headache develops after histamine is cleared
from the blood2
Diagnostic criteria: D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- exposure
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. bilateral Notes:
2. stabbing or pulsating quality 1. Normal subjects rarely develop delayed hista-
3. feeling of pressure in the head mine-induced headache whilst migraineurs

© International Headache Society 2003


develop an attack of migraine without aura, 2. Migraine and tension-type headache develop
tension-type headache sufferers develop a typically after 5–6 hours, cluster headache typi-
tension-type headache and cluster headache suf- cally after 1–2 hours.
ferers develop a cluster headache attack.
2. Migraine and tension-type headache develop 8.1.10 Headache as an acute adverse event
typically after 5–6 hours, cluster headache typi- attributed to medication used for other indications
cally after 1–2 hours.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D
8.1.9 Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)- B. Use of a medication for a therapeutic indication
induced headache other than headache
C. Headache develops within minutes to hours after
The headache-inducing property of CGRP has been
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after cessa-
studied only in one double-blind controlled trial.
tion of use
There is, however, no doubt that CGRP causes an
immediate headache. Delayed migraine attacks were Comments:
induced in 3 out of 10 subjects. Recently, it has been Headache has been reported after use of a number
shown that a CGRP antagonist is effective in the of drugs. The following are the most commonly
acute treatment of migraine. incriminated: atropine, digitalis, disulfiram,
hydralazine, imipramine, nicotine, nifedipine, Immediate CGRP-induced headache nimodipine. A longer list can be found in the appen-
dix (table 1).
Diagnostic criteria:
The headache characteristics are not very well
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
defined in the literature but most are dull, continu-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
ous, diffuse and moderate to severe.
1. bilateral
2. frontotemporal location
3. pulsating quality 8.1.11 Headache induced by other acute substance
4. aggravated by physical activity use or exposure
B. Absorption of CGRP Diagnostic criteria:
C. Headache develops within 10 minutes after A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D
absorption of CGRP B. Acute use of or other acute exposure to a sub-
D. Headache resolves within 1 hour after absorption stance other than those described above
of CGRP has ceased C. Headache develops within 12 hours of use or
exposure Delayed CGRP-induced headache D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after single
use or exposure
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, in a person who suffers from primary Comments:
headache, with the characteristics of that primary Headache has been reported after exposure to a
headache type1 and fulfilling criteria C and D number of organic and inorganic substances. The
B. Absorption of CGRP following are the most commonly incriminated sub-
C. Headache develops after CGRP is cleared from stances:
the blood2
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after infusion Inorganic compounds: arsenic, borate, bromate,
of CGRP chlorate, copper, iodine, lead, lithium, mercury,
tolazoline hydrochloride.
Notes: Organic compounds: alcohols (long-chain), aniline,
1. Normal subjects rarely develop delayed CGRP- balsam, camphor, carbon disulfide, carbon tetra-
induced headache whilst migraineurs develop chloride, clordecone, EDTA, heptachlor, hydrogen
an attack of migraine without aura, tension-type sulfide, kerosene, methyl alcohol, methyl bromide,
headache sufferers develop a tension-type head- methyl chloride, methyl iodine, naphthalene,
ache and cluster headache sufferers develop a organophosphorous compounds (parathion,
cluster headache attack. pyrethrum).

© International Headache Society 2003


The headache characteristics are not very well

8.2.1 Ergotamine-overuse headache
defined in the literature but most are dull, diffuse,
continuous and moderate to severe. Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache present on >15 days/month with at
least one of the following characteristics and ful-
8.2 Medication-overuse headache (MOH)
filling criteria C and D:
Previously used terms: 1. bilateral
Rebound headache, drug-induced headache, med- 2. pressing/tightening quality
ication-misuse headache 3. mild or moderate intensity
B. Ergotamine intake on ≥10 days/month on a
regular basis for ≥3 months
C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened
This and the following section deal with headache during ergotamine overuse
disorders associated with chronic substance use or D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous
exposure. pattern within 2 months after discontinuation of
Medication-overuse headache is an interaction ergotamine
between a therapeutic agent used excessively and a
susceptible patient. The best example is overuse of Comment:
symptomatic headache drugs causing headache in Bioavailability of ergots is so variable that a
the headache-prone patient. minimum dose cannot be defined.
By far the most common cause of migraine-like
headache occurring on ≥15 days per month and of a 8.2.2 Triptan-overuse headache
mixed picture of migraine-like and tension-type-like
Diagnostic criteria:
headaches on ≥15 days per month is overuse of
A. Headache present on >15 days/month with at
symptomatic migraine drugs and/or analgesics. In
least one of the following characteristics and ful-
general, overuse is defined in terms of treatment
filling criteria C and D:
days per month. What is crucial is that treatment
1. predominantly unilateral
occurs both frequently and regularly, ie, on several
2. pulsating quality
days each week. For example, if the diagnostic cri-
3. moderate or severe intensity
terion is use on ≥10 days per month, this translates
4. aggravated by or causing avoidance of routine
into 2–3 treatment days every week. Bunching of
physical activity (eg, walking or climbing
treatment days with long periods without medica-
tion intake, practised by some patients, is much less
5. associated with at least one of the following:
likely to cause medication-overuse headache.
a) nausea and/or vomiting
Chronic tension-type headache is less often asso-
b) photophobia and phonophobia
ciated with medication overuse but, especially
B. Triptan intake (any formulation) on ≥10 days/
amongst patients seen in headache centres, episodic
month on a regular basis for ≥3 months
tension-type headache has commonly become a
C. Headache frequency has markedly increased
chronic headache through overuse of analgesics.
during triptan overuse
Patients with a pre-existing primary headache
D. Headache reverts to its previous pattern within 2
who develop a new type of headache or whose
months after discontinuation of triptan
migraine or tension-type headache is made
markedly worse during medication overuse should Comment:
be given both the diagnosis of the pre-existing Triptan overuse may increase migraine frequency to
headache and the diagnosis of 8.2 Medication-overuse that of chronic migraine. Evidence suggests that this
headache. Furthermore, the headache associated with occurs sooner with triptan-overuse than with ergot-
medication overuse often has a peculiar pattern amine-overuse.
shifting, even within the same day, from having
migraine-like characteristics to having those of
8.2.3 Analgesic-overuse headache
tension-type headache (ie, a new type of headache).
The diagnosis of medication-overuse headache is Diagnostic criteria:
clinically extremely important because patients A. Headache present on >15 days/month with at
rarely respond to preventative medications whilst least one of the following characteristics and ful-
overusing acute medications. filling criteria C and D:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. bilateral
8.2.6 Headache attributed to other medication
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality
3. mild or moderate intensity
B. Intake of simple analgesics on ≥15 days/month1 Diagnostic criteria:
for >3 months A. Headache present on >15 days/month fulfilling
C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened criteria C and D
during analgesic overuse B. Regular overuse1 for >3 months of a medication
D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous other than those described above
pattern within 2 months after discontinuation of C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened
analgesics during medication overuse
D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous
Note: pattern within 2 months after discontinuation of
1. Expert opinion rather than formal evidence sug- overused medication
gests that use on ≥15 days/month rather than ≥10
days/month is needed to induce analgesic- Note:
overuse headache. 1. The definition of overuse in terms of treatment
days per month is likely to vary with the nature
8.2.4 Opioid-overuse headache of the medication.

Diagnostic criteria: 8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse headache

A. Headache present on >15 days/month fulfilling
criteria C and D Diagnostic criteria:
B. Opioid intake on ≥10 days/month for >3 months A. Headache fulfilling criteria A–C for any one of
C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened the subforms 8.2.1 to 8.2.6 above
during opioid overuse B. One or other of the following:
D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous 1. overused medication has not yet been with-
pattern within 2 months after discontinuation of drawn
opioid 2. medication overuse has ceased within the last
2 months but headache has not so far resolved
Comment: or reverted to its previous pattern
Prospective studies indicate that patients overusing
opioids have the highest relapse rate after with- Comments:
drawal treatment. Codable subforms of 8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse
headache are Probable ergotamine-overuse
headache, Probable triptan-overuse headache,
8.2.5 Combination medication-overuse headache Probable analgesic-overuse headache, Prob-
Diagnostic criteria: able opioid-overuse headache, Probable combina-
A. Headache present on >15 days/month with at tion medication-overuse headache and Headache
least one of the following characteristics and ful- probably attributed to other medication overuse.
filling criteria C and D: Many patients fulfilling the criteria for 8.2.7 Prob-
1. bilateral able medication-overuse headache also fulfil criteria for
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality either 1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine or 2.4.3 Probable
3. mild or moderate intensity chronic tension-type headache. They should be coded
B. Intake of combination medications1 on ≥10 for both until causation is established after with-
days/month for >3 months drawal of the overused medication. Patients with
C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened 1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine should additionally be
during combination medication overuse coded for the antecedent migraine subtype (usually
D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous 1.1 Migraine without aura).
pattern within 2 months after discontinuation of
combination medication 8.3 Headache as an adverse event attributed to chronic
1. Combination medications typically implicated Diagnostic criteria:
are those containing simple analgesics combined A. Headache present on >15 days/month fulfilling
with opioids, butalbital and/or caffeine criteria C and D

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Chronic medication1 for any therapeutic C. Headache develops within 24 hours after last
indication caffeine intake and is relieved within 1 hour by
C. Headache develops during medication 100 mg of caffeine
D. Headache resolves after discontinuation of D. Headache resolves within 7 days after total
medication2 caffeine withdrawal

Notes: 8.4.2 Opioid-withdrawal headache

1. The definition of dose and duration will vary with
the medication. Diagnostic criteria:
2. Time for resolution will vary with the medication A. Bilateral and/or pulsating headache fulfilling
but may be months. criteria C and D
B. Opioid intake daily for >3 months, which is
Comment: interrupted
Headache can be due to a direct pharmacological C. Headache develops within 24 hours after last
effect of medication, such as vasoconstriction pro- opioid intake
ducing malignant hypertension and headache, or to D. Headache resolves within 7 days after total
a secondary effect such as drug-induced intracranial opioid withdrawal
hypertension. The latter is a recognised complication
of long-term use of anabolic steroids, amiodarone, 8.4.3 Oestrogen-withdrawal headache
lithium carbonate, nalidixic acid, thyroid hormone
replacement, tetracycline or minocycline. Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache or migraine fulfilling criteria C and D
B. Daily use of exogenous oestrogen for ≥3 weeks,
8.3.1 Exogenous hormone-induced headache which is interrupted
Diagnostic criteria: C. Headache or migraine develops within 5 days
A. Headache or migraine fulfilling criteria C and D after last use of oestrogen
B. Regular use of exogenous hormones D. Headache or migraine resolves within 3 days
C. Headache or migraine develops or markedly
worsens within 3 months of commencing exoge- Comment:
nous hormones Oestrogen-withdrawal following cessation of a
D. Headache or migraine resolves or reverts to its course of exogenous oestrogens (such as during the
previous pattern within 3 months after total dis- pill-free interval of combined oral contraceptives or
continuation of exogenous hormones following a course of replacement or supplementary
oestrogen) can induce headache and/or migraine.
Regular use of exogenous hormones, typically for 8.4.4 Headache attributed to withdrawal from
contraception or hormone replacement therapy, can chronic use of other substances
be associated with increase in frequency or new
development of headache or migraine. Diagnostic criteria:
When a woman also experiences headache or A. Bilateral and/or pulsating headache fulfilling cri-
migraine associated with exogenous oestrogen- teria C and D
withdrawal, both codes 8.3.1 Exogenous hormone- B. Daily intake of a substance other than those
induced headache and 8.4.3 Oestrogen-withdrawal described above for >3 months, which is inter-
headache should be used. rupted
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to
withdrawal of the substance
8.4 Headache attributed to substance withdrawal D. Headache resolves within 3 months after with-
8.4.1 Caffeine-withdrawal headache
Diagnostic criteria: Comment:
A. Bilateral and/or pulsating headache fulfilling It has been suggested, but without sufficient evi-
criteria C and D dence, that withdrawal of the following substances
B. Caffeine consumption of ≥200 mg/day for >2 may cause headache: corticosteroids, tricyclic anti-
weeks, which is interrupted or delayed depressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

© International Headache Society 2003


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© International Headache Society 2003


9. Headache attributed to infection Definite, probable or chronic?

A diagnosis of Headache attributed to an infection
9.1 Headache attributed to intracranial infection usually becomes definite only when the headache
9.1.1 Headache attributed to bacterial resolves or greatly improves after effective treatment
meningitis or spontaneous remission of the infection. If the
9.1.2 Headache attributed to lymphocytic infection cannot be treated effectively or does not
meningitis remit spontaneously, or when there has been insuffi-
9.1.3 Headache attributed to encephalitis cient time for this to happen, a diagnosis of Headache
9.1.4 Headache attributed to brain abscess probably attributed to infection is usually applied.
9.1.5 Headache attributed to subdural This is not the case for 9.1.1 Headache attributed to
empyema bacterial meningitis. It is recognised that this
9.2 Headache attributed to systemic infection headache may become chronic. When the causative
9.2.1 Headache attributed to systemic bacterial infection is effectively treated or remits sponta-
infection neously but headache persists after 3 months, the
9.2.2 Headache attributed to systemic viral diagnosis changes to 9.4.1 Chronic post-bacterial
infection meningitis headache.
9.2.3 Headache attributed to other systemic In other cases when the infection is eliminated but
infection headache does not resolve or markedly improve
9.3 Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS after 3 months, a diagnosis of A9.4.2 Chronic post-
9.4 Chronic post-infection headache non-bacterial infection headache may be considered.
9.4.1 Chronic post-bacterial meningitis This is described only in the appendix as such
headache headaches have been poorly documented, and
research is needed to establish better criteria for

Coded elsewhere: Introduction

Headache disorders attributed to extracranial infec-
tions of the head (such as ear, eye and sinus infec- Headache is a common accompaniment of systemic
tions) are coded as subtypes of 11. Headache or facial viral infections such as influenza. It is also common
pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, with sepsis; more rarely it may accompany other sys-
nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cranial temic infections.
structures. In intracranial infections headache is usually the
first and the most frequently encountered symptom.
Occurrence of a new type of headache which is
General comment diffuse, pulsating and associated with a general
Primary or secondary headache or both? feeling of illness and/or fever should direct attention
When a new headache occurs for the first time in towards an intracranial infection even in the absence
close temporal relation to an infection, it is coded as of a stiff neck. Unfortunately, there are no good
a secondary headache attributed to the infection. prospective studies of the headaches associated with
This is also true if the headache has the characteris- intracranial infection and precise diagnostic criteria
tics of migraine, tension-type headache or cluster for these subtypes of headache cannot be developed
headache. When a pre-existing primary headache is in all cases.
made worse in close temporal relation to an infec-
tion, there are two possibilities, and judgment is
required. The patient can either be given only the 9.1 Headache attributed to intracranial infection
diagnosis of the pre-existing primary headache or be 9.1.1 Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis
given both this diagnosis and the diagnosis of
headache attributed to the infection. Factors that Diagnostic criteria:
support adding the latter diagnosis are: a very close A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
temporal relation to the infection, a marked worsen- acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
ing of the pre-existing headache, very good evidence 1. diffuse pain
that the infection can aggravate the primary 2. intensity increasing to severe
headache and, finally, improvement or resolution of 3. associated with nausea, photophobia and/or
the headache after relief from the infection. phonophobia

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Evidence of bacterial meningitis from examina- bacterial meningitis and headache may remain as the
tion of CSF main symptom throughout the course of the disease.
C. Headache develops during the meningitis Headache can appear with intracranial infection
D. One or other of the following: but also in systemic inflammation. Since the signs of
1. headache resolves within 3 months after relief systemic inflammation associated with headache
from meningitis do not necessarily mean meningitis or encephalitis,
2. headache persists but 3 months have not yet diagnosis of lymphocytic meningitis must be con-
passed since relief from meningitis firmed by CSF examination.
Enteroviruses account for most viral causes.
Comments: Herpes simplex, adenovirus, mumps and others
Headache is the commonest and may be the first may also be responsible.
symptom of bacterial meningitis. Headache is a key
symptom of meningeal syndrome or meningism
9.1.3 Headache attributed to encephalitis
consisting usually of headache, neck stiffness and
photophobia. Diagnostic criteria:
A variety of microorganisms may cause primary A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
or secondary meningitis. Direct stimulation of the acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
sensory terminals located in the meninges by bacte- 1. diffuse pain
rial infection causes the onset of headache. Bacterial 2. intensity increasing to severe
products (toxins), mediators of inflammation such as 3. associated with nausea, photophobia or
bradykinin, prostaglandins and cytokines and other phonophobia
agents released by inflammation not only directly B. Neurological symptoms and signs of acute
cause pain but also induce pain sensitisation and encephalitis, and diagnosis confirmed by EEG,
neuropeptide release. CSF examination, neuroimaging and/or other
When headache persists after 3 months, code as laboratory investigations1
9.4.1 Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache. C. Headache develops during encephalitis
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc-
cessful treatment or spontaneous remission of the
9.1.2 Headache attributed to lymphocytic
Diagnostic criteria:
1. PCR method gives the specific diagnosis.
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: Comments:
1. acute onset The causes of headache include both meningeal irri-
2. severe intensity tation and increased intracranial pressure. Head
3. associated with nuchal rigidity, fever, nausea, pain may also be a systemic reaction to the toxic
photophobia and/or phonophobia products of the infecting agent(s). Headache may
B. Examination of CSF shows lymphocytic pleocy- occur early and be the only clinical symptom of
tosis, mildly elevated protein and normal glucose1 encephalitis.
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to Herpes simplex virus, arbovirus and mumps are
meningitis known causes of encephalitis. Except for HSV
D. Headache resolves within 3 months2 after suc- encephalitis (in which 95% of cases are identifiable
cessful treatment or spontaneous remission of with PCR), the causative virus is identified in fewer
infection than half of cases of encephalitis.

