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TOEFL iBT Test 1.



What is important to understand from the lecture is that the professor disagrees with the
idea of dinosaurs were endotherm. First of all, it is important to define that an endotherm
animal is which can keep their body temperature constant, like mammals or birds.
Nowadays, some experts have been investigating about the possibility of dinosaurs being
endotherms. They support this idea due to three mainly reasons:

Firstly, fossils have been discovered in polar circles, a exotherm animal needs more
temperature to survive. However, like the professor has explained, the arctic zones were
much warmer in the time of dinosaurs and, during the hardest months of the winter,
dinosaurs could have migrated to hotter lands.

Secondly, it is demonstrated that dinosaurs had their legs underneath the body, a typical
characteristic of endotherm animals. Nevertheless, it is very well known that, these leg
position facilitate them reaching more weight and a larger size, an enormous advantage in
that wild world.

Finally, it is written in the passage about the bone structure. Despite of being discovered
that dinosaurs had Haversian canals, a signal of endotherm animals, they had growth-
rings too, which are a character of exotherm animals.


In twenty years, will be fewer cars in use than there are today?

Nowadays, the industry of the motor is very different if we compare it with twenty years
ago. It is very well known that cars are the vehicles where the relation between quantity of
people who employ them and the quantity of pollution that it produces is more negative.

The ecological conscience that have been growing up in our society and in our industries
will conduce this changes into a more eco-friendly world.

On the one hand, population of big cities has been increased during the last century and
it doesn’t stop yet. People who live in big cities require less the car than someone who
habits in the countryside or in a small city. The reason is the public transport which is
much better in big cities thank to so efficient systems like the underground. Furthermore,
moving by car in this cities is very expensive if we compare it with, for example, a village.
If this cities are increasing their population, which don’t use so much the car, the number
of cars will decrease in question of years.

On the other hand, the use of the car for traveling long distances will decrease too. The
plane had been a very expensive form to travel but, in the last years, it has turned
cheaper so, today, is affordable to everyone. If we add this to the fact that it is much more
faster, we can understand why a lot of people prefers arriving their destiny taking a plane
than driving a car.

To sum up, there is not so much motivations to continue using the car as the principal
mode of transport. If we connect the fact that cars are not the most comfortable manner
of traveling, nor the faster and nor the easier with that ecologist feeling that I mentioned in
the beginning; we can assume that the number of cars will decrease during the next
twenty years.

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