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Logical and Critical ThinkinG

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: _________

EXERCISE 1 – Thinking

Think of something (a human activity or thing) which is more important than thinking. List them
and give your reasons for saying so.







Look at the things around you. List things that are important for you and those that are not.
Why do you think they are important or not important? Give the reasons beside the item.






In your opinion, what is it that makes things important? Who makes things important?

Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________ EXERCISE 2 –

Critical Thinking

Talk to your partner in class about the importance of a college education. List down your
reasons. What are the advantages of being able to graduate with a college degree? What are the
disadvantages of not being able to do so?

College Education






How sure are you that the course you are taking is really the right one for you? Make a
comparative list of the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of your chosen course
compared with other course.












Give personal examples of hindrances to critical thinking and explain why they are such.






Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________

EXERCISE 3 - Propositions

Identify which of the following is a proposition and which is not. Put a check (√) on the space
provided before the number if it is a proposition, and (X) if it is not.

_____ 1. He who has a why can live with any how! [Friedrich Nietzsche]

_____ 2. You cannot give what you do not have.

_____ 3. Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die. [Isaiah 22:13]

_____ 4. I hope to see my Pilot face to face; when I have crossed the bar. [Alfred Lord Tennyson,
Crossing the Bar]

_____ 5. Lead me from the unreal to the real! [The Upanishads]

_____ 6. It isn’t the thing you do, dear; it’s the thing you leave undone.

_____ 7. What is this life if full of care; we have no time to stand and stare? [W. H. Davies,

_____ 8. The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force. [Adolf Hitler,
Mein Kampf]

_____ 9. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds joy in the truth. [1 Corinthians 13;4-7]

_____ 10. At two hours after midnight appeared the land, at a distance of two leagues.
[Christopher Columbus, Journal 1492]

_____ 11. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. [Art. III. Sec. 1, Philippine

_____ 12. What does not kill me makes me stronger! [F. Nietzsche]

_____ 13. We hurried down the steps and vanished into the gloomy night.

_____ 14. Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new
nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. [A.
Lincoln, Gettysburg Address]

_____ 15. Your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [Genesis

Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________

EXERCISE 4 – Premises and Conclusions

Analyze the following passages. Identify the premises by underlining them [__] and the
conclusion by putting

them in a box .Encircle the special indicator that introduces each of them .

1. Moreover, truth is matching of the thing and the mind; but such matching can exist only in the
mind. So truth

can exist only in mind. [St. Thomas Aquinas, Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate]

2. To be authentically oneself, a person needs to share in goods that can be brought only about
by shared
action, by persons caring not only for their isolated advantage, but for the common good that
binds them

together. [Lawler, Christian Personalism]

3. Subjectivity is revealed through self-determination because self-determination expresses the

transcendental dimension of essentially human action. This remains with the person as a subject
and cannot

transcend him since he is above all the reason and sense of its existence. [Karol Wojtyla, The
Person: Subject

and Community]

4. The bigger you are and the more carbon dioxide you emit, you become more of a visual
target. Men are

usually get bitten more often than women by mosquitoes.

5. To speak of the subject as the fundamental expression of human experience is to speak of it as


inviolable expression. Experience cannot be detached from the human subject. It is through

experience that man’s subjectivity is understood. [Rolyn Francisco, Karol Wojtyla’s Theory of


6. Philosophy is a best subject to study, for it studies thinking as such and thinking is the most

of all human activities.

7. The original current of consciousness is becoming... One flows forth out of the other and the

“whence” lies in security. Because the phases flow into one another, no series of disjoint phases
emerges, but

just a single steadily expanding current. [Edith Stein, Philosophy of the Psychology and the

8. To the owner of a commodity, every other commodity is, in regard to his own, a particular
and consequently his own commodity is the universal equivalent for all the others. [Karl Marx,
Das Kapital]

9. In aesthetic and religious experiences, men feel that they find perfection; hence the attitude
of self-

surrender and joyousness characterizing both. Art and religion are similar.

10. Sexuality is part of our God given natural power or capacity to relate to others. It gives the

qualities of sensitivity, warmth, openness, and mutual respect in our interpersonal relation. [I.

Filipino Christian Morality]

11. Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some
good; and

for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. [Aristotle,


12. [A]n unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no

it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, inoperative, as if it has not been passed. [Norton
vs. Shelby,

118 U.S. 425]

13. To every existing thing God wills some good. Hence, since to love any thing is nothing else
than to

will good to that thing, it is manifest that God loves everything that exists. [Thomas Aquinas,


14. The search was not made by virtue of a warrant or as an incident of a lawful warrantless
arrest, i.e.,

under circumstances sufficient to engender a reasonable belief that some crime was being or
about to be

committed or had just been committed. There was no intelligent waiver of the right against
searches and seizures. The search was (...) illegal since the law requires that there first be a
lawful arrest before

a search of his body and his belongings may be licitly made. [J. Narvasa, Dissenting opinion,
People vs.

Malmstedti, 265 SCRA 721]

Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

Logical and Critical ThinkinG

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: _________

EXERCISE 1 – Thinking

Think of something (a human activity or thing) which is more important than thinking. List them
and give your reasons for saying so.