9.1.4 Headache attributed to brain abscess
1. Virus, borrelia, listeria, fungus, tuberculosis or
other infective agent(s) may be identified by Diagnostic criteria:
appropriate methods. A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
2. Headache usually resolves within 1 week. acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. bilateral
Comments: 2. constant pain
Headache, fever, photophobia and nuchal rigidity 3. intensity gradually increasing to moderate or
are the main symptoms of lymphocytic or non- severe

© International Headache Society 2003


4. aggravated by straining 1. diffuse pain

5. accompanied by nausea 2. intensity increasing to moderate or severe
B. Neuroimaging and/or laboratory evidence of 3. associated with fever, general malaise or other
brain abscess symptoms of systemic infection
C. Headache develops during active infection B. Evidence of systemic infection
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc- C. Headache develops during the systemic infection
cessful treatment of the abscess D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after effective
treatment of the infection
Direct compression and irritation of the meningeal Comments:
or arterial structures and increased intracranial pres- Headache in systemic infections is usually a rela-
sure are the mechanisms for causing headache. tively inconspicuous symptom and diagnostically
The most common organisms causing brain unhelpful. These conditions are mostly dominated
abscess include streptococcus, staphylococcus by fever, general malaise and systemic symptoms.
aureus, bacteroides species and enterobacter. Predis- Nevertheless, some systemic infections, particularly
posing factors include infections of paranasal influenza, have headache as a prominent symptom
sinuses, ears, jaws, teeth or lungs. along with fever and other symptoms. In other cases,
systemic infection is accompanied by meningitis or
encephalitis, and the headache should be coded to
9.1.5 Headache attributed to subdural empyema
these disorders.
Diagnostic criteria: The great variability in their propensity for
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- causing headache indicates that systemic infections
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: do not have this effect simply through fever. The
1. unilateral or much more intense on one side mechanisms causing headache include direct effects
2. associated with tenderness of the skull of the microorganisms themselves. In infectious
3. accompanied by fever disease, headache commonly coexists with fever and
4. accompanied by stiffness of the neck may be dependent on it, but headache can occur in
B. Neuroimaging and/or laboratory evidence of the absence of fever. The presence or absence of fever
subdural empyema may be used in the differential classification of
C. Headache develops during active infection and headache. The exact cause of headache by fever is
is localised to or maximal at the site of the not elucidated. Some infective microorganisms may
empyema influence brainstem nuclei which release substances
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc- to cause headache, or endotoxins may activate
cessful treatment of the empyema inducible NOS causing production of nitric oxide
(NO). The exact nature of these mechanisms remains
Comments: to be investigated.
Headache is caused by meningeal irritation,
increased intracranial pressure and/or fever.
9.2.1 Headache attributed to systemic bacterial
Subdural empyema is often secondary to sinusitis
or otitis media. It may also be a complication of
meningitis. Early diagnosis is best made by CT or Diagnostic criteria:
MRI. A. Headache fulfilling criteria for 9.2 Headache attrib-
uted to systemic infection
B. Laboratory investigation discloses the inflamma-
9.2 Headache attributed to systemic infection
tory reaction and identifies the organism
Coded elsewhere:
Headache attributed to meningitis or encephalitis Comment:
accompanying systemic infection should be coded Some infective agents have a particular tropism for
accordingly under 9.1 Headache attributed to intracra- the central nervous system. They may activate brain-
nial infection. stem nuclei where release of toxins induces
headache mechanisms.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:

© International Headache Society 2003


occur in the AIDS stages). The most common

9.2.2 Headache attributed to systemic viral
intracranial infections in HIV/AIDS are toxoplas-
mosis and cryptococcal meningitis.
Diagnostic criteria: Headache occurring in patients with HIV/AIDS
A. Headache fulfilling criteria for 9.2 Headache but attributed to a specific supervening infection is
attributed to systemic infection coded to that infection.
B. Clinical and laboratory (serology and/or PCR
molecular) diagnosis of viral infection
9.4 Chronic post-infection headache
9.4.1 Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache
9.2.3 Headache attributed to other systemic
infection Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
Diagnostic criteria:
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
A. Headache fulfilling criteria for 9.2 Headache attrib-
1. diffuse continuous pain
uted to systemic infection
2. associated with dizziness
B. Clinical and laboratory (serology, microscopy,
3. associated with difficulty in concentrating
culture or PCR molecular) diagnosis of infection
and/or loss of memory
other than bacterial or viral
B. Evidence of previous intracranial bacterial infec-
tion from CSF examination or neuroimaging
9.3 Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS C. Headache is a direct continuation of 9.1.1
Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis
Coded elsewhere:
D. Headache persists for >3 months after resolution
Headache attributed to a specific supervening infec-
of infection
tion is coded according to that infection.
Diagnostic criteria: A reported 32% of survivors of bacterial meningitis
A. Headache with variable mode of onset, site and suffer from persistent headache (Bohr et al., 1983).
intensity1 fulfilling criteria C and D There is no evidence for persistent headache
B. Confirmation of HIV infection and/or of the following other infections, but criteria for A9.4.2
diagnosis of AIDS, and of the presence of Chronic post-non-bacterial infection headache are in the
HIV/AIDS-related pathophysiology likely to appendix. More research is needed.
cause headache2, by neuroimaging, CSF exami-
nation, EEG and/or laboratory investigations
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to Bibliography and reference
the HIV/AIDS-related pathophysiology 9.1.1 Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after the Drexler ED. Severe headache: when to worry, what to do.
infection subsides Postgrad Med 1990; 87:164–70, 173–80.
Francke E. The many causes of meningitis. Postgrad Med
Notes: 1987; 82:175–8, 181–3, 187–8.
1. Headache as a symptom of HIV infection is dull Gedde-Dahl TW, Lettenstrom GS, Bovre K. Coverage for
meningococcal disease in the Norwegian morbidity and
and bilateral. Otherwise. the onset, site and
mortality statistics. NIPH Ann 1980; 3(2):31–5.
intensity of headache vary according to the Jones HR, Siekert RG. Neurological manifestation of infective
HIV/AIDS-related conditions (such as meningi- endocarditis. Brain 1989; 112:1295–315.
tis, encephalitis or systemic infection) that are Tonjum T. Nilsson F, Bruun JH, Hanebeg B. The early phase
present. of meningococcal disease. NIPH Ann 1983; 6:175–81.
2. See Comments. Zhang SR, Zhang YS, Zhao XD. Tuberculous meningitis with
hydrocephalus: a clinical and CT study. Chung Hua Nei Ko
Tsa Chih 1989; 28:202–4.
Dull bilateral headache may be a part of the symp- 9.1.2 Headache attributed to lymphocytic
tomatology of HIV infection. Headache may also be meningitis
attributed to aseptic meningitis during HIV infection Cochius JI, Burns RJ, Willoughby JO. CNS cryptococcosis:
(but not exclusively in the AIDS stages) and to sec- unusual aspects. Clin Exp Neurol 1989; 26:183–91.
ondary meningitis or encephalitis associated with Dalton M, Newton RW. Aseptic meningitis. Dev Med Child
opportunistic infections or neoplasms (which mostly Neurol 1991; 33:446–58.

© International Headache Society 2003


Gomez-Arada F, Canadillas F, Marti-Masso FJ et al. Pseudomi- Kulay A, Ozatik N, Topucu I. Otogenic intracranial abscesses.
graine with temporary neurological symptoms and lym- Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1990; 107:140–6.
phocytic pleocytosis. Brain 1997; 120:1105–13. Yen PT, Chan ST, Huang TS. Brain abscess: with spcial refer-
Mak SC, Jeng JE, Jong JY, Chiang CH, Chou LC. Clinical obser- ence to otolaryngologic sources of infection. Otolaryngol
vations and virological study of aseptic meningitis in the Head Neck Surg 1995; 113:15–22.
Kaohsinug area. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Twa Chih 1990;
Pachner AR, Steere AC. Neurological findings of Lyme
9.1.5 Headache attributed to subdural empyema
disease. Yale Biol Med 1984; 57:481–3. Hodges J, Anslow P, Gillet G. Subdural empyema: continuing
Pachner AR, Steere AC. The triad of neurologic manifestations diagnostic problems in the CT scan era. QJM 1986;
of Lyme disease: meningitis, cranial neuritis, and radicu- 59:387–93.
loneuritis. Neurology 1985; 35:47–53. McIntyre PB, Lavercombe PS, Kemp RJ, McCormack JG. Sub-
Singer JI, Maur PR, Riley JP, Smith PB. Management of central dural and epidural empyema: diagnostic and therapeutic
nervous system infections during an epidemic of enterovi- problems. Med J Aust 1991; 154:653–7.
ral aseptic meningitis. J Pediatr 1980; 96:559–63. Sellik JA. Epidural abscess and subdural empyema. J Am
Osteopath Assoc 1989; 89:806–10.
9.1.3 Headache attributed to encephalitis
Brooks RG, Licitra CM, Peacock MG. Encephalitis caused by 9.2 Headache attributed to systemic infection
Coxiella burnetii. Ann Neurol 1986; 20:91–3. De Marinis M, Welch KM, Headache associated with non-
Davis LE, McLaren LC. Relapsing herpes simplex encephali- cephalic infections: classification and mechanisms. Cepha-
tis following antiviral therapy. Ann Neurol 1983; 13:192–5. lalgia 1992; 12:197–201.
Domachowske JB, Cunningham CK, Cummings DL, Crosley
CJ, Hannan WP, Weiner LB. Acute manifestations and neu-
rologic sequelae of Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis in chil-
9.3 Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS
dren. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1996; 15:871–5. Brew BJ, Miller J. Human immunodeficiency virus-related
Kennedy PG. Retrospective analsys of 46 cases of simplex headache. Neurology 1993; 43:1098–100.
encephalitis seen in Glasgow between 1962 and 1985. OJM Denning DW. The neurological features of HIV infection.
1988; 86:533–40. Biomed Pharmacother 1988; 42:11–4.
Kennedy PG, Adams IH, Graham DI, Clements GB. A clinico- Evers S, Wibbeke B, Reichelt D, Suhr B, Brilla R, Husstedt IW.
pathological study of herpes simplex encephalitis. Neu- The impact of HIV infection on primary headache. Unex-
ropathol Appl Neurobiol 1998; 14:395–415. pected findings from retrospective, cross-sectional, and
Poneprasert B. Japanese encephalitis in children in northern prospective analyses. Pain 2000; 85:191–200.
Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public health 1989; Hollander H, Strimgari S. Human immunodeficiency virus-
20:599–603. associated meningitis. Clinical course and correlations. Am
Saged JI, Weinstein Mo, Miller DC. Chronic encephalitis pos- J Med 1987; 83:813–6.
sibly due to herpes simplex virus: two cases. Neurology Rinaldi R, Manfredi R, Azzimondi G et al. Recurrent
1985; 35:1470–2. ‘migrainelike’ episodes in patients with HIV disease.
Headache 1007; 37:443–8.
Weinke T, Rogler G, Sixt C et al. Cryptococcosis in AIDS
9.1.4 Headache attributed to brain abscess patients: observations concerning CNS involvement. J
Chalstrey S, Pfleiderer AG, Moffat DA. Persisting incidence Neurol 1989; 236:38–42.
and mortality of sinogenic cerebral abscess: a continuing
reflection of late clinical diagnosis. J R Soc Med 1991;
84:193–5. 9.4 Chronic post infection headache
Chun CH, Johnson JD, Hofstetter M, Raff MJ. Brain abscess: a Bohr V, Hansen B, Kjersen H, Rasmussen N, Johnsen N, Kris-
study of 45 consecutive cases. Medicine 1986; 65:415–31. tensen HS, Jessen O. Sequelae from bacterial meningitis and
Harris LF, Maccubbin DA, Triplett JN, Haws FB. Brain their relation to the clinical condition during acute illness,
abscess: recent experience at a community hospital. South based on 667 questionnaire returns. Part II of a three part
Med J 1985; 78:704–7. series. J Infect 1983; 7:102–10.

© International Headache Society 2003


10. Headache attributed to disorder of improvement or resolution of the headache after

homoeostasis relief from the disorder of homoeostasis.

Definite, probable or chronic?

10.1 Headache attributed to hypoxia and/or
A diagnosis of Headache attributed to disorder of
homoeostasis usually becomes definite only when the
10.1.1 High-altitude headache
headache resolves or greatly improves after effective
10.1.2 Diving headache
treatment or spontaneous remission of the disorder.
10.1.3 Sleep apnoea headache
If this disorder cannot be treated effectively or does
10.2 Dialysis headache
not remit spontaneously, or when there has been
10.3 Headache attributed to arterial hypertension
insufficient time for this to happen, a diagnosis of
10.3.1 Headache attributed to
Headache probably attributed to disorder of homoeostasis
is usually applied.
10.3.2 Headache attributed to hypertensive
The alternative, when the disorder of homoeosta-
crisis without hypertensive
sis is effectively treated or remits spontaneously but
headache does not resolve or markedly improve
10.3.3 Headache attributed to hypertensive
after 3 months, is a diagnosis of A10.8 Chronic post-
homoeostasis disorder headache. This is described only
10.3.4 Headache attributed to pre-eclampsia
in the appendix as such headaches have been poorly
10.3.5 Headache attributed to eclampsia
documented, and research is needed to establish
10.3.6 Headache attributed to acute pressor
better criteria for causation.
response to an exogenous agent
10.4 Headache attributed to hypothyroidism
10.5 Headache attributed to fasting Introduction
10.6 Cardiac cephalalgia Headache disorders described here were previously
10.7 Headache attributed to other disorder of referred to as Headache associated with metabolic or sys-
homoeostasis temic disease. However, Headache attributed to disorder
of homoeostasis was felt to capture more accurately
the true nature of these headache disorders.
Headaches caused by significant disturbances in
Coded elsewhere:
arterial pressure and by myocardial ischaemia are
7.1.2 Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension
now included in this section. In addition, disorders
secondary to metabolic, toxic or hormonal causes.
of homoeostatic mechanisms affecting a variety of
organ systems, including altered arterial blood
General comment gases, volume disturbances as in dialysis and disor-
ders of endocrine function, are covered here.
Primary or secondary headache or both?
Headache attributed to fasting is also included.
When a new headache occurs for the first time in
close temporal relation to a disorder of homoeosta-
sis, it is coded as a secondary headache attributed to 10.1 Headache attributed to hypoxia and/or hypercapnia
that disorder. This is also true if the headache has the Comments:
characteristics of migraine, tension-type headache Headache occurs within 24 hours after acute onset
or cluster headache. When a pre-existing primary of hypoxia with PaO2 <70 mm Hg or in chronically
headache is made worse in close temporal relation hypoxic patients with PaO2 persistently at or below
to a disorder of homoeostasis, there are two pos- this level.
sibilities, and judgment is required. The patient can It is often difficult to separate the effects of
either be given only the diagnosis of the pre-existing hypoxia and hypercapnia.
primary headache or be given both this diagnosis
and the diagnosis of headache attributed to the dis-
10.1.1 High-altitude headache
order of homoeostasis. Factors that support adding
the latter diagnosis are: a very close temporal rela- Diagnostic criteria:
tion to the disorder of homoeostasis, a marked wors- A. Headache with at least two of the following char-
ening of the pre-existing headache, very good acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
evidence that the disorder of homoeostasis can 1. bilateral
aggravate the primary headache and, finally, 2. frontal or frontotemporal

© International Headache Society 2003


3. dull or pressing quality Comments:

4. mild or moderate intensity Hypercapnia (arterial PCO2 >50 mm Hg) is known to
5. aggravated by exertion, movement, straining, cause relaxation of cerebrovascular smooth muscle
coughing or bending and lead to vasodilatation and increased intracranial
B. Ascent to altitude above 2500 m pressure. There is some evidence that hypercapnia
C. Headache develops within 24 hours after ascent in the absence of hypoxia is associated with
D. Headache resolves within 8 hours after descent headache. The best clinical example of headache
attributed to hypercapnia occurs in divers. Carbon
dioxide may accumulate in a diver who intention-
Comments: ally holds his or her breath intermittently (skip
Headache is a frequent complication of ascent to alti- breathing) in a mistaken attempt to conserve air, or
tude – occurring in more than 80% of cases. 10.1.1 takes shallow breaths to minimise buoyancy varia-
High-altitude headache appears to be independent tions in the narrow passages of a wreck or cave.
of an individual’s previous history of headache, Divers may also hypoventilate unintentionally when
although patients with migraine may describe more a tight wetsuit or buoyancy compensator jacket
severe headache that resembles their typical restricts chest wall expansion, or when ventilation is
migraine attacks. inadequate in response to physical exertion. Strenu-
Acute mountain sickness (AMS) consists of at least ous exercise increases the rate of CO2 production
moderate headache combined with one or more of more than 10-fold, resulting in a transient elevation
nausea, anorexia, fatigue, dizziness and sleep dis- of PCO2 to more than 60 mm Hg. Diving headache
turbances. Acetazolamide (125 mg, two or three usually intensifies during the decompression phase
times daily) may reduce susceptibility to acute of the dive or upon resurfacing.
mountain sickness. Preventative strategies include Mild non-specific headache is also common in
allowing two days of acclimatisation prior to engag- divers with decompression illness, and may be asso-
ing in strenuous exercise at high altitudes, avoiding ciated with musculoskeletal pain and, in more
alcohol and liberalising fluid intake. Most high- serious cases, with focal neurological and/or respi-
altitude headaches respond to simple analgesics ratory symptoms, loss of consciousness and/or cog-
such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen. nitive deficits.
Headache in divers can also occur as a result of
carbon monoxide intoxication which rarely contam-
10.1.2 Diving headache inates divers’ compressed-air supply if the air intake
Coded elsewhere: system is positioned in such a way as to gather
1. Migraine, 2. Tension-type headache, 4.3 Primary exer- improperly directed combustion-engine exhaust.
tional headache, 11.2.1 Cervicogenic headache, 13.6 Such headache is coded as 8.1.3 Carbon monoxide-
Supraorbital neuralgia, 13.10 External compression induced headache.
headache and 13.11 Cold-stimulus headache precipi- Migraine, tension-type headache, primary exer-
tated by diving are coded as those disorders. tional headache, cervicogenic headache, supraor-
bital neuralgia, external compression headache and
cold-stimulus headache can occur during a dive, but
Diagnostic criteria: diving in these instances should be considered a pre-
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- cipitating factor rather than the cause.
filling criteria C and D
B. Diving to depth below 10 m
10.1.3 Sleep apnoea headache
C. Headache develops during diving and is accom-
panied by at least one of the following symptoms Diagnostic criteria:
of CO2 intoxication in the absence of decompres- A. Recurrent headache with at least one of the fol-
sion illness: lowing characteristics and fulfilling criteria C and
1. light-headedness D:
2. mental confusion 1. occurs on >15 days per month
3. dyspnoea 2. bilateral, pressing quality and not accompa-
4. flushed feeling in the face nied by nausea, photophobia or phonophobia
5. motor incoordination 3. each headache resolves within 30 minutes
D. Headache resolves within 1 hour after treatment B. Sleep apnoea (Respiratory Disturbance Index ≥5)
with 100% O2 demonstrated by overnight polysomnography

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Headache is present upon awakening patients with mild and moderate hypertension has
D. Headache ceases within 72 hours, and does not shown no convincing relationship between blood
recur, after effective treatment of sleep apnoea pressure fluctuations over a 24-hour period and
presence or absence of headache.
Although morning headache is significantly more 10.3.1 Headache attributed to phaeochromocytoma
common in patients with sleep apnoea than in the
general population, headache present upon awak- Diagnostic criteria:
ening is a non-specific symptom which occurs in a A. Intermittent discrete attacks of headache accom-
variety of primary and secondary headache disor- panied by at least one of the following and ful-
ders, in sleep-related respiratory disorders other filling criteria C and D:
than sleep apnoea (eg, Pickwickian syndrome, 1. sweating
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), and in 2. palpitations
other primary sleep disorders such as periodic leg 3. anxiety
movements of sleep. A definitive diagnosis of 10.1.3 4. pallor
Sleep apnoea headache requires overnight B. Phaeochromocytoma demonstrated by biochem-
polysomnography. ical investigations, imaging and/or surgery
It is unclear whether the mechanism of 10.1.3 Sleep C. Headache develops concomitantly with abrupt
apnoea headache is related to hypoxia, hypercapnia or rise in blood pressure
disturbance in sleep. D. Headache resolves or markedly improves within
1 hour of normalisation of blood pressure

