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Thru Pasting and Prayer NEW THIRD EDITION THIS VOLUME IS TREATING FATH BY FRANKLIN HALL author of GLORIFIED FASTING. OUR DIVINE HEALING OBLIGATION THE FASTING PRAYER BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF FAITH TREATMENTS ETC, PRAYER AND FASTING IS JESUS CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO HIS PEOPLE EVERYWHERE ‘A STUDY OF THE SCIENCE OF FASTING IN RELATION TO THE GREAT PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL POWER OBTAINED THEREBY INTERDENOMINATIONAL All Rights Reserved ‘Charts and Diagcams Drawn and Designed BY FRANKLIN HALL COPYRIGHT, 1946, First Edition COPYRIGHT, 1950, Second Edition COPYRIGHT, 1952, Thied Edition Total Festing and Prayer Books 400,000 Leallots on Subject 8,000,000 NON-SECTARIAN PERF RERERE EEE INTRODUCTION WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL THRU PRAYER AND FASTING iy ERANICLIN HALL Momentous developmeats are vnlcway in the holy of Christ, The Holy Spite is pouring out His ifs in an unusual wap In recent suaths we have been priileged to fe-mass salvation healing cetinys ia which neatly evrryone prayed fou, was deliveve. Not only hundiels, bat soaetines thousands of wnkelieves find Chist in a single revival campaign. Swrely there most be a cawse behind the peeseot spiritual awakening. Where there ise spiiual result, there mnt be a cause, Why peviences yeats ago? To this sion tere is « definite answer ‘eat manifestation of te Spint, that we are now witnessing “There i pre a question, Weis th to evildoing, 0 ‘of Sodom and Gomi ‘we ot hed thee grester ex till explain this wal as that reveals the cause and gives the anever to this aw cites in julement in tesponse sing i fesponse to Well Jong, in judgment at ia Whe case the ce of Nines in {oa national repent hes and farting, And a Ga, Te ahi prea seal ng canbe aced to the vce bexianing of 1916 ‘when © gloup of Holy Gls people Trom many diferent denominations we fn all ght prayer meetings an steted fasting and peaying longer than at any otee time since the days of Chust. Some fasted ten, some twenty-one Some #8 long #9 forty, and some cven higet. For years td been few mighty tvivals, ant but Tite’ power Denominational walls were created and prejudice existed everynire [every spiritual person knew thst something was weong, but what wes the lack? Many ‘were praying dead payee tah wat dend and without works of power, with gills of emoartation of His Spi ‘They were burdenel for 28 ldtime worldwide 1 the Spisit—pifts of healings, whete diseases would Yocish and demons would bec ‘out. Fasting and prayer wot tanght and it spead everywhee, beslniag in Southe California, "Many books snl tacts were printed more about it. Tien Fasing Prayer revival crusades stated Soon dhusands of people all ovel the world began fasting forthe obd:time revival power of healings and sigos following. What could not be Hie without Jesus Chist's wath of fasting and payer, as very definitely accomplished though the wee of this vital rath of fasting, Arent ‘an always be trnel to is case. Many who were hunlened and cnied forward this fasting taveil, ate now rec, seeing the oad ‘move fore iL Jninaving uci anbeteh Tren thoie who Tad not have 9 ‘special past tv the prays aml sting, are today shaving in the benelts. These history making events were pucpiesied by Jock and we ate mow living ia the days of fallient Fasting and prayer by thowsnls of the Lon's people im 1946 paved the way fon le_great SALVATION HEALING CAMPAIGNS THAT FOLLOWED A YAR LATER IN 1947, AND THE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING THAT 15 BEING SEIN AMONG GOD'S MOE LVERYWH Preparation is being ade for Jue" at eco hidden ig-ploin. sight fo" mote hon “To: spread this gat revival uth af fasting, ani prayer, over 600N000 piecer ul literature amt 200,00 ose (dese ‘Much misundertan Subject of fasting. a derstand a subject th vfusion existed in people's minds in sepaet to the niaas cold esate cimetantiy plowing) weve fad the woul, and the Lond Jews very e1scouly supplied and is silt supplying the means for meeting the huge coxt of pin ing this vast quantity of tas an books, Seldom has anything eve been published ow the sues. The fest book, “ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD," was published in the cul pat of 1946, This was the yee the Casting ude besa. all ovee the wold Thre om ti Wo ews, 19h gee in the makiog, 8 and wownen continue to fast, pray au h Gol Venesiag will ant dar We may Re oe It bas since spread than ever before ~ move dating nen sa ‘women those who fe stiong ia Him, who wil courgsovsly sep eut-ant do explo as But greater stil, sod move potat, ith J tes ble to exery Christin. “The scenst can now ase and hams the power of the tates ator, but the Chistian can we and barnes the dyaamic powee of the gest CGestor of the stom, As the Cleator is prester than tht whic He has created 30 fs the power wielded by the Chestian, though fasting and pape, greater than that Wiclded by the « * ientist, isthe purpose of tis volume to show the Cheatien © sure met ‘he ey obtain this mighty power, and ray be able to move the omaipoteat