Look at the things around you. List things that are important for you and those that are not.
Why do you think they are important or not important? Give the reasons beside the item.







In your opinion, what is it that makes things important? Who makes things important?
Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________ EXERCISE 2 –

Critical Thinking

Talk to your partner in class about the importance of a college education. List down your
reasons. What are the advantages of being able to graduate with a college degree? What are the
disadvantages of not being able to do so?

College Education







How sure are you that the course you are taking is really the right one for you? Make a
comparative list of the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of your chosen course
compared with other course.












Give personal examples of hindrances to critical thinking and explain why they are such.






Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________

EXERCISE 3 - Propositions

Identify which of the following is a proposition and which is not. Put a check (√) on the space
provided before the number if it is a proposition, and (X) if it is not.

_____ 1. He who has a why can live with any how! [Friedrich Nietzsche]

_____ 2. You cannot give what you do not have.

_____ 3. Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die. [Isaiah 22:13]

_____ 4. I hope to see my Pilot face to face; when I have crossed the bar. [Alfred Lord Tennyson,
Crossing the Bar]

_____ 5. Lead me from the unreal to the real! [The Upanishads]

_____ 6. It isn’t the thing you do, dear; it’s the thing you leave undone.

_____ 7. What is this life if full of care; we have no time to stand and stare? [W. H. Davies,

_____ 8. The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force. [Adolf Hitler,
Mein Kampf]

_____ 9. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds joy in the truth. [1 Corinthians 13;4-7]

_____ 10. At two hours after midnight appeared the land, at a distance of two leagues.
[Christopher Columbus, Journal 1492]

_____ 11. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. [Art. III. Sec. 1, Philippine

_____ 12. What does not kill me makes me stronger! [F. Nietzsche]

_____ 13. We hurried down the steps and vanished into the gloomy night.

_____ 14. Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new
nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. [A.
Lincoln, Gettysburg Address]

_____ 15. Your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [Genesis

Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

NAME: Vanessa Mae Estrella DATE: December 18, 2019

COURSE AND SECTION: BSBA Business Management SCORE: ___________

EXERCISE 4 – Premises and Conclusions

Analyze the following passages. Identify the premises by underlining them [__] and the
conclusion by putting

them in a box .Encircle the special indicator that introduces each of them .

1. Moreover, truth is matching of the thing and the mind; but such matching can exist only in the
mind. So truth

can exist only in mind. [St. Thomas Aquinas, Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate]

2. To be authentically oneself, a person needs to share in goods that can be brought only about
by shared

action, by persons caring not only for their isolated advantage, but for the common good that
binds them

together. [Lawler, Christian Personalism]

3. Subjectivity is revealed through self-determination because self-determination expresses the

transcendental dimension of essentially human action. This remains with the person as a subject
and cannot

transcend him since he is above all the reason and sense of its existence. [Karol Wojtyla, The
Person: Subject

and Community]

4. The bigger you are and the more carbon dioxide you emit, you become more of a visual
target. Men are

usually get bitten more often than women by mosquitoes.

5. To speak of the subject as the fundamental expression of human experience is to speak of it as


inviolable expression. Experience cannot be detached from the human subject. It is through

experience that man’s subjectivity is understood. [Rolyn Francisco, Karol Wojtyla’s Theory of


6. Philosophy is a best subject to study, for it studies thinking as such and thinking is the most
of all human activities.

7. The original current of consciousness is becoming... One flows forth out of the other and the

“whence” lies in security. Because the phases flow into one another, no series of disjoint phases
emerges, but

just a single steadily expanding current. [Edith Stein, Philosophy of the Psychology and the

8. To the owner of a commodity, every other commodity is, in regard to his own, a particular

and consequently his own commodity is the universal equivalent for all the others. [Karl Marx,
Das Kapital]

9. In aesthetic and religious experiences, men feel that they find perfection; hence the attitude
of self-

surrender and joyousness characterizing both. Art and religion are similar.

10. Sexuality is part of our God given natural power or capacity to relate to others. It gives the

qualities of sensitivity, warmth, openness, and mutual respect in our interpersonal relation. [I.

Filipino Christian Morality]

11. Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some
good; and

for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. [Aristotle,


12. [A]n unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no

it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, inoperative, as if it has not been passed. [Norton
vs. Shelby,

118 U.S. 425]

13. To every existing thing God wills some good. Hence, since to love any thing is nothing else
than to

will good to that thing, it is manifest that God loves everything that exists. [Thomas Aquinas,


14. The search was not made by virtue of a warrant or as an incident of a lawful warrantless
arrest, i.e.,

under circumstances sufficient to engender a reasonable belief that some crime was being or
about to be

committed or had just been committed. There was no intelligent waiver of the right against

searches and seizures. The search was (...) illegal since the law requires that there first be a
lawful arrest before

a search of his body and his belongings may be licitly made. [J. Narvasa, Dissenting opinion,
People vs.

Malmstedti, 265 SCRA 721]

Logical and Critical Thinking

Michael Roland F. Hernandez

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