10.2 Dialysis headache Comments:

Paroxysmal headache occurs in 51–80% of patients
Diagnostic criteria: with phaeochromocytoma. It is often severe, frontal
A. At least 3 attacks of acute headache fulfilling cri- or occipital and is generally described as either pul-
teria C and D sating or steady in quality. An important feature of
B. The patient is on haemodialysis the headache is its short duration: <15 minutes in
C. Headache develops during at least half of 50% and <1 hour in 70% of patients. Other features
haemodialysis sessions include apprehension and/or anxiety, often with a
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after each sense of impending death, tremor, visual distur-
haemodialysis session and/or ceases altogether bances, abdominal or chest pain, nausea, vomiting
after successful transplantation and occasionally paraesthesia. The face can blanch
or flush during the attack.
Comments: The diagnosis is established by the demonstration
Headache commonly occurs in association with of increased excretion of catecholamines or cate-
hypotension and dialysis disequilibrium syndrome. cholamine metabolites, and can usually be secured
The disequilibrium syndrome may begin as by analysis of a single 24-hour urine sample col-
headache and then progress to obtundation and lected when the patient is hypertensive or
finally coma, with or without seizures. This syn- symptomatic.
drome is relatively rare and may be prevented by When hypertensive encephalopathy is present,
changing dialysis parameters. headache is coded as 10.3.3 Headache attributed to
As caffeine is rapidly removed by dialysis, 8.4.1 hypertensive encephalopathy. When the diagnosis of
Caffeine-withdrawal headache should be considered in phaeochromocytoma has not yet been made, and
patients who consume large quantities of caffeine. hypertensive encephalopathy is not present, patients
may meet the diagnostic criteria for 10.3.2 Headache
10.3 Headache attributed to arterial hypertension attributed to hypertensive crisis without hypertensive
Mild (140–159/90–99 mm Hg) or moderate (160–
10.3.2 Headache attributed to hypertensive crisis
179/100–109 mm Hg) chronic arterial hypertension
without hypertensive encephalopathy
does not appear to cause headache. Whether moder-
ate hypertension predisposes to headache at all Diagnostic criteria:
remains controversial, but there is little evidence that A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
it does. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. bilateral accompanied by a diastolic blood pressure of >120

2. pulsating quality mm Hg, and by grade 3 or 4 hypertensive retinopa-
3. precipitated by physical activity thy (Keith-Wagner classification), previously nor-
B. Hypertensive crisis defined as a paroxysmal rise motensive individuals may develop signs of
in systolic (to >160 mm Hg) and/or diastolic (to encephalopathy with blood pressures as low as
>120 mm Hg) blood pressure but no clinical fea- 160/100 mmHg. Hypertensive retinopathy may not
tures of hypertensive encephalopathy be present at the time of clinical presentation.
C. Headache develops during hypertensive crisis Any cause of hypertension, including phaeochro-
D. Headache resolves within 1 hour after normali- mocytoma and ingestion of vasopressor toxins, can
sation of blood pressure lead to hypertensive encephalopathy.
E. Appropriate investigations have ruled out vaso-
pressor toxins or medications as causative factors 10.3.4 Headache attributed to pre-eclampsia

Comment: Diagnostic criteria:

Paroxysmal hypertension may occur in association A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
with failure of baroreceptor reflexes (after carotid acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
endarterectomy or subsequent to irradiation of the 1. bilateral
neck) or in patients with enterochromaffin cell 2. pulsating quality
tumours. 3. aggravated by physical activity
B. Pregnancy or puerperium (up to 7 days post-
partum), and pre-eclampsia defined by both of
10.3.3 Headache attributed to hypertensive the following:
encephalopathy 1. hypertension (>140/90 mm Hg) documented
Diagnostic criteria: on two blood pressure readings at least 4
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- hours apart
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: 2. urinary protein excretion >0.3 g per 24 hours
1. diffuse pain C. Headache develops during periods of high blood
2. pulsating quality pressure
3. aggravated by physical activity D. Headache resolves within 7 days after effective
B. Persistent blood pressure elevation to >160/100 treatment of hypertension
mm Hg with at least two of the following: E. Appropriate investigations have ruled out vaso-
1. confusion pressor toxins, medications or phaeochromocy-
2. reduced level of consciousness toma as causative factors
3. visual disturbances (other than those of typical Comment:
migraine aura) including blindness A placenta appears essential for the development
4. seizures of pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a multi-system
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to disorder with various forms. In addition to hyper-
blood pressure elevation tension and proteinuria, tissue oedema, thrombocy-
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after effec- topenia and abnormalities in liver function can
tive treatment and control of hypertension occur. Pre-eclampsia appears to involve a strong
E. Other causes of the neurological symptoms have maternal inflammatory response, with broad
been excluded immunological systemic activity.
10.3.5 Headache attributed to eclampsia
Hypertensive encephalopathy is thought to occur
when compensatory cerebrovascular vasoconstric- Diagnostic criteria:
tion can no longer prevent cerebral hyperperfusion A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
as blood pressure rises. As normal cerebral autoregu- acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
lation of blood flow is overwhelmed, endothelial 1. bilateral
permeability increases and cerebral oedema occurs. 2. pulsating quality
On MRI, this is often most prominent in the parieto- 3. aggravated by physical activity
occipital white matter. B. Pregnancy or puerperium (up to 4 weeks post-
Although hypertensive encephalopathy in partum), and eclampsia defined by all of the
patients with chronic arterial hypertension is usually following:

© International Headache Society 2003


1. hypertension (>140/90 mm Hg) documented 1. bilateral

on two blood pressure readings at least 4 2. non-pulsatile
hours apart 3. continuous
2. urinary protein excretion >0.3 g per 24 hours B. Hypothyroidism is demonstrated by appropriate
3. a seizure has occurred investigations
C. Headache develops during periods of high blood C. Headache develops within 2 months after other
pressure symptoms of hypothyroidism become evident
D. Headache resolves within 7 days after effective D. Headache resolves within 2 months after effec-
treatment of hypertension tive treatment of hypothyroidism
E. Appropriate investigations have ruled out vaso-
pressor toxins, medications or phaeochromocy- Comment:
toma as causative factors It has been estimated that approximately 30% of
F. Stroke has been excluded patients with hypothyroidism suffer from headache.
Its mechanism is unclear. There is a female prepon-
Comment: derance and often a history of migraine in child-
Case reports indicate that eclampsia can occur in the hood. Headache attributed to hypothyroidism is not
puerperium as well as during pregnancy. associated with nausea or vomiting.

10.3.6 Headache attributed to acute pressor 10.5 Headache attributed to fasting

response to an exogenous agent
Coded elsewhere:
Coded elsewhere: Hypoglycaemia-induced migraine is coded accord-
8.1.6 Cocaine-induced headache. ing to subtype under 1. Migraine, with hypogly-
caemia considered as a precipitating factor.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- Diagnostic criteria:
filling criteria C and D A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
B. An appropriate agent or toxin has been adminis- acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
tered or ingested and an acute rise in blood pres- 1. frontal location
sure has occurred 2. diffuse pain
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to 3. non-pulsating quality
the acute rise in blood pressure 4. mild or moderate intensity
D. Headache resolves within 24 hours after normal- B. The patient has fasted for >16 hours
isation of blood pressure C. Headache develops during fasting
E. No other mechanism for the headache is D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after resump-
apparent tion of food intake

Comments: Comments:
Apart from cocaine, agents that can produce acute Headache with fasting is significantly more common
elevations of blood pressure include sympath- in individuals with a prior history of headache. In
omimetics and amphetamines, and monoamine those individuals with a prior history of migraine,
oxidase inhibitors when interactions with tyramine- the headache may resemble 1.1 Migraine without
containing foods occur. aura.
There is insufficient evidence to set criteria for The likelihood of headache developing as a result
how large an elevation in blood pressure is required of a fast increases with the duration of the fast.
to produce headache, and this may vary from person The headache associated with fasting does not
to person. Criterion D is arbitrary, but included to appear to be related to duration of sleep, to caffeine
increase the specificity of the diagnostic criteria. withdrawal or to hypoglycaemia. Although
headache may occur under conditions of hypogly-
caemia-induced brain dysfunction, there is no con-
10.4 Headache attributed to hypothyroidism
clusive evidence to support a causal association.
Diagnostic criteria: Fasting headache can occur in the absence of hypo-
A. Headache with at least one of the following char- glycaemia, insulin-induced hypoglycaemia does
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D: not precipitate headache in migraine sufferers, and

© International Headache Society 2003


headache is not a complaint of patients presenting to Appenzeller O. Altitude Headache. Headache 1972; 12:126–9.
the emergency department with symptomatic hypo- Ginsberg MD. Carbon monoxide intoxication: clinical fea-
tures, neuropathology and mechanisms of injury. J Toxicol
glycaemia. Well-controlled studies are needed to
Clin Toxicol 1985; 23:281–8.
demonstrate a causal relationship, if one exists. Heckerling PS, Leikiin JB, Maturen A, Perkins JT. Predictors
of occult carbon monoxide poisoning in patients with
10.6 Cardiac cephalalgia headache and dizziness. Ann Intern Med 1987; 107:174–6.
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Migraine without aura is of crucial importance, Edmonds RC, Greene ER, Schoene RB et al. Diving and
particularly since vasoconstrictor medications (eg, subaquative medicine. 3rd Ed. Oxford: Butterworth-
triptans, ergots) are indicated in the treatment of Heinemann;1992: pp 404–6.
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humans. Aviat Space Environ Med 1998; 69:299–306.
disorders can be triggered by exertion. Migraine-like
headache may be triggered by angina treatment such
as nitroglycerine. 10.2 Dialysis headache
Antoniazzi AL, Bigal ME, Bordini CA, Speciali JG. Headache
associated with dialysis. The IHS criteria revisited. Cepha-
10.7 Headache attributed to other disorder of lalgia 2003; 23:146–9.
homoeostasis Jameson MD, Wiegmann TB. Principles, uses, and complica-
tions of hemodialysis. Medical Clinics of North America
Diagnostic criteria: 1990; 74:945–60.
A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D
B. Evidence of a disorder of homoeostasis other 10.3 Headache attributed to arterial hypertension
than those described above Dodick DW. Recurrent short-lasting headache associated with
C. Headache develops within 2 months after onset paroxysmal hypertension: a clonidine-responsive syn-
of the disorder, and other evidence exists that the drome. Cephalalgia 2000; 20:509–14.
disorder can cause headache Gus M, Fuchs FD, Pimentel M, Rosa D, Melo AG, Moreira LB.
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after relief Behavior of ambulatory blood pressure surrounding
from the disorder of homoeostasis episodes of headache in mildly hypertensive patients. Arch
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Loh KC, Shlossberg AH, Abbott EC, Salisbury SR, Tan MH. Dexter JD, Roberts J, Byer JA. The five hour glucose tolerance
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outcome under thyroid hormone therapy. Cephalalgia 1988;

© International Headache Society 2003


11. Headache or facial pain attributed to iocervical disorder. Factors that support adding the
disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, latter diagnosis are: a very close temporal relation
sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or to the craniocervical disorder, a marked worsening
cranial structures of the pre-existing headache, very good evidence
that the craniocervical disorder can aggravate the
11.1 Headache attributed to disorder of cranial primary headache and, finally, improvement or
bone resolution of the headache after relief from the cran-
11.2 Headache attributed to disorder of neck iocervical disorder.
11.2.1 Cervicogenic headache
11.2.2 Headache attributed to retropharyngeal Definite, probable or chronic?
tendonitis A diagnosis of Headache or facial pain attributed to dis-
11.2.3 Headache attributed to craniocervical order of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth,
dystonia mouth or other facial or cranial structures usually
11.3 Headache attributed to disorder of eyes becomes definite only when the headache resolves
11.3.1 Headache attributed to acute glaucoma or greatly improves after effective treatment or spon-
11.3.2 Headache attributed to refractive errors taneous remission of the craniocervical disorder. If
11.3.3 Headache attributed to heterophoria or this disorder cannot be treated effectively or does not
heterotropia (latent or manifest squint) remit spontaneously, or when there has been insuf-
11.3.4 Headache attributed to ocular ficient time for this to happen, a diagnosis of
inflammatory disorder Headache probably attributed to the [specified] craniocer-
11.4 Headache attributed to disorder of ears vical disorder is usually applied.
11.5 Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis If the craniocervical disorder is effectively treated
11.6 Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or remits spontaneously but headache does not
or related structures resolve or markedly improve after 3 months, the per-
11.7 Headache or facial pain attributed to sisting headache has other mechanisms. Neverthe-
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder less, A11.9 Chronic post-craniocervical disorder headache
11.8 Headache attributed to other disorder of is described in the appendix. Headaches meeting
cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, these criteria exist but have been poorly studied and
mouth or other facial or cervical structures the appendix entry is intended to stimulate further
research into such headaches and their mechanisms.

Coded elsewhere:
Headaches that are due to head or neck trauma are Disorders of the cervical spine and of other struc-
classified under 5. Headache attributed to head and/or tures of the neck and head have not infrequently
neck trauma. Neuralgiform headaches are classified been regarded as the commonest causes of headache,
under 13. Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial since many headaches originate from the cervical,
pain. nuchal or occipital regions or are localised there.
Moreover, degenerative changes in the cervical spine
can be found in virtually all people over 40 years of
General comment
age. The localisation of pain and the X-ray detection
Primary or secondary headache or both? of degenerative changes have been plausible reasons
When a new headache occurs for the first time in for regarding the cervical spine as the most frequent
close temporal relation to a craniocervical disorder, cause of headaches. However, large-scale controlled
it is coded as a secondary headache attributed to that studies have shown that such changes are just as
disorder. This is also true if the headache has the widespread among individuals who do not suffer
characteristics of migraine, tension-type headache or from headaches. Spondylosis or osteochondrosis
cluster headache. When a pre-existing primary cannot therefore be seen as the explanation of
headache is made worse in close temporal relation headaches. A similar situation applies to other wide-
to a craniocervical disorder, there are two possibil- spread disorders: chronic sinusitis, temporo-
ities, and judgment is required. The patient can mandibular joint disorders and refractive errors of
either be given only the diagnosis of the pre-existing the eyes.
primary headache or be given both this diagnosis Without specific criteria it would be possible for
and the diagnosis of headache attributed to the cran- virtually any type of headache to be classified as

© International Headache Society 2003


Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, headache, 11.2.2 Headache attributed to retropharyngeal
neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial tendonitis or 11.2.3 Headache attributed to craniocervical
or cranial structures, and this problem existed in the dystonia is not sufficiently validated.
past. It is not sufficient merely to list manifestations
of headaches in order to define them, since these
11.2.1 Cervicogenic headache
manifestations are not unique. The purpose of the
criteria in this chapter is not to describe headaches Previously used term:
in all their possible subforms, but rather to establish Cervical headache
specific causal relationships between headaches and
facial pain and the disorders of the cranium, neck, Coded elsewhere:
eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth and other Headache causally associated with cervical myofas-
facial or cranial structures where these exist. For this cial tender spots is coded as 2.1.1 Infrequent episodic
reason it has been necessary to identify strict specific tension-type headache associated with pericranial tender-
operational criteria for cervicogenic headache and ness, 2.2.1 Frequent episodic tension-type headache
other causes of headache described in this chapter. It associated with pericranial tenderness or 2.3.1 Chronic
is not possible here to take account of diagnostic tests tension-type headache associated with pericranial
that are unconfirmed or for which quality criteria tenderness.
have not been investigated. Instead the aim of the
revised criteria is to motivate as a future task the Diagnostic criteria:
development of reliable and valid operational tests A. Pain, referred from a source in the neck and per-
to establish specific causal relationships between ceived in one or more regions of the head and/or
headaches and craniocervical disorders that are cur- face, fulfilling criteria C and D
rently available only to a very limited extent. B. Clinical, laboratory and/or imaging evidence of
Headache disorders attributed to causes included a disorder or lesion within the cervical spine or
here for the first time are 11.2.3 Headache attributed to soft tissues of the neck known to be, or generally
craniocervical dystonia and 11.3.4 Headache attributed to accepted as, a valid cause of headache1
ocular inflammatory disorders. C. Evidence that the pain can be attributed to the
neck disorder or lesion based on at least one of
11.1 Headache attributed to disorder of cranial bone the following:
1. demonstration of clinical signs that implicate
Diagnostic criteria: a source of pain in the neck2
A. Pain in one or more regions of the head or face 2. abolition of headache following diagnostic
fulfilling criteria C and D blockade of a cervical structure or its nerve
B. Clinical, laboratory and/or imaging evidence of supply using placebo- or other adequate
a lesion within the cranial bone known to be, or controls3
generally accepted as, a valid cause of headache1 D. Pain resolves within 3 months after successful
C. Pain develops in close temporal relation to and is treatment of the causative disorder or lesion
maximal over the bone lesion
D. Pain resolves within 3 months after successful Notes:
treatment of the bone lesion 1. Tumours, fractures, infections and rheumatoid
Note: arthritis of the upper cervical spine have not been
1. Most disorders of the skull (eg, congenital abnor- validated formally as causes of headache, but are
malities, fractures, tumours, metastases) are nevertheless accepted as valid causes when
usually not accompanied by headache. Excep- demonstrated to be so in individual cases. Cervi-
tions of importance are osteomyelitis, multiple cal spondylosis and osteochondritis are NOT
myeloma and Paget’s disease. Headache may accepted as valid causes fulfilling criterion B.
also be caused by lesions of the mastoid, and by When myofascial tender spots are the cause, the
petrositis. headache should be coded under 2. Tension-type
2. Clinical signs acceptable for criterion C1 must
11.2 Headache attributed to disorder of neck
have demonstrated reliability and validity. The
Comment: future task is the identification of such reliable
Headache attributed to disorder of neck but not ful- and valid operational tests. Clinical features such
filling the criteria for any of 11.2.1 Cervicogenic as neck pain, focal neck tenderness, history of