saad of Gol We with to express our appreciation to Chistinas everywhere for helping to do thie atin spreading, workbwide, tas glorious part of out Jes? mesige, fasing and prayer. JAMAICA (As given to the author while visting with Drother and Sister Osbura in their new house iler dusing theie woneviul tenteathedal campaign in Reading. Pa where 3,000 sls found Jesus a dei Saviour and many hundceds were hesled fcom all ian. ner of dineaes. The East was steed by this campaign, ‘Thovseads were packed around he ten) ‘We were happy to let you know tht we fel ow Hives hate been revolutionized by fasting. and praying to Jems. It was by reading your books that we wese enabled (0 0 into many days and weeks fasting and praying. Both my wile and U have had many deep fasting and prayer experiences. -My life was 40 changed tat God began using tne in the healing ainisy. Ax I begin to excicie the ministy of praying, for the Sick, oie and more folks were heated One day while in deep consecration the Sprit spoke thas: "My sin, as 1 was with Price, Wigglesworth and others, s0 will I be with thee. ‘They ae deni, but now itis time for you to ats to go and da likewite. Yeu can est out devils; YOU heal the pick; YOU raise the dead; YOU leanse the lepers. Debeld I give you poet over all the power of te encray. Be not alrid, Me song. Be of good course, I am with thee, as was with them. No evil power shall be able to stad belre TEE all the says of ty life, a8 you get the peuple to believe my Wotd. 1 wed dose men in thie ‘ty; now I dese to use THLE ‘The calleage of istian, given dicey from the Lod, caused me to Wen be exceedingly, but I knew Go ineant every word He had spaken More days and weekr of fasting and prayer followed this Wemealeus comission sod more healings and miccies were the tel, *(MROTHER OSBORN'S FIVE! DIFFERNT BOOKLETS ON FATTI AND HEAL ING POWER CAN BE ORDLHD FROM HIM AT THIS ADDRESS AT. $30 cents Per copy. A laige new voluine, Healing the Sick snd Casting Out Devil” iv 42:50 ‘They ue iovalunble, and imany sevcive healing while reading. Waite to him for liter we.) T. L OSBORN, BOX 4231, Tulsa 9, Ollshoms. (They alt could be esse foe Brother Hal's adds.) Hi BERBERS ER We have been able to combit Heating Campaigns sleady in ovee a doren of out states and on the fala of Joona, Ws, In single campaign which we conducted, 4 many a1 one hundred sal tmensive deal eutes, ninety totally Blind, 20d bundeeds (f other equally mixacolovs Jeoevances have teslted. Happy and joyfst conversion have mumbered as any a8 wine towsand ia one sevival ‘We found people all «ver the island acqutoted with your books and tact were fasting tnd. praying for hit reviel before we came, Drother Hall, we wasted you to know, we slo appreciate your vision, and the tremendous way you lave STIURED THE WORLD with FASTING AND’ PRAYER, ‘We shall do all we cout posh that pat of the Gompel. We ate goig to handle your books in ove mectings orl sll order Wem in large qwantities. You may aead me ‘one thousand of your, “Mecawe of Your Unbelie,” sevial booklets Yours in Chait for the DELIVERANCE OP ALL TL. osbourne Box 4231, Tulsa SOUTH AFRICA From Missionary Department Adwinisative Otis 1 De Villiers Sueet Johannesburg, Seth Ati Many , Oklahoma. Ieloved Brother ia Chest: ‘Your books have heen # scat Messing and insptation (o mp soul, and many are trendy tesfping of grest essays that they eveved through the seading of your banks fad practicing proteated fats, Gast hos piaciosly helped me to complete x. 2ley fa, with much Blessing aad + sew teeltion for 1s work. ‘The message Godse given you in your books ss come fa these closing das of tine to do = efeat Work for Hin. 1 want to encourage you to go en will the yl. sew fast for 24 cay, and on one Sunday dating Many went the fall Length My mission alle for sis that tine about 60,000 powle were ting aad pein fan fated for 21 days ard eon longer, ‘We have testimonies of wolf hel Ieper institution, perfectly ated ant can now walk ws: One young man was seessed from « ‘Anothoe hil who vas paralyzed, teceived being ‘Another a8 healt otf) of the bone; another of stomsch acer; another, who was invlved in a mote Acideat and was unconscious fot 18 sys, tres leafed and i now owe tool percent well, The are other oustanding hein fare too tnecovs to mention MGWy are ow faa being eninity, coming i ily, We have noticed seports fom all over this continent that» eevival conning abut through fasting sul pune. We ive Chast the Ry With matiest Christian beotings, ‘Yours an His Royal Service, FJ, Maley, Missionary Supesintsdent AUSTRALIANEW ZEALAND and AFRICA Gaetings to you in the Rae of the Lond! ‘As you will see by this letsbral, Ua the Austalian secretary of the Rosi Panera Buropean Missin, aut by the maparine forwseded under separate covet, the lite of a0 Australian « allel, "The Bridence.” Be, Cluttes Billy 8 Imunager of out New Zeslant tice, ant ey fave Been ia touch mith you dn com raion with your books Your books took 23day fst Jak wove iterative on prayer and fasting have taped me a great deat. Me ly wad sigaa in South Afvica ani Rlwseva, ie a fat a OT

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