© International Headache Society 2003


neck trauma, mechanical exacerbation of pain, C. Evidence that pain is attributed to muscular
unilaterality, coexisting shoulder pain, reduced hyperactivity based on at least one of the
range of motion in the neck, nuchal onset, nausea, following:
vomiting, photophobia etc are not unique to cer- 1. demonstration of clinical signs that implicate
vicogenic headache. These may be features of cer- a source of pain in the hyperactive muscle (eg,
vicogenic headache, but they do not define the pain is precipitated or exacerbated by muscle
relationship between the disorder and the source contraction, movements, sustained posture or
of the headache. external pressure)
3. Abolition of headache means complete relief of 2. simultaneous onset of pain and muscular
headache, indicated by a score of zero on a visual hyperactivity
analogue scale (VAS). Nevertheless, acceptable as D. Pain resolves within 3 months after successful
fulfilling criterion C2 is ≥90% reduction in pain to treatment of the causative disorder
a level of <5 on a 100-point VAS.
11.2.2 Headache attributed to retropharyngeal Focal dystonias of the head and neck accompanied
tendonitis by pain are pharyngeal dystonia, spasmodic torti-
collis, mandibular dystonia, lingual dystonia and a
Diagnostic criteria: combination of the cranial and cervical dystonias
A. Unilateral or bilateral non-pulsating pain in the (segmental craniocervical dystonia). Pain is caused
back of the neck, radiating to the back of the head by local contractions and secondary changes.
or to the whole head and fulfilling criteria C and
B. Swollen prevertebral soft tissues, in adults meas- 11.3 Headache attributed to disorder of eyes
uring >7 mm at the level between C1 and C4
(special X-ray technique may be required) 11.3.1 Headache attributed to acute glaucoma
C. Pain is aggravated severely by bending the head Diagnostic criteria:
backwards A. Pain in the eye and behind or above it, fulfilling
D. Pain is alleviated within 2 weeks of treatment criteria C and D
with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in B. Raised intraocular pressure, with at least one of
their recommended doses the following:
1. conjunctival injection
Comments: 2. clouding of cornea
Body temperature and erythrocyte sedimentation 3. visual disturbances
rate (ESR) are usually elevated. Although retroflex- C. Pain develops simultaneously with glaucoma
ion of the neck most consistently aggravates pain, D. Pain resolves within 72 hours of effective treat-
this also usually happens with rotation and swal- ment of glaucoma
lowing. The transverse processes of the upper three
vertebrae are usually tender to palpation.
In several cases amorphous calcific material has 11.3.2 Headache attributed to refractive errors
been aspirated from the swollen prevertebral tissues. Diagnostic criteria:
Thin calcification in prevertebral tissues is best seen A. Recurrent mild headache, frontal and in the eyes
on CT. themselves, fulfilling criteria C and D
Upper carotid dissection should be ruled out. B. Uncorrected or miscorrected refractive error (eg,
hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, wearing of
incorrect glasses)
11.2.3 Headache attributed to craniocervical
C. Headache and eye pain first develop in close
temporal relation to the refractive error, are
Diagnostic criteria: absent on awakening and aggravated by pro-
A. Sensation of cramp, tension or pain in the neck, longed visual tasks at the distance or angle where
radiating to the back of the head or to the whole vision is impaired
head and fulfilling criteria C and D D. Headache and eye pain resolve within 7 days,
B. Abnormal movements or defective posture of and do not recur, after full correction of the
neck or head due to muscular hyperactivity refractive error

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Headache and otalgia develop in close temporal

11.3.3 Headache attributed to heterophoria or
relation to the structural lesion
heterotropia (latent or manifest squint)
D. Headache and otalgia resolve simultaneously
Diagnostic criteria: with remission or successful treatment of the
A. Recurrent non-pulsatile mild-to-moderate frontal structural lesion
headache fulfilling criteria C and D
B. Heterophoria or heterotropia has been demon-
strated, with at least one of the following:
There is no evidence that any pathology of the ear
1. intermittent blurred vision or diplopia
can cause headache without concomitant otalgia.
2. difficulty in adjusting focus from near to
Structural lesions of the pinna, external auditory
distant objects or vice versa
canal, tympanic membrane or middle ear may give
C. At least one of the following:
rise to primary otalgia associated with headache.
1. headache develops or worsens during a visual
However, only about 50% of all cases of earache
task, especially one that is tiring
are due to structural lesions of the external or middle
2. headache is relieved or improved on closing
ear. Disorders outside this region may lead to referred
one eye
otalgia as a result of radiation of pain into the ear
D. Headache resolves within 7 days, and does not
region. Sensory fibres of the fifth, seventh, ninth and
recur, after appropriate correction of vision
tenth cranial nerves project into the auricle, external
auditory canal, tympanic membrane and middle ear.
11.3.4 Headache attributed to ocular inflammatory For this reason referred pain from remote structural
disorder lesions in any of the anatomical regions to which
these nerves project can be felt as referred otalgia.
Diagnostic criteria:
Since these are not disorders of the ear they are
A. Pain in the eye and behind or around it, fulfilling
coded elsewhere according to the site and/or nature
criteria C and D
of the lesion(s).
B. Ocular inflammation diagnosed by appropriate
C. Headache develops during inflammation
11.5 Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis
D. Headache resolves within 7 days after relief of
the inflammatory disorder Coded elsewhere:
‘Sinus headaches’
Ocular inflammation takes many forms, and may
Diagnostic criteria:
be categorised variously by anatomical site (ie, iritis,
A. Frontal headache accompanied by pain in one or
cyclitis, choroiditis), by course (acute, subacute,
more regions of the face, ears or teeth and fulfill-
chronic), by presumed cause (infectious agents that
ing criteria C and D
are endogenous or exogenous, lens-related, trau-
B. Clinical, nasal endoscopic, CT and/or MRI
matic), or by type of inflammation (granulomatous,
imaging and/or laboratory evidence of acute or
acute-on-chronic rhinosinusitis1;2
C. Headache and facial pain develop simultane-
11.4 Headache attributed to disorder of ears ously with onset or acute exacerbation of rhino-
Coded elsewhere:
D. Headache and/or facial pain resolve within 7
Headache attributed to acoustic neuroma is coded
days after remission or successful treatment of
as 7.4.2 Headache attributed directly to neoplasm.
acute or acute-on-chronic rhinosinusitis
Headache attributed to a lesion, not of the ear, giving
rise to referred otalgia is coded according to the site
and/or nature of the lesion. Notes:
1. Clinical evidence may include purulence in the
Diagnostic criteria: nasal cavity, nasal obstruction, hyposmia/
A. Headache accompanied by otalgia and fulfilling anosmia and/or fever.
criteria C and D 2. Chronic sinusitis is not validated as a cause of
B. Structural lesion of the ear diagnosed by appro- headache or facial pain unless relapsing into an
priate investigations acute stage.

© International Headache Society 2003


Comments: B. X-ray, MRI and/or bone scintigraphy demon-

Other conditions that are often considered to induce strate TMJ disorder
headache are not sufficiently validated as causes of C. Evidence that pain can be attributed to the TMJ
headache. These include deviation of nasal septum, disorder, based on at least one of the following:
hypertrophy of turbinates, atrophy of sinus mem- 1. pain is precipitated by jaw movements and/or
branes and mucosal contact. The last, however, is chewing of hard or tough food
defined in the appendix under A11.5.1 Mucosal 2. reduced range of or irregular jaw opening
contact point headache. 3. noise from one or both TMJs during jaw move-
Migraine and tension-type headache are often ments
confused with 11.5 Headache attributed to rhinosinusi- 4. tenderness of the joint capsule(s) of one or
tis because of similarity in location of the headache. both TMJs
A group of patients can be identified who have all of D. Headache resolves within 3 months, and does
the features of 1.1 Migraine without aura and, addi- not recur, after successful treatment of the TMJ
tionally, concomitant clinical features such as facial disorder
pain, nasal congestion and headache triggered by
weather changes. None of these patients have puru- Comment:
lent nasal discharge or other features diagnostic of Pain from the temporomandibular joint or related
acute rhinosinusitis. Therefore it is necessary to dif- tissues is common. It is due to the so-called tem-
ferentiate 11.5 Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis poromandibular joint disorders (eg, disk displace-
from so-called ‘sinus headaches’, a commonly-made ments, osteoarthritis, joint hypermobility) or
but non-specific diagnosis. Most such cases fulfil the rheumatoid arthritis, and may be associated with
criteria for 1.1 Migraine without aura, with headache myofascial pain and headache.
either accompanied by prominent autonomic symp-
toms in the nose or triggered by nasal changes. 11.8 Headache attributed to other disorder of cranium,
neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other
facial or cervical structures
11.6 Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or
related structures Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, with or without pain in one or more
Diagnostic criteria:
regions of the face, fulfilling criteria C and D
A. Headache accompanied by pain in the teeth
B. Evidence of disorder, other than those described
and/or jaw(s) and fulfilling criteria C and D
above, of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses,
B. Evidence of disorder of teeth, jaws or related
teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structure
C. Headache develops in close temporal relation to,
C. Headache and pain in teeth and/or jaw(s)
or other evidence exists of a causal relationship
develop in close temporal relation to the disorder
with, the disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears,
D. Headache and pain in teeth and/or jaw(s) resolve
nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cer-
within 3 months after successful treatment of the
vical structure
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc-
cessful treatment of the disorder
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sion in acute calcific prevertebral tendonitis: diagnosis with logic hypothesis. Headache 1998; 38:787–91.
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Kenny TJ, Duncavage J, Bracikowski J, Yildirim A, Murray JJ, Egermark I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. A 20-year longitudi-
Tanner SB. Prospective analysis of sinus symptoms and cor- nal study of subjective symptoms of temporomandibular
relation with paranasal computed tomography scan. Oto- disorders from childhood to adulthood. Acta Odontol
laryngol Head Neck Surg 2001; 125:40–3. Scand 2001; 59:40–8.
Lam DK, Lawrence HP, Tenenbaum HC. Aural symptoms in Epstein JB, Caldwell J, Black G. The utility of panoramic
temporomandibular disorder patients attending a craniofa- imaging of the temporomandibular joint in patients with
cial pain unit. J Orofac Pain 2001; 15:146–57. temporomandibular disorders. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
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of the Rhinosinusitis Task Force Committee of the Ameri- Henrikson T, Ekberg EC, Nilner M. Symptoms and signs of
can Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. temporomandibular disorders in girls with normal occlu-
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phone use and subjective symptoms. Comparison of symp- Marcusson A, List T, Paulin G, Dworkin S. Temporo-
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© International Headache Society 2003


12. Headache attributed to psychiatric nostic categories included in this classification are
disorder those rare cases in which a headache occurs in the
context of a psychiatric condition that is known to
12.1 Headache attributed to somatisation disorder be symptomatically manifested by headache (eg, a
12.2 Headache attributed to psychotic disorder patient who reports a headache associated with the
delusion that a metal plate has been surreptitiously
inserted into his or her head, or headache that is
Coded elsewhere: a manifestation of somatisation disorder). The vast
Headache attributed to substance-dependence, majority of headaches that occur in association with
abuse or withdrawal, headache attributed to acute psychiatric disorders are not causally related to them
intoxication and headache attributed to medication but instead represent comorbidity (perhaps reflect-
overuse are all coded under 8. Headache attributed to ing a common biological substrate). Headache has
a substance or its withdrawal. been reported to be comorbid with a number of psy-
chiatric disorders, including major depressive disor-
General comment der, dysthymic disorder, panic disorder, generalised
anxiety disorder, somatoform disorders and adjust-
Primary or secondary headache or both? ment disorders. In such cases, both a primary
When a new headache occurs for the first time in close headache diagnosis and the comorbid psychiatric
temporal relation to a psychiatric disorder, it is coded diagnosis should be made.
as a secondary headache attributed to that disorder. However, clinical experience suggests that, in
This is also true if the headache has the characteris- some cases, headache occurring exclusively during
tics of migraine, tension-type headache or cluster some common psychiatric disorders such as major
headache. When a pre-existing primary headache is depressive disorder, panic disorder, generalised
made worse in close temporal relation to a psychiatric anxiety disorder and undifferentiated somatoform
disorder, there are two possibilities, and judgment disorder may best be considered as attributed to
is required. The patient can either be given only the these disorders. To encourage further research into
diagnosis of the pre-existing primary headache or this area, criteria for headaches attributed to these
be given both this diagnosis and the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders have been included in the
headache attributed to the psychiatric disorder. appendix.
Factors that support adding the latter diagnosis are: A headache diagnosis should heighten the clini-
a very close temporal relation to the psychiatric cian’s index of suspicion for major depressive disor-
disorder, a marked worsening of the pre-existing der, panic disorder and generalised anxiety disorder,
headache, very good evidence that the psychiatric and vice-versa. Furthermore, evidence suggests that
disorder can aggravate the primary headache and, the presence of a comorbid psychiatric disorder
finally, improvement or resolution of the headache tends to worsen the course of migraine and/or
after relief from the psychiatric disorder. tension-type headache by increasing the frequency
and severity of headache and making it less respon-
Definite, probable or chronic?
sive to treatment. Thus, identification and treatment
A diagnosis of Headache attributed to psychiatric disor-
of any comorbid psychiatric condition is important
der usually becomes definite only when the
for the proper management of the headache. In chil-
headache resolves or greatly improves after effective
dren and adolescents, primary headache disorders
treatment or spontaneous remission of the psychi-
(migraine, episodic tension-type and especially
atric disorder. If this disorder cannot be treated effec-
chronic tension-type headache) are often comorbid
tively or does not remit spontaneously, or when
with psychiatric disorder. Sleep disorder, separation-
there has been insufficient time for this to happen, a
anxiety disorder, school phobia, adjustment disorder
diagnosis of Headache probably attributed to psychiatric
and other disorders usually first diagnosed in
disorder is usually applied.
infancy, childhood or adolescence (particularly
Chronic headache attributed to and persisting
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD],
after resolution of a psychiatric disorder has not yet
conduct disorder, learning disorder, enuresis, enco-
been described.
presis, tic) should be carefully looked for and treated
if found, considering their negative burden in dis-
ability and prognosis of paediatric headache.
Overall, there is very limited evidence supporting To ascertain whether a headache should be attrib-
psychiatric causes of headache. Thus, the only diag- uted to a psychiatric disorder, it is clearly important

© International Headache Society 2003


first to determine whether or not there is a psychi- to result in the seeking of medical help or the taking
atric disorder present with the headache. Optimally, of a medication (prescribed or over-the-counter), or
this entails conducting a psychiatric evaluation to affect the person’s functioning (eg, causing missed
for the presence of a psychiatric disorder. At a days at work). DSM-IV has set such a high thresh-
minimum, however, it is important to inquire about old in order to reduce false positives, most particu-
commonly co-morbid psychiatric symptoms such as larly the possibility that the ‘unexplained’ symptoms
generalised anxiety, panic attacks and depression. are in fact part of a complex and as yet undiagnosed
medical condition with variable symptom presenta-
tion such as multiple sclerosis or systemic lupus ery-
12.1 Headache attributed to somatisation disorder
thematosus. Somatoform disorders with fewer than
Diagnostic criteria: eight symptoms are diagnosed in DSM-IV as Undif-
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- ferentiated somatoform disorder. Because of the diffi-
filling criterion C culty and uncertainty associated with this diagnosis,
B. Presence of somatisation disorder fulfilling DSM- A12.6 Headache attributed to undifferentiated somato-
IV criteria: form disorder is included only in the appendix.
1. history of many physical complaints begin- To ascertain whether headache is part of the pres-
ning before age 30 that occur over a period of entation of somatisation disorder, it is important to
several years and result in treatment being ask whether the patient has a history of multiple
sought and/or in significant impairment in somatic complaints, since at any one time the patient
social, occupational or other important areas may be focused on one particular complaint. Con-
of functioning sider the following case scenario (from Yutzy, 2003):
2. at least four pain symptoms, two non-pain
gastrointestinal symptoms, one sexual or A 35-year-old woman presented with a complaint
reproductive symptom and one pseudoneuro- of extreme headaches, ‘like a knife being stuck
logical symptom through the back of my head into my eye,’ as well
3. after appropriate investigation, each of these as other headaches virtually every day. After
symptoms cannot be fully explained by a medical and neurological examinations failed to
known general medical condition or the direct suggest any specific aetiology for either headache,
effects of a substance or medication; or, if there it was important to take a careful history of past
is a related medical condition, the complaints symptoms. In this case, the woman also reported
or impairment are in excess of what would be a history of other pains, including abdominal pain
expected from the history, examination or lab- associated at times with nausea and vomiting,
oratory findings periods of constipation followed by diarrhoea
C. Headache is not attributed to another cause which had resulted in investigation for gallblad-
der and peptic ulcer disease with no significant
Comments: findings, and pain ‘in all of my joints’ but particu-
Somatisation disorder, as defined in DSM-IV, is a larly in her knees and her back that she said had
polysymptomatic disorder characterised by multiple been diagnosed as degenerative arthritis at age 27
recurring pains and gastrointestinal, sexual and years yet no deformities had developed since. She
pseudoneurological symptoms occurring for a had had menstrual problems since menarche, with
period of years with onset before age 30. These pain that put her to bed and excessive flow with
symptoms are, by definition, considered to be ‘big blue clots’, which had resolved only after
somatoform: that is, they are complaints of physical hysterectomy two years earlier at age 33 years.
symptoms suggestive of, but not fully explained by, The mother of four, she reported a long history of
a medical condition or the direct effect(s) of a sub- sexual problems including pain with intercourse.
stance. In the United States, it is found predomi- She had been told that she had a ‘tipped uterus’.
nantly in women, in whom the lifetime risk is Throughout her life, she was seldom orgasmic and
estimated to be 2.0%, with a female/male ratio of had not enjoyed sex ‘for years’. She reported
approximately 10 : 1. This ratio is not as large in some episodes of blurred vision with ‘spots’ in front of
other cultures (eg, in Greeks and Puerto Ricans). her eyes, which caused her to stop work, and other
It should be noted that the symptom requirement episodes when she just could not hear anything,
laid out in DSM-IV is quite extensive: a minimum of ‘like someone put their hands over my ears.’ She
eight somatoform symptoms must have occurred also reported periods of uncontrollable shaking
over the patient’s lifetime, each one severe enough and a feeling that she was losing control of her

© International Headache Society 2003


body, for which she had been investigated for Comments:

seizures. She reported that, at times, she had Delusions, as defined in DSM-IV, are false fixed
feared having some serious medical disease but beliefs based on incorrect inference about reality that
‘with all the work-ups I have had, I am sure they are firmly held despite obvious proof to the contrary.
would have found something by now.’ Delusions, like any firmly-held belief, can be about
virtually anything. In 12.2 Headache attributed to psy-
As was evident after a complete medical history, chotic disorder, the delusion specifically involves the
the headaches were part of a much more involved presence of headache. In some instances, the delu-
syndrome. This woman had had multiple physical sion may involve a false belief that a serious medical
complaints with onset before age 30 that had no ade- condition (eg, brain tumour) is present and is the
quate medical explanation, were severe enough to cause of the headache, despite repeated and appro-
cause her to seek medical attention and affected priate authoritative reassurance that no such
a variety of organ systems meeting the DSM-IV cri- medical condition is present. In other cases, the
teria for Somatization disorder (ie, at least four pain content of the delusion may be more bizarre: for
symptoms [headaches, abdominal pain, back pain example, a delusion that a transmitter has been sur-
and knee pain], at least two non-pain gastrointesti- gically implanted into one’s head and that the trans-
nal symptoms [nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and mitter is the cause of the headache.
constipation], at least one sexual or reproductive Delusional headache is apparently very rare and
symptom [pain on intercourse, excessive menstrual no empirical data are available about this condition.
flow, loss of sexual enjoyment] and at least one
pseudoneurological symptom [muffled hearing,
Bibliography and reference
uncontrollable shaking, blurred vision, spots in
visual field]). Thus, her headaches would be cor- Curioso EP, Young WB, Shecter AL, Kaiser R. Psychiatric
rectly diagnosed as 12.1 Headache attributed to soma- comorbidity predicts outcome in chronic daily headache
tisation disorder. patients. Neurology 1999; 52 (Suppl 2): A471.
Canestri P, Galli F, Guidetti V, Tomaciello A. Chronic Daily
Headache in children and adolescents: a two years follow-
12.2 Headache attributed to psychotic disorder up. Cephalalgia 2001; 21:288.
Guidetti V, Galli F, Fabrizi P, Napoli L, Giannantoni AS, Bruni
Previously used terms: O, Trillo S. Headache and psychiatric comorbidity: clinical
Delusional headache aspects and outcome in an 8-year follow-up study. Cepha-
lalgia 1998; 18:455–62.
Diagnostic criteria: Lake A. Behavioral and nonpharmacologic treatments of
headache. Med Clin North Am 2001; 85:1055–75.
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
Marazzitti D, Toni C, Pedri S, Bonucelli U et al. Prevalence of
filling criteria C–E headache syndromes in panic disorder. Int Clin Psy-
B. Delusional belief about the presence and/or aeti- chopharmacol 1999; 14:247–251.
ology of headache1 occurring in the context of Mitsikostas DD, Thomas AM. Comorbidity of headache and
delusional disorder, schizophrenia, major depres- depressive disorders. Cephalalgia 1999; 19:211–217.
sive episode with psychotic features, manic Pakalnis A, Greenberg G, Drake ME, Paolich J. Pediatric
episode with psychotic features or other psy- migraine prophylaxis with divalproex. J Child Neurol 2001;
chotic disorder fulfilling DSM-IV criteria
Radat F, Sakh D, Lutz G, el Amrani M, Ferreri M, Bousser MG.
C. Headache occurs only when delusional Psychiatric comorbidity is related to headache induced by
D. Headache resolves when delusions remit chronic substance use in migraineurs. Headache 1999;
E. Headache is not attributed to another cause 39:477–80.
Radat F, Psychopathology and headache. Rev Neurol 2000;
Note: 156 (Suppl 4):4S62–7.
1. For example, a patient’s false conviction that he Yutzy S. Somatoform disorders. In: Tasman A, Kay J, Lieber-
man JA. Psychiatry, 2nd ed. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons
or she has a brain tumour or intracranial mass
2003: pp. 1419–20.
giving rise to headache, which would fulfil DSM-
IV criteria for Delusional disorder, somatic type.

© International Headache Society 2003

Part three

Cranial neuralgias, central and primary facial pain

and other headaches

13. Cranial neuralgias and central causes central pathways may give rise to stabbing or con-
of facial pain stant pain felt in the area innervated.
The cause may be clear, such as infection by herpes
13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia zoster or a structural abnormality demonstrated by
13.1.1 Classical trigeminal neuralgia imaging, but in some cases there may be no cause
13.1.2 Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia apparent for neuralgic pain.
13.2 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgias
13.2.1 Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia present a problem of terminology. When pain is
13.2.2 Symptomatic glossopharyngeal found to result from compression of the nerve by a
neuralgia vascular loop at operation, the neuralgia should
13.3 Nervus intermedius neuralgia strictly be regarded as secondary. Since many
13.4 Superior laryngeal neuralgia patients do not come to operation, it remains uncer-
13.5 Nasociliary neuralgia tain as to whether they have primary or secondary
13.6 Supraorbital neuralgia neuralgias. For this reason the term classical rather
13.7 Other terminal branch neuralgias than primary has been applied to those patients with
13.8 Occipital neuralgia a typical history even though a vascular source of
13.9 Neck-tongue syndrome compression may be discovered during its course.
13.10 External compression headache The term secondary can then be reserved for those
13.11 Cold-stimulus headache patients in whom a neuroma or similar lesion is
13.11.1 Headache attributed to external demonstrated.
application of a cold stimulus Another difficulty arises with the condition that
13.11.2 Headache attributed to ingestion or used to be known as atypical facial pain (an inappro-
inhalation of a cold stimulus priate term since many cases conform to a pattern).
13.12 Constant pain caused by compression, The fact that some cases follow surgery or injury to
irritation or distortion of cranial nerves or the face, teeth or gums suggests the possibility of an
upper cervical roots by structural lesions infectious or traumatic cause. Until more is known
13.13 Optic neuritis of the condition, persistent idiopathic facial pain seems
13.14 Ocular diabetic neuropathy a preferable non-committal title.
13.15 Head or facial pain attributed to herpes
zoster 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia
13.15.1 Head or facial pain attributed to
acute herpes zoster Previously used term:
13.15.2 Post-herpetic neuralgia Tic douloureux
13.16 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
13.17 Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’ 13.1.1 Classical trigeminal neuralgia
13.18 Central causes of facial pain
13.18.1 Anaesthesia dolorosa Description:
13.18.2 Central post-stroke pain Trigeminal neuralgia is a unilateral disorder charac-
13.18.3 Facial pain attributed to multiple terised by brief electric shock-like pains, abrupt in
sclerosis onset and termination, limited to the distribution of
13.18.4 Persistent idiopathic facial pain one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Pain
13.18.5 Burning mouth syndrome is commonly evoked by trivial stimuli including
13.19 Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally washing, shaving, smoking, talking and/or brush-
mediated facial pain ing the teeth (trigger factors) and frequently occurs
spontaneously. Small areas in the nasolabial fold
and/or chin may be particularly susceptible to the
precipitation of pain (trigger areas). The pains
usually remit for variable periods.
Pain in the head and neck is mediated by afferent
fibres in the trigeminal nerve, nervus intermedius, Diagnostic criteria:
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves and the upper A. Paroxysmal attacks of pain lasting from a fraction
cervical roots via the occipital nerves. Stimulation of of a second to 2 minutes, affecting one or more
these nerves by compression, distortion, exposure divisions of the trigeminal nerve and fulfilling
to cold or other forms of irritation or by a lesion in criteria B and C

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Pain has at least one of the following D. A causative lesion, other than vascular compres-
characteristics: sion, has been demonstrated by special investi-
1. intense, sharp, superficial or stabbing gations and/or posterior fossa exploration
2. precipitated from trigger areas or by trigger
factors Comment:
C. Attacks are stereotyped in the individual patient There may be sensory impairment in the distribution
D. There is no clinically evident neurological deficit of the appropriate trigeminal division. 13.1.2 Symp-
E. Not attributed to another disorder tomatic trigeminal neuralgia demonstrates no refrac-
tory period after a paroxysm, unlike 13.1.1 Classical
Comments: trigeminal neuralgia.
Classical trigeminal neuralgia usually starts in the
second or third divisions, affecting the cheek or the 13.2 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
chin. In <5% of patients the first division is affected.
The pain never crosses to the opposite side but it 13.2.1 Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia
may rarely occur bilaterally, in which case a central Description:
cause such as multiple sclerosis must be considered. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a severe transient
Between paroxysms the patient is usually asympto- stabbing pain experienced in the ear, base of the
matic but a dull background pain may persist in tongue, tonsillar fossa or beneath the angle of the
some long-standing cases. Following a painful jaw. The pain is therefore felt in the distributions of
paroxysm there is usually a refractory period during the auricular and pharyngeal branches of the vagus
which pain cannot be triggered. In some cases a nerve as well as of the glossopharyngeal nerve. It
paroxysm may be triggered from somatosensory is commonly provoked by swallowing, talking or
stimuli outside the trigeminal area, such as a limb, coughing and may remit and relapse in the fashion
or by other sensory stimulation such as bright lights, of trigeminal neuralgia.
loud noises or tastes.
The pain often evokes spasm of the muscle of the Diagnostic criteria:
face on the affected side (tic douloureux). A. Paroxysmal attacks of facial pain lasting from a
The increasing frequency of posterior fossa explo- fraction of a second to 2 minutes and fulfilling
ration and magnetic resonance imaging has demon- criteria B and C
strated that many, possibly most, patients with this B. Pain has all of the following characteristics:
condition have compression of the trigeminal root by 1. unilateral location
tortuous or aberrant vessels. 2. distribution within the posterior part of the
Classical trigeminal neuralgia is usually respon- tongue, tonsillar fossa, pharynx or beneath the
sive, at least initially, to pharmacotherapy. angle of the lower jaw and/or in the ear
3. sharp, stabbing and severe
13.1.2 Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia 4. precipitated by swallowing, chewing, talking,
coughing and/or yawning
Description: C. Attacks are stereotyped in the individual patient
Pain indistinguishable from 13.1.1 Classical trigemi- D. There is no clinically evident neurological deficit
nal neuralgia but caused by a demonstrable structural E. Not attributed to another disorder1
lesion other than vascular compression.
Diagnostic criteria: 1. Other causes have been ruled out by history,
A. Paroxysmal attacks of pain lasting from a fraction physical examination and/or special investiga-
of a second to 2 minutes, with or without per- tions.
sistence of aching between paroxysms, affecting
one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve and
13.2.2 Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia
fulfilling criteria B and C
B. Pain has at least one of the following characteris- Description:
tics: Pain as in 13.2.1 Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia
1. intense, sharp, superficial or stabbing with the proviso that aching pain may persist
2. precipitated from trigger areas or by trigger between paroxysms and sensory impairment may be
factors found in the distribution of the glossopharyngeal
C. Attacks are stereotyped in the individual patient nerve.

© International Headache Society 2003


Diagnostic criteria: B. Paroxysms are triggered by swallowing, strain-

A. Paroxysmal attacks of facial pain lasting from a ing the voice or head turning
fraction of a second to 2 minutes, with or without C. A trigger point is present on the lateral aspect of
persistence of aching between paroxysms, and the throat overlying the hypothyroid membrane
fulfilling criteria B and C D. The condition is relieved by local anaesthetic
B. Pain has all of the following characteristics: block and cured by section of the superior laryn-
1. unilateral location geal nerve
2. distribution within the posterior part of the E. Not attributed to another disorder1
tongue, tonsillar fossa, pharynx or beneath the
angle of the lower jaw and/or in the ear
3. sharp, stabbing and severe
1. Other causes, in particular a structural lesion,
4. precipitated by swallowing, chewing, talking,
have been ruled out by history, physical exami-
coughing and/or yawning
nation and special investigations.
C. Attacks are stereotyped in the individual patient
D. A causative lesion has been demonstrated by
special investigations and/or surgery
13.5 Nasociliary neuralgia
13.3 Nervus intermedius neuralgia Previously used term:
Charlin’s neuralgia
A rare disorder characterised by brief paroxysms of
pain felt deeply in the auditory canal. Description:
A rare condition in which touching the outer aspect
Diagnostic criteria: of one nostril causes a lancinating pain radiating to
A. Pain paroxysms of intermittent occurrence, the medial frontal region.
lasting for seconds or minutes, in the depth of the
B. Presence of a trigger area in the posterior wall of Diagnostic criteria:
the auditory canal A. Stabbing pain lasting seconds to hours in one side
C. Not attributed to another disorder1 of the nose, radiating upwards to the medial
frontal region and fulfilling criteria B and C
Note: B. Pain is precipitated by touching the lateral aspect
1. Other causes, in particular a structural lesion, of the ipsilateral nostril
have been ruled out by history, physical exam- C. Pain is abolished by block or section of the
ination and special investigations. nasociliary nerve, or by the application of cocaine
to the nostril on the affected side
Disorders of lacrimation, salivation and/or taste
sometimes accompany the pain. There is a common 13.6 Supraorbital neuralgia
association with herpes zoster. In view of the sparse
innervation of the affected area by the nervus inter- Description:
medius some patients may have an otalgic variant of An uncommon disorder characterised by pain in the
glossopharyngeal neuralgia. region of the supraorbital notch and medial aspect
of the forehead in the area supplied by the supraor-
13.4 Superior laryngeal neuralgia bital nerve.

A rare disorder characterised by severe pain in the Diagnostic criteria:
lateral aspect of the throat, submandibular region A. Paroxysmal or constant pain in the region of the
and underneath the ear, precipitated by swallowing, supraorbital notch and medial aspect of the fore-
shouting or turning the head. head in the area supplied by the supraorbital
Diagnostic criteria: B. Tenderness over the nerve in the supraorbital
A. Pain paroxysms lasting for seconds or minutes in notch
the throat, submandibular region and/or under C. Pain is abolished by local anaesthetic blockade or
the ear and fulfilling criteria B–D ablation of the supraorbital nerve

© International Headache Society 2003


Diagnostic criteria:
13.7 Other terminal branch neuralgias
A. Pain lasting seconds or minutes, with or without
Description: simultaneous dysaesthesia, in the area of distri-
Injury or entrapment of peripheral branches of the bution of the lingual nerve and second cervical
trigeminal nerve other than the nasociliary and root and fulfilling criteria B and C
supraorbital nerves may give rise to pain referred to B. Pain has acute onset
the area innervated by the branch affected. Examples C. Pain is commonly precipitated by sudden
are neuralgias of the infraorbital, lingual, alveolar turning of the head
and mental nerves.
Diagnostic criteria: Proprioceptive fibres from the tongue enter the
A. Pain in the distribution of a peripheral branch of central nervous system through the second cervical
the trigeminal nerve other than the nasociliary or dorsal root via connections between lingual and
supraorbital nerves hypoglossal nerves and between the latter and the
B. Tenderness over the affected nerve second cervical root. There is clinical and surgical
C. Pain is abolished by local anaesthetic blockade or evidence that the C2 root is compromised by sudden
ablation of the nerve rotation of the neck, which is particularly likely
when subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint occurs.
Comment: The abnormal sensation in the ipsilateral side of the
A13.7.1 Nummular headache, described in the appen- tongue may be numbness, paraesthesia or the sen-
dix, is probably a localised terminal branch neural- sation of involuntary movement.
gia of the trigeminal nerve.

13.10 External compression headache

13.8 Occipital neuralgia
Description: Headache resulting from continued stimulation of
Occipital neuralgia is a paroxysmal jabbing pain in cutaneous nerves by the application of pressure, for
the distribution of the greater or lesser occipital example by a band around the head, a tight hat or
nerves or of the third occipital nerve, sometimes goggles worn to protect the eyes during swimming.
accompanied by diminished sensation or dysaesthe-
sia in the affected area. It is commonly associated Diagnostic criteria:
with tenderness over the nerve concerned. A. Headache with all of the following characteristics
and fulfilling criteria C and D:
Diagnostic criteria: 1. non-pulsating
A. Paroxysmal stabbing pain, with or without per- 2. increasing over minutes
sistent aching between paroxysms, in the distri- 3. no accompanying symptoms
bution(s) of the greater, lesser and/or third B. Continuing application of external pressure to
occipital nerves the forehead or scalp
B. Tenderness over the affected nerve C. Headache develops during and is maximal at the
C. Pain is eased temporarily by local anaesthetic site of pressure
block of the nerve D. Headache resolves after pressure is relieved

Comment: Comment:
Occipital neuralgia must be distinguished from External compression may lead to a more severe
occipital referral of pain from the atlantoaxial or migrainous headache if the stimulus is prolonged.
upper zygapophyseal joints or from tender trigger
points in neck muscles or their insertions.
13.11 Cold-stimulus headache
13.9 Neck-tongue syndrome 13.11.1 Headache attributed to external application
of a cold stimulus
The sudden onset of pain in the occiput or upper Description:
neck associated with abnormal sensation in the same Generalised headache following exposure of the
side of the tongue. unprotected head to a low environmental tempera-

© International Headache Society 2003


ture as in very cold weather or in diving into cold C. Pain and compression, irritation or distortion
water. occur simultaneously and correspond in location
D. Pain is relieved by removal of the cause of com-
Diagnostic criteria: pression, irritation or distortion
A. Diffuse and/or non-pulsating headache fulfilling
criteria C and D: Comments:
B. Presence of external cold stimulus to the head Structural lesions may be space-occupying (eg,
C. Headache develops during cold stimulus tumour or aneurysm) or contained within anatomi-
D. Headache resolves after removal of cold stimulus cal boundaries (eg, osteomyelitis of the cranial
bones). If there is no sensory deficit or supporting
imaging evidence, the diagnosis is doubtful.
13.11.2 Headache attributed to ingestion or Facial pain around the ear or temple may result
inhalation of a cold stimulus from invasion of the vagus nerve by lung carcinoma.
Previously used term:
Ice-cream headache 13.13 Optic neuritis

Description: Description:
Short-lasting pain, which may be severe, induced in Pain behind one or both eyes accompanied by
susceptible individuals by the passage of cold mate- impairment of central vision caused by demyelina-
rial (solid, liquid or gaseous) over the palate and/or tion of the optic nerve.
posterior pharyngeal wall.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Dull pain behind one or both eyes, worsened by
Diagnostic criteria:
eye movement and fulfilling criteria C and D
A. Acute frontal1 non-pulsatile headache fulfilling
B. Visual impairment due to a central or paracentral
criteria C and D
B. Cold stimulus to palate and/or posterior pha-
C. Onset of pain and onset of visual impairment
ryngeal wall due to ingestion of cold food or
separated by <4 weeks1
drink or to inhalation of cold air
D. Pain resolves within 4 weeks
C. Headache develops immediately, and only, after
E. A compressive lesion has been ruled out
cold stimulus
D. Headache resolves within 5 minutes after Note:
removal of cold stimulus 1. Pain precedes impairment of vision by <4 weeks.
During this time, criterion B is not fulfilled and
Note: the diagnosis is Probable optic neuritis.
1. In migrainous patients, the headache may be
referred to the usual site of migraine headache. Comments:
Vision usually improves within 4 weeks.
13.12 Constant pain caused by compression, irritation Optic neuritis is often a manifestation of multiple
or distortion of cranial nerves or upper cervical roots by sclerosis.
structural lesions
Description: 13.14 Ocular diabetic neuropathy
Constant headache or facial pain caused by a lesion Description:
directly compromising afferent fibres in nerves Pain around the eye and forehead associated with
mediating pain sensation from the head and/or paresis of one or more ocular cranial nerves (usually
neck. Sensory deficit may be detected within the the third cranial nerve) in a patient with diabetes
appropriate distribution. mellitus.

Diagnostic criteria: Diagnostic criteria:

A. Constant and/or jabbing pain in the territory A. Pain, in a patient with diabetes mellitus, devel-
supplied by a cranial sensory nerve, fulfilling cri- oping over a few hours around one eye
teria C and D B. Third cranial nerve palsy, often with sparing of
B. Evidence of compression, irritation or distortion pupillary function, and/or paresis of the fourth
of the appropriate cranial nerve and/or sixth cranial nerves

© International Headache Society 2003


C. Neuropathy develops within 7 days of onset of B. Herpetic eruption in the territory of the same
pain1 nerve
D. Not attributed to another disorder C. Pain preceded herpetic eruption by <7 days
D. Pain persists after 3 months
1. Pain precedes signs of neuropathy by <7 days. Comment:
During this time, criterion B is not fulfilled and Post-herpetic neuralgia is more often a sequel of
the diagnosis is Probable ocular diabetic neuropathy. herpes zoster as age advances, afflicting 50% of
patients contracting zoster over the age of 60 years.
13.15 Head or facial pain attributed to herpes zoster Hypaesthesia or hyperalgesia and/or allodynia are
usually present in the territory involved.
13.15.1 Head or facial pain attributed to acute
herpes zoster
13.16 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
Head or facial pain caused by herpes zoster. Description:
Episodic orbital pain associated with paralysis of
Diagnostic criteria: one or more of the third, fourth and/or sixth cranial
A. Head or facial pain in the distribution of a nerve nerves which usually resolves spontaneously but
or nerve division and fulfilling criteria C and D tends to relapse and remit.
B. Herpetic eruption in the territory of the same
nerve Diagnostic criteria:
C. Pain precedes herpetic eruption by <7 days1 A. One or more episodes of unilateral orbital pain
D. Pain resolves within 3 months persisting for weeks if untreated
B. Paresis of one or more of the third, fourth and/or
Note: sixth cranial nerves and/or demonstration of
1. Pain precedes herpetic eruption by <7 days. granuloma by MRI or biopsy
During this time, criterion B is not fulfilled and C. Paresis coincides with the onset of pain or follows
the diagnosis is Head or facial pain probably attrib- it within 2 weeks
uted to acute herpes zoster. D. Pain and paresis resolve within 72 hours when
treated adequately with corticosteroids
Comments: E. Other causes have been excluded by appropriate
Herpes zoster affects the trigeminal ganglion in investigations1
10–15% of patients with the disease, and the oph-
thalmic division is singled out in some 80% of those Note:
patients. Herpes zoster may also involve the genic- 1. Other causes of painful ophthalmoplegia include
ulate ganglion, causing an eruption in the external tumours, vasculitis, basal meningitis, sarcoid, dia-
auditory meatus. The soft palate or areas of distri- betes mellitus and ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’.
bution of upper cervical roots may be involved in
some patients. Comments:
Ophthalmic herpes may be associated with third, Some reported cases of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome had
fourth and/or sixth cranial nerve palsies and genic- additional involvement of the trigeminal nerve
ulate herpes with facial palsy and/or acoustic symp- (commonly the first division) or optic, facial or
toms. Zoster occurs in about 10% of patients with acoustic nerves. Sympathetic innervation of the
lymphoma and 25% of patients with Hodgkin’s pupil is occasionally affected.
disease. The syndrome has been caused by granulomatous
material in the cavernous sinus, superior orbital
fissure or orbit in some biopsied cases.
13.15.2 Post-herpetic neuralgia
Careful follow-up is required to exclude other pos-
Description: sible causes of painful ophthalmoplegia.
Facial pain persisting or recurring ≥3 months after
the onset of herpes zoster. 13.17 Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’
Diagnostic criteria: Description:
A. Head or facial pain in the distribution of a nerve Recurrent attacks of headache with migrainous char-
or nerve division and fulfilling criteria C and D acteristics associated with paresis of one or more

© International Headache Society 2003


ocular cranial nerves (commonly the third nerve) in the face, not explicable by a lesion of the trigeminal
the absence of any demonstrable intracranial lesion nerve. It is attributed to a lesion of the quintothala-
other than MRI changes within the affected nerve. mic (trigeminothalamic) pathway, thalamus or thal-
amocortical projection. Symptoms may also involve
Diagnostic criteria: the trunk and/or limbs of the affected or contralateral
A. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criterion B side.
B. Migraine-like headache accompanied or fol-
lowed within 4 days of its onset by paresis of one Diagnostic criteria:
or more of the third, fourth and/or sixth cranial A. Pain and dysaesthesia in one half of the face,
nerves associated with loss of sensation to pin-prick,
C. Parasellar, orbital fissure and posterior fossa temperature and/or touch and fulfilling criteria
lesions ruled out by appropriate investigations C and D
B. One or both of the following:
Comment: 1. history of sudden onset suggesting a vascular
This condition is very rare. It is unlikely that 13.17 lesion (stroke)
Ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine’ is a variant of migraine 2. demonstration by CT or MRI of a vascular
since the headache often lasts for a week or more and lesion in an appropriate site
there is a latent period of up to 4 days from the onset C. Pain and dysaesthesia develop within 6 months
of headache to the onset of ophthalmoplegia. Fur- after stroke
thermore, in some cases MRI shows gadolinium D. Not explicable by a lesion of the trigeminal nerve
uptake in the cisternal part of the affected cranial
nerve which suggests that the condition may be a Comment:
recurrent demyelinating neuropathy. Facial pain following a thalamic lesion is part of a
hemisyndrome. With lateral medullary lesions hemi-
facial pain may occur in isolation, but it is more often
13.18 Central causes of facial pain accompanied by crossed hemidysaesthesia.
The pain and dysaesthesia are usually persistent.
13.18.1 Anaesthesia dolorosa
13.18.3 Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis
Persistent and painful anaesthesia or hypaesthesia in
the distribution of the trigeminal nerve or one of its Coded elsewhere:
divisions or of the occipital nerves. Pain attributed to optic neuritis occurring as a man-
ifestation of multiple sclerosis is coded as 13.13 Optic
Diagnostic criteria: neuritis.
A. Persistent pain and dysaesthesia within the area
of distribution of one or more divisions of the Description:
trigeminal nerve or of the occipital nerves Unilateral or bilateral facial pain, with or without
B. Diminished sensation to pin-prick and some- dysaesthesia, attributed to a demyelinating lesion
times other sensory loss over the affected area of the central connections of the trigeminal nerve,
C. There is a lesion of the relevant nerve or its which commonly remits and relapses.
central connections
Diagnostic criteria:
Comment: A. Pain, with or without dysaesthesia, in one or both
Anaesthesia dolorosa is often related to surgical sides of the face
trauma of the occipital nerves or trigeminal gan- B. Evidence that the patient has multiple sclerosis
glion, evoked most frequently after rhizotomy or C. Pain and dysaesthesia develop in close temporal
thermocoagulation has been performed for treat- relation to, and with MRI demonstration of, a
ment of 13.1.1 Classical trigeminal neuralgia. demyelinating lesion in the pons or quintothala-
mic (trigeminothalamic) pathway
D. Other causes have been ruled out
13.18.2 Central post-stroke pain
Description: Comment:
Unilateral pain and dysaesthesia associated with Pain may be tic-like, as in 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia,
impaired sensation involving part or the whole of or continuous. Trigeminal neuralgia occurring in

© International Headache Society 2003


young people or affecting one and then the other Comment:

side should arouse the suspicion of multiple Pain may be confined to the tongue (glossodynia).
sclerosis. Subjective dryness of the mouth, paraesthesia and
altered taste may be associated symptoms.

13.18.4 Persistent idiopathic facial pain 13.19 Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally-
Previously used term: mediated facial pain
Atypical facial pain Vail’s Vidian neuralgia and Sluder’s sphenopalatine
neuralgia are not sufficiently validated. The recogni-
Description: tion of Eagle’s syndrome (Montalbetti et al., 1995) as
Persistent facial pain that does not have the charac- a distinct entity awaits clarification.
teristics of the cranial neuralgias described above
and is not attributed to another disorder.
Bibliography and reference
Diagnostic criteria: 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia
A. Pain in the face, present daily and persisting for Barker FG II, Jannetta PJ, Bissonette DJ, Larkins MV, Jho HD.
all or most of the day, fulfilling criteria B and C The long-term outcome of microvascular decompression
B. Pain is confined at onset to a limited area on one for trigeminal neuralgia. N Engl J Med 1997; 334:1077–83.
side of the face1, and is deep and poorly localised Taha JM, Tew JM Jr. Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia by per-
C. Pain is not associated with sensory loss or other cutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy. Neurosurgery Clinics
physical signs of North America 1997; 8:31–9.
Terrence CF, Jensen TS. Trigeminal neuralgia and other facial
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do not demonstrate any relevant abnormality The Headaches, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins 2000: 929–38.
Note: Zakrzewska JM. Trigeminal neuralgia. In: Zakrzewska JM,
1. Pain at onset is commonly in the nasolabial fold Harrison SD, eds. Assessment and management of orofacial
or side of the chin, and may spread to the upper pain. Pain Research and Clinical Management, Amsterdam,
or lower jaw or a wider area of the face and neck. Elsevier 2002; 14:263–366.

Comments: 13.2 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

Pain may be initiated by surgery or injury to the face, Ekbom KA, Westerberg CE. Carbamazepine in glossopharyn-
teeth or gums but persists without any demonstra- geal neuralgia. Arch Neurol 1966; 14:595–6.
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surg 1977; 47:316–20.
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Minagor A, Sheremata WA. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and
the detection of an ipsilateral lung carcinoma MS. Neurology 2000; 54:1368–70.
causing referred pain by invasion of the vagus nerve. Rushton JG, Stevens JC, Miller RH. Glossopharyngeal
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cause. 13.3 Nervus intermedius neuralgia
Bruyn GW. Nervus intermedius neuralgia (Hunt). In: Rose FC
ed Headache. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Amster-
dam: Elsevier 1986; 4(48):487–94.
13.18.5 Burning mouth syndrome
Description: 13.4 Superior laryngeal neuralgia
An intraoral burning sensation for which no medical Bruyn GW. Superior laryngeal neuralgia. In: Rose FC ed.
or dental cause can be found. Headache. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Amsterdam:
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A. Pain in the mouth present daily and persisting for 13.5 Nasociliary neuralgia
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B. Oral mucosa is of normal appearance Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Amsterdam: Elsevier
C. Local and systemic diseases have been excluded 1986; 4(48):483–6.

© International Headache Society 2003


13.6 Supraorbital neuralgia 13.13 Optic neuritis

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tice parameter: the role of corticosteroids in the manage-
13.7 Infraorbital neuralgia ment of acute monosymptomatic optic neuritis. Neurology
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13.8 Occipital neuralgia

13.14 Ocular diabetic neuropathy
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Oxbury J, eds. Clinical Neurology. Edinburgh. Churchill
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Hammond SR, Danta A. Occipital neuralgia. Clin Exp Neurol
1978; 15:258–270.
13.15 Head or facial pain attributed to herpes
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tongue syndrome. Cephalalgia 1985; 5(Suppl 3):312–3. grad Med J 1997; 73:623–9.
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turning of the head. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 1980; Population-based study of Herpes Zoster and its sequelae.
43:97–101. Medicine 1982; 61:310–6.

13.10 External compression headache 13.16 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome

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drome. MRI contribution. Headache 1999; 39:321–5.
13.11 Cold stimulus headache Forderreuther S, Straube A. The criteria of the International
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Lance JW, Zagami AS. Ophthalmoplegic migraine: a recurrent
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surgery Clinics of North America 1997; 1:87–99.
Bowsher D. Central pain: clinical and physiological charac-
Harrison SD. Atypical facial pain and atypical odontalgia in
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Jensen TS, Rasmussen P, Reske-Nielsen E. Association of vier 2002; 14:367–80.
trigeminal neuralgia with multiple sclerosis: clinical patho-
logical features. Acta Neurol Scand 1982; 65:182–9. 13.19 Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally
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13.18.4 Persistent idiopathic facial pain Montalbetti L, Ferrandi D, Pergami P, Savoldi F. Elongated
Boivie J, Casey KL. Central pain in the face and head. In styloid process and Eagle’s syndrome. Cephalalgia 1995;
Olesen J, Tfelt-Hansen P, Welch KMA eds. The Headaches, 15:80–93.

© International Headache Society 2003


14. Other headache, cranial neuralgia, tional Classification of Headache Disorders and this
central or primary facial pain second edition. It is anticipated that there are more
entities still to be described. Such headaches, until
14.1 Headache not elsewhere classified classified, can be coded as 14.1 Headache not elsewhere
14.2 Headache unspecified classified.

14.2 Headache unspecified

Previously used term:
In order to make this classification exhaustive there Headache not classifiable
is, after the entries for many disorders, a subcategory
for conditions that fulfil all but one criterion for that Diagnostic criteria:
disorder. Still there may be headaches that cannot fit A. Headache is or has been present
into any of the existing chapters because they are B. Not enough information is available to classify
being described for the first time, or because there the headache at any level of this classification
simply is not enough information available. This
chapter is intended for these types or subtypes of Comment:
headaches. It is also apparent that a diagnosis must be made in
a large number of patients where very little infor-
14.1 Headache not elsewhere classified mation is available, allowing only to state that they
have or had headache but not which type of
Previously used term: headache. Such patients are coded as 14.2 Headache
Headache not classifiable unspecified. This code, however, must never be used
as an excuse for not gathering detailed information
Diagnostic criteria: about a headache when such information is avail-
A. Headache with characteristic features suggesting able. It should be used only in situations where
that it is a unique diagnostic entity information cannot be obtained because the patient
B. Does not fulfil criteria for any of the headache is dead, unable to communicate or unavailable.
disorders described above

Several new headache entities have been described
in the time between the first edition of The Interna-

© International Headache Society 2003



In the first edition of The International Classification of In a few places we present an alternative set of
Headache Disorders there was no appendix. This time diagnostic criteria to those in the main body of the
an appendix is added which, we hope, will be used classification. This is again because clinical experi-
in several ways. ence and a certain amount of published evidence
The primary purpose of the appendix is to present suggest that this may be a good idea, but the sub-
research criteria for a number of novel entities that committee still does not feel that the evidence is suf-
have not been sufficiently validated by research ficient to change the main classification. This is, for
studies. However, the experience of the experts in example, the case for the accompanying symptoms
the Headache Classification Subcommittee and pub- of migraine without aura. The alternative diagnostic
lications of variable quality suggest that there are a criterion D in the appendix is easier both to under-
number of diagnostic entitities that are believed to stand and to apply, but not yet sufficiently validated.
be real but for which further scientific evidence must Finally, the appendix is used as a first step in elimi-
be presented before they can be formally accepted. nating disorders included as diagnostic entities in
Therefore it is anticipated that a number of the dis- the first edition because of tradition but for which
orders now in the appendix will move into the main sufficient evidence has still not been published.
body of the classification next time the classification
is revised.

© International Headache Society 2003


A1. Migraine A1.1.2 Menstrually-related migraine without aura

A1.1 Migraine without aura Diagnostic criteria:
A. Attacks, in a menstruating woman, fulfilling cri-
Alternative diagnostic criteria: teria for 1.1 Migraine without aura
A. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B–D B. Attacks occur on day 1 ± 2 (ie, days -2 to +3)1 of
B. Headache attacks lasting 4–72 hours (untreated menstruation2 in at least two out of three men-
or unsuccessfully treated) strual cycles and additionally at other times of
C. Headache has at least two of the following the cycle
1. unilateral location Notes:
2. pulsating quality 1. The first day of menstruation is day 1 and the pre-
3. moderate or severe pain intensity ceding day is day -1; there is no day 0.
4. aggravation by or causing avoidance of 2. For the purposes of this classification, menstrua-
routine physical activity (eg, walking or climb- tion is considered to be endometrial bleeding
ing stairs) resulting from either the normal menstrual cycle
D. During headache at least two of the following: or from the withdrawal of exogenous progesto-
1. nausea gens, as in the case of combined oral contracep-
2. vomiting tives and cyclical hormone replacement therapy.
3. photophobia
4. phonophobia
5. osmophobia A1.1.3 Non-menstrual migraine without aura
E. Not attributed to another disorder Diagnostic criteria:
A. Attacks, in a menstruating woman, fulfilling cri-
Comment: teria for 1.1 Migraine without aura
Only criterion D is different from those in the main B. Attacks have no menstrual relationship1
body of the classification. Whilst this alternative
appears easier both to understand and to apply, it is Note:
not yet sufficiently validated. 1. That is, they do not fulfil criterion B for A1.1.1
Pure menstrual migraine without aura or A1.1.2
A1.1.1 Pure menstrual migraine without aura Menstrually-related migraine without aura.
Diagnostic criteria: Comments:
A. Attacks, in a menstruating woman, fulfilling cri- This subclassification of 1.1 Migraine without aura is
teria for 1.1 Migraine without aura applicable only to menstruating women.
B. Attacks occur exclusively on day 1 ± 2 (ie, days The importance of distinguishing between A1.1.1
-2 to +3)1 of menstruation2 in at least two out of Pure menstrual migraine without aura and A1.1.2
three menstrual cycles and at no other times of Menstrually-related migraine without aura is that
the cycle hormone prophylaxis is more likely to be effec-
tive for pure menstrual migraine. Documented
Notes: prospectively-recorded evidence, kept for a
1. The first day of menstruation is day 1 and the pre- minimum of three cycles, is necessary to confirm the
ceding day is day -1; there is no day 0. diagnosis as many women over-report an associa-
2. For the purposes of this classification, menstrua- tion between attacks and menstruation.
tion is considered to be endometrial bleeding Menstrual attacks are mostly migraine without
resulting from either the normal menstrual cycle aura. In a woman who has migraine both with and
or from the withdrawal of exogenous progesto- without aura, migraine with aura does not appear to
gens, as in the case of combined oral contracep- be associated with menstruation.
tives and cyclical hormone replacement therapy. The mechanism(s) of migraine may be different
with endometrial bleeding resulting from the
normal menstrual cycle and bleeding due to the
withdrawal of exogenous progestogens (as occurs
with combined oral contraception and cyclical
hormone replacement therapy). For example, the

© International Headache Society 2003


endogenous menstrual cycle results from complex

A1.3.5 Benign paroxysmal torticollis
hormonal changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-
ovarian axis resulting in ovulation, which is sup- Description:
pressed by use of combined oral contraceptives. Recurrent episodes of head tilt to one side, perhaps
Therefore research should separate these subpopu- with slight rotation, which remit spontaneously. The
lations. Management strategies may also differ for condition occurs in infants and small children with
these distinct subpopulations. onset in the first year. It may evolve into 1.3.3 Benign
There is some evidence that menstrual attacks, at paroxysmal vertigo of childhood or 1.2 Migraine with
least in some women, result from oestrogen with- aura, or cease without further symptoms.
drawal, although other hormonal and biochemical
changes at this time of the cycle may also be rele- Diagnostic criteria:
vant. If pure menstrual migraine or menstrually- A. Episodic attacks, in a young child, with all of the
related migraine is considered to be associated with following characteristics and fulfilling criterion B:
exogenous oestrogen withdrawal, both codes A1.1.1 1. tilt of the head to one side (not always the
Pure menstrual migraine without aura or A1.1.2 Men- same side), with or without slight rotation
strually-related migraine without aura and 8.4.3 Oestro- 2. lasting minutes to days
gen-withdrawal headache should be used. 3. remitting spontaneously and tending to recur
B. During attacks, symptoms and/or signs of one or
A1.2.7 Migraine aura status more of the following:
1. pallor
Diagnostic criteria: 2. irritability
A. Migraine aura fulfilling aura criteria for 1.2 3. malaise
Migraine with aura or one of its subtypes 4. vomiting
B. At least 2 auras per day for ≥5 consecutive days 5. ataxia1
C. Normal neurological examination between
A1.3.4 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood D. Not attributed to another disorder
Infantile attacks of hemiplegia involving each side Note:
alternately, associated with a progressive 1. Ataxia is more likely in older children within the
encephalopathy, other paroxysmal phenomena and affected age group.
mental impairment.
The child’s head can be returned to the neutral posi-
Diagnostic criteria: tion during attacks: some resistance may be encoun-
A. Recurrent attacks of hemiplegia alternating tered but can be overcome.
between the two sides of the body A1.3.5 Benign paroxysmal torticollis may evolve to
B. Onset before the age of 18 months 1.3.3 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood or 1.2
C. At least one other paroxysmal phenomenon is Migraine with aura (particularly 1.2.6 Basilar-type
associated with the bouts of hemiplegia or occurs migraine).
independently, such as tonic spells, dystonic pos- These observations need further validation by
turing, choreoathetoid movements, nystagmus patient diaries, structured interviews and longitudi-
or other ocular motor abnormalities, autonomic nal data collection. The differential diagnosis
disturbances includes gastro-oesophageal reflux, idiopathic tor-
D. Evidence of mental and/or neurological deficit(s) sional dystonia and complex partial seizure, but par-
E. Not attributed to another disorder ticular attention must be paid to the posterior fossa
and craniocervical junction where congenital or
acquired lesions may produce torticollis.
This is a heterogeneous condition that includes
neurodegenerative disorders. A relationship with Bibliography
migraine is suggested on clinical grounds. The pos- MacGregor EA, Chia H, Vohrah RC, Wilkinson M. Migraine
sibility that it is an unusual form of epilepsy cannot and menstruation: a pilot study. Cephalalgia 1990;
be ruled out. 10:305–10.

© International Headache Society 2003


MacGregor EA. ‘Menstrual’ migraine: towards a definition. Medication-overuse headache, the default rule is to
Cephalalgia 1996; 16:11–21. code for 2.4.3 Probable chronic tension-type headache
Somerville B.The role of estradiol withdrawal in the etiology plus 8.2.7 Probable medication-overuse headache. When
of menstrual migraine. Neurology 1972; 22:355–65.
these criteria A–E are still fulfilled 2 months after
medication overuse has ceased, A2.3 Chronic tension-
A2. Tension-type headache type headache should be diagnosed and 8.2.7 Probable
medication-overuse headache must be discarded. Alter-
Comment: natively, if at any time sooner they are no longer
The following alternative criteria may be applied to fulfilled because improvement has followed with-
A2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache, A2.2 Fre- drawal, 8.2 Medication-overuse headache should be
quent episodic tension-type headache and A2.3 Chronic diagnosed and 2.4.3 Probable chronic tension-type
tension-type headache. They define a core syndrome of headache must be discarded.
tension-type headache. In other words these criteria
are very specific but have low sensitivity. A3. Cluster headache and other trigeminal
autonomic cephalalgias
Alternative diagnostic criteria:
A. Episodes, or headache, fulfilling criterion A for A3.3 Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache
[whichever of 2.1 Infrequent episodic tension-type attacks with cranial Autonomic symptoms (SUNA)
headache, 2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache
or 2.3 Chronic tension-type headache] and criteria Comments:
B–D below The current classification for 3.3 SUNCT has some
B. Headache lasting from 30 minutes to 7 days notable problems. First, the name implies that all
C. At least three of the following pain characteris- patients must have both conjunctival injection and
tics: tearing. This is not the subcommittee’s invariable
1. bilateral location clinical experience. It is possible that 3.3 SUNCT is a
2. pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality subtype of a broader problem of A3.3 SUNA. This
3. mild or moderate intensity proposal requires validation. Second, the pain of the
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity attacks can be difficult to differentiate from that of
such as walking or climbing stairs 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia affecting the ophthalmic
D. No nausea (anorexia may occur), vomiting, pho- division. One suggested distinction is the absence of
tophobia or phonophobia a refractory period to cutaneous stimulation in A3.3
E. Not attributed to another disorder1,2 SUNA. Third, the criterion for attack frequency in 3.3
SUNCT is rather unhelpful given the breadth of vari-
Notes: ation it allows. Since attacks are usually at least daily,
1. History and physical and neurological examina- simplifying the frequency requirement may be more
tions do not suggest any of the disorders listed in useful.
groups 5–12, or history and/or physical and/or The following proposed criteria for A3.3 SUNA
neurological examinations do suggest such disor- (as an alternative to 3.3 SUNCT) are for research
der but it is ruled out by appropriate investiga- purposes and need to be tested. Cranial autonomic
tions, or such disorder is present but headache features should be prominent to distinguish this
does not occur for the first time in close temporal disorder from ophthalmic division trigeminal
relation to the disorder. neuralgia.
2. In the case of A2.3 Chronic tension-type headache
and when medication overuse is present and Diagnostic criteria:
fulfils criterion B for any of the subforms of A. At least 20 attacks fulfilling criteria B–E
8.2 Medication-overuse headache, it is uncertain B. Attacks of unilateral orbital, supraorbital or tem-
whether this criterion E is fulfilled until 2 months poral stabbing or pulsating pain lasting from 2
after medication has been withdrawn without seconds to 10 minutes
improvement (see Comment). C. Pain is accompanied by one of:
1. conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation
Comment: 2. nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea
In many uncertain cases of chronic tension-type 3. eyelid oedema
headache there is overuse of medication. When this D. Attacks occur with a frequency of ≥1 per day for
fulfils criterion B for any of the subforms of 8.2 more than half of the time

© International Headache Society 2003


E. No refractory period follows attacks triggered bifurcation – can be due to carotid dissection (which
from trigger areas should be coded as 6.5.1 Headache or facial or neck pain
F. Not attributed to another disorder attributed to arterial dissection). Some cases have
recently been published of carotidynia with MRI
A3.3.1 Episodic SUNA abnormalities (described as an intermediate signal
on T1W1 and a masked ring enhancement after
Description: gadolinium injection) in the tissue surrounding the
SUNA attacks occurring in periods lasting 7 days to symptomatic artery. Until the specificity of this
1 year separated by pain-free intervals lasting 1 finding is established, carotidynia is better consid-
month or longer. ered as a syndrome rather than as a distinct entity.

Diagnostic criteria:
A6.8 Chronic post-vascular disorder headache
A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–F for A3.3 SUNA
B. At least 2 attack periods lasting (if untreated) Diagnostic criteria:
from 7 days to 1 year and separated by pain-free A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
remission periods of ≥1 month filling criteria C and D
B. A vascular disorder has been present but has
A3.3.2 Chronic SUNA been effectively treated or has remitted sponta-
Description: C. Headache has been attributed to the vascular
SUNA attacks occurring for more than 1 year disorder
without remission, or with remissions lasting less D. Headache persists for >3 months after effective
than 1 month. treatment or spontaneous remission of the vas-
cular disorder
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Attacks fulfilling criteria A–F for A3.3 SUNA Bibliography
B. Attacks recur over >1 year without remission
periods or with remission periods lasting <1 Biousse V, Bousser MG. The myth of carotidynia. Neurology
month 1994; 44:993–5.
Burton BS, Syms MJ, Petermann GW, Burgess LPA. MR
imaging of patients with carotidynia. AJNR 2000; 21:766–9.
Bibliography Fay T. Atypical neuralgia. Arch Neurol Psychiat 1927;
Goadsby PJ, Matharu MS, Boes CJ. SUNCT syndrome or
Forwith KD, Tami TA. Carotidynia: symptom or diagnosis?
trigeminal neuralgia with lacrimation. Cephalalgia 2001;
Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 7:150–4.
Hill LM, Hastings G. Carotidynia: a pain syndrome. J Fam
Sjaastad O, Kruszewski P. Trigeminal neuralgia and ‘SUNCT’
Pract 1994; 39:71–5.
syndrome: similarities and differences in the clinical
picture. An overview. Functional Neurology 1992;
7:103–107. A7. Headache attributed to non-vascular
Sjaastad O, Pareja JA, Zukerman E, Jansen J, Kruszewski P. intracranial disorder
Trigeminal neuralgia. Clinical manifestations of first divi-
sion involvement. Headache 1997; 37:346–357.
A7.9.1 Post-radiosurgery headache

A6. Headache attributed to cranial or Diagnostic criteria:

A. Diffuse and/or holocranial headache fulfilling
cervical vascular disorder
criteria C and D
B. Radiosurgery of the brain has been performed
A6.5.6 Carotidynia
C. Headache develops within 7 days after radio-
Carotidynia has been removed from the main classi- surgery
fication to the appendix because an extensive litera- D. Headache resolves within 3 months after radio-
ture survey suggests that it is not an entity but a surgery
syndrome encompassing many varieties of pain in
the carotid region. In particular, carotidynia as Comment:
described in the first edition of The International Clas- Although de novo headache has been described after
sification of Headache Disorders – neck pain lasting <2 radiosurgery, most studies do not provide a detailed
weeks with tenderness to palpation over the carotid description of the clinical characteristics of the

© International Headache Society 2003


headache, nor is it usually clear whether headache diately after sessions of ECT. The headaches were
occurring after radiosurgery represents an exacerba- severe and bilateral in each case (pulsating in two),
tion of an underlying headache disorder or a new but no other symptoms of migraine were described.
headache. In cases where a previous history of Several other letters and case reports have docu-
headache was not present, the headache syndrome mented attacks of severe headache (associated with
was short-lived, occurred more than a year after the symptoms of migraine or described as being similar
procedure and resembled migraine or thunderclap to migraine) triggered by ECT in patients with a
headache. Therefore, the relationships between these history of migraine (eg, Folkerts, 1995; Oms et al.,
headaches and the radiosurgical procedures preced- 1998). Markowitz et al. (2001) reported that, of 13
ing them are highly doubtful. Carefully controlled moderate or severe attacks of headache after ECT, six
prospective studies are necessary to determine were associated with sensitivity to light, four with
whether a unique headache disorder can occur after sensitivity to noise, three with nausea and one with
radiosurgery and, if so, how it is related to the type vomiting. All but one of the attacks decreased within
and location of lesion being irradiated and/or the 1.5 hours after intranasal administration of suma-
dosage and radiation field employed. triptan 20 mg.

A7.9.2 Post-electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) A7.10 Chronic post-intracranial disorder headache

headache Diagnostic criteria:
Diagnostic criteria: A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- filling criteria C and D
filling criteria C and D B. An intracranial disorder has been present but
B. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been given has been effectively treated or has remitted
C. Headache develops within 4 hours after ECT and spontaneously
after at least 50% of treatments C. Headache has been attributed to the intracranial
D. Headache resolves within 72 hours after ECT disorder
D. Headache persists for >3 months after effective
Comments: treatment or spontaneous remission of the
Clear descriptions of headache associated with ECT intracranial disorder
are sparse. Published data may not be adequate to
define post-ECT headache operationally. Bibliography and references
The characteristics of headache after ECT are noted
in several case reports. Hawken et al. (2001) reported A7.9.1 Post-radiosurgery headache
Kondziolka D, Lundsford LD, Flickinger JC. Gamma knife
on a patient who suffered from ‘mild migraine’ every
stereotactic radiosurgery for cerebral vascular malforma-
two to three days and ‘more severe’ migraine every tions. In: Alexander E III, Loeffler JS, Lundsford LD eds.
7–10 days after ECT (the symptoms listed correspond Stereotactic Radiosurgery. New York: McGraw Hill Inc
with diagnostic criteria for 1.1 Migraine without aura). 1993: pp. 136–145.
Headache developed immediately after the patient Lundsford LD, Flickinger JC, Coffee RJ. Stereotactic gamma
regained consciousness following sessions of ECT. knife radiosurgery. Initial North American experience in
On one of six occasions the headache was associated 207 patients. Arch Neurol 1990; 47:169–75.
Rozen TD, Swanson JW. Post-gamma knife headache: A new
with nausea but other symptoms of migraine were
headache syndrome? Headache 1997; 37:180–3.
not described in this report. The headache did not
respond to sumatriptan but was alleviated by a com- A7.9.2 Post-electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
bination of propranolol and naproxen, and appeared headache
to be prevented by administration of propranolol DeBattista C, Mueller K. Sumatriptan prophylaxis for post-
prior to ECT. De Battista and Mueller (1995) described electroconvulsive therapy headaches. Headache 1995;
a patient who developed severe post-ECT unilateral 35:502–3.
headaches associated with nausea/vomiting and Folkerts H. Migraine after electroconvulsive therapy. Convul-
photophobia. The patient had a history of similar sive Therapy 1995; 11:212–5.
Ghoname EA, Craig WF, White PF. The use of percutaneous
although less intense headaches. Prophylactic
electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) for treating ECT-
administration of sumatriptan appeared to prevent induced headaches. Headache 1999; 39:502–5.
the headache whereas prophylactic administration of Hawken ER, Delva NJ, Lawson JS. Successful use of propra-
beta-blockers did not. Ghoname et al. (1999) reported nolol in migraine associated with electroconvulsive
on five patients who experienced headaches imme- therapy. Headache 2001; 41:92–6.

© International Headache Society 2003


Markowitz JS, Kellner CH, DeVane CL, Beale MD, Folk J, or subdural empyema. Since the pathophysiology is
Burns C, Liston HL. Intranasal sumatriptan in post-ECT miscellaneous and the systematic studies to classify
headache: results of an open-label trial. Journal of ECT 2001;
these headaches are inadequate, tentative diagnostic
Oms A, Miro E, Rojo JE. Sumatriptan was effective in electro-
criteria are given here in the appendix.
convulsive therapy (ECT) headache. Anesthesiology 1998;
89:1291–2. Diagnostic criteria:
Weiner SJ, Ward TN, Ravaris CL. Headache and electrocon- A. Headache with at least one of the following char-
vulsive therapy. Headache 1994; 34:155–9.
acteristics and fulfilling criteria C and D:
1. diffuse continuous pain
A8. Headache attributed to a substance or 2. aggravated by straining
its withdrawal 3. accompanied by nausea and/or focal neuro-
logical symptoms and/or signs
8.1.10 Headache as an acute adverse event B. Evidence of a space-occupying intracranial infec-
attributed to medication used for other indications tious lesion or infestation from neuroimaging
Table 1 lists medications reported to cause headache and/or laboratory investigations
during therapeutic use. C. Headache develops during the space-occupying
intracranial infection or infestation
D. Headache resolves within 3 months1 after suc-
A8.5 Chronic post-substance exposure headache
cessful treatment of the lesion
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- Note:
filling criteria C and D 1. Headache usually resolves within 1 month.
B. Exposure to a substance has been present but has
C. Headache has been attributed to exposure to the Comments:
substance A direct space-occupying effect leading to raised
D. Headache persists for >3 months after exposure intracranial pressure and/or irritation of the
to the substance ceased meningeal or arterial structures are the mechanisms
for causing headache of this subtype.
The most common organisms causing space occu-
A9. Headache attributed to infection
pying granulomatous or cystic central nervous
system diseases are mycobacteria, fungi (eg, Crypto-
A9.1.6 Headache attributed to space-occupying
coccus neoformans and others), Toxoplasma gondii,
intracranial infectious lesion or infestation
free living amoebae, cestodes (eg, Cysticercus cellu-
Comment: losae, Coenurus cerebralis, Sparganum species),
There are space-occupying intracranial infectious nematodes (eg, Toxocara canis, lymphatic filariae,
lesions causing headache other than brain abscess Onchocerca volvulus, Anisakis species) and trema-

Table 1 Drugs that may induce headache or worsen pre-existing headache

Acetazolamide Codeine Interferons Ondansetron

Ajmaline Didanosine Isoniazid Paroxetine
Amantadine Dihydralazine Meprobamate Pentoxifylline
Antihistaminics Dihydroergotamine Methaqualone Perhexiline
Barbiturates Dipyridamole Metronidazole Primidone
Beta-interferon Disopyramide Morphine and derivatives Prostacyclines
Bromocriptine Disulfiram Nalidixic acid Ranitidine
Caffeine Ergotamine Nifedipine Rifampicin
Calcium antagonists Etofibrate Nitrofurantoin Sildenafil
Carbimazol Gestagens Nitrates Theophylline and derivatives
Chinidine Glycosides Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Thiamazole
Chloroquine Griseofulvin Octreotide Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole
Cimetidine Guanethidine Oestrogens Triptans
Clofibrate Immunoglobulins Omeprazole Vitamin A

© International Headache Society 2003


todes (eg, Schistosoma species, in particular Schisto- Predisposing factors include exposure to parasites
soma japonicum, and Paragonimus species). in tropical and/or subtropical areas of prevalence
and, in a few instances, immunocompromised
A9.1.7 Headache attributed to intracranial parasitic
A9.4.2 Chronic post-non-bacterial infection
Coded elsewhere: headache
Headache attributed to space occupation by rather
Diagnostic criteria:
than to a direct effect of an intracranial parasitic
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
infestation is coded as A9.1.6 Headache attributed to
filling criteria C and D
space-occupying intracranial infectious lesion or
B. A non-bacterial infection has been present but
has been effectively treated or has remitted
Comment: C. Headache has been attributed to the infection
Parasitic infestations are characterised by an acute D. Headache persists for >3 months after effective
stage and a chronic stage. Headache in the acute treatment or spontaneous remission of the
stage is usually due to meningitis while headache in infection
the chronic stage is believed to be due to encephalitic
changes or secondary to neuropsychological deteri- Comment:
oration. Systematic studies of the headaches caused There is little evidence for the existence of chronic
by these disorders are lacking and therefore diag- headache attributed to non-bacterial infections.
nostic criteria can be proposed only with great More research is needed.
Diagnostic criteria:
Westerink MA, Amsterdam D, Petell RJ, Stram MN, Apricella
A. Headache with one or other of the following MA. Septicemia due to DF-2. Cause of a false-positive
characteristics, with or without focal neurologi- cryptococcal latex agglutination result. Am J Med 1987;
cal symptoms and/or signs and fulfilling criteria 83:155–8.
C and D:
1. headache, with acute onset, resembling 9.1.1
Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis
2. headache with more insidious onset and char- A10. Headache attributed to disorder of
acteristic of chronic meningoencephalitis homoeostasis
B. Evidence of an intracranial parasitic infestation
from CSF examination, blood serology and/or A10.7.1 Headache attributed to other metabolic or
neuroimaging systemic disorders
C. Headache develops during the parasitic infesta-
Headaches attributed to the following disorders are
not sufficiently validated: anaemia, hypercapnia,
D. Headache resolves within 3 months after suc-
adrenocortical insufficiency, mineralocorticoid defi-
cessful treatment of the infestation
ciency, hyperaldosteronism, polycythaemia, hyper-
viscosity syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Comments: purpura, plasmapheresis, anticardiolipin antibody
Headache is a common and frequently the first syndrome, Cushing’s disease, hyponatraemia,
symptom of intracranial parasitic infestation. A wide hyperthyroidism, hyperglycaemia, hypercalcaemia,
variety of parasitic organisms may infest the central systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic fatigue syn-
nervous system, directly or indirectly. Whereas drome, fibromyalgia. Well-controlled, prospective
Trypanosoma cruzi (American trypanosomiasis, studies are needed to define more clearly the inci-
Chagas’ disease) may cause acute meningitis, T. dence and characteristics of headaches that occur in
brucei gambiense (West African trypanosomiasis, association with these disorders. In each case, only
Gambian sleeping sickness) and T. brucei rhodesiense those patients who meet well-established diagnostic
(East African trypanosomiasis, East African sleeping criteria for the disorders themselves should be
sickness) cause a chronic meningoencephalitis. evaluated.

© International Headache Society 2003


Controlled trials are recommended to validate it,

A10.8 Chronic post-homoeostasis disorder headache
using the listed criteria for patient selection.
Diagnostic criteria:
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
A11.9 Chronic post-craniocervical disorder headache
filling criteria C and D
B. A disorder of homoeostasis has been present Diagnostic criteria:
but has been effectively treated or has remitted A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
spontaneously filling criteria C and D
C. Headache has been attributed to the disorder of B. A craniocervical disorder has been present but
homoeostasis has been effectively treated or has remitted spon-
D. Headache persists for >3 months after treatment taneously
or remission of the disorder of homoeostasis C. Headache has been attributed to the craniocervi-
cal disorder
Comment: D. Headache persists for >3 months after effective
Some patients may suffer from persistent headache treatment or spontaneous remission of the cran-
after resolution of a disorder of homoeostasis. Such iocervical disorder
headache has never been the subject of systematic
A12. Headache attributed to psychiatric
A11. Headache or facial pain attributed to
disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, While headaches are commonly associated with
sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or various psychiatric disorders, whether this relation-
cranial structures ship is causal and, if so, the direction of the causa-
tion remain objects of study. The following are
A11.5.1 Mucosal contact point headache offered as candidate criteria sets to facilitate research
Diagnostic criteria: into the possible causal relationships between
A. Intermittent pain localised to the periorbital and certain psychiatric disorders and headache. It is not
medial canthal or temporozygomatic regions and recommended that they be used routinely in clinical
fulfilling criteria C and D practice to describe the association between comor-
B. Clinical, nasal endoscopic and/or CT imaging bid headache and psychiatric disorders. In the vast
evidence of mucosal contact points without acute majority of cases, headache associated with these
rhinosinusitis disorders most probably reflects common underly-
C. Evidence that the pain can be attributed to ing risk factors or aetiologies.
mucosal contact based on at least one of the Note that when making any of the diagnoses listed
following: below, it is crucial to establish that the headache in
1. pain corresponds to gravitational variations in question occurs exclusively during the course of the
mucosal congestion as the patient moves psychiatric disorder. This should be interpreted to
between upright and recumbent postures mean that the headache is manifest only during
2. abolition of pain within 5 minutes after diag- times when the symptoms of the psychiatric disor-
nostic topical application of local anaesthesia der are also manifest. Thus, for example, in a child
to the middle turbinate using placebo- or other with separation anxiety disorder, headache should
controls1 be attributed to separation anxiety disorder only in
D. Pain resolves within 7 days, and does not recur, those cases where it occurs solely in the context of
after surgical removal of mucosal contact points actual or threatened separation. Similarly, in an adult
with panic disorder, headache should be attributed
Note: to panic disorder only in those cases where it occurs
1. Abolition of pain means complete relief of pain, solely as one of the symptoms of a panic attack.
indicated by a score of zero on a visual analogue
scale (VAS). A12.3 Headache attributed to major depressive disorder
Comment: Diagnostic criteria:
A11.5.1 Mucosal contact point headache is a new entry A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
to the classification for which evidence is limited. filling criteria C–E

© International Headache Society 2003


B. Presence of major depressive disorder fulfilling a) palpitations

DSM-IV criteria: b) pounding heart or accelerated heart rate
1. one or more episodes in which, during the c) sweating, trembling or shaking
same 2-week period, at least five of the fol- d) sensations of shortness of breath or smoth-
lowing symptoms are present: ering
a) depressed mood e) feelings of choking, chest pain or discom-
b) markedly diminished interest or pleasure fort
c) weight or appetite change f) nausea or abdominal distress
d) insomnia or hypersomnia g) feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed or
e) psychomotor agitation or retardation faint
f) fatigue or loss of energy h) derealisation or depersonalisation
g) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or i) fear of losing control or going crazy
inappropriate guilt j) fear of dying
h) diminished ability to concentrate or indeci- k) paraesthesias
siveness l) chills or hot flushes
i) recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal idea, 3. panic attacks are not due to the physiological
plan or attempt effects of a medical condition or substance
2. occurring in the absence of any manic or hypo- C. Headache occurs exclusively during panic
manic episodes attacks
3. not better accounted for by bereavement and D. Headache resolves, and does not recur, after
not due to the direct physiological effects of a panic disorder remits
medical condition or substance E. Headache is not attributed to another cause
C. Headache occurs exclusively during major
depressive episodes
A12.5 Headache attributed to generalised anxiety
D. Headache resolves or greatly improves within 3
months after the major depressive disorder is in
full remission Diagnostic criteria:
E. Headache is not attributed to another cause A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
filling criteria C–E
B. Presence of generalised anxiety disorder fulfill-
ing DSM-IV criteria:
Since tricyclic antidepressants are effective against
1. excessive anxiety and worry, occurring on
certain types of headache, remission of headache
more days than not for at least 6 months, about
is more suggestive of a psychiatric cause of the
a number of events or activities and which the
headache when major depressive disorder improves
patient finds difficult to control
under treatment with other antidepressants than tri-
2. associated with at least three of the following:
cyclic antidepressants.
a) restlessness or feeling keyed-up or on edge
b) being easily fatigued
c) difficulty concentrating or mind going
A12.4 Headache attributed to panic disorder
Diagnostic criteria: d) irritability
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- e) muscle tension
filling criteria C–E f) sleep disturbance
B. Presence of panic disorder fulfilling DSM-IV 3. not occurring exclusively during a mood dis-
criteria: order
1. recurrent unexpected panic attacks followed 4. not due to the direct physiological effects of a
by a month or more of worry about having medical condition or substance
another attack, worry about the implications C. Headache occurs exclusively during the course of
of an attack or a change in behaviour because the generalised anxiety disorder
of the attack D. Headache resolves, and does not recur, after the
2. panic attack is defined as a discrete period of generalised anxiety disorder remits
intense fear or discomfort in which at least E. Headache is not attributed to another cause
four of the following symptoms develop
abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes:

© International Headache Society 2003


A12.6 Headache attributed to undifferentiated A12.8 Headache attributed to separation anxiety

somatoform disorder disorder
Diagnostic criteria: A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- filling criteria C–E
filling criteria C–E B. Presence of separation anxiety disorder fulfilling
B. Presence of undifferentiated somatoform disor- at least three of the following DSM-IV criteria,
der defined by a somatoform symptom, in addi- lasting ≥6 months and with onset before age 18:
tion to headache, fulfilling DSM-IV criteria for 1. recurrent excessive distress when separation
Undifferentiated somatoform disorder: from home or major attachment figures occurs
1. a physical complaint, plus headache, that, or is anticipated
after appropriate investigation, cannot be fully 2. persistent and excessive worry about losing,
explained by a known general medical condi- or about possible harm befalling, major attach-
tion or by the direct effects of a substance or ment figures
medication or, when there is a related medical 3. persistent and excessive worry that an unto-
condition, the complaint or impairment is ward event will lead to separation from a
in excess of what would be expected from major attachment figure (eg, getting lost or
the history, examination and/or laboratory being kidnapped)
findings 4. persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school
2. the physical complaint and headache cause or elsewhere because of fear of separation
distress or impairment and last at least 6 5. persistent and excessive fear or reluctance to
months be alone or without major attachment figures
C. Headache occurs exclusively during the course of at home or without significant adults in other
the other physical complaint settings
D. Headache resolves after the undifferentiated 6. persistent reluctance or refusal to go to sleep
somatoform disorder remits without being near a major attachment figure
E. Headache is not attributed to another cause or to sleep away from home
7. repeated nightmares involving themes of sep-
A12.7 Headache attributed to social phobia
8. repeated complaints of physical symptoms
A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful- (such as headaches, stomach-aches, nausea or
filling criteria C–E vomiting) when separation from major attach-
B. Presence of social phobia fulfilling DSM-IV ment figures occurs or is anticipated
criteria: C. Headache occurs exclusively during the course of
1. a marked and persistent fear of one or more the separation anxiety disorder
social or performance situations, including D. Headache resolves after separation anxiety dis-
school, in which the patient is exposed to unfa- order remits
miliar people or to possible scrutiny by others, E. Headache is not attributed to another cause
and in which the patient fears that he or she
will act in a way that will be humiliating or
A12.9 Headache attributed to post-traumatic stress
2. the patient either avoids social situations or
endures them with marked distress Diagnostic criteria:
3. the phobia is a source of distress or causes A. Headache, no typical characteristics known, ful-
impairment in social or occupational func- filling criteria C–E
tioning B. Presence of post-traumatic stress disorder fulfill-
C. Headache occurs exclusively during the course of ing DSM-IV criteria:
social phobia 1. the patient has been exposed to a traumatic
D. Headache resolves after social phobia remits event in which both of the following were
E. Headache is not attributed to another cause present:
a) the patient experienced, witnessed or was
confronted with an event or events that
involved actual or threatened death or

© International Headache Society 2003


serious injury, or a threat to the physical C. Headache occurs exclusively during the course of
integrity of self or others the post-traumatic stress disorder
b) the patient’s response involved intense D. Headache resolves after the post-traumatic stress
fear, helplessness or horror disorder remits
2. the traumatic event is persistently re- E. Headache is not attributed to another cause
experienced in at least one of the following
a) recurrent and intrusive distressing recol-
lections of the event, including images, A13. Cranial neuralgias and central causes
thoughts or perceptions of facial pain
b) recurrent distressing dreams of the event
c) acting or feeling as if the traumatic event A13.7.1 Nummular headache
were recurring (including a sense of reliv- Previously used terms:
ing the experience, illusions, hallucina- Coin-shaped cephalgia
tions and dissociative flashback episodes,
including any of these that occur on awak- Description:
ening or when intoxicated) Pain in a small circumscribed area of the head in the
d) intense psychological distress at exposure absence of any lesion of the underlying structures.
to internal or external cues that symbolise
or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event Diagnostic criteria:
e) physiological reactivity on exposure to A. Mild to moderate head pain fulfilling criteria B
internal or external cues that symbolise or and C:
resemble an aspect of the traumatic event B. Pain is felt exclusively in a rounded or elliptical
3. persistent avoidance of stimuli associated area typically 2–6 cm in diameter
with the trauma and a numbing of general C. Pain is chronic and either continuous or inter-
responsiveness (not present before the rupted by spontaneous remissions lasting weeks
trauma), as indicated by at least three of the to months
following: D. Not attributed to another disorder
a) efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings or con-
versations associated with the trauma Comments:
b) efforts to avoid activities, places or people There is a slight female preponderance.
that arouse recollections of the trauma Nummular headache is probably a localised ter-
c) inability to recall an important aspect of the minal branch neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve.
trauma The painful area may be localised in any part of
d) markedly diminished interest or participa- the head but is usually in the parietal region. The
tion in significant activities pain remains confined to the same symptomatic area
e) feeling of detachment or estrangement which does not change in shape or size over time.
from others Lancinating exacerbations lasting for several
f) restricted range of affect (eg, unable to have seconds or gradually increasing over 10 minutes to
loving feelings) 2 hours may be superimposed on the base-line pain.
g) sense of a foreshortened future (eg, not During and between symptomatic periods, the
expecting to have a career, marriage, chil- affected area may show variable combinations of
dren or a normal life span) hypaesthesia, dysaesthesia, paraesthesia, tenderness
4. persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not and/or discomfort.
present before the trauma), as indicated by at Spontaneous periods of remission have been
least two of the following: observed in 38% of patients, with return to continu-
a) difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep ous pain after weeks or months.
b) irritability or outbursts of anger
c) difficulty concentrating
d) hypervigilance Bibliography
e) exaggerated startle response Pareja JA, Caminero AB, Serra J, Barriga FJ, Dobato JL, Barón
5. symptoms in B2, B3 and B4 have lasted >1 M, Vela L, Sánchez del Río M. Numular headache: a coin-
month shaped cephalgia. Neurology 2002; 58:1678–9.

© International Headache Society 2003


Definition of Terms

Accompanying symptoms: Symptoms that typically After migraine or cluster headache, a low-grade
accompany rather than precede or follow non-pulsating headache without accompanying
headache. In migraine, for example, the most fre- symptoms may persist, but this is not part of the
quent are nausea, vomiting, photophobia and attack and is not included in duration. If the
phonophobia; osmophobia, diarrhoea and other patient falls asleep during an attack and wakes up
symptoms occur more rarely. relieved, duration is until time of awakening. If an
Anorexia: Lack of appetite and dislike for food to a attack of migraine is successfully relieved by med-
mild degree. ication but symptoms recur within 48 hours, these
Attack of headache (or pain): Headache (or pain) that may represent a relapse of the same attack or a
builds up, remains at a certain level for minutes new attack. Judgement is required to make the dis-
to 72 hours, then wanes until it is gone com- tinction (see Frequency of attacks).
pletely. Episodic: Recurring and remitting in a regular or
Aura: Early symptoms of an attack of migraine with irregular pattern of attacks of headache (or pain)
aura, being the manifestations of focal cerebral (qv) of constant or variable duration. Through long
dysfunction. The aura typically lasts 20–30 usage the term has acquired special meaning in
minutes and precedes the headache. See also: focal the context of episodic cluster headache, referring
symptoms, prodrome, premonitory symptoms and to the occurrence of cluster periods separated by
warning symptoms. cluster remission periods (qv) rather than to
Chronic: In pain terminology, chronic denotes per- attacks. Similar usage has been adopted in parox-
sistence over a period longer than 3 months. In ysmal hemicrania.
headache terminology, it retains this meaning Facial pain: Pain below the orbitomeatal line, above
for secondary headache disorders. For primary the neck and anterior to the pinnae.
headache disorders that are more usually episodic Focal symptoms: Symptoms of focal brain (usually
(qv), chronic is used whenever attacks of headache cerebral) disturbance such as occur in migraine
(qv) occur on more days than not over a period aura.
longer than 3 months. The trigeminal autonomic Fortification spectrum: Angulated, arcuate and gradu-
cephalalgias are the exception: in these disorders, ally enlarging visual hallucination typical of
chronic is not used until the disorder has been migrainous visual aura.
unremitting for more than 1 year. Frequency of attacks: The rate of occurrence of attacks
Close temporal relation: This term is used to describe of headache (or pain) (qv) per time period (com-
the relation between an organic disorder and monly one month). Successful relief of a migraine
headache. Specific temporal relations may be attack with medication may be followed by
known for disorders of acute onset where causa- relapse within 48 hours. The IHS Guidelines for
tion is likely, but have often not been studied Controlled Trials of Drugs in Migraine, 2nd edition,
sufficiently. For chronic disorders the temporal recommend as a practical solution, especially in
relation as well as causation are often very diffi- differentiating attacks recorded as diary entries
cult to ascertain. over the previous month, to count as distinct
Cluster headache attack: One episode of continuous attacks only those that are separated by an entire
pain lasting 15–180 minutes. day headache-free.
Cluster period: The time during which cluster Headache: Pain located above the orbitomeatal line.
headache attacks occur regularly and at least once Headache days: Number of days during an observed
every other day. period of time (commonly 1 month) affected by
Cluster remission period: The time during which headache for any part or the whole of the day.
attacks cease to occur spontaneously and cannot Heterophoria: Latent strabismus.
be induced with alcohol or nitroglycerine. To be Heterotropia: Manifest strabismus.
considered a remission, the attack-free period Intensity of pain: Degree of pain usually expressed in
must exceed 1 month. terms of its functional consequence and scored on
Duration of attack: Time from onset until termination a verbal 4-point scale: 0, no pain; 1, mild pain, does
of an attack of headache (or pain) (qv) meeting cri- not interfere with usual activities; 2, moderate
teria for a particular headache type or subtype. pain, inhibits but does not wholly prevent usual

© International Headache Society 2003


activities; 3, severe pain, prevents all activities. It ous and/or have been used differently in different
may also be expressed on a visual analogue scale. countries.
Lancinating: Brief, electric shock-like along a root or Prodrome: This term has been used with different
nerve. meanings, most often synonymously with pre-
Neuroimaging: CT, MRI, PET, SPECT or scintigraphy monitory symptoms. It should be avoided in the
of the brain. future.
New headache: Any type of headache from which the Pulsating: Varying with the heart beat; throbbing.
patient was not previously suffering. Referred pain: Pain perceived in another area than the
Not sufficiently validated: Of doubtful validity as a one where nociception arises.
diagnostic entity judged from the experience of Refraction error: Myopia, hypermetropia or astigma-
the subcommittee and/or controversy in the tism.
literature. Scintillation: Visual hallucinations that are bright and
Nuchal region: Dorsal (posterior) aspect of upper fluctuate in intensity, often at approximately 8–
neck including the region of insertion of neck 10 cycles/second. They are typical of migraine
muscles on the cranium. aura.
Pericranial muscles: Neck muscles, muscles of masti- Scotoma: Loss of part(s) of the visual field of one or
cation, facial muscles of expression and speech both eyes. Scotoma may be absolute (no vision) or
and muscles of the inner ear (tensor tympani, relative (obscured or reduced vision).
stapedius). Stab of pain: Sudden pain lasting a minute or less
Phonophobia: Hypersensitivity to sound, usually (usually a second or less).
causing avoidance. Substance: Drug, chemical, wine, vapour, etc.
Photophobia: Hypersensitivity to light, usually Teichopsia: Synonym for fortification spectrum (qv).
causing avoidance. Tenderness: A feeling of discomfort or pain caused by
Premonitory symptoms: Symptoms preceding and pressure that would not normally be sufficient to
forewarning of a migraine attack by 2–48 hours, cause such sensations.
occurring before the aura in migraine with aura Throbbing: Synonym for pulsating (qv).
and before the onset of pain in migraine without Unilateral: On either the right or the left side, not
aura. Among the common premonitory symptoms crossing the mid line. Unilateral headache does
are: fatigue, elation, depression, unusual hunger, not necessarily involve all of the right or left side
craving for certain foods. of the head, but may be frontal, temporal or occip-
Pressing/tightening: Pain of a constant quality often ital only. When used for sensory or motor distur-
compared to an iron band around the head. bances of migraine aura it includes complete or
Pressure algometer: Device to measure the detection partial hemidistribution.
threshold or tolerance threshold of pressure- Vasospasm: Constriction of artery or arterioles to such
induced pain. a degree that tissue perfusion is reduced.
Previously used term: A diagnostic term that has been Warning symptoms: Previously used term for either
used previously with a similar or identical aura or premonitory symptoms and therefore
meaning to the classified term or is subsumed ambiguous. It should not be used.
within it. Previously used terms are often ambigu- Zig zag line: Synonym for fortification spectrum (qv).

© International Headache Society 2